Intro To Sacred Scriptures
Intro To Sacred Scriptures
Intro To Sacred Scriptures
Earlier or former
SCRIPTURES was written in Greek: Dan 13- prophets
14, Esther in the Jerusalem
b. Later prophets
Bible, the mentioned sections
WHAT IS THE BIBLE? are written in italics. The 3) The Writings – Ketuvim
seven extra books in the
“The Bible” comes from the Catholic Bible were written in Hebrew Bible or Hebrew
Greek plural word ta.biblia Greek. Other books are: Tobit, Scriptures – TaNak
which means “the books” Judith, 1 and 2 Maccabees,
“the book”; a name well- Wisdom of Solomon and
Baruch. It is generally agreed O.T. is divided into 4 sections
chosen, since the Bible is a
collection of many individual that the entire New Testament
1. The Pentateuch
books. In spite of the great (NT) was written in Greek, but
diversity of writings that are it is also worth noting that 2. Historical Books
found in the Bible, written at a probably the first nucleus of
the gospel according to 3. Wisdom writings
different times, in different
places and in different literary Matthew was written in the 4. The Prophetic Books
forms: poems, fiction, myth, Aramaic language 40 and 50
A.D. However, the Greek a. Major Prophets
legend, parable, allegory,
gospels, letters, history, etc., version of these Gospel is the
b. Minor Prophets
the Bible manifests the unity of one that is well known by
a book, for it is in its entirety many people from the 1
“the Word of God” century A.D.
“Sacred Scriptures” or “Holy TESTAMENT (39 Books in
Scriptures” contain the Hebrews/Protestant; 46 in
“testament” refers to God’s
message of God under Catholic Bible)
special relationship with His
inspiration and guidance of the people. PENTATEUCH
Holy Spirit
Berit (Heb) – alliance or (Torah)
covenant (unites God with his
people) – Genesis
Two Parts
– Exodus
– the Old Testament
(OT)/First Testament (FT) O.T/F.T. – The book of – Leviticus