O 80 15 CV FH Wyra
O 80 15 CV FH Wyra
O 80 15 CV FH Wyra
This document is the property of Nagarjuna Construction Company Ltd. and must not be passed on to any third person or firm not authorized by us, nor
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NCC Limited
Government of Telangana NCC Limited
Superintending Engineer, Engineering Design and Technology
Rural Water Supply Engineering Department. Department
PROJECT : Telangana Drinking Water Grid to Construction of Intake Wells in Khammam
Reservoirs for covering 17 Mandals in Warangal District and 3 Mandals in Khammam
NCC Limited
Engineering Design and Technology Department
Telangana Drinking Water Grid to Construction of
Intake Wells in Khammam Reservoirs for covering 17
Mandals in Warangal District and 3 Mandals in
O-80-15-CV-FH-Doc-1 06-Feb-16
Khammam District.
Sl Contents Page no
1 General
1.1 Scope 1
1.2 Units of Measurement 1
1.3 Plant site Information 1
1.4 Description of the Structure 1
1.5 Technical data 2
1.6 Design Philosophy 3
1.7 Material Properties 3
1.8 Software References 3
1.9 Reference codes and Standards 3
6 Design of Beams
6.1 Beam data for design of beams (Staad output) 129
6.2 Typical Design of Roof Beam (Staad output) 131
6.3 Typical Design of Tie Beam (Staad output) 132
6.4 Beam Reinforcement summary(Staad output) 134
7 Design of Slabs
7.1 Typical Design of Roof slab 139
8 Design of Bracket members to support Air vent pipe & Wash water pipe 141
W1 W1
W2 W2
+111.000 7 8 10
6 6
+112.100 +112.100 +113.300
W6 W6 W6 W11
C +113.300 8 10
+112.100 +112.100 +113.300 W6 W6 7 W6 W11'
W8 B
+111.000 W10
W2 W2
W1 W1
9 9 +112.100
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+115.520 +115.520
+114.45 +115.250 +115.250 +114.45
+114.90 +114.90
+113.600 +113.600
+113.000 +113.000
** +112.850 +112.850 **
22.20 m
A 42.10 m
0.5 B
A -0.25
Wind Angle, α (Cpe-Cpi)
0.20 -0.75 -1.1 -1.1
+0.7 B
-0.60 C
Wind Angle, α (Cpe-Cpi)
1.20 0.25 -0.1 -0.1
A -0.50
Wind Angle, α (Cpe-Cpi)
-1.00 -1.00 0.20 -0.60
D -0.10
-0.5 B
A -0.5
C 0.70
Along grid A
Grid Influence width in m Coefficient Pressure Design Force,kN/m
1 2.375 -0.75 1.22 -2.17
2 to 8 5.300 -0.75 1.22 -4.85
9 2.925 -0.75 1.22 -2.68
Along grid A
Grid Influence width in m Coefficient Pressure Design Force,kN/m
1 2.375 0.25 1.22 0.72
2 to 8 5.300 0.25 1.22 1.62
9 2.925 0.25 1.22 0.89
Along grid A
Grid Influence width in m Coefficient Pressure Design Force,kN/m
1 2.375 0.20 1.22 0.58
2 to 8 5.300 0.20 1.22 1.29
9 2.925 0.20 1.22 0.71
Along grid A
Grid Influence width in m Coefficient Pressure Design Force,kN/m
1 2.375 1.20 1.22 3.48
2 to 8 5.300 1.20 1.22 7.76
9 2.925 1.20 1.22 4.28
Along grid 1
Grid Influence width in m Coefficient Pressure Design Force,kN/m
A&E 3.15 0.20 1.22 0.77
B&D 7.950 0.20 1.22 1.94
Along grid 9
Grid Influence width in m Coefficient Pressure Design Force,kN/m
A&E 3.15 -0.60 1.22 -2.31
B&D 7.950 -0.60 1.22 -5.82
Along grid 1
Grid Influence width in m Coefficient Pressure Design Force,kN/m
A&E 3.15 1.20 1.22 4.61
B&D 7.950 1.20 1.22 11.64
Along grid 9
Grid Influence width in m Coefficient Pressure Design Force,kN/m
A&E 3.15 0.40 1.22 1.54
B&D 7.950 0.40 1.22 3.88
Along grid 1
Grid Influence width in m Coefficient Pressure Design Force,kN/m
A&E 3.15 -0.60 1.22 -2.31
B&D 7.950 -0.60 1.22 -5.82
Along grid 9
Grid Influence width in m Coefficient Pressure Design Force,kN/m
A&E 3.15 0.20 1.22 0.77
B&D 7.950 0.20 1.22 1.94
Along grid 1
Grid Influence width in m Coefficient Pressure Design Force,kN/m
A&E 3.15 0.40 1.22 1.54
B&D 7.950 0.40 1.22 3.88
Along grid 9
Grid Influence width in m Coefficient Pressure Design Force,kN/m
A&E 3.15 1.20 1.22 4.61
B&D 7.950 1.20 1.22 11.64
Due to Expansion joint no wind load acting for considered model in - X direction
Soil pressure on Filter bed walls below filter bed for wall height up to 2.0
2.25 x 20.0 x 0.33 : 14.85 kN/Sq.m
Support reactions from Filter house column & Filter Anex building column reactions for
primary load cases applied in combined footing model and analysied for various load
Similarly Reactions on columns due to other load cases applied in Combined footing raft and analyzed for
different load combinations. Design performed using codal guidelines in the subsequent sections.
W1 W1
3 W3
3 4 4
W2 W2
6 6
5 5 A
W2 W2
1 A C
W1 W1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
C O L U M N N O. 14771 D E S I G N R E S U L T S
C O L U M N N O. 14958 D E S I G N R E S U L T S
C O L U M N N O. 15075 D E S I G N R E S U L T S
Max. area of steel reqired = 1445 mm2 Max. area of steel provided = 1608 mm2
% of steel = 1.204% OK Provided % of steel = 1.340% OK
Max. area of steel reqired = 2948 mm2 Max. area of steel provided = 3142 mm2
% of steel = 1.638% OK Provided % of steel = 1.746% OK
Max. area of steel reqired = 215 mm2 Max. area of steel provided = 804 mm2
% of steel = 0.239% OK Provided % of steel = 0.893% OK
Similarly WCF2,WCF3,WCF4, WCF5, WCF6, Combined footing & Raft Reaction are as per Staad output.
Net SBC = 250 kN/m Lz = 1.55 m Z
Depth of over burden = 0 m 300
Density of Soil = 18
Required area, Areq. = 0.91 m2 Mz = 2
Provided area, Aprov. = 1.16 m2 Safe 0.3
Maximum Bearing Pressure, pmax = 215 < 312.5 Safe X /
Mx =
Lz =
Minimum Bearing pressure, pmin = 175 > 0 Safe YD
Thickness of footing at center, T1 = 300 mm Lx = 0.75
Thickness of footing at edge, T2 = 300 mm
Along Along
0.225 0.225
X - axis Z - axis
One way shear Safe Safe 0 0.544
Dia of the bar, f 12 12
Required spacing 315 276 175 187 203 215
Provided spacing c/c 150 150
No of bars 5 10
Along Along
Check for Oneway shear
X - axis Z - axis
Effective depth at 'd' = 244 232 mm
% of steel at 'd' = 0.31 0.32 %
Shear Force at 'd', V = -2 70 kN per m
Nominal shear stress, tv at 'd' = -0.007 0.361 N/mm2
Permissible shear stress, 2tc at 'd' = 0.82 0.84 N/mm2
Safe Safe
Effective depth at '1.73d' = 244 232 mm
% of steel at '1.73d' = 0.31 0.32 %
Shear Force at '1.73d', V = -39 32.2 kN per m
Nominal shear stress, tv at '1.73d' = -0.19 0.17 N/mm2
Permissible shear stress, tc at '1.73d' = 0.41 0.42 N/mm2
Note : Column Footing along Wall W1 is checked whether provided wall footing is sufficient or not at column location . Hence same Wall footing is provided at Column
location along Wall W1
Net SBC = 250 kN/m2 Lz = 1.60 m Z
Depth of over burden = 0 m 300
Density of Soil = 18
Required area, Areq. = 0.84 m Mz = 1
Provided area, Aprov. = 1.20 m Safe 0.3
Maximum Bearing Pressure, pmax = 260 < 312.5 Safe X Pedestal
Mx =
Lz =
Minimum Bearing pressure, pmin = 90 > 0 Safe
Thickness of footing at center, T1 = 300 mm Lx = 0.75
Thickness of footing at edge, T2 = 300 mm
Along Along
X - axis Z - axis 0.225 0.225
One way shear Safe Safe 0 0.544
Dia of the bar, f 12 12
Required spacing 315 177 90 141 209 260
Provided spacing c/c 150 150
No of bars 5 11
Mu /bd2 = 0.17 1.09 N/mm
Required area of steel, Ast req. = 360 640 mm2 Distance b/w FGL to NGL = 0.0 m
Provided area of steel, Ast prov. = 754 754 mm
Provided % of steel = 0.325 0.309 %
Net pressures/diagram
At 'd' distance from face of the column = 262 222 kN/m2
At 'd/2' distance from face of the column = 235 209 kN/m2
At '1.73d' distance from face of the column = 300 239 kN/m2
Along Along
Check for Oneway shear X - axis Z - axis
Effective depth at 'd' = 244 232 mm
% of steel at 'd' = 0.31 0.32 %
Shear Force at 'd', V = -2 86 kN per m
Nominal shear stress, tv at 'd' = -0.011 0.555 N/mm
Permissible shear stress, 2tc at 'd' = 0.82 0.84 N/mm2
Safe Safe
Effective depth at '1.73d' = 244 232 mm
% of steel at '1.73d' = 0.31 0.32 %
Shear Force at '1.73d', V = -49 42.9 kN per m
Nominal shear stress, tv at '1.73d' = -0.30 0.28 N/mm
Note : Column Footing along Wall W2 is checked whether provided wall footing is sufficient or not at column location . Hence same Wall footing is provided at Column
location along Wall W2
Net SBC = 250 kN/m2 Lz = 1.20 m Z
Depth of over burden = 0 m 300
Density of Soil = 18
Required area, Areq. = 0.96 m Mz = -3
Provided area, Aprov. = 1.44 m Safe 0.3
Maximum Bearing Pressure, pmax = 193 < 312.5 Safe X Pedestal
Mx =
Lz =
Minimum Bearing pressure, pmin = 141 > 0 Safe
Thickness of footing at center, T1 = 300 mm Lx = 1.20
Thickness of footing at edge, T2 = 300 mm
Along Along
X - axis Z - axis 0.450 0.450
One way shear Safe Safe 0 0.545
Dia of the bar, f 10 10
Required spacing 219 219 141 161 174 193
Provided spacing c/c 150 150
No of bars 8 8
Mu /bd2 = 0.38 0.30 N/mm
Required area of steel, Ast req. = 360 360 mm2 Distance b/w FGL to NGL = 0.0 m
Provided area of steel, Ast prov. = 524 524 mm
Provided % of steel = 0.214 0.223 %
Net pressures/diagram
At 'd' distance from face of the column = 184 184 kN/m2
At 'd/2' distance from face of the column = 179 179 kN/m2
At '1.73d' distance from face of the column = 192 192 kN/m2
Along Along
Check for Oneway shear X - axis Z - axis
Effective depth at 'd' = 245 235 mm
% of steel at 'd' = 0.21 0.22 %
Shear Force at 'd', V = 39 40 kN per m
Nominal shear stress, tv at 'd' = 0.189 0.207 N/mm
Permissible shear stress, 2tc at 'd' = 0.70 0.72 N/mm2
Safe Safe
Effective depth at '1.73d' = 245 235 mm
% of steel at '1.73d' = 0.21 0.22 %
Shear Force at '1.73d', V = 5 8.2 kN per m
Nominal shear stress, tv at '1.73d' = 0.02 0.04 N/mm
S.B.C of the soil is higher than the Pressure coming on to the soil Hence ok
Area of steel
Filter Gallery grade slab is spaning like simple supported slab between Wall footings W2 & W2
k = (280/3)/((280/3)+230 = 0.289
Dia of bar = 8 mm
Mu/bd2 = 0 N/mm2
= 0.00 mm2/m
Hence ok
Hence ok
Hence ok
Minimum Area of steel required at one face in each direction 150 mm2/m
Distribution Reinforcement :
pt provided = 0.33 %
d req. = span
7 x modification factor
d req. = 98.34 mm
8 dia @250c/c
SQRT(28.63635*10^6/(3.99*1000) = 85 mm
Hence ok
Area of top steel required :-
Minimum Area of steel required at one face in each direction 240 mm2/m
Distribution Reinforcement :
pt provided = 0.32 %
d req. = span
7 x modification factor
d req. = 173.53 mm
8 dia @200c/c
200 125
1.2 +1.50
Section A-A
Wash water channel wall is analyzed through STAAD PRO and the results are as below:
Maximum vertical BM in the wall causing tension on Water face = 4.901 kN-m
= 104.95 mm
Hence ok
Vertical steel:
Hence ok
Horizontal steel:
Hence ok
Base slab
Wash water channel Base slab is analyzed through STAAD PRO and results are as below :
Maximum vertical BM in the wall causing tension on Water face = 33.39 kN-m
Sqrt(6*33.39x10^6/(2.67X1000)) = 273.92 mm
Hence ok
Hence ok
Distribution Reinforcement
Hence ok
1.2 +1.23
G.L +135.00
Section A-A
Inlet channel wall is analyzed through STAAD PRO and results are as below :
Maximum vertical BM in the wall causing tension on Water face = 4.31 kN-m
Sqrt(6*4.31x10^6/(2.67X1000)) = 98.41 mm
Hence ok
Vertical Reinforcement
Hence ok
Horizontal steel:
Hence ok
Base slab
= 248 mm
Hence ok
Hence ok
Hence ok
Distribution Reinforcement
Hence ok
+ 116.750
FGL 113
0 + 110.400 20.09 0
Water pressure, Filter material pressure & Soil pressure calculated & applied on Wall W1
Surcharge due to water weight, Grade slab & Filter bed material 20.09 kN/m2
Submerged soil pressure below filter bed material both sides 0.00 kN/m2
The wall is analyzed through STAAD PRO and the results are as below:
Maximum Horizontal Reaction acting in the wall causing tension in the wall due to fluid pressure=
Hence ok
Clear Cover = 30 mm
Min. Area of steel required at each face in each direction = 437.5 mm2/m
Min. Area of steel required at each face in each direction = 437.5 mm2/m
Alternate bar = 0 mm
Min. Area of steel required at each face in each direction = 437.5 mm2/m
Min. Area of steel required at each face in each direction = 437.5 mm2/m
Hence ok
Total height of the wall 116.75-110.1 = = 6.35 m
Vertical load from the wall to the footing :
Self Weight of platform + Floor finishes + Live load on Platform + Weight of inlet Launder Wall
Weight of inlet Launder base slab + Weight of water in the inlet Launder + ( Part load of Weight of wash water
outlet Launder Wall + Weight of wash water outlet Launder base slab + Weight of water in the wash
water outlet Launder )
All above loads are applied in STAAD hence Vertical load considered from STAAD.
50.13 kN/Sqm
(d) Over turning Moment from wall (From W1 design moment) = 17.06 kNm/Rmt
(e) Support Moment from wall (From Staad) = 1.68 kNm/Rmt
1.68 kNm/Rmt
Filter side Soil side
105.03 50.13 kN/Sqm
0.700 0.25 0.60
Total load on footing 198.32+(105.03*0.7)+(50.125*0.6) = 301.92 kN/Rmt
Overtuning moment = 1.68 kNm/Rmt
Moment about B 198.32*(0.7+0.25/2)+(105.03*0.7*0.7/2)+(50.125*0.6*0.7+0.25+
+0.6/2) = 226.94 kNm/Rmt
Net Moment ∑M 226.95-1.68 = 225.26 kNm/Rmt
Leaver arm (Dist. Of pt. of app. Of Load) 225.27/301.92 = 0.75 m
B/6 value 1.55/6 = 0.258 m
Eccentricity from the centre of footing 0.025 < 0.258 = Ok
Moment due to Eccentricity (Pe) 301.92*0.025 = 7.55 kNm/Rmt
Area of footing (A) = 1.55 Sqm
Section Modulus (Z) = 0.4 Cum
301.92 =
P/A = 194.78 kN/Sqm
Me/Z = = 18.88 kN/Sqm
0 1.55
175.90 Soil side
202.58 Pressures
Filter side 213.66 P/A - M/Z = 175.90 kN/Sqm
P/A + M/Z = 213.66 kN/Sqm
2 1
Presure diagram
Negitive pressure on Filter Bed side = 0.00 kN/Sqm
Bending Moment at Section 1-1 196.61*0.7*0.7/2+0.5*(202.58-196.61)*0.7*2/3*0.7
-(105.03+11.625/1.55)*0.7*0.7*0.5 = 23.39 kNm/Rmt
Shear force at Section2-2 = 202.58*(0.7-0.245)+0.5*(213.66-202.58)*(0.7-0.245)
-(105.03+11.625/1.55)*(0.7-0.245) = 43.5 kN/Rmt
Bending Moment due to tension on Filter Bed side 0.5*0*0.7*0.467 = 0 kNm/Rmt
Grade of concrete (M30 grade) = 30 N/mm2
Grade of steel ( Fe500 grade ) = 500 N/mm2
α = 0.133
Effective depth required Sqrt( 1.5*M/ α fck b) = 94 mm
< 245 mm
Bottom Steel : Dia of steel bar = 10 mm
Area of bar = 79 mm2
Mu / bd2 =
1.5*23.39* 10^6 /1000*245^2 = = 0.58 N/mm2
pt required = 0.136 %
Ast req. = 333.2 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement req. in one direction = 0.12 % of Gross area
= 0.12*10*300 = 360 mm2
No. of layers to be provided = 2.0
Min. reinf. In each layer = 180 mm2
Total Ast required Max of(333.2 & 360) = 333 mm2
Providing 10 mm dia bars @ 150 mm c/c (@ bottom face)
Ast Provided = 523.60 mm2
> Ast Req Ok
Distribution steel :
Minimum area of steel = 0.12*10*300
Ast required in each layer in one direction = 180.0 mm2
Dia of steel bar = 10 mm
+ 116.750
Surcharge due to water weight & Filter bed material = 20.09 kN/m2
The wall is analyzed through STAAD PRO and the results are as below:
Maximum Horizontal Reaction acting in the wall causing tension in the wall =
SQRT(6x29.49x10^6/(2.67X1000)) = 257.43 mm
Hence ok
Clear Cover = 30 mm
Min. Area of steel required at each face in each direction = 525 mm2/m
Min. Area of steel required at each face in each direction = 525 mm2/m
Alternate bar = 0 mm
Min. Area of steel required at each face in each direction = 525 mm2/m
Min. Area of steel required at each face in each direction = 525 mm2/m
154.55 kN/Rmt
16.93 kNm/Rmt
Gallery side 12.75 105.03 kN/Sqm
Filter Bed side
0.600 0.70
Total load on footing 154.55+(105.03*0.7)+(12.75*0.6) = 235.73 kN
Overtuning moment = 16.93 kNm/Rmt
Moment about A (154.55*0.6+0.3/2)+(105.03*0.7*0.6+0.3+0.7/2)+
12.75*0.6*0.6/2 = 210.11 kNm/Rmt
Net Moment ∑M 210.11-16.93 = 193.18 kNm/Rmt
Leaver arm from point A 193.18/235.73 = 0.82 m
Eccentricity from the centre of footing 0.020 < 0.267 Ok
Moment due to Eccentricity 235.73*0.02 = 4.72 kNm/Rmt
Area of footing (A) = 1.600 Sqm
Section Modulus (Z) = 0.427 Cum
P/A = = 147.330 kN/Sqm
M/Z = = 11.050 kN/Sqm
P/A + M/Z 147.33+11.05 = 158.38 kN/Sqm
P/A - M/Z 147.33-11.05 = 136.28 kN/Sqm
Depth (d) of foundation below GL 113-110.1 = 2.90 m
Net SBC of soil at 3.0 m depth from NGL = 250 kN/m2
Gross SBC of soil at 'd' m below NGL 250+2.9x18 = = 308.00 kN/m2
Gross SBC of Soil for wind load case 250x1.25+2.9x18 = = 364.70 kN/m2
Gross SBC of Soil for Seismic load case 250x1.25+2.9x18 = = 364.70 kN/m2
(As per Table-1 of IS:1893 (Part-I):2002)
Depth of footing at wall face 0.30 m = 300 mm
Depth of footing at free end 0.30 m = 300 mm
Average Depth (0.3+0.3)/2 = 300 mm
Providing Clear cover = 50 mm
Dia of bar = 10 mm
Effective depth 300-50-10/2 = 245 mm
= 0.245 m
Pressures P/A + M/Z 158.38 = 158.38 kN/Sqm
P/A - M/Z 136.28 = 136.28 kN/Sqm
2 1
Presure diagram
Negitive pressure on Filter Bed side = 0.00 kN/Sqm
Bending Moment at Section 1-1 150.09*0.6*0.6/2+0.5*(158.38-150.09)*0.6*2/3*0.6
-(12.75+12/1.6)*0.6*0.6*0.5 = 24.37 kNm/Rmt
Shear force at Section2-2 = 153.48*(0.6-0.245)+0.5*(158.38-153.48)*(0.6-0.245)
-(12.75+12/1.6)*(0.7-0.245) = 48.17 kN/Rmt
Bending Moment due to tension on Filter Bed side 0.5*0*0.7*0.467 = 0 kNm/Rmt
Grade of concrete (M30 grade) = 30 N/mm2
Grade of steel ( Fe500 grade ) = 500 N/mm2
α = 0.133
Effective depth required Sqrt( 1.5*M/ a fck b) = 96 mm
< 245 mm
Bottom Steel : Dia of steel bar = 10 mm
Area of bar = 79 mm2
Mu / bd2 = 1.5*24.37* 10^6 /1000*0.245^2 = = 0.61 N/mm2
p required = 0.143 %
Ast req. = 350.35 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement req. in one direction = 0.12 % of Gross area
= 0.12*10*300 = 360 mm2
No. of layers to be provided = 2.0
Min. reinf. In each layer = 180 mm2
Total Ast required Max of(350.35 & 360) = 350 mm2
Providing 10 mm dia bars @ 150 mm c/c (@ bottom face)
Ast Provided = 523.60 mm2
> Ast Req Ok
Distribution steel :
Minimum area of steel = 0.12*10*300
Ast required in each layer in one direction = 180.0 mm2
Dia of steel bar = 10 mm
pt required = 0%
Ast req. = 0 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement req. in one direction = 0.12 % of Gross Area
= 0.12*10*300
= 360 mm2
No. of layers to be provided = 2.0
Min. reinf. In each layer = 180 mm2
Total Ast required Max of(0 & 180) = 180 mm2
Providing 10 mm dia bars @ 200 mm c/c (@ Top face)
Ast Provided = 392.70 mm2
Check for Shear
Maximum shear force = 72.26 KN
Overall depth @ a distance of 'd' 0.300 = 300 mm
Effective depth = 245 mm
Shear stress ' T vu ' = Vu/bd 72.26 x 10^3 / 245 x 1000 = 0.295 N/mm2
Pt = 100*As/bd 523.599 x 100/ (245 x 1000) = 0.214 %
From Table 19 of IS 456-2000 for Pt = 0.214 Tc = 0.350 N/mm2
Permissible shear stress for M30 concrete at a distance 'd ' from the face of wall Tc = 2*Tc
2Tc = 0.700 > 0.295 Ok
Enhanced Shear check is not required since Tvu < Tc
+ 116.750
3.900 + + 114.050
+ 110.400
Surcharge due to water weight, Filter bed material & Grade slab = 20.09 kN/m2
The wall is analyzed through STAAD PRO and the results are as below:
Maximum vertical BM at the base of the walls W3 causing tension on water face =
Maximum Horizontal Reaction acting in the wall causing tension in the wall =
SQRT(6x26.03x10^6/(2.67X1000)) = 242 mm
Hence ok
Clear cover = 30 mm
Hence ok
Hence ok
= 26.03 kN-m/m
Hence ok
= 11.46 kN-m/m
Hence ok
136.62 kN/Rmt
Back fill side 33.74 kNm/Rmt
52.00 105.03 kN/Sqm
Filter Bed side
0.600 0.800
Total load on footing 136.62+(105.03*0.8)+(52*0.6) = 251.85 kN
Overturning moment = 33.74 kNm/Rmt
Moment about A (136.62*0.6+0.27/2)+(105.03*0.8*0.6+0.27+0.8/2)+(52*0.6*
0.6/2) = 216.49 kNm/Rmt
Net Moment ∑M 216.49-33.74 = 182.75 kNm/Rmt
Leaver arm from point A 182.75/251.85 = 0.73 m
Eccentricity from the centre of footing 0.105 < 0.278 Ok
Moment due to Eccentricity 251.85*0.105 = 26.45 kNm/Rmt
Area of footing (A) = 1.670 Sqm
Section Modulus (Z) = 0.465 Cum
P/A = = 150.810 kN/Sqm
M/Z = = 56.880 kN/Sqm
P/A + M/Z 150.81+56.88 = 207.69 kN/Sqm
P/A - M/Z 150.81-56.88 = 93.93 kN/Sqm
Depth (d) of foundation below GL 113-110.1 = 2.90 m
Net SBC of soil at 3.0 m depth from NGL = 250 kN/m2
Gross SBC of soil at 'd' m below NGL 250+2.9x18 = = 308.00 kN/m2
Gross SBC of Soil for wind load case 250x1.25+2.9x18 = = 364.70 kN/m2
Gross SBC of Soil for Seismic load case 250x1.25+2.9x18 = = 364.70 kN/m2
(As per Table-1 of IS:1893 (Part-I):2002)
Depth of footing at wall face 0.30 m = 300 mm
Depth of footing at free end 0.30 m = 300 mm
Average Depth (0.3+0.3)/2 = 300 mm
Providing Clear cover = 50 mm
Dia of bar = 10 mm
Effective depth 300-50-10/2 = 245 mm
= 0.245 m
Pressures P/A + M/Z 207.69 = 207.69 kN/Sqm
P/A - M/Z 93.93 = 93.93 kN/Sqm
0 1.7
Back Fill side 93.93
207.69 Filter Bed side
2 1
Pressure diagram
Negative pressure on Filter Bed side = 0.00 kN/Sqm
Bending Moment at Section 1-1 166.82*0.6*0.6/2+0.5*(207.69-166.82)*0.6*2/3*0.6
-(52+12.53/1.67)*0.6*0.6*0.5 = 24.23 kNm/Rmt
Shear force at Section2-2 = 183.44*(0.6-0.245)+0.5*(207.69-183.44)*(0.6-0.245)
-(52+12.53/1.67)*(0.6-0.245) = 48.31 kN/Rmt
Bending Moment due to tension on Filter Bed side 0.5*0*0.6*0.4 = 0 kNm/Rmt
Grade of concrete (M30 grade) = 30 N/mm2
Grade of steel ( Fe500 grade ) = 500 N/mm2
α = 0.133
Effective depth required Sqrt( 1.5*M/ a fck b) = 95 mm
< 245 mm
Bottom Steel : Dia of steel bar = 10 mm
Area of bar = 79 mm2
Mu / bd2 = 1.5*24.23* 10^6 /1000*245^2 = = 0.61 N/mm2
p required = 0.143 %
Ast req. = 350.35 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement req. in one direction = 0.12 % of Gross area
= 0.12*10*300 = 360 mm2
No. of layers to be provided = 2.0
Min. reinf. In each layer = 180 mm2
Total Ast required Max of(350.35 & 360) = 350 mm2
Providing 10 mm dia bars @ 150 mm c/c (@ bottom face)
Ast Provided = 523.60 mm2
> Ast Req Ok
Distribution steel :
Minimum area of steel = 0.12*10*300
Ast required in each layer in one direction = 180.0 mm2
Dia of steel bar = 10 mm
The following are the dimensions of wall panel W3A W3A 2.050 + 112.850
+ 116.750
3.900 + + 114.050
+ 110.400
Surcharge due to water weight, Filter bed material & Grade slab = 20.09 kN/m2
The wall is analyzed through STAAD PRO and the results are as below:
Maximum vertical BM at the base of the walls W3 causing tension on water face =
Maximum Horizontal Reaction acting in the wall causing tension in the wall =
SQRT(6x24.29x10^6/(2.67X1000)) = 234 mm
Hence ok
Clear cover = 30 mm
Hence ok
Hence ok
= 24.29 kN-m/m
Hence ok
= 12.11 kN-m/m
Hence ok
(a) Vertical load from wall,W3 (from Staad for DL + LL) = 72.7 kN/Rmt
Self weight of Footing 25*1.87*0.3 = 14.03 kN/Rmt
= 86.73 kN
86.73 kN/Rmt
Filter Bed side -31.00 kNm/Rmt
105.03 67.03 kN/Sqm
Empty filter side
0.800 0.800
Total load on footing 86.73+(67.03*0.8)+(105.03*0.8) = 224.38 kN
Overturning moment = -31.00 kNm/Rmt
Moment about A (86.73*0.8+0.27/2)+(67.03*0.8*0.8+0.27+0.8/2)+(105.03*0.8*
0.8/2) = 193.53 kNm/Rmt
Net Moment ∑M 193.53--31 = 224.53 kNm/Rmt
Leaver arm from point A 224.53/224.38 = 1.00 m
Eccentricity from the centre of footing 0.066 < 0.312 Ok
Moment due to Eccentricity 224.38*0.066 = 14.81 kNm/Rmt
Area of footing (A) = 1.870 Sqm
Section Modulus (Z) = 0.583 Cum
P/A = = 119.990 kN/Sqm
M/Z = = 25.400 kN/Sqm
P/A + M/Z 119.99+25.4 = 145.39 kN/Sqm
P/A - M/Z 119.99-25.4 = 94.59 kN/Sqm
Depth (d) of foundation below GL 113-110.1 = 2.90 m
Net SBC of soil at 3.0 m depth from NGL = 250 kN/m2
Gross SBC of soil at 'd' m below NGL 250+2.9x18 = = 302.20 kN/m2
Gross SBC of Soil for wind load case 250x1.25+2.9x18 = = 370.50 kN/m2
Gross SBC of Soil for Seismic load case 250x1.25+2.9x18 = = 370.50 kN/m2
(As per Table-1 of IS:1893 (Part-I):2002)
Depth of footing at wall face 0.30 m = 300 mm
Depth of footing at free end 0.30 m = 300 mm
Average Depth (0.3+0.3)/2 = 300 mm
Providing Clear cover = 50 mm
Dia of bar = 12 mm
Effective depth 300-50-12/2 = 244 mm
= 0.244 m
Pressures P/A + M/Z 145.39 = 145.39 kN/Sqm
P/A - M/Z 94.59 = 94.59 kN/Sqm
0 1.9
Filter Bed side 145.39
94.59 Empty filter side
2 1
Pressure diagram
Negative pressure on Filter Bed side = 0.00 kN/Sqm
Bending Moment at Section 1-1 123.66*0.8*0.8/2+0.5*(94.59-145.39)*0.8*2/3*0.8
-(67.03+14.025/1.87)*0.8*0.8*0.5 = 20.36 kNm/Rmt
Shear force at Section2-2 = 109.69*(0.8-0.244)+0.5*(94.59-109.69)*(0.8-0.244)
-(67.03+14.025/1.87)*(0.8-0.244) = 15.36 kN/Rmt
Bending Moment due to tension on Filter Bed side 0.5*0*0.8*0.533 = 0 kNm/Rmt
Grade of concrete (M30 grade) = 30 N/mm2
Grade of steel ( Fe500 grade ) = 500 N/mm2
α = 0.133
Effective depth required Sqrt( 1.5*M/ a fck b) = 87 mm
< 244 mm
Bottom Steel : Dia of steel bar = 10 mm
Area of bar = 79 mm2
Mu / bd2 =
1.5*20.36* 10^6 /1000*244^2 = = 0.51 N/mm2
p required = 0.119 %
Ast req. = 290.36 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement req. in one direction = 0.12 % of Gross area
= 0.12*10*300 = 360 mm2
No. of layers to be provided = 2.0
Min. reinf. In each layer = 180 mm2
Total Ast required Max of(290.36 & 360) = 290 mm2
Providing 10 mm dia bars @ 150 mm c/c (@ bottom face)
Ast Provided = 523.60 mm2
> Ast Req Ok
Distribution steel :
Minimum area of steel = 0.12*10*300
Ast required in each layer in one direction = 180.0 mm2
Dia of steel bar = 10 mm
The wall from 112.85 to 114.9 is designed as panel fixed on Three sides and the top is free
+ 114.900
2.050 + 114.050 +
Load Case-1 (Inside Tank , Uniformly varying load over full height of plate )
Water pressure acting on wall Filter Bed side & Pipe side = 20.50 kN/m2
The wall W4 is analyzed through STAAD PRO and the results are as below :
Maximum vertical BM at the base of the walls W4 causing tension on water face =
Maximum Horizontal Reaction acting in the wall causing tension in the wall =
= SQRT(6x4.47x10^6/(2X1000)) = = 138 mm
Hence ok
Clear cover = 30 mm
Hence ok
Hence ok
= 6.39 kN-m/m
Hence ok
= 4.03 kN-m/m
Hence ok
0.4 0.45
+114.450 4.5
Load Case-1 (Inside Tank , Uniformly Varing load over full height of wall )
From Moody's Charts for a/b = 5.239 > 1.50
Hence the wall is analysed as a cantilever wall
Hence ok
Clear cover = 30 mm
Hence ok
Hence ok
4.715 m
sqrt(6x0.11x10^6x/(2*1000)) = 18.17 mm
Water face:
Distribution Reinforcement =
37.46 m
1.2 1.05
+113.300 10.5
The wall is analysed through STAAD PRO and the results are as below:
Maximum vertical BM at the base of the walls W6 causing tension on water face =
Maximum Horizontal Reaction acting in the wall causing tension in the wall =
Hence ok
Clear cover = 30 mm
Hence ok
Hence ok
165.0 mm2/m
Hence ok
= 1.29 kN-m/m
85.0 mm2/m
Hence ok
37.46 m
The slab is to be designed as Simply supported slab.
Width of base slab = 1.20 m
width of support = 150 m
Effective length of the slab 1.2+95/1000 1.295 m
Height of water on the base slab = 1.05 m
Thickness of base slab = 150 mm
Water load on base slab= 10*1.05 = 10.5 kN/m2
Self weight of slab= 25*150/1000 = 3.75 kN/m2
(From STAADPRO Results)
Plate :face
Maximum -ve BM acting in the slab (water 12901
) = L/c :222 1.0(DL+LL+WL(+X,CPI=-0.5)) , My +ve 3.570 kN-m/m
Maximum +ve BM acting in the slab (Outer : 12934
) = L/c :223 1.0(DL+LL+WL(-X,CPI=+0.5)) , My -ve 1.010 kN-m/m
Plate :face
Maximum -ve BM acting in the slab (water 12867
) = L/c :222 1.0(DL+LL+WL(+X,CPI=-0.5)) , Mx +ve 3.890 kN-m/m
Maximum +ve BM acting in the slab (Outer face ) = Plate : 12920 L/c :203 1.0(DL+EQ(+Z)) , Mx -ve 0.410 kN-m/m
Maximum Tension in slab Plate : L/c : , Sx +ve 0.070 N/mm2
Tension force in Base slab 0.07*150 = 10.5 kN
Grade of concrete (M30 grade) = 30 N/mm2
Grade of steel ( Fe500 grade ) = 500 N/mm2
Permissible tensile stress in concrete for M30 = 2 N/mm2
Permissible stress in steel on water face σst = 130 N/mm2
Permissible stress in steel on Soil face σst = 230 N/mm2
For Water face k = (280/3)/((280/3)+130 0.418
For Water face j = 1-k/3 = 0.861
For Soil face k = (280/3)/((280/3)+230 0.289
For Soil face j = 1-k/3 = 0.904
Thickness of wall required at the base of section =
37.46 m
The slab is to be designed as Simply supported slab.
Width of Cover slab = 1.20 m
width of support = 150 m
Effective length of the slab 1.2+96/1000 1.296 m
Live on the Cover slab = 3 kN/m2
Thickness of Cover slab = 150 mm
Floor finishes load on Cover slab= 24*0.05 = 1.2 kN/m2
Self weight of slab= 25*150/1000 = 3.75 kN/m2
(From STAADPRO Results)
Maximum -ve BM acting in the slab (water face ) = Plate : 13079 L/c :213 1.0(DL+0.25LL+EQ(+X)) , My +ve 0.760 kN-m/m
Maximum +ve BM acting in the slab (Outer face ) = Plate : 13004 L/c :222 1.0(DL+LL+WL(+X,CPI=-0.5)) , My -ve 0.390 kN-m/m
Maximum -ve BM acting in the slab (water face ) = Plate : 13162 L/c :203 1.0(DL+EQ(+Z)) , Mx +ve 0.130 kN-m/m
Maximum +ve BM acting in the slab (Outer face ) = Plate : 13106 L/c :217 1.0(DL+LL+WL(+Z,CPI=+0.5)) , Mx -ve 1.280 kN-m/m
Maximum Tension in slab Plate : L/c : , Sx +ve 0.110 N/mm2
Tension force in Base slab 0.11*150 = 16.5 kN
Grade of concrete (M30 grade) = 30 N/mm2
Grade of steel ( Fe500 grade ) = 500 N/mm2
Permissible tensile stress in concrete for M30 = 2 N/mm2
Permissible stress in steel on water face σst = 130 N/mm2
Permissible stress in steel on Soil face σst = 230 N/mm2
For Water face k = (280/3)/((280/3)+130 0.418
For Water face j= 1-k/3 = 0.861
For Soil face k= (280/3)/((280/3)+230 0.289
For Soil face j= 1-k/3 = 0.904
Thickness of wall required at the base of section =
= SQRT(6x0.76x10^6/(2X1000)) = = 62 mm
Provided Thickness of Slab = 150 mm
Hence ok
Area of steel required (X direction) @ Top
Diameter of the bar provided = 8 mm
Clear cover = 50 mm
Effective depth of the slab = 150-50-8/2= 96 mm
Ast req. = M/ σst *j*d
Ast req. = 6.5 mm2/m
Axial tension in the slab 16.50 kN
Area of steel required for tensile force= 16.5x1000/130/2= 63 mm2/m
Total Area of steel required = 6.51+63.46 = 69.97 mm2/m
Minimum percentage of steel required = 0.35 %
Minimum Area of steel required 0.35*10*150/2 262.5 mm2/m
Min.Area of steel to be considered each direction at a face 262.5 mm2/m
Reinforcement to be considered = 262.50 mm2/m
Provide 8 mm dia tor steel at the base at a spacing = = 180 mm c/c
Area of steel provided = = 279.25 mm2/m
percentage of steel provided at the base = 0.29 %
Hence provide 8mm dia bar at a spacing of 180c/c. Hence ok
Area of steel required (X direction) @ Bottom
Diameter of the bar provided = 10 mm
Clear cover = 30 mm
Effective depth of the slab 150-30-10/2= 115 mm
Ast req. = M/ σst *j*d
Ast req. = 99.48 mm2/m
Axial tension in the slab = 16.50 kN
Area of steel required for tensile force= 16.5x1000/230/2= 36 mm2/m
Total Area of steel required = 99.48+35.87 = 135.35 mm2/m
Min.Area of steel to be considered each direction at a face= 262.5 mm2/m
Reinforcement to be considered = = 262.50 mm2/m
Provide 10 mm dia tor steel at the base at a spacing = 250 mm c/c
The wall W8 is analyzed as a panel fixed on 3 adjacent edges and top is free
From Moody's Charts for a/b = 0.208 pressure @ base = 22.50 Kn/Sqm
Load Case-1 (Inside Tank , Uniformly Varying load over full height of plate )
Maximum vertical BM acting at the sides of the wall causing tension (Fig -4)
0.1322x22.5x2.4= 7.14 kN
= 6x1.14x10^6/(2x1000) )= 58 mm
Clear cover = 30 mm
8 dia @200c/c
+ 112.100
GWT + 0.00
W9 W9
slab + 112.10
Wall-8 Wall 9
The following are the dimensions of wall panel W10 W10 + 115.520
Height of Soil considered for design of wall from FGL to Top of Footing
+ 116.750
GWTL + 0.00
+ 110.40
= 206 mm
Hence ok
Alternate bar = mm
Clear cover = 30 mm
Hence ok
Hence ok
Hence ok
Hence ok
Refer 4.6 DESIGN OF COMBINED FOOTING for Filter House columns along Grid 1 From Grid B to Grid E
+ 116.75
0.25 + 116.750 Top Level of Pure water channel
FGL = + 113.0
GL = + 113.0
Filter Gallery top+Bottom
111.0 + 110.40 Footing top level
Footing Thk at Face 0.00
Footing Thk at end 0.30 + 110.10 Footing bottom level
0.60 0.60
(a) Vertical load from wall,W10 (from Staad for DL + LL) = 114.9 kN/Rmt
Self weight of Footing 25*1.45*0.3 = 10.88 kN
= 125.74 kN
(b) Load on footing on Gallery sideside = 3.75 kN/Sqm
Soil Load on footing on Gallery sideside = 9.00 kN/Sqm
= 12.75 kN/Sqm
(c) Load on Back fill side
Weight of soil 2.600 x 20 = 52.00 kN/Sqm
(d) Over turning moment from the wall (W7 design Moment) = 12.81 kNm/Rmt
(e) Support Moment from wall (From Staad) = -39.63 kNm/Rmt
(f) Additional design moment due to Filter gallery Grade slab 0*(0.6+0.25/2)
0.00 kNm
(g) Additional design Shear force due to Filter gallery Grade slab 0.00 kN
125.74 kN/Rmt
Back fill side -39.63 kNm/Rmt
52.00 12.75
Gallery side
0.600 0.600
The wall W7' is analyzed as a panel fixed on 3 adjacent edges and top is free
From Moody's Charts for a/b = 0.268 pressure @ base = 17.33 Kn/Sqm
Maximum vertical BM acting at the sides of the wall causing tension 3.71 kN-m
on the Gallery face = Plate no & L/C : 13658 & L/C 215 1.0(DL+0.25LL+EQ(+Z))
Maximum Vertical acting in the wall causing tension on the soil 2.74 kN-m
Maximum horizontal BM acting at the base of the wall causing 2.43 kN-m
tension on the Gallery face = Plate no & L/C : 13675 & L/C 216 1.0(DL+0.25LL+EQ(-Z))
Maximum horizontal BM acting in the wall causing tension on the 5.35 kN-m
Soil face = Plate no & L/C : 13673 & L/C 224 1.0(DL+LL+WL(-X,CPI=-0.5))
Axial tension in the wall Plate no & L/C : 16129 & L/C 102 0.2 N/mm2
= 6x5.35x10^6/(2x1000) )= 127 mm
Clear cover = 30 mm
+ 114.500
10 dia @200c/c
10 dia @200c/c
+ 110.400
Telangana Drinking Water Grid to Construction of Intake Wells in DOCUMENT NO. DATE
PROJECT: Khammam Reservoirs for covering 17 Mandals in Warangal
District and 3 Mandals in Khammam District. O-80-15-CV-FH-Doc-1 5-Feb-16
B E A M N O. 13764 D E S I G N R E S U L T S
VY = 34.17 MX = 0.00 LD= 102
Provide 2 Legged 8í @ 270 mm c/c
Telangana Drinking Water Grid to Construction of Intake Wells in DOCUMENT NO. DATE
PROJECT: Khammam Reservoirs for covering 17 Mandals in Warangal
District and 3 Mandals in Khammam District. O-80-15-CV-FH-Doc-1 5-Feb-16
B E A M N O. 13891 D E S I G N R E S U L T S
Telangana Drinking Water Grid to Construction of Intake Wells in DOCUMENT NO. DATE
PROJECT: Khammam Reservoirs for covering 17 Mandals in Warangal
District and 3 Mandals in Khammam District. O-80-15-CV-FH-Doc-1 5-Feb-16
13820 250 0 403 184 184 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13821 390 0 381 0 194 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13822 343 0 356 0 184 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13823 386 0 387 0 206 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13824 351 0 351 0 186 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13825 388 0 379 0 204 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13826 347 0 353 0 184 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13827 422 0 336 0 210 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13772 0 0 525 0 270 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13773 533 0 489 0 341 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13774 424 0 432 0 184 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13775 483 0 499 0 360 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13776 436 0 423 0 184 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13777 478 0 491 0 366 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13778 417 0 516 0 184 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13779 598 0 0 0 550 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13780 513 0 692 240 194 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13781 638 0 601 0 322 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13782 602 0 602 0 184 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13783 601 0 601 0 333 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13784 601 0 602 0 184 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13785 602 0 602 0 334 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13786 589 0 617 0 184 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13787 714 0 601 0 380 184 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13804 513 0 692 240 194 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13805 638 0 601 0 322 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13806 602 0 602 0 184 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13807 602 0 602 0 333 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13808 602 0 602 0 184 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13809 602 0 602 0 334 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13810 589 0 617 0 184 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13811 714 0 601 0 380 184 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13788 0 0 447 0 310 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13789 483 0 486 0 374 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13790 451 0 447 0 184 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13791 476 0 478 0 381 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13792 444 0 455 0 184 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13793 483 0 478 0 378 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13794 453 0 493 0 184 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13795 545 0 0 0 609 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13828 - 13829 286 286 744 286 363 0 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13830 - 13832 1021 286 1121 0 615 0 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13833 - 13834 744 286 286 0 363 286 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13884 - 13885 286 286 661 286 357 0 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13830 - 13832 854 286 1024 0 508 0 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13833 - 13834 661 286 286 0 357 286 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13835 - 13836 305 286 1516 300 683 0 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13837 - 13839 2109 307 2110 380 1064 268 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13840 - 13841 1499 284 305 0 684 300 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13877 - 13878 289 286 1473 309 699 0 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13879 - 13881 2112 310 2160 399 1099 280 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13882 - 13883 1460 285 288 0 699 309 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13842 - 13843 341 286 1404 285 604 0 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13844 - 13846 1938 305 2106 190 1030 105 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13847 - 13848 1404 285 341 0 603 286 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13870 - 13871 340 286 1410 285 609 0 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13872 - 13874 1950 305 2119 203 1038 118 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13875 - 13876 1410 285 340 0 608 286 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13849 - 13850 286 285 1352 305 627 0 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13851 - 13853 1995 300 2131 272 1024 140 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13854 - 13855 1352 285 285 0 627 304 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13863 - 13864 294 285 1388 295 613 0 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13865 - 13867 1958 292 2101 188 1045 125 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13856 - 13857 343 286 1414 285 619 0 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13858 - 13860 1946 304 2115 199 1031 115 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13861 - 13862 1414 285 343 0 619 286 2-8-300 2-8-300 2-8-300 300 600
13899 331 0 387 197 166 140 2-8-190 2-8-190 2-8-190 300 300
13900 357 0 385 187 178 0 2-8-190 2-8-190 2-8-190 300 300
13901 320 0 333 135 133 133 2-8-190 2-8-190 2-8-190 300 300
13902 365 0 365 163 165 160 2-8-190 2-8-190 2-8-190 300 300
13903 329 0 319 133 133 133 2-8-190 2-8-190 2-8-190 300 300
13904 377 0 360 0 172 176 2-8-190 2-8-190 2-8-190 300 300
13905 353 0 314 133 138 154 2-8-190 2-8-190 2-8-190 300 300
13906 405 0 376 0 209 247 2-8-190 2-8-190 2-8-190 300 300
13907 320 0 337 0 189 0 2-8-190 2-8-190 2-8-190 300 300
13908 573 0 573 0 348 0 2-8-270 2-8-270 2-8-270 300 400
13909 337 0 320 0 189 0 2-8-190 2-8-190 2-8-190 300 300
2 2
Comp.ve strength of concrete, f ck = 30 N/mm Self weight = 3.13 kN/m
2 2
Tensile strength of steel, f y = 500 N/mm Floor finishes = 1.2 kN/m
Clear Cover = 20 mm Partitions = 0 kN/m2
Clear Short span = 2.85 m Filling = 0 kN/m
Clear Long span = 5.53 m Total DL = 4.33 kN/m
Bearing/Beam width for shorter span = 0.3 m Total LL = 1.50 kN/m
Bearing/Beam width for longer span = 0.3 m Total Load = 5.83 kN/m
Slab Thickness = 125 mm
Effective depth in shorter direction = 101 mm
Effective depth in longer direction = 93 mm
Effective short span, l x = 2.95 m
Effective long span, l y = 5.623 m
Aspect ratio, r = l y/l x = 1.91 Twoway slab
Edge Condition Two Adjacet Edges Discont.
Required Provided
Deflection check
Service stress in steel, f s = 152 N/mm
Modification factor = 2.00
Basic span to depth ratio, l /d = 23
Required effective depth, deff. reqd = 65 mm
Required overall depth, Dreqd = 89 mm Safe in deflection
2 2
Comp.ve strength of concrete, f ck = 30 N/mm Self weight = 3.13 kN/m
2 2
Tensile strength of steel, f y = 500 N/mm Floor finishes = 1.2 kN/m
Clear Cover = 20 mm Partitions = 0 kN/m2
Clear Short span = 2.90 m Filling = 0 kN/m
Clear Long span = 5.545 m Total DL = 4.33 kN/m
Bearing/Beam width for shorter span = 0.25 m Total LL = 2.00 kN/m
Bearing/Beam width for longer span = 0.25 m Total Load = 6.33 kN/m
Slab Thickness = 125 mm
Effective depth in shorter direction = 101 mm
Effective depth in longer direction = 93 mm
Effective short span, l x = 3.00 m
Effective long span, l y = 5.638 m
Aspect ratio, r = l y/l x = 1.88 Twoway slab
Edge Condition Interior Panel
Required Provided
Deflection check
Service stress in steel, f s = 173 N/mm
Modification factor = 2.00
Basic span to depth ratio, l /d = 26
Required effective depth, deff. reqd = 58 mm
Required overall depth, Dreqd = 82 mm Safe in deflection
= 165 N/mm2
Hence fact < fallowable
Hence Safe
Point load over the Bracket due to wash water pipe 4.262*2 = 8.524 kN
= 165 N/mm2
Hence fact < fallowable
Hence Safe
Point load over the Bracket due to wash water pipe 0.9652*2 = 1.9304 kN
2.00 m
Reaction RA = 6.78 kN
Reaction Rb = 3.68 kN
Maximum bending moment = 3.39 kN-m
Force in the member AC = 9.59 kN
Tensile force in the beam AB 6.78 kN
Reaction Rc = 6.78 kN
Total load on the wall = 10.46 kN
125 Z
Sectional Properties:
Assume section ISMB 125
The sectional properties are given below:
Area of the beam A = 1700 mm2
Depth of the section D = 125 mm
Mean thickness of the flange T = 8 mm
Thickness of the web tw = 5 mm
C.G of Section with reference to major axis Yc = 35 mm
C.G of Section with reference to minor axis Zc = 62.5 mm
Moment of inertia of the section about Z-Z axis Izz = 4.45E+06 mm4
Moment of inertia of the section about Y-Y axis Iyy = 3.85E+05 mm4
Radius of gryation about Z-Z axis
rzz =Sqrt(4450000/1700) = 51.16 mm
Radius of gryation about Y-Y axis
ryy =Sqrt(385000/1700) = 15.05 mm
Load Data:
Axial Load in the Beam P = 9.59 kN
Effective span of the beam in ZZ axis lez = 2829 mm
Effective span of the beam in YY axis ley = 2829 mm
Sectional Properties:
Assume section ISA 50 X 50 X 6 DOUBLE
Spacing between angles = 8 mm
The sectional properties are given below:
Area of the beam A = 1136 mm2
C.G of section about Z-Z axis = 14.5 mm
C.G of section about Y-Y axis = 14.5 mm
Moment of inertia of the section about Z-Z axis Izz = 2.58E+05 mm4
Moment of inertia of the section about Y-Y axis Iyy = 6.47E+05 mm4
Radius of gryation about Z-Z axis
rzz =Sqrt(258000/1136) = 15.07 mm
Radius of gryation about Y-Y axis
ryy =Sqrt(646796/1136) = 23.86 mm
Check for capacity of member:
Calculated Axial Stress, σac,cal =9590/1136 = 8.44 N/mm2
Slenderness Ratio =(l/rzz) =2829/15.07 = 187.72
=(l/ryy) =2829/23.86 = 118.57
Permissible stress in axial compression σac = 30.96 N/mm2 SAFE