G28 Lab5
G28 Lab5
G28 Lab5
Group – 28
Activity Diagram
1) There are four different sprints in our project – Login,
student interface, company interface and admin interface.
Login –
Firstly, the user has to register(company/student) on the
website to be able access all the facilities of the website. If
the user is valid, the admin authenticates him/her to login
where the user is asked to enter the username and
password. If the user is approved then the user has
successfully logged in and will be able to use the website
and if the user is not approved (wrong password) then the
user is asked to re-enter the password and also the
functionality of forgot-password has been provided.
Student Interface –
When the student has registered and logged in, he/she will
be able to change the password if required. The student
can update the resume given the file size is in particular
range. The student will be able to view the company details
of the newly added companies for the placement and if
he/she is willing to register and is eligible for registration,
then the student will be allowed to register. The student
can also deregister from a company in particular time
frame. The student will also be able to see the notifications
given by the company and admin. He/she will be able to
see the performance in the previous companies in which
he/she has registered.
Company Interface –
Once, the company has successfully registered and logged in,
it will be able to notify the admin and students about the
new job-opening, it’s description and eligibility criteria. The
company will be able to see the registered student details for
a particular role. The company can view and send
notifications to admin or the students. The company will be
able to change the login password if required.
Admin Interface –
Once, the admin has successfully logged in, he/she will be
able to change the login password if required. The admin will
be able to verify students’ profile. If the student is verified
then only, he/she will be able to see the company details.
Similarly, the admin can also verify the company and can
reject or allow the company for placement based on some
criteria. The admin will be able to see and also send
alerts/notifications to students as well as companies. The
admin also has the facility to send notifications to a particular
company or students. The admin can disqualify students or
company if some mischievous activity is observed.
2) For every user, the user has to register and login
irrespective of whether the user is student, company or
Student Interface :-
Company Interface :-
Admin Interface :-