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Integration of Renewable Energy Sources to Power

Grid in Azerbaijan: A Review

1st Tural Aliyev 2nd Nihad Zalov 3rd Ilgar Guliyev
Department of Electrical and Department of Electrical and Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering
The George Washington The George Washington The George Washington
University University University
Washington DC, USA Washington DC, USA Washington DC, USA guliyev

Abstract—Azerbaijan, a country rich in oil and gas reserves, prioritized strengthening renewable energy deployment within
has traditionally relied on conventional fossil fuels for its energy the country. The primary objective is to diversify the energy
needs. However, with increasing global concerns over climate mix and foster sustainability, positioning renewable energy
change and the need to diversify energy sources, Azerbaijan has
recognized the potential of renewable energy and has embarked sources as a fundamental pillar of Azerbaijan’s energy sector.
on a journey to integrate it into its power grid. The intermittent This review aims to provide an overview of the current status,
nature of renewable sources poses technical and regulatory chal- challenges, and opportunities associated with the integration of
lenges, requiring advanced grid management and energy storage renewable energy sources into the power grid in Azerbaijan.
systems. By implementing favourable policies and overcoming Understanding the experiences and lessons learned from other
technical barriers, Azerbaijan can achieve energy security, reduce
emissions, and contribute to a sustainable future. countries can serve as a valuable reference point in formulating
effective strategies and policies to accelerate the transition
I. I NTRODUCTION towards a sustainable energy future in Azerbaijan.

The forthcoming decades are projected to experience a

substantial reduction in the availability of traditional energy II. G ENERAL S TATUS OF R ENEWABLE E NERGY
sources. This outcome can be attributed to two main fac-
tors: the steady growth of the global population and the In alignment with the socio-economic development priori-
expanding reliance on exhaustible energy sources, specifically ties of the Republic of Azerbaijan, increasing emphasis is be-
hydrocarbon reserves. The integration of renewable energy ing placed on the utilization of renewable energy sources and
sources into the power grid is a critical step towards achieving the widespread adoption of environmentally friendly technolo-
a sustainable and environmentally friendly energy system. gies in both the present and the future. To facilitate progress
As the world moves towards reducing dependence on fossil in this realm, comprehensive surveys have been conducted
fuels and mitigating climate change, countries worldwide are nationwide to identify and prioritize areas with significant
exploring the potential of renewable energy technologies. The potential for renewable energy sources. Additionally, national
top five countries in terms of the amount of energy derived priorities play a pivotal role in fulfilling the commitments
from renewable resources are China, the United States, Brazil, outlined in the United Nations ”Transforming Our World:
Germany, and Canada. These nations have made significant The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” These ini-
strides in harnessing renewable energy to meet their energy tiatives underscore the country’s dedication to sustainable
demands and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Azerbaijan also development and the attainment of long-term socio-economic
stands as a nation with considerable prospects for harnessing objectives. Azerbaijan has a total power generation capacity
renewable energy sources. The technical capacity for renew- of 7954 MW. Within this capacity, renewable energy power
able energy sources within Azerbaijan is estimated at 135 plants, including large hydropower installations, contribute
GW on land and 157 GW at sea. In terms of economic 1312 MW, accounting for approximately 16.5 per cent of
potential, renewable energy sources are projected to reach 27 the overall capacity. This demonstrates a significant portion
GW, encompassing 3,000 MW of wind energy, 23,000 MW of the ’s energy mix is derived from renewable sources. The
of solar energy, 380 MW of bioenergy potential, and 520 MW integration of renewable energy aligns with Azerbaijan’s com-
of mountain river potential [1]. Despite Azerbaijan’s substan- mitment to diversify its energy sources and reduce reliance on
tial wealth of energy resources and its status as a notable conventional fossil fuels. By incorporating renewable energy
global energy exporter, the utilization of renewable energy into its power sector, Azerbaijan strives to promote sustain-
sources has remained a prominent focus. Under the control able development and align with global initiatives aimed at
of Azerbaijan’s government, the energy security policy has achieving a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.
duction, considering both large hydropower plants and other
renewable sources, reached 201.4 MW in 2022. This accounts
for approximately 2.5 per cent of the total electricity produc-
tion capacity in Azerbaijan. The following table highlights the
growing presence and contribution of hydropower plants as re-
newable energy sources within the country’s energy sector [2].
During the year 2022, the electricity generation in the republic


Hydro Power Plants Small Hydro Power Plants

Mingachevir HPP−402 MW Gulabird SHPP−7.5 MW
Shamkir HPP−380 MW Oghuz SHPP 1,2,3−3.6 MW
Yenikend HPP−150 MW Goychay SHPP−3.1 MW
Fuzuli HPP−25 MW Ismayıllı-1 SHPP−1.6 MW
Takhtakorpu HPP−25 MW Ismayıllı-2 SHPP−1.6 MW
Shamkirchay HPP−25 MW Balaken-1 SHPP−1.5 MW
Varvara HPP−16.5 MW Gusar SHPP−1 MW
Araz HPP−44 MW Vaykhır HPP−5 MW
Bilev HPP−22 MW
Arpachay 1, Arpachay 2−21.9 MW
Ordubad HPP−36 MW
Fig. 1. Global Horizontal Irradiation map of Azerbaijan

reached a total of 28.9 billion kWh. Within this timeframe,

hydroelectric power plants (HPPs) contributed 1595.7 million
kWh to the overall electricity production, while other sources
such as thermal power plants, geothermal energy, and biomass
plants accounted for 349.5 million kWh. Wind power plants
generated 83.3 million kWh of electricity throughout the year,
while solar power stations produced 60.9 million kWh. Addi-
tionally, the solid household waste incineration plant generated
205.3 million kWh of electricity. The electricity generated
from renewable energy sources constituted approximately 7
per cent of the total electricity production. The State Agency
for Alternative and Renewable Energy (SAARE) in Azerbaijan
has successfully implemented and developed several wind and
solar farm projects. According to the 2014 report issued by
SAARE, a total of 12 wind plants were included, collectively
possessing an installed capacity of 402.94 MW. These projects
represent a significant contribution to the renewable energy
Fig. 2. Mean Wind Speed at 100-m Altitude sector in Azerbaijan, highlighting the country’s commitment
to expanding its wind energy infrastructure and harnessing
the potential of clean and sustainable power source.n the
A. Current Status of Renewable Energy 2018 presentation by the Ministry of Energy, a vision was
outlined for the establishment and advancement of six wind
In Azerbaijan, the hydropower capacity is reported to be
plants. This forward-looking plan demonstrated the strategic
1159.2 MW, distributed across 30 stations, including 20 small
intent of the Ministry to promote the growth of wind energy
hydropower stations. The wind energy capacity amounts to generation in Azerbaijan. By envisioning the development
66.1 MW, generated by 8 stations, with 2 of them being hybrid of these wind plants, the Ministry aimed to tap into the
installations. The bioenergy capacity is 37.7 MW, derived from country’s wind resources and further diversify the renewable
2 stations, including 1 hybrid plant. Solar energy capacity
energy portfolio. Such initiatives highlight the government’s
totals 51.9 MW, generated by 12 stations, with 2 of them being
commitment to sustainable energy development and the re-
hybrid facilities. Two hybrid power plants, namely Gobustan
alization of a greener and more resilient energy sector. As
and Julfa, have installed wind capacity of 2.81 MW, solar reported by the Ministry of Energy of Azerbaijan in 2020,
capacity of 3.8 MW, and bioenergy capacity of 0.7 MW. the cumulative installed solar capacity amounted to 40 MW,
Furthermore, in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, distributed among 11 solar plants. This signifies the progress
solar power plants operate with a combined capacity of 39 made in expanding solar energy infrastructure within the coun-
MW. Overall, the installed capacity for renewable energy pro- try. This achievement reflects the government’s commitment
TABLE II holding renewable energy auctions in Azerbaijan” project is
L IST OF I NSTALLED AND E NVISAGED W IND P OWER P LANTS (WPP S ) IN being executed in collaboration with the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). This initiative aims
Name of the WPP Output Capacity (MW) to establish auction rules, conditions, and documentation for
Gobustan 2.7 the procurement and sale of electricity, including qualification
Shurabad −1 15
Shurabad −2 25 requirements and request for proposals documents.
Pirakushkul −1 60
The ongoing implementation of this project demonstrates
Pirakushkul −2 150
Shurabad −3 33 Azerbaijan’s commitment to advancing renewable energy de-
Sitalchay 25 ployment, facilitating private sector participation, and ensur-
Khizi 3.6 ing transparent and competitive processes in the renewable
Mushfig 9
Pirallahi Wind Park 15
energy market. These actions reflect the country’s dedication
New Yashma 50 to sustainable energy development and the achievement of
Ecological Park 0.04 its renewable energy targets. In accordance with the Paris
Clean City 9.6 Agreement, which was adopted during the 21st Conference of
Samukh Agro-Energy Complex 5
TOTAL 402.94 the Parties on December 12, 2015, the Republic of Azerbaijan
has submitted its nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
to the Convention Secretariat. In line with global efforts to ad-
dress the impacts of climate change, Azerbaijan has committed
to promoting solar power generation as a key component of to a specific target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by
its energy diversification strategy. 35 per cent by the year 2030, relative to the base year of 1990.
This demonstrates the country’s dedication to contributing to
TABLE III international initiatives aimed at mitigating climate change
2018 and aligning with the global objective of limiting global
temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius. During
Name of the SPP Capacity (MW) the COP26 Conference held in Glasgow in November 2021,
Surakhani 1.7
Sumgait 1.8 Azerbaijan made a new commitment to reduce emissions by 40
Pirallahi −1 2.2 per cent by the year 2050. Additionally, the country pledged to
Pirallahi −2 7.2 establish a ”net zero emission” zone in the territories that have
Samukh −1 0.4
Samukh −2 7.2
been liberated from occupation. To accomplish these ambitious
Gobustan HES (solar component) 5.0 goals, the Ministry of Energy has set a primary objective of
Khizi-2 HES (solar component) 10.0 increasing the proportion of renewable energy investments in
Absheron HES (solar component) 10.0 the country’s overall energy balance to 30 per cent by 2030.
Siyazan 4.5
TOTAL 50 To achieve this target, Azerbaijan has planned the cre-
ation of approximately 1500 MW of new generation capac-
ities through the use of Build-Operate-Own-Transfer (BOOT)
models. These new capacities will be predominantly based
B. Future Vision on renewable energy sources, contributing to the reduction
Extensive efforts are underway to assess the potential for of greenhouse gas emissions and promoting a sustainable
electricity production from renewable energy sources in Azer- energy transition. By focusing on renewable energy expansion,
baijan and determine the necessary steps and measures for Azerbaijan aims to diversify its energy mix and enhance the
harnessing this potential. To identify and prioritize areas with resilience of its energy sector while aligning with global
renewable energy potential, eight specific locations have been efforts to combat climate change. On January 9, 2020, the
selected for evaluation. In alignment with this, pilot projects Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan entered into
are already underway in three of these areas, demonstrating a executive agreements with ”ACWA Power” of Saudi Arabia
proactive approach towards implementation. and ”Masdar” of the United Arab Emirates, pertaining to the
implementation of pilot projects focused on renewable energy.
While wind energy projects are being pursued, there is also These agreements were formalized within the premises of
a strategic focus on leveraging the country’s extensive solar the Cabinet of Ministers. In compliance with the stipulations
energy potential. Future plans involve the implementation of set forth in the aforementioned agreements, pilot projects
solar energy projects throughout various regions, utilizing non- involving the establishment of wind power plants with a total
arable land and strategically distributing electricity generation capacity of 240 MW by ”ACWA Power,” as well as solar
capacities across renewable energy sources. power plants with a combined capacity of 230 MW by the
A dedicated focus is being placed on investment in identified ”Masdar” company, have been envisaged. On January 13,
areas with significant renewable energy potential through 2022, the groundbreaking ceremony of the 240 MW ”Khizi-
a competitive auction process. Currently, the ”Support for Absheron” Wind Power Plant, and on March 15, 2022, the
230 MW ”Garadagh” Solar Power Plant was held [3]. On June A. Power Quality
1, 2023, the Ministry of Energy of Azerbaijan and the Chi-
nese company ”China Gezhouba Group Overseas Investment” The quality of electric power encompasses various pa-
signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to facili- rameters, including continuity of service, voltage amplitude
tate the realization of large-scale renewable energy initiatives and frequency variations, transient voltages and currents, and
amounting to 2 GW within Azerbaijan. The MoU encompasses harmonic content. These parameters collectively define the
collaborative efforts to evaluate the viability of investment characteristics and reliability of the supplied electric power
opportunities in diverse sectors, including industrial-scale solar [6]. The power quality problem is generally defined as any
energy, both onshore and offshore wind energy, energy storage deviation in the magnitude, frequency, or waveform shape
systems, integrated smart energy systems, and green hydrogen of voltage and current that leads to failures or malfunctions
production projects. Additionally, the document outlines the in customer equipment. In other words, it refers to any
company’s responsibilities in conducting assessments related abnormality in the electrical supply that adversely affects the
to network connectivity, environmental impact, and geological performance or operation of electrical devices and systems.
and topographic surveys pertinent to the proposed projects. PV systems encounter power quality (PQ) issues stemming
During the ”Baku Energy Week” held in the Autonomous from fluctuations in solar radiation, cloud shadows, and the
Republic of Nakhchivan, a special session titled ”Green energy non-linear behaviour of power electronic components such as
potential of Nakhchivan and Eastern Zangezur” took place inverters and filters.
on June 3, 2023. Within this session, the Ministry of Energy On the other hand, wind turbines face PQ problems arising
and ”Nobel Energy Management” disclosed their plans for the from variations in wind speed, tower shadows, yaw errors
establishment and operation of a 400 MW solar power plant in caused by a misalignment between the wind direction and
the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan. In addition, memo- turbine facing direction, and the operation of power electronics
randums of understanding were formalized with TotalEnergies, devices. These factors contribute to PQ challenges specific to
encompassing collaborative efforts regarding the exportation PV and wind systems [7]. Power quality-related phenomena
of electricity to the Republic of Turkey. Further collaboration can be classified into two main groups. The first group
was agreed upon for the development of a 250 MW onshore comprises phenomena arising from the fluctuating nature of
wind power project, a 250 MW solar power plant project, and energy resources. These fluctuations can directly impact the
the assessment and implementation of energy storage systems quality of power generated by renewable energy systems.
projects, all within the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic [4]. The second group encompasses phenomena resulting from the
interaction between power electronic interfaces and the power
III. C HALLENGES system [8]. Power quality (PQ) issues arising from fluctuating
The growing adoption of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) energy resources include:
and the intermittent nature of the power they generate pose • Over voltage during feed−in
challenges related to stability, reliability, and power quality • Long and short term voltage fluctuations
in the primary electrical grid [5]. Presently, the integration • Unbalance
of renewable energy systems into the grid is predominantly • Frequency deviation
carried out at the low voltage (LV) distribution level, while
the possibility of grid integration can also extend to the PQ issues arising from the power electronics interface in
transmission level for larger capacity systems. The choice renewable energy systems include:
of integration level depends on the generation capacity of
renewable energy sources. This is represented in Fig.3. Further, • Harmonic injection
these challenges can be broadly categorized into two groups: • Resonance phenomena
technical challenges and non-technical challenges. At the • Inrush currents
following sub−topics the issues will be clarified. • Decreased damping of the grid due to non−linearities

Most commonly, power quality issues for renewable energy

integration refer to voltage and frequency fluctuations and
harmonics. In a power system, voltage variations are primarily
influenced by the flow of reactive power, while frequency
variations are determined by the rate of change in real power
flow. To mitigate voltage and frequency fluctuations, control
measures can be implemented [9]. Renewable energy gener-
ation utilizing power electronic converters or inverters often
leads to the generation of harmonics. To address this issue,
researchers have investigated and proposed various methods
for harmonics mitigation and compensation [10]. Active power
Fig. 3. Grid connected distributed resources filters have been extensively researched and implemented as
C. Network Voltage Variation

The operation of distribution systems is impacted by the

presence of unbalanced voltages. At the distribution level, both
loads and renewable generators can be either three-phase or
single-phase. When a single-phase source, such as a small PV
system, is interconnected, it can contribute to an increase in
system imbalance. Additionally, inherently unbalanced distri-
bution systems can create challenges for three-phase renewable
energy sources that are connected to them. The resulting
unbalanced currents in the generators can lead to issues such
as overheating and frequent shutdowns. The increase in feeder
voltage is influenced by the X/R ratio of the line. In the case
of high-voltage (HV) transmission lines, the X/R ratio tends
to be higher, indicating that the reactance (X) significantly
exceeds the resistance (R) due to the geometric properties
Fig. 4. Caption
and low resistance of the conductors. On the other hand,
distribution feeders are characterized by relatively low X/R
values, meaning that the resistance (R) is comparable to the
an effective solution for harmonic reduction [11]. reactance (X).
To illustrate this, consider a 400 kV line with an X/R ratio
of 16, while an 11 kV line typically has an X/R ratio of 1.5.
The X/R ratio reflects the relationship between the reactance
B. Forecasting and resistance in the line [13].
Figure 4 depicts the voltage profile of a distribution system,
Indeed, forecasting plays a crucial role in power systems, showcasing the differences in voltage with and without the
particularly in grid system planning, to ensure stability and presence of distributed generation (DG). This figure provides
high reliability. In the context of renewable energy technolo- a visual representation of how the voltage profile is affected
gies, accurate power generation forecasting becomes challeng- by the integration of DG into the distribution system.
ing due to their dependency on weather and environmental
factors. The inherent variability and intermittency of renewable
energy sources make it difficult to precisely predict their power
Accurate load forecasting is generally achieved in power
system distribution, which contributes to the smooth operation
Fig. 5. Grid connected distributed resources
of the system by ensuring a constant and reliable power
supply that meets future load demands. However, in the
case of renewable energy technologies, forecasting studies are D. Reactive Power Compensation Capability
essential for power generation rather than load forecasting.
Since the primary source of power from renewables is often Voltage instability in an electric network can be attributed to
variable and uncontrollable, integrating renewable energy into unbalance in reactive power (VAR), resulting in voltage drops
the grid becomes more complex. across buses and lines. In the case of wind turbines equipped
with induction generators, specifically, Type-A (fixed speed)
The accuracy of power generation forecasts becomes crucial
and Type-B (limited variable speed) turbines, the provision
for managing and optimizing the integration of renewable
energy sources into the grid. Advanced forecasting techniques, of reactive power support becomes necessary. These turbines
such as weather forecasting models combined with historical consume a significant amount of reactive power, approximately
data analysis, machine learning algorithms, and advanced data 35−40 per cent of the rated active power at no load and around
60 per cent at full load [14].
analytics, are employed to improve the accuracy of power
generation forecasts. By enhancing the precision of these To address the VAR requirements of these wind turbines,
forecasts, grid operators can better anticipate and manage capacitor banks are commonly utilized for compensating the
the fluctuations in renewable energy generation, leading to reactive power. However, it’s important to note that Type-A
more efficient and reliable integration of renewable energy into and Type-B wind turbines do not actively participate in system
the grid system. Additionally, Indeed, each renewable energy voltage control. Instead, they rely on external reactive power
technology possesses unique characteristics, which necessitate support, such as capacitor banks, to ensure the required VAR
specific forecast studies and research approaches [12]. is supplied [15].
E. Variation of Power Generation and Speed considerations influence the most economically and practically
feasible solutions. Typically, systems require enhanced flex-
The varying levels of power generation from renewable ibility to accommodate the increased variability introduced
energy (RE) technologies present another challenge for RE- by renewable energy sources. This flexibility can be achieved
grid integration. Small fluctuations in power output may not through improved forecasting methods, optimized operational
cause significant issues. However, when the magnitude of practices, the integration of energy storage systems, the uti-
power output fluctuations becomes substantial, it becomes lization of demand-side flexibility, the deployment of flexible
necessary to address specific requirements and considerations. generators, and other mechanisms [17]. In Azerbaijan, the
Large fluctuations in power output from RE sources can Independent System Operator, AzerEnergy, is working towards
introduce instability and reliability concerns in the grid. These integrating renewable energy sources with conventional power
fluctuations can potentially affect the overall grid performance plants through a hybrid system. By doing so, the hybrid system
and cause disruptions to the power supply. Another challenge aims to leverage the benefits of both types of generation,
specific to solar energy is the variation in power production ensuring a more reliable and sustainable power supply for the
throughout the day. The amount of power generated by solar country [18].
systems is not constant and can vary significantly depending −Forecasting of wind and solar resources: By employing
on the time of day. The highest power output typically occurs forecasting techniques, grid operators can make informed
around noon when the sun is at its peak position, while the decisions regarding the commitment of units in response to
power output is lower in the morning and afternoon. This changes in wind and photovoltaic (PV) generation.
variation in solar power production can have implications for
grid stability and load management [16]. An extra aspect to −Wind-PV hybrid systems: By combining wind and solar
consider in the integration of renewable energy (RE) into PV in a hybrid system, the overall power output becomes
the grid is the speed of power output fluctuations. These more balanced and less susceptible to extreme fluctuations.
fluctuations can occur at various timescales, ranging from hour This helps to improve the overall reliability and stability of
to hour, minute to minute, or even second to second. the power supply.
−Load Conditioning: This approach makes sure that the
F. Cost Issue linked equipment is less sensitive to power supply disruptions,
enabling functioning even with substantial voltage aberrations.
It is indeed evident that encountering these challenges
−Energy Storage: This allows excess energy generated dur-
can have economic implications. The accurate prediction of
ing periods of high renewable generation to be stored and used
power generation is crucial for effective power generation
during times of low generation or high demand. By capturing
forecasting, which, in turn, relies on the precision of power
and storing this surplus energy, energy storage systems help
generation estimations. The reliability of these estimations
balance supply and demand, ensuring more efficient utilization
impacts the overall economic planning and management of
of renewable resources and reducing the need for curtailment
the power system.
Furthermore, the location of large-scale renewable energy
plants often necessitates long-distance power transmission to V. C ONCLUSION
connect them with cities and grid substations. This extended
transmission involves the use of high-voltage transmission To sum up, increased environmental awareness and energy
lines, which can incur additional costs. The distance and volt- security concerns have propelled renewable energy systems to
age level of transmission lines influences the overall expenses the top of power generation programs in Azerbaijan. However,
associated with transferring power from renewable energy in the integration process to achieve the target, certain diffi-
plants to consumption centers. culties have been raised. This paper has addressed the actual
Considering these factors, addressing power generation challenges that can be faced in the industry and given possible
uncertainties and optimizing the location and transmission solutions. The interconnection of renewable energy generation
infrastructure of renewable energy plants become significant at the distribution level poses significant issues pertaining to
for minimizing economic costs and ensuring efficient energy voltage control, power quality, and protection.
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