Drainage PATTERNSand Their Significance

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Columbia University

A study of the patterns assumed by drainage lines suggests the existence of types
additional to those commonly recognized. A more detailed classification of drainage
patterns is herewith presented, in the belief that clearer conceptions regarding the
various types will increase their usefulness in interpreting structural controls of drain-
age evolution.
The patterns which streams form are determined by inequalities
of surface slope and inequalities of rock resistance. This being true,
it is evident that drainage patterns may reflect original slope and
original structure or the successive episodes by which the surface
has been modified, including uplift, depression, tilting, warping, fold-
ing, faulting, and jointing, as well as deposition by the sea, glaciers,
volcanoes, winds, and rivers. A single drainage pattern may be the
result of one or of several of these factors. Moreover, as streams are
long lived, comprising among physiographic features "some of the
oldest survivors or surviving remnants and also some of the youngest
developments in response to earth movements," they may embody
a long record of the geologic history of a region. As Bailey Willis has
well said:
Those [streams] of an older generation often continue to exist in sections as
parts of a younger system, by which they have been captured and dismembered.
The direction of flow and the angles in the course thus register older and younger
controls which were inherent in the structure of the rocks or due to disturbing
earth movements.2

Since drainage patterns are the reflection of so many factors, it is

evident that they are of very real significance. They form one of the
most immediate approaches to an understanding of geologic struc-
' Based on an essay prepared under the direction of Professor Douglas Johnson, and
submitted in partial fulfilment of requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in
Columbia University. The writer is indebted to Professor Johnson for access to his
unpublished manuscript notes on drainage patterns.
2 GeologicStructures (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1929), p. 310o.

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This article is based on a somewhat detailed study of stream

patterns with a view to clarifying the fundamental principles of
each type. It is believed that clearer conceptions of the different
patterns will increase their usefulness as preliminary diagnostic
criteria in the interpretation of land forms and geologic structure.


The dendritic drainage pattern (Fig. i) is characterized by ir-

regular branching in all directions with the tributaries joining the
main stream at all angles.
The streams are inse-
quent in origin. In the
ideal case there are no
true consequent streams,
for such take their
courses in consequence
of some obvious initial
slope of the land, and
just in proportion as
slope becomes the con-
trolling factor does the
pattern depart from the
true dendritic type. Nor
can a true dendritic pat-
tern develop where there
are marked zones of
weakness which deter-
mine valley growth by FIG. I.-Dendritic drainage,northwesternpart
subsequent streams. of Palmyra (Va.) quadrangle. Scale I: 125,ooo.
Only insequent drainage
can develop a perfect dendritic pattern. It may happen that some
of the tributaries are by chance parallel, but such are mere coinci-
dences and have no significance in the classification of the drainage
as a whole.
The pattern is called "dendritic" because it branches like a tree.
This does not mean that the term "dendritic" should be applied to
any branching drainage system, for practically all streams branch.

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The dendritic pattern may be compared to the branching of an apple

tree, while branching that resembles a pine tree or a Lombardy
poplar is not dendritic. These latter indicate pronounced structural
or slope control, which is lacking in the true dendritic pattern.
Dendritic drainage will develop where rocks offer uniform re-
sistance in a horizontal direction. Such conditions are found in the
flat-lying beds of plains and plateaus, and in massive crystalline
rocks. The Holden (W.Va.) quadrangle' shows typical dendritic
drainage in the Allegheny Plateau, while the McCormick (Ga.-S.C.)
quadrangle illustrates dendritic drainage in the southern part of the
Atlantic coastal plain. The northern third of the Cucamonga (Calif.)
and the Mount Washington (N.H.) quadrangles illustrate this
drainage on massive crystallines.
Rocks differing in composition but of equal resistance may occur
in regions which have suffered intense metamorphism. Original dif-
ferences in rock hardness tend to be obliterated by metamorphic
action, and on such rocks there may develop a pattern that is
essentially dendritic. The Mount Monadnock (N.H.) and Chester-
field (Mass.) sheets have been cited as illustrations,2 but glaciation
and- the presence of infolded belts of limestone in this and adjacent
sections of the highly metamorphosed New England area have led
to the development of a drainage pattern that differs so much from
the true dendritic as hardly to justify classifying it under that head-
ing. This type of drainage will be later discussed as the complex
Since dendritic drainage develops as a result of several structural
conditions, the structure in any given case cannot be as readily
inferred as it can from other drainage patterns. It might suggest
horizontal sedimentary rocks, superposed drainage on folded sedi-
mentary rocks of equal resistance, massive igneous rocks, or complex
metamorphics. In general, dendritic drainage implies a lack of
marked structural control.
An early use of the term "dendritic" occurs in I. C. Russell's
'All .quadrangles cited in the text refer to topographic maps of the U.S. Geol.
Surv. unless otherwise indicated.
2 Dake and Brown, Interpretation of Topographic and Geologic Maps (New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1925), pp. 127-28.

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Rivers of North America.' But the distinctive type of drainage that

the term represents was recognized many years before and associated
with branching like a tree. In 1882 C. E. Dutton wrote: "Every
canyon wall throughout its trunk, branches, and twigs. ... ." The
idea of impartial branching in all directions he expresses thus: "an
intricate network, like the fibres of a leaf"; while the drainage system
is described as "a minutely ramified plexus of ravines."
The term does not appear to have come into general use in 1895,
for Bailey Willis in discussing drainage patterns in the Appalachians
at that time referred to this type as one where "the streams flow
diversely over rocks which lie in horizontal beds."3 A year later
William Morris Davis wrote: "Regions of essentially horizontal
structure normally have wandering streams; no systematic arrange-
ment of drainage is here to be expected."4 That the concept of
dendritic drainage was well understood, however, is shown by the
foregoing as well as the following quotation from Davis written in
1895: "Uplifted platforms have therefore, when they rise above the
sea, and for some time thereafter, a drainage system that is es-
sentially indifferent to the rock structure."5 Hobbs,6 as late as 1899-
1900, instead of using the term "dendritic" speaks of "twiglike
branches" that are normally produced in homogeneous rocks. It
thus appears that the concept of dendritic drainage was widely
recognized before the term itself came into general use.


The essential characteristic of trellis drainage (Fig. 2) is the

presence of secondary tributaries parallel to the master-stream or
i New York: G. P. Putnam, 1898), p. 204. "The student should study also the well-
developed dendritic drainage in Lebanon Valley."
2 "The Tertiary History of the Grand Canyon District," U.S. Geol. Surv. Mon. 2
(1882), pp. 6, 62, 63.
3 "The Northern Appalachians," Nat. Geog. Soc. Mon. I (1895), p. I86.
4 "Plains of Marine and Subaerial Denudation," Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., Vol. VII
(1896), p. 398. Reprinted in Geog. Essays (Boston: Ginn, 1909), p. 346.
s "Physical Geography of Southern New England," Nat. Geog. Soc. Mon. i (1895),
p. 277.
6 W. H. Hobbs, "The Newark System of the Pomperaug Valley, Connecticut,"
U.S. Geol. Surv. Ann. Rept. 21, Part III (1899-1900), p. 145.

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other stream into which the primary tributaries enter. These second-
ary tributaries are usually conspicuously elongated and approxi-
mately at right angles to the streams into which they flow. The
term "trellis" should not be applied where but one set of tributaries
joins a master-stream at right angles,r for such may represent the
beginning of dendritic or of rectangular drainage; whereas the trellis
pattern implies a lattice effect which the elongated parallel secondary
tributaries furnish.

FIG. 2.-Trellis drainage, southern part of Williamsport (Pa.) quadrangle. Scale

I: 62,500.

Drainage wholly consequent in origin may assume the trellis

pattern as the result of glaciation. In the northeastern part of
Geneva (N.Y.) quadrangle the character of the topography is transi-
tional between typical drumlins and fluted ground moraine. Because
of the linear alignment of those depositional features, a trellis
pattern that is consequent in origin has developed. Consequent trel-
lis drainage is unusual, however. As a rule, trellis drainage is made
up mainly of subsequent streams connected by resequents or obse-
quents, and develops where the edges of formations varying in
resistance outcrop in parallel belts. It is therefore characteristic of
mountains of folded or tilted strata, and of maturely dissected belted
coastal plains. The ridge and valley section of the Appalachians
furnishes abundant illustrations of trellis drainage that is largely
SDouglas Johnson, unpublished notes on drainage patterns.

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subsequent in origin. The Williamsport (Pa.) and Monterey (Va.-

W.Va.) quadrangles show particularly fine examples.
Sometimes the tributaries in the trellis pattern do not enter the
main stream at right angles. This may happen where they are
affected by the general declivity of the land toward the ocean, which,
although usually slight, may be sufficient to cause the streams to flow
somewhat obliquely. The thousands of minor inequalities which
occur in rocks cause sinuosities which are an added factor in prevent-
ing right-angled joinings. The Hancock (W.Va.-Pa.) quadrangle
shows good trellis drainage where many of the joinings are not right
Bailey Willis in 1895 described the drainage in the Appalachians
and referred to it as the "trellis" or "grapevine" system. He wrote:
"This arrangement of parallel brooks, which swell the volume of a
creek generally flowing at right angles to their courses, resembles a
vine from whose central stem branches are trained on a trellis. It is
sometimes called the trellis or grapevine system."' This is the
earliest use of the term in print which the writer has been able to
find. It was in common usage, however, in discussion during the
preceding decade.2

The rectangular pattern (Fig. 3) is characterized by right-angled

bends in both the main stream and its tributaries. It differs from
the trellis pattern in that it is more irregular; there is not such per-
fect parallelism of side streams; these latter are not necessarily as
conspicuously elongated; and secondary tributaries need not be
present. Structural control is prominent, as the pattern is directly
conditioned by the right-angled jointing or faulting of rocks.
Approximate uniformity of fracturing at right angles is character-
istic of certain joint systems, and when these determine the pattern
of streams, good rectangular drainage results. The evenly spaced,
sharp, right-angled turns of Ausable Chasm in northeastern New
York, and the occurrence of tributary ravines at approximately uni-
form distances, is an illustration in point, for here the drainage pat-
I Op. cit., p. 187.
2 Bailey Willis, personal communication.

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tern has apparently been determined by joints in the Potsdam sand-

The adjustment of drainage in the eastern and southern Adiron-
dacks to lines of weakness developed by faulting was first noted by
Kemp, who regarded the valleys as chiefly due to faults. He states:
"In many cases these faults afforded a start for lines of drainage
which have now worn
out the valleys to broad
reaches and have masked
their origin. The old
scarps at present are
rounded and worn
down."' The Elizabeth-
town (N.Y.) quadrangle
exhibits excellent rec-
tangular drainage, some-
what modified by glacia-
tion, owing apparently
to two systems of faults
intersecting at right
The rectangular drain-
age of the Adirondacks
was first called "trel-
FIG. 3.-Rectangular drainage, southwestern part lised," 2 and was con-
of Elizabethtown (N.Y.) quadrangle. Scale 1: 62,- sidered as being of the
same general pattern as
the Appalachian drainage. The sole criterion of the trellis pattern
recognized at that time appears to have been the existence of rec-
tangular tributaries, for Davis writes: "When the headwater
streams captured the drainage they developed subsequent
rectangular branches growing like a well trained grapevine" ;3 while
' J. F. Kemp, "Preliminary Report on the Geology of Essex County," New York
State Mus. Ann. Rept. 47 (1894), pp. 632, 634.
2 A. P. Brigham, "Note on Trellised Drainage in the Adirondacks," Amer. Geologist,
Vol. XXI (1898), p. 220.
3 "Rivers and Valleys of Pennsylvania," Nat. Geog. Mag., Vol. I (1889), p. 248;
reprinted in Geog. Essays, p. 479.

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in his "Rivers of Northern New Jersey"' he refers to the rectangular

courses of the streams that cross the Watchung Mountains and
which are part of a trellis pattern. The present classification stresses
elongated secondary tributaries parallel to the main stream as the
determining factor in differentiating trellis from rectangular drainage,
inasmuch as rectangular joinings apply to both patterns.
Rectangular drainage is conspicuously developed along the
Norwegian coast, although submergence partially obscures the pat-
tern. The Bergen, Bj6rn6r, and D6nna topographic sheets published
by the Norwegian Topographic Survey show the rectangular pattern
in great detail. Professor Th. Kjerulf, former head of the geo-
logical survey of Norway, from a study of the topographic maps
came to the conclusion, according to Hobbs,2 that the bounding lines
of the valleys, lakes, and fjords of Norway were almost universally
along fault and joint planes. They are, however, not always rec-
tangular. Brigger's field studies in Southern Norway3 confirmed
this generalization for the particular areas studied. He found that
the influence of faults and joints upon the formation of the valleys
was most profound; in fact, almost every valley and every depres-
sion corresponded to a line of dislocation.
The gorge of the Zambesi (Fig. 4), below the famous Victoria
Falls, is strikingly rectangular in pattern. A major factor in deter-
mining the river's course has been the fractures in the basaltic
plateau through which the river flows. The mile-long transverse
chasm into which the waters of the falls descend has been scooped
out along one of the vertical fractures.4 These fractures are inde-
pendent of the columnar jointing characteristic of basalt. The tribu-
taries which drain the basaltic country also make right-angled
joinings, owing probably to east and west planes of fracture.5
' "The Rivers of Northern New Jersey with Notes on the Classification of Rivers in
General," Nat. Geog. Mag., Vol. II (1890), p. 99; reprinted in Geog. Essays, p. 504.
2 Op. cit., p. 149.
3 W. C. Brigger, "Spaltenverwerfungen in der Gegend Langesund-Skien," Nyt
Magazinfor Naturvidens kaberne, Vol. XXVIII (1884), pp. 253-419; "tUber die Bildungs-
geschichte des Kristianiafjords," ibid., Vol. XXX (1886), pp. 99-231.
4 G. W. Lamplugh, "Geology of the Zambesi Basin," Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London,
Vol. LXIII (1907), pp. 187-92.
s G. W. Lamplugh, "The Gorge of the Zambesi," Geog. Jour., Vol. XXXI (19o08),
pp. 287-303.

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In radial drainage (Fig. 5) the streams radiate from a central

area, like the spokes of a wheel. The consequent drainage of dome
mountains is radial, except where an antecedent stream maintains its
course across the site of uplift.' On more or less circular monadnocks
rude radial drainage develops as these residuals assume eminence

1/2 mile

FIG. 4.-Section of gorge of Zambesi below Victoria Falls. (After Lamplugh.) Ap-
proximate scale: i mile = 2 inches.

through the degradation of the surrounding country. It is the typical

consequent drainage pattern of volcanoes, persisting throughout all
stages of their life-history. Volcanoes furnish the most perfect ex-
amples of this type of drainage pattern, owing to the marked sym-
metry of form which usually characterizes them and to the conical
nature of their internal structures.
All the streams do not necessarily flow away from each other in
normal radial pattern. Individual streams may, owing to irregulari-
ties in the initial slope of dome or volcano, or to other causes, flow
I Dake and Brown, op. cit., p. 134.

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for parts of their courses obliquely toward each other; and they may
even join. A new lava flow may spread across several valleys and
cause those parts of the drainage to unite. As erosion advances some
of the streams may become tributaries of their more aggressive
neighbors through capture. Gullies may develop on certain valley
walls, then grow head-
ward up the slope, and
therefore nearly parallel
to the main stream.
These are all parts of the
normal radial pattern.
Numerous examples of
radial drainage on un-
breached domes are
given in Jaggar's report
on the Black Hills.' Ra-
dial drainage on a mo-
nadnock is well shown
on the Mount Monad-
nock (N.H.) quadrangle.
Shasta Special (Calif.),
Mount Hood (Ore.-
Wash.) and Mount
Rainier National Park
(Wash.) quadrangles, as
as many of FIG. 5.-Radial drainage, Lahaina (Hawaii) quad-
well the
rangle. Scale i: 62,500.
Hawaiian topographic
sheets, show excellent radial drainage on volcanoes. Numerous
beautiful illustrations are found on maps of the Dutch East Indies.


Annular drainage (Fig. 6), as the name implies, is ringlike in

pattern. It is subsequent in origin and associated with maturely
dissected dome or basin structures.
During the initial stage of dissection of a dome mountain, the
'T. A. Jaggar, Jr., "The Laccoliths of the Black Hills," U.S. Geol. Surv. Ann. Rept.
21, Part III (1899-1900), pp. 163-303.

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streams are consequent in origin and radial in pattern. As erosion

advances nonresistant layers are exposed along which subsequent
tributaries develop. As these grow in length they reach successive
original consequent streams that extend radially down the slopes.
By capturing the upper portions of these they increase their own
volume and reduce that of the consequent streams. The more fortu-
nate subsequent streams will, furthermore, increase their length at

1 mile

FIG. 6.-Beginnings of annular drainage, Elk Horn Peak, Black Hills. (From U.S.
Geol. Surv. Ann. Rept. 21, Part III, P1. XLI, p. 270.)

the expense of less fortunate subsequents as they extend their valleys

headward in the weak rock which encircles the dome. Holding their
own, in this struggle for survival, will be a few consequent master-
streams that have dug channels deeper than those of the piratical
subsequents. Thus there results a series of subsequent streams which
tend to assume a circular or annular pattern and a few trunk streams
which are consequent in origin and radial in pattern.
The annular, like the trellis pattern, is an excellent illustration
of the increasing influence of structure over slope as drainage ap-

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proaches maturity. Slope alone controls the initial courses of

streams; structure and slope, the adjusted courses of maturity. The
annular valleys carved out by subsequent streams on domes and
basins will be separated from one another by rimming hogbacks, the
outcrops of harder strata.
The annular pattern develops most perfectly where erosion of the
dome exposes rimming sedimentary strata of greatly varying de-
grees of hardness. When a thick layer of weak rock is revealed in the
central area of the dome, a lowland is there formed. On such a dome
the annular pattern may be very poorly or not at all developed, as
witness the drainage of Nashville Basin, and that of Little Buffalo
and Spring Creek basins on the Meeteetse (Wyo.) quadrangle.
On that excellent example of dome structure, the Black Hills, the
most conspicuous member of the annular drainage is the well-known
Red Valley, called the "Race Track" by the Indians. It forms a con-
tinuous depression encircling the dome and has been etched out of
gypsiferous sandy red clays. Minor domes due to local igneous in-
trusions occur in the Black Hills region. On these, more or less com-
plete annular drainage has developed in many instances. A vivid de-
scription of the highly symmetrical and well-developed annular
valleys on Inyankara Mountain, one of these minor domes, is quoted
by Jaggar from an earlier report and is well worth reading.' The
domes of the Henry Mountains in Utah, Turkey Mountain on the
Watrous (N.M.) quadrangle, and the Wealdan dome in South-
eastern England have more or less well-developed annular drainage.
In describing the drainage of the Henry Mountains in 1877, Gil-
bert showed a clear understanding of initial radial drainage on dome
structures when he wrote: "The waterways formed by the
first rain radiated from the crest in all directions,"2 but he
gave no clear account of annular drainage. Jaggar, in his report on
the Black Hills3 in 1899, used the term "annular valleys" in dis-
cussing the erosion of dome mountains.
' Ibid., pp. 249-50, 270-71.
2 G. K. Gilbert, "Geology of the Henry Mountains," U.S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. of
Rocky Mt. Reg. (1877), p. 145.
3 Op. cit., pp. 270-74.

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The drainage pattern is called "parallel" (Fig. 7) when the streams

over a considerable area or in a number of successive cases flow near-
ly parallel to one another. Parallel drainage implies either a pro-
nounced regional slope, or a slope control by parallel topographic
features such as glacially remodeled surfaces of the drumloidal or
fluted ground moraine
type, or control by par-
allel folded or faulted
On newly emerged
tilted coastal or lake
plains, on the steep
slopes of glacial troughs,
on the walls of young
stream valleys, on lake
or sea cliffs, and on
fault scarps the stream
courses would be con-
trolled by the slope.
Such streams would be
consequent in origin and
parallel in pattern. The
Sglaciated tilted coastal
plain in the northwest-
FIG. 7.-Parallel drainage,Northwestern Finland. ern part of Finland
(Section of Map 3, Atlas of Finland [Geog. Soc. of which borders the Gulf
Finland, 1925].) Scale 1:1,000,000.
of Bothnia has fairly
good parallel drainage, owing to a combination of tilting and
On the northern two-thirds of the Highwood (Ill.) quadrangle
there is parallel drainage on a slightly dissected lake plain. The
streams consequent upon the glacially remodeled slopes of Seneca
Lake basin on the Watkins Glen (N.Y.) quadrangle, and many of
the streams on the Cloud Peak (Mont.) sheet are illustrations of
parallel drainage on the slopes of glacial troughs. On the Kotsima-
Kuskulana sheet (Alaska map, No. 6oiC) are excellent examples of

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the same feature. The parallel tributaries involved in the radial

drainage pattern on certain volcanoes, as, for example, those of the
Lahaina (Hawaii) sheet, have been discussed under radial drainage.
Examples of parallel streams on the sides of young valleys can be
found on any number of quadrangles representing mature or sub-
mature mountains. As dissection advances, the short parallel
streams on the face of fault scarps may become parallel canyons.
Such are well shown on the western side of the Wasatch Mountains
and in some of the Basin ranges.
Numerous parallel streams, subsequent in origin, occur in the
folded Appalachians. These are, however, part of the more compre-
hensive trellis pattern. The parallelism in trellis drainage is in large
measure restricted to a parallel relationship between tributaries. In
the simple parallel pattern no such relationship is necessary; the
parallelism may be between unconnected streams or it may exist
between tributaries.
Parallel streams may develop along parallel faults, the streams
etching out subsequent valleys along fault zones; or faulting may
cause parallel "rift valleys" in which the consequent streams would
be parallel.
In the dendritic pattern it is frequently possible to pick out num-
bers of streams or parts of streams which happen to be parallel. But
the significant features of the drainage as a whole, and not the acci-
dental details of selected parts, determine the classification of the
pattern. When a stream intrenches its valley rapidly, parallel conse-
quent streams may develop on the valley walls; and when these
grow by headward erosion back into the plateau, the lower courses
of the elongated streams will be parallel, while the upper courses will
be dendritic. The term "parallel drainage" is not commonly applied
to the restricted lower portions of such streams, the drainage being
classified as a whole under the term "dendritic." This statement ap-
plies also to streams originating as parallel gullies on the face of a
sea cliff or lake cliff but immediately growing in a variety of direc-
tions by headward erosion.
An excellent example of the influence of steep slope in producing
parallel gullying is found on the basaltic cliffs of the Hawaiian
Islands where the constant trickling of water down the steep faces

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of the cliffs has produced remarkably parallel even-spaced depres-

sions which give a fluted appearance to the cliff walls.' Jaggar in his
drainage experiments observed the importance of uniformity of
slope in producing parallelism. He writes: "Lateral tributaries have
a tendency to parallelism and rhythmic spacing according as the
general slope, initial sheet flood and valley slopes were uniform."2



In the foregoing pages the six major types of drainage patterns at

present commonly recognized have been discussed. These, however,
do not include all patterns which streams more or less commonly
form. There are additional types which deviate in varying degrees
from the established classification.
The greatest diversity occurs in modifications of typical dendritic
drainage. We find patterns which resemble the dendritic but which
should not be classified as such because the major streams are conse-
quent in origin and show definite slope control. Take, for example,
the drainage on the high plains in western South Dakota, western
Kansas, and eastern Colorado.3 It is obvious from the general west-
east direction of the major streams and of many of the tributaries
that here the slope of the plains largely determines the general direc-
tion of the stream courses. The more or less parallel and rhythmical
arrangement of the lesser tributaries is doubtless due to uniformity
of slope on the sides of major valleys in a region characterized by
homogeneity of rock resistance. Acute-angled joinings predominate,
indicating a pronounced slope influence. These acute-angled joinings
with the rather evenly spaced and parallel tributaries form a pattern
so much like that of a feather that it might appropriately be called
"pinnate." The Phillipsburg (Kan.) quadrangle illustrates this type
of drainage on a larger scale while Figure 8 is an example of pinnate
'H. S. Palmer, "Lapies in Hawaiian Basalts," Geog. Rev., Vol. XVII (1927), pp.
2 "Experiments Illustrating Erosion and Sedimentation," Harvard Coll. Bull. Mus.
Comp. Zool., Vol. XLIX (1908), p. 295.
3 Rand McNally Commercial Atlas of America (55th ed., 1924), pp. 351, 369, 437.
Scale: approximately 16 miles =i inch.

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drainage on a still larger scale. It is a prominent type of drainage

in Roumania' and Southwestern Persia.2
Sometimes the tributaries are more nearly parallel to the main
streams than in pinnate drainage and the pattern resembles the
Lombardy poplar type of branching. Since in this case parallelism
is the dominant feature, this pattern is classified as "subparallel."
It is found in certain sections of the high plains, for example, in
eastern Colorado.

FIG. 8.-Pinnate drainage. (Sumatra's Westkust geologische Kaart van een gedeelte
van Het Gouvernementin 7 Bladen, ed. R. D. M. Verbeek [1875-79], Blad 5: Solok.)
Scale i: ioo,ooo.

On the Columbus (Ohio) quadrangle the main streams are conse-

quent upon the southward-sloping glacial till plain. As the tribu-
taries of these consequent streams extend horizontally, they encoun-
ter rock of homogeneous composition which exerts too slight a struc-
tural control to be detected. As dissection advances the slope control
of these minor tributaries becomes less pronounced and the drainage
tends toward a dendritic pattern; nevertheless, the consequent origin
of the major streams continues to be manifest in the north-south
direction of their courses. This type of drainage is here designated
as "subdendritic" (Fig. 9). It is a rather common variation of
typical dendritic drainage.
' Stieler Hand-Atlas (Gotha: Justus Perthes, 1926-27), pp. 56, 57.
2 Bushire (Asia-North H39) sheet, International Map of World (Roy. Geog. Soc.,
1918), I: I,000,000.

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Flood-plain and delta drainage assumes a characteristic pattern.

The tortuous windings of interlocking channels, sloughs, bayous,
and oxbow lakes form a network pattern that can be best described
as "anastomotic" (Fig. io).I The Mississippi flood plain and delta
furnish examples. It is the characteristic drainage over considerable
areas of the Hungarian
plain and Danubian del-
ta, over the plains of the
Indus and Irrawaddy, to
cite but a few illustra-
tions. It differs from a
braided stream in that
it includes features not
shown by the latter, as
can be seen by compar-
ing the Memphis (Tenn.-
Ark.) quadrangle, which
shows a section of Missis-
sippi flood-plain drain-
age, with the Paxton
(Neb.) quadrangle upon
which the braided Platte
River is represented.
On very flat, youthful
coastal plains a network
FIG.9.-Subdendritic drainage,Columbus(Ohio)
of interlocking streams,
quadrangle. Scale i: 125,ooo.
swamps, and lakes may
occur, as in parts of Florida. The pattern, however, differs from
that developed on flood plains. These two varieties of the anasto-
motic pattern are phases in the development of dendritic drainage,
usually in restricted areas.



Trellis drainage may develop where there is a series of parallel

faults. These will act as planes of weakness along which erosion
' Anastomotic: having a network of lines, branches, streams, or the like (Webster's
New International Dictionary).

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readily acts. As a result of faulting, hard and soft layers may be

brought into juxtaposition, when lowlands will be developed on the
softer layers; or parallel fault valleys may be formed on tilted or
down-dropped blocks. Such drainage has been described as "fault
trellis" and the San Mateo and Priest Valley (Calif.) quadrangle
cited as examples.' The spacing
between the parallel subsequents
is, however, wider than in the
typical trellis pattern and the in-
tervening blocks have dendritic
drainage. Inasmuch as dendritic
drainage is as prominent as fault
trellis on these two maps, the
drainage as a whole might be
better described as complex.




All fault or joint-controlled

drainage patterns are not neces-
sarily rectangular. Intersecting
fault systems might cause an
endless variety of stream pat-
terns, depending upon the com- FIG. o10.-Anastomoticdrainage. (Sec-
plexity of the fracturing. Hobbs, tion of Apatin und Erdut [Zone 23, Col.
XXI, Specialkarte der osterreichisch-ungar-
who has particularly investi- ischen Monarchie[1905].) Scale 1: 75,0oo00.
gated the influence of faults
and joints upon stream courses, attributes to them a far more
important r61le than do most students of the subject. He be-
lieves the modern school of physiographers ascribes too little im-
portance to structural planes as a factor in determining the position
and orientation of water courses.2 His view is that joints are capil-
lary openings in which water accumulates, and by freezing and by
chemical action brings about disintegration. This will produce softer
layers on each side of the joint which are easily eroded. Deviations
' Dake and Brown, op. cit., pp. 129, 191.
2 "The River System of Connecticut," Jour. Geol., Vol. IX (1901), pp. 469-85.

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from a straight course are believed to be often due to other joint

planes crossing the first.'
Hobbs, from his researches in the Pomperaug Valley in Connecti-
cut, reached the decision that the faults in the Newark system of
rocks controlled the stream patterns in their vicinity; and since the
stream courses in the adjacent crystallines were strikingly like those
in the Newark, he assumed that the fracture system could be inferred
from the drainage, and was therefore the same as that which pre-
vailed in the Newark rocks. The abnormal branching of headwater
streams he considered as evidence of several intersecting fault sys-
tems. In regard to the rivers about Manhattan Island," he advanced
the theory that their channels were largely determined by lines of
jointing and displacement. He saw a correspondence between drain-
age lines and joints in the Driftless Area of Wisconsin,3 and believed
that the striking rectilinear extension and peculiar pattern assumed
by the valleys in the Finger Lake district of New York could be ex-
plained by structural fractures. His contentions have not, however,
been generally accepted.
One of the earliest students of the influence of joints and faults
upon drainage was Daubr6e,4 who believed that the development of
many river systems was controlled by faults and joints. He ex-
plained the parallel arrangement of the main streams and the net-
work of smaller streams in Northern France as due to the existence
of a number of sets of intersecting joint planes in the Cretaceous
beds of that area, and illustrated his theory with several plates
which show the supposed correspondence between the stream
courses and the conjectured joints. This region has been cited by
Hobbs as an example of joint-controlled drainage.6 Johnson6 ex-
' E. C. Harder, "The Joint System in the Rocks of Southwestern Wisconsin and Its
Relation to the Drainage Network," Bull. Univ. Wis., No. 138, "Sci. Ser.," Vol. III,
No. 5 (I906), pp. 207-46.
2 "Origin of the Channels Surrounding Manhattan Island, New York," Geol. Soc.
Amer. Bull. I6 (1905), pp. 151-82.
3 "Examples of Joint Controlled Drainage from Wisconsin and New York," Jour.
Geol., Vol. XIII (1903), p. 365.
4 A. Daubree, Giologie experimentale (Paris: Dunod, 1879), pp. 300-373.
s "The Newark System in the Pomperaug Valley, Connecticut," U.S. Geol. Surv.
Ann. Rept. 21, Part III (1899-1900), p. 146.
6 Douglas Johnson, Battlefields of the World War (London: Oxford University Press,
1921), p. 238.

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plains the east-west trend of these particular rivers and their valleys
as due to the southward dip of the rocks and to a series of shallow
folds that are too faint to be noticeable to the eye but "sufficient to
affect the direction of running water and hence the lines of greatest
and least erosion."
The influence of joints and fractures upon drainage patterns is
likely to be greatly obscured or reduced by the manner in which
rocks disintegrate, each rock weathering after its own fashion accord-
ing to its mineralogical
composition and state
of aggregation.' On the
other hand, Jaggar's ex-
periments in producing
miniature drainage pat-
terns in the laboratory
led him to the conclusion
that river patterns are
too frequently attributed
to the influence of joints
and faults.' FIG. II.-Angulate drainage, northwestern part
of Huron-Ottawa territory, Ontario, Canada, 1896.
Figure II illustrates
Scale: 5 miles= i inch.
a modification of the
rectangular pattern. Parallelism due to faults and joints exists, but
the joinings form acute or obtuse angles and not right angles. To
call such drainage "rectangular" would be a misnomer, yet it is
sufficiently like the latter to warrant a somewhat similar name,
hence the term "angulate" is suggested. This drainage pattern is
found in the Timiskaming and Nipissing areas of Canada and in
parts of Norway.


"Centripetal" or radial inward drainage occurs on the inner

slopes of craters and calderas, and where rimming ridges surround
basins or valleys as on structural basins or breached domes. Like
radial outward drainage, the centripetal drainage of craters and
SGeikie, Earth Sculpture (London: John Murray, 1898), p. i6o.
2 Op. cit., p. 286.

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calderas is consequent in origin. The map of Coon Butte (Fig. 12)

is a good example of this pattern, which also is shown on the Sierra-
ville (Calif.) quadrangle. Often the centripetal streams are too in-
significant to appear on a map, and one gets the impression that this
pattern occurs less frequently than is actually the case. Excellent
examples are reported from the Java volcanoes. Davis' early used
the term "centripetal" in describing radial inward drainage. The
streams flowing inward down the slopes of the Tarim Basin in Cen-
tral Asia are an example of this pat-
tern." Centripetal drainage on struc-
tural basins may be consequent or
resequent, that on breached domes is




,J4mile. A drainage pattern which has the

streams oriented in a similar direc-
FIG. 12.-Centripetal drainage,
Coon Butte, Ariz. Scale I: 30,000. tion, but which lacks the regular-
ity of the parallel pattern, may
be designated as "subparallel." On the Ramapo (N.Y.-N.J.)
quadrangle the streams on the eastern part of the map flow in a
general north-south direction, owing to the structure of the beveled
Triassic rocks. Figure 13 represents a portion of this drainage. In
various parts of New England the schistosity of the rocks, faulting,
and complex folding are factors contributing to the development of a
subparallel arrangement of many of the streams. This is well shown
on a section of the Brookfield (Mass.-Conn.) quadrangle.
Subparallelism between streams may be due to slope control. As
previously stated, in some cases this gives a Lombardy-poplar pat-
tern to the drainage. In regions of high relief, steep slopes of major
valleys frequently give a subparallel if not a parallel pattern to the
tributaries. Sometimes the drainage of a glaciated region assumes a
' "Rivers and Valleys of Pennsylvania,'! Nat. Geog. Mag., Vol. I (1889), p. 249.
Reprinted in Geog. Essays, p. 479.
* Stielers Hand-Atlas, p. 69.

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subparallel pattern, owing to the linear arrangement of the glacial

deposits. The north-south trend of the drumlins on the Weedsport
(N.Y.) sheet has caused a subparallel alignment of the streams.
An interesting pattern is found in the region west of Budapest,
Hungary, and in the Yang-Yang and Louga areas, Senegal, West
Africa, which might be called "colinear" (Fig. 14), since it consists
of a succession of streams
extending along the same
straight line. West of Buda-
pest the streams flow in
very straight lines, disap-

FIG. I4.-Colinear drainage,

Senegal, West Africa. (Eastern
FIG. 13.-Subparallel drainage, eastern part of Louga sheet [D28, XX],
part of Ramapo (N.Y.-N.J.) quadrangle. Carte regulidre [Afrique Occid'le
Scale i: 62,500. Francaise].) Scale i: 2oo,ooo.

pear and emerge again farther on in the same straight line. This is a
region of loess and sand, and the wind forms furrows in the easily
blown material. These furrows direct the courses of the streams.
The permeable nature of the loess and sand causes the streams to
disappear where the water table becomes low and to reappear where
it again reaches the surface. In the Senegal area many of the streams
are intermittent, as the area is a desert; but they are unusually
straight and markedly colinear in pattern. The sand, as in the
Budapest area, is easily blown into furrows or elongated dunes be-

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tween which streams flow after infrequent but heavy rain storms.
The uniform composition of the sandy surface and the torrential
character of the temporary streams are additional factors in causing
the very straight courses. Colinear drainage is usually part of a
larger parallel pattern,
but its peculiar character
justifies treating it sepa-



Glaciated regions fre-

quently exhibit a distinc-
tive irregular drainage
pattern. In such areas a
lack of relationship be-
tween the stream courses
and the higher lands
is usually apparent.
Streams may exist with-
out valleys. Abandoned
valleys may point to
stream diversion. Nu-
FIG. I5.--Glacially disturbed drainage, section of merous lakes and
northernpart of Whitewater(Wis.) quadrangle.
ScaleI:62,500. swamps may testify to
the undeveloped char-
acter of the drainage. Glacial deposits may more or less completely
obscure the hard rock surface. In a word, the former surface has
been glacially remodeled, the preglacial drainage effaced, and a new
drainage system which bears no relation to the underlying structure
has been developed on the new topography. Such conditions exist
where the retreat of the ice has been relatively recent, and thus are
found in many areas covered by the last or Wisconsin ice sheet.
Such terms as "deranged" or "glacially superimposed" might be
used for this "glacially disturbed" drainage pattern (Fig. 15), but
the latter term is less cumbersome than "glacially superimposed"
and suggests the type better than does "deranged." Its wide distri-

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bution justifies a separate classification despite the fact that it is

only a transitional phase in the development of drainage. The
Whitewater (Wis.) and St. Croix Dalles (Wis.-Minn.) quadrangles
show familiar examples of this type.
In regions of complex structure the drainage is usually "complex"
in pattern. Sections of such drainage may represent various pat-
terns, depending upon the structural control. For example, on the
Guilford (Conn.) quadrangle, there is fairly good rectangular drain-
age in the west-central part, subparallel in the southern, and den-
dritic between these two. A structural control furthermore seems to
account for the alignment of some of the tributaries in the central
and eastern parts. Complexity of pattern is the outstanding char-
acteristic here and determines its classification.
The importance of drainage patterns exceeds the attention thus
far devoted to them. They have been fittingly called "the key to a
landscape." It is hoped that the present analysis and classification
will lead to a better understanding of the various types and thus in-
crease their usefulness to the student of geomorphology. It should,
of course, be understood that inferences regarding the geology made
from drainage patterns are to be regarded merely as tentative until
corroborated by further information.

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