Ankh Teaching Guide
Ankh Teaching Guide
Ankh Teaching Guide
Welcome! Ankh Gods of Egypt is a competitive area control game where players take on the role of an
Egyptian god (and army) during a transition time from polytheism to monotheism. The goal of the
game is to be the player to gather enough devotion (victory points) to be declared the only god of
Basic Concepts:
The game board is by default divided into 3 main regions and possibly more depending on the
scenario or game being played. The hexagon tiles on the board are divided into 3 main types: fertile
spaces (green), desert spaces (yellow/brown), and water (blue). The green or yellow spaces may be
occupied by up to 1 figure or token unless otherwise specified. The blue space is usually unoccupied.
Blue spaces are part of every territory they are adjacent to.
Figures – This term is given to the gods, warriors and guardians. Each figure has a base strength of 1
but this can change depending on the unique powers and abilities given during the game.
Gods – All of the gods are immortal and can NEVER be removed from the game unless through player
elimination after the 4th conflict event.
Warriors – Each player is given a limited personal army of 6 warriors that will be used during the
Guardians – These unique creatures are limited and can be recruited through ankh powers.
Camel Caravans – These are used to subdivide a region into two smaller regions during events of the
game. While they are plastic pieces they are not figures and cannot be interacted with.
Monuments – There are 3 types: Obelisk, Pyramid, and Temple. A monument is neutral unless it is
controlled by having a player’s colored token attached to it.
Adjacency – Figures and Monuments are adjacent to each other if they occupy spaces that share a hex
border AND are in the same region. Rivers and camels separate regions and therefore break
During the game the players will take turns in a clockwise order performing 1 or 2 actions through a
shared central dashboard. There are 4 actions available: move figure, summon figure, gain followers,
unlock ankh power. You may choose an action even if you cannot or just partially resolve it. Each time
a specific action is taken that marker is advanced. When the marker reaches the end of its own track
then an event is triggered but first finish the action. The events are like a timeline for the game to
progress. When an event is triggered the event marker is advanced to activate the next event. If you
trigger an event with your 1st of your 2 actions you lose your 2nd action. If there was no event triggered
by the 1st action then you must take a 2nd action. The 2nd action you choose must be from a lower line
on the dashboard. Therefore you are not allowed to take the same action twice. You must resolve
what you can of the action you choose.
1) Move Figures- You may move EACH of your figures once on the board by 0, 1, 2, or 3 spaces. Your
figures may move across spaces occupied by opponents, monuments, rivers, water, and camels. You
must end your movement in an appropriate empty space. It is possible to select move figure as your
action and not move any of your figures.
2) Summon Figure- You take 1 figure from your supply (warrior or guardian) and place them onto the game
board onto an empty space that is adjacent to one of that player’s figures already on the board or adjacent
to a monument controlled by that player (remember adjacent needs to be in the same region).
3) Gain Followers- The player gains a number of follower tokens equal to the number of monuments,
either under their control or neutral, that they have any figures adjacent to. Followers are placed into
a personal supply.
4) Unlock Ankh Power- The god dashboard shows all the powers available to unlock with the action
unlock ankh power. They are divided into 3 tiers/columns. At most you may have 2 in each level by
filling the lower tiers before moving to the next using the leftmost token. To unlock a power you must
sacrifice followers equal to the tier you are using and return those followers to the general supply. If all
abilities are unlocked or you do not have enough followers you may still take this action to move the
marker and are not required to discard followers. Under some of the tokens when removed there is a
controlling guardian symbol (or just not an empty black spot) which means they take the appropriate
level guardian from the general supply into their own personal supply with their warriors to use in a
future summon figure action assuming you have an available colored base to put on your figure or you
lose the guardian.
There are 3 types of events: control monument, camel caravan, and conflicts. When an action marker
reaches the rightmost space in its track an event begins after completing the action that caused the event.
There are 2 kinds of events: individual (round) and group (square). The individual events are performed by
the player who triggered the event while the conflict involves all players.
1) Control Monument- When activated, only the player that caused the event will gain control of up to
1 neutral monument as long as they have at least 1 figure adjacent to the monument. Use a colored
token from your supply to indicate control. If there are no neutral monuments on the game board
then you may take over another player’s monument using the same requirements.
2) Camel Caravan- The player that triggered the event can place a line of up to 6 camels from the
general supply to the board so that they split and create a new region of at least 6 hexes not including
water tiles. The camels are placed one per hex to create a border against rivers, water tiles, map
borders, and other camels. After making a new region that player will choose one of the regions,
original vs new, to keep the conflict order token from the original region. Then take the next lowest
conflict order token from the supply and place it to the other region that was without a conflict order
token. Finally you may swap the conflict order token from one of the two new regions with any
conflict order token already on the board.
3) Conflict- The conflict event includes all players. The player that triggered the event is given a
tiebreaker token which can be used to win 1 tied battle during this event. If unused then the
tiebreaker token is returned to the supply. Conflicts are resolved in order using the square conflict
order tokens from lowest to highest. Regions with no figures are ignored. If only 1 player has figures
they claim domination. If 2 or more players have figures in a region then a battle begins.
+Domination- Gain 1 devotion plus and additional 1 devotion for each monument majority
they have. To have majority you have the most monuments of a specific type in that region. No points
are given for a tie in monuments. No points are given for monuments for other players in a
+Battle- Battles are performed in this order: select and reveal cards, build monument, resolve
plague, monument majority. After resolving cards, monuments, plagues, and majority you calculate
the total strength in battle. Usually each figure has 1 strength but cards and various abilities will
change this. The player with the highest strength wins the battle gaining 1 devotion and killing all
enemy figures in the region. In a tie a tiebreaker token may be played otherwise all figures are killed
and returned to your personal supply.
++Select and Reveal Cards- Each player secretly chooses 1 battle card from their hand
and places it facedown. When ready all cards are revealed at the same time. Cards used from previous
battles are to remain faceup and are public information.
++Build Monument- Resolve in ascending order of the devotion track going from lowest to
++Resolve Plague- Fully resolve plague card effects.
++Monument Majority- Award to each player 1 devotion for their majority of each
monument type in ascending order of the devotion track going from lowest to highest
Merging Gods:
Merging is only performed in a game with 3 or more players. At the end of the 3rd conflict event the 2
gods with the least devotion will merge into a single god and play as a team. Perform the following in
this order…
+Determine the 2 gods that will merge: the second-lowest position on the devotion track is the
higher merging god while the lowest position on the devotion track will be the lower merging god.
+Remove: the god, warriors, battle cards, tokens, and all monuments controlled by the lower
merging player to the general supply. Give any remaining followers to the higher merging player. Any
lower merging guardians may change to the new player assuming they have a colored base available
or will be lost.
+Move the higher merging god token on the devotion track on top of the lower god token.
They now move together.
+Attach a colored base of the lower god to the higher god’s base to show the connection.
+The lower merging god will adjust the ankh power to match that of the higher god. They will
continue to share the exact same ankh powers for the remainder of the game. If one player unlocks an
ability they both will place the token showing that ability.
+The new merged god gains the special god abilities of both gods. Share the merged god
dashboard with each other for an easier reference.
+Both players share the pool of warriors, guardians, and followers.
The players now only take 1 action on their turn. If there is a disagreement among a shared action like
battle cards then the higher player will decide themselves.
Forgotten Gods:
At the end of the 4th conflict if there are any gods with their token still in the red portion of the
devotion track they are eliminated from the game. Remove the god, warriors, guardians, monuments,
tokens, and followers. If 2 or more gods are in play the game continues. If only 1 player remains, they
win. If all are eliminated then all players lose.
Things to remember
-It is often advantageous to simply occupy a space so that your opponents may not do so.
-If there are no colored bases or tokens left in your supply to place on a figure or monument you may
not complete the action or event and lose the benefit.
-Any used battle cards are to remain faceup on the table to be visible to all players.
-When multiple players would gain or lose devotion at the same time, start with the player with the
least devotion and proceed in ascending order to the player with the most devotion. If on the same
spot of the devotion track then player on top has the most devotion. If moving to a spot on the
devotion track that has a player token already on it the new token goes on top.
-Follower tokens are not limited.
-Monuments, colored base rings, and ankh tokens are limited.
-Conflict order tokens do not hold or take up space on the board.