Indicus Heatseal: Superior Heat and Water Protection

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Make Your Roof

Roof Coating System That Makes Your
Home Energy Efficient

1800 599 3939
Heatseal is a ‘Cool Roof Paint’ that
enables the surface to reflect
up to 80% of the sun's rays.


Environmental footprint of buildings is While use of air-conditioning is essential for
increasingly becoming a point of concern health and well-being, it is becoming a
everywhere around the world. Consumers contradiction as ACs use hydrofluorocarbons
expect solutions that are environmentally (HFCs) that contribute to the emission of
friendly – from design to appliances. While greenhouse gases (GHGs), the primary cause of
energy neutral buildings are being designed, climate change. It has been suggested that
existing buildings still account for 40% of total installing cool-roof coating is among the easiest
CO emissions on a global scale. and least expensive solutions to make a
building cooler and cut carbon emissions.
With a warming world and increasing number of
hot and humid days, population number, Indicus offers an effective roof-coating system
urbanization, incomes, along with affordability that reflects solar radiation back into space -
of ACs, India’s AC requirement is set to rise Heatseal. It reduces the need for air
steeply. conditioning and has a positive effect not only
on the environment but also on the indoor
According to a new study, use of air- climate of buildings and reduces energy costs.
conditioning is likely to expand in the next two
decades covering 69% of the household from While energy-saving systems typically take
the current coverage of 13%. This is expected to years to pay for themselves, Indicus Heatseal
push the country’s electricity requirement up has immediate effect. Heatseal coating
by three times from the HVAC sector alone over system's energy-saving capabilities quickly
the next two decades. translate into real savings because it requires a
minimal commitment of time and money.

The majority of solar heat radiation is infrared Therefore, warmer the climate, higher the
radiation (IR). Heatseal reflects in average up to reflection and the effect.
80% of it compared with a conventional roofing

Indicus Heatseal is a heat reflective waterproof Indicus Heatseal has added microspheres,
coating for all types of cementitious surfaces. Its which are tiny gas-filled thermoplastic bubbles
long lasting glossy white colour and specially that expand when heated. They form voids in
added microspheres reflect solar radiation back the coating that significantly reduces the
into the atmosphere and keeps the interior of thermal transfer into the building.
the building cooler. Heatseal forms an elastic
and tough membrane that provides excellent
resistance against ingress of water.

Indicus Heatseal roof-coating system has a

documented solar reflectance proven by CRDF
laboratory. The ‘Cool Roof Paint’ is based on a
technology that enables the surface to reflect
solar heat radiation and also improve thermal
insulation. This helps Heatseal reduce the
temperature by up to 10°C. With lowered As Heatseal is highly elastic, it accommodates

exposure to solar radiation, the overall quality, movement of thermal expansion & contraction

service life and functionality of the roof is also and bridges cracks up to 0.5 mm width. It

significantly improved. delivers excellent resistance to ingress of rain &

stagnant water.
Makes your house cooler by up to
10 C
Superior Benefits
Around 20% reduction in energy cost
Improved indoor climate
Improved service life of roofs Lower energy cost
Lower CO2 emissions
Buildings coated with Heatseal have lower
Extended service life of roof
temperature, which requires less energy to cool
down with air conditioning system. This reduces
the need for cooling that translates into more
savings and less CO2 emission.

Added Microspears Environment Friendly
Microspheres form voids in the coating Heatseal significantly reduces the cost
that significantly improves thermal of air conditioning, which reduces the
insulation. emission of CFCs that causes damage to
the ozone layer of the atmosphere.

Reflects Heat Elastic

Heatseal has high solar reflectance that Heatseal accommodates movement of
reflects visible light and reduces the thermal expansion & contraction and
surface temperature. bridges cracks up to 0.5 mm width.

Excellent Weather Resistance Excellent Waterproofing

Durable, UV & IR resistant membrane Heatseal delivers excellent resistance to
that enhances service life of the coating. ingress of rain & stagnant water.

Areas of Application
INDICUS HEATSEAL can be used in:
Roofs, slabs & terraces
Surfaces like concrete screeds, asbestos, lime terrace, brick-bat coba, etc. after suitable surface
preparations and repairs
External walls & water tanks

Technical Properties

Colour Bright white

Specific Gravity 1.05 ± 0.05

Viscosity @ 27°C 125 KU

Tensile Strength 1.5 N/mm


Solar Direct Reflectance* 86%

Solar Reflective Index* 110

Elongation 60%

Waterproofing Warranty** 4 Years

Heatseal Advanced

Colour Bright white

Specific Gravity 1.05 ± 0.05

Viscosity @ 27°C 125 KU

Tensile Strength 1.8 N/mm


Solar Direct Reflectance* 86%

Solar Reflective Index* 110

Elongation 90%

Waterproofing Warranty** 8 Years

*On tested conditions.

**Conditions apply. Please refer INDICUS HEATSEAL Warranty Guide for conditions and
information on the warranty available at

Application Procedure Coverage
1. Clean the surface thoroughly and repair On horizontal surface,
the damages, if any, using polymer approx. 10 sq.ft./L for 3 coats.
modified repair mortar. On vertical surface,
2. New cementitious surfaces should be approx. 25 sq.ft./L for 2 coats.
allowed to cure for minimum of 28 days
Coverage is dependent on the degree of
before coating.
dilution, surface condition and method of
On Horizontal Surface
1. Apply one self-priming coat by diluting Cautions
HEATSEAL with 30% clean water on the
Do not stir in high speed.
surface and allow it to dry.
Do not apply during rains.
2. Apply one undiluted coat of HEATSEAL
and allow it to dry. Ambient temperature and material
temperature should be between
3. Apply the second undiluted coat of
10 to 40°C.
HEATSEAL perpendicular to the first coat.
Ensure parapet walls, outlets, protrusions
and corners are properly coated to
On Vertical Surface achieve full waterproofing.
1. Apply one self-priming coat by diluting The coating is not designed for heavy
HEATSEAL with 10% water on the surface foot traffic.
and allow it to dry.
2. Apply one undiluted coat of HEATSEAL Shelf Life & Storage
and once dried, complete with top coat.
Shelf life is 24 months from the date of
manufacturing, if stored in unopened and
original packaging. Store in cool & dry place
away from direct sunlight.

How Heatseal Made My Summer


Listen to Mrs. Meera Christopher, Chennai

sharing her experience of Indicus Heatseal
making her home cooler, reducing the AC
usage and her indoor home environment more
comfortable during scorching summer.
Disclaimer: The product information and applications details given in this data sheet is meant to serve as a general guideline only. Users are advised to
undertake a trial for product suitability prior to full-scale usage. There is no express or implied guaranty/warranty for the results. The company does
not assume any liability or consequential damage for unsatisfactory results, arising from the use of our products.

3, Industrial Estate, S Vellalapatti, Karur, 639004 Tamil Nadu, India. WV1

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