April May Pesach 2024

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PESACH Past Events
Thanks to all who bought leaves on the Etty Rubinow Tree
Information for preparing and celebrating of Life during Shevat.
Pesach starts on page 3! The First Seder is Purim – After Megilla reading, we packed bags of
Monday evening April 22! toiletries for clients of the Ark which were delivered on
Misheberach List Purim day. It was great to start off Purim united in doing
If you have names for a misheberach, please send them to a mitzvah! We thank the anonymous sponsors who paid for
the shul office or e-mail to bhhkmal@yahoo.com. the items packed! Thank you to those who stayed after
Happy Day Cards davening and Megilla reading in the morning to take a
To purchase cards, designed by Wendy Hartz a”h, please picture dressed in jerseys and beanies saying "Together We
contact the office at (847) 679-9800 or Will Bring a Smile to Every Face." This was the Purim
bhhkmal@yahoo.com. Cards are available for purchase motto of the "Smart Chesed" Organization in Israel
from the office for $2.00 each or 13 cards for $24. If you "Lema'an Achai." In the afternoon we had our "Last
would like us to send a card for you, please call Dotty Chance Megilla Reading" followed by a Seudah. Thank
Levant Chakiris at 773-338-2515. you to Rabbis Benzie and Eli for layening the Megilla and
Parsha Podcasts for all others involved in the Purim preparations and
Rabbi Louis Lazovsky's morning Vorts on the Parsha are activities.
available as podcasts online at ADELE GOLDBLUM WOMEN’S COUNCIL
KesserMaariv.podomatic.com Past Events
Rabbi Benzie’s Shiur is more than halfway through Thanks to everyone who became a member of the Women’s
learning Gemara Kesuvos, open to men and women; Council for 2023-24. A portion of membership was
beginners and advanced students. Shiur meets on donated to AMIT Emergency Fund for Sderot for Therapy
Wednesday nights one hour before Mincha (currently about and Emergency Needs, the fund that is set up for the wife
6:00 pm) in the Kaufman Beis Midrash and on Zoom and children of Elisha Loewenstern z'l, and Friends of the
Meeting ID: 810 8264 8249 Password: 028366. IDF.
Rabbi Soloveichik’s Sunday Parsha Shiur meets
Thank you to the following for their sponsorships: Sandy
at 10:30 am on Zoom: Meeting ID: 879 4850 7611
Password: 178417 and at Fb.me/KesserMaariv. Shiur Cagan, Eleanor Greenspan, Judy Whisler, Leah Cohen,
archives are available on YouTube and YUTorah.org. Anne Elovic, Julie Rosenheim, Vicki Ross, Eva Zussman,
Daily Minyan Sally Aaron, Sue Goldrich, Cookie Goldrich, and Saretta
We have daily 6:00 am Shacharit. Sunday-Thursday, Lazovsky.
Mincha-Maariv is about 10 minutes before sunset. Thanks to Bonnie Hernandez of Friends of the
Rabbi Meyer Juzint’s Nechamas Meyer - Mussar IDF for speaking on Standing with Israel in Peacetime and
on Parsha and The Chain of Miracles in Crisis, to host Ann Herbach, to Sandy Miretzky and to
These books - Mussar on Parsha and an amazing Holocaust all who attended.
memoir written by a teacher of Rabbi Louis Lazovsky and We are grateful to Daniel Rothner, founder of
a friend of Kesser Maariv, are available for purchase from Aryvut organization in New Jersey, for donating 2024 “A
the office. Nechamas Meyer is $25 and Chain of Miracles Kindness a Day” calendars that we distributed.
is $20.
Graduation Yom Yerushalayim Kiddush
On Shabbat, June 8 we plan to have a kiddush in honor of
Mazel Tov to:Cookie Goldrich on the engagement of her
our graduates and Yom Yerushalayim. It’s not too early to
submit your graduate’s name to Saretta. More details will granddaughter, Chevi Loewenstern and on the birth of her
follow after Pesach. great-grandson, Tzvi Orloff; Myra Goldstein on the birth of
Important Dates a great-grandson, Amichai Yisrael; Jeff & Sandra Cagan on
Yom HaShoah - Monday May 6 the birth of a granddaughter, born to Bryan & Samantha
Yom Hazikaron - Monday May 13 (These are dates the Cagan, and on the Bar Mitzvah of grandson Johnathan
Yom Ha’Atzma’ut -Tuesday May 14 Chief Rabbinate set) Chaim Riley; the Lazovsky, Allswang and Solomon
Lag B’Omer - Sunday May 26 families on the birth of Shalhevet Yaffa Lazovsky; Rabbi
Yom Yerushalayim - June 5 Neil & Debbie Brill on the marriage of their granddaughter
Shavuot begins Tuesday night June 11 Breana Brill to Jacob Skolnik; Aliza & Elazar Weiner on
the birth of a daughter, Peppi; Nate Serlin on the Bar DVAR TORAH
Mitzvah of his grandson, Noam Serlin; Rabbi Arthur & Parshat Parah - Shabbat, March 30. In the time of the
Pearl Cohen on the on the engagement of a grandson, on Temple, everyone had to eat from the Paschal Lamb
the birth of a great-grandson, and on the marriage of their (korban Pesach) in purity on Passover. We read about the
granddaughter; Jeff & Eleanor Greenspan on the birth of a Parah Adumah to remind everyone to ritually purify
grandson, Alon, in Israel; Sanford Schwartz on the birth of themselves with the ashes of the Red Heifer (Parah
a great-granddaughter; Hannah Kowitt for being an ATT Adumah) to be able to eat the sacrifice. This reading
Hartman Family Foundation Teacher of the Year Award should also be heard by everyone, even children.
winner. Celebrate your simcha on the Etty Rubinow Shabbat, April 6 is Parshat Hachodesh. The additional
Tree of Life! Leaves. See the order form on our website. reading discusses laws pertaining to the Passover sacrifice
and the importance of time, which is the defining
Refua Shleima to: Howard Pomper, David Kaplan, and all characteristic of the Jewish people. The Almighty
who need one. promised that the Jewish empire will be one over time, as
Thank you to our recent Kiddush Sponsors: Ellen & our sages expressed: “The nations of the world are like the
Arkady Kats; Avi Lowenstein; Dr. Bruce & Leah Gaynes; sun and the Jewish nation is like the moon;” despite
Jeff & Mila Zaretzky; Rabbi Louis & Saretta Lazovsky; waning, always regenerating.
Rabbi Benzie & Channah Lazovsky; Jeff & Sandra Cagan; The Omer, or period of counting 49 days
and anonymous sponsors. between Passover and Shavuot, is a solemn period when
twenty four thousand students of Rabbi Akiva, all rabbis
Thank you to our recent Seudat Shlisheet Sponsors: Gilda and leaders of Israel, passed away. We being counting
Allswang; Mila & Jeff Zaretsky; Rabbi Louis & Saretta (“Sfira”) the night of April 23. One should count after
Lazovsky; Rabbi Benzie & Channah Lazovsky; Marty & sunset. If one forgot to count at night, count the next day
Sandy Miretzky; without reciting the blessing. If one forgot the entire day,
the blessing may not be recited for the rest of the Omer,
Thanks to sponsors of Weekly Programming: Mila & Jeff even if one counts at night. During this time we refrain
Zaretsky; Sheryl & Bob Greenstein; and anonymous from celebrating weddings, having haircuts, purchasing
sponsors. new clothing and hearing live music. On the 33rd day of
the counting, known as Lag B’Omer, this year
corresponding to Sunday, May 26, the students did not
Congregation B.H.H. Kesser Maariv A.L. die. As a result, it is a day of joy and celebration.
4341 W. Golf Marriages, which are ordinarily prohibited during the
Skokie, IL 60076 Fb.me/KesserMaariv sefira period, are permitted on Lag B’Omer, and field
(847) 679-9800 Twitter: @KesserMaariv trips and outings take place. In Israel, the day is marked
fax (847) 679-5041 KesserMaariv.podomatic.com by the bonfires and pilgrimages are made to the grave of
e-mail: bhhkmal@yahoo.com Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, whose Yahrzeit is on Lag
www.KesserMaariv.org B’Omer. Shavuot begins on Tuesday evening June 11
and ends on Thursday evening June 13.
Rabbi Louis A. Lazovsky
Steven D. Goldrich, President Divrei Torah on the Hagaddah and links to audio shiurim
Rabbi Ben Zion Lazovsky, Associate Rabbi & Executive Director will be on the expanded Newsletter on our Website!
Sandy Miretzky, Nasrin Kheradyar & Saretta Lazovsky,
Some of Rabbi Ben Zion’s previous classes are available:
Co-Presidents, Adele Goldblum Women’s Council
Committee Contact Information: Mitzvot of the Seder Night: Reciting the Haggadah;
Dotty Levant Chakiris Matza; Maror; Four Cups; Reclining; Hallel
Happy Day Cards Preparing for Pesach: Bedikat Chametz; How to Kasher
(773) 338-2515 your home; Selling Chametz; How Matza is Made
Chesed Fund Anne Elovic (847) 673-2904 Thoughts on the Hagaddah 2013.
Hagadaless shiur - what is not in the Hagaddah
Donate Books & Siddurim Office
Gemaras about the Seder
(847) 679-9800 or bhhkmal@yahoo.com
Endowment Rabbi Louis Lazovsky Some of Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik’s Classes:
Membership Judy Whisler j5awhisler@aol.com Why Moshe’s name is not in the Hagaddah
Redundancies in Ha Lachma Anya, Focus on Avraham
Sponsor Kiddush, Seudat Shlisheet, Books, Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik’s yahrzeit and Hagadda
Weekly Programming Office insights
Tree of Life bhhkmal@yahoo.com Shabbos Hagadol & freedom
Yahrzeit Plaques (847) 679-9800 Hashem as King of Kings
PASSOVER INFORMATION 1) We Search for Chametz on Sunday night, April 21 after
sundown. We follow all of the procedures and customs
including reciting the blessing and Kol Chamira
Passover is a time of the year when we remember those who
(renunciation of ownership) upon conclusion of the search;
are not as fortunate as others. The "Shulchan Aruch - Code
2) The Fast of the First Born is on Monday morning April
of the Jewish Law" reminds us of our obligation to help all
22. Fathers fast for their first born son under Bar Mitzvah.
Jews celebrate Passover, our festival of freedom. Please give
A Siyum can be attended if fasting is difficult. We will hold
generously to those in need so that they too can have Matzos,
a siyum that morning after our 6:00 am minyan;
Wine, Maror and all other basic Passover needs. The Shul
3) We Burn Chametz on Monday morning April 22. Burning
distributes Maot Chittim to people who need it. Donations
of the Chametz will be available that day, from 8:00 am until
may be sent to the office or given to Rabbis Louis, Ben Zion
11:00 am, at various locations. Everyone must perform Bitul
or Eli, and they will be distributed.
(Nullification of) Chametz and recite the Kol Chamira at this
"Kol Dichfien Yasay V'yaichal - Whoever is needy, let them
come and celebrate Passover with us." -Haggadah
4) The Prohibition of Eating Chametz begins at 10:08 am on
Monday morning April 22;
Pre-Pesach Shiurim at Kesser Maariv
5) The Seder - We cannot begin the seder until after nightfall
All these classes are open to men and women.
(8:15 pm). In each and every generation we must feel as if
Haggadah Shiur - Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik - TBA
we are re-experiencing the exodus from Egypt. Accordingly,
Shabbat Hagodol Drasha - Rabbi Louis Lazovsky
we must delve into the Haggadah to remember the suffering
Shabbat, April 20 at 5:40 pm
of our ancestors and to learn of the greatness of Hashem. We
Some of Rabbi Ben Zion’s previous classes are available:
must involve our children in this process and realize that
each part of the Passover Seder has great meaning and
significance. In addition to reciting the Hagaddah, special
cRc Pesach Fair -Sunday, April 14 1:00pm – 4pm at HTC,
mitzvot of the night include drinking four cups of wine or
7135 Carpenter, Skokie, includes Kashering, Shatnez testing.
grape juice, eating Matza, Maror and a Yom Tov meal. We
See www.crcpesach.org !
must eat the Afikomen by 12:48 am.
Hagalas Kaylim See a video on kashering.
6) First Day - On Wednesday morning April 23 we have a
Hagalas Kaylim at Telshe Yeshiva 3535 W. Foster, Chicago
Yom Tov service in Shul, followed by a Yom Tov meal.
- Monday April 15th from 7:30-9 pm, Tuesday April 16th
Note that we may not eat a meal after 6:00 pm in preparation
from 7:30-9 pm. Large orders please call 773-727-5241
for the second seder.
Shaatnez Testing - available at Star Cleaners, 3704
7) Second Night & Seder - We cannot begin to make
Dempster, year-round, or at cRc Pesach Fair.
preparations or begin the second seder until after candle
Skokie’s Spring Greening - Sunday April 14, from 10am- lighting on Tuesday evening April 23, which is not before
1:45 pm at Old Orchard’s West Parking Lot. Check 8:24 pm. Recite the mini-Havdala “Baruch Hamavdil Bein
www.skokiespringgreening.info Kodesh L’chol” at that time then light candles. Remember
Agudah Document Shredding & Electronics Recycling - to transfer the fire from an existing flame; and let that candle
7001 Central Park, Sunday April 7, 1-4 pm. burn out by itself, as we may not extinguish flames on Yom
Proper Disposal of Shamos. - Chicago Chesed Fund - Tov. We do recite “Shehechiyanu” at candle lighting; some
Sunday April 7, 1-5 pm, 7001 Central Park, Lincolnwood. have the custom to have a new fruit for the second night.
Questions? Rabbi Bider 773-315-7255 After this, you may cook/warm up food, set the table and
Shamos should not be brought to Kesser Maariv. Note: then begin the Seder. The Seder is very similar to the first
Likutei Pshatim (and similar publications) may be double- night’s Seder. The Afikoman must be eaten by 12:48 am.
bagged and placed with the regular garbage pickup. We begin counting the Omer.
Burn Chametz on Monday morning April 22 until 11:00 am. 8) Second Day - After Shul we have a Yom Tov meal.
Everyone must perform Bitul (nullification of) Chametz and 9) We make Havdalah over wine only on Wednesday night
recite the Kol Chamira before 11:28 am. At Lincolnwood April 24. Chol Hamo’ed begins then, and continues until
Town Center SE parking lot, enter on McCormick. Sunday evening, April 28.
10) Seventh Night - April 28 - Candle lighting at 7:27 pm.
Selected Laws for Passover 5784 We do not make “Shechiyanu” at Candle Lighting. That
Preparing for Passover is always difficult. I will attempt to night we eat a Yom Tov meal.
briefly cover 13 areas but urge you to either review the laws 11) Seventh Day - April 29 -we read about the miracle of the
from the original source materials, attend any of the many Splitting of the Sea. After Shul we eat a Yom Tov meal.
classes being offered by competent rabbinic authorities, 12) Eighth night - April 29 - we light candles (from an
including at Kesser Maariv, or call me with any questions. existing flame, like paragraph 7 above) after 8:31 pm, and eat
(See laws of Kashering on next page) a Yom Tov meal.
13) Eighth Day - April 30- at Shul we recite Yizkor, a Brief Laws of Kashering Your Kitchen for Pesach
custom that began in the Middle Ages in Europe. Rabbi by Rabbi Ben Zion Lazovsky
Moshe Soloveichik feels Yizkor on Festivals (as opposed to Kashering your kitchen for Pesach is never easy. Below are
Yom Kippur) was begun to remember family members who some main points on Kashering. Please ask any Rabbi
were killed in Pogroms and whose absence is sorely felt on Lazovsky for more details or even to see if your situation
Yom Tov. Read Dan Fagan’s “Yizkor of a Holocaust differs from what is listed below. We are always happy to
Survivor”here. help people understand what they need to do to Kasher their
We make Havdala over wine only, and after kitchen.
Havdala please be careful and put away all your Pesach Most items and appliances must be clean and idle for 24
utensils before bringing Chametz into your house. And hours before Kashering.
remember, there is a big Mitzva to eat Matza with Ovens: Run a self clean with the oven racks inside. If it is
enthusiasm and gusto on the First night of Pesach. There is not self-clean it is Kasherable, but ask me for instructions.
no mitzva to eat Chametz after Pesach!!! Rangetops Gas: Burners should be on for thirty minutes with
Please call me at home (847) 676-0556 or at the the grates in their normal position. Afterward, the grates
must also be covered with foil for Pesach. Electric ranges
synagogue (847) 679-9800 if you have any questions about
need to be red-hot for at least 30 minutes. Often you must
these or other issues, including how to “kasher” appliances
put a brick on the burner for it to turn red-hot. Glass top
and utensils for Pesach (Rabbi Ben Zion’s shiur on this topic ranges have slightly different details; please ask me.
is online at bit.ly/22vkT5v or see the summary below). A Dishwashers: May not be kashered for Pesach.
Chag Kasher V'samayach, and on this Pesach, may we merit Sinks: Stainless steel sinks may be kashered with hagala
the ultimate redemption. (pouring scalding water on them). Sinks must be clean and
with no rust spots. Boil water in a container until there is a
Divrei Torah on the Hagaddah and links to audio shiurim rolling boil, and carefully pour the water on all parts of the
will be on the expanded Newsletter on our Website! sink and faucet. Cast-iron sinks cannot be kashered. Still,
one must pour boiling water on the cast-iron sink as
Seder Shopping List described above, and additionally one must cover the surface
Shmura Matza, Wine or Grape Juice of the sink. One possibility is to buy a dishpan that fits in
Maror (romaine lettuce, horseradish or both for Seder plate) your sink and drill a hole in it to drain (but be careful the
sink should not back up into the dishpan).
Charoset, Karpas vegetable, Hard boiled egg
Silverware: Can be kashered if they are rust free with
Hagala. You can drop them into a pot of boiling water one
at a time, or go to the cRc Pesach Fair
Anything with small
PASSOVER DATES TO REMEMBER holes or crevices cannot be
Shabbat Hagodol Drasha Shabbat Afternoon April 20 at 5:40 pm Kashered.
Search for Chametz - Bedikat Chametz Sunday night, April 21 Pots: Pots that are usually used for
Fast of the First Born-Taanit Bechorim (Siyum after minyan) Monday, April 22 cooking liquids may be kashered by
Prohibition of eating Chametz begins at 10:08 am Monday, April 22 Hagala, provided they are clean and
Burning of Chametz before 11:28 am Monday, April 22 have no crevices. For details, see one
Sedarim Monday evening, April 22 & Tuesday evening April 23 of the Rabbis Lazovsky, or bring it to
the cRc Pesach Fair. Frying pans and
Eat the Afikomen no later than 12:48 am April 22 & 23
roasting pans cannot be kashered.
First two days of Yom Tov Tuesday April 23 & Wednesday April 24
Dishes: Cannot be kashered.
Chol Hamoed (Intermediate Days) Thursday April 25-Sunday April 28 Countertops: The cRc Passover
Last Days of Yom Tov- Sunday evening April 28 - Tuesday evening April 30 Guide has an extensive list of
countertop materials and if they may
be kashered. Even if your countertop
cannot be kashered, clean it well and cover it – some people
cover it with boards, some use Contact paper with light
adhesive and some use aluminum foil. Whatever you use,
cover it well so that food will not touch the countertop.
Clean and cover your backsplash too.
Refrigerators: Must be thoroughly cleaned with soapy
water. Does not need a 24 hour waiting period beforehand.
Small appliances like coffee makers, Keurig machines,
crock pots, instaPots, blenders and food processors cannot be
kashered for Pesach. For any other items advice or
assistance, please ask me - email bhhkmal@yahoo.com.
Any "Chametz" which an individual desires to use after Passover must not only be stored in a separate place in the home
where it is not seen during the holiday, but it must also be considered as not belonging to the individual for that period.
This is effected by authorizing the Rabbi to sell the "Chametz" and the place where the “Chametz” is found to a non-Jew.
Rabbi Lazovsky is available to sell the Chametz at his home, at the shul or by special appointment. Please call (847) 676-
0556 to make the necessary arrangements.

While it is preferable to do this in person, in response to those who have requested a written authorization because of
their inability to do this in person, the following form may be used. The form must be received by the Rabbi no later than
Tuesday, April 16, 2024.

Fill in the date, your name, home and business addresses, and sign the form.

` `` ` ` ` ` ` ` `Detach & Return ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `

City: ___________________TIME ZONE:________hours ahead/behind Chicago

I ____________________________________ her eby authorize Rabbi Louis Lazovsky as my agent with the power of
attorney to sell all foods and items of Chametz in accordance with the requirements of Jewish Law, including leasing all
the area(s) in my possession where there is Chametz. This sale includes, but is not limited to, Chametz found at the
following addresses:

_________________________________________________Ci ty_____________State________ Zip _______

_________________________________________________Ci ty_____________State________ Zip _______

_________________________________________________Ci ty_____________State________ Zip _______

_________________________________________________Ci ty_____________State________ Zip _______

Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________


Yizkor is always recited on the last day of Passover. This year, Yizkor will be recited on Tuesday April 30. The
congregation will continue to observe Yizkor for all who have a plaque. For those that do not have a plaque who want
Yizkor recited, please make certain that we properly remember the names of our departed loved ones. In order to do this,
we request that you fill in the HEBREW first name of your departed loved one, as well as the HEBREW first name of
their father in the space provided below. You can submit as many names as you need, just make extra copies of the form,
or write all of the names on a separate piece of paper and return them to the rabbi in the enclosed envelope.

Please remember that in the Yizkor prayer we recite that the soul of the departed should rest in eternal paradise on the
merit of charity given in their name.

Please write the Hebrew Name of the Deceased and the Hebrew name of the deceased’s father.
Name Father

_________________________________ BEN/BAT _________________________________

_________________________________ BEN/BAT _________________________________

_________________________________ BEN/BAT _________________________________

_________________________________ BEN/BAT _________________________________

Date Candle Lighting Erev Mincha Shacharit Mincha
Tzav (Parah) 3/29-3/30 6:54 pm 6:55 pm 8:45 am 6:45 pm
Shmini (Hachodesh) 4/5-4/6 7:02 pm 7:05 pm 8:45 am 6:55 pm
Tazria 4/12-4/13 7:09 pm 7:10 pm 8:45 am 7:00 pm
Metzora (Hagadol) 4/19-4/20 7:17 pm 7:20 pm 8:45 am 7:10 pm
Drasha 5:40
1st Day Pesach 4/22-4/23 7:21 pm 7:25 pm 8:45 am 7:25 pm
2nd Day Pesach 4/23-4/24 8:24 pm 7:25 pm 8:45 am 7:25 pm
Shabbat Chol Hamoed 4/26-4/27 7:25 pm 7:30 pm 8:45 am 7:20 pm
7th Day Pesach 4/28-4/29 7:27 pm 7:30 pm 8:45 am 7:30 pm
8th Day Pesach 4/29-4/30 8:31 pm 7:30 pm 8:45 am 7:30 pm
Acharei Mot 5/3-5/4 7:33 pm 7:35 pm 8:45 am 7:25 pm
Kedoshim 5/10-5/11 7:40 pm 7:45 pm 8:45 am 7:30 pm
Emor 5/17-5/18 7:47 pm 7:50 pm 8:45 am 7:40 pm
Behar 5/24-5/25 7:54 pm 7:55 pm 8:45 am 7:45 pm
Bechukotai 5/31-6/1 8:00 pm 8:05 pm 8:45 am 7:50 pm

If you have a chiyuv - obligation to daven or require an Aliya, please inform Rabbi Lazovsky before Shabbat.
To sponsor a kiddush, Seudat Shlisheet or Programming for the Week, please contact the office.
Early Shabbat will begin after Shavuot on June 14.

Minyan Times Classes
Sunday Morning at 10:30 am: Parsha Class in the Weekly Sedra. Given
Shacharit by Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik on Zoom Meeting ID: 879 4850 7611
Sunday: 8:00 am Password: 178417
Monday-Friday: 6:00 am
Wednesdays after Maariv: Talmud Shiur studying Gemara Kesuvos in
Mincha-Maariv Shul and on Zoom: Meeting ID: 810 8264 8249 Password: 028366
10 minutes before sundown For more learning opportunities, contact Rabbis B. or E. Lazovsky

Yom HaShoah - Monday May 6 Yom Hazikaron - Monday May 13

Yom Ha’Atzma’ut - Tuesday May 14
Lag B’Omer - Sunday May 26 Yom Yerushalayim - June 5
Shavuot - Tuesday night June 11

Malamud Reference Library - Come and Learn from any of the hundreds of titles in our library.
Lending Library Members may borrow books from our Lending Library, located on the south side of the Social Hall.
Tape Lending Library We have tapes and digital audio files on many topics including Chumash, Talmud and Mussar.

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