Cox News Volume 13 Issue 4
Cox News Volume 13 Issue 4
Cox News Volume 13 Issue 4
DMC Happenings this Week: This week is our monthly PTA meeting at 6 pm in the MP Room (children are
welcome to attend). We will be voting on parents tonight to serve on our School Organizational Team for the 2023-
2024 school year. The following parents have graciously volunteered their names and the PTA will vote on 3 to serve
on the Board:
Elizabeth Abdur-Raheem
Marina Belisle
Christopher Huff
Richard Saladino
Megan Smith
Suzanne Strosser
Karley Wride
Specialist Trophy Winners for August (2nd posting): Congratulations to the following classes for earning the most
behavior points in their specialists’ classes for the month of August: Mrs. Maris’ Kinders, Mr. Acuna’s First Graders,
Mrs. Gonzales’ Second Graders, Mrs. Garza’s Third Graders, Mrs. Heard’s Fourth Graders, and Mrs. Martin’s Fifth
Yearbooks on Sale! Families, order your yearbook now for only $20.00. After Winter Break the price goes up to
$35.00. This year we are only offering a softcover yearbook and are continuing to offer a Yearbook Cover Contest
to our students. The flier is attached with the QR code for ordering and the Yearbook Cover Contest flier was sent
home on Friday.
PTA News: Thank you to all the families for a successful first DMC Family Dinner night at Texas
Roadhouse, our school earned $489.00! Our PTA meeting is tonight, September 12th at 6 pm in the MP
Room! Our next restaurant night for our school is September 19th at Panda Express off of Stephanie St.
August Attendance Report: We want to celebrate the 265 students who had zero absences for the entire month of
August! Wow! Great job Cox Cubs! Preschool = 26 students, Kinder = 24 students, First Grade = 29
students, Second Grade = 40 students, Third Grade 41 students, Fourth Grade 53 students, and 5th Grade
56 Students! Congratulations to our 5th Grade classes! These students will be receiving Snow Cones this
Friday and a Cox Cub Pencil!
A Look Ahead:
*Dates are always subject to change.
9/11 CCSD Staff Development Day – no school for students
9/12 PTA Mtg. 6 pm MP Room – SOT Elections for the 2023-2024 SOT Board
9/15 PTA Family Night – Neon Party MP Room 6:30-8:30 pm
9/19 Panda Express DMC Restaurant Night
9/22 Kindergarten Letter Parade 9:30 am
9/28-29 5th Grade Musical Performance
10/2-6 Week of Respect
10/2 School Custodian Day
10/3 Apple Core Author Visit Gr. K-2
10/9-13 Parent Teacher Conference Week (Elementary ONLY)
10/9 Staff Day – No school for CCSD Kids
10/10 No School for elementary students due to conferences
10/13 Quarter 1 Ends, Unsats given at conferences
10/13 No more Make Up/Late Work/or Retakes accepted
10/16 National Boss’ Day
10/16 Soccer Camp Starts
10/18 Chik-fil-A DMC Dinner Night on Eastern
10/19 Great Nevada Shake Out – earthquake practice drill
10/20 Apple Core bookmarks due for first quarter
10/27 No School for CCSD Nevada Day
10/31 Monster March 2:30 Field – costumes
11/1 AR Prize redemption day for points
11/5 Daylight Saving Time Ends – set clocks back an hour
11/7 Election Day
11/10 Veteran’s Day – no school
11/13 Natl. Sch. Psych Week
11/14 PTA Mtg. 6 pm MP Room
11/17 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Holiday Mash Up
11/17 Zuppas DMC Dinner Night off of Eastern
11/12-11/24 Thanksgiving Break – no school
12/1 AppleCore Book Marks Due/AR Prize Week
12/4-8 Teacher Grading Week
12/7-8 4th Grade Performance
12/11-15 Spirit Dress Week, Finalizing Report Cards Week
12/12 Panera DMC Dinner Night off of Eastern
12/15 Report cards and certificates come home, final day of school
12/15 First Semester Ends CCSD
12/16-1/1 WINTER BREAK
1/2 Classes resume/AR Prize Week