KarstTopography E-Text
KarstTopography E-Text
KarstTopography E-Text
Name Affiliation
Principal Investigator
Prof. Masood Ahsan Department of
Siddiqui Geography,
Jamia Millia Islamia
Paper Coordinator, if any Dr. Syed Zaheen Alam Department of Geography,
Dayal Singh College, , DU
Content Writer/Author
(CW) Dr. Taruna Bansal Department of
Geography,Jamia Millia
Content Reviewer (CR)
Module Id
The Karst Landforms and Cycle of Erosion
Taruna Bansal
Karst is a landscape which is underlain by limestone and has been eroded by dissolution,
producing towers, fissures, sinkholes, etc. It is so named after a province of earlier
Yugoslavia on the Adriatic sea coast where such formations are most noticeable. The
development of all karst landforms requires the presence of rocks such as limestone,
dolomite, and gypsum which is capable of being dissolved by surface water or ground
In simple words, the term karst describes a distinctive topography that
indicates dissolution (also called chemical solution) of underlying soluble rocks by surface
water or ground water. Although commonly associated with carbonate rocks (limestone and
dolomite) other highly soluble rocks such as evaporates (gypsum and rock salt) can be
sculpted into karst terrain. Understanding karst is important because approximately ten
percent of the Earth's surface is occupied by karst landscape and as much as a quarter of the
world's population depends upon water supplied from karst areas. Though most abundant in
humid regions where carbonate rock is present, karst terrain occurs in temperate, tropical,
alpine and polar environments also. It is a dry, upland landscape with underground drainage
instead of surface streams
Erosional Landforms:
The landforms in the Karst landscape develop on three scales ranging from a scale of less
than 10 m – these include varieties of solution pits, pans or grooves collectively known as
“karren”; to intermediate scale features ranging approximately from 1 to 1000 m namely
dolines or sinkholes to large scale forms where landforms are normally greater than 1 km in
length e.g poljes, dry valleys or gorges. Most of the karst landscapes are formed by the
combination of all these landforms and sometimes may extend for thousands of square
A great diversity of forms and combinations occur in the karst terrains found in
different parts of the world. This diversity in the landforms is the product of physical and
chemical variations in the rocks themselves; geologic structure; tectonic and geomorphic
history; regional topography; and past and present climatic conditions. Various scholars have
studied this diversity at regional level for many countries. Some prominent studies include
work of Gams (1974) for Yugoslavia, Jakucs (1977) for Hungary, Gvozdetskij (1981) for the
USSR and Zhang (1980) for the People’s Republic of China.
In the following section the landforms formed due to erosional processes have been
discussed. Since each one of the landform is distinct in nature, it is apparent that one
understands every one of them.
1. Karren/Lapies:
Karrens are highly corrugated and rough surface of limestone lithology with low ridges and
pinnacles. These are formed when rain falls onto bare limestone or waves break into it.
Therefore, falling droplets, sheet and channelled runoff, film flow and ponded water all create
small scale solution forms also termed as lapies. The most commonly form found are circular
pits with rounded bottoms and pans with flat bottoms, sinuous channels and descending
slopes where joints or dipping bedding planes have opened up.
2. Terra Rosa- These are red claystones up to several meters thick and kilometres across that
occur at the earth’s surface. These are thought to be formed by residual dissolution of
limestones and/or by accumulation of detrial mud, ash or dust on pre-existing karst terrain.
3. Limestone Pavement – These are only found in places that were covered by ice during the
last ice age. They are formed in some beds of limestones where following characteristics are
found –
i) beds that do not contain many fractures
ii) beds that are more resistant to dissolution by rainwater
iii) beds that are mechanically stronger
4. Grikes – Grikes are vertical or near-vertical fissures in limestone pavement. In the initial
stage, the cracks pr fissures are only microscopic in size but as rainwater seeps in and
dissolves the limestone, the cracks become wider.
5. Solution Holes - Holes produced by dissolution of lime stones by chemically active
standing water. These are small, shallow, round and flat bottomed depressions or pools on the
limestone pavement. They are usually 5 – 30 cm wide.
6. Cavern:
This is an underground cave formed by water action by various methods in a limestone or
chalk area. There are differing views on the mode of formation of these caverns. The
Mechanical Action School represented by Penck, Weller and Dane considers mechanical
action by rock debris and pebbles to be responsible for cavern excavation. This school argues
that the water table is too low to have a solution effect. The Chemical Action School, on the
other hand, considers the solution action of water to be mainly responsible for cavern
excavation. This school is represented by Davis and Piper. The largest cavern in Kentucky
(USA) is 48 km long and 25 metres high. In India, such caves can be seen in Bastar,
Dehradun, Shillong plateau.
7. Arch/Natural Bridge:
These are formed due to collapse of the roofs of caves or due to disappearance of surface
streams and their reappearance; which keeps standing forming an arch.
9. Karst Window:
When a number of adjoining sink holes collapse, they form an open, broad area called a karst
12. Dolines:
Dolines are bowl shaped enclosed depressions in the Karst terrain that can be several metres
to several hundred metres in range. The formation of dolines is associated with four distinct
processes that usually operate alone. These are –
i) Solution, acting downward
ii) Mechanical collapse
iii) Subsidence without rupture into an inter-stratal solution cavity and
iv) Sapping or seepage erosion into caves or adjoining dolines.
Mostly, two or three of the above mentioned processes operate together to develop or
enlarge a depression. These range from cylindrical shafts to shallow saucers although
intermediate funnel and bowl shapes are more common.
14. Uvala:
A number of adjoining dolines may come together to form a large depression called uvala.
15. Polje:
A number of uvalas may coalesce to create a valley called polje which is actually a flat-
floored depression. An ideal polje is an elongated, flat-floored, closed depression surrounded
by limestone hills that are well karstified.
2. Travertines:
Banded calcareous deposits are called Travertines
3. Drip Stones:
These are calcareous deposits formed by dripping-of water in dry caves or caverns. These can
only form when a cave is at or above the water table where water can evaporate. When
groundwater drips from the roof of a limestone cave, it slowly deposits calcite. Several types
of drip stones are found in karstic caves. Stalactitis, stalagmites, cave pillars, drapes,
helictites and heligmites are such drip stones found in a karst cavern.
i) Stalactites and Stalagmites:
The water containing limestone in solution seeps through the roof of caverns in the form of a
continuous chain of drops. A portion of the roof hangs on the roof and on evaporation of
water, a small deposit of limestone is left behind contributing to the formation of a stalactite,
growing downwards from the roof.
The remaining portion of the drop falls to the floor of the cavern. This also evaporates,
leaving behind a small deposit of limestone aiding the formation of a stalagmite, thicker and
flatter, rising upwards from the floor.
ii) Cave Pillars:
Sometimes, stalactite and stalagmite join together to form a complete pillar known as the
iii) Drapes or curtains:
Numerous needle shaped dripstones hanging from the cave ceiling.
iv) Helictites:
Sideward growth from stalactites.
v) Helgmites:
Sideward growth from stalagmites.
Dougherty, Percy H., editor, 1985, Caves and Karst of Kentucky, Kentucky Geological
Survey Special Publications 12 Series XI, 196 pages.
Gurnee, Russell and Gurnee, Jeane, 1980, Gurnee Guide to American Caves, Zephyrus Press,
Teaneck, New Jersey. (A comprehensive guide to caves in the U.S. which are open to the
Jennings, Joseph N., 1971, Karst, An Introduction to Systematic Geomorphology, Vol. 7,
The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass. and London, England, 252 pages.
Moore, George W., and Sullivan, Nicholas, 1997, Speleology, Caves and the Cave
Environment, 3rd edition, Cave Books, St. Louis, MO, 176 pages.
U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey - Geology of Caves, U.S.
Geological Survey General Interest Publication, 19 pages.
White, William B., 1988, Geomorphology and Hydrology of Karst Terrains, Oxford
University Press, New York, 464 pages.
Zumwalt, Gary, ed., 1997, The MSS Liaison (Newsletter of the Missouri Speleological
Survey), vol. 37, nos. 8-9, p. 2.