Advanced Writing 4000 Exercise
Advanced Writing 4000 Exercise
Advanced Writing 4000 Exercise
Writing well is a key goal for any language learner, and this is
especially true of English, the language in which 71% of the
world's business is transacted, In today's world, we need to be able
to write impressive emails, we need to be able to craft compelling
resumes and career narratives, we need to write well. And spellings
are a very important part of making a great first impression.
for many reasons: chief among which is the fact that, in addition to
being exposed to a word which is commonly misspelled, you will
also encounter a large number of difficult words which are
correctly and accurately spelled, in each puzzle. This will help you
update both correct and incorrect spellings in your mental database,
and will exponentially multiply the speed of your orthography
In each of the word sets below, your task is to find the word whose spelling is
incorrect, and to correct that spelling. About 70% of the questions are simple,
but some are definitely a real challenge!
1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. extempore
B. enthrone
C. refraction
D. existance
E. profitable
F. punctilious
2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. brandish
B. underate
C. licentious
D. philosophical
E. condonation
F. arrogate
3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. mediation
B. higeine
C. manageable
D. sprightly
E. rashness
F. disputant
4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. hapless
B. predaceous
C. cupidity
D. traditional
E. understanding
F. indite
5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. compensate
B. enormity
C. abeyance
D. operation
E. ignorence
F. youthful
7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. decompose
B. absance
C. competence
D. scourings
E. flippant
F. elementary
8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. iconoclast
B. vacillate
C. material
D. detonate
E. sufferance
F. conceed
9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. calculated
B. conversation
C. commentator
D. neice
E. mercantile
F. renegade
10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. extempore
B. enthrone
C. refraction
D. existance
E. profitable
F. punctilious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *existance*. The correct
spelling of that word is *existence*.
2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. brandish
B. underate
C. licentious
D. philosophical
E. condonation
F. arrogate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *underate*. The correct
3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. mediation
B. higeine
C. manageable
D. sprightly
E. rashness
F. disputant
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *higeine*. The correct
spelling of that word is *hygiene*.
4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. hapless
B. predaceous
C. cupidity
D. traditional
E. understanding
F. indite
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *indite*. The correct
spelling of that word is *indict*.
5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ignorence*. The correct
spelling of that word is *ignorance*.
7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. decompose
B. absance
C. competence
D. scourings
E. flippant
F. elementary
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *absance*. The correct
spelling of that word is *absence*.
8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. iconoclast
B. vacillate
C. material
D. detonate
E. sufferance
F. conceed
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *conceed*. The correct
spelling of that word is *concede*.
9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. calculated
B. conversation
C. commentator
D. neice
E. mercantile
F. renegade
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *neice*. The correct
spelling of that word is *niece*.
10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. pacification
B. ultimate
C. repentance
D. rekindle
E. ignorence
F. elaborate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ignorence*. The correct
spelling of that word is *ignorance*.
Challenge 2
In each of the word sets below, your task is to find the word whose spelling is
incorrect, and to correct that spelling. About 70% of the questions are simple,
but some are definitely a real challenge!
1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. childish
B. martyrdom
C. exemption
D. recomend
E. immodest
F. delicious
2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. extortionate
B. discrepancy
C. conference
D. misadventure
E. slovenly
F. writeing
3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. incontestable
B. bondsman
C. desuetude
D. terrestrial
E. becomeing
F. contumacy
4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inure
B. platonic
C. cheerful
D. untill
E. assistance
F. certainty
5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. eversion
B. multitude
C. etiquette
D. addicted
E. underate
F. counteract
7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. disparage
B. collaegue
C. ambition
D. grievance
E. derivation
F. reluctant
8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. truculent
B. original
C. corroborate
D. abstersive
E. inconsolable
F. commited
9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. hors derves
B. grievous
C. dissemble
D. abstraction
E. convivial
F. indestructible
10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. childish
B. martyrdom
C. exemption
D. recomend
E. immodest
F. delicious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *recomend*. The correct
spelling of that word is *recommend*.
2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. extortionate
B. discrepancy
C. conference
D. misadventure
E. slovenly
F. writeing
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *writeing*. The correct
3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. incontestable
B. bondsman
C. desuetude
D. terrestrial
E. becomeing
F. contumacy
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *becomeing*. The
correct spelling of that word is *becoming*.
4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inure
B. platonic
C. cheerful
D. untill
E. assistance
F. certainty
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *untill*. The correct
spelling of that word is *until*.
5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *underate*. The correct
spelling of that word is *underrate*.
7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. disparage
B. collaegue
C. ambition
D. grievance
E. derivation
F. reluctant
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *collaegue*. The correct
spelling of that word is *colleague*.
8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. truculent
B. original
C. corroborate
D. abstersive
E. inconsolable
F. commited
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *commited*. The correct
spelling of that word is *committed*.
9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. hors derves
B. grievous
C. dissemble
D. abstraction
E. convivial
F. indestructible
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *hors derves*. The
correct spelling of that word is *hors d'oeuvres*.
10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. operation
B. progression
C. straight
D. camoflague
E. resentment
F. resident
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *camoflague*. The
correct spelling of that word is *camouflage*.
Challenge 3
In each of the word sets below, your task is to find the word whose spelling is
incorrect, and to correct that spelling. About 70% of the questions are simple,
but some are definitely a real challenge!
1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. merchant
B. perceive
C. coincidence
D. industry
E. exilerate
F. implement
2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. resurrection
B. platitude
C. miasmatic
D. quickness
E. virulence
F. readible
3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. evince
B. approach
C. hiygeine
D. endowment
E. blessing
F. ridiculous
4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. pulchritude
B. litigious
C. denominate
D. intelligance
E. meditate
F. recrimination
5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. reckless
B. corrigible
C. director
D. purgative
E. reccommend
F. preconception
7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. pleasure
B. militate
C. perceivable
D. arbitrate
E. sieze
F. contingent
8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. circumvent
B. manufacture
C. delicious
D. comprehend
E. impotent
F. caugt
9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. indelible
B. intrigue
C. extempore
D. thankful
E. masterly
F. tommorrow
10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. merchant
B. perceive
C. coincidence
D. industry
E. exilerate
F. implement
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *exilerate*. The correct
spelling of that word is *exhilarate*.
2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. resurrection
B. platitude
C. miasmatic
D. quickness
E. virulence
F. readible
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *readible*. The correct
3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. evince
B. approach
C. hiygeine
D. endowment
E. blessing
F. ridiculous
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *hiygeine*. The correct
spelling of that word is *hygiene*.
4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. pulchritude
B. litigious
C. denominate
D. intelligance
E. meditate
F. recrimination
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *intelligance*. The
correct spelling of that word is *intelligence*.
5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *reccommend*. The
correct spelling of that word is *recommend*.
7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. pleasure
B. militate
C. perceivable
D. arbitrate
E. sieze
F. contingent
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sieze*. The correct
spelling of that word is *seize*.
8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. circumvent
B. manufacture
C. delicious
D. comprehend
E. impotent
F. caugt
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *caugt*. The correct
spelling of that word is *caught*.
9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. indelible
B. intrigue
C. extempore
D. thankful
E. masterly
F. tommorrow
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *tommorrow*. The
correct spelling of that word is *tomorrow*.
10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. infantile
B. decieve
C. surfeit
D. impotence
E. variance
F. likeness
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *decieve*. The correct
spelling of that word is *deceive*.
Challenge 4
In each of the word sets below, your task is to find the word whose spelling is
incorrect, and to correct that spelling. About 70% of the questions are simple,
but some are definitely a real challenge!
1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. perdition
B. prescribe
C. insurgent
D. churlish
E. daquiri
F. whimsical
2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. regenerate
B. reticence
C. counterpoise
D. occasionaly
E. righteous
F. terminal
3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. vindictive
B. astonished
C. pregnant
D. liberry
E. defenseless
F. abeyance
4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inutility
B. covetous
C. decompose
D. equanimity
E. plagerize
F. sentinel
5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. overture
B. allegaince
C. renounce
D. accident
E. generous
F. indelicate
7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. alteration
B. appearance
C. permutation
D. traverse
E. medevil
F. agglomerate
8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. congestion
B. acceptible
C. off-hand
D. anomalous
E. abrogation
F. abjure
9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. illustrious
B. entrance
C. artifice
D. sensation
E. cheif
F. reprobate
10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. perdition
B. prescribe
C. insurgent
D. churlish
E. daquiri
F. whimsical
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *daquiri*. The correct
spelling of that word is *daiquiri*.
2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. regenerate
B. reticence
C. counterpoise
D. occasionaly
E. righteous
F. terminal
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *occasionaly*. The
3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. vindictive
B. astonished
C. pregnant
D. liberry
E. defenseless
F. abeyance
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *liberry*. The correct
spelling of that word is *library*.
4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inutility
B. covetous
C. decompose
D. equanimity
E. plagerize
F. sentinel
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *plagerize*. The correct
spelling of that word is *plagiarize*.
5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *allegaince*. The correct
spelling of that word is *allegiance*.
7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. alteration
B. appearance
C. permutation
D. traverse
E. medevil
F. agglomerate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *medevil*. The correct
spelling of that word is *medieval*.
8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. congestion
B. acceptible
C. off-hand
D. anomalous
E. abrogation
F. abjure
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *acceptible*. The correct
spelling of that word is *acceptable*.
9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. illustrious
B. entrance
C. artifice
D. sensation
E. cheif
F. reprobate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cheif*. The correct
spelling of that word is *chief*.
10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. confidential
B. congestion
C. harrass
D. admonition
E. inculcate
F. augmentation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *harrass*. The correct
spelling of that word is *harass*.
Challenge 5
In each of the word sets below, your task is to find the word whose spelling is
incorrect, and to correct that spelling. About 70% of the questions are simple,
but some are definitely a real challenge!
1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. ostensible
B. cajole
C. equanimity
D. visious
E. capricious
F. studious
2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. alleviate
B. encomium
C. flounder
D. agressive
E. circumlocution
F. spectral
3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. meanness
B. secluded
C. blandishment
D. sieze
E. astonished
F. renegade
4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. frivolous
B. aggression
C. hygene
D. inure
E. visionary
F. inference
5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. underate
B. immemorial
C. timeserving
D. bellicose
E. studious
F. accurate
7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. accomplice
B. sagacious
C. aggregate
D. conceed
E. celebration
F. mutinous
8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. precarious
B. assistance
C. inexcusable
D. mischievious
E. collusion
F. machination
9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. simulate
B. individual
C. ordinance
D. alot
E. disconsolate
F. imbecility
10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. ostensible
B. cajole
C. equanimity
D. visious
E. capricious
F. studious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *visious*. The correct
spelling of that word is *vicious*.
2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. alleviate
B. encomium
C. flounder
D. agressive
E. circumlocution
F. spectral
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *agressive*. The correct
3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. meanness
B. secluded
C. blandishment
D. sieze
E. astonished
F. renegade
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sieze*. The correct
spelling of that word is *seize*.
4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. frivolous
B. aggression
C. hygene
D. inure
E. visionary
F. inference
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *hygene*. The correct
spelling of that word is *hygiene*.
5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *underate*. The correct
spelling of that word is *underrate*.
7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. accomplice
B. sagacious
C. aggregate
D. conceed
E. celebration
F. mutinous
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *conceed*. The correct
spelling of that word is *concede*.
8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. precarious
B. assistance
C. inexcusable
D. mischievious
E. collusion
F. machination
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *mischievious*. The
correct spelling of that word is *mischievous*.
9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. simulate
B. individual
C. ordinance
D. alot
E. disconsolate
F. imbecility
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *alot*. The correct
spelling of that word is *a lot*.
10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. importance
B. superlative
C. acquaintence
D. ruse
E. sectarian
F. supremacy
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *acquaintence*. The
correct spelling of that word is *acquaintance*.
Challenge 6
In each of the word sets below, your task is to find the word whose spelling is
incorrect, and to correct that spelling. About 70% of the questions are simple,
but some are definitely a real challenge!
1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. contradiction
B. influence
C. mischevious
D. emendation
E. miasmatic
F. appellation
2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. transgress
B. acerage
C. mellifluous
D. understanding
E. comfortable
F. demure
3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inspissation
B. heterodox
C. inadvertent
D. solicitude
E. diffrence
F. undertake
4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. perspicacity
B. changable
C. maculated
D. licentious
E. fundamental
F. scramble
5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. expostulate
B. remainder
C. hapless
D. cooly
E. insufferable
F. patrician
7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. fluctuate
B. culpable
C. heathenish
D. independant
E. castigate
F. consistent
8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. mischief
B. negative
C. travesty
D. grounded
E. publically
F. effeminate
9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. fetid
B. mediocrity
C. ordeurves
D. irreligions
E. consummate
F. extempore
10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. contradiction
B. influence
C. mischevious
D. emendation
E. miasmatic
F. appellation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *mischevious*. The
correct spelling of that word is *mischievous*.
2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. transgress
B. acerage
C. mellifluous
D. understanding
E. comfortable
F. demure
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *acerage*. The correct
3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inspissation
B. heterodox
C. inadvertent
D. solicitude
E. diffrence
F. undertake
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *diffrence*. The correct
spelling of that word is *difference*.
4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. perspicacity
B. changable
C. maculated
D. licentious
E. fundamental
F. scramble
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *changable*. The correct
spelling of that word is *changeable*.
5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cooly*. The correct
spelling of that word is *coolly*.
7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. fluctuate
B. culpable
C. heathenish
D. independant
E. castigate
F. consistent
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *independant*. The
correct spelling of that word is *independent*.
8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. mischief
B. negative
C. travesty
D. grounded
E. publically
F. effeminate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *publically*. The correct
spelling of that word is *publicly*.
9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. fetid
B. mediocrity
C. ordeurves
D. irreligions
E. consummate
F. extempore
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ordeurves*. The correct
spelling of that word is *hors d'oeuvres*.
10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. cheerful
B. acerbic
C. supersede
D. advizable
E. applicable
F. concoction
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *advizable*. The correct
spelling of that word is *advisable*.
Challenge 7
In each of the word sets below, your task is to find the word whose spelling is
incorrect, and to correct that spelling. About 70% of the questions are simple,
but some are definitely a real challenge!
1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. riddance
B. panegyric
C. ablution
D. multitude
E. restarant
F. prismatic
2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. perfectly
B. adress
C. immediate
D. integument
E. antagonist
F. fabulous
3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dishevel
B. misacceptation
C. redeemable
D. libertine
E. independant
F. incarnadine
4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sensible
B. succession
C. agglomerate
D. occasionaly
E. competence
F. inventor
5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. designed
B. molecule
C. modification
D. chattels
E. sibilation
F. flourescent
7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. reception
B. solemnity
C. grandiloquence
D. counterpart
E. drunkeness
F. lordship
8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. generality
B. saturnine
C. inteligence
D. monotonous
E. intricacy
F. preponderate
9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. pasttime
B. authoritative
C. regenerate
D. remonstrate
E. abdicate
F. besotted
10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. riddance
B. panegyric
C. ablution
D. multitude
E. restarant
F. prismatic
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *restarant*. The correct
spelling of that word is *restaurant*.
2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. perfectly
B. adress
C. immediate
D. integument
E. antagonist
F. fabulous
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *adress*. The correct
3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dishevel
B. misacceptation
C. redeemable
D. libertine
E. independant
F. incarnadine
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *independant*. The
correct spelling of that word is *independent*.
4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sensible
B. succession
C. agglomerate
D. occasionaly
E. competence
F. inventor
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *occasionaly*. The
correct spelling of that word is *occasionally*.
5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *flourescent*. The
correct spelling of that word is *fluorescent*.
7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. reception
B. solemnity
C. grandiloquence
D. counterpart
E. drunkeness
F. lordship
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *drunkeness*. The
correct spelling of that word is *drunkenness*.
8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. generality
B. saturnine
C. inteligence
D. monotonous
E. intricacy
F. preponderate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *inteligence*. The
correct spelling of that word is *intelligence*.
9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. pasttime
B. authoritative
C. regenerate
D. remonstrate
E. abdicate
F. besotted
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *pasttime*. The correct
spelling of that word is *pastime*.
10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. bristling
B. paradoxical
C. collusion
D. improvement
E. aweful
F. imprisonment
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aweful*. The correct
spelling of that word is *awful*.
Challenge 8
In each of the word sets below, your task is to find the word whose spelling is
incorrect, and to correct that spelling. About 70% of the questions are simple,
but some are definitely a real challenge!
1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. perpetual
B. dishevel
C. dilatory
D. poltroon
E. Carribean
F. volatile
2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. congruous
B. fanaticism
C. omision
D. philanthropic
E. friendly
F. superhuman
3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sobriety
B. neice
C. perceptive
D. diminish
E. proportion
F. eschew
4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. circular
B. nonsense
C. belonging
D. Carribean
E. weakness
F. redolence
5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. imprison
B. incarcerate
C. composition
D. degenerate
E. rotundity
F. aparent
7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sacrosanct
B. worthless
C. refinement
D. tommorow
E. labyrinth
F. blockhead
8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. tartness
B. withdraw
C. reminiscence
D. deportment
E. guidence
F. passible
9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. mephitic
B. behavior
C. querulous
D. dissilience
E. puritanical
F. pasttime
10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
11. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. construction
B. beautify
C. importune
D. miniture
E. pertinacious
F. deceitful
12. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. addition
B. intercede
C. ingenuous
D. chieftain
E. sanguine
F. religius
13. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. conceed
D. insensate
E. underling
F. diffident
14. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. euphuism
B. conclave
C. acceptable
D. consious
E. formation
F. compulsion
15. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. orignal
B. fragrant
C. cogent
D. effluvium
E. pertinacious
F. turgid
16. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. capitulate
B. magisterial
C. separable
D. extreem
E. inculcate
F. inheritor
17. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. critical
B. accidentaly
C. convulse
D. rusticity
E. timeserving
F. marauder
18. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. excruciate
B. withold
C. ascertain
D. rapacious
E. reinstate
F. probity
19. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. secondary
B. academical
C. annoyance
D. aparent
E. retirement
F. vouchsafe
20. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. continually
B. irrigate
C. latent
D. alot
E. instinct
F. inheritance
21. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. egregious
B. experiment
C. unexpected
D. circulate
E. arrogance
F. orignal
22. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. illusion
B. represent
C. driveller
D. coherent
E. artic
F. prodigal
23. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. condescend
B. ridicule
C. reputable
D. garanty
E. rudiment
F. diligence
24. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. prevention
B. testimony
C. mutinous
D. faithful
E. inviolable
F. promiss
25. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. obdurate
B. secretery
C. intervention
D. moderation
E. understand
F. institute
26. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
27. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dethrone
B. transcendent
C. companion
D. paucity
E. medicine
F. aparent
28. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. prosecute
B. allotment
C. inexperience
D. flourescent
E. affectation
F. regardless
29. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. regenerate
B. observant
C. firey
D. exertion
E. extempore
F. penetrable
30. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inscrutable
B. referance
C. loquacity
D. agglomerate
E. symmetry
F. particular
Answers: Challenge 8
1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. perpetual
B. dishevel
C. dilatory
D. poltroon
E. Carribean
F. volatile
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *Carribean*. The correct
spelling of that word is *Caribbean*.
2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. congruous
B. fanaticism
C. omision
D. philanthropic
E. friendly
F. superhuman
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *omision*. The correct
3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sobriety
B. neice
C. perceptive
D. diminish
E. proportion
F. eschew
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *neice*. The correct
spelling of that word is *niece*.
4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. circular
B. nonsense
C. belonging
D. Carribean
E. weakness
F. redolence
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *Carribean*. The correct
spelling of that word is *Caribbean*.
5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aparent*. The correct
spelling of that word is *apparent*.
7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sacrosanct
B. worthless
C. refinement
D. tommorow
E. labyrinth
F. blockhead
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *tommorow*. The
correct spelling of that word is *tomorrow*.
8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. tartness
B. withdraw
C. reminiscence
D. deportment
E. guidence
F. passible
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *guidence*. The correct
spelling of that word is *guidance*.
9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. mephitic
B. behavior
C. querulous
D. dissilience
E. puritanical
F. pasttime
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *pasttime*. The correct
spelling of that word is *pastime*.
10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. animated
B. affiance
C. delegate
D. vaccum
E. ineffable
F. abbreviate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vaccum*. The correct
spelling of that word is *vacuum*.
11. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. construction
B. beautify
C. importune
D. miniture
E. pertinacious
F. deceitful
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *miniture*. The correct
spelling of that word is *miniature*.
12. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. addition
B. intercede
C. ingenuous
D. chieftain
E. sanguine
F. religius
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *religius*. The correct
spelling of that word is *religious*.
13. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. nobility
B. beseeming
C. conceed
D. insensate
E. underling
F. diffident
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *conceed*. The correct
14. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. euphuism
B. conclave
C. acceptable
D. consious
E. formation
F. compulsion
15. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. orignal
B. fragrant
C. cogent
D. effluvium
E. pertinacious
F. turgid
16. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. capitulate
B. magisterial
C. separable
D. extreem
E. inculcate
F. inheritor
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *extreem*. The correct
spelling of that word is *extreme*.
17. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. convulse
D. rusticity
E. timeserving
F. marauder
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *accidentaly*. The
correct spelling of that word is *accidentally*.
18. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. excruciate
B. withold
C. ascertain
D. rapacious
E. reinstate
F. probity
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *withold*. The correct
spelling of that word is *withhold*.
19. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. secondary
B. academical
C. annoyance
D. aparent
E. retirement
F. vouchsafe
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aparent*. The correct
spelling of that word is *apparent*.
20. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. continually
B. irrigate
C. latent
D. alot
E. instinct
F. inheritance
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *alot*. The correct
spelling of that word is *a lot*.
21. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. egregious
B. experiment
C. unexpected
D. circulate
E. arrogance
F. orignal
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *orignal*. The correct
spelling of that word is *original*.
22. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. illusion
B. represent
C. driveller
D. coherent
E. artic
F. prodigal
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *artic*. The correct
23. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. condescend
B. ridicule
C. reputable
D. garanty
E. rudiment
F. diligence
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *garanty*. The correct
24. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. prevention
B. testimony
C. mutinous
D. faithful
E. inviolable
F. promiss
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *promiss*. The correct
spelling of that word is *promise*.
25. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. obdurate
B. secretery
C. intervention
D. moderation
E. understand
F. institute
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *secretery*. The correct
spelling of that word is *secretary*.
26. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
27. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aparent*. The correct
spelling of that word is *apparent*.
28. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. prosecute
B. allotment
C. inexperience
D. flourescent
E. affectation
F. regardless
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *flourescent*. The
correct spelling of that word is *fluorescent*.
29. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. regenerate
B. observant
C. firey
D. exertion
E. extempore
F. penetrable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *firey*. The correct
spelling of that word is *fiery*.
30. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inscrutable
B. referance
C. loquacity
D. agglomerate
E. symmetry
F. particular
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *referance*. The correct
spelling of that word is *reference*.
Challenge 9
In each of the word sets below, your task is to find the word whose spelling is
incorrect, and to correct that spelling. About 70% of the questions are simple,
but some are definitely a real challenge!
1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. munificence
B. gorgeous
C. precedent
D. libary
E. beautify
F. intrenchment
2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. practicable
B. convenient
C. capitulate
D. adress
E. verisimilitude
F. impersonate
3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. interpretation
B. withdraw
C. egregious
D. tommorow
E. effective
F. perpendicular
4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. denominate
B. profusion
C. morass
D. blackguard
E. kernal
F. delicious
5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. libertine
B. extortionate
C. originate
D. commited
E. aspiration
F. tremulous
7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sargent
B. consummate
C. mawkish
D. discrepancy
E. inevitable
F. transfer
8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. mannerly
B. squander
C. acumen
D. cooly
E. resplendent
F. interstice
9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. effluvium
B. converge
C. perpetrate
D. discrepancy
E. accomodate
F. ejaculation
10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
11. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. competitor
B. promptitude
C. forbidding
D. maintainance
E. vacillate
F. garrulity
12. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. comparative
B. rotation
C. quittance
D. inadvertent
E. relevent
F. sentient
13. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. writting
D. domicile
E. involved
F. spurious
14. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. officiate
B. inexorable
C. oppression
D. commotion
E. successfull
F. desinence
15. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. conterminous
B. recalcitrant
C. offensive
D. aphorism
E. absentse
F. vengeance
16. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. divarication
B. encircle
C. aggregate
D. forbidding
E. decipher
F. guage
17. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. represent
B. undertake
C. alacrity
D. perishable
E. agressive
F. probation
18. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dishevel
B. chivalrous
C. abdicate
D. personell
E. remonstrate
F. dismantle
19. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. apocalypse
B. intellect
C. enrapture
D. extravagance
E. inclination
F. caugt
20. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. assistance
B. disciple
C. reassure
D. passtime
E. perfection
F. coolness
21. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. philanthropy
B. consciencious
C. sickness
D. heartily
E. classify
F. reprobate
22. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. collocate
B. exercise
C. execrable
D. inalienable
E. heirarchy
F. countenance
23. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. emphatic
B. sociable
C. troublesome
D. cachinnation
E. hiygeine
F. depression
24. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. prevalence
B. hesitate
C. circular
D. pasttime
E. tutelage
F. euphonious
25. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. discolor
B. exercise
C. reception
D. prufe
E. extermination
F. productions
26. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
27. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. domineer
B. neutralize
C. reprehensible
D. decrepit
E. vaccuum
F. remorseless
28. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. perserverance
B. divination
C. aquaintance
D. substitute
E. philosophical
F. preponderate
29. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. vituperate
B. multisonous
C. apparrent
D. phlegmatic
E. divination
F. tutelage
30. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. explanation
B. emaciation
C. penitential
D. restarant
E. together
F. constituent
31. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
32. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dominion
B. necessary
C. remunerate
D. awfull
E. fidelity
F. defalcation
33. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. indispensable
B. welfair
C. numbness
D. particular
E. blooming
F. insensate
34. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. romantic
D. comparative
E. humerous
F. pleasure
35. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. circumscribed
B. competitor
C. restarant
D. calamity
E. generous
F. hesitate
36. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inscribe
B. penurious
C. coalesce
D. absonant
E. quarentine
F. electrify
37. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inexpressive
B. circumvent
C. projection
D. accusation
E. definate
F. adventure
38. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. solemnity
B. discomfort
C. thankful
D. directly
E. congradulate
F. conscientious
39. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. electrify
B. composure
C. camoflague
D. unanimity
E. supernal
F. spectacle
40. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. adulation
B. accessory
C. mendacity
D. appended
E. bellweather
F. invective
41. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. complete
B. courtesy
C. becuase
D. treasure
E. correlation
F. extraordinary
42. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. seminary
B. consecutive
C. reckless
D. isolation
E. abcense
F. accusation
43. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dialectic
B. interpretation
C. sensible
D. endanger
E. playwrite
F. succinct
44. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. pallid
B. timeserving
C. acquaint
D. occured
E. leisurely
F. reprieve
45. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. liesure
B. refractory
C. prosperity
D. punctilious
E. salvation
F. election
46. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. spiteful
B. reputable
C. percieve
D. prurient
E. inexplicable
F. vapid
47. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
48. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. irrecoverable
B. acheive
C. satirical
D. precursory
E. neutralize
F. objective
49. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. patience
B. flexible
C. harangue
D. illustrate
E. identity
F. sucessful
50. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. lustration
B. incandescence
C. dismember
D. rusticity
E. writeing
F. occupation
51. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. indulgent
B. lenitive
C. hipocrit
D. convulse
E. repugnant
F. abortion
52. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
53. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. mideval
B. compliment
C. illustrious
D. beginning
E. treasure
F. lustration
54. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. meretricious
B. listless
C. vacillate
D. lightening
E. capricious
F. continuation
55. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. provisional
D. medicate
E. seperate
F. beneficial
56. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inosculate
B. disputatious
C. restaraunt
D. mercenary
E. caricature
F. redeemable
57. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. celebrity
B. supremacy
C. expedition
D. adversary
E. counterfeit
F. yot
58. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. acquiesce
B. paucity
C. antecedant
D. indiscoverable
E. conspire
F. animated
59. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. indefatigable
B. revolution
C. unanimity
D. excruciate
E. rescind
F. adjasant
60. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. retribution
B. invective
C. plaintive
D. initiative
E. vinigar
F. equipage
61. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. nobility
B. plodding
C. superceed
D. palpitate
E. rational
F. inodorous
62. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. corporation
B. sciolism
C. advertise
D. succinct
E. anticipate
F. adjacancy
63. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. effective
B. amatuer
C. solicitude
D. prominent
E. considerable
F. tasteful
64. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dereliction
B. inheritance
C. shicane
D. inheritor
E. trackless
F. agglomerate
65. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. bankrupcy
B. prerogative
C. cogent
D. effervesce
E. abasement
F. animated
66. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. veritable
B. equipage
C. turgid
D. palpitate
E. wholely
F. dogmatic
67. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. breathless
B. traditional
C. coolness
D. describe
E. acceptibly
F. satisfaction
68. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
69. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. preservation
B. fallible
C. interpose
D. algee
E. corporation
F. deprecate
70. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. abrogate
B. plagerism
C. colloquy
D. consecrate
E. classical
F. possession
71. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. conclude
B. oversight
C. freakish
D. graceless
E. partition
F. vinigarette
72. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. jealousy
B. enervate
C. fatuous
D. alcemy
E. minister
F. inviolable
73. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
74. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. whimsical
B. methodical
C. inversion
D. ignominy
E. supplicate
F. cronological
75. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. reciprocal
B. compromise
C. particular
D. fashism
E. renegade
F. observation
76. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. sammon
D. emphatic
E. contortion
F. percussion
77. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. reprisal
B. zar
C. equivocal
D. prepossessing
E. changeless
F. junction
78. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. experiment
B. opulence
C. discernible
D. overvalue
E. bankrupcy
F. conquest
79. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. profound
B. qualification
C. manufacture
D. inexplicable
E. appology
F. vilify
80. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. integument
B. solitude
C. condonation
D. fillay
E. intercourse
F. reminiscence
81. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. deprecate
B. incoherence
C. lucubration
D. covetous
E. suseptable
F. rational
82. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. outlandish
B. instinctive
C. effrontery
D. constituent
E. centralize
F. aspestus
83. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. designed
B. arrogance
C. compound
D. abstruse
E. disappline
F. metaphysical
84. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. generate
B. impassioned
C. addicted
D. bivouacing
E. quagmire
F. question
85. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sufferance
B. insatiable
C. abriviate
D. revulsion
E. posterity
F. libertine
86. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. adventure
B. imperative
C. overture
D. concerning
E. superceed
F. addendum
87. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. antecedence
B. transact
C. presuppose
D. obstinate
E. adjasant
F. rebuke
88. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. domestic
B. falsehood
C. ambiguous
D. penurious
E. diversity
F. aterny
89. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
90. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. exertion
B. calamity
C. spurious
D. manufacture
E. hygenic
F. conflicting
91. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. probity
B. desecrate
C. instruct
D. perfunctory
E. incendiarism
F. apihelion
92. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inscrutable
B. diversion
C. inheritance
D. rapacious
E. wimmen
F. exertion
93. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. detruncation
B. accelerate
C. vicarious
D. oleaginous
E. creasoat
F. abrogation
94. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
95. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. impertinent
B. correograph
C. susceptible
D. shocking
E. operative
F. solution
96. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. persistance
B. acerbic
C. variegated
D. stranger
E. opulent
F. prophetic
97. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. finished
D. particular
E. communikay
F. abnegation
98. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. glabrous
B. ingredient
C. direction
D. standing
E. sophisticate
F. suseptable
99. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. friction
B. classical
C. sepulchral
D. annonomus
E. supervene
F. immigration
100. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. nutriment
B. bayliwick
C. criticise
D. emphatic
E. denounce
F. incentive
101. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. attention
B. regenerate
C. asumtotic
D. supernal
E. undertake
F. indignation
102. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. explanation
B. pernicious
C. morass
D. collusion
E. bayge
F. promotion
103. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. organize
B. facility
C. forfit
D. overflow
E. inflection
F. sanction
104. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. ratification
B. counciler
C. premature
D. inthrall
E. aversion
F. heterodox
105. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. necessary
B. philanthropy
C. fellowship
D. manumission
E. sicinctly
F. prescribe
106. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. absolute
B. figurative
C. arsnic
D. inviolable
E. impregnate
F. refragable
107. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. purgative
B. resident
C. advocate
D. marshmellow
E. renounce
F. pupilage
108. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. patrician
B. animated
C. womanish
D. flummery
E. grammer
F. enrapture
109. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. remainder
B. immaterial
C. burbon
D. infection
E. mournful
F. breeding
110. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
111. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. superior
B. casarole
C. tutelage
D. exemption
E. assurance
F. manumission
112. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. attenuate
B. abstruse
C. signalize
D. yot
E. castigate
F. commiserate
113. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. blandishment
B. accompany
C. correlation
D. transfer
E. withdrawl
F. intimidate
114. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. facetious
B. acrimony
C. circumstantial
D. monotonous
E. collone
F. circumlocution
115. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
116. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. tempestuous
B. gradation
C. redemption
D. massectomy
E. enlighten
F. emancipate
117. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. impotent
B. susceptible
C. scarcity
D. concourse
E. ake
F. apathetic
118. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. licentious
D. condonation
E. parasite
F. antagonistic
119. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. kalidescope
B. generation
C. nocturnal
D. variable
E. enumerate
F. temerity
120. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. indigent
B. creature
C. venomous
D. puritanical
E. perview
F. oblation
121. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. seraphic
B. molecule
C. distinct
D. franchise
E. champain
F. accommodating
122. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. intoxication
B. martyrdom
C. immanent
D. Febuary
E. ignoramus
F. numberless
123. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. colluctation
B. correspondence
C. concensus
D. tendency
E. caducity
F. surrender
124. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. feasible
B. masterly
C. dither
D. aparatus
E. vertical
F. nuisance
125. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. adherent
B. supervise
C. ephemeral
D. sibilation
E. cockateel
F. troublous
126. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. pitiless
B. algee
C. formation
D. mercenary
E. infraction
F. acrimony
127. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sumptuous
B. perversion
C. hardship
D. laborious
E. Wensday
F. matutinal
128. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inspissation
B. fallacious
C. observant
D. perfunctory
E. sucessful
F. generous
129. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dominance
B. stigmatize
C. perserverance
D. benine
E. mischief
F. apparent
130. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. received
B. advantage
C. anonimus
D. peccable
E. insensate
F. sentimental
131. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
132. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. signalize
B. credulity
C. insidious
D. synonomous
E. reconcilable
F. institute
133. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. borgwasy
B. expiate
C. prefiguration
D. colluctation
E. stipendiary
F. malevolent
134. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. exemplify
B. kalidescope
C. acrimony
D. exaggerate
E. abstraction
F. sepulture
135. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. diplomatic
B. breeding
C. traditional
D. embalance
E. excusable
F. ineffable
136. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
137. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. effulgent
B. aggrieve
C. extremity
D. occupancy
E. zookeenee
F. congress
138. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. conscious
B. continence
C. abderite
D. ligament
E. brocolee
F. anathema
139. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. colera
D. deficiency
E. immolate
F. encomium
140. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. advertent
B. circumscribe
C. pleasant
D. comission
E. compliment
F. tendency
141. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. acqueus
B. province
C. putative
D. defection
E. reversible
F. alliance
142. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. flagitious
B. coadjutor
C. hardship
D. doublely
E. decompose
F. pellucid
143. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. corroborate
B. applause
C. courtesy
D. elongation
E. mercenary
F. canay
144. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. locomotion
B. investiture
C. comprehensive
D. inure
E. verbatum
F. ineffectual
145. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sociable
B. aggression
C. prohibition
D. aparatus
E. perdition
F. propensity
146. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. apposite
B. interval
C. lordship
D. clergyman
E. satellite
F. ansester
147. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. agglomerate
B. indestructible
C. chieftain
D. observant
E. writeable
F. subtract
148. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. feasible
B. praiseworthy
C. dipthong
D. eversion
E. stricture
F. sanctimonious
149. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. perspicacity
B. occasion
C. apocryphal
D. inexpiable
E. circit
F. curiosity
150. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. likeness
B. indigestible
C. circumvent
D. listless
E. overcast
F. brocolee
151. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. redolence
B. descendant
C. boycot
D. principal
E. sonorous
F. amenable
152. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
153. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inthrall
B. figurative
C. oportunity
D. luxurious
E. imperial
F. neophyte
154. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. buro
B. exterior
C. refractory
D. retrieve
E. presence
F. resentful
155. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. immanent
B. instruction
C. conosuer
D. ceremonial
E. confluence
F. imprisonment
156. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. preposterous
B. reciprocal
C. effrontery
D. defection
E. romantic
F. cercomstance
157. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
158. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. seditious
B. rekindle
C. persistant
D. mansuetude
E. vindicate
F. ornament
159. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. flippant
B. vituperate
C. coregated
D. opposite
E. communion
F. arrogate
160. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. interpose
D. voyouristic
E. viscous
F. studious
161. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. cachinnation
B. mysterious
C. grainery
D. perspicuity
E. transfer
F. philosopher
162. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. distinction
B. domestication
C. adventagous
D. conjuncture
E. remember
F. commemorate
163. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. magnificent
B. contrary
C. carnavor
D. childish
E. marauder
F. situation
164. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. comparable
B. relegate
C. intervention
D. hypocrite
E. boundry
F. incurable
165. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. hospitable
B. indemnify
C. comerant
D. numberless
E. luxurious
F. engender
166. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. threatening
B. credible
C. ostracism
D. compulsion
E. accommodating
F. concider
167. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. discover
B. effectuate
C. aqueus
D. transverse
E. visionary
F. empirical
168. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. eversion
B. inscroll
C. creater
D. enlighten
E. monstrous
F. aboriginal
169. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. impediment
B. flexable
C. original
D. criminal
E. organize
F. incandescence
170. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. invective
B. perplexity
C. buro
D. recourse
E. discreet
F. vexation
171. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. refragable
B. abnormal
C. obliging
D. variation
E. assma
F. detonate
172. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. affectation
B. disquisition
C. livelihood
D. ebullient
E. heathenish
F. leprachan
173. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
174. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. encircle
B. ablution
C. leasure
D. volatile
E. fulminate
F. criticise
175. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. incessant
B. ineffable
C. arsnic
D. somnolent
E. plenitude
F. disconsolate
176. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. ansamble
B. purblind
C. conspire
D. conceited
E. disquietude
F. imaginative
177. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. irreligions
B. beseeming
C. foretell
D. outbreak
E. verbage
F. sepulture
178. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
179. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. incarnadine
B. ridiculous
C. obumbrate
D. eradicate
E. deleterious
F. cresent
180. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. denounce
B. differentiate
C. complete
D. aroara
E. alacrity
F. excusable
181. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. spacious
D. resolute
E. fastidious
F. anjanew
182. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. variation
B. complimentary
C. vermillion
D. associate
E. ablution
F. sacerdotal
183. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. preponderate
B. preservation
C. conscription
D. annihilate
E. correlasion
F. fulminate
184. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. frightful
B. negotiate
C. induction
D. sickamore
E. indebted
F. manumission
185. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. decompose
B. configuration
C. besotted
D. wistful
E. cordoroy
F. driveller
186. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. disseminate
B. obliging
C. aberration
D. accredited
E. pharoah
F. surreptitious
187. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sidereal
B. stricture
C. effeminate
D. tautology
E. austensibly
F. anterior
188. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. occasion
B. reception
C. aparantly
D. obdurate
E. doubtless
F. inaugurate
189. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. fortuitous
B. ordinance
C. redouble
D. riddance
E. agrandize
F. conscientious
190. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. reverence
B. coersion
C. creature
D. intuition
E. evidence
F. amalgamate
191. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. reprobate
B. reprehensible
C. amalgum
D. fruitful
E. inglorious
F. calamity
192. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. imitative
B. rehabilitate
C. passable
D. guage
E. monotony
F. rubicund
193. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. distinguish
B. coersion
C. original
D. resignation
E. degenerate
F. sectarian
194. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
195. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. assistant
B. irruption
C. maculated
D. dishevel
E. casarole
F. likewise
196. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. consistency
B. verdant
C. sacerdotal
D. deliberate
E. voluptuous
F. croch
197. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. depression
B. excavate
C. coadjutor
D. companion
E. zellot
F. manumission
198. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. tottering
B. outrageous
C. affiliate
D. abscound
E. fragrant
F. designed
199. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
200. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. triathalon
B. portent
C. existence
D. paganism
E. despotic
F. collection
201. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. stupefy
B. frippery
C. commotion
D. amazement
E. standing
F. floatation
202. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. abstinent
D. expatiate
E. fashon
F. migratory
203. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. propitious
B. inexplicable
C. management
D. privilege
E. convaless
F. respective
204. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. remainder
B. programme
C. synonomous
D. discipline
E. arbitrate
F. embroider
205. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. recrimination
B. instalment
C. temtation
D. complaint
E. entangle
F. confound
206. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. productions
B. abrogation
C. arro
D. coexistent
E. implement
F. voracious
207. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. remedial
B. spiteful
C. karisma
D. insurrection
E. effulgence
F. agreeable
208. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. cadaverous
B. alarming
C. retrospect
D. yuforic
E. logomachy
F. objective
209. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. muscular
B. overcast
C. squirel
D. methodize
E. capricious
F. vaticination
210. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. stupendous
B. garrulity
C. forbidding
D. aberrant
E. yuforic
F. renegade
211. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. adjacancy
B. incontestable
C. machination
D. wretched
E. frequent
F. commotion
212. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. credulity
B. exertion
C. bellicose
D. convense
E. accident
F. animosity
213. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. altiloquence
B. monstrous
C. sociable
D. trapping
E. incombustible
F. sabatour
214. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. invincible
B. promontory
C. monotony
D. enigmatical
E. alledge
F. quickness
215. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
216. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. integument
B. redouble
C. varient
D. annihilate
E. seditious
F. bloodthirsty
217. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. luxurious
B. objective
C. fallible
D. sensable
E. reconcile
F. intermediate
218. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. challenge
B. possession
C. alterable
D. extention
E. circumstance
F. tributary
219. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. wistful
B. redemption
C. sediment
D. indiscriminate
E. curiocity
F. surprise
220. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
221. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. extinguish
B. unduely
C. perfunctory
D. attention
E. presumptive
F. accessible
222. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. comission
B. obligation
C. priggish
D. prominent
E. attribute
F. intellectual
223. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. exertion
D. preconception
E. debility
F. allotment
224. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. platitude
B. inconvenience
C. cognizant
D. conundrum
E. exagerate
F. logomachy
225. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. confidant
B. alcemy
C. infidelity
D. perspicacity
E. upbraid
F. specious
226. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. fortunate
B. diversify
C. ventillate
D. retrospect
E. pathos
F. ideality
227. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. gelatinous
B. affiliate
C. aspestus
D. identity
E. interview
F. infatuation
228. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. indicate
B. lenitive
C. sluggish
D. scatheless
E. pernicious
F. excell
229. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dethrone
B. complicated
C. laconic
D. repentance
E. aperture
F. boquet
230. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. submerge
B. saturate
C. considering
D. advertent
E. caraff
F. ignorant
231. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. auspicious
B. somnolent
C. licentious
D. obtuse
E. vengence
F. transient
232. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. immemorial
B. recovery
C. hackneyed
D. dilapidation
E. changeless
F. trolly
233. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. promulgate
B. delineate
C. recreation
D. transverse
E. poisonous
F. consevible
234. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. tendancy
B. debility
C. probity
D. outstrip
E. viscous
F. remainder
235. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. subsequent
B. populous
C. transpire
D. octive
E. obsequious
F. conclave
236. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
237. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. complement
B. insinuate
C. incurable
D. insurgent
E. doublely
F. vertical
238. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. conversation
B. proposition
C. congratulate
D. vinigarette
E. rectitude
F. refragable
239. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. intestine
B. introvert
C. important
D. yot
E. demarcation
F. squander
240. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. impetuous
B. disciple
C. defalcation
D. enfranchise
E. expiate
F. continuem
241. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
242. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. intoxication
B. diversity
C. pertinacity
D. elagant
E. dimension
F. aberrant
243. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. scramble
B. comparable
C. arro
D. configuration
E. intrigue
F. revolting
244. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. multisonous
D. apostrafy
E. inaugurate
F. desideratum
245. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. blandishment
B. primeval
C. academical
D. absorbtion
E. dimension
F. affright
246. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. irreducible
B. supercilious
C. expiate
D. centralize
E. forhead
F. counterfeit
247. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dismember
B. yielding
C. serviceable
D. captian
E. jollification
F. reception
248. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. probity
B. flagitious
C. zellot
D. gratification
E. speculation
F. recurrent
249. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. oversight
B. existance
C. overture
D. underling
E. judgment
F. transact
250. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. scramble
B. entrammel
C. decry
D. sicinctly
E. accredit
F. manifest
251. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. refractory
B. vetran
C. operative
D. ambiguous
E. spiteful
F. inscrutable
252. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inchoate
B. culpable
C. clownish
D. sanctimonious
E. vishus
F. off-hand
253. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. disputatious
B. intercurrence
C. discreet
D. batchleur
E. accomplice
F. precedent
254. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. insurgent
B. paternal
C. denounce
D. dosseay
E. fractious
F. ostensible
255. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. proclivity
B. fragment
C. spurious
D. inticement
E. encroach
F. relevant
256. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. thrilling
B. acerbity
C. assorted
D. repugnant
E. occassion
F. pre-eminent
257. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
258. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. reliance
B. perpendicular
C. follower
D. gayity
E. calculate
F. challenge
259. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. configuration
B. medicate
C. chattels
D. firey
E. delectable
F. casualty
260. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. licentious
B. assorted
C. cookoo
D. instalment
E. prescient
F. innocuous
261. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. preconception
B. boon
C. liason
D. laconic
E. treatise
F. incommunicable
262. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
263. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. denominate
B. intermission
C. preferment
D. security
E. corrigible
F. tarmigan
264. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. defendant
B. obstreperous
C. camoflage
D. lustration
E. harangue
F. identity
265. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. vacination
D. actually
E. duration
F. confront
266. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. poetical
B. progression
C. oleaginous
D. ligitamate
E. eccentric
F. ordinary
267. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. salient
B. harangue
C. coagulate
D. crewsant
E. emollient
F. anfractuosity
268. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. languish
B. relevant
C. refered
D. conceited
E. resignation
F. instalment
269. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. expediency
B. monarchical
C. strenuous
D. function
E. respectable
F. conseat
270. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. vicissitude
B. ingenuous
C. troublous
D. absorbtion
E. redeemable
F. indomitable
271. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. penitence
B. studious
C. rehearse
D. genuin
E. communion
F. jaundiced
272. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. tolerate
B. mediation
C. majority
D. sucessful
E. posterity
F. sumptuous
273. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. convertible
B. analize
C. abbreviation
D. lustration
E. latent
F. sequestered
274. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. heathenish
B. inventor
C. chassy
D. forerunner
E. standard
F. gracious
275. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. timeserving
B. dicision
C. cogitate
D. vexation
E. astonishment
F. invisible
276. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. duration
B. abstract
C. inferrable
D. insupportable
E. companionship
F. intermit
277. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. fragment
B. scurrility
C. precursory
D. dilapidation
E. fillay
F. dither
278. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
279. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. colorable
B. merchant
C. drowt
D. amalgamate
E. medicine
F. mediation
280. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. overruling
B. supernal
C. inviting
D. circular
E. adjacancy
F. indigent
281. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. reciprocal
B. courtesy
C. harangue
D. resolution
E. aggrivate
F. perforate
282. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. retaliate
B. phlem
C. inodorous
D. juvenile
E. encroach
F. sluggish
283. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
284. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. regarding
B. arbitrate
C. declamatory
D. connubial
E. instalment
F. accross
285. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. resident
B. browbeat
C. changeless
D. omage
E. perfectly
F. effrontery
286. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. coalition
D. evidence
E. repertwar
F. gracious
287. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. aggrandize
B. ajurnment
C. declamation
D. incoherence
E. fabricate
F. didactic
288. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. outrageous
B. ambadexterous
C. backwardness
D. acerbic
E. sedition
F. defective
289. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. brocher
B. recreation
C. propinquity
D. classification
E. gracious
F. iniquity
290. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. insatiable
B. evidence
C. immeasurable
D. desolve
E. turgid
F. scramble
291. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. unexpected
B. experiment
C. coersion
D. continue
E. resident
F. corpuscle
292. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. catastrophe
B. protrusion
C. abundant
D. airator
E. fundamental
F. rashness
293. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. oleaginous
B. trumpery
C. considering
D. abscound
E. reimburse
F. compress
294. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. extant
B. astonished
C. reprobate
D. enthusiasm
E. whereever
F. juvenile
295. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. exterior
B. adulterated
C. occured
D. equipage
E. impudent
F. vacation
296. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. consumption
B. appature
C. suitable
D. enfranchise
E. importunate
F. analysis
297. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. restitution
B. affiance
C. heathenish
D. vinal
E. advocate
F. supremacy
298. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. intonation
B. adherent
C. underling
D. incandescence
E. prognostic
F. complextion
299. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
300. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. excommunicate
B. sacrifice
C. multitude
D. paraphanalia
E. apathetic
F. culmination
301. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. prognosticate
B. understanding
C. anomolous
D. impediment
E. straight
F. humorous
302. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. ecumenical
B. accredited
C. arbitrary
D. insolence
E. acryllic
F. altiloquence
303. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. volunteer
B. hesitate
C. ruthless
D. infinitesimal
E. voyouristic
F. literary
304. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
305. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. boon
B. sanctify
C. pregnable
D. cogitate
E. alegance
F. category
306. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. youlogy
B. discernment
C. preamble
D. decrepit
E. stipulate
F. peaceable
307. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. authenticate
D. cafine
E. congenital
F. additament
308. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. harangue
B. writeable
C. celestial
D. exterior
E. accumulate
F. exultation
309. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. impassioned
B. balderdash
C. competative
D. dauntless
E. eruption
F. numbness
310. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. composure
B. corrigible
C. pharoah
D. sinister
E. correspond
F. subsidence
311. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. carcus
B. moderate
C. intermediate
D. matutinal
E. differentiate
F. internal
312. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. bristling
B. discernible
C. disquietude
D. fragment
E. saphire
F. dismantle
313. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. transcend
B. acrimonious
C. inanition
D. caraboo
E. misappropriate
F. assorted
314. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. passable
B. dialectic
C. abnegation
D. resistible
E. coersion
F. resolute
315. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. vacillate
B. passable
C. positive
D. persistance
E. prospect
F. aversion
316. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. quagmire
B. acknowledge
C. fatuous
D. aneeling
E. accuracy
F. triumphant
317. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. intuition
B. persecute
C. evaporate
D. remittent
E. relevence
F. sepulture
318. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. phantasm
B. dependancy
C. rectilinear
D. circumspect
E. exculpate
F. contumacy
319. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inhabitant
B. superstition
C. prepossessing
D. outrageous
E. architectual
F. oversight
320. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
321. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. orcestrate
B. inadvertence
C. supererogation
D. comfortable
E. clownish
F. establish
322. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. impotence
B. opposite
C. occuring
D. delineate
E. confidant
F. offensive
323. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. adversary
B. euphuism
C. clemency
D. effervesce
E. wildebeast
F. discreet
324. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. destructive
B. ansester
C. illuminate
D. altercation
E. faultless
F. opulent
325. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
326. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. querulous
B. occuring
C. preliminary
D. problematical
E. refraction
F. alleviate
327. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. antipathy
B. surfeit
C. ostentation
D. sumptuous
E. persistance
F. succinct
328. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. associate
D. quantity
E. zylophone
F. indestructible
329. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. engender
B. authentic
C. absonant
D. evesdrop
E. charlatan
F. modulation
330. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. devotion
B. contrary
C. brazeer
D. segregate
E. reproach
F. pedantic
331. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. indomitable
B. aqueus
C. adventitious
D. subscribe
E. desolate
F. pervious
332. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. decission
B. transparent
C. browbeat
D. extol
E. abstemious
F. providence
333. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. forerunner
B. implicit
C. fortitude
D. collone
E. slovenly
F. authoritative
334. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. resentment
B. flippant
C. ansester
D. beneficent
E. retaliate
F. prescient
335. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. seminary
B. conservation
C. rubicund
D. congratulate
E. codeen
F. disseminate
336. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. acrimony
B. asumtotic
C. criticise
D. celestial
E. aggrandize
F. beseeming
337. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. honorary
B. immodest
C. condonation
D. resource
E. vermillion
F. atrocious
338. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. infinitesimal
B. merchant
C. sidereal
D. immeasurable
E. formalism
F. accomodate
339. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. omission
B. condition
C. irremissible
D. deprecate
E. firey
F. scurrility
340. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. implicate
B. composition
C. obtestation
D. effrontery
E. official
F. developement
341. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
342. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. spacious
B. dimension
C. relinquish
D. cloisonay
E. lustration
F. abridgment
343. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. elementary
B. pretence
C. negative
D. apauled
E. assembly
F. inviting
344. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dicipline
B. crateful
C. excommunicate
D. occasionally
E. inheritance
F. insidious
345. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. complete
B. aspestus
C. inequality
D. heartily
E. classification
F. explanation
346. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
347. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inconcinnity
B. accumulation
C. attrition
D. verbage
E. discharge
F. coexistent
348. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. defendant
B. reparation
C. movement
D. carcus
E. gratification
F. comparative
349. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. complacent
D. usibility
E. disconsolate
F. prosaic
350. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. flexible
B. mispell
C. superior
D. aberrant
E. promontory
F. aspiration
351. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. moderate
B. prevalence
C. acceptable
D. obedience
E. recreation
F. macack
352. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inevitable
B. migratory
C. animadversion
D. adolecent
E. quandary
F. rhetorical
353. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. exquisite
B. collected
C. troglodite
D. unctuous
E. youthful
F. imperious
354. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. congestion
B. fastidious
C. election
D. perverse
E. bachler
F. counteract
355. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. signalize
B. concomitant
C. miserable
D. rasberry
E. grounded
F. dispensation
356. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. tomatoe
B. monastic
C. satisfaction
D. solicitude
E. perplexity
F. tolerate
357. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. affiance
B. womanish
C. promontory
D. permeable
E. thankfulness
F. zookeenee
358. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. resplendent
B. protuberance
C. inarticulate
D. casarole
E. concentrate
F. decision
359. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. indefeasible
B. sanctify
C. derogate
D. corus
E. infraction
F. superannuated
360. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. patrician
B. faithful
C. contingent
D. bazare
E. colorable
F. intrigue
361. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. childish
B. livelihood
C. instability
D. recalcitrant
E. conscious
F. adjasant
362. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
363. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. iconoclast
B. inscroll
C. defection
D. contumely
E. troglodite
F. retrieve
364. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. settlement
B. movement
C. canay
D. didactic
E. protuberance
F. conjuncture
365. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. retribution
B. implicate
C. strengthen
D. divination
E. vinyet
F. coxcombical
366. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. latent
B. equivalent
C. lascivious
D. admittance
E. suseptable
F. adaptation
367. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
368. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. borgwasy
B. acclivity
C. reparable
D. intrenchment
E. probable
F. abortion
369. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. currency
B. accessment
C. refraction
D. ineffectual
E. establish
F. desultory
370. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. occured
D. destructive
E. hypocritical
F. qualification
371. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. distract
B. cachinnation
C. capacity
D. bachler
E. drollery
F. confederacy
372. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. conclude
B. inveterate
C. generate
D. prediction
E. equivalent
F. algee
373. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. conversion
B. co-operate
C. cumpus
D. resolution
E. composure
F. designed
374. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. transfer
B. riminicent
C. perspicacity
D. palliate
E. tautology
F. pleasure
375. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. vindicate
B. inviolate
C. detur
D. pragmatical
E. frolicsome
F. disciplinarian
376. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sustenance
B. boundless
C. sensibility
D. troglodite
E. manumission
F. spirited
377. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. temperate
B. nutrition
C. pharoah
D. resentment
E. extremity
F. pariah
378. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. animadversion
B. allowence
C. accessible
D. feasible
E. debility
F. prefatory
379. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. expression
B. undulate
C. aggregate
D. supersede
E. material
F. kalidescope
380. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. assimilate
B. disputant
C. originate
D. attainment
E. apartide
F. nutriment
381. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. disputatious
B. disperse
C. appliance
D. discimenation
E. pellucid
F. abderite
382. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. apauled
B. bristling
C. questionable
D. aculeated
E. friction
F. incidence
383. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
384. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. figurative
B. complacent
C. pugnacious
D. prevention
E. vacination
F. compensation
385. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. indispensable
B. equipage
C. fatuous
D. imbecile
E. abominate
F. airial
386. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. heartbroken
B. disperse
C. phlem
D. restrain
E. mediation
F. conviction
387. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. recreation
B. desecrate
C. colleage
D. eruption
E. opulent
F. coruscate
388. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
389. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. cognizant
B. cemetary
C. alterable
D. diversify
E. association
F. interior
390. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. luscious
B. strenuous
C. prominent
D. privation
E. allegence
F. affectation
391. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. floatation
D. imperious
E. resident
F. dither
392. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. supervene
B. aphorism
C. suseptable
D. primitive
E. contingent
F. enervate
393. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. erudition
B. marshmellow
C. reputable
D. alacrity
E. philanthropy
F. ubiquitous
394. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. capitulate
B. dependent
C. colera
D. implicate
E. condonation
F. desirable
395. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. aforesaid
B. enervate
C. intermediate
D. correllate
E. contrary
F. likeness
396. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. pleasure
B. forefend
C. flippant
D. monitory
E. elamentry
F. madefaction
397. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. panegyric
B. ordinance
C. testimony
D. immission
E. balony
F. generality
398. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. oleaginous
B. predilection
C. concerning
D. affliction
E. contagious
F. intuative
399. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. acknowledgement
B. cupidity
C. strenuous
D. coadjutor
E. ulterior
F. perennial
400. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. countenance
B. diaspra
C. pregnable
D. impotent
E. declamatory
F. pugnacious
Answers: Challenge 9
1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. munificence
B. gorgeous
C. precedent
D. libary
E. beautify
F. intrenchment
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *libary*. The correct
spelling of that word is *library*.
2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. practicable
B. convenient
C. capitulate
D. adress
E. verisimilitude
F. impersonate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *adress*. The correct
3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. interpretation
B. withdraw
C. egregious
D. tommorow
E. effective
F. perpendicular
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *tommorow*. The
correct spelling of that word is *tomorrow*.
4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. denominate
B. profusion
C. morass
D. blackguard
E. kernal
F. delicious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *kernal*. The correct
spelling of that word is *kernel*.
5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *commited*. The correct
spelling of that word is *committed*.
7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sargent
B. consummate
C. mawkish
D. discrepancy
E. inevitable
F. transfer
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sargent*. The correct
spelling of that word is *sergeant*.
8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. mannerly
B. squander
C. acumen
D. cooly
E. resplendent
F. interstice
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cooly*. The correct
spelling of that word is *coolly*.
9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. effluvium
B. converge
C. perpetrate
D. discrepancy
E. accomodate
F. ejaculation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *accomodate*. The
correct spelling of that word is *accommodate*.
10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. rectitude
B. ameliorate
C. comitted
D. doctrine
E. spirited
F. forefend
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *comitted*. The correct
spelling of that word is *committed*.
11. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. competitor
B. promptitude
C. forbidding
D. maintainance
E. vacillate
F. garrulity
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *maintainance*. The
correct spelling of that word is *maintenance*.
12. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. comparative
B. rotation
C. quittance
D. inadvertent
E. relevent
F. sentient
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *relevent*. The correct
spelling of that word is *relevant*.
13. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. palpable
B. imminent
C. writting
D. domicile
E. involved
F. spurious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *writting*. The correct
14. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. officiate
B. inexorable
C. oppression
D. commotion
E. successfull
F. desinence
15. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. conterminous
B. recalcitrant
C. offensive
D. aphorism
E. absentse
F. vengeance
16. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. divarication
B. encircle
C. aggregate
D. forbidding
E. decipher
F. guage
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *guage*. The correct
spelling of that word is *gauge*.
17. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. alacrity
D. perishable
E. agressive
F. probation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *agressive*. The correct
spelling of that word is *aggressive*.
18. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dishevel
B. chivalrous
C. abdicate
D. personell
E. remonstrate
F. dismantle
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *personell*. The correct
spelling of that word is *personnel*.
19. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. apocalypse
B. intellect
C. enrapture
D. extravagance
E. inclination
F. caugt
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *caugt*. The correct
spelling of that word is *caught*.
20. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. assistance
B. disciple
C. reassure
D. passtime
E. perfection
F. coolness
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *passtime*. The correct
spelling of that word is *pastime*.
21. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. philanthropy
B. consciencious
C. sickness
D. heartily
E. classify
F. reprobate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *consciencious*. The
correct spelling of that word is *conscientious*.
22. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. collocate
B. exercise
C. execrable
D. inalienable
E. heirarchy
F. countenance
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *heirarchy*. The correct
23. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. emphatic
B. sociable
C. troublesome
D. cachinnation
E. hiygeine
F. depression
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *hiygeine*. The correct
24. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. prevalence
B. hesitate
C. circular
D. pasttime
E. tutelage
F. euphonious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *pasttime*. The correct
spelling of that word is *pastime*.
25. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. discolor
B. exercise
C. reception
D. prufe
E. extermination
F. productions
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *prufe*. The correct
spelling of that word is *proof*.
26. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
27. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vaccuum*. The correct
spelling of that word is *vacuum*.
28. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. perserverance
B. divination
C. aquaintance
D. substitute
E. philosophical
F. preponderate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aquaintance*. The
correct spelling of that word is *acquaintance*.
29. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. vituperate
B. multisonous
C. apparrent
D. phlegmatic
E. divination
F. tutelage
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *apparrent*. The correct
spelling of that word is *apparent*.
30. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. explanation
B. emaciation
C. penitential
D. restarant
E. together
F. constituent
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *restarant*. The correct
spelling of that word is *restaurant*.
31. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. simplify
B. protrude
C. preclude
D. churlish
E. ratification
F. mischievious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *mischievious*. The
correct spelling of that word is *mischievous*.
32. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dominion
B. necessary
C. remunerate
D. awfull
E. fidelity
F. defalcation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *awfull*. The correct
spelling of that word is *awful*.
33. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. indispensable
B. welfair
C. numbness
D. particular
E. blooming
F. insensate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *welfair*. The correct
spelling of that word is *welfare*.
34. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. competitor
B. problematical
C. romantic
D. comparative
E. humerous
F. pleasure
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *humerous*. The correct
35. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. circumscribed
B. competitor
C. restarant
D. calamity
E. generous
F. hesitate
36. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inscribe
B. penurious
C. coalesce
D. absonant
E. quarentine
F. electrify
37. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inexpressive
B. circumvent
C. projection
D. accusation
E. definate
F. adventure
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *definate*. The correct
spelling of that word is *definite*.
38. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. thankful
D. directly
E. congradulate
F. conscientious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *congradulate*. The
correct spelling of that word is *congratulate*.
39. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. electrify
B. composure
C. camoflague
D. unanimity
E. supernal
F. spectacle
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *camoflague*. The
correct spelling of that word is *camouflage*.
40. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. adulation
B. accessory
C. mendacity
D. appended
E. bellweather
F. invective
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *bellweather*. The
correct spelling of that word is *bellwether*.
41. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. complete
B. courtesy
C. becuase
D. treasure
E. correlation
F. extraordinary
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *becuase*. The correct
spelling of that word is *because*.
42. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. seminary
B. consecutive
C. reckless
D. isolation
E. abcense
F. accusation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *abcense*. The correct
spelling of that word is *absence*.
43. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dialectic
B. interpretation
C. sensible
D. endanger
E. playwrite
F. succinct
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *playwrite*. The correct
44. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. pallid
B. timeserving
C. acquaint
D. occured
E. leisurely
F. reprieve
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *occured*. The correct
45. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. liesure
B. refractory
C. prosperity
D. punctilious
E. salvation
F. election
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *liesure*. The correct
spelling of that word is *leisure*.
46. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. spiteful
B. reputable
C. percieve
D. prurient
E. inexplicable
F. vapid
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *percieve*. The correct
spelling of that word is *perceive*.
47. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
48. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *acheive*. The correct
spelling of that word is *achieve*.
49. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. patience
B. flexible
C. harangue
D. illustrate
E. identity
F. sucessful
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sucessful*. The correct
spelling of that word is *successful*.
50. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. lustration
B. incandescence
C. dismember
D. rusticity
E. writeing
F. occupation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *writeing*. The correct
spelling of that word is *writing*.
51. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. indulgent
B. lenitive
C. hipocrit
D. convulse
E. repugnant
F. abortion
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *hipocrit*. The correct
spelling of that word is *hypocrite*.
52. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. alienate
B. unctuous
C. denticulated
D. reprobate
E. concensus
F. advertise
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *concensus*. The correct
spelling of that word is *consensus*.
53. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. mideval
B. compliment
C. illustrious
D. beginning
E. treasure
F. lustration
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *mideval*. The correct
spelling of that word is *medieval*.
54. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. meretricious
B. listless
C. vacillate
D. lightening
E. capricious
F. continuation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *lightening*. The correct
spelling of that word is *lightning*.
55. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. coadjutor
B. audience
C. provisional
D. medicate
E. seperate
F. beneficial
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *seperate*. The correct
56. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inosculate
B. disputatious
C. restaraunt
D. mercenary
E. caricature
F. redeemable
57. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. celebrity
B. supremacy
C. expedition
D. adversary
E. counterfeit
F. yot
58. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. acquiesce
B. paucity
C. antecedant
D. indiscoverable
E. conspire
F. animated
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *antecedant*. The correct
spelling of that word is *antecedent*.
59. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. unanimity
D. excruciate
E. rescind
F. adjasant
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *adjasant*. The correct
spelling of that word is *adjacent*.
60. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. retribution
B. invective
C. plaintive
D. initiative
E. vinigar
F. equipage
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vinigar*. The correct
spelling of that word is *vinegar*.
61. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. nobility
B. plodding
C. superceed
D. palpitate
E. rational
F. inodorous
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *superceed*. The correct
spelling of that word is *supersede*.
62. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. corporation
B. sciolism
C. advertise
D. succinct
E. anticipate
F. adjacancy
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *adjacancy*. The correct
spelling of that word is *adjacency*.
63. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. effective
B. amatuer
C. solicitude
D. prominent
E. considerable
F. tasteful
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *amatuer*. The correct
spelling of that word is *amateur*.
64. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dereliction
B. inheritance
C. shicane
D. inheritor
E. trackless
F. agglomerate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *shicane*. The correct
65. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. bankrupcy
B. prerogative
C. cogent
D. effervesce
E. abasement
F. animated
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *bankrupcy*. The correct
66. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. veritable
B. equipage
C. turgid
D. palpitate
E. wholely
F. dogmatic
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *wholely*. The correct
spelling of that word is *wholly*.
67. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. breathless
B. traditional
C. coolness
D. describe
E. acceptibly
F. satisfaction
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *acceptibly*. The correct
spelling of that word is *acceptably*.
68. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
69. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *algee*. The correct
spelling of that word is *algae*.
70. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. abrogate
B. plagerism
C. colloquy
D. consecrate
E. classical
F. possession
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *plagerism*. The correct
spelling of that word is *plagiarism*.
71. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. conclude
B. oversight
C. freakish
D. graceless
E. partition
F. vinigarette
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vinigarette*. The correct
spelling of that word is *vinaigrette*.
72. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. jealousy
B. enervate
C. fatuous
D. alcemy
E. minister
F. inviolable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *alcemy*. The correct
spelling of that word is *alchemy*.
73. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. interior
B. incommunicable
C. adventagous
D. indulgent
E. inanition
F. inheritance
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *adventagous*. The
correct spelling of that word is *advantageous*.
74. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. whimsical
B. methodical
C. inversion
D. ignominy
E. supplicate
F. cronological
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cronological*. The
correct spelling of that word is *chronological*.
75. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. reciprocal
B. compromise
C. particular
D. fashism
E. renegade
F. observation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *fashism*. The correct
spelling of that word is *fascism*.
76. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. coherent
B. contusion
C. sammon
D. emphatic
E. contortion
F. percussion
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sammon*. The correct
77. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. reprisal
B. zar
C. equivocal
D. prepossessing
E. changeless
F. junction
78. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. experiment
B. opulence
C. discernible
D. overvalue
E. bankrupcy
F. conquest
79. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. profound
B. qualification
C. manufacture
D. inexplicable
E. appology
F. vilify
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *appology*. The correct
spelling of that word is *apology*.
80. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. condonation
D. fillay
E. intercourse
F. reminiscence
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *fillay*. The correct
spelling of that word is *fillet*.
81. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. deprecate
B. incoherence
C. lucubration
D. covetous
E. suseptable
F. rational
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *suseptable*. The correct
spelling of that word is *susceptible*.
82. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. outlandish
B. instinctive
C. effrontery
D. constituent
E. centralize
F. aspestus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aspestus*. The correct
spelling of that word is *asbestos*.
83. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. designed
B. arrogance
C. compound
D. abstruse
E. disappline
F. metaphysical
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *disappline*. The correct
spelling of that word is *discipline*.
84. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. generate
B. impassioned
C. addicted
D. bivouacing
E. quagmire
F. question
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *bivouacing*. The
correct spelling of that word is *bivouacking*.
85. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sufferance
B. insatiable
C. abriviate
D. revulsion
E. posterity
F. libertine
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *abriviate*. The correct
86. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. adventure
B. imperative
C. overture
D. concerning
E. superceed
F. addendum
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *superceed*. The correct
87. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. antecedence
B. transact
C. presuppose
D. obstinate
E. adjasant
F. rebuke
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *adjasant*. The correct
spelling of that word is *adjacent*.
88. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. domestic
B. falsehood
C. ambiguous
D. penurious
E. diversity
F. aterny
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aterny*. The correct
spelling of that word is *attorney*.
89. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
90. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *hygenic*. The correct
spelling of that word is *hygienic*.
91. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. probity
B. desecrate
C. instruct
D. perfunctory
E. incendiarism
F. apihelion
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *apihelion*. The correct
spelling of that word is *aphelion*.
92. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inscrutable
B. diversion
C. inheritance
D. rapacious
E. wimmen
F. exertion
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *wimmen*. The correct
spelling of that word is *women*.
93. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. detruncation
B. accelerate
C. vicarious
D. oleaginous
E. creasoat
F. abrogation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *creasoat*. The correct
spelling of that word is *creosote*.
94. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. creater
B. debatable
C. protrude
D. democratic
E. entangle
F. seasonable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *creater*. The correct
spelling of that word is *creator*.
95. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. impertinent
B. correograph
C. susceptible
D. shocking
E. operative
F. solution
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *correograph*. The
correct spelling of that word is *choreograph*.
96. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. persistance
B. acerbic
C. variegated
D. stranger
E. opulent
F. prophetic
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *persistance*. The
correct spelling of that word is *persistence*.
97. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. resemblance
B. precedent
C. finished
D. particular
E. communikay
F. abnegation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *communikay*. The
98. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. glabrous
B. ingredient
C. direction
D. standing
E. sophisticate
F. suseptable
99. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. friction
B. classical
C. sepulchral
D. annonomus
E. supervene
F. immigration
100. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. nutriment
B. bayliwick
C. criticise
D. emphatic
E. denounce
F. incentive
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *bayliwick*. The correct
spelling of that word is *bailiwick*.
101. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. asumtotic
D. supernal
E. undertake
F. indignation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *asumtotic*. The correct
spelling of that word is *asymptotic*.
102. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. explanation
B. pernicious
C. morass
D. collusion
E. bayge
F. promotion
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *bayge*. The correct
spelling of that word is *beige*.
103. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. organize
B. facility
C. forfit
D. overflow
E. inflection
F. sanction
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *forfit*. The correct
spelling of that word is *forfeit*.
104. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. ratification
B. counciler
C. premature
D. inthrall
E. aversion
F. heterodox
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *counciler*. The correct
spelling of that word is *councilor*.
105. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. necessary
B. philanthropy
C. fellowship
D. manumission
E. sicinctly
F. prescribe
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sicinctly*. The correct
spelling of that word is *succinctly*.
106. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. absolute
B. figurative
C. arsnic
D. inviolable
E. impregnate
F. refragable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *arsnic*. The correct
107. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. purgative
B. resident
C. advocate
D. marshmellow
E. renounce
F. pupilage
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *marshmellow*. The
108. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. patrician
B. animated
C. womanish
D. flummery
E. grammer
F. enrapture
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *grammer*. The correct
spelling of that word is *grammar*.
109. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. remainder
B. immaterial
C. burbon
D. infection
E. mournful
F. breeding
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *burbon*. The correct
spelling of that word is *bourbon*.
110. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
111. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *casarole*. The correct
spelling of that word is *casserole*.
112. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. attenuate
B. abstruse
C. signalize
D. yot
E. castigate
F. commiserate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *yot*. The correct
spelling of that word is *yacht*.
113. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. blandishment
B. accompany
C. correlation
D. transfer
E. withdrawl
F. intimidate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *withdrawl*. The correct
spelling of that word is *withdrawal*.
114. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. facetious
B. acrimony
C. circumstantial
D. monotonous
E. collone
F. circumlocution
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *collone*. The correct
spelling of that word is *cologne*.
115. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. illusive
B. inventor
C. consolidate
D. milktoast
E. perspicuity
F. consanguinity
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *milktoast*. The correct
spelling of that word is *milquetoast*.
116. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. tempestuous
B. gradation
C. redemption
D. massectomy
E. enlighten
F. emancipate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *massectomy*. The
correct spelling of that word is *mastectomy*.
117. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. impotent
B. susceptible
C. scarcity
D. concourse
E. ake
F. apathetic
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ake*. The correct
spelling of that word is *ache*.
118. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. rehabilitate
B. knowlegable
C. licentious
D. condonation
E. parasite
F. antagonistic
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *knowlegable*. The
119. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. kalidescope
B. generation
C. nocturnal
D. variable
E. enumerate
F. temerity
120. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. indigent
B. creature
C. venomous
D. puritanical
E. perview
F. oblation
121. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. seraphic
B. molecule
C. distinct
D. franchise
E. champain
F. accommodating
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *champain*. The correct
spelling of that word is *champagne*.
122. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. immanent
D. Febuary
E. ignoramus
F. numberless
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *Febuary*. The correct
spelling of that word is *February*.
123. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. colluctation
B. correspondence
C. concensus
D. tendency
E. caducity
F. surrender
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *concensus*. The correct
spelling of that word is *consensus*.
124. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. feasible
B. masterly
C. dither
D. aparatus
E. vertical
F. nuisance
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aparatus*. The correct
spelling of that word is *apparatus*.
125. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. adherent
B. supervise
C. ephemeral
D. sibilation
E. cockateel
F. troublous
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cockateel*. The correct
spelling of that word is *cockatiel*.
126. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. pitiless
B. algee
C. formation
D. mercenary
E. infraction
F. acrimony
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *algee*. The correct
spelling of that word is *algae*.
127. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sumptuous
B. perversion
C. hardship
D. laborious
E. Wensday
F. matutinal
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *Wensday*. The correct
128. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inspissation
B. fallacious
C. observant
D. perfunctory
E. sucessful
F. generous
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sucessful*. The correct
129. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dominance
B. stigmatize
C. perserverance
D. benine
E. mischief
F. apparent
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *benine*. The correct
spelling of that word is *benign*.
130. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. received
B. advantage
C. anonimus
D. peccable
E. insensate
F. sentimental
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *anonimus*. The correct
spelling of that word is *anonymous*.
131. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
132. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *synonomous*. The
correct spelling of that word is *synonymous*.
133. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. borgwasy
B. expiate
C. prefiguration
D. colluctation
E. stipendiary
F. malevolent
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *borgwasy*. The correct
spelling of that word is *bourgeoisie*.
134. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. exemplify
B. kalidescope
C. acrimony
D. exaggerate
E. abstraction
F. sepulture
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *kalidescope*. The
correct spelling of that word is *kaleidoscope*.
135. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. diplomatic
B. breeding
C. traditional
D. embalance
E. excusable
F. ineffable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *embalance*. The correct
spelling of that word is *imbalance*.
136. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. strengthen
B. solution
C. consumption
D. divarication
E. vetinarian
F. immediate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vetinarian*. The correct
spelling of that word is *veterinarian*.
137. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. effulgent
B. aggrieve
C. extremity
D. occupancy
E. zookeenee
F. congress
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *zookeenee*. The correct
spelling of that word is *zucchini*.
138. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. conscious
B. continence
C. abderite
D. ligament
E. brocolee
F. anathema
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *brocolee*. The correct
spelling of that word is *broccoli*.
139. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. infiltrate
B. beneficial
C. colera
D. deficiency
E. immolate
F. encomium
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *colera*. The correct
140. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. advertent
B. circumscribe
C. pleasant
D. comission
E. compliment
F. tendency
141. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. acqueus
B. province
C. putative
D. defection
E. reversible
F. alliance
142. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. flagitious
B. coadjutor
C. hardship
D. doublely
E. decompose
F. pellucid
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *doublely*. The correct
spelling of that word is *doubly*.
143. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. courtesy
D. elongation
E. mercenary
F. canay
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *canay*. The correct
spelling of that word is *canaille*.
144. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. locomotion
B. investiture
C. comprehensive
D. inure
E. verbatum
F. ineffectual
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *verbatum*. The correct
spelling of that word is *verbatim*.
145. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sociable
B. aggression
C. prohibition
D. aparatus
E. perdition
F. propensity
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aparatus*. The correct
spelling of that word is *apparatus*.
146. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. apposite
B. interval
C. lordship
D. clergyman
E. satellite
F. ansester
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ansester*. The correct
spelling of that word is *ancestor*.
147. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. agglomerate
B. indestructible
C. chieftain
D. observant
E. writeable
F. subtract
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *writeable*. The correct
spelling of that word is *writable*.
148. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. feasible
B. praiseworthy
C. dipthong
D. eversion
E. stricture
F. sanctimonious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dipthong*. The correct
149. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. perspicacity
B. occasion
C. apocryphal
D. inexpiable
E. circit
F. curiosity
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *circit*. The correct
150. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. likeness
B. indigestible
C. circumvent
D. listless
E. overcast
F. brocolee
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *brocolee*. The correct
spelling of that word is *broccoli*.
151. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. redolence
B. descendant
C. boycot
D. principal
E. sonorous
F. amenable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *boycot*. The correct
spelling of that word is *boycott*.
152. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
153. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *oportunity*. The correct
spelling of that word is *opportunity*.
154. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. buro
B. exterior
C. refractory
D. retrieve
E. presence
F. resentful
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *buro*. The correct
spelling of that word is *bureau*.
155. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. immanent
B. instruction
C. conosuer
D. ceremonial
E. confluence
F. imprisonment
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *conosuer*. The correct
spelling of that word is *connoisseur*.
156. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. preposterous
B. reciprocal
C. effrontery
D. defection
E. romantic
F. cercomstance
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cercomstance*. The
correct spelling of that word is *circumstance*.
157. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. solitude
B. positive
C. reimburse
D. joviality
E. comprise
F. boganveelia
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *boganveelia*. The
correct spelling of that word is *bougainvillea*.
158. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. seditious
B. rekindle
C. persistant
D. mansuetude
E. vindicate
F. ornament
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *persistant*. The correct
spelling of that word is *persistent*.
159. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. flippant
B. vituperate
C. coregated
D. opposite
E. communion
F. arrogate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *coregated*. The correct
spelling of that word is *corrugated*.
160. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. monarchical
B. alacrity
C. interpose
D. voyouristic
E. viscous
F. studious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *voyouristic*. The
161. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. cachinnation
B. mysterious
C. grainery
D. perspicuity
E. transfer
F. philosopher
162. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. distinction
B. domestication
C. adventagous
D. conjuncture
E. remember
F. commemorate
163. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. magnificent
B. contrary
C. carnavor
D. childish
E. marauder
F. situation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *carnavor*. The correct
spelling of that word is *carnivore*.
164. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. intervention
D. hypocrite
E. boundry
F. incurable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *boundry*. The correct
spelling of that word is *boundary*.
165. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. hospitable
B. indemnify
C. comerant
D. numberless
E. luxurious
F. engender
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *comerant*. The correct
spelling of that word is *cormorant*.
166. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. threatening
B. credible
C. ostracism
D. compulsion
E. accommodating
F. concider
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *concider*. The correct
spelling of that word is *consider*.
167. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. discover
B. effectuate
C. aqueus
D. transverse
E. visionary
F. empirical
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aqueus*. The correct
spelling of that word is *aqueous*.
168. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. eversion
B. inscroll
C. creater
D. enlighten
E. monstrous
F. aboriginal
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *creater*. The correct
spelling of that word is *creator*.
169. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. impediment
B. flexable
C. original
D. criminal
E. organize
F. incandescence
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *flexable*. The correct
170. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. invective
B. perplexity
C. buro
D. recourse
E. discreet
F. vexation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *buro*. The correct
171. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. refragable
B. abnormal
C. obliging
D. variation
E. assma
F. detonate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *assma*. The correct
spelling of that word is *asthma*.
172. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. affectation
B. disquisition
C. livelihood
D. ebullient
E. heathenish
F. leprachan
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *leprachan*. The correct
spelling of that word is *leprechaun*.
173. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
174. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *leasure*. The correct
spelling of that word is *leisure*.
175. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. incessant
B. ineffable
C. arsnic
D. somnolent
E. plenitude
F. disconsolate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *arsnic*. The correct
spelling of that word is *arsenic*.
176. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. ansamble
B. purblind
C. conspire
D. conceited
E. disquietude
F. imaginative
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ansamble*. The correct
spelling of that word is *ensemble*.
177. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. irreligions
B. beseeming
C. foretell
D. outbreak
E. verbage
F. sepulture
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *verbage*. The correct
spelling of that word is *verbiage*.
178. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. promptitude
B. daybue
C. alterable
D. reprisal
E. obumbrate
F. seditious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *daybue*. The correct
spelling of that word is *debut*.
179. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. incarnadine
B. ridiculous
C. obumbrate
D. eradicate
E. deleterious
F. cresent
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cresent*. The correct
spelling of that word is *crescent*.
180. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. denounce
B. differentiate
C. complete
D. aroara
E. alacrity
F. excusable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aroara*. The correct
spelling of that word is *aurora*.
181. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. wretched
B. restorative
C. spacious
D. resolute
E. fastidious
F. anjanew
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *anjanew*. The correct
182. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. variation
B. complimentary
C. vermillion
D. associate
E. ablution
F. sacerdotal
183. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. preponderate
B. preservation
C. conscription
D. annihilate
E. correlasion
F. fulminate
184. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. frightful
B. negotiate
C. induction
D. sickamore
E. indebted
F. manumission
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sickamore*. The correct
spelling of that word is *sycamore*.
185. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. besotted
D. wistful
E. cordoroy
F. driveller
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cordoroy*. The correct
spelling of that word is *corduroy*.
186. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. disseminate
B. obliging
C. aberration
D. accredited
E. pharoah
F. surreptitious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *pharoah*. The correct
spelling of that word is *pharaoh*.
187. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sidereal
B. stricture
C. effeminate
D. tautology
E. austensibly
F. anterior
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *austensibly*. The
correct spelling of that word is *ostensibly*.
188. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. occasion
B. reception
C. aparantly
D. obdurate
E. doubtless
F. inaugurate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aparantly*. The correct
spelling of that word is *apparently*.
189. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. fortuitous
B. ordinance
C. redouble
D. riddance
E. agrandize
F. conscientious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *agrandize*. The correct
spelling of that word is *aggrandize*.
190. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. reverence
B. coersion
C. creature
D. intuition
E. evidence
F. amalgamate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *coersion*. The correct
191. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. reprobate
B. reprehensible
C. amalgum
D. fruitful
E. inglorious
F. calamity
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *amalgum*. The correct
192. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. imitative
B. rehabilitate
C. passable
D. guage
E. monotony
F. rubicund
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *guage*. The correct
spelling of that word is *gauge*.
193. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. distinguish
B. coersion
C. original
D. resignation
E. degenerate
F. sectarian
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *coersion*. The correct
spelling of that word is *coercion*.
194. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
195. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *casarole*. The correct
spelling of that word is *casserole*.
196. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. consistency
B. verdant
C. sacerdotal
D. deliberate
E. voluptuous
F. croch
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *croch*. The correct
spelling of that word is *crotch*.
197. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. depression
B. excavate
C. coadjutor
D. companion
E. zellot
F. manumission
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *zellot*. The correct
spelling of that word is *zealot*.
198. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. tottering
B. outrageous
C. affiliate
D. abscound
E. fragrant
F. designed
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *abscound*. The correct
spelling of that word is *abscond*.
199. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. security
B. aphorism
C. abnormal
D. seperate
E. jeopardy
F. ostensible
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *seperate*. The correct
spelling of that word is *separate*.
200. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. triathalon
B. portent
C. existence
D. paganism
E. despotic
F. collection
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *triathalon*. The correct
spelling of that word is *triathlon*.
201. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. stupefy
B. frippery
C. commotion
D. amazement
E. standing
F. floatation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *floatation*. The correct
spelling of that word is *flotation*.
202. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. defrayment
B. scepticism
C. abstinent
D. expatiate
E. fashon
F. migratory
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *fashon*. The correct
203. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. propitious
B. inexplicable
C. management
D. privilege
E. convaless
F. respective
204. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. remainder
B. programme
C. synonomous
D. discipline
E. arbitrate
F. embroider
205. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. recrimination
B. instalment
C. temtation
D. complaint
E. entangle
F. confound
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *temtation*. The correct
spelling of that word is *temptation*.
206. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. arro
D. coexistent
E. implement
F. voracious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *arro*. The correct
spelling of that word is *arrow*.
207. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. remedial
B. spiteful
C. karisma
D. insurrection
E. effulgence
F. agreeable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *karisma*. The correct
spelling of that word is *charisma*.
208. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. cadaverous
B. alarming
C. retrospect
D. yuforic
E. logomachy
F. objective
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *yuforic*. The correct
spelling of that word is *euphoric*.
209. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. muscular
B. overcast
C. squirel
D. methodize
E. capricious
F. vaticination
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *squirel*. The correct
spelling of that word is *squirrel*.
210. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. stupendous
B. garrulity
C. forbidding
D. aberrant
E. yuforic
F. renegade
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *yuforic*. The correct
spelling of that word is *euphoric*.
211. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. adjacancy
B. incontestable
C. machination
D. wretched
E. frequent
F. commotion
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *adjacancy*. The correct
212. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. credulity
B. exertion
C. bellicose
D. convense
E. accident
F. animosity
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *convense*. The correct
213. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. altiloquence
B. monstrous
C. sociable
D. trapping
E. incombustible
F. sabatour
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sabatour*. The correct
spelling of that word is *saboteur*.
214. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. invincible
B. promontory
C. monotony
D. enigmatical
E. alledge
F. quickness
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *alledge*. The correct
spelling of that word is *allege*.
215. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
216. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *varient*. The correct
spelling of that word is *variant*.
217. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. luxurious
B. objective
C. fallible
D. sensable
E. reconcile
F. intermediate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sensable*. The correct
spelling of that word is *sensible*.
218. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. challenge
B. possession
C. alterable
D. extention
E. circumstance
F. tributary
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *extention*. The correct
spelling of that word is *extension*.
219. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. wistful
B. redemption
C. sediment
D. indiscriminate
E. curiocity
F. surprise
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *curiocity*. The correct
spelling of that word is *curiosity*.
220. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. imaginative
B. trapping
C. troglodite
D. concerning
E. astonish
F. superannuated
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *troglodite*. The correct
spelling of that word is *troglodyte*.
221. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. extinguish
B. unduely
C. perfunctory
D. attention
E. presumptive
F. accessible
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *unduely*. The correct
spelling of that word is *unduly*.
222. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. comission
B. obligation
C. priggish
D. prominent
E. attribute
F. intellectual
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *comission*. The correct
spelling of that word is *commission*.
223. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. grotesque
B. suseptable
C. exertion
D. preconception
E. debility
F. allotment
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *suseptable*. The correct
224. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. platitude
B. inconvenience
C. cognizant
D. conundrum
E. exagerate
F. logomachy
225. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. confidant
B. alcemy
C. infidelity
D. perspicacity
E. upbraid
F. specious
226. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. fortunate
B. diversify
C. ventillate
D. retrospect
E. pathos
F. ideality
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ventillate*. The correct
spelling of that word is *ventilate*.
227. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. aspestus
D. identity
E. interview
F. infatuation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aspestus*. The correct
spelling of that word is *asbestos*.
228. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. indicate
B. lenitive
C. sluggish
D. scatheless
E. pernicious
F. excell
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *excell*. The correct
spelling of that word is *excel*.
229. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dethrone
B. complicated
C. laconic
D. repentance
E. aperture
F. boquet
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *boquet*. The correct
spelling of that word is *bouquet*.
230. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. submerge
B. saturate
C. considering
D. advertent
E. caraff
F. ignorant
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *caraff*. The correct
spelling of that word is *carafe*.
231. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. auspicious
B. somnolent
C. licentious
D. obtuse
E. vengence
F. transient
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vengence*. The correct
spelling of that word is *vengeance*.
232. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. immemorial
B. recovery
C. hackneyed
D. dilapidation
E. changeless
F. trolly
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *trolly*. The correct
233. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. promulgate
B. delineate
C. recreation
D. transverse
E. poisonous
F. consevible
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *consevible*. The correct
234. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. tendancy
B. debility
C. probity
D. outstrip
E. viscous
F. remainder
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *tendancy*. The correct
spelling of that word is *tendency*.
235. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. subsequent
B. populous
C. transpire
D. octive
E. obsequious
F. conclave
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *octive*. The correct
spelling of that word is *octave*.
236. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
237. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *doublely*. The correct
spelling of that word is *doubly*.
238. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. conversation
B. proposition
C. congratulate
D. vinigarette
E. rectitude
F. refragable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vinigarette*. The correct
spelling of that word is *vinaigrette*.
239. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. intestine
B. introvert
C. important
D. yot
E. demarcation
F. squander
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *yot*. The correct
spelling of that word is *yacht*.
240. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. impetuous
B. disciple
C. defalcation
D. enfranchise
E. expiate
F. continuem
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *continuem*. The correct
spelling of that word is *continuum*.
241. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. resignation
B. interminable
C. judgment
D. adjative
E. indisposed
F. suscitate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *adjative*. The correct
spelling of that word is *adjective*.
242. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. intoxication
B. diversity
C. pertinacity
D. elagant
E. dimension
F. aberrant
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *elagant*. The correct
spelling of that word is *elegant*.
243. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. scramble
B. comparable
C. arro
D. configuration
E. intrigue
F. revolting
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *arro*. The correct
spelling of that word is *arrow*.
244. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. apartment
B. absonant
C. multisonous
D. apostrafy
E. inaugurate
F. desideratum
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *apostrafy*. The correct
245. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. blandishment
B. primeval
C. academical
D. absorbtion
E. dimension
F. affright
246. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. irreducible
B. supercilious
C. expiate
D. centralize
E. forhead
F. counterfeit
247. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dismember
B. yielding
C. serviceable
D. captian
E. jollification
F. reception
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *captian*. The correct
spelling of that word is *captain*.
248. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. zellot
D. gratification
E. speculation
F. recurrent
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *zellot*. The correct
spelling of that word is *zealot*.
249. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. oversight
B. existance
C. overture
D. underling
E. judgment
F. transact
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *existance*. The correct
spelling of that word is *existence*.
250. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. scramble
B. entrammel
C. decry
D. sicinctly
E. accredit
F. manifest
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sicinctly*. The correct
spelling of that word is *succinctly*.
251. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. refractory
B. vetran
C. operative
D. ambiguous
E. spiteful
F. inscrutable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vetran*. The correct
spelling of that word is *veteran*.
252. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inchoate
B. culpable
C. clownish
D. sanctimonious
E. vishus
F. off-hand
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vishus*. The correct
spelling of that word is *vicious*.
253. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. disputatious
B. intercurrence
C. discreet
D. batchleur
E. accomplice
F. precedent
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *batchleur*. The correct
254. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. insurgent
B. paternal
C. denounce
D. dosseay
E. fractious
F. ostensible
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dosseay*. The correct
255. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. proclivity
B. fragment
C. spurious
D. inticement
E. encroach
F. relevant
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *inticement*. The correct
spelling of that word is *enticement*.
256. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. thrilling
B. acerbity
C. assorted
D. repugnant
E. occassion
F. pre-eminent
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *occassion*. The correct
spelling of that word is *occasion*.
257. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
258. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *gayity*. The correct
spelling of that word is *gaiety*.
259. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. configuration
B. medicate
C. chattels
D. firey
E. delectable
F. casualty
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *firey*. The correct
spelling of that word is *fiery*.
260. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. licentious
B. assorted
C. cookoo
D. instalment
E. prescient
F. innocuous
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cookoo*. The correct
spelling of that word is *cuckoo*.
261. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. preconception
B. boon
C. liason
D. laconic
E. treatise
F. incommunicable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *liason*. The correct
spelling of that word is *liaison*.
262. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. unfrequented
B. aterny
C. astonishing
D. tranquil
E. postpone
F. ineffectual
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aterny*. The correct
spelling of that word is *attorney*.
263. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. denominate
B. intermission
C. preferment
D. security
E. corrigible
F. tarmigan
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *tarmigan*. The correct
spelling of that word is *ptarmigan*.
264. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. defendant
B. obstreperous
C. camoflage
D. lustration
E. harangue
F. identity
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *camoflage*. The correct
spelling of that word is *camouflage*.
265. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. courtesy
B. migratory
C. vacination
D. actually
E. duration
F. confront
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vacination*. The correct
266. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. poetical
B. progression
C. oleaginous
D. ligitamate
E. eccentric
F. ordinary
267. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. salient
B. harangue
C. coagulate
D. crewsant
E. emollient
F. anfractuosity
268. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. languish
B. relevant
C. refered
D. conceited
E. resignation
F. instalment
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *refered*. The correct
spelling of that word is *referred*.
269. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. strenuous
D. function
E. respectable
F. conseat
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *conseat*. The correct
spelling of that word is *conceit*.
270. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. vicissitude
B. ingenuous
C. troublous
D. absorbtion
E. redeemable
F. indomitable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *absorbtion*. The correct
spelling of that word is *absorption*.
271. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. penitence
B. studious
C. rehearse
D. genuin
E. communion
F. jaundiced
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *genuin*. The correct
spelling of that word is *genuine*.
272. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. tolerate
B. mediation
C. majority
D. sucessful
E. posterity
F. sumptuous
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sucessful*. The correct
spelling of that word is *successful*.
273. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. convertible
B. analize
C. abbreviation
D. lustration
E. latent
F. sequestered
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *analize*. The correct
spelling of that word is *analyze*.
274. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. heathenish
B. inventor
C. chassy
D. forerunner
E. standard
F. gracious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *chassy*. The correct
275. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. timeserving
B. dicision
C. cogitate
D. vexation
E. astonishment
F. invisible
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dicision*. The correct
276. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. duration
B. abstract
C. inferrable
D. insupportable
E. companionship
F. intermit
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *inferrable*. The correct
spelling of that word is *inferable*.
277. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. fragment
B. scurrility
C. precursory
D. dilapidation
E. fillay
F. dither
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *fillay*. The correct
spelling of that word is *fillet*.
278. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
279. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *drowt*. The correct
spelling of that word is *drought*.
280. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. overruling
B. supernal
C. inviting
D. circular
E. adjacancy
F. indigent
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *adjacancy*. The correct
spelling of that word is *adjacency*.
281. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. reciprocal
B. courtesy
C. harangue
D. resolution
E. aggrivate
F. perforate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aggrivate*. The correct
spelling of that word is *aggravate*.
282. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. retaliate
B. phlem
C. inodorous
D. juvenile
E. encroach
F. sluggish
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *phlem*. The correct
spelling of that word is *phlegm*.
283. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. selection
B. challenge
C. beauracratic
D. ineffable
E. libellous
F. corrective
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *beauracratic*. The
correct spelling of that word is *bureaucratic*.
284. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. regarding
B. arbitrate
C. declamatory
D. connubial
E. instalment
F. accross
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *accross*. The correct
spelling of that word is *across*.
285. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. resident
B. browbeat
C. changeless
D. omage
E. perfectly
F. effrontery
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *omage*. The correct
spelling of that word is *homage*.
286. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. purblind
B. pathos
C. coalition
D. evidence
E. repertwar
F. gracious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *repertwar*. The correct
287. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. aggrandize
B. ajurnment
C. declamation
D. incoherence
E. fabricate
F. didactic
288. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. outrageous
B. ambadexterous
C. backwardness
D. acerbic
E. sedition
F. defective
289. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. brocher
B. recreation
C. propinquity
D. classification
E. gracious
F. iniquity
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *brocher*. The correct
spelling of that word is *brochure*.
290. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. immeasurable
D. desolve
E. turgid
F. scramble
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *desolve*. The correct
spelling of that word is *dissolve*.
291. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. unexpected
B. experiment
C. coersion
D. continue
E. resident
F. corpuscle
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *coersion*. The correct
spelling of that word is *coercion*.
292. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. catastrophe
B. protrusion
C. abundant
D. airator
E. fundamental
F. rashness
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *airator*. The correct
spelling of that word is *aerator*.
293. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. oleaginous
B. trumpery
C. considering
D. abscound
E. reimburse
F. compress
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *abscound*. The correct
spelling of that word is *abscond*.
294. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. extant
B. astonished
C. reprobate
D. enthusiasm
E. whereever
F. juvenile
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *whereever*. The correct
spelling of that word is *wherever*.
295. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. exterior
B. adulterated
C. occured
D. equipage
E. impudent
F. vacation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *occured*. The correct
296. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. consumption
B. appature
C. suitable
D. enfranchise
E. importunate
F. analysis
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *appature*. The correct
297. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. restitution
B. affiance
C. heathenish
D. vinal
E. advocate
F. supremacy
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vinal*. The correct
spelling of that word is *vinyl*.
298. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. intonation
B. adherent
C. underling
D. incandescence
E. prognostic
F. complextion
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *complextion*. The
correct spelling of that word is *complexion*.
299. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
300. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *paraphanalia*. The
correct spelling of that word is *paraphernalia*.
301. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. prognosticate
B. understanding
C. anomolous
D. impediment
E. straight
F. humorous
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *anomolous*. The
correct spelling of that word is *anomalous*.
302. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. ecumenical
B. accredited
C. arbitrary
D. insolence
E. acryllic
F. altiloquence
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *acryllic*. The correct
spelling of that word is *acrylic*.
303. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. volunteer
B. hesitate
C. ruthless
D. infinitesimal
E. voyouristic
F. literary
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *voyouristic*. The
correct spelling of that word is *voyeuristic*.
304. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. squander
B. feasable
C. certainty
D. philanthropy
E. concentrate
F. complaint
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *feasable*. The correct
spelling of that word is *feasible*.
305. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. boon
B. sanctify
C. pregnable
D. cogitate
E. alegance
F. category
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *alegance*. The correct
spelling of that word is *allegiance*.
306. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. youlogy
B. discernment
C. preamble
D. decrepit
E. stipulate
F. peaceable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *youlogy*. The correct
spelling of that word is *eulogy*.
307. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. oleaginous
B. rashness
C. authenticate
D. cafine
E. congenital
F. additament
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cafine*. The correct
308. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. harangue
B. writeable
C. celestial
D. exterior
E. accumulate
F. exultation
309. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. impassioned
B. balderdash
C. competative
D. dauntless
E. eruption
F. numbness
310. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. composure
B. corrigible
C. pharoah
D. sinister
E. correspond
F. subsidence
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *pharoah*. The correct
spelling of that word is *pharaoh*.
311. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. intermediate
D. matutinal
E. differentiate
F. internal
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *carcus*. The correct
spelling of that word is *carcass*.
312. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. bristling
B. discernible
C. disquietude
D. fragment
E. saphire
F. dismantle
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *saphire*. The correct
spelling of that word is *sapphire*.
313. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. transcend
B. acrimonious
C. inanition
D. caraboo
E. misappropriate
F. assorted
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *caraboo*. The correct
spelling of that word is *caribou*.
314. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. passable
B. dialectic
C. abnegation
D. resistible
E. coersion
F. resolute
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *coersion*. The correct
spelling of that word is *coercion*.
315. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. vacillate
B. passable
C. positive
D. persistance
E. prospect
F. aversion
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *persistance*. The
correct spelling of that word is *persistence*.
316. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. quagmire
B. acknowledge
C. fatuous
D. aneeling
E. accuracy
F. triumphant
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aneeling*. The correct
317. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. intuition
B. persecute
C. evaporate
D. remittent
E. relevence
F. sepulture
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *relevence*. The correct
318. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. phantasm
B. dependancy
C. rectilinear
D. circumspect
E. exculpate
F. contumacy
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dependancy*. The
correct spelling of that word is *dependency*.
319. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inhabitant
B. superstition
C. prepossessing
D. outrageous
E. architectual
F. oversight
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *architectual*. The
correct spelling of that word is *architectural*.
320. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
321. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *orcestrate*. The correct
spelling of that word is *orchestrate*.
322. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. impotence
B. opposite
C. occuring
D. delineate
E. confidant
F. offensive
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *occuring*. The correct
spelling of that word is *occurring*.
323. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. adversary
B. euphuism
C. clemency
D. effervesce
E. wildebeast
F. discreet
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *wildebeast*. The correct
spelling of that word is *wildebeest*.
324. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. destructive
B. ansester
C. illuminate
D. altercation
E. faultless
F. opulent
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ansester*. The correct
spelling of that word is *ancestor*.
325. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. practice
B. domicile
C. replenish
D. consummate
E. azma
F. proportion
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *azma*. The correct
spelling of that word is *asthma*.
326. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. querulous
B. occuring
C. preliminary
D. problematical
E. refraction
F. alleviate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *occuring*. The correct
spelling of that word is *occurring*.
327. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. antipathy
B. surfeit
C. ostentation
D. sumptuous
E. persistance
F. succinct
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *persistance*. The
correct spelling of that word is *persistence*.
328. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. servitude
B. dreadful
C. associate
D. quantity
E. zylophone
F. indestructible
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *zylophone*. The correct
329. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. engender
B. authentic
C. absonant
D. evesdrop
E. charlatan
F. modulation
330. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. devotion
B. contrary
C. brazeer
D. segregate
E. reproach
F. pedantic
331. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. indomitable
B. aqueus
C. adventitious
D. subscribe
E. desolate
F. pervious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aqueus*. The correct
spelling of that word is *aqueous*.
332. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. browbeat
D. extol
E. abstemious
F. providence
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *decission*. The correct
spelling of that word is *decision*.
333. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. forerunner
B. implicit
C. fortitude
D. collone
E. slovenly
F. authoritative
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *collone*. The correct
spelling of that word is *cologne*.
334. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. resentment
B. flippant
C. ansester
D. beneficent
E. retaliate
F. prescient
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ansester*. The correct
spelling of that word is *ancestor*.
335. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. seminary
B. conservation
C. rubicund
D. congratulate
E. codeen
F. disseminate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *codeen*. The correct
spelling of that word is *codeine*.
336. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. acrimony
B. asumtotic
C. criticise
D. celestial
E. aggrandize
F. beseeming
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *asumtotic*. The correct
spelling of that word is *asymptotic*.
337. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. honorary
B. immodest
C. condonation
D. resource
E. vermillion
F. atrocious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vermillion*. The correct
338. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. infinitesimal
B. merchant
C. sidereal
D. immeasurable
E. formalism
F. accomodate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *accomodate*. The
339. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. omission
B. condition
C. irremissible
D. deprecate
E. firey
F. scurrility
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *firey*. The correct
spelling of that word is *fiery*.
340. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. implicate
B. composition
C. obtestation
D. effrontery
E. official
F. developement
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *developement*. The
correct spelling of that word is *development*.
341. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
342. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cloisonay*. The correct
spelling of that word is *cloisonné*.
343. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. elementary
B. pretence
C. negative
D. apauled
E. assembly
F. inviting
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *apauled*. The correct
spelling of that word is *appalled*.
344. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. dicipline
B. crateful
C. excommunicate
D. occasionally
E. inheritance
F. insidious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dicipline*. The correct
spelling of that word is *discipline*.
345. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. complete
B. aspestus
C. inequality
D. heartily
E. classification
F. explanation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aspestus*. The correct
spelling of that word is *asbestos*.
346. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. mechanical
B. practice
C. inscribe
D. munificent
E. disquisition
F. anomolee
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *anomolee*. The correct
spelling of that word is *anomaly*.
347. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inconcinnity
B. accumulation
C. attrition
D. verbage
E. discharge
F. coexistent
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *verbage*. The correct
spelling of that word is *verbiage*.
348. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. defendant
B. reparation
C. movement
D. carcus
E. gratification
F. comparative
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *carcus*. The correct
spelling of that word is *carcass*.
349. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. captious
B. beatitude
C. complacent
D. usibility
E. disconsolate
F. prosaic
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *usibility*. The correct
350. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. flexible
B. mispell
C. superior
D. aberrant
E. promontory
F. aspiration
351. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. moderate
B. prevalence
C. acceptable
D. obedience
E. recreation
F. macack
352. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inevitable
B. migratory
C. animadversion
D. adolecent
E. quandary
F. rhetorical
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *adolecent*. The correct
spelling of that word is *adolescent*.
353. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. troglodite
D. unctuous
E. youthful
F. imperious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *troglodite*. The correct
spelling of that word is *troglodyte*.
354. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. congestion
B. fastidious
C. election
D. perverse
E. bachler
F. counteract
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *bachler*. The correct
spelling of that word is *bachelor*.
355. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. signalize
B. concomitant
C. miserable
D. rasberry
E. grounded
F. dispensation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *rasberry*. The correct
spelling of that word is *raspberry*.
356. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. tomatoe
B. monastic
C. satisfaction
D. solicitude
E. perplexity
F. tolerate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *tomatoe*. The correct
spelling of that word is *tomato*.
357. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. affiance
B. womanish
C. promontory
D. permeable
E. thankfulness
F. zookeenee
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *zookeenee*. The correct
spelling of that word is *zucchini*.
358. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. resplendent
B. protuberance
C. inarticulate
D. casarole
E. concentrate
F. decision
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *casarole*. The correct
359. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. indefeasible
B. sanctify
C. derogate
D. corus
E. infraction
F. superannuated
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *corus*. The correct
360. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. patrician
B. faithful
C. contingent
D. bazare
E. colorable
F. intrigue
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *bazare*. The correct
spelling of that word is *bazaar*.
361. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. childish
B. livelihood
C. instability
D. recalcitrant
E. conscious
F. adjasant
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *adjasant*. The correct
spelling of that word is *adjacent*.
362. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
363. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *troglodite*. The correct
spelling of that word is *troglodyte*.
364. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. settlement
B. movement
C. canay
D. didactic
E. protuberance
F. conjuncture
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *canay*. The correct
spelling of that word is *canaille*.
365. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. retribution
B. implicate
C. strengthen
D. divination
E. vinyet
F. coxcombical
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vinyet*. The correct
spelling of that word is *vignette*.
366. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. latent
B. equivalent
C. lascivious
D. admittance
E. suseptable
F. adaptation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *suseptable*. The correct
spelling of that word is *susceptible*.
367. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. accessory
B. inchoate
C. bruse
D. untrodden
E. luxurious
F. president
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *bruse*. The correct
spelling of that word is *bruise*.
368. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. borgwasy
B. acclivity
C. reparable
D. intrenchment
E. probable
F. abortion
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *borgwasy*. The correct
spelling of that word is *bourgeoisie*.
369. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. currency
B. accessment
C. refraction
D. ineffectual
E. establish
F. desultory
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *accessment*. The
correct spelling of that word is *assessment*.
370. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. mysterious
B. immaterial
C. occured
D. destructive
E. hypocritical
F. qualification
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *occured*. The correct
371. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. distract
B. cachinnation
C. capacity
D. bachler
E. drollery
F. confederacy
372. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. conclude
B. inveterate
C. generate
D. prediction
E. equivalent
F. algee
373. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. conversion
B. co-operate
C. cumpus
D. resolution
E. composure
F. designed
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cumpus*. The correct
spelling of that word is *compass*.
374. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. perspicacity
D. palliate
E. tautology
F. pleasure
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *riminicent*. The correct
spelling of that word is *reminiscent*.
375. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. vindicate
B. inviolate
C. detur
D. pragmatical
E. frolicsome
F. disciplinarian
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *detur*. The correct
spelling of that word is *detour*.
376. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sustenance
B. boundless
C. sensibility
D. troglodite
E. manumission
F. spirited
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *troglodite*. The correct
spelling of that word is *troglodyte*.
377. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. temperate
B. nutrition
C. pharoah
D. resentment
E. extremity
F. pariah
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *pharoah*. The correct
spelling of that word is *pharaoh*.
378. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. animadversion
B. allowence
C. accessible
D. feasible
E. debility
F. prefatory
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *allowence*. The correct
spelling of that word is *allowance*.
379. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. expression
B. undulate
C. aggregate
D. supersede
E. material
F. kalidescope
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *kalidescope*. The
380. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. assimilate
B. disputant
C. originate
D. attainment
E. apartide
F. nutriment
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *apartide*. The correct
381. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. disputatious
B. disperse
C. appliance
D. discimenation
E. pellucid
F. abderite
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *discimenation*. The
correct spelling of that word is *dissemination*.
382. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. apauled
B. bristling
C. questionable
D. aculeated
E. friction
F. incidence
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *apauled*. The correct
spelling of that word is *appalled*.
383. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
384. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vacination*. The correct
spelling of that word is *vaccination*.
385. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. indispensable
B. equipage
C. fatuous
D. imbecile
E. abominate
F. airial
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *airial*. The correct
spelling of that word is *aerial*.
386. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. heartbroken
B. disperse
C. phlem
D. restrain
E. mediation
F. conviction
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *phlem*. The correct
spelling of that word is *phlegm*.
387. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. recreation
B. desecrate
C. colleage
D. eruption
E. opulent
F. coruscate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *colleage*. The correct
spelling of that word is *colleague*.
388. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. endanger
B. quittance
C. perfectly
D. reciprocal
E. welp
F. sophisticate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *welp*. The correct
spelling of that word is *whelp*.
389. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. cognizant
B. cemetary
C. alterable
D. diversify
E. association
F. interior
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cemetary*. The correct
spelling of that word is *cemetery*.
390. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. luscious
B. strenuous
C. prominent
D. privation
E. allegence
F. affectation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *allegence*. The correct
spelling of that word is *allegiance*.
391. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. pervious
B. vicarious
C. floatation
D. imperious
E. resident
F. dither
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *floatation*. The correct
392. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. supervene
B. aphorism
C. suseptable
D. primitive
E. contingent
F. enervate
393. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. erudition
B. marshmellow
C. reputable
D. alacrity
E. philanthropy
F. ubiquitous
394. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. capitulate
B. dependent
C. colera
D. implicate
E. condonation
F. desirable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *colera*. The correct
spelling of that word is *cholera*.
395. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
C. intermediate
D. correllate
E. contrary
F. likeness
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *correllate*. The correct
spelling of that word is *correlate*.
396. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. pleasure
B. forefend
C. flippant
D. monitory
E. elamentry
F. madefaction
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *elamentry*. The correct
spelling of that word is *elementary*.
397. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. panegyric
B. ordinance
C. testimony
D. immission
E. balony
F. generality
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *balony*. The correct
spelling of that word is *baloney*.
398. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. oleaginous
B. predilection
C. concerning
D. affliction
E. contagious
F. intuative
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *intuative*. The correct
spelling of that word is *intuitive*.
399. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. acknowledgement
B. cupidity
C. strenuous
D. coadjutor
E. ulterior
F. perennial
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *acknowledgement*. The
correct spelling of that word is *acknowledgment*.
400. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. countenance
B. diaspra
C. pregnable
D. impotent
E. declamatory
F. pugnacious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *diaspra*. The correct