TCW Prelim Module 3
TCW Prelim Module 3
TCW Prelim Module 3
1. tariff ____________________________________________________
2. interdependence___________________________________________
3. international capital________________________________________
4. trade laterization__________________________________________
5. free trade_______________________________________________
The United Nations (UN) tried to address the different problems in the
world. Their efforts were guided by the eight Millennium Development Goals,
which ft-7 in the 1990s. Among these eight goals are:
• the eradication of extreme poverty
• achieving universal primary education,
• promoting gender equality and women empowerment
• reducing child mortality and improving maternal health
• combating diseases like HIV/AIDS and malaria
• ensuring environmental sustainability
• having a global partnership for development (United The UN tried to
achieve them by the year 2015.
• Protectionism means "a policy of systematic government
intervention in foreign trade with the objective of encouraging
domestic production. This encouragement involves giving
preferential treatment to domestic producers and
discriminating against foreign competitors" (McAleese, 2007 as
cited in Ritzer, 2015, p. 1169).
➢ In some places, mobile phones help farmers get information and get the best
price for the crops they are producing. Installing cellphone towers is also a lot
cheaper than running thousands of kilometers of telephone lines.
➢ Economists call this leapfrogging, the idea that countries can skip straight to
more efficient and cost-effective technologies that were not available in the
past. International trade has also created new opportunities for people to sell
their products and labor in a global marketplace.
➢ There are various ways, however, the country can make trade easier with other
countries while lessening the inequities in the global world. One of them is
"fair trade" (Nicholls and Opal, 2005).
Environmental Degradation
Food Security
➢ But perhaps the closest aspect of human life associated with food
security is the environment. The challenges to food security can
be traced to the protection of the environment.
➢ The gap between the richest and the poorest nations are
greater today than in the past.
➢ Some are relatively poor, but many are not. For example,
lumping Botswana and Rwanda into the same category does not
make much sense because the average income per capita of
Botswana is nine times larger than in Rwanda.
➢ The terms "Global North" and "Global South" are a way for
countries in the South to make a stand about the common issues,
problems, and even causes in order to have equality all
throughout the world.