Sem3 Part2 Dec 2020 G.E Question Paper
Sem3 Part2 Dec 2020 G.E Question Paper
Sem3 Part2 Dec 2020 G.E Question Paper
Semester : III
1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.
2. Answer any four questions.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
4. Answer may be written either in English or Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout
the paper.
1. (a) Suppose the central bank decides to make Rs. 100,000 open market sale. If high powered money (H) = Rs.
500,000/-, required reserve ratio (rr) 0.20, excess reserve ratio (er) = 0.05 and currency deposit ratio (cd) =
0.25, what will be the total currency holdings of the public?
(b) What factors might cause a bank to change its desired excess reserve ratio?
2. (a) Banks that issue car loans require a much larger down payment on a used car than on a new one.
Furthermore, interest rates on used car loans are higher than rates on new cars. Why?
(b) Explain the risk and return characteristics of options when the option price is Rs. 5 and strike price is Rs.
300 in the following cases:
(i) In the case where investor has long put option.
(ii) In the case where investor has short call option.
3. (a) Why was there a need to move from base rate lending system to MCLR system? Discuss in this context the
effectiveness of MCLR system in improving the transmission effects of monetary policy.
(b) Suppose investors prefer one year bonds to two year bonds and will purchase a two year bond only if they
expect to receive an additional 2 percent over the return from holding one year bonds. Currently one year
bonds yield 6 percent, but investors expect the yield to fall to 2 percent next year.
(i) Which of the three models of term structure is relevant in this case?
(ii) What is the yield on a two year bond?
(iii) Is the yield curve upward sloping, flat or downward sloping?
4. (a) How is Basel – III an improvement over Basel – II? Explain.
(b) How can the existence of asymmetric information provide a rationale for government regulation of
financial market?
5. (a) Several variables can be placed in one or more of the following categories: policy instruments, operating
targets, intermediate targets, or final targets. Which of the following variables can be placed in which of these
categories and why?
(i) Non borrowed reserves
(ii) The interest rate
(iii) The money stock.
(b) What are the problems in monetary policy making faced by monetary authorities?
Maximum Marks : 75
Further, Create a web page using Definition, Unordered, and ordered lists in HTML
as shown below:
Q.2. Describe components of a data communication system with the help of a labeled
Further, differentiate between Cell Spacing and Cell Padding with syntax in Table
Tag. Create a table in HTML as shown below:
Q.3. Briefly discuss TELNET and FTP. Compare and Contrast optical fiber over twisted
pair and co-axial cable.
Also, discuss the different ways to apply a style sheet to an HTML document using
examples. Create a web page as shown below with bookmarks in HTML:
Q.6. Provide the layers at which Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Routers, and
Gateways operate and give a brief description of their functionalities.
Also, create a HTML document (having two frames) which will appear as follows:
Indian Economy-I, Semester 3, Generic Elective for Hons courses, 12275301
Set A
Semester: I
1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.
2. Answer any 4 questions.
3. All questions carry equal (18.75) mark
4. Answers may be written either in English or Hindi; but the same medium should be used
throughout the paper
1. इस प्रश्न-पत्र के मिलते ही ऊपर दिये गये मिर्धाररत स्थधि पर अपिध अिुक्रिधांक मलमिये |
4. इस प्रश्न-पत्र कध उत्तर अँग्रेजी यध महन्िी दकसी एक भधषध िें िीमजये; लेदकि सभी उतरों कध िधध्यि एक
ही होिध चधमहये |
Q Taking help from some leading theories of comparative development, explain the long run causes of
the developmental disparities among the nations of the world today.
ु नात्मक विकास के कुछ प्रमख
ु ससद्ांतों की सहायता से आज दनु नया के दे शों के बीच विकास संब्
ं ी
असमानताओं के दीर्घकासलक कारणों की व्याख्या करें ।
Q ‘A country cannot effectively deal with a pandemic and reduce its socioeconomic impact by trying to
fix its health system in real time.’ Do you agree or disagree? Discuss in the context of Covid-19 crisis in
एक दे श एक ही समय में अपने स्िास््य व्यिस्था को ठीक करते हुए महामारी का प्रभािी ढं ग से सामना
और इसके सामाजजक आर्थघक प्रभाि को कम नही कर सकता है । 'क्या आप सहमत हैं या असहमत हैं?
भारत में कोविद -19 संकट के संदभघ में चचाघ करें ।
Q “While India has much to learn from international experiences, it has a great deal to learn from
diversity of experiences within the country (Dreze and Sen).” Discuss.
Q Discuss the trends in India’s demographic transition. What implications does this demographic change
have on nation’s economic performance?
Q Discuss the Nehru-Mahalanobis model in detail, critically evaluating its achievements and
Q Comment on the quality of primary education in India. Critically evaluate the provisions and
achievements of the Right to Education Act (2010) in overcoming the issues faced by Indian education
1. How has globalisation impacted the news industry in India? Explain with examples.
2. Write a note on the strengths and weaknesses of radio as a mode of Mass Communication.
4. Create a commercial advertisement for a mobile app that helps its users in online shopping of
Semester – III
पू णाक-75 समय : 3 घं टे
आव यक िनदश
1.उ र के पू व को अ छी तरह से समझने का यास कर ।
2.छह म से िकसी भी चार के उ र िदये जाने ह ।
3. येक 18.75 अं क का होगा ।
1. भाषा और समाज एक – दू सरे को कै से भािवत करते ह ? सोदाहरण िववेचन क िजए ।
2. समाज भाषा िव ान क सं क पना प करते हए भाषा और समाज के अं तसबं ध का िववेचन
क िजए ।
3. िहं दी भाषा के स दभ म भाषा और समु दाय क सं क पना प क िजए।
4.कोड िम ण एवं कोड प रवतन का सिव तार िववेचन क िजए ।
5. भाषा और वग से आप या समझते ह ,सोदाहरण उ लेख क िजए ।
6. भाषा सव ण के िलए मु ख प से िकन िवषय पर िवचार िकया जाता है – प क िजए ।
Your Roll No..............................................
Answers may be written either in English of Hindi; but the same medium should be
used throughout the paper
इस प्रश्नपत्र कण उत्तर अँग्रेज़ी यण हिन्दी ककस़ी एक भणषण में दीजिए; लेककन सभ़ी उत्तरों कण
मणध्यम एक िी िोनण चणहिए.
1. Define the concept of ‘Spaceship Earth’ and describe how it helps us to understand
the interconnected processes of an uneven access to natural resources.
2. Write a note on the modes of energy production and consumption before the era of
3. Is it apt to describe the large-scale overseas migration of plants and animals in the
early modern period as ‘ecological imperialism’? Elaborate.
क्यण िरु
ु आत़ी आधुतनक कणल में पौधों और िणनवरों के बडे पैमणने पर षवदे ि़ी प्रवणस
कण पणररजस्र्ततक सणम्रणज्यवणद के रूप में वर्थन करनण उचचत िै? षवस्तणर से बतणएं।
4. The insatiable appetite of Industrial societies has produced new inequalities. Examine
with the help of any ONE of the following case studies: a) Natural Rubber production
in Tropical countries, b) Whale hunting
औद्योचगक समणिों की अतप्ृ त इच्छणओं/भूख ने नई असमणनतणओं को िन्म हदयण िै।
तनम्नशलखखत संदभों में से ककस़ी एक की मदद से समझणएँ: a) उष्र्कहटबंध़ीय दे िों
में प्रणकृततक रबर कण उत्पणदन, b) व्िे ल कण शिकणर
5. Define the concept of the Anthropocene. Does this concept provide a historical
perspective to the issue of climate change?
6. Do you agree that the growing global economic inequality has a gender dimension?
Write your University roll no.,name of course & Title of the paper on your answer sheet.
1. What is deep focus? Discuss different elements of the mise-en-scene in a film and
their significance in the construction of meaning with suitable examples. (25)
2. Elaborate on digetic sound, non-digetic sound and off-screen sound with appropriate
examples. What is the importance of silence in films? (25)
3. Discuss the key features of the French New Wave. Substantiate your answer with
adequate examples. (25)
4. Explain the idea of film authorship with special reference to Satyajit Ray. (25)
5. Referring to the interventions of the feminist film theory, discuss male and female
stereotypes in cinema. (25)
6. Globalization has significantly changed the Hindi cinema scenario, especially with
the rise of Bollywood phenomenon – discuss. (25)
Name of Course : Generic Elective
Unique Paper Code : 32355301
Name of Paper : GE-3 Differential Equations
Semester : III
Duration : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 75 Marks
2. Find the orthogonal trajectory of the family 𝑦 = 𝑐 sin 𝑥 that passes through the point (2𝜋, 2). Also
find the family of oblique trajectory that intersects the family of circles 𝑥 + 𝑦 = 𝑐 at an angle .
Show that the family of confocal conics + = 1, where 𝑎 and 𝑏 are fixed constants and 𝜆 is
the parameter, is self orthogonal.
3. Show that the set {1, 𝑥, 𝑥 } of functions forms a basis for the solution set of a differential equation.
Also, find such a differential equation.
Find the general solution of the second order equation 𝑡 𝑦 + 2𝑡𝑦′ − 2𝑦 = 0 given that 𝑦 (𝑡) = 𝑡 is
a solution. Also solve the initial value problem
𝑦 + 3𝑦 − 4𝑦 = 0, 𝑦(0) = 1, 𝑦 (0) = 0, 𝑦 (0) = .
𝑦 𝑢 + 𝑥 𝑢 = (𝑥𝑦𝑢) , 𝑢(𝑥, 0) = 𝑒 .
6. Reduce the following equations to canonical form and hence find their solutions
i) 𝑢 – 𝑦𝑢 = 1 + 𝑢.
ii) 𝑦 𝑢 + (𝑥 + 𝑦)𝑢 + 𝑥 𝑢 = 0, 𝑦 ≠ 𝑥.
iii) 𝑢 – 4𝑢 + 4𝑢 = 0.
Name of the Course: GE for B. A. Hons. Philosophy
Semester: III
Name of the Paper: Feminism
Unique Paper Code: 12105303
Max Marks: 75
1. “If it is true that the full humanity of women is not our culture,
then we can and must make it our culture” (Chimamanda
Ngozi Adichie). Discuss
मार्ाा नस
ु बम
ू द्वारा वर्णात वस्ति
ु रण (ऑब्िेजटिकििेशन) िे 7 तरीिों िो
पररभाषित िीजिएI
How did Sulabha win the gender debate against King Janaka?
Describe the main points of her argument.
सुलभा ने रािा िनि िे षवरुद्ध लैंगगि बहस िो िैसे िीता? उनिी तिा िे
ु य बबंदओ
ु ं िा वणान िीजिएI
3. Explain Eco-feminism with special reference to its emphasis on
4. How does Bell Hooks define Feminism? Why does she think
her definition to be better than other popular definitions?
बेल हुि नारीवाद िो िैसे पररभाषित िरती हैं? वह टयों सोचती है कि उनिी
पररभािा अन्य लोिषिय पररभािाओं से बेहतर है ?
ृ त्ता िी व्यवस्र्ा िेवल महहलाओं िे सहयोग द्वारा ही कियाशील हो
सिती हैI - गेर्ाा लनार िे सन्दभा में इस िर्न िी व्याख्या िीजिएI
1. Define what aerobics is in your own words. Explain why it is important to make it a daily habit in the
context of Covid’19.
एरो�बक्स को अपने शब्द�म� प�रभा�षत कर�। बताएं �क को�'१९ के संदभर् म� इसे द ै�नक आदत बनाना
क्य� महत्प व ूणर्
2. Explain what individualised training in aerobics is. Alsodescribe the important points to be taken care
of while managing an aerobics group.
वणर्न कर �क एरो�बक्स म� व्य��गत प्र�श�ण क्या है। इसके , व्य��गत प्र�श�ण का प्र
करते समय िजन महत्वपूणर् �बद
ं ुओं का ध्यान रखना चा�हए उनका �ववरण द
3. It is said that appropriate flooring is a key component to ensure optimal performance in Aerobics.
Explain with examples the type of flooring, and equipment that should be used to obtain optimal
benefit in all four forms of aerobics.
यह कहा जाता है �क एरो�बक्स म� इ�तम प्रदशर्न सु�नि�त करने के �लए उपयु� फशर् एक महत्
घटक है। उदाहरण� के साथ उपयु� फ़्लो�रंग के प्रकार और उपकरण� का वणर्न कर� िजनका उप
एरो�बक्स के सभी चार रूप�म� इ�तम लाभ प्रा� करने के �लए �कया जाना चा
4. Describe how music is selected for different components of aerobics. Also explain the importance and
benefits of music in aerobics.
वणर्न कर� �क एरो�बक्स के �व�भन्न घटक� के �लए संगीत कैसे चुना जाता है। एरो�बक्स म� संगीत
महत्व और लाभ� के बारे म� भी बताएं
5. Describe the important points to be kept in mind while developing an effective aerobic fitness
एक प्रभावी एरो�बक �फटनेस प्रोग्राम �वक�सत करत
ध्यानम�रखेजानेवालेमहत्वपूणर्�बंदुओंके�वष�वस्तार से �लख�
6. Inappropriate technique used while practicing Aerobics may lead to many types of injuries. Classify the
types of injuries and explain the prevention and care to be adopted while performing aerobics.
एरो�बक्स का अभ्यास करते समय उपयोग क� जाने वाल� अनु�चत तकनीक से कई प्रकार क�चोट�
सकती ह�। चोट� के प्रकार� को वग�कृत कर� और एरो�बक्स करते समय अपनाई जाने वाल� रोकथाम
देखभाल के बारे म� �वस्तारसे�लख�
(This Question Paper contains 2 printed pages)
Your Roll No. …………………….
आपका अनुक्रमाांक......................
Semester/Annual : III
सेमेस्टर / वार्षिक : III
Note: Answers may be written either in English or Hindi but the same medium should be followed
throughout the paper.
इस प्रश्नपत्र का उत्तर अंग्रेजी या ह द
ं ी ककसी एक भाषा में दीजजए लेककन सभी उत्तरों का माध्यम
एक ी ोना चाह ए।
2. ‘Narmada Bachao Andolan led by Medha Patkar is the longest living Gandhian Non-
Violent Satyagraha.’ Comment.
मेधा पाटकर के नेतत्ृ व वाला नमिदा बचाओ आंदोलन सबसे लंबे समय तक जीर्वत र ने वाला
गांधीवादी अह स
ं क सत्याग्र ै। हटप्पर्ी कीजजये।
3. What do you understand by Satyagraha? Explain the concept in the light of the
movement for temple entry and the critique of caste system.
सत्याग्र से आप क्या समझते ैं? मंहदर प्रवेश और जानतव्यवस्था की आलोचना के
प्रकाश में इस अवधारर्ा को स्पष्ट कीजजये।
Semester : I/ III
Duration : 3 hours
a) Write your Roll no. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.
इस प्रश्न पत्र को प्राप्त करते ही तरु ं त ऊपर दिए स्थान पर अपना रोल नंबर ललखें|
b) Answer any four questions.
किसी भी चार प्रश्नों िे उत्तर दीजिए।
c) All questions carry equal marks.
सभी प्रश्नों िे समान अंि हैं।
d) Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi, but the same medium should
be used throughout the paper
उत्तर या तो अंग्रेजी या दहंिी में ललखा जा सकता है , लेककन सभी उत्तर के ललए एक ही माध्यम
का उपयोग ककया जाना चादहए|
1. What do you understand by the concept of mental health and highlight the importance
of mental health in adolescents and young adults.
2. During the lockdown, Akshay is experiencing feelings of gloom. What are the signs
to identify depression and what can be done to prevent a possible occurrence of
depression. (18.75)
ऑटटज्म स्पेक्रम डडसऑडडर क्या है ? एि िेस स्टडी िी मदद से, ऑदिज़्म से पीड़ित
4. Recently, Sakshi and her family have experienced a flood in their city that has
destroyed their house and other belongings. Sakshi has lost her younger brother in the
floods and her family is searching for him. Suggest appropriate psychological
assistance that should be provided to Sakshi and her family in this crisis situation.
हाल ही में, साक्षी और उसिे पररवार ने अपने शहर में बाढ़ िा अनभ
ु व किया है जिससे
उनिे घर और अन्य सामान नष्ट हो गए हैं। साक्षी ने बाढ़ में अपने छोटे भाई िो खो
टदया है और उसिा पररवार उसे खोि रहा है। उपयुक्त मनोवैज्ञाननि सहायता िा
सुझाव दें िो इस जस्थनत में साक्षी और उसिे पररवार िो प्रदान िी िानी चाटहए।
5. Discuss the concept of peer mentoring and the necessary skills required for an effective
peer mentor. (18.75)
6. Karan is a class X student who bullies his peers. Examine the factors responsible for
bullying behaviour and the impact bullying has on the mental health of an adolescent?
करण एक िसवीं कक्षा का छात्र है जो अपने साथथयों को डराता धमकाता है। ऐसे
व्यवहार के ललए क्जम्मेिार कारकों की जांच करें और उसिा क्या प्रभाव ककशोरों के
Semester : III
Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 75
1. इस प्रश्न-पत्र का उत्तरसंस्कृ त या हिन्दी या अंग्रज
े ी ककसी एक भाषा में दीहजए, परन्तु सभी उत्तरों का
माध्यम एक िी िोना चाहिए ।
2. इस प्रश्नपत्र में कु ल 6 प्रश्न िैं । इनमें से ककन्िीं 4 प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीहजए । सबके अङ्क समान िैं ।
1. Answers should be written in Sanskrit or in Hindi or in English but the same medium
should be used throughout the paper.
2. There are total 6 questions in this question paper. Attempt any 4 questions. Each.
आपका अनुक्रमाांक......................
प्रश्न-पत्र का क्रमाांक........................
Semester/Annual : III
सेमेस्टर/वार्षषक : III
1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.
इस प्रश्न-प्रत्र के नमलते ही ऊपर ददए गए स्थान पर अपना अनुक्रमाांक नलनखए।
3. Answer may be written either in English or in Hindi but the same medium
should be used throughout the paper.
इस प्रश्न-पत्र का उत्तर अांग्रेिी या हहदी दकसी एक भाषा में दीनिए लेदकन सभी उत्तरों का
माध्यम एक ही होना चानहए।
1. नवकास की लोकनप्रय पररभाषाएँ नितना वे प्रकट करती हैं, उससे कहीं अनधक निपाती हैं. चचाा
करें .
2. ‘नवकास मानव स्वतांत्रता के नवस्तार की एक प्रदक्रया है’.उपयुक्त उदाहरणों के साथ स्पष्ट करें .
3. Trace the key turns in the rise and fall of Development Theory.
5. What role does local idioms and meanings play in shaping the experience of
development? Illustrate with appropriate ethnographic example.
5. नवकास के अनुभव को आकार देने में स्थानीय मुहावरों और अथों की क्या भूनमका है? उपयुक्त
नृवांशनवज्ञान उदाहरण के साथ वणान करें .
Name of the Course : Statistics: Generic Elective for Honours (GE-III) under CBCS
Semester : III
Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 75
1. What do you understand by point estimation? When would you say that estimator of a
parameter is ‘good’? In particular, discuss the requirements of consistency and
unbiasedness of an estimator.
In a sample of 600 men from a certain large city, 400 are found to be smokers. In another
sample of 900 from another large city, 450 are smokers. Do the data indicate that the
cities are significantly different with respect to prevalence of smoking among men?
2. Explain the method of constructing a 95% confidence interval for mean of a population
following normal distribution with mean μ and variance σ2, if (i) σ2 is known, (ii) σ2 is
unknown but sample size is large (i.e. n ≥ 30) and (iii) σ2 is unknown but sample size is
small (i.e. n < 30).
3. Explain, with the help of examples, where would you use parametric tests and where
would you use non-parametric tests. Describe the sign test to test the null hypothesis H0:
μ = μ0 against the alternative hypothesis H1: μ > μ0, stating clearly the assumptions
The following are the amounts of time, in minutes, that it took a random sample of 16
technicians to perform a certain task: 18.1, 20.3, 18.3, 15.6, 22.5, 16.8, 17.6, 16.9,
18.2, 17.0, 19.3, 16.5, 19.5, 18.6, 20.0 and 18.8. Assuming that this sample came from
a symmetrical continuous population, use the signed-rank test at the 0.05 level of
significance to test the null hypothesis that the mean of this population is 19.4 minutes
against the alternative hypothesis that it is not 19.4 minutes. (Z0.025 = 1.96)
830 college students were classified according to their intelligence and economic
conditions. Test whether there is any association between intelligence and economic
conditions. (χ20.05, 3 = 7.815, χ20.05, 2 = 5.991, χ20.05, 1 = 3.841)
Intelligence Total
5. What is the difference between ‘variability within classes’ and ‘variability between
classes’? Explain with a suitable example.
An experiment was carried out for testing the variety effect. Given the following
No. of observations (n) 5 5 5
Sum of observations 90 125 85
Sum of squares of 1646 3235 1469
Use analysis of variance technique at the 5% level of significance to test whether the
three varieties are significantly different in their mean yields, (showing all the steps in
the general test procedure). (F0.05 (2, 12) = 3.89, F0.05 (5, 12) = 3.11)
6. A randomized block experiment has been carried out in 4 blocks with 5 treatments A, B,
C, D and E. Derive the expected value of mean sum of squares due to errors in the above
An experiment was carried out on wheat with three treatments in four randomised
blocks. Complete the following table for the analysis of variance of a fixed effects
randomised block design:
Test the hypothesis that the treatment effects are equal to zero, showing all the steps in
the general test procedure. (F0.05 (2, 6) = 5.14, F0.05 (3, 6) = 4.76)