Estudios Matemáticos, Mayo 2009, Nivel Medio, TZ0, Paper 2 MS

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– 17 – M09/5/MATSD/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M+


S (56) Q (38) U (100)

33 16 10

3 8

R (22) 19
(A1)(A1)(A1)(A1)(A1) [5 marks]

Note: Award (A1) for rectangle (U not required), (A1) for 3 intersecting circles,
(A1) for 4 in central intersection, (A1) for 16, 3, 8 and (A1) for 33, 10, 7
(ft) if subtraction is carried out, or for S(56), Q(38) and R(22) seen by the

(b) 100  81 (M1)

19 (A1)(ft)(G2) [2 marks]

Note: Award (M1) for subtracting their total from 100.

(c) 33  10  7 (M1)

Note: Award (M1) for adding their values from (a).

 50 
   100 % (A1)(ft)
 100 
50 % (50) (A1)(ft)(G3) [3 marks]

12  6
(d) P (own a cat given they own a bird)   0.545,  (A1)(ft)(A1)(ft) [2 marks]
22  11 

Note: Award (A1)(ft) for the numerator, (A1)(ft) for the denominator.
Total [12 marks]
– 18 – M09/5/MATSD/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M+


(i) (a) H0 : The height of the rice plants is independent of the use of
a fertilizer. (A1)

Notes: For independent accept “not associated”, can accept “the use of a
fertilizer has no effect on the height of the plants”.
Do not accept “not correlated”.

H1: The height of the rice plants is not independent (dependent)

of the use of fertilizer. (A1)(ft) [2 marks]

Note: If H 0 and H1 are reversed award (A0)(A1)(ft).

180  195 180 195

(b) or   360 (A1)(A1)(M1)
360 360 360
 97.5 (AG) [3 marks]

Notes: Award (A1) for numerator, (A1) for denominator (M1) for division.
If final 97.5 is not seen award at most (A1)(A0)(M1).

(c)  2calc  14.01(14.0,14) (G2)


If worked out by hand award (M1) for correct substituted

formula with correct values, (A1) for correct answer. (M1)(A1) [2 marks]

(d) 2 (A1) [1 mark]

(e)  2crit  9.210 (9.21) (A1)(ft) [1 mark]

Note: (ft) from candidates answer to (d).

(f)  2calc   2crit (R1)

The manufacturer‟s claim is justified. (or equivalent statement) (A1) [2 marks]

Note: Do not accept (R0)(A1).

continued …
– 19 – M09/5/MATSD/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M+

Question 2 continued

(ii) (a) p4 (G1)

q  4(2)
 64 (A1)(G2) [3 marks]






Population of
fleas N






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 t
Number of days t (A3) [6 marks]

Notes: Award (A1) for x axis with correct scale and label, (A1) for y axis
with correct scale and label.
Accept x and y for labels.
If x and y axis reversed award at most (A0)(A1)(ft)
(A1) for smooth curve
Award (A3) for all 6 points correct, (A2) for 4 or 5 points correct,
(A1) for 2 or 3 points correct, (A0) otherwise.

(c) 15 ( 0.8) (M1)(A1)(ft)(G2) [2 marks]

Note: Award (M1) for line drawn shown on graph, (A1) (ft) from
candidate‟s graph.
Total [22 marks]
– 20 – M09/5/MATSD/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M+

QUESTION 3 Note: Unit penalty (UP) applies in parts (b)(c) and (e)

sin BCA sin 105

(a)  (M1)(A1)
35 80

Note: Award (M1) for correct substituted formula, (A1) for correct

ˆ  25.0
BCA (A1)(G2) [3 marks]

(b) Length BD  40 m (A1)

Angle ABC  180  105  25  50 (A1)(ft)

Note: (ft) from their answer to (a).

AD2  352  402  (2  35  40  cos 50 ) (M1)(A1)(ft)

Note: Award (M1) for correct substituted formula, (A1)(ft) for correct

(UP) AD  32.0m (A1)(ft)(G3) [5 marks]

Notes: If 80 is used for BD award at most (A0)(A1)(ft)(M1)(A1)(ft)(A1)(ft)

for an answer of 63.4 m.
If the angle ABC is incorrectly calculated in this part award at most
If angle BCA is used award at most (A1)(A0)(M1)(A0)(A0).

(c) length of fence  35  40  32 (M1)

(UP)  107 m (A1)(ft)(G2) [2 marks]

Note: (M1) for adding 35  40  their (b).

(d) cost per metre  (M1)

Note: Award (M1) for dividing 802.50 by their (c).

cost per metre  7.50 USD (7.5 USD) (USD not required) (A1)(ft)(G2) [2 marks]
(e) Area of ABD   35  40  sin 50 (M1)
 536.2311102 (A1)(ft)
(UP)  536m2 (A1)(ft)(G2) [3 marks]

Note: Award (M1) for correct substituted formula, (A1)(ft) for correct
substitution, (ft) from their value of BD and their angle ABC in (b).

(f) Volume  0.03  536 (A1)(M1)

 16.08
 16.1 (A1)(ft)(G2) [3 marks]

Note: Award (A1) for 0.03, (M1) for correct formula. (ft) from their (e).
If 3 is used award at most (A0)(M1)(A0).
Total [18 marks]
– 21 – M09/5/MATSD/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M+


(i) (a) u1 r 4  324 (A1)

u1r  12 (A1)
r  27
r 3 (A1)(G3) [4 marks]

Note: Award at most (G3) for trial and error.

(b) 4  39  78732 or 12  38  78732 (A1)(M1)(A1)(ft)(G3) [3 marks]

Note: Award (A1) for u1  4 if n  9 , or u1  12 if n  8 , (M1) for

correctly substituted formula.
(ft) from their (a).

(c) 4  3k 1  2000 (M1)

Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution in correct formula. Accept an


k 6 (A1)
k 7 (A1)(ft)(G2) [3 marks]

Notes: If second line not seen award (A2) for correct answer. (ft) from
their (a).
Accept a list, must see at least 3 terms including the 6th and 7th.

Note: If arithmetic sequence formula is used consistently in parts (a), (b)

and (c), award (A0)(A0)(M0)(A0) for (a) and (ft) for parts (b)
and (c).

(ii) (a) If the number is even and the number does not end in zero,
(then) the number is not a multiple of five. (A1)(A1)(A1) [3 marks]

Note: Award (A1) for “if…(then)”, (A1) for “the number is even and the
number does not end in zero”, (A1) for the number is not a multiple of 5.

(b) (i) ( p q) => r (A1)(A1)(A1)(A1)

(A1) for  , (A1) for  , (A1) for p and q ,
(A1) for  r

Note: If parentheses not present award at most (A1)(A1)(A1)(A0).

(ii) r => (p  q) OR r => ( p   q) (A1)(ft)(A1)(ft) [6 marks]

Note: Award (A1)(ft) for reversing the order, (A1) for negating the
statements on both sides.
If parentheses not present award at most (A1)(ft)(A0).
Do not penalise twice for missing parentheses in (i) and (ii).
Total [19 marks]
– 22 – M09/5/MATSD/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX/M+


(a) f ( x)  3 (A1)(A1)(A1)(A1) [4 marks]

Note: Award (A1) for 10 , (A1) for x3 (or x 3 ) , (A1) for 3, (A1) for no other
constant term.

(b) 4 53c (M1)

Note: Award (M1) for substitution in f ( x) .

c  4 (A1)(G2) [2 marks]

(c) (i) f ( x)  0 (M1)

0 3 3 (A1)(ft)
(1.49, 2.72) (accept x  1.49 y  2.72 ) (A1)(ft)(A1)(ft)(G3)

Notes: If answer is given as (1.5, 2.7) award (A0)(AP)(A1).

Award at most (M1)(A1)(A1)(A0) if parentheses not included. (ft)
from their (a).
If no working shown award (G2)(G0) if parentheses are not included.
Award (M2) for sketch, (A1)(ft)(A1)(ft) for correct
coordinates. (ft) from their (b). (M2)(A1)(ft)(A1)(ft)

Note: Award at most (M2)(A1)(ft)(A0) if parentheses not included.

(ii) 0  x  1.49 OR 0  x  1.49 (A1)(A1)(ft)(A1) [7 marks]

Notes: Award (A1) for 0, (A1)(ft) for 1.49 and (A1) for correct inequality
(ft) from their x value in (c) (i)

(d) (i) For P(1, 4) f (1)  10  3 (M1)(A1)

 7 (AG)

Note: Award (M1) for substituting x  1 into their f ( x) . (A1) for 10  3 .
7 must be seen for (A1) to be awarded.

(ii) 4  7 1  c 11  c (A1)
y  7 x  11 (A1) [4marks]

(e) Point of intersection is R (0.5,14.5) (A1)(ft)(A1)(ft)(G2)(ft) [2 marks]

Notes: Award (A1) for the x coordinate, (A1) for the y coordinate.
Allow (ft) from candidate‟s (d)(ii) equation and their (b) even with
no working seen.
Award (A1)(ft)(A0) if brackets not included and not previously
penalised. Total [19 marks]

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