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Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Beam

Chapter · April 2022

DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-7924-7_32


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3 authors, including:

Nurharniza Binti Abdul Rahman Hoong-Pin Lee

INTI International University INTI International University


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Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Beam

Nurharniza Abdul Rahman1, Choo Li Rong2* and Lee Hoong Pin1

1,2 INTI International University, Persiaran Perdana BBN, Putra Nilai
71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan


Abstract. The demand of steel is increasing especially in developing countries

has make the price rose tremendously. It has make the cost of production of this
material rise and at the same time, the milling process had brought critical issues
to the environment. This issue has create an interest to the researchers to investi-
gate on new potential material to replace the conventional reinforcement. Based
on thorough literature review has shown the potential of bamboo to be replaced
steel bar in concrete structure. Thus this research is focusing on bamboo as a
replacement to steel reinforcement in concrete beam. In total nine concrete cubes
grade 30 were test under compression test for 7, 14 and 28 days. Moreover, six
beams had been prepared, three for bamboo reinforced concrete beam (BRCB)
and three for normal steel reinforced concrete beam (SRCB). SRCB had used
T10 steel bar for longitudinal bar and R6 for shear reinforcement. On the other
hand, the 10mm diameter of bamboo slats had been use for longitudinal bar and
the 6mm thickness of bamboo slats were use as shear reinforcement in BRCB.
The beams were test under four-point bending. Based on the test had shown the
potential of bamboo to be used as reinforcement. However, it is recommended to
use bamboo pole instead of slats as the durability of bamboo might been affected
when the properties had been modified. Further investigation is required to im-
prove the strength and the durability of bamboo as reinforcement replacement in
concrete beam.

Keywords: Concrete Beam, Bamboo Slat, Reinforcement.


1.1 General
The overall sustainable economic growth, productivity, and the well-being of the nation
is depending on the functionality, consistency, and durability of construction technolo-
gies. Apart from the environmental and operational condition, the constituent materials
accounting for the increasing cases of structural deficiency and functional obsolescence
are recorded in the built environment [1]. As the demand of steel reinforcement is very
high, it has created the need of steel replacement material in construction industries [2].
Thus it make the researchers start to investigate on the new properties of material to be

used as steel replacement without jeopardizing the strength and the safety of the struc-
ture. On the other hand, the increasing of steel price is another factor to push the need
of steel replacement in construction industries. Many researchers have conducted re-
search on the engineering properties of bamboo and found out bamboo is suitable to be
used as substitution for steel although it has a little less strength than steel [1-3]. Srima-
thi et.al. [2] for example has reviewed few research study on bamboo reinforced con-
crete beam which shown that the square bamboo cross section reinforcement obtained
good load carrying capacity, deflection, flexural and shear strength. The tensile strength
and modulus of elasticity of bamboo is one half and one third of steel strength. Similar
to a study by Naznin and Chetia [12] has found that bamboo beam will able to perform
better under flexural load with the increase in number of reinforcement, diameter of the
bars and addition of shear links to the bamboo reinforced beams.

The parts of bamboo like the stem and culm can be made into various products rang-
ing from domestic household products to industrial applications [4]. In China and Hong
Kong for example, bamboo has been widely used by the developers as scaffolding and
bridges [4]. Apart from that, bamboo is also widely used as it is one of the most sus-
tainable yet economical materials where it also able to meet the extensive need for eco-
nomical housing. Due to the distinctive rhizome-dependent system, bamboo is one of
the fastest- growing plants in the world and their growth is three times faster than other
species of plants. Bamboo can be easily cut into various sizes, can be handled and re-
positioned without any equipment or special tools. From the growing process until it
becomes any kind of usable product, bamboo does not produce any polluted materials
to environment. On the other hand, Mahzuz et.al. [5] had highlighted that the produc-
tion per ton of steel releases over two tons of CO2 which this condition could be harmful
to the environment.

Bamboo is a great potential substitute for production of composite materials and

components which is much more cost effective [3; 4]. With hollow section and circular
form, bamboo is a light building materials which is easier to be handled, transported
and stored. With technologies and the advancement of science today, bamboo shall be
processed in a more advanced way in order to make it as a more durable and sustainable
construction material [4; 6]. It is frequently had been referred as a highly renewable and
high-strength alternative material to timber [6]. Occasionally, it is also has been referred
as a ‘strong-as-steel’ reinforcement for concrete structure [5]. Through some research
investigation, bamboo has good potential to be used for structural and non-structural
activities in construction. With the mechanical properties of bamboo, it is considered
as high tensile strength that been used for a decade as main reinforcement in structural
component for the low cost houses [3]. The tensile strength of bamboo is relatively high
and can reach 370MPa [7; 8]. It is somehow depends on the species or types of bamboo
and the origin of the bamboo had been grow as different location will have different
weather. The maximum strength at 3-4 years is the best age to reach maximum strength
as the strength of bamboo increase with its age before its start to decline in years later

However, there are few weakness or disadvantages about bamboo. The previous re-
search by Hector [6] had found out that bamboo as brittle material especially in longi-
tudinal tension-dominated failure modes. Bamboo is particularly weak in the direction
perpendicular to the fibre [6]. Thus some treatment is required to increase the strength
of bamboo to make bamboo reinforcement more sustainable and strong [5]. The epoxy
based adhesive is one of the material can be applied to improve the bonding strength of
bamboo. The average bond stresses for pull-out test for bamboo splints had increased
more than 100% when Sikadur 32 adhesive was used to coat the splints [5].


British Standard Mix Design (DOE) method was used to design the beam and the con-
crete in this research. Concrete was design for Grade 30 with slump target of 10–30mm
and concrete was designed for normal concrete density 2400kg/m3 as this study is aim-
ing to focus on the effect of bamboo as the reinforcement replacement in concrete beam
as shown in Table 1. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) Type 1, fine aggregate, coarse
aggregate were used for concrete in this study. Table 2 shows quantities of raw mate-
rials for concrete grade M30 in this research.

Table 1. Concrete Mix Design with DOE method

Stage 1
Grade of Concrete M30
Type of Cement Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
Standard Deviation, ơ 5
Tolerance Factor, t 1.65
Target Mean Strength, ft 30 + (5 × 1.65) = 38.25 Mpa
Cement Strength Class 52.5
Coarse and Fine Aggregate Type Crushed
Free Water Cement Ratio 0.5
Stage 2
Slump 60 mm – 180 mm
Maximum Aggregate Size 20mm
Free Water Content 225 km/m3
Stage 3
Cement Content 225/ 0.5 = 450 kg/m3
Stage 4
Relative density of aggregate (SSD) 2.7
Concrete Density 2400 kg/m3
Total Aggregate Content 2400 – 225 +450 = 1725 kg/m3
Stage 5
Grading of Fine Aggregate 50%
Proportion of Fine Aggregate 40%
Density of Fine Aggregate 690 kg/m3

Density of Coarse Aggregate 1035 kg/m3

Table 2. Quantities of raw materials for concrete grade M30

Quantities Cement Water Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate
(kg) (L) (kg) (kg)
Per m3 450 225 690 1035
0.151 67.95 33.975 104.19 156.285

On the other hand, the 10mm bamboo sticks, 6 mm bamboo slats, R6 steel bars, T10
steel bars were been prepared for concrete beam. There are few criteria should be con-
sidered in the selection of bamboo culms for use as reinforcement in concrete structures.
The bamboo culm required at least 3 years and above before it can be cut into bamboo
stick. Green color bamboo is consider as fresh bamboo, seasoning process changed the
color of bamboo into brown color. The whole culms of green or unseasoned bamboo
should not be used. The longest large diameter culms available should be selected. Dur-
ing seasoning, bamboo should be properly arrange to avoid any bending and it need to
seasoning for at least three to four weeks.

Further notes to be reminded, bamboo should be protected from rapid changes in

moisture content. That is mean bamboo should not been exposed too long under the hot
sun as this will cause bamboo to crack. Another important point to take note is bamboo
cut in spring or early summer should be avoided as this season has make bamboo
weaker due to increased fibre moisture content. Moreover, the storage area should be
in good ventilation and should also be avoided from direct contact with soil surface.
This precaution is important to protect bamboo from fungal and insect’s attacks.

Bamboo sticks and bamboo sluts used for this study were been purchased from the
bamboo supplier, Bamboo Malaysia. Where the bamboo product has undergo treating
process: cutting, pointed, selecting, antisepsis, anti-mildew and fumigation. This com-
pany has supply treated bamboo sticks and bamboo slats. The bamboo slats have been
cut and smoothed into a straight shape ideal for aligning into uniform panels. This slat
is suitable to be drilled a hole onto it thus it has been used as shear reinforcement in this
project. Semantan bamboo species has been used for this project. Fig. 1 shows the detail
arrangement of bamboo reinforcement.

Fig. 1. Details of Bamboo Reinforcement

The 10mm bamboo sticks had been used as longitudinal bar and the 6mm thickness
of bamboo slats as link or shear reinforcement. The holes were been drilled on the bam-
boo slut then the longitudinal reinforcement which made from bamboo stick had been
slot in through this hole.

In total nine cubes with size 150 × 150 × 150mm had been cast and 6 beams with
size 150 × 150 × 750mm had been prepared for Flexural Test. There are two types of
beam had been prepared, normal concrete beam as control sample which used steel
reinforcement and bamboo reinforced concrete beam which had fully utilized bamboo
as total replacement to steel reinforcement. The cube and beam samples were been kept
at room temperature for 24 hours before it been demoulded and soak in waster for cur-
ing process. The compression test was done to test the strength of concrete by using
compression machine at 7 days, 14 days and 28 days. Whilst, the beams specimens
were test for Flexural Test at 28 days to get the flexural capacity of bamboo reinforced
concrete beam.

2.1 Laboratory Test

Slump Test: This test was used to indicate the degree of wetness and measure the con-
sistency of fresh concrete. As normal procedure on concrete material study, the slump
test (Fig. 2) was conducted to test the workability of concrete. Based on BS EN 12390
– 2 [9], only true slump is permissible where the concrete is intact and having a spher-
ical shape with 0.5 water cement ratio.

Fig. 2. Slump Test

Compression Test: Compressive strength had measured through the compression

test on concrete cubes using compression testing machine according to BS1881-
116:1983 [10]. The cubes were removed from curing tank and weighted before the cu-
bes had been placed for compressive strength test (Fig. 3). The specimens were then
loaded to failure in a compression testing machine. The load was set with constant rate
of loading to prevent sudden failure and in order to obtain the maximum concrete com-
pressive load. The maximum load sustained was recorded and compressive strength of
the concrete was been determined.

Fig. 3. Cube Test

Flexural Test: This test was done to determine the flexural strength of beam. 4 points
flexural bending machine was used in this research. Flexural test is also known as ten-
sile strength test which the load was applied to concrete beam (Fig. 4) after 28 days
curing. This test was done to test the ability of concrete to withstand failure in bending.
The beam was designed according BS8110 [11] with size of specimen was cast for
150x150x750mm dimension. Please take note that the test machine must make sure
cleaned, and the specimen should be aligned with the machine. The loading and roller

support should be in even contact with the specimen. The load was applied continuously
at constant rate until failure. The data was recorded, analysed and discussed.

Fig. 4. Flexural Test

Tensile Test: This test was done to determine the strength of material by using Uni-
versal Testing Machine (UTM). 10mm thickness bamboo and T10 steel bar had been
test in this research. Specimen was placed in UTM and tensile load was being applied
until rupture. Elongation was measured at regular interval of applied tensile load.


3.1 Slump Test

The slump test had been done as per designed. Based on the design accordance of BS
EN 12390-2 [9], the slump should be in range 60mm to 180mm. Table 3 shows the
Slump Tests results which in average value is 79.5mm. Thus it is shows that the slump
has met the design requirement for normal concrete design grade 30.

Table 3. Slump Test

Slump Test Height (mm)
First Mixed 78
Second Mixed 80
Third Mixed 83
Fourth Mixed 77

3.2 Compression Test

In total 9 cubes with the size of 150 × 150 × 150mm had been test for compressive
strength by using compression testing machine after 7 days, 14 days and 28 days curing
respectively. Table 4 shows the compression result for 9 cubes. The result shows con-
crete strength had achieved 70% of the strength at 7 days curing. Whilst, the average
compressive concrete strength at 28 days was 33.67 MPa. Thus it is shows that the
concrete strength had met the design strength for grade 30 concrete according to
BS1881-116:1983 [10].

Table 4. Cube Test Result for Concrete Cube

Cube 1 Cube 2 Cube 3 Average
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
Day 7 19.4 22.7 21.3 21.13
Day 14 23.4 23.7 25.2 24.10
Day 28 33.5 32.8 34.7 33.67

3.3 Flexural Test

In total 6 beams were cured inside water tank and tested on day 28. Load is increasing
slowly, maximum flexural stress and displacement width had been recorded in Table
5. While, Fig. 5 shows the load comparison between bamboo and steel reinforced beam.
The results has shown that bamboo reinforced concrete beam is 7% lighter than steel
reinforced concrete beam. It shows that the usage of bamboo as the replacement to the
reinforcement in concrete beam does not really affect the weight of the beam. The re-
sults also shows that the usage of bamboo as reinforcement replacement has not really
help to increase the stress capacity of the concrete beam.

Table 5. Flexural Test Result for Bamboo and Steel Beam at 28 days
Sample Weight Stress Load Displace-
(kg) (Mpa) (kN) ment
Bamboo 1 37.79 0.12 13.74 8

Bamboo 2 38.12 0.11 13.04 6

Bamboo 3 38.36 0.12 14.41 7

Steel 1 39.5 0.47 53.94 14

Steel 2 42.24 0.46 52.68 13

Steel 3 41.22 0.46 52.78 13


(a) (b)


Fig. 5. Comparison of Bamboo Beam and Steel Beam; (a) Sample 1, (b) Sample 2, (c) Sam-
ple 3

Fig. 5 clearly showed that the load capacity for steel reinforced concrete beam in-
crease higher than bamboo reinforced concrete beam. The average ultimate load of steel
reinforced concrete beam is 53kN with an average displacement of 13mm. On the other
hand, bamboo reinforced concrete beam has an average ultimate load at 14kN with an
average displacement at 7mm. The low displacement has shown that bamboo has low
shear capacity [4]. Thus it mean bamboo reinforced concrete beam has 74% lower
strength with 46% lower displacement compared to steel reinforced concrete beam.
This condition may cause due to natural behavior of bamboo which have high water
absorption due to repeat cycles of expansion and contraction. Bamboo also may shrink
larger and faster than concrete may lead to quick debonding between bamboo and con-
crete. Thus it may show that bamboo not really suitable to be used as replacement to
the reinforcement.

The laboratory test result has shown that bamboo reinforced concrete beam had
achieved about 45% of load design. The load capacity of bamboo reinforced concrete
structure has shown reasonable tensile strength, which suggests that it can be used as
reinforcement in reinforced concrete structure especially for low cost housing projects
[4]. Previous study had also proven that bamboo can be sustained better if used with
bamboo nodes. The bamboo nodes can help to divide or transverse wall that maintains
strength and allows bending thus preventing rupturing when bent [2].

3.4 Tensile Test

The bamboo and steel reinforcements were then been test for tensile strength test. It is
to test the tensile resistance for these two different types of reinforcement. Three (3)
10mm bamboo sticks and three (3) T10 steel bars had been test for this research.

Table 6. Tensile Test for 10mm bamboo sticks and T10 steel bar
Tensile Strength Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Average
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
Bamboo 190.0 274.0 216.0 226.67
Steel reinforcement 474.3 472.0 472.0 472.77

Fig.6. Tensile strength of 10mm Bamboo Sticks and T10 Steel Bar

Table 6 shows the tensile test results between 10mm bamboo sticks and T10 steel
bar. The average tensile strength of bamboo sticks is 226.67 MPa and average tensile
strength of steel bar is 472.77 MPa. Thus, it shows that the strength of bamboo sticks
is 47.94% lower compared to steel bar strength. As the tensile strength had achieved
50% of the strength of steel mild reinforcement. Fig.6 shows more clear comparison
for tensile test results for bamboo stick versus steel bar for diameter size 10mm. Thus
the results prove that bamboo has potential to be used as reinforcement in reinforced
concrete structure. Bamboo reinforcement has shown reasonable tensile strength, which
suggests that it can be used as reinforcement in reinforced concrete structure such as
floor, roof, beam, wall-panel, column and etc. [4]. For some cases, the researchers have
found that the tensile strength of bamboo may reach the tensile strength of mild steel
[7; 8; 13]. This makes bamboo as an alternative of reinforcement in structure. However,
it is depends on the species of bamboo that been used [13].


Bamboo may be considered as the replacement to the reinforcement in concrete. Its

may achieve the strength of mild steel for some cases, however, it is depends on the
species that been used. Semantan Bamboo was been used as reinforcement replacement
in concrete beam for this study. The tensile strength results for 10mm Bamboo sticks
shows that the strength is much lower than T10 steel bar. However, it has achieve half
of the strength of mild steel. In order to have a better strength of bamboo, make sure
the bamboo structure was made from bamboo age 3-4 years. Too young or too matured
may affect the strength of the bamboo.

On the other hand, the flexural test for steel reinforced concrete beam is three times
stronger than bamboo reinforced concrete beam therefore bamboo is not able com-
pletely replace steel bar as main structure member in building or others heavy engineer-
ing works but it can used in lightweight engineering construction which there is not
heavy-load-bearing. It can be proved economical option for columns of compound
walls as bamboo is good under compression force [4]. Thus it shows that both physical
and mechanical characteristics may vary with respect to diameter, length, age, type,
position along culm and moisture content of bamboo. Bamboo is also having high water
absorption and this condition has affect the bonding with concrete. To make the condi-
tion more worse, previous study had found that bamboo have low fire resistance [13].

Moreover, bamboo have few others factored may be considered as high concerned
in considering bamboo as a replacement to reinforcement in reinforced concrete struc-
ture. Treated bamboo is high recommended as bamboo have high risk towards fungal
and insect attack. It is because bamboo is considered natural sourced thus it is contain
high nutrient which may attract to these fungal and insect. Thus bamboo need to be
treated in order to protect from pest, temperature and moisture to improve the durability
of bamboo to be used as reinforcement replacement.


1. Determine the tensile strength for different species of bamboo through tensile test,
choose the highest tensile strength of bamboo for further research.

2. Raw material like cement, course and fine aggregate will affect the concrete strength,
choose those raw material where those are in good condition. Besides, make sure con-
crete machine and testing machines had been calibrated before using.

3. Choose 10mm bamboo pole instead of 10mm bamboo stick, bamboo pole having
better strength compare with bamboo sticks. Rahman et.al. [8] had found that bamboo
reinforced concrete beam can be performed better than concrete reinforced concrete
beam for 2 times for singly reinforced concrete beam and 2.5 times for doubly rein-
forced concrete beam. But have to make sure a proper preparation process of bamboo

reinforcement before the casting. The best performance for bamboo to be applied as
reinforcement replacement is for the bamboo to undergo the treatment process as same
process as timber structure.

4. Instead of drilled hole on bamboo slats, use rattan or strapping rope to tie bamboo
slats and bamboo pole together. Drilled hole or damage bamboo material will disturb
and weaken the behavior of bamboo.

5. In order to have a good ductility bamboo reinforcement, it is highly recommended to

make sure that only treated bamboo will be choose as reinforcement in order to protect
it from temperature, moisture and pest.

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