Intro To Sacred Scriptures

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INTRO TO SACRED 3. GREEK. Part of the OT a.

Earlier or former
SCRIPTURES was written in Greek: Dan 13- prophets
14, Esther in the Jerusalem
b. Later prophets
Bible, the mentioned sections
WHAT IS THE BIBLE? are written in italics. The 3) The Writings – Ketuvim
seven extra books in the
“The Bible” comes from the Catholic Bible were written in Hebrew Bible or Hebrew
Greek plural word ta.biblia Greek. Other books are: Tobit, Scriptures – TaNak
which means “the books” Judith, 1 and 2 Maccabees,
“the book”; a name well- Wisdom of Solomon and
Baruch. It is generally agreed O.T. is divided into 4 sections
chosen, since the Bible is a
collection of many individual that the entire New Testament
1. The Pentateuch
books. In spite of the great (NT) was written in Greek, but
diversity of writings that are it is also worth noting that 2. Historical Books
found in the Bible, written at a probably the first nucleus of
the gospel according to 3. Wisdom writings
different times, in different
places and in different literary Matthew was written in the 4. The Prophetic Books
forms: poems, fiction, myth, Aramaic language 40 and 50
A.D. However, the Greek a. Major Prophets
legend, parable, allegory,
gospels, letters, history, etc., version of these Gospel is the
b. Minor Prophets
the Bible manifests the unity of one that is well known by
a book, for it is in its entirety many people from the 1
“the Word of God” century A.D.
“Sacred Scriptures” or “Holy TESTAMENT (39 Books in
Scriptures” contain the Hebrews/Protestant; 46 in
“testament” refers to God’s
message of God under Catholic Bible)
special relationship with His
inspiration and guidance of the people. PENTATEUCH
Holy Spirit
Berit (Heb) – alliance or (Torah)
covenant (unites God with his
people) – Genesis
Two Parts
– Exodus
– the Old Testament
(OT)/First Testament (FT) O.T/F.T. – The book of – Leviticus

– New Testament (NT) close/special alliance between – Numbers

God and Israel at Mount Sinai.
– Deuteronomy
N.T. – The book of the special
The Catholic Bible – O.T. (46), and definitive alliance of God
N.T. (27) consists of 73 books with humanity sealed at THE CANON OF THER OLD
Calvary through the blood of TESTAMENT
Protestant Bible – O.T. (39),
Jesus Christ our Lord”.
N.T. (27) consists of 66 books
“Deuteronomic History”
The O.T. Is composed of 39
In which languages was the
books in the Protestant canon, – JOSHUA
Bible originally written?
24 in the Jewish canon and 46
1. HEBREW. Most of the in the Catholic canon. The
so-called Old Testament (OT) Jewish canon is divided into 3 – 1&2 SAMUEL
or First Testament (FT) was sections
originally written in Hebrew. – 1 & 2 KINGS
1) Torah
2. ARAMAIC Part of the
2) Prophets – Nevi’im
Old Testament was written in THE CANON OF THE OLD
Aramaic Two Groups TESTAMENT
– EZRA In Hebrew, Daniel is not a
TESTAMENT a) What is the Bible?
Minor Prophets The English word “The Bible”
THE CANON OF THE OLD comes from the Greek plural
TESTAMENT word – ta. bibli,a - ta biblia,
– NAHUM which means “the books; a
APOCRYPHA/ name well-chosen, since the
DEUTEROCANON – JOEL Bible is a collection of many
– JUDITH – AMOS individual books. In spite of the
great diversity of writings that
– TOBIT – HABAKKUK are found in the Bible, written
at different times, in different
places and in different literary
– 1&2 MACCABEES – OBADIAH forms: poems, fiction, myth,
legend, parable, allegory,
Books that are underlined are – HAGGAI ZECHARIAH gospels, letters, history, etc.,
found only in Catholic Bibles the Bible manifests the unity of
a book, for it is in its entirety
– MALACHI “the Word of God”.
– MICAH From the very beginning, the
church has believed that the
WISDOM WRITINGS “Sacred Scriptures” or “Holy
N.T. found only in Christian Scriptures” contain the
Bibles i.e, Catholic, Orthodox message of God for all times
– PSALMS and Protestant – composed of and for each person, because
27 books: it is composed under the
– PROVERBS inspiration and guidance of the
1. The Gospel Holy Spirit, the agent of
2. Acts of the Apostles salvation. The term “The
– SONG OF SONGS Scriptures” by which the Bible
3. The letters of St. Paul is also known, underlines the
4. The Pastoral letters written character of the Bible.
TESTAMENT 5. The Catholic letters The Christian Bible is divided
in two parts, i.e., the Old
Apocrypha/Deuterocanonica 6. The Apocalypse or the Testament/First Testament and
Book of Revelation the New Testament. The word
Ecclesiasticus wisdom of
“testament” is used with a
particular value in reference to
INTRODUCTION TO sacred books i.e. it refers to
SACRED SCRIPTURES God’s special relationship with
THE CANON OF THE OLD His people. In the Hebrew
TESTAMENT To read language, this same word
PROPHETS BOADT, L., Reading the Old (testament), normally rendered
Testament: An Introduction, as “berit” means also “alliance
Major Prophets or covenant”, that indicates in
New York 1984, 11-12.
a special way, the pact that
unites God with his people.
When we (Christians) talk of Prophets and the Minor A part from it being considered
the O.T. /F.T. therefore, we Prophets. from the point of view of faith,
mean, “The book of the Bible is a precious book for
The New Testament that is
close/special alliance between the entire humanity, a
found only in Christian Bibles,
God and Israel sealed at patrimony of the spiritual and
i.e., Catholic, Orthodox and
Mount Sinai”. On the other cultural values. It is object of
Protestant is composed of
hand, when we talk of the increasing interest even under
twenty-seven books. It is
N.T., we mean, “The book of the artistic profile, due to the
divided into the following
the special and definitive variety of literary genres, the
sections: 1) The Gospels, 2)
alliance of God with humanity expressive vigor of the images
The Acts of the Apostles, 3)
sealed at Calvary through the and the communicative
The letters of Saint Paul, 4)
blood of Jesus Christ our efficacy of language.
The Pastoral letters, 5) The
Lord”. We are a people of the
Catholic letters and 6) The Down the centuries, the Bible
New Covenant or the New
Apocalypse or the Book of has been a great source from
Revelation. which culture and art have
The Old Testament, i.e., “the drawn. Figures, events,
The Catholic Bible – O.T. (46)
book of the close alliance symbols and biblical themes
and N.T. (27) - consists of 73
between God and Israel have offered images for the
books while the Protestant
sealed at Mount Sinai” is creation of the highest
Bible – O.T. (39) and N.T. (27)
composed of thirty-nine books expressions of paintings and
– consists of 66 books.
in the Protestant canon, sculpture; they have been
twenty-four in the Jewish b) The Bible in the faith of the transformed into music, have
canon and forty-six in the Church given substance to literature
Catholic canon. and have even stimulated
theological and philosophical
The Jewish Canon is divided
The Second Vatican Council reflections.
into three sections: 1) Torah,
2) The Prophets – Nevi’im - reminds us that, “the Church In spite of all these, the
divided into two groups – the has always venerated the Bible is above all the book of
earlier or former prophets and Sacred Scriptures in the same Christian faith, preserved with
the later prophets. The later way it has done with the Body great love and care by
prophets are further divided of Christ (DV, 21) and declares believers and offered to all
into two groups i.e., the Major that when the Sacred people who are in search of
Prophets and the Minor Scripture is proclaimed in the God. For believers, the Bible is
Prophets; 3) The Writings - liturgy, the entire assembly in truly “The Word of God”. From
Ketuvim. By abbreviating the prayer listens to it as the voice the very beginning, the church
names given to the three of the Risen Lord (SC, 7). The has believed that the Sacred
sections as indicated above, Christian community from its Scripture contains the
The Jewish Canon is generally origin up to date, has message of God for all times
referred to as “TaNak”. In this considered the Sacred and for each person, because
way, another way of saying, Scripture, together with the it is composed under the
“the Jewish Canon”, “the tradition of the church as a inspiration and guidance of the
Hebrew Bible” or Hebrew supreme measure of faith (DV, Holy Spirit, the agent of
Scriptures is, “TaNak”. 21), the point of encounter salvation. Even today, this
with God and source of faith is professed by believers
In the Christian Bibles strength that enables us to and by the Christian
(Catholic, Orthodox and witness to the faith with Community, especially during
Protestant), the O.T. is divided unfailing coherence. In this liturgical celebrations, spiritual
into four sections: 1) The sense, transmitting the Bible discernment and ecclesial
Pentateuch, 2) Historical without changes, translating it decisions.
Books, 3) Wisdom and Poetic in accordance with the original
Books and 4) the Prophetic texts, is for the church a task For the Christian faith,
Books. The section of the that cannot be relinquished the authors of the Bible are
Prophetic Books is divided into and a sign of fidelity to God. both God and human beings.
two groups i.e. the Major God the principal author has
used human beings to
communicate through human that is appealing and gives witness) into Aramaic said to
words His message. It is for hope. “Is not my word like fire, be the language of Laban).
this reason that the Bible is says the LORD, and like a
3. GREEK. Part of the
called the word of God in hammer that breaks a rock in
O.T. was written in Greek: Dan
human words. pieces?”(Jer 3, 29). The Word
13 -14, Esther cf. African Bible
of the Lord is; “sweeter also
As the Word of God in sections marked A-F. In the
than honey and drippings of
human words, the books of Jerusalem Bible, the
the honeycomb” (Ps 19, 10).
the Bible have to be read mentioned sections are written
“Indeed, the word of God is
taking into account the in italics. Other books are:
living and active, sharper than
different times, places and Tobit, Judith, 1 and 2
any two-edged sword, piercing
languages in which they were Maccabees, Wisdom of
until it divides soul from spirit,
written. It is also necessary to Solomon and Baruch. It is
joints from marrow; it is able to
take into account the culture generally agreed that the
judge the thoughts and
and the situations or entire New Testament (NT)
intentions of the heart”(Heb 4,
circumstances in which the was written in Greek, but it is
12). The word of God is also
writer was operating, as well also worth noting that probably
the source of life and spiritual
as the knowledge and way of the first nucleus of the gospel
fecundity, “For as the rain and
thinking and communicating according to Mathew was
the snow come down from
proper to his time. written in the Aramaic
heaven, and do not return
language between 40 and 50
The Bible reading is there until they have watered
A.D. However, the Greek
much more benefiting in as far the earth, making it bring forth
version of these Gospel is the
as the believer is conscious of and sprout, giving seed to the
one that is well known by
the objective that God has sower and bread to the eater,”
many people from the 1st
given it. As a consequence, (Is 55, 10). The Word of God
century A.D.
the Second Vatican Council is the secure guide in a
declares that: “The books of journey of history and life that
Scripture teach with certainty, is often obscure and
uncertain: “Your word is a Note: Most of us read the
faithfully and without error the
lamp to my feet and a light to Bible in translation. What are
truth that God wanted to be
my path” (Ps 119, 105). the best English translations? I
put down in Sacred Scriptures
would recommend for
for our salvation” (DV, 11).
c) In which languages was the precision: (1) REVISED
This is the only objective of
Bible originally written? STANDARD VERSION and (2)
the entire Bible, i.e., the
salvation of humanity – of 1. HEBREW. Most of the
VERSION. Also good and very
each person. The Bible is a so-called Old Testament (OT)
useful, especially for their
gift that God offers to each or First Testament (FT) was
notes are: (1) the AFRICAN
one of his sons and daughters originally written in Hebrew.
BIBLE and (2) the
in order to lead each one of
2. ARAMAIC. Part of the JERUSALEM BIBLE and the
them to Him.
FT was written in Aramaic: Ezr NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE.
An attentive and 4, 8-6, 18 and 7, 12-26 Note: You can also use any
meditated reading of the great (documents from the other STUDY EDITIONS of
book of God becomes an Achaemenid period the Bible. Do not use for your
inexhaustible source of light concerning the restoration of study the popular and pastoral
especially when it is done the temple in Jerusalem), Dan editions of the Bible.
within a community in prayer, 2, 4 -7, 28 (five Oriental
docile to the action of the Holy historical tales involving Jews
Spirit. In such a religious and an apocalyptic vision), d) The division of the Bible in
listening, the believer Jer.10, 11 (a stray Aramaic chapters and verses
receives, through the pages of sentence in a Hebrew context
the Bible, the voice of God denouncing idolatry), Gen 31,
that speaks and exhorts 47 (two words – Jegar– In order to facilitate the
him/her. A voice that is strong Sahadutha, translating a location of a biblical passage,
and sweet at the same time, Hebrew toponym - each book of the Bible has
that questions and consoles, Galeed/Gilead (The heap of been divided in chapters and
each chapter in verses. This 113 God’s word? It looks like a
division was not in the original dirty novel. The answer lies in
text of the Bible. The division the interpretation of faith,
of the Bible in chapters, a 116-145 which the author makes at the
work attributed to Etienne end of the chapters. After
Langton, can be traced back 146-147 narrating David’s perfect
to year 1230 with the Latin 148-150 murder, he writes: But the
Bible of the University of Paris. thing that David had done
Later, the division of chapters e) Difficulties in reading the displeased the LORD (2Sam
in verses was established by Bible 11, 27). From that point
Robert Estienne in Geneva onward, God intervenes to
As we read the Bible, we are
between 1527 and 1555. judge the situation and to put
faced with two main
These divisions generally things right. Any passage of
follow the meaning of the Text the Bible must be seen from 2
(Gen 1 finishes in Gen 2, 4a). a. There are strange points of view: (a) human and
These divisions are intended images e.g. God’s anger or (b) faith.
to help find a quick reference wrath is presented in terms,
of one passage or another in which are strange to us. Ps
the Bible. Following this 18, 8 - Smoke went up from Note: Each text of the Bible is
division, all the people who his nostrils, and devouring fire an answer of faith to a
refer to the Bible can be sure from his mouth; glowing coals concrete problem or situation.
that they are referring to the flamed forth from him. Fear is It is therefore important to read
same verses as the others, i.e. presented also in a strange and interpret each text
Gen 1, 1 is just THAT VERSE way. Ps 22, 14 - My heart is according to its context. Doing
and NONE ELSE! like wax; it is melted within my so will help us understand and
breast. A period of time is also appreciate the message of
It is however worth
expressed in a strange way in each text of the Bible and as
noting that the Psalms are not
the vision of the woman and such, be able to apply it to
numbered in the same way in
the dragon in Rv. 12, 15 – she different situations of our life.
all Bibles. This is pointed out
was to be looked after for a
in the following scheme; PENTATEUCH
time, two times and half a
time. This is to say, three and 1. What is Pentateuch
a half years. The modern 2. The Authorship of
THE HEBREW BIBLE reader finds it difficult to Pentateuch
understand this. We have to 3. The Book Genesis
(MASORETIC TEXT - MT) 4. The Creation Story in
face the fact that the Bible
developed and was written in
5. The Book of Exodus
a cultural environment very
(SEPTUAGINT – LXX) 6. The Key Themes and
different from our own and had
Concepts in Exodus
1-8 its own linguistic expressions.
7. The Book of Leviticus
What to do with this difficulty?
9-10 8. The Levitical Offerings/
If we really want to reach the
Festival in Leviticus
11-113 meaning of God’s word for us,
9. The Book of Numbers
we have to study the culture in
114-115 10. The Important Themes
which the Bible was written in Numbers
116 and even the geography, so as 11. The Book of
to properly understand its Deuteronomy
117-146 message. 12. The Contemporary
147 b. In the Bible we find Relevance of the
scandalous stories. All of us Message of
148-150 Pentateuch
remember the adultery of
1-8 David with Bath-Sheba and
the murder of her husband (2 INTRODUCTION
9 Sam 11). We may ask: What is The Pentateuch refers to the
10-112 the point that such a story is first five books of the Bible. It
occupies a very important ancient Israelites) the first the Pentateuch; it connects
place in Judaism and even word of each book of the the whole of humanity to
Christianity. The Pentateuch Pentateuch is the title. For God's purpose to be fulfilled
remains a principal text that example, Genesis is called through Israel.
served as a source of Israelite “Bereshith” which means “in
history, especially her early the beginning”. Exodus is
history. In this course we shall called “Shemoth” which Authorship of the
introduce you to the books means, “these are the names”. Pentateuch
classified as the Pentateuch Leviticus is called “wayigra” The issue of who actually
and the reasons they were so which means ‘and he called”. wrote the Pentateuch is a
classified. It is hoped that this Numbers is called “Bemidber” serious one in the field of Old
would lay the foundation for which means ‘in the Testament studies. The
the subsequent examination of wilderness’. The books of problem is compounded
the Pentateuch and all that Deuteronomy is called because Pentateuch is
relates to it. In this unit, you “Devarim” meaning ‘words”. anonymously written. In other
will understand why the The English names for the words, nowhere do these five
Pentateuch remains a books of Pentateuch were books explicitly or 26 implicitly
principal reference point in derived from the Septuagint indicate the author. However,
Israelite history. (LXX). The English titles until the rise of modern Biblical
therefore have Greek criticism, the Jews and the
background. Christians had always taken at
face value the claim that the
The word ‘Pentateuch’ is from
Pentateuch was written by the
the Greek word ‘pentatikos’ Pentateuch in Israelite
historic Moses of 15th Century
which means five volumes. History
B.C. This position that Moses
When used in relation to the The historical framework of the
was the author of the
Old Testament, it means the Pentateuch consists of the
Pentateuch has been variously
first five books. Origen, one of formation of Israel, from the
and seriously challenged. This
the early church fathers, was call of Abraham to the death of
for example, has led to the
the first to use the term Moses. It spans a period of
formation of the popular
‘Pentateuch’ in reference to over 600 years that is from
documentary hypothesis about
these books. Among the Jews about 1900 BC to about 1250
the composition of the
it is called Torah, which some BC. However it may be difficult
translated to mean ‘Law’. to determine the precise dates
Torah, however could mean, the events recorded in the
principle, instruction or Pentateuch happened. The Arguments for Mosaic
guideline. In essence difficult part that cannot be Authorship of the
therefore, the ancient easily dated is the early stage Pentateuch
Israelites see the Pentateuch of the Israelite history, 1. There are internal
as a guiding principle for their especially what is referred to evidences that support
socio-religious activities. That as the patriarchal history (i.e. the fact that the
is why we said the Pentateuch the history of the early Pentateuch must have
occupies a unique place in the ancestors of Israel). been written by Moses.
life of the people. For example in several
instances Moses was
The Pentateuch can be
commanded to write
Books Classified as divided into two main sub-
what he heard and
Pentateuch divisions. The first is about the
saw. For example,
The books classified as the story of the Patriarchs – Exodus 17:14 “And
Pentateuch are the following: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jehovah said unto
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Joseph (Gen. 12-50) and the Moses, write this for a
Numbers and Deuteronomy. In second section relates the memorial in a book”
the Hebrew bible, (you should story of Moses and the and “… and Moses
remember that the Pentateuch formation of the nation of wrote all the words of
was originally written in Israel (Exodus – Jehovah…” (Exodus
Hebrew language, the Deuteronomy). Gen. 1-11 24:4).
language spoken by the however serves as prologue to
2. References were made this hypothesis. The centralization of thecult
in other Old Testament German spelling of and reformation of
books that Moses was “Yahweh” is “Jahweh”, Israel’s religion.
the author of the that is how the latter J
Pentateuch (see Jos. was used to describe P – The priestly source can be
1:8; Ex. 20:25, 1 Kings the author and the traced to a priestly narrator
2:3). narrative. who supplemented the JE
3. Some of the artifacts narrative with ritual and cultic
and inscriptions E- the author of this materials. These materials are
discovered today by source is probably from found primarily in the cultic
archaeologists attested the Northern tribes of legislation in Exodus 2531, 35-
to the fact that writing Israel (remember that 40, and in the laws of
was in existence even Israel broke into two sacrifices, festivals and ritual
before the time of during the reign of purity found throughout
Mases. Rehoboam, the Leviticus. The development of
4. The New Testament Northern kingdom the priestly code was borne
acknowledges Mosaic composed of 10 tribes out of the concern to make
authorship of the were called Israel, Israelite religion unique. When
Pentateuch. while the Southern the people were taken into
5. The Pentateuch has tribes 2 in number exile, the priests assumed
internal evidence of were called Judah). leadership. This led to
being written by an The writers of this emphasis on rituals and cultic
eyewitness of the source represent the legislation.
exodus: perspectives of the
a.He knows details, like how Northern tribes, who
many wells and trees were at never fully united with
Elim, and the exact the southern tribes. THE BOOK OF GENESIS
appearance and taste of This source is called The Book of Genesis is the
manna (Ex. 15:22). ‘Elohistic’ because the first among the books
b.The author uses old names name of God used is classified as Pentateuch. It is
and example from Egypt to Elohim. The writer also generally regarded as a
explain things in Pentateuch believed that the name prologue to the whole Bible.
(Gen. 13:10, 23:2, Num. predates the name The English title of the book
13:22) c. He uses a greater Yahweh later revealed ‘Genesis’ and its root in the
percentage of Egyptian words to Moses. However, Greek word that means,
than elsewhere in the Old after 32 the fall of the “beginning”. This title came
Testament. Northern kingdom in into the English translation
722B.C a redactor through the Septuagint (the
(check for redaction Greek translation of the Old
criticism in unit 2) from Testament). Genesis is a book
the southern kingdom of “beginnings”. In the book we
A Brief Description of the harmonized J and E. have the story of the beginning
Sources of the world, the beginning of
Y or J – the author of D – This source family, marriage, human
this source is called basically relate to the government, sin and the
“Yahwist” because he composition of ancestors of Israel among
preferred the name Deuteronomy. It can be others. This therefore makes
Yahweh as God’s traced to the book of the book an important one,
personal name. The law found by the especially among the Jews
reason why J is used prophetess Huldah (II and the Christians. In this unit
to designate this Kings 22). The main we will examine the literary
source is because the goal of the document genres available in Genesis
Germans were the was to serve as the and also see other similar
leading exponents of framework for the literature in the ancient Near
this hypothesis. The reforms of Josiah. It set East. We shall also discuss
German were the out with the goal and the theology and Message of
leading exponents of agenda of Genesis.
The creation account in The Creation of Humanity
Genesis can be understood The creation of man is totally
in two ways: different from other aspect of
As a symbolic description of creations. For other creatures,
The Genesis account
transcendental reality. 43 God simply command and
of creation in Chapter 1
As a creative description of a then it was so. But with the
and 2 consist of a
chronological sequence of creation of Man (Gen. 1:26-27)
general account of the
events. we have a statement that
creation of the heaven
Moreover, creation activities shows the self-deliberation of
and the earth, followed
by God were carried out in six God. Gen. 1:26 is a statement
by a detail description
days. of intension of what God
of the creation of Man.
Day 1 Separation of light from wanted to do with Man.
It should be
darkness Man is created in the image of
underscored here that
Day 2 Separation of waters God and after His likeness.
the Genesis accounts
of creation have above from waters below Day The two words “image” and
several things in 3 Separation of land and sea “likeness” reinforces each
common with other Day 4 Light in the firmament other, because there is no
cosmogonies. These i.e. separation of night and conjunction in between them!
are: Pre- existent deity. day; Sun for the day and The two words express the
Creation by divine Moon for the night. same idea. For humanity to be
command. Human Day 5 Living creatures in the created in the image of God is
beings as the ultimate water and birds of the sea figurative, because God does
of God’s creation and Day 6 Creation of animals not have human form.
formed the dust of the including Man. Therefore, for Man to be
earth. The point of created in the image of God
departure of the means he shares in the
The Importance of the
Genesis account of communicable attributes of
Seventh Day
creation from other God, that is, attributes of God
creation accounts is that can be shared. These
The importance of the seventh
that God is distinct include wisdom, love, justice,
day is clearly evident in the
from creation. He is holiness and righteousness
fact that the seventh day is
also above all aspect among others. This sharing of
unending for there is absence
of creation and not some divine attributes, made it
of morning and evening. The
subject to natural possible for man to
day therefore reveals that
elements like some communicate with God. Man is
eternal rest is the goal of
gods in the creation able to have fellowship and
stories in some creation. The seventh day is
communicate with Him. Man
cultures. the foundation of Sabbath,
also has freedom to choose.
which was subsequently
Based on misunderstanding of instituted in the religion of
The creation of Man in
the first two verses of Genesis Israel. The Sabbath was later
God's image is for a
1, some have propounded to serve as a constant
purpose. Man is created in
what is called the gap theory. reminder to the Israelites that
God’s image to:
This is a story that says that the goal of 44 creation the
1. Have dominion over all
after God created the world, it eternal rest instituted by God. other creatures (see
reverted into chaos. After the Three important things Gen. 1:25:28). Man is
destruction of the chaotic happened on the seventh to rule and be in
mass, a new world was day: control over all other
created. However, a careful 1. God rested on the creation.
reading of this text reveals that seventh day, that is 2. Represent God, as the
Gen. 1:2 is dependent on both after the heaven and representative God,
verses 1 and 3. In other the earth and the host mankind is the king
of them were finished. over the earth.
words, these verses refer to a
2. God blessed it.
single world not multiple.
3. God hallowed it The Fall of Humanity
(Genesis 3)
The entrance of the serpent broad sense for the whole a serious contention among
into Eden brought discord into complex of events from Old Testament scholars in
the God’s creation; which had deliverance to entry into the recent times. This argument
hitherto been harmonious and Promised Land (cf. 3:7-70). As arose because there is
good. Satan appeared in a such, it forms the high point of evidences that point to the fact
form of serpent that was Old Testament redemptive that Yahweh might have been
subtler than any other history, as the means through worshipped outside Israel,
creatures. He tricked Eve, to which God constituted Israel before Moses.
eat the fruit by asking as his vehicle for the
questions (Gen. 3:1). Both redemption of all humanity. Various traditions in the
Adam and Eve ate the fruit Pentateuch however reflect
and their disobedience differing views on the origins
The Call of Moses
marked the fall of humanity. of Yahwism, which are not
Moses was called and
easily reconcilable. According
commissioned at Horeb
The effects and consequences to the Yahwist tradition (J), the
(probably Sinai), the place
of the fall of humanity are worship of Yahweh can be
where he will later receive the
evident in the subsequent traced to the cradle of
law. It was here God gave a
narratives ending with Gen. humanity: To Seth also a Son
fresh revelation of Himself as
11:1-9. The fall, the account of was born, and he called his
the all-sufficient God. It was on
Cain and Abel, the episodes of name Enoch. At that time men
the strength of this revelation
the sons of God (6:1-4) and began to call upon the name
that he was able to confront
the flood, as well as the Babel of Yahweh (Gen. 4:26).
narratives, all have common
elements. Each of them deals The tradition of the Elohist (E),
The Importance of the call of
with some divine on the other hand associates
Moses can be seen in the fact
confrontation, which attracts the revelation of the divine
that, ‘call’ became an essential
an appropriate punishment, name with the experience of
element if one is to
some amelioration of that Moses at the burning bush.
successfully operate as a
punishment, and then the The Priestly tradition (P)
prophet. In the extant Israelite
imposition of punishment. confirms this understanding of
prophetic tradition, the call
a Mosaic background for the
narrative was built into the text
The Call of Abraham declaration of the divine name.
in order to validate the
Genesis 12 reveals the faith of
genuineness of the call of a
Abraham. It teaches that faith We can vouchsafe the fact
prophet. See for example,
obeys God. At the time of his that Moses popularized the
Isaiah 6; Jeremiah 1:1-12 and
call, he was middle-aged, worship of Yahweh among the
Ezekiel 1:1-10. The call of
prosperous, settled and Israelites in Egypt. The
Moses therefore became
thoroughly pagan. The call of Israelites in Egypt might have
paradigmatic in the
Abraham was to establish a lost a personal knowledge of
subsequent history of Israelite
new nation. Israel would learn God of their ancestors, while
that by this, her very existence in bondage in Egypt, because
was God’s work through a they were influenced socially,
man, who responded by faith religiously, and politically. At
and left for Canaan. The Revelation of the Divine that time they perhaps knew
name ‘Yahweh’ God only as Elohim, a generic
THE BOOK OF EXODUS Moses is generally believed to name for God in the ancient
The book of Exodus focuses be the father of Israelite Near East. The personal
on two most important events: monotheism. This conclusion knowledge of God as Lord
the Israelite deliverance from is perhaps based on the fact (Yahweh) was restored
slavery in Egypt through God’s that the name Yahweh was through the revelation to
mighty act of salvation at the revealed to him at the time of Moses at Horeb.
sea of Reeds (1:1-18; 26), and his call on Mount Horeb.
the establishment of his However, whether or not You will recall that we had
lordship through the covenant Yahweh was worshipped earlier discussed that it was in
of Mt. Sinai (19:1-40:38). before, Moses especially response to the Israelites
“Exodus” often is used in a among non-Israelites remains plight in Egypt that God
revealed Himself to Moses as further gives insight into the the Tabernacle has been
“Yahweh”, a four Hebrew letter redemption acts of God. This erected, it was necessary that
consonantal word – popularly perhaps prompted the the correct manner in which to
known as Tetragrammaton Christians to believe that the approach God should be
(YHWH). The phonetical value death of Christ for the enunciated. The priests were
of this name is however lost. redemption of humanity was to understand not only the
No one can determine the indeed foreshadowed in the principles of sacrifice, and
precise pronunciation of the Passover event, in the book of Tabernacle rituals, but also
name. Exodus. dietary principle, treatment of
diseases, observance of feast
All we do know is that Moses Exodus also gives direction on and times fixed for them.
received a fresh revelation the expected conduct from the
about the nature and ability to individual, and all that made Priesthood in Leviticus
this God, Yahweh. This up the society. The basis for The priests occupied important
impelled him to lead the biblical ethics and morality place in the cultic history of
Israelite out of bondage in was also established in the Israel. Some scholars however
Egypt. giving of the Ten believe that the Israelites had
Commandments and other priests in their wanderings in
ordinances in the book of the wilderness is a backward
Theology/Message of Exodus. The goal of God for projection of the second
Exodus humanity is a peaceful and Temple (516 B.C) into the
The theology and message of harmonious society. This is Time of Moses.
the book of Exodus revolves however, achievable if the Though the origin of
around the deliverance of the relationship between humanity priesthood in ancient Israel is
people of Israel from bondage and God and fellow human is difficult to determine, however
in Egypt. The book therefore cordial. The principles that can the contributions and activities
laid the foundation for the enhance right relationship of the priests are well known.
theology of God’s revelation of between humanity and God The book of Leviticus has
his person, works, redemption and humanity and fellow itemized five main functions of
law and worship in the entire human were enunciated in the the priests in ancient Israel.
Bible. The institution of the different laws, These are:
priesthood and the prophetic commandments, and 1. Cultic functions: the
ministry in Israel are also ordinances in the book of priests officiated and
given elaborate treatment in Exodus. administered sacrificial rites in
the book. the Tabernacle. Sacrifice is an
The Book of Exodus important element of religions
In the deliverance of Israel concludes with an elaborate (see Exodus 9).
from bondage in Egypt, God discussion of the significance, 2. Oracular functions: the
reveals himself afresh to meaning and purpose of priest in ancient Israel was
Moses, the chosen leader of worship. The construction of consulted in order to derive
the people (Ex. 3:14). God the Tabernacle cost a lot in hidden information from God.
revealed Himself as who is terms of money, time, energy The priests often used the
ever-living, self-sustaining and and material, yet in its Urim and the Thummim in
dependable. This revelation of significance and function it order to inquire from the Lord
the personality of God gave pointed to the chief end of vital hidden information (see
the needed impetus to Moses human beings: to glorify God Lev. 8:8; Ex. 28:30). However,
to deliverer the Israelites from and to enjoy Him forever. no one can say precisely how
the grip of Pharaoh the king of they priests made use of the
Egypt. The Book of Leviticus Urim and Thummim.
The name Leviticus comes 3. Therapeutic functions:
The redemption of Israel of from the Septuagint the Greek Lev. 13-15 prescribes some
from bondage in Egypt translation of the Hebrew medical role for the priests.
became a reference point for Scripture. Leviticus is not an They are to determine the type
future salvation and account of historical event like of disease and also confirm
deliverance of the people. The Genesis and Exodus, but it is the healing of a victim of such
Passover event (Ex. 12) called the book of law. Since disease. They are also to
enforce the sanitary laws in animal. Some part of the unblemished just like in burnt
order to prevent the spread of animal was burnt, some eaten offering. The blood was thrown
disease. by the priest and the rest against the altar. The fat and
4. Instructional and eaten by the worshipper. It entails of the ram were burned
Judicial functions: the priests was a festive meal eaten in or on the altar.
were also expected to guide over the sanctuary. The peace
the people on the paths of offering was one re- Feasts and Festivals in
truth and justice. Besides, they establishing fellowship Leviticus
settle disputes among the between the offerer and God Passover and the feast of
people in the Tabernacle. and or it could also be a Unleavened Bread (Lev. 23:1-
5. Administration thank-offering. 8) – These two feasts,
functions: the priests were combining pastoral and
also expected to manage the The Cereal or Grain offering agricultural elements, were
business of the Tabernacle, (Lev. 2:6, 6:14-26) The meal observed together to
this involved accounting, offering was a gift by the commemorate Israel’s
assessing the value of worshipper to God. It followed departure from Egypt (see Ex.
Donations in various forms the burnt offering, that is, after 11-12).
and maintaining the God had granted forgiveness
Tabernacles (See Lev. 22). of sins, through burnt offering, The Feast of Weeks (Harvest)
the worshipper responded by (Lev. 23:15-21) It was
Sacrificial Offerings in giving to God, some of the celebrated 50 days after the
Leviticus produce of his farm in meal beginning of Passover. It was
Burnt Offering (Lev. 1:1-17; 1- offering. essentially an agricultural
13) It was the commonest of celebration at which the first
all the sacrifices. It was Sin offering made atonement fruits of the harvest were
performed every morning and for the sinful nature of offered to God.
evening and more frequently humanity. It was the first
on holy days. The Burnt offering in the approach to The Feast of Ingathering
sacrifice was to be a male God. Varieties of animals (Tabernacle) (Lev. 23:23-43) –
lamb without blemish, and it (male or female) were used. It This is a festival that comes up
was to be made voluntary. The depends on how rich the at the end of the fruit harvest.
blood of the animal is worshipper was and the While celebrating the feast of
sprinkled against the altar on degree of his sin. The most ingathering, the people lived in
all sides at the entrance to the distinctive feature of this the wilderness for seven days
Tent of meeting (Lev. 1:15). offering is the sprinkling of the in shelter made of branches.
The blood becomes the blood on the altar or the veil.
means of atonement. The Having sprinkled some blood Sabbath – The observation of
surrendering of an innocent upon the altar, the rest of the the Sabbath was connected
life to death becomes a blood was poured out at the with the completion of God’s
medium of expiation. The total foot of the altar of burnt work of creation (Ex. 20:11),
burning of the sacrificial offering. the deliverance from Egypt
animal represents a total (Deut 5:15), and humanities’
giving of one’s sacrifice to Guilt Offering (Lev. 5:14-26, simple need for rest and
God. It also represents the 6:7, 7:1-7) This is also known refreshment (Ex. 23:13). After
total surrendering of the as trespass or reparation the exile, the Sabbath rules
worshipper. offering. It was an offering that were elaborated and strictly
emphasized guilt and enforced (Neh. 13:15-22) and
Peace Offering (Lev. 3:7, 7:28- restitution for sins. Only a ram their observance became one
36) The peace offering was an or a male lamb could be of the outstanding features of
optimal sacrifice. It presents a offered as trespass offering Judaism.
beautiful picture of (Lev. 5:14ff, 14:12ff). This
reconciliation, making possible choice of animal is the clear Sabbatical Year – On every
communion with God. Unlike distinction between the sin seventh year the land lay
other offerings, the one and trespass or guilt offering. fallow (Lev. 25:1-7) and every
making the peace offering was The ram brought by the fiftieth year was a Jubilee year
allowed to take part of the worshipper must be (Lev. 25:8-34) when debts
were forgiven and Israelite their lives. Sin in any aspect of insurrection the people
slaves were freed. the body equally affects the complain or rebel or grumble.
other. 1. “and the people complained
Day of Atonement – (Lev. about their hardships” (11:1).
16:1-34; 23:26-32) On the THE BOOK OF NUMBERS “And the rabble among them
tenth day of the seventh The book of Numbers is also had greedy desires…and said
month there was a special one of the books classified as “Who will give us meat to eat?”
annual ceremony of Pentateuch. The book derived (11:4).
confession and atonement for its name from the Septuagint 2. “Mirriam and Aaron spoke
sin. It was a day of national (the Greek translation of the against Moses” (12:1).
confession and mourning. T Old Testament). Among the 3. “And all the community
ancient Jews, two titles are raised their voice…and
The Importance of the feasts used in reference to the book. grumbled against Moses and
and Festivals These titles are drawn from Aaron” (14:1-2).
The different feasts and the book’s opening verse. 4. “And Korah…with Nathan
festivals were instituted in Some called the book “in the and Abiram…with two hundred
ancient Israel for specific wilderness”, which is part of and fifty leaders of the
purposes. Their significance 1:1 describing its historical community…rose up against
can therefore be deduced context. While others Moses” (16:1-3).
from their purposes. The preferred a title focusing on its 5. “And the entire community
feasts and festivals were theological content, from the grumbled against Moses and
conceived as an avenue to book as opening word (1:1); Aaron” (16:41).
remember what the Lord has “and he (the Lord) spoke”. 6. “And the people quarreled
done for the people. For This sums up what the Lord with Moses” (20:3).
example, in the celebration of spoke and did for the Israelites 7. “And the people spoke
the Passover and feast of the in the wilderness. against God and Moses”
Unleavened bread the people (21:5).
remembered the salvific acts
Number 1-10 God’s
of Yahweh. This therefore God’s Mercy on Israel
Presence with Israel
encourages them to further God tells Moses to speak to a
The first section (Num 1-4)
acknowledge Him as the only rock and bring out water for
opens with a census where
one capable of giving total the people, but Mose rebels
the people are numbered, this
deliverance. and oversteps his bouds
is where the book gets its
(20:10). He hits the rock twice
name. The section continues
Theology and Message of and says, “You rebels, must
with laws about how the tribe
Leviticus we bring you water out of this
of Israel where to be arranged
Leviticus is the book that rock?”.
in their camp.
insists on keeping the body as The Israelites rebel yet again
The tabernacle was at the
well as the soul holy. It (Num 21), and God brings a
centerby the priests and
teaches that the redeemed strange judgment upon them,
Levites, aand then the twelve
one must be holy, because venomous snakes to bite the
tribes were neatly arranged
their redeemer is holy (Lev. people. From here, the people
with Judah at the head. This is
11:44-45; 19:2, 20:7, 26). The head into the plains of Moab
all an elaborate symbol of how
book places much emphasis (Num 22-36). The first main
God’s holy presence was at
upon personal and ceremonial part of this section focuses on
the center of their existence as
holiness. The word ‘holy’ and the strange figure of Balaam.
a people.
derivatives occurs in the book The King of Moab is disturbed
about 131 times. The word by this huge group of people
clean and its derivatives occur Number 10-19 Rebellion in traveling through his land, so
about 186 times. the wilderness he hires a sorcerer named
Once the people leave Mt. Balaam to curse Isreal. But
The book of Leviticus Sinai in Number chapter 10, Balaam finds that he can’t
advocates a holistic purity. things go terribly wrong. Every curse them. Three times he
God requires that the story to follow begins with a tries, yet he can utter only
Israelites present themselves moment of Israelite blessings on Israel. Balaam
open and holy in all aspects of fails to curse Israel, and then
God gives him a vision of a To know the level of the fact that it is made of
future Israelite King who will manpower, especially different literary genres.
one day bring God’s justice to available for military Scholars of the book over the
the nations, recalling Jacob’s purposes years have identified a number
promise to Judah in Genesis Since the book of of genres in the book with
49. Numbers was written in the examples: narrative (4:1-3),
context of Israelite trying to poetry (21:17-18), prophesy
The story of Numbers is also possess the Promised Land it (24:3-9), victory song (21, 27-
insightful for our is expedient that they know 30), prayer (12:13) Blessing
understanding of the fact that the number of men capable of (6:24-26), lampoon (22:22-35),
the prophetic ministry is not prosecuting the holy war. diplomatic letter (21:14-19),
limited to Israel alone. It is a To determine taxable civil law (27:1-11), cultic law
story in the Old Testament that purposes (15:7-21), census list (26:1-51)
shows that God speaks to Even in the wilderness and Temple archives (7:10-
people in other nations as he some resources are needed to 88).
uses the ancient Israelite run the machinery of
prophets to speak to the government in place. It would The Theology/Message of
Israelites. However, when God therefore not be out of place to Numbers
uses a person as his know the number of taxable The theology of Numbers
mouthpiece such a person is adults (see Ex. 30:11-16). revolves around the
expected to exhibit utmost To apportion task for people expression of the “wrath of
character of integrity and in the community God on the disobedient. The
responsibility. These For any society to book of Numbers therefore set
characters were however progress holisticallyd ivision of out to inspire faith and
lacking in Balaam. He labor is a necessity. In the obedience in the subsequent
sacrificed his divine wilderness the Israelites had descendants of the Israelites
endowments on the altar of to perform different task to that had the wilderness
pecuniary gains. He was keep the community going. In experience. After the
rebuked by God for his view of this it is necessary to deliverance of these Israelites
detestable activities; however know the number of skilled from Egypt, they rebelled
he persisted and even led the and unskilled professionals against God through their
Israelites into idolatry (Num. available (Num. 3:4). The first disbelief in his power to deliver
31:16). He later paid a fatal census was conducted in the them. The price of their
price for his greed. (31:8). This second year after the exodus rebellion is the destruction of
a lesson for us that divine (Num. 1: 1). In this census the that generation in the
endowments and charismatic first generation of Israelite wilderness. The wrath of God
gifts are to be exercised with from the age of twenty and was not only displayed on his
utmost care and responsibility. above were enumerated. This chosen people, it was equally
was perhaps done to identify extended on the enemy
Census in the book of the capacity and the nations of Egypt and Canaan.
Numbers manpower available for war. Even Moses, the chosen
Census, which is the The second census, which is leader of the people was not
enumeration or counting of to also identify the number of spared from God’s wrath
people for administrative or males of fighting age, came in because of disobedience.
military purposes, is a the fortieth year after the
common phenomenon in the exodus. It was to determine The holiness of God Is also an
ancient Near East. In the book the number of survivors important motif that runs
of Numbers, we are among the second generation through the book of Numbers.
introduced to the subject that of the postexodus Israelites The different narratives and
gives the book its title: census. (Num. 20: 1, 22-29, 33:38). laws in the book combine to
The Census we have in the demonstrate that Yahweh is
book of Numbers just like the The Literary Genres In the holy. He therefore will not want
other ancient Near Eastern book of Numbers his glory and allegiance to be
cultures served three basic The richness of the book of shared with other gods (25:1-
functions. These are: Numbers can perhaps be 11). Yahweh could be
accounted for in the light of approached with reverence;
the people are therefore name suggests, but rather suggest centralization of
expected to be clean not only provides an important an worship. Centralization of
outwardly but also inwardly important summary of the worship must have been a
whenever they approached wilderness period and later development in the
Him. The Tabernacle, the organization of the legal history of Israel when they
system of priests and Levites, material. Some scholars have were facing the challenges
the sacrifices and other ritual opined that Deuteronomy posed by the varied worship of
observances all served to should not be grouped along Yahweh at different centers.
preserve Yahweh’s holiness. with the other four books of
the Pentateuch, because its
The triumph of good over the contents reflect more of the The Influence of Deuteronomy
forces of evil is also aptly monarchical era and not the on the Subsequent History of
demonstrated in the book of time of Moses. Israel In the opinion of some
Numbers. This is especially scholars the theology of
true considering the story of Deuteronomy resonates in the
Balaam. Balaam was a well- Composition of the book of subsequent records of Israelite
known figure, with some Deuteronomy history. The central theology of
supernatural endowments. He the book of Deuteronomy is
thought Yahweh was like any For many centuries, the book
that adherence to the
other deity he could easily of Deuteronomy is regarded
commandments of God
manipulate by his magical as one of those authored by
enhances peace and
arts. But the encounter he had Moses. However, from the
prosperity, while a breach of
with the Lord changed his time of Enlightenment, which
those commandments often
perspective. Instead of cursing marked the birth of critical
results in catastrophe for the
Israel as he has been paid to scholarship, this position has
nation (Deut. 27-28).
do by Balak, King of Moab, he been seriously questioned.
Subsequently, the people of
rather blessed Israel and You will recall that in unit 4,
Israel and their leaders were
rained curses on the where we discussed the
judged in the light of this
Moabites. It is the blessing of documentary hypothesis of the
the Lord on Israel that makes Pentateuch, De Wette a
the difference. German scholar said the In the book of Judges, the
document found in the Temple people of Israel suffered
THE BOOK OF in 622 BC during Josiah’s untold hardship in the hand of
DEUTERONOMY reformation (2kgs.22) was their Canaanite neighbours.
behind the composition of our The reason according to the
present Deuteronomy. The writer of the book is that they
people involved in the neglect the commandments of
reformation later composed the Lord as listed and
In the previous unit, we have Deuteronomy based on the expounded by Moses in the
concluded our study of the document found in the Temple, book of Deuteronomy and
book of Numbers by looking at where words were put into the other sections of the
some major themes recorded Mouth of Moses, in order to Pentateuch. Whenever the
therein. In this unit we shall address the different problems Israelites followed after other
examine the arguments raised confronting the nation. gods the Lord delivered them
concerning the composition of to the hand of their enemies.
Deuteronomy. We would also But when they realized their
look into the message and Moreover, the fact that faults and make the necessary
theology of the book vis-à-vis Deuteronomy also the amends the Lord raised for
its influence on the espoused centralization of the them a leader who would
subsequent history of Israel. worship of Yahweh is also one break the yoke of oppression
of the reasons put forward to cast on them. This is a
deny the Mosaic authorship of recurring pattern in the book of
Deuteronomy is the last of the the book. Since the Israelites Judges; this perhaps
book that made up the had not settled in the land of reinforces the Deuteronomic
Pentateuch. The book does Canaan at the time of Moses, theology earlier enunciated
not give second law as the it would be difficult for him to
The other books that give backward projection of a later people to live second and
account of the failure development in Israelite explore this really important
monarchical era and the history. It has however been idea that God is holy
dispersion to exile in Babylon argued that Moses adopted presence. Let us explore
in 587 BC also linked these the Hittite treaty composition
this really important idea
events to the failure of the of the mid-second millennium
that God is holy. It’s
Kings and their subject to live this therefore places the
by the Deuteronomic codes. composition of the book in the fundamental to
Any King who lived by these time of Moses. On the other understanding this book.
codes and keeps the hand the fact that the book of The word holy means
commandments of the Lord is Deuteronomy has been edited simply to be set apart or
often portrayed as successful. cannot be ruled out. This is unique. And in the bible,
But a King that encourages evident in the record of the God is set apart from all
idolatry, in spite of his military obituary of Moses in chapter other things because of his
and political achievements is 34 of the book. unique role as the creator of
often portrayed as a failure. all, as the author of life
This perhaps was responsible THE BOOK OF LEVITICUS
itself. And so if God is holy,
for the labeling of the books The book of Leviticus then the space around God
from Joshua to II Chronicles
is the third book of the Bible is also holy. It’s full of his
as Deuteronomistic history,
and its set right after the goodness and his unjust
because they were written
from the perspective of the exodus of the Israelites and sinful, wants to live in
theology and the basic socio- from the slavery when God God’s holy presence, they
religious principles highlighted brought them to the foot of too need to become holy.
in Deuteronomy. Mount Sinai and invited Their sin has to be dealt
Israel invited Israel into with. Thus the book of
covenant relationship. Now Leviticus It explores the
In this unit, you have learned they had quickly rebelled three main ways that God
that some objections were and broken the covenant. helps Israel to live in his
raised concerning Mosaic And God had wanted for his presence. The outer
composition of the book of glorious presence to come sections are descriptions of
Deuteronomy, but we said the and live right in the midst of the rituals Israel was to
form of the book followed the
Israel in the form of this practice in God’s holy
Hittite treaty of the mid-second
Tabernacle, but Israel’s sin presence. The next
millennium which points to the
fact that the book must have has damaged the intersections focus on the
been written in the time of relationship. So, at the end role of Israel’s priests as
Moses. We also examined the of the previous book, mediators between God
message and theology of the Exodus, Moses as Israel’s and Israel and inside of that
book of Deuteronomy and also representative could not are two matching sections
explore its influence on the even enter God’s presence that focus on Israel’s purity.
subsequent history of Israel. in the tent. The Book of And then right here at the
Summary Leviticus opens by center of the book there’s a
reminding us of his key ritual, the Day of
The fact that Moses was the fundamental problem. It Atonement, that brings the
author of the book of says the Lord called to
Deuteronomy was contested
whole book together. The
Moses from the tent. So, book includes with a short
on the grounds that the
the question is, “How can section where Moses calls
document found in the Temple
during the Josiah’s reformation Israel in their sin and on Israel to be faithful to this
of 622 BC was behind the selfishness be reconciled to covenant. The first section
composition of our present this holy God?” That’s what explores the five main types
Pentateuch. Also the this book is all about, how of Rituals sacrifices that
command given by Moses that God is graciously providing Israel was to perform. Two
the worship of Yahweh should a way for sinful, corrupt of these were ways that, in
be centralized, was seen as a
Israel. Three of other more matter so much. Back here death is the opposite of
sacrifices were different in this first section, right God’s holiness because
ways of saying sorry to after the family of Aaron God’s essence is life. (Now
God. They offer up the was ordained, two of his this is really key: simply
lifeblood of an animal while sons was right into God’s being impure was not sinful
confessing their sin has presence and violate the or wrong. Touching these
created more evil and death rules. And so they are kinds of things was a
in God’s good world. But consumed by God’s normal part of everyday life
instead of destroying this holiness on the spot. It’s a and impurity was temporary
person, God of course reminder of the paradox of state). The last way of
wants to forgive them. And living in God’s holy being impure was eating
so this animal symbolically presence because it’s pure certain animals. There
dies in their place and goodness, but it becomes have been lots of theories
atones, which means it dangerous to those who about why certain animals
covers for their sin. And so rebel and insult God’s were considered impure
through these rituals the holiness. And so it’s and off-limits. (altogether
Israelites were constantly important that Israe’s priest these work as an elaborate
being reminded of God’s become holy, which is what set of cultural symbols that
grace but also of his justice the next intersections are all remind Israel that God’s
and the seriousness of their about, chapter 11 through holiness was to effect all
evil and its consequences. 15 are about the ritual purity areas of their lives.
The second set of rituals required of all the Israelites
The Day of atonement
lays out the seven annual and chapters 18-20 are
description of one of Israel’s
feasts of Israel. And each about the moral purity of the
annual feasts. Not every
of these retold a different people. Here’s what
Israelite’s sin and rebellion
part of the story about how underneath all of this purity
would covered through the
God redeemed them from and impurity language.
individual sacrifices and so
slavery in Egypt and Because God is holy, and
once a year the high priest
brought them through the he’s set apart, the Israelites
would take two goats. One
wildrness on their way to need to be in a state of
of these would become a
the promised land. And by holiness themselves. When
purification offering and
celebrating these feasts they enter into his
atone for the sins of the
regularly, Israel would presence, this was called
people. And the other was
redeem who they were and being clean or pure. God’s
called the scapegoat. The
who God was to them. Now presence was off limits to
priest would confess the
the sections about Israel’s anybody who was not in a
sins of Israel and
priests: Aaron and his sons holy state. And this was
symbolically place them on
first ordained to enter into called being unclean or
this goat and then it would
God’s presence on behalf of impure, by contact with
be cast out into the
Israel and then this reproductive body fluids, by
wilderness. Again, a very
matching section we find having skin disease, by
powerful image of God’s
the qualifications for being a touching mold or fungus, or
desire to remove sin and its
priest. The priests were by touching a dead body.
consequences from his
called to highest level of For the Israelites, all of
people so that God can live
moral integrity and ritual these were associated with
with them in peace.
holiness because they mortality, with the loss of
represented the people life. Which gets us to the
before God but then also core symbol of all these
represented God to the ideas. You become impure Conclusion:
people. Now we find out when you’re contaminated The Book of Leviticus
why the priests holiness by touching death. And concludes with Moses
calling Israel to be faithful to neatly arranged with Judah and Joshua, say God can
all of the terms of the at the head. This is all an save them, the people are
covenant and he describes elaborate symbol of how whipped up into a fearful
the blessings of peace and God’s holy presence was at rage and start planning a
abundance that will result if the center of their existence mutiny to appoint a new
Israel obeys all of these as a people. leader and go back to
laws. He also warns them Egypt.
This is followed by a series
that if they are unfaithful
of laws that further develop God is understandably
and dishonor God’s
the ritual purity laws found angry, and Moses
holiness, it will result in
in Leviticus. If God’s intercedes once again and
disaster and ultimately exile
presence in their midst, calls upon God to be faithful
from the land promised
every effort should be made to his promises to Abraham.
to make the camp pure, a God agrees, but not at the
place that welcome God’s expense of justice. He
holiness. gives the Israelites what
they want, to not enter the
The Book of Numbers land, and sentences that
begins as the people of Numbers 10-19: generation to wander in the
Israel end their one-year REBELLION IN THE wilderness for forty years
stay at Mount Sinai and WILDERNESS until they die. Only their
head into the wilderness on children will get to enter the
In chapter 10, the cloud of
their way to the land God land.
God’s presence lifts from
promised to Abraham. The
the Tabernacle and guides In the next story, a whole
book’s story line designed
Israel away from Sinai into group of Levite begins a
according to the stages of
the wilderness. rebellion, challenging to
their journey. The first
Immediately things go Moses and Aaron S Israel’s
begins at Mt. Sinai (1-10),
terribly wrong. In chapter leaders.
then continues as they set
11, the people complain
out and travel to wilderness
about hunger and long to go
of Paran (10-19). From
back to Egypt. And then in Numbers 20-36: GOD’S
there, they journey towards
chapter 12, Moses’ own MERCY ON ISRAEL
the plain of Moab (20-36),
brother and sister oppose
right across from the As they leave the region of
and badmouth him in front
promised land. Paran, things do not
of all the people. Things
improve for the Israelites.
are not off to a good start.
They complain about their
Numbers 1-10: GOD’S The next section of the thirst and ask why Moses
PRESENCE WITH ISRAEL Book of Numbers begins as ever brought them to Egypt.
the people arrive in the God tells Moses to speak to
The first section (Num 1-4)
desert of Paran, about a rock and bring out water
opens with a census where
halfway to the promised for the people, but Moses
the people are numbered,
land. God tells Moses to rebels and over-steps his
this is where the books gets
send out twelve spies, one bounds (20:10). He hits the
its name. The section
for each tribe, to investigate rock twice and says, You
continues with laws about
the land (13-14). When rebels, must we bring you
how the tribes of Israel were
they return, ten of them say water out of this rock?”
to be arranged in their
that there is no chance Moses dishonors God by
camp. The Tabernacle was
Israel can survive because putting himself in God’s
at the center, surrounded by
the Canaanites will place, receiving the same
the priests and Levites, and
annihilate them. And even fate as the wilderness
then the twelve tribes were
though two spies, Caleb generation, he’ll die in the
desert and never enter the and purpose of the book together. So the word
promised land. unfolds. Deuteronomy is “listen”, or “shema in
series of speeches from Hebrew, it means much
The Israelites rebel yet Moses where his calling the more than just to hear, its
again, and God brings a next generation of Israel, to meaning includes
strange judgment upon be faithful to the covenant responding to what you
them, venomous snakes to with their God. At the hear, or in English we would
bite the people. Moses yet center of the book is a say obey. And the word
again intercedes for the collection of laws, which are “love” in Hebrew also
people, and God tells the terms of the covenant means much more than just
Moses to make a bronze between God and Israel. an emotion or feeling, its
snake and lift it up on a pole Some of the laws are new, about a decision of
but many are repeated from wholehearted devotion to
so that whoever looks at it
the laws given earlier at Mt. God that involves your will,
will be healed of the poison.
Sinai, and that’s actually and your emotions, and
It’s a strange symbol that where this book gets its your heart. Now, for Israel
speaks to the challenge of name, from the Greek word their obedience and
God’s covenant “deuteronomion” which devotion to God served a
faithfulness. He’s right to means “a second law”. much larger purpose.
bring his justice on the Now surrounding this laws Obedience to the laws is
people’s evil and sin, but are outer sections of Moses’ going to make Israel a
even his judgment is speech. Each of these are unique people among the
transformed into a source of broken up into two parts nations, just like God said at
life for those who look to themselves. Moses first of Mt. Sinai. They’ll become a
him for healing. all summarizes the story so Kingdom of priests, and
far, and he highlights how Moses now says how Israel
From here, the people head rebellious the previous has the chance by following
into the plains of Moab (22- generation was in contrast the laws to show the whole
36). The first part of this with God’s constant grace world the wisdom and the
section focuses on the and provision in the justice. Of God. The other
strange figure of Balaam. wilderness and God did key idea in the Shema is
bring his justice on them, that Israel was called to
but he did not abandon his obey and to be devoted to
covenant promises. After the Lord alone, or literally in
THE BOOK OF this comes a series of very Hebrew it says ”the Lord is
DEUTERONOMY passionate sermons where one”. In context, In context,
The Book of Deuteronomy Moses calls on this new the point is that the Lord is
is the fifth book in the Bible generation to be more the one God Israel is to
and the final book of the faithful than their parents worship and to obey.
Torah. After the Exodus were to the covenant. He Israel’s about to go into the
from Egypt, Israel was at reminds them the Ten land of Canaan, where
Mount Sinai for one year Commandments and then people worship idols gods
entering into a covenant the centerpiece of the that represent all different
with their God. And then section is the famous line aspects of creation: the sun,
they had the disastrous and called the Shema. Moses the weather, or sex and war.
trip through the wilderness says: “Listen Israel, the And in Moses’ view
and the exodus generation Lord is our God, the Lord worshipping these God
disqualified themselves alone, and you shall love degrades humans and
from entering into the land the Lord your God with all destroys co munities, but
promised to Abraham. And your heart, with all of your worshipping the God of
so Deuteronomy begins soul, and with all of your Israel, who’s the Creator
with Moses standing in front might”. This become a very and redeemer that will lead
of this new generation important daily prayer in to life and blessing. And so
explaining the Torah and its Judaism and it brings all of we come to the large
from here that the design the themes of the book collection of laws at the
center of the book and tat Israel should listen to people? ...So that’s the
they’re roughly arranged by and love their God. He first book of Deuteronomy is all
topic, so the opening issues a warning, if Israel about.
section is about Israel’s listen to and obeys their
worship of their God. They God everything’s gonna go
were to have one central great, lots of divine Aspects of the Old
temple where one God blessing, but if they don’t Testament thought I: God -
would be worshipped and listen and rebel…famine, His many Names
also God was to be plague, devastation, and
worshipped in the Israel’s ultimately exile from the ______________________
care for its poor. So for land. ______________________
example, all Israelites were _____________________
to set aside one tent of their And then Moses forces a
decision; he says: “Today I To read
annual income to be given
to the temple, but another set before you all life or FISCHER, J.A., “God”, in
tent was to be set aside death, blessing or curse, Collegeville Pastoral
every three years and given goodness or evil, so choose Dictionary of Biblical
to the poor. And these are life by loving the Lord your Theology, Collegeville MN
the kinds of laws that put God and listening to him”. 1996, 383-386.
Israel on the outing edge of But then Moses says this,
he says, “I know that after I MCKENZIE, J.L., “Aspects
justice in comparison to
die you’re going to rebel of Old Testament Thought”,
their ancient neighbors, and
and turn away from God in New Jerome Biblical
it was all bound up with
and end up in exile”. Which Commentary, Bangalore
their worship of God. The
is kind of downer, but then 1999, 1284-1315 (77:1-
next section outlines the
again, he’s been with these 178). (NJBC - Specific
character qualities of
people for decades and it sections only)
Israel’s leaders so the
elders, the priests, the becomes clear that his
Kings, these were all placed hopes are not very high.
under the authority of the But all is not lost, Moses
covenant laws with God says one day when Isarel is
said that he would enforce sitting in exile, at any point “Give thanks to the LORD
by sending prophets to Moses says they can turn (YHWH), call on his
keep the leaders back to their God who will, name...” (Ps 105, 1a)
accountable. So in contrast in his words, “circumcise
your heart so that you may 1) Introduction
to Israel’s neighbors where
Kings were thought of as love him, with all your heart
divine and a law in and of and soul and live”. Moses
ends his speech with a The name indicates a
themselves Israel’s leaders specific reality, which has
were subordinate to the law poem of warning, into a
mountain and he hides. been experienced. The F.T.
and the prophets. records a great variety of
Following this is a large And so the plot tensions of
the biblical story are in experiences of God and is
section of laws about all geared to understand
Israel’s civil life, so rules place but left totally
unresolved. So, when is this reality, who is God.
about marriage, and family, Therefore we find very
and business, and also the descendant of the
woman going to come in many names, which
about social justice, about underline various aspects of
their legal system and how defeat evil? Or how God
going to rescue the whole the experience of God.
it was to protect widows,
and orphans, and world and bless all nations In the Bible there are many
immigrants. And then these through this family? And different names given to the
are concluded by more laws how can God’s holiness be One True God. The most
about worship. After Moses reconciled with people who frequently used names are
goes through all the laws, are continually rebellious? YHWH, usually rendered as
he issues a final challenge And how is God going to Yahweh (ca. 6,800 times);
transform the hearts of his
Elohim (ca. 2,600 times); translation confuses the Covenant name, and it is
Adonai (ca. 439 times); and issue by rendering Adonai this form of His name that is
El (ca. 238 times). Most of as both “Lord” and “LORD”). the most frequently used in
the other names are the Bible (about 6,800
combinations of these 3) EL and ELOHIM: The times). These four Hebrew
names like El Shaddai, El word El is used for God characters, YHWH = yod,
Eloah, and Yahweh Elohim. about 238 times while he, vav (v in Hebrew can
Other most commonly used Elohim is used about 2,600 also be rendered w in
name for God in the times. In the Bible Elohim English), and he have been
Hebrew Bible is Ha-Shem has two distinct meanings. called the “tetragrammaton”
(meaning “the name” which First it is a plural form (-im or “tetragram”, meaning “the
is used in the modern and -ot are the standard four letter word.” Biblical
Jewish Masoretic Text Hebrew plural endings) of scholars do not know how
translations of the TaNaK) the word “god” in the YHWH was originally
and Jehovah (used in Hebrew and the Canaanite pronounced because its
Protestant translations). languages which is original pronunciation,
Both are names for God rendered “el” in the singular which was part of the
that only date back to the (when the word “el” is used sacred Oral Tradition of the
Middle Ages and are not for the One True God it is Jews, was lost when the
found in the ancient texts of always capitalized = “El”). Temple in Jerusalem was
Sacred Scripture. An example of the first destroyed in 70AD.
meaning used in the plural Throughout history God’s
2) ADONAI: The word form can be found in Dt 5, 7 Old Covenant people
adon, in Hebrew, is “You shall have not other treated God’s name with
translated “lord.” God’s false gods [elohim] before great reverence, declaring it
name as Adonai is a form of me.” But the most too holy to be spoken aloud.
the word “adon” with an “ai” common use of Elohim is its Speaking God’s Covenant
ending. Adonai is used second distinct meaning name was restricted to the
about 439 times in the Bible when it is used as a priests worshipping in God’s
and can be translated either personal name for God or Temple in Jerusalem, and
as “Lord” or as “my Lord”. when referring to God as so with the destruction of
Biblical scholars and the true God among false the Temple His holy
linguists, however, cannot gods. Thus it is used in Covenant name was no
agree as to the meaning of Gen 1, 1 “In the beginning longer spoken and the
the “ai” suffix that has been Elohim created the heavens correct pronunciation of the
added to the Hebrew word and the earth…”, and also name was lost. The
for “lord” (adon). Some in Jos 24, 19 “You cannot rendering of YHWH as
scholars have suggested it worship Yahweh for He is a “Yahweh” is a modern
indicates a plural of holy god [elohim]...” There conjecture (first suggested
majesty. In most English is no explanation why the in the 16th century by
translations this word is plural form is used for the Biblical scholar Gilbert
rendered as “Lord” with the One True God (as it is in Genebrard, professor of
first letter capitalized and Gen 1, 1). However, Hebrew at the College
the other letters lower case. scholars from the times of Royal in Paris) but which
Those translations that the Fathers of the Church has been accepted by
have the word “Lord” in all have suggested that the Biblical scholars today as
capital letters, “LORD”, are plural form suggests the the most likely rendering.
instead indicating God’s mystery of the Trinity which You will find this rendering
covenant name YHWH was hidden in the Old in the Catholic New
(usually rendered Testament to be revealed in Jerusalem Bible translation.
“Yahweh”). The use of all the New. In other translations,
capital letters denotes the following what became the
difference between the use 4) YHWH: The four Hebrew
consonants that comprise Jewish custom, YHWH is
of Adonai and Yahweh. rendered as LORD (for
(Only the New Revised YHWH are given in
Scripture as God’s holy example in the Catholic
Standard Version
Revised Standard and New ancestors…” and Jesus’ I the King James Version
American Bible translations AM statements in the fourth translations as in, “Let them
as well as in most Gospel i.e. “In all truth I tell be put to shame, and
Protestant Bible you, before Abraham ever perish: That men may know
translations). This became was, I AM.” (Jn 8, 58). that thou, whose name
a custom from the time of alone is Jehovah, art the
the 3rd century BC when 5) JEHOVAH: The Biblical most high over all the earth”
the ancient Jewish scholars reference to God as Yehova (Ps 83, 18). Modern
translated the Hebrew Bible (Jehova) spelled out with scholars do not recognize
(Old Testament) into the Hebrew characters first this form as a legitimate
Greek translation known as appeared in the Middle name for the Hebrew God
the Septuagint. They Ages (c. 800AD). At that and dismiss it as a
replaced the Sacred Name time Jewish scholars (called misreading or
YHWH with “ho Kyrios” or the Masoretes) translated mispronunciation.
“the Lord.” In the modern the Greek translation, of the
Jewish TaNaK YHWH is (Old Testament) Bible back 6) OTHER NAMES OF
rendered as Hashem (or into Hebrew and added GOD: The following is the
ha-Shem, meaning in vowel points to the Hebrew list of some of the above
Hebrew, “the name”) or as language (which had mentioned names of God
Adoshem, which is a originally only been written and more others found in
contraction of Adonai and with consonants). Since that Sacred Scripture as well as
ha-Shem. time, Hebrew Bible their meanings and some of
manuscripts have inserted the passages in which they
But what does the the vowels from Adonai are found:
tetragrammaton YHWH within the tetragrammaton,
mean? Biblical scholars YHWH, as a reminder that • Elohim = “God”
have been arguing about readers should say “Adonai” (plural) as in the Creator,
the meaning of YHWH for instead of the sacred name Gen 1, 1“In the beginning
centuries. Since biblical which “must not be spoken.” God (Elohim) created the
names generally have a The pronunciation of heaven and the earth.”
discernible meaning, “Jehovah” was unknown • El Elyon = “God
scholars have believed that until 1520 AD, when a (singular) Most High”, Gen
YHWH can be reasonably biblical scholar named 14, 18-20 “And Melchizedek
translated. Based on Galatians introduced it. This king of Salem brought out
etymology and context most pronunciation was bread and wine; now he
scholars have agreed that contested by other scholars was a priest of (El Elyon)
YHWH is an archaic form of as being against God the Most High. And He
the verb “to be” (in Hebrew grammatical and historical blessed him and said,
hawah) and should be propriety. However, when '‘blessed be Abram of God
translated “I am who I am or Protestant scholars began Most High, possessor of
I will be who I will be.” This their vernacular translations heaven and earth; and
meaning contextually fits (into their common blessed be God Most High,
the passages in Ex 3, 13- languages) of the Old who has delivered your
15a: “Moses then said to Testament using the Jewish enemies into your hand."
God [Elohim], ‘Look, if I go Masoretic translations, they
to the Israelites and say to also mixed the four • El Roi = “God Who
me, “What is his name?” consonants of YHWH Sees”, Gen 16, 13-14 “Then
what am I to tell them?’ (JHWH in German) with the she called the name of the
God [Elohim] said to Moses, vowels of Adonai in the LORD who spoke to her,
‘I am [YHWH] he who is.’ mistaken belief that this was ‘You are a (El Roi) God who
And he said, ‘This is what the correct pronunciation of sees’; for she said, ‘Have I
you are to say to the the Sacred Name and from even remained alive here
Israelites I am [YHWH] has then on YHWH appeared in after seeing Him?’
sent me to you…’” Which Protestant Biblical texts as Therefore the well was
agrees with Ex 3, 6 “I am “Jehovah”. This rendering called Beer-lahai-roi (well of
the God of your is most frequently used in
the living one who sees reverence for God’s • Yahweh-
me.” covenant name “Yahweh”. mekoddishkem = “Yahweh
Who Sanctifies You”, Ex
• El Shaddai = “God • Yahweh-jireh = 31, 12 “And Yahweh spoke
Almighty” or “God the All- “Yahweh will provide” or “I to Moses, saying, ‘But as
Sufficient One”; the AM will provide”. Gen 22, for you, speak to the sons
etymology is so ancient that 11-14 “But the angel of the of Israel, saying, “You shall
Biblical scholars do not LORD called to him from surely observe My
agree on the meaning of heaven and said, ‘Abraham, Sabbaths; for this is a sign
this name. Gen 17, 1-2 “I Abraham!’ And he said, between Me and you
AM El Shaddai. Live in my ‘Here I am.’ And he said, throughout your
presence, be perfect, and I ‘Do not stretch out your generations, that you may
shall grant a covenant hand against the lad, and know that I am (Yahweh-
between myself and you, do nothing to him; for now I mekoddishkem)Yahweh
and make you very know that you fear God, who sanctifies you…”
numerous. And Abram since you have not withheld
bowed to the ground.” your son, your only son, • Yahweh-shalom =
form Me.’ Then Abraham “Yahweh is Peace”, Jgs 6,
• Yahweh = found in raised his eyes and looked, 22-24 “He said, ‘Alas, my
Scripture as the consonants and behind him he saw a Lord, Yahweh! Now I have
YHWH, known as the ram caught up in the thicket seen the Angel of Yahweh
“tetragramaton” is God’s by his horns; and Abraham face to face ‘Yahweh
holy Covenant name. The went and took the ram, and answered, ‘Peace be with
letters form a word or offered him up for a burnt you; have no fear; you will
words from the verb “to be” offering in the place of his not die.’ Gideon built an
and most scholars translate son. And Abraham called altar there to Yahweh and
it as “I AM who I AM or I will the name of that place called it (Yahweh-shalom)
be who I will be”, or “the (Yahweh jireh) The LORD Yahweh is peace.”
Self-Existent One”: Ex 3, WILL provide, as it is said to
13-14, “Moses said to God, this day: On the Mountain • Yahweh-sabaoth =
‘Look, if I go to the Israelites Yahweh provides.” “Yahweh of Hosts”, Ps 22,
and say to them, The God 10 “Who is He, this king of
of your ancestors has sent • Yahweh-rapha = glory? (Yahweh-saboath)
me to you, and they say to “Yahweh who heals”, Ex 15, Yahweh of Hosts, He is the
me, ‘What is His name?’ 26 “If you will give earnest king of glory.” Ps 46, 7
what am I to tell them?’ heed to the voice of Yahweh “Yahweh-sabaoth is with us;
God said to Moses, ‘I AM your God and do what He the God of Jacob is our
He who is. Tell them that I regards as right, if you pay stronghold.” Note: the
AM who I am sent you.” attention to His “hosts” are the army of
(Yahweh) commandments and keep angels who serve God.
all His laws, I shall never
• Adonai = “Lord”, Ex inflict on you any of the • Yahweh-raah =
4, 10-12 “Then Moses said diseases that I inflicted on “Yahweh Shepherd”, Ps 23,
to the LORD, ‘Please Lord, I the Egyptians, for I am 1 “(Yahweh royi) The LORD
have never been eloquent, Yahweh your Healer is my shepherd; I shall not
neither recently nor in time (Yahweh rapha).” want.”
past, nor since you have
spoken to your servant; for • Yahweh–nissi = • Yahweh-tsidkenu =
I am slow of speech and “Yahweh My Banner”, Ex “Yahweh Our Justice”, Jer
slow of tongue. And the 17, 16 (after winning a 23, 5-6 “Look, the days are
LORD said to him, ‘Who battle with God’s coming, Yahweh declares,
has made men’s mouth? assistance) “Moses built an when I shall rise an upright
Or who make him dumb or altar, and named it Branch for David; He will
deaf, or seeing or blind? Is (Yahweh-nissi) Yahweh is reign as king and be wise,
it not I, the LORD?’” note: My Banner…” doing what is just and
LORD, all in capital letters upright in the country. In his
is a substitution out of days Judah will triumph and
Israel live in safety, and this
is the name He will be
called (Yahweh-tsidkenu)
• The God of our
father/s - This is the most
common expression used to
refer to God in Genesis (cf
Gen 26, 24; 31, 53; 46, 1-3;
49, 25). It is taken up again
in Ex 3, 6. He was the type
of God not attached to any
sanctuary, who revealed
himself to the ancestors of a
group, and who
accompanied and protected
the group that was faithful
to him.
1. The Jewish Book of
Why, Alfred J. Kolatch,
Jonathan David Publishers,
Inc. 1995
2. Bible Review (August
2003): “Why God has so
Many Names” by Bernhard
Lang (Old Testament and
religious studies, University
of St. Andrews, Scotland &
Professor of Catholic
Theology, University of
Paderborn, Germany).
3. Dictionary of the
Bible, John L McKenzie,
editor (Simon & Schuster,
4. Vincent’s Word
Studies in the New
Testament vol II, Martin R.
Vincent, D.D., Union
Theological Seminary,
(Hendrickson Publishers).
5. The Brown-Driver-
Briggs Hebrew and English
Lexicon, R. Brown, S.
Driver, and C. Briggs,
(Hendrickson Publishers,

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