High Holidays 2023 B

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30 Years in Skokie! 156 Years Serving Chicagoland!


AUGUST / SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2023 www.KesserMaariv.org
Stay Updated on Facebook @KesserMaariv Twitter @Kesser Maariv Shiurim at KesserMaariv.pododmatic.com áñØã
Annual Meeting - August 21st the office by October 2nd.
Our Annual Meeting for members to discuss the past year, Weekly Shiurim
the coming year, and for a nominating committee report, Rabbi Soloveichik’s Sunday Parsha Shiur meets at 10:30
will meet on Monday August 21 at 6:45 pm (before Mincha) am on Zoom: Meeting ID: 879 4850 7611 Password:
at the Shul. 178417. Shiur archives are available online.
Neighbors & Friends Kiddush Rabbi Benzie’s Gemara Kesuvos Shiur - learning a Daf a
Please come and bring a neighbor and friend to Kiddush on Week, near the end of the third chapter. Wednesdays at 5:15
Shabbat August 26th. pm at the Shul and on Zoom. Meeting ID: 810 8264 8249
Selichot - September 9th Password: 028366. Archives are on Youtube.
Please join us on Saturday evening September Rabbi Eli gives a Parsha shiur on Shabbat afternoon 30
9 for Selichot, penitential supplications, at minutes before mincha.
11:00 pm. Rabbi Juzint’s Nechamas Meyer & Chain of Miracles
High Holidays 5784 & Membership Get authentic Slabodka Mussar explanations on the weekly
Rosh Hashana begins Friday night September Parsha (Breishis & Shemos) by Rabbi Meyer Juzint z”l,
15, and continues on Shabbat and Sunday, September 16- Purchase from the office and on our website for $25. The
17. Yom Kippur will be Sunday evening and Monday Chain of Miracles is available for $20. Rabbi Juzint’s
September 24th and 25th. Membership information is yahrzeit is the second day of Sukkot.
enclosed! Parsha Podcasts / Social Media - For High Holidays!
Upcoming Yizkor Rabbi Louis Lazovsky's morning Vorts on the Parsha are
We will recite Yizkor on Yom Kippur, Monday September available as podcasts at KesserMaariv.podomatic.com (a link
25th at about 11:30 am, and on Shmini Atzeret, Shabbat is on our homepage, www.KesserMaariv.org). Four years
October 7th at about 10:45 am. ago we posted Rabbi Lazovsky’s podcasts on the entire
To order Yahrzeit plaques, please call the office at (847) Rambam Hilchos Teshuva in 33 sub-5-minute chunks, search
679-9800. by tag “teshuva”.
Lulav and Etrog Sets - Deadline Sept. 18 Facebook: Fb.me/Kesser Maariv Twitter: @KesserMaariv
The shul will once again sell top quality Lulav Pushke - Please contact the office if you need a Kesser
sets. Please order your set from the office by Maariv Pushke (Tzedaka Box), or if you need your full
September 18th. Cost per set is $55 for members; Pushke to be collected.
$65 for non-members. Upgraded sets are E-mail List
available. Please call Rabbi Benzie at (847) 679- To receive our emails, please send an e-mail to
9800 or email bhhkmal@yahoo.com . Sets will bhhkmal@yahoo.com indicating that you wish to be placed
be available for pick-up after Yom Kippur. on the e-mail list. We are happy to have more than one e-
Order Form is later in this mail per family
newsletter with Membership. Send-A-Kid-To-Israel Partnership (S.K.I.P.)
New Year Greeting Card - You can Kesser Maariv is proud to be a participating Congregation in
join the Shul’s New Year Greeting Card S.K.I.P. The program allows parents to contribute money
for $26. Please contact Sheryl annually in partnership with the synagogue and the Jewish
Greenstein at oogiah@aol.com, or use Federation for an Israel trip for their children. Students in
the enclosed Membership flyer, by grades 3-6, enrolled in a day or afternoon school, who have
September 9th. The festive card is finished paying their annual membership to the shul, are
pictured at left. eligible to participate. For additional details, a registration kit
Shabbat Shuva Shiur or to enroll your child(ren) for the first time, please contact
On Shabbat September 23rd Rabbi Louis Ben Zion Lazovsky at (847) 679-9800.
Lazovsky will deliver his annual special Shabbat Shuva Misheberach List
shiur at 5:20 pm, before Mincha. If you have names for a misheberach, please send them to the
Hakafot on Simchat Torah & Luncheon shul office or e-mail to bhhkmal@yahoo.com.
Hakafot will be held on Motzaei Shabbat and Sunday All-Occasion Cards
morning, October 7th and 8th. We hope to have a luncheon Beautiful All-Occasion Cards (designed by Wendy Hartz z“l)
after davening on October 8th. Please make reservations to are available for purchase from the office, 13 cards for $24.
To have us send out a card for you, please contact Dotty GOOD & WELFARE
Levant Chakiris at 773-338-2515. Mazal Tov to: Steve & Sue Goldrich on the
PAST EVENTS marriages of their children: Jake to Sarah
Shavuot Mishmar - we had a very nice turnout. Rabbi Stranieri and Jeff to Naomi Ecanow, and to
Louis taught the Book of Ruth, and Rabbi Benzie discussed Bubby Cookie Goldrich; Barbara & Howard
Torah Perspectives on Taxation, and Kidney Transplants in Pomper on the birth of a great-granddaughter; Gilda
Halacha....We celebrated the accomplishments of our Allswang on the birth of a great-grandson; Myra Goldstein on
graduates at the Graduation Kiddush.... in July we hosted the birth of a great-granddaughter Adi Chana Ashkenazy;
a Family Seudat Shlisheet with speaker Israeli tour guide Larry & Lora Frazin on the Bat Mitzvah of their
Yehuda Liebenson who discussed “The Patriarchs Road: granddaughter, Tziona Casper; Sandy & Marty Miretzky on
We Are a Nation of Travelers.” the marriage of their son Brian to Stephanie Hoffman; Cookie
Rabbi Lazovsky was recently Goldrich on the birth of a great-grandson; Barbara & Howard
featured on the J3 Podcast discussing Pomper and Felicia Bolotin on the engagement of their
Rabbi Juzint... A group went to see granddaughter and daughter Megan Bolotin to Gideon Rov;
the Chicago Dogs Minor League Joel & Dr. Gail Scher on the birth of a granddaughter Maya
Baseball team play the Milwaukee Shlomit Scher.
Milkmen. We were welcomed on the
Mark a special occasion, milestone or memory with
scoreboard, and each attendee received a cap.
a leaf, acorn or foundation stone on our expanded Etty
Rubinow Tree of Life! Forms are online or in the Shul.
Past Events Refua Shleima to: David Kaplan, Bella Perlman, Ruben
•Thanks to all who bought Shavuot mitzva plants, and to Arciniega.
Brenda Kahn for organizing it. (See Park Plaza’s Facebook Condolences to: Kety Ezra on the loss of her husband Sidney
post thanking us, and with pictures). Ezra.
•We attended Violins of Hope - Chicago Thanks to sponsors of Weekly Programming: Arkady & Ellen
• A Women’s Bonfire was held on a beautiful evening. Kats; The Lazovsky family; Bob & Sheryl Greenstein.
Thanks to guitarist Ilana Dress, and to everyone who Thanks to Kiddush Sponsors: Steve & Sue Goldrich; Sandy
attended. & Marty Miretzky; the Lazovsky family; Joel & Dr. Gail
Scher; Eleanor & Jeff Greenspan; and anonymous sponsors.
Thanks to Seudat Shlisheet Sponsors: Goldrich family;
Kowitt family; Allswang family; Lazovsky family; Maury &
Tina Pressbuger; Dr. Bruce Gaynes & Leah Cohen.
Congregation B.H.H. Kesser Maariv A.L.
Thanks to Graduation Kiddush sponsors: Allswang, Cagan,
4341 W. Golf
Elovic, Fensterheim, Frazin, Greenstein, Kheradar, Lazovsky,
Skokie, IL 60076 Fb.me/KesserMaariv
Lowenstein, Nissan, Pomper, Schiller, Zaretsky families, and
(847) 679-9800 twitter.com/KesserMaariv
Myra Goldstein.
fax (847) 679-5041 KesserMaariv.podomatic.com
e-mail: bhhkmal@yahoo.com
Brief Laws of the Month of Tishrei - 2023 / 5784
On Rosh Hashana night after we come home from
Rabbi Louis A. Lazovsky Steven D. Goldrich, President shul we make Kiddush with Shehechiyanu. After hamotzi,
Rabbi Ben Zion Lazovsky, many have the custom to eat an apple dipped in honey, as well
Associate Rabbi & Executive Director as other symbolic foods. Please note that despite what the
Sandy Miretzky, Nasrin Kheradyar & Saretta Lazovsky, Machzor says, it is proper to make the bracha Ha'eitz on dates
Co-Presidents, Adele Goldblum Women’s Council (or pomegranates if you don't eat dates) and eat them before
Committee Contact Information: eating the apple dipped in honey.
All-Occasion Cards - buy from the office. To have As Rosh Hashana is the beginning of our Judgement,
cards sent, call Dotty Levant Chakiris (773) 338-2515 we start davening early as we add special prayers describing
Chesed Fund Anne Elovic (847) 673-2904 G-d as King. In the morning we read in the Torah about G-d
remembering Sarah and in the haftorah how He remembered
Donate Books & Siddurim Office Chana (mother of the prophet Samuel) hoping that G-d will
All-Occasion Cards, Pushke (847) 679-9800 or remember us for good. Because it is Shabbat we do not blow
Kiddush & Seudat Shlisheet bhhkmal@yahoo.com the Shofar until the second day. In the special Mussaf we
Tree of Life, Yahrzeit Plaques mention Biblical verses accepting G-d as King, about G-d
Endowment Rabbi Louis Lazovsky remembering people for good, and about Shofar blasts. After
Shul we have Yom Tov meals at home.
Membership Judy Whisler On Shabbat we will not serve Seudat Shlisheet in
847-677-2281 j5awhisler@aol.com Shul. It should be eaten at home before 5:40 pm. We can’t
eat later than that to have an appetite for the Yom Tov
meal that night. aravot on the left.
Shabbat afternoon we daven Mincha and On the first night of Sukkot, we make
Maariv. Candle lighting is not before 7:41 pm, which is Kiddush, the bracha “Leisheiv Basukkah,” then
the earliest time to prepare and Shehichaynu. While we are exempt from eating in a
warm food for that night's meal. Sukkah in the rain, on the first night there is a special
Recite the mini-Havdala “Baruch mitzvah to eat in the Sukkah and if it rains we wait out the
Hamavdil Bein Kodesh L’chol” at storm, even until midnight. (Remember Yaaleh Veyavo in
that time then light candles. Birkat Hamazon.)
Remember to transfer the fire from The first day we make kiddush, leisheiv
an existing flame; and let that basukah, wash, hamotzi and eat a Yom Tov meal. During
candle burn out by itself, as we Sukkot whenever we eat any mezonos or hamotzi food in
may not extinguish flames on Yom the Sukkah we make the Bracha “Leishev Basukkah.”
Tov. We do recite Shehechiyanu at The second night we may not light candles or
candle lighting and in the special prepare for that night's meal before 7:25 pm. (See
Kiddush that includes Havdala (known by the Talmudic directions about the special Yaknehaz Kiddush & Havdala
acronym YaKNeHaZ) and all Siddurim include it. It is above from the 2nd night of Rosh Hashana), then
preferable to use clear, incandescent light bulbs in your shehechiyanu, then Leisheiv Basukah (different than the
room as the candle for Havdala. One should not light a first night) and have a Yom Tov meal.
havdala candle because we are not permitted to blow it During Sukkot G-d decides how much rain we
out on Yom Tov. If you don’t have clear incandescent will have for the year (which will water the crops, ensuring
bulbs, hold 2 regular candles together for Havdala and our food needs are met). In the Beit Hamikdash, there was
then set them in holders to burn out by themselves. Some a special water-drawing ceremony called the Simchat Beit
have a custom to have a new fruit for the second night Hasho'eivah, which was the most joyous ceremony all year
because of the “Shehechiyanu.” The second day is like the in the Beit Hamikdash. In our community we find some
first, except we read about the Binding of Yitzchak Simchat Beit Hasho’eivas with music and dancing to
(Akeidah) and we blow the Shofar. For those who have commemorate that.
the custom to say Tashlich at a body of water, they may (Many books with the Laws of Yom Tov [like
do so on Sunday (it is not recited on Shabbat). cooking] and Chol Hamoed, and the Lulav may be found in
During the 10 Days of Repentance the Malamud Reference Library.)
culminating with Yom Kippur we repent for our actions The last day of Sukkot is Hoshana Rabbah,
from the previous year, commit to not repeating them, and which is an important day according to the Kabbalah, as in
do as many good deeds and give as much Tzedaka as the Beit Hamikdash they performed a special, lengthy
possible. We also make several changes to Shmone Esray. ceremony, and our prayers that day, as well as beating the
TZOM GEDALIA is Monday September 18. The Fast Hoshana bundle, are to commemorate that special service.
begins at 5:10 am and ends at 7:20 pm. This day Friday night October 7th begins Shmini
commemorates the assassination of Governor Gedalia and Atzeret, a distinct holiday from Sukkot, and therefore we
this was an event that contributed to the destruction of the do make Shehechiyanu at candle lighting and in Kiddush.
Beit Hamikdash. However, outside Israel we are required to eat in the Sukkah
On Erev Yom Kippur (9/24) we have a on Shmini Atzeret but we do not make the bracha Leishev
mitzvah to eat, in order to strengthen ourselves for the fast. Basukkah. On Shabbat morning we recite Yizkor. Later in
We daven Mincha early with the Viduy confession, as the afternoon, before Mincha, we make a special prayer
Rambam says one may choke while eating out of the fear when we leave the Sukkah after eating in it for the final
and dread of Yom Kippur. We gather at Shul before time.
sunset for Kol Nidrei. On Yom Kippur we abstain from The final day is called
eating, drinking, wearing leather shoes, using lotions, Simchat Torah. It is the day we
creams, ointments or perfumes, washing past the knuckle, complete the annual cycle of reading
and marital relations. After Yom Kippur we make the Torah, and begin it again. Rabbi
Havdala over wine, candle and the last bracha of Havdala. Moshe Soloveichik's grandfather taught
After breaking our fast there is a custom to that our joy comes from starting the
immediately do more mitzvot, so some begin building Torah again with new depth and
their Sukkah, or at least gathering its pieces. insight, not from finishing the Torah.
Sukkot has two special mitzvot associated On Saturday night we will have seven Hakafot (circling the
with it - the Four species (Lulav, Etrog, Hadas, Arava) and Bimah) where we dance joyfully with the Torahs which we
eating in the Sukkah. The Lulav is the tallest of the repeat the next morning, along with all males above Bar
species; we hold it in our right hand with its spine (the Mitzva receiving an aliya, and the traditional special aliya
darker green vertical line) towards us, with the three for all children. We finish the Torah, begin it again, and
hadasim on the right (as we look at the lulav) and the two finish davening.
Date Candle Lighting Erev Mincha Shacharit Mincha
Re’eh 8/11-8/12 7:37 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 7:25 pm
Shoftim 8/18-8/19 7:27 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 7:15 pm
Ki Tetzei 8/25-8/26 7:16 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 7:05 pm
Ki Tavo 9/1-9/2 7:05 pm 7:05 pm 8:45 am 6:55 pm
Nitzavim-Vayelech 9/8-9/9 6:53 pm 6:55 pm 8:45 am 6:40 pm
1 Day Rosh Hashana 9/15-9/16 6:41 pm 6:45 pm 8:30 am 6:40 pm
2nd Day Rosh Hashana 9/16-9/17 7:41 pm 6:35 pm 8:30 am 6:40 pm
Haazinu (Shuva) 9/22-9/23 6:28 pm 6:30 pm 8:45 am 6:20 pm
Yom Kippur 9/24-9/25 6:25 pm Mincha 2:30 8:30 am 4:45 pm
Kol Nidrei 6:25 Yizkor 11:45 Neila 6:15
1st Day Sukkot 9/29-9/30 6:16 pm 6:20 pm 8:45 am 6:15 pm
2nd Day Sukkot 9/30-10/1 7:25 pm 6:15 pm 8:45 am 6:15 pm
Shmini Atzeret 10/6-10/7 6:04 pm 6:05 pm 8:45 am 6:50 pm
Simchat Torah 10/7-10/8 7:03 pm 6:00 pm 8:45 am 6:00 pm
Breishit 10/13-10/14 5:53 pm 5:55 pm 8:45 am 5:40 pm
Noach 10/20-10/21 5:42 pm 5:45 pm 8:45 am 5:30 pm
Lech Lecha 10/27-10/28 5:35 pm 5:35 pm 8:45 am 5:20 pm
If you have a chiyuv - obligation to daven or require an Aliya, please inform Rabbi Lazovsky before Shabbat.

Minyan Times Classes
Sunday Morning at 10:30 am: Parsha Class in the Weekly Sedra. Given
Shacharit by Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik on Zoom Meeting ID: 879 4850 7611
Sunday: 8:00 am Password: 178417
Monday-Friday: 6:00 am
Wednesdays 5:15 pm: Talmud Shiur studying Gemara Kesuvos in Shul
and on Zoom: Meeting ID: 810 8264 8249 Password: 028366
Sunday-Thursday: Shabbat 30 minutes before Mincha: Parsha Shiur by Rabbi Eli.
10 minutes before sundown For more learning opportunities, contact Rabbis B. or E. Lazovsky

Malamud Reference Library - Come and Learn from any of the hundreds of titles in our library.
Lending Library Members may borrow books from our Lending Library, located on the south side of the Social Hall.
Tape Lending Library We have tapes and digital audio files on many topics including Chumash, Talmud and Mussar.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, President Steven Goldrich and Rabbi Louis Lazovsky, we are proud to invite
you to join us for our High Holiday 5784 Services this year, beginning with Selichot on Saturday evening,
September 9th. Rosh Hashana begins Friday night, September 15th.
Membership & Ticket Rates Family (2 tickets) Single (1 ticket) Additional Seat Dependent Child
Membership $1,300 $650 $200 $75
First Time Good Neighbor Tickets $600 $325 $200 $75
Tickets Only, no membership $700 $200
Friend of Kesser Maariv (no tickets or membership) $200
To serve you better, we accept payments of $500 and above by Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express.

Rabbi Ben Zion Lazovsky at (847) 679-9800 bhhkmal@yahoo.com or Judy Whisler at (847) 677-2281
j5awhisler@aol.com will be happy to help accommodate you and give more information about membership.

G My membership is enclosed.
Number of Men's Seats: ________ Number of Women's Seats: _______

Number of Boys’ Seats: ________ Number of Girls’ Seats: _________

G I would like to order _____ Lulav sets sets. Price: $55 each/members; $65/non-members

G Please include us on the KM New Year greeting card. $26 per family.

Please sign our name as follows: ________________________________


Name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________

City, State & Zip Code: _________________________________________ Phone : __________________

E-mail: _______________________________________ and __________________________________________

---------------------------- For Credit Card Payments: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

I authorize Kesser Maariv to charge my __________ card.

Name on Card_______________________ Amount to be charged: ________________

Card # _________-_________-_________-_________ Exp: ____ ____ 3-digit Security Code:__________

Signed _____________________________ Date _________

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