Bihar Current Affairs

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‰‰NTPC’s 660 MW Super Thermal Power ‰‰Book Written on the Life of Chief Minister

Project at Barh in Bihar dedicated to the nation Nitish Kumar Inaugurated

 The Union Minister for Power and New & Renewable  A new biography of Bihar Chief Minister Nitish
Energy R. K. Singh dedicated to the nation a 660 Kumar “Nitish Kumar: Antrang Doston ki
MW Unit of Barh Super Thermal Power Project at Nazar Se” will offer a glimpse of the JD(U) leader’s
Barh in Bihar on August 18, 2023. personal and political life.
 The 660 MW unit inaugurated on August 18,2023 is  Book is written by writer Uday Kant and Published
Unit 2 of Stage I of the project. by Rajkamal Prakashan.

‰‰Agriculture Department’s Tableau got 1st ‰‰Approval of Bihar Biofuel Production

place Promotion Policy- 2023
 In July, 2023 the Bihar government approved Bihar
 On August 15, 2023, on the occasion of
Biofuels Production Promotion Policy, 2023, which
Independence Day, 13 tableaux were exhibited at the
will pave the way for production of compressed
ceremony held at Gandhi Maidan in Patna, in which
biogas (CBG) apart from ethanol in the state.
the Bihar Government Agriculture Department’s
 As per Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable
tableau got 1st Place. Transportation (SATAT) Scheme of the Centre,
‰‰2 Rail Projects related to Bihar got approval CBG has properties almost similar to CNG.
 Hence, a vehicle running on CNG can be filled with
 The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs chaired
CBG without any modification.
by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi approved Seven
 Under this Policy the selected unit can get capital
projects of Ministry of Railways with estimated
subsidy up to 15%, maximum up to Rs5 crore, and
cost of around Rs.32,500 Crore, with 100%
women from SC/ST and EBC can get up to 15.75%
funding from Central Government. and maximum up to Rs5.25 crore.
 Gorakhpur-Cantt-Valmiki Nagar and Son Nagar-  Such benefits will be apart from the incentives given
Andal Multi tracking Project are 2 Rail project under Bihar Industrial Investment Policy, 2016.
related to Bihar got approval.
‰‰Duration of Organic Corridor Scheme
‰‰Amrit Bharat Station Scheme extended in Bihar
 Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation  Duration of Organic Corridor Scheme extended in
stone for the redevelopment of 508 railway Bihar and Now this scheme will run until 2025.
stations across the country virtually, on August 6,  Under this scheme, a complete of 20 thousand acres
2023. within the chosen 13 districts will probably be made
 These include 49 railway stations of Bihar. utterly natural.
 Under this scheme, Rs 11500 per acre will probably
‰‰Bagmati Beach will be Developed on the
be given as grant to the farmers doing farming
Lines of Marine Drive in Patna
within the first 12 months.
 According to the Water Resource Minister of Bihar  Earlier this scheme was until 2022-23.
Chatariya village situated on the banks of Bagmati  Patna, Buxar, Bhojpur, Saran, Vaishali,
river will be developed like the Marine Drive built on Samastipur, Khagaria, Begusarai, Lakhisarai,
the banks of Ganga in Patna. Bhagalpur, Munger, Katihar and Nalanda have
 A path-way like Marine Drive will be made on the been made natural corridors situated on the banks
banks of Bagmati river in Chataria. of river Ganga.


‰‰Approval of Bihar Unregulated Deposit ‰‰Agreement between IWAI & Bihar Tourism
Scheme Banning Rules- 2023 Department for Ganga River Cruise Tourism
 Under this policy, the state government has got the  Under this agreement, two vessels named Ro Pax
right to investigate and take action against Chit-fund Vessel with a capacity of 300-300 tourists will run
companies operating in Bihar. in Patna and Bhagalpur.
 Under this policy Government of Bihar has been  The first vessel will operate between Janardan Ghat,
made the competent authority and government will Digha, Patna to Kangan Ghat, Patna City in Patna
form a committee under the chairmanship of the and the second between Kahalgaon, Sultanganj,
Advocate General. Bateshwar in Bhagalpur and Dolphin Sanctuary of
 This committee will investigate, audit and take
Vikram shila.
action against companies running deposit schemes
after irregularities are found. ‰‰Bihar Government Re-Constituted Several
Boards and State Commissions
‰‰Arwal & Sheikhpura will become Districts
with 100% Digital Transactions  The state women’s commission was the first
organisation to be reconstituted after a gap of about
 Arwal and Sheikhpura are also going to be the
three years.
districts with 100 percent digital transactions after
 Bihar Sanskrit Shiksha Board, Madarsa Board and
Jehanabad district in Bihar.
the minority commission have also been constituted.
‰‰Bihar Girl becomes Weightlifting Referee in  Former MP Ashwamedh Devi has been
Commonwealth Games nominated as the chairperson of the state
 Srishti Singh, a resident of a small village in women’s commission.
Siwan district, becomes referee in weightlifting  Bhola Yadav, former MLA has been made the
championship in Commonwealth Games. chairman of the Sanskrit Shiksha Board.
 The Commonwealth Senior Men and Women,  Salim Parwez has been made the chairman of
Junior Men and Women Weightlifting Championship Madarsa Shiksha Board.
Games held on July 11,2023 in Greater Noida, UP.  Riyajul Haque alias Raju has been made the
‰‰CAG Report presented in Legislature: Bihar chairman of the state minority commission,
in top 3 in Revival of Economy while Naushad Alam has been nominated as
 The CAG report placed in the state assembly added
its vice-chairman. Seven other persons have been
that Bihar is the third among the top 10 states in made members.
reviving its economy after the Covid pandemic. ‰‰ADB & GoI sign $295 million loan agreement
 Bihar has registered the highest gross state domestic to upgrade State Highway in Bihar
product (GSDP) of 15.05% in 2021-22, the state
 The Indian government and the Asian
finance audit report (March 2022) of Comptroller
Development Bank (ADB) signed an agreement
and Auditor General of India (CAG) stated.
for a $295-million loan to upgrade around 265 km
 CAG report said the GDP of India was recorded at
of state highways with climate and disaster resilient
(-)1.36% in 2020-21, over the previous year.
design and road safety elements in Bihar.
 Compared to this negative trend, the growth rate
 Besides upgrading roads, the ADB project builds
of GSDP of Bihar was recorded at 0.80% in the
pandemic year 2020-21. on earlier efforts to enhance the state road agency’s
management and implementation capacity.
‰‰5 Districts of Bihar got ‘Bhoomi Samman 2023’
‰‰‘Champaran Mutton’ included in Oscar race
 Bhoomi Samman was given to nine State Secretaries
and 68 District Collectors along with their teams  The film ‘Champaran Mutton’ has reached the semi-
who have excelled in achieving saturation of the finals of the Student Academy Awards 2023 of
core components of Digital India Land Records the Oscars.
Modernization Programme.  The film ‘Champaran Mutton’, starring Falak, the
 Nalanda, Jehanabad, Lakhisarai, Bhojpur and girl from Muzaffarpur district of Bihar.
Kishanganj districts of Bihar got Bhoomi Samman  The film ‘Champaran Mutton’ is directed by
2023. Ranjan Kumar.


‰‰Chhapra’s Mohini won the State U-11 Girls ‰‰2000 Year Old Kushan period Idol found in
Chess Championship Title River in Lakhisarai
 In May, 2023 Chhapra, Saran’s resident girl  In June, 2023 the fragmentary ancient idol of red
Mohini has won the State Under-11 Girls Chess speckled stone found during the excavation at
Championship. Rampur Balu Ghat located on the Kiul river in
 The competition was organized at Little Fairy Lakhisarai .
School, Siwan under the aegis of Bihar Chess  It is a statue of two thousand years old Buddhist
Federation. folk goddess Shalbhanjika (Sawl Bhanjika Moksha
‰‰Maithili singer Soni Chowdhary awarded by Devi)
‘Bihar Ratna Samman ‰‰CUSB becomes First University in Bihar to
 In June, 2023 Soni Chaudhary from Mithila Bihar Get A++ Grade in NAAC
has been awarded Bihar Ratna in the field of singing  In June, 2023 the Central University of South Bihar
for her excellent singing for Maithili songs. has become the first university in the state to receive
 This honor was awarded to him by Bihar Ratna by an A++ grade from the National Assessment and
the president of the organization, Vishwamohan Accreditation Council (NAAC).
Chaudhary, at the felicitation ceremony organized  NAAC is an autonomous body within the University
by the National Youth Welfare Council, Patna. Grants Commission (UGC) which assesses and
‰‰World’s tallest Shivling will be established in accredits higher education institutions on the
Virat Ramayana Temple basis of the standards of its curriculum, faculty,
 The world’s largest Shivling is now being established infrastructure, research, among other parameters
in Virat Ramayan Temple, Kesariya, East through a multi-tiered process.
Champaran.  NAAC grades higher education institutions from
 The height of this three-storey temple will be 270 highest (A++) to lowest (C) using this process.
feet. ‰‰Ravi Sinha of Bihar became the New Chief
 The weight of the Shivalinga will be 200 tons, of RAW
height will be 33 feet and the sphere will be 33
 In June, 2023 Ravi Sinha from Bhojpur in Bihar
has been appointed as the New Chief of India’s
‰‰State’s Biggest Blood Bank will be built in intelligence agency ‘RAW’.
Muzaffarpur  Ravi Sinha, popularly known as ‘Operation Man’.
 Blood bank would be set up at Company Bagh ,Red ‰‰National Florence Nightingale Award to
Cross in Muzaffarpur district which would be the ANM Gayatri Kumari of Bihar
biggest blood bank in Bihar.
 A blood separation machine will also be installed  In June, 2023 President Draupadi Murmu presented
here,that will solve problem of not having blood the National Florence Nightingale Awards for the
containing red blood cells . year 2023 to ANM Gayatri Kumari at a function
held at Rashtrapati Bhavan .
‰‰Two Hospitals of Bihar will become Center  Gayatri Kumari works on the post of ANM in Sadar
of Excellence Hospital in Sheikhpura district of Bihar.
 Patna Medical College Hospital (PMCH) and  Gayatri Kumari is the only woman from Bihar,
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Hospital who got this award.
(JLNMCH) in Bhagalpur will be made centers
‰‰Smita Kumari created a new World Record
of excellence under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya
in Centre Split Holding (Samakonasana, Yoga)
Suraksha Yojana Phase IV.
 Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana  Yoga instructor Smita Kumari set a new Guinness
(PMSSY) was announced in 2003 with the objectives World Record of holding the centre split,
of correcting regional imbalances in the availability Samakonasana, Yoga pose for a record 3 hours 10
of affordable/ reliable tertiary healthcare services minutes and 12 seconds in Ahmedabad.
and also to augment facilities for quality medical  Smita works as yoga teacher with the healthcare
education in the country. department at Adani Group.


‰‰G20 Labour 20 (L-20) Summit ‰‰International Film Festival organized in
 The L-20 summit was held in Patna, Bihar from Saran, Bihar
June 22 to 23, 2023.  International Film Festival was organized on 13th-
 The topic for discussion during summit was 14th May 2023 in Saran,Bihar.
‘Universal Social Security’ and ‘Women and  It was the Third edition of this film festival.
Future of Work’ .  Participants from 21 countries has participated in
the third Saran International Film Festival.
‰‰Country’s second Largest Bone Hospital is
Being Built in Bihar ‰‰Mission Change(Parivartan)
 Loknayak Jayaprakash Narayan Super Specialty Bone  Deputy CM Bihar Tejashwi Yadav has started
Hospital, Rajvanshi Nagar, Patna will be Country’s ‘Mission Parivartan’ to improve the health
second Largest Bone Hospital. department.
 Under all the Medical College &Hospitals have been
‰‰Bihar ranked 3rd in ‘National Water Award
given a 60-day time period to improve their quality
2022’ as well as the quantum of services.
 The Award for the Best State will be conferred on  The main objective of this mission is to make
Madhya Pradesh, 2nd prize will go to Odisha while hospitals Patient-Friendly, to enforce discipline
3rd prize will be given jointly to Andhra Pradesh and in colleges and to arrange treatment based on
Bihar. manpower.
 The Award for the Best District will be conferred on ‰‰Arvind Panagariya became the Chancellor
Ganjam District, Odisha while 2nd prize will go to of Nalanda University
Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu and 3rd prize will be
 Former vice chairman of the Niti Aayog Arvind
given to Adilabad District, Telangana.
Panagariya, a professor at Columbia and Padma
 The Award for the Best Village Panchayat will be
Bhushan awardee, has been appointed the chancellor
conferred on Jagannadhapuram Village Panchayat,
of Nalanda University .
Bhadradri Kothagudem district, Telangana.
 He succeeds Dr Vijay P Bhatkar, who was appointed
 NTPC Barauni Bags Top Prize in Best Industry
NU chancellor in 2017.
Category at 4th National Water Awards.
 Nalanda University located on the premises of the
‰‰Patna becomes the 1st municipal corporation ancient Nalanda University located in the Nalanda
to use CBDC district of Bihar.
 Patna is the first municipal corporation to use ‰‰Country’s Longest Extra Dose Cable Bridge
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in the being Built in Bihar
whole of India.  Total length of Bridge is 22.76 km. In this, the
 Digital currency e-rupee created by the Reserve
length of the bridge is 9.76 km and the length of the
Bank of India will be used in the entire Patna approach road on both sides of the bridge is 13 km.
Municipal Corporation area.  This Kachchi Dargah-Bidupur six lane greenfield
‰‰Sameer Pandey of Bihar became the 1st bridge is being built on river Ganga.
Indian to hold the post of Mayor in Australia ‰‰Fragrant Marcha rice of West Champaran
 The City of Parramatta Council in Sydney, New got a GI tag
South Wales, has elected Councillor Sameer Pandey  Fragrant Marcha / Mercha paddy of Bihar’s West
as its new Lord Mayor. Champaran district has received the Geographical
 Pandey was born in Jamshedpur, Bihar(Now Indication (GI) tag.
Jharkhand) .  Total 16 products of Bihar hve GI tags.
‰‰Gautam Kumar selected for 2023 Hansen ‰‰Ethanol Plant in Muzaffarpur
Leadership Program in California
 Chief minister Nitish Kumar inaugurated Bihar’s
 Gautam Kumar, son of a daily wage labourer from second ethanol plant at Motipur in Muzaffarpur
Masodhi (Bihar), has been selected among 20 district.
youths of the world for the 2023 Hansen Leadership  The plant has the capacity to produce 110 kilolitre
Program in California, USA. of ethanol per day from maize.


 Nitish kumar had inaugurated India’s first ethanol  In Khelo India, centers have been set up for the
plant at Purnia in May last year (2022). training of a total of 13 sports.
‰‰Bihar’s Anjani won Gold in Javelin Throw  Maximum 7 centers of Kabaddi and 6 centers of
athletics have been built.
 Anjani Kumari of Jamui, Bihar won the Gold Medal
 At the same time, three districts have been selected
in the Javelin Throw event at the India Grand Prix-4,
for football.
2023 held in Bangalore.
 Sports Class and Training Centre
‰‰Bihar’s 2nd AIIMS to be built in Darbhanga   Wushu - Indoor Stadium, Pataliputra Complex,
 The second AIIMS in Bihar will be constructed at Patna
Shobhan in Darbhanga.   Athletics - Saraswati Niwas, Manjhola,
 It will have a capacity to take 2,000 OPD per day and Muzaffarpur, New Stadium, Fazal Ganj,
1,000 IPD per month. Sasaram Patel Field, Samastipur, Kosi High
‰‰Justice K Vinod Chandran School Playground, Birpur, Supaul, Nehru
Stadium, Laheriasarai, Darbhanga
 Justice K Vinod Chandran appointed as the Chief
  Badminton - Collectorate Campus, Araria,
Justice of Patna High Court (March 29, 2023).
 He has taken place of Justice Sanjay Karol.
  Kho-Kho - RHMTB High School Barari,
‰‰Japan will give 5509 Cr. rupees for Patna Bhagalpur, Purani Bazar Ward-12 Surajpur,
Metro Project Lakhisarai , Indoor Stadium, Munger
 The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)   Rugby - Kaptia, Nalanda
has signed a loan agreement with the Government   Wrestling - Kuwaridi Bhor, Gopalganj, Indoor
of India to provide loan of Rs 5,509 crore for the Stadium Aurangabad
phase-1 of the Patna Metro Rail project.   Archery - Veer Kunwar Singh Stadium, Ara,
‰‰South Asian Women’s Film Festival held in Kharari, Gaya.
Patna   Kabaddi - Minta Sports Complex,
Makdumpur, Sheikhpura, Ward-16 Rampur
 South Asian Women Film Festival was organized in
Parori, Sitamarhi, High School Aman,
Patna from February 2 to 9 under the joint auspices Parasbigha, Jehanabad, BP Mandal Indoor
of Bihar State Film Development and Finance
Stadium, Madhepura, Mahatma Gandhi High
Corporation and South Asia Trust.
School, Bihat Begusarai, Berhampur, Buxar
 Film festival was inaugurated by Bihar’s Art and
  Football - Maharaja Stadium, Bettiah, Jagjivan
Culture Minister Jitendra Kumar Rai.
Stadium, Bhabhua, Laxmipur, Sitopur, Siwan
‰‰Ganga Water Supply Scheme and Gayaji   Hockey - Kosi College Khagaria, Sri Krishna
Dam got National Award Singh Stadium, Jamui, Goraul Hockey Ground,
 Two projects of the Bihar government – the Ganga Vaishali Weightlifting Katihar
Water Supply Scheme and the Gayaji Dam built on   Table Tennis - Watson School, Madhubani,
the Falgu River in Gaya –was given the national- Talwar baazi - Khel Bhawan Shah Vyamshala,
level prestigious ‘CBIP Award 2022’ at a special Motihari.
function held in New Delhi on Friday, March 3. ‰‰Bihar’s Second Zoo to be built in Araria
 The award was given to Bihar by the Central Board
of Irrigation and Power (CBIP).  The government has decided to develop the state’s
 Both the schemes have been selected for the award second zoo in Raniganj block of Araria district.
in the ‘Best Implementation of Water Resources’ ‰‰Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar Became The
category. 41st Governor Of Bihar
‰‰Khelo India Centers will be Opened in 33  On February 17, 2023, Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar
Districts of the State took oath of office as the 41st Governor of Bihar.
 Khelo India centers will be opened in 33 districts He replaced Governor Phagu Chauhan.
of the state and each district has been allotted one  Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar was earlier the
sports activity. Governor of Himachal Pradesh.


‰‰Patna’s Marine Drive to be developed ‰‰Cargo terminal at Akbarnagar
 The State Government will develop the Marine  On December 7, 2022, Union Railway Minister
Drive built on the banks of the Ganges in Patna. Ashwini Vaishnav informed that a cargo terminal
 The development plan for Marine Drive can be done will be built at Akbarnagar in Bhagalpur, Bihar.
by the Road Construction Urban Development and  The cargo terminal will be built under the leadership
Housing and Tourism Department. of Malda Divisional Railway Manager Vikas
Choubey, which is expected to be completed by the
‰‰Bihar’s Arwal Women’s Police Station year 2024.
Included in the Top Three Police Stations of
the Country ‰‰Bihar Municipal Plastic Waste Management
(Amendment) Model Bye-law, 2022
 In January 2023, the Union Home Ministry has
 On December 12, 2022 Bihar Municipal Plastic
chosen Arwal Ladies’s Police Station among the
Waste Management (Amendment) Model Bye-
many prime three police stations within the nation
law, 2022 was approved in a meeting of the Bihar
for 2022. Cabinet chaired by Chief Minister Nitish Kumar.
 The top three police stations in the country include  Under this, for the first time, the government has
Aska police station in Odisha’s Ganjam district and made a provision to impose a fine on those who use
Banbasa police station in Champawat district of single-use polythene.
Uttarakhand .
‰‰Bihar Industries Department Released the
‰‰Jio True 5G Service Launched in Patna and Ranking of Industrial Development for the
Muzaffarpur First Time
 On January 14, 2023, Reliance Jio launched its True  On December 13, 2022, Principal Secretary of Bihar
5G services in Bihar’s capital Patna and Muzaffarpur Industries Department Sandeep Poundrik informed
city. that the state industries department has released the
 The urban area of Patna from Patna Sahib to ranking of industrial development for the first time,
Danapur and the urban area of Muzaffarpur will in which districts have been ranked on the basis of
now get coverage of Jio True 5G. implementation of industrial schemes.
 The company claims that by December 2023, Jio  In this ranking of industrial development in the
True 5G will be available in every town and every state, Siwan (73.5 points) is in first place and Patna
village of Bihar and Jharkhand. (68 points) is in second place.

‰‰New chairman of the Central Selection ‰‰Bihar in the Most Polluted Cities of the Country
Council  According to data released by the Central Pollution
Control Board on December 14, 2022, five of the
 On January 14, 2023, Bihar state government has
top five most polluted cities in the country are from
appointed former DGP SK Singhal as the new
Bihar. Purnea is the most polluted city across the
chairman of the Central Selection Council. country with an AQI of 450.
 The extended term of the Council’s current chairman  Darbhanga is the second most polluted city in the
KS Dwivedi will end on January 20, 2023. After this, country after Purnea with an AQI of 446.
Singhal will take over as the new chairman.
‰‰Bihar Municipality Bill, 2022
‰‰Commonwealth Power Lifting Competition
 On December 15, 2022, the Bihar Municipality Bill,
 Bihar’s girl Kriti Raj Singh has won six gold 2022 was passed in the Patna Assembly.
medals in the weightlifting event of the Sub Junior  The bill, tabled by Deputy Chief minister
Commonwealth Championship 2022. Tejashwi Prasad Yadav, who also holds the Urban
 Kriti won the Under-18 57 kg. Development Department portfolio, was passed in
the House amid uproarious scenes by Opposition
‰‰Textile Park in Gaya
members over the Saran hooch tragedy.
 On December 7, 2022, Bihar’s Gaya district DM  According to the bill, civic officials can remove
Dr. Thiyagarajan told that a textile park will be temporary encroachment 24 hours after issuing a
developed on the lines of Maharashtra and Tamil notice and permanent encroachment only after a 15-
Nadu near Shadipur Balu Ghat in Manpur in Gaya. day notice period.


 Under this, before demolishing public land, the local the National Water Development Agency of the
bodies will have to inform the encroachers first. Department of Water Resources under the Union
 Along with this, the Assembly has also passed the Ministry of Jal Shakti to prepare the DPR of Kosi-
Bihar Technical Service Commission Bill, 2022. Mechi Link Project.
 The Patna High Court has directed the Centre and
‰‰13th Patna Film Festival
Bihar government to set up Kosi Development
 13th Patna Film Festival was celebrated in Patna from Authority and interlink Kosi and Mechi rivers to
December 19 to December 21, 2022. tackle annual floods often caused due to excess
‰‰Bihar’s third financial year 2022-23 green water discharged from Nepal.
budget  The project will irrigate about 69,000 hectares in
 On December 16, 2022, Bihar’s third financial year
Araria district, about 69,000 hectares in Purnea
2022-23 green budget was presented in the winter district, 39,000 hectares in Kishanganj district and
session. 35,000 hectares in Katihar district.
 There has been a decrease of 3.26 percent in the  Kosi-Mechi project is designed to divert part of
green budget as compared to the previous years. the Kosi River surplus water through the existing
 Bihar is the first state in the country, which has been Hanuman Nagar Barrage by way of a 117 km long
presenting a green budget. link canal to the Mechi River in the Mahananda
‰‰Ram Vriksh Benipuri Memorial on the
Banks of Bagmati Dam ‰‰Sahitya Akademi Translation Award
 The Bihar government has approved the proposal  Sahitya Akademi award for translation in Hindi,
to build a memorial of Ram Vriksh Benipuri on the Maithili and Konkani languages of the year 2022,
land allotted by the Bihar government on the banks was announced on December 29, 2022.
of Bagmati dam.  Renowned writer–translator Prof. Ratneshwar
 It is noteworthy that the Bagmati River originates from Mishra (of Bihar’s Purnia district) was awarded the
Nepal in the Mahabharata ranges of the Himalayas. Maithili language award for his Maithili translation
 This river travels about 195 kilometers in Nepal and of ChamanNahal’s English novel ‘Azadi’.
enters Sitamarhi district of Bihar in India.  The novel Azadi in English is considered Nahal’s
best novel and the author had won SahityaAkademi
‰‰Shalini Kumari received first prize in 3rd Award for the novel in 1977. The novel published in
ASEAN India Grassroots Innovation Forum 1975, tells his experiences of having lived in Sialkot
 Ms. Shalini Kumari (a resident of Patna) received first during the period of partition.
prize in the Grassroots Innovation Competition at
Bihar - One District One Product (Central Government)
the 3rdASEAN India Grassroots Innovation forum,
in December 2023, for her innovation ‘Modified District ODOP
walker with adjustable legs’. Araria Makhana (Foxnut)
 Ms. Shalini Kumari received the prize from H.E Dr. Arwal Pulse based products (Besan & Sattu)
HulSeingheng, Cambodia COSTI Chairman and Aurangabad Strawberry based Products
Director General, General Department of Science, Banka Katarni Rice based Products
Technology & Innovation under the Ministry
Begusarai Chilly based Products
of Industry Science, Technology & Innovation
Bhagalpur Jardalu Mango
(MISTI), Kingdom of Cambodia.
 She has won the cash prize of USD 1,500 by virtue Bhojpur Indian traditional Sweets and
of being the winner of first prize. Confectionary (Khurma/ Belgrami)
 The 3rd ASEAN-India Grassroots Innovation Buxar Indian traditional Sweets (Batisa or
Forum as well as the second Government Meeting Papdi)
in Cambodia was also held in which representatives Darbhanga Makhana (Foxnut)
from ASEAN member countries, India and ASEAN East Champaran Litchi based Products
Secretariat were also held. Gaya Sesame based products
‰‰Kosi-Mechi Link Project Gopalganj Papaya based Products
 A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been Jamui Minor Forest Produce (Jackfruit etc.)
signed with the Water Resources Department and Jehanabad Pulse based products (Besan & Sattu)


Kaimur Rice based products (Poha, Murmura Bihar - One District One Product (Bihar Government)
etc.) District ODOP
Katihar Makhana (Foxnut) Bhagalpur Hand Block Print, Bhagalpuri Silk,
Khagaria Banana based Products Manjusha Painting
Kishanganj Pineapple based Products Banka Banka Silk
Lakhisarai Tomato based Products Bhojpur Applique, Bhojpur Painting
Madhepura Mango based Products Buxar Hand Embroidery
Madhubani Makhana (Foxnut) Darbhanga Terracotta, Madhubani Painting
Munger Rice based products (Poha, Murmura Gaya Stone, Wood
etc.) Gopalganj Handloom
Muzaffarpur Litchi based Products Jamui Crochet Goods
Nalanda Potato based Products Kaimur Carpet
Nawada Betel Vine Katihar Jute
Patna Bakery Products
Khagaria Bamboo
Purnia Maize based products
Kishanganj Kheta Embroidery
Rohtas Rice Based Products (Poha, Murmura
Madhepura Bamboo
Madhubani Madhubani Painting, Sikki Painting, Khadi
Saharsa Makhana (Foxnut)
Muzaffarpur Sujni, Lac Bangle
Samastipur Turmeric
Nalanda Bawan Booti
Saran Tomato based Products
Nawada Handloom
Sheikhpura Onion based Products
Patna Brass, Tikuli
Sheohar Banana based products
Purnia Bamboo
Sitamarhi Litchi based Products
Samastipur Bamboo
Siwan Mentha based Products
Supaul Makhana (Foxnut) Sitamarhi Applique, Sikki
Vaishali Honey Supaul Lac Bangle
West Champaran Sugarcane based Products Vaishali Sujni

Bihar Budget 2023-24

The Finance Minister of Bihar Vijay Kumar  Revenue Expenditure for the financial year 2023-
Chaudhary presented the Budget for financial year 2023- 24 is estimated at Rs. 2,07,848.00 crore which is Rs.
24 for the state on 28th February 2023. 15,891.33 crore more than Rs. 1,91,956.67 crore for
 Budget Highlights the year 2022-23 budget estimate.
 The Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP)- The  Capital Expenditure for the financial year 2023-
Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of Bihar 24 is estimated at Rs. 54,037.40 crore which is Rs.
for 2023-24 (at current prices) is projected to be Rs 8,302.88 crore more than Rs. 45,734.52 crore for the
8.59 lakh crore, amounting to growth of 8.9% over year 2022-23 budget estimate.
2022-23 (Rs 7.89 lakh crore).  Establishment & Commitment Expenditure
 Budget Expenditure for the Financial Year 2023-24 is estimated at Rs.
 Budget expenditure of Rs. 2,61,885.40 crore has 1,61,855.67 crore, which is Rs. 24,394.72 crore more
been estimated for the Year 2023-24 which is Rs. than Rs. 1,37,460.94 crore for the year 2022-23
24,194.21 crore more than Rs. 2,37,691.19 crore for budget estimate.
the year 2022-23 budget estimate.  Annual Scheme Outlay for the financial year 2023-
 The Capital and Revenue expenditure-Revenue 24 is estimated at Rs. 1,00,000.00 crore, which is
expenditure is Rs. 2,07,848.00 crore(79.37%) and equal to the year 2022-23 budget estimate.
Capital expenditure is Rs. 54,037.40 crore (20.63%)  The department wise allocation for Annual Scheme
for the year 2023-24 respectively. 2023-24 has been made as follows:


(Rs. in Crore)
Sl. No. Name of Department Scheme Outlay (Rs.Crore) Percentage total outlay
1. Education Department 22200.35 22.20
2. Rural Development Department 15193.19 15.19
3. Social Welfare Department 8191.79 8.19
4. Rural Works Department 7950.27 7.95
5. Health Department 7117.56 7.12
6. Road Construction Department 4420.99 4.42
7. Urban Development and Housing Department 4055.10 4.06
8. Water Resource Department 3232.63 3.23
9. Agriculture Department 2781.99 2.78
10. Public Health Engineering Department 1947.65 1.95
11. Others 22908.48 22.91
Total 100000.00 100.00
 Good Governance Programme, 2020-25:- Under more than Rs 6,135.62 crore for the year 2022-23
Seven Nischay-2 of Aatmanirbhar Bihar (2020-25) budget estimate.
Rs. 5,000.00 crore Budget estimated in various  State’s Share in Central Taxes is estimated at Rs.
department for the financial year 2023-24. 1,02,737.26 Crore in 2023-24 which is Rs. 11,556.66
  Development and Non-Development crore more than Rs 91,180.60 crore for the year
expenditure -Development expenditure is Rs. 2022-23 budget estimate.
1,67,375.47 crore(63.91) and Non-Development  Grants in Aid from Central Government to State
expenditure Rs. 94,509.93 crore(36.09) is estimated at Rs. 53,377.92 crore in 2023-24 which
respectively. is Rs. 4,623.37 crore less than Rs. 58,001.29 crore for
the year 2022-23 budget estimate.
 Budget Receipt
 The State has Revenue Surplus of Rs. 4,478.97
 Total Revenue Receipt has been estimated at Rs.
crore during 2023-24 which is 0.52% of GSDP.
2,12,326.97 crore in 2023-24 which is Rs. 15,622.46  The Fiscal Deficit has been estimated at Rs.
crore more than Rs. 1,96,704.51 crore for the year 25,567.84 crore which is 2.98% of GSDP estimate
2022-23 budget estimate. at Rs. 8,58,928.00 crore for the year 2023-24.
 State’s Own Tax Revenue is estimated at Rs.  The Outstanding Public Debt is estimated at Rs.
49,700.05 crore in 2023-24 which is Rs. 8,313.05 2,76,165.43 crore in 2023-24 which is 32.15% of
crore more than Rs. 41,387.00 crore for the year GSDP of Rs. 8,58,928.00 crore.
2022-23 budget estimate.  Total debt including liability in public account
 State’s Non Tax Revenue is estimated at Rs. estimate is Rs.3,24,762.35 crore in 2023-24 which is
6,511.74 crore in 2023-24 which is Rs. 376.12 crore 37.81% of GSDP of Rs. 8,58,928.00 crore.
Rupee comes from (Budget 2023-24) Rupee goes to (Budget 2023-24)
State's non-tax Grants-
Public Debt. Loan and
Revenue (2.48%) in-aid and
(9.0%) Advances
Grants-in-aid (0.47%)
State's own from Central
Tax Revenue Government
(20.37%) Economic
Public Debt. (24.01%) General
(18.82%) Services
State's Share in
Central Taxes
(39.20%) Social Services
Recovery of
Loans (0.16%)


 Fiscal Management: In the year 2023-24 we are  Police
again likely to generate a revenue surplus and the  Rs 6,345 crore has been allocated towards the
fiscal deficit is likely to be contained at 2.98% of district police.
State GDP that is within the FRBM limits of 3.0%  Energy
 Fiscal Achievements   Rs 9,103 crore has been allocated towards
 The Fiscal Deficit was 3.78 percent of GSDP Rs. subsidies for affordable power.
6,75,448.00 crore during 2021-22 which is under the  Transport
  Rs 3,986 crore has been allocated towards
prescribed conditional limit of 4.5 percent.
 Public Debt Liability Rs. 2,08,913.30 crore was 30.93
capital outlay on roads and bridges.
 Urban Development
percent of GSDP Rs. 6,75,448.00 crore during
 Rs 940 crore has been allocated towards the
2021-22. By the end of 31st March, 2022 public debt
Smart City Mission.
and other liabilities is Rs. 2,57,510.22 crore.
 Agriculture and Allied Activities
 The Interest Payment was 8.70 percent of Total
 Rs 415 crore has been allocated towards subsidies
Revenue Receipt during 2021-22.
under various schemes administered by the
 Policy Highlights Agriculture Department. This includes subsidy
 Agriculture: Multiple missions are proposed to be of Rs 100 crore for agricultural mechanisation.
launched: (i) Bihar Millet Mission, (ii) Bihar Pulses  Housing
and Oilseeds Development Mission, and (iii) Crop   Rs 6,789 crore has been allocated towards
Diversification Mission. Indira Awas/Pradhan MantriAwasYojana.
 Fourth Agriculture Roadmap will be implemented  “Saat Nishayy 2.0” for Aatmnirbhar Bihar
with special focus on pulses and oilseeds. (Financial year 2023-24)
Infrastructure of state agricultural market yards will 1. Yuva Shakti-Bihar Ki Pragati
be modernised. 2. Sashakt mahila- Saksham Mahila
 Groundwater conservation: A centre of excellence 3. Har Khet Ko Pani
will be established for groundwater conservation. 4. Swachha Goan-Samridh Goan
 Government recruitment: Requisition has 5. Swachha Shahar- Viksit Shahar
been given for filling a total of 63,900 posts by 6. Sulabh Samparkata
Bihar Public Service Commission, Staff Selection 7. Sabke liye Atirikt Swasthya Suvidha
Commission, and Technical Service Commission. Provisioned Amount for the Important Schemes in
 Approval has been given for creation of 75,543 the Budget 2022-23
posts in police. Name of the Scheme Provisioned
 Sector-wise expenditure under Bihar budget (In Rs. Crore)
2023-24 (in Rs. crore) Sarv Siksha Abhiyan (S.S.A.) (Samgra 16131
 Education, Sports, Arts, and Culture Siksha)
 Rs 17,789 crore has been allocated as grants Housing for All( Rural) 6789.14
towards assistance to schools for salaries. Rs
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana 4460.29
6,397 crore has been allocated towards salaries
Scheme for Nutritional Support to 3654
and allowances for the Education Department.
Primary Education (M.D.M.)
 Rural Development
National Health Mission along with 3299.55
  Rs 3,852 crore has been allocated towards N.R.H.M.
MGNREGS. Rs 3,610 crore have been
Integrated Child Development Services 3111.94
allocated towards PMGSY. (ICDS)
 Health and Family Welfare
National Rural Employment Guarantee 2500.00
 Rs 3,691 crore has been allocated towards the Scheme
provision of health services in urban areas. Rs Human resource in health and medical 2237.90
1,830 crore has been allocated towards capital education
outlay on health services National Rural Livelihoods Mission 2100.00
 Social Welfare and Nutrition (NRLM)
  Rs 1,029 crore has been allocated towards Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension 1410.00
MukhyamantriVriddhhajan Pension Yojana. Scheme


Bihar Economic Survey 2022-23
 Bihar Economy: An Overview the expenditure in this account increased by 14.1
 The Bihar economy posted a strong recovery in percent to reach Rs. 1,59,220 crore in 2021-22 over
2021-22. According to quick estimates, Gross the previous year.
State Domestic Product (GSDP) at constant  As a result of this, the State government could bring
prices recorded a robust growth of 10.98 percent, down its revenue deficit by 96.3 percent, from Rs.
compared to (-)3.2 percent in 2020-21. The national 11,325 crore in 2020-21 to just Rs. 422 crore.
growth rates was 8.68 percent in 2021-22.  The State government collected Rs. 38,839 crore
 Bihar is a relatively low-income Indian State. in revenue from its own sources in 2021-22. Out
According to quick estimates, the GSDP of Bihar at of which, the revenue collected from taxes was
current prices was Rs 675448 crore and Rs 428065 Rs. 34,855 crore (89.7 percent), and the non-tax
crore at constant (2011-12) prices in 2021-22. revenue was Rs. 3984 crore (10.3 percent).
 The Per Capita GSDP of Bihar in 2021-22 was Rs  The gross transfer of financial resources from
54,383 at current prices and Rs. 34,465 at constant the Central government to the State government
(2011-12) prices. was Rs. 1,29,486 crore in 2021-22. Out of this, the
 In terms of share of major sectors of GSDP, amount received as the state’s share in the Central
primary sector experienced a slight decline from taxes was Rs. 91,353 crore. The Grants-in-Aid from
21.4 percent in 2020-21 to 21.2 percent in 2021-22. the Centre to the State government and the Central
 The secondary sector also recorded a small decline- government’s loan to the State government was Rs.
from 19.3 percent in 2020-21 to 18.1 percent in 2021- 28,606 crore and Rs. 9527 crore, respectively, in
22. 2021-22.
 Interestingly, between 2020-21 and 2021-22, the  The Primary deficit of the State government
tertiary sector registered an increase in the its share declined from Rs. 17,344 crore in 2020-21 to Rs.
from 59.3 percent to 60.7 percent. 11,729 crore in 2021-22.
 With regard of ranking of the 38 districts for Per  Similarly, the Fiscal deficit of the State government
Capita GSDP in 2020-21, the three most prosperous also declined from Rs. 29,828 crore in 2020-21 to Rs.
districts are - Patna (Rs. 1,15,239), Begusarai (Rs. 25,551 crore in 2021-22.
45,497) and Munger (Rs. 42,793).  The total borrowing of the State government was
 At the other end, the three less developed districts Rs. 40,445 crore in 2021-22. The outstanding debt
are - Sheohar (Rs. 18,692), Araria (Rs. 19,527) and of the State government at the end of 2021-22 was
Sitamarhi (Rs. 20,631). Rs. 2,57,510 crore.
 State Finances  The interest payment and the capital repayment
 The total expenditure by the State government
by the State government during the year were Rs.
was Rs. 1.93 lakh crore in 2021-22. Out of this, 13,822 crore and Rs. 8746 crore, respectively.
Rs. 1.59 lakh crore (82.4 percent) was the revenue  Agriculture and Allied Sectors
expenditure, and Rs. 0.34 lakh crore (17.6 percent)  The agriculture and allied sectors grew at a rate of
was the capital expenditure. about 5 percent during the last five years (2017-18 to
 The expenditure by the State government on 2021-22).
General Services was Rs. 48,939 crore in 2021-22.  Overall, the sector accounted for a share of 20
Out of this, Rs. 13,822 crore (28.2 percent) was the percent in Gross State Value Added (GSVA) during
interest payment. the same period.
 The Social Services and Economic Services  The contribution of sub-sectors to GSVA were -
expenditure was Rs. 76,115 crore and Rs. 34,166 crop sector (11.1 percent), livestock (6.6 percent) and
crore, respectively. fisheries and aquaculture (1.8 percent) in 2021-22.
 The State government continued to focus on  In 2020-21, the Net Sown Area in Bihar was 50.5
increased capital expenditure, which increased by lakh hectares, while the cropping intensity was 1.44.
29.4 percent over the previous year to Rs. 33,903 As of 2021-22, the total cereal production stood at
crore in 2021-22. 181.0 lakh tonnes.
 The receipt in the revenue account increased by  The State Government is implementing the Bihar
23.9 percent to reach Rs. 1,58,797 crore, whereas Agri-Investment Promotion Policy wherein a


capital subsidy of 15 percent is being provided tourism. On tourism, the expenditure has increased
to individual investors and 25 percent to Farmer to Rs 146.90 crore in 2021-22, compared to Rs 70.20
Producer Companies (FPCs) for establishing crore in 2020-21.
new agro-based industries or for the expansion,  Labour, Employment and Skill
modernisation and diversification of existing units.  The male Work Population Ratio (WPR) in rural
 The identified seven focus products of this initiative Bihar was 68.8 percent, compared to 77.9 percent at
are - makhana, fruits and vegetables, maize, medicinal the all-India level. In case of urban Bihar, the male
plants, aromatic plants, honey and tea. WPR was 64.6 percent vis-à- vis 75.7 percent at the
 A new scheme under the state plan has been all-India level. The gap between Bihar and India
launched by the Department of Agriculture for with respect to male WPR is lower, as compared to
genetic identification of hybrid seed of maize and the female WPR.
paddy through DNA finger-printing with a total cost  In Bihar, a male and female worker, on an average,
of Rs. 142.27 lakh. earns Rs 338 and Rs 244 per day respectively,
 Organic and sustainable agriculture is a priority for translating to a gender wage gap of 28 percent. At
the State Government. Therefore, under the Jaivik the all-India level, the wage gap was even wider, at 36
Corridor Scheme (2022-25), another 20,000 acres percent.
have been taken for organic farming.  To increase the representation of women, the State
 In 2021-22, the total expenditure for irrigation government has provided a horizontal reservation
development was Rs. 2670.49 crore. As of March of 35 percent.
2022, about 37.22 lakh hectare of irrigation potential  The JEEVIKA is the nodal agency for providing
has been created. support to RSETIs, which imparts self-employment
training to the rural youth in 61 approved trades.
 Enterprises Sector After the completion of training, the rural youth
 Between 2018-19 and 2019-20, the number of
are also provided with credit support from banks to
factories in Bihar has increased by only 0.3 percent, start their own enterprises.
but the working capital has increased by 51 percent.  Under the DDU-GKY programme, 77 training
Moreover, in Bihar, the net value added has registered centres of 68 PIAs have provided skill training and
an increase of 1.2 percent in 2019-20 over the 2018- placement facilities to the rural youth.
19 level, while the same at the all-India level has
 Physical Infrastructure
declined by 4.8 percent.  Bihar registered the highest growth of 20.4 percent
 In Bihar, the total sugar production was 45.6 lakh in the country for Transport and Communication
quintals, with a recovery rate of 9.6 percent. In case sectors during 2021-22.
of electricity generation, eight sugar mills together  The Gross State Value Added (GVA) of airways
produced 88.5 MW of electricity in 2021-22. (54.4 percent), services incidental to transport (33.5
 To encourage the establishment of production percent) and roadways (31.8 percent) recorded the
units, the State government has released a sum of all-time high growth during 2021-22.
Rs 532.46 crore as grants under the Bihar Industrial  Bihar had a total road density of 3166.9 kms, per
Investment Promotion Policy 2016 during the last 1000 sq. kms, of geographical area and ranked third
six years. in all-India, after Kerala and West Bengal in 2019.
 The highest amount of investment has taken  The State government has invested Rs. 76,483 crore
place in food processing (Rs 1395.65 crore), which during 2015-22 for building and maintenance of the
accounted for 41 percent of the total investment in all-weather roads and bridges. For 2022-23, a sum of
the state. Rs. 16,530 crore has been budgeted for this sector.
 In 2021-22, 45 micro enterprises were established,  Bihar has recorded the third highest number of
which was more than double the number of micro vehicle registrations among Indian states, after Uttar
enterprises set up in 2020-21. Pradesh and Maharashtra during 2020-21.
 The number of large enterprises also increased  E-Governance
from 3 in 2020-21 to 11 in 2021-22. The amount of  For promoting e-governance, Bihar has received
investment in those enterprises has increased by 131 many awards like CSI Nihilent Award, CSI SiG
percent. e-Governance awards, Digital India Award, National
 Bihar has potential to develop religious, heritage, Award for highest DBT transaction, National
health, entertainment, waterfront and cultural e-governance Awards and many others.


 In Bihar, on an average, each household is enabled are linked with banks for credit. At present, the
with 2 or more mobile connections and almost every outstanding credit is Rs. 5574 crore.
household has access to internet and 98.7 percent of  Under MGNREGS, the number of households
the Gram Panchayats are covered under Bharat Net. provided with employment has doubled from 22.5
 Common Social Registry Portal (CSRP) is a digital lakh in 2017-18 to 48.0 lakh in 2021-22, Employment
platform where different members of a family can generated has also substantially increased from 817.2
get registered under any of the State government lakh persondays to 1811.8 lakh persondays in 2021-
schemes. 22.
 Mukhyamantri Digital Health Yojana has been  Fund utilization under the scheme has also improved
implemented as a Pilot Project in Muzaffarpur and, over the years—it was 91.2 percent in 2017-18 which
after successful execution, it will be rolled out in the increased to 98.1 percent in 2021-22.
remaining 37 districts.  Under Public Distribution System (PDS), a total of
 With citizens at the core, this project aims to integrate 5474.9 thousand tonnes of foodgrains consisting
around 13,000 public health facilities, ranging from of 2208.2 thousand tonnes of wheat and 3266.7
the district level to lower-level health centres. thousand tonnes of rice, was allotted in 2021-22.
 Aadhaar-enabled PDS has been implemented in all  Between 2017-18 and 2021-22, the average lifting of
50,854 PDS shops across the state. Around 1.8 crore foodgrain was 97.9 percent. The data shows that the
(92 percent) transactions are done every month lifting of wheat and rice is almost 100 percent in
through POS devices using ration card data.
nearly all the districts.
 At every police station in Bihar, the Bhu-Samadhaan
 A total of 4290 Panchayats have been selected for
app is used to keep track of cases that involve land
the implementation of the Mukhyamantri Gramin
Peyjal Yojana. Similarly, for the Mukhyamantri
 Energy Sector Gramin Gali-Nali Pakkiran Yojana, a total of 8386
 There was a significant improvement in the projected
Panchayats were selected.
peak demand for power from 4965 MW in 2017-18  Under Saat Nishchay 2, Mukhya Mantri Gramin
to 6475 MW in 2021-22, implying a growth of more
Solar Street Light Yojana has been launched for
than 30.4 percent in four years.
every Panchayat of the state from 2022-23. Under
 The Per Capita Consumption of energy in the state
the scheme, every ward is to get 10 solar street
has risen from 280 kWh in 2017-18 to 329 kWh in
lights installed. Also, every Panchayat has been
2021-22, implying a growth of 17.5 percent in four
given 10 additional solar street lights for community
years. The peak demand met again had a growth of
institutions, like school, library etc.
around 46.1 percent to reach 6627 MW during 2021-
22 from 4535 MW in 2017-18.  Urban Development
 The available power capacity in the state was 6422  The total urban population in Bihar is 11.8 million,
MW in 2020-21, which increased to 7785 MW in according to the Census 2011.
2021-22, implying a growth of 21.2 percent.  111 new Nagar Panchayats have been set up, along
 Power demand in the state was 6576 MW in 2021-22, with 9 new Nagar Parishads. Because of the above
which increased to 7054 MW in 2022-23, implying a decision and natural growth of population in urban
growth of 7.3 percent. areas, the projected urban population of Bihar in
 The DISCOMs made all-out efforts to improve their 2022 is 20.2 million.
financial status reduction of Aggregate Technical  This will raise the urbanisation rate in Bihar from
and Commercial (AT&C) loss from 43.5 percent 11.3 to 16.2 percent.
(2015-16) to 29.4 percent in 2021-22.  The expenditure of Department for Urban
 The total generation capacity of power, as on March Development and Housing was Rs. 8423.8 crore
2021, was 6422 MW. Increasing by 21 percent, it has in 2019-20, which increased to Rs. 9942.2 crore in
reached 7785 MW in March 2022. 2020-21, registering a growth of 18.0 percent.
 Between March 2021 and March 2022, the growth  A unique scheme called the ‘Bihar Ganga Water
rate in coal-based thermal power is 9.1 percent, and Supply Scheme” was recently launched, through
130.6 percent in renewable energy sources. which 1.12 lakh population of the Rajgir city, about
 Rural Development 1.21 lakh population of the Nawada city, and about
 By September 2022, 10.35 lakh SHGs have been 6.32 lakh population in Gaya and Bodh Gaya cities
formed under JEEVIKA, of which 2.45 lakh SHGs will be benefitted.


 Under this scheme, the excess water of the river  The total enrolment, taking both primary and upper
Ganga will be supplied through pipe by constructing primary levels, rose to 214.33 lakh in 2021-22 from
an intake well-cum-pump house at Hathidah 197.73 lakh in 2019-20, with an annual growth rate
(Mokama). of 4.1 percent.
 The stated goals of ‘Ghar Tak Pakki Gali-Naaliyaan’  In 2017-18, the coverage of PM-POSHAN for
are being achieved gradually. In 2021-22, 8.26 lakh primary schools was 63.1 percent. Five years later, it
households were benefitted. has increased marginally to 64.4 percent (2021-22).
 The number of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) formed  The total outlay for women development has
under National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM) increased by 71.2 percent from 2016-17 to 2020-21.
in Bihar has increased from 2876 in 2020-21 to 4826  Outlays for women as percentage of GSDP have
in 2021-22. been around 3.6 percent.
 The number of credit-linked SHGs has increased  Altogether, 75 Didi Ki Rasois are operational,
from only 208 in 2018-19 to 4176 in 2021-22. providing employment to over 700 SHG members.
 Under the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), the  Child Development
construction of toilets up to 2020-21 was 4.01 lakh  With a child population of 4.98 crore, 48 percent
and there were 0.10 lakh toilets under construction.
of the total population in Bihar lies in the age group
Till 2021-22, the total number of toilets constructed
of 0-18 years. Out of these 4.98 crore children,
increased to 4.12 lakh, which further increased to
4.47 crore (89.9 percent) reside in rural areas and
4.14 lakh up to September, 2022.
0.50 crore (10.1 percent) live in urban areas. As per
 For Individual toilets, the State government provides
gender particulars, 2.35 crore are girls and 2.62 crore
a subsidy of Rs. 8000 to each family, in addition to
are boys.
the Central assistance of Rs. 4000.
 The adolescent population of Bihar aged between
 Human Development 10 and 19 years increased 1.3 times, from 1.83 crore
 During the last 16 years (2005-06 and 2021-22), the
in 2001 to 2.34 crore in 2011.
expenditure on social services has increased more  The State government started preparing Child
than 11.0 times in Bihar. Budget from 2013-14. The actual expenditure on
 The expenditure on health increased by about 11 children has increased by 85.7 percent from Rs.
times and that on education by eight times.
16,638.5 crore in 2016-17 to Rs. 30,903.05 crore in
 During this period, the share of social services
expenditure in total expenditure of the State
 The share of public expenditure on children in
government increased from 31.9 percent in 2005-06
total GSDP rose to 5.3 percent in 2020-21 from 4.0
to 42.4 percent in 2021-22.
percent in 2016-17.
 Similarly, the Per Capita Expenditure on Social
 Presently, ICDS is running through 544 project
Sector also increased from Rs. 801 in 2005-06 to Rs.
offices in 38 districts of Bihar.
6156 in 2021-22.
 The budget for nutrition under ICDS increased at an
 The Life Expectancy at Birth (LEB) for Bihar has
annual rate of 9.7 percent, from Rs. 1352.33 crore in
increased substantially from 65.8 years in 2006-10
2017-18 to Rs. 1896.45 crore in 2021-22.
to 69.5 years in 2016-20, registering an increase of
 The coverage of functional drinking water facility
3.7 years over a period of ten years. Currently, the
overall LEB of Bihar is only 0.5 year less than that and toilets in all types of schools are more than 95
of India (70.0 years). percent in 2020-21 and 2021-22.
 The extent of institutional delivery has significantly  Under Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan, a total of 1.12 lakh
increased from 22.0 percent in 2005-06 to 76.2 out-of-school children (OOSC) in the age group of
percent in 2019-21, which indicates an increase of 6-13 years were mainstreamed in 2020-21.
54.2 percentage points according to the National  Environment, Climate Change and Disaster
Family Health Survey. Management
 According to the latest Sample Registration System  The forestry and logging sectors contributed to 1.6
bulletin, MMR has declined from 165 per lakh live percent of the Gross State Value Addition (GSVA)
births in 2015-17 to 118 in 2018-20, resulting in a in Bihar over the last five years.
decline of 47 points.  In 2021-22, a total of 388.97 lakh plants were planted
 The annual growth rate of enrolment at primary under the ‘Mission 5.0 Crore Plantation campaign’
level in the recent years is 4.1 percent. of the Jal-Jeevan-Hariyali Abhiyan.


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