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E-Recruitment: Towards An Ubiquitous Recruitment Process and Candidate Relationship Management

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Holm, Anna B.

E-recruitment: Towards an ubiquitous recruitment
process and candidate relationship management

Zeitschrift für Personalforschung (ZfP)

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Rainer Hampp Verlag

Suggested Citation: Holm, Anna B. (2012) : E-recruitment: Towards an ubiquitous recruitment

process and candidate relationship management, Zeitschrift für Personalforschung (ZfP), ISSN
1862-0000, Rainer Hampp Verlag, Mering, Vol. 26, Iss. 3, pp. 241-259,

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Anna B. Holm*
E-recruitment: Towards an Ubiquitous Recruitment Process
and Candidate Relationship Management**
Up to now, there has been little research on the impact of e-recruitment on the re-
cruitment process as a whole. The present study fills part of this gap by investigating
the effect of e-recruitment on the design of the recruitment process. Three explorative
case studies were carried out in three large organisations in Denmark in 2008-2010.
The findings indicate that e-recruitment transforms the traditional recruitment process
into a time- and space-independent, collaborative hiring process. The most significant
changes are recorded in the sequence and increased divisibility of main recruitment
tasks and subtasks. For management, the main task is now that of communicating
with candidates. In addition, a new on-going task of maintaining a corporate career
website has become an integral part of the new recruitment process. The new design
is presented in the following, and its implications briefly discussed.
E-Recruiting: Auf dem Weg zu einem ubiquitären Rekrutierungsprozess
und integriertem Bewerber-Beziehungsmanagement
Bis heute wurden die Auswirkungen von E-Recruiting auf den gesamten Rekrutie-
rungsprozess wenig erforscht. Die vorliegende Studie zielt darauf ab, diese For-
schungslücke durch die Untersuchung der Auswirkung von E-Recruiting auf die Ge-
staltung des Rekrutierungsprozesses teilweise zu schließen. Der Beitrag basiert dabei
auf drei explorativen Fallstudien in drei großen dänischen Organisationen in den Jah-
ren 2008-2010. Die Ergebnisse lassen darauf schließen, dass E-Recruiting den traditi-
onellen Rekrutierungsprozess in einen zeit- und raumunabhängigen, kollaborativen
Prozess transformiert. Dies stellt sich insbesondere in der Modifikation der Aufgaben-
abfolge und der erhöhten Teilbarkeit der Rekrutierungsaufgaben heraus. Zudem ist
hervorzuheben, dass sich die Kommunikation mit den Bewerbern als eine zentrale
neue Managementaufgabe herausbildet. Darüber hinaus bildet die permanente Pflege
der Karriere-Website einen integralen Teil des neuen Rekrutierungsprozesses. Damit
stellt dieser Beitrag generell die technologische Neugestaltung von Rekrutierungspro-
zessen vor und diskutiert deren Auswirkungen.
Key words: e-recruitment, recruitment, e-HRM, staffing
(JEL: M50, M55, M59, O15)
* Dr Anna B. Holm, Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, Haslegaardsvej 10,
8210 Aarhus V, Denmark. E-mail: annah@asb.dk.
** This research was supported and financed by the Department of Business Administration,
Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark. The usual disclaimer applies.
I would like to thank editors, reviewers and participants of the 3rd European Academic Work-
shop on Electronic Human Resource Management, 20-21 May, 2010 Bamberg, Germany, for
their valuable comments and suggestions for developing and improving this manuscript.
Article received: September 27, 2011
Revised version accepted after double blind review: June 20, 2012.
Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 26(3), 241-259 DOI 10.1688/1862-0000_ZfP_2012_03_Holm
ISSN (print) 0179-6437, ISSN (internet) 1862-0000 © Rainer Hampp Verlag, www.Hampp-Verlag.de
242 Anna B. Holm: E-recruitment

1. Introduction
The use of electronic recruitment, also called e-recruitment, in the developed coun-
tries is rapidly becoming one of the fastest-growing recruitment techniques (Bartram,
2000; Lawrence, Sauser, & Sauser, 2007, p. 119; Lee, 2005; Lermusiaux & Snell, 2003;
SHRM, 2008a, 2008b). Despite the apparently widespread use of e-recruitment, how-
ever, a gap seems to have emerged between research and practice (Anderson, 2003;
García-Izquierdo, Aguinis, & Ramos-Villagrasa, 2010; Sylva &Mol, 2009), possibly be-
cause scholars are struggling to keep up with the sheer pace of change (Anderson,
2003). The increasing number of research contributions tend to focus on the design of
corporate recruitment websites (Maurer & Liu, 2007; Selden & Orenstein, 2011), ap-
plicants’ perceptions of career websites (Braddy, Meade, Michael, & Fleenor, 2009;
Cober, Brown, Keeping, & Levy, 2004; Goldberg & Allen, 2008; Sylva & Mol, 2009;
Thompson, Braddy, & Wuensch, 2008; Williamson, King, Lepak, & Sarma, 2010), and
e-recruitment system design (Biazzo, 1998; Furtmueller, Wilderom, & Tate, 2011; Lee,
2007). So far, however, there has been little academic research on the subject from an
organisational, i.e. recruiters’, perspective (Parry & Tyson, 2008;Parry & Wilson, 2009;
Wolfswinkel, Furtmueller, & Wilderom, 2010). Here, the organisational perspective re-
fers to the process of organizing and performing recruitment tasks and activities
within organisations, in the context of an organisational environment. Moreover, little
attention has been given to the impact of technology on the recruitment process as a
whole (Parry & Tyson, 2009), or to how the e-recruitment process is integrated in
practice (Lee, 2011). The aim of this research is to fill some of this gap.
I initially carried out an explorative study of e-recruitment practices in Danish or-
ganisations (the results of which are not presented here due to space constraints; see
Holm, 2012). From the very start of the inquiry, however, it became clear that the in-
troduction of e-recruitment to the recruitment process had affected the way the com-
panies organise their recruitment activities. Among other things, there were a number
of changes in the sequence and nature of some recruitment tasks and subtasks, which
have not previously been reported in the literature. These observations led to the fol-
lowing research question of the present study: How does the introduction and use of
e-recruitment affect the design of the traditional recruitment process, and what are the
consequences of this for recruiting organisations?
To answer this, I used the case study method to examine the recruitment proc-
esses at three large multinational companies in Denmark during 2008-2010. The case
companies had extensive experience in the use of e-recruitment practices. In order to
identify how e-recruitment had affected the overall design of the recruitment proc-
esses, I first identified the design of the traditional recruitment process as reported in
several research contributions (Bartram, 2000; Breaugh & Starke, 2000; Dessler, 2006;
Millmore, Lewis, Saunders, Thornhill, & Morrow, 2007; Newell, 2009). I then inter-
viewed recruitment professionals from the case companies, asking how they had per-
formed recruitment tasks before and after the introduction of e-recruitment in their
organisations, and how they had perceived the changes. To better understand the
overall recruitment process, I also carried out interviews with their collaborative part-
ners, e.g. technology providers. I then compared my findings with the academic litera-
Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 26(3), 241-259 DOI 10.1688/1862-0000_ZfP_2012_03_Holm 243
German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management, 26(3)

ture in the field, and identified the new recruitment process design, which differs con-
siderably from the linear process reported in earlier research contributions.
In the next section I present a detailed description of the traditional, i.e. paper-
based, recruitment process of external candidates, define the scope of electronic re-
cruitment, and argue that studying recruitment from an organisational perspective re-
quires treating recruitment as a business process. This is followed by an outline of the
research design, which is based on the case study methodology, and the recruitment
process as the unit of analysis. The next section presents the findings, where I com-
pare recruitment activities at the three case companies, and identify changes in the
subtasks and activities of the recruitment process attributed to the introduction of e-
recruitment. I then compare the results of the study with the findings of other re-
search contributions, and draw key conclusions. Finally, I briefly suggest implications
of the research for theory and practice.
2. Conceptualisation of recruitment, the recruitment process
and e-recruitment
Organisational recruitment plays a crucial role in the development of human capital
and strategic human resource management (Cober, et al., 2004; Liviens & Chapman,
2010; Millmore, et al., 2007). Given that the primary objective of recruitment is to
identify and attract potential employees (Barber, 1998, p. 10), recruitment can be de-
fined as practices and activities carried out by an organisation for the primary purpose
of identifying, attracting and influencing the job choices of competent candidates
(Barber, 1998, p. 5; McKenna & Beech, 2008, p. 178; Ployhart, 2006). Recruitment ac-
tivities involve either external candidates from outside organisations or current em-
ployees, in which case it is called internal recruitment. The focus of this study is solely
on the process of recruiting external candidates, since internal recruitment often in-
volves other issues, such as career planning and development (Barber, 1998, p. 4).
The traditional, i.e. paper-based, recruitment of external candidates from job ad-
vertising is a linear process with consecutive tasks. It usually starts with the identifica-
tion of required applicants, their location and placement in the labour market, and
proceeds with activities designed to attract and persuade qualified applicants to apply.
Job applications are then received, screened, and sorted, leading to the drawing up of
a shortlist. The process ends with communicating the pre-screening results to appli-
cants. (A summary of this type of recruitment by tasks, subtasks and activities is pre-
sented in Figure 1.) Therefore, in this study, a typical recruitment process is treated as
a business process (Reynolds, 1995, p. 328), which, in line with Davenport and Short
(1990), can be defined as a set of logically related tasks performed to achieve a defined
business outcome for internal or external recipients. A business process occurs across
or between organisational subunits and is independent of a formal organisational
structure. In the case of recruitment, this process is normally performed for either in-
ternal customers – line managers and executives from various parts of the organisa-
tion - or external ones, e.g. clients, resulting in a shortlist of candidates which custom-
ers can choose from.
244 Anna B. Holm: E-recruitment

Figure 1: Traditional paper-based recruitment process using job advertising

Tasks Subtasks Activities

Identify Prepare a job Based on hiring requests from a client (e.g. another
description and department) and eventual job analysis information, identify
Applicants job specifications candidate profiles and required qualifications. Develop a job
description and job specifications.

Identify the Identify where, and in which segment of the labour market, to
appropriate pool look for qualified applicants.
of applicants

Attract Select recruitment Select recruitment source, and decide which method to use to
source(s) reach the target audience, e.g. newspaper advertisements, TV
Applicants and radio spots, professional magazines, etc.

Prepare and
Prepare and place job ads in the selected sources, observing
place job certain requirements such as size restrictions, design
announcement guidelines, graphic elements, etc.

Process Receive, sort and Sort incoming paper-based applications for each vacancy. File
Incoming register incoming and register these for monitoring and administrating the
Applications applications recruitment process.

Pre-screen and review applications, identify a number of

Pre-screen and applicants for further assessment and selection. Forward the
evaluate shortlist to clients for evaluation.

Communicate Inform applicants Inform applicants that they have not been shortlisted for further
with Applicants about pre- consideration. Prepare and mail a formal letter, and /or make a
screening results telephone call.

Inform prospective candidates by formal letter and / or

Arrange telephone, or in person, that they have been pre-selected for
interviews with
further assessment. Arrange further interviews with them, site
candidates visits, and tests.

Source: Adapted from Barber (1998),Breaugh & Starke (2000), Bartram (2000), Dessler (2006), Millmore et al. (2007), and
Newell (2009).

The figure summarises the traditional process of recruiting external candidates without the use of electronic methods. The
process consists of a number of common tasks and subtasks and related activities, performed sequentially to fulfil a recruit-
ment objective.

The recruitment process can vary in complexity and degree of difficulty depending on
the recruitment objectives and the recruitment sources chosen (Breaugh& Starke,
2000). The most commonly used sources for external recruitment are newspaper ads,
private and public employment agencies, Internet job boards, corporate websites, em-
ployee referrals, colleges and universities, search firms, job fairs, etc. (Ployhart,
Schneider, & Schmitt, 2006, p. 280). Internet-related sources, e.g. corporate websites,
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German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management, 26(3)

job boards, job portals, and, most recently, social networks, are increasingly being
used as the main recruitment sources for external candidates (SHRM, 2008a, 2008b).
This is reflected in the initial definition of the term e-recruitment as being recruitment
of candidates on the Internet (Heery & Noon, 2001). With the evolution of enterprise
information systems and techniques deployed and used for recruitment purposes (Lee,
2005), e-recruitment has been further elaborated to include candidate management
technology (Parry & Tyson, 2009) and the recruitment process in general, e.g. tracking
applicants, selecting, offering jobs, or rejecting (Armstromg, 2006, p. 420). These defi-
nitions suggest a duality of the term e-recruitment, which may be simultaneously per-
ceived as the use of an Internet-based recruitment source and as technology-enabled
recruitment management practices. The main focus of the present research is on the
managerial side of recruitment, and not on the recruitment sources. Therefore, in this
paper e-recruitment is viewed and defined as the organisation of recruitment process
and activities, which, by means of technology and human agents, facilitate time- and
space-independent collaboration and interaction in order to identify, attract, and influ-
ence competent candidates (Holm, 2012, p. 91).
3. Research framework
A recruitment process change can be caused by many factors, which affect organisa-
tions in different ways. This is well illustrated by the use of a descriptive model of
business process change (BPC) proposed by Kettinger and Grover (1995) and Ket-
tinger, Teng and Guha (1997). The model rests on the assumption that an organisa-
tion is a complex social system consisting of mutually interrelated and self-adjusting
subsystems of organisational change, namely task, technology, people, and structure
(Keen, 1981; Leavitt, 1965). The BPC model is strategy-driven, and adds process,
products and services (Kettinger& Grover, 1995). Following the model’s logic, intro-
ducing technology to the recruitment process, as in the case of e-recruitment, would
affect business process tasks, subtasks and activities. Figure 2 presents the BPC model
adapted to the recruitment process.
A search for peer-reviewed journal manuscripts on e-recruitment identified only a
few research contributions on e-recruitment from an organisational or business proc-
ess perspective, of which three are the most relevant for this research: Cappelli (2001),
Lee (2005), and Singh and Finn (2003).
In his study on Internet recruiting, Cappelli (2001) examines different service
providers, new technologies, and companies’ recruitment strategies. In his view, the e-
recruitment process consists of three major steps: attracting, sorting, and contacting
candidates. The first step involves the appropriate design of web pages, using elec-
tronic networks for promotion, and tracking potential candidates on the Internet and
in on-line databases. The next step – sorting – involves the screening of candidates
with the help of sophisticated on-line tests. In the third step, contacting candidates, e-
recruitment systems are a big help, since they enable communication tasks to be
automated (ibid.).
246 Anna B. Holm: E-recruitment

Figure 2: Research framework: Recruitment process change model

Information and
• E-recruitment systems
• Web technology
Environmental • Electronic
Factors: communications
• CV Databases
• Political Systems
• Labour Markets S
T • Cost of Hiring
• Demographics Management People
R RECRUITMENT • Recruitment Lead
• Systems • Skills
• Regulation PROCESS Time
A • Styles • Behaviour
• Cultural Factors • Measures • Tasks • Quality of
T • Culture
• Economic • Objectives • Subtasks Applicants
E • Activities • Values
Conditions G • Client Satisfaction
• Technological Y
• Technological
Infrastructure Structure
• Formal and Informal
• Teams / Work Groups
• Jobs
• Coordination / Control

Elaborated and adapted from Kettinger & Grover (1995), and Kettinger, Teng, &Guha (1997).

The model illustrates how organisational subsystems, i.e. structure, management, people and technology, are interdependent
and bound in the recruitment process. It suggests that changes in one subsystem may affect other subsystems and business
process tasks, subtasks and activities.

Lee (2005), who has studied the evolution of e-recruitment systems and analysed the
corporate career websites of Fortune 100 companies, emphasises that e-recruitment
has fundamentally changed the corporate recruiting process from batch mode to con-
tinuous mode, suggesting a major change in the business process. Unlike the tradi-
tional paper-based recruiting process, e-recruitment allows around-the-clock collection
and processing of job applications. Thus, according to Lee (ibid.), a modern e-
recruitment process is a two-way communication process, web-enabled, time- and
space-independent, and a ubiquitous system for both job seekers and recruiters.
Based on a review of the literature, Singh and Finn (2003) conclude that the in-
creased use of ICTs in recruitment has had a fundamental impact on all aspects of an
organisation’s recruitment function, including people, processes, organisational struc-
tures, and forms. They suggest that new processes are needed to lower costs, acceler-
ate transactions, improve efficiency, and provide better service. One example of such
processes is the automated pre-screening of applicants.
4. Research design
Qualitative research design was considered the most suitable for the purpose of the
investigation, since it permits the use of multiple data sources (Creswell, 2009), which
could provide the necessary insights into complex social processes (Eisenhardt &
Graebner, 2007; Fitzgerald & Dopson, 2009, p. 465), such as the recruitment process.
Therefore, the research design used was a multiple-case study (Yin, 2003, p. 39-53)
based on purposeful criterion sampling (Patton, 2002, p. 230-246). Prior to the study
proper, I carried out an exploratory study on the organising principles of e-
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recruitment (Holm, 2012), during which I selected three large organisations with well-
established e-recruiting practices which could provide rich information and potentially
allow a case-by-case comparison (Eisenhardt, 1989). The organisations chosen also
hired over 100 new employees per year, carried out a considerable amount of external
recruitment themselves, had well-established recruitment practices with e-recruiting,
operated an e-recruitment system, maintained full control and ownership of the re-
cruitment process, and were part of a larger organisation with substantial resources.
The companies selected for the study were all multinational corporations (MNCs)
originating from, and with headquarters in, Denmark. To ensure confidentiality of the
collaborating organisations and their respondents, the case companies in this paper
have been given fictitious names - Scandifin, Danadrinco and Energowing. In all three
case studies, the recruitment process was embedded in a specific unit: at Scandifin and
Danadrinco it was in the HR department responsible for recruiting in Denmark only,
while at Energowing it was in the unit responsible for recruitment for a major division
with main operations in Denmark. (Some general information about the case compa-
nies is provided in Annex 1.) At the time of the study, the case companies had been
using e-recruitment for over 5 years.
I used the recruitment process as the unit of analysis and focused only on the
business process. I was thus looking for possible changes in the tasks, subtasks and ac-
tivities of the business process of recruiting which could be attributed to the use of
electronic recruitment, compared with the process presented in Figure 1. If the intro-
duction of e-recruitment had resulted in changes in process tasks and subtasks, then it
would have meant significant changes in the overall recruitment process. If the
changes had occurred only at the level of activities, the changes would be considered
incremental. The data collection process was therefore designed to capture the entire
recruitment process in the case organisations in as much detail as possible, which
would permit comparative analysis for each step of the recruitment process. Thus, a
mix of qualitative methods, techniques, and data sources available at the time of the
research was utilised during the study. A brief description of the data, all of which
were collected in Denmark in the period 2008-2010, is provided in Annex 1.
Firstly, I conducted in-depth, face-to-face, semi-structured interviews with a
number of key informants (Patton, 2002, p. 321), including HR partners and employer
brand managers, recruitment partners, and others, who were involved in recruitment
process tasks. I asked a broad set of questions related to the overall design of the re-
cruitment process and its individual elements, the overall flow of the process, and how
individual tasks were performed for each hire. I also inquired about the organisational
structure, recruitment personnel involved in the process, and the technological solu-
tions and external partners used in the process, e.g. job portals, technology providers,
etc. Each interviewee was also asked to describe a typical recruitment process in her /
his organisation in detail, and explain her / his own role in it. The interviews typically
lasted between one and two hours, were conducted onsite, digitally recorded, and sub-
sequently fully transcribed.
Secondly, since the recruitment process in the case organisations strongly de-
pended on various technological solutions in the recruitment process, I reviewed the
functional characteristics of their e-recruitment systems and interviewed representa-
248 Anna B. Holm: E-recruitment

tives of the companies’ technology providers and the major job portal in Denmark.
During the interviews, I asked a set of questions about the work flow design of the e-
recruitment systems, the advantages and limitations of the systems in supporting vari-
ous recruitment tasks, the manpower and level of skills required to operate the sys-
tems, and the technological solutions enabling partial or full automation of the re-
cruitment process. The interview with the largest job portal clarified how easy it was
for the companies to place a job advertisement online and how well the various e-
recruitment solutions were integrated with the portal’s platform.
Thirdly, I analysed the content of corporate webpages and the job ads that the
case companies placed on their websites. The corporate career websites provided am-
ple data on how case organisations were attracting potential candidates and the extent
to which the websites were employed to support each individual hire, together with
the general organisational effort required to build a positive image of the organisation
as employer. I also tested the résumé submission utility of each recruitment site to ac-
quire additional information about how they were integrated into the overall recruit-
ment process in the organisations. I took notes on observations and screenshots in-
cluded in the data analysis.
Some additional data were added to the data set after a number of observations
made at two job fairs and two HR fairs in Denmark, where I was able to meet and in-
terview representatives of major job portals and job databases used by the case com-
panies for online recruiting, and where I took notes on observations and conversa-
The fully transcribed interviews were exported to QSR nVivo 9 - software for the
analysis of qualitative data. Most of the brochures, texts, and other secondary text data
were exported to the nVivo project. The data were then sorted in sets for each case
and inductively coded and analysed. The coding started with provisional categories, re-
ferring to recruitment tasks and subtasks, as defined earlier (see Figure 1), and pro-
ceeded with inductive coding, where the new codes emerged in the process. The find-
ings were then summarized and analysed using the method of case-to-case compari-
son to identify similarities and differences of the recruitment process designs of the
case companies.
5. Findings
In this section, I first briefly describe the recruitment process in the case organisations
task-by-task, and then present findings related to the overall design of the recruitment
process with e-recruitment. A more detailed case-by-case comparison of the recruit-
ment processes in the three organisations is shown in Table 1.
5.1 Recruitment process tasks and the use of e-recruitment
Identification of applicants
The recruitment process in all three companies in the study typically started with the
identification of required applicants, and their location and placement in the labour
market. This task was performed in the same way as described earlier in the traditional
paper-based recruitment process presented in Figure 1. The activities under this task
are characterised by a limited use of electronic means, and include email correspondence
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German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management, 26(3)

Table 1: Summary of the comparative analysis of the recruitment process in the case
Task Subtasks Similar Activities Divergent Activities
Process Change
Prepare and Recruitment personnel pre- Scandifin: Job ads from the Changes in activi-
place job an- pare and place job ads in the corporate website are posted ties. No change in
nouncement selected sources, observing by Internet job portals and da- the nature of the
certain requirements, e.g. size tabase systems. task or subtask.
restrictions, design guidelines,
graphic elements, etc. Job Danadrinco: Job ads are Changes in the
ads are posted on corporate posted automatically, through sequence of tasks
websites. the e-recruitment system, by – the task of
Internet job portals and data- communicating
bases. with applicants
starts here.
Energowing: Job ads are for-
warded by email to the se-
lected Internet job portals and
databases and posted by

Process Receive, reg- All incoming applications are Scandifin and Danadrinco: No Changes in the
incoming ister, and sort received and sorted automati- paper-based applications ac- sequence of sub-
applications incoming ap- cally through an e-recruitment cepted. tasks, i.e. pre-
plications system. The subtask is fully, screening may
or almost fully, automated. Energowing: Paper-based ap- commence simul-
plications are registered and taneously, as well
transferred into the e- as continuation of
recruitment system by an En- the task of com-
ergowing employee. municating with
Pre-screen Line managers and recruiters Changes in activi-
and evaluate pre-screen and review appli- ties. No change in
applicants cations using the data stored the nature of the
in the e-recruitment system. task or subtask.
They identify and rank a num-
ber of applicants to continue
through assessment and se-
lection. The rankings and
eventual comments are stored
in the e-recruitment system.
Communicating Inform appli- Rejected applicants receive Scandifin and Danadrinco: Changes in activi-
with applicants cants about an email sent through the e- Line managers are responsi- ties. No change in
pre-screening recruitment system. Some- ble. the nature of the
results times, they are contacted by task or subtask.
telephone. Energowing: Recruitment
partners are responsible.
Arrange inter- Arrange further interviews, site Scandifin: Line managers ar- Changes in activi-
views with visits, and tests with them. range interviews by telephone. ties. No change in
shortlisted the nature of the
candidates Danadrinco: Further inter- task or subtask.
views are planned and ar-
ranged through electronic
scheduling and e-calendar.
Energowing: Recruitment
partner arranges interviews by
250 Anna B. Holm: E-recruitment

and an e-recruitment system for initial vacancy registration. One respondent from
Danadrinco described it in the following way:
“…First we have a Word document, which a [line] manager sends me, where he / she
writes that he / she would like to request recruitment of an employee for a certain posi-
tion… With it in hand I contact him / her, and help him / her to prepare a job an-
nouncement… There are job descriptions for all positions at Danadrinco… Based on a
[relevant] job description, we make a job announcement… and that job announcement is
then put in our [e-recruitment] system. So there are some processes that are manual …or
it is done by mail or whatever… And then a job announcement is created and put into
the system and from there the rest of the process is electronic.” (My translation.)
Put another way, in all three companies, there are hardly any e-recruitment-enabled ac-
tivities at this phase of the recruitment process.
The overall use of various e-recruitment sources, tools and techniques by the three
companies at different stages of the recruitment process is summarised in Table 2.
Table 2: The use of e-recruitment sources, techniques and tools in the case companies
at different recruitment phases
Recruitment phase E-recruitment techniques, tools and sources

Identification of candidates None

Attracting applicants E-recruitment system, Internet job boards and career portals, corporate career web-
site, social networking sites, various (third-party) websites, industry-specific web re-
sources, electronic mail and electronic mailing lists

Processing and pre-screening appli- E-recruitment system


Communicating with candidates E-recruitment system, corporate career website, electronic mail and electronic mailing

Attracting applicants
The task of attracting applicants was by far the most reliant on e-recruitment sources,
tools and techniques in all three companies. For sourcing candidates, the companies
used advertising on corporate websites, Internet job portals, and a few online résumé
databases. Sometimes, the companies also placed job ads on specialised websites, such
as various financial institutions and the state financial regulator in the case of Scandi-
fin. Energowing frequently used professional networks like LinkedIn as an additional
recruitment source.
In all three companies, new job ads were posted directly by divisional recruitment
teams using their e-recruitment systems. E-recruitment systems were also utilised for
the preparation and submission of job advertisements from the system interface, mak-
ing it possible for the recruitment staff to reuse and reformat older texts, job descrip-
tions, images and other relevant content when new vacancies were to be announced
or new e-recruitment sources to be used. Scandifin’s e-recruitment system provider
explained it in more detail:
“… You can work with the layout and content template [in the system] where you can se-
lect what kind of a content template you want to have, what kind of font, size, how the
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layout of the advertisement should be, etc… You can import text from Word or other
types of external programs. Then you can create different types of ads, and once you've
done that you must of course publish them. Then you… choose where to publish them,
and then …our system automatically sends them out to a website, the intranet or other -
it's totally integrated, so when you press the button, the data are sent out to various exter-
nal media.” (My translation.)
Processing incoming applications
The task of processing incoming applications in all three companies was fully, or al-
most fully, automated. In the study companies, all incoming applications were re-
ceived and sorted automatically through an e-recruitment system. Unlike with tradi-
tional paper-based recruitment, the system allowed the processing and pre-screening
of incoming applications to start and run concurrently with the activities for attracting
candidates. At the time of the study, the recruitment team from Energowing still per-
mitted paper-based job applications, and registered and transferred them to the e-
recruitment system manually, while paper-based applications were not accepted at
Scandifin and Danadrinco.
Despite various claims, that, in the case of e-recruitment, pre-screening incoming
applications is performed by sophisticated e-recruitment systems, none of the re-
cruitment teams used automated screening for this purpose; in fact, all the recruiters
in the study rejected this as an option. The rationale behind this was well put by one
of the informants from Scandifin:
“…We have 300-500 different jobs with a job description. And in my opinion, if we are
to think seriously about screening questions, we have to look at each job individually, and
also at each job description. We then need to evaluate what is important for us to know
[about the candidates]... and the [screening] questions should be very precise and correctly
formulated so that we can get correct answers. And even then we may not get the an-
swers we want, as people interpret questions differently, and therefore also answer differ-
ently... Therefore I think that it would be extremely resource-intensive to have to formu-
late [screening] questions for each job.” (My translation.)
The interviewees from the case companies said that the screening of résumés was of-
ten initiated by line managers even before the deadline for applications. The timing
and sequence of this subtask was strongly dependent on the line managers themselves.
After the pre-screening was completed, a number of candidates were contacted to ar-
range further assessment and selection activities. E-recruitment systems were used for
this as well, but all the studied recruitment teams and their clients, i.e. line managers,
would normally do this by telephone, and would use the system only for scheduling
and tracking purposes.
Communication with candidates
For each hiring cycle, the task of communicating with applicants started at the same
time as that of attracting applicants. Due to the automation features of the e-
recruitment systems, candidates were often notified immediately that their job applica-
tion had been received. Rejected candidates were also informed promptly about the
result of the pre-screening even before the vacancies were formally filled. All three
companies considered this to be an advantage for the applicants, since it meant that
252 Anna B. Holm: E-recruitment

recruiters did not have to keep them waiting unnecessarily just to hear that they had
not been selected for further assessment. One of the respondents from Scandifin put
it this way:
“…The ones falling out of our target group can immediately receive an answer and our
thanks for the application, but also the rejection. And then the applicant has received a
reply a few days after he sent his application. It may also in some situations seem a little
hard that, say, 5 days after having sent the application, you are already told that you are
not getting the job. But then it's just clear. And the rest get to know that they are in the
[selection] process with conversations, interviews and other different things.” (My transla-
All three case companies were largely reliant on their corporate career websites, and
used them for communicating with prospective applicants and as the entry point for
the online submission of job applications. At Scandifin and Danadrinco, the task of
providing and updating content other than job advertisements was the responsibility
of the HR departments at headquarters, while at Energowing the career website was
maintained under the supervision of the corporate employer brand manager. She ex-
plained her daily task of updating the website in the following way:
“If you look at where job seekers would prefer to find information about a company, it's
on the company website. I am responsible for the jobs section of the website and I am
frequently in and updating the text that we write every time a change occurs in relation to
... for example composition of the staff. Two weeks ago, we had 54 nationalities at
Energowing, but now we have 56. So it must be constantly updated so there is always the
newest information.” (My translation.)
In the case of Energowing, the system even allowed applicants to create individual
web pages on the employer’s server, where they could submit their files and monitor
the progress of their application. Recruiters were uncertain how much this feature was
used, however.
5.2 Changes in the recruitment process design
The main changes in the recruitment process design using e-recruiting vis-à-vis the
traditional paper-based recruitment process were in the sequence of the process tasks.
Unlike in the traditional recruitment process, the task of communicating with appli-
cants and processing incoming applications was performed simultaneously with the
task of attracting applicants, suggesting a major change in the recruitment process de-
sign. The technology used enabled communication with current applicants to start si-
multaneously with the posting of job ads, and to be continued throughout the entire
recruitment process. Apart from the apparent change in timing, the subtask of inform-
ing applicants about the pre-screening results was transformed into that of informing
them about the progress of their applications. Furthermore, in all case companies, the
subtask of pre-screening incoming applications was often initiated shortly after job
advertisements were posted online. In this way, the task of communicating with can-
didates becomes one of the focal tasks, because it “binds” several tasks and subtasks
in the process and is performed practically throughout the entire recruitment process.
These changes are illustrated in Figure 3 and described in Table 1. This may explain
why, in two of the cases companies, HR departments were hiring communication ex-
perts, e.g. an employer brand manager at Energowing and a new graduate in corporate
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communications at Scandifin, suggesting changes in required skills and personnel

Figure 3: The design and sequence of tasks in traditional paper-based recruitment
process vs. the (new) recruitment process using e-recruitment
Traditionalrecruitment Recruitmentprocesswitherecruitment

Identify Identify
Applicants Applicants

Attract Attract
Applicants Applicants

ProcessIncoming Communicatewith
Applications Applicants


Assessmentand Assessmentand
Selection Selection

Compared with the traditional recruitment process, the tasks and subtasks of the recruitment process using e-recruitment are
less sequential and can be performed concurrently. In the new process, the task of communicating with applicants commences
during the early stages of the recruitment process, and binds the more traditional tasks with the new task of maintaining the
corporate career website.

One of the highly divisible tasks which emerged with the spread of the Internet and
the use of e-recruiting is that of maintaining career websites. This is an on-going task
which is independent of individual hiring cycles, but it is also interrelated with the ob-
jectives and outcomes of each individual recruitment cycle. Therefore, the task of
maintaining corporate career websites is added to the new recruitment process, as
shown in Figure 3.
6. Discussion and conclusions
The results suggest that the typical paper-based recruitment process in the studied or-
ganisations, as described in Figure 1, is no longer present in its original form and de-
sign. The most significant differences identified were attributed to changes in the se-
quence of tasks and subtasks, their increased divisibility, and the nature of the related
activities. E-recruitment techniques and related technology were observed to be used,
albeit to different extents, in the tasks of attracting applicants, processing incoming
applications and communicating with candidates, supporting Cappelli’s (2001) find-
ings that the e-recruitment process consists of three major steps: attracting, sorting,
and contacting candidates.
254 Anna B. Holm: E-recruitment

The study further showed that the introduction of e-recruitment affected process
tasks and subtasks to a varying extent. For example, the subtask of receiving, sorting
and registering incoming applications was significantly affected, since the e-
recruitment systems did this automatically, apart from the one case where recruiters
had to register and type in paper-based applications manually. Therefore, this subtask
is irrelevant where an e-recruitment system has been introduced and applications are
accepted solely through the system’s submission facility.
The tasks of attracting applicants, processing applications and communicating
with candidates are often performed concurrently, supporting the findings in Lee
(2005). However, this study found no evidence to support Cappelli’s (2001), Singh and
Finn’s (2003) and Lee’s (2005) assumption that the pre-screening of candidates can be
handled by sophisticated online systems, and none of the recruiters in the study re-
garded this option as being feasible.
The findings are also in line with the observations of Davenport and Short
(1990), who suggest that adding IT capabilities to a business process can affect the
process in eight general ways; these are summarised in Table 3 and illustrated with the
examples from the study. These suggest a transformational role of e-recruitment when
introduced to the recruitment process, which, on a general e-HRM level, adds new
knowledge and insights to the contributions by Ruël, Bondarouk and Looise (2004),
and, specifically for recruitment, to those by Parry and Tyson (2009). These studies
conclude that the introduction of e-recruitment leads to cost reductions and efficiency
gains, improved service to clients, i.e. line managers, enhances global orientation, and
allows recruitment professionals to spend more time on more value-added tasks, such
as communication and employer branding.
Organisational design theories have some additional explanations for these out-
comes. As shown in Figure 1, traditional paper-based recruitment, e.g. using job ad-
vertising, is often a discrete, fixed process (Halperin, 2009), initiated by an apparent
need and request for new employees. It consists of tasks and subtasks which are fairly
well-defined and repeated for each new vacancy, but which are sequential and not eas-
ily divisible. Such a process design is viewed by organisational design researchers as
being complicated, since it requires continuous attention and the coordination of con-
nected processes (Burton, DeSanctis, & Obel, 2006, pp. 111-114).
The recruitment process investigated in the study is based on a process design
characterized by a high level of repetitiveness and a medium-to-high level of divisibil-
ity, since a number of tasks and subtasks can be carried out concurrently, or even in-
dependently. Such task design can be defined as orderly (Burton, et al., 2006, pp. 112-
113). The orderly design has a major advantage over the complicated design in its task
divisibility, inasmuch as problems encountered in performing one task do not neces-
sarily prevent progress in other tasks. It therefore requires less coordination, and is
more efficient (ibid.). The move from complicated to more orderly task design might
explain why recruiters in all three companies reported a reduced administrative burden
and less coordination of the recruitment process.
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Table 3: Organisational impact of technology on the traditional recruitment process

Transformation Examples from findings
Unstructured processes are transformed into routi- All communication with candidates in the case companies is regis-
nized transactions. tered in the e-recruitment system.

Information is transferred rapidly and easily across Line managers can screen and assess candidates regardless of
large distances, making process independent of lo- their geographical location.
IT replaces or reduces human labour in the process Labour-intensive tasks of sorting and processing application and
communication with candidates are automated with the help of the
e-recruitment system.
Complex analytical methods are used in the proc- E-recruitment systems can be programmed to screen and assess
ess applicants.
Vast amounts of detailed information are involved in Detailed information on each applicant is readily available for the
the process process stakeholders.
Changes in the sequence of tasks in a process, al- The tasks of applicant attraction, processing of applications and
lowing multiple tasks to be carried out simultane- communication with candidates are performed concurrently.
Knowledge management
Knowledge and expertise are captured and dis- Documents, texts, graphic designs and other content for each re-
seminated to improve the process cruitment cycle are stored in the e-recruitment system and can be
shared and reused.
Detailed tracking of task status, inputs, and outputs Each recruitment task and subtask is tracked using the use e-
recruitment system
IT connects two parties within a process who would Line managers, hiring employees for their units, can process and
otherwise communicate through an intermediary. assess incoming applications and contact qualified applicants with-
out the assistance of recruitment professionals.

Source: Elaborated from Davenport and Short (1990, p. 107)

7. Limitations and Implications

The study has some limitations, however. The main purpose of the study was to de-
termine whether the introduction of e-recruitment had affected the overall recruit-
ment process design, and thus did not address in depth any changes related to man-
agement, formal and informal structures of the recruiting teams, etc. Although appli-
cants are the other major player in the recruiting process (Barber, 1998, p. 7), they
were not included in this study. Furthermore, the reasons for adopting e-recruitment
were not investigated.
Practitioners considering introducing online recruiting and e-recruitment systems
might feel apprehensive about the less consecutive nature of the recruitment tasks in
256 Anna B. Holm: E-recruitment

the new process, and by the need to learn a new technology. However, this study does
not reveal any specific problems for HR professionals using various e-recruitment
technologies, and none of my respondents reported or complained about being forced
to learn a lot of new technology. On the contrary, the e-recruitment systems were very
easy to use, and when hosted by an external application service provider, were up and
running in literally no time. However, as communication with applicants plays a more
significant role in the new process, recruiters should be aware of the increased de-
mands associated with this task. In particular, special attention should be given to ac-
tivities related to Internet communication and automated mailing. This was a concern
expressed by many recruiters, and two of the case organisations made extra resources
and specially educated staff available to deal with the issues of online communication.
With the increasing use of online social networking for recruitment purposes, the task
of communicating with candidates becomes even more complex.
The Business Process Change (BPC) model presented in Figure 2 suggests that
changes in one of the subsystems, i.e. technology, personnel, management and struc-
tures, will also affect the other subsystems. This is a potential starting point for re-
search into organisational design and management of HR departments and recruit-
ment teams, and would address the question of how e-recruitment affects these sub-
systems. Lee (2005), for instance, argues that management practices evolve together
with e-recruitment systems. And Cappelli (2001) suggests that changes related to the
introduction of e-recruitment may be manifested in a decentralisation of the hiring
function, where line managers can find their candidates on job boards and other ven-
dors. These propositions may constitute some relevant avenues for future research.
This study finds that, although line managers began playing a bigger role in the tasks
of pre-screening and communicating with candidates, there was no evidence to sug-
gest that they were performing recruitment activities without the involvement of their
recruitment partners.
In addition, research at the macro level can contribute to the field by determining
how environmental factors attributed to society in general, e.g. culture, regulations,
etc., affect organisations’ recruitment strategies and practices. For example, Cappelli
(2001) argues that e-recruitment is more than just an HR tool, but represents a change
in the culture of how to get hired. If this is true, then companies without an e-
recruitment-enabled process of hiring will have to review their strategies and practices
to conform to the norms of the society in which they operate.
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Annex 1: Case companies and related data

Company background Organisation of re- E-recruiting practices Data sources Description of the
information cruitment process collected data
A corporation consisting HR department at Corporate websites Semi-structured face- Transcribed
of Scandinavian banks, Scandifin’s headquar- and Internet job adver- to-face interviews with interviews.
insurance companies ters under the supervi- tising used as a re- key informants: the Corporate
and investment funds, sion of the head of de- cruitment source since head of the HR de- brochures.
merged and incorpo- partment. The team the late 1990s. Most partment, a senior HR Career website
rated in 2000. Main ac- handled all Scandifin’s job ads placed on the partner, a career web- screen-shots.
tivities include personal recruitment in Denmark, corporate career web- site communication
and corporate banking, including temporary site and a number of professional, the corpo-
capital markets, savings jobs and traineeships. job portals. E- rate website executive,
and asset management, Job ads, including recruitment system ac- and two experts from
and running pension online ones, were the quired and deployed as the e-recruitment sys-
funds. Operates 1400 main recruitment source software-as-a-service tem provider.
bank branches in Scan- for around 300 to 500 in early 2000s. Since Other sources: corpo-
dinavia and Eastern vacancies a year. then no paper-based rate career website.
Europe, with total full- applications have been
time staff of 33,000 em- accepted.
Producer of alcoholic The recruitment part- In 1996, Danadrinco Semi-structured face- Transcribed
and non-alcoholic bev- ners and their assis- introduced an e- to-face interviews with interviews.
erages. tants worked out of the recruitment system key informants: head of Copy of the pres-
Part of an international HR department, carry- supplied by a major in- the HR department and entation slides and
group of companies, ing out a number of HR- ternational HR technol- an HR partner with the transcription of
with more than 45,000 related tasks. Annually, ogy and Internet job overall responsibility for the presentation.
full-time employees in they handled 130-150 portal provider. The recruitment, and an ex- Notes on inter-
25 countries. 2,000 em- recruitments, of which system was used for all pert from the e- views.
ployees in Denmark, about 100 were sourced Danadrinco’s internal recruitment system Brochures from the
mainly in running corpo- externally through job and external recruit- provider. e-recruitment sys-
rate headquarters, pro- advertising. ment, including when Other sources: profes- tem provider.
duction, and the distri- handled by a third sional presentation of Career website
bution of alcoholic and party, e.g. employment the head of the HR de- screen-shots.
non-alcoholic bever- agencies and search partment at a national
ages. bureaus. The majority HR Fair.
of job ads were placed
online on Danadrinco’s
corporate recruitment
webpage and external
Internet job portals.
Energowing is a multi- The recruitment team in The corporate career Semi-structured face- Transcribed
divisional MNC with this study came from website and a number to-face interviews with interviews.
headquarters in Den- one of Energowing’s di- of Internet-based job key informants: head of Copy of the pres-
mark. Its core business visions in its core busi- portals were the main the HR department re- entation slides and
comprises R&D, and ness operations. Re- recruiting sources for sponsible for recruit- the transcription of
the manufacture, sale cruiters were placed in external candidates. ment, a recruitment as- the presentation.
and maintenance of en- the divisional HR de- Professional online sistant, corporate em- Brochures from the
ergy systems, It em- partment and reported communities like ployer brand manager, e-recruitment sys-
ploys roughly 20,000 to the divisional HR LinkedIn were used for and a senior consultant tem provider.
employees worldwide. Partner, and to Ener- employer-branding ac- from the e-recruitment Career website
gowing’s corporate vice tivities and job advertis- system provider. screen-shots.
president and corporate ing. The e-recruitment Other sources: corpo-
employer brand man- system used was a rate career website,
ager. The team handled modular part of a wider professional presenta-
around 300 hires per enterprise resource tion of the employer
year. planning (ERP) system brand manager.
implemented univer-
sally throughout the

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