Ib MO04
Ib MO04
Ib MO04
4. Find all pairs (a, b) of two-digit natural numbers such that both 100a + b and
201a + b are four-digit perfect squares.
5. In a scalene triangle ABC, points A′ , B′ ,C′ are the intersection points of the inter-
nal bisectors of angles A, B,C with the opposite sides, respectively. Let BC meet
the perpendicular bisector of AA′ at A′′ , CA meet the perpendicular bisector of
BB′ at B′′ , and AB meet the perpendicular bisector of CC′ at C′′ . Prove that A′′ ,
B′′ and C′′ are collinear.
6. For a set H of points in a plane, we say that a point P in the plane is an intersec-
tion point if there are distinct points A, B,C, D in H such that the lines AB and
CD intersect at P.
Given a finite set A0 in the plane, sets A1 , A2 , . . . are constructed inductively
as follows: For every j ≥ 0, A j+1 is the union of A j and the set of intersection
points of A j . Prove that if the union of all the sets A j is finite, then A j = A1 for
all j ≥ 1.