Beyond Today September October 2023
Beyond Today September October 2023
Beyond Today September October 2023
Such a World
God’s Blueprint for Peace on Earth 8 • Five Ways Jesus Christ Will Change the World 14
Is God Trying to Save the World Now? 16 • How Can You Find Peace in Our Troubled World? 22
CONTENTS September-October 2023
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4 Imagine Such a World
26 Current Events and Trends
s I write this, the movie Oppenheimer is one of to develop before the Soviet Union could build one first.
the biggest box-office draws in the United States. Because of his opposition and his left-leaning political
The subject is Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, often views and associations, he was ostracized by the military
referred to as the “father of the bomb”—the and political leaders who had formerly championed him.
first atomic bomb. Dr. Oppenheimer’s story holds important lessons
The movie (though not recommended due to some for us today. When people work together, they can
objectionable material), charts the development of the accomplish great things and make astounding scientific
Manhattan Project, the pivotal and massively expensive advancements. But at the same time, those advance-
race to build the world’s first ments and accomplishments
nuclear weapon before Nazi are all too often put to evil uses.
Germany could beat the Allies They have often led to new weap-
to it. Both sides knew the win- ons of war designed to kill ever-
ner of the race would likely win larger numbers of human beings
the Second World War—which in ever-more-efficient ways—like
is exactly what happened. the 100,000 to 200,000 who died
Oppenheimer, a complicated at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
and complex genius, was put How is this relevant for our day?
over the project. He recruited Asked about the conditions
Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, left, led the pivotal effort to
the world’s best scientific minds develop the atomic bomb, first tested July 16, 1945. that would precede His second
to come together to build a coming, Jesus Christ foretold
device unlike anything the world had ever seen. that mankind will be brought to the brink of extinction.
No one was actually sure it would work, even up to His shocking response is recorded in Matthew 24:21-
the point of the first test detonation at White Sands, 22: “It will be a time of great distress, such as there has
New Mexico. Some harbored a very real concern that never been before since the beginning of the world, and
the first atomic explosion could set off a chain reaction will never be again. If that time of troubles were not cut
that would ignite the planet’s atmosphere and spread short, no living thing could survive; but for the sake of
around the world, extinguishing all life on earth. God’s chosen it will be cut short” (Revised English Bible,
At its peak, some 130,000 workers were involved in emphasis added).
the project at more than 30 different sites. The cost of To bring the human race to near-extinction will likely
the project was staggering—some $2.2 billion at the involve not only nuclear arms, but possibly even worse
time, worth about $24 billion in today’s dollars. weapons. To echo Oppenheimer’s fears, if not for God’s
Reflecting on the fearsome power unleashed by the direct intervention to save us from ourselves, humanity
first successful atomic bomb detonation on July 16, will become destroyer of its own world.
1945, and the massive casualties produced by the two But God’s Word offers great hope—hope of an astound-
bombs dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and ing new world where weaponry will become a thing of
Nagasaki less than a month later, Oppenheimer came to the past: “They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
oppose the development and use of nuclear weapons. and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift
He later recalled his thoughts on witnessing that first up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war
blast: “We knew the world would not be the same. A anymore” (Isaiah 2:4).
few people laughed [in relief at the successful test], a few Be sure to read the articles in this issue to learn how
people cried. Most people were silent. I remembered the that astounding new world will come about and what
line from the Hindu scripture . . . ‘Now I am become it will be like. And join us in praying as Jesus Christ
Death, the destroyer of worlds.’” instructed, “Thy kingdom come!”
Now opposed to the weapons he had helped create,
Dr. Oppenheimer spoke out against development of the
hydrogen bomb, which the United States was in a race
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • September-October 2023 3
Beyond the chaotic darkness of today’s society, a beacon of hope brightly shines.
A new age is coming to set right all that is wrong. Can you see it? Hold on to the vision.
by Rick Shabi
ost everyone would agree even in areas that have not been in is unity and universal happiness and
we live in a world that has question before. joy, with all motivated by love for
changed in many ways Wouldn’t it be nice if the confu- each other.
over the last few years. Societal sion could go away and all the world Join me as we imagine such a world.
norms that existed for centuries could be at peace and in perfect har-
have been abandoned. Alliances are mony? Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone Envisioning peace, safety and
being formed that hearken back to knew the real truth about matters faithfulness
darker days and times of the Cold —and if our world leaders were all Imagine a world where there was
War. Freedoms that have marked of one mind, dedicated to serving no war, anywhere on earth. There
modern democracies are being chal- the people entrusted to their care, have been a few times in the his-
lenged even in the very same nations improving their lives and bringing tory of mankind where there was no
that introduced those freedoms to them together? Wouldn’t it be nice actual war being waged, but even
the world. to know that there are real, workable then the “winds of war” were blow-
All these changes have led to con- answers to the global problems we ing, with one nation or tribe working
fusion. What’s going on? Where is face today and that those are being on plans to take over another.
this headed? What kind of world will used to bring about the world we all Imagine a world where the climate
my children inherit? We find our- long for? was perfectly under control. There
selves asking, “What is the truth?”— Just imagine a world where there would be no damaging and deadly
4 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
hurricanes, tornadoes or forest Imagine a world where food and and corruption, whether profiteer-
fires—and no talk of rising sea levels water are in abundance in every ing or an appetite for power to “lord
or rising temperatures that might nation and every region of the world. it over” one’s town or nation, would
threaten the existence of mankind. Famines, droughts, food shortages not be the norm. Instead, a true
Imagine a world where dreaded dis- caused by war or poor governmental and pure attitude of service would
eases like cancer, heart disease, COPD decisions are a part of the dark his- characterize all public servants. Just
and Covid were gone, and where the tory of the past. Throughout Asia, imagine such a world.
Photos, from left: nd300/iStock/Getty Images, Hakase/iStock/Getty Images, Jason Doiy/E+, LanaStock/iStock/Getty Images, Pollyana Ventura/E+, SeventyFour/iStock/Getty Images
threat of global pandemics did not Africa, South America and every- Imagine a world of such peace
exist. Imagine a world without endless where else, food would be grown and that even animals are at peace with
advertisements for the latest pharma- harvested in fields worked by local each other—a world where wolves
ceutical “wonder” drug, with people workers. Fruits and vegetables would and lambs, lions and deer, snakes
everywhere enjoying full health. have rich, robust flavor—forgotten in and young children can coexist in
Imagine a world where children the mass production days of the past. harmony.
could play safely in the streets with- Imagine a world where all fami-
out parents wondering where they lies have their own home and land Could it ever be?
were or who might come by and nab they enjoy and use. Gone would be Amazingly, this world is in fact
them. The sound of children playing crammed-together dwelling places described in many prophecies
and laughing would fill the air and where green space is difficult to find, throughout the Bible, as we often
bring joy to all those who hear it. and the homelessness that plagues so relate in the pages of this magazine
Imagine a world where children many cities today would be no more. and as we focus on in this issue in
could go to school while their par- The wonders of the earth and soil particular.
ents are fully aware of what they’re would be better appreciated as people As you gain more perspective
being taught. The basics of education see plants and trees growing and through learning of God’s wonder-
like reading, writing and arithmetic producing food, with our children ful promises of the age to come, let
would be key subjects of the day, learning what a blessing and miracle this vision continue to occupy your
children learning concepts that will our planet is. thoughts. Think about the things
improve their lives as they gain skills Imagine a world where crime that, to you, would make for a better
for the future. and violence are nonexistent. There world where people everywhere are
Imagine a world where all people would be no fear of mass shootings happy and growing in love, respect
know there really are only two in the “most unlikely” of places. and genuine care for each other.
genders—male and female. Men Schools and other public gathering Keep imagining this world where
and boys know they are male, and places would be completely safe. And the needs of everyone are met and
girls and women know they are if someone starts to do something people learn to work hard and build
female, and they grow up appreciat- harmful, there is swift preventative into their lives the practices that
ing their identity and the vital roles intervention. result in true happiness, contentment
in life each fulfill. Imagine a world with no need for and the right sense of purpose—
Imagine a world where there is no elaborate security systems to protect a world where there is certainty in
divorce, where the nuclear family our homes, our assets or our identi- the way, the truth and the life.
is intact, where Mom and Dad love ties. All theft would be curtailed, and Is such a world possible? The
each other, are faithful to each other people would respect each other’s answer is absolutely yes. In fact,
and are committed to staying with property. beyond the confusion, chaos, war,
each other for life, their children Imagine a world where envy and strife, unhappiness, misery and
enjoying all the benefits of growing jealousy gave way to goodwill toward hopelessness we see today, the world
up in loving homes. others. How would that affect all we have been imagining here will
society in every nation and locale emerge, and you can be part of it.
Yearning for liberty, abundance around the world? Can you imagine Yet how will this come about, and
and harmony a world where everyone was happy how can you be part of this tremen-
Imagine a world where addictions for the successes of his neighbor, and dous change that will happen?
to drugs, alcohol or other substances where nations were not envious of To discover that, read on to the
were so well counseled and worked another nation’s prosperity? next article, “The Vision Made Real,”
with that people had lasting recovery. Imagine a world where leaders and continue through other articles
Imagine a world free of fentanyl were dedicated to rightly serving in this issue. May God help you to
and opioids and of substance abuse the people under their jurisdiction. capture the vision—and let it shape
altogether. Ulterior motives for public service the direction of your life!
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • September-October 2023 5
n the preceding article, “Imagine man is deeply selfish, envious, pride- Just think what people have
Such a World,” we envisioned a ful, violent, vindictive, unfaithful, done to each other down through-
world of perfect peace and abun- contentious, unwilling to work with out history. They have killed each
dance—one everyone would dream others unless it’s his “own way”? (See other, hated each other, committed
of, with life full of good things. Galatians 5:19-21.) unspeakable atrocities and inflicted
You might think such a world The previous article imagined a unbelievable torture on each other,
could never exist, but it can, and it world in which even the animals will sometimes in the name of religion,
will. Let’s consider how and the part live in perfect peace with each other always in the name of selfishness,
you can play in making this a reality and mankind. What must change for jealousy or a quest for power or to
for you, your family and mankind, that to happen? Yes—the very nature take from someone else to have for
giving your life purpose, meaning of the animals will need to change themselves.
and energy. from one of predation and conflict Mankind’s governments and lead-
to one of getting along with all other ers have been responsible for mur-
What prevents a better world? species. dering many millions in the name of
First, though, let’s think a moment This is also meant to reflect what is their ideas, their “truth.” How many
about what makes this world the way needed in human society. have died in wars over the course
it is. The problem that holds humankind of human history, all fought in the
Is it lack of technology or educa- back—that keeps us from having name of “I want that”? (See James
tion? Is it an environment not fit for peaceful, unifying, productive, lov- 4:1-2.)
mankind to live in? Is it because God ing societies in every region around It was not God’s desire for man-
didn’t give us the prowess, skills, the world—is who man is, the human kind to live this way. We have all
talents and an earth that could be nature in all of us. suffered the consequences of wrong
worked with, developed and molded choices.
coffeekai/iStock/Getty Images Plus
into something that can benefit The sad reality of man’s Even in marriages designed by
everyone? corrupted nature God to bring about joy, fulfillment,
Or might it be that the world is This problem goes all the way and happy children and families,
the way it is because of mankind’s back to our first human parents in people yield to their own lusts.
character—the way we do things and the Garden of Eden, when Adam Sexual unfaithfulness and perversi-
the reason for that? and Eve sinned and came under ties emerge, ruining families and
Might we consider that “human the influence of Satan the devil— creating chaos. Children are left with
nature” is what makes the world an a choice they made, as has all emotional scars that last for a life-
unfriendly place? Could it be that humanity since. time, and they learn not to expect
6 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
or hope for a better time. Him back to rescue human beings the peace and fulfillment God has
Man’s nature is responsible for the from the sure destruction they would promised.
heartbreak, misery, suffering, and otherwise bring on themselves under It starts with belief in Jesus Christ,
emotional and mental illnesses that the sway of Satan. which includes submission to God
result from the injurious treatment The apostle Peter called on people and His ways, accepting His sacrifice
of fellow man, with people satisfying to repent “that your sins may be blot-and committing to follow God in
their own desires while lacking con- ted out, so that times of refreshing true repentance and baptism, after
cern for their victims. may come from the presence of the which God will give His Holy Spirit,
Such is the reality of our world. Lord, and that He may send Jesus making us partakers of God’s very
So the question is, what will it take Christ, who was preached to you nature (Acts 2:38; 2 Peter 1:4). In
to bring about a new world filled before, whom heaven must receive that future age, God will pour out
with happiness, harmony and until the times of restoration of all His Spirit on the world at large (Joel
abundance for all? things, which God has spoken by 2:28). God’s Spirit in us leads to love,
That world and its benefits are the mouth of all His holy prophets joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness
available and attainable, but there since the world began” (Acts 3:19-21).and the other spiritual fruit listed in
must be action from you. Jesus will not initially be welcomedGalatians 5:22-23.
by a hostile world but, as foretold, But you don’t need to wait for that
Looking to the right Man with will teach people and lead them into time, because you can experience
real solutions healing, liberty and righteousness: that joy, purpose, peace and fulfill-
The world becoming the utopia “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon ment now, before Christ returns and
that it will be requires loving leader- Me, because the Lord has anointed restores all things to this earth.
ship dedicated to providing the right Me to preach good tidings to the How is that possible? Christ Him-
resources and training for the well- poor; He has sent Me to heal the self tells us what we need to do: “The
being of all people. brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of
There is one Man who loved man- the captives, and the opening of the God is at hand. Repent, and believe
kind so much that He gave His life prison to those who are bound; to in the gospel” (Mark 1:15).
for the sake of everyone. He and His comfort all who mourn . . . that they Repentance has a deep meaning
that most churches in this world do
You can experience true joy, purpose, peace not adequately teach. You need to
know what Christ said and meant
and fulfillment now, even before Christ if you want to experience what God
returns and restores all things to this earth. wants us to have and enjoy. To learn
more about what Christ said about
followers pointed to the better world may be called trees of righteousness, repenting, download or request our
He wanted people to enjoy—a time the planting of the Lord” (Isaiah free study guide Transforming Your
of refreshing and restoration of all 61:1-4). Life: The Process of Conversion.
things good. Ultimately God the Father, Continue to imagine; continue to
That Man knows the way to a bet- through Christ, will bring an end to believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
ter world. He knows what real truth human woes: “And God will wipe It is true, and it truly is the hope for
is, and He knows the way to a life away every tear from their eyes; there a better future for all mankind!
that is full and rewarding for every shall be no more sorrow, nor cry-
man, woman and child, regardless of ing. There shall be no more pain, for LEARN MORE
background, ethnicity or place of ori- the former things have passed away” In proclaiming His
gin. There is no partiality with Him. (Revelation 21:4). gospel or good news
He indeed is “the way, the truth, and message, Jesus Christ
the life” (John 14:6). A transformed nature—which pointed to a time when
If you can imagine the perfect you can experience today He would directly rule
the world on behalf
leader, it is Jesus Christ, and He has Do you hear what Christ will of God the Father—
already proven Himself to be the do when He returns to this earth? bringing peace and
right Man for the job. He will bring about a transformed righteousness. To better understand,
He will return to earth as He world. But it necessitates a change of download or request our helpful study
human nature. Only through chang- guide The Gospel of the Kingdom. A free
promised (verses 3-4). For now, He
copy is waiting for you.
remains in heaven with God the ing what man is on the inside can
Father, waiting for the Father to send the surrounding world experience
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • September-October 2023 7
hen a mighty angel announced
the birth of Jesus Christ to
shepherds watching over
their flocks, a multitude of angels joined
in praising God and expressing God’s
desire for peace among human beings:
“Glory to God in the highest, and on
earth peace, goodwill toward men”
(Luke 2:14).
This far-reaching angelic procla-
mation provides an incredible prom-
ise of permanent peace on planet
earth. But how will it come about?
The sad reality of this world is that
the history of humankind is a chron-
icle of wars. Some researchers have
concluded that in all of recorded
human history, the world has experi-
enced only about 30 years of “peace,” God used the sound of a blown trumpet to
when no war was being waged.
Your Bible, in James 4:1-2, reveals signal His Feast of Trumpets, which pictures
where human conflicts begin: “What
is causing the quarrels and fights
the return of Jesus Christ at “the last trumpet.”
among you? Isn’t it the whole army Jesus Christ foretold that human- out Scripture and in four little-
of evil desires at war within you? ity would continue to experience understood biblical festivals—the
You want what you don’t have, so increasing wars and rumors of wars Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atone-
you scheme and kill to get it. You (Matthew 24:6-7). ment, the Feast of Tabernacles and
are jealous for what others have, and Conditions will get far worse, cul- the final Eighth Day.
you can’t possess it, so you fight and minating in the time when humanity These four festivals fall in the
quarrel to take it away from them” will come to the brink of extermina- autumn of the year in the northern
(Holman Christian Standard Bible). tion. In Jesus’ words, “Unless that hemisphere, where the Holy Land
But this is only part of the story. time of calamity is shortened, not a sits. God’s eternal peace is guaranteed
John Theodor/iStock/Getty Images Plus
In addition to the greed, jealousy single person will survive . . .” (Mat- through Christ in the symbolic mean-
and selfishness inevitably leading thew 24:22, New Living Translation). ings of these festivals, which embody
to conflict between human beings, Thankfully, there’s good news God’s coming peace on earth.
an invisible interloper constantly on the horizon! That time will be
incites human warfare. Jesus Christ cut short. And God has ultimately Trumpets announces peace
described this evil being, Satan promised permanent peace for all This festival season begins with the
the devil, as “a murderer from the humanity, never to be withdrawn or Feast of Trumpets, which proclaims
beginning” (John 8:44). contested, through Christ Jesus. the return of Christ to at last estab-
This influence and the selfish, car- The way His eternal peace will be lish His reign over the entire earth.
nal hearts of human beings are why brought to earth is revealed through- God used the sound of a blown
8 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
trumpet to signal His Feast of Trum- display of power and judgment rated into its parts: at-one-ment. To
pets: “Speak to the children of Israel, from Jesus Christ to cease from the be “at one” carries the sense of being
saying: ‘In the seventh month [of the destructive course they are on. And “in harmony” or “in concord.” Jesus’
Hebrew calendar, overlapping Sep- this will happen as Christ wages last prayer to the Father was all about
tember and October on our modern righteous war against the massed human beings becoming at one with
calendars], on the first day of the armies surrounding Jerusalem, dis- God the Father and Christ Jesus
month, you shall have a Sabbath-rest, patching them like grapes in a wine- (John 17:21-23), both in this life and
a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a press (Zechariah 14:1-3; Revelation the next. This will be accomplished
holy convocation’” (Leviticus 23:24). 14:14-20; 19:11-21). for the world at large after Christ’s
This loud noise was used to herald Yet stopping humankind from return—when people at last accept
imminent war (Amos 3:6). Older going to war is not enough. God Him as Savior, receiving His aton-
American movie “westerns” often must also stop the unseen source of ing sacrifice, and when Satan and his
depicted 19th-century U.S. cavalry human wars operating behind the demons are locked away.
soldiers charging their enemies to scenes—Satan the devil, the adversary As commanded in Leviticus, the
the sound of a bugle. This blaring or enemy of humankind (1 Peter 5:8). observance of this Holy Day requires
sound is a rousing call to arms. The Day of Atonement pictures Christ a total fast, going without food or
The intervention of Jesus Christ incarcerating Satan and the demons drink, for 24 hours.
in world affairs will begin not with for 1,000 years, a time known as the Fasting is effectively a gift from
peace, but with terrible calamity and Millennium (Revelation 20:1-3). God—a method that enables human
war. Revelation 8–9 and 11 present Satan, the great deceiver of man- beings to humbly draw closer to Him
the blowing of seven trumpets dur- kind from whom emanates the per- and, in the right frame of mind, seek
ing the Day of the Lord, in which verted thinking that leads to conflict His intervention in breaking the
disasters and war will come on a and violence, who palms himself off influence of Satan over us. Jesus’ dis-
scale never before seen. as an angel of light (2 Corinthians ciples asked Him why they couldn’t
With the last trumpet will come 11:14), is behind all human wars. remove demonic influence from
a wonderful announcement: “Then Satan knows the ultimate rewards someone on a particular occasion.
the seventh angel blew his trumpet, God intends for human beings, and He answered, “This kind does not
and there were loud voices in heaven, he hates us because of that. He knows go out except by prayer and fasting”
saying, ‘The kingdom of the world God promises us the gift of eternal (Matthew 17:21).
has become the kingdom of our Lord life, to be made divine, as God’s very Fasting in this sense and the Day
and of his Christ, and he shall reign sons and daughters (2 Corinthians of Atonement look forward to the
forever and ever’” (Revelation 11:15, 6:18; Hebrews 2:10), and to judge both judgment of Satan and the demons—
English Standard Version). human beings and angels (1 Corin- as it relates to their incarceration
It is at the last trumpet that the thians 6:2-3). Satan also knows that for 1,000 years and as a foreshad-
servants of God from this age will angels were created to be minister- owing of their final judgment and
be resurrected and changed into ing spirits to the heirs of salvation removal after the 1,000-year period,
immortal beings, crowned then to (Hebrews 1:13-14). immediately before the White
reign under Christ over the world Envious and hateful of God, Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:10).
(1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; Revelation Satan as the destroyer opposes God, The Day of Atonement propheti-
5:10; 20:4, 6). attempting to thwart His plan to cally marks the time when Jesus
Under the reign of Jesus Christ make human beings divine (compare Christ begins to establish His glori-
and His saints, peace will come to Isaiah 14:12-14; 1 Corinthians 15:49; ous and permanent peace through-
the earth. Moreover, the last trum- Hebrews 2:10; 1 John 3:2; Jude 6). out the earth, with absolutely no
pet further announces Jesus Christ God gave detailed instructions for opposition from evil spirits.
coming in righteous warfare against the Day of Atonement in Leviticus
those who oppose Him. And unlike 16 and 23:27-32. In Israel’s physical Tabernacles is peace
past wars, this one will lead to the tabernacle and temple worship system The Feast of Tabernacles, which
snuffing out of human warfare and it involved two goats to symbolically follows a few days later, depicts and
the threat of human annihilation. bear sins in judgment—one sacrificed reflects the unprecedented peace and
The Feast of Trumpets thus begins in representation of Christ’s sacrifice unparalleled prosperity humanity
the countdown to permanent peace. and the other driven into an uninhab- will one day experience.
ited wilderness in representation of God codified this great feast of
Atonement secures peace the devil being at last banished. peace, as He did all His annual fes-
People on earth will need a great Think of the word atonement sepa- tivals, in Leviticus 23 (see verses
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • September-October 2023 9
33-43). The Feast of Tabernacles lasts battle against Christ and His saints. and make the choice as to whether
for seven days, a number in the Bible But this final attempt at war will be or not to follow Christ and be saved.
that relates to completion and per- short-lived as God sends fire to con- Jesus Christ’s 1,000-year reign and
fection. Christ will for 1,000 years sume those involved in the assault. His White Throne Judgment reign
teach and transform human beings, Satan and his demons will be taken are equally set in great beauty, peace
lovingly ruling over them and lead- out of the picture for good (Revelation and prosperity. The setting is the
ing them to perfection or maturity so 20:7-10), and peace will be restored. same, yet the people are different—
they can receive God’s gift of eternal now including all the others who
life (Hebrews 8:10-12). The Eighth Day continues peace have ever lived.
The pervasiveness of God’s peace The glorious peaceful setting of As all learn to follow God’s ways
will rapidly promote unparalleled the Millennium won’t end with this and, for those who remain faith-
prosperity, as spelled out in scrip- satanic rebellion. There’s one more ful, are ultimately transformed into
tures like the following: annual festival that projects even Christ’s divine likeness, this wonder-
“They shall not hurt nor destroy greater news beyond what the Feast ful day to come continues God’s peace
in all my holy mountain [His global of Tabernacles represents! on earth, His will toward mankind.
realm], for the earth shall be full of God has planned a much greater
the knowledge of the Lord as the harvest of human beings beyond the God’s will is to share His peace
waters cover the sea” (Isaiah 11:9). Millennium, referred to in your Bible God is all about peace. He is the
“Nation shall not lift up sword as the time of “the rest of the dead” “God of peace” (Romans 15:33;
against nation, neither shall they (a second resurrection following Philippians 4:9). Jesus Christ is the
learn war anymore. But everyone the first resurrection of the saints at “Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). He
shall sit under his vine and under his Christ’s return) as well as the White told His disciples, “Peace I leave
fig tree, and no one shall make them Throne Judgment (see Revelation with you, My peace I give to you;
afraid” (Micah 4:3-4). 20:4-6; 11-13). It correlates with a not as the world gives do I give to
“‘Behold, the days are coming,’ festival immediately following the you” (John 14:27). And God offers
says the Lord, ‘When the plowman seven-day Feast of Tabernacles called His peace still today: “And the peace
shall overtake the reaper, and the simply the Eighth Day. of God, which surpasses all under-
treader of grapes him who sows seed; According to Leviticus 23, we are standing, will guard your hearts
the mountains shall drip with sweet to observe “the Feast of Tabernacles and minds through Christ Jesus”
wine, and all the hills shall flow with for seven days to the Lord . . . On the (Philippians 4:7).
it’” (Amos 9:13). eighth day you shall have a holy con- You, too, can enjoy and exhibit
“And it shall come to pass that vocation . . . You shall keep the feast God’s peace on earth by learning
everyone who is left of all the nations of the Lord for seven days; on the about and keeping all of God’s holy
which came against Jerusalem shall first day there shall be a sabbath-rest, festivals, including the festivals that
go up from year to year to worship and on the eighth day a sabbath-rest” portray the wonderful and exciting
the King, the Lord of hosts, and (verses 34, 36, 39). world that is coming. Why not join
to keep the Feast of Tabernacles” This Eighth Day, a separate festival us in observing the Feast of Taber-
(Zechariah 14:16). from the Feast of Tabernacles, sym- nacles? His Feast of Peace portrays
The Feast of Tabernacles is here bolizes the ultimate gathering in of the promise of the ages—the promise
the Feast of Peace—with all human- the greatest harvest of human lives of a world at peace!
ity coming to keep this great festival into God’s keeping, including all
specifically depicting God’s coming who have ever lived and died from LEARN MORE
peace on earth. the time of Adam to Christ’s return. Most people are
The fulfillment of the Feast of God reveals aspects of the fulfill- unaware of God’s Holy
Tabernacles will bring about God’s ment of this Holy Day in Ezekiel Days and festivals found
in the Bible, yet Scripture
promise to humankind heralded 37:1-14, describing the ancient
shows that Jesus Christ,
by the angels at Jesus’ birth: “Glory Israelites’ resurrection to physical the apostles and the
to God in the highest and on earth existence, and Revelation 20:11-13, early Church celebrated
peace, good will toward men.” which shows that they, along with them. You need to
At the end of this glorious time, those resurrected of all nations, will learn what they mean for you! Request or
Satan will be released for a brief peri- be judged from God’s Word. At long download your free copy of God’s Holy
Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All
od to deceive the nations anew—and, last, these vast numbers of people
Mankind today!
sadly, he will succeed in leading a who never understood God’s truth
great multitude into mounting a final will have the opportunity to learn it
10 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
A Kingdom That Will
Stand Forever
Kingdoms, dynasties and empires, indeed all nations, eventually collapse and come
to an end. Others arise to take their place, and they too fall. Yet the Bible reveals
a coming Kingdom that will never end. And you can prepare now to be part of it!
by Darris McNeely
new book title recently caught
my eye—The Habsburg Way:
Seven Rules for Turbulent
Times. It’s written by a descendant
of the great European dynasty dat-
ing back to the 13th century. The
Habsburgs ruled over a great portion
of Europe and four other continents.
At its zenith the dynasty’s domin-
ions included vast parts of the
Americas, including California. Yet
this great world power came to an
end in the aftermath of World War I.
Surviving family members keep the
name alive through such books.
But it’s a name of the past, largely
unknown by today’s generation—one
among the many influential empires
Every past kingdom has ended, to be
that once existed. replaced by another. But the Bible reveals
Today’s “empires” will also disap-
pear. America in its role as world a coming Kingdom that will stand forever!
superpower can be called an empire. the rise and fall of empires clarifies he lay sleeping. Of all the wise men
China seeks to extend its global the words of Solomon: “That which in the king’s court, Daniel, a young
power in a bid to replace America at has been is what will be, that which Hebrew slave recently brought from
the top. Russia asserts itself on the is done is what will be done, and Jerusalem, was the only one who
world scene, seeking restoration of there is nothing new under the could interpret the meaning of the
the power it once was under the old sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). But the Bible dreams. Daniel told the king the
Soviet Union. reveals a coming Kingdom that God of heaven was revealer of secrets
Other nations such as Iran, India, will stand forever. And the good and through him would reveal to
Turkey and Saudi Arabia all seek to news is that you can prepare to Nebuchadnezzar what would happen
rise in their regions as powers that inherit that Kingdom by changing in the latter days, the end of the age
count. Empires and kingdoms still your life today! (Daniel 2:28-29).
Rawf8/iStock/Getty Images Plus
exist in fact, though they may not Daniel proceeded to explain the
use the term. All will, in time, come One kingdom after another dream of a humanlike image com-
to the same end as the Habsburgs The prophet Daniel interpreted posed of four parts from top to bot-
and the others. They will cease. They a dream for the Babylonian king tom, each of a different metal—gold,
will be replaced. But with what? Nebuchadnezzar. The ruler of an silver, bronze and iron, with the
Human history has its glory and empire that rose in the Middle East bottom section of the fourth part an
its futility. Every kingdom has ended, at a pivotal moment of history was unstable mixture of iron and clay.
to be replaced by another. Studying frightened by visions and dreams as The four metal parts represented
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • September-October 2023 11
a succession of empires—Babylon, broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, given to those who in this life have
Persia, Greece and Rome, with the the clay, the silver, and the gold—the internalized the teachings of Jesus of
toes and feet of the image being the great God has made known to the Nazareth. They are the disciples who
end-time revival of the Roman sys- king what will come to pass after this. gave everything for the pearl of great
tem (see our study guide The Final The dream is certain, and its inter- price, the Kingdom of God. They
Superpower). This interpretation is pretation is sure” (Daniel 2:44-45). are those who are called, chosen and
given further detail through Daniel’s Like the literal earthly kingdoms faithful (Revelation 17:14) in a world
own vision recorded in chapter 7. of the image, this Kingdom God where faith has been abandoned.
It represents a remarkable vision of establishes—the stone cut without It will be given to a group who
world history from the sixth century hands (verse 45)—will also be a lit- love truth as embodied in the life
B.C. to the time of Christ’s second eral kingdom set on this earth. The and teachings of Jesus—those who
coming. Kingdom of God, foretold through- choose to turn from a world of lies
All these kingdoms rose and fell, out Scripture, will come to earth and embrace truth.
and many more besides, including with Jesus Christ and replace the
that of the Habsburgs referred to kingdoms of this world. You can be part of this group
earlier. It’s what happens to all these Notice the statement that “the The Bible calls those of this group
kingdoms at the end of Daniel’s kingdom shall not be left to other “firstfruits,” a productive yield
interpretation that is the key for you people.” What does that mean? It beginning a spiritual harvest among
and me. History is a record of suf-
fering, corruption and waste punc- God is preparing people who will inherit His
tuated by hope, aspiration and God.
God has guided human history Kingdom. You can be part of that Kingdom
according to His purpose, and there if you accept Jesus Christ as Savior and King.
is something in that purpose little
understood by those who despair of means the Kingdom will not be left humanity (James 1:18). Notice how
the sad record. Daniel’s final point in to the Habsburg dynasty of Austria. they are described in the book of
this story fits you. It will not be left to the Romanov Revelation, depicting the end of the
dynasty of Russia. It will not be age. Here spiritual deception has
Not left to others inherited by the Windsor dynasty gripped the world. War has ravaged
Daniel focuses on the fourth part of Great Britain. It will not be left nations. Famine and pestilence have
of the image, the portion made of to those who when faced with God’s sown fear among the earth’s survi-
iron. This fourth kingdom would judgment “blasphemed . . . and vors. All that was once known has
break and crush all the others. But did not repent of their deeds” given way to another empire, the
the feet and 10 toes, composed “part- (Revelation 16:11). final world empire with all its empty
ly of potter’s clay and partly of iron,” To whom will it be left? Who will promises and hopes. But there is a
represent a strong but fragile union, inherit this everlasting Kingdom? group of people who have resisted.
its disparate peoples not adhering Daniel later records, “Then the They refuse to worship lies and
well to each other. kingdom and dominion, and the deception.
This final empire, called “Babylon greatness of the kingdoms under the These are said in Revelation 14 to
the Great,” will meet its end when whole heaven, shall be given to the be undefiled and spiritual virgins,
God intervenes in history to bring an people, the saints [those set apart] set apart from the wrong ways and
end to human misrule of the world, of the Most High” (Daniel 7:27).
portrayed by a stone smashing the Listen to what Jesus Christ says LEARN MORE
image. Here is how Daniel describes He will do, having separated out Dozens of Bible prophe-
this event: His true followers: “Then the King cies describe what the
world will be like when
“And in the days of these kings the will say to those on His right hand, Jesus Christ returns to
God of heaven will set up a kingdom ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, earth to reign. You need
which shall never be destroyed; and inherit the kingdom prepared for you to know what this amaz-
the kingdom shall not be left to other from the foundation of the world: for ingly transformed world
people; it shall break in pieces and I was hungry and you gave Me food; will be like and the hope
consume all these kingdoms, and it I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; it offers! Download or request our free
study guide Christ’s Reign on Earth: What
shall stand forever. Inasmuch as you I was a stranger and you took Me in’” It Will Be Like to learn much more!
saw that the stone was cut out of the (Matthew 25:34-35).
mountain without hands, and that it The coming Kingdom will be
12 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
If you like Beyond Today,
you’ll love our website!
worship of the surrounding world
(verse 4). “These are the ones who
follow the Lamb [Jesus Christ]
wherever He goes. These were
redeemed from among men, being
firstfruits to God and to the Lamb.
And in their mouth was found no
deceit, for they are without fault
before the throne of God” (verse 5).
Today God is preparing this
group called “firstfruits to God
and to the Lamb.” It is composed
of people who dare to resist the
current culture that says good is
evil and evil is good. They defy a
woke, progressive world that rejects
the natural order of creation. They ou won’t believe all the great things
value God and obey the teachings of you’ll discover at the Beyond Today
Jesus. By resisting the ways of this website at!
world and embracing the laws and You’ll find past issues of Beyond Today,
way of the world to come, the King- each packed with articles about world
dom of God, they prepare to inherit trends and events, family and social
that Kingdom that will not be left issues, prophecy in the news and Beyond
to others. Today’s eye-opening, in-depth perspective amount
And you can be part of that group of informa-
of the Bible. Discover articles about creation a
if you choose to accept Jesus Christ tion about the Bible.
as Savior and King, committing to
nd evolution, profiles of biblical personalities,
proofs of the Bible and so much more! The most in-depth is
live by the teachings of the coming our online Bible commen-
Kingdom. But you must choose. You tary, a study that takes you Abrahams Journey
must choose to believe the Bible
on a chapter-by-chapter
as God’s revealed instruction. You
must believe the Bible has a claim
journey of discovery through the Bible with
on your life. supplementary reading and graphic aids such
Your life has significance and as charts and maps to open up your under-
meaning. There is a reason you have standing of the Scriptures as never before.
read this far into this article and You’ll also find answers to frequently asked
this issue of Beyond Today. Embrace Explore our large library of study guides Bible questions, helpful material on dozens
the fact of the Kingdom of God as a covering a variety of biblical, family and social of biblical topics, and so much more!
real “empire,” a literal kingdom that issues and themes. Take a look at our publi
Christ will establish at His return to
You can also listen to or download ser-
cations in other languages—Spanish, Ger- mons, presentations and Beyond Today TV
earth. That is what Daniel saw and man, Italian, French, Portuguese and Russian, programs. We hope you’ll visit us today to
foretold. God is preparing the peo- to name a few (and feel free to share them
ple who will inherit that Kingdom discover what you’ve been missing!
with a friend overseas).
and will with Christ begin to set in
place a culture and society based on Use our search tool to find material on any
biblical truth. subject—marriage, family, biblical teachings,
We invite you to learn more about current events, prophecy, you name it. Feel
this amazing future. Jesus’ inter- free to download all these to your own com-
vention in world affairs is the event puter, tablet or smartphone so you can study
to change all history. It will set them in depth, or request your own printed
humanity on the path to the final copies to be mailed right to your home!
chapter of mankind’s eternal pur-
This website is packed with an astounding
pose on this earth. You can prepare
now for that time!
by Don Hooser
uring the 1,000 years following Christ’s return to 1:5-6). Jesus will be the High Priest (Hebrews 8:1).
reign, known as the Millennium, the world will The specific ruling positions of a few resurrected
experience an amazing metamorphosis to an saints are already spelled out in Scripture. Under Christ,
idyllic state! Some changes will take considerable time, King David will be king over all the Israelites (Jeremiah
but eventually worldwide conditions will be sublime, 30:9; Ezekiel 37:21-25). And Jesus promised that His 12
creating a paradise on earth. apostles will rule on “thrones, judging the twelve tribes
While there will initially be a need to deal with wide- of Israel” (Matthew 19:28). From here and elsewhere in
scale resistance due to people having been misled by the the Bible, it’s implied that great people of God such as
devil, Jesus will succeed in carrying out the will of His Abraham, Moses, Elijah and Paul will also have high
Father in leading all nations to follow God. positions in the government of God’s Kingdom.
God desires to save people and shower great blessings Indeed, the government of the world of that time will
on them. And so He will. After Jesus’ arrival, He will be wonderful, virtually the opposite of what it has been
change things for the better in countless ways! Following in this evil age!
are just five specific ways He will fundamentally trans-
form the world. The healing of people and the planet
Right after Christ returns, vast numbers of people
Earth’s revolutionary regime change! will still be suffering many traumatic effects of terrible
At Christ’s second coming, by far the most important end-time violence, diseases and other disasters. People
event will be the resurrection to eternal life of all the will immediately need food, clothing, shelter and the
saints, His true followers of this age, who have been opportunity to be reunited with loved ones. Many will
faithful to God to the end of their lives (Mark 13:13; have serious physical injuries and health problems plus
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). mental and emotional scars. People’s bodies, minds and
Another revolutionary event that will transform the hearts will need healing!
world will be that “the ruler of this world”—Satan the During His earthly ministry, Jesus regularly dem-
devil—“will be cast out” (John 12:31). The devil and all the onstrated His great love and compassion for everyone.
demons will be bound, or imprisoned, so they will no lon- Bible prophecies tell us of the miraculous healings that
ger be an evil influence on the world (Revelation 20:1-2). our Savior will offer when He returns. Read Isaiah 35!
Jesus will be “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” This chapter also speaks of future physical improve-
(Revelation 19:16). He will institute a new type of lead- ments to the earth, including its soil, water, climates and
ership—a leadership based on serving others. His ruler- vegetation. Much of earth’s land has been unfit for farm-
ship will be based in justice, love and service. The resur- ing and even for a healthy habitat. That will dramatically
rected saints will assist Jesus in ruling and teaching the change. Much more of the earth will have fertile soil,
human beings living during the Millennium (Revelation appropriate amounts of water, a temperate climate without
14 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
destructive extremes of weather, and beautiful scenery! Personal freedom will bring happiness and prosperity
Ezekiel 36:33-38 says that the world will become like One of the Bible’s many themes is freedom and lib-
the Garden of Eden, cities will be rebuilt, and there will erty. The most dramatic demonstration of that is the
be a population explosion: “I will increase their men as a Israelites’ Exodus from Egypt. And a greater one will
flock” (verse 37). accompany Jesus’ return (Isaiah 11:11; Jeremiah 16:14-
People will love and live by the Bible and God’s laws 15). Moreover, Jesus is coming as the Savior for the
whole world! First of all, consider the spiritual freedom.
Hosea 4:6 says: “My people are destroyed for lack of Forgiveness of sins is liberation from guilt and condem-
knowledge . . . You have forgotten the law of your God.” nation. Resurrection to immortality is liberation from
But after Jesus’ return, people will be taught to study and the limitations of our physical human bodies and the
love God’s Word and to “live . . . by every word of God” downward pulls of human nature.
(Luke 4:4). God’s Word is the starting point and founda- In addition, Jesus will bring about the greatest world-
tion of all knowledge, so humanity will have the greatest wide personal freedom since Adam and Eve sinned.
burst of enlightenment ever! Light will replace darkness! Freedom will be provided and protected for every human
Isaiah 11:9 tells us, “They shall not hurt nor destroy in being in the world as long as he is striving to live accord-
all My holy mountain [God’s global dominion], for the ing to God’s commandments through Christ.
earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the God obviously loves variety! He created human beings
waters cover the sea.” with many different talents and interests. So, during
Everyone will be taught to live by God’s Ten Com- the Millennium, everyone will happily be free to pursue
mandments and enjoy the countless benefits! Psalm 119 whatever ethical occupation one wishes to. There will be
is the longest chapter in the Bible, and every one of its 176 many entrepreneurs! There will be great prosperity and
verses is devoted to praising God’s laws. Just think, obedi- progress because of the free enterprise economy.
ence to each one of the Ten Commandments will bring A fundamental aspect of human freedom is the own-
about major, far-reaching benefits for humanity! And then ership of private property. A prophecy in Micah 4:4 tells
think of what a different world it will be when people are us that “everyone shall sit under his vine and under his
living by all ten of these broad commandments in their fig tree”—that is, the person’s own vine and tree. And it
full, intended meaning. Society will be so much more must be this person’s land as well!
moral, enlightened and civilized than ever before! Some people wrongly think of God and Jesus as self-
There will be one worldwide religion—true biblical ishly dictatorial. Actually, Jesus taught the opposite. He
Christianity! Just think of the spiritual like-mindedness of taught that He is committed to being a servant to all
a world in which everyone will live by the Bible’s instruc- people (see Luke 22:24-27).
tion. Just think of how different such a world will be!
May God’s Kingdom come soon!
Worldwide peace will soon prevail
At last, true peace, unity and harmonious relation- We have no way of knowing just how soon Jesus will
ships will soon prevail throughout the world. People return, but the awful end-time events prophesied in the
will become guided by the Golden Rule and the two Bible are accelerating. It is critically prudent that we
great commandments—to love God and to “love your become and remain spiritually prepared!
neighbor as yourself.” Troublemakers will be replaced by This is just a brief summary of five major ways Jesus
peacemakers! will change the world. And there will be many more
Just as Jesus exemplified during His earthly ministry, ways. These are wonderfully exciting to anticipate!
everyone will be treated with respect without favoritism, Please remain faithful to God our Father and our
regardless of gender, race or any other natural differences. Lord Jesus Christ, for then you will have a glorious life
Wars will cease. Military hardware will be “beaten” with Them and all God’s people that will last forever
and ever!
leolintang/iStock/Getty Images Plus
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • September-October 2023 15
Is God Trying to
Save the World Now?
Salvation means being delivered from harm, loss or destruction. When used in a spiritual
sense it means to be rescued from the penalty of sin. Since all people need salvation, is God
offering it to them today, or has He set in motion a strikingly different and far better plan?
by John LaBissoniere
any sincere individuals who profess Christian you to examine it from an entirely different perspective?
values have been taught that unless all people This means questioning the premise of the belief that
accept Jesus Christ as personal Savior dur- everyone must accept Jesus Christ in their physical life-
ing their physical lifetime today, they have no chance time today or be denied salvation. What if you asked
of receiving spiritual salvation. But when you consider the following question: Is God really trying to save all
that, according to a 2018 Pew Research study, Christi- people right now, or does He have a far different, and far
anity in its various forms represents just 32 percent of better, plan for humanity?
the earth’s population, is there any real hope that most
people will turn to Christ? There is no unfairness with God
Also consider that in past ages the vast majority of the In further surveying the words of Jesus Christ, we find
earth’s inhabitants never even heard of Jesus Christ or Him stating, “No one can come to Me unless the Father
practiced Christianity. Yet, just like you and me, those who sent me draws him,” and then reiterating, “There-
billions of people were made in God’s image (Genesis fore I have said to you that no one can come to Me
1:27). When we contemplate the biblical precept that unless it has been granted to him by My Father” (John
all people must “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” to be 6:44, 65). God the Father must open people’s minds to
saved (Acts 16:30), how could it be fair that those multi- truly accepting and following His Son. This means it’s
tudes have lost out on the opportunity for salvation and not possible for someone to decide on his or her own to
eternal life due to no fault of their own? become a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Because of this great dilemma, some Christians have We can see this in what Christ said about His speak-
suggested that the observance of any decent religious ing in parables. Perhaps you’ve thought this was meant
principles ought to be acceptable for people to attain to make His teachings clearer to the general public. But
salvation. However, such reasoning does not square with the truth is that He often concealed the deeper meaning
Holy Scripture. In referring to the centrality of Jesus of the parables so those in the general populace could
Christ and His sacrifice for sin, Acts 4:12 explains that not understand lest they turn in repentance prematurely
“there is no other name under heaven given among —ahead of God’s timing for them.
men by which we must be saved” (emphasis added Note that after Jesus delivered the parable of the sower
throughout). and the seed to a large crowd, He told His disciples in
In addition, Jesus said: “I am the door. If anyone private, “To you it has been given to know the mystery
enters by Me, he will be saved” (John 10:9). Indeed, He of the kingdom of God; but to those who are outside, all
said He is the only way to God: “I am the way, the truth, things come in parables, so that ‘seeing they may see
and the life. No one comes to the Father except through and not perceive, and hearing they may hear and not
Me” (John 14:6). As 1 Timothy 2:5 attests, “For there is understand; lest they should turn, and their sins be
one God and one Mediator between God and men, the forgiven them’” (Mark 4:10-12).
Man Christ Jesus.” Again, the Bible reveals that God the Father allows
Considering the weight of these scriptures, you may only the people He individually calls to understand
have wondered about the immense disparity between the truth, in contrast to the vast majority who do not
what they plainly state and what many Christians have fully comprehend it. Yet it’s vital for you to understand
readily accepted—that all people must be saved today. that there is absolutely no unfairness with God (Romans
Given the importance of this matter, could it be time for 9:14). He will not deny anyone the opportunity to be
16 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
whelming frustration, suffering, agony, grief, spiritual
emptiness and death (see Proverbs 14:12).
After having experienced so much turmoil and trag-
edy for generation after generation, they will willingly
and readily turn their hearts and minds toward their
Creator and diligently follow His way of life—which He
designed for their perfect benefit.
God will remove humanity’s spiritual blindness
Although God has allowed the vast majority of
humanity to be spiritually blind at this time, He is
calling a small number of people to become disciples
of Jesus Christ now (compare Luke 12:32). Those who
answer this call and wholeheartedly commit themselves
to Christ, accepting His sacrifice as payment for their
sins and dedicating their lives to following Him in
return, are acting in accordance with God’s way of life
and developing His very nature and character.
Then, at Christ’s second coming they will serve with
Him as resurrected spirit beings in governing God’s
earthly Kingdom for 1,000 years, a time called the
Millennium, and beyond
If all people must “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17;
Revelation 5:10; 20:4-6;
to be saved, how could that be fair to billions who Ephesians 3:15).
never heard of Him through no fault of their own? Unlike the upset and
chaos found in today’s
offered salvation in due time (Romans 10:9; Ephesians world, all of the earth’s inhabitants living during that
2:8-9). future millennial period will dwell in magnificent peace
As 1 Timothy 2:4 says, God “wants everyone to be and righteousness. God will remove people’s spiritual
saved and to understand the truth” (New Living Trans- blindness so they will be fully capable of understand-
lation). And 2 Peter 3:9 states, “The Lord is not slack ing the truth about Him and His marvelous way of life
concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but (John 12:39-40; Isaiah 25:7; 29:18; 32:3-4).
is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should It will be a delightfully amicable, fulfilling and pro-
perish but that all should come to repentance.” God ductive period, which the world will have never previ-
will accomplish this promise and commitment in the ously experienced. All of this will be possible because
manner and time of His choosing (Isaiah 46:10-11). “the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as
But some may sincerely ask, “Why can’t all people the waters cover the sea” (Isaiah 11:9).
be granted salvation immediately?” The answer is that But what about the other billions of people who lived
God, in His perfect wisdom, is carrying out an extraor- and died throughout all the previous centuries and
dinary spiritual plan for the benefit of humanity that is never had the opportunity to know Jesus Christ or fol-
unfolding over more than one age. low God’s way of life? Revelation 20:5 states that the
During this present age, which began with the sin rest of the dead will live again when the 1,000 years
of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden nearly 6,000 are finished. The vast numbers of unconverted people
years ago, God is allowing human beings to try every from all history will then be resurrected to physical life
conceivable method of living that they believe will bring and be given God’s Holy Spirit so they at last can have
fulfillment, happiness and prosperity—including innu- the opportunity to know Him, having their minds and
merable government, social, religious, education and hearts opened to the truth of the Bible (see Acts 2:17).
SOPA Images/Lightrocket
economic systems. Through His prophet Ezekiel, God says of people who
But why is God permitting this to take place? It’s so will be raised to life again at that time: “I will give you
that when He does offer all people spiritual salvation in a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take
the age to come, they will have fully and finally come to the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart
the profound realization that their humanly designed of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you
experiments in ways to live have brought them over- to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • September-October 2023 17
18 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
How Do We Make God Real
to Our Children? Part 2
In our roles as parents, nothing could be more important than leading our children into a loving
relationship with God. But how can we do that? Here are additional practical steps to guide the process.
by Joy Jones
In James 4:8 we are told, “Come
near to God and He will come
near to you” (New International
Include God in every aspect of
your life. Treat Him as the guiding
member of your family. As you go
through your days, “remember”
Him in your conversations with
your children. It doesn’t have to be
formal or handled like a school les-
son. Simply allow Him to always be
there. Just as you would share your
thoughts with your children, share
their Heavenly Father’s thoughts
with them. If He is always present,
then He will never be absent.
My son Isaac, age six, said to me
s parents, nothing could give us more pleasure and recently, “Mom, I have two dads.” Curious to see where
satisfaction than to see our children develop a close
he was going with this statement, I asked him what
and loving relationship with their Father in heaven.he meant. “I have two dads,” he said again. “God and
But how can we make God real to them? What steps can Daddy.” Hearing him say this, I let out the breath I was
we as parents take to help them know God is real and come holding and whispered a silent “Thank you!”—grateful
to know Him? that even at six years old he realizes that God loves him
In the last issue of Beyond Today (July-August 2023) and that He’s a loving Father.
we covered four ways parents can help make God real to
their children. Now we’ll examine three more important Help them see God through you
approaches you can apply in fulfilling this crucial and At the very beginning of the Bible, we are told that
rewarding responsibility. mankind was made in the image of God. Genesis 1:27
tells us: “So God created mankind in His own image, in
evgenyatamanenko/iStock/Getty Images Plus
Show them God is part of your family the image of God He created them; male and female he
I asked my daughter Sarah recently how she would created them” (NIV).
answer the question, “How did your parents make God We were made for God’s glory. In Isaiah 43:7 God
real to you?” We were taking a walk, and I was mulling speaks of “everyone who is called by my name, whom I
this article over and over again in my mind, so I asked for created for my glory, whom I formed and made” (English
her thoughts. She was quiet for a moment, and then she Standard Version).
simply said, “He was never absent.” We were made in the image of God, created for His
Keep the Lord your God present in your home at all glory. We are to strive to reflect Him in all that we do
times—no absences. Make Him a seat at the table, a and say. As parents, our children’s first contact with
place in the car, a space in the bed for them to snuggle up God will most likely be through us. We can read them
to. Fill their earliest memories with who He is and the His Word, help them to memorize Scripture and pray
love He has for them. with them every night, but if we are not striving to walk
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • September-October 2023 19
out our faith and reflect God in all that we do and say, taken hold of by Christ Jesus” (Christian Standard Bible).
then all our teaching will come to nothing. We have to The weight we carry as parents is immense, but we are
walk the walk. not left to do it alone. We have the very Spirit of God to
In Exodus 20:16 we are told, “You shall not bear false support us: “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness;
witness against your neighbor” (ESV). What is false wit- for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very
ness? We often simplify it down to telling a lie, but it’s Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words” (Romans
more than that. To “bear false witness” is to misrepre- 8:26, New Revised Standard Version).
sent someone. It’s conveying a different story about who
they are. Those looking at them see something other Welcome their questions
than the truth because of the deception. When our children are small, and they ask us for the
Do we do this with God? 10th time, “Why?” we often find ourselves resorting
Could we possibly be living in a way that’s contrary to to the phrase so many parents before us have said in
what we say we believe? Might we go home from church exasperation, “Because I said so!”
services and speak poorly about the pastor or other That may work when our kids are small, but as they
members? Or perhaps set our Bible aside and not get it grow they will begin to question more deeply, especially
out for another week? Yes, it’s possible for us to “bear when it comes to God. For a parent, this can be terrify-
false witness” against our Creator. ing. We might fear that if they’re asking questions they
Our children are always watching. What are they seeing? are perhaps doubting God. We might think that if they
Do our children see that our lives mirror what we teach question or doubt what we’ve taught them about God,
them we believe? Do they see that we strive to do the best that could lead to abandonment of the faith we’ve tried
we can to live out our faith? When we fall or fail, do we so hard to instill in them.
repent, apologize and get back up to continue onward? As But rather than fearing the questions, we should wel-
the apostle Paul said in Philippians 3:12, “Not that I have come them. Let them learn to ask their questions at home
already reached the goal or am already fully mature, but I and see that you will do your best to answer them. You
make every effort to take hold of it because I also have been may not always have a ready answer, and that is okay.
20 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Who’s Behind
When those moments come, be honest. Let them know
that you will need to study to better answer them. Seek
help from others. The ministry in God’s Church is there
to help serve as shepherds to both you and your children.
Show your children that we are to be praying for
answers. As Jesus taught: “Ask and it will be given to
Beyond Today?
you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened
to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who
seeks finds; and to him who knocks it will be opened”
(Matthew 7:7-8).
The great patriarchs of faith Abraham and Moses both
questioned God when they didn’t understand His deci-
sions. At times, they “contended” with God. They ago-
nized over questions they presented to Him. Rather than
that destroying their faith, their faith was strengthened.
Questions have the potential of helping our children
W ho’s behind the Beyond Today magazine and tele-
vision program? Many readers have wondered
who we are and how we are able to provide Beyond
form their faith, as they learn to “prove all things” and Today free to all who request it. Simply put, Beyond
“hold fast that which good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21, King Today is provided by people—people from all walks
James Version). of life, from all over the world, as enabled by God.
As parents, we want our homes to be a safe haven in These people have a com-
which our children can sharpen their spiritual muscles. mon goal—to proclaim the
gospel of the coming King-
Let them ask. Be prepared to answer, and welcome the
dom of God to all the world
dialogue. In time, you will both be stronger for it. and to teach all nations to
Putting the pieces together observe what Christ com-
manded (Matthew 24:14;
For years I have told my children that they have been 28:19-20).
issued the most priceless of invitations, an invitation into We are dedicated to pro-
the family of God. They have been issued this invitation claiming the same message
because of God’s Holy Spirit that abides in their parents Jesus Christ brought—the
as a result of being baptized into the Body of Christ (see wonderful good news of the
coming Kingdom of God
Acts 2:38-39; 1 Corinthians 7:14). (Matthew 4:23; Mark 1:14-15;
They have been offered this precious invitation Luke 4:43; 8:1). That message
through us, but we cannot accept it for them. We can truly is good news—the
teach them about it and display its beauty to them, but answer to all the problems
we can’t accept it on their behalf. They will have to that have long plagued
choose to one day accept it or deny it. We can’t take this humankind.
step for them. Through the pages of this magazine, on the airwaves
What we can do is lay the groundwork while they are of our TV show, and in dozens of helpful study guides
(also free), we show the biblical answers to the dilem-
young to make the invitation as accessible as possible.
mas that have defied human solution and threaten our
We can help them learn to hear their Father’s voice, love very survival.
His Word and talk with Him in prayer every day. We can We are committed to taking that message to the
point out His faithfulness, reflect God in our example and entire world, sharing the truth of God’s purpose as
welcome their questions when they come. By doing these taught by Jesus Christ and His apostles.
things, we will help our children be well on their way to The United Church of God has congregations and
knowing God, seeing Him as real in their lives! ministers around the world. In these congregations
believers assemble to be instructed from the Scriptures
LEARN MORE and to fellowship. For locations and times of services
The Bible contains many principles for bring-
in your area, contact us at the appropriate address on
ing up happy, well-adjusted children who page 31. Visitors are always welcome.
have a relationship with God. We’ve compiled For additional information, visit our website:
much of its advice in our free study guide
Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension.
Download or request your copy today!
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • September-October 2023 21
t’s easy to be calm when major troubles or worries our problems, and that God will make up for where we
aren’t keeping us up at night. But these days, most of lack, is extremely calming.
us have a lot on our minds.
Our world is plagued by violence, corruption, social 2. Meditate on God’s promises.
unrest and economic uncertainty. We worry about food We should remind ourselves of the many promises in
shortages, bank failures, natural disasters, disease out- the Bible for God’s protection, deliverance and care for
breaks, government overreach and the potential threat those who serve Him in the way He asks. The Bible tells
of artificial intelligence. This is on top of personal trials us God will not fail or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6, 8;
with health, our job or relationships. Psalm 37:28; John 14:18). God will finish the work He
We all yearn for inner peace. But how can we possibly has started in us and will not give up on us (Philippians
achieve that? It helps to understand what peace really is. 1:6). When we ask God for help, He will meet our needs
It’s not merely an absence of disturbances or conflict. True (Philippians 4:19).
peace of mind is not contingent on circumstances. We can This includes providing sustenance (Matthew 6:31-33),
find it even in the midst of trauma and upset. Ultimately, refuge (Psalm 91:2, 5-7), healing (James 5:14-16), and
it’s a matter of looking to God for strength and guidance guidance and direction (Proverbs 16:9). Even when we
and seeing our situations more from His perspective. Here get into trouble, God will give us the resources we need
are six specific ways to gain peace of mind. to make it through those times (1 Corinthians 10:13). By
clinging to these precious promises, we can be at peace,
1. Cast your cares on God. no longer controlled by our fears and anxieties.
The starting point is to call on God through prayer.
The Bible says, “Give all your worries and cares to God” 3. Reflect on God’s works.
(1 Peter 5:7, New Living Translation). Thinking we can It’s helpful to think about instances in the past where
handle things on our own will keep us from seeking we could see the hand of God in our lives. We should
God like we should. all be able to recall times when God opened doors and
A friend of mine learned this lesson when her hus- intervened for us, bringing about solutions to stressful
band was unemployed for two years and they came close situations. For example, there might have been a time
to losing their house and having to file for bankruptcy. amid difficult economic circumstances when you landed
“We didn’t feel any peace until we realized, after we’d just the right job or when the ideal property suddenly
done everything we could on our end to stay afloat came on the real estate market after many months of
financially, how much was not in our control and how searching, or when a personal health crisis miraculously
much we needed to trust God for the outcome,” my improved, perhaps overnight. Remind yourself of how
friend related. these events unfolded.
Whatever is worrying us or weighing us down should
be handed over to God, who will address the difficulties LEARN MORE
and needs of His followers in the very best way. He may Why do bad things happen? Why is the
not immediately fix or remove our concerns, but Psalm world plagued with so many terrible prob-
50:15 says that God will deliver us if we call on Him. lems? Will God set things right? How can
we cope? Our study guide Why Does God
We do need to do our part to get through difficulties, Allow Suffering? can help make sense of it all.
but always look to God to take care of all the issues that Download or request your free copy today.
truly are beyond our control. Just knowing that we don’t
have to rely on our own abilities and resources to solve
22 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
We might also reflect on ways God intervened in of time in the digital entertainment realm to “escape”
history, like how the Native Americans assisted the Pil- the real world—may temporarily make us feel good. But
grims in their settlement of America or how the Allied it sets us up for being caught off guard or overtaken by
forces were rescued at Dunkirk during World War II. potentially serious troubles.
Such stories can be very inspiring.
Of course, the Bible records many miraculous inter- 5. Surround yourself with uplifting people.
ventions by God, everything from the Israelites’ deliver- The Bible warns us that “evil company corrupts good
ance at the Red Sea to how Daniel was protected in the habits” (1 Corinthians 15:33). We can’t help but be influ-
lions’ den. Directing our thoughts to God’s amazing acts enced by the company we keep. If we mostly associate
of intervention will push worrying out of our minds. with people who are negative, chronic worriers or easily
disturbed, we’ll likely become that way ourselves.
4. Face the facts. We should spend most of our time with upbeat indi-
We should dwell on what’s constructive, right and viduals who are living their lives as constructively as
good, as we’re told in Philippians 4:8. But that doesn’t they can and with a hope-filled mindset. If we find our-
mean we should ignore or refuse to acknowledge what’s selves fretting about something, we need to be able to
unsettling or unpleasant. Being truly at peace requires talk to people who will listen to our concerns and not
facing reality. We can’t create pleasant circumstances pretend things are rosier than they are, but who will
still see the positives of the situation and help steer us
toward solutions. If we’re not thinking clearly, they’ll tell
us, and will also assure us they’ll pray for us. This helps
us stay calm and maintain a more “I-can-get-through-
this” attitude.
6. Remember God’s “big picture.”
Recently a friend who received a serious cancer diag-
nosis expressed to me, “Well, if this is what God thinks
I need to go through in order to be in His Kingdom,
then so be it.” She was totally at peace with the health
crisis she found herself in.
She knew that the circumstances we face right now
will ultimately work together for good purposes—that
God is using our trials to build in us the experience,
True peace of mind is not based character and wisdom necessary to be in His Kingdom
(Romans 8:28; 5:3-4; Isaiah 64:8). God knows what’s best
on circumstances. We can find it for us. He is focused on eternity, not just the here-and-
even in the most difficult times. now. We need to cultivate that same mindset (Romans
8:18; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18).
by just ignoring what’s happening, pretending things Doing so not only strengthens us when going through
are better than they are, or simply thinking “happy personal setbacks, but it also fills us with hope when
thoughts.” we hear news coverage and commentary about all of
Being well-informed about the situations we face helps society’s problems. The suffering over mankind’s history
us to plan, strategize and be prepared for possible diffi- serves as a huge testimony to just how much we need
cult outcomes (Proverbs 22:3; 27:12). We’ll be less frantic Jesus Christ to return to establish the Kingdom of God
and calmer if we’re ready for what’s coming. In facing on earth. Know that He will return (Matthew 24:30;
the world scene, the Bible tells us what to watch for in Revelation 11:15; Daniel 2:44; Micah 1:3-4) and that
doidam10/iStock/Getty Images Plus
terms of prophetic events, in part so we can be prepared when He does the world’s troubles will be solved. Things
physically and spiritually. In introducing His prophecy may be bad now, but they will get better, and we don’t
of troubling world events that would occur before His have to look to fallible human beings to try to make this
return, Jesus Christ said, “See that you are not troubled” world a better place.
(Matthew 24:6). Being aware of what will occur helps us As long as we remember these truths, keep our focus
to be at peace with what is happening. on God’s Kingdom, continue to walk in His ways, and
Refusing to acknowledge the negative realities of this trust God to do what needs to be done to carry out His
life—perhaps not even allowing ourselves to watch the plans, we will find peace—even in this increasingly
news because it’s so unpleasant, or maybe spending a lot troubled world!
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • September-October 2023 23
e regularly receive questions asking, “Where are world’s growing dependence on fossil fuel, what happens
we in the flow of Bible prophecies?” It’s a good in this region has a major impact on the world.
question—to which there could be many answers. Today the threat of nuclear weapons is used to
Jesus was asked essentially the same question by His advance extreme religious ideology. The land of Israel
disciples near the end of His ministry. They wanted to is usually the focus when regional threats of war and
know when key events foretold by Isaiah, Jeremiah and strife erupt. Israel is determined to preserve its pres-
Ezekiel would happen. ence on the land promised to Abraham’s descendants
Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 record His response. millennia ago.
Here we find both details and major trends that must Look at your news feed anytime you see something
come to pass before the end of this age. Jesus cautions about Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia or other Middle East-
patience in expecting His return and the establishment of ern states. Learn their names and look at a map of the
His Kingdom, telling His followers, “See that you are not region. Examine a globe or world map and see the stra-
troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the tegic location of the Middle East in relation to other
end is not yet” (Matthew 24:6). nations. So much of world history and end-time
Jesus is essentially telling us, “Be patient and watch.” prophecy involves this area.
It is the patient waiting with endurance while having a
sharp understanding of the world that will give us the The rise of Babylon as a final Roman Empire
answer to where we are in the timeline of events leading A second key component of our geopolitical world-
to His second coming and the dawn of the new age of view is the prophesied rise of a system the Bible calls
the Kingdom of God. “Babylon the great.” The center of this coming world
system is Europe. Europe’s historic role as a seat of world
Three major prophetic trends, starting with the power, along with it being the cradle of Western Chris-
Middle East tendom, are central to understanding not only Western
In Beyond Today magazine we present a biblical civilization but the prophetic flow of the biblical books
worldview of geopolitical events based on major pro- of Daniel and Revelation.
phetic trends we learn from the Bible, especially three Over the centuries Europe nurtured the union of
key components. political, economic and religious power that centered
First, we watch what is happening in the Middle East on the growing role of the Roman Catholic papacy and
regarding the state of Israel. Jerusalem is the ground zero the political realm called the Holy Roman Empire. With
of Bible prophecy. It is where Jesus focused, such as in the crowning of Charlemagne in A.D. 800 there began
warning, “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by a church-state union that rose and fell, continually rein-
armies, then know that its desolation is near” (Luke 21:20). venting itself through the ages. Europe, in all its reviv-
The armies that gather to fight at the end of the age als, is the only world empire to contain the seeds of its
gather at Jerusalem, in “the valley of decision” (Joel 3), resurrection in the ashes of every collapse. The continent
pointing evidently to the Kidron Valley between the significantly shaped the modern world.
city’s east side and the Mount of Olives. Christ will We will yet see one more revival of this ancient sys-
return to this mountain from which He ascended after tem. Revelation 13:3 shows that the entire world will be
His resurrection (Zechariah 14:4; Acts 1:9-11). astounded when it watches the rise of a newly revived
From a geopolitical perspective the Middle East has Roman Empire: “And I saw one of his heads as if it had
greatly impacted the world in the last century. With been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was
the discovery of oil in the Arabian Peninsula and the healed. And all the world marveled and followed the
24 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
beast.” Its power and authority will greatly impact the this allows us to recognize the dangers of current trends
entire earth. that are disrupting our present world order.
For more than 27 years Beyond Today articles and Perhaps the one trend leading us straight into a moral
television programs have helped readers understand the spiral is the LGBTQ+ hysteria that seeks to reorder the
background to the European Union, which has become natural order of marriage, family, sexuality and gender—
a world economic power with a currency to rival the all gifts given by God. But now America is exporting
dollar. At present, the United States is still the most sig- this deadly poison. Each June, with growing fervency,
nificant nation in the world, with Europe nowhere near the nation is force-fed a diet of “pride month” propa-
challenging America’s role. The current EU is far from ganda meant to wear down our sensitivity to immorality
the end-time juggernaut described in the prophecies of of “Sodom and Gomorrah” proportions.
Daniel and Revelation. But it is still a major power, and The endgame is not merely social acceptance of queer
events in Europe have triggered a rise in spending for behavior or gay rights. It goes much further. The under-
armaments and military defense. lying objective is the total annihilation from the public
In fact, levels of spending are at levels not seen in arena of religious freedom and Bible-based religion in
more than 30 years, since the end of the Cold War. A big any form. This is demonic in its intent. Our generation
factor in that is the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. has seen nothing like it. Read the Genesis 19 account of
NATO countries realized the need to take on more the people of Sodom breaking down the doors of Lot’s
responsibility for their defense. home to get a picture of where we are heading.
Among the EU nations, Germany is currently the This is the battleground on which the destruction of
America is being fought.
A perverse spirit has seized America, and it is now Any nation that follows
this perverse lead will suf-
leading the world away from God. This is a time fer God’s judgment. We
to stay close to God and watch with patience. monitor this awful trend in
Beyond Today because we
largest supplier of money and arms to Ukraine. This understand the true “why” of America.
is second to America, which supplies more money and
weapons than anyone. The political and economic reali- We have forgotten God
ties of Europe are complicated. Germany and other EU This year marks the 40th anniversary of a powerful
states are heavily dependent on Russia to supply their speech given by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the great Soviet
vast energy needs. But any land war in Europe is sig- dissident. After receiving the Templeton Prize, he told
nificant to world stability. Russia’s actions have been a the story of the words he heard from old people tell-
wakeup call, showing European nations that they are ing him why the evil of communism took over Russia:
responsible for their own defense and cannot rely on “These things are happening, these great disasters have
the United States. befallen Russia, because men have forgotten God.”
History teaches us we should seek to understand these Sadly, a perverse spirit has seized America, and it is
events. Bible prophecy and Jesus Himself warn us to watch now leading the world away from God. This will bring
such matters and consider them with a biblical worldview. to pass major prophetic events preceding the end of this
age and the return of Jesus Christ.
The removal of the Abrahamic blessings This is a time to wait and watch with patient endur-
A third major prophetic theme we follow in Beyond ance. “Here is the patience of the saints; here are those
Today is the astounding role played by America and who keep the commandments of God and the faith of
Great Britain. These nations, their peoples, and by exten- Jesus” (Revelation 14:12). May you watch and heed!
sion much of the world’s inhabitants, received their pros-
perity by the divine design of the God who blessed the LEARN MORE
patriarch known as Abraham. The promises in Genesis To understand where these
that set Abraham and his descendants in a unique posi- major prophetic trends are
tion in the Bible story and human history spread wings leading, download or request
through time and came to rest upon these two nations. our free study guides The Unit-
ed States and Britain in Bible
This understanding of the Bible, prophecy and history is Prophecy, You Can Understand
little grasped today. But honest history combined with the Bible Prophecy and Are We
spiritual discernment of this promise brings a profound Living in the Time of the End?
perception of the plan and purpose of God. Not only do
history and Bible prophecy come alive with meaning, but
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • September-October 2023 25
26 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
Military developing
Diseases rise with open U.S. borders drone swarm defense
study published by the U.S. Centers for and overcrowded living conditions, infectious
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) re- diseases such as measles, cholera, tubercu- story posted at reported
vealed 159 new cases of leprosy in 2020, losis, chickenpox, scabies, respiratory infec- that “the Air Force Research Laboratory, or
doubling the number of reported cases over the tions, rashes, and eye infections have all been AFRL, conducted a demonstration, April
past decade. The state of Florida accounts for reported.” 5, 2023, of its high-power microwave coun-
the most cases, with others found in California, Furthermore, on June 6, a New York Post ter drone weapon . . . as it engaged a swarm
Louisiana, Hawaii, New York and Texas (“CDC: headline announced “CDC warns of deadly of multiple targets” (“AFRL Conducts Swarm
Researchers Suggest Leprosy May Become bacteria with 50% fatality rate that has been Technology Demonstration, May 17, 2023).
Endemic in Florida,” Breitbart, July 31, 2023). declared endemic to the U.S. Gulf Coast.” It lives The microwave beams were successful in
“Leprosy, otherwise known as Hansen’s mostly in the soil, yet primarily in subtropical disabling and dropping the targets. It’s further
disease, is a ‘chronic infectious disease’ . . . and tropical climates. “People are typically in- noted that “as the dangers from drone swarms
Researchers believe ‘prolonged person-to- fected by the bacteria through open wounds or evolve, leaders from across the Department of
person contact through respiratory droplets is by inhaling the germs during a strong storm” Defense are working closely to ensure we are
the most widely recognized route of transmis- (ibid.). And now it’s been carried up from the exploring different technologies like directed
sion’” (ibid.). south and deposited in the United States. energy to support the needs of the warfighter
The leprosy of the Bible is often regarded as a If that’s not enough, another New York Post in the future against such threats.”
broader category of skin diseases, but Hansen’s headline informs us “Malaria found in US for In the book of Revelation, the apostle John
disease would fit in that category—though first time in 20 years, alarming officials” (June was given a vision of what are apparently
biblical leprosy may have been a more conta- modern war machines, yet described from a
gious strain than what we see in modern times. first-century vantage point and vocabulary. In
It’s surprising to find the disease in the Revelation 9:3-12 we are told of “locusts” and
United States, as it’s been one of the neglected “scorpions” emerging from the smoke of the
tropical diseases affecting poorer nations. abyss moving loudly like chariots with many
The study noted that in Spain an increase in horses.
leprosy contracted locally rather than abroad It’s been speculated that the “locusts” could
accompanied a rise in immigration, pointing be attack helicopters, yet they might alterna-
out, “The number of international migrants in tively refer to newer swarming drone weap-
North America increased from 27.6 million per- ons. The “scorpions” with stings in their tails
sons in 1990 to 58.7 million in 2020.” And more 26, 2023). The alarm is not over the very small might be a reference to modern mobile mis-
recently America has seen the largest ever number of cases but that the cases were locally sile launchers, or perhaps they could refer to
influx of people across the southern border. acquired in Texas and Florida. Evidently people mounted beam weapons. The fact that they
Photos, from left: Dragos Condrea/iStock/Getty Images Plus,
It’s further reported that “a separate study who were infected with the malaria parasite cause terrible pain without killing for a while
by the National Institute of Health found a came into the U.S. and were bitten by mosqui- might also refer to modern pain beam weap-
high prevalence of tuberculosis (TB), hepatitis tos that then carried the malaria parasites to ons, though it could also refer to something like
B virus, hepatitis C virus, and human immuno- other people. chemical nerve agents.
deficiency virus among refugees and migrants As the influx of illegal immigration contin- It’s not entirely clear, but we should again
. . . Last year, border control encountered more ues to be facilitated by the current U.S. admin- remember that John was writing from the per-
than two million migrants at the U.S.-Mexico istration, these problems will no doubt get spective of never having seen any kind of mod-
border, many of who were from Venezuela, worse—along with the fact that God said He ern technology, so it makes sense that he would
Cuba, and Nicaragua, CNN reported” (ibid.). would bring judgment on national sins in the describe what he saw in terms familiar to him.
And as these come in droves to the border, form of various plagues. There will certainly be To help in understanding more of the imagery
“as a result of scant access to basic sanitation much more to come. in this book, download or request our free study
guide The Book of Revelation Unveiled.
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • September-October 2023 27
AND YOU Follow Me...
ome 2,500 years ago a woman was challenged with Esther as to whether we listen to our fears or lis-
with a life-or-death decision—to step forward for ten to the greater spiritual Mordecai—Jesus Christ,
her God and people or stand still and hope for as He bids us, “Follow Me.” Consider two basic truths
personal survival. observed by Austrian psychologist and holocaust sur-
In the decisive moment between stimulus and response vivor Viktor Frankl: 1) “Life is never made unbearable
came a message from the kinsman who had raised her: by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and pur-
“If you remain completely silent at this time, relief and pose”; and 2) “Decisions, not conditions, determine what
deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but a man is!”
you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows God has not called us to live in the twilight zone of
whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time indecision, for indecision is itself a decision that does
as this?” (Esther 4:13-14). not glorify God.
Mordecai’s timeless wisdom provoked righteous
action from his adoptive daughter, now Queen Esther, Stepping up to play our part for the Kingdom
leading her to plead for God’s covenant people before Let’s consider five needful and decisive steps to walk
her husband, a pagan ruler. She did not succumb to alongside Esther, with Jesus Christ as our partner, to
the lamenting inaction of “coulda, woulda, shoulda.” meet God’s future for us and glorify Him in so doing.
Instead, she embraced the call of a greater Kingdom Step 1: Rather than stagger at a world gone awry, we
beyond the Persian realm. ought to stagger at God’s having chosen us to grant us
How does this recorded event relate to our personal dis- His gift of grace (John 6:44, 65; Ephesians 2:8) for such
cipleship in Christ as we confront this life’s challenges? a time as this. The apostle Paul, during a personal chal-
lenge, was reminded by the risen Christ, “My grace is
Deciding and acting for the Kingdom—now! sufficient for you” (2 Corinthians 12:9). God’s grace—
In answering that question, we need to recognize the His inexhaustible bestowal of favor both in life and
ultimate Kingdom that has come our way and is now death—is sufficient for whatever comes our way.
knocking on the door of our hearts for such a time as Step 2: To quote noted author Steven Covey, an expert
this. Jesus announced in His preaching, “The time is ful- on success, “Begin with the end in mind.” God Himself
filled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and has laid out the ending and is working toward it: “I am
believe in the gospel [or good news]” (Mark 1:15). God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from
He was saying the inauguration of the new world age the beginning, and from ancient times things that are
has arrived in vital respects—so get a mind and a heart not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will
that fits it! It is to this eternal Kingdom, yet to fully do all My pleasure’” (Isaiah 46:9-10). And He wants us
come to the earth in God’s perfect timing, that we “have to work toward this end too.
come . . . for such a time as this.” This was the embedded heart-set of Him who says,
Again, we are not yet there in totality. Jesus prayed to “Follow Me.” He is the same One who “for the joy that
His Father regarding His true followers still living amid was set before Him [the future] endured the cross [the
this evil world: “Sanctify them [set them apart] by Your difficult now], despised [or disregarded] the shame, and
truth. Your word is truth. As you have sent Me into the has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God”
world, I have also sent them into the world” (John 17:17- (Hebrews 12:2).
18). God’s Word would galvanize believers into action. This needs to be more than just our worldview or out-
So why here, why now, why you and me? The train- look. We need God’s ageless vision to guide us through
ing for life in that ultimate Kingdom is now, here below, our present times of trouble and challenge. For a disciple
with help from above! of Christ, to “begin with the end in mind” means to
It is here we stand in the doorway of decision-making take each breath of life remembering that God is a
28 Beyond Today • B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g
guiding presence molding us as His new spiritual cre- I will keep Your righteous judgments” (verses 105-106).
ation into the image of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). God’s Word is not only a “homing device” as to where
Step 3: “Cut out the noise!” So many voices come at we are in the moment, but also a “spiritual GPS” to
us every day and in every moment that can strangle where God waits for us to meet Him. A Bible not opened
and then devour our entire attention. They are distrac- on a daily basis might as well be lost in a closet full of
tive, addictive and not only time-consuming but life- everything else you are not using. How can we continue
consuming. to “walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and estab-
Jesus as a human being in the physical realm would lished in the faith” (Colossians 2:6-7), if we do not hear
the Voice that comes to us through the Word of God?
Step 5: Value and take time to stop everything to pray
to our Heavenly Father. If we are not talking to Him,
that means we are alone talking to ourselves—like an
unsound person on a street corner having the most
animated solo conversation with himself and going
Jesus not only instructs His disciples on how to pray,
but He left us with His expectation of “when you pray . . .”
(Luke 11:2). Our Heavenly Father’s ears are attentive
and open to our prayers (1 Peter 3:12). Jesus had such
confidence in stating, “Father, I thank You that You have
heard Me. And I know that You always hear Me . . .”
(John 11:41-42).
It’s when we live in the world of prayer that we know
“the Lord is at hand” and can follow Paul’s encourage-
ment to “be anxious for nothing, but in everything by
prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your
requests be made known to God; and the peace of God,
which surpasses all understanding [better than the
facts on the ground], will guard your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:5-7).
It is “for such a time as this” that we physically walk
through the kingdom of man. But it is “for such a time
as this” that we have been called by God’s grace to come
now to a better Kingdom, standing for
Queen Esther did not succumb to inaction, what’s right as we follow the spiritual
footsteps of the One who says, “Fol-
but instead embraced the call of a greater low Me.”
Kingdom beyond the Persian realm. The door of decision-making is
before us, both for the here and now
occasionally call “timeouts” and remove Himself from as well as for the future. Like the prophet Isaiah, we have
the crowds following Him. So many people today have received a great calling and invitation from above: “And
Providence Collection/licensed from
their eyes and hearts addictively glued to their smart- I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: ‘Whom shall I
phones that they don’t have time to “consider the lilies send, and who will go for Us?’” (Isaiah 6:8).
of the field” (Matthew 6:23-34). Psalm 46:10 tells us, Will we respond like Isaiah? “Then I said, ‘Here am I!
“Be still and know that I am God.” For “such a time as Send me.’”
this,” a choice lies before us as to whether we will stay
glued to our smartphones to see what people are saying LEARN MORE
and doing or take the next decisive step and see what Perhaps you are where you are in life, and in
God is saying and doing for our long-term well-being. reading this publication, for God’s intention that
Step 4: Treasure God’s Word and “don’t leave home you take a stand for Him and His Kingdom to-
day. Send for or download our free study guide
without it,” keeping its daily influence tucked away and Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conver-
locked in the recesses of our heart. Calling God’s Word sion. It will help you in following through.
“a lamp to my feet and a light to my path,” the writer of
Psalm 119 maintained, “I have sworn and confirmed that
B Tm a g a z i n e . o r g • September-October 2023 29
Response to “The Uniqueness of the Human Body” I can only congratulate you on this courageous and stirring issue. Would
it be possible to receive 5-10 more copies of this issue so that I can pass
I very much appreciate this article and especially hope it reaches many
them on to selected friends and acquaintances? Of course, I would be
young people. It would be a helpful tool for combatting so much misinfor-
happy to make a small contribution towards expenses for this.
mation put forth as truth. Thanks much for making it available.
Subscriber in Germany
From the Internet
Comments from around the world
“How Do We Make God Real to Our Children?”
I like the helpful info you provide in your articles. I’ll bookmark your
I love this article so much! We live in a society that does not value God website and check again here regularly. I am quite sure I will learn many
or parents and too often parents abdicate their role of teacher to someone new things right here!
else. Too many parents believe they are better off letting someone do the From the Internet
teaching when the best possible person is the parent. Thank you for giving
some pointers on how to go about laying that foundation for teaching the I have been reading a lot of your material for a number of years now
children God has given to us. and appreciate what the church and all your people do for me.
From the Internet Subscriber in Queensland, Australia
Part 2 of this article, with more pointers, begins on page 19 of this issue. Thank you with much appreciation for sending Beyond Today magazine
“A World Embracing Evil”
to us. Your magazine’s Christian informational and helpful articles on world
events and history are beyond expectation.
Thank you so much for all you are doing. I love your magazine and Subscriber in New Zealand
am enjoying your articles of truth. Indeed it is “a world embracing evil.”
Not to despair, Jesus will return, and He does not fail His promises. So be Viewers of Beyond Today television send their thoughts
encouraged and keep up the good work. Thank you for teaching the Bible the way it should be. Most churches
Subscriber in Tasmania now seem to water everything down to suit their own members. I regret
I cannot find your program on TV.
You recently published a request from a former subscriber not to send From the Internet
any more of your literature. The writer of the email rebuked your teachings
as not of God but of Satan. I wanted to comment that this person is wrong We’re glad you enjoy it! While we do air on a number of broadcast and
for saying such a thing about your publications. Your literature is all from cable networks (see the full listing on page 31), you can always find Beyond
the written Word of God. Beyond Today published the truth only. Thanks for Today on streaming boxes like Roku, smart TVs and on YouTube. You can also
the great work that you do for all Christians. Sincerely, a very avid reader of find our entire archive of nearly 500 programs online at
Beyond Today.
Subscriber in Canton, Ohio Just a short note to thank you for your TV programs and the magazines
you so kindly send. Please keep sending them. We are sending a small
Thank you for the new issue of Gute Nachrichten [the German edition donation to help with your great work for our Creator God.
of Beyond Today] magazine. I am so glad that you are reporting on Satan’s Subscribers in Victoria, Australia
influence in your magazine. Sometimes I get the impression that his
Appreciation for free Bible study guides
existence is no longer even a teaching among Christians. In the European
Song Contest there are music groups that clearly worship the devil. I can’t I have received several of your booklets and find them to be excellent
even watch that show anymore because the images get stuck in my head. Bible study helps. Currently, my major Bible focus centers on the book
Thank you for enlightening us about this influence. of Revelation. I’m also digging deeper to learn more about God’s holy
Subscriber in Germany Sabbath and how it is that many mainline Christian churches trample all
over it, despite it being one of the Ten Commandments. I’ve yet to read
Visit Beyond Today on Facebook! where God changed His mind or amended the Ten Commandments.
So far as I know, God’s day of rest was a gift to His creation, a day for the
If you’re on Facebook, visit our appreciation, respect, worship and dedication to God by all His creation.
Beyond Today magazine page. See From the Internet
what other readers are saying. Find
links to interesting articles and Web
commentaries. Become a Beyond I just want to thank you so very much for the literature that will be com-
Today magazine Facebook fan! ing to me! I have so many questions and hope your literature will help me
I really enjoy Beyond Today maga- understand and answer a lot of my questions! God bless you!
zine. It gives a good understanding
of the Bible and highlights informa- From the Internet
tion not found elsewhere. I highly
recommend this magazine to all.
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– K.T., Facebook fan ters to Beyond Today, P.O. Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1027, U.S.A.,
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