HHF Annual Report 2021-22

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U65922TN2015PLC100093 Mr. Sachin Pillai, Chairman
Mr. S Nagarajan, Member
Mr. Vivek Kannan (COO), Member
Mr. S Nagarajan, Chairman
Mr. Prateek Parekh (CFO), Member
Mr. Sachin Pillai, Managing Director
Mr. Kishore Lodha (CFO HLF Limited), Member
Mr. Gopal Mahadevan, Director
Ms. Bhumika Batra, Director
Mr. Srinivas Acharya, Director Mr. S Nagarajan, Chairman
Mr. G S Sundararajan, Member
AUDIT COMMITTEE Ms. Bhumika Batra, Member
Mr. G S Sundararajan, Chairman Mr. Sachin Pillai, Member
Ms. Bhumika Batra, Member
Mr. Gopal Mahadevan, Member
Mr. Srinivas Acharya, Member SENIOR MANAGEMENT
Mr. Prateek Parekh,
Mr. Gopal Mahadevan, Chairman Mr. Srinivas Rangarajan,
Mr. S Nagarajan, Member Company Secretary & Compliance Officer (KMP)
Mr. G S Sundararajan, Member
Mr. Srinivas Acharya, Member REGISTERED OFFICE
No.27-A, Developed Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai – 600032.
Mr. G S Sundararajan, Chairman Email - compliance@hindujahousingfinance.com
Mr. Sachin Pillai, Member Website - www.hindujahousingfinance.com
Mr. Venkatesan J (Head IT), Member


Mr. G S Sundararajan, Chairman M/s. Sharp & Tannan Associates
Ms. Bhumika Batra, Member 87 Nariman Bhavan, 227 Nariman Point,
Mr. Srinivas Acharya, Member Mumbai - 400 021.
Mr. Sachin Pillai, Member
Axis Bank HDFC Bank
Ms. Bhumika Batra, Chairperson
Bank of India ICICI Bank
Mr. G S Sundararajan, Member
Bank of Baroda IDBI Bank
Mr. Gopal Mahadevan, Member
Bank of Maharashtra Indian Bank
Mr. Sachin Pillai, Member
Canara Bank Punjab Na�onal Bank
Mr. S Nagarajan, Chairman CSB Bank South Indian Bank
Ms. Bhumika Batra, Member DCB Bank UCO Bank
Mr. Sachin Pillai, Member Federal Bank Union Bank of India

1 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22


Directors’ Report ............................................................................... 03


Independent Auditors' Report........................................................... 35

Balance Sheet .................................................................................... 45

Statement of Profit and Loss ............................................................. 46

Cash Flow Statement ......................................................................... 47

Statement of Changes in Equity ........................................................ 49

Notes to the Financial Statements .................................................... 50

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 2


To the Members
Your Directors have pleasure in presen�ng the 7th Annual Report of the Company, together with the audited financial
statements, for the financial year ended 31st March, 2022.

Financial Results
The summarised financial results of the Company are given hereunder:
(Rs. Lakh)
Year ended Year ended
Par�culars 31st March, 2022 31st March, 2021
Revenue from Opera�ons 43,750.13 27,847.27
Less: Total Expenditure 30,270.48 19,776.46
Profit Before Tax Excep�onal Items and Tax 13,479.65 8,070.81
Excep�onal Items - -
Profit Before Tax 13,479.65 8,070.81
Profit A�er Tax 10,756.66 6,236.94
Surplus / (Shor�all) brought forward 11,061.18 6,071.63
Amount available for appropria�on 21,817.84 12,308.57
Appropria�ons have been made as under:
Transfers to:
- Statutory Reserve 2,151.33 1,247.39
Surplus / (Shor�all) carried forward a�er appropria�on 19,666.51 11,061.18

Opera�ng and Financial Performance cash credit facili�es from banks amoun�ng to Rs. 1,865
During the year under review, your Company registered a crores during the financial year ended 31st March, 2022.
total disbursement of Rs. 2,090 crores as against Rs. 1,193
crores during the previous year. We are pleased to inform Dividend
that the Assets under management have grown to Rs. 4,048 In order to augment capital required for suppor�ng growth
crores from Rs. 2,585 crores, an increase of 57% over of your Company, through reten�on of internal accruals,
previous year. Your Company’s net profit was Rs. 108 crores your Board of Directors have not recommended any
and net worth of the Company is Rs. 538 crores as at 31st dividend for the year.
March, 2022.
Transfer to Reserves
Share Capital During the year under review, Rs. 21.51 crores was
During the year under review, as per the terms of le�er of transferred to the Statutory Reserve created under Sec�on
offer issued to the exis�ng shareholders, your Company had 29C of the Na�onal Housing Bank Act, 1987 read with
allo�ed 8,600,000 equity shares at an issue price of Rs. 89 sec�on 36(1)(viii) of Income Tax Act, 1961.
per share on 21st March 2022.
Bank Borrowings During the year under review, your Company has not
During the year, the Company has availed loans aggrega�ng accepted any public deposits within the meaning of the
to Rs. 1,525 crore and received sanc�ons for term loans and Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder

3 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Board’s Report

including NHB Direc�ons 2010, as the Company is registered A report on corporate governance forms part of this report
as Housing Finance Ins�tu�on without accep�ng public (Annexure - A).
The said Report covers, in detail, the Corporate Governance
Credit Ra�ng Philosophy of the Company, Board Diversity, Directors
appointment and remunera�on, declara�on by Independent
The credit ra�ngs for the Company’s borrowings are
Directors, Board evalua�on, familiarisa�on programme, vigil
provided below:
mechanism, etc.
Ra�ng / Outlook
Nature of borrowings
CARE CRISIL Code of Conduct
Long-term Bank Facili�es AA-; Stable -
The Company has a duly approved Code of Conduct for the
Short-term Bank Facili�es A1+ - Board of Directors and Senior Management Personnel
Commercial papers A1+ A1+ [“Code”] of the Company in place in terms of the internal
NCDs - AA-; Stable Corporate Governance guidelines. The subject Code
Subordinated Debt - AA-; Stable iden�fies and lists out various elements of commitment,
du�es and responsibili�es that serves as a basis for taking
ethical decision-making in the conduct of day-to-day
Capital Adequacy professional work. The Code requires the Directors and
As required under Housing Finance Companies (NHB) employees to act honestly, ethically and with integrity and in
Direc�ons, 2010 (‘NHB Direc�ons’), your Company is a professional and respec�ul manner. The Board of Directors
presently required to maintain a minimum capital adequacy and Senior management personnel have provided their
of 15% on a standalone basis. The Capital Adequacy Ra�o affirma�on to the compliance with this code.
(CRAR) of the Company as on 31st March, 2022, was 18.73%
(19.88 % as on 31st March, 2021) Directors & Key Managerial Personnel:
The Board of Directors made the following appointments/
In addi�on, the NHB Direc�ons, 2010 also requires that your re-appointments based on the recommenda�ons of the
Company transfers minimum 20% of its annual profits to a Nomina�on and Remunera�on Commi�ee:
reserve fund, which the Company has duly complied with.
Compliance with Direc�ons/Guidelines of Na�onal Housing Mr. Srinivas Acharya (DIN: 00017412) was appointed as the
Bank (NHB)/Reserve Bank of India and other statutes Addi�onal Director (Non-Execu�ve Independent) with elect
The Company has complied with the provisions of the from 4th February, 2022. Further, shareholders’ approval
Master Direc�on – Non-Banking Financial Company – was obtained at the Extra-Ordinary General Mee�ng held on
Housing Finance Company (Reserve Bank) Direc�ons, 2021, 28th February, 2022 for his appointment as an Independent
as prescribed by RBI and has been in compliance with the Director of the Company for a period of five years.
various Circulars, No�fica�ons and Guidelines issued by
Reappointment of Directors
Na�onal Housing Bank (NHB)/Reserve Bank of India from
�me to �me. The Circulars and the No�fica�ons issued by In terms of Sec�on 152 of the Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”)
NHB/RBI are also placed before the Board of Directors at and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Act and the
regular intervals to update the Board members on the Ar�cles of Associa�on of the Company, Mr. Gopal
compliance of the same. Mahadevan (DIN 01746102) re�res by rota�on at the
ensuing Annual General Mee�ng and being eligible, has
Corporate Governance offered himself for re-appointment. Your directors,
recommend the re-appointment of Mr. Gopal Mahadevan,
In accordance with the Master Direc�on – Non-Banking as a director. The agenda rela�ng to re-appointment of
Financial Company – Housing Finance Company (Reserve Mr. Gopal Mahadevan, Director forms part of the no�ce
Bank) Direc�ons, 2021, issued by the Reserve Bank of India convening the ensuing Annual General Mee�ng.
vide no�fica�on no. DOR.FIN.HFC.CC.No.120/03.10.136/
2020-21 dated 17th February, 2021, your Company has Further, the term of appointment of Ms. Bhumika Batra
framed internal Corporate Governance guidelines, in order (DIN: 03502004), Independent Director got completed on
to enable adop�on of best prac�ces and great transparency 17th July, 2021. Your Board of Directors has recommended
in the business opera�ons. re-appointment of Ms. Bhumika Batra (DIN: 03502004) for a
further term of five years at their Mee�ng held on 24th May,

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 4

2021. Subsequently, the Shareholders have approved Report is enclosed with the financial statements in this
reappointment of Ms. Bhumika Batra as Independent Annual Report.
Director of the Company in the Extra-Ordinary General
Mee�ng held on 15th July, 2021 for a further term of five Secretarial Audit
years with effect from 18th July, 2021. As required under sec�on 204 of the Companies Act, 2013
and Rules thereof, the Board had appointed
Further, the term of appointment of Mr. G S Sundararajan M/s. G Ramachandran & Associates, Company Secretaries,
(DIN: 00361030), Independent Director got completed on to undertake the secretarial audit of the Company for the
30th March, 2022. Your Board of Directors has recommended financial year 2021-22. Their Secretarial audit report forms
re-appointment of Mr. G S Sundararajan (DIN: 00361030) for part of this annual report (Annexure – B) and does not
a further term of five years at their Mee�ng held on 3rd
contain any qualifica�on.
November, 2021. Subsequently, the Shareholders have
approved reappointment of Mr. G S Sundararajan as Compliance under Companies Act, 2013
Independent Director of the Company in the Extra- Ordinary
General Mee�ng held on 26th November, 2021 for a further Your Company has complied with the requirements of the
term of five years with effect from 30th March, 2027. applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and
related Rules during the financial year 2021-22. In terms of
Independent Directors Sec�on 134 of the Act read with the Companies (Accounts)
The Independent Directors have given declara�ons to the Rules, 2014, the compliance requirements and the detail of
Company in terms of Sec�on 149(7) and 149(8) of the compliances under Companies Act, 2013 are enumerated
Companies Act, 2013 sta�ng that they meet the criteria of below:
independence as provided in Sec�on 149(6) of the
Companies Act, 2013. Directors’ Responsibility Statement
To the best of our knowledge and belief and on the basis of
Key Management Personnel the informa�on and explana�ons obtained by us, your
Pursuant to the provisions of Sec�on 203 of the Act read Directors make the following statements in terms of Sec�on
with the Rules made thereunder, the whole-�me key 134(3) (c) of the Act:
managerial personnel of the Company are Mr. Sachin Pillai,
Managing Director, Mr. Prateek Parekh, Chief Financial a) in the prepara�on of the annual financial statements
Officer and Mr. Srinivas Rangarajan, Company Secretary. for the year ended 31st March, 2022, the applicable
Accoun�ng Standards had been followed along with
Mr. Prateek Parekh, was appointed as the Chief Financial proper explana�on rela�ng to material departures.
Officer of the Company vide Board resolu�on dated 24th b) for the financial year ended 31st March, 2022, such
May, 2021. Ms. Roopa Sampath Kumar had held the office of accoun�ng policies as men�oned in the Notes to the
the Chief Financial Officer of the Company �ll 14th May, financial statements have been applied consistently
2021. and judgments and es�mates that are reasonable and
prudent have been made so as to give a true and fair
Statutory Auditors view of the state of affairs of the Company and of the
As per the provisions of Sec�on 139 of the Act and Profit of the Company for the year ended 31st March,
Guidelines for Appointment of Statutory Central Auditors 2022.
(SCAs)/Statutory Auditors (SAs) of Commercial Banks c) that proper and sufficient care has been taken for the
(excluding RRBs), UCBs and NBFCs (including HFCs) issued by maintenance of adequate accoun�ng records in
Reserve Bank of India dated 27th April, 2021, M/s. Sharp & accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act,
Tannan Associates, Chartered Accountants, ICAI (Firm 2013 for safeguarding the assets of the Company and
Registra�on Number 109983W) were appointed as the for preven�ng and detec�ng fraud and other
Statutory Auditors of the Company, for a period of three irregulari�es.
years at the Annual General Mee�ng of the Company held
on 7th September, 2021. d) the annual financial statements have been prepared
on a going concern basis.
The Auditors’ Report of M/s. Sharp & Tannan Associates, e) that proper internal financial controls were followed
Chartered Accountant for FY 2021-22 does not contain any by the Company and that such internal financial
qualifica�on, reserva�on or adverse remarks. The Auditors’ controls are adequate and were opera�ng effec�vely.

5 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Board’s Report

f) that proper systems to ensure compliance with the The Company manages credit risk through stringent credit
provisions of all applicable laws were in place and that norms aided by a robust in-house developed IT
such systems were adequate and opera�ng effec�vely. infrastructure. Liquidity risk and interest rate risk arising out
of maturity mismatch of assets and liabili�es are managed
through regular monitoring of the maturity profiles.
Extract of Annual Return Opera�onal risks arising from inadequate or failed internal
Pursuant to the provisions of Sec�on 134(3) (a) and Sec�on processes, people and systems or from external events are
92 (3) read with Rule 12 (1) of the Companies (Management adequately addressed by the internal control systems and
and Administra�on) Rules, 2014, an extract of the Annual are con�nuously reviewed and monitored. Standard
Return in Form MGT- 9 is annexed to this Report. Opera�ng Procedures are well documented to ensure
(Annexure – C) enhanced control over processes and regulatory
Related Party Transac�ons
Internal Control Systems and their Adequacy
All transac�ons entered by the Company with Related
par�es were in the ordinary course of business and at Arm’s The Company has well defined and adequate internal
Length pricing basis. There were no materially significant financial controls and procedures, commensurate with the
related par�es’ transac�ons, pecuniary transac�ons or size and nature of its opera�ons. These internal control and
rela�onships between the Company and its Directors during systems are devised as part of the principles of good
the financial year 2021-22 that may have poten�al conflict governance; and are accordingly implemented within the
with the interest of the Company. Suitable disclosures as framework of proper check and balances. Your Company
required under INDAS-24 have been made in Note 28 of the ensures that a reasonably effec�ve internal control
Notes to the financial statements. framework operates throughout the organisa�on, which
provides assurance about safeguarding the assets, reliability
All the transac�ons entered into by the Company with any of of financial and opera�onal informa�on, compliance with
the related par�es during the year were in the ordinary applicable statues, execu�on of transac�ons as per the
course of business and on an arm’s length basis. Form authorisa�on and compliance with the internal policies of
AOC-2, as required under Sec�on 134(3)(h) of the Act, read the Company.
with Rule 8(2) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules 2014,
forms part of this Board’s Report (Annexure - D). Internal Audit
At the beginning of each financial year, an annual Internal
Pursuant to Master Direc�on – Non-Banking Financial audit plan is rolled out a�er receiving approval from the
Company – Housing Finance Company (Reserve Bank) Audit Commi�ee. The audit plan is aimed at evalua�on of
Direc�ons, 2021, the Related Party Transac�on Policy of the the efficacy and adequacy of internal control systems and
Company forms part of this Board’s report as “Annexure - E”. compliance thereof, robustness of internal processes,
The said policy is available on the website of the Company at policies and compliance with laws and regula�ons.
URL www.hindujahousingfinance.com
Based on the reports of internal audit, func�onal process
Material changes and commitments affec�ng the financial owners undertake correc�ve ac�on in their respec�ve areas.
posi�on of the Company which have occurred between 31st Significant audit observa�ons and correc�ve ac�ons thereon
March, 2022 and 13th May, 2022 (date of the Report) are presented to the Audit Commi�ee of Board. The Audit
There were no material changes and commitments affec�ng Commi�ee regularly reviews the annual audit plan status,
the financial posi�on of the Company between the end of audit findings as well as the adequacy and effec�veness of
financial year (31st March, 2022) and the date of the Report the internal control measures.
(13th May, 2022).
Corporate Social Responsibility Commi�ee
Risk Management Policy The Company has in place a Corporate Social Responsibility
The company’s business ac�vi�es expose it to a variety of policy (CSR Policy), as per the provisions of the Companies
risks including credit risk, opera�onal risk and interest rate Act, 2013 and Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility
risk. Risk management forms an integral part of company’s Policy) Rules, 2014, as amended and the policy is hosted on
business. The objec�ve of the Company’s risk management the website of the Company. We have, so far, put in place
system is to measure and monitor various risks and to necessary measures and processes of iden�fying worthy
implement policies and procedures to mi�gate such risks. causes as well as to monitor their progress with a view to

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 6

ensuring that they are consistent with our policy, serving Commi�ees, Board culture, execu�on and performance of
large public good and are sustainable over an extended specific du�es, obliga�ons and governance. The
period. Par�culars of CSR ac�vi�es and details of amount performance evalua�on of the Independent Directors was
spent during the financial year and the details rela�ng to carried out by the en�re Board. This has resulted in
composi�on of CSR Commi�ee form part of corporate assessment of Board effec�veness, performance of
governance report, enclosed as an Annexure F to this report. Commi�ees and Directors’ feedback.

Remunera�on Policy of the Company Significant and material orders

The Company has in place a remunera�on policy which is There has been no penalty imposed by NHB, RBI or other
guided by the principles and objec�ves as enumerated in Regulators during the year ended 31st March 2022.
sec�on 178 of the Act. The policy is made available on the
website of the Company at URL
Conserva�on of energy, technology absorp�on, foreign
exchange earnings and outgo
Mee�ngs of the Board Since your Company is a housing finance Company and does
not own any manufacturing facility, the requirement rela�ng
During the Financial year 2021-22, 5 (five) mee�ngs of the
to providing the par�culars rela�ng to conserva�on of
Board of Directors were held and the related details,
energy and technology absorp�on as per Sec 134 (3) (m) of
including that of various commi�ees cons�tuted by the
the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 8 of the Companies
Board, are made available in the Report of Directors on
(Accounts) Rules 2014, are not applicable. However, your
Corporate Governance forming part of the annual report
Company has been increasingly using informa�on
placed before the members. Your Company has complied
technology in its opera�ons and promotes conserva�on of
with all the requirements as applicable under Companies
resources. During the year, your Company did not earn any
Act, 2013 and related rules thereon and Master Direc�on –
income or incur any expenditure in foreign currency
Non-Banking Financial Company – Housing Finance
Company (Reserve Bank) Direc�ons, 2021, in rela�on to the
Board of Directors and the Commi�ees of the Board.
Management Discussion and Analysis
Commi�ees of the Board Indian Economy Overview:
Currently the Board has eight Commi�ees viz. the Audit The Indian economy has delivered an improvement in its
Commi�ee, the Nomina�on & Remunera�on Commi�ee, growth trajectory during fiscal year 2022 amidst resurgence
the Risk Management Commi�ee, the Asset Liability from the ini�al setback from COVID Wave-2. The first half of
Management Commi�ee, the Corporate Social fiscal year 2022 saw subdued ac�vity in all parts of the
Responsibility Commi�ee, the IT Strategy Commi�ee, the economy due to the rise in COVID infec�ons which resulted
Credit Commi�ee and the Wilful defaulter review in more severe casual�es than the first wave. The
commi�ee. Government’s diligence in driving widespread vaccina�on
campaigns helped in the dras�c ebbing of COVID cases
A detailed note on the composi�on of the Board and its during Q2. This, along with the arrival of a normal monsoon,
Commi�ees and other related par�culars are provided in the resulted in recovery of business confidence and trade
Report of Directors on Corporate Governance forming part ac�vi�es, allevia�ng the GDP growth. Strong private
of this Annual Report. consump�on and government expenditures were the key
drivers for growth in domes�c demand during the period.
Secretarial Standards The economic recovery went hand in hand with
improvement in employment condi�ons. The domes�c
During the financial year 2021-22, the company has
supply chain pressures which had prevailed during fiscal year
complied with the applicable Secretarial Standards.
2021 had eased out. The fiscal year 2022 ended with a
dras�c change in global economic environment due to
Board Evalua�on
escala�ng geopoli�cal stress, disrup�ng global supply chains
Pursuant to the provisions of Sec�on 134(3) (p) of the Act as well as energy and financial markets. During the year,
read with Rule 8 (4) of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, India’s GDP grew at 8.9% which was an improvement of 180
the Board, its Commi�ees and the Directors have carried out basis points over the pre-pandemic (2019-20) level.
annual evalua�on / annual performance evalua�on,
covering various aspects of the Board’s func�oning such as
adequacy of the composi�on of the Board and its

7 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Board’s Report

Financial Sector: Strong household savings among families sustained the need
The financial markets remained stable amidst surplus for home ownership with a strong recovery of demand
liquidity condi�ons during the fiscal year 2022, witnessing especially in �er-2 and �er-3 ci�es. Parallelly, construc�on
intermi�ent vola�lity due to outbreak of Omicron variant ac�vity returned to normalcy with return of construc�on
followed by a swi� decline in its spread, growing concerns workers to urban areas.
about infla�on, global geopoli�cal turmoil and the resultant
spike in commodity prices. The recent geopoli�cal concerns The government in its budget of 2022 con�nued to provided
triggered some flight of capital from foreign por�olios during impetus to affordable housing for middle income families
Q4 which was partly offset by increased government and economically weaker sec�on through the Pradhan
expenditure. Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) programme with an alloca�on
of Rs. 48,000 crores towards construc�on of 80 lakh homes
The fresh issuances in corporate bonds declined in the fiscal in urban areas. The government has also stated that it will
year 2022, a six year low as corporate resource requirements encourage states to adopt unique land parcel iden�fica�on
tapered down with moderated capex spend and with banks number to facilitate digi�sed management of records and
compe�ng with low lending rates coupled with buoyancy in meet the objec�ve of “anywhere registra�on” of deeds and
equity markets. Foreign investment in corporate bonds other transfer documents. It has proposed
further reduced towards the end of the fiscal year as one-na�on-one-registra�on structural reform for the real
overseas rates started rising globally. estate sector that will facilitate land transac�ons and sale
deed registra�on from anywhere in the country, paving the
way for faster and smoother digital transac�ons in real
Domes�c credit o�ake picked up in the second half of the
fiscal year 2022 with the gradual return to normalcy post
COVID wave 2, driven primarily by a 12.3% (year-on-year)
Demand for housing finance during fiscal 2022 was driven by
growth in personal loans followed by 10.4% growth in
increased affordability on account of stable property prices
agricultural and allied ac�vi�es. The growth in personal
coupled with improved incomes of individual borrowers
loans was driven primarily by housing loans, followed by
over the past 4-5 years and historically low interest rates.
vehicle loans and loan against gold. Credit to industry also
Despite the disrup�on in business ac�vi�es during the first
increased by 6.5% which was driven by increased
quarter due to the pandemic, the income levels remained
requirement from MSMEs. The government promoted credit
largely intact across the industry, and with lending rates
o�ake with the help of interest subven�on schemes,
remaining low, the home loan disbursements rebounded
schemes on priority sector lending and extension of the
during the second half of the fiscal year.
ECLGS scheme. Banks remained the key contributors in
financing the credit growth across most sectors. Credit
expansion in services sector was supported by NBFCs and Regulatory changes
trade finance. During the year, RBI introduced framework for Scale Based
Regula�ons (SBR) for classifica�on of NBFCs, including HFCs,
The housing finance segment saw increasing compe��ve with its circular dated 22nd October, 2021. These revised
interest from banks and HFCs with residen�al mortgage regula�ons would be effec�ve from 1st October, 2022. As per
being the most stable asset class. Low interest rate offerings the revised framework, NBFCs will be classified into four
on home loans from banks has increased margin pressures layers based on their size, ac�vity and perceived riskiness.
for housing finance companies. Banks con�nued to hold the Housing Finance Companies shall be classified under NBFC -
majority of the housing loan por�olio with 65% share during Middle Layer (NBFC-ML). The Upper Layer (NBFC-UL) shall
the fiscal year 2022. comprise of NBFCs specifically iden�fied by RBI warran�ng
enhanced regulatory requirements and top 10 NBFCs shall
Real Estate Industry & Affordable Housing always remain in the NBFC-UL irrespec�ve of other factors.
The Top Layer (NBFC-TL) shall be populated only if in opinion
The Indian real estate sector has emerged stronger from a of RBI there is a substan�al increase in the poten�al systemic
period of systema�c structural reforms and policy changes in risk from specific NBFCs in the Upper Layer. Such NBFCs shall
the previous few years which led to the elimina�on of be moved to Top layer from the Upper layer.
weaker players, large-scale consolida�on. The sector stands
today as more transparent to consumers, be�er organized
RBI also released a circular dated 12th November, 2021
and accountable to what it was during the last decade.
issuing clarifica�ons regarding Pruden�al Norms with a view
to harmonize implementa�on of IRACP norms across lending
The residen�al real estate demand took off strongly a�er ins�tu�ons. The instruc�ons issued under this circular
li�ing of pandemic induced prohibi�ons, driven by the low included methodology for calcula�on of Days past due,
interest rates and relaxa�on of stamp du�es by states.
Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 8
classifica�on as Special Men�on Accounts (SMA) and Non Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Registrar of Companies
Performing Accounts (NPA) and upgrada�on of accounts - Chennai.
previously classified as NPAs. In a further clarifica�on issued
by RBI on 15th February, 2022 on the subject, the RBI Your Directors wish to place on record their gra�tude to the
extended the �meline for implementa�on of the Company’s customers, Bankers, Financial Ins�tu�ons and
recommended method of upgrada�on of account previously vendors for their con�nued support and faith reposed in the
classified as NPAs �ll 30th September, 2022. Company. The Board also places on record its deep
apprecia�on for the dedica�on and commitment of the
Outlook for FY 2022-23 employees at all levels.
The Indian economy stands facing the new fiscal year 2023
with a tailwind in the form of a buoyant domes�c demand
including for contact-intensive services. The country has also
witnessed resilience shown by corporate balance sheets
during the pandemic period, although capital investments On behalf of the Board of Directors
are yet to revive across the sectors. Government’s thrusts to
promote investment by both domes�c and foreign en��es
have been widely acclaimed. This goes hand in hand with Place: Chennai S Nagarajan
RBI’s measure to release systemic liquidity which has Date: 13th May, 2022 Chairman
created a conducive environment to foster wide-spread
economic growth in the country. The emergence of the
recent geopoli�cal turmoil, however, poses uncertain�es
regarding investment flows, supply chain disrup�ons on a
wide array of commodi�es, oil price hikes and infla�on
induced by it.

The housing sector con�nues to remain one of the most

secure asset classes ge�ng abundant funding from lenders
and investors. With economic recovery visible across all
sectors, growth is expected to con�nue in the coming fiscal
year, supported by pend-up demand for housing mainly in
the affordable and low income segment, as individuals
hasten their decision to purchase a home while affordability
remains favourable. Es�mates from CRISIL Research forecast
a growth of 13% in housing credit from HFCs/NBFCs during
fiscal year 2023, on top of a 13% growth during fiscal year
2022. However, new waves of COVID-19 and regulatory
changes pose downside risks.

Within the housing finance industry, the affordable housing

segment has grown at a faster pace on a bedrock of a large
unmet demand for home ownership in the middle income
and low income segments, which was added by con�nued
support from the Government and central bank and
increasing penetra�on of affordable-segment HFCs in �er-II
and �er-III ci�es. CRISIL Research es�mates affordable HFCs
to con�nue growing at 15-17% during fiscal year 2023.

Your directors would like to thank Hinduja Leyland Finance
Limited, the promoter, for their con�nuous support. Your
Directors acknowledge and appreciate the guidance and
support extended by all the Regulatory authori�es including
Na�onal Housing Bank (NHB), Reserve Bank of India (RBI),

9 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Board’s Report

Annexure A

Reserve Bank Of India Direc�ons On Corporate Governance accordance with good corporate prac�ces and the Company
In view of public interest and for the purpose of enabling is constantly striving to be�er them and adopt the best
be�er regula�on over the housing finance Companies, the prac�ces. Being a part of Hinduja Group and a subsidiary of
Reserve Bank of India has issued Master Direc�on – Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited, the Company's philosophy
Non-Banking Financial Company – Housing Finance on Corporate Governance and the Company's corporate
Company (Reserve Bank) Direc�ons, 2021. RBI has s�pulated governance standards demonstrate strong commitment to
all NBFCs to frame an internal guideline on Corporate values, ethics and business conduct.
Governance. In pursuance of the aforesaid guidelines, the Board Of Directors
Company has framed an internal guideline on Corporate
Governance. As at 31st March, 2022, the Board consists of 6 (Six)
members with an op�mum combina�on of execu�ve,
Company's Philosophy On Corporate Governance non-execu�ve directors and independent directors
including 1 woman director. The composi�on of the Board is
The Company recognises its role as a corporate ci�zen and
in conformity with the provisions of Companies Act, 2013
endeavours to adopt the best prac�ces and the highest
and corporate governance direc�ons issued by Na�onal
standards of Corporate Governance through transparency in
business ethics, accountability to its customers, government Housing Bank.
and others. The Company's ac�vi�es are carried out in
Composi�on and category of Directors
Name of No. of shares held by the Directors
Category DIN
the Director as at 31st March, 2022
Mr. S Nagarajan Chairman, Non-Execu�ve 00009236 1#
Mr. Sachin Pillai Managing Director, Execu�ve 06400793 1#
Mr. Gopal Mahadevan Non-Execu�ve / Non-Independent 01746102 1#
Ms. Bhumika Batra Non-Execu�ve / Independent 03502004 Nil
Mr. G S Sundararajan Non-Execu�ve / Independent 00361030 Nil
Mr. Srinivas Acharya Non-Execu�ve / Independent 00017412 Nil
# Shares held as nominee of the Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited
Mee�ngs of the Board A�endance during the financial year 2021-22 of each
Director at the Board Mee�ngs and last Annual General
The mee�ngs of the Board of Directors shall be held at least
four �mes a year, with a maximum �me-gap of four months
between any two consecu�ve mee�ngs. During the year, the No. of mee�ngs a�ended /
Board duly met 5 (Five) �mes on the following dates: Name held during the year
Board AGM
FY 2021-22 Mee�ng Dates
Mr. S Nagarajan 5/5 1/1
April’21 – June’21(Q1) 24th May, 2021
Mr. Sachin Pillai 5/5 1/1
July’21 – September’21 (Q2) 6th August, 2021
Mr. Gopal Mahadevan 2/5 1/1
October’21 – December’21 (Q3) 3rd November, 2021 Ms. Bhumika Batra 5/5 0/1
January’22 – March’22 (Q4) 4th February, 2022, Mr. G S Sundararajan 5/5 0/1
16th March, 2022 Mr. Srinivas Acharya* 2/2 0/0
The necessary quorum was present at all the mee�ngs. Each * Mr. Srinivas Acharya was appointed as Non-execu�ve
Director informs the Company on an annual basis about the Independent Director on 4th February, 2022
Board and Board Commi�ee posi�ons he occupies in other
Mee�ng(s) of the Independent Directors
companies including Chairmanships and no�fies changes
during the term of their directorship in the Company. During the year under review, in line with the requirement
under Sec�on 149(8) and Schedule IV of the Companies Act,

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 10

2013, the Independent Directors had a separate mee�ng on Nomina�on and Remunera�on Commi�ee
19th May, 2021, without the presence of Non-Independent
The Board of Directors of the Company, vide their resolu�on
Directors and members of management, to review the
dated 31st March, 2017, had cons�tuted the Nomina�on and
performance of Non-Independent Directors and the Board Remunera�on Commi�ee in pursuant to the provisions of
as a whole, to review the performance of the Chairperson of the Companies Act, 2013. The terms of reference of the
the Company and to assess the quality, quan�ty and Commi�ee inter alia cover evalua�on of performance and
�meliness of flow of informa�on between the Company compensa�on and benefits for Execu�ve Director(s),
Management and the Board. All the Independent Directors Non-Execu�ve Director(s), KMPs and their reportees. The
were present at the Mee�ng and no adverse feedback Commi�ee also recommends candidates for appointment to
emanated from the mee�ng. the Board and is responsible for framing of policies.
Code of conduct
Composi�on of the Nomina�on and Remunera�on
For the year under review, all the Directors and Senior Commi�ee is as follows:
Management Personnel have affirmed compliance with the
provisions of their Code of Conduct. In terms of the Code of No. of
Conduct of Independent Directors as per Schedule IV of the mee�ngs
Companies Act, 2013, the Board has adopted the said Code Members a�ended / Mee�ng Dates
and all the Independent Directors have affirmed that they held during
the year
shall abide by the said Code. In terms of the HFCs Corporate
Governance (NHB) Direc�ons, 2016, all the Directors have Ms. Bhumika Batra 3/3
Chairperson, Independent /
executed the Declara�on-cum undertaking as well as the
Deed of Covenants with the Company.
Mr. G S Sundararajan 3/3 24th May, 2021
Commi�ees of the Board Independent / Non-execu�ve
Mr. Gopal Mahadevan 1/3 3rd November, 2021
To focus effec�vely on the issues and ensure expedient 4th February, 2022
Non-independent /
resolu�on of diverse ma�ers, the Board has cons�tuted the Non-execu�ve
following set of Commi�ees with specific terms of reference Mr. Sachin Pillai 3/3
/ scope. The Commi�ees are opera�ng as empowered Non-independent / Execu�ve
agents of the Board as per their Charter / terms of reference.
Audit Commi�ee Risk Management Commi�ee and Asset Liability
Management Commi�ee
The Board of Directors of the Company, vide their resolu�on
dated 31st March, 2017, had cons�tuted and entrusted the The Risk Management Commi�ee (RMC) and the Asset
Audit Commi�ee with the responsibility to supervise Liability Management Commi�ee (ALCO), are formed in
internal controls and financial repor�ng processes and thus accordance with Direc�ons issued by the Na�onal Housing
ensure accurate and �mely disclosures that maintain the Bank.
transparency, integrity and quality of financial control and
Composi�on of Risk Management Commi�ee and Asset
repor�ng. Further the audit commi�ee was recons�tuted by
Liability Management Commi�ees are as follows:
the Board of Directors vide resolu�on dated 16th March,
2022. Composi�on of Audit Commi�ee of the Board is as Risk Management Commi�ee
follows: No. of
No. of mee�ngs
mee�ngs Members a�ended / held Mee�ng Dates
Members a�ended / Mee�ng Dates during the year
held during Mr. Gopal Mahadevan 0/2
the year Non-independent /
Mr. G S Sundararajan 4/4 Non-execu�ve
Chairman, Independent / Mr. G S Sundararajan 2/2
Non-execu�ve Independent / Non-execu�ve
24th May, 2021
Ms. Bhumika Batra 4/4 24 May, 2021
3rd November, 2021
Mr. S Nagarajan 2/2
Independent / Non-execu�ve 6th August, 2021 Non-independent /
Mr. Gopal Mahadevan 1/4 3rd November, 2021 Non-execu�ve
Non-independent / Mr. Srinivas Acharya 0/0
Non-execu�ve 4th February, 2022 Independent / Non-execu�ve
Mr. Srinivas Acharya 0/0 *Risk Management Commi�ee was recons�tuted
Independent / Non-execu�ve
on 16th March, 2022

11 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Board’s Report

Asset Liability Management Commi�ee Composi�on Composi�on of CSR strategy Commi�ee is as follows;
No. of CSR Commi�ee Composi�on
mee�ngs No. of
Members a�ended / Mee�ng Dates mee�ngs
held during Name & Designa�on a�ended / Mee�ng Dates
the year held during
Mr. Sachin Pillai the year
Managing Director, Chairman 4/4 Mr. S Nagarajan 2/2
Mr. S. Nagarajan Chairman, Non-execu�ve
Director, Member 4/4 Mr. Sachin Pillai 2/2 24th May, 2021
22nd May, 2021
Mr. Kishore Kumar Lodha Non-independent / Execu�ve 3rd November, 2021
CFO, Hinduja Leyland Finance 5th August, 2021 Ms. Bhumika Batra 2/2
Limited (parent company), Independent / Non-execu�ve
30th October. 2021
Member 4/4
Mr. Prateek Parekh 1st February, 2022 The Independent Directors are not paid any fee/
CFO, Member 2/2 remunera�on apart from the si�ng fee for a�ending the
Mr. Vivek Kannan mee�ngs.
COO, Member 2/2
*Asset Liability Management Commi�ee was recons�tuted Credit Commi�ee
on 6th August, 2021. During the financial year 2021-22, the Credit Commi�ee was
IT Strategy Commi�ee cons�tuted by the Board in its mee�ng held on 16th March,
2022. No mee�ngs were held during FY 2021-22. The
The Board of Directors of the Company, vide their resolu�on composi�on of the Credit Commi�ee are as follows:
dated 11th February, 2019, had cons�tuted the IT Strategy
Commi�ee in pursuant to Na�onal Housing Bank (NHB) Members Designa�on
Circular “NHB/ND/DR5/Policy Circular No.90/2017-18” Mr. G S Sundararajan Chairman, Independent /
dated 15th June, 2018. Composi�on of IT strategy Commi�ee Non-execu�ve
is as follows; Ms. Bhumika Batra Independent / Non-execu�ve
Mr. Srinivas Acharya Independent / Non-execu�ve
IT Strategy Commi�ee Composi�on Mr. Sachin Pillai Non - Independent / Execu�ve
No. of
mee�ngs Wilful Defaulter Review Commi�ee
Name & Designa�on a�ended / Mee�ng Dates Pursuant to Paragraph 111 and Annexure XVII of Master
held during
the year Direc�on – Non-Banking Financial Company – Housing
Finance Company (Reserve Bank) Direc�ons, 2021 issued by
Mr. G S Sundararajan 2/2
Chairman, Independent / RBI on 17th February, 2021, Housing Finance Companies are
Non-execu�ve required to cons�tute Wilful defaulters Review Commi�ee.
Mr. Sachin Pillai 2/2 In this regard, the Board of Directors in it is mee�ng held on
Non-independent / Execu�ve 24th May, 2021 6th August, 2021 cons�tuted Wilful defaulters Review
Mr. Venkatesan J 3rd November, 2021 Commi�ee. No mee�ngs were held during FY 2021-22.
Head IT 2/2 The composi�on of the Wilful Defaulter Review Commi�ee
Stalin Irudhaya Raj are as follows:
Head IT 0/0 Members Designa�on
*IT Strategy Commi�ee was recons�tuted on Mr. S Nagarajan Chairman, Non - Independent /
16th March, 2022 Non-execu�ve
Mr. Sachin Pillai Non - Independent / Execu�ve
Corporate Social Responsibility Commi�ee Mr. G S Sundararajan Independent / Non-execu�ve
The Board of Directors of the Company, vide their resolu�on Ms. Bhumika Batra Independent / Non-execu�ve
dated 11th February, 2019, had cons�tuted the Corporate
Social Responsibility Commi�ee in pursuant to the Vigil Mechanism / Whistle Blower Policy
requirements of Sec�on 135 of the Companies Act. Pursuant to Sec�on 177(9) of the Act read with Rule 7 of the
Companies (Mee�ngs of Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014,
the Board of Directors of the Company had approved the

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 12

Policy on Vigil Mechanism/Whistle Blower for the Directors,
employees and other stakeholders to enable them to report
concerns about unethical behaviour, actual or suspected
fraud or viola�on of the Company’s Code of Conduct. The
Company affirms that the mechanism provides adequate
safeguards against vic�misa�on of Director(s)/employee(s)
who use the mechanism, provides for direct access to the
Chairman of the Audit Commi�ee and also affirms that no
complaints were received during the year.

Policy on Preven�on, Prohibi�on and Redressal of Sexual

Harassment at Work place
Your Company has zero tolerance for sexual harassment at
workplace and has adopted a Policy on Preven�on,
Prohibi�on and Redressal of Sexual Harassment at
workplace in line with the requirements of the Sexual
Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Preven�on,
Prohibi�on and Redressal) Act, 2013. In terms of the policy,
an Internal commi�ee has been set up to redress complaints
received regarding sexual harassment. All employees are
covered under this policy. During financial year 2021-22
there were no referrals received by the Internal Commi�ee.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Place: Chennai S Nagarajan

Date: 13th May, 2022 Chairman

13 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Board’s Report

Annexure B
Form No. MR-3
[Pursuant to sec�on 204(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule No.9 of the Companies
(Appointment and Remunera�on of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014]

To, (v) The Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 read with
The Members, applicable Rules and Regula�ons rela�ng to Master
M/s. Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Direc�on Non-Banking Financial Company –
CIN# U65922TN2015PLC100093 Housing Finance Company (Reserve Bank)
No. 27A, Developed Industrial Estate Direc�ons, 2021
Guindy, Chennai - 600 032 (vi) Na�onal Housing Bank Master Circular – Returns to
be submi�ed by Housing Finance Companies
We have conducted the secretarial audit of the compliance (HFCs) dated 31st December, 2021
of applicable statutory provisions and the adherence to good
corporate prac�ces by M/s. Hinduja Housing Finance Limited We have also examined compliance with the applicable
(hereina�er called “the company”). Secretarial Audit was clauses of the Secretarial Standards issued by the Ins�tute of
conducted in a manner that provided us a reasonable basis Company Secretaries of India. During the period under
for evalua�ng the corporate conducts / statutory review the Company has complied with the provisions of the
compliances and expressing our opinion thereon. Act, Rules, Regula�ons, Guidelines, Standards, etc.
men�oned above.
Based on our verifica�on of the books, papers, minute
books, forms and returns filed and other records maintained
We report that
by the company and also the informa�on, explana�ons and
clarifica�ons provided by the Company, its officers, agents The Board of Directors of the Company is duly cons�tuted
and authorized representa�ves during the conduct of with proper balance of Execu�ve Director, Non-Execu�ve
secretarial audit and considering the relaxa�ons granted by Directors and Independent Directors. The changes in the
the Ministry of Corporate Affairs warranted due to the composi�on of the Board of Directors that took place during
spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, we hereby report that in the period under review were carried out in compliance with
our opinion, the company has, during the audit period the provisions of the Act.
covering the financial ended 31st March, 2022 complied with
the statutory provisions listed hereunder and also that the Adequate no�ce is given to all directors to schedule the
Company has proper Board-processes and compliance Board Mee�ngs, agenda and detailed notes on agenda were
-mechanism in place to the extent, in the manner and sent at least seven days in advance, and a system exists for
subject to the repor�ng made hereina�er: seeking and obtaining further informa�on and clarifica�ons
on the agenda items before the mee�ng and for meaningful
We have examined the books, papers, minute books, forms
par�cipa�on at the mee�ng.
and returns filed and other records maintained by M/s.
Hinduja Housing Finance Limited for the financial year ended
on 31st March, 2022 according to the provisions of: All decisions in the Board mee�ngs are approved by
Directors unanimously and recorded as part of the minutes.
(i) The Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) and the rules
made thereunder;
We further report that there are adequate systems and
(ii) The Securi�es Contracts (Regula�on) Act, 1956 processes in the company commensurate with the size and
(‘SCRA’) and the rules made thereunder; opera�ons of the company to monitor and ensure
(iii) The Depositories Act, 1996 and the Regula�ons and compliance with applicable laws, rules, regula�ons and
Bye-laws framed thereunder; guidelines.
(iv) Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the
rules and regula�ons made thereunder to the We further report that during the audit period under
extent of Foreign Direct Investment, Overseas review;
Direct Investment and External Commercial 1) The Company has issued 86,00,000 equity shares

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 14

of Rs.10/- each at a premium of Rs. 79/- each ANNEXURE-A SECRETARIAL AUDIT
aggrega�ng Rs. 76,54,00,000/- on 21st March, 2022
to its Equity Shareholders on right basis during the REPORT OF EVEN DATE
year under review.
2) The Company has transferred an amount Rs.
1,04,36,000/- remaining unspent pursuant to To,
ongoing projects to a separate bank account on The Members,
30th April, 2022 as required under Sec�on 135 of M/s. Hinduja Housing Finance Limited
the Companies Act, 2013 read with the Companies CIN# U65922TN2015PLC100093
(Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, No. 27A, Developed Industrial Estate
2014. Guindy, Chennai - 600 032
3) The Company has increased its Authorized Share
Our Report of even date is to be read along with this le�er.
Capital from Rs. 300,00,00,000/- consis�ng of
30,00,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each to Rs. 1. Maintenance of Secretarial record is the
400,00,00,000/- consis�ng of 40,00,00,000 Equity responsibility of the management of the company.
Shares of Rs. 10/- each as approved by the Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
Shareholders at their Extra-ordinary General secretarial records based on our audit.
Mee�ng held on 26th November, 2021. 2. We have followed the audit prac�ces and
4) The Board of Directors at their mee�ng held on 4 th processes as were appropriate to obtain
February, 2022 re-appointed Mr. Sachin Pillai (DIN reasonable assurance about the correctness of the
06400793) as its Managing Director without any contents of the secretarial records. The verifica�on
Remunera�on for a period of two years with effect was done on test basis to ensure that correct facts
from 1st April, 2022. The said reappointment was are reflected in secretarial records. We believe that
approved by the Shareholders at their the processes and prac�ces, we followed provide a
Extra-ordinary General mee�ng held on 28th reasonable basis for our opinion.
February, 2022. 3. We have not verified the correctness and
5) The Board of Directors at their mee�ng held on 4 th appropriateness of financial records and books of
February, 2022 appointed Mr. Srinivas Acharya accounts of the Company.
(DIN 00017412) as an Independent Director of the 4. Wherever required, we have obtained the
Company for a period of 5 years with effect from 4th Management representa�on about the compliance
February, 2022. The said appointment was of laws, rules and regula�ons and happening of
approved by the Shareholders at their events etc.
Extra-ordinary General mee�ng held on 28th
5. The compliance of the provisions of corporate and
February, 2022.
other applicable laws, rules, regula�ons, standards
6) Ms. Roopa Sampath Kumar resigned as Chief is the responsibility of management. Our
Financial Officer of the Company on 14th May, 2021 examina�on was limited to the verifica�on of
and Mr. Prateek Parekh was appointed as Chief procedures on test basis.
Financial Officer of the Company with effect from
6. The Secretarial Audit report is neither an assurance
24th of May, 2021.
as to the future viability of the Company nor of the
efficacy or effec�veness with which the
management has conducted the affairs of the
For M/s. G Ramachandran & Associates Company.
Company Secretaries

Place: Chennai G. RAMACHANDRAN

Date: 13th May, 2022 For M/s. G Ramachandran & Associates
Company Secretaries
UDIN: F009687D000319018 FCS No.9687 CoP. No.3056

Place: Chennai G. RAMACHANDRAN

This Report is to be read with our le�er of even date which Date: 13th May, 2022 Proprietor
is annexed as Annexure A and forms an integral part of this UDIN: F009687D000319018 FCS No.9687 CoP. No.3056

15 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Board’s Report

Annexue C
As on financial year ended 31st March, 2022
Pursuant to Sec�on 92 (3) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 12(1) of the Company (Management & Administra�on) Rules, 2014.


S. No. Par�culars Details

1 CIN U65922TN2015PLC100093
2 Registra�on Date 15.04.2015
4 Category/Sub-category of the Company Company Limited by Shares
Indian Non-Government Company
5 Address of the Registered office & contact details No. 27A, Developed Industrial Estate
Guindy, Chennai, TN - 600 032
Ph : 044 22427555
6 Whether listed company Unlisted
7 Name, Address & contact details of the Registrar &
Transfer Agent, if any. Not Applicable


(All the business ac�vi�es contribu�ng 10 % or more of the total turnover of the company shall be stated)
NIC Code of the % to total turnover
S. No. Name and Descrip�on of main products / services
Product/service of the company
1 Housing Finance Ac�vi�es 65922 100%


Holding/ % of
S. No. Name and address of the Company CIN/GLN Subsidiary/ shares
Associate held
1 Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited U65993TN2008PLC069837 Holding 100.00 2(46)

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 16

(Equity share capital breakup as percentage of total equity)

(i) Category-wise Share Holding

No. of Shares held at the end of the year No. of Shares held at the end of the year
[As on 31-March-2021] [As on 31-March-2022] % Change
Category of Shareholders % of % of during
Total Total the year
Demat Physical Total Shares Demat Physical Total Shares
A. Promoters
(1) Indian
a) Individual*/HUF - 6 6 0.00% - 6 6 0.00% 0.00%
b) Central Govt - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
c) State Govt(s) - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
d) Bodies Corp.* 21,49,99,994 - 21,49,99,994 100.00% 22,35,99,994 - 22,35,99,994 100.00% 0.00%
e) Banks/FI - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
f) Any other - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
Sub Total (A) (1) 21,49,99,994 6 21,50,00,000 100.00% 22,35,99,994 6 22,36,00,000 100.00% 0.00%

(2) Foreign
a) NRI Individuals - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
b) Other Individuals - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
c) Bodies Corp. - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
d) Any other - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%

17 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Sub Total (A) (2) - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
TOTAL (A) 21,49,99,994 6 21,50,00,000 100.00% 22,35,99,994 6 22,36,00,000 100.00% 0.00%
No. of Shares held at the end of the year No. of Shares held at the end of the year
[As on 31-March-2021] [As on 31-March-2022] % Change
Category of Shareholders % of % of during
Total Total the year
Demat Physical Total Shares Demat Physical Total Shares
B. Public Shareholding
1. Institutions
a) Mutual Funds - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
b) Banks / FI - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
c) Central Govt - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
d) State Govt(s) - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
e) Venture Capital Funds - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
f) Insurance Companies - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
g) FIIs - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
h) Foreign Venture Capital Funds - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
i) Others (specify) - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
Sub-total (B)(1) - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Board’s Report
No. of Shares held at the end of the year No. of Shares held at the end of the year
[As on 31-March-2021] [As on 31-March-2022] % Change
Category of Shareholders % of % of during
Total Total the year
Demat Physical Total Shares Demat Physical Total Shares
2. Non-Institutions
a) Bodies Corp.
i) Indian - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
ii) Overseas - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
b) Individuals
i) Individual shareholders - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
holding nominal share capital
upto Rs. 1 lakh
ii) Individual shareholders - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
holding nominal share capital
in excess of Rs. 1 lakh
c) Others (specify) - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
Non Resident Indians - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
Overseas Corporate Bodies - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
Foreign Na�onals - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
Clearing Members - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
Trusts - - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
Foreign Bodies - D R - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
Sub-total (B)(2) - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%

19 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Total Public (B) - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
C. Shares held by Custodian
for GDRs & ADRs - - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.00%
Grand Total (A+B+C) 21,49,99,994 6 21,50,00,000 100.00% 22,35,99,994 6 22,36,00,000 100.00%

* 6 individual shareholders with beneficiary interest being held by Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited
(ii) Shareholding of Promoter
Shareholding at the beginning of the year Shareholding at the end of the year % change in
S. Shareholder’s % of total % of Shares % of total % of Shares shareholding
No. Name No. of Shares Pledged/ No. of Shares Pledged/ during
Shares of the encumbered Shares of the encumbered the year
company to total company to total
shares shares
1 Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited 21,49,99,994 100.00% 0% 22,35,99,994 100.00% 0% 0.00%
2 Nagarajan Srinivasan * 1 0.00% 0% 1 0.00% 0% 0.00%
3 Sachin Pillai * 1 0.00% 0% 1 0.00% 0% 0.00%
4 Gopal Mahadevan * 1 0.00% 0% 1 0.00% 0% 0.00%
5 Vamsi Kumar * 1 0.00% 0% 1 0.00% 0% 0.00%
6 Kishore Kumar Lodha * 1 0.00% 0% 1 0.00% 0% 0.00%
7 B Shanmugasundaram * 1 0.00% 0% 1 0.00% 0% 0.00%
21,50,00,000 100.00% 0% 22,36,00,000 100.00% 0%

*Beneficiary interest in 6 equity shares are held by M/s. Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Board’s Report
(iii) Change in Promoters’ Shareholding
Shareholding at the Cumula�ve Shareholding
S. beginning of the year during the year
Par�culars Date Reason
No. % of % of
No. of shares No. of shares
total shares total shares
1 Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited
At the beginning of the year 21,49,99,994 100.00% 21,49,99,994 100.00%
Changes during the year 21-Mar-22 Rights issue 86,00,000 100.00% 22,35,99,994 100.00%
At the end of the year 22,35,99,994 100.00%
2 Nagarajan Srinivasan *
At the beginning of the year 1 0.00% 1 0.00%
Changes during the year - 0.00% 1 0.00%
At the end of the year 1 0.00%
3 Sachin Pillai *
At the beginning of the year 1 0.00% 1 0.00%
Changes during the year - 0.00% 1 0.00%
At the end of the year 1 0.00%
4 Gopal Mahadevan *
At the beginning of the year 1 0.00% 1 0.00%
Changes during the year - 0.00% 1 0.00%
At the end of the year 1 0.00%
5 Vamsi Kumar *
At the beginning of the year 1 0.00% 1 0.00%
Changes during the year - 0.00% 1 0.00%
At the end of the year 1 0.00%

21 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

6 Kishore Kumar Lodha *
At the beginning of the year 1 0.00% 1 0.00%
Changes during the year - 0.00% 1 0.00%
At the end of the year 1 0.00%
7 B Shanmugasundaram *
At the beginning of the year 1 0.00% 1 0.00%
Changes during the year - 0.00% 1 0.00%
At the end of the year 1 0.00%

*Beneficiary interest in 6 equity shares are held by M/s. Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited
(iv) Shareholding Pa�ern of top ten Shareholders
(Other than Directors, Promoters and Holders of GDRs and ADRs):
Shareholding at the Cumula�ve Shareholding
beginning of the year during the year
For each of the Top 10 shareholders Reason Date % of total % of total
No. of shares shares of the No. of shares shares of the
company company
At the beginning of the year
Changes during the year Not Applicable Not Applicable
At the end of the year

(v) Shareholding of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel:

Shareholding at the Cumula�ve Shareholding
beginning of the year during the year
For Each of the Directors and KMP Reason Date % of total % of total
No. of shares shares of the No. of shares shares of the
company company

1 Mr. S.Nagarajan, Director*
At the beginning of the year 1 0.00% 1 0.00%
Changes during the year - 0.00% - 0.00%
At the end of the year 1 0.00% 1 0.00%

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

2 Mr. Sachin Pillai, Managing Director*

At the beginning of the year 1 0.00% 1 0.00%
Changes during the year - 0.00% - 0.00%
At the end of the year 1 0.00% 1 0.00%

3 Mr. Gopal Mahadevan, Director*

At the beginning of the year 1 0.00% 1 0.00%
Changes during the year - 0.00% - 0.00%
At the end of the year 1 0.00% 1 0.00%
Board’s Report
Shareholding at the Cumula�ve Shareholding
beginning of the year during the year
For Each of the Directors and KMP Reason Date % of total % of total
No. of shares shares of the No. of shares shares of the
company company
Other KMPs
1 Ms. Roopa Sampathkumar, Chief Financial Officer*
At the beginning of the year - 0.00% - 0.00%
Changes during the year - 0.00% - 0.00%
At the end of the year - 0.00% - 0.00%

2 Mr. Prateek Parekh, Chief Financial Officer**

At the beginning of the year - 0.00% - 0.00%
Changes during the year - 0.00% - 0.00%
At the end of the year - 0.00% - 0.00%

3 Mr. Srinivas Rangarajan, Company Secretary

At the beginning of the year - 0.00% - 0.00%
Changes during the year - 0.00% - 0.00%
At the end of the year - 0.00% - 0.00%

*Beneficiary interest in 6 equity shares are held by M/s. Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited
*Ceased to be the Chief Financial Officer w.e.f 14th May, 2021
**Appointed as Chief Financial Officer w.e.f 24th May, 2021

23 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Indebtedness of the Company including interest outstanding/accrued but not due for payment. Rs. in Lakh
Par�culars Secured Loans excluding deposits Unsecured Loans Deposits Total Indebtedness

Indebtedness at the beginning of the financial year

i) Principal Amount 2,16,719.25 - - 2,16,719.25
ii) Interest due but not paid - - -
iii) Interest accrued but not due 307.93 - - 307.93
Total (i+ii+iii) 2,17,027.18 - - 2,17,027.18
Change in Indebtedness during the financial year
* Addi�on 1,52,500.00 - - 1,52,500.00
* Reduc�on 43,620.13 - - 43,620.13
Net Change 1,08,879.87 - - 1,08,879.87
Indebtedness at the end of the financial year
i) Principal Amount 3,25,386.14 - - 3,25,386.14
ii) Interest due but not paid - - -
iii) Interest accrued but not due 520.91 - - 520.91
Total (i+ii+iii) 3,25,907.05 - - 3,25,907.05


A. Remunera�on to Managing Director, Whole-�me Directors and/or Manager: Rs. in Lakh

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

S. No. Par�culars of Remunera�on Total Amount

Name Sachin Pillai -

Designa�on Managing Director Nil

Note: All the KMPs except Mr. Srinivas Rangarajan, Company Secretary and Mr. Prateek Parekh, Chief Financial Officer appointed w.e.f 24th May, 2021 have
been nominated by Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited, the Holding Company and no remunera�on is borne by this Company
Board’s Report
B. Remunera�on to other directors: Rs. in Lakh
Par�culars of Remunera�on Name of Directors
S. No. Total Amount
Independent Directors Mr. Bhumika Batra Mr. G S Sundararajan Mr. Srinivas Acharya

- Fee for a�ending board / commi�ee mee�ngs 4,50,000 5,70,000 1,50,000 11,70,000
- Commission - - - -
- Others, please pecify - - - -
Total 4,50,000 5,70,000 1,50,000 11,70,000

C. Remunera�on to Key Managerial Personnel other than MD/Manager/WTD Rs. in Lakh

Par�culars of Remunera�on Name of Key Managerial Personnel

S. No. Name Ms. Roopa Sampathkumar* Mr. Prateek Parekh** Mr. Srinivas Rangarajan Total Amount
Designa�on CFO CFO CS
1 Gross Salary
(a) Salary as per provisions contained in
Sec�on 17(1) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 64,07,551 11,37,448 75,44,999
(b) Value of perquisites u/s 17(2)
Income-tax Act, 1961 - - -
(c) Profits in lieu of salary u/s 17(3)
Income- tax Act, 1961 - - -
2 Stock Op�on NIL - - -
3 Sweat Equity - - -

25 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

4 Commission - - -
- as % of profit - - -
- others, specify - - -
5 Others, please specify - - -
Total 64,07,551 11,37,448 75,44,999

*Ceased to be the Chief Financial Officer w.e.f 14th May, 2021

**Appointed as Chief Financial Officer w.e.f 24th May, 2021
Note: Ms. Roopa Sampath Kumar, Chief Financial Officer has been nominated by Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited, the Holding Company and no remunera�on is
borne by this Company
Details of
Penalty / Authority Appeal made,
Sec�on of the
Type Brief Descrip�on Punishment / [RD / NCLT/ if any
Companies Act
Compounding COURT] (give Details)
fees imposed
Punishment Nil
Punishment Nil
Punishment Nil

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Board’s Report
Annexure - D
Form No. AOC-2
(Pursuant to clause (h) of sub-sec�on (3) of Sec�on 134 of the Act and Rule 8(2) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014)

Form for disclosure of par�culars of contracts/arrangements entered into by the company with related par�es referred to in
sub-sec�on (1) of sec�on 188 of the Companies Act, 2013 including certain arm’s length transac�ons under third proviso

1. Details of contracts or arrangements or transac�ons not at arm’s length basis:

All transac�ons entered into by the Company during the year with related par�es were on an arm’s length basis.
2. Details of material contracts or arrangement or transac�ons at arm’s length basis:
The transac�ons entered into by the Company during the year with related par�es on an arm’s length basis were not
material in nature.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Place: Chennai S Nagarajan

Date: 13th May, 2022 Chairman

27 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Board’s Report

Annexure - E
Related Party Transac�on Policy
1. Introduc�on with a Related Party as defined in the Companies Act,
Hinduja Housing Finance Limited (the “Company”) is 2013, the rules made thereunder including any statutory
commi�ed to upholding the highest standards of modifica�ons or re-enactment thereof.
professional and ethical conduct in fulfilling its
responsibili�es and recognizes that related party 3.5 Ordinary Course of business (exis�ng defini�on
transac�ons can present poten�al or actual conflicts of removed and new defini�on inserted with more clarity)
interest of Directors, Key Managerial Personnel, Senior
Management, etc. with the interest of the Company. Ordinary Course of Business means: -
In order to ensure that the transac�ons entered into
with related par�es (as defined below) are in the best a) all such acts and transac�ons undertaken by the
interests of the Company and the shareholders, the Company in the normal rou�ne to conduct its business
Board of Directors of the Company adopts this policy opera�ons and ac�vi�es and includes all such ac�vi�es
regarding review and approval of Related Party which the Company can undertake as per the Objects
Transac�ons and to set forth the procedures under clause of the Memorandum of Associa�on of the
which certain transac�ons must be reviewed and Company. The Company should take into account the
approved or ra�fied. frequency of the ac�vity and its con�nuity carried out
in a normal organized manner for determining what is
2. Policy Objec�ves in the Ordinary Course Business.
This policy is framed pursuant to the provisions of the
b) On occasions, the nature of the business carried out
Companies Act, 2013 including any statutory
and industry prac�ce in accordance with well se�led
modifica�ons or re-enactment thereof.
customs and usages would help determining whether
Provisions of this policy are designed to ensure
an ac�vity is in the ‘ordinary course of business’ or not.
transparency in the approval process and repor�ng and
disclosure requirements, in terms of the applicable laws. c) Ac�vi�es in the ordinary course of business are likely
to have a well-established precedence in the company
3. Defini�ons history. If an ac�vity is being conducted for the first
�me, it is likely not part of the ordinary course of
3.1 Applicable Law business.
Applicable law means the Companies Act, 2013, and d) Regular and frequently occurring ac�vi�es will
such other secretarial and accoun�ng standards as may typically be considered to be unremarkable and in the
be applicable including any statutory modifica�ons or ordinary course of business. Transac�ons which are
re-enactment thereof. infrequent and occur only once in a while are not to be
classified as ‘ordinary’. We are assuming periodicity to
3.2 Arms’ length basis be once every 18 months.
Arm’s length basis means a transac�on between two e) Ac�vi�es where the quantum of transac�ons are
related par�es that is conducted as if they were consistent with past history
unrelated, so that there is no conflict of interest. For
determining Arm’s Length Basis, guidance may be taken f) the following ac�vi�es will generally not be
from the transfer pricing provisions under the Income considered as part of the ordinary course of
Tax Act, 1961. business:
(i) Corporate Restructurings and Schemes of
3.3. Employees Arrangement between related en��es
(ii) Slump Sales or Hive-Offs to related en��es
Employees mean the employees and office-bearers of (iii) Purchase of securi�es of related en��es (other
the Company, including but not limited to Whole-Time than for pure investment companies)
Directors. (iv) Royalty fees paid or received from related
3.4 Material Related Party Transac�on (v) Providing capital support to group en��es
Material Related Party Transac�on means a transac�on (other than wholly-owned subsidiaries)

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 28

Point (b) to (f) are based on the guidance provided in the (vi)Transac�ons that have been approved by the
report �tled “A Framework to define Ordinary course of Board under the specific provisions of the Act,
business” by Ins�tu�onal Investor Advisory Services – A e.g. inter-corporate deposits, borrowings,
Proxy Advisory Firm investments with or in wholly owned
subsidiaries or other Related Par�es;
3.6 Related Party Transac�ons (vii) Payment of Dividend;
Related Party Transac�ons means as defined in the (viii)Transac�ons involving corporate restructuring,
Companies Act, 2013, including any statutory such as buy-back of shares, capital reduc�on,
modifica�ons or re-enactment thereof. merger, demerger, approved by the Board and
All other words and expressions used but not defined in carried out in accordance with the specific
this Policy, but defined in the Companies Act, 2013 shall provisions of the Act or the Lis�ng Agreement;
have the same meaning as respec�vely assigned to (ix) Contribu�on to Corporate Social Responsibility,
them in such Acts, Rules or Regula�ons or any statutory subject to approval of Corporate Social
modifica�on or re-enactment thereto, as the case may Responsibility Commi�ee and within the
be and as the context may require. overall limits approved by the Board of the
4. Related Party Transac�ons (x) Any other excep�on which is consistent with
the Applicable Law, including any Rules or
All related party transac�ons and material related party Regula�ons made thereunder, and must be
transac�ons of the Company shall be carried out in approved in advance by the Audit Commi�ee.
accordance with the norms specified under the
Companies Act, 2013, including any statutory 6. Related Party Transac�ons not previously approved
modifica�ons or re-enactment thereof.
In the event the Company becomes aware of a Related
5. Related Party Transac�ons, which shall not require the Party Transac�on with a Related Party that has not been
approval approved under this Policy prior to its consumma�on,
the ma�er shall be reviewed by the Audit Commi�ee.
The following transac�ons shall not require separate The Audit Commi�ee shall consider all of the relevant
approval under this Policy: facts and circumstances regarding the Related Party
(i) Any transac�on that involves the providing of Transac�on, and shall evaluate all op�ons available to
compensa�on to a Director or Key Managerial the Company, including ra�fica�on, revision or
Personnel, in accordance with the provisions of termina�on of the Related Party Transac�on. The Audit
the statutory laws stated herein this policy in Commi�ee shall also examine the facts and
connec�on with his or her du�es to the circumstances pertaining to the failure of repor�ng such
Company or any of its Subsidiaries or Related Party Transac�on to the Commi�ee under this
Associates, including the reimbursement of Policy and shall take any such ac�on it deems
reasonable business and travel expenses appropriate.
incurred in the Ordinary Course of Business; Further, if the Related Party Transac�on is not ra�fied
(ii) Indemnifica�on and advancement of expenses within three months from the date on which such
made pursuant to any agreement or by-laws of contract or arrangement is entered into, such contract
the Company; or arrangement shall be voidable at the op�on of the
(iii) Any transac�on in which the Related Party’s Board and if the contract or arrangement is with a
interest arises solely from ownership of related party to any director, or is authorized by any
securi�es issued by the Company and all other director, the directors concerned shall indemnify
holders of such securi�es receive the same the company against any loss incurred by it.
benefits pro rata as the Related Party; The Company may proceed against a director or any
(iv) Any transac�on which is in the Ordinary Course other employee who had entered into such contract or
of Business and on an Arm’s Length Basis as arrangement in contraven�on of this Policy for recovery
determined in terms of this Policy; of any loss sustained by it as a result of such contract or
(v) Any transac�on entered into between a arrangement and shall take any such ac�on, it deems
holding company and its wholly owned appropriate.
subsidiary whose accounts are consolidated
with such holding company and placed before
the shareholders at the general mee�ng for

29 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Board’s Report

7. Disclosures:
All related party transac�ons during the quarter shall be
reported to the Audit Commi�ee during its quarterly /
annual mee�ngs considering unaudited / audited
financial statements of the Company.

Such other disclosures as may be required under the

statutory laws referred in this policy.

8. Power to amend the policy

The Board of Directors reserves the power to review and
amend this policy from �me to �me as and when

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 30

Annexure - F
(i) CSR Policy of the Company The Company’s CSR Policy has been uploaded on the
CSR Policy of the Company specifies the ac�vi�es to be website of the Company under the web-link:
undertaken by the Company as recommended by the www.hindujahousingfinance.com.
CSR Commi�ee and approved by the Board of
Directors in such projects or programs rela�ng to (ii) Composi�on of CSR Commi�ee
ac�vi�es specified in Schedule VII of the Act.
Designa�on / Number of mee�ngs Number of Mee�ngs of
S. No. Name of the Director Nature of of CSR Commi�ee CSR Commi�ee a�ended
Directorship held during the year during the year
1 Mr. S. Nagarajan – Chairman Chairman 2 2
2 Mr. Sachin Pillai – Member Managing Director 2 2
3 Ms. Bhumika Batra – Member Independent Director 2 2

(iii) The Web-link: (vi) Average Net Profit of the Company as per Sec�on 135
h�p://www.hindujahousingfinance.com/documents (5): Rs. 5,217.92 Lakhs
(vii) (a) Two percent of average net profit of the Company
(iv) Impact Assessment of CSR Projects carried out in as per Sec�on 135 (5): Rs. 104.36 Lakhs
pursuance of sub-rule (3) of rule 8 of the Companies
(b) Surplus arising out of the CSR projects or
(Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules 2014, if
programmes or ac�vi�es of the previous financial year
applicable: Not Applicable
- Nil
(v) Details of the amount available for set off in pursuance (c) Amount required to be set off for the financial year,
of sub-rule (3) of rule 7 of the Companies (Corporate if any – Nil
Social Responsibility Policy) Rules 2014 and amount
(d) Total CSR obliga�on for the financial year
required to set off for the financial year, if any: NIL
(7a+7b-7c): Rs. 104.36 Lakhs
(viii) (a) CSR amount spent or unspent for the Financial Year
(Rs. In Lakhs):

Amount unspent (in Rs.)

Total Amount Amount transferred to any fund

Total Amount transferred to Unspent
Spent for the specified under Schedule VII as per second
CSR Account as per Sec�on 135(6)
Financial Year provison to Sec�on 135(5)

Amount Date of Transfer Name of the Fund Amount Date of Transfer

Nil 104.36 30.04.2022 Nil Nil Nil

31 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

(b) Details of CSR amount spent against ongoing projects for the financial year: Rs. in Lakh
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Mode of
Item from Amount Amount transferred Mode of
Name of the the list of Local area Loca�on of Project allocated spent in to Unspent Implementa�on
S.No. - Through
Project Schedule VII (Yes/No) the Project dura�on for the the current CSR Account – Direct
to the Act. project Financial Year as per (Yes/No)
Sec�on 135(6)
1 Lake Conserva�on Yes Vallako�ai 6 35.11 - 35.11 No Environmentalist
Restora�on of natural Village, months Founda�on of
resources Kanchipuram India
District, TN
2 Road to Children Yes Pudhucha�ram, 15 69.25 - 69.25 No Learning
School Educa�on Tiruvallur months Links
Districts, TN Founda�on
Total 104.36 - 104.36

(c) Details of CSR amount spent against other than ongoing projects for the financial year): Rs. in Lakh
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Item from Mode of Implementa�on
Mode of
the list of Amount - Through Implemen�ng
Name of the Local area Loca�on of Implementa�on
S.No. ac�vi�es in spent for Agency

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Project (Yes/No) the Project – Direct
Schedule VII the Project Name CSR Regn No.

to the Act.
Board’s Report
(d) Amount spent in Administra�ve Overheads NIL

(e) Amount spent on Impact Assessment, if applicable: Not Applicable

(f) Total Amount spent for the Financial Year (8b + 8c+8d +8e) NIL

(g) Excess amount for set off, if any: NIL

Rs. in Lakh
S.No. Par�culars Amount

(i) Two percent of average net profit of the Company as per Sec�on 135(5)
(ii) Total Amount spent for the Financial Year
(iii) Excess amount spent for the Financial Year [(ii) – (i)]
(iv) Surplus arising out of the CSR projects or programmes or ac�vi�es of the previous financial year if any.
(v) Amount available for set off in succeeding years [(iii) – (iv)]

(ix) (a) Details of Unspent CSR amount for the preceding three financial years:
Rs. in Lakh
Amount transferred to any
Preceding Amount transferred fund specified under Amount remaining
Amount spent
S.No. Financial to unspent CSR Schedule VII as per to be spent in
in the repor�ng
Year Account under Sec�on 135(6), if any. succeeding
Financial Year
Sec�on 135 (6) financial year
Name of the Fund Amount Date of transfer

1 2020-21 65.14 - NIL 65.14

33 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

(b) Detail of CSR amount spent in the financial year for ongoing projects of the preceding financial year(s)
Rs. in Lakh
Total Amount Cumula�ve
Status of the
FY in which Total Amount spent on the amount spent
Name of Project Project –
S.No. Project ID the project allocated for project in the at the end
the Project Dura�on Completed /
commenced the Project repor�ng of repor�ng
Financial Year Financial Year
(x) In case of crea�on of acquisi�on of capital asset, furnish the details rela�ng to the asset so created or acquired through CSR spent in the Financial Year

(Asset wise details)

(a) Details of crea�on or acquisi�on of the capital asset: Not Applicable

(b) Amount of CSR spent for crea�on or acquisi�on of capital asset: Not Applicable

(c) Details of the en�ty or public authority or beneficiary under whose name such capital Asset is registered, their address if any: Not Applicable

(d) Provide details of the capital assets created or acquired (including complete address and loca�on of the capital asset): Not Applicable

(xi) Specify the reasons, if the company has failed to spend two per cent of the average net profit as per Sec�on 135(5): The Company has iden�fied CSR projects
and allocated the CSR budget. As the project is ongoing, the unspent amount has been transferred to unspent CSR account and will be spent towards the

Place: Chennai S Nagarajan Sachin Pillai

Date: 13th May, 2022 Chairman Managing Director

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Board’s Report

To the members of Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Emphasis of ma�er

Report on the audit of the financial statements We draw a�en�on to Note 41 to the financial statements
which describe the extent to which the Covid-19 pandemic
will impact the Company’s financial statements is dependent
Opinion on the future developments, which are uncertain. Our
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of opinion is not modified in respect of this ma�er.
Hinduja Housing Finance Limited (the ‘Company’), which
comprise the balance sheet as at 31 March 2022, the Other ma�ers
statement of profit and loss (including other comprehensive The compara�ve financial statements pertaining to the
income), the statement of cash flows, and the statement of financial year ended 31 March 2021 was audited by the
changes in equity for the year then ended, and notes to predecessor auditor who had issued an unmodified audit
financial statements, including a summary of significant opinion on such financial statements vide their audit report
accoun�ng policies and other explanatory informa�on. dated 24 May 2021. Our opinion is not modified in respect of
this ma�er.
In our opinion and to the best of our informa�on and
according to the explana�ons given to us, the aforesaid Informa�on other than the financial statements and
financial statements give the informa�on required by the auditor’s report thereon
Companies Act, 2013 (the ‘Act’) in the manner so required
and give a true and fair view in conformity with the Indian The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the
Accoun�ng Standards prescribed under Sec�on 133 of the prepara�on of other informa�on. The other informa�on
Act read with the Companies (Indian Accoun�ng Standards) comprises the informa�on included in the Director’s report
Rules, 2015, as amended (‘Ind AS’), and other accoun�ng but does not include the financial statements and our report
principles generally accepted in India, of the state of affairs thereon.
of the Company as at 31 March 2022, and its profit, total
comprehensive income, its cash flows and the changes in Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the
equity for the year ended on that date. other informa�on and we do not express any form of
assurance conclusion thereon.
Basis for Opinion
In connec�on with our audit of the financial statements, our
We conducted our audit of the financial statements in responsibility is to read the other informa�on and, in doing
accordance with the Standards on Audi�ng (‘SA’s or so, consider whether the other informa�on is materially
‘Standards’) specified under sec�on 143(10) of the inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge
Companies Act, 2013. Our responsibili�es under those obtained during the course of our audit or otherwise
Standards are further described in the ‘Auditor’s appears to be materially misstated.
responsibili�es for the audit of the financial statements’
sec�on of our report. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that
there is a material misstatement of this other informa�on,
We are independent of the Company in accordance with the we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to
Code of Ethics issued by the Ins�tute of Chartered report in this regard.
Accountants of India (‘ICAI’) together with the ethical
requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial Responsibili�es of management and those charged with
statements under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 governance for the financial statements
and the Rules made thereunder, and we have fulfilled our
other ethical responsibili�es in accordance with these The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the
requirements and the ICAI’s Code of Ethics. We believe that ma�ers stated in Sec�on 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013
the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and (the ‘Act’) with respect to the prepara�on of these financial
appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on the statements that give a true and fair view of the financial
financial statements. posi�on, financial performance including other
comprehensive income, cash flows and changes in equity of
the Company in accordance with Ind AS and the other
accoun�ng principles generally accepted in India.

35 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

This responsibility also includes maintenance of adequate ● obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to
accoun�ng records in accordance with the provisions of the the audit in order to design audit procedures that are
Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for appropriate in the circumstances. Under sec�on
preven�ng and detec�ng frauds and other irregulari�es; 143(3)(i) of the Companies Act, 2013, we are also
selec�on and applica�on of appropriate accoun�ng policies; responsible for expressing our opinion on whether the
making judgments and es�mates that are reasonable and company has adequate internal financial controls
prudent; and design, implementa�on, and maintenance of system in place and the opera�ng effec�veness of such
adequate internal financial controls, that were opera�ng controls.
effec�vely for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of
the accoun�ng records, relevant to the prepara�on and ● evaluate the appropriateness of accoun�ng policies
presenta�on of the financial statements that give a true and used and the reasonableness of accoun�ng es�mates
fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether and related disclosures made by the management.
due to fraud or error.
● conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use
In preparing the financial statements, management is of the going concern basis of accoun�ng and, based on
responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to con�nue the audit evidence obtained, whether a material
as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, ma�ers related uncertainty exists related to events or condi�ons that
to going concern and using the going concern basis of may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to
accoun�ng unless management either intends to liquidate con�nue as a going concern. If we conclude that a
the Company or cease opera�ons, or has no realis�c material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw
alterna�ve but to do so. a�en�on in our auditor’s report to the related
disclosures in the financial statements or, if such
The Board of Directors of the Company is also responsible for disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our
overseeing the company’s financial repor�ng process. conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained
up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future
Auditor’s responsibili�es for the audit of the financial events or condi�ons may cause the Company to cease
statements to con�nue as a going concern.
Our objec�ves are to obtain reasonable assurance about
whether the financial statements as a whole are free from ● evaluate the overall presenta�on, structure, and
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and content of the financial statements, including the
to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. disclosures, and whether the financial statements
Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not represent the underlying transac�ons and events in a
a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with SAs manner that achieves fair presenta�on.
will always detect a material misstatement when it exists.
Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are Materiality is the magnitude of misstatements in the
considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they financial statements that, individually or in aggregate, makes
could reasonably be expected to influence the economic it probable that the economic decisions of a reasonably
decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial knowledgeable user of the financial statements may be
statements. influenced. We consider quan�ta�ve materiality and
qualita�ve factors in (i) planning the scope of our audit work
As part of an audit in accordance with SAs, we exercise and in evalua�ng the results of our work; and (ii) to evaluate
professional judgment and maintain professional skep�cism the effect of any iden�fied misstatements in the financial
throughout the audit. We also: statements.

● iden�fy and assess the risks of material misstatement We communicate with those charged with governance
of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or regarding, among other ma�ers, the planned scope and
error, design and perform audit procedures responsive �ming of the audit and significant audit findings, including
to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is any significant deficiencies in internal control that we
sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our iden�fy during our audit.
opinion. The risk of not detec�ng a material
misstatement resul�ng from fraud is higher than for We also provide those charged with governance with a
one resul�ng from error, as fraud may involve statement that we have complied with relevant ethical
collusion, forgery, inten�onal omissions, requirements regarding independence, and to
misrepresenta�ons, or the override of internal control.

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 36

communicate with them all rela�onships and other ma�ers (h) with respect to the other ma�ers to be included inthe
that may reasonably be thought to bear on our Auditor’s Report in accordance with Rule 11 of the
independence, and where applicable, related safeguards. Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, as
amended, in our opinion and to the best of our
Report on other legal and regulatory requirements informa�on and according to the explana�ons given
to us:
1) As required by the Companies (Auditor’s Report)
Order, 2020 (the ‘Order’) issued by the Central
i. the Company did not have any pending li�ga�on
Government of India in terms of Sec�on 143(11) of the
which would impact its financial posi�on;
Act, we give in Annexure ‘A’ to this Report, a
statement on the ma�ers specified in para 3 and 4 of
ii. the Company did not have any long-term contracts
the said Order, to the extent applicable.
including deriva�ve contracts for which there were
any material foreseeable losses;
2) As required by Sec�on 143 (3) of the Act, we report -
iii. there were no amounts that were required to be
transferred to the Investor Educa�on and Protec�on
(a) we have sought and obtained all the informa�on and
Fund by the Company;
explana�ons which to the best of our knowledge and
belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit;
iv. (a) the management has represented that, to the
best of its knowledge and belief (which are
(b) in our opinion, proper books of account as required
material either aggregate or individually), as
by law have been kept by the Company so far as it
disclosed in Note 42 to the financial
appears from our examina�on of those books;
statements, no funds have been advanced or
loaned or invested (either from borrowed funds
(c) the balance sheet, the statement of profit and loss,
or share premium or any other sources or kind
the statement of cash flows and the statement of
of funds) by the company to or in any other
changes in equity dealt with by this Report are in
person or en�ty, including foreign en�ty
agreement with the books of account;
(“Intermediaries”), with the understanding,
(d) in our opinion, the aforesaid financial statements whether recorded in wri�ng or otherwise, that
comply with the Indian Accoun�ng Standards the Intermediary shall, whether, directly or
no�fied under Sec�on 133 of the Act, read with indirectly lend to or invest in other persons or
Companies (Indian Accoun�ng Standards) Rules, en��es iden�fied in any manner whatsoever by
2015, as amended; or on behalf of the company (“Ul�mate
Beneficiaries”) or provide any guarantee,
(e) on the basis of the wri�en representa�ons received security or the like on behalf of the Ul�mate
from the directors as on 31 March 2022 taken on Beneficiaries;
record by the Board of Directors, none of the
directors is disqualified as on 31 March 2022 from (b) the management has represented, that, to the
being appointed as a director in terms of Sec�on 164 best of its knowledge and belief, (which are
(2) of the Act; material either aggregate or individually), as
disclosed in Note 42 to the financial
(f) with respect to the adequacy of the internal financial statements, no funds have been received by the
controls over financial repor�ng of the Company and company from any person or en�ty, including
the opera�ng effec�veness of such controls, refer to foreign en�ty (“Funding Par�es”), with the
our separate Report in Annexure ‘B’; understanding, whether recorded in wri�ng or
otherwise, that the company shall, whether,
(g) with respect to the other ma�ers to be included in directly or indirectly, lend to or invest in other
the auditor’s report in accordance with the persons or en��es iden�fied in any manner
requirements of sec�on 197(16) of the Act, as whatsoever by or on behalf of the Funding
amended, in our opinion and to the best of our Party (“Ul�mate Beneficiaries”) or provide any
informa�on and according to the explana�ons given guarantee, security or the like on behalf of the
to us, the Company has not paid or provided for, any Ul�mate Beneficiaries; and
managerial remunera�on to the directors during the
year and accordingly repor�ng on compliance with (c) Based on our audit procedures, nothing has
sec�on 197 is not applicable; and come to our no�ce that has caused us to

37 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

believe that the representa�ons provided by the

management under sub-clause (a) and (b) above
contain any material misstatement.

v. The Company has not declared or paid dividend

during the year.

For Sharp & Tannan Associates

Chartered Accountants
Firm’s Registra�on No. 109983W

Tirtharaj Khot
Place: Chennai Membership No. 037457
Date: 13th May 2022 UDIN: 22037457AIXFLV7655

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 38


(Referred to in paragraph 1 under ‘Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements’ sec�on of our
report to the Members of Hinduja Housing Finance Limited of even date)

(i) (a) A. The Company has maintained proper records banks during the year on the basis of security of
showing full par�culars, including quan�ta�ve current assets, and as disclosed in Note 14.1 to the
details and the situa�on of its property, plant, and financial statements, the quarterly returns or
equipment. Further, the Company does not carry statements filed by the Company with such banks are
any right-of-use assets in the books of account. in agreement with the books of account of the
Company. Further, the Company has not been
B. The Company has maintained proper records sanc�oned working capital limits from financial
showing full par�culars of its intangible assets. ins�tu�ons during the year on the basis of security of
current assets.
(b) According to the informa�on and explana�ons
given to us and the records of the Company (iii) According to the informa�on and explana�ons given to
examined by us, property, plant, and equipment us,
have been verified by the management during the
year. According to the informa�on and i. the Company has not made investments in, stood
explana�ons given to us, no material any guarantee or provided any security or granted
discrepancies were no�ced on such verifica�on. any loans or advances in the nature of loans,
secured or unsecured, to firms and Limited Liability
(c) The Company does not have any immovable Partnerships.
proper�es in books of account. Hence, repor�ng
under paragraph 3 (i)(c) of the Order does not ii.the Company has not made investments in, stood
arise. any guarantee or provided any security or granted
any advances in the nature of loans, secured or
(d) The Company has not revalued any of its property, unsecured, to companies and other par�es.
plant, and equipment or intangible assets during
the year. Further, the Company does not carry According to the informa�on and the explana�on given to
any right-of-use assets in the books of account. us, and the records of the Company examined by us, the
Hence, repor�ng under paragraph 3 (i)(d) of the company has granted secured loans to its customers during
Order does not arise. the year, in respect of which:

(e) According to the informa�on and explana�ons (a) Repor�ng under paragraph 3(iii)(a) of the Order
given to us, no proceeding has been ini�ated or is does not arise as it is not applicable to housing
pending against the Company for holding any finance companies.
benami property, if any, under the Benami
Transac�ons (Prohibi�on) Act, 1988 (45 of 1988), (b) According to the informa�on and explana�ons
as amended and Rules made thereunder. Hence, given to us and based on the audit procedures
repor�ng under paragraph 3 (i)(e) of the Order performed by us, in our opinion, the terms and
does not arise. condi�ons of all loans granted by the company
during the year are, prima facie, not prejudicial to
(ii) (a) The Company is a housing finance company and the company’s interest.
does not carry any inventory in the books of
account. Hence repor�ng under paragraph 3(ii)(a) (c) the schedule of repayment of principal and
of the Order does not arise. payment of interest has been s�pulated.
Considering that the Company is engaged in the
(b) According to the informa�on and explana�ons business of gran�ng loans and the volume of
given to us, and the records examined by us, the transac�ons involved, the summary of loans
Company has been sanc�oned working capital where repayments or receipts are not regular is as
limits in excess of five crores, in aggregate, from disclosed in Note 40(i)(A) to the financial

39 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

(d) the total amount overdue for more than ninety employees’ state insurance, income tax,
days as at the balance sheet date is disclosed in professional tax, cess and other material statutory
Note 40(i)(A) to the financial statements. Based dues applicable to the Company, if any, with
on our audit procedures and the informa�on and appropriate authori�es. According to the
explana�ons given to us, in our opinion, informa�on and explana�ons given to us, and the
reasonable steps have been taken by the records of the Company examined by us, there
company for recovery of the principal and were no undisputed amounts payable in respect of
interest. goods and service tax, provident fund, employees’
state insurance, income tax, professional tax, cess
(e) Repor�ng under paragraph 3(iii)(e) of the Order and other material statutory dues, if any,
does not arise as it is not applicable to housing outstanding as at 31 March 2022 for a period of
finance companies. more than six months from the date they became
payable. Sales-tax, service tax, duty of customs,
(f) The company has not granted any loans or duty of excise, value added tax are not applicable
advances in the nature of loans during the year, to the Company.
either repayable on demand or without specifying
any terms or period of repayment to Promoters, (b) According to the informa�on and explana�ons
related par�es as defined in clause (76) of sec�on given to us and the records of the Company
2 of the Companies Act, 2013. Hence repor�ng examined by us, there are no statutory dues in
under paragraph 3(iii)(f) of the Order does not respect of goods and services tax, provident fund,
arise. employees' state insurance, income-tax,
professional tax, sales-tax, service tax, duty of
(iv) According to the informa�on and explana�ons given customs, duty of excise, value added tax, cess and
to us, the Company has not advanced any loan, given other material statutory dues, if any, as at 31
any guarantee, or provided any security to the March 2022 which have not been deposited on
par�es covered under Sec�on 185 of the Companies account of any dispute. Hence, repor�ng under
Act, 2013 and the Company has not given any loan or paragraph 3 (vii)(b) of the Order does not arise.
made investment covered under sec�on 186 of the
Companies Act, 2013. Hence, repor�ng under (viii) According to the informa�on and explana�ons given
paragraph 3 (iv) of the Order does not arise. to us, and on the basis of our audit procedures, the
Company has not surrendered or disclosed any
(v) The provisions of sec�ons 73 to 76 of the Companies transac�on not recorded in the books of account, if
Act and the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) any, as income in the tax assessments under Income
Rules, 2014 made thereunder are not applicable to Tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) during the year. Hence,
housing finance companies. Further, according to repor�ng under paragraph 3 (viii) of the Order does
the informa�on and explana�ons given to us, no not arise.
Order has been passed by the Company Law Board
or Na�onal Company Law Tribunal or Reserve Bank (ix) (a) According to the informa�on and explana�ons
of India or any court or any other tribunal in this given to us, and on the basis of our audit
regard. Hence, repor�ng under paragraph 3 (v) of procedures, the Company has not defaulted in
the Order does not arise. repayment of loans or other borrowings or in the
payment of interest thereon to any lenders during
(vi) The Central Government has not specified the year. Hence, repor�ng under paragraph 3
maintenance of cost records under sec�on 148(1) of (ix)(a) of the Order does not arise.
the Companies Act, 2013 read together with
Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 (as (b) According to the informa�on and explana�ons
amended) for the opera�ons of the Company. given to us, and on the basis of our audit
Hence, repor�ng under paragraph 3 (vi) of the Order procedures, the Company has not been declared
does not arise. willful defaulter by any bank or financial ins�tu�on
or government or government authority.
(vii) (a) According to the informa�on and explana�ons
given to us and the records of the Company (c) In our opinion and according to the informa�on
examined by us, in our opinion, the Company is and explana�ons given to us, on an overall basis,
regular in deposi�ng undisputed statutory dues the company has applied the term loans for the
including goods and service tax, provident fund, purposes for which they were obtained.

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 40

(d) According to the informa�on and explana�ons related par�es are in compliance with Sec�on 177
given to us, and the procedures performed by us, and 188 of Companies Act, 2013 where applicable and
and on an overall examina�on of the financial the details have been disclosed in the financial
statements of the company, the funds raised on statements as required by the applicable Indian
ashort-term basis have not been used for Accoun�ng Standards.
long-term purposes by the company.
(xiv) (a) In our opinion and based on our examina�on, the
(e) The Company does not have any subsidiary or company has an internal audit system
associate or joint venture. Hence, repor�ng under commensurate with the size and nature of its
paragraph 3 (ix)(e) of the Order does not arise. business.

(f) The Company does not have any subsidiary or (b) We have considered the internal audit reports of
associate or joint venture. Hence, repor�ng under the Company issued �ll date, for the year under
paragraph 3 (ix)(f) of the Order does not arise. audit.

(x) (a) The Company has not raised any money by way of (xv) According to the informa�on and explana�ons given
an ini�al public offer or further public offer to us, and the records of the Company examined by
(including debt instruments) during the year. us, in our opinion, the company has not entered into
Hence, repor�ng under paragraph 3(x)(a) of the any non-cash transac�ons with its directors or
Order does not arise. persons connected with its directors during the year,
and hence provisions of sec�on 192 of the Companies
(b) According to the informa�on and explana�ons Act, 2013 are not applicable to the company. Hence,
given to us, the Company has not made any repor�ng under paragraph 3(xv) of the Order does
preferen�al allotment or private placement of not arise.
shares or conver�ble debentures (fully or partly or
op�onally) during the year. Hence, repor�ng under (xvi) (a) The Company is a housing finance company and is
paragraph 3 (x)(b) of the Order does not arise. not required to be registered under Sec�on 45-IA
of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. Hence,
(xi) (a) To the best of our knowledge and during the repor�ng under paragraph 3(xvi)(a) of the Order
course of our examina�on of the books and does not arise.
records of the Company and according to the
informa�on and explana�ons given to us, no (b) According to the informa�on and explana�ons
material fraud by the Company, and no material given to us, the Company has not conducted any
fraud on the Company has been no�ced or housing finance ac�vi�es during the year without a
reported during the year. valid Cer�ficate of Registra�on (COR) from the
Na�onal Housing Bank / Reserve Bank of India, as
(b) According to the informa�on and explana�ons applicable.
given to us, and based on our audit procedures, no
report under sec�on 143(12) of the Companies (c) According to the informa�on and explana�ons
Act, 2013 has been filed during the year in Form given to us, and the records of the Company
ADT-4 as prescribed under Rule 13 of Companies examined by us, in our opinion, the Company is not
(Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 with the Central a Core Investment Company as defined in the
Government. Regula�ons made by the Reserve Bank of India.
Hence, repor�ng under paragraph 3(xvi)(c) of the
(c) As represented to us by the management, there Order does not arise.
are no whistle-blower complaints received by the
Company during the year. (d) The Company is a subsidiary of M/s Hinduja
Leyland Finance Limited (Group) and as
(xii) The Company is not a Nidhi Company. Hence, represented to us by the management, this Group
repor�ng under paragraph 3(xii) of the Order does does not have any Core Investment Companies.
not arise.
(xvii) The Company has not incurred cash losses in the
(xiii) In our opinion and according to the informa�on and current financial year and the immediately preceding
explana�ons given to us and the records of the financial year.
Company examined by us, all transac�ons with the

41 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

(xviii) There has been resigna�on of the statutory auditors respect of other than ongoing projects, the
during the year and there were no issues, objec�ons Company is not required to transfer any amount to
or concerns raised by the outgoing auditors. a Fund specified in Schedule VII of the Companies
Act, 2013. Hence, repor�ng under paragraph
(xix) According to the informa�on and explana�ons given 3(xx)(a) of the Order does not arise.
to us and on the basis of the financial ra�os, ageing
and related par�es are in compliance with Sec�on (b) According to the informa�on and explana�ons
177 and 188 of Companies Act, expected dates of given to us, and based on our audit procedures,
realiza�on of financial assets and payment of financial the Company has transferred the amount
liabili�es, other informa�on accompanying the remaining unspent under sub-sec�on (5) of sec�on
financial statements, our knowledge of the Board of 135 of the Companies Act, pursuant to any ongoing
Directors and management plans and based on our project, to special account in compliance with the
examina�on of the evidence suppor�ng the provision of sub-sec�on (6) of sec�on 135 of the
assump�ons, nothing has come to our a�en�on, said Act
which causes us to believe that any material
uncertainty exists as on the date of the audit report (xxi) The Company is not required to prepare the
that company is not capable of mee�ng its liabili�es consolidated financial statements and hence
exis�ng at the date of the balance sheet as and when repor�ng under paragraph 3(xxi) of the Order is not
they fall due within a period of one year from the applicable to the Company.
balance sheet date. We, however, state that this is
not an assurance as to the future viability of the
company as the informa�on provided being futuris�c
in nature has been verified only to the extent of
informa�on and explana�ons given to us. We further
state that our repor�ng is based on the facts up to the
date of the audit report and we neither provide any For Sharp & Tannan Associates
guarantee nor any assurance that all liabili�es falling Chartered Accountants
due within a period of one year from the balance Firm’s Registra�on No. 109983W
sheet date, will get discharged by the company as and
when they fall due. We are not responsible for any
repor�ng changes in current situa�on. Tirtharaj Khot
(xx) (a) According to the informa�on and explana�ons Place: Chennai Membership No. 037457
given to us, and based on our audit procedures, in Date: 13th May 2022 UDIN: 22037457AIXFLV7655

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 42


(Referred to in paragraph 2(f) under ‘Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements’ sec�on of
our report to the Members of Hinduja Housing Finance Limited of even date)

Report on the Internal Financial Controls under Clause (i) of effec�veness. Our audit of internal financial controls over
Sub-sec�on 3 of Sec�on 143 of the Companies Act, 2013 financial repor�ng included obtaining an understanding of
internal financial controls over financial repor�ng, assessing
We have audited the internal financial controls over financial
the risk that a material weakness exists, and tes�ng and
repor�ng of Hinduja Housing Finance Limited (“the
evalua�ng the design and opera�ng effec�veness of internal
Company”) as of 31 March 2022 in conjunc�on with our
control based on the assessed risk. The procedures selected
audit of the financial statements of the Company for the
depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the
year ended on that date.
assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the
financial statements, whether due to fraud or error.
Management’s responsibility for internal financial controls
The Company’s management is responsible for establishing We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is
and maintaining internal financial controls based on the sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit
internal control over financial repor�ng criteria established opinion on the Company’s internal financial controls system
by the Company considering the essen�al components of over financial repor�ng.
internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of
Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Repor�ng (“the Meaning of internal financial controls over
Guidance Note”) issued by the Ins�tute of Chartered financial repor�ng
Accountants of India (“ICAI”). These responsibili�es include
the design, implementa�on, and maintenance of adequate A Company's internal financial control over financial
internal financial controls that were opera�ng effec�vely for repor�ng is a process designed to provide reasonable
ensuring the orderly and efficient conduct of its business, assurance regarding the reliability of financial repor�ng and
including adherence to the Company’s policies, the the prepara�on of financial statements for external
safeguarding of its assets, the preven�on and detec�on of purposes in accordance with generally accepted accoun�ng
frauds and errors, the accuracy and completeness of the principles. A Company's internal financial control over
accoun�ng records, and the �mely prepara�on of reliable financial repor�ng includes those policies and procedures
financial informa�on, as required under the Companies Act, that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in
2013 (“the Act”). reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the
transac�ons and disposi�ons of the assets of the Company;
Auditors’ responsibility (2) provide reasonable assurance that transac�ons are
recorded as necessary to permit prepara�on of financial
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company's statements in accordance with generally accepted
internal financial controls over financial repor�ng based on accoun�ng principles, and that receipts and expenditures of
our audit. Our audit is conducted in accordance with the the Company are being made only in accordance with
Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls Over authoriza�ons of management and directors of the
Financial Repor�ng (“the Guidance Note”) issued by the ICAI Company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding
and the Standards on Audi�ng prescribed under Sec�on preven�on or �mely detec�on of unauthorized acquisi�on,
143(10) of the Companies Act, 2013, to the extent applicable use, or disposi�on of the Company's assets that could have a
to an audit of internal financial controls. Those Standards material effect on the financial statements.
and the Guidance Note require that we comply with ethical
requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain Inherent Limita�ons of Internal Financial Controls Over
reasonable assurance about whether adequate internal Financial Repor�ng
financial controls over financial repor�ng was established
Because of the inherent limita�ons of internal financial
and maintained and if such controls operated effec�vely in
controls over financial repor�ng, including the possibility of
all material respects.
collusion or improper management override of controls,
material misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and
Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit
not be detected. Also, projec�ons of any evalua�on of the
evidence about the adequacy of the internal financial
internal financial controls over financial repor�ng to future
controls system over financial repor�ng and their opera�ng

43 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

periods are subject to the risk that the internal financial

control over financial repor�ng may become inadequate
because of changes in condi�ons, or that the degree of
compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

In our opinion, the Company has, in all material respects, an
adequate internal financial controls system over financial
repor�ng and such internal financial controls over financial
repor�ng were opera�ng effec�vely as at 31 March 2022,
based on the internal control over financial repor�ng criteria
established by the Company considering the essen�al
components of internal control stated in the Guidance Note
issued by the ICAI.

For Sharp & Tannan Associates

Chartered Accountants
Firm’s Registra�on No. 109983W

Tirtharaj Khot
Place: Chennai Membership No. 037457
Date: 13th May 2022 UDIN: 22037457AIXFLV7655

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 44

Balance sheet as at 31st March, 2022
(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars Note No. As at 31st March 2022 As at 31st March 2021
Financial assets
Cash and cash equivalents 5 1,275.46 1,032.80
- Other Receivables 6 - 550.71
Loans 7 3,70,438.01 2,44,842.43
Investments 8 2,618.99 4,388.17
Other financial assets 9 5,172.66 1,823.96
3,79,505.12 2,52,638.07
Non-financial assets
Current tax assets (net) 10 244.12 341.40
Deferred tax assets (net) 10 507.54 274.78
Property, plant and equipment 11 249.63 136.41
Other Intangible assets 11A 0.89 2.09
Other non-financial assets 12 288.28 43.65
1,290.46 798.33
TOTAL ASSETS 3,80,795.58 2,53,436.40
Financial liabili�es
Trade Payables
(i) total outstanding dues of micro and small enterprises 13 - -
(ii) total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro 13 276.81 264.61
and small enterprises
Borrowings 14 3,24,890.03 2,16,415.22
Other financial liabili�es 15 1,582.66 1,011.69
3,26,749.50 2,17,691.52
Non-financial liabili�es
Current tax liabili�es (Net) 16 - 28.36
Provisions 17 113.11 153.59
Other non-financial liabili�es 18 155.99 223.37
269.10 405.32
Equity share capital 19 22,360.00 21,500.00
Other equity 20 31,416.98 13,839.56
53,776.98 35,339.56
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 3,80,795.58 2,53,436.40

Significant accoun�ng policies 1-4

The notes referred to above form an integral part of these financial statements.

As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
for Sharp & Tannan Associates Hinduja Housing Finance Limited
Chartered Accountants CIN No: U65922TN2015PLC100093
Firm's registra�on number: 109983W
S Nagarajan Sachin Pillai
Tirtharaj Khot Chairman Managing Director
Partner DIN No. 00009236 DIN No. 06400793
Membership No: 037457 Prateek Parekh Srinivas Rangarajan
Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary
Place : Chennai Place : Chennai
Date : 13th May, 2022 Date : 13th May, 2022

45 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended 31st March, 2022
(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars Note No. Year ended Year ended
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Revenue from opera�ons
Interest income 21 38,429.41 24,553.44
Fees and commission income 21 278.46 78.78
Net Gain on Derecogni�on of Financial Instruments 21 3,998.51 1,365.05
Total Revenue from opera�ons 42,706.38 25,997.27
Other Income 22 1,043.75 1,850.00
Total Income 43,750.13 27,847.27
Finance costs 23 19,711.46 13,857.88
Impairment on financial assets 24 4,317.43 1,678.05
Employee benefits expenses 25 4,201.94 2,781.86
Deprecia�on and amor�za�on 26 119.65 105.27
Other expenses 27 1,920.00 1,353.40
Total Expenses 30,270.48 19,776.46
Profit before tax 13,479.65 8,070.81
Tax expense: 28
Current tax 2,894.15 1,749.30
Deferred tax (241.75) 84.57
Tax pertaining for earlier years 70.59 -
2,722.99 1,833.87
Profit for the year 10,756.66 6,236.94
Other comprehensive income
(i) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
- Remeasurement of defined benefit plans 35.76 15.67
(ii) Income tax rela�ng to items that will not be reclassified (9.00) (3.94)
to profit or loss
Total other comprehensive income 26.76 11.73
Total comprehensive Income 10,783.42 6,248.67
Earnings per equity share (face value Rs.10 each) 29
- Basic (in Rs.) 5.00 3.23
- Diluted (in Rs.) 5.00 3.23

Significant accoun�ng policies 1-4

The notes referred to above form an integral part of these financial statements.

As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
for Sharp & Tannan Associates Hinduja Housing Finance Limited
Chartered Accountants CIN No: U65922TN2015PLC100093
Firm's registra�on number: 109983W
S Nagarajan Sachin Pillai
Tirtharaj Khot Chairman Managing Director
Partner DIN No. 00009236 DIN No. 06400793
Membership No: 037457 Prateek Parekh Srinivas Rangarajan
Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary
Place : Chennai Place : Chennai
Date : 13th May, 2022 Date : 13th May, 2022

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 46

Statement Cash Flows for the year ended 31st March, 2022
(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars Note No. Year ended Year ended
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
A. Cash flow from opera�ng ac�vi�es
Net profit before tax 13,479.65 8,070.81
Deprecia�on and amor�za�on 119.65 105.27
Impairment on financial assets 4,317.43 1,678.05
Finance costs 19,711.46 13,857.88
Interest on security deposit (14.85) (13.37)
Rent expense 14.52 14.52
Gratuity and Compensated Absences 93.03 42.94
Opera�ng cash flow before working capital changes 37,720.89 23,756.10
Changes in working capital:
Adjustments for (increase) / decrease in opera�ng assets:
Loans (1,29,913.01) (84,346.42)
Other financial assets (2,783.14) (1,724.30)
Other non- financial assets (259.15) (17.55)
Adjustments for increase / (decrease) in opera�ng liabili�es:
Trade payables 12.20 82.22
Other financial liabili�es 570.97 557.44
Provisions (57.29) (42.93)
Other non financial liabili�es (136.20) 186.29
Net cash (used in) opera�ons (94,844.73) (61,549.15)
Finance costs paid (19,274.83) (13,836.55)
Taxes paid (net) (2,867.46) (1,595.24)
Net cash (used in) opera�ng ac�vi�es (A) (1,16,987.02) (76,980.94)
B. Cash flow from inves�ng ac�vi�es
Investment in securi�es (net) 1,769.18 4.14
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (231.67) (52.60)
Net cash generated (used in) inves�ng ac�vi�es (B) 1,537.51 (48.46)
C. Cash flow from financing ac�vi�es
Proceeds from issue of equity shares including 7,654.00 2,500.00
securi�es premium (net)
Proceeds from borrowings (net) 1,08,038.18 74,172.18
Net cash generated (used in) financing ac�vi�es (C) 1,15,692.18 76,672.18
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) 242.67 (357.22)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 1,032.80 1,390.02
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 1,275.46 1,032.80

47 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars Note No. Year ended Year ended
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Components of cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cheques on hand 5 70.28 46.45
Balances with banks
- In current / cash credit accounts* 5 1,205.18 986.35
1,275.46 1,032.80
Significant accoun�ng policies 1-4
The notes referred to above form an integral part of these financial statements.

As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
for Sharp & Tannan Associates Hinduja Housing Finance Limited
Chartered Accountants CIN No: U65922TN2015PLC100093
Firm's registra�on number: 109983W
S Nagarajan Sachin Pillai
Tirtharaj Khot Chairman Managing Director
Partner DIN No. 00009236 DIN No. 06400793
Membership No: 037457 Prateek Parekh Srinivas Rangarajan
Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary
Place : Chennai Place : Chennai
Date : 13th May, 2022 Date : 13th May, 2022

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 48

Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 13th May 2022
(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars Year ended Year ended
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
A Equity Share Capital
Balance at the beginning of the current repor�ng period 21,500.00 19,000.00
Changes in Equity Share Capital due to prior period errors - -
Restated balance at the beginning of the current repor�ng period 21,500.00 19,000.00
Changes in equity share capital during the current year
- Shares Issued during the year 860.00 2,500.00
Balance at the end of the current repor�ng period 22,360.00 21,500.00

Reserves and Surplus Remeasurement

Par�culars Securi�es Special Statutory Retained of defined Total
Premium Reserve* Reserve** Earnings benefit plans
B Other Equity
Balance as at 1st April, 2020 - 1,524.32 - 6,071.63 (5.06) 7,590.89
Other comprehensive income - - 11.73 11.73
(net of tax)
Profit for the year - - - 6,236.94 - 6,236.94
Premium on issue of share capital - - - - - -
Appropria�on to Reserves - 810.46 436.93 (1,247.39) - -
Balance as at 31st March, 2021 - 2,334.78 436.93 11,061.18 6.67 13,839.56
Balance as at 1st April, 2021 - 2,334.78 436.93 11,061.18 6.67 13,839.56
Other comprehensive income - - - 26.76 26.76
(net of tax)
Profit for the year 10,756.66 - 10,756.66
Premium on issue of share capital 6,794.00 - - - 6,794.00
Appropria�on to Reserves - 1,637.82 513.51 (2,151.33) - -
Balance as at 31st March, 2022 6,794.00 3,972.60 950.44 19,666.51 33.43 31,416.98
* As per sec�on 36(1)(viii) of Income Tax Act, 1961
** As per Sec�on 29C of The Na�onal Housing Bank Act,1987 to be read with 36(1)(viii) of Income Tax Act, 1961

Significant accoun�ng policies 1-4

The notes referred to above form an integral part of these financial statements.

As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
for Sharp & Tannan Associates Hinduja Housing Finance Limited
Chartered Accountants CIN No: U65922TN2015PLC100093
Firm's registra�on number: 109983W
S Nagarajan Sachin Pillai
Tirtharaj Khot Chairman Managing Director
Partner DIN No. 00009236 DIN No. 06400793
Membership No: 037457 Prateek Parekh Srinivas Rangarajan
Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary
Place : Chennai Place : Chennai
Date : 13th May, 2022 Date : 13th May, 2022

49 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

Notes to financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2022

1 Repor�ng en�ty 2.3 Func�onal and presenta�on currency

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited (the Company), These financial statements are presented in Indian
incorporated on 15th April, 2015 and headquartered in Rupees (INR), which is also the Company's func�onal
Chennai, India. The Company is registered with currency. All amounts have been rounded-off to the
Na�onal Housing Bank (NHB) under sec�on 29A of the nearest lakhs and at two decimal places, unless
Na�onal Housing Bank Act, 1987 with effect from 30th otherwise indicated.
September, 2015. The Company is primarily engaged in
the business of providing loans for the purchase or 2.4 Basis of measurement
construc�on of residen�al houses. The financial statements have been prepared on
historical cost basis except for certain financial
2 Basis of prepara�on
instruments that are measured at fair values.
2.1 Statement of compliance
A historical cost is a measure of value used in
The financial statements have been prepared in
accoun�ng in which the price of an asset on the balance
accordance with the Companies (Indian Accoun�ng
sheet is based on its nominal or original cost when
Standards) Rules, 2015 as per Sec�on 133 of the
acquired by the Company.
Companies Act, 2013 and relevant amendment rules
issued therea�er (“Ind AS”). Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an
asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly
These financial statements were authorised for issue by
transac�on between market par�cipants at the
the Company's Board of Directors on 12th May, 2022.
measurement date, regardless of whether that price is
directly observable or es�mated using another
2.2 Presenta�on of financial statements
valua�on technique. In es�ma�ng the fair value of an
The Company presents its balance sheet in order of asset or a liability, the Company takes into account the
liquidity. An analysis regarding recovery or se�lement characteris�cs of the asset or liability if market
within 12 months a�er the repor�ng date (current) and par�cipants would take those characteris�cs into
more than 12 months a�er the repor�ng date account when pricing the asset or liability at the
(non–current) is presented separately. measurement date. Fair value for measurement and/or
disclosure purposes in these financial statements is
Financial assets and financial liability are generally determined on such a basis.
reported gross in the balance sheet. They are only offset
and reported net when, in addi�on to having an Fair value measurements under Ind AS are categorised
uncondi�onal legally enforceable right to offset the into fair value hierarchy based on the degree to which
recognized amounts without being con�ngent on a the inputs to the fair value.
future event, the par�es also intend to se�le on a net
basis in all of the following circumstances: 2.5 Use of es�mates and judgements

(i) The normal course of business The prepara�on of the financial statements in
conformity with Ind AS requires the management to
(ii) The event of default make es�mates, judgements and assump�ons. These
es�mates, judgements and assump�ons affect the
The Balance Sheet and the Statement of Profit and Loss applica�on of accoun�ng policies and the reported
are prepared and presented in the format prescribed in amounts of assets and liabili�es, the disclosure of
the Schedule III to the Act. The Statement of Cash Flows con�ngent assets and liabili�es at the date of the
has been prepared and presented as per the financial statements and the reported amounts of
requirements of Ind AS 7 “Statement of Cash Flows”. revenues and expenses during the year. Accoun�ng

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 50

es�mates could change from period to period. Actual a) The Company’s criteria for assessing if there has been
results could differ from those es�mates. Revisions to a significant increase in credit risk and so allowances
accoun�ng es�mates are recognized prospec�vely. The for financial assets should be measured on a life �me
Management believes that the es�mates used in expected credit loss ("LTECL") basis.
prepara�on of the financial statements are prudent and
reasonable. b) Development of ECL models, including the various
formulas and the choice of inputs.
Future results could differ due to these es�mates and
the differences between the actual results and the c) Determina�on of associa�ons between
es�mates are recognized in the periods in which the macroeconomic scenarios and economic inputs, such
results are known / materialize. as gross domes�c products, lending interest rates
and collateral values, and the effect on probability of
i) Business model assessment default ("PD"), exposure at default ("EAD") and loss
given default ("LGD").
Classifica�on and measurement of financial assets
depends on the results of business model and the solely
d) Selec�on of forward-looking macroeconomic
payments of principal and interest ("SPPI") test. The
scenarios and their probability weigh�ngs, to derive
Company determines the business model at a level that
the economic inputs into ECL models.
reflects how groups of financial assets are managed
together to achieve a par�cular business objec�ve. This
iii) Defined Benefit Plan
assessment includes judgement reflec�ng all relevant
evidence including how the performance of the assets is The cost of the defined benefit gratuity plan and the
evaluated and their performance measured, the risks present value of the gratuity obliga�on are determined
that affect the performance of the assets and how these using actuarial valua�ons. An actuarial valua�on
are managed and how the managers of the assets are involves making various assump�ons that may differ
compensated. The Company monitors financial assets from actual developments in the future. These include
measured at amor�sed cost which are consistent with the determina�on of the discount rate, future salary
the objec�ve of the business for which the asset was increases and mortality rates. Due to the complexi�es
held. Monitoring is part of the Company’s con�nuous involved in the valua�on and its long-term nature, a
assessment of whether the business model for which defined benefit obliga�on is highly sensi�ve to changes
the remaining financial assets are held con�nues to be in these assump�ons. All assump�ons are reviewed at
appropriate and if it is not appropriate whether there each repor�ng date.
has been a change in business model and so a
prospec�ve change to the classifica�on of those assets. 3 Significant accoun�ng policies
3.1 Recogni�on of Interest Income
ii) Impairment of financial asset
Revenue is recognized to the extent that it is probable
The measurement of impairment losses across all that the economic benefits will flow to the Company
categories of financial assets requires judgement, in and the revenue can be reliably measured and there
par�cular, the es�ma�on of the amount and �ming of exists reasonable certainty of its recovery.
future cash flows and collateral values when
determining impairment losses and the assessment of a i) Interest income
significant increase in credit risk. These es�mates are
Interest income on financial instruments is recognized
driven by a number of factors, changes in which can
on a �me propor�on basis taking into account the
result in different levels of allowances.
amount outstanding and the effec�ve interest rate
The Company’s expected credit loss ("ECL") calcula�ons
are outputs of complex models with a number of
Effec�ve Interest Rate (“EIR”)
underlying assump�ons regarding the choice of variable
inputs and their interdependencies. Elements of the ECL The EIR is the rate that exactly discounts es�mated
models that are considered accoun�ng judgements and future cash flows of the financial instrument through
es�mates include: the expected life of the financial instrument or, where

51 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

appropriate, a shorter period, to the net carrying the underlying assigned loan contract. In accordance
amount. The future cash flows are es�mated taking into with the Ind AS 109, on de-recogni�on of a financial
account all the contractual terms of the instrument. asset under assigned transac�ons, the difference
between the carrying amount and the considera�on
The calcula�on of the EIR includes all fees paid or received are recognized in the Statement of Profit and
received between par�es to the contract that are Loss.
incremental and directly a�ributable to the specific
lending arrangement, transac�on costs, and all other The Company recognises either a servicing asset or a
premiums or discounts. servicing liability for servicing contract. If the fee to be
received is not expected to compensate the Company
Interest income/expenses is calculated by applying the adequately for performing the servicing ac�vi�es, a
EIR to the gross carrying amount of non-credit impaired servicing liability for the servicing obliga�on is
financial assets/liabili�es (i.e. at the amor�sed cost of recognized at its fair value. If the fee to be received is
the financial asset before adjus�ng for any expected expected to be more than adequate compensa�on for
credit loss allowance). For credit-impaired financial the servicing ac�vi�es, a servicing asset is recognized.
assets, interest income is calculated by applying the EIR Corresponding amount is recognized in Statement of
to the amor�sed cost of the credit-impaired financial Profit and Loss.
assets (i.e. the gross carrying amount less the allowance
for expected credit losses). If the financial asset cures iv) Other Income
and is no longer credit impaired, the Company reverts Other Income represents income earned from the
to calcula�ng interest income on a gross basis. ac�vi�es incidental to the business and is recognized
when the right to receive the income is established as
ii) Fee and Commission Income
per the terms of the contract.
The Company recognises revenue from contract with
customers based on five step model as set out in Ind AS
3.2 Financial instrument - Ini�al recogni�on
115, Revenue from Contracts with Customers to
determine when to recognise revenue and at what i) Date of recognition
amount. Revenue is measured based on the Debt securi�es issued are ini�ally recognized when they
considera�on specified in the contract with a are originated. All other financial assets and financial
customers. Revenue from contracts with customers is liabili�es are ini�ally recognized when the Company
recognized when services are provided and it is highly becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the
probable that a significant reversal of revenue is not instrument.
expected to occur.
ii) Initial measurement of financial instruments
If the considera�on promised in a contract includes a
variable amount, the Company es�mates the amount of The classifica�on of financial instruments at ini�al
considera�on to which it will be en�tled in exchange for recogni�on depends on their contractual terms and the
rendering the promised services to a customer. The business model (refer note 3.3A) for managing the
amount of considera�on can vary because of discounts, instruments. Financial instruments are ini�ally
rebates, refunds, credits, price concessions, incen�ves, measured at their fair value, except in the case of
performance bonuses, or other similar items. The financial assets and financial liabili�es recorded at fair
promised considera�on can also vary if an en�tlement value through other comprehensive income (FVTPL),
to the considera�on is con�ngent on the occurrence or transac�on costs are added to, or subtracted from this
non-occurrence of a future event. amount.

iii) Income from transfer and servicing of Assets iii) Measurement categories of financial assets and
The Company transfers loans through direct assignment
transac�ons. The transferred loans are de-recognized The Company classifies all of its financial assets based
and gains/losses are accounted for, only if the Company on the business model for managing the assets and the
transfers substan�ally all risks and rewards specified in asset’s contractual terms, measured at amor�sed cost.

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 52

3.3 Financial assets and liabili�es cash flows that are solely payments of principal and
interest on the amount outstanding. In such cases, the
A) Financial assets
financial asset is required to be measured at FVTPL.
Business model assessment
Accordingly, financial assets are measured as follows;
The Company determines its business model at the level
that best reflects how it manages groups of financial i) Financial assets carried at amor�sed cost (AC)
assets to achieve its business objec�ve. A financial asset is measured at amor�sed cost if it
is held within a business model whose objec�ve is
The Company's business model is not assessed on an
to hold the asset in order to collect contractual cash
instrument-by-instrument basis, but at a higher level of flows and the contractual terms of the financial
aggregated por�olios and is based on observable asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that
factors such as: are solely payments of principal and interest on the
principal amount outstanding.
a) How the performance of the business model and
the financial assets held within that business model
ii) Financial assets at fair value through other
are evaluated and reported to the Company's key comprehensive income (FVTOCI)
management personnel.
b) The risks that affect the performance of the business A financial asset is measured at FVTOCI if it is held
model (and the financial assets held within that within a business model whose objec�ve is
business model) and, in par�cular, the way those achieved by both collec�ng contractual cash flows
and selling financial assets and the contractual
risks are managed.
terms of the financial asset give rise on specified
c) How managers of the business are compensated
dates to cash flows that are solely payments of
(for example, whether the compensa�on is based
principal and interest on the principal amount
on the fair value of the assets managed or on the
outstanding. Since, the loans and advances are held
contractual cash flows collected).
to sale and collect contractual cash flows, they are
d) The expected frequency, value and �ming of sales measured at FVTOCI.
are also important aspects of the Company’s
assessment. iii) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Solely payments of principal and interest (SPPI) test
A financial asset which is not classified in any of the
As a second step of its classifica�on process, the above categories are measured at FVTPL.
Company assesses the contractual terms of financial
asset to iden�fy whether they meet SPPI test. Financial assets: Subsequent measurement and gains
and losses
Principal’ for the purpose of this test is defined as the
fair value of the financial asset at ini�al recogni�on and i) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
may change over the life of financial asset (for example, (FVTPL)
if there are repayments of principal or amor�sa�on of These assets are subsequently measured at fair
the premium/ discount). value. Net gains and losses, including any interest or
dividend income, are recognized in statement of
The most significant elements of interest within a profit or loss.
lending arrangement are typically the considera�on for ii) Financial assets carried at amortized cost (AC)
the �me value of money and credit risk. To make the
These assets are subsequently measured at
SPPI assessment, the Company applies judgement and
amor�zed cost using the effec�ve interest method.
considers relevant factors such as the period for which
The amor�zed cost is reduced by impairment
the interest rate is set.
lossed. Interest income, foreign exchange gains and
In contrast, contractual terms that introduce a more losses and impairment are recognized in statement
than de minimis exposure to risks or vola�lity in the of profit and loss. Any gains and losses on
contractual cash flows that are unrelated to a basic derecogni�on is recognized in statement of profit
lending arrangement do not give rise to contractual and loss.

53 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

B) Financial liability and loss as per Ind AS 109. Also, the Companyrecognizes
i) Ini�al recogni�on and measurement servicing income as a percentage of interest spread
over tenure of loan in cases where it retains the
All financial liabili�es are ini�ally recognized at fair obliga�on to service the transferred financial asset.
value. Transac�on costs that are directly
a�ributable to the acquisi�on or issue of financial ii) Financial Liability
liability, which are not at fair value through profit or
loss, are adjusted to the fair value on ini�al A financial liability is derecognized when the obliga�on
recogni�on. under the liability is discharged, cancelled or expired.
Where an exis�ng financial liability is replaced by
ii) Subsequent measurement another from the same lender on substan�ally different
terms, or the terms of an exis�ng liability are
Financial liabili�es are carried at amor�zed cost
substan�ally modified, such an exchange or
using the effec�ve interest method.
modifica�on is treated as a derecogni�on of the original
liability and the recogni�on of a new liability. The
3.4 Reclassifica�on of financial assets and liabili�es
difference between the carrying value of the original
The Company does not reclassify its financial assets financial liability and the considera�on paid is
subsequent to their ini�al recogni�on, apart from the recognized in the statement of profit and loss.
excep�onal circumstances in which the Company
acquires, disposes of, or terminates a business line. 3.6 Impairment of financial assets
Financial liabili�es are never reclassified. The Company
A) Overview of ECL principles
did not reclassify any of its financial assets or liabili�es
in the year ended 31st March, 2022 and 31st March, In accordance with Ind AS 109, the Company uses ECL
2021. model, for evalua�ng impairment of financial assets
other than those measured at fair value through profit
3.5 Derecogni�on of financial assets and liabili�es and loss (FVTPL).
Derecogni�on of financial assets other than due to
Expected credit losses are measured through a loss
substan�al modifica�on
allowance at an amount equal to:
i) Financial Assets
i) The 12-months expected credit losses (expected
A financial asset (or, where applicable, a part of a credit losses that result from those default
financial asset or part of a group of similar financial events on the financial instrument that are
assets) is derecognized when the contractual rights to possible within 12 months a�er the repor�ng
the cash flows from the financial asset expires or it date); or
transfers the rights to receive the contractual cash flows ii) Full life�me expected credit losses (expected
in a transac�on in which substan�ally all of the risks and credit losses that result from all possible default
rewards of ownership of the financial asset are events over the life of the financial instrument)
transferred or in which the Company neither transfers
nor retains substan�ally all of the risks and rewards of Both Life Time ECLs and 12 months ECLs are calculated
ownership and it does not retain control of the financial on collec�ve basis.
Based on the above, the Company categorizes its loans
On derecogni�on of a financial asset in its en�rety, the into Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3, as described below:
difference between the carrying amount (measured at
the date of derecogni�on) and the considera�on Stage 1:
received (including any new asset obtained less any new When loans are first recognized, the Company
liability assumed) is recognized in the statement of recognizes an allowance based on 12 months ECL. Stage
profit and loss. 1 loans includes those loans where there is no
significant credit risk observed and also includes
Accordingly, gain on sale or derecogni�on of assigned facili�es where the credit risk has been improved and
por�olio are recorded upfront in the statement of profit the loan has been reclassified from stage 2 or stage 3.

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 54

Stage 2: Stage 1:
When a loan has shown a significant increase in credit The 12 months ECL is calculated as the por�on of LTECLs
risk since origina�on, the Company records an that represent the ECLs that result from default events
allowance for the life �me ECL. Stage 2 loans also on a financial instrument that are possible within the 12
includes facili�es where the credit risk has improved months a�er the repor�ng date. The Company
and the loan has been reclassified from stage 3. calculates the 12 months ECL allowance based on the
expecta�on of a default occurring in the 12 months
Stage 3: following the repor�ng date. These expected
Loan commitments: 12-months default probabili�es are applied to a
forecast EAD and mul�plied by the expected LGD and
When es�ma�ng LTECLs for undrawn loan discounted by an approxima�on to the original EIR.
commitments, the Company es�mates the expected
por�on of the loan commitment that will be drawn Stage 2:
down over its expected life. The ECL is then based on
When a loan has shown a significant increase in credit
the present value of the expected shor�alls in cash
risk since origina�on (if financial asset is more than 30
flows if the loan is drawn down
days but upto 90 days past due), the Company records
The mechanics of ECL calcula�ons are outlined below an allowance for the LTECLs. The mechanics are similar
and the key elements are, as follows: to those explained above, but PDs and LGDs are
es�mated over the life�me of the instrument. The
PD: expected cash shor�alls are discounted by an
approxima�on to the original EIR.
Probability of Default ("PD") is an es�mate of the
likelihood of default over a given �me horizon. A default Stage 3:
may only happen at a certain �me over the assessed
period, if the facility has not been previously For loans considered credit-impaired (if financial asset is
derecognized and is s�ll in the por�olio. more than 90 days past due), the Company recognizes
the life�me expected credit losses for these loans. The
EAD: method is similar to that for Stage 2 assets, with the PD
set at 100%.
Exposure at Default ("EAD") is an es�mate of the
exposure at a future default date, taking into account B) Loans and advances measured at FVOCI
expected changes in the exposure a�er the repor�ng
date, including repayments of principal and interest The ECLs for loans and advances measured at FVOCI do
not reduce the carrying amount of these financial assets
LGD: in the balance sheet, which remains at fair value.
Instead, an amount equal to the allowance that would
Loss Given Default ("LGD") is an es�mate of the loss arise if the assets were measured at amor�sed cost is
arising in the case where a default occurs at a given recognized in OCI as an accumulated impairment
�me. It is based on the difference between the amount, with a corresponding charge to profit or loss.
contractual cash flows due and those that the lender The accumulated loss recognized in OCI is recycled to
would expect to receive, including from the realisa�on the profit and loss upon derecogni�on of the assets.
of any collateral. It is usually expressed as a percentage
of the EAD 3.7 Presenta�on of allowance for expected credit losses
in the balance sheet
The Company has calculated PD, EAD and LGD to
determine impairment loss on the por�olio of loans and Loss allowance for financial assets measured at
discounted at an approxima�on to the EIR. At every amor�sed cost are deducted from the gross carrying
repor�ng date, the above calculated PDs, EAD and LGDs amount of the assets.
are reviewed and changes in the forward looking
es�mates are analyzed. 3.8 Write-offs
Financial assets are wri�en off when the Company has
The mechanics of the ECL method are summarized
no reasonable expecta�ons of recovering the financial

55 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

asset (either in its en�rety or a por�on of it). This is the interest rates and yield curves, implied vola�li�es, and
case when the Company determines that possibility of credit spreads; and
recovery of debt from all sources is remote because the
borrower does not have assets or sources of income Level 3 financial instruments: Those that include one
that could generate sufficient cash flows to repay the or more unobservable input that is significant to the
amounts subject to the write-off. A write-off cons�tutes measurement as whole.
a derecogni�on event. The Company may apply
enforcement ac�vi�es to financial assets wri�en off. ii) Valua�on Process
Recoveries resul�ng from the Company’s enforcement The management of the Company performs the
ac�vi�es could result in impairment gains. valua�ons of financial assets and liabili�es required for
financial repor�ng purposes. The carrying amounts of
3.9 Determina�on of fair value trade receivables, trade payables, capital creditors and
cash and cash equivalents are considered to be the
i) Fair Value Hierarchy
same as their fair values, due to their short-term
Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an nature. The fair values for loans are calculated based on
asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly cash flows discounted using a current lending rate.
transac�on between market par�cipants at the They are classified as level 3 fair values in the fair value
measurement date, regardless of whether that price is hierarchy due to the inclusion of unobservable inputs
directly observable or es�mated using another including counterparty credit risk. The fair values of
borrowings are based on discounted cash flows using a
valua�on technique. In es�ma�ng the fair value of an
current borrowing rate. They are classified as level 3
asset or a liability, the Company has taken into account
fair values in the fair value hierarchy due to the use of
the characteris�cs of the asset or liability if market unobservable inputs, including own credit risk. For
par�cipants would take those characteris�cs into financial assets and liabili�es that are measured at fair
account when pricing the asset or liability at the value, the carrying amounts are equal to the fair values.
measurement date.
3.10 Foreign Currency Transac�ons
In addi�on, for financial repor�ng purposes, fair value
Transac�ons in foreign currencies are translated into
measurements are categorized into Level 1, 2, or 3
the func�onal currency of the Company, at the
based on the degree to which the inputs to the fair exchange rates at the dates of the transac�ons or an
value measurements are observable and the average rate if the average rate approximates the
significance of the inputs to the fair value measurement actual rate at the date of the transac�on.
in its en�rety, which are described as follows:
Monetary assets and liabili�es denominated in foreign
Level 1 financial instruments: Those where the inputs currencies are translated into the func�onal currency
used in the valua�on are unadjusted quoted prices from at the exchange rate at the repor�ng date.
ac�ve markets for iden�cal assets or liabili�es that the Non-monetary assets and liabili�es that are measured
Company has access to at the measurement date. The at fair value in a foreign currency are translated into the
Company considers markets as ac�ve only if there are func�onal currency at the exchange rate when the fair
sufficient trading ac�vi�es with regards to the volume value was determined. Non-monetary assets and
liabili�es that are measured based on historical cost in
and liquidity of the iden�cal assets or liabili�es and
a foreign currency are translated at the exchange rate
when there are binding and exercisable price quotes
at the date of the transac�on. Exchange differences
available on the balance sheet date; are recognized in profit or loss.

Level 2 financial instruments: Those where the inputs 3.11 Property, plant and equipment
that are used for valua�on and are significant, are
derived from directly or indirectly observable market i) Recogni�on and measurement
data available over the en�re period of the instrument’s Items of property, plant and equipment are measured
life. Such inputs include quoted prices for similar assets at cost, which includes capitalized borrowing costs, less
or liabili�es in ac�ve markets, quoted prices for
iden�cal instruments in inac�ve markets and
observable inputs other than quoted prices such as

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 56

accumulated deprecia�o and accumulated impairment ii) Subsequent expenditure
losses, if any.
Subsequent expenditure is capitalized only when it
increases the future economic benefits embodied in
Cost of an item of property, plant and equipment
comprises its purchase price, including import du�es the specific asset to which it relates. All other
and non-refundable purchase taxes, a�er deduc�ng expenditure, including expenditure on internally
trade discounts and rebates, any directly a�ributable generated goodwill and brands, is recognized in profit
cost of bringing the item to its working condi�on for its or loss as incurred.
intended use and es�mated costs of dismantling and
removing the item and restoring the site on which it is iii) Amor�sa�on
Amor�sa�on is calculated to write off the cost of
intangible assets less their es�mated residual values
If significant parts of an item of property, plant and
equipment have different useful lives, then they are over their es�mated useful lives using the straight line
accounted for as separate items (major components) of method, and is included in deprecia�on and
property, plant and equipment. amor�sa�on in Statement of Profit and Loss.

Any gain or loss on disposal of an item of property, Asset category Es�mated Useful life
plant and equipment is recognized in profit or loss.
Computer so�ware's 6 years
ii) Subsequent expenditure Amor�sa�on method, useful lives and residual values
are reviewed at the end of each financial year and
Subsequent expenditure is capitalized only if it is adjusted if appropriate.
probable that the future economic benefits associated
with the expenditure will flow to the Company. 3.13 Impairment of non-financial assets
The Company determines periodically whether there is
iii) Deprecia�on
any indica�on of impairment of the carrying amount of
Deprecia�on is calculated on cost of items of property, its non-financial assets. The recoverable amount
plant and equipment less their es�mated residual (higher of net selling price and value in use) is
values over their es�mated useful lives using the determined for an individual asset, unless the asset
straight line method, and is generally recognized in the does not generate cash inflow that are largely
statement of profit and loss. independent of those from other assets or group of
assets. The recoverable amounts of such asset are
The Company follows es�mated useful lives which are es�mated, if any indica�on exists and impairment loss
given under Part C of the Schedule II of the Companies is recognized wherever the carrying amount of the
Act, 2013. The es�mated useful lives of items of asset exceeds its recoverable amount. Where it is not
property, plant and equipment for the current and
possible to es�mate the recoverable amount of an
compara�ve periods are as follows:
individual asset, the Company es�mates the
recoverable amount of the cash-genera�ng unit to
Asset category Es�mated Useful life which the asset belongs.
Furniture and fi�ngs 8 years
Office equipment 5 years 3.14 Employee benefits
Computers 3 years
i) Post-employment benefits
Vehicles 5 years
Defined contribution plan
3.12 Intangible assets
The Company's contribu�on to provident fund are
i) Intangible assets considered as defined contribu�on plan and are
Intangible assets including those acquired by the charged as an expense as they fall due based on the
Company are ini�ally measured at cost. Such intangible amount of contribu�on required to be made and when
assets are subsequently measured at cost less the services are rendered by the employees.
accumulated amor�sa�on and any accumulated
impairment losses.

57 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

Defined benefit plans unu�lized accrued compensated absences and u�lize it

in future service periods. Since the compensated
absences do not fall due wholly within twelve months
A defined benefit plan is a post-employment benefit a�er the end of such period, the benefit is classified as
plan other than a defined contribu�on plan. The a long-term employee benefit. The Company records an
Company's net obliga�on in respect of defined benefit obliga�on for such compensated absences in the period
plans is calculated separately for each plan by in which the employee renders the services that
es�ma�ng the amount of future benefit that employees increase this en�tlement. The obliga�on is measured on
have earned in the current and prior periods, the basis of independent actuarial valua�on using the
discoun�ng that amount and deduc�ng the fair value of projected unit credit method.
any plan assets.
iii) Short-term employee benefits
The Company's gratuity plan is funded. The calcula�on
The undiscounted amount of short-term employee
of defined benefit obliga�on is performed annually by a
benefits expected to be paid in exchange for the
qualified actuary using the projected unit credit
services rendered by employees are recognized during
method. When the calcula�on results in a poten�al
the year when the employees render the service. These
asset for the Company, the recognized asset is limited
benefits include performance incen�ve which are
to the present value of economic benefits available in
expected to occur within twelve months a�er the end
the form of any future refunds from the plan or
of the year in which the employee renders the related
reduc�ons in future contribu�ons to the plan (‘the asset
ceiling’). In order to calculate the present value of
economic benefits, considera�on is given to any
minimum funding requirements. 3.15 Provisions, con�ngent liabili�es and
con�ngent assets
Remeasurements of the net defined benefit liability,
which comprise actuarial gains and losses and the effect i) Provisions
of the asset ceiling (if any, excluding interest), are Provisions are recognized when the Company has a
recognized in OCI. The Company determines the net present obliga�on (legal or construc�ve) as a result of
interest expense (income) on the net defined benefit past events, and it is probable that an ou�low of
liability (asset) for the period by applying the discount resources embodying economic benefits will be
rate used to measure the defined benefit obliga�on at required to se�le the obliga�on, and a reliable
the beginning of the annual period to the then-net es�mate can be made of the amount of the obliga�on.
defined benefit liability (asset), taking into account any When the effect of the �me value of money is material,
changes in the net defined benefit liability (asset) during the Company determines the level of provision by
the period as a result of contribu�ons and benefit discoun�ng the expected cash flows at a pre-tax rate
payments. Net interest expense and other expenses reflec�ng the current rates specific to the liability. The
related to defined benefit plans are recognized in expense rela�ng to any provision is presented in the
Statement of profit or loss. statement of profit and loss net of any reimbursement.

When the benefits of a plan are changed or when a plan ii) Con�ngent liability
is curtailed, the resul�ng change in benefit that relates
A possible obliga�on that arises from past events and
to past service (‘past service cost’ or ‘past service gain’)
the existence of which will be confirmed only by the
or the gain or loss on curtailment is recognized
occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more
immediately in Statement of profit or loss. The
uncertain future events not wholly within the control of
Company recognizes gains and losses on the se�lement
the Company or; present obliga�on that arises from
of a defined benefit plan when the se�lement occurs.
past events where it is not probable that an ou�low of
resources embodying economic benefits will be
ii) Other long-term employee benefits
required to se�le the obliga�on; or the amount of the
Compensated absences obliga�on cannot be measured with sufficient
The employees can carry forward a por�on of the reliability are disclosed as con�ngent liability and not
provided for.

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 58

iii) Con�ngent asset differences between the carrying amounts of assets
and liabili�es for financial repor�ng purposes and the
A con�ngent asset is a possible asset that arises from
corresponding amounts used for taxa�on purposes.
past events and whose existence will be confirmed only
Deferred tax is also recognized in respect of carried
by the occurrence or non- occurrence of one or more
forward tax losses and tax credits. Deferred tax is not
uncertain future events not wholly within the control of
recognized for temporary differences arising on the
the Company. Con�ngent assets are not recognized in
ini�al recogni�on of assets or liabili�es in a transac�on
the financial statements.
that is not a business combina�on and that affects
iv) Commitments neither accoun�ng nor taxable profit or loss at the �me
of the transac�on; temporary differences related to
Commitments are future liabili�es for contractual investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint
expenditure, classified and disclosed as follows: arrangements to the extent that the Company is able to
control the �ming of the reversal of the temporary
a) Es�mated amount of contracts remaining to be
differences and it is probable that they will not reverse
executed on capital account and not provided for;
in the foreseeable future; and taxable temporary
b) Uncalled liability on shares and other investments differences arising on the ini�al recogni�on of goodwill.
partly paid;
Deferred tax assets are recognized to the extent that it
c) Funding related commitment to associate; and is probable that future taxable profits will be available
against which they can be used. The existence of
d) Other non-cancellable commitments, if any, to the unused tax losses is strong evidence that future taxable
extent they are considered material and relevant in the profit may not be available. Therefore, in case of a
opinion of management. history of recent losses, the Company recognises a
deferred tax asset only to the extent that it has
3.16 Income tax sufficient taxable temporary differences or there is
Income tax comprises current and deferred tax. It is convincing other evidence that sufficient taxable profit
recognized in Statement of profit or loss except to the will be available against which such deferred tax asset
extent that it relates to a business combina�on or to an can be realised. Deferred tax assets – unrecognized or
item recognized directly in equity or in other recognized, are reviewed at each repor�ng date and
comprehensive income. are recognized/ reduced to the extent that it is
probable/ no longer probable respec�vely that the
i) Current tax related tax benefit will be realised.
Current tax comprises the expected tax payable or
Deferred tax is measured at the tax rates that are
receivable on the taxable income or loss for the year
expected to apply to the period when the asset is
and any adjustment to the tax payable or receivable in
realised or the liability is se�led, based on the laws that
respect of previous years. The amount of current tax
have been enacted or substan�vely enacted by the
reflects the best es�mate of the tax amount expected
repor�ng date. The measurement of deferred tax
to be paid or received a�er considering the
reflects the tax consequences that would follow from
uncertainty, if any, related to income taxes. It is
the manner in which the Company expects, at the
measured using tax rates (and tax laws) enacted or
repor�ng date, to recover or se�le the carrying amount
substan�vely enacted by the repor�ng date.
of its assets and liabili�es.
Current tax assets and current tax liabili�es are offset
Deferred tax assets and liabili�es are offset if there is a
only if there is a legally enforceable right to set off the
legally enforceable right to offset current tax liabili�es
recognized amounts, and it is intended to realise the
and assets, and they relate to income taxes levied by
asset and se�le the liability on a net basis or
the same tax authority on the same taxable en�ty, or
on different tax en��es, but they intend to se�le
ii) Deferred tax current tax liabili�es and assets on a net basis or their
tax assets and liabili�es will be realised simultaneously.
Deferred tax is recognized in respect of temporary

59 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

3.17 Borrowing cost share holders for the year a�er giving impact of dilu�ve
poten�al equity shares for the year by the weighted
Borrowing costs are interest and other costs incurred in
average number of equity shares and dilu�ve poten�al
connec�on with the borrowings of funds. Borrowing
equity shares outstanding during the year, except
costs directly a�ributable to acquisi�on or construc�on
where the results are an�-dilu�ve.
of an asset which necessarily take a substan�al period
of �me to get ready for their intended use are
capitalized as part of the cost of the asset. Other 3.21 Cash flow statement
borrowings costs are recognized as an expense in the
Cash flows are reported using the indirect method,
statement of profit and loss account on an accrual basis
whereby profit before tax is adjusted for the effects of
using the effec�ve interest method.
transac�ons of a non–cash nature and any deferrals or
accruals of past or future cash receipts or payments.
Interest expenses are calculated using the EIR and all
The cash flows from regular revenue genera�ng,
other Borrowing costs are recognized in the Statement
financing and inves�ng ac�vi�es of the Company are
of profit and loss in the period in which they are
segregated. Cash and cash equivalents (including bank
balances) shown in the Statement of Cash Flows
3.18 Cash and cash equivalents exclude items which are not available for general use as
on the date of Balance Sheet.
Cash and cash equivalents comprises cash on hand,
cheques on hand and balances with banks. Cash 3.22 Goods and Services Input Tax Credit
equivalents are short-term balances (with an original
Goods and Services tax input credit is recognized for in
maturity of three months or less from the date of
the books in the period in which the supply of goods or
acquisi�on), highly liquid investments that are readily
service received is recognized and when there is no
conver�ble into known amounts of cash and which are
uncertainty in availing/u�lising the credits.
subject to insignificant risk of changes in value.
3.23 Segment Repor�ng
3.19 Segment repor�ng- Iden�fica�on of segments:
The Company’s main business is financing by way of
An opera�ng segment is a component of the Company
loans for the purchase or construc�on of residen�al
that engages in business ac�vi�es from which it may
houses, commercial real estate or certain other
earn revenues and incur expenses, whose opera�ng
purposes, in India. All other ac�vi�es of the
results are regularly reviewed by the Company's Chief
Corpora�on revolve around the main business. This in
Opera�ng Decision Maker (CODM) to make decisions
the context of Ind AS 108 – Opera�ng Segments
for which discrete financial informa�on is available.
repor�ng is considered to cons�tute one reportable
Based on the management approach as defined in Ind
AS 108, the CODM evaluates the Company's
performance and allocates resources based on an
4 No new standards as no�fied by Ministry of Corporate
analysis of various performance indicators by business
Affairs ("MCA"), through Companies (Indian Accoun�ng
segments and geographic segments.
Standards) Amendment Rules, 2019 and Companies
(Indian Accoun�ng Standards) Second Amendment
3.20 Earnings per share
Rules are effec�ve for the current year.
The Company reports basic and diluted earnings per
equity share in accordance with Ind AS 33, Earnings Per
Share. Basic earnings per equity share is computed by
dividing the net profit / loss (before other
comprehensive income) a�ributable to the equity
share holders for the year by the weighted average
number of equity shares outstanding during the year.
Diluted earnings per equity share is computed and
disclosed by dividing the net profit / loss (before other
comprehensive income) a�ributable to the equity

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 60

(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars As at As at
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
5 Cash and cash equivalents
Cash on hand 70.28 46.45
Balances with Banks
- In current / cash credit accounts* 1,205.18 986.35
Total 1,275.46 1,032.80
*includes earmarked unspent balances for CSR in special bank account of INR 65.15 lakh as on 31st March, 2022 (Nil as on 31st
March, 2021)

6 Other Receivables
Receivables from others - 550.71
Total - 550.71

7 Loans
At amor�sed cost
A. Based on nature
Retail Loans 3,49,532.79 2,23,040.15
Term Loans 27,350.54 24,674.05
Total gross 3,76,883.33 2,47,714.20
Less : Impairment loss allowance (6,445.32) (2,871.77)
Total net 3,70,438.01 2,44,842.43
B. Based on security
(i) Secured by tangible assets 3,76,883.33 2,47,714.20
(ii) Unsecured - -
Total gross 3,76,883.33 2,47,714.20
Less : Impairment loss allowance (6,445.32) (2,871.77)
Total net 3,70,438.01 2,44,842.43
C. Based on region
(I) Loans in India
(i) Public Sector - -
(ii) Others 3,76,883.33 2,47,714.20
Total gross 3,76,883.33 2,47,714.20
Less : Impairment loss allowance (6,445.32) (2,871.77)
Total net (I) 3,70,438.01 2,44,842.43
(II) Loans outside India
Loans outside India - -
Total net (II) - -
Total (I)+(II) 3,70,438.01 2,44,842.43
Notes :
1. Retail loans are secured exposures that are secured by assets mortgaged to the company.
2. Term loans are secured exposures that are secured by assets/ underlying por�olio hypothecated to the company by the

61 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars As at As at
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
8 Investments
At amor�sed cost
Investment in Non-conver�ble debentures (unquoted)
Muthoot Housing Finance Company Limited 251.01 501.87
Investment in Alterna�ve Investment Fund
Vivri� Samarath Bond Fund 1,033.75 1,000.66
Investment in pass-through cer�ficates (unquoted)
Aptus Value Housing Finance India Limited 496.04 1,435.77
India Shelters Finance Corpora�on Limited 844.40 1,466.11
Gross Investments 2,625.20 4,404.41
(i) Investments outside India - -
(ii) Investments in India 2,625.20 4,404.41
Gross Investments 2,625.20 4,404.41
Less: Allowance for impairment loss (6.21) (16.24)
Net Investments 2,618.99 4,388.17

9 Other financial assets

Employee advances 4.62 -
Security deposits (Refer Note 30) 160.05 145.21
Receivable from assignment of por�olio 4,852.30 1,356.44
Receivables towards insurance refund 155.69 322.31
Total 5,172.66 1,823.96

10 Tax assets (net)

Current tax assets (net)
Advance income tax (net of provision) 244.12 341.40
Deferred tax assets (net)
Deferred tax assets / (liability) (Refer Note 28) 507.54 274.78

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 62

11 Property, plant and equipment
(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars Vehicle and Computers Total

Cost (gross carrying amount)

Balance as at 1st April, 2020 2.64 20.20 31.30 341.85 395.99
Addi�ons - - - 52.60 52.60
Disposals - - - - -
Balance as at 31st March, 2021 2.64 20.20 31.30 394.45 448.59
Balance as at 1st April, 2021 2.64 20.20 31.30 394.45 448.59
Addi�ons - 5.02 3.13 223.53 231.67
Disposals - - - - -
Balance as at 31st March, 2022 2.64 25.22 34.43 617.98 680.26
Accumulated deprecia�on
Balance as at 1st April, 2020 0.30 6.34 16.64 184.83 208.11
Deprecia�on for the year 0.53 2.52 5.69 95.33 104.07
Disposals - - - - -
Balance as at 31st March, 2021 0.83 8.86 22.33 280.16 312.18
Balance as at 1st April, 2021 0.83 8.86 22.33 280.16 312.18
Deprecia�on for the year 0.53 2.67 5.87 109.39 118.45
Disposals - - - - -
Balance as at 31st March, 2022 1.36 11.53 28.20 389.55 430.63
Carrying amount (net)
As at 31st March, 2021 1.81 11.34 8.97 114.29 136.41
As at 31st March, 2022 1.28 13.69 6.23 228.43 249.63

11A Other Intangible assets

(INR in Lakh)

Par�culars Computer So�ware Total

Cost (gross carrying amount)

Balance as at 1st April, 2020 6.82 6.82
Addi�ons - -
Disposals - -
Balance as at 31st March, 2021 6.82 6.82
Balance as at 1st April, 2021 6.82 6.82
Addi�ons - -
Disposals - -
Balance as at 31st March, 2022 6.82 6.82
Accumulated Amor�sa�on
Balance as at 1st April, 2020 3.53 3.53
Amor�sa�on for the year 1.20 1.20
Disposals - -
Balance as at 31st March, 2021 4.73 4.73
Balance as at 1st April, 2021 4.73 4.73
Amor�sa�on for the year 1.20 1.20
Balance as at 31st March, 2022 5.93 5.93
Carrying amount (net)
As at 31st March, 2021 2.09 2.09
As at 31st March, 2022 0.89 0.89

63 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars As at As at
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
12 Other non-financial assets
Prepaid rent 28.80 24.90
GST Input Tax Credit 258.35 10.28
Trade Advances 1.13 8.47
Total 288.28 43.65

13 Trade payable
(i) Total outstanding dues of micro and small enterprises - -
(Refer Note 35 & 36)
(ii) Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro and 276.81 264.61
small enterprises
Total 276.81 264.61

14 Borrowings
At amor�sed cost
Secured borrowings
Term Loan from banks (Refer Note 14.3) 3,07,090.40 1,95,768.55
Cash credit and working capital demand loans from banks* 17,799.63 20,646.67
Total 3,24,890.03 2,16,415.22
Borrowings in India 3,24,890.03 2,16,415.22
Borrowings outside India - -
Total 3,24,890.03 2,16,415.22
Total 3,24,890.03 2,16,415.22

Secured borrowing investments in pass through cer�ficates and

non-conver�ble debentures and the quarterly returns
14.1 Cash credit and working capital demand loans from
or statements filed by the company with banks are in
banks carry interest rates ranging from "MCLR of the
agreement with the books of account.
respec�ve bank + 0.10% per annum" to "MCLR of the
respec�ve bank + 2.10% per annum". These loans are
14.2 The Company has not defaulted in repayment of
secured by hypotheca�on of designated assets on
borrowings and interest.
finance / loan and future receivables therefrom, and

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 64

14.3 Details of terms of redemp�on/ repayment and security provided in respect of term loans:
(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars Amount Terms of redemp�on/repayment Security
Term loans from banks
Term loan - 1 11,839.42 Repayable in 96 Equal Monthly installments Exclusive charge on Specific
(14,355.03) Remaining no. of installments: 57 receivables

Term loan - 2 2,631.57 Repayable in 57 Equal Monthly installments Exclusive hypotheca�on of standard
(3,684.21) Remaining no. of installments: 30 receivables

Term loan - 3 9,672.00 Repayable in 31 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on the company's
(11,288.00) Remaining no. of installments: 24 receivables

Term loan - 4 5,806.00 Repayable in 31 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on the priority sector
(6,774.00) Remaining no. of installments: 24 receivables (housing) (created out of
loan proceeds)
Term loan - 5 7,842.60 Repayable in 28 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on the receivables
(9,283.87) Remaining no. of installments: 22

Term loan - 6 7,485.28 Repayable in 28 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive floa�ng charge on specific
(8,925.39) Remaining no. of installments: 21 book debts and future receivables

Term loan - 7 6,781.74 Repayable in 28 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on receivables of the
(8,212.02) Remaining no. of installments: 19 company

Term loan - 8 3,376.43 Repayable in 28 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive Floa�ng charge on specific
(4,099.33) Remaining no. of installments: 19 book debts and future receivables

Term loan - 9 4,976.79 Repayable in 28 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on receivables of the
(6,409.24) Remaining no. of installments: 14 company

Term loan - 10 629.16 Repayable in 31 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on specific
(822.68) Remaining no. of installments: 13 receivables / book debts other than
those specifically charged to other

Term loan - 11 5,000.28 Repayable in 24 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on specific
(6,668.87) Remaining no. of installments: 12 receivables

Term loan - 12 4,500.00 Repayable in 20 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on the
(5,000.00) Remaining no. of installments: 18 unencumbered iden�fied set of
receivables from standard assets
por�olio of receivables.

Term loan - 13 961.00 Repayable in 31 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on specific
(1,285.00) Remaining no. of installments: 12 receivables / book debts other than
those specifically charged to other

Term loan - 14 3,119.92 Repayable in 24 Equal Quarterly installments First charge by way of hypotheca�on
(4,372.36) Remaining no. of installments: 10 of the specific future receivables from
the performing loan por�olio, which
are iden�fied by the company from
�me to �me

65 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars Amount Terms of redemp�on/repayment Security
Term loan - 15 1,125.00 Repayable in 24 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on specific loan
(1,625.00) Remaining no. of installments: 9 receivables

Term loan - 16 8,400.00 Repayable in 20 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive Charge on Book debts
(13,200.00) Remaining no. of installments: 7

Term loan - 17 900.00 Repayable in 20 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on Specific
(1,500.00) Remaining no. of installments: 6 receivables

Term loan - 18 3,125.00 Repayable in 16 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on the
(5,625.00) Remaining no. of installments: 5 unencumbered iden�fied set of
receivables from standard assets
por�olio of receivables.

Term loan - 19 416.66 Repayable in 12 Equal Quarterly installments Hypotheca�on of exclusive charge on
(2,083.33) Remaining no. of installments: 1 specific receivables

Term loan - 20 - Repayable in 12 Equal Quarterly installments Hypotheca�on of exclusive charge on

(1,249.91) Remaining no. of installments: Nil specific receivables

Term loan - 21 - Repayable in 8 Equal Half-yearly installments Exclusive charge on specific loan
(1,250.00) Remaining no. of installments: Nil receivables

Term loan - 22 7,199.43 Repayable in 72 Equal Monthly installments Exclusive charge on specific
(8,886.85) Remaining no. of installments: 52 receivables

Term loan - 23 18,556.04 Repayable in 28 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on the receivables
(19,986.82) Remaining no. of installments: 26

Term loan - 24 6,250.00 Repayable in 18 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on the
(7,500.00) Remaining no. of installments: 15 unencumbered iden�fied set of
receivables from standard assets
por�olio of receivables.

Term loan - 25 10,644.97 Repayable in 81 Equal Monthly installments Exclusive charge on specific
(12,498.84) Remaining no. of installments: 69 receivables

Term loan - 26 6,467.24 Repayable in 81 Equal Monthly installments Exclusive charge on the priority sector
(7,487.76) Remaining no. of installments: 70 receivables (housing)

Term loan - 27 9,994.45 Repayable in 28 Equal Quarterly installments First charge by way of hypotheca�on
(1,999.43) Remaining no. of installments: 28 of the specific future receivables from
the performing loan por�olio, which
are iden�fied by the company from
�me to �me

Term loan - 28 9,227.79 Repayable in 26 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on the receivables
(9,999.64) Remaining no. of installments: 24

Term loan - 29 7,999.94 Repayable in 60 Equal Monthly installments Exclusive charge on the priority sector
(10,000.00) Remaining no. of installments: 48 receivables (housing)

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 66

(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars Amount Terms of redemp�on/repayment Security
Term loan - 30 3,000.00 Repayable in 3 Equal Annual installments Exclusive charge on the
- Remaining no. of installments: 3 unencumbered iden�fied set of
receivables from standard assets
por�olio of receivables.

Term loan - 31 9,272.35 Repayable in 84 Equal Monthly installments Exclusive charge of specific receivables
- Remaining no. of installments: 78 from the performing loan por�olio

Term loan - 32 11,999.95 Repayable in 28 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on the receivables
- Remaining no. of installments: 28

Term loan - 33 7,999.40 Repayable in 20 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on specific housing
- Remaining no. of installments: 20 loan receivables

Term loan - 34 7,499.99 Repayable in 81 Equal Monthly installments Exclusive hypotheca�on of PSL
- Remaining no. of installments: 81 receivables

Term loan - 35 3,000.00 Repayable in 60 Equal Monthly installments Exclusive charge on specific loan
- Remaining no. of installments: 60 receivables

Term loan - 36 7,999.46 Repayable in 28 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on the standard
- Remaining no. of installments: 28 receivables

Term loan - 37 19,998.27 Repayable in 24 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on standard loan
- Remaining no. of installments: 24 receivables

Term loan - 38 9,857.42 Repayable in 96 Equal Monthly installments Exclusive charge on priority sector
- Remaining no. of installments: 95 house mortgage loans/ assets

Term loan - 39 9,999.59 Repayable in 96 Equal Monthly installments Exclusive charge on priority sector
- Remaining no. of installments: 96 house mortgage loans/ assets

Term loan - 40 14,032.00 Repayable in 31 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on the company's
- Remaining no. of installments: 29 receivables

Term loan - 41 5,000.00 Repayable in 31 Equal Monthly installments Exclusive charge on the company's
- Remaining no. of installments: 31 receivables

Term loan - 42 5,000.00 Repayable in 16 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge of specific standard
- Remaining no. of installments: 16 receivables

Term loan - 43 20,000.00 Repayable in 26 Equal Quarterly installments Exclusive charge on the receivables
- Remaining no. of installments: 26

Term loan - 44 7,999.37 Repayable in 84 Equal Monthly installments Exclusive hypotheca�on of book debts
- Remaining no. of installments: 84

Total term loans 3,07,586.52

from banks (1,96,072.58)
(i) Figures in bracket represents the figures for FY 2020-21
(ii) Maturity profile above is disclosed at face value which excludes the impact of effec�ve rate of interest and interest
accrued amoun�ng to INR 520.91 Lakh (31st March, 2021 - INR 304.04 Lakh)

67 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars As at As at
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
15 Other financial liabili�es
Accrued employee benefits expenses 338.90 255.84
Payable to customers 285.60 669.08
Payable towards assignment of por�olio 958.16 86.77
Total 1,582.66 1,011.69

16 Current tax liabili�es (Net)

Provision for current taxes (Net) - 28.36
Total - 28.36

17 Provisions
Provision for Employee Benefits
- Gratuity (Refer Note 34) 9.26 97.75
- Compensated Absences (Refer Note 34) 103.85 55.84
Total 113.11 153.59

18 Other non-financial liabili�es

Statutory dues 155.99 223.37
Total 155.99 223.37

19 Equity Share Capital

400,000,000 (31st March, 2021: 300,000,000) equity shares of Rs.10/- each 40,000.00 30,000.00
40,000.00 30,000.00
Issued, Subscribed and fully paid up
223,600,000 (31st March 2021: 215,000,000) equity shares of Rs.10/- each 22,360.00 21,500.00
22,360.00 21,500.00

a) Reconcilia�on of the number of equity shares and amount outstanding as at beginning and as at end of the year:
(INR in Lakh)
Year ended 31st March 2022 Year ended 31st March 2021
No. of shares Amount No. of shares Amount
Equity shares
At the beginning of the year 21,50,00,000 21,500.00 19,00,00,000 19,000.00
Add: Shares issued during the year 86,00,000 860.00 2,50,00,000 2,500.00
At the end of the year 22,36,00,000 22,360.00 21,50,00,000 21,500.00

b) Terms/ rights a�ached to equity shares

The Company has a single class of equity shares having (not on show of hands) are in propor�on to its share of
face value of Rs. 10/- each. Accordingly, all equity shares the paid-up equity capital of the Company. On winding
rank equally with regard to dividends and share in the up, the holders of equity shares will be en�tled to
Company's residual assets. The equity shares are receive the residual assets of the Company, remaining
en�tled to receive dividend as declared from �me to a�er distribu�on of all preferen�al amounts in
�me. The vo�ng rights of an equity shareholder on a poll propor�on to the number of equity shares held.

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 68

c) Shares held by holding / ul�mate holding company and / or their subsidiaries / associates

As at 31st March 2022 As at 31st March 2021

No. of shares % held No. of shares % held
Equity shares
Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited, holding 22,36,00,000 100.00% 21,50,00,000 100.00%
company and it's nominees

d) Details of shareholders holding more than 5% shares in the Company

As at 31st March 2022 As at 31st March 2021

No. of shares % held No. of shares % held
Equity shares
Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited, holding 22,36,00,000 100.00% 21,50,00,000 100.00%
company and it's nominees

e) Shareholding of Promoters
Shares held by promoters at the As at 31st March 2022 As at 31st March 2021
end of the year % Change % Change
Promoter name No. of % of total During the No. of % of total During the
Shares shares year Shares shares year
Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited 22,35,99,994 100% - 21,49,99,994 100% -
Nagarajan Srinivasan* 1 - - 1 - -
Sachin Pillai* 1 - - 1 - -
Gopal Mahadevan* 1 - - 1 - -
Kishore Kumar Lodha* 1 - - 1 - -
Vamsi Kumar* 1 - - 1 - -
B Shanmugasundaram* 1 - - 1 - -

* Beneficiary interest in 6 equity shares are held by Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited
20 Other Equity
(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars As at As at
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
a) Special Reserve
(As per sec�on 36(1)(viii) of Income Tax Act, 1961)
Balance at the beginning of the year 2,334.78 1,524.32
Add: Amount transferred from surplus in statement of profit and loss 1,637.82 810.46
Balance at the end of the year 3,972.60 2,334.78
b) Statutory Reserve
(As per sec�on 29C of The Na�onal Housing Bank Act,1987)
Balance at the beginning of the year 436.93 -
Add: Amount transferred from surplus in statement of profit and loss 513.51 436.93
Balance at the end of the year 950.44 436.93
c) Retained Earnings (Surplus in Statement of Profit and Loss)
Balance at the beginning of the year 11,061.18 6,071.63
Add: Profit for the year 10,756.66 6,236.94
Less : Transferred to Special Reserve (1,637.82) (810.46)
Less : Transferred to Statutory Reserve (513.51) (436.93)
Balance at the end of the year 19,666.51 11,061.18
d) Other comprehensive income
Balance at the beginning of the year 6.67 (5.06)
Add: Comprehensive Income for the year 26.76 11.73
Balance at the end of the year 33.43 6.67

69 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars As at As at
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
e) Securi�es Premium
Balance at the beginning of the year - -
Add: Premium on issue of share capital 6,794.00 -
Balance at the end of the year 6,794.00 -
Total 31,416.98 13,839.56

Nature and purpose of reserve 20.2 Surplus in the statement of profit and loss
20.1 Statutory Reserve Surplus in the statement of profit and loss is the
Sec�on 29C (i) of The Na�onal Housing Bank (NHB), accumulated profit of the Company carried forward
1987 defines that every housing finance ins�tu�on from earlier years. These reserve are free reserves
which is a company shall create a reserve fund and which can be u�lised for any purpose as may be
transfer therein a sum not less than twenty percent of required.
its net profit every year as disclosed in the statement of
profit and loss before any dividend is declared. For this 20.3 Remeasurement of the defined benefit liabili�es
purpose any special reserve created by the company Remeasurement of the net defined benefit liabili�es
under sec�on 36(1)(viii) of the Income Tax Act,1961, is comprise actuarial gain or loss, return on plan assets
considered to be an eligible transfer. excluding interest and the effect of asset ceiling, if any.

21 Revenue from opera�ons

(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars Year ended Year ended
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Interest income on financial assets measured at amor�sed cost
- Interest income on loans to customers 38,016.83 23,716.92
- Interest income from investments
- on pass through cer�ficates 223.68 344.19
- on debentures 41.71 67.88
- on alterna�ve investment funds 132.34 0.66
- on cer�ficate of deposit - 410.42
- Interest on security deposit 14.85 13.37
Total (A) 38,429.41 24,553.44
Fees and commission income
- Service charges 278.46 78.78
Total (B) 278.46 78.78
Net Gain on Derecogni�on of Financial Instruments
- Income on assignment of loans 3,998.51 1,365.05
Total (C) 3,998.51 1,365.05
Total 42,706.38 25,997.27

22 Other Income
- Income from interest on Income Tax refund 43.75 -
- Income from marke�ng/display services 1,000.00 1,850.00
Total 1,043.75 1,850.00

23 Finance costs
Finance costs on financial liabili�es measured at amor�sed cost
Interest on borrowings
- on term loans 18,969.22 13,114.09
- on cash credits and working capital demand loans 742.24 743.79
Total 19,711.46 13,857.88

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 70

24 Impairment on financial assets (INR in Lakh)
Par�culars Year ended Year ended
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
On financial assets measured at amor�sed cost
Provision for expected credit loss
- on loans 3,573.55 1,299.37
- on investments (10.03) 11.20
Others - Waiver 753.91 367.48
Total 4,317.43 1,678.05

25 Employee benefits expenses

Salaries, wages and bonus 3,867.39 2,610.10
Contribu�on to provident and other funds 188.86 127.37
Staff welfare expenses 52.66 1.45
Gratuity and Compensated Absenses (Refer Note 34) 93.03 42.94
Total 4,201.94 2,781.86
26 Deprecia�on and amor�za�on
Deprecia�on of property, plant and equipment (Refer Note 11) 118.45 104.07
Amor�sa�on of intangible assets (Refer Note 11A) 1.20 1.20
Total 119.65 105.27
27 Other expenses
Rent 60.32 70.31
Insurance 127.00 62.47
Electricity charges 10.30 4.71
Communica�on expenses 112.52 50.73
Legal and professional charges 759.81 666.12
Payment to Auditors 35.62 32.00
Rates and taxes 95.78 27.90
Bank charges 53.81 60.25
Prin�ng and sta�onery 66.32 52.50
Travelling and conveyance 264.74 139.13
Subscrip�on and licensing charges 0.25 10.00
Si�ng fees to directors 11.70 7.80
Adver�sement and sale promo�on 20.61 13.18
Expenditure incurred on Corporate Social Responsibility 104.36 66.13
Manpower Cost 145.63 79.47
Miscellaneous expenses 51.23 10.70
Total 1,920.00 1,353.40

Note: Payment to auditors (excluding goods and service tax)

Statutory audit 19.00 23.00
Tax audit 1.50 1.50
Cer�fica�on* 5.50 4.50
Limited Review* 6.00 3.00
Reimbursement of expenses 0.43 -
32.43 32.00
*includes payment to predecessor auditors for limited review and cer�fica�on
28 Income Tax
The components of income tax expense for the years ended 31st March, 2022 and 31st March, 2021 are:

Current tax 2,894.15 1,749.30

Deferred tax (241.75) 84.57
Tax pertaining for earlier years 70.59 -
Total tax charge 2,722.99 1,833.87

71 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

28.1 Reconcilia�on of the total tax charge

The tax charge shown in the statement of profit and loss differs from the tax charge that would apply if all profits had been
charged at India corporate tax rate. A reconcilia�on between the tax expense and the accoun�ng profit mul�plied by
India’s domes�c tax rate for the years ended 31st March, 2022 and 31st March, 2021 is, as follows:-
(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars Year ended Year ended
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Accoun�ng profit before tax 13,479.65 8,070.81
Applicable tax rate 25.17% 25.17%
Computed tax expense 3,392.56 2,031.26
Tax effect of :
Deduc�on under sec�on 36(1) of Income Tax Act, 1961 (564.57) (203.97)
Effect of current tax related to earlier years 61.94 -
Non deduc�ble items 74.77 6.58
Adjustments rela�ng to temporary difference (241.71) -
Tax expenses 2,722.99 1,833.87
Effec�ve tax rate 20.20% 22.72%
Tax expenses recognised in the statement of profit and loss 2,722.99 1,833.87

28.2 Deferred tax

The following table shows deferred tax recorded in the balance sheet and changes recorded in the Income tax expense
INR in Lakh
As at Statement As at
31st March, of profit 31st March,
2021 and loss 2022
Component of Deferred tax asset / (liability)
Deferred tax asset / (liability) in rela�on to:
Difference between WDV of property, plant and equipment 1.60 (1.89) - (0.29)
as per books of accounts and income tax records
Impairment on financial assets 578.08 744.54 - 1,322.62
Provision for employee benefits 38.66 32.43 (9.00) 62.09
Excess Interest Spread upfron�ng (343.56) (533.31) - (876.87)
Total 274.78 241.77 (9.00) 507.54

(INR in Lakh)
As at Statement As at
31 March,
of profit 31st March,
2020 and loss 2021
Component of Deferred tax asset / (liability)
Deferred tax asset / (liability) in rela�on to:
Difference between WDV of property, plant and equipment (5.52) 7.12 - 1.60
as per books of accounts and income tax records
Impairment on financial assets 340.30 237.78 - 578.08
Provision for employee benefits 27.85 14.75 (3.94) 38.66
Others 0.66 (0.66) - 0.00
Excess Interest Spread upfron�ng - (343.56) - (343.56)
Total 363.29 (84.57) (3.94) 274.78

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 72

29 Earnings per share ("EPS")
(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars Year ended Year ended
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Net profit a�er tax a�ributable to equity shareholders 10,756.66 6,236.94
Weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year 21,52,59,178 19,28,76,712
for calcula�on of basic and diluted EPS
Face value per share 10.00 10.00
Earnings per share
- Basic 5.00 3.23
- Diluted 5.00 3.23
30 Related party disclosure
Name of the related par�es and nature of rela�onship
Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited ("HLF")
- Holding company of Hinduja Housing Finance Limited
Ashok Leyland Limited (“ALL”) – Holding Company of HLF
Hinduja Automo�ve Limited ("HAL") – Holding Company of ALL
Holding company / Ul�mate holding company
Machen Holdings S.A ("Machen") – Holding Company of HAL
Machen Development Corpora�on ("MDC")
– Holding Company of Machen
Amas Holdings S.A. – Holding Company of MDC

Associate of the holding company HLF Services Limited ("HSL")

Mr. S Nagarajan, Chairman
Mr. Sachin Pillai, Managing Director
Key management personnel ("KMP") Mr. Gopal Mahadevan, Director
Mr. G S Sundararajan, Independent Director
Ms. Bhumika Batra, Independent Director
Mr. Srinivas Acharya, Independent Director
Related party transac�ons
(INR in Lakh)
Holding Associate of
company the holding KMP
(HLF) company (HSL)
Allotment of equity shares 860.00 - -
(2,500.00) - -
Reimbursement of expenses incurred on behalf of HHF 369.64 - -
(125.10) - -
Service provider fees - 2,919.95 -
- (1,378.61) -
Rental expense 14.52 - -
(14.52) - -
Interest on security deposit 14.85 - -
(13.37) - -
Directors si�ng fee
- Mr. G S Sundararajan - - 5.70
- - (4.50)
- Ms. Bhumika Batra - - 4.50
- - (3.30)
- Mr. Srinivas Acharya - - 1.50
- - -
Note: Figures in bracket represents the figures for FY 2020-21

73 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

Related party balances

(INR in Lakh)
Year ended Year ended
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited
Security deposit (recoverable) 149.80 137.11
Prepaid rent 10.38 24.90

30.1 There are no provisions for doub�ul debts / advances or amounts wri�en off or wri�en back for debts due from/ due to
related par�es.
30.2 The transac�ons disclosed above are exclusive of GST.
30.3 The Company enters into transac�ons, arrangements and agreements involving related par�es and their business
associates, or close family members, in the ordinary course of business under the same commercial and market terms,
interest and commission rates that apply to non-related par�es.
30.4 There are no loans or advances in the nature of loans, that are granted to promoters, directors, KMPs and the related
par�es, either severally or jointly with any other person.

31 Segment repor�ng
The Company is primarily engaged into business of providing housing & term loans. The company has its opera�ons
within India and all revenues are generated within India. As such, there are no separate reportable segments as per the
provisions of IND AS 108 on ‘Opera�ng Segments’.

32 Con�ngent liabili�es and commitments

a) Con�ngent liabili�es - There are no con�ngent liabili�es as at 31st March, 2022.
(31st March, 2021: Nil)
b) Commitments - Sanc�oned and undisbursed amounts of loans as at
31st March, 2022 : INR 12,354.95 lakh
(31st March, 2021 : INR 8,960.25 lakh)

33 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) expenses

(INR in Lakh)
Year ended Year ended
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
(a) Amount required to be spent by the company during the year 104.36 66.13
(b) Amount of expenditure incurred - 0.98
(c) Shor�all at the end of the year 104.36 65.15
(d) Total of previous years shor�all 169.51 65.15
(e) Reason for shor�all The Company has iden�fied CSR projects and
allocated the CSR budget. As the project is
ongoing, the unspent amount has been
transferred to unspent CSR account and will be
spent towards the projects.
(f) Nature of CSR ac�vi�es 1. Water Conserva�on
2. Road to School (Educa�on)
(g) Details of related party transac�ons, e.g., contribu�on to a trust Nil Nil
controlled by the company in rela�on to CSR expenditure as per relevant
Accoun�ng Standard
(h) Where a provision is made with respect to a liability incurred by Nil Nil
entering into a contractual obliga�on, the movements in the provision
during the year shall be shown separately
The Company has unspent CSR provision of INR 169.51 lakh as on 31st March 2022 and is in process of u�lizing against
approved projects.

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 74

34 Re�rement benefits backing the liability. In such cases, the present value of
(a) Defined contribu�on plans: the assets is independent of the future discount rate.
The Company makes contribu�ons, determined as a This can result in wide fluctua�ons in the net liability or
specified percentage of employee salaries, in respect of the funded status if there are significant changes in the
qualifying employees towards provident fund, which is discount rate during the inter-valua�on period.
a defined contribu�on plan. The Company has no Salary Infla�on Risk: The benefits under the plan are
obliga�ons other than to make the specified related to the employee’s last drawn salary.
contribu�ons. The contribu�ons are charged to the Consequently, any unusual rise in future salary of the
statement of profit and loss as they accrue. The amount employee raises the quantum of benefit payable by the
recognised as an expense towards contribu�on to company, which results in a higher liability for the
provident fund for the year aggregated to INR 188.86 company and is therefore a plan risk for the company.
lakhs (31st March, 2021 : INR 127.37 lakhs) Market Risk: Market risk is a collec�ve term for risks
that are related to the changes and fluctua�ons of the
financial markets. One actuarial assump�on that has a
(b) Defined benefit plan:
material effect is the discount rate. The discount rate
Gratuity plan
reflects the �me value of money. An increase in
Financial assets not measured at fair value discount rate leads to decrease in defined benefit
The Company operates a defined benefit plan (the obliga�on of the plan benefits and vice versa. This
gratuity plan) covering eligible employees. The gratuity assump�on depends on the yields on the government
plan is governed by the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. bonds and hence the valua�on of liability is exposed to
Under the act, employee who has completed five years fluctua�ons in the yields as at the valua�on date.
of service is en�tled to specific benefit. The level of Legisla�ve Risk: Legisla�ve risk is the risk of increase in
benefits provided depends on the member’s length of the plan liabili�es or reduc�on in the plan assets due to
service and salary at re�rement age/ resigna�on date. change in the legisla�on/regula�on. The government
The defined benefit plans expose the Company to risks may amend the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, thus
such as actuarial risk, investment risk, liquidity risk, requiring the companies to pay higher benefits to the
market risk, legisla�ve risk etc. These are discussed as employees. This will directly affect the present value of
follows: the defined benefit obliga�on and the same will have to
Interest Rate Risk: The defined benefit obliga�on be recognized immediately in the year when any such
calculated uses a discount rate based on government amendment is effec�ve.
bonds. If the bond yields fall, the defined benefit The following table sets out the status of the gratuity
obliga�on will tend to increase. plan as required under IND AS 19. Reconcilia�on of
Investment Risk: For funded plans that rely on insurers opening and closing balances of the present value of the
for managing the assets, the value of assets cer�fied by defined benefit obliga�on.
the insurer may not be the fair value of instruments

(INR in Lakh)
Year ended Year ended
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Present value of obliga�ons 107.70 97.75
Fair value of plan assets 98.45 -
Asset / (Liability) recognised in the Balance Sheet (9.25) (97.75)

Movement in present values of defined benefit obliga�ons

Defined benefit obliga�on at the beginning of the year 97.75 64.12
Current service cost 41.54 44.74
Interest cost 6.93 4.56
Actuarial (gains) / losses (38.01) (15.67)
Benefits paid by the plan (0.51) -
Defined benefit obliga�on at the end of the year 107.70 97.75

75 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

(INR in Lakh)
Year ended Year ended
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Movement in fair value of plan assets
Fair value of plan assets at the beginning of the year - -
Contribu�ons paid into the plan 97.75 -
Benefits paid by the plan (0.51) -
Expected Interest income of assets 3.46 -
Actuarial (losses) / gains (2.25) -
Fair value of plan assets at the end of the year 98.45 -

Expense recognised in the statement of profit or loss

Current service cost 41.54 44.74
Interest on obliga�on 6.93 4.56
Expected return on plan assets (3.46) -
Net actuarial (gain)/ loss recognised in the year (35.76) (15.67)
Total 9.25 33.63
Remeasurements on the net defined benefit liability :
- Actuarial (gain)/loss from change in demographic assump�ons (45.75) -
- Actuarial (gain)/loss from change in financial assump�ons 19.90 (2.99)
- Actuarial (gain)/loss from change in experience DBO (12.16) (12.68)
- Return on plan assets more/less than expected based on discount rate 2.25 -
Total amount recognised in other comprehensive income (35.76) (15.67)

Actuarial assump�ons
Discount rate 7.10% 7.11%
Es�mated rate of return on plan assets 7.11% 0.50%
A�ri�on rate 28.00% 18.00%
Future salary increases 15.00% 12.00%
Re�rement age 58 years 58 years
Mortality Rate Indian Assured Lives Indian Assured Lives
Mortality (2012-14) Mortality (2012-14)
Ul�mate Ul�mate

The es�mates of future salary increases, considered in regarding future mortality are based on published
actuarial valua�on, take account of infla�on, seniority, sta�s�cs and mortality tables. The calcula�on of the
promo�on and other relevant factors, such as supply defined benefit obliga�on is sensi�ve to the mortality
and demand in the employment market. Assump�ons assump�ons.

Five year informa�on

(INR in Lakh)
Year ended Year ended Year ended 31st Year ended 31st Year ended 31st
31st March 2022 31st March 2021 March 2020 March 2019 March 2018
Defined benefit obliga�on 107.70 97.75 64.12 20.29 3.93
Fair value of plan assets 98.45 - - - -
Deficit in plan 9.25 97.75 64.12 20.29 3.93
Experience adjustments on plan liabili�es (35.76) (15.67) 8.64 2.34 (4.30)
Experience adjustments on plan assets - - - - -

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 76

Sensi�vity Analysis
Reasonably possible changes at the repor�ng date to one of the relevant actuarial assump�ons, holding other
assump�ons constant, would have affected the defined benefit obliga�on by the amounts shown below:

(INR in Lakh)
Year ended Year ended
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Defined benefit obliga�on (Base) 107.70 97.75

(INR in Lakh)
Par�culars Year ended 31st March 2022 Year ended 31st March 2021

100 base points increase/decrease Increase Decrease Increase Decrease

Discount rate (- / + 1%) 99.59 116.94 86.53 111.10

(% change compared to base due to sensi�vity) -7.53% 8.58% -11.48% 13.66%
Future salary growth (- / + 1%) 114.30 101.59 109.39 87.45
(% change compared to base due to sensi�vity) 6.13% -5.67% 11.91% -10.54%
A�ri�on rate (- / + 1%) 103.12 112.69 92.03 104.18
(% change compared to base due to sensi�vity) -4.25% 4.64% -5.85% 6.58%
Although the analysis does not take account of the full distribu�on of cash flows expected under the plan, it does provide
an approxima�on of the sensi�vity of the assump�ons shown

(c) Other long term employee benefits The Ministry of Labour and Employment has released
dra� rules for the Code on Social Security, 2020 on 13th
The liability for compensated absences as at 31st
March, 2022 is INR 103.85 lakh (31st March, 2021 - INR November, 2020, and has invited sugges�ons from
55.84 lakh). stakeholders which are under ac�ve considera�on by
the Ministry. The Company will assess the impact and
(d) Code on Social Security, 2020 its evalua�on once the subject rules are no�fied and
The Indian Parliament has approved the Code on Social will give appropriate impact in its financial statements
Security, 2020 which would impact the contribu�ons by in the period in which, the Code becomes effec�ve and
the Company towards Provident Fund and Gratuity. the related rules to determine the financial impact are

35 Micro and small enterprises

Under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 which came into force from 2nd October, 2006,
certain disclosures are required to be made rela�ng to Micro, Small and Medium enterprises. There have been no
reported cases of delays in payments to micro and small enterprises or of interest payments due to delays in such
payments. The disclosure as required by sec�on 22 of MSMED Act has been given below:

(INR in Lakh)
Year ended Year ended
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
(i) Principal amount remaining unpaid to any supplier as at the end of the
accoun�ng year - -
(ii) Interest due thereon remaining unpaid to any supplier as at the end of
the accoun�ng year - -
(iii) The amount of interest paid along with the amounts of the payment
made to the supplier beyond the appointed day - -
(iv) The amount of interest due and payable for the year - -
(v) The amount of interest accrued and remaining unpaid at the end of the
accoun�ng year - -
(vi) The amount of further interest due and payable even in the
succeeding year, un�l such date when the interest dues as above are
actually paid - -

77 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

36 Trade Payable ageing schedule
Year ended 31st March, 2022
(INR in Lakh)
Outstanding for following periods from due date of payment#
Par�culars Unbilled Less than 6 months More than
1-2 years 2-3 years Total
Dues 6 months - 1 year 3 years
(i) MSME - - - - - - -
(ii) Others 276.81 - - - - - 276.81
(iii) Disputed dues – MSME - - - - - - -
(iv) Disputed dues - Others - - - - - - -

Year ended 31st March, 2021

(INR in Lakh)
Outstanding for following periods from due date of payment#
Par�culars Unbilled Less than 6 months More than
1-2 years 2-3 years Total
Dues 6 months - 1 year 3 years
(i) MSME - - - - - - -
(ii) Others 264.61 - - - - - 264.61
(iii) Disputed dues – MSME - - - - - - -
(iv) Disputed dues - Others - - - - - - -

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements
37 Maturity Analysis of assets and liabili�es
The table below shows an analysis of assets and liabili�es analysed according to when they are expected to be recovered or se�led. With regard to loans and
advances to customers, the company uses the same basis of expected repayment behavior as used for es�ma�ng the EIR.
(INR in Lakh)
As at 31st March 2022 As at 31st March 2021
Par�culars Within A�er Within A�er
Total Total
12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months
Financial assets
Cash and cash equivalents 1,275.46 - 1,275.46 1,032.80 - 1,032.80
Receivable - - - 550.71 - 550.71
Loans 23,995.19 3,46,442.82 3,70,438.01 19,805.41 2,25,037.03 2,44,842.43
Investments 1,288.75 1,330.24 2,618.99 1,366.83 3,021.34 4,388.17
Other financial assets 1,726.82 3,445.84 5,172.66 737.45 1,086.50 1,823.96
Non-financial assets
Current tax assets (net) 244.12 - 244.12 341.40 - 341.40
Deferred tax assets (net) - 507.54 507.54 - 274.78 274.78
Property, plant and equipment 249.63 249.63 - 136.41 136.41
Intangible assets 0.89 0.89 - 2.09 2.09
Other non-financial assets 288.28 - 288.28 33.27 10.38 43.65
TOTAL ASSETS 28,818.62 3,51,976.96 3,80,795.58 23,867.87 2,29,568.53 2,53,436.40
Financial Liabili�es
Trade payables
(i) Total outstanding dues of micro and small enterprises - - - - - -
(ii) Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro and 276.81 - 276.81 264.61 - 264.61
small enterprises
Borrowings 73,072.11 2,51,817.92 3,24,890.03 58,882.89 1,57,532.33 2,16,415.22

79 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Other financial liabili�es 1,582.66 - 1,582.66 1,011.69 - 1,011.69
Non-financial liabili�es
Provision for current taxes (Net) - - - 28.36 - 28.36
Provisions 47.96 65.15 113.11 - 153.59 153.59
Deferred tax liabili�es (net) - - - - - -
Other non-financial liabili�es 155.99 - 155.99 223.37 - 223.37
TOTAL LIABILITIES 75,135.53 2,51,883.07 3,27,018.60 60,410.92 1,57,685.92 2,18,096.84
NET (46,316.91) 1,00,093.89 53,776.98 (36,543.04) 71,882.60 35,339.56
38 Financial instrument fair value measurement
a. Financial instruments by category
The carrying value and fair value of financial instruments by categories as at 31st March, 2022 were as follows:
(INR in Lakh)
Carrying amount Fair value
Amor�sed cost Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Financial assets not measured at fair value*
Receivables - - - - -
Loans 3,70,438.01 - - 3,70,438.01 3,70,438.01
Investments 2,618.99 - - 2,618.99 2,618.99
Other financial assets 5,172.66 - - - -
Total 3,78,229.66
Financial liabili�es not measured at fair value*
Trade payables 276.81 - - 276.81 276.81
Borrowings 3,24,890.03 - - 3,24,890.03 3,24,890.03
Other financial liabili�es 1,582.66 - - - -
Total 3,26,749.50

The carrying value and fair value of financial instruments by categories as at 31st March, 2021 were as follows:
(INR in Lakh)
Carrying amount Fair value
Amor�sed cost Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Financial assets not measured at fair value*
Receivables 550.71 - - 550.71 550.71
Loans 2,44,842.43 - - 2,44,842.43 2,44,842.43
Investments 4,388.17 - - 4,388.17 4,388.17

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Other financial assets 1,823.96 - - - -

Total 2,51,605.27
Financial liabili�es not measured at fair value*
Trade payables 264.61 - - 264.61 264.61
Borrowings 2,16,415.22 - - 2,16,415.22 2,16,415.22
Other financial liabili�es 1,011.69 - - - -
Total 2,17,691.52
* The Company has not disclosed the fair values for financial instruments which are short term in nature because their carrying amounts are a reasonable
approxima�on of fair value.
Standalone Financial Statements
Sensi�vity analysis
(INR in Lakh)
Increase Decrease
For the year ended 31st March, 2022
Interest rates (1% movement) 2,862.71 (2,862.71)
For the year ended 31st March, 2021
Interest rates (1% movement) 1,908.87 (1,908.87)

b. Measurement of fair values model that incorporates assump�ons for credit risk,
Valua�on methodologies of financial instruments not probability of default and loss give default es�mates.
measured at fair value Borrowings
Below are the methodologies and assump�ons used to In case of borrowings with floa�ng rates, the interest
determine fair values for the above financial rate represents the market rate. Consequently the
instruments which are not recorded and measured at carrying amount represents the fair value.
fair value in the financial statements. These fair values
were calculated for disclosure purposes only. c. Capital management
Short-term financial assets and liabili�es The primary objec�ves of the Company’s capital
For financial assets and financial liabili�es that have a management policy are to ensure that the Company
short-term maturity (less than twelve months), the complies with externally imposed capital requirements
carrying amounts, which are net of impairment, are a and maintains strong credit ra�ngs and healthy capital
reasonable approxima�on of their fair value. Such ra�os in order to support its business and to maximize
instruments include: cash and cash equivalent, other shareholder value.
financial assets (excluding security deposit), trade The Company manages its capital structure and makes
payables and other financial liability. adjustments to it according to changes in economic
Loans and advances to customers condi�ons and the risk characteris�cs of its ac�vi�es. In
In case of retail loans and term loans with floa�ng rates, order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the
the interest rate represents the market rate. Company may adjust the amount of dividend payment
Consequently the carrying amount represents the fair to shareholders, return capital to shareholders or issue
value. capital securi�es. No changes have been made to the
Term loans with fixed rate:- The fair values are objec�ves, policies and processes from the previous
es�mated by discounted cash flow model that years. However, they are under constant review by the
incorporates assump�ons for credit risk, probability of Board.
default and loss give default es�mates. The company monitors capital using adjusted net debt
Investments (total borrowings net of cash and cash equivalents) to
equity ra�o.
The fair values are es�mated by discounted cash flow

(INR in Lakh)
Year ended Year ended
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Gross Debt 3,24,890.03 2,16,415.22
Cash and Cash equivalent 1,275.46 1,032.80
Other bank deposits - -
Adjusted Net Debt 3,23,614.57 2,15,382.43
Total Equity 53,776.98 35,339.56
Adjusted Net Debt to Equity Ra�o 6.02 6.09
The Company is subject to capital adequacy ra�o (“CAR”) requirements which are prescribed by the NHB. Refer Note 54

81 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

39 Disclosure on Liquidity Risk Management

(a) Funding concentra�on based on significant counterparty* (both deposits and borrowings):
(INR in Lakh)
As at As at
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Number of Significant Counterpar�es 16 12
Balance as at year-end 3,24,316.89 2,15,027.75
% of Total Deposits Not applicable Not applicable
% of Total Liabili�es 85.17% 84.84%
*Significant counterparty is as defined in RBI Circular RBI/2019-20/88 DOR.NBFC (PD) CC. No.102/03.10.001/2019-20
dated 4th November, 2019 on Liquidity Risk Management Framework for Non-Banking Financial Companies and Core
Investment Companies.
(b) Top 20 large deposits:
Not applicable. The Company does not accept public deposits.
(c) Top 10 Borrowings (INR in Lakh)
As at As at
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Balance as at year-end for Top 10 Borrowings 2,75,005.44 2,06,971.18
% of Total Borrowings 84.65% 95.64%

(d) Funding Concentra�on based on significant instrument / product@: (INR in Lakh)

As at As at
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
(i) Term Loans 3,07,090.40 1,95,768.55
% of Total Liabili�es 80.64% 77.25%
(ii) Working Capital Loans 17,799.63 20,646.67
% of Total Liabili�es 4.67% 8.15%
@Significant instrument/produc�se as defined in RBI Circular RBI/2019-20/88 DOR.NBFC (PD) CC.
No.102/03.10.001/2019-20 dated 4th November, 2019 on Liquidity Risk Management Framework for Non-Banking
Financial Companies and Core Investment Companies.
(e) Stock Ra�os: (INR in Lakh)
As at As at
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
(i) Commercial papers Not Applicable Not Applicable
(ii) Non-conver�ble debentures (original maturity of less than one year) Not Applicable Not Applicable
(iii) Other short-term liabili�es, if any as a % of total assets Not Applicable Not Applicable

(f) Ins�tu�onal set-up for liquidity risk management

The Board of Directors of the Company have adopted the ALM policy, which contains the guidelines and framework for
Liquidity Risk management, among other things. The changes brought in the Liquidity Risk Management Framework vide
its Circular No. RBI/2019-20/88 DOR.NBFC (PD) CC. No.102/03.10.001/2019-20 4th November, 2019 are also being covered
as part of the ALM Policy which will be reviewed by the Board periodically for compliance and implementa�on.
The Board shall have the overall responsibility for management of liquidity risk by reviewing the implementa�on of the
ALM Policy. The Asset-Liability Management Commi�ee cons�tuted by the Board carries out the func�ons as listed out in
the circular.

(g) Liquidity Coverage Ra�o (INR in Lakh)

For the quarter ended For the quarter ended
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Liquidity Coverage Ra�o 47.52% 85.92%

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 82

40 Financial risk management objec�ves and policies condi�ons are offered. The Company’s review includes
external ra�ngs, if they are available, financial
The Company's principal financial liabili�es comprise
statements, credit agency informa�on, industry
borrowings. The main purpose of these financial
informa�on etc.
liabili�es is to finance the Company's opera�ons and to
support its opera�ons. The Company's financial assets The Company’s gross exposure to credit risk for loans
include loans, cash and cash equivalents, investments and investments by type of counterparty is as follows:
and other financial assets that derive directly from its (INR in Lakh)
opera�ons. Carrying amount
The Company is exposed to credit risk, liquidity risk and Par�culars Year Ended Year Ended
market risk. The Company’s board of directors has an 31st March, 2022 31st March, 2021
overall responsibility for the establishment and Retail loans 3,49,532.79 2,23,040.15
Term loans 27,350.54 24,674.05
oversight of the Company’s risk management Investments 2,625.20 4,404.41
framework. The board of directors has established the 3,79,508.53 2,52,118.61
risk management commi�ee, which is responsible for
developing and monitoring the Company’s risk
The above exposure is en�rely concentrated in India.
management policies. The commi�ee reports regularly
There are no overseas exposure.
to the board of directors on its ac�vi�es.
An impairment analysis is performed at each repor�ng
The Company’s risk management policies are
date based on the facts and circumstances exis�ng on
established to iden�fy and analyse the risks faced by the
that date to iden�fy expected losses on account of �me
Company, to set appropriate risk limits and controls and
value of money and credit risk. For the purposes of this
to monitor risks and adherence to limits. risk
analysis, the loan receivables are categorised into
management policies and systems are reviewed
groups based on days past due. Each group is then
regularly to reflect changes in market condi�ons and
assessed for impairment using the Expected Credit Loss
the Company’s ac�vi�es.
(ECL) model as per the provisions of Ind AS 109 -
The Company’s risk management commi�ee oversees financial instruments.
how management monitors compliance with the
Company’s risk management policies and procedures, Staging:
and reviews the adequacy of the risk management As per the provision of Ind AS 109 general approach all
framework in rela�on to the risks faced by the financial instruments are allocated to stage 1 on ini�al
Company. recogni�on. However, if a significant increase in credit
risk is iden�fied at the repor�ng date compared with
(i) Credit risk
the ini�al recogni�on, then an instrument is transferred
Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Company if a to stage 2. If there is objec�ve evidence of impairment,
customer or counter-party to financial instrument fails then the asset is credit impaired and transferred to
to meet its contractual obliga�ons and arises primarily stage 3.
from the Company's loans and investments. The Company considers a financial instrument
The carrying amounts of financial assets represent the defaulted and therefore Stage 3 (credit-impaired) for
maximum credit risk exposure. ECL calcula�ons in all cases when the borrower
A. Loans and advances becomes 90 days past due on its contractual payments
The Company’s exposure to credit risk is influenced For financial assets in stage 1, the impairment
mainly by the individual characteris�cs of each calculated based on defaults that are possible in next
customer. However, management also considers the twelve months, whereas for financial instrument in
factors that may influence the credit risk of its customer stage 2 and stage 3 the ECL calcula�on considers default
base, including the default risk associated with the event for the lifespan of the instrument.
industry. As per Ind AS 109, Company assesses whether there is a
The risk management commi�ee has established a significant increase in credit risk at the repor�ng date
credit policy under which each new customer is from the ini�al recognisa�on. Company has staged the
analysed individually for creditworthiness before the assets based on the day past dues criteria and other
Company’s standard payment and delivery terms and market factors which significantly impacts the por�olio.

83 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

Days past dues status Stage Provisions Various approaches are available to compute the LGD.
Company has considered workout LGD approach. The
Current - 31 Days* Stage 1 12 Months Provision
following steps are performed to calculate the LGD:
32 - 90 Days Stage 2 Life�me Provision
90+ Days Stage 3 Life�me Provision 1) Haircut was applied on the value of the collateral
(asset cost) as of repor�ng date.
* All financial assets with current / zero days past due
upto one month past due (30 / 31 days past due 2) The outstanding amount was adjusted with the
depending on the number of days in the month of haircut adjusted collateral value.
repor�ng) shall be classified as Stage 1 assets. 3) LGD has been computed using the outstanding
amount in step (2).
Exposure at default ("EAD"):
As per Ind AS 109, Company is required to group the
As per Ind AS 109, EAD is es�ma�on of the extent to
por�olio based on the shared risk characteris�cs.
which the financial en�ty may be exposed to
Company has assessed the risk and its impact on the
counterparty in the event of default and at the �me of
various por�olios and has divided the por�olio into
counterparty's default. Company has modelled EAD
following groups:
based on the contractual and behavioral cash flows �ll
- Housing Loans
the life�me of the loans considering the expected
- Loan against property prepayments.
- Investments Company has considered expected cash flows for all the
Expected credit loss ("ECL"): loans at DPD bucket level for each of the segments,
ECL on financial assets is an unbiased probability which was used for computa�on of ECL. Moreover, the
weighted amount based out of possible outcomes a�er EAD comprised of principal component, accrued
considering risk of credit loss even if probability is low. interest and also the interest on the outstanding
ECL is calculated based on the following components: exposure for the ensuing 12 months. So discoun�ng was
a. Marginal probability of default ("MPD") done for computa�on of expected credit loss.
b. Loss given default ("LGD") Discoun�ng:
c. Exposure at default ("EAD") As per Ind AS 109, ECL is computed by es�ma�ng the
d. Discount factor ("D") �ming of the expected credit shor�alls associated with
Marginal probability of default: the defaults and discoun�ng them using effec�ve
interest rate.
PD is defined as the probability of whether borrowers
will default on their obliga�ons in an ensuing period of ECL computa�on:
12 months. Historical PD is derived from the HFC’s Condi�onal ECL at DPD pool level was computed with
internal data calibrated with forward looking the following method:
macroeconomic factors. Macroeconomic factors having Condi�onal ECL for year (yt) = EAD (yt) * condi�onal PD
a high correla�on with the HFC’s internal data are (yt) * LGD (yt) * discount factor (yt)
selected as references for es�ma�ng future The calcula�on is based on provision matrix which
probabili�es of default, which are: considers actual historical data adjusted appropriately
1. GDP for the future expecta�ons and probabili�es.
2. Domes�c Demand Propor�on of expected credit loss provided for across
Forecasts of these macro economic factors considered the stage is summarized below:
in the ECL model also take into account the es�mated (INR in Lakh)
effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and based on this, the Year ended Year ended
Company has es�mated the future probabili�es of 31st March 2022 31st March 2021
default for the HFC’s por�olio of assets. Stage 1 289.23 805.59
Stage 2 717.18 853.53
Loss given default ("LGD"): Stage 3 5,445.12 1,228.89
LGD is an es�mate of the loss from a transac�on given Amount of expected 6,451.53 2,888.01
credit loss provided for
that a default occurs. Under Ind AS 109, life�me LGD's
are defined as a collec�on of LGD's es�mates applicable
to different future periods.

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 84

The loss rates are based on actual credit loss Movement of ECL:
experience over past years. These loss rates are then (INR in Lakh)
adjusted appropriately to reflect differences between Year ended Year ended
current and historical economic condi�ons and the 31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Company’s view of economic condi�ons over the Opening provision 2,888.01 1,577.44
of ECL
expected lives of the loan receivables. Movement in Addi�on during the year 4,723.56 1,528.77
provision of expected credit loss has been provided in U�liza�on / reversal (1,160.05) (218.20)
below note. during the year
Closing provision of ECL 6,451.52 2,888.01

Reconcilia�on of ECL balance is given below:

(INR in Lakh)
31 March 2022

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total

Gross carrying amount opening balance 805.59 853.53 1,228.88 2,888.01

Assets repaid (excluding write offs)* (93.20) (77.92) (41.23) (212.36)
Transfers from Stage 1 ** (919.29) 65.02 4.55 (849.72)
Transfers from Stage 2 ** 334.39 (208.85) 80.16 205.70
Transfers from Stage 3 ** 8.96 5.83 4,164.10 4,178.89
Amounts wri�en off - - - -
New assets originated 152.77 79.58 8.64 240.99
Gross carrying amount closing balance 289.23 717.17 5,445.12 6,451.53

Reconcilia�on of ECL balance is given below: (INR in Lakh)

31st March 2021
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total

Gross carrying amount opening balance 417.40 664.23 495.81 1,577.44

Assets repaid (excluding write offs)* (38.56) (44.66) (30.51) (113.72)
Transfers from Stage 1 ** (104.48) 64.18 2.45 (37.85)
Transfers from Stage 2 ** 106.95 131.31 63.50 301.76
Transfers from Stage 3 ** 3.72 4.52 696.60 704.84
Amounts wri�en off - - - -
New assets originated 420.57 33.94 1.03 455.55
Gross carrying amount closing balance 805.59 853.53 1,228.88 2,888.01

An analysis of changes in the gross carrying amount :

(INR in Lakh)
31st March 2022
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total

Gross carrying amount opening balance 2,08,326.08 35,582.95 6,367.93 2,50,276.96

Assets repaid (excluding write offs)* (23,996.40) (3,248.70) (348.26) (27,593.36)
Transfers from Stage 1 ** (52,656.86) 16,695.80 1,165.28 (34,795.78)
Transfers from Stage 2 ** 13,940.40 (18,162.51) 3,341.34 (880.77)
Transfers from Stage 3 ** 75.70 49.20 646.00 770.90
Amounts wri�en off - - - -
New assets originated 1,84,172.33 4,275.47 75.13 1,88,522.93
Gross carrying amount closing balance 3,29,861.24 35,192.21 11,247.42 3,76,300.87

85 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

(INR in Lakh)
31st March 2021
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total

Gross carrying amount opening balance 1,43,409.15 19,714.30 3,681.78 1,66,805.23

Assets repaid (excluding write offs)* (11,599.43) (1,325.39) (342.65) (13,267.47)
Transfers from Stage 1 ** (35,311.91) 19,307.29 736.42 (15,268.19)
Transfers from Stage 2 ** 3,174.29 (3,579.42) 1,884.62 1,479.49
Transfers from Stage 3 ** 41.75 50.76 399.01 491.53
Amounts wri�en off - - -
New assets originated 1,08,612.22 1,415.41 8.74 1,10,036.37
Gross carrying amount closing balance 2,08,326.08 35,582.95 6,367.93 2,50,276.96

Note: The gross carrying value includes retail loans, term loans and investments.
* Excludes the unamor�zed component of sourcing cost/ income which is adjusted as part of loan balances.
** Represents the balance outstanding as at beginning of the year, net of repayments made during the year, if any. The
repayments are forming part of "Assets repaid (excluding write offs)".

In respect of loans and advances in the nature of loans, the schedule of repayment of principal and payment of interest
has been s�pulated. In accordance with Company’s accoun�ng policy rela�ng to impairment of financial assets, which
include loans assets, with balances as at 31st March, 2022, aggrega�ng INR 11,247.42 lakh were categorised as credit
impaired (“Stage 3”) and INR 35,192.21 lakh were categorised as those where the credit risk has increased significantly
since ini�al recogni�on (“Stage 2”). Total amount overdue for more than ninety days is INR 2,385.54 lakh as on 31st March,

B. Collateral and other credit enhancements managing liquidity is to ensure that it will have sufficient
The amount and type of collateral required depends on funds to meet its liabili�es when due. The Company is
an assessment of the credit risk of the counterparty. monitoring its liquidity risk by es�ma�ng the future
Guidelines are in place covering the acceptability and inflows and ou�lows during the start of the year and
valua�on of each type of collateral. The main types of planned accordingly the funding requirement. The
collateral obtained are mortgaged proper�es based on Company manages its liquidity by unu�lized cash credit
the nature of loans. Management monitors the market facility, term loans and direct assignment.
value of collateral and will request addi�onal collateral
The composi�on of the Company's liability mix ensures
in accordance with the underlying agreement. The
healthy asset liability maturity pa�ern and well diverse
Company advances loan to maximum extent of 80% of
resource mix. The total cash credit and working capital
the value of the mortgaged proper�es.
limit available to the Company is INR 27,500 lakhs
(ii) Liquidity risk spread across 7 banks. The u�liza�on level is maintained
in such a way that ensures sufficient liquidity on hand.
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will encounter Majority of the Company's por�olio is individual
difficulty in mee�ng its obliga�ons associated with its housing loans. The company does not have any off book
financial liabili�es. The Company's approach in assets under management.

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 86

The table below summarizes the maturity profile of the Company’s financial assets and financial liabili�es based on contractual undiscounted payments along
with its carrying value as at the balance sheet date.
(INR in Lakh)
As at 31st March 2022 As at 31st March 2021
Par�culars Cash and Other Cash and Other
Loans & Loans &
cash Financial cash Financial
Investments Investments
equivalent Assets equivalent Assets
1 day to 30/31 days (one month) 9,992.13 1,275.46 466.47 7,104.94 1,032.80 737.45
Over one month to 2 months 4,952.99 - 130.91 3,610.27 - -
Over 2 months up to 3 months 4,996.42 - 122.25 3,664.25 - -
Over 3 months to 6 months 14,566.29 - 355.28 10,737.44 - -
Over 6 months to 1 year 27,875.85 - 651.91 20,601.40 - -
Over 1 year to 3 years 93,299.88 - 1,794.17 70,546.74 - 1,086.50
Over 3 year to 5 years 69,483.79 - 935.61 51,597.51 - -
Over 5 years 1,47,889.66 - 716.07 81,286.93 - -
Total 3,73,057.00 1,275.46 5,172.66 2,49,149.48 1,032.80 1,823.95

(INR in Lakh)
As at 31st March 2022 As at 31st March 2021
Par�culars Other Other
Trade Trade
Borrowings Financial Borrowings Financial
payable payable
Liabili�es Liabili�es
1 day to 30/31 days (one month) 2,540.83 276.81 1,252.66 2,951.59 264.61 930.56
Over one month to 2 months 2,853.87 - - 2,104.76 - -
Over 2 months up to 3 months 9,450.85 - 330.00 5,453.84 - -
Over 3 months to 6 months 13,827.91 - - 9,467.64 - -

87 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Over 6 months to 1 year 29,785.90 - - 22,106.18 - -
Over 1 year to 3 years 1,15,716.39 - - 78,841.39 - -
Over 3 year to 5 years 89,719.34 - - 58,062.31 - -
Over 5 years 60,994.94 - - 37,427.52 - -
Total 3,24,890.03 276.81 1,582.66 2,16,415.22 264.61 930.56
Standalone Financial Statements

(iii) Market risk Company’s exposure to the risk of changes in market

interest rates relates primarily to the Company’s
Market risk is the risk that the fair value of future cash
investment in bank deposits and variable interest rate
flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of
borrowings and lending. Whenever there is a change in
changes in market prices. Market risk includes interest
borrowing interest rate for the Company, necessary
rate risk and foreign currency risk. The objec�ve of
change is reflected in the lending interest rates over the
market risk management is to manage and control
�meline in order to mi�gate the risk of change in
market risk exposures within acceptable parameters,
interest rates of borrowings.
while op�mizing the return.
The sensi�vity analysis have been carried out based on
Interest rate risk
the exposure to interest rates lending and borrowings
Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future carried at variable rate.
cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate
because of changes in market interest rates. The
(INR in Lakh)
Year ended 31 March 2022
Year ended 31 March 2021

Par�culars 100 bp 100 bp 100 bp 100 bp

increase decrease increase decrease
Change in interest rates
Variable rate borrowings - - - -
Impact on profit for the year (2,569.94) 2,569.94 (1,781.22) 1,781.22

41 Note on Covid 19 Pandemic 42 Repor�ng under rule 11(e) and 11(f) of Companies
(Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014
The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic across the globe
and in India has contributed to a significant vola�lity in As a part of normal lending business, the Company
the financial markets and slowdown in the economic grants loans and advances on the basis of security /
ac�vi�es. Consequent to the outbreak of the COVID-19 guarantee provided by the borrower/ co-borrower.
pandemic, the Indian government announced a These transac�ons are conducted a�er exercising
lockdown in March 2020. Subsequently, the na�onal proper due diligence.
lockdown was li�ed by the government, but regional a. No funds have been advanced or loaned or invested
restric�ons con�nued to be implemented in areas as by the Company to or in any other person(s) or en�ty(is)
India witnessed two more waves of the COVID-19 including foreign en��es (“Intermediaries”) with the
pandemic during the year ended 31st March, 2022. understanding that the Intermediary shall lend or invest
Currently, the number of new COVID-19 cases have in a party iden�fied by or on behalf of the Company
reduced significantly, and the Government of India has (Ul�mate Beneficiaries);
withdrawn most of the COVID-19 related restric�ons.
b. No funds have been received by the Company from
The Company has considered internal and external any party(s) (Funding Party) with the understanding
sources of informa�on for assessing the credit risk and that the Company shall whether, directly or indirectly,
impact on the Company's financial assets, for the lend or invest in other persons or en��es iden�fied by
purpose of determina�on of the provision for or on behalf of the Company (“Ul�mate Beneficiaries”)
impairment of financial assets. The extent to which the or provide any guarantee, security or the like on behalf
Covid-19 pandemic will con�nue to impact the of the Ul�mate Beneficiaries.
Company's results will depend on ongoing as well as
future developments, including, among other things, 43 RBI Vide circular dated 12th November, 2021 "Pruden�al
any new informa�on concerning the severity of the norms on Income Recogni�on, Asset classifica�on and
Covid-19 pandemic, and any ac�on to contain its spread Provisioning (IRACP) pertaining to Advances-
or mi�gate its impact whether government-mandated Clarifica�ons" has classified / harmonized certain
or elected by us. aspects of extant regulatory guidelines with a view to
ensuring uniformity in the implementa�on of IRACP

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 88

norms across all lending ins�tu�ons. The company is 48 The company does not have any transac�ons with the
taking necessary steps to comply with the companies struck off under sec�on 248 of Companies
norms/changes for regulatory repor�ng with effect Act, 2013 or sec�on 560 of Companies Act, 1956 during
from 1st October, 2022 as clarified vide circular dated the year ended 31st March, 2022 and 31st March, 2021.
15th February, 2022. Such clarifica�ons/ harmoniza�on 49 The company has taken borrowings from banks and
has no impact on the results for the quarter and year u�lised them for the specific purpose for which they
ended 31st March, 2022. were taken as at the Balance sheet date.
44 The Company does not hold any immovable property as 50 There have been no transac�ons which have not been
on 31st March, 2022 and 31st March, 2021. All the lease recorded in the books of accounts, that have been
agreements are duly executed in favour of the company surrendered or disclosed as income during the year
for proper�es where the company is the leassee. ended 31st March, 2022 and 31st March, 2021, in the tax
45 No proceedings have been ini�ated or pending against assessments under the Income Tax Act, 1961. There
the company for holding any benami property under have been no previously unrecorded income and
the Benami Transac�ons (prohibi�on) Act 1988 and related assets which were to be properly recorded in
rules made thereunder, as at 31st March, 2022 and 31st the books of account during the year ended 31st March,
March, 2021. 2022 and 31st March, 2021.
46 The company is not a declared wilful defaulter by any 51 The company has not traded or investment in Crypto
bank or financial ins�tu�on or other lender, in currency or Virtual Currency during the year ended 31st
accordance with the guidelines on wilful defaulters March, 2022 and 31st March, 2021.
issued by the Reserve Bank of India, during the year 52 There are no significant subsequent events that have
ended 31st March, 2022 and 31st March, 2021. occurred a�er the repor�ng period �ll the date of these
47 There are no pending charges or sa�sfac�on yet to be financial statements.
registered with Registrar of Companies beyond the
statutory period as on 31st March, 2022 and 31st March,
53 Disclosure required as per Annexure III of the No�fica�on No - RBI/2020-21/73
DOR.FIN.HFC.CC.No.120/03.10.136./2020-21 issued by RBI
Schedule to Balance sheet
Liabili�es Side (INR in Lakh)
As at 31 March, 2022

Amount Outstanding Amount Overdue
1 Loans and advances availed by the HFC inclusive of interest accrued thereon but not paid:
(a) Debentures
- Secured - -
- Unsecured - -
(b) Deferred Credits - -
(c) Term Loans 3,07,090.40 -
(d) Inter-corporate loans and borrowing - -
(e) Commercial Paper - -
(f) Public Deposits - -
(g) Other Loans
- Cash credit and Working capital demand loans from bank 17,799.63 -
2 Break up of (1)(f) above (Outstanding public deposits inclusive of interest accrued thereon but not paid) :
(a) In form of Unsecured debentures - -
(b) In form of partly secured debentures - -
(c) Other public deposits - -

89 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

Asset Side
(INR in Lakh)
As at 31 March, 2022

Amount Outstanding

3 Break up of Loans and Advances including bills receivables (other than those included in (4) below):
(a) Secured 3,73,675.68
(b) Unsecured -

4 Break up of Leased Assets and stocks on hire and other assets coun�ng towards asset financing ac�vi�es
(i) Lease assets including lease rentals under sundry debtors
(a) Financial lease -
(b) Opera�ng lease -
(ii) Stocks on hire including hire charges under sundry debtors
(a) Assets on hire -
(b) Repossessed Assets -
(iii) Other loans coun�ng towards asset financing ac�vi�es
(a) Loans where assets have been repossessed -
(b) Loans other than (a) above -

5 Break-up of Investments

Current Investments
(i) Quoted
(a) Shares
- Equity -
- Preference -
(b) Debentures and Bond -
(c) Units of mutual fund -
(d) Government securi�es -
(e) Others -
(ii) Unquoted
(a) Shares
- Equity -
- Preference -
(b) Debentures and Bond -
(c) Units of mutual fund -
(d) Government securi�es -
(e) Others -

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 90

(INR in Lakh)
As at 31st March, 2022
Amount Outstanding

Long Term Investments
(i) Quoted
(a) Shares
- Equity -
- Preference -
(b) Debentures and Bond -
(c) Units of mutual fund -
(d) Government securi�es -
(e) Others -
(ii) Unquoted
(a) Shares
- Equity -
- Preference -
(b) Debentures and Bond 251.01
(c) Units of mutual fund -
(d) Government securi�es -
(e) Others
- Investment in Alterna�ve Investment Fund 1,033.75
- Investment in pass-through cer�ficates 1,340.44

6 Borrower group-wise classifica�on of assets financed as in (3) and (4) above :

(INR in Lakh)
Amount net of provision
Secured Unsecured Total

(i) Related Party

(a) Subsidiaries - - -
(b) Companies in the same group - - -
(c) Other related party - - -
(ii) Other than related party 3,73,675.68 - 3,73,675.68

7 Investor group wise classifica�on of all investments (current and long term) in shares and securi�es
(both quoted and unquoted)
(INR in Lakh)
Market value/Break up Book Value
or fair value/NAV (net of provision)
(i) Related Party
(a) Subsidiaries - -
(b) Companies in the same group - -
(c) Other related party - -
(ii) Other than related party - 2,625.19

91 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

8 Other Informa�on
(INR in Lakh)
As at
31st March 2022
(i) Gross Non-Performing Assets
(a) Related par�es -
(b) Other than related par�es 11,247.42
(ii) Net Non-Performing Assets
(a) Related par�es -
(b) Other than related par�es 5,802.29
(iii) Assets acquired in sa�sfac�on of debt -

54 Disclosure required as per Annexure IV of the No�fica�on No - RBI/2020-21/73

DOR.FIN.HFC.CC.No.120/03.10.136./2020-21 issued by RBI

(i) Capital
(INR in Lakh)
As at As at
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
CRAR % 18.78% 19.88%
CRAR - Tier I Capital % 18.67% 19.43%
CRAR - Tier II Capital % 0.11% 0.45%
Amount of subordinated debt raised as Tier II Capital - -
Amount raised by issue of perpetual debt instruments - -

(ii) Reserve fund u/s 29C of NHB Act, 1987

(INR in Lakh)
As at As at
Statutory reserve
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Balance at the beginning
a) Statutory reserve as per sec�on 29C of the Na�onal Housing Bank Act, 1987 436.93 -
b) Amount of special reserve u/s 36(1)(viii) of Income tax Act, 1961 taken in to 2,334.78 1,524.32
account for the purpose of statutory reserve u/s 29C of the Na�onal Housing
Bank Act, 1987
c) Total 2,771.71 1,524.32
Addi�on/Appropria�on/withdrawals during the year
a) Amount transferred as per sec�on 29C of the Na�onal Housing
Bank Act, 1987 513.51 436.93
b) Amount of special reserve u/s 36(1)(viii) of Income tax Act, 1961 taken in to 1,637.82 810.46
account for the purpose of statutory reserve u/s 29C of the Na�onal Housing
Bank Act, 1987
a) Amount appropriated as per sec�on 29C of the Na�onal Housing - -
Bank Act, 1987
b) Amount withdrawn from special reserve u/s 36(1)(viii) of Income tax Act, - -
1961 taken in to account for the purpose of statutory reserve u/s 29C of the
Na�onal Housing Bank Act, 1987
Balance as at end of the year
a) Statutory reserve as per sec�on 29C of the Na�onal Housing Bank Act, 1987 950.44 436.93
b) Amount of special reserve u/s 36(1)(viii) of Income tax Act, 1961 taken in to 3,972.60 2,334.78
account for the purpose of statutory reserve u/s 29C of the Na�onal Housing
Bank Act, 1987
c) Total 4,923.04 2,771.71

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 92

(iii) Investments
(INR in Lakh)
As at As at
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
1 Value of investment
(i) Gross value of investment
(a) In India 2,618.99 4,388.17
(b) Outside India Nil Nil
(ii) Provision for deprecia�on
(a) In India Nil Nil
(b) Outside India Nil Nil
(iii) Net Value of Investment
(a) In India 2,618.99 4,388.17
(b) Outside India Nil Nil
2 Movement of provisions held towards deprecia�on on investments
(i) Opening balance
(ii) Add : Provisions made during the year
Nil Nil
(iii) Less: Write off/ write back of excess provisions during the year
(iv) Closing balance

(iv) Deriva�ves (v) Disclosures rela�ng to securi�sa�on

There have been no forward rate contracts / interest (i) There have been no securi�sa�on transac�ons
rate swaps or any other deriva�ve transac�ons carried carried out by the Company - Nil
out by the Company during the year ended 31st March, (ii) Details of Financials Assets sold to Securi�sa�on/
2022 and 31st March, 2021. Reconstruc�on company for Asset Reconstruc�on - Nil
(iii) Details of Assignment transac�ons undertaken
(INR in Lakh)
As at As at
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Number of accounts 1,906 905
Aggregate value (net of provision) of accounts assigned 22,657.60 8,333.39
Aggregate considera�on 22,657.60 8,333.39
Addi�onal considera�on realized in respect of accounts transferred
in earlier years - -
Aggregate gain/loss over net book value - -

(iv) Details of non-performing financial assets purchased/sold - Nil

93 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

(vi) Asset Liability Management (ALM)
Maturity pa�ern of certain items assets and liabili�es - As at 31st March, 2022
(INR in Lakh)
15 days Over one Over 2 Over 3 Over 6 Over Over
1 day to 8 days to Over
Par�culars to 30/31 month to months to months to months to 1 year to 3 years to Total
7 days 14 days 5 years
days 2 months 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years 5 years

Borrowings from banks * 902.70 190.43 1,447.70 2,853.87 9,450.85 13,827.91 29,785.90 1,15,716.39 89,719.34 60,994.94 3,24,890.03
Market borrowings - - - - - - - - - - -
Foreign currency liabili�es - - - - - - - - - - -
Advances 6,716.56 909.44 2,233.21 4,858.24 4,839.29 14,219.25 27,318.93 92,967.24 69,483.79 1,46,892.06 3,70,438.01
Investments 33.57 - 99.36 94.75 157.13 347.04 556.92 332.64 - 997.60 2,618.99
Foreign currency assets - - - - - - - - - - -

Maturity pa�ern of certain items assets and liabili�es - As at 31st March, 2021
INR in Lakh
15 days Over one Over 2 Over 3 Over 6 Over Over
1 day to 8 days to Over
Par�culars to 30/31 month to months to months to months to 1 year to 3 years to Total
7 days 14 days 5 years
days 2 months 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years 5 years

Borrowings from banks * 1,519.55 198.48 1,233.56 2,104.76 5,453.84 9,467.64 22,106.18 78,841.39 58,062.31 37,427.52 2,16,415.22
Market borrowings - - - - - - - - - - -
Foreign currency liabili�es - - - - - - - - - - -

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22


Advances 4,703.15 580.51 1,723.44 3,523.22 3,513.72 10,401.95 19,905.47 68,521.71 51,597.51 80,290.62 2,44,761.31
Investments 0.66 - 97.18 87.05 150.53 335.48 695.93 2,025.03 - 996.31 4,388.17
Foreign currency assets - - - - - - - - - - -

*Cash credit borrowings and working capital demand loan from banks are usually for a period of 1 year. As per the prevalent prac�ce, these facili�es are
renewed on a year to year basis. Accordingly, repayments of cash credit borrowings and working capital demand loans from banks aggrega�ng INR 17,799.62
Lakh (31st March, 2021 - INR 20,646.67 Lakh) has been distributed over the same period as the maturity pa�ern of assets on finance.
Standalone Financial Statements
55 Disclosure required as per No�fica�on No - RBI/DOR/2021-22/86 DOR.STR.REC.51/21.04.048/2021-22
(INR in Lakh)
For the quarter ended 31 March, 2022
Transferred Acquired
Aggregate amount of loans transferred / acquired (INR in lakh) 22,657.60 2,075.66
Weighted average maturity (in years) 14.26 7.43
Weighted average holding period (in years) 1.79 1.53
Reten�on of beneficial economic interest by the Originator 10% 10%
Tangible security coverage 220% 455%
Ra�ng-wise distribu�on of rated loans - -

56 Disclosure required as per Annexure IV of the No�fica�on No - RBI/2020-21/73

DOR.FIN.HFC.CC.No.120/03.10.136./2020-21 issued by RBI
A. Exposure to Real Estate Sector
(INR in Lakh)
As at As at
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
(a) Direct exposure
(i) Residen�al Mortgage
Lending fully secured by mortgage on residen�al property that is or will be 3,46,225.28 2,21,130.91
occupied by borrower or that is rented
(ii) Commercial real estate
Lending fully secured by mortgage on commercial real estate (Office building - -
or retail space, mul�-purpose commercial premises, mul�-family residen�al
building, mul�-tenanted commercial building, industrial or warehouse space,
hotels, land acquisi�ons, developments and construc�ons, etc.). Exposure
would also include Non-Fund Based ( NFB) limits.
(iii) Investment in mortgage back securi�es (MBS) and Other securi�zed
(a) Residen�al 1,340.44 2,901.88
(b) Commercial Real Estate - -
(b) Indirect Exposure
Fund based and non fund based exposure on Na�onal Housing Bank (NHB) 28,735.15 26,244.18
and Housing Finance Corpora�ons (HFCs)
* Includes exposures to Non-Housing loans secured by residen�al mortgages
B. Exposure to capital market s�pulated by the NHB Pruden�al Norms in respect of
There is no exposure to capital market during the year loans and advances.
ended 31st March, 2022 and 31st March, 2021. E. Unsecured loans
C. Details of financing of parent company products There is no exposure to unsecured loans during the year
There is no exposure to financing of parent company ended 31st March, 2022 and 31st March, 2021.
products during the year ended 31st March, 2022 and F. Exposure to group companies engaged in real estate
31st March, 2021 business
D. Details of Single Borrower Limit (SGL)/ Group There is no exposure to group companies engaged in
Borrower Limit (GBL) real estate business during the year ended 31st March,
During the year, the company had not exceeded the 2022 and 31st March, 2021.
single borrower limit and group borrower limit as
57 Disclosure required as per Annexure IV of the No�fica�on No - RBI/2020-21/73
DOR.FIN.HFC.CC.No.120/03.10.136./2020-21 issued by RBI
(i) Registra�on/ license/ authoriza�on obtained from other financial sector regulators
Authority issuing the Registra�on/
Registra�on/ License
registra�on/ license License reference
Cer�ficate of registra�on Na�onal Housing Bank 09.0129.15

95 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

(ii) Disclosure of Penal�es imposed by NHB

(INR in Lakh)
As at As at
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
a) Penalty
Penalty if any levied by Na�onal Housing Bank - -
b) Adverse remarks - -
c) Percentage of outstanding loans granted against collateral gold jewellery - -
to their outstanding assets

(iii) Ra�ngs assigned by credit ra�ng agency and migra�on of ra�ngs during the year
As at
Facility Ra�ng agency Date of ra�ng
31st March 2022
Long-term : Bank borrowings CARE AA-/Stable 28-Sep-21
Short-term : Bank borrowings CARE A1+ 28-Sep-21
Short-term : Commercial paper CARE A1+ 28-Sep-21
Long-term: Non-conver�ble debentures CRISIL AA-/Stable 25-Mar-22
Long-term: Subordinated debt CRISIL AA-/Stable 25-Mar-22
Short-term : Commercial paper CRISIL A1+ 25-Mar-22

(iv) Accoun�ng Standard 21 - Consolidated Financial (viii)Net Profit or Loss for the period, prior period items and
Statements, is not applicable changes in accoun�ng policies

(v) Related Party Transac�ons - Refer note no 30 for There are no prior period items that have an impact on
disclosure rela�ng to related party transac�ons current year's profit or loss.

(vi) Group Structure - Refer note no 30 for disclosure (ix) Management - Refer Director's Report for relevant
rela�ng to group structure disclosures

(vii) Remunera�on to Director (x) Revenue Recogni�on

There are no pecuniary rela�onship or transac�on with There has been no instance in which revenue
non-execu�ve directors of the company during the year recogni�on has been postponed pending the resolu�on
ended 31st March, 2022 and 31st March, 2021. For of significant uncertainty.
Remunera�on paid to independent directors as si�ng
fee refer no 30.

58 Disclosure required as per Annexure IV of the No�fica�on No - RBI/2020-21/73

DOR.FIN.HFC.CC.No.120/03.10.136./2020-21 issued by RBI
(i) Provisions and Con�ngencies
(INR in Lakh)
As at As at
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Provisions for deprecia�on on investment - -
Provisions made towards income tax 2,894.15 1,749.30
Provisions towards non-performing assets 5,445.12 1,228.89
Provision for Standard Assets 1,006.40 1,659.12
Other provision and con�ngencies
- Provision for Expenses 276.81 264.61
- Provision for Employee Benefits 443.11 408.60

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 96

(ii) break up of loans and advances and provisions thereon
(INR in Lakh)
Housing loan as at Non-housing loan as at
31 March 2022 31 March 2021 31 March 2022 31st March 2021
st st st

Standard assets
Total outstanding 2,27,808.26 1,47,877.03 1,37,245.19 96,031.99
Provisions (574.67) (1,114.85) (431.73) (544.28)
Sub-standard assets
Total outstanding 3,450.17 2,467.75 1,273.56 493.07
Provisions (396.79) (292.15) (146.47) (58.38)
Doub�ul assets 1
Total outstanding 1,144.91 1,285.74 479.00 56.70
Provisions (723.08) (152.19) (302.52) (6.71)
Doub�ul assets 2
Total outstanding 2,214.43 1,487.18 563.54 30.61
Provisions (1,398.55) (176.04) (355.91) (3.62)
Doub�ul assets 3
Total outstanding - 8.04 - -
Provisions - (0.95) - -
Loss assets
Total outstanding 1,922.39 504.44 199.42 34.40
Provisions (1,922.39) (504.44) (199.42) (34.40)
Total outstanding 2,36,540.17 1,53,630.19 1,39,760.71 96,646.77
Provisions (5,015.48) (2,240.62) (1,436.04) (647.39)

Note: The total outstanding amount mean principal + accrued interest + other charges pertaining to loans without ne�ng

(iii) Draw Down from Reserves

There has not been any draw down from the reserves during the year ended 31st March, 2022 and 31st March, 2021.

(iv) Concentra�on of public deposits, Advances*, exposure# and NPAs

(INR in Lakh)
S. Year ended Year ended
No. 31st March 2022 31st March 2021
1 Concentra�on of Public Deposits (for Public Deposit taking/holding HFCs) NA NA
2 Concentra�on of loans & advances
Total advances to twenty largest borrowers 27,378.84 19,452.49
Percentage of Advances to twenty largest borrowers to Total Advances 7.28% 7.77%
of the HFC
3 Concentra�on of all Exposures (including off-balance sheet exposures)
Total Exposure to twenty largest borrowers / customers 28,401.09 20,205.07
Percentage of Exposures to twenty largest borrowers / customers to 7.55% 8.07%
Total Exposure of the HFC on borrowers / customers
4 Concentra�on of NPAs
Total exposure to top ten NPA accounts 874.95 633.19
* Advances represents the outstanding balances as at the respec�ve year end
# Exposure represents the total amount financed as at the respec�ve year end

97 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

(v) Sector wise NPA

(INR in Lakh)
% of NPAs to total advances in that sector
Par�culars As at As at
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
A. Housing Loans
Individuals 3.69% 3.74%
Builders/Project Loans 0.00% 0.00%
Corporates 0.00% 0.00%
Others (specify) 0.00% 0.00%
B. Non-Housing Loans:
Individuals 1.80% 0.64%
Builders/Project Loans 0.00% 0.00%
Corporates 0.00% 0.00%
Others (specify) 0.00% 0.00%

(vi) Movement of NPAs

(INR in Lakh)
Year ended Year ended
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
(i) Net NPAs to Net Advances (%) 1.56% 2.06%
(ii) Movement of NPAs (Gross)
(a) Opening balance 6,367.93 3,681.79
(b) Addi�ons during the year 5,388.49 3,138.31
(c) Reduc�ons during the year (509.00) (452.16)
(d) Closing balance 11,247.42 6,367.93
(iii) Movement of Net NPAs
(e) Opening balance 5,139.04 3,184.54
(f) Addi�ons during the year 3,994.89 2,652.50
(g) Reduc�ons during the year (3,331.64) (698.00)
(h) Closing balance 5,802.29 5,139.04
(iv) Movement of provisions for NPAs
(excluding provisions on standard assets)
(a) Opening balance 1,228.89 497.25
(b) Provisions made during the year 4,273.17 771.69
(c) Write-off / write-back of excess provisions (56.93) (40.04)
(d) Closing balance 5,445.12 1,228.89

(vii) Overseas assets (viii)Off-balance sheet SPVs sponsored

The Company does not have any joint ventures and There were no off-balance sheet SPVs sponsored by the
subsidiaries abroad during the year ended 31st March, Company during the year ended 31st March, 2022 and
2022 and 31st March, 2021 and hence this disclosure is 31st March, 2021.
not applicable.

(ix) Customer Complaints*

Year ended Year ended
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
(a) No. of complaints pending at the beginning of the year - -
(b) No. of complaints received during the year 484 322
(c) No. of complaints redressed during the year 483 322
(d) No. of complaints pending at the end of the year 1 -
* As per the records of the Company

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 98

59 Principal Business Criteria - as per para 4.1.17 of Non-Banking Finance Company - Housing Finance Company (Reserve
Bank) Direc�on, 2021
Housing Finance Company" shall mean a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 that fulfills the following
a) It is an NBFC whose financial assets, in the business of providing finance for housing, cons�tute at least 60% of its total
assets (ne�ed off by intangible assets)
b) Out of the total assets (ne�ed off by intangible assets), not less than 50% should be by way of housing financing for
The company meets the aforesaid principal business criteria ;
(INR in Lakh)
As at As at
31st March 2022 31st March 2021
Total Assets 3,80,795.58 2,53,355.27
Less: Intangible assets 508.43 276.87
Net total assets 3,80,287.15 2,53,078.40
Housing Finance 2,33,666.19 1,52,627.09
Individual Housing Finance 2,33,666.19 1,52,627.09
Percentage of housing finance to total assets (net of intangible assets) 61.44% 60.31%
Percentage of individual housing finance to total assets 61.44% 60.31%
(net of intangible assets)

60 Comparison of Provision under IRACP Norms and Impairment Allowance under IND AS 109 as per RBI Guidelines.

For year ending 31st March, 2022

Loss Difference
Asset Gross Allowances between
Net required
Asset Classifica�on Classifica�on Carrying (Provisions) Ind AS 109
Carrying as per
as per RBI Norms as per amount as as required provisions
Amount IRACP
INDAS per INDAS under and IRACP
Ind AS 109 norms
Performing assets
Standard Stage 1 3,29,861.24 289.23 3,29,572.02 1,048.52 (759.30)
Stage 2 35,192.21 717.18 34,475.04 115.64 601.54
Subtotal - Standard 3,65,053.46 1,006.40 3,64,047.05 1,164.16 (157.76)
Non performing assets
Substandard Stage 3 4,723.73 543.25 4,180.48 708.56 (165.31)
Doub�ul - upto 1 year Stage 3 1,623.91 1,025.60 598.31 405.98 619.62
1 to 3 years Stage 3 2,777.97 1,754.46 1,023.51 1,111.19 643.27
More than 3 years Stage 3 - - - - -
Subtotal - Doub�ul 4,401.88 2,780.06 1,621.82 1,517.16 1,262.89
Loss assets Stage 3 2,121.81 2,121.81 - 2,121.81 -
Subtotal - NPA 11,247.42 5,445.12 5,802.29 4,347.53 1,097.59
Total Stage 1 3,29,861.24 289.23 3,29,572.02 1,048.52 (759.30)
Stage 2 35,192.21 717.18 34,475.04 115.64 601.54
Stage 3 11,247.42 5,445.12 5,802.29 4,347.53 1,097.59
Total 3,76,300.87 6,451.52 3,69,849.34 5,511.70 939.83

99 Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22

Standalone Financial Statements

For year ending 31st March, 2021

Loss Difference
Asset Gross Allowances between
Net required
Asset Classifica�on Classifica�on Carrying (Provisions) Ind AS 109
Carrying as per
as per RBI Norms as per amount as as required provisions
Amount IRACP
INDAS per INDAS under and IRACP
Ind AS 109 norms
Performing assets
Standard Stage 1 2,08,326.08 805.59 2,07,520.49 680.69 124.90
Stage 2 35,582.95 853.53 34,729.42 115.78 737.75
Subtotal - Standard 2,43,909.03 1,659.12 2,42,249.90 796.48 862.65
Non performing assets
Substandard Stage 3 2,960.82 350.53 2,610.29 444.12 (93.60)
Doub�ul - upto 1 year Stage 3 1,342.43 158.91 1,183.53 335.61 (176.70)
1 to 3 years Stage 3 1,517.79 179.66 1,338.13 607.12 (427.45)
More than 3 years Stage 3 8.04 0.95 7.09 8.04 (7.09)
Subtotal - Doub�ul 2,868.27 339.52 2,528.75 950.77 (611.25)
Loss assets Stage 3 538.84 538.84 - 538.84 -
Subtotal - NPA 6,367.93 1,228.89 5,139.04 1,933.73 (704.84)
Total Stage 1 2,08,326.08 805.59 2,07,520.49 680.69 124.90
Stage 2 35,582.95 853.53 34,729.42 115.78 737.75
Stage 3 6,367.93 1,228.89 5,139.04 1,933.73 (704.84)
Total 2,50,276.96 2,888.01 2,47,388.94 2,730.21 157.80

61 Previous year figures have been regrouped / reclassified wherever necessary to conform to current year's classifica�on.

As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
for Sharp & Tannan Associates Hinduja Housing Finance Limited
Chartered Accountants CIN No: U65922TN2015PLC100093
Firm's registra�on number: 109983W
S Nagarajan Sachin Pillai
Tirtharaj Khot Chairman Managing Director
Partner DIN No. 00009236 DIN No. 06400793
Membership No: 037457 Prateek Parekh Srinivas Rangarajan
Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary
Place : Chennai Place : Chennai
Date : 13th May, 2022 Date : 13th May, 2022

Hinduja Housing Finance Limited Annual Report 2021-22 100

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