Body Paragraphs Interactive Worksheet
Body Paragraphs Interactive Worksheet
Body Paragraphs Interactive Worksheet
The body of an essay consists of multiple paragraphs. We usually refer to these as body
paragraphs to distinguish them from the introduction and concluding paragraph. The purpose of
body paragraphs is to show that the thesis statement written in the introduction is reasonable
or valid through evidence such as explanations, examples, or definitions.
Body paragraphs begin with a topic sentence and are followed by supporting sentences that
should all relate to the topic sentence and in turn the thesis statement. In an essay, a body
paragraph may or may not have a concluding sentence. Concluding sentences in body paragraphs
are optional as the same function is carried out by the concluding paragraph.
A. For the following thesis statements, write topic sentences for each of the three
body paragraphs.
1. Using public transport has a number of advantages over owning a private car.
2. There are a number of things individuals can do to reduce their impact on the environment.
Body paragraph 2: If you plan to buy a car, consider switching to an electric vehicle with
more cheaper models.
Reducing, reusing and recycling waste helps save the environment by
Body paragraph 3: ........................................................................................................
keeping useful materials.
3. When choosing a university course, there are some important factors to consider.
Safety and location of the university are a crucial matter when choosing.
Body paragraph 1: ........................................................................................................
Finances are what university students keep in mind a lot for paying
Body paragraph 2: ........................................................................................................
residence, textbooks and tuition.
Another essential factor is graduate programs that the university
Body paragraph 3: ........................................................................................................
offers to career success for the future.
B. Choose one of the topic sentences above and create an outline for the body
paragraph using keywords and phrases.
Safety and location of the university are a crucial matter when choosing.
Topic sentence: ............................................................................................................
It’s a number one factor for campuses to have the necessary security to
Supporting idea 1: ........................................................................................................
prevent any crimes from occuring.
If the university has a solid security system, a parent is more likely to trust the
Details: .......................................................................................................................
organization and be comfortable leaving their children to it. This not only helps
the university’s image but also make both parents and students feel secure.
D. Read the first body paragraph of an essay below and then write the second body
One of the main benefits of the Internet is the access it gives to useful information. Firstly,
information on the Internet has helped students easily access credible sources of information.
This is because they are now able to retrieve almost all the source material they need to write
a paper on their computer. In the past, students were often limited to information that was
available at their school or community library. If they were lucky, these libraries had extensive
and up to date collections, but this was not a certainty even for students in urban areas let alone
students in isolated rural regions. Information easily found online not only benefits students
but also consumers. This is because consumers can make more informed buying decisions in a
number of ways. For example, a person wanting to buy a new mobile phone can browse models
and brands in online shops such as Amazon and make quick, clear, and accurate comparisons.
They can also watch online videos where phones are demonstrated and reviewed by experts.
With this knowledge, they are able to choose the phone that best suits their needs and purchase
it at the best price. To conclude, the Internet is home to an abundance of valuable information.