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Trends 1.1 Are you really my friend? Se ores \dships CEM present simple, continuous and perfect 1. Workin small groups. Read the statement and discuss the questions, ‘Among adult Facebook users, the average number of fiends is 338. 1. Does this statistic surprise you? Why/Why not? 2 Isitpossible to really be friends with so many people? Why/Why not? Photos u»-cxnnin-sise 2 Read the article. Why is Rob Jones trying to meet all 700 of, his Facebook friends? Discuss your ideas with a partner. 6| Ont oxford 3000" | Face-to-face with Facebook friends ie: canner: Search for people, places and things How many of your Facebook friends have you seen lately? For Fob Jones, who "is currently meeting every single friend on his Facebook page, the answer could ‘soon be 700, His aim to raise money for a children’s charity means he has already come face-to-face with 123 internet ‘fends! in seven countries, some of whorn he has never met before. He takes a photo for his Facebook page with everyone he meats, and persuades them to give to his charity, and he has already raised more than £3,000. He hopes to have met all 700 within three years, travelling thousands of miles to thirty countries including New Zealand, on the other side of the world, in the process. People often say that Facebook friends aren't real friends. But Rob met his Polish girfriend online and 8 they've now been together for three years. He says “this proves that the internet is a powerful tool ‘Ym reuniting with friends, and in the process §’m learning lot about myself. | now have good friends in people I have never met before this.” “Everyone has been great so far; #/ generally spend a day with them and they choose what we do.” His adventure has taken him across Europe, visiting England, ‘Scotland (top photo}, Poland (photo in the centre), Finland, Germany and Switzerland, and 7he's also just visited a distant relative in the USA (bottom photo),Ma) 12 13 14 3 Read the information in the Grammar focus box and write sentences 1-7 in the article next to the appropriate grammar rule, a Couey Connecter nels “+ we use the present simple to talk about 4. things that are always or generally tre. bb things that happen regularyepeatecly. “+ We use the present continuous to tak about things that are happening atéaround the time when we speak. things that are changing. © We use the present perfect simple to tak about our experience (our lives until now) {things that have already/ust happened Grammar Reference page 136 42 Choose the correct options to complete the questions, 1 What is Rob trying / does Rob try to do? 2. How many friends does he meet / has he metso far? 3. Whydoeshe ake /ishetakinga photo ofeveryone he meets? 4 ‘Why does Rob believe that the internet has been {isa good way of making friends? What is Rob learning / does Rob learn from the process? 6 Who usually decides / is deciding what to do when Rob meets a Facebook friend? 7 Which countries does he visit / has he visited? _ Discuss the answers to the questions with a partner. Vocabulary & Speaking Bieta 52 1Af)Listeno wo friends, Sarah and Josh, taking about their friendships. Which diagram represents each person's, friendship groups? 1 2 Tell your partner which diagram is more like your {riendship groups. Explain why. 6a va 8a ‘Work with a partner. Look at the verbs/verb phrases and decide ifthey are positive (P) or negative (N). 1 geton (well (with someone) ‘meet up (with someone) have alot in common (with someone) fall out (with someone) help (omeone) out trust (someone) get/keep in touch (with someone) ‘make friends (with someone) hhave an argument (with someone) 449 Listen again to Sarah and Josh and checkyour answers. EEN inking \wmen we speak at normal speed, we link phrases so they often sound like one word, Lookat the phrases in exercise 6a. Mark the way the words linkin each phrase, -get.on well with someone 42))Listen, checkand repeat Complete the statements using the correct form of the verbs/verb phirases in exercise 6a, 1 Toften friends in the evening. 2 You don't need to someone to be friends. I's fine to have different interests. 31 ‘most people I know: There aren't many people I don't like. 4 Areally good friend is someone you can call at midnight and askthemto 5 The friends you___at school are often friends for life. 6 T'malways pleased when someone I haven't heard [rom in ages 7 Timquite easy-going. [rarely. my friends, 8 I'mnotspeaking to my sister at the moment - we've Itseems bite ny closest friend with all my secrets. groups of 9 ean 1.39) Listen and checkyour answers. How many ofthe statements are true fr you? Explain why to partner. Draw diagram of your friendship groups, like the ones in exercise 5a. Talk to partner about some of the people init. Ask each other questions to get more information. © vox ors viozo 1 71.2. Why spending’s #trending GOALS Il Talk about spendin Erie Vocabulary & Listening Jwenents 1 Workywith a partner, Look at the title ofthe lesson and discuss the questions. 1 What is happening in the photos? 2. What does it mean ifsomething is ‘trending’? 3. Why might spending be trending? 28 14i)Listen oa short radio newsitem about Black Friday and compare what you heat with your ideas from exercise L b_ Does anything you heard surprise you? 3a. 141) Read the statements. Then listen again and decide ifthe statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false statements 1 The expression Black Friday has been used ‘more than two billion times on Twitter recently. 2. Black Friday only happens in the USA. 3 Some people have queued overnight. 4 Shoppers around the world spent more than billion dollars on Black Friday last year. 5 There have been five injuries in the last few years on Black Friday. b_ Compare your answers with a partner. 4a. Putthe words and phrases in the box nto the correct groups, customer consumer deals discounts haltprice 5 Workwitha partner ain small group. Discuss the questions items purchaser purchases special offers 1 What have you bought recently that was a bargain? GeO CEES 2 Doyou look for special offers such as two for the price of one in the supermarket? How important are they to Cheekyourideas with a partner. you in choosing your purchased? vappee bargains 3. Have you everbought something you didnt need i a," because twas a goo deal Iso, ive an example. en 4. Would you be willing to queue forhours to geta good cone lower price discount? For what kind often vino buy a” AR N i shopping / things we buy (Om Oxford 3000"1 G2 is 4 Grammar & Speaking FReicavoury 6 Lookat the posters. Do you agree with the message in them? Why/Why not? 7a. 15 S)Listen to. radio interview with a supporter of Buy ‘Nothing Day. Which ofthe following points doeshe mention? Buy Nothing Day's important because it might ‘encourage people not to... 1_use shopping as a kind of therapy. 2 owealot of money. 3 support big companies. 4 consume more then thelr fair share ofthe wor’ resources. 5 buy goods where the workers are badly paid. 6 buy goods with unnecessary packaging. 1b Which ofthe points would be most likely to make you think about buying less? Discuss with a partner. 82 Complete extracts 1-7 from the listening with the most appropriate form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Canyou explain alittle about what Buy Nothing Day (mean)? 2 When you really (think) aboutit, the idea of buying things as a way of spending yourlleisure time is crazy. 3 We (believe) shopping makes us happy, butitdoesn'. 4 Yes. (agree), that’s a good pi 5 Weall (own) fartoo much. 6 Most of the time we (prefer) people to Duy locally 7 Most people (not/understand) how difficult itis b 16i)Listen and check youranswers. 9a Whatdo all the completed verb forms in exercise 8a have in common? Read the information in the Grammar focus box and check. Eines) ‘Some verbs are most often used in simple tenses, even if we ‘mean just now’ These state verbs are often used to talk about: "How we think: know, mean, think, 1 a 2 “What we feet fe, want, hate, love, dislike, fel + “+ What we possess: have, belong, 8 "What we experience: be, see, hear, ook, smell, taste, seem "> Grammar Reference page 137 b. Putthe verbs in exercise Ba into the correct category. BUY NOTHING DAY ‘10a Look at the posters for Buy Nothing Day and complete the text with the best form of the verbs in brackets ~ present simple or present continuous, in Poster 1 there are some people who 1 (stand) Inside a shopping basket, |2 (lke) this one because |? (think) it shows the idea of being ‘rapped by shopping very well. It (seem) to bbe saying that we § (not/understand) that we are in a cage. I's simple but quite a powerful message. Poster 26 (look) quite good, but 'm not sure what it? {try to say I's obviously based on the Tetris video game, and the four blocks at the top that say ‘buy’ clearly ® _ ffi), but rm not sure itwould make me want to stop shopping. I definitely iS {prefer the first one, b Compare your answers with a partner. 1a ‘Workin small groups. Which of the posters do you thinkis more effective? Give reasons, b Decide together on the design of your own poster to promote Buy Nothing Day: Which of the pointsin exercise Ta could you focus on? How will you make it effective? Present your ideas to the class1.3 Vocabulary and skills development en mo Listening & Speaking Bator 1a Howhas the internet changed people's lives? Work with, partner and makea list of5-10 things which have really ‘changed since the internet was invented. b Compare your list with another pair. Has life changed for the better? Are any aspects of life worse since the internet was invented? 2 Lookat the cover ofa recent book about the internet. Do you think the author is positive about the effect of the internet or negative? Read the book description and check your ideas. This is a fascinating book. We all know that the internet is changing the way we do things, but Carr believes that its also changing the very way our brains work. With the printed book, he argues, our brains leamt to think deeply. In contrast, the internet encourages us to read small bits of information from lots of different places. We are becoming better and better at multitasking, but much worse at concentrating on one thing. 10| Orn Oxford 3000" fone 3. 179)Read and listen to the information inthe Unlock the code boxabout listening forkey words Panne ing f Key words carry the most important information. They are generally nouns and verbs and are usually spoken more lougly ‘andi cleatly than other words. For example: three times a week "send alot of emails ike looking at shopping websites. 42. Lookat these phrases from the reviewin exercise 2. Which do you think are the most important words in each phrase? Discuss with a partner, and underline them, 1 Thisisa fascinating book. 2. Weall know that the internet is changing the way we dothings, . 3... but Carr believes that itis also changing the very way our brains work. 4. With the printed book, he argues, our brains learnt to think deeply. 5 Incontrast, the internet encourages us to read small bits of information from lots of different places. 6 Weare becoming better and better at multitasking, 7... but much worse at concentrating on one thing, bb A8i)Listen and check youridens 5 49i)Listen and complete these opinions abou the internet with the missing key words 1 Shoppingand is 2 Lookingat alldayis forour 3. People will other. 4. People don’ howto toeach enough 5 Online 6 Hyperlinksin distracting. 7 Weare now using allour 8 Multitasking online makes us less isnot always arevery more toba va 420) Listen to part ofa radio programme about the ‘book. Which of the opinions in exercise 5 do you hear ‘mentioned? 420) Listen again. According to the speakers, which of the opinions in exercise $ would Nicholas Carr agree witht Which of the opinions in exercise 5 do you agree with? Discuss in small groups. What arguments in favour ofthe internet can you think of? ‘Make listin your group, Compare yourlist with another groups. Vocabulary & Speaking Brativan ted 8 9a Read the extract from a review of The Shallows. Name one ting the writer likes about the book, and one thing he dislikes. Book Review: The Shallows by Nicholas Carr | seis ‘As someone who started working long before the Internet arrived, | was shocked by the main ideas in The Shaliows. The book says that even though the igital age has resulted in amazing improvements in the ways we can get information, itis also causing Us to lose our ability to do one thing ata time. It made ‘me think hard about the way use the internet and ‘manage my relationships with people online. However, although Carr raises many interesting ‘questions, | am not convinced that the solutions to the problems he raises are as difficult as he suggests. Since I read the book, | have, for ‘example, been keeping Facebook and my email Inbox closed while | work, to prevent myself from being distracted. Surely, all we need isa litle careful judgement and good sense? Read the information in the Vocabulary focus box and find ‘nounsin the review that end in -ship,-ment, ion and ity. ROG ace eee ‘+ suifixes often change the lass of the word (verb, noun, adjective, etc), secure (acjective) security (noun) ‘achieve (verb) achievement (noun) Connect verb)» connection (noun) Notice how the speling can change: ‘communicate + communication; able = ability “+ Sometimes the word class stays the same, but the meaning s different ‘She is my bestfriend. (noun) ‘We fave a close friendship. (noun) uu 43) 1415 b Add the nouns from the review to the mind map. wuntaite _ ‘spportunity sate —F , 10 ” 2 friendship achievement faa mon development employment on tio ‘Match nouns in the mind map tothe definitions the state ofhavinga job connections with friends, family, etc. change which makes something better ways to deal witha problem forming an opinion/making sensible decisions a thing you have done successfully having the chance to do something you want to do Add noun suffixes to the words in brackets to complete the sentences, 1 The internet, and especially Skype, has improved (communicate) with friends who live abroad. 2 The (develop) ofsmartphones has made a huge difference to the way we all access information. 3 Lam always extremely careful about my personal (secure) online. 4 Ithink1'mlucky because I've always had a very close _____ (relation) with my sister. 5 Idon'thave gym. (member) because I can’t afford the time. 6 Many people think the hhave some control over the get om the internet. 7 The internet offers great opportunities for finding (employ). (govern) should (inform) we can Which ofthe sentences in exercise 11 are true foryou? Compare your answers with a partner and give reasons. a1.4 Speaking and writing GOALS I Ask for and give of 2a SESS asking for and giving opinions Write for social media 111))Listen toa radio programme about guiltfree brands and check your ideas, bat Listen again and make notes inthe table. 1 Lookat the photos. Which of these do you think could be described as guilt-free brands’? Discuss your ideas with a partner. Home Tips Aboutus Contact us @_SEAREH See Ot) ona as) Diamond ring ce 3a 2 Reasons people | Arguments in| Arguments might feel guity | favour of guilt-free | against guitfree bout what they buy | brands brands Which speaker do you agree with more, Gosia or Jem? Why? Discuss with a partner. Complete the phirases from the conversation. 1. So, Jem, what do you the idea? 2 Well, as anything which makes people think. 3. There’salot more awareness, but itwould be better if? atm that if people really understood... 5 Well, the people who make Fairphone... 6 Ifyou _ we have to give people the option . 142{)Listen and check youranswers Divide the phrases in exercise 3 into three categories: * giving your opinion + talking about other people's opinions + asking for someone's opinion Check your answers in the Language for speaking box. Neda os Ee ee) ne Giving your opinion As faras im concemed,...__ fm convinced/vertan.. you ask me. Personally. Talking about other people's opinions. Some people say that... According to (someone), ‘Asking for someone's opinion 41 Negative questions (we expect someone to agree) Don'tyou think...? Shouldn't..? 2. other ways: What do you think about) ..? How do you feel about..? What are your views on ..?‘Complete the conversations with appropriate phrases from the ‘Language for speaking box. Compare your ideas witha partner. LA the fact that guilt-free brands are often ‘more expensive? B it's fine to pay a bit more to know that the environment isn’t being harmed, 2. A Most of us can’t afford electric cars. people who buy electric cars are showing off how rich they are, rather than actually caring about the planet? B Youmay be right, but _ electric ears in the future. ‘we should just buy less stuff, What do you think about thar? B that's good idea, Weall have far more than we really need. everyonewill drive 4a the government make electric cars less expensive so everyone can afford one? B Yes, definitely Ask your partner for their opinions on the questions in exercise 5, Reading & Writing Bwerventcery 7 Read the post from social media page #haveyoursay. Which of the following statements do you agree with? Discuss with a partner. 1 Noteveryone can afford to buy more expensive clothes, 2. Fashion changes quickly, so it’s important wo be able to buy cheap clothes you can throw away when they go out of fashion. 3. Ifyou don't buy clothes made in poorer countries, you are putting people out of work 4 Itshould be easier to find out which companies look alter their workers properly. 5. People buy far too many things these days. ‘Now read the comments underneath the post and match ‘them to the statements in exercise 7 Read the information in the Language for writing box, then rewrite the comments as full sentences. Ear Eifel ene cae ae) ‘when we write for social media, we often: + miss words out, especialy grammar words such as a/the/ _myfsfam/, eg. sitting on bed (Ym sitting an my bed) + use abbreviations or shor forms, ‘e8, people = po, with = 1 especially = esp, should = shid + use letters or numbers for words wich sound the same, 8, YOU =, are =7, see =, for = 4 13 Gd 1s Are cheap L clothes ethical? Sie VeUl Ea (Cheap clothes can be made using children working In poor conditions. So should we stop buying cheap clothes, or simply be more careful about finding out how ‘and where they were made? ‘comments Cristina Oliveira: Tefe)) 2 keep up w/ fashion u need 2 buy cheap clothes. Can't afford expensive ones. James Brook: BI] = Some ppl can't attord 2 pay higher prices 4 clothes, ‘Yumi Watanabe SANNA Ditfcutt2 know which companies r OK 2 buy from. lan Martin: Everyt shid just buy less, ippa Jones: Ppl need jobs, esp in poorer places. Ifu don't buy, they don't work. ‘10a FES Write your own comment on the post, using informal language. Look at the comments written by two other students in your class and reply to each one, using informal language.4 1.5 Video Social media marketing 1 5a ‘Match the two halves of the sentences. ‘My company doesn't broadcast advertisements on ‘Nowadays companies prefer posting advertisements on Online discussions show how advertisers engage Advertisers need to find a successful way of reaching I sawillboards advertising the product as I was walking with consumers. their target audience, social media sites to advertising on TV. through the city centte. ‘TVany more. Work with a partner and discuss the different advertising ‘methods you can see in the photos. Can you think of other ‘ways companies could choose to advertise their products? © Watch the video. Which three things does the video talk about? 4 the history of social media marketing, how to get ajob in advertising changes in the advertising industry ‘more interaction with customers the process for creating a social media advertisement how to upload an advertisement on social media © Watch again, Correct the sentences 4 Most American advertising companies had an office in Madison Avenue in the 1950s. bb Mad Men'is a common name for people who work in advertising these days €¢- Maduvell designs and develops social media sites. 4. Itcan takea whole month to wrtea short social media post © Advertisers will always engage in a conversation with clients these days. Nowadays, the principal effects of social media are wel known, [ESS Work with a partner. Think about something you'd like to advertise on social media. Itcould be an event, product, company or charity. Note down five key points, you want the public to know aboutit. Write an advertisement to go on Twitter. It must be no longer than 140 characters.Review 1a Complete the advice about friendship with the correct form ofthe verbs in brackets. Use the present simple, present continuous or present perfec. 1 Ityourlife (change) recently your friends ‘might need to change too. 2 iyo (just/move) to a new area, i's a good {dea to join some clubs. 3. People usually (make) friends at work, so try inviting some work colleagues out socially 4 Don't automatically say no to an invitation, even if you (ged ready forbed when the phone rings Ifyou keep saying no, people will stop inviting you 5 Tryto meet your friend’ friends. They them, so you probably wil, too. 6 When someone (Geluse) yourinvitation, try again another time. (like) b Workwith a partner, Which pieces of advice do you agree ‘with? Why/Why not? Can you add one more piece of advice? 22 Choose the most appropriate form to complete each sentence. Sometimes both forms are possible. Social networking sites ' do not seem /are not seeming to help people make close friends, according to researchers who studied how the websites ? change / are changing friendships. Although social networking 8 means /is meaning that many people now * have /are having hundreds or e thousands of ‘friends’, the researchers § believe /are believing that to become a real fiend, itis stil important to actually meet up. Social networking ¢ has become / Is becoming very popular recently, but although people now keap in touch /are now keeping in touch with more friends online, the researchers found that we stil usually have only around five close friends. We only develop real friendships when we ® know /are knowing we can trust someone. b Workwith apartnerand explain why you chose each form. 39. 1431) Listen to six questions and write them down bWorkwitha partner. Askand ansycerthe questions. 4a. Choose the word which is different from the others. 1 purchaser seller consumer customer 2 specialoffers bargains items deals 3. fullprice half-price discount 'b Workwith a partnerand explain youranswers. 5a Complete the sentences using the noun form with a suffix of one ofthe words from the box. inform member develop happy secure 1 is: money, 2 My ‘with my boss has never been very good. 3. Howeanyouafford the atthe tennis club? 4. Hegavemesome very useful about the new apps that are available for my phone. 5. Have you seen the new ofhouses by the river? 6 Idon't realy like my job, but I need the ofa regularsalary. jore important than having lots of -k with a partner. Try to think of at least one more noun that ends with each of the five suffixes used in exercise 5a, 62 Choose the correct word to complete each phrase. Personally / Definitely, think Shouldn't / Mustn't people ..2 Ireally ask / eel that ifyou tell /ask me. 5 According / Along . 6 Asfar/longas'm concerned, _Lookat these quotations about friendship. ‘A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.’ Elbert Hubbard ‘It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that ‘matter.’ Marlene Dietrich Work with a partner Discuss how you would define friendship, using the phrases in exercise 6a. ‘iyo for the price of one 5Name B1+ Wordlist Unit 1 Navigate Hore is alist of useful or new words from Unit 1 of Navigate 81+ Coursebook. You can insert your own translation. Words marked with a key (Om) all appear in the Oxford 3000. ad) = adjective hr v= phrasal vers adv = adverb l= plural Cconj = conjunction ‘noun ability Om 1 /o'bilotiy able Om ad /eibl/ achievement Om 1 /a't, adventure Om 7 /ad'ventfatry/ bargain Ow 1 /"ba:gin! behave Om v /br'heiv/ charity Om 1 /tfecrotil choice Om n /tfous/ come face-to-face with phr /,kam ‘fers to fers wid! communication Om 1 /ko,mju:ns'ketfn/ connect Om v /ka'nekt/ consumer Own /kan'sju:mo(ry/ convinced adj /kon'vinst/ currently Om adv /"karantli deal Om 1 /dil/ deeply Om adv /‘dizplil definition Om n /,deft'ntfn/ develop Om v /dt'velop/ digital age m /'didsitl erds/ effect Om n /i'fekt/ expression Om 1 /ik'sprefn/ fall out «with someone) phrv ‘foal ‘aut (wid ,samwany/ friendship Om /"frendfip! ‘get on (well with someone) phrv /get ‘on (wel wid ,samwan)! govern Om v /*gavn/ government Om n /'gavanmant/ guilt-free adj /gilt'tri half-price adj /ha:f *praus/ harmful Om adj *ha:mf have a lot in common _phr {heey 9 ,lot in 'komon/ phr= phrase rep = preposition ron = pronoun v=verd ‘The courses available are for different levels of ability, ‘The internet is changing our culture so that we are less able to concentrate or make deep connections in our brain. Although it was hard work, it was an amazing achievement. His adventure has taken him across Europe. ‘What have you bought recently that was a bargain? ‘The internet is changing the way our brains behave. His alm is to raise money for a children's charity. ‘we're trying to get people to think about the effect their buying choices have on the rest of the world. He has already come face-to-face with 123 internet friends. ‘The internet, and especially Skype, has improved communication with friends who live abroad, | think this cable connects to the back of the computer, High-street shops have a wide choice of products for the consumer. ''m convinced my life has improved since | started my new job. Rob Jones is currently meeting every single friend on his, Facebook page. Have you ever bought something you didn’t need because it was a good deal? ‘We never take any time to think about things deeply. ‘What is your definition of a true friend? ur friendship has developed over time, ‘The digital age Is making us lose our ability to do one thing at atime. Don’t you think they have an effect on young people? ‘The expression Black Friday has been used more than two billion times on twitter recent. {rarely fall out with my friends. Her friendship means a lot to me. | get on really well with sil ‘Who is the region governed by? ‘The government has announced the latest tax proposals, How do you feel about the fact that guilt-free brands are often more expensive? | bought these in the sale. They were half-price! thas a harmful effect on the environment. | guess | don’t have a fot in common with them.Name B1+ Wordlist Unit 1 Navigate help (someone) out _phr v Jhelp (,samwan ‘avt)/ Improvement Om 7 /im'pru:vmont/ in touch (with someone) phr fan “tat (w1d ,samwan)/ Injury Om n /indgari Item Om 7 /'artom/ Judgement Om /"dgzadsmont/ lately adv /lertli/ leisure time n /'lego tam! media Om /'mis meet up phrv /mist ‘ap/ membership Om 1 /'membafrp/ movement Om 7 /'mu:vmant/ occasional adj /a'kerzanl/ on credit Om phr fon *kredit/ opportunity Om 1 /,ppo'tjusnati/ persuade Om v /pa'swerd/ process Om nn /"prauses/ prove Om v /pruzw/ purchase Om 1 /'pastfos/ queue v /kju:/ resources Om mpl /nt'so:siz, -'z9:81Z/ reunite v /,risjuz'nant/ run-up /'ran api secure Om adj /s1'kjvo(r)/ security Om 1 /st'kjvaratif smartphone /'sma:tfson/ socialize v /'saufolawz/ special offer Om 1 /,spefl 'nfa(ry/ transport Om v /traen'spo:t/ wend v /trend/ trust Om vy /trast/ ‘admit Om v /ad'mit/ ‘Areally good friend is someone you can ring at midnight and ‘ask them to help you out. ‘There have been some amazing improvements in the way we can get information, How do you keep in touch with family or friends who live far away? ‘There have been five injuries in the last few years on Black Friday. Allof these items are half-price. His book shows us that we need to use our judgement before we let computers take over: How many of your Facebook friends have you seen lately? The idea of buying things as a way of spending your leisure time is crazy. ‘When we use new media, our brain works and develops in a different way to how it did before the internet. | often meet up with groups of friends in the evening ‘The annual membership Is too expensive for me. Now there are Buy Nothing Day movements in over 65 countries, ‘We send the occasional message to each other. There's a danger of spending more than you intended and buying things on credit This is a great opportunity. He persuades them to give to his charity. He hopes to have met all 700 Facebook friends within three ‘years, travelling thousands of miles in the process. This proves the internet is a powerful tool. ‘while you may get a good discount on your purchases, you should be careful ‘Some people have queued overnight. People should be encouraged not to consume more than their {air share of the world's resources. ''m reuniting with friends. ‘The shops have amazing special offers in the run-up to Christmas, The important thing is to feel secure in your job, am always extremely careful about my personal security online, ‘The development of smartphones has made a huge different to the way we all access information. Students in the USA spend 51% of thelr time socializing, Do you look for special offers such as buy one get one free in the supermarket? ''m not sure transporting goods by air is a good ide What's trending in social media? | can trust my closest friend with all my secrets. ‘The newspaper has admitted the story was a hoax.
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Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
Margot Lee Shetterly
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (937)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (2121)
Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
Phil Knight
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (546)
The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
Ben Horowitz
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (358)
Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
Ashlee Vance
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
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Bad Feminist: Essays
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Bad Feminist: Essays
Roxane Gay
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1062)
The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (275)
Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (814)
Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (444)
The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1954)
The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2281)
The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (99)
Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1961)
Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (273)
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (4264)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1934)
A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (233)
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (235)
Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (805)
On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
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