CEFI Tracer Study Questions
CEFI Tracer Study Questions
CEFI Tracer Study Questions
Dear Graduate,
This institution is establishing a system of tracing its graduates and getting feedback regarding the type of work, further study
or other activity you are/were involved in since you completed your study from CEFI. The information provided will assist the
institution in planning future educational needs and improve the course offerings. Results of this tracer study will only be
presented in summary form and individual responses will be kept strictly confidential. We would, therefore, highly appreciate
if you could complete the following questionnaire and return it to us, at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for your kind cooperation and support.
(Given Name) (Middle Name) (Surname/Family Name)
Sex: Male Female Date of Birth: ......... / ......... /............. (Date Format: DD/Month/Year)
Educational Background
Degree/s finished from CEFI
Degree Year Graduated
Senior Highschool
Junior Highschool
1. Were you working while studying at CEFI? Yes No
2. If 'No', how long did it take you to find a job or enroll in a college since completing the program from
……… months after graduation ………. years after graduation
3. Please give reasons for any time gap in seeking employment or enrolling in tertiary education after
graduating from CEFIU
4. Which one of the following best describes your current position with regard to your work?
Working full-time
2. Occupational Classification
Official Government and Special-Interest Organizations Trader or Related Worker
Corporate Executive or Manager Plant and Machine Operator and Assembler
E. How would you rate the degree program you finished at CEFI in terms of the following:
(1-poorly 2-fairly 3-highly 4- very highly)
Please check under the number which best suits your answer
SN Particulars 1 2 3 4
1. Range of subjects offered
2. Relevance of the program to your professional requirements
3. Extra-Curricular Activities
4. Problem Solving
5. Premium Given to Research
6. Interdisciplinary learning
7. Teaching and learning Environment
8. Quality of Instruction
9. Teacher- Student Relationship
10 Library Resources
11. Laboratory Resources
12. Class Size
13. Infrastructure and facilities
14. Professor’s knowledge of major subjects
Signature of the Graduate