RT-01!08!08-2022 NEET-Enthu (Revision Test) QP Final

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(Academic Session : 2022 - 2023)


Test Type: Test Pattern:
Time : 3 Hours REVISION TEST - 01 Maximum Marks : 720

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BOTANY : 1. The Living World

2. Biological Classification
3. Plant Kingdom
4. Morphology of Flowering plants
5. Anatomy of flowering plants
6. Cell : The Unit of Life
1. Who is known as Darwin of 20th century? 7. Organisms that can respond to stumuli are
(1) R.H. Whittakar (2) D.J. Ivanowsky (1) Eukaryotes only
(3) Ernst mayer (4) T.O Diener (2) Prokaryotes only
2. Match the columns I and II choose the correct (3) Both (1) and (2)
combination fromthe options give (4) Those with a well developed nervous system
Column I Column II only
(a) Fungi (i) Asexual spore 8. Among the following select the correct statements
(b) Amoeba (ii) Binary fission (a) In majority of higher plants and animals growth
(c) Hydra and yeast (iii) True regeneration and reproduction are mutually exclusive events.
(d) Planaria (iv) Budding (b) In non-living objects growth is accumulation of
(1) a  i, b  ii,c  iii,d  iv material on the surface
(c) An isolated metabolic reaction outside the living
(2) a  i, b  ii,c  iv,d  iii body of an organism, performed in test tube is
(3) a  ii, b  i,c  iv,d  iii neither living nor nonliving
(4) None is correct (d) All organisms, from the prokaryotes to the most
complex eukaryotes can sense and respond to
3. Which of the following are multipied by environmental cues.
(1) b, c, d (2) a, b, d
1. Fungi
(3) a, d , c (4) a, b, c and d
2. Filamentous algae
9. Which of the following sets does not contain defining
3. Protonema of moses characteristic of living organisms?
(1) 1 and 2 (2) 1, 2 and 3 (1) Growth and reproduction
(3) 2 and 3 (4) 1 and 3 (2) Metabolism and cellular level of organization
4. Self consciousness (the awareness of himself) is (3) Response to stimuli and consciousness
the property of?
(4) All of these
(1) All living organisms
10. Effect of day length on flower induction is called
(2) Prokaryotes only
(1) Phototropism (2) Photoperiodism
(3) Eukaryotes only
(3) Photosensitivity (4) Photooxidation
(4) Human beings only
11. Awareness to surroundings found in organisms is
5. Among the following which can be a common called
feature exhibited by both living and non living
(1) Interactions (2) Irritability
(1) Growth
(3) Consciousness (4) Symbiosis
(2) Reproduction
12. The emergent properties of tissues are due to the
(3) Metabolism
(1) Interaction of constituent tissues
(4) Cellular organization
(2) Properties of constituent cells
6. Cell division occurs ________in plants and
________ in animals (3) Properties of constituent organs
(1) Continuoysly, only upto a certain age (4) Interaction of constituent cells
(2) Only upto a certain age, continuously
(3) Continuously, never
(4) Once, twice
13. Identify the correct statement 19. Diptera is homologous to which of the following
(1) Non-living organisms show intrinsic growth taxa?
(2) In animals the lost cells are not replaced (1) Insecta (2) Muscidae
(3) Humans are only living organisms with self (3) Sapindales (4) Spermatophyta
consciousness 20. Biological species concept is based on
(4) The genetic materials in all living organisms is (1) Physiological isolation
always enclosed in nuclear membranes
(2) Reproductive isolation
14. Read the following statements regarding living
(3) Morphological isolation
organisms. One of them is wrong. What is it?
(4) Geographical isolation
(1) Reproduction – Some living organisms are not
capable of reproduction 21. Match the following
(2) Metabolism – All living organisms exhibit Column I Column II
metabolism (A) Musca (i) Poaceae, poales
(3) Consciousness – Only human exhibit the (B) Homo (ii) Anacardiaceae,
property of consciousness sapindales
(4) Growth - Growth is internal in living organisms (C) Triticum (iii) Diptera, Insecta
and external in non living (D) Mangifera (iv) Hominidae, Primata
15. Reproduction is synonymous with growth in (1) A- iv, B-i, C-ii, D-iii (2) A-iii, B-iv, C-i, D-ii
(1) Multicellular organisms (3) A-iv, B-ii, C-iii, D-i (4) A-iii, B-i, C-iv, D-ii
(2) Unicellular organisms 22. Given organisms belong to how many genera
(3) Both unicellular & multicellular organisms
Wheat, Brinjal, Potato, Lion, Dog, Tiger
(4) None
(1) Three (2) Two
16. Read the following statements and select the correct
ones (3) Four (4) Five
(i) Increases in mass and increase in number of 23. Plants belonging to different classes, with a few
individuals are twin characteristics of growth similar characters are assigned to a category called
(ii) Metabolic reactions can be demonstrated (1) Phylum (2) Order
outside the body in isolated cell-free systems (3) Division (4) Genus
(iii) Response to stimuli is a defining property of 24. Potato, Tomato, Brinjal differ in this taxon
living organisms (1) Genus (2) Order
(1) i & ii only (2) ii & iii only (3) Species (4) Family
(3) i & iii only (4) i, ii, iii only 25. Archaebacteria comes under
17. Generally order and other higher taxonomic (1) Plantae (2) Fungi
categories and identified based on_______ (3) Protista (4) Monera
(1) Vegetative characters 26. Body organization upto organs is present in
(2) Floral characters (1) Monera (2) Protista
(3) Evolutionary characters (3) Fungi (4) Plantae
(4) Aggregates of all characters 27. Holozoic method of nutrition is seen in
18. Identify the mis match (1) Monera (2) Protista
(1) Dog – Felidae (3) Fungi (4) Animalia
(2) Polymoniales – Dicots 28. Nostoc, Euglena and green plants resemble each
(3) Primata – Gibbon other in having
(4) Wheat – Triticum (A) Mixotrophic nutrition (B) Flagellation
(C) Cellularity (D) Nucleus
(1) B and C (2) C only
(3) A and D (4) B only
29. R.H. Whittake five kingdom classification, how 38. Who for the first time classified organisms on the
many kingdoms have unicellular eukaryotic basis of scientific approach?
organism? (1) Aristotle (2) Linnaeus
(1) 01 (2) 02 (3) Whittaker (4) Pasteur
(3) 03 (4) 04 39. Organisms that can sense and respond to
30. In Carle Woose six kingdom classification, what is environmetal cues
the ratio b/w kingdoms and domains? (1) Eukaryotes only (2) Prokaryotes only
(1) 2 : 3 (2) 3 : 2 (3) Virsuses (4) Both (1) & (2)
(3) 2 : 1 (4) 2 : 4 40. In the five kingdom classification, Chlamdomonas
31. Which one of the following is not a basis of five and Chlorella have been included in
kingdom classification? (1) Protista (2) Animalia
(1) Cell structure (3) Plantae (4) Monera
(2) Body organization 41. Lactobacillus is________
(3) Reproduction (1) Archaebacteria (2) Mycoplasma
(4) Reserve food material (3) Actinomycetes (4) Eubacteria
32. Protista was first separated in 42. The nature of mucilaginous layer on cyanobacteria
(1) Three kingdom classification is_______________.
(2) Four kingdom classification (1) Gelatinous (2) proteinaceous
(3) Five kingdom classification (3) Murins (4) All
(4) Two kingdowm classification 43. If bacterial cell divided every one minute. It takes
33. Position of bacteria in Linnaeus system of 15 minutes a cup to be one-fourth, how much time
classification will it take to fill the cup?
(1) Monera (2) Protista (1) 30 minutes (2) 45 min
(3) Plantae (4) Animatia (3) 60 minutes (4) 17 minutes
34. Multicellular eukaryotic organisms with holophytic 44. The bacteria that used to demnstrate transformation
mode of nutrition belong to how many kingdoms in by Griffitn is__________
Whittaker system? (1) Streptococcus pneu moniae
(1) One (2) Two (2) Staphylococcus
(3) Three (4) Five (3) E.coli
35. According to five kingdom system, gymnosperms (4) All
and angiosperms are grouped under the kingdom 45. Amembranous oganelle that is found in bacteria
(1) Monera (2) Protista is______.
(3) Fungi (4) Plantae (1) Ribosomes (2) vacuoles
36. Multicellular with loose tissue body organization is (3) DNA (4) mesosomes
characteristic feature of 46. Which group of monerans played significant role in
(1) Monera (2) Protista the evolution of aerobic forms of life?
(3) Plantae (4) Fungi (1) Mycoplasma (2) Cyanobacteria
37. Which kingdowm was introduced in four kingdom (3) Archaebacteria (4) Actinomycetes
classification and who proposed it? 47. Heterocysts are found in
(1) Protista and Copeland (1) Rhodophyceae (2) Cyanophyceae
(2) Plantae and Linnaeus (3) Chlorophyceae (4) Phaeophyceae
(3) Monera and Whittaker 48. Organisms found in extreme temperatures are
(4) Monera and Copeland (1) Eubacteria (2) Archaebacteri
(3) Mycoplasma (4) Fungi
49. Which of the following is the wall less and smallest 58. A free living aerobic bacteria capable of fixing
living cell? nitrogen is
(1) Algase (2) Cyanobacteria (1) Azotobacter
(3) Bacteriophage (4) Mycoplasma (2) Rhizobium
50. A symbiotic nitrogen fixing moneran among the (3) Clostridium botulinum
following is (4) Streptomyces
(1) Nitrobacter (2) Nitrosomonas 59. Recognise the figure and find suitable matching.
(3) Anabaena (4) Nitrocysis
51. Select incorrect statement w.r.t Monera
(1) All are not autotrophic
(2) All are not prokaryotes
(3) All are not chemautotrophs
(1) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ are included in kingdom protista
(4) All are not heterotrophs
(2) ‘a’ is heterotrophic while ‘b’ is both autotrophic
52. Cell wall of monera is made up of
and heterotrophic
(1) Nucleic acid (2) Aminoacid
(3) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ are motile
(3) Amino sugar (4) None of the above
(4) All of the above
53. In which kingdom would you classify the archea
60. Which one of the following is a characteristics
and nitrogen fixing oganisms, if the five kingdom
feature of Chrysophytes?
system of classification is used?
(1) They are parasitic forms which cause disease
(1) Plantae (2) Monera
in animals
(3) Protista (4) Fungi
(2) They have a protein rich layer called pellicle
54. In which kingdom would you classify the archea
(3) They are commonly called diatoms
and nitrogen fixing organisms, if the five kingdom
system of classification is used? (4) They are saprophytic protist
(1) Plantae (2) Monera 61. Which are believed to be primitive relative of
(3) Protista (4) Fungi
(1) Protozoans (2) Poriferans
55. Membrane bound organelles are absent in
(3) Euglenoids (4) Archaebacteria
(1) Plasmodium (2) Chlamydomonas
62. Which bear two unequal flagella?
(3) Streptococcus (4) Saccharomyces
(1) Euglenoids (2) Slime moulds
56. In prokaryotes, chromatophores are
(3) Diatoms (4) Desmids
(1) specialized granules responsible for colouration
of cells 63. When deprived of sunlight, euglenoids behaves as
(1) Autotrophic (2) Heterotrophic
(2) structure responsible for organizing hte shape
(3) Chemosynthetic (4) Osmotrophic
of organism
64. In Amoeba, locomotion is done by
(3) internal membrane system that may become
extensive and complex in photosynthetic (1) Cilia (2) Flagella
bacteria. (3) Parapodia (4) Pseudopodia
(4) inclusion bodies lying free inside the cells for 65. Most of them have two flagella one lies longitudinally
carrying out various metabolic activities and the other transversely in a furrow between the
57. Nitrifying bacteria wall plates belongs to
(1) reduce nitrates to free nitrogen (1) Euglenoids
(2) oxidize ammonia to nitrates (2) Paramecium groups
(3) convert free nitrogen to nitrogen compound (3) Gonyaulax groups
(4) convert proteins into ammonia (4) Golden brown algae
66. Plasmodium belongs to the group 74. Match the columns-I and II :
(1) Ciliates (2) Flagellates
Column-I Column-II
(3) Amoeboid (4) Sporozoans (I) Colletotrichum (A) White rust
67. Protist are primarily in nature. (II) Puccinia (B) Red rot of
(1) Halophiles (2) Aquatic sugarcane
(3) Terrestrial (4) Parasitic (III) Albugo (C) Rust of wheat
(IV) Morels and (D) Edible
68. Parasitic amoeboid protozoan is Truffles mushrooms
(1) Amoeba (2) Trypanosoma (E) Early blight of
(3) Entamoeba (4) Paramecium potato
69. Which have a cavity (gullet) that opens to the outside (1) I - B; II - C; III - A; IV - D
of the cell surface? (2) I - C; II - D; III - A; IV - D
(1) Entamoeba (2) Trypanosoma (3) I - B; II - C; III - C; IV - A
(3) Paramecium (4) Euglena (4) I - B; II - D; III - A; IV - C
70. Which have an infectious spore like stage in their 75. Which of the following are sexual spores?
life cycle? A. Oospores B. Ascospores
(1) Amoeboid protozoan C. Basidiospores D. Oosphere
(2) Flagellated protozoan E. Sporangiospores
(3) Ciliated protozoan (1) A, B, C, D only (2) A, B, C, D, E
(4) Sporozoan (3) A, B, C only (4) C, D, E only
71. Match the columns-I and II and choose the correct 76. Development of “Dolipore septa” in the mycelial
combination from the options given. hyphae is one of the characteristics of the members
Column-I (1) Deuteromycetes (2) Phycomycetes
Column-II (3) Basidiomycetes (4) Ascomycetes
Group) 77. Fungi are ecologically important because
(A) Flagellate (i) Plasmodium (1) They produce antibiotics
(B) Sporozoan (ii) Entamoeba (2) They are used in genetical experimental studies
(C) Ciliated (iii) Trypanosoma
(3) They function as decomposers
(D) Amoeboid (iv) Paramoecium
(4) They mostly used as edible mushrooms
(1) A - (iii), B - (i), C - (iv), D - (ii) 78. In which of the following aspect basidiospores and
ascospores are not different?
(2) A - (iv), B - (i), C - (iii), D - (ii)
(1) Origin
(3) A - (iii), B - (ii), C - (iv), D - (i)
(2) Site of formation
(4) A - (iv), B - (ii), C - (iii), D - (i)
(3) Final number of resultant spore from each
72. All protozoans are mother cell
(1) Heterotrophs (2) Autotrophs (4) Ploidy level
(3) Saprotrophs (4) Parasite
73. Diatomaceous earth used in polishing, filtration of
oils and syrups due to its
(1) Slimy nature (2) Gritty nature
(3) Dusty nature (4) Hard nature
79. For the below given diagram, select out the correct 88. The following are treated as orphans in the
statement. classification of plant kingdom.
(1) Viruses (2) Prions
(3) Viroids (4) All
89. Lichens are included in
(1) 2 kingdom classification
(2) 5 kingdom classification
(3) 6 kingdom classification
(4) None
90. Cellular organization is seen in
(1) Viruses (2) Lichens
(1) It is the Basidocarp of Morchella
(3) Prions and virions (4) None
(2) It is the Agaricus, generally grown on wheat
plant 91. The following relationship in lichens between
Algae and Fungi is correct.
(3) It is the fruiting body of Agaricus
(4) This structure is developed during asexual 
(1) Algae   Fungi
Water only
80. Generally sexual spores are exogenously  Food
 Fungi
(2) Algae  
developed in Water, Shelter,Minerals

(1) Puccinia (2) Agaricus Shelter, Water

(3) Algae  Fungi
(3) Toad stools (4) All Food

81. The development of conidiophores on  Food

 Fungi
conidiospores is (4) Algae 
Shelter, Water only

(1) Acropetal (2) Basipetal 92. The following consist neither DNA nor RNA
(3) Irregular (4) Endogenous (1) Virus (2) Virion
82. First step of taxonomy is (3) Prion (4) Viroid
(1) Identification (2) Characterisation 93. Bacterio phage is a
(3) Nomenclature (4) Classification (1) Bacteria (2) Virus
83. Dikaryotic hyphae are seen in (3) Prion (4) Virod
(1) Sac fungi (2) Club fungi 94. RNA is present in
(3) Imperfect fungi (4) Both (1) and (2) (1) TMV (2) Viroid
84. Fungi growing on dung is called (3) HIV (4) All
(1) Keratinophilic (2) Xylophillous 95. The following are not non-cellular
(3) Coprophilous (4) Epixylic (1) Lichens (2) Viruses
85. Eukaryotic plant cell without plastids (3) Viroid (4) Virion
(1) Algae 96. Statement-I: Prions are made of protein.
(2) Fungi Statement-II: Lichens are symbiotic associations
(3) Bryophytes of algae and fungi.
(4) Vascular cryptogams (1) Both statement I and II are correct
86. Plasmogamy, Karyogamy and meiosis phases are (2) Statement I is correct and II is incorrect
generally absent in the life cycle of the following (3) Both statement I and II are incorrect
members. (4) Statement I is incorrect and II is correct
(1) Phycomycetes (2) Ascomycetes 97. Mad - cow disease is caused by
(3) Basidiomycetes (4) Deuteromycetes (1) Insect (2) Bacteria
87. Imperfect spores development is generally absent (3) Virus (4) Prion
in the members of
(1) Ascomycetes (2) Phycomycetes
(3) Basidiomycetes (4) Deuteromycetes
98. Gametophytic plant body is nonvascular in 105. Artificial system of classification classifies plants
(1) Algae and liverworts on the basis of
(2) Mosses and Ferns (1) One or two characters
(3) Gymnosperms and angiosperms (2) Phylogenetic trends
(4) All of these (3) Many naturally existing characters
99. Artificial systems gave equal weightage to (4) None of the above
(1) Morphological and Anatomical characters 106. Evolutionary classification is called
(2) Vegetative and sexual characters (1) Phylogenetic system
(3) Vegetative and Anatomical characters (2) Natural system
(4) Morphological and sexual characters (3) Artificial system
100. Which is true about numerical taxonomy? (4) None of the above
(A) Equal importance given to each character 107. Natural systems of classification are good for
practical purposes. Who did propose natural
(B) Based on all observable characters
classification of plants?
(C) Easily carried out using computers
(1) Linnaeus
(D) At the same time only few characters can be
(2) Bentham and Hooker
(3) Engler and Prantl
(1) A, B, D (2) B, C, D
(4) Oswald Tippo
(3) A, C, D (4) A, B, C
108. Classification based on maximum morphological
101. In phylogenetic classification system
characters and form relationships (similarities and
(1) Evolutionary relationships are considered dissimilarities) is called
(2) Vegetative and sexual characteristics are (1) Phylogenetic (2) Natural
equally considered
(3) Artificial (4) Ancient
(3) Only gross superficial morphological
109. Numerical taxonomy is different from artificial
characters are considered
system of classification in giving
(4) Natural affinities are the main basis
(1) Importance to natural relationships
102. Sexual system of classification is
(2) Importance to evolutionary trends
(1) Artificial system
(3) Importance to all characters
(2) Based on stamens characters
(4) Importance to serological tests
(3) Based on carpels characters
110. Identify the incorrect match from the following :
(4) All the above
(1) Iodine – Laminaria
103. In three kingdom classification, the kingdom
(2) Agar – Gracillaria
Protista includes
(3) Carrageen – Red algae
(1) Unicellular eukaryotic animals only
(4) Algin – Gelidium
(2) Unicellular prokaryotic organisms only
111. Unicellular SCP alga
(3) Unicellular, mostly aquatic organisms
(1) Volvox, Chara
(4) Unicellular, mostly aquatic eukaryotes
organisms (2) Chlorella
104. Classification system given by Linnaeus was (3) Gelidium, Gracillaria
based on (4) Laminaria, Sargassam
(1) Androecium structure 112. Which set of characters is specific to red algae?
(2) Flower arrangement (1) Phycobilins, Chlorophyll a and c
(3) Leaf morphology (2) Chlorophyll a and d, Floridean starch
(4) Plant habit (3) Flagella absent, Mannitol
(4) Fucoxanthin, floridean starch
113. Cell wall of Spirogyra is composed of
(1) Peptidoglycan (2) Pectin
(3) Cellulose (4) Both (2) & (3)
114. Ectocarpus is 121. Gametophyte and sporophyte are independent of
(1) Unicellular green algae each other in which of the following groups?
(2) Filamentous brown algae (1) Pteridophytes (2) Angiosperms
(3) Branched red algae (3) Gymnosperms (4) Bryophytes
(4) Colonial green algae 122. A fern differs from a moss in having
115. Which one of the following wrongly matched?
(1) Alternation of generations
(1) Nostoc - Water blooms
(2) Swimming sperms
(2) Spirogyra - Motile gametes
(3) An independent sporophyte
(3) Sargassurn - Chlorophyll c
(4) A dependent gametophyte
(4) Basidiomycetes - Puffballs
116. Chlorophyta, the mode of reproduction is 123. Vascular bundles in fern plant are
(1) Isogamy only (1) Conjoint (2) Collateral
(2) Anisogamy only (3) Radial (4) Concentric
(3) Oogamy only 124. Polysome contains:
(4) Isogamy, Anisogamy and oogamy (1) One mRNA with one ribosome
117. Which of the following statement is true for (2) One mRNA with many ribosomes
algae? (3) One mRNA with many lysosomes
(1) Algae have root, stem and leaves
(4) Both (1) and (2)
(2) Algae have true roots and leaves
125. Select a correct match with respect to life cycles
(3) Algae have rhizoides and leaves and plant groups
(4) Body of algae is thallus
118. Algae in which sexual reproduction is Life cycle pattern is st
1 Archaegoniates
accompanied by complex post fertilization (1)
developments have Life cycle pattern is st
(2) 1 Embryophytes
(1) Chlorophyll a, c and fucoxanthin as major diplontic
pigments st
Life cycle pattern is 1 Tracheophytes
(2) Reserve food which is very similar to (3)
amylopectin and glycogen in stucture.
Life cycle pattern is Last Archaegoniates
(3) Lateral flagellation in gametes and spores (4)
(4) Cellulose and algin in the cell wall.
119. Study the following statements regarding Algae 126. Organelle found within organelles:
(A) Green algae stores food as starch (1) Ribosome (2) Chloroplast
(B) Red algae stores food as Mannitol and (3) Mitochondria (4) Rough ER
Laminarin 127. What is incorrect for fern prothallus?
(C) Brown colour of brown algae is due to (1) Multicellular
fucoxanthin (2) Do not have rhizoids
(D) Brown algae has algin as cell wall material
(3) Photosynthetic
(1) All are correct
(4) Absence of vascular tissues
(2) A, B, C are correct, D is incorrect
(3) A, B are correct but C, D are incorrect 128. Large aerial pinnately compound leaves of ferns
are called
(4) A, C, D are correct, B is incorrect
120. Which one of the following is related to vascular (1) Fronds (2) Paraphyses
cryptogams? (3) Indusium (4) Ramenta
(1) Pteridopytes (2) Bryophytes 129. Selaginella belongs to the class
(3) Angiosperms (4) Gymnosperms (1) Psilopsida (2) Lycopsida
(3) Sphenopsida (4) Pteropsida
136. Read the following statements and select the correct
130. Archegoniate, vascular cryptogams are
I. Gymnosperms II. Angiosperms
Statement I: In gymnosperms, endosperm is
III. Pteridophytes IV. Algae formed before fertilization and is haploid
V. Fungi Statement II: In angiosperms, endosperm is formed
(1) I, II and III (2) I, III, IV and V after fertilization and is haploid.
(3) III only (4) II only (1) Statement I is incorrect and II is correct
131. This is true with pterdophytic prothallus that it is (2) Both Statement I and II are correct
I. Diploid (3) Statement I is correct and II is incorrect
II. Autotrophic (4) Both statement I and II are incorrect
III. Well adapted to terrestrial habitat 137. Eucalyptus is different from Cedrus in the presence
(1) I only (2) II and III of
(3) I and II (4) II only (1) Syngamy (2) Seeds
132. Match the column I with column II. (3) Nucells (4) Triple fusion
138. In which of the following, archegonium is absent?
Column I Column II (1) Equisetum (2) Funaria
I. Angiosperms A. Selaginella (3) Pinus (4) Ficus
II. Bryophyte B. Cedrus 139. The cells which do not degenerate after fertilization
III. Pteridophyte C. Wolfia in angiosperms
IV. Gymnosperm D. Ectocarpus I. Synergids II. Antipodals
V. Algae E. Sphagnum
III. Egg cell IV. Secondary nucleus
(1) I - C, II - E, III - A, IV - B, V - D The correct answer is
(2) I - C, II - E, III - B, IV - A, V - D (1) I, II (2) II, III
(3) I - E, II - C, III - A, IV - B, V - D (3) III, IV (4) I, IV
(4) I - C, II - A, III - E, IV - B, V - D 140. Double fertilisation is found without any exception
133. Use of water in gametic transfer is quite rare in in
(1) Green algae and bryophytes (1) Bryophytes (2) Gymnosperms
(2) Angiosperms (3) Angiosperms (4) Pteridophytes
(3) Brown algae and pteridophytes 141. Endosperm in angiosperm is formed
(4) Red algae (1) Before fertilization
134. Egg apparatus in the embryosac of angiosperms (2) After fertilization
(1) 7 celled (2) 3 celled (3) Vary from species to species
(3) One celled (4) 8 celled (4) All of these
135. Tracheophyta includes 142. Ovules are attached to a parenchymatous cushion
(1) Bryophyta and pteridophyte
(1) Nucellus (2) Conjunctive tissue
(2) Pteridophyta and gymnosperms
(3) Conducting tissue (4) Placenta
(3) Gymnosperms and angiosperm
143. The number of integument layers in gymnosperms
(4) Pteridophyte, Gymnosperm and Angiosperm and monoctos are usually
(1) 1 and 2 (2) 4 and 2
(3) 4 and 1 (4) 3 and 2
152. Match the column I and II and choose the correct
144. Ploidy of the cells, given below are
combination according to thier modified organs.
1) Endosperm of gymnosperm
2) Cell of dominant plant body in Bryophytes Column I Column II
3) Endosperm of angiosperm a. Pumpkin 1. Organ of
4) Cell of dominant plant body of pteridophyte perennation
(1) n, n, 2n, 3n (2) n, n, 3n, 2n b. Citrus 2. Help in climbing
c. Tumeric 3. Storage of food
(3) 3n, n, 3n, 2n (4) n, 2n, 3n, 2n
d. Zaminkand 4. Protection from
145. Ginger is a stem which can be differentiated from
root because it browsers
(1) Grows parallel to ground (1) a - 2, b - 4, c - 1, d - 3
(2) Stores food (2) a - 2, b - 4, c - 3, d - 3
(3) Lacks chlorophyll (3) a - 1, b - 3, c - 2, d - 4
(4) Has nodes and internodes (4) Both (1) and (2)
146. Vegetative reproduction of Agave occurs through 153. Statement-I: Phylloclades are xerophytic adaptations
(1) Rhizome (2) Stolon and are considered as stem like leaves
(3) Bulbils (4) Sucker Statement-II: Phyllodes are leaf modifications and
are considered as leaf like stems.
147. Most reduced stem occurs in
(1) Both statement-I and II are correct
(1) Corm (2) Rhizome
(2) Statement-I is correct and II is wrong
(3) Stem tuber (4) Bulb
(3) Statement-I is wrong and II is correct
148. Underground stem acts as organ of perennation in
(4) Both Statement-I and II are wrong
(1) Curcuma and Colocasia
154. Potato is a stem because it
(2) Allium and Zingiber
(1) Possesse axillary buds
(3) Potato and Amorphophallus
(2) Lacks chlorophyll
(4) All the above
(3) Does not bear roots
149. The rhizome of Zingiber is associated with
(4) Contains reserve food
I. Perennation
155. Match the following
II. Vegetative propagation
III. Storage Column - A Column - B
(1) I, II, III (2) II & III only A. Climber I. Gloriosa
(3) I, II only (4) I & III only B. Cymose II. Tobacco
150. Statement-1: Tuber of potato is a stem C. Rhizome III. Pisum
modification. D. Fumigatory IV. Solanum
Statement-2: It has nodes and internodes
(1) A - IV, B - III, C - II, D - I
(1) Both statements are correct
(2) A - III, B - IV, C - I, D - II
(2) Statement 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect
(3) A - I, B - II, C - III, D - IV
(3) Statement 1 is incorrect and 2 is correct
(4) A - II, B - I, C - IV, D - III
(4) Both statements are incorrect
156. How the members of Liliaceae are similar with the
151. Underground thin perennating horizontal members of Solanaceae with respect to fruit
structures spread to new niches, are seen in
(1) Develop from superior ovary
(1) Grass and banyan
(2) Develop from syncarpus ovary
(2) Mint and jasmine
(3) Ovules of axile placentation
(3) Banana and Chrysanthemum
(4) All the above
(4) Grass and Strawberry
157. The leaves of Solanaceae members similar with 166. Correct one w.r.t. solanum
members of Fabaceae in all aspects of the following (1) Vascular bundles in root - Alternate
except (2) Vascular bundles in stems - Open
(1) Alternate (2) Petiolate (3) Vascular bundles in leaf - Closed
(3) Reticulate venation (4) Stipulate (4) All the above
158. Incorrect pair of following w.r.t Fabaceae 167. The parts which are not seen in stems of sugar cane
(1) Colchicum - Vegetable is/are
(2) Sesbania - Fodder A. Endodermis B. Pericycle
(3) Lupin - Medicine C. Medulla D. Hypodermis
(4) Pulse - Sem E. Cortex F. Cambium
159. In which one of the following plants androecium is F. Cuticle
arranged in 2 whorls. (1) E, F & G (2) A, B, C, E & F
(1) Mustard (2) Nicotiana (3) A, B, C & D (4) A, B & G
(3) Solanum (4) Petunia 168. Mechanical tissue consisting of living cells is –
160. Incorrect match of the following (1) Sclerenchyma (2) Collenchyma
(1) Trifolium - Unicarpellary superior ovary (3) Chlorenchyma (4) Parenchyma
(2) Mustard - Bicarpellary superior ovary 169. The constituent molecules of cuticle and Casparian
(3) Asparagus - Tricarpellary inferior ovary strips are
(4) Solanum - Bicarpellary superior ovary (1) Proteins (2) Carbohydrates
161. In which one of the following, essential parts are (3) Waxy substances (4) All the above
enclosed by petals? 170. Pericycle of roots consists of
(1) Arhar (2) Mustard (1) Parenchyma
(3) Solanum (4) Smilax (2) Sclerenchyma
162. Conjunctive tissue lies between (3) Collenchyma
(1) Xylem and phloem in roots (4) Vascular tissues
(2) Xylem and cambium in stems 171. Seat of origin of lateral root and formation of cork
(3) Medulla and xylem cambium are features related to
(4) Cambium and pericycle (1) Endodermis (2) Pericycle
163. Characteristics of maize root vascular bundle (3) Hypodermis (4) Pith rays
(1) Radial, endarch, polyarch 172. In a dorsiventral leaf, location of palisade tissue and
(2) Radial, exarch, polyarch phloem respectively are
(3) Separate, endarch, tetrarch (1) Abaxial and abaxial
(4) Separate, exarch, tetrarch (2) Adaxial and abaxial
164. Bicarpellary gynoecium and oblique ovary occurs (3) Adaxial and adaxial
in – (4) Abaxial and adaxial
(1) Mustard (2) Banana 173. Well developed pith is found in
(3) Pisum (4) Brinjal (1) Monocot stem and dicot root
165. Incorrect match is (V.B-Vascular bundle) (2) Monocot root and dicot stem
(1) Separate V.B - Roots of maize (3) Monocot root and monocot stem
(2) Bicollateral V.B - Stems of cucurbita (4) Dicot root and dicot stem
(3) Closed V.B - Leaves of Gossipium 174. Palisade parenchyma is absent in the leaves of
(4) Open V.B - Roots of Phaseolus (1) Gram (2) Soyabean
(3) Sorghum (4) Mustard
175. Which one of the following does not differ in E.coli
and Chlamydomonas?
(1) Cell wall
(2) Cell membrane
(3) Ribosomes
(4) Chromosomal organization
176. Bacteria are resistance to antibiotics is conferred
(1) Plasmid DNA (2) Chromosomal DNA
(3) Genomic DNA (4) Nucleoid DNA
177. Genetic material in prokaryotic cell is:
(1) ds RNA (2) ds DNA
(3) ss DNA (4) ss RNA
178. Mesosomes help in:–
A. Cell wall formation
B. DNA replication and distribution
C. Increasing enzyme content
D. Secretion
(1) B, C only (2) C, D only
(3) A, B and C (4) A, B, C and D
179. In cyanobacteria, membranous extensions with
pigments into the cytoplasm is called
(1) Chromosomes (2) Chromomeres
(3) Chromatophores (4) Chloroplast
180. Site of protein synthesis in prokaryotic ell is
(1) Plasma membrane (2) Nucleon
(3) Nucleus (4) Cytoplasm

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