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Selecting The Right Insulation Material PDF

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EPDM rubber closed cell elastomeric pipe insulation

Selecting the Right Insulation Material

- for Mechanical Systems
Shahab Z. Ahmad AVP, ALP Aeroflex India, Gurgaon

Introduction Benefits of Insulation

Though thermal insulation is a vast topic, the discussion in this article is The main benefits of insulation are:
limited to thermal insulation for mechanical systems. Energy Conservation
Thermal insulation is a material or combination of materials primarily used To minimize unwanted heat gain or loss from HVAC&R systems
to limit heat gain and loss from surfaces operating at temperatures below and thereby protecting natural and financial resources.
and above the ambient temperature. Condensation Control
To minimize or avoid surface condensation by keeping
the insulated surface temperature above the dew point of the
surrounding air. This is usually applicable for cold applications.
Controlling Surface Temperature
To maintain a specific surface temperature, thus preventing
any burning or damage of the skin. This is mainly applicable for
hot insulation.
Freeze Protection
About the Author To prevent or delay the freezing of liquids in sub-zero
Shahab Ahmad is an MBA from IIT Delhi and mechanical engineer from JMI, New applications in case of system failure, and to reduce the energy
Delhi with over 20 years of experience in the field of HVAC&R, including technical sales for heat tracing in cold storages.
and marketing, design and operations of products and systems. He has worked with
leading companies such as Blue Star, VTS Group, Voltas International (KSA), Thermax, Classification of Insulation Materials
ETA Engineering, Desiccant Rotors International (UAE) and Mekar LLC (UAE). He is an
ISHRAE and ASHRAE member. He is currently Associate Vice President at ALP Aeroflex
From the microstructure point of view, insulation materials
India, Gurgaon, responsible for all India sales and marketing of thermal and acoustic can be classified as open cell, interconnected cell, semi-closed cell
insulation products and accessories. and closed cell.

12 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Journal September - October 2016

Open Cell The cells are interconnected with air gaps between the pellets.
Examples are expanded polystyrene (EPS), commonly known as
thermocole, and extruded polystyrene (XPS). EPS is a lightweight
material used for making household items – trays, cups, bowls,
fish boxes, etc. EPS is also widely used as the packing material
for cushioning of fragile items. It has a low K value in the range
of 0.032-0.036 W/mK, and is used for cold applications below
100°C. It is available in pipe sections and sheets. However, it
Figure 1: Open cell insulation has low μ value of 30-70. Due to its low water vapor diffusion
As the name suggests, this insulation material has no cell walls and resistance, moisture can pass through its annular spaces, leading
is made from compacted fibers with air entrapped in the spaces to condensation. In cold applications, it is necessary to use it with a
between fibers. Examples of such materials are glass fiber, mineral moisture barrier. Hot bitumen can be applied to the metal surface
wool and ceramic wool. They are characterized by low K (thermal and EPS, and the two stuck together. Joints can be sealed with
conductivity) values and low μ (water vapor diffusion resistance) bitumen and finished with sand cement plaster or metal cladding.
values, making them less suitable for cold applications, in which Bitumen has water content, which allows the vapor to permeate
both heat and water vapor flow from the ambient side (hot side) the insulation, leading to increase in the K value.
to the cold side (see Figure 2). In the absence of an effective vapor Semi-closed Cell
barrier, the migrating vapor comes in contact with a cold surface
whose temperature may be below the dew point of air, leading to
condensation. If the surface temperature is below 0°C, it will lead
to ice formation, drastically increasing the K value of the material,
resulting in large energy loss. (K value of water is 0.58 W/mK at
25°C, and of ice is 2.18 W/mK, i.e. 30 and 70 times respectively
the K value of dry material, which is 0.03 W/mK). Further, a water
absorption test as per ASTM 1056 shows that glass fiber will Figure 5: Semi-closed cell insulation
absorb 400% water by weight after 20 minutes. This type of insulation material has small independent cells,
Open cell material is excellent for hot applications. In a hot with walls of each cell shut from each other but imperfectly.
application, both heat and vapor flow from the hot surface to the Examples are lightweight polythene (PE) foam and low-density
ambient side. If there is any entrapped water vapor, it will move polyurethane foam (PUF). PUF can be used over a wide temperature
outwards and make the material drier, thereby improving the K range, from 80 to 110°C. It has low thermal conductivity of 0.025 W/
value of the material and reducing energy loss. (See Figure 3.) mK due to the presence of HCFC gases within its cells, but is ozone
depleting in nature. The density of semi-closed insulation used
for HVAC systems is in the range of 30-45 kg/m3, keeping in mind
adequate price and quality. This is the reason why the cell walls are
weak and high in moisture permeability. During expansion and
contraction of the material due to temperature variations, these
cell walls break and hence the thermal conductivity becomes
higher than closed cell material over a long period of time. Due to
its weak cell wall structure, it is recommended to use vapor barrier
for all cold applications. As regards flame spread, it complies with
Class 1 standard as per BS 476 Part 7. However it produces highly
Figure 2: Cold application Figure 3: Hot application toxic gases such as HCN, which can prove fatal even if inhaled in a
Interconnected Cell very small quantity. Research shows that there are more fatalities
in building fires due to smoke than due to the fire itself. Further, in
a 20-minute water absorption test as per ASTM 1056, low density
PUF will absorb 40% water by weight.
Closed Cell

Figure 4: interconnected cell insulation

This insulation material is made by compressing tiny styrene
pellets into foam sheets under high temperature and pressure. Figure 6: Closed cell insulation

September - October 2016 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Journal 13

Closed cell elastomers consist of a large number of tiny well- butt/longitudinal joints need to be properly sealed with rubber
defined singular cells containing dry inert gases (such as N2 and based adhesive and finished with elastomeric foam tape.
CO2) emitted by a blowing agent in a honeycomb matrix structure.
These elastomers are made of synthetic rubber or a combination
of synthetic rubbers such as nitrile and EPDM rubber. The cell walls
are impenetrable, and therefore prevent any moisture ingress.
They are produced in the density range of 40-60 kg/m3 for both
hot and cold applications. Water absorption is less than 10% by
weight when tested as per ASTM 1056. Because of their closed cell
structure, they have a very high μ value above 8000. The K value Figure 7: Infrared photo shows thermal energy around the pipes
is in the range of 0.032-0.035 W/mK at 10°C, which remains stable especially at the bottom contact of insulated pipe, where there is no
or less air movement and accumulation of moisture that causes severe
during the service life of the material. condensation

Factors Affecting Condensation Control

In areas of high humidity, especially where cold insulated
ducts and pipes run through non-ventilated shafts and voids,
condensation problems are frequent. Condensation damages
the false ceiling, carpets and furniture and creates water logging,
rendering the space uninhabitable. It also results in energy
wastage and financial losses. Condensation problems can be Figure 8: Infrared photo shows thermal energy around insulated pipes
avoided in three simple ways: located 4” apart, allowing free air movement without accumulation
Determining Proper Insulation Thickness of moisture and no condensation problem
Minimum insulation thickness is a function of Relative Location of Pipes/Ducts
Humidity (RH) of a space at constant dry bulb (DB) temperature. It is important to properly understand the location of insulated
Table 1 shows that for a fixed DB, increasing the RH increases ducts and pipes in an area that is ventilated by untreated fresh air.
the required insulation thickness to prevent condensation. In such areas, no amount of insulation can prevent condensation,
The required insulation thickness increases 6-8 times when RH as almost 100% saturated air will pass across the cold surface. Also,
increases from 50% to 90%. During the rainy season or in coastal in certain conditioned areas, at certain places like a shower area or
areas, the inside RH usually increases to 85-90%. Hence, to avoid a sauna area, the humidity is likely to reach 100%, which may again
condensation during the rainy season in non-ventilated spaces, lead to condensation. Hence, insulated cold ducts and pipelines
the insulation thickness should be selected at 32°C and 85% RH should not be located in such areas.
or higher.
Table 1: Effect of RH on minimum insulation thickness to prevent
Constant Parameters
Fluid temperature 6°C
Ambient temperature 32°C
Wind speed low
K value 0.034 w/mK
RH % 50 mm pipe 100 mm pipe
50 6 6
60 9 9
70 13 13
80 25 25
90 40 45
Good Installation Practices
Even if insulation thickness is correctly selected, it may still Figure 9: Avoid locating cold ducts in high humidity areas
lead to condensation due to poor installation (see Figure 77). Since Saving Energy
the two pipes are running close together, there is virtually no air Closed cell elastomeric insulation is designed for cooling
movement; hence condensation can occur. One should normally and heating lines, to save energy and to prevent condensation,
keep insulated pipelines 3” apart for small sizes (less than 3”NB), which means saving of natural and financial resources. Saving of
and 4” apart for large sizes (more than 4”) (see Figure 8). This will energy implies saving of GHG (green house gases) and less global
enable free movement of air and prevent dew formation. Also all warming (see Table 2).

14 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Journal September - October 2016

Table 2: Insulation thickness vs. energy saving, the material in question. The μ value is a measure for the vapour
CO2 emission and condensation tightness of a material. It indicates how many times greater the
Insulation Thickness mm
13 25 38 50 63 75 resistance to transmission of a layer of material is, compared to a
Insulation static layer of air of the same thickness.
°C 5 24.1 26.8 27.9 28.5 28.9 29.1 A high water vapor transmission resistance ensures a stable
RH to Prevent K Value and a durable product. As such, open cell materials
% 21 71 83 89 92 94 95
Condensation have the least μ value and hence are not suitable for cold
kw.hr/m/ applications. On the other hand, closed cell insulators with
Energy Consumption 142.8 46.4 30.6 23.6 20.1 17.5 15.8
Energy Cost INR/m/yr 1285.2 417.6 275.4 212.4 180.9 157.5 142.2 μ value above 7000 are most suitable for cold applications,
CO2 Emission kg/yr 71.4 23.2 15.3 11.8 10.05 8.75 7.9 preventing the loss or gain of energy and condensation.
Note: Calculation based on 2-1/2” IPS pipe (73mm OD), operating Table 3: Properties of insulation materials
temperature of 5˚C, room temperature of 30 ˚C, K value of 0.0375 Maximum
Thermal Water vapor
W/mK and energy cost of INR 9/kw.hr in 24 hrs x 365 days Material
medium Density
conductivity diffusion
For selecting an insulation material, certain physical and temperature (Kg/m3)
(W/m.K) at 10°C resistance (µ)
chemical properties are desirable:
Closed Cell
• Low and stable thermal conductivity
• High resistance to water vapor transmission, or high vapor EPDM rubber foam
125 (150) 40-60 0.034-0.035 7000-12000
diffusion resistance
• Ease of installation and flexibility NBR rubber foam 115 40-60 0.034-0.035 7000-12000
• Good fire and smoke performance Semi-closed Cell
• Health and safety of applicators Polyethylene (PE) 85-105 20-60 0.035-0.038 1000-5000
• Environmental impact
Interconnecting Cell
Low and Stable Thermal Conductivity
Extruded foam
Thermal conductivity is a measure of the ability of a material (XPS)
80 30-40 0.030-0.032 80-300
to allow heat to pass through it. The common unit is W/(m•K). It is
Expanded foam
desirable to select insulation with a low thermal conductivity so 80 20-30 0.035-0.037 20-100
as to minimize the loss or gain of energy. The insulation should Open Cell
not only have a low K value, but it should remain stable across its
Mineral wool (MW) 200-750 24-180 0.032-0.040 10-100
service life. Under high humidity conditions of tropical regions,
insulators with low vapor diffusion resistance will gradually absorb Cellular glass (CG) 430 90-200 0.040-0.045
moisture leading to increase in K value. As can be seen from Figure Flexibility/Ease of Installation
10, open cell insulators will have the maximum increase in K value It is good to have a flexible insulation material as it enables
followed by interconnecting cell, then semi-closed cell and the quick and easy installation on any straight duct or pipe
least by closed cell insulators over their service life. piece, bend, tee, elbow, fitting, valve, etc. In addition, flexible
insulation ensures that none of the butt and seam joints are
left exposed, as the ends stick together in an airtight manner.
On the other hand, inflexible or rigid insulations such as PU,
EPS and XPS will always have gaps in the joints, which may
lead to moisture transfer and hence condensation and under-
insulation corrosion (UIC). All closed cell elastomers have this
Fire and Smoke Safety Performance
With the National Building Code of India (NBC) laying down
strict guidelines for fire safety, it is imperative to install a fire
and smoke safe insulation for HVAC systems. Each country has
defined its own standards for fire, flame and smoke. In India we
follow BIS and ASTM standards. The important considerations
for fire and smoke safety are:
• Surface flame spread
Figure 10: Change in thermal conductivity over time • Heat generation during fire
Resistance to Water Vapor Transmission • Smoke density
The resistance to water vapor transmission (μ value) is the • Smoke toxicity
ratio of the water vapour diffusion coefficient of air to that of • Self extinguishing, non drip

September - October 2016 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Journal 15

Table 4: Parameters covered under test standards still produce large quantities of smoke while burning, releasing
Fire Smoke Flaming Self hydrogen cyanide gas (HCN). It is one of the most noxious gases,
Test Standard Toxic Gas
Spread Density Drips Extinguishing and is fatal within a short time. HCN at 300 ppm is fatally noxious
ASTM E84 Yes Yes Observe - - within 2-3 minutes.
UL 94V Yes - Yes - -
BS 476 Yes - - - -
ASTM D635 - - - - Yes
IMO MSC61(67) Yes Yes - Yes -
BS 476 Part 7 governs surface flame spread. The test measures
the distance and time a flame will spread across a surface (or
speed of flame). The results range from Class 1 to Class 4. The worst
is Class 4, i.e. the longest distance and fastest flame spread. The
best is Class 1, i.e. the least distance and slowest of flame spread.
A good Class 1 result would mean the flame not spreading further
than 165mm from the point of ignition over the total test time of
10 minutes.
Class 0 is not a fire test, but in fact a classification from The
Building Regulations 1991 – Fire Safety, Approved Document B.
Figure 11: Flammability test
In order for a system to achieve a Class 0 rating, it must meet the
following requirements: Health and Safety
1. Achieve a Class 1 fire rating from BS 476 Part 7 – Surface It is important that insulation used
Spread of Flame, in the HVAC system does not pose
2. Achieve an index of I = less than 12 and i1 = less than 6 from any health hazard to the applicator.
BS 476 Part 6 – Fire Propagation. Open cell materials like fiberglass
The fire propagation test measures the amount of heat the and mineral wool, if in contact with
surface is giving off during the fire. Measurements are taken humans, will cause eye irritation, skin
frequently throughout the 20-minute test, and calculations are rashes and sore nose and throat, and
made using a special formula to achieve an ‘index rating’. sometimes stomach ache if swallowed.
Class 0 rating is a mandatory requirement for large projects An applicator using open cell material
such as government buildings, schools, hospitals, multiplexes, IT needs to wear a face mask, safety
buildings, hotels, offices, etc., while small commercial buildings goggles, full body covered dress and
and residential villas generally call for Class 1 rating. hand gloves. Any loose particles in the
Now, with more research in building fire safety, it is important air system can clog filters, affect belt
to look into the effects of smoke toxicity and density. International drives and motors and deteriorate the Figure 12: Safety gear is
Maritime Organization (IMO) MSC 61 (67) is the test standard to air quality in the conditioned space. In required for application of
determine smoke toxicity. Though most insulators comply with addition, open and semi-closed cell open cell insulation
either Class 1 or the more stringent Class 0 rating, only EPDM insulation is prone to growth of mold and mildew under humid
elastomeric rubber insulation complies with IMO smoke toxicity conditions, resulting in deterioration of the material and indoor air
test. On burning, it will not melt nor generate flaming drops quality. On the other hand, closed cell elastomeric insulation is free
with low smoke density. The gases released while burning are from any loose fibers and hence can be applied without any safety
hydrocarbon and carbon dioxide, which are not hazardous to gear and does not pose any health hazard. Antimicrobial agents can
health, unlike hydrogen cyanide gases that are highly toxic. It is be added to elastomers to prevent growth of bacteria or fungi. NBR
self-extinguishing within a short time when the flame is removed. and EPDM rubber foam, when tested as per ASTM G21 and ASTM
On the other hand, semi-closed cell PE foam, containing G2180, show zero growth of microbes.
butane or similar gases, is highly combustible and can cause rapid Environmental Impact
flame transfer. It will melt and generate flaming balls (fire balls), Last but not the least, the insulation should not have any
causing flame transfer to other materials in buildings such as negative impact on the environment. Elastomers have superior
ceilings, carpets, and furniture. resistance against some chemicals such as acids and alkalis, and
Polyurethane foam insulation is composed of polyols and they are manufactured without the use of CFCs, HFCs, HCFCs,
polyisocyanates mixed with pentane, HCFCs or similar gases. butane, pentane or other ozone depleting or flammable gases,
Although there may be some self-extinguishing grades, it will unlike semi-cosed and interconnected cell insulators.

16 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Journal September - October 2016

Features of EPDM Rubber Foam Insulation inert dry nitrogen gas. It thus has a stable low K value of 0.033 W/
EPDM is considered the next generation insulation because of mK at 25°C, which can save energy on heating and cooling lines
its following features: throughout its service life.
Temperature Range Flame- and Smoke-Proof
EPDM standard insulation saves energy and prevents EPDM rubber insulation is formulated to international
condensation when used in operating temperatures down to fire standards such as ASTM E84, UL 94, JIS K6911, EMPA
-200˚C, and insulates against heat loss up 125˚C. However, for and IMO A653, and can be customised for other specific fire
higher temperature up to 150˚C (300˚F), EPDM-HT is recommended, standards.
which is suitable for low pressure steam applications. Within these Anti-Vibration and Resonance
recommended operating temperatures, the thermal efficiency of The high elasticity of EPDM insulation minimizes the vibrations
EPDM will not be affected. and resonance of chilled water and hot water pipelines during
UV and Weather Resistance operation.
EPDM based insulation has excellent ultraviolet and weather Neat Appearance
resistance. EPDM is widely used in outdoor applications (solar, The flexibility and smooth surface of EPDM offers a neat
VRF tubing, etc.), automobile industry, window strips and rubber and finished appearance even at joints, elbows and crosses. No
hoses in engine rooms. Due to this feature, EPDM has a service life decorative or protective coating is required.
of more than 25 years for indoor applications at the recommended Wide Size Range
thickness. EPDM comes in a wide range of thicknesses and inner
Water Absorption and Moisture Permeability diameters (IDs) for all pipes sizes, together with accessories.
The EPDM closed cell structure protects against moisture and
results in very low water absorption, which can eliminate the need References
for a water vapor barrier in the most humid conditions. However, 1. Dr. V. Pawat, The Microstructure of Different Types of Thermal
under severe condition of high humidity (90% RH and above) and Insulation Material
direct exposure to sunlight, additional water vapor barrier will be 2. AHSRAE Journal – Fundamentals, 2007
required. 3. ASHRAE 90.1
Non-Polar Material
EPDM is made from EPDM synthetic rubber, classified as a non-
polar material, which is highly water resistant while NBR and PVC
are classified as polar materials, which slowly dissolve in water,
resulting in surface deterioration. Water is also a polar material, so
continuous contact with condensate water damages NBR and PVC
insulation much faster than EPDM based insulation.
Thermal Efficiency
EPDM insulation, made from EPDM based synthetic rubber
foam with low density and closed cell structure, mainly contains

Figure 13: EPDM based insulation has a neat finish

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