Business Weekly

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The Chinese-speaking world’s first

business and finance weekly journal.

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Taiwan’s Largest Publishing Group,

Four Popular Major Brands
>> Business Weekly is a member of the Cite Media Group, Taiwan’s largest
publishing group, a subsidiary of the TOM Group, Ltd. of Hong Kong.

>> Business Weekly is the flagship professional business and finance weekly
magazine published by the Business Weekly Group. Other group holdings
include alive, Smart, Golf magazine international Chinese edition, and the
Business Weekly Editorial Co.,Ltd.
A Major Asset for Tai

Largest Circulation in Taiwan

Most concentrated readership among
Asia Pacific business magazines

1.Average paid circulation of 131,380 per issue in 2015 (Audit Bureau of Circulations).
2.Readership 7.5 % in 2015 Q1, approximately 1,363,000 people (Nielsen Media Index Taiwan).
Founded in 1987, the Chinese-
speaking world’s first business
and finance weekly journal.
ts Q u an tity ternational Awards
ee estic and I
Quality M with D om

Winner of 16 SOPA
Awards for Editorial Excellence
in a Single Decade
.2016 SOPA award for Environmental Topic〈Where
the Taiwan Eagles go〉

.2016 WU SHUN WEN Award and Golden

Tripod Award for Financial Affairs〈Germany's
Biggest Bet of the Century: The Economic Impact of
Refugees, for Good or Ill〉

.2013 Asian Publishing Awards

.Gold Award, Innovative Corporate Communications

.2013 Asian Digital Media Awards

.Best in Online Media

8-time Golden Tripod Award Winner in 11 years for Best

Financial News Magazine
Internationally Synced
, Elevating Global Visio

World-class Guest Editors,

Unparalleled Global
.Jack Welch, Former Chairman of GE
.Morris Chang, Chairman of TSMC
.His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Spiritual Leader
.N.R. Narayana Murthy, Infosys Co-founder
.Lester Thurow, Political Economist
.Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia Founder
.Jane Goodall, Legendary Conservationist
.Paul Otellini, Former President and CEO of Intel
.Li Ka-hsing, Chairman of Hutchison Whampoa
.Toshifumi Suzuki, Japanese Management Wizard
t on the Move
es, Media Gia
ned to the tim

Business Weekly
Dedicated to building the world’s premier
Chinese-language knowledge media platform
Giving readers an immersive
experience for lifelong learning

More than a magazine, but a diverse

interactive media platform

Trendspotting, giving readers

enjoyable insight into the future

Incomparable Business
Weekly Perspective

First in Taiwan to conduct a

comprehensive survey of new
generation competitiveness,
First in Taiwan to rank the i n t e r v i e w i n g o v e r 10 0
top 1000 businesses across subjects.
Ta i w a n , H o n g K o n g a n d
First Taiwan-based magazine to China, mapping corporate
dispatch a team of journalists competitiveness in the
to conduct in-depth reporting Gr eat er China economic
on Greater Shanghai. sphere.

The first magazine to define

“Taiwanese businessman”
First magazine in Taiwan in the post-martial
law period to place a long-term focus on
cross-strait economics.

First in the industry to put

First in Taiwan to compile
Taiwan’s first full ranking together a team of world-
of the top 1000 service
indus t r y cor por a t ions, class guest editors
Bu s i n e s s We e k l y ’s C h i n e s e hailing the coming of the
rendering of the BRICS economies new service age.
becomes the standard term.
First in Taiwan to introduce the Five-
year Human and Caring Series, going
beyond beyond the “winner’s circle” to
sound the alarm.

Taiwan’s first documentary

on industry shown in
mainstream cinemas,
“Focus on the Environment” focused on saving moribund
series delivered knockout local textiles industry.
blow to a petrochemical
plant with one article.

Largest Field Study of

First to dispel the myth that “only
Education in Taiwan
famous doctors are good doctors”,
over turning established notions
offers next generation new
regarding medicine. perspectives on education.

Topical Impact through Images

Innovative cross-disciplinary multimedia –

breaking ground and setting records

One Taiwan Two World Series

Taiwan’s 100 Most Distinctive Primary Schools

Sock ‘N Roll
Reading|Book series

Chronicling Taiwan in
Innovative Ways
Original content books account for over 60% of
publications, works licensed to China and Korea

Interactive Sharing, Critical

Information in Real Time
Taiwan’s only recipient of the Asian Digital Media Awards Best
in Online Media. Over 100 leading columnists, 85% new daily
content rate, offering a wealth of interactive information.

Taiwan’s first, as well as the only media to receive the Best in

Online Media at the 2013 Asian Digital Media Awards.

New Experiences in Originality

and Multimedia
Business Weekly’s six apps ranked Best Sellers in
the app store’s Paid App category (Feb.2012)
Interactivity|Global Network

Trans-national digital collaboration,

expanding mass media’s reach and impact
Partnered with Spotify, InMobi, leading the
way in mobile cloud services.

Business Weekly’s website is packed with multimedia treasures

Advertising brand agent – Spotify advertising

Advertising brand agent – InMobi mobile advertising
Immersive Experience

Leading immersive learning brand

Top brand in domestic and overseas study

camps, earning participants’ trust and loyalty.

Business Weekly Academy –

The Crucial Tools for Future Success

Diversified Development, Lifetime Learning

Immersive Experience|Creativity and Cross-industry Alliances

Master Forum – International Standard,

Broadened Vision
International Masters’ Forum Dialogues –
Successful Marketing Every Time

Jack Welch vs. Morris Chang –

Discovering New Leadership for the 21st Century

Takashi Murakami Art Nation Business Weekly Forum

Amazing Night: Business Weekly Innovation to the Future

Immersive Experience|Creativity and Cross-industry Alliances

Breakthrough Forum –
Critical Integration Capacity
World’s First Virtual Forum – Probing the Depths
of the Brain, Delighting Capacity Audience

Taiwan’s One and Only Cross-industry,

Cross-company Sales Competition

First in Chinese world to use dramatization at

international top sales forum
Mor e Than a Magazine!

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