Jaap Sahib Synopsis 7
Jaap Sahib Synopsis 7
Jaap Sahib Synopsis 7
jwpu swihb
Jàp Sàhib
Part 1: Gurmukhi with Transliteration & Synopsis of seven different English Translations with Colour-Code Dictionary
Duality, Polarity and the Thin Path In-Between Both are the opening chapters of two treasures of Divine revelation, Whereas Japji Sahib is structured and numbered into 38 Pauris • Quotes from various Rehitnamas in English translation: [6]
the Siri Guru Adi Granth and the Siri Dasam Granth, respectively. ("steps") and 2 Sloks, Jaap Sahib is divided into 22 sections, most of
In this time of kali yug - the dark age of discord - the prevalent ◦ Prashan uttar: "Arise with the dawn and with love subdue your
Again a pair of brother and sister, mother and father, two legs to walk them titled as chand ("chant"). However, the numbering in Jaap
experience of the human being is duality. Mental activity dominates mind. Repeat the sacred words Vaahi Guroo. Having bathed
on, two wings to fly. Both compositions are usually read together Sahib is not by chands, but by 199 lines. The different chands vary in
self perception, and duality is the very nature of the human mind. We recite both Japji and Jaap."
every day in the Amrit Vela and for the occasion of the Amrit length and, most importantly, in rhythm and phonetic, giving them
can only think within the contrast of polarities, right and wrong, good Sanchaar, the baptism ceremony, which infuses the spirit of their their distinct energy and effect. These chands seem to be designed ◦ Sakhi Rahit Ki: "During the last watch of the night, a Sikh
and bad, attraction and repulsion, positive and negative mind. The sound - the naad - into the Amrit - the nectar of immortality - to be read each in their particular rhythm and speed which unfolds should arise, bathe, and after cleaning his teeth, should read
neutral mind, intuition, the voice of the heart, which can transcend the administered to the student onto the crown chakra (the tenth gate), and enhances their particular flavour. Overall, Jaap Sahib is to be both the Japji and Jaap. He who is unable to read should recite
confined thinking process and align us into a more global picture of into the eyes, and into the inside of the body by drinking. The two read not too slow, but rather swift and every moving, like a dancing from memory two stanzas of both Japji and Jaap. [...] At
the Will and Guidance of Divine Existence (the Hukam), are rarely centuries between the conception of these two corner-stones of the warrior. Some chands give their reading instruction and style in their midday he should wash his feet and hands, having done so he
developed and used. Dharma exemplify a journey of both, the individual student and the title: Bhujang prayaad ("swiftly moving cobra"), Chaachree should recite both Japji and Jaap."
The teachings for kali yug often give pairs of balancing polarities community of saints, from the awakening of purity, simplicity and ("Lightning"), Charpat ("Strike"), Madhubhaar ("middle weight") etc.
humility in communion with existence to the royalty and ◦ Desa Singh Rahitnama: "Arise at daybreak and, having bathed,
which help to transcend duality through mental paradox and recite Japji and Jaap. Give gifts as your resources permit, for
balanced lifestyle: Miri - Piri (living in the world - with spiritual uncompromising bravery of the warrior-saint, from Bhakti to Shakti.
thus you will be accounted a supremely wise Singh."
essence and priority), Bana - Bani (outer appearance and sign - inner The Guru's Beloved's Miscellanea
purification and reconnection through the Divine word), Seva - ◦ Daya Singh Rahitnama: "He wears white kachhera and a
• The Jaap Sahib was composed by Guru Gobind Singh at
Simran (selfless service - remembrance through continued Guru Gobind Singh's Jaap Sahib - turban of blue; faithfully he recites both Japji and Jaap."
Bhagpura, Anandpur Sahib in 1677. Chaupa Singh narrates that
meditation), Karta - Purkh (doer, matter with qualities - pure spirit and The Rhythm of War Dance ◦ Prem Sumarg conveys figuratively: In the last watch of the night
the Guru dictated the composition himself when he was about 16
consciousness), Bhakti - Shakti (devotion and surrender - strength recite Japji and Jaap five times each, and likewise Anand. […]
Guru Gobind Singh's Jaap Sahib explicitly employs rhythm and years of age. [1] [Note: Guru Gobind Singh was born in 1666, in
and responsibility), groom and bride, husband and wife, male and Anyone who does not know how to recite these compositions,
phonetic imitations (onomatopoeia) to evoke warrior spirit, the rhythm the year 1677, he would have been ca 11 years old.]
female, solar and lunar, ida (ira) and pingala. These pairs describe should recite seven times each the Mool Mantra of Japji and
the two poles between which the rope of life is tied. of war dance, galloping horses, clashing swords - a war first and • The languages used in Jaap Sahib are Braj Bhāshā (medieval
foremost against the laziness of consciousness, to overcome the the Mangala Charan of Jaap, respectively, which are equivalent
Hindi poetry language that was often recited together with dance to one full recitation of each of the compositions.
The teachings encourage the student to strive in work (kirat karni, slavery of the Self to the tyranny of the alliance of Maya, mind (man) or martial arts movements), Persian, Arabic, Urdu, Prakrit and
seva), meditation (nam japo, simran, bani) and even warfare and the desires of the senses, the latter often exemplified as the five ◦ Namdhari Rahitnama: "Commit both Japji and Jaap to memory,
Sanskrit. [2]
(kirpaan), in order to prepare for the marriage with the forgotten thieves of greed, lust, anger, attachment and ego-pride. To expand and also Shabad Hazare."
Beloved, but always remind us that the place from which we start to the variety of sound-colours and sound-scapes, Guru Gobind Singh • Jaap Sahib opens the Siri Dasam Granth Sahib on pages 1-10. [3]
strive, the ego, is an illusion and has no power or ultimate reality. The uses a number of languages - all transliterated to the Gurbani script - (Japji Sahib opens the Siri Guru Adi Granth Sahib on pages 1-8.) ◦ Prahilad Rai Rahitnama: "He who eats food without first reciting
simultaneous cultivation of humility and courage, of necessary action which provide more primal sound syllables (akhris, phonemes), Japji and Jaap is like a worm's excrement and has wasted their
when called but non-attachment to results and fruits of action, is the • Jaap Sahib is the second bani in the Nitnem (daily recitation of birth."
resonating in turn with a greater variety of elementary energies and liturgic Gurbani) and in the Amrit ceremony (baptism) by the Panj
narrow path of the devotee's lifestyle, thinner than a sword's edge, activity patterns of the brain and psycho-emotional states. The use of Piaare, recited after Japji Sahib and followed by Tua Prasad • It is said that Shaheed Baba Deep Singh recited every day 108
finer than a hair. more languages allows more sophistication in sound-scape poetry Svaye, Chaupaee Sahib and Anand Sahib ("panj bania," the 5 times Japji Sahib and 108 times Jaap Sahib. One possible
This also illustrates the impossibility of a true student to ever be on but also requires from the reader more skill for pronunciation and prayers). understanding of this unbelievable fact is that Baba Deep Singh
the right side of any situation. The purpose of the Guru is to facilitate understanding. recited these compositions in his life so often and with highest
the death of the illusionary being of the student - the ego - before the • The words "Jaap" and "Jap" both translate as recite, repeat, utter, intensity and dedication, that they became "anahad ajapa" in his
Compared to Guru Nanak's Japji Sahib, the content of Jaap Sahib meditate, chant, and also understand. [4]
death of the physical body. Every confirmation of the student being seems less concerned with statements of teachings and philosophy being. Each and every cell of his body, mind and soul was
"right" in any situation would confirm and strengthen the ego and than with variously structured praises of uttermost phonetic beauty • Yogi Bhajan made extensive use of the entire Jaap Sahib to be vibrating continuously these compositions automatically and Baba
would be counterproductive to this most difficult long-term purpose. and sophistication. For the most part, it contains descriptions of the listened to during certain sacred exercises (yoga) and especially Deep Singh became himself the naad of both Japji Sahib and
Divine in form of negations - un-dying, no-form, in-vincible, without of the chants Chāchrī Chhand Tva Prasād ("Gobinde Mukande", Jaap Sahib in their complete purity and power.
name, beyond elements - which counteracts the mind's tendency to also called "Guru Gayatri Mantra", associated with and equivalent
Two Legs to Walk, Two Wings to Fly try and figure out, categorise and understand in order to feel save to the traditional Hindu Gayatri Mantra), Ek Achharī Chhand ("Ajai
Alai"), the last lines of the last Bhujang Prayād Chhand ("Chattr [1] P.S. Padam, Rahitnaame, 4th edition, 1989; Dr. Kamalroop Singh Nihang, Jaap
and sure of knowing. The continuous negation of tangible attributes
Although the essence of these teaching was created together with Chakkr Vartee"), and the mangala charan Chhapai Chhand Tva
Sahib by Guru Gobind Singh, 2017
makes the mind surrender at the attempt to understand and confine
and inscribed into creation at the very beginning already, we were Prasād ("Chakr Chihan") to be recited during exercises and [2] wikipedia.org, sikhiwiki.org, Dr. Kamalroop Singh Nihang, Japu Sahib by Guru
Existence. Japji Sahib, on the other hand, stresses the infinity,
blessed in the middle of the last millennium with a new manifestation meditations. [5] Gobind Singh, 2017
endlessness and countlessness of Existence to achieve the same
from the Lunar (Guru Nanak from Bedi lineage) to the Solar (Guru surrender of the controlling mind and to bring us into a state of [3] Guru Gobind Singh, Dasven Patshah Ka Granth (Siri Dasam Granth Sahib)
Gobind Singh from Sodi lineage), from the Bhakti poetry of the first wonder, innocence and awe. [4] wikipedia.org, sikhiwiki.org
Gurus and Bhagats to the distinctly different taste and feeling of Guru
Gobind Singh's poetry of predominantly warrior spirit and royal [5] Yogi Bhajan, The Aquarian Teacher
courage. The two ends of this spectrum of existence are [6] W.H. McLeod, Sikhs of the Khalsa, 2003
encapsulated nowhere more beautifully and potent than in the
combination of the two compositions of Guru Nanak's Japji Sahib and
Guru Gobind Singh's Jaap Sahib.
Translation Synopsis
Prof Gurbachan Singh (1997) Surinder Singh Kohli (2003) Dr Kamalroop Singh Nihang (2017) Shri Surendra Nath & Baba Virsa Singh Dr Rabinder Powar (2005) Dr Jodh Singh & Dr Dharam Singh (1999) Dr Kulwant Singh Khokhar
www.panthrattan.com www.searchgurbani.com pdf download (Gobind Sadan, 1996) archive.org pdf download www.punjabonline.com
Dr Sant Singh Khalsa1 www.gobindsadan.org
< siqgur pRswid ]
sRI vwihgurU jI kI Pqih ]
jwpu ]
sRI muKvwk pwiqswhI 10 ]
Ik Onkār Satgur Prasād.
Srī Wāhegurū Jī Kī Fatehe.
Srī Mukhvāk Pātsāhī Dasvi.
c`k® ichn Aru brn jwiq Aru pwiq nihn God is without any mark, quoit, colour, He who is without mark or sign, He who is Without physical appearance, caste, sub- O Lord, Thou art without any form, Beyond form or figure, beyond the You have no specific physical You are free of figure or features, color,
caste or creed. without caste or line. caste or lineage. symbol, caste, class, or lineage. classifications of varna, caste or creed. appearance, nor you have any varna, caste or lineage. You have no physical
ijh ] caste or sub-caste. form.
Chakkr chihan ar baran jāt ar pāt nahin jehe.
rUp rMg Aru ryK ByK koaU kih n skiq ikh ] No one can give any explanation of His He who is without colour or form, and Your form, colour, outline, or attire, None can describe Thy form, hue, garb, No one can describe Thy complexion or Nobody can describe your features, Nobody can tell about Your figure, color,
form, dress, outline and complexion. without any distinctive norm. nobody has the ability to describe it. or shape. color, dress or design. complexion, your outlines or your garb. features and clothes. You have no
Rūp rang ar rekh bhekh ko-ū kahe na sakat kihe.
Acl mUriq AnBau pRkws Aimqoj kih`jY ] God’s form is stable, He is self- He who is without limit and motion, All Limitless-form of Fearless Radiant-light, Eternal and immutable, resplendent in The eternal form, experienced as light, Eternal being, Self-Effulgent Possessor of You are called of the Permanent-Form,
illuminated, with immeasurable power. effulgence, non-descript Ocean. You can be described as Limitless Thine own Light, Thy Power is without Thy power is beyond measure. infinite powers - this is how you are Immortal, Self-Created, and Extremely
Achal mūrat anbhau prakās amitoj kahi-jjai.
bravery. any limit. addressed. Powerful. You are Self-Created, Eternal
and the Doer.
koit ieMdR ieMdRwix Swih Swhwix gix`jY ] God is the king of millions of kings, and The Lord of millions of Indras and kings, The King of millions of Indras, You are Thou art the Lord of all Indras and the Thou art known as Indra of Indras, Lord You are the supreme among the millions You are considered King of god Indra, and
the King of kings of gods. counted as the Sovereign of sovereigns. King of all kings. of lords. of Indras, the God of gods, and the Ruler King of the kings. You are the Highest of
kot indr indrān sāhe sāhān gani-jjai.
of rulers. All.
iqRBvx mhIp sur nr Asur God is the Lord of three worlds (land, air, the Master of all worlds and beings. Each Of the three worlds of angels men and Sovereign of the three worlds, Mortals, Thou art the ruler of the three worlds, The Ruler of three worlds, this is not He, Kings of the three worlds, gods, people,
water) not only gods, men and demons, twig of the foliage proclaims: "Not this demons, the forests, and each leaf, gods, demons, Even blades of grass in Gods, men, demons and all creations this is not He, by the gods, humans and demons, and even grass and straws call
nyq nyq bn iqRx khq ] but the whole vegetable world announces Thou art." describes You as ‘not this not this' the forests ever proclaim Thou art infinite. acclaim: Thou art beyond any description. demons as well as by every leaf of grass You Limitless.
Tribhavan mahīp sur nar asur that none is equal and alike God. in the forest: they all acknowledge your
net net ban trin kahat. infinity.
qÍ srb nwm kQY kvn None can utter all of Your names. Wise All Thy Names cannot be told. One doth Who can expound all Your names? With Who can ever recite all Thy names! Who can describe all Thy names! With Who can express all of your names, and Who can tell Your real Name? The ability
men who realise Your virtues, call You in impart Thy Action-Name with benign Your pure wisdom Your attribute names Inspired by Thy grace, I recite the names Thy grace the attributive names are being that is why the wise men have described is this much only that I can tell Your
krm nwm brnq sumiq ]1] the same way. heart. are described. describing Thy deeds. described. only your functional names. Names based only on Your Actions.
Tav sarab nām kathai kavan
karam nām barnat sumat.
cwcrI CMd ] qÍ pRswid ] (29 - 43) Movement of Sword [*] Lightning Metre.
With Your Grace.
Chāchrī chhand. Tva prasād.
ArUp hYN ] AnUp hYN ] God is Formless, Thou art Formless Lord! You are Formless. Thou art formless Thou art formless, Formless art Thou, You are formless, and unique.
Unrivalled, Thou art Unparalleled Lord! You are Incomparable. and peerless, matchless, Incomparable art Thou, You are not born,
AjU hYN ] ABU hYN ]29] Immovable, Thou art Unborn Lord! You are Limitless. Beyond birth unborn, Not bound art Thou, You are not made of 5 elements.
Arūp hai. Anūp hai. Ajū hai. Abhū hai. and Uncreated. Thou art Non-Being Lord! You are Beyond 5 elements. and physical elements. beyond the 5 elements. Beyond the limits of 5 elements art Thou.
AlyK hYN ] AByK hYN ] God is beyond portraiture, Thou art Unaccountable Lord! You are Indescribable. Beyond description Thou art indescribable, Indescribable art Thou, You are beyond description or form.
Unattired, Thou art Garbless Lord! You have No attire. and garbless, beyond [dress], Not bound by any special garb art Thou, You are not bound by dress or
Anwm hYN ] Akwm hYN ]30] beyond name, Thou art Nameless Lord! You have No name. Thou art nameless beyond name, Beyond names art Thou, appearance. You have no name.
Alekh hai. Abhīkh hai. Anām hai. Akām hai. and carnal desire. Thou art Desireless Lord! You have No desires. and desireless. beyond desire. Beyond desires art Thou. You are Desireless.
ADy hYN ] ABy hYN ] God is Impenetrable, Thou art Propless Lord! You are Beyond-reflection. Thou art beyond thought Thou art beyond comprehension, Thou canst not be limited to one's You cannot be brought into imagination.
Impalpable, Thou art Non-Discriminating Lord! You are Beyond-mystery. and ever mysterious. beyond mysteries, reflection, Unfathomable is Thy Your Mystery cannot be known.
AjIq hYN ] ABIq hYN ]31] Impregnable, Thou art Unconquerable Lord! You are Unconquerable. Thou art unconquerable unconquerable, mystery, Thou art unconquerable, You are Unconquerable.
Adhe hai. Abhe hai. Ajīt hai. Abhīt hai. and Undismayed. Thou art Fearless Lord! You are Fearless. and fearless. fearless. Thou art fearless. You are without fear.
iqRmwn hYN ] inDwn hYN ] God is respected in all the three worlds, Thou art Universally-Honoured Lord! You are Honoured in the three worlds. Thou art worshipped in all times. Thou art honored in the 3 worlds, Honoured in the 3 worlds art Thou, You are honored in the 3 worlds.
He is all treasures, Thou art the Treasure Lord! You are the Treasure-house. Thou art the Treasure of all things a treasure, Treasure-house art Thou, You are above the 3 dimensions of the
iqRbrg hYN ] Asrg hYN]32] the source of all the 3 virtues, Thou art Master of Attributes Lord! You are the 3 virtues. sublime. Thou art Master of the 3 modes. a trinity, Encompass Thou all 3 ideals, world (virtue, evil, ego).
Tri-mān hai. Nidhān hai. Tri-barg hai. Asarg hai. and is Uncreated. Thou art Unborn Lord! You are Liberated from the world. Thou art Creator of Thine own. beyond birth. Unborn art Thou.
AnIl hYN ] Anwid hYN ] God is beyond colour, form Thou art Colourless Lord! You are Immeasurable. Thou art without any hue or colour. Thou art beyond all hues, Thou art Resplendent without colour, You are above color and caste.
and beginning, Thou art Beginningless Lord! You have No beginning. Thou art without any beginning. beyond beginning, Thou art without a beginning, You are above the beginning.
Ajy hYN ] Ajwid hYN ]33] He is invincible and Unborn Thou art Unborn Lord! You are Unconquerable. Thou art ever invincible, invincible, Thou art unconquerable, Nobody can win You.
Anīl hai. Anād hai. Aje hai. Ajād hai. but the Source of all life. Thou art Independent Lord! You are Indepedent. Free of bondage of birth. free from bondage. Thou art the Primal Being. You are "Azaad" - Free.
("Ajaade" - above birth).
Ajnm hYN ] Abrn hYN ] God is Unborn, Thou art Unborn Lord! You are Without birth. Thou art casteless Thou art beyond birth, Thou art Unborn, You are above birth,
without caste and creed, Thou art Colourless Lord! You are Beyond caste. and unborn. beyond caste, Thou art beyond casts, and free from color and caste.
ABUq hYN ] ABrn hYN ]34] He is Unsubstantial Thou art Elementless Lord! You are Beyond elements. Thou art Spirit beyond matter, Thou art limited not to elements, You are above five elements - bodiless,
Ajanm hai. Abarn hai. Abhūt hai. Abharn hai. and Untended. Thou art Perfect Lord! You are the Preserver. unadorned. ever complete. Thou art the Preserver. You do not need anyone to nurse You.
AgMj hYN ] ABMj hYN ] God is Impregnable, Thou art Invincible Lord! You are Not conquered. Thou art immortal Thou art indomitable, Thou art not conquered, You are Unconquerable.
Indestructible, Thou art Unbreakable Lord! You are Unbreakable. and indestructible. indestructible, Thou art invisible, No one can hurt or destroy You.
AJUJ hYN ] AJMJ hYN ]35] Incontestable, Thou art Unconquerable Lord! You Cannot be fought against. Thou art invincible beyond conflict, Thou canst not be fought against, None can face You (in battle). You are not
Aganj hai. Abhanj hai. Ajhūjh hai. Ajhanjh hai. and Undisputed. Thou are Tensionless Lord! You are Beyond all arguments. and ever detached. indisputable. Thou art beyond all polemic. involved in the worldly problems.
AmIk hYN ] r&Ik hYN ] God is Unfathomable, Thou art Deepest Lord! You are Deep and fathomless. Thou art unfathomable Thou art unfathomable, Unfathomable art Thou, You are deeply calm and composed.
Companion of all Thou art Friendliest Lord! You are the Most Beloved. and Benefactor of all. companion of all, Companion-Friend art Thou, You are the Friend of all.
ADMD hYN ] AbMD hYN ]36] and Free from all worldy entanglements Thou art Strife less Lord! You are Free of burden. Thou art free of worldly snares beyond vocations, Unencumbered art Thou, You have no worldly botherations.
Amīk hai. Rafīk hai. Adhandh hai. Abandh hai. and ties. Thou art Bondless Lord! You are Unfettered. and beyond thrall. beyond bondage. Unfettered art Thou. You are not attached to anything.
inRbUJ hYN ] AsUJ hYN ] God is beyond knowledge, Thou art Unthinkable Lord! You are Not deducable by the intellect. Thou art beyond knowledge Thou art incomprehensible, Unattainable with intellect, You cannot be known,
Intangible, Thou art Unknowable Lord! You Cannot be understood. and comprehension. unknowable, Unknowable with human consciousness, and are beyond understanding.
Akwl hYN ] Ajwl hYN ]37] Immortal Thou art Immortal Lord! You are Beyond time, Thou art beyond time eternal, Beyond time You are not bound by time.
Nri-būjh hai. Asūjh hai. Akāl hai. Ajāl hai. and Free from all bondages. Thou art Unbound Lord! You are Free from the matrix (maya). and beyond bonds. beyond bonds. and Unfettered by Maya art Thou. You have no worldly entanglements.
Alwh hYN ] Ajwh hYN ] God is Transcendental, Thou art Unbound Lord! You are Unattainable. Thou art Allah Thou art undlscoverable, Unattainable art Thou, You are an Inaccessible Mystery,
beyond place, Thou art Placeless Lord! You are Without any place. the Omnipresent. beyond any fixed place, Without any place art Thou, and not bound to one place.
Anµq hYN ] mhMq hYN ]38] Illimitable Thou art Infinite Lord! You are Infinite. Thou art infinite infinite, Infinite art Thou, You are Limitless, Great.
Alāh hai. Ajāh hai. Anant hai. Mahant hai. and Transcendent. Thou art Greatest Lord! You are Worshipable. and ever resplendent. the greatest. Greatest art Thou.
AlIk hYN ] inRsRIk hYN ] God is beyond portraiture, Thou art Limitless Lord! You are Infinite. Thou art Enlightenment Thou art beyond confines, Thou art infinite, You are beyond description, formless.
without kith and kin, Thou art Unparalleled Lord! You are Without boundaries. unrivalled. unrivalled, Thou art without rivals, There is none other like You.
inRlµB hYN ] AsMB hYN ]39] beyond support, Thou art Propless Lord! You are Unsupported. Thou art Self-sustained self-reliant, Thou art Unsupported, You are Supportless, Self-Sustained,
Alīk hai. Nri-srīk hai. Nri-lanbh hai. Asanbh hai. and He is Imperceptible. Thou art Unborn Lord! You are Beyond all understanding. and Self-created. self-created. Thou art beyond all possibilities. beyond imagination, Self-Created.
AgMm hYN ] AjMm hYN ] God is Impassable, Thou art Unfathomable Lord! You Cannot be reached. Thou art unfathomable Thou art unreachable, Thou can't be reached, You are beyond reach, above birth.
Unborn, Thou art Unborn Lord! You are Beyond birth. and unborn. inconceivable, Thou art unborn, Yor are not made of elements - bodiless,
ABUq hYN ] ACUq hYN ]40] Unsubstantial, Thou art Elementless Lord! You are Beyond elements. Thou art beyond matter beyond elements, Thou art not made of matter, none can touch You.
Aganm hai. Ajanm hai. Abhūt hai. Ajhūt hai. and Intangible. Thou art Uncontaminated Lord! You are Beyond physical touch. and sense perceptions. beyond the grasp of senses. Thou can't be touched.
Alok hYN ] Asok hYN ] God is Invisible Thou art All-Pervasive Lord! You are Invisible. Thou art beyond sight Thou art invisible, Thou art invisible, You cannot be seen.
and Impassible. Thou art Woeless Lord! You are Beyond sorrows. and sorrow. beyond sorrows, Thou art sorrowless, You are above sorrow.
Akrm hYN ] ABrm hYN ]41] He is beyond ritual ceremonies Thou art Deedless Lord! You are Beyond karma. Thou art beyond rituals beyond all deeds, Thou art beyond Karma, You are not affected by Your actions.
Alok hai. Asok hai. Akarm hai. Abharm hai. and is Indubitable. Thou art Illusionless Lord! You are Free from illusion. and delusions. beyond illusions. Thou art free from dubiety. You are above doubts.
AjIq hYN ] ABIq hYN ] God is Impregnable, Thou art Unconquerable Lord! You are Unconquerable. Thou art unconquerable Thou art unconquerable, Thou art unconquerable, No one can win You.
Undismayed, Thou art Fearless Lord! You are Fearless. and fearless. fearless, Thou art fearless, You have no fear of anyone.
Abwh hYN ] Agwh hYN ]42] Unshakable, Thou art Motionless Lord! You are Eternal. Thou art unshakeable unshakable, Thou art eternal, You are Steadfast, Unshakable.
Ajīt hai. Abhīt hai. Abāh hai. Agāh hai. and Unfathomable. Thou art Unfathomable Lord. You are Unfathomable. and unfathomable. unfathomable. Thou art unfathomable. You are Immeasurable, Limitless.
Amwn hYN ] inDwn hYN ] God is Immeasureable, Thou art Immeasurable Lord! You Cannot be measured. Thou art beyond measure, Thou art beyond measure, Thou can't be measured, You cannot be measured.
all Treasures Thou art the Treasure Lord! You are the Treasure. the everlasting Treasure. a treasure, Thou art the treasure, You are the Treasure of everything.
Anyk hYN ] iPr eyk hYN ]43] and Multifarious, Thou art Manifold Lord! You are Many. Manifest as more than one, in myriad forms, Thou art [manifested in] many, You are countless, yet You are One.
Anām hai. Nidhān hai. Anek hai. Fir ek hai. still God is Unique. Thou art the Only one Lord! Still You are One. yet Thou art only One. yet one. still Thou art One.
qyrw joru ] cwcrI CMd ] (62-63) Movement of Sword [*] With Your Might.
Lightning Stanza.
Terā jor. Chāchrī chhand.
jly hYN ] Qly hYN ] ABIq hYN ] ABy hYN ]62] God is Transudatory in water Thou art in water. You are in water. Thou art in water Thou art in water, Thou art (everywhere) in the water You are in water, and on land.
and land. Thou art on land. You are on land. and on land. on land, and on the land, You are Fearless,
Jale hai. Thale hai. Abhīt hai. Abhe hai.
He is Unafraid of anybody Thou art Fearless. You are Fearless. Thou art without fear fearless, Thou art fearless and unfathomable. no one can understand Your Mystery.
and is intangible. Thou art Indiscriminate. You are Beyond discrimination. and Thou grantest fearlessness. inscrutable.
pRBU hYN ] AjU hYN ] Adys hYN ] ABys hYN ]63] God is the Transcendent Lord, Thou art the Master of all. You are the Lord of all. Thou art the Supreme Master who Thou art the master, Thou art Lord, You are the Lord,
Immovable, Thou art Unborn. You are Unborn. changest not. beyond birth, beyond birth, You are Birthless.
Prabhū hai. Ajū hai. Ades hai. Abhes hai.
He does not belong to any country Thou art Countryless. You are Beyond Nations. Thou belongest to no country beyond countries, unattached to any land You are above the countries.
and is Unattired. Thou art Garbless. You are Garbless. and hast no garb. beyond [dress]. or vesture. You are dress-less.
crpt CMd ] qÍ pRswid ] (74-78) Slap or extreme push [*] Strike Stanza.
With Your Grace.
Charpat chhand. Tva prasād.
AMimRq krmy ] AMibRq Drmy ] God’s actions are unchecked and Thy actions are Permanent. Pure are Your deeds. Immortal are Thy deeds, Thou art the doer of immortal deeds, Immortal are thy deeds, Your deeds are immortal.
imperishable. God’s laws are Thy Laws are Permanent. Absolute is Your dharma. Immutable are Thy laws. the source of eternal order, Immutable is Thy dharma or order, Your discipline is pure.
Amrit karme. Abrit dharme.
unchangeable. Thou art united with all, All-pervasive in the world are You. Thou permeate the entire cosmos, the eternal renouncer, AlIpervasive in the world art Thou, You are attached to the worldly things.
AK`l jogy ] Ac`l Bogy ]74] The entire universe is attached with God. Thou art their permanent Enjoyer. Your are perpetually in bliss. The eternal Reveller of all. the eternal enjoyer. Eternal is Thy region. You are Constant Enjoyer of the Creation.
Akhall joge. Achall bhoge. God’s carnal pleasure is forever.
Ac`l rwjy ] At`l swjy ] God’s empire is permanent. Thy Kingdom is Permanent, Eternal is Your rule. Eternal is Thy kingdom Thou art the eternal king, Eternal and stable is Thy rule, Immortal is Your Kingdom.
God’s creation is permanent. Thy Adornment is Permanent. Continuous is Your creation. and everlasting Thy creation. the inevitable creator. Ever-continuing is Thy creation, Constant is Your Creation.
Achall rāje. Atall sāje.
God’s principles are perfect. Thy Laws are Complete, Complete is Your Dharma. Universal are Thy laws, the source of all religions, Complete and pervasive is Thy order, Your Dharma is complete.
AK`l DrmM ] Al`K krmM ]75] God’s actions are immaculate. Thy Words are beyond Comprehension. Inexpressible are Your deeds. Indescribable Thine achievements. the One whose deeds are unintelligible. Inexpressible art Thy deeds. Unseen are Your blessings.
Akhall dharmang. Alakh karmang.
srbM dwqw ] srbM gÎwqw ] God is the universal donor. Thou art the universal Donor, Giver to all. Thou givest to all, Thou art the universal bestower, Giver to all, You are the Giver,
God is Omniscient. Thou art Omniscient. Knower of all. Thou knowest all. omniscient, Knower of all, and You know everyone and their deeds.
Sarbang dātā. Sarbang giātā.
God illuminates all. Thou art the Enlightener of all, Light of all. Thou illuminest all, the illuminator of all, Destroyer of all, You are the sun to others,
srbM Bwny ] srbM mwny ]76] God is adored by all. Thou art the Enjoyer of all. Universally revered. Thou art adored by all. venerated by all. Universally revered. the Knowledge-Giver.
Sarbang bhāne. Sarbang māne.
srbM pRwxM ] srbM qRwxM ] God gives animation to all. Thou art the Life of all, The Life-force of all. Thou art the Essence of all life Thou art the source of all life, The Life of all, You are the Soul,
God provides strength and energy to all. Thou art the Strength of all. The Protector of all. and Protector of all. the source of all power, The Redeemer of all, and Strength to others.
Sarbang prānang. Sarbang trānang.
God is carnal pleasures of all. Thou art the Enjoyer of all, The Enjoyer of all. Thou art the Universal Reveller the source of all enjoyment, The Enjoyer of all, You are the Enjoyer of All,
srbM Bugqw ] srbM jugqw ]77] God is attached with the entire universe. Thou art United with all. Joined to all. and united with all. united with all. Pervasive in all. and one with everything.
Sarbang bhugtā. Sarbang jugtā.
srbM dyvM ] srbM ByvM ] God is adored by all. Thou art worshipped by all, The Deity of all. Thou art the Lord of all angels, Thou art the God of all gods, The Deity of all, You are the Deity to everyone,
God is Omniscient. Thou art a mystery for all. The Knower of all secrets. The Knower of all mysteries. the mystery of all mysteries, the Knower of all mysteries, and You are the Knower of All.
Sarbang devang. Sarbang bhevang.
God is Annihilator of all. Thou art the Destroyer of all, The Death of all. Thou art the ultimate Annihilator the universal annihilator, the Cause of death of all, You are Death to Every one,
srbM kwly ] srbM pwly ]78] God is sustainer of all. Thou art the Sustainer of all. The Nurturer of all. And also the eternal Sustainer. the universal preserver. the Nourisher of all. and yet You sustain all.
Sarbang kāle. Sarbang pāle.
Awid rUp Anwid mUriq Ajoin purK Apwr ] The Infinite God existed before the Era. Thou art the Supreme Purush, an Eternal Primal Form, Beginningless Being, Thou art the Primal Being, without a Thou art the prime form, the embodiment Primal Form, Beginningless Being, You are the Primordial Being - from before
His origin is unknown. He is unborn, Entity in the beginning and free from birth. Unborn, Infinite One. beginning, unborn and infinite. of eternity, beyond birth, the Supreme Unborn, Infinite Being, Revered by all, the beginning of the time, Beyond Birth,
Ād rūp anād mūrat ajon purakh apār.
Omnipresent, and Unlimited. God is Worshipped by all and venerated by 3 Revered by all, Deity of all the 3 worlds, Worshipped by the 3 worlds, Thou art Lord, universally acclaimed, the Lord of Deity of all the 3 worlds, Unknowable, None-Incarnate, and Limitless. All revere
srb mwn iqRmwn dyv AByv Awid audwr ] adored in the trimorphic worlds by gods, Thou art without difference and art Unknowable, Primal, Bountiful. luminous, mysterious, and ever merciful, the 3 worlds, mysterious, ever kind. Primal, Bountiful, Nourisher of all, You, You are worshipped in the 3 worlds,
Sarb mān trimān dev abhev ād udār. everyone. He is all Light. His mysteries Generous from the very beginning. Nurturer of all, Destroyer of all, Protector of all, Destroyer of all, ultimate Thou art the preserver of all, the Destroyer of all, the Vanquisher, a Secret-Unsolved, and Big generous
srb pwlk srb Gwlk srb ko puin kwl ] are unknown. All are originating from Him. Thou art the Creator Sustainer, Inspirer the Death of all. Annihilator of all. Immanent in all destroyer of all, omnipresent, ever Pervasive everywhere, treasure-house of from the beginning.
Sarb pālak sarb ghālak sarb ko pun kāl. He is very broadminded. God is and Destroyer of all. Thou art present Omnipresent Everywhere, Creation, yet detached, Thou art detatched, in the form of nectar. joys but beyond them. You sustain everyone, You are the Cause
Sustainer, Destroyer, and Annihilator of everywhere like an ascetic with a De-attached form of complete love. supremely beautiful and sweet as nectar. of births, and in the end You are the
j`qR q`qR ibrwjhI AvDUq rUp irswl ]79] all. God is Immanent, Fountain of all Generous disposition. Destroyer. You are present everywhere,
Jatr tatr birāj-hī avdhūt rūp risāl. feelings, but Renouncer of everything. and yet You are not attached to anyone,
but still you are the Enjoyer of All.
nwm Twm n jwq jw kr rUp rMg n ryK ] God is beyond name and place, beyond Thou art Nameless, Placeless, Casteless, With no name, place and caste, Thou art without a name or abode, Thou art beyond name, place, caste, Without name, place and caste, hast You are without a name, place, caste,
caste and creed, beyond colour and form. Formless, Colourless and Lineless. You have no form, colour or outline. Without caste, colour, or contour. form, color and design, Thou no form, colour or line, color, and are Formless. You are the
Nām thām na jāt jā-kar rūp rang na rekh.
He is immaculate. God is Fundamental Thou, the Primal Purusha, art Unborn, Primal One, Bountiful Being, Primal Being, bountiful, unborn, and ever the prime being, embodiment of Primal Being, Bountiful Person, Unborn, cause of everything from the beginning,
Awid purK audwr mUriq Ajoin Awid AsyK ] Origin of all. He is Immanent and Broad Generous Entity and Perfect from the very Unborn, Beginningless and Endless. perfect, compassion, beyond birth, Beginningless and Endless art Thou. big-hearted, You do not get born, but You
Ād purakh udār mūrat ajon ād asekh. minded. He is beyond death and birth and beginning. You have no country or attire, Belonging to no country, Having no garb, ever perfect. Thou own to no specific land or garb, nor are the origin of everything and complete.
dys AOr n Bys jw kr rUp ryK n rwg ] He is Unmitigated. God is beyond any Thou art Countryless, Garbless, Formless, No outline and form, or attachements. nor form, nor shape, Thou art ever Thou art beyond lands, guises, forms, have Thou a form, set of lines or desires, He is the One without a specific place and
Des aur na bhes jā-kar rūp rekh na rāg. country. He is Unattired, Incorporeal and Lineless and Non-attached. Everywhere in all directions, unattached, figures and attachments, Thou hast manifested Thyself as Love in dress. He is Formless and Detached.
has no attachment for anyone. God is Thou art present in all direction and You Manifest as Love. Pervading the entire cosmos in all pervading everywhere, in all directions in all directions and corners. Here, there, everywhere, You are the love
j`qR q`qR idsw ivsw huie PYilE Anurwg ]80] Transudatory in every pore of the conners and Pervadest the Universe as directions as the Essence of sublime the form of love. prevailing in all the directions.
Jatr tatr disā visā hu-e failio anurāg. universe. His universal adoration is Love. Love.
nwm kwm ibhIn pyKq Dwm hUM nih jwih ] God is beyond name, place, form, colour Thou appearest without name and desire, You are seen as Nameless and Thou art Nameless and Desireless with Thou art without name, desire and Seen as nameless and placeless, Thou We think of Him as Nameless, Desireless,
and mark. God is adorned (adored?) thou hast no particular abode. Desireless, with no particular abode. no visible abode, Adored by all, dwelling, the honor of all, honored by all, hast no particular dwelling-place, and Placeless. All revere You, You are
Nām kām bihīn pekhat dhām hū neh jāh.
everywhere by everyone all over the Thou, being worshipped by all, art the All honour all worship You, All beings worshipped everywhere, and glorified for so ever honored. All beings bow before Thee and Thou art revered everywhere, and always.
srb mwn srb`qR mwn sdYv mwnq qwih ] universe. Enjoyer of all. worship You. evermore. Thou art in myriad forms, the whole the object of worship for all, He is One, and still seen as many,
Sarb mān sarbatr mān sadaiv mānat tāh. God is Unique but visible in countless Thou, the One Entity, appearest as Many You are One form seen In many, as Thou art One, yet Manifold, and manifest creation is thy play, Thou art ultimately Thou art One manifested in many, visible because in His Creation all forms are His.
eyk mUriq Anyk drsn kIn rUp Anyk ] forms, created by Himself. God plays the creating innumerable forms. After playing Limitless forms. After Playing in the show in myriad forms. one. in innumerable forms, after the wondrous When, after playing the play of Creation
Ek mūrat anek darsan kīn rūp anek. drama of the world by creating His the world-drama, when Thou wilt stop the of creation and dissolution, in the end Playing the divine game of creation, Thou sport of creation and dissolution, all He ends it, everything goes back into
creations and again He becomes the play, Thou wilt be the same One again. You become One again. art yet detached, Merging into Thyself all manifested forms finally merge in One. Him, and again He becomes One.
Kyl Kyl AKyl Kyln AMq ko iPr eyk ]81] Unique at doomsday. creations in the final act.
Khel khel akhel khelan ant ko fir ek.
dyv Byv n jwnhI ijh byd Aaur kqyb ] The mystery of God is unknown to any The gods and the Scriptures of Hindus The angels do not understand Your Thy mysteries remain unfathomed by Gods and scriptures cannot unravel His Gods know not Thy mysteries, nor do His Mystery is not known to gods, Vedas,
god and it is also indescribable by any and Muslims do not know Thy secret. mysteries, nor the Hindu or Abrahmic gods, Vedas, and other scriptures. mysteries, How can one ever Hindu and semitic scriptures, Thy form, Kateb - Qouran and other books.
Dev bhev na jānhī jeh bed a-aur kateb.
scripture. Indescribable God is beyond How to know Thee when thou art scriptures. Your form, colour and caste, Without form, colour, caste, or clan, How comprehend Him, who is beyond caste colour and caste are known to none, Greatness of the One Who is without
rUp rMg n jwiq pwiq su jwneI ikh jyb ] caste, colour and creed. Formless, Colourless, Casteless and and glory are known to none. can one ever know Thee? and creed, form and color? no mother, father or family, beyond birth color, form, caste, sub-caste, can only be
Rūp rang na jāt pāt su jānī keh jeb. God is beyond parent, caste, death and without lineage? Thou art without father You have no mother, father or lineage, Without father, mother, or lineage, beyond He is beyond parentage, caste, birth and and death art Thee, Thy writ runs in all known to that One. He has no father,
qwq mwq n jwq jwkir jnm mrn ibhIn ] birth. God’s tremendous action for and mother and art casteless, Thou art You are beyond birth and death. Your birth and death, Thy awesome Power death, He moves in all forms, in all the four directions, people of three worldsmother, caste or children, and is above
Tāt māt na jāt jākr janam maran bihīn. annihilation makes everyone in the without births and deaths. Thou movest order runs in all the four directions, prevails in all directions and is directions and is honored in the 3 worlds. worship Thee. birth and death. His terrifying sharp,
trimorphic worlds to bow before His fast like the disc in all the four directions people of the three worlds bow to You in worshipped everywhere. circular throwing weapon works in all four
c`k® b`k® iPrY c`qR c`k mwnhI pur qIn ]82] unlimited powers. and art worshipped by the three worlds. reverence. directions, and the three worlds revere
Chakr bakr firai chatr chak mānhī pur tīn. Him.
lok caudh ky ibKY jg jwphI ijh jwp ] God is adorned and His name is The Name is recited in the fourteen In the fourteen realms,5 the beings recite Thy Name is chanted by people in He is the One whose name is recited by In the fourteen realms (seven above and In all the fourteen levels He is revered.
repeatedly recited all over the fourteen divisions of the universe. Thou, the Primal Your name. Primal Deity, Limitless Being, fourteen worlds. Primal Lord of Light, the people of the fourteen spheres. seven below) Your name is recited. Primal You have been the Worshipful Being
Lok chaudeh ke bikhai jag jāp-hī jeh jāp.
worlds by all. God is the First power to be God, art Eternal Entity and hast created You have made manifest the whole without a beginning, Thou created the He is the primal and eternal figure, who Being, Beginningless Person has created since before the beginning of the time,
Awid dyv Anwid mUriq QwipE sbY ijh Qwp ] worshipped. His origin is unknown but He the entire universe. entire cosmos. installs all as he desires. the whole creation by Himself. and You created everything.
Ād dev anād mūrat thāpio sabai jeh thāp. is Creator of all. God is Transcendent Thou, the holiest Entity, art of Supreme Supreme Form, You are the Immaculate Thou art supremely beautiful, ever pure, He is the prime, purest form, the perfect Supreme Being, Immaculate One, (You God is Supreme, the Purest-Form,
prm rUp punIq mUriq pUrn purKu Apwr ] power, Pious in form, Unmitigated, Form, Thou art Bondless, Perfect One, the Boundless and Absolute Being. perfect, and infinite. Self-existent Creator being. He is the self-existent creator and are) the absolute and infinite Being. Immaculate, Truth, Complete Perfect-
Param rūp punīt mūrat pūran purakh apār. Immanent and Boundless. God is the Purusha. Thou, the Self-Existent, Creator Creating the entire world from Yourself, of the Cosmos, Thou art its Preserver and destroyer of the whole world. (Thou have) created the entire world out Being and Limitless All-Pervading.
creator of the whole universe, self- and Destroyer, hast crated the whole and You are the Creator and the its Annihilator. of Thyself, and Thou are the preserver as He has created whole Universe, but He
srb ibsÍ ricE suXMBv gVn BMjnhwr ]83] illuminated and He is the Maker and universe. well as the destroyer. Himself is Self-Created, and He is the
Sarb bisv rachio suyambhav garan bhanjanhār. Breaker of the universe. Creator and the Destroyer.
kwl hIn klw sMjugiq Akwl purK Adys ] God is Immortal, Omnipotent, Thou art Dearthless, Almighty, Timeless Beyond Death, Keeper of infinite positive Thou art timeless, the Source of all arts Thou art immortal, artful, eternal being, Beyond Death, Possessor of infinite He is the Deathless Being, has the power
Omnipresent and beyond any country. Purasha and Countryless. Thou art the talents, Timeless Being, Beyond country. and achievements, Immortal and who is beyond land, the abode of all power, Timeless Being belongs to no to create everything, is Immortal, not
Kāl hīn kalā sanjugat akāl purakh ades.
God is the Treasure of Truth, He is Abode of righteousness, Thou art Abode of dharam, Free of doubt, beyond Omnipresent, Repository of all religions, religions, beyond delusions, beyond specific land. Abode of all faiths, beyond bound by time, and has no specific place.
Drm Dwm su Brm rihq ABUq AlK ABys ] Indubitable and beyond element. He is Illusionless, Garbless, Incomprehensible elements, Invisible, and without garb. free of delusions, Beyond physical elements, incomprehensible, beyond dubiety and elements, Invisible and He is the source of Dharma and is the
Dharam dhām su bharam rahit abhūt alakh Invisible and Unattired. and devoid of five elements. You have no limbs or worldly love, or any elements, Thou art invisible and garbless. [dress]. without a specific garb, Truth. He is not made of elements,
abhes. God is Incorporeal, He is beyond colour, Thou art without body, without attachment, colour, and no caste, family, or name. Beyond physical attachment, having no Thou art beyond attachments, beyond The Lord is without any attachment of without body, cannot be seen, and has no
AMg rwg n rMg jwkh jwiq pwiq n nwm ] caste, creed and name. God annihilates without colour, caste, lineage and name. You Destroy the arrogant, Break the colour, caste, lineage, or name, Thou art color, caste, creed or name, the destroyer body, is dispassionate and has no caste dress, appearance or form. He is without
Ang rāg na rang jākeh jāt pāt na nām. all egoes, proudness, and all ill doers. He Thou art the Destroyer of ego, the malicious, and Grant liberation and Destroyer of pride, Chastiser of the of pride, the destroyer of sinners, the or family. He is the vanquisher of pride, a body, has no attachment, no color, no
also gives salvation and fulfulls all wishes. vanquisher of tyrants and performer of desires. wicked, and Bestower of emancipation. redeemer and the granter of wishes. subduer of the wicked and granter of caste or sub-caste, and is without name.
grb gMjn dust BMjn mukiq dwiek kwm ]84] works leading to salvation. liberation and other desires. He is the remover of ego, breaker of evil,
Garab ganjan dust bhanjan mukat dā-ek kām. liberator and fulfiller of desires.
Awp rUp AmIk An ausqiq eyk purK AvDUq ] God is self created, Indescribable, Thou art the Deepest and Indescribable One Singular Profound Form Beyond Self-created in Thine own image, Thou art self created, unfathomable, The self-Effulgent Lord is One, free from He is Self-Created, too deep to
Indefinable, Absolute and Transcendental. Entity, the One unique ascetic Purusha. praises, One Being Free from maya. Unfathomable, and beyond praise, Thou ineffable, the pure being, maya and beyond appreciation. He is the understand, beyond praise, and the
Āp rūp anīk an ustat ek purakh avdhūt.
God annihilates all egoes and proudness Thou, the Unborn Primal Entity, art the Crusher of pride, Destroyer of all, the art unique and totally detached. the destroyer of pride and all evil, the Vanquisher of pride, Subduer of all, He is Detached Being. He is destroyer of ego,
grb gMjn srb BMjn Awid rUp AsUq ] and He is Destroyer of all. He is Destroyer of all egocentric people. Primal Form and Beyond the status quo. Destroyer of pride, Annihilator of all, Thou primal form, beyond birth and death. the Primal Being and He is unborn. killer of all, Primordial Being, and Self-
Garab ganjan sarb bhanjan ād rūp asūt. Omnipresent from the pre-era and is Thou, the Boundless Purusha, art You are bodiless, Indestructible, without art the Primal Unborn Being. Thou art indivisible, indestructible, the He is bodiless, eternal, without a second Created. He has no body, He cannot be
AMg hIn ABMg Anwqm eyk purK Apwr ] unborn. God is Incorporeal, Indestructible Limbless, Indestructible and without self. Self, One Immeasurable Being. Without body or limbs, indestructible, and One beyond soul, beyond and the One Primal, Immeasurable Lord. destroyed, He is Immortal, the Supreme-
Ang hīn abhang anātam ek purakh apār. and Ocean of souls and spirits. He is Thou art capable of doing everything, You are All-capable, Destroyer of all, beyond the soul, Thou art One infinite comprehension, a perfect being, He is all-capable, all-destroyer and all- Soul, source of soul to everyone,
Unrivalled and Immanent. God does Thou Destroyest all and Sustainest all. and All-sustainer. Being, Supremely capable, sustaining all omnipotent, the destroyer of all, the sustainer. Limitless Being, Infinite. He can do
srb lwiek srb Gwiek srb ko everything. He annihilates all. He sustains and ultimately annihilating all. preserver of all. everything, He is the destroyer of all, and
pRiqpwr ]85] Sarb lā-ek sarb ghā-ek sarb ko all. as well the sustainer of everything.
srb gMqw srb hMqw srb qy AnByK ] God reaches everywhere and He can Thou knowest all, Destroyest all and art You Reach all and Annihilate all, Thy power extends over all, Thou art the The One who reaches everywhere, the He reaches all and He annihilates all, He Nothing is out of His reach, He can
destroy all. He is distinguished from beyond all the guises. You are Beyond any garb. Annihilator of all, Thou art ever unique. annihilator of all, the unique one. is different from all in His garb. All the destroy everything, and He keeps Himself
Sarb gantā sarb hantā sarb te anbhekh.
everyone. All the holy scriptures cannot Thy form, colour and marks are not known All the scriptures cannot comprehend, No scripture can tell Thy form, colour, or The scriptures cannot fathom His form, scriptures put together fail to comprehend separate from everyone. All the religious
srb swsqR n jwnhI ijh rUp rMg Aru ryK ] explain the form, colour, and mark of God. to all the Scriptures. Your form, colour, or features. shape. color and design. His form, appearance or colour. scriptures do not know His appearance,
Sarb sāstr na jān-hī jeh rūp rang ar rekh. The vedas and the puranas accepted that The Vedas and the Puransa always Vedas and the Puranas know You as Even the supreme Vedas and Puranas The prime Vedas, Puranas acclaim that The Vedas and the Puranas also declare color, and form. Supreme Vedas and
prm byd purwn jwkih nyq BwKq in`q ] God is Transcendent from all and He is declare Thee the Supreme and the Eternal, and describe You as "not this, proclaim Thou art Infinite. He is beyond infinitude. Him Eternal. Puranas, constantly claim, "He is not this,
Param bed purān jā-keh net bhākhat nitt. Unparalleled. Innumerable simitries, Greatest. None can comprehend thee not that". Countless Smritis, Puranas and Even through millions of scriptures, Innumerable scriptures, Simritis, Puranas Countless of other scriptures (Smritis, He is not this." Even with the knowledge
puranas, and sastras are unable to completely through millions of Smritis, Shastras, fail to comprehend You. including simritis, puranas, and shastras, fail to comprehend His greatness. Puranas and Sastras) fail to grasp Him of the millions of the books of religious
koit isMimRiq purwn swsqR n AwvhI vhu explain the truth and complete knowledge Puranas and Shastras. The mind cannot comprehend Thee. philosophy, you cannot bring God into
ic`iq ]86] Kot simrit purān sāstr na āvhī vahu of God. your imagination.
mDuBwr CMd ] qÍ pRswid ] (87-93) Stress in the Middle Word [*] Middle Stress Stanza.
With Your Grace.
Madhubhār chhand. Tva prasād.
gun gn audwr ] mihmw Apwr ] God is the Ocean of numerous virtues The Virtues like Generosity Giver of All-Virtues. Fount of all virtues, generous and He is the reservoir of all virtues and Mine of virtues and the Munificient One, He is the Treasure of Virtues, Big
and He is broadminded. God’s greatness and Thy Praises are Unbounded. Infinite is Your Praise. merciful, infinite is Thy glory. generosity. Infinite is His grandeur. Infinite is Thy Praise, Hearted, Broad Minded
Gun gan udār. Meh-mā apār.
is indefinable. God’s existence is Thy seat is Eternal, Your Throne is Indestructible. Eternal is Thine existence Unshakable is His throne. Eternal is Thy Throne, and His praise and grace are endless.
Awsn ABMg ] aupmw Anµg ]87] permanent. God’s virtues and Thy Eminence is Perfect. The glory of Your form is unequalled. and incomparable Thy grace. He is beyond praise and comparison. Unequalled Thy glory. No one can disturb His eternal abode.
Āsan abhang. Upmā anang. excellencies are incomparable. None equals His praise.
AnBau pRkws ] insidn Anws ] God is Auto-illuminated knowledge. Thou art Self-luminous and Fearless Radiant-light. Self-resplendent Self-illuminating experience. Self-effulgent light, Only You know Your Self.
God is Immanent day and night remianest the same during day and night. Day and night Impershiable. and ever indestructible. Beyond the destruction of time. Dies not, day and night, Nobody can ever destroy You.
Anbhau prakās. Nisdin anās.
and He is indestructible. Thy arms stretch up to Thy knees Far-reaching arms. Infinite is Thy might, Infinitely powerful. Long-reaching arms, The methods of creation are in Your
Awjwn bwhu ] swhwn swhu ]88] God’s control over all creative forces is and Thou art king of kings. Sovereign of sovereigns. O Lord of Lords. The Lord of lords. Emperor of emperors. hands. You are the King of kings.
Ājān bāhu. Sāhān sāhu. autonomous. God is transcendental
Emperor of all the emperors.
rwjwn rwj ] Bwnwn Bwn ] God is the transcendent King of all the Thou art king of kings, Prince of princes. O King of kings, The king of kings. King of kings, You are the Monarch of monarchs,
kings. God is the transcendent Sun of all sun of suns. Sun of suns. Sun of all suns, The sun of suns. Sun of suns, the Sun of suns.
Rājān rāj. Bhānān bhān.
suns. Thou art God of gods Deity of deities. Lord of all angels, The God of gods. Deity of deities, You are God of gods.
dyvwn dyv ] aupmw mhwn ]89] God is worshipped by all the gods. and of greatest Eminence. Your Glory is supreme. incomparable is Thy glory. Beyond comparison. Thy glory is great. Your appreciation is great.
Devān dev. Upmā mahān. God’s appreciations are inestimable.
ieMdRwn ieMdR ] bwlwn bwl ] God is King of indra. Thou art Indra of Indras, King of Indras. Lord of all Indras, The Indra of indras. Indra of Indras, You are God of god Indra.
God is the Greatest of the great. Smallest of the Small. Most Innocent and child-like. Greatest among the great, The greatest of the great. The most innocent among the children, You are a Child of child, Innocent.
Indrān indr. Bānān bān.
God is also existing among the Thou art Poorest of the Poor Humblest of the humble. Poorest among the poor, The poorest of the poor. The Humblest of the humble, You are Poorest of the poor. Your Grace
rMkwn rMk ] kwlwn kwl ]90] inconsiderables. God annihilates death. and Death of Deaths. Death of death. Annihilator of Death. The destroyer of death. Death of the death. is in the poor. You are Death of death.
Rankān rank. Kālān kāl.
AnBUq AMg ] AwBw ABMg ] God is beyond element. Thy Limbs are not of five elements, Beyond-elemental form. Beyond the physical elements, Sans elements. Immaterial form, You don’t have the body made of five
God's illumination is ever lasting. Thy glow is Eternal. Eternal grandeur. Ever resplendent with light, Eternally resplendent. Eternal grandeur, elements. Your Glory is for ever.
Anbhūt ang. Ābhā abhang.
God is immeasurable. Thou art Immeasurable and Thy Virtues Immeasurable is Your dynamism. Of infinite speed beyond any measure, Beyond measure. Immeasurable is Thy dynamism, Your State and Limit is Unlimited.
giq imiq Apwr ] gun gn audwr ]91] God is the Ocean of numerous virtues like Generosity are countless. Giver of All-Virtues. Ever-generous Fount of virtues and Treasure of virtues and generosity. Mine of virtues, Munificient One. You are the Treasure of Virtues, kind and
Gat mit apār. Gun gan udār. and He is broadminded. treasures. gracious.
muin gin pRnwm ] inrBY inkwm ] God is saluted by countless saints. All the Sages bow before Thee. Multitudes of silent sages bow to You. Worshipped by sages, All sages make obeisance to Him. Hosts of munis salute Thee, The silent saints bow to You.
God is Intrepid and Undesirous. And Thou art Fearless and Desireless Fearless and Desireless. without fear or desire, He is beyond fear, beyond desire. Fearless and Desireless, You are fearless and without desires.
Mun gan pranām. Nirbhai nikām.
The blazing light of God is unbearable. Thou, of the brightest effulgence, Overpowering brilliant light. Of dazzling brilliance, His glory is dazzling. Overpowering brilliant light, Your Glory is great (Unbearable).
Aiq duiq pRcMf ] imiq giq AKMf ]92] God is Immeasurable. art perfect in Thy Doings. Your dynamism is Never-ending. indivisible and immeasurable. He is beyond measure. Continuous is Thy dynamism. Your State and Glory is forever.
At dut prachand. Mit gat akhand.
AwilsÎ krm ] AwidRsÎ Drm ] God’s performances are automatical. Thy works are spontaneous Your Actions are effortless. Thy actions spring from Thy nature, Spontaneous are His actions. Spontaneous effortless are Thy works, Your deeds are smart, they continue on
God’s actions are ideal. and Thy laws are ideal. Perfect dharma. Thy laws from the noblest ideals. Invisible is His order. Ideal Thy laws, their own. None can check Your Dharma,
Ālisya karam. Ādrisya dharam.
God is all Beauty. Thou Thyself art wholly ornamented Bringing All to perfection. Thou adorn and fulfill the cosmos, He Is the source of all adornments. All ornaments (attractions) are contained Everything is under Your Invisible
srbwBrxwFX ] AnfMf bwFX ]93] God cannot be punished by anybody. and none can chastise Thee. Your are said to be Beyond punishment. unbound and unchallenged. He Is beyond challenge and punishment. in Thee, Without anybody's reprimand. discipline. You are the Beauty of all.
Sarbā-bharnādhya. Andand bādhya. None can punish You.
1 These two translations appear to be the same. It could not be determined who is the original author.
2 Dr Rabinder Powar: The term bhekh is not exactly translatable. Near approximation of its meaning is dress or guise. It also refers to a community of believers.
3 Kahn Singh Nabha in Mahan Kosh: Arth (wealth), Dharam (religion), and Kam (passion). The Taksal give the meaning as the three Gunas, Satas, Rajas and Tamas, as well as large, middle and small.
4 Tribhanga ("tri-bent", "three parts break") is a standing body position or stance used in traditional Indian sculpture, art and Indian classical dance forms. As compared with the contrapposto (counterpoise) pose, Tribhanga consists of three bends in the body, at the neck, waist and knee, hence the body is oppositely curved at waist and neck which gives it a
gentle "S" shape and is considered the most graceful and sensual of the Odissi positions. It has been closely associated with the Hindu deity Krishna who is often portrayed in this posture.
5 Seven worlds above and seven below: bhu, bhuvas, svar, mahas, janas, tapas, and satya above, and below: atala, vitala, sutala, rasaataala, talatala, mahaatala, patala and naraka.
cwcrI CMd ] qÍ pRswid ] (94-95) Movement of Sword [*] Lightning Stanza.
With Your Grace.
Chāchrī chhand. Tva prasād.
goibMdy ] mukMdy ] audwry ] Apwry ]94] God knows everything. O the Preserver Lord! Nurturer, Lord of the Cosmos, The preserver of all creation. Nourisher, You are the Knower of the Minds,
He is the Giver of salvation. O Salvation-Giver Lord! Liberator, great Emancipator, The liberator. Granter of liberation, Liberator,
Gobinde. Mukande. Udāre. Apāre.
He is Liberator O Most Genereous Lord! Generous, Ever compassionate The generous one. Generous Big Hearted,
and Inestimable. O Boundless Lord! Immeasurable. and infinite. The unsurpassable one. and Unfathomable is the Lord. and Limitless.
hrIAM ] krIAM ] inRnwmy ] Akwmy ]95] God is Killer of all O Destroyer Lord! Destroyer, Ultimate Annihilator, The annihilator. Annihilator, You are the Destroyer,
and is Creator of all. O the Creator Lord! Creator, Primordial Creator, The creator. Creator, Compassionate,
Harī-ang. Karī-ang. Nri-nāme. Akāme.
He is beyond name O the Nameless Lord! Nameless, Who hast no name The One beyond name. Nameless Nameless,
and sensual desire. O the Desireless Lord! Desireless. nor desire. The One beyond desire. and Desireless is the Lord. Desireless.
BgvqI CMd ] qÍ prRwid kQqy ] (103-132) The word Bhagvatī is usually translated Sword Stanza.
as lucky, fortunate, venerable. It is also Expounded with Your grace.
Bhagvatī chhand. Tva prasād kathate.
used as name for Durga, Chandi, Parvati.
ik AwiC`j dysY ] ik AwiB`j BysY ] God’s existence is Perpetual. That thy Abode is unconquerable. You are the Eternal realm. Imperishable is Thy kingdom, Thou art the dweller of eternal land, Dweller of eternal realm, Your place does not wear down.
God’s formation is undecaying. That Thy Garb is unimpaired. You have Impenetrable attire. indefilable is Thy form. in eternal [dress], Wearer of impermeable garb, Your appearance cannot be damaged.
Ke āchhi-jj desai. Ke ābhi-jj bhesai.
God cannot be conquered by customary That Thou art beyond impact of Karmas. You are Immortal action. Indestructible are Thy deeds, the One whose deeds are eternal, Not impressed by rituals, You cannot be appeased by rituals.
ik AwgMj krmY ] ik AwBMj BrmY ]103] observances. That Thou art free from doubts. You are the Breaker of illusion. impenetrable Thy illusion. the One who destroys all illusions. Breaker of all delusion. You are not affected by doubts.
Ke āganj karmai. Ke ābhanj bharmai. God cannot be shaken by doubts.
ik AwiBj lokY ] ik Awidq sokY ] God’s formation is indivisible. That Thy abode is unimpaired. Your Realms are Impenetrable. Detached from the world Thou createst, Thou art the detached one, Impermeable are Thy realms, You belong to the immortal place of
God can extinguish the burning suns. That Thy canst dry up the sun. You are the Scorcher of the sun. Capable of extinguishing the blazing sun, brighter than the sun, Scorcher of the sun, existence. You can dry up even the sun.
Ke ābhi-j lokai. Ke ādit sokai.
God cannot be influenced and effected. That Thy demeanour is saintly. You are described as Immaculate. Ever detached, the purest one, Of colour Immaculate, Maya cannot allure and attract You.
ik AvDUq brnY ] ik ibBUq krnY ]104] God is the Fountain of all pleasures, That thou art the Source of wealth. You are the Granter of affluence. Thou art the Creator of all powers. the supreme purifier. Deliverer of affluence. You are the Giver of name and fame.
Ke avdhūt barnai. Ke bibhūt karnai. riches and honours.
ik rwjM pRBw hYN ] ik DrmM Dujw hYN] God gives honours and glories to kings. That Thou art the glory of kingdom, You are the Glory of kings. Thou art the Glory of all kings, Thou art the glory of kings, Glory of kings, You are the Glory of kings.
God protects the truth and truthful living. That Thou art the ensign of righteousness. You are the Flag of dharma. the Flag Bearer of true faith. the standard of religion, Flag of righteousness, You are the Flag of Dharma.
Ke rājang prabhā hai. Ke dharmang dhujā hai.
God has no anxiety. That Thou hast no worries. You are Free from sorrow. Beyond grief or sorrow, the embodiment of serenity, Free from sorrow, You have no worries.
ik Awsok brnY ] ik srbw ABrnY ]105] God beautifies all. That Thou art the ornamentation of all. You are the Splendour of all. Thou adorn and sustain the cosmos. the source of all splendor. Grandeur of all. You are the Grace and Glory to all.
Ke āsok barnai. Ke sarbā abharnai.
ik jgqM ik®qI hYN ] ik CqRM CqRI hYN ] God is the Creator of all the worlds. That Thou art the Creator of the universe. You are the Creator of the world. Thou art the Creator of the world Thou art the creator of the world, Creator of the world art Thou, You are the Creator of the universe,
God Is the Bravest among all the braves. That Thou art the Bravest of the Brave. You are the Knight of knights. and Bravest of the brave. the protector of protectors, Knight of knights art Thou, the Bravest One.
Ke jagtang kritī hai. Ke chhatrang chhatrī hai.
God is all Beautification in form. God is That Thou art All-Pervading Entity. That You are the Supreme true-form. All-pervading Supreme Spirit, the embodiment of the the ultimate, Supreme form Thou possess, You are the Source of beauty to all.
ik bRhmM srUpY ] ik AnBau AnUpY ]106] self attained feelings which are unrivalled. Thou art the Source of Divine Knowledge. You are Fearless and Unique. Thy realization is bliss unrivalled. the experience beyond comparison. Unique awareness art Thou. Your Understanding is unparalleled.
Ke brahamang sarūpai. Ke anbhau anūpai.
ik Awid Adyv hYN ] ik Awip AByv hYN ] God is the God of gods, He has been That Thou art the Primal Entity without a You are the Primal Supreme One. The Supreme and Primal God, Thou art the prime God, Primal One, Supreme reality, You are from the beginning,
existing before the era. God is Master. That Thou art self-illumined. You only are free of duality. beyond all mysteries, beyond mystery, Unknown to all, there is none other above You.
Ke ād adev hai. Ke āp abhev hai.
unparalleled as no one is equal to Him That Thou art without any portrait. You are Without any Image. Thou hast no form, beyond portrayal, Without any Form, You are above picture and form,
ik ic`qRM ibhInY ] ik eykY ADInY ]107] and His mystery is unknown. That Thou art Master of Thyself. You are only Subordinate to yourself. and art Thine own master. Thy own subject. Subordinate only to Himself. and are Self-Controlled.
Ke chittrang bihīnai. Ke ekai adhīnai. God is beyond portraiture.
God is self controlled One.
ik rozI rzwkY ] rhImY irhwkY ] God provides work for all for their That Thou art the generous Sustainer. You are Provider of sustenance. Thou art the Giver of sustenance to all, Thou art the universal sustainer, Provideer of livelihood, You are the giver of subsistence,
sustaining. God is compassionate to all That Thou art the pure Redeemer. You are the Compassionate liberator of Thou art the merciful Emancipator. the kind liberator, Compassionate liberator, Kind and the Liberator.
Ke rozī razākai. Rahīmai rihākai.
and He provides liberation to all. That Thou art Flawless. suffering. Ever immaculate without any blemish, the purest, the flawless, Pure, Immaculate is He, You are the Purest and Spotless.
ik pwk ibAYb hYN ] ik ZYbul ZYb hYN ]108] God is Chastity and Unspoted. That Thou art most Mysterious. You are Pure, Flawless. Thou art invisible and mysterious. the most mysterious. Absolute mystery is He. You are a Great Mystery.
Ke pāk bi-aib hai. Ke gaibul gaib hai. God is Unsighted and Invisible. You are the Hidden mystery.
ik A&vul gunwh hYN ] ik Swhwn Swh hYN ] God pardons all sins. That Thou forgivest sins. You are the Forgiver of misdeeds. Thou art the Forgiver of sins, Thou art the redeemer of all sins, Forgiver of sins, You forgive sinners,
God is Transcendent King of all kings. That Thou art the Emperor of Emperors. You are the Sovereign of sovereigns. King of kings, the Lord of lords, Emperor of emperors, and are King of kings.
Ke af-vul gunāh hai. Ke shāhān shāh hai.
God performs all actions. That Thou art Doer of everything. You are the Cause of creation. The Cause of all actions, the doer of all deeds, Cause of all creation, You Create opportunities,
ik kwrn kuinµd hYN ] ik rozI idhMd hYN ]109] God provides work for all. That Thou art the Giver of the means of You are Provider of sustenance. providing sustenance to everyone. the provider of livelihood. Provider of livelihood. and give provisions.
Ke kāran kunind hai. Ke rozī dihand hai. sustenance.
ik rwzk rhIm hYN ] ik krmM krIm hYN ] God sustains and shows kindness to all. That Thou art the Generous Sustainer. You are the Sustainer and Thou art the merciful Provider of Thou art the generous sustainer, Provider and Compassionate, You are the Provider, Kind,
God is the Fountain of all virtues and That Thou art the Most Compassionate. Compassionate. sustenance, the compassionate one, Gracious Benevolent, Compassionate and Benevolent.
Ke rāzak rahīm hai. Ke karmang karīm hai.
blessings. God is Transcendent Master of That Thou art Omnipotent. You are Gracious and Merciful. The ever-gracious Fount of compassion. the master of all powers, Omniscient is He, You are All Powerful,
ik srbM klI hYN ] ik srbM dlI hYN ]110] all powers. God annihilates all. That Thou art the Destroyer of all. You are All-Powerful. Thou art the Source of all arts and the annihilator of all. Annihilator of all is He. and the Destroyer of all.
Ke sarbang kalī hai. Ke sarbang dalī hai. You are the Destroyer of all. powers, The Chastiser and Annihilator.
ik srbqR mwinÎY ] ik srbqR dwinÎY ] God is adorned by all. That Thou art worshipped by all. You are Worshipped by all. Worshipped everywhere, Thou art universally venerated, Venerated everywhere, You are worshipped everywhere,
God is Donor of all. That Thou art the Donor of all. You are the Giver to all. Thou art the Giver of all things. the most benevolent, Giver to all everywhere, the Giver everywhere.
Ke sarbatr māni-yai. Ke sarbatr dāni-yai.
God is permeating everything. That Thou goest everywhere. You are Worshipped everywhere. Present everywhere, the One who wanders everywhere, Worshipped everywhere, You are present everywhere,
ik srbqR gaunY ] ik srbqR BaunY ]111] God is Immanent. That Thou residest everywhere. You are Pervading everywhere. Thou residest in all things. the One who pervades every place. Pervasive everywhere. every place is Yours.
Ke sarbatr gaunai. Ke sarbatr bhaunai.
ik srbqR dysY ] ik srbqR BysY ] All countries belong to God. That Thou art in every country. You are Dwelling in all lands. Thou art present in all lands Thou art in every land, Dwelling in all lands, You are in every country,
God goes in every dress. That Thou art in every garb. You are Working through all guises. and in all forms. in every [dress], Wearing all vestures, all dresses and appearances are Yours.
Ke sarbatr desai. Ke sarbatr bhesai.
God is King of all. That Thou art the King of all. You are the Sovereign everywhere. Thine is the kingdom everywhere, the universal ruler, His sovereignty extending everywhere, You are the King everywhere,
ik srbqR rwjY ] ik srbqR swjY ]112] God is the Creator of all. That Thou art the Creator of all. You are Architect of all. Thou art the Creator of the cosmos. the universal creator. Creator of all. You Create everything.
Ke sarbatr rājai. Ke sarbatr sājai.
ik srbqR dInYN ] ik srbqR lInYN ] God is the Donor of everything to all. That Thou belongest to all religions. You are the Giver to all. Everywhere Thou art the Giver Thou art the One who bestows upon all, Giver to everybody, You are the Giver to all,
God is mingled everywhere in all things. That Thou art within everyone. You are Permeating all. and Thou permeate all things. the One who takes away from all, Permeating all, and are present everywhere.
Ke sarbatr dīnai. Ke sarbatr līnai.
God’s glory illuminates everywhere. God’s That Thou livest everywhere. You are the Majesty of all. Everywhere is Thy glory the One who rules everywhere, His sovereignty extending everywhere, Your Glory is everywhere.
ik srbqR jw ho ] ik srbqR Bw ho ]113] illumination appears everywhere. That Thou art the Glory of all. You are the Divine radiance everywhere. and Thou light up all things. the luster of all luster. (His) light illuminating all. Everywhere is your grace, light and
Ke sarbatr jā-ho. Ke sarbatr bhā-ho. radiance.
ik srbqR dysY ] ik srbqR BysY ] All countries belong to God. That Thou art in all the countries. You are Present in all realms. Thou art present in all lands Thou art in all lands, Dweller of all realms, You are in all regions,
God goes in every dress. That Thou art in all the garbs. You are Manifest in all forms. and in all forms. in every [dress], Manifested in all forms, in every form You are there.
Ke sarbatr desai. Ke sarbatr bhesai.
God is Destroyer of all. That Thou art the Destroyer of all. You are the Destroyer of all. Thou art the Annihilator everywhere and in all times, Annihilator of all, You are the Death to all,
ik srbqR kwlY ] ik srbqR pwlY ]114] God is Sustainer of all. That Thou art the Sustainer of all. You are the Preserver of all. the Sustainer everywhere. the preserver of all. Preserver of all. and are the Sustainer of everyone.
Ke sarbatr kālai. Ke sarbatr pālai.
ik srbqR hMqw ] ik srbqR gMqw ] God is Destroyer of all. That Thou destroyest all. You are the Slayer of all, Everywhere Thou art the ultimate Thou art the destroyer of all, Extinguisher of all, You are the Destroyer of all,
God approaches everywhere to everyone. That Thou goest to all the places. You have Access to all places. Annihilator, Everything is within Thy reach the One who moves everywhere, Thou hast access to all places, and can reach everywhere.
Ke sarbatr hantā. Ke sarbatr gantā.
God is present everywhere in all dresses. That Thou wearest all the garbs. You are Manifested in all forms. and knowledge. Everywhere Thou art the One who is in all appearances, Manifested in all forms, In every form You are there.
ik srbqR ByKI ] ik srbqR pyKI ]115] God sustains everyone everywhere That Thou seest all. You are Visible to all. manifest in varied forms, Everywhere the observer of all. Visible to Thee are all. You take care of everyone.
Ke sarbatr bhekhī. Ke sarbatr pekhī. always. Thou art the gracious Seer.
ik srbqR kwjY ] ik srbqR rwjY ] God works everywhere at all times. That Thou art the cause of all. You are all works. Thou art the Doer of all deeds, Thou art the cause of all actions, All actions are in Him, Everywhere it is Your Creation,
God is the Supreme King of everybody That Thou art the Glory of all. You Reside in all. Thy kingdom reaches everywhere. the ruler everywhere, Adorning all places is He, Your Royal Glory is everywhere.
Ke sarbatr kājai. Ke sarbatr rājai.
everywhere. God is the Destroyer of That Thou driest up all. You are the Scorcher of all. Thou art the Annihilator of everything, the destroyer of all, Annihilator of all is in Him, You dry up everything,
ik srbqR soKY ] ik srbqR poKY ]116] everything at all places. God sustains That Thou fillest up all. You are the Nurturer of all. Thou art the Sustainer everywhere. the protector of all. Nourisher of all is in Him. Everywhere You are the Sustainer.
Ke sarbatr sokhai. Ke sarbatr pokhai. everyone at all places at all times.
ik srbqR qRwxY ] ik srbqR pRwxY ] God’s power prevails everywhere at all That Thou art the Strength of all. You are the Protector of all. Thou art the Almighty Reliever of misery, Thou art the power of all. Refuge of all is He, Your Strength prevails everywhere.
the times. God denotes life to everybody That Thou art the life of all. You are the Life-force of all. Thou art the very Breath of life. the breath of all life, Life-force is He, Everywhere it is the soul blessed by You.
Ke sarbatr trānai. Ke sarbatr prānai.
over the whole universe. That Thou art in all countries. You are in all lands. Thou art present in all lands, in all lands, Manifested in all lands, You are at every place.
ik srbqR dysY ] ik srbqR BysY ]117] All the countries belong to God. God That Thou art in garbs. You are in all attires. Thou art manifest in all forms. in every [dress]. Manifested in all garbs is He. In different forms, You are everywhere.
Ke sarbatr desai. Ke sarbatr bhesai. being Omnipresent, goes in every dress.
ik srbqR mwnXY ] sdYvM pRDwnXY ] God is adorned by all. God is transcen- That Thou art worshipped everywhere. You are Honoured by all. Adored everywhere, Thou art revered by all, Acknowledged by all, You are revered everywhere.
dent President of all the universe. That Thou art the Supreme Controller of You are always Supreme. Thou art ever the Supreme Master. the eternal lord, Ever Supreme, Everywhere You are the Supreme Being.
Ke sarbatr mān-yai. Sadaivang pradhān-yai.
God is recited by all at all places. all. Your [name is] ever worthy to be recited Everywhere is Thy Name chanted meditated upon by all, Ever to be worshipped, Your Name is recited everywhere.
ik srbqR jwpXY ] ik srbqR QwpXY ]118] God establishes everyone at all places That Thou art remembered everywhere. by all. You establish all. and Thy kingdom established the founder of all. Eternally established is the Lord. Everywhere You are established.
Ke sarbatr jāp-yai. Ke sarbatr thāp-yai. and He is Omnipresent. That Thou art established everywhere. everywhere.
ik srbqR BwnY ] ik srbqR mwnY ] God gives light to all the suns of the That Thou illuminest everything. You are the Sun for all. Thou art like the sun spreading light Thou art the light of all suns. Ever present like the Sun, You are the Sun to everyone.
universe and He Himself shines like That Thou art honoured by all. You are venerated by all. everywhere, Thine is the glory honored by all, Ever acknowledged, You are worshipped everywhere.
Ke sarbatr bhānai. Ke sarbatr mānai.
millions of suns. God is respected by all That Thou art Indra (King) of all. That You are the King of all. acknowledged everywhere. the King of gods, Ever the supreme god (Indra), Your Kingdom is everywhere.
ik srbqR ieMdRY ] ik srbqR cMdRY ]119] the respectables at all places. Thou art the moon (Light) of all. You are the Moon for all. Thou art the supreme God of all gods, the moon of all moons. Ever the Moon. Everywhere You are the Moon.
Ke sarbatr indrai. Ke sarbatr chandrai. God is the transcendent Kind of all the Thou art the Lord of all moons and
kings of gods. God illuminates all the planets.
moons of all the solar systems in the
ik srbM klImY ] ik prmM PhImY ] God Himself speaks in all at all places. That Thou art master of all powers. You are the Master of all prayers. Thy word inspires all Creation, Thou art the source of all speech, Speak Thou in all, You are the source of speech to all.
God possesses all knowledge and That Thou art Most Intelligent. You are the Highest knowledge. Thou art the supreme Fount of all the wisest one, Highest knowledge art Thou, You are the Source of Wisdom.
Ke sarbang kalīmai. Ke parmang fahīmai.
wisdom. God is the greatest Ocean of all That Thou art Most Wise and Learned. You are the Wise Scholar. wisdom. Thou art supreme in wisdom and the source of all knowledge, Spiritual wisdom Thou art, You are the Source of Intelligence.
ik Awkl AlwmY ] ik swihb klwmY ]120] learnings. God is the Creator of all the That Thou art the Master of Languages. You are the Master of all speech. enlightenment, Thou art the Lord of all the master of all expression. Source of all speech art Thou. You are the Master of Speech.
Ke ākal alāmai. Ke sāhib kalāmai. languages. scriptures.
ik husnul vjU hYN ] qmwmul rujU hYN ] God embodies all beauty. That Thou art the Embodiment of Beauty. You are the Pinnacle of beauty. Thou art the Essence of all beauty Thou art the essence of all beauty, Culmination of beauty Thou art, You are the Great Beauty.
God looks after everybody forever. That all look towards Thee. You are the Centre of everyones focus. and the Center of all attraction. the center of attraction, Centre Thou art of everybody's attraction, You care for all.
Ke husnul vajū hai. Tamāmul rujū hai.
God is ever existing. God’s creation is That Thou abidest forever. You are Forever Sound. Eternal is Thy peace eternally perfect, Ever eternal Thou art, You are ever existent.
hmysul slwmYN ] slIKq mudwmYN ]121] ever lasting and His beauty cannot be That Thou hast perpetual offspring. Your Creativity is Unrivaled. and everlasting Thy creation. eternally fragrant. Method of Thy creation is ever-lasting. Your Ways are unchanged.
Hamesul salāmai. Salīkhat mudāmai. perished.
ZnImul iSksqY ] ZrIbul prsqY ] God crushes the sinful enemies. That Thou art the conqueror of mighty Conqueror of enemies. Thou art the Vanquisher of the tyrants Thou art the One who crushes the Subduer of the enemies, You surrender the enemies.
God sustains and protects the innocents. enemies. That Thou art the Protector of Protector of the poor. and Protector of the poor. enemy, the protector of the poor, Protector of the poor, You protect the poor.
Ganīmul shikastai. Garībul parastai.
God’s seat is the Highest and Optimum. the lowly. Highest is Your Palace. Lofty is Thy mansion, the highest, omnipresent in heaven High Thy dwelling house, You are the Highest, none is equal.
iblµdul mkwnYN ] zmInul zmwnYN ]122] God is Omnipresent and Immanent. That Thy Abode is the Highest. That Thou Present on earth and sky. heaven and earth Thy kingdom. and on earth. Ever present Thou art on earth and sky. You are ever present on the earth.
Bilandul makānai. Zamīnul zamānai. Pervadest on Earth and in Heavens.
qmIzul qmwmY ] rujUAl inDwnY ] God identifies every sinner as well as the That Thou discriminatest all. Perfect knower of all. Thou grantest wisdom to all, Thou art the rationale of all rationality, Embodiment of perfect sense of You are the Ethics of all. You are the
virtuous. God sustains everyone over the That Thou art most Considerate. Richest treasure of meditation. Thou art the Center of all meditation. the source of attractiveness, discrimination, Richest object of Treasure of Attention for everyone.
Tamīzul tamāmai. Rujū-al nidhānai.
universe continuously. That Thou art the Greatest Friend. Greatest friend. Thou art the perfect Friend the greatest companion, concentration, greatest friend, You are the Mighty Opponent,
hrIPul AzImYN ] rzwiek XkInYN ]123] God is the Greatest enemy of all sins. That Thou art certainly the Giver of food. Assured Provider of sustenance. and surest Provider of sustenance. the surest source of sustenance. Sure Provider of food. and the Great Provider.
Harīful azīmai. Razā-ek yakīnai. God ensures sustenance to all.
Anykul qrMg hYN ] AByd hYN ABMg hYN ] God is such a great Ocean in which all That Thou, as Ocean, Hast innumerable You are Infinite waves. Thou art like an ocean with countless Thou art the One with varied moods, Infinite as sea-waves, You are Countless Waves.
the solar systems of the universe move waves. That Thou art Immortal and none You are Unknowable, Unbreakable. waves, ever mysterious, ever mysterious and indestructible one, Unknowable, Eternal, You are a Mystery, and indestructible.
Anekul tarang hai. Abhed hai abhang hai.
like countless waves. can know Thy secrets. You are the Honour of your devotees. imperishable. the protector of friends, Protector of the devotees, You give Glory to all who love You,
AzIzul invwz hYN ] ZnImul iKrwj hYN ]124] God is Impalpable and Indestructible. That Thou protectest the devotees. You punish and subdue enemies. Thou art the Saviour of Thy devotees the chastiser of the enemy. Chastiser and subduer of foe is the Lord. and punish the enemies.
Azīzul nivāz hai. Ganīmul khirāj hai. God gives blessings to all His devotees. That Thou punishest the evil-doers. and Chastiser of their enemies.
God gives punishment to the sinners.
inrukq srUp hYN ] iqRmukiq ibBUq hYN ] God’s portrait cannot be prepared and He That Thy Entity is Inexpressible. You have an Inexpressible appearance. Indescribable is Thy form, Thou art the indescribable form, lnexpressible form have Thou, You are Indescribable.
is Indescribable. God is beyond trimorphic That Thy Glory is beyond the 3 modes. Your splendour is beyond the 3 gunas. transcendent is Thy power. the wealth, free from all the 3 worldly Beyond three gunas is Thy grandeur, You have Great Glory and are above
Nirukat sarūp hai. Trimukat bibhūt hai.
form but He is a Saporific of all kinds. That Thine is the Most Powerful Glow. Your Radiance is not dependent on All revel in Thy glory, qualities, dazzling in glory, Abundant radiance Thou have, worldly attachments.
pRBugiq pRBw hYN ] su jugiq suDw hYN ]125] God’s Light is being enjoyed by all. That Thou art ever united with all. actions. immanent in all is Thy nectar. the elixir that permeates all. Perfectly immersed in elixir art Thou. All enjoy Your Glory
Prabhugat prabhā hai. Su jugat sudhā hai. God is such sweet Nectar which is You are completely immersed in elixir. You are well blended Great Essence.
Omnipresent and enjoyed by all.
sdYvM srUp hYN ] ABydI AnUp hYN ] God’s existence is perpetual. That Thou art Eternal Entity. You are the Eternal form. Eternal is Thine existence, Thou art the embodiment of eternity, Eternal form art Thou, You are Ever-Existent, one with the
God is Unrivalled and Unparalleled. That Thou art undivided and unparalleled. You are Indivisible, Incomparable. ever mysterious and incomparable. mystenous, incomparable, Unknown, incomparable art Thou, Creation, and none other is like You.
Sadaivang sarūp hai. Abhedī anūp hai.
God is Conqueror of all. That Thou art the Creator of all. That Thou You are the Creator of all. Thou art the Vanquisher of all, the originator of all, Creator of all art Thou, You defeat all,
smsqo prwj hYN ] sdw srb swj hYN ]126] God is the Creator of all forever. art ever the Ornamentation of all. You have ever fashioned all. Thou art the Creator of all. the eternal founder. Ever eternal creator art Thou. You are always the Creator of everyone.
Samasto-parāj hai. Sadā sarab sāj hai.
smsqul slwm hYN ] sdYvl Akwm hYN ] God gives animation to all. That Thou art saluted by all. You are the Source of reverence for all. Protector of all, Thou art the perserver of all, Source of protection of all, You are support of the welfare of
God is without any desire. That Thou art ever the Desireless Lord. You are Ever desireless. Thou art free of all desires. ever free from desire, Ever desireless, everyone. You are ever Desireless.
Samastul salām hai. Sadaival akām hai.
God cannot be obstructed from His way That Thou art Invincible. That Thou art You are the Invincible Primal form. Of imperishable form, the eternal form, Unhindered Primal form, There is no obstacle to Your ways.
inRbwD srUp hYN ] AgwiD hYN AnUp hYN ]127] by anyone. God is Unfathomable and Impenetrable and Unparalleled Entity. You are the Unfathomable, Thou art unfathomable and incomparable. unfathomable, incomparable. Unfathomable, Incomparable. You are Limitless and Unique.
Nribādh sarūp hai. Agādh hai anūp hai. Unrivalled. Incomparable.
EAM Awid rUpY ] Anwid srUpY ] God is the Soul of the whole universe and That Thou art Aum the primal Entity. Oaṅ the Primal form. Om is Thy primal manifestation, Thou art the prime form of God, Ongkaar, the Primal form, You are from the beginning,
only His form existed before the creation. That Thou art also without beginning. Infinite beautiful form. But Thine existence has no beginning. the form beyond beginning, Beginningless Being, and Yourself are the Beginningless.
Oang ād rūpai. Anād sarūpai.
God’s origin is not searchable as it is That Thu art Bodyless and Nameless. Bodiless, Nameless. Without a body, without a name, indivisible, nameless, Bodiless, Nameless, You are Bodiless, nameless,
AnµgI Anwmy ] iqRBMgI iqRkwmy ]128] unknown. God is Incorporeal and beyond That Thou art the Destroyer and Restorer Destroyer and Fulfiller Thou art the Annihilator and the Fulfiller the destroyer of the 3 worlds Destroyer of 3 realms and fulfiller of destroyer of the 3 worlds, and desireless.
Anangī anāme. Tribhangī trikāme. name. God is the Destroyer and Sustainer of 3 modes. of desires of the 3 worlds. everywhere. and the source of all desires. desires of all living in all worlds art Thou.
of the trimorphic world.
iqRbrgM iqRbwDy ] AgMjy AgwDy ] God is the source of the 3 supreme That Thou art the Destroyer of 3 gods Creator and Destroyer of the 3 gunas. Blesser of the 3 boons, Thou art the embodiment of the 3 virtues, Encompassing 3 ideals art Thou, You are 3 Boons.6 Under Your Control are
virtues to whome He controls and He has and modes. Impenetrable, Profound. Master of the 3 worlds, the ruler of the 3 worlds, Invincible, Unfathomable, 3 worlds. None can conquer You,
Tribargang tribādhe. Aganje agādhe.
complete check on them. That Thou art Impenetrable and Immortal. You Write a good destiny for all. Thou art imperishable and unfathomable. invincible, unfathomable, Charming are all Thy aspect, You are Limitless.
suBM srb Bwgy ] su srbw Anurwgy ]129] God is Impregnable and Unfathomable. That Thy Writ of Destiny is for all. Very Loving to all. Benevolent Ordainer of everyone’s fate, auspicious in all regions, ever loving. Loving to everybody art Thou. You are the Beauty in every aspect
Subhang sarab bhāge. Su sarbā anurāge. God is all beauty in all forms. That Thou lovest all. Thou art manifest as Love everywhere. You love everyone.
God is all Love and He loves everyone.
iqRBugq srUp hYN ] AiC`j hYN ACUq hYN ] God gives beautification all over the That Thou art the Enjoyer Entity of 3 You are the Provider of bliss to all 3 Reveller of the 3 worlds, Thou art the embodiment of joy of the 3 Provider of bliss to all art Thou, You are the Enjoyer of the 3 worlds.
trimorphic world. worlds. That Thou art Unbreakable and worlds. You are Immortal, Untouchable none can penetrate or touch Thee. worlds, imperishable, untouchable, Eternal, Transcendent, You don’t get worn out, none can touch
Tribhugat sarūp hai. Achhi-jj hai achhūt hai.
God is Perpetual and Intangible. untouched. (Transcendent). Destroyer of hell, the destroyer of hell, Destroyer of hell, You. You are the Destroyer of hell.
ik nrkM pRxws hYN ] ipRQIaul pRvws hYN ]130] God is Destroyer of the abode of judged. That Thou art the Destroyer of hell. You are the Destroyer of hell. Thou abidest throughout the cosmos. omnipresent in all lands. Permeating in all beings everywhere on On earth, You are like an unattached
Ke narkang pranās hai. Prithī-ul pravās hai. God, Himself is the Traveller on the earth That Thou Pervadest the Earth. You Permeate everywhere on earth. earth. visitor.
in all forms.
inrukiq pRBw hYN ] sdYvM sdw hYN ] God’s illumination is indefinable. That Thy Glory is Inexpressible. Your Glory is Inexpressible. Of indescribable glory, Thou art inexpressible splendor, Ineffable is Thy glory, Your Glory is above description.
God is Omnipresent forever. That Thou art Eternal. You are Perpetual Eternal. Thou art ever eternal. the eternal one, Everlasting Eternal, You are for ever here.
Nirukat prabhā hai. Sadaivang sadā hai.
God gives beautifcation to all. That Thou abidest in innumerable diverse Your Form gives bliss to all. Detached from the material world, the source of all enjoyment, Provide Thou bliss to all, You are the Giver of Boons for all.
ibBugiq srUp hYN ] pRjugiq AnUp hYN ]131] God is Immanent and Universal. guises. That Thou art wonderfully united You are Connected to all yet unique. Thou sublimely permeate the cosmos. universal yet unique. Thou pervadest all and art incomparable. You are present in everything, and You
Bibhugat sarūp hai. Prajugat anūp hai. with all. are Unique.
inrukiq sdw hYN ] ibBugiq pRBw hYN ] God is Indefinable forever. God’s That Thou art ever Inexpressible. You are Inexpressible Eternal. Thou art ever beyond description, Thou art ever indescribable, Ineffable Eternal art Thou, None can ever tell anything about You,
illumination gives beautification to all. That Thy Glory appears in diverse guises. Your Radiance gives joy to all. Thy splendour transcends the cosmos. the resplendent glory, Thy light pleases all, but all enjoy Your Glory. Nobody can
Nirukat sadā hai . Bibhugat prabhā hai.
God’s formation is indescribable. God is That Thy Form is Indescribable. That Your Form is Inexpressible. Indescribable is Thy form, the ineffable form, Inexpressible form have Thou, describe You. You are there in everything,
Anaukiq srUp hYN ] pRjugiq AnUp hYN ]132] mingled with all and He is Universal. Thou art wonderfully united with all. You Permeate all, still You are Matchless. Thou sublimely permeate the cosmos. universal yet unique. Thou permeate all, still Thou art and You are Unique.
Anukat sarūp hai. Prajugat anūp hai. Beauteous One.
srbM hMqw ] srbM gMqw ] God is the Destroyer of all. Thou art the Destroyer of all. Destroyer of all. Thou art the Annihilator of all, Thou art the destroyer of all, Annihilator of all You are the Destroyer of all.
God approaches everywhere to all. Thou art the Goer to all. Pervasive in all. Thou art present in everyone. the One who reaches everywhere, and Pervasive in all art Thou, You can reach everywhere.
Sarbang hantā. Sarbang gantā.
God is Immanent among all. Thou art well-known to all. Known to all. Thou art praised by all, renowned everywhere, Known to all You are the Famous,
srbM KÎwqw ] srbM gÎwqw ]142] God is Omnipresent. Thou art the knower of all. Knower of all. Thou knowest everyone. all knowing. and knower of all art Thou. and Know everyone.
Sarbang khiātā. Sarbang giātā.
srbM hrqw ] srbM krqw ] God is the Destroyer of all. Thou Killest all. Destroyer of all. Thou canst take away from everyone, Thou art the annihilator of all, Destroyer of all, You are the Universal Killer,
God is the Creator of all. Thou Createst all. Creator of all. For all deeds are done by Thee through the creator of all, Creator of all, and Cause of Birth to all.
Sarbang hartā. Sarbang kartā.
God gives animation to all. Thou art the Life of all. Life-breath of all. everyone. the breath of all, Life-breath of all, You are the Life and Soul of everyone,
srbM pRwxM ] srbM qRwxM ]143] God provides strenght and energy to all. Thou art the Strength of all. Refuge of all. Thou art the Breath of life in all, the strength of all. Refuge of all. and the Strength of all.
Sarbang prānang. Sarbang trānang. Thou art the Emancipator of all.
srbM krmM ] srbM DrmM ] God, Himself, acts among all. Thou art in all works. Encompassing all actions. Thou art the Doer working through Thou art the doer of all deeds, Encompassing all actions, You are in all actions,
God’s performances are everywhere. Thou art in all Religions. Encompassing all dharma. everyone, the source of all righteousness, Encompassing all dharma, and in all Dharma.
Sarbang karmang. Sarbang dharmang.
God is attached with the entire Universe. Thou art united with all. Connected to all. Thou art the Fount of all religions. the source of all order, Related to all, You are merged with all,
srbM jugqw ] srbM mukqw ]144] Despite all this, God is detached from all. Thou art free from all. Unattached to all. Thou art attached to all, the liberator of all. Unattached to all art Thou. and still detached.
Sarbang jugtā. Sarbang muktā. Thou art free of all.
BgvqI CMd ] qÍ pRswid ] (150-160) The word Bhagvatī is usually translated Sword Stanza.
as lucky, fortunate, venerable. It is also With Your Grace.
Bhagvatī chhand. Tva prasād.
used as name for Durga, Chandi, Parvati.
ik zwhr zhUr hYN ] ik hwzr hzUr hYN ] God’s illuminations is unambiguous. That Thou art visible illumination. Your Grandeur is here and now. Ever manifest in all Thy splendour, Thy manifestation is apparent, Thy grandeur is obvious, Your manifestation is visible all over.
God is immanent. That Thou art All-Prevading. You are Ever present. Ever present in all Thy glory, Thou art omnipresent, Thou art ever present, You are present everywhere.
Ke zāhar zahūr hai. Ke hāzar hazūr hai.
God is Animate forever. That Thou art receiver of Eternal You are Ever Saluted. Thou art the Fount of eternal peace, ever existent, Thou art ever worthy of Salutation, You are Immortal,
hmysul slwm hYN ] smsqul klwm hYN ]150] God’s virtues and greatness are sung compliments. You are the Essence the word. Thou art the Source of all scriptures. the source of all expression. Thou art the essence of all speech. all praise You.
Hamesul salām hai. Samastul kalām hai. everywhere. That Thou art Venerated by all.
ik swihb idmwZ hYN ] ik husnl crwZ hYN ] God is transcendent Master of all That Thou art Most Intelligent. You are the Masterful intellect. Great Master of all intellect, Thou art the Lord of intellect, Possess Thou the sovereign intellect, You are the Wisest,
intellectual powers. God is the That Thou art the Lamp of Beauty. You are the Lamp of beauty. Thou art the Fount of all beauty. the glow of beauty, lamp thou art of beauty. and the Source of Beauty.
Ke sāhib dimāg hai. Ke husnul charāg hai.
enlightened Lamp of illuminated beauty. That Thou art completely Generous. You are Perfectly compassionate. Ever perfect in Thy compassion, the most benevolent, Wonderfully compassionate Thou art, You are Kindest, Provider,
ik kwml krIm hYN ] ik rwzk rhIm God is the most merciful Power of all. That Thou art Sustainer and Merciful. You are the Merciful provider. Thou art the Merciful Giver of the kindest provider. merciful provider Thou art. and Merciful.
hYN ]151] God provides earning to all and He is king sustenance.
Ke kāmal karīm hai. Ke rāzak rahīm hai. to all.
ik rozI idhMd hYN ] ik rwzk rihMd hYN ] God provides work to all. That Thou art Giver of Sustenance. You are Giver of food. Thou art the Source of all livelihood, Thou art the provider of livelihood, Provider of food Thou art, You are the Provider,
God provides earning to all and He makes That Thou art ever the Sustainer. You are the Sustainer and Liberator. Giver of sustenance and emancipation. the provider of sustenance and Provider Thou ever remain, Sustainer, and Liberator.
Ke rozī dihand hai. Ke rāzak rahind hai.
everybody unfettered. That Thou art the perfection of You are Perfectly compassionate. Thou art perfect in Thy compassion, emancipation. Perfectly compassionate Thou art, You are wonderfully Compassionate,
krImul kmwl hYN ] ik husnul jmwl hYN ]152] God is Optimum bounty. Generosity. You are Beautifully Radiant. Ever beautiful, ever resplendent. matchless In Thy generosity, Excellent beautiful Thou be. and the Beauty of Glory.
Karīmul kamāl hai. Ke husnul jamāl hai. God is Optimum beauty. That Thou art Most Beautiful. the splendor of beauty.
ZnImul i^rwj hYN ] ZrIbul invwz hYN ] God sends the sinners to tartarus. That Thou art the Penaliser of enemies. You are the Punisher of enemies. Chastiser of the tyrants, Thou art the punisher of enemy, Subduer of enemies, You Levy the enemies.
God sustains and protects the innocents. That Thou art the Supporter of the poor. You are the Protector of the poor. Saviour of the poor, the protector of the poor, Protector of the poor, You honor the poor.
Ganīmul khirāj hai. Garībul nivāz hai.
God annihilates the sinful enemies. That Thou art the Destroyer of enemies You are the Slayer of enemies. Annihilator of the oppressors, the exterminator of enemy, Destroyer of the nonbelievers, You destroy the enemy,
hrIPul iSkMn hYN ] ihrwsul iPkMn hYN ]153] God is intrepid. That Thou art the remover of Fear. You are the Annihilator of fear. Thou art Dispeller of all fear. the conqueror of fear. Vanquisher of fear Thou art. and remove fear.
Harīful shikan hai. Hirāsul fikan hai.
klµkM pRxws hYN ] smsqul invws hYN ] God is the Destroyer of all evils and That Thou art the Destroyer of blemishes. You Remove the stain of sins. Destroyer of sins and stigmas, Thou art the eliminator of sins, Remover of the slur of sins, You clean off the blames,
curses. God inhabits everywhere in That Thou art the dweller in all. You Dwell in all places. Thou art present in everyone. omnipresent, Dweller of all places, and manifest in everyone.
Kalankang pranās hai. Samastul nivās hai.
everybody. God is Impregnable. God is That Thou art invincible by enemies. You are not wounded by enemies. Ever invincible against evil, the doom of enemy, Unvanquished art Thou, Enemies cannot conquer You.
AgMjul gnIm hYN ] rzwiek rhIm hYN ]154] very kind sustainer of the universe. That Thou art the Sustainer and Gracious. You are the Compassionate Sustainer. Thou art Merciful Provider of sustenance. the kindest provider. Provider of food art Thou. You are the Provider and Merciful.
Aganjul ganīm hai. Razā-ek rahīm hai.
smsqul zubW hYN ] ik swihb ikrW hYN ] God’s vibrations are produced through That Thou art the Master of all languages. You are the Speech of all. Thou speakest from every tongue, Thou art the source of all speech, The Speech of all, You are the voice of all,
every tongue. God is Tranquil pleasure. That Thou art the Most Glorious. You are the Master of spells. Thou art ever so near, O Master. the auspicious one, Sovereign of all good stars, the Master with Great Glory.
Samastul zubā hai. Ke sāhib kirā hai.
God is Destroyer of tartarus. That Thou art the Destroyer of hell. You are the Extinguisher of hell. Thou art the Annihilator of hell, the destroyer of hell, Annuller of hell, You save from hell,
ik nrkM pRxws hYN ] bihSqul invws hYN ]155] God inhabits in the Heavens. That Thou art the dweller in heaven. You Dwell in paradise. Thou art the Master of heaven. the dweller of heaven. Dweller of paradise art Thou. and bless with heaven.
Ke narkang pranās hai. Bahishtul nivās hai.
ik srbul gvMn hYN ] hmysul rvMn hYN ] God’s Stretch is to everywhere. That Thou art the Goer to all. You Reach one and all. None is beyond Thy reach, Thou art the One who reaches Reach Thou one and all, You prevail everywhere. You are the Bliss,
God is everlasting Beautification. That Thou art ever Blissful. You are Ever Blissful Presence. For Thou art ever dynamic. everywhere, ever moving, Ever on the move art Thou, and revered by everyone.
Ke sarbul gavan hai. Hamesul ravan hai.
God identifies every sinner as well as the That Thou art the knower of all. You discern all beings. Thou knowest the reality of everyone, the rationale of rationality, Possess Thou the rational faculty, You are the source of wisdom to make
qmwmul qmIz hYN ] smsqul AzIz hYN ]156] victorious. God is loved by all. That Thou art dearest to all. You are the Beloved of all. Yet all are loved by Thee. beloved of all. Beloved of all art Thou. distinction between one and the other
Tamāmul tamīz hai. Samastul azīz hai. thing. You are loved by everyone.
prM prm eIs hYN ] smsqul AdIs hYN ] God is Transcendent Lord of all from the That Thou art the Lord of lords. You are Supreme Isvara. Thou art the supreme Lord, O Master. Thou art the God of gods, Supreme Ruler art Thou, You are the Greatest Master.
beginning. God is Transcendent Lord That Thou art hidden from all. You are Invisible to all. Thou art the universal Primal God. ever invisible, Invisible to all art Thou, You are the Lord of all.
Parang param īs hai. Samastul adīs hai.
forever. God does not belong to any That Thou art countryless and You are Inexpressible, of no land. Belonging to no country, beyond beyond place and description. Inexpressible, of no land art Thou, You have no fixed place, You cannot be
Adysul AlyK hYN ] hmysul AByK hYN ]157] country and He is beyond portraiture. accountless. You are Ever formless. description, ever beyond [dress]. Ever formless art Thou. described, You have no set dress.
Adesul alekh hai. Hamesul abhekh hai. God is Unattired for all of time. That Thou art ever garbless. Thou art ever without any garb.
izmInul zmw hYN ] AmIkul iemw hYN ] God is Immanent and Omnipresent. That Thou art in Earth and Heaven. You are on earth and in the sky. Thou pervadest the earth and the sky. Thou art ever present in all spheres, On earth and in the skies, You are all the time everywhere.
God’s mystery is prodigious. That Thou art Most Profound in signs. You are of profound faith. Immeasurable is the power of Thy faith. the profundity of faith, Profundity of faith, Your Mystery is deep.
Zimīnul zamā hai. Amīkul imā hai.
God is Optimum bounty. That Thou art Most Generous. That Thou You are Completely Merciful. Supremely perfect is Thy compassion. matchless in Thy generosity, Wonderfully Munificient, You are Wonderful Compassion,
krImul kmwl hYN ] ik jurAiq jmwl hYN]158] God’s boldness is His beauty. art embodiment of courage and beauty. Your bravery is radiant. Exquisitely splendid is Thy valour and the marvel of courage. Thy daring power is thy beauty. and Great Courage.
Karīmul kamāl hai. Ke jurat jamāl hai. grace.
ik Aclµ pRkws hYN ] ik Aimqo subws hYN ] God’s illumination is everlasting. That Thou art perpetual illumination. You are the light of knowledge. Steady and eternal is Thine Thou art the eternal light, Eternal radiance, You are an ever Constant Light,
God is most Odoriferous. That Thou art Limitless fragrance. You fragrance is Immeasurable. enlightenment, Beyond all measure is Thy immensely fragrant, Inexhaustible fragrance, Limitless Fragrance.
Ke achlang pranās hai. Ke amito subās hai.
God’s beautiful form is prodigious. That Thou art wonderful entity. You are of Wondrous form. fragrance. In every form Thou art full of the wondrous form, Wondrous form, You are Wonderous Beauty,
ik Ajb srUp hYN ] ik Aimqo ibBUq hYN ]159] God’s greatness is immeasurable. That Thou art Limitless Grandeur. You have Infinite powers. wonder, Thy glory and power are beyond the most magnificent one. Infinite are Thy powers. Limitless Glory.
Ke ajab sarūp hai. Ke amito bibhūt hai. any measure.
ik Aimqo psw hYN ] ik Awqm pRBw hYN ] God’s stretch is unlimited. That Thou art Limitless Expanse. You are Infinite expanse. Immeasurable is the expanse of Thy Thy expanse is beyond measure, Infinite expanse, You are the Limitless Creation.
God is all illuminated Light. That Thou art self-luminous. You are the Light of the soul. creation, Thy spirit radiates splendour Thou art the light of soul, Spiritual light, Your Self is the Light, Self-Born.
Ke amito pasā hai. Ke ātam prabhā hai.
God is Unwavering and Incorporeal. That Thou art Steady and Limbless. You are Unshakable, Formless. everywhere. immovable, indivisible, Eternal Formless, You are Immortal, Bodiless, Limitless, and
ik Aclµ Anµg hYN ] ik Aimqo ABMg God is Immeasurable and Indestructible. That Thou art Infinite and Indestructible. You are Immeasurable Indestructible. Thou art ever steady, eternal, and eternal, beyond measure. Infinite Imperishable is the Lord. Indestructible.
hYN ]160] formless, Thou art indestructible and
Ke achlang anang hai. Ke amito abhang hai. beyond all measure.
mDuBwr CMd ] qÍ pRswid ] (161-170) Stress in the Middle Word [*] Middle Stress Stanza.
With Your Grace.
Madhubhār chhand. Tva prasād.
muin mn pRnwm ] gun gn mudwm ] God is saluted by the holy saints with all O Lord! The sages bow before Thee in Silent sages mentally salute You. In their minds sages bow to Thee, O God all saints bow before Thee, The salute of the munis art Thou, Silent Saints bow to You in their minds.
their devotions in their minds. God is their mind. O Lord! Thou art ever the Always completely virtuous. For Thou art the Fount of all virtues. all virtuous ones bow before Thee. The salute of the virtuous art Thou, You are ever the Treasure of Merits.
Mun man pranām. Gun gan mudām.
Ocean of numerous virtues and qualities. Treasure of virtues. Imperishable for mighty enemies. Even the mightiest enemy cannot harm Thou art invincible for powerful enemies, Imperishable Thou art for the mighty foes, Even Your great enemies cannot win You.
Air br AgMj ] hir nr pRBMj ]161] God cannot be conquered by the greatest O Lord! Thou canst not be destroyed by Man-Lion (Nar-Singh) Destroyer. Thee, the One who overpowers all. Master and Destroyer of all Thou art. You are the Master of the people and can
Ar bar aganj. Har nar prabhanj. enemies. God is transcendent Lord of all great enemies. O Lord! Thou art the For Thou art the ultimate Annihilator. destroy them.
and He can perish all. Destroyer of all.
An gn pRnwm ] muin mn slwm ] God is saluted by countless living O Lord! Innumerable beings bow before Uncountable beings salute You. Countless people bow to Thee in worship, O God innumerable bow before Thee, Innumerable pay Thee obeisance, Numberless bow to You.
organisms. God is saluted by the holy Thee. O Lord! The sages salute Thee in Silent sages mentally bow to You. Even the sages pay obeisance to Thee in Thou art meditated upon by all saints. Sages bow to Thee in mind, Silent saints bow to You in their hearts.
Angan pranām. Mun man salām.
saints within their minds. their mind. Invincible Man-Lion. their mind. Thou art the eternal being, Imperishable manly Being Thou art, You are the Master of the people,
hir nr AKMf ] br nr AmMf ]162] God is transcendent King of all the brave O Lord! Thou art complete controller of Creator of countless beings. For Thou art immortal and imperishable, invincible in all spheres. Invincible, Warrior Person. You are Indestructible.
Har nar akhand. Bar nar amand. kings. God is unmitigated Knowledge men. O Lord! Thou canst not be installed Ever supreme and Self-created.
which cannot be destroyed. by the chiefs.
AnuBv Anws ] muin mn pRkws ] God is self illuminated Knowledge which O Lord! Thou art eternal knowledge. Imperishable Primal Knowledge. Intuitively experienced, Thou art immortal, Thou art the eternal experience. Imperishable Experience, Your knowledge is from Your own Self,
cannot be destroyed. O Lord! Thou art illumined in the hearts of Light in the minds of silent sages. In the minds of sages, Thou art the Light. Thou art the enlightenment of all saints. Light in the minds of sages, You are Indestructible. You are the Source
Anbhav anās. Mun man prakās.
God illumines the minds of saints. the sages. The most virtuous salute You. Multitudes of virtuous people bow to O Lord the multitudes of the virtuous ones The most virtuous salute Thou, of Knowledge to the silent saints.
gun gn pRnwm ] jl Ql mudwm ]163] Salutation to God whose qualities and O Lord! The assemblies of virtuous bow Everywhere on earth and water. Thee, Thou art the Master of land and salute Thee. Thou art the dweller of all Pervade Thou everywhere on earth, in O God, Treasure of Virtues, I bow to You.
Gun gan pranām. Jal thal mudām. virtues are numerous. Salutation to God before thee. O Lord! Thou pervadest in sea. oceans and lands. water. All the time You are present in water and
who inhabits over land and ocean. water and on land. on land.
AniC`j AMg ] Awsn ABMg ] God does not become old. O Lord! Thy body is unbreakable. Imperishable form. Inviolate is Thy person, Thy form is imperishable, Imperishable form, Your Being does not wear out and get old.
God’s seat is unshaken. O Lord! Thy seat is perpetual. Your throne is Eternal. unassailable is Thy throne. throne is eternal, Eternal is Thy throne, Your Seat is Immortal, Eternal.
Anchhi-j ang. Āsan abhang.
God is Unrivalled and Unparalleled. O Lord! Thy Praises are boundless. Infinite is Your praise. Incomparable is Thy glory, glory is boundless, Infinite is Thy laudation, Your Glory is Great.
aupmw Apwr ] giq imiq audwr ]164] God’s greatness and enlargement are O Lord! Thy nature is most Generous. Immeasurable is Your Realisation. vast is Thy measure. generosity is beyond measure. Immeasurable is Thy expanse. Your State is Indescribable.
Upmā apār. Gat mit udār. indescribable.
jl Ql AmMf ] ids ivs ABMf ] God’s beauty is present over land and O Lord! Thou art most glorious in water Creator of earth and water. Established by Thine own power on land Thou art invincible on land and in ocean, Glorious on earth, in water, In water or on land, Your Glory is Great.
ocean. God is Omnipresent over all sides, and on land. O Lord! Thou art free from Irreproachable in all directions and and sea, Beyond criticism extends Thy beyond condemnation in all directions. Unimpeachable in all directions and In all directions there is none who can
Jal thal amand. Dis vis abhand.
and corners of the unvierse and He is free slander at all places. interspaces. glory in all directions. the master of all spheres. inbetween, belittle You.
jl Ql mhMq ] ids ivs ibAMq ]165] from ignominy. God is transcendent Lord O Lord! Thou art Supreme in water and on Greatest on earth and water. Mighty Master of all lands and seas, endless in all directions. Greatest on earth, in water, You are the Greatest in water or on Land.
Jal thal mahant. Dis vis beant. over land and ocean. God inhabits all land. O Lord! Thou art endless in all Infinite in all directions and interspaces. Limitless is Thy spread in all directions. Infinite in all directions and inbetween. In all directions, You are unlimited and
sides of the universe in numerous forms. directions. supreme.
AnBv Anws ] iDRq Dr Durws ] God is self-illuminated Knowledge which O Lord! Thou art eternal knowledge. Imperishable Primal Knowledge. Intuitively experienced and indestructible, Thou art the eternal experience, Imperishable Experience, You are Self-Enlightened, Indestructible.
cannot be destroyed. God is transcendent O Lord! Thou art Supreme among the The Giver of stability to the earth. Thou art the Center and Support of the the immutable support of all creation, Basis Thou art on which stands the earth, You are most patient, center and support
Anbhav anās. Dhrit dhar dhurās.
Head all over the earth. contented ones. Mighty, with long arms. cosmos. long armed with mighty reach, Mighty, with long, outstretched arms, of the earth.
Awjwn bwhu ] eykY sdwhu ]166] God is transcendent Controller of the O Lord! Thou art the arm of gods. Non-dual forever. Of long and mighty arms and reach, the eternal and the only one. The One that alone is. You provide and control the Creation,
Ājān bāho. Ekai sadāho. whole creation. God is always Unique. O Lord! Thou art ever the Only One. Thou art ever One and only One. You are Immortal.
EAMkwr Awid ] kQnI Anwid ] God is Immanent without any change. O Lord! Thou art AUM, the origin of Oankar the Primal Being. O Lord, Onkar is Thy primal Thy primordial sound is onkar, Oankar, the Primal Being, You are the Beginning of all.
God’s origin cannot be searched out by creation. O Lord! Thou art stated to be Explainable as Infinite. manifestation, beginning is indescribable, Origin unknown to all, No one can tell about Your Beginning.
Oang kār ād. Kathnī anād.
discourses. without beginning. Instant destroyer of enemies. Truly Thou hast no beginning. thought is sufficient to destroy all evil, Annuller of enemy in an instant, You destroy the evil ones in a moment.
Kl KMf iKAwl ] gur br Akwl ]167] God annihilates all enemies in an instant. O Lord! Thou destroyest the tyrants Greatest Timeless. Thy contemplation destroyeth evil. supremacy is eternal. Greatest and beyond time Thou art. You are very powerful, and not bound by
Khal khand khiāl. Gur bar akāl. God is Omnipresent and Immortal. instantly. O Lord! Thou art supreme and Supreme Master, Thou art Immortal. the time and death.
Gr Gr pRnwm ] icq crn nwm ] God is adorned in every house. O Lord! Thou art honoured in every Your glory is revered in each home. Thou art worshipped in all homes, Thou art worshipped in every home, Thy glory resounds in each home, You are worshipped in every house.
God’s Name is recited by every mind. house. O Lord! Thy Feet and Thy Name Your Name and Lotus-feet in each heart. Thy Name is recited while contemplating contemplated in every heart, Thy Name is enshrined in each heart, You are there in every heart.
Ghar ghar pranām. Chit charan nām.
God does not grow old. are meditated in every heart. You are Ageless, Eternal Being. Thy Holy Feet. everlasting form, Thou art Ageless, Eternal Being, You don’t get worn out and old.
AniCj gwq ] Awijj n bwq ]168] God does not rely on anybody in any O Lord! Thy body never becomes old. Independent, Respected. Imperishable is Thine existence, not dependent on anything. Dependent not in and respect. You do not become dependent on
Anchhi-j gāt. Ājij na bāt. form. O Lord! Thou art never subservient to Nothing is weak or dependent in Thee. anyone.
AnJMJ gwq ] AnrMj bwq ] God is Indisputable forever. O Lord! Thy body is ever steady. Immovable Existence. Beyond involvement in the strife of the Thou art the indifferent one, Unattached, Eternal, You are above the worldly problems.
God’s actions are not furious. O Lord! Thou art free from rage. Beyond all annoyance. world, Thou art ever without anger. ever without rancor, Beyond all annoyance, Your working is anger-free.
Anjhanjh gāt. Anranj bāt.
God’s ware-houses are inexhaustible and O Lord! Thy store is inexhaustible. Endless bounty. Inexhaustible is Thy treasure, inexhaustible treasure, Endless bounty, Your Provisions are endless.
Antut BMfwr ] AnTt Apwr ]169] are opened to everyone. God cannot be O Lord! Thou art uninstalled and Self-existent Never-ending. Beyond limit and Self-created. self-created, infinite. Selfexistent, Unfathomable is the Lord. No one can fix You at one spot, You are
Antut bhandār. Anthat apār. established, He is boundless. boundless. everywhere and all-pervading.
AwfIT Drm ] Aiq FIT krm ] God’s working is invisible and ideal. God’s O Lord! Thy Law is imperceptible. Invisible dharam. Subtle and unique are Thy laws, Thou art the invisible law, Invisible art Thy laws, In Your Dharma none equals You.
actions are performed boldly with O Lord! Thy actions are most fearless. Absolutely fearless Your actions. Mighty and resolute are Thy deeds. the unalterable action, Absolutely fearless Thy actions, You control the Creation boldly.
Aadīth dharam. At dhīth karam.
courage. O Lord! Thou art Invincible and Infinite. Invulnerable, Infinite. Inviolate and infinite is Thine existence, Invulnerable, infinite, Invulnerable, Infinite, None can hurt You, You are Limitless. You
AxbRx Anµq ] dwqw mhMq ]170] God is Unbruised and Unlimited. O Lord! Thou art the Supreme Donor. The Chief Giver. Great and generous is Thy bounty. the most benevolent. The greatest Giver is He. are a Great Giver.
Anbran anant. Dātā mahant. God is the greatest Sustainer.
hirbolmnw CMd ] qÍ pRswid ] (171-184) Make the Soul Mind Body chant Har [*] Hari Spoken with Passion Stanza.
With Your Grace.
Haribol-manā chhand. Tva prasād.
kruxwlX hYN ] Air GwlX hYN ] God is the Home of kindness. O Lord! Thou art the house of Mercy. You are the Embodiment of Compassion. Thou art the Abode of Mercy, Thou art the abode of compassion, Embodiment of Compassion art Thou, You are Kind.
God annihilates all enemies. O Lord! Thou art the Destroyer of You are the Destroyer of enemies. Thou art the Annihilator of the enemies. the eliminator of enemy, Annuller of enemies art Thou, You destroy the enemy.
Karunālya hai. Ar ghālya hai.
God annihilates all sinners. enemies. O Lord! Thou art the killer of evil You are the Slayer of enemies. Thou art Dispeller of evil and ignorance, the annihilator of sinners, Annihilator of foes art Thou, You destroy the evil doers.
Kl KMfn hYN ] mih mMfn hYN ]171] God beautifies the whole universe. persons. O Lord! Thou art the You are the Designer of earth. Thou adorn the world by Thy grace. the radiant one. Designer of earth art Thou. You beautify the earth.
Khal khandan hai. Mehe mandan hai. ornamentation of Earth.
jgqysÍr hYN ] prmysÍr hYN ] God is the Master of the whole universe. O Lord! Thou art the Master of the You are the Sovereign of the world. Thou art the Lord of the Universe, Thou art the Lord of all creation, Sovereign of the world, You are the Master of the universe.
God is transcendent Master of all. universe. You are the Supreme Reality. Thou art the Supreme Master. the greatest God, Supreme Reality, You are the Great Master.
Jagtesvar hai. Parmesvar hai.
God creates causes for wars. O Lord! Thou art the supreme Ishvara. You are the Cause of battle. Even though strife be caused by Thy will, the cause of strife, Cause of tensions, You are the Trouble-Maker.
kil kwrn hYN ] srb aubwrn hYN ]172] God sustains all. O Lord! Thou art the cause of strife. You are the Protector of all. Thou art the merciful Saviour of all. the savior of all. Protector of all art Thou. You are the Protector of all.
Kal kāran hai. Sarab ubāran hai. O Lord! Thou art the Saviour of all.
iDRq ky Drn hYN ] jg ky krn hYN ] God holds up the earth. O Lord! Thou art the support of the Earth. You are the Sustainer of earth. Thou art the Support and Sustenance of Thou art the axis of the earth, Sustainer Thou art of earth, You are the Support of the world,
God is the Creator of the universe. O Lord! Thou art the Creator of the You are the Cause of the manifest world. the earth, Thou art the Creator of the the creator of the world, Cause Thou art of all manifest world, and the Creator of the universe.
Dhrit ke dharan hai. Jag ke karan hai.
God is adored by all minds. Universe. O Lord! Thou art worshipped in You are revered by all minds. cosmos. Acknowledged and worshipped the dweller of mind, Loved Thou art by all hearts, In all the hearts, You are worshipped.
mn mwinX hYN ] jg jwinX hYN ]173] God is known to all. the heart. O Lord! Thou art known You are recognised by the world. in their minds by all, Thou art known renowned in the whole world. Worth knowing Thou art for the world. In the whole world everyone knows You.
Man māni-ya hai. Jag jāni-ya hai. throughout the world. throughout the cosmos.
srbM Br hYN ] srbM kr hYN ] God sustains all. O Lord! Thou art the Sustainer of all. You are the Nurturer of all. Thou art the Source of sustenance of all, Thou art the preserver of all, Nourisher of all, You are Sustainer,
God is the Creator of all. O Lord! Thou art the Creator of all. You are the Creator of all. Thou art the Cause of actions by all. the creator of all, Creator of all, and the Creator of all.
Sarbang bhar hai. Sarbang kar hai.
God is nearest to all. O Lord! Thou pervadest all. You are the All-pervading. Thou art ever so close to all, omnipresent, All-pervasive, You are close-by everyone,
srb pwisX hYN ] srb nwisX hYN ]174] God annihilates all. O Lord! Thou destroyest all. You are the Destroyer of all. Thou art the ultimate Destroyer of all. the destroyer of all. Destroyer of all is the Lord. and You destroy all.
Sarab pāsi-ya hai. Sarab nāsi-ya hai.
kruxwkr hYN ] ibsÍMBr hYN ] God is the Fountain of kindness. O Lord! Thou art the Fountain of Mercy. You are the Giver of compassion. Thou art ever merciful, Thou art the fount of compassion, Embodiment of compassion, You are the Source of Kindness,
God sustains the whole world. O Lord! Thou art the nourisher of the You are the Nurturer of the whole world. Sustainer of the Cosmos. the preserver of all, Nourisher of entire world, and the Sustainer of the whole world.
Karunā-kar hai. Bisvam-bhar hai.
God is the Master of all. universe. You are the Master of all. Thou art the Master of all, the master of all, Master of all, You are the Master of everyone,
srbysÍr hYN ] jgqysÍr hYN ]175] God is the Master of the whole world. O Lord! Thou art master of all. You are the Master of the world. and Lord of the Cosmos. the Lord of the whole world. Master of the world is He. and of the whole world.
Sarab-esvar hai. Jagat-esvar hai. O Lord! Thou art the Master of Universe.
bRhmMfs hYN ] Kl KMfs hYN ] God is the Master of the whole universe. O Lord! Thou art the life of the Universe. You are the Lord of the universe. Thou art Cherisher of the emancipated, Thou art the soul of the universe, Life of the universe, You are the Master of the universe,
God is the Killer of sinners. O Lord! Thou art the destroyer of evil- You are the Destroyer of evil. Thou art Destroyer of the evil. the exterminator of sinners, Annuller of the wicked, and the Destroyer of the enemies.
Brahamandas hai. Khal khandas hai.
God is Transcendental. doers. You are Farther than the farthest. Thou art ever Infinite, beyond infinity, Farther than the farthest, You are the Greatest of the great,
pr qy pr hYN ] kruxwkr hYN ]176] God is the Fountain of kindness. O Lord! Thou art beyond everything. You are the Giver of compassion. Thou art ever Merciful. the fount of compassion. Embodiment of compassion is He. and the source of compassion.
Par te par hai. Karunā-kar hai. O Lord! Thou art the Fountain of Mercy.
Ajpw jp hYN ] AQpw Qp hYN ] God cannot be pleased by reciting O Lord! Thou art the unmuttered mantra. You are Beyond recitation. No prayer can encompass Thy full glory, Thou art beyond meditation, Thou cannot be contained in a chant, You are Effortless Meditation, beyond the
incantation. God cannot be established as O Lord! Thou canst be installed by none. You Cannot be installed as an idol. None can install Thyself but Thee. beyond installation, Thou cannot be put as an idol, recitation of Your Name.
Ajapā jap hai. Athapā thap hai.
physical object. O Lord! Thy Image cannot be fashioned. Your actions are Beyond actions. Thy deeds are done without Thy doing, the uncreated one, Thou art beyond creation, You cannot be fixed to one place.
Aik®qw ik®q hYN ] AimRqw imRq hYN ]177] God’s portraiture cannot be created. O Lord! Thou art Immortal. You are Immortality to mortals. Thou art the Nectar of immortality. the nectar of nectars. Thou art the Elixir of elixirs. No one can create You.
Akritā krit hai. Amritā mrit hai. God is Immortal forever. You are beyond death.
AMimRqw imRq hYN ] krxw ik®q hYN ] God is Immortal forever. O Lord! Thou art immortal. You are the Death of Immortals. Thou art the Nectar of immortality, Thou art the nectar of nectars, Elixir of elixirs, You are beyond death,
God is the Fountain of kindness. O Lord! Thou art the Merciful Entity. You Act in compassion. Ever acting in kind compassion. the embodiment of compassion, Embodiment of compassion, and are Compassionate.
Amritā mrit hai. Karnā krit hai.
God’s portrait cannot be created. O Lord! Thy Image cannot be fashioned. Your actions are Beyond actions. Thy deeds are done without Thy doing, the uncreated one, Creation unforgeable, You are beyond creation,
Aik®qw ik®q hYN ] DrxI iDRq hYN ]178] God holds up the earth. O Lord! Thou art the Support of the Earth. You are the Stability of the earth. Support and Sustenance of the cosmos. the axis of the earth. Sustenance of earth art Thou. and the support of world.
Akritā krit hai. Dharnī dhrit hai.
AimqysÍr hYN ] prmysÍr hYN ] God is immeasurable. O Lord! Thou art the Master of Nectar. You are the Lord of Elixir. Lord of the nectar of immortality, Thou art beyond measure, Supreme elixir art Thou, You are the Master of Immortality.
God is transcendent Master of all. O Lord! Thou art Supreme Ishvara. You are the Sovereign Parmesvara. Thou art the Supreme God, O Lord. the greatest God, Sovereign art Thou, You are the Great Master.
Amitesvar hai. Parmesvar hai.
God’s portrait cannot be created. O Lord! Thy Image canot be fashioned. Your actions are Beyond actions. Thy deeds are done without Thy doing, the uncreated one, Creation unforgeable, No one can create You.
Aik®qw ik®q hYN ] AimRqw imRq hYN ]179] God is Immortal forever. O Lord! Thou art Immortal. You are Immortality to mortals. Thou art the Nectar of immortality. the nectar of nectars. Elixir of elixirs art Thou. You are beyond death.
Akritā krit hai. Amritā mrit hai.
Ajbw ik®q hYN ] AimRqw imRq hYN ] God’s form is prodigious. O Lord! Thou art of Wonderful Form. You are Wonderous actions. Wonderful is Thy creation, Thou art the amazing one, Creation wonderful art Thou, You are the Unique Creation.
God is Immortal forever. O Lord! Thou art Immortal. You are Immortality to mortals. Thou art the Nectar of immortality. the nectar of nectars, Elixir of elixirs art Thou, Death cannot touch You.
Ajbā krit hai. Amritā mrit hai.
God is transcendent Master of all the O Lord! Thou art the Master of men. You are the Chief for humans. Guiding Spirit of all humanity, the most heroic, Hero of humanity Thou art, You are the Master of the people,
nr nwiek hYN ] Kl Gwiek hYN ]180] heroes. God is the Killer of sinners. O Lord! Thou art the destroyer of evil You are the Destroyer of the wicked. Thou art the Destroyer of all evil. the eliminator of sinners. Annihilator of the wicked Thou art. Destroyer of the evil ones.
Nar nā-ek hai. Khal ghā-ek hai. persons.
ibsÍMBr hYN ] kruxwlX hYN ] God sustains the whole world. O Lord! Thou art the Nourisher of the You are the Nurturer of the world. Thou art the Sustenance of the cosmos, Thou art the provider of all, Nourisher of hunanliy, You are the Sustainer,
God is the Home of kindness. world. O Lord! Thou art the House of You are the Abode of Compassion. Thou art the Abode of mercy. the abode of compassion, Abode of Compassion, Treasure of Compassion.
Bisvambhar hai. Karunālya hai.
God is transcendent King of all the Mercy. You are the Supreme King of kings. Thou art Supreme among the sovereigns, the Lord of kings, Supreme King of kings, You are the Leader of kings,
inRp nwiek hYN ] srb pwiek hYN ]181] heroes. God shields all. O Lord! Thou art the Lord of the kings. You Take care of all. Thou art the Sustenance of everyone. the sustainer of all. Sustainer of all art Thou. Sustainer of all.
Nrip nā-ek hai. Sarab pā-ek hai. O Lord! Thou art the Protector of all.
Bv BMjn hYN ] Air gMjn hYN ] God cuts the hard chains of cycle of O Lord! Thou art the destroyer of the cycle You are the Destroyer of rebirths. Destroyer of fear, Thou art the liberator of birth cycle, Annuller of rebirths, You are the Liberator from reincarnation,
transmigration of soul. of transmigration. O Lord! Thou art the You are the Decimator of enemies. Thou art Annihilator of the evil enemies. the vanquisher of enemy, Annihilator of foes, the Destroyer of enemies.
Bhav bhanjan hai. Ar ganjan hai.
God wins the enemies. conqueror of enemies. You are the Punisher of enemies. Chastiser of the sinners, the tormentor of enemy, Chastiser of enemies, Worthy to be You punish the enemies,
irpu qwpn hYN ] jpu jwpn hYN ]182] God annihilates the enemies. O Lord! Thou causest suffering to the You make Your beings chant [Your Thou art the Inspiration of all worship. the object of meditation. recited through chants Thou art. and You are the Mantra.
Rip tāpan hai. Jap jāpan hai. God’s Name is recited by His blessing. enemies. O Lord! Thou makest others to name].
repeat Thy Name.
Aklµ ik®q hYN ] srbw ik®q hYN ] God is Untainted. O Lord! Thou art free from blemishes. Your Actions are Wise. Without blemish is Thy creation, Thou art beyond blemish, Immaculate art Thou, None can defame You,
God is Unmitigated. O Lord! All are Thy Forms. You Do all works. O Supreme Creator of everything. the creator of all, Creator of all art Thou, You are the Perfect Being.
Akalang krit hai. Sarabā krit hai.
God is the Creator of gods of creation. O Lord! Thou art the Creator of the You are the Creator who fashions all. The Cause and Doer of all deeds, the source of all deeds, Creator of creators, You are the Creator of Brahma.
krqw kr hYN ] hrqw hr hYN ]183] God is the Killer of gods of death. creators. O Lord! Thou art the Destroyer You are the Destroyer who destroys all. O ultimate Annihilator of everything. the source of all destruction. Destroyer of destroyers art Thou. You are the Destroyer of Shiva.
Kartā kar hai. Hartā har hai. of the destroyers.
prmwqm hYN ] srb Awqm hYN ] God is the Fundamental Soul. O Lord! Thou art the Supreme Soul. You are the Super Soul. O supreme and transcendent Lord of all Thou art the prime soul, Supreme Soul Thou art, You are Supreme Soul, soul of everyone,
God, Himself, is the Soul of all creations. O Lord! Thou art the origin of all the souls. You are the Soul of all. souls, manifest in individual souls. the soul of the universe, Soul of all Thou art, Consciousness of the souls.
Param-Ātam hai. Sarab-Ātam hai.
God is Self controller. O Lord! Thou art controlled by Thyself. Your Soul is in Your power. Fully in command of Thine own self, self-controlled, Subordinate only to Thy own Will, You are in the control of Your own Self,
Awqm bs hYN ] js ky js hYN ]184] God is exceptionally Unique. O Lord! Thou art not subject. You are the most Unique. Supreme is Thy glory and Thy praise. the glory of glories. Unique One Thou art. You are of the Supreme Glory.
Ātam bas hai. Jas ke jas hai.
AnwQy ] pRmwQy ] AjonI ] AmonI ]194] God is transcendent Master, He is the O Masterless Lord! O Greatest-Glorious Without a Master. Annuller. Thine own Master, ultimate Annihilator, Thou art Thy own master, the destroyer, Not subordinate (Sovereign). Annuller. There is no Master above You, You are
Destroyer of all, He is beyond birth and Lord! O Birthless Lord! O Silenceless Not born. Not Silent. ever unborn, never silenced. beyond birth, beyond silence. Not subject to birth. Not Silent is the Lord. the Destroyer, free from birth, and You do
Anāthe. Pramāthe. Ajonī. Amonī.
death, He is not without sensation. Lord! not observe the silence.
n rwgy ] n rMgy ] n rUpy ] n ryKy ]195] God is beyond attachment, beyond O Unattached Lord! O Colorless Lord! Without attachment. Without colour. Without attachment, without colour, Thou art beyond yearning, beyond hues, Without attachment. Without colour. You are free from attachments, colorless,
colour, beyond form, He is immaculate. O Formless Lord! O Lineless Lord! Without Form. Without features. without form, without shape. beyond form, beyond shape. Without Form. Without features is He. and above form or appearance.
Na rāge. Na range. Na rūpe. Na rekhe.
AkrmM ] ABrmM ] AgMjy ] AlyKy ]196] God is beyond deeds, He is Indubitable, O Actionless Lord! O Illusionless Lord! O Beyond actions. Beyond illusion. Beyond ritual, beyond delusions, Thou art beyond deeds, beyond illusions, Beyond actions. Beyond delusion. You are above actions, You have no
Impregnable, and He is beyond Indestructible Lord! O Accountless Lord! Invincible. Beyond karma. indestructible, indescribable. beyond defeat, beyond description. Beyond conquest. Beyond description is doubts, none can win You, You are not
Akarmang. Abharmang. Aganje. Alekhe.
portraiture. He. effected by destiny.
The Translations
1. Prof. Gurbachan Singh, Nitnem Transliteration & Translation with Notes and Explanations,
B. Chattar Singh Jiwan Singh, Amritsar (1997), ISBN 81-7601-037-5, 81-7601-038-3, published also at panthrattan.com
2. Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, punjabonline.com or sikhnet.com (same translation as above, it could not be determined who is the original author)
3. Surinder Singh Kohli, Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Translation, 3 Vol set (2003), amazon.co.uk, published also at searchgurbani.com
4. Dr. Kamalroop Singh Nihang, Jāpu Sāhib by Guru Gobind Singh - History and Translation (2017), pdf download
5. Shri Surendra Nath & Baba Virsa Singh, Gobind Sadan (1996), gobindsadan.org
6. Dr. Rabinder Powar, Publication Bureau Punjabi University, Patiala (2005), archive.org
7. Dr. Jodh Singh & Dr. Dharam Singh, Sri Dasam Granth Sahib, Heritage Publications, Patiala, India (1999), pdf download
8. Dr. Kulwant Singh Khokhar, Nit-Nem Daily Prayer (2001), published also on punjabonline.com
[*] http://www.sikhiwiki.org/index.php/Jaap_sahib
[**] Sat Siri Singh Khalsa
Further Literature
11. G.S. Mann & K. Singh, Siri Dasam Granth Sahib, Questions & Answers, ISBN 978-0-9568435-0-0
12. G.S. Mann & K. Singh, The Granth of Guru Gobind Singh, ISBN 0-19-945897-9
13. Jaswant Singh Neki, Basking in the Divine Presence - A Study of Jāp Sāhib, 2008, ISBN 81-7205-401-7
For more publications on Jāp Sāhib, see International Bibliography of Sikh Studies, Rajwant Singh Chilana, section 3.7.2 Japu Sahib, page 147
compiled by
SS Sat Siri Singh Khalsa
2nd Edition, July 2018, Southall, UK
6 Dharma (discipline, ethics, righteousness), Wealth, worldly things or gains, and Fulfilment of desires