RANCM Param SDR FDD WahyudialiP844023 20230913141059

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TemplateType: Parameter

ManagedElementType: SDR
Product: COMMON
Template Name: Param_SDR_FDD
Reference model (Mim
Type:Mim Version): MRSDR:GUFTL_D_V5.50.20.20

M: required when adding, not required when

modifying or deleting;
R: read only data, unchangeable parameters;
R-C: const data, unchangeable parameters;
R-I: create configurable, unchangeable parameters;
Primary key: primary key, mandatory parameters,
unchangeable parameters, multiple fields might act
as a primary key;
Field type: --: general parameters, readable and writable.
Template description: Dump SDR FDD

If this field is null, it indicates the following two

cases: When the operation instruction is M, it means
that the user will not modify it; when the operation
instruction is A, if there is a default value, the default
value will be supplemented.
Parameter template export and import instructions:
1. When the number of MO records exceeds 104W, a
new sheet will be automatically split and exported,
the new sheet name format is MO name (number).
2. If the exported parameter template needs to be
used for import, it is recommended not to modify the
sheet name, adjust the sheet order, or modify the
field name in the sheet.
3. Multiple sheets split from the same MO are placed
in a centralized manner, and sheets without numbers
are placed at the front, the correct sheet order is: A,
A(2), A(3), sheets of other MOs cannot be inserted
among multiple sheets of the same MO.
4. For multiple sheets split from the same MO, the
field names and order in each sheet should be
consistent, for example, for three sheets A, A(2),
A(3), the field names and order of sheet A(2) and
Supplementary rules: A(3) must be consistent with sheet A.
MOC Index

ENBFunctionFDD ENBFunctionFDD

S1Ap S1Ap

X2Ap X2Ap

ECellEquipmentFunction ECellEquipmentFunction

SignalResCfg SignalResCfg

Paging Paging

LoadManagement LoadManagement

SecurityManagement SecurityManagement

MobilityManagement MobilityManagement

GlobalQoS GlobalQoS

UeTimer UeTimer

GlobleSwitchInformation GlobleSwitchInformation

BoardAppliAttr BoardAppliAttr

ExtECellEqFunc ExtECellEqFunc

EUtranCellFDD EUtranCellFDD

ExternalEUtranCellFDD ExternalEUtranCellFDD

ExternalEUtranCellTDD ExternalEUtranCellTDD

ExternalUtranCellFDD ExternalUtranCellFDD

ExternalUtranCellTDD ExternalUtranCellTDD

ExternalGsmCell ExternalGsmCell

ExternalSector ExternalSector

UeEUtranMeasurement UeEUtranMeasurement

UeRATMeasurement UeRATMeasurement

QoSServiceClass QoSServiceClass

QoSDSCPMapping QoSDSCPMapping
QoSPBRMapping QoSPBRMapping

QoSPRIMapping QoSPRIMapping

SonControl SonControl

SonPolicyAnr SonPolicyAnr

SonPolicyPci SonPolicyPci

SonPolicyMro SonPolicyMro

SonPolicyRo SonPolicyRo

SonPolicyX2 SonPolicyX2

ExpConNtf ExpConNtf

EnbAdjFreqNR EnbAdjFreqNR

ServiceDrx ServiceDrx

ControlPlaneTimer ControlPlaneTimer

CDMA1xPlanTable CDMA1xPlanTable

SonPolicyEs SonPolicyEs

PubFunctionPara PubFunctionPara

MobileSpeedHO MobileSpeedHO


SonPolicyMlb SonPolicyMlb

SonPolicySCH SonPolicySCH


SonMagicRadio SonMagicRadio

SonSpecShareFDD SonSpecShareFDD

SoneNBPolicy SoneNBPolicy

MultiPLMNLocSt MultiPLMNLocSt

PciSection PciSection

CellMeasGroup CellMeasGroup

SCAConfig SCAConfig

ENBServicePrior ENBServicePrior

SPSConfig SPSConfig

AdjacentEutranFreqLTE AdjacentEutranFreqLTE

AdjacentGSMFreq AdjacentGSMFreq

AdjacentUtranFreqTDD AdjacentUtranFreqTDD

AdjacentUtranFreqFDD AdjacentUtranFreqFDD

AdjacentCDMAFreq AdjacentCDMAFreq

IdleMobilityProfile IdleMobilityProfile

PCIRange PCIRange



SignalProcSTG SignalProcSTG

M2Ap M2Ap

CSFBProfile CSFBProfile

PSHOProfile PSHOProfile

SRVCCProfile SRVCCProfile

REDPProfile REDPProfile

UpLinkDataCompression UpLinkDataCompression

QcellPosition QcellPosition

CAPCellFeqPri CAPCellFeqPri

CaProfileList CaProfileList

LBProfile LBProfile

PerQCIMeasure PerQCIMeasure

EABParaConfig EABParaConfig
SCSelfOrgResConfig SCSelfOrgResConfig

PerQCIStrategy PerQCIStrategy

SuperCellParameter SuperCellParameter

SctpPlmn SctpPlmn

XwAp XwAp

UDCLoadControlPara UDCLoadControlPara





SmartNetDist SmartNetDist


EndcSNCfgFrof EndcSNCfgFrof

ToolFgiConfigMap ToolFgiConfigMap

ExternalNrCell ExternalNrCell

XpAp XpAp

ExternalNrCellFDD ExternalNrCellFDD

DualConnectionBear DualConnectionBear

GlobalVolteFDD GlobalVolteFDD







TCPOptimiseFDD TCPOptimiseFDD

BasebandLogCfg BasebandLogCfg



XtAp XtAp




CoverMeasProf CoverMeasProf

VolteQualProf VolteQualProf

UsrDirectMigProf UsrDirectMigProf

PlmnLBProf PlmnLBProf

OptSpecUsrStgy OptSpecUsrStgy

DrxCfgIdx4SpUe DrxCfgIdx4SpUe

NrRatMeasCfg NrRatMeasCfg

OperSpecACB OperSpecACB

NrNbrBlackLst NrNbrBlackLst

PdcpStatus PdcpStatus

SonGlobal SonGlobal

GlobalPunish GlobalPunish

OperatorSpecificSPID OperatorSpecificSPID

PhyChannel PhyChannel


PrachFDD PrachFDD

PowerControlUL PowerControlUL
PowerControlDL PowerControlDL

EUtranCellMeasurement EUtranCellMeasurement

EUtranRelation EUtranRelation

UtranRelation UtranRelation

GsmRelation GsmRelation

CDMA2000Relation CDMA2000Relation

EUtranReselection EUtranReselection

UtranReselectionFDD UtranReselectionFDD

UtranReselectionTDD UtranReselectionTDD

CDMA2000Reselection CDMA2000Reselection

GsmReselection GsmReselection




SIScheduling SIScheduling

SonCellPolicy SonCellPolicy

UtranCellReselectionFDD UtranCellReselectionFDD

HetNetMacMicRelation HetNetMacMicRelation

HetNeteICICConfig HetNeteICICConfig
ServiceMAC ServiceMAC


PositionConfig PositionConfig

PlmnFreqPri PlmnFreqPri

CarrierAggregatin CarrierAggregatin

VoLTEConfigCell VoLTEConfigCell

LoadMNGCell LoadMNGCell

LoadControlCell LoadControlCell

SCSelfOrgAlg SCSelfOrgAlg

LimitAMBRConfig LimitAMBRConfig


CellQoS CellQoS

SceneConfig SceneConfig

LaaDfsPara LaaDfsPara

MRFreqCfg MRFreqCfg

WLANOffloadPara WLANOffloadPara

SIBSchedulingConfigFDD SIBSchedulingConfigFDD

TdlBFwgt TdlBFwgt

SpeedLimitQCI SpeedLimitQCI

LaaPara LaaPara





EMTCPaging EMTCPaging







CellAlarm CellAlarm

EMTCCellMeas EMTCCellMeas

BandwdhCon BandwdhCon

NrNiborRela NrNiborRela

TraffTypeCellDlFDD TraffTypeCellDlFDD

TraffTypeCellUlFDD TraffTypeCellUlFDD

MagicRadioFDD MagicRadioFDD


PrePingPongFDD PrePingPongFDD


NRCellReset NRCellReset

RFFingerPntFDD RFFingerPntFDD



LoadFlowControlFDD LoadFlowControlFDD

CellSpecUeCoor CellSpecUeCoor

CellCaPaCfg CellCaPaCfg

FMMBeamWeight FMMBeamWeight

TmmInc TmmInc

This IOC Represents eNodeB Functionality. for More Information about the eNodeB, See 3GPP TS 23.002 [19]

S1AP Object

X2AP Object

Baseband Resource

Signaling Resource Config

UE Paging

Load Management

Security Management Object

Mobility Management

Global QoS Parameter

UE Parameters Configuration

Global Switch

Board Application Attribute

Inter-BBU Super Cell CP List


E-UTRAN FDD Neighbor Cell

E-UTRAN TDD Neighbor Cell

UTRAN FDD Neighbor Cell

UTRAN TDD Neighbor Cell

GERAN Neighbor Cell

CDMA2000 Neighbor Cell

UE E-UTRAN Measurement

UE RAT Measurement

QoS Service Class

QCI and DSCP Mapping

QCI and PBR Mapping

QoS Basic Priority

SON Switch

SON ANR Policy

SON PCI Policy

SON MRO Policy

SON RO Policy

SON X2 Policy

Explicit Congestion Notification

ENodeB Adj NR Frequencies.

Service DRX

Control Plane Timer

CDMA 1x Plan Table

SON Energy Saving Configure

LTE Public Function Table

Mobile Speed Handover

Co-eNodeB X2+ Port IP Link Table

SON MLB Configure

SON Self-healing Policy

SON Cloud Radio Policy


Spectrum Share Configure.

SON eNodeB Policy

Local Strategy for Multi-PLMN

PCI Section Config

Measurement Config Group

PDCP Parameters

SCA Configuration

Service Prior

SPS Configuration

eNodeB Adjacent E-UTRA Carrier Frequencies

eNodeB Adjacent GERAN Carrier Frequencies

eNodeB Adjacent UTRA-TDD Carrier Frequencies

eNodeB Adjacent UTRA-FDD Carrier Frequencies

eNodeB Adjacent CDMA Carrier Frequencies

Idle Mobility Profile

PCI Range Config

CSSAP Object

MBMS Parameters

Signaling Proc Strategy

M2 AP Object

CSFB Profile

PSHO Profile

SRVCC Profile

Redirection Profile

Uplink Data Compression(UDC)

Qcell Positioning

Frequency Priority of Pcell

CA Freq Config

Load Balance Config Profile

PerQCI Measurement

EAB Parameter Config

SuperCell Self-organize Resouse Config

PerQCI Strategy

SuperCell Parameter

Relation of SCTP and PLMN

XwAP Object

Udc Load Control Para


RLC Parameters

Global Parameters of EMTC.


Smart Network Distribution.

EN-DC Anchor Profile

EN-DC Sn Config Strategy.

Tool Fgi Config Map

TDD Neighbor Cell of NR

XpAP Object

FDD Neighbor Cell of NR

Dual Connection Bear

VoLTE Global Config.

IMEISV HO Profile Configuration.

IMEISV CA Profile Configuration.

IMEISV DRX Profile Configuration.

IMEISV Strategy Mapping.


PerQCI A1 A2 Measurement.

User Perception Configuration for eNB for A Type Parameters.

Tcp Optimise by Assistance of Wireless.

Baseband Log Configuration

Priority Guaranteed Bit Rate Config NGBR.

MECSAp Object

XtAp Object

LTE NBR Black List

EN-DC Flow Ctrl.

Special eNodeB List.

Coverage-Based Measurement Configuration.

Operator Special VoLTE Quality Strategy Profile table.

SA User Directional Migration Profile.

Load balance PLMN Config Profile.

Operator Special Strategy.

Coordinate DRX for Specific UE.

UE NR RAT Measurement.

AC-Barring config for PLMN.

NR NBR Black List.

Pdcp Load Status.

SON Global Parameters.

Punish Global Parameters.

SPID Strategy


Admission Control


UL Power Control
DL Power Control

Measurement Parameter

E-UTRAN Neighbor Relation

UTRAN Neighbor Relation

GERAN Neighbor Relation

CDMA2000 Neighbor Relation

E-UTRAN Reselection

UTRAN FDD Cell Reselection

UTRAN TDD Cell Reselection

CDMA2000 SIB8 Content

GERAN Cell Reselection

Cell QoS



Scheduling SI

SON Cell Policy

UTRAN Cell Reselection

HetNet Macro-Micro Cell Relationship

HetNet eICIC Configuration

Service MAC

CSI RS Config

Positioning Configure

Frequency Priority Based PLMN

Carrier Aggregation Config

VoLTE Config

Load Management for Cell

Load Control for Cell

SuperCell Self-organize Algorithm Config

Limited AMBR

Comprehensive Solution for VoLTE Over Load

Cell QoS Parameters

Scene Config Parameter

LAA DFS Parameter

Tool Cell Configuration Table

WLAN Offload

SIB Scheduling Config

Std Ant Wgt Table

Speed Limit QCI

LAA Configuration
SRV Cell for EMTC



Sche SI for EMTC


SRV Cell for EMTC


EAB Para Cfg for EMTC

Hop Cfg for eMTC

UE Par Conf for EMTC

E-UTRAN Reselection of CE

Alg Para Cfg of CE Levels

Cell Alarm Configuration

eMTC Measurement Parameter

PDCCH Configuration For Cell

Neighbor Relation of NR

General Qos Downlink Traffic Type Configure Table.

General Qos Uplink Traffic Type Configure Table.

DL MU-MIMO Configuration Parameter

MagicRadio Bandwidth Configuration Table

UTRAN-LTE Load Balance Self-Adaptive Table.

Prevent PingPong Strategy.

UL Power Control Record for eMTC.

NR Cell Reselection.

LTE Radio Frequency Fingerprint.

AAPC Opt Weight Value Table.

EN-DC policy.

Flow Control Based On Load.

Coordination Based On Specific UE Cell Configuration.

Adaptive Capacity Related Detailed Config.

FMM Prefabricated Beam Beamforming Weight Class.

MM Intelligent Network Coordination Configuration.

MOC path
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154508154 E_COI154M41_CombatAR
enabled, this parameter is
set to the PLMN of the
logical secondary site if
the EN-DC X2/XeAp
interface is a shared
interface. For example, if
the primary PLMN of the
eNBId enbName refPlmn additionalPlmnList_mcc
base station belongsBase
PLMN of a Logical
China Telecom,
Station_Country this of
eNodeB ID eNodeB Name PLMN aparameter is setStation
Logical Base to the
PLMN of China Unicom
and vice versa. If the EN-
model default: 0 string:length[0..150] string:length[0..400] stringArray:length[3]
DC X2/XeAp interface is
eNB ID an independent interface,
Effective when eNB Reset eNodeB Name PLMN this parameter is not used.

R-I -- M --
508154 E-COI154M41-CombatAROperator=1,Plmn=1
enabled, this parameter is
set to the PLMN of the
logical secondary site if
the EN-DC X2/XeAp
interface is a shared
interface. For example, if
PLMN primary
of a PLMN
Logicalof the
base station belongs to x2BlackList_mcc x2BlackList_mnc x2BlackList_eNBId
Station_Mobile Network
Code of Telecom,
a Logical this
Base X2 Black List_eNodeB
parameter is set to the
Station X2 Black List_MCC X2 Black List_MNC ID
PLMN of China Unicom
and vice versa. If the EN-
stringArray:length[2..3] stringArray:length[3] stringArray:length[2..3] longArray:[0..268435455]
DC X2/XeAp interface is
an independent interface, Neighbour eNB ID of X2
this parameter is not used. MCC MNC Black List

-- -- -- --
x2WhiteList_mcc x2WhiteList_mnc x2WhiteList_eNBId endcX2BlackList_mcc
EN-DC X2 Black
X2 White List_eNodeB List_MCC in the EN-DC
X2 White List_MCC X2 White List_MNC ID X2 Blacklist

stringArray:length[3] stringArray:length[2..3] longArray:[0..268435455]

This parameter sets the
Neighbouring eNB ID of MCCs in the EN-DC X2
MCC MNC X2 White List blacklist.

-- -- -- --
endcX2BlackList_mnc endcX2BlackList_gNBId endcX2WhiteList_mcc endcX2WhiteList_mnc
EN-DC X2 Black EN-DC X2 Black EN-DC X2 White EN-DC X2 White
List_MNC in the EN-DC List_gNodeB ID in the X2 List_MCC in the EN-DC List_MNC in the EN-DC
X2 Blacklist Blacklist X2 Whitelist X2 Whitelist
stringArray:length[2..3] [0..4294967295] stringArray:length[3] stringArray:length[2..3]
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
MNCs in the EN-DC X2 gNodeB ID in the X2 MCCs in the EN-DC X2 MNCs in the EN-DC X2
blacklist. blacklist. whitelist. whitelist.

-- -- -- --
endcX2WhiteList_gNBId x2HOBlackList_mcc x2HOBlackList_mnc x2HOBlackList_eNBId
EN-DC X2 White
List_gNodeB ID in the X2 X2 HO Black
Whitelist X2 HO Black List_MCC X2 HO Black List_MNC List_eNodeB ID
[0..4294967295] stringArray:length[3] stringArray:length[2..3] longArray:[0..268435455]
This parameter sets the
gNodeB ID in the X2 Neighbour eNB ID of X2
whitelist. MCC MNC HO Black List

-- -- -- --
The Maximum Base Shift
shiftNumber rsrpStatisticThd ulSINRThd dlSINRThd
Time Length for X2 Self
Setup Function in First Threshold for RSRP Threshold for UL SINR Threshold for DL SINR
(hr) Statistic Statistic Statistic
the maximum base time
long:[0..255] long:[-141..-44] long:[-50..50] long:[-50..50]
length from X2 policy
model default: 100 model default: -105 model default: 0 model default: 0
parameters are configured This parameter is a This parameter is a This parameter is a
to used, when X2 function threshold for RSRP threshold for UL SINR threshold for DL SINR
is deployed at first time. Statistic Statistic Statistic

-- -- -- --
100 -105 0 0
maxScellNum 24301 Encoding
plmnEncodInd enum:
sib10StopMode sib10StopTimerLen
Method[0] CBE Control[0]
The Length of Timer to
36413 Encoding CBE and Timer
Max Scell Num for CA PLMN Encoding Method Mode to Stop SIB10 Stop SIB10(s)
Method[1] Control[1]
long:[1..4] long:[1..300]
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 6
This parameter is Max PLMN Encoding Method The way of the SIB10 to The timer for the SIB10 to
Scell Num for CA Effective when eNB Reset stop stop.

-- -- -- --
2 24301 Encoding Method[0]CBE and Timer Control[1]6
If ucTarHeNBIDEncMeth
equal to 28bit, the Global
eNBID will be Home eNB
ID in S1&X2 handover
ewtsSendMed tarHeNBIDEncMeth
for open, CSG, Hybrid decideNoDataTimer startUserStateTransThr
enum: enum:
ETWS is to notify all the cell; If Encoding Timer for Decide No
Target HeNBID SR Threshold for Start
Continuous Send[0] 20bit[0]
ETWSin aSending
area of ucTarHeNBIDEncMeth
Method Data(s) State Transfer (%)
Period Send[1] 28bit[1]
emergency situation like equal to 20bit, the Global Timer for decide No Data. SR Threshold for Start
long:[1..200] long:[50..100]
Earthquake or Tsunami. eNBID will be Macro After the timer expires, State Transfer. Cell SR
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 30 model default: 90
The message can be send eNB ID in S1&X2 the user will be diverted resources is less than this
continuously or handover for open, CSG, RRC Only state, and threshold Start User State
periodically. Hybrid cell. release PUCCH resources. transfer function.

-- -- -- --
Continuous Send[0] 28bit[1] 30 90
The parameter is the The parameter is the
AS FS breakdown/main maximum of admission maximum of admission
Manual Recovery[0]
scRecvPolicy permitRRCNum boardPermitRRCNum bsAlarmOnDelay
CP board RRC connection user to RRC connection user to
Keep Super Cell
breakdown/main CP RRU
Super Cell Recovery eNB. It can be
Threshold of configured
ENodeB Board.ofIt Board
Threshold can beUser Time Delay for Base
breakdown Super
Policy according
the numbers configured according to
Number Station Alarm (s)
Rollback Normal Cell[2]
Cell may be out of of client purchase. But the the numbers of client
long:[0..43200] long:[0..21600] long:[0..900]
service. For recovery max value configured will purchase. But the max
model default: 1 model default: 10800 model default: 3600 model default: 60
service quickly, system not larger than memory value configured will not
support auto-recovery capacity of main control larger than capacity of Time Delay for Base
service policy. board. BPL board. Station Alarm (s)

-- -- -- --
Keep Super Cell Relation[110800 3600 60
bsAlarmOffDelay cellAlarmOnDelay cellAlarmOffDelay s1AlarmOnDelay
Time Delay for Base Time Delay for Cell Time Delay for Cell Time Delay for S1
Station Alarm Clear (s) Alarm (s) Alarm Clear (s) Interface Alarm (s)
long:[0..900] long:[0..900] long:[0..900] long:[0..900]
model default: 30 model default: 60 model default: 30 model default: 30
Time Delay for Base Time Delay for Cell Time Delay for Cell Time Delay for S1
Station Alarm Clear (s) Alarm (s) Alarm Clear (s) Interface Alarm (s)

-- -- -- --
30 60 30 30
s1AlarmOffDelay x2AlarmOnDelay x2AlarmOffDelay boardSHTimes
Time Delay for S1 Time Delay for X2 Time Delay for X2
Interface Alarm Clear (s) Interface Alarm (s) Interface Alarm Clear (s) Board Self Healing Times
long:[0..900] long:[0..3600] long:[0..3600] long:[0..1000]
model default: 30 model default: 600 model default: 30 model default: 3
Time Delay for S1 Time Delay for X2 Time Delay for X2
Interface Alarm Clear (s) Interface Alarm (s) Interface Alarm Clear (s) Board Self Healing Times

-- -- -- --
30 600 30 3
PLMN List for RAN PLMN List for RAN PLMN List for RAN
Share Area In Dedicated Share Area In Dedicated Share Area In Dedicated
carrierShareAreaPlmnList carrierShareAreaPlmnList carrierShareAreaPlmnList
Carrier Mode_MCC for Carrier Mode_MNC for Carrier Mode_MCC for
boardSHInterval _broadcastMCC _broadcastMNC _primaryMCC
Broadcast PLMN of RAN Broadcast PLMN of RAN Primary PLMN of RAN
Board Self Healing Share Area In Dedicated Share Area In Dedicated Share Area In Dedicated
Interval (min) Carrier Mode Carrier Mode Carrier Mode
MCC for Broadcast MNC for Broadcast
model default: 20 stringArray:length[3] stringArray:length[2..3] stringArray:length[3]
PLMN of RAN Share PLMN of RAN Share MCC for Primary PLMN
Board Self Healing Area In Dedicated Carrier Area In Dedicated Carrier of RAN Share Area In
Interval (min) Mode Mode Dedicated Carrier Mode

-- -- -- --
HighSpeed Railway
PLMN List for RAN This parameter sets the Frequency HighSpeed Railway
Share Area In Dedicated scheduling ratio for CA Configuration_Band Frequency
carrierShareAreaPlmnList UEs and non-CA UEs in highRailwayFreq_freqBan highRailwayFreq_highRai
Carrier Mode_MNC for Indicator of the Configuration_Carrier
_primaryMNC fairSchdFactor
the downlink. A smaller Frequencies dInd lwayCarriFreq
Primary PLMN of RAN in a High- Frequency in a High-
Share Area In Dedicated parameter
Factor value
of CAindicates
Fair Speed Rail Private- Speed Rail Private-
Carrier Mode more scheduling
Scheduling Network Network (MHz)
double:[0..1] longArray:[1..5, 7..14,
opportunities for CA UEs. This parameter sets the
model default: 0.0 17..28, 30..76, 85, 87..88,
The value 0 indicates band indicator of the This parameter sets the
stringArray:length[2..3] step: 0.1 101] doubleArray:[0..6000]
MNC for Primary PLMN differentiated scheduling, frequencies in a high- carrier frequencies in a
of RAN Share Area In while the value 1 indicates speed rail private- high-speed rail private-
Dedicated Carrier Mode fair scheduling. network. network.

-- -- -- --
0.0 41 2605.0
highRailwayFreq_highSp highRailwayFreq_highSp highRailwayFreq_highSp highRailwayFreq_highSp
HighSpeed Railway HighSpeed Railway HighSpeed Railway HighSpeed Railway
eedRailwayPCI1 eedRailwayPCI2 eedRailwayPCI3 eedRailwayPCI4
Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency
Configuration_HighSpeed Configuration_HighSpeed Configuration_HighSpeed Configuration_HighSpeed
This parameter is used to
Railway PCI This parameter is used to
Railway PCI This parameter is used to
Railway PCI This parameter is used to
Railway PCI
configure the PCI of configure the PCI of configure the PCI of configure the PCI of
HighSpeed railway,means HighSpeed railway,means HighSpeed railway,means HighSpeed railway,means
longArray:[0..504] longArray:[0..504] longArray:[0..504] longArray:[0..504]
that PCIs of HighSpeed that PCIs of HighSpeed that PCIs of HighSpeed that PCIs of HighSpeed
Railway frequency are Railway frequency are Railway frequency are Railway frequency are
HighSpeed Railway cells. HighSpeed Railway cells. HighSpeed Railway cells. HighSpeed Railway cells.

-- -- -- --
504 504 504 504
highRailwayFreq_highSp highRailwayFreq_highSp highRailwayFreq_highSp highRailwayFreq_highSp
HighSpeed Railway HighSpeed Railway HighSpeed Railway HighSpeed Railway
eedRailwayPCI5 eedRailwayPCI6 eedRailwayPCI7 eedRailwayPCI8
Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency
Configuration_HighSpeed Configuration_HighSpeed Configuration_HighSpeed Configuration_HighSpeed
This parameter is used to
Railway PCI This parameter is used to
Railway PCI This parameter is used to
Railway PCI This parameter is used to
Railway PCI
configure the PCI of configure the PCI of configure the PCI of configure the PCI of
HighSpeed railway,means HighSpeed railway,means HighSpeed railway,means HighSpeed railway,means
longArray:[0..504] longArray:[0..504] longArray:[0..504] longArray:[0..504]
that PCIs of HighSpeed that PCIs of HighSpeed that PCIs of HighSpeed that PCIs of HighSpeed
Railway frequency are Railway frequency are Railway frequency are Railway frequency are
HighSpeed Railway cells. HighSpeed Railway cells. HighSpeed Railway cells. HighSpeed Railway cells.

-- -- -- --
504 504 504 504
highRailwayFreq_highSp highRailwayFreq_highSp highRailwayFreq_highSp highRailwayFreq_highSp
HighSpeed Railway HighSpeed Railway HighSpeed Railway HighSpeed Railway
eedRailwayPCI9 eedRailwayPCI10 eedRailwayPCI11 eedRailwayPCI12
Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency
Configuration_HighSpeed Configuration_HighSpeed Configuration_HighSpeed Configuration_HighSpeed
This parameter is used to
Railway PCI This parameter is used to
Railway PCI This parameter is used to
Railway PCI This parameter is used to
Railway PCI
configure the PCI of configure the PCI of configure the PCI of configure the PCI of
HighSpeed railway,means HighSpeed railway,means HighSpeed railway,means HighSpeed railway,means
longArray:[0..504] longArray:[0..504] longArray:[0..504] longArray:[0..504]
that PCIs of HighSpeed that PCIs of HighSpeed that PCIs of HighSpeed that PCIs of HighSpeed
Railway frequency are Railway frequency are Railway frequency are Railway frequency are
HighSpeed Railway cells. HighSpeed Railway cells. HighSpeed Railway cells. HighSpeed Railway cells.

-- -- -- --
504 504 504 504
highRailwayFreq_highSp highRailwayFreq_highSp highRailwayFreq_highSp highRailwayFreq_highSp
HighSpeed Railway HighSpeed Railway HighSpeed Railway HighSpeed Railway
eedRailwayPCI13 eedRailwayPCI14 eedRailwayPCI15 eedRailwayPCI16
Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency
Configuration_HighSpeed Configuration_HighSpeed Configuration_HighSpeed Configuration_HighSpeed
This parameter is used to
Railway PCI This parameter is used to
Railway PCI This parameter is used to
Railway PCI This parameter is used to
Railway PCI
configure the PCI of configure the PCI of configure the PCI of configure the PCI of
HighSpeed railway,means HighSpeed railway,means HighSpeed railway,means HighSpeed railway,means
longArray:[0..504] longArray:[0..504] longArray:[0..504] longArray:[0..504]
that PCIs of HighSpeed that PCIs of HighSpeed that PCIs of HighSpeed that PCIs of HighSpeed
Railway frequency are Railway frequency are Railway frequency are Railway frequency are
HighSpeed Railway cells. HighSpeed Railway cells. HighSpeed Railway cells. HighSpeed Railway cells.

-- -- -- --
504 504 504 504
highRailwayFreq_highSp highRailwayFreq_highSp highRailwayFreq_highSp highRailwayFreq_highSp
HighSpeed Railway HighSpeed Railway HighSpeed Railway HighSpeed Railway
eedRailwayPCI17 eedRailwayPCI18 eedRailwayPCI19 eedRailwayPCI20
Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency
Configuration_HighSpeed Configuration_HighSpeed Configuration_HighSpeed Configuration_HighSpeed
This parameter is used to
Railway PCI This parameter is used to
Railway PCI This parameter is used to
Railway PCI This parameter is used to
Railway PCI
configure the PCI of configure the PCI of configure the PCI of configure the PCI of
HighSpeed railway,means HighSpeed railway,means HighSpeed railway,means HighSpeed railway,means
longArray:[0..504] longArray:[0..504] longArray:[0..504] longArray:[0..504]
that PCIs of HighSpeed that PCIs of HighSpeed that PCIs of HighSpeed that PCIs of HighSpeed
Railway frequency are Railway frequency are Railway frequency are Railway frequency are
HighSpeed Railway cells. HighSpeed Railway cells. HighSpeed Railway cells. HighSpeed Railway cells.

-- -- -- --
504 504 504 504
illegalPlmn_mcc illegalPlmn_mnc echoReTxNum echoTimer
Illegal PLMN_MCC Illegal PLMN_MNC Retransmission Times Timer
GTP is used to
ECHO monitor
This parameter indicates This parameter indicates ECHO message, if
long:[3..10] long:[1..600]
the Mobile Country Code the Mobile Network Code The parameter defines response message is not
stringArray:length[3] stringArray:length[2..3] model default: 3 model default: 20
which is illegal. This which is illegal. This maximum retransmition received when Timer is
parameter is used for parameter is used for number of GTP ECHO expired, ECHO message
illegal PLMN scenarios. illegal PLMN scenarios. message. will be retrasmitted.

-- -- -- --
3 20
echoPeriod crossEnbDelayThrsh caNumPeriod scaUeSigCorrectSwch
The parameter is a soft
Threshold of
GTP Periodic ECHO Transmission Delay The Period of Monitoring recovery
Switch forterminal
Timer(min) between the eNBs(ms) CA User Number (s) signaling
double:[0.2..10] Open[1]
When inter-eNB switch, which is used for
long:[1..30] model default: 10.0 long:[1..65535]
This timer is used to transmission delay soft recovery function and
model default: 1 step: 0.1 model default: 10 model default: 0
determine an interval for exceeds the parameter This parameter determines is configured on the
sending Echo Request value, the inter-eNB CA the period for CA User network management
message. function is disabled. back off. side.

-- -- -- --
1 4.0 10 Close[0]
gtpuPktDscp volteQualityDetectPrd 1/16[4]
volteQualitySinrFilter overlapStaticPeriod
Volte Quality Detecting
The DSCP Value of Period (ms) (Used Before Sinr Filter Factor for This parameterCoverage
Overlapping indicates
GTPU Echo Message Version V3.80.30.00B83) Volte Quality Detecting the statistical
Statistics period
Period of
long:[10..60000] 1/128[7]
Volte quality will be overlap coverage. After
long:[0..63] model default: 1000 long:[1..60]
judged in period for all the end of each cycle,
model default: 46 step: 10 model default: 7 model default: 7
Ues in the cell, this UL SingleRBSinr filter statistical data is cleared
The Dscp value of GTPU parameter is set to controll factor for volte quality to start the next cycle
Echo message. period. detecting. statistics.

-- -- -- --
46 1000 1/128[7] 7
The parameter is a flag When the parameter is 0,
used to determine whether the existing method is This parameter sets the
or not to trigger the used.When the parameter duration of the timer for
control plane invoke a The caLoadPeriod is nothoDelayTimer forbidSrvccTimer
FDD Flag fortoDisposing Period for Getting 0, the voice service forbidding SRVCC-based
DRB RLC Error processing
Report Load of CA Neighbor and handover
Handover arrive
Delay at the
Timer handover.
Forbid WhenTimer
when the user plane
Switch Cells (s) same Voice
When time, after
(ms) establishes
(ms)a voice
indicates that DRB RLC processing the voice service, the eNodeB starts
long:[1..65535] long:[0..1000] long:[1..65535]
has exceeded the service to delay the this timer. During the
model default: 0 model default: 10 model default: 100 model default: 8000
maximum number of This parameter determines corresponding time in operation of the timer, the
retransmission. 0: close 1: the period for getting load processing, to ensure the UE cannot trigger an
open. of CA neighbor cells. smooth delivery of NAS. SRVCC-based handover.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 10 100 8000
ttiBundSinrInLowerLimit mit rnluOnCcSwch s1LinkFailStrategy
TTIBundling Sinr Lower TTIBundling MCS Lower
enum: enum:
Limit (Used Before Limit (Used Before
Close[0] Direct Release Ue[0]
Version V3.80.30.00B83) Version V3.80.30.00B83) This parameter
Switch enables
of Parallel Pdcpor S1 Link Fail Strategy
Open[1] Redirect Ue[1]
disables user plane
long:[-10..30] long:[0..28]
This parameter is mainly This parameter is mainly migration to the CC. If it
model default: 1 model default: 4 model default: 0 model default: 0
used to protect the used to protect the is set to Open, user plane
activate successful rate of activate successful rate of migration is enabled. Control ue behavior when
TTIB. TTIB. Effective when Cell Reset s1 link fail

-- -- -- --
1 4 Close[0] Redirect Ue[1]
This parameter indicates
the band set requested by
CA for the band function.
If the Requested Band
Switch for CA parameter Maximum Number of
cnAbilCallProSrvcc caReqBandSet
is set to Open, the UE maxReliaUeNum fgiFilterFuncSwch
UEs for Guaranteed
enum: longArray:[0..5, 7..14, enum:
The CN Ability of Call Capability
Requested Enquiry
Band Set for Migration in Software
No[0] 17..28, 30..76, 85, 87..88, Close[0]
Process SRVCC messageCA carries the Upgrade Switch for FGI Filtering
Yes[1] 101] Open[1]
Core network SRVCC requestedFrequencyBands This parameter indicates
model default: 0 long:[0..60000]
ability, in the process of -r11 IE and the IE the maximum number of This parameter indicates
model default: 0 example: 0 model default: 120 model default: 1
call from QCI1 can contains all the bands UEs for the guaranteed whether abnormal FGI
undertake SRVCC before configured by this migration during system configurations take effect
180Ringing. parameter. software upgrade. on the eNB.

-- -- -- --
No[0] 0 120 Open[1]
This parameter is a list of
the cooperation network. This parameter sets the
It used for CA Self This parameter is the energy detection threshold
configuration shift time. switch of the NB process of the LBT process for
Currently, only one and LTE process sharing LAA cells. If the energy
coperNetID x2SharedForNbLteSwitch lbtChannelAccessPriority energyDetectionThrsh
cooperation network is the same SCTP of a timeslot duration
4294967295] enum:
Cooperation that is, the first
Network ID association
Switch of NBfor and
If the This
LBTparameter sets the
Channel Access detected
LBT by the
Energy eNB is
model default: Close[0]
cooperationListnetwork ID is switchX2
Sharing is turned off
Association LBT channel
Priorityaccess smaller than the(dBm)
Threshold threshold,
4294967295;4294967295; Open[1]
configured, and the rest of (namely the parameter priority. The RRU uses the timeslot duration is
4294967295;4294967295; long:[1..4] long:[-100..0]
the configurations are value is Open), the NB different LBT parameters considered to be idle;
4294967295;4294967295 model default: 0 model default: 3 model default: -72
invalid. The current process and LTE process to execute CCA in otherwise, the timeslot
cooperation network ID is share the same SCTP accordance with different duration is considered to
the S9100 device ID. association for X2. channel access priorities. be busy.

-- -- -- --
4294967295;4294967295;4Close[0] 3 -72
This parameter indicates RAB is longer than this
the threshold of the delay parameter value, the
in initial E-RAB setup. If automatic log is reported.
the delay in initial E-RAB Background: The delay in
setup is longer than this the setup of newly added
parameter value, the E-RABs for the baseband
automatic log is reported addErabSetUpTimeDelay
is too long. Purpose:
rrbtReportPeriodUl ThislbtTrigDcsThrsh
parameter sets the to analyzeThres the reason for Through Thres
the adjustment
Threshold of the Setupof
LBT Detection Result LBT-based DCS Trigger
LBT-Based trigger the long delay
Threshold in E-RAB
of Initial E- the threshold
Delay of the
of Added delay
Reporting Period (min) threshold.
ThresholdIf(%)the setup Setup
RAB for theDelay
(ms) in the setup
(ms)of newly
probability of channels This parameter can be added E-RABs, the
long:[1..10] long:[0..100] long:[5..255] long:[5..255]
This parameter sets the being busy is larger than used to troubleshoot the automatic log can be
model default: 1 model default: 100 model default: 100 model default: 100
period of pRRU's the parameter value, the long delay in initial E- reported when the actual
reporting the LBT DCS process will be RAB setup for the delay exceeds this
detection result. triggered. baseband. threshold.

-- -- -- --
1 100 100 100
maximum number of maximum number of LTE cells that can be
uplink carriers for CA downlink carriers for CA configured as PCells or
band combinations. If the band combinations. If the SCells in 4G-5G dual
Switch for Specifying the Switch for Specifying the connectivity are located.
Maximum Number of Maximum Number of If 4G-5G dual
Carriers for CA Band Carriers for CA Band connectivity is enabled,
Combinations parameter Combinations parameter the UE Capability
This parameter
Maximum sets the
Channel iscaMaxUlCcNumInd
set to Open,
Maximum onlyofthe
Number UL iscaMaxDlCcNumInd
set to Open,
Maximum Numberonlyofthe
Enquiry message carries
Occupation channel in CA capability
Carriers for CAwith the
Band CA capability
Carriers for CAwith the
Band LTE Band Set the Requested
LBT duration
(ms) in number of uplink carriers
Combinations number of downlink
Combinations requestedFreqBandsNR-
for 4G-5G DC
10ms[10] longArray:[1..5, 7..14,
LBT. A larger parameter being less than or equal to carriers being less than or MRDC-r15 IE and the IE
long:[2..32] long:[2..32] 17..28, 30..76, 85, 87..88,
value indicates a longer this parameter value can equal to this parameter contains all the bands
model default: 10 model default: 32 model default: 32 101]
duration for which the be reported when a UE value can be reported configured by this
channel is occupied in the reports its radio when a UE reports its parameter. This parameter
LBT process. capability. radio capability. cannot be null.

-- -- -- --
10ms[10] 32 32
function, and it contains This parameter sets the
the band of all NR ps cells duration of the timer for
and NR scells; If the collecting statistics on
Requested Band set is power sharing load
used for nsa function, the between LTE carriers.
msg of When the power sharing This parameter sets the
UECapabilityEnquiry between LTE
Statistical carriers
Period foris update period of the
carry gnbIdLength lLPwrShareStatTimer
this timer is overlapRateUpdatePeriod
general Period
Dynamic Sharing Update of the
longArray:[1..3, 5, 7..8,
Request NR Band Set for started DL
Among and LTE
statistics on
Carriers coverage
General degree. At the
12, 20, 25, 28, 34, 38..41,
MR-DC and gNodeB ID Length (bit) cell load(s)
start to be end of each
Coverage period,
Degree the
50..51, 66, 70..71, 74,
requestedFreqBandsNR- collected. When the timer eNodeB updates the
77..79, 257..258, long:[22..32] long:[2..10] long:[1..90]
MRDC-r15 contains all This parameter sets the ID times out, cell load data calculated overlapping
260..261] model default: 24 model default: 4 model default: 7
band set about this length of the gNodeB collection stops and coverage degree to the
parameter. This parameter connected to the LTE power is allocated among neighbor cell list on the
cannot be null. system. cells. EMS.

-- -- -- --
22 4 7
This parameter sets the
threshold for the distance
difference used in
This parameter enables or neighbor cell coverage
iMEISVWhiteListEutraFr disables the self- This parameterSwitch
indicates relation self-
Special-Policy for Distance Difference
eqs shareCoverUpdateSwch
configuration of neighbor shareCoveSpcStgySwch
whether sCDistanceThrd
DL E-UTRAN Frequency Switch for Neighbor Cell NeighbortoCell
Coverage the configuration.
Threshold If the
of Neighbor
enum: enum:
List on the IMEISV cell coverage
Coverage relations.
Relation Self-If coverage relation
Relation Self- of distance
Cell difference
Coverage Relation
Close[0] Close[0]
Whitelist (MHz) it isconfiguration
set to Open, the neighbor cells by using a
configuration between the serving cell
Open[1] Open[1]
This parameter indicates neighbor cell coverage special policy. If it is set and a neighbor cell
the list of the downlink E- relations are updated to Open, special policies exceeds this threshold, the
doubleArray:[0..5000] model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
UTRAN frequencies based on the attributes of are used to update the coverage relation is
allowed by the IMEISV the serving cell and coverage relation of considered to be a
whitelist strategy. neighbor cells. neighbor cells. neighbor relation.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 0
This parameter sets the
threshold for the azimuth This parameter sets the
difference used in threshold for the beam
neighbor cell coverage width difference used in This parameter sets the
Azimuth self-
Difference neighbor
Beam cellDifference
Width coverage update period that is used
configuration. If the sCBeamWidthDiffThrd
relation shareCoverUpdatePeriod
Threshold of Neighbor Threshold of self-
Neighbor when the neighbor-cell
Update Period of
Cell difference
Coverage Relation configuration.
Cell CoverageIfRelation
the beam coverage
Neighbor relation update
Cell Coverage
between the serving cell
Self-Configuration width difference between
Self-Configuration function is enabled.
Relation (min)When
and a neighbor cell the serving cell and a the period expires, the
long:[0..120] long:[0..120] long:[0..65535]
exceeds this threshold, the neighbor cell exceeds this coverage relation of
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1440
coverage relation is threshold, the coverage neighbor cells is checked
considered to be a relation is considered to and incorrect coverage
neighbor relation. be a neighbor relation. relations are updated.

-- -- --
0 0 1440
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 S1Ap
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 S1Ap-6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 S1Ap
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 S1Ap-5
MME. If it is set to Non-
DCN, the MME belongs
to an non-DCN. If it is set
to DCN, the MME
belongs to a DCN, but
does not belong to the
default DCN. If it is set to
globalUniqueMmeId refSctp priority enum:
Default DCN, the MME
enum: Non-DCN[0]
belongs to the default
Master[0] DCN[1]
Global Unique MME ID Referenced SCTP S1 Priority DCN.Attribute
DCN This parameter
for MMEis
Backup[1] Default DCN[2]
immediately effective,
which means that it takes
string:length[0..950] string:length[0..400] model default: 0 model default: 0
effect immediately only
on the initially accessed
Global Unique MME ID Referenced SCTP S1 Priority UEs.

-- R-I,M -- --
TransportNetwork=2,Sctp=Master[0] Non-DCN[0]
TransportNetwork=2,Sctp=Master[0] Non-DCN[0]
TransportNetwork=2,Sctp=Master[0] Non-DCN[0]
TransportNetwork=2,Sctp=Master[0] Non-DCN[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --

Referenced SCTP


Referenced SCTP

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId cpId

This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[0..254]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Cell Portion Identity

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 0
PBridge devices, this
parameter is set to
Mergence mode (PB
Normal Mode[0]
Networking); otherwise, it
Combination mode[1]
This parameter sets is set to Mergence mode.
Mergence mode[2]
whether to enable the Mergence mode 2 means
Mergence mode(PB
dynamic baseband pool that more than one RFUs
dynBaseBandPoolSwch Networking)[3]
rfAppMode ref1SdrDeviceGroup enumArray:[0,
rRUGroupNo 1, 15]
function. If it is set to are logically merged into
enum: Mergence Mode 2[4] model default:
Close, the
Switch dynamic
of Dynamic a single RFU. The number
Close[0] Combination mode(PB 15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;
baseband pool function
BaseBand Pool is of
RFUuplink antennasMode
Application is the Used RRU RFU Group Number
Open[1] Networking)[5] 15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;
disabled. If it is set to sum of the antennas on all
Open, the dynamic the RFUs, but the number This parameter indicates
model default: 0 model default: 0 stringArray:length[0..400] 15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15
baseband pool function is of downlink antennas is the rack number of the
enabled. not accumulated. Used RRU merged RFU.
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- M --
Close[0] Normal Mode[0] Equipment=1,Rack=93,Sub15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;1
Close[0] Normal Mode[0] Equipment=1,Rack=91,Sub15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;1
Close[0] Normal Mode[0] Equipment=1,Rack=92,Sub15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;1
Close[0] Normal Mode[0] Equipment=1,Rack=92,Sub15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;1
Close[0] Normal Mode[0] Equipment=1,Rack=91,Sub15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;1
Close[0] Normal Mode[0] Equipment=1,Rack=93,Sub15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;1
Close[0] Normal Mode[0] Equipment=1,Rack=51,Sub15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;1
longArray:[0..1] longArray:[0..1] longArray:[0..1]
refRfDevice model default:
antMapDlSeq model default:
antMapUlSeq model default:
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Downlink Ant Configure Uplink Ant Configure
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
RF Port Object Bitmap Bitmap Up Active Ant Bitmap
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
This parameter is the
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
number of downlink This parameter is the
stringArray:length[0..400] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
antenna and the specific number of uplink antenna
antenna and the specific antenna Up Active Ant Bitmap
RF Port Object Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

M -- -- --
longArray:[0..3, 15]
model default:
enum: 15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;
BPL0[0] 15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;
refBpDevice BPL1[1]
bplType bplPort 15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;
BPN2[2] 15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;
Connected Baseband TheBPparameter setsofthe
Board Type Mapping of Antenna Port
BPQ2[3] 15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;
Device BPL board
Dynamic type of
Baseband Pool BPL Port and Antenna Channel
Invalid[255] 15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;
Dynamic Baseband
long:[0..2] 15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;
Pool,when Switch of
string:length[0..400] model default: 255 model default: 0 15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15
The Baseband Device for Dynamic BaseBand Pool
Cable Cascading is Open. BPL Port Mapping of Antenna Port
Connection. Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset and Antenna Channel

-- -- -- --
Equipment=1,Rack=1,SubRInvalid[255] 0 0;1;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;1
Equipment=1,Rack=1,SubRInvalid[255] 0 0;1;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;1
Equipment=1,Rack=1,SubRInvalid[255] 0 0;1;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;1
Equipment=1,Rack=1,SubRInvalid[255] 0 15;15;0;1;15;15;15;15;15;1
Equipment=1,Rack=1,SubRInvalid[255] 0 15;15;0;1;15;15;15;15;15;1
Equipment=1,Rack=1,SubRInvalid[255] 0 15;15;0;1;15;15;15;15;15;1
Equipment=1,Rack=1,SubRInvalid[255] 0 0;15;15;1;15;15;15;15;15;1
aasTiltUl aasTiltDl maxCPTransPwr cpTransPwr
Maximum Transmission
Uplink Tilt of AAS Downlink Tilt of AAS Power of Baseband Real Transmit Power of
(degree) (degree) Resources (dBm) BP Resource (dBm)
double:[-20..20] double:[-20..20] double:[0..60] double:[0..60]
model default: 0.0 model default: 0.0 model default: 60.0 model default: 0.0
Control the downlink This parameter sets the
step: 0.5 step: 0.5 step: 0.1 step: 0.1
Control the uplink carrier carrier tilt of AAS, that maximum transmit power The parameter indicates
tilt of AAS, that will will affect the coverage that can be used by a CP the transmit power of a
affect the coverage area. area. of a cell. CP in cell

-- -- -- --
0.0 0.0 49.0 48.9
0.0 0.0 49.0 48.9
0.0 0.0 49.0 48.9
0.0 0.0 49.0 48.9
0.0 0.0 49.0 48.9
0.0 0.0 49.0 48.9
0.0 0.0 46.0 45.9
cpSpeRefSigPwr rruCarrierNo 16[5]
cpTransTime dlTransInd
Adjustment Value for DL The Indicate
Indicate of of downlink
32[6] enum:
Referenced Signal Power CP Transmission Delay transmission,Default
Transmission Whether
64[7] Not Send[0]
of BPparameter
(dBm) ThisRRU
No the (Ts) value Send
is 1,which
or Notmeans
double:[-60..50] 128[8] Send[1]
the transmit power every RRU carrier number. It is This parameter is the the Downlink
model default: 12.0 long:[0..255]
resource element of cell- used to identify the carrier delay adjustment of transmission is work
step: 0.1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
specific reference signals numbers in dual-carrier downlink inter-CP properly.Downlink does
of servered CP. The unit scenarios. transmission. Only used not transmit just for
is dBm. Effective when Cell Reset under highway scenario. special cases of SuperCell

-- -- -- --
15.2 0 0[0] Send[1]
15.2 0 0[0] Send[1]
15.2 0 0[0] Send[1]
15.2 0 0[0] Send[1]
15.2 0 0[0] Send[1]
15.2 0 0[0] Send[1]
15.2 0 0[0] Send[1]
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 15]
Downward antenna index; This parameter sets When this switch is turned
model default:
n=15..22, denoting CSI- whether LTE cells share on, new BC weight is
RS port number) means baseband resources with generated in accordance
CSI-RS port n would be NB-IoT cells. If the with the new algorithm,
anttoCSIRSPortMap lnShareBB dynBCWeightSwitch
send var Downward
Mapping Between parameter is set to Open, and periodic round-robin
15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15; enum: enum:
Antenna m. and
Channels LTE cellsand
NB-IOT share baseband
LTE Share of the BCBC
Dynamic weight is
15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15; Close[0] Close[0]
CSI-RS Ports resources
Baseband with NB-IoT
Switch implemented to keep the
15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15; Open[1] Open[1]
15(m=0..7,denoting cells. If the parameter is balance among RSRPs
Downward antenna index) set to close, LTE cells do received by the CPE.
15;15;15;15;15;15 model default: 0 model default: 0
means no CSI-RS exists not share baseband When this switch is turned
on Downward antenna m. resources with NB-IoT off, BC weight configured
Effective when Cell Reset cells. in the OMC is used.

-- -- --
0;1;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;1Close[0] Close[0]
0;1;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;1Close[0] Close[0]
0;1;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;1Close[0] Close[0]
15;15;0;1;15;15;15;15;15;1Close[0] Close[0]
15;15;0;1;15;15;15;15;15;1Close[0] Close[0]
15;15;0;1;15;15;15;15;15;1Close[0] Close[0]
0;15;15;1;15;15;15;15;15;1Close[0] Close[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId sigResIdx

NE Name LDN MO ID Signaling Resource Index

This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..6]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string This parameter is used to
type and can be identify the sigalling
NE Name LDN configured as planned. resource index

R Primary Key R-I


Connected Board

Connected Board
Effective when Cell Reset

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId 0[0]
PS Paging Repeated
NE Name LDN MO ID Times
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed The parameter is used to
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string decide how many times
type and can be can be repeated for PS
NE Name LDN configured as planned. paging.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0[0]
The parameter is used to
determine BCCH
modification period:
BCCH modification
enum: enum: enum:
period = N * DRX cycle This parameter enables or
modificationPeriodCoeff 32 Radio Frames[0]
defaultPagingCycle 0[0]
cSPagRepeatTime pagingAdaptiveSwch
length for paging. BCCH disables paging parameter
4[1] 64 Radio Frames[1] 1[1] enum:
modification period must
BCCH Modification CS Paging Repeated self-adaption.
Switch forIfPaging
it is set to
8[2] 128 Radio Frames[2] 2[2] Close[0]
be multiple of DRX cycle When
Period UE is for
DRX Cycle in idle and
Paging Times Open, the
Parameter eNodeB
16[3] 256 Radio Frames[3] 4[3] Open[1]
length for paging in order DRX is used , UE will automatically adjusts the
to guarantee that UE in monitor P-RNTI at paging The parameter is used to paging capacity of cells
model default: 1 model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 0
idle can monitor system occasion each DRX cycle. decide how many times based on the number of
information change The parameter indicates can be repeated for CS S1 paging messages
message. the DRX cycle. paging. received.

-- -- -- --
4[1] 128 Radio Frames[2] 0[0] Close[0]
This parameter sets the
15 minutes[0]
threshold for paging
30 minutes[1]
capacity adjustment. If This parameter sets the
1 hour[2]
paging parameter self- period of time for
2 hours[3]
pagingNumStaPrd pagingCapacityPercent pagingAdaptivePrd pagingCapacityOptSwch
adaption is enabledfor
Ratio Threshold in a adjusting parameters
Period for Paging This parameter
Switch enables or
for Paging
4 hours[4] enum:
Time Window for Paging cell,Paging
the cellCapacity
adjusts the when paging
Parameter parameter
Self-Adaption disables
Capacitypaging capacity
6 hours[5] Close[0]
This parameter
Statisticssets the paging capacity based
Adjustment (%) on self-adaption
(day)is enabled. optimization
Based based
on Paging on
12 hours[6] Open[1]
time window for the number of paging At the end of the period, paging storms. If it is set
long:[1..100] long:[1..30]
obtaining the number of messages received and the the paging timing factor is to Open, the eNodeB
model default: 0 model default: 75 model default: 1 model default: 0
paging messages. It is product of this threshold adjusted based on the automatically detects
used for paging parameter and the cell paging collected number of paging storms and adjusts
self-adaptation. capacity. paging messages. the paging capacity.

-- -- -- --
15 minutes[0] 75 1 Close[0]
This parameter sets the
duration for paging storm
detection. If paging storm-
based paging capacity This parameter sets the
optimization is enabled in pagingStormEndPeriodNu
number of periods to end
a cell and the number of paging stormmdetection. If
Pagingmessages received Number
Storm Detection the number of paging
of Periods to End
by thePeriod
cell within
(s) this messages
Paging received
Storm by a
period is larger than the cell within consecutive N
threshold, the paging (this parameter value)
model default: 0 model default: 20
capacity is automatically periods is smaller than the
adjusted to the maximum threshold, it is considered
value. that a paging storm ends.

-- --
30s[0] 20
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId lcSwch
Load Management Switch
of Load Control
NE Name LDN MO ID SwitchAlgorithm
of load control
This parameter sets the algorithm in load
unique ID of the managed management, which
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string determine whether load
type and can be control algorithm is valid
NE Name LDN configured as planned. or not.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
This parameter is used to
judge loadofleveling
Threshold Inter-RATof
cellLoadLogSwitch gbrCompressLCSwch clbFreqNum interNeighborLoadThrdUl
Load Control Switch Number of Frequency to RAT neighbor
Neighbor cells
Cell in in
enum: enum:
Based on GBR uplink. When
Modify Cell Reselection Overload theUplink
State in load
Close[0] Close[0]
Switch of Cell Load Log Compression The Number of frequency, value of a RAT
Priority (%) neighbor
Open[1] Open[1]
Load control switch based which is selected to cell in uplink exceeds this
long:[1..128] long:[0..100]
on GBR compression, modify the UE-specific parameter, this cell can't
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 60
This switch determine which determine whether cell reselection priority for be used as candidate
whether output cell load the function is valid or not inter-freq Camp Load target cell in uplink for
log. in load control algorithm Balancing. RAT load balancing.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 1 1
This parameter is used to
judge loadofleveling
Threshold Inter-RATof
RAT neighbor cells prbDlovldThrd prbUlovldThrd prbDlrecoveryThrd
Neighbor Cell in in Threshold of Cell PRB Threshold of Cell PRB Threshold of Cell PRB
Downlink. When
Overload Statetheinload into Overload State in into Overload State in into Recovery State in
of a RAT (%)
neighbor Downlink (%) Uplink (%) Downlink (%)
cell in Downlink exceeds
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
this parameter, this cell This parameter is used to This parameter is used to This parameter is used to
model default: 60 model default: 90 model default: 90 model default: 80
can't be used as candidate judge whether the cell is judge whether the cell is judge whether the cell is
target cell in Downlink for PRB overload or not in PRB overload or not in PRB recovery or not in
RAT load balancing. this direction. this direction. this direction.

-- -- -- --
1 90 90 80
prbUlrecoveryThrd numDrpSvc onlyVoiceUserSwch 128[4]
Threshold of Cell PRB
enum: 256[5]
into Recovery State in Number of Service to Switch of Only Voice User's GERAN GBR
Close[0] 512[6]
Uplink (%) Drop This switch
Userdetermine Traffic Threshold (kbps)
Open[1] 1024[7]
whether only voice user If the total GBR traffic
long:[0..100] long:[1..10]
This parameter is used to The Number of service, can be load off from doesn't exceed this
model default: 80 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 1
judge whether the cell is which is selected to drop EUTRAN to GREAN, parameter, the user can be
PRB recovery or not in to reduce the load of Open stands for only load off from EUTRAN to
this direction. present cell. voice user. GERAN.

-- -- -- --
80 1 Close[0] 16[1]
Each element of array
indicates this QCI type of
traffic can be selected as
candidate or not. The
utranGBRTrafThrd valuelcTraffTypeInd
0 of array member redirectionSwch hwCLBSwch
256[5] enum: enum:
User's UTRAN GBR LC means be forbidden.
Traffic The
Type Selection Switch of Redirection Camp Load Balancing
512[6] Close[0] Close[0]
Traffic Threshold (kbps) value 1Indication
of array member Based on Load Switch of HW
1024[7] Open[1] Open[1]
If the total GBR traffic means be allowed. From
doesn't exceed this the first array member, This switch determine
model default: 4 model default: 0;1;1;1 model default: 0 model default: 0
parameter, the user can be each denotes QCI = 1, This switch determine whether HW Load is valid
load off from EUTRAN to QCI = 2, QCI = 3, QCI = whether redirection based or not for camp Load
UTRAN. 4. on load is valid or not. Balance.

-- -- -- --
128[4] 0;1;1;1 Close[0] Close[0]
Switch based on RRC Switch based on RRC Switch based on RRC
lbOverlapCoverageThrd Close[0]
ueAccessLBSwch ueAccessLBExeThrd ueAccessLBRelaThrd
Load Balancing Threshold User Access
Switch Basedfor
on Load
RRC User Access
Threshold Basedforon
RRC User Access
Relative for Load
Threshold Based
Blind HO[1]
of parameter
Neighbor Cellindicates
Overlap balancing,
User which
Access for Load balancing,
User which
Access for Load balancing,
on RRC which for
User Access
HO Based on
that the neighbor
Coverage Degreecell
(%)is determine whether load
Balancing determine whether load
Balancing determine whether load
Load Balancing
not a candidate target cell balancing algorithm is balancing algorithm is balancing algorithm is
long:[0..100] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
for load balancing when valid or not. Scheme of valid or not. Scheme of valid or not. Scheme of
model default: 40 model default: 0 model default: 100 model default: 20
its overlap coverage blind handover or scheme blind handover or scheme blind handover or scheme
degree is less than the based on measurement of based on measurement of based on measurement of
threshold. event can be selected. event can be selected. event can be selected.

-- -- -- --
40 Close[0] 100 20
The parameter represents than or equal to this than or equal to the later,
the eNB flow control parameter, or the ac- or the ac-BarringFactor
allowed setup QCI list. If BarringFactor reaches its reaches its low limit.
the parameter 'the switch low limit. While ,once the While ,once the CC
for eNB flow control CC hardware load is hardware load is lower
reject setup specified lower than their than their difference,the
ERABs ' set to 'Open', the difference,the launch of
Hardware Trigger launch ofHysteresis
Hardware the upwardof
enbFlowCtrlAllowQCI 512[9]
ngbrPRBFactor acbCpuThrsh acbCpuHys
eNB shall only allowd the upward
Threshold adjustment
of CC Boardof adjustment
CC of The
Board for ac-
setup dedicated
Flow Control Scale Factor for the ac-BarringFactor
for The Adjustmentbegins
of AC BarringFactor
of ACand
Allowed SetuptoQCI
the List NGBR PRB Usage and contiues
Barring untill the
Parameter CC
(%) contiuesParameter
Barring untill the CC
longArray:[0..255] Infinity[12]
parameter.Value 0 This parameter adjusts the hardwared load is greater hardwared load is greater
model default: long:[20..90] long:[0..10]
presents an invalid PRB usage of NGBR than or equal to this than or equal to the
1;5;7;0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 12 model default: 90 model default: 5
QCI,value 1 corresponds services, so that load parameter,or the ac- later,or the ac-
to QCI1, 2 to QCI2, and balancing can be triggered BarringFactor reaches the BarringFactor reaches the
so on. easily. upper limit of 1. upper limit of 1.

-- -- -- --
1;5;7;0;0;0;0;0;0 128[7] 90 5
This parameter enables or
disables the transferring of
Hardware Load information through the
Estimation Window of X2 interface.
Switch If it is set to
for Transferring
acbCpuLoadWin Open, PDCCH h load utraLteLdExchPeriod
CC Board for The PDCCH CCECCE Load
Adjustment of AC information
Information can beX2 This
Through parameter indicates
Barring Parameter (s) transferred through the X2
Interface the periodPeriod
Exchange of load
long:[10..1800] Open[1]
interface. If it is set to exchange between the
model default: 300 long:[1..65535]
Hardware load estimation Close, PDCCH CCE load UTRAN system and the
step: 10 model default: 1 model default: 60
window of CC board for information cannot be LTE system. It is a self-
the adjustment of AC transferred through the X2 adaptive SON UL
barring parameter. interface. adjustment parameter.

-- -- --
300 Open[1] 60
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
selects an encryption
algorithm that is
supported by both the
eNB and UE and has the
highest priority, in
accordance with the
parameter value and UE
NE_Name ldn moId encrypAlgPriority
security capability.
Encryption Algorithm
Priority (fromtheHigh
NE Name LDN MO ID supports EEA0
Low)by default.
This parameter sets the If the parameter value
string:length[1..255] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
unique ID of the managed does not include EEA0,
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 2;1;3;0
object. It is of the string the eNB considers the
type and can be priority of EEA0 the
NE Name LDN configured as planned. lowest.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 2;1;4;4
selects an integrity
protection algorithm that
is supported by both the
eNB and UE and has the
highest priority, in
accordance with the
parameter value and UE
security capability.
Integrity Protection
Priority (fromthe eNBto
supports EIA0
Low)by default.
If the parameter value
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
does not include EIA0,
model default: 2;1;3;0
the eNB considers the
priority of EIA0 the

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
The parameter indicates
whether the target
NE_Name ldn moId GERAN switchForNacc
support NACC.
If the target GERAN cell
NE Name LDN MO ID support NACC,
Switch LTE cell
for NACC
This parameter sets the can obtain basic
unique ID of the managed information of GERAN
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string cell via NACC and this
type and can be information can be send to
NE Name LDN configured as planned. UE during handover.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
switchUtranRim geranCellNum4R9Red utranCellNum4R9Red
Number of GERAN Cell Number of UTRAN Cell
Switch for UTRAN RIM for R9 Redirection for R9 Redirection
long:[1..32] long:[1..16]
model default: 0 model default: 8 model default: 8
This parameter is the This parameter is the
Number of GERAN cell Number of UTRAN cell
Switch for UTRAN Rim. for R9 Redirection. for R9 Redirection.

-- -- --
Close[0] 8 8
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId arpSegNum

NE Name LDN MO ID ARP Segment Number

This parameter sets the The parameter is the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..15]
unique ID of the managed number of ARP segment.
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 3
object. It is of the string By The parameter, eNB
type and can be can map ARP and QCI to
NE Name LDN configured as planned. other priority

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 3
arpThresh gbrDelaySegNum gbrDelayTh ngbrDelaySegNum
The number Number
of NGBRof
The Segment
The threshold of ARP The Number of Threshold Threshold for GBR Delay service PDB's
Threshold forsegment,
ARP By threshold,
Segment The
Threshold for number
Traffic Delay for Traffic Class (ms) The Service
number Delay
eNB can divide ARP to service PDB segment, For The threshold of GBR service PDB segment, For
longArray:[1..15] long:[1..15] longArray:[0..65535] long:[1..15]
some segments for GBR bearer, the PDB is service PDB, according to NGBR bearer, the PDB is
model default: 5;10 model default: 4 model default: 50;100;150 model default: 3
mapping priority, e.g. segmented according to ucGBRDelaySegNum, segmented according to
basic QoS priority and ucGBRDelaySegNum and eNB can get basic service ucNGBRDelaySegNum
application priority. awGBRDelayTh. priority by The parameter and awNGBRDelayTh.

-- -- -- --
5;10 4 50;100;150 3
ngbrDelayTh pktLsRtThrd4NGBR
The parameter determine preSchonQCISwch preSchQCINum
The Threshold for NGBR whether source
Packet Losscell set 'dl Switch for Pre-schedule
Rate Number of Pre-Scheduled
Traffic Delay (ms) forwarding' indication.If
Threshold Base on QCI QCIs
double:[0..1] Open[1]
packet loss rate threshold This parameter indicates
longArray:[0..65535] model default: 0.000001 long:[0..20]
The threshold of NGBR of service is less than this This Parameter is used to the number of QCIs to be
model default: 100;300 step: 1.0E-6 model default: 0 model default: 1
service PDB. eNB can get threshold,source cell enable or close the pre-scheduled when the
service basic prior by The doesn't set 'dl forwarding' function of pre-schedule ucPreSchonQCISwch
parameter. indication base on QCI. parameter is set to Open.

-- -- -- --
100;300 0.000001 Open[1] 2
qciPreSchParas_preSchQ qciPreSchParas_wVirBSR qciPreSchParas_virBSRS qciPreSchParas_virBSRS
Pre-schedule Pre-schedule Pre-schedule Pre-schedule
CIInd 4perQCI etInterval4perQCI etNum4perQCI
Configuration Base on Configuration Base on Configuration Base on Configuration Base on
This parameter
QCI_QCI Index to Be This parameter
QCI_Virtual BSR Per QCI_Virtual BSR Interval QCI_Number of Virtual
corresponds to the
Pre-Scheduled QCI (Byte) corresponds to the
Per QCI (ms) BSRs Configured Per QCI
Number of QCI for Pre- Number of QCI for Pre-
schedule parameter. It This parameter sets the schedule parameter. It This parameter sets the
longArray:[1..255] longArray:[2..9422] longArray:[1..255] longArray:[1..65535]
indicates the QCI indexes virtual BSR size that represents the virtual BSR number of virtual BSRs
that need to be pre- needs to be configured for interval configured for that need to be configured
scheduled. a QCI index. QCI index pre-scheduling. for a QCI index.

-- -- -- --
3;7 140;140 10;10 7;7
Downlink Small Packet
Delay Scheduled Downlink Small Packet
qciPreSchParas_preSchN qciPreSchParas_deyTim2
This parameter mallPacketAccumDelayT smallPacketAccumPara_s
Pre-schedule Pre-schedule QCI_The Cumulative Delay Scheduled
um4perQCI StarPresch4perQCI
corresponds Base hresh
to theon Delay of Downlink mallPacketAccumQCIInd
Configuration Base on Configuration Small QCI_The Downlink Small
QCI_Pre-Schedule Number of QCI
QCI_Virtual BSR forDelay
Pre- Packet Delay Scheduled Packet Delay Scheduled
Number for Per QCI schedule parameter.
Per QCI (ms) It (ms) QCI
indicates the QCI indexes
This parameter represents that need to be configured The parameter is the
longArray:[1..255] longArray:[0..2000] 65535] longArray:[0..255]
the number of UE for per with the delay time for Cumulative delay of The parameter is the QCI
QCI which reminded by virtual BSRs during pre- downlink small packet of downlink small packet
preSchQCIInd. scheduling. delay scheduled. delay scheduled.

-- -- -- --
2;2 0;0
RRC connected users'
number threshold,when
the switch of downlink
small packet delay
scheduling is open,we can The parameter is the The parameter is the
The parameter is the SE adjust whether the packet Accumulated low Accumulated high
threshold of downlink rrcNum4SmallPacketAcc
can be scheduled by smallPacketAccumLowTh
threshold of downlink smallPacketAccumHighT
threshold of downlink
The Accumulated Low The Accumulated High
small um the resh delay hresh delay
The SEpacket delayof
Threshold configuring small packet
Threshold small packet
of Downlink Threshold of Downlink
Downlink the
Small Packet Theparameter,when the
Cell RRC Connected scheduled BSR, when
Small Packet Delaythe scheduled BSR,when
Small Packet Delaythe
switch of downlink
Delay Scheduledsmall switch
Users' of uplink
Number small
Threshold switch of downlink
Scheduled small switch
BSR (byte) of downlink
Scheduled small
BSR (byte)
packet delay scheduling is packet delay scheduling is packet delay scheduling is packet delay scheduling is
long:[0..6000] long:[0..2000] long:[0..20000] long:[0..20000]
open,we can adjust open,we can adjust open,we can adjust open,we can adjust
model default: 1476 model default: 600 model default: 1239 model default: 2481
whether the packet can be whether the packet can be whether the packet can be whether the packet can be
scheduled by configuring scheduled by configuring scheduled by configuring scheduled by configuring
the parameter. the parameter. the parameter. the parameter.

-- -- -- --
1476 600 1239 2481
smallPacketAccumEnable smallPacketAccumQCINu
The Swch m specUETModeP1 specUETModeP2
Delaythe The Downlink Small The Transmission Mode The Transmission Mode
utilization rate for
Scheduling of PRB
The by Packet Delay Scheduled Switch Parameter1 of Switch Parameter2 of
Downlink the scheduling
Small Packet QCI Number Special UE Special UE
of the downlink small This parameter is the This parameter is the
long:[0..5] long:[0..28] long:[0..29]
packet.if the switch transmission mode switch transmission mode switch
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 12 model default: 12
open,the downlink small The parameter is the QCI parameter1 of special parameter2 of special
packet will be delayed of downlink small packet UE,which is used to 8 UE,which is used to 8
scheduled. delay scheduled number. antenna. antenna.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0 12 12
dscpRecogSwch dscpVideoSwch dscpVideoType dscpHTTPSwch
enum: enum: enum:
The Master Switch for The Switch for DSCP The Type of DSCP Video The Switch for DSCP
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
DSCP Identify Video Identify Identify HTTP Identify
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
The switch is used for The switch is used for
controlling DSCP video controlling DSCP HTTP
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 26 model default: 0
identify,It is valid only identify. It is valid only
Master switch for DSCP under the condition of the value of DSCP for under the condition of
Identify. dscpRecogSwch open. Video identify. dscpRecogSwch open.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 26 Close[0]
dscpHTTPType dscpImSwch dscpImType blackIPSwch
enum: enum:
The Type of DSCP HTTP The Switch for DSCP IM The Type of DSCP IM The Switch for IP
Close[0] Close[0]
Identify Identify Identify Blacklist Configration
Open[1] Open[1]
The switch is used for
long:[0..63] long:[0..63]
controlling DSCP IM
model default: 14 model default: 0 model default: 18 model default: 0
identify. It is valid only
the value of DSCP for under the condition of The value of DSCP for The switch for IP blacklist
HTTP identify. dscpRecogSwch open. IM identify. configration.

-- -- -- --
14 Close[0] 18 Close[0]
blackListIP blackListMask type1RBSaveRatioDl fFVIP
Ratio of Saved RB for The Scheduling Weight
union:[ipv4-address, ipv6-
IP Blacklist The Mask for IP Blacklist Type1 Allocation for VIP User
This parameter sets the
unionArray:[ipv4-address, model default: long:[0..100] long:[1..65535]
This parameter indicates scheduling weight of a
ipv6-address] model default: 15 model default: 1
the ratio of saved RB VIP user. It can be used
resources for Type1 for calculating the priority
IP Blacklist Mask for IP blacklist. allocation. of the same EMLP.

-- -- -- -- 10 1
This parameter sets the
EMLP index
corresponding to the QCI
for a VIP user. From the
first member of the one-
dimensional array, each
member respectively pdcchUsedRatioNonSimu
The Downlink PDCCH
denotes qCIeMLP4VIP
the corresponding pDCCHUsedRatioFDDUl lDl pDCCHUsedRatioTDDDl
Used Ratio in
Index in the
of Different The Ratio of Uplink The parameter sets the
Nonsimultaneous The Ratio of Downlink
following sequence:
QCI for VIP User PDCCH for FDD downlink PDCCH usage
Subframe PDCCH for TDD
QCI1, QCI2, QCI3, QCI4, ratio in non-simultaneous
model default: long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
QCI5, QCI6, QCI7, QCI8, subframes. It indicates the
2;4;3;5;1;6;7;8;9 model default: 25 model default: 60 model default: 40
and QCI9. The value of This parameter sets the downlink PDCCH usage The parameter sets the
each integer array member ratio of uplink PDCCH ratio in the subframes of downlink PDCCH usage
ranges from 1 to 16. for FDD. downlink transmission. ratio for TDD.

-- -- -- --
2;4;3;5;1;6;7;8;9 25 60 40
smallPackAccumDelThre sINR4SmallPacketAccum
This parameter sets the
pDCCHUsedRatioTDDUl pDCCHUsedRatioFDDDl shUl SINR Ul
threshold for of
The SINR Threshold
The Ratio of Uplink The Ratio of Downlink Delay of Uplink Small delayed scheduling
Uplink Small Packetof
PDCCH for TDD PDCCH for FDD This parameter
Packet sets the uplink
Scheduling(ms) smallScheduled
Delay packets. This
delay threshold for parameter is used to
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..2000] long:[-20..40]
delayed scheduling of control the range of UEs
model default: 60 model default: 50 model default: 80 model default: 13
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the uplink small packets. In for which delayed
uplink PDCCH usage ratio of downlink PDCCH this time the eNB cannot scheduling of uplink small
ratio for TDD. for FDD. schedule data packets. packets can be performed.

-- -- -- --
60 50 80 13
used in the scenarios that
are enabled even though
the system load is high. This parameter indicates
This parameter is an array how to merge the
and the pre-scheduling configured BSRs and the
functions corresponding remaining BSRsPre-
Type-Based of the
smallPackAccumSwch4U This parameter indicates typeBasedPreScheduling_
to Type-Based
the elementsPre-
are as typeBasedPreScheduling_
UE when the pre-
l arpCfgforEMC
the ARP of emergency preScheduleMode4Type
follows: [Type1 pre- preScheBSRMerge4Type
scheduling of a typefor
The Switch of Delayed Scheduling_Type-Based Mergence Method
This parameter
Scheduling is the
for Uplink ARPcalls configured by
of Emergency Calls scheduling, Type2
Pre-Scheduling pre-
Mode triggered. 0:{Max}:
Type-Based Pre- For
Close[0] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
delayed operators. By
Configured If the ARP
Operators scheduling, Type3 pre-
Selection the configured BSRs and
Open[1] 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
scheduling of uplink small value of a service for a scheduling, Type4 pre- the remaining BSRs, the
13, 14, 15]
packets. If the switch is UE is equal to this scheduling, Type5 pre- larger one is used. 1:
model default: 0 model default: 0;0 enumArray:[0, 1, 2] enumArray:[0, 1]
turned on, uplink small parameter value, the scheduling, Type6 pre- {Sum}: The result of the
packets will be delayed to service is an emergency scheduling, and Type7 configured BSRs plus the
be scheduled. call. pre-scheduling]. remaining BSRs is used.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Type-Based Pre-
Scheduling_Number of Type-Based Pre- Type-Based Pre-
parameter indicates typeBasedPreScheduling_ typeBasedPreScheduling_ typeBasedPreScheduling_
Pre- the Times That Virtual Scheduling_Interval of Scheduling_TB Size of
the delay in the startinofthe virBSRSetNum4Type
the BSRs virBSRSetInterval4Type virBSR4Type
Scheduling_Delay Are Allocated After Virtual BSR Allocation Virtual BSRs Allocated
Start of a type.
of Type-Based Pre- Type-Based Pre- After Type-Based Pre- After Type-Based Pre-
When a service(ms)
Scheduling type is This parameter indicates
Scheduling Scheduling (ms) Scheduling (Bytes)
received from the user the total number of the This parameter indicates This parameter indicates
plane, the pre-scheduling times that virtual BSRs how often virtual BSRs the TB size of the virtual
longArray:[0..100] longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..100] longArray:[2..1024]
procedure is triggered are allocated after the pre- are allocated after the pre- BSRs that are allocated
after a configured period scheduling of a type is scheduling of a type is after the pre-scheduling of
of time. triggered. triggered. a type is triggered.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1;1;1 10;10;10;10;10;10;10 4;4;4;4;4;4;4
This parameter indicates
the ratio of PDCCH This parameter sets the
power sharing. The prefix length of an IPv6
Type-Based Pre- actually available shared address on the blacklist. If
typeBasedPreScheduling_ PDCCH power is the IP address of the
preSchNum4Type pdcchDeltaPowerRadio blackListIpv6PrefixLen enum:
Number of Users for calculated based on the server matches this IP
Type-Based Pre- shared Power
Sharing address
Prefix and meets
Length the
of an IPv6 This parameter
Type sets the
of the Blacklisted
This parameter indicates
Scheduling obtained from
Ratiothe CCM IPv6 prefix
Address on the length
Blacklist type of to
Packets theBeblacklisted
double:[0..1] TCP[2]
that maximum number of multiplied by this requirement, the packets packets to be discarded.
model default: 0.5 long:[1..128]
users for which virtual parameter. The shared of the concerned service The packets whose IP
longArray:[1..32] step: 0.1 model default: 128 model default: 0
BSRs are allocated during PDCCH power (in dB) is are discarded according to addresses are on the
the pre-scheduling of each transmitted to the the rules configured by blacklist are discarded by
type. baseband. the IP blacklist. discard type.

-- -- -- --
10;10;10;10;10;10;10 0.5 128 UDP[1]
This parameter sets the This parameter enables or
Disables Pre-scheduling
ratio of the blacklisted disables pre-scheduling
blackListDiscardPktMinL blackListDiscardPktMaxL For All the Users[0]
packets to be discarded. and determines the target
blackListDiscardRate en en Enables Pre-scheduling
The packets whose IP Minimum Length of the Maximum Length of the userspreSchd4SPID
of pre-scheduling.
Only for SPID Users[1]
Ratio of the are on the
Blacklisted This parameter
Blacklisted setstothe
Packets Be This parameter
Blacklisted setstothe
Packets Be Where,
Target0: User
Enables Pre-scheduling
Packets Be randomly
Discarded minimum length of the
Discarded maximum length of the
Discarded scheduling
Schedulingfor all the
For All the Users[2]
discarded by this ratio. blacklisted packet to be blacklisted packet to be users. 1: enables pre-
long:[1..20] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
For example, if this discarded. The packets discarded. The packets scheduling only for SPID
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 65535 model default: 0
parameter is set to x, one whose IP addresses are on whose IP addresses are on users. 2: enables pre-
packet out of x packets is the blacklist are discarded the blacklist are discarded scheduling for all the
discarded. by packet length. by packet length. users.

-- -- -- --
1 0 65535 Enables Pre-scheduling For
optimization pre-
scheduling. It determines
how often a Type6 UE
This parameter enables or with the general QoS is
disables smart scheduled. If this
optimization pre- parameter is set to a
scheduling. It is used to smaller value, the
This parameter indicates preScheSwitch4SMT
control the pre-scheduling preScheIntval4SMT
requirements of this type
Switch for Smart
This parameter
Extended indicates
QCI Mapping that whenQCI
Extended the extended
Mapping of the Type6 UEs Pre-
Optimization with the of UEOptimization
Smart can be met inPre-
extended QCI of
of the
GBRGBR bearer is
Bearer general QoS. If this
scheduling more timelyInterval
scheduling manner.(ms)
If it
QCI of the NGBR is not not configured on the parameter is set to Open, is not necessary to meet
long:[5..9] long:[1..4] long:[1..20]
configured on the EMS, EMS, the extended QCI the user perception can be the requirements of this
model default: 9 model default: 4 model default: 0 model default: 10
the extended QCI will be will be processed improved. If it is set to type of UE immediately,
processed according to the according to the Close, it does not work on this parameter can be set
configured standard QCI. configured standard QCI. the user perception. to a larger value.

-- -- -- --
9 4 Open[1] 5
Type6 UEs with the do not enter sleeping
general QoS. If it is not state. (1) It increase UL
necessary to allocate more scheduling opportunities, This parameter sets the
virtual BSR resources to thus improving the byte size of the virtual
this type of UE, this PDCCH utilization, UL BSR set for DRX
Close Preschedule[0]
parameter is set to a AMC convergence offloading optimization.
Open Preschedule and
smaller value. If it is accuracy, and neighbor To make UEs report a
preScheBSR4SMT Take BSR as Special
preScheSwitch4DRX preScheBSR4DRX
necessary to allocate more cell NI. (2) It reduces the packet of PUSCH data,
Smart BSR resources Pre-to timeDRXduring which UEs
Offloading set this
DRX parameter to 9. If
Open Preschedule and
this type ofSize
scheduling UE,(Byte)
this are in DRX sleeping state,
Optimization there are BSR
Optimization special
Take BSR as Real BSR[2]
parameter is set to a larger thus increasing the power requirements and more
long:[2..9422] long:[9..255]
value. In this case, consumption of UEs. (3) resources need to be
model default: 4 model default: 0 model default: 9
however, less BSR It may increase the allocated to UEs, you can
resources can be allocated number of active UEs in set this parameter to a
to the UEs of other types. the cell. greater value.

-- -- --
60 Close Preschedule[0] 9
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
Upon detecting radio link
problems, the UE shall
start T310_UE. Upon
receiving N311 _UE
consecutive in-sync
indications from lower
layers, upon triggering the
NE_Name ldn moId 200[3]
Timer procedure
for UE and
to Monitor
upon initiating
Radio the
Link Failure
NE Name LDN MO ID connection(ms)
(T310_UE) re-
This parameter sets the establishment procedure.
unique ID of the managed If security is not activated:
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 6
object. It is of the string go to RRC_IDLE else:
type and can be initiate the connection re-
NE Name LDN configured as planned. establishment procedure

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 2000[6]
the time length for UE RRCConnectionSetup or establishment response.
switch to idle upon RRCConnectionReject;2. UE shall start T301 after
enum: enum:
initiating the RRC cell re-selection occurred; RRC Connection
enum: 100[0] 100[0]
connection re- 3. UE NAS layer Reestabilshment Request The parameter indicates
1000[0] 200[1] 200[1]
establishment procedure. terminated RRC message is the time length for UE to
3000[1] 300[2] 300[2]
Upon initiating the RRC connection establishment transmitted.When UE wait for RRC connection
5000[2] 400[3] 400[3]
connection re- procedure;When T300 FDDreceives
UE to request retry after
t311_Ue 600[4]
t300 600[4]
t301 t302 RRC
Timer for UE to procedure,
Monitor expires,
Timer forUE
to Wait for WaitConnection
for RRC Re- Timerreception
for UEofto Wait for
15000[4] 1000[5] 1000[5]
UE starts
Radio this
Link timer.toWhen
Failure Idle MAC2.release the MAC
RRC Connection Reestablishment or RRC
Connection Response connection reject. When
RRC Re-Connection
20000[5] 1500[6] 1500[6]
selection of a suitable
(T311_UE) (ms) E- configuration
Response (T300)3.re-
(ms) Connection
(T301) (ms) UE receives
Request RRC
(T302) (s)
30000[6] 2000[7] 2000[7]
UTRA cell or a cell using establish RLC for all RBs Reestablishment Reject connection reject, UE will
another RAT, UE stops that are established, and message, UE shall stop start Timer (T302). When
model default: 2 model default: 7 model default: 7 model default: 3
this timer. When timer is inform upper layers about this timer.When Timer is T302 expires, UE will
expired, UE switches to the failure of establish the expired, UE switches to retry RRC connection
IDLE. RRC connection. IDLE. request

-- -- -- --
5000[2] 2000[7] 2000[7] 3
Info or inherited from
another RAT is valid.
enum: enum: enum: 1[0]
When T320 expires, the
50[0] 100[0] 5[0] 2[1]
During the handover from Cell re-selection priority
100[1] 200[1] 10[1] 3[2]
During the intra LTE LTE to GERAN via CCO, provided by the
150[2] 500[2] 20[2] 4[3]
handover, when UE when UE receives idleModeMobilityControl Maximum Number of
t304 1000[3]
t304_Cco 30[3]
t320 6[4]
FDD Timerhandover handover
for UE to Timer command,
for UE to WaitUE
for Info or inherited from Downlink Out-Of-
500[4] 2000[4] 60[4] 8[5]
command, UE will start
Wait for Successful will start T304.
Successful If
Handover another RAT
Priority is invalid,
Timer for Cellue Synchronization
1000[5] 4000[5] 120[5] 10[6]
T304. If handover
Handover (T304) (ms) is handover is successful,
(T304_Cco) (ms) should apply
Reselection the cell
(T320) (min) Indications (N310_UE)
2000[6] 8000[6] 180[6] 20[7]
successful, UE will stop UE will stop T304. If reselection priority The parameter indicates
T304. If T304 expired, T304 expired, UE will information broadcast in maximum number of
model default: 6 model default: 5 model default: 0 model default: 4
UE will start T311 and start T311 and perform re- the system information. consecutive out-of-sync
perform re-establishment establishment on the 'best The parameter is the indications received from
on the 'best cell'. cell'. mobility parameter in idle. lower layers.

-- -- -- --
2000[6] 4000[5] 5[0] 6[4]
2day12hr[53] 2day12hr[53]
party and the called party
3day[54] 3day[54]
to Idle state during a voice
enum: 4day[55] 4day[55]
call or on-hook procedure.
1[0] 5day[56] 5day[56]
It is started when a voice
2[1] 7day[57] 7day[57]
call is initiated. When a
3[2] 10day[58] 10day[58]
Maximum Number of voice call is hung up, this
4[3] 14day[59] 14day[59]
Downlink timer is also started if the
n311 19day[60]
tUserInac 19day[60]
tUserInacforMobile tUserInacVoLTE
Synchronization GlobalVolteLTE.
6[5] 24day[61] 24day[61]
Indications Received By User-Inactivity Timer on User-Inactivity Timer for DelayUserInacSwch
User Inactive Timer for
8[6] 30day[62] 30day[62]
UE (N311) Control Panel Mobile parameter is set(s)
VoLTE to Open.
10[7] MoreThan30day[63] MoreThan30day[63]
The parameter indicates After the timer expires,
maximum number of the calling party and the
model default: 0 model default: 5 model default: 12 model default: 60
consecutive in-sync This timer defines the This parameter indicates called party enter the User
indications received from interval during which UE User-inactivity timer for Inactive decision
lower layers. is in inactivity state Mobile. procedure.

-- -- -- --
1[0] 5s[3] 5s[3] 60
Upon receiving a cell Upon receiving a cell
reselection priority reselection priority
message, the UE starts message, the UE starts
enum: enum:
T320. When T320 is T320. When T320 is
5[0] 5[0]
running, the cell running, the cell
10[1] 10[1]
reselection priority carried reselection priority carried
20[2] 20[2]
in the dedicated message in the dedicated message
endcAnchorImmciT320 30[3]
is valid. When T320 is valid.
Timer forWhen T320
60[4] 60[4]
Timeexpires, the cell
for EN-DC Anchor expires,ofthe
120[5] 120[5]
IMMCI (T320)priority(min)
carried reselection
180[6] 180[6]
in the dedicated message in the dedicated message
is invalid. This parameter is invalid. This parameter
model default: 0 model default: 0
is a mobility control is a mobility control
parameter for the UEs in parameter for the UEs in
Idle state. idle state.

-- --
5[0] 5[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
This parameter is used to
determine whether intra-
eNodeB handover is
needed or not. When the
switch is set to Open, it is
allowed for UE to
NE_Name ldn moId swicthForHoPartCac
handover to target cell if
there is one
Partial service offorUE
NE Name LDN MO ID is accepted. When
Intra-eNodeB the
This parameter sets the switch is set to Close, it is
unique ID of the managed allows for UE to handover
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string to target call only all the
type and can be services of UE is
NE Name LDN configured as planned. accepted.

R Primary Key --
1 Close[0]
value Close shows that
ICIC for uplink is close
and base stations use the
same frequency for
networking, the value
Static shows that ICIC for
uplink is statical and the
division of frequency
Base Station Uplink TheswichForCpuAC
parameter indicates switchForUserInactivity etwsSwitch
Static[1] enum: enum: enum:
resource is Division
Frequency decided whether open CPU
CPU Usage usage
Dynamic[2] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
statically, the value
Selection rateControl
based admission
Switch User-Inactivity Enabled Switch of ETWS
Reserved[3] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
Dynamic shows that ICIC control or not. close: The
for uplink is dynamic and CPU usage rate based The parameter is used to
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 1
the division of frequency admission is closed; open: determine whether or not
resource is decided The CPU usage rate based to enable UE inactivity
dynamically. admission is open function Switch of ETWS

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1] Open[1]
enablePaIVDA cnUbFtpEnable cnUbFtpAddr ueRecordIdSwitch
enum: enum: enum:
The parameter
Enable PA Inputindicates
Voltage FTP Enable of CN UBAS FTP Address of CN UE Call Record ID
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Dynamicor Adjustment
not to enable Server UBAS Server Switch
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
RU PA input voltage The parameter indicates
union:[ipv4-address, ipv6-
dynamic adjust. If it is set The parameter is the whether or not to enable
model default: 0 model default: 0 address] model default: 0
to Open, the funtion falls function switch of FTP UE call record ID
into SON energy saving from eNodeB to CN The parameter is the IP transfering in handover
funtion UBAS. address of CN UBAS. process.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
cmasSwch periodicANRSwitch manageBasedMdtSwch signalBasedMdtSwch
Support Management
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Based MDT Function Support Signaling Based
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
CMAS Sending Switch the switch
Switch of periodic
of Periodic ANR Switch MDT Function Switch
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
ANR. If it is set to Open,
the periodic ANR is The parameter indicates The parameter indicates
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
The parameter is applied enabled, if it is set to whether or not to support whether or not to support
to forbidden the CMAS Close, the periodic ANR enable Management enable Signaling Based
function . is disabled. Based MDT function MDT function

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
erabSwitch cCOSwitch glPsHoSwitch clPsHoSwitch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
The Switch of 8 DRB for
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
a UE CCO Function Switch GL PS Handover Switch CL PS Handover Switch
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
The parameter is the
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1
The parameter is the switch of PS handover The parameter is the
switch of 8 DRB for a The parameter is the between GERAN and switch of PS handover
UE. switch of CCO. LTE. between CDMA and LTE.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
spidSwitch fddTddHoSwitch utranSrvccSwitch gsmSrvccSwitch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
FDD and TDD Handover
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
SPID Strategy Switch Switch UL SRVCC Switch GL SRVCC Switch
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
The parameter is the The parameter is the
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1
The parameter is the switch of SRVCC switch of SRVCC
The parameter is the switch of PS handover between LTE and between LTE and
switch of SPID Strategy. between FDD and TDD. UTRAN GERAN

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Open[1]
cdmaSrvccSwitch gsmCsfbSwitch cdmCsfbSwitch utranLBSwch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
UL Load Balancing
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
CL SRVCC Switch GL CSFB Switch CL CSFB Switch Switch
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
The parameter is the
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0
The parameter is the The parameter is the The parameter is the switch of Load Balancing
switch of SRVCC switch of CSFB between switch of CSFB between between LTE and
between LTE and CDMA LTE and GERAN. LTE and CDMA UTRAN

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Close[0]
gsmLBSwch extendedQCISwitch tcpOrderEnable tcpFluidCtrlSwch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
GL Load Balancing
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Switch Extended QCI Switch TCP Reordering Switch TCP Fluid Control Switch
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
After enable the function,
The parameter is the reorder the tcp packets by
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0
switch of Load Balancing the seq-num. The function
between LTE and The parameter is the will affect the cpu Whether open the eNB
GERAN switch of Extended QCI. utilization ratio a few. TCP flow control function

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
disables MTC access
restriction. If it is set to
The switch of reporting Open, (1) the access of an
PCI conflict or confusion MTC terminal is restricted
alarm. If this switch is based on the overload
open, when the PCI indication of the MME;
conflict or confusion is (2) the eNodeB sends an
detected, the eNB will enableMroAlarm swchOfMtcACRest
extendedWaitTime field macro2SmallPingPSwch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
report PCI
Reporting PCIconflict or or
Conflict This
The parameter
Switch is the
of Reporting toSwitch
the MTC terminal
of MTC ACin Macro and Small Cell
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Confusion alarm Switch
to the switchMRO
of reporting
Alarm MRO the case of admission
Restriction Pingpong Restrain Switch
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
OMC.After the PCI alarms. If this parameter failures or MME
conflict or confusion is sets as Open, when an overload, instructing the This parameter is used to
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
resolved, the eNB will MRO fault is detected, the terminal to send NAS indicate whether open
report alarm removal eNodeB will report the signaling after a period of pingpong detect between
information to the OMC. MRO alarm to the OMC. time. Macro and small cell

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
PLMN is different from controlling CC board
that of the UE. If this CPU load running in safe
parameter is set to Open, range.Switch Off: the CC
the UE can be handed Open: Discarded coming board not handle the call
over or redirected to the warning message, but traffic control in high
2G, 3G, or 4G cell whose send response message to traffic. It may cause CPU
Using the Mode of RRC
serving PLMN is different MME.,when overload, causing the base
interPlmnHOSwch compJESwchUL etwsRepetitionCheck Control and Monitoring
from that of the UE. If SerialNumber and station to restart the cell
enum: enum: enum: Tools Control[1]
this parameter
Inter-PLMN is set to
Handover MessageIdentifier
Repetition Check out of service
Switch of CPUandLoad
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Using the Mode of RRC
Close, the UE cannot be
Switch UL COMP JE Switch coming Switch
Write-Replace anomalies.Switch
Control On: CC
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Control Only[2]
handed over or redirected Warning Request the plate handling calls by
to the 2G, 3G, or 4G cell same as broadcasting controlling the volume of
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
whose serving PLMN is nowClose: Always business to achieve the
different from that of the broadcast new coming CPU load control in a safe
UE. UL COMP JE Switch message range.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Using the Mode of RRC Con
1xRTT CS fallback from
E-UTRAN to CDMA2000 This parameter enables or
can be performed.3)Select disables RAN sharing. If
asynchronousSystemTime it is set to 0, RAN sharing
, which means, if there is is disabled. If it is set to 1,
enum: RAN Sharing Carrier
some drift in the timing RAN sharing is enabled
Close[0] Mode[1]
between E UTRA and and common wireless
Synchronous System
sib8SysTimeSwch RANranSharSwch
Dedicated Carrier userStateTransSwch ulCOMPCloudIrcSwch
CDMA2000,the service of carriers are shared. If it is
Time[1] Mode[2] enum: enum:
Switch cell re-
for System Time set to 2, RAN sharing is Switch for User State UL COMP CloudIrc
Asynchronous System RAN Mixed Carrier Close[0] Close[0]
Sending UE
in SIB8 enabled and dedicated
RAN Sharing Switch Transfer Switch
Time[2] Mode[3] Open[1] Open[1]
measurement based wireless carriers are
redirection and enhanced shared. If it is set to 3,
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
1xRTT CS fallback from RAN sharing is enabled
E-UTRAN to CDMA2000 and hybrid wireless Switch for User State UL COMP CloudIrc
can be performed. carriers are shared. Transfer, 0: close 1: open Switch

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
If the switch is set to
open, after eNB receive
X2 configuration update
message, eNB will update
If the indication is Open, neighbor information
x2PassProcSwch tmsiCodecSwch utranCsfbSwch x2UpdateOMCSwch
TheThe passive
Switch of X2eNB
Self- which stored in eNB and
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Setupprocesses TNL
TNL Interactive The parameter
Track Codec notifyof
Switch OMC update
Notify OMC
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
requestment for X2 self-
Control Codec control
SwitchSwitch, UL CSFB Switch neighbor
Based on information
X2 Updateby
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
setup. If the indication is Tracking for TMSI, messages. If the switch is
Close, The passive eNB During TMSI tracking set to close, eNB will only
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
doesn't process TNL configuration. TMSI The parameter is the update the neighbor
requestment for X2 self- tracking configuration is switch of CSFB between information stored in
setup open, Otherwise Close. LTE and UTRAN. eNB.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Close[0] Open[1] Close[0]
set value 2:Context Fetch,
the eNB will open the
feature of Context Fetch,
which is an added feature
in TS36.300 V12.3.0; if The parameter is the
ZTE inter-eNB
the user set value switch for RLF KPI E-
3:Context Fetch RAB Drop Report, and is
uldlFtpSwch Context Fetch[2]
interEnbReestabSwch rlfKpiReportSwch psHoSwchUL
Switch for Up-ftp and Complatible with ZTE used to Open/Close the
enum: Context Fetch Compatible enum:
Down-ftp Transmitting at inter-eNB SRS stubfor
Switch card,
Close[0] with ZTE inter-eNB Close[0]
The Same Time Reestablishment,
Switch for Context theFetch
HARQ FAIL, UL PS Handover Switch
Open[1] Reestablishment[3] Open[1]
will open the feature of MSG0 no response E-
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 4, 8]
Context Fetch witch is RAB Drop KPI Report.0 The parameter is the
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1;2;4;8 model default: 1
Switch for Up-ftp and compatible with ZTE is used to close all, if 0 is switch of PS Handover
Down-ftp transmitting at inter-eNB configured, can't config between LTE and
the same time Reestablishment. others UTRAN.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] ZTE inter-eNB Reestablish0 Open[1]
different PLMNs; when frequency in 'Frequency
ucPriBasedPLMNSwch is Priority Based
Close, the QoS Basic PLMN'(Downlink Center
Priority, ARP factor, Carrier Frequency in
UL/DL service priory 'Frequency Priority Based
level and UL/DL service PLMN'), the new
factor for all UE not access/handover-in user
according to PLMN mfbiSwchis the
The for
parameter hoBaseFreqPriSwch
will be handover tcpProxySwch
Switch for QoS Switch MFBI(Multiple Handover Switch to the
enum: enum: enum: enum:
taken as switch for MFBI
Frequency Band high priority
Frequency frequency
Priority with Switch for TCP Proxy
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
QoS Basic Priority,ARP (MultipleIndicator)
PLMN Frequency Band according
PLMNto the Function
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
factor, UL/DL service Indicator) feature, and is configurataion based
priory level and UL/DL used to Open/Close the PLMN(Downlink Center
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
service factor MFBI feature of the eNB Carrier Frequency in
corresponding to the according to the demand 'Frequency Priority Based Switch for TCP Proxy
global PLMN. of operator. PLMN'). Function

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Open[1]
PLMN in RAN Share In
Dedicated Carrier Mode.
When the switch is open,
if the PLMN of ECGI that
reported by UE is
included in
aucRanSharMCC and
Switch for Replacing
tcpAckSplitSwch h
aucRanSharMNC, eNB uRIMGetLBInfoSwch fairSchdSwch
PLMN in RAN Share Switch for Getting Load
enum: enum: enum: enum:
will replace
Switch for DL Tcp Ack Area the PLMN
In Dedicated of
Carrier Information by UTRAN Switch of CA Fair
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Split ECGI with the primary
Mode RIM Schedule
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
PLMN of eNB. The new
ECGI is used to identify This parameter indicates If this switch is opened,
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
neighbor cell. When the whether support getting CA UE use fair
Switch for DL Tcp Ack switch is close, eNB won't load information by scheduling,else use
Split. replace the PLMN. UTRAN RIM. Differentiation scheduling

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
ICS module. If it is set to
Support MagicRadio DBE
Support MagicRadio
Through CSON[1] enum:
GLCSS, spectrum is
Support MagicRadio DBE No delete[0]
shared between GSM and
Through iCS[2] Delete Only When Private
LTE systems. If it is set to
Support MagicRadio IE Indicates Configuration
Support MagicRadio UL The parameter represents
GLCSS[3] Deleted[1]
DCE, carrier frequencies Switch for Neighbour Cell the switch for Uplink Data
Support MagicRadio UL
magicRadioModeSwch rtpOrderEnable Delete When Private IE
x2AdjCellDelSwch ulDataCompSwch
are automatically Deleting When X2 Update Compression(UDC), and
DCE[4] enum: Indicates Configuration enum:
expanded between GSM Switch The download RTP
of Rtp Ordering Message Includes Served isSwitch
used tofor
Open/Close the
Uplink Data
Support MagicRadio Close[0] Deleted or Private IE Not Close[0]
and LTE systems.
MagicRadio If it is
Switch packetFunction
may be out of The parameter indicates
Cell Deleted Uplink Data
ULCSS[5] Open[1] Exist[2] Open[1]
set to Support order because the CN, this whether delete the Compression(UDC)
MagicRadio ULCSS, will cause the MOS neighbour cell when function of the eNB
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0
spectrum is shared decreased, so the eNB can receives X2 update according to the demand
between UMTS and LTE do some reordering message including served of operator.
systems. function. cell delete Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] Delete Only When Private IOpen[1]
interFHOBaseVOIPSwch fddTddCaSwch interBandFddCaSwch inBandContFddCaSwch
This parameter is the
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Handover Switch Base Switch for CA between This parameter
Switch for Inter isBand
the switch
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
If the switch open, eNodB
VOIP FDD and TDD switch for
2CC theCA
inter-band continuous
Continuous 2-carrier
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
will consider adjacent cell 2-carrier CA function. It function. It needs to be set
VOIP capacity when Intra needs to be set to Open to Open when it is
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 1
frequency or Inter This parameter is switch when it is required to required to perform
frequency handover for CA between FDD and perform 2-carrier CA continuous 2-carrier CA
happen. TDD. among different bands. within the same band.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
The Switch controls the
This parameter is the potentialCOMPUserSwch tcpMssModifySwch X2 x2RebuildSwch
connection rebuild
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Band The Switch of Potential this parameter
Switch for TCPisMSS
the function.
Switch forIfX2
switch is
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Incontinuous 2-carrier
2CC CA CA User for Comp switch to open
Modify or close
Function open, X2Rebuild
connection will
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
function. It needs to be set TCP MSS modify be rebuild after peer eNB
to Open when it is This parameter is used to function. Open this switch IP changed. If the switch
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
required to perform compare the comp to avoid to fragment for is close, X2 connenction
incontinuous 2-carrier CA performance when comp tcp data sent to SGW by rebuild function won't
within the same band. off eNodeB work.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
The parameter represents Open, uplink SDMA is is enabled for all the super
the switch for eNB flow enabled for all the super cells in the eNodeB and
control reject setup cells in the eNodeB and PDSCH SDMA pairing
specified ERABs. If the SDMA pairing can be can be performed on the
eNB S1 transport performed on the primary primary and secondary
bandwidth is very limited and secondary UEs for UEs for downlink
The parameter represents (for example, satellite uplink scheduling. If it is scheduling. If it is set to
the switch for S1for
transport enbFCErabRejectSwch
transmission), SCSdmaSwchUl SCSdmaSwchDl
The Switch S1 The Switch for eNBtoFlow set to Close, uplink Close,
Switchdownlink PDSCH
enum: enum: enum: enum:
back pressure
Transport flow
Back Pressure guarantee the important
Control Reject Setup SDMA
UL SDMA for all SDMA
SDMA is Enabling
disabled for
in aall
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
control. If the
Flow parameter service
Control communication,
Specified ERABs the super
Enabling in cells in the
a Super Cell the super
Cellin the
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
set 'Open', then the eNB the Operator could set the eNodeB and SDMA eNodeB and PDSCH
shall back pressure the parameter 'Open', the eNB pairing is not performed SDMA pairing is not
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
Uplink Uu bandwidth shall only allowed setup on the primary or performed on the primary
when the UL S1 transport specified dedicated secondary UEs for uplink or secondary UEs for
bandwidth is limited. ERABs. scheduling. downlink scheduling.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1] Open[1]
spectrum for the same
RRU does not affect the
Not use guard band[0]
peak flow rate of the cell. When this switch is
Use partial guard
2: The overlapping partial opened, the target cell
band(performance no
protective band on choose appropriate SCells
multiple L carrier after received
Use all guard compMicroAndMacroSw
spectrum for the same HandoverRequest
freqSpaceCfgMode compSelMergeSwch ch caScellHOSwch
RRU affects
Frequency the
Space message, and configurate
impaired)[2] enum: enum: enum:
flow rate
for ULComp Selected Merge Comp for Micro and these SCellsoftoCA
Switch UE; When
Use in-band Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
of the cell. 3:Carriers
Multiple There are Switch TheMacro
parameter is used
Switch this switch isWith
Handover closed,
frequencies[3] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
overlapping effective data when one of the comp the SCells of source cell
bands (non-standard The X2 delay between the related enodeB is Micro are deleted. Scells of
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
bandwidth) on multiple L enodeB is very large , use and another one is macro, target cell will be added
carrier spectrum for the this switch to control the use the switch to control Until handover procedure
same RRU. Comp function. the comp function. completed.

-- -- -- --
Use partial guard band(per Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter is the
If this switch is open,CA Switch of CA band
UE would be removed priority. When this switch
SCell when number of is opened, If UE access a
Ues in the Cell is reach carrier which belongs to Whether to choose CA
If this caBackOffSwch
switch is open,CA Threshold of CA UE Back caBandPrioritySwch
different overlapping cgiMeasSelectCAUeSwch
userstofor CGI CA
Whether Choose
enum: enum: enum: enum:
UE would be Off;If this switch is frequency
Switch of, itCA
could be to
Band measurement.
Users for When
CGI the
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] No[0]
Switch if the Switch
of CA UE Monitor close,none
of CAof UE
the CA UE
Backoff enforce the UE to
Priority parameter is set to no, CA
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Yes[1]
suitable UE could be would be removed Scell transform from main UE can not be used for
configured Scell;If this when number of UEs in Band to compatible band CGI measurement; When
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
switch is close,CA UE the Cell is reach through intra-cell the parameter is set to yes,
would not be monitored Threshold of CA UE Back handover before CA UE can be used for
before configuring Scell. Off. configuring Scell. CGI measurement.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Yes[1]
Adaptive at most, the
No Limit[0]
eNodeB selects an SCell
1 minute[1]
for UEs to perform
5 minutes[2]
MIMO adaption based on
10 minutes[3]
the frequency of neighbor
30 minutes[4] enum:
cells and the MIMO
1 hour[5] Close[0]
capability of UEs. A
2 hours[6]
mrMaxOnlineTimeMode Add/Del 1 SCell in CA
caMIMOAdptSwch x2AlarmSwch sipIdentifySwch
Switch of two
for CA SCell
4 hours[7] Adaptive at most[1] enum: enum:
Maximum Time Duration can be added to/deleted
Configuration Based on SIP Signaling Identify
12 hours[8] Add/Del 2 SCell in CA Close[0] Close[0]
Theof parameter indicates
UE Measurement from the MIMO
MIMO adaption Switch of X2 Link Alarm
Layer Switch
24 hours[9] Adaptive at most[2] Open[1] Open[1]
whether limit ue report procedure and two inter- The parameter is the
measurement-report time, frequency neighbor cells switch of the X2 link If sipIdentifySwch is
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
0 is no time limit, other with the same coverage alarm. When it is opened, equal to Open, the eNB
value indicate the can be added as SCells in the alarm will be reported will try to identify the SIP
corresponding time. one measurement. to OMC signaling of QCI5.

-- -- -- --
No Limit[0] Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
that the signaling of QCI5
is encrypted and the
eNodeB blindly identifies
the signaling of QCI5. If
this parameter is set to un-
encryption, it indicates
that the signaling of QCI5
ipsecStatus relScellOnDelaySwch fddTdd3ccCaSwch fddTdd4ccCaSwch
is non-encrypted and the Switch of Del Scell Based
un-encryption[0] enum: enum: enum:
eNodeB normally Transmission Delay Switch for 3CC CA This parameter
Switch for 4CCisCA
encryption[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
identifies the signaling
IPSec Encryption of
Status When switchthe
Between is eNBs
open,the Between FDD and TDD switch forFDD
between the FDD+TDD
and TDD
adaptive[2] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
QCI5. If this parameter is scell of UE is released if 4CC CA function. It
set to adaptive, the the transmission delay needs to be set to Open
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
eNodeB identifies the SIP between eNBs exceed the This parameter is switch when it is required to
encryption status in an value of for 3CC CA between perform FDD+TDD 4CC
adaptive way. rossEnbDelayThr. FDD and TDD. CA.

-- -- -- --
un-encryption[0] Close[0] Open[1] Open[1]
If this switch is open and
ucCAMonitorSwch is
open,before monitor
enabled,CA UE would be
configured a Scell;If this
switch is close and
fddTdd5ccCaSwch interEnbCaSwch dedctRANSharingSwch fastCABaseServiceSwch
Switch of Fast is
enum: enum: enum: enum:
This parameter
Switch for 5CCisCA
the Switch of Co-Building open,CA UE would
Configuration CA Basebe
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
switch forFDD
between the FDD+TDD
and TDD Switch for Inter eNB CA and Sharing monitored,only
on Serviceif the
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
5CC CA function. It suitable UE could be
needs to be set to Open This parameter indicates configured Scell;If
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
when it is required to whether to support co- ucCAMonitorSwch is
perform FDD+TDD 5CC This parameter is switch building and sharing close,this switch would
CA. for inter eNB CA. mode RAN sharing. not be open.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
sip100tryingSizeHighThr sip100tryingSizeLowThr sipInviteSizeThr unidireDetectEnableSwch
SIP 100eNB blindSize
Trying identify
High When
SIP eNB blind identify
100 Trying Size When eNB blind identify Switch for Unidirection
SIP signal 100trying
Threshold SIP signal
Lower 100trying
Threshold SIP signal invite
Invitesize which
Threshold Detecting
which from IMS, need the which from IMS, need the from IMS, need the invite
long:[0..2000] long:[0..1000] long:[0..5000]
100trying signaling size 100trying signaling size signaling size threshold, A switch to control
model default: 650 model default: 200 model default: 1500 model default: 0
scope,When is within the scope,When is within the when is greater than the whether enable
scope of this blind scope of this blind threshold, blind unidirection detection or
identification for MO identification for MO. identification to be MT not.

-- -- -- --
650 200 1500 Open[1]
This parameter indicates
the period for detecting
unidirection in a session.
It belongs to the
unidirection detecting
function. If RTP packet unidireThreUl unidireThreDl unidireRecoverySwch
loss reaches theDetection
Unidirection threshold UL PLR Threshold Value DL PLR Threshold Value Switch for Unidire
(s)the Packet loss rate threshold
for Unidirection (%) Packet loss rate threshold
for Unidirection (%) Recovery
double:[0.4..60] Open[1]
algorithm, the eNodeB value for Uplink, if the value for Downlink, if the
model default: 1.0 long:[10..100] long:[10..100]
determines that packet loss rate is more packet loss rate is more
step: 0.1 model default: 70 model default: 70 model default: 0
unidirection occurs and than the value can than the value can A switch to control
triggers the corresponding determine a suspected determine a suspected whether enable unidire
counter. unidirection. unidirection. recovery or not.

-- -- -- --
1.0 70 70 Close[0]
loadControlSwch tempNBRKpiRptSwch reserved2 reserved3
enum: enum: enum: enum:
The Switch of Load
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Control SON Reserved 1 SON Reserved 2 SON Reserved 3
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
The Switch of Load
Control, 1 means open
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
load control and 0 means
close the load control. The
default value is 0. SON Reserved Switch1 SON Reserved Switch2 SON Reserved Switch3

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter indicates
the Magic Radio user
migrate strategy. When it
is config to 0, eNodeb will
migrate the VoLTE user
based measurement,and
migrate the Data user
reserved4 reserved5 based blindegyredirection. lwaSwch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
When it is
Magic config
Radio to 1,
Close[0] Close[0] Based Measurement[0] Close[0]
SON Reserved 4 SON Reserved 5 eNodeb willStrategy
Migrate migrate the Switch for LWA
Open[1] Open[1] Based Blind[1] Open[1]
VoLTE user based blind
handover or blind
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
redirection,and migrate
the Data user based blind
SON Reserved Switch4 SON Reserved Switch5 redirection. Switch for LWA.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Based Measurement[0] Close[0]
The switch is to control
the construction of
caFullConfigSwch snTransOptSwch
SnInfo,when the switch is mccMaxRetranQueNum tempNBRLBSwch
Switch of Load Balance to
enum: enum: enum:
Switch of FullConfig open,the
Switch SnInfo
of HO is
SnTrans Max Number of PDCP Temporary Neighbor
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
When CA Enabled constructed when
Optimization Retransmission Queue Relation Cell
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
This parameter is used to downlink reestablishment This parameter is used to
configurate fullconfig for is finished, when the support 3cc plan,3cc has a This parameter is the
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 6000 model default: 0
UE in handover when CA swith is closed, the SnInfo high bit rate,so the switch of Load balance to
enabled, but the tunnel of is constructed retransmission queue temporary neighbor
data forward creat failed. immediately. number should be bigger. relation cell.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] 6000 Close[0]
Switch for UL Service-
This parameter determines threeCC2fourCCthr fourCC2threeCCthr oneCC2twoCCthr
Based Handover of
whether handover
Temporary Neighbor Threshold of 3CC Switch Threshold of 4CC Switch Threshold of 1CC Switch
measurementCellsresults can to 4CC to 3CC to 2CC
be reported based on
long:[1..100] long:[1..100] long:[1..100]
uplink BSRs when only
model default: 0 model default: 90 model default: 90 model default: 90
temporary neighbor cells
are available for the The threshold of 3CC The threshold of 4CC The threshold of 1CC
corresponding frequency. switch to 4CC. switch to 3CC. switch to 2CC.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 90 95 90
The parameter is the
switch of handover to
OSG cells for QCI1
services. If this parameter
is set to Open, an OSG This parameter is the
twoCC2oneCCthr cont3ccCaSwch hoToOSGForQCI1Swch
cell can be selected as the hoToOSGSwch
switch of handover to
enum: enum: enum:
Threshold of 2CC Switch This parameter
Switch is Band
for Intra switch target
The cell for
Switch of handover
Handover open
SwitchFemto cells. If this
of Handover to
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
to 1CC forContinuous
intra band continuous
3CC CA for QCI1
to OSG services. If this
for QCI1 parameter is set to
Open Femto Open,
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
3cc CA, which is need to parameter is set to Close, handover to open Femto
be opened when no OSG cell can be cells is permitted. If this
model default: 90 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
configutate 3CC(the CCs selected as the target cell parameter is set to Close,
The threshold of 2CC are in the same band and for handover for QCI1 handover to open Femto
switch to 1CC. continuous). services. cells is not permitted.

-- -- -- --
95 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter sets This parameter sets
This parameter is the sigMdtUtranPrdMeasSwc
whether to enable sigMdtCdmaPrdMeasSwc
whether to enable
requested band function loadBalanceMode
This parameter sets the h
signalling-based MDT h
signalling-based MDT
Signaling-Based Signaling-Based
enum: enum: enum: enum:
switch. If this
Requested parameter
Band Switchis load balancing
Mobility Loadmode. If it
Balance UTRAN
Period CDMA
Close[0] Independent[0] Close[0] Close[0]
set to Open,
for when
CA the UE is set to Independent,
Mode load measurement.
Measurement If it is set to measurement.
Switch Measurement If it is set to
Open[1] Enhanced[1] Open[1] Open[1]
reports radio capability balancing is implemented Close, it indicates that the Close, it indicates that the
information, it also reports in independence mode. If measurement is disabled. measurement is disabled.
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
CA capability related to it is set to Enhanced, load If it is set to Open, it If it is set to Open, it
the band set configured balancing is implemented indicates that the indicates that the
for the eNB. in enhancement mode. measurement is enabled. measurement is enabled.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Independent[0] Close[0] Close[0]
handover preparation
stage;When the Switch is
Close, the handover
source eNB does not carry
the RSRP of handover
This parameter sets This parameter sets target cell in the handover
whether to enable whether to enable request message ,and the
sigMdtGsmPrdMeasSwch enum:
signalling-based MDT sigMdtInterPrdMeasSwch
Signaling-Based signalling-based
Signaling Based MDT
magRaDataUserMigMode eMTCHOCeLevelSwch
eMTC target eNBCE
UE Handover
enum: enum: Blind Redirection[0] enum:
Period inter-frequency
Period This parameter
Magic setsUser
Radio Data the determines the CEStrategy
Level Determine level of
Close[0] Close[0] Based Blind[1] Close[0]
Measurement If it is set to measurement.
Switch Measurement If it is set to Magic
Switch Radio data
Migration Modeuser the UE inSwitch
handover target
Open[1] Open[1] Base Measurement[2] Open[1]
Close, it indicates that the Close, it indicates that the migration mode, which cell according to
measurement is disabled. measurement is disabled. can be blind-redirection- InitialCElevel configured
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
If it is set to Open, it If it is set to Open, it based mode, blind-based on OMC when the
indicates that the indicates that the mode, or measurement- handover preparation
measurement is enabled. measurement is enabled. based mode. stage.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Blind Redirection[0] Open[1]
the system processes the
coverage-based handover
measurement reports:>
This parameter sets When this parameter is set
whether to select QCI1 to Open: If the state of the
The switch of udc users for ECGI neighbor cell is
protection function. When measurement for the ANR unavailable, the UE is
the switch is open, after cgiMeasSelQCI1UeSwch
function. When the hOBasedNbrStatSwch
redirected to for
the HO
neighbor cloudReliaSwch
The Switch of The The Switch of Choosing Switch Switch for The Cloud
enum: enum: enum: enum:
process ofAfter
Udcudc parameter
QCI1 Usersis set
Close, cell; if the state
Determination of theon
Based Reliability Algorithm in
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
reset signal to ue, if the
Reset QCI1 UEs can not be
Measurement neighbor
The Neighborcell isCell
State Software Upgrade
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
eNB doesn't receive 101 selected for ECGI the UE is handed over to This parameter enables or
packet with in 5 seconds, measurement. When the the neighbor cell. > When disables strategic
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
the corresponding erab parameter is set to Open, this parameter is set to migration of online UEs
should be released by QCI1 UEs can be selected Close, the UE is handed during system software
eNB. for ECGI measurement. over to the neighbor cell. upgrade.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter noLogMdtTkReqLogData
Switch for Gapindicates
Release This parameter is the This parameter enables or
the switch forECGI
gap release Swch tcpAckSplitSwchUl
switch for the UL TCP massiveCooperationSwch
disables massive
During Switch for Request
enum: enum: enum: enum:
during ECGI
Measurement of Open Logged Data When No ACK
for function. If the
UL TCP ACK collaboration.
Switch for If it is set to
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
measurement of open
Femto Cells Task switch is Split
turned on, the Open, more than 16
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
Femto cells. If it is set to This parameter is the UL TCP ACK Split collaborative neighbor
Open, the eNodeB switch of requesting to function is enabled. If the cells are supported. If it is
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
releases gaps during ECGI report logged MDT data switch is turned off, the set to Close, at most 16
measurement of open when there are no logged UL TCP ACK Split collaborative neighbor
Femto cells. MDT tasks. function is disabled. cells are supported.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] Open[1] Close[0]
when selecting an MME an initially accessed LTE
for the initially accessed UE. If it is set to Prior
UEs and does not support Non-DCN, the eNodeB
This parameter enables or This parameter enables or S1 rerouting. If it is set to preferentially selects the
disables the handover disables the handover Open, the eNodeB selects MME from the non-DCNs
control of temporary control of temporary an MME for the initially for an initially accessed
UTRAN neighbor cells. If GERAN neighbor cells. If accessed UEs based on LTE UE and selects the
is set tofor
Switch Open, UEs can
Temporary itgsmTempNbrHoSwch
is set tofor
Switch Open, UEs can
the DCN configuration MME mMESelec4LteUE
MME from the Method
Selection default
enum: enum: enum: Only Non-DCN[0]
be handed
UTRAN over to Cell
Neighbor an be handed
GERAN over to Cell
Neighbor an and supports S1 rerouting. DCN forifLTE
the selection
UEs When fails.
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Only Default DCN[1]
Control inter-RAT
Control This parameter
Switch for DECOR is This parameter
Is Enabled
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Prior Non-DCN[2]
UTRAN neighbor cell. If GERAN neighbor cell. If immediately effective, immediately effective,
it is set to Close, UEs it is set to Close, UEs which means that it takes which means that it takes
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 2
cannot be handed over to cannot be handed over to effect immediately only effect immediately only
an inter-RAT temporary an inter-RAT temporary on the initially accessed on the initially accessed
UTRAN neighbor cell. GERAN neighbor cell. UEs. UEs.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Prior Non-DCN[2]
MME belonging to the
default DCN for the UE.
l is set to Reroute Request
MME, the eNodeB still
selects the MME that
mMESelec4RerouteFail macroMicroCaSwch dsDsFuncSwch 30[2]
sends a REROUTE NAS Switch for CA Between
enum: enum: enum: 40[3]
MME Selectionmessage to the Macro Cells and Micro
Method DsDs MAC CE ACK
Default DCN[0] Close[0] Close[0] 60[4]
When UE This parameter
Rerouting Fails Cells Switch for DsDs This timer
Timeris started
(ms) after
Reroute Request MME[1] Open[1] Open[1] 80[5]
is immediately effective, This parameter enables or a UE sends a DSDS MAC
which means that it takes This parameter enables or disables the Dual-SIM CE to the eNodeB. It is
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 5
effect immediately only disables CA between Dual-Standby (DsDs) stopped when a DSDS
on the initially accessed macro cells and micro function of the eNodeB as MAC CE ACK message
UEs. cells. required by operators. is received.

-- -- -- --
Default DCN[0] Close[0] Close[0] 80[5]
compress the header of
uplink packets, this This parameter is the
parameter is set to Open, switch of whether
and the value of the management-based MDT If an FS board is faulty,
Whether Profile6 for uses a non-standard MDT this parameter is set to
Uplink Only ROHC PLMN list. If the Open to disable the
Supported parameter is set parameter is set to Open, configuration of intra-
to Yes for the mdtPlmnListSwch
management-based MDT lbtEnableSwch sccJudgeOfFSFatSwchUl
eNodeB inter-board
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Switch bearer;
for Uplink Only uses a non-standard
Switch of Using TheMDT SCellsfor
Switch or SCell
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
this parameter PLMNPLMN
MDT list. IfList
the LBT Switch SCells.
in If anof
The Case FSFSboard is
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
is set to Close. If the value parameter is set to Close, faulty, this parameter is
of this parameter changes, management-based MDT This parameter is the set to Open to allow to
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
all the cells in the eNodeB supports MDT PLMN switch of the Licensed delete intra-eNodeB inter-
are reset. lists for standard Assisted Access (LAA) board SCells or inter-
Effective when Cell Reset interfaces only. LBT function. eNodeB SCells.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
whether the LTE network of different inter-
reports NR traffic. When frequency measurement
the LTE network receives indications for voice and
an NR traffic report, it data users. If it is set to
sends the report to the Close, voice and data
MME if this parameter is usersSwitch
can be for
set to Open; if this interFMeasIndDif4VTDT
only with the same This parameter controls
Configuration of Different
parameter is set to Close, measurementSwchindication RIMplmnRouteSwch
routing. If it is set to mecsQcellPosiSwitch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
the Switch
LTE network
for LTEdoesNRnot for inter-frequency
Measurement Indications LTE 1, the eNodeB
PLMN Level RIM This
MECS parameter enables or
Qcell Positioning
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
send the report
Traffic to the
Reporting measurement;
for Voice/Dataotherwise,
Users communicates with the
Optimization disablesSwitch
indoor QCell
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
MME. When the core voice and data users can core network of the positioning according to
network needs to charge be configured with specified PLMN. the China Mobile 4G
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
users for 5G traffic, this different measurement Otherwise, it Edge Computing Platform
parameter needs to be set indications for inter- communicates with all the and eNodeB Data
to Open. frequency measurement. connected core networks. Transmission Interface.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
tddFddCaSwch tddFdd3ccCaSwch tddFdd4ccCaSwch tddFdd5ccCaSwch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Switch for CA Between Switch for 3CC CA Switch for 4CC CA Switch for 5CC CA
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
TDD and FDD Between TDD and FDD Between TDD and FDD Between TDD and FDD
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
This parameter enables or This parameter enables or This parameter enables or This parameter enables or
disables CA between disables 3CC CA between disables 4CC CA between disables 5CC CA between
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
TDD and FDD carriers TDD and FDD carriers TDD and FDD carriers TDD and FDD carriers
when the TDD carrier is when the TDD carrier is when the TDD carrier is when the TDD carrier is
the PCell. the PCell. the PCell. the PCell.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter enables or are out of service. It is
disables DRX customized for Cell C,
configuration validation South Africa. If it is set to
for ordinary UEs during Switch
Close, the eNodeB Out-of-
of eNodeB out-of-
handover. If it is set to Service
service alarmReporting
Alarm is not
Close, the DRX reported
When Allwhen
the all the Are
Cells cells
configurations of the Out
are of
of service. Note:
Switch of DRX (Excluding
This parameter enables or target cellSwch
are transmitted enbWarnSwch nLPsHoSwch
Configuration Validation This parameter doesCC
S1 Disconnection, not
enum: enum: enum: enum:
CoMP UserCoMP user
Optimization inforthe handover
Ordinary UEscommand.
During work
Fault,on theClock
and eNodeB out-
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
optimization. If it is set to
Switch If it is Handover
set to Open, the of-service
Alarms)triggered NL PS Handover Switch
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
Open, CoMP users are DRX release message is by the following faults: S1
optimized to balance user transmitted in the disconnection, CC faults, This parameter enables or
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
resources and reduce the handover command to and clock out-of- disables the PS handover
occupancy of neighbor disable DRX and DRX is synchronization. It is between LTE and NR
resources. closed in the target cell. configured as required. systems.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
control the execution specified number of
period of the tasks for carriers can be reported. If
saving the neighbor it is set to Close, the UE
relations in the blacklist. capability request
When the eNodeB is message sent by the
powered on, this timer is eNodeB does not carry the
started. When the eNodeB requestedMaxCCsDL-r13
Switch for Specifying the
reserved6 lteBlackNbrDbsSwch is powered blackNbrSynPrd
this timer orcaMaxCcNumIndSwch
Switch for Saving Interval off,
for Saving requestedMaxCCsUL-
Maximum Number of
enum: enum: enum:
Reserved Mobility Switch Blacklisted Neighbor is stopped. When
Blacklisted Neighborthe r13 IE. for
Carriers When
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
6 Cells timerCells
times out, the
(day) reports its radio
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
eNodeB updates the capability, all the CA
This parameter determines saving records of the band combinations can be
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 7 model default: 0
This parameter indicates whether to statically save neighbor relations in the reported without a
reserved mobility switch the blacklisted LTE blacklist and restarts the restriction on the number
6. neighbor cells. timer. of carriers.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 7 Close[0]
CA capability based on combinations to the configurations. If it is set
intra-band non-contiguous eNodeB. If it is set to to Open, the counter
CA band combinations. If Close, the UE capability reports whether the UE
it is set to Close, the UE request message sent by has the LAA capability
capability request the eNodeB does not carry based on the
message sent by the the configurations of the
eNodeB not carry the caSkipFallBackCombSwc caLAAKpiOfEnbCfgSwc
for Intra-Band skipFallbackCombination eNodeB.
Switch forIf CA
it is LAA
set to
requestReducedIntNonCo s-r13h h deflateUDCSwch
Non-contiguous Switch for and
Fallback Close,
counter reports
enum: enum: enum: enum:
ntComb-r13 Reduction
Combination IE. When ain supportedBandCombinati
Combination Reporting whetheron the UE has the
eNodeB Switch for Deflate-Based
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
UECA reports its radio
Scenarios onReduced-r13 IEs. When
Skip in CA Scenarios LAAConfigurations
capability based on This parameter
UDC enables or
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
capability, it does not a UE reports its radio only UE capability disables Deflate-based
reduce the CA capability capability, it reports information without Uplink Data Compression
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
based on intra-band non- fallback band considering the (UDC) on eNodeBs as
contiguous CA band combinations to the configurations of the required by operators.
combinations. eNodeB. eNodeB. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1] Close[0]
combinations with radio This parameter determines
capability differences to whether redirection or
the eNodeB in CA reselection information is
scenarios. When this carried. If this parameter
parameter is set to Open, is set to Open, during the
the Switch
Switch forfor Fallback access procedure of a UE,
Combination Reporting no redirection or intraEnbInterPlmnHOSwc
Fallback Combinations
fddTddCaSwchUL Skip in CA h redirectwithSecuritySwch
Scenarios reselection information h
with Capability Switch for Carrying is
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Switch for ULCA parameter mustinbeCA
Differences set to carried in the
Secure UE release Switch for Inter-PLMN
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Between FDD and TDD Open. When a UE reports information
Scenarios when the UE Intra-eNodeB Handover
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
radio capability, no is released before security
This parameter enables or fallback band combination authentication. If this
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
disables uplink CA except those with different parameter is set to Close, This parameter enables or
between FDD and TDD radio capability is redirection or reselection disables inter-PLMN
carriers. reported to the eNodeB. information is carried. intra-eNodeB handover.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
anchor cells. In the update NR neighbor cell
procedure for UE access information after
in an NSA scenario or receiving an EN-DC X2
This parameter enables or inter-site incoming setup request, an EN-DC
disables the eDECOR handover to anchor cells X2 setup response, or an
function. It is used to in an NSA scenario, if this EN-DC X2 configuration
optimize the selection of eNDCEnhcedAchorpolyS
parameter is set to Open, eNDCX2UpdateOMCSwc
update message if the NR
the routes to the DCN for theSwitch
non-MCGwch nrMeasGapSwch
bearers of This parameter enables or neighbor h
for EN-DC Switch forconfigured
enum: enum: enum: enum:
UEs and decrease the load Anchorthe NSAEnhancement
terminal are disables
Switch forNR
NRgap Gap on the OMC isBased
Notification different
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
on the default DCN.
eDECOR SwitchIt can established on the PCE. If measurement.
Policy If it is set to from
Measurement EN-DCthat carried
X2 Updatein the
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
be set to Open if the the parameter is set to Open, NR gap EN-DC X2 message. If it
default DCN is Close, the non-MCG measurement is enabled. is set to Close, the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
overloaded or the operator bearers of the NSA If it is set to Close, NR eNodeB does not send an
wants to optimize the terminal are established gap measurement is NR neighbor cell update
DECOR function. on the NR PDCP. disabled. message to the OMC.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] Open[1] Close[0]
specialfgiCfg_specFGIMa specialfgiCfg_specFGIR9 specialfgiCfg_specFGIR9
specialfgiCfg_specFGI sk Add AddMask
Special UE Feature Group Special UE Feature Group
Special UE Feature Group Special UE Feature Group Indicator_Extended FGI Indicator_Extended FGI
Indicator_FGI Indicator_FGI Mask of R9 UEs Mask of R9 UEs
longArray: longArray: longArray: longArray:
This parameter indicates This parameter indicates
[0..4294967295] [0..4294967295] [0..4294967295] [0..4294967295]
an FGI mask. If a bit of This parameter indicates the extended FGI mask of
This parameter indicates the FGI is 1, the bit is the extended FGI of an R9 an R9 UE. If a bit of the
the FGI of a UE. valid. UE. FGI is 1, the bit is valid.

-- -- -- --
specialfgiCfg_specFGIR1 specialfgiCfg_specFGIR1 specialIMEISVCfg_minS specialIMEISVCfg_maxS
0Add 0AddMask pecSVN pecSVN
Special UE Feature Group Special UE Feature Group Special UE Special UE
Indicator_Extended FGI Indicator_Extended FGI IMEISV_Minimum IMEISV_Maximum
of R10 UEs Mask of R10 UEs Software Version Number Software Version Number
longArray: longArray:
This parameter indicates This parameter indicates This parameter indicates
[0..4294967295] [0..4294967295] longArray:[0..99] longArray:[0..99]
This parameter indicates the extended FGI mask of the start digit of the the end digit of the
the extended FGI of an an R10 UE. If a bit of the software version number software version number
R10 UE. FGI is 1, the bit is valid. of a UE in the IMEISV. of a UE in the IMEISV.

-- -- -- --
This parameter sets the
mode in which UEs are
migrated. How a UE is
migrated depends on the
specialIMEISVCfg_specT operator's requirements. If
AC cgiSpecUeSwch movUe4CellBlockSwch thismod4MovingUE
parameter is set to
Special UE Switch for Filtering
enum: enum: enum:
IMEISV_Type Allocation This parameter
Special enables
UEs During CGIor Switch for Migrating UEs Measure, UEs are
Close[0] Close[0] Base on Measurement[0]
Code disables the filtering of
Measurement After Cell Shutdown migrated based Mode
UE Migration on the
Open[1] Open[1] Base on Blind[1]
specific UEs during CGI measurement
measurement. If it is set to configurations. If it is set
longArray:[0..99999999] model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
This parameter indicates Open, specific UEs cannot This parameter determines to Blind, UEs are
the type allocation code of be used to measure the whether to migrate UEs migrated based on blind
a UE in the IMEISV. CGI. after the cell is shut down. handover or redirection.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] Base on Measurement[0]
spectrum sharing for
MagicRadio CSS. If this
parameter is set to Open,
static CSS spectrum
sharing is enabled. If this
parameter is set to Close,
both dynamic and static This parameter enables or This parameter enables or enDcPerQCIMeasWhrScg
This parameter determines
Whether to Consider SCG
MagicRadio CSS enDcGlPsHoSwitch
disables the inter-RAT enDcULPsHoSwch
disables the inter-RAT whether toBear
consider SCG
Bearers in PerQCI
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Static Sharingsharing arefor
Switch handover of EN-DC
GL PS Handover UEs
Switch handover of EN-DC
UL Handover SwitchUEs
for bearers in PerQCI
Measurement for EN-DC
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] No[0]
enabled. In this case,
MagicRadio CSSif an between LTEUEs
for EN-DC and between
UEsand measurementUEsfor EN-DC
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Yes[1]
LTE cell is not configured GERAN systems. If it is UTRAN systems. If it is UEs. If it is set to Yes,
with a GSM neighbor cell set to Open, EN-DC UEs set to Open, EN-DC UEs SCG bearers need to be
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1
that supports CSS, CSS can be handed over from can be handed over from considered in PerQCI
can be implemented in an LTE system to a an LTE system to a measurement for EN-DC
full bandwidth. GERAN system. UTRAN system. UEs.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] Open[1] No[0]
This parameter sets the
period for the eNodeB to
This parameter sets the rFFInterFInfoReportPerio
report inter-frequency RF
period d sMTCWarnSwch algGlobalRsved1
the eNodeB to fingerprint information
Inter-frequency RF to
report RF fingerprint
Information Reporting the fingerprint
Fingerprint database.
Information This parameter determines Service Global Reserved
information to the
Period (s) RF fingerprint
Reporting Period (s) whether
an alarm Parameter 1
fingerprint database. RF information includes the when SMTC parameters
long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[0..4294967295]
fingerprint information information about inter- are not correctly
model default: 3 model default: 5 model default: 0 model default: 0
includes the information frequency UE configured. If it is set to
about UE measurement measurement reports and Open, alarms (if any) are Service Global Reserved
reports and handover. handover. reported. Parameter 1

-- -- -- --
3 5 Close[0] 0
inter-RAT measurement
configurations to NSA
UEs and the NSA UEs
can perform inter-
This parameter sets the frequency and inter-RAT
RAN Sharing Carrier
sharing mode of 5G measurement. If it is set to
Mode[1] nsaInterPeriodMeasSwitc
networks. If it is set to 0, Close, the eNodeB does
Dedicated Carrier reserved7 tcpProxyNSASwch h
RAN sharing is disabled. not send inter-frequency
Inter-frequency Periodic
Mode[2] enum: enum: enum:
If it is set to 1, RAN Reserved Mobility Switch This
TCP parameter enables
Proxy Switch foror Measurement
or inter-RAT
Switch for
Rsv1[3] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
sharing is enabled
5G Sharing Modeand 7 disables TCPUEs
NSA proxy for measurement
Rsv2[4] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
common carriers are NSA UEs in an NR PDCP configurations to NSA
shared. If it is set to 2, scenario. If it is set to UEs and the NSA UEs do
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
RAN sharing is enabled This parameter sets Open, the downlink TCP not perform inter-
and dedicated carriers are reserved mobility switch data rate of UEs can be frequency or inter-RAT
shared. 7. increased. measurement.

-- -- -- --
RAN Sharing Carrier ModeClose[0] Close[0] Open[1]
forcibly saves the received
UE capability if the UE
capability is reported by This parameter enables or
the air interface. If the UE disables anchor attribute
capability is received from update for LTE neighbor
the core network and there cells. If it is set to Open,
is no UE capability eNDCAnchorAttriUpdate
the anchor attributes are
information on the nrPciAlarmSwch updatedSwchbased on the gummeiRouteCompSwch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Switch forthe eNodeB
Forced UE Switch for Reporting NR information
EN-DC Anchor exchanged on
Attribute GUMMEI Routing
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
the UE capability.
Saving If PCI Confusion Alarms the X2 interface.
Update SwitchIf this Compatibility Switch
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
there is UE capability parameter is set to Close, This parameter determines
information on the This parameter determines the anchor attributes are whether only the PLMN
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
eNodeB, the eNodeB whether an NR PCI updated based on the and MME code need to be
discards the UE confusion alarm is configurations on the matched in UE routing
capability. reported. EMS. through the GUMMEI.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1] Close[0]
This parameter sets the
IPSec operator certificate
This parameter sets the for EN-DC X2 links. It is
type of IPSec certificate used to configure the
for EN-DC X2 links. It is IPSec certificate for
used to configure IPSec establishing EN-DC X2
channels for EN-DC X2 links together with IPSec
eNDCX2AlarmSwch enum:
enDcX2CertType enDcX2OperatorCert
links between LTE and channels
Operator between LTE
Certificate for
enum: Follow S1[0]
NR cells.
Switch for Reporting EN- Type It canCertificate
of IPSec be set to and NR
IPSec cells. IfofitEN-
Channels is
Close[0] Vendor Certificate[1]
DC X2 Link Alarms theforsame as that
EN-DC X2ofLinks
the S1, required
DC X2toLinks
use the
Open[1] Operator Certificate[2]
to the vendor certificate, operator certificate as the
to the operator certificate, IPSec certificate, this
model default: 0 model default: 0 string:length[0..99]
This parameter determines or to the configuration of parameter is set to the
whether to report EN-DC the SON IPSec parameter operator certificate;
X2 link alarms. template. otherwise, it is left empty.

-- -- --
Close[0] Follow S1[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
This parameter sets the
cell mode of a macro cell.
The value 0 represents the
NE_Name ldn moId 8-antennacellMod
mode in which
up to eight antennas can
Cell mode 0[0]
NE Name LDN MO ID be configured for a cell.
Cell Mode
Cell mode 1[1]
This parameter sets the The value 1 represents the
unique ID of the managed 4-antenna mode in which
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string up to four antennas can be
type and can be configured for a cell.
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Effective when Cell Reset

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 Cell mode 1[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Cell mode 1[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 Cell mode 1[1]
refSdrDeviceGroup sceneMode
This parameter sets the
Connected Board scenario
Mode of a
baseband board. It is used
to restrict the cell
string:length[0..400] model default: 0
specifications of the
baseband board.
Connected board Effective when Cell Reset

R-I,M --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId interBbuCPEnbId

NE Name LDN MO ID This parameter

Inter-BBU indicates
CP eNodeB ID
This parameter sets the the ID of the eNodeB
unique ID of the managed where the Cell Portion
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 long:[0..1048575]
object. It is of the string (CP) is located in an inter-
type and can be BBU super cell scenario.
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Effective when Cell Reset

R Primary Key R-I,M

This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
MCC in the primary interBbuCPMNC
MNC in the primary interBbuCPId
Inter-BBU of the eNB
Inter-BBU of the eNB
where the Cell Portion
MCC where the MNCCell Portion Inter-BBU CP ID
(CP) is located. This (CP) is located. This This parameter indicates
parameter is applicable to parameter is applicable to the ID of the secondary
string:length[3] string:length[2..3] long:[0..254]
inter-BBU super cell inter-BBU super cell CP in an inter-BBU super
scenarios only. scenarios only. cell scenario.
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset


MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned.

R Primary Key
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=1 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=10 10
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=2 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=3 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=7 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=8 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=9 9
userLabel alias buildPhyLocation cellLocalId
Building Physical
User Label Alias Location Cell ID
This parameter sets the ID
string:length[0..128] string:length[0..128] string:length[0..128] model default: 0
Physical location of a cell. It is
information of the automatically generated
User Label Alias building by the system.

-- -- -- --
P_COI154ML1_CombatA P_COI154ML1_CombatARRKoremBone_ML01 11
P_COI154ML1_CombatA P_COI154ML1_CombatARRKoremBone_ML02 21
P_COI154ML1_CombatA P_COI154ML1_CombatARRKoremBone_ML03 31
N_COI154MR1_CombatKN_COI154MR1_CombatKoremBone_MR01 13
N_COI154MR1_CombatKN_COI154MR1_CombatKoremBone_MR02 23
N_COI154MR1_CombatKN_COI154MR1_CombatKoremBone_MR03 33
refPlmn on enum:
sceneCfg mmModeSwch
Normal[0] enum:
Baseband Resources
Air Line[1] Close[0]
PLMN List Configuration Scene Configuration The Switch of MM Mode
High Way[2] Open[1]
The switch of MM mode,
The Cell is MM mode
stringArray:length[0..400] stringArray:length[0..400] model default: 0 model default: 0
Switch of High Way when FunctionMode of
PLMN List Baseband Resource Coverage or Air Line Baseband Board is MM
Effective when Cell Reset Configuration Coverage mode.

M M -- --
Operator=1,Plmn=1 ENBFunctionFDD=508154,Normal[0] Close[0]
Operator=1,Plmn=1 ENBFunctionFDD=508154,Normal[0] Close[0]
Operator=1,Plmn=1 ENBFunctionFDD=508154,Normal[0] Close[0]
Operator=1,Plmn=1 ENBFunctionFDD=508154,Normal[0] Close[0]
Operator=1,Plmn=1 ENBFunctionFDD=508154,Normal[0] Close[0]
Operator=1,Plmn=1 ENBFunctionFDD=508154,Normal[0] Close[0]
Operator=1,Plmn=1 ENBFunctionFDD=508154,Normal[0] Close[0]
resources, and CQI identities are grouped into
resource may less than 168 unique physical-layer
others. The value two cell-identity groups, each
indicates about 400 users group containing three
model default:
configured SR /CQI /SRS unique identities. The
enum: 0;4294967295;429496729
resources. The value three grouping is such that each
1200 User Capacity[0] 5;4294967295;429496729
indicates about 200 users physical-layer cell identity
800 User Capacity[1]
cellCapaLeveInd pci longArray:[0..503,
pciList 65535] 5;4294967295;429496729
configured SR /CQI /SRS is part of one and only one
400 User Capacity[2] model default: 5;4294967295;429496729
resources. The value
Cell Capacity Levelfour physical-layer cell- EmergencyAlarm
Emergency alarm area
200 User Capacity[3] 65535;65535;65535;6553 5;4294967295;429496729
indicates that the cell
Indicator identity group.
PCI And the PCI List code. If the value is the
adaptive capacity[4] 5;65535;65535;65535;655 5;4294967295;429496729
configured physical physical cell identities are same as the value received
long:[0..503] 35;65535;65535;65535;65 5;4294967295;429496729
resources adaptively space multiplexing and from core network, the
model default: 2 model default: 0 535 5;4294967295
based on realtime user programmed by network earthquake and tsunami
number. programming people. message will be send to
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Candidate PCI List UE.

-- -- -- --
400 User Capacity[2] 144 65535;65535;65535;655350;4294967295;4294967295
400 User Capacity[2] 144 65535;65535;65535;655350;4294967295;4294967295
400 User Capacity[2] 145 65535;65535;65535;655350;4294967295;4294967295
400 User Capacity[2] 146 65535;65535;65535;655350;4294967295;4294967295
400 User Capacity[2] 144 65535;65535;65535;655350;4294967295;4294967295
400 User Capacity[2] 145 65535;65535;65535;655350;4294967295;4294967295
400 User Capacity[2] 146 65535;65535;65535;655350;4294967295;4294967295
The parameter indicates
the cyclic preamble length
used all downlink
physical channels except
Outdoor Micro Cell[0]
subframe. If the cyclic
Outdoor Macro Cell[1]
preamble length is
tac cellRadius phyChCPSel OutdoorcellSize
Super Cell[2]
The parameter is used to normal_cyclic_prefix, The parameter indicates
enum: Outerdoor Compensatory
identify a tracking area there are 7 OFDM
CP Selection symbol the cover attribution. It is
for Physical
Normal Cyclic Prefix[0] Cell[3]
within the
TACscope of a Cell Radius (10 m) in a slot.
Channel forIfNon-MBSFN
the cyclic usedCoverage
Cell to determine some
Extended Cyclic Prefix[1] Indoor Cell[4]
PLMN.The parameter is preamble length is physical channel
long:[0..65535] long:[5..12000]
used for UE location extended cyclic prefix, parameters,for example,it
model default: 0 model default: 53 model default: 0 model default: 1
management.The The parameter indicates there are 6 OFDM symbol is used to determine cyclic
parameter is configured the size of cell radius. in a slot. prefix length and so on.
by operator. Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
9639 53 Normal Cyclic Prefix[0] Outdoor Macro Cell[1]
9639 53 Normal Cyclic Prefix[0] Outdoor Macro Cell[1]
9639 53 Normal Cyclic Prefix[0] Outdoor Macro Cell[1]
9639 53 Normal Cyclic Prefix[0] Outdoor Macro Cell[1]
9639 53 Normal Cyclic Prefix[0] Outdoor Macro Cell[1]
9639 53 Normal Cyclic Prefix[0] Outdoor Macro Cell[1]
9639 53 Normal Cyclic Prefix[0] Outdoor Macro Cell[1]
Number (EARFCN) used Number (EARFCN) used
in a cell. A center carrier in a cell. A center carrier
frequency is calculated as frequency is calculated as
follows: F_UL = follows: F_DL =
450..457.5, 663..758, double:[420..427,
F_UL_low + 0.1 × (N_UL F_DL_low + 0.1 × (N_DL
777..787, 788..798, 460..467.5, 617..652,
This parameter sets the - N_Offs-Ul), where - N_Offs-Dl), where
807..862, 880..915, 728..821, 852..894,
This parameter sets the indicator of the frequency F_UL is the center carrier F_DL is the center carrier
cellRSPortNum 962..977, 1427..1517, 925..960, 1035..1057,
maximum number of band freqBandInd
where uplink and earfcnUl
frequency, F_UL_low is frequency, earfcnDl
F_DL_low is
1[0] 1626.5..1660.5, 1427..1518, 1525..1559,
antenna ports
Number of Tx in a cell.
Antenna downlink carrier theULlowest uplink
Center carrier
Carrier the
2[1] long:[1..5, 7..14, 17..28, 1695..1785, 1850..1915, 1805..1880, 1930..2020,
in Cell and frequencies
Frequency are located.
Band Indicator frequency,
(MHz)is the carrier frequency,
Frequency N_DL
4[2] 31..32, 46, 65..76, 85, 1920..2020, 2500..2620, 2110..2200, 2570..2690,
spatial multiplexing are The uplink and downlink UlEARFCN, and N_Offs- is the DlEARFCN, and
87..88, 101] 3410..3490, 5150..5925] 3510..3590, 5150..5925]
valid only when multiple carrier frequencies of a Ul is the offset N_Offs-Dl is the offset
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1930.0 model default: 2120.0
antenna ports are cell must belong to the corresponding to the corresponding to the
configured. same frequency band. frequency band indicator. frequency band indicator.
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
2[1] 3 1775.0 1870.0
2[1] 8 885.0 930.0
2[1] 3 1775.0 1870.0
2[1] 3 1775.0 1870.0
2[1] 1 1970.0 2160.0
2[1] 1 1970.0 2160.0
2[1] 1 1970.0 2160.0
For each UE, the ratio of MBMS service is
PDSCH EPRE to cell- provided in the cell and
specific RS EPRE among UEs can combine the
PDSCH REs in all the MBMS services in
OFDM symbols multiple cells. If it
containing cell-specific indicates a non-MBSFN
enum: enum:
RS is equal and is denoted cell, only non-MBMS
pbThe cell- noncellResvInfo
MBSFN cell[0] allowedAccessClasses cellReservedForOptUse
by Rho_B. services are provided in The parameter is cell
1[1] non MBSFN and MBSFN enum:
specific ratio Rho_B / the cell. If it indicates a Emergency Call Access reserved indicator
Cell Reserved forfor
2[2] multiplex cell[1] No[0]
Signal is according
Power to
Ratio (PB) non-MBSFN
Attribute The parameter decides
Indication operatorOperator
use. If the value
3[3] MBSFN-dedicated cell[2] Yes[1]
cell-specific parameter multiplex cell, both non- whether the cell supports is 'reserved', the cell
enumArray:[0, 1]
P_B signalled by higher MBMS services and IMS emergency bearer cannot be camped on,
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1;1;1;1;1;1
layers and the number of MBMS services are services for UE in limited except for particular UEs,
configured eNB cell provided in the cell. service mode or not, and if so indicated in the
specific antenna ports. Effective when Cell Reset indicates UE in SIB1. system information.

-- -- -- --
0[0] non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1
0[0] non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1
0[0] non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1
0[0] non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1
0[0] non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1
0[0] non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1
0[0] non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1
9M[22] 9M[22]
9.2M[23] 9.2M[23]
13.2M[24] 13.2M[24]
13.6M[25] 13.6M[25]
14M[26] 14M[26]
17.4M[27] 17.4M[27]
The DRX Switch for
17.8M[28] 17.8M[28]
This parameter sets the The DRX Switch for GBR NGBR service controls
bandWidthDl 18.2M[29]
bandWidthUl switchForGbrDrx switchForNGbrDrx
downlink system This parameter sets the service controls whether whether DRX for NGBR
18.6M[30] 18.6M[30] enum: enum:
DL System ItBandwidth
is used to uplink systemBandwidth
UL System bandwidth. DRX for GBR service is service is closed or not. If
7.5M[31] 7.5M[31] Close[0] Close[0]
determine the frequency It is used (MHz)
(MHz) to determine the closed
DRX or not. Iffor
Switch theGBR
the DRX
SwitchSwitch for
for NGBR
14.8M[32] 14.8M[32] Open[1] Open[1]
domain location and frequency domain Switch for GBR service is NGBR service is closed,
resource allocation of location and resource closed, discontinuous discontinuous reception
model default: 5 model default: 5 model default: 1 model default: 1
downlink physical allocation of uplink reception (DRX) can not (DRX) can not be used for
channels. physical channels. be used for a UE with a UE with NGBR
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset GBR services. services.

-- -- -- --
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Open[1] Open[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Open[1] Open[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Open[1] Open[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Open[1] Open[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Open[1] Open[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Open[1] Open[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Open[1] Open[1]
ueTransMode latitude longitude minMCSUl
Minimum Value of
UE Transmission Mode Latitude Longitude Uplink MCS
Auto Inter-Mode[7] double:[-90..90] double:[-180..180]
model default: -90.0 model default: -180.0 long:[0..12]
This parameter is used to The parameter indicates
model default: 2 step: 1.0E-6 step: 1.0E-6 model default: 0
configure DL the Minimum MCS Value
transmission mode for for Uplink configured by
UE. Latitude of Cell Longitude of cell high layer for cell .

-- -- -- --
TM3[2] -4.54055 120.30944 0
TM3[2] -4.54055 120.30944 0
TM3[2] -4.54055 120.30944 0
TM3[2] -4.54055 120.30944 0
TM3[2] -4.54055 120.30944 0
TM3[2] -4.54055 120.30944 0
TM3[2] -4.54055 120.30944 0
maxMCSUl minMCSDl maxMCSDl maxUeRbNumDl
Maximum Value of Minimum Value of Maximum Value of Maximum RBs Allocated
Uplink MCS Downlink MCS Downlink MCS for Downlink UE
The parameter indicates
long:[0..28] long:[0..28] long:[0..28] long:[1..100]
The parameter indicates The parameter indicates The parameter indicates the Maximum RB number
model default: 28 model default: 0 model default: 28 model default: 100
the Maximum MCS Value the Minimum MCS Value the Maximum MCS Value for UE in Downlink
for Uplink configured by for Downlink configured for Downlink configured configured by high layer
high layer for cell . by high layer for cell . by high layer for cell . for cell.

-- -- -- --
28 0 28 100
28 0 28 50
28 0 28 100
28 0 28 100
28 0 28 100
28 0 28 100
28 0 28 100
60[25] enum:
64[26] 500[0]
72[27] 750[1]
Specifies the number of
75[28] 1280[2] enum:
consecutive subframe(s)
80[29] 1920[3] Auto-Adjusted[0]
the UE should consider
maxUeRbNumUl 2560[4] 1[1]
as UL synchronized. cFI rd4ForCoverage
90[31] 5120[5] 2[2] enum:
Maximum RBs Allocated TimeWhen non UL
Alignment Timer The parameter indicates Redirection Algorithm for
96[32] 10240[6] 3[3] Close[0]
for Uplink UE synchronized,
(sf) the UE the CFI Value
CFI configured
Selection Coverage
100[33] Infinity[7] 4[4] Open[1]
The parameter indicates shall use the Random by high layer for cell . The
the Maximum RB number Access procedure to CFI Value could be 1, 2 ,
model default: 33 model default: 7 model default: 2 model default: 1
for UE in Uplink request a Time Alignment 3 or could be configured This is a switch for the
configured by high layer Command prior to any UL as auto-adjusted. algorithm applied for
for cell. transmission Effective when Cell Reset coverage based redirect.

-- -- -- --
100[33] Infinity[7] Auto-Adjusted[0] Open[1]
50[23] Infinity[7] Auto-Adjusted[0] Open[1]
100[33] Infinity[7] Auto-Adjusted[0] Open[1]
100[33] Infinity[7] Auto-Adjusted[0] Open[1]
100[33] Infinity[7] Auto-Adjusted[0] Open[1]
100[33] Infinity[7] Auto-Adjusted[0] Open[1]
100[33] Infinity[7] Auto-Adjusted[0] Open[1]
TM9(port7 ,port8, port9
downlink transmission
and port10)[29]
mode based on the
characteristics of the
channels of UEs and the
antenna configurations of
Fixed TM2/TM3 Inter-
the eNodeB. With the
configuration of this
TM2/TM4 Inter- qam64DemSpIndUl enum:
adminState sampleRateCfg
parameter, the eNodeB UL 64QAM
TransMode[32] enum: Unlocked[0]
can schedule downlink Demodulation Capability Sample Rate Mode
Fixed TM3/TM9 Inter- Not Support[0] Locked[1]
services for UEs
Switching in the
Mode Indicator Administrative State The sample rate
TransMode[33] Support[1] Shutting Down[4194304]
corresponding This parameter indicates determines the optical
transmission mode, whether a cell has the capacity. The lower the
model default: 3 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
achieving optimal capability of 64QAM sample rate, the smaller
spectrum efficiency in this demodulation. the optical capacity.
scenario. Effective when Cell Reset Administrative State Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
TM4 Intra-TransMode Adap
Support[1] Unlocked[0] 0
TM4 Intra-TransMode Adap
Not Support[0] Locked[1] 0
TM4 Intra-TransMode Adap
Support[1] Unlocked[0] 0
TM4 Intra-TransMode Adap
Support[1] Unlocked[0] 0
TM4 Intra-TransMode Adap
Support[1] Unlocked[0] 2
TM4 Intra-TransMode Adap
Support[1] Unlocked[0] 2
TM4 Intra-TransMode Adap
Support[1] Unlocked[0] 2
test state.If the cell state is
Normal, the cell alarm and
performance data is
reported;If the cell state is
Testing, the cell alarm and
performance data is not
reported;If the cell state is
loadtestSwitch offsetAngle enum:
energySavControl Normal[0]
FM Testing, the cell alarm
enum: Non-Energy Saving Testing[2]
is not reported and
Close[0] Cell[0] FM Testing[5]
Switch of Loading Test Offset Angle (degree) Is Energy Saving Cell performance data is
Cell Test State
Open[1] Energy Saving Cell[1] PM Testing[6]
reported;If the cell state is
PM Testing, the cell alarm
model default: 0 model default: -360 model default: 0 model default: 0
It is set to Open when The parameter is used to is reported and
loading test is needed. It is determine whether the cell performance data is not
set to Close by default. Offset Angle is energy saving or not. reported.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] -360 Non-Energy Saving Cell[0]Normal[0]
Close[0] -360 Non-Energy Saving Cell[0]Normal[0]
Close[0] -360 Non-Energy Saving Cell[0]Normal[0]
Close[0] -360 Non-Energy Saving Cell[0]Normal[0]
Close[0] -360 Non-Energy Saving Cell[0]Normal[0]
Close[0] -360 Non-Energy Saving Cell[0]Normal[0]
Close[0] -360 Non-Energy Saving Cell[0]Normal[0]
enum: 1[0]
rbInterferenceBitMapUl rbInterferenceBitMapDl 4CCE+3DB[0]
commCCENumDl 2[1]
8CCE+0DB[1] 4[2]
BitMap of UL RB BitMap of DL RB CCE Aggregation for
8CCE+3DB[2] 8[3]
Interference (hex) Interference (hex) BCCH&PCCH The CCE Aggregation
longArray: longArray: 4CCE+0DB[3] Adaption[4]
This parameter is the RB This parameter is the RB
[0..4294967295] [0..4294967295]
uplink interference downlink interference
model default: 0;0;0;0 model default: 0;0;0;0 model default: 0 model default: 4
bitmap, it is used to notify bitmap, it is used to notify
the first 100 RBs are the first 100 RBs are CCE Aggregation for
interferenced or not. interferenced or not. BCCH&PCCH CCE Aggregation

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 4CCE+3DB[0] Adaption[4]
0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 4CCE+3DB[0] Adaption[4]
0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 4CCE+3DB[0] Adaption[4]
0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 4CCE+3DB[0] Adaption[4]
0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 4CCE+3DB[0] Adaption[4]
0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 4CCE+3DB[0] Adaption[4]
0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 4CCE+3DB[0] Adaption[4]
Certain and no shared
share any spectrum
This parameter indicates resource. If it is set to 4,
Congested cell can be full
the type of the noise in congestion scenarios,
bandwidth or
matrix. If it is set to MRC, the operators can share all This parameter sets the
proportionate admission,
the MRC algorithm is the spectrum resources or ratio of bandwidth
Non-congested cell can be
used for interference admit UE access requests resources allocated to
full bandwidth
suppression. If it is set to proportionally; in non- PLMNs in network
matrixType admission[4]
rbSharMode ratioOperatorn ratioShared
IRC, the IRC algorithm is congestion scenarios, the sharing scenarios.
Bandwidth From
MRC[0] Operator Group Priority-
used for interference operators
RB Division can for
admit all the
Resource left to right,
Ratio the array
of PLMNs in Resource Ratio of Shared
IRC[1] Based RB Resource
suppression. If it Type
Noise Matrix is set to UE accessSharing
requests. If it is elements
Sharing to in Network Sharing (%)
Adaptive-Config[2] Grabbing Policy[5]
Adaptive-Config, the set to 5, the RB resource PLMN1, PLMN2,
longArray:[0..100] long:[0..100]
interference suppression preemption policy based PLMN3, PLMN4,
model default: 1 model default: 2 model default: 0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 100
algorithm is adaptively on the operator group PLMN5, and PLMN6 Resource Ratio of Shared
selected based on the NI priority is used. separately. in Network Sharing.
interference value. Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
IRC[1] Fully shared[2] 0;0;0;0;0;0 100
IRC[1] Fully shared[2] 0;0;0;0;0;0 100
IRC[1] Fully shared[2] 0;0;0;0;0;0 100
IRC[1] Fully shared[2] 0;0;0;0;0;0 100
IRC[1] Fully shared[2] 0;0;0;0;0;0 100
IRC[1] Fully shared[2] 0;0;0;0;0;0 100
IRC[1] Fully shared[2] 0;0;0;0;0;0 100
TM9 MU is not
supported. If this
TM9 SU (Not Support
parameter is set to 9, TM7
TM7/TM8 Mixed MU)[8]
MU, TM8 MU, and
TM7/TM8 mixed
TM9 SU (Support
This parameter indicates configuration are
TM7/TM8 Mixed MU)[9]
the transmission mode of supported, but TM9 MU
addiSpecEmiss enum:
flagSwiModeUl TMM TM7 MU TM8 MU
the uplink PUSCH. It is a isbfmumimoEnableDl
not supported. If this mumimoEnableUl
TM1[0] TM9 MU (Support enum:
new field introduced
Additional Spectrum Transmission Mode of tothe parameter is set to 10,
TM2[1] TM7/TM8/TM9 Mixed Close[0]
Emission Release 10 of 3GPP
DL MU, TM8Switch
Adaptive[2] MU)[10] Open[1]
The UE requirements protocols. It is only TM9 MU, and
related to IE effective for the eNodeBs TM7/TM8/TM9 mixed
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
AdditionalSpectrumEmiss and UEs that support configuration are
ion are defined in TS Release 10 of 3GPP supported.
36.101 [42, table]. protocols. Effective when Cell Reset Switch of UL-MIMO

-- -- -- --
1 TM1[0] TM7 SU TM8 SU TM9 SU[
1 TM1[0] TM7 SU TM8 SU TM9 SU[
1 TM1[0] TM7 SU TM8 SU TM9 SU[
1 TM1[0] TM7 SU TM8 SU TM9 SU[
1 TM1[0] TM7 SU TM8 SU TM9 SU[
1 TM1[0] TM7 SU TM8 SU TM9 SU[
1 TM1[0] TM7 SU TM8 SU TM9 SU[
rlfSwitch pullCardJudgeSwitch relatedCellLocalId 10[3]
enum: enum: 15[4]
Switch of Pulling Card
Close[0] Close[0] 20[5]
Switch of RLF Function UE Radio Link Failure
Judgment Referenced Cell ID SI Window Length (ms)
Open[1] Open[1] 40[6]
detection function enable
UE RLF detection switch, just used SRS.
model default: 1 model default: 0 long:[0..255] model default: 5
function enable switch, The main purpose is to
just used traffic static release the abnormal UE Cell ID of Referenced
value from the network. Macro Cell SI Window Length

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Close[0] 20[5]
Open[1] Close[0] 20[5]
Open[1] Close[0] 20[5]
Open[1] Close[0] 20[5]
Open[1] Close[0] 20[5]
Open[1] Close[0] 20[5]
Open[1] Close[0] 20[5]
spectrum efficiency
threshold in a cell where
there is uplink
interference. It is used to
detect uplink interference
faults in the cell. If the
detected uplink spectrum
tm34T4RSwch 47[49]
upInterfFreqEffThr fullConfigSwch simuLoadSwchDl
Spectrumof the cell is
enum: 48[50] enum: enum:
lower than or
Threshold of equal
Cells to the
with This parameter
Switch indicates
of DL Simulate
Close[0] 49[51] Close[0] Close[0]
4*4 MIMO
4*4 MIMO Switch,
Switch4*4 threshold, it is considered
UL Interference (Mbps) Switch of FullConfig whether dlLoad
simulate load
Open[1] 50[52] Open[1] Open[1]
MIMO will be used when that the uplink is valid. If the parameter
switch is open in TM3, interference spectrum is close, user cann't config
model default: 0 model default: 6 model default: 1 model default: 1
4*2 MIMO or 2*2 MIMO efficiency meets the fault the dl simulate load
will be used when it's conditions within this The parameter is used to function, the cell will
closed in TM3. detection period. set the Cell license State. return the error code.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 2[4] Open[1] Open[1]
Close[0] 2[4] Open[1] Open[1]
Close[0] 2[4] Open[1] Open[1]
Close[0] 2[4] Open[1] Open[1]
Close[0] 2[4] Open[1] Open[1]
Close[0] 2[4] Open[1] Open[1]
Close[0] 2[4] Open[1] Open[1]
Where dense urban
scenarios is representative
of dense urban, urban
scenarios is representative
of the general urban, This parameter sets a list
Dense Urban[0]
suburban scenarios is of additional equivalent
representative of the frequency bands that the
parameter is the mimoScenarios
suburbs, rural scenarios is rlfDelayTime
This parameter is a addiFreqBand
downlink physical
enum: Rural[3]
switch of admission of representative of rural, delayed
Releasetimer for
Timer frequencies of the serving
list of additional
Close[0] Indoor[4] longArray:[0..5, 7..14,
VoLTE and QCI Switch
Admission =2 indoor scenarios is
MIMOScenarios RLF.
for This
Radio parameter
Link Failure is
(s) cell belong
frequency to. indicators
band Each E-
Open[1] Adaptive[5] 17..28, 31, 66]
ERAB, and it works only representative of the determined for delaying UTRAN carrier frequency
long:[0..10] model default:
under the condition that indoor, and adaptive release the user which is can be configured with a
model default: 1 model default: 5 model default: 6 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
the function of handover scenarios is representative judged RLF by eNB, maximum of eight
based on service is not of adaptive selecting when the users do not equivalent frequency
enabled. scenarios. configure VOIP. bands.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Adaptive[5] 6 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Open[1] Adaptive[5] 6 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Open[1] Adaptive[5] 6 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Open[1] Adaptive[5] 6 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Open[1] Adaptive[5] 6 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Open[1] Adaptive[5] 6 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Open[1] Adaptive[5] 6 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
The parameter is the The parameter is the
downlink Qos adaptive uplink Qos adaptive
One entry corresponding policy switch, and is used policy switch, and is used
to each additional to support different cell to support different cell
frequency band listed in capacity requirements. It capacity requirements. It
Additional Spectrum
the sameRequirements
order as in qosAdpSwchDL
is configured according to qosAdpSwchUL
is configured according to cqiExpiredTimer
enum: enum:
for Eachfrequency
Additionalband the different
Downlink Qosneeds of
Adaptive the different
Uplink needs of
Qos Adaptive Inner AMC CQI Expire
Close[0] Close[0]
Frequencylist, and
Band customers.
PolicyThe value one
Switch customers.
PolicyThe value one
Switch Timer (ms)
longArray:[1..32] Open[1] Open[1]
indicates the additional indicates the Qos adaptive indicates the Qos adaptive Inner AMC CQI expire
model default: long:[1..65535]
spectrum emission strategies based on cell strategies based on cell timer, CQI will expire
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1280
requirements to the UE capacity. The value zero capacity. The value zero when time is longer than
for the corresponding indicates closing function. indicates closing function. the timer.
frequency band. Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Close[0] Close[0] 2560
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Close[0] Close[0] 1280
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Close[0] Close[0] 2560
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Close[0] Close[0] 2560
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Close[0] Close[0] 1280
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Close[0] Close[0] 1280
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Close[0] Close[0] 1280
spectrum sharing and
power sharing between
LTE and NB-IoT
networks 13: Switch for
spectrum sharing and
power sharing between
LTE and NB-IoT
parameter enables or glCSSSwch
networks, and Magic cutRbNumUl cutRbNumDl
Switch forMagicRadio
GERAN and Radio GLCSS 14: Switch Number of RBs for UL Number of RBs for DL
LTE Bandwidthsharing. If it is
Sharing for spectrum sharing and This
Sharing Switch parameterinindicates
Contraction CSS This parameterinindicates
Contraction CSS
set to Open, the LTE power sharing between the number of RBs for the number of RBs for
long:[0..15] long:[0..49] long:[0..49]
system is allowed to use LTE and NB-IoT uplink bandwidth downlink bandwidth
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
the bandwidth resources networks, and Magic contraction in contraction in
released by the GSM Radio ULCSS. MagicRadio CSS. MagicRadio CSS.
system. Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0 0 0
Close[0] 0 0 0
Close[0] 0 0 0
Close[0] 0 0 0
Close[0] 0 0 0
Close[0] 0 0 0
Close[0] 0 0 0
This parameter is used to
configure the signaling
reources for severed cells,
In view of the existing If the Signaling
avoidFreqOffsetNISwch PHSphsNIInd
interference refSignalResCfg
processing mode is set to mbsfnSyncAreaID
Switch for Avoiding NI of frequency band, PDSCH,
PHS Interference Band Distributedand
Signaling Signaling
Resource Index MBSFN Synchronisation
FreqOffset PUSCH scheduling to
Indicator Resource Configuration
of Served Cell MBSFN AreaSynchronisation
To the scene of frequency avoid the corresponding Modeis set to Static, all Area ID identify an area
long:[0..3] long:[0..65535]
offset network, service RB location, PRACH the severed cells should of the network where all
model default: 0 model default: 0 string:length[0..400] model default: 0
cell avoid scheduling edge channel configuration to be configured signaling eNodeBs can be
users in pucch RB of avoid the corresponding reources. synchronized and perform
neighber cell . RB position Effective when Cell Reset MBSFN transmissions.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0 0
Close[0] 0 0
Close[0] 0 0
Close[0] 0 0
Close[0] 0 0
Close[0] 0 0
Close[0] 0 0
The Switch of
mbmsSvcAreaIDList mbmsCCEAdaptMod atmosphericSwch
The parameterWave
is the hiterThreshold
Atmospheric Threshold for
enum: enum:
MBMS MBMS service
Service Areaarea
ID switch of atmospheric
Interference Detection Atmospheric-Ducting
4[0] Close[0]
refers toList
a network MBMS CCE Aggregation waveFunction
interference This parameter
Interference sets the
8[1] Open[1]
geographic region to detection, which is used to threshold for atmospheric-
MBMS service,this field control whether open ducting interference
longArray:[0..65535] model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 16
represents supported aggregation level of enter atmospheric wave detection. It is used to
MBMS Service Areas ID MBMS CCE configured interference detection determine whether high
List of the MCE. by high layer for cell. function. interference exists.

-- -- -- --
4[0] Close[0] 16
4[0] Close[0] 16
4[0] Close[0] 16
4[0] Close[0] 16
4[0] Close[0] 16
4[0] Close[0] 16
4[0] Close[0] 16
deRohcSch narrowInterferenceSwch 1[0]
narrowInterferenceLen magicRadioULDCESwch
The Granularity of This parameter indicates
enum: enum: 2[1] enum:
The parameter is the
of Narrow Narrow Interference the switch
Switch for of UL DCE.
Close[0] Close[0] 4[2] Close[0]
Depth ROHC Switch switch of narrow
Interference Detection The parameter
Detectionis the Only whenULthe
DCE served cell
Open[1] Open[1] 8[3] Open[1]
The parameter is the interference detection, granularity of narrow sharing carrier with
switch of Depth ROHC. If which is used to control interference detection, UMTS, it should
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
the switch is Close,the whether open enter which is the RE num of configured to open. The
eNodeB not support depth narrow interference narrow interference modification will change
ROHC. detection function. detection. the cell status.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Close[0] 1[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] 1[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] 1[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] 1[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] 1[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] 1[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] 1[0] Close[0]
except for PRBs overlaps
in frequency with a
transmission of primary or
secondary synchronization
signals or PBCH in the
same subframe.When this
parameter is
qamSwchis the
The parameter bfRbExpandSwch
close,PDSCH can only ambrLimtSwch largeFreqOffEstSwchUl
Switch for UL Large
enum: enum: enum: enum:
The Switchof of
256QAM occupy
The Switchall of
RB except
Expand It is the switch of AMBR Frequency Offset
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
function. When this
Function for RBGs
In BFoverlaps
Mode in limit.
Switch When the switch
of AMBR Limitis This parameter enables or
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
switch is on, it means frequency with a opened, the AMBR will disables large frequency
eNB supports transmission of primary or be adjusted according to offset estimation in the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
configuration of the new secondary synchronization the corresponding uplink only in the public
CQI table with 256QAM. signals or PBCH in the strategies for the limit network coverage for
Effective when Cell Reset same subframe. bear inside. high-speed rails.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
the eNodeB hands UEs
over in MIMO mode from
TM3 to TM9 to improve
the probability of SDMA
and further increase the
cell DL throughput. When
muMIMO4MultiUESwch this parameter is set to
Ul freqOffCompenSwchDl crcMergeSwch tm9EnhancedSDMASwch
Close, the MIMO
The Switch of
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Enhanced UL MU-MIMO DL Frequency Offset handover
Interference Suppression Switch from TM3 to
of TM9-Enhanced
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Switch Precompensation Switch for Supercell TM9 is based
SDMA on principle
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
The switch of UL-MIMO of maximizing the SU-
for three and four paring MIMO spectrum
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
Ues,if the switch is The switch of DL efficiency without
open,three Ues or four frequency offset The switch of interference considering the
Ues can be paring. precompensation suppression for SuperCell. probability of SDMA.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter enables or
disables distributed
MIMO. If it is set to
Open, multi-antenna
or 8 × 4MIMO) can be Uplink Public and
implemented through the pubAndHwPriOvlpRbStar
Public Network and Highway Private
combination of multiple qcellPosiSwch iCo4PubAndHwPriSwch tPosUL
Highway Private Network Networks Overlapped
enum: enum: enum:
groups of antennas
Switch in
Distributed Interference Coordination Resource Blocks Starting
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
multipleMIMOCPs in a super Qcell Positioning Switch Switch Position
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
cell, increasing the The switch for Qcell The switch of public The starting position of
downlink throughput of a Positioning method,When network and highway uplink overlapped
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
single UE and cell the switch is open, cell private network resource blocks between
frequency-spectrum mode must be configured interference coordination. highway private and
efficiency. to 3 cell 8 antenna. Effective when Cell Reset public networks.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0
Downlink Public and Downlink Public and
pubAndHwPriOvlpRbNu pubAndHwPriOvlpRbStar pubAndHwPriOvlpRbNu
Uplink Public and Highway Private Highway Private
mUL tPosDL mDL tm38McsThr8TX
Highway Private Networks Overlapped Networks Networks The MCS Threshold when
Networks Overlapped Resource Blocks Starting Overlapped Resource Switch from TM3 to TM8
Resource Blocks Number Position Blocks Number Thisfor
parameter is MCS
8 Antennas
The number of uplink The starting position of The number of downlink threshold when switch
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..28]
overlapped resource downlink overlapped overlapped resource from TM3 to TM8, which
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 12
blocks between highway resource blocks between blocks between highway is used to adapting switch
private and public highway private and private and public TM3 and TM8 for 8
networks. public networks. networks. antennas.

-- -- -- --
0 0 0 12
0 0 0 12
0 0 0 12
0 0 0 12
0 0 0 12
0 0 0 12
0 0 0 12
This parameter is the
switch of the ring Threshold of Window
tm83TestMcsThr8TX ringCoverSwch
coverage function. If the ringCoverAdjustQuantity highBllrCntThrDL
The MCS Threshold Ring Cover Function Number for Downlink
When Switch from TM8 switch is turned
Ring Cover on, the
Function Adjust Quantity of Cell Abnormal Block Loss
This parameter
to TM3 is MCS ring coverage
for 8 Antennas Switchfunction is Radius Ratio
threshold when switch enabled. If the switch is Ring cover function adjust
long:[0..29] long:[0..30] long:[1..20]
from TM8 to TM3, which turned off, the ring quantity of cell radius.Set
model default: 12 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 10
is used to adapting switch coverage function is it according to the radius Threshold of window
TM3 and TM8 for 8 disabled. of inner ring. number for downlink
antennas. Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset abnormal block loss ratio.

-- -- -- --
12 Close[0] 0 10
12 Close[0] 0 10
12 Close[0] 0 10
12 Close[0] 0 10
12 Close[0] 0 10
12 Close[0] 0 10
12 Close[0] 0 10
tddCfg0MUMIMOSwchU This parameter is used to
Threshold of Window
highBllrCntThrUL L shortDrxSwch enum:
Number for Uplink support the selection of
enum: enum: FreqChEsti[0]
Abnormal Block Loss TDD Cfg0 UL MU- TypePUSCH
of PUSCHchannel
Close[0] Close[0] TimeChEsti[1]
Ratio MIMO Switch Short
Switch.If estimation,between
Estimation time
Open[1] Open[1] FreqChEstiOpti[2]
Short DRX switch is domain estimation,
on,eNB configs Short Frequency domain
model default: 10 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
Threshold of window DRX to UE.If Short DRX estimation and optimized
number for uplink The switch of UL-MIMO switch is off,eNB does not Frequency domain
abnormal block loss ratio. for TDD CFG0. config Short DRX to UE. estimation.

-- -- -- --
10 Close[0] Open[1] FreqChEsti[0]
10 Close[0] Open[1] FreqChEsti[0]
10 Close[0] Open[1] FreqChEsti[0]
10 Close[0] Open[1] FreqChEsti[0]
10 Close[0] Open[1] FreqChEsti[0]
10 Close[0] Open[1] FreqChEsti[0]
10 Close[0] Open[1] FreqChEsti[0]
This parameter sets the
highest speed of the high-
speed railways covered by The Switch for
300km/h[2] atmosphericDecPowrThre
the serving cell. Based on Power Decrease Interference Source
speedInd atmosphericQuitPerid s atmosphericLocationSwch
the highest speed, the The Time Threshold to Threshold for Localization in
400km/h[4] enum:
baseband adaptively Exit Atmospheric Duct This parameter sets
Atmospheric Ductthe Atmospheric Duct
450km/h[5] Close[0]
adjusts the thresholds
Highest-Speed Indicator Interference power decrease threshold
Interference (dB) Interference
500km/h[6] Open[1]
related to uplink for atmospheric duct The Switch for
long:[1..30] long:[0..20]
frequency deviation interference. A larger Interference Source
model default: 2 model default: 10 model default: 10 model default: 0
processing and downlink The Time Threshold to parameter value indicates Localization in
frequency deviation pre- Exit Atmospheric Duct faster inter-symbol Atmospheric Duct
compensation. Interference. interference decrease. Interference.

-- -- -- --
300km/h[2] 10 10 Close[0]
300km/h[2] 10 10 Close[0]
300km/h[2] 10 10 Close[0]
300km/h[2] 10 10 Close[0]
300km/h[2] 10 10 Close[0]
300km/h[2] 10 10 Close[0]
300km/h[2] 10 10 Close[0]
The Time Threshold T1 to The Time Threshold T2 to
atmosphericSymBackSwc atmosphericSupresEnterP atmosphericSupresQuitPe
Entry Interference Exit Interference
h atmosphericSupresThres erid rid
The Switch for Symbol Suppression Threshold for Suppression in Suppression in
Rollback in Atmospheric Atmospheric Duct Atmospheric Duct Atmospheric Duct
Duct Interference Interference Interference Interference
The Time Threshold T1 to The Time Threshold T2 to
long:[-110..-70] long:[10..600] long:[10..600]
This parameter sets the Entry Interference Exit Interference
model default: 0 model default: -70 model default: 100 model default: 100
The Switch for Symbol suppression threshold for Suppression in Suppression in
Rollback in Atmospheric atmospheric duct Atmospheric Duct Atmospheric Duct
Duct Interference. interference. Interference. Interference.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] -70 100 100
Close[0] -70 100 100
Close[0] -70 100 100
Close[0] -70 100 100
Close[0] -70 100 100
Close[0] -70 100 100
Close[0] -70 100 100
atmosphericSeqDemAntN atmosphericSeqDemPara enum:
Number of Antennas for The Detection Threshold The
TheeNodeB uses
Switch for TA
um Thres Close[0]
oneRBAllocateSwch taLimitedReleaseSwch
Detecting Signature of Detecting Signature measurement
Service Limitedto determine
Open for VOIP[1] enum:
Sequences in Atmospheric Sequence in Atmospheric whether a user
Based exceeds
on TA
Open for Data[2] Close[0]
This parameter
Ducting indicates
Interference Duct Interference Allocate One RB Switch the given TA threshold. If
Open for All[3] Open[1]
the number of antennas yes, the user will be
long:[1..8] long:[1..10000]
used by the UL PHY to The Detection Threshold forcedly released. This
model default: 2 model default: 58 model default: 0 model default: 0
detect signature sequences of Detecting Signature parameter sets whether to
in atmospheric ducting Sequence in Atmospheric The Switch of 1RB enable the function.
interference. Duct Interference. Allocation. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
1 58 Close[0] Close[0]
2 58 Close[0] Close[0]
1 58 Close[0] Close[0]
1 58 Close[0] Close[0]
2 58 Close[0] Close[0]
2 58 Close[0] Close[0]
2 58 Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter enables or
disables dynamic
frequency selection of atmosphericDetecWaySw
tm44T4RSwch laaDFSSwch
licensed-assisted access. It atmosphericPAPRThres ch
Threshold of Peak to
enum: enum: enum:
is set to Open if an LAA Average Power Ratio for Switch of Detection Way
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
TM4 4*4
4*4 MIMO
MIMO Switch,
Switch cell needs
LAA to be
DCS Switch Atmospheric Duct for Atmospheric Duct
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
TM4 4*4 MIMO will be established through
used when switch is open dynamic frequency The Detection Threshold The Switch for using
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 160 model default: 0
in TM4, 4*2 MIMO or selection; otherwise, it is of Detecting Signature Optimize Scheme in
2*2 MIMO will be used set to Close. Sequence in Atmospheric Atmospheric Duct
when it's closed in TM4. Effective when Cell Reset Duct Interference. Interference.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 160 Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 60 Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 160 Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 160 Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 60 Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 60 Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 60 Close[0]
can be omitted. When this
switch is set to 1, dl-
256QAM-r12 report,
CAT, and specification
release version should all
satisfy its relevant
the256QAMCATLimitSw type1RBAllocEnableSwc configDRXTimerForConn
requirment, then UE
ch hDl configDRXTimerForRA ect
supports 256QAM; when The Timer for Config The Timer for Config
Limit Release Version enum:
this Switch
The switch is
CATto 2, dl-
Limit Switch of Type1 RB DRX When UE RRC DRX When UE
and CAT[1] Close[0]
for 256QAMreport and Allocation Connection (s) Establishing VoLTE (s)
Limit CAT Only[2] Open[1]
CAT should both satisfy The parameter indicates
long:[0..20] long:[0..20]
its relevant requirment, The parameter indicates eNB configging DRX
model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
then UE supports eNB configging DRX later when UE is at
256QAM. The Switch of Type1 RB later when UE is at prach connect stage for reducing
Effective when Cell Reset Allocation. stage. the time delay of VoLTE.

-- -- -- --
Limit CAT Only[2] Close[0] 0 0
Limit CAT Only[2] Close[0] 0 0
Limit CAT Only[2] Close[0] 0 0
Limit CAT Only[2] Open[1] 0 0
Limit CAT Only[2] Open[1] 0 0
Limit CAT Only[2] Open[1] 0 0
Limit CAT Only[2] Open[1] 0 0
configDRXTimerForHO filteWndLen4SRMode1 filteFactor4SRMode1 rbNumMultiFactor4Mod1
The Timer for Config The Length of Filter
DRX When UE Handover Window for RB The Filter Factor for RB The Multiple Factor of SR
The parameter
(s) indicates Utilization Ratio(s) Utilization Ratio This Parameter
RB Number is multiple
target cell configging The filter window length The filter factor for RB factor for the number of
long:[0..20] long:[1..255] model default: 0.75 longArray:[1..110]
DRX later when UE at for RB utilization ratio of utilization ratio of the cell RB allocated to SR for the
model default: 0 model default: 5 step: 0.0625 model default: 4;2;1
HO stage for the flow and the cell for the Number of for the Number of RB for Number of RB for SR
reducing the time delay of RB for SR Authorization SR Authorization Mode Authorization Mode set
VoLTE. Mode set 1 . set 1 . 1.

-- -- -- --
0 5 0.75 4;2;1
0 5 0.75 4;2;1
0 5 0.75 4;2;1
0 5 0.75 4;2;1
0 5 0.75 4;2;1
0 5 0.75 4;2;1
0 5 0.75 4;2;1
rbRatioLowThr4Mod1 rbRatioHighThr4Mod1 5M(25RB)[2]
th laaCarrierPriSwch
This parameter indicates
10M(50RB)[3] enum:
The Low Threshold of RB The High Threshold of This parameter
MagicRadio Maxindicates
System the priority
LAA CarrierofPriority
15M(75RB)[4] Close[0]
This parameterRatio
Utilization is low This parameter isRatio
RB Utilization high the maximum
Downlink downlink
Bandwidth carriers.Switch
If it is set to
double:[0..1] double:[0..1] 20M(100RB)[5] Open[1]
threshold for RB threshold for RB bandwidth of LTE cell Close, LAA carriers
model default: 0.3 model default: 0.5
utilization ratio of the cell utilization ratio of the cell when MagicRadio open. cannot be configured as
step: 0.1 step: 0.1 model default: 5 model default: 0
for the Number of RB for for the Number of RB for This parameter will be SCells; if it is set to Open,
SR Authorization Mode SR Authorization Mode is used in transmit power LAA carriers can be
set 1 . set 1 . computation. configured as SCells.

-- -- -- --
0.3 0.5 20M(100RB)[5] Close[0]
0.3 0.5 20M(100RB)[5] Close[0]
0.3 0.5 20M(100RB)[5] Close[0]
0.3 0.5 20M(100RB)[5] Close[0]
0.3 0.5 20M(100RB)[5] Close[0]
0.3 0.5 20M(100RB)[5] Close[0]
0.3 0.5 20M(100RB)[5] Close[0]
for the responses to SRs.
If it is set to 0, it indicates
that two RBs are allocated
by default. If it is set to 1,
Based On 2RB[0]
it indicates that RBs are
Based On Cell RB
dynamically allocated This parameter indicates
Utilization Rate[1]
based on the PRB usage. the attribute of LAA
acSendPowdeltaUL acSendPowdeltaDL Based On The Amount Of
The Delta of UL AC The Delta of DL AC If itsrRBNumAuthMode
is set to 2, it indicates cellLAACarrierAtt
carriers. If it is set to Non
Data Taken By SR[2] enum:
Digital Sending Power Digital Sending Power Thethat Number
RBs are ofdynamically
RB for SR LAA Carrier, the cell
Based On the preset BSR Non LAA Carrier[0]
(dB) (dB) allocated based
Authorization on
Mode cannot serve asAttribute
LAA Carrier an LAA
by SR[3] LAA Carrier[1]
historical BSRs of UEs. If carrier cell. If it is set to
long:[-10..30] long:[-10..30]
The parameter is used as The parameter is used as it is set to 3, it indicates LAA Carrier, the cell can
model default: -10 model default: -10 model default: 0 model default: 0
sending power offset in sending power offset in that RBs are allocated serve as only an LAA
UL AC, unit: dB, working DL AC, unit: dB, working based on the configured carrier cell.
in UL AC function. in DL AC function. virtual BSR. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
-10 -10 Based On 2RB[0] Non LAA Carrier[0]
-10 -10 Based On 2RB[0] Non LAA Carrier[0]
-10 -10 Based On 2RB[0] Non LAA Carrier[0]
-10 -10 Based On 2RB[0] Non LAA Carrier[0]
-10 -10 Based On 2RB[0] Non LAA Carrier[0]
-10 -10 Based On 2RB[0] Non LAA Carrier[0]
-10 -10 Based On 2RB[0] Non LAA Carrier[0]
The Monitoring The Monitoring This parameter
Threshold is the
of Window
freqOffRptValidThr startPreCompenRatioThr stopPreCompenRatioThr highBllrCntThr4VOIPDl
windowfor number for
The Threshold for Valid Probability Threshold for Probability Threshold for Number Downlink
Frequency Offset Start Frequency Offset Stop Frequency Offset downlink
Abnormal continuous high
Block Loss
Reported Precompensation Precompensation abnormal
Ratioblock loss ratio
long:[0..500] double:[0..1] double:[0..1]
of VOIP,it is used to
model default: 200 model default: 0.9 model default: 0.6 long:[1..200]
Stavalid frequency offset The Monitoring The Monitoring judge the number of
step: 10 step: 0.01 step: 0.01 model default: 10
used to calculate DL probability threshold,and probability threshold,and window that block loss
frequency offset used to determine whether used to determine whether ratio is abnormal
precompensation value. to start precompensation. to stop precompensation. continuously.

-- -- -- --
200 0.9 0.6 10
200 0.9 0.6 10
200 0.9 0.6 10
200 0.9 0.6 10
200 0.9 0.6 10
200 0.9 0.6 10
200 0.9 0.6 10
This parameter indicates
This parameter
Threshold is the
of Window whether a cell supports
highBllrCntThr4VOIPUl enum:
Number number for
for Uplink eMTC. emtcSwch
If it is set to 0, the refExtECellEqFunc hARQWeightCombSwch
Close[0] enum:
Abnormalcontinuous high
Block Loss cell does not support Inter-BBU CP The Switch of Harq
LTE and EMTC[1] Close[0]
Ratioblock loss ratio
of VOIP eMTC.eMTC If it isSwitch
set to 1, the Configuration Weight Combine
EMTC[2] Open[1]
of VOIP,it is used to cell supports both LTE This parameter enables or
judge the number of and eMTC. If it is set to 2, disables the Harq Weight
model default: 10 model default: 0 stringArray:length[0..400] model default: 0
window that block loss the cell supports only Combine function and is
ratio is abnormal eMTC. Inter-BBU CP configured as required on
continuously. Effective when Cell Reset Configuration site.

-- -- -- --
10 Close[0] Close[0]
10 Close[0] Close[0]
10 Close[0] Close[0]
10 Close[0] Close[0]
10 Close[0] Close[0]
10 Close[0] Close[0]
10 Close[0] Close[0]
public network speed small, you can increase
determination mode is set the parameter value to
to mode 2, the public increase paging resources.
network speed When the number of users
enum: 2T[1]
determination function in the paging area is small
Close[0] T[2]
This parameter is the This parameter is the along high-speed railways and the cell bandwidth is
High speed rail non- 1/2T[3]
switch of the uplink switch of the downlink is enabled. This mode is large, you can set the
accMCSEnableSwchUl accMCSEnableSwchDl covered by public
nCSpeedJudgeSwch 1/4T[4]
nBto a small
accurate MCS procedure. accurate MCS procedure. applicable to the parameter
enum: enum: network[1] 1/8T[5]
If theSwitch
turned on, If the switch
Switch is turned on, following
of Downlink scenarios:
Public Network SpeedA value. 1.4M/3M small-
Close[0] Close[0] High speed rail covered 1/16T[6]
you can adjust the
Accurate MCS MCS to you can adjust the
Accurate MCS MCS to high-speed
Mode is bandwidth
Paging cellsFactor
Occasion are
Open[1] Open[1] by public network[2] 1/32T[7]
implement the exact implement the exact covered by public network commonly configured as
match between the match between the cells, and the cells 2T while the other large-
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 2
scheduling TBSize and scheduling TBSize and covered by the public bandwidth cells are
the BSR and reduce the the BSR and reduce the network requires speed commonly configured as
Padding rate. Padding rate. determination. T.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] T[2]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] T[2]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] T[2]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] T[2]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] T[2]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] T[2]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] T[2]
control. If the SPID super cell. If the super cell. If the
Strategy Switch parameter difference between the difference between the
is set to Open and if the measurement result of a measurement result of a
The switch of SPID based CP and the maximum CP and the maximum
idle mobility control measurement result of all measurement result of all
parameter is set to Open, CPs in a super cell is CPs in a super cell is
the eNB will fill the smaller than the threshold, smaller
the threshold,
of User
this switch spidIdleMobiCtrlSwchIE the scActiveSetThrUl
is turned IdleMobilityContrlInfo CP is activated. scCRSActiveSetThrDl
The Switch of Scheduling The Switch of SPID Threshold Value of If the the
User DLCP is activated.
C-RS Active SetIf for
enum: enum:
in to increase
DRX StatustheWhen
ECGI based Idle
Based on the SPID
Mobility difference between
UL Active Set inthe difference between the
C-RS Transmission
Close[0] Close[0]
Measuring success
ECGI rate, strategy configured
Control in the measurement
(dB) of a Scheme
measurement result of
in SuperCell a
Open[1] Open[1]
the eNodeB transmits data EMS when sending an CP and the maximum CP and the maximum
long:[0..30] long:[1..40]
only when the RRCConnectionRelease measurement result of all measurement result of all
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 13 model default: 23
onDurationTimer timer message, to configure a CPs is larger than the CPs is larger than the
operates in long DRX dedicated cell reselection threshold, the CP is not threshold, the CP is not
status. priority for the UE. activated. activated.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] 13 23
Close[0] Close[0] 13 23
Close[0] Open[1] 13 23
Close[0] Open[1] 13 23
Close[0] Open[1] 13 23
Close[0] Open[1] 13 23
Close[0] Open[1] 13 23
super cell. If the
difference between the This parameter is the
measurement result of a switch of TBS selection in
CP and the maximum TM9 mode and TM10 This parameter enables or
measurement result of all mode. When the switch is disables the starting of the
CPs in a super cell is turned on, tbsIndexAlt- large scale for one high
smaller thanValue
the threshold, r12 is set to a26 largeSc4OneHighSINRT
This parameter enables or SINR timing advance. If it
Threshold of User
the CP is activated. If the tm9TM10TbsAltSwch pucchFOCSwch ASwch
DL UE-RS Active Set for (256QAM disabled)
The Switch of or disables
Switch forPUCCH
PUCCH is set tofor
Switch Open,
Thethe starting
Starting of
enum: enum: enum:
difference between the a33 (256QAM
UE-RS Transmission TM9/TM10 enabled)
TBS in frequency offset
Frequency Offset of
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Scheme result of
in SuperCell a
(dB) TM9 Alternative
mode and TM10 compensation only in the
Compensation high
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
CP and the maximum mode. When the switch is public network coverage advance is enabled; if it is
measurement result of all turned off, tbsIndexAlt- for high-speed rails. If this set to Close, the starting
model default: 13 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
CPs is larger than the r12 is not configured in parameter is set to Close, of the large scale for one
threshold, the CP is not TM9 mode and TM10 PUCCH frequency offset high SINR timing
activated. mode. compensation is disabled. advance is disabled.

-- -- -- --
13 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
13 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
13 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
13 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
13 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
13 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
13 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
When the time during
which a UE camps on a
common cell is larger than
or equal to the forced low-
speed determination This parameter determines
threshold for common whether TAT
cells in the public configurations are
This threshold althe UE is highSpeedThr4Normal tATConsistencySwch
Time Thresholdisfor
used in
Low network,
Forced Low Speed Time Threshold for High consistent. If it is set to
Speed in railway speed
The Public forcedly
to low-speed
for Speed of SuperCell in The Close, it indicates
Switch for TATthat the
(s) the status.
The TheNetwork
Public parameter
(s) When
time during
(s) actualConsistency
TAT value is not
time during which a UE value must be larger than which a UE camps on the affected by the configured
long:[1..65534] long:[1..65534] long:[1..65534]
camps on a CP or a cell is the value of the Time CPs of a super cell is value; if it is set to Open,
model default: 30 model default: 40 model default: 20 model default: 0
larger than or equal to the Threshold for Low Speed smaller than the threshold, it indicates that the actual
threshold, the UE can be in public network the UE can be set to high- TAT value is the same as
set to low-speed status. parameter. speed status. the configured value.

-- -- -- --
30 40 20 Close[0]
30 40 20 Close[0]
30 40 20 Close[0]
30 40 20 Close[0]
30 40 20 Close[0]
30 40 20 Close[0]
30 40 20 Close[0]
This parameter is the
PUSCH MRC/IRC This parameter enables or
combination adaption disables PUCCH
The interruption detection The radio link congestion switch. If the switch is MRC/IRC combination
function is used to check detection function is used turned on, the UL PHY adaption. If it is set to
whether a radio link at the radioLinkCongestSwch
to detect whether a radio puschMrcIrcSwch
adaptively chooses pucchMrcIrcSwch
Open, theMRC/IRC
enum: enum: enum: enum:
RLC layer, MAC
The Switch layer,
of Radio or
Link link is congested
Switch and
of Radio Link MRC/IRC
Combinationin accordance
Adaption adaptively
Combinationselects the type
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
PHY layer is broken and
Outage perform flowDetection
Congestion control in with the interference
Switch of MRC/IRC combination
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
perform flow control accordance with the condition. If the switch is based on interference. If it
based on the interruption congestion situation. This turned off, the UL PHY is set to Close, MRC or
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
status. This parameter is parameter is the switch of uses MRC or IRC IRC is used, depending on
the switch of detection of radio link congestion configured in the the configuration on the
radio link interruption. detection. NetNumen system. NetNumen system.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter is applied
in situations where remote
atmospheric ducting
This parameter is the interference stations have
switch of PRACH no load. This parameter
MRC/IRC combination sets the threshold for This parameter sets the
adaption. If the switch is determining whether atmosphericGrdNiThresU
UL noise floor threshold
turned on, the UL cellHeavyLoadFlag atmosphericNoLoadThres
atmospheric l
PRACH MRC/IRC Threshold of Noducting
Load for for the PHY
Threshold ofinUlsignature
enum: enum:
PRACH adaptively
Combination Adaption This parameter is the interference
Atmospheric exists. The
Ducting sequence
Noise fordetection.
Close[0] Close[0]
MRC/IRC in heavy-load
SwitchIf larger the parameter
(dB) larger Location
Ducting the parameter
Open[1] Open[1]
accordance with the the switch is turned on, value, the larger the value, the larger the UL
long:[0..30] long:[-125..-100]
interference condition. If the current cell is a heavy- interference in which noise floor and
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 10 model default: -110
the switch is turned off, load cell. If the switch is atmospheric ducting interference in which
the UL PRACH uses turned off, the current cell interference can be signature sequences can
MRC. is a light-load cell. identified. be detected.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 10 -110
Close[0] Close[0] 10 -110
Close[0] Close[0] 10 -110
Close[0] Close[0] 10 -110
Close[0] Close[0] 10 -110
Close[0] Close[0] 10 -110
Close[0] Close[0] 10 -110
This parameter sets the
first threshold for This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
detecting the number of second threshold for third threshold for
atmospheric ducting detecting the number of detecting the number of
signature sequences. It atmospheric ducting atmospheric ducting
determines the condition signature sequences. It signature sequences. It
for transmitting signature atmosphericSeqContThres
determines2 the atmosphericSeqContThres
Period for Detecting Threshold 1 for Detecting Threshold for condition determines3 the
Detecting Threshold for condition
This parameter sets the sequences. 1 2 3
Signature Sequences in The NumberThe of larger
Signaturethe The
for symbol
Numberrollback. The The
of Signature for symbol
Numberrecovery. The
of Signature
signature sequence
Atmospheric Ducting parameterinvalue
Sequences is, the Sequences
Atmospheric larger the parameter value Sequences
in Atmospheric larger the parameter value
in Atmospheric
detection period(min)
Interference for the larger theInterference
Ducting number of is,Ducting
the larger the number is,Ducting
Interference the larger the number
atmospheric ducting detected signature of detected signature of detected signature
long:[1..120] long:[0..1000] long:[0..1000] long:[0..1000]
interference location sequences is required, sequences is required, sequences is required,
model default: 30 model default: 3 model default: 10 model default: 2
function in atmospheric meaning a stricter meaning a stricter meaning a stricter
ducting state transition condition for transmitting condition for symbol condition for symbol
determination. signature sequences. rollback. recovery.

-- -- -- --
30 3 10 2
30 3 10 2
30 3 10 2
30 3 10 2
30 3 10 2
30 3 10 2
30 3 10 2
This parameter sets the
UL noise floor threshold
of atmospheric ducting
interference. It determines This parameter sets the
the condition for threshold for joining
transmitting signature atmospheric
Threshold forducting
sequences. atmosphericSeqJontThres prachMrcIrcEnable iMEISVStgySwch
Uplink NI The larger the
Threshold in signature
Signature sequences.
SequencesThe This parameter
Flag is the flag
Atmospheric value is, the
Ducting larger the in
Detected parameter value
Atmospheric of the PRACH
Function Being Switch of IMEISV
higher the UL noise
Interference (dBm)floor is, the larger
Ducting the power
Interference (dB) function.Enabled
If the parameter Strategy
and interference are difference tolerance range is set to 0, the PRACH
long:[-125..-100] long:[0..10] long:[0..1]
required, meaning a for joined signature MRC function is enabled.
model default: -110 model default: 5 model default: 0 model default: 0
stricter condition for sequences, meaning a If the parameter is set to 1, If this parameter is set to
transmitting signature more lenient condition for the PRACH IRC function Open, the related IMEISV
sequences. sequence joining. is enabled. strategy is enabled.

-- -- -- --
-110 5 0 Close[0]
-110 5 0 Close[0]
-110 5 0 Close[0]
-110 5 0 Close[0]
-110 5 0 Close[0]
-110 5 0 Close[0]
-110 5 0 Close[0]
interference location of
atmospheric waveguides.
There are 16 symbols
used for atmospheric
waveguide detection. If a
detected atmospheric
waveguide is under a lowPrbEstimForMuMimo
This parameter indicates highPrbEstimForMuMim
This parameter indicates prbUsageThrdForMuMim
symbol d number of
andofthe the Ul
estimated RB the oUl
estimated RB oUl
Threshold The Number Low RB High RB
of waveguides
Detecting with
Atmospheric threshold for UL
Threshold priority
MU- threshold for UL
Threshold priority
MU- This Usage
PRB parameter indicates
Threshold for
the same eNodeB
Waveguide ID is
IDs(times) space division.
MIMOIf the RBs space division.
MIMOIf the RBs theUL
PRB usage threshold
larger than this threshold, estimated in real time are estimated in real time are for priority space division.
long:[1..8] long:[0..400] long:[0..400] long:[0..100]
the waveguide ID is between the high and low between the high and low If the PRB usage exceeds
model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 400 model default: 70
considered to be valid and thresholds, the pairing thresholds, the pairing this threshold, the pairing
is reported; otherwise, it is strategy of priority space strategy of priority space strategy of priority space
not reported. division is triggered. division is triggered. division is triggered.

-- -- -- --
2 0 400 70
2 0 400 70
2 0 400 70
2 0 400 70
2 0 400 70
2 0 400 70
2 0 400 70
This parameter indicates
the PLMN group index.
This parameter indicates The elements in the array
the statistical period for correspond to the IDs of
the PRB usage threshold Threshold of The Number This parameter enables or the first PLMN, the
trigger Period
Statistical priorityfor
of Effective ENodeB IDs
disables prioritized uplink plmnGroupIndex
second PLMN, ...,
PRB UsageIn Threshold
this periodfor
of Since theineNodeB
Detected ID is
Atmospheric MUfor
Switch MIMO space UL
Prioritized consisting of the MCCs
MU-MIMO on the(s)PRB detected
Ducting forCells(times)
the first time, division.
MU If it is set to
MNCsGroupin the Index
cell. The
Open[1] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
usage is collected. After if it is not reported within Open, prioritized uplink actual size of the array is
long:[1..900] long:[1..20] 5, 6]
this period of time, the the following feature space division is enabled. the same as the number of
model default: 1 model default: 3 model default: 0 model default: 1;0;0;0;0;0
system determines sequence detection If it is set to Close, PLMNs configured for the
whether to execute periods specified by this frequency division is cell.
priority space division. threshold, it is discarded. enabled. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
1 3 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0
1 3 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0
1 3 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0
1 3 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0
1 3 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0
1 3 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0
1 3 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0
This switch is used to
This parameter sets the judge whether the PLMN
ratio of bandwidth group is to be
resources allocated to proportionally admitted
PLMN groups in network when the cell is
sharing scenarios. From congested. When the
left to right,Resource
the array case5RatioACSwch
switch is off,the PLMN case5CongJudPrd case5CongStarThrdUl
Bandwidth Admission Control Based
Ratio correspond
of PLMN Groupstoin group
on PLMNis admitted
Group ThisPeriod
The parameter indicates Congestion Threshold for
of Congestion
Network group 1, PLMN
Sharing (%) according to the
Resource for full
Case5 the currentfor
Judgment status of the
Case5 (s) Case5 UL (%)
longArray:[0..100] Open[1]
group 2, PLMN group 3, bandwidth;When the cell is in a congested state
model default: long:[1..65535] long:[0..100]
PLMN group 4, PLMN switch is on,the PLMN by comparing the current This parameter is used to
100;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0 model default: 10 model default: 80
group 5, and PLMN group group is admitted PRB usage with the judge whether the Uplink
6 separately. according to the congestion/recover used PRB of the cell is
Effective when Cell Reset respective ratios. threshold every cycle. congestion or not.

-- -- -- --
100;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 10 80
100;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 10 80
100;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 10 80
100;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 10 80
100;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 10 80
100;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 10 80
100;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 10 80
array elements is None. If
one or more of QCI1 to
QCI4 need to be
configured to the GBR
services to be guaranteed
in network sharing
scenarios, you need to set
case5RecoverThrdUl case5CongStarThrdDl case5RecoverThrdDl case5GuaranteedGBR
one or more elements of
Recover Threshold for this array parameter
Congestion Threshold for Recover Threshold for Guaranteed to the
GBR Services
Case5 UL (%) Case5 DL (%) Case5 DL (%) corresponding
for Network types. For
This parameter is used to This parameter is used to the configured GBR
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
This parameter is used to judge whether the judge whether the services, RB resources are
model default: 60 model default: 80 model default: 60 model default: 1;0;0;0
judge whether the Uplink DownLink used PRB of DownLink used PRB not divided based on
used PRB congestion of the cell is congestion or congestion of the cell is PLMNs.
the cell is relieve or not. not. relieve or not. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
60 80 60 1;0;0;0
60 80 60 1;0;0;0
60 80 60 1;0;0;0
60 80 60 1;0;0;0
60 80 60 1;0;0;0
60 80 60 1;0;0;0
60 80 60 1;0;0;0
Bandwidth, the
bandwidths of the LTE
system can be expanded
to standard bandwidths. If
it is set to Support Non-
standard Bandwidth, the
Support of the LTE
of Non-Standard
lAADRSSwch enum:
tmmAntCombTypeUl Not Support Non-standard
gLDBENonStdSupport dlDeltaMCS4Release
system can beSharing
Bandwidth expanded
enum: 2In1AntComb[0] Bandwidth[0]
Type of UL TMM to non-standard
Between GERAN and Conserved MCS Quantity
Close[0] 4In1AntComb[1] Support Non-standard
LAA DRS Switch This parameter
Antenna indicates bandwidths.
Combination LTEA standard Thisfor
parameter indicates
RRC Release
Open[1] AdjustAntComb[2] Bandwidth[1]
the support for two-in-one bandwidth is already the conserved MCS
This parameter determines antenna combination, defined by the protocols, quantity for RRC release
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 3
whether to send DRSs in four-in-one antenna and a non-standard during the scheduling of
LAA cells. combination, and adaptive bandwidth is generally the RRC Release
Effective when Cell Reset combination. customized for operators. message.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] 2In1AntComb[0] Not Support Non-standard 3
Open[1] 2In1AntComb[0] Not Support Non-standard 3
Open[1] 2In1AntComb[0] Not Support Non-standard 3
Open[1] 2In1AntComb[0] Not Support Non-standard 3
Open[1] 2In1AntComb[0] Not Support Non-standard 3
Open[1] 2In1AntComb[0] Not Support Non-standard 3
Open[1] 2In1AntComb[0] Not Support Non-standard 3
difference between this
parameter and the
ch parameter is as
follows: When the
Switch for Polling This parameter
Switch indicates
of the Priority ch parameter is set to
relRetranOptSwitch pGBRSwch Close[0]
reuseMagicRadioSwch shareAreaId
Retransmission theGuaranteed
switch of the
Rate Open, blanked RBs
enum: enum: BothSidesReuse[1]
Optimization for the RRC guaranteed
Function bit rate
for SPID-Based cannot be used for the MagicRadio ULCSS
Close[0] Close[0] LowFreSideReuse[2]
Release Message function
NGBRfor Bearers
SPID-based PUSCH untilReuse
MagicRadio non-blanked
Switch Group ID
Open[1] Open[1] HighFreSideReuse[3]
This parameter determines NGBR bearers. If it is set RBs are used out. When This parameter indicates
whether the to Open, the priority this parameter is set to the group ID of the cell
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
retransmission of the RRC guaranteed bit rate can be Open, blanked RBs are with which the
Release message is configured for the NGBR directly used for the MagicRadio uplink
optimized during polling. bearer of an SPID user. PUSCH. bandwidth is shared.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0
number of RBs disabled LTE CSS scenario, the
for downlink bandwidths RBs scheduled by the
is the number of RBs for LTE system are
downlink bandwidth This parameter sets the dynamically adjusted
contraction in CSS for transmission scheme that based on the time slot TTI
low frequency scenarios. is used after the TM2 level occupied by the
If it is set to transmission mode is GSM system. In this case,
cutRbModeDl Inter-TransMode[0]
HighFreSideReuse, the configured. It is used to the gLCssCoopSwch
RB utilization of the gLCssCoopOffset
BothSidesReuse[0] Fixed Single Port[1] enum:
DL of RBs disabled
Contraction Mode of verify performance LTESlot
Time system can be
Collaboration Time Slot Collaboration
LowFreSideReuse[1] Fixed RI = 1 precoding[2] Close[0]
for downlinkCSSbandwidths differences among
Transmission Scheme improved
Switch forasGL
CSS as This parameter
Offset for GL CSS sets(ms)
HighFreSideReuse[2] Fixed RI = 2 precoding[3] Open[1] double:[0..10]
is the number of RBs for different transmission possible without affecting time slot collaboration
model default: 1.9
downlink bandwidth schemes in a test scenario. the MOS value of the offset in GL CSS
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 step: 0.1
contraction in CSS for Non-adaptive GSM system. If it is set to scenarios to synchronized
high frequency scenarios. configurations cannot be Close, the optimization is the time of the GSM and
Effective when Cell Reset used on site. not performed. LTE systems.

-- -- -- --
BothSidesReuse[0] Inter-TransMode[0] Close[0] 1.9
BothSidesReuse[0] Inter-TransMode[0] Close[0] 1.9
BothSidesReuse[0] Inter-TransMode[0] Close[0] 1.9
BothSidesReuse[0] Inter-TransMode[0] Close[0] 1.9
BothSidesReuse[0] Inter-TransMode[0] Close[0] 1.9
BothSidesReuse[0] Inter-TransMode[0] Close[0] 1.9
BothSidesReuse[0] Inter-TransMode[0] Close[0] 1.9
This parameter enables or
disables the optimization
This parameter indicates of DRX sleep decision. It
whether to enlarge the 200 is used to increase the
kHz bandwidth for co- threshold of force sleep of
isFddSDMAEnable4DM isFddSDMAEnable4DM
This parameter enables or spectrum identification in DCI 0 LOST, enhancing
disables uplink cSSInterferIntAvdSwch
collaboration auto- drxSleepJudgeOptSwch
the calibration of the AN
CSS Interference
enum: enum: enum: enum:
set to configuration.
Avoidance IfInterval
it is set to on the for
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Switch Open, SDMA
Switchpairing is Open,Switch
the 200 kHz making theOptimization
Decision determination
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
This parameter enables or performed among bandwidth is enlarged for of the DRX Sleep status
disables downlink FDD multiple UEs in the LTE spectrum; otherwise, more accurate, reducing
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0
DM SDMA. By default, it uplink. By default, it is set the 200 kHz bandwidth is scheduling chances, and
is set to Open. to Close. not enlarged for LTE improving uplink
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset spectrum. throughput.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Close[0]
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Close[0]
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Close[0]
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Close[0]
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Close[0]
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Close[0]
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Close[0]
This parameter enables or
disables measurement
frequency optimization. It forceEdgeUeToMultANS
measFreqOptSwitch edgeUeThroughOptSwch enum:
edgeUeAmcOLOptSwitch wch
can enhance the This parameter
Switch enables
for Edge UE or
enum: enum: Close[0] enum:
Switch capability of
for Measurement Switch for Edge-UE disables outer-loop
Outer-Loop Optimization The Switch of Forcing
Close[0] Close[0] AmcOlFloor1[1] Close[0]
wireless channel
Frequency tracing
Optimization Throughput Optimization optimization
in AMCfor edge UEs Edge UE to Multiplex AN
Open[1] Open[1] AmcOlFloor2[2] Open[1]
and increase uplink in AMC. It can improves The Switch of forcing
throughput by increasing This parameter enables or the stability of the uplink edge UE to multiplex
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
the number of times to disables the optimization BLER by adjusting the AN,through multiplexing
perform inner-loop of the throughput of cell- lower limit of the outer AN in PUSCH, increases
measurement. edge UEs. loop. schedule counts.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
are back-end DRX scenarios. If it is set to
parameters that are not Open, in an FDD GSM-
configured with the bearer LTE CSS scenario, the This parameter indicates
established by the UE, RBs scheduled by the whether to enable the
DRX is not configured for LTE system are SINR interference matrix
the UE based on this dynamically adjusted function when CSS is
bearer. If this parameter is gLCoopPowerReduceSwc
based on the time slot TTI enabled. If it is set to
set to Lowest orpriority and level occupied h by the sinrInterMatrixSwch
Close, the SINR gSMBandIdent
Time Slot Collaboration
enum: enum: enum: enum:
DRXare back-end
Priority DRX GSM
Without Powersystem. In this
Reduction case,
Switch interference matrix
Switch for SINR
Highest priority[0] Close[0] Close[0] 1800 Frequency band[0]
parameters that are not the power
QCI Configured of the
for GL CSS disabled function is disabled
Interference when
Matrix This
GSM parameter sets the
Band Identifier
Lowest priority[1] Open[1] Open[1] 1900 Frequency band[1]
configured with the bearer RBs needs to be reduced. CSS is enabled. If it is set specific frequency band
established by the UE, If it is set to Close, the to Open, the SINR corresponding to the GSM
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
DRX is configured for the power of the disabled RBs interference matrix transmission frequency
UE based on any does not need to be function is enabled when for CSS collaboration
established bearer. reduced. CSS is abled. self-configuration.

-- -- -- --
Highest priority[0] Open[1] Close[0] 1800 Frequency band[0]
Highest priority[0] Open[1] Close[0] 1800 Frequency band[0]
Highest priority[0] Open[1] Close[0] 1800 Frequency band[0]
Highest priority[0] Open[1] Close[0] 1800 Frequency band[0]
Highest priority[0] Open[1] Close[0] 1800 Frequency band[0]
Highest priority[0] Open[1] Close[0] 1800 Frequency band[0]
Highest priority[0] Open[1] Close[0] 1800 Frequency band[0]
usage exceed the
thresholds, the expansion
of uplink MM
retransmission streams is
enabled. In this case, the
number of uplink
retransmission space
blerAdaptSwitch4IncBler reTxExpandStreamSwch
division a UE enSrsPhrPrecisionSwch subMcsRectifyByNISwch
for ULofMM This parameter enables or
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Switch for BLER Range- can be larger than
Retransmission the
Stream Switch for Enhancing Switchdisables sub-bandSub-
for NI-Based
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This Based
parameter enables or
Adaption numberExpansion
of transmission SRS PHR Precision remapping based on NIs.
Band Remapping
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
disables BLER range- space division streams of This parameter enables or If this parameter is set to
based adaption. It is used this UE but must be disables PHR precision Open, the filtering gain of
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
to improve far-point smaller than the upper enhancement for SRS. It the inner ring can be
traffic by increasing the limit of the number of is used to normalize the obtained, improving
BLER of UEs. uplink streams. PHR of SRS and PUSCH. uplink throughput.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
shared between LTE and
UMTS cells. If it is set to
2, power can be
dynamically shared
between LTE and GSM
cells. If it is set to 3,
power can be dynamically This parameter indicates
shared between LTE and defaultSpecShareState closeFrameOffset closeFrameRatio
that the ratio of cell
GSM cells, and between Cell Spectrum Sharing Offset of Cell Closing closing
Ratio of frame when
Cell Closing
Not Actived[0]
LTE and Sharing
Power UMTS cells.
SwitchIf it Default State Frame enhanced
is set to 4, power can be This parameter indicates symbol shutdown effect.
long:[0..7] long:[0..2] long:[5..100]
dynamically shared that the offset of cell If the ratio of RBs
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 30
between downlink LTE This parameter represents closing frame when allocated by DL TTI is
carriers. the default state of cell enhanced self-check less than this threshold,
Effective when Cell Reset spectrum sharing. symbol shutdown effect. then close subframe.

-- -- -- --
0 Actived[1] 0 30
0 Actived[1] 0 30
0 Actived[1] 1 30
0 Actived[1] 2 30
0 Actived[1] 0 30
0 Actived[1] 0 30
0 Actived[1] 0 30
This parameter sets the
PLMN group congestion
threshold in Case5
This parameter is used to scenarios. If the downlink
Normal[0] case5PlmnGroupCongThr
distinguish user PRB utilization of a cell is
High Way[1]
performanceScene lowFreCutRbNumDL highFreCutRbNumDL
performance Number of RBs for DL Number of RBs for DL larger
PLMNthan ord equal
Group to this
High Speed[2]
User performance normal
scene Low-Frequency High-Frequency threshold in
Threshold and the
scene,high way scene,
configuration Contraction in CSS Contraction in CSS downlink PRB utilization
Scenarios (%)
high speed scene, interfere This parameter sets the This parameter sets the of each PLMN group is
long:[0..49] long:[0..49] long:[0..100]
scene, capacity scene, number of low-frequency number of high-frequency larger than or equal to this
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 20
according to the scene, RBs for downlink RBs for downlink threshold, the cell is
import the scene relevant bandwidth contraction in bandwidth contraction in determined to be
parameter template. MagicRadio CSS. MagicRadio CSS. congested.

-- -- -- --
Normal[0] 0 0 20
Normal[0] 0 0 20
Normal[0] 0 0 20
Normal[0] 0 0 20
Normal[0] 0 0 20
Normal[0] 0 0 20
Normal[0] 0 0 20
longArray:[0..1] longArray:[0..1]
model default: model default:
This parameter sets the
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
PLMN group recovery
case5PlmnGroupRecover ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
threshold in Case5
Thrd case5CongPunishPeriod 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
lteNbPwrShareTime 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
PLMN Group If theRecovery
downlink Number of Continuous Time for Spectrum
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
utilizationinof a cell is Congestion Periods in
Case5 Time for Power Sharing Sharing Between LTE and
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
less than this threshold
Scenarios (%) or This parameter
Case5 sets(%)
Scenarios the Between LTE and NB-IoT NB-IoT
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
there is a PLMN group number of continuous
long:[0..100] long:[0..255] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
where the PRB utilization congestion periods in This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
model default: 10 model default: 1 ;0 ;0
is less than this threshold, Case5 scenarios during time for the power sharing time for the spectrum
the cell is determined to which cells cannot recover between LTE and NB-IoT sharing between LTE and
recover from congestion. from congestion. systems. NB-IoT systems.

-- -- -- --
10 1 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
10 1 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
10 1 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
10 1 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
10 1 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
10 1 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
10 1 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
threshold for downlink prbUsageRelThredUL
threshold for uplink UL
PRB prbRtrThredDL
threshold for downlink prbRtrThredUL
threshold for uplink UL
Utilization-Based DL Utilization-Based Utilization-Based DL Utilization-Based
PRB release Threshold
based on release
PRB basedThreshold
Release on PRB PRBRecovery
PRB recovery Threshold
based on recovery
PRB basedThreshold
Recovery on PRB
for LTEutilization in LTE
and NB-IoT utilization
(%) for LTE andin LTE and
NB-IoT (%) PRB
for LTEutilization in LTE
and NB-IoT (%) forutilization
LTE andin LTE and
NB-IoT (%)
and NB-IoT systems. If NB-IoT systems. If PRB and NB-IoT systems. If NB-IoT systems. If PRB
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
PRB utilization is lower utilization is lower than PRB utilization is higher utilization is higher than
model default: 30 model default: 30 model default: 70 model default: 70
than this threshold, the this threshold, the LTE than this threshold, the this threshold, the LTE
LTE system releases RB system releases RB LTE system recovers RB system recovers RB
resources. resources. resources. resources.

-- -- -- --
30 30 70 70
30 30 70 70
30 30 70 70
30 30 70 70
30 30 70 70
30 30 70 70
30 30 70 70
This parameter sets the
PRB Evaluation
PRB evaluation period
Period in
in Number of Times That Number of Times That
scenario of spectrum prbRtrChkTimes prbRelChkTimes maxShareRatio
LTE and NB-IoT PRB Recovery in LTE PRB Release in LTE and
sharing or power
Spectrum sharing
or Power and NB-IoT Is Detected NB-IoT Is Detected
SharingLTE and NB-IoT
Scenario (s) Continuously Continuously Power Sharing Proportion
cells. It is used when This parameter sets the This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
long:[1..255] long:[1..255] long:[1..255] model default: 0.5
spectrum sharing or power number of times that PRB number of times that PRB proportion of the transmit
model default: 10 model default: 2 model default: 4 step: 0.01
sharing between LTE and recovery in the LTE and release in the LTE and power that LTE cells can
NB-IoT cells needs to be NB-IoT systems is NB-IoT systems is share in a power sharing
enabled. detected continuously. detected continuously. scenario.

-- -- -- --
10 2 4 0.5
10 2 4 0.5
10 2 4 0.5
10 2 4 0.5
10 2 4 0.5
10 2 4 0.5
10 2 4 0.5
with other eNodeBs when
This parameter determines This parameter sets the the eNodeB is interfered
whether IMEISV UEs can timer to delay the by atmospheric ducting. It
use allowable frequencies. application of DRX in an determines whether the
If it is set to Open, only NSA scenario. In the downlink subframes
the IMEISV UEs that are access and handover before special-subframe This parameter sets the
configured with the scenarios, a larger value AtmosSubFrameBackSwc
Switch forsend PDSCH
Sub-frame maximum number of
Allowable wch
Frequency configDRXTimerForNSA
indicates that DRX takes data. If PDSCHh dLMMMaxSDMANum
Switch for Using Rollback in thedata
Caseis of
not downlink SDM streams,
enum: enum:
Strategy or
Allowable Allow andby
Frequencies effect
DRX later and the Timer
Application impact sent, the interference
Atmospheric with
Ducting namely, the
Maximum maximum
Number of DL
Close[0] Close[0]
IMEISV Frequency
UEs on NSA
in an the delay in SN
Scenario(ms) the uplink symbols of the
Interference number
MM SDMof SDM streams
Open[1] Open[1]
Strategy parameter can addition is lower. If this special subframes and that can be provided by
long:[0, 1000..10000] long:[1..24]
use the allowable parameter is set to 0, the uplink subframes of the MM stations. The value 1
model default: 0 model default: 1000 model default: 0 model default: 16
frequencies in DRX delay function in eNodeBs that are affected indicates that SDM is not
measurement and NSA scenarios is by atmospheric ducting supported.
handover. disabled. can be reduced. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0 Close[0] 16
Close[0] 1000 Close[0] 16
Close[0] 0 Close[0] 16
Close[0] 0 Close[0] 16
Close[0] 1000 Close[0] 16
Close[0] 1000 Close[0] 16
Close[0] 1000 Close[0] 16
This parameter determines
whether to disable the
uplink PHR procedure. By
default, it is set to Close. This parameter enables or
This parameter sets the h scenario, This parameter
In a high-load coModePSwch coModeBSwch
enables or disables cooperation mode
enum: enum: enum:
Maximum numberofofUL
Number this parameter
Switch canPHR
for UL be set disables
Switchcooperation mode Switch
of Cooperation B. If it of
is set to Open,
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
streams, toProcedure
Open to disable the
Disabling P. If it Mode
is set to
P Open, bandwidth can Bbe shared
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
namely, the maximum adjustment of RBs and power can be shared between 4G and 5G cells.
number of SDM streams MCSs when the PHR between 4G and 5G cells. If it is set to Close,
model default: 8 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
that can be provided by procedure is restricted to If it is set to Close, power bandwidth cannot be
MM stations. improve uplink spectrum cannot be shared between shared between 4G and
Effective when Cell Reset efficiency and traffic. 4G and 5G cells. 5G cells.

-- -- -- --
8 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
8 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
8 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
8 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
8 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
8 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
8 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
differentiated uplink
AMC parameters for UEs
This parameter enables or with the general QoS. If it
disables the adaptation of is set to Open,
This parameter enables or the maximum number of differentiated radio
This parameter enables or disables the adaptation of UEs in an SDM channel experience can be
disables collaboration ulMMNewTransNumAda
the maximum number of ulMMRetransNumAdaptS
retransmission group. If it provided for the
Switch for the Adaptation Switch for the Adaptation Differentiated
I. If it is set to ptSwch towch amc4GeneralQosSwchUl
of theUEs in an SDM
Maximum Number of the is set
the guaranteed
Configuration UEsSwitch
with the
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Switch collaborative
Cooperation transmission
of UEs ingroup.
an SDMIf it is maximum
of UEsnumber of UEs
in an SDM general
UL AMC QoS.forInGeneral
this case,
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
ModeisIenabled set Transmission
to Open, the maximum
Group in the SDMGroup
Retransmission differentiated
QoS UEsuplink
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
between 4G and 5G cells. number of UEs in the retransmission group is AMC can be provided for
If it is set to Close, SDM transmission group adaptively determined guaranteed users to allow
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
collaborative interference is adaptively determined based on the BLER of the them to enjoy different
is disabled between 4G based on the BLER of the SDM retransmission radio experience from
and 5G cells. SDM transmission group. group. common users.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
shared between the LTE
and UMTS systems in
both the uplink and
downlink. If it is set to
Uplink spectrum sharing,
Uplink and Downlink
frequency spectrum is
Spectrum Sharing[0]
shared between the LTE
Uplink spectrum
and UMTS systems in the ThiscoModeIConfig
parameter sets the ThiscoModePConfig
parameter sets the ThiscoModeBConfig
parameter sets the
ULuplink. If it Spectrum
Dynamic is set to power adjustment value
Configuration of of power adjustment value
Configuration of of power adjustment value
Configuration of of
Downlink spectrum
Mode an LTE cellMode
Cooperation when I anCooperation
LTE cell whenModepower
P an LTE cellMode
Cooperation whenB
sharing, frequency cooperative interference is sharing is enabled bandwidth sharing is
long:[0..40] long:[0..40] long:[0..40]
spectrum is shared enabled between 4G and between 4G and 5G cells. enabled between 4G and
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
between the LTE and 5G cells. A smaller A smaller parameter value 5G cells. A smaller
UMTS systems in the parameter value indicates indicates lower adjusted parameter value indicates
downlink. lower adjusted power. power. lower adjusted power.

-- -- -- --
Uplink and Downlink Spect0 0 0
Uplink and Downlink Spect0 0 0
Uplink and Downlink Spect0 0 0
Uplink and Downlink Spect0 0 0
Uplink and Downlink Spect0 0 0
Uplink and Downlink Spect0 0 0
Uplink and Downlink Spect0 0 0
and SRS-related in FDD non-standard in network sharing
measurement. Therefore, bandwidth scenarios. scenarios (case 1, case 2,
the SRS confidence When configured as and case 4). If it is set to
function is introduced. If This parameter sets the symmetric filtering, the 1, the configuration of the
this parameter is set to offset of the confidence RRU performs uplink and downlink GBR
Open, the confidence is threshold for TMM SRS symmetrical filtering from and PBR services can be
determined in SRS-related detection. The both ends of the frequency guaranteed. If it is set to 2,
tmmSrsConfidenceSwch enum: enum:
measurement, that is, if tmmSrsConfidenceDelta
Offset of TMMofSRSthe band; rruFilterMode
when configured as networkSharingOptSwch
only the configuration of
enum: Symmetric Filter[0] Close[0]
SINR is low, it is parameter
Confidence Detection value should
Confidence left filtering, the RRU theNetwork
GBR and
Close[0] LeftFilter[1] Open for UL and DL[1]
not used Switch
for reference in balanceThreshold
the false alarm performs filtering
RRU Filter Modefrom PBR services Switch
Optimization can be
Open[2] RightFilter[2] Open for DL only[2]
SRS-related measurement. probability and the the left only; when guaranteed. If it is set to
If this parameter is set to missing alarm probability. configured as right Close, the configuration
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
Close, the confidence is By default, the confidence filtering, the RRU of GBR and PBR services
not determined in SRS- threshold for TMM SRS performs filtering from cannot be guaranteed.
related measurement. detection is not adjusted. the right only. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0 Symmetric Filter[0] Open for UL and DL[1]
Close[0] 0 Symmetric Filter[0] Open for UL and DL[1]
Close[0] 0 Symmetric Filter[0] Open for UL and DL[1]
Close[0] 0 Symmetric Filter[0] Open for UL and DL[1]
Close[0] 0 Symmetric Filter[0] Open for UL and DL[1]
Close[0] 0 Symmetric Filter[0] Open for UL and DL[1]
Close[0] 0 Symmetric Filter[0] Open for UL and DL[1]
corresponding PLMN to 100, all the RB
group can use the shared resources configured for
resources. If an array the corresponding PLMN
element is set to 0, it group are reserved. If an This array parameter sets
indicates that the array element is not set to the resource preemption
corresponding PLMN 100, the remaining non- capability level of each This parameter sets the
group cannot use the reserved resources PLMN group in a network proportion of the
shared rBRsvRatio4OprGrp oprGrpRBGrabLvl rBShareRatio4OprGrp
Flag forresources. The
Using Shared corresponding
Proportion ofto RBthe sharing
Resourcescenario. The
Preemption bandwidth
Proportion resources that
of Bandwidth
array elementsbyfrom
Resources PLMNleft to PLMN group
Resources can be
Reserved for PLMN group
Capability withofa
Level canResources
be sharedShared
by multiple
right correspond
Groupsto PLMN preferentially
PLMN Groups used(%)
by the higherPLMN
capability level can
Groups PLMN Groups
PLMN groups in a
group 1, PLMN group 2, PLMN group and the preempt the resources of network sharing scenario.
longArray:[0..1] longArray:[0..100] longArray:[0..100] long:[0..100]
PLMN group 3, PLMN unused resources can be the PLMN group with the A higher proportion
model default: 0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0
group 4, PLMN group 5, preempted by other same or a lower capability indicates more RB
and PLMN group 6. PLMN groups. level. resources that can be used.
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 0
0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 0
0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 0
0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 0
0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 0
0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 0
0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 0
poor-quality data UEs that
are in the cells with
atmospheric ducting
interference can be
migrated to the cells
without atmospheric Sampling Period for
ducting interference. atmosDataQualDetectTim atmosDataULWorseSINR
Switch for Migrating Ifthe
it Evaluating
This parameter sets the Number
the Channel of Times That the UL ThisSINR
parameter sets the
Threshold for
is set to Close,Data
the UEs
uplink atmosDataQualSampPriod
uplink SINR es Trd
Poor-Quality in Quality of the sampling
Data UEs IfQuality
the uplink
of a SINR values
Data UE in uplink SINR
Poor-Quality threshold
Data UEsfor in
Atmospheric dataDucting
UEs that period for evaluating
in Atmospheric the an Atmospheric
Ducting that are sampled
Ducting poor-quality
Atmospheric data UEs. If
are in the cells with
Cells channelCells
(s) of data consecutive
Cell IsNPoor
times for a the uplink SINR
Cells (dB)of a data
Open[1] double:[-20..50]
atmospheric ducting UEs when the migration data UE are UE is lower than or equal
long:[1..60] long:[1..255] model default: 3.0
interference cannot be of the poor-quality data unsatisfactory, the UE is to this threshold within a
model default: 0 model default: 3 model default: 2 step: 0.5
migrated to the cells UEs that are in the cells marked as a poor-quality period of time, the UE is
without atmospheric with atmospheric ducting UE. This parameter sets considered to be an uplink
ducting interference. interference is enabled. the value of N. poor-quality UE.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 3 2 3.0
Close[0] 3 2 3.0
Close[0] 3 2 3.0
Close[0] 3 2 3.0
Close[0] 3 2 3.0
Close[0] 3 2 3.0
Close[0] 3 2 3.0
configurations need to be storm beginning. If paging
delivered. If the uplink storm-based paging
channel quality of an UE capacity optimization is
is too poor, a High Load Threshold of High Load Threshold of enabled in a cell and the
reconfiguration If
ULthe migration
PRB Usage ofin the If
DLthe migration
PRB Usage inof the result of the following
UL SINRmessage
Protectionmay poor-quality
Target Cell data UEs
with thethat poor-quality
Target Cell data UEs
with thethat formula within a period is
fail to be sent, ulPRBTrd4AtmosDataMi dlPRBTrd4AtmosDataMi
Threshold forcausing UE
Migrating are in theof
Migration cells
the with
Poor- are in theof
Migration cells
the with
Poor- larger than this threshold,
re-establishment. Thisin atmosphericg g ratioThr4PagingStorm
Poor-Quality Data UEs Quality Dataducting
UEs in atmospheric
Quality Dataducting
UEs in itRatio
is considered
parameter sets
Atmospheric the
Ducting interference
Atmosphericis Ducting
enabled, interference
Atmosphericis Ducting
enabled, Paging pagingStorm
threshold for (dB)
Cells filtering the UEs are notEnabled
Cells handed over UEs are notEnabled
Cells handed over Number(%) of paging
UEs whose uplink to a neighbor cell if the to a neighbor cell if the messages received on the
model default: 0.0 long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[1..100]
channel quality is too bad. uplink PRB usage of the downlink PRB usage of S1 interface by
step: 0.5 model default: 60 model default: 60 model default: 50
With the configuration of neighbor cell is higher the neighbor cell is higher cells/Number of paging
this parameter, this than or equal to this than or equal to this messages configured on
problem can be avoided. threshold. threshold. the UME for cells.

-- -- -- --
0.0 60 60 50
0.0 60 60 50
0.0 60 60 50
0.0 60 60 50
0.0 60 60 50
0.0 60 60 50
0.0 60 60 50
storm end. If paging of an NR system. For the frequency bands. In an This array parameter
storm-based paging NR system frequencies NSA scenario, if UEs enables or disables NR
capacity optimization is configured with neighbor trigger SN addition for the capability parsing for
enabled in a cell and the cells, if this parameter is frequency bands that do UEs. Each element in the
results of the following set to Strict Strategy, not support DSS, the array determines whether
formula within multiple blind redirection can be throughput in the DSS to parse the corresponding
periods are smaller than triggered only when no cells is affected. If this NR capability of UEs, 0
this threshold, it is nRRatBlindRedStgy
neighbor cell is restricted dssBandAdaptNSASwch
parameter analysisNrCapSwch
to Open, (Close) for not parsing
enum: enum:
considered that a paging
Ratio Threshold for NRbyBlind-Redirection
the HRL; if this UEs are not allowed
Adaptation of DSSto and NR1Capability
(Open) forParsing
Strict Strategy[0] Close[0]
End (%) of parameter is set to Easing trigger
Strategy SN addition
Frequency Bandsfor the The first element
Switch indicates
Easing Strategy[1] Open[1] longArray:[0..1]
paging messages received Strategy, blind redirection frequency bands that do that the bandwidth
long:[1..100] model default:
on the S1 interface by can be triggered as long as not support DSS, thus capability of UEs is
model default: 25 model default: 0 model default: 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
cells/Number of paging there is a neighbor cell improving the parsed and the second
messages configured on that is not restricted by the performance of the DSS through eighth elements
the UME for cells. HRL. cells. are reserved.

-- -- -- --
25 Strict Strategy[0] Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
25 Strict Strategy[0] Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
25 Strict Strategy[0] Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
25 Strict Strategy[0] Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
25 Strict Strategy[0] Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
25 Strict Strategy[0] Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
25 Strict Strategy[0] Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
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SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,56 WTP163ML1_Jl.Andalas
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,55 WTP150ML1_TBG Sukawat
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,58 WTP163ML1_Jl.Andalas
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,57 WTP163ML1_Jl.Andalas
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,230 N_WTP102MR1_BiruBone
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,103 WTP207MT1_DMT MM Mas
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,224 P_WTP092ML1_Mallari-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,225 N_WTP183MR1_MCRSung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,105 E_COI247ML1_CombatFU
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,226 E_WTP042MR1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,106 M_WTP041MT1_Cabalu-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,227 E_WTP128ML1_UrengPal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,129 P_WTP041ML1_Cabalu-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,71 WTP064ML1_MacegeML03
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,89 N_WTP021MR1_Palakka
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,88 N_WTP021MR1_Palakka
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,140 E_WTP042MT1_Masumpu
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,141 E_WTP085ML1_WatangPal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,142 M_WTP085MT1_WatangPal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,136 P_WTP186ML1_MCRPasar
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,137 C_WTP102MR1_BiruBone
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,138 E_WTP132ML1_Potongng
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,139 [31]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,132 C_WTP002MR1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,253 N_WTP165MR1_MCVeter
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,133 C_WTP002MR1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,254 N_WTP165MR1_MCVeter
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,134 E_WTP132ML1_Potongng
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,85 WTP184ML1_MCR Tanete
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,84 WTP064ML1_Macege MT0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,87 WTP171MT1_Protelindo W
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,86 WTP141ML1_JeppeeML02
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,80 WTP170MT1_MC Wahidin
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,38 WTP001ML1_BoneML031
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,37 WTP001ML1_BoneML021
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,39 WTP012ML1_Bone cityM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,223 WTP183ML1_MCR Sungai
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,52 WTP149ML1_TBG Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,51 WTP149ML1_TBG Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,54 WTP150ML1_TBG Sukawat
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,53 WTP149ML1_TBG Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,107 P_WTP036ML1_BoneInne
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,228 P_WTP185ML1_MCRJala
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,108 P_WTP036ML1_BoneInne
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,229 E_WTP152MT1_BarangBa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,50 WTP148ML1_TBG Jalan S
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,109 E_WTP154MT1_TaBone-(Fi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,67 WTP337ML1_JOLLE AM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,66 WTP337ML1_JOLLE AM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,69 WTP209ML1_DMT MM Pasa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,240 M_WTP132MT1_Potongn
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,120 E_WTP154ML1_TaBone-P
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,241 N_WTP068MR1_Palakka2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,114 M_WTP132MT1_Potongng
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,235 P_WTP021MT1_Palakka_
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,115 E_WTP083ML1_Taneteriat
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,236 P_WTP135ML1_MajangRi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,116 E_WTP002ML1_Bone2_ML
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,237 P_WTP068MT1_Palakka2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,117 E_WTP171ML1_WahidinB
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,238 E_WTP090ML1_Wellangi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,110 E_COI489MT1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,231 M_WTP171MT1_WahidinB
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,111 M_WTP170MT1_MCWahid
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,112 P_WTP102ML1_BiruBone-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,233 N_WTP038IR1_BoneTradeC
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,113 M_WTP036MT1_BoneInner
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,234 N_WTP131MR1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,65 WTP337ML1_JOLLE AM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,239 E_WTP090MT1_Wellangi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,119 E_WTP085ML1_WatangPal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,61 WTP165ML1_MC Veteran
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,60 WTP165ML1_MC Veteran
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,15 C_WTP002ML1_Bone MT
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,18 WTP141ML1_JeppeeML0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,17 C_WTP207ML1_DMT MM M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,34 N_WTP207MT1_DMT MM M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,12 WTP171ML1_Protelindo W
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,11 C_WTP002ML1_Bone MT
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,14 WTP002ML1_Bone 2ML0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,35 C_WTP207ML1_DMT MM M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,202 E_WTP002MT1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,203 N_WTP207MR1_MMMasji
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,204 E_WTP083ML1_Taneteria
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,205 E_WTP169MT1_MCSukaw
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,200 E_WTP012MR1_BoneCit
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,201 E_WTP058MT1_PATTIR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,30 WTP170ML1_MC Wahidin
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,32 COI247ML1_Combat FUN
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,31 WTP207ML1_DMT MM Mas
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,206 N_WTP134MR1_Tibojon
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,207 E_WTP083MR1_Taneteria
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,208 E_WTP065ML1_Tibojong
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,209 P_WTP134ML1_Tibojong
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,49 WTP148ML1_TBG Jalan S
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,48 WTP148ML1_TBG Jalan S
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,45 WTP139ML1_TBG Pasar S
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,44 WTP139ML1_TBG Pasar S
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,47 WTP142ML1_TBG Jl Seme
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,46 WTP142ML1_TBG Jl Seme
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,213 N_WTP149MR1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,214 N_WTP134MR1_Tibojon
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,215 E_WTP169MT1_MCSukaw
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,216 E_WTP042MT1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,210 E_WTP102MT1_BiruBone
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,211 E_WTP065MR1_Tibojong
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,212 N_WTP185MR1_MCRJala
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,41 WTP042ML1_MasumpuM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,40 WTP012ML1_Bone cityM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,43 WTP042ML1_MasumpuM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,42 WTP042ML1_MasumpuM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,217 N_WTP147MR1_ToroBajo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,218 E_WTP065ML1_Tibojong
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,219 N_WTP165MR1_MCVeter
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,13 WTP002ML1_Bone 2ML0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,100 M_WTP064MT1_Macege_
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,135 P_WTP135ML1_MajangRi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,74 COI489MT1_Combat FUN
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,76 N_WTP209MT1_DMT MM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,263 E_WTP099MR1_Taneteria
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,260 N_WTP185MR1_MCRJala
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,255 C_WTP170EL1_MCWahidin
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,194 E_WTP042MR1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,195 E_WTP238ML1_ISATBaj
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,196 E_WTP104ML1_Corawal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,197 P_WTP102ML1_BiruBone
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,190 N_WTP132MR1_Potongn
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,191 P_WTP134ML1_Tibojong
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,192 E_WTP142MT1_Jl.Semer
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,193 E_WTP001MT1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,187 E_WTP012MR1_BoneCit
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,145 C_COI489MR1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,146 C_COI489MR1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,96 E_WTP209MT1_MMPasarS
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,95 E_WTP154MT1_TaBone-(Fi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,98 E_COI247ML1_CombatFU
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,97 C_WTP064ML1_Macege(Mu
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,92 C_WTP065MR1_Tibojon
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,91 C_WTP065MR1_Tibojon
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,94 C_WTP082MR1_Bone1-P
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,93 C_WTP154MR1_TaBone-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,161 N_WTP141MR1_Jeppee-T
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,252 E_WTP134MR1_Tibojong
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,242 E_WTP135MR1_MajangRi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,122 E_WTP140ML1_Taneteriat
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,243 N_WTP171MR1_WahidinB
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,123 E_WTP021ML1_Palakka_
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,244 E_WTP142MT1_Jl.Semer
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,124 E_WTP171ML1_WahidinB
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,245 P_WTP092MR1_Mallari
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,73 WTP038IL1_Bone Trade Ce
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,75 N_WTP209MT1_DMT MM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,70 WTP140ML1_TBG Taneteri
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,72 N_COI483MT1_COMBAT
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,81 COI307ML1_Combat SMA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,83 C_COI307ML1_Combat F
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,82 COI307ML1_Combat SMA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,59 WTP165ML1_MC Veteran
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,220 P_WTP022MT1_Awangpo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,221 M_WTP036MT1_BoneInner
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,101 C_WTP170ML1_MCWahidi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,222 E_WTP169ML1_MCSukaw
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,102 E_COI489MT1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,68 WTP167ML1_MCR Pasar Se
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,63 WTP168ML1_MCR Flore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,62 WTP168ML1_MCR Flore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,64 WTP168ML1_MCR Flore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,33 C_WTP207MT1_DMT MM M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,36 WTP001ML1_BoneML011
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,16 C_WTP085ML1_Watang Pa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,19 WTP083ML1_Taneteriatta
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 WTP154ML1_Protelindo T
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,27 WTP169ML1_MC Sukawati
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,26 WTP142ML1_TBG Jl Seme
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,29 WTP085ML1_Watang Pala
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,28 WTP169ML1_MC Sukawati
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,22 C_WTP083MT1_Taneteria
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,25 C_WTP003MT1_Pel. Bajo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,24 C_WTP083MT1_Taneteria
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,21 C_WTP064ML1_Macege
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,20 C_WTP085ML1_Watang Pa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,259 C_WTP170ER1_MCWahidin
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,182 E_WTP042MR1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,118 P_WTP041ML1_Cabalu-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,170 C_WTP041MR1_Cabalu-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,261 E_WTP030MR1_Bone3-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,262 C_COI511MT1_CombatCR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,232 N_WTP142MR1_Jl.Semer
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,23 N_WTP170ML1_MC Wahid
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,157 E_WTP085MR1_WatangPal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,131 M_WTP041MT1_Cabalu-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,99 E_WTP184ML1_MCRTanete
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,150 C_COI247MR1_CombatFu
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,151 C_COI247MR1_CombatFu
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,152 C_COI247MR1_CombatFu
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,153 C_WTP038MR1_BoneTrad
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,147 C_WTP184MR1_MCRTanet
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,104 M_WTP170MT1_MCWahid
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,148 C_WTP184MR1_MCRTanet
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,90 M_WTP064ML1_Macege_
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,149 C_WTP184MR1_MCRTanet
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,143 P_WTP036ML1_BoneInne
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,188 E_WTP147ML1_ToroBajo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,144 C_COI489MR1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,189 N_WTP207MR1_MMMasji
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,198 N_WTP142MR1_Jl.Semer
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,172 C_WTP041MR1_Cabalu-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,173 C_WTP036MR1_BoneInn
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,251 E_WTP135MT1_MajangRi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,174 C_WTP036MR1_BoneInn
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,175 WTP154MT1_Protelindo Ta
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,171 C_WTP041MR1_Cabalu-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,169 E_WTP154MR1_TaBone-P
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,165 E_WTP001MR1_Bone-DM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,166 E_WTP083MR1_Taneteriat
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,167 E_WTP085MR1_WatangPal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,168 E_WTP154MR1_TaBone-P
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,183 C_WTP132MR1_Potongn
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,184 P_WTP186MT1_MCRPasar
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,185 P_WTP102ML1_BiruBone
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,186 P_WTP147MT1_ToroBajo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,180 N_WTP171MR1_WahidinB
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,181 N_WTP141MR1_Jeppee-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,176 E_WTP064MR1_Macege_
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,177 C_WTP036MR1_BoneInn
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,178 E_WTP140MR1_Taneteria
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,179 E_WTP140MR1_Taneteria
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 C_WTP238ML1_DMT Isat
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 WTP140ML1_TBG Taneteri
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 C_WTP209ML1_DMT MM Pa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 WTP170ML1_MC Wahidin
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,0 WTP064ML1_MacegeML0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,78 WTP064ML1_MacegeML02
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 WTP150ML1_TBG Sukawat
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,77 WTP184ML1_MCR Tanete
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 WTP139ML1_TBG Pasar S
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 WTP012ML1_Bone cityM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,79 WTP169MT1_MC SUKAW
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,250 M_WTP083MT1_Taneteria
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,130 E_WTP085ML1_Watang Pa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 N_WTP141ML1_JeppeeM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 C_WTP209ML1_DMT MM Pa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,125 P_WTP041ML1_Cabalu-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,246 E_WTP140MR1_Taneteria
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,126 M_WTP171MT1_WahidinB
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,247 E_WTP170MR1_MCWahid
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,127 E_WTP132ML1_Potongng
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,248 N_WTP207MR1_MMMasji
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,128 M_WTP132MT1_Potongng
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,249 N_WTP171MR1_WahidinB
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,121 E_WTP154ML1_TaBone-P
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,162 E_WTP012MR1_BoneCity
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,163 E_WTP170MR1_MCWahid
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,164 N_WTP135MR1_MajangRi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,160 E_WTP064MR1_Macege_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,158 E_WTP064MR1_Macege_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,159 N_WTP141MR1_Jeppee-T
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,154 E_WTP170MR1_MCWahid
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,155 E_WTP085MR1_WatangPal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,156 N_WTP002MR1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,199 N_WTP139MR1_PasarSen
Macro Cell[0]
cellType mcc mnc eNBId
Micro Cell[1]
MCC of Neighbouring MNC of Neighbouring
Pico Cell[2]
Cell Type Cell Cell eNodeB ID
RN Cell[3]
The parameter indicates
model default: 0 string:length[3] string:length[2..3] model default: 0
the type of the cell. 0:
Macro Cell; 1: Micro eNB Identity of FDD
Cell. Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code adjacent-Cell

-- M M --
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332163
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332150
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332163
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332163
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332102
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332207
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332092
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332183
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 508247
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332042
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332041
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332128
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332041
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332064
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332021
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332021
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332042
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332085
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332085
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332186
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332102
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332132
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332310
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332002
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332165
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332002
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332165
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332132
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332209
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332184
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332064
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332171
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332141
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332170
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332001
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332001
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332012
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332183
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332149
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332149
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332150
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332149
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332036
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332185
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332036
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332152
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332148
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332337
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332337
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332209
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332132
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332068
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332132
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332021
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332083
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332135
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332002
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332068
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332171
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332090
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 508489
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332171
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332170
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332102
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332038
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332036
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332131
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332337
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332090
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332085
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332165
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332165
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332209
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332209
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332002
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332141
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332207
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332207
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332171
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332002
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332002
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332207
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332002
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332207
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332083
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332169
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332012
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332058
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332170
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 508247
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332207
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332134
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332083
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332065
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332134
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332148
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332148
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332139
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332139
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332142
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332142
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332149
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332134
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332169
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332042
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332102
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332065
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332185
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332042
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332012
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332042
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332042
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332147
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332065
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332165
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332002
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332064
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332135
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 508489
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332209
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332099
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332185
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332170
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332042
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332238
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332104
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332102
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332132
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332134
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332142
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332001
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332012
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 508489
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 508489
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332209
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 508247
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332064
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332065
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332065
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332082
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332141
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332134
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332135
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332140
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332171
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332021
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332142
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332171
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332092
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332038
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332209
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332140
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 508483
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 508307
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 508307
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 508307
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332165
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332022
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332036
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332170
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332169
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 508489
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332167
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332168
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332168
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332168
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332207
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332001
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332085
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332083
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332169
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332142
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332085
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332169
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332083
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332003
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332083
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332064
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332085
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332170
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332042
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332041
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332041
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332030
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 508511
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332142
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332170
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332085
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332041
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332184
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 508247
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 508247
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 508247
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332038
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332184
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332170
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332184
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332064
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332184
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332036
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332147
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 508489
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332207
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332142
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332041
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332036
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332135
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332036
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332041
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332001
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332083
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332085
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332132
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332186
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332102
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332147
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332171
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332141
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332064
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332036
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332140
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332140
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332238
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332140
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332209
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332170
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332064
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332064
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332150
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332184
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332139
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332012
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332169
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332083
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332085
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332141
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332209
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332041
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332140
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332171
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332170
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332132
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332207
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332132
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332171
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332012
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332170
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332135
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332064
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332064
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332141
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332170
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332085
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332002
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332139
450..457.5, 663..758, double:[420..427,
777..787, 788..798, 460..467.5, 617..652,
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
807..862, 880..915, 728..821, 852..894,
uplink center carrier downlink center carrier
cellLocalId freqBandInd 962..977, 1427..1517,
earfcnUl 925..960, 1035..1057,
frequency. The frequency frequency. The frequency
1626.5..1660.5, 1427..1518, 1525..1559,
UL-DL Frequency Band range
each side of the range
Carrier DLatCenter
each side of the
long:[1..5, 7..14, 17..28, 1695..1785, 1850..1915, 1805..1880, 1930..2020,
Cell ID This parameter
Indicatorsets the center frequency
Frequency is half center
(MHz) frequency
Frequency is half
31..32, 46, 65..76, 85, 1920..2020, 2500..2620, 2110..2200, 2570..2690,
indicator of the frequency the frequency band. The the frequency band. The
long:[0..255] 87..88, 101] 3410..3490, 5150..5925] 3510..3590, 5150..5925]
band where uplink and frequencies at each side of frequencies at each side of
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 1930.0 model default: 2120.0
The parameter is used to downlink carrier the center frequency must the center frequency must
represent a neighbour cell frequencies of an FDD be in the range of the be in the range of the
identity. cell are located. frequency band. frequency band.

-- -- -- --
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
32 8 885.0 930.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
32 8 885.0 930.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
42 8 885.0 930.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
22 8 885.0 930.0
22 8 885.0 930.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
22 8 885.0 930.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
22 8 885.0 930.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
22 8 885.0 930.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
32 8 885.0 930.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
22 8 885.0 930.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
32 8 885.0 930.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
32 8 885.0 930.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
22 8 885.0 930.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
32 8 885.0 930.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
32 8 885.0 930.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
22 8 885.0 930.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
22 8 885.0 930.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
32 8 885.0 930.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
32 8 885.0 930.0
22 8 885.0 930.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
51 3 1775.0 1870.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
32 8 885.0 930.0
22 8 885.0 930.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
32 8 885.0 930.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
61 3 1775.0 1870.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
32 8 885.0 930.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
22 8 885.0 930.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
32 8 885.0 930.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
41 3 1775.0 1870.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
22 8 885.0 930.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
22 8 885.0 930.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
32 8 885.0 930.0
22 8 885.0 930.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
22 8 885.0 930.0
53 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
32 8 885.0 930.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
22 8 885.0 930.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
41 3 1775.0 1870.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
32 8 885.0 930.0
32 8 885.0 930.0
41 3 1775.0 1870.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
31 3 1775.0 1870.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
32 8 885.0 930.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
11 3 1775.0 1870.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
12 8 885.0 930.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
21 3 1775.0 1870.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
23 1 1970.0 2160.0
13 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
33 1 1970.0 2160.0
pci tac plmnIdList_mcc plmnIdList_mnc


long:[0..503] long:[0..65535]
model default: 0 model default: 0 stringArray:length[3] stringArray:length[2..3]
Physical cell id of the MCC MNC
FDD adjacent-Cell Tracking area code Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- M M
96 9639 510 10
475 9639 510 10
98 9639 510 10
97 9639 510 10
363 9639 510 10
90 9639 510 10
58 9639 510 10
104 9639 510 10
196 9551 510 10
414 9639 510 10
155 9639 510 10
81 9638 510 10
153 9639 510 10
464 9639 510 10
63 9639 510 10
64 9639 510 10
416 9639 510 10
212 9639 510 10
208 9639 510 10
318 9639 510 10
364 9639 510 10
22 9639 510 10
54 9639 510 10
102 9639 510 10
101 9639 510 10
103 9639 510 10
99 9639 510 10
23 9639 510 10
93 9639 510 10
140 9639 510 10
463 9639 510 10
313 9639 510 10
19 9639 510 10
286 9639 510 10
377 9639 510 10
376 9639 510 10
333 9639 510 10
104 9639 510 10
7 9639 510 10
6 9639 510 10
474 9639 510 10
8 9639 510 10
32 9639 510 10
141 9639 510 10
30 9639 510 10
6 9639 510 10
26 9639 510 10
397 9639 510 10
43 9639 510 10
44 9639 510 10
93 9639 510 10
22 9639 510 10
396 9639 510 10
178 9639 510 10
23 9639 510 10
0 9639 510 10
279 9639 510 10
3 9639 510 10
104 9639 510 10
475 9639 510 10
312 9639 510 10
12 9639 510 10
27 9639 510 10
312 9639 510 10
287 9639 510 10
364 9639 510 10
72 9639 510 10
32 9639 510 10
79 9639 510 10
42 9639 510 10
12 9639 510 10
211 9639 510 10
101 9639 510 10
100 9639 510 10
94 9639 510 10
95 9639 510 10
103 9639 510 10
20 9639 510 10
91 9639 510 10
92 9639 510 10
313 9639 510 10
102 9639 510 10
102 9639 510 10
92 9639 510 10
104 9639 510 10
90 9639 510 10
281 9639 510 10
70 9639 510 10
334 9639 510 10
165 9639 510 10
285 9639 510 10
195 9551 510 10
90 9639 510 10
83 9639 510 10
280 9639 510 10
374 9639 510 10
82 9639 510 10
25 9639 510 10
24 9639 510 10
406 9639 510 10
405 9639 510 10
16 9639 510 10
15 9639 510 10
6 9639 510 10
82 9639 510 10
69 9639 510 10
415 9639 510 10
363 9639 510 10
373 9639 510 10
141 9639 510 10
414 9639 510 10
335 9639 510 10
416 9639 510 10
415 9639 510 10
252 9639 510 10
373 9639 510 10
100 9639 510 10
103 9639 510 10
464 9639 510 10
4 9639 510 10
29 9639 510 10
94 9639 510 10
215 9639 510 10
142 9639 510 10
231 9639 510 10
415 9639 510 10
255 9639 510 10
222 9639 510 10
365 9639 510 10
23 9639 510 10
83 9639 510 10
17 9639 510 10
376 9639 510 10
333 9639 510 10
28 9639 510 10
29 9639 510 10
93 9639 510 10
398 9639 510 10
197 9551 510 10
466 9639 510 10
374 9639 510 10
372 9639 510 10
77 9639 510 10
396 9639 510 10
18 9639 510 10
81 9639 510 10
4 9639 510 10
37 9639 510 10
313 9639 510 10
64 9639 510 10
15 9639 510 10
314 9639 510 10
58 9639 510 10
73 9639 510 10
95 9639 510 10
38 9639 510 10
13 9635 510 10
96 9981 510 10
98 9981 510 10
97 9981 510 10
99 9639 510 10
89 9639 510 10
30 9639 510 10
220 9639 510 10
70 9639 510 10
28 9639 510 10
11 9501 510 10
346 9501 510 10
345 9501 510 10
347 9501 510 10
91 9639 510 10
375 9639 510 10
210 9639 510 10
280 9639 510 10
398 9639 510 10
69 9639 510 10
17 9639 510 10
210 9639 510 10
71 9639 510 10
279 9639 510 10
47 9639 510 10
280 9639 510 10
462 9639 510 10
211 9639 510 10
231 9639 510 10
416 9639 510 10
154 9639 510 10
153 9639 510 10
50 9639 510 10
197 9639 510 10
15 9639 510 10
286 9639 510 10
211 9639 510 10
154 9639 510 10
139 9639 510 10
196 9551 510 10
197 9551 510 10
195 9551 510 10
73 9639 510 10
138 9639 510 10
285 9639 510 10
139 9639 510 10
465 9639 510 10
140 9639 510 10
31 9639 510 10
252 9639 510 10
27 9639 510 10
92 9639 510 10
17 9639 510 10
155 9639 510 10
31 9639 510 10
3 9639 510 10
32 9639 510 10
396 9639 510 10
154 9639 510 10
398 9639 510 10
377 9639 510 10
281 9639 510 10
212 9639 510 10
397 9639 510 10
21 9639 510 10
318 9639 510 10
363 9639 510 10
252 9639 510 10
314 9639 510 10
19 9639 510 10
463 9639 510 10
30 9639 510 10
37 9639 510 10
38 9639 510 10
257 9639 510 10
36 9639 510 10
94 9639 510 10
287 9639 510 10
462 9639 510 10
463 9639 510 10
476 9639 510 10
138 9639 510 10
407 9639 510 10
334 9639 510 10
71 9639 510 10
281 9639 510 10
208 9639 510 10
18 9639 510 10
95 9639 510 10
155 9639 510 10
36 9639 510 10
314 9639 510 10
287 9639 510 10
21 9639 510 10
91 9639 510 10
21 9639 510 10
312 9639 510 10
397 9639 510 10
335 9639 510 10
285 9639 510 10
3 9639 510 10
464 9639 510 10
462 9639 510 10
20 9639 510 10
286 9639 510 10
210 9639 510 10
104 9639 510 10
407 9639 510 10
9M[22] 9M[22]
9.2M[23] 9.2M[23]
13.2M[24] 13.2M[24]
13.6M[25] 13.6M[25]
14M[26] 14M[26]
17.4M[27] 17.4M[27]
17.8M[28] 17.8M[28]
bandWidthDl 18.2M[29]
bandWidthUl antPort1 voLTESwch
Whether All the Inter-
18.6M[30] 18.6M[30] enum: enum:
DL System Bandwidth UL System Bandwidth Freq Neighbor Cells Use VoLTE Switch of FDD-
7.5M[31] 7.5M[31] No[0] No[0]
(MHz) (MHz) Antenna Port 1 LTE Neighbor Cell
14.8M[32] 14.8M[32] Yes[1] Yes[1]
This parameter indicates This parameter indicates
model default: 5 model default: 5 model default: 1 model default: 1
the downlink system the uplink system The parameter indicates
bandwidth of FDD bandwidth of FDD Flag for FDD neighboring the VoLTE capability of
neighbor cells, in MHz. neighbor cells, in MHz. cells using Antenna Port 1 FDD-LTE neighbor cell.

-- -- -- --
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] No[0] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] No[0] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] No[0] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
15(75RB)[4] 15(75RB)[4] Yes[1] Yes[1]
15(75RB)[4] 15(75RB)[4] Yes[1] Yes[1]
15(75RB)[4] 15(75RB)[4] Yes[1] Yes[1]
15(75RB)[4] 15(75RB)[4] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
10(50RB)[3] 10(50RB)[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
20(100RB)[5] 20(100RB)[5] Yes[1] Yes[1]
support the frequence
Band Priority Adjustment
or not. When parameter is
Support, eNB calculate
This parameter sets a list the secret key of X2
of additional equivalent handover according to
frequency bands that the mutiBandList first, and
downlink physical esCellNum freqBandPriSwch freqBandPriInd
then according to
Switch of Frequency
enum: enum:
frequencies of neighbor
list of additional The Number of ES Cell Band Priority Switch for freqBandInd;When
Frequency Band Priority
longArray:[0..5, 7..14, Close[0] Not Support[0]
cells belong
frequency to. indicator
band Each E- Provided Basic Coverage Neighbour Cell parameterIndicate
is Not Support,
17..28, 31, 66] Open[1] Support[1]
UTRAN carrier frequency eNB calculate the secret
model default: long:[0..20]
can be configured with a When switch is Open, the key of X2 handover
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
maximum of eight This parameter indicated eMFBI function of the according to freqBandInd
equivalent frequency the number of ES cell neighbouring cell is valid, first,and then according to
bands. provided basic coverage. otherwise it is not be used. mutiBandList.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
multiplex cell), it
indicates that both the
UEs with unicast services
and the UEs with
multicast services can be
handed over to the target
cell. If the parameter is set
emtcSwch rsrpThrPrachInfoList noncellMbsfnAtt
MBSFN cell[0] massiveMIMOInd
to 2 (MBSFN-dedicated
Close[0] non MBSFN and MBSFN enum:
eMTC Support Attribute RSRP Threshold for CE cell), it indicates
FDD that only
Cell MBSFN FDDThis parameter
Massive MIMOis the
LTE and EMTC[1] multiplex cell[1] No[0]
of FDD Neighbor Cells Levels (dB) the UEs with
Attribute multicast
Indication indication of an FDD MM
EMTC[2] longArray:[-140..-43] MBSFN-dedicated cell[2] Yes[1]
This parameter sets the services can be handed neighbor cell. If it is set to
model default: -118;-123;-
This parameter indicates RSRP threshold for over to the target cell and No, neighbor cells are not
model default: 0 127 model default: 0 model default: 0
whether an FDD neighbor PRACH resource sets of the UEs with unicast massive MIMO cells;
cell supports the eMTC all CE levels of FDD services cannot be handed otherwise, neighbor cells
feature. cells. over to the target cell. are massive MIMO cells.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
Close[0] -118;-123;-127 non MBSFN cell[0] No[0]
This parameter sets the
latitude of an external
neighbor cell. The
distance between the
serving cell and an
external neighbor cell can
nbrEnDcAnchorInd alias buildPhyLocation latitude
Indicator of EN-DC Physical Location of a be obtained based on the
This parameter
Anchors sets the
for Neighbor Building in a Neighbor longitude
Latitude of andanlatitude
indicator of EN-DC
Cells Neighbor Cell Alias Cell the serving cell Cell
Neighbor and those
Yes[1] double:[-90..90]
anchors for neighbor cells. of the external cell. A
model default: -90.0
If EN-DC is supported by This parameter sets the neighbor cell coverage
model default: 0 string:length[0..128] string:length[0..128] step: 1.0E-6
neighbor cells, this physical location of a relation can be determined
parameter is set to Yes; This parameter sets the building in a neighbor based on the distance,
otherwise, it is set to No. alias of a neighbor cell. cell. azimuth, and beam width.

-- -- -- --
No[0] P_WTP163ML1_Jl.AndalasBone_ML01 -4.54388
No[0] P_WTP150ML1_SukawatiRiattang-TBG_ML02 -4.54762
No[0] P_WTP163ML1_Jl.AndalasBone_ML03 -4.54388
No[0] P_WTP163ML1_Jl.AndalasBone_ML02 -4.54388
No[0] N_WTP102MR1_BiruBoneCombination mode[1] -4.559892
No[0] WTP207MT1_DMT MM Masjid Agung BoneMT01 -4.53931
No[0] P_WTP092ML1_Mallari-DMT_ML02 -4.47011
No[0] N_WTP183MR1_MCRSungaiLimbotoBone_MR03 -4.5411
No[0] C_COI247ML1_CombatMNRMasjidBatang_ML01 -5.45156
No[0] E_WTP042MR1_Masumpu-DMT_MR01 -4.54875
No[0] M_WTP041MT1_Cabalu-DMT_MT03 -4.50779
No[0] E_WTP128ML1_UrengPalakka-TBG_ML01 -4.50895
No[0] P_WTP041ML1_Cabalu-DMT_ML01 -4.50779
No[0] E_WTP064ML1_Macege_ML03 -4.55111
No[0] E_WTP021MR1_Palakka_MR02 -4.51295
No[0] E_WTP021MR1_Palakka_MR01 -4.51295
No[0] E_WTP042MT1_Masumpu-DMT_MT03 -4.54875
No[0] E_WTP085ML1_WatangPalakka-PTI_ML03 -4.5302
No[0] M_WTP085MT1_WatangPalakka-PTI_MT04 -4.5302
No[0] P_WTP186ML1_MCRPasarPalakka_ML01 -4.53971
No[0] N_WTP102MR1_BiruBoneCombination mode[1] -4.559892
No[0] E_WTP132ML1_Potongnge-DMT_ML02 -4.56639
No[0] N_WTP310ML1_TibojongBone-TBG_ML03 -4.56647
No[0] N_WTP002MR1_Bone2_MR01 -4.539245
No[0] N_WTP165MR1_MCVeteranBone_MR03 -4.535194
No[0] N_WTP002MR1_Bone2_MR02 -4.539245
No[0] N_WTP165MR1_MCVeteranBone_MR01 -4.535194
No[0] E_WTP132ML1_Potongnge-DMT_ML03 -4.56639
No[0] E_WTP209MR1_MMPasarSentralBone-DMT_MR01-4.51407
No[0] E_WTP184ML1_MCRTaneteRiattangBone_ML03 -4.55202
No[0] M_WTP064MT1_Macege_MT02 -4.55111
No[0] M_WTP171MT1_WahidinBone-PTI_MT02 -4.52171
No[0] E_WTP141ML1_Jeppee-TBG_ML02 -4.548544
No[0] M_WTP170MT1_MCWahidinBone_MT02 -4.53228
No[0] E_WTP001ML1_Bone-DMT-PAK_ML03 -4.53833
No[0] E_WTP001ML1_Bone-DMT-PAK_ML02 -4.53833
No[0] E_WTP012ML1_Bonecity-DMT_ML01 -4.54149
No[0] WTP183ML1_MCR Sungai Limboto BoneML03 -4.5411
No[0] P_WTP149ML1_ManurungeRiattang-TBG_ML02 -4.54068
No[0] P_WTP149ML1_ManurungeRiattang-TBG_ML01 -4.54068
No[0] P_WTP150ML1_SukawatiRiattang-TBG_ML01 -4.54762
No[0] P_WTP149ML1_ManurungeRiattang-TBG_ML03 -4.54068
No[0] P_WTP036ML1_BoneInner3-DMT_ML03 -4.57314
No[0] P_WTP185ML1_MCRJalanPramuka_ML01 -4.55366
No[0] P_WTP036ML1_BoneInner3-DMT_ML01 -4.57314
No[0] E_WTP152MT1_BarangBarebbo-PTI_MT01 -4.61533
No[0] E_WTP148ML1_JalanSukawatiBone-TBG_ML03 -4.54019
No[0] E_WTP154MT1_TaBone-(Filter)-PTI_MT02 -4.55789
No[0] P_WTP337ML1_JolleAmandaBone_ML03 -4.53421
No[0] P_WTP337ML1_JolleAmandaBone_ML02 -4.53421
No[0] E_WTP209ML1_MMPasarSentralBone-DMT_ML01-4.51407
No[0] M_WTP132MT1_Potongnge-DMT_MT02 -4.56639
No[0] E_WTP154ML1_TaBone-PTI_ML01 -4.55789
No[0] E_WTP068MR1_Palakka2-STP_MR03 -4.557572
No[0] M_WTP132MT1_Potongnge-DMT_MT03 -4.56639
No[0] P_WTP021MT1_Palakka_MT01 -4.51295
No[0] E_WTP083ML1_Taneteriattang-PTI_ML01 -4.53285
No[0] P_WTP135ML1_MajangRiattang-DMT_ML01 -4.55207
No[0] E_WTP002ML1_Bone2_ML03 -4.539245
No[0] P_WTP068MT1_Palakka2-STP_MT02 -4.557572
No[0] E_WTP171ML1_WahidinBone-PTI_ML01 -4.52171
No[0] E_WTP090ML1_Wellangi-PTI_ML01 -4.59306
No[0] E_COI489MT1_CombatMICPDAMBone_MT01 -4.53994
No[0] M_WTP171MT1_WahidinBone-PTI_MT01 -4.52171
No[0] M_WTP170MT1_MCWahidinBone_MT03 -4.53228
No[0] P_WTP102ML1_BiruBone-PTI_ML02 -4.559892
No[0] N_WTP038IR1_BoneTradeCenterIndoor_IR01 -4.54415
No[0] M_WTP036MT1_BoneInner3-(Filter)-DMT_MT03 -4.57314
No[0] E_WTP131MR1_Manurunge-DMT_MR02 -4.54312
No[0] P_WTP337ML1_JolleAmandaBone_ML01 -4.53421
No[0] E_WTP090MT1_Wellangi-PTI_MT01 -4.59306
No[0] E_WTP085ML1_WatangPalakka-PTI_ML02 -4.5302
No[0] P_WTP165ML1_MCVeteranBone_ML03 -4.53521
No[0] P_WTP165ML1_MCVeteranBone_ML02 -4.53521
No[0] E_WTP209MR1_MMPasarSentralBone-DMT_MR02-4.51407
No[0] E_WTP209MR1_MMPasarSentralBone-DMT_MR03-4.51407
No[0] E_WTP002MT1_Bone2_MT02 -4.539245
No[0] E_WTP141ML1_Jeppee-TBG_ML03 -4.548544
No[0] E_WTP207ML1_MMMasjidAgungBone-DMT_ML0-4.53931
No[0] WTP207MT1_DMT MM Masjid Agung BoneMT03 -4.53931
No[0] E_WTP171ML1_WahidinBone-PTI_ML02 -4.52171
No[0] E_WTP002MT1_Bone2_MT01 -4.539245
No[0] E_WTP002ML1_Bone2_ML01 -4.539245
No[0] E_WTP207ML1_MMMasjidAgungBone-DMT_ML0-4.53931
No[0] E_WTP002MT1_Bone2_MT03 -4.539245
No[0] N_WTP207MR1_MMMasjidAgungBone-DMT_MR0-4.53937
No[0] E_WTP083ML1_Taneteriattang-PTI_ML03 -4.53285
No[0] E_WTP169MT1_MCSukawatiBone_MT02 -4.54579
No[0] E_WTP012MR1_BoneCity-DMT_MR02 -4.541486
No[0] E_WTP058MT1_PATTIRO RIOLOMT01 -4.64131
No[0] E_WTP170ML1_MCWahidinBone_ML01 -4.53228
No[0] C_COI247ML1_CombatMNRMasjidBatang_ML03 -5.45156
No[0] E_WTP207ML1_MMMasjidAgungBone-DMT_ML0-4.53931
No[0] E_WTP134MR1_Tibojongbone-DMT_MR03 -4.55927
No[0] E_WTP083MR1_TaneteriaCombination mode[1] -4.53285
No[0] E_WTP065ML1_Tibojong_ML03 -4.5458
No[0] P_WTP134ML1_Tibojongbone-DMT_ML02 -4.55927
No[0] E_WTP148ML1_JalanSukawatiBone-TBG_ML02 -4.54019
No[0] E_WTP148ML1_JalanSukawatiBone-TBG_ML01 -4.54019
No[0] E_WTP139ML1_PasarSentralBone-TBG_ML02 -4.54442
No[0] E_WTP139ML1_PasarSentralBone-TBG_ML01 -4.54442
No[0] P_WTP142ML1_Jl.SemeruBone-TBG_ML02 -4.53711
No[0] P_WTP142ML1_Jl.SemeruBone-TBG_ML01 -4.53711
No[0] E_WTP149MR1_ManurungeRiattang-TBG_MR01 -4.540721
No[0] E_WTP134MR1_Tibojongbone-DMT_MR02 -4.55927
No[0] E_WTP169MT1_MCSukawatiBone_MT01 -4.54579
No[0] E_WTP042MT1_Masumpu-DMT_MT02 -4.54875
No[0] E_WTP102MT1_BiruBone-PTI_MT01 -4.559892
No[0] E_WTP065MR1_Tibojong_MR02 -4.5458
No[0] N_WTP185MR1_MCRJalanPramuka_MR01 -4.55366
No[0] E_WTP042ML1_Masumpu-DMT_ML01 -4.54875
No[0] E_WTP012ML1_Bonecity-DMT_ML03 -4.54149
No[0] E_WTP042ML1_Masumpu-DMT_ML03 -4.54875
No[0] E_WTP042ML1_Masumpu-DMT_ML02 -4.54875
No[0] N_WTP147MR1_ToroBajoe-PTI_MR01 -4.53381
No[0] E_WTP065ML1_Tibojong_ML02 -4.5458
No[0] N_WTP165MR1_MCVeteranBone_MR02 -4.535194
No[0] E_WTP002ML1_Bone2_ML02 -4.539245
No[0] M_WTP064MT1_Macege_MT03 -4.55111
No[0] P_WTP135ML1_MajangRiattang-DMT_ML02 -4.55207
No[0] E_COI489MT1_CombatMICPDAMBone_MT03 -4.53994
No[0] E_WTP209MT1_MMPasarSentralBone-DMT_MT02-4.51407
No[0] E_WTP099MR1_TaneteriattangTimur-DMT_MR03 -4.51304
No[0] N_WTP185MR1_MCRJalanPramuka_MR02 -4.55366
No[0] C_WTP170EL1_MCWahidinBone(PlanetCinema)iMa-4.52681
No[0] E_WTP042MR1_Masumpu-DMT_MR02 -4.54875
No[0] E_WTP238ML1_ISATBajoe-DMT_ML01 -4.54675
No[0] E_WTP104ML1_Corawali-DMT_ML01 -4.59041
No[0] P_WTP102ML1_BiruBone-PTI_ML03 -4.559892
No[0] E_WTP132MR1_Potongnge-DMT_MR03 -4.56639
No[0] P_WTP134ML1_Tibojongbone-DMT_ML03 -4.55927
No[0] E_WTP142MT1_Jl.SemeruBone-TBG_MT03 -4.53711
No[0] E_WTP001MT1_Bone-DMT-PAK_MT02 -4.53833
No[0] E_WTP012MR1_BoneCity-DMT_MR01 -4.541486
No[0] N_COI489MR1_CombatMICPDAMBone_MR02 -4.53994
No[0] N_COI489MR1_CombatMICPDAMBone_MR03 -4.53994
No[0] E_WTP209MT1_MMPasarSentralBone-DMT_MT01-4.51407
No[0] E_WTP154MT1_TaBone-(Filter)-PTI_MT03 -4.55789
No[0] C_COI247ML1_CombatMNRMasjidBatang_ML02 -5.45156
No[0] C_WTP064ML1_Macege(Multi)_ML06 -4.55111
No[0] E_WTP065MR1_Tibojong_MR03 -4.5458
No[0] E_WTP065MR1_Tibojong_MR01 -4.5458
No[0] E_WTP082MR1_Bone1-PTI_MR03 -4.53313
No[0] E_WTP154MR1_TaBone-PTI_MR01 -4.55689
No[0] N_WTP141MR1_Jeppee-TBG_MR01 -4.548544
No[0] E_WTP134MR1_Tibojongbone-DMT_MR01 -4.55927
No[0] E_WTP135MR1_MajangRiCombination mode[1] -4.55207
No[0] E_WTP140ML1_TaneteriattangBarat-TBG_ML02 -4.54831
No[0] N_WTP171MR1_WahidinBone-PTI_MR02 -4.5217
No[0] E_WTP021ML1_Palakka_ML01 -4.51295
No[0] E_WTP142MT1_Jl.SemeruBone-TBG_MT01 -4.53711
No[0] E_WTP171ML1_WahidinBone-PTI_ML03 -4.52171
No[0] P_WTP092MR1_Mallari-DMT_MR02 -4.47011
No[0] P_WTP038ML1_BoneTradeCenterIndoor_ML02 -4.54415
No[0] E_WTP209MT1_MMPasarSentralBone-DMT_MT03-4.51407
No[0] E_WTP140ML1_TaneteriattangBarat-TBG_ML03 -4.54831
No[0] -90.0
No[0] -90.0
No[0] -90.0
No[0] -90.0
No[0] P_WTP165ML1_MCVeteranBone_ML01 -4.53521
No[0] P_WTP022MT1_Awangpone-DMT_MT03 -4.47336
No[0] M_WTP036MT1_BoneInner3-(Filter)-DMT_MT01 -4.57314
No[0] N_WTP170ML1_MCWahidinBone(Multi)_ML04 -4.53228
No[0] E_WTP169ML1_MCSukawatiBone_ML02 -4.54579
No[0] E_COI489MT1_CombatMICPDAMBone_MT02 -4.53994
No[0] -90.0
No[0] -90.0
No[0] -90.0
No[0] -90.0
No[0] WTP207MT1_DMT MM Masjid Agung BoneMT02 -4.53931
No[0] E_WTP001ML1_Bone-DMT-PAK_ML01 -4.53833
No[0] M_WTP085MT1_WatangPalakka-(Filter)-PTI_MT01-4.5302
No[0] E_WTP083ML1_Taneteriattang-PTI_ML02 -4.53285
No[0] E_WTP154ML1_TaBone-PTI_ML03 -4.55789
No[0] E_WTP169ML1_MCSukawatiBone_ML01 -4.54579
No[0] P_WTP142ML1_Jl.SemeruBone-TBG_ML03 -4.53711
No[0] E_WTP085ML1_WatangPalakka-PTI_ML01 -4.5302
No[0] E_WTP169ML1_MCSukawatiBone_ML03 -4.54579
No[0] WTP083MT1_TaneteriattangMT01 -4.53285
No[0] P_WTP003MT1_Pel.BajoeBone-DMT_MT03 -4.544767
No[0] WTP083MT1_TaneteriattangMT02 -4.53285
No[0] M_WTP064MT1_Macege_MT01 -4.55111
No[0] M_WTP085MT1_WatangPalakka-PTI_MT02 -4.5302
No[0] C_WTP170ER1_MCWahidinBone(PlanetCinema)iMa-4.52681
No[0] E_WTP042MR1_Masumpu-DMT_MR03 -4.54875
No[0] P_WTP041ML1_Cabalu-DMT_ML02 -4.50779
No[0] E_WTP041MR1_Cabalu-DMT_MR01 -4.50779
No[0] E_WTP030MR1_Bone3-DMT_MR03 -4.523988
No[0] C_COI511MT1_CombatCRUPappolo_MT03 -4.50102
No[0] E_WTP142MR1_Jl.SemeruBone-TBG_MR01 -4.53711
No[0] E_WTP170ML1_MCWahidinBone_ML02 -4.53228
No[0] E_WTP085MR1_WatangPalakka-PTI_MR02 -4.5302
No[0] M_WTP041MT1_Cabalu-DMT_MT02 -4.50779
No[0] E_WTP184ML1_MCRTaneteRiattangBone_ML02 -4.55202
No[0] C_COI247MR1_CombatMNRMasjidBatang_MR01 -5.45156
No[0] C_COI247MR1_CombatMNRMasjidBatang_MR02 -5.45156
No[0] C_COI247MR1_CombatMNRMasjidBatang_MR03 -5.45156
No[0] N_WTP038MR1_BoneTradeCenter_MR02 -4.54415
No[0] N_WTP184MR1_MCRTaneteRiattangBone_MR01 -4.550951
No[0] M_WTP170MT1_MCWahidinBone_MT01 -4.53228
No[0] N_WTP184MR1_MCRTaneteRiattangBone_MR02 -4.550951
No[0] M_WTP064ML1_Macege(Multi)_ML04 -4.55111
No[0] N_WTP184MR1_MCRTaneteRiattangBone_MR03 -4.550951
No[0] P_WTP036ML1_BoneInner3-DMT_ML02 -4.57314
No[0] E_WTP147ML1_ToroBajoe-PTI_ML01 -4.53389
No[0] N_COI489MR1_CombatMICPDAMBone_MR01 -4.53994
No[0] N_WTP207MR1_MMMasjidAgungBone-DMT_MR0-4.53937
No[0] E_WTP142MR1_Jl.SemeruBone-TBG_MR03 -4.53711
No[0] E_WTP041MR1_Cabalu-DMT_MR03 -4.50779
No[0] E_WTP036MR1_BoneInner3-DMT_MR02 -4.57314
No[0] E_WTP135MT1_MajangRiattang-DMT_MT01 -4.55207
No[0] E_WTP036MR1_BoneInner3-DMT_MR03 -4.57314
No[0] WTP154MT1_Protelindo Ta Bone-(Filter)_MT01 -4.55789
No[0] E_WTP041MR1_Cabalu-DMT_MR02 -4.50779
No[0] E_WTP154MR1_TaBone-PTI_MR03 -4.55689
No[0] E_WTP001MR1_Bone-DMT-PAK_MR03 -4.53833
No[0] E_WTP083MR1_TaneteriaCombination mode[1] -4.53285
No[0] E_WTP085MR1_WatangPalakka-PTI_MR03 -4.5302
No[0] E_WTP154MR1_TaBone-PTI_MR02 -4.55689
No[0] E_WTP132MR1_Potongnge-DMT_MR01 -4.56639
No[0] P_WTP186MT1_MCRPasarPalakka_MT01 -4.53971
No[0] P_WTP102ML1_BiruBone-PTI_ML01 -4.559892
No[0] P_WTP147MT1_ToroBajoe-PTI_MT01 -4.53389
No[0] N_WTP171MR1_WahidinBone-PTI_MR03 -4.5217
No[0] N_WTP141MR1_Jeppee-TBG_MR02 -4.548544
No[0] E_WTP064MR1_Macege_MR02 -4.55111
No[0] E_WTP036MR1_BoneInner3-DMT_MR01 -4.57314
No[0] E_WTP140MR1_TaneteriattangBarat-TBG_MR02 -4.54835
No[0] E_WTP140MR1_TaneteriattangBarat-TBG_MR03 -4.54835
No[0] E_WTP238ML1_ISATBajoe-DMT_ML03 -4.54675
No[0] E_WTP140ML1_TaneteriattangBarat-TBG_ML01 -4.54831
No[0] E_WTP209ML1_MMPasarSentralBone-DMT_ML02-4.51407
No[0] E_WTP170ML1_MCWahidinBone_ML03 -4.53228
No[0] E_WTP064ML1_Macege_ML01 -4.55111
No[0] E_WTP064ML1_Macege_ML02 -4.55111
No[0] P_WTP150ML1_SukawatiRiattang-TBG_ML03 -4.54762
No[0] E_WTP184ML1_MCRTaneteRiattangBone_ML01 -4.55202
No[0] E_WTP139ML1_PasarSentralBone-TBG_ML03 -4.54442
No[0] E_WTP012ML1_Bonecity-DMT_ML02 -4.54149
No[0] E_WTP169MT1_MCSukawatiBone_MT03 -4.54579
No[0] M_WTP083MT1_Taneteriattang-PTI_MT03 -4.53285
No[0] E_WTP085ML1_Watang Palakka_ML04 -4.5302
No[0] E_WTP141ML1_Jeppee-TBG_ML01 -4.548544
No[0] E_WTP209ML1_MMPasarSentralBone-DMT_ML03-4.51407
No[0] P_WTP041ML1_Cabalu-DMT_ML03 -4.50779
No[0] E_WTP140MR1_TaneteriattangBarat-TBG_MR01 -4.54835
No[0] M_WTP171MT1_WahidinBone-PTI_MT03 -4.52171
No[0] E_WTP170MR1_MCWahidinBone_MR03 -4.53228
No[0] E_WTP132ML1_Potongnge-DMT_ML01 -4.56639
No[0] N_WTP207MR1_MMMasjidAgungBone-DMT_MR0-4.53937
No[0] M_WTP132MT1_Potongnge-DMT_MT01 -4.56639
No[0] N_WTP171MR1_WahidinBone-PTI_MR01 -4.5217
No[0] E_WTP154ML1_TaBone-PTI_ML02 -4.55789
No[0] E_WTP012MR1_BoneCity-DMT_MR03 -4.541486
No[0] E_WTP170MR1_MCWahidinBone_MR01 -4.53228
No[0] E_WTP135MR1_MajangRiCombination mode[1] -4.55207
No[0] E_WTP064MR1_Macege_MR03 -4.55111
No[0] E_WTP064MR1_Macege_MR01 -4.55111
No[0] N_WTP141MR1_Jeppee-TBG_MR03 -4.548544
No[0] E_WTP170MR1_MCWahidinBone_MR02 -4.53228
No[0] E_WTP085MR1_WatangPalakka-PTI_MR01 -4.5302
No[0] N_WTP002MR1_Bone2_MR03 -4.539245
No[0] E_WTP139MR1_PasarSentralBone-TBG_MR03 -4.54442
This parameter sets the
longitude of an external
neighbor cell. The
distance between the
serving cell and an
external neighbor cell can
be obtained based on the algLTEFDDRsved1
longitude and
Longitude latitude
of an of Reserved parameter 1 for
the serving cell Cell
Neighbor and those service LTE FDD
of the external cell. A
model default: -180.0 long:[0..4294967295]
neighbor cell coverage
step: 1.0E-6 model default: 0
relation can be determined
based on the distance, This is reserved parameter
azimuth, and beam width. 1 for LTE FDD services.

-- --
120.326 0
120.32481 0
120.326 0
120.326 0
120.332855 0
120.3131 0
120.35093 0
120.341125 0
120.38166 0
120.327 0
120.30806 0
120.22133 0
120.30806 0
120.31021 0
120.25693 0
120.25693 0
120.327 0
120.29017 0
120.29017 0
120.292 0
120.332855 0
120.30848 0
120.33417 0
120.30329 0
120.32779 0
120.30329 0
120.32779 0
120.30848 0
120.31774 0
120.31761 0
120.31021 0
120.31661 0
120.3139 0
120.31073 0
120.32861 0
120.32861 0
120.32372 0
120.341125 0
120.327 0
120.327 0
120.32481 0
120.327 0
120.32378 0
120.33405 0
120.32378 0
120.39394 0
120.332 0
120.32859 0
120.34056 0
120.34056 0
120.31774 0
120.30848 0
120.32859 0
120.26442 0
120.30848 0
120.25693 0
120.32347 0
120.28614 0
120.30329 0
120.26442 0
120.31661 0
120.27988 0
120.32073 0
120.31661 0
120.31073 0
120.332855 0
120.32047 0
120.32378 0
120.330055 0
120.34056 0
120.27988 0
120.29017 0
120.3278 0
120.3278 0
120.31774 0
120.31774 0
120.30329 0
120.3139 0
120.3131 0
120.3131 0
120.31661 0
120.30329 0
120.30329 0
120.3131 0
120.30329 0
120.31309 0
120.32347 0
120.32033 0
120.32372 0
120.40416 0
120.31073 0
120.38166 0
120.3131 0
120.34653 0
120.32346 0
120.34744 0
120.34653 0
120.332 0
120.332 0
120.32377 0
120.32377 0
120.32545 0
120.32545 0
120.3266 0
120.34653 0
120.32033 0
120.327 0
120.332855 0
120.34744 0
120.33405 0
120.327 0
120.32372 0
120.327 0
120.327 0
120.3812 0
120.34744 0
120.32779 0
120.30329 0
120.31021 0
120.28614 0
120.32073 0
120.31774 0
120.35748 0
120.33405 0
120.3111 0
120.327 0
120.37376 0
120.31848 0
120.332855 0
120.30848 0
120.34653 0
120.32545 0
120.32861 0
120.32372 0
120.32073 0
120.32073 0
120.31774 0
120.32859 0
120.38166 0
120.31021 0
120.34744 0
120.34744 0
120.35274 0
120.32586 0
120.3139 0
120.34653 0
120.28614 0
120.32198 0
120.3166 0
120.25693 0
120.32545 0
120.31661 0
120.35093 0
120.32047 0
120.31774 0
120.32198 0
-180.0 0
-180.0 0
-180.0 0
-180.0 0
120.3278 0
120.29553 0
120.32378 0
120.31073 0
120.32033 0
120.32073 0
-180.0 0
-180.0 0
-180.0 0
-180.0 0
120.3131 0
120.32861 0
120.29017 0
120.32347 0
120.32859 0
120.32033 0
120.32545 0
120.29017 0
120.32033 0
120.32347 0
120.35939 0
120.32347 0
120.31021 0
120.29017 0
120.3111 0
120.327 0
120.30806 0
120.30806 0
120.34857 0
120.34351 0
120.32545 0
120.31073 0
120.29017 0
120.30806 0
120.31761 0
120.38166 0
120.38166 0
120.38166 0
120.32047 0
120.3165 0
120.31073 0
120.3165 0
120.31021 0
120.3165 0
120.32378 0
120.38118 0
120.32073 0
120.31309 0
120.32545 0
120.30806 0
120.32378 0
120.28614 0
120.32378 0
120.32859 0
120.30806 0
120.32586 0
120.32861 0
120.32346 0
120.29017 0
120.32586 0
120.30848 0
120.292 0
120.332855 0
120.38118 0
120.3166 0
120.3139 0
120.31021 0
120.32378 0
120.32198 0
120.32198 0
120.37376 0
120.32198 0
120.31774 0
120.31073 0
120.31021 0
120.31021 0
120.32481 0
120.31761 0
120.32377 0
120.32372 0
120.32033 0
120.32347 0
120.29017 0
120.3139 0
120.31774 0
120.30806 0
120.32198 0
120.31661 0
120.31073 0
120.30848 0
120.31309 0
120.30848 0
120.3166 0
120.32859 0
120.32372 0
120.31073 0
120.28614 0
120.31021 0
120.31021 0
120.3139 0
120.31073 0
120.29017 0
120.30329 0
120.32377 0
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,0 C_WTP002MF1_Bone 2ME
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 WTP002ME1_Bone 2ME01
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,29 C_COI154M41_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,28 C_COI154M41_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 C_WTP154MF1_PROTELI
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,25 E_WTP142ME1_Jl.Semer
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 WTP154ME1_Protelindo T
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 WTP154ME1_Protelindo T
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,26 C_WTP001ME1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,40 C_WTP170MF1_MCWahid
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,17 N_WTP002ME1_Bone 2M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,19 P_WTP102ME1_BiruBone-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,12 E_WTP154MF1_TaBone-P
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,34 E_WTP142MF1_Jl.Semer
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,11 E_WTP102ME1_BiruBone-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,14 E_WTP002TE1_Bone2_TE
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,36 E_WTP142MF1_Jl.Semer
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,13 E_WTP002TF1_Bone2_TF0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,16 P_WTP102MF1_BiruBone-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,15 E_WTP154ME1_TaBone-P
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,37 C_WTP170ME1_MCWahid
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 N_WTP142ME1_TBG Jl.S
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,21 P_WTP135MF1_MajangRia
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 C_WTP142MF1_TBG JL.
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,20 P_WTP135ME1_MajangRi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 N_WTP142ME1_TBG Jl.S
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,23 C_COI247MF1_CombatFU
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 N_WTP142ME1_TBG Jl.S
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,22 C_COI247ME1_CombatFU
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,24 C_COI247ME1_CombatFU
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,27 C_WTP001MF1_Bone-DM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 C_WTP154MF1_PROTELI
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 C_WTP142MF1_TBG JL.
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,41 C_WTP085ME1_WatangPa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,42 N_WTP085MF1_WatangPa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,43 C_WTP064ME1_Macege-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,44 C_WTP064MF1_Macege-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,18 E_WTP002TF1_Bone2_TF0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,35 E_WTP142ME1_Jl.Semer
Macro Cell[0]
Micro Cell[1]
cellType mcc mnc eNBId
Pico Cell[2]
MCC of Neighbouring MNC of Neighbouring
RN Cell[3]
Cell Type Cell Cell eNodeB ID
Donor Cell[4]
The parameter indicates
model default: 0 string:length[3] string:length[2..3] model default: 0
the type of the cell. 0:
Macro Cell; 1: Micro eNB Identity of TDD
Cell. Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code adjacent-Cell

-- M M --
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595002
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595002
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 462154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 462154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 462154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332142
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595001
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595170
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595002
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595064
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595102
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 462154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 462154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332142
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595102
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 462154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595002
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332142
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595002
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595102
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595064
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595170
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595142
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595135
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595142
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595135
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595142
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 462247
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595142
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 462247
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 462247
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595001
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595154
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595142
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595085
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595085
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595064
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595064
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 595002
Macro Cell[0] 510 10 332142
Center Carrier Frequency,
According to Band
Indication for Frequency,
the Range is Different:
(30:380-430, 32:1785-
cellLocalId freqBandInd earfcn
1800, 33:1900-1920, pci
Frequency Band 34:2010-2025,
Center 35:1850-
Carrier Frequency
Cell ID Indication 1910, 36:1930-1990,
37:1910-1930, 38:2570-
long:[0..255] long:[30, 33..64] double:[0..6000] long:[0..503]
This parameter indicates 2620, 39:1880-1920,
model default: 0 model default: 33 model default: 1910.0 model default: 0
The parameter is used to the frequency band 40:2300-2400, 41:2496-
represent a neighbour cell indication of an EUTRAN 2690, 42:3400-3600, Physical Cell Id of TDD
identity. system. 43:3600-3800)MHZ adjacent-Cell

-- -- -- --
25 40 2329.8 103
14 40 2310.0 102
24 40 2310.0 145
15 40 2329.8 144
14 40 2310.0 144
35 40 2329.8 398
34 40 2310.0 17
34 40 2310.0 398
14 40 2310.0 396
14 40 2310.0 375
15 40 2329.8 285
24 40 2310.0 103
14 40 2310.0 462
24 40 2310.0 364
34 40 2310.0 146
25 40 2329.8 145
25 40 2329.8 397
35 40 2329.8 17
34 40 2310.0 365
35 40 2329.8 146
34 40 2310.0 104
15 40 2329.8 15
35 40 2329.8 104
25 40 2329.8 364
15 40 2329.8 462
24 40 2310.0 397
14 40 2310.0 285
34 40 2310.0 17
25 40 2329.8 4
35 40 2329.8 17
24 40 2310.0 4
14 40 2310.0 15
15 40 2329.8 150
24 40 2310.0 16
14 40 2310.0 150
24 40 2310.0 151
15 40 2329.8 375
15 40 2329.8 396
15 40 2329.8 15
24 40 2310.0 211
25 40 2329.8 211
34 40 2310.0 464
35 40 2329.8 464
15 40 2329.8 102
14 40 2310.0 15
tac plmnIdList_mcc plmnIdList_mnc 5(25RB)[2]
Downlink System
TAC PLMN List_MCC PLMN List_MNC Bandwidth (MHz)
model default: 0 stringArray:length[3] stringArray:length[2..3] model default: 5
MCC MNC System BandWidth of
Tracking area code Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset TDD adjacent-Cell

-- M M --
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9501 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9501 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9501 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
9639 510 10 20(100RB)[5]
antPort1 voLTESwch addiFreqBand esCellNum
List of Additional
enum: enum:
Antenna Port 1 Used By VoLTE Switch of TDD- List of additional
Frequency Band The Number of ES Cell
No[0] No[0]
Cell LTE Neighbor Cell frequency band indicators
Indicators Provided Basic Coverage
Yes[1] Yes[1] longArray:[0, 30, 32..64]
that the adjacent cell
model default: long:[0..20]
belongs to, corresponding
model default: 1 model default: 1 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0
The parameter indicates to the IE This parameter indicated
Flag for TDD neighboring the VoLTE capability of multiBandInfoList in the number of ES cell
cells using Antenna Port 1 TDD-LTE neighbor cell. SIB1 of the adjacent cell provided basic coverage.

-- -- -- --
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
Yes[1] Yes[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
support the frequence
Band Priority Adjustment
or not.When parameter is
Support, eNB calculate
the secret key of X2
handover according to
mutiBandList first, and
freqBandPriInd freqBandPriSwch enum:
emtcSwch rsrpThrPrachInfoList
then according to Switch of Frequency
enum: enum: Close[0]
Frequency Band Priority Band Priority Switch for eMTC Switch for TDD RSRP Threshold for CE
Not Support[0] Close[0] LTE and EMTC[1]
is Not Support, Neighbour Cell Neighbor Cells Levels (dB)
Support[1] Open[1] EMTC[2] longArray:[-140..-43]
eNB calculate the secret This parameter sets the
model default: -118;-123;-
key of X2 handover When switch is Open, the This parameter indicates RSRP threshold for
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 127
according to freqBandInd eMFBI function of the whether a TDD neighbor PRACH resource sets of
first, and then according neighbouring cell is valid, cell supports the eMTC all CE levels of TDD
to mutiBandList. otherwise it is not be used. feature. cells.

-- -- -- --
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
Not Support[0] Close[0] Close[0] -118;-123;-127
multiplex cell), it
indicates that both the
UEs with unicast services
and the UEs with
multicast services can be
handed over to the target
cell. If the parameter is set
MBSFN cell[0] massiveMIMOInd nbrEnDcAnchorInd alias
to 2 (MBSFN-dedicated Indicator of EN-DC
non MBSFN and MBSFN enum: enum:
cell), it indicates
TDD that only TDD
Cell MBSFN This parameter
Massive MIMOis the
Cell This parameter
Anchors sets the
for Neighbor
multiplex cell[1] No[0] No[0]
the UEs with
Attribute multicast indication
Indication of a TDD MM
Indication indicator of EN-DC
Cells Neighbor Cell Alias
MBSFN-dedicated cell[2] Yes[1] Yes[1]
services can be handed neighbor cell. If it is set to anchors for neighbor cells.
over to the target cell and No, neighbor cells are not If EN-DC is supported by
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 string:length[0..128]
the UEs with unicast massive MIMO cells; neighbor cells, this
services cannot be handed otherwise, neighbor cells parameter is set to Yes; This parameter sets the
over to the target cell. are massive MIMO cells. otherwise, it is set to No. alias of a neighbor cell.

-- -- -- --
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] E_WTP002TF1_Bone2_TF02
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] E_WTP002TE1_Bone2_TE01
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] N_COI154ME1_CombatARRKoremBone_ME02
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] N_COI154MF1_CombatARRKoremBone_MF01
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] N_COI154ME1_CombatARRKoremBone_ME01
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] E_WTP154MF1_TaBone-PTI_MF03
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] E_WTP142ME1_Jl.SemeruBone-TBG_ME03
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] E_WTP154ME1_TaBone-PTI_ME03
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] E_WTP154ME1_TaBone-PTI_ME01
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] E_WTP001ME1_Bone-DMT-PAK_ME01
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] N_WTP170MF1_MCWahidinBone-DMT_MF01
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] E_WTP002TE1_Bone2_TE02
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] N_WTP064ME1_Macege-DMT_ME01
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] P_WTP102ME1_BiruBone-PTI_ME02
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] N_COI154ME1_CombatARRKoremBone_ME03
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] N_COI154MF1_CombatARRKoremBone_MF02
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] E_WTP154MF1_TaBone-PTI_MF02
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] E_WTP142MF1_Jl.SemeruBone-TBG_MF03
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] P_WTP102ME1_BiruBone-PTI_ME03
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] N_COI154MF1_CombatARRKoremBone_MF03
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] E_WTP002TE1_Bone2_TE03
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] E_WTP142MF1_Jl.SemeruBone-TBG_MF01
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] E_WTP002TF1_Bone2_TF03
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] P_WTP102MF1_BiruBone-PTI_MF02
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] N_WTP064MF1_Macege-DMT_MF01
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] E_WTP154ME1_TaBone-PTI_ME02
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] N_WTP170ME1_MCWahidinBone-DMT_ME01
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0]
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0]
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0]
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0]
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0]
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0]
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0]
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0]
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0]
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] E_WTP001MF1_Bone-DMT-PAK_MF01
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] E_WTP154MF1_TaBone-PTI_MF01
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0]
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] N_WTP085ME1_WatangPalakka-PTI_ME02
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] N_WTP085MF1_WatangPalakka-PTI_MF02
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] C_WTP064ME1_Macege-DMT_ME03
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] C_WTP064MF1_Macege-DMT_MF03
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] E_WTP002TF1_Bone2_TF01
non MBSFN cell[0] No[0] No[0] E_WTP142ME1_Jl.SemeruBone-TBG_ME01
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
latitude of an external longitude of an external
neighbor cell. The neighbor cell. The
distance between the distance between the
serving cell and an serving cell and an
external neighbor cell can external neighbor cell can
buildPhyLocation latitude longitude algLTETDDRsved1
Physical Location of a be obtained based on the be obtained based on the
Building in a Neighbor longitude
Latitude of andanlatitude
Externalof Longitude
longitude and latitude
of an of Reserved parameter 1 for
Cell the serving cell Cell
Neighbor and those the serving cell Cell
Neighbor and those service LTE TDD
double:[-90..90] double:[-180..180]
of the external cell. A of the external cell. A
model default: -90.0 model default: -180.0 long:[0..4294967295]
This parameter sets the neighbor cell coverage neighbor cell coverage
string:length[0..128] step: 1.0E-6 step: 1.0E-6 model default: 0
physical location of a relation can be determined relation can be determined
building in a neighbor based on the distance, based on the distance, This is reserved parameter
cell. azimuth, and beam width. azimuth, and beam width. 1 for LTE TDD services.

-- -- -- --
F1_Bone2_TF02 -4.539245 120.30329 0
E1_Bone2_TE01 -4.539245 120.30329 0
E1_CombatARRKoremBone_ME02 -4.54055 120.30944 0
F1_CombatARRKoremBone_MF01 -4.54055 120.30944 0
E1_CombatARRKoremBone_ME01 -4.54055 120.30944 0
F1_TaBone-PTI_MF03 -4.55789 120.32859 0
E1_Jl.SemeruBone-TBG_ME03 -4.53711 120.32545 0
E1_TaBone-PTI_ME03 -4.55789 120.32859 0
E1_TaBone-PTI_ME01 -4.55789 120.32859 0
E1_Bone-DMT-PAK_ME01 -4.53833 120.32861 0
F1_MCWahidinBone-DMT_MF01 -4.53228 120.31073 0
E1_Bone2_TE02 -4.539245 120.30329 0
E1_Macege-DMT_ME01 -4.55111 120.31021 0
E1_BiruBone-PTI_ME02 -4.559892 120.332855 0
E1_CombatARRKoremBone_ME03 -4.54055 120.30944 0
F1_CombatARRKoremBone_MF02 -4.54055 120.30944 0
F1_TaBone-PTI_MF02 -4.55789 120.32859 0
F1_Jl.SemeruBone-TBG_MF03 -4.53711 120.32545 0
E1_BiruBone-PTI_ME03 -4.559892 120.332855 0
F1_CombatARRKoremBone_MF03 -4.54055 120.30944 0
E1_Bone2_TE03 -4.539245 120.30329 0
F1_Jl.SemeruBone-TBG_MF01 -4.53711 120.32545 0
F1_Bone2_TF03 -4.539245 120.30329 0
F1_BiruBone-PTI_MF02 -4.559892 120.332855 0
F1_Macege-DMT_MF01 -4.55111 120.31021 0
E1_TaBone-PTI_ME02 -4.55789 120.32859 0
E1_MCWahidinBone-DMT_ME01 -4.53228 120.31073 0
-90.0 -180.0 0
-90.0 -180.0 0
-90.0 -180.0 0
-90.0 -180.0 0
-90.0 -180.0 0
-90.0 -180.0 0
-90.0 -180.0 0
-90.0 -180.0 0
-90.0 -180.0 0
F1_Bone-DMT-PAK_MF01 -4.53833 120.32861 0
F1_TaBone-PTI_MF01 -4.55789 120.32859 0
-90.0 -180.0 0
E1_WatangPalakka-PTI_ME02 -4.5302 120.29017 0
F1_WatangPalakka-PTI_MF02 -4.5302 120.29017 0
E1_Macege-DMT_ME03 -4.55111 120.31021 0
F1_Macege-DMT_MF03 -4.55111 120.31021 0
F1_Bone2_TF01 -4.539245 120.30329 0
E1_Jl.SemeruBone-TBG_ME01 -4.53711 120.32545 0
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
This parameter represents
the RNC ID or Extended
UTRAN neighboring cell.
mcc mnc When the rncId
value of the cId
MCC of Neighbouring MNC of Neighbouring parameter is in the range
Cell Cell of 0 ~ 4095,
represents Cell ID
the RNC ID; When the
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
value of the parameter is
string:length[3] string:length[2..3] model default: 0 model default: 0
in the range of 4096 ~ The parameter is used to
65535, it represents the represent a neighbour cell
Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code Extended RNC ID. identity.

M M -- --
bandX[9] double:[701.4..713.6, 748.4..753.6,
bandXI[10] 779.4..784.6, 760.4..765.6,
bandXII[11] 790.4..795.6, 793.4..818.6,
bandXIII[12] 816.4..859.6, 861.4..891.6,
bandXIV[13] 882.4..912.6, 927.4..957.6,
bandXIX[18] 1430.4..1445.4, 1478.4..1493.4,
bandXX[19] 1450.4..1460.4, 1498.4..1508.4,
freqBandInd 1712.4..1782.6,
uarfcnUl 1807.4..1877.6,
uarfcnDl primaryScramblingCode
bandXXII[21] 1852.4..1912.6, 1932.4..1992.6,
Band Indication for Uplink Center Carrier Downlink Center Carrier Cell Primary Scrambling
bandXXV[24] 1922.4..1977.6, 2112.4..2167.6,
UTRAN Frequency Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz) Code
bandXXVI[25] 2502.4..2567.6, 2622.4..2687.6,
3412.4..3487.6] 3512.4..3587.6] long:[0..511]
model default: 0 model default: 1930.0 model default: 2140.0 model default: 0
Band class of UTRAN UL Center carrier DL center carrier
FDD cell frequency frequency Primary scrambling code

-- -- -- --
The parameter indicates
voip capbility for
UTRAN-FDD neighbour
cell.Because LTE is IP
system,and UTRAN-FDD
support between CS
lac rac domainisSupportVoIP
and PS domain, isSupportPSHO
enum: enum:
UTRAN the voice service
Neighbor Cellof UTRAN Neighbor Cell
No[0] No[0]
Location Area Code Routing Area Code UE handover
Supported from
VoIPLTE to PS HO capbility
Supported PS HOfor
Yes[1] Yes[1]
UTRAN-FDD,if target UTRAN-FDD neighbour
long:[1..65533, 65535] long:[0..255]
cell support the VOIP cell. When UTRAN-FDD
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
handover capability, then neighbour cell support the
Location area code of a it can trigger PS capability. Service cell
cell Routing Area Code handover. can trigger PS handover.

-- -- -- --
Not Support HSUPA and
Support HSDPA and
Support only SHDPA[2]
isSupportHSPA plmnIdList_mcc plmnIdList_mnc isSameStaWithLTE
Support for Co-Location
and DCH[3] enum:
Support HSUPA and Not Support[0]
Supported PLMN List_MCC PLMN List_MNC This parameter
HSDPA[4] Support[1]
whether EUTRAN cells
and UTRAN neighbor
model default: 0 stringArray:length[3] stringArray:length[2..3] model default: 0
cells are co-located. It is a
MCC MNC self-adaptive SON UL
HSUPA/HSDPA capacity Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset adjustment parameter.

-- M M --
configured with many
2G/3G external neighbor
cells. The number would
be more when many L800
cells are deployed in
remote suburb areas. In
fact, it is not necessary to
configure so many
RIM IDneighbor cells as
of an External
RIM cells. A Cell
Neighbor flag for
external neighbor cells is
introduced. In this way,
model default: 1
the eNodeB can control
RIM cells by identifying
the flag.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
This parameter represents
the RNC ID or Extended
UTRAN neighboring cell.
mcc mnc When the rncId
value of the cId
MCC of Neighbouring MNC of Neighbouring parameter is in the range
Cell Cell of 0 ~ 4095,
represents Cell ID
the RNC ID; When the
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
value of the parameter is
string:length[3] string:length[2..3] model default: 0 model default: 0
in the range of 4096 ~ The parameter is used to
65535, it represents the represent a neighbour cell
Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code Extended RNC ID. identity.

M M -- --
freqBandInd double:[1850.8..1929.2,
uarfcn primaryScramblingCode lac
d[3] 1930.8..1989.2,
Band Indication for Center Carrier Frequency Cell Primary Scrambling
e[4] 2010.8..2024.2,
UTRAN Frequency (MHz) Code Cell Location Area Code
f[5] 2300.8..2399.2,
2570.8..2619.2] long:[0..127] long:[1..65533, 65535]
model default: 0 model default: 1910.0 model default: 0 model default: 1
Band class of UTRAN Location area code of a
TDD frequency of a cell Center Carrier Frequency Primary scrambling code cell

-- -- -- --
The parameter indicates
Not Support HSUPA and
voip capbility for UTRAN
TDD neighbour
Support HSDPA and
cell.Because LTE is IP
system, and UTRAN-
Support Only SHDPA[2]
TDD support between CS
rac isSupportVoIP isSupportPSHO Support HSUPA,
domain and PS domain,
enum: enum: HSDPA, and DCH[3]
UTRAN the voice service
Neighbor Cellof UTRAN Neighbor Cell HSUPA and HSDPA
No[0] No[0] Support HSUPA and
Cell Routing Area Code UE handover
Supported from
VoIPLTE to PS HO capbility
Supported PS HOfor Supported
Yes[1] Yes[1] HSDPA[4]
UTRAN-TDD, if target UTRAN-TDD neighbour
cell support the VOIP cell. When UTRAN-TDD
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
handover capability, then neighbour cell support the
it can trigger PS capability. Service cell
Routing Area Code handover. can trigger PS handover. HSUPA/HSDPA Capacity

-- -- -- --
configured with many
2G/3G external neighbor
cells. The number would
be more when many L800
cells are deployed in
remote suburb areas. In
fact, it is not necessary to
plmnIdList_mcc plmnIdList_mnc rimCellFlag
configure so many
RIM IDneighbor cells as
of an External
PLMN List_MCC PLMN List_MNC RIM cells. A Cell
Neighbor flag for
external neighbor cells is
introduced. In this way,
stringArray:length[3] stringArray:length[2..3] model default: 1
the eNodeB can control
MCC MNC RIM cells by identifying
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset the flag.

M M --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,16 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,38 E_WTP012MD1_Bonecit
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,15 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,37 E_WTP042MD1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,14 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,36 E_WTP042MD1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,13 E_WTP142MD1_Jl.Semer
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,35 E_WTP042MD1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,19 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,18 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,17 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,39 E_WTP142MG1_Jl.Semer
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 E_WTP139MD1_PasarSen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,30 E_WTP001MD1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 E_WTP012MD1_Bonecit
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 E_WTP012MD1_Bonecit
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 E_WTP038ID1_BoneTradeC
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,12 E_WTP183MD1_MCRSung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,34 E_WTP185MD1_MCRJala
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,11 E_WTP183MD1_MCRSung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,33 E_WTP185MD1_MCRJala
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,0 E_WTP139MD1_PasarSen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,32 E_WTP165MD1_MCVeter
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 E_WTP139MD1_PasarSen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,31 E_WTP001MD1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,27 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,26 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,25 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,24 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,29 E_WTP001MD1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,28 E_WTP337MD1_JolleAma
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,41 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,40 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,23 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,45 E_WTP042MG1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,22 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,44 E_WTP042MG1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,21 E_WTP184MD1_MCRTanet
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,43 E_WTP042MG1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,20 E_WTP150MD1_Sukawati
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,42 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 E_WTP038MD1_BoneTrade
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 E_WTP038MD1_BoneTrade
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
mcc mnc lac cellIdentity
MCC of Neighbouring MNC of Neighbouring
Cell Cell Location Area Code Cell ID
long:[0..65533, 65535] long:[0..65535]
string:length[3] string:length[2..3] model default: 0 model default: 0
The parameter is used to
represent a neighbour cell
Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code Location Area Code identity.

R-I,M R-I,M -- --
510 10 9449 23433
510 10 9449 31612
510 10 9449 23432
510 10 9449 48263
510 10 9449 23431
510 10 9449 48262
510 10 9449 21942
510 10 9449 48261
510 10 9449 24603
510 10 9449 24602
510 10 9449 24601
510 10 9449 11941
510 10 9449 21933
510 10 9449 41202
510 10 9449 31611
510 10 9449 31613
510 10 9449 49861
510 10 9449 21893
510 10 9449 24903
510 10 9449 21891
510 10 9449 24901
510 10 9449 21931
510 10 9449 21513
510 10 9449 45762
510 10 9449 21932
510 10 9449 41203
510 10 9449 25913
510 10 9449 25912
510 10 9449 25911
510 10 9449 25833
510 10 9449 41201
510 10 9449 38863
510 10 9449 61202
510 10 9449 61201
510 10 9449 25832
510 10 9449 28263
510 10 9449 25831
510 10 9449 28262
510 10 9449 24681
510 10 9449 28261
510 10 9449 24611
510 10 9449 61203
510 10 9449 49864
510 10 9449 49867
510 10 9449 21511
510 10 9449 21512
rac ncc bcc EXT900[7]
Cell Routing Area Code Network Color Code Base Station Color Code Frequency Range
long:[0..255] long:[0..7] long:[0..7]
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 5

Cell Route Area Code Network Colour Code Base Station Colour Code Frequency Band

-- -- -- --
2 1 1 DCS1800[9]
2 6 3 DCS1800[9]
2 3 6 DCS1800[9]
2 2 1 DCS1800[9]
2 6 5 DCS1800[9]
2 5 5 DCS1800[9]
2 5 1 DCS1800[9]
2 2 0 DCS1800[9]
2 4 0 DCS1800[9]
2 1 1 DCS1800[9]
2 6 3 DCS1800[9]
2 7 6 GSM900[6]
2 0 7 DCS1800[9]
2 1 7 DCS1800[9]
2 6 1 DCS1800[9]
2 7 6 DCS1800[9]
2 4 2 DCS1800[9]
2 3 2 DCS1800[9]
2 4 5 DCS1800[9]
2 4 2 DCS1800[9]
2 5 0 DCS1800[9]
2 1 6 DCS1800[9]
2 5 4 DCS1800[9]
2 6 3 DCS1800[9]
2 6 5 DCS1800[9]
2 5 1 DCS1800[9]
2 6 5 DCS1800[9]
2 7 3 DCS1800[9]
2 1 0 DCS1800[9]
2 6 5 DCS1800[9]
2 3 1 DCS1800[9]
2 7 0 DCS1800[9]
2 0 6 GSM900[6]
2 7 4 GSM900[6]
2 4 0 DCS1800[9]
2 1 2 GSM900[6]
2 7 7 DCS1800[9]
2 0 2 GSM900[6]
2 1 3 DCS1800[9]
2 6 5 GSM900[6]
2 6 4 DCS1800[9]
2 5 1 GSM900[6]
2 3 4 DCS1800[9]
2 2 0 DCS1800[9]
2 0 3 DCS1800[9]
2 2 4 DCS1800[9]
The parameter indicates
voip capbility for GSM
neighbour cell.Because
LTE is IP system, and
vioce is the VoIP service.
Supports DTM and DTM
The parameter indicates But the voice service of
bcchFrequency isSupportPSHO HO[0]
DTM HO capbility for GSMisSupportVoIP
can be CS or VoIP
enum: Supports DTM,Not enum:
PS parameter indicates
HO Supported By GSM
DTM neighbour cell.
Supported ByIn service, when the voice
VoIP Supported By
No[0] Support DTM HO[1] Not Support VoIP[0]
BCCH ARFCN PS HO capbility
GERAN for Cell
Neighbor GSM GERAN
the SRVCC handover
Neighbor Cell service
UE handover
long:[0..124, 128..251, Yes[1] Not Support DTM[2] Support VoIP[1]
neighbour cell. When procedure, SRVCC HO from LTE to GSM, if
512..885, 955..1023]
GSMD neighbour cell Indication IE of handover target cell support the
model default: 128 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
support the capability. Require message can be VOIP handover
Service cell can trigger PS configured by the capability, then it can
BCCH ARFCN handover. parameter. trigger PS handover.

-- -- -- --
779 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
776 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
777 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
778 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
784 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
782 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
777 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
780 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
783 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
778 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
780 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
7 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
783 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
778 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
782 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
778 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
779 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
775 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
777 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
782 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
781 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
775 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
780 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
784 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
781 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
776 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
780 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
782 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
777 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
779 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
781 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
780 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
8 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
3 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
776 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
7 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
784 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
5 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
777 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
2 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
782 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
1 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
775 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
782 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
784 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
778 No[0] Supports DTM,Not Suppo Not Support VoIP[0]
configured with many
2G/3G external neighbor
cells. The number would
be more when many L800
cells are deployed in
remote suburb areas. In
fact, it is not necessary to
plmnIdList_mcc plmnIdList_mnc rimCellFlag
configure so many
RIM IDneighbor cells as
of an External
PLMN List_MCC PLMN List_MNC RIM cells. A Cell
Neighbor flag for
external neighbor cells is
introduced. In this way,
stringArray:length[3] stringArray:length[2..3] model default: 1
the eNodeB can control
MCC MNC RIM cells by identifying
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset the flag.

M M --
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
510 10 1
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
mcc mnc cellType oneXrttSID
MCC of Neighbouring MNC of Neighbouring
Cell Cell Cell Type 1xRTT System ID
string:length[3] string:length[2..3] model default: 0 model default: 0

Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code CDMA Cell type 1xRTT System ID

oneXrttNID mscMarketId mscSwitchNum cId
The Switch Number The Cell ID of 1xRTT
1xRTT Network ID MSC-Market ID Definition of MSC ID Cell
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[0..255] long:[0..65535]
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
The MarketID definition The SwitchNumber The Cell ID of 1xRTT
1xRTT Network ID of MSC ID definition of MSC ID cell


oneXrttSectorID hrpdAnId colorCode intraSubnetId
The Sector ID of 1xRTT
Cell HRPD AN ID Cell Color Code Intra-Subnetwork ID
long:[0..15] long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[0..16777215]
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
This parameter indicates
The Sector ID of 1xRTT the HRPD access network This parameter indicates
Cell ID. Cell Color Code the intra-subnetwork ID.

R-I -- -- --
This parameter determines
whether to use the general
generalCfg generalFlag bscID bc18-v9a0[18]
configuration structure of
enum: bc19-v9a0[19]
General Configuration for 128 bits. If it is set to Yes,
No[0] bc20-v9a0[20]
HRPD Sector ID the generalFlagconfiguration BSC ID CDMA2000 Band Class
longArray:[0..255] Yes[1] bc21-v9a0[21]
structure of 128 bits is
model default: 0 long:[0..4095]
used. Otherwise, the self-
example: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
defined configuration
General Configuration for structure of 128 bits is Band Class of CDMA
HRPD Sector ID used. BSC ID Cell

R-I -- -- --
to perform authentication.
AUTH - Authentication
mode.If mobile stations
are to include standard
authentication datain
Access Channel messages,
the base station shall set
pNOffset carriFreq oneXrttRegZone curAuthMode
this field to '01'. If mobile
Carrier Frequency within stations
1xRTTare not to
PN Offset a CDMA2000 Band 1xRTT Registration Zone includeauthentication
Authentication Mode data
in Access Channel
long:[0..511] long:[0..2047] long:[0..4095]
messages, the basestation
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
shall set this field to '00'.
CDMA cell carrier The CDMA2000 1xRTT All other values are
PN offset frequency Registration zone reserved.

-- -- -- --
This parameter determines
whether to configure the
sector ID for 1xRTT cells.
If it is set to Yes, the
oneXrttMaxSO oneXrttPilotInc oneXrttSectorFlag
sector baseId
Flag for ID needs to be
Configuring the
1xRTT MAX Carrying configured
Sector ID for in the
SO Number Allowed 1xRTT Pilot Increment ReferenceCells cell ID field of Base ID
a 1xRTT cell. If it is set to
long:[0..7] long:[1..15] long:[0..65535]
No, the sector ID does not
model default: 0 model default: 4 model default: 0 model default: 0
Maximum number of need to be configured in
alternative service options Pilot PN sequence offset the Reference cell ID field
allowed by UE index increment. of a 1xRTT cell. Base Station ID

-- -- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
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SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId measCfgIdx
NE Name LDN MO ID Configuration Index
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..65535]
unique ID of the managed This parameter sets the
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string index of an intra-LTE
type and can be measurement
NE Name LDN configured as planned. configuration.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154101 101
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154222 222
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154464 464
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154100 100
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154221 221
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154466 466
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154102 102
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154465 465
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154460 460
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542337 2337
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154220 220
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542336 2336
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154461 461
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542335 2335
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154902 902
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154900 900
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154105 105
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154467 467
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542223 2223
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542222 2222
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542221 2221
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542220 2220
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154210 210
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154212 212
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154450 450
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154214 214
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542235 2235
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542234 2234
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542233 2233
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542232 2232
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542231 2231
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542230 2230
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154200 200
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154320 320
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154202 202
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154322 322
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549071 9071
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542315 2315
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549072 9072
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154561 561
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542314 2314
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154560 560
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542313 2313
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154324 324
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154205 205
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542323 2323
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542322 2322
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542321 2321
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549073 9073
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542320 2320
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549074 9074
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154431 431
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154430 430
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154433 433
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154554 554
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154432 432
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154550 550
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542325 2325
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542324 2324
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815434 34
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154435 435
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154434 434
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154437 437
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154436 436
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E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542334 2334
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542212 2212
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542333 2333
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542211 2211
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542332 2332
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542210 2210
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542331 2331
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542330 2330
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154420 420
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154540 540
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154422 422
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E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154421 421
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154542 542
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154427 427
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154424 424
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154423 423
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E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154426 426
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154425 425
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E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549054 9054
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549051 9051
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549052 9052
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418051 18051
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418052 18052
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154530 530
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154411 411
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154532 532
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154410 410
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 10
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 11
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E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154538 538
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E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154413 413
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154534 534
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154412 412
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E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154536 536
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154414 414
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542312 2312
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542311 2311
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542310 2310
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154400 400
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815420 20
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154520 520
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421 21
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815423 23
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E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418072 18072
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 14
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 15
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 16
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E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815430 30
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815432 32
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815433 33
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154513 513
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815440 40
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154188 188
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815441 41
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154620 620
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815442 42
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815443 43
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E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154180 180
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154182 182
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E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815452 52
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815454 54
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815455 55
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154611 611
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154610 610
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154170 170
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E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815464 64
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815465 65
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E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815460 60
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E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542281 2281
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542280 2280
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154160 160
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542287 2287
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542286 2286
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542285 2285
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542284 2284
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542283 2283
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815472 72
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815473 73
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815474 74
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421051 21051
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154828 828
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154827 827
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154829 829
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154150 150
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815483 83
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815484 84
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815485 85
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154140 140
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154824 824
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154823 823
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154705 705
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154826 826
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154825 825
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154820 820
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815480 80
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815481 81
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154701 701
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154822 822
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154700 700
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154821 821
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542260 2260
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154817 817
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154816 816
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154819 819
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154818 818
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542263 2263
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542262 2262
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542261 2261
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154254 254
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154130 130
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154251 251
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154250 250
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154132 132
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154253 253
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154131 131
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154252 252
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154813 813
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154812 812
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154815 815
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154814 814
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815490 90
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815491 91
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154811 811
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154810 810
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542271 2271
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154809 809
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542270 2270
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421071 21071
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154806 806
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154805 805
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154808 808
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154807 807
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542273 2273
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542272 2272
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154123 123
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154486 486
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154122 122
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154485 485
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154487 487
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154482 482
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154360 360
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154481 481
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154121 121
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154484 484
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542237 2237
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154120 120
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154483 483
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542236 2236
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154802 802
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154801 801
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154804 804
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154803 803
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154800 800
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154480 480
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154475 475
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154474 474
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154477 477
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154476 476
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154350 350
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154471 471
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154470 470
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154352 352
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154910 910
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154908 908
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154906 906
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154904 904
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154187 187
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154186 186
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154548 548
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154546 546
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421065 21065
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421064 21064
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421085 21085
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421084 21084
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549082 9082
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549061 9061
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549083 9083
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549081 9081
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418081 18081
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418082 18082
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418083 18083
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549064 9064
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549065 9065
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549062 9062
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549084 9084
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549063 9063
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549085 9085
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418062 18062
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418063 18063
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418064 18064
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815422 22
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421020 21020
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421063 21063
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421062 21062
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421061 21061
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421083 21083
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421082 21082
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421081 21081
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549010 9010
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418010 18010
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815450 50
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154510 510
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815431 31
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421010 21010
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815470 70
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815471 71
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418061 18061
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549020 9020
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418084 18084
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418020 18020
Handover Based Data
detects that the trigger UE. If it is set to
Quality in Atmospheric
quantity satisfies the sameAsTriggerQuantity,
Ducting Cells[71]
event-triggering threshold, the measurement quantity This parameter sets the
a cell measurement event reported by the UE is rule to report
Configuration for DSS
is triggered. If this RSRP if the event- measurement results. If it
boundary interference
This parameter sets the parameter is set to rsrp, a triggering quantity is is set to Event triggered
measurement UE determines event RSRP and the reporting, the
measCfgFunc triggerQuantity enum:
reportQuantity enum:
configurations for reporting conditions based measurement quantity measurement results are
Configuration for DSS enum: SameAsTriggerQuantity[0 Event triggered
different application
Measurement on the measured RSRP Measurement
reported by the UE is
Reporting reported when the event-
boundary interference RSRP[0] ] reporting[0]
functions of an
Configuration LTE
Function value.Triggering
Event If this parameter is
Quantity RSRQ if the event-
Quantity triggering conditions
Reporting Rule are
migration[73] RSRQ[1] Both[1] Periodical reporting[1]
system. One measurement set to rsrq, a UE triggering quantity is met. If it is set to
configuration item determines event RSRQ. If it is set to both, Periodical reporting, the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
corresponds to a set of reporting conditions based the measurement quantity measurement results are
measurement on the measured RSRQ reported by the UE is both periodically reported at
configurations. value. RSRP and RSRQ. the configured interval.

-- -- -- --
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
PUSCH OI Power Control RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
DL COMP Measurement[2RSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
UL COMP Measurement[2RSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Rat Measure[2] RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Rat Measure[2] RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
eICIC Measurement[13] RSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
SCell eICIC Measurement RSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Event Dl Rsrp Measure[11]RSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
CRS interference cancellat RSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
ICIC Measure[6] RSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency Period MeRSRP[0] Both[1] Periodical reporting[1]
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency Overlap EsRSRP[0] Both[1] Periodical reporting[1]
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
MM Intelligent Network CoRSRQ[1] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
MM Intelligent Network CoRSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
CA Inter Frequency OverlaRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Rat Measure[2] RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Rat Measure[2] RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Handover Based Data QualiRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Measurement for moving URSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Rat Measure[2] RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Rat Measure[2] RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open ANR Measurement[2RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
CA Spectrum CoordinationRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency Period MeaRSRP[0] Both[1] Periodical reporting[1]
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
EnDc Anchoring HO handoRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Rat Measure(voRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Rat Measure[2] RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
CA Optimal Band Combinat RSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Rat Measure(voRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Rat Measure[2] RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Fixed primary carrier MeasRSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
CA Enhance PCell Anchorin RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency MeaRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
CA Enhance PCell AnchoriRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Period Dl Rsrp Measure[10RSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Periodical reporting[1]
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Modify Scell MeasurementRSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Rat Measure[2] RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Rat Measure(voRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Rat Measure(voRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
CA Joint Decision SCell DRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Redirect Measure[3] RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Handover Measurement BasRSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Redirect Measure[3] RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Redirection Measurement fRSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Redirect Measure(voice)[6 RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Redirect Measure(voice)[6 RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Measurement ConfigurationRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Add Scell Measurement[14RSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Judge CCU User Measure[RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Judge CEU User Measure[4RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Blind Redirection MeasureRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Blind Redirection MeasureRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Based UL Service MeasureRSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
HomePLMN Measurement[RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
normal-user inter-Freq ha RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
highway-user inter-Freq h RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Based VoLTE Quality MeaRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close eMTC Inter FrequenRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open eMTC Inter FrequencRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
eMBMS Mobility Measurem RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close eMTC Inter FrequenRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
eMBMS Mobility Measurem RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open eMTC Inter FrequencRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Handover to ModeB CoverRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Handover to ModeB CoverRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Coverage Mode Level3 HanRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Coverage Mode Level3 HanRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra-LTE load balance MeRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Intra-LTE load balance MeRSRQ[1] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Intra-LTE load balance MeRSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Return Measure Based ServRSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
RRC Access Load BalancinRSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Intra-LTE load balance MeRSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
ModeA Handover to ModeB RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
ModeA Handover to ModeB RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
ModeB Handover to ModeA RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
ModeB Handover to ModeA RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Coverage Mode Handover tRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Coverage Mode Handover tRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Coverage Mode Level0 HanRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close eMTC Intra FrequenRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open eMTC Intra FrequencRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Coverage Mode Level0 HanRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close eMTC Intra FrequenRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Rat Measure[2] RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Rat Measure[2] RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
ue-RxTxTimeDifference MRSRP[0] Both[1] Periodical reporting[1]
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Redirect Measure[3] RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Open eMTC Intra FrequencRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Redirect Measure[3] RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Rat Measure[2] RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Rat Measure[2] RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Rat Measure[2] RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Rat Measure[2] RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Report CGI Measure[9] RSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Periodical reporting[1]
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Period ANR Measurement[RSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Periodical reporting[1]
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Prevent PingPong Handover
RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Prevent PingPong HandoverRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Measurement ConfigurationRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Measurement ConfigurationRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Intra Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Remove Scell MeasurementRSRP[0] SameAsTriggerQuantity[0]Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Rat Measure[2] RSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Close Inter Frequency/Inte RSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRQ[1] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Inter Frequency HO MeasurRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
Open Inter Frequency MeasRSRP[0] Both[1] Event triggered reporting[0
used for handover event reports the measurement reports the measurement
measurement. A5: The result only when the result only when the
signal quality level of the RSRP of the serving cell RSRQ of the serving cell
serving cell is lower than is smaller than this is smaller than this
the absolute threshold threshold. For event A1, a threshold. For event A1, a
while that of a neighbor UE reports the UE reports the
cell is higher than the measurement result only measurement result only This parameter sets
threshold. This whenthresholdOfRSRP
the RSRP of the thresholdOfRSRQ
when the RSRQ
Absolute RSRQof the a5Threshold2OfRSRP
Absolute threshold
RSRP Threshold
event is used for handover Absolute
serving cell is larger
RSRP than
Threshold serving cell isfor
Threshold larger than
Event 2 for
2 for neighbor-cell
Event A5 Decision
event measurement.
Event ID A6: for
threshold. For (dBm)
Decision event this threshold. For event
Decision (dB) decision during
(dBm) event A5
A6[5] double:[-20..-3]
The signal quality level of A4, a UE reports the A4, a UE reports the measurement. A UE
long:[-140..-43] model default: -8.0 long:[-140..-43]
a neighbor cell is one measurement result only measurement result only reports the measurement
model default: 0 model default: -75 step: 0.5 model default: -90
relative threshold higher when the RSRP of a when the RSRQ of a result only when the
than that of the secondary neighbor cell is smaller neighbor cell is smaller RSRP of a neighbor cell is
cell. than this threshold. than this threshold. lower than this threshold.

R-I -- -- --
A5[4] -75 -16.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -100 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -105 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -80 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -100 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -11.5 -90
A1[0] -90 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -16.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -100 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -10.5 -90
A4[3] -75 -14.0 -90
A5[4] -43 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -43 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -100 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -10.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -15.0 -90
A2[1] -110 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -13.0 -90
A2[1] -100 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A6[5] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -75 -14.0 -90
A4[3] -90 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -108 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -102 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -10.0 -90
A4[3] -102 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -3.0 -90
A1[0] -80 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -43 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -11.5 -90
A5[4] -43 -8.0 -140
A2[1] -106 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -15.0 -90
A2[1] -110 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -13.0 -90
A4[3] -104 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -100 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -104 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -43 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -90 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -13.0 -90
A2[1] -100 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -100 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -75 -14.0 -90
A4[3] -105 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -16.0 -90
A5[4] -110 -8.0 -100
A1[0] -75 -11.5 -90
A4[3] -105 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -100 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -10.5 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -90 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -110 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -43 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -95 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -13.0 -90
A5[4] -43 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -14.0 -90
A2[1] -115 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -13.0 -90
A5[4] -43 -8.0 -100
A2[1] -105 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -15.0 -90
A4[3] -75 -15.0 -90
A4[3] -75 -15.0 -90
A4[3] -75 -15.0 -90
A4[3] -75 -15.0 -90
A4[3] -75 -15.0 -90
A4[3] -75 -15.0 -90
A5[4] -43 -8.0 -100
A1[0] -75 -10.5 -90
A5[4] -43 -8.0 -80
A1[0] -100 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -100 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -15.0 -90
A1[0] -100 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -15.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -12.5 -90
A1[0] -90 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -95 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -10.5 -90
A5[4] -43 -8.0 -95
A1[0] -85 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -11.5 -90
A2[1] -100 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -105 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -100 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -10.5 -90
A1[0] -90 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -108 -8.0 -90
A6[5] -75 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -18.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -18.0 -90
A4[3] -102 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -104 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -100 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -11.5 -90
A1[0] -95 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -12.5 -90
A2[1] -110 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -110 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -19.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -20.0 -90
A2[1] -128 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -43 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -20.0 -90
A4[3] -70 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -128 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -20.0 -90
A4[3] -90 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -115 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -90 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -93 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -18.0 -90
A2[1] -125 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -90 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -16.0 -90
A4[3] -104 -15.0 -90
A5[4] -108 -18.0 -106
A4[3] -90 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -100 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -105 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -16.0 -90
A5[4] -110 -8.0 -100
A4[3] -75 -14.0 -90
A4[3] -105 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -106 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -104 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -75 -15.0 -90
A5[4] -100 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -75 -16.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -16.0 -90
A4[3] -105 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -108 -8.0 -104
A5[4] -108 -8.0 -106
A5[4] -106 -8.0 -102
A4[3] -90 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -10.5 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -100 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -100 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -112 -8.0 -102
A5[4] -75 -16.0 -90
A4[3] -75 -14.0 -90
A1[0] -90 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -85 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -13.0 -90
A1[0] -100 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -19.5 -90
A2[1] -128 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -19.0 -90
A1[0] -126 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -11.5 -90
A1[0] -105 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -10.5 -90
A5[4] -43 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -43 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -75 -15.0 -90
A4[3] -104 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -43 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -105 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -75 -15.0 -90
A4[3] -104 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -18.0 -90
A2[1] -124 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -17.5 -90
A1[0] -122 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -16.0 -90
A1[0] -117 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -13.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -16.5 -90
A2[1] -110 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -102 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -90 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -13.0 -90
A2[1] -119 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -10.5 -90
A2[1] -75 -15.0 -90
A2[1] -115 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -75 -12.0 -90
A5[4] -100 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -100 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -75 -14.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -16.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -16.0 -90
A4[3] -105 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -16.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -100 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -130 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -100 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -18.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -15.0 -90
A2[1] -110 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -13.0 -90
A2[1] -100 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -13.0 -90
A2[1] -100 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -75 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -100 -8.0 -90
A4[3] -106 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -43 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -20.0 -90
A5[4] -110 -8.0 -100
A5[4] -43 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -18.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -18.0 -90
A5[4] -112 -8.0 -100
A5[4] -112 -8.0 -104
A5[4] -100 -8.0 -100
A5[4] -75 -18.0 -90
A5[4] -100 -8.0 -100
A5[4] -100 -8.0 -100
A5[4] -108 -8.0 -104
A5[4] -108 -8.0 -104
A5[4] -108 -8.0 -106
A5[4] -75 -18.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -18.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -18.0 -90
A5[4] -100 -8.0 -106
A5[4] -75 -18.0 -90
A5[4] -100 -8.0 -104
A5[4] -75 -18.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -18.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -18.0 -90
A2[1] -108 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -110 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -18.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -18.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -18.0 -90
A5[4] -112 -8.0 -104
A5[4] -112 -8.0 -104
A5[4] -112 -8.0 -104
A1[0] -100 -8.0 -90
A1[0] -102 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -120 -8.0 -90
A2[1] -75 -20.0 -90
A1[0] -104 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -8.0 -90
A3[2] -75 -18.0 -90
A5[4] -75 -18.0 -90
A2[1] -104 -8.0 -90
A5[4] -112 -8.0 -100
A2[1] -108 -8.0 -90
128ms[5] 480ms[2]
160ms[6] 640ms[3]
This parameter sets the
256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
time difference between
320ms[8] 2048ms[5]
the time when an event
480ms[9] 5120ms[6]
This parameter sets the occurs and the time when This parameter sets the
512ms[10] 10240ms[7]
This parameter sets hysteresis range in event the event is reported. A time interval for a UE to
640ms[11] 1min[8]
absolute RSRQ threshold decision. A smaller detected event is triggered periodically trigger
a5Threshold2OfRSRQ hysteresis 1024ms[12]
timeToTrigger 6min[9]
for neighbor-cell
RSRQ parameter value indicates and reported
Time only
Difference when
Between measurement reporting
Periodical Reporting
1280ms[13] 12min[10]
decision during
Threshold event A5
2 for Event thatDecision
it is easier to meet the
Hysteresis the eventOccurrence
Event always satisfies
and when anfor
Interval event is
2560ms[14] 30min[11]
Decision (dB) A UE event-triggering
Range (dB) the event-triggering
Reporting triggered. For a UE, when
double:[-20..-3] double:[0..15] 5120ms[15] 60min[12]
reports the measurement conditions. A greater conditions within this an event is triggered, the
model default: -11.0 model default: 0.0
result only when the parameter value indicates period of time. A larger UE reports measurement
step: 0.5 step: 0.5 model default: 7 model default: 4
RSRQ of a neighbor cell that it is more difficult to parameter value indicates results at the interval
is lower than this meet the event-triggering stricter event-triggering specified by this
threshold. conditions. decision conditions. parameter.

-- -- -- --
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 3.0 1024ms[12] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-12.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 3.0 1024ms[12] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 128ms[5] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 1024ms[12] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 1024ms[12] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 5120ms[6]
-11.0 1.0 1024ms[12] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 3.0 1024ms[12] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-12.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-12.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 2560ms[14] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.0 128ms[5] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 128ms[5] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 128ms[5] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-12.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-13.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-12.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.0 128ms[5] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 3.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-12.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 2.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 3.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-12.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-12.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-12.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-12.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256ms[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-10.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-10.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-15.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-15.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-15.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-15.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-15.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-15.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-15.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-15.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-10.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-15.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-15.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-15.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 1.5 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-15.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-15.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 320ms[8] 1024ms[4]
enum: 1024ms[4] enum:
This parameter sets the
1[0] 2048ms[5] 1[0]
maximum number of This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
2[1] 5120ms[6] 2[1]
times that a UE reports interval at which number of times that
4[2] 10240ms[7] 4[2]
measurement results after measurement results are measurement results are
8[3] 1min[8] 8[3]
an event isNumber
Maximum triggered.of periodically reported. It is periodically reported. In a
reportAmount 6min[9]
prdReportInterval 16[4]
prdReportAmount maxReportCellNum
Timesan to event
Reportis specified in the periodical- reporting
Numberperiod of a to
of Times UE,
32[5] 12min[10] 32[5]
triggered and theResults
Measurement number reporting
Reportingrule. For ainUE,
Interval the if the UE detects
Periodically that the
Report Maximum Number of
64[6] 30min[11] 64[6]
of Event
After times that the
Triggering when measurementRule
Periodical-Reporting number of times
Measurement that
Results Reported Cells
Infinity[7] 60min[12] Infinity[7]
measurement results reporting is triggered, the measurement results are
reported by a UE exceeds UE reports measurement reported exceeds this This parameter sets the
model default: 2 model default: 4 model default: 7 model default: 8
this parameter value, the results at the interval parameter value, the UE maximum number of
UE stops reporting the specified by this stops reporting the reported cells, not
measurement results. parameter. measurement results. including the serving cell.

-- -- -- --
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
Infinity[7] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
4[2] 1min[8] 32[5] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
4[2] 5120ms[6] Infinity[7] 8
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
4[2] 2048ms[5] Infinity[7] 8
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
4[2] 5120ms[6] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 8
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
4[2] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
4[2] 2048ms[5] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
4[2] 480ms[2] 1[0] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
4[2] 240ms[1] 1[0] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 3
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] 1
measurement reporting This parameter sets the
procedure when the event offset of event A6. It
exit condition is satisfied. indicates the difference
The exit condition defined between a neighbor cell
in the protocol is: Mn + and an SCell. It is used for
Ofn + Ocn + Hys < Mp + This parameter sets the SCell replacement in a
Ofp + Ocp + Off, that is, event-triggering condition CA scenario. A larger
the RSRP/RSRQ a3Offset
value of for reporting the RSRP. parameter a6Offset
value indicates prdRptRurpose
enum: enum:
a neighbor
Whether cell is
Event A3lower
Exit When the RSRP that it is more difficult to This parameter
Purpose sets the
for Periodical
No[0] Report Strongest Cells[0]
than that ofIsthe
Reporting serving
Supported difference
Event between
A3 Offset a
(dB) meet
Event A6the SCell(dB)
Offset purpose for periodic
Measurement Reporting
Yes[1] double:[-15..15] double:[-15..15] Report CGI[1]
cell. Note: The word exit neighbor cell and the local replacement conditions. A measurement. If it is set to
model default: 3.0 model default: 3.0
does not mean that the UE cell is larger than the smaller parameter value 0, it indicates that the best
model default: 0 step: 0.5 step: 0.5 model default: 0
leaves the serving cell; parameter value (the indicates that it is easier to cell is reported. If it is set
instead, it just indicates a actual value in dB), RSRP meet the SCell to 1, it indicates that the
condition. reporting is triggered. replacement conditions. CGI value is reported.

-- -- -- --
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
Yes[1] -3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
Yes[1] -3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
Yes[1] -6.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
Yes[1] -1.5 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 -1.5 Report Strongest Cells[0]
Yes[1] -15.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
Yes[1] -7.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 1.5 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 1.5 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
Yes[1] -6.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 1.5 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 1.5 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 1.5 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 1.5 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 1.5 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 1.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 0.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 0.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 1.5 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 1.5 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 1.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 1.5 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 2.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 2.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 4.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 1.5 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] -1.5 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 1.5 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 1.5 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report CGI[1]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 1.5 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
Yes[1] 0.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 1.5 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 1.5 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
No[0] 3.0 3.0 Report Strongest Cells[0]
measurement reporting
procedure when the event
exit condition is satisfied. This parameter enables or
The exit condition defined disables the addition of
in the protocol is: Mn + the best neighbor cell of
Ofn + Ocn + Hys < Mp + the serving frequency to
Ofp + Ocp + Off, that is, the reportAddNeighMeasSwc
measurement report. If
the RSRP/RSRQ of a Switch it is of tohOpen,the
setAdding theBest
enum: enum:
Whethercell is lower
Event than reportAddNeighMeas-r10
A6 Exit Neighbor Cell in the
Close[0] Close[0]
that of the Is
Reporting serving cell. IE Measurement
Supported can be carriedReport
in all the
Open[1] Open[1]
Note: The word exit does measurement reports. If it
not mean that the UE is set to Close, the
model default: 0 model default: 0
leaves the serving cell; reportAddNeighMeas-r10
instead, it just indicates a IE cannot be carried in
condition. any measurement report.

-- --
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MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId ratMeasCfgIdx
Inter-RAT Measurement
NE Name LDN MO ID This parameter sets
Configuration the
This parameter sets the inter-RAT measurement
string:length[1..255] long:[1..65535]
unique ID of the managed configuration index. It is
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string used to identify a
type and can be measurement
NE Name LDN configured as planned. configuration.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541780 1780
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541460 1460
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541260 1260
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541300 1300
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541784 1784
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541861 1861
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541101 1101
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541860 1860
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541100 1100
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541660 1660
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541700 1700
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541820 1820
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541500 1500
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541620 1620
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541900 1900
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541822 1822
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541670 1670
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541350 1350
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541150 1150
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541310 1310
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541750 1750
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541111 1111
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541110 1110
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541550 1550
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541710 1710
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541510 1510
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541950 1950
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541910 1910
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541160 1160
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541560 1560
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541360 1360
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541161 1161
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541960 1960
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541200 1200
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541001 1001
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541760 1760
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541000 1000
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541722 1722
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541600 1600
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541720 1720
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541400 1400
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541800 1800
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541050 1050
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541450 1450
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541250 1250
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541051 1051
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541410 1410
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541850 1850
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541211 1211
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541651 1651
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541772 1772
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541210 1210
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541650 1650
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541770 1770
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541810 1810
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541610 1610
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541730 1730
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541851 1851
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541061 1061
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541060 1060
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541010 1010
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541011 1011
Configuration for deactive
EUTRAN system
measurement quantity This parameter sets the
during inter-RAT maximum number of
Configuration for
handover. When the UE reported cells, not
WCDMA Handover Base
detects that the event- including the serving cell.
triggering quantity The number is notified to
Periodical Measurement
satisfies the event- the UE in the
Configuration for Co-
measCfgFunc eutranMeasQuantity enum:
reportCriteria maxReportCellNum
triggering threshold, it measurement
Spectrum Scheduling enum: Event Triggered
Measurement triggers a measurement
E-UTRAN Measurement Inter-RAT Measurement configuration.
Maximum If theof
GERAN Coperation RSRP[0] Reporting[0]
This parameter
Configuration sets
Function event. RSRP refers to the
Quantity Reporting Rule measurement
Reported purpose
Cells is
Auto-Configuration[37] RSRQ[1] Periodical Reporting[1]
measurement Reference Signal This parameter sets the set to
configurations for Received Power, while rule (event-triggered or reportStrongestCellsForS
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 8
different application RSRQ refers to the periodically reported) for ON, the maximum
functions of different Reference Signal reporting inter-RAT number of reported cells
systems. Received Quality. measurement results. can be set to 1 only.

-- -- -- --
Magic Radio MeasurementRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRQ[1] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
period Measurement Confi RSRP[0] Periodical Reporting[1] 3
Measurement ConfigurationRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Periodical Reporting[1] 1
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
period Measurement Confi RSRP[0] Periodical Reporting[1] 3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRQ[1] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfigurationRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfigurationRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[8
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRQ[1] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfigurationRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[8
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfigurationRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Periodical Reporting[1] 1
Measurement ConfigurationRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRQ[1] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Periodical Measurement CoRSRP[0] Periodical Reporting[1] 3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
period Measurement Confi RSRP[0] Periodical Reporting[1] 3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Periodical Reporting[1] 1
Magic Radio MeasurementRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRQ[1] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRQ[1] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement Configurati RSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRQ[1] Event Triggered Reporting[3
Absolute Decision
Threshold of the E- Absolute Decision Absolute Decision
eventId rsrpSrvTrd rsrqSrvTrd rscpSysNbrTrd
UTRAN Serving Cell for Threshold of the E- Threshold of the UTRAN
Intersystem Measurement RSRP Measurement UTRAN Serving Cell for When the CPICH_RSCP
System for RSCP
Event ID (dBm) RSRQ Measurement (dB) value of a UTRA
Measurement FDD
W3[4] double:[-20..-3]
This parameter sets the ID neighbor cell measured by
long:[-140..-43] model default: -11.0 long:[-120..-24]
of the event triggered by the UE is larger than the
model default: 0 model default: -115 step: 0.5 model default: -95
inter-RAT measurement, threshold, a handover
which is related to the This parameter sets RSRP This parameter sets RSRQ towards the UTRA FDD
measured quantity. threshold 1 for event B2. threshold 1 for event B2. cell is triggered.

R-I -- -- --
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -90
B2[1] -44 -11.0 -95
B2[1] -44 -11.0 -95
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -90
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -90
B2[1] -115 -11.0 -86
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -90
B2[1] -100 -11.0 -86
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -90
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -95
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -95
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -90
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -90
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -95
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -95
B2[1] -44 -11.0 -90
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -95
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -90
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -95
B2[1] -44 -11.0 -90
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -90
B2[1] -115 -11.0 -86
B2[1] -100 -11.0 -86
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -90
B2[1] -44 -11.0 -95
B2[1] -44 -11.0 -90
W1[2] -115 -11.0 -95
B2[1] -44 -11.0 -95
B2[1] -90 -11.0 -95
B2[1] -44 -11.0 -90
B2[1] -44 -11.0 -90
B2[1] -115 -11.0 -95
W3[4] -115 -11.0 -95
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -95
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -95
B2[1] -44 -11.0 -90
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -95
B2[1] -44 -11.0 -95
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -95
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -95
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -95
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -90
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -90
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -95
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -95
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -94
B2[1] -44 -11.0 -95
B2[1] -100 -11.0 -95
B2[1] -115 -11.0 -95
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -95
B2[1] -44 -11.0 -90
B2[1] -90 -11.0 -95
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -95
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -90
B2[1] -44 -11.0 -90
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -95
B1[0] -115 -11.0 -95
B2[1] -115 -11.0 -95
B2[1] -115 -20.0 -86
B2[1] -115 -11.0 -102
B2[1] -110 -11.0 -95
B2[1] -115 -20.0 -95
128[5] 480ms[2]
is triggered and reported
160[6] 640ms[3]
only when the event
256[7] 1024ms[4]
always satisfies the event-
320[8] 2048ms[5]
triggering condition
480[9] 5120ms[6]
within this period of time.
512[10] 10240ms[7]
The larger the parameter
640[11] 1min[8]
Absolute Decision value is, the stricter it is to This parameter indicates
ecNoSysNbrTrd hysterisis 1024[12]
trigTime 6min[9]
Threshold of the UTRAN determine
Time whether
Difference an
Between thePeriodical
time interval to report
1280[13] 12min[10]
When a UEfor
System detects
Ec/Nothat Decision Hysteresis event
Eventcan be triggered.
Occurrence and the measurement
Interval results
of Triggered
2560[14] 30min[11]
CPICH_Ec/No value
(dB) Range (dB) This parameter is
Reporting(ms) after an event is triggered;
double:[-24.5..0] double:[0..15] 5120[15] 60min[12]
of a UTRA FDD neighbor configured as required. If that is, the UE reports the
model default: 0.0 model default: 0.0
cell is larger than this the parameter value is too measurement results of
step: 0.5 step: 0.5 model default: 7 model default: 4
threshold, a handover to This parameter sets the large, communication the triggered event within
the UTRA FDD cell is hysteresis range in event quality may be affected every periodical reporting
triggered. decision. sometimes. interval.

-- -- -- --
-10.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
-10.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
-10.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
-10.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
-10.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
-10.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
-10.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 320[8] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 320[8] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
-10.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
-10.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
-11.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
-10.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
-10.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
-10.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
-8.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
0.0 0.0 256[7] 1024ms[4]
times that the number of times that detects that the signal
measurement results are measurement results are quality of a GERAN
enum: 1024ms[4] enum:
reported after an event is periodically reported. It is neighbor cell is better than
1[0] 2048ms[5] 1[0]
triggered. For a UE, after used for a UE periodically the threshold (Mn + Ofn -
2[1] 5120ms[6] 2[1]
an event is triggered, the reporting measurement Hys > Thresh), the UE
4[2] 10240ms[7] 4[2]
UE reports the results to determine determines that event (B1-
8[3] 1min[8] 8[3]
measurement results whether it still needs to 1) isAbsolute
valid. For event B2,
evtReportAmount 6min[9]
prdReportInterval 16[4]
prdReportAmount geranNbrTrd
Number If the
of Periodical report
Numberthe ofmeasurement
Reporting when the UE
Threshold fordetects
GERAN that
32[5] 12min[10] 32[5]
number ofAttempts
Reporting times thatAfter
the This parameter
Reporting setsinthe
Interval results. Ifinthe
the Attempts theUE detects
Periodical the signal
System quality of a
64[6] 30min[11] 64[6]
UE reports
Event the
Triggering reporting Reporting
Periodical interval in Rule
the that the numberRule
Reporting of times GERAN (dBm) neighbor cell is
Infinity[7] 60min[12] Infinity[7]
measurement results is periodical reporting rule; that measurement results better than the threshold
more than the parameter that is, the UE reports the are reported exceeds this (Mn + Ofn - Hys >
model default: 2 model default: 4 model default: 7 model default: -110
value, the UE stops measurement results at the parameter value, the UE Thresh2), the UE
reporting the interval configured by this stops reporting the determines that event (B2-
measurement results. parameter. measurement results. 2) is valid.

-- -- -- --
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -95
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -95
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
4[2] 5120ms[6] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -95
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
4[2] 1024ms[4] 1[0] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -95
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
4[2] 5120ms[6] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -95
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -95
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -100
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -95
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -95
4[2] 1024ms[4] 1[0] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -95
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -95
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -95
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -95
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
4[2] 5120ms[6] 2[1] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
4[2] 5120ms[6] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
4[2] 1024ms[4] 1[0] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -95
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -95
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -110
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -98
1[0] 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] -95
detects that the signal
quality of a CDMA If the parameter is set to 0,
neighbor cell is better than the reported UTRAN-
the threshold (Mn + Ofn - FDD measurement
Hys > Thresh), the UE quantity of the UE is the
determines that event (B1- same as the triggered
1) isAbsolute
valid. For event B2, quantity. If the parameter
cdmaSysNbrTrd enum:
when the UEfor
Threshold detects
CDMA that isutraFddReportQuan
set to 1, the reported wlanRssiTrd
Decision Threshold of the
the signal
System quality of a
Measurement UTRAN-FDD
Report Quantity of WLAN System for RSSI
CDMA neighbor
(dB) cell is measurement
UTRAN-FDD quantity of Measurement (dBm)
double:[-31.5..0] Both[1]
better than the threshold the UE includes RSCP
model default: -12.0 long:[-101..39]
(Mn + Ofn - Hys > and EC/No. This This parameter sets the
step: 0.5 model default: 1 model default: -45
Thresh2), the UE parameter is valid for RSSI threshold for event
determines that event (B2- UTRAN-FDD neighbor W1 and event W3 in
2) is valid. cells only. WLAN measurement.

-- -- --
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -45
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -45
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -65
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -45
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
-12.0 Both[1] -101
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
through QCIs. The
standard QoS
Classification Identifiers
(QCIs) represent QoS
attributes, such as packet
scheduling, the delay, and
the packet loss rate. The
NE_Name ldn moId transmissionqCIof standard
QCI parameters among
NE Name LDN MO ID different
an EPS
This parameter sets the helps the interconnection
string:length[1..255] long:[0..256]
unique ID of the managed of the equipment from
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string different vendors and
type and can be flexible configuration by
NE Name LDN configured as planned. operators.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,12 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,34 128
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,31 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,30 256
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,19 256
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,17 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,15 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,16 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,13 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,35 128
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,14 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,36 128
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,22 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,23 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,20 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,21 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,257 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,256 256
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,28 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,26 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,24 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,25 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,11 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,18 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,29 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,27 7
This parameter sets the
service priority. Each QCI
This parameter sets the (for GBR and non-GBR
QoS Packet Loss Rate bearers) is associated with
(PLR); that is the upper a priority level. A smaller
srvPacketDelay 253[253]
limit srvPacketLoss
of the SDU PLR if srvClassName srvPriora higher
value indicates
Service Packet QoS Delay there is no network priority. A priority can be
This parameter
(ms) sets the congestion.
QoS PacketIt Loss
Ratethe Service Type Name used Service
to differentiate
Priority SDF
double:[0..1] 256[256] double:[0..256]
packet QoS delay (in ms) performance of correct aggregates of the same
long:[0..65535] model default: 0.000001 model default: 0.2
that is defined by the transmission on the sender This parameter sets the UE or different UEs based
model default: 100 step: 1.0E-6 model default: 1 step: 0.1
3GPP TS23 protocols. It and correct demodulation name of a service type. It on the QCI and SDF
is used only for reference and receiving on the corresponds to the QCI of aggregates associated with
and cannot be modified. receiver. the example service. the priority and PDB.

-- -- -- --
100 0.01 CVoIP[1] 2.0
100 0.000001 128[128] 6.0
500 1.0 NVIP Default Bearer[9] 9.0
300 0.000001 VIP Default Bearer[8] 8.0
0 0.0 256[256] 1.0
300 0.000001 BSoIP[4] 5.0
0 0.0 256[256] 1.0
100 0.000001 IMS Signaling[5] 1.0
150 0.001 CLSoIP[2] 4.0
300 0.000001 Prior IP Service[6] 6.0
50 0.001 RealGaming[3] 3.0
300 0.000001 BSoIP[4] 5.0
100 0.01 CVoIP[1] 2.0
100 0.000001 IMS Signaling[5] 1.0
150 0.001 CLSoIP[2] 4.0
100 0.000001 128[128] 6.0
50 0.001 RealGaming[3] 3.0
100 0.000001 128[128] 6.0
150 0.001 CLSoIP[2] 4.0
50 0.001 RealGaming[3] 3.0
500 1.0 NVIP Default Bearer[9] 9.0
100 0.01 CVoIP[1] 2.0
500 1.0 NVIP Default Bearer[9] 9.0
0 0.0 256[256] 1.0
300 0.000001 VIP Default Bearer[8] 8.0
300 0.000001 Prior IP Service[6] 6.0
300 0.000001 BSoIP[4] 5.0
100 0.000001 IMS Signaling[5] 1.0
300 0.000001 VIP Default Bearer[8] 8.0
300 0.000001 NVIP Default Bearer[9] 9.0
300 0.000001 Prior IP Service[6] 6.0
100 0.001 LSoIP[7] 7.0
300 0.000001 NVIP Default Bearer[9] 9.0
100 0.001 LSoIP[7] 7.0
300 0.000001 NVIP Default Bearer[9] 9.0
100 0.001 LSoIP[7] 7.0
This parameter sets the
enum: enum:
This parameter sets the downlink path loss change
sf10[0] sf0[0]
interval for prohibiting threshold for PHR
sf20[1] sf10[1]
PHR sending. When the sending. When the
sf50[2] sf20[2]
prohibitPHR-Timer timer prohibitPHR-Timer timer
sf100[3] sf50[3] enum:
expires, and the change in expires, and the change in
srvBearerType sf200[4]
prdPhrTimer sf100[4]
phtPhrTimer dB1[0]
the path loss is more than the DLpath
Pathloss is more
Loss than
enum: sf500[5] sf200[5] dB3[1]
Service Bearer Type Interval for Periodic PHR dl-PathlossChange (in dB) dl-PathlossChange
Interval for Prohibiting Threshold for PHR (in dB)
GBR[0] sf1000[6] sf500[6] dB6[2]
(GBR/Non-GBR) Sending since the
PHR last sending of a since theSending
Sending last sending of a
Non-GBR[1] Infinity[7] sf1000[7] Infinity[3]
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the PHR when there are PHR when there are
type of service bearer interval for periodically uplink resources available uplink resources available
model default: 0 model default: 6 model default: 1 model default: 1
(including GBR bearers sending PHRs. When the for a UE for a new for a UE for a new
and non-GBR bearers) timer expires, a PHR is transmission, a PHR is transmission, a PHR is
corresponding to a QCI. sent. sent. sent.

-- -- -- --
GBR[0] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf10[0] sf0[0] dB1[0]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf0[0] dB3[1]
GBR[0] sf1000[6] sf0[0] dB6[2]
GBR[0] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
GBR[0] sf1000[6] sf0[0] dB6[2]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
GBR[0] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
GBR[0] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
GBR[0] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
GBR[0] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
GBR[0] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
GBR[0] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
GBR[0] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
GBR[0] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf10[0] sf0[0] dB1[0]
GBR[0] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf10[0] sf0[0] dB1[0]
GBR[0] sf1000[6] sf0[0] dB6[2]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf0[0] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
GBR[0] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf0[0] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
Non-GBR[1] sf1000[6] sf10[1] dB3[1]
rlcMode factorForQCI enum:
ueRATType enum:
Acknowledged Mode[1] LTE[0] 7bit[0]
Unacknowledged NSA[1] 12bit[1]
RLCparameter sets the
Bearer Type Service QCI Factor UE Type PDCP SN Length
Mode[2] eMTC[2] 18bit[2]
RLC bearer type:
Acknowledged Mode This parameter indicates This parameter sets the
model default: 1 model default: 64 model default: 0 model default: 1
(AM) and the service QCI factor for This parameter sets the size of the bits occupied
Unacknowledged Mode priority calculation of UE type: LTE, NSA, and by the PDCP PDU
(UM). QoS sorting. eMTC. sequence number.

-- -- R-I --
Unacknowledged Mode[2] 64 NSA[1] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 120 LTE[0] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 1 eMTC[2] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 2 NSA[1] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 1 eMTC[2] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 8 LTE[0] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 1 NSA[1] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 1 LTE[0] 12bit[1]
Unacknowledged Mode[2] 16 LTE[0] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 72 NSA[1] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 32 LTE[0] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 8 NSA[1] 12bit[1]
Unacknowledged Mode[2] 64 LTE[0] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 1 NSA[1] 12bit[1]
Unacknowledged Mode[2] 16 NSA[1] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 120 eMTC[2] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 32 NSA[1] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 120 NSA[1] 18bit[2]
Unacknowledged Mode[2] 16 eMTC[2] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 32 eMTC[2] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 1 NSA[1] 12bit[1]
Unacknowledged Mode[2] 64 eMTC[2] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 1 LTE[0] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 1 LTE[0] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 50 eMTC[2] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 50 eMTC[2] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 8 eMTC[2] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 1 eMTC[2] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 50 LTE[0] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 100 LTE[0] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 50 LTE[0] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 100 LTE[0] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 100 NSA[1] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 100 NSA[1] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 100 eMTC[2] 12bit[1]
Acknowledged Mode[1] 100 eMTC[2] 12bit[1]
uplink Semi-Persistent
Scheduling (SPS) period
enum: 128[6]
and is used for uplink
50[0] 160[7]
SPS. It is configured
100[1] 320[8]
during uplink SPS
150[2] 640[9]
This parameter sets the reconfiguration. The
300[3] 1[10]
duration for discarding parameter value is related
sequenceNumType meaGRP 500[4]
discardTimer 2[11]
This parameter sets the PDCP SDUs. Upon to the packet arrival rules
enum: enum: 750[5] 3[12]
RLC Sequence Number period of the measurement
Measurement Gap Period FDD receiving
from for
ULthe QCI services
5bit[0] 40[0] 1500[6] 4[13]
Type gap. If this(ms)
parameter is the upper layer,
Time the PDCP
(ms) configured
Schedulingwith SPS.
Period For
10bit[1] 80[1] infinity[7] 5[14]
This parameter sets the set to 40, the layer starts the timer. If no example, if packets
SN length range of the measurement gap period indication is received periodically arrive every
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 4 model default: 1
UM mode for the RLC is 40 ms. If it is set to 40, from the RLC layer when 20 ms, it is recommended
layer. It can be set to 5bit the measurement gap the timer expires, the that this parameter be set
and 10bit. period is 80 ms. SDU is discarded. to 20 ms.

-- -- -- --
10bit[1] 80[1] 100[1] 40[3]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] infinity[7] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 150[2] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 100[1] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 100[1] 40[3]
10bit[1] 80[1] infinity[7] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 150[2] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 100[1] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 150[2] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 100[1] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 100[1] 40[3]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] infinity[7] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 150[2] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 150[2] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 500[4] 20[1]
10bit[1] 80[1] 150[2] 20[1]
downlink Semi-Persistent
Scheduling (SPS) period
20[1] enum:
and is used for downlink
32[2] 50[0]
SPS. It is configured
40[3] 100[1] enum:
during downlink SPS This parameter sets the
64[4] 150[2] 50[0]
reconfiguration. The duration for discarding The Bucket Size Duration
80[5] 300[3] 100[1]
parameter value is related PDCP SDUs from the (BSD) refers to the period
spsIntervalDL 500[4]
disCardTimerForEnb 150[2]
to the packet arrival rules eNodeB. Upon receiving of time before a logical
160[7] 750[5] 300[3]
DLthe QCI services
Semi-persistent an SDU
upper channel
Bucketbuffers the upper
Size Duration
320[8] 1500[6] 500[4]
Schedulingwith SPS.
Period For
(ms) layer,
Time forthe
(ms) layer data(ms)
based on the
640[9] infinity[7] 1000[5]
example, if packets starts the timer. If no Prioritized Bit Rate (PBR)
periodically arrive every confirmation is received of the logical channel.
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 4
20 ms, it is recommended from the RLC layer when Total buffer capacity is
that this parameter be set the timer expires, the the product of the PBR
to 20 ms. PDCP SDU is discarded. and the BSD.

-- -- --
40[3] 100[1] 500[4]
40[3] infinity[7] 500[4]
20[1] 500[4] 500[4]
40[3] 500[4] 500[4]
20[1] 500[4] 500[4]
40[3] 500[4] 500[4]
20[1] 500[4] 500[4]
40[3] 500[4] 500[4]
40[3] 150[2] 500[4]
40[3] 500[4] 500[4]
40[3] 100[1] 500[4]
40[3] 500[4] 500[4]
40[3] 100[1] 500[4]
40[3] 500[4] 500[4]
40[3] 150[2] 500[4]
40[3] infinity[7] 500[4]
40[3] 100[1] 500[4]
40[3] infinity[7] 500[4]
40[3] 150[2] 500[4]
40[3] 100[1] 500[4]
20[1] 500[4] 500[4]
40[3] 100[1] 500[4]
20[1] 500[4] 500[4]
20[1] 500[4] 500[4]
40[3] 500[4] 500[4]
40[3] 500[4] 500[4]
40[3] 500[4] 500[4]
40[3] 500[4] 500[4]
40[3] 500[4] 500[4]
40[3] 500[4] 500[4]
40[3] 500[4] 500[4]
40[3] 150[2] 500[4]
40[3] 500[4] 500[4]
40[3] 150[2] 500[4]
40[3] 500[4] 500[4]
40[3] 150[2] 500[4]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
specific parameters that
control packet forwarding
treatment (e.g. scheduling
weights, admission
thresholds, queue
management thresholds,
link layer protocol
NE_Name ldn moId qCI etc.), that
Labelbeen pre-configured
Number of Service
NE Name LDN MO ID by the operator
Class at a
This parameter sets the specific node(s) (e.g.
string:length[1..255] long:[1..256]
unique ID of the managed eNodeB).Configuration
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string DSCP parameter
type and can be according to QCI , QCI is
NE Name LDN configured as planned. the main key.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 29 128
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 28 128
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 27 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 26 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 25 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 24 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 23 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 22 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 21 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 20 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 19 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 18 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 17 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 16 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 15 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 14 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 13 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 12 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 5 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 6 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 3 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 4 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 1 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 2 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 11 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 10 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 30 128
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 9 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 7 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 8 3
arpSegID mcc mnc dscpValue

ARP Segment Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code DSCP ID

ARP is devided into
long:[1..15] long:[0..63]
serval segment to map The parameter is DSCP's
model default: 1 string:length[3] string:length[2..3] model default: 46
different priority. ID, when processing
ARPSegID is the ID of mapping between QCI
the segments. Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code and ARP.

R-I R-I,M R-I,M --

2 510 10 32
1 510 10 32
3 510 10 0
2 510 10 0
1 510 10 0
3 510 10 10
2 510 10 12
1 510 10 14
3 510 10 34
2 510 10 36
1 510 10 38
3 510 10 26
2 510 10 28
1 510 10 30
3 510 10 40
2 510 10 40
1 510 10 40
3 510 10 24
2 510 10 32
3 510 10 32
3 510 10 46
1 510 10 32
1 510 10 46
2 510 10 46
2 510 10 24
1 510 10 24
3 510 10 32
3 510 10 32
1 510 10 32
2 510 10 32
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
specific parameters that
control packet forwarding
treatment (e.g. scheduling
weights, admission
thresholds, queue
management thresholds,
link layer protocol
NE_Name ldn moId qCI etc.), that
have been pre-configured
NE Name LDN MO ID by the
Index at a
This parameter sets the specific node(s) (e.g.
string:length[1..255] long:[5..256]
unique ID of the managed eNodeB).Configuration
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 5
object. It is of the string PBR parameter according
type and can be to QCI , QCI is the main
NE Name LDN configured as planned. key.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815429 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815428 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815427 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815420 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815426 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815425 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815419 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815417 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815433 128
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815432 128
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815431 128
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815430 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815436 128
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815435 128
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815434 128
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815422 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815424 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815423 7
arpSegID lchDirection
Logical Channel pbrValue
Direction, There are
ARP Segment uplink and
Logical downlink
Channel two Prioritised Bit Rate (kbps)
ARP is devided into direction, used to PBR is used for logical
long:[1..15] long:[0..10000000]
serval segment to map determine the channel resource
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 32
different priority. configuration of PBR scheduling by MAC layer,
ARPSegID is the ID of gave uplink or downlink and reflects the demand of
the segments. direction bearer to resource.

R-I R-I --
2 Uplink[0] 8
1 Uplink[0] 8
3 Uplink[0] 8
3 Uplink[0] 32
2 Uplink[0] 32
2 Uplink[0] 8
1 Uplink[0] 8
1 Uplink[0] 48
3 Uplink[0] 1
2 Uplink[0] 1
1 Uplink[0] 1
1 Downlink[1] 1
2 Downlink[1] 1
2 Downlink[1] 8
2 Downlink[1] 1000
1 Downlink[1] 8
1 Uplink[0] 512
1 Downlink[1] 1000
3 Uplink[0] 8
2 Downlink[1] 32
3 Downlink[1] 8
3 Downlink[1] 32
2 Downlink[1] 8
3 Uplink[0] 512
3 Downlink[1] 1
1 Downlink[1] 8
3 Downlink[1] 1000
1 Downlink[1] 48
3 Downlink[1] 8
2 Uplink[0] 512
1 Uplink[0] 256
3 Downlink[1] 256
1 Downlink[1] 256
2 Downlink[1] 256
3 Uplink[0] 256
2 Uplink[0] 256
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId arpSegID

NE Name LDN MO ID ARP Segment

This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..15]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string ID of ARP's segment, its
type and can be value is from 1 to
NE Name LDN configured as planned. ARPSegNum

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815424 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815420 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815422 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815423 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815419 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815417 2
(NGBRDelayTh[0] <
(NGBRDelayTh[1] <
qosSrvClass qosBasicPrio mcc mnc
…i+j: NGBRi Broadcast Mobile
QoS Service Class QoS Basic Priority Mobile Country Code Network Code
elaySegNum-2] < delay ≤
model default: 0 model default: 15 string:length[3] string:length[2..3]
laySegNum-1])I =
GBRDelaySegNum, j = Basic prior based ARP Broadcast Mobile
NGBRDelaySegNum and service class Mobile Country Code Network Code

R-I -- R-I,M R-I,M

1[1] 9 510 10
2[2] 14 510 10
2[2] 13 510 10
2[2] 12 510 10
SIP[0] 14 510 10
SIP[0] 14 510 10
1[1] 11 510 10
1[1] 10 510 10
3[3] 6 510 10
7[7] 0 510 10
3[3] 7 510 10
3[3] 8 510 10
SIP[0] 14 510 10
5[5] 5 510 10
6[6] 2 510 10
4[4] 5 510 10
6[6] 2 510 10
4[4] 5 510 10
7[7] 1 510 10
4[4] 5 510 10
7[7] 0 510 10
6[6] 3 510 10
5[5] 4 510 10
5[5] 4 510 10
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId ES[57]
NE Name LDN MO ID This Service
parameter sets the
This parameter sets the service type of the SON
unique ID of the managed function. It is used to
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 26
object. It is of the string configure the policy type
type and can be when a policy is
NE Name LDN configured as planned. delivered.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,202 SH[26]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,22 MRO[49]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,206 X2[48]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,208 ANR[46]
radioMode sonSwitch
LTE-FDD[16] enum:
LTE-TDD[32] Close[0]
Radio Mode Service Switch
LTE[48] Open[1]

model default: 16 model default: 0

This parameter sets the
radio mode in which the This parameter is the
SON function is enabled. service switch.

R-I --
LTE-FDD[16] Open[1]
LTE-FDD[16] Open[1]
LTE-FDD[16] Open[1]
LTE-FDD[16] Open[1]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId sonPolicyId

NE Name LDN MO ID Policy ID

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[5..17]
object. It is of the string
type and can be Policy ID, range:
NE Name LDN configured as planned. [46000..46999]

R Primary Key R-I,M

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,205 46205
remove NR redundancy
and the SON policy is set
adjacent cell(Only eNB
to Controlled Mode, this
level policy
timer is started. If the
valid);Request to update
SON function is disabled
GSM frequency
and the SON policy is set
to Free Mode, this timer is
sonReferPointPolicy_son ended;Add adjacent
sonReferPointPolicy_son sonReferPointPolicy_sonI sonReferPointPolicy_son
stopped. Before the timer
ReferPointID relation
ReferPointAlias sBreakPoint longArray:[0..65535]
ANR Refer Point ANR Refer Point times
ANR our, if a Point
Refer manual
longArray:[0..255] information;Adjacent model default:
Policy_Reference Point Policy_Reference Point ANR Refer Point response is received
Policy_Break or the
model default: relation add enumArray:[0, 1] 4320;4320;4320;4320;1;4
ID Alias Policy_Break Point Flag SON TimeOutfunction stops,
Length the
3;4;6;7;10;11;12;15;16;17 results;Adjacent relation model default: 320;4320;1;4320;4320;1;
timer is stopped. After the
;18;19;23;24;25;26;27;28; remove results;Modify No 1;1;1;1;0;1;1;0;1;1;0;0;1;1 1;4320;4320;4320;4320;1
This parameter is used to timer times out, the
29;30;31;32;33 Handover attribute ;1;1;0;1;0;1;0;0;0 ;4320;1;1;1;1;1
configure the reference follow-up actions of the
point ID. It is created by This parameter is the procedure depend on the
system automatically. Reference Point Alias break point flag. breakpoint timeout policy.

-- -- -- --
3;4;6;7;10;11;12;15;16;17;Request to add E-UTRAN adj
This parameter indicates
the maximum number of
times that the eNodeB
performs CGI
sonReferPointPolicy_son sonMeasObjChoiceCount
measurement on each
TimeOutPolicy sonEnableANR sonMinDRXCycle unknown er
ANR Refer Point Maximumneighbor
Policy_Break Point The Switch of Intra-LTE after atofailed
Times Selectattempt
UEs for
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] Disable[0]
TimeOut Policy This parameter
ANR sets Minimum
ANR cycle
Min DRX Cycle during ANR neighbor
CGI Measurement
model default: Enable[1]
whether the intra-LTE needed for CGI self-addition. This
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 long:[0..65535] long:[1..65535]
ANR function is measurement, if shorter parameter is valid for all
;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 model default: 0 model default: 150 model default: 1
This parameter is policy supported or not. Disable: than this value, UE may the neighbor cells,
for the break point not supported; Enable: have no enough time to including intra-RAT and
timeout. supported. read CGI. inter-RAT neighbor cells.

-- -- -- --
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Enable[1] 150 9
When the ANR temporary When the ANR temporary
cell is added, the numbers cell is added,the numbers
of measurements and of measurements and
successful handovers will successful handovers will
be collected in the sonHoSuccThreshold
be collected in the sonFuncIdsets the
This parameter sonRunMode
Neighbor period. After the statistical
Cell Report period.
Handover After the
Success service type, 21 for PnP,
Free Mode[0]
statistic Threshold
timer is timeout,if statistic Threshold
timer is timeout,if 26 forService
SH, 43 Type
for CS, 46 Run Mode
Controlled Mode[1]
the MR times less than the HO success times less for ANR, 47 for PCI, 48
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[46]
this value,the temporary than this value,the for X2, 49 for MRO, 50
model default: 10 model default: 7 model default: 46 model default: 0
neighbor cell cannot be temporary neighbor cell for CCO, 51 for RO, 52
added to the formal cannot be added to the for MLB, 57 for ES, and
neighbor cell list. formal neighbor cell list. 58 for MAGICRADIO. Run Mode

-- -- R-I --
12 10 46 Free Mode[0]
Whole Network
Subnet Grading[1]
NE Grading[2]
Radio Mode Grading[3]
grade sonEnableNbrDel sonEnableGsmANR sonEnableGsmNbrDel
Cell Grading[4] enum: enum: enum:
This parameter
Intra-LTE ANRindicates
Self- The Switch of Inter-RAT This parameterGERAN
Inter-System indicates
Relation Grading[5] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Policy Grade whether theSwitch
Delete intra-LTE This parameter
GERAN ANR sets whether
ANR the inter-system
Self-Delete Switch
Reserved[6] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
ANR self-delete function whether the inter-system GSM ANR self-delete
is supported or GERAN ANR function is function is supported or
model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
not.Close:not supported. Close: not not.Close:not
supported;Open:supported supported; Open: supported;Open:supported
Policy Grade . supported. .

R-I -- -- --
Whole Network Grading[0]Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
sonEnableUtraANR sonEnableUtraNbrDel hoTimesThreshold hoFailureRatio
HO Failure Ratio
enum: enum:
The Switch of Inter-RAT This parameterUTRAN
Inter-System indicates HO Times Threshold to Threshold to Modify
Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter
UTRAN ANR sets whether
ANR the inter-system
Self-Delete Switch Modify NoHO Attribute NoHO Attribute(%)
Open[1] Open[1]
whether the Inter-RAT UTRA ANR self-delete This parameter indicates
long:[1..65535] long:[0..100]
UTRAN ANR function is function is supported or This parameter indicates HO failure ratio threshold
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 50 model default: 80
supported. Close: not not.Close:not HO times threshold that is that is used to modify the
supported; Open: supported;Open:supported used to modify the NoHO NoHO attribute of
supported. . attribute of neighbour cell. neighbour cell.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 50 80
enableCdmaANR enableCdmaNbrDel selfDeleteNbrCellThrd enum:
The Number of Neighbor
enum: enum: Hour[0]
Inter-System CDMA This parameter CDMA
Inter-System indicates Cell to Trigger ANR Self- The Grade of ANR
Close[0] Close[0] Minute[1]
This parameter
ANR Switchindicates ANR
whether the inter-system
Self-Delete Switch Delete Function Statistic Timer Length
Open[1] Open[1] Second[2]
whether the inter-system CDMA ANR self-delete
CDMA ANR function is function is supported or This parameter indicates
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 30 model default: 0
supported or not.Close:not not. Close:not the number of neighbor This parameter sets the
supported;Open:supported supported;Open:supported cell that is used to trigger time granularity for
. . ANR self-delete function. collecting ANR statistics.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 30 Hour[0]
the eNodeB enables intra-
RAT neighbor relation This parameter indicates
addition/deletion based on the maximum number of
data collection, the timer neighbour relationships to
is started. When the be deleted after ANR self-
eNodeB disables intra- delete statistic timer is
RAT neighbor relation After ANR self-delete timeout. If the number of
addition/deletion based selfDelStatisticTimer nbrDelHoCntThrd nbrDelCnt
Timer Length for ANRon When
Timerthe neighbor
Length cell is
for ANR statistic
The Totaltimer
timeout, neighbour
The Maximum relationships
Number of
data collection,
Temporary the timer
Neighbor Cell reachDelete
Self the ANR self delete
Neighbor Cell only whenfor
Threshold theNeighbour
total HO which meetCell
Neighbour self-delete
is stopped. When the
Statistic threshold, the eNodeB
Statistic counter of the
Cell neighbour
Deleted condition isOnce
more than this
timer times out, the will start a statistic timer relationship is less than parameter, those
long:[1..255] long:[1..255] long:[1..65535] long:[1..8]
eNodeB executes the to count MR times. This this threshold, the neighbour relationships
model default: 24 model default: 24 model default: 3 model default: 4
filtering algorithm for parameter indicates the corresponding neighbour whose MR report number
intra-RAT neighbor statistic timer length, relationship is allowed to is minimum will be
relation addition/deletion. unit:hour. be deleted. deleted.

-- -- -- --
24 24 3 4
oepn,the eNodeB will
start a statistic timer to
count the total HO counter
and HO Failure rate. If the
total HO counter and HO
failure rate meet the low
handover success rate
enableNoHoMod noHoStatisticTimer
condition in the statistic enableShAnr selfLearnSwch
Switch of Neighbor Cell Timer Length for
enum: enum: enum:
This parameter
Handover indicates
Success Rate period, theCell
Neighbor eNodeB will Control ANR Switch by This parameter indicates
Close[0] No[0] Close[0]
whether open Nbr Cell
Detection notify OMC
Success this
Rate detection
Detection Self-healing whether the ANR
Self Learn self-
Open[1] Yes[1] Open[1]
Handover Success Rate result, and deal with it. Learn function is open or
Detection function or This parameter indicates not. If the value is
model default: 0 model default: 24 model default: 0 model default: 0
not.Close:close the statistic timer length, 'Open',the function is
function;Open:open and the unit is up to Control ANR Switch by open, otherwise, the
function. staticTimerGrade. Self-healing function is close.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] 24 No[0] Close[0]
The parameter is the end Operation Adopt after
anrAppointRptSwch anrAppointRptStartTime anrAppointRptEndTime enum:
time of ANR Report at Neighbor Cell Low
enum: Modify NoHo[0]
The parameter
of ANRsets The parameter
Start Time of ANRis theReport
start End
Time oftime
ANR function
Report This parameter
Handover indicates
Success Rate
Close[0] Initiate PCI Detection on
Report to enable the
at Appointed Time time of ANR Report
at Appointed Time at configured by operator.
at Appointed Time the operation could be
Open[1] Uu[1]
ANR timed reporting appointed time function After end time choose when Nbr cell
string:length[1..20] string:length[1..20]
function. If it is set to configured by arrive,ANR Report at handover Success Rate
model default: 1 model default: 00:00 model default: 06:00 model default: 0
Open, the function is operator.ANR nbr Add appointed time function become low, which are
enabled; otherwise, the and Del Process will will execute reset and start modify NoHO and initiate
function is disabled. execute after start time. next process period. PCI detection on Uu.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] 23:00 08:00 Modify NoHo[0]
This parameter sets the
duration of the timer for
deleting redundant
neighbor cells. When the
eNodeB enables the
Intra-LTE Intra- deletion of redundant
This parameter
Frequency indicates neighbor cells, the timer is
whether the intra-LTE redNclDelPrd picoNbrANRSwch picoDelStatTimerLen
Neighbor Cell Relation started. When the eNodeB The parameter indicates The
enum: enum:
Intra-Frequency centralize disables
Bidirectional the deletion
Redundancy Neighborof the switch
Switch of ANR
of ANR for
for PICO the statistic
Delete timerTimer
Statistic length
Close[0] Close[0]
neighbor cell relation
Configuration Switch Cellredundant neighbor
Deletion Period cells,
(day) PICO Neighbor
Neighbor CellCell for deleting
Lengththe pico
Open[1] Open[1]
bidirectional the timer is stopped. Relation.When the switch neighbour cell relation
long:[1..255] long:[1..255]
configuration function is When the timer times out, is open, The eNB can added by SON ANR. Its
model default: 0 model default: 15 model default: 0 model default: 2
supported or not.Close:not the eNodeB executes the handle pico neighbor cell unit is specified by the
supported;Open:supported redundant-neighbor relation self-add and self- staticTimerGrade in
; deletion algorithm. organization. SonPolicyAnr.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 3 Close[0] 2
handoverFailNumThrd handoverFailDetectSwch maxIntraFNbrNum maxInterFNbrNum
The Threshold of The Switch of Continuous Maximum Number of Maximum Number of
Continuous Handover Handover Failure Intra-LTE Intra- Intra-LTE Inter-
There hasTimes
Failure further Detection If the intra-RAT
Frequency NeighborLTE
Cells If the intra-RAT
Frequency NeighborLTE
treatment when the The process of the scene ANR function is enabled, ANR function is enabled,
long:[1..65535] long:[1..128] long:[1..448]
continuously failed times that the handover results the number of formal the number of formal
model default: 20 model default: 0 model default: 64 model default: 384
of handover is equal or between adjacent cells are intra-frequency neighbor inter-frequency neighbor
more than the value of continuously failed is cells cannot exceed the cells cannot exceed the
this parameter. determined by this switch. upper limit. upper limit.

-- -- -- --
50 Open[1] 64 128
low handover success neighbor relations where
rate, the timer is started. no handover occurs within
When the eNodeB a long period, the timer is
disables the detection of started. When the eNodeB
the intra-RAT neighbor disables the detection of
relations with a low This parameter is the the intra-RAT neighbor
lowHoSuccRateDetectSw lowHoSuccRateDetectPer
handover success rate, the switch of the function that longPeriodHoDetectPerio
relations where no
The Period of Low
ch iod
timer is stopped. longPeriodHoDetectSwch d
The Switch of Low Handover SuccessWhen
Rate a neighbor cellofis Long
The Switch deleted handover occurs
The Period of within
Long a
enum: enum:
Handover Success Rate the timerNeighbor
Formal times out,Cell
the if no No
Period handover
Handoveris long period,
Period the timer is
No Handover
Close[0] Close[0]
The process of the scene
Detection eNodeB executes the
Detection performed to it in a long
Delete Detection stopped.
DeleteWhen the timer
Open[1] Open[1]
that the success rate of algorithm for detecting period of time. If it is set times out, the eNodeB
long:[1..255] long:[1..65535]
handover results between the intra-RAT regular to Open, the function is deletes the intra-RAT
model default: 0 model default: 24 model default: 0 model default: 168
adjacent cells is in low neighbor relations with a enabled. If it is set to regular neighbor relations
level is determined by this low handover success Close, the function is where no handover occurs
switch. rate. disabled. within a long period.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] 48 Open[1] 72
The Switch of the
lteRedNrDelSwch maxGsmNbrNum maxUtranNbrNum gsmRedNrDelSwch
Switch of the Deletion of The Maximum Number of The Maximum Number of Deletion of Redundancy
enum: enum:
Redundant Neighbor Cells Adjacent Cells in Inter- Adjacent Cells in Inter- Adjacent Cell in Inter-
Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Open[1]
If the inter-RAT GERAN If the inter-RAT UTRAN The process of the
long:[1..64] long:[1..128]
This parameter enables or ANR function is enabled, ANR function is enabled, deletion of redundancy
model default: 0 model default: 64 model default: 64 model default: 0
disables the deletion of the number of formal the number of formal adjacent cells in Inter-
the redundant neighbor neighbor cells cannot neighbor cells cannot system GERAN is
cells in intra-LTE. exceed the upper limit. exceed the upper limit. determined by this switch.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 64 64 Close[0]
A formal NBR will be
This parameter indicates This parameter indicates detected as low handover
handover success rate handover success rate success rate NBR
Handover Times if the
for intra- thresholdSuccess
for inter- hoNumThrdForLowHOR
handover times
The Switch of the Handover Rate Handover Rate Threshold of isLow
utranRedNrDelSwch intraFreqHoSuccRateThrd cell interFreqHoSuccRateThrd ate to this
Deletion of Redundancy frquency neighbor
Threshold for Intra- frquency
Thresholdneighbor cell
for Inter- than or equal
Handover Success Rate
Adjacent Cell in Inter- Frequency Only theCell Frequency
Neighbor additoin. Only theCell
Neighbor parameter
Formal and the
Neighbor Cell
system UTRAN neighbor cell(%)
Addition whose neighbor cell(%)
Addition whose handover success rate is
Open[1] double:[0..100] double:[0..100]
The process of the handover success rate is handover success rate is lower than or equal to the
model default: 98.0 model default: 98.0 long:[1..65535]
deletion of redundancy higher than or equal to higher than or equal to Handover Success Rate
model default: 0 step: 0.01 step: 0.01 model default: 50
adjacent cells in Inter- this threshold can be this threshold can be Threshold of Low
system UTRAN is added to formal neighbor added to formal neighbor Handover Success Rate
determined by this switch. cell list. cell list. NBR Detection.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 99.0 99.0 50
The neighbor cell will be This parameter sets the
detected as low handover The low handover success threshold of the number of
Handover rateSuccess
formal Rate
NBR rate formalSuccess
Handover neighborRate
cell handovers for the This parameter indicates
if the handover lowHoSuccRateRecoverT
Threshold of times
Low is will be recovered
Threshold if the detection of no handover Handover
of Low handover Success
success rate
dor equal to
larger thanSuccess handover hrd is larger longPeriodHoNumThrd geranHoSuccRateThrd
Handover Rate Handovertimes
Success Rate The within a longThreshold
Number period. Inof Threshold
threshold for
Formal Times
Neighbor Cell than or equal
Formal to Handover
Neighbor the detection
Cell Long Period Noperiod, if the Neighbor
Handover neighbor Cell
cell additoin.
Detectionof(%)Low TimesRecovery
Threshold of Low number
(%) of handovers
Delete Detection of a Only the neighbor
(%) cell
double:[0..100] double:[0..100] double:[0..100]
Handover Success Rate Handover Success Rate neighbor cell is smaller whose handover success
model default: 80.0 model default: 90.0 long:[1..65535] model default: 95.0
Formal NBR Detection Formal NBR Detection than the threshold, the rate is higher than or equal
step: 0.01 step: 0.01 model default: 3 step: 0.01
and the handover success and the handover success neighbor cell will be to this threshold can be
rate is lower than or equal ratr is higher than this deleted from the formal added to formal neighbor
to this parameter. parameter. NBR list. cell list.

-- -- -- --
85.0 95.0 3 95.0
added or deleted at a time.
If the number of neighbor
cells meeting the cell
addition conditions is
larger than the threshold,
This parameter indicates the neighbor cells with
handover Success
Handover success rate
Rate more handover successes
utranHoSuccRateThrd nbrAddCnt Allowed to Delete Intra-
intraEnbNBRDelSwch ltePciRsrpThrd
threshold for
Threshold for UTRAN
UTRAN are added first.
Maximum NumberIf the
eNB NBR[0]
neighbor Cell
Neighbor cell additoin. number ofCells
Addition Neighbor neighbor
Added cells
or The Switch of Intra-eNB LTE Unknown PCI RSRP
Not Allowed to Delete
Only the neighbor
(%) cell meeting the cell
Deleted Oncedeletion Neighbor Cell Delete Threshold (dBm)
double:[0..100] Intra-eNB NBR[1]
whose handover success conditions is larger than When the rsrp of LTE
model default: 95.0 long:[1..128] long:[-140..-43]
rate is higher than or equal the threshold, the unknown PCI exceeds this
step: 0.01 model default: 6 model default: 1 model default: -95
to this threshold can be neighbor cells with fewer The switch controls threshold, ANR perform
added to formal neighbor handover successes are whether intra-eNB NBR ECGI measurement for
cell list. deleted first. can be deleted. the unknown PCI.

-- -- -- --
95.0 4 Not Allowed to Delete Int -95
neighbor relation with a
low handover success rate
and the number of
penalties is smaller than
the threshold, this timer is When the number
Threshold of times
of the Number
started. When the eNodeB that of aTimes
the is
Punish the detection
Timer of Lowof detected
Neighbor asCells
a neighbor
at a Lowcell
utranPciRscpThrd geranPciRssiThrd thenoHoPunishTimer
intra-RAT neighbor noHoPunishNumThrd
with a low Handover
Handover Success Rate Intra-LTE
Unknown UTRAN PCI GERAN Unknown PCI relationsCell
Neighbor withina Intra-
low success rateRate
Success reaches
RSCP performs(dBm)
Threshold ECGI RSSI Threshold (dBm) handover success
LTE rate, this threshold, the neighbor
measurement on an When the rsrp of GERAN timer is stopped. After the relation cannot be
long:[-120..-24] long:[-110..-47] long:[1..255] long:[1..255]
unknown UTRAN PCI unknown PCI exceeds this timer times out, UEs can automatically recovered
model default: -105 model default: -105 model default: 24 model default: 1
only when the RSCP threshold, ANR perform be handed over to the from the list of neighbor
value of the PCI is larger ECGI measurement for punished intra-RAT cells with a low handover
than this threshold. the unknown PCI. neighbor relations. success rate.

-- -- -- --
-105 -105 72 1
with a low handover
success rate, the timer is The threshold of
started. When the eNodeB measurement report
disables the detection of number to stop GERAN
A temporary NBR will be the intra-RAT neighbor fast ANR measurement.
detected as lowTimes
Handover handover relations with a low In one GERAN fast ANR
success rate NBR tmpLowHoSuccRateDetP
if the handover success rate, the gsmFastAnrStopMeasUe
detection period, ifof
Threshold of Low The Period of Low The Threshold
anrMeasUeCnt handover ORate is larger timer is stopped.
eriod Num
Maximum Number of Handovertimes
Success Rate Handover SuccessWhen Rate is no new unknown
Measurement Arfcn
UEs Execute ECGI than or equal
Temporary to thisCell Temporary
Neighbor the timer times out, the
Neighbor Cell have been
Number found
to Stop in
Measurement parameter and the
Detection eNodeB executes the
Detection continuous
Fast ANR Measurement
handover success rate is algorithm for detecting gsmFastAnrStopMeasUe
long:[1..10] long:[1..65535] long:[1..255] long:[1..255]
This parameter indicates lower than the Handover the intra-RAT temporary Num measurement
model default: 1 model default: 8 model default: 24 model default: 5
the maximum number of Success Rate Threshold of neighbor relations with a reports, GERAN fast
Ues choosed in each Low Handover Success low handover success ANR measurements will
ECGI measurement. Rate NBR Detection. rate. be stoped.

-- -- -- --
1 8 24 5
Date to start the GERAN
fast ANR in each This parameter sets the
month:Bit0: Whether to number of polling
start GERAN fast ANR at gsmFastAnrFreqMeasTim
measurements of GERAN
the first day of a gsmFastANRSwch ANR es gsmFastAnrStartTime
The frequencies.
Polling TimesWhen
month.Bit1: Whether to The Switch of GERAN
The Day of Activating the numbers
GERAN of polling
Fast ANR Start Time of GERAN
ANR at This Fast
ANR sets measurements
Frequencyof all Fast ANR
the secode day of a whether the GERAN fast GERAN ANR frequencies
long:[0..4294967295] long:[1..255] string:length[1..20]
month.……Bit30: ANR function is reach the parameter value,
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 2 model default: 00:00
Whether to start GERAN supported or not. Close: GERAN fast ANR
fast ANR at the thirty-first not supported; Open: measurement will be Start time of GERAN fast
day of a month. supported. stopped. ANR in one day.

-- -- -- --
0 Close[0] 2 00:00
performs a fast GERAN
neighbor measurement
If the number of task. When the eNodeB
successful handovers to delivers a fast inter-RAT
temporary neighbor cells GERAN neighbor
reaches or exceeds the measurement task, the
gsmFastAnrMeasFreqNu threshold, the neighbor timer is started. When the
m gsmHoSuccThrd gsmFastAnrCheckPeriod rlfDectANRSwch
The Maximum Number of The cells are sorted
Threshold in
of GERAN eNodeB stops fast inter-
Frequencies in GERAN accordance with the
Handover Success RAT GERAN
The Period neighbor The Switch of RLF-Based
Fast ANR Measurement numberNumber
of successful Fast
discovery, the timer(min)
ANR Detection is This parameter
Neighbor sets
Cell Detection
handovers. Otherwise, the stopped. When the timer whether to support the
long:[1..32] long:[0..65535] long:[0..1440]
This parameter indicates neighbor cells are sorted times out, the eNodeB RLF-based neighbor cell
model default: 32 model default: 5 model default: 15 model default: 0
the maximum number of in accordance with the stops the fast inter-RAT detection function. Close:
frequencies in GERAN number of measurement GERAN neighbor not supported; Open:
fast ANR measurement. reports. measurement task. supported.

-- -- -- --
32 5 15 Close[0]
This parameter sets
whether to enable the no-
temporary neighbor cell
The Maximum Number of The Switchfunction. If the
of No Success
gsmFastAnrMeasUeNum gsmFreqUpdateSwch ltePciSrvRsrpThrd
When the rsrp switch ishTemporary
UE Measurement Within Unknown PCIofServing
serving Handover turned on
enum: enum:
GERAN Fast ANR The Switch of GERAN cell RSRP
Cell that reported in
Threshold (namely the
Neighbor Cellparameter
Close[0] Close[0]
Detection Period This parameter
Frequency sets
Update unknown
(dBm)PCI value is 1), the no-
in Intra-LTE
Open[1] Open[1]
whether to support the measurement result handover-success
long:[1..255] long:[-140..-43]
The maximum number of GERAN frequency update exceeds this threshold, temporary neighbor cell
model default: 5 model default: 0 model default: -100 model default: 0
UE measurement within function. Close: not ANR perform ECGI detection function is
GERAN Fast ANR supported; Open: measurement for the enabled; otherwise, the
detection period. supported. unknown PCI. function is disabled.

-- -- -- --
5 Close[0] -100 Open[1]
This parameter sets the threshold of low handover whether handover is whether to enable the
threshold for the low success rate Temporary allowed for intra-system continuous handover
handover success rate of Neighbor Cell recovery. normal neighbor cells failure detection function
temporary neighbors. If The low handover success with low handover for GERAN neighbor
the total number of rate temporary neighbor success rates. If this cells. If it is set to Open, it
handover attempts of a cell will beSuccess
Handover recovered if
Rate parameter is set to No indicates that the
temporary neighbor cell tmpLowHoSuccRateReco
the handoveroftimes lowHoSuccRateNBRNoH
Threshold Lowis support HO, handover is Thecontinuous
Switch of handover
reaches ctThrd
Threshold or for
exceeds the
the Low Handover
larger than or equalRate
Success to not allowed
o for normal
Handover Success
failure detection
Handover function
enum: enum:
Handover Successthreshold
Rate of Handover
Temporary Times Cell
Neighbor neighbor
Rate FormalcellsNeighbor
with low is enabled for GERAN
No Support HO[0] Close[0]
and the handover
Temporary Neighborssuccess
(%) Threshold
Recoveryof(%)Low handover
Cell HOsuccess rates. If
Attribute neighbor cells. Cell
Neighbor If it is set
double:[0..100] double:[0..100] Support HO[1] Open[1]
rate is lower than or equal Handover Success Rate this parameter is set to to Close, it indicates that
model default: 80.0 model default: 90.0
to this threshold, this Neighbor Cell Detection Support HO, handover is the continuous handover
step: 0.01 step: 0.01 model default: 0 model default: 0
temporary neighbor cell is and the handover success allowed for normal failure detection function
a neighbor cell with a low rate is higher than this neighbor cells with low is disabled for GERAN
handover success rate. parameter. handover success rates. neighbor cells.

-- -- -- --
85.0 95.0 No Support HO[0] Close[0]
handover success rate, the
This parameter sets timer is started. When the
whether to enable the no- eNodeB disables the
handover-success detection of the inter-RAT
GERAN neighbor relation GERAN neighbor
When the number of detection function. If it is relations with a low
continuous handover gsmNoSuccHoDetectSwc
set to Open, the no- gsmLowHoSuccRateDete gsmLowHoSuccRateDete
handover success rate, the
The Threshold of The Switch of GERAN The Period of Low
failures on Handover
a formal h ctSwch timer isctPeriod
Continuous The handover-success
Switch of No Success Neighbor Cell Low Handover stopped.
enum: enum:
Failureneighbor cell
Times for a or GERAN neighbor
Handover relation
GERAN Handover Success Rate the timer Neighbor
GERAN times out,Cell
Close[0] Close[0]
a temporary
Neighbor detectionCell
Cell Neighbor function is
Detection Detection eNodeB executes the
Open[1] Open[1]
neighbor cell is larger enabled; otherwise, the algorithm for detecting
long:[1..65535] long:[1..255]
than or equal to the no-handover-success This parameter indicates the inter-RAT GERAN
model default: 5 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 24
threshold, further GERAN neighbor relation whether to enable low neighbor relations with a
processing will be detection function is handover rate GERAN low handover success
performed. disabled. NBR detection function. rate.

-- -- -- --
20 Close[0] Close[0] 24
success rate GERAN threshold of low handover handover success rate and
neighbour cell detection. success rate GERAN the number of penalties is
The neighbor cell will be neighbour cell recovery. smaller than the threshold,
A GERAN NBR will be detected as low handover The low handover success this timer is started. When
detected as low handover success rate neighbour rate neighbor cell will be the eNodeB disables the
success rate NBR
Handover Times if the cell if the handover
Handover times
Success Rate recovered
the handover
Rate detection of the inter-RAT
handover times gsmLowHoSuccRateDete gsmLowHoSuccRateReco
Threshold of isLow
larger is larger than or
Threshold of equal
Low to times is larger
Threshold of than
Lowor GERAN neighbor
than orHORate
Handover equal to this
Success Rate Handover
HandoverSuccess Rate equal
verThrd Times gsmNoHoPunishTimer
to Handover
Success Rate relations
Punish withofa low
Timer Low
GERAN and the
Neighbor Cell Threshold
GERAN of Low
Neighbor Cell Threshold
GERAN of Low
Neighbor Cell handover
Handover success
Successrate, this
handover success rate is
Detection Handover Success
Detection (%) Rate Handover Success
Recovery (%) Rate timer
GERANis stopped. After
Neighbor Cellthe
double:[0..100] double:[0..100]
lower than or equal to the GERAN Neighbor Cell GERAN Neighbor Cell timer times out, UEs can
long:[1..65535] model default: 80.0 model default: 90.0 long:[1..255]
Handover Success Rate Detection and the Detection and the be handed over to the
model default: 50 step: 0.01 step: 0.01 model default: 24
Threshold of Low handover success rate is handover success rate is punished inter-RAT
Handover Success Rate lower than or equal to this higher than this GERAN neighbor
GERAN NBR Detection. parameter. parameter. relations.

-- -- -- --
50 80.0 90.0 24
whether handover is neighbor-cell deletion if started. When the eNodeB
allowed for normal no measurement report is disables the detection of
GERAN neighbor cells generated in a long period the intra-RAT neighbor
with low handover of time. If it is set to relations where no
When the number of times success rates. If this Open, the temporary measurement result is
that a GERAN neighbor parameter is set to No neighbor cells where no reported
Perioda long
cell isTimes
detected as a gsmLowHoSuccRateNBR
support HO, handover
Punish Threshold Low Handover Successis Themeasurement report is
Switch of Temporary period, the
Temporary timer isCell
d with a low not allowed NoHo normal longPerMRTmpDeltSwch longPerMRDetectPeriod
ofneighbor cell
Low Handover Success Rate Formalfor GERAN generated
NeighborinCella long period
Deletion stopped.
Duethe timer
to No
enum: enum:
Rate GERAN success rate
Neighbor neighbor
Neighborcells with
Cell HOlow of
to are
No deleted. If it is
Measurement times out, theReport
Measurement eNodeB in a
Not Support HO[0] Close[0]
reaches theCell threshold, the handoverAttribute
success rates. If set in
Report to aClose,
LongthePeriod deletes thePeriod
Long intra-RAT
Support HO[1] Open[1]
neighbor relation cannot this parameter is set to temporary neighbor cells temporary neighbor
long:[1..255] long:[1..65535]
be automatically Support HO, handover is where no measurement relations where no
model default: 3 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 336
recovered from the list of allowed for normal report is generated in a measurement result is
neighbor cells with a low neighbor cells with low long period of time are reported within a long
handover success rate. handover success rates. not deleted. period.

-- -- -- --
3 Not Support HO[0] Open[1] 72
neighbor relation neighbor relation number of times that
addition/deletion based on addition/deletion based on handover to a temporary
data collection, the timer data collection, the timer This parameter sets the neighbor cell succeeds is
is started. When the is started. When the threshold of the number of smaller than the The
eNodeB disables inter- eNodeB disables inter- times that the Threshold of UTRAN
RAT UTRAN neighbor RAT GERAN neighbor measurement reports of Handover Success
relation addition/deletion relation addition/deletion GERAN neighbor cells Number, the temporary
based on data collection, gsmStatisticTimer
based gsmNbrRptThrd
on data collection, are reported. A GERAN UTRAN utranNbrRptThrd
neighbor cell can Cell
the timerfor
Duration is stopped.
UTRAN the timerfor
Duration is stopped.
GERAN temporary neighborCell
GERAN Neighbor cell added to the formal
Measurement Report
When the timer
Neighbor times out,
Cell Statistics When the timer
Neighbor times out, can be
Cell Statistics addedThreshold
Report to the formal neighbor cell list only
the eNodeB executes the the eNodeB executes the neighbor cell list only when the number of times
long:[1..255] long:[1..255] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
filtering algorithm for filtering algorithm for when the number of times that the measurement
model default: 24 model default: 24 model default: 2 model default: 10
inter-RAT UTRAN inter-RAT GERAN that the measurement reports are reported is
neighbor relation neighbor relation reports are reported is larger than or equal to this
addition/deletion. addition/deletion. larger than this threshold. threshold.

-- -- -- --
24 24 2 10
This parameter indicates
If the number of The Switch of GERAN
successful handovers to Neighbor Cell Adding
temporary neighbor cells Filter. When the switch is This parameter sets the
is larger than or equal to set to Open, the OMC will threshold for the distance
the threshold, the not add the neighbor between the serving cell
neighbor cells of
sorted lteUtranPciSrvRsrpThrd gsmNbrAddCtrlSwch
which is over gsmNbrAddDistThrd
The Threshold UTRAN Unknown PCI The Switch of distance;
Distance cell tofor
Threshold be
in Handover
with the In the UTRAN
Serving Cell unknown
NeighborwillCellnot report added
Adding as a neighbor
Adding GERAN cell
of successful PCIThreshold
measurement result,
(dBm) the neighbor
Filterto OMC of Neighbor
the servingCells
If the
handovers. Otherwise, the when the RSRP of the which the failure number distance is larger than this
long:[0..65535] long:[-140..-43] long:[0..65535]
neighbor cells are sorted serving cell exceeds the of adding to OMC threshold, the GERAN
model default: 5 model default: -100 model default: 0 model default: 1000
in accordance with the threshold, ANR performs reached the The Threshold cell cannot be added to the
number of measurement ECGI measurement for of GERAN Neighbor Cell neighbor cell list of the
reports. the unknown PCI. Add Failure Times. serving cell.

-- -- -- --
5 -100 Close[0] 1000
cell,if the RSRP of the neighbor cell detection.
RLF cell is higher than or When the re-established
equal to The RSRP cell and RLF cell are not
threshold of RLF cell neighbor cell,if the RSRP
based on missing of the RLF cell is higher
neighbor cell detection This parameter indicates than or equal to this
and the
The RSRPRSRP of the re-
Threshold of The Number Threshold of threshold
The RSRP andThreshold
the RSRPofof
established cellCell
is higher gsmNbrAddFailNumThrd
GERAN Neighbor Cellof csfbFreqUpdateNum
This parameter select the theRLF rlfCellRsrpThd
Re-established Based The Number Threshold Cell Basedcell
on is
on than or equal
Missing to TheCell
Neighbor Added
GERAN Failure. When
Neighbor the
Cell Thefrequency of first N of Missing
Number Threshold higher than or equal
Neighbor to
RSRP threshold
Detection (dBm)of Re- continuous
Failurefailure neighbor cell sortedUpdate
CSFB Frequency by the TheDetection
RSRP threshold
(dBm) of
established cell based on number is equal to or number of Re-established cell based
long:[-140..-44] long:[1..255] long:[1..32] long:[-140..-44]
missing neighbor cell higher than this threshold, mesurementreport to on missing neighbor cell
model default: -110 model default: 1 model default: 32 model default: -110
detection,it can be the eNodeB will not try to update, the N is The detection,it can be
considered as missing report this neighbor to Threshold of CSFB considered as missing
neighbor cell. OMC. Frequency Update. neighbor cell.

-- -- -- --
-110 1 32 -110
request times threshold. request times threshold. the offset of the number of the offset of the number of
The neighbor cell will be The neighbor cell will be successful handovers successful handovers
sorted by the number of sorted by the number of during UTRAN neighbor during GERAN neighbor
handover success when its handover success when its cell replacement. In the cell replacement. In the
handover request number handover request number data collection and data collection and
is higher than or equal to is higher than or equal to optimization of UTRAN optimization of GERAN
this threshold and this threshold and neighbor
Offset ofcells, the number
the Number of neighbor
Offset ofcells, the number
the Number of
handover success rate isof gsmHoRequestThrd
handover success utraNbrHys
rate isof of Successful
successful gsmNbrHys
handovers of of Successful
successful handovers of
The Number Threshold The Number Threshold Handovers Handovers
UTRAN thanHandover
Handover higher
GERAN thanHandover
Handover During neighbor cells isNeighbor
UTRAN used for During
neighbor cells isNeighbor
GERAN used for
Rate Threshold SuccessRequest
Rate Threshold dataCell sorting. The number dataCell
Replacement sorting. The number
for UTRAN Neighbor for GERAN Neighbor of successful handovers of of successful handovers of
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
Cell Addition. Otherwise, Cell Addition. Otherwise, neighbor cells can be used neighbor cells can be used
model default: 5 model default: 5 model default: 5 model default: 3
it will be sorted by the it will be sorted by the for data sorting only after for data sorting only after
number of measurement number of measurement subtracting this parameter subtracting this parameter
report. report. value. value.

-- -- -- --
5 5 5 3
the offset of the number of eNodeB enables the
successful handovers detection of long-period
during LTE neighbor cell neighbor relations, the
replacement. In the data timer is started. When the
collection and eNodeB disables the
optimization of LTE detection of long-period When only RSRQ This parameter determines
Offset ofcells, the number
the Number neighbor
of The relations,
Shift Timer theof information exists in the whether the inter-RAT
of Successful
successful handovers of longPerDetShiftTimLen
timer is stopped. When ltePciRsrqThrd
measurement report of NRenableENDCANR
ANR function is
Handovers Starting Long Period
During LTEcells Neighbor
is used for the timer timesCell
Neighbor out, the LTE unknown
if the supported. If it is set to
sorting. The number eNodeB
Replacement starts to execute RSRQ is
Detection(hr) larger than
Threshold or Close,
(dB) NRthe inter-RAT
ANR Switch NR
double:[-20..-3] Open[1]
of successful handovers of long-period neighbor equal to the threshold, ANR function is not
long:[0..65535] long:[1..65535] model default: -12.0
neighbor cells can be used relation detection tasks ECGI measurement will supported. If it is set to
model default: 10 model default: 312 step: 0.5 model default: 0
for data sorting only after and starts the long-period be performed for the Open, the inter-RAT NR
subtracting this parameter neighbor relation unknown PCI by the ANR ANR function is
value. detection timer. function. supported.

-- -- -- --
10 312 -12.0 Close[0]
EN-DC attempts for a
If the number of This parameter sets the temporary NR neighbor
successful handover and threshold of the success cell. During the data
EN-DC attempts for NR rates of handover and EN- collection and
neighbor cells reaches or DC between inter-RAT optimization of NR
exceeds this threshold, the NR neighbor cells. A neighbor
Offset cells, a of
of the Number
Thresholdcells are sorted
Number of neighbor cellofcan
Threshold thebe temporary Handover
Successful NR neighbor and
nRPciRsrpThrd1 sNAddSuccThrd
based on the sNAddSuccRateThrd tempSNAddSuccNumHys
RSRP Threshold for Successful NRnumber
Neighborof added asand
Handover a regular
EN-DC cell can Attempts
EN-DC be involved forina
Measuring Unknown- successful
and EN-DC and neighbor
for when
NR sorting only
Temporary NRafter this
PCIs performs
cells(dbm) EN-DCAttempts
attempts during the success
Neighbor rate(%)
Cells of parameterCellis subtracted
measurement on an neighbor cell replacement; handover and EN-DC from the number of
long:[-156..-31] long:[1..65535] model default: 98.0 long:[1..65535]
unknown NR PCI only otherwise, the neighbor between inter-RAT NR successful EN-DC and
model default: -95 model default: 20 step: 0.01 model default: 1
when the RSRP value of cells are sorted based on neighbor cells is equal to handover attempts for the
the PCI is larger than this the number of or higher than this temporary NR neighbor
threshold. measurement reports. threshold. cell.

-- -- -- --
-95 20 98.0 1
offset of the number of disables the deletion of started. When the eNodeB
measurement reports for a regular neighbor cells if disables the detection of
temporary NR neighbor no handover or EN-DC the inter-RAT NR
cell. During the data occurs within a long neighbor relations where
collection and period. If it is set to Open, no handover or EN-DC
optimization of NR the deletion of regular occurs within a long
neighbor cells, a of neighbor longPeriodSNDetectPerio
Offset of the Number Switchcells takes effect
for Deleting period,
Period for the timer isNo
temporary NRReports
neighbor maxNRNbrNum longPeriodSNDetectSwch
no handover or EN-DC stopped. d the timer
Measurement for Neighbor Cells Handover or EN-DC in
cella can be involved
Temporary NR in Maximum Number of NR occurs
Due to Nowithin a longor
Handover times
Regular out,NR
sorting only after
Neighbor Cellthis Neighbor Cells period.
EN-DCWithin a statistical
for a Long Period deletes
Cells forthe inter-RAT
a Long Period
parameter is subtracted This parameter sets the period, if there are no EN- regular NR neighbor
long:[1..65535] long:[1..1024] long:[1..65535]
from the number of maximum number of NR DC and handover relations where no
model default: 5 model default: 256 model default: 0 model default: 168
measurement reports for neighbor cells allowed statistics of a neighbor handover or EN-DC
the temporary NR during NR neighbor cell cell, the neighbor cell can occurs within a long
neighbor cell. sorting. be deleted. period.

-- -- -- --
5 256 Close[0] 168
and EN-DC attempts for a eNodeB enables inter- This parameter enables or
regular NR neighbor cell RAT NR neighbor disables the replacement
within the period relation addition/deletion of inter-RAT UTRAN
specified by the Period for based on data collection, ANR neighbor cells by
Detecting No Handover or the timer is started. When frequency. If it is set to
EN-DC in Regular
Threshold NumberNR of the eNodeB disables inter- Open and the UTRAN Intra-LTE Inter-
Times Cells for aNo
to Detect Long RAT NR neighbor ANR feature
Switch takes effect, centralizeInterFTwoWayF
for Replacing This parameter
Frequency indicates
Period parameter nrStatisticTimer utraANRFreqRepSwch lg intra-LTE
Handover or EN-DCisin relation addition/deletion Inter-RATthe UTRAN
UTRAN ANR whether the
ANR Neighbor Cell Relation
enum: enum:
Regular NR than this
Neighbor based onfor
Duration dataNRcollection,
Neighbor function sorts Cells
Neighbor and replaces
By Inter-Frequency centralize
Close[0] Close[0]
Cells for athe regular
Long NR
Period the Cell
is stopped. neighbor cells by
Frequency neighbor cell relation
Configuration Switch
Open[1] Open[1]
neighbor cell is When the timer times out, frequency. If it is set to bidirectional
long:[1..65535] long:[1..255]
considered to meet the the eNodeB executes the Close, the UTRAN ANR configuration function is
model default: 10 model default: 24 model default: 0 model default: 0
condition of no handover filtering algorithm for function can replace supported or not.Close:not
and EN-DC for a long inter-RAT NR neighbor neighbor cells only by supported;Open:supported
period. relation addition/deletion. cell. ;

-- -- -- --
10 24 Close[0] Close[0]
handover success rate,
meaning that the detection If the number of failed If the number of failed
is based on the number of handovers of a temporary If the number of failed handovers of a formal
failed handovers and the neighbor cell reaches or handovers of a GERAN neighbor cell reaches or
handover success rate. In exceeds this threshold and neighbor cell reaches or exceeds this threshold and
Based on the number of
other scenarios, it is the handover
Number ofsuccess
Failed rate exceeds this threshold
Number of Failed and the handover
Number ofsuccess
Failed rate
handover requests and tmpHoFailNumTdLowHo gsmHoFailNumTdLowHo hoFailNumTdForLowHo
recommended that this is lower than the of
Handovers threshold
a the handoverofsuccess
Handovers a GERAN rate isHandovers
lower than of thea handover
handover success rate[0]
lowHoSuccRateAlg Rate Rate Ratedetection
Intra-LTE be
to Based Temporary
of the total number Cell
Neighbor of is Neighbor
lower than thefor
Cell handover
Low success rate
Neighbor Cell for Low
Based on the number of
on theRate
Success number of
Detection handovers
for LowofHandover
a temporary Handover
success rate detection
Success Rate HandoverthresholdSuccess
of formal
handover failures and
handover requests and
Algorithm neighborRate
Success cellDetection
for low- threshold of GERAN
Detection neighborDetection
cells with a low
handover success rate[1]
handover success rate, handover success rate neighbor cells with a low intra-RAT handover
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
meaning that the detection detection, this neighbor handover success rate, this success rate, this neighbor
model default: 1 model default: 10 model default: 3 model default: 10
is based on the number of cell is a neighbor cell with neighbor cell is a neighbor cell is a neighbor cell with
handover requests and the a low handover success cell with a low handover a low handover success
handover success rate. rate. success rate. rate.

-- -- -- --
Based on the number of han10 3 10
the offset of the number of the offset of the number of the offset of the number of handover success rate,
measurement reports measurement reports measurement reports meaning that the detection
during LTE neighbor cell during UTRAN neighbor during GERAN neighbor is based on the number of
replacement. In the data cell replacement. In the cell replacement. In the failed handovers and the
collection and data collection and data collection and handover success rate. In
Based on the number of
optimization of LTE optimization of UTRAN optimization of GERAN other scenarios, it is
utranTmpNbrMrNumOffs gsmTmpNbrMrNumOffse handover requests and
Offset ofcells, the number
the Number of neighbor
Offset ofcells, the number
the Number of neighbor
Offset ofcells, the number
the Number of recommended that this
lteTmpNbrMrNumOffset et reports of of measurement handover success rate[0]
t reports of parameter
of measurement Reports
Measurement reports of ofMeasurement
measurement Reports Measurement Reports GERAN Low be setHandover
to Based
Based on the number of
neighbor cells Neighbor
During LTE is used for During
neighbor cells isNeighbor
UTRAN used for During
neighbor cells isNeighbor
GERAN used for Success
on theRate
number of
handover failures and
sorting. The number dataCell
Replacement sorting. The number dataCell
Replacement sorting. The number handover
Replacement requests and
handover success rate[1]
of measurement reports of of measurement reports of of measurement reports of handover success rate,
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
neighbor cells can be used neighbor cells can be used neighbor cells can be used meaning that the detection
model default: 10 model default: 5 model default: 3 model default: 1
for data sorting only after for data sorting only after for data sorting only after is based on the number of
subtracting this parameter subtracting this parameter subtracting this parameter handover requests and the
value. value. value. handover success rate.

-- -- -- --
10 5 3 Based on the number of han
that meet the following temporary neighbor cell,
conditions can be this parameter is set to
converted into temporary Allow HO when Chaged
neighbor cells: The to Temporary Neighbor. If
proportion of valid the intra-system ANR
This parameter determines measurement reports is supports candidate
whether to filter out larger than or equal to this neighbor cells and a
shareCoverSCSwch specialNbrSwch candiNbrMrRatioThrd Allow HO when Chaged
Neighbor Cell Relation specific
Switchneighbor cells
for Special threshold
Valid MRand the total
Proportion candidate
Switch forneighbor cell
enum: enum: to Temporary Neighbor[1]
Share Cover Self- during ANR neighbor
Neighbor Cell number of for
Threshold measurement
Candidate cannot be used
Neighbor CellasMode
a target
Close[0] Close[0] Forbid HO when Chaged
Configuration Switch addition. If this parameter reports
Management is larger
Neighbor than or neighbor Control
Cells cell for handover
Open[1] Open[1] double:[0..100] to Temporary Neighbor[2]
is set to Open and the equal to the Threshold for after it is converted into a
model default: 99.0
eNodeB where a neighbor the Number of Times That temporary neighbor cell,
model default: 0 model default: 0 step: 0.01 model default: 0
Neighbor Cell Relation cell is located is in the a Candidate Neighbor this parameter is set to
Share Cover Self- special-eNodeB list, the Cell Is Measured Forbid HO when Chaged
Configuration Switch neighbor cell is not added. parameter. to Temporary Neighbor.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 99.0 Close[0]
threshold for the number Collecting ANR Statistics
of times that a candidate parameter. When the
This parameter sets the neighbor cell is measured. eNodeB starts the intra-
RSRQ threshold for valid Within a statistical period RAT candidate neighbor
measurement reports of of candidate neighbor relation mode, the timer is
candidate neighbor cells. measurement, it can be This parameter sets the started. When the eNodeB
If there are only RSRQ Threshold
for whether
the Numbera RSRP threshold for valid stops the intra-RAT
values candiNbrMrNumThrd
but no RSRQ value ofcandidate neighbor cell candiNbrRsrpThrd
measurement reports candiNbrMrStatTimer
Times That a Candidate RSRP Threshold forof candidate
Statistical neighbor
Period of MRs
in the
RSRQ measurement
Threshold report
for canNeighbor
be converted
Is a candidate neighbor
Candidate Neighborcells.
Cells relation mode, the
for Candidate timer is
of a candidate
Candidate neighbor
Neighbor Cells temporary neighbor cell
Measured If the(dbm)
RSRP of a stopped. When
Cells the timer
cell and the RSRQ is only when the total candidate neighbor cell is times out, the eNodeB
model default: -11.0 long:[0..65535] long:[-140..-43] long:[1..255]
greater than or equal to number of times that the greater than or equal to executes the filtering
step: 0.5 model default: 200 model default: -95 model default: 24
this threshold, the candidate neighbor cell is this threshold, the algorithm for intra-RAT
measurement report is measured is larger than or measurement report is candidate neighbor
regarded as valid. equal to this threshold. regarded as valid. relations.

-- -- -- --
-11.0 200 -95 24
temporary NR neighbor
cells if no measurement
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the reporting occurs within a
This parameter determines lower limit of the number lower limit of the number long period. If it is set to
whether an anchor cell is of intra-frequency of inter-frequency Open, the deletion of
put on the neighbor cell neighbor cells of the cells neighbor cells of the cells temporary NR neighbor
blacklist if it is identified in aLower
PLMN nrLongPrdNoMRDetectS
of during
the in aLower
PLMN of during
the cells takes
Switch foreffect if no
as a for
with a Anchor
low intraFLowPlmnNbrNum
intra-frequency ANR interFLowPlmnNbrNum
inter-frequency ANR measurementwch reporting
Switch Number of Intra-LTE Number of Intra-LTE Temporary NR Neighbor
enum: enum:
Cells on success rate. If
the Neighbor replacement. Neighbor
Intra-frequency Neighbor replacement. Neighbor
Inter-frequency Neighbor occurs
Cells Duewithin a long
to No MR for a
Close[0] Close[0]
this parameter is set to
Cell Blacklist cell replacement
Cells is not
in a Single PLMN cell replacement
Cells is not
in a Single PLMN period.Long
Within a statistical
Open[1] Open[1]
Open, a neighbor cell is triggered if the number of triggered if the number of period, if there are no
long:[0..128] long:[0..448]
not put on the blacklist intra-frequency neighbor inter-frequency neighbor measurement reporting
model default: 0 model default: 32 model default: 192 model default: 0
even if it is identified as a cells in a single PLMN is cells in a single PLMN is statistics of a neighbor
cell with a low handover less than this parameter less than this parameter cell, the neighbor cell can
success rate. value. value. be deleted.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 32 64 Close[0]
based on the project neighbor cells with a low is determined as a
parameters provided by handover or EN-DC neighbor cell with a low
the UME. If it is set to success rate. If an NR handover success rate. If
Self-Adaptive, it indicates neighbor cell is an NR neighbor cell is
that Uu-based determined as a neighbor determined
Threshold as aofneighbor
measurement is cell with a low handover cell with aSuccess
Handover low handover
Rate in
preferentially selected if or EN-DC success rate, it orRegular
EN-DCNR success rate, it
Method NCGI is estimated
for Obtaining the
is added to the NR nRRedNrDelSwch
Switch for Deleting
is added
Cells for Lowto the NR
Uu[0] enum: enum:
of on
an the
NR project
Neighbor neighbor
Switch forcell blacklist.
Detecting LowIn Redundant Inter-RAT NR neighbor
Success cell
OMC[1] Close[0] Close[0]
parametersCellprovided by this case, the NR Rate
NR Success neighbor Neighbor Cells this case, the(%)NR neighbor
Self-Adaptive[2] Open[1] Open[1] double:[0..100]
the UME because the cell cannot be used as a cell cannot be used as a
model default: 80.0
NCGI of the NR neighbor target neighbor cell for This parameter enables or target neighbor cell for
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 step: 0.01
cell fails to be obtained handover or no EN-DC disables the deletion of handover or no EN-DC
through Uu-based can occur in the NR redundant inter-RAT NR can occur in the NR
measurement. neighbor cell. neighbor cells. neighbor cell.

-- -- -- --
Uu[0] Close[0] Close[0] 80.0
determined as a neighbor determined as a neighbor cell is determined as a
cell with a low EN-DC cell with a low handover neighbor cell with a low
success rate. If an NR success rate. If an NR EN-DC success rate. If an
neighbor cell is neighbor cell is NR neighbor cell is
determined as a neighbor determined Threshold as aofneighbor
the determined
Threshold ofasthea neighbor
EN-DC This parameter sets the
cell with a of
Threshold lowthehandover cell with aSuccess
EN-DC Handover low handover
Rate in cell with a low
Success handover
Rate in lower limit of the number
or EN-DCRate success rate, it tmpNRLowHoSuccRateT
or EN-DC success rate, it tmpNRLowHoEndcSucRa
or EN-DC success rate, it of NR neighbor cells in a
Success in Regular Temporary NR Neighbor Temporary NR Neighbor
NR addedhrd
is Neighbor
to the NRfor Cells
Cells is added hrd
for Lowto the NR
Handover is added
to the
for Low NR
single PLMN
Lower during
Limit ANR
of the
Low EN-DCcellSuccess
blacklist. In neighbor
Rate Success cell
DetectionIn neighbor
Success cell
DetectionIn Number NR neighbor cell
of NR Neighbor
this case, the NR(%)
Detection neighbor this case, the (%)NR neighbor this case, the NR neighbor Cells
(%) replacement. Neighbor
in a Single PLMN
double:[0..100] double:[0..100] double:[0..100]
cell cannot be used as a cell cannot be used as a cell cannot be used as a cell replacement is not
model default: 80.0 model default: 80.0 model default: 80.0 long:[0..256]
target neighbor cell for target neighbor cell for target neighbor cell for triggered if the number of
step: 0.01 step: 0.01 step: 0.01 model default: 32
handover or no EN-DC handover or no EN-DC handover or no EN-DC neighbor cells in a single
can occur in the NR can occur in the NR can occur in the NR PLMN is less than this
neighbor cell. neighbor cell. neighbor cell. parameter value.

-- -- -- --
80.0 80.0 80.0 32
estimation, the timer is with a low handover relations with a low
started. When the eNodeB success rate, the timer is handover success rate, the
disables inter-RAT NR started. When the eNodeB timer is started. When the
neighbor cell discovery disables the detection of eNodeB disables the
based on EMS the inter-RAT NR detection of the inter-RAT
This parameter sets the engineering parameter neighbor relations with a NR neighbor relations
maximum Number
number of estimation, the timer is low handover success tmpNRLowHoDetectPeri
with for
a low handover
Maximum of Period for Detecting the Period Detecting Low
unknownmNR PCIs
Unknown PCIs
stopped. When
Statistical the timer
Period for
Lowthe timer is Success
Handover stopped. Handover
success rate,odthe timer is
Success Rate in
Reported a single
to the times out,Unknown
Measuring the eNodeB NR When Ratethe
intimer times
Regular NRout, Temporary
stopped. When the timer
NR Neighbor
serving cell
EMSto the EMS executes the algorithm for
PCIs the eNodeB
Neighbor executes
Cells the times out,Cellsthe eNodeB
within the period estimating the NCGIs of algorithm for detecting executes the algorithm for
long:[1..100] long:[1..255] long:[1..255] long:[1..255]
specified by the Statistical inter-RAT NR neighbor the inter-RAT regular NR detecting the inter-RAT
model default: 8 model default: 24 model default: 24 model default: 24
Period for Measuring cells based on EMS neighbor relations with a temporary NR neighbor
Unknown NR PCIs engineering parameter low handover success relations with a low
parameter. estimation. rate. handover success rate.

-- -- -- --
8 24 24 24
determined as a neighbor determined as a neighbor determined as a neighbor determined as a neighbor
cell with a low handover cell with a low EN-DC cell with a low EN-DC cell with a low handover
success rate. If an NR success rate. If an NR success rate. If an NR success rate. If an NR
neighbor cell is neighbor cell is neighbor cell is neighbor cell is
determined as a neighbor determined
Thresholdas a neighbor
Number of determined as a neighbor determined as a neighbor
cell with a low
Threshold handover
Number of cell
Failedwith a low Attempts
EN-DC handover cell with a low
Threshold handover
Number of cellNumber
with a low handover
of Failed
or Failed
success rate, tmpNRLowHoEndcFailN nRLowHoEndcFailNumT
in it or EN-DC successNR
in Temporary rate, it or EN-DC
Failed success
EN-DC rate, it Handovers
Attempts or EN-DC success rate,NR
in Regular it
is added NR
to the NR umThr
is added to the is addedhrd nRLowHoFailNumThrd
Temporary Neighbor Neighbor Cells forNR
Low in Regular to the
Neighbor is addedCells
Neighbor to the
Cells for cell
Handover In neighbor
EN-DCcell blacklist.
Success RateIn neighbor
Cells forcell
Low blacklist.
EN-DCIn neighbor
Handover cell blacklist.
Success RateIn
this case, the
Success RateNR neighbor this case,Detection
Detection the NR neighbor this case, the
Success RateNR neighbor this case,Detection
Detection the NR neighbor
cell cannot be used as a cell cannot be used as a cell cannot be used as a cell cannot be used as a
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
target neighbor cell for target neighbor cell for target neighbor cell for target neighbor cell for
model default: 10 model default: 10 model default: 10 model default: 10
handover or no EN-DC handover or no EN-DC handover or no EN-DC handover or no EN-DC
can occur in the NR can occur in the NR can occur in the NR can occur in the NR
neighbor cell. neighbor cell. neighbor cell. neighbor cell.

-- -- -- --
10 10 10 10
started. When the eNodeB
disables the detection of
the inter-RAT NR
This parameter sets the neighbor relations where
threshold number of no measurement result is
measurement reports for reported within a long
NR neighbor cells. An NR nRLongPeriodMRDetectP
Period for the timer isNo
Detecting Are Reselected
neighbor cell can be stopped. rd the timer
When isUpdateGsmRslFreq
Threshold Number of MR in Temporary NR Frequencies Updated
added as a Reports
Measurement regular for Neighbor
times out, the for
Cells eNodeB
a Long During GERAN
neighbor cell only
NR Neighbor when
Cells deletes the inter-RAT ThisFrequency
Period parameter Update
the number of temporary NR neighbor whether to support the
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
measurement reports for relations where no modification of reselected
model default: 10 model default: 336 model default: 1
an NR neighbor cell is measurement result is GERAN frequencies
equal to or larger than this reported within a long when GERAN frequency
threshold. period. update is enabled.

-- -- --
10 336 Yes[1]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId sonPolicyId

NE Name LDN MO ID Policy ID

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[5..17]
object. It is of the string
type and can be Policy ID, range:
NE Name LDN configured as planned. [47000..47999]

R Primary Key R-I,M

centralization;Waiting for
and the SON policy is set
time appointed to handle
to Controlled Mode, this
PCI conflict or confuse by
timer is started. If the
distribution;Found PCI
SON function is disabled
confuse of NR adjacent
and the SON policy is set
relation;NR PCI
to Free Mode, this timer is
Confusion Based On Air sonReferPointPolicy_sonI
sonReferPointPolicy_son sonReferPointPolicy_son sonReferPointPolicy_son
stopped. Before the timer
ReferPointID Port
ReferPointAlias sBreakPoint TimeOutPeriod
PCI Refer Point PCI Refer Point times
PCIour, if aPoint
Refer manual
Policy_Reference Point Policy_Reference Point PCI Refer Point response is received
Policy_Break or the
ended;PCI conflict or
ID Alias Policy_Break Point Flag SON function
TimeOut stops,
Length the
longArray:[0..255] confuse advised value;PCI enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[0..65535]
timer is stopped. After the
model default: configuration update model default: model default:
This parameter is used to timer times out, the
0;1;2;3;4;5;29;30;31 results 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1;0 5;5;1;1;1;1;1;5;1
configure the reference follow-up actions of the
point ID. It is created by This parameter is the procedure depend on the
system automatically. Reference Point Alias break point flag. breakpoint timeout policy.

-- -- -- --
sonReferPointPolicy_son enum:
TimeOutPolicy sonEnablePCI Resolved by
sonResolveManner enablePeriodicDetect
PCI Refer Point Resolve Manner when This parameter is the
enum: Centralization[0] enum:
Policy_Break Point The Switch of PCI PCI is Conflict or Theswitch
PCI timing
PCI Timing
Close[0] Resolved by Close[0]
TimeOut Policy Conflict Resolve Confusion detection by UE.
Detection If the
by UE
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] Open[1] Distributed[1] Open[1]
This parameter sets switch is open, the PCI
model default:
whether to resolve a PCI This parameter indicates detection by UE will be
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
This parameter is policy conflict when the PCI the way for resolve the performed according to
for the break point conflict is detected by the PCI conflict or PCI the configuration of the
timeout. PCI function. confusion. related parameters.

-- -- -- --
Whole Network
Subnet Grading[1]
NE Grading[2]
periodicDetectCounter sonFuncIdsets the sonRunMode Radio Mode Grading[3]
Periodic Number of This parameter
enum: Cell Grading[4]
Detect Neighbor Cell By service type, 21 for PnP,
Free Mode[0] Relation Grading[5]
UE 26 forService
SH, 43 Type
for CS, 46 Run Mode Policy Grade
Controlled Mode[1] Reserved[6]
for ANR, 47 for PCI, 48
long:[0..255] long:[47]
This parameter is a period for X2, 49 for MRO, 50
model default: 5 model default: 47 model default: 0 model default: 2
number for detecting for CCO, 51 for RO, 52
ECGI for the known for MLB, 57 for ES, and
neighbor cell. 58 for MAGICRADIO. Run Mode Policy Grade

-- R-I -- R-I
This parameter is a period
interval for detecting
ECGI for the known
enableReslvPCIByTimer timerForReslvPCI timerForDetectECGI periodicDetectInterval
neighbor cell. If the value
The Switch of Resolving The Start Time Used to Start Time for ECGI
PCI Conflict or Confusion Resolving PCI Conflict or of this parameter
Detection on a Known Periodic Interval ofisDetect
The switch
at the of resovling
Appointed Time This parameter indicates
Confusion If scheduled PCICell
Neighbor detection Neighbor
figure inCell
UE (hr)
PCI conflict or confusion, the earliest time for PCI on radio links is enabled, means the period interval
string:length[1..20] string:length[1..20] long:[0..23]
if this switch is open, the appointed resolve, when the eNodeB performs PCI is the figure and the unit is
model default: 0 model default: 02:00 model default: 10:00 model default: 0
PCI conflict or confusion the switch of resovling conflict detection on radio hour, when the value is 0,
will be resolved at the PCI conflict or confusion links at the time specified the period interval will be
appointed time. is open. by this parameter. configured 20 minutes.

-- -- -- --
This parameter sets When detect PCI The day of PCI air
whether to resolve PCI confusion, eNodeB will interface confusion
confusion. If the pciMeasUeCnt pciMeasObjChoiceCnt
select some UEs to pciConfusionActDay
detection,denoted as a
Maximum Number of The Threshold of Air The Day of PCI Air
parameter is setoftoPCI
The Switch Open, UEs to Execute ECGI measureMeasurements
Interface the neighbor 31bits
Interface Confusion
PCI confusion
Confusion will be
Resolve Measurement for PCI cell's
Times ECGI.This
for PCI switch:Bit0:Whether
Detection to
resolved by the system. If This parameter indicates parameter indicates the open on the 1st
long:[1..100] long:[1..65535] long:[0..4294967295]
the parameter is set to the maximum number of maximum times of day;Bit1:Whether to open
model default: 0 model default: 2 model default: 3 model default: 0
Close, PCI confusion will UEs choosed in each allowed measurements for on the 2nd day;…Bit30:
not be resolved by the ECGI measurement for each detected neighbor Whether to open on the
system. PCI detection. cell. 31st day

-- -- -- --
This parameter sets the
The month of PCI air end time for ECGI
interface endTimeForDetectECGI endTimerForReslvPCI pciMultipDistThresh
The Monthconfusion
of PCI Air detection
End Timeonforneighbor
ECGI The End Time Used to
detection,denoted as a 12
Interface Confusion cells on
Detection by Neighbor
PCI Resolving PCI Conflict or PCI Multiplexing
bits switch:Bit0:Whether
Detection (hour:minute).
Cells If the end This parameter indicates
Confusion Distance Thresh (m)
to open on the 1st time is equal to or earlier the latest time for PCI
long:[0..65535] string:length[1..20] string:length[1..20] long:[0..999999999]
month;Bit1:Whether to than the start time, it appointed resolve, when
model default: 0 model default: 10:30 model default: 04:00 model default: 3000
open on the 2nd month;… indicates the end time of the switch of resovling
Bit11: Whether to open on the detection on the next PCI conflict or confusion PCI multiplexing Distance
the 12th month day. is open. Thresh

-- -- -- --
This parameter enables or
disables the NR PCI
confusion detection based
on configurations. If it is This parameter is the
set toSwitch
Open, an LTEPCIcell eNDCPciTimingDetectSw
switch of EN-DC PCI
The of NR
pciHoThrd pciHoSuccRateThrd can detectchwhether the ch
Threshold of Handover Threshold of Handover Confusion Detection By timed
The detection.
Switch of When
enum: enum:
Attempt for PCI Success Rate for PCI PCIs of NRtwo NR neighbor PCI
Neighbor switch is turned
Timing on, itBy
Close[0] Close[0]
Reallocation Reallocation (%) cells Configuration
that are configured means that UE PCI detection
double:[0.01..100] Open[1] Open[1]
with the NR neighbor will be performed in
long:[1..65535] model default: 98.0
This parameter indicates This parameter indicates relation are confused. If it accordance with relevant
model default: 200 step: 0.01 model default: 0 model default: 0
the threshold of handover the threshold of handover is set to Close, PCI configurations. When the
attempt for PCI success rate for PCI confusion detection is switch is turned off, the
reallocation. reallocation. disabled. function is disabled.

-- -- -- --
neighbor cells is enabled.
It is a 31-bit switch
parameter. Bit 0: Whether
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the PCI confusion detection is
time at which the NR PCI time at which the NR PCI enabled on the first day.
confusion detection based confusion detection based Bit 1: Whether PCI
on the air interface starts. on endTimeForDetectNrNC
the air interface stops. confusion detection
The Day of PCI Airis
Start time of NR PCI
NR If air-interface-based
End time of NR PCINR enabled
Interface the second periodicDetectNrInterval
onConfusion Air Interface NR PCI
PCI confusion
confusion detection
detection by is PCI confusion
confusion detection
detection by is day.Detection
Bit 2: Whether
By NRPCI Confusion Detection
enabled, Airthe system starts enabled,
Interface Airthe system stops confusion
Interface detection is
Neighbor This parameter
Period sets the
air-interface-based NR air-interface-based NR enabled on the third day, period for a round of PCI
string:length[1..20] string:length[1..20] long:[0..4294967295] long:[1..23]
PCI confusion detection at PCI confusion detection at and so on. Bit 30: confusion detection of NR
model default: 10:00 model default: 11:00 model default: 0 model default: 1
the time configured by the time configured by Whether PCI confusion neighbor cells during air-
this parameter on the this parameter on the detection is enabled on the interface-based NR PCI
specified date. specified date. thirty-first day. confusion detection.

-- -- -- --
enabled. It is a 12-bit detection is performed on upper limit of the number
switch parameter. Bit 0: the PCIs of the NR of UEs that are selected
Whether PCI confusion neighbor cells to be for PCI confusion
detection is enabled in the detected. If the number of detection in each air-
first month. Bit 1: times that the air- interface-based NR PCI This parameter sets the
Whether PCI confusion interface-based NCGI confusion detection number of periods for
The Monthis enabled
of PCI in
Airthe measurement for each PCI period. If the number of implementing
Number NCGI
of Periods for
second month. Bit 2: to nrPCIMeasObjChoiceCnt
be detected nrPCIMeasUeCnt periodicDetectNrCounter
Interface Confusion NR PCI Air reaches
Interfacethis selected
Maximum UEsNumber
reaches of
this detection for known
Implementing NCGI NR
Whether PCI By
Detection confusion
NR parameter value,
Detection the air-
Times UEsparameter
for NRthe
PCI neighbor
Detectioncells. The larger
for Known NR
is enabled in the interface-based
ThresholdNR PCI system does Detection
Confusion not deliver the parameter
Cellsis, the
third month, and so on. confusion detection is any measurement task for larger the number of PCI
long:[0..65535] long:[1..255] long:[1..255] long:[0..255]
Bit 11: Whether PCI stopped within the air- PCI confusion detection confusion detection
model default: 0 model default: 2 model default: 30 model default: 5
confusion detection is interface-based NR PCI to the UEs that are newly initiated for known NR
enabled in the twelfth confusion detection connected or handed over neighbor cells is in each
month. period. to the cell. round.

-- -- -- --
Threshold of Distance for
PCI Reallocation(m)
model default: 2000
Threshold of Distance for
PCI Reallocation(m)

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId sonPolicyId

NE Name LDN MO ID Policy ID

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[5..17]
object. It is of the string
type and can be Policy ID, range:
NE Name LDN configured as planned. [49000..49999]

R Primary Key R-I,M

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,211 49211
ended;MRO CIO
and the SON policy is set
to Controlled Mode, this
modification;MRO OCS
timer is started. If the
SON function is disabled
modification;MRO OFN
and the SON policy is set
to Free Mode, this timer is
sonReferPointPolicy_son modification;MRO report sonReferPointPolicy_sonI sonReferPointPolicy_son
sonReferPointPolicy_son stopped. Before the timer
ReferPointID modifying result;MRO
ReferPointAlias sBreakPoint TimeOutPeriod
MRO Refer Point MRO Refer Point times
MRO our, if a manual
Refer Point
UTRAN OFN parameter
Policy_Reference Point Policy_Reference Point MRO Refer Point response is received
Policy_Break or the
longArray:[0..255] modification;conflict;Eval enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[0..65535]
ID Alias Policy_Break Point Flag SON function
TimeOut stops,
Length the
model default: uate;Evaluate model default: model default:
timer is stopped. After the
0;1;2;3;4;5;29;30;31;32;3 Results;Rollback;Rollbac 1;1;1;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;0;1;0;1 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
This parameter is used to timer times out, the
3;34;39;50;52;54;55 k Results ;0;1;0 ;1;1;1
configure the reference follow-up actions of the
point ID. It is created by This parameter is the procedure depend on the
system automatically. Reference Point Alias break point flag. breakpoint timeout policy.

-- -- -- --
0;1;2;3;4;5;29;30;31;32;33Modify neighbor cells CIO1;1;1;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;0;1;0;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
statistics on handover
failures in a cell. During
this period, the eNodeB
counts the number of
times that the same
handover failure occurs in
sonReferPointPolicy_son a cell. When MRO
TimeOutPolicy sonEnableMro sonStatisticTimer
optimization is enabled, sonIntervalTimer
MRO Refer Point Timer of eNodeB The Minimum Time
Policy_Break Point thisStatistics
timer is MRO
When Interval Between MRO
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] Disable[0]
TimeOut Policy MRO Enable MROInformation
optimization is Parameter Optimization
model default: Enable[1]
disabled, this timer is This parameter is the
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 long:[1..255] long:[1..255]
stopped. After the timer minimum time interval
;1;1;1 model default: 0 model default: 24 model default: 48
This parameter is policy times out, data collection between the two MRO
for the break point This is a parameter for on MRO self-optimization parameter automatic
timeout. MRO switch starts. optimization operation.

-- -- -- --
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Enable[1] 24 48
The Maximum Value
sonTotalAdjust sonOptRatioThrd sonFuncIdsets the
This parameter sonRunMode
Adjusted By MRO The Distinguish
Parameter Optimization Threshold of Parameter service type, 21 for PnP,
Free Mode[0]
This parameter
(dB) is used to Optimization Type (%) 26 forService
SH, 43 Type
for CS, 46 Run Mode
Controlled Mode[1]
configure the maximum for ANR, 47 for PCI, 48
long:[1..10] long:[50..100] long:[49]
adjustment amount for This parameter is the for X2, 49 for MRO, 50
model default: 6 model default: 50 model default: 49 model default: 0
parameter allowed for the distinguish threshold for for CCO, 51 for RO, 52
MRO automatic the parameter for MLB, 57 for ES, and
optimization operation. optimization type. 58 for MAGICRADIO. Run Mode

-- -- R-I --
6 50 49 Free Mode[0]
Whole Network
Subnet Grading[1]
NE Grading[2]
Radio Mode Grading[3]
grade enableMROByKPI mroDropCallRatioThrd mroReestTimeThrd
Whether to Switch on Call Dropping Rate RRC Re-Establishment
Cell Grading[4] enum:
MRO Function According Threshold to Trigger Threshold to Trigger
Relation Grading[5] Disable[0]
Policy Grade to KPI MRO (%) MRO
Reserved[6] Enable[1]
long:[0..100] long:[0..1024]
model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 2 model default: 10
Whether to Switch on RRC Re-Establishment
MRO Function According Call Drop Rate Threshold Threshold to Trigger
Policy Grade to KPI to Trigger MRO MRO

R-I -- -- --
Whole Network Grading[0]Disable[0] 1 10
measured RSRP threshold
This parameter is a for the neighbor cells of
threshold of serving cell's UEs. If the measured
result of rsrp measurement RSRP value of a neighbor
This parameter represents ue camped recently. If cell of a UE is less than
the threshold to trigger the serving cell's rsrp is less the threshold, the
optimization of ping-pong than threshold, there may coverage of the neighbor
kpiStatPeriod pingPongOptiThrd
handover parameters. ccoLastServRsrpThd
be someof problems of cellccoNbrRsrpThd
is considered to be
Threshold of Ping-Pong Threshold Last Serving
Period of OAM Statistics When the ratio
Handover of ping- cover
Parameter on serving
Cell RSRP for SONcell.CCO
The faulty.
RSRP The measured
Threshold for
KPI (hr) pong handover (%)
Optimization to all serving(dBm)
cell's rsrp ue RSRP values
Neighbor of a
Cells (dBm)
handover is larger than camped recently, can be neighbor cell of a UE can
long:[1..24] long:[10..100] long:[-140..-44] long:[-140..-44]
this threshold, eNB will obtained from ue be obtained from the UE
model default: 1 model default: 10 model default: -115 model default: -115
start to optimize the ping- information response msg Information Response
Period of OAM Statistics pong handover or ue's measurement message or the UE's
KPI parameters. reporting. measurement reports.

-- -- -- --
2 20 -105 -105
optimization. It is used to
control the minimum This parameter sets the
interval between the self- threshold of the ratio of
optimization of MRO too-early handover
parameters. In most cases, neighbor cells. If the
This parameter is the it should be twice the proportion between the
Inter-RAT UTRAN MRO This parameter sets the statistical period.
Minimum When
Time Interval number of too-early
Threshold inter-
of Too Early
function switch. If the iRatStatisticTimer
period during which the MROiRatIntervalTimer
optimization is RATiRatOfnRatioThrd
handovers and the
Timer of eNodeB between MRO Parameter Handover in Total Inter-
The Switch sets as Open
of Inter-RAT eNodeB counts
Statistics MROInter-RAT
Error enabled, this of
Optimization timer is
Inter- RAT total numberfor
Handover of the
Inter-RATMROMRO cell handover
Information failures.
of Inter-RAT started. RAT
When MRO unnecessary handovers
Same Frequency (%)on
function becomes valid. If During the period, the optimization is disabled, the same carrier frequency
long:[1..255] long:[1..255] long:[1..100]
the parameter sets as eNodeB counts the this timer is stopped. is less than the parameter
model default: 0 model default: 24 model default: 48 model default: 80
Close, the Inter-RAT number of times that the When the timer times out, value, the OFN parameter
MRO function becomes same handover fault the next parameter of the carrier frequency
invalid. occurs in cell. optimization start. cannot be optimized.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 24 48 80
This parameter sets the
threshold of the ratio of
too-early handover
neighbor cells. If the
proportion between the
number of neighbor cells
This parameter sets the of too-early
Threshold ofinter-RAT
Too Early The Maximum Value The Coefficient of
threshold too-early nbrWarnRatioThrd
handover and the total interRatOfnTotalAdjust
This parameter sets the ThisiRatConvCoeff
parameter sets the
Threshold of Too Early Handover Neighbor Cell Adjusted by Inter-RAT Converting Inter-RAT
the number number of neighbor
of The Same cells
Frequency maximum
MRO OFNcumulative coefficient ofHO
Parameter Unnecessary converting
to Intra-
of too-early handovers for
Optimization on the same
(%) carrier adjustment value made
Optimization (dB) by unnecessary
RAT Too Late Inter-RAT
HO (%)
one neighbor cell is larger frequency is less than the Inter-RAT MRO OFN handover to too-late Intra-
long:[1..65535] long:[1..100] long:[1..30] long:[0..100]
than the threshold, it is parameter value, the OFN parameter optimization. RAT handover on the
model default: 48 model default: 80 model default: 10 model default: 50
considered that the parameter of the carrier The cumulative premise that there are
neighbor cell has the too- frequency cannot be adjustment value can not Inter-RAT handover
early handover fault. optimized. exceed the threshold. scenarios.

-- -- -- --
48 80 10 50
The Threshold of Too
mroWarnThrd 12hour[12]
wEvaluationPeriod statisticTimerGrade mrohoSucRatioThrd
Early Handover and Too
24hour[24] enum:
Late Handover Parameter Period of MRO Timer Length for Grade Handover Success Ratio
48hour[48] Hour[0]
Optimization Evaluation of MRO Statistic to Trigger MRO
72hour[72] Minute[1]
long:[1..10000] long:[0..100]
model default: 200 model default: 24 model default: 0 model default: 98
The threshold of start This parameter sets the
MRO parameter Period of MRO time granularity of the Handover Success Ratio
optimization Evaluation MRO statistics period. to Trigger MRO

-- -- -- --
300 24hour[24] Hour[0] 96
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
threshold of the total maximum number of
number of handover out. optimized neighbor cells
mrohoOutTimeThrd ItThe hoNumThrd
is used for theof
MRO for maxOptCellNum
the serving cell. It is tooLateHoThrd
Handover Out Number Threshold the
Threshold to Trigger function, indicating
Total Handover Outthat used for MRO
The Maximum Number of The Threshold Of The
MRO MRO optimization
Number is optimization, indicating Handover
Cells to Optimize This parameter is the
Too Late Rate
performed when the the threshold of the threshold of handover too
long:[1..10000] long:[1..4294967295] long:[1..10] long:[1..255]
number of handover out number of neighbor cells later, which can be used to
model default: 100 model default: 100 model default: 3 model default: 10
Handover Out Number from the serving cell to that can be optimized for control whether to
Threshold to Trigger neighbor cell reaches the the serving cell in a fault optimize the fault of ping-
MRO threshold. detection period. pang.

-- -- -- --
500 200 3 10
4[19] 5[20]
5[20] 6[21]
This parameter is used
6[21] 8[22]
together with
8[22] 10[23]
10[23] 12[24]
. When the handover
12[24] 14[25]
times on the cell pair from This parameter sets the
14[25] 16[26]
serving cell to neighbor is threshold for triggering
mroWarnHoFaultThrd 16[26]
mroTotalAdjustLow 18[27]
mroTotalAdjustHigh pingPongOptThrd
HO Fault larger than
Ratio Threshold The Lower Limit of The Upper Limit of ping-pong
The Thresholdhandover
of Ping-
18[27] 20[28]
To Trigger MRO Warning This parameterScope
Parameters sets the This parameterScope
Parameters sets the parameter
pong optimization.
Handover Parameter
20[28] 22[29]
and the MRO(%) handover lower limit
Adjusted by MROof the upper limit
(dB) Adjusted by MROof the
(dB) When the ratio of(%)
Optimization ping-
22[29] 24[30] double:[0.01..100]
Fault ratio on the cell pair parameter scope parameter scope pong handover is larger
long:[1..100] model default: 10.0
from serving cell to accumulatively adjusted accumulatively adjusted than or equal to the
model default: 20 model default: 9 model default: 21 step: 0.01
neighbor cell is above this by MRO. The parameters by MRO. The parameters threshold, the MRO ping-
parameter, eNB will adjusted by MRO can not adjusted by MRO cannot pong handover parameter
report MRO warning. exceed the lower limit. exceed the upper limit. optimization is triggered.

-- -- -- --
20 -6[9] 6[21] 20.0
Threshold to Trigger If the number of times MRO Warning parameter.
MRO Warning parameter. that handover is If the number of times
If the total number of performed from the that handover is
handovers from the serving cell to neighbor performed from the
serving cell to neighbor cells is larger than or serving cell to neighbor
cell is larger than the equal to the value of Total cells is larger than the If the difference between
threshold and the MRO HandoverHandover
Out Number mroWarnAbnmHoFaultT
Ping-pong Fault value of Total Handover the
Thefault rate ofFault
Handover Too Early
handover fault ratioOut
from mroWarnPPHoFaultThrd
Threshold to Trigger Out Number hrd
Threshold mroAbnmOptThrd
Total Handover Ratio Threshold to Handover Fault Ratio to Handover
Difference and the fault
Threshold for
the serving
Number cell toto
Threshold MRO Warning
Trigger and the
MRO Warning Trigger MRO
Threshold to Warning
Trigger rate of Too Parameter
MRO Late Handover
Trigger cell is
MRO larger
Warning MRO handover(%) fault rate and MROthe MRO handover
Warning (%) is larger than or equal
Optimization (%) to
double:[0.01..100] double:[0.01..100] double:[0.01..100]
than HO Fault Ratio from the serving cell to fault rate from the serving the threshold, MRO
long:[1..4294967295] model default: 20.0 model default: 20.0 model default: 2.0
Threshold to Trigger neighbor cells is larger cell to neighbor cells is optimization can be
model default: 100 step: 0.01 step: 0.01 step: 0.01
MRO Warning, the than or equal to the higher than the threshold, started. The MRO alarm
eNodeB will report an threshold, the eNB will the eNB will report an subtype depends on the
MRO alarm. report an MRO alarm. MRO alarm. parameter.

-- -- -- --
200 20.0 20.0 3.0
mroDropCallRatio mrohoSucRatio
Handover Success Ratio
Call Dropping Rate to Threshold to Trigger
Trigger MRO (%) MRO (%)
double:[0..100] double:[0..100]
model default: 2.0 model default: 98.0
step: 0.01 step: 0.01
Handover Success Ratio
Call Drop Rate to Trigger Threshold to Trigger

-- --
2.0 98.0
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId sonPolicyId

NE Name LDN MO ID Policy ID

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[5..17]
object. It is of the string
type and can be Policy ID, range:
NE Name LDN configured as planned. [51000..51999]

R Primary Key R-I,M

sequence collision;Uplink
and the SON policy is set
cross slot interference
to Controlled Mode, this
timer is started. If the
SON function is disabled
ended;Request to optimize
and the SON policy is set
PRACH resource
to Free Mode, this timer is
sonReferPointPolicy_son parameters;PRACH
sonReferPointPolicy_son sonReferPointPolicy_sonI sonReferPointPolicy_son
stopped. Before the timer
ReferPointID resource parameters
ReferPointAlias sBreakPoint TimeOutPeriod
RO Refer Point RO Refer Point times
ROour, if aPoint
Refer manual
optimized results;PRACH
Policy_Reference Point Policy_Reference Point RO Refer Point response is received
Policy_Break or the
longArray:[0..255] resource parameters
ID Alias Policy_Break Point Flag SON function
TimeOut stops,
Length the
model default: optimized end;PRACH enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[0..65535]
timer is stopped. After the
1;2;3;4;5;6;29;30;31;32;3 root sequence model default: model default:
This parameter is used to timer times out, the
3 optimization result 0;0;1;0;1;0;0;1;1;0;0 5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5
configure the reference follow-up actions of the
point ID. It is created by This parameter is the procedure depend on the
system automatically. Reference Point Alias break point flag. breakpoint timeout policy.

-- -- -- --
TimeOutPolicy sonEnableRo sonFuncIdsets the
This parameter sonRunMode
RO Refer Point
enum: enum:
Policy_Break Point RO Power Control service type, 21 for PnP,
Close[0] Free Mode[0]
TimeOut Policy Optimization Enable 26 forService
SH, 43 Type
for CS, 46 Run Mode
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] Open[1] Controlled Mode[1]
for ANR, 47 for PCI, 48
model default: long:[51]
for X2, 49 for MRO, 50
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 model default: 0 model default: 51 model default: 0
This parameter is policy The parameter indicates for CCO, 51 for RO, 52
for the break point the power control switch for MLB, 57 for ES, and
timeout. for RACH Optimization. 58 for MAGICRADIO. Run Mode

-- -- R-I --
Whole Network
Subnet Grading[1]
NE Grading[2]
Radio Mode Grading[3]
grade roPowCounter roPowTimer roDMP1Thd
Power Control Monitor Power Control Monitor First Detection Miss
Cell Grading[4]
Counter for RACH Timer for RACH Probability Threshold for
Relation Grading[5]
Policy Grade Optimization Optimization (hr) RACH Optimization
Reserved[6] double:[0.01..1]
long:[100..100000] double:[0.25, 1..10000] model default: 0.5
model default: 2 model default: 1000 model default: 6.0 step: 0.01
Power Control Monitor Power Control Monitor First Detection Miss
Counter for RACH Timer for RACH Probability Threshold for
Policy Grade Optimization Optimization RACH Optimization

R-I -- -- --
RO resource allocation
and monitoring. When the
timer is started, the
eNodeB collects statistics
on RACH information
The parameter indicates until the timer times out.
roNumPreambleSentTarg the Resource Allocation When RO optimization is
et sonROResEnable sonROResCounter
Monitor Counter for sonROResTimer
Number of Preamble Sent Resource Allocation Resourcethis timer is
Target for RACH RO Resource RACH
Counter for started.
Monitor When
Timer forRO
Optimization Optimization Enable Once
RACHthe Timer is on, the
Optimization optimization is disabled,
Optimization (hr)
double:[1..10] Open[1] long:[100..100000]
Counter starts to count, this timer is stopped.
model default: 1.7 model default: 1000 long:[1..255]
The parameter indicates and the eNB in the cell When the timer times out,
step: 0.1 model default: 0 step: 100 model default: 1
Number of Preamble Sent the resource allocation should collect the RACH the eNodeB stops
Target for RACH switch for RACH information until the collecting statistics on
Optimization Optimization. Timer is end. PRACH information.

-- -- -- --
Threshold of Non-
dedicated Preamble
sonROResTrigger sonROHOThd sonROCPThdL sonROCPThdH
Resource Allocation Occupied by Handover Low Threshold of High Threshold of
Trigger for RACH Probability for RACH Contention Probability for Contention Probability for
KPI Based[0]
Optimization Optimization RACH Optimization RACH Optimization
Not KPI Based[1] double:[0.01..1] double:[0.001..0.5] double:[0.001..1]
Threshold of Non-
model default: 0.1 model default: 0.005 model default: 0.05
dedicated Preamble
model default: 0 step: 0.01 step: 0.001 step: 0.001
Resource Allocation Occupied by Handover Low Threshold of High Threshold of
Trigger for RACH Probability for RACH Contention Probability for Contention Probability for
Optimization Optimization RACH Optimization RACH Optimization

-- -- -- --
sonROLoadFactor sonROLogRtSeqSwch
Weighting Factor For This parameter
Switch is the
of RO Logic Root
Rach Load Estimation switch of RO
Sequence logic root
double:[0..1] Open[1]
sequence optimization,
model default: 0.7
which can be used to
step: 0.1 model default: 0
control whether to
Weighting Factor For optimize the logic root
Rach Load Estimation sequence.

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId sonPolicyId

NE Name LDN MO ID Policy ID

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[5..17]
object. It is of the string
type and can be Policy ID, range:
NE Name LDN configured as planned. [48000..48999]

R Primary Key R-I,M

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,210 48210
EN-DC X2 self-remove
and the SON policy is set
by adding EN-DC X2
to Controlled Mode, this
blacklist;Trigger X2 Del
timer is started. If the
Extra Link;Trigger EN-
SON function is disabled
DC X2 Del Extra
and the SON policy is set
Link;Trigger Xe self-
to Free Mode, this timer is
sonReferPointPolicy_son remove by detecting
sonReferPointPolicy_son sonReferPointPolicy_sonI sonReferPointPolicy_son
stopped. Before the timer
ReferPointID invalid Xe
ReferPointAlias sBreakPoint TimeOutPeriod
X2 Refer Point X2 Refer Point times
X2our, if aPoint
Refer manual
longArray:[0..255] association;Transaction longArray:[0..65535]
Policy_Reference Point Policy_Reference Point X2 Refer Point response is received
Policy_Break or the
model default: ended;X2 self- enumArray:[0, 1] model default:
ID Alias Policy_Break Point Flag SON function
TimeOut stops,
Length the
0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;12; establishment results;X2 model default: 4320;4320;4320;4320;432
timer is stopped. After the
13;14;15;16;17;18;19;29; self-remove results;X2 1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
This parameter is used to timer times out, the
30;31;32 update result ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 ;1;1;1;1;1
configure the reference follow-up actions of the
point ID. It is created by This parameter is the procedure depend on the
system automatically. Reference Point Alias break point flag. breakpoint timeout policy.

-- -- -- --
0;1;2;3;4;5;29;30;31;32 Trigger X2 self-establishme1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0 4320;4320;4320;4320;4320;
TimeOutPolicy x2SelfSetupSwitch x2SelfDelSwitch sonX2DelCheckThreshold
X2 Refer Point
enum: enum:
Policy_Break Point X2 Self Delete Detection
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] Close[0] Close[0]
TimeOut Policy X2 Self Setup Enable X2 Self Delete Enable Start Threshold
model default: Open[1] Open[1]
This parameter is used to
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 long:[1..127]
enable the self deletion
;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 20
This parameter is policy dectection algorithm when
for the break point This parameter is a switch This parameter is a switch the X2 self setup number
timeout. for X2 self setup. for X2 self deletion. up to the threshold.

-- -- -- --
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Open[1] Open[1] 32
The threshold of S1 HO
Whole Network
success.When the number
of X2 interface is more
Subnet Grading[1]
than specific threshold
NE Grading[2]
and a new X2 interface is
sonFuncIdsets the sonRunMode Radio Mode Grading[3]
grade sonS1HoSuccThrd
This parameter need to be added,It's
enum: Cell Grading[4]
service type, 21 for PnP, necessary to count the
Free Mode[0] Relation Grading[5]
26 forService
SH, 43 Type
for CS, 46 Run Mode Policy Grade times
S1 HOof S1 HOThreshold
Success success.
Controlled Mode[1] Reserved[6]
for ANR, 47 for PCI, 48 Only when the times of
long:[48] long:[0..65535]
for X2, 49 for MRO, 50 S1 HO success is more
model default: 48 model default: 0 model default: 2 model default: 48
for CCO, 51 for RO, 52 than this parameter, the
for MLB, 57 for ES, and new X2 is allowed to be
58 for MAGICRADIO. Run Mode Policy Grade added.

R-I -- R-I --
48 Free Mode[0] Whole Network Grading[0]48
this timer is stopped.
Before the timer times
The threshold of X2 HO out, the X2 data collection
success.When the number optimization function
of X2 interface is more counts the number of
than specific threshold, successful handovers This parameter indicates
the eNodeB will start a between the current the number of reserved
interface self-delete statisticTimer
eNodeB and eNodeBs. x2SelfLearnSwch s1SctpNum in the
SCTP associations
statistic timer.After the X2
After the timer times out,
Self-Setup/Self-Delete This parameter indicates scenario
Number where
of SCTPthe
X2timer is timeout,If
HO Success the
Threshold the X2 data
Statistic collection
Timer Length whether theLearn
X2 Self X2 self-Learn
Switch maximumAssociations
Reserved number of
number of X2 HO success optimization function function is open or not. If SCTPs (288) is not
long:[0..65535] long:[1..255] long:[1..32]
via a X2 interface is less adds or deletes X2 the value is 'Open', the applicable. The reserved
model default: 48 model default: 24 model default: 0 model default: 16
than this parameter, the associations based on the function is open; SCTP associations cannot
eNodeB will delete the X2 counted number of otherwise, the function is be used for X2 self-
interface. handovers. close. configuration.

-- -- -- --
24 24 Close[0] 16
This parameter enables or
disables immediate X2 This parameter enables or
addition based on disables immediate X2
parameter enables or x2DirectAddSwch
neighbor relations. If it is x2DirectDelSwch
deletion. If it is set to x2InvalidDelSwch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
The SwitchX2ofassociation
X2 Statistic Theset to Open,
Switch of X2an Direct
X2 Open,
The an X2ofassociation
Switch X2 Direct This parameter
The Switch enablesX2
of Invalid or
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
optimization based on
Optimization association is added
Self Setup is deleted
Delete if disables automatic
Self Delete
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
data collection. If this immediately if there are there are inter-site X2 invalid-association
parameter is set to Open, inter-site neighbor associations that are deletion. If this parameter
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
X2 associations are relations but no X2 operating properly but is set to Open, invalid X2
optimized after a association is operating there is no neighbor associations are deleted
statistical period expires. properly. relation. automatically.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
x2InvalidDelTimerLen statisticTimerGrade hoNumThrdOfX2Opt
difference numOfX2AddDelCnt
Success The Maximum Number of
Invalid X2 Self Delete The Grade of X2 Statistic between
Number the twofor
Offset value.
X2 X2 Add/Del in Each
Statistic Timer Length Timer Length One is the HO number
Replace Period
between the adding eNB This parameter sets the
long:[1..255] long:[1..65535] long:[1..255]
When the time lenth of and this eNB, the other is maximum number of X2
model default: 30 model default: 0 model default: 50 model default: 47
X2 invalid state meet this This parameter is used to the HO number between connections allowed to
parameter, trigger X2 set the grade of X2 the replacing eNB and this added or deleted in each
deleted. Statistic Timer Length. eNB. statistics period.

-- -- -- --
255 Hour[0] 50 47
X2 addition or X2 data
collection optimization
This parameter determines function does not take any
whether to establish IPSec action. When immediate
channels between LTE X2 addition or X2 data
systems in the X2 self- collection optimization is
setup procedure. If it is set disabled, the timer is
This parameter sets x2IPSecSwch
to Not invalidX2DelMode startDelayTimerLen
Switch forUse IPSec,
IPSec no
Channel stopped.
The Shift After
Time the timerof
enum: enum: enum:
whether to reserve
The Switch SCTP.
Setup tunnel LTE
Between is If
parameter is setX2
of Invalid to X2times out, an Function
Self-setup X2 link
Not Reserved[0] Not Use IPSec[0] Delay Delete[0]
this parameter is set to established
Reserved Systems in inX2the X2 self-
Self-setup Direct Delete, invalid X2
Self Delete starts to beStarting
Delayed added through
Reserved[1] Use IPSec[1] Direct Delete[1]
Not Reserved, SCTP is setup procedure. If it is set links are deleted immediate X2 addition
not reserved. If this to Use IPSec, IPSec immediately. If this and the number of
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 240
parameter is set to tunnels are established in parameter is set to Delay handovers starts to be
Reserved, SCTP is the X2 self-setup Delete, invalid X2 links counted through X2 data
reserved. procedure. are deleted after a delay. collection optimization.

-- -- -- --
Not Reserved[0] Not Use IPSec[0] Delay Delete[0] 240
This parameter sets the
offset of the number of This parameter is the
times that EN-DC X2 SN switch of the EN-DC X2
measurement results are direct deletion function. If
reported. In EN-DC X2 The Maximum Number of the parameter is set to
data collection scenarios, enDcX2AddDelCnt enDcX2DirectAddSwch
This parameter is the enDcX2DirectDelSwch
Open, the EN-DC X2
Offset of The Number of EN-DC X2
enum: enum:
to perform
EN-DC data
SN Addition/Deletion in Each switch
The of the
Switch ofEN-DC
EN-DCX2 X2 direct
The deletion
Switch functionX2
of EN-DC is
Close[0] Close[0]
on the measurement
Measurement Reports This parameter
Period sets the direct self-setup
Direct function.
Self-Setup enabled. In Deletion
Direct this case, any
Open[1] Open[1]
reports of a neighbor maximum number of EN- If the parameter is set to EN-DC X2 satisfying the
long:[0..65535] long:[1..255]
gNodeB without X2 links, DC X2 connections Open, the function is deletion condition can be
model default: 50 model default: 47 model default: 0 model default: 0
the offset should be allowed to be added or enabled. If the parameter deleted. If the parameter is
subtracted before the gNB deleted in each statistics is set to Close, the set to Close, the function
is sorted. period. function is disabled. is disabled.

-- -- -- --
50 47 Close[0] Close[0]
are reported on the current
This parameter is the eNodeB and all the
switch of the EN-DC X2 neighbor gNodeBs. If EN- In EN-DC X2 data
statistics optimization DC X2 data collection collection optimization,
function. If the parameter optimization is disabled this parameter sets the
is set to Open, the EN-DC before the timer times out, threshold of the number of
X2 statistics optimization the timer is stopped. After times that SNs are
function is enabled. In this enDcX2Num theenDcX2StatTimer
timer times out, EN- ThresholdthdNumAddSN
successfully added to a
of the Number
case, EN-DC
The Switch X2 X2 The Maximum Number of DC
of EN-DC X2 associations
EN-DC are of
X2 Statistical neighbor gNodeB.
Successful EN-DC If the
Statistics is
Optimization EN-DC X2 added or deleted
Period based on number of times
SN Addition that SNs
implemented when the the number of times that are added to a neighbor
long:[0..127] long:[1..255] long:[0..131070]
statistics period expires. If This parameter sets the SNs are added and the gNodeB is larger than or
model default: 0 model default: 32 model default: 24 model default: 800
the parameter is set to maximum number of X2s number of times that equal to this threshold, the
Close, the function is between the LTE side and measurement results are gNodeB can be added
disabled. the gNB. reported. with X2s.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 32 4 800
passive eNodeB, the
passive eNodeB replaces
the X2 link with that with
the minimum number of
handovers or with an
This parameter indicates invalid X2 link. If the
the number of reserved active eNodeB is not in
SCTP associations enDcX2TotalNum
only in Maximum the psvSortOptSwch
top N ranking queue dscp
Number of SCTP Number of
the scenario
Reserved where the Preempted X2 for EN-DC
Associations of the passive
Switch eNodeB,
for Passive it
maximum number of
Expanded X2 refusesOptimization
to add the X2 link. X2 DSCP Value
SCTPs (288) is The value N is the
long:[32..64] long:[1..64] long:[0..63]
applicable. The reserved This parameter indicates maximum number of X2 This parameter sets the
model default: 32 model default: 64 model default: 0 model default: 46
SCTP associations cannot the maximum number of links that can be DSCP value for SCTP
be used for X2 self- X2 links preempted by configured for the current link addition through X2
configuration. EN-DC X2. eNodeB. self-configuration.

-- -- -- --
32 64 Close[0] 46
when the Deletion of
Repeated X2 Links
This parameter determines parameter is set to Close.
whether to establish IPSec When this timer expires,
channels between the LTE the system detects
and NR systems in the X2 whether there are
self-setup procedure. If it duplicated X2
This is x2IPSecLteNrSwch
parameter determines Switch set toforNot UseChannel
IPSec, dupliNbrEnbDelSwch associationsdupliNbrEnbDelPrdthe
IPSec Interval forbetween
enum: enum: enum:
Switch fortoInvalid
delete invalid
EN-DC Setup no IPSec
Between tunnel
LTEisand Deletion of Repeated X2 current eNodeB
Repeated and allofits
X2 Links
Close[0] Not Use IPSec[0] Close[0]
EN-DC X2 links. If it is established
X2 Self-deletion NR in X2inSelf-setup
the X2 self- Links neighbor sites. IfCells
Neighbor yes, only
Open[1] Use IPSec[1] Open[1]
set to Open, invalid EN- setup procedure. If it is set one X2 association is
DC X2 links are deleted to Use IPSec, IPSec kept, the remaining X2
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 12
through X2 self- tunnels are established in This parameter sets associations are deleted,
configuration to add valid the X2 self-setup whether to delete repeated and then the timer is
X2 links. procedure. X2 links of neighbor cells. started again.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Not Use IPSec[0] Close[0] 12
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId Close[0]
1- Open service ECN[1]
2- Open service and
NE Name LDN MO ID ECN Enable
transport ECN[2]
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. ECN make the switch

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
queThresholdDl retQueThresholdDl rlcQueThresholdDl drbThresholdDl
ECN Dl Retransmission ECN Dl Memory
ECN Dl Buffer Queue Queue Using Rate ECN Dl Sending Queue The parameter
Resource UsingisRate
Using parameter is the(%)
Threshold TheThreshold
is the The Rate
Using parameter is the
Threshold(%) threshold of user plane dl
threshold of user plane threshold of user plane threshold of user plane memory resource, which
long:[10..90] long:[10..90] long:[10..90] long:[10..95]
buffering queen, which is retransfers queen, which sending queen, which is is used for ECN
model default: 90 model default: 90 model default: 90 model default: 95
used for ECN checking, it is used for ECN checking. used for ECN checking , it checking , it is set when
is set when ECN function it is set when ECN is set when ECN function ECN function switch is
switch is opened. function switch is opened. switch is opened. opened.

-- -- -- --
90 90 90 95
ECN Ul Memory
The parameter
Resource UsingisRate
threshold of user plane ul
memory resource, which
is used for ECN
model default: 95
checking , it is set when
ECN function switch is

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId freqIndex
Neighboring-NR Carrier
NE Name LDN MO ID Frequency Index
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..128]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string This parameter sets the
type and can be index of a neighboring
NE Name LDN configured as planned. NR carrier of the eNodeB.

R Primary Key R-I

729..746, 758..821,
869..894, 925..960,
1427..1518, 1805..1920,
1930..2025, 2110..2200,
long:[1..3, 5, 7..8, 12, 20, 2300..2400,
nRFreqBandInd 2496..2690,
25, 28, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 3300..4200,
Band Indicator for DL NR
50, 51, 66, 70..71, 74, 4400.01..4999.995,
Frequencies NR SSB Frequency
77..79, 257..258, 24250.08..29499.96,
260..261] 37000.02..39999.96]
model default: 1 model default: 2110.0
This parameter sets the
indicator for the frequency This parameter sets an NR
band of NR frequencies. SSB frequency.

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
TDD ANR[260]
specific parameters that
DRX config for GERAN
control packet forwarding
treatment (e.g. scheduling
DRX config for
weights, admission
thresholds, queue
management thresholds,
DRX config for
link layer protocol
NE_Name ldn moId CDMA2000 1XRTT
qCI etc.),
configuration, that
Labelbeen pre-configured
Number of Service
DRX config for NR
NE Name LDN MO ID by the operator
Class at a
This parameter sets the specific node(s) (e.g.
unique ID of the managed eNodeB);Non-standard
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string identification for some
type and can be special functions ANR,
NE Name LDN configured as planned. TTI bundling.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,21 DRX config for GERAN A
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,22 DRX config for CDMA20
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,20 DRX config for UTRAN-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,25 128[128]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,26 128[128]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,23 DRX config for CDMA20
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,24 DRX config for NR ANR[2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 5[5]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 5[5]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 6[6]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 6[6]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,11 7[7]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,14 8[8]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,15 9[9]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 1[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,12 7[7]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 1[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,13 8[8]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 2[2]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,18 DRX config for Intra-LTE
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 2[2]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,19 DRX config for UTRAN-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 4[4]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,16 9[9]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 4[4]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,17 DRX config for TTI Bundl
80[5] 20[5]
identifies UE short DRX
128[6] 32[6]
capacity to select
160[7] 40[7]
configuration, is a
256[8] 64[8]
complete set of
320[9] 80[9]
configuration of the
512[10] 128[10]
primary key, on the basis
640[11] 160[11]
of the UE capacity
shortDrxCycInd 1024[12]
longDrxCyc 256[12]
shortDrxCyc shortDrxCycT
UE Shortcorresponding
DRX Cycle
enum: 1280[13] 320[13]
DRX configuration
Capacity Configuration
No[0] 2048[14] 512[14]
parameters, when UE able Long DRX Cycle (sf)
Indicator Short DRX Cycle (sf) DRX Short Cycle Timer
Yes[1] 2560[15] 640[15]
to support short DRX, this A long DRX cycle is the Short DRX cycle specifies
parameter choice for True periodic repetition of the the periodic repetition of Specifies the number of
model default: 0 model default: 9 model default: 7 model default: 4
configuration. Otherwise On Duration period and the On Duration followed consecutive subframe(s)
this parameter choice for the following period when by a possible period of the UE shall follow the
False configuration. inactivity may occur. inactivity. Short DRX cycle.

R-I -- -- --
No[0] 1280[13] 40[7] 4
No[0] 1280[13] 40[7] 4
No[0] 640[11] 40[7] 4
No[0] 80[5] 40[7] 4
Yes[1] 20[1] 10[3] 2
No[0] 1280[13] 40[7] 4
No[0] 320[9] 40[7] 4
Yes[1] 160[7] 20[5] 4
No[0] 40[3] 40[7] 4
No[0] 40[3] 40[7] 4
Yes[1] 20[1] 10[3] 2
No[0] 80[5] 40[7] 4
Yes[1] 20[1] 10[3] 2
No[0] 40[3] 40[7] 4
Yes[1] 40[3] 40[7] 1
Yes[1] 20[1] 10[3] 2
No[0] 40[3] 40[7] 1
No[0] 40[3] 40[7] 4
Yes[1] 80[5] 80[9] 1
No[0] 320[9] 40[7] 4
No[0] 80[5] 40[7] 4
No[0] 640[11] 40[7] 4
Yes[1] 160[7] 40[7] 4
Yes[1] 20[1] 10[3] 2
No[0] 40[3] 40[7] 4
No[0] 40[3] 40[7] 4
6[5] 60[12]
8[6] 80[13]
10[7] 100[14] enum:
20[8] 200[15] 1[0]
30[9] 300[16] 2[1]
This parameter indicates
40[10] 500[17] 4[2]
the number of consecutive
50[11] 750[18] 6[3]
PDCCH sub-frames after
onDuratTimer 1280[19]
drxInactTimer 8[4]
drxRetranTimer srvPriLv4DRX
On Duration Timer for a successful decoding of a
80[13] 1920[20] 16[5]
This parameterinindicates
UE Wake-Up a DRX PDCCH indicatingTimer
DRX Inactivity initial DRX Retransmission Service Priority Level for
100[14] 2560[21] 24[6]
the number
consecutive UL or DL user data
(psf) Specifies the(psf)
Timer maximum DRX
200[15] 0[22] 33[7]
PDCCH sub-frames at the transmission for a UE. number of consecutive
beginning of a DRX The UE needs to PDCCH-subframe(s) for
model default: 8 model default: 10 model default: 4 model default: 0
cycle, during which the continuously monitor the as soon as a DL The parameter indicates
UE monitors the PDCCH number of PDCCH sub- retransmission is expected priority of DRX parameter
in PDCCH sub-frames. frames. by the UE. inter QCI.

-- -- -- --
100[14] 100[14] 8[4] 0
100[14] 100[14] 8[4] 0
100[14] 100[14] 8[4] 0
8[6] 60[12] 8[4] 0
5[4] 10[7] 8[4] 0
100[14] 100[14] 8[4] 0
10[7] 10[7] 8[4] 0
2[1] 40[10] 8[4] 0
2[1] 40[10] 8[4] 0
2[1] 40[10] 8[4] 0
5[4] 10[7] 8[4] 0
20[8] 20[8] 8[4] 0
5[4] 10[7] 8[4] 0
2[1] 40[10] 8[4] 0
5[4] 10[7] 8[4] 0
5[4] 10[7] 8[4] 0
5[4] 10[7] 8[4] 0
2[1] 40[10] 8[4] 0
20[8] 20[8] 8[4] 0
10[7] 10[7] 8[4] 0
20[8] 20[8] 8[4] 0
100[14] 100[14] 8[4] 0
2[1] 40[10] 8[4] 0
5[4] 10[7] 8[4] 0
2[1] 40[10] 8[4] 0
5[4] 20[8] 8[4] 0
DRX Switch for Each

model default: 0
This parameter enables or
disables DRX for each

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
This timer will be started
after eNB sends Initial UE
NE_Name ldn moId initialUETimer
message to the core
network, it will be
NE Name LDN MO ID stopped if initial
Initial UE Timercontext
This parameter sets the setup message or DL
string:length[1..255] model default: 16000
unique ID of the managed direct message is
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 step: 10
object. It is of the string received, else, an
type and can be abnormal processing will
NE Name LDN configured as planned. be triggered.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 16000
This timer is started after
the eNodeB sends an RRC This timer will be started
This timer will be started Connection after eNB sends RRC This timer will be started
after eNB sends path rrcReCfgTimer
Reconfiguration message rrcReEstTimer
connection re-establish afterrrcSetupTimer
eNB sends RRC
Timer to Wait for the
switch request to the core to a UE.
is stopped if an message to UE; it will
RRC Re-Establish be
Timer connection setup message
Path Switch itTimer
will be
(ms) RRC Connection
Completed Message (ms) stopped
(ms)if RRC toRRC
UE, itSetup
will Timer
be stopped
(ms) if
long:[10..10000] long:[10..65000] long:[10..6000] long:[10..16000]
stopped if path switch Reconfiguration Complete connections re-establish RRC connection setup
model default: 5000 model default: 8000 model default: 3000 model default: 2000
response message is message or an RRC message is received, if complete message is
step: 10 step: 10 step: 10 step: 10
received, and else, an Connection Re- Timer is expired, an received, and else, an
abnormal processing will establishment message is abnormal processing will abnormal processing will
be triggered. received. be triggered. be triggered.

-- -- -- --
5000 8000 3000 2000
This parameter sets the
timer for S1 release
requests. After the
This timer will be started eNodeB sends a UE
This timer will be started after the source of hand Context Release Request
after eNB sends RRC over sends hand over message to the core
connection release s1HoPrepareTimer
required message to the s1HoOverAllTimer
This timer will be started ueCtxRelReqTimer
network, the timer is
message to UE in Release
RRC Connection order to core network
S1 HO when
Prepare hand
Timer after
S1 HOthe Overall
source of hand
Timer started.
Timer forAfter a UE
S1 Release
RRC connection
(ms) over starts(ms)
on S1, it will over receives
(ms)handover Context Release(ms)
Requests message
long:[10..3000] long:[10..20000] long:[10..65000] long:[10..10000]
release message is be stopped if hand over command from the MME is received from the core
model default: 200 model default: 10000 model default: 15000 model default: 10000
successfully sent to UE, message from the core when hand over starts on network, this timer is
step: 10 step: 10 step: 10 step: 10
the local instance of eNB network is received, else, S1, it will be stopped if stopped. If this timer has
will not be released until an abnormal processing release message from the expired, the UE instance
Timer is expired. will be triggered. core network is received. is released.

-- -- -- --
200 10000 15000 5000
This parameter sets the
timer for the response to
UE capability enquiry. If an abnormal processing
This timer will be started After sending a UE is triggered in eNB when
after the source of hand capability enquiry UE context is initialing,
over sends hand over message to a UE, the this timer will be started
request message to the This timer will be started eNodeB starts this timer. after eNB sends initial UE
destination when hand x2HoRelTimer
after the source of ueCapaTimer ueSetupFailTimer
Timerreceiving a UE
for UE to Wait context failure message to
over starts
X2 HO on X2,Timer
Prepare it will X2handover
HO Overallreceives
Timer forcapability
Response the core network, it will
be stopped if hand over
(ms) handover(ms)request message from (ms)the UE, the UEbe stopped when
Setup Fail release
Timer (ms)
long:[10..6000] long:[10..65000] long:[10..10000] long:[10..1200]
message from the acknowledge message eNodeB stops this timer. UE context message from
model default: 5000 model default: 10000 model default: 4000 model default: 600
destination is received, if from the destination , it If the timer expires, the the core network is
step: 10 step: 10 step: 10 step: 10
Timer is expired, an will be stopped if release exception handling received, if this timer is
abnormal processing will message from the procedure is triggered and expired, eNB will release
be triggered. destination is received. the UE is released. the UE.

-- -- -- --
5000 10000 2000 600
This timer will be started
after eNB sends
mmand message to UE
when CCO is triggered, it s1RsdSetupDftTmr s1RsndUptDftTmr x2RsdSetupDftTmr
will be stopped when S1 Setup Default Resend S1 Update Default Resend X2 Setup Default Resend
CCO message
Release or RRC
Timer (ms) Timer (ms) Timer (ms) Timer (ms)
long:[10..30000] long:[10..20000] long:[10..20000] long:[10..20000]
connection re-establish If time-to-wait is not in S1 If time-to-wait is not in
model default: 5000 model default: 10000 model default: 10000 model default: 10000
message from the core If time-to-wait is not in S1 update fail message X2 setup fail message
step: 10 step: 10 step: 10 step: 10
network is received, if this setup fail message during during S1 update during X2 setup
timer is expired, eNB will S1 setup procedure, this procedure, this timer will procedure, this timer will
release the instance of UE. timer will be started. be started. be started.

-- -- -- --
5000 10000 10000 10000
procedure. In the X2
update procedure, if no
time-to-wait field is
carried in an X2 Update
Fail message returned by
the peer, the timer with
the duration configured by
parameter is started. s1SetupRspTimer s1ResetAckTimer s1UptAckTimer
When the local
X2 Update end
Default S1 Wait for Setup S1 Wait for Reset Ack S1 Wait for Update Ack
Resendan X2 Update
Timer (ms) Response Timer (ms) Timer (ms) Timer (ms)
long:[10..20000] long:[10..20000] long:[10..20000] long:[10..20000]
Ack message from the This timer is used for eNB This timer is used for eNB
model default: 10000 model default: 10000 model default: 10000 model default: 10000
peer, the timer is stopped. This timer is used for eNB to wait for reset to wait for update
step: 10 step: 10 step: 10 step: 10
When the timer expires, to wait for response acknowledge message acknowledge message
the local end resends an message from MME in S1 from MME in S1 reset from MME in S1 update
X2 Update message. setup procedure. procedure. procedure.

-- -- -- --
10000 10000 10000 10000
x2SetupRspTimer x2ResetAckTimer x2UptAckTimer rimInitRptTmr
The Timer for RIM
X2 Wait for Setup X2 Wait for Reset Ack X2 Wait for Update Ack Waiting for Initial-Report
Response Timer (ms) Timer (ms) Timer (ms) (ms)
long:[10..20000] long:[10..20000] long:[10..20000] long:[10..20000]
This timer is used for eNB This timer is used for eNB This timer is used for eNB
model default: 10000 model default: 10000 model default: 10000 model default: 15000
to wait for setup response to wait for reset to wait for update The parameter is used to
step: 10 step: 10 step: 10 step: 10
message from the peer acknowledge message acknowledge message wait for initial report
eNB in X2 setup from the peer eNB in X2 from the peer eNB in X2 message in RIM
procedure. reset procedure. update procedure. procedure

-- -- -- --
10000 10000 10000 15000
Duration for Waiting for The Timer for RIM
rimResndReqTmr rimEndResndTmr rimStopAckTmr x2ResStatusRspT
Resending Multiple Receiving End Message The Timer for RIM The Timer for Waiting X2
Report Requests in the and Waiting for Waiting for Stopping Resource Status
RIM Procedure (ms) The Resending
parameter is(ms)
used to ACK (ms) This timer is used for eNB
long:[10..20000] long:[10..10000000] long:[10..20000] long:[10..10000]
This parameter indicates wait for resending request to wait for resource status
model default: 15000 model default: 6000000 model default: 15000 model default: 10000
the duration for resending message after END The parameter is used to response message from
step: 10 step: 10 step: 10 step: 10
requests after the peer cell indication message is wait for stop acknowledge the peer eNB in resource
expires in the RIM received in RIM message in RIM status reporting initiation
procedure. procedure. procedure. procedure.

-- -- -- --
15000 6000000 15000 10000
Pong timer. The
parameter indicates the
The timer starts when the penalty timer used for
UPLINK S1 CDMA2000 preventing repeated
TUNNELING handover. When a UE is
message(RAT: 1XRTT, handover from cell A to
CDMA2000 HO Required cell B , the preventing
csfbMeasTimer TheanrReportTimer
parameter is Timer cdmaHoPrepareTimer
Indication=true) pingPongTmr
The Timer for Waiting CDMA Tunneling isHO repeated handover Timer
CSFB Measurement which
Wait is
ANR to Report
wait for sent ,andTimer
Prepare closesfor
When the will be started in cell B, If
In CSFB scene,(s)Timer is
Report ANR reports from UEs.
Timer (ms) DOWNLINK
(ms) S1 Timer does not
Ping-Pong expired,
Timer (s) it
double:[1..30] long:[10..65530] long:[10..20000]
opened when eNB sends When it expires,the base CDMA2000 is not allowed to handover
model default: 5.0 model default: 1200 model default: 10000 long:[0..30]
the measurement station check if PCI TUNNELING back to the cell A. The
step: 0.5 step: 10 step: 10 model default: 2
Configuration and is conflict or confusion message(RAT: 1XRTT, parameter is valid when
closed when measurement exists from the CDMA2000 HO Status IE switch for Ping-Pong is
report is received. information. included) is received. open.

-- -- -- --
5.0 1200 10000 3
This parameter is the
Handover punish timer .If If the value of
This parameter is the handOverPunishTmr
eNodeb waitDCEstatusIndTmr
receive S1 or X2 Timer rrcAccessLBMeasTimer
ucUEAccessLBSwch in
for Waiting ICS
Store in
Timer Handover
Handover prepare failure
Punish Timer DCE RNC CELL LoadManagement
Timer of RRC Accessequals
target eNB(ms)
needs to store with cause(s)
of No Radio STATUS IND (s) 2, When
Load RRC Access
Balancing (ms)
UE context, the UE waits Resources Available in Load balancing is applied,
long:[10..60000] long:[0..60] long:[600..60000] model default: 2000
for the re-establishment of Target Cell,then eNodeb This parameter indicates eNodeB will start this
model default: 5000 model default: 3 model default: 4000 step: 10
the RRC message in order can't handover to this the timer for waiting iCS timer. When this timer
to detect the handover target cell within DCE RNC CELL times out, eNodeB will try
fault. Handover punish Time. STATUS IND. to delete the A4.

-- -- -- --
5000 3 4000 2000
edSwch parameter is set
to Open. Otherwise, the
delivered service-based The parameter indicates
handover measurement the Intra-RAT Ping-Pong This parameter is the
configuration is deleted. last prevent timer, when timer of waiting for an
The parameter value the CIO adjustment to ECGI measurement report This parameter is the
65535 indicates that the achieve the maximum during handover towards timer of Event
timer duration is infinite, intraRATPiPoLaPrTimer
number of times, if waitECGITimer
an open eventMeTim4CASelfCfg
Timer ofFemto cell.
Waiting ECGIIf a Measurement for CA
Timer of Event
that is, the
Timer eNodeB does
of Measurement continue to
Intra-RAT occur Intra-
Ping-Pong valid measurement
Last Report When Handoverreportto SelfConfiguration.
Measurement for CA Upon
not based
redirect any UE to the
Service(ms) RAT Ping-Pong
Prevent within
Timer(ms) is received
Open Femtobefore the
Cell(ms) event measurement for
long:[1000..10000] long:[1000..60000] long:[1000..2000] long:[1000..10000]
target frequency or delete the test time, eNB need to timer expires, handover Overlap calculation
model default: 2000 model default: 5000 model default: 1200 model default: 5000
the delivered service- recover the CIO and start towards the cell is configurate, eNodeb will
step: 10 step: 10 step: 100 step: 10
based handover this timer to prevent the permitted; otherwise, start this timer. If it time
measurement handover for Ping-Pong handover towards the cell out, eNodeb will delete all
configuration. cell. is not permitted. event measurement.

-- -- -- --
2000 5000 1200 5000
timer of eMBMS mobility
measurement. When the
eNodeB delivers the This parameter sets the
eMBMS mobility period from the time when This parameter indicates
measurement the eNodeB sends an E- the timer for waiting the
configuration, the timer is RAB modification measurement report after
started. When the UE This parameter is the indication message to the migBaseUEPosiMeasTim
a user location-based
reports an eMBMS pSCellAddPunishTmr
timer for PSCell addition erabModConfirmTimer
time when the eNodeB er
migration measurement
Measurement Timer for
measurement report, the
Timer of eMBMS punishment. If the
PSCell Addition receives
E-RAB aModification
modification configuration
Migrate User is delivered.
timer is stopped.
Mobility When
Measurment (s) eNodeB receives
Punishment Timeran (s)
X2 Confirmation
Timer (ms) If thePosition(s)
user fails to be
the timer expires, the SgNB Addition Reject message. If no response is handed over after the
long:[1..1800] long:[0..60] model default: 1000 long:[1..1800]
eNodeB deletes the message, it cannot add the received after the timer timer expires, the eNodeB
model default: 300 model default: 3 step: 10 model default: 1800
delivered eMBMS target NR cell as a PSCell times out, the eNodeB deletes the user location-
mobility measurement within the time specified performs a fault handling based migration
configuration. by this timer. procedure. measurement.

-- -- -- --
300 3 500 1800
from the SN in the SN
This parameter sets the addition, SN modification,
timer that is used to delete and SN release procedures This parameter sets the
the measurement A4 for respectively. If no timer for waiting the
SCell addition for the response is received After sending a UE measurement report after
fixed terminals that do not before the timer expires, it capability request a measurement
move when
Timer there is no
of Deleting indicates that an error message to an eMTC UE, configuration for EN-DC
coverage. When dCPrepTimer emtcUeCapaTimer measTimer4EnDcAnchor
Measurements A4the
for occurs in the the
Timer eNodeB
for eMTCstarts thisto
UEs anchor-based
Timer foris
SCell AdditionA4in for
the corresponding
DC Preparation procedure.
Timer timer.
WaitWhen receiving a
for Capability sent.
EN-DCIf the measurement
of Noaddition is (s) The timer is
Coverage used in NSA UE capability
(ms) response
Response (ms) reportHandover(ms)
fails to be received
double:[0.1..3600] long:[10..20000] long:[100..30000] long:[1000..1800000,
delivered, the timer starts. scenarios to monitor the message from the eMTC after the timer expires, the
model default: 10.0 model default: 1000 model default: 6000 4294967290]
When the timer expires, time and status of UE, the eNodeB stops this eNodeB deletes the
step: 0.1 step: 10 step: 100 model default: 4000
the remaining message processing timer. If the timer expires, measurement
measurement A4 is between LTE and NR the exception handling configuration for EN-DC
deleted. sites. procedure is triggered. anchor-based handover.

-- -- -- --
10.0 1000 6000 4000
when other measurement This parameter sets the
configuration conditions delay start timer of the
This parameter sets the are met, so that the UE directional migration of
This parameter sets the ping-pong handover can fast return to the 5G SA UEs relative to EN-
timer for waiting for the penalty timer for SRVCC. cell. This timer is started DC anchoring. If the
measurement report after If the number of times when the UE hangs up a Hybrid-Mode NSA and
a B1 measurement sRVCCPingPongPunishTi
that an SRVCC handover call in the 4G cell. This SAStart
Delay for EN-
configuration forB1
EN-DC fails withinmerthe detection epsFBEndFRMeasTimer
timer is stopped nSA4SADelayTimer
Timer for Ping-Pong Handover Timer for Fast when
Returnthe Configuration
DC parameterto
Anchoring Relative
SN addition isfor
Measurement sent. If the
EN-DC duration reaches
Penalty thefor
Timer upper UEAfter
sendsEPSa measurement
Fallback is set
the to SA Priority,
Directional the
SN Additionreport
(ms)fails limit, this timer needs to
SRVCC(s) report End(ms)
for fast return. eNodeB
of SApreferentially
UEs (ms)
long:[1000..1800000, long:[0..1800000]
to be received after the be started to disable After the timer times out, triggers directional
4294967290] long:[1..3600, 65535] long:[1..60000, 65535] model default: 5000
timer expires, the eNodeB SRVCC handover. Note: the eNodeB deletes the migration of SA UEs. EN-
model default: 4000 model default: 65535 model default: 5000 step: 10
deletes the measurement If this parameter is set to measurement DC anchoring is started
configuration for EN-DC 65535, the penalty timer configuration for fast after the period specified
SN addition. is infinity. return of the UE. by this parameter.

-- -- -- --
4294967290 65535 5000 5000
This parameter sets the
timer for waiting the
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the measurement report after
delay start timer for CA This parameter sets the timer for waiting for the a measurement
anchoring relative to EN- delay start timer for CA measurement report after voLTEQualHOMeasTime
configuration for voice
mer For NSA
DC anchoring. cA4SNAddDelayTimer
anchoring sADirectMigMeasTimer r
Delay Start Timer for CA Delay Startrelative to SN
Timer for CA aDirectional
migration quality-based
Timer foris
UEs, the Relative
Anchoring eNodeB to addition. For
Anchoring NSA UEs,
Relative to SN measurement
Measurement Timer of sent. If the
Voice UE fails to be
preferentially triggers(ms)
EN-DC Anchoring EN- the eNodeB preferentially
Addition (ms) configuration
SA UEs is (s)
sent to an handed over after the
long:[0..1800000] long:[0..1800000]
DC anchoring and CA triggers SN addition and SA UE. If the user fails to timer expires, the eNodeB
model default: 4000 model default: 4000 long:[1..1800] long:[1..3600, 65535]
anchoring is started after CA anchoring is started be migrated after the timer deletes the measurement
step: 10 step: 10 model default: 5 model default: 5
the period of time after the period of time expires, the eNodeB configuration or attempts
specified by this specified by this deletes the directional to perform a redirection
parameter. parameter. migration measurement. operation.

-- -- -- --
4000 4000 5 65535
Measurement Timer for
NR Coverage Monitoring
in EN-DC Anchor-Based
This Handover
parameter (s)
sets the
measurement timer for
monitoring the NR
model default: 5
coverage related to the
local cell in an EN-DC
anchor-based handover.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId oneXrttSID

NE Name LDN MO ID 1xRTT System ID

This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[0..32767]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. 1xRTT System ID

R Primary Key R-I

oneXrttNID oneXrttBaseID bc18-v9a0[18]
oneXrttBandClass oneXrttCarriFreq
Carrier Frequency within
1xRTT Network ID 1xRTT Base Station ID CDMA2000 Band Class a CDMA2000 Band
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[0..2047]
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
Band Class of CDMA CDMA cell carrier
1xRTT Network ID 1xRTT Base ID Cell frequency


pnOffset mscMarketId mscSwitchNum oneXrttCId
The Switch Number The Cell ID of 1xRTT
PN Offset MSC-Market ID Definition of MSC ID Cell
long:[0..511] long:[0..65535] long:[0..255] long:[0..65535]
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
The MarketID definition The SwitchNumber The Cell ID of 1xRTT
PN Offset of MSC ID definition of MSC ID Cell

R-I -- -- --
oneXrttSectorID oneXrttSectorFlag oneXrttBscId oneXrttRegZone
The Sector ID of 1xRTT The Indicator for Sector
Cell ID Needing Configuration BSC ID 1xRTT Registration Zone
If the flag is true ,then the
long:[0..15] long:[0..4095] long:[0..4095]
sector ID is the necessary
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
The Sector ID of 1xRTT then no sector ID The CDMA2000 1xRTT
Cell Configuration is need. BSC ID Registration zone

-- -- -- --
This oneXrttMCC
parameter sets the mcc mnc
Mobile CountryCode
Codefor MCC of Neighbouring MNC of Neighbouring
of a 1xRTT Cell Cell
network. It is used to
determine whether a UE
string:length[3] string:length[3] string:length[2..3]
can be handed over from
an LTE network to the
1xRTT network. Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId sonPolicyId

NE Name LDN MO ID Policy ID

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[5..17]
object. It is of the string
type and can be Policy ID, range:
NE Name LDN configured as planned. [57000..57999]

R Primary Key R-I,M

model default: Close
DTX;Open DTX;Close
PA adjust;Open PA
adjust;ES period start;ES sonReferPointPolicy_sonI
sonReferPointPolicy_son sonReferPointPolicy_son
esSwitch ReferPointID detection result
ReferPointAlias sBreakPoint
The Switch of Carrier ES Refer Point ES Refer Point
enum: notification;Exit ES
Shutdown Energy Saving Policy_Reference Point Policy_Reference Point ES Refer Point
Close[0] notification;Transaction
Function ID Alias Policy_Break Point Flag
Open[1] longArray:[0..255] ended;Close energy enumArray:[0, 1]
model default: saving cell;Open energy model default:
This parameter is used to
model default: 0 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;29;30;31 saving cell 0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;0
This parameter sets configure the reference
whether to enable the point ID. It is created by This parameter is the
energy saving function. system automatically. Reference Point Alias break point flag.

-- -- -- --
and the SON policy is set
to Controlled Mode, this
timer is started. If the
SON function is disabled
and the SON policy is set
to Free Mode, this timer is
stopped. Before the timer sonReferPointPolicy_son
times TimeOutPolicy sonFuncIdsets the sonRunMode
ESour, if aPoint
Refer manual ES Refer Point This parameter
response is received
Policy_Break or the
Point Policy_Break Point service type, 21 for PnP,
Free Mode[0]
SON function
TimeOut stops,
Length the
(min) TimeOut Policy 26 forService
SH, 43 Type
for CS, 46 Run Mode
longArray:[0..65535] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] Controlled Mode[1]
timer is stopped. After the for ANR, 47 for PCI, 48
model default: model default: long:[57]
timer times out, the for X2, 49 for MRO, 50
5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 model default: 57 model default: 0
follow-up actions of the This parameter is policy for CCO, 51 for RO, 52
procedure depend on the for the break point for MLB, 57 for ES, and
breakpoint timeout policy. timeout. 58 for MAGICRADIO. Run Mode

-- -- R-I --
Whole Network
Subnet Grading[1]
NE Grading[2] sonSpcDay_specialTimeI sonSpcDay_specialStarDa sonSpcDay_specialEndDa
Radio Mode Grading[3]
grade d teES teES
SON ES Special SON ES Special
Cell Grading[4] string string
SON ES Special Time_Special Date Start Time_Special Date End
Relation Grading[5] model default: 00-00;00- model default: 00-00;00-
Policy Grade Time_Special Time ID Date of Energy Saving Date of Energy Saving
Reserved[6] longArray:[0..255] 00;00-00;00-00;00-00;00- 00;00-00;00-00;00-00;00-
model default: 00;00-00;00-00;00-00;00- 00;00-00;00-00;00-00;00-
model default: 2 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10 00 00
Special Date Start Date of Special Date End Date of
Policy Grade Special Time ID Energy Saving Energy Saving

R-I -- -- --
This parameter specifies This parameter specifies
the start time of SON the end time of SON The parameter is the cell The parameter is the cell
energy saving in special sonSpcDay_specialEndTi
energy saving in special shutdown workday start shutdown workday end
days, meES meES workdayStarTimeES workdayEndTimeES
Special days,
SONfor ESexample,
Special time
Cell of energyWorkday
Shutdown saving time
Cell of energyWorkday
Shutdown saving
stringArray:length[1..20] stringArray:length[1..20]
holidays Date
Time_Special and Start holidays Date
Time_Special and End configured
Start Timeby of Network
Energy configured
End Time by of Network
model default: model default:
Time of Energy The start
Saving anniversaries.
Time of EnergyThe end
Saving Planning
Savingand Planning
00:00;00:00;00:00;00:00; 00:00;00:00;00:00;00:00;
time is described by four time is described by four Optimization operators or Optimization operators or
00:00;00:00;00:00;00:00; 00:00;00:00;00:00;00:00; string:length[1..20] string:length[1..20]
bits: bit 1 for the month, bits: bit 1 for the month, operator.The two values operator.The two values
00:00;00:00 00:00;00:00 model default: 00:00 model default: 00:00
bit 2 for the day, bit 3 for bit 2 for the day, bit 3 for of the parameter of the parameter
the hour, and bit 4 for the the hour, and bit 4 for the corresponds to the hour corresponds to the hour
minute. minute. and minute respectively. and minute respectively.

-- -- -- --
The parameter is the cell The parameter is the cell
shutdown weekend start shutdown Weekend end
year of energyWeekend
saving weekendEndTimeES
time of energyWeekend
saving switchESTime staticPeriodES
Cell Shutdown Cell Shutdown
Start Timeby of Network
Energy configured
End Timeby of Network
Energy The parameter
Switch is used ES
of Determined to The Static Period of ES
Manual Config[0]
Savingand Planning
Savingand determine whether the
Time (day)
Auto Compute[1]
Optimization operators or Optimization operators or energy saving time is
string:length[1..20] string:length[1..20] long:[5..10]
operator.The two values operator.The two values configured by Planning
model default: 00:00 model default: 00:00 model default: 0 model default: 5
of the parameter of the parameter and Optimization The parameter indicates
corresponds to the hour corresponds to the hour operators or determined the static period of load
and minute respectively. and minute respectively. dynamic by OMC . for energy saving.

-- -- -- --
This parameter indicates
the maximum uplink load
tolerable for a
The Max Tolerance Load The Max Tolerance Load compensation cell when
UL Load Threshold
allowedTimeES trdLoadESUp trdLoadESDown resPRBUp
an energy savingofcell is
The Shortest Time of Threshold Uplink of Threshold Downlink of Tolerance
Energy Saving Allowed Energy Saving Cell while Energy Saving Cell while shut down. TheCells
Compensation energy
(hr) Switching Off (%) Switching Off (%) saving cellShutdown
ES Cell cannot be(%)
down if the sum of the
long:[2..24] long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[1..100]
The Max Tolerance Load The Max Tolerance Load uplink load on the
model default: 2 model default: 5 model default: 5 model default: 15
The parameter sets the Threshold Uplink of Threshold Downlink of compensation cell and the
shortest time of energy Energy Saving Cell while Energy Saving Cell while energy saving cell is
saving (unit: hours). Switching off. Switching off. higher than this threshold.

-- -- -- --
This parameter indicates
the threshold tolerance of
This parameter indicates the number of packet
the maximum downlink service UEs failing to be
load tolerable for a handed over
Threshold when anof
compensation cell when
DL Load Threshold energy saving cell
The Number is shut
of Packet Time Window for
an energy savingofcell is numTrdFailRemoveUE
down. If the number switchoffTimeWindow esDTXSwitch
Tolerance Service UEs With of Observing Switched-off
shut down. TheCells
Compensation energy
for packet service
Handover UEs failing
Failures for Energy Saving Cells This parameter
The Switch is the
of DTX
saving cellShutdown
ES Cell cannot be(%)
shut to be handed
Carrier over is less
Shutdown (min) DTX Saving
Energy energy Function
down if the sum of the than or equal to this This parameter indicates switch. When it is set to
long:[1..100] long:[1..5] long:[3..10]
downlink load on the threshold, carrier the time window for Open, the DTX function
model default: 15 model default: 1 model default: 5 model default: 0
compensation cell and the shutdown is allowed; observing the load on a is enabled. When it is set
energy saving cell is otherwise, carrier cell after the cell is to Close, the DTX
higher than this threshold. shutdown is not allowed. switched off. function is disabled.

-- -- -- --
This parameter is the
voltage dynamic adjust
function for energy rbInterval thrClosesets the
This parameter thrOpensets the
This parameter
saving. When of
The Switch it is
VDAset to MAC Statistic Interval threshold
RB UsageofThreshold
RB usageforfor threshold
RB UsageofThreshold
RB usagefor
Energy the voltage
Saving Function (ms) closing
(%) opening
Open[1] long:[10..2550]
dynamic adjustment the RB usage is lower the RB usage is higher
model default: 100 long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
function is enabled. When than the threshold, than the threshold,
model default: 0 step: 10 model default: 40 model default: 60
it is set to Close, the subframes can be closed; subframes can be opened;
voltage dynamic adjust otherwise, subframes otherwise, subframes
function is disabled. MAC Statistic Interval cannot be closed. cannot be opened.

-- -- -- --
another carrier shutdown
occurs after the previous
carrier shutdown
occurred. When another
carrier shutdown occurs
after the previous carrier
Hysteresis occurred,
of Energythis
windowNum sWindow increaseRB timerintervalESTimerLen
is started.
How Many Short Short Window for Saving CellBefore
to be the
Windows in One Long Statistic Allot RB timer timesre-enter
awakened out, carrier
Window Numbers (ms) Increase RB Numbers shutdown detection
energy saving for
energy-saving is not
long:[5..10] long:[100..200] long:[5..20] long:[0..60]
This parameter sets the performed. After the timer
model default: 8 model default: 125 model default: 10 model default: 15
number of short time Short Window for times out, carrier
windows contained in a Statistic Allot RB shutdown detection for
long time window. Numbers Increase RB Numbers energy-saving starts.

-- -- -- --
Theparameter set the
Max Tolerance
Number ofnumber of UEs
Packet Service
with dataUE services
in in the
case of intra-RAT carrier
shutdown of energy ngbrPrbConvSwitch rfShutdownSwitch rfShutdownDelayTime
Intra-RAT Energy Saving The Switch of NGBR The Switch of RF The Time Window of
enum: enum:
when If Carrier
the number Service
If this parameter is set
Occupation PRBto Shutdown Energy Saving Observing for Channel
Close[0] Close[0]
of UEs with data services Open, Conversion
Shutdown the conversion of Function Off (min)
Open[1] Open[1]
in an energy saving cell is PRBs occupied by the
long:[0..255] long:[0..255]
smaller than this NGBR service is This parameter sets
model default: 4 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 10
threshold, carrier implemented; otherwise, whether to enable the RF The parameter sets the
shutdown is allowed for the conversion is not shutdown function for time window of switching
the energy saving cell. implemented. energy saving. off for channel off.

-- -- -- --
This parameter sets the
maximum tolerable
number of UEs in
status when the channel is
The down. When the
Max Tolerance
interRatLoadSwitch trdLoadOffChanESDown
This trdLoadOnChanESDown trdNumUEOffChanES
The Switch of Getting DLparameter indicates
Load Threshold This
DLparameter indicates
Load Threshold number
Numberof ofUEs
UE in
Inter-RAT Cell Load for the maximum
Tolerance downlink
for Channel Off the maximum
Tolerance downlink
for Channel on RRC_CONNECTED
Energy Saving Cell load tolerance
(%) in the case load tolerance
(%) in the case status is Channel
while lower than
This parameter sets of channel shutdown. The of channel switch-on. The threshold, the channel is
long:[0..100] long:[1..100] long:[0..254]
whether to enable the channel cannot be shut channel is switched on if allowed to be shut down;
model default: 1 model default: 10 model default: 55 model default: 5
RIM function to get IRAT down if the downlink load the downlink load on the otherwise, the channel is
cell load information for on the cell is higher than cell is higher than this not allowed to be shut
the energy saving cell. this threshold. threshold. down.

-- -- -- --
number of UEs, this timer
is started. Before the timer
times out, the system
This parameter indicates calculates the system load
the number of UEs in and counts the number of
RRC_CONNECTED UEs. After the timer times
status whenTolerance
Threshold a channelof
is out, the system checks
trdNumUEOnChanES detectNumber esEDTXSwch 10[3]
shut down. If the number
The Number of The Number of Detection The Switch of MBSFN whether the number of
enum: 30[4]
of UEs in
RRC_CONNECTED UEs of Energy Saving DTX Energy Saving times that the
the period of channel
Close[0] 60[5]
for Channel on Condition Function woken up channel
load for is larger on
Open[1] 120[6]
status is larger than or This parameter sets the equal to the threshold. If
long:[0..255] long:[2..10]
equal to this threshold, number of times that the This parameter enables or yes, the system shuts
model default: 12 model default: 3 model default: 0 model default: 0
channel shutdown is not energy saving cell disables symbol shutdown down the channel. If not,
allowed; otherwise, carrier continuously checks the based on MBSFN the system continues the
shutdown is allowed. energy saving conditions. subframes. detection.

-- -- -- --
control the time when
another channel shutdown
occurs after the previous
channel shutdown
occurred. When another
channel shutdown occurs
after the previous channel
shutdown occurred, esIRATSwch reservedCapacityThrUL reservedCapacityThrDL
The Shortest Time this
of The Threshold of This parameter
The Threshold sets
timer is started.
Duration Before
Allowed the Switch for Inter-RAT
while This parameter
Reserved sets for
Capacity the thresholdCapacity
Reserved of capacity
timer timeson
Channel out, channel
(minute) Energy Saving threshold
Uplink of capacity
Energy Saving margin ofEnergy
Downlink a downlink
energy-saving detection is margin of an uplink absolute cell for energy
long:[0..60] long:[0..400] long:[0..400]
not performed. After the absolute cell for energy saving. It is used to avoid
model default: 15 model default: 0 model default: 50 model default: 50
timer times out, channel This parameter enables or saving. It is used to avoid downlink overload in
energy-saving detection disables inter-RAT energy uplink overload in lower- lower-level basic
starts. saving for the eNodeB. level basic coverage cells. coverage cells.

-- -- -- --
channel-off starting time channel-off ending time
on workdays for energy on workdays for energy
This parameter sets the saving. In most cases, it is saving. In most cases, it is
the number configured by network configured by network
of dataofservice
Number Packetusers
Service planning and optimization planning and optimization
allowed when
UE inthe inter- personnel or operators. personnel or operators.
RAT carrier in the energy chanlOffWorkdayStarTim chanlOffWorkdayEndTim chanlOffWeekendStarTim
RRC_CONNECTED for workdayStarTimeES[0]: workdayEndTimeES[0]: This parameter indicates
saving cellEnergy
is shut Saving
down. starting eES
time eES eESof channel
Inter-RAT Channel off(hour) of the ending time
Workday (hour) of the the start time
Channel off Weekend
When thewhen
Cell number of data energy-saving
Carrier Start Time oftime period Channel
Energy energy-saving time period
off Workday End off forTime
Start energyofsaving
service users
Shutdownis lower than on
Saving on Saving weekendsSaving
Time of Energy configured by
the threshold, the carrier is workdaysworkdayStarTim workdaysworkdayEndTim network planning and
long:[5..20] string:length[1..20] string:length[1..20] string:length[1..20]
allowed to be shut down; eES[1]: starting time eES[1]: ending time optimization engineers.
model default: 10 model default: 00:00 model default: 00:00 model default: 00:00
otherwise, the carrier is (minute) of the energy- (minute) of the energy- The two values represent
not allowed to be shut saving time period on saving time period on hour and minute
down. workdays workdays respectively.

-- -- -- --
channel-off ending time
on weekends for energy
saving. In most cases, it is
configured by network
planning and optimization
personnel or operators.
weekendEndTimeES[0]: The parameter is the start The parameter is the end The parameter is the start
ending timeeES dtxWorkdayStarTimeES
(hour) of the time of OFDM dtxWorkdayEndTimeES dtxWeekendStarTimeES
OFDM Symbolsymbol off time
Shutdown OFDM of OFDM
Symbolsymbol off time
Shutdown OFDM of OFDM
Symbolsymbol off
Channel time period
off Weekend End for workday
Workday configured
Start Time of for workday
Workday Endconfigured
Time of for weekend
Weekend configured
Start Time of
on Saving by Network
Time of Energy EnergyPlanning
Saving and by NetworkEnergyPlanning
Saving and by NetworkEnergyPlanning
Saving and
weekendsweekendEndTi Optimization Optimization Optimization
string:length[1..20] string:length[1..20] string:length[1..20] string:length[1..20]
meES[1]: ending time operators.The two values operators.The two values operators.The two values
model default: 00:00 model default: 00:00 model default: 00:00 model default: 00:00
(minute) of the energy- of the parameter of the parameter of the parameter
saving time period on corresponds to the hour corresponds to the hour corresponds to the hour
weekends and minute respectively. and minute respectively. and minute respectively.

-- -- -- --
The parameter is the start The parameter is the end The parameter is the start
The parameter is the end time of dynamic PA Biss time of dynamic PA Biss time of dynamic PA Biss
time of OFDM vdaWorkdayStarTimeES vdaWorkdayEndTimeES vdaWeekendStarTimeES
OFDM Symbolsymbol off Dynamic
Shutdown Voltage off
PA for workday
Biss Voltage off
Voltage Dynamic PA for workday
Biss Voltage Voltage off
Dynamic PAfor weekend
Biss Voltage
for weekend
Weekend Endconfigured configuredWorkday
Time of Shutdown by Network
Start configured
Workday Endby Network
Time of configuredStart
Weekend by Network
Time of
by Network
Saving and TimePlanning
of Energyand
Saving Planning
Energy and
Saving Planning
Energy and
Optimization Optimization Optimization Optimization
string:length[1..20] string:length[1..20] string:length[1..20] string:length[1..20]
operators.The two values operators.The two values operators.The two values operators.The two values
model default: 00:00 model default: 00:00 model default: 00:00 model default: 00:00
of the parameter of the parameter of the parameter of the parameter
corresponds to the hour corresponds to the hour corresponds to the hour corresponds to the hour
and minute respectively. and minute respectively. and minute respectively. and minute respectively.

-- -- -- --
This parameter indicates
the threshold tolerance of
This parameter indicates the number of VoLTE
The parameter is the end the threshold tolerance of UEs failingTolerance
Threshold to be handed
time of dynamic PA Biss Threshold
the numberTolerance
of VoLTE of over
The when an
Number ofenergy
Voltage off volteUeNumThrd volteUeFailNumThrd dtxOffDetectNumber
Dynamic PA for weekend
Biss Voltage UEs
Numbera carrier is shut
of VoLTE saving cell isHandover
UEs With shut down. Number of Detecting
Weekend End by Network downfor
Time of UEs inCarrier
an energy saving
Shutdown If the number
Failures forof VoLTE
Carrier Periods for OFDM
Energy and
Saving cell. If the number
in Energy Saving of UEs
Cells UEs failing to be handed
Shutdown Symbol off
Optimization with VoLTE services is over is less than or equal If the load meets the cycle
string:length[1..20] long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[1..50]
operators.The two values less than this threshold, to this threshold, carrier requirement specified by
model default: 00:00 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 10
of the parameter carrier shutdown is shutdown is allowed; this parameter for
corresponds to the hour allowed; otherwise, carrier otherwise, carrier consecutive times, the
and minute respectively. shutdown is not allowed. shutdown is not allowed. subframes are shut down.

-- -- -- --
the maximum number of
subframes that can be
closed when the subframe
is to be closed. If the
number of subframe that
This parameter indicates can be closed is greater
whether to consider QCI5 than this prameter value,
dtxOnDetectNumber 0[0]
Number of Detecting users orqci5Swch
not. If the switch maxCloseFrameNum
the closing subframes crsPowerAdjust
enum: 1[1]
Periods for OFDM is open, the subframe number
Maximum is equal to this
Number of The Adjust Power Offset
Close[0] 2[2]
If the load meetson
Symbol the cycle shouldQCI5
not be closed and
Switch parameter
Subframes value;
to Be Closed of CRS (dB)
Open[1] 3[3]
requirement specified by the closed subframe need otherwise, the closed
long:[1..10] long:[0..10]
this parameter for to be opened while the subframes number is
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 10 model default: 0
consecutive times, the QCI5 users exist; equal to the number of The parameter is used to
subframes are switched otherwise, it has no effect sunframe which can be determine the adjust
on. on the closed subframe. closed. power offset of CRS.

-- -- -- --
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
threshold of the number of threshold of the number of
volteUeNumThrdChannel enum:
voice users allowed when volteUeNumThrdChannel
voice users allowed when rfWakeupTimeWinNumP
This parameter indicates
off on Voltage Dynamic
esVDAType rbof detected
the channel is shut down. the channel is awakened. the numberof
Number Detected
When the number
VoLTE of voice IfVoLTE
UE Number the number of voice
UE Number PRBs in
PRBs in the
the Case
case of
Voltage Dynamic Adjust
Threshold users
lower than users is larger
off Threshold than oron
for Channel Energy Saving Type channel-on.
ChannelIf the
the threshold, the channel equal to the threshold, the of detected PRBs in the
long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[1..255]
is allowed to be shut channel is awakened Voltage Dynamic Adjust case of channel-off is
model default: 2 model default: 5 model default: 1 model default: 1
down; otherwise, the immediately; otherwise, Energy Saveing is divided larger than or equal to this
carrier is not allowed to be the channel is not into dynamic and semi configured value, the
shut down. wakened. dynamic. channel is woken up.

-- -- -- --
This parameter indicates
the mode of RRU self- This parameter indicates
checking. If an RRU This parameter indicates the mode of MM cell
This parameter indicates supports self-checking, the mode of MM cell channel off. The value of
the number of detected the RRU can perform carrier shutdown. AAU is the parameter is set to
UEs in symbol power judgment turned off according to the Close DL. When channel
RRC_CONNECTED state by baseband dispatch value of the parameter. If shutdown, only the
rc channel-on. when this enum:
notifyBBFlag cellEsMode chOffMode
in the case
Number of of
Detected UEs parameter is set the parameter value is set downlink transmit power
Enhanced RRU Self- enum: enum:
in the number of detected to Enhanced
in The Mode of RRU
RRU Self- to CellofShutdown,
Self- Mode AAU
MM Cell Carrier is turned
Mode of off.
Check[0] Carrier Shutdown[0] Close DL[0]
the caseUEs in
of Channel on Check. Otherwise, it
Checking will close PA,TRX,SOC; parameter
Shutdown valueOff
Channel is set to
RRU Self-Check[1] Deep Dormancy[1] Close DL and UL[1]
RRC_CONNECTED state means RRU perform while the parameter value Close DL and UL, the
in the case of channel-off symbol judgment by is set to Deep Dormancy, uplink and downlink
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
is larger than or equal to itself. If RRU does not AAU close all power transmit powers are turned
this configured value, the support self-checking, this except heartbeat power off when channel
channel is woken up. parameter is invalid. between AAU and BBU. shutdown.

-- -- -- --
minimum uplink PRB used to determine whether downlink PRB usage
usage threshold for the the cell that provides basic threshold for the LTE
LTE cells that provide coverage can wake cells that provide basic
basic coverage to wake up energy-saving NR cells coverage to wake up
energy-saving NR cells. If up. In a basic covering energy-saving NR cells. If
the uplink PRB usage of a Threshold
cell, if the for
number of UEs the downlink PRB usage
the Number
UL covering cell isThreshold
PRB Usage higher that
of UEssupport
in thethe NR
Basic- of aPRB
DL basicUsage
covering cell is
chOffRatio prbThrCellOnUl cellOnUeNumThrd prbThrCellOnDl
Proportion of the than
for theor equal to this
Basic-Coverage capability is larger
Coverage than or for
Cell for higher than or equal to
the Basic-Coverage
Close 1/4[0]
Shutdown Antennas in threshold, the condition
Cell to Activate NR equal to this threshold,
Activating NR Energythe this to
Cell threshold,
Close 1/2[1]
MM Cells for waking
Energy energy
Saving saving
Cells (%) condition
Savingfor waking
Cells condition
Energy for Cells
Saving waking(%)
Close 3/4[2] double:[0..100] double:[0..100]
This parameter sets the cells up is satisfied. This energy-saving NR cells up energy saving cells up is
model default: 50.0 long:[0..65535] model default: 50.0
proportion of the antennas is one of the conditions is satisfied. This is one of satisfied. This is one of
model default: 1 step: 0.01 model default: 20 step: 0.01
that are shut down when for a basic covering cell to the conditions for a basic the conditions for a basic
the channel of an MM cell wake up energy saving covering cell to wake up covering cell to wake up
is shut down. cells. energy-saving NR cells. energy saving cells.

-- -- -- --
boundary day between the
weekday energy saving
period policy and the
longArray:[0..1] longArray:[0..1] longArray:[0..1]
weekend energy saving
model default: model default: model default:
period policy, the
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
weekday energy saving
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
period policy takes effect This parameter sets the This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
from 0:00 on Friday to the weekendChannelEsTime
esPolicySwchTime period of time on weekdayChannelEsTime
period of time on weekdayCarrierEsTime
period of time on
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
time specified
Changing byEnergy
Time of this weekends
Energy (Saturday
Saving Time to
of weekdays
Energy (Monday
Saving Time to
of weekdays
Energy (Monday
Saving Time to
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Saving and the
Period Policies(hr) Sunday)
energy saving Friday)
Weekends foron
Channels energy saving Friday)
Weekdays foron
Carriers energy saving
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
weekend energy saving of channels. There are 96 of channels. There are 96 of carriers. There are 96
long:[0..24] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
period policy takes effect periods of time for energy periods of time for energy periods of time for energy
model default: 20 ;0 ;0 ;0
from the time specified by saving of channels in saving of channels in saving of carriers in total,
this parameter to 0:00 total, each of which is 15 total, each of which is 15 each of which is 15
next day. minutes. minutes. minutes.

-- -- -- --
longArray:[0..1] longArray:[0..1] longArray:[0..1]
This parameter sets the
model default: model default: model default:
load conversion factor of
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
carrier shutdown for
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
This parameter sets the energy saving. In the case
weekendCarrierEsTime 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
specialCarrierEsTime 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
period of time on This parameter sets the This parameter sets the ofloadConversionFactor
channel shutdown for
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
Energy (Saturday
Saving Time to
of period
time onTime
of period
time onTime
of energy
Load saving, cellFactor
Conversion load
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Carriersforonenergy saving days
Weekends for energy
Carriers saving
on Special of Channels
Days days for energy saving
on Special of
Days needs to be converted
for Carrier Shutdownfor
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
of carriers. There are 96 carriers. There are 96 channels. There are 96 load check in carrier
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 long:[1..4]
periods of time for energy periods of time for energy periods of time for energy shutdown for energy
;0 ;0 ;0 model default: 1
saving of carriers in total, saving of carriers in total, saving of channels in saving. In this case, this
each of which is 15 each of which is 15 total, each of which is 15 conversion factor is used
minutes. minutes. minutes. for load conversion.

-- -- -- --
the BBU on the LTE side.
If it is set to Open, the
dynamic voltage
longArray:[0..1] longArray:[0..1]
adjustment for the PA on
model default: model default:
the main control board of
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
the BBU on the LTE side
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
takes effect in the scenario
paVoltAdjustEsSwitch 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
weekdaySleepEsTime 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
weekendSleepEsTime sleepEsSwitch
where 4G for
Switch andDynamic
5G carriers Deep-Sleep-Based
This parameter sets the Deep-Sleep-Based
Energy This parameter sets the
enum: ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; enum:
share anAdjustment
Voltage AAU. If thison period onTime
Saving weekdays
on period onTime
Saving weekends
on Deep-Sleep Switch for
Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0]
parameter BBU is set
PAsto Close, (Monday to Friday) for (Saturday
Weekdays and Sunday) for
Weekends Energy Saving
Open[1] ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; Open[1]
the dynamic voltage energy saving through energy saving through
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
adjustment for the PA on deep sleep. There are 96 deep sleep. There are 96
model default: 0 ;0 ;0 model default: 0
the main control board of periods for energy saving periods for energy saving This parameter enables or
the BBU on the LTE side in a day in total, each of in a day in total, each of disables deep sleep in a
does not take effect. which is 15 minutes. which is 15 minutes. cell for energy saving.

-- -- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId rssiAlmThresh1
RSSI Level 1 ALM
NE Name LDN MO ID Thresh (dBm)
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[-100..0]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: -55
object. It is of the string
type and can be RSSI Level 1 ALM
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Thresh

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 -55
rssiAlmRaiseTimes1 rssiAlmClearTimes1 rssiAlmThresh2 rssiAlmRaiseTimes2
RSSI Level 1 ALM Raise RSSI Level 1 ALM Clear RSSI Level 2 ALM RSSI Level 2 ALM Raise
Times Times Thresh (dBm) Times
long:[1..3000] long:[1..3000] long:[-100..0] long:[1..3000]
model default: 30 model default: 30 model default: -60 model default: 1800
RSSI Level 1 ALM Raise RSSI Level 1 ALM Clear RSSI Level 2 ALM RSSI Level 2 ALM Raise
Times Times Thresh Times

-- -- -- --
30 30 -60 1800
rssiAlmClearTimes2 rssiPowerDiffAlmThr rssiPowerDiffAlmCnt rssiPowerDiffAlmClrCnt
RF Channel Power RF Channel Power RF Channel Power
RSSI Level 2 ALM Clear Difference Alarm Difference Alarm Difference Alarm Clear
Times Threshold (dB) Detection Counting Counting
long:[1..3000] long:[1..30] long:[1..3000] long:[1..3000]
model default: 90 model default: 20 model default: 1800 model default: 90
RF Channel Power RF Channel Power RF Channel Power
RSSI Level 2 ALM Clear Difference Alarm Difference Alarm Difference Alarm Clear
Times Threshold Detection Counting Counting

-- -- -- --
90 20 1800 90
RF Channel Power Linear
Smoothing Factor

model default: 1
RF Channel Power Linear
Smoothing Factor

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId 60[1]
The Timer for Going into
High/Medium Speed State
NE Name LDN MO ID (s)
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string The parameter is duration
type and can be for evaluating ue mobility
NE Name LDN configured as planned. state.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 30[0]
The parameter is handover The parameter is handover
time threshold for judging time threshold for judging The parameter indicates
30[0] enum:
high speed mobility medium speed mobility scaling factor of trigger
nHoHighSpeed nHoMediumSpeed 60[1]
tHomaxhyst 0.25[0]
Thresholdthe handover time state.If
of Handovers the handover
Threshold time The Timer for Leaving Scaling
of Handovers time applied
120[2] 0.5[1]
is more
for JudgingthanHigh
the threshold
Mobility is more than the
for Judging threshold High/Medium Speed State Time
Medium mobility
in Medium
180[3] 0.75[2]
during theState
time indicated duringMobility
the timeState
indicated (s) concerned
240[4] 1.0[3]
by 'ucTHoMax',the high by 'ucTHoMax',the control related parameter
long:[1..16] long:[1..16]
speed state can be medium speed state can The parameter is the ucTrigTime is multiplied
model default: 3 model default: 2 model default: 1 model default: 2
judged.The parameter be judged.The parameter additional duration for with ucFtTrgSFMedium if
effects the judging result effects the judging result evaluating criteria to enter the UE is in Medium
of ue mobility state. of ue mobility state. normal mobility state. Mobility state.

-- -- -- --
3 2 60[1] 0.75[2]
This parameter is radius
for large neighbour cell of
The parameter indicates serving cell. It is used to
scaling factor of trigger evaluate speed of UE if
ftTrgSFHigh hoParaBaseSpeedFlag speedJudgNum lCellRadius
time applied
Scaling Factorinofmedium
Trigger Speed State HO handover is based on
0.5[1] enum:
Time state.The
Applied in High Measurement Parameter Number of Cell for speed.Itfor
Radius is configured
Large Cell
0.75[2] Close[0]
State Configuration Flag Judging UE Speed according (km)
to actual radius
1.0[3] Open[1] double:[0.5..100]
control related parameter of cell when the switch of
long:[1..6] model default: 1.0
ucTrigTime is multiplied The parameter defines the handover based on speed
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 4 step: 0.5
with ucFtTrgSFHigh if The switch of whether to number of cell in UE is opened and the serving
the UE is in High send speedState Pars in history information for cell has large neighbour
Mobility state. MeasConfig. judging UE speed cell.

-- -- -- --
0.5[1] Close[0] 4 1.0
This parameter is radius This parameter is radius This parameter is radius
for medium neighbour for small neighbour cell of for very small neighbour
cell of serving cell. It is serving cell. It is used to cell of serving cell. It is
used to evaluate speed of evaluate speed of UE if used to evaluate speed of
UE ifmCellRadius
handover is based sCellRadius
handover is based on UE ifvsCellRadius
handover is based mediumSpeedThr
0.1[0] enum:
on speed.
Radius forItMedium
is configured
Cell speed. It isfor
Radius configured
Small onRadius
It is configured
Very Small Medium Speed Threshold
0.2[1] 0.05[0]
according (km)
to actual radius according to actual
Neighbor radius
Cell (km) according
Neighbourto actual radius
Cell (km) (km/h)
double:[0.2..2] 0.3[2] 0.1[1] long:[0..350]
of cell when the switch of of cell when the switch of of cell when the switch of
model default: 0.5 model default: 60
handover based on speed handover based on speed handover based on speed Low to medium speed
step: 0.1 model default: 0 model default: 0 step: 10
is opened and the serving is opened and the serving is opened and the serving threshold, the cut-off
cell has medium cell has small neighbour cell has very small point for setting low and
neighbour cell. cell. neighbour cell. medium speed

-- -- -- --
0.5 0.1[0] 0.05[0] 60
In a high-speed rail
In a high-speed rail scenario, this parameter
lowVIPStaySpecCellSwc lowVoLTEStaySpecCellS
scenario, this parameter determines whether a low-
hiSpeedThr determines h wch user is
Switch forwhether a low- Switch
Low-Speed speed VoLTE
for Low-Speed
enum: enum:
High Speed Threshold speed VIP user
VIP Users is moved
to Camp on moved
VoLTEout of the
Users network.
to Camp on
Close[0] Close[0]
(10Hz) out of the network.Cells
Private-Network In a In a high-speed Cells
Private-Network rail
long:[0..350] Open[1] Open[1]
high-speed rail scenario, scenario, to ensure that
model default: 80
Medium to high speed to ensure that low-speed low-speed VoLTE users
step: 10 model default: 0 model default: 0
threshold, the cut-off VIP users can camp on can camp on private-
point for setting medium private-network cells, this network cells, this
speed and high speed parameter is set to Open. parameter is set to Open.

-- -- --
80 Close[0] Close[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId enodeId

NE Name LDN MO ID Cooperating eNodeB ID

This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[0..1048575]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Cooperating eNodeB ID

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081540 462154
0.2ms Delay[0]
1ms Delay[1] enum:
ipAddr 2ms Delay[2]
ipDelay Not Share Physical Layer
cloudRadioType refIpLayerConfig
3ms Delay[3] Port & IP[0]
IP Link Transmission Share CC Physical Layer Used IP Layer
4ms Delay[4] Share Physical Layer Port
X2+ Port IP Address Delay Port Configuration
Adapt[5] CC & IP[1]
union:[ipv4-address, ipv6-
address] model default: 5 model default: 0 string:length[0..400]
IP Link Transmission Share CC Physical Layer Used IP Layer
X2+ Port IP Address Delay Port Configuration

M -- R-I R-I 0.2ms Delay[0] Not Share Physical Layer PTransportNetwork=2,IpLay
refBandwidthResource dscp autoInd
X2+ Link configured by
Used Bandwidth Resource DSCP Auto
string:length[0..400] model default: 10 model default: 0
X2+ Link configured by
Used Bandwidth Resource DSCP Auto

R-I -- R-I
TransportNetwork=2,Band10 No[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId sonPolicyId

NE Name LDN MO ID Policy ID

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed MLB policy parameter ID
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[5..17]
object. It is of the string in R_SONPOLICY_31
type and can be table, range:
NE Name LDN configured as planned. [52000..52999]

R Primary Key R-I,M

parameter;MLB CLB
and the SON policy is set
resume QoffSet
to Controlled Mode, this
parameter;MLB CLB
timer is started. If the
modify ThreshX
SON function is disabled
parameter;MLB CLB
and the SON policy is set
resume ThreshX
to Free Mode, this timer is
parameter;MLB TLB sonReferPointPolicy_sonI
sonReferPointPolicy_son sonReferPointPolicy_son sonReferPointPolicy_son
stopped. Before the timer
ReferPointID UTRAN modify Ofn
ReferPointAlias sBreakPoint TimeOutPeriod
MLB Refer Point MLB Refer Point times
MLB our, if a Point
Refer manual
parameter;MLB CLB
Policy_Reference Point Policy_Reference Point MLB Refer Point response is received
Policy_Break or the
UTRAN modify ThreshX
ID Alias Policy_Break Point Flag SON function
TimeOut stops,
Length the
longArray:[0..255] parameter;MLB parameter enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[0..65535]
timer is stopped. After the
model default: negotiate model default: model default:
This parameter is used to timer times out, the
0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;29 result;Transaction ended 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
configure the reference follow-up actions of the
point ID. It is created by This parameter is the procedure depend on the
system automatically. Reference Point Alias break point flag. breakpoint timeout policy.

-- -- -- --
Whole Network
Subnet Grading[1]
sonReferPointPolicy_son NE Grading[2]
TimeOutPolicy sonFuncIdsets the sonRunMode Radio Mode Grading[3]
MLB Refer Point This parameter
enum: Cell Grading[4]
Policy_Break Point service type, 21 for PnP,
Free Mode[0] Relation Grading[5]
TimeOut Policy 26 forService
SH, 43 Type
for CS, 46 Run Mode Policy Grade
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] Controlled Mode[1] Reserved[6]
for ANR, 47 for PCI, 48
model default: long:[52]
for X2, 49 for MRO, 50
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 model default: 52 model default: 0 model default: 2
This parameter is policy for CCO, 51 for RO, 52
for the break point for MLB, 57 for ES, and
timeout. 58 for MAGICRADIO. Run Mode Policy Grade

-- R-I -- R-I
This parameter sets
whether to enable intra-
frequency CLB
optimization for the MLB
function. If this parameter
intraRatTLBEnable intraRatCLBEnable
is The
set to Open,ofthe MLB interFreqTLBSwch interFreqCLBSwch
The Switch of Intra- Switch Intra- The Switch of Inter- The Switch of Inter-
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Frequency MLB TLB function
Frequency canMLB
be used
CLBto Frequency MLB TLB Frequency MLB CLB
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Type Optimization perform intra-frequency
Type Optimization Type Optimization Type Optimization
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
CLB optimization.
This parameter sets Otherwise, the MLB This parameter sets This parameter sets
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
whether to enable intra- function cannot be used to whether to enable inter- whether to enable inter-
frequency TLB perform intra-frequency frequency TLB frequency CLB
optimization for MLB. CLB optimization. optimization for MLB. optimization for MLB.

-- -- -- --
utranTLBEnable utranCLBEnable srvPRBThrdUl srvPRBThrdDl
The Switch of UTRAN The Switch of UTRAN
enum: enum:
TLB Optimization for CLB Optimization for Threshold of Intra-LTE Threshold of Intra-LTE
Close[0] Close[0]
MLB MLB If the
(%)PRB If the
PRB of
Open[1] Open[1]
load of serving cell PRB load of serving cell
long:[1..100] long:[1..100]
This parameter sets This parameter sets exceeds this parameter at exceeds this parameter at
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 70 model default: 70
whether to enable whether to enable the period time of Load the period time of Load
UTRAN TLB UTRAN CLB Evaluation for MLB, eNB Evaluation for MLB, eNB
optimization for MLB. optimization for MLB. records the result. records the result.

-- -- -- --
nbrPRBThrdUl nbrPRBThrdDl diffThrd resumeThrd
Threshold of Load Threshold of Load
Threshold of Neighbor Threshold of Neighbor If the value
Difference of load for Difference
Evaluation If the value of loadfor
the value
UL PRBof uplink PRB
Load (%) If theDL
Cell value
PRBof Load
(%) difference between
MLB (%) difference
MLB (%)between
load of neighbor cell PRB load of neighbor cell serving cell and some serving cell and some
long:[1..100] long:[1..100] long:[1..100] long:[1..100]
exceeds this parameter at exceeds this parameter at neighbor cell exceeds this neighbor cell not exceeds
model default: 60 model default: 60 model default: 30 model default: 30
the period time of Load the period time of Load parameter at the period this parameter at the
Evaluation for MLB, eNB Evaluation for MLB, eNB time, eNB records the period time, eNB records
records the result. records the result. result. the result.

-- -- -- --
For intra frequency For inter frequency
neighbor cell or inter neighbor cell or Inter
frequency cell with same frequency cell with
priority, If the of
Threshold number
Intra of different priority,
Threshold If the
of Inter For inter-RAT neighbor
totalAdjust load diffCountThrd
record interFreqCountThrd
number of load difference interRatCountThrd
cells or frequency points,
Frequency Frequency Load Threshold of Inter-RAT
serving cellEvaluation
Total Adjust Allowed for Difference and neighborfor record serving
Difference cell and
Evaluation for if the
Loadload difference
MLB (dB) cell which
MLB meet the neighbor cell
MLB which meet between two cells
Evaluation is larger
for MLB
threshold exceeds this the threshold exceeds this than the threshold when
long:[0..127] long:[1..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
parameter during the parameter during the the MLB load difference
model default: 6 model default: 5 model default: 4 model default: 5
statistics timer, mobility statistics timer, mobility evaluation period expires,
Total adjust allowed for parameter can be parameter can be mobility parameter can be
MLB optimization optimized by MLB. optimized by MLB. optimized by MLB.

-- -- -- --
is used to control the
optimization interval
This parameter sets the when the parameter
This parameter sets the duration for the rollback timer on the
interval for evaluating the optimization of MLB eNodeB times out. When
load difference between parameters. When the the parameter rollback
cells. When MLB eNodeB enables MLB timer on the eNodeB
maxAdjustNbrNum lbDetectTimer
optimization is enabled, resumeTimer this
self-optimization, timesintervalTimer
out, this timer is
Maximum Number of
this timer
Adjust Neighbors for Period is started.
of Load When
Evaluation timer
Adjustis started.
ParameterWhen the
Valid started.
Adjust When MLB
Parameter Interval
MLB MLB optimization
for MLB (0.5min)is eNodeB
Timer fordisables MLB
MLB (0.5hr) optimization
Timer for MLB is disabled,
disabled, this timer is self-optimization, this this timer is stopped.
long:[1..127] long:[1..127] long:[1..255] long:[1..127]
stopped. When the timer timer is stopped. When When the timer times out,
model default: 3 model default: 1 model default: 6 model default: 30
The maximum number of times out, the next the timer times out, the the system checks the load
adjust neighbors for MLB parameter optimization adjusted parameters are again and starts load
simultaneously. start. rolled back. evaluation.

-- -- -- --
ngbrPrbConvSwitch interRatLoadSwitch enum:
hwLoadThrd enum:
The Switch of NGBR The Switch of Getting Threshold of DL S1
enum: enum: Low[0] Low[0]
If this parameter
Service is set
Occupation PRBto Inter-RAT Cell Load for Threshold of Hardware If the value of download
Bandwidth Load
Close[0] Close[0] Medium[1] Medium[1]
Open, Conversion
the conversion of MLB If theEvaluation
Load value of hardware
for MLB S1 bandwidth of neighbor
Open[1] Open[1] High[2] High[2]
PRBs occupied by the This parameter sets load of neighbor cell cell exceeds this
NGBR service is whether to enable the exceeds this parameter at parameter at the period
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 2 model default: 2
implemented; otherwise, RIM function to get IRAT the period time of Load time of Load Evaluation
the conversion is not cell load information for Evaluation for MLB, eNB for MLB, eNB records the
implemented. MLB. records the result. result.

-- -- -- --
s1TnlLoadThrdUl rejectNegoUEThrd srvRRCNumRatioThrd nbrRRCNumRatioThrd
Threshold of UL S1 UEWhen the negotiation
Threshold of The Peer Threshold of Connected Threshold of Connected
If the value of upload
Bandwidth Load S1 ofrequest receiving
Receiving end
Negotiation UE Ratio for Serving Cell UE Ratio for Neighbor
bandwidth of neighbor
Evaluation receives
to RejectaNegotiation
negotiation (%) Cell (%)
cell exceeds this request, if the number of
long:[1..65535] long:[1..100] long:[1..100]
parameter at the period UEs in the cell exceeds If the ratio of connected If the ratio of connected
model default: 2 model default: 30 model default: 70 model default: 60
time of Load Evaluation the threshold, the UE in serving cell is UE in neighbor cell is
for MLB, eNB records the negotiation request is below this threshold, exceed this threshold,
result. rejected. MLB won't be performed. MLB won't be performed.

-- -- -- --
loadJudgmentType recfgUESwch overlapCoverageThrd dstPrbOptThrdUL
This parameter
Threshold indicates
of Neighbor Threshold of UL PRB
PRBUsage[1] enum:
MLB Load Evaluation The Switch of Connected the
neighbor Load for Destination
RRCNumRatio and Close[0]
Mode UE Reconfiguration cell overlap
Degree coverage
(%) Admit Load (%)
PRBUsage[2] Open[1]
degree. If the neighbor In order to admit load
long:[0..100] long:[1..100]
This parameter sets cell overlap coverage tranfer from other cell, the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 30 model default: 60
This parameter indicates whether to reconfigure degree is below this value of uplink prb of
the mode of load connected UEs after TLB threshold, MLB won't be destination should be less
evaluation in MLB. optimization is performed. performed. than this threshold.

-- -- -- --
If the value of uplink PRB If the value of downlink If the value of uplink PRB
dstPrbOptThrdDL srvPrbHighThrdUL
load of serving cell PRB srvPrbHighThrdDL
load of serving cell srvPrbLowThrdUL
load of serving cell less
Threshold of DL PRB
Load for Destination exceeds orofequals
Threshold Servingto this
Cell exceeds orofequals
Threshold Servingto this
Cell than this parameter
Threshold of ServingatCell
Admit Load (%) ULparameter at the
PRB High period
Load (%) parameter
DL PRB Highat the period
Load (%) UL period
PRB time
Low of Load
Load (%)
In order to admit load time of Load Evaluation time of Load Evaluation Evaluation for MLB, the
long:[1..100] long:[1..100] long:[1..100] long:[1..100]
tranfer from other cell, the for MLB, the srvcell will for MLB, the srvcell will srvcell will judge whether
model default: 60 model default: 65 model default: 65 model default: 60
value of downlink prb of judge whether start load judge whether start load stop load measurement of
destination should be less measurement of all real measurement of all real all real neighbor relations
than this threshold. neighbor relations or not. neighbor relations or not. or not.

-- -- -- --
If the value of downlink If the value of connected If the value of connected
load of serving cell dstMaxAdjustNbrNum UEsrvRrcNumHighThrd
ratio ofofserving cell srvRrcNumLowThrd
UE ratio ofofserving cell
Maximum Number of Threshold Connected Threshold Connected
less than this
Threshold parameter
of Serving at Adjust Neighbor Cell for
Cell exceeds
UE RatioorHighequals to this
Load for less
Load forat
the period
DL PRB LowtimeLoad
of Load
(%) Destination parameter
the (%)
period the Serving
period time
Cellof Load
double:[0.1..100] double:[0.1..100]
Evaluation for MLB, the time of Load Evaluation Evaluation for MLB, the
long:[1..100] long:[1..255] model default: 65.0 model default: 60.0
srvcell will judge whether The maximum number of for MLB, the srvcell will srvcell will judge whether
model default: 60 model default: 3 step: 0.1 step: 0.1
stop load measurement of adjust neighbors for judge whether start load stop load measurement of
all real neighbor relations destination measurement of all real all real neighbor relations
or not. simultaneously. neighbor relations or not. or not.

-- -- -- --
highPriorityTimer lowPriorityTimer recfgUeNum dstPrbResumeThrdUL
Evaluate Period of High Evaluate Period of Low Threshold of UL PRB
The neighbor
Priority cell Load
Frequency and The neighbor
Priority cell Load
Frequency and Maximum Number of If the value
Load for of uplink PRB
(min) high freqency,with
(min) low Reconfigured UEs load of destination
Resume Load (%)
freqency priority, will freqency priority, will This parameter sets the exceeds or equals to this
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..100]
adjust parameters when adjust parameters when maximum number of parameter at the period
model default: 2 model default: 4 model default: 10 model default: 65
satify modification satify modification reconfigured UEs after time of resume load
condition after evaluation condition after evaluation OCN parameters are evaluation for destination,
period. period. modified. eNB records the result.

-- -- -- --
dstPrbResumeThrdDL dstEvaluateTimer equalPriorityTimer dstRrcNumResumeThrd
Threshold of DL PRB Evaluate Period of Adjust Evaluate Period of Equal Threshold of Connected
the value of downlink Parameter for Destination
for Destination The neighbor
Priority cell Load
Frequency and If the
UE value
Ratio forofDestination
PRB load ofLoad
Resume destination
(%) (min) freqency,with
(min) equal UEResume
ratio ofLoad
exceeds or equals to this freqency priority, will exceeds or equals to this
long:[1..100] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] model default: 65.0
parameter at the period The destination will adjust adjust parameters when parameter at the period
model default: 65 model default: 3 model default: 3 step: 0.1
time of resume load parameters when satify satify modification time of resume load
evaluation for destination, modification condition condition after evaluation evaluation for destination,
eNB records the result. after evaluation period. period. eNB records the result.

-- -- -- --
dstRrcNumOptThrd IfsrvPrbResumeThrdDL
the value srvPrbResumeThrdUL srvRrcNumResumeThrd
Threshold of Connected Threshold of of downlink
Serving Cell If the valueofofServing
Threshold uplink PRB
Cell If the valueofofConnected
Threshold connected
UE Ratio for Destination PRB
DL PRBload Resume
of serving cell load
Load UL of serving
PRB cell Load
Resume is less UEUEratio
serving Load
cell is
Admit Load (%) is less than(%)this parameter than this parameter
(%) at the lessforthan this parameter
Serving Cell (%) at
double:[0.1..100] double:[0.1..100]
In order to admit load at the period time of period time of resume the period time of resume
model default: 60.0 long:[1..100] long:[1..100] model default: 60.0
tranfer from other cell, the resume load evaluation, load evaluation, eNB load evaluation, eNB
step: 0.1 model default: 60 model default: 60 step: 0.1
value of connected UE eNB records the records the records the
ratio of destination should result;Otherwise, not result;Otherwise, not result;Otherwise, not
be less than this threshold. records it. records it. records it.

-- -- -- --
The parameter sets
whether to perform
negotiation for Qoffset
modification. When the
conditions for Qoffset
modification are satisfied,
If the value of hardware If the value of downlink If the value of uplink S1 if the parameter is set to
dstHwLoadResumeThrd enum:
dstS1TnlResumeThrdDL enum:
dstS1TnlResumeThrdUL qoffsetNegotiateSwch
load of destination
Threshold of Hardware S1 bandwidth
Threshold of Load
DL S1of bandwidthofLoad
Threshold of
UL S1 Negotiation, Qoffset can
Low[0] Low[0] Low[0] enum:
exceeds or equals
Resume to this
Load for destinationResume
Bandwidth exceedsLoad
or destinationResume
Bandwidth exceedsLoad
or The beSwitch
modified after
of Qoffset
Medium[1] Medium[1] Medium[1] No Negotiation[0]
parameter at the period
Destination equalsfor
to Destination
this parameter at equalsfor
to Destination
this parameter at negotiation succeeds. If
High[2] High[2] High[2] Negotiation[1]
time of resume load the period time of resume the period time of resume the parameter is set to No
evaluation for destination, load evaluation for load evaluation for Negotiation, Qoffset can
model default: 2 model default: 2 model default: 2 model default: 1
eNB records the destination, eNB records destination, eNB records be directly modified for
result;Otherwise, not the result;Otherwise, not the result;Otherwise, not the serving cell without
records it. records it. records it. negotiation.

-- -- -- --
srvRrcNumOptThrd nbrRrcNumOptThrd Overlap Coverage[0]
nbrSelectPolicy intraFreqTimer
If the valueofofConnected
Threshold connected If the valueofofConnected
Threshold connected
Handover Success
UE ratio of servingLoad
Optimize cell ratio of
UE Ratio neighborLoad
Optimize cell Strategy of Neighbor Cell Evaluate Period of Intra-
exceeds or equals
for Serving Cell to this
(%) is for
than this Cell
(%) Selection After the evaluation
Frequency Load (min)
double:[0.1..100] double:[0.1..100] Load[2]
parameter at the period at the period time of period expires, if the load
model default: 70.0 model default: 60.0 long:[1..65535]
time of optimize load optimize load evaluation, This parameter indicates of an intra-frequency
step: 0.1 step: 0.1 model default: 1 model default: 5
evaluation, eNB records eNB records the the strategy for sorting neighbor cell satifies the
the result;Otherwise, not result;Otherwise, not target MLB neighbor cells condition, parameters are
records it. records it. for optimization. modified.

-- -- -- --
This parameter sets
Within this period, the whether special UEs are
number of successful excludedfor MLB
handover for each optimization. If this
neighbor relations, is used candidateNbrPolicy candidateNbrMaxNum specialUESwch
parameter is set to Include
enum: enum:
for Period
The generating priority
of Handover Strategy of Candidate If MLB is enabled,
Maximum Numbertheof TheSpecialUE, MLB
Switch of Excluding
Overlap Coverage[0] Include Special UE[0]
order. When The
Statistic Strategy This
(hr) parameter
Neighbor indicates Candidate
Cell Selection number Neighbor
of candidate
Cells optimization
Special UE is forvalid
MLB for
Handover Rate[1] Exclude Special UE[1]
of Neighbor Cell the strategy for selecting neighbor cells that are all users. If this parameter
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
Selection is the candidate neighbor selected by the high-load is set toExclude Special
model default: 24 model default: 1 model default: 20 model default: 0
HandoverSuccessTimes, cells for load migration serving cell is less than or UE, MLB optimization is
neighbor cell is selected during mobile load equal to the value of this valid for non-special
based on the result. balancing. parameter. usersonly.

-- -- -- --
enhancedModeTimer interFreqCandNbrRatio
This parameter sets the
Evaluation Period of Ratio of Inter-Frequency
Enhanced Load ratio of inter-frequency
Candidate Neighbor Cells
Balance(10s) candidate neighbor
(%) cells
This parameter sets the to the total candidate
long:[1..65535] model default: 60
MLB load evaluation neighbor cells. The actual
model default: 3 step: 10
period length when load ratio cannot be larger than
balancing is implemented the configured parameter
in enhancement mode. value.

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId sonPolicyId

NE Name LDN MO ID Policy ID

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[5..17]
object. It is of the string
type and can be Policy ID, range:
NE Name LDN configured as planned. [26000..26999]

R Primary Key R-I,M

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154208 26208
times;Achieve poor
and the SON policy is set
performance cell
to Controlled Mode, this
maximum recovery
timer is started. If the
SON function is disabled
ended;Receive alarm;The
and the SON policy is set
eNodeB of this cell is
to Free Mode, this timer is
sonReferPointPolicy_son processing another Self-
sonReferPointPolicy_son sonReferPointPolicy_sonI sonReferPointPolicy_son
stopped. Before the timer
ReferPointID Healing transaction;Begin
ReferPointAlias sBreakPoint TimeOutPeriod
Self-healing Refer Point Self-healing Refer Point times our, ifRefer
Self-healing a manual
longArray:[0..255] to deal with the cell
Policy_Reference Point Policy_Reference Point Self-healing Refer Point response is received
Policy_Break or the
model default: outage alarm;Begin to enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[0..65535]
ID Alias Policy_Break Point Flag SON function
TimeOut stops,
Length the
0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11; deal with the CP outage model default: model default:
timer is stopped. After the
12;13;14;15;29;30;32;34; alarm;Query other cell(s) 0;0;1;1;0;1;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;0 5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5
This parameter is used to timer times out, the
35;37 status in the same RRU ;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0 ;5;5;5;3;3;3;3;3
configure the reference follow-up actions of the
point ID. It is created by This parameter is the procedure depend on the
system automatically. Reference Point Alias break point flag. breakpoint timeout policy.

-- -- -- --
0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11; SH shutdown performance 0;0;1;1;0;1;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;
The parameter is the start The parameter is the end
time of sleeping cell time of sleeping cell
sonReferPointPolicy_son detection configured by detection configured by
TimeOutPolicy sonEnableSlpCellHeal startTimeSCH endTimeSCH
Self-healing Refer Point The Switch of Sleeping operator.awStarTimeSCH
Sleeping Cell Self- operator.awEndTimeSCH
Sleeping Cell Self-
Policy_Break Point Cell Self-Healing [0]: theDetection
Healing hour fieldStart
of [0]: theDetection
Healing hour fieldEnd
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] Close[0]
TimeOut Policy Detection sleepingTime
cell healing sleepingTime
cell healing
model default: Open[1]
detection start detection end
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 string:length[1..20] string:length[1..20]
This parameter enables or time.awStarTimeSCH[1]: time.awEndTimeSCH[1]:
;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 model default: 0 model default: 00:00 model default: 23:59
This parameter is policy disables the self-healing the minute field of the minute field of
for the break point detection function for sleeping cell healing sleeping cell healing
timeout. sleeping cells. detection start time. detection end time.

-- -- -- --
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Open[1] 06:00 22:00
duration of the timer for
sleeping cell detection. It
is used to determine
whether a cell is a
sleeping cell. When the
SON policy starts to
detect whether a cell is a
detectDura 10[0]
detectTimer sonActionIntervalTime sonFuncId
This parameter indicates sleeping cell,Cell
Sleeping thisSelf-
timer is Outage Serving Cell Self- This parameter sets the
detection period
Cell Self-for started.
HealingBefore the timer
Gathering KPI Healing Action Interval service type, 21 for PnP,
Healing of sleeping
Detection Period times out, the SON
Period (s) policy Time (min) 26 forService
SH, 43 Type
for CS, 46
cells. If the cell satisfies collects KPIs. After the for ANR, 47 for PCI, 48
long:[1..24] long:[0..65535] long:[26]
the decision condition of timer times out, the SON for X2, 49 for MRO, 50
model default: 1 model default: 2 model default: 15 model default: 26
sleeping cells during the policy determines whether Outage Serving Cell Self- for CCO, 51 for RO, 52
detection period, this cell the KPIs meet the Healing Action Interval for MLB, 57 for ES, and
is a sleeping cell. sleeping cell conditions. Time 58 for MAGICRADIO.

-- -- -- R-I
3 30[2] 15 26
This parameter enables or
Whole Network
disables the self-healing
detection function for
Subnet Grading[1]
poorly-performed cells. If
NE Grading[2]
this parameter is set to
sonRunMode Radio Mode Grading[3]
grade sHPMSwch recoverSwch
Open, the self-healing
The Switch of Poor The Switch of Poor
enum: Cell Grading[4] enum: enum:
detection function
Performance is
Cell Self- Performance Cell Self-
Free Mode[0] Relation Grading[5] Close[0] Close[0]
Run Mode Policy Grade enabled
Healingfor poorly-
Detection Healing Recover
Controlled Mode[1] Reserved[6] Open[1] Open[1]
performed cells. If this
parameter is set to Close, This parameter is the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
the self-healing detection switch of self-healing
function is disabled for operations for KPI-based
Run Mode Policy Grade poorly-performed cells. faulty cells.

-- R-I -- --
Free Mode[0] Whole Network Grading[0]Close[0] Close[0]
sHCompensateSwch timeLenGrade detectKPITimer resumeTimeLen
The Switch of Poor Poor Performance Cell Poor Performance Cell
enum: enum:
Performance Cell Self- Self-Healing Detection Self-Healing Manual
Close[0] Hour[0]
This parameter
Healing is the
Compensation Self-Healing Period Unit Period (15 Minute) Recovering Period
Open[1] Minute[1]
switch of self-healing This parameter is used to
long:[1..255] long:[1..255]
compensation operations This parameter is used to indicate the static period
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 4 model default: 1
of mobility parameter This parameter is used to indicate the static period for Waiting for Manual
modification for KPI- indicate the period unit of for outage cell based on Recovering outage cell
based faulty cells. self-healing function. KPI. based on KPI.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Hour[0] 4 1
This parameter determines
RRC Setup Success Rate
whether the indicators of a
and E-RAB Abnormal
cell meet the reference This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
Release Rate[5]
indicators of poorly- threshold of the RRC threshold of the E-RAB
E-RAB Setup Success
performed cells. The connection establishment connection establishment
Rate and E-RAB
displayed parameter value Poorsuccess rate forCell
Performance success rate for
Abnormal Release Rate[6]
is the name of the selected Self-Healing
determining Threshold
whether theof determining whether
Poor Performance the
adjustStep RRC Setup Success Rate
kpiIndication rrcSuccThrd erabSetupSuccThrd
Poor Performance Cell indicator or the performance of a cell is
RRC Connection performance
Self-Healing of a cell isof
and E-RAB Setup Success
Self-Healing Adjusted combination of the
Poorly-Performed Cell degraded. If the
Establishment RRC
Success degraded. If theSuccess
Rate and E-RAB
Value of Parameter (dB) selected indicators.
Self-Healing The connection
Test KPI Rateestablishment
(%) connection
Abnormal Release Rate[7]
selected indicators are success rate is smaller success rate is smaller
long:[0..6] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
The parameter indicates used to determine whether than the threshold, the than the threshold, the
model default: 2 model default: 1 model default: 85 model default: 85
the adjusted value for Ocs, the cell meets the condition is satisfied; condition is satisfied;
Ofn, qoffsetCell, threshX performance degradation otherwise, the condition is otherwise, the condition is
High, thresh Low. conditions. not satisfied. not satisfied.

-- -- -- --
2 RRC Setup Success Rate[185 85
This parameter sets the
threshold of the E-RAB Poor Performance Cell
abnormal release rate
Poor Performance for
Cell Self-Healing Threshold of Poor Performance Cell
determining whether theof rrcNumThrd erabSetupNumThrd erabRelNumThrd
Self-Healing Threshold RRC Connection Self-Healing Threshold of Poor Performance Cell
E-RAB Abnormalof a Release
cell is Establishment Request E-RAB Setup Request Self-Healing Threshold of
RateIf (%)
the E-RAB Number Number E-RAB Release Number
abnormal release rate is
long:[0..100] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
larger than or equal to the The parameter is the
model default: 10 model default: 4000 model default: 4000 model default: 1000
threshold, the condition is threshold of RRC The parameter is the The parameter is the
satisfied; otherwise, the connection establishment threshold of E-RAB setup threshold of E-RAB
condition is not satisfied. request number. request number. release number.

-- -- -- --
10 4000 4000 1000
Poor Performance Cell
hoTotalNumThrd hoFailRateThrd statisticTimeLen switchRecovOutCell
Self-Healing Threshold of Poor Performance Cell Poor Performance Cell
Handover Attempts Self-Healing Threshold of Self-Healing NoHO Self-Healing Recovery
This parameter
Numberis used to This parameter
Handover is used
Failure Rateto Period Switch for Cell Outage
indicate the threshold of indicate the threshold of
long:[1..65535] long:[1..100] long:[1..255]
handover attempts number handover failure rate for This parameter is used to
model default: 1000 model default: 5 model default: 1 model default: 0
for self-healing triggering self-healing triggering indicate the period of No
NoHO attribute NoHO attribute handover triggered by Self-Healing Recovery
modification. modification. self-healing function. Switch for Cell Outage

-- -- -- --
1000 5 1 Close[0]
This parameter enables or
This parameter enables or disables sleeping-cell
disables sleeping-cell compensation by the
recovery. If it is set to eNodeB. If a sleeping cell
Open and a sleeping cell cannot be recovered and
is detected, the eNodeB this parameter is set to
performs the Open, the eNodeB takes
switchComOutCell actionDelayTime switchRecoSleepCell
corresponding recovery TheswitchComSleepCell
some measures, for
Self-Healing Switch of Sleeping
enum: enum: enum:
Compensation Switch for Cell Outage Self-healing operations,
The Switchincluding the example,
of Sleeping sleeping-cell
Cell Self-Healing
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Cell Outage recovery
Action Delay Time (min) Cell of the sleeping
Self-Healing Recover shutdown, for
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
cell and the corresponding compensation. If this
When received cell outage RRU and baseband board. parameter is set to Close,
model default: 0 model default: 15 model default: 0 model default: 0
Self-Healing alarm, the system will If it is set to Close, no no compensation measure
Compensation Switch for wait for time delay, and recovery operation is is taken by the eNodeB on
Cell Outage then deal with the alarm performed by the eNodeB. sleeping cells.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 15 Open[1] Close[0]
Reset Cell[1]
Reset RRU[2]
If historical performance If historical performance
Reset Cell and RRU[3]
data is greater than the data is greater than the
Reset BP[4]
user-configured Threshold user-configured Threshold Adjustable Value for
Threshold of Historical
Reset Cell and BP[5]
sleepSelfPolicy hisRRcReqThrd hisUEHoInAttThrd
of Historical
RRC of Historical
Threshold of Attempted If theinterOcnAdjust
Historical Inter-Frequency of the
Reset RRU and BP[6]
Sleeping Cell Self- RRC Connection
Connection Establishment RRC Connection
Incoming Handover Ocn for serving cell is
Reset Cell, Reset RRU
Healing Recover Policy Establishment Number Number or Establishment Number or
Attempts Number deteriorating
Cells (dB)and a
and BP[7]
Threshold of Historical Threshold of Historical compensation operation is
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[0..6]
Incoming Handover Incoming Handover initiated, this parameter
model default: 1 model default: 100 model default: 500 model default: 3
The parameter indicates Attempts Number,then Attempts Number ,then sets the adjustable value
the self-healing policy for considered to be the considered to be the for inter-frequency
sleeping cell. sleeping cell sleeping cell neighbor OCN.

-- -- -- --
Reset Cell and RRU[3] 50 50 3
When the proportion of
parameter sets upInterfSelfHealStatPrd upInterfNIFaultThr upInterfPRBFaultThr
the number of high-
The of Uplink Uplink Interference Self- Uplink Interference Self-
whether toSelf-Healing
Interference enable the During
Uplink self-healing
Interference Self- Healing Fault Threshold interference
Healing PRBPRBsRatiotoFault
uplink interference
Detection fault statisticsDetection
Healing time interval, if
Period of NI total Threshold
number of (%)
PRBs is
self-healing function. If the cell satisfy the Fault When the NI value of the larger than the fault
long:[1..24] long:[20..80] long:[30..100]
the parameter is set to Interference condition at PRB is higher than the threshold, it is considered
model default: 0 model default: 4 model default: 20 model default: 90
Open, the function is each check period, then Fault Threshold, then the that the fault condition in
enabled; otherwise, the the cell is uplink PRB is uplink high the current check period is
function is disabled. interference Fault cell. interference PRB. satisfied.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 4 20 90
This parameter enables or
disables board reset if the
board is reset because a
fault is detected in the
current cell while there
are other normal cells
When the proportion of selHealResetRelaCellStat
related to the board. If this
upInterfRecoStatNum upInterfPRBRecoThr
the number of high- sleepReHisPeriod parametereSwch
is set to Close,
Uplink Interference Self-
Uplink Interference Self- interference
Healing PRB PRBs to the Sleeping Cell Referred theThe
Ratio board is directly
Switch reset
of Reset
Healing Recover Number total number
Recovery of PRBs(%)
Threshold is History Period Grade without
Board being related
Related to
Cell State
When the number of cell smaller than the recovery the status of other cells. If
long:[1..4] long:[20..100] long:[1..90]
satisfied fault recovery threshold, it is considered this parameter is set to
model default: 1 model default: 50 model default: 4 model default: 1
condition is equals to the that the fault recovery The unit of the sleeping Open, whether to trigger
threshold, the interference condition in the current cell referred history board reset depends on the
cell become normal. check period is satisfied. period. status of other cells.

-- -- -- --
1 50 4 Open[1]
This parameter is the
switch of judging whether
the CPU load is too high.
sleepWaitManuRecTimer shMaxRevActionNum
The parameterMaximum
shows the cpuOverLoadSwch
it isSwitch
set to of
Open, switchAlarmOutCell
self- Outage
Sleeping Cell Self- Self-Healing Judging Serving Cell Self-
enum: enum:
Healing Manual maximum
Numbernumber of self-
of Repeated healing
CPU detection
Status WhenisSelf-
not Healing Related Board
Close[0] Close[0]
Recovering Period healing recovering
Recover action.
Action performed
Healingwhen the CPU
Detection Alarm Switch
Open[1] Open[1]
This parameter is used to That is, before the self- load is too high. Self-
long:[1..255] long:[1..255]
indicate the static period healing fault recover, the healing detection includes
model default: 24 model default: 3 model default: 0 model default: 0
for Waiting for Manual maximum number of sleeping cell self-healing Outage Serving Cell Self-
Recovering fault cell for recovering action and poor-performance cell Healing Related Board
sleeping cell permitted by the system. self-healing. Alarm Switch

-- -- -- --
24 3 Close[0] Close[0]
When a cell is suspected When a cell is suspected
as a sleeping cell, if the as a sleeping cell, if the
history uplink PDCP history uplink PDCP
throughput of the cell is throughput of the cell is
bigger than the threshold bigger than the
Threshold threshold
of History
of the uplink
Threshold PDCP
of History of the uplink
Downlink PDCP
switchRecovOutCP switchSleCellNOhisData throughput
or the history trdPDCPThroughputDL
throughput or the history
Uplink PDCP Maximum PDCP Throughput for
enum: enum:
Self-Healing Recovery downlinkforPDCP
Determined Sleeping Cell Throughput Sleeping downlink
Sleeping Cell PDCP
Close[0] No[0]
Switch for CP Outage When No History Data throughput of the(kbps)
Cell Detection cell is throughput of the cell is
Open[1] Yes[1]
bigger than the threshold bigger than the threshold
long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295]
The parameter is the of the downlink PDCP of the downlink PDCP
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 60000 model default: 60000
switch of determined throughput, this cell will throughput, this cell will
Self-Healing Recovery sleeping cell when no be considered as a be considered as a
Switch for CP Outage history data . sleeping cell. sleeping cell.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Yes[1] 1000 1000
possible for the serving
cell to be identified as a
sleeping cell based on
PDCP throughput only if
This parameter is used to the PDCP throughput in
control whether to detect the serving cell is not
PDCP throughput for larger than the parameter
sleepCellThrouSwch enum:
sleepReHisPeriodUnit sleepCellPDCPSwch sleepCellPDCPThrd
Switch of the Sleeping Sleeping Cell.When
The Switch of PDCPthis value. It is impossible
The Threshold of PDCP for
enum: Day[0] enum:
Cell Detection based on Sleeping Cell Referred parameter
Throughputis Detection
as the servingDetection
Throughput cell to befor
Close[0] Week[1] Not Detect[0]
PDCP Throughput History Period Grade Not detect, Cell
Sleeping PDCP identified
Sleeping as a sleeping
Cell (kbps)
Open[1] Month[2] Detect[1] double:[0..4294967.295]
When the switch is on, the throughput is not detected. cell based on PDCP
model default: 50.0
PDCH throughput of the When this parameter is throughput if the PDCP
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0 step: 0.001
cell will be considered to The unit of the sleeping configured as Detect, throughput in the serving
judge whether the cell is cell referred history PDCP throughput is cell is larger than the
sleeping cell. period. detected. parameter value.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Week[1] Detect[1] 0.0
a sleeping cell. The handover requests in the
serving cell can be cell is larger than the
determined as a sleeping value of the Threshold for
cell only if the Switch for the Number of Requests
Sleeping Cell Detection for Incoming Handover
Based on Incoming for Sleeping Cell
Threshold Handover
for the Number Detection
(sleepCellHoInDetectSwc sleepCellHoInDetectSwch
of Requests for Incoming Switch for Sleeping Cell
h) parameter
Handover is set to
for Sleeping parameter.
Detection If this
Based on
Open,Cellthe number of
Detection parameter
Incoming is Handover
set to Close,
online UEs in the cell is the number of incoming
zero, and the number of handover requests is not
model default: 10 model default: 0
incoming handover considered in the
requests in the cell is determination of a
larger than this threshold. sleeping cell.

-- --
10 Open[1]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId sonPolicyId

NE Name LDN MO ID Policy ID

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[5..17]
object. It is of the string
type and can be Policy ID, range:
NE Name LDN configured as planned. [43000..43999]

R Primary Key R-I,M

evaluate period;Rollback
and the SON policy is set
super cell split
to Controlled Mode, this
action;Request to modify
timer is started. If the
cooperative relationship
SON function is disabled
type by CA self-
and the SON policy is set
to Free Mode, this timer is
sonReferPointPolicy_son ended;CoperType
sonReferPointPolicy_son sonReferPointPolicy_sonI sonReferPointPolicy_son
stopped. Before the timer
ReferPointID attribute update
ReferPointAlias sBreakPoint TimeOutPeriod
CS Refer Point CS Refer Point times
CSour, if aPoint
Refer manual
result;Super cell split
Policy_Reference Point Policy_Reference Point CS Refer Point response is received
Policy_Break or the
longArray:[0..255] result;Super cell combine
ID Alias Policy_Break Point Flag SON function
TimeOut stops,
Length the
model default: result;CoperType attribute enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[0..65535]
timer is stopped. After the
0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;29;30;31;3 update result;CA fast model default: model default:
This parameter is used to timer times out, the
2;33;34 configuration result 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
configure the reference follow-up actions of the
point ID. It is created by This parameter is the procedure depend on the
system automatically. Reference Point Alias break point flag. breakpoint timeout policy.

-- -- -- --
Whole Network
Subnet Grading[1]
sonReferPointPolicy_son NE Grading[2]
TimeOutPolicy sonFuncIdsets the sonRunMode Radio Mode Grading[3]
CS Refer Point This parameter
enum: Cell Grading[4]
Policy_Break Point service type, 21 for PnP,
Free Mode[0] Relation Grading[5]
TimeOut Policy 26 forService
SH, 43 Type
for CS, 46 Run Mode Policy Grade
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] Controlled Mode[1] Reserved[6]
for ANR, 47 for PCI, 48
model default: long:[43]
for X2, 49 for MRO, 50
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 model default: 43 model default: 0 model default: 2
This parameter is policy for CCO, 51 for RO, 52
for the break point for MLB, 57 for ES, and
timeout. 58 for MAGICRADIO. Run Mode Policy Grade

-- R-I -- R-I
Only UL CoMP
Support[1] coMPAppointRptStartTi coMPAppointRptEndTim
coMPSwch Only DL CoMP
coperType me e
Start Time of CoMP End Time of CoMP
enum: Support[2]
CoMPparameter indicates Cooperative Relationship This
Self Configure parameter
Report sets the
At Appointed This parameter
Report sets the
At Appointed
Close[0] UL&DL CoMP
whether the CoMP
Switch Type start time
periodical end time
Open[1] Support[3]
addition function is CoMP optimization CoMP optimization
long:[0..1440] long:[0..1440]
supported or not. processing. CoMP processing. When the end
model default: 0 model default: 3 model default: 0 model default: 360
Close:not neighbor cell addition and time is up, a new
supported;Open:supported Cooperative Relationship deletion are performed processing period is
. Type after the start time. started.

-- -- -- --
This parameter specifies
the CoMP statistics
granularity. If the This parameter sets the
granularity is set to a start time (unit: minutes)
week, CoMP self- ThiscaSelfConfigSwch
parameter indicates caCoperType caAppointRptStartTime
of the collaborative
enum: enum: enum:
configuration is Thethe CA cooperation
Switch of CA Coper CA Cooperative Startrelationship
Time of CA toReport
Week[0] Close[0] Only DL CA Support[0]
for CoMPon Statistic
each relation
Self self configuration
Configuration Relationship Type Atconfigured
Appointed in the CA
Time (min)
Month[1] Open[1] UL&DL CA Support[1]
Monday. If the granularity enable switch. When the This parameter indicates collaborative neighbor
is set to a month, CoMP switch is open, the CA cell cooperative cell configuration report.
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
self-configuration is cooperation relationship relationship type CA collaborative neighbor
performed on the first day can be automatically configurate by self cells are added or deleted
of each month. configured. configuration. after the start time.

-- -- -- --
This parameter indicates
the statistical granularity
of CA self-configuration. This parameter indicates
If the granularity is set to the CA cooperation
Week, CA self- relation self configuration
This parameter sets the configuration is function overlapping
end time (unit: minutes) performed on each coverage threshold. When
caAppointRptEndTime enum:
caStatisticGrade caSCOverlapThr maxNum4CACoper
of the collaborative Tuesday. If the granularity the overlapping
The Overlapcoverage
Rate Maximum Number of CA
Time of CAtoReport
be is set to Month,
Grade of CA CA
Self-self- isThreshold
lower thanoforCA
Selfto Collaborative Neighbor
Appointedin the CA
Time configuration
(min) Configuration is
Statistics this parameter value, the
Config (%) Cells
collaborative neighbor performed on the second cell can not be CA
long:[0..1440] long:[0..100] long:[0..128]
cell configuration report. day of each month. If the cooperative relationship; This parameter sets the
model default: 360 model default: 1 model default: 60 model default: 8
CA collaborative neighbor granularity is set to Day, otherwise, the cell can be maximum number of CA
cells are added or deleted CA self-configuration is CA cooperative collaborative relationships
before the end time. performed on every day. relationship. of a cell.

-- -- -- --
Not Support[0]
Only UL CoMP
This parameter sets the
maxNum4CoMPCoper Only DL CoMP
scCoMPCoperType minSamNum4CASelfCfg coMPHONumThrd
SuperCell CoMP The Minimum Number of minimum
Threshold ofnumber of
the Number
The Maximum Number Cooperative Relationship Sample for CA Self- incoming handovers
of Handovers and
for CoMP
for CoMP Coper Type Configuration outgoing handovers
The parameter indicates This parameter indicates between the serving cell
long:[0..16] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
the CoMP cooperative the minimum number of and all its neighbor cells
model default: 5 model default: 0 model default: 500 model default: 0
This parameter indicates relationship type samples for CA self- required in the CoMP
maximum number of controlled by CoMP Self configuration in service self-configuration for the
CoMP Coper in one cell. Configure for Supercell. cell. serving cell.

-- -- -- --
This parameter sets the
threshold for configuring This parameter sets the newCoMPAppointRptStar newCoMPAppointRptEnd
a The
CoMP cooperative coMPHORateThrdDl
threshold for configuring tTime Time
Threshold of The Threshold of Start Time of CoMP End Time of CoMP
Handover RateIfforthe
UL a CoMP cooperative
Handover Rate for DL This parameter
Report sets the
At Appointed This parameter
Report sets the
At Appointed
CoMPrate(%)of a relationship.
CoMP (%) If the start timeTime
of periodical end timeTime
of periodical
neighbor cell is larger handover rate of a CoMP optimization CoMP optimization
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] string:length[1..20] string:length[1..20]
than or equal to the neighbor cell is larger processing. CoMP processing. When the end
model default: 10 model default: 10 model default: 00:00 model default: 06:00
threshold, the UL CoMP than or equal to the neighbor cell addition and time is up, a new
or UL&DL CoMP can be threshold, the DL CoMP deletion are performed processing period is
configured. can be configured. after the start time. started.

-- -- -- --
the two cells is less than
the threshold. If location-
based fast CA self-
configuration cannot meet
CA configuration
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the requirements, this During the measurement-
RSRP Threshold for The
start time (unit: minutes) newCAAppointRptEndTi
end time (unit: minutes) parameter is set to Open based rapid
Serving CellCA self-
of the collaborative me
of the collaborative fastCAConfigSwch
for measurement-based fastCACfgSrvRSRPThrd
configuration procedure,
Switch for Location- Measurement-Based Fast
Time of CA toReport
be Endrelationship
Time of CAtoReport
be BasedfastFast
CACAself-Self- if the
CA RSRP value of a
At Appointedin the CA
Time configured in the
At Appointed CA
Time configuration.
ConfigurationFast CA serving(dBm)
cell with an
collaborative neighbor collaborative neighbor self-configuration is unknown PCI is larger
string:length[1..20] string:length[1..20] long:[-140..-43]
cell configuration report. cell configuration report. executed in the temporary than the threshold, ECGI
model default: 00:00 model default: 06:00 model default: 0 model default: -100
CA collaborative neighbor CA collaborative neighbor neighbor cells based on measurement is
cells are added or deleted cells are added or deleted the UE measurement implemented for the PCI
after the start time. before the end time. result. by CA-ANR.

-- -- -- --
This parameter sets the
period during which fast
CA self-configuration
takes effect. When fast Neighbor Cell RSRP
CA self-configuration is fastCAConfigMRNumThr stopFastCACfgMRNumT
Threshold of
enabled, this timer for
is fastCACfgNbrRSRPThrd
During measurement- d hrd
Operation Duration Measurement-Based Fast Threshold of The Number Threshold of the Number
FastWhen the timer
CA Self- CAbased fast CA self-
Self-Configuration of Neighbor MRs for Fast of MRs for Stopping Fast
times out, fast CA self-
Configuration(hr) configuration,
(dBm)if the RSRP This parameter indicates
CA Self-Configuration CA Self-Configuration
configuration is disabled of an unknown PCI is the minimum number of
long:[1..24] long:[-140..-43] long:[0..65535] long:[0..4294967295]
and no more CA relation higher than this threshold, samples for fast CA self- This parameter indicates
model default: 2 model default: -110 model default: 500 model default: 5000
is added after neighbor the CA-ANR executes configuration the number of samples
cells are added to the ECGI measurement on the collaboration whose CA self-
serving cell. PCI. relationships. configuration stops.

-- -- -- --
with different coverage is
not executed in the cell. If
location-based fast CA
self-configuration cannot
meet CA configuration
Threshold of The Number requirements, this This parameter indicates
parameter is set to Open fastCAConfigMaxDistanc
the maximum distance for
of MRs Stopping The
stopOverlapMRNumThrd as
for measurement-based fast e
CA self-configuration shareCoverSCSwch
Data Collection on The Switch for Measurement- Maximum Distance of Neighbor Cell Relation
enum: enum:
Overlapping Coverage BasedfastFast
CACAself-Self- to decide the cells
Location-Based Fastwith
CA Share Cover Self-
Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter
Degreeindicates configuration.
ConfigurationFast CA the same coverage. The
Self-Configuration(m) Configuration Switch
Open[1] Open[1]
minimum number of self-configuration is distance between two cell
long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..65535]
samples whose data executed in the temporary is the actual distance
model default: 50000 model default: 0 model default: 10 model default: 0
collection on the neighbor cells based on calculated based on the Neighbor Cell Relation
overlapping coverage the UE measurement longitude and latitude of Share Cover Self-
degree stops. result. the cells. Configuration Switch

-- -- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId sonPolicyId

NE Name LDN MO ID Policy ID

This parameter sets the This parameter identifies a
unique ID of the managed unique policy ID. It is
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[5..17]
object. It is of the string generated based on policy
type and can be types., range:
NE Name LDN configured as planned. [58000..58999]

R Primary Key R-I,M

and the SON policy is set
to Controlled Mode, this
timer is started. If the
SON function is disabled
model default: Report
and the SON policy is set
update CSS Supported
to Free Mode, this timer is
sonReferPointPolicy_son switch;Report CSS
sonReferPointPolicy_son sonReferPointPolicy_sonI sonReferPointPolicy_son
stopped. Before the timer
ReferPointID Supported switch
ReferPointAlias sBreakPoint TimeOutPeriod
MAGICRADIO Refer MAGICRADIO Refer MAGICRADIO Refer times our, if a manual
Point Policy_Reference Point Policy_Reference Point Policy_Break Point response is received Point
Point Policy_Break or the
error;Update CSS
Point ID Point Alias Flag SON function
TimeOut stops,
Length the
Supported switch end
timer is stopped. After the
longArray:[0..255] notification;Update CSS enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[0..65535]
This parameter is used to timer times out, the
model default: 0;2;29;30 Supported switch Results model default: 0;0;0;0 model default: 1;1;1;1
configure the reference follow-up actions of the
point ID. It is created by This parameter is the procedure depend on the
system automatically. Reference Point Alias break point flag. breakpoint timeout policy.

-- -- -- --
Whole Network
Subnet Grading[1]
sonReferPointPolicy_son NE Grading[2]
TimeOutPolicy sonFuncIdsets the sonRunMode Radio Mode Grading[3]
MAGICRADIO Refer This parameter
enum: Cell Grading[4]
Point Policy_Break Point service type, 21 for PnP,
Free Mode[0] Relation Grading[5]
TimeOut Policy 26 forService
SH, 43 Type
for CS, 46 Run Mode Policy Grade
Controlled Mode[1] Reserved[6]
for ANR, 47 for PCI, 48
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] long:[58]
for X2, 49 for MRO, 50
model default: 1;1;1;1 model default: 58 model default: 0 model default: 2
This parameter is policy for CCO, 51 for RO, 52
for the break point for MLB, 57 for ES, and
timeout. 58 for MAGICRADIO. Run Mode Policy Grade

-- R-I -- R-I
configuration are reported SINR threshold for collaboration is allowed to
reaches the detection determining whether the be configured. If the
threshold, the system load reported GERAN cells number of GERAN
is sorted based on the can be configured with neighbor cells to be
measurement results and CSS collaboration. If the configured with CSS
This parameter enables or the CSS Supported measured SINR is less collaboration is less than
disables CSS Update
for aparameter
Single than or equal to this or equal to of
Threshold this
collaboration self- cSSSelfCfgSingDeteTime
is modified. If of
theCSS cSSJudgeSINRThrd
number threshold, it indicates that cSSGERANCellNumThrd
allofthe GERAN neighbor
Detection SINR Threshold for CSS GERAN Neighbor
configuration. If it isSelf-
CSS Collaboration set to of times that Self-
Collaboration the there is strong interference
Collaboration Decision cells Cells
are reported
for CSSto the
Open, CSS collaboration
Configuration Switch measurement
Configuration results
(min)of in the neighbor
(dB) cell. If the EMSCollaboration
for configuration;
Open[1] double:[-100..100]
self-configuration is CSS collaboration self- measured SINR is larger otherwise, only the
long:[1..1440] model default: 0.9 long:[1..64]
enabled. If it is set to configuration are reported than this threshold, it GERAN neighbor cells
model default: 0 model default: 960 step: 0.1 model default: 20
Close, CSS collaboration does not reach the indicates that there is within this threshold are
self-configuration is detection threshold, the weak interference in the reported to the EMS for
disabled. next detection is started. neighbor cell. configuration.

-- -- -- --
samples that meet the samples of periodical
SINR condition before measurement reports
This parameter sets the CSS collaboration self- before CSS collaboration
threshold of the number of configuration to the total auto-configuration. If the
UEs for periodical CSS number of MR samples. If number of samples is This parameter indicates
collaboration self- the measured value is larger than or equal to this the start time of CSS
Threshold of the Number larger than or equal to this Threshold
of theCSS
Number collaboration
Start Time of self-
measurement. If the cSSJudgeMRRatioThrd
threshold, cSSMRSampleThrd
CSS for collaboration is performed cSSAppointRptStartTime
configuration. When
of UEs for CSS MR Ratio Threshold of MR Samples for CSS Collaboration Self-CSS
current number of UEs is collaboration
Collaboration is performed on the
CSS Collaboration LTE cell. If the
Collaboration collaboration
Configuration self-
less than or equal to this on the Decision
Measurement neighbor (%)
cell. If the number of samples is
Measurement configuration
(min)is enabled,
threshold, all the UEs measured value is less smaller than this CSS collaboration
long:[1..255] long:[0..100] long:[1..65535] string:length[1..20]
perform the measurement; than this threshold, CSS threshold, CSS attribute update is
model default: 10 model default: 5 model default: 500 model default: 00:00
otherwise, only the UEs collaboration is not collaboration is not implemented at the time
within this threshold performed on the neighbor performed on the LTE specified by this
perform the measurement. cell. cell. parameter.

-- -- -- --
This parameter indicates
the end time of CSS
collaboration self- cSSSelfCfgSelectUePerio
End Time of CSS Data Collection Interval
cSSAppointRptStopTime cSSConfigExeInterPeriod enum:
cSSStatisticInterGrade d sets the
configuration. When
Collaboration Self-CSS This parameter sets the Granularity for CSS This parameter
UE Selection Period in
Configuration self-
Reporting interval for executingSelf-
CSS Collaboration CSS Collaboration Self- period
CSS to select UEsSelf-
Collaboration for
(min)is enabled, collaborationInterval
Configuration self- Configuration CSS collaboration
Configuration self-
CSS collaboration configuration. The unit of This parameter sets the configuration. In each
string:length[1..20] long:[1..255] long:[1..255]
attribute update is this parameter depends on granularity at which period, the selected UEs
model default: 06:00 model default: 3 model default: 2 model default: 1
implemented before the the statistical granularity statistics are collected for perform MR measurement
time specified by this for CSS collaboration CSS collaboration self- for CSS collaboration
parameter. sfle-configuration. configuration. self-configuration.

-- -- -- --
collaboration is less than disables appointed
or equal to this threshold, reporting for CSS
all the GERAN collaboration self-
frequencies are reported to configuration. If it is set to
the EMS for Open, CSS collaboration
configuration. If the attributes are updated at
number of GERAN the specifiedReporting
frequencies cSSCooperDeteStartTime cSSSelfCfgDetectNum cSSAppointRptSwch
Threshold of thetoNumber
be Start Time of CSS Number of CSS appointed
CSS If it is
ofconfigured with CSS
GERAN Frequencies Collaboration Self- Collaboration Self- set to Close, CSS
Collaboration Self-
collaboration is larger this
for CSS Collaboration This parameterDetection
Configuration indicates Configuration Detections collaboration attributes
threshold, only the the start time of CSS This parameter sets the are updated immediately
long:[1..40] string:length[1..20] long:[1..10]
GERAN frequencies collaboration self- number of CSS after the number of CSS
model default: 10 model default: 08:00 model default: 3 model default: 1
within this threshold are configuration detection. collaboration self- self-configuration
reported to the EMS for Every day, the detection configuration detections detections reaches the
configuration. starts at this time. in a single period. threshold.

-- -- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId sonPolicyId

NE Name LDN MO ID Policy ID

This parameter sets the This parameter identifies a
unique ID of the managed unique policy ID. It is
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[5..17]
object. It is of the string generated based on policy
type and can be types., range:
NE Name LDN configured as planned. [59000..59999]

R Primary Key R-I,M

This parameter sets the sonReferPointPolicy_son sonReferPointPolicy_son sonReferPointPolicy_sonI
type, 21 for PnP, ReferPointID
Spectrum Share Refer
Spectrum Share Refer
Spectrum Share Refer
26 for SH, 43 for CS, 46 Point Policy_Reference Point Policy_Reference Point Policy_Break Point
for ANR, 47 for
Service PCI, 48
Type Point ID Point Alias Flag
model default: Enter
for X2, 49 for MRO, 50
long:[59] longArray:[0..255] spectrum sharing;Exit enumArray:[0, 1]
for CCO, 51 for RO, 52 This parameter is used to
model default: 59 model default: 0;1 spectrum sharing model default: 0;0
for MLB, 57 for ES, 58 configure the reference
for MAGICRADIO and point ID. It is created by This parameter is the
59 for SpecShare. system automatically. Reference Point Alias break point flag.

R-I -- -- --
and the SON policy is set
to Controlled Mode, this
timer is started. If the
Whole Network
SON function is disabled
and the SON policy is set
Subnet Grading[1]
to Free Mode, this timer is
sonReferPointPolicy_son NE Grading[2]
stopped. Before the timer sonReferPointPolicy_son
TimeOutPeriod TimeOutPolicy sonRunMode Radio Mode Grading[3]
times our, Share
Spectrum if a manual
Refer Spectrum Share Refer
enum: Cell Grading[4]
response is received Point
Point Policy_Break or the Point Policy_Break Point
Free Mode[0] Relation Grading[5]
SON function
TimeOut stops,
Length the
(min) TimeOut Policy Run Mode Policy Grade
Controlled Mode[1] Reserved[6]
timer is stopped. After the
longArray:[0..65535] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3]
timer times out, the
model default: 1;1 model default: 1;1 model default: 0 model default: 2
follow-up actions of the This parameter is policy
procedure depend on the for the break point
breakpoint timeout policy. timeout. Run Mode Policy Grade

-- -- -- R-I
This parameter is the This parameter is the
threshold that the uplink threshold that the
PRB usage of service cell downlink prb usage of This parameter is the
and basic coverage cell service cell and basic threshold that the uplink
specShareBaseNrSwch ulPrbEnterThr
should meet Usage
when dlPrbEnterThr
coverage cellPRB
should meet prbulPrbExitThr
usage ofUsage
Uplink PRB Downlink Usage Uplink PRB
Semi-static Spectrum spectrum of
Threshold sharing is
Entering when spectrum
Threshold sharing is
Entering coverage cell Exit
Threshold should reach
This Sharing
parameter indicates started.
Switch Spectrum Only when(%)
Sharing the started.
Spectrum Only when(%)
Sharing the when spectrum
Spectrum sharing
Sharing (%)is
semi-static spectrum uplink PRB usage of downlink prb usage of stopped. When the uplink
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
sharing switch. Set this service cell and basic service cell and basic prb usage of the basic
model default: 0 model default: 20 model default: 20 model default: 60
switch to OPEN to enable coverage cell is less than coverage cell is less than coverage cell exceeds the
semi-static spectrum the threshold, Spectrum the threshold, Spectrum threshold, spectrum
sharing function. Sharing can be started. Sharing can be started. sharing is stopped.

-- -- -- --
This parameter is the
threshold that the
downlink prb usage of
dlPrbExitThr uENumberEnterThr uENumberExitThr RRCNumRatio[0]
basic coverage
Downlink PRBcellUsage
should Ratio of the user number Ratio of the number of
reach whenExit
Threshold spectrum
from of entering spectrum users exit spectrum Spectrum Sharing Load
RRCNumRatio and
sharing is stopped.
Spectrum SharingWhen
(%) The sharing
(%)is the This parameter indicates
sharing (%) Evaluation Mode
the downlink prb usage of threshold that serving cell that when the number of
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
the basic coverage cell meet the user number users in service cell is This parameter indicates
model default: 60 model default: 20 model default: 60 model default: 1
exceeds the threshold, threshold when the NR larger than the threshold, the mode of load
spectrum sharing is spectrum sharing is the spectrum sharing will evaluation in NR
stopped. started. be exit. spectrum sharing.

-- -- -- --
loadEvaluatePeriod reqNumOfShare punishPeriod anchorSwitch
Continuous Request Whether Spectrum
Spectrum Sharing Load Number of Shared Spectrum Sharing Request This parameter
Sharing enables
Is Disabled foror
Evaluation Period (s) Spectrum Punished Period (min) disables spectrum
Anchor Cellssharing
This parameter represents for an anchor cell. If it is
long:[10..3600] long:[1..255] long:[1..1440]
The parameter is the load the continuous request set to Open, it indicates
model default: 10 model default: 3 model default: 10 model default: 0
evaluation period that the number of Shared This parameter indicates that the current cell is an
NR spectrum sharing is Spectrum on the LTE spectrum sharing request anchor cell and spectrum
started or exited. side. punished period. sharing is disabled.

-- -- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId MLB[52]
This parameter sets the
service type, 26 for SH,
NE Name LDN MO ID 43 for CS, 46 for
Service ANR, 47
This parameter sets the for PCI, 48 for X2, 49 for
unique ID of the managed MRO, 51 for RO, 52 for
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 26
object. It is of the string MLB, 57 for ES, 58 for
type and can be MAGICRADIO, 59 for
NE Name LDN configured as planned. SpecShare.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154200 ANR[46]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154211 X2[48]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154202 SH[26]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154213 MRO[49]
The parameter indicates
the policy is used for
macro-eNB and macro-
eNB SON or macro-eNB
and pico-ENB SON.
radioMode sonEnbPolicyType refSonPolicyAnr refSonPolicyX2
indicates the policy is
LTE-FDD[16] enum:
used for SON function
Radio Mode between
Type ofMacro-eNB and
Service Policy SON ANR Policy SON X2 Policy
LTE[48] MACRO and PICO[1]
Macro-eNB. MACRO and
PICO indicates the policy
model default: 16 model default: 0 string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400]
This parameter is the is used for SON function
Radio Mode.(FDD:16 between Macro-eNB and
TDD:32 LTE:48) Pico-eNB. SON ANR Policy SON X2 Policy

R-I R-I -- --
LTE-FDD[16] MACRO and MACRO[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,SonPolicyAnr=205
LTE-FDD[16] MACRO and MACRO[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,SonPolicyX2=210
refSonPolicyPci refSonPolicyMro refSonPolicyRo refSonPolicyEs
SON Energy Saving
SON PCI Policy SON MRO Policy SON RO Policy Configure

string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400]

SON Energy Saving
SON PCI Policy SON MRO Policy SON RO Policy Configure

-- -- -- --


refSonPolicyMlb refSonPolicySCH refSonCS refSonMagicRadio
SON MLB Configure SON Self-healing Policy Configure Configure

string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400]

SON MLB Configure SON Self-healing Policy Configure Configure

-- -- -- --


Spectrum Share Configure

Spectrum Share

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId servMcc
Serving MCC in Local
NE Name LDN MO ID Strategy
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed In RAN Sharing network
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[3]
object. It is of the string PLMN selection, the
type and can be MCC of serving PLMN in
NE Name LDN configured as planned. local strategy

R Primary Key R-I,M

set to CSFB, the CSFB
function is configured
with the local strategy. If
it is set to PS, the PS
function is configured
with the local strategy. If
it is set to Redirection, the
servMnc CSFB[0]
funcOfLocSt highPrioMcc highPrioMnc
redirection function is
Serving MNC in Local configured
Function with withthe
local High Priority MCC in High Priority MNC in
Strategy strategy. If it is set to
Strategy Local Strategy Local Strategy
Reestablishment, the RRC
In RAN Sharing network connection re- In RAN Sharing network In RAN Sharing network
string:length[2..3] model default: 0 string:length[3] string:length[2..3]
PLMN selection, the establishment function is PLMN selection, the PLMN selection, the
MNC of serving PLMN in configured with the local MCC of high priority MNC of high priority
local strategy strategy. PLMN in local strategy PLMN in local strategy

R-I,M R-I -- --
mediumPrioMcc mediumPrioMnc lowPrioMcc lowPrioMnc
Medium Priority MCC in Medium Priority MNC in Low Priority MCC in Low Priority MNC in
Local Strategy Local Strategy Local Strategy Local Strategy

In RAN Sharing network In RAN Sharing network In RAN Sharing network In RAN Sharing network
string:length[3] string:length[2..3] string:length[3] string:length[2..3]
PLMN selection, the PLMN selection, the PLMN selection, the PLMN selection, the
MCC of medium priority MNC of medium priority MCC of low priority MNC of low priority
PLMN in local strategy PLMN in local strategy PLMN in local strategy PLMN in local strategy

-- -- -- --
forbiddenMcc forbiddenMnc
Forbidden MCC in Local Forbidden MNC in Local
Strategy Strategy

In RAN Sharing network In RAN Sharing network

string:length[3] string:length[2..3]
PLMN selection, the PLMN selection, the
MCC of forbidden PLMN MNC of forbidden PLMN
in local strategy in local strategy

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId commonPCIStart
Start of PCI for Macro
NE Name LDN MO ID Cell
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[0..503]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string
type and can be Start of PCI for Macro
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Cell

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
commonPCIEnd hybridPCIStart 128[11]
hybridPCINum csgPCIStart
End of PCI for Macro
Cell Start of PCI for Hybrid Number of PCI for Hybrid Start of PCI for CSG
long:[0..503] long:[0..503] long:[0..503]
model default: 503 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
The end of PCI for Macro The start of PCI for
cell Hybrid Number of PCI for Hybrid The start of PCI for CSG

-- -- -- --
503 0 0[0] 0
Number of PCI for CSG

model default: 0

Number of PCI for CSG

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 L900
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 L1800
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 L2100
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,20 L900
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,30 L2100
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 L1800
This parameter is an array This parameter is an array This parameter is an array
to indicate measurement to indicate measurement to indicate measurement
of close inter-frequency or of open inter-frequency of open intersystem
intersystem measurement measurement and related measurement and related
and related to a record of to a record of intra system to a record of intra system
meaGroupId closedInterFMeasCfg
intra openInterFMeasCfg openRatFMeasCfg
Closesystem measurement
Inter-Frequency or Openmeasurement
Inter-Frequency measurement
Open Intersystem
Measurement configuration.
Intersystem The one
Measurement configuration.
Measurement The one configuration.
Measurement The one
Configuration Group ID element relates toIndex
Configuration RSRP element relates toIndex
Configuration RSRP element relates toIndex
Configuration RSRP
and the other relate to and the other relate to and the other relate to
long:[1..90] longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535]
RSRQ. Also, if dual- RSRQ. Also, if dual- RSRQ. Also, if dual-
model default: 1 model default: 10;11 model default: 20;21 model default: 30;31
The parameter sets the measurement is closed, measurement is closed, measurement is closed,
measurement only the first element is only the first element is only the first element is
configuration group ID. valid. valid. valid.

R-I -- -- --
2 9010;11 9020;21 30;31
1 18010;11 18020;21 30;31
3 21010;11 21020;21 30;31
20 9010;11 9020;21 30;31
30 21010;11 21020;21 30;31
10 18010;11 18020;21 30;31
configuration based on
coverage and intra-
This parameter is an array frequency handover. It This parameter is an array
to indicate measurement corresponds to a set of to indicate measurement
of redirection and related records based on coverage of inter-frequency and
to a record of intra system and intra-frequency
Coverage-Based related to a record of intra This parameter is used to
openRedMeasCfg intraFHOMeasCfg longArray:[1..65535]
interFHOMeasCfg icicMeasCfg
measurement handover in the
Measurement system
InterFreq measurement
Measurement indicate the measurement
model default:
Redirection The one
Measurement R_EUTMEA
for configuration.
Configuration Thefor
Index configuration of the intra-
ICIC Measurement
element relates toIndex
Configuration RSRP element corresponds
Intra-frequency to
Handover element respectively
Handover frequency ICIC A3
Configuration event.
and the other relate to RSRP and the other to relates to RSRP and When the ICIC function is
longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] 71;71;71;71;71;71;71;71; long:[1..65535]
RSRQ. Also, if dual- RSRQ. In the case of non- RSRQ. Also, if dual- opened, the measurement
model default: 40;41 model default: 50;51 71;71;71;71;71;71;71;71 model default: 200
measurement is closed, dual-measurement, only measurement is closed, configuration is used to
only the first element is the first set of array only the first half part of determine the location
valid. elements is valid. the array element is valid. attribute of the UE.

-- -- -- --
40;41 50;51 9071;9072;9073;9074;70;70
40;41 50;51 18071;18071;18072;18084;7
40;41 50;51 21071;21071;21082;21083;7
40;41 50;51 9081;9082;9083;9084;9085;
40;41 50;51 21081;21082;21083;21084;200
40;41 50;51 18081;18082;70;18083;1808
event B1/B2
measurement. The This parameter is an array This parameter is an array
parameter value to indicate measurement to indicate measurement
corresponds to a group of of WCDMA system of TD-SWCDMA system
records of GERAN event B1/B2 event and related B1/B2 event and related
model default:
B1/B2 measurement in to a record of inter system to a record of inter system
The parameter is used to the R_RAT table. The measurement measurement
rptCGIMeasCfg 0;1010;1010;1010;1010;1
geranMeasCfg wcdmaMeasCfg tdMeasCfg
ReportCGI periodic
Measurement array elements correspond configuration of WCDMA configuration of TD-
Configuration of ANRfor toGERAN
intra-frequency RSRP system
Measurement WCDMA B1/B2 event. The SWCDMA
Measurement system B1/B2
TDS Measurement
ReportCGI. When the
ANR Function and RSRQ respectively.
Configuration Index one element relates
Configuration Indexto event. The one element
Configuration Index
ANR function is turned In the case of RSRP RSRP and the other relate relates to RSRP and the
long:[1..65535] 1011;1011;1011;1011;101 longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535]
on, the neighbor cell CGI measurement or RSRQ to RSRQ. Also, if dual- other relate to RSRQ.
model default: 350 1;1011;1011;1011;1011 model default: 1060;1061 model default: 1110;1111
information is reported by measurement, only the measurement is closed, Also, if dual-measurement
send the measurement first half part of the array only the first element is is closed, only the first
configuration to the UE. elements are valid. valid. element is valid.

-- -- -- --
350 1010;1010;1010;1010;10101060;1061 1110;1111
350 1010;1010;1010;1010;10101060;1061 1110;1111
350 1010;1010;1010;1010;10101060;1061 1110;1111
350 1010;1010;1010;1010;10101060;1061 1110;1111
350 1010;1010;1010;1010;10101060;1061 1110;1111
350 1010;1010;1010;1010;10101060;1061 1110;1111
This parameter is an array This parameter is an array
to indicate measurement to indicate measurement
of CDMA HRPD system of CDMA 1XRTT system
B1/B2 event and related B1/B2 event and related
to a record of inter system to a record of inter system This parameter is used to This parameter is used to
measurement measurement indicate the measurement indicate the measurement
configuration cdma2K1xMeasCfg gsmCSFBMeasCfg wcdmaCSFBMeasCfg
CDMA2000ofHRPD CDMA configuration
CDMA2000of1xRTT CDMA configuration
GERANof the CSFB configuration
HRPD system B1/B2
Measurement 1XRTT system B1/B2 to the Measurement
Measurement GERAN. When the to theMeasurement
event. The one element
Configuration Index event. The one element
Configuration Index CSFB function isIndex
Configuration turned the CSFB function
Configuration is
relates to RSRP and the relates to RSRP and the on, the appropriate turned on, the appropriate
longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
other relate to RSRQ. other relate to RSRQ. GERAN cell is selected WCDMA cell is selected
model default: 1160;1161 model default: 1210;1211 model default: 1260 model default: 1310
Also, if dual-measurement Also, if dual-measurement for the UE voice service for the UE voice service
is closed, only the first is closed, only the first by send the measurement by send the measurement
element is valid. element is valid. configuration to the UE. configuration to the UE.

-- -- -- --
1160;1161 1210;1211 1260 1310
1160;1161 1210;1211 1260 1310
1160;1161 1210;1211 1260 1310
1160;1161 1210;1211 1260 1310
1160;1161 1210;1211 1260 1310
1160;1161 1210;1211 1260 1310
This parameter is used to
indicate the measurement
This parameter is used to This parameter is used to configuration of intra- This parameter is used to
indicate the measurement indicate the measurement frequency periodic indicate the measurement
configuration of the CSFB configuration of the CSFB measurement, eNB configuration of downlink
to thetdCSFBMeasCfg
TD-SCDMA. When cdma2K1xCSFBMeasCfg
the CDMA 1xRTT
1xRTT. intraFPeriodMeasCfg
periodically acquiring the
Downlink periodic
TDS CSFBMeasurement
function is When
CSFB function service cellMeasurement
Periodical and the intra- measurement, while the
turned on, the appropriate
Configuration Index is turned on, Index
Configuration the frequency cells Index
Configuration signal downlink RSRP periodic
Configuration Index
TD-SCDMA cell is appropriate CDMA quality and judgement the measurement switch is
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
selected for the UE voice 1xRTT cell is selected for corresponding turned on, eNB adjust
model default: 1360 model default: 1410 model default: 300 model default: 400
service by send the the UE voice service by performance by send this uplink power control by
measurement send the measurement measurement send this measurement
configuration to the UE. configuration to the UE. configuration to UE. configuration to UE.

-- -- -- --
1360 1410 300 400
1360 1410 300 400
1360 1410 300 400
1360 1410 300 400
1360 1410 300 400
1360 1410 300 400
This parameter is used to
indicate the measurement
configuration of downlink This parameter is used to This parameter is used to This parameter is used to
eventRSRP intraLBMeasCfg
indicate theLoad
measurement gsmLBMeasCfg
indicate theLoad
measurement wcdmaLBMeasCfg
indicate theLoad
Downlink Intra-LTE Balance GERAN Balance WCDMA Balance
measurement, while the
Measurement configuration of intra
Measurement configuration
Measurementof load configuration of load
downlink RSRPIndex
Configuration event system load balance,
Configuration Indexin balance for GSMIndex
Configuration system, balance for WCDMA
Configuration Index
measurement switch is the high load scenario, in the high load scenario, system, in the high load
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
turned on, eNB adjust eNB selects the eNB selects the scenario, eNB selects the
model default: 450 model default: 250 model default: 1450 model default: 1500
uplink power control by appropriate target cell by appropriate target cell by appropriate target cell by
send this measurement send this measurement send this measurement send this measurement
configuration to UE. configuration to the UE. configuration to the UE. configuration to the UE.

-- -- -- --
450 250 1450 1500
450 250 1450 1500
450 250 1450 1500
450 250 1450 1500
450 250 1450 1500
450 250 1450 1500
This parameter is used to
indicate the measurement
configuration of load geranANRMeasCfg utranANRMeasCfg cdmaANRMeasCfg
balance for TD-
Measurement Measurement Measurement CDMA ANR
SWCDMA system,
Configuration in the
Index Configuration Index Configuration Index Measurement
Configuration Index
high load scenario, eNB Configuration Index, it is
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
selects the appropriate used to search the
model default: 1550 model default: 1600 model default: 1610 model default: 1620
target cell by send this GERAN ANR UTRAN ANR strongest CDMA neighbor
measurement measurement Measurement cell during the CDMA
configuration to the UE. configuration index. Configuration Index ANR.

-- -- -- --
1550 1600 1610 1620
1550 1600 1610 1620
1550 1600 1610 1620
1550 1600 1610 1620
1550 1600 1610 1620
1550 1600 1610 1620
interRatGSMPeriodMeas interRatUTRANPeriodMe
interFPeriodMeasCfg Cfg asCfg eICICMeasCfg
Index for Inter-Frequency Index for Inter-RAT Index for Inter-RAT
Periodical Measurement Periodical Measurement Periodical Measurement eICIC Measurement
Configuration Configuration of GERAN Configuration of UTRAN Configuration Index
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
model default: 320 model default: 1650 model default: 1660 model default: 210
Index for Inter-Frequency Index for Inter-RAT index for inter-RAT
Periodical Measurement Periodical Measurement periodical measurement eICIC Measurement
Configuration Configuration of GERAN configuration of UTRAN Configuration Index

-- -- -- --
320 1650 1660 210
320 1650 1660 210
320 1650 1660 210
320 1650 1660 210
320 1650 1660 210
320 1650 1660 210
modScellMeasCfg anrMeasCfg measCfg4movUE easCfg
Modify Scell UE Rx-Tx Time Diff
Measurement ANR Measurement Measurement Event for Period Measure
Configuration Index Configuration Index Moving UE Configuration
The parameter indicates
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
the index of modify Scell The parameter indicates
model default: 520 model default: 352 model default: 550 model default: 360
measurement The measurement Event the index of UE Rx-Tx
configuration in CA ANR Measurement for moving UE out before Time Diff Period Measure
function. Configuration Index Cell be deleted Configuration.

-- -- -- --
520 352 550 360
520 352 550 360
520 352 550 360
520 352 550 360
520 352 550 360
520 352 550 360
This parameter is an array
to indicate Measurement
of Open intersystem
measurement Based This parameter only This parameter only
Openand related to a
Intersystem associated with a set of associated with a set of
record of Measurement intraLBMeasExtCfg
This parameter is a extend compMeasCfgUL
measuring configuration compMeasCfgDL
measuring configuration
Measurement Based Extend Intra-LTE Load
Configuration. The one
Voice Configuration measure configuration
Balance Measurement ULfor the ULCOMP.
Measurement DLfor the DLCOMP.
element relates
Index to RSRP index for Intra-LTE
Configuration Load
Index recommend toIndex
Configuration use recommend toIndex
Configuration use
and the other relate to Balancing. It corresponds EVENT trigger for this EVENT trigger for this
longArray:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
RSRQ. Also, if dual- to a record of Measure measurement, and report measurement, and report
model default: 32;33 model default: 252 model default: 220 model default: 221
measurement is closed, configuration for amount set to 1, and don't amount set to 1, and don't
only the first element is neighborhood centre and recommend to set report recommend to set report
valid. edge user. amount to Infinity. amount to Infinity.

-- -- -- --
32;33 252 220 221
32;33 252 220 221
32;33 252 220 221
32;33 252 220 221
32;33 252 220 221
32;33 252 220 221
This parameter sets the
index of a measurement
tdsSRVCCBasedVoLTEQ cdmaSRVCCBasedVoLT geranSRVCCBaVoLTEQconfiguration is used as
Frequences Measurement
anrA2MeasCfg uaMeasCfg EQuaMeasCfg longArray:[1..65535]
Measurement Index of Measurement Index of theIndex SRVCC measurement
of SRVCC to
model default:
ANR A2 Measurement This parameter
SRVCC is an
to TDS index This
Based parameter
SRVCC is an index configuration
Configuration of Measurment,
VoLTE Qualityuniquely ofBased
Measurment, uniquely quality-based
VoLTE Quality handover to
related to a Measurement related to a Measurement GERAN. Each frequency
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] 710;1710;1710;1710;1710
Configuration, and it is Configuration, and it is point group is uniquely
model default: 34 model default: 1810 model default: 1760 ;1710;1710
used as the SRVCC to used as the SRVCC to associated with a
ANR A2 Measurement TDS measurement Based WCDMA measurement measurement
Configuration VoLTE quality. Based VoLTE quality. configuration.

-- -- -- --
34 1810 1760 1710;1710;1710;1710;1710
34 1810 1760 1710;1710;1710;1710;1710
34 1810 1760 1710;1710;1710;1710;1710
34 1810 1760 1710;1710;1710;1710;1710
34 1810 1760 1710;1710;1710;1710;1710
34 1810 1760 1710;1710;1710;1710;1710
This paramter is the
interFHOBasedVoLTEQu highSpeedInNmlCellMeas lowSpeedInHighwayMeas Measurement
aMeasCfg Cfg Cfg homePLMNeasCfg
Measurement Index of High Speed UE in Normal Low Speed UE in High- ConfigurationHomePLMN Index for
This parameter
Inter-Freq is an index
Handover Cell Measurement way Cell Measurement HomePLMN.
Measurment, uniquely
VoLTE Quality Configuration Index Configuration Index HomePLMN is enable
Configuration Index in
related to a Measurement SPID, eNodeb will
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
Configuration, and it is measurement measurement configurate this
model default: 140 model default: 150 model default: 160 model default: 600
used as the Inter-Freq configuration index for configuration index for measurement to UE, make
Handover measurement the high-speed UE in the low-speed UE in UE return to HomePLMN
Based VoLTE quality. Normal cell High-way cell quickly.

-- -- -- --
140 150 160 600
140 150 160 600
140 150 160 600
140 150 160 600
140 150 160 600
140 150 160 600
Index of RRC Access Inter-Freq Measurement
periodCdmaMeasCfg pcellMeasCfg rrcAccessLBMeasCfg e
Index for Inter-RAT Load Balancing Configuration Index
Periodical Measurement Index of Fixed Primary This parameter is an index
Measurement Based Service
Configuration of CDMA Carrier Measure for CA of Measurment, uniquely
Configuration Measurement
related to a Measurement
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
Configuration, and it is
model default: 1670 model default: 530 model default: 253 model default: 130
index for inter-RAT used as load balancing Inter-Freq Measurement
periodical measurement Index of Fixed Primary measurement Based RRC Configuration Index based
configuration of CDMA Carrier Measure for CA Access. Service

-- -- -- --
1670 530 253 130
1670 530 253 130
1670 530 253 130
1670 530 253 130
1670 530 253 130
1670 530 253 130
geranPRBUsageRatioMea tdsSRVCCBasedVoLTEC wcdmaSRVCCBasVoLT geranSRVCCBasVoLTE
Measurement Index of Measurement Index of Measurement Index of
sCfg This ongMeasCfg
parameter is an index This ECongMeasCfg
parameter CongMeasCfg
is an index ThisSRVCC
parameter is an index
PRB Usage Ratio SRVCC to TDS Based SRVCC to WCDMA to GERAN
Measurement of Measurment, uniquely Based
VoLTE Congestion of Measurment, uniquely Based
VoLTE Congestion of Measurment, uniquely
VoLTE Congestion
Configuration Index related toControl
a Measurement related toControl
a Measurement related toControl
a Measurement
Configuration, and it is Configuration, and it is Configuration, and it is
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
used as the SRVCC to used as the SRVCC to used as the SRVCC to
model default: 1900 model default: 1822 model default: 1772 model default: 1722
GERAN PRB Usage TDS measurement Based WCDMA measurement GERAN measurement
Ratio measurement VoLTE congestion Based VoLTE congestion Based VoLTE congestion
configuration index. control. control. control.

-- -- -- --
1900 1822 1772 1722
1900 1822 1772 1722
1900 1822 1772 1722
1900 1822 1772 1722
1900 1822 1772 1722
1900 1822 1772 1722
This parameter is an array
to indicate Measurement This parameter is an array
of Close inter-frequency to indicate Measurement
or intersystem of Open inter-frequency
measurement Based measurement Based
Close and related to aor
Inter-frequency Voice, and related to a
Open Inter-frequency
crsICMeasCfg caEICICMeasCfg clsInterFVoiceMeasCfg
record of Measurement opeInterFVoiceMeasCfg
record of Measurement
Intersystem Measurement Measurement Based
CRS IC Measurement CA eICIC Measurement Configuration.
Based VoiceThe one Configuration. The one
Voice Configuration
This paramter Index
Configuration is the Configuration Index element relates toIndex
Configuration RSRP element relates
Index to RSRP
Measurement and the other relate to and the other relate to
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535]
Configuration Index for RSRQ. Also, if dual- RSRQ. Also, if dual-
model default: 214 model default: 212 model default: 12;13 model default: 22;23
CRS-IC,the event is used measurement is closed, measurement is closed,
to distinguish the the CA eICIC Measurement only the first element is only the first element is
aggressor cells. Configuration Index valid. valid.

-- -- -- --
214 212 12;13 22;23
214 212 12;13 22;23
214 212 12;13 22;23
214 212 12;13 22;23
214 212 12;13 22;23
214 212 12;13 22;23
overlapInterFPeriodMeas magicRadioGERANMeas magicRadioWCDMAMea
Cfg Cfg4movUE sCfg4movUE activeLWACMeasCfg
Inter Frequency Overlap Magic Radio Magic Radio
Estimate Period Measure This parameter isIndex
Measurement an index
of This parameter isIndex
Measurement an index
of Measurement Index for
Configuration of Measurment,
Migrate User to uniquely of Measurment,
GERAN Migrate uniquely
User to WCDMA Active LWA
related to a Measurement related to a Measurement
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
This parameter indicates Configuration, and it is Configuration, and it is
model default: 322 model default: 1730 model default: 1780 model default: 1950
inter frequency overlap used as the Magic Radio used as the Magic Radio Measurement
estimate period measure measurement index of measurement index of Configuration for active
configuration. migrate user to GERAN. migrate user to WCDMA. LWA.

-- -- -- --
322 1730 1780 1950
322 1730 1780 1950
322 1730 1780 1950
322 1730 1780 1950
322 1730 1780 1950
322 1730 1780 1950
This parameter
Close sets the
deactiveLWACMeasCfg caOvelaInFEveMeasCfg ThisclsRatMeasCfg parameter sets the clsRatVoiceMeasCfg
CA Inter Frequency Close inter-RAT MeasurementofBased
Measurement Index for Overlap Estimate Event configuration
Measurementof close inter-RAT voice-service-
Voice Configuration
Deactive LWA Measure Configuration inter-RAT measurement.
Configuration Index based measurement.
Index The
The parameter value is parameter value is related
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535]
This parameter indicates related to a group of to agroup of records of
model default: 1960 model default: 324 model default: 14;15 model default: 16;17
Measurement inter frequency overlap records ofevent A, and the event A, and the elements
Configuration for deactive estimate Event measure elements are related to are related to RSRP and
LWA. configuration. RSRP and RSRQ. RSRQ.

-- -- -- --
1960 324 14;15 16;17
1960 324 14;15 16;17
1960 324 14;15 16;17
1960 324 14;15 16;17
1960 324 14;15 16;17
1960 324 14;15 16;17
configurations. The
valuecorresponds to a
group of coverage-based
co-frequency handover
records in Measurement Measurement Measurement
tableR_EUTMEA. The enPcellAnchHighPrioHO enPcellAnchLowPrioHO openEnPcellAnchInterFM
eMTC Coverage-based Configuration Index of Configuration Index of Configuration Index of
array elements Meas Meas eas
Intra-frequency Handover CA PCell Anchoring CA PCell Anchoring Open Inter Frequency for
respectively correspond to
Measurement Enhancement HO to High Enhancement HO to Low CA Enhance PCell
Configuration In
Index This parameter
Priorityindicates This parameter
Priorityindicates Anchoring
thecase of RSRP the measurement the measurement The parameter indicates
longArray:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
measurement or RSRQ configuration index of CA configuration index of CA the Measurement
model default: 800;801 model default: 532 model default: 534 model default: 536
measurement, only the PCell anchoring PCell anchoring Configuration Index of
first group of enhancement handover to enhancement handover to Open HO for CA Enhance
arrayelements are valid. a high priority. a low priority. PCell Anchoring.

-- -- -- --
800;801 532 534 536
800;801 532 534 536
800;801 532 534 536
800;801 532 534 536
800;801 532 534 536
800;801 532 534 536
This parameter is used to This parameter is used to
indicate the configuration indicate the configuration
Measurement measurement index of measurement index of
closeEnPcellAnchInterFM handover from macro cell handover from small cell sPIDSmtNetDistRedMeas
Configuration Index of Measurement Measurement
eas macro2SmallMeasCfg
to small cell. A of small2MacroMeasCfg
to macro cell. A of RedirectionCfg
Close Inter Frequency for Configuration Index Configuration Index Measurement
CA Enhance PCell measurement
Handover from Macro measurement
Handover from Small Cell Configuration Index for
The parameter
Anchoringindicates configuration
Cell to Smallindex
Cell configuration index
to Macro Cell The parameter
Idle sets a
SPID Users
the Measurement contains a series of contains a series of redirection measurement
long:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
Configuration Index of corresponding corresponding configuration index of the
model default: 538 model default: 122;123 model default: 120;121 model default: 620
Close HO for CA measurement of the measurement of the smart network distribution
Enhance PCell quantity of and threshold quantity of and threshold function for idle SPID
Anchoring. configuration. configuration. users.

-- -- -- --
538 122;123 120;121 620
538 122;123 122;121 620
538 122;123 122;121 620
538 122;123 122;121 620
538 122;123 122;121 620
538 122;123 122;121 620
index of high speed UEs
This parameter is a 2- based on coverage and
element array to enable intra-frequency handover.
eMTC measurement of It corresponds to a set of
redirection. It corresponds records of the high speed
to a set of records of the UEs based on coverage
redirection Event A2 in hSpeedIntraFSpecMeasCf
and intra-frequency This parameter is an array
Dedicated Measurement Remove SCell
the intra-system handover ing the intra- addSCellMeasCfgIdx
This tormvSCellMeasCfgIdx
eMTC Redirection Configuration Index for Add parameter is an array
SCell Measurement indicate measurement
longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535]
measurement parameter
Measurement system measurement
Intra-Frequency Handover to indicate measurement
Configuration Index for of delete Scell
Configuration Index for
model default: model default:
Configurationtable. One
Index parameter table.UEs
of High Speed One of add ScellCA
measurement measurement
500;500;500;500;500;500 510;510;510;510;510;510
element corresponds to element corresponds to configuration in CA configuration in CA
longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] ;500;500;500;500;500;50 ;510;510;510;510;510;51
RSRP and the other to RSRP and the other to function and related to a function and related to a
model default: 802;803 model default: 54;55 0;500;500;500;500 0;510;510;510;510
RSRQ. In the case of non- RSRQ. In the case of non- record of intra system record of intra system
dual-measurement, only dual-measurement, only measurement measurement
the first element is valid. the first element is valid. configuration. configuration.

-- -- -- --
802;803 54;55 500;500;500;500;500;500; 510;510;510;510;510;510;
802;803 54;55 500;500;500;500;500;500; 510;510;510;510;510;510;
802;803 54;55 500;500;500;500;500;500; 510;510;510;510;510;510;
802;803 54;55 500;500;500;500;500;500; 510;510;510;510;510;510;
802;803 54;55 500;500;500;500;500;500; 510;510;510;510;510;510;
802;803 54;55 500;500;500;500;500;500; 510;510;510;510;510;510;
This parameter is the
index of eMBMS mobility
A4 measurement
configuration, identifying
mobility nRSNRatAddMeasCfg judgeCCUMeasCfg judgeCEUMeasCfg
NR Inter-RAT Judge CCU User Judge CEU User
Measurement Measurement Index for Measurement Measurement
Indexthe This parameterinindicates
SN Addition ENDC This parameter indicates
Configuration Index This parameter indicates
Configuration Index
model default:
function is enabled, the the inter-RAT the unique index of a the unique index of a
long:[1..65535] 2100;2100;2100;2100;210 long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
eMBMS mobility A4 measurement measurement measurement
model default: 700 0;2100;2100;2100 model default: 180 model default: 182
event is delivered to configuration index for configuration that is used configuration that is used
choose a suitable target SN addition by the EN- to determine the users in to determine the users at
for the eMBMS UE. DC function. the center of a cell. the edge of a cell.

-- -- -- --
700 2100;2100;2100;2100;2100180 182
700 2100;2100;2100;2100;2100180 182
700 2100;2100;2100;2100;2100180 182
700 2100;2100;2100;2100;2100180 182
700 2100;2100;2100;2100;2100180 182
700 2100;2100;2100;2100;2100180 182
migBaseUEPosiInterFMe migBaseUEPosiWCDMA This parameter is used in caJointDecisionSCCDelM
Migrate User Based Migrate User Based
asCfg MeasCfg nRRptCGIMeasCfg
periodic measurement of eas
Position for Inter Position for WCDMA Report CGI Measurement CA Joint Decision SCell
This parameter
Frequency indicates
Measurement This
RATparameter indicates
Measurement the NR ANR Report
Configuration IndexCGI.
for Deletion Measurement
the unique indexIndex
Configuration of an the unique index
Configuration of a
Index When NRNRANRANR is Configuration Index
inter-frequency WCDMA system enabled, the neighbor cell This parameter indicates
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
measurement measurement CGI is reported through the unique measurement
model default: 184 model default: 1784 model default: 2110 model default: 513
configuration for the user configuration for the user the sending of the configuration index for
location-based migration location-based migration measurement joint CA decision on
strategy. strategy. configuration to the UE. SCell deletion.

-- -- -- --
184 1784 2110 513
184 1784 2110 513
184 1784 2110 513
184 1784 2110 513
184 1784 2110 513
184 1784 2110 513
from enhanced-coverage enhanced-coverage
This parameter is a two- This parameter is a two- Level0 to Level1. It Level0. It corresponds to a
dimensional array to dimensional array to corresponds to a set of set of records on event A1
disable intra-frequency enable intra-frequency records on event A2 for for the handover from
eMTC measurement. It eMTC measurement. It the handover from Level1 to ModeA
corresponds to a set of corresponds to a set of enhanced-coverage enhanced-coverage
records of intra-frequency records of intra-frequency Level0 to Mode
Coverage Level1Level0
in the Level0 in the intra-RAT
event A1 in the Index
intra-RAT opeeMTCIntraFMeasCfg
event A2 in the Index
intra-RAT cELevel0ToCELevel1
intra-RAT cEModeToCEleve0
Configuration for Configuration for Handovermeasurement
to Level1 measurement
Coverage Modeparameter
Disabling EMTC parameter
Intra- measurement
Enabling EMTC parameter
Intra- parameter table. One
Measurement table. One
to Level element
0 Measurement
Frequency table. One
Measurement configuration
Frequency table. One
Measurement element corresponds
Configuration Indexto corresponds to RSRP
Configuration Indexand
element corresponds to element corresponds to RSRP and the other to the other to RSRQ. In the
longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535]
RSRP and the other to RSRP and the other to RSRQ. In the case of non- case of non-dual-
model default: 806;807 model default: 804;805 model default: 808;809 model default: 810;811
RSRQ. In the case of non- RSRQ. In the case of non- dual-measurement, only measurement, only the
dual-measurement, only dual-measurement, only the first set of elements first set of elements are
the first element is valid. the first element is valid. are valid. valid.

-- -- -- --
806;807 804;805 808;809 810;811
806;807 804;805 808;809 810;811
806;807 804;805 808;809 810;811
806;807 804;805 808;809 810;811
806;807 804;805 808;809 810;811
806;807 804;805 808;809 810;811
enhanced-coverage enhanced-coverage ModeB enhanced- from enhanced-coverage
Level2. It corresponds to a Level1. It corresponds to a coverage Level3. It Level3 to Level2. It
set of records on event A2 set of records on event A1 corresponds to a set of corresponds to a set of
for the handover from for the handover from records on event A2 for records on event A1 for
ModeA to ModeB ModeB to ModeA the handover to ModeB the handover from
Configuration Index for enhanced-coverage enhanced-coverage enhanced-coverage
Level2 in Handover
the intra-RAT modeBToModeACELevel
Level1 in Handover
the intra-RAT Level3 in thetointra-RAT Level3 to Mode
in the
ModeA to ModeB to Handover ModeB Coverage
measurement 2 parameter ModeA
measurement 1 parameter enterModeBCELevel3
measurement parameter cELevel3ToCELevel2
ModeB Enhanced- Coverage Mode Coverage Mode Level3 Handovermeasurement
to Level2
table. One element
Coverage Level2 table. One
Level1 element
Measurement table. One element
Measurement parameter table. One
corresponds to RSRP and corresponds
Measurement to RSRP
Configuration Indexand corresponds to RSRP
Configuration Indexand element corresponds
Configuration Indexto
the other to RSRQ. In the the other to RSRQ. In the the other to RSRQ. In the RSRP and the other to
longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535]
case of non-dual- case of non-dual- case of non-dual- RSRQ. In the case of non-
model default: 812;813 model default: 814;815 model default: 816;817 model default: 818;819
measurement, only the measurement, only the measurement, only the dual-measurement, only
first set of elements are first set of elements are first set of elements are the first set of elements
valid. valid. valid. are valid.

-- -- -- --
812;813 814;815 816;817 818;819
812;813 814;815 816;817 818;819
812;813 814;815 816;817 818;819
812;813 814;815 816;817 818;819
812;813 814;815 816;817 818;819
812;813 814;815 816;817 818;819
This parameter indicates
the measurement
configuration index of
downlink big service-
based handover. If cSSGERANPeriodMeasC
Measurement Periodical Measurement Measurement
dLBigSRVHOMeasCfg puschOIPowConMeasCfg fg longArray:[1..65535]
downlink big service-
Configuration Index of PUSCH OI Power Control Configuration Index of Configuration Index for
model default:
DLbased handover is
Big Service-Based Measurement GERAN CSS Self- Inter-RAT Handover to
enabled, the eNodeB
Handover This parameter indicates
Configuration Index Configuration NR
configures the handover the unique index of a This parameter sets the This parameter indicates
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] 121;2121;2121;2121;2121
measurement of the target measurement periodical measurement the measurement
model default: 188 model default: 222 model default: 1651 ;2121;2121
frequency for the UEs configuration that is used configuration index of configuration index for
with downlink big to PUSCH OI power GERAN CSS self- inter-RAT handover to an
services. control. configuration. NR system.

-- -- -- --
188 222 1651 2120;2120;2120;2120;2120
188 222 1651 2120;2120;2120;2120;2120
188 222 1651 2120;2120;2120;2120;2120
188 222 1651 2120;2120;2120;2120;2120
188 222 1651 2120;2120;2120;2120;2120
188 222 1651 2120;2120;2120;2120;2120
This parameter indicates
the measurement
This parameter indicates configuration index for This parameter indicates
the measurement service-based handover the frequency-level
returnMeasCfgBaseServic 061;1061;1061;1061;1061
configuration index of CA
Measurement Measurement return. When service-
Measurement measurement
spectrum coordination enDcAnchHOMeasCfg based handover e return is ;1061;1061;1061;1061;10
Configuration Index of Configuration Index of Configuration Index for configuration index for
handover. If CA spectrum EN-DC Anchor-Based Service-Based
CA Spectrum enabled, the eNodeB
Handover handover to WCDMA.
Configuration An
Index for
Coordination isHandover
enabled, Handover delivers the measurement Handover
Return index corresponds
to WCDMAto a
the eNodeB configures the This parameter indicates of the handover to the WCDMA frequency and
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] 061;1061;1061;1061;1061
handover measurement of the measurement source frequency based on is uniquely associated
model default: 540 model default: 542 model default: 132 ;1061;1061;1061;1061
the SCC frequency for the configuration index of the value of this parameter with an inter-RAT
UEs with bad uplink EN-DC anchor-based when the target service is measurement
signal quality. handover. released. configuration.

-- -- -- --
540 542 132 1060;1060;1060;1060;1060
540 542 132 1060;1060;1060;1060;1060
540 542 132 1060;1060;1060;1060;1060
540 542 132 1060;1060;1060;1060;1060
540 542 132 1060;1060;1060;1060;1060
540 542 132 1060;1060;1060;1060;1060
to the RSRP and RSRQ
This parameter is a 2- values. It is used in
This parameter indicates element array and coverage-based
the frequency-level indicates the measurement This parameter is a two- measurement
Frequency-Level index for open the inter- dimensional array to configuration for inter-
model default: longArray:[1..65535]
configuration index for
Measurement frequency handover disable inter-frequency frequency handover
Coverage-Based for
wCDMAFHOVoLTEQua model default:
SRVCC handover
Configuration Indexto
for Measurement.
Open It
Inter-frequency measurement for eMTC. eMTC. The Handover
Frequency parameter
MeasCfg 824;824;824;824;824;824
WCDMA based on voice opeeMTCInterFMeasCfg
Voice Quality-Based corresponds
Measure Measurement
to a set of It corresponds to
Configuration a setfor
Index of eMTCInterFHOMeasCfg
values correspond to a set
760;1760;1760;1760;1760 ;824;824;824;824;824;82
SRVCC An indexto records on event
Configuration A2 for Disabling
Index records of Inter-Frequency
inter-frequency of records of coverage-
Configuration Index for
;1760;1760;1760;1760;17 4;824;824;824;824;825;8
WCDMAto a the inter-frequency
eMTC event A1 in thefor
Measurement intra-RAT
eMTC based inter-frequency
60;1760;1760;1760;1760; 25;825;825;825;825;825;
WCDMA frequency and handover in the intra-RAT measurement parameter handover in the
1760;1760;1760;1760;176 longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] 825;825;825;825;825;825
is uniquely associated measurement parameter configuration table. The R_EUTMEA table. The
0;1760;1760;1760;1760 model default: 820;821 model default: 822;823 ;825;825;825
with an inter-RAT table. One element array elements correspond array elements correspond
measurement corresponds to RSRP and to the RSRP and RSRQ to the RSRP and RSRQ
configuration. the other to RSRQ. values. values.

-- -- -- --
1760;1760;1760;1760;1760820;821 822;823 824;824;824;824;824;824;
1760;1760;1760;1760;1760820;821 822;823 824;824;824;824;824;824;
1760;1760;1760;1760;1760820;821 822;823 824;824;824;824;824;824;
1760;1760;1760;1760;1760820;821 822;823 824;824;824;824;824;824;
1760;1760;1760;1760;1760820;821 822;823 824;824;824;824;824;824;
1760;1760;1760;1760;1760820;821 822;823 824;824;824;824;824;824;
measurement configuration of EN-DC two-dimensional array two-dimensional array
configuration of EN-DC UEs based on coverage indexes to disable inter- indexes to enable inter-
UEs based on coverage and intra-frequency frequency/inter-RAT frequency measurement
and inter-frequency handover. It corresponds measurement for EN-DC for EN-DC UEs. It
handover. It corresponds to a set of records based UEs. It corresponds to a corresponds to a set of
to a Coverage-Based
set of records based on Coverage-Based
coverage and intra- set of records ofIndex
Configuration event to
A1 records of inter-frequency
model default:
on coverage and inter-
Measurement frequency handover in the
Measurement in theDisable
intra-RAT event A2 in the intra-RAT
Configuration Index to
enDcInterFHOMeasCfg enDcIntraFHOMeasCfg enDcClsInterFMeasCfg enDcOpeInterFMeasCfg
frequency handover
Configuration Indexinfor
the intra-system
Configuration measurement
Index for measurement parameter
Inter-frequency/Inter- measurement parameter
Enable Inter-frequency
Inter-frequency measurement
Handover parameter table.
Intra-frequency One
Handover configuration
RAT Measurement table. One
for configuration for
Measurement table. One
of EN-DC table.
UEsOne element corresponds
of EN-DC UEs to element corresponds
EN-DC UEs to element corresponds
UEs to
element corresponds to RSRP and the other to RSRP and the other to RSRP and the other to
437;437;437;437;437;437 longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535]
RSRP and the other to RSRQ. In the case of non- RSRQ. In the case of non- RSRQ. In the case of non-
;437;437;437 model default: 430;431 model default: 410;411 model default: 420;421
RSRQ. In the case of non- dual-measurement, only dual-measurement, only dual-measurement, only
dual-measurement, only the first set of array the first set of array the first set of array
the first part is valid. elements is valid. elements is valid. elements is valid.

-- -- -- --
436;436;436;436;436;436; 430;431 410;411 420;421
74;74;84;70;83;70;70;70;7 50;51 10;11 20;21
74;74;705;84;83;70;70;70; 50;51 10;11 20;21
70;70;70;70;70;70;70;70;7 50;51 10;11 20;21
70;70;70;70;70;70;70;70;7 50;51 10;11 20;21
70;70;70;70;70;70;70;70;7 50;51 10;11 20;21
indexes to disable inter- indexes to enable inter- dimensional array to
frequency/inter-RAT frequency measurement enable inter-RAT
measurement for EN-DC for EN-DC UEs based on measurement for EN-DC
UEs based on voice voice services. It UEs. It corresponds to a
services. It corresponds
Configuration Index toto corresponds to a set of set of records of inter-
a set of records
Disablewith the records with the
Configuration intra-
Index to frequency event A2 in the
intra-RAT measurement enDcOpeInterFVoiceMea
RAT Inter-frequency
measurement This parameter Index
is a two- inter-RAT measurement
Inter-frequency/Inter- Enable Configuration to Configuration Index to
configuration Cfgindex equal sCfg
configuration enDcClsRatMeasCfg enDcOpeRatFMeasCfg
RAT Measurement for Measurement index equal
for EN-DC dimensional array to
Disable Inter-RAT parameter configuration
Enable Inter-RAT
to this parameter
EN-DC UEs Basedvalue.
on toUEs
this Based
parameter value.
on Voice disable inter-RAT
Measurement for EN-DC table. One element
Measurement for EN-DC
One element corresponds
Voice Services One element corresponds
Services measurement UEsfor EN-DC corresponds to RSRP and
to RSRP and the other to to RSRP and the other to UEs. It corresponds to a the other to RSRQ. In the
longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535]
RSRQ. In the case of non- RSRQ. In the case of non- set of records of event A1 case of non-dual-
model default: 412;413 model default: 422;423 model default: 414;415 model default: 424;425
dual-measurement, only dual-measurement, only in the intra-RAT measurement, only the
the first array elements is the first array elements is measurement parameter first set of array elements
valid. valid. configuration table. is valid.

-- -- -- --
412;413 422;423 414;415 424;425
12;13 22;23 14;15 30;31
12;13 22;23 14;15 30;31
12;13 22;23 14;15 30;31
12;13 22;23 14;15 30;31
12;13 22;23 14;15 30;31
indexes to enable inter-
RAT measurement for
EN-DC UEs based on
voice services. It
corresponds to a set of This parameter indicates
This parameter Index
Configuration is a two-
to records with the
Configuration intra-
Index to the configuration index
dimensional array to enDcOpeRatVoiceMeasC
RAT measurement for fast return after EPS This parameter is a two-
Disable Inter-RAT Enable Inter-RAT
disable inter-RAT configuration fg epsFBEndFRMeasCfg sAClsRatMeasCfg
Measurement for EN-DC Measurement index equal
for EN-DC fallback ends. IfIndex
Configuration the Fast
for dimensional
Configuration array
UEs Based on for Voice
this Based
parameter value.
on Voice Return SwitchAfter
Fast Return for the
EPSEnd disable 2G/3G inter-RAT
Disable Inter-RAT
UEs based on voice
Services One element corresponds
Services ofFallback
EPS Fallback
End measurement
Measurement forfor SA
services. It corresponds to to RSRP and the other to parameter is set to Based It corresponds to a set of
longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535]
a set of records of event RSRQ. In the case of non- Measurement, this records of event A1 of SA
model default: 416;417 model default: 426;427 model default: 2123 model default: 464;465
A1 in the intra-RAT dual-measurement, only parameter is used to select UEs in the intra-RAT
measurement parameter the first array elements is an appropriate NR cell for measurement parameter
configuration table. valid. UEs to fast return. configuration table.

-- -- -- --
416;417 426;427 2123 464;465
16;17 32;33 2123 464;465
16;17 32;33 2123 464;465
16;17 32;33 2123 464;465
16;17 32;33 2123 464;465
16;17 32;33 2123 464;465
dimensional array to configuration of SA UEs configuration of SA UEs frequency measurement
enable 2G/3G inter-RAT based on coverage and based on coverage and for SA UEs. It
measurement for SA UEs. inter-frequency handover intra-frequency handover corresponds to a set of
It corresponds to a set of of SA UEs. It corresponds of SA UEs. It corresponds records (measurement
records of inter-frequency to a set of records based to a set of records based configuration numbers) of
event A2 of SA UEs in on Coverage-Based
coverage and inter- on Coverage-Based
coverage and intra- inter-frequency event A2
model default:
the inter-RAT frequency handover in the
Measurement frequency handover in the
Measurement in the intra-RAT
sAOpeRatFMeasCfg 486;486;486;486;486;486
sAInterFHOMeasCfg sAIntraFHOMeasCfg sAOpeInterFMeasCfg
Index to intra-system
Configuration measurement
Index for intra-system
Configuration measurement
Index for measurement
Index to
Enable 2G/3G table. One
Inter-RAT parameter table.
Inter-frequency One
Handover parameter table.
Intra-frequency One
Handover configuration table. The
Enable Inter-frequency
element corresponds
Measurement to
for SA UEs elementof corresponds
SA UEs to elementof corresponds
SA UEs to first element corresponds
Measurement for SA UEs
RSRP and the other to RSRP and the other to RSRP and the other to to RSRP and the second
longArray:[1..65535] 487;487;487;487;487;487 longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535]
RSRQ. In the case of non- RSRQ. In the case of non- RSRQ. In the case of non- to RSRQ. In the case of
model default: 474;475 ;487;487;487 model default: 480;481 model default: 470;471
dual-measurement, only dual-measurement, only dual-measurement, only non-dual-measurement,
the first set of array the first set of array the first set of array only the first set of array
elements is valid. elements is valid. elements is valid. elements is valid.

-- -- -- --
474;475 486;486;486;486;486;486; 480;481 470;471
474;475 486;486;486;486;486;486; 480;481 470;471
474;475 486;486;486;486;486;486; 480;481 470;471
474;475 486;486;486;486;486;486; 480;481 470;471
474;475 486;486;486;486;486;486; 480;481 470;471
474;475 486;486;486;486;486;486; 480;481 470;471
indexes to disable inter- intra-RAT A2 intra-RAT A1
frequency 2G/3G measurement for SA UEs. measurement for SA UEs.
measurement for SA UEs. It corresponds to a set of It corresponds to a set of
It corresponds to a set of records (measurement records (measurement
records (measurement configuration numbers) of configuration numbers) of
configuration numbers) of NR inter-RAT event A2 NR inter-RAT event A1
event A1 in the intra-RAT
Configuration Index to in the intra-RAT in the intra-RAT Directional Migration
measurement parameter sAOpeNRMeasCfg
measurement sAClsNRMeasCfg sADirectMigMeasCfg
Disable Configurationparameter
Index to measurement
Index to Measurement
configuration table. The
Inter-frequency/2G/3G configuration
Enable table. The
NR Inter-RAT A2 configuration
Disable table. The
NR Inter-RAT A1 Configuration Index of
first element corresponds
Measurement for SA UEs first element corresponds
Measurement for SA UEs first element corresponds
Measurement for SA UEs This parameter
SA UEsindicates
to RSRP and the second to RSRP and the second to RSRP and the second the unique index of a
longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
to RSRQ. In the case of to RSRQ. In the case of to RSRQ. In the case of measurement
model default: 460;461 model default: 476;477 model default: 466;467 model default: 2124
non-dual-measurement, non-dual-measurement, non-dual-measurement, configuration for
only the first set of array only the first set of array only the first set of array directional migration
elements is valid. elements is valid. elements is valid. measurement of SA UEs.

-- -- -- --
460;461 476;477 466;467 2124
460;461 476;477 466;467 2124
460;461 476;477 466;467 2124
460;461 476;477 466;467 2124
460;461 476;477 466;467 2124
460;461 476;477 466;467 2124
indexes to enable
redirection measurement
based on voice services. It This parameter sets the
corresponds to a set of measurement
records of the redirection configuration index of Measurement Measurement
event A2 for voice handover based on
Measurement This parameter
Configuration sets for
Index a This parameter
Configuration sets for
Index a
services in the intra- caOptBandCombHoMeas
band of endcAnchNbrNrCovMeas
optimal CAIndex measurement endcAnchSrvNrCovMeas
Configuration Monitoring Neighbor Monitoring Local Cell-
system measurement Cfg The
combinations. Cfgindex. It is configuration
configuration Cfgindex. It is
Voice-Based Redirection Handover Based on Cell-Related NR Related NR Coverage in
parameter configuration
Measurement eNodeBCA
Optimal delivers
Band associated
Coverage in with
EN-DCa associated
EN-DC with a
longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535]
table. One element
Configuration Index measurement
Combinations dedicated measurement
Anchor-Based Handover dedicated measurement
model default: model default:
corresponds to RSRP and configurations to the configuration that is used configuration that is used
longArray:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] 2102;2102;2102;2102;210 2104;2104;2104;2104;210
the other to RSRQ. In the optimal frequency to monitor neighbor cell- to monitor local cell-
model default: 42;43 model default: 544 2;2102;2102;2102 4;2104;2104;2104
case of non-dual- combinations for CA UEs related NR coverage in an related NR coverage in an
measurement, only the based on this parameter EN-DC anchor-based EN-DC anchor-based
first element is valid. value. handover. handover.

-- -- -- --
42;43 544 2102;2102;2102;2102;21022104;2104;2104;2104;2104
42;43 544 2102;2102;2102;2102;21022104;2104;2104;2104;2104
42;43 544 2102;2102;2102;2102;21022104;2104;2104;2104;2104
42;43 544 2102;2102;2102;2102;21022104;2104;2104;2104;2104
42;43 544 2102;2102;2102;2102;21022104;2104;2104;2104;2104
42;43 544 2102;2102;2102;2102;21022104;2104;2104;2104;2104
configuration index for
migrating the poor-quality
data UEs that are in the
with atmospheric
ducting interference.
Configuration If
Index for
this parameter is
Migrating the Poor- Measurement
Cfg poor-
configured, tmmINCMeasCfg
Quality Datathe UEs in Configuration Index for
quality data UEs
Atmospheric that are
Ducting UE Migration in MM IN
in theCells
cells with This parameter indicates
atmospheric ducting the unique index of a
long:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535]
interference are migrated measurement
model default: 554 model default: 560;561
to a cell without configuration for UE
atmospheric ducting migration when MM IN
interference. coordination is enabled.

-- --
554 560;561
554 560;561
554 560;561
554 560;561
554 560;561
554 560;561
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
may be implemented in
the access network by the
QCI referencing node
specific parameters that
control packet forwarding
treatment (e.g. scheduling
weights, admission
NE_Name ldn moId qCI queue
Label Numberthresholds,
of Service
NE Name LDN MO ID link layer protocol
This parameter sets the configuration, etc.), that
string:length[1..255] long:[0..256]
unique ID of the managed have been pre-configured
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string by the operator at a
type and can be specific node(s) (e.g.
NE Name LDN configured as planned. eNodeB).

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 256
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 128
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 3
pdcpStatRptInd profile1 profile2 profile4
enum: enum: enum: enum:
PDCP Status Report
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
parameter is used to
Indicator ROHC Profile0x0001 ROHC Profile0x0002 ROHC Profile0x0004
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1]
determine whether or not
to send status report to the The parameter is used to The parameter is used to The parameter is used to
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
peer when upper layers determine whether ROHC determine whether ROHC determine whether ROHC
request a PDCP re- 0x0001 profiles is allowed 0x0002 profiles is allowed 0x0004 profiles is allowed
establishment. to be used or not to be used or not to be used or not

-- -- -- --
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
The parameter represents
the switch for Uplink Data
This parameter is the Compression(UDC) of
switch of the ROHC This is the maximum CID Radio Bearer with the
Profile0x0101 function. If value that can be used QCI, and is used to
the switch is turned on, it when ROHC is open. CID Open/Close the Uplink
profile6 indicatesprofile257
that the eNodeB maxCid
is indicated ulDataCompSupport
which context Data Compression(UDC)
enum: enum: enum:
supports the ROHC that Enb or
Maximum CIDue of
used function of Radio
Is Support UplinkBearer
No[0] No[0] Close[0]
ROHC Profile0x0006 Profile0x0101 function. If
ROHC Profile0x0101 when ROHC
compress or with the QCI.eNB dosn't
Yes[1] Yes[1] Open[1]
the switch is turned off, it decompress. Maximum support simultaneously
The parameter is used to indicates that the eNodeB CID is used to limit the open ROHC and UDC,
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 15 model default: 0
determine whether ROHC does not support the value of CID. This is and only the Radio Bearer
0x0006profiles is allowed ROHC Profile0x0101 configured before ue with RLC AM could open
to be used or not function. attach. UDC.

-- -- -- --
No[0] No[0] 15 Close[0]
No[0] No[0] 15 Close[0]
No[0] No[0] 15 Close[0]
No[0] No[0] 15 Close[0]
No[0] No[0] 15 Close[0]
No[0] No[0] 15 Open[1]
No[0] No[0] 15 Open[1]
No[0] No[0] 15 Open[1]
No[0] No[0] 15 Open[1]
No[0] No[0] 15 Close[0]
No[0] No[0] 15 Close[0]
No[0] No[0] 15 Close[0]
This parameter indicates
the maximum value of the
Context ID (CID)
supported by the eNodeB
The parameter represents when Uplink Only ROHC
ulDataCompCtxtMemSize spare05[59]
the eNB supported is enabled. The CID
Max spare04[60]
tReordering profile6Ul
eNB UDCMaximum
Supported context Whether to Support indicatesmaxCidUl
the context used
twoKB[0] spare03[61] enum:
memory size per
UDC Context bearer.
Memory This parameter
Reordering sets the
Duration for Profile6 for Uplink Only by the eNodeB
Maximum CID or
of UE for
fourKB[1] spare02[62] No[0]
The eNBSize could determine
per Bearer duration of the reordering
PDCP ROHC compression
Only ROHCor
eightKB[2] spare01[63] Yes[1]
the UDC context memory timer for PDCP. The This parameter indicates decompression. It is used
size for bearer based on value range should be the whether the Profile6 to limit the maximum
model default: 1 model default: 19 model default: 0 model default: 15
this parameter value and same as that specified in algorithm for Uplink Only value of the CID. This
the UE supported the protobuf description ROHC is supported by the parameter is configured
maximum value. file. QCI. before UE access.

-- -- -- --
fourKB[1] ms1500[29] No[0] 15
fourKB[1] ms1500[29] No[0] 15
fourKB[1] ms1500[29] No[0] 15
fourKB[1] ms1500[29] No[0] 15
fourKB[1] ms1500[29] No[0] 15
fourKB[1] ms1500[29] No[0] 15
fourKB[1] ms1500[29] No[0] 15
fourKB[1] ms1500[29] No[0] 15
fourKB[1] ms1500[29] No[0] 15
fourKB[1] ms1500[29] No[0] 15
fourKB[1] ms1500[29] No[0] 15
fourKB[1] ms1500[29] No[0] 15
This parameter enables or
disables Deflate-based This parameter sets the
Uplink Data Compression maximum memory for This parameter determines
(UDC) for the service Deflate-based UDC whether to use the
bearers of a QCI type. An context per bearer. If standard dictionary for
eNodeB does not support deflateUDCCtxtMemSize
Deflate-based Uplink Deflate-based Deflate-
deflateUDCSupport enum:
Max deflateUDCStandardDic
enabling ROHC, uplink Data Compression
Maximum Memory (UDC)
for based Uplink
Whether Data
enum: twoKB[0] enum:
header compression,
Whether to Supportand forDeflate-Based
bearers is enabled,
UDCthe UDCCompression
Supports(UDC) for
No[0] fourKB[1] No[0]
Deflate-BasedUDCUDCon a eNodeB canper
Context determine
Bearer the the service bearers of a
Yes[1] eightKB[2] Yes[1]
service bearer at the same memory value for bearers QCI type. The eNodeB
time, and Deflate-based based on this parameter determines whether to use
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
UDC can be enabled on value and the maximum this function based on this
only the service bearers in value supported by UE parameter value and UE
RLC AM mode. capability. capability.

-- -- --
No[0] fourKB[1] No[0]
No[0] fourKB[1] No[0]
No[0] fourKB[1] No[0]
No[0] fourKB[1] No[0]
No[0] fourKB[1] No[0]
No[0] fourKB[1] No[0]
No[0] fourKB[1] No[0]
No[0] fourKB[1] No[0]
No[0] fourKB[1] No[0]
No[0] fourKB[1] No[0]
No[0] fourKB[1] No[0]
No[0] fourKB[1] No[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId lteMode
NE Name LDN MO ID If thisConfiguration
SCA parameter is set
This parameter sets the TDD, the record is used
unique ID of the managed for TDD SCA parameters.
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string If this parameter is set to
type and can be FDD, the record is used
NE Name LDN configured as planned. for FDD SCA parameters.

R Primary Key R-I

refSCAUDP refSctp

Referenced UDP Referenced SCTP

string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400]

Referenced UDP Referenced SCTP

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId qci
Label Number of Service
NE Name LDN MO ID The parameter
Class is QCI in
This parameter sets the SAE Bearer Info. eNB can
string:length[1..255] long:[0..256]
unique ID of the managed find service's QoS
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string parameters and
type and can be application's parameters
NE Name LDN configured as planned. with QCI.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
arp mcc mnc srvPriLvDl
Allocation and Retention The parameter
Downlink is service
Service Priory
The parameter
Priorityis ARP in Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code priority Level
level of SAE
SAE Bearer Info. eNB can Bearer Info. eNB can find
long:[1..15] long:[1..16]
find service's QoS service's QoS parameters
model default: 1 string:length[3] string:length[2..3] model default: 16
parameters and and application's
application's parameters parameters with ARP and
with ARP. Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code QCI.

R-I R-I,M R-I,M --

1 510 10 16
The parameter
Uplink Serviceis Priory
priority Level
level of SAE
Bearer Info. eNB can find
service's QoS parameters
model default: 16
and application's
parameters with ARP and

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
This parameter is UL SPS
activation lower MCS
threshold, used for limit
NE_Name ldn moId MAC spsMcsLowThrUl
layer not enable UL
SPS at low
Uplink SPSsinr. When
NE Name LDN MO ID higherLower
MCS layer enable UL
This parameter sets the SPS, the parameter should
string:length[1..255] long:[0..10]
unique ID of the managed be configurated. And the
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 10
object. It is of the string parameter should be
type and can be adjusted in the range of
NE Name LDN configured as planned. QPSK modulation.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 10
This parameter is UL SPS This parameter is DL SPS This parameter is DL SPS
activation higher MCS activation lower MCS activation higher MCS
threshold, used for limit threshold, used for limit threshold, used for limit
MAC spsMcsHighThrUl
layer not enable UL spsUseBandPerUl MAC spsMcsLowThrDl
layer not enable DL MAC spsMcsHighThrDl
layer not enable DL
SPS at high
Uplink SPS sinr. When
Activation The This
ULparameter is the
SPS Scheduling SPS at lowSPS
Downlink SINR. When
Activation SPS at high
Downlink SINR.
SPS When
MCS layer enable UL
Threshold percent of theRatio
Resource PUSCH higherLower
MCS layer enable DL
Threshold higherHigher
MCS layer enable DL
SPS, the parameter should bandwidth to be occupied SPS, the parameter should SPS, the parameter should
long:[16..28] model default: 0.3 long:[0..10] long:[16..28]
be configurated. And the for UL SPS in a sub- be configurable. And the be configurable. And the
model default: 18 step: 0.01 model default: 10 model default: 18
parameter should be frame, which is used for parameter should be parameter should be
adjusted in the range of limit the RB number of adjusted in the range of adjusted in the range of
bigger than MCS15. UL SPS. QPSK modulation. bigger than MCS15.

-- -- -- --
18 0.3 10 18
This parameter sets the
type of short-interval SPS.
It determines the way that
spsUseBandPerDl shortSPSScheType
resources are allocated for shortSPSFixedMCS shortSPSFixedRB
The This
DLparameter is the
SPS Scheduling short-interval SPS. If it is Fixed MCS for Short- Fixed RB for Short-
Fixed MCS/RB[0]
percent of theRatio
Resource PDSCH set to Fixed MCS/RB,
Short-Interval SPS Typethe Interval SPS Interval SPS
double:[0..1] Fixed Bsr[1]
bandwidth to be occupied allocation with the fixed This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
model default: 0.3 long:[0..15] long:[2..100]
for DL SPS in a sub- MCS or RB is used. If it MCS that is used when RB that is used when the
step: 0.01 model default: 0 model default: 5 model default: 2
frame, which is used for is set to Fixed Bsr, the the resource allocation resource allocation type of
limit the RB number of allocation with the fixed type of short-interval SPS short-interval SPS is fixed
DL SPS. BSR is used. is fixed scheduling. scheduling.

-- -- -- --
0.3 Fixed MCS/RB[0] 5 2
This parameter sets the
shortSPSFixedBSR shortSPSRbRatio shortSPSSinrActThr
This parameter sets the shortSPSSinrDeActThr
SINR Deactivation
SINR Activation SINR
Fixed BSR for Short- RB Ratio for Short- SINR activation
Threshold for threshold
Short- threshold for short-
Threshold Short-
Interval SPS (Byte) Interval SPS UEs (%) forInterval
SPS (dB)SPS. interval SPS.
Interval When
SPS (dB)the
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the When the SINR of a UE is SINR of a UE is lower
long:[2..100] long:[1..100] long:[0..60] long:[0..60]
BSR that is used when the ratio of the bandwidth higher than or equal to than or equal to this
model default: 100 model default: 10 model default: 30 model default: 15
resource allocation type of resources occupied by this threshold, short- threshold, short-interval
short-interval SPS is fixed short-interval SPS UEs to interval SPS may be SPS needs to be
scheduling. total bandwidth resources. activated for the UE. deactivated for the UE.

-- -- -- --
100 10 30 15
which short-interval SPS
can be activated. The
eNodeB identifies the
service type of a UE.
When this parameter is set
to a type, short-interval
Type 1[1]
SPS is activated only for
Type 2[2]
the UEs thatGuaranteed
Preferentially have the
Type 3[3]
this type. When
for Short-
Type 4[4]
this parameter
Interval SPSis set to
Type 5[5]
Close, short-interval SPS
is likely to be activated
model default: 0
for all the UEs that are
configured with short-
interval SPS services.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId freqIndex
Adjacent E-UTRA Carrier
NE Name LDN MO ID Frequency Index
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..128]
unique ID of the managed The parameter represents
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string eNodeB Adjacent E-
type and can be UTRA carrier frequency
NE Name LDN configured as planned. index

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,0 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 3
This parameter sets the
list of additional
equivalent frequency
bands where the E-
UTRAN carrier
Frequency Band Where frequencies of the
freqBandInd addiFreqBandInd
neighbor eNodeBcarrier
are freqArfcn
Neighbor E-UTRAN Adjacent E-UTRA
Carrier Frequencies Are located.additional
frequency Each inter-
band Neighbor E-UTRAN
longArray:[0, 1..5, 7..14,
Located frequency E-UTRAN Carrier Frequency (MHz)
long:[1..5, 7..14, 17..28, 17..28, 30..64, 66]
This parameter sets the carrier frequency can be
30..76, 85, 87..88, 101] model default: double:[0..6000]
frequency band where the configured with a This parameter sets the
model default: 1 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 2120.0
neighbor E-UTRAN maximum of eight neighbor E-UTRAN
carrier frequencies of the equivalent frequency carrier frequencies of the
eNodeB are located. bands. eNodeB.

-- -- --
40 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 2324.4
40 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 2310.0
1 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 2162.5
1 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 2160.0
8 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 930.0
3 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 1870.0
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId freqSetIndex
Adjacent GERAN Carrier
NE Name LDN MO ID Frequency Set Index
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..128]
unique ID of the managed The parameter represents
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string eNodeB Adjacent
type and can be GERAN carrier frequency
NE Name LDN configured as planned. set index

R Primary Key R-I

The parameter represents because it's different from
the eNodeB Adjacent E-UTRAN/UTRAN
GERAN carrier frequency which can operate on
model default:
band indicator, it indicates intra-frequency(there may
the GERAN frequency be multipule cells on same
band in case
Band the ARFCN
Indicator for adjacent
value (in
Adjacent the
GERAN frequency),GERAN can
freqBandInd can 535;65535;65535;65535;6
DCS1800 or PCS1900 only operate on inter-
enum: 5535;65535;65535;65535;
Carrier either a DCS frequency(there
in Adjacent GERANisCarrier
dcs1800[0] 65535;65535;65535;6553
1800 orThea PCS
Set 1900 oneFrequency(ARFCN)
cell on same adjacent
pcs1900[1] 5;65535;65535;65535;655
carrier frequency. For frequency), so, to the
ARFCN values not facility, it always
model default: 0 535;65535
associated with one of configurate mobility
these bands, the indicator control parameter to a set
has no meaning. of GERAN frequencies.

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId freqIndex
Adjacent UTRA-TDD
NE Name LDN MO ID Carrier Frequency Index
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..128]
unique ID of the managed The parameter represents
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string eNodeB Adjacent UTRA-
type and can be TDD carrier frequency
NE Name LDN configured as planned. index

R Primary Key R-I

freqBandInd double:[1850.8..1929.2,
Adjacent UTRA-TDD
d[3] 1930.8..1989.2,
Carrier Frequency Band Adjacent UTRA-TDD
e[4] 2010.8..2024.2,
Indicator Carrier Frequency (MHz)
f[5] 2300.8..2399.2,
The parameter represents The parameter represents
model default: 0 model default: 1910.0
the eNodeB Adjacent the eNodeB Adjacent
UTRA-TDD carrier UTRA-TDD carrier
frequency band indicator frequency

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId freqIndex
Adjacent UTRA-FDD
NE Name LDN MO ID Carrier Frequency Index
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..128]
unique ID of the managed The parameter represents
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string eNodeB Adjacent UTRA-
type and can be FDD carrier frequency
NE Name LDN configured as planned. index

R Primary Key R-I

bandX[9] 748.4..753.6,
bandXI[10] 760.4..765.6,
bandXII[11] 793.4..818.6,
bandXIII[12] 861.4..891.6,
bandXIV[13] 927.4..957.6,
bandXIX[18] 1478.4..1493.4,
bandXX[19] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1498.4..1508.4,
freqBandInd 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
addiFreqBandInd 1807.4..1877.6,
Adjacent UTRA-FDD Adjacent UTRA-FDD
bandXXII[21] 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 1932.4..1992.6,
Carrier Frequency Band Carrier Frequency Adjacent UTRA-FDD
bandXXV[24] 255] 2112.4..2167.6,
Indicator Additional Band Indicator Carrier Frequency (MHz)
bandXXVI[25] model default: 2622.4..2687.6,
The parameter represents
255;255;255;255;255;255 3512.4..3587.6]
The parameter represents the eNodeB Adjacent The parameter represents
model default: 0 ;255;255 model default: 2140.0
the eNodeB Adjacent UTRA-FDD carrier the eNodeB Adjacent
UTRA-FDD carrier frequency additional UTRA-FDD carrier
frequency band indicator equivalent band indicators frequency

-- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId freqIndex
Adjacent CDMA
NE Name LDN MO ID Frequency Index
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..128]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string The parameter represents
type and can be eNodeB adjacent CDMA
NE Name LDN configured as planned. carrier frequency index

R Primary Key R-I

cdmaType bc18-v9a0[18]
cdmaBandClass cdmaarfcn
enum: bc19-v9a0[19]
Carrier Frequency within
1XRTT[0] bc20-v9a0[20]
CDMA2000 Type CDMA2000 Band Class a CDMA2000 Band
HRPD[1] bc21-v9a0[21]
This parameter is used to
configure the ARFCN
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
This parameter is used to This parameter is used to value which has
determine the CDMA cell configure the CDMA2000 correspondence to
type is 1XRTT or HRPD. band class. CDMA2000 band.

-- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId profileIndex
Idle Mobility Profile
NE Name LDN MO ID Index
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..256]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string The parameter represents
type and can be the idle mobility profile
NE Name LDN configured as planned. index

R Primary Key R-I

0 1
One entry corresponding
to each carrier frequency
refAdjacentEutranFreqLT listed in the same order as refAdjacentUtranFreqFD One entry corresponding
E ineutraFreqRslPrio
carrier D utraFddFreqRslPrio
each carrier frequency
E-UTRA Carrier
E-UTRA Carrier frequency indexCell
Frequency list, and UTRA-FDD Carrier listedFrequency
in the sameCell
order as
Frequency Index indicates the specific
Reselection Prioritycell Frequency Index inReselection
UTRA-FDD carrier
The parameter represents reselection priority of the The parameter represents frequency index list, and
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
a list of E-UTRA carrier corresponding E-UTRA a list of UTRA-FDD indicates the specific cell
stringArray:length[0..400] 5, 6, 7] stringArray:length[0..400] 5, 6, 7]
frequency index with carrier frequency. The carrier frequency index reselection priority of the
specific cell reselection 17th to 32th array with specific cell corresponding UTRA-
priority elements are reserved. reselection priority FDD carrier frequency.

-- -- -- --
One entry corresponding
refAdjacentUtranFreqTD One entry corresponding to each carrier frequency
D utraTddFreqRslPrio
each carrier frequency refAdjacentGSMFreq geranFreqSetRslPrio
listed in Carrier
the same
UTRA-TDD Carrier listedFrequency
in the sameCell
order as GERAN Carrier order as in GERAN
Frequency Set Cell
Frequency Index inReselection
UTRA-TDD carrier
Priority Frequency Set Index carrier frequency
Reselection set index
The parameter represents frequency index list, and The parameter represents list, and indicates the
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
a list of UTRA-TDD indicates the specific cell a list of GERAN carrier specific cell reselection
stringArray:length[0..400] 5, 6, 7] stringArray:length[0..400] 5, 6, 7]
carrier frequency index reselection priority of the frequency set index with priority of the
with specific cell corresponding UTRA- specific cell reselection corresponding GERAN
reselection priority TDD carrier frequency. priority carrier frequency set.

-- -- -- --
One entry corresponding One entry corresponding
to each band class listed cdma1XrttBandClassRslP
to each band class listed
hrpdBandClass hrpdBandClassRslPrio
in the same order asBand
in cdma1XrttBandClass rioorder as in
the same
CDMA2000-HRPD Band CDMA2000-HRPD band
Class Cell Reselection CDMA2000-1XRTT CDMA2000-1XRTT
Band Class Cell band
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
Class class list, Priority
and indicates the Band Class class list, and indicates
Reselection Priority the
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
The parameter represents specific cell reselection The parameter represents specific cell reselection
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
a list of CDMA2000- priority of the a list of CDMA2000- priority of the
20, 21, 255] 5, 6, 7] 20, 21, 255] 5, 6, 7]
HRPD band class with corresponding 1XRTT band class with corresponding
specific cell reselection CDMA2000-HRPD band specific cell reselection CDMA2000-1XRTT band
priority class. priority class.

-- -- -- --
This parameter sets the
absolute priority for
reselecting neighbor NR
cells. Priorities can be
separately configured for
NR carrier frequencies
refEnbAdjFreqNR and UEsnrReselPrio
can perform the reserve1 reserve2
NR Carrier Frequency cellNR reselection procedure
Cell Reselection
Index on the carrier frequencies
Priority Reserve Parameter1 Reserve Parameter2
that are contained in
model default: long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295]
system information
stringArray:length[0..400] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0 model default: 0
This parameter sets the broadcasting messages
IMMCI frequency of the and have reselection
NR system. priorities. Reserve Parameter1 Reserve Parameter2

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0 0
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId pciRangeIndex

NE Name LDN MO ID Index

This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..255]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Index

R Primary Key R-I

pciStart Reserved[0]
pciType pciNum freqBandInd
Band Indication for
Start of PCI Type of PCI Section Number of PCIs The parameter
OSG[3] long:[1..5, 7..14, 17..28,
the frequency band for
long:[0..503] long:[1..504] 30..76, 85, 87..88, 101]
downlink and uplink
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 504 model default: 1
This parameter is used to frequency. The downlink
Start of PCI Section for identify the type of PCI Number of PCI Section and uplink frequency is
the PCI Section Type Section. for the PCI Section Type own to the same band.

-- -- -- --
E-UTRAN Frequency
This parameter
(MHz) sets the
PCI range of a frequency
point of a certain type of
model default: 2120.0
cells. A frequency point
can be configured with
multiple PCI ranges.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --

Referenced SCTP


Referenced SCTP

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId mbmsCmonRefTime
parameter indicates
NE Name LDN MO ID the commonTime
Reference time
This parameter sets the reference which refers to
string:length[1..255] model default: 2014-01-
unique ID of the managed the start time of the
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 01 01:01:01
object. It is of the string synchronisation period
type and can be between the BM-SC and
NE Name LDN configured as planned. the concerned eNBs.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 1 2014-01-01 01:01:01
MBMS Common
mbmsCmonRefTimems mcchDeltaPwrOfstPMCH
The parameter indicates mtchDeltaPwrOfstPMCH
The parameter indicates cNoRepCoeff
Reference Time
Millisecond Level theRS
of theRS
of Change Notification
Configuration (ms) every
PMCH resource element
with MCCH for every
(dB) PMCH resource element
only MTCH for
(dB) Repeated Times
double:[-7.6..10] double:[-7.6..10] 4[1]
PMCH. It is the relative PMCH. It is the relative
long:[0..999] model default: 0.0 model default: 0.0
MBMS Common value to the MBSFN value to the MBSFN
model default: 0 step: 0.1 step: 0.1 model default: 0
Reference Time reference signals power, is reference signals power, is The parameter indicates
Millisecond Level aimed at containing aimed at only containing the repeat times of change
Configuration MCCH subframe. MTCH subframe. notification

-- -- -- --
0 0.0 0.0 2[0]
This parameter indicates
whether the eMBMS is
deployed in a centralized
way or a distributed way.
The difference of the two
deployment methods
depends on whether the
EMBMSis integrated into the
BBU. IfModethe MCE is
integrates into the BBU,
the eMBMS is deployed
model default: 1
in a centralized way;
otherwise, it is deployed
in a distributed way.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
This parameter is used to
config the signaling
processing mode,when it
is set to Centralized,all the
signaling processing of
eNB will centralize on
NE_Name ldn moId only onesigProcMode
CC board,when
is set to distributed,
NE Name LDN MO ID muti-boards will attend in
This parameter sets the signaling processing of
unique ID of the managed eNB conconcurrently as
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string according to the signaling
type and can be resource configuration .
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Effective when eNB Reset

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Centralized[0]
This parameter is used to
configure the signaling
reources configuration
mode, when it is set to
static , the signaling This parameter is used to
reources sigPrioCelllList
should be manual configure the cells in
configured by OMC,
Signaling Resource which UEs'signaling
Signaling Priority
when it is setMode
Configuration to reources should
Insurance CellbeList
Auto[1] longArray:[0..255, 65535]
Auto,signaling reources priority Insurance than
model default:
will be automatic other cells, is useful only
model default: 0 65535;65535;65535
configured by eNB's when Signaling Resource
strategy. ConfigurationMode is set
Effective when eNB Reset to auto.

-- --
Static[0] 65535;65535;65535
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --

Referenced SCTP


Referenced SCTP

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId profileIndex

NE Name LDN MO ID CSFB Profile Index

This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..256]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string
type and can be The parameter represents
NE Name LDN configured as planned. the CSFB profile index

R Primary Key R-I

Target System of Idle Ue
ratPriIdPara_ratPriIdleCS ratPriIdPara_ratPriIdleCS ratPriIdPara_ratPriIdleCS ratPriIdPara_ratPriIdleCS
Target System of Idle Ue Target System of Idle Ue Target System of Idle Ue for CS
for CS Fallback_GERAN for CS Fallback_UTRAN- for CS Fallback_UTRAN- Fallback_CDMA2000-
Target System of Idle Ue FDD Target System of TDD Target System of 1xRTT Target System of
for CS Fallback Idle Ue for CS Fallback Idle Ue for CS Fallback Idle Ue for CS Fallback
long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[0..255]
model default: 100 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
GERAN Target System of System of Idle Ue for CS System of Idle Ue for CS Target System of Idle Ue
Idle Ue for CS Fallback Fallback Fallback for CS Fallback

-- -- -- --
Target System of Target System of Target System of
Target System of Connected Ue for CS Connected Ue for CS Connected Ue for CS
ratPriCnPara_ratPriCnCS ratPriCnPara_ratPriCnCS ratPriCnPara_ratPriCnCS ratPriCnPara_ratPriCnCS
Connected Ue for CS Fallback_UTRAN-FDD Fallback_UTRAN-TDD Fallback_CDMA2000-
Fallback_GERAN Target Target System of Target System of 1xRTT Target System of
System of Connected Ue Connected Ue for CS Connected Ue for CS Connected Ue for CS
for CS Fallback Fallback Fallback Fallback
long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[0..255]
model default: 0 model default: 100 model default: 0 model default: 0
GERAN Target System of UTRAN-FDD Target UTRAN-TDD Target Target System of
Connected Ue for CS System of Connected Ue System of Connected Ue Connected Ue for CS
Fallback for CS Fallback for CS Fallback Fallback

-- -- -- --
This array indicates the
priority of candidate
frequencies for CSFB
target. eNB selects the This parameter indicates
target frequency based on the CSFB measurement
this information. The indication of a UTRAN
refAdjacentUtranFreqFD refAdjacentUtranFreqTD value range of each frequency. If it is set to
D D utranFreqCsfbPrio
integer array member is utranFreqCsfbMeasInd
Yes, Measurement
the eNodeB
UTRAN 255. A higher
Frequency CSFB measures
of frequency
Carrier Frequency Index Carrier Frequency Index value indicates
Prioritya higher only for measurement-
priority. The default value based CSFB; otherwise,
0 means the the eNodeB does not
stringArray:length[0..400] stringArray:length[0..400] longArray:[0..255] enumArray:[0, 1]
This array is the target This array is the target corresponding frequency measure this frequency for
UTRAN FDD frequencies UTRAN TDD frequencies can not be selected as measurement-based
of CSFB. of CSFB. CSFB target frequency. CSFB.

-- -- -- --
This array indicates the
priority of candidate
frequencies for CSFB
target. eNB selects the This parameter indicates
target frequency based on the CSFB measurement
this information. The indication of a GERAN
value range of each frequency. If it is set to
refAdjacentGSMFreq geranFreqCsfbPrio
integer array member is geranFreqCsfbMeasInd
Yes, Measurement
the eNodeB refAdjacentCDMAFreq
GERAN CSFB Carrier GERAN from 0 to 255. A higher
Frequency CSFB measures
of frequency
Frequency Set Index value indicates
Prioritya higher only for measurement-
Frequencies Frequency Set Index
priority. The default value based CSFB; otherwise,
0 means the the eNodeB does not
stringArray:length[0..400] longArray:[0..255] enumArray:[0, 1] stringArray:length[0..400]
This array is the target corresponding frequency measure this frequency for This array is the target
GERAN frequencies of can not be selected as measurement-based CDMA frequencies of
CSFB. CSFB target frequency. CSFB. CSFB.

-- -- -- --
This array indicates the
priority of candidate
frequencies for CSFB
target. eNB selects the This parameter indicates
target frequency based on the CSFB measurement
this information. The indication of a CDMA
value range of each frequency. If it is set to
integer array member is cdmaFreqCsfbMeasInd
Yes, Measurement
the eNodeB reserve1 reserve2
from 0 to 255.Frequency
CDMA2000 A higher measures thisoffrequency
Indication CDMA
indicates a higher
Priority only for measurement-
Frequencies Reserve Parameter1 Reserve Parameter2
priority. The default value based CSFB; otherwise,
long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295]
0 means the the eNodeB does not
longArray:[0..255] enumArray:[0, 1] model default: 0 model default: 0
corresponding frequency measure this frequency for
can not be selected as measurement-based
CSFB target frequency. CSFB. Reserve Parameter1 Reserve Parameter2

-- -- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId profileIndex

NE Name LDN MO ID PSHO Profile Index

This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..256]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string
type and can be The parameter represents
NE Name LDN configured as planned. the PSHO profile index

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,0 1
UTRAN frequency. A of an E-UTRAN
larger parameter value frequency. A larger
indicates a higher priority parameter value indicates
and a smaller a higher priority and a
measurement ID value smaller MeasID value
corresponding to the corresponding to the
refAdjacentEutranFreqLT frequency measurement frequency measurement refAdjacentUtranFreqFD
E eutraFreqPSHOMeasInd
configurations sent by the eutranFreqVTHOMeasInd
configurations sent by the D
PSHO Measurement VTHO Measurement
E-UTRA Carrier eNodeB.
is set to 0, eNodeB.
IndicationIfofit EUTRAN
is set to 0, UTRA-FDD Carrier
longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255]
Frequency Index the eNodeB does not send the eNodeB
Frequencies does not send
Frequencies Frequency Index
model default: model default:
the measurement the measurement
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
configurations of the configurations of the
stringArray:length[0..400] ;1;1 ;1;1 stringArray:length[0..400]
This array indicate the frequency. The 17th to frequency. The 17th to This array indicate the
EUTRAN PS HO target 32th array elements are 32th array elements are UTRAN FDD PS HO
frequencies. reserved. reserved. target frequencies.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0
refAdjacentUtranFreqTD This parameter indicates This parameter indicates
D utranFreqPSHOMeasInd
the PSHO measurement refAdjacentGSMFreq geranFreqPSHOMeasInd
the PSHO measurement
PSHO Measurement PSHO Measurement
UTRA-TDD Carrier indication
UTRAN GERAN Carrier indication
Frequency Index frequency. If it is set to
Frequencies Frequency Set Index frequency. If it is set to
Yes, the eNodeB Yes, the eNodeB
measures this frequency measures this frequency
stringArray:length[0..400] enumArray:[0, 1] stringArray:length[0..400] enumArray:[0, 1]
This array indicate the for PSHO; otherwise, the This array indicate the for PSHO; otherwise, the
UTRAN TDD PS HO eNodeB does not measure GERAN PS HO target eNodeB does not measure
target frequencies. this frequency. frequencies. this frequency.

-- -- -- --
This array parameter sets This array parameter sets
the PS handover priorities the VoLTE handover
of NR frequencies. A priorities of NR
larger parameter value frequencies. A larger
indicates a higher priority parameter value indicates
and a smaller a higher priority and a
This parameter indicates measurement ID value nRFreqVoLTEHOMeasIn
smaller measurement ID
refAdjacentCDMAFreq cdmaFreqPSHOMeasInd
the PSHO measurement nRFreqPSHOMeasInd
corresponding to the value d
corresponding to the
PSHO Measurement PS HO Measurement VoLTE HO Measurement
CDMA Carrier Frequency indication
CDMA frequency measurement
Indication of an NR frequency
of an NR
Index frequency. If it is set to
Frequencies configurations sent by the
Frequency configurations sent by the
Yes, the eNodeB eNodeB. If it is set to 0, eNodeB. If it is set to 0,
measures this frequency the eNodeB does not send the eNodeB does not send
stringArray:length[0..400] enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255]
This array indicate the for PSHO; otherwise, the the measurement the measurement
CDMA PS HO target eNodeB does not measure configurations of the configurations of the
frequencies. this frequency. frequency. frequency.

-- -- -- --
This parameter controls
the execution method of
preferential interoperation
from an LTE system to an
NR system. It is valid
only for coverage-based
mobility. If it is set to
refEnbAdjFreqNR reserve1 reserve2 methodLTEtoNR
Handover, the eNodeB
NR Carrier Frequency migratesofUEs
Method to the NR
This arrayIndex
parameter sets Reserve Parameter1 Reserve Parameter2 system
LTE tohandover
the target frequencies of or redirection. If it is set
long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295]
NR cells for PS handover. to Redirection, the
stringArray:length[0..400] model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
It is used to configure eNodeB migrates UEs to
carrier-defined NR the NR system only
frequencies. Reserve Parameter1 Reserve Parameter2 through redirection.

-- -- -- --
0 0 Handover[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId profileIndex

NE Name LDN MO ID SRVCC Profile Index

This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..256]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string
type and can be The parameter represents
NE Name LDN configured as planned. the SRVCC profile index

R Primary Key R-I

refAdjacentUtranFreqFD refAdjacentUtranFreqTD This parameter indicates
D D utranFreqSRVCCMeasInd
the SRVCC measurement refAdjacentGSMFreq
SRVCC Measurement
UTRA-FDD Carrier UTRA-TDD Carrier indication
Frequency Index Frequency Index frequency. If it is set to
Frequencies Frequency Set Index
Yes, the eNodeB
measures this frequency
stringArray:length[0..400] stringArray:length[0..400] enumArray:[0, 1] stringArray:length[0..400]
This array indicate the This array indicate the for SRVCC; otherwise, This array indicate the
target frequencies. target frequencies. measure this frequency. frequencies.

-- -- -- --
This parameter indicates cdmaFreqSRVCCMeasIn
This parameter indicates
the SRVCC d
measurement refAdjacentCDMAFreq the SRVCC dmeasurement reserve1
SRVCC Measurement SRVCC Measurement
GERAN CDMA Carrier Frequency indication IndicationofofaCDMA
frequency. If it is set to
Frequencies Index frequency. If it is set to
Frequencies Reserve Parameter1
Yes, the eNodeB Yes, the eNodeB
measures this frequency measures this frequency
enumArray:[0, 1] stringArray:length[0..400] enumArray:[0, 1] model default: 0
for SRVCC; otherwise, This array indicate the for SRVCC; otherwise,
the eNodeB does not CDMA SRVCC target the eNodeB does not
measure this frequency. frequencies. measure this frequency. Reserve Parameter1

-- -- -- --

Reserve Parameter2
model default: 0

Reserve Parameter2

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId profileIndex
Blind Redirection Profile
NE Name LDN MO ID Index
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..256]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string The parameter represents
type and can be the Blind Redirection
NE Name LDN configured as planned. profile index.

R Primary Key R-I

ratPriorityPara_ratPriority ratPriorityPara_ratPriority ratPriorityPara_ratPriority ratPriorityPara_ratPriority
1 2 3 4
RAT Priority_EUTRAN- RAT Priority_EUTRAN- RAT Priority_GERAN RAT Priority_UTRAN-
FDD RAT Priority TDD RAT Priority RAT Priority FDD RAT Priority
long:[0..256] long:[0..256] long:[0..256] long:[0..256]
model default: 255 model default: 254 model default: 0 model default: 0
Priority Priority GERAN RAT Priority Priority

-- -- -- --
ratPriorityPara_ratPriority ratPriorityPara_ratPriority ratPriorityPara_ratPriority ratPriorityPara_ratPriority
5 6 7 8
RAT Priority_UTRAN- Priority_CDMA2000- Priority_CDMA2000- RAT Priority_NR RAT
TDD RAT Priority HRPD RAT Priority 1xRTT RAT Priority Priority
long:[0..256] long:[0..256] long:[0..256] long:[0..256]
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
Priority Priority Priority NR RAT Priority

-- -- -- --
Redirection target. eNB
selects the target
frequency based on this
information. The value
range of each integer array
member is from 0 to 255.
refAdjacentEutranFreqLT A higher value indicates a refAdjacentUtranFreqFD refAdjacentUtranFreqTD
E eutraFreqRedPri
higher priority. The D D
E-UTRA Carrier default value Frequency
E-UTRAN 0 means the UTRA-FDD Redirection UTRA-TDD Redirection
Frequency Index corresponding frequency
Redirection Priority Frequency Index Frequency Index
can not be selected as
redirection target
stringArray:length[0..400] longArray:[0..255] stringArray:length[0..400] stringArray:length[0..400]
This array indicate the frequency. The 17th to This array is the target This array is the target
EUTRAN Redirection 32th array elements are UTRAN FDD frequencies UTRAN TDD frequencies
target frequencies. reserved. of Redirection. of Redirection.

-- -- -- --
priority of candidate priority of candidate
frequencies for frequencies for
Redirection. eNB selects Redirection target. eNB
the target frequency based selects the target
on this information. The frequency based on this
value range of each information. The value
integer array member is range of each integer array
0 to 255. A higher refAdjacentGSMFreq member geranFreqRedPri
is from 0 to 255. refAdjacentCDMAFreq
UTRANindicates a higher
Frequency GERAN Redirection A higher GERAN value indicates a
Frequency CDMA Redirection
priority. The default
Redirection value
Priority Frequency Index higher priority.
Redirection The
Priority Frequency Index
0 means the default value 0 means the
corresponding frequency corresponding frequency
longArray:[0..255] stringArray:length[0..400] longArray:[0..255] stringArray:length[0..400]
can not be selected as This array is the target can not be selected as This array is the target
Redirection target GERAN frequencies of redirection target CDMA frequencies of
frequency. Redirection. frequency. Redirection.

-- -- -- --
priority of candidate The eNodeB selects a
frequencies for target frequency based on
Redirection target. eNB the corresponding This parameter is the
selects the target priority. A larger Blind A2 measurement
frequency based on this parameter value indicates config index. The one
information. The value a higher redirection response to RSRP,the
range of each integer array priority of the other response to RSRQ.
member is from 0 to 255. refEnbAdjFreqNR nRFreqRdPriority
corresponding target blindRedirectionMeasCfg
If dual-measure switch is
higher valueFrequency
indicates a NR Carrier Frequency frequency. If this
NR Frequency closed, only the first one
higher priority.
Redirection The
Priority Index parameter
Redirection is set to 0, it
Priority applied.
BlindA2 If measurement
this parameter
default value 0 means the indicates that the is 0, eNodeb will
corresponding frequency corresponding frequency configure Blind A2
longArray:[0..255] stringArray:length[0..400] longArray:[0..255] model default: 610;611
can not be selected as This array parameter sets is not selected as the measurement according to
redirection target the target frequencies of target frequency during Redirection measurement
frequency. NR cells for redirection. redirection. configuration index.

-- -- -- --
perQCIRedA2MeaGrpCfg reserve1 reserve2
PerQCIparameter indicates
Redirection A2
the group ID of
Measurement PerQCI
Group ID Reserve Parameter1 Reserve Parameter2
long:[0..65535] long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295]
corresponding to the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
PerQCI measurement
configuration for
redirection event A2. Reserve Parameter1 Reserve Parameter2

-- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId The First
Is UDC Capablerepresents
UE Send
the UDC capableMessage
ELS-UECap UE first
NE Name LDN MO ID send the First
This parameter sets the message or not. The eNB
unique ID of the managed could indicate the UE to
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string first send ELS-UEInd
type and can be message or ELS-UECap
NE Name LDN configured as planned. message.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 No[0]
UDC Capable UE Send
UECap Message Occasion
The parameter represents
model default: 1
the UDC capable UE send
the ELS-UEInd or ELS-
UECap message occasion.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId reportCharac
NE Name LDN MO ID Characteristics
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string The Report
type and can be Characteristics for Qcell
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Positioning method

R Primary Key --
1 OnDemand[0]
peportPeriod qcellPosiServerIP qcellPosiServerUdpPort qcellPosiAppServerIP1
IP Address of Positioning UDP Port of Positioning IP Address 1 of
Positioning Period Server Server Application Server
10240ms[4] union:[ipv4-address, ipv6- union:[ipv4-address, ipv6-
address] long:[0..65535] address]
model default: 0 model default: model default: 0 model default:
The parameter shows the
IP Address of Positioning UDP Port of Positioning application server IP
Qcell Positioning Period Server Server address 1.

-- -- -- --
640ms[0] 0
qcellPosiAppServerIP2 qcellPosiAppServerIP3 qcellPosiAppServerIP4 qcellPosiAppServerIP5
IP Address 2 of IP Address 3 of IP Address 4 of IP Address 5 of
Application Server Application Server Application Server Application Server
union:[ipv4-address, ipv6- union:[ipv4-address, ipv6- union:[ipv4-address, ipv6- union:[ipv4-address, ipv6-
address] address] address] address]
model default: model default: model default: model default:
The parameter shows the The parameter shows the The parameter shows the The parameter shows the
application server IP application server IP application server IP application server IP
address 2. address 3. address 4. address 5.

-- -- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId pcellFreqPriGrpIndex
Index of Pcell Frequency
NE Name LDN MO ID Priority Group
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..8]
unique ID of the managed The parameter indicates
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string the Index of Pcell
type and can be Frequency Priority group
NE Name LDN configured as planned. for this frequency.

R Primary Key --
freqBandInd pcellFreq pcellFeqPri
DL Frequency Band
Indicator of the PCell in DL Frequency of Pcell Primary Carrier
CA (MHz) Frequency Priority
long:[1..5, 7..14, 17..28,
30..76, 85, 87..88, 101] double:[0..5000] long:[0..255]
model default: 1 model default: 2120.0 model default: 0
This parameter indicates The parameter represents The parameter represents
the frequency band of the the frequency of Pcell for the frequency priority of
PCell in a CA scenario. CA Pcell for CA

-- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId caProfileGroup
CA Profile Group Index
NE Name LDN MO ID for Specific SPIDs
This parameter sets the This parameter indicates
string:length[1..255] long:[0..512]
unique ID of the managed the CA SCell profile
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string group index associated
type and can be with the operator's
NE Name LDN configured as planned. customized SPIDs.

R Primary Key --
icator caFreqParasFDD_earfcn
CA Freq CA Freq
Configuration_CA Band Configuration_CA
Indication for Frequency FreqList (MHz)
longArray:[1..5, 7..14,
17..28, 30..76, 85, 87..88,
The parameter sets the
101] doubleArray:[0..6000]
band group corresponding The parameter sets the list
to the list of frequencies of frequencies that can
that can comprise the CA. comprise the CA.

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId profileIndex
Load balance profile
NE Name LDN MO ID index
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..256]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string The parameter represents
type and can be the load balance profile
NE Name LDN configured as planned. index.

R Primary Key R-I

E reserve1 reserve2
Forbidden FreqList Index
parameter represents
Load Balance Reserve Parameter1 Reserve Parameter2
the forbidden freqList
long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295]
index in each profile
stringArray:length[0..400] model default: 0 model default: 0
associated with the
Operator specific SPID
for load balance. Reserve Parameter1 Reserve Parameter2

-- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId perQCIMeaGroupId
This parameter
PerQCI indicates
NE Name LDN MO ID the ID of a PerQCI
Group ID
This parameter sets the measurement group, and
string:length[1..255] long:[1..65535]
unique ID of the managed is used to index the
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string corresponding PerQCI
type and can be measurement
NE Name LDN configured as planned. configuration.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 3
This parameter indicates
the measurement priority
of QCIs. A larger value
indicates a higher
measurement priority of This parameter sets the
qci measPriorityQCI. In RSRP a3offsetP
the corresponding offset to trigger a3offsetQsets the
This parameter
the case
QCI of service
Measurement eventOffset
RSRP A3. Ifof
RSRQ offsetoftoEvent
Service QCI Value concurrency, the service difference(dB)
Priority between the event A3.(dB)
If the RSRQ
double:[-15..15] double:[-15..15]
measurement neighbor cell and the difference between the
long:[1..255] long:[0..255] model default: -15.0 model default: -15.0
configuration serving cell is larger than neighbor cell and the
model default: 1 model default: 0 step: 0.5 step: 0.5
This parameter sets the corresponding to the the parameter value serving cell is larger than
QCI corresponding to a highest-priority QCI is (actual value in dB), event the parameter value, event
service type. used. A3 is triggered. A3 is triggered.

R-I -- -- --
1 0 1.5 3.0
2 0 1.5 3.0
1 0 1.5 3.0
2 0 1.5 3.0
1 0 1.5 3.0
2 0 1.5 3.0
This parameter sets This parameter sets
a4ThrldPsets the
This parameter a4ThrldQ absolutea5Thrld1P
RSRP threshold absolutea5Thrld2P
RSRP threshold
RSRP RSRP threshold
Threshold of Event This parameter
RSRQ Thresholdsets the
of Event 1RSRP
to trigger event A5.
Threshold 1 ofIf 2RSRP
to trigger event A5.
Threshold 2 ofIf
to trigger
A4event A4. If the
(dBm) absolute A4
RSRQ(dB)threshold the Event
RSRPA5 value (actual
(dBm) the Event
RSRPA5 value (actual
RSRP value (actual value to trigger event A4. If the value in dB) of the value in dB) of the
long:[-140..-43] model default: -20.0 long:[-140..-43] long:[-140..-43]
in dB) of the neighbor cell RSRQ value of the serving cell is smaller neighbor cell is larger
model default: -140 step: 0.5 model default: -140 model default: -140
is larger than this neighbor cell is larger than this threshold, event than this threshold, event
threshold, event A4 is than this threshold, event A5 is likely to be A5 is likely to be
triggered. A4 is triggered. triggered. triggered.

-- -- -- --
-90 -15.0 -100 -90
-90 -15.0 -100 -90
-90 -15.0 -100 -90
-90 -15.0 -100 -90
-90 -15.0 -100 -90
-90 -15.0 -100 -90
This parameter sets the
absolute RSRP threshold This parameter sets the
of the serving
RSRP cellof
Threshold in the
the absolute RSRQ threshold
RSRQ Threshold of the
Serving Cellsystem during
for Event B2 of the serving
Serving Cell forcell in the
Event B2
This parameter sets the a5Thrld2Q
This parameter sets the geranSrvTrdP
measurement geranSrvTrdQduring
Decision in the event B2
Handover E-UTRAN
Decision in system
the Handover
RSRQ RSRQ threshold
Threshold 1 of absolute
RSRQ RSRQ threshold
Threshold 2 of decision of the GERAN
from E-UTRAN to measurement
from E-UTRAN eventtoB2
1 to trigger
Event A5 event
(dB)A5. If 2 to trigger
Event A5 event
(dB)A5. If system. If the RSRP
GERAN (dBm)value decision of the(dB)
double:[-20..-3] double:[-20..-3] double:[-20..-3]
the RSRQ value of the the RSRQ value of the (actual value in dB) of the system. If the RSRQ
model default: -20.0 model default: -20.0 long:[-140..-43] model default: -20.0
serving cell is smaller neighbor cell is larger serving cell is smaller value of the serving cell is
step: 0.5 step: 0.5 model default: -140 step: 0.5
than this threshold, event than this threshold, event than this threshold, event smaller than this
A5 is likely to be A5 is likely to be B2 is likely to be threshold, event B2 is
triggered. triggered. triggered. likely to be triggered.

-- -- -- --
-16.0 -12.0 -115 -9.0
-16.0 -12.0 -115 -9.0
-16.0 -12.0 -115 -9.0
-16.0 -12.0 -115 -9.0
-16.0 -12.0 -115 -9.0
-16.0 -12.0 -115 -9.0
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
absolute RSRP threshold absolute RSRQ threshold absolute RSRP threshold This parameter sets the
of the serving
RSRP cellof
Threshold in the
the of the serving
RSRQ cell of
Threshold in the
the of the serving
RSRP cellof
Threshold in the
the absolute RSRQ threshold
RSRQ Threshold of the
Serving Cellsystem during
for Event B2 E-UTRAN
Serving Cellsystem during
for Event B2 E-UTRAN
Serving Cellsystem during
for Event B2 of the serving
Serving Cell forcell in the
Event B2
measurement tdsSrvTrdQ wcdmaSrvTrdP wcdmaSrvTrdQ
Decision in the event
HandoverB2 measurement
Decision in the event B2
Handover measurement
Decision in the event B2
Handover E-UTRAN
Decision in system during
the Handover
from of the to
TD- decision
from E-UTRANof the to
TD- decision of the WCDMA
from E-UTRAN to measurement
from E-UTRAN eventtoB2
(dBm) If the SCDMA SCDMA system.
(dB)If the system. If the RSRP
WCDMA (dBm)value decision of the WCDMA
double:[-20..-3] double:[-20..-3]
RSRP value (actual value RSRQ value of the (actual value in dB) of the system. If the RSRQ
long:[-140..-43] model default: -20.0 long:[-140..-43] model default: -20.0
in dB) of the serving cell serving cell is smaller serving cell is smaller value of the serving cell is
model default: -140 step: 0.5 model default: -140 step: 0.5
is smaller than this than this threshold, event than this threshold, event smaller than this
threshold, event B2 is B2 is likely to be B2 is likely to be threshold, event B2 is
likely to be triggered. triggered. triggered. likely to be triggered.

-- -- -- --
-115 -10.0 -115 -9.0
-115 -10.0 -115 -9.0
-115 -10.0 -115 -9.0
-115 -10.0 -115 -9.0
-115 -10.0 -115 -9.0
-115 -10.0 -115 -9.0
This parameter sets the
absolute RSRP threshold This parameter sets the This
the This parameter
Ec/No setsof
Threshold the
of the serving
RSRP Thresholdcellof
in the
the absolute RSRQ threshold
RSRQ Threshold of the absolute RSCP
Neighbor threshold
Cells for absolute Ec/No
RSRP Neighbor threshold
Cells for RSRP
Serving Cellsystem during
for Event B2 of the serving
Serving Cell forcell in the
Event B2 of the neighbor
Event cell during
B2 Decision in the of the neighbor
Event cell during
B2 Decision in the
measurement cdmaSrvTrdQduring wcdmaNbrRscpTrdP wcdmaNbrEcNoTrdP
Decision in the event B2
Handover E-UTRAN
Decision in system
the Handover RSRP measurement
Handover from E- event RSRP measurement
Handover from E- event
decision of the CDMA
from E-UTRAN to measurement
from E-UTRAN eventtoB2 B2 decision
UTRAN of the
to WCDMA B2 decision
UTRAN of the
system. If the (dBm)
CDMA RSRP value decision of the
(dB) WCDMA(dBm) system. If the WCDMA(dB) system. If the
double:[-20..-3] double:[-24.5..0]
(actual value in dB) of the system. If the RSRQ RSCP value of the Ec/No value of the
long:[-140..-43] model default: -20.0 long:[-120..-24] model default: -8.0
serving cell is smaller value of the serving cell is neighbor cell is larger neighbor cell is smaller
model default: -140 step: 0.5 model default: -100 step: 0.5
than this threshold, event smaller than this than this threshold, event than this threshold, event
B2 is likely to be threshold, event B2 is B2 is likely to be B2 is likely to be
triggered. likely to be triggered. triggered. triggered.

-- -- -- --
-115 -9.0 -100 -8.0
-115 -9.0 -100 -8.0
-115 -9.0 -100 -8.0
-115 -9.0 -100 -8.0
-115 -9.0 -100 -8.0
-115 -9.0 -100 -8.0
the This parameter
Ec/No setsof
Threshold the
absolute RSCP
Neighbor threshold
Cells for absolute Ec/No
RSRQ Neighbor threshold
Cells for RSRQ
of the neighbor
Event cell during
B2 Decision in the of the neighbor
Event cell during
B2 Decision in the
wcdmaNbrRscpTrdQ wcdmaNbrEcNoTrdQ 1024[12]
intraRATTrigTimeP intraRATHysteresisP
RSRQ measurement
Handover from E- event RSRQ measurement
Handover from E- event Duration
This parameter
the Intra-RAT RSRP
B2 decision
UTRAN of the
to WCDMA B2 decision
UTRAN of the
to WCDMA difference
RAT RSRP between
Eventthe This parameterHysteresis
Determination sets the
WCDMA(dBm) system. If the WCDMA(dB) system. If the Occurrence
time when
Reporting range of the hysteresis
Range (dB) of
double:[-24.5..0] 5120[15] double:[0..15]
RSCP value of the Ec/No value of the measurement event the determination whether
long:[-120..-24] model default: -8.0 model default: 1.5
neighbor cell is larger neighbor cell is larger A3/A4/A5 is triggered for to trigger RSRP
model default: -86 step: 0.5 model default: 8 step: 0.5
than this threshold, event than this threshold, event intra-RAT handover to the measurement event
B2 is likely to be B2 is likely to be time when the event is A3/A4/A5 for intra-RAT
triggered. triggered. reported. handover.

-- -- -- --
-86 -8.0 320[8] 1.5
-86 -8.0 320[8] 1.5
-86 -8.0 320[8] 1.5
-86 -8.0 320[8] 1.5
-86 -8.0 320[8] 1.5
-86 -8.0 320[8] 1.5
128[5] 128[5]
160[6] 160[6]
256[7] 256[7]
320[8] 320[8]
480[9] 480[9]
512[10] 512[10]
Duration Between RSRP Determination Hysteresis
640[11] 640[11]
This parameter
Event sets the
B2 Occurrence and Range of RSRP Event B2
intraRATTrigTimeQ intraRATHysteresisQ 1024[12]
wCDMATrigTimeP wCDMAHysteresisP
This parameter
Duration setsIntra-
Between the Intra-RAT RSRQ difference between
Reporting in the the inThis
the parameter
Handover sets
1280[13] 1280[13]
RAT RSRQ between
Eventthe This parameterHysteresis
Determination sets the time when inter-RAT
Handover from E- range
UTRAN of thetohysteresis
2560[14] 2560[14]
time when
Occurrence andRSRQ
Reporting range of the hysteresis
Range (dB) of RSRP
to WCDMA event the determination
(dB) whether
5120[15] double:[0..15] 5120[15] double:[0..15]
measurement event the determination whether B2 for the handover from to trigger inter-RAT
model default: 0.0 model default: 0.0
A3/A4/A5 is triggered for to trigger RSRQ the E-UTRAN system to RSRP measurement event
model default: 8 step: 0.5 model default: 7 step: 0.5
intra-RAT handover to the measurement event the WCDMA system is B2 for the handover from
time when the event is A3/A4/A5 for intra-RAT triggered to the time when the E-UTRAN system to
triggered. handover. the event is reported. the WCDMA system.

-- -- -- --
320[8] 0.0 256[7] 0.0
320[8] 0.0 256[7] 0.0
320[8] 0.0 256[7] 0.0
320[8] 0.0 256[7] 0.0
320[8] 0.0 256[7] 0.0
320[8] 0.0 256[7] 0.0
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
absolute RSRP threshold absolute RSRQ threshold
of the E-UTRAN serving of the E-UTRAN serving
Duration Between RSRQ Determination Hysteresis cell RSRPfor event B2 decision
Threshold of the cell
RSRQfor event B2 decision
Threshold of the
This parameter
Event sets the
B2 Occurrence and Range of RSRQ Event B2 ServinginCell inter-RAT
for Event B2 ServinginCell
for Event B2
wCDMATrigTimeQ wCDMAHysteresisQ nRSSrvThrdP nRSSrvThrdQ
difference between
Reporting in the the inThisthe parameter
Handover sets
fromthe measurement
E- Decision for the
in the Handover measurement
Decision for the
in the Handover
time when inter-RAT
Handover from E- range
UTRAN of thetohysteresis
WCDMAof from handover from the
to NR handover
from E-UTRANfrom the E-
to NR
UTRAN measurement
to WCDMA event the determination
(dB) whether UTRAN system (dBm) to the NR UTRAN system (dB) to the NR
5120[15] double:[0..15] double:[-20..-3]
B2 for the handover from to trigger inter-RAT system. In the system. In the
model default: 0.0 long:[-140..-43] model default: -11.0
the E-UTRAN system to RSRQ measurement event measurement report, the measurement report, the
model default: 7 step: 0.5 model default: -114 step: 0.5
the WCDMA system is B2 for the handover from RSRP of the serving cell RSRQ of the serving cell
triggered to the time when the E-UTRAN system to must be lower than this must be lower than this
the event is reported. the WCDMA system. threshold. threshold.

-- -- -- --
256[7] 0.0 -114 -11.0
256[7] 0.0 -114 -11.0
256[7] 0.0 -114 -11.0
256[7] 0.0 -114 -11.0
256[7] 0.0 -114 -11.0
256[7] 0.0 -114 -11.0
RSRPparameter setsof
Threshold the This
RSRQ parameter
Thresholdsets of
the This
SINRparameter setsofthe
Threshold In a handover
Duration fromRSRP
Between an E-
absolute RSRP
Neighbor threshold
Cells for absolute RSRQ
RSRP Neighbor threshold
Cells for RSRP absolute SINR
Neighbor Cells threshold
Event B2system to an and
Occurrence NR
of anRNbrRsrpThrdP
Eventneighbor cell during
B2 Decision in the of thenRNbrRsrqTrdP
Event neighbor
B2 Decisioncell during
in the of a nRNbrSinrTrdP
Event neighbor cell during
B2 Decision in the
system, this parameter
Reporting in the
RSRP measurement
Handover from E-event RSRP measurement
Handover from E- event RSRP measurement
Handover from E-event setsHandover
the duration
from between
B2 decision
UTRAN of an
to NR NR
(dBm) B2 decision
UTRAN of an(dB)
to NR NR B2 decision
UTRAN of an(dB)
time when an RSRP
to NR(ms)
double:[-43.5..20] double:[-23..40.5] 5120[15]
system. If the RSRP value system. If the RSRQ system. If the SINR value handover measurement
long:[-156..-29] model default: -16.5 model default: 0.0
of the neighbor cell is value of the neighbor cell of the neighbor cell is event B2 is triggered by
model default: -100 step: 0.5 step: 0.5 model default: 7
larger than this threshold, is larger than this larger than this threshold, the NR system and the
an event B2 is likely to be threshold, an event B2 is event B2 is likely to be time when the event is
triggered. likely to be triggered. triggered. reported.

-- -- -- --
-100 -16.5 0.0 256[7]
-100 -16.5 0.0 256[7]
-100 -16.5 0.0 256[7]
-100 -16.5 0.0 256[7]
-100 -16.5 0.0 256[7]
-100 -16.5 0.0 256[7]
This parameter
RSRP Thresholdsetsof
the This
RSRQ parameter setsof
Threshold the This parameter
lSINR setsof
Threshold the
Determination Hysteresis absolute RSRP
Neighbor threshold
Cells for absolute RSRQ
RSRQ Neighbor threshold
Cells for absolute SINR
RSRQ Neighbor threshold
Cells for RSRQ
nRHysteresisP of anRNbrRsrpTrdQ
neighbor cell during of anRNbrRsrqThrdQ
neighbor cell during of a nRNbrSinrTrdQ
neighbor cell during
Range of RSRP Event B2 Event B2 Decision in the Event B2 Decision in the Event B2 Decision in the
in the Handover from E- RSRQ measurement
Handover from E- event RSRQ measurement
Handover from E-event RSRQ measurement
Handover from E-event
UTRAN to NR (dB) B2 decision
UTRAN of an
to NR NR
(dBm) B2 decision
UTRAN of an(dB)
to NR NR B2 decision
UTRAN of an(dB)
to NR NR
double:[0..15] double:[-43.5..20] double:[-23..40.5]
This parameter sets the system. If the RSRP value system. If the RSRQ system. If the SINR value
model default: 0.0 long:[-156..-29] model default: -16.5 model default: 0.0
determination hysteresis of the neighbor cell is value of the neighbor cell of the neighbor cell is
step: 0.5 model default: -100 step: 0.5 step: 0.5
range for an RSRP larger than this threshold, is larger than this larger than this threshold,
measurement event B2 in an event B2 is likely to be threshold, an event B2 is event B2 is likely to be
an NR system. triggered. likely to be triggered. triggered.

-- -- -- --
0.0 -100 -16.5 0.0
0.0 -100 -16.5 0.0
0.0 -100 -16.5 0.0
0.0 -100 -16.5 0.0
0.0 -100 -16.5 0.0
0.0 -100 -16.5 0.0
In a handover
Duration fromRSRQ
Between an E-
Event B2system to an and
Occurrence NR Determination Hysteresis
nRTrigTimeQ nRHysteresisQ
system, this parameter
Reporting in the Range of RSRQ Event B2
the duration
from between
E- in the Handover from E-
time when an RSRQ
to NR(ms) UTRAN to NR (dB)
5120[15] double:[0..15]
handover measurement This parameter sets the
model default: 0.0
event B2 is triggered by determination hysteresis
model default: 7 step: 0.5
the NR system and the range for an RSRQ
time when the event is measurement event B2 in
reported. an NR system.

-- --
256[7] 0.0
256[7] 0.0
256[7] 0.0
256[7] 0.0
256[7] 0.0
256[7] 0.0
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId recordId

NE Name LDN MO ID EAB Record Number

This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[0..5]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. EAB Record Number

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0
in their HPLMN nor in a
PLMN that is equivalent
to it, and value c
corresponds to the UEs
that are neither in the
PLMN listed as most
preferred PLMN of the
refPlmn enum:
eabCategoryR11 eabBarBitmapR11
country where the UEs are
The in theofoperator-
Category UEs for Extended Access Barring
PLMN defined
Which PLMN selector
EAB Applies. Bitmap for AC 0-9
list on the USIM, nor in Extended access class
their HPLMN nor in a barring for AC 0-9. The
string:length[0..400] model default: 0 model default: 0
PLMN that is equivalent first/ leftmost bit is for
to their HPLMN, see TS AC 0, the second bit is for
PLMN 22.011 [10]. AC 1, and so on.

M -- --
Operator=1,Plmn=1 a[0] 0
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId on
Baseband Resources
NE Name LDN MO ID Configuration
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..400]
object. It is of the string
type and can be Baseband Resource
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Configuration

R Primary Key R-I,M

combGroupId splitGroupId combPrimBpControl splitPrimBpControl
enum: enum:
SuperCell Combine SuperCell Split Resource Is Combine SuperCell Is Split SuperCell
No[0] No[0]
Resource GroupID GroupID PrimBpRes PrimBpRes
Yes[1] Yes[1]
long:[1..36] long:[1..36]
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
SuperCell Combine SuperCell Split Resource Is Combine SuperCell Is Split SuperCell
Resource GroupID GroupID PrimBpRes PrimBpRes

-- -- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId perQCIStrategyGroupId

NE Name LDN MO ID PerQCI Strategy GroupID

This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..255]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string This parameter is the
type and can be group index of PerQCI
NE Name LDN configured as planned. strategy.

R Primary Key R-I

qciExpectFreqParas_freq qciExpectFreqParas_expe
This parameter indicates
Expect Frequencies Expect Frequencies
qci strategyPriority BandInd ctFreq
the Configuration
expected frequencies
Configuration for for
Label Number of Service QCI_Frequency Band forQCI_Expected
each QCI. If the
Class Strategy Priority Indicator frequency of the(MHz)
Frequencies serving
longArray:[1..5, 7..14,
This parameter is the cell is not in the range of
long:[1..7, 10..255] long:[1..255] 17..28, 30..76, 85, 87..88,
Strategy Priority for QCI. expected frequencies, the
model default: 1 model default: 1 101] doubleArray:[0..6000]
The higher value means This parameter sets the eNodeB hands over the
Label number of service the higher priority for the band indicator of an UE to an expected
class corresponding QCI. expected frequency. frequency.

R-I -- -- --
RSRP threshold (A4 RSRQ threshold (A4 This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
threshold or A5-2 threshold or A5-2 RSRP threshold (A5-1 RSRQ threshold (A5-1
threshold) offset of the threshold) offset of the threshold) offset of the threshold) offset of the
Expectcell involved in neighbor
Frequencies Expectcell involved in
Frequencies serving cell involved in a serving cell involved in a
a service-based
Configuration handover.
for a service-based
Configuration handover.
for service-based handover.
Expect Frequencies service-based handover.
Expect Frequencies
The RSRP threshold
QCI_RSRP Threshold of The RSRQ threshold
QCI_RSRQ Threshold of TheConfiguration
RSRP threshold for of TheConfiguration
RSRQ threshold for of
the neighbor involved qciExpectFreqParas_nbCe qciExpectFreqParas_serv qciExpectFreqParas_serv
Offset of thecell
Neighbor the neighbor
Offset of thecell involved
Neighbor the serving cell
QCI_RSRP involved
Threshold the serving cell
QCI_RSRQ involved
in a service-based llRSRQThrdOffset
in a service-based CellRSRPThrdOffset
in aofservice-based CellRSRQThrdOffset
in aofservice-based
Cell Involved in a Cell Involved in a Offset the Serving Cell Offset the Serving Cell
handover for
Service-Based the
Handover handover for
Service-Based the
Handover handover
Involved in afor the
Service- handover
Involved in afor the
(dB) expected corresponding (dB) expected corresponding
Based Handover expected
(dB) corresponding
Based Handover expected
frequency is the sum of frequency is the sum of frequency is the sum of frequency is the sum of
this parameter and the this parameter and the this parameter and the this parameter and the
longArray:[-60..60] doubleArray:[-20..20] longArray:[-60..60] doubleArray:[-20..20]
RSRP threshold of the RSRQ threshold of the RSRP threshold of the RSRQ threshold of the
neighbor cell involved in neighbor cell involved in serving cell involved in a serving cell involved in a
a service-based handover. a service-based handover. service-based handover. service-based handover.

-- -- -- --
Load Balance Expect
Load Balance Expect Load Balance Expect Frequencies
lbExpFreqCfg_lbFreqBan lbExpFreqCfg_lbExpectFr lbExpFreqCfg_lbExpectFr qCINumThr4HOBaseServ
This parameter is the QCI
Frequencies Frequencies Configuration Per
dInd eq eqPriority level ice number
Configuration Per Configuration Per QCI_Expected service QCI ERAB Number
This parameter
QCI_Band Indicator for QCI_Expected Frequency frequency indicates
priority threshold For
for load Threshold for handover
Load Balancing for Load Balancing the expected
balancingservice based service.
Base In the
longArray:[1..5, 7..14,
frequency priority per handover based service
17..28, 30..76, 85, 87..88, long:[0..65535]
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the QCI for load balancing. function, eNodeb only
101] doubleArray:[0..6000] longArray:[1..255] model default: 0
band indicator of each expected frequency for The sequence of the array migrate the QCI service
expected frequency for each QCI in load elements corresponds to which exceeds the
load balancing. balancing. that of lbExpectFreq. threshold.

-- -- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
The Switch Is Control
NE_Name ldn moId reUserCanSDMASwchDl
PDSCH Retransmission
Whether Can Participate
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed The switch is control
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string PDSCH retransmission
type and can be whether can participate in
NE Name LDN configured as planned. SDMA.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Open[1]
The switch of UL Active
set determine method for
scSdmaGainRatioDl Based on SINR[0]
SuperCell,When the
Based on Ps from
SDMA User's Throughput parameter is 0,UL
The Method UE
of UL
Gain in Super Cell Activesentfor
Activeset is Super
double:[0..2] Based on Ps from PHY[2]
SINR,elseif configured to
model default: 1.05
1,judged by Ps which
step: 0.01 model default: 0
caculated by MAC,if set
SDMA user's throughput as 2,judged by Ps of PHY
gain in super cell. measurement.

-- --
1.05 Based on SINR[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId refSctp


This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..400]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Used SCTP

R Primary Key M




MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --

Referenced SCTP


Referenced SCTP

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
High-level load threshold
NE_Name ldn moId based on memw rest nums,
the base
High board is
Threshold forinMem
NE Name LDN MO ID state of over
Rest Nums load
(KB) when
This parameter sets the the rest of memory nums
string:length[1..255] long:[8..255]
unique ID of the managed below the threshold.The
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 80
object. It is of the string UE attach or ho in the
type and can be board later will be under
NE Name LDN configured as planned. control.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 80
Low-level load threshold High-level load threshold low-level load threshold cpuHighIntoOverLoadTi
based on mem rest nums, funcCloseByCpuHigh
based on cpu use rate. the funcOpenByCpuLow
based on cpu use rate. the mes
the base
Low board is
Threshold forinMem
the base
Highboard is in the
Threshold for state
Cpu base
Lowboard is in the
Threshold state
for Cpu The Times
Times Needed Over
for Entering Into
of normal when the
Nums (KB) of over load when the cpu
Usage of normalUsage
when the cpu State of cpu Over Load.
rest of memory nums usage exceed the usage below the threshold When cpu usage exceed
long:[8..255] long:[1..100] long:[1..100] long:[1..1800]
exceed the threshold.The threshold for several for several times.The UE the high-level threshold
model default: 160 model default: 85 model default: 70 model default: 30
UE attach or ho in the times.The UE attach or ho attach or ho in the board for this times, the board
board later will not be in the board later will be later will not be under will be in the state of over
under control. under control. control. load.

-- -- -- --
160 85 70 30;;;0.0.
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
high load threshold based low load threshold based;;;0.0.
on memory usage. If the on memory usage. If the
memory usage (used memory usage (used
cpuLowOutofOverLoadTi;;;0.0. funcCloseByMemUsageH
memory × 100/total funcOpenByMemUsageL
memory × 100/total
mes 0.0;;;;
ulTcpProxyServerIp memory) isihigher than memory) is owlower than;;;0.0.
Server IP Address of UL this Load
High threshold, it is
Threshold this Load
Low threshold, it is
The Times
Times forNeeded
RecoveryOut This parameter
TCP Proxyindicates Based
considered that theUsage
on Memory load considered
Based that theUsage
on Memory load;;;0.0.
State of CPU Over Load. the server IP address on the baseband board is on the baseband board is
long:[1..1800] 0.0;;;; long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
When cpu usage below identified by uplink TCP high. In this case, the low. In this case, the UDC
model default: 30 model default: 95 model default: 90
the low-level threshold for proxy. Servers are UDC function of the UEs function of the UEs to be
this times, the board will identified based on the to be connected to the connected to the network
be in the state of normal. configured IP addresses. network is controlled. is not controlled.

-- -- -- --
30;;;0.0.095 90
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
specific parameters that
control packet forwarding
treatment (e.g. scheduling
weights, admission
thresholds, queue
management thresholds,
link layer protocol
NE_Name ldn moId qCI etc.), that
Labelbeen pre-configured
Number of Service
NE Name LDN MO ID by the operator
Class at a
This parameter sets the specific node(s) (e.g.
string:length[1..255] long:[1..256]
unique ID of the managed eNodeB);Non-standard
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string identification for some
type and can be special functions ANR,
NE Name LDN configured as planned. TTI bundling.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 3 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 2 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 5 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 4 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 7 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 6 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 8 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 1 1
80[5] 6[5]
128[6] 8[6] enum:
160[7] 10[7] 300[0]
Specifies the number of
256[8] 20[8] 400[1]
consecutive PDCCH- Specifies the number of
320[9] 30[9] 500[2]
subframe(s) at the consecutive PDCCH-
512[10] 40[10] 600[3]
beginning of a DRX subframe(s) at the
640[11] extendLongDrxCyc4eMT 50[11] 800[4]
Cycle, during which the beginning of a DRX
longDrxCyc4eMTC enum:
C DRX cycle 60[12]
onDuratTimer4eMTC 1000[5]
TC which the
Long DRX cycle Extended long UE monitors the Cycle, during
1280[13] 5120[0] 80[13] 1200[6]
Long DRX theCycle
for Specifies
Extended the periodic
On Duration in Timer
PDCCH- for UE monitors
Extended the
On Duration
2048[14] 10240[1] 100[14] 1600[7]
the On repetition
Cycle of the On
for eMTC (sf) subframes, and this
Timer for eMTC (psf)
2560[15] Invalid[255] 200[15] Invalid[255]
Duration followed by a Duration followed by a configuration is for eMTC subframes, and this
possible period of possible period of UE.In case configuration which is the
model default: 2 model default: 255 model default: 8 model default: 255
inactivity, and this inactivity, and this onDurationTimer-v1310 extended configuration of
configuration is for eMTC configuration is for eMTC is signalled, the UE shall onDurationTimer is for
UE. UE. ignore onDurationTimer. eMTC UE.

-- -- -- --
1024[12] Invalid[255] 200[15] Invalid[255]
20[1] Invalid[255] 20[8] Invalid[255]
1024[12] Invalid[255] 200[15] Invalid[255]
1024[12] Invalid[255] 200[15] Invalid[255]
1024[12] Invalid[255] 200[15] Invalid[255]
1024[12] Invalid[255] 200[15] Invalid[255]
1024[12] Invalid[255] 200[15] Invalid[255]
20[1] Invalid[255] 20[8] Invalid[255]
60[12] 24[7]
80[13] enum: 33[8]
100[14] enum: 40[0] 40[9]
200[15] 1[0] 64[1] 64[10]
Specifies the maximum
300[16] 2[1] 80[2] 80[11]
number of consecutive
500[17] 4[2] 96[3] 96[12]
PDCCH-subframe(s) for Specifies the maximum
750[18] 6[3] 112[4]
extendDrxRetranTimer4e 112[13]
Specifies the number of as soon as a DL number of consecutive
drxInactTimer4eMTC 8[4]
drxRetranTimer4eMTC 128[5]
MTC 128[14]
L maximum
consecutive PDCCH- retransmission is expected PDCCH-subframe(s)
Extended DRX for Specifies the
DRX Retransmission
1920[20] 16[5] 160[6] 160[15]
DRXsubframe(s) after for
Inactivity Timer by the
DRX UE,and this
Retransmission as soon as aTimer
Retransmission DL for number consecutive
Timer of Uplink for
2560[21] 24[6] 320[7] 320[16]
eMTC decoding
(psf) a configuration is for (psf)
Timer for eMTC eMTC retransmission is expected
eMTC (psf) PDCCH-subframe(s)
eMTC (psf) for
0[22] 33[7] Invalid[255] Invalid[255]
MPDCCH indicating an UE.In case drx- by the UE,and this as soon as a UL
initial UL or DL user data RetransmissionTimer- configuration which is the retransmission MPDCCH
model default: 8 model default: 4 model default: 255 model default: 5
transmission for this v1310 is signalled, UE extended configuration of is expected by the UE,and
UE,and this configuration shall ignore drx- drx-RetransmissionTimer this configuration is for
is for eMTC UE. RetransmissionTimer. is for eMTC UE. eMTC UE.

-- -- -- --
500[17] 33[7] Invalid[255] 80[11]
20[8] 8[4] Invalid[255] 8[5]
500[17] 33[7] Invalid[255] 80[11]
500[17] 33[7] Invalid[255] 80[11]
500[17] 33[7] Invalid[255] 80[11]
500[17] 33[7] Invalid[255] 80[11]
500[17] 33[7] Invalid[255] 80[11]
20[8] 8[4] Invalid[255] 8[5]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
to QCInone; 32-127 are
for other signaling such as
SIP (QCI is 5); 128-1023
are for GBR application
parameters; 1024-3071
are for Non-GBR
parameters; 3072-4095
NE_Name ldn moId are used byappId
operators for
application customization,
NE Name LDN MO ID ofApplication
which odd Identity
This parameter sets the correspond to downlink
string:length[1..255] long:[0..65535]
unique ID of the managed applications while even
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string numbers corresponding to
type and can be uplink applications; 4096-
NE Name LDN configured as planned. 65535 are reserved.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 132
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 130
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 131
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 34
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 35
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 133
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 134
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 135
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 136
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815430 1031
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 32
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418 147
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 33
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815419 148
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 137
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 138
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 139
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815417 146
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421 150
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815422 151
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815423 1024
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815424 1025
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815420 149
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815429 1030
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815425 1026
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815426 1027
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815427 1028
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815428 1029
100[20] 225[45] 225[44]
110[21] 230[46] 230[45]
120[22] 235[47] 235[46] enum:
130[23] 240[48] 240[47] 4[0]
140[24] 245[49] 245[48] 8[1]
This timer is used by the
150[25] 250[50] 250[49] 16[2]
transmitter of an AM RLC
160[26] 300[51] 300[50] 32[3]
entity to retransmit a poll.
tReorderingFdd 350[52]
tStatusProhibt 350[51]
tPollRetransmtFdd 64[4]
This parameter is used by After a poll is transmitted,
180[28] 400[53] 400[52] 128[5]
Reordering Timer for the receiver of an AM if FDD
the receiving end does
Poll Retransmit
190[29] 450[54] 450[53] 256[6]
RLC FDD(ms) RLCProhibit
Status entity toTimer(ms)
prohibit not receive a status PDU
Timer(ms) Poll PDU
200[30] 500[55] 500[54] pbInfinity[7]
transmitting STATUS from the opposite end
This parameter sets the PDUs. No STATUS PDU before the timer expires, This parameter sets how
model default: 9 model default: 4 model default: 10 model default: 2
reordering timer for FDD can be transmitted within the poll will be often (namely every how
RLC (AM mode or UM the time specified by the retransmitted after the many PDUs) an AM RLC
mode). parameter. timer expires. entity sends a poll.

-- -- -- --
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
45[9] 20[4] 55[10] 16[2]
375[6] enum:
500[7] 1[0]
750[8] 2[1]
1000[9] 3[2]
1250[10] 4[3]
tPollByte 6[4]
2000[12] 8[5]
Max Retransmission
3000[13] 16[6]
Poll Byte (KB) Threshold
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
This parameter sets how This parameter sets the
often (namely every how maximum number of
model default: 14 model default: 7
many bytes) each AM times that a Data PDU can
RLC entity sends a poll be retransmitted by an
request. AM RLC entity.

-- --
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
kBinfinity[14] 32[7]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId eMTCHFNStartTime
Start Time of EMTC
Hyper System Frame
NE Name LDN MO ID ThisNumber
parameter sets the
This parameter sets the starting time of the eMTC
string:length[1..255] model default: 1980-01-
unique ID of the managed hyper system frame
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 06 00:00:00
object. It is of the string number. The parameter
type and can be value is in the GPS time
NE Name LDN configured as planned. format.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 1 1980-01-06 00:00:00
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId on
LTE FDD Baseband
NE Name LDN MO ID Resources Configuration
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 stringArray:length[0..400]
object. It is of the string
type and can be LTE FDD Baseband
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Resources Configuration

R Primary Key M
located. In an inter-BBU located. In an inter-BBU BBU super-cell scenario,
super cell scenario, this super cell scenario, this users can set this
parameter can be set in parameter can be set in parameter according to
accordance with the accordance with the network planning to
network planning to network planning to associate the CP to
associate the CP to associate the CP to another inter-BBU cell. In
another inter-BBU cell. In another inter-BBU cell. In other scenarios (namely
mcc (namely
other scenarios mnc (namely
other scenarios intra-BBUeNBId
cell scenarios), cellLocalId
intra-BBU cell scenarios), intra-BBU cell scenarios), this parameter cannot be
this parameter
MCCcannot be this parameter
MNCcannot be configured
eNodeBbyID users; The parameter
CELL ID is used to
configured by users, configured by users, instead, it is set to represent a cell identify,
long:[0..1048575] long:[0..255]
instead, it is set to [255, instead, it is set to [255, 0XFFFFFFFF as a cell child nodes, the
string:length[3] string:length[2..3] model default: 0 model default: 0
255, 255] automatically 255, 255] automatically automatically by the system automatically
by the system, indicating by the system, indicating system to associate the CP generated, cannot be
the PLMN ID of the eNB. the PLMN ID of the eNB. to an intra-BBU cell. modified.

M M -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId smartNetDistProfileIndex
Profile Index of Smart
This parameter
Network sets a
NE Name LDN MO ID profile index
Function forof theUsers
Idle smart
This parameter sets the network distribution
string:length[1..255] long:[1..128]
unique ID of the managed function. With a profile
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string index, you can find a
type and can be configuration for
NE Name LDN configured as planned. redirection and IMMCI.

R Primary Key R-I

When the cell load is When the cell load is
IMMCI Profile Index IMMCI Profile Index
ref1IdleMobilityProfile medium, o parameter
this ref2IdleMobilityProfile hLIMMCIProfileIndexPro
high, this parameter and
IMMCI Profile Index Using Probability When IMMCI Profile Index Using Probability When
When The Serving Cell andServing
The the IMMCI
Cell Profile
Load is When The Serving Cell the TheIMMCI
ServingProfile Index
Cell Load is
Load is Middle Index When
(%)Serving Load is High When the
(%) Cell
This parameter sets the Cell Load is Middle Load is High parameter
longArray:[0..100] longArray:[0..100]
IMMCI profile index for parameter work together This parameter sets the work together to
stringArray:length[0..400] model default: 0;0 stringArray:length[0..400] model default: 0;0
releasing users when the to determine which IMMCI profile index for determine which IMMCI
serving cell load is IMMCI profile index is releasing users when the profile index is used for
medium. used for releasing users. serving cell load is high. releasing SPID users.

-- -- -- --
This parameter sets the
probability of carrying a
candidate frequency for E-
refAdjacentEutranFreqLT UTRAN redirection. The
E eutranFreqIndexPro
eNodeB selects the target
E-UTRAN Frequency
E-UTRA Carrier frequency based
Redirection on the
Frequency Index information.
(%)The larger
model default:
the parameter value is, the
This parameter sets the larger the probability of
stringArray:length[0..400] ;0;0
array of E-UTRAN carrying the frequency is.
redirection target The 17th to 32th array
frequencies. elements are reserved.

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId profileIndex
Profile Index for EN-DC
NE Name LDN MO ID Anchor
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..256]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string The parameter represents
type and can be the EN-DC anchor policy
NE Name LDN configured as planned. profile index.

R Primary Key --
IMMCI function. When a UTRAN, UTRAN FDD,
UE with the EN-DC GERAN, CDMA2000-
capability is released, the HRPD, and CDMA2000-
dedicated IMMCI 1XRTT systems in turn. A
reselection priority is larger parameter value
configured based on this indicates a higher IMMCI
refAdjacentEutranFreqLT parameter value. A larger priority of the
E endcPccFreqPrio iMMCIEndcAnchFreqPri
parameter value indicates endcAnchIMMCIRATPri
corresponding system.
longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255]
E-UTRA Carrier PCC Frequency Priority a higherPriority
Frequency reselection
of EN- ThePriority
value 0ofindicates
model default: model default:
Frequency Index for EN-DC priority of the frequency.
DC Anchoring IMMCI the systemIMMCI
Anchoring is not
255;255;255;255;255;255 255;255;255;255;255;255 longArray:[0..255]
This array parameter sets This array parameter sets The frequencies with the considered. Note: The 4G
;255;255;255;255;255;25 ;255;255;255;255;255;25 model default:
the E-UTRAN the priorities of the PCell parameter value being system priority specified
stringArray:length[0..400] 5;255;255;255;255 5;255;255;255;255 255;254;253;252;251;250
frequencies related to the for EN-DC. The 17th to zero are not carried in the by this parameter is used
EN-DC anchoring 32th array elements are dedicated reselection for non-anchor
strategy. reserved. priority. frequencies only.

-- -- -- --
This parameter sets the
priority of the target
frequencies used for NR
coverage monitoring in an This parameter enables or
Priority anchor-based
of the Target disables EN-DC anchor- This parameter enables or
handover. If EN-DC endcAnchToHighPrioSwc
based handover to a high- endcAnchToNonAnchHo
Frequencies for NR Switch for EN-DC SwitchEN-DC anchor-
for EN-DC
refEnbAdjFreqNR FPriohandover
anchor-based priority h
anchor frequency. Swch to a non-
Coverage Monitoring in Anchor-Based Handover based handover
Anchor-Based Handover
enum: enum:
NR Carrier Frequency based EN-DC on Anchor-Based
NR coverage is toIfa itHigh-Priority
is set to Open, the anchor
Anchor to afrequency.
Non-anchorIf it is
longArray:[0..255] Close[0] Close[0]
Index enabled, the eNodeB
Handover NSA UEs in an anchor set to Open,
Frequency the NSA UEs
model default: Open[1] Open[1]
hands over UEs to an cell are handed over to a without any NR frequency
This array parameter sets anchor cell with NR high-priority anchor available are handed over
stringArray:length[0..400] ;255;255 model default: 0 model default: 0
the NR frequencies related coverage according to the frequency during an EN- to a non-anchor frequency
to the EN-DC anchor- priority specified by this DC anchor-based during an EN-DC anchor-
based handover strategy. parameter. handover. based handover.

-- -- -- --
Anchor Coverage, the reselection priority in the
eNodeB hands over UEs anchoring IMMCI is
from a non-anchor cell to determined based on the
an anchor neighbor cell anchor priority of the
This parameter enables or that supports EN-DC serving frequency and that
disables EN-DC anchor- anchor-based handover. If of different frequencies. If
endcAnchToLowPrioSwc Handover Based LTE
based handover
Switch to a low-
for EN-DC this parameter is set to itSwitch
is set toofClose, after an
h frequency. Anchor Coverage[0]
endcAnchHoWorkMode highPriAnchImmciSwch reserve1
priority anchor
Anchor-Based Handover Handover Based LTE NSA UELow-Priority
from is released from
enum: Handover Based LTE enum:
toIfa itLow-Priority
is set to Open, the
Anchor Anchor
Workingand NR of
Mode Coverage,
EN-DC the anchor
Anchors tofrequency, the
Close[0] Anchor and NR Close[0]
NSA UEs in an anchor
Frequency the eNodeB hands
Anchor-Based over reselection
Handover priority of the
Anchors Reserve Parameter1
Open[1] Coverage[1] Open[1]
cell are handed over to a UEs from a non-anchor serving frequency is set to
low-priority anchor cell to an NR-covered the highest value and that
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
frequency during an EN- anchor neighbor cell that of other anchor
DC anchor-based supports EN-DC anchor- frequencies is sorted by
handover. based handover. anchor priority. Reserve Parameter1

-- -- -- --

Reserve Parameter2
model default: 0

Reserve Parameter2

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId profileIndex
SN Configuration
NE Name LDN MO ID Strategy Index for EN-DC
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..256]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string This parameter indicates
type and can be the SN configuration
NE Name LDN configured as planned. strategy index for EN-DC.

R Primary Key R-I

This parameter sets the
voice-based EN-DC
restriction strategy. If it is
set to No Restrict, the
addition of SNs is not
restricted for the voice
services of UEs. If it is set
refEnbAdjFreqNR nrPSCellFreqPrio No Restrict[0]
ce PCell
to No Based
Based PCell Channel
This array
Neighbor-NR Frequency PCell parameter
and SCell sets
Priorities Channel Quality
Voice-Based and the
longArray:[0..255] Quality[1]
Index the priorities of the PCell
for EN-DC PCell channelStrategy
Restriction quality is
model default: No SN[2]
and SCells for EN-DC. bad for the voice services
Each element in this array of UEs, no SN can be
stringArray:length[0..400] ;255;255 model default: 0
This parameter sets the corresponds to one added. If it is set to No
NR frequency of PSCells element in the neighbor SN, no SN is added for
in EN-DC. NR frequency index array. voice services of UEs.

-- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId ueFgiIndex


This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..50]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string This parameter indicates
type and can be the index of FGI
NE Name LDN configured as planned. configuration information.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 1
whether the subsequent MR measurement task,
FGI domain is valid.The and bit 3 an inter-RAT
value 0 means that the period MR measurement
corresponding FGI task. Bits 4 to 32 are
domain is invalid and reserved. If the bit value is
three is no relevant 0, the function of
information in UE- excluding UEs according
strUeFgiInfo A strToolFgiFilFuncBitmap
EUTRA-Capability. to radio capability FGI
model default:
possible FGI feature feature
Tool FGIinformation is
Filter Function
information is configured disabled. Bitmap
UE FGI Information If the bit value is
as follows: 1, the function of
CF1EA6_06800000_0034 long:[0..4294967295]
R10_111111_FFCF1EA6 excluding UEs according
0000 model default: 0
_06800000_00340000_FF to radio capability FGI
CF1EA6_06800000_0034 feature information is
0000. enabled.

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId mcc
MCC of the Neighbor
NE Name LDN MO ID Cell
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[3]
object. It is of the string
type and can be This parameter sets the
NE Name LDN configured as planned. MCC of a neighbor cell.

R Primary Key M
This parameter sets the
mnc gNodeBId cellLocalId freqBandInd
indicator of the frequency
MNC of the Neighbor band where uplink and
long:[34, 38..41, 50..51,
Cell gNodeB ID Cell ID downlinkBand
Frequency carriers of a
77..79, 257..258,
neighbor cell are located.
long:[0..16383] 260..261]
The uplink and downlink
string:length[2..3] long:[0..4294967295] model default: 0 model default: 41
This parameter sets the ID carriers of a cell must
This parameter sets the of the gNodeB where the This parameter sets the ID belong to the same
MNC of a neighbor cell. neighbor cell is located. of a neighbor cell. frequency band.

M M -- --
enum: 217NRB[24]
fiveGSTAC enDcCfgTAC kHz15[0]
bandWidthNrSCS 245NRB[25]
This parameter
Subcarrier sets the
Spacing Number of RBs
kHz30[1] 264NRB[26]
subcarrier spacing
Corresponding to NR Corresponding to NR
long:[0..16777215, long:[0..65535, kHz60[2] 270NRB[27]
5GS TAC EN-DC TAC corresponding
Bandwidths to NR Bandwidths
4294967295] 4294967295] kHz120[3] 273NRB[28]
This parameter sets a This parameter sets a bandwidths. The
model default: model default:
tracking area code in the tracking area code in the parameter value must be This parameter sets the
4294967295 4294967295 model default: 1 model default: 28
PLMN of the 5GS. It is PLMN of the EN-DC. It is the same as the subcarrier number of RBs
used for UE location used for UE location spacing for NR neighbor corresponding to NR
management. management. cells. bandwidths.

R-I -- -- --
TDD Neighbor Cell of
1880..1920, 2010..2025, nRFreqCfgParaT1_center
NR Frequency Related
2300..2400, 2496..2690,
nrPointA addiFreqBandInd Freq nRFreqCfgParaT1_pci
This parameter sets the Indicator List of Configuration_SSB TDD Neighbor Cell of
3300..4200, longArray:[0, 34, 38..41, doubleArray:
start frequency of an NR Additional Frequency Center Carrier Frequency NR Frequency Related
4400.01..4999.995, 50..51, 77..79, 257..258, [1427..39999.96]
NRand, together
PointA with This parameter
(MHz) Bands defines a (MHz) This parameter sets the
24250.08..29499.96, 260..261] model default: longArray:[0..1007]
system bandwidth list of the indicators of Physical Cell ID (PCI) of
37000.02..39999.96] model default: 2496;2496;2496;2496;249 model default:
parameters, indicates the additional frequency This parameter sets the a neighbor cell. The
model default: 2496.0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0 6;2496;2496;2496 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
frequency domain bands that the uplink and SSB center carrier configured PCI must be
location of the entire NR downlink carriers of a frequency. It is used to the same as the actual PCI
cell. neighbor cell belong to. measure 5G frequencies. of the neighbor cell.

-- -- -- --
TDD Neighbor Cell of
CS This supportEnDc
parameter sets the plmnIdList_mcc plmnIdList_mnc
NR Frequency Related
Configuration_SSB EN-DC attribute
Switch for of NR
This parameter
Subcarrier sets SSB neighborEN-DC
Spacing cells. When an PLMN List_Cell MCC PLMN List_Cell MNC
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] Yes[1]
subcarrier spacing. The NR neighbor cell supports
model default:
parameter value must be EN-DC, the serving cell
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 1 stringArray:length[3] stringArray:length[2..3]
the same as the actual can send an EN-DC
SSB subcarrier spacing request to this neighbor This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
for NR neighbor cells. cell. MCC of a cell. the MCC of a cell.

-- -- M M
algNRTDDRsved1 reserve1 reserve2
Reserved service NR
TDD parameter 1 Reserve Parameter1 Reserve Parameter2
long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295]
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
This is reserved parameter
1 for NR TDD services. Reserve Parameter1 Reserve Parameter2

-- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --

Referenced SCTP


Referenced SCTP

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId mcc
MCC of the Neighbor
NE Name LDN MO ID Cell
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[3]
object. It is of the string
type and can be This parameter sets the
NE Name LDN configured as planned. MCC of a neighbor cell.

R Primary Key M
mnc gNodeBId cellLocalId fiveGSTAC
MNC of The Neighbor
Cell gNodeB ID Cell ID 5GS TAC
This parameter sets a
long:[0..16383] model default:
tracking area code in the
string:length[2..3] long:[0..4294967295] model default: 0 4294967295
This parameter sets the ID PLMN of the 5GS. It is
This parameter sets the of the gNodeB where the This parameter sets the ID used for UE location
MNC of a neighbor cell. neighbor cell is located. of a neighbor cell. management.

M M -- R-I
enum: enum: 217NRB[24]
enDcCfgTAC kHz15[0]
bandWidthNrSCSUL kHz15[0]
bandWidthNrSCSDL 245NRB[25]
This parameterSpacing
UL Subcarrier sets the This parameterSpacing
DL Subcarrier sets the Number of RBs
kHz30[1] kHz30[1] 264NRB[26]
uplink subcarrier to
Corresponding spacing
NR downlink subcarrier
Corresponding to NR Corresponding to UL NR
long:[0..65535, kHz60[2] kHz60[2] 270NRB[27]
EN-DC TAC corresponding
Bandwidthsto NR spacingBandwidths
corresponding to Bandwidths
4294967295] kHz120[3] kHz120[3] 273NRB[28]
This parameter sets a bandwidths. The NR bandwidths. The
model default:
tracking area code in the parameter value must be parameter value must be This parameter sets the
4294967295 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 28
PLMN of the EN-DC. It is the same as the uplink the same as the downlink number of RBs
used for UE location subcarrier spacing for NR subcarrier spacing for NR corresponding to uplink
management. neighbor cells. neighbor cells. NR bandwidths.

-- -- -- --
This parameter sets uplink
bandWidthNrNRBDL freqBandIndUL double:[663..698,
Number of RBs NRnrPointAUL
frequency A. It freqBandInd
264NRB[26] 699..748, 824..862,
Corresponding to DL NR UL Frequency Band ULprovides the start A
NR Frequency DL Frequency Band
270NRB[27] 880..915, 1427..1470,
Bandwidths Indicator frequency(MHz)
of an NR cell, This parameter
Indicatorsets the
273NRB[28] long:[1..3, 5, 7..8, 12, 20, 1695..1785, 1850..1915, long:[1..3, 5, 7..8, 12, 20,
This parameter sets the and, together with system indicator of the frequency
25, 28, 66, 70..71, 74] 1920..1980, 2500..2570] 25, 28, 66, 70..71, 74]
This parameter sets the indicator of the frequency bandwidth parameters, band where the downlink
model default: 28 model default: 28 model default: 703.0 model default: 28
number of RBs band where the uplink indicates the frequency carriers of an NR
corresponding to carriers of an NR domain location of the neighbor cell are located.
downlink NR bandwidths. neighbor cell are located. entire NR cell. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
double:[617..652, nRFreqCfgParaF_centerFr
This parameter sets FDD Neighbor Cell of NR
729..746, 758..821,
nrPointADL addiFreqBandIndDL eqDL nRFreqCfgParaF_pci
downlink NR frequency Indicator List of DL Frequency Related FDD Neighbor Cell of NR
869..894, 925..960, longArray:[0..3, 5, 7..8,
provides the start
Frequency A Additional Frequency Configuration_DL SSB Frequency Related
1475..1518, 1805..1880, 12, 20, 25, 28, 66, 70..71, doubleArray:[617..2690]
of an NR cell, This parameter
Bands sets a list Center Frequency (MHz) This parameter sets the
1930..2020, 2110..2200, 74] model default: longArray:[0..1007]
and, together with system of the additional This parameter sets the Physical Cell ID (PCI) of
2620..2690] model default: 758;758;758;758;758;758 model default:
bandwidth parameters, frequency bands that the downlink SSB center a neighbor cell. The
model default: 758.0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0 ;758;758 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
indicates the frequency downlink physical frequency. The value configured PCI must be
domain location of the frequencies (in MHz) of range varies with the the same as the actual PCI
entire NR cell. neighbor cells belong to. actual band. of the neighbor cell.

-- -- -- --
FDD Neighbor Cell of NR
S This supportEnDc
parameter sets the plmnIdList_mcc plmnIdList_mnc
Frequency Related
Configuration_SSB EN-DC attribute
Switch for of NR
This parameter
Subcarrier sets SSB neighborEN-DC
Spacing cells. When an PLMN List_Cell MCC PLMN List_Cell MNC
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] Yes[1]
subcarrier spacing. The NR neighbor cell supports
model default:
parameter value must be EN-DC, the serving cell
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 1 stringArray:length[3] stringArray:length[2..3]
the same as the actual can send an EN-DC
SSB subcarrier spacing request to this neighbor This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
for NR neighbor cells. cell. the MCC of a cell. MNC of a cell.

-- -- M M
algNRFDDRsved1 reserve1 reserve2
Reserved service NR FDD
parameter 1 Reserve Parameter1 Reserve Parameter2
long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295]
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
This is reserved parameter
1 for NR FDD services. Reserve Parameter1 Reserve Parameter2

-- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId qCI sets the
This parameter
service class QCI. The
NE Name LDN MO ID parameter
QCI at
This parameter sets the the back end. It helps find
string:length[1..255] long:[0..256]
unique ID of the managed the corresponding service
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string priority in accordance
type and can be with the QCI information
NE Name LDN configured as planned. in an SAE setup message.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 7
This parameter sets the
DC bearer type. It is used
to facilitate differentiated
flow control for different
UE bearers in 4G/5G
networks. In MCG mode,
a UEdCBearerType
can set up bearers
MCG Mode[0]
only on the 4G side. In
SCG Mode[1]
SCGDC mode, the bearers
Bearer Type of
SCG Split Mode[2]
a UE can be migrate from
the 4G side to the 5G side.
model default: 0
In SCG Split mode, a UE
can set up bearers on both
the 4G side and 5G side.

MCG Mode[0]
SCG Mode[1]
MCG Mode[0]
MCG Mode[0]
MCG Mode[0]
SCG Mode[1]
SCG Mode[1]
SCG Mode[1]
SCG Mode[1]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
Continuous RTP Lost
NE_Name ldn moId rtplostNum4SwalWord
Number Threshold of
Suspected Swallow
NE Name LDN MO ID When RTP packets are
This parameter sets the continuously lost up to the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..65535]
unique ID of the managed threshold, it is considered
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 5
object. It is of the string to be suspected swallow
type and can be words for the effect of
NE Name LDN configured as planned. voice quality.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 5
Downlink Continuous
rtplostNum4DropDl singleMuteTime abnorHARQFailNum activeInterval
RTP Lost Number Continuous HARQ Fail Scheduling Internal
Threshold of Suspected Single Mute Distinguish Number of Abnormal Threshold in Active
When Call
RTP Drop
packets are When RTP(100ms)
Time packets are Issue When eNB
Period doesn't
continuously lost up to the not transmitted in the schedule in the time range
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[10..65535]
threshold, it is considered range, it is considered to When continuous HARQ and UE is in voice active
model default: 15 model default: 10 model default: 3 model default: 20
to be suspected call drop be suspected single mute Fail presents, it is reported period, it is reported for
for the effect of voice for the effect of voice for assisting voice quality assisting voice quality
quality. quality. abnormal issue. abnormal issue.

-- -- -- --
15 10 3 20
enum: enum:
During an intra-LTE
enum: 1[0] 1[0]
handover, when the
50[0] 2[1] 2[1]
VoLTE UE receives a
100[1] 3[2] 3[2]
handover command, it
150[2] 4[3] 4[3]
Timer forT304.
VoLTE If the
FDD Maximum Number of DL Maximum Number of DL
silentInterval 200[3]
t304Fdd4VoLTE 6[4]
n310_VoLTE 5[4]
Scheduling Internal handover
UEs toisWait
for Out-of-Synchronization Synchronization
500[4] 8[5] 6[5]
Threshold in Silent Period the UE stopsHandover
Successful T304. If This parameter
Indications for indicates
VoLTE This parameter
Indications for indicates
1000[5] 10[6] 8[6]
eNB doesn't T304 expires, indicating
(T304) (ms) the maximum number of the maximum
UEs (N310_UE) number of
UEs (N311)
2000[6] 20[7] 10[7]
schedule in the time range that the handover fails, the consecutive out-of- consecutive
and UE is in voice silent UE starts T311 and synchronization synchronization
model default: 60 model default: 6 model default: 4 model default: 0
period, it is reported for initiates a re- indications received by indications received by
assisting voice quality establishment procedure VoLTE UEs from the VoLTE UEs from the
abnormal issue. on the best cell. lower layers. lower layers.

-- -- -- --
60 2000[6] 10[6] 1[0]
UE starts the timer
T310_UE. Upon receiving
an N311_UE in-sync
indication, or triggering This timer is started after
the handover procedure the eNodeB sends an RRC
and the RRC re- During S1-based Connection During X2-based
100[2] s1HoOverAllTimer4VoL
establishment procedure, handover
Timer toofWait
a VoLTE UE, Reconfiguration
for The Timer to Wait formessage
The handover of a VoLTE
Timer to Wait for The UE,
Timer UE
VoLTEthe UEs
timerto this timer TEstarted after rRcReCfgTimer4VoLTE
MMEisRelease toRRC
a VoLTE UE. It is
this timer Confirmation
Release is started after
MonitorWhenRadiothe timer Confirmation
Link the source Message
eNodeB for Completed
stopped ifMessage
an RRCfor Messagethe source eNodeBUEs
for VoLTE
Failuresthe UE is in IDLE
(T310_UE) (ms) receives
VoLTE aUEshandover
(ms) Connection
VoLTE UEs (ms) receives(ms)
a Handover
2000[6] long:[10..1000000] long:[10..1000000] long:[10..1000000]
state if the security mode command from the core Reconfiguration Complete Request Acknowledge
model default: 15000 model default: 8000 model default: 10000
is not activated; network. The timer is message or an RRC message. The timer is
model default: 6 step: 10 step: 10 step: 10
otherwise, the RRC re- stopped if a release Connection Re- stopped if a release
establishment procedure is command is received from establishment message is command is received from
initiated. the core network. received. the target side.

-- -- -- --
2000[6] 15000 12000 15000
This parameter enables or
disables the admission of This parameter is related
the E-RABs of to VoLTE ROHC. The This parameter sets the This parameter enables or
QCI1/QCI2 for eMTC reserved value for QCI1 is duration from the time disables penalty for
terminals. If it is set to valid when VoLTE when the INVITE SRVCC-based handover
Open (1), the system ROHC qCI1RsvCid
is enabled. A forbidRedTimer
message is sent to the sRVCCPunishSwch
preparation failures. For
enum: enum:
allows eMTC
EMTC VoLTEterminals
Admission to larger parameter
Reserved MaxCID value
for timeRedirection
when the setup
Timer of the the cells where an
Close[0] Close[0]
the E-RABs of indicates aQCI1 larger maxCID QCI1 bearer stops
Forbidding (ms)or the SRVCC-based
SRVCC Penalty handover
Open[1] Open[1]
QCI1/QCI2. If it is set to value reserved for QCI1, timer expires. It is used to preparation failure is
long:[0..16383] long:[1..65535]
Close (0), the system does more flows established on guarantee successful call detected, if this parameter
model default: 0 model default: 4 model default: 1000 model default: 0
not allow eMTC terminals QCI1, and smaller setup in the scenarios is set to Open, a penalty
to establish the E-RABs maxCID values for other where the QCI1 bearer strategy is triggered based
of QCI1/QCI2. QCIs. has not been established. on the failure cause value.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 4 1000 Close[0]
sRVCCLevel1PunishTim sRVCCLevel2DetectTime sRVCCLevel2PunishTim sRVCCLevel3PunishTim
er r er er
This parameter
Level-1 sets the
Penalty Timer This parameter
for Level-2 Detectionsets the
Timer This parameter
Level-2 sets the
Penalty Timer for This parameter
Level-3 sets the
Penalty Timer for
SRVCC penalty timer
Failures (ms)for level-2 detection
for SRVCC timer
Failures for
(ms) level-2
SRVCC penalty timer
Failures (ms)for level-3
SRVCC penalty timer
Failures (ms)for
SRVCC preparation SRVCC preparation SRVCC preparation SRVCC preparation
long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295]
failures. The timer is failures. The timer is failures. The timer is failures. The timer is
model default: 3000 model default: 0 model default: 1800000 model default: 6400000
enabled when the SRVCC enabled when the SRVCC enabled when the SRVCC enabled when the SRVCC
penalty switch is set to penalty switch is set to penalty switch is set to penalty switch is set to
Open. Open. Open. Open.

-- -- -- --
3000 0 1800000 6400000
recognizing VoLTE MTs.
The first element of this
This parameter determines parameter is used to
whether to recognize identify the paging
VoLTE MTs based on This parameter sets the priority of a voice MT,
paging priorities. If it is valid period for and the second to identify
sRVCCLevel3DetectTime set to Open, voice and recognizing the ID
Valid Period forof a that of the a video MT. If
r voLTEMTRecogSwch
MTs can be voLTEMTRecogPeriod
VoLTE MT.the If ID
a UE voLTEMTPagingPriority
the paging priority of a
Switch Recognizing Recognizing of a
This parameter
Level-3 Detectionsets the recognized
Timer VoLTE MTs based
Basedon on
the VoLTE initiates an access
MT with a Paging UE is equal
Paging to thefor
Priority first
level-3 detection
for SRVCC timer
Failures for paging
(ms) priorities.
Paging This
Priorities procedure within
Priority (s)a valid element, the
Recognizing UE isMTs
Open[1] double:[0.5..3] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
SRVCC preparation parameter can be used period after the paging regarded as a voice MT. If
long:[0..4294967295] model default: 2.0 5, 6, 7, 255]
failures. The timer is only when the core priority of the UE is sent, the paging priority of a
model default: 0 model default: 0 step: 0.5 model default: 255;255
enabled when the SRVCC network marks the paging the UE is regarded as a UE is equal to the second
penalty switch is set to priorities for voice and VoLTE MT; otherwise, it element, the UE is
Open. video MTs. is not a VoLTE MT. regarded as a video MT.

-- -- -- --
0 Close[0] 2.0 255;255
ninth represents Not
enough User Plane
Processing Resources, the
tenth represents Radio This parameter sets the
resources not available, number of retries after an
and the eleventh SRVCC handover
sRVCCSpecCausePunish No punishment[0]
Penalty Control
Strategies for Penalty Strategy for an preparation failure occurs. Number of Penalties for
Stgy Time Punishment
Special Cause Overload.
of Ordinary Cause Value of If sRVCCRetryNum
the number
Number of times
of Retries After
the Maximum Number of
enumArray:[0, 1, 2] Strategy[1]
12th to 32nd
SRVCC array
Handover This parameter
the SRVCC sets the
Handover that
an an SRVCC
SRVCC handover
Handover SRVCC Handover
model default: Number Punishment
Preparationare Failures
reserved. penalty strategy
Preparation for an
Failure preparation failure
Preparation occurs
Failure This parameter
Preparation sets the
0;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Strategy[2]
There are three penalty ordinary cause value of again during a specific number of penalties when
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; long:[0..255] long:[0..255]
strategies available for the the SRVCC handover period of time exceeds the the number of SRVCC
0;0;0;0;0 model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 0
failure cause value preparation failure. Three threshold, the handover preparation
corresponding to one penalty strategies are corresponding penalty failures reaches the upper
array element. available. strategy is implemented. limit.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;Number Punishment Strate0 0
This parameter enables or
disables the UE EUTRAN
capability deletion
This parameter sets the function in the SRVCC
duration for retry after an procedure. If this switch is
SRVCC handover turned on, the UE
preparation failure occurs. EUTRAN capability
the number of times srvccUeCapDelSwch
information is not carried
Timer After an
an SRVCC handover in
Handover the handover
SRVCC request
Ue Capability
(ms) during SRVCC.
Deletion If this
again during this period of switch is turned off, the
time exceeds the UE EUTRAN capability
model default: 30000 model default: 0
threshold, the information in the
corresponding penalty SRVCC handover request
strategy is implemented. is carried normally.

-- --
30000 Close[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId iMEISVHOStgyIndex
IMEISV Strategy Index
NE Name LDN MO ID for HO
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..255]
unique ID of the managed index of an IMEISV
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string strategy for HO
type and can be customized by the
NE Name LDN configured as planned. operator.

R Primary Key R-I

This parameter is an array
to indicate measurement
This parameter is an array of WCDMA system
This parameter indicates to indicate measurement B1/B2 event and related
the list of the downlink E- of inter-frequency and to a record of inter system
List of DLfrequencies
E-UTRANthat HO related to a record of intra measurement The parameter is the
forbidden to be used interFHOMeasCfg
system measurement wCDMAMeasCfg
configuration of WCDMA wCDMASRVCCSwch
switch of SRVCC
Frequencies Forbidden By InterFreq measurement
target frequencies
Strategy configuration.
configuration Thefor
index system
WCDMA B1/B2 event. The
measurement betweentoLTE
for handover
(MHz) by the element respectively
handover one element relates
configuration indexto WCDMA, while the
doubleArray:[0..5000] Open[1]
IMEISV strategy. If a relates to RSRP and RSRP and the other relate switch is open, the
model default: 0 longArray:[0..65535] longArray:[0..65535]
frequency is added to the RSRQ. Also, if dual- to RSRQ. Also, if dual- correspond IMEISV UE
example: 0 model default: 0;0 model default: 0;0 model default: 1
list, all the ARFCNs measurement is closed, measurement is closed, can perform the SRVCC
related to this frequency only the first element is only the first element is handover to the WCDMA
are forbidden. valid. valid. system.

-- -- -- --
and forbidden frequencies
can be used in
measurement and
handover. If it is set to
Forbid Freq Strategy (1),
neither the allowable nor
forbidden frequencies can
wCDMAPSHOSwch Allow Freq Strategy[0]
The parameter is the be used in measurement
enum: Forbid Freq Strategy[1]
PSHOof PSHO between
to WCDMA and handover.
E-UTRAN If it is set
Close[0] Allow and Forbid Freq
Switch while to Allow and Strategy
Enabling Forbid Freq
Open[1] Strategy[2]
the switch is open, the Strategy (2), only the
correspond IMEISV UE forbidden frequencies
model default: 1 model default: 2
can perform the PSHO configured cannot be used
handover to the WCDMA in measurement and
system. handover.

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId iMEISVCAStgyIndex
IMEISV Strategy Index
NE Name LDN MO ID for CA
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..255]
unique ID of the managed index of an IMEISV
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string strategy for CA
type and can be customized by the
NE Name LDN configured as planned. operator.

R Primary Key R-I

The parameter indicate the
CA Configuration CA Forbidden type. If it is
forbiddingCAConf_cAFor forbiddingCAConf_forbid
Forbidden by IMEISV CAtoConfiguration
bidBand CATypethe
Strategy_List of Bands Forbidden by IMEISV
Forbidden by IMEISV correspondingForbidden
Strategy_CA band can
Strategy not configurated
Type by IMEISV as SCell
longArray:[1..5, 7..14,
or PCell. If it is set to
17..28, 30..64, 101] enumArray:[0, 1]
Only UL CA Forbidden,
model default: 1 model default: 0
The parameter sets the the corresponding band
band list that can not can not configurated as
configurated CA. UL SCell or PCell.

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId iMEISVDRXStgyIndex
IMEISV Strategy Index
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..255]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string This parameter sets the
type and can be index of an IMEISV
NE Name LDN configured as planned. strategy for DRX.

R Primary Key R-I

80[5] 20[5]
configuration of the
128[6] 32[6]
primary key, on the basis
160[7] 40[7]
of the UE capacity
256[8] 64[8]
matching corresponding
320[9] 80[9]
DRX configuration
512[10] 128[10]
parameters, when UE able
shortDrxCycIndForIMEIS 640[11] 160[11]
to support short DRX, the
V iMEIDRXSwch 1024[12]
longDrxCycForIMEISV 256[12]
UE Short DRX Cycle
enum: enum: 1280[13] 320[13]
Capacity Configuration DRX Switch for IMEISV Long DRX Cycle For Short DRX Cycle For
No[0] Close[0] 2048[14] 512[14]
choice for True
Indicator Strategy Long DRX (sf)
IMEISV cycle Short DRX (sf)
IMEISV cycle
Yes[1] Open[1] 2560[15] 640[15]
configuration. Otherwise Specifies the periodic Specifies the periodic
ucShortDrxCycInducShor repetition of the On repetition of the On
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
tDrxCycIndForIMEISV This parameter sets the Duration followed by a Duration followed by a
choice for False Switch of an IMEISV possible period of possible period of
configuration. strategy for DRX. inactivity. inactivity.

R-I -- -- --
6[5] 60[12]
8[6] 80[13]
10[7] 100[14] enum:
20[8] 200[15] 1[0]
30[9] 300[16] 2[1]
40[10] 500[17] 4[2]
50[11] 750[18] 6[3]
shortDrxCycTForIMEISV onDuratTimerForIMEISV 1280[19]
drxInactTimerForIMEISV 8[4]
80[13] 1920[20] 16[5]
DRX Short Cycle Timer Specifies the Timer
On Duration numberFor
of Specifies
DRX the number
Inactivity of
Timer For DRX Retransmission
100[14] 2560[21] 24[6]
For IMEISV consecutive
(psf) consecutive
(psf) Specifies
Timer For the maximum
IMEISV (psf)
200[15] 0[22] 33[7]
subframe(s) at the subframe(s) after number of consecutive
Specifies the number of beginning of a DRX successfully decoding a PDCCH-subframe(s) for
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
consecutive subframe(s) Cycle,during which the PDCCH indicating an as soon as a DL
the UE shall follow the UE monitors the PDCCH initial UL or DL user data retransmission is expected
Short DRX cycle. in PDCCH-subframes. transmission for this UE. by the UE.

-- -- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId tac

NE Name LDN MO ID Type Allocation Code

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 long:[0..99999999]
object. It is of the string This parameter indicates
type and can be the type allocation code in
NE Name LDN configured as planned. the IMEISV.

R Primary Key R-I,M

mcc mnc minSNR maxSNR

MCC MNC Minimum Serial Number Maximum Serial Number

long:[0..99] long:[0..99]
This parameter indicates
string:length[3] string:length[2..3] model default: 0 model default: 0
the country code of a This parameter indicates This parameter indicates The parameter represents
mobile user, consisting of the mobile network code, the serial number range of the End of Serial Number
three digits. consisting of two digits. terminals in the IMEISV. in IMEISV ID.

R-I,M R-I,M R-I --

Minimum Software Maximum Software IMEISV Strategy Index IMEISV Strategy Index
Version Number Version Number for HO for CA
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
long:[0..99] long:[0..99]
This parameter indicates This parameter indicates index of an IMEISV index of an IMEISV
model default: 0 model default: 0 string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400]
the software version the End of software strategy for HO strategy for CA
number range in the version number in the customized by the customized by the
IMEISV. IMEISV. operator. operator.

R-I -- -- --
is Open,for the UE
identified by IMEISV, the
maximun MIMO layers
This is switch of TTI can be configured equal to
Bundling based on This Switch is Based On or more than 4; when the
IMEISV. When the switch IMEISV's Uplink Pre- switch is Close,for the UE
is set to Open, indicating Scheduling:When The identified by IMEISV, the
that the TTI Bundling preSchd4IMEISwch
Switch is Open, The Use iMEISV4T4RSwch
maximun MIMO layers
enum: enum: enum:
IMEISV Strategy Index function is enabled
The Switch based
of TTI Identified
The SwitchbyofIMEISV
UL Pre- canSwitch
The not be of
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
for DRX on IMEISV.
Bundling forWhen the
IMEISV Performs for
Schedule Uplink Pre-
IMEISV equal for
to or more than 4,
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
switch is set to Close, Scheduling;When The and can only configured
indicating that the TTI Switch is Close, The Use with maximum 2. Where
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 1
This parameter indicates Bundling function is Identified by IMEISV the maximun MIMO
the index of an IMEISV disabled based on does not Perform Uplink layers include TM3,TM4
strategy for DRX. IMEISV. Pre-Scheduling; and TM9.

-- -- -- --
This parameter sets the
SPID mapping value for
MAC scheduling based on
the IMEISVs customized
by the operator. If it is set
a valid CSchd
to IMEISV-Based
value and,
SPIDat the
same time,
Mapping the UE
Value for has
SPID value configured on
the core network, the
long:[1..256, 65535]
SPID value configured by
model default: 65535
this parameter is used for
the calculation of MAC
scheduling weights.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
the EN-DC X2 interface is the EN-DC X2 interface is enabled, this parameter is enabled, this parameter is
an independent interface, an independent interface, set to the PLMN of the set to the PLMN of the
this parameter is set to the this parameter is set to the logical secondary site if logical secondary site if
PLMN of the PLMN of the the EN-DC X2/XeAp the EN-DC X2/XeAp
corresponding logical corresponding logical interface is a shared interface is a shared
base station. For example, base station. For example, interface. For example, if interface. For example, if
if the logical base station if the logical base station the primary PLMN of the the
PLMN primary PLMN of
of a Logical the
belongsmccto China belongsmnc
to China additionalPlmnList_mcc
base station belongsBase
to additionalPlmnList_mnc
base station belongs to
PLMN of a Logical Station_Mobile Network
Telecom, this parameter
Home Mobile Country is Telecom, this parameter
Home Mobile Networkis China Telecom,
Station_Country this of
Code China
Code of Telecom,
a Logical this
set Code
to theof
PLMN of China set Code
an eNodeB to theof
PLMN of China
an eNodeB aparameter is setStation
Logical Base to the parameter is set to the
Telecom; if the logical Telecom; if the logical PLMN of China Unicom PLMN of China Unicom
base station belongs to base station belongs to and vice versa. If the EN- and vice versa. If the EN-
string:length[3] string:length[2..3] stringArray:length[3] stringArray:length[2..3]
China Unicom, this China Unicom, this DC X2/XeAp interface is DC X2/XeAp interface is
parameter is set to the parameter is set to the an independent interface, an independent interface,
PLMN of China Unicom. PLMN of China Unicom. this parameter is not used. this parameter is not used.

M M -- --
refSctp reserv

Referenced SCTP Reserved Field

string:length[0..400] model default: 0
This is a reserved
Referenced SCTP parameter.

R-I,M --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
This parameter indicates
NE_Name ldn moId perQCIA1A2MeaGroupId
the ID of a PerQCI
PerQCI A1 group,
A2 and
NE Name LDN MO ID is used to index
Measurement theID
This parameter sets the PerQCI measurement
string:length[1..255] long:[1..65535]
unique ID of the managed configuration
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string corresponding to
type and can be measurement events A1
NE Name LDN configured as planned. and A2.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 5 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 4 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 6 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 1 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 3 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 2 1
This parameter indicates
the measurement priority
of QCIs. A larger value
indicates a higher
measurement priority of Duration Between Inter-
qCI measPriorityQCI. In interFA1ThrdP 1024[12]
the corresponding This Threshold
RSRP parameter sets the
for Inter- frequency RSRP Event
the case
QCI of service
Measurement absolute RSRP
frequency threshold
Event A1 This
A1 parameter
Occurrence sets
Service QCI Value concurrency, the service
Priority to trigger intra-RAT
(dBm) inter- difference between the
measurement frequency event A1. If the time when intra-RAT
long:[1..255] long:[0..255] long:[-140..-43]
configuration RSRP value of the serving inter-frequency RSRP
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: -85 model default: 8
This parameter sets the corresponding to the cell is larger than this measurement event A1 is
QCI corresponding to a highest-priority QCI is threshold, inter-frequency triggered to the time when
service type. used. event A1 is triggered. the event is reported.

R-I -- -- --
1 0 -85 320[8]
2 0 -85 320[8]
2 0 -85 320[8]
1 0 -85 320[8]
1 0 -85 320[8]
2 0 -85 320[8]
This parameter sets the Duration Between Inter-
interFA1HysteresisP interFA1ThrdQ 1024[12]
interFA1TrigTimeQ interFA1HysteresisQ
RSRP Determination absolute
RSRQ RSRQ threshold
Threshold for frequency RSRQ Event RSRQ Determination
Hysteresis Range of Inter- to trigger intra-RAT
Inter-frequency inter-
Event A1 ThisA1 parameter
andthe Hysteresis Range of Inter-
This parameter
frequency Event sets the
A1 (dB) frequency event
(dB) A1. If the difference between the
Reporting(ms) This parameter
frequency Event sets the
A1 (dB)
double:[0..15] double:[-20..-3] 5120[15] double:[0..15]
range of the hysteresis of RSRQ value of the time when intra-RAT range of the hysteresis of
model default: 0.0 model default: -10.5 model default: 0.0
the determination whether serving cell is larger than inter-frequency RSRQ the determination whether
step: 0.5 step: 0.5 model default: 8 step: 0.5
to trigger intra-RAT inter- this threshold, inter- measurement event A1 is to trigger intra-RAT inter-
frequency RSRP frequency event A1 is triggered to the time when frequency RSRQ
measurement event A1. triggered. the event is reported. measurement event A1.

-- -- -- --
0.0 -10.5 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -10.5 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -10.5 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -10.5 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -10.5 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -10.5 320[8] 0.0
Duration Between Inter-
interRATA1ThrdP 1024[12]
interRATA1TrigTimeP interRATA1HysteresisP interRATA1ThrdQ
This parameter sets the RAT RSRP Event A1 RSRP Determination This parameter sets the
RSRP RSRP threshold
Threshold of Inter- ThisOccurrence
parameter sets
and the Hysteresis Range of Inter- absolute
RSRQ RSRQ threshold
Threshold of Inter-
trigger inter-RAT
Event event
A1 (dBm) difference between the
Reporting(ms) This
RAT parameter
Event A1sets the
(dB) to trigger inter-RAT
RAT Event event
A1 (dB)
5120[15] double:[0..15] double:[-20..-3]
A1. If the RSRP value of time when inter-RAT range of the hysteresis of A1. If the RSRQ value of
long:[-140..-43] model default: 0.0 model default: -12.5
the serving cell is larger RSRP measurement event the determination whether the serving cell is larger
model default: -95 model default: 8 step: 0.5 step: 0.5
than this threshold, inter- A1 is triggered to the time to trigger inter-RAT than this threshold, inter-
RAT event A1 is when the event is RSRP measurement event RAT event A1 is
triggered. reported. A1. triggered.

-- -- -- --
-95 320[8] 0.0 -12.5
-95 320[8] 0.0 -12.5
-95 320[8] 0.0 -12.5
-95 320[8] 0.0 -12.5
-95 320[8] 0.0 -12.5
-95 320[8] 0.0 -12.5
128[5] 128[5]
160[6] 160[6]
256[7] 256[7]
320[8] 320[8]
480[9] 480[9]
512[10] 512[10]
640[11] 640[11]
Duration Between Inter- Duration Between Inter-
interRATA1TrigTimeQ interRATA1HysteresisQ ThisinterFA2ThrdP 1024[12]
RAT RSRQ Event A1 parameter sets
RSRQ Determination RSRP Threshold the
for Inter- frequency RSRP Event
1280[13] 1280[13]
parameter sets
and the Hysteresis Range of Inter- absolute RSRP
frequency threshold
Event A2 This
A2 parameter
Occurrence sets
2560[14] 2560[14]
difference between the
Reporting(ms) This
RAT parameter
Event A1sets the to trigger (dBm)
(dB) inter-frequency difference between the
5120[15] double:[0..15] 5120[15]
time when inter-RAT range of the hysteresis of event A2. If the RSRP time when intra-RAT
model default: 0.0 long:[-140..-43]
RSRQ measurement event the determination whether value of the serving cell is inter-frequency RSRP
model default: 8 step: 0.5 model default: -95 model default: 8
A1 is triggered to the time to trigger inter-RAT smaller than this measurement event A2 is
when the event is RSRQ measurement event threshold, inter-frequency triggered to the time when
reported. A1. event A2 is triggered. the event is reported.

-- -- -- --
320[8] 0.0 -95 320[8]
320[8] 0.0 -95 320[8]
320[8] 0.0 -95 320[8]
320[8] 0.0 -95 320[8]
320[8] 0.0 -95 320[8]
320[8] 0.0 -95 320[8]
Duration Between Inter-
interFA2HysteresisP interFA2ThrdQ 1024[12]
interFA2TrigTimeQ interFA2HysteresisQ
RSRP Determination This
RSRQ parameter
the frequency RSRQ Event RSRQ Determination
Hysteresis Range of Inter- absolute RSRQ Event
Inter-frequency threshold
A2 ThisA2 parameter
andthe Hysteresis Range of Inter-
This parameter
frequency Event sets the
A2 (dB) to trigger inter-frequency
(dB) difference between the
Reporting(ms) This parameter
frequency Event sets the
A2 (dB)
double:[0..15] double:[-20..-3] 5120[15] double:[0..15]
range of the hysteresis of event A2. If the RSRQ time when intra-RAT range of the hysteresis of
model default: 0.0 model default: -13.0 model default: 0.0
the determination whether value of the serving cell is inter-frequency RSRQ the determination whether
step: 0.5 step: 0.5 model default: 8 step: 0.5
to trigger inter-frequency smaller than this measurement event A2 is to trigger inter-frequency
RSRP measurement event threshold, inter-frequency triggered to the time when RSRQ measurement event
A2. event A2 is triggered. the event is reported. A2.

-- -- -- --
0.0 -13.0 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -13.0 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -13.0 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -13.0 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -13.0 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -13.0 320[8] 0.0
Duration Between Inter-
interRATA2ThrdP 1024[12]
interRATA2TrigTimeP interRATA2HysteresisP interRATA2ThrdQ
This parameter sets the RAT RSRP Event A2 RSRP Determination This parameter sets the
RSRP RSRP threshold
Threshold for Inter- ThisOccurrence
parameter sets
and the Hysteresis Range of Inter- absolute
RSRQ RSRQ threshold
Threshold for
trigger inter-RAT
Event event difference
A2 (dBm) between the
Reporting(ms) This
RAT parameter
Event A2sets the
(dB) to trigger inter-RAT
Inter-RAT Event A2event
5120[15] double:[0..15] double:[-20..-3]
A2. If the RSRP value of time when inter-RAT range of the hysteresis of A2. If the RSRQ value of
long:[-140..-43] model default: 0.0 model default: -14.0
the serving cell is smaller RSRP measurement event the determination whether the serving cell is smaller
model default: -105 model default: 8 step: 0.5 step: 0.5
than this threshold, inter- A2 is triggered to the time to trigger inter-RAT than this threshold, inter-
RAT event A2 is when the event is RSRP measurement event RAT event A2 is
triggered. reported. A2. triggered.

-- -- -- --
-105 320[8] 0.0 -14.0
-105 320[8] 0.0 -14.0
-105 320[8] 0.0 -14.0
-105 320[8] 0.0 -14.0
-105 320[8] 0.0 -14.0
-105 320[8] 0.0 -14.0
128[5] 128[5]
160[6] 160[6]
256[7] 256[7]
320[8] 320[8]
480[9] 480[9]
512[10] 512[10]
640[11] 640[11]
Duration Between Inter- Duration Between Inter-
interRATA2TrigTimeQ interRATA2HysteresisQ nRInterRATA2ThrdQ 1024[12]
Q sets the
RAT RSRQ Event A2 RSRQ Determination RSRQ Threshold of Event This RATparameter
RSRQ Event A2
1280[13] 1280[13]
parameter sets
and the Hysteresis Range of Inter- A2 for NR Inter-RAT timeOccurrence
difference between
2560[14] 2560[14]
difference between the
Reporting(ms) This
RAT parameter
Event A2sets the This Handover
(dB) parameter (dB)
indicates the time when an RSRQ
5120[15] double:[0..15] double:[-20..-3] 5120[15]
time when inter-RAT range of the hysteresis of the absolute RSRQ event occurs in event A2
model default: 0.0 model default: -13.0
RSRQ measurement event the determination whether threshold for cell event measurement for NR
model default: 8 step: 0.5 step: 0.5 model default: 8
A2 is triggered to the time to trigger inter-RAT determination during inter-RAT handover to the
when the event is RSRQ measurement event event A2 measurement for time when the RSRQ
reported. A2. NR inter-RAT handover. event is reported.

-- -- -- --
320[8] 0.0 -13.0 320[8]
320[8] 0.0 -13.0 320[8]
320[8] 0.0 -13.0 320[8]
320[8] 0.0 -13.0 320[8]
320[8] 0.0 -13.0 320[8]
320[8] 0.0 -13.0 320[8]
is triggered and reported
only when the event
always satisfies the event-
triggering condition
within this period of time.
A larger parameter
Duration Between RSRQ value
nRInterRATA2Hysteresis 640[11]
nRInterRATA1TrigTime nRInterRATA1Hysteresis
indicates that it is stricter
Event Occurrence and
Q nRInterRATA1ThrdQ 1024[12]
Q whether an Q
RSRQ Determination toReporting
determinein Event A1 RSRQ Determination
This parameter
Hysteresis Rangesets
of the
NR This
RSRQ parameter
Threshold indicates
of NR event can be triggered.
Measurement for NR This parameter
Hysteresis Rangesets
of the
RSRQ determination
Inter-RAT the absolute
Event A2 (dB) Inter-RAT EventRSRQ
A1 (dB) This parameter
Inter-RAT is
Handover(ms) RSRQ determination
Inter-RAT Event A1 (dB)
double:[0..15] double:[-20..-3] 5120[15] double:[0..15]
hysteresis range in event threshold for cell event configured as required. If hysteresis range in event
model default: 0.0 model default: -10.0 model default: 0.0
A2 measurement for inter- determination during the parameter value is too A1 measurement for NR
step: 0.5 step: 0.5 model default: 8 step: 0.5
RAT handover to NR event A1 measurement for large, communication inter-RAT handover. It is
systems. It is used for the inter-RAT handover to quality may be affected used for event A1
event A2 decision. NR systems. sometimes. decision.

-- -- -- --
0.0 -10.0 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -10.0 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -10.0 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -10.0 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -10.0 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -10.0 320[8] 0.0
640[11] nRInterRATA1Hysteresis
This parameter
Duration setsNR
Between the
nRInterRATA1ThrdP 1024[12]
nRInterRATA1TrigTimeP P nRInterRATA2ThrdP
RSRP Threshold of NR time difference
Inter-RAT RSRP between
Event RSRP Determination RSRP Threshold of NR
Inter-RAT Event A1 theA1
time when an RSRQ
Occurrence and Hysteresis Range of NR Inter-RAT Event A2
This parameter
(dBm) sets the eventReporting(ms)
occurs in event A1 This parameter
Inter-RAT Eventsets the
A1 (dB) This parameter
(dBm) sets the
5120[15] double:[0..15]
absolute RSRP threshold measurement for the inter- RSRP determination absolute RSRP threshold
long:[-140..-43] model default: 0.0 long:[-140..-43]
for event A1 decision of RAT handover to the NR hysteresis range in event for event A2 decision of
model default: -80 model default: 8 step: 0.5 model default: -100
the serving cell in inter- system to the time when A1 measurement for the the serving cell in inter-
RAT handover to NR the RSRQ event is inter-RAT handover to RAT handover to NR
systems. reported. NR systems. systems.

-- -- -- --
-80 320[8] 0.0 -100
-80 320[8] 0.0 -100
-80 320[8] 0.0 -100
-80 320[8] 0.0 -100
-80 320[8] 0.0 -100
-80 320[8] 0.0 -100
128[5] 128[5]
is triggered and reported
160[6] 160[6]
only when the event
256[7] 256[7]
always satisfies the event-
320[8] 320[8]
triggering condition
480[9] 480[9]
within this period of time.
512[10] 512[10]
A larger parameter value
640[11] nRInterRATA2Hysteresis 640[11]
Duration that it is stricter
Between Inter- Duration Between RSRP
nRInterRATA2TrigTimeP P redA2ThrdP 1024[12]
RSRP whether
Event A2an RSRP Determination This
RSRP parameter setsfor
Threshold the Event Occurrence and
1280[13] 1280[13]
event can be triggered.
Occurrence and This parameter
Hysteresis Rangesets
of the
NR absolute RSRPEvent
Redirection threshold This parameter
A2 Reporting sets the
for Redirection
2560[14] 2560[14]
This parameter is
Reporting(ms) RSRP determination
Inter-RAT Event A2 (dB) to trigger redirection
(dBm) event difference
Event between
A2(ms) the
5120[15] double:[0..15] 5120[15]
configured as required. If hysteresis range in event A2. If the RSRP value of time when intra-RAT
model default: 0.0 long:[-140..-43]
the parameter value is too A2 measurement for inter- the serving cell is smaller redirection RSRP
model default: 8 step: 0.5 model default: -115 model default: 8
large, communication RAT handover to NR than this threshold, measurement event A2 is
quality may be affected systems. It is used for redirection event A2 is triggered to the time when
sometimes. event A2 decision. triggered. the event is reported.

-- -- -- --
320[8] 0.0 -115 320[8]
320[8] 0.0 -115 320[8]
320[8] 0.0 -115 320[8]
320[8] 0.0 -115 320[8]
320[8] 0.0 -115 320[8]
320[8] 0.0 -115 320[8]
RSRP Determination Duration Between RSRQ RSRQ Determination
redA2HysteresisP redA2ThrdQ 1024[12]
redA2TrigTimeQ redA2HysteresisQ
Hysteresis Range of This
RSRQparameter setsfor
Threshold the Event Occurrence and Hysteresis Range of
Redirection Event A2 absolute RSRQ
Redirection threshold
Event This parameter
A2 Reporting sets the
for Redirection Redirection Event A2
This parameter
(dB) sets the to trigger redirection
(dB) event difference
Event between
A2(ms) the This parameter
(dB) sets the
double:[0..15] double:[-20..-3] 5120[15] double:[0..15]
range of the hysteresis of A2. If the RSRQ value of time when intra-RAT range of the hysteresis of
model default: 0.0 model default: -16.0 model default: 0.0
the determination whether the serving cell is smaller redirection RSRQ the determination whether
step: 0.5 step: 0.5 model default: 8 step: 0.5
to trigger redirection than this threshold, measurement event A2 is to trigger redirection
RSRP measurement event redirection event A2 is triggered to the time when RSRQ measurement event
A2. triggered. the event is reported. A2.

-- -- -- --
0.0 -16.0 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -16.0 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -16.0 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -16.0 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -16.0 320[8] 0.0
0.0 -16.0 320[8] 0.0
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
This parameter enables or
NE_Name ldn moId bigBsrSwitchDl
disables the identification
of downlink
Switch for DLlarge-BSR
NE Name LDN MO ID services. If it is set to 1,
This parameter sets the downlink large-BSR
unique ID of the managed services are identified. If
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string it is set to 0, downlink
type and can be large-BSR services are not
NE Name LDN configured as planned. identified.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 1 Close[0]
It indicates the maximum
time difference between
the transmission of two
data packets. If the time This parameter sets the
difference between the validity check time of the
transmission of two data candidate large-BSR
packets is longer than this This parameter indicates users. In this period of
parameter value, it is bigBsrFlowThrDl
the threshold for bigBsrTypeDl bigBsrValidationTimeDl
time, the users that meet
Threshold for Identifying
considered thatDL
Interval for theLarge-
service identifying
DL Large-BSR large-BSR
Services the specificCheck
Validity conditions
Time can
is not
BSR a large-BSR(s)
Identification services. During the
(MB) This parameter
Type of DL LargesetsBSR
the be recognizedUsers
Large-BSR as large-
service. In this case, the detection interval, a type of downlink service, BSR users. A larger
long:[1..3600] long:[1..50000] long:[1..7] long:[1..65535]
large-BSR status and the service is identified as a such as the large-BSR and parameter value indicates
model default: 1 model default: 10 model default: 3 model default: 360
related statistics are large-BSR service if the video services. The value a lower service rate that
cleared and a new data volume reaches this of this parameter can be large-BSR users can
detection procedure starts. threshold. configured. reach.

-- -- -- --
1 4 3 360
Domain Name for DL Domain Name for DL
sPIDnsAddrCfg_sPIDnsA sPIDnsAddrCfg_sPIDnsA
Packet Packet
sPISwch sPIDurationTimerLen ddr ddrType
Identification_Domain Identification_Domain
This parameter
Switch for DLenables
Packetor This parameter
Timer Length for indicates
Traffic This parameter
Name for DL indicates
Packet Name Type for DL Packet
disables downlink packet
Identification the timer length for
Guarantee (s) traffic the domain name to be
Identification Identification
identification. If it is set to guarantee after a traffic identified by downlink This parameter indicates
1, downlink packets are type is successfully data packet services. the domain name of type
model default: 0 model default: 900 stringArray:length[0..47] longArray:[1..7]
identified. If it is set to 0, identified. When the timer Downlink data packets are to be identified by
downlink packets are not expires, the guarantee identified based on the downlink data packet
identified. stops. configured domain name. services.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] 900 www.speedtest.net;opensign
IP Address Group One for IP Address Group One for
IP Address for DL Packet IP Address for DL Packet DL Packet DL Packet
Identification_IP Address Identification_IP Address Identification_IP Address Identification_IP Address
for DL Packet Type for DL Packet for DL Packet Type for DL Packet
This Identification
parameter sets the Identification This Identification
parameter sets the Identification
server IP address of the server IP address of the
unionArray:[ipv4-address, unionArray:[ipv4-address,
downlink packets to be This parameter indicates downlink packets to be This parameter indicates
ipv6-address] longArray:[1..7] ipv6-address] longArray:[1..7]
identified. Services are the IP address of type to identified. Services are the IP address of type to
identified and guaranteed be identified by downlink identified and guaranteed be identified by downlink
based on this IP address. data packet services. based on this IP address. data packet services.

-- -- -- --;;0.
number of times that an RLC packet is
RLC packet is retransmitted, ranging
retransmitted, ranging from 0 to 255. For
from 0 to 255. For example, if it is set to 32,
example, if it is set to 20, after task CDT5054 is
IP Address Group Two IP Address Group Two after task CDT5054 is delivered, the RNLU
for DL Packet for DL Packet delivered, the RNLU detects that the RLC
sPIIPCfg2_sPIIP sPIIPCfg2_sPIIPType videoKartun
detects that the RLC webpageNotOpen
packet is retransmitted 32
Identification_IP Address Identification_IP Address
for DL Packet Type for DL Packet packet is retransmitted 20 times and reports to the
This Identification
parameter sets the Identification times and
Video sends
Frame a video
Hysteresis tool
Webthat theNot
Page WebOpen
server IP address of the frame hysteresis report to cannot be opened. This
unionArray:[ipv4-address, long:[0..255] long:[0..255]
downlink packets to be This parameter indicates the tool. This parameter parameter must be larger
ipv6-address] longArray:[1..7] model default: 20 model default: 32
identified. Services are the IP address of type to must be less than than
identified and guaranteed be identified by downlink R_USERCAREA4ENB. R_USERCAREA4ENB.
based on this IP address. data packet services. UcWebpageNotOpen. UcVideoKartun.

-- -- -- --;;;0.0.02;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;20 32
This parameter enables or
disables the reporting of mediaVideoLinkAgingTi
video statistics to the big- me mediaVideoAgingTime appIdBufferCfg_appID
data platform.
Switch If it is
for Media set to Aging Time of The Media
Video This parameter
Media Video Agingindicates
Time APPID Buffer Time
1 (Open),
Data video statistics This
Statistics Videoparameter
Link Listindicates
(min) the aging time
(s) of media Configuration_APPID
are reported to the big- the aging time of the videos. It is set to 60 This parameter indicates
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
data platform. If it is set to video link list. It is used to seconds by default. If the ID of the ten video
model default: 0 model default: 30 model default: 60 longArray:[0..65535]
0 (Close), video statistics clear the aged internal there is no data vendors supported by
are not reported to the big- statistics. It is set to 30 transmitted in 60 seconds, media video data
data platform. minutes by default. the video ends. collection.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 30 60
appIdBufferCfg_appIDIni appIdBufferCfg_appIDCa ulTcpProxyMaxNum4Flo
APPID Buffer Time
This tBuffTime
parameter tonBuffTime w ulTcpProxyMaxNum4Ue
APPID Bufferindicates
Time Configuration_APPID5
the initial buffering time
Configuration_APPID This parameter
Sticking indicates
Buffering Time This parameter
Maximum indicates
Number This parameter
of UL Maximum indicates
Number of UL
Initial video
Buffer apps.
Time (s)A the sticking (s)
buffering time the
Proxies number
per Flowof theTCP
per UE of
certain amount of video for APPID5 video apps. If uplink TCP proxies per uplink TCP proxies per
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
data is buffered for this a video sticks, it continues session. If the number of UE. If the number of
longArray:[0..65535] longArray:[0..65535] model default: 100 model default: 200
period of time before the to be played back after proxies exceeds this proxies exceeds this
video starts to be played video data is buffered for threshold, uplink TCP threshold, uplink TCP
back. this period of time. proxy is stopped. proxy is stopped.

-- -- -- --
100 200
This parameter enables or
This parameter enables or disables uplink TCP
disables uplink TCP proxy based on server IP
proxy. If it is set to Open, address. If it is set to 1,
the eNodeB does the the eNodeB identifies the
proxy for the uplink TCP ulTcpProxyServerIPSwitc
sessions for uplink TCP
tcpProxyMemLoadHigh tcpProxyMemLoadLow ulTcpProxySwitch
services and sends the h on the
proxy based
High Threshold of Low Threshold of
enum: enum:
This parameter
Memory Load indicates
of TCP This parameter
Memory Load indicates
of TCP TCP ACK message to the configured
Switch server IP-
for Server IP
Close[0] Close[0]
the highProxy
threshold of the lowProxy
threshold of UEs more
Switch quickly
for UL TCP after
Proxy addresses.
Based ULIfTCPit is set to 0,
Open[1] Open[1]
memory load of TCP memory load of TCP receiving uplink TCP the eNodeB does not
long:[1..100] long:[1..100]
proxy. If the memory proxy. If the memory data. In this way, the identify the sessions for
model default: 90 model default: 50 model default: 0 model default: 0
usage exceeds this usage is lower than this uplink TCP traffic uplink TCP proxy based
threshold, TCP proxy is threshold, TCP proxy is increases, but the memory on the configured server
stopped. resumed. load also rises. IP addresses.

-- -- -- --
90 50 Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter determines
whether the IP address
guaranteePara_guaranteeT guaranteePara_guarantee guaranteePara_guarantee that is used in the Simple
QoS Guarantee Related QoS Guarantee Related
ype RbNum DurationTimerLen dNSIpOverrideMIpSwch
QoS Guarantee Related Configuration_Number of Configuration_Timer IPService
Configuration_General General QoS Guaranteed Length for General-QoS (SPI) function
Switch and
for DL Packet
Guaranteesets the
Type RBs Service Assurance (s) resolved by the DNS can
longArray:[0..1200] longArray:[1..3600] Open[1]
general QoS guarantee This parameter sets the replace the manually
longArray:[1..5] model default: model default:
type. It is used to limit the This parameter sets the time for assuring general- configured IP address. By
model default: 1;2;3;4;5 600;600;600;600;600 900;900;900;900;900 model default: 0
number of RBs number of RBs QoS services. It depends default, it is set to 0,
guaranteed by this type of guaranteed by general on the service assurance indicating that the
general QoS. QoS. types. function is disabled.

-- -- -- --
1;2;3;4;5 600;600;600;600;600 900;300;900;900;900 Open[1]
number 1 is converted to social speech recognition
the binary number configuration 1 is
000001, which indicates matched. Within a certain This parameter sets the
that the first parameter set This parameter sets the period, a service can be minimum number of
corresponding to the first type of the protocols of recognized as a speech
Maximum Number of times that theNumber
Minimum keyword ofin
bit 1 takes effect. If this the social speech services service
Times only
That thewhen the
Keyword social
Times speech
That therecognition
parameter is set to 5, the voiceIdentifyProtocolTyp
to be of
Type recognized.
the ProtocolsIf it of
is number
in SocialofSpeech
packets configuration
in Social Speech1 is
voiceIdentifySwitch enum:
e UDP voiceCfg1NumHighThr voiceCfg1NumLowThr
decimal number 5 is set
theto 1, only
Social Speech containing the matched
Recognition matched. Within a certain
Switch to the binary
for Social Speech services
Servicescan to Bebe keyword is larger than
Configuration 1 Is the period, a service can
Configuration 1 Is be
number 000101, which recognized.
Recognition If it is set to 2,
Recognized minimum number of
Matched recognized as a speech
UDP and TCP[2]
indicates that both the first only TCP services can be times that the keyword in service only when the
long:[0..63] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
and third parameter sets recognized. If it is set to 3, social speech recognition number of packets
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 195 model default: 135
corresponding to the first both TCP and UDP configuration 1 is containing the matched
and third bits 1 take services can be matched and smaller than keyword reaches this
effect. recognized. this parameter value. parameter value.

-- -- -- --
0 UDP[0] 195 135
social speech recognition configuration 1. Within configuration 2. Within
configuration 2 is this period, if a certain this period, if a certain
matched. Within a certain This parameter sets the number number
period, a service can be minimum number of (UserCAREA4ENBLTE. (UserCAREA4ENBLTE.
recognized as a speech
Maximum Number of times that theNumber
Minimum keyword ofin VoiceCfg1NumLowThr) VoiceCfg2NumLowThr)
Times only
That thewhen the
Keyword social
Times speech
That therecognition
Keyword of packets are successfully of packets are successfully
in SocialofSpeech
packets configuration
in Social Speech2 is matched,Check
Validity the service
Time is matched,Check
of Validity the service
Time is of
containing the matched voiceCfg2NumLowThr
matched. Within a certain voiceValidTime4Cfg1
recognized as a social voiceValidTime4Cfg2
recognized as a social
Recognition Recognition Social Speech Social Speech
keyword is larger than
Configuration 2 Is the period, a service can
Configuration 2 Is be speechRecognition
service. A larger speechRecognition
service. A larger
minimum number of
Matched recognized as a speech
Matched parameter value indicates
Configuration 1 (s) parameter value indicates
Configuration 2 (s)
times that the keyword in service only when the a larger number of times a larger number of times
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
social speech recognition number of packets that packets are that packets are
model default: 195 model default: 135 model default: 3 model default: 3
configuration 1 is containing the matched successfully matched and successfully matched and
matched and smaller than keyword reaches this a higher success rate of a higher success rate of
this parameter value. parameter value. social speech recognition. social speech recognition.

-- -- -- --
195 135 3 3
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
generalized QoS type generalized QoS type
corresponding to social corresponding to social type6SplitBasedLoadSwc domainNameIndentifySw
speech recognition voiceCfg2Type
speech recognition This parameter h enables or ch
Service Type of Social Service Type of Social
enum: enum:
configuration 1. It should configuration
Speech Recognition 2. It should
Speech Recognition disables
Switch forservice
Type6 shunting
Load- Switch for Domain Name
Close[0] Close[0]
be configured based
Configuration 1 on be configured based
Configuration 2 on for Type6
Based UEs based on
Shunting Identification
Open[1] Open[1]
the level of the social the level of the social load. If it is set to Open, This parameter enables or
long:[1..7] long:[1..7]
speech services that need speech services that need the NSA shunting services disables domain name
model default: 2 model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 0
to be guaranteed. The to be guaranteed. The used by Type6 UEs in a identification. If it is set to
same service type means same service type means high-load LTE cell are Open, domain names can
the same service level. the same service level. stopped. be identified.

-- -- -- --
2 2 Close[0] Open[1]
Domain Name
domainIndentifyCfg_dom domainIndentifyCfg_dom
Domain Name Identification
ainName ainNameTypeForOpt
Identification Configuration_Optimizati
Configuration_Domain This parameter
on Type sets the
of Domain
Name optimization
Namestype of
domain names. The
This parameter sets the CMAC optimizes domain
stringArray:length[0..32] longArray:[1..7]
name of the domain that names based on the
UEs access during video configured optimization
and Web services. type.

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
This parameter enables or
NE_Name ldn moId tcpOptSwitch
disables TCPfor optimization
Switch TCP
by assistance
Optimizationof wireless.
NE Name LDN MO ID If it is set of
Assistance to Wireless
1, TCP
This parameter sets the optimization by assistance
unique ID of the managed of wireless is enabled. If it
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string is set to 0, TCP
type and can be optimization by assistance
NE Name LDN configured as planned. of wireless is disabled.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0];;;0.0.
This parameter indicates;;;0.0.
the report interval
Interval for TCP
for TCP
tcpOptPeriod tcpOptSceneId 0.0;;;;
optimization by assistance
Optimization By Scene ID of TCP This parameter
IP Address 1 for TCP;;;0.0.
wireless. The eNodeB
of Wireless Optimization By the IP address to
Optimization Bybe
reports wireless
(ms) Assistance of Wireless identifiedofbyWireless
Assistance TCP;;;0.0.
information to the server optimization by assistance
long:[10..10000] long:[0..65535] 0.0;;;;
only once within the This parameter indicates of wireless. TCP data
model default: 100 model default: 24582;
interval. The interval the unique test scene ID of packets are identified
should be a multiple of 10 TCP optimization by based on the configured
ms. assistance of wireless. IP address.

-- -- --
100 24582;;;;;;;;;;;0.0
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
This parameter enables or
NE_Name ldn moId disables h
for Tracinglog
collection tracing
Automatic for CA
Log Collection
NE Name LDN MO ID SCells.forIf CA
it isSCells
set to Open,
This parameter sets the the CMAC traces the UEs
unique ID of the managed of the SCell. If it is set to
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string Close, the CMAC does
type and can be not trace the UEs of the
NE Name LDN configured as planned. SCell.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
384 bits in total and each
bit controls one log field.
The value 1 indicates that
the CMAC collects the
corresponding log field
and the value 0 indicates
model default:
that the CMAC does not
Log Maskthe corresponding
for Network-
Before setting
the logCollection
mask, you must
determine which bit the
log field you want to set
corresponds to. For
details, refer to included
CmacLogConvert tool.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId pGBRProfileIndex
Profile Index of Priority
This parameterBit
Guaranteed indicates
NE Name LDN MO ID the configuration
This parameter sets the index of the priority
string:length[1..255] long:[1..128]
unique ID of the managed guaranteed bit rates
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string associated with the
type and can be operator's customized
NE Name LDN configured as planned. SPIDs.

R Primary Key R-I

qCI indicates
This parameter aRPSegID ulPGBRindicates
This parameter dlPGBRindicates
This parameter
the QCI corresponding to the preferentially
Preferentially Guaranteed the preferentially
Preferentially Guaranteed
a service type.
QCI It is used This parameter
ARP Segmentindicates guaranteed uplink
UL Bit Rate bit rate
(kbps) guaranteed downlink
DL Bit Rate (kbps)bit
configure the the ARP segment ID. for SPID users. It is used rate for SPID users. It is
long:[5..255] long:[1..15] long:[0..2048] long:[0..2048]
preferentially guaranteed ARP is divided into to configure the used to configure the
model default: 5 model default: 1 model default: 64 model default: 64
bit rate for the several segments by ARP preferentially guaranteed preferentially guaranteed
corresponding NGBR segment threshold to map uplink bit rate for an downlink bit rate for an
bearer. different priorities. NGBR bearer. NGBR bearer.

R-I R-I -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --

Referenced SCTP


Referenced SCTP

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --

Referenced SCTP


Referenced SCTP

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId srvCellId


This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[0..255]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string
type and can be This parameter indicates
NE Name LDN configured as planned. the ID of a cell.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 23
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 23
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 23
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 13
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 23
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081540 31
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815419 13
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815417 33
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418 13
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815427 11
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815424 23
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815425 13
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815422 13
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815423 31
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815421 11
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 33
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 13
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 21
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 31
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 11
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 33
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 11
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 13
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 33
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 13
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815432 13
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815430 21
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815429 23
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815434 31
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815433 13
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815431 23
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815428 13
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815437 13
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815438 13
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815435 13
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815436 13
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815426 13
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815420 11
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 11
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815440 31
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815439 13
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815448 31
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815446 31
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815447 11
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815444 11
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815445 31
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815442 33
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815443 31
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815441 31
nbrEnbId nbrCellId nbrMCC nbrMNC

Neighbor eNodeB ID Neighbor Cell ID Neighbor Cell MCC Neighbor Cell MNC
long:[0..268435455] long:[0..255]
This parameter indicates This parameter indicates
model default: 0 model default: 0 string:length[3] string:length[2..3]
This parameter indicates the Mobile Country Code the Mobile Network Code
the ID of a neighbor This parameter indicates (MCC) of a neighbor LTE (MNC) of a neighbor LTE
eNodeB. the ID of a neighbor cell. cell. cell.


332149 13 510 10
332083 33 510 10
332150 33 510 10
332135 13 510 10
595142 34 510 10
332012 31 510 10
332083 33 510 10
332135 13 510 10
595142 14 510 10
332170 41 510 10
595142 35 510 10
332085 23 510 10
332085 13 510 10
332041 21 510 10
332041 21 510 10
332012 33 510 10
332012 31 510 10
595042 25 510 10
332184 31 510 10
332012 31 510 10
332184 33 510 10
332083 33 510 10
332012 33 510 10
332209 33 510 10
508489 33 510 10
595142 15 510 10
332038 21 510 10
508154 21 510 10
332209 33 510 10
595064 14 510 10
332140 33 510 10
332184 33 510 10
332041 23 510 10
595064 15 510 10
332140 33 510 10
332131 33 510 10
462154 35 510 10
462154 35 510 10
595064 15 510 10
508154 23 510 10
332209 33 510 10
332184 33 510 10
332064 23 510 10
462154 25 510 10
462154 24 510 10
332064 13 510 10
332135 23 510 10
462154 24 510 10
332012 33 510 10
enterBlackListTimes swchNoHO enterBlackListTime enum:
Number of Times that a Time When a Neighbor Cause Why a Neighbor
enum: Low Handover Success
Neighbor Cell Is Put into Cell Is Put into the Black Cell Is Put into the Black
No[0] Rate[1]
the Black List Handover Not Supported List List
Yes[1] string No Success Handover[2]
long:[0..255] model default: 1970-01-
This parameter indicates This parameter determines This parameter indicates This parameter indicates
model default: 0 model default: 1 01 00:00:00 model default: 1
the number of times that a whether an LTE neighbor the time at which a the cause why a neighbor
neighbor cell is put into cell not to support neighbor cell is put into cell is put into the black
the black list. handover. the black list. list.

-- -- -- --
1 Yes[1] 2023-04-05 14:47:36 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-04-10 00:55:33 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-04-03 15:14:04 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-04-12 00:55:39 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-04-04 00:55:28 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2022-12-25 14:39:39 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-04-04 01:05:34 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-04-08 00:55:28 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-04-10 00:55:38 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-04-29 12:30:41 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-04-23 12:30:40 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-04-17 12:30:29 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-04-19 12:30:31 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-04-19 17:17:26 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-04-17 12:30:31 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2022-12-18 15:37:59 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2022-12-31 14:43:35 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2022-12-18 14:49:33 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2022-12-27 14:39:40 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2022-12-19 14:39:32 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2022-12-27 14:43:30 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-04-05 18:46:05 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2022-12-18 17:35:44 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-07-12 05:08:15 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-05-11 06:14:49 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-05-05 06:14:44 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-05-09 06:14:47 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-05-09 06:14:49 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-06-10 07:46:34 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-05-25 06:15:00 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-05-25 06:15:01 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-05-21 06:14:57 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-06-24 14:49:59 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-06-24 14:49:59 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-07-02 15:10:00 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-06-29 05:27:56 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-08-09 14:56:43 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-08-09 14:56:41 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-08-09 14:56:41 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-08-09 14:56:42 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-08-05 14:56:40 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-08-31 17:40:34 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-09-06 17:40:39 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-09-04 17:40:34 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-09-04 17:40:34 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-08-29 17:40:31 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-08-29 17:40:34 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-08-29 17:40:31 Low Handover Success Rat
1 Yes[1] 2023-08-29 17:40:31 Low Handover Success Rat
hoReqNum hOPrepareFailNum hOExecFailNum Temporary Neighbouring
Number of Handover Number of Handover Number of Handover
Formal Neighbouring
Requests Preparation Failures Execution Failures Neighbor Cell Type
long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295]
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
This parameter indicates This parameter indicates This parameter indicates This parameter indicates
the number of handover the number of handover the number of handover the type of a neighbor
requests. preparation failures. execution failures. cell.

-- -- -- --
10 0 5 Temporary Neighbouring Cell[0]
128 0 29 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
15 0 11 Temporary Neighbouring Cell[0]
55 0 9 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
69 69 0 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
120 0 18 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
33 0 7 Temporary Neighbouring Cell[0]
50 0 9 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
51 51 0 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
100 0 15 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
51 51 0 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
114 0 26 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
52 0 31 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
12 0 2 Temporary Neighbouring Cell[0]
70 0 14 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
51 0 13 Temporary Neighbouring Cell[0]
148 0 23 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
11 0 3 Temporary Neighbouring Cell[0]
69 0 30 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
138 0 28 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
81 0 23 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
8 0 3 Temporary Neighbouring Cell[0]
63 0 17 Temporary Neighbouring Cell[0]
188 0 35 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
197 0 37 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
100 100 0 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
50 0 9 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
3838 0 615 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
57 0 10 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
1230 0 189 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
90 0 14 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
306 0 69 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
378 0 70 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
685 0 154 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
18 0 3 Temporary Neighbouring Cell[0]
8 0 6 Temporary Neighbouring Cell[0]
73 0 11 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
264 0 44 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
312 0 80 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
452 0 150 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
230 0 39 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
52 0 20 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
57 0 14 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
67 0 11 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
126 0 19 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
68 0 27 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
73 0 15 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
780 0 152 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
77 0 13 Formal Neighbouring Cell[1]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
application parameters
through QCIs. The
standard QCIs (QoS
Classification Identifiers)
represent QoS attributes,
such as packet scheduling,
delay, and packet loss
NE_Name ldn moId qCI
rate. The transmission of
standard QCI parameters
NE Name LDN MO ID among different
Service QCI NEs
Valuein an
This parameter sets the EPS helps the
string:length[1..255] long:[0..256]
unique ID of the managed interconnection of the
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string equipment from different
type and can be vendors and flexible
NE Name LDN configured as planned. operator configuration.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 10 256
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 3 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 11 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 6 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 5 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 8 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 7 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 9 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 2 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 1 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 4 4
enum: enum:
1ms[0] 1ms[0]
2ms[1] 2ms[1]
This parameter indicates This parameter indicates This parameter is used to
5ms[2] 5ms[2]
the period of a DU's the step of historical-rate calculate the historical
dataStatusReportPeriod thpWindowCoeff 10ms[3]
stepWindow minDataSize
reporting data request ThisCoefficient
parameter of
the calculation for each rate when there is no BSR
15ms[4] 15ms[4]
the CU. With the
Reporting the range of
Historical historical
Scheduling bearer.
Step of The historical-rate
the Rate Updating at the DU side. If the
20ms[5] 20ms[5]
(ms) scheduling-rate
Rate Time Window statistics
(ms) time window
Windowis(ms)updated actual data
Minimum sizeSize
Data is very
30ms[6] 30ms[6]
flow control policy, flow (at the DU side). It is used every wStepWindow (in small, this parameter is
long:[1..100] long:[0..65535]
control is executed at the to set the time window for ms), and the rate in the used to calculate the rate
model default: 2 model default: 50 model default: 2 model default: 10
CU side based on the calculating the historical historical-rate time in the historical-rate time
fields carried in the status scheduling rate for each window is simultaneously window to keep service
reports. bearer. updated. continuity.

-- -- -- --
5ms[2] 50 5ms[2] 10
5ms[2] 50 5ms[2] 10
5ms[2] 50 5ms[2] 10
5ms[2] 50 5ms[2] 10
5ms[2] 50 5ms[2] 10
5ms[2] 50 5ms[2] 10
5ms[2] 50 5ms[2] 10
5ms[2] 50 5ms[2] 10
5ms[2] 50 5ms[2] 10
5ms[2] 50 5ms[2] 10
5ms[2] 50 5ms[2] 10
the waiting delay in the convergence. The DU side
dynamic flow control of determines whether it
4G and 5G convergence. needs to relieve the
The DU side determines congestion state based on
whether it needs to enter the delay during which
the congestion state based packets wait for
Maximum Time for Data on the delay during which scheduling. If the waiting
targetBufferingTime dUConNumThrd dUWaitDelayConThrd dUWaitDelayDeConThrd
This parameter
Buffering (ms)sets the
(Used packets wait
Threshold Number of DU Congestion for
Threshold delay
shorter than the
period for buffering
Before Version the This parameteronsets
Congestions a DUthe scheduling.
Based on theIf the waiting Threshold
Waiting threshold, Based
the DUonside
maximum data volume threshold
V3.90.00.00B87) of the
Bearer number of
(times) delay exceeds
Delay (ms) the relieves
allowed by a bearer. It is times that a bearer at the threshold value, it is state. If the waiting delay
long:[1..100] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
used to calculate the DU side is congested. If considered that the DU is is longer than the
model default: 3 model default: 2 model default: 60 model default: 50
maximum buffered data the threshold is reached, it congested; otherwise, it is threshold, the DU side
volume of the current air is considered that the considered that the DU is maintains the congestion
interface. radio link is congested. not congested. state.

-- -- -- --
20ms[3] 2 60 50
20ms[3] 2 60 50
20ms[3] 2 60 50
20ms[3] 2 60 50
20ms[3] 2 60 50
20ms[3] 2 60 50
20ms[3] 2 60 50
20ms[3] 2 60 50
20ms[3] 2 60 50
20ms[3] 2 60 50
20ms[3] 2 60 50
the RLC buffer in the convergence. The DU side
dynamic flow control of determines whether it
4G and 5G convergence. needs to relieve the
The DU side determines congestion state based on This parameter determines
whether it needs to enter the delay during which whether an F1-U delay is
the congestion state based packets wait for considered in the
on the delay during which scheduling. If the waiting downlink shunting of
packets wait for rLCBufferingDeConThrd
delay is Buffer-Based f1uDelayDetectSwitch
shorter than the SCG split bearers. If this f1uDelayDetectPeriod
scheduling. If the waiting Decongestion
RLC Buffer-Based threshold, theThreshold
DU side parameter
Switch forisF1-U
set toDelay
Open, Period for Obtaining the
delay exceeds
Congestion the (%) relieves the
Threshold (%)congestion the F1-U delay is
Shunting F1-U Delay(ms)
Open[1] long:[100..30000]
threshold value, it is state. If the waiting delay considered during
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] model default: 30000
considered that the DU is is longer than the shunting. If this parameter
model default: 90 model default: 85 model default: 0 step: 100
congested; otherwise, it is threshold, the DU side is set to Close, the F1-U This parameter sets the
considered that the DU is maintains the congestion delay is not considered interval for obtaining the
not congested. state. during shunting. F1-U delay.

-- -- -- --
90 85 Close[0] 30000
90 85 Close[0] 30000
90 85 Close[0] 30000
90 85 Close[0] 30000
90 85 Close[0] 30000
90 85 Close[0] 30000
90 85 Close[0] 30000
90 85 Close[0] 30000
90 85 Close[0] 30000
90 85 Close[0] 30000
90 85 Close[0] 30000
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId nbrEnbId

NE Name LDN MO ID Neighbor eNodeB ID

This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[0..268435455]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string This parameter indicates
type and can be the ID of a neighbor
NE Name LDN configured as planned. eNodeB.

R Primary Key R-I

mcc mnc

Neighbor eNodeB MCC Neighbor eNodeB MNC

This parameter indicates This parameter indicates

string:length[3] string:length[2..3]
the Mobile Country Code the Mobile Network Code
(MCC) of a neighbor (MNC) of a neighbor
eNodeB. eNodeB.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId coverMeasProfileIndex
Configuration Profile
NE Name LDN MO ID Index
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..256]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string This parameter sets the
type and can be coverage-based handover
NE Name LDN configured as planned. configuration index.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 1
two-dimensional array
indexes to disable inter-
measurement. It
corresponds to a set of
Operator Special User
records of event A1 in the
Based[0] perQCIIntraFreqMeaGrp intra-RAT measurement
Configuration Index to
Operator Special EN-DC
measCfgFunc Cfg sets the ID This
perQCIA1A2MeaGrpCfg clsInterFMeasCfg
This parameter
Intra-frequency PerQCI parameter sets the ID parameter configuration
User Based[1]
Measurement of an intra-frequency
Measurement of a measurement
A1-A2 Measurement table. One element
Operator Special daSA
PerQCI measurement
Configuration Function Configuration Group ID configuration
Group ID bygroup
QCI of corresponds to RSRP and
RAT Measurement
User Based[2]
This parameter sets the configuration group. It events A1 and A2 by QCI. the other to RSRQ. In the
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] longArray:[1..65535]
measurement corresponds to the PerQCI It corresponds to the QCI- case of non-dual-
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 2210;2211
configuration options used measurement based measurement measurement, only the
by different application configurations of the same configuration of events first set of array elements
functions. frequency. A1 and A2. is valid.

-- -- -- --
Operator Special EN-DC U0 0 2260;2261
Operator Special daSA Use0 0 2310;2311
Operator Special User Base0 0 2210;2211
This parameter is a two- configurations based on This parameter sets the
dimensional array to coverage and intra- two-dimensional array
enable inter-RAT frequency handover. It indexes to enable inter-
measurement. It corresponds to a set of frequency measurement. It
corresponds to a set of records based on coverage corresponds to a set of
records of inter-frequency and intra-frequency records of inter-frequency
event A2 in the inter-RAT handover in the intra- event A2 in the intra-RAT
Coverage-Based This parameter is a two-
measurement intraFHOMeasCfg opeInterFMeasCfg clsRatMeasCfg
Index to system measurement
Measurement measurement
Index to dimensional
Configuration array
configuration table. One
Enable Inter-RAT parameter table.
Configuration One
Index for configuration table. One
Enable Inter-frequency disable inter-RAT
Disable Inter-RAT
element corresponds to
Measurement element corresponds
Intra-frequency to
Handover element corresponds to
Measurement measurement.
RSRP and the other to RSRP and the other to RSRP and the other to corresponds to a set of
longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535]
RSRQ. In the case of non- RSRQ. In the case of non- RSRQ. In the case of non- records of event A1 in the
model default: 2222;2223 model default: 2230;2231 model default: 2220;2221 model default: 2212;2213
dual-measurement, only dual-measurement, only dual-measurement, only intra-RAT measurement
the first set of array the first set of array the first set of array parameter configuration
elements is valid. elements is valid. elements is valid. table.

-- -- -- --
2272;2273 2280;2281 2270;2271 2262;2263
2322;2323 2330;2331 2320;2321 2312;2313
2222;2223 2230;2231 2220;2221 2212;2213
indicates the measurement
configurations based on
coverage and inter-
frequency handover. It
corresponds to a set of
model default:
records based on coverage
2232;2232;2232;2232;223 perQCIInterFreqMeaGrp
and inter-frequency
Coverage-Based Inter-frequency
interFHOMeasCfg Cfg sets the ID reserve1 reserve2
handover in the intra- This parameter
Measurement Measurement
system measurement
Configuration Index for of a measurement
Configuration Index
;2232;2232;2233;2233;22 longArray:[0..65535]
parameter table.
Inter-frequency One
Handover configuration
Group ID bygroup
QCI of Reserved Parameter 1 Reserved Parameter 2
33;2233;2233;2233;2233; model default:
element corresponds to different frequencies by
2233;2233;2233;2233;223 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295]
RSRP and the other to QCI. It corresponds to the
3;2233;2233;2233;2233 ;0;0 model default: 0 model default: 0
RSRQ. In the case of non- QCI-based measurement
dual-measurement, only configuration of each This is reserved parameter This is reserved parameter
the first part is valid. frequency. 1. 2.

-- -- -- --
2282;2282;2282;2282;22820;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
2332;2332;2332;2332;23320;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
2232;2232;2232;2232;22320;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0
This parameter is a two-
dimensional array to
enable NR inter-RAT
This parameter sets the measurement. It
array index and indicates corresponds to a set of
the measurement records of inter-frequency
Measurementindex for event A2 in the inter-RAT This parameter is a two- NR Frequency-Level
nRMeasCfg opeNRMeasCfg clsNRMeasCfg perQCINRMeaGrpCfg
an measurement
Index to dimensional
Configuration array
Indextoto This parameter sets the ID
model default:
NR system. Handover
Inter-RAT One element to configuration table. One
Enable NR Inter-RAT disable NR inter-RAT
Disable Inter-RAT of a measurement
Configuration Index
correspondsNR to RSRP and element corresponds to
Measurement measurement.
MeasurementIt configuration
Group ID bygroup
QCI of
5;2125;2125;2125;2126;2 longArray:[0..65535]
the other to RSRQ. In the RSRP and the other to corresponds to a set of NR frequencies by QCI. It
126;2126;2126;2126;2126 longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] model default:
case of non-dual- RSRQ. In the case of non- records of event A1 in the corresponds to the QCI-
;2126;2126 model default: 2324;2325 model default: 2314;2315 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
measurement, only the dual-measurement, only intra-RAT measurement based measurement
first set of array elements the first set of array parameter configuration configuration of each
is valid. elements is valid. table. frequency.

-- -- -- --
2125;2125;2125;2125;21252324;2325 2314;2315 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
2125;2125;2125;2125;21252324;2325 2314;2315 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
2125;2125;2125;2125;21252324;2325 2314;2315 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

This parameter sets the
VoLTE quality strategy
profile index defined by
the operator. If the
NE_Name ldn moId QualSwch profileIndex
parameter is set
Operator-Defined VoLTE
Open, the measurement
Strategy Profile
NE Name LDN MO ID configuration
This parameter sets the corresponding to this
string:length[1..255] long:[1..256]
unique ID of the managed index is sent to UEs for
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string inter-frequency handover
type and can be when the voice quality
NE Name LDN configured as planned. becomes bad.

R Primary Key R-I

VoLTE quality-based
This parameter sets the inter-frequency handover.
measurement index of If the corresponding
VoLTE quality-based handover function is
inter-frequency handover. enabled and configured to
If the the measurement-based
meas4HOBasedVoLTEQ interFHOBasedVTQuaMe
ucInterFHOBasedVoLTE refAdjacentEutranFreqLT voLTEQualHOFreqMeas
strategy, the eNodeB
Measurement Frequency Target Frequency
ual QualSwch aCfg
parameter E PriVoLTE UEs
Whether to Enable Measurement Indexisofset Index of VoLTE Quality- identifies
Measurementthe Priority for
Measurement for VoLTE toVoLTE
Open, the measurement
Quality-Based Based E-UTRAN with
VoLTE poorQuality-Based
voice quality
No[0] longArray:[0..255]
Quality-Based Handover Inter-frequency Handover Handover and hands themHandover
Inter-frequency over to
Yes[1] model default:
corresponding to this This parameter sets the the frequencies with a
long:[0..65535] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
This parameter determines index is sent to UEs for measurement frequency non-zero priority. The
model default: 1 model default: 0 stringArray:length[0..400] ;1;1
whether to enable inter-frequency handover index of VoLTE quality- frequencies with a non-
measurement for VoLTE when the voice quality based E-UTRAN zero priority are sorted in
quality-based handover. becomes bad. handover. descending order.

-- -- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId profileIndex
Directional Migration
Strategy Configuration
NE Name LDN MO ID Index of SA UEs
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..256]
unique ID of the managed This parameter sets the
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string index of the directional
type and can be migration strategy of SA
NE Name LDN configured as planned. UEs.

R Primary Key R-I

This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
This parameter sets the NR frequency priority of intra-RAT inter-frequency
NR frequency priority of the directional IMMCI of priority of the directional
the directional migration sADirectIMMCINRFreqP
SA UEs. If the Directional refAdjacentEutranFreqLT IMMCI of SA UEs. If the
of SA UEs. If Priority
the IMMCI ri
Switch of SAof E sADirectIMMCIInterFPri
Directional IMMCI
Target-Frequency NR Frequency Priority Intra-RAT Inter-frequency
Migration UEs parameter
Directional IMMCIis set
of to
SA E-UTRAN Carrier SwitchofofDirectional
Priority SA UEs
longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255] model default:
Switch of SA
of SA UEsUEs Open, the
UEseNodeB Frequency Index parameter
model default: model default: 255;255;255;255;255;255
parameter is set to Open, determines whether to the eNodeB can carry
255;255;255;255;255;255 255;255;255;255;255;255 ;255;255;255;255;255;25
the eNodeB hands over or carry dedicated IMMCI This parameter sets the E- dedicated IMMCI priority
;255;255 ;255;255 stringArray:length[0..400] 5;255;255;255;255
redirects SA UEs to a priority information based UTRAN frequency for the information based on this
frequency with a non-zero on this parameter value directional IMMCI parameter value when
priority. when releasing an SA UE. function of SA UEs. releasing an SA UE.

-- -- -- --
function of SA UEs. From is executed for SA UEs. If
left to right, the priority it is set to Handover, the
array subscripts eNodeB migrates SA UEs
correspond to the E- to the NR system through
UTRAN, UTRAN FDD, handover. If it is set to
GERAN, CDMA2000- Handover and
HRPD, and CDMA2000- Redirection, the eNodeB
refEnbAdjFreqNR sADirectIMMCIRATPri Handover[0]
sADirectMigMethod reserve1
1XRTT systems in turn. A migrates SA UEs to the
Handover and
NR Carrier Frequency larger
Priorityparameter value NR
of Directional system preferentially
Directional Migration
Index indicates
IMMCI a higher
UEs through
of SA UEsand Reserve Parameter1
longArray:[0..255] Redirection[2]
This parameter sets the priority of the then through redirection.
model default: long:[0..4294967295]
NR frequency of the corresponding system. If it is set to Redirection,
stringArray:length[0..400] 255;254;253;252;251 model default: 0 model default: 0
directional migration and The value 0 indicates that the eNodeB migrates SA
IMMCI functions of SA the system is not UEs to the NR system
UEs. considered. through redirection. Reserve Parameter1

-- -- -- --

Reserve Parameter2
model default: 0

Reserve Parameter2

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId profileIndex
Operator-Defined Load
Balancing Policy
NE Name LDN MO ID Configuration Index
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..256]
unique ID of the managed This parameter sets the
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string index of the operator-
type and can be defined load balancing
NE Name LDN configured as planned. policy configuration.

R Primary Key R-I

This parameter sets the
threshold for executing
user-quantity-based load This parameter sets the
balancing. It is used to threshold for executing
control whether to execute user-quantity-based
user-quantity-based load camping
balancing. If the cLBCUExeThrd
number is used to control whether
Threshold for Executing User-Quantity-Based
of User-Quantity-Based
UEs in an LTE serving Camping
to executeLoad
cell is greater
Load than(%)
Balancing this based camping
(%) load
threshold during a balancing. If the number
long:[1..100] long:[1..100]
measurement period, the of UEs in a cell is equal to
model default: 65 model default: 70
cell performs user- or greater than this
quantity-based load threshold, camping load
balancing. balancing is performed.

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId d
This parameter
Operator SpecialisUser
NE Name LDN MO ID special user strategy
Group ID group
This parameter sets the ID, which corresponds to
string:length[1..255] long:[1..255]
unique ID of the managed the group of service
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string deployment strategy
type and can be customized by the
NE Name LDN configured as planned. operators.

R Primary Key R-I

mcc mnc ref1PSHOProfile ref2PSHOProfile
Mobile Country Mobile Network Operator Special User Operator Special EN-DC
Code(MCC) Code(MNC) PSHO Profile Index User PSHO Profile Index
This parameter is the This parameter is the The parameter represents
mobile country code mobile network code The parameter represents the PSHO profile index
string:length[3] string:length[2..3] string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400]
(MCC) in the (MNC) in the the PSHO profile index customized by the
configuration customized configuration customized customized by the operators for EN-DC
by the operators. by the operators. operators. users.

R-I,M R-I,M -- --
Operator Special User Operator Special EN-DC Coverage-Based
ref3PSHOProfile ref1CoverMeasProf ref2CoverMeasProf ref3CoverMeasProf
Operator-Defined PS Measurement User Measurement Measurement
Handover Profile Index of Configuration Based The parameter represents
Configuration Based Configuration Profile
SA UEs The parameter
Coverage represents
Profile Index the measurement
Coverage Profile Index This parameter
Index of SA sets
the measurement configuration based coverage-based
This parameter sets the PS configuration based coverage profile index measurement
string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400]
handover profile index coverage profile index customized by the configuration profile
defined by the operator customized by the operators for EN-DC index defined by the
for SA UEs. operators. users. operator for SA UEs.

-- -- -- --
refCSFBProfile refSRVCCProfile refREDPProfile refIdleMobilityProfile
Operator Special User Operator Special User Operator Special User Operator Special User
CSFB Profile Index SRVCC Profile Index Redirection Profile Index IMMCI Profile Index
The parameter represents
The parameter represents The parameter represents The parameter represents the specific IMMCI
string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400]
the CSFB profile index the SRVCC profile index the redirection profile strategy profile index
customized by the customized by the index customized by the customized by the
operators. operators. operators. operators.

-- -- -- --
This parameter sets the
strategy for processing the
UEs in a hybrid NSA and
This parameter controls SA scenario. If it is set to
whether to filter EN-DC Effective NSA only, the
users for IMMCI eNodeB considers the
Not Filter[0]
customized by the UEs as single-mode NSA
Filter EN-DC User[1]
specIMMCIFilterUserInd specPerQCIStgyProfId refENDCAnchProfFDD enum:
operators. If it is set
Operator Special Userto Operator Special User Operator Special User UEs. If it isNSA
Hybrid-Mode set toand
Filter SA User[2] Effective NSA only[0]
Not Filter,Filter
IMMCI eNodeB can
User Service-Based Strategy EN-DC Anchor Strategy EffectiveSA UserSA only, the
Filter EN-DC User and Effective SA only[1]
IMMCI for EN- Profile Index Profile Index eNodeB considers the
SA User[3] SA Priority[2]
DC users. If it is set to The parameter represents UEs as single-mode SA
Filter EN-DC The parameter represents the EN-DC anchor UEs. If it is set to SA
model default: 1 long:[0..255] string:length[0..400] model default: 2
User ,eNodeB can't the service-based strategy strategy profile index Priority, the eNodeB
perform IMMCI for EN- profile index customized customized by the preferentially considers
DC users. by the operators. operators. the UEs as SA UEs.

-- -- -- --
anchoring in
reselection of SA UEs in
IMMCI, customized UE-
specific IMMCI, MM
network coordination
Operator-Defined based on UE migration in
refUsrDirectMigProf idleUserDisFuncPri
IMMCI, and IMMCI refVolteQualProf refPlmnLBProf
Directional Migration Priority Among Different Operator-Defined VoLTE Operator-Defined Load
based on special
Strategy Configuration Distribution UEs. for
Functions A Quality Strategy Profile Balancing Policy
model default:
Index of SA UEs largerIdle
Usersvalue Index of UEs Configuration Index
This parameter sets the indicates a higher priority
index of the operator- of the corresponding This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
string:length[0..400] 0;0 string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400]
defined directional function. Other array VoLTE quality strategy index of the operator-
migration strategy of SA elements (elements 11 to profile index defined by defined load balancing
UEs. 16) are reserved. the operator for UEs. policy configuration.

-- -- -- --
refAdjacentEutranFreqLT refAdjacentUtranFreqFD refAdjacentUtranFreqTD
refEndcSNCfgFrof E D D
Operator-Defined SN Index of Forbidden E- Index of Forbidden Index of Forbidden
Configuration Strategy UTRAN Carrier UTRAN-FDD Carrier UTRAN-TDD Carrier
This parameter
Index sets the
for EN-DC Frequencies Frequencies Frequencies
index of the SN
configuration strategy This parameter sets the E- This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
string:length[0..400] stringArray:length[0..400] stringArray:length[0..400] stringArray:length[0..400]
used in an EN-DC UTRAN frequencies that UTRAN-FDD frequencies UTRAN-TDD frequencies
scenario. The value 0 the operator does not want that the operator does not that the operator does not
indicates an invalid value. users to use. want users to use. want users to use.

-- -- -- --
Index of Forbidden NR
refAdjacentGSMFreq refAdjacentCDMAFreq refEnbAdjFreqNR reserve1
Index of Forbidden Index of Forbidden Carrier Frequencies (Used
GERAN Carrier CDMA Carrier Before Version
Frequencies Frequencies V6.00.20.00B143) Reserve Parameter1
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
stringArray:length[0..400] stringArray:length[0..400] stringArray:length[0..400] model default: 0
GERAN frequencies that CDMA frequencies that NR frequencies that the
the operator does not want the operator does not want operator does not want
users to use. users to use. users to use. Reserve Parameter1

-- -- -- --

Reserve Parameter2
model default: 0

Reserve Parameter2

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
This parameter sets the ID
NE_Name ldn moId dRXCfgIndexForSpecUe
of a DRX parameterIndex
DRX Configuration
for coordination based
Based on on
NE Name LDN MO ID specific UEs.
Specific UEsIt is
This parameter sets the determined through the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..252]
unique ID of the managed negotiation with the UEs.
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string In the current version,
type and can be only the DRX number of
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Apple UEs is supported.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 252
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 252
80[5] 20[5]
128[6] 32[6]
This parameter indicates
160[7] 40[7]
that a UE has the short
256[8] 64[8]
DRX cycle capacity to
320[9] 80[9]
select configurations and
512[10] 128[10]
is the primary key of a
shortDrxCycIndForSpecU 640[11] 160[11]
complete set of
e 1024[12]
longDrxCycForSpecUe 256[12]
shortDrxCycForSpecUe shortDrxCycTForSpecUe
Short DRX Cycle The Long DRX Cycle for Short DRX Cycle for Short-DRX Cycle Timer
enum: 1280[13] 320[13]
Capacity DRX
Configuration Coordination Based ACoordination
short DRX cycle
Basedis on
the for Coordination Based on
No[0] 2048[14] 512[14]
configuration parameters
Indicator for UEs Specific UEs (sf) On Specific
(sf)plus Specific UEs
Yes[1] 2560[15] 640[15]
are matched based on the A long DRX cycle is the the subsequent sleep This parameter sets the
UE capacity. If the UE periodic repetition of the period. The long DRX number of consecutive
model default: 1 model default: 9 model default: 5 model default: 1
supports short DRX, this On Duration period and cycle is an integral sub-frames in which a UE
parameter is set to Yes; the following period when multiple of the short DRX executes short-cycle
otherwise, it is set to No. inactivity may occur. cycle. DRX.

R-I -- -- --
No[0] 1280[13] 20[5] 1
No[0] 1280[13] 20[5] 1
Yes[1] 640[11] 20[5] 1
Yes[1] 1280[13] 20[5] 1
No[0] 640[11] 20[5] 1
Yes[1] 320[9] 20[5] 1
Yes[1] 640[11] 20[5] 1
No[0] 320[9] 20[5] 1
No[0] 640[11] 20[5] 1
Yes[1] 320[9] 20[5] 1
No[0] 320[9] 20[5] 1
Yes[1] 1280[13] 20[5] 1
No[0] 160[7] 20[5] 1
Yes[1] 160[7] 20[5] 1
6[5] 60[12]
8[6] 80[13]
10[7] 100[14] enum:
20[8] 200[15] 1[0]
30[9] 300[16] 2[1]
This parameter sets the
40[10] 500[17] 4[2]
number of consecutive
50[11] 750[18] 6[3]
Specific-UE PDCCH sub-frames after DRX Retransmission
onDuratTimerForSpecUe 1280[19]
drxInactTimerForSpecUe 8[4]
e indicates
This parameter indicates
Coordination-Based aDRX
successful decoding
Inactivity Timeroffora This parameter
Timer for Coordination
80[13] 1920[20] 16[5]
the number
Duration forofUE
Wake-Up PDCCH indicating
Coordination initial
Based on the maximum
Based number
on Specific UEsof
100[14] 2560[21] 24[6]
PDCCH sub-frames
in a DRX at the
Cycle (psf) UL or DLUEs
Specific user(psf)
data consecutive PDCCH sub-
200[15] 0[22] 33[7]
beginning of a DRX transmission for a UE. frames that a UE needs to
cycle. In these PDCCH The UE needs to continuously monitor if
model default: 7 model default: 7 model default: 4
sub-frames, the UE keeps continuously monitor the the UE expects to receive
active to monitor the number of PDCCH sub- the data transmitted in the
PDCCH. frames. downlink.

-- -- --
10[7] 10[7] 8[4]
10[7] 100[14] 8[4]
10[7] 10[7] 8[4]
10[7] 100[14] 8[4]
10[7] 10[7] 8[4]
10[7] 10[7] 8[4]
10[7] 100[14] 8[4]
10[7] 10[7] 8[4]
10[7] 100[14] 8[4]
10[7] 100[14] 8[4]
10[7] 100[14] 8[4]
10[7] 10[7] 8[4]
10[7] 100[14] 8[4]
10[7] 100[14] 8[4]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
This parameter sets the
configuration index of an
NR system. It is used to
mark different
NE_Name ldn moId nRRatMeasCfgIdx
NR Measurement In the
NE Name LDN MO ID measurement
Configuration Index
This parameter sets the configuration index set,
string:length[1..255] long:[1..65535]
unique ID of the managed the measurement
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string configuration index of an
type and can be NR system is indexed
NE Name LDN configured as planned. based on functions.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542120 2120
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542110 2110
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542121 2121
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542100 2100
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542122 2122
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542123 2123
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542200 2200
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542106 2106
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542107 2107
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542108 2108
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542102 2102
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542124 2124
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542125 2125
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542104 2104
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542126 2126
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542127 2127
Configuration for NR
ANR Report Strongest
This parameter sets the E-
Prevent PingPong
UTRAN system
Handover Measurement
measurement quantity
for NR Coverage-Based
during an inter-RAT This parameter sets the
measCfgFunc eutranMeasQuan enum:
rptCriteria maxRptCellNum
handover. When the UE maximum number of cells
Prevent PingPong enum: Event triggered
Measurement detects thatMeasurement
E-UTRAN the signal of Inter-RAT Measurement (excluding the serving
Maximum Number of
Measurement for SA User RSRP[0] reporting[0]
This parameterFunction
Configuration sets the the serving cell satisfies
Quantity ThisReporting
sets the cell) in anCells
Reported NR
Directional Migration[9] RSRQ[1] Periodical reporting[1]
measurement the event-triggering rule for reporting inter- measurement report. The
configurations used by threshold specified by this RAT measurement eNodeB transmits the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 8
different application parameter, it triggers results: event-triggering parameter value carried in
functions among NR measurement event reporting and periodical the measurement
systems. reporting. reporting. configuration to the UE.

-- -- -- --
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event triggered reporting[08
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Periodical reporting[1] 1
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRQ[1] Event triggered reporting[08
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event triggered reporting[08
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event triggered reporting[08
Measurement ConfigurationRSRP[0] Event triggered reporting[08
Measurement ConfigurationRSRP[0] Periodical reporting[1] 8
Prevent PingPong HandoveRSRP[0] Event triggered reporting[08
Prevent PingPong HandoveRSRQ[1] Event triggered reporting[08
Prevent PingPong MeasuremRSRP[0] Event triggered reporting[08
Monitoring NR Coverage reRSRP[0] Event triggered reporting[08
Measurement ConfigurationRSRP[0] Event triggered reporting[08
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event triggered reporting[08
Monitoring NR Coverage reRSRP[0] Event triggered reporting[08
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRQ[1] Event triggered reporting[08
Measurement ConfiguratioRSRP[0] Event triggered reporting[08
Absolute Decision
This parameter
Threshold setsE-
of the the This parameter
Absolute sets the
evtId absolutersrpSrvTrd
of the rsrqSrvTrd
absolute threshold hysteresis
UTRAN Serving for Threshold of theofE-the
Inter-RAT Measurement measured RSRP value for
RSRP Measurement measured RSRQ value
UTRAN Serving for
Cell for Decision Hysteresis
This parameter
Event IDindicates event NR B2 of the
(dBm) RSRQevent NR B2 of the
Measurement (dB) Range (dB)
B2[1] double:[-20..-3] double:[0..15]
the ID of the event serving cell. A UE reports serving cell. A UE reports
long:[-140..-43] model default: -11.0 model default: 0.0
triggered by inter-RAT the measurement result the measurement result This parameter sets the
model default: 0 model default: -114 step: 0.5 step: 0.5
measurement and it is only when the RSRP of only when the RSRQ of hysteresis range for event
related to the the serving cell is lower the serving cell is lower decision in UE
measurement quantity. than this threshold. than this threshold. measurement.

-- -- -- --
B2[1] -114 -11.0 0.0
B1[0] -115 -11.0 0.0
B2[1] -115 -11.0 0.0
B1[0] -115 -11.0 0.0
B1[0] -115 -11.0 0.0
B1[0] -115 -11.0 0.0
B1[0] -114 -11.0 0.0
B2[1] -120 -11.0 0.0
B2[1] -114 -16.0 0.0
B1[0] -114 -11.0 0.0
B1[0] -114 -11.0 0.0
B1[0] -114 -11.0 0.0
B2[1] -114 -11.0 0.0
B1[0] -114 -11.0 0.0
B2[1] -114 -11.0 0.0
B1[0] -114 -11.0 0.0
128[5] 480ms[2]
occurs and the time when times that the
160[6] 640ms[3]
the event is reported. A measurement results are
256[7] 1024ms[4] enum:
detected event is triggered reported after an event is This parameter sets the
320[8] 2048ms[5] 1[0]
and reported only when triggered. For a UE, after absolute threshold for the
480[9] 5120ms[6] 2[1]
the event always satisfies an event is triggered, the RSRP decision of NR
512[10] 10240ms[7] 4[2]
the event-triggering UE reports the neighbor cells when the
640[11] 1min[8] 8[3]
condition within this This parameter sets the measurement results measurement result of an
trigTime 6min[9]
evtRptInterval 16[4]
evtRptAmount rSRPNRTrd
Time of time. ABetween
Difference larger time interval Reporting
Periodical to report the periodically.
Number If the
of Periodical event B1
Absolute or B2 Threshold
RSRP of an NR
1280[13] 12min[10] 32[5]
parameter value indicates
Event Occurrence and measurement results after
Interval of Triggered number ofAttempts
Reporting times thatAfter
the cell
for NRis Measurement
reported. If theof
2560[14] 30min[11] 64[6]
stricter event-triggering
Reporting(ms) an event is triggered; that
Events UE reports
Event the
Triggering RSRP value
Neighbor of an
Cells NR
5120[15] 60min[12] Infinity[7]
decision conditions. If this is, the UE reports the measurement results is neighbor cell is smaller
parameter is set too large, measurement results of larger than the parameter than or equal to this
model default: 7 model default: 4 model default: 0 model default: -100
the communication the triggered event within value, the UE stops threshold, the UE cannot
quality of users may be every periodical reporting reporting the report the measurement
affected. interval. measurement results. result.

-- -- -- --
256[7] 1024ms[4] 1[0] -105
256[7] 1024ms[4] 4[2] -105
256[7] 1024ms[4] 1[0] -105
256[7] 1024ms[4] 64[6] -105
256[7] 1024ms[4] 1[0] -105
256[7] 1024ms[4] 1[0] -100
256[7] 1024ms[4] 1[0] -100
256[7] 1024ms[4] 1[0] -100
256[7] 1024ms[4] 1[0] -100
256[7] 1024ms[4] 1[0] -100
256[7] 1024ms[4] 64[6] -105
256[7] 1024ms[4] 1[0] -100
256[7] 1024ms[4] 1[0] -100
256[7] 1024ms[4] 64[6] -110
256[7] 1024ms[4] 1[0] -100
256[7] 1024ms[4] 1[0] -100
reporting quantity, the
second element represents
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the the RSRQ measurement
absolute threshold for the absolute threshold for the reporting quantity, and the
RSRQ decision of NR SINR decision of NR third element represents This parameter determines
neighbor cells when the neighbor cells when the the SINR measurement whether to carry RS-index
Absolute result
RSRQof an measurement result of an reporting quantity. If an results in NR
event rSRQNRTrd
B1 or B2forofNR
event B1 or B2 Threshold
of an NR rpQuantityNRbitmap
element value isReport rpRSIndexSwch
set to 1, measurement reports.RS-
If it
Threshold Absolute SINR Measurement Switch for Carrying
cell is reported.
Measurement If the
of Neighbor cell
for NRis Measurement
reported. If theof it Quantity
indicates of
NRUE is setResults
Index to Open,inthe
of an NR SINR valueCells
Neighbor of an(dB)
NR needsSystem
to report the measurement
Measurement reports need
double:[-43.5..20] double:[-23..40.5] Open[1]
neighbor cell is smaller neighbor cell is smaller measured values. If an to carry RS-index results.
model default: -16.5 model default: 0.0 longArray:[0..1]
than or equal to this than or equal to this element value is set to 0, If it is set to Close, the
step: 0.5 step: 0.5 model default: 1;0;0 model default: 1
threshold, the UE cannot threshold, the UE cannot it indicates that the UE measurement reports do
report the measurement report the measurement does not need to report the not carry RS-index
result. result. measured values. results.

-- -- -- --
-16.5 0.0 1;0;0 Open[1]
-16.5 0.0 1;0;0 Open[1]
-16.5 0.0 1;0;0 Open[1]
-16.5 0.0 1;0;0 Open[1]
-16.5 0.0 1;0;0 Open[1]
-16.5 0.0 1;0;0 Open[1]
-16.5 0.0 1;0;0 Open[1]
-16.5 0.0 1;0;0 Open[1]
-16.5 0.0 1;0;0 Open[1]
-16.5 0.0 1;0;0 Open[1]
-16.5 0.0 1;0;0 Open[1]
-16.5 0.0 1;0;0 Open[1]
-16.5 0.0 1;0;0 Open[1]
-20.5 0.0 1;0;0 Open[1]
-16.5 0.0 1;0;0 Open[1]
-16.5 0.0 1;0;0 Open[1]
number of times that
measurement results are
1024ms[4] enum:
periodically reported. It is
2048ms[5] 1[0]
used for a UE periodically
5120ms[6] 2[1]
reporting measurement
10240ms[7] 4[2]
results to determine
1min[8] 8[3]
whether it still needs to
maxReportRSIndex 6min[9]
prdRptInterval 16[4]
prdRptAmount enum:
Maximum Number of RS- report
Numberthe ofmeasurement
12min[10] 32[5] rsrp[0]
Indexes in NR This parameter
Reporting setsinthe
Interval results. Ifinthe
the Attempts theUE detects
Periodical Measurement Quantity of
30min[11] 64[6] rsrq[1]
reporting Reporting
Measurement Reports Periodical interval in Rule
the that the numberRule
Reporting of times Thisthe
parameter sets the
NR System
60min[12] Infinity[7] sinr[2]
periodical reporting rules, that measurement results measurement quantity
This parameter indicates that is, the UE reports are reported exceeds this used by UEs during NR
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
the maximum number of measurement results at the parameter value, the UE system measurement, 0
RS-indexes in NR interval configured by this stops reporting the for RSRP, 1 for RSRQ,
measurement reports. parameter. measurement results. and 2 for SINR.

-- -- -- --
1 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] rsrp[0]
1 1024ms[4] 1[0] rsrp[0]
1 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] rsrp[0]
1 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] rsrp[0]
1 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] rsrp[0]
1 1024ms[4] Infinity[7] rsrp[0]
1 2048ms[5] 8[3] rsrp[0]
1 120ms[0] 1[0] rsrp[0]
1 120ms[0] 1[0] rsrp[0]
1 120ms[0] 1[0] rsrp[0]
1 120ms[0] 1[0] rsrp[0]
1 120ms[0] 1[0] rsrp[0]
1 120ms[0] 1[0] rsrp[0]
1 120ms[0] 1[0] rsrp[0]
1 120ms[0] 1[0] rsrp[0]
1 120ms[0] 1[0] rsrp[0]
reporting quantity, the
second element represents
the RSRQ measurement
reporting quantity, and the
third element represents
the SINR measurement This parameter determines
reporting quantity. If an whether an NR
element value is setReport
to 1, reportOnleave
measurement event is
SSB Measurement
it Quantity
indicates of
NRUE configured
Leavingwith a leaving
needs toSystem
report the SSB reporting indication. It is
measurement values. If an used to accurately obtain
element value is set to 0, the time at which a
model default: 1;0;0 model default: 0
it indicates that the UE leaving measurement
does not need to report the event of a neighbor cell
SSB measurement values. occurs.

-- --
1;0;0 No[0]
1;0;0 No[0]
1;0;0 No[0]
1;0;0 No[0]
1;0;0 No[0]
1;0;0 No[0]
1;0;0 No[0]
1;0;0 No[0]
1;0;0 No[0]
1;0;0 No[0]
1;0;0 Yes[1]
1;0;0 No[0]
1;0;0 No[0]
1;0;0 No[0]
1;0;0 No[0]
1;0;0 No[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId pLMNACBGroupId
Special User Access
This parameter
Control sets a
NE Name LDN MO ID special user access
Group ID control
This parameter sets the configuration group ID. It
string:length[1..255] long:[1..255]
unique ID of the managed corresponds to a group of
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string access control parameters
type and can be customized by the
NE Name LDN configured as planned. operator.

R Primary Key --
signaling access. Whether
this parameter works
depends on the restricted
AC types in the
parameter and whether the
mcc mnc operAcBarEmerCall 0.85[13]
parameter is configured.
enum: 0.9[14]
Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code In addition, Factor
Probability if the AC
No[0] 0.95[15]
(MCC) (MNC) Emergency Call Access Barring Working
Signaling Mode
Yes[1] 1[16]
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the parameter is set to a non-
Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code This parameter determines zero value, this parameter
string:length[3] string:length[2..3] model default: 0 model default: 16
(MCC) in the (MNC) in the whether the UEs of lower sets the minimum factor
configuration customized configuration customized than AC10 can originate that the eNodeB can
by the operator. by the operator. emergency calls. dynamically adjust to.

M M -- --
is smaller than this
This parameter sets the parameter value, the UE
enum: 0.5[8] enum:
average time for which can access the network.
4[0] 0.6[9] 4[0]
UEs cannot access the Otherwise, the UE cannot
8[1] 0.7[10] 8[1]
network during signaling This parameter sets access access the network. The
16[2] 0.75[11] 16[2]
access. It is used when the barring for Access Classes parameter value 100% (1)
32[3] 0.8[12] 32[3]
timer T305 is configured. (ACs) 11 to 15 when a UE indicates that no barring
operAcBarTimeSig operAcBarListSig 0.85[13]
operAcProbFactOrig 64[4]
A larger parameter value initiates
Access aBarring
calling parameter is used. In
128[5] 0.9[14] 128[5]
indicates aAccess-Barring
Signaling longer period Parameters
signaling access.
for UEs From addition, if the
of a Probability Ac-barring
Factor ThisAccess-Barring
for Call Call parameter setsTime
256[6] 0.95[15] 256[6]
for signaling
(s) and a left toSignaling
right, theAC
first one factors' Access
working mode average time
(s) for which
512[7] 1[16] 512[7]
longer delay. If it is set to is the access baring parameter is set to UEs cannot access the
enumArray:[0, 1]
the minimum value by parameter for AC11, the Dynamic, this parameter network during call
model default: 0 model default: 0;0;0;0;0 model default: 16 model default: 0
default, the period for second one for AC12, the sets the minimum factor origination. It is used
signaling access can be third one for AC13, and that the eNodeB can when the timer T303 is
decreased. so on. dynamically adjust to. configured.

-- -- -- --
voice calls. Before a UE This parameter sets the AC12, AC13, AC14, and
initiates an access access barring duration for AC15 separately. If an
0.5[8] enum:
procedure of a multimedia multimedia voice UEs. It element is set to No, it
0.6[9] 4[0]
voice call, a random is used to control the indicates that the UEs of
0.7[10] 8[1]
number is generated. If interval for a UE to the corresponding AC
0.75[11] 16[2]
the random number is initiate another access level are allowed to
0.8[12] 32[3]
smaller than the parameter procedure of a multimedia initiate the access
operAcBarListOrig 0.85[13]
operVoiceBarringFactor 64[4]
operVoiceBarringTime operVoiceBarForSpecAC
Access Barring value, the UE is allowed Accessvoice Barring
call. If aTime
UE isfor procedure of multimedia
0.9[14] 128[5]
to initiate
Parameters for UEs of a Access theFactor
Barring accessfor Multimedia
forbidden toVoice
the voice calls. If an element
0.95[15] 256[6]
Call AC procedure.
the random
Calls access procedure
(s) of is set to Yes,
ACsit indicates
1[16] 512[7]
number is larger than or multimedia voice calls, it that the UEs of the
enumArray:[0, 1] enumArray:[0, 1]
This parameter determines equal to the parameter cannot initiate another corresponding AC level
model default: 0;0;0;0;0 model default: 16 model default: 0 model default: 0;0;0;0;0
whether the UEs of lower value, the UE is not access procedure of a are not allowed to initiate
than AC10 can originate allowed to initiate the multimedia voice call the access procedure of
emergency calls. access procedure. during this period. multimedia voice calls.

-- -- -- --
0.3[6] 0.3[6]
video calls. Before a UE This parameter sets the AC12, AC13, AC14, and services. Before a UE
0.4[7] 0.4[7]
initiates an access access barring duration for AC15 separately. If an initiates an access
0.5[8] enum: 0.5[8]
procedure of a multimedia multimedia video UEs. It element is set to No, it procedure of a CSFB
0.6[9] 4[0] 0.6[9]
video call, a random is used to control the indicates that the UEs of service, a random number
0.7[10] 8[1] 0.7[10]
number is generated. If interval for a UE to the corresponding AC is generated. If the
0.75[11] 16[2] 0.75[11]
the random number is initiate another access level are allowed to random number is smaller
0.8[12] 32[3] 0.8[12]
smaller than the parameter procedure of a multimedia initiate the access than the parameter value,
operVideoBarringFactor 64[4]
operVideoBarringTime operVideoBarForSpecAC 0.85[13]
value, the UE is allowed Accessvideo Barring
call. If aTime
UE isfor procedure of multimedia the UE is allowed to
0.9[14] 128[5] 0.9[14]
to initiate
Access theFactor
Barring accessfor Multimedia
forbidden toVideo
the video calls. If an element
Multimedia-Video-Call Accessinitiate the access
Barring Factor for
0.95[15] 256[6] 0.95[15]
the random
Calls access procedure
(s) of is set to Yes,ACsit indicates procedure. If the random
1[16] 512[7] 1[16]
number is larger than or multimedia video calls, it that the UEs of the number is larger than or
enumArray:[0, 1]
equal to the parameter cannot initiate another corresponding AC level equal to the parameter
model default: 16 model default: 0 model default: 0;0;0;0;0 model default: 16
value, the UE is not access procedure of a are not allowed to initiate value, the UE is not
allowed to initiate the multimedia video call the access procedure of allowed to initiate the
access procedure. during this period. multimedia video calls. access procedure.

-- -- -- --
AC12, AC13, AC14, and
AC15 separately. If an
This parameter sets the element is set to No, it
access barring duration for indicates that the UEs of
CSFB UEs. It is used to the corresponding AC
control the interval for a level are allowed to
UE to initiate another initiate the access
access procedure of a operCSFBBarForSpecAC
procedure of CSFB
CSFBservice. If a UE is services. If an element is
forbidden to initiate
Time (s) the set to Yes,
CSFBit indicates
ACs that
access procedure of CSFB the UEs of the
enumArray:[0, 1]
services, it cannot initiate corresponding AC level
model default: 0 model default: 0;0;0;0;0
another access procedure are not allowed to initiate
of a CSFB service during the access procedure of
this period. CSFB services.

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId srvCellId


This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[0..255]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string
type and can be This parameter indicates
NE Name LDN configured as planned. the ID of a cell.

R Primary Key --
nbrGnbId nbrCellId mcc mnc

Neighbor gNodeB ID Neighbor Cell ID Neighbor Cell MCC Neighbor Cell MNC
long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..16383]
This parameter indicates This parameter indicates
model default: 0 model default: 0 string:length[3] string:length[2..3]
This parameter indicates the Mobile Country Code the Mobile Network Code
the ID of a neighbor This parameter indicates (MCC) of a neighbor NR (MNC) of a neighbor NR
gNodeB. the ID of a neighbor cell. cell. cell.

-- -- M M
enterBlackListTimes noHO noENDC enterBlackListTime
Number of Times That a Time When a Neighbor
enum: enum:
Neighbor Cell Is Put into Cell Is Put into the
Support Handover[0] Support EN-DC[0]
the Blacklist Handover Status EN-DC Status Blacklist
Not Support Handover[1] Not Support EN-DC[1] string
long:[0..255] model default: 1970-01-
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 1 01 00:00:00
number of times that a This parameter indicates This parameter indicates time at which a neighbor
neighbor cell is put into the handover status of NR the EN-DC status of NR cell is put into the
the blacklist. neighbor cells. neighbor cells. blacklist.

-- -- -- --
Low Handover Success
Low EN-DC Success
enterBlackListCause hoReqNum hOFailNum endcReqNum
Identification of Low
Low Handover and Low
This parameter
Success indicates
Rate Neighbor Number of Handover Number of Handover Number of EN-DC
EN-DC Success Rate[2]
whether the reason for a
Cell Requests Failures Requests
Non Low Success Rate[3]
neighbor cell to be put on
long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295]
the blacklist is a low
model default: 3 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
success rate. It is used to This parameter indicates This parameter indicates This parameter sets the
determine why a neighbor the number of handover the number of handover number of EN-DC
cell is blacklisted. requests. failures. requests.

-- -- -- --
endcFailNum Temporary Neighbouring
Number of EN-DC
Formal Neighbouring
Failures Neighbor Cell Type
model default: 0 model default: 0
This parameter indicates
the number of EN-DC This parameter indicates
failures. the type of neighbor cell.

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
This parameter sets the
index for identifying the
PDCP status. It
corresponds to service
load determination
parameters. If the services
NE_Name ldn moId pdcpStatusIdentifyIndex
of a UE satisfy the
PDCP Status
NE Name LDN MO ID corresponding to the
Identification Index
This parameter sets the index, the UE can be
string:length[1..255] long:[0..10]
unique ID of the managed identified to support a
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string certain function. For
type and can be example, an SN can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. added for the UE.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,11 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 0
standard QoS
Classification Identifier
(QCI) indicates QoS
attributes, such as packet This parameter sets the This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
scheduling, the processing upper threshold of the upper threshold of the lower threshold of the
delay, and the packet loss downlink traffic speed of uplink traffic speed of uplink traffic speed of
rate. The transmission of UEs to add SNs based on UEs to add SNs based on UEs to add SNs based on
standard QCIqCIparameters dlTrafficSpeedHighThrd
the speed. If the speed- ulTrafficSpeedHighThrd
the speed. If speed-based ulTrafficSpeedLowThrd
the speed. If speed-based
among different NEs on Highbased SN addition
Threshold of theisDL SN addition
Upper is enabled
Threshold of the SN addition
Lower is enabled
Threshold of the
EPS helps
QCIthe enabled and
Traffic the downlink
Speed (Bps) and
UL the uplink
Traffic speed
Speed of a
(Bps) and
UL the uplink
Traffic speed
Speed of a
interconnection of the speed of a UE is higher UE is higher than the UE is lower than the
long:[0..256] long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295]
equipment from different than the parameter value, parameter value, the parameter value, the
model default: 1 model default: 200000 model default: 100000 model default: 50000
vendors and the flexible the eNodeB considers the eNodeB considers the UE eNodeB considers the UE
configuration by UE as a downlink high- as an uplink high-speed as an uplink low-speed
operators. speed UE. UE. UE.

-- -- -- --
9 200000 100000 50000
2 200000 100000 50000
1 200000 100000 50000
4 200000 100000 50000
0 200000 100000 50000
3 200000 100000 50000
256 200000 100000 50000
6 200000 100000 50000
5 200000 100000 50000
8 200000 100000 50000
7 200000 100000 50000
whether the speed of a UE determination period. If
is high in the uplink and speed-based SN addition
downlink. If the number is enabled, the eNodeB
This parameter sets the of times that the speed of uses this parameter to
upper threshold of the a UE configured with detect whether the speed
uplink traffic speed of speed-based SN addition of a UE is low in the
UEs to add SNs based on is consecutively detected uplink and downlink.
the speed. If speed-based highTrafficSpeedDesTime
to be high reaches the lowTrafficSpeedDesTime
After a UE is congestDelayThr
This parameter sets the
PDCP Delay Threshold
SN addition
Lower is enabled
Threshold parameter
of the Number value, the
of High-Speed consecutively determined
Number of Low-Speed PDCPfor delay threshold for
DLthe downlink
Traffic Speedspeed
(Bps)of eNodeBDecisions
sends a high-load as a low-speed
DecisionsUE, its determining
a UE is lower than the indication to the control low-speed status is congestion occurs. When
long:[0..4294967295] long:[1..255] long:[1..255] long:[0..65535]
parameter value, the plane, delivers a B1 reported to the upper the PDCP delay exceeds
model default: 100000 model default: 2 model default: 2 model default: 10
eNodeB considers the UE measurement result, and layer, and the SN addition the threshold, it is
to be a downlink low- triggers the SN addition procedure is not triggered considered that congestion
speed UE. procedure. later. occurs.

-- -- -- --
100000 2 2 10
100000 2 2 10
100000 2 2 10
100000 2 2 10
100000 2 2 10
100000 2 2 10
100000 2 2 10
100000 2 2 10
100000 2 2 10
100000 2 2 10
100000 2 2 10
PDCP delay threshold for
triggering decongestion.
When the eNodeB
determines whether
congestion occurs based
on the PDCP delay, the
This parameter
PDCP sets the
Cache Occupancy This parameter
PDCP sets the
Cache Occupancy eNodeB uses this
uncongestDelayThr PDCPcongestCacheThr uncongestCacheThr pktCongestDecisionTimes
PDCP Delay Threshold Ratiocache occupancy
Threshold for PDCP
Ratiocache occupancy
Threshold for parameter
Number value, the
of Consecutive
parameter sets the
Triggering ratio threshold
Congestion for
Occurrence ratio threshold
Triggering for
Decongestion PDCP delay threshold
Packet-Based for
PDCP delay threshold
Decongestion (ms) for determining
(%) whether triggering decongestion.
(%) If congestion occurrence,
triggering decongestion. If congestion occurs. If the the PDCP cache and the PDCP delay
long:[0..65535] long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[1..65535]
the PDCP delay is shorter PDCP cache occupancy occupancy ratio is lower threshold for triggering
model default: 5 model default: 80 model default: 60 model default: 10
than the threshold, it is ratio exceeds the than the threshold, it is decongestion to determine
considered that no threshold, it is considered considered that no whether congestion or
congestion occurs. that congestion occurs. congestion occurs. decongestion occurs.

-- -- -- --
5 80 60 10
5 80 60 10
5 80 60 10
5 80 60 10
5 80 60 10
5 80 60 10
5 80 60 10
5 80 60 10
5 80 60 10
5 80 60 10
5 80 60 10
eNodeB determines
whether congestion occurs
based on the PDCP cache
occupancy ratio, the
eNodeB uses this
parameter value, the
PDCP cache occupancy
ratio threshold for
Number of Congestion
Decisions occurrence,
on the
and the
Cache PDCP cache
Occupancy Ratio
occupancy ratio threshold
for triggering
model default: 10
decongestion to determine
whether congestion or
decongestion occurs.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
PLMN Mapping
NE_Name ldn moId CC
Country Code of the
NE Name LDN MO ID Serving Cell
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed This parameter sets the
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 stringArray:length[3]
object. It is of the string mobile country code of
type and can be the serving cell in the
NE Name LDN configured as planned. PLMN mapping relation.

R Primary Key --
plmnMapping_mapSrvM plmnMapping_mapNbrM plmnMapping_mapNbrM
PLMN Mapping PLMN Mapping PLMN Mapping
Relations_Mobile Relations_Mobile Relations_Mobile
Network Code of the Country Code of the Network Code of the
Serving Cell Neighbor Cell Neighbor Cell

This parameter sets the This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
stringArray:length[2..3] stringArray:length[3] stringArray:length[2..3]
mobile network code of mobile country code of mobile network code of
the serving cell in the the neighbor cell in the the neighbor cell in the
PLMN mapping relation. PLMN mapping relation. PLMN mapping relation.

-- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
This parameter enables or
disables the punishment
for SN configuration
NE_Name ldn moId sNConfigFailPunishSwch
failures. For the cells
where an
Punishment SN for
NE Name LDN MO ID configuration
SN Configuration failure is
This parameter sets the detected, if this parameter
unique ID of the managed is set to Open, a
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string punishment strategy is
type and can be triggered based on the
NE Name LDN configured as planned. failure cause value.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
represents Transport
resource unavailable, the
seventh represents Not
enough User Plane
Processing Resources, and
the eighth represents
Control Processing
specCauseSNPunishStgy enum:
Overload. The
Punishment Strategy to normCauseSNPunishStgy
ninth for Punishment Strategy for
This parameter
Level-1 sets the
Level-2 Detection Timer
enumArray:[0, 1] No punishment[0]
Special array of Ordinary Cause Value of
Cause Values level-1Timer
for SN timer This parameter
for SN sets the
model default: Time Punishment
SNelements are reserved.
Configuration This
Failures SN parameter sets
Configuration the
Failures for SN configuration
Configuration Failures (s) level-2 Failures
timer for
1;0;0;1;0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0 Strategy[1]
There are three punishment strategy for failures. The timer is SN configuration failures.
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..65535]
punishment strategies the ordinary cause values enabled when the SN The timer is enabled when
0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0 model default: 60 model default: 30
available for the failure of SN configuration configuration failure the SN configuration
cause value corresponding failures. Two punishment punishment switch is set failure punishment switch
to one array element. strategies are available. to Open. is set to Open.

-- -- -- --
1;0;0;1;0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;No punishment[0] 60 30
This parameter enables or
disables the punishment
for handover preparation
failures. This function is
applicable only to NR
This parameter sets the level3SNDetectTimer level3SNPunishTimer
This parameter sets the hoPrepFailPunishSwch
systems. ForSwitch
the target
Level-2 Punishment Level-3 Detection Timer Level-3 Punishment Punishment for
for SN timer This parameter
for SN sets the
Configuration level-3Timer
for SN timer NR cell where
Handover a handover
for SN configuration
Configuration Failures (s) level-3 Failures
timer for for SN configuration
Configuration Failures (s) preparation failure is
failures. The timer is SN configuration failures. failures. The timer is detected, if this parameter
long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..65535] long:[0..4294967295]
enabled when the SN The timer is enabled when enabled when the SN is set to Open, a
model default: 1800 model default: 30 model default: 7200 model default: 0
configuration failure the SN configuration configuration failure punishment strategy is
punishment switch is set failure punishment switch punishment switch is set triggered based on the
to Open. is set to Open. to Open. failure cause value.

-- -- -- --
1800 30 7200 Close[0]
Processing Resources, the
tenth represents Radio
resources not available,
the eleventh represents
Control Processing
Overload, and the twelfth
Punishment Handoverfor Punishment Strategy for
specCauseHoPunishStgy enum:
normCauseHoPunishStgy level1HoPunishTimer level2HoDetectTimer
Specialnot Allowed.
Cause ValuesThe
of Ordinary Cause Values of This parameter
Level-1 sets the Level-2
Punishment This parameter
Detection sets the
enumArray:[0, 1] No punishment[0]
Handover to Preparation
thirty-second Handover Preparation level-1 Timerpunishment timer level-2
for Handover detection
for Handover timer for
model default: Time Punishment
elements are This parameter
Failures sets the for handoverFailures
Preparation preparation
(s) handover preparation
Failures (s)
0;0;0;0;0;1;0;1;1;1;1;0;0;0 Strategy[1]
reserved. There are two punishment strategy for failures. The timer is failures. The timer is
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..65535]
punishment strategies ordinary cause values of enabled when the enabled when the
0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0 model default: 60 model default: 30
available for the failure handover preparation punishment switch for punishment switch for
cause value corresponding failures. Two punishment handover preparation handover preparation
to one array element. strategies are available. failures is set to Open. failures is set to Open.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0;1;0;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;No punishment[0] 60 30
This parameter level3HoDetectTimer
sets the Level-3
This parameter sets the level3HoPunishTimer
This parameter sets the
Level-2 Punishment Detection Timer Level-3 Punishment
for Handovertimer level-3 detection
for Handover timer for level-3
Preparation Timerpunishment
for Handovertimer
for handoverFailures
Preparation preparation
(s) handover preparation
Failures (s) for handoverFailures
Preparation preparation
failures. The timer is failures. The timer is failures. The timer is
long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..65535] long:[0..4294967295]
enabled when the enabled when the enabled when the
model default: 1800 model default: 30 model default: 7200
punishment switch for punishment switch for punishment switch for
handover preparation handover preparation handover preparation
failures is set to Open. failures is set to Open. failures is set to Open.

-- -- --
1800 30 7200
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId spidStrategyGroupId

NE Name LDN MO ID SPID Strategy GroupID

This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..255]
unique ID of the managed This parameter sets the
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string group ID of an SPID
type and can be strategy customized by
NE Name LDN configured as planned. the operator.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,0 1
specificSPID refPlmn refIdleMobilityProfile homemcc
Idle Mobility Profile
SPID PLMN Index for Specific SPID Home MCC
The parameter represents
model default: 1 string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400] string:length[3]
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the the idle mobility profile This parameter is the
SPID customized by the PLMN associated with the index associated with the Home Mobile Country
operator. customized SPID. Operator specific SPID Code

R-I R-I,M -- --
12 Operator=1,Plmn=1 ENBFunctionFDD=508154,IdleMobilityProfile=0
homemnc refCSFBProfile refPSHOProfile refSRVCCProfile
PSHO Profile Index(Use
Before Version
Home MNC CSFB Profile Index V3.90.00.00B85) SRVCC Profile Index

string:length[2..3] string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400]

This parameter is the
Home Mobile Network The parameter represents The parameter represents The parameter represents
Code the CSFB profile index the PSHO profile index the SRVCC profile index

-- -- -- --
Profile Index of Smart
refREDPProfile refCaProfileList refLBProfile refSmartNetDist
This parameter sets a
Used Operat Spec CA Network Distribution
Scell Freq Configuration Load Balance Profile profile index
Function forof theSPID
Idle smart
Redirection Profile Index Profile Index for Specific SPID networkUsers
The parameter represents function for SPID users.
the load balance With a profile index, you
string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400]
The parameter represents Used Operat Spec CA configuration profile can find a configuration
the Redirection profile Scell Freq Configuration index associated with the for redirection and
index Profile Operator specific SPID. IMMCI for SPID users.

-- -- -- --
This parameter determines
whether UEs with the
maximum two-carrier CA
capability support
PUCCH Format 3. If it is
Profile Index of
pGBRProfileIndex set thedex
to 0,for UEs with the refENDCAnchProfFDD refEndcSNCfgFrof
Preferentially Guaranteed Index SPID-Based SPID-Based SN
Bitparameter indicates
Rates for NGBR maximum
PUCCH two-carrier
Format 3 CA Profile Index for SPID- Configuration Strategy
the profile index of the
Bearers capability do not support
Allocation Based EN-DC Anchor Index for EN-DC
preferentially guaranteed PUCCH Format 3. If it is The parameter represents This parameter indicates
long:[0..128] long:[0..1]
bit rates of the NGBR set to 1, the UEs with the the EN-DC anchor the SN configuration
model default: 0 model default: 0 string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400]
bearers associated with maximum two-carrier CA strategy profile index strategy index for EN-DC.
the operator's customized capability support associated with the The value 0 indicates an
SPIDs. PUCCH Format 3. Operator specific SPID. invalid value.

-- -- -- --
0 0
SPID-Based Directed
Migration Strategy
Configuration Index for
This parameter
SA UEssets the
index of the directed
migration strategy for SA
UEs based on SPIDs. The
value 0 indicates an
invalid value.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
The parameter defines the
NE_Name ldn moId enum:
mode of PUSCH
Only Inter-Subframe[0]
PUSCHhopping used to
Both Intra and Inter-
NE Name LDN MO ID determine whether
Hopping Modeonly
This parameter sets the inter-subframe will be
unique ID of the managed enabled or both intra-
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string subframe and inter-
type and can be subframe will be enabled.
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Effective when Cell Reset

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Only Inter-Subframe[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Only Inter-Subframe[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Only Inter-Subframe[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Only Inter-Subframe[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Only Inter-Subframe[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Only Inter-Subframe[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Only Inter-Subframe[0]
The frequency offset for
PUSCH hopping,
collected with PUSCH
hopping sub band. The
puschhoppingOffset puschNsb 8[1]
dsrTransMax srsEnable
formula of sub band is Number of Sub-Bands for
16[2] enum:
Frequency The numberFrequency
PUSCH of subband Maximum Transmission The Switch of SRS
32[3] Close[0]
Hopping Offset - usedHopping
for PUSCH Times of SR Configuration
64[4] Open[1]
N_RB^PUCCH - frequency hopping is used
long:[0..98] long:[1..4]
N_RB^N_HO mod 2) / to determine the size of
model default: 12 model default: 1 model default: 4 model default: 0
N_sb). N_RB^N_HO is subband and the range of SR max transmission The parameter indicates
PuschHopOffset. frequency hopping mode. number the switch of SRS
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Configuration.

-- -- -- --
12 1 64[4] Close[0]
12 1 64[4] Close[0]
12 1 64[4] Close[0]
12 1 64[4] Close[0]
12 1 64[4] Close[0]
12 1 64[4] Close[0]
12 1 64[4] Close[0]
The parameter indicates length is normal cp
RB Location Wideband
the downlink frequency length, a PHICH group
selection configured by consists of 8 PHICH; If
RB Location Sub-Band
high layer for cell . The the preamble length is
parameter is configured extened cp length, a
by enumerate number.The PHICH group consists of
Downlink PRB Random enum:
frequency selection could 4 PHICH. The equation of
Allocation[2] 1/6[0]
be freqSelectDl
RB bandwidth PHICHnggroup is dlDisRsAllSpInd
Downlink Distributed
Speed Self Adaption[3] 1/2[1] enum: enum:
Downlink Frequency N_PHICH^Group
Allocated Group Resource Allocation The duration of PHICH
Service Self Adaption[4] 1[2] No[0] Normal[0]
selection),RB subband
Selection ceil(N_h * (N_RB^DL
Calculation Factor / Supported determines
PHICH howLength
Symbol many
Self Adaption[5] 2[3] Yes[1] Extended[1]
allocation(frequency 8)) (for normal CP) or ofdm symb that PHICH
selection),PRB Random N_PHICH^Group = 2 * The parameter indicates will be mapped on, one
model default: 2 model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 0
Allocation, speed auto- ceil(N_h * (N_RB^DL / whether downlink OFDM symb or three
adjusted, service auto- 8)) (for extended CP) distribute resource OFDM symb.
adjusted, auto-adjusted. Effective when Cell Reset allocation is supported. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
RB Location Sub-Band Allo
1[2] No[0] Normal[0]
RB Location Sub-Band Allo
1[2] No[0] Normal[0]
RB Location Sub-Band Allo
1[2] No[0] Normal[0]
RB Location Sub-Band Allo
1[2] No[0] Normal[0]
RB Location Sub-Band Allo
1[2] No[0] Normal[0]
RB Location Sub-Band Allo
1[2] No[0] Normal[0]
Downlink PRB Random All1[2] No[0] Normal[0]
The parameter indicates
the methods of a periodic
enum: enum:
Number of Mappings Srs bandwidth feedbacking CQI on
2[0] Wideband Feedback[0]
From Virtual RB to configuration is PUSCH for each
nd srsBWCfg swchDAdjCqiMode Higher Layer-Configured
Physical RB in correlation with uplink transmission mode.ofThere
The Method
4[2] enum: Subband Feedback[1]
Distributed Transmission bandwidth (TS 36.211
SRS Bandwidth are three
Feedbacking CQI for
5[3] Close[0] UE-Selected Subbands
(Nd) tableConfiguration Max srs Reserved Field methods,Wideband
6[4] Open[1] Feedback[2]
bandwidth must smaller feedback,higher Layer-
The parameter configures than pusch bandwidth, configured subband
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
the RB number Which is N_RB^UL - feedback,UE Selected
used to map from VRB to N_RB^PUCCH subband feedback.
PRB. Effective when Cell Reset Reserved Field. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
3[1] 0 Close[0] Higher Layer-Configured
3[1] 0 Close[0] Higher Layer-Configured
3[1] 0 Close[0] Higher Layer-Configured
3[1] 0 Close[0] Higher Layer-Configured
3[1] 0 Close[0] Higher Layer-Configured
3[1] 0 Close[0] Higher Layer-Configured
3[1] 0 Close[0] Higher Layer-Configured
Number of PUCCH
pucchDeltaShf pucchSemiAnNum pucchAckRepNum pucchSrNum
Channel for ACK/NACK
Cycle Shift Number for of Downlink SPS Number of Ack/Nack The Number of SR
PUCCH Format 1/1a/1b Number of PUCCH
Scheduling The parameter
Repetition defines
Channel for ACK/NACK number of PUCCH The parameter defines the
long:[0..512] long:[0..512] long:[0..512]
The parameter determines of Downlink SPS channel for ACK/NACK number of PUCCH
model default: 0 model default: 12 model default: 0 model default: 24
the cycle shift spacing for Scheduling in one feedback of Ack/Nack channels for SR during
PUCCH format 1/1a1b subframe Repetition one subframe.
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
1[0] 0 0 48
1[0] 0 0 48
1[0] 0 0 48
1[0] 0 0 48
1[0] 0 0 48
1[0] 0 0 48
1[0] 12 0 24
pucchBlankFlag pucchBlankNum pucchCqiRBNum cqiRptPeriod
The Configuration of
Numbers of Blanked RB RB Number of PUCCH CQI/PMI The parameter indicates
Report Period
PUCCH Blanking of PUCCH Format 2/2a/2b the configuration
for UE (ms) of
Open[1] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
CQI/PMI report period for
long:[0..98] long:[0..98] 5]
The parameter is a switch The parameter defines the The number of RBs is UE. It is one-dimensional
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 2;3;4
for PUCCH blanking, 0: number of RB for allocated for PUCCH cqi vector including three
close 1: open PUCCH Blanking reporting elements.
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0 1 2;3;4
Open[1] 10 1 2;3;4
Open[1] 10 1 2;3;4
Open[1] 10 1 2;3;4
Close[0] 0 1 2;3;4
Close[0] 0 1 2;3;4
Close[0] 0 1 2;3;4
Allocation(Frequency 4[4]
the uplink frequency
Selective)[1] 5[5]
selection configured by
UL Hopping(Non- 6[6]
high layer for cell . The
Frequency Selective)[2] 7[7]
parameter is configured
Speed Self Adaption[3] 8[8]
by enumerate number.The
Service Self Adaption[4] 9[9]
frequency selection could
Self Adaption[5] 10[10]
The Number of Channel be RB bandwidth
srTrPeriod srTrCHNum Uplink PRB Random
freqSelectUl 11[11]
The Configuration of SR The parameter
Corresponding indicates
to the SR allocation(frequency Srs subframe
Allocation[6] 12[12]
The parameterPeriod
Transmission indicates
for the numberPeriod
Transmission of TTIfor selection),RB subband
Uplink Frequency configuration is from 0 to
SRS Subframe
Allocate RB from high 13[13]
the configuration
UE (ms) of SR corresponding
UE to the SR
in Cell Configuration allocation(frequency
Selection 15. If Configuration
parameter is 0 1 2 3
frequency[7] 14[14]
transmission period for transmission period for selection),hop 4 5 6 9 10 11 12, system
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] longArray:[0..36]
UE. It is one-dimensional UE. It is one-dimensional frequency(non-frequency not support srs TDMA.
model default: 1;2;3;4 model default: 8;2;2;0 model default: 6 model default: 7
vector including four vector including four selection), speed auto- Min srs period is 2 2 2 5 5
elements. elements. adjusted, service auto- 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 2 2ms
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset adjusted, auto-adjusted. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
1;2;3;4 12;0;0;0 Uplink PRB Random Alloca
1;2;3;4 12;0;0;0 Uplink PRB Random Alloca
1;2;3;4 12;0;0;0 Uplink PRB Random Alloca
1;2;3;4 12;0;0;0 Uplink PRB Random Alloca
1;2;3;4 12;0;0;0 Uplink PRB Random Alloca
1;2;3;4 12;0;0;0 Uplink PRB Random Alloca
1;2;3;4 8;2;2;0 Uplink PRB Random Alloca
The parameter shows the
Cell Identity in the
function of CoMP. It is
The parameter is initial Configured different Cell
The parameter is initial bandwidth when ue is Identity for the
enum: enum:
SRS hopping bandwidth attached to cell. The neighboring cell in the
srsHopBW 0[0]
srsIniBW enum:
cidofCoMP swchTTIBundling
when ue is attached to parameter is correlation function of CoMP, Such
1[1] 1[1] 0[0] enum:
cell. The parameter is with srs bandwidth as 0,Cell
The 1, 2.Identity
It ensures to
in the
2[2] 2[2] 1[1] Close[0]
SRScorrelation with srs
Hopping Bandwidth configuration. The initial
SRS Initial Bandwidth configure
Function different
of CoMP SRS Switch of TTI Bundling
3[3] 3[3] 2[2] Open[1]
hopping bandwidth bandwidth must smaller resource by configuring
configuration. Whether or than max srs bandwidth different cell Identity for
model default: 0 model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 0
not the parameter is according to srs the neighboring cell in the This parameter enables or
adjusted that is decided by bandwidth configuration. function of CoMP . disables TTI bundling for
SwchDAdjHopSrsBW. Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset cell users.

-- -- -- --
0[0] 2[2] 0[0] Close[0]
0[0] 2[2] 0[0] Close[0]
0[0] 2[2] 0[0] Close[0]
0[0] 2[2] 0[0] Close[0]
0[0] 2[2] 0[0] Close[0]
0[0] 2[2] 0[0] Close[0]
0[0] 2[2] 0[0] Close[0]
indicator for transmitting
ACK/NACK and SRS in a
same subframe is support,
The Number of Cyclic may be transmitted in a
Shift Used for PUCCH same subframe; If the
Formats 1/1a/1b in a Thevalue of the
Support supportfor
NAnCs denotes thefor ackSrsTraSptInd
indicator for ACK/NACK
transmitting pucch3RB numPucch1b
Resource Block Used Transmitting
a Mix of cyclic1/1a/1b
of Formats shift ACK/NACK
and SRS in and SRS in a
a Same The RB Number of Number of PUCCH
Not support[0]
used for
2/2a/2bformats same Subframe
subframe is not PUCCH Format 3 Format 1b
1/1a/1b in a resource support, ACK/NACK and
long:[0..7] long:[0..98] long:[0..512]
block used for a mix of SRS shall not be The parameter indicates
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 12
formats 1/1a/1b and transmitted in a same the RB number of Number of PUCCH
2/2a/2b. subframe PUCCH format 3 Format1b
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
0 Support[1] 1 12
0 Support[1] 1 12
0 Support[1] 1 12
0 Support[1] 1 12
0 Support[1] 1 12
0 Support[1] 1 12
0 Support[1] 0 12
pucchSORTDEnable aperiodicSRSSwch threshold4CoMPPsUl l
enum: enum:
PUCCH SORTD Mode Power Threshold of UL Judge Threshold of UL
No[0] Close[0]
The parameter
Enableindicates Aperiodic SRS Switch CoMP CoMP Cell
Yes[1] Open[1]
the transmission diversity The neighbor cell can help
long:[-125..-100] long:[-12..24]
mode of PUCCH .This The parameter indicates The first condition of local cell when the power
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: -120 model default: -6
parameter is added in the aperiod SRS enabled CoMP Cell is the power difference is greater than
protocol release10. or not. greater than the threshold. the threshold.
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
No[0] Close[0] -120 -6
No[0] Close[0] -120 -6
No[0] Close[0] -120 -6
No[0] Close[0] -120 -6
No[0] Close[0] -120 -6
No[0] Close[0] -120 -6
No[0] Close[0] -120 -6
This parameter sets the
SINR threshold for
determining whether a UE
This parameter determines should enter TTI bundling
the numbers of two ports scheduling or not when
SINR Threshold for when UE' service is not
The P1 for
Channel channelof Enabling
Numbers the service types
TTI of the
Bundling includes QCI1,Use The
selection PUCCH dottiBundSinrIn
not include QCI1. Close ttiBundSinrOut
parameter provides SINR extendedBSRSwch
Channel Selection for UE TTI Bundling SINR
PUCCH FormatThis parameter
1b for IfService
the SINR at which
Types Except the Threshold
threshold to determine
Except QCI1 This parameter determines
is usedTwoin the transmission
Ports P1 UE uses the (dB)
QCI1 maximum whether UE applies TTI ULthe
(dB) UL extended
Extended BSR
BSR Switch
long:[0..100] Open[1]
diversity mode of PUCCH transmitter power on an Bundling or not. If UE Switch. This parameter is
model default: 20 long:[-11..30] long:[0..30]
. It is configured when the RB is less than or equal to SINR is more than the used in UL extended
step: 2 model default: 0 model default: 4 model default: 0
PUCCH transmission this threshold, the UE threshold, UE will be BSR. It is configured
diversity mode enable. enters TTI bundling configured in normal when UE need use UL
Effective when Cell Reset scheduling. HARQ operation. extended BSR.

-- -- -- --
20 0 4 Close[0]
20 0 4 Close[0]
20 0 4 Close[0]
20 0 4 Close[0]
20 0 4 Close[0]
20 0 4 Close[0]
20 0 4 Close[0]
enum: enum: enum:
The parameter
Whether indicates
tansAntenSel Bias 0[0]
prbRandNumberUl Bias 0[0]
prbRandNumberDl pucchPuschSimulTraInd
whether simultaneous
Openloop[1] Bias 1[1] Bias 1[1] enum:
Transmit Antenna Downlink PRB Random PUCCH and PUSCH
Transmissions Is
Closedloop[2] Bias 2[2] Bias 2[2] No[0]
Selection Mode Uplink PRB Random Bias Bias transmissions
Adaptive[3] Random Bias[3] Random Bias[3] Yes[1]
configured,If UE support
simultaneous PUCCH and
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
The parameter determines Uplink PRB Random Downlink PRB Random PUSCH transmission, it is
the mode of UE transmit Bias:Bias 0,Bias 1,Bias 2 Bias:Bias 0,Bias 1,Bias 2 configured Yes, or it is
antenna selection. and Random Bias and Random Bias configured No

-- -- -- --
Disable[0] Bias 0[0] Bias 0[0] No[0]
Disable[0] Bias 0[0] Bias 0[0] No[0]
Disable[0] Bias 0[0] Bias 0[0] No[0]
Disable[0] Bias 0[0] Bias 0[0] No[0]
Disable[0] Bias 0[0] Bias 0[0] No[0]
Disable[0] Bias 0[0] Bias 0[0] No[0]
Disable[0] Bias 0[0] Bias 0[0] No[0]
parameter to the baseband
and the UE that produce
and demodulate
demodulation reference
signals for the PUSCH in
a single layer according to
Rel8/9. If it is set to Yes,
the RNLC sends this ueTransPortNum ttiBundPlIn ttiBundPlOut
Maximum Number of
enum: enum:
Switch fortoDMRS
the baseband
with This parameter
Transmit indicates
Antenna Ports Open TTI Bundling PL Close TTI Bundling PL
No[0] 2[0]
and the
OCC UEActivated
that produce theon
maximum number of
the UL PUSCH Threshold Threshold
Yes[1] 4[1]
and demodulate transmit antenna ports on The parameter provides
long:[50..160] long:[50..160]
demodulation reference the PUSCH in the uplink. The parameter provides PL threshold to determine
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 132 model default: 128
signals for the PUSCH in This parameter is used PL threshold to determine whether UE return normal
multiple layers according only by eNodeBs instead whether UE applies TTI transmission form TTI
to Rel10. of UEs. Bundling or not. Bundling or not.

-- -- -- --
No[0] 2[0] 132 128
No[0] 2[0] 132 128
No[0] 2[0] 132 128
No[0] 2[0] 132 128
No[0] 2[0] 132 128
No[0] 2[0] 132 128
No[0] 2[0] 132 128
This parameter sets the
SINR threshold for
determining whether a UE
should enter TTI bundling
scheduling or not when
SINR Threshold for
the service
Enabling types
TTI of the Close
Bundling when UE'
TTI service
UE ttiBundSinrIn4QCI1
include QCI1. ttiBundSinrOut4QCI1
If the QCI1,Use The parameter csiReportMode
This parameter is the srsNormalPeriod
Scheduling for UE Threshold When UE' The Configuration of SRS
SINR atTypes
Service whichIncluding
the UE provides
Service SINR threshold Submode
Type Includes submode of Mode1-1 in The parameter
Period for UE indicates
the maximum
(dB) to determine
QCI1 whether
(dB) UE TM9 and CSI-RS 8 port, Port the configuration
Power (ms)of SRS
Submode2[1] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
transmitter power on an applies TTI Bundling or could be submode1 or period for UE normal
long:[-11..30] long:[0..30] 5, 6, 7]
RB is less than or equal to not. If UE SINR is more submode2. See power. It is one-
model default: 4 model default: 8 model default: 0 model default: 2;3;5
this threshold, the UE than the threshold, UE 36213[7.2.2], or dimensional vector
enters TTI bundling will be configured in 36331[6.3.2, CQI- including three elements.
scheduling. normal HARQ operation. ReportConfig] Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
4 8 Submode1[0] 2;3;5
4 8 Submode1[0] 2;3;4
4 8 Submode1[0] 2;3;4
4 8 Submode1[0] 2;3;4
4 8 Submode1[0] 2;3;5
4 8 Submode1[0] 2;3;5
4 8 Submode1[0] 2;3;5
enum: enum:
2[0] 2[0]
5[1] 5[1]
10[2] 10[2]
20[3] 20[3]
The Number of SRS
srsNormalResource 40[4]
srsTrP 40[4]
srsLargePowPeriod srsLargePowResource
The Number of SRS Minimum Reference The Configuration of SRS The parameter
Resource indicates
Over the
80[5] 80[5]
The parameter Resource
Time-Division indicates Period for the Segment of Period Over the Threshold the number
Threshold of SRS
of SRS PL for
160[6] 160[6]
fornumber of SRS
UE Normal time-
Power The
SRSSRS's period.
Resource The
(ms) of SRS PL for UE (ms) resource
UEover the
320[7] 320[7]
division resource for UE period of localized must The parameter indicates threshold of SRS PL for
longArray:[0..256] longArray:[0..24]
normal power. It is one- be bigger or equal to min the configuration of SRS UE. It is one-dimensional
model default: 1;1;1 model default: 2 model default: 3 model default: 2;1;1
dimensional vector period supported by srs period over the threshold vector including three
including three elements. subframe configuration. of SRS PL for UE. elements.
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
1;0;2 10[2] 10[2] 0;0;0
0;0;1 10[2] 20[3] 0;0;0
0;0;1 10[2] 20[3] 0;0;0
0;0;1 10[2] 20[3] 0;0;0
1;0;2 10[2] 10[2] 0;0;0
1;0;2 10[2] 10[2] 0;0;0
1;0;2 10[2] 10[2] 0;0;0
If the difference of RRC-
connected user number
and physical resource
capacity is larger than
The Number of Channel capacityMarginThr(1), the
Corresponding to The physical resource capacity
maxUserPucchfmt2 cqiRptChNum capacityMarginThr largeCapaUeNum
Maximum Number of The Transmission
CQI parameter indicates
Period may be increased. If the
UEs Carried on PUCCH the number
for UE of channels
in Cell difference
The Marginof ofphysical
Physical The Threshold of Larger
This parameter
Format setsRB
2 of Each the corresponding to the CQI
Configuration resource
Resourcecapacity and
Adjustment Capacity
maximum number of UEs transmission period for RRC-connected user
longArray:[0..12] longArray:[0..255] long:[200..3600]
(with CQIs/PMIs) that are UE. It is one-dimensional number is larger than If RRC-connected user
model default: 2 model default: 0;0;0 model default: 50;70 model default: 600
carried on PUCCH format vector including three capacityMarginThr(2), the number is not less than
2/2a/2b of the same RB. elements. phsical resource capacity the threshold,the cell is in
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset may be decreased. larger capacity state.

-- -- -- --
6[2] 1;0;5 50;70 600
6[2] 1;0;5 50;70 600
6[2] 1;0;5 50;70 600
6[2] 1;0;5 50;70 600
6[2] 1;0;5 50;70 600
6[2] 1;0;5 50;70 600
6[2] 1;0;5 50;70 600
This parameter is used to
If the parameter equals 0, support the PUCCH IRC
EUTRAN configures this maxNhelpRB
means the max pbrThrforComp pucchIrcSwch
algorithm. This parameter
The Request RB The PBR Satisfaction
enum: enum:
TM9field only Reporting
PMI/RI when request
NumberRB fornum
Eachis Threshold for UE is set to Open if there is
Close[0] Close[0]
transmission mode is set
Configuration adaptiveNeighbour
DLCoMP result. If the
Cell Entering DL CoMP large
Switch interference
Open[1] double:[0..20000] Open[1]
to tm9. Open means parameter is not 0, the PUCCH to improve the
long:[0..100] model default: 0.8
PMI/RI reporting is parameter is the MAX demodulation
model default: 1 model default: 0 step: 0.01 model default: 0
configured; otherwise the request RB number(the The PBR satisfaction performance of the
PMI/RI reporting is not sum of all UE's) for each threshold for UE entering PUCCH. It is set to Close
configured. DLCoMP neighbour cell. DL CoMP. in other cases.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] 0 0.8 Close[0]
Open[1] 0 0.8 Close[0]
Open[1] 0 0.8 Close[0]
Open[1] 0 0.8 Close[0]
Open[1] 0 0.8 Close[0]
Open[1] 0 0.8 Close[0]
Open[1] 0 0.8 Close[0]
When the uplink
frequency selection is
Ratio if current
of NewTx NeedTTIRB
total arranged RBRBsfor
for srPriPeriodQCI srSecPeriodQCI maxCoopNbrCellNum
The parameter is used to
to Available Multiple Neighbour
assignment is no greater QCI Queue for Shortest QCI Queue for Shorter SR indicate
Uplink Frequency the Multiple
Cell for Cooperation
than the value multiple the
Selection SR Period Config Period Config neighbour
Modecell for
left usable RBs, RB cooperation .When license
long:[0..100] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255] long:[0..1]
assignment is using the SR period will be SR period will be is off, choose 0.When
model default: 80 model default: 3;0;0;0 model default: 1;0;0;0 model default: 0
best selection, otherwise allocated with shortest allocated with shorter license is on, choose 1 to
using the try best period for QCI, which is period for QCI, which is open the mutiple
selection. not zero in queue. not zero in queue. neighbour cooperation

-- -- -- --
80 3;0;0;0 1;0;0;0 0
80 3;0;0;0 1;0;0;0 0
80 3;0;0;0 1;0;0;0 0
80 3;0;0;0 1;0;0;0 0
80 3;0;0;0 1;0;0;0 0
80 3;0;0;0 1;0;0;0 0
80 3;0;0;0 1;0;0;0 0
36.213.K represents the Extend SR RB), only idle
parameter ucCqiK. It extended SR RBs are
indicate that the number shrunk. If it is set to 1
of full cycles of the (Shrink Extend SR RB by
optimal sub-band Releasing UE), extended
Shrink Idle Extend SR
CQI/PMI in each band SR RBs are shrunk by
enum: enum: RB[0]
part of the whole releasing the UEs on the
Wideband feedback[0]
periodCqiFbMethd 1[0] Shrink Extend SR RB by
The Method of UE bandwidth cqiK
can be reported srAccOptSwch
The Switch of SR
extended RBs. If it is set
Subband feedback or 2[1] enum: Releasing UE[1]
Feedbacking CQI betweenof
Number two consecutive
Full Cycles for Resource Allocation to 2 (Shrink
Algorithm Extend
Type of SRSRRB
frequency selection 3[2] Close[0] Shrink Extend SR RB by
Periodically broadband
Periodic CQI/PMI
Sub-band CQIs Optimization in Access RB byShrinking
feedback[1] 4[3] Open[1] Reconfiguring UE[2]
reporting. This parameter UE), extended SR RBs
is invalid if the type of The parameter defines the are shrunk by
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
Period CQI Feedback CQI/PMI reported by switch of SR resource reconfiguring the SR
Mode. PUCCH is broadband. allocation optimization in resources of the UEs on
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset access. the extended RBs.

-- -- -- --
Wideband feedback[0] 1[0] Close[0] Shrink Idle Extend SR RB[
Wideband feedback[0] 1[0] Close[0] Shrink Idle Extend SR RB[
Wideband feedback[0] 1[0] Close[0] Shrink Idle Extend SR RB[
Wideband feedback[0] 1[0] Close[0] Shrink Idle Extend SR RB[
Wideband feedback[0] 1[0] Close[0] Shrink Idle Extend SR RB[
Wideband feedback[0] 1[0] Close[0] Shrink Idle Extend SR RB[
Wideband feedback[0] 1[0] Close[0] Shrink Idle Extend SR RB[
model default:
cqiAccafterOptSwch sRReconfigSwch sRSecAlloSwch 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
The Switch of CQI The Switch of SR The Switch of SR
enum: enum: enum: ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
Resource Allocation Resource Reconfiguration Resource Second PDSCH RB Resources
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Optimization Based on QCI Type Allocation Forbidden Bitmap
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
The parameter defines the Schedule RB bitmap in
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 ;0;0;0;0;0
The parameter defines the switch of SR resource The parameter defines the Pdsch.0 is enable RB,1 is
switch of CQI resource reconfiguration based on switch of SR resource disable RB
allocation optimization. QCI type. second allocation. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
This parameter is the RB
ratio self-adaption switch.
If the parameter is set to 2,
the mmRatioSwch
number of RBs is maxMMRBRatio maxMMRBNum mmQosPrioritySwch
Close[0] enum:
Massive by the ratio
MIMO Ratioof Non-Massive MIMO Max Maximum RB Ratio for Massive MIMO Qos
RB Ratio[1] Close[0]
to SU-UEs. If RB Ratio (%) Massive MIMO Priority Switch
RB Self-adaption Ratio[2] Open[1]
the parameter is set to 1, This parameter sets the
long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
the number of RBs is maximum RB ratio
model default: 2 model default: 80 model default: 60 model default: 0
allocated according to the supported by the MM UEs
rule that MU-UEs use Max RB ratio of Non- with a large BSR in each Massive MIMO Qos
80% of the RBs. Massive MIMO UE. TTI. priority switch.

-- -- -- --
RB Self-adaption Ratio[2] 80 60 Close[0]
Close[0] 80 60 Close[0]
Close[0] 80 60 Close[0]
Close[0] 80 60 Close[0]
RB Self-adaption Ratio[2] 80 60 Close[0]
RB Self-adaption Ratio[2] 80 60 Close[0]
RB Self-adaption Ratio[2] 80 60 Close[0]
This parameter enables or
disables mutual exclusion
of TTI bundling and
DRX.If it is set to Open,
DRX is disabled if the UE
The parameter is the DL enables TTI bundling;
mmSideNum freqDomformSwchDL
frequency domain compCSSwchUL ttiBMutexDRXSwch
DRX is enabled if the UE
Switch For Mutual
enum: enum: enum:
Massive MIMO Side forming switch, Domain
DL Frequency which is The Switch of UL Comp disables TTI bundling.
Exclusion of TTI
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Number used to adjust
Forming the RB
Switch CS When TTI And
Bundling bundling
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
frequency allocation when The parameter is the enabled for the UE, DRX
Comp is opened. The switch of ULComp CS, is disabled.If it is set to
model default: 8 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
function is opened when which is applied to the Close, DRX and TTI
Side number between the RB frequency Volte user with Comp CS bundling are not mutually
Massive MIMO UE. allocation is not average. corporation. exclusive.

-- -- -- --
8 Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
8 Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
8 Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
8 Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
8 Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
8 Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
8 Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
SCC 6 User MU[6]
SCC 7 User MU[7]
SCC 8 User MU[8]
SCC 9 User MU[9]
This parameter sets
SCC 10 User MU[10]
whether to enable MU on
SCC 11 User MU[11]
This parameter is a SCC and sets the number
SCC 12 User MU[12]
mobility enhancement of SCC MU flows. If it is
smallBSRCoeffiPairOpt mobilityEnhanceSwch SCC 13 User MU[13]
Switch for Light Traffic switch. If the switch is set ThismmEnableUl
parameter is the setsccMUOptSwch
to 0, SCC MU is
enum: enum: enum: SCC 14 User MU[14]
Groups Consider to Open
Switch andofthere are UEs Theuplink
Mobility MM
Switch MU
of Uplink disabled. If it is set to 1,
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] SCC 15 User MU[15]
Correlation satisfying the correlation proportion
Enhancement MM MU switch. If the
Proportion the number
Switch of SCC
for SCC MU
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] SCC 16 User MU[16]
threshold, the reliable UEs parameter is set to Open, SDMA flows is 1. If it is
This parameter is used to will be filtered; otherwise, multiple UEs can share set to 2-16, the
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
determine whether the it is reported in the same RB. Otherwise, corresponding number of
correlation is considered accordance with the different UEs cannot share SCC SDMA flows is 2-
in light traffic groups. spatial multiplexing ratio. the same RB block. 16.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] SCC DOA Switch OFF[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] SCC DOA Switch OFF[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] SCC DOA Switch OFF[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] SCC DOA Switch OFF[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] SCC DOA Switch OFF[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] SCC DOA Switch OFF[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] SCC DOA Switch OFF[0]
whether to enter TTI whether to enter TTI
Bundling mode when the Bundling mode when the
UE services include the UE services do not
This parameter sets QCI=1 service. If the include the QCI=1
whether the base station switch is turned on, the service. If the switch is
supports TM8 dual layers. UE having the QCI=1 turned on, the UE not
When the switch is set to tTIBuningWithQCI1swch
service determines tTIBundWithoutQCI1Swc
having the QCI=1 service
Close, the base station srLteOptEnable whether Dlenter TTI
to determines hwhether to
Switch of TTI Bundling Switch of TTI Bundling
enum: enum: enum: enum:
does not of
Switch useSupport
the TM8 dual The Switch of SR-LTE When
Dual Bundling modeTypes
UE Service in enter
WhenTTI UEBundling mode
Service Types
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
layer solution.
TM8 When the Optimization accordance
QCI1channel Doin not
Include with
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
switch is set to Open, the quality. If the switch is channel quality. If the
base station can use the turned off, the UE having switch is turned off, the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
TM8 dual layer solution The parameter is the the QCI=1 service does UE not having the QCI=1
in accordance with MS switch of SR-LTE not enter TTI Bundling service does not enter TTI
status. optimization mode. Bundling mode.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Window is exceeded, the exceeded, the activation /
activation / deactivation deactivation judgment is
judgment is performed if performed if the sample This parameter sets the
the sample point of the point of the SINR is more number of uplink NB-IoT
SINR is more than TTI than TTI Bundling SINR The parameter is TTI carriers in Inband mode. If
Bundling SINR Discard Discard Threshold;When Bundling SINR filter the parameter is set to 0, it
Threshold;When the TTI the TTI Bundling SINR threshold.When the TTI indicates that no uplink
Bundling SINR Discard tTIBSinrDiscardWin
Discard Window is tTIBSinrFilterThre
Bundling SINR Discard inbandNbNumUl
NB-IoT carrier is
Number of Uplink NB-
Window is exceeded,
TTI Bundling SINRno exceeded, no activation
TTI Bundling SINR / Window
TTI is notSINR
Bundling exceeded,
Filter configured
IoT CarriersininInband
not configureNB-IoT[0]
Discard / deactivation
Threshold (times) deactivation judgment
Discard Window (ms)is the activation
Threshold /
(times) mode. If theModeparameter is
configure one NB-IoT[1]
judgment is performed if performed if the sample deactivation judgment is set to 1, it indicates that
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
the sample point of the point of the SINR is less performed if the sample one uplink NB-IoT carrier
model default: 5 model default: 5000 model default: 200 model default: 0
SINR is less than or equal than or equal to TTI point of the SINR is more is configured in Inband
to TTI Bundling SINR Bundling SINR Discard than TTI Bundling SINR mode.
Discard Threshold. Threshold. Filter Threshold. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
5 5000 200 not configureNB-IoT[0]
5 5000 200 not configureNB-IoT[0]
5 5000 200 not configureNB-IoT[0]
5 5000 200 not configureNB-IoT[0]
5 5000 200 not configureNB-IoT[0]
5 5000 200 not configureNB-IoT[0]
5 5000 200 not configureNB-IoT[0]
indicates that the NB-IoT
at the lowest frequency
carrier is configured at the
without frequency
highest frequency of the
LTE band and there is no
at the lowest frequency
frequency interval
with frequency interval[1]
between the NB-IoT and For an MM station, this
at the highest frequency rbHighThrOfFullSchFor
LTE PUCCH. If the This parameter indicates parameter
Number theof
without frequency
inbandNbCfg nRSAllocRBNumUl rbHighThrOfFullSchedUl MMUl
parameter is set to 3, it the maximum
Maximum numberofof
Number maximum
RBs for MM number of RBs
Stations in
indicates that the Carrier
Uplink NB-IoT NB-IoT Bandwidth Configuration RBs in
RBs in Full
full scheduling
Scheduling inin inFull
at the highest frequency
Number is for
configured at the
Inband Mode for NR SULs (RB) the uplink. If the number
the Uplink uplink. IfUplink
the number of
with frequency interval[3]
highest frequency of the of RBs used in the uplink RBs used in the uplink
long:[0..100] long:[1..100] long:[1..1600]
LTE band and the interval This parameter indicates exceeds this threshold, the exceeds this threshold, the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 75 model default: 150
between the NB-IoT and the LTE bandwidth equivalent rate value is equivalent rate value is
LTE PUCCH is 1 RB. occupied by the NR SUL. calculated as a full calculated as a full
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset scheduling value. scheduling value.

-- -- -- --
at the lowest frequency wit0 75 150
at the lowest frequency wit0 75 150
at the lowest frequency wit0 75 150
at the lowest frequency wit0 75 150
at the lowest frequency wit0 75 150
at the lowest frequency wit0 75 150
at the lowest frequency wit0 75 150
This parameter enables or
For an MM station, this disables the Mri resource
parameter indicates the This parameter indicates allocation optimization
minimum number of RBs the minimum number of strategy. If this parameter
in non-full scheduling in RBs in non-full is set to Open, the RI
the uplink. If the number scheduling in the uplink. reporting period is the This parameter enables or
of RBs used in the of
uplink rbLowThrOfNonFullSche
Minimum Number RBs If the number of RBs used same as the CQI reporting disables uplink CoMP for
is larger than in
this in the uplinkdUl
is larger mriCalOptiSwch bearForCompSwchUL
for MM Stations Non- Minimum Number of than
RBs period andfor
Switch thethe
value the UEs with specific
enum: enum:
threshold but less than
Full Scheduling in thethe this thresholdScheduling
in Non-Full but less than
in isResource
1; otherwise, the Mri
Allocation bearer services.
UL CoMP If it is
Switch forset
Close[0] Close[0]
maximumUplink number of RBs the maximum number of
the Uplink value is largerStrategy
Optimization than or to Open,
Open[1] Open[1]
for MM stations in full RBs in full scheduling in equal to 1. If the RI works on only the UEs
long:[1..1600] long:[1..100]
scheduling in the uplink, the uplink, the equivalent reporting period needs to with specific bearer
model default: 50 model default: 5 model default: 0 model default: 0
the equivalent rate value rate value is calculated as be decreased, this services. If it is set to
is calculated as a non-full a non-full scheduling parameter is set to Open. Close, uplink CoMP is not
scheduling value. value. Effective when Cell Reset restricted.

-- -- -- --
50 5 Close[0] Close[0]
50 5 Close[0] Close[0]
50 5 Close[0] Close[0]
50 5 Close[0] Close[0]
50 5 Close[0] Close[0]
50 5 Close[0] Close[0]
50 5 Close[0] Close[0]
enum: model default:
1[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
This parameter enables or
2[1] ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
disables downlink CoMP
bearForCompSwchDL mriConfigSwch 4[2]
mri 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
for the UEs with specific This parameter
Switch fordetermines
enum: enum: 8[3] ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
bearer services.
DL CoMP If it is
Switch forset whether the Mri value
Configuration on thecan RB Resource Bitmap
Close[0] Close[0] 16[4] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
to Open, downlink
Bearer Services CoMP be configured
OMC on the Mri Value This parameter
Forbidden by thesets
Open[1] Open[1] 32[5] ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
works on only the UEs OMC. If it is set to Open, This parameter sets the bitmap of RB scheduling
with specific bearer the Mri value can be Mri value (the RI cycle is on the PUSCH. If it is set
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 ;0;0;0;0;0
services. If it is set to configured on the OMC; a multiple of the CQI to 0, RBs can be
Close, downlink CoMP is otherwise, it cannot be cycle and the Mri value is allocated. If it is set to 1,
not restricted. configured. the multiple). RBs cannot be allocated.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 2[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
Close[0] Close[0] 2[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
Close[0] Close[0] 2[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
Close[0] Close[0] 2[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
Close[0] Close[0] 2[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
Close[0] Close[0] 2[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
Close[0] Close[0] 2[1] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
This parameter enables or
This parameter enables or disables the pairing of
disables periodical RB PRBs with unequal
muting. It is used in non- lengths. To improve the
parameter indicates periodMutingRBSwch
standard pRBUnequalPairSwch
LTE bandwidth pairing probability and pbrThrforExitDLComp
PBRparameter sets the
enum: enum:
the duration in which RB scenarios.
Switch If periodical
for Periodical RB system
Switch capacity, add PBR
for Unequal- satisfaction
Threshold for UEsthreshold
to Exit
Close[0] Close[0]
muting occurs
Duration for RBonce in a
Muting RB muting is enabled, the service
Muting types,
Length PRBand increase for UEsDL
Pairing to exit
CoMP downlink
Open[1] Open[1] double:[0..40000]
muting period on non- access success rate on the number of space- CoMP. If the PBR
long:[1..50] model default: 40000.0
standard LTE bandwidths non-standard LTE division flows, this satisfaction of CoMP UEs
model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 0 step: 0.01
when the switch for bandwidths can be parameter is set to Open; is larger than this
periodical RB muting is improved. otherwise, it is set to threshold, the CoMP UEs
enabled. Effective when Cell Reset Close. need to exit CoMP.

-- -- -- --
2 Close[0] Close[0] 40000.0
2 Close[0] Close[0] 40000.0
2 Close[0] Close[0] 40000.0
2 Close[0] Close[0] 40000.0
2 Close[0] Close[0] 40000.0
2 Close[0] Close[0] 40000.0
2 Close[0] Close[0] 40000.0
meets the conditions of
far-point channel
This parameter enables or estimation enhancement.
disables enhancement in If far-point channel
far-point channel estimation enhancement is
estimation. If it is set to enabled and the MCS/RB
Open, dual-pilot joint pair for UE scheduling is
channel estimation rnnAvgSwch prePeriod4MutingRB lower farPointCeOptMcsThr
Switch of Far-Pointis MCSthan or equal
Threshold of to the
enum: enum:
implemented on the
Channel Estimation When
Thethe switch
Switch of isRnn
open, configured
Point Channelthresholds
Close[0] Close[0]
PUSCH receiver. If it is
Enhancement PUSCH
Function Rnn Period
This parameter indicates
for RB Muting (s) (FarPointCeOpMcsThr
Open[1] Open[1]
set to Close, the original average and improves the period for RB muting and
long:[1..1000] long:[0..28]
channel estimation PUSCH demodulation occuring on non-standard FarPointCeOpRBThr),
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 10
algorithm for the PUSCH performance, When the LTE bandwidths when the far-point channel
receiver remains switch is off, it remains switch for periodical RB estimation enhancement
unchanged. unchanged. muting is enabled. takes effect.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 1 10
Close[0] Close[0] 1 10
Close[0] Close[0] 1 10
Close[0] Close[0] 1 10
Close[0] Close[0] 1 10
Close[0] Close[0] 1 10
Close[0] Close[0] 1 10
This parameter enables or
disables hybrid SU/MU
pairing. If it is set to 0, This parameter indicates
farPointCeOptRBThr uLHstSdmaSwch dBFPairSwch
dual-stream pairing is not cDMALTECutRbNum
the number of RBs for
RB Threshold of Far- Number of RBs for DL
enum: enum:
Point Channel Estimation allowed and only single- LTE downlinkinbandwidth
Contraction CDMA-
Close[0] Close[0]
Enhancement Switch of ULHST SDMA flow pairing
SU/MU Paringcan be
Switch contraction in CDMA-
Open[1] Open[1]
This parameter determines involved in pairing. If it is LTE CSS scenarios. It is
long:[1..100] long:[0..49]
whether a scheduled UE set to 1, both single- used to increase the
model default: 100 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
meets the conditions of This parameter enables or stream and dual-stream spectrum resources for
far-point channel disables uplink SDMA in pairing can be involved in LTE systems in CDMA-
estimation enhancement. high-speed rail scenarios. pairing. LTE CSS scenarios.

-- -- -- --
100 Close[0] Close[0] 0
100 Close[0] Close[0] 0
100 Close[0] Close[0] 0
100 Close[0] Close[0] 0
100 Close[0] Close[0] 0
100 Close[0] Close[0] 0
100 Close[0] Close[0] 0
to Only UL Support
the uplink can use the This parameter indicates
overlapping frequency the number of cells for This parameter defines
resources of the CDMA SRS resource how SRS resources are
UL/DL Support CDMA
system. If it is set to Only coordination. For the SRS configured during SRS
DL Support CDMA LTE coordinating cells, the resource coordination. If it
Only UL Support CDMA
cDMALTECSSSwch sRSResDisCellNum cellColor
CSS, only the downlink SRS resources of the cells issRSResConfigMethod
SRSto Configuration
a fixed value, the
LTE CSS[2] enum:
can use the overlapping should
Number beofstaggered
Cells forinSRS
the This parameter indicates SRS period
Method is configured
for SRS Resource
Only DL Support CDMA Adaptive SRS Config[0]
CDMA LTE resources of the
CSS Switch time-frequency domain by the color
Resource Coordination CellofColor
cells. The on theCoordination
OMC; otherwise,
LTE CSS[3] Fixed SRS Config[1]
CDMA system. If it is set prolonging the SRS interfering cells are the SRS configurations
long:[1..8] long:[0..7]
to Close, LTE cells can period to decrease intra- differentiated from each are adaptively generated
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 1
use only the dedicated frequency SRS other by color based on based on the number of
frequency resources. interference. their interference coordinating cells.
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset relationships. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 1 0 Fixed SRS Config[1]
Close[0] 1 0 Fixed SRS Config[1]
Close[0] 1 0 Fixed SRS Config[1]
Close[0] 1 0 Fixed SRS Config[1]
Close[0] 1 0 Fixed SRS Config[1]
Close[0] 1 0 Fixed SRS Config[1]
Close[0] 1 0 Fixed SRS Config[1]
for SRS resource are periodically are periodically are periodically
cooperation. PCI-based configured in a period of configured in a period of configured in a period of
SRS resource cooperation time (the period is longer time (the period is longer time (the period is longer
staggers the SRS than or equal to the than or equal to the than or equal to the
resources of the disabling time) to ensure disabling time) to ensure disabling time) to ensure
interfering cells with that the intermediate band that the intermediate band that the intermediate band
different values N (N = for the disabled RBs is for the disabled RBs is for the disabled RBs is
sRSResDisMethod mutingStartRbLow mutingStartRbHigh mutingRbNumHigh
SRS number
Cooperation of
Method approximately a standard approximately a standard approximately a standard
coordinated SRS cells),
for SRS Resource LTERB
Start bandwidth. In thisat
Muting Index LTERB
Start bandwidth. In thisat
Muting Index LTE bandwidth.
Number of MutingInRBs
Cell Color-Based SRS
cell color-based way,
Lowthe Qualcomm
Frequencies way,
Highthe Qualcomm
Frequencies way,
Highthe Qualcomm
Cooperationg[1] longArray:[0..99]
SRS resource cooperation terminals can find a terminals can find a terminals can find a
longArray:[0..99] model default: longArray:[1..50]
staggers the SRS standard LTE bandwidth standard LTE bandwidth standard LTE bandwidth
model default: 0 model default: 8;9;11;0;4 88;64;38;24;11 model default: 4;2;1;1;1
resources of the and successfully access and successfully access and successfully access
interfering cells with the network. the network. the network.
different different colors. Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
PCI-Based SRS Cooperatio8;9;11;0;4 88;64;38;24;11 4;2;1;1;1
PCI-Based SRS Cooperatio8;9;11;0;4 88;64;38;24;11 4;2;1;1;1
PCI-Based SRS Cooperatio8;9;11;0;4 88;64;38;24;11 4;2;1;1;1
PCI-Based SRS Cooperatio8;9;11;0;4 88;64;38;24;11 4;2;1;1;1
PCI-Based SRS Cooperatio8;9;11;0;4 88;64;38;24;11 4;2;1;1;1
PCI-Based SRS Cooperatio8;9;11;0;4 88;64;38;24;11 4;2;1;1;1
PCI-Based SRS Cooperatio8;9;11;0;4 88;64;38;24;11 4;2;1;1;1
are periodically as Double Side
configured in a period of This parameter enables or Multiplexing, the buffer
time (the period is longer disables uplink 256QAM of the downlink shared
than or equal to the in DCI0. If it is set to spectrum is bilaterally
disabling time) to ensure Open, the eNodeB multiplexed; configured
that the intermediate band determines whether as Low Frequency
for the disabled RBs is ul256QamDemSpInd4DC
256QAM is supported by Multiplexing, the buffer
mutingRbNumLow I0UE supports pucch5RB enum:
approximately a standard the UE. If the ofbufferCSSModeDl
the downlink shared
enum: BothSidesReuse[0]
LTE bandwidth.
Number of MutingInRBs
thisat 256QAM
Switch for and the wireless
Enabling UL Number of RBs Occupied spectrum is low frequency
Close[0] LowFreSideReuse[1]
Lowthe Qualcomm
Frequencies channel of theinUE
256QAM meets
DCI0 by PUCCH Format 5 multiplexed,
DL configured
Buffer Mode of CSS
Open[1] HighFreSideReuse[2]
terminals can find a the condition for enabling as high frequency
longArray:[1..50] long:[0..100]
standard LTE bandwidth UL256QAM, the eNodeB This parameter sets the multiplex, and the
model default: 4;2;1;1;1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
and successfully access reconfigures the UE to number of RBs occupied downlink shared spectrum
the network. activate 256QAM. by PUCCH format 5. The buffer is multiplexed
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset for high frequency.

-- -- -- --
4;2;1;1;1 Close[0] 0 BothSidesReuse[0]
4;2;1;1;1 Close[0] 0 BothSidesReuse[0]
4;2;1;1;1 Close[0] 0 BothSidesReuse[0]
4;2;1;1;1 Close[0] 0 BothSidesReuse[0]
4;2;1;1;1 Close[0] 0 BothSidesReuse[0]
4;2;1;1;1 Close[0] 0 BothSidesReuse[0]
4;2;1;1;1 Close[0] 0 BothSidesReuse[0]
is turned on. Configured
as two-side multiplexing,
the buffer of the uplink This parameter enables or
shared spectrum is disables CCE/RB data This parameter sets the
bilaterally multiplexed; collection for the period for collecting
configured as low balancing between CCE/RB statistics for the
frequency multiplexing, VoLTE and data services. balancing
CCE/RB Databetween
buffer of the uplink If itvTDataStatSwch
CCE/RB is set to Open,
Data the
Collection VoLTE vTDataStatPrd
Periodand data services.
for VoLTE and
CCE Threshold of VoLTE
BothSidesReuse[0] enum:
shared spectrum is low eNodeB
Switch forperiodically
VoLTE and The
Balancing CCE Threshold
and Data ServiceofBalance
LowFreSideReuse[1] Close[0]
ULfrequency multiplexed,
Buffer Mode of CSS collects statistics
Data Service on the
Balancing collects statistics
(ms) on the and Data Service
(%) Balance.
HighFreSideReuse[2] Open[1]
configured as high CCE/RB utilization, and CCE/RB utilization, and ENB will statistic CCE
long:[10..60000] longArray:[1..100]
frequency multiplexing, adjusts the strategy for adjusts the strategy for used ratio in period, and
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 500 model default: 30;45
uplink shared spectrum balancing VoLTE and balancing VoLTE and adjusts VoLTE and data
The buffer is multiplexed data services based on the data services based on the service balance strategy
for high frequency. utilization threshold. utilization threshold. by threshold.

-- -- -- --
BothSidesReuse[0] Close[0] 500 30;45
BothSidesReuse[0] Close[0] 500 30;45
BothSidesReuse[0] Close[0] 500 30;45
BothSidesReuse[0] Close[0] 500 30;45
BothSidesReuse[0] Close[0] 500 30;45
BothSidesReuse[0] Close[0] 500 30;45
BothSidesReuse[0] Close[0] 500 30;45
VoLTE and data service
balancing. The first
element represents the
longArray:[0..1] longArray:[0..1]
threshold for high RB
model default: model default:
load. The second element
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
represents the threshold
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
for RB utilization Switch for Sharing UL Switch for Sharing DL
vTDataRBThrd hOWithTTIBSwch 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
sharePrbPositionUL 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
restriction. The eNodeB
RB Load Threshold for Switch for the Handover PRB Locations Between PRB Locations Between
enum: ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
VoLTE collects
and Data Service with the TTIB Status LTE and NB-IoT LTE and NB-IoT
Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
statistics on the
Balancing (%)RB Value Spectrum Spectrum
Open[1] ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
utilization, and adjusts the
longArray:[1..100] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
strategy for balancing This parameter determines This parameter determines This parameter determines
model default: 80;90 model default: 0 ;0;0;0;0;0 ;0;0;0;0;0
VoLTE and data services whether to carry the TTIB whether LTE and NB-IoT whether LTE and NB-IoT
based on the utilization status value of the source spectrum shares uplink spectrum shares downlink
threshold. side during a handover. PRB locations. PRB locations.

-- -- -- --
80;90 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
80;90 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
80;90 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
80;90 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
80;90 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
80;90 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
80;90 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
This parameter sets the Dynamic Spectrum
percentage of the SRS Sharing (DSS) scenario,
subframe resources this parameter sets how
reserved by the LTE downlink RBs are
network. A larger preferentially allocated
enum: the downlink of NR avoid
parameter value indicates between LTE and NR
farPointAperiodicCQISwc 0[0] lTEDlReserveRBRatiofor LTE[1]
This parameter enables or that less SRS resources cells. If it is set to 1,
h 25[1]
srsReserveRatio NR the downlink of LTE
disables aperiodical
Switch for CQI
Aperiodical can be configured
Percentage on the
of Reserved Proportion of DL downlink LTE indexes
enum: 50[2] avoid NR[2]
transmission by remote
CQI Transmission by LTESRS network and more
Time Domain This parameter
Resources sets the
Reserved for can Avoidance
DL be guaranteed. If itfor
Policy is
Close[0] 75[3] the downlink LTE and NR
UEs atRemote
SR periods.
UEs If it is SRSResources
can be proportion of downlink
NR Cells setLTE
to 2,and
NR Cells NR
Open[1] 100[4] Equivalent[3]
set to Close, remote UEs configured on the SRS resources reserved for NR indexes can be
can send aperiodical CQIs subframes reserved by the cells by LTE cells. A guaranteed. If it is set to 3,
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 50 model default: 1
at SR periods. If it is set to LTE network for the NR larger parameter value the downlink indexes of
Open, remote UEs cannot network. indicates more resources LTE and NR cells are
send aperiodical CQIs. Effective when Cell Reset reserved for NR cells. equally guaranteed.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0[0] 50 the downlink of NR avoid
Close[0] 0[0] 50 the downlink of NR avoid
Close[0] 0[0] 50 the downlink of NR avoid
Close[0] 0[0] 50 the downlink of NR avoid
Close[0] 0[0] 50 the downlink of NR avoid
Close[0] 0[0] 50 the downlink of NR avoid
Close[0] 0[0] 50 the downlink of NR avoid
interference avoidance is disables harmonic-
enabled and UE location interference coordination.
information is not If it is set to 0, harmonic-
exchanged with the NR interference avoidance is
Close harmonic
side. If it is set to 2, it is performed in the
interference avoidance[0] enum:
indicates that semi-static- downlink of NR cells.
enum: Open static harmonic NR downlink for
This parameter enables or lTEUlReserveRBRatiofor harmonic interference This strategy is used to
Close iMDSwitch
Inter-modulation NR interference avoidance[1]
harmInterferAvoidMode harmonic interference
disables intermodulation Proportion of UL avoidance is enabled, the ensure the traffic on the
interference avoidance[0] Open Semi-Static avoidance[0]
interference. If it is set to Resources
Inter-modulation This parameter sets the
Reserved for location information of
Harmonic-Interference LTE side. If it is set to 1,
Open Inter-modulation Harmonic Interference LTE uplink for harmonic
0, it indicates
Interference that
Switch proportion of uplink
NR Cells the harmonic
AvoidanceUEs Modeat both harmonic-interference
Coordination Switch
interference avoidance[1] Avoidance[2] interference avoidance[1]
intermodulation resources reserved for NR near and far points is avoidance is is performed
interference is disabled. If cells by LTE cells. A considered, and UE in the downlink of LTE
model default: 0 model default: 50 model default: 0 model default: 0
it is set to 1, it indicates larger parameter value location information is cells. This strategy is used
that intermodulation indicates more resources exchanged between LTE to ensure the traffic on the
interference is enabled. reserved for NR cells. and NR cells. NR side.

-- -- -- --
Close Inter-modulation int 50 Close harmonic interferencNR downlink for harmonic i
Close Inter-modulation int 50 Close harmonic interferencNR downlink for harmonic i
Close Inter-modulation int 50 Close harmonic interferencNR downlink for harmonic i
Close Inter-modulation int 50 Close harmonic interferencNR downlink for harmonic i
Close Inter-modulation int 50 Close harmonic interferencNR downlink for harmonic i
Close Inter-modulation int 50 Close harmonic interferencNR downlink for harmonic i
Close Inter-modulation int 50 Close harmonic interferencNR downlink for harmonic i
4G-5G Dynamic value 1 indicates PRB
Spectrum Sharing (DSS) randomization for the
scenario, this parameter forced allocation of high
sets how uplink RBs are frequencies. In this case,
preferentially allocated downlink RBs of the LTE
the uplink of NR avoid
between LTE and NR system are forcibly
LTE[1] dlPrbRandForceModeFor
cells. If it is set to 1, allocated from high
the uplink of LTE avoid
lTEUlAvoidNRMode enum:
Dss to low puschIrcMode pucchIrcMode
uplink LTE indexes can DL frequencies
Random Forced PRB
NR[2] PrbRandomMode[0]
be guaranteed.
UL If it is set
Avoidance Policy for frequencies
Allocation (except
Mode in a for
the uplink LTE and NR PrbRandomForceStartFro
to 2,
and NR Cellsindexes special allocation,
Scenario such as Switch Switch
Equivalent[3] mHighFrequency[1]
can be guaranteed. If it is SPS and signaling), so
long:[0..1] long:[0..1]
set to 3, the uplink that as consecutive This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
indexes of LTE and NR spectrum is reserved for PUSCH IRC mode, 0 for PUCCH IRC mode, 0 for
cells are equally the NR system as 4×4 IRC and 1 for 8×8 4×4 IRC and 1 for 8×8
guaranteed. possible. IRC. IRC.

-- -- -- --
the uplink of NR avoid LT PrbRandomForceStartFrom0 0
the uplink of NR avoid LT PrbRandomForceStartFrom0 0
the uplink of NR avoid LT PrbRandomForceStartFrom0 0
the uplink of NR avoid LT PrbRandomForceStartFrom0 0
the uplink of NR avoid LT PrbRandomForceStartFrom0 0
the uplink of NR avoid LT PrbRandomForceStartFrom0 0
the uplink of NR avoid LT PrbRandomForceStartFrom0 0
the uplink PUCCH
optimization algorithm is
disabled. If it is set to 1, This parameter enables or
the uplink PUCCH disables location
optimization algorithm is allocation enhancement
This parameter enables or enabled. The purpose for for special UEs. If it is set
disables FMM/TMM anti- this optimization is to enUlPrbLocAlloc4SpeUe
to Open, location
interference optimization. dLHstSdmaSwch pucchOptSwch
make the PUCCH allocation Swch
Switch for FMM/TMM Switch for DL SDMA in Switch isofenhanced
Location for
enum: enum: enum:
If it is set to 0,
Anti-interference High-Speed Rail reservation
Switch foralgorithm
PUCCH of special
If it is set to
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Optimization anti- Scenarios the CMAC the same as
Optimization Close, forlocation
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
interference optimization This parameter enables or that of the RNLC. If the is not enhanced for any
is disabled. If it is set to 1, disables downlink SDMA number of uplink PUSCH UE. This optimization is
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
FMM/TMM anti- in high-speed rail RBs is insufficient, this introduced to ensure the
interference optimization scenarios. It is configured parameter can be set to experience of some
is enabled. as required. Open. special users.

-- -- -- --
0 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
0 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
0 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
0 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
0 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
0 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
0 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter sets the
This parameter enables or SINR decision threshold
disables the uplink for a single RB for special This parameter enables or
Switch of optimization
Self-adaptive This parameter sets the UEs at far points. If the disables false-antenna
algorithm. If it is set to 0,
Retransmission number of special UEs single-RB-SINR value of selection identification. It
the uplink PUCCH speUeNum4EnPrbLocAll
handled in a single TTI. a UE is smaller than this is valid when the Transmit
Optimization for
optimization chalgorithm is ocis set to 2 to sINRThr4SpeEdgeUe
By default, it threshold, the UE is falseAntSelIndentifySwch
Antenna Selection Mode
Signaling Frequencies Single-RB-SINR Decision
enum: enum:
with If it isSelection
Frequency set to 1, balance of
Number between
Specialgood regardedfor
UEs Threshold as aSpecial
far-point parameter is set
UEs False-Antenna to any
Close[0] Close[0]
the uplink
EnabledPUCCH performance
Handled and the
in a Single TTI UE; otherwise, the UE is value
at Far Points except Disable.
Identification SwitchIf
Open[1] Open[1]
optimization algorithm is scheduling of special UEs. regarded as a near-point this parameter is set to
long:[0..10] long:[-10..40]
enabled. This This optimization is UE. This optimization is Open, the identified UEs
model default: 0 model default: 2 model default: 5 model default: 0
optimization is introduced introduced to ensure the introduced to ensure the are regarded as those that
to ensure the experience experience of some experience of some do not support antenna
of some special users. special users. special users. selection.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 2 5 Close[0]
Close[0] 2 5 Close[0]
Close[0] 2 5 Close[0]
Close[0] 2 5 Close[0]
Close[0] 2 5 Close[0]
Close[0] 2 5 Close[0]
Close[0] 2 5 Close[0]
it indicates that the feature sequence. If it is
terminals that select UE set to 0, the 20-bit
Identification Policy 1[1]
Tx antennas are identified atmospheric-ducting
based on FGI policy 1. If feature sequence is
Identification Policy 2[2]
it is set to 2, it indicates disabled. If it is set to 1,
FeatureGroup-Based enum:
that the terminals that the 20-bit atmospheric-
speUeTpyeSel4EnRbAllo Identification Policy 3[3] Close[0]
select UE Tx antennas are ducting feature sequence
c reserved1[4]
ueAntSelIdentifySwch Contain the First 2 Bits of
Switch based on FGI
for Identifying the isSwitch
enabled forand
reserved2[5] Cell Id[1]
policy 2. If it for
Terminals is set
3, it theAtmospheric-Ducting
high 2 bits of cell IDs.
reserved3[6] Not Contain Cell Id
This of
Type parameter sets UEs
Guaranteed the indicatesSelection
Antenna that the If itFeature
is set toSequence
2, the 20-bit
reserved4[7] Info[2]
type of guaranteed UEs. It terminals that select UE atmospheric-ducting
is effective only when the Tx antennas are identified feature sequence is
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
ucSpeType4EnPrbAllocS based on FGI policy 3. enabled and does not
wch parameter is set to The parameter values 4 to contain any cell ID
Open. 7 are reserved. information.

-- -- --
0 Disable[0] Close[0]
0 Disable[0] Close[0]
0 Disable[0] Close[0]
0 Disable[0] Close[0]
0 Disable[0] Close[0]
0 Disable[0] Close[0]
0 Disable[0] Close[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId switchForQueuing
Admission Queuing
NE Name LDN MO ID Switch for queuing
Algorithm based
This parameter sets the admission control
unique ID of the managed algorithm, which can
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string determine whether the
type and can be queuing algorithm is valid
NE Name LDN configured as planned. or not.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
Admission Control Switch of PRB
Admission based
Control Admission Control Admission Control
switchForGbr GBRswitchForGbrDl
admission switchForGbrUl
Switch of PRB based switchForNGBR
Algorithm Switch for Algorithm for Algorithm Switch for Algorithm Switch for
enum: enum: enum: enum:
control algorithm
Hardware Resource Based Downlink PRB Basedin GBR service
Uplink admission
PRB Based GBR Hardware Resource Based
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
GBRof Service
PRB based downlink, which can
GBR Service controlService
algorithm in Switch
NGBRof PRB based
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
GBR service admission determine whether uplink, which can NGBR service admission
control, which can downlink PRB based determine whether uplink control, which can
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
determine whether the GBR service admission PRB based GBR service determine whether the
GBR admission control control algorithm is valid admission control NGBR admission control
algorithm is valid or not. or not. algorithm is valid or not. algorithm is valid or not.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Switch of PRB
Admission based
Control Admission Control
NGBR service admission switchForNGBRUl
Switch of PRB based MAC layeracReport
will report the SwitchforEMC
Algorithm Switch for Algorithm Switch for Admission Control
enum: enum: enum:
control algorithm
Downlink in
Uplink service admission
Based NGBR measurement
MAC result
Measurement Switch
Switch for of based
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
downlink, which can
NGBR Service controlService
algorithm in periodically,The
Report Period (ms) admission control for
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
determine whether uplink, which can parameter determined the emergency call, which can
downlink PRB based determine whether uplink report period and determine whether the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1024 model default: 1
NGBR service admission PRB based NGBR service associated with the cell admission judgment for
control algorithm is valid admission control load. emergency call is valid or
or not. algorithm is valid or not. Effective when Cell Reset not.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 1024 Open[1]
Close[0] Close[0] 1024 Open[1]
Close[0] Close[0] 1024 Open[1]
Close[0] Close[0] 1024 Open[1]
Close[0] Close[0] 1024 Open[1]
Close[0] Close[0] 1024 Open[1]
Close[0] Close[0] 1024 Open[1]
threshold for the number
of users with RRC
connections. A Carrier
Aggregate (CA) UE is
Congestion Process of
counted as an RRC-
Pre-Empting Own Service
connected UE in the
admission control on the This parameter determines
ueNumThrd rabThrd reservedHO Congestion Process of not
PCell and an RRC license whether the algorithm is
Pre-Empting Own
applies for
Threshold (if the RRC
Number Threshold of Active E- User Reserved for valid
Switchor for
of is available).Users
RRC-Connected It is RAB Number Handover (%) deniedControl
don't trigger
double:[0..100] GBR Compression[3]
also counted as an RRC- The maximum number of congestion process when
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] model default: 5.0
connected UE in the established E-RAB that this switch is close;
model default: 800 model default: 1600 step: 0.01 model default: 0
admission control on the the cell can hold and the Admission denied trigger
SCell but an RRC license QoS of all the service can User Reserved for congestion process when
does not apply. be guaranteed. Handover this switch is open.

-- -- -- --
800 1600 5.0 Close[0]
800 1600 5.0 Close[0]
800 1600 5.0 Close[0]
800 1600 5.0 Close[0]
800 1600 5.0 Close[0]
800 1600 5.0 Close[0]
800 1600 5.0 Close[0]
Admission Control
Switch for Probable
Rejection: If Admission
Control Switch is open in
preemMaxNumOfGBR premptQciRank1 premptQciRank2 oneswchProRejAC
cell, eNB should
Maximum Number of Admission Control
GBR Service be The First Rank of Pre- The Second Rank of Pre- perform
Switch forProbable
Preempted Emption QCI Emption QCI Rejection Admission for
The first rank of Pre- The second rank of Pre- initial Ue accessing in the
long:[1..3] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
This parameter indicates emption QCI. GBR E- emption QCI. GBR E- cell; Otherwise eNB don't
model default: 2 model default: 2;3;4;0 model default: 1;0;0;0 model default: 0
maximum number of RABs which QCI in RABs which QCI in perform Probable
GBR Service be Rank1 will be preempted Rank1 will be preempted Rejection Admission in
preempted first in congestion control. first in congestion control. the cell.

-- -- -- --
2 2;3;4;0 1;0;0;0 Close[0]
2 2;3;4;0 1;0;0;0 Close[0]
2 2;3;4;0 1;0;0;0 Close[0]
2 2;3;4;0 1;0;0;0 Close[0]
2 2;3;4;0 1;0;0;0 Close[0]
2 2;3;4;0 1;0;0;0 Close[0]
2 2;3;4;0 1;0;0;0 Close[0]
Switch for Probable Admission Control downlink total ratio of
Rejection is open in one Switch for Probable used PRB is higher than
cell, and the uplink total Rejection is open in one downlink threshold of
ratio of used PRB is cell, and the downlink probable rejection
higher than Uplink total ratio of used PRB is admission, eNB creates a
Threshold of Probable higher than downlink random value in [0, 1) for
Rejection Admission, threshold of probable initial Ue accessing in the
eNB proRejThrdUl
should perform proRejThrdDl
rejection admission, cell. IffactorProRej swchOfRedi4ACFail
Uplink Threshold of Downlink ThresholdeNB
of the value is higher
probable Rejection
Probable rejection should perform
Probable probable
Rejection than or equals
Probable to the
Rejection Switch of Redirection for
admission for initial
Admission (%) Ue rejection admission
Admission (%) for Probable
Admission Rejection
Factor Admit Failure
double:[0..1] Open[1]
accessing in the cell; initial Ue accessing in the Admission Factor , eNB
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] model default: 0.95
Otherwise eNB don't cell; Otherwise eNB don't should reject the UE;
model default: 70 model default: 70 step: 0.05 model default: 0
perform Probable perform probable Otherwise the UE isn't
Rejection Admission in rejection admission in the rejected by Probable Switch of Redirection for
the cell. cell. Rejection Admission. admit failure

-- -- -- --
70 70 0.95 Close[0]
70 70 0.95 Close[0]
70 70 0.95 Close[0]
70 70 0.95 Close[0]
70 70 0.95 Close[0]
70 70 0.95 Close[0]
70 70 0.95 Close[0]
This parameter is the
Threshold of forbid This parameter sets the
Configured as SCell. If ratio of RRC resources
This parameter is the the rate of number of allocated to PLMNs in
swtchOfCsfbHPAdmit caUserSwch
Switch of CA User usersforbidSCellThrd ratioOperatornOfRrcNum
in cell (including the network
Ratio ofsharing scenarios.
the Numbers of
enum: enum:
Switch of CSFB High Restrict.
of CAthisUser
switch Users connected
Threshold in cell
of Forbid From Users
RRC left toAllocated
right, the
Close[0] Close[0]
Priority Admission is opened, If the number
Restrict and the As
Configured Users is (%) array
Scell elements
Based correspond
on PLMNs (%)
Open[1] Open[1]
of users in cell reaches configured with this cell) to PLMN1, PLMN2,
long:[0..100] longArray:[0..100]
This parameter is the threshold of forbid and max number of users PLMN3, PLMN4,
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 80 model default: 0;0;0;0;0;0
switch of admit CSFB Configured as SCell, the allowed in cell reaches PLMN5, and PLMN6
High Priority Call with cell cannot be configured threshold, the cell cannot separately.
priority as SCell. be configured as SCell. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 80 0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] Close[0] 80 0
Close[0] Close[0] 80 0
Close[0] Close[0] 80 0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] Close[0] 80 0;0;0;0;0;0
Close[0] Close[0] 80 0
Close[0] Close[0] 80 0;0;0;0;0;0
Admission control
algorithm switch for RRC
User Number of Operator
in Network Sharing,
When the switch is This parameter is the
opened, in accordance
Admission Control Threshold of CA UE Back
with the current
Algorithm ratio
Switch forof Off. If number of users in
This parameter is used to rrcNum4NetSharSwch
the RRC userNumber
numberofof caBackOffThrd
cell(including the Users maxRatioMuitTotalOfCell
RRC User The Max Ratio of
prevent Length
Window an operator to
Of RRC operators
Operator toin determine
Network connectedofinCA
Threshold cellUE
the Multicast to Cell Total
User too many(%)
Number RRC whether to accept the
Sharing Users is Off
(%) with Resource
Open[1] double:[0.1..0.6]
user number , to protect at user; When the switch is this cell) and max number The parameter indicates
long:[0..100] long:[1..100] model default: 0.2
least available.RRC user close, the RRC user of users allowed in cell the max ratio of multicast
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 90 step: 0.1
number for other number does not reaches threshold, CA to total physical resource
operators. distinguish by the Users in this Scell will be of the cell
Effective when Cell Reset operator. chosen to back off. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
0 Close[0] 90 0.2
0 Close[0] 90 0.2
0 Close[0] 90 0.2
0 Close[0] 90 0.2
0 Close[0] 90 0.2
0 Close[0] 90 0.2
0 Close[0] 90 0.2
number of users and the and use it into the cell
PRB resources. If the adimission control
admission fails, the process. About the
corresponding preemption CA(Carrier Aggregation)
procedure is triggered and user, in the admission This parameter enables or
the privileged users and control process of PCell disables RRC resource
their services are admitted shall be counted as an preemption. If it is set to
no priUserACSwch
matter numCABackOff cellPresetNetRRCLic userNumPreemptSwch
Switch of whether
Admissionthe RRC connection
The user and
Cell Preset Open, someResource
RRC high-priority
enum: enum:
Control and succeeds
Preemptionor Number of CA UE Back consume an RRC
Allocations License,
of Network users (for example,
Preemption Function
Close[0] Close[0]
it is set toUsers
Close, This parameter
Off determines andRRCin theLicense
admission VoLTE users) can
Open[1] Open[1]
the privileged users and the number of CA UE control process of SCell preempt the RRC
long:[1..50] long:[0..2400]
their services are admitted chosen to back off when shall be counted as an resources of low-priority
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 800 model default: 0
immediately without the the rate of users in cell RRC connection user but users in the case of
execution of admission reaches threshold of CA not consume RRC admission failure due to
control. UE Back Off. License. RRC resource restriction.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] 1 900 Close[0]
Open[1] 1 800 Close[0]
Open[1] 1 800 Close[0]
Open[1] 1 900 Close[0]
Open[1] 1 900 Close[0]
Open[1] 1 800 Close[0]
Open[1] 1 900 Close[0]
This parameter enables or
disables RRC resource
preemption redirection. If userNumPreemptTraffTyp eMTCRRCResourceNum eMTCRRCResNumReser
QCI Not Allowed to Be This parameter sets the
it is set h the low-
to Open, eInd number Thrd
of eMTC This ved
RRC Resource Preempted in Resource The Number of RRC The parameter
Number ofand the
priority users
Preemption whose
Function Preemption Based on the terminals
for eMTCto the The Number
Resources of RRC
Reserved for
Close[0] longArray:[0..255]
resources are preempted
Redirection Switch This parameter
Number sets UEs
of RRC which cell. Terminals
The larger the Resource
eMTC for eMTC
Terminals (%)
Open[1] model default: double:[0..100]
are redirected. If it is set QCI UEs are prohibited parameter value is, the Terminals parameter work
1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 long:[0..65535] model default: 5.0
to Close, the low-priority from being selected for larger the number of together to determine the
model default: 0 ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 50 step: 0.01
users whose resources are resource preemption eMTC terminals allowed number of RRC resources
preempted are released based on the number of to be connected to the cell reserved for the eMTC
without redirection. RRC UEs. is. handover users.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;50 5.0
Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;50 5.0
Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;50 5.0
Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;50 5.0
Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;50 5.0
Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;50 5.0
Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;50 5.0
This parameter determines disable the admission
how to allocate the control by the number of
numbers of RRC users in eMTC RRC users in
network sharing scenarios. network sharing scenarios. This parameter sets the
If it is set to PLMN Based If it is set to Open, the ratio of eMTC RRC
PLMN Based RRC User
RRC User Number system determines
Admission Control resources allocated to
Number Resource
rRCResourceAllocationM eMTCRRCAC4NetSharS eMTCRrcNumWindowLe
Resource Sharing,
Allocation Mode ofthe whether
the Switch fortothe
admit eMTCof
Numbers PLMNs
Ratio of theinNumbers
network of This parameter is used to
ode users are users basedwch eMTCRRCRatio4PLMN
Numbers of of RRC
RRC Users in eMTC RRC on the ratio
Users in of sharing
eMTC scenarios.
RRC Users From prevent
Window anngth
Length offrom
PLMN Group Based RRC enum:
Network by PLMN.
SharingIf it theNetwork
of eMTC left to right,Based
Allocated the array
on admitting
Number too many
User Number Resource Close[0]
is set to PLMN Group RRC users
Scenarios in the current
Scenarios elements correspond
PLMNs (%) to eMTC RRC(%)
Users users to
Sharing[1] Open[1]
Based RRC User Number PLMN (or PLMN group). PLMN1, PLMN2, ensure the minimum
longArray:[0..100] long:[0..100]
Resource Sharing, the If it is set to Close, the PLMN3, PLMN4, number of available
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0
numbers of RRC users are admission of eMTC users PLMN5, and PLMN6 eMTC RRC users in other
allocated by PLMN is independent of PLMNs separately. operators.
group. (or PLMN groups). Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
PLMN Based RRC User Num
Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0 0
PLMN Based RRC User Num
Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0 0
PLMN Based RRC User Num
Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0 0
PLMN Based RRC User Num
Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0 0
PLMN Based RRC User Num
Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0 0
PLMN Based RRC User Num
Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0 0
PLMN Based RRC User Num
Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0 0
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
ratio of RRC resources ratio of eMTC RRC This parameter enables or
allocated to PLMN groups resources allocated to This parameter enables or disable the addition of
in network sharing PLMN groups in network disable the addition of intra-band CA. If it is set
Ratio of theFrom left toof eMTCRRCRatio4PLMN
Numbers sharing
Ratio ofscenarios.
the NumbersFromof inter-band CA. If it is set to Open, a candidate
right, Group caInterBandRestrictSwch caIntraBandRestrictSwch
RRCthe array
Users elements
Allocated left to right,
eMTC RRCthe array
Users to Open, a candidate cell SCell is not added as an
enum: enum:
Based on PLMN to PLMN
Groups elements
Based onto is not added
Switch as an SCellCA
for Inter-Band of SCellforofIntra-Band
Switch a UE if theCA
Close[0] Close[0]
group 1, PLMN
(%) group 2, PLMN PLMN group 1, PLMN
Groups (%) a UEUEif Restriction
the number of number of UEs in the
UE Restriction
Open[1] Open[1]
PLMN group 3, PLMN group 2, PLMN group 3, UEs in the candidate cell candidate SCell exceeds
longArray:[0..100] longArray:[0..100]
group 4, PLMN group 5, PLMN group 4, PLMN exceeds the threshold and the threshold and the
model default: 0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0 model default: 0
and PLMN group 6 group 5, and PLMN group the candidate cell and the candidate SCell and the
separately. 6 separately. PCell are on different PCell are on the same
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset bands. band.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] Close[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] Close[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] Close[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] Close[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] Close[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] Close[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] Close[0]
of inter-band CA UEs. If of intra-band CA UEs. If
the ratio of the number of the ratio of the number of If it is set to Open, the
UEs in a cell (including UEs in a cell (including eNodeB connects a
the UEs for which the cell the UEs for which the cell common UE in initial
is the serving cell and the is the serving cell and the access when the number
UEs for which the cell is UEs for which the cell is of RRC UEs is restricted.
an SCell) to the maximum an SCell) to the maximum Switch If the UE establishes
for Service a
number of UEs that caIntraBandRestrictThrd
can be number of UEs that rrcPrmptWaitSwch
can be Waiting
high-priority service in a conHighPriQCI
Threshold for the Number Threshold for the Number in RRC Resource High-Priority QCI
connected to the
of Inter-Band CAcell
UEsis connected to the
of Intra-Band CAcell
UEsis certain periodBased
Preemption of time, the ThisConfiguration
on the parameter configures
Close[0] longArray:[0..255]
greater than(%)or equal to greater than
(%)or equal to eNodeBoftriggers
Number RRC UEs a high-priority
Open[1] model default:
this threshold, and if this this threshold, and if this preemption procedure for congestion control. The
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
cell and the PCell are on cell and the PCell are on low-priority UEs in the configured services still
model default: 40 model default: 40 model default: 0 ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
different bands, the cell the same band, the cell cell. If the UE establishes can be established in the
cannot be configured as cannot be configured as a low-priority service, it is case of PRB resource
an SCell for the UE. an SCell for the UE. released. preemption failures.

-- -- -- --
40 40 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
40 40 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
40 40 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
40 40 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
40 40 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
40 40 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
40 40 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
Service Setup Waiting
Time in Resource
Preemption Based on the
Number of RRC UEs (ms)
This parameter sets the
model default: 3000
service setup waiting time
step: 10
in resource preemption
based on the number of

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
different opportunity used
to transmit PRACH is
also configured. In fact,
the parameter gives the
access opportunity for
PRACH. The larger the
number of frame and
NE_Name ldn moId prachConfigIndex
subframe used to transmit
PRACH is, the more the
NE Name LDN MO ID access
Prach opportunityIndex
Configuration is.
long:[0..29, 31..45, 47..59,
This parameter sets the Effective immediately
string:length[1..255] 63]
unique ID of the managed when the emtc switch of
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 5
object. It is of the string eutran cell is
type and can be close;otherwise it is Cell
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Reset.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 5
The parameter indicates CE, where
whether the cell is high- RACH_ROOT_SEQUEN
speed. If cell high-speed CE is broadcasted as part
attribute is high-speed, of the System
The cyclic shift method to Information. Additional
generate PRACH preamble sequences, in
preamble sequence is Number of Random case 64 preambles cannot
prachFreqOffset highSpeedFlag 52[12]
different between high- numberOfRAPreambles
Access Preamble be rootSequenceIndex
Starting from
Index a single
of Logical
enum: 56[13]
Starting RB Number of speed cell and non high- Signatures Based on root Zadoff-Chu
Root Sequence to
Not High Speed Cell[0] 60[14]
The parameter
Random AccessisPreamble
used to speed
Cell cell. In high-speed
High-Speed Attribute Contention Conflict sequence,
Generate 64arePreamble
High Speed Cell[1] 64[15]
determine the frequency cell, cyclic shift is from the root sequences
long:[0..94] long:[0..837]
position used for PRACH. restricted. In non high- The parameter defines the with the consecutive
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 12 model default: 0
The PRACH uses 6 RB, speed cell, cyclic shift is number of contention logical indexes until all
from 0 to N_RB^UL-6. not restricted. based random access the 64 sequences are
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset preambles. found.

-- -- -- --
90 Not High Speed Cell[0] 52[12] 24
90 Not High Speed Cell[0] 52[12] 293
90 Not High Speed Cell[0] 52[12] 260
90 Not High Speed Cell[0] 52[12] 704
90 Not High Speed Cell[0] 52[12] 433
90 Not High Speed Cell[0] 52[12] 571
25 Not High Speed Cell[0] 52[12] 202
20[4] 3[0]
preamble sequences, in
24[5] 4[1]
case 64 preambles cannot If no Random Access If no Random Access
28[6] 5[2]
be generated from a single Response is received by Response is received by
32[7] 6[3]
root Zadoff-Chu UE after UE transmitted UE after UE transmitted
36[8] 7[4]
sequence, are obtained Random Access Random Access
40[9] 8[5]
from the root sequences Preamble, UE will Preamble, UE will
sizeOfRAPreamblesGrou enum: 10[6]
with the consecutive increase transmit power increase transmit power
ncs until all 48[11]
pA 0[0] 20[7]
logical Shift
Cyclic indexes
Parameters for powerRampingStep
PRACH by Power step for preambleTransMax
Maximum by Power step
52[12] 2[1] 50[8]
the 64onsequences
Based are
Logical Root Number of Preamble PRACH and retry to transmit
Power Ascending and retryoftoPRACH
Times transmit
56[13] 4[2] 100[9]
Sequence Signatures in Group A RandomStepAccess
(dB)Preamble RandomPreamble
Access Preamble
60[14] 6[3] 200[10]
Effective immediately until until
when the emtc switch of The parameter defines the Preamble_Transmission_ Preamble_Transmission_
model default: 10 model default: 11 model default: 1 model default: 5
eutran cell is number of Random Counter is equal to Counter is equal to
close;otherwise it is Cell Access preambles in Max_retransmit_number_ Max_retransmit_number_
Reset. Group A. for_prach. for_prach.

-- -- -- --
10 48[11] 2[1] 10[6]
10 48[11] 2[1] 8[5]
10 48[11] 2[1] 8[5]
10 48[11] 2[1] 8[5]
10 48[11] 2[1] 10[6]
10 48[11] 2[1] 10[6]
10 48[11] 2[1] 8[5]
-106[7] enum: enum:
-104[8] Minusinfinity[0] 2[0]
Once the Random Access
-102[9] 0[1] 3[1]
Preamble is transmitted,
-100[10] 5[2] 4[2]
the UE shall monitor the
preambleIniReceivedPow enum: 8[3]
messagePowerOffsetGrou 5[3]
PDCCH in Search
Receiving the TTI
er 56[0]
messageSizeGroupA 10[4]
pB is a power 6[4]
PRACH Initial Preamble Message Length of The parameter
Transmission Power Windowwindow
for Random
-94[13] 144[1] 12[5] 7[5]
Transmission Power Random Access Preamble control margin
Offset of GroupforB [RA_WINDOW_BEGIN-
Access Preamble
-92[14] 208[2] 15[6] 8[6]
(dBm) BasedGroup
on this(bits)
parameter message 3 transmission
Preamble (dB) RA_WINDOW_END]
Response (ms) for
-90[15] 256[3] 18[7] 10[7]
of message3 size, UE configured by the eNB Random Access
The parameter indicates determines to select the and is used to select the Response(s). The
model default: 10 model default: 0 model default: 3 model default: 7
initial power for preamble Random Access Random Access parameter indicates the
of PRACH. It is that the Preambles group A or Preambles group A or monitor window size.
first transmit power. group B. group B. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
-104[8] 56[0] 8[3] 10[7]
-100[10] 56[0] 8[3] 10[7]
-100[10] 56[0] 8[3] 10[7]
-100[10] 56[0] 8[3] 10[7]
-104[8] 56[0] 8[3] 10[7]
-104[8] 56[0] 8[3] 10[7]
-100[10] 56[0] 8[3] 10[7]
Contention Resolution
Timer will be started. If
MAC Contention
Resolution Timer is
running, UE will detect
PDCCH and wait for the
The Number of Non- response from network
maxHarqMsg3Tx raCollProb 40[4]
macNonContenPreamble and macContResTimer
Contention Random detemine whether it is
Maximum Transmission Expected Random Access Access Preambles for allowed to access
MAC Contention
Times of Message 3 Conflict Probability MAC network. If Timer
Resolution the MAC
double:[0..0.5] 64[7]
In the random access This parameter defines the Contention Resolution
long:[1..8] model default: 0.01 long:[2..60]
procedure, the max number of non-contention Timer expires, UE
model default: 5 step: 0.01 model default: 4 model default: 7
number of messages 3 Expected Random Access Random Access considers this Contention
harq transmissions. Conflict Probability by preambles for MAC. Resolution not successful.
Effective when Cell Reset Cell. Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
8 0.01 4 64[7]
5 0.01 4 64[7]
5 0.01 4 64[7]
5 0.01 4 64[7]
8 0.01 4 64[7]
8 0.01 4 64[7]
5 0.01 4 64[7]
This parameter is to
reducing the current cell
Msg1 for
Switch false alarm
Reducing TA Threshold for
prachFreqOffsetFlag prachUltiCapSwch
This parameter is in prachFMRecOnTASwch
probability caused prachFMRecTAThresh
The Switch of PRACH Msg1 False Alarmby Reducing Msg1 False
enum: enum: enum:
The switch
Starting of PRACH
RB Configuration Normal
Switch coverage
for PRACH and neighbor cell.
Probability When
Based on this
TA If the
Alarm cell radius
Probability Based
Adaptive[0] Close[0] Close[0]
starting RB configuration
Method High wayCapacity
Ultimate coverage,Test
for part ofThreshold
the false alarm calculated
on TAbased on TA of
Manual[1] Open[1] Open[1] long:[10..600000]
method. Zero means PRACH ultimate capacity probability needs to be the current PRACH ID is
model default: 10000
PrachFreqOffset is test, opened in the reduced, the switch is larger than the TA
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 step: 10
adaptive, and one means PRACH ultimate capacity turned on, the other threshold R (in meters),
PrachFreqOffset is test, the other is turned off conditions are turned off the current PRACH ID is
manual configured. by default. by default. considered to be false.

-- -- -- --
Adaptive[0] Close[0] Open[1] 10000
Adaptive[0] Close[0] Open[1] 10000
Adaptive[0] Close[0] Open[1] 10000
Adaptive[0] Close[0] Open[1] 10000
Adaptive[0] Close[0] Open[1] 10000
Adaptive[0] Close[0] Open[1] 10000
Adaptive[0] Close[0] Open[1] 10000
This parameter determines
whether the system
notifies the control plane
of sending SI when an
MSG3Lost is identified.
The reason for the
This parameter is to prachUpdateDetectionSw
MSG3Lost problem is
extending the current cell cell isch
that a Switch established
for The or
enum: enum:
coverage. When
Switch for the cell
PRACH deleted when the
Notification Format3
Close[0] Close[0]
radius is greater
Super-far than
Coverage parameter is updated.
Sending SI In
Open[1] Open[1]
12.23Km and is less than this case, the shutdown of
or equal to 118.93Km, the the RRU PA results in the
model default: 0 model default: 1
switch is turned on, the loss of paging messages
other conditions are and the UE fails to update
turned off by default. the system.

-- --
Close[0] Open[1]
Close[0] Open[1]
Close[0] Open[1]
Close[0] Open[1]
Close[0] Open[1]
Close[0] Open[1]
Close[0] Open[1]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
the Required
cell specific
for nominal
power for PUSCH
Transmission in PUSCH
NE_Name ldn moId p0NominalPUSCH
Semi-Static Scheduling
a semi-
NE Name LDN MO ID persistent grant. The
This parameter sets the parameter is used to
string:length[1..255] long:[-126..24]
unique ID of the managed calculate the transmit
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: -75
object. It is of the string power of PUSCH, and
type and can be embodys the power
NE Name LDN configured as planned. difference among cells.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 -75
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 -95
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 -95
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 -75
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 -75
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 -95
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 -75
the Required
cell specific
for nominal
Data The parameter is used to
power for PUSCH
Transmission in PUSCH calculate the transmit
poNominalPUSCH1 0.7[4] enum:
Dynamic Scheduling power
Path of alpha
Loss PUSCH and is
Compensation ThepoNominalPUCCH
Nominal indicates
Physical Channel Power
0.8[5] -2[0]
Authorization to a used to compensate
Factor for PUSCHthe the Used
cell specific
By PUCCHnominal Compensation for
0.9[6] 0[1]
dynamic scheduled
(dBm) grant. cell pathloss
Transmission Power power
Physicalfor Channel
PUCCH.(dBm)And it PUCCH Format 1 (dB)
1.0[7] 2[2]
The parameter is used to corresponding to a semi- is used to calculate the The parameter indicates
long:[-126..24] long:[-127..-96]
calculate the transmit persistent grant and a transmit power for the power offset for
model default: -75 model default: 5 model default: -105 model default: 2
power of PUSCH, and dynamic scheduled grant. PUCCH and embody the different PUCCH Format
embody the power The parameter is a cell power difference among 1 with PUCCH Format
difference among cells. specific parameter. cells. 1a.

-- -- -- --
-75 0.8[5] -105 2[2]
-95 1.0[7] -105 2[2]
-95 1.0[7] -105 2[2]
-75 0.8[5] -105 2[2]
-75 0.8[5] -105 2[2]
-95 1.0[7] -105 2[2]
-75 0.8[5] -105 2[2]
deltaFPucchFormat1b -2[0]
deltaFPucchFormat2 enum:
deltaFPucchFormat2a enum:
Physical Channel Power Physical Channel Power Physical Channel Power Physical Channel Power
1[0] 0[1] -2[0] -2[0]
Compensation for Compensation for Compensation for Compensation for
3[1] 1[2] 0[1] 0[1]
PUCCH Format 1b (dB) PUCCH Format 2 (dB) PUCCH Format 2a (dB) PUCCH Format 2b (dB)
5[2] 2[3] 2[2] 2[2]
The parameter indicates The parameter indicates The parameter indicates The parameter indicates
the power offset for the power offset for the power offset for the power offset for
model default: 1 model default: 2 model default: 2 model default: 2
different PUCCH Format different PUCCH Format different PUCCH Format different PUCCH Format
1b with PUCCH Format 2 with PUCCH Format 2a with PUCCH Format 2b with PUCCH Format
1a. 1a. 1a. 1a.

-- -- -- --
3[1] 1[2] 2[2] 2[2]
3[1] 1[2] 2[2] 2[2]
3[1] 1[2] 2[2] 2[2]
3[1] 1[2] 2[2] 2[2]
3[1] 1[2] 2[2] 2[2]
3[1] 1[2] 2[2] 2[2]
3[1] 1[2] 2[2] 2[2]
6[6] enum:
7[7] Format 3A Power Control
8[8] Adjust Step[-1,1][0]
This parameter sets the
9[9] Format 3 Power Control
power offset to the
11[10] Adjust Step[-1,0,1,3][1]
PRACH during MSG3 Power Control Step
deltaPreambleMsg3 13[11]
filterCoeffRSRP switchForDCI3A3Pusch Format 3A Power Control
scheduling. It is used to PUSCH Indicated By When
PDCCH control
15[12] enum: Adjust Step[-1,1] or
Power theBased
Offset uplinkon The parameter
RSRP specifies
Filtering Factor for PDCCH DCI 3/3A Valid Adjust type for PUSCH
3/3A Indicated PUSCHis
17[13] No[0] Format 3 Power Control
PRACH power of(2dB)
UEs the filtering
Control for or Not accumulation,
TPC Command the
19[14] Yes[1] Adjust Step[-1,0,1,3][2]
during MSG3 scheduling RSRP measurements used parameter is used to select
or UE access, and thus to calculate path loss for the range of TPC
model default: 0 model default: 8 model default: 0 model default: 1
improve the anti- PUSCH , PUCCH and command step size of
interference capability of SRS. The parameter is a DCI3A3 Switch for PUSCH for PDCCH DCI
the PUSCH. cell specific parameter. PUSCH format 3/3A.

-- -- -- --
0 8[8] No[0] Format 3 Power Control Adj
4 8[8] No[0] Format 3 Power Control Adj
4 8[8] No[0] Format 3 Power Control Adj
0 8[8] No[0] Format 3 Power Control Adj
0 8[8] No[0] Format 3 Power Control Adj
4 8[8] No[0] Format 3 Power Control Adj
0 8[8] No[0] Format 3 Power Control Adj
Format 3A Power Control
Adjust Step[-1,1][0]
When UE calculates the
Format 3 Power Control
transmit power for
Adjust Step[-1,0,1,3][1]
Power Control Step sounding reference signal,
switchForDCI3A3Pucch Format 3A Power Control
dCI3A3SelPucch UEpowerOffsetOfSRS
will add the parameter switchForCLPCofPUSCH
PUCCH Indicated By Range for PDCCH DCI Switch for PUSCH
enum: Adjust Step[-1,1] or enum:
PDCCH DCI 3/3A Valid 3/3A Indicated PUCCH toPower
the transmit
of SRSfor Closed-Loop Power
No[0] Format 3 Power Control Close[0]
or Not TPC Command PUSCH. When
Relative Ks = 1.25,
to PUSCH Control
Yes[1] Adjust Step[-1,0,1,3][2] Open[1]
The parameter is used to the actual parameter value
select the range of TPC is PoSRS - 3. When Ks = The parameter indicates
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 5 model default: 1
command step size of 0, the actual parameter the cell whether enable
Switch for DCI3A or PUCCH for PDCCH DCI value is -10.5 + 1.5 * close-loop power control
DCI3 for PUCCH format 3/3a. PoSRS. of PUSCH or not.

-- -- -- --
No[0] Format 3 Power Control Adj
5 Open[1]
No[0] Format 3 Power Control Adj
5 Open[1]
No[0] Format 3 Power Control Adj
5 Open[1]
No[0] Format 3 Power Control Adj
5 Open[1]
No[0] Format 3 Power Control Adj
5 Open[1]
No[0] Format 3 Power Control Adj
5 Open[1]
No[0] Format 3 Power Control Adj
5 Open[1]
H targetIOT lenofNIWindow swithForPHR
Switch for PUCCH
enum: enum:
Closed-Loop Power Window Length of Noise
Close[0] Close[0]
Control Target IoT Value (dB) and Interference (ms) PHR Control Switch
Open[1] Open[1]
long:[0..20] long:[100..1000]
The parameter indicates This parameter is used to This parameter is used to
model default: 1 model default: 5 model default: 300 model default: 1
the cell whether enable determine the target IoT smooth the value of noise Control switch of PHR
close-loop power control value when network and interference in the function can determine
of PUCCH or not. planning is performed. window. which are enabled or not.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] 5 300 Open[1]
Open[1] 5 300 Open[1]
Open[1] 5 300 Open[1]
Open[1] 5 300 Open[1]
Open[1] 5 300 Open[1]
Open[1] 5 300 Open[1]
Open[1] 5 300 Open[1]
ks enum:
puschPCAdjType rsrpEventMeasSwitchDl rsrpPeriodMeasSwitchDl
enum: Current Absolute[0] enum: enum:
Power Control Adjust Downlink Event RSRP Downlink Period RSRP
0[0] Accumulation[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Delta MCS Enabled Accumulation Enabled Measurement Switch Measurement Switch
1.25[1] Adapter[2] Open[1] Open[1]
The parameter is used to
determine whether or not Control switch of event Control switch of period
model default: 0 model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 0
to compensate the The parameter indicates RSRP measure switch can RSRP measure switch can
effection of modulation the power control adjust determine which are determine which are
and code rate. type for PUSCH. enabled or not. enabled or not.

-- -- -- --
0[0] Adapter[2] Close[0] Close[0]
0[0] Adapter[2] Close[0] Close[0]
0[0] Adapter[2] Close[0] Close[0]
0[0] Adapter[2] Close[0] Close[0]
0[0] Adapter[2] Close[0] Close[0]
0[0] Adapter[2] Close[0] Close[0]
0[0] Adapter[2] Close[0] Close[0]
PUSCH Power Offset of
deltaMsg3 UEinp0UePusch1Pub
specific component p0UePucchPub oiSwitchOfClosePc
Add the element deltaOI
The Margin of Close- UE Dynamic Schedule Delta OI Switch of
Loop Power Control for or Semi-Static Scheduling PUCCH Power Offset of into the closed-loop
Closed-Loop Power
Msg3 (dB) (re)transmissions
(dB) UE (dB) power control.
ControlIf enable
corresponding to a the switch, the Power of
long:[0..10] long:[-8..7] long:[-8..7]
dynamic scheduled grant UE specific component UE which be used in the
model default: 5 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
The Margin of Close- or semi-staticscheduled for PUCCH edge of cell will adjust
Loop Power Control for grant(common initial (re)transmissions(commo upon the interrupt of the
Msg3 value) n initial value) nerbor cell.

-- -- -- --
5 0 1 Close[0]
5 0 1 Close[0]
5 0 1 Close[0]
5 0 1 Close[0]
5 0 1 Close[0]
5 0 1 Close[0]
5 0 1 Close[0]
pucchTgtPsHiLimt pucchTgtPsLwLimt deltaFPucchFormat1bCS deltaFPucchFormat3
Physical Channel Power Physical Channel Power
PUCCH Target Ps High PUCCH Target Ps Low Compensation for Compensation for
Limit Limit PUCCH Format1bCS PUCCH Format3
The parameter indicates
long:[-118..-96] long:[-118..-96] long:[1..2] long:[-1..6]
the power offset for The parameter indicates
model default: -105 model default: -109 model default: 1 model default: 5
High Limit of Target Ps Low Limit of Target Ps different PUCCH the power offset for
for PUCCH closed power for PUCCH closed power Format1bCS with different PUCCH Format3
control control PUCCH Format 1a. with PUCCH Format 1a.

-- -- -- --
-105 -109 1 5
-105 -109 1 5
-105 -109 1 5
-105 -109 1 5
-105 -109 1 5
-105 -109 1 5
-105 -109 1 5
Fi Upper Limit Margin
deltaFiMarginforVoLTE deltaPL targetBler4A0 targetBler4A1
Offset of QCI1/QCI2
Compared to Normal Common User's DeltaPL Target Bler for the Target Bler for Near
Service for ClosePC PL (dB) Nearest User Users
double:[0..1] double:[0..1]
The Parameter Defines
long:[0..50] long:[-50..50] model default: 0.01 model default: 0.04
The fi Upper Limit The Parameter Defines
model default: 8 model default: 10 step: 0.01 step: 0.01
Margin Offset of VoLTE Pathloss Offset for The Parameter Defines The Parameter Defines
and/or Video Compared Common User in PUSCH The Target Bler for The The Target Bler for Near
to Normal Service. Close Power Control. Nearest User. Users.

-- -- -- --
8 10 0.01 0.04
8 10 0.01 0.04
8 10 0.01 0.04
8 10 0.01 0.04
8 10 0.01 0.04
8 10 0.01 0.04
8 10 0.01 0.04
targetBler4A2 ThepuschPwrNiThr
Parameter Definesof puschPwrFiUpMargin fiMarginfor64Qam
Interference Threshold The Fi Margin for
Target Bler for Middle Interference Threshold
PUSCH Adaptive for Fi Upper Limit Margin for
Power 64QAM Compared to
Users PUSCH Control
adaptive Power Normal Ue 16QAM
Control,That Is The
model default: 0.07 long:[-120..-80] long:[-10..20] long:[0..50]
Target of PUSCH Power
step: 0.01 model default: -110 model default: 2 model default: 5
The Parameter Defines Control Can be Achieved The Parameter Defines The Power Raising for
The Target Bler for When Interference Is Less The Fi upper limit margin 64QAM Compared
Middle Users. Than The Threshold. for Normal Ue. 16QAM.

-- -- -- --
0.07 -110 2 5
0.07 -110 4 7
0.07 -110 4 7
0.07 -110 2 5
0.07 -110 2 5
0.07 -110 4 7
0.07 -110 2 5
Use CQI measure
information for all QCI[0] enum:
Use CQI measure Use fixed target for all
information excepte QCI[0]
The Parameter indicates
QCI1/2[1] Use adaptive target Only
The maximum Power for
Use CQI measure
pucchFmt2InPowCtrlSwc QCI1/2[1]
PUSCH closed-loop
fiMarginforMU pmaxforPuschPowCtrl information
h only Use adaptive target except
Power Control.So
The Power UpperThat
LimitIs The Switch for Whether The Switch for Whether
QCI1/2[2] QCI1/2[2]
The Fi Margin for Uplink The
PUSCH Transmission
Closed-loop CQI Ps is Used in Pucch Adaptive Target is Used
Donot use CQI measure Use adaptive target for all
Equal or(dBm)
Larger This parameter
Power Controlsets in PUCCH Power Control
information for all QCI[3] QCI[3]
Than The Parameter, whether CQI The Parameter Defines
long:[0..50] long:[0..33]
Positive measurement information Whether Adaptive Target
model default: 3 model default: 21 model default: 1 model default: 0
TPC(Transmission Power is used in PUCCH closed Is Used in Pucch Power
The Power Raising for Control) Shall Not Be loop power control for a Control for Some Kind of
uplink MU-MIMO. Accumulated. certain type of QCI. QCI .

-- -- -- --
3 21 Use CQI measure informatiUse fixed target for all QCI
3 23 Use CQI measure informatiUse adaptive target for all
3 23 Use CQI measure informatiUse adaptive target for all
3 21 Use CQI measure informatiUse fixed target for all QCI
3 21 Use CQI measure informatiUse fixed target for all QCI
3 23 Use CQI measure informatiUse adaptive target for all
3 21 Use CQI measure informatiUse fixed target for all QCI
adaption function when
the atmosphere duct
detection function is
enabled. When the
atmosphere duct detection This parameter sets the
function path loss threshold of user
The Throughput (ucAtmosphericSwch) is perception when the
difofPucchPsandNi phrThpThrInAtmosduct atmosRsDecSwch atmosRsDecPLThr
The Difference Between TheThreshold
parameter ofdefines
PHR the enabled, if theofCRS
The Switch power
Adaptive atmosphere duct of
PL Threshold detection
PUCCH Ps Target and Entrance threshold of
in Atmospheric adaption
Power inis also function is Perception
Equipment's enabled. If in
Cell NI PHR entrance
Duct (kbps) in enabled, CRS transmit
Atmosphere Duct interference
Atmosphereis larger
atmospheric duct. When power can be adjusted in the maximum interference
long:[-10..10] long:[0..2048] long:[90..140]
The Parameter Defines the throughput is larger accordance with that the path loss point
model default: -2 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 90
The Difference Between than the threshold,PHR interference; otherwise, can bear, the CRS power
PUCCH Target Ps and process can be entered in CRS power will not be adaption function should
Cell NI. atmospheric duct. adjusted. be enabled.

-- -- -- --
-2 0 Close[0] 90
3 0 Close[0] 90
3 0 Close[0] 90
-2 0 Close[0] 90
-2 0 Close[0] 90
3 0 Close[0] 90
-2 0 Close[0] 90
key-index-based PUSCH maximum offset of the upper and lower limits for eNodeB does not deliver
dynamic scheduling upper and lower limits for key-index-based PUSCH the Pmax parameter in the
power adjustment. The key-index-based PUCCH semi-scheduling power SIB, and a UE determines
first value in the power adjustment. The adjustment. The first the maximum uplink
Maximum indicates the
Offset of first value in the value in the parameter transmit power in
Upper offset of
and Lower the
Limits parameter indicates the indicates
Maximum the Offset
maximumof accordance with the
lower limit and the second pucchKeyIndBasedPwAdj
maximum offset of the puschSSKeyIndBasePwA
offset of
for Key-Index-Based Upper andthe lowerLimits
Lower limit PowerClass and Band
PUSCHin djLim
parameter lower limit Lim
Key Index and thePUCCH
Based second andfor the
djLim value in
information. The eNodeB
indicates the maximum
Scheduling Power valueAdjustment
Power in the parameter the parameter
Upper PUSCH indicates
Semi-Scheduling determines
Switch the Pmax
of Supporting
offset of the upper limit. indicates
Adjustment the maximum
and Lower Limit the maximum offset of the
Power Adjustment parameter of a UEs
High-Power UE in
The initial power offset of the upper limit. upper limit. The initial accordance with the
longArray:[-100..100] longArray:[-31..31] longArray:[-100..100]
adjustment for PUSCH The initial power power adjustment for PowerClass and Band
model default: 0;0 model default: 0;0 model default: 0;0 model default: 0
dynamic scheduling adjustment for PUCCH PUSCH semi-scheduling information in the UE
cannot exceed the upper cannot exceed the upper cannot exceed the upper capability to do uplink
limit and lower limit. limit and lower limit. limit and lower limit. power control calculation.

-- -- -- --
0;0 0;0 0;0 Close[0]
0;0 0;0 0;0 Close[0]
0;0 0;0 0;0 Close[0]
0;0 0;0 0;0 Close[0]
0;0 0;0 0;0 Close[0]
0;0 0;0 0;0 Close[0]
0;0 0;0 0;0 Close[0]
This parameter indicates
the threshold of event A3
for OI-based power
control. When the RSRP
All UE[0]
This parameter defines the difference between the
Only UEs with PL less
This parameter indicates This parameter indicates UE type for OI-based neighbor cell and the
OIDecPowPLThr[1] oIPuschPowA3Offset
the mCS0BlerHThr
maximum BLER at oIDecPowPLThr
the path loss threshold for power control,
Selection of theincluding
UE Type serving cell is lager than
Only UEs with PL not
MaximumIf theBLER
BLERatat OI-based powerfor
PL Threshold control,
OI- allfortheOI-Based
interfering UEs, Threshold
Power this threshold, theA3
of Event UEfor
less than
exceeds this and,
Power with the
Control outer interfering
ControlUEs, and reports
OI-Based the Power
and the
threshold, measures need OIDecPowUeType inter interfering UEs. Inter eNodeB uses the reported
long:[0..100] long:[60..170] long:[-30..30]
to be taken to increase parameter, determines the interfering applies to value to determine the
model default: 100 model default: 120 model default: 1 model default: 3
power and decrease the path loss range of the UEs strong overlap areas, and interference with the
BLER in uplink PUSCH involved in OI-based outer interfering applies to neighbor cell from the
power control. power control. normal overlap areas. UE.

-- -- -- --
100 120 Only UEs with PL less th 3
100 120 Only UEs with PL less th 6
100 120 Only UEs with PL less th 6
100 120 Only UEs with PL less th 3
100 120 Only UEs with PL less th 3
100 120 Only UEs with PL less th 6
100 120 Only UEs with PL less th 3
max configuration. If it is
set to Open, the eNodeB
sends the P-max
parameter in SIB and the
UE determines the
maximum uplink transmit
power to be used based on
oIHiIoTThr oILwIoTThr fiMarginforSU the powerforwch
class and band
Switch Supporting
This parameter
Upper Fi Marginsets
for the information;UEs
UL High-Power the eNodeB
with the
for OI This
for OI upper FiSU-MIMO
margin for uplink determines the P-max
P-max Configuration
the high threshold for OI. the low threshold for OI. SU-MIMO. It is used to parameter of the UE based
long:[0..50] long:[0..50] long:[0..50]
If the IoT value is larger If the IoT value is larger provide SU-MIMO power on the power class and
model default: 5 model default: 2 model default: 3 model default: 1
than this threshold, it is than this threshold, it is compensation and obtain band information in the
considered that the considered that the high SU-MIMO traffic UE capability for uplink
interference is high. interference is low. gain. power control calculation.

-- -- -- --
5 2 3 Open[1]
5 2 3 Open[1]
5 2 3 Open[1]
5 2 3 Open[1]
5 2 3 Open[1]
5 2 3 Open[1]
5 2 3 Open[1]
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
Open for All UEs with
PUSCH Power Control This parameter enables or upper limit of the target upper limit of the target
any QCI[1]
This parameter
Switch for disables closed-loop SINRLimit
Upper for closed-loop SINRLimit
of the Target Upper for closed-loop
of the Target
Open for UEs not with
oIPuschPowCtrlSwch accPowCtrlSwch acc64SINRUpThr acc16SINRUpThr
implements PUSCH
Comprehensively power control on the power
SINR forcontrol
PUSCH onPower
the power
SINR forcontrol
PUSCH onPower
QCI1[2] enum:
power control
Considering when
Neighbor PUSCHforduring
Switch PUSCHaccess.
Control during the access
in Access of PUSCH
Control during the access
in Access of
Open for UEs with Close[0]
neighbor interference is it isControl
Interference set to Open, PUSCH
in Access of 64QAM
64QAM UEs.
UEsIf the of 16QAM
16QAM UEs.
UEsIf the
QCI1[3] Open[1]
comprehensively power is adjusted based actual SINR value of a UE actual SINR value of a UE
long:[0..30] long:[0..30]
considered. It is used to on the SINR during is larger than this is larger than this
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 21 model default: 17
implement OI power access; otherwise, threshold, the transmit threshold, the transmit
control over the UEs of PUSCH power is not power of the UE is power of the UE is
different QCI types. adjusted during access. decreased. decreased.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 21 17
Close[0] Close[0] 21 17
Close[0] Close[0] 21 17
Close[0] Close[0] 21 17
Close[0] Close[0] 21 17
Close[0] Close[0] 21 17
Close[0] Close[0] 21 17
This parameter sets the
11[2] pmaxOfLte4NonSharingP pmaxOfLte4SharingPwrU
lower limit of the target Maximum Tx Power
accSINRLowThr 10[3]
deltaFPucchFormat5 wrUE E
Lower for closed-loop
Limit of the Target Power Compensation for Allocated to the LTE UEs Maximum Tx Power
SINR forcontrol
PUSCH onPower
the the PUCCH Format 5 Not Supporting Power Allocated to the LTE UEs
PUSCH during
Control access. If
in Access Physical Channel In an NSA scenario, this
Sharing In an NSAPower
Supporting scenario, this
the actual SINR value of a This parameter sets the parameter is used to parameter is used to
long:[0..30] long:[-30..33] long:[-30..33]
UE is smaller than this power compensation for allocate the maximum Tx allocate the maximum Tx
model default: 15 model default: 6 model default: 20 model default: 23
threshold, the transmit physical PUCCH format power to the LTE UEs power to the LTE UEs
power of the UE is 5. It is an offset to that do not support power that support power
increased. PUCCH format 1a. sharing. sharing.

-- -- -- --
15 7[6] 20 23
15 7[6] 20 23
15 7[6] 20 23
15 7[6] 20 23
15 7[6] 20 23
15 7[6] 20 23
15 7[6] 20 23
adjust the power control With the current power accordance with the
speed. A smaller sharing solution in an atmospheric-ducting
parameter value indicates NSA scenario, LTE cells switch configuration
a shorter window length and NR cells occupy 20 policy. Within non-
for adaptive power control dBm of the power by configured periods,
and a faster power control default, and therefore the atmospheric ducting is
speed. This parameter is coverage of far points is disabled. If this parameter atmosphericValidHourTi
scalingDownFactor adpAllocNsaUlPwrSwch atmosphericTimeSwch me
applicable to Factor
Scale-Down the scenarios
for the limited
Switch due
Power is set toforClose,
Switch the
the Valid
0.75[1] enum: enum:
where there
Adaptive PowerareControl
more uplink power.
Adaptive Thisfor enabling
Allocation or disabling of
Atmospheric-Ducting Valid Atmospheric-
0.5[2] Close[0] Close[0]
Length parameterNSAcanUEsbe used to atmospheric
Periodducting Ducting Hours
0.25[3] Open[1] Open[1]
scheduling. It is not solve this problem. If the depends on the
recommended that this power of an LTE cell is atmospheric-ducting This parameter sets the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 16777215
parameter be set to a restricted, higher power switch configuration valid periods for
smaller value in the case can be reconfigured to the policy, independent of the atmospheric ducting in 24
of continuous services. LTE cell. period. hours.

-- -- -- --
1[0] Close[0] Close[0] 16777215
1[0] Close[0] Close[0] 16777215
1[0] Close[0] Close[0] 16777215
1[0] Close[0] Close[0] 16777215
1[0] Close[0] Close[0] 16777215
1[0] Close[0] Close[0] 16777215
1[0] Close[0] Close[0] 16777215
semi-static allocation of LTE/NR power, the total
LTE/NR power is enabled transmit power of the UE
for NSA UEs. If the LTE in both the LTE and NR This parameter determines
power allocated in a semi- systems does not exceed how to select the type of
static way cannot meet the the maximum transmit the cells for OI
Shut Down Dynamic
This parameter indicates uplink quality power of the UE. If it is information transfer,
Sharing Power[0]
the valid months for requirements of UEs, this opt4DynSharingPwrNsaU
set to UE distribute including the selection
atmosphericValidMonth maxAdpUlLtePwrOfNsa EnodeB Edistribute enum:
atmospheric ducting. If parameter can be set to a Power LTE/NR power,Type
Allocation the in based on intra-eNodeBs
LTE/NR power[1] Inner-eNodeB[0]
of a bit is 0, it larger Limit
Upper value to
of improve
UL LTE transmit
Dynamicpower PowerofSharing
the NR and theType
Cells adaptive selection
Selection for
UE distribute LTE/NR Adaptive Based on
indicates that the
Ducting Month thePower
Tx LTE power.
for NSAIf UEs
the systemforisNSA
UEswhen OIbased on overlapping
Information Transfer
power[2] Overlapped Coverage[1]
corresponding month is LTE coverage is not the total transmit power of coverage. The selection
long:[0..4095] long:[-30..33]
invalid. If the value of a restricted, this parameter the UE in both the LTE based on intra-eNodeBs is
model default: 4095 model default: 22 model default: 0 model default: 0
bit is 1, it indicates that can be set to a smaller and NR systems exceeds applicable to the scenario
the corresponding month value to improve the the maximum transmit where most interference
is valid. traffic on the NR side. power of the UE. occurs in the eNodeB.

-- -- -- --
4095 22 Shut Down Dynamic SharinInner-eNodeB[0]
4095 22 Shut Down Dynamic SharinInner-eNodeB[0]
4095 22 Shut Down Dynamic SharinInner-eNodeB[0]
4095 22 Shut Down Dynamic SharinInner-eNodeB[0]
4095 22 Shut Down Dynamic SharinInner-eNodeB[0]
4095 22 Shut Down Dynamic SharinInner-eNodeB[0]
4095 22 Shut Down Dynamic SharinInner-eNodeB[0]
power control parameters loop power control on the This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
for UEs with the general PUSCH for UEs with the target BLER of power target BLER of power
QoS. If it is set to Open, general QoS. This control on the PUSCH for control on the PUSCH for
differentiated radio parameter is configured to UEs with the general QoS UEs with the general QoS
channel experience can be provide guaranteed uplink at near points. It is at midpoints. It is
provided for the traffic for the guaranteed configured to provide configured to provide
guaranteed UEs with the
Differentiated UEs withClosed-Loop
PUSCH the general guaranteed uplink traffic guaranteed uplink traffic
general QoS. InSwitch
this case, QoS. deltaPL4QoS
larger parameter targetBler4A14QoS
for theBLER
guaranteed targetBler4A24QoS
UEs Target
for theBLER
guaranteed UEs
Configuration of Power Path Loss Target of PUSCH of PUSCH
UL uplink
Power Control for value indicates
Offset a larger
for General QoS with
Power theControl
NearA Power
with the general
Control forQoS. A
power control
General QoScan
UEsbe target value for power
UEs (dB) larger parameter
General QoS UEsvalue larger parameter
General QoS UEsvalue
Open[1] double:[0..1] double:[0..1]
provided for guaranteed control for the guaranteed indicates more uplink indicates more uplink
long:[-50..50] model default: 0.04 model default: 0.07
users to allow them to UEs with the general QoS traffic gain, but higher traffic gain, but higher
model default: 0 model default: 10 step: 0.01 step: 0.01
enjoy different radio and higher throughput, but transmit power of UEs transmit power of UEs
experience from common a larger NI increase in the and heavier interference in and heavier interference in
users. entire network. the entire network. the entire network.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 10 0.04 0.07
Close[0] 10 0.04 0.07
Close[0] 10 0.04 0.07
Close[0] 10 0.04 0.07
Close[0] 10 0.04 0.07
Close[0] 10 0.04 0.07
Close[0] 10 0.04 0.07
This parameter sets the the PUSCH for UEs with
upper limit of the f(i) the general QoS; that is,
margin for UEs with the the target value of power
general QoS. It is control can be guaranteed
This parameter sets the configured to provide within this NI range. It is
ACK threshold for uplink guaranteed uplink traffic configured to guarantee
-98[11] puschPwrFiUpMargin4Qo
ACK decrease on
for the
UL Initial Rx Power of the for the guaranteed UEs uplink
NI Limit offor
atmosphericUlPcAckThr -96[12]
atmosphericPreInitPwr S puschPwrNiThr4QoS
Power in atmospheric
Decrease on PRACH Preamble in an with UppertheLimit
general QoS.
of the f(i)A Adaptive
the guaranteed
ducting scenarios.
PUSCH If the
in Atmospheric Atmospheric Ducting larger parameter
Margin for General value the general
QoS Control QoS. If QoS
for General it is
number of ACK
Ducting messages
Scenarios Scenario indicates aUEs
larger power set to a larger UEsvalue, the
received in a period of This parameter sets the control increase on the uplink performance at
long:[0..100] long:[-10..20] long:[-120..-80]
time is larger than the initial transmit power of PUSCH and more traffic near points is better. If it
model default: 92 model default: 15 model default: 2 model default: -110
threshold, the transmit the PRACH preamble in gain, but a higher IoT is set to a smaller value,
power of UEs is an atmospheric ducting increase in the entire the uplink transmit power
decreased. scenario. network. is lower.

-- -- -- --
92 -90[15] 2 -110
92 -90[15] 2 -110
92 -90[15] 2 -110
92 -90[15] 2 -110
92 -90[15] 2 -110
92 -90[15] 2 -110
92 -90[15] 2 -110
NACK threshold for non-zero value, the uplink
uplink power increase on transmit power of the
the PUSCH in neighbor cells in the
In the calculation of the atmospheric ducting public network needs to
transmit power of the scenarios. If the number be decreased by N dB.
PUSCH in an atmospheric of NACK messages (The value N is the value
Path Loss scenario, this
Compensation received
NACK in a period
Threshold for of
UL ULofTxthisPower
atmosphericFiUpLimit 0.7[4]
atmosphericAlfa atmosphericUlPcNackThr iCoULPowerOffset
Upper Limit of PUSCH Fi Factorparameter is used to
for PUSCH Tx time
Poweris larger thanon
Increase the absolute
Interference power control
in Atmospheric Ducting Power the path loss
in an Atmospheric threshold,
PUSCH inor the NACK
Atmospheric configuration,
Between Publicthis
Scenarios of cells. It corresponds
Ducting Scenario to message
Ducting is Scenarios
HARQ Fail parameter is fixed to(dB)
Private Networks 4 dB.
the data transmission on and neither f(i) nor ) In this way, the
long:[0..50] long:[1..10] long:[0..20]
This parameter sets the the PUSCH in semi-static transmit power reaches interference between
model default: 50 model default: 7 model default: 4 model default: 0
upper limit of PUSCH Fi and dynamic scheduling the upper limit, the public and private
in atmospheric ducting authorization (j = 0 and j transmit power of UEs is networks can be
scenarios. = 1). increased. coordinated]

-- -- -- --
50 1.0[7] 4 0
50 1.0[7] 4 0
50 1.0[7] 4 0
50 1.0[7] 4 0
50 1.0[7] 4 0
50 1.0[7] 4 0
50 1.0[7] 4 0
This parameter sets the
threshold for triggering This parameter sets the
fast decrease
Threshold of uplink
for Triggering compensation value for
Fastbased on the
Decrease inner- the target MCS of the UEs
of UL
puschPwrFilowLimit puschPwrFiupLimit innerSINRThr4PwrCtr
loop SINR deltaTargetMCS4A2
F(i) Lower Limit of F(i) Upper Limit of Power Basedon
Inner- at far points forfor
Compensation power
This parameter Power
Closed-Loop sets the This parameter Power
Closed-Loop sets the WhenSINR
Loop a UEon
enters the
the MM control.
Target For for
MCS a far-point
lower limit
Control onof the f(i)
PUSCH upper limit
Control onof the f(i)
PUSCH procedure (dB)
for uplink fast UE, the final
Power target
Control MCS
value for closed-loop value for closed-loop power control, the power value for remote power
long:[-30..30] long:[-30..50] long:[0..50] long:[-10..20]
power control on the power control on the of the UE is decreased if control is the sum of the
model default: -30 model default: 30 model default: 31 model default: 3
PUSCH. It is used to PUSCH. It is used to the inner-loop SINR of value calculated by
adjust the transmit power adjust the transmit power the UE is higher than this SingleRbSinr plus this
of UEs. of UEs. threshold. compensation value.

-- -- -- --
-30 30 31 0
-30 30 31 0
-30 30 31 0
-30 30 31 0
-30 30 31 0
-30 30 31 0
-30 30 31 3
This parameter sets the
threshold number of times
that hysteresis
Threshold occursofin
the case That
Times of SCG deletion
This parameter enables or based on LTE
Occurs In thecoverage.
Case of It This
in the
This parameterSwitch
or disables h deletion can
SCG sinrBasedNSADeleteHys
used to modify the upPowAdjSINRThr
Optimization SCG Deletion Switch SCG Based on Case ofthreshold in the
SCG Deletion
enum: enum:
eNodeB based
Coveragein LTE duration from the
Coverage time
in NSA case of
Based onSCG
LTE deletion
Close[0] Close[0]
for the assistant scheduler
Schedulers NSAinscenarios. If it is set when the
NSA Scenarios SCG deletion
Scenarios based on LTE
in NSA coverage.
Open[1] Open[1]
of the NSA eNodeB. If it to Open, the LTE based on LTE coverage is The configuration of this
long:[0..10] long:[0..20]
is set to Open, the uplink coverage in NSA triggered to the time when threshold can ensure the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 3 model default: 5
traffic on the LTE side scenarios is the same as the SCG deletion based on UE-level rate to a certain
increases in the case of that in non-NSA scenarios LTE coverage is actually extent, for example, 200
power restriction. in principle. completed. kb/s.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 3 5
Close[0] Close[0] 3 5
Close[0] Close[0] 3 5
Close[0] Close[0] 3 5
Close[0] Close[0] 3 5
Close[0] Close[0] 3 5
Close[0] Close[0] 3 5
This parameter sets the
Tx Power power
Side in when the
the Case
ofoptimization for the
assistant scheduler
Optimization of the
for NSA
NSA eNodeB
eNodeBs is enabled.
The maximum uplink
transmit power of a UE on
model default: 22
the LTE side cannot
exceed this parameter

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
transmission schemes
except multi-user MIMO
and P_A is a parameter
provided by higher layers.
Not necessarily valid in
some cases, e.g. QPSK
with no spatial
NE_Name ldn moId 0[4]
Power Offsetand without
and Cell RS
NE Name LDN MO ID transmission
(P_A_BCCH) mode. The
This parameter sets the parameter is
unique ID of the managed corresponding to the
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 4
object. It is of the string PDSCH data sourced
type and can be from BCCH logical
NE Name LDN configured as planned. channel.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0[4]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0[4]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0[4]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0[4]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0[4]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0[4]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0[4]
transmission schemes transmission schemes is 0 dB for all PDSCH and P_A is a parameter
except multi-user MIMO except multi-user MIMO transmission schemes provided by higher layers.
enum: enum: enum: enum:
and P_A is a parameter and P_A is a parameter except multi-user MIMO Not necessarily valid in
-6[0] -6[0] -6[0] -6[0]
provided by higher layers. provided by higher layers. and P_A is a parameter some cases, e.g. QPSK
-4.77[1] -4.77[1] -4.77[1] -4.77[1]
Not necessarily valid in Not necessarily valid in provided by higher layers. with no spatial
-3[2] -3[2] -3[2] -3[2]
some cases, e.g. QPSK some cases, e.g. QPSK Not necessarily valid in multiplexing and without
-1.77[3] -1.77[3] -1.77[3] -1.77[3]
with no spatial with no spatial some cases, e.g. QPSK multi-user MIMO
paForCCCH 0[4]
paForPCCH 0[4]
paForMSG2 0[4]
Power Offsetand without
Between multiplexing
Power Offsetand without
Between Powerwith no spatial
Offset Between transmission
Power Offsetmode. The
1[5] 1[5] 1[5] 1[5]
and Cell RS multi-user
and Cell RS multiplexing
MSG2 andand Cellwithout
RS DCCHparameter is RS
and Cell
2[6] 2[6] 2[6] 2[6]
(P_A_CCCH) mode. The
(dB) transmission
(P_A_PCCH) mode. The
(dB) multi-user MIMO
(P_A_MSG2) (dB) corresponding
(P_A_DCCH) to the
3[7] 3[7] 3[7] 3[7]
parameter is parameter is transmission mode. The PDSCH data sourced
corresponding to the corresponding to the parameter is from DCCH logical
model default: 4 model default: 4 model default: 4 model default: 4
PDSCH data sourced PDSCH data sourced corresponding to the channel and its
from CCCH logical from PCCH logical PDSCH data sourced assignment is through
channel. channel. from Msg2. CCCH logical channel.

-- -- -- --
0[4] 0[4] 0[4] 0[4]
0[4] 0[4] 0[4] 0[4]
0[4] 0[4] 0[4] 0[4]
0[4] 0[4] 0[4] 0[4]
0[4] 0[4] 0[4] 0[4]
0[4] 0[4] 0[4] 0[4]
0[4] 0[4] 0[4] 0[4]
and P_A is a parameter
provided by higher layers.
Not necessarily valid in
some cases, e.g. QPSK
with no spatial
multiplexing and without
multi-user MIMO
paForDTCH pcfichPwrOfst phichPwrOfst pdcchF0PwrOfst
Power Offsetmode. The
Between PDCCH Power Offset to
and Cell PCFICH Power Offset to PHICH Power Offset to This parameter
DTCH_PA forsets
DCI the
(P_A_DTCH) to the
(dB) ThisDTCH_PA
parameter (dB)
sets the ThisDTCH_PA
parameter (dB)
sets the power offset
Format of the
0 (dB)
PDSCH data sourced power offset of the power offset of the PDCCH DCI0 to the
double:[-7.6..10] double:[-7.6..10] doubleArray:[-7.6..10]
from DCCH logical PCFICH to the PHICH to the DTCH_PA. DTCH_PA. It is used to
model default: 4 model default: 3.0 model default: 3.0 model default: 0;0;0;0
channel and its DTCH_PA. It is used to It is used to determine the determine the transmit
assignment is through determine the transmit transmit power of the power of the PDCCH
CCCH logical channel. power of the PCFICH. PHICH. DCI0.

-- -- -- --
0[4] 3.0 3.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
0[4] 3.0 3.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
0[4] 3.0 3.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
0[4] 3.0 3.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
0[4] 3.0 3.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
0[4] 3.0 3.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
0[4] 3.0 3.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
pdcchF1PwrOfst pdcchF1APwrOfst pdcchF1BPwrOfst pdcchF1CPwrOfst
PDCCH Power Offset to PDCCH Power Offset to PDCCH Power Offset to PDCCH Power Offset to
This parameter
DTCH_PA forsets
DCI the This parameter
DTCH_PA forsets
DCI the This parameter
DTCH_PA forsets
DCI the This parameter
DTCH_PA forsets
DCI the
power offset
Format of the
1 (dB) power
Formatoffset of the
1A (dB) power
Formatoffset of the
1B (dB) power
Formatoffset of the
1C (dB)
PDCCH DCI1 to the PDCCH DCI1A to the PDCCH DCI1B to the PDCCH DCI1C to the
doubleArray:[-7.6..10] doubleArray:[-7.6..10] doubleArray:[-7.6..10] doubleArray:[-7.6..10]
DTCH_PA. It is used to DTCH_PA. It is used to DTCH_PA. It is used to DTCH_PA. It is used to
model default: 0;0;0;0 model default: 0;0;0;0 model default: 0;0;0;0 model default: 0;0;0;0
determine the transmit determine the transmit determine the transmit determine the transmit
power of the PDCCH power of the PDCCH power of the PDCCH power of the PDCCH

-- -- -- --
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
pdcchF1DPwrOfst pdcchF2PwrOfst pdcchF2APwrOfst pdcchF3PwrOfst
PDCCH Power Offset to PDCCH Power Offset to PDCCH Power Offset to PDCCH Power Offset to
This parameter
DTCH_PA forsets
DCI the This parameter
DTCH_PA forsets
DCI the This parameter
DTCH_PA forsets
DCI the This parameter
DTCH_PA forsets
DCI the
Formatoffset of the
1D (dB) power offset
Format of the
2 (dB) power
Formatoffset of the
2A (dB) power offset
Format of the
3 (dB)
PDCCH DCI1D to the PDCCH DCI2 to the PDCCH DCI2A to the PDCCH DCI3 to the
doubleArray:[-7.6..10] doubleArray:[-7.6..10] doubleArray:[-7.6..10] doubleArray:[-7.6..10]
DTCH_PA. It is used to DTCH_PA. It is used to DTCH_PA. It is used to DTCH_PA. It is used to
model default: 0;0;0;0 model default: 0;0;0;0 model default: 0;0;0;0 model default: 0;0;0;0
determine the transmit determine the transmit determine the transmit determine the transmit
power of the PDCCH power of the PDCCH power of the PDCCH power of the PDCCH

-- -- -- --
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
pdcchF3APwrOfst csiRSPwrOfst pwrCtlSwchDl cellRBRatioThr4PwrCtrl
The parameter is the
PDCCH Power Offset to
This parameter
DTCH_PA forsets
DCI the Ratio of CSI-RS EPRE to Downlink Power Control average cell RB ratio
Formatoffset of the
3A (dB) CRS EPRE (dB) The parameter
Switch is the Cell threshold
RB Ratio in one
double:[-7.6..10] Open[1] double:[0..1]
PDCCH DCI3A to the switch of downlink power TTI.When cell RB ratio in
doubleArray:[-7.6..10] model default: -3.0 model default: 0.75
DTCH_PA. It is used to control function.When one schedling TTI exceed
model default: 0;0;0;0 step: 0.1 model default: 0 step: 0.01
determine the transmit Power Offset of CSI RS, this switch is on, it is this threshold, it is
power of the PDCCH relative to CRS. possible to process possible to process
DCI3A. Effective when Cell Reset downlink power control. downlink power control.

-- -- -- --
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 -3.0 Close[0] 0.75
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 -3.0 Close[0] 0.75
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 -3.0 Close[0] 0.75
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 -3.0 Close[0] 0.75
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 -3.0 Close[0] 0.75
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 -3.0 Close[0] 0.75
0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 -3.0 Close[0] 0.75
The parameter is the RB The parameter is the The parameter is the The parameter is the
ratio threshold for Ues scheduling MCS threshold scheduling MCS threshold power adjustment value
rbRatioThr4PwrCtrl qamMcsThr4PwrCtrl mcsThres4PwrCtrl -1.5[3]
satisfying power for one UE in one for one UE in one for TM9 in one TTI.When
UE Groupconditions
RB Ratio in 256QAM
TTI,whenMCS altCQITable is MCS
Threshold TTI,when altCQITable
Threshold is Power
for Power a scheduling UE satisfy
Adjustment Value
one TTI.When RB ratio in
Threshold configured.
for When
Power Control not configured.
Control When all the
TM9 (dB) for
double:[0..1] longArray:[0..28] longArray:[0..29] 0[6]
one schedling TTI exceed scheduling MCS of a UE scheduling MCS of a UE downlink power control,
model default: 1.0 model default: model default:
this threshold, it is in one TTI exceed this in one TTI exceed this then this UE's transmit
step: 0.01 20;20;14;13;12;11;8 29;29;21;18;14;13;12 model default: 2
possible to process threshold, it is possible to threshold, it is possible to power will be adjusted
downlink power control process downlink power process downlink power according to this
for these UEs. control for this UE. control for this UE. parameter.

-- -- -- --
1.0 20;20;14;13;12;11;8 29;29;21;18;14;13;12 -2[2]
1.0 20;20;14;13;12;11;8 29;29;21;18;14;13;12 -2[2]
1.0 20;20;14;13;12;11;8 29;29;21;18;14;13;12 -2[2]
1.0 20;20;14;13;12;11;8 29;29;21;18;14;13;12 -2[2]
1.0 20;20;14;13;12;11;8 29;29;21;18;14;13;12 -2[2]
1.0 20;20;14;13;12;11;8 29;29;21;18;14;13;12 -2[2]
1.0 20;20;14;13;12;11;8 29;29;21;18;14;13;12 -2[2]
This parameter controls
downlink CRS power
adaption. If downlink
CRS power adaption is
enabled, CRS power is
crsPwrCtlSwch rbRatioThr4CrsCtrl uenumThr4CrsCtrl adjustPwr4CrsCtrl1
processed based on the Cell RB Ratio Threshold The
RRC parameter
UE Number is the
CRSparameter value. 0:
Power Adaptation TheCRS
for parameter
the cell Threshold
number offorRRC
Power CRS Power Adaptive
Close1: Switch
CrsPwrAdpt2: RB ratioFunction
threshold in one one Adaptive
the number Parameter 1
dpt[5] double:[0..1]
LteCrsPunch3: TTI.When cell RB ratio in of RRC UE in one
model default: 0.7 long:[0..255] long:[-10..0]
NrCrsPunch4: one schedling TTI below schedling TTI below this The parameter is one of
model default: 0 step: 0.01 model default: 50 model default: 0
LteNrCrsPunch5: this threshold, it is threshold, it is possible to the CRS power
LteCrsPunchAndCrsPwrA possible to process CRS process CRS power adjustment value in one
dpt. power adaptive function. adaptive function. TTI.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0.7 50 0
Close[0] 0.7 50 0
Close[0] 0.7 50 0
Close[0] 0.7 50 0
Close[0] 0.7 50 0
Close[0] 0.7 50 0
Close[0] 0.7 50 0
control is disabled, if real
SINR of the MU-UE is
enum: -7[7]
larger than the SINR
0[0] enum: -8[8]
corresponding to the
-3[1] -3[0] -9[9]
This parameter sets the maximum MCS, decrease
-6[2] -2.5[1] -10[10]
The parameter is the RE power adjustment the power, and the
-9[3] -2[2] -15[11]
power adjustment value quantity in MagicRadio adjustment value is equal
adjustPwr4CrsCtrl2 -1.5[3]
adjustPwr4TM3PwrCtrl -20[12]
for TM3 in one TTI.When CSS. REItMuting
is usedPower
to adjust topwrWaterFillSwchDL
the difference between
-20[5] -1[4] -25[13] enum:
CRS Power Adaptive a scheduling
Power UE satisfy
Adjustment Value theAdjustment
RE power of LTEfor
Value RBs the two; Power
Downlink otherwise,
-25[6] -0.5[5] -30[14] Close[0]
Parameter 2 (dB) all the
TM3 (dB) for interfering with
MagicRadio CSSGSM(dB) increaseFill
power. If the
-30[7] 0[6] -255[18] Open[1]
downlink power control, cells. A smaller value switch is turned off, do
The parameter is one of then this UE's transmit indicates a lower power of not implement power
model default: 5 model default: 5 model default: 0 model default: 0
the CRS power power will be adjusted the interfering RBs and water-injection, and
adjustment value in one according to this lower interference with power adjustment is not
TTI. parameter. GSM cells. affected.

-- -- -- --
-20[5] -0.5[5] 0[0] Close[0]
-20[5] -0.5[5] 0[0] Close[0]
-20[5] -0.5[5] 0[0] Close[0]
-20[5] -0.5[5] 0[0] Close[0]
-20[5] -0.5[5] 0[0] Close[0]
-20[5] -0.5[5] 0[0] Close[0]
-20[5] -0.5[5] 0[0] Close[0]
This parameter indicates This parameter is applied
This parameter is applied an RE muting adjustment in enabling the lean
postOnDurat4CrsCtrl -20[12]
noneStdBwPwrCtrl preOnDurat4CrsCtrl sharePwrAssignTypeDl
in enabling the lean value
RE of non-standard
Muting Adjustment carrier and determines the This parameter sets the
-25[13] enum:
carrier and determines the bandwidth and is used to DRX state. It indicates
Value of Non-standard assignment
Assignment typeofofDL
-30[14] Even Assignment[0]
DRX Poststate. It indicates
on Duration adjust out-of-band
Bandwidth (dB) that theonDRX
Pre state is
Duration downlink PDSCHPower
PDSCH Shared shared
-255[18] Qos Order Assignment[1]
that the DRX state is interference. A smaller activated during power. If it is set to 0,
long:[0..20] long:[0..20]
activated during value indicates a lower ucPreOnDurat4CrsCtrl shared power is equally
model default: 5 model default: 0 model default: 5 model default: 0
ucPostOnDurat4CrsCtrl restricted RB power and TTIs before the assigned. If it is set to 1,
TTIs after the onduration lower out-of-band onduration timer is shared power is assigned
timer expires. interference. started. by QoS priority.

-- -- -- --
5 0[0] 5 Even Assignment[0]
5 0[0] 5 Even Assignment[0]
5 0[0] 5 Even Assignment[0]
5 0[0] 5 Even Assignment[0]
5 0[0] 5 Even Assignment[0]
5 0[0] 5 Even Assignment[0]
5 0[0] 5 Even Assignment[0]
PDSCH power adjustment This parameter determines This parameter sets the
mode. If it is set to 0, the UEs that can share factor for broadcast
PDSCH power adjustment PDSCH power. If it is set weight matching. It is
is disabled. If it is set to 1, to 0, the power of the used to adjust the degree
power is adjusted based QPSK users based on of matching between the
enum: enum:
on the residual RBs of the CRS demodulation is broadcast weight and the
Close[0] QPSK UE Power
current cell. If it is set to 2 dynamically adjusted. If it service weight. A larger
maxPowerAdjustValue LeftRB-Based[1]
pdschPwrAdjustMode Adjust[0]
pdschPwrAdjustUEType nonBfPwrFactor
Maximum Power power is adjusted based is set to 1, the power of parameter value indicates
PowerShared[2] BF UE Power Adjust[1]
Adjustment Value per UE onPDSCH
the shared power
Power BFUEusers
PDSCH a higher degree
Broadcast of the
Both LeftRB-Based and QPSK UE and BF UE
This parameter
(dB) sets the obtained
other adjusted.
Power If it is set to 2,
Adjustment matching andFactor
Matching a higher
double:[0..3] PowerShared[3] Power Adjust[2]
maximum power carriers. If there is no the power of both the CQI loss. A larger
model default: 3.0 long:[0..17]
adjustment value for the shared power, power is QPSK users based on parameter value is
step: 0.5 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
UEs who satisfy the not adjusted. If it is set to CRS demodulation and preferred as long as the
power adjustment 3, both values 1 and 2 the BF users is CQI loss is controlled
conditions. apply. dynamically adjusted. within the tolerance range.

-- -- -- --
3.0 Close[0] QPSK UE Power Adjust[0]0
3.0 Close[0] QPSK UE Power Adjust[0]0
3.0 Close[0] QPSK UE Power Adjust[0]0
3.0 Close[0] QPSK UE Power Adjust[0]0
3.0 Close[0] QPSK UE Power Adjust[0]0
3.0 Close[0] QPSK UE Power Adjust[0]0
3.0 Close[0] QPSK UE Power Adjust[0]0
neighbor cells in the
public network is not
decreased. If it is set to a
non-zero value, the
downlink reference signal
This parameter sets the power of the neighbor
adjustment coefficient of fMMRxxSwitchShiftFact cells
the public
fMMPwrBackBw rouFactor
the unified factor for full- or iCoDLPowerOffset
needs to be decreased by
Adjustment Coefficient of Interference Coordination
This parameter
Unified setsFull-
Factor for the bandwidth
the Unifiedpower.
is Interference Elimination N dB. (The value
Between PublicNand
is the
unified factorPower
Bandwidth for full- used together with
Full-Bandwidth the
Power Factor value of this
Private parameter.
Networks (dB) )
bandwidth power. It is unified factor for full- This parameter sets the In this way, the
long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[0..31] long:[0..20]
used to adjust the output bandwidth power to adjust factor for interference interference between
model default: 255 model default: 227 model default: 26 model default: 0
power of all the baseband the output power of all the elimination. It is used for public and private
boards to adjust the RF baseband boards to adjust diagonal loading during networks can be
power. the RF power. interference elimination. coordinated.

-- -- -- --
255 227 26 0
255 227 26 0
255 227 26 0
255 227 26 0
255 227 26 0
255 227 26 0
255 227 26 0
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId refCellMeasGroup
Measurement Config
NE Name LDN MO ID Group ID
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..400]
object. It is of the string
type and can be Measurement Config
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Group ID

R Primary Key M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 ENBFunctionFDD=508154
whether or not
measurement for inter and
RAT frequencies
simultaneously. Number0
Inter-Frequency Together
represents that eNB shall
with Inter-RAT
configurate measurement
interFandInterR dualMeasSwitch intraFPeriodMeasSwitch interFPeriodMeasSwitch
for inter and RAT
Inter-Frequency Inter- Switch for Inter-
Inter-Frequency Followed enum: enum: enum:
Measurement Switch of Dual Enable Intra-Frequency Frequency Periodical
by Inter-RAT Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Configuration Measurement The parameter
Periodical indicates
Measurement Measurement
Measurement[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
Number1 does mean that whether starting
eNB shall configurate The parameter indicates periodical measurement of
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
measurement for inter UE whether or not intra frequency or not. 0
frequencies firstly ,then performing both RSRP represents close,1 switch for inter-frequency
RAT frequencies next. and RSRQ measurements. represents open. periodical measurement

-- -- -- --
Inter-Frequency Together Open[1] Open[1] Close[0]
Inter-Frequency Together Open[1] Open[1] Close[0]
Inter-Frequency Together Open[1] Open[1] Close[0]
Inter-Frequency Together Open[1] Open[1] Close[0]
Inter-Frequency Together Open[1] Open[1] Close[0]
Inter-Frequency Together Open[1] Open[1] Close[0]
Inter-Frequency Together Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
handover suppression. If
the switch is turned on in
cell B, when a UE
performs handover from
cell A to cell B, the ping-
pong handover
interRatGsmPeriodMeasS interRatUtranPeriodMeas enum:
suppression timer is
witch Switch NC0[0]
netWorkControlOrder pingPongHoSwitch
Switch for Inter-RAT Switch for Inter-RAT started in cell B, and the
enum: enum: NC1[1] enum:
Periodical Measurement Periodical Measurement GERAN CCO Network Switch UE is for
prohibited fromthe
Close[0] Close[0] NC2[2] Close[0]
of GERAN of UTRAN Control Command performing
Open[1] Open[1] Reset[3] Open[1]
cell A before the timer
This parameter is used to expires. When UEs are
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
switch for inter-RAT switch for inter-RAT configure the GERAN located on cell edges, it is
periodical measurement of periodical measurement of CCO network control recommended that the
GERAN UTRAN command. switch is turned on.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] NC0[0] Open[1]
Close[0] Close[0] NC0[0] Open[1]
Close[0] Close[0] NC0[0] Open[1]
Close[0] Close[0] NC0[0] Open[1]
Close[0] Close[0] NC0[0] Open[1]
Close[0] Close[0] NC0[0] Open[1]
Close[0] Close[0] NC0[0] Open[1]
present in all neighbour
cells11: Different UL/DL
allocation in neighboring
cells for TDD compared
to the serving cell on this
frequency, if configured,
The parameter indicates and compared to the PCell
hoCandCelNum lbMaxHOCell timeOfShortHO 0[0]
the maximum cell number otherwiseFor
Cell00, 10
for attemptNumber
Number of Candidate Maximum handover of
of HO Time of Short Handover and 01 are only used for
Cells in Handover load balance,
Cells there
for Load will be
Balance (s) same UL/DL allocation in
The prameter indicates a attempt handover within neighboring cells
long:[1..8] long:[1..6] long:[1..900]
how many cells from the maximum cell number This parameter indicates compared to the serving
model default: 2 model default: 2 model default: 3 model default: 1
which UE could choose limitation when the the threshold of handover cell on this frequency, if
one for performing criteria of load balance is camping duration in KPI configured, and compared
handover. meet. statistics. to the PCell otherwise.

-- -- -- --
2 2 3 1[1]
2 2 3 1[1]
2 2 3 1[1]
2 2 3 1[1]
2 2 3 1[1]
2 2 3 1[1]
2 2 3 1[1]
Target System of Idle Ue
ratPriIdPara_ratPriIdleCS ratPriIdPara_ratPriIdleCS ratPriIdPara_ratPriIdleCS ratPriIdPara_ratPriIdleCS
Target System of Idle Ue Target System of Idle Ue Target System of Idle Ue for CS
for CS Fallback_GERAN for CS Fallback_UTRAN- for CS Fallback_UTRAN- Fallback_CDMA2000-
Target System of Idle Ue FDD Target System of TDD Target System of 1xRTT Target System of
for CS Fallback Idle Ue for CS Fallback Idle Ue for CS Fallback Idle Ue for CS Fallback
long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[0..255]
model default: 100 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
GERAN Target System of System of Idle Ue for CS System of Idle Ue for CS Target System of Idle Ue
Idle Ue for CS Fallback Fallback Fallback for CS Fallback

-- -- -- --
200 0 0 0
200 0 0 0
200 0 0 0
200 0 0 0
200 0 0 0
200 0 0 0
100 0 0 0
Target System of Target System of Target System of
Target System of Connected Ue for CS Connected Ue for CS Connected Ue for CS
ratPriCnPara_ratPriCnCS ratPriCnPara_ratPriCnCS ratPriCnPara_ratPriCnCS ratPriCnPara_ratPriCnCS
Connected Ue for CS Fallback_UTRAN-FDD Fallback_UTRAN-TDD Fallback_CDMA2000-
Fallback_GERAN Target Target System of Target System of 1xRTT Target System of
System of Connected Ue Connected Ue for CS Connected Ue for CS Connected Ue for CS
for CS Fallback Fallback Fallback Fallback
long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[0..255]
model default: 0 model default: 100 model default: 0 model default: 0
GERAN Target System of UTRAN-FDD Target UTRAN-TDD Target Target System of
Connected Ue for CS System of Connected Ue System of Connected Ue Connected Ue for CS
Fallback for CS Fallback for CS Fallback Fallback

-- -- -- --
200 0 0 0
200 0 0 0
200 0 0 0
200 0 0 0
200 0 0 0
200 0 0 0
0 100 0 0
measurement. If this This parameter indicates
parameter is set to No, no the prefer method of CS
CSFB measurement is fallback to CDMA2000
performed. If this 1xRTT.The default
parameter is set to Yes, Prority configuration is
Enhanced 1xCSFB with
CSFB measurement is This parameter indicates This parameter indicates that enhanced 1xCSFB
PS HO to HRPD[0]
performed. If this the prefer method of CS the prefer method of CS with PS HO to HRPD >
csfbMeasure csfbMethdofUMTS enum:
csfbMethodofGSM Enhanced 1xCSFB with
parameter is set to fallback to UTRAN.The fallback to GERAN.The enhanced 1xCSFB with
No[0] enum: PS Handover[0] Redirection to HRPD[1]
Switch for CSnoFallback
CSFB default Prority default Prority redirection to HRPD
CSFB Method of >
Yes[1] PS Handover[0] CCO[1] Enhanced 1xCSFB[2]
measurement is performed CSFB
Based Measurement configuration
Method ofis that
Method ofis that
GERANPS enhanced 1xCSFB >
Adaptive[2] Redirection[1] Redirection[2] 1xCSFB[3]
for users in the center of HO > Redirection.When HO > Redirection.When 1xCSFB.When the Lower
the cell, and CSFB the Lower priority the Lower priority priority Cofiguration is set
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 2 model default: 0
measurement is performed Cofiguration is set on Cofiguration is set on on OMC,The Higher
for users on the edge of OMC,Higher priority will OMC,Higher priority will priority will not be
the cell. not be considerated. not be considerated. considerated.

-- -- -- --
No[0] Redirection[1] Redirection[2] Enhanced 1xCSFB with PS
No[0] Redirection[1] Redirection[2] Enhanced 1xCSFB with PS
No[0] Redirection[1] Redirection[2] Enhanced 1xCSFB with PS
No[0] Redirection[1] Redirection[2] Enhanced 1xCSFB with PS
No[0] Redirection[1] Redirection[2] Enhanced 1xCSFB with PS
No[0] Redirection[1] Redirection[2] Enhanced 1xCSFB with PS
No[0] Redirection[1] Redirection[2] Enhanced 1xCSFB with PS
5[20] 4[4]
reporting criteria or for
6[21] 5[5]
8[22] 6[6]
reporting;Fm is the old
10[23] 7[7]
This parameter sets the filtered measurement
12[24] 8[8]
absolute threshold for result, where F0 is set to
14[25] 9[9]
Absolute Threshold for M1 when the first
16[26] 11[10]
This parameter is used to frequency/inter-RAT
Intra-Frequency/Inter- measurement result from
gapDelay 18[27]
ocs measureThresh 13[11]
configure the time delay measurement decision. If
Frequency/Inter-RAT thefilterCoeffRsrp
RSRP physical
Layer-3layer is
20[28] 15[12]
for the GAP the RSRP value
Offset of The Serving Cell Measurement of the
Decision received; anda = 1/2(k/4),
Coefficient in
22[29] 17[13]
Gap Delay (ms) (dB) serving cell is lower than
(dBm) where k is the
24[30] 19[14]
deactivation.When the this threshold after layer-3 filterCoefficent for the
long:[0..65535] long:[-140..-44]
time delay expired,there filtering, the UE triggers corresponding
model default: 80 model default: 15 model default: -140 model default: 4
will be a GAP GAP This parameter indicates intra-frequency/inter- measurement quantity
activation/GAP offset between server cell frequency/inter-RAT received by the
deactivation operation. and neighboring cell. measurement. quantityConfig.

-- -- -- --
80 0[15] -70 4[4]
80 0[15] -70 4[4]
80 0[15] -70 4[4]
80 0[15] -70 4[4]
80 0[15] -70 4[4]
80 0[15] -70 4[4]
80 0[15] -140 4[4]
reporting criteria or for
reporting;Fm is the old
filtered measurement
8[8] enum:
result, where F0 is set to
9[9] 1.4M(6RB)[0]
M1 when the first
11[10] 3M(15RB)[1]
measurement result from
13[11] 5M(25RB)[2]
RSRQ physical
Layer-3layer is
Maximum Intra-
Priority of Intra
15[12] 10M(50RB)[3]
received; anda = 1/2(k/4),
Coefficient in The parameter
Frequency is
Measurement Frequency in Intra-LTE
17[13] 15M(75RB)[4]
where k is the
Measurement maximum intra-frequency
Bandwidth Load Balancing Inter-Frequency Number
19[14] 20M(100RB)[5]
filterCoefficent for the measurement bandwidth.It
long:[0..255] long:[0..16]
corresponding is configured to UE when
model default: 4 model default: 5 model default: 0 model default: 0
measurement quantity no intra-frequency The parameter is inter-
received by the neighbour cell is This array indicates frequency number of
quantityConfig. configured. priority of intra frequency. neighbour cells.

-- -- -- --
4[4] 20M(100RB)[5] 0 5
4[4] 20M(100RB)[5] 0 5
4[4] 20M(100RB)[5] 0 5
4[4] 20M(100RB)[5] 0 5
4[4] 20M(100RB)[5] 0 5
4[4] 20M(100RB)[5] 0 5
4[4] 20M(100RB)[5] 0 0
This parameter sets the
Inter-Frequency frequencies of intra-RAT
eutranMeasParas_interFM eutranMeasParas_freqBan eutranMeasParas_interCar
inter-frequency neighbor eutranMeasParas_offsetFr
Measurement Inter-Frequency Inter-Frequency Inter-Frequency
easBW dInd riFreq
cells. Measurement
If the frequency of eq
Configuration_InterFreq Measurement Measurement
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
The parameter
Allowed is allowed
Measurement Configuration_DL Carrier an inter-frequency
Configuration_Inter- Configuration_Inter-
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
measurement bandwidth
Bandwidth This parameter
Frequency sets the
Band Indicator neighbor cell
frequency is deleted,
Carrier (MHZ) Frequency Offset (dB)
longArray:[1..5, 7..14, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
for each frequency.It is band indicator of the the coverage-based inter- The parameter is
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 17..28, 30..76, 85, 87..88, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
configured to the max downlink carrier frequency measurement frequency offset,used to
5] 101] doubleArray:[0..6000] 27, 28, 29, 30]
bandwidth of all frequencies of intra-RAT configuration for define the priority of
neighbour cells each inter-frequency neighbor handover also needs to be handover to specific
frequency. cells. modified. frequency.

-- -- -- --
5;5;3;5;3 40;40;40;1;8 2310.0;2329.8;2344.2;216015;15;15;15;15
5;5;3;5;3 40;40;40;1;8 2310.0;2329.8;2344.2;216015;15;15;15;15
5;5;3;5;3 40;40;40;1;8 2310.0;2329.8;2344.2;216015;15;15;15;15
5;5;3;5;3 40;40;40;3;8 2310.0;2329.8;2344.2;187015;15;15;15;15
5;5;3;5;3 40;40;40;3;8 2310.0;2329.8;2344.2;187015;15;15;15;15
5;5;3;5;3 40;40;40;3;8 2310.0;2329.8;2344.2;187015;15;15;15;15
priority of candidate
frequencies for
Redirection target. eNB
selects the target
frequency based on this
information. The value
Inter-Frequency Inter-Frequency Inter-Frequency Inter-Frequency
range of each integer array eutranMeasParas_lbInterF eutranMeasParas_lbInterF eutranMeasParas_interFre
Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement
member reqRdPriority reqPriority
is from 0 to 255. Configuration_Priority reqOfn qANRInd
The switch for inter
Configuration_E-UTRAN of Configuration_Ofn of Configuration_Inter
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
higher value indicates a Inter Frequency in Intra-
Redirection Inter Frequency in Intra- frequency
FrequencyANR, when the
ANR Self-Add
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
priority. The LTE Load Balancing LTE Load Balancing (dB) value
and of the parameter
Self-Optimize is
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
default value 0 means the Open, the neighbor cell in
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
corresponding frequency this frequency can be
longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255] 27, 28, 29, 30] enumArray:[0, 1]
can not be selected as This array indicates This array indicates A4 added and optimized by
redirection target priority of every inter Ofn of every inter ANR function; else it
frequency. frequency. frequency. cannot be.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0 255;255;254;254;0 15;15;15;15;15 1;1;1;1;1
0;0;0;0;0 255;255;254;254;0 15;15;15;15;15 1;1;1;1;1
0;0;0;0;0 255;255;254;254;0 15;15;15;15;15 1;1;1;1;1
0;0;0;0;0 254;254;254;255;0 15;15;15;15;15 1;1;1;1;1
0;0;0;0;0 254;254;254;255;0 15;15;15;15;15 1;1;1;1;1
0;0;0;0;0 254;254;254;255;0 15;15;15;15;15 1;1;1;1;1
This array is the priority
Inter-Frequency Inter-Frequency frequencies.A higher
eutranMeasParas_interFre eutranMeasParas_interFre eutranMeasParas_interFV eutranMeasParas_eutranF
indicates a higher
Measurement Measurement Inter-Frequency
qANRDelInd qSupCellType oiceAbility reqPSHOMeasInd
priority, and the eNodeb
Configuration_Inter Configuration_Inter Measurement Configuration_EUTRAN
The switchANR
Frequency for inter
Self- Frequency Support Cell Configuration_VOIP will Frequency
config the more
frequency ANR,
Delete when the
Switch Type MeasID this frequency's
Ability of Inter-Frequency Measurement Indication
value of the parameter is measurement;when the
Yes, the neighbor cell in frequency of this
enumArray:[0, 1] enumArray:[0, 1, 2] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255]
this frequency can be This parameter sets the This parameter is the parameter is zero,eNodeb
removed by ANR cell type that the VOIP ability of inter will not measure this
function; else it cannot be. frequency supports. frequency frequency.

-- -- -- --
1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1
1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1
1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1
1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1
1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1
1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1
This parameter sets the measure performance serving cell is larger than
VoLTE handover priority configuration of each or equal to this parameter
of an E-UTRAN neighbouring inter-
Inter-Frequency value and the UE that
frequency. A larger frequency for UE in
Measurement reports a measurement
parameter value indicates RRC_CONNECTED
Configuration_The Inter-Frequency report is in the
a higher priority and a
Inter-Frequency state. ForPerformance
Measure UE which Measurement overlapping-coverage
Measurement area
smaller MeasID value eutranMeasParas_interFre
support increased carrier eutranMeasParas_perQCII eutranMeasParas_overlap
between the serving cell
Measurement Configuration of the Inter- Configuration_Inter- Configuration_RSRP
corresponding to the qMeasPerformance
monitoring E-UTRA, nterFreqMeaGrpCfg DifferRSRPThd
Configuration_VTHO frequency for the UE the
in Thisfrequency
sets the ID and the neighbor
Difference cell, for
Threshold the
frequency measurement
Measurement Indication reselection performance of a PerQCI
RRC_CONNECTED measurement Overlapping
Measurement measurementCoverage
report can of
configurations sent by the
of EUTRAN Frequencies for different carriers may Configuration
State configuration group
GroupforID be included
Neighbor Cells in
eNodeB. If it is set to 0, be configured by higher EN-DC UEs. It overlapping-coverage
the eNodeB does not send layers to be either normal corresponds to the PerQCI evaluation; otherwise, the
longArray:[0..255] enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[0..65535] doubleArray:[-15..15]
the measurement or reduced. Please refer to measurement measurement report is not
configurations of the the TS36.133(V12.4.0 or configurations of each included in overlapping-
frequency. higher version) frequency. coverage evaluation.

-- -- -- --
1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0
This parameter indicates
the CA self-configuration Inter-Frequency
inter frequency
Inter-Frequency Inter-Frequency Measurement
measurement switch. eutranMeasParas_scellFre eutranMeasParas_caResel eutranMeasParas_clbInter
Measurement Inter-Frequency Measurement Configuration_Priority of
When qCASCInd
the value of the qPriority InterFreqPriority FreqPriority
Configuration_Inter Measurement Configuration_Reselectio Inter Frequency in Intra-
FrequencyisCA YesSelf
,the Configuration_Scell n Priority of Inter LTE Camp Load
Configcell in this
Switch Frequency Priority This parameter
Frequency is used
for CA to
Users Balancing
frequency can be added indicate reselection
and removed as CA Coper priority of inter frequency
enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255]
cell by CA self- The parameter represents for CA users.This array This array indicates
Configuration function; the frequency priority of indicates priority of every priority of every inter
else it cannot be. Scell for CA. inter frequency. frequency.

-- -- -- --
1;1;1;1;1 255;255;255;255;255 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
1;1;1;1;1 255;255;255;255;255 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
1;1;1;1;1 255;255;255;255;255 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
1;1;1;1;1 255;255;255;255;255 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
1;1;1;1;1 255;255;255;255;255 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
1;1;1;1;1 255;255;255;255;255 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
UTRAN frequency point If the parameter is set to
priority for user migration Yes, the neighbor cell on
in high-load scenarios. the frequency can be
The eNB selects a configured with the
destination frequency
Inter-Frequency ThisInter-Frequency
parameter indicates UL&DL CA cooperation Inter-Frequency
point based on the
Measurement the frequency indication
Measurement relationship by the CA
Inter-Frequency This parameter
priority. eutranMeasParas_softUp
Priority value Configuration_Frequency
for software upgrade- eutranMeasParas_interFre
self-configuration eutranMeasParas_migBas
the priority of the target
Configuration_User Measurement Configuration_Target
range: EutranFreqPrio
0-255. The larger based MigUETarFreqInd
UE migration. If the qULCASelfCfgInd
function. If the parameter eUEPosiTarFPri
frequency for userof
Migrate to E-UTRAN Indication for Software Configuration_UL CA Frequency Priority
value is,inthe eNodeB migrates UEs
Upgrade-Based UEdue is set to No, the
Cooperation neighbor
Indicator for location-based
Migrate Usermigration.
higherHighthe frequency
Load point to software
Scenario upgrade, it can
Migration cell
CAon the frequency can
Self-Configuration WhenPosition
the eNodeB
prioity is. The default send migration be configured with only identifies a UE in the
value is 0, indicating that measurements to only the the DL CA cooperation center or at the edge of a
longArray:[0..255] enumArray:[0, 1] enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[0..255]
the frequency point is not frequencies with this relationship by the CA cell, it moves the UE to
taken as the destination parameter configured to self-configuration the frequency with a non-
frequency point. Yes. function. zero priority.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0
the threshold of the This parameter indicates
number of users to This parameter indicates the downlink PRB
execute camp load the uplink PRB threshold threshold to execute camp This parameter is used to
balancing and is used to to execute camp load load balancing and is used execute load balancing to
control whether to enable
Inter-Frequency balancing and is used to
Inter-Frequency to Inter-Frequency
control whether to eachInter-Frequency
frequency based on
load balancing to controlMeasurement
whether to enable enable camp load
Measurement the number of users. If the
each frequency based on eutranMeasParas_perFUL
camp load balancing to eutranMeasParas_perFDL
balancing to each eutranMeasParas_perFLB
number of users in the
Configuration_CU Configuration_UL PRB Configuration_DL PRB Configuration_CU
the BCUExeThrd
Threshold users. each CLBPRBExeThrd
Threshold When the
to Execute
Threshold toWhen
Executethe LTE CUExeThrd
Threshold cell
to exceeds
Campthe Loadnumber of users
Balancing to uplink
Camp Loadtotal PRB usage to
Balancing of downlink
Camp Load total PRB usage
Balancing to Loadthe Balancing
threshold ofto the
in the
Eachserving cell is(%)
Frequency larger the serving
Each cell is larger
Frequency (%) of the
Eachserving cell is(%)
Frequency larger configured
than or equal to the than or equal to the than or equal to the during a measurement
threshold of a frequency, threshold of a frequency, threshold of a frequency, period, load balancing to
longArray:[0..100] longArray:[0..100] longArray:[0..100] longArray:[0..100]
the cell executes camp the cell executes camp the cell executes camp each frequency is
load balancing to this load balancing to this load balancing to this executed in this cell based
frequency. frequency. frequency. on the number of users.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
This parameter is used to execute PDCCH CCE This parameter is used to
This parameter is used to execute PRB load load balancing in the execute PDCCH CCE
execute PRB load balancing in the downlink downlink to each load balancing in the
balancing in the uplink to to each frequency. If the frequency. If the PDCCH
Inter-Frequency uplink to each frequency.
each frequency. If the
Inter-Frequency PRB usage in the LTE
Inter-Frequency CCEMeasurement
usage in the LTE If the PDCCH CCE usage
usage in the LTE serving cell in the
Measurement serving cell in the
Configuration_DL in the LTE serving cell in
serving cell in the uplink eutranMeasParas_perFDL
downlink exceeds PRB the eutranMeasParas_perFDL
downlink exceeds the eutranMeasParas_perFUL
the uplink exceeds the
Configuration_UL PRB Configuration_DL PDCCH CCE Threshold PDCCH CCE Threshold
exceeds the to
Threshold Executeof threshold
Threshold toof the
Execute threshold
to ExecuteofLoad
the threshold
to ExecuteofLoad
Balancing frequency
to Each configured
Load frequency
Balancing to Each configured
to Each configured
to Each
during a measurement
Frequency (%) during a measurement
Frequency (%) during a measurement
Frequency (%) during a measurement
Frequency (%)
period, uplink load period, downlink load period, downlink load period, uplink load
balancing to each balancing to each balancing to each balancing to each
longArray:[0..100] longArray:[0..100] longArray:[0..100] longArray:[0..100]
frequency is executed in frequency is executed in frequency is executed in frequency is executed in
this cell based on the PRB this cell based on the PRB this cell based on the this cell based on the
usage. usage. PDCCH CCE usage. PDCCH CCE usage.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
target frequency
This array parameter sets measurement priority for
the priorities of the PCell VoLTE quality-based This array is the priority
for EN-DC. Each element inter-frequency handover.
Inter-Frequency of PSHO EUTRAN
Inter-Frequency in this array corresponds If the corresponding
Measurement frequencies. A higher
Measurement to Inter-Frequency
one element in the handover function is
Configuration_Target valueMeasurement
indicates a higher
This parameter sets the eutranMeasParas_endcPcc
intra-RAT inter-frequency eutranMeasParas_voLTE
enabled configured to eutranMeasParas_enDcEu
andMeasurement priority, and the eNodeb
Configuration_Target Measurement Frequency Configuration_EUTRAN
target frequency FreqPrio QualHOFreqMeasPri tranFreqPSHOMeasInd
Frequency Prioritypriority
for DL configuration array. If an
Configuration_PCC be based
Priority foron the
VoLTE will config the more
Frequency PSHOfront
for Big
downlink big service- array
Service-Based element
Frequency is set to
Priority for0, measurement
Inter-the Measurement
MeasID this frequency's
based handover.
Handover When the the corresponding
EN-DC eNodeB
Frequency identifies
Handover the measurement;when
for EN-DC User the
eNodeB identifies a UE frequency does not VoLTE UEs with poor frequency of this
with downlink big support EN-DC; voice quality and hands parameter is zero for EN-
longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255]
services, it hands over the otherwise, the them over to the DC User,eNodeb will not
UE to the frequency with corresponding frequency frequency with a non-zero measure this frequency for
a non-zero priority. supports EN-DC. priority. EN-DC User.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0 255;255;255;255;255 1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1
0;0;0;0;0 255;255;255;255;255 1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1
0;0;0;0;0 255;255;255;255;255 1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1
0;0;0;0;0 255;255;255;255;255 1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1
0;0;0;0;0 255;255;255;255;255 1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1
0;0;0;0;0 255;255;255;255;255 1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1
This parameter determines IMMCI function. When a measurement IDs
whether to configure UE with the EN-DC corresponding to the
allowable frequencies for capability is released, the frequency measurement
Inter-Frequency specified IMEISV UEs. If dedicated IMMCI configurations sent by the
Measurement it is set to Yes, only the reselection priority is eNodeB for EN-DC UEs.
Configuration_Inter- IMEISV UEs that are
Inter-Frequency configured based on this
Inter-Frequency A larger parameter value
eutranMeasParas_enDcPe eutranMeasParas_allowFr
configured with the eutranMeasParas_iMMCI
parameter value. A larger eutranMeasParas_enDcEu
indicates a higher
frequency PerQCI Measurement Measurement Configuration_VTHO
sets the ID Configuration_Allowable
Allowable Frequency EndcAnchFreqPri
parameter value indicates
handover priority
Measurement of the
a PerQCI measurement Strategy orfor
Group ID Frequency Allow and
IMEISV aPriority
higher of
EN-DC corresponding frequency.
of EUTRAN Frequencies
for EN-DCgroup
UEs for ProhibitUEs
Frequency priority of the IMMCI
Anchoring frequency. Iffor
it is set to 0,
EN-DC UEsthe
EN-DC UEs. It Strategy parameter can The frequencies with the eNodeB does not send the
corresponds to the PerQCI use the allowable parameter value being measurement
longArray:[0..65535] enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255]
measurement frequencies in zero are not carried in the configurations of the
configurations of each measurement and dedicated reselection frequency for EN-DC
frequency. handover. priority. UEs.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 255;255;255;255;255 1;1;1;1;1
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 255;255;255;255;255 1;1;1;1;1
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 255;255;255;255;255 1;1;1;1;1
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 255;255;255;255;255 1;1;1;1;1
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 255;255;255;255;255 1;1;1;1;1
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 255;255;255;255;255 1;1;1;1;1
handover priority of an E-
UTRAN frequency for SA
This parameter sets the UEs. A larger parameter
group ID of the value indicates a higher This parameter sets the
measurement policy by
Inter-Frequency priority and a smaller intra-RAT
Inter-Frequency inter-frequency ThisInter-Frequency
Inter-Frequency parameter sets the
QCI for SA UEs. It
Measurement measurement
MeasurementID value priority of the directional frequency
Measurement priorities for
corresponds to the QCI- eutranMeasParas_sAEutra
corresponding to the eutranMeasParas_sADirec
IMMCI of SA UEs. If the eutranMeasParas_lbNSAI
NSA UEs during load
Configuration_QCI-Based Configuration_PSHO Configuration_Intra-RAT Configuration_Inter-
based inter-frequency nFreqPSHOMeasInd
frequency measurement tIMMCIInterFPri
Directional IMMCI nterFreqPriority
balancing. It is a one-
Inter-frequency Measurement Indication Inter-frequency Priority of frequency Priority for
Measurement Group ID configurations sent by the Directional
of EUTRAN Frequencies Switch of SA UEs
IMMCI of SA dimensional array and
NSA UEs During the
for SA It can be set eNodeB
UEs forfor
UEsUEs. If it parameter UEsis set to Open, array elements correspond
to Open if it is necessary is set to 0, the eNodeB the eNodeB can carry to the priorities of the
to carry out differentiated does not send the dedicated IMMCI priority frequencies in the
longArray:[0..65535] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255]
mobility policies for measurement information based on this frequency array of
different services of SA configurations of the parameter value when measurement
UEs. frequency for SA UEs. releasing an SA UE. configurations in turn.

-- -- -- --
4;4;4;4;4 1;1;1;1;1 255;255;255;255;255 255;255;255;255;255
4;4;4;4;4 1;1;1;1;1 255;255;255;255;255 255;255;255;255;255
4;4;4;4;4 1;1;1;1;1 255;255;255;255;255 255;255;255;255;255
4;4;4;4;4 1;1;1;1;1 255;255;255;255;255 255;255;255;255;255
4;4;4;4;4 1;1;1;1;1 255;255;255;255;255 255;255;255;255;255
4;4;4;4;4 1;1;1;1;1 255;255;255;255;255 255;255;255;255;255
EN-DC anchor indicators determines the sequence
of E-UTRAN frequencies. of the measurement IDs
This parameter sets the The parameter value Yes corresponding to the
frequency priority for corresponds to the anchor frequency measurement Inter-Frequency
NSA Inter-Frequency
UEs during camping frequency layer planned configurations sent by the
Inter-Frequency Measurement
load balancing.
MeasurementIt is a one- by theInter-Frequency
operator. While the eNodeB for SA UEs. A
Measurement This parameter sets theof
dimensional array with eutranMeasParas_eutranF
parameter value No eutranMeasParas_sAEutra
larger parameter value eutranMeasParas_tmmIN
priority of inter-frequency
Configuration_Inter- Measurement Configuration_VTHO Inter-frequency
the size of for reqENDCAnchorInd
corresponds nFreqVTHOMeasInd
to the non- Measurement
indicates a Indication
higher CInterFreqPriority
measurement for UE
frequency Priority Configuration_EN-DC Measurement
NSA UEs During anchor frequency
Anchor Indicatorslayer.
of E- ofhandover
EUTRAN priority of the
Frequencies migration
Migration when
Camping Load Balancing The There is aFrequencies
UTRAN one-to-one corresponding
for SA UEsfrequency. coordination is enabled. A
array elements correspond correspondence between If it is set to 0, the larger parameter value
to the priorities of the the array elements of this eNodeB does not send the indicates a higher priority.
longArray:[0..255] enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255]
frequencies in the parameter and those of the measurement If it is set to 0, no inter-
awInterCarriFreq array in intra-RAT inter-frequency configurations of the frequency measurement
turn. configuration array. frequency for SA UEs. task is delivered.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1 255;255;255;255;255
0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1 255;255;255;255;255
0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1 255;255;255;255;255
0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1 255;255;255;255;255
0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1 255;255;255;255;255
0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1 1;1;1;1;1 255;255;255;255;255
reporting criteria or for This parameter indicates
measurement how to interpret an
reporting;Fm is the old associated GERAN carrier
Inter-Frequency filtered measurement ARFCN.More
Measurement result, where F0 is set to specifically, the IE
Configuration_Frequency The parameters indicate M1 when the first indicates the GERAN
eutranMeasParas_interFA 11[10] geranMeasParas_geranBa
Priorities for Migrating the numbers of GERAN measurement result from frequency band in case the
tmosDataMigUEPrio geranCarriFreqNum 13[11]
filterCoeffGera ndIndicator
This parameter sets
the Poor-Quality the
Data Frequency Group.The the physical
Layer-3 layer is
Filtering ARFCN value can
UEs of the
in Atmospheric GERAN carrier
GERAN-Frequency received;
1/2(k/4), concern either a DCS
the target frequencies are organized
Number where k is the
Measurement 1800 or afor
Indication PCS 1900
cells for the poor-quality in groups and the cell filterCoefficent for the carrier frequency. For
data UEs that are in the reselection parameters are corresponding ARFCN values not
longArray:[0..255] model default: 0 model default: 4 enumArray:[0, 1]
cells with atmospheric provided per group of measurement quantity associated with one of
ducting interference to be GERAN carrier received by the these bands, the indicator
handed over. frequencies. quantityConfig. has no meaning.

-- -- -- --
255;255;255;255;255 2 4[4] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
255;255;255;255;255 2 4[4] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
255;255;255;255;255 2 4[4] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
255;255;255;255;255 2 4[4] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
255;255;255;255;255 2 4[4] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
255;255;255;255;255 2 4[4] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
0 4[4]
This array indicates the priority of candidate
priority of candidate frequencies for
frequencies for CSFB Redirection target. eNB
target. eNB selects the selects the target
GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency target frequency based on frequency based on this
Measurement Measurement this information. The information. The value
geranMeasParas_geranOff geranMeasParas_nCCper geranMeasParas_geranFre
value range of each geranMeasParas_geranFre
range of each integer array
Configuration_The Configuration_The GERAN-Frequency Measurement
Freq mitted integerqCsfbPriority
array member is member qRdPriority
is from 0 to 255.
Frequency Specific Offset Bitmap to Represent Measurement Configuration_GERAN
of The Neighbour Whether the NCC is from 0 to 255. A higher AFrequency
Configuration_GERAN higher value indicates a
GERAN Frequency (dB) Permitted for Monitoring value indicates
Frequency CSFBa Priority
higher higherPriority
priority. The
priority. The default value default value 0 means the
This parameter is used to This parameter indicates 0 means the corresponding frequency
longArray:[-15..15] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255]
configure the offset value whether NCC monitor is corresponding frequency can not be selected as
of GERAN inter-RAT allowed or not, by bitmap can not be selected as redirection target
frequency. way. CSFB target frequency. frequency.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;255;255;255;255;255;255; 100;100;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0100;100;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;255;255;255;255;255;255; 100;100;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0100;100;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;255;255;255;255;255;255; 100;100;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0100;100;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;255;255;255;255;255;255; 100;100;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0100;100;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;255;255;255;255;255;255; 100;100;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0100;100;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;255;255;255;255;255;255; 100;100;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0100;100;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
geranMeasParas_geranFre geranMeasParas_startAR geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit
GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency
Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement
Configuration_GERAN Configuration_The First Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit
Frequency ANR Indicator ARFCN Value ARFCN1 ARFCN2
longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023,
This parameter is used to
enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[0..1023] 65535] 65535]
This array indicates configure the first
whether to perform ANR ARFCN of GERAN Explicit ARFCN1 (65535 Explicit ARFCN2 (65535
on GERAN frequencies. neighbor cell is invalid value) is invalid value)

-- -- -- --
geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit
GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency
Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement
Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit
longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023,
65535] 65535] 65535] 65535]
Explicit ARFCN3 (65535 Explicit ARFCN4 (65535 Explicit ARFCN5 (65535 Explicit ARFCN6 (65535
is invalid value) is invalid value) is invalid value) is invalid value)

-- -- -- --
geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit
GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency
Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement
Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit
longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023,
65535] 65535] 65535] 65535]
Explicit ARFCN7 (65535 Explicit ARFCN8 (65535 Explicit ARFCN9 (65535 Explicit ARFCN10
is invalid value) is invalid value) is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value)

-- -- -- --
782;8;65535;65535;65535;783;9;65535;65535;65535;784;65535;65535;65535;6 65535;65535;65535;65535
782;8;65535;65535;65535;783;9;65535;65535;65535;784;65535;65535;65535;6 65535;65535;65535;65535
782;8;65535;65535;65535;783;9;65535;65535;65535;784;65535;65535;65535;6 65535;65535;65535;65535
782;8;65535;65535;65535;783;9;65535;65535;65535;784;65535;65535;65535;6 65535;65535;65535;65535
782;8;65535;65535;65535;783;9;65535;65535;65535;784;65535;65535;65535;6 65535;65535;65535;65535
782;8;65535;65535;65535;783;9;65535;65535;65535;784;65535;65535;65535;6 65535;65535;65535;65535
geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit
GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency
Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement
Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit
longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023,
65535] 65535] 65535] 65535]
Explicit ARFCN11 Explicit ARFCN12 Explicit ARFCN13 Explicit ARFCN14
(65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value)

-- -- -- --
geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit
GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency
Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement
Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit
longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023,
65535] 65535] 65535] 65535]
Explicit ARFCN15 Explicit ARFCN16 Explicit ARFCN17 Explicit ARFCN18
(65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value)

-- -- -- --
geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit
GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency
Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement
Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit
longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023,
65535] 65535] 65535] 65535]
Explicit ARFCN19 Explicit ARFCN20 Explicit ARFCN21 Explicit ARFCN22
(65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value)

-- -- -- --
geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit
GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency
Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement
Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit
longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023,
65535] 65535] 65535] 65535]
Explicit ARFCN23 Explicit ARFCN24 Explicit ARFCN25 Explicit ARFCN26
(65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value)

-- -- -- --
geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_explicit
GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency
Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement
Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit
longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023,
65535] 65535] 65535] 65535]
Explicit ARFCN27 Explicit ARFCN28 Explicit ARFCN29 Explicit ARFCN30
(65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value)

-- -- -- --
This array is the
measurement indication of
This array is the CSFB GERAN This array is the
measurement indication of frequencies.When
GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency the measurement indication of
geranMeasParas_explicit geranMeasParas_geranFre
PSHO GERAN geranMeasParas_geranFre
frequency of this geranMeasParas_geranFre
GERAN-Frequency Measurement Measurement Measurement
ARFCN31 qPSHOMeasIndthe parameter
frequencies.When qCSFBMeasInd qSRVCCMeasInd
is Yes, eNodeb Configuration_GERAN
frequencies.When the
Measurement Configuration_GERAN Configuration_GERAN
Configuration_Explicit frequency of
Frequency this
PSHO will measure
Frequency this
CSFB frequencySRVCC
Frequency of this
ARFCN31 parameter is Yes,
Measurement eNodeb Measurement
Indication frequency when CSFB parameter
Indication is Yes,
Measurement eNodeb
will measure this based on measuring; will measure this
frequency when PSHO; otherwise, eNodeb will frequency when SRVCC;
65535] enumArray:[0, 1] enumArray:[0, 1] enumArray:[0, 1]
otherwise, eNodeb will not measure this otherwise, eNodeb will
Explicit ARFCN31 not measure this frequency when CSFB not measure this
(65535 is invalid value) frequency. based on measuring. frequency.

-- -- -- --
the priority of a candidate
frequency for the users in
a high load cell to migrate
to the GERAN system.
The eNodeB selects the
GERAN-Frequency GERAN-Frequency
target Measurement
frequency based on Measurement
this priority.The priority geranMeasParas_perQCI
Configuration_Frequency Configuration_PerQCI
ranges fromfor0 User's
to 255.A This GERANMeaGrpCfg
parameter sets the ID utranCarriFreqNum ThequantityFddUtra
parameter indicates
Priority Measurement
higher value
Migration indicates in
to GERAN a ofConfiguration
a PerQCI measurement
Group ID UTRAN-Frequency what kind of measurement
Measurement Quantity of
High priority.
Load By
Scenarios configuration
of GERANgroup. It Number results
should report
default, this parameter is corresponds to the PerQCI based on the measurement
set to 0, indicating that the measurement quantity cpich_RSCP or
longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..65535] model default: 0 model default: 0
frequency cannot be configurations of a This parameter is used to cpich_EcNo. 0 represents
selected as the candidate frequency group in a present the UTRAN cpich_RSCP,while 1
frequency. GERAN system. frequency number. represents cpich_EcNo.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 cpich_RSCP[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 cpich_RSCP[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 cpich_RSCP[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 cpich_RSCP[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 cpich_RSCP[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 cpich_RSCP[0]
0 cpich_RSCP[0]
utranMeasParas_duplexM utranMeasParas_utranFre utranMeasParas_utranArf
UTRAN-Frequency Measurement UTRAN-Frequency
filCoeUtran ode qBandInd 1498.4..1508.4,
Filtering of Measurement Configuration_Band Measurement
Coefficient in is
UTRAN Configuration_Duplex Indicator for FDD DL Configuration_UTRAN
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1932.4..1992.6,
Measurement Mode Frequency Frequency for FDD
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2112.4..2167.6,
FilterCoefficient of
13, 14] 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 2622.4..2687.6,
EC/No is
model default: 4;4 enumArray:[0, 1] 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19] 3512.4..3587.6]
UcFilterCoeffUtra[1];Utra This parameter is used to
n-Tdd can only use determine UTRAN duplex Band Indicator for FDD UTRAN Frequency for
UcFilterCoeffUtra[0]. mode, FDD or TDD DL Frequency FDD

-- -- -- --
4;4 0 0 2167.6
4;4 0 0 2167.6
4;4 0 0 2167.6
4;4 0 0 2167.6
4;4 0 0 2167.6
4;4 0 0 2167.6
priority of candidate
frequencies for
Redirection target. eNB
selects the target
UTRAN-Frequency frequency based on this
UTRAN-Frequency Measurement information. The value
utranMeasParas_utranFre utranMeasParas_utranArf utranMeasParas_utranOff utranMeasParas_utranFre
range of each integer array
Measurement UTRAN-Frequency Configuration_The Measurement
qBandIndTDD doubleArray:
cnTDD Freq qRdPriority
Configuration_Band Measurement Frequency Specific Offset member is from 0 to 255.
Indicator for TDD DL Configuration_UTRAN of The Neighbour AFrequency
higher value indicates a
Frequency Frequency for TDD UTRAN Frequency (dB) higherPriority
priority. The
default value 0 means the
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2300.8..2399.2,
This parameter is used to corresponding frequency
5] 2570.8..2619.2] longArray:[-15..15] longArray:[0..255]
configure the offset value can not be selected as
Band Indicator for TDD UTRAN Frequency for of UTRAN inter-RAT redirection target
DL Frequency TDD frequency. frequency.

-- -- -- --
0 1910.0 0 0
0 1910.0 0 0
0 1910.0 0 0
0 1910.0 0 0
0 1910.0 0 0
0 1910.0 0 0
This array indicates the
priority of candidate
frequencies for CSFB This parameter is the
target. eNB selects the optimization switch for
target frequency based on UTRAN ANR
UTRAN-Frequency This parameter is the
UTRAN-Frequency UTRAN-Frequency
this information. The frequencies. If it is set to
Measurement switch of the UTRAN
Measurement Measurement
value range of each utranMeasParas_utranFre
Open, the neighbor cell on utranMeasParas_utranFre
ANR self-delete function. utranMeasParas_utranAN
UTRAN-Frequency Configuration_The Configuration_The Configuration_Maximum
array member is this qANRIndcan be
frequency qANRDelInd
it is setof
Open, the RMaxNbrNum
Measurement Switch of UTRAN Number of Neighbor
from 0 to 255. A higher
Configuration_UTRAN added andANR
Frequency optimized by
Self-Add neighbor cell
Frequency ANRon Self-
this This
Cellsparameter indicates
on The Frequency
value indicates
Frequency CSFBa Priority
higher the
andANR function;
Self-Optimize frequencyDelete
can be deleted that
for ifUTRAN
the inter-RAT
priority. The default value Otherwise, the neighbor by the ANR function. UTRAN ANR function is
0 means the cell on this frequency Otherwise, the neighbor enabled, the number of
longArray:[0..255] enumArray:[0, 1] enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[0..32]
corresponding frequency cannot be added and cell on this frequency formal neighbor cells on
can not be selected as optimized by the ANR cannot be deleted by the this frequency cannot
CSFB target frequency. function. ANR function. exceed the upper limit.

-- -- -- --
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
200 0 0 0
200 0 0 0
200 0 0 0
UTRAN frequency point
priority for user migration
This array is the in high-load scenarios.
measurement indication of The eNB selects a
This array is the CSFB UTRAN This array is the destination frequency
measurement indication of frequencies.When
UTRAN-Frequency UTRAN-Frequency the measurement indication of
UTRAN-Frequency point based on the
PSHO UTRAN utranMeasParas_utranFre
frequency of this utranMeasParas_utranFre
SRVCC UTRAN utranMeasParas_hlMigrtU
priority. Priority value
Measurement Measurement Measurement Configuration_User
frequencies.When the parameterqCSFBMeasInd qSRVCCMeasInd
is Yes, eNodeb Configuration_UTRAN
frequencies.When the range: tranFreqPrio
0-255. The larger
Configuration_UTRAN Configuration_UTRAN Migrate to UTRAN
frequency of
Frequency this
PSHO will measure
Frequency this
CSFB frequencySRVCC
Frequency of this theFrequency
value is,inthe
parameter is Yes,
Measurement eNodeb Measurement
Indication frequency when CSFB parameter
Indication Measurement is Yes, eNodeb higher
Indication Highthe frequency
Load point
will measure this based on measuring; will measure this prioity is. The default
frequency when PSHO; otherwise, eNodeb will frequency when value is 0, indicating that
enumArray:[0, 1] enumArray:[0, 1] enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[0..255]
otherwise, eNodeb will not measure this SRVCC ;otherwise, the frequency point is not
not measure this frequency when CSFB eNodeb will not measure taken as the destination
frequency. based on measuring. this frequency. frequency point.

-- -- -- --
1 1 1 0
1 1 1 0
1 1 1 0
1 1 1 0
1 1 1 0
1 1 1 0
This parameter sets the ID
Measurement CDMA2000-Frequency
of a PerQCI measurement
Configuration_Frequency- CDMA2000-Frequency Measurement
configuration group for CDMA2000MeasParas_se
This parameter is used to CDMA2000MeasParas_se
Level PerQCI Measurement Configuration_Search
handover to a cdmaCarriFreqNum archWindowPresent
configure whether archWinSize
Configuration_CDMA Window Size is Used to
WCDMA system.
Configuration GroupAn ID CDMA-Frequency searching window
Measurement of Assist in Searching for the
forindex corresponds
Handover to WCDMAto a Number CDMA
Present Neighboring Pilots
WCDMA frequency and handover measurement is This parameter is used to
is uniquely associated needed or not. 0 means configure searching the
longArray:[0..65535] model default: 0 enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[0..15]
with a group of PerQCI This parameter is used to search window is needed, neighbor pilot frequency
measurement configure the CDMA and 1 means search window size in CDMA
configurations. frequcney number. windows is not needed. cell.

-- -- -- --
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
CDMA2000MeasParas_c CDMA2000MeasParas_c CDMA2000MeasParas_c CDMA2000MeasParas_c
CDMA2000-Frequency CDMA2000-Frequency Measurement CDMA2000-Frequency
dmaType dmaBandClass dmaARFCN dmaOffFreq
Measurement Measurement Configuration_Carrier Measurement
Configuration_CDMA200 Configuration_CDMA200 Frequency within a Configuration_CDMA
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
0 Type 0 Band Class CDMA2000 Band OffsetFreq Rat (dB)
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
This parameter is used to
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
configure the ARFCN This parameter is used to
enumArray:[0, 1] 20, 21] longArray:[0..2047] longArray:[-15..15]
This parameter is used to This parameter is used to value which has configure CDMA inter-
determine the CDMA cell configure the CDMA2000 correspondence to RAT frequency offset
type is 1XRTT or HRPD. band class. CDMA2000 band. value.

-- -- -- --
This array indicates the priority of candidate
priority of candidate frequencies for
frequencies for CSFB Redirection target. eNB
target. eNB selects the selects the target
target frequency based on frequency based on this This array is the
this information. The
CDMA2000-Frequency information. The value
CDMA2000-Frequency measurement indication of
value range of each CDMA2000MeasParas_c
range of each integer array CDMA2000MeasParas_c CDMA2000MeasParas_c
Measurement Measurement CDMA2000-Frequency Measurement
integer dmaFreqRdPriority
array member is Configuration_CDMA200
member is from 0 to 255. dmaFreqANRInd dmaFreqPSHOMeasInd
frequencies.When the
Configuration_CDMA200 Measurement Configuration_CDMA
from 0 to 255. A
0 Frequency higher A0 higher
CSFB FrequencyvalueRedirection
indicates a Configuration_CDMA frequency of
Frequency this
value indicates
Prioritya higher higherPriority
priority. The Frequency ANR Indicator parameter is Yes,
Measurement eNodeb
priority. The default value default value 0 means the will measure this
0 means the corresponding frequency frequency when PSHO;
longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255] enumArray:[0, 1] enumArray:[0, 1]
corresponding frequency can not be selected as This array indicate otherwise, eNodeb will
can not be selected as redirection target whether to perform ANR not measure this
CSFB target frequency. frequency. on CDMA frequencies frequency.

-- -- -- --
CDMA frequency point
priority for user migration
This array is the in high-load scenarios.
measurement indication of The eNB selects a
CSFB CDMA This array is the destination frequency
frequencies.When the measurement
CDMA2000-Frequency indication of
CDMA2000-Frequency point based on the
frequency of this CDMA2000MeasParas_c
SRVCC CDMA CDMA2000MeasParas_hl
priority. Priority value If cSFBbaseLAI equal to
Measurement Measurement Configuration_User
parameter is Yes, eNodeb dmaFreqSRVCCMeasInd
frequencies.When the MigrtCdmaFreqPrio
range: 0-255. The larger cSFBbaseLAI
1, then PLMN indicated
Configuration_CDMA Configuration_CDMA Migrate to CDMA
will measure
Frequency this
CSFB frequencySRVCC
Frequency of this theFrequency
value is,inthe in Register
Switch for CSALI will
frequency when
Measurement CSFB parameter
Indication is Yes,
Measurement eNodeb higher
Indication Highthe frequency
Load point
Scenario priority to other
base LAIcandidate
based on measuring; will measure this priority is. The default PLMNs; If cSFBbaseLAI
otherwise, eNodeb will frequency when SRVCC; value is 0, indicating that equal to 0, then PLMN
enumArray:[0, 1] enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[0..255] model default: 0
not measure this otherwise, eNodeb will the frequency point is not indicated in Register ALI
frequency when CSFB not measure this taken as the destination will not priority to other
based on measuring. frequency. frequency point. candidate PLMNs.

-- -- -- --
prevent ping-pong
handover from macro cell
If multiPLMNLocStCSFB to small cell. When a UE
equal to 0,then Multi- handover from small cell
PLMN local strategy for A to macro cell B , next
CSFB will not be This parameter is used to handover from cell B to
effective; If macroSmallIntraFreqMea
indicate whether the pingPongThres4Macro2S
cell A, then handover
multiPLMNLocStCSFB sSwch
measurement of handover minStayTimeInSC
Only UE hasTimestayed cell Amall
Intra-Freq Measurement Min-Stay forin from
Threshold to Pingpong
of cell B, and
enum: enum:
equal to 1,then Local
Multi-PLMN Multi- toSwitch
small cell is configured
for Handover to small cellfrom
Handover for enough the time which
Macro to Handover UE have
from Macro to
Close[0] Close[0]
PLMN localfor
Strategy strategy
CSFBfor to UE.Cell
Small If time, thenCell
Small eNB(s)may stayedSmall
in small
(s)A and
Open[1] Open[1]
CSFB will be effective; macroSmallIntraFreqMea permit UE to handover to cell B shorter than
long:[0..65535] long:[0..255]
And the operator can sSwch equal to 1, then Small-cell, the average wHenetPingPongThrd,
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 3
config different local measurement of handover time UE stay in Small-cell UE is not allowed to
strategy of CSFB for to small cell will apply to must be longer than handover back to the cell
different PLMN. UE, otherwise, not apply. minStayTimeInSC A.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 15 3
Close[0] Close[0] 15 3
Close[0] Close[0] 15 3
Close[0] Close[0] 0 3
Close[0] Close[0] 0 3
Close[0] Close[0] 0 3
Close[0] Close[0] 0 3
This parameter is the
handover target cell load
threshold. if the target cell
If handover between load is less than the
Macro and Small cell is threshold, then that target
applied, then ,UE can only intraRATHObasedLoadS cell load is not too high,
stay in Macro Time
cell. And voiceAdmtSwch wch hoTarCellPRBThrd
Forbidden of if Switch for Service Type Switch of Cover and then eNodeb will
enum: enum:
has stayedBetween
Handover in MacroMacro
cell This parameter enables
Handover-Based Voiceor The switch of
Handover Intra-RAT Load
Algorithm choose theThreshold
Alert best signalof
Close[0] Close[0]
Small time
Cell that
(s) disables theControl
Admission voice Handover
Basedbased on load. Handover
on Load quality cellTarget
as target
Open[1] Open[1]
longer than admission control for the When this switch is turned if the target cell load
long:[0..65535] long:[0..100]
macrotSmallForbidTime, bearers of QCI1 and on, eNodeb will consider exceeds the threshold,
model default: 600 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 60
then UE can start QCI2. It works only when load as a factor when then eNodeb will choose
handover between Macro service-based handover is select the target cell., the lowest load cell as
and Small cell. enabled. otherwise will not. target cell.

-- -- -- --
600 Open[1] Close[0] 60
600 Open[1] Close[0] 60
600 Open[1] Close[0] 60
600 Open[1] Close[0] 60
600 Open[1] Close[0] 60
600 Open[1] Close[0] 60
600 Open[1] Close[0] 60
This parameter sets the
absolute RSRQ threshold This parameter sets the
for target neighbor cells absolute RSRQ threshold
about the coverage-based for the serving cell about
A3, A4, or A5 event the measurement event
reporting by data users reporting when periodical
PS HO[0]
when periodical event- event-based reporting is
tarNeighCellRsrqThr servCellRsrqThr trigQuaofTarCellOrder CCO[1]
based reporting
RSRQ is started.
Threshold of started. In handover
enum: Redirection based on
In handover
Target decision,
Neighbor the
Cell for decision, the RSRQ
RSRQ Threshold forvalue
The This parameter
Trigger Quantityindicates
of Target The Operation Method of
Rsrp[0] measurement[2]
HO value
Based of the target
Coverage (dB) ofServing
the serving
Cell cell
(dB)is the
Order quantity
Based HO of LTE to GERAN
double:[-20..-3] double:[-20..-3] Rsrq[1] Blind Redirection[3]
neighbor cell is compared compared with the target cell order for
model default: -12.0 model default: -12.0
with the parameter value parameter value to handover based on the last
step: 0.5 step: 0.5 model default: 1 model default: 3
to determine whether determine whether event report, when it starts
handover should be handover should be the periodic report based The Operation Method of
implemented. implemented. on event. LTE to GERAN

-- -- -- --
-12.0 -12.0 Rsrq[1] Blind Redirection[3]
-12.0 -12.0 Rsrq[1] Blind Redirection[3]
-12.0 -12.0 Rsrq[1] Blind Redirection[3]
-12.0 -12.0 Rsrq[1] Blind Redirection[3]
-12.0 -12.0 Rsrq[1] Blind Redirection[3]
-12.0 -12.0 Rsrq[1] Blind Redirection[3]
-12.0 -12.0 Rsrq[1] Blind Redirection[3]
If connection re-
multiPLMNLocSt4RdSw establishment will not be
ch equal to 0,then Multi- effective; If
If PLMN local strategy for multiPLMNLocSt4Reesta
multiPLMNLocSt4PSSwc Redirection will not be bSwch equal to 1,then
h equal to 0,then Multi- effective; If Multi-PLMN local
enum: multiPLMNLocSt4PSSwc multiPLMNLocSt4RdSw multiPLMNLocSt4Reesta
PLMN local strategy for multiPLMNLocSt4RdSw strategy for RRC
Multi-PLMN Local
PS HO[0]
methodLTEtoUTRAN h effective;If
PS will not be ch equal to ch
1,then Multi- bSwch re-
Strategy for RRC
Redirection based on enum: enum: enum:
The Operation Method of multiPLMNLocSt4PSSwc
Multi-PLMN Local PLMN local strategy
Multi-PLMN Localfor establishment
ConnectionwillRe- be
measurement[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
LTE to UTRAN h equal to 1,then
Strategy Multi-
for PS Redirection
Strategy will be
for Redirection effective; And,the
Blind Redirection[2] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
PLMN local strategy for effective; And,the operator can config
PS will be effective; And, operator can config different local strategy of
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
the operator can config different local strategy of RRC connection re-
The Operation Method of different local strategy of Redirection for different establishment for different
LTE to UTRAN PS for different PLMN. PLMN. PLMN.

-- -- -- --
Blind Redirection[2] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Blind Redirection[2] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Blind Redirection[2] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Blind Redirection[2] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Blind Redirection[2] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Blind Redirection[2] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Redirection based on meas Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
All Close[0]
Only ICIC Open[1]
Only DLCOMP Open[2]
This parameter indicates
Only ULCOMP Open[4]
whether measurement for
ICIC and ULCOMP srvccBasedVoLTEQuality meas4HOBasedVoLTEQ
This parameter is the handover based voice interFHOBasedVoLTEQu
uePosiMeasSwch Swch ual it is Yes, alSwch
switch of SRVCC based Whetherquality. Measurement
When for Switch of Inter-Frequency
DLCOMP and ULCOMP enum: enum: enum:
This parameter indicates Switch
VoLTEof Quality.
Basedit Handover
eNodeb will send
Based the
VoLTE Handover Based VoLTE
Open[6] Close[0] No[0] Close[0]
UE the eNodeB
Type Judge Switch is open,
VoLTE eNodeb will
Quality measureQuality
configure, and Quality
All Open[7] Open[1] Yes[1] Open[1]
enable the UE type monitor the quality of trigger handover based on
Judgement,bit 0 indicates VoLTE, and if quality the measure result; When This parameter is the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
ICIC,bit 1 indicate lower than threshold, it is No, eNodeb will switch of inter-frequency
DLCOMP,bit2 indicates eNodeb will trigger trigger handover based on handover based volte
ULCOMP. SRVCC procedure. blind method. quality.

-- -- -- --
All Close[0] Open[1] Yes[1] Close[0]
All Close[0] Open[1] Yes[1] Close[0]
All Close[0] Open[1] Yes[1] Close[0]
All Close[0] Close[0] Yes[1] Close[0]
All Close[0] Close[0] Yes[1] Close[0]
All Close[0] Close[0] Yes[1] Close[0]
All Close[0] Close[0] Yes[1] Close[0]
RAN and Single-PLMN
Inter-RAT RAN[0]
Multi-PLMN Intra-LTE
This parameter determines
RAN and Single-PLMN
whether the redirection to
Inter-RAT RAN[1]
2G/3G/4G systems can be The parameters
Single-PLMN Intra-LTE enum:
triggered for the UEs with corresponding to the blind
RAN and Multi-PLMN To Be Sent in the Initial
QCI1 services. If it is set redirect A2 strategy, the
qci1RedSwch Inter-RAT RAN[2]
sceneOfRanShare Measurements[0]
blindA2Strategy hoBasedSpeedSwch
to Close, the redirection to value of 0 indicates that Switch of Public/Private
enum: Multi-PLMN Intra-LTE To Be Triggered by the enum:
2G/3G/4G systems canfor
Switch of Redirection be blind redirectofA2
Strategy will be
Blind Network Handover Based
Close[0] RAN and Multi-PLMN Inter-Frequency/Inter- Close[0]
triggered for the UEs with
QCI1 This parameter
Scene Of Ranindicates
Share issued in the initial
Redirection A2 on UE Speed
Open[1] Inter-RAT RAN[3] System A2[1] Open[1]
QCI1 services. If it is set the multi-PLMN scene of measurement;Value of 1
to Open, the redirection to serving cell and neighbor indicates that blind The parameter is the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
2G/3G/4G systems cannot cell. It can be set redirect A2 will be open switch of public/private
be triggered for the UEs according to the actal by Inter-Freq A2 or Inter- Network handover Based
with QCI1 services. scene. RAT A2. on UE Speed.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Single-PLMN Intra-LTE RTo Be Triggered by the Int Close[0]
Close[0] Single-PLMN Intra-LTE RTo Be Triggered by the Int Close[0]
Close[0] Single-PLMN Intra-LTE RTo Be Triggered by the Int Close[0]
Close[0] Single-PLMN Intra-LTE RTo Be Triggered by the Int Close[0]
Close[0] Single-PLMN Intra-LTE RTo Be Triggered by the Int Close[0]
Close[0] Single-PLMN Intra-LTE RTo Be Triggered by the Int Close[0]
Close[0] Single-PLMN Intra-LTE RTo Be Triggered by the Int Close[0]
priority when CSFB and increased carrier
blind redirection, and monitoring. If set the
List of E-UTRAN when multiple PLMN parameter 'Config1' or
frequencies not supported eNodeb will order the 'Config2', the UE which
by R8 and R9 UE. In the frequencies according support increased carrier
The Measurement
Operating network, there PLMN priority, and then monitoring shall monitor
be of
some E-UTRAN
E-UTRAN order according the more carriers according
Requirements Scaling to
mediumSpeedUserInd r8r9UnsuptEutraFreqs csfbBldRedRanSharePlcy enum:
frequencies not supported
Frequencies Not configuration of the RAT
Ran-Share Policy of the definition
Factor for the UEof in
enum: enum: Disable[0]
Medium Speed User by R8 andbyR9
Supported UE. The
R8&R9 UE priority
Blind TS36.133, and the
Normal Users[0] Not Ran-Share[0] Config1[1]
Attribute Indicates Operator could
(MHz)list out the priority.If and only if the
Redireciton measurement performance
High-way Users[1] Adaptive[1] Config2[2]
frequencies by this service cell and target cell shall satisfy the
This parameter is used to parameter for the R8 and have the same PLMN and requirements scaled by the
model default: 0 model default: 0;0;0;0 model default: 1 model default: 1
indicate the mediumspeed R9 UE, to avoid only one PLMN then be parameter.The detail
user belongs to the High- measurement, handover, considered as single please refer to the
way users or normal users and so on. PLMN scence. TS36.133(V12.6.0).

-- -- -- --
Normal Users[0] 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 Adaptive[1] Config1[1]
Normal Users[0] 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 Adaptive[1] Config1[1]
Normal Users[0] 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 Adaptive[1] Config1[1]
Normal Users[0] 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 Adaptive[1] Config1[1]
Normal Users[0] 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 Adaptive[1] Config1[1]
Normal Users[0] 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 Adaptive[1] Config1[1]
Normal Users[0] 0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0 Adaptive[1] Config1[1]
The parameter is the
perQCIIntraFreqMeaGrp perQCIInterRATMeaGrp switch of PerQCI
caPcellMeasure Cfg Cfg perQCIMeasSwch
measurement. When this
Switch for Fixed Primary Inter-RAT PerQCI
enum: enum:
Carrier Based PerQCI Intra-Freq This parameter sets the ID switch is open,eNodeb
No[0] Close[0]
Measurement Measure GrpID ofConfiguration
a PerQCI measurement
Group ID will combine
PerQCI the measure
Measure Switch
Yes[1] Open[1]
whether handover based configuration group. It threshold correspond to
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
measurement when The parameter indicates corresponds to the PerQCI QCI. When this switch is
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
Primary carrier frequency the PerQCI measure measurement close, eNodeb will
priority is lower than GroupID response to configurations of an inter- configure the default
inter-frequency intra-frequency. RAT frequency. measurement to UE.

-- -- -- --
No[0] 0 1 Close[0]
No[0] 0 1 Close[0]
No[0] 0 1 Close[0]
No[0] 0 1 Close[0]
No[0] 0 1 Close[0]
No[0] 0 1 Close[0]
No[0] 0 1 Close[0]
the measurement reports
of the intra-RAT
coverage-based handover
whose triggering variable
is RSRQ. If this parameter
is set to RSRP Trig and
RSRQ Trig, the eNodeB
RSRP Trig[1]
triggers thewchjoint decision perQCIStrategyGrpCfg geranAnrArfcn geranBandAnrMeas
RSRQ Trig[2] enum:
Switch for for
RSRP Trig and RSRQ DCS1800[0]
measurement Handover
RSRQ-Based reports of PerQCI Strategy GroupID This parameter indicates
Detailed List Band Indicator
Trig[3] longArray:[0..1023] PCS1900[1]
the intra-RAT coverage- GERAN ANR ARFCN
long:[0..255] model default: 0
based handover whose Detailed List, System This parameter indicates
model default: 1 model default: 0 example: 0 model default: 0
triggering variables are This parameter is the select GERAN ARFCN GERAN ANR frequency
both the RSRP and group index of PerQCI group from detail list band indicator of
RSRQ. strategy. when GERAN ANR start. GERANneighbour cells.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;DCS1800[0]
Close[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;DCS1800[0]
Close[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;DCS1800[0]
Close[0] 0 0 DCS1800[0]
Close[0] 0 0 DCS1800[0]
Close[0] 0 0 DCS1800[0]
RSRP Trig[1] 0 0 DCS1800[0]
This parameter enables or
This parameter enables or disables the QoS
disables the QoS differentiation for
This parameter is the qosCfgBySpeedIndSwch
differentiation for uplink qosCfgBySpeedIndSwch
downlink high-speed and
geranAnrArfcnNum intra-RAT hredirection high-speed Ul low-speed
and low-speed DlUEs in a
Switch of Intra-RAT Highway Private Network Highway Private Network
enum: enum: enum:
GERAN ANR Frequency switch based unknown
Redirection Based UEs
a private network
Switch for private network
QoS Policy in a high-
Switch for
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Number PCI, ifUnknown
the switch
PCIis open, in a high-speed
Uplink rail speed rail scenario. If it is
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
eNodeb will trigger scenario. If it is set to set to Open, different
This parameter indicates redirection when UE Open, different uplink downlink policies are
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
GERAN ANR frequency report an unknown PCI; policies are used for high- used for high-speed UEs
number of GERAN otherwise, eNodeb does speed UEs and low-speed and low-speed UEs
neighbour cells. not trigger redirection. UEs separately. separately.

-- -- -- --
0 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
0 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
0 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
0 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
0 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
0 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
0 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
based on the measurement
results. In a high-speed
rail private-network This parameter indicates
scenario, this parameter the overlapping-coverage
needs to be set to Open if condition of the serving
high-low speed QoS cell. If the RSRP value of
differentiation is enabled. the cell is larger than or
high-speed incoming caReselIntraFreqPriority overlapSrvRSRPThr
equal toThreshold
this parameter maxUserNum4Overlap
Determination Reselection Priority of RSRP for The Maximum Number of
Switch forand low-speed
High-Speed Intra Frequency for CA value, the measurement
Overlapping Coverage of User for Measurement of
UEs is Users report can beCell
the Serving included
(dBm)in Overlap Rate Estimation
enabled between high- overlapping-coverage
long:[0..255] long:[-140..-43] long:[0..50]
speed rail private-network This parameter is used to evaluation; otherwise, the This parameter indicates
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: -110 model default: 20
cells and public-network indicate reselection measurement report is not the maximum number of
cells, this parameter priority of intra frequency included in overlapping- UE for a period of
should to be set to Open. for CA users. coverage evaluation. overlapping coverage.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0 -110 20
Close[0] 0 -110 20
Close[0] 0 -110 20
Close[0] 0 -110 20
Close[0] 0 -110 20
Close[0] 0 -110 20
Close[0] 0 -110 20
configuration policy for
This parameter enables or SRVCC. If it is set to 0, it
disables the configuration indicates that coverage-
of the CRS measurement based inter-frequency
Remain The Inter
bandwidth. If it is set to measurement is remained
Open, the intra-frequency when coverage-based interRatCdmaPeriodMeas
crsRsrp6RBSwch Measurements[0]
srvccInterFMeasStrategy Swch highSpeedThr
and/or inter-frequency
Switch of CRS SRVCC measurement
Strategy of Inter- is Switch for Inter-RAT This parameter is used for
enum: Delete The Inter enum:
measurement Bandwidth
Measurement bandwidth delivered.
frequency IfMeasurement
it is set to 1, Periodical Measurement Time
decision in
Close[0] Frequency Close[0]
is configured; otherwise,
Configuration it indicates
SRVCCcoverage- of CDMA speed railSpeed
(s) If the
Open[1] Measurements[1] Open[1]
the measurement based inter-frequency duration when a UE
bandwidth is decided by measurement is deleted resides in the CP is
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 20
the intra-frequency and/or when coverage-based Switch for inter-RAT shorter than this threshold,
inter-frequency neighbor SRVCC measurement is periodical measurement of the UE state is set to high
cell bandwidth. delivered. CDMA. speed.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Remain The Inter Frequen Close[0] 20
Close[0] Remain The Inter Frequen Close[0] 20
Close[0] Remain The Inter Frequen Close[0] 20
Close[0] Remain The Inter Frequen Close[0] 20
Close[0] Remain The Inter Frequen Close[0] 20
Close[0] Remain The Inter Frequen Close[0] 20
Close[0] Remain The Inter Frequen Close[0] 20
disables SRVCC ping-
pong handover
prevention. If this This parameter sets the
parameter is set to Open, duration of intra-RAT
This parameter is the when the number of ping-pong handover
switch for preventing the failures of continuous detection. When the
Intra-RAT ping-pong SRVCC handover to intraRATPingPongHODet
switch for preventing
This parameter is used for handover,chwhen the srvccPingPongHOSwch
intra-RAT ping-pong
Switch for Preventing The Switch for Preventing The Intra-RAT Ping-Pong
enum: enum:
Time decision in
Low switch is open,
Intra-RAT it can
Ping-Pong neighbor
SRVCC cells reaches the Handover
Ping-Pong handover isDetection
turned on, the
Close[0] Close[0]
speed railSpeed
(s) If the detect Handover
and prevent the threshold in the detection eNB detects
Handover and(s)prevents
Open[1] Open[1]
duration when a UE connection handover duration, the eNodeB ping-pong handover
long:[0..255] long:[1..60]
resides in the CP is longer between two Intra-RAT prevents the SRVCC between two intra-RAT
model default: 30 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 30
than or equal to this cells within the Intra-RAT handover to any cells within the duration
threshold, the UE state is ping-pong handover GERAN/UTRAN of intra-RAT ping-pong
set to low speed. detection time length. neighbor cell. handover detection.

-- -- -- --
30 Open[1] Close[0] 30
30 Open[1] Close[0] 30
30 Open[1] Close[0] 30
30 Open[1] Close[0] 30
30 Open[1] Close[0] 30
30 Open[1] Close[0] 30
30 Close[0] Close[0] 30
corresponds to the This parameter indicates the maximum number of
maximum CIO adjustment the time length for SRVCC ping-pong
number within the Intra- SRVCC ping-pong handover attempts for the
RAT ping-pong handover handover detection. When voice service. When the
detection time length, the number of failures of number of failures of
when the CIO adjustment continuous SRVCC continuous SRVCC Related Parameter
to achieve the maximum srvccPingPongHODetTim
handover to maxSRVCCPingPongHO
handover to wlanCarInfoConfig_wlan
Configuration of Carrier
ONum eLen Num OperatClass
Max of times,
Intra-RAT if
Maximum Number of Information for
continue to occur CIO
Pong Handover Intra- Handover
neighbor cells reaches
Detection the
Time neighbor
SRVCC cells reaches the
Numberwithin threshold in the detection
Length(s) threshold
Handoverin the detection
Attempts Operation Class
the test time, eNB need to duration, the eNodeB duration, the eNodeB
long:[1..60] long:[1..10]
recover the CIO and start prevents the SRVCC prevents the SRVCC
model default: 3 model default: 30 model default: 3 longArray:[0..256]
this timer to prevent the handover to any handover to any This parameter is used to
handover for Ping-Pong GERAN/UTRAN GERAN/UTRAN configure the WLAN
cell. neighbor cell. neighbor cell. operation class.

-- -- -- --
3[3] 30 3
3[3] 30 3
3[3] 30 3
3[3] 30 3
3[3] 30 3
3[3] 30 3
3[3] 30 3
Related Parameter Related Parameter Related Parameter Related Parameter
wlanCarInfoConfig_wlan wlanCarInfoConfig_wlan wlanCarInfoConfig_wlan wlanCarInfoConfig_wlan
Configuration of Carrier Configuration of Carrier Configuration of Carrier Configuration of Carrier
CountryCode ChanlNum1 ChanlNum2 ChanlNum3
Information for Information for Information for Information for
Code Number Number Number
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
255] longArray:[0..256] longArray:[0..256] longArray:[0..256]
This parameter is used to This parameter is used to This parameter is used to This parameter is used to
configure the WLAN configure the WLAN configure the WLAN configure the WLAN
country code. channel Number. channel Number. channel Number.

-- -- -- --
Related Parameter Related Parameter Related Parameter Related Parameter
wlanCarInfoConfig_wlan wlanCarInfoConfig_wlan wlanCarInfoConfig_wlan wlanCarInfoConfig_wlan
Configuration of Carrier Configuration of Carrier Configuration of Carrier Configuration of Carrier
ChanlNum4 ChanlNum5 ChanlNum6 ChanlNum7
Information for Information for Information for Information for
Number Number Number Number

longArray:[0..256] longArray:[0..256] longArray:[0..256] longArray:[0..256]

This parameter is used to This parameter is used to This parameter is used to This parameter is used to
configure the WLAN configure the WLAN configure the WLAN configure the WLAN
channel Number. channel Number. channel Number. channel Number.

-- -- -- --
Related Parameter Related Parameter Related Parameter Related Parameter
wlanCarInfoConfig_wlan wlanCarInfoConfig_wlan wlanCarInfoConfig_wlan wlanCarInfoConfig_wlan
Configuration of Carrier Configuration of Carrier Configuration of Carrier Configuration of Carrier
ChanlNum8 ChanlNum9 ChanlNum10 ChanlNum11
Information for Information for Information for Information for
Number Number Number Number

longArray:[0..256] longArray:[0..256] longArray:[0..256] longArray:[0..256]

This parameter is used to This parameter is used to This parameter is used to This parameter is used to
configure the WLAN configure the WLAN configure the WLAN configure the WLAN
channel Number. channel Number. channel Number. channel Number.

-- -- -- --
Related Parameter Related Parameter Related Parameter Related Parameter
wlanCarInfoConfig_wlan wlanCarInfoConfig_wlan wlanCarInfoConfig_wlan wlanCarInfoConfig_wlan
Configuration of Carrier Configuration of Carrier Configuration of Carrier Configuration of Carrier
ChanlNum12 ChanlNum13 ChanlNum14 ChanlNum15
Information for Information for Information for Information for
Number Number Number Number

longArray:[0..256] longArray:[0..256] longArray:[0..256] longArray:[0..256]

This parameter is used to This parameter is used to This parameter is used to This parameter is used to
configure the WLAN configure the WLAN configure the WLAN configure the WLAN
channel Number. channel Number. channel Number. channel Number.

-- -- -- --
when UE context or
dedicate ERAB is
established, it can
preferential handover UE
to the expect frequencies
Related Parameter which coresponding to the
wlanCarInfoConfig_wlan highest priority QCI; if
Configuration of Carrier
ChanlNum16 enum:
hoBaseServiceSwch trainInjudgeThr trainOutjudgeThr
Information for configured as 2, when
WLAN_WLAN Channel voice service
Handover SwitchisBase The Threshold of Train
General Strategy[1]
Number established,
Serviceit can The Threshold of Train in Out
WCP Strategy[2]
handover UE to LTE FDD
long:[1..200] long:[1..200]
neighbour cell, or SRVCC
longArray:[0..256] model default: 0 model default: 30 model default: 25
This parameter is used to to UMTS; if configured as
configure the WLAN 0, it means the function is
channel Number. closed. The threshold of train in. The threshold of train out.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 30 25
Close[0] 30 25
Close[0] 30 25
Close[0] 30 25
Close[0] 30 25
Close[0] 30 25
Close[0] 30 25
when measurement for
WCDMA handover based This parameter indicates This parameter indicates
coverage,eNodeb will the absolute Ec/No the absolute Ec/No
compare the Ec/No of threshold for data user threshold for voice user
neighbor cell to decide target neighbor cell target neighbor cell
whether it is conducted reporting when it starts reporting when it starts
wcdmaHOBasedRscpand enum:
handover. If this switch is the measurement for the measurement for
EcNoSwch wcdmaEcNoThr4DT wcdmaEcNoThr4VT Event triggered
Switch ofasWCDMA
Ec/No Trig, WCDMA handover
Data User Ec/Nobased WCDMA handover
Voice User based
Close[0] measurement[0]
when measurement
Handover Based RSCP for coverage.As
Threshold for handover
WCDMA coverage.As
Threshold for handover
WCDMA Measurement Type for
RSCP Trig[1] Periodical
WCDMA andhandover
Ec/No based HOdecision, it need to(dB)
Based Coverage HOdecision, it need to(dB) CA Self-Configuration
Based Coverage
Ec/No Trig[2] double:[-24.5..0] double:[-24.5..0] measurement[1]
coverage,eNodeb will compare the Ec/No of compare the Ec/No of This parameter indicates
model default: -12.0 model default: -10.0
compare the RSCP of neighbor cell to the neighbor cell to the the measurement type for
model default: 0 step: 0.5 step: 0.5 model default: 0
neighbor cell to decide parameter., so it decided parameter., so it decided data collection on
whether it is conducted whether it is conducted whether it is conducted overlapping coverage in
handover. handover. handover. CA self-configuration.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] -12.0 -10.0 Event triggered measureme
Close[0] -12.0 -10.0 Event triggered measureme
Close[0] -12.0 -10.0 Event triggered measureme
Close[0] -12.0 -10.0 Event triggered measureme
Close[0] -12.0 -10.0 Event triggered measureme
Close[0] -12.0 -10.0 Event triggered measureme
Close[0] -12.0 -10.0 Event triggered measureme
policy used for data
service delivery in inter-
RAT measurement. If it is
set to 0, it indicates that This parameter is used to
When the Intra-RAT coverage-based inter- distinguish inter-
Ping-Pong last prevent frequency measurement is frequency A1 and inter-
Remain the inter
timer is expired,according
Intra-RAT Ping-Pong Last remained when
Strategy coverage-
of Inter- RAT A1. If this parameter
IntraRATPinPonCIOStep lastTimerExpMeaRecfg frequency
psInterFMeasStrategy diffA1Swch
to this Timer
Prevent parameters
Expire based data service
frequency B1/B2
Measurement is enabled,
Switch inter-frequency
of Different A1 for
enum: measurements[0] enum:
Intra-RAT Ping-Pong CIO determineWhether whether
Measureto measurement
When PS Serviceis delivered.
Inter- A1 and inter-RAT
Inter-Frequency andA1 are
No[0] Delete the inter frequency Close[0]
Adjustment Step (dB) reconfig Reconfig
the measurement. If itRAT
is setMeasurement
to 1, it indicates distinguished
RATfrom each
Yes[1] measurements[1] Open[1]
This parameter indicates Note:The handover that coverage-based inter- other; otherwise, inter-
the CIO adjustment step. prevent and measurement frequency measurement is frequency A1 and inter-
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
If a ping-pong handover is recovery are only for deleted when coverage- RAT A1 are not
detected, this parameter coverage and voice based data service B1/B2 distinguished from each
needs to be adjusted. quality two functions. measurement is delivered. other.

-- -- -- --
0 Yes[1] Remain the inter frequenc Close[0]
0 Yes[1] Remain the inter frequenc Close[0]
0 Yes[1] Remain the inter frequenc Close[0]
0 Yes[1] Remain the inter frequenc Close[0]
0 Yes[1] Remain the inter frequenc Close[0]
0 Yes[1] Remain the inter frequenc Close[0]
0 Yes[1] Remain the inter frequenc Close[0]
priorities of the EUTRA- this parameter is set to
FDD, EUTRA-TDD, This parameter is used to CCU User, the vague
GERAN, UTRA-FDD, determine whether a CSFB user policy is
UTRA-TDD, CSFB UE is located in the consistent with that of the
CDMA2000-HRPD, and center or on the edge of center user, that is, the
CDMA2000-1xRTT the cell in accordance eNB will not deliver
systems respectively. The with the MCS. If the MCS measurement to the vague
priority of each system emtcCovHOSwch ofcsfbCEUUserMcsThrd
the UE is larger than or csfbVagueUserLocation
CSFB user. If this
Switch of Coverage-
enum: enum:
User from 0 to
Migration 255. Ain
Priority Based Handover for equal
the threshold,
User MCS the parameter
CSFB Vagueis set to CEU
Close[0] CCU User[0]
higher value Scenarios
High Load indicates a eMTCs UE is located in center of
Threshold User, the vague
Location CSFB
longArray:[0..255] Open[1] CEU User[1]
higher priority. The the cell; if the MCS of the user policy is consistent
model default: long:[0..28]
default value 0 indicates UE is less than the with that of the edge user,
0;0;0;255;0;0;0 model default: 1 model default: 10 model default: 1
that the RAT is not This parameter enables or threshold, the UE is that is, the eNB will
selected as the target disables coverage-based located on the edge of the deliver measurement to
system for user migration. handover for eMTCs. cell. the vague CSFB user.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;255;0;0;0 Open[1] 10 CEU User[1]
0;0;0;255;0;0;0 Open[1] 10 CEU User[1]
0;0;0;255;0;0;0 Open[1] 10 CEU User[1]
0;0;0;255;0;0;0 Open[1] 10 CEU User[1]
0;0;0;255;0;0;0 Open[1] 10 CEU User[1]
0;0;0;255;0;0;0 Open[1] 10 CEU User[1]
0;0;0;255;0;0;0 Open[1] 10 CEU User[1]
the required SINR of
This parameter sets the voice UEs with full power
duration for detecting emission in an
ping-pong handover of atmospheric-duct cell. If it
UEs. When a UE is is set to a larger value, a
handed over from cell A This parameter indicates lower path loss threshold
to cell B and then handed whether to
Whether to Enable
enable the
The Requiredthat a voice
SINRuser can
of Voice
qAdjBasedBfGainSwch over pingPongTmr
back to cell A, it is handover4AtmosductCell
optimization strategy atmosphericVoiceSINR
Optimization Strategy for afford
for Users in an Full
With atmospheric-
Power in
enum: enum:
The RSRQ Adjustment considered
Ping-Pongthat a ping-
Handover UEs
hand overtotoAn an duct cell can beDuct
Atmospheric obtained.
Close[0] No[0]
Switch Based on BF Gain pong handover
Detection from(s)cell
Timer atmospheric-duct
Atmospheric Duct cell. If it If it is set(dB)
Cell to a smaller
Open[1] Yes[1] double:[0..50]
This parameter is the A to cell B occurs if the is set to Yes, the value, a higher path loss
long:[1..65535] model default: 6.0
RSRQ adjustment switch period of time during optimization strategy is threshold that a voice user
model default: 0 model default: 3 model default: 0 step: 0.5
based on BF gain. It is which the UE camps on enabled; otherwise, the can afford in an
applicable to the MM cell B is less than or equal optimization strategy is atmospheric-duct cell can
model only. to this parameter value. disabled. be obtained.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 3 No[0] 6.0
Close[0] 3 No[0] 6.0
Close[0] 3 No[0] 6.0
Close[0] 3 No[0] 6.0
Close[0] 3 No[0] 6.0
Close[0] 3 No[0] 6.0
Close[0] 3 No[0] 6.0
the required SINR of data
UEs for data transmission This parameter indicates
with full power emission the absolute RSRQ
in an atmospheric-duct absolute threshold for
cell. If this parameter is This parameter is the UE target neighbor cell about
set to a larger value, a number configuration for HO Based Voice
lower pathSINR
loss threshold uENumThr4HOBaseServi
handover based service. tarNeighRsrqThr4HoBase
measurement reporting
Required of Data
that a data hSpeedSRPriSchdSwch When the handover ce dVoice
Users Withuser
Fullcan afford
Power in The Switch of SR Has UE Number Threshold switch when it starts
Target the periodic
Neighbor Cell
in an atmospheric-duct
Atmospheric Duct Cell Priority Scheduled for base
Handoveris opening
Base report
RSRQbased on event.
Threshold As
for HO
cell can be(dB)
obtained. If it High Speed UE and UE number
Servicemore than handover
Voice (dB)it need
double:[0..50] Open[1] double:[-20..-3]
is set to a smaller value, a The SR for NGBR this parameter, the to compare the RSRQ of
model default: 3.0 long:[0..65535] model default: -12.0
higher path loss threshold bearing of high speed ue eNodeb will Handover the neighbor cell to the
step: 0.5 model default: 0 model default: 0 step: 0.5
that a data user can afford priority scheduling to low high priority service UE parameter, so it decided
in an atmospheric-duct speed UE when the switch to the corresponding whether it is conducted
cell can be obtained. on. expected frequency. handover.

-- -- -- --
3.0 Close[0] 0 -12.0
3.0 Close[0] 0 -12.0
3.0 Close[0] 0 -12.0
3.0 Close[0] 0 -12.0
3.0 Close[0] 0 -12.0
3.0 Close[0] 0 -12.0
3.0 Close[0] 0 -12.0
This parameter sets the
This parameter indicates This parameter sets the absolute RSRQ threshold
the absolute RSRQ absolute RSRP threshold for target neighbor cells
absolute threshold for for the serving cell about about the coverage-based
target neighbor cell about the measurement event A3, A4, or A5 event
Load Balance reporting when periodical reporting by VoLTE users
measurement reporting When the switch is set to event-based reporting is when periodical
VoLTE User RSRQevent-
when it starts the periodic anrMeasMicroCellSwch
Open,Micro servCellRsrpThr tarNeighCellVTRsrqThr
Target Neighbor Cell The Switch ofCell can be
Measuring started. In handover based reporting
Threshold of is started.
report based
RSRQ on event.
Threshold As measured
for Load by ANR;
Micro Cell by ANR when decision, the RSRP
RSRP Threshold forvalue
The InNeighbor
for HO the
handover decision,
Balance (dB)it need the switch is set to Close,
Function of the serving
Serving cell is
Cell (dBm) RSRQ
Basedvalue of the(dB)
Coverage target
double:[-20..-3] Open[1] double:[-20..-3]
to compare the RSRQ of the intra-frequency Micro compared with the neighbor cell is compared
model default: -12.0 long:[-140..-43] model default: -12.0
neighbor cell to the Cell can not be measured parameter value to with the parameter value
step: 0.5 model default: 0 model default: -125 step: 0.5
parameter, so it decided by ANR, the existed intra- determine whether to determine whether
whether it is conducted frequency temp neighbor handover should be handover should be
handover. relation must be deleted. implemented. implemented.

-- -- -- --
-12.0 Close[0] -125 -12.0
-12.0 Close[0] -125 -12.0
-12.0 Close[0] -125 -12.0
-12.0 Close[0] -125 -12.0
-12.0 Close[0] -125 -12.0
-12.0 Close[0] -125 -12.0
-12.0 Close[0] -125 -12.0
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
absolute RSRP threshold absolute RSRP threshold absolute RSRP threshold absolute RSRP threshold
for target neighbor cells for target neighbor cells for target neighbor cells for target neighbor cells
about the coverage-based about the coverage-based about the load balancing about the voice service-
A3, A4, or A5 event A3, A4, or A5 event measurement event based handover event
reporting by data users reporting by VoLTE users reporting when periodical reporting when periodical
when periodical event- when periodical event- event-based reporting is tarNRsrpThr4HOBasedV
event-based reporting is
RSRP Threshold of VoLTE User RSRP
based tarNeighCellVTRsrpThr tarNeighCellRsrpThr4LB oice
for based reporting
Threshold of is started.
Target started.Neighbor
Target In handover
Cell started.Neighbor
Target In handover
Coveragethe InNeighbor
for HO the decision,
Threshold forvalue
Load decision, the RSRP
RSRP Threshold forvalue
RSRP value of the target
(dBm) RSRP
Basedvalue of the(dBm)
Coverage target of the target neighbor
Balancing (dBm) cell of the target
Based neighbor
Voice (dBm)cell
neighbor cell is compared neighbor cell is compared is compared with the is compared with the
long:[-140..-43] long:[-140..-43] long:[-140..-43] long:[-140..-43]
with the parameter value with the parameter value parameter value to parameter value to
model default: -125 model default: -125 model default: -125 model default: -125
to determine whether to determine whether determine whether determine whether
handover should be handover should be handover should be handover should be
implemented. implemented. implemented. implemented.

-- -- -- --
-125 -125 -125 -125
-125 -125 -125 -125
-125 -125 -125 -125
-125 -125 -125 -125
-125 -125 -125 -125
-125 -125 -125 -125
-125 -125 -125 -125
absolute RSCP threshold absolute RSCP threshold
for target neighbor cells for target neighbor cells
about measurement event about measurement event
reporting by data users reporting by voice users
when coverage-based when coverage-based
handover measurement handover measurement
for the WCDMA
Data User RSCP system for Voice
User RSCPsystem
is started. for
In handover spidStrategyGrpCfg utranPciEcNoThrd wCDMARscpThr4VT
is started. for
In handover
Threshold WCDMA Threshold WCDMA
HO Basedthe RSCP value
Coverage When
UTRAN the Unknown
RSCP value of
PCI decision,
HO Basedthe RSCP value
of the target
(dBm)neighbor cell This
Strategy sets the ID
GroupID a Ec/N0
UTRAN unknown
Threshold PCI
(dB) of the target
(dBm)neighbor cell
is compared with the of an SPID strategy is invalid and the Ec/N0 is is compared with the
long:[-120..-24] long:[0..255] model default: -11.0 long:[-120..-24]
parameter value to configuration group, larger than the threshold, parameter value to
model default: -100 model default: 0 step: 0.5 model default: -100
determine whether corresponding to a group ANR is used to perform determine whether
handover should be of SPID service ECGI measurement for handover should be
implemented. deployment strategies. the unknown PCI. implemented.

-- -- -- --
-100 1 -11.0 -100
-100 1 -11.0 -100
-100 1 -11.0 -100
-100 0 -11.0 -100
-100 0 -11.0 -100
-100 0 -11.0 -100
-100 0 -11.0 -100
This parameter enables or
direHOBasedHSpeedSwc hSpeedSpecMeasCfgSwc
This parameter enables or uESpeedIndCompJudgeS
disables the The parameter is used to
Switch for
h disables h dedicated
the wch
comprehensive sRVCCBasedCSFBSwch
open/close the function of
Switch for Dedicated Comprehensive
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Speed UEenables or
Direction measurement
Measurement foroftoHigh
high- determination
DeterminationofofUEs'UE SRVCCofbased
Switch SRVCCCSFB for
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
disables directed
Handover handover
Switch speed UEs.
it is set to speeds. If Speeds
it is set to Open, CSFB
VoLTEforuser, whileUser
VoLTE the
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
for high speed UEs. If it is Open, the eNodeB can the upper layer of the switch is open, the
set to Open, the eNodeB deliver specific eNodeB determines the VoLTE user triggers the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
can instruct high-speed measurement speeds of the UEs on the SRVCC process after
UEs to hand over to high- configurations to high- public and dedicated receiving the CSFB
speed rail cells. speed UEs. networks. instruction.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
If the measurement report UE. If the parameter is set
does not aim for This parameter is the to Close and if the
reportStrongestCellsForS switch of Scheduling UTRAN ANR function is
ON, a maximum of 32 This parameter is the When Measuring ECGI In enabled, after the UE
neighbor cells can be measurement timer of Handover to Femto Cell. reports CGI and a
configured under a SRVCC based CSFB for If this parameter is set to temporary neighbor cell is
UTRAN frequency point. sRVCCBasedCSFBMeas
VoLTE user. Upon Open, to increase the added, the eNodeB does
The Switch of Sorting The Switch of Update
When the parameter is set Timer
measurement schedInEcgiHoSwch umtsMeaObjUpdateSwch
Measured UTRAN Measurementbased Timerthis
of ECGI measurement
Switch of Scheduling not update
UTRAN the newly
Neighbor Cells
enum: enum: enum:
to Close, Cells
Neighbor the UTRAN
By The function
SRVCC configurate,
Based CSFB for success
When rate, the eNodeB
Measuring ECGI In added temporary neighbor
in MeasObjectUTRA By
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
neighbor cells are not
ANR Function eNodeb
VoLTEwillUserstart this
(ms) transmits
Handoverdata only when
to Femto Cell cell to ANR
The the measurement
Open[1] long:[1000..60000] Open[1] Open[1]
sorted in measConfig, and timer to wait for measure the onDurationTimer object and does not send
model default: 10000
a maximum of 32 report. If it time out, timer operates in long an
model default: 0 step: 10 model default: 0 model default: 0
neighbor cells can be eNodeb will delete DRX status when RRCConnectionReconfig
configured under a measurement based this measuring ECGI in uration message to the
UTRAN frequency point. function. Handover to Femto Cell. UE.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 10000 Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] 10000 Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] 10000 Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] 10000 Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] 10000 Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] 10000 Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] 10000 Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter is the
729..746, 758..821,
optimization switch for
869..894, 925..960,
NR ANR frequency
1427..1518, 1805..1920, nRFreqConfigPara_nRFre nRFreqConfigPara_eNDC
nRFreqConfigPara_nRFre nRFreqConfigPara_nRear
NR Frequency Related NR Frequency Related addition. If the parameter
NR Frequency Related
qBandInd 1930..2025,
fcn2110..2200, qOffset FreqANRInd
Configuration_Band NR Frequency Related Configuration_Offset is set to Open, the
longArray:[1..3, 5, 7..8, 2300..2400, 2496..2690,
Indicator for NR DL Configuration_NR SSB value of NR inter-RAT Switch neighbor
of NRcellFrequency
on this
12, 20, 25, 28, 34, 38..41, 3300..4200,
Frequencies Frequency (MHz) frequencies frequency can be added
ANR Self-Addition
50, 51, 66, 70..71, 74, 4400.01..4999.995,
by the ANR function.
77..79, 257..258, 24250.08..29499.96,
Otherwise, the neighbor
260..261] 37000.02..39999.96] longArray:[-15..15] enumArray:[0, 1]
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the cell on this frequency
indicator for the frequency This parameter sets an NR offset value of NR inter- cannot be added by the
band of NR frequencies. SSB frequency. RAT frequencies. ANR function.

-- -- -- --
This array parameter the priorities of the PCell
enables or disables NR and SCells for EN-DC. This parameter sets the PS
ANR frequency self- Each element in this array handover priority of an
deletion. If an array corresponds to one NR frequency. A larger
element is set to Open, the element in the NR inter- parameter value indicates
neighbor cells on the frequency configuration a higher priority and a
corresponding nRFreqConfigPara_sSBS nRFreqConfigPara_nrPSC element nRFreqConfigPara_nRFre
NR Frequencyfrequency
Related array. If an arrayRelated
NR Frequency smaller
NR MeasIDRelated
Frequency value
be deleted through
ANR NR Frequency Related isellFreqPrio
set to 0, the
Configuration_PS to the
ANR self-deletion.
Frequency If an Configuration_SSB Sub- Frequency
Self-Deletion corresponding NRfor
Priority frequency measurement
Measurement Indication
array element
Switchis set to ThisCarrier
parameter sets the
Spacing frequency
EN-DC does not configurations sent by the
of an NR Frequency
Close, the neighbor cells SSB subcarrier spacing. support EN-DC; eNodeB. If it is set to 0,
on the corresponding This parameter value must otherwise, the the eNodeB does not send
enumArray:[0, 1] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255]
frequency cannot be be the same as that of the corresponding NR the measurement
deleted through ANR self- serving cell at the peer frequency supports EN- configurations of the
deletion. end. DC. frequency.

-- -- -- --
priority the redirection of frequencies for fast return
candidate frequencies to This parameter sets the when EPS fallback ends.
the target NR frequencies. VoLTE handover priority Each element in this array
The eNodeB selects the of an NR frequency. A corresponds to one
target frequency based on larger parameter value element in the NR inter-
the priority. The priority indicates a higherRelated
NR Frequency priority frequency configuration
This parameter indicates nRFreqConfigPara_nRFre
ranges 255. A nRFreqConfigPara_nRFre
from 0 toRelated and a smaller MeasID nRFreqConfigPara_epsFB
array. If an arrayRelated
NR Frequency Related NR Frequency Configuration_VoLTE NR Frequency
whether qSAInd
the NR frequency higher qRdPriority qVoLTEHOMeasInd
value indicates a value corresponding EndFRFreqPrio
Configuration_SA Configuration_NR HO Measurementto the Configuration_Frequency
is set to 0, the
belongs to theofSA.
Indication If it is Frequency
an NR higher priority. By
Redirection frequency measurement
Indication of an NR corresponding
Priorities frequency
for Fast Return
set to 1,Frequency
it indicates that default, this parameter is configurations
Priority sent by the When
Frequency doesEPS
not Fallback
support fast
the NR frequency belongs set to 0, indicating that the eNodeB. If it is set to 0, return when EPS fallback
to the SA. If it is set to 0, frequency cannot be the eNodeB does not send ends; otherwise, the
longArray:[0..1] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255]
it indicates that the NR selected as the candidate the measurement corresponding frequency
frequency does not belong frequency during configurations of the supports fast return when
to the SA. redirection. frequency. EPS fallback ends.

-- -- -- --
frequency measurement.
In an SSB measurement
period of a UE, the UE
measures the SSB This parameter sets the
frequency based on the time-domain bitmap
subframe location position for the frequency-
nRFreqConfigPara_sSBM nRFreqConfigPara_sSBM nRFreqConfigPara_sSBM
corresponding to this nRFreqConfigPara_sSBT
level SSB measurement
NR Frequency Related
easPeriod easDuration easSubframeOffset
parameter value. If the oMeasBitmap
the UEs inRelated
NR Frequency Related NR Frequency Related Configuration_SSB NR
Configuration_SSB Configuration_SSB parameter
Measurement value is larger Configuration_Connected
Subframe connected state. If it is set
Measurement Period Measurement Duration than the actual
Offsetperiod, the SSBto 1,Measurement
the corresponding
actual subframe offset beams need to be
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the position is determined measured; if it is set to 0,
5] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] longArray:[0..159] stringArray:length[4..64]
interval for SSB duration for SSB based on the mode SSB the corresponding beams
frequency measurement frequency measurement period when the actual do not need to be
by UEs. by UEs. value is sent to UE. measured.

-- -- -- --
This parameter sets the
offset of the frame
boundary of 4G and 5G This parameter sets the
base stations on each 5G NR Frequency Related NR
nRFreqConfigPara_syste nRFreqConfigPara_frame nRFreqConfigPara_sAPer
frequency. The parameter Configuration_QCI-Based nRFreqConfigPara_sADir
directional migration
This parameter indicates valueBoundaryOffset
is calculated QCINRMeaGrpCfg
by the This ectMigNRFreqPri
NR Frequency Related NR Frequency Related NR parameter sets the
Frequency-Level of SA UEs.
Frequency If theof
the SFN difference
Configuration_System following function:
Configuration_Frame group ID of
Measurement the ID
Group DirectionalMigration
Directional Migrationof
Frame 4G and
Number 5G
Offset floor[(start
Boundary position of the measurement
Offset (5*Ts) policy by
for SA UEs SwitchSAofUEs
systems on each 5G 4G frame header (in ms) - QCI for SA UEs. It parameter is set to Open,
frequency. The parameter start position of the 5G corresponds to the QCI- the eNodeB hands over or
longArray:[0..1023] 30720..30719] longArray:[0..65535] longArray:[0..255]
value is calculated as frame header (in ms))/(5 × based measurement redirects SA UEs to a
follows: (4G SFN - 5G Ts)], where Ts is 1/30720 configuration at the NR frequency with a non-zero
SFN) mod 1024. ms. frequency level. priority.

-- -- -- --
nRFreqConfigPara_sSBC nRFreqConfigPara_sSBC nRFreqConfigPara_sSBC nRFreqConfigPara_sSBC
NR Frequency Related NR Frequency Related NR Frequency Related NR Frequency Related
onsolidationNumber onsolidationRSRPThr onsolidationRSRQThr onsolidationSINRThr
Configuration_Number of This parameter sets the
Configuration_RSRP This parameter sets the
Configuration_RSRQ This parameter sets the
Combined SSB RSRP threshold
Threshold of the Threshold
for Combined RSRQ threshold of the
for Combined SINR threshold
Threshold of the
for Combined
Measurement Reports SSB beams that are used
Measurement for SSB
(dBm) beams that are used(dB)
Measurement for beams
SSB that are used(dB)
Measurement for
RSRP calculation. Only RSRQ calculation. Only SINR calculation. Only
This parameter sets the the beams whose RSRP is the beams whose RSRQ is the beams whose SINR is
longArray:[0..16] longArray:[-156..-29] doubleArray:[-43.5..20] doubleArray:[-23..40.5]
maximum number of higher than this threshold higher than this threshold higher than this threshold
SSBs required for NR cell can be used for RSRP can be used for RSRQ can be used for SINR
measurement by UEs. calculation. calculation. calculation.

-- -- -- --
by the operator and can be
This parameter sets the used for the EN-DC dual-
priority of the target link service. If this
This parameter sets the frequencies used for NR parameter is set to NO, it
NR frequency priority of coverage monitoring
NR Frequency in an
Related indicates that this
Relatedof Configuration_Priority
EN-DC anchor-basedof frequency is a non-NSA
SA UEs. If the Directional nRFreqConfigPara_endcA
If EN-DCfor nRFreqConfigPara_nRFre planned nRFreqConfigPara_dssFre
Configuration_NR thehandover.
Target Frequencies frequency layer Related
NR Frequency
IMMCI Switch of SA nchHoMonNRCovFPrio
anchor-based qENDCInd
handover byConfiguration_EN-DC
the operator and cannot NR Frequency qInd
Frequency Priority of NR Coverage Monitoring Related
UEs parameter
Directional is set
IMMCI of to
SA inbased on NR
EN-DC coverage is beIndication
Anchor-Based used for the EN-DC
of an NR Configuration_DSS
Open, the
UEseNodeB enabled, the eNodeB
Handover dual-link service. Each
Frequency This parameter
Frequency sets the
determines whether to hands over UEs to an element in this array DSS indication of NR
carry dedicated IMMCI anchor cell with NR corresponds to one frequencies. It indicates
longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255] enumArray:[0, 1] enumArray:[0, 1]
priority information based coverage according to the element in the NR SSB whether DSS is enabled
on this parameter value priority specified by this carrier frequency for inter-RAT NR
when releasing an SA UE. parameter. configuration array. frequencies.

-- -- -- --
layer-3 filtering frequency periodical
Open GNSS switch for
coefficient for NR RSRQ This parameter is the measurement to carry
intra-frequency periodical
measurement, and the eMBMS-based handover GNSS information. If the
third element represents This parameter is the switch. When this switch parameter is set to 2, the
Open GNSS switch for
the layer-3 filtering event-based measurement is turned on, the eNodeB cell allows only inter-
inter-frequency periodical
coefficient for NR SINR GNSS control switch. makes the UE perform frequency periodical
measurement. The When the switch is turned handover to the frequency measurement to carry
filterCoeffNR is as on,eventMeasGnssSwitch Open GNSS switch for
Filtering the cell allows event- hoBasedeMBMSSwch
on which the UE is periodMeasGnssSwitch
GNSS information. If the
enum: enum: intra&inter-frequency
follows: Fn = (1in- a)
Coefficient NR× Fm GNSS
based Switch
measurement to
for Event receiving
Handoveror is interested
Switch Based parameter is set tofor
GNSS Switch 3, the
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, Close[0] Close[0] periodical
+ a × Mn, where Mn is the carry GNSS
Measurement information. in receiving
Measurement an MBMS
on eMBMS cell allowsMeasurement
Periodical both intra-
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Open[1] Open[1] measurement[3]
current measured value, When switch is turned off, service in accordance with frequency periodical
13, 14]
Fm is the old filtered the cell does not allow MBMSInterestIndication. measurement and inter-
model default: 4;4;4 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 1
value, Fn is the current event-based When this switch is turned frequency periodical
filtered value, and a is the measurements to carry off, no multicast-based measurement to carry
filtering coefficient. GNSS information. handover is performed. GNSS information.

-- -- -- --
4;4;4 Open[1] Close[0] Open GNSS switch for intr
4;4;4 Open[1] Close[0] Open GNSS switch for intr
4;4;4 Open[1] Close[0] Open GNSS switch for intr
4;4;4 Open[1] Close[0] Open GNSS switch for intr
4;4;4 Open[1] Close[0] Open GNSS switch for intr
4;4;4 Open[1] Close[0] Open GNSS switch for intr
4;4;4 Open[1] Close[0] Open GNSS switch for intr
This parameter determines
whether to execute the
user location-based
enum: ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
migration strategy for
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 whrSpeUE4MigBasePosit
This parameter enables or each QCI. The elements in This parameter determines
CCU User Migrate
migBaseUEPositionSwch ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
qCILevelMigBasePosiInd ion migBaseUEPosiWhr4Rat
User the array correspond to whether
Based the This parameter
Migrate Userdetermines
Strategy[1] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 enum: enum:
based migrationMigration
Location-Based strategy. User
to QCI255 in turn. user location-based
QCI Position Whether for PositionwhetherWhether
to execute
for the
CEU User Migrate ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1; No[0] No[0]
If it is set to Open, the
Strategy If an element
Migration is
Indicator migration strategy
Special UE for location-based
RAT migration
Strategy[2] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Yes[1] Yes[1]
eNodeB can identify the configured to Yes, the special users. If it is set to strategy to inter-RAT. If it
users in the center or at eNodeB executes the user Yes, the eNodeB executes is set to Yes, the eNodeB
model default: 0 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 model default: 1 model default: 0
the edge of a cell and location-based migration the location-based executes the location-
hand over the users to the strategy for the migration strategy for based migration strategy
desired frequency. corresponding QCI. special users. to inter-RAT.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Yes[1] No[0]
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Yes[1] No[0]
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Yes[1] No[0]
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Yes[1] No[0]
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Yes[1] No[0]
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Yes[1] No[0]
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Yes[1] No[0]
Intra-LTE temporary
neighbor cell in the black
This parameter indicates list if the temporary
the PerQCI measurement neighbor cell is added to
configuration strategy. If the black list. If this
it is set to Easy Strategy, parameter is set to 0, UEs
the eNodeB uses the blackListTmpCellRedSwc
are allowed to be of This parameter enables or
Redirection Switch
threshold with the easiest perQCIA1A2MeaGrpCfg redirected h the Intra- freqRandomSwch
A1-A2 PerQCI Intra-LTE to Temporary disables the frequency
enum: enum: enum:
PerQCI Measurement Measurement LTE temporary
Neighbors neighbor
in the Black randomization strategy. If
Switch of the Frequency
Easy Strategy[0] Allow Redirection[0] Close[0]
ConfigurationIf Strategy
it is set to Configuration Group ID cells in the
Listblack list; it is set to Open,
Randomization the
Priority Strategy[1] Not Allow Redirection[1] Open[1]
Priority Strategy, the otherwise, UEs are not eNodeB processes the
eNodeB uses the highest- This parameter sets the ID allowed to be redirected to randomization strategy
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
priority PerQCI of a PerQCI measurement the Intra-LTE temporary separately when a UE
measurement configuration group of neighbor cells in the black reads all the system
configuration. events A1 and A2. list. frequencies.

-- -- -- --
Easy Strategy[0] 0 Allow Redirection[0] Close[0]
Easy Strategy[0] 0 Allow Redirection[0] Close[0]
Easy Strategy[0] 0 Allow Redirection[0] Close[0]
Easy Strategy[0] 0 Not Allow Redirection[1] Close[0]
Easy Strategy[0] 0 Not Allow Redirection[1] Close[0]
Easy Strategy[0] 0 Not Allow Redirection[1] Close[0]
Easy Strategy[0] 0 Not Allow Redirection[1] Close[0]
This parameter sets the
This parameter sets the threshold for the number
target type of downlink This parameter enables or of UEs for downlink big
big service-based disables downlink big bigSRVHOUENumStartT
service-based handover. If
eMTCCEAdaptHOSwch bigSRVHOTargetTypeDL bigSRVHOSwchDL
handover. If downlink big service-based handover. If downlinkhrdDL
Threshold ofbig
enum: enum:
Coverage Mode Adaptive service-based
Target Type handover
of DL Bigis itSwitch
is set to
forOpen, the
DL Big based
of UEshandover
for DL Big is
Close[0] Close[0]
Handover Switch enabled, the eNodeB
Service-Based eNodeB monitors
Handover Service-Based the
Handover enabled, the eNodeB
Service-Based Handover
Open[1] enumArray:[0, 1] Open[1]
monitors the changes in downlink services of UEs hands over the UEs with
model default: long:[0..65535]
UE types and marks the and hand over the UEs downlink big services to
model default: 0 0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0 model default: 0 model default: 20
This parameter determines UEs of the target type as with downlink big the target frequency only
whether to enable eMTC the users with downlink services to the target when the number of UEs
coverage-based handover. big services. frequency. exceeds this threshold.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 20
Close[0] 0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 20
Close[0] 0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 20
Close[0] 0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 20
Close[0] 0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 20
Close[0] 0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 20
Close[0] 0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 20
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the This parameter indicates
This parameter sets the timer for waiting the threshold of target cell whether the target
threshold for downlink measurement report after PRB usage for downlink neighbor cells of
PRB usage for downlink a measurement big service-based downlink big service-
big service-based configuration for handover. If downlink big based handover are only
handover. If of
downlink bigSRVHOTargetDLPRB bigSRVHO4MMCellIndD
Threshold DL PRBbig downlink big service- service-based handover
Threshold of Target Cellis MM cells. If downlink big
service-based bigSRVHOMeasTimerDL ThrdDL L handover is
Usage for handover
DL Big is based handoverTimer
Measurement is sent.
forIf enabled,
PRB Usage theforeNodeB
DL Big service-based
Indication for DL Big
enabled, the eNodeB
Service-Based Handover the
DLUEBigfails to be handed
Service-Based filters out the neighbor
Service-Based enabled and
Handover Service-Based this
hands over(%)the UEs with over after the (s)
Handover timer cells whose
(%)downlink parameter is set Only
to MM Cells to Yes,
downlink big services to expires, the eNodeB PRB usage is higher than the eNodeB filters out
long:[0..100] long:[1..60] long:[0..100]
the target frequency only deletes the measurement this threshold after non-MM neighbor cells
model default: 30 model default: 2 model default: 60 model default: 0
when downlink PRB configuration for receiving the after receiving the
usage exceeds or equals downlink big service- measurement report of the measurement report of the
this threshold. based handover. target frequency. target frequency.

-- -- -- --
30 2 60 No[0]
30 2 60 No[0]
30 2 60 No[0]
30 2 60 No[0]
30 2 60 No[0]
30 2 60 No[0]
30 2 60 No[0]
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
threshold for the number threshold for downlink
of UEs to obtain load PRB usage to obtain load This parameter determines
from neighbor cells in the form neighbor cells in the whether to execute
case of downlink
Threshold big
of the Number case of downlink
Threshold big
of DL PRB downlink big service-
bigSRVHOLoadObUENu bigSRVHOLoadObDLPR 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
service-based handover.
of UEs for Neighbor LoadIf service-based handover.
Usage for Neighbor LoadIf based handover for each This parameter determines
mThrdDL BThrdDL ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
Obtaining inbig
Case of downlinkinbig
Obtaining theservice-
Case of QCI. The elements
Indication for DL in
Bigthe whether to DL
Switch of execute
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 enum:
DLbased handover is
Big Service-Based DLbased handover is
Big Service-Based array correspond
Service-Based to QCI1 Service-Based
QCI-Level downlink big Handover
;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1; No[0]
enabled, the eNodeB
Handover enabled, the eNodeB
Handover (%) to QCI255 in turn. If an basedfor
Handover handover
Specialfor special
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Yes[1]
starts the procedure to starts the procedure to element is configured to UEs. If it is set to Yes, the
long:[0..65535] long:[0..100] ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
obtain load from neighbor obtain load from neighbor Yes, the eNodeB executes eNodeB executes
model default: 15 model default: 25 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 model default: 1
cells only when the cells only when downlink downlink big service- downlink big service-
number of UEs exceeds PRB usage exceeds or based handover for the based handover for special
this threshold. equals this threshold. corresponding QCI. UEs.

-- -- -- --
15 25 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Yes[1]
15 25 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Yes[1]
15 25 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Yes[1]
15 25 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Yes[1]
15 25 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Yes[1]
15 25 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Yes[1]
15 25 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Yes[1]
determine the speeds of
UEs in a high-speed rail
scenario to hand over low- This parameter determines This parameter determines
speed UEs out of the whether to execute whether to support intra-
high-speed rail network. If downlink big service- RAT redirection triggered
the frequency deviation based handover This parameter determines Switch
by the target
for Notneighbor cell
value of a UE is greater bigSRVHOWhr4HOinSce
Whether for the
to Consider
whether to Consider
Whether consider QCI intraRATNoHOCellRedS
QCI ofIntra-RAT
If it is set to
this threshold, nDL Rel for user Open, wch
Frequency Offsetthe incoming-handover
Incoming Handover target release
Release scenarios
Scenarios for Triggered intra-RAT
by the Target
enum: enum: enum:
is considered to be at users.
for Speed If it isinset
Scenarios DL toBig
Yes, location-based migration.
User Location-Based redirection
Cell ofbe
No[0] No[0] Close[0]
a high speed. (10Hz)
Determination If the the eNodeB executes
Service-Based Handover If it isMigration
set to Yes, the triggered by the target
long:[0..2500] Yes[1] Yes[1] Open[1]
frequency deviation value downlink big service- eNodeB determines neighbor cell of handover.
model default: 700
of a UE is less than or based handover during QCI release If it is set to Close, intra-
step: 10 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 1
equal to this threshold, the immediately for the whether to re-configure RAT redirection can be
UE is considered to be at incoming-handover target user location-based triggered by the target
a low speed. users. migration measurement. neighbor cell of handover.

-- -- -- --
700 Yes[1] No[0] Open[1]
700 Yes[1] No[0] Open[1]
700 Yes[1] No[0] Open[1]
700 Yes[1] No[0] Open[1]
700 Yes[1] No[0] Open[1]
700 Yes[1] No[0] Open[1]
700 Yes[1] No[0] Open[1]
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
This parameter determines measurement frequency measurement frequency
whether to support inter- configuration strategy for configuration strategy for
RAT redirection triggered non-SPID VoLTE users. SPID VoLTE users. If it is
by the target
Switch for Notneighbor cell
Supporting If it is set to Considering set to Considering ANR
interRATNoHOCellRedS enum: enum:
ofInter-RAT If it is set to hOBaseServiceWhr4HOin
handover.Redirection This parameter
Whether determines ANR frequency points,
to Consider frequency points,
wch Scen Considering ANR
voLTEMeasFreqStgy Considering ANR
Open, inter-RAT
Triggered by the Target whether to immediately
Incoming Handover additional measurement
Measurement additional measurement
Frequency Measurement Frequency
enum: enum: frequency points[0] frequency points[0]
Cell ofbe execute
Scenariosservice-based needs to be performed
in Service- Configuration Strategy on needs to be performed
for Configuration Strategy on for
Close[0] No[0] Not considering ANR Not considering ANR
triggered by the target
Handover handover for incoming Non-SPID
Based Handover ANR frequencies.
it is ANR SPIDfrequencies.
VoLTE UsersIf it is
Open[1] Yes[1] frequency points[1] frequency points[1]
neighbor cell of handover. target UEs. If it is set to set to Not considering set to Not considering
If it is set to Close, inter- Yes, the eNodeB ANR frequency points, no ANR frequency points, no
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
RAT redirection can be immediately executes additional measurement is additional measurement is
triggered by the target service-based handover required for ANR required for ANR
neighbor cell of handover. for incoming target UEs. frequencies. frequencies.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] No[0] Considering ANR frequency
Considering ANR frequency
Open[1] No[0] Considering ANR frequency
Considering ANR frequency
Open[1] No[0] Considering ANR frequency
Considering ANR frequency
Open[1] No[0] Considering ANR frequency
Considering ANR frequency
Open[1] No[0] Considering ANR frequency
Considering ANR frequency
Open[1] No[0] Considering ANR frequency
Considering ANR frequency
Open[1] No[0] Considering ANR frequency
Considering ANR frequency
This parameter sets the
measurement frequency This parameter sets the
configuration strategy for This parameter sets the threshold of target cell
SPID data users. If it is set This parameter indicates threshold of uplink PRB PRB usage for uplink big
to Considering ANR that only poor-quality usage for uplink big service-based handover. If
enum: bigSRVHO4WorseQualU bigSRVHOULPRBStartT bigSRVHOTargetULPRB
frequency points, UEs with uplink big service-based
Threshold ofhandover.
UL PRB If Threshold
uplink big of
Target Cell
Considering ANR
sPIDDataMeasFreqStgy EIndUL hrdUL ThrdUL
additional measurement
Measurement Frequency services areof
Indication handed over. uplink
Handover Usagebigfor
UL Big handover
PRB Usage is enabled, the
for UL Big
frequency points[0] enum:
needs to be performed
Configuration Strategy on for If for
service-based Service-Based
handover is enabled, the Service-Based
Handover eNodeB filtersHandover
out the
Not considering ANR No[0]
ANR frequencies.
SPID If it is UEs
Data Users handover
with ULis enabled and eNodeB hands
Big Services (%) over the neighbor(%)
cells whose
frequency points[1] Yes[1]
set to Not considering this parameter is set to UEs with uplink big uplink PRB usage is
long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
ANR frequency points, no Yes, the eNodeB hands services to the target higher than this threshold
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 30 model default: 60
additional measurement is over only the poor-quality frequency only when after receiving the
required for ANR UEs with uplink big uplink PRB usage exceeds measurement report of the
frequencies. services. or equals this threshold. target frequency.

-- -- -- --
Considering ANR frequency
No[0] 30 60
Considering ANR frequency
No[0] 30 60
Considering ANR frequency
No[0] 30 60
Considering ANR frequency
No[0] 30 60
Considering ANR frequency
No[0] 30 60
Considering ANR frequency
No[0] 30 60
Considering ANR frequency
No[0] 30 60
This parameter indicates This parameter sets the
whether the target This parameter sets the threshold for uplink PRB
neighbor cells of uplink threshold for the number usage to obtain load from This parameter determines
big service-based of UEs to obtain load neighbor cells in the case whether to execute uplink
handover are only MM from neighbor
Threshold cells
of the in the
Number of uplink big
Threshold service-
of UL PRB big service-based
bigSRVHO4MMCellIndU bigSRVHOLoadObUENu bigSRVHOLoadObULPR 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
cells. If uplink big case
of UEsof uplink big service-
for Neighbor Load based handover.
Usage for NeighborIf uplink
Load handover for each QCI.
L handover is based handover.
mThrdUL uplink ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
Indication for UL Big Obtaining in theIfCase of big BThrdUL
Obtaining in the Case of The RVin the array
Indication for UL Big
enum: 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
enabled and
Service-Based this
Handover ULbigBigservice-based
Service-Based handover is enabled, the
UL Big Service-Based correspond toQCI-Level
Service-Based QCI1 to
No[0] ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
to Only isMMset Cells
to Yes, handover is enabled, the
Handover eNodeB
(%)the QCI255 in turn. If an
Yes[1] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
the eNodeB filters out eNodeB starts the procedure to obtain load element is configured to
long:[0..65535] long:[0..100] ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
non-MM neighbor cells procedure to obtain load from neighbor cells only Yes, the eNodeB executes
model default: 0 model default: 15 model default: 25 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
after receiving the from neighbor cells only when uplink PRB usage uplink big service-based
measurement report of the when the number of UEs exceeds or equals this handover for the
target frequency. exceeds this threshold. threshold. corresponding QCI.

-- -- -- --
No[0] 15 25 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
No[0] 15 25 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
No[0] 15 25 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
No[0] 15 25 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
No[0] 15 25 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
No[0] 15 25 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
No[0] 15 25 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
load on neighbor cells in
This parameter indicates the handover of the UEs
whether the target with uplink big services.
neighbor cells of uplink If uplink big service-based
big service-based handover is enabled and This parameter indicates
handover are only formal this parameter is set to that only poor-quality
whrSpeUE4ULBigSRVH bigSRVHO4FormalNbInd
neighbor cells. If uplinkto bigSRVHOWhrConsidNb
Yes, the eNodeB obtains bigSRVHO4WorseQualU
UEs with downlink big
Indication of Handover Whether to Consider
parameterO determines UL
service-based LoadUL
uplink load EIndDL
of UL Big Only Neighbor Neighbor CellonLoad
in UL services areof
Indication handed over.
enum: enum: enum: enum:
whether to execute
Service-Based uplink Cells
Handover handover is UEs
for the enabled
UL cellsBigand filters out the
Service-Based Iffor
downlink big service-
Only Poor-Quality
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
for service-based
Special UEs this parameter is set to
Big Services neighbor cells whose UEs
Handover basedwith
DL Bigis Services
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1]
handover for special UEs. Yes, the eNodeB filters uplink PRB usage is and this parameter is set
If it is set to Yes, the out temporary neighbor higher than this threshold to Yes, the eNodeB hands
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
eNodeB executes uplink cells after receiving the after receiving the over only the poor-quality
big service-based measurement report of the measurement report of the UEs with uplink big
handover for special UEs. target frequency. target frequency. services.

-- -- -- --
Yes[1] No[0] No[0] No[0]
Yes[1] No[0] No[0] No[0]
Yes[1] No[0] No[0] No[0]
Yes[1] No[0] No[0] No[0]
Yes[1] No[0] No[0] No[0]
Yes[1] No[0] No[0] No[0]
Yes[1] No[0] No[0] No[0]
measurement policy
without affecting other This parameter sets the
measurement functions strategy for sending NR
when the EPS fallback inter-RAT measurement
service ends. If it is set to configuration information.
Based Measurement(Stop If it is set to 0, it indicates
Based Blind[1]
epsFBEndFastReturnSwc enum:
This parameter sets the other measurements, the that NR inter-RAT
sINRWorseThrdUL mCSWorseThrdDL Based Measurement(Keep
h To be sent in the initial
This parameter sets the downlink MCS threshold eNodeB monitors the EPS Strategy measurement
for Sending NR
other measurements)[2] measurements[0]
uplink SINR
UL SINR thresholdfor
Threshold for for
MCS Thresholdusers.forIf fallback
Fast service,
Return Switchand
the configuration information
Inter-RAT Measurement
Based Measurement(Stop To be triggered by the
the thePoor-Quality
downlink MCS value
Users returns
End ofthe UEFallback
EPS to the NR is sent during initial
double:[-20..50] other measurements)[3] inter-system A2[1]
uplink SINR of a user is of a user is less than this system based on a measurement. If it is set to
model default: 8.0 long:[0..28]
less than this threshold, threshold, the user is measurement policy and 1, it indicates that NR
step: 0.5 model default: 5 model default: 0 model default: 1
the user is considered to considered to be a stops other measurement inter-RAT measurement is
be an uplink poor-quality downlink poor-quality functions when the EPS triggered by inter-RAT
user. user. fallback service ends. event A2.

-- -- -- --
8.0 5 Close[0] To be triggered by the inte
8.0 5 Close[0] To be triggered by the inte
8.0 5 Close[0] To be triggered by the inte
8.0 5 Close[0] To be triggered by the inte
8.0 5 Close[0] To be triggered by the inte
8.0 5 Close[0] To be triggered by the inte
8.0 5 Close[0] To be triggered by the inte
ratPriorityCfgPara_ratPrio ratPriorityCfgPara_ratPrio ratPriorityCfgPara_ratPrio ratPriorityCfgPara_ratPrio
rity1 rity2 rity3 rity4
RAT Priority_EUTRAN- RAT Priority_EUTRAN- RAT Priority_GERAN RAT Priority_UTRAN-
FDD RAT Priority TDD RAT Priority RAT Priority FDD RAT Priority
long:[0..256] long:[0..256] long:[0..256] long:[0..256]
model default: 255 model default: 254 model default: 0 model default: 0
Priority Priority GERAN RAT Priority Priority

-- -- -- --
255 254 100 200
255 254 100 200
255 254 100 200
255 254 100 200
255 254 100 200
255 254 100 200
255 254 0 0
ratPriorityCfgPara_ratPrio ratPriorityCfgPara_ratPrio ratPriorityCfgPara_ratPrio ratPriorityCfgPara_ratPrio
rity5 rity6 rity7 rity8
RAT Priority_UTRAN- Priority_CDMA2000- Priority_CDMA2000- RAT Priority_NR RAT
TDD RAT Priority HRPD RAT Priority 1xRTT RAT Priority Priority
long:[0..256] long:[0..256] long:[0..256] long:[0..256]
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
Priority Priority Priority NR RAT Priority

-- -- -- --
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
This parameter determines
whether speed-based
handover refers to the
This parameter enables or train arrival state of the
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the disables speed hoBasedSpeedWhrRefArr
serving cell. If it is set to
speedRangeStep4Macro speedRangeStep4MM speedMeasureSwch enum:
Statarrival state,
speed range step for speed range step for MM measurement. To Not reference
Switch for Speed-Based
enum: Not reference arrival
Speed stations.
StepIt for
is stations. It is effective
Speed Range Step forin determine the distribution Handover
Speed Measurement speed-based handover
Referring to can
Close[0] state[0]
effective in macro
Macro station
Stations TMM MM station scenarios if of the speed
Stations range of the be enabled
Switch anytime.
Train Arrival If it is
Open[1] Reference arrival state[1]
scenarios if speed speed measurement is terminals in the cell where set to Reference arrival
long:[10..100] long:[10..120]
measurement is enabled. enabled. It is used to the terminals camp on, state, speed-based
model default: 60 model default: 40 model default: 0 model default: 0
It is used to differentiate differentiate speed ranges this parameter is set to handover is disabled when
speed ranges of the of the terminals in a TMM Open. By default, this the the serving cell is in
terminals in a macro cell. cell. parameter is set to Close. train arrival state.

-- -- -- --
60 40 Close[0] Not reference arrival state[
60 40 Close[0] Not reference arrival state[
60 40 Close[0] Not reference arrival state[
60 40 Close[0] Not reference arrival state[
60 40 Close[0] Not reference arrival state[
60 40 Close[0] Not reference arrival state[
60 40 Close[0] Not reference arrival state[
train arrival state This parameter sets the measurement
according to frequency UE strategy in a hybrid configuration policy that
Handover statistics
offset estimation statistics. NSA and SA scenario. If makes coverage-based
If it is set to Arrival time it is set to Effective NSA handover from LTE to
Frequency offset
statistics strategy, the only, the eNodeB WCDMA and voice
estimation statistics
serving cell determines considers the UEs as quality-based SRVCC
strategy[2] hoBaseServiceReturnSwc wCDMAFHOMeasCfgSw
the high-speed
Switch train
for Determining This parameter enables or single-mode NSA UEs. If handover
Switch foreffective. If it is
Arrival time statistics
srvCellArrJudgeStgySwch h enum:
arrival state according
the High-Speed Trainto disables service-based it nSAAndSAStgyCfg
is set to Effective
Hybrid-Mode SA
NSA and setLevel
to Close, chthe existing
strategy[3] enum: Effective NSA only[0] enum:
arrival timeState
Arrival statistics.
by theIf it handover
Switch forreturn. If it is set
Service-Based only,
SA Userthe Strategy
eNodeB system-level measurement
Configuration for
Comprehensive statistics Close[0] Effective SA only[1] Close[0]
is set to Comprehensive
Serving Cell toHandover
Open, the Return
eNodeB considers the UEs as
Configuration configuration
Handover topolicyWCDMA takes
strategy[4] Open[1] SA Priority[2] Open[1]
statistics strategy, the hands over the UEs back single-mode SA UEs. If it effect. If it is set to Open,
serving cell determines to the source frequency is set to SA Priority, the the frequency-level
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 2 model default: 0
the high-speed train based on services when eNodeB preferentially measurement
arrival state according to the target service is considers the UEs as SA configuration policy takes
comprehensive statistics. released. UEs. effect.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Effective NSA only[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Effective NSA only[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Effective NSA only[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] SA Priority[2] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] SA Priority[2] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] SA Priority[2] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] SA Priority[2] Close[0]
This parameter enables or
disables dedicated
measurement for EN-DC This parameter determines
UEs. If it is set to Close, whether to filter EN-DC This parameter sets the ID
the coverage-based UEs during UE location- of an intra-frequency
measurement migBasePosiFilterEnDcIn
based migration. If it is set enDcPerQCIA1A2MeaGr enDcPerQCIIntraFMeaGr
PerQCI measurement
A1-A2 PerQCI Intra-frequency PerQCI
wchfor EN-DC
configuration d
to No, the pCfgsets the ID configuration
pCfggroup for
Switch for Dedicated Indication foreNodeB
Filtering This parameter
Measurement Measurement
enum: enum:
UEs is the
Mobility same as that for
Measurement of executes
EN-DC UEsUE location-
During ofConfiguration
a PerQCI measurement
Group ID EN-DC UEs. InGroup
Configuration a mobile
Close[0] No[0]
ordinary UEs. IfUEs
EN-DC it is set to Location-Based
based migrationMigration
for EN- configuration
for EN-DCgroup
UEs for NSAfor scenario,
Open[1] Yes[1]
Open, the independent DC UEs. If it is set to EN-DC UEs. It UE can index the
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
coverage-based Yes, the eNodeB cannot corresponds to the PerQCI corresponding intra-
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
measurement execute UE location- measurement frequency PerQCI
configuration is valid for based migration for EN- configurations of events measurement
EN-DC UEs. DC UEs. A1 and A2. configurations.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] No[0] 0 0
Close[0] No[0] 0 0
Close[0] No[0] 0 0
Close[0] No[0] 0 0
Close[0] No[0] 0 0
Close[0] No[0] 0 0
Close[0] No[0] 0 0
neighbor cell is higher coverage degree. If this degree. If this parameter is eNodeB updates the
than or equal to this parameter is set to Open, set to Open, the calculated overlapping
threshold, the neighbor the overlapping coverage overlapping coverage coverage degree on the
cell is regarded as a cell degree between the degree between the EMS. If the difference
with the same coverage as serving cell and the serving cell and the between the overlapping
the serving cell.
Overlapping If the neighbor cells on the same neighbor cells on each
Coverage coverage degree of a
overlapping coverage overlapRateIntraFreqSwc
frequency overlapRateInterFreqSwc
can be the Switchfrequency can be the neighbor cell and the
Degree Threshold for Switch for Calculating for Calculating Update Difference
degree between the h
calculated. If this h If this
calculated. overlapRateUpdateDThr
original for
Determining the Cells General Intra-frequency General Inter-frequency Threshold the General
enum: enum:
withserving cellCoverage
the Same and a parameter is set
Overlapping to Close, parameter
Coverage Overlapping is set to Close,
Coverage coverage degree
Overlapping of the
Close[0] Close[0]
neighbor cell(%)is lower than the overlapping
Degreecoverage the overlappingDegreecoverage neighbor cell is(%)
Degree less than
Open[1] Open[1]
this threshold, the degree between the degree between the or equal to the threshold,
long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
neighbor cell is regarded serving cell and the serving cell and the the eNodeB does not
model default: 80 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 5
as a cell with different neighbor cells on the same neighbor cells on each update the overlapping
coverage from the serving frequency cannot be frequency cannot be coverage degree of the
cell. calculated. calculated. neighbor cell.

-- -- -- --
80 Close[0] Close[0] 5
80 Close[0] Close[0] 5
80 Close[0] Close[0] 5
80 Close[0] Close[0] 5
80 Close[0] Close[0] 5
80 Close[0] Close[0] 5
80 Close[0] Close[0] 5
relative RSRP threshold relative RSRP threshold
of neighbor cells in the of neighbor cells in the This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
calculation of the intra- calculation of the inter- RSRP threshold of the RSRP threshold of the
frequency overlapping frequency overlapping serving cell in the serving cell in the
Relative degree. If, in a Relative
Threshold coverageRSRP
degree. If, in a Absolute
Threshold calculation
RSRPof the intra- Absolute
Threshold calculation
RSRPof the inter-
for report,
the Calculation of the measurement
the for report,
the Calculation of the frequency
the for overlapping
the Calculation frequency
of the for overlapping
the Calculation of the
General between the
Intra-frequency difference
General between the
Inter-frequency coverageIntra-frequency
General degree. If the coverageInter-frequency
General degree. If the
RSRP of a neighbor cell nbrCelOffsInteFOverlap
RSRP of a neighbor srvCelThrIntrFOverlap
cell RSRP of the serving srvCelThrInterFOverlap
cell RSRP of the serving cell
Overlapping Coverage Overlapping Coverage Overlapping Coverage Overlapping Coverage
and the
Degree RSRP of the
of Neighbor and the
Cells Degree RSRP of the
of Neighbor Cells carried
Degreeinofa measurement
the Serving carriedDegreeinof
a measurement
the Serving
serving cell(dB)
is higher than serving cell(dB)is higher than reportCell is higher
(dBm)than or reportCell
is higher
(dBm)than or
double:[-50..50] double:[-50..50]
or equal to this threshold, or equal to this threshold, equal to this threshold, the equal to this threshold, the
model default: -3.0 model default: -50.0 long:[-140..-43] long:[-140..-43]
the measurement report is the measurement report is measurement report is measurement report is
step: 0.5 step: 0.5 model default: -110 model default: -110
involved in the calculation involved in the calculation involved in the calculation involved in the calculation
of the overlapping of the overlapping of the overlapping of the overlapping
coverage degree. coverage degree. coverage degree. coverage degree.

-- -- -- --
-3.0 -50.0 -110 -110
-3.0 -50.0 -110 -110
-3.0 -50.0 -110 -110
-3.0 -50.0 -110 -110
-3.0 -50.0 -110 -110
-3.0 -50.0 -110 -110
-3.0 -50.0 -110 -110
measurement reports that
the eNodeB can use to
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the calculate the general
threshold for the inter- threshold for the intra- overlapping coverage
Absolute overlapping
RSRP frequency
Threshold Absolute overlapping
RSRP Threshold degree. In the calculation
for coverage degreeof
the Calculation ofthe for coverage degreeof
the Calculation ofthe of Minimum
the generalNumber
minSampNumOverlapRat 16[26]
General cells. If the
Inter-frequency neighbor
General cells. If the
Intra-frequency coverage
Samplesdegree, if the
for the
nbrCelThrInteFOverlap nbrCelThrIntrFOverlap eof valid 18[27]
RSRP of a neighbor
Overlapping Coverage cell RSRP of a neighbor
Overlapping Coveragecell Calculation
numberof the General
carried of
Degree in aNeighbor
measurement carried of
Cells Degree in aNeighbor
measurementCells measurement reports is
Overlapping Coverage Individual Offset of the
report is(dBm)
higher than or report is(dBm)
higher than or smaller than this
Degree NSA Serving Cell (dB)
equal to this threshold, the equal to this threshold, the parameter value, the
long:[-140..-43] long:[-140..-43] long:[1..1000000]
measurement report is measurement report is overlapping coverage
model default: -110 model default: -110 model default: 500 model default: 15
involved in the calculation involved in the calculation degree is not calculated This parameter sets the
of the overlapping of the overlapping for the corresponding individual offset of the
coverage degree. coverage degree. neighbor cell. serving cell for NSA UEs.

-- -- -- --
-110 -110 500 0[15]
-110 -110 500 0[15]
-110 -110 500 0[15]
-110 -110 500 0[15]
-110 -110 500 0[15]
-110 -110 500 0[15]
-110 -110 500 0[15]
This parameter controls This parameter enables or
whether to filter EN-DC disables IMMCI
users for service-based customized by the
handover. If it is set to operSpecUserStgyGroupI operSpecUserIMMCISwc
operators. After filtering
close, eNodeB can d operSpecUserStgySwch
This parameter enables or special husers by
Handover Based Service
enum: enum: enum:
perform service-based
Filter EN-DC UE This parameter
Operator SpecialisUser
the disablesSpecial
Operator configure
User configuration,a
Operator Specialgroup
No[0] Close[0] Close[0]
handover for EN-DC special user
Indication strategy
Group ID group strategies customized
Strategy Switch by specified IMMCI
IMMCI Switch
Yes[1] Open[1] Open[1]
users. If it is set to ID, which corresponds to the operator. If it is set to frequencies and priority
open ,eNodeB can't the group of service Open,a special group of can be customized by the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
perform service-based deployment strategy service deployment operators and users can be
handover for EN-DC customized by the strategy can be configured migrated to the specified
users. operators. for operator special user. frequencies.

-- -- -- --
No[0] 0 Close[0] Close[0]
No[0] 0 Close[0] Close[0]
No[0] 0 Close[0] Close[0]
No[0] 0 Close[0] Close[0]
No[0] 0 Close[0] Close[0]
No[0] 0 Close[0] Close[0]
No[0] 0 Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter sets the
This parameter determines This parameter determines inter-operation type of fast
whether to hand over EN- This parameter determines whether the coverage- return after EPS fallback
DC UEs based on whether to hand over EN- based mobility parameters ends. If it is set to
downlink big services. If bigSRVHOFilterEnDcInd
DC UEs based on uplink sAIndependentMeasCfgS
can be independently Redirection, UEs return to
DLthe eNodeB big services. ULIf it is set to configured wch enum:
it Indication
is set to No,
for Handing Indication for for SA UEs. If the
Handing Switch for Independently NR system through
enum: enum: enum: Redirection[0]
can hand
Over EN-DC over EN-DC
UEs Based No,
Overthe eNodeB
EN-DC UEs canBased
hand Configuring
it is set to Open, specific redirection.
Measurement Fast ReturnIfTypeit is After
set to
No[0] No[0] Close[0] Handover and
UEson based
DL Big onServices
downlink over on EN-DC
UL Big UEs based mobility
Services Parametersparameters can
of SA UEs Handover
EPS Fallbackand End
Yes[1] Yes[1] Open[1] Redirection[1]
big services. If it is set to on uplink big services. If be configured for SA UEs. Redirection, UEs return to
Yes, the eNodeB cannot it is set to Yes, the If it is set to Close, no the NR system
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
hand over EN-DC UEs eNodeB cannot hand over specific mobility preferentially through
based on downlink big EN-DC UEs based on parameter can be handover and then
services. uplink big services. configured for SA UEs. through redirection.

-- -- -- --
No[0] No[0] Close[0] Redirection[0]
No[0] No[0] Close[0] Redirection[0]
No[0] No[0] Close[0] Redirection[0]
No[0] No[0] Close[0] Redirection[0]
No[0] No[0] Close[0] Redirection[0]
No[0] No[0] Close[0] Redirection[0]
No[0] No[0] Close[0] Redirection[0]
is executed for SA UEs. If Configuration parameter
it is set to Handover, the is set to Effective SA
eNodeB migrates SA UEs only), and the second
to the NR system through element represents the
This parameter sets the handover. If it is set to UEs in a hybrid SA and
PerQCI intra-frequency Handover and NSA scenario when the
sAPerQCIA1A2MeaGrpC measurement
sAPerQCIIntraFMeaGrpC enum: sADirectIMMCIEffectRa
group ID for Redirection, the eNodeB Hybrid-Mode NSA and
fg fg Handover[0]
sADirectMigMethod nge
This parameter
PerQCI A1 A2is SA UEs.Intra-frequency
PerQCI It is configured migrates SA UEs to the SA User Strategy
Handover and
Measurementfor SA UEsIDto for
Group SA UEs to Group
Measurement configure
ID NR system preferentially
Directional Migration Configuration parameter
SA User Directional
for intra-frequency
SA UEs intra-frequency
for SA UEs through
Methodhandover and
of SA UEs is IMMCI
set to SAEffect
Priority. If an
measurement for different measurement for different then through redirection. element is set to Effect,
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] enumArray:[0, 1]
QCIs to index the PerQCI QCIs to index the PerQCI If it is set to Redirection, the eNodeB can enable
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1;1
measurement measurement the eNodeB migrates SA the directional IMMCI
configuration of the configuration of the UEs to the NR system strategy for the
corresponding frequency. corresponding frequency. through redirection. corresponding UEs.

-- -- -- --
3 3 Handover[0] 1;1
3 3 Handover[0] 1;1
3 3 Handover[0] 1;1
0 0 Handover[0] 1;1
0 0 Handover[0] 1;1
0 0 Handover[0] 1;1
0 0 Handover[0] 1;1
This parameter sets the
priority of the same This parameter determines
This parameter sets the frequency for NSA UEs whether to execute
maximum number of during load balancing. This parameter sets the directional migration of
times that an SA UE This parameter enables or timer for directional SA UEs for a QCI service.
sADirectMigMaxRetryNu 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
retries to trigger disables intra-frequency migration retry of SA The elements in the array
m lbNSAIntraFreqPriority sADirectMigRetryTimer ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
Number ofIf load balancing for
Intra-frequency NSA
Priority UEs. If an SAMigration
Directional UE fails to correspond
Indicator to QCI1
of QCI to
SA UE fails to trigger
Migration UEs.
for IfNSA
it is UEs
set toDuring
0, intra- trigger
Retry directional
Timer of SA UEs QCI255 inDirectional
Triggered turn. If an
of SA migration
UEs frequency load balancing
Load Balancing migration, the
(s) directional element is setoftoSA
Migration Yes,
to the NR system, the for NSA UEs is disabled. migration procedure can eNodeB executes
long:[0..1800, 65535] long:[0..255] long:[1..1800] ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
directional migration If it is set to a non-zero be triggered again after directional migration of
model default: 0 model default: 255 model default: 30 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
procedure can be triggered value, intra-frequency the period of time SA UEs for the
again based on this load balancing is enabled specified by this corresponding QCI
parameter value. for NSA UEs. parameter. service.

-- -- -- --
0 0 30 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
0 0 30 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
0 0 30 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
0 255 30 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
0 255 30 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
0 255 30 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
0 255 30 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
function of SA UEs. From
left to right, the priority
array subscripts
correspond to the E-
HRPD, and CDMA2000-
1XRTT systems in turn. A sADirectMigSwch sADirectIMMCISwch icoCellType
Cell Type for Public-
enum: enum: enum:
Priorityparameter value
of Directional This parameterMigration
Directional enables or This parameterIMMCI
Directional enables or Private Network
Close[0] Close[0] Public Cell[0]
IMMCI a higher
UEs disables
Switch of directional
SA UEs disables
of directional
SA UEs Coordination
longArray:[0..255] Open[1] Open[1] Private Cell[1]
priority of the migration for SA UEs. If IMMCI function for SA This parameter sets the
model default:
corresponding system. it is set to Open, the UEs. If it is set to Open, cell type used in public-
255;254;253;252;251 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
The value 0 indicates that eNodeB can hand over or the eNodeB can carry private network
the system is not redirect SA UEs to the dedicated IMMCI when coordination: private cell
considered. specified NR frequencies. releasing an SA UE. and public cell.

-- -- -- --
255;254;253;252;251 Close[0] Close[0] Public Cell[0]
255;254;253;252;251 Close[0] Close[0] Public Cell[0]
255;254;253;252;251 Close[0] Close[0] Public Cell[0]
255;254;253;252;251 Close[0] Close[0] Public Cell[0]
255;254;253;252;251 Close[0] Close[0] Public Cell[0]
255;254;253;252;251 Close[0] Close[0] Public Cell[0]
255;254;253;252;251 Close[0] Close[0] Public Cell[0]
This parameter is the
This parameter is an SINR threshold of RRM
upstream SINR identifying the upstream
redirection user SINR redirection user. This parameter indicates
identification factor. It is That is to say, the the length of the upstream
used to define the ratio This parameter is the low upstream SINR reporting SINR redirection user
between the number of threshold of periodic result is considered as an uLSINRBasedRdUERecT
identification timer. RRM
SINR reports uLSINRLowThrd
reporting of user SINR for uLSINRBasedRdThrd
upstream SINR reporting imer
counts the upstream SINR
UL required
SINR Basedby target
Redirect MAC.
UL That
SINR is toThreshold
Low say, UE when
UL the upstream
Based Redirect report
UL SINR of UE in the
Based station
UE redirection
RecursiveUE and the
Factor (%) identification
(dB) and reporting result(dB)
Threshold is less during
UE the timer
Recursive cycle.
Timer (s)
double:[-10..10] double:[-10..10]
total number of MAC upstream Single RBSINR than or equal to this When the target UE meets
long:[0..100] model default: 5.0 model default: 0.0 long:[10..255]
reports in the process of value are reported for threshold during the certain conditions, it is
model default: 90 step: 0.5 step: 0.5 model default: 60
upstream SINR users whose upstream upstream SINR determined as the
redirection user Single RBSINR value is redirection user upstream SINR
identification. less than this threshold. identification cycle. redirection user.

-- -- -- --
90 5.0 0.0 60
90 5.0 0.0 60
90 5.0 0.0 60
90 5.0 0.0 60
90 5.0 0.0 60
90 5.0 0.0 60
90 5.0 0.0 60
This parameter sets the
This parameter is the high maximum number of
threshold of periodic hOBaseServiceMaxRetry
times that the eNodeB
Maximum Number of
reporting of user SINR for retries Num over UEs algRsved1 perQCIRedA2MeaGrpCfg
Times toto hand
Retry to Hand This Redirection
parameter indicates
UL SINRThat is toThreshold
High say, UE based onUEs
Over services.
a UE Service Mobility the group Group
Measurement ID of ID
(dB) and fails to be handed over to Reservation Parameter 1
Services measurement
per QCIby QCI,
upstream Single RBSINR an expected frequency corresponding to the
model default: 50.0 long:[0..1800, 65535] long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..65535]
value are reported for based on services, the measurement
step: 0.5 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
users whose upstream handover procedure can This is reservaed configuration for
Single RBSINR value is be triggered again based parameter 1 for service redirection event A2 per
greater than this threshold. on this parameter value. mobility. QCI.

-- -- -- --
50.0 0 0 0
50.0 0 0 0
50.0 0 0 0
50.0 0 0 0
50.0 0 0 0
50.0 0 0 0
50.0 0 0 0
This parameter controls
the execution method of
This parameter is UL preferential interoperation
SINR based redirect from an LTE system to an
swicth. It is configured as NR system. It is valid
This parameter sets the 1 to indicate that RRM only for coverage-based
timer for handover retry will recognize UL SINR blindRedBasedVTQualSw
This parameter enables or mobility. If it is set to
based on services. If a UE uLSINRBasedRdSwch
redirection users based on disables ch redirection
blind methodLTEtoNR
Handover, the eNodeB
Switch for VoLTE
enum: enum: enum:
fails to be handed
Service-Based over to
Handover ULthe UL SINR
SINR Basedresults
Redirect based on voice quality.
Quality-Based Blind If migratesofUEs
Method to the NR
Close[0] Close[0] Handover[0]
an expected frequency
Retry Timer (s) reportedSwicth
by MAC and it is setRedirection
to Open, the blind system
LTE tohandover
Open[1] Open[1] Redirection[1]
based on services, the initiate blind redirection redirection procedure is or redirection. If it is set
handover procedure can function for the identified triggered when the voice to Redirection, the
model default: 30 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
be triggered again after a target users. It is quality of a UE is lower eNodeB migrates UEs to
period of time based on configured as 0 to indicate than the specific the NR system only
this parameter value. close. threshold. through redirection.

-- -- -- --
30 Close[0] Close[0] Handover[0]
30 Close[0] Close[0] Handover[0]
30 Close[0] Close[0] Handover[0]
30 Close[0] Close[0] Handover[0]
30 Close[0] Close[0] Handover[0]
30 Close[0] Close[0] Handover[0]
30 Close[0] Close[0] Handover[0]
This parameter sets the
priority of the PCells on This parameter enables or
the same frequency for disables the This parameter enables or
EN-DC. If the priority is randomization of the disables the frequency
set to 0, the frequency of frequencies with the same reselection sub-priority
the local cell cannot be priority for the SA UEs in for SA UEs in the
used as the target the delivered IMMCI.
Equal-Priority FrequencyIf it delivered
Frequency IMMCI. If it is
Reselection This parameter enables or
frequency for EN-DC sAImmciFreqRamSwch
is set to Open, the sAImmciSubPrioSwch
set to Open, the for sADirectImmciSpidSwch
Randomization Strategy Sub-priority Switch Switch of directed
enum: enum: enum:
anchor-based handover. If
PCell Inter-frequency reselection
Switch priorities
for SA UEs in ofthe reselection
SA sub-priorities
UEs in the Delivered migration for SA UEs
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
the Priority
priority for
is set to a non-
EN-DC theDelivered
frequencies with the
IMMCI of both the LTE and NR
IMMCI with
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
zero value, the frequency same priority are frequencies are allocated it is set to Open, the
of the local cell can be randomly allocated in the in the IMMCI delivered eNodeB allocates a
model default: 255 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
used as the target IMMCI delivered during during frequency release dedicated reselection
frequency for EN-DC frequency release by the by the UEs that support priority for the UEs with
anchor-based handover. UEs that support SA. SA. special SPIDs.

-- -- -- --
255 Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
255 Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
255 Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
255 Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
255 Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
255 Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
255 Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
the frequency of the
public network neighbor
cell is considered for low-
speed private-network
UEs in the low-speed UE
handed over toSelection
Frequency the public
network measurement,
Optimization for Speed-
and the intra-frequency
Based Public/Private of
the privateHandover
Network network
neighbor cell is
considered for high-speed
public-network UEs in the
model default: 0
high-speed UE handed
over to the private
network measurement.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

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NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,35 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,85 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,129 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,79 EUtranRelation
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E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,112 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 E_WTP002TF1_Bone2_TF
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 E_COI247ML1_CombatFU
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 P_WTP135MF1_MajangRi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 P_WTP102ME1_BiruBone
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 E_WTP132ML1_Potongn
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,128 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,127 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,121 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,123 EUtranRelation
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E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,126 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 COI154ML1_Combat Kore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 COI154ML1_Combat Kore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 COI154ML1_Combat Kore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 C_WTP154MR1_TaBone-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 N_COI154ML1_Combat K
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,0 N_COI154ML1_Combat K
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,73 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,71 C_COI154MR1_CombatKo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,74 C_COI154MR1_CombatKo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,72 C_COI154MR1_CombatKo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,78 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,75 C_COI154MR1_CombatKo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,76 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,70 C_COI154MR1_CombatKo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,69 C_COI154MR1_CombatKo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,62 WTP012ML1_Bone cityM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,63 E_WTP171ML1_WahidinB
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,60 E_COI247ML1_CombatFU
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,61 E_WTP002ML1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,66 E_WTP169ML1_MCSukaw
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,67 M_WTP085MT1_WatangPala
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,64 E_WTP170ML1_MCWahid
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,65 WTP002TF1_Bone 2TF02
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,112 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,111 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,110 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,113 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,93 C_WTP041MR1_Cabalu-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,99 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,97 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,92 C_WTP041MR1_Cabalu-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,103 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,100 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,102 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,88 C_COI154MR1_CombatKo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,87 C_COI154MR1_CombatKo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,109 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,108 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,100 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,80 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,101 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,81 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,104 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,37 E_WTP002TE1_Bone2_TE
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,38 E_WTP002TE1_Bone2_TE
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,35 E_WTP085ML1_Watang P
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,36 WTP002ML1_Bone 2ML0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,39 E_WTP142MF1_Jl.Semer
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,30 E_WTP170ML1_MCWahid
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,33 M_WTP171MT1_WahidinB
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,34 P_WTP041ML1_Cabalu-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,79 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,31 C_COI489MR1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,32 C_WTP002MR1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,73 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,74 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,76 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 C_WTP065MR1_Tibojon
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,26 E_WTP085ML1_WatangPa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,27 M_WTP171MT1_WahidinB
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,24 E_WTP171ML1_WahidinB
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,25 P_WTP041ML1_Cabalu-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,28 WTP142ME1_TBG Jl.Sem
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,29 C_WTP142MF1_TBG JL
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,66 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,22 E_WTP002TF1_Bone2_TF
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,23 E_WTP021ML1_Palakka_
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,67 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,68 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,21 P_WTP041ML1_Cabalu-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,69 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 N_COI154ML1_Combat K
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,62 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,0 N_COI154ML1_Combat K
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,63 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,64 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,65 C_WTP002MR1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 COI154ML1_Combat Kore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,60 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,59 WTP002TE1_Bone 2TE02
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,58 C_WTP207ML1_DMT MM M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,51 N_WTP021MR1_Palakka
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,52 N_WTP021MR1_Palakka
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,50 E_WTP002MT1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,55 M_WTP085MT1_WatangPa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,56 E_COI247ML1_CombatFU
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,53 WTP154ME1_Protelindo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,54 E_WTP085ML1_WatangPa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,97 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,98 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,48 M_WTP170MT1_MCWahid
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,49 WTP207MT1_DMT MM Mas
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,46 WTP064MT1_Macege MT
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,47 N_WTP209MT1_DMT MM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,40 C_WTP064ML1_Macege(M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,41 M_WTP041MT1_Cabalu-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,44 WTP209ML1_DMT MM Pasa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,45 P_WTP102ME1_BiruBone
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,43 C_WTP209ML1_DMT MM Pa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,84 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,80 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,81 P_COI154ML1_CombatARR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,37 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,33 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,34 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,36 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,30 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,31 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,32 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,26 C_COI489MR1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,22 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,23 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,38 M_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,24 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,25 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,20 COI154ML1_Combat Kore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,15 WTP207MT1_DMT MM Mas
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,16 E_COI489MT1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,13 M_WTP170MT1_MCWahid
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,14 M_WTP170MT1_MCWahid
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,19 E_WTP171ML1_WahidinB
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,17 C_WTP170ML1_MCWahidi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,11 E_WTP207ML1_MMMasji
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,56 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,12 E_WTP085ML1_WatangPa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 E_COI247ML1_CombatFU
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,48 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,41 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,42 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,12 C_WTP065MR1_Tibojon
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,111 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,113 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,112 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,115 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,114 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,18 COI154ML1_Combat Kore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,15 COI154ML1_Combat Kore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,14 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,13 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,11 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 COI154ML1_Combat Kor
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,13 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,12 COI154ML1_Combat Kore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,15 COI154ML1_Combat Kor
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,14 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,16 COI154ML1_Combat Kor
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,19 COI154ML1_Combat Kore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,18 P_COI154ML1_CombatARR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,19 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,15 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,17 COI154ML1_Combat Kor
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,18 COI154ML1_Combat Kore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,11 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,12 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,13 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,21 C_WTP065MR1_Tibojon
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,14 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,24 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,23 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 COI154ML1_Combat Kore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,25 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,28 C_WTP082MR1_Bone1-P
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,29 P_COI154ML1_CombatARR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,146 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,147 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,144 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,145 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,142 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,143 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,141 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,35 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,37 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,38 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,0 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,52 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,51 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 M_WTP041MT1_Cabalu-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,12 N_WTP207MT1_DMT MM M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 E_WTP170ML1_MCWahid
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,11 WTP142ME1_TBG Jl.Sem
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 P_WTP186ML1_MCRPasar
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,14 WTP154ME1_Protelindo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 WTP142ME1_TBG Jl.Sem
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,13 C_WTP209ML1_DMT MM Pa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 M_WTP064ML1_Macege
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 C_WTP065MR1_Tibojon
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,135 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,19 C_WTP154MF1_PROTEL
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,136 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,40 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 C_WTP209ML1_DMT MM Pa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,133 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 WTP064MT1_Macege MT
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,113 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,42 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 E_WTP141ML1_Jeppee-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,16 WTP012ML1_Bone cityM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,41 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,57 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 C_WTP082MR1_Bone1-P
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,15 WTP141ML1_JeppeeML0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 C_WTP142MF1_TBG JL
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,18 E_WTP142ME1_Jl.Semer
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,44 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,43 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,17 N_WTP209MT1_DMT MM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,0 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,46 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,45 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,48 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,47 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,114 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,139 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,115 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,49 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,137 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,138 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,14 E_WTP154ME1_TaBone-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,44 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,15 C_WTP102MR1_BiruBone
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,16 C_WTP154MF1_PROTEL
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,17 E_WTP002TF1_Bone2_TF
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,18 E_WTP132ML1_Potongn
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,19 E_COI489MT1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,124 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,122 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,123 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,50 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,120 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,121 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,59 C_WTP102MR1_BiruBone
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 E_WTP154ML1_TaBone-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,11 M_WTP132MT1_Potongn
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,12 E_WTP154MT1_TaBone-(F
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,126 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,13 E_WTP042ML1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,127 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,34 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,25 P_WTP036ML1_BoneInn
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,26 WTP184ML1_MCR Tanete
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,27 P_WTP135ME1_MajangRi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,31 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,28 E_WTP002TF1_Bone2_TF
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,30 P_COI154ML1_CombatARR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,29 E_WTP207ML1_MMMasji
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,37 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,36 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,114 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,62 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,110 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,20 P_WTP135ML1_MajangRi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,21 E_WTP002TE1_Bone2_TE
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,22 E_WTP002TE1_Bone2_TE
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,118 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,23 510,10,332310,31
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,24 E_WTP042MT1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,116 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,36 E_WTP154MF1_TaBone-P
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,38 E_COI247ML1_CombatFU
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,21 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,39 P_WTP102ML1_BiruBone
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,29 C_WTP082MR1_Bone1-P
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,25 COI154ML1_Combat Kore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,80 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,71 C_COI489MR1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,102 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,103 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,100 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,101 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,102 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,78 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,30 E_WTP064ML1_Macege_
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,108 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,31 WTP002ML1_Bone 2ML0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,103 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,32 P_WTP036ML1_BoneInn
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,106 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,33 P_WTP036ML1_BoneInn
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,107 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,105 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,34 WTP207MT1_DMT MM Mas
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,104 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,35 E_WTP154MT1_TaBone-(F
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,105 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,106 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,47 C_WTP184MR1_MCRTanet
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,48 C_WTP184MR1_MCRTanet
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,98 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,50 E_WTP083ML1_Taneteria
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,49 C_WTP154MR1_TaBone-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,97 C_WTP041MR1_Cabalu-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,96 C_WTP041MR1_Cabalu-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,56 E_WTP002TE1_Bone2_TE
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,55 E_WTP083ML1_Taneteria
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,58 C_COI489MR1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,57 E_WTP184ML1_MCRTanet
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,52 E_WTP064ML1_Macege_
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,51 E_WTP169ML1_MCSukaw
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,91 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,54 C_WTP002MR1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,53 C_WTP002MR1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,90 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,82 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,81 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,84 C_WTP038MR1_BoneTrad
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,83 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,86 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,59 C_COI489MR1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,88 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,87 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,89 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,40 M_WTP036MT1_BoneInner
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,41 M_WTP132MT1_Potongn
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,42 WTP209ML1_DMT MM Pasa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,43 E_WTP085ML1_WatangPa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,44 E_WTP154ML1_TaBone-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,45 E_WTP154ML1_TaBone-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,58 C_WTP065MR1_Tibojon
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,59 WTP142ME1_TBG Jl.Sem
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,87 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,84 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,82 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,45 E_WTP001ML1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,44 P_WTP142ML1_Jl.Semer
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,47 E_WTP012ML1_Bonecit
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,46 E_COI489MT1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,40 M_WTP170MT1_MCWahid
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,43 E_WTP002ML1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,42 E_WTP141ML1_Jeppee-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,93 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,94 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,77 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,97 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,49 E_WTP154ME1_TaBone-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,48 E_WTP170ML1_MCWahid
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,96 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,51 WTP141ML1_JeppeeML0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,52 WTP141ML1_JeppeeML0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,53 C_WTP184MR1_MCRTanet
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,54 P_WTP038ML1_BoneTrade
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,55 C_WTP209ML1_DMT MM Pa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,56 M_WTP064ML1_Macege
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,57 WTP154ME1_Protelindo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,78 C_WTP038MR1_BoneTrad
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,69 E_WTP184ML1_MCRTanet
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,76 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,75 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,74 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,34 E_WTP207ML1_MMMasji
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,33 E_COI247ML1_CombatFU
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,36 E_COI489MT1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,35 C_WTP170ML1_MCWahidi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,30 E_WTP209MT1_MMPasarS
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,32 E_WTP207ML1_MMMasji
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,79 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,31 E_WTP064ML1_Macege_
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,38 WTP002TF1_Bone 2TF02
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,37 C_WTP207ML1_DMT MM M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,39 WTP207MT1_DMT MM Mas
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,60 C_WTP002MR1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,61 E_WTP132ML1_Potongn
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,62 C_WTP064ML1_Macege(M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,63 WTP012ML1_Bone cityM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,64 WTP064MT1_Macege MT
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,65 C_WTP082MR1_Bone1-P
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,66 E_WTP140ML1_Taneteria
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,67 WTP012ML1_Bone cityM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,68 E_WTP209MT1_MMPasarS
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,67 C_COI489MR1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,65 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,64 P_COI154ML1_CombatARR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,63 C_WTP002MR1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,62 C_WTP002MR1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,23 WTP012ML1_Bone cityM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,22 E_WTP169MT1_MCSukaw
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,25 M_WTP184ML1_MCRTanet
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,69 C_COI489MR1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,21 P_WTP038ML1_BoneTrade
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,68 C_COI489MR1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,20 N_WTP209MT1_DMT MM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,26 E_WTP209ML1_MMPasarS
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,29 E_WTP154MT1_TaBone-(F
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,70 E_COI247ML1_CombatFU
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,28 E_WTP140ML1_Taneteria
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,71 E_WTP064ML1_Macege_
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,70 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,72 E_WTP184ML1_MCRTanet
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,73 E_WTP002MT1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,82 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,75 M_WTP064MT1_Macege
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,77 510,10,595142,35
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,79 E_WTP141ML1_Jeppee-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,92 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,91 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,99 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,95 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,80 E_WTP064ML1_Macege_
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,81 C_WTP038MR1_BoneTrad
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,84 C_COI154MR1_CombatKo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,85 C_COI154MR1_CombatKo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,87 C_COI154MR1_CombatKo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,88 C_COI154MR1_CombatKo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,81 C_COI154MR1_CombatKor
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,80 C_COI154MR1_CombatKo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,82 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,89 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,88 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,85 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,86 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,90 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,91 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,92 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,94 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,95 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,96 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,97 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,98 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,99 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,70 WTP169ML1_MC Sukawat
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,72 E_WTP002TF1_Bone2_TF
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,71 M_WTP064ML1_Macege
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,77 C_WTP038MR1_BoneTrad
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,79 C_COI154MR1_CombatKor
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,74 C_WTP184MR1_MCRTanet
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,73 C_WTP184MR1_MCRTanet
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,76 C_WTP065MR1_Tibojon
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,75 COI489MT1_Combat FU
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,61 E_WTP002ML1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,60 C_COI489MR1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 COI154ML1_Combat Kore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,66 E_WTP142MF1_Jl.Semer
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,69 P_WTP142ML1_Jl.Semer
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 COI154ML1_Combat Kore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,68 E_COI247ML1_CombatFU
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,0 N_COI154ML1_Combat K
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,63 E_WTP140ML1_Taneteria
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,62 E_WTP002MT1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,65 E_WTP042ML1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 N_COI154ML1_Combat K
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,64 E_WTP139ML1_PasarSent
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 C_WTP154MR1_TaBone-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 COI154ML1_Combat Kore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 COI154ML1_Combat Kore
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,83 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,84 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,43 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,73 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,27 WTP207MT1_DMT MM Mas
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,41 E_WTP002MT1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,67 M_WTP170MT1_MCWahid
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,16 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,50 N_WTP207MT1_DMT MM M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,76 C_WTP207ML1_DMT MM M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,0 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,101 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,20 C_WTP154MR1_TaBone-
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,99 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,18 E_WTP002ML1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,51 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,37 E_WTP209MT1_MMPasarS
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,24 WTP002TE1_Bone 2TE02
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,78 WTP169ML1_MC Sukawat
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,33 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,102 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,17 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,86 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,74 M_WTP064MT1_Macege
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,71 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,109 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,110 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,119 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,26 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,89 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,42 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,77 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,27 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,39 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,83 C_COI154MR1_CombatKo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,111 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,87 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,85 P_COI154ML1_CombatAR
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,86 C_COI154MR1_CombatKo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,79 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,120 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,102 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,46 C_COI489MR1_CombatM
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,20 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,125 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,78 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,68 C_COI154MR1_CombatKo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,32 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,83 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,90 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,112 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,96 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,42 C_WTP002MR1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,36 P_COI154ML1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,140 EUtranRelation
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,93 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,89 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,82 C_COI154MR1_CombatKo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,57 E_WTP002MT1_Bone2_M
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,90 N_COI154MR1_CombatK
refExternalEUtranCellFD refExternalEUtranCellTD
isAnrCreated refEUtranCellFDD D D
Neighbor Cell Within E-UTRAN FDD Neighbor E-UTRAN TDD
Configured By ANR eNodeB Cell Neighbor Cell
The Indication that the
model default: 0 string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400]
adjacent-cell relation will
be configured by manual Neighbor Cell Within Neighbor E-UTRAN FDD Neighbor E-UTRAN
or ANR mode eNodeB. Cell. TDD Cell.


Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=8
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=2
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=7
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=9
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=2
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=1
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=8
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=9
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=3
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=2
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=7
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=1
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=7
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=3
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=2
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=8
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=9
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=1
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=3
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=8
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=2
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=9
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=7
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=9
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=8
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=7
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=1
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=3
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=3
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,EUtranCellFDD=1
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
No[0] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
Yes[1] ENBFunctionFDD=508154,ExternalEUtranCellFDD=
isRemoveAllowed isX2HOAllowed isHOAllowed Neighboring[0]
enum: enum: enum: Same Coverage[1]
The Switch
Switch for for the LTE
Removing Intra-LTE Neighbor
No[0] No[0] No[0] Containing[2]
Neighbor Cell being Switch for X2 HO Switch for HO Relation
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Contained[3]
removed. When the value The Switch for X2 HO The parameter indicates
of the parameter is Yes, being supported, which The Switch for HO being the location relation
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0
the cell can be removed indicates neighboring cell supported, it can only between server cell and
by ANR function, else it whether it is surpport X2 support redirection when EUTRAN neighboring
can not be. HO. the value is No. cell

-- -- -- --
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Same Coverage[1]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Same Coverage[1]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Same Coverage[1]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Same Coverage[1]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Same Coverage[1]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Same Coverage[1]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Same Coverage[1]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Same Coverage[1]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Same Coverage[1]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Same Coverage[1]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Same Coverage[1]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Same Coverage[1]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Same Coverage[1]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Same Coverage[1]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Same Coverage[1]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Same Coverage[1]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Same Coverage[1]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Same Coverage[1]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Neighboring[0]
5[20] 5[20]
only permit the
6[21] 6[21]
8[22] 8[22]
reselecte to the cell;the
10[23] 10[23]
value is
12[24] 12[24]
14[25] 14[25] enum:
only,what only permit the
16[26] 16[26] RRC_IDLE Only[0]
Qoffset cell is used to RRC_CONNECTED UE
qofStCell s1DataFwdFlag 18[27]
cellIndivOffset RRC_CONNECTED
stateIndto the
indicate a cell or to handover
20[28] enum: 20[28] Only[1]
frequency specific offset S1 Handover Data Direct Cell Individual Offset cell;then he value is
22[29] No[0] 22[29] RRC_IDLE+
applied when
(dB) Forward Supported (dB) RRC_IDLE+RRC_CON
Status Indication
24[30] Yes[1] 24[30] RRC_CONNECTED[2]
evaluating candidates for NECTED ,what permit
cell re-selection or when the RRC_IDLE UE to
model default: 15 model default: 0 model default: 15 model default: 2
evaluating triggering The enable Flag that S1 The parameter indicates reselecte to the cell and
conditions for HO Data Direct Forward offset between server cell the RRC_CONNECTED
measurement reporting can be done. and neighboring cell UE to handover

-- -- -- --
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -3[12] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 2[17] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 1[16] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -4[11] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 6[21] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 4[19] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 5[20] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -5[10] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 3[18] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -3[12] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 4[19] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 1[16] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 1[16] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -3[12] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 1[16] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 1[16] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 2[17] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 3[18] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -5[10] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -4[11] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -4[11] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -6[9] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -3[12] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -4[11] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -4[11] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -4[11] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 6[21] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 2[17] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
-3[12] No[0] 3[18] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -4[11] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 2[17] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 5[20] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 3[18] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 6[21] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 4[19] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 1[16] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 1[16] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 4[19] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 3[18] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 6[21] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 5[20] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 4[19] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 6[21] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 5[20] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 6[21] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 6[21] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 4[19] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 1[16] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 5[20] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 1[16] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -3[12] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -3[12] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 6[21] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -4[11] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -5[10] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 6[21] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 1[16] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 4[19] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -6[9] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -1[14] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] -2[13] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 4[19] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
0[15] No[0] 0[15] RRC_IDLE+ RRC_CONNE
The parameter is used to
determine whether the
energy saving cell is
covered by the adjacent
cell. It indicates whether This parameter indicates This parameter indicates
the adjacentCell according the maximum uplink load the maximum downlink
isESCoveredBy coverESCell resPRBUp cell resPRBDown
this planning
Cell is on aLoad
UL compensation
Threshold for load on
DL Load a compensation
Threshold for
None Coverage[0] enum:
no, partialby
Covered or the
coverage when an energy
Awakening saving
Energy cell when anEnergy
Awakening energy
All Coverage[1] None Coverage[0]
for the cellCell
which name- Cover Energy Saving Cell cell is awoken.
Saving The
Cells (%) saving cell isCells
Saving awoken.
(%) The
Partial Coverage[2] Coverage[1]
contains the energy saving cell can be energy saving cell can be
long:[1..100] long:[1..100]
EUtranRelation instance. The parameter is used to awoken if the downlink awoken if the downlink
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 50 model default: 50
The value partial is not determine whether the cell load on the compensation load on the compensation
allowed in an eNB cover the energy cell is higher than this cell is higher than this
overlaid scenario. savingcell. threshold. threshold.

-- -- -- --
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
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None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 70 70
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None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
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None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
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None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
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None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
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None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
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None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
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None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
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None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
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None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
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None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 70 70
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 70 70
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
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None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
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None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
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None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
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None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
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None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
None Coverage[0] None Coverage[0] 50 50
Only DL Comp
UL&DL Comp
When load balancing
Only DL CA Support[8]
based on intra-frequency The Max Tolerance
UL&DL CA Support[12]
measurement of A4 event Number of RRC This parameter sets the
switchonTimeWindow lbIntraMeasureOffset numRRCCntNumCov Only eDL CA Support
The Time Window of is beginning,
Offset the neighbor
of Intra-Frequency Connection Number for collaboration type of
(non-Live CA)[32]
Switching on for ES Cell cell that RSRP is
Measurement in no less
Load Cover Cell when CoMP and CA (in bitmap
eUL&eDL CA Support
(min) than Balancing
(serving cell's
(dB)value Switching on the ES Cell format and in ascending
Collaboration Type
(non-Live CA)[48]
+ The Max Tolerance order): UL CoMP, DL
long:[1..2] long:[-15..15] long:[1..1200]
ucLBIntraMeasureOffset) Number of RRC CoMP, DL CA, UL CA,
model default: 1 model default: -3 model default: 100 model default: 0
The parameter is the time in measurement report can Connection Number for eDL CA (non-Live CA),
window of switching on only selected as target Cover Cell When and eUL CA (non-Live
for energy saving cell. cell. switching on the ES Cell CA).

-- -- -- --
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 UL&DL CA Support[12]
1 -3 100 Only DL CA Support[8]
1 -3 100 Only DL CA Support[8]
1 -3 100 UL&DL CA Support[12]
1 -3 100 Only UL Comp Support[1]
1 -3 100 Only UL Comp Support[1]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Only DL CA Support[8]
1 -3 100 Only DL CA Support[8]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Only UL Comp Support[1]
1 -3 100 Only UL Comp Support[1]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Only DL CA Support[8]
1 -3 100 Only DL CA Support[8]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Only DL CA Support[8]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 UL&DL CA Support[12]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Only UL Comp Support[1]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Only UL Comp Support[1]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Only DL CA Support[8]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Only DL CA Support[8]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Only UL Comp Support[1]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 UL&DL CA Support[12]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Only UL Comp Support[1]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Only UL Comp Support[1]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 UL&DL CA Support[12]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Only UL Comp Support[1]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
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1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
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1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 UL&DL CA Support[12]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Only UL Comp Support[1]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Only UL Comp Support[1]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Only DL CA Support[8]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Only DL CA Support[8]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Only DL CA Support[8]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
1 -3 100 Not Support[0]
coordination relationship parameters of the
of a cell can be modified neighbor relation can be
by CA/CoMP self- modified by the MRO
configuration. If this function. If the value is
parameter is set to Not Allowed to Modify CIO
allowed to modify, the by MRO, the cell
neighbor coordination individual offset is
overlapCoverage coperModSwch noSupMobilitySwch Not Allowed to Modify
Switch of a cell
for Automatic allowed to be modified by
enum: enum: CIO by MRO[0]
Neighbor Cell Overlap cannot be modified
Coordination Typeby Switch for Not Support the MRO function; If the
Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO
Coverage Degree (%) CA/CoMP
Changeself- Mobility Based Cover valueSupported
MRO is Not Allowed to
Not allowed to modify[1] Open[1] by MRO[1]
configuration; otherwise, The switch for not support Modify CIO by MRO, the
the neighbor coordination mobility based cover,it cell individual offset is
model default: 50 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
This parameter indicates relationship of a cell can not support handover and not allowed to be
the neighbor cell overlap be modified by CA/CoMP redirection based cover modified by the MRO
coverage degree. self-configuration. when the value is Open. function.

-- -- -- --
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
50 Allowed to modify[0] Close[0] Allowed to Modify CIO b
This parameter indicates This parameter indicates
This parameter indicates bigSRVHOIndDL
whether a neighbor cell is bigSRVHOIndUL
whether a neighbor cell is isBasicCoverageCell
enum: enum: enum: enum:
whether a neighbor
High Speed cell is
Rail Cell the targetfor
Indication cell
Big the target cell
Indication forfor
Big Whether to cover the cell
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
a high-speed rail cell. In
Indication downlink big Handover
Service-Based service- big service-based
Service-Based Handover This
forparameter is used to
spectrum sharing
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] YES[1]
the high-speed rail based handover. The handover. The eNodeB indicate whether the
scenarios, the eNodeB can eNodeB selects the target selects the target cells for neighbor cell is the basic
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0
process the UEs at cells for downlink big uplink big service-based coverage cell of the
different speeds based on service-based handover handover based on this service cell for spectrum
this parameter. based on this parameter. parameter. sharing.

-- -- -- --
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] No[0]
relation is a whitelist Coverage Degree and
neighbor relation. If it is Auto-updated Relation
set to Yes, it means that Between the Serving Cell
the neighbor relation is a and E-UTRAN Intra-RAT
whitelist neighbor relation This parameter sets an Neighbor Cells
that cannot be individual offset between parameters in the EMS. If This parameter indicates
automatically deleted by NSA cells. It is used for it is set to Close, the the inter-cell overlapping
whiteListNbrInd 18[27]
nSACellIndivOffset overlapRateUpdateSwch overlapRate
the ANR or put into the an NSA UE to determine Switch overlapping coverage
for Updating Inter- coverage
Auto-updated degree. It is
enum: 20[28] enum:
neighbor cellNeighbor
Whitelist blacklist by the individual
Individual offset
Offset of of
NSAthe degree and coverage
cell Overlapping automatically calculated
Overlapping Coverage
No[0] 22[29] Close[0]
the Relation
ANR. If itIndication
is set to No, cell corresponding
Cells (dB) to the relation
Coverage parameters
Degree by the eNodeB.
DegreeIf it is set
Yes[1] 24[30] Open[1]
the neighbor relation can measurement object calculated through the to 255 (an invalid value),
long:[0..100, 255]
be automatically deleted (parameter path: general overlapping it indicates that the
model default: 0 model default: 15 model default: 1 model default: 255
by the ANR or put into MeasObjectEUTRA > coverage degree function overlapping coverage
the neighbor cell blacklist cellsToAddModList > do not update the degree has not been
by the ANR. cellIndividualOffset). parameters in the EMS. automatically updated.

-- -- -- --
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] -3[12] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 4[19] Open[1] 255
No[0] 4[19] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 4[19] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 4[19] Open[1] 255
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No[0] -2[13] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] -2[13] Open[1] 255
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No[0] -3[12] Open[1] 255
No[0] -3[12] Open[1] 255
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No[0] -2[13] Open[1] 255
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No[0] -1[14] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 1[16] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] -1[14] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] -1[14] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 4[19] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 4[19] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] -3[12] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
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No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
No[0] 0[15] Open[1] 255
individual offset between
This parameter sets the NSA cells in different
individual offset between PLMNs. It is used for an
PLMNs. It is used to NSA UE of a PLMN to
determine the individual determine the individual
offset of the cell offset of the cell
enum: enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
This parameter Relation
Auto-updated indicates corresponding to the corresponding to the
autoShareCover algLTENBRRsved1 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
cellIndiOffstPlmn 5,nSACellIndOffPlmn
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
the auto-updated
Between coverage
the Serving Cell Service LTE Neighbor measurement object. measurement object.
same coverage[1] 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
E-UTRAN between the
Intra-RAT Relation Reservation There is a one-to-one
Individual-Offset There is a one-to-one
Group Individual-Offset Group
Containing[2] 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
serving cell and
Neighbor an E-
Cells Parameter 1 correspondence between correspondence
of Cells (dB) of NSA Cellsbetween
Contained[3] 27, 28, 29, 30] 27, 28, 29, 30]
UTRAN intra-RAT the items in the PLMN list the items in the PLMN list
long:[0..4294967295] model default: model default:
neighbor cell, including of the individual offsets of of the individual offsets of
model default: 0 model default: 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring, same This is reservaed cells and the items in the NSA cells and the items
coverage, containing, and parameter 1 for neighbor PLMN list of neighbor in the PLMN list of
contained. relations of LTE services. cells. neighbor cells.

-- -- -- --
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 12;15;15;15;15;15 12;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 19;15;15;15;15;15 19;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 19;15;15;15;15;15 19;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
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neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
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neighboring[0] 0 19;15;15;15;15;15 19;15;15;15;15;15
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neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
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neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
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neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
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neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
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neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
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neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
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neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 16;15;15;15;15;15 16;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 13;15;15;15;15;15 13;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 12;15;15;15;15;15 12;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
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neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
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neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
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neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
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neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
neighboring[0] 0 15;15;15;15;15;15 15;15;15;15;15;15
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
refExternalUtranCellTDD refExternalUtranCellFDD Neighboring[0]
ratShareCover isHOSupport
Same Coverage[1] enum:
UTRAN TDD Neighbor UTRAN FDD Neighbor Inter-RAT Neighbor
Containing[2] Not Support[0]
Cell Cell Relation Handover Supported
Contained[3] Support[1]
The parameter indicates handover indication
string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400] model default: 0 model default: 1
the location relation whether Server cell can
UTRAN TDD Neighbor UTRAN FDD Neighbor between server cell and handover to UTRAN
Cell. Cell. UTRAN neighboring cell neighboring cell

R-I R-I -- --
relation is a whitelist
The parameter is used to neighbor relation. If it is
determine whether the set to Yes, it means that
energy saving cell is the neighbor relation is a
covered by Rat the whitelist neighbor relation
adjacent cell. It indicates that cannot be
whether the adjacent Cell The switch for the automatically deleted by
isRatESCoveredBy isRemoveAllowed isAnrCreated
according to this planning
Energy Saving Cell Is UTRAN adjacent-Cell the whiteListNbrInd
ANR or put into the
None Coverage[0] enum: enum: enum:
provides no,by
Covered partial or full being
the RAT removed.
Switch When the
For to Remove neighbor cellNeighbor
Whitelist blacklist by
All Coverage[1] No[0] No[0] No[0]
coverage for Cell
Adjacent the cell value of the parameter
Neighboring Cell is Configured By ANR the Relation
ANR. If itIndication
is set to No,
Partial Coverage[2] Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1]
which name-contains the Yes, the cell can be the neighbor relation can
EUtran Relation instance. removed by ANR The parameter indicates be automatically deleted
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
The value partial is not function or manual that the adjacent UTRAN by the ANR or put into
allowed in an eNB configuration, else it can cell relation configed the neighbor cell blacklist
overlaid scenario. not be. manually or by ANR by the ANR.

-- -- R-I --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
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SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 E_WTP042MG1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 E_WTP139MD1_PasarSen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,0 E_WTP139MD1_PasarSen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 E_WTP183MD1_MCRSung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 E_WTP142MD1_Jl.Semer
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,0 E_WTP139MD1_PasarSen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 E_WTP042MD1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 E_WTP150MD1_Sukawati
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 E_WTP042MG1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 E_WTP139MD1_PasarSen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,28 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 E_WTP183MD1_MCRSung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,11 E_WTP165MD1_MCVeter
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,12 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,13 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,14 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,15 E_WTP001MD1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,16 E_WTP012MD1_Bonecit
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 E_WTP038MD1_BoneTrade
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 E_WTP038ID1_BoneTradeC
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 E_WTP142MG1_Jl.Semer
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 E_WTP038MD1_BoneTrade
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 E_WTP012MD1_Bonecit
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,20 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 E_WTP139MD1_PasarSen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,21 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 E_WTP012MD1_Bonecit
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,22 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 E_WTP012MD1_Bonecit
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,23 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,24 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,25 E_WTP337MD1_JolleAma
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 E_WTP139MD1_PasarSen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,26 E_WTP001MD1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,0 E_WTP139MD1_PasarSen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,27 E_WTP001MD1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,0 E_WTP139MD1_PasarSen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,17 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,18 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 E_WTP012MD1_Bonecit
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,19 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 E_WTP139MD1_PasarSen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 E_WTP183MD1_MCRSung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,20 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,21 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,26 E_WTP001MD1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,32 E_WTP042MD1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,27 E_WTP165MD1_MCVeter
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,31 E_WTP042MD1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,28 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,30 E_WTP042MD1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,29 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,22 E_WTP337MD1_JolleAma
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,23 E_WTP012MD1_Bonecit
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,24 E_WTP001MD1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,25 E_WTP001MD1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,29 E_WTP042MG1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 E_WTP183MD1_MCRSung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,28 E_WTP042MG1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 E_WTP183MD1_MCRSung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,27 E_WTP042MG1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,26 E_WTP185MD1_MCRJala
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,19 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,25 E_WTP185MD1_MCRJala
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,0 E_WTP012MD1_Bonecit
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,24 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,12 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,23 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,11 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,22 E_WTP001MD1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,14 E_WTP142MD1_Jl.Semer
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,15 E_WTP184MD1_MCRTanet
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,21 E_WTP337MD1_JolleAma
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,13 E_WTP183MD1_MCRSung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,16 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,20 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,16 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,17 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,15 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,18 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,18 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,11 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,17 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,12 E_WTP139MD1_PasarSen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,13 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,19 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,14 E_WTP150MD1_Sukawati
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,19 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,18 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,17 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,16 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,15 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,21 E_WTP150MD1_Sukawati
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,14 E_WTP184MD1_MCRTanet
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,20 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,13 E_WTP150MD1_Sukawati
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,23 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,12 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,22 E_WTP184MD1_MCRTanet
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,29 E_WTP183MD1_MCRSung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,11 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,25 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,24 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,27 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,26 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,29 E_WTP337MD1_JolleAma
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,28 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,30 E_WTP001MD1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,27 E_WTP042MG1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,32 E_WTP001MD1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,30 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,31 E_WTP001MD1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,31 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,34 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,33 E_WTP165MD1_MCVeter
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,32 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,27 E_WTP042MG1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,26 E_WTP185MD1_MCRJala
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,18 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,28 E_WTP042MD1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,19 E_WTP012MD1_Bonecit
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,23 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,22 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,25 E_WTP185MD1_MCRJala
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,24 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,36 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,35 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,38 E_WTP042MD1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,37 E_WTP042MG1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 E_WTP185MD1_MCRJala
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 E_WTP185MD1_MCRJala
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 E_WTP183MD1_MCRSung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,20 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 E_WTP042MG1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 E_WTP042MD1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,23 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,24 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,21 E_WTP337MD1_JolleAma
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,22 E_WTP001MD1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,0 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,28 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,25 E_WTP185MD1_MCRJala
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,26 E_WTP185MD1_MCRJala
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,16 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,15 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,18 E_WTP001MD1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,17 E_WTP337MD1_JolleAma
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,12 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,11 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,14 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,13 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,19 E_WTP001MD1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,12 E_WTP131MD1_Manurun
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,13 E_WTP184MD1_MCRTanet
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,21 E_WTP165MD1_MCVeter
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 E_WTP042MD1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,20 E_WTP001MD1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,11 E_WTP042MD1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,16 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,17 E_WTP148MD1_JalanSuk
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,14 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,15 E_WTP163MD1_Jl.Andal
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,10 E_WTP149MD1_Manurung
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,9 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 E_COI154MD1_CombatA
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,30 E_WTP001MG1_Bone-D
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,31 E_WTP042MG1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,32 E_WTP042MD1_Masump
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,37 E_WTP038MD1_BoneTrade
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,38 E_WTP142MG1_Jl.Semer
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,33 E_WTP012MD1_Bonecit
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,34 E_WTP012MD1_Bonecit
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,35 E_WTP038ID1_BoneTradeC
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,36 E_WTP038MD1_BoneTrade
refExternalGsmCell Neighboring[0]
ratShareCover isHOSupport TheisRemoveAllowed
switch for the GSM
Same Coverage[1] enum: enum:
Inter-RAT Neighbor adjacent-Cell
Switch being
For Remove
Containing[2] Not Support[0] No[0]
GERAN Neighbor Cell Relation Handover Supported removed. When the
Neighboring value
Contained[3] Support[1] Yes[1]
of the parameter is Yes,
The parameter indicates handover indication the cell can be removed
string:length[0..400] model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 1
the location relation whether Server cell can by ANR function or
between server cell and handover to GSM manual configuration, else
GERAN Neighbor Cell GERAN neighboring cell. neighboring cell it can not be.

R-I,M -- -- --
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
Neighboring[0] Support[1] Yes[1]
relation is a whitelist
The parameter is used to neighbor relation. If it is
determine whether the set to Yes, it means that
energy saving cell is the neighbor relation is a
covered by Rat the whitelist neighbor relation
adjacent cell. It indicates This parameter indicates that cannot be
whether the adjacent Cell whether the CSS automatically deleted by
isRatESCoveredBy cSSSupport cSSUpdateAllowed
according to this planning
Energy Saving Cell Is Supported attribute can be the whiteListNbrInd
ANR or put into the
None Coverage[0] enum: enum: enum:
provides no,by
Covered partial or full
the RAT modified.
CSS If it isUpdate
Supported set to neighbor cellNeighbor
Whitelist blacklist by
All Coverage[1] Not Need[0] Not Allowed[0] No[0]
coverage for Cell
Adjacent the cell CSS Needed or Not Allowed,Switch
the system can the Relation
ANR. If itIndication
is set to No,
Partial Coverage[2] Need[1] Allowed[1] Yes[1]
which name-contains the This parameter enables or modify the CSS the neighbor relation can
EUtran Relation instance. disables Collaborated Supported attribute. If it is be automatically deleted
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
The value partial is not Spectrum Scheduling set to Not Allowed, the by the ANR or put into
allowed in an eNB (CSS) for the neighbor system cannot modify the the neighbor cell blacklist
overlaid scenario. cell of the serving cell. CSS Supported attribute. by the ANR.

-- -- -- --
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
None Coverage[0] Not Need[0] Allowed[1] No[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
This parameter determines
whether to configure the
sector ID for 1xRTT cells.
If it is set to Yes, the
refExternalSector Neighboring[0]
ratShareCover isHOSupport oneXrttSectorFlag
Flag for ID needs to be
Configuring the
Same Coverage[1] enum: enum:
CDMA2000 Neighbor Inter-RAT Neighbor configured
Sector ID for in the
Containing[2] No[0] No[0]
Cell Relation Handover Supported ReferenceCells
cell ID field of
Contained[3] Yes[1] Yes[1]
a 1xRTT cell. If it is set to
The parameter indicates handover indication No, the sector ID does not
string:length[0..400] model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
the location relation whether Server cell can need to be configured in
CDMA2000 Neighbor between server cell and handover to CDMA the Reference cell ID field
Cell CDMA neighboring cell neighboring cell of a 1xRTT cell.

R-I,M -- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
cellBarred 1hour[5]
preBlockTimer isIntraFreqReselection csgIndication
enum: 4hour[6] enum: enum:
The parameter is cell When
Cell CellShutdown
Policy Policy Intra-Frequency Cell Enable Access to CSG
Barred[0] 16hour[7] Allowed[0] No[0]
barred indicator
Cell BarredIf the cell Shutdown
Length is The parameter
Reselection indicates
Indication Cell
Not Barred[1] Reserved[8] Not Allowed[1] Yes[1]
barred indicator is set to received from OMC, the whether UE can reselect
'barred', UEs are not timer is open.And if timer to intra-frequency cells
model default: 1 model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 0
permitted to select/re- is time-out,the UEs in the when the highest ranked The parameter indicates
select this cell, even for cell will be moved out cell is barred, or treated as whether UE can access in
emergency calls forcibly. barred by the UE CSG cell

-- -- -- --
Not Barred[1] 5min[2] Allowed[0] No[0]
Not Barred[1] 5min[2] Allowed[0] No[0]
Not Barred[1] 5min[2] Allowed[0] No[0]
Not Barred[1] 5min[2] Allowed[0] No[0]
Not Barred[1] 5min[2] Allowed[0] No[0]
Not Barred[1] 5min[2] Allowed[0] No[0]
Not Barred[1] 5min[2] Allowed[0] No[0]
The parameter is
The parameter indicates The parameter indicates Maximum allowed
the minimum required theMinimum
offset of the minimum
Receiving transmission power on an
received power level of qrxLevMinOfst
required received power intraPmax
carrier frequency in intraPmaxOffset
Minimum Receiving Level(RSRP) Offset UE Maximum UE
the cell which During
Level(RSRP) satisfiesCell
the level
During of Cell
the cell which
Selection dBm.The UE transmit
Transmission Power Transmission Power
Selectionof being
(dBm) satisfies the condition of
(dB) power on (dBm)
one serving cell Offset (dBm)
long:[-140..-44] long:[0..16]
selected by UE Only the being selected or shall not exceed the
model default: -120 model default: 2 long:[-30..33] long:[0..4]
measured received power reselected by UE It will configured maximum UE
step: 2 step: 2 model default: 23 model default: 4
level of the cell is over affect the minimum output power of the Maximum UE
Sel_Qrxlevmin can the required received power serving cell determined by Transmission Power
cell be selected level in the cell this value. Offset

-- -- -- --
-128 0 23 4
-128 0 23 4
-128 0 23 4
-128 0 23 4
-128 0 23 4
-128 0 23 4
-120 2 23 4
allowed; Otherwise the
access is barred. It means
0.5[8] enum:
higher access probability
0.6[9] 4[0]
as this field set to a big
0.7[10] 8[1]
value, but lower access
0.75[11] 16[2]
probability as this field set
0.8[12] 32[3]
to a small value. In
acBarringForEmergency 0.85[13]
acBarringFactor 64[4]
acBarringTime acBarringForSpecialAC
The parameter indicates addition, when the The parameter indicates
enum: 0.9[14] 128[5]
Urgentusers with AC
Call Access parameter
Factor of the mean access
Signaling barring
Access-Deny The parameter
Access indicates
Parameters of
No[0] 0.95[15] 256[6]
10 be barred to factors' working
Signaling mode
Access time of mobile originating
Time (s) access class
Signaling barring
Access for
Yes[1] 1[16] 512[7]
trigger an emergency been configured in signalling.If the value is AC 11-15 of mobile
enumArray:[0, 1]
call.If The parameter is set dynamic , this parameter big, it use more time to originating signalling The
model default: 0 model default: 16 model default: 0 model default: 0;0;0;0;0
to false, all the user with means the minimum access signalling, first/ leftmost bit is for
AC0~9 can initialize factor that the eNB can otherwise little time AC 11, the second bit is
emergency call. adjust downward to. needed. for AC 12, and so on

-- -- -- --
No[0] 1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
No[0] 1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
No[0] 1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
No[0] 1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
No[0] 1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
No[0] 1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
No[0] 1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
0.3[6] 5[5]
the access probability for
0.4[7] 6[6]
mobile originating callsIf
0.5[8] enum: 8[7]
the random number drawn
0.6[9] 4[0] 10[8]
by the UE is lower than
0.7[10] 8[1] 12[9]
the parameter, access is
0.75[11] 16[2] 14[10]
allowed Otherwise the The parameter indicates
0.8[12] 32[3] acBarringForSpecialACtO 16[11]
access is barred. In the hysteresis value for
acBarringFactorOrig 64[4]
acBarringTimeOrig rig 18[12]
addition, when the cells Inqhyst
0.9[14] 128[5] 20[13]
Probability Ac-barring
of Call The parameter
Call Access-Deny Time Access indicates
Parameters of Call criterionHysteresis
Reselection R of cell of
0.95[15] 256[6] 22[14]
factors' Access
working mode (s) access class barring
Access Level for reselection,
Serving the
value of
1[16] 512[7] 24[15]
been configured in AC 11-15 of mobile serving cell equals to the
enumArray:[0, 1]
dynamic , this parameter The parameter indicates originating calls The first/ measured value plus the
model default: 16 model default: 0 model default: 0;0;0;0;0 model default: 4
means the minimum the mean access barring leftmost bit is for AC 11, hysteresis value For detail
factor that the eNB can time of mobile originating the second bit is for AC description please refer to
adjust downward to. calls. 12, and so on TS 36304

-- -- -- --
1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0 4[4]
1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0 4[4]
1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0 4[4]
1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0 4[4]
1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0 4[4]
1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0 4[4]
1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0 4[4]
medium/high mobility
state of UE If the number
that the cell performs
reselection during time
period T_Crmax exceeds
enum: enum:
NCR_H, UE will be The parameter indicates The parameter indicates
30[0] 30[0]
Windowin high in
Length threshold of cell threshold of cell
tEvaluation 60[1]
tCrMaxHyst nCellChangeHigh nCellChangeMedium
Deciding state If the
Medium/High- Leaving Duration of reselection
Cell for judging
Reselection Times in reselection
Cell for judging
Reselection Times in
120[2] 120[2]
Speed that the Status
Movement cell Medium/High-Speed high mobility
High-Speed state If
Movement medium mobility state If
180[3] 180[3]
reselection If criteria for
Movement high(s)
Status number of cell
Status number ofStatus
Movement cell
240[4] 240[4]
during time period mobility state or medium reselections during time reselections during time
long:[1..16] long:[1..16]
TCrmax exceeds mobility state are not period TCrmax exceeds period T_Crmax exceeds
model default: 2 model default: 3 model default: 8 model default: 6
NCR_M, UE will be detected in T_Crmaxhyst, NCR_H, UE will be NCR_M, UE will be
considered in medium it shall enter normal considered in high considered in medium
mobility state mobility state mobility state mobility state

-- -- -- --
120[2] 180[3] 8 6
120[2] 180[3] 8 6
120[2] 180[3] 8 6
120[2] 180[3] 8 6
120[2] 180[3] 8 6
120[2] 180[3] 8 6
120[2] 180[3] 8 6
value is False, UE always UE may choose not to
performs measurements of perform measurements of
inter-RAT frequencies or inter-RAT frequencies or
inter-frequencies of equal inter-frequencies of equal
or lower priority If the or lower priority if the
value is True, quality of serving cell is
enum: enum:
S_nonintrasearch is not larger than
qHystSFMedium -6[0]
qHystSFHigh sNintraSrchPre snonintrasearchUE
Additional Hysteresis in Additional Hysteresis in configured
UE, and UE S_nonintrasearch,
Decision Threshold of
-4[1] -4[1] enum:
Medium-Speed High-Speed Movement judges whether to perform
Snonintrasearch shall perform
Same/Lower Priority
-2[2] -2[2] No[0]
Movement Status (dB) Status (dB) the measurements
Parametersof inter- measurements
RSRP Measurementof inter-
0[3] 0[3] Yes[1] long:[0..62]
RAT frequencies or inter- RAT frequencies or inter-
model default: 50
The parameter indicates The parameter indicates frequencies of equal or frequencies cells of equal
model default: 3 model default: 2 model default: 1 step: 2
additional hysteresis additional hysteresis lower priority For detail or lower priority For
applied in medium applied in high mobility description please refers detail description please
mobility state state to TS 36304 refers to TS 36304

-- -- -- --
0[3] -2[2] Yes[1] 10
0[3] -2[2] Yes[1] 16
0[3] -2[2] Yes[1] 10
0[3] -2[2] Yes[1] 16
0[3] -2[2] Yes[1] 10
0[3] -2[2] Yes[1] 16
0[3] -2[2] Yes[1] 50
and the
SnonServingCell,x of a
cell of a lower priority
frequency RAT or
frequency is greater than Intra_Pmax is the most
ThresholdX_Low uplink usable transmitting
(including inter-frequency power of UE of
Maximum UEcell Maximum UE
and inter-RAT) during a iIntraPmax
configured Intra_Pmax iIntraPmaxOffset cellReselectionPriority
Transmission Power ofis Transmission Power of
Lower interval of used for the intra-
Intra-Frequency Intra-Frequency Reselection Priority of
Serving Carrier(3) more
(dB) frequency neighboring
Reselection (dBm) E- Reselection Offset (dBm) Intra-Frequency Cell
than 1 second has elapsed UTRA cell reselection If The parameter indicates
model default: 6 long:[-30..33] long:[0..4] long:[0..7]
since the UE camped on Intra_Pmax is absent, the Maximum UE intra-frequency cell
step: 2 model default: 23 model default: 4 model default: 7
the current serving cell maximum power Transmission Power of reselection priority The
For detail description according to the UE Intra-Frequency less its value is, the lower
please refers to TS 36304 capability is used Reselection Offset its priority class is

-- -- -- --
6 23 4 3
12 23 4 4
6 23 4 3
12 23 4 4
6 23 4 3
12 23 4 4
6 23 4 7
S_intrasearch is not
configured to UE, and UE
performs the intra- The parameter indicates
frequency measurement the intra-frequency cell
periodically according to reselection timerUE shall
the period inicated by the reselect the new cell of The parameter is used to
parameter Treselections If EUTRAN if the new indicate whether all the
intraQrxLevMin theintraSearch
value is True, tReselectionIntraEUTRA
intra-frequency cell is intraPresenceAntPort1
Minimum Receiving Whether Configure Intra- Reselection Decision Indicator forcells use
enum: enum:
Level of Intra-Frequency S_intrasearch
Frequency is
RSRP betterDuration
Timer ranked than the
of Intra- Antenna Port
Frequency 1 forCell
Linked intra-
No[0] No[0]
Cell parameter
Reselection indicates
(dBm) configured to UE, and UE
Threshold serving cell according
Frequency Cell (s) to frequency cell reselection
Use Antenna Port 1
long:[-140..-44] Yes[1] Yes[1]
the minimum required judges whether to perform the cell-ranking criterion When set to TRUE, the
model default: -120 long:[0..7]
received power level of the intra-frequency R during a time interval UE may assume that at
step: 2 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1
intra-frequency cell which measurement For detail indicated by least two cell-specific
satisfies the condition of description please refer to TreselectionIntraEUTRA antenna ports are used in
being reselected by UE TS 36304 N all neighboring cells

-- -- -- --
-128 Yes[1] 1 Yes[1]
-128 Yes[1] 1 Yes[1]
-128 Yes[1] 1 Yes[1]
-128 Yes[1] 1 Yes[1]
-128 Yes[1] 1 Yes[1]
-128 Yes[1] 1 Yes[1]
-120 Yes[1] 1 Yes[1]
This parameter sets the
The parameter indicates indicator of the frequency
scaling factor of The parameter indicates band where a carrier
reselection time applied in scaling factor of frequency is located. It
enum: enum: eutranRslPara_freqBandIn
medium mobility reselection time applied in indicates an E-UTRAN
sfIntraMedium 0.25[0]
sfIntraHigh interFreqNum d including
Time Scaleconcerned
Factor for high
Timemobility state.The
Scale Factor for operating band,
0.5[1] 0.5[1]
mobility control Cell
Intra-Frequency related
in concerned mobility
Intra-Frequency Cell in the uplink operating band
0.75[2] 0.75[2]
Medium-Speed control related parameter
High-Speed Status Inter-Frequency Number (for eNodeBBand
Frequency receiving/UE
1[3] 1[3] longArray:[1..5, 7..14,
uctRslIntraEutra is uctRslIntraEutra is sending) and the
long:[0..8] 17..28, 30..76, 85, 87..88,
multiplied with multiplied with corresponding downlink
model default: 2 model default: 1 model default: 0 101]
uctReselIntraSFM if the uctReselIntraSFH if the operating band (for
UE is in Medium UE is in High Mobility eNodeB sending/UE
Mobility state. state. Inter-Frequency Number receiving).

-- -- -- --
0.75[2] 0.5[1] 5 40;40;40;1;8
0.75[2] 0.5[1] 5 40;40;40;3;8
0.75[2] 0.5[1] 5 40;40;40;1;8
0.75[2] 0.5[1] 5 40;40;40;3;8
0.75[2] 0.5[1] 5 40;40;40;1;8
0.75[2] 0.5[1] 5 40;40;40;3;8
0.75[2] 0.5[1] 0
The parameter indicates
This parameter sets the The parameter indicates the inter-frequency cell
central frequency of the Inter-Frequency
minimum required Inter_Pmax is the most
Inter-Frequency reselection timerUE shall
downlink inter-frequency received power level of
Reselection uplink usable transmitting
Reselection reselect the new cell of
carriers. It is represented eutranRslPara_interQrxLe
inter-frequency cell which power of UE of cell eutranRslPara_tReselectio
EUTRAN if the new
Inter-Frequency Configuration_Minimum Configuration_Maximum Reselection
by E-UTRA req Absolute satisfies vMin
the condition eutranRslPara_interPmax nInterEUTRA
Reselection Received RSRP Levelof configured Inter_Pmax
Transmit Power is
in Inter- inter-frequency
Configuration_The cell is
Radio Frequency Channel
Configuration_Inter- being
During reselected by UE It
Inter-Frequency used for Reselection
Frequency the inter- better
for Cellranked than the
Reselection in
Number (EARFCN).
frequency (MHZ) For isReselection
a key parameter
(dBm)of frequency(dBm)
neighboring E- serving cell according
Inter-Frequency (s) to
the relationship between S_nonServingCell,x UTRA cell reselection If the cell-ranking criterion
the central frequency of which is necessary to Inter_Pmax is absent, the R during a time interval
doubleArray:[0..6000] longArray:[-140..-44] longArray:[-30..33] longArray:[0..7]
downlink inter-frequency calculate for reselection to maximum power indicated by
carriers and EARFCN, a inter-frequency according to the UE TreselectionInterEUTRA
refer to 36.101-5.7.3. neighbour cell capability is used N

-- -- -- --
2310.0;2329.8;2344.2;2160-120;-120;-120;-120;-120 23;23;23;23;23 1;1;1;1;1
2310.0;2329.8;2344.2;1870-120;-120;-120;-120;-120 23;23;23;23;23 1;1;1;1;1
2310.0;2329.8;2344.2;2160-120;-120;-120;-120;-120 23;23;23;23;23 1;1;1;1;1
2310.0;2329.8;2344.2;1870-120;-120;-120;-120;-120 23;23;23;23;23 1;1;1;1;1
2310.0;2329.8;2344.2;2160-120;-120;-120;-120;-120 23;23;23;23;23 1;1;1;1;1
2310.0;2329.8;2344.2;1870-120;-120;-120;-120;-120 23;23;23;23;23 1;1;1;1;1
There have 2 elements
fulfilled for cell
reselection criteria: (1) the
The parameter indicates SnonservingCell,x of a
Inter-Frequency scaling factor of
Inter-Frequency TheInter-Frequency
parameter indicates cellInter-Frequency
of a higher priority
The parameter is used to reselection
Reselection time applied in
Reselection scaling factor of
Reselection frequency is greater than
indicate whether all the eutranRslPara_sfInterMed eutranRslPara_sfInterHig
medium mobilityScale Configuration_Time
reselection time applied in eutranRslPara_interThrdX
Configuration_Switch for Configuration_Time Scale Configuration_RSRP
ceAntPort1 use
neighboring ium h state.The during aHigh
Using Antennacells state.The
Port 1 for Factor concerned
for Inter-Frequency high mobility
Factor for Inter-Frequency Threshold timeReselecting
for interval
Antenna Port 1 forCell
Inter-Frequency inter- Reselection
mobility control related
in Medium- concerned mobility
Reselection in High- Treselection (2) moreHigh
to Inter-Frequency than
frequency cell reselection
Reselection parameter
Speed control related
Speedparameter 1 second hasCell
Priority elapsed
When set to TRUE, the auctRslInterEutra is auctRslInterEutra is the UE camped on the
UE may assume that at multiplied with multiplied with current serving cell Range
enumArray:[0, 1] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] longArray:[0..62]
least two cell-specific auctReselInterSFM if the auctReselInterSFH if the of the parameter is actual
antenna ports are used in UE is in Medium UE is in High Mobility value which equals to
all neighboring cells Mobility state. state. double of value in 36331

-- -- -- --
1;1;1;1;1 2;2;2;2;2 1;1;1;1;1 14;14;0;10;10
1;1;1;1;1 2;2;2;2;2 1;1;1;1;1 14;14;10;10;20
1;1;1;1;1 2;2;2;2;2 1;1;1;1;1 14;14;0;10;10
1;1;1;1;1 2;2;2;2;2 1;1;1;1;1 14;14;10;10;20
1;1;1;1;1 2;2;2;2;2 1;1;1;1;1 14;14;0;10;10
1;1;1;1;1 2;2;2;2;2 1;1;1;1;1 14;14;10;10;20
and the set to No Priority, it frequency offset of inter-
SnonServingCell,x of a indicates that no frequency neighbour cells
cell of a lower priority reselection priority is of cell reselection. It's
frequency is greater than configured for this used to caculate the cell-
Inter-Frequency frequency. Priorities can ranking criterion Rn for
during a time interval
Reselection be separately configured
Inter-Frequency neighboring cells in Inter-Frequency
Treselection (3) more than eutranRslPara_interResel
for different E-UTRAN eutranRslPara_qOffsetFre
equeal priority inter- eutranRslPara_interFreqQ
Configuration_RSRP Reselection Inter-Frequency Reselection
second has Low Prio q i.e. Rn qualMin
forelapsed since carrier
Reselecting frequencies
Configuration_Inter- and frequency,
Reselection Configuration_Minimum
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
tothe UE camped onLow
Inter-Frequency the UEs Frequency
can performCellthe cell =Qmeas,n - Qoffset .For
Configuration_Inter- Value of Inter-Frequency
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
current serving
Priority Cell cell
(dB)For reselection
Priorityon inter-frequency:
Frequency Offset Qoffset
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
detail description please the carrier frequencies that equals to Qoffsets,n plus
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
refer to TS 36304 Range are contained in system Qoffsetfrequency, if
longArray:[0..62] 5, 6, 7, 8] 27, 28, 29, 30] longArray:[-34..-3]
of the parameter is actual information broadcasting Qoffsets,n is valid, Specifies the minimum
value which equals to messages and have otherwise this equals to required quality level in
double of value in 36331 reselection priorities. Qoffsetfrequency. the cell in dB

-- -- -- --
14;14;0;10;10 5;5;3;4;2 15;15;15;15;15 -19;-19;-19;-19;-19
14;14;10;10;20 5;5;3;3;2 15;15;15;15;15 -19;-19;-19;-19;-19
14;14;0;10;10 5;5;3;4;2 15;15;15;15;15 -19;-19;-19;-19;-19
14;14;10;10;20 5;5;3;3;2 15;15;15;15;15 -19;-19;-19;-19;-19
14;14;0;10;10 5;5;3;4;2 15;15;15;15;15 -19;-19;-19;-19;-19
14;14;10;10;20 5;5;3;3;2 15;15;15;15;15 -19;-19;-19;-19;-19
There have 2 elements and the
fulfilled for cell SnonServingCell,x of a
reselection criteria: (1) the cell of a lower priority
SnonservingCell,x of a frequency is greater than
of a higher priority InterThresholdX_LowQ
frequency is greater than
Reselection during a time interval
Reselection Inter-Frequency Inter-Frequency
InterThresholdX_HighQ eutranRslPara_interThres
(3) more than eutranRslPara_freqBandIn eutranRslPara_freqBandIn
Configuration_RSRQ TreselectionConfiguration_RSRQ Reselection Reselection
Threshold a for
timeReselecting secondhXLowQ
interval 1Threshold hasforelapsed
since Configuration_Equivalent
Treselection (2) moreHigh
to Inter-Frequency than tothe UE camped onLow
Inter-Frequency the Frequency Band Indicator Frequency Band Indicator
1 second has elapsed
Priority Cell since current servingCell
Priority cell. For 1 2
the UE camped on the detail description please
longArray:[0..5, 7..14, longArray:[0..5, 7..14,
current serving cell. refers to TS 36.304.
longArray:[0..31] longArray:[0..31] 17..28, 30..64, 66] 17..28, 30..64, 66]
Range of the parameter is Range of the parameter is
actual value which equals actual value which equals Equivalent Frequency Equivalent Frequency
to the value in 36.331. to the value in 36.331. Band Indicator 1 Band Indicator 2

-- -- -- --
5;5;5;5;5 6;6;6;6;6 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
5;5;5;5;5 6;6;6;6;6 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
5;5;5;5;5 6;6;6;6;6 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
5;5;5;5;5 6;6;6;6;6 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
5;5;5;5;5 6;6;6;6;6 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
5;5;5;5;5 6;6;6;6;6 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
Inter-Frequency Inter-Frequency Inter-Frequency Inter-Frequency
eutranRslPara_freqBandIn eutranRslPara_freqBandIn eutranRslPara_freqBandIn eutranRslPara_freqBandIn
Reselection Reselection Reselection Reselection
d3 d4 d5 d6
Configuration_Equivalent Configuration_Equivalent Configuration_Equivalent Configuration_Equivalent
Frequency Band Indicator Frequency Band Indicator Frequency Band Indicator Frequency Band Indicator
3 4 5 6
longArray:[0..5, 7..14, longArray:[0..5, 7..14, longArray:[0..5, 7..14, longArray:[0..5, 7..14,
17..28, 30..64, 66] 17..28, 30..64, 66] 17..28, 30..64, 66] 17..28, 30..64, 66]
Equivalent Frequency Equivalent Frequency Equivalent Frequency Equivalent Frequency
Band Indicator 3 Band Indicator 4 Band Indicator 5 Band Indicator 6

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0
The parameter represents Inter-Frequency
measure performance This parameter
Reselectionsets the
configuration of each minimum required
neighbouring inter-
Inter-Frequency receiving
Level level for
Inter-Frequency Inter-Frequency frequency. For UE which eMTC
Reselection DuringUEs to satisfy the
eutranRslPara_freqBandIn eutranRslPara_freqBandIn eutranRslPara_interFreqM
support increased carrier eutranRslPara_eMTCInter
Reselection Reselection Configuration_Measure Cell Reselectioncell
d7 d8 easPerformance QrxLevMin
Configuration_Equivalent Configuration_Equivalent monitoring E-UTRA, the reselection
Performance eMTC UEsconditions
in Normalin
Frequency Band Indicator Frequency Band Indicator reselection performance
Configuration of The normal coverage
Coverage Scenarios
7 8 for different carriers may
Inter-Frequency scenarios. It is a key
be configured by higher parameter of
longArray:[0..5, 7..14, longArray:[0..5, 7..14,
layers to be either normal S_nonServingCell,x,
17..28, 30..64, 66] 17..28, 30..64, 66] enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[-140..-44]
or reduced. Please refer to which is necessary for
Equivalent Frequency Equivalent Frequency the TS36.133(V12.4.0 or reselection to an inter-
Band Indicator 7 Band Indicator 8 higher version). frequency neighbor cell.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 -120;-120;-120;-120;-120
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 -120;-120;-120;-120;-120
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 -120;-120;-120;-120;-120
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 -120;-120;-120;-120;-120
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 -120;-120;-120;-120;-120
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 -120;-120;-120;-120;-120
the duration for inter- priority cell are as SServingCell is less than
frequency eMTC cell follows:(1) In the period ThresholdServing_Low
reselection in normal specified by Treselection, and SnonServingCell,x of
coverage scenarios.
Inter-Frequency SnonservingCell,x
Inter-Frequency of the theInter-Frequency
low-priority cell is
According to the cell-
Reselection high-priority
Reselectioncell is greater than
Reselection Inter-Frequency
ranking criterion R for
Configuration_Duration greater than
Configuration_High InterThresholdX_Low.
Configuration_Low RSRP (3) Reselection
reselection, a new eutranRslPara_eMTCInter eutranRslPara_eMTCInter when the eutranRslPara_eMTCInter
for Cell InterThresholdX_High.
RSRP Threshold for The duration
Threshold for Reselecting Configuration_Inter-
inter-frequency TheThrdXHigh ThrdXLow ReselPrio
Reselection forEUTRAN
eMTC (2)Reselecting
Inter-the to
eMTC UE camps on
Inter-Frequency the
Low- Frequency Cell
cell can
UEs be reselected
in Normal Coverageas Frequency
eMTC UE High-Priority
camps on the Priority
eMTCis This parameter
Reselection indicates
Priority for
the serving cell only
Scenarios (s) when Cells
current servingUEs
for eMTC cell(dB)
is more than UEsone(dB)
second. For the priority
eMTC UEsof inter-
it is better ranked than the more than one second. details, refer to TS frequency eMTC cell
serving cell during the The parameter range is an 36.304.The parameter reselection. A smaller
longArray:[0..7] longArray:[0..62] longArray:[0..62] longArray:[0..7]
period specified by actual value, equal to range is an actual value, parameter value indicates
TreselectionInterEUTRA twice of the value equal to twice of the value a lower reselection
N. specified in TS 36.331. specified in TS 36.331. priority.

-- -- -- --
1;1;1;1;1 14;14;0;10;10 14;14;0;10;10 5;5;3;4;2
1;1;1;1;1 14;14;10;10;20 14;14;10;10;20 5;5;3;3;2
1;1;1;1;1 14;14;0;10;10 14;14;0;10;10 5;5;3;4;2
1;1;1;1;1 14;14;10;10;20 14;14;10;10;20 5;5;3;3;2
1;1;1;1;1 14;14;0;10;10 14;14;0;10;10 5;5;3;4;2
1;1;1;1;1 14;14;10;10;20 14;14;10;10;20 5;5;3;3;2
reselection. In the cell- priority cell are as SServingCell is less than
ranking criterion R, this follows:(1) In the period ThresholdServing_LowQ
parameter is used to specified by Treselection, and SnonServingCell,x of
calculate the R value of SnonservingCell,x
Inter-Frequency of the theInter-Frequency
low-priority cell is
the inter-frequency Inter-Frequency high-priority
Reselectioncell is greater than
neighbor cells with the
Inter-Frequency Reselection greater than
Configuration_RSRQ InterThresholdX_LowQ.
priority, Rn = eutranRslPara_eMTCInter eutranRslPara_eMTCInter
InterThresholdX_HighQ. eutranRslPara_eMTCInter
Configuration_Minimum Threshold for Reselecting (3) The duration
Threshold when the
for Reselecting
Qmeas,n fsetFreq
- Qoffset. In the FreqQqualMin ThreshXHighQ ThreshXLowQ
Configuration_Inter- Inter-Frequency RSRQ (2) The duration when
to Inter-Frequency the to
High- eMTC UE camps on
Inter-Frequency the
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
case of inter-frequency:
Frequency Offset for for eMTC UEs in Normal eMTCPriorityUE camps
Cells on the Priority
for eMTC currentCells
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
eMTC is equal
UEs to Coverage Scenarios current serving
UEs cell is more than one UEssecond. For
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
Qoffsets,n plus This parameter sets the more than one second. details, refer to TS
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
Qoffsetfrequency. If minimum required quality The parameter range is an 36.304.The parameter
27, 28, 29, 30] longArray:[-34..-3] longArray:[0..31] longArray:[0..31]
Qoffsets,n is valid, level for eMTC cell actual value, equal to the range is an actual value,
Qoffset is equal to reselection in normal value specified in TS equal to the value
Qoffsetfrequency. coverage scenarios. 36.331. specified in TS 36.331.

-- -- -- --
15;15;15;15;15 -19;-19;-19;-19;-19 5;5;5;5;5 6;6;6;6;6
15;15;15;15;15 -19;-19;-19;-19;-19 5;5;5;5;5 6;6;6;6;6
15;15;15;15;15 -19;-19;-19;-19;-19 5;5;5;5;5 6;6;6;6;6
15;15;15;15;15 -19;-19;-19;-19;-19 5;5;5;5;5 6;6;6;6;6
15;15;15;15;15 -19;-19;-19;-19;-19 5;5;5;5;5 6;6;6;6;6
15;15;15;15;15 -19;-19;-19;-19;-19 5;5;5;5;5 6;6;6;6;6
Inter-Frequency Additional Inter-
eutranRslPara_interResel eutranRslParaExt_freqBa eutranRslParaExt_interCa
This parameter sets the
Reselection Additional Inter- Frequency Reselection
SubPrio interFreqNumExt This ndIndExtsets the
parameter rriFreqExt
current neighbor E-
Configuration_Inter- Frequency Reselection Configuration_Additional
sets the Extended inter-frequency frequency band where the
Configuration_Carrier UTRAN inter-frequency
Neighbor Inter-Frequency
Reselection for
Sub-priority number current neighbor
Frequency E-
Band Indicator frequency
(MHz) (MHz).
(MHZ) For the
longArray:[1..5, 7..14,
reselecting inter- UTRAN inter-frequency definition of E-UTRAN
long:[0..8] 17..28, 30..76, 85, 87..88,
frequency E-UTRAN The parameter indicates carrier is located. For the operating frequencies,
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] model default: 0 101] doubleArray:[0..6000]
cells. A smaller parameter the extended number of definition of E-UTRAN refer to the 3GPP
value indicates a lower inter-frequency, and the operating bands, refer to TS36.101 technical
sub-priority. maximum number is 8. 3GPP TS 36.101. standard.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0 0
0;0;0;0;0 0
0;0;0;0;0 0
0;0;0;0;0 0
0;0;0;0;0 0
0;0;0;0;0 0
The parameter indicates
The parameter indicates the inter-frequency cell
minimum required
Inter- Inter_Pmax is Inter-
Additional the most reselection timerUE shall Additional Inter-
Frequency power level of uplink
Reselection usableReselection
Frequency transmitting reselect the new
Additional cell of
Inter- The parameter
Frequency is used to
inter-frequency cell which eutranRslParaExt_interPm
power of UE of cell eutranRslParaExt_tReselI
if the new eutranRslParaExt_interPre
indicate whether all the
Configuration_Minimum Configuration_Maximum Frequency Configuration_Switch for
satisfies xLevMinExt
condition of configured axExt
Inter_Pmax is nterEUTRAExt
inter-frequency cell is senceAntPort1Ext
receiving Transmit Power in Inter- Configuration_The Timer Using Antennacells
1 for
during reselected by UE It Frequency
inter-frequency used for Reselection
the inter- better
for Cellranked than the
Reselection in Antenna Port 1 forCell
Inter-Frequency inter-
a key parameter
(dBm)of frequency(dBm)
neighboring E- serving cell according
Inter-Frequency (s) to frequency cell reselection
S_nonServingCell,x UTRA cell reselection If the cell-ranking criterion When set to TRUE, the
which is necessary to Inter_Pmax is absent, the R during a time interval UE may assume that at
longArray:[-140..-44] longArray:[-30..33] longArray:[0..7] enumArray:[0, 1]
calculate for reselection to maximum power indicated by least two cell-specific
a inter-frequency according to the UE TreselectionInterEUTRA antenna ports are used in
neighbour cell capability is used N all neighboring cells

-- -- -- --
There have 2 elements and the
fulfilled for cell SnonServingCell,x of a
reselection criteria: (1) the cell of a lower priority
The parameter indicates SnonservingCell,x of a frequency is greater than
scaling factor
Additional of
Inter- TheAdditional
parameter Inter-
indicates cellAdditional
of a higherInter-
priority InterThresholdX_Low
Additional Inter-
Frequencytime applied in Frequency
Reselection scaling factor of
Reselection frequency
greater than Frequency
during a time interval
eutranRslParaExt_sfInter eutranRslParaExt_sfInter
medium mobilityScale Configuration_Time
reselection time applied in eutranRslParaExt_interTh
InterThresholdX_High eutranRslParaExt_interTh
Configuration_Time Scale Configuration_RSRP Treselection (3) more than
state.The concerned HighExt
high mobility state.The Threshold rdXHighExt
during a for
interval 1Threshold
second rdXLowExt
Factor for Inter-Frequency Factor for Inter-Frequency forelapsed since
mobility control
Reselection related
in Medium- concerned mobility
Reselection in High- Treselection (2) moreHigh
to Inter-Frequency than tothe UE camped onLow
Inter-Frequency the
Speed control related
Speedparameter 1 second hasCell
Priority elapsed
(dB)since current serving
Priority Cell cell
auctRslInterEutra is auctRslInterEutra is the UE camped on the detail description please
multiplied with multiplied with current serving cell Range refer to TS 36304 Range
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] longArray:[0..62] longArray:[0..62]
auctReselInterSFM if the auctReselInterSFH if the of the parameter is actual of the parameter is actual
UE is in Medium UE is in High Mobility value which equals to value which equals to
Mobility state. state. double of value in 36331 double of value in 36331

-- -- -- --
set to No Priority, it frequency offset of inter- There have 2 elements
indicates that no frequency neighbour cells fulfilled for cell
reselection priority is of cell reselection. It's reselection criteria: (1) the
configured for this used to caculate the cell- SnonservingCell,x of a
frequency. Priorities can ranking criterion Rn for cellAdditional
of a higherInter-
be separately
Inter- neighboring cells in Additional Inter- frequency
greater than
for differentReselection
E-UTRAN eutranRslParaExt_qOffset
equeal priority inter- eutranRslParaExt_interFre eutranRslParaExt_interTh
Frequency Additional Inter- Frequency Reselection InterThresholdX_HighQ
carrier selPrioExt
frequencies and FreqExt
frequency, i.e. Rn qQqualMinExt reshXHighQExt
during a for
Configuration_Inter- Frequency Reselection Configuration_Minimum Threshold
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
UEs Frequency
can performCellthe cell =Qmeas,n - Qoffset .For
Configuration_Inter- Value of Inter-Frequency Treselection (2) moreHigh
to Inter-Frequency than
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
Priorityon inter-frequency:
Frequency Offset Qoffset
(dB) RSRQ (dB) 1 second hasCell
Priority elapsed
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
the carrier frequencies that equals to Qoffsets,n plus the UE camped on the
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
are contained in system Qoffsetfrequency, if current serving cell.
5, 6, 7, 8] 27, 28, 29, 30] longArray:[-34..-3] longArray:[0..31]
information broadcasting Qoffsets,n is valid, Specifies the minimum Range of the parameter is
messages and have otherwise this equals to required quality level in actual value which equals
reselection priorities. Qoffsetfrequency. the cell in dB to the value in 36.331.

-- -- -- --
and the
SnonServingCell,x of a
cell of a lower priority
frequency is greater than
Additional Inter-
during a time
Frequency interval
Reselection Additional Inter- Additional Inter- Additional Inter-
Treselection (3) more than eutranRslParaExt_freqBa eutranRslParaExt_freqBa eutranRslParaExt_freqBa
Configuration_RSRQ Frequency Reselection Frequency Reselection Frequency Reselection
second has ndIndExt1 ndIndExt2 ndIndExt3
forelapsed since
Reselecting Configuration_Equivalent Configuration_Equivalent Configuration_Equivalent
tothe UE camped onLow
Inter-Frequency the Frequency Band Indicator Frequency Band Indicator Frequency Band Indicator
current serving
Priority Cellcell.
(dB)For 1 2 3
detail description please
longArray:[0..5, 7..14, longArray:[0..5, 7..14, longArray:[0..5, 7..14,
refers to TS 36.304.
longArray:[0..31] 17..28, 30..64, 66] 17..28, 30..64, 66] 17..28, 30..64, 66]
Range of the parameter is
actual value which equals Equivalent Frequency Equivalent Frequency Equivalent Frequency
to the value in 36.331. Band Indicator 1 Band Indicator 2 Band Indicator 3

-- -- -- --
Additional Inter- Additional Inter- Additional Inter- Additional Inter-
eutranRslParaExt_freqBa eutranRslParaExt_freqBa eutranRslParaExt_freqBa eutranRslParaExt_freqBa
Frequency Reselection Frequency Reselection Frequency Reselection Frequency Reselection
ndIndExt4 ndIndExt5 ndIndExt6 ndIndExt7
Configuration_Equivalent Configuration_Equivalent Configuration_Equivalent Configuration_Equivalent
Frequency Band Indicator Frequency Band Indicator Frequency Band Indicator Frequency Band Indicator
4 5 6 7
longArray:[0..5, 7..14, longArray:[0..5, 7..14, longArray:[0..5, 7..14, longArray:[0..5, 7..14,
17..28, 30..64, 66] 17..28, 30..64, 66] 17..28, 30..64, 66] 17..28, 30..64, 66]
Equivalent Frequency Equivalent Frequency Equivalent Frequency Equivalent Frequency
Band Indicator 4 Band Indicator 5 Band Indicator 6 Band Indicator 7

-- -- -- --
calculate the Srxlev value period specified by
The parameter represents ofAdditional
the cells onInter-
the E- Treselection. A larger
measure performance UTRAN
Reselection parameter value indicates
configuration of each during cell reselection a longer
Configuration_Minimum delay toInter-
Additional evaluate
neighbouring inter-
Additional Inter- evaluation.
Receiving A smaller
Level (RSRP) whether
Frequency a neighbor cell
Additional Inter- frequency.
FrequencyFor UE which During
Reselection value indicates that the Configuration_Duration
Inter-Frequency fulfills the reselection
eutranRslParaExt_freqBa eutranRslParaExt_interFre
support increased carrier eutranRslParaExt_eMTCI
Srxlev eutranRslParaExt_eMTCt
Frequency Reselection Configuration_Measure Cell value evaluated
Reselection for is criteria, later reselection,
for Inter-Frequency Cell
ndIndExt8 qMeasPerfExt
monitoring E-UTRA, the higher nterQrxLevMinExt RslInterEutraExt
Configuration_Equivalent Performance eMTCand UEsit is
in easier
Normal for and worse
eMTC as a
Frequency Band Indicator reselection performance
Configuration of The UEsCoverage
to be reselected
Scenariosto the lower
UEs inpaging
Normal success rate,
8 for different carriers may cells on (dBm)
Inter-Frequency the E-UTRAN accessScenarios
success rate,
(s) and
be configured by higher inter-frequency. Srxlev = handover success rate). A
longArray:[0..5, 7..14,
layers to be either normal Qrxlevmeas - (Qrxlevmin smaller parameter value
17..28, 30..64, 66] enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[-140..-44] longArray:[0..7]
or reduced. Please refer to + Qrxlevminoffset) - may cause earlier
Equivalent Frequency the TS36.133(V12.4.0 or max(P_EMAX_H - reselection or ping-pong
Band Indicator 8 higher version). P_PowerClass, 0) reselection.

-- -- -- --
frequency than the serving the eMTC UE is on a higher-priority E-
frequency if the following reselected to a cell on a This parameter sets the UTRAN frequency than
conditions are met: - In higher-priority E-UTRAN minimum RSRQ value the serving frequency if
the period specified
Additional Inter-by T- frequency than the
Additional serving
Inter- (Qqualmin, in dB) the following
Frequency Reselection frequency
Frequency if the following required
Reselection by eMTC
Additional Inter-cells are met: - InReselection
Frequency the period
Srxlev is less than Thresh-
Configuration_Low RSRP conditions are met: - In and
Configuration_High used by eMTC
Frequency UEs to
Reselection specified by T-
Serving_LowP in the eutranRslParaExt_eMTCI
specified for eutranRslParaExt_eMTCI
by T- calculate the cell selection eutranRslParaExt_eMTCI
reselectionEUTRA, Squal
Threshold for Reselecting Configuration_Minimum Threshold for Reselecting
serving cell and Srxlev is nterThrdXHighExt
reselectionEUTRA, nterFreqQqualMinExt
criterion SqualRSRQ
of a nterThreshXHighQExt
to Inter-Frequency Low- Reselecting to Inter- Inter-Frequency toisInter-Frequency
greater than Thresh-
Priority than for
Thresh- Srxlev is greater
eMTC Frequency than for
High-Priority neighbor
eMTC UEscell on the E-
in Normal X_HighQ
Priority in the
Cells inter-
for eMTC
the inter- Cells
for eMTC UEs in (dB)
the Coverage
UTRAN inter-frequency
Scenarios (dB) frequency
(dB) E-
frequency neighbor cells. inter-frequency neighbor for cell reselection. Squal UTRAN cells. - The
- The duration when the cells. - The duration when = Qqualmeas - (Qqualmin duration when the eMTC
longArray:[0..62] longArray:[0..62] longArray:[-34..-3] longArray:[0..31]
eMTC UE camps on the the eMTC UE camps on + Qqualminoffset), where, UE camps on the current
current serving cell is the current serving cell is Qqualmeas represents the serving cell is more than
more than one second. more than one second. measured RSRQ value. one second.

-- -- -- --
more than one candidate configured for each E- the following conditions
neighbor cells when the UTRAN frequency are met: -In the period
eMTC UE is reselected to separately and the inter- specified by T-
high/low-priority E- RAT (E-UTRAN, reselectionEUTRA,
Additional Inter-Squal
UTRAN frequencies. For UTRAN, GERAN,
Additional Inter-and is less than
Frequency Thresh-
neighbor cell, the
Inter- CDMA2000) priorities
Frequency Reselection Serving_LowQ in the
Configuration_RSRQ Additional Inter-
formula is RnReselection
= Qmeas_n eutranRslParaExt_eMTCI
can not be the same. An eutranRslParaExt_eMTCI
serving cell eutranRslParaExt_interRe
Frequency Configuration_Inter- Threshold forand Squal is
Reselecting Frequency Reselection
- Configuration_Inter-
Qoffset. For an inter- eMTCnterReselPrioExt
UE performs nterThreshXLowQExt selSubPrioExt
Frequency Cell cell to greater than Thresh-
Inter-Frequency Low- Configuration_Inter-
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
Frequency neighbor cell,
Offset for reselection evaluation
Reselection Priority for X_LowQ
Priority in the
Cells for inter-
eMTC Thisfrequency
sets the
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
the formula
eMTCisUEsQoffset = only on the E-UTRAN
eMTC UEs frequency
(dB) sub-priority
Reselection for
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
Qoffset_s_n + frequencies that are neighbor cells. - The reselecting inter-
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
Qoffset_frequency, where, contained in system duration when the eMTC frequency E-UTRAN
27, 28, 29, 30] longArray:[0..7] longArray:[0..31] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Qoffset_s_n indicates the broadcasting information UE camps on the current cells. A smaller parameter
specific offset for the and provide reselection serving cell is more than value indicates a lower
neighbor cell. priorities for UEs. one second. sub-priority.

-- -- -- --
class barring for MMTEL
voice originating calls If
0.5[8] enum:
This parameter indicates the random number drawn
0.6[9] 4[0]
the minimum required by the UE is lower than
0.7[10] 8[1]
quality level of the cell this value, access is
0.75[11] 16[2]
which satisfies the allowed Otherwise the
0.8[12] 32[3]
condition of being access is barred. In
cellSelQqualMin qQualminoffset 0.85[13]
voiceBarringFactor 64[4]
Minimumby UE. Only the
Receiving Offset to theReceiving
Minimum signalled addition, when the
0.9[14] 128[5]
measured received
Level(RSRQ) Duringquality
Cell Qqualmin taken
Level(RSRQ) into
Offset parameter Ac-barring Voice Access-Deny Time
Voice Access-Deny
0.95[15] 256[6]
of the cell is over
(dB) accountCell
During in the Squal
Selection factors'
Factor working mode
of Multimedia Call of Multimedia Call (s)
1[16] 512[7]
ucCellSelQqualMin can evaluation as a result of a been configured in
long:[-34..-3] long:[1..8]
the cell be selected. Range periodic search for a dynamic , this parameter
model default: -19 model default: 1 model default: 16 model default: 0
of the parameter is actual higher priority PLMN means the minimum Service specific access
value which equals to the while camped normally in factor that the eNB can class barring for MMTEL
value in 36.331. a VPLMN adjust downward to. voice originating calls.

-- -- -- --
-19 1 1[16] 4[0]
-19 1 1[16] 4[0]
-19 1 1[16] 4[0]
-19 1 1[16] 4[0]
-19 1 1[16] 4[0]
-19 1 1[16] 4[0]
-19 1 1[16] 4[0]
class barring for MMTEL
video originating calls If
0.5[8] enum:
the random number drawn
0.6[9] 4[0]
by the UE is lower than
0.7[10] 8[1]
this value, access is
0.75[11] 16[2]
allowed Otherwise the
0.8[12] 32[3]
access is barred. In
voiceBarForSpecAC 0.85[13]
videoBarringFactor 64[4]
videoBarringTime videoBarForSpecAC
addition, when the
0.9[14] 128[5]
Voice Access Level of parameter Ac-barring Video Access-Deny Time
Video Access-Deny Video Access Level of
0.95[15] 256[6]
Access class barring
Multimedia Call for factors'
Factor working mode
of Multimedia Call of Multimedia Call (s) Access class barring
Multimedia Call for
1[16] 512[7]
AC 11-15 of MMTEL been configured in AC 11-15 of MMTEL
enumArray:[0, 1] enumArray:[0, 1]
voice originating calls dynamic , this parameter video originating calls
model default: 0;0;0;0;0 model default: 16 model default: 0 model default: 0;0;0;0;0
The first/ leftmost bit is means the minimum Service specific access The first/ leftmost bit is
for AC 11, the second bit factor that the eNB can class barring for MMTEL for AC 11, the second bit
is for AC 12, and so on adjust downward to. video originating calls. is for AC 12, and so on

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0 1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
0;0;0;0;0 1[16] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
(ucSIntraSrchQ) used by inter-frequencies of equal frequency is greater than
UE to judge whether or lower priority. if the threshSrvLowQ
intra-frequency quality of serving cell is (including inter-frequency
measurement should be not larger than and inter-RAT) during a
performed. If the quality SnonintrasearchQ, UE time interval
of serving cell is not shall perform TreselectionRAT;
RSRQ Threshold (in(3)
larger than measurements of inter- ofmore than 1 second
the Serving has
Cell When
sIntraSrchQ UE
ucSIntraSrchQ, RAT sNintraSrchQ
frequencies or inter- intraFreqQqualMin threshSrvLowQ
elapsed since the UEa
Decision Threshold of Reselecting Towards
performs intra-frequency
Intra-Frequency Decision frequencies
Same/Lower cellsPriority
of equal Minimum Value of Intra- camped on the current
Lower Priority RAT/
RSRQ Threshold For detail
(dB) or lower
RSRQ priority. For
Measurement (dB) Frequency RSRQ serving cell. For detail
description please refers detail description please description please refers
long:[0..31] long:[0..31] long:[-34..-3] long:[0..31]
to TS 36.304. Range of refers to TS 36.304. to TS 36.304. Range of
model default: 4 model default: 1 model default: -19 model default: 3
the parameter is actual Range of the parameter is Specifies the minimum the parameter is actual
value which equals to the actual value which equals required quality level in value which equals to the
value in 36.331. to the value in 36.331. the cell in dB value in 36.331.

-- -- -- --
4 1 -19 3
4 1 -19 3
4 1 -19 3
4 1 -19 3
4 1 -19 3
4 1 -19 3
4 1 -19 3
whether intra-frequency of inter-frequency
measurement should be measurement for cell re-
This parameter indicate performed if the quality of selection (s-
the reselection priority of serving cell exceeds Srxlev (RSRP) threshold NonIntraSearchP-r9 IE in
RAT. The reselcection S_Intrasearch, UE may of intra-frequency SIB3). If the serving cell
priority of RAT is defined choose to not perform measurement for cell re- fulfils Srxlev >
by SPID value sent to intra-frequency selection (s-IntraSearchP-
Srxlev (RSRP) Threshold SnonIntraSearchP
Srxlev and
(RSRP) Threshold
eNB from EPC with S1 sIntraSearch
measurement; if the r9SIntraSrchP
r9ofIE in SIB3). If the r9SNintraSrchP
Squal >
RSRP Decision Threshold Intra-Frequency of Inter-Frequency
Cell Reselection Priority quality of serving cell is
of Intra-Frequency serving cell fulfils
Measurement Srxlev
for Cell Re- SnonIntraSearchQ,
Measurement for Cell theRe-
SPID is not larger than
Measurement (dB) > SIntraSearchP
Selection (dB)and may choose(dB)
Selection not to
long:[0..62] long:[0..62] long:[0..62]
divided into High , S_intrasearch, UE Squal > SIntraSearchQ, perform measurements of
longArray:[0..7] model default: 60 model default: 60 model default: 50
Medium, Low class, and performs intra-frequency the UE may choose not to E-UTRAN inter-
model default: 7;4;1 step: 2 step: 2 step: 2
its priority is determined measurement For detail perform intra-frequency frequencies or inter-RAT
by SPID value description please refer to measurements (Release frequency cells of equal or
respectivily . TS 36304 9). lower priority (Release 9)

-- -- -- --
7;4;1 60 60 10
7;4;1 60 60 16
7;4;1 60 60 10
7;4;1 60 60 16
7;4;1 60 60 10
7;4;1 60 60 16
7;4;1 60 60 50
the access probability for
CSFB If the random
0.5[8] enum:
number drawn by the UE
0.6[9] 4[0]
is lower than the
0.7[10] 8[1]
Switch for Threshold (in The switch of whether to parameter, access is
0.75[11] 16[2]
dB) of the Serving Cell send allowed Otherwise the
0.8[12] 32[3]
When Reselecting speedStateReselectionPars access is barred. In
0.85[13] 64[4]
select a'Open',
Towards Lowerthen the reselParaBaseSpeedFlag
Priority Speed in sib3Reselection
State and csfbBarringFactor
addition, when the csfbBarringTime
The parameter indicates
enum: enum: 0.9[14] 128[5]
RAT/ FrequencyThreshold
RSRQ(in SpeedStateScaleFactors
Parameter Configurationin parameter Ac-barring the access probability
Access-Deny for
Time of
Close[0] Close[0] 0.95[15] 256[6]
dB) of(Release
the serving
9) cell sib5/6/7/8. If switch is
Flag factors' Factor
Barring workingof mode
Open[1] Open[1] 1[16] 512[7]
when reselecting towards open, been configured in number drawn by the UE
a lower priority RAT/ speedStateReselectionPars dynamic , this parameter is lower than the
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 16 model default: 0
frequency RSRQ (Release and means the minimum parameter, access is
9) (threshServingLowQ-r9 SpeedStateScaleFactors factor that the eNB can allowed Otherwise the
IE) shall present in SIB3. will be sent adjust downward to. access is barred.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 1[16] 4[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 1[16] 4[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 1[16] 4[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 1[16] 4[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 1[16] 4[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 1[16] 4[0]
Open[1] Close[0] 1[16] 4[0]
number, Dynamic adjust the frequence Band
based on Ratio of Priority Adjustment or
MMTEL Video user not.When parameter is
number, and Dynamic Support, eNB decides the
adjust based on Ratio of access band of UE
RRC Rejection Ratio. If a according to
bit is set to 1, the mutiBandList first, and
csfbBarForSpecAC acBarWorkMode
corresponding feature is freqBandPriSwch freqBandPriInd
then according to
enum: enum:
enabled; if a bitWorking
AC Barring is set to 0, Switch of Frequency freqBandInd;When
Frequency Band Priority
Close[0] Not Support[0]
Access Level of CSFB the corresponding
Mode feature Band Priority Indicate parameterIndicate
is Not Support,
Open[1] Support[1]
Access class barring for is disabled. If all the bits eNB decides the access
enumArray:[0, 1] long:[0..63]
AC 11-15 of CSFB. The are set to 0, AC barring When switch is Open, the band of UE according to
model default: 0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
first/ leftmost bit is for works statically. The two eMFBI function of this freqBandInd first, and
AC 11, the second bit is leftmost bits (two high cell is valid, otherwise it then according to
for AC 12, and so on bits) are not defined. is not be used. mutiBandList.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
0;0;0;0;0 0 Close[0] Not Support[0]
This parameter sets the This parameter indicates
Minimum required the hysteresis value of cell
voiceServiceCauseIndSwc receiving power level for This parameter sets the 16[11]
Level (RSRP) During Cell Minimum Receiving reselection for eMTC
h eMTCSelQrxLevMin eMTCQrxLevMinOfst 18[12]
Switch of Report RRC Selection fortoeMTC
the minimum offsetOffset
Level (RSRP) of the Reselection
UEs. In the Hysteresis
enum: 20[13]
Connection Cause Value cell in selection conditions During
Normal Coverage requiredCell
receiving power
Selection for criterion
the R for
Serving Cellcell
Close[0] 22[14]
Indicates whether
of Voice UE is
Service inScenarios
normal coverage
(dBm) level for eMTC
eMTC UEs to reselection,
UEs (dB) eMTC UEsthe R(dB)
value of
Open[1] long:[-140..-44] long:[0..16] 24[15]
requested to use the scenarios. A cell can be satisfy the cell selection the serving cell is equal to
model default: -120 model default: 2
establishment cause mo- selected only when its and reselection the measured value plus
model default: 1 step: 2 step: 2 model default: 4
VoiceCall for mobile measured receiving power conditions. It affects the the reselection hysteresis
originating MMTEL voice level is higher than minimum receiving power value. For details, refer to
calls. Sel_Qrxlevmin. level required by cells. TS 36.304.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] -120 0 4[4]
Open[1] -120 2 4[4]
Open[1] -120 0 4[4]
Open[1] -120 2 4[4]
Open[1] -120 0 4[4]
Open[1] -120 2 4[4]
Open[1] -120 2 4[4]
equal to or lower than the equal to or lower than the ThresholdServing_Low
current E-UTRA current carrier frequency. and SnonServingCell,x of
frequency. If it is set to If the quality value of the a cell on a lower-priority
Yes, the S_nonintrasearch serving cell is smaller RAT or frequency is
parameter is configured than or equal to the larger than
for eMTC UEs and the S_nonintrasearch ThresholdX_Low
eMTC UEs determine parameter
Decision value, theof
Threshold (including inter-frequency
whether toConfigure
measure the eMTCSNintraSrch
eMTC UEs measure the andeMTCThreshSvrLow
inter-RAT) during the eMTCIntraReselPrio
Whether to the Same/Lower-Priority Lower Threshold of the Priority of Intra-
signal strength of the
Snonintrasearch signalMeasurement
RSRP strength of thefor Servingtime interval
Carrier for eMTC This parameter
Frequency eMTCindicates
or carriers whose systems
eMTCor carriers
UEs (dB)whose TreselectionRAT.
UEs (dB) (3) The the priority of intra-
Yes[1] long:[0..62] long:[0..62]
priority is equal to or priority is equal to or duration when the eMTC frequency eMTC cell
model default: 50 model default: 6 long:[0..7]
lower than the current E- lower than the current UE camps on the current reselection. A smaller
model default: 1 step: 2 step: 2 model default: 7
UTRA frequency. For carrier frequency. For serving cell is longer than parameter value indicates
details, refer to TS details, refer to TS one second. For details, a lower reselection
36.304. 36.304. refer to TS 36.304. priority.

-- -- -- --
Yes[1] 10 8 4
Yes[1] 50 6 7
Yes[1] 10 8 4
Yes[1] 50 6 7
Yes[1] 10 8 4
Yes[1] 50 6 7
Yes[1] 50 6 7
parameter is not whether to perform intra- the duration for intra-
configured for eMTC UEs frequency measurement. frequency eMTC cell
and the eMTC UEs If the quality of the reselection in normal
perform intra-frequency serving cell exceeds the coverage scenarios.
Minimum Receiving measurement at the value of S_intrasearch, According to the cell-
Level of Intra-Frequency interval specified by the eMTC UEs do not ranking
Durationcriterion R for
for Intra-
Cell Reselection for Treselections parameter. perform
Threshold of cellFrequency
a new
This parameter sets the eMTCSIntraSrchPre
If it is set to Yes, thethe eMTCSIntraSrch
measurement. IfRSRP
the eMTCtRslIntraEutra
eMTC UEs in Normal Whether to Configure Intra-Frequency Reselection forEUTRAN
Coverage required S_intrasearch
Intra-Frequency parameter
RSRP is quality of the serving
Measurement for eMTCcell cell can
UEs be reselected
in Normal Coverageas
power level for configured
Threshold for for eMTC
UEs is less than
equal to the the serving cell only
Scenarios (s) when
long:[-140..-44] Yes[1] long:[0..62]
eMTC UEs to satisfy the and the eMTC UEs value of S_intrasearch, it is better ranked than the
model default: -120 model default: 60 long:[0..7]
intra-frequency cell determine whether to eMTC UEs perform intra- serving cell during the
step: 2 model default: 1 step: 2 model default: 1
reselection conditions in perform intra-frequency frequency measurement. period specified by
normal coverage measurement. For details, For details, refer to TS TreselectionIntraEUTRA
scenarios. refer to TS 36.304. 36.304. N.

-- -- -- --
-120 Yes[1] 60 1
-120 Yes[1] 60 1
-120 Yes[1] 60 1
-120 Yes[1] 60 1
-120 Yes[1] 60 1
-120 Yes[1] 60 1
-120 Yes[1] 60 1
for eMTC cell reselection. serving cell is smaller
This parameter sets the With this parameter, a UE than or equal to the
minimum required quality determines whether to SnonintrasearchQ
level for eMTC UEs to perform intra-frequency parameter value, the
satisfy the cell selection measurement. If the eMTC UEs measure the
conditions Receiving
Minimum in normal quality of the serving cell signal strength of the
coverage scenarios.
Level (RSRQ) A cell Minimum Receiving
During is Decision
less than Threshold
or equal toof the systems
Decisionor Threshold
carriers whose
may be selected only eMTCQqualminoffset eMTCSIntraSrchQ
value of ucSIntraSrchQ, eMTCSNintraSrchQ
priority is equal to or
Cell Selection for eMTC Level (RSRQ) Offset Intra-Frequency RSRQ Same/Lower-Priority
UEs in itsNormal
measured quality During Cell Selection for
Coverage UEs perform
Measurement forintra-
eMTC lower Measurement
RSRQ than the currentfor
level is higher
Scenarios than
(dB) eMTC UEs frequencyUEsmeasurement.
(dB) carrier
eMTC frequency.
UEs (dB)For
ucCellSelQqualMin. The For details, refer to TS details, refer to TS
long:[-34..-3] long:[1..8] long:[0..31] long:[0..31]
parameter range is an This parameter sets the 36.304.The parameter 36.304.The parameter
model default: -19 model default: 1 model default: 4 model default: 1
actual value, equal to the minimum offset of the range is an actual value, range is an actual value,
value specified in TS required quality level for equal to the value equal to the value
36.331. eMTC cell reselection. specified in TS 36.331. specified in TS 36.331.

-- -- -- --
-19 1 4 1
-19 1 4 1
-19 1 4 1
-19 1 4 1
-19 1 4 1
-19 1 4 1
-19 1 4 1
larger than for cell reselection for
ucThreshSrvLowQ This parameter sets the eMTC UEs (s-
(including inter-frequency RSRP threshold of intra- NonIntraSearchP-r9 IE in
and inter-RAT) during the frequency measurement SIB3). If the serving cell
time interval for cell reselection for meets the following two
RSRQ Threshold (3) The
of the eMTC UEs (s- conditions: Srxlev >
Minimum Intra- duration
Serving when theeMTC
Cell for eMTC IntraSearchP-r9
RSRP Threshold ofIEIntra-
in SnonIntraSearchP
RSRP and
Threshold of Inter-
eMTCIntraFreqQqualMin UE eMTCThreshSrvLowQ eMTCR9SIntraSrchP eMTCR9SNintraSrchP
Frequency RSRQ for UEs camps on the current
to Be Reselected to a SIB3).
FrequencyIf the serving cell
Measurement Frequency Squal >
eMTC in Normal servingLow-Priority
cell is longer than meetsforthe following
eMTC Cell two SnonIntraSearchQ,
for eMTC Cell the
Coverage Scenarios one RAT/Frequency
second. For details, conditions:
(dB) > eMTC UE does
Reselection not
long:[0..62] long:[0..62]
This parameter sets the refer to TS 36.304.The SIntraSearchP and Squal perform equal-priority or
long:[-34..-3] long:[0..31] model default: 60 model default: 50
minimum required quality parameter range is an > SIntraSearchQ, the low-priority inter-
model default: -19 model default: 3 step: 2 step: 2
level for eMTC cell actual value, equal to the eMTC UE does not frequency or intra-
reselection in normal value specified in TS perform intra-frequency frequency measurement
coverage scenarios. 36.331. measurement (Release 9). (Release 9).

-- -- -- --
-19 3 60 10
-19 3 60 50
-19 3 60 10
-19 3 60 50
-19 3 60 10
-19 3 60 50
-19 3 60 50
This parameter enables or
disables adaptive control
This parameter enables or of the minimum receiving
disables the configuration level. If it is set to Close,
Switch forof Configuring
the adaptive control of the
the RSRQ Threshold of minimum receiving level
eMTCThreshSrvLowQSw videoServiceCauseIndSw Close[0]
the ServingIf itCell
is set
forto The Suspending Duration is disabled. If it is set to
itchthe ch aCBPendingWin Fixed adjustment[1]
UEs to Be Switch of Report RRC After the Last Adjustment Fixed adjustment, the
enum: enum: Self-adaptive adjustment
Reselected to a Low- Connection Cause Value of AC Barring Parameter. minimum receiving
DL Coverage level
Close[0] Close[0] based on time control[2]
Priority is not
Frequency Indicates whether
of Video UE is
Service (s) is set to a fixed value.
optimization SwitchIf it
Open[1] Open[1] long:[10..1800] Reserve[3]
configured in SIB3. If it is requested to use the During this period, no is set to Self-adaptive
model default: 300
set to Open, the establishment cause mo- more update for the same adjustment based on time
model default: 1 model default: 0 step: 10 model default: 0
ThresholdServingLowQ VoiceCall for mobile type of SIB2 barring control, the minimum
parameter is configured in originating MMTEL parameter since the last receiving level is adjusted
SIB3 of eMTC cells. video calls. one occurred. periodically.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 300 Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] 300 Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 300 Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] 300 Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 300 Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] 300 Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] 300 Close[0]
optimized minimum
receiving level in a cell This parameter sets the
remains unchanged. It is period during which the
used for downlink minimum receive level in
coverage self-optimization a cell remains unchanged
adjustment. When before it is optimized. It is
This parameter sets the downlink coverage self- dlCoverOptRecoverTime
used for the recovery of
selQrxMinOffset 0.2[1]
intraReselSubPrio dlCoverOptKeepTimeLen Len
offset for downlink optimization
Duration for DLis enabled, downlinkforcoverage
Coverage Duration self-
DL Coverage
Coverage self-
Self- Intra-frequency Cell this timer is started. When optimization
Self-optimization adjustment.
optimizationIt is used to
Offset This parameter
Reselection sets the downlink
Sub-priority coverage self-
Adjustment(s) Before the timer
Adjustment times
automatically adjust the sub-priority for optimization is disabled, out, the optimized
long:[-15..15] long:[60..65535] long:[60..65535]
minimum receiving level reselecting intra- this timer is stopped. minimum level is used in
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 300 model default: 300
of a cell, and then the frequency cells. A smaller When the timer times out, the cell. After the timer
number of UEs that camp parameter value indicates the optimized minimum times out, the minimum
on the cell. a lower sub-priority. level is used in the cell. level is used in the cell.

-- -- -- --
0 0[0] 300 300
0 0[0] 300 300
0 0[0] 300 300
0 0[0] 300 300
0 0[0] 300 300
0 0[0] 300 300
0 0[0] 300 300
Special User Access
This parameter
Control sets a
special user access
Group ID control
configuration group ID. It
corresponds to a group of
model default: 0
access control parameters
customized by the

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
If it is set to No Priority, it The parameter indicates
indicates that no the minimum required
reselection priority is received power level of
configured for this UTRAN FDD cell which
frequency. Priorities can UTRANsatisfies the
FDD condition of
be separately configured being reselected
Reselection by UE It
utranRslPara_utranCarriFr utranRslPara_utranReselP
UTRAN FDD Frequency UTRAN FDDFDD carrier Configuration_Minimum
Frequency is a key parameter of
utranFreqNum eq frequencies riority
and UEs can utranRslPara_qRxLevMin
Reselection Reselection Required UTRAN which FDD
perform the cell
UTRAN FDD Frequency Configuration_UTRAN Configuration_UTRAN is necessary
Cell Rx Leveltowhen
Number FDD ARFCN reselection
Cell procedure
Reselection on
Priority for reselection
Selection to a
the carrier frequencies that UTRAN FDD neighbour
long:[0..16] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
are contained in system cell Range of the
model default: 0 longArray:[0..16383] 5, 6, 7, 8] longArray:[-119..-25]
information broadcasting parameter is actual value
UTRA FDD frequencie messages and have which equals to double of
number UTRA FDD ARFCN reselection priorities. value in 36331 plus 1

-- -- -- --
1 10838 0 -115
1 10838 0 -115
1 10838 0 -115
1 10838 0 -115
1 10838 0 -115
1 10838 0 -115
reselection to a higher inter-RAT fulfills the
priority UTRAN FDD cell criteria above (2)
There have 2 elements SServingCell <
fulfilled for cell ThresholdServing_Low The parameter indicates
UTRAN FDD criteria: (1) the UTRAN and
Frequency FDDtheFrequency the minimum
UTRAN quality
FDD Frequency
Reselection of a SnonServingCell,x
Reselection of a requirement of UTRAN
higher priority UTRAN lower utranRslPara_pMaxUTR
priority UTRAN UTRAN FDD cell which satisfies
Configuration_RSCP Configuration_RSCP FDD Frequency Configuration_Minimum
FDD cell for h
is greater utranRslPara_threshXLow
than Threshold
FDD cell foris greater than A utranRslPara_qQualMin
the condition of being
Threshold Reselecting Reselecting Reselection Quantity Required
High Priority UTRAN toutran_ThreshX_Low The parameter indicates
Low Priority UTRAN Configuration_Maximum reselected
It is a
FDDduring a time
Cell (dB) _FDD
FDDduring a time
Cell (dB) MximumTx
Allowed TXPower
level key parameter
Selection (dB)of
interval Treselection (2) interval Treselection (3) which an UE may use SnonServingCell,x which
more than 1 second has more than 1 second has when accessing the cell on is necessary to calculate
longArray:[0..62] longArray:[0..62] longArray:[-50..33] longArray:[-24..0]
elapsed since the UE elapsed since the UE RACH utran_Pmax_FDD for reselection to a
camped on the current camped on the current is used for UTRAN FDD UTRAN FDD neighbour
serving cell serving cell neighbour cell reselection cell

-- -- -- --

8 0 24 -18
8 12 24 -18
8 12 24 -18
8 0 24 -18
8 12 24 -18
8 0 24 -18
This specifies the Srxlev
threshold (in dB) used by
the UE when reselecting
UTRAN FDD Frequency towards aFDD
UTRAN lower priority
This specifies the Squal
Reselection RAT/ frequency
Reselectionthan the UTRAN FDD Frequency UTRAN FDD Frequency
threshold (in dB) used by utranRslPara_utranThrXL
current serving frequency utranRslPara_freqBandIn utranRslPara_freqBandIn
Configuration_Ec/Io Configuration_Ec/Io Reselection Reselection
the ighQFdd
UE when owQFdd of E-
Each frequency d1 d2
threshold for reselecting threshold for reselecting Configuration_Equivalent Configuration_Equivalent
towards a higherUTRAN
higher priority priority UTRAN
lower and UTRAN,
priority UTRAN Frequency Band Indicator Frequency Band Indicator
RAT/ frequency
FDD cellthan the each group
current serving frequency frequencies, each band
Each frequency of E- class of CDMA2000
longArray:[0..31] longArray:[0..31] longArray:[0..86] longArray:[0..86]
FDD might have a 1xRTT might have a Equivalent Frequency Equivalent Frequency
specific threshold specific threshold Band Indicator 1 Band Indicator 2

-- -- -- --

5 3 0 0
5 3 0 0
5 3 0 0
5 3 0 0
5 3 0 0
5 3 0 0
UTRAN FDD Frequency UTRAN FDD Frequency UTRAN FDD Frequency UTRAN FDD Frequency
utranRslPara_freqBandIn utranRslPara_freqBandIn utranRslPara_freqBandIn utranRslPara_freqBandIn
Reselection Reselection Reselection Reselection
d3 d4 d5 d6
Configuration_Equivalent Configuration_Equivalent Configuration_Equivalent Configuration_Equivalent
Frequency Band Indicator Frequency Band Indicator Frequency Band Indicator Frequency Band Indicator
3 4 5 6

longArray:[0..86] longArray:[0..86] longArray:[0..86] longArray:[0..86]

Equivalent Frequency Equivalent Frequency Equivalent Frequency Equivalent Frequency
Band Indicator 3 Band Indicator 4 Band Indicator 5 Band Indicator 6

-- -- -- --

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
UTRAN FDD Frequency UTRAN FDD Frequency
utranRslPara_freqBandIn utranRslPara_freqBandIn
Reselection Reselection
d7 d8
Configuration_Equivalent Configuration_Equivalent
Frequency Band Indicator Frequency Band Indicator
7 8

longArray:[0..86] longArray:[0..86]
Equivalent Frequency Equivalent Frequency
Band Indicator 7 Band Indicator 8

-- --

0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
If it is set to No Priority, it
indicates that no
reselection priority is
configured for this The parameter indicates
frequency. Priorities can the minimum
UTRAN required
TDD Frequency
be separately
UTRAN TDDconfigured
Frequency received power level of
utranTDDRslPara_utranT utranTDDRslPara_utranT utranTDDRslPara_qRxLe
UTRAN TDD Frequency for UTRAN TDD carrier
Reselection UTRAN TDD cell which
utranTDDFreqNum DDCarriFreq DDReselPriority
frequencies and UEs can satisfiesvMinTDD
Reselection Configuration_UTRAN Requiredthe condition
UTRAN TDD Frequency Configuration_UTRAN TDD perform the cell
Cell Reselection beingRx
Cell reselected by UE
Level When It
Number TDD ARFCN reselection procedure on
Priority is Selection
a key parameter
(dBm) of
the carrier frequencies that SnonServingCell,x which
long:[0..16] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
are contained in system is necessary to calculate
model default: 0 longArray:[0..16383] 5, 6, 7, 8] longArray:[-119..-25]
information broadcasting for reselection to a
UTRA TDD frequencie messages and have UTRAN TDD neighbour
number UTRA TDD ARFCN reselection priorities. cell

-- -- -- --
reselection to a higher inter-RAT fulfills the
priority UTRAN TDD criteria above (2)
cell There have 2 SServingCell <
elements fulfilled for cell ThresholdServing_Low
UTRAN TDD criteria: (1) the
Frequency UTRAN and TDDtheFrequency
Reselection of a SnonServingCell,x
Reselection of a
higher priority UTRAN utranTDDRslPara_thresh
lower priority UTRAN utranTDDRslPara_pMax
Configuration_RSCP Configuration_RSCP UTRAN TDD Frequency
TDD cell is greater than TDD cellXLowTDD
is greater than UtranTDD
Threshold for Reselecting Threshold for Reselecting Reselection
High Priority UTRAN toutran_ThreshX_Low
Low Priority UTRAN The parameter indicates
TDDduring a time
Cell (dB) _TDD
TDDduring a time
Cell (dB) MximumTx
Allowed TXPower
interval Treselection (2) interval Treselection (3) which an UE may use
more than 1 second has more than 1 second has when accessing the cell on
longArray:[0..62] longArray:[0..62] longArray:[-50..33]
elapsed since the UE elapsed since the UE RACH utran_Pmax_TDD
camped on the current camped on the current is used for UTRAN TDD
serving cell serving cell neighbour cell reselection

-- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
SIB8.1:indicating: there is
ZoneIdListin SIB8,and
only oneHRPD pre-
searchWindowSize isPreRegistAllowed preRegistrationZoneId secPreRegZoneNum
Number ofarea
Window Size for HRPD Pre-Registration HRPD Pre-Registration secondary IDincluded2:
Pre-Registration Area
Searching Neighbor Pilot Indication Area ID indicating: thereIDis the
The para is used for secondaryPreRegistration
long:[0..15] long:[0..255] long:[0..2]
indicating if UE is ZoneIdListin SIB8,and
model default: 5 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
The Window Size for allowed for Pre- twoHRPD pre-registration
Searching Neighboring registration in Ran of HRPD PreRegistration area secondary
Pilot CDMA2000 HRPD or not Zone Identity IDincluded

-- -- -- --
5 No[0] 0 0
5 No[0] 0 0
5 No[0] 0 0
5 No[0] 0 0
5 No[0] 0 0
5 No[0] 0 0
5 No[0] 0 0
set to No Priority, it
indicates that no
reselection priority is
configured for this
frequency. Priorities can
be separately configured
cdmaHRPDPara_hrpdBan cdmaHRPDPara_hrpdRes
for HRPD carrier
HRPD Frequency Band HRPD Frequency Band
secPreRegistrationZoneId hrpdBdClassNum dClass frequencies elPrio
and UEs can
Reselection Reselection
HRPD Pre-Registration Number of HRPD Configuration_HRPD perform the cell
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
Area Secondary ID Frequency Bands Band Class reselection
Cell procedure
Reselection on
longArray:[0..255] 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
the carrier frequencies that
model default: 0 long:[0..32] 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
are contained in system
example: 0 model default: 0 20, 21] 5, 6, 7, 8]
HRPD Secondary information broadcasting
PreRegistration Zone The number of HRPD messages and have
Identity band class HRPD Band Class reselection priorities.

-- -- -- --
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
SnonservingCell,x of a SnonServingCell,x of a
higher priority HRPD cell lower priority HRPD cell
is greater than is greater than
hrpd_ThreshX_High hrpd_ThreshX_Low The parameter indicates
during a time interval during a time interval The parameter indicates time scaling factor of
HRPD Frequency(2) more than Treselection
Band (3) more
HRPD Frequency than
Band the cell reselection reselected CDMA HRPD
second has elapsed since 1cdmaHRPDPara_hrpdThr
Reselection second has elapsed since timerUE shall reselect the
Reselection cell
the UEdXHigh
Configuration_Threshold the UE dXLow
camped on the Configuration_Threshold
camped on the new cellreselHrpd
Decision ofTimer
mobility state.The
Reselecting CDMA
forcurrent serving
Reselecting tocell
High forcurrent servingtocell
Reselecting Low if
ofthe new cell is
Reselecting better
CDMA concerned
HRPD Cell inmobility
Priority HRPD expresses
Cell (dB) ThisParameter
Priority HRPD expresses
(dB) ranked
the serving
(s) controlSpeed
related parameter
as an unsigned binary as an unsigned binary cell according to the cell- uctReselHrpd is
number equal to FLOOR number equal to FLOOR ranking criterion R during multiplied with
doubleArray:[-31.5..0] doubleArray:[-31.5..0] model default: 5 model default: 2
(-2 x 10 x log10 Ec/Io) (-2 x 10 x log10 Ec/Io) a time interval indicated uctReselHrpdSFM if the
hrpd_ThreshX_Low is 10 hrpd_ThreshX_Low is 10 by UE is in Medium
x log10 Ec/Io i x log10 Ec/Io i TreselectionCDMAHRPD Mobility state.

-- -- -- --
5 0.75[2]
5 0.75[2]
5 0.75[2]
5 0.75[2]
5 0.75[2]
5 0.75[2]
5 0.75[2]
The parameter indicates
time scaling factor of
reselected CDMA HRPD
enum: cdmaOneXRTTPara_one
cell applied
Time in highof
Scale Factor 1xRTT Frequency Band
reselHrpdSFH oneXrttRegAllow oneXrttBdClassNum XrttBandClass
mobility state.The
Reselecting CDMA Reselection
0.5[1] enum:
HRPD Cell in mobility
High-Speed 1xRTT Pre-Registration Number of 1xRTT Configuration_1xRTT
0.75[2] No[0] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
control related
Statusparameter The para is used for
Indication Frequency Bands Band Class
1[3] Yes[1] 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
uctReselHrpd is indicating if UE is
long:[0..32] 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
multiplied with allowed for Pre-
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 20, 21]
uctReselHrpdSFH if the registration in Ran of
UE is in High Mobility CDMA2000 1XRTT or The number of 1XRTT
state. not band class 1xRTT Band Class

-- -- -- --
0.5[1] No[0] 0
0.5[1] No[0] 0
0.5[1] No[0] 0
0.5[1] No[0] 0
0.5[1] No[0] 0
0.5[1] No[0] 0
0.5[1] No[0] 0
SnonservingCell,x of a SnonServingCell,x of a
higher priority oneXRTT lower priority OneXRTT
cell is greater than cell is greater than
OneXRTT_ThreshX_Hig OneXRTT_ThreshX_Low The parameter indicates
h during a time interval during a time interval the cell reselection
Treselection (2) more
1xRTT Frequency than Treselection
Band 1xRTT Frequency(3) more than
Band timerUE shall reselect the
cdmaOneXRTTPara_one 1cdmaOneXRTTPara_one
has elapsed since 1cdmaOneXRTTPara_one
1xRTT Frequency Band second Reselection second has elapsed since
Reselection new cell of CDMA
XrttReselPrio the XrttThrdXHigh the XrttThrdXLow
UE camped on the Configuration_Threshold
UE camped on the 1xRTTtResel1Xrtt
the new cell is
Reselection Configuration_Threshold Decision Duration
Configuration_OneXRTT forcurrent serving
Reselecting tocell
High forcurrent servingtocell
Reselecting Low better
of ranked than
Reselecting CDMAthe
Cell Reselection Priority Priority 1xRTTexpresses ThisParameter
Cell (dB) Priority 1xRTT expresses
Cell (dB) serving cell according
1xRTT Cell (s) to
This parameter sets the as an unsigned binary as an unsigned binary the cell-ranking criterion
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, long:[0..7]
priority for reselecting number equal to FLOOR number equal to FLOOR R during a time interval
5, 6, 7, 8] doubleArray:[-31.5..0] doubleArray:[-31.5..0] model default: 5
neighbor OneXRTT cells. (-2 x 10 x log10 Ec/Io) (-2 x 10 x log10 Ec/Io) indicated by
A smaller parameter value hrpd_ThreshX_Low is 10 hrpd_ThreshX_Low is 10 TreselectionCDMAOneX
indicates a lower priority. x log10 Ec/Io i x log10 Ec/Io i RTT

-- -- -- --
The parameter indicates The parameter indicates
time scaling factor of time scaling factor of
reselected CDMA reselected CDMA
enum: enum:
Time ScalecellFactor
of in OneXRTT
Time Scale cellFactor
of in
tResel1XrttSFM 0.25[0]
tResel1XrttSFH acBar0to9 acBar10
medium mobility
Reselecting CDMA high mobility CDMA
Reselecting state.The
0.5[1] 0.5[1]
1xRTT Cellconcerned
in Medium- concerned
1xRTT Cellmobility
in High-
0.75[2] 0.75[2]
mobility control
Speed related
Status controlSpeed
related parameter
Status AC-Barring 0-9 AC-Barring 10
1[3] 1[3]
parameter uctResel1Xrtt uctResel1Xrtt is Parameter used for
long:[0..63] long:[0..7]
is multiplied with multiplied with notifying UE the access Parameter used for
model default: 2 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
uctResel1XrttSFM if the uctResel1XrttSFH if the class barring factor for notifying UE the access
UE is in Medium UE is in High Mobility access overload classes 0 class barring factor for
Mobility state. state. through 9 class N (N = 10) .

-- -- -- --
0.75[2] 0.5[1] 0 0
0.75[2] 0.5[1] 0 0
0.75[2] 0.5[1] 0 0
0.75[2] 0.5[1] 0 0
0.75[2] 0.5[1] 0 0
0.75[2] 0.5[1] 0 0
0.75[2] 0.5[1] 0 0
acBar11 acBar12 acBar13 acBar14

AC-Barring 11 AC-Barring 12 AC-Barring 13 AC-Barring 14

long:[0..7] long:[0..7] long:[0..7] long:[0..7]
Parameter used for Parameter used for Parameter used for Parameter used for
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
notifying UE the access notifying UE the access notifying UE the access notifying UE the access
class barring factor for class barring factor for class barring factor for class barring factor for
class N (N = 11) . class N (N = 12) . class N (N = 13) . class N (N = 14) .

-- -- -- --
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
acBar15 acBarMsg acBarReg acBarEmg
Parameter used
AC-Barring Factorforfor
AC-Barring Factor for AC-Barring Factor for notifying UE the access
Urgent Call/Message
AC-Barring 15 Message Transmission Autonomous Registration classTransmission
barring factor for
emergency calls and
long:[0..7] long:[0..7] long:[0..7] long:[0..7]
Parameter used for Parameter used for Parameter used for emergency message
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
notifying UE the access notifying UE the access notifying UE the access transmissions for access
class barring factor for class barring factor for class barring factor for overload classes 0 through
class N (N = 15) . message transmissions . autonomous registrations . 9.

-- -- -- --
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
The CSFB pre- The CSFB pre- The CSFB pre-
registrationParameters in registrationParameters in registrationParameters in
SIB8 can be from the 1x SIB8 can be from the 1x SIB8 can be from the 1x
overhead parameters overhead parameters overhead parameters
anyone of 1x adjacent anyone of 1x adjacent anyone of 1x adjacent
cells, for the pre- cells, for the pre- cells, for the pre-
registration process only registration process only registration
The process of
MSC MarketID only
csfbSuptDualRx selAdjCel1XSID
affect paging notSelected
CSFB. selAdjCel1XNID
affect paging notSelected
CSFB. selAdjCel1XMscMktId
affect paging not CSFB.
The SID of the The NID of the Selected Adjacent Cell to
Switch for CSFB then, anyone
Adjacent Cell to1xRTT
Get Pre- then, anyone
Adjacent Cell to1xRTT
Get Pre- then, anyone 1xRTT
Get Pre-registration
This parameter
Supporting indicates
DualRx UE adjacent cell
registration can be
Parameters adjacent cell
registration can be
Parameters adjacent cell can be
whether it support Dual chosen to get pre- chosen to get pre- chosen to get pre-
long:[0..32767] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
Rx 1xCSFB method for registered content. The registered content. The registered content. The
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
CS fallback to design parameter is SID design parameter is NID design parameter is
CDMA2000 1xRTT of the selected 1X of the selected 1X MarketID of the selected
system adjacent cell. adjacent cell. 1X adjacent cell.

-- -- -- --
Yes[1] 0 0 0
Yes[1] 0 0 0
Yes[1] 0 0 0
Yes[1] 0 0 0
Yes[1] 0 0 0
Yes[1] 0 0 0
Yes[1] 0 0 0
The CSFB pre- The CSFB pre- The CSFB pre-
registrationParameters in registrationParameters in registrationParameters in
SIB8 can be from the 1x SIB8 can be from the 1x SIB8 can be from the 1x
overhead parameters overhead parameters overhead parameters
anyone of 1x adjacent anyone of 1x adjacent anyone of 1x adjacent
cells, for the pre- cells, for the pre- cells, for the pre-
registration process only registration
The MSC Switch Number The Cellprocess
Id of theonly registration
The Sectorprocess only
ID of the The HRPD Sector ID of
affect m selAdjCell1xCId selAdjCel1xSecID selAdjCelHrpdGenCfg
of the paging
Selectednot CSFB.
Adjacent affect
Selected paging not CSFB.
Adjacent Cell to affect
Selected paging not CSFB.
Adjacent Cell to theWhen the HRPD-
Selected Adjacent
to Get1xRTT
Pre- then, anyone 1xRTT
Get Pre-registration then, anyone 1xRTT
Get Pre-registration preRegistrationAllowed
HRPD Cell for Pre- is
adjacent cell
registration can be
Parameters adjacent cell can be
Parameters adjacent cell can be
Parameters issued in SIB8, the target
chosen to get pre- chosen to get pre- chosen to get pre- cell for pre-registration
long:[0..255] long:[0..65535] long:[0..15] model default: 0
registered content. The registered content. The registered content. The must be selected .The
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 example: 0
design parameter is MSC design parameter is Cell design parameter is Sector design parameter is sector
SwitchNumber of the ID of the selected 1X ID of the selected 1X ID of the selected HRPD
selected 1X adjacent cell. adjacent cell. adjacent cell. adjacent cell.

-- -- -- --
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
The parameter indicates
time scaling factor of The parameter indicates
The parameter indicates reselected GERAN cell time scaling factor of The parameter indicate the
enum: enum:
the cell reselection applied in medium reselected GERAN cell numbers of GERAN
tReselectionGERAN 0.25[0]
sfMediumGERAN 0.25[0]
sfHighGERAN geranFreqNum
Timerreselect the
Duration mobility
Time Scalestate.The
Factor of applied in high
Time Scale mobility
Factor of Frequency Group.The
0.5[1] 0.5[1]
new cell of GERAN
of Reselecting GERANif the concernedGERAN
Reselecting mobilityCell state.The GERAN
Reselecting concernedCell GERAN
Number of carrier
0.75[2] 0.75[2]
new cell Cell(s)
is better ranked control related parameter
in Medium-Speed Status mobility control Status
in High-Speed related frequencies are organized
1[3] 1[3]
than the serving cell uctReselGeran is parameter uctReselGeran in groups and the cell
long:[0..7] long:[0..16]
according to the cell- multiplied with is multiplied with reselection parameters are
model default: 2 model default: 2 model default: 1 model default: 0
ranking criterion R during uctReselGeranSFM if the uctReselGeranSFH if the provided per group of
a time interval indicated UE is in Medium UE is in High Mobility GERAN carrier
by TreselectionGERAN Mobility state. state. frequencies.

-- -- -- --
2 0.75[2] 0.5[1] 0
2 0.75[2] 0.5[1] 0
2 0.75[2] 0.5[1] 0
2 0.75[2] 0.5[1] 0
2 0.75[2] 0.5[1] 0
2 0.75[2] 0.5[1] 0
2 0.75[2] 0.5[1] 0
GERAN Carrier
GERAN Carrier Reselection
gsmRslPara_bandIndicato gsmRslPara_followARFC gsmRslPara_followARFC
GERAN Carrier Reselection GERAN Carrier Configuration_the
r NInd gsmRslPara_arfcnSpacing NNum
Reselection Configuration_Representa Reselection Number of the Remaining
Configuration_Band tion of the Remaining Configuration_Equally Equally Spaced ARFCN
Indication ARFCN Spaced ARFCN Value Values
The parameter indicates
the representation of the The parameter indicates
enumArray:[0, 1] enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[1..8] longArray:[0..31]
The parameter indicates remaining ARFCN, The parameter indicates the number of the
the frequency band for include explicitly and the equally spaced remaining equally spaced
downlink carrier equally spaced ARFCN value ARFCN values

-- -- -- --
the threshold for cell priority frequency or
reselection to a higher inter-RAT fulfills the
priority GERAN cell criteria above (2)
There have 2 elements SServingCell <
parameter indicates
Carrier Geran_Pmax is the most
GERAN Carrier fulfilled for
GERAN cell
Carrier ThresholdServing_Low
GERAN Carrier
the minimum required
Reselection usable transmitting
Reselection power reselection criteria: (1) the
Reselection and the
received power level of gsmRslPara_pMaxGERA
of UE which GERAN gsmRslPara_geranThresh
SnonservingCell,x of a gsmRslPara_geranThresh
SnonServingCell,x of a
Configuration_Minimum Configuration_Maximum Configuration_Threshold Configuration_Threshold
GERANGERANcell which N
allows in Power
a uplink XHighGERAN XLowGERAN
Required Cell Transmit ofcarrier
UE in higher priority
for Reselecting to High lower priority
for Reselecting to Low
RX Levelthe condition
when Cellof frequency
When Cell is cell is greater
Priority GERANthan Cell cell is greater
Priority GERANthan Cell
reselected by UE It
(dBm) used for inter-RAT
Selection (dBm) geran_ThreshX_High
(dB) geran_ThreshX_Low
is a key parameter of GERAN neighbour cell during a time interval during a time interval
SnonServingCell,x which reselection If geran_Pmax Treselection (2) more than Treselection (3) more than
longArray:[-115..-25] longArray:[0..39] longArray:[0..62] longArray:[0..62]
is necessary to calculate is absent, the maximum 1 second has elapsed since 1 second has elapsed since
for reselection to a power according to the the UE camped on the the UE camped on the
GERAN neighbour cell UE capability is used current serving cell current serving cell

-- -- -- --
set to No Priority, it
indicates that no
reselection priority is
configured for this
frequency. Priorities can Field encoded as a bit
be separately configured map,GERAN where bitCarrier
N is set to
for GERAN carrier 0 if a BCCH carrier with gsmRslPara_explicitARF
GERAN Carrier Reselection GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier
frequencies and UEs can gsmRslPara_nccPermitInd
NCC = N-1 is not gsmRslPara_startARFCN CN1
Reselection Configuration_NCC Reselection Reselection
perform the cell
Configuration_GERAN permitted
GERAN Configuration_The First Configuration_Explicit
Cell procedure
Reselection on and setReselection
Priority to 1 if the BCCH ARFCN Value ARFCN1
the carrier frequencies that carrier with NCC = N-1 is
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, longArray:[0..1023,
are contained in system permitted for monitoring;
5, 6, 7, 8] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..1023] 65535]
information broadcasting N = 1 to 8; bit 1 of the
messages and have bitmap is the leading bit Explicit ARFCN1 (65535
reselection priorities. of the bit string. the First ARFCN Value is invalid value)

-- -- -- --
gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF
GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier
Reselection Reselection Reselection Reselection
Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit
longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023,
65535] 65535] 65535] 65535]
Explicit ARFCN2 (65535 Explicit ARFCN3 (65535 Explicit ARFCN4 (65535 Explicit ARFCN5 (65535
is invalid value) is invalid value) is invalid value) is invalid value)

-- -- -- --
gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF
GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier
Reselection Reselection Reselection Reselection
Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit
longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023,
65535] 65535] 65535] 65535]
Explicit ARFCN6 (65535 Explicit ARFCN7 (65535 Explicit ARFCN8 (65535 Explicit ARFCN9 (65535
is invalid value) is invalid value) is invalid value) is invalid value)

-- -- -- --
gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF
GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier
CN10 CN11 CN12 CN13
Reselection Reselection Reselection Reselection
Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit
longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023,
65535] 65535] 65535] 65535]
Explicit ARFCN10 Explicit ARFCN11 Explicit ARFCN12 Explicit ARFCN13
(65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value)

-- -- -- --
gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF
GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier
CN14 CN15 CN16 CN17
Reselection Reselection Reselection Reselection
Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit
longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023,
65535] 65535] 65535] 65535]
Explicit ARFCN14 Explicit ARFCN15 Explicit ARFCN16 Explicit ARFCN17
(65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value)

-- -- -- --
gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF
GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier
CN18 CN19 CN20 CN21
Reselection Reselection Reselection Reselection
Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit
longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023,
65535] 65535] 65535] 65535]
Explicit ARFCN18 Explicit ARFCN19 Explicit ARFCN20 Explicit ARFCN21
(65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value)

-- -- -- --
gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF
GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier
CN22 CN23 CN24 CN25
Reselection Reselection Reselection Reselection
Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit
longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023,
65535] 65535] 65535] 65535]
Explicit ARFCN22 Explicit ARFCN23 Explicit ARFCN24 Explicit ARFCN25
(65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value)

-- -- -- --
gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF
GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier
CN26 CN27 CN28 CN29
Reselection Reselection Reselection Reselection
Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit
longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023,
65535] 65535] 65535] 65535]
Explicit ARFCN26 Explicit ARFCN27 Explicit ARFCN28 Explicit ARFCN29
(65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value)

-- -- -- --
gsmRslPara_explicitARF gsmRslPara_explicitARF
GERAN Carrier GERAN Carrier Whether To Transmit
CN30 CN31 pmaxPresent
Reselection Reselection Maximum Transmit
Configuration_Explicit Configuration_Explicit Power Of UE in GERAN
ARFCN30 ARFCN31 When Cell Selection
longArray:[0..1023, longArray:[0..1023,
65535] 65535] model default: 0
It indicates whether the
Explicit ARFCN30 Explicit ARFCN31 geran_Pmax is present in
(65535 is invalid value) (65535 is invalid value) SIB7.

-- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId mcc

NE Name LDN MO ID Mobile Country Code

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[3]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Mobile Country Code

R Primary Key R-I,M

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 510
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 510
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 510
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 510
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 510
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 510
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 510
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
This parameter sets ARP weight of the services weight of the services
mnc weightARP
scheduling weights. It is weightSRVDl
with different priorities. It weightSRVUl
with different priorities. It
used for priority is used Weight
Scheduling by the for is used Weight
Scheduling by the for
longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535] longArray:[1..65535]
Mobile Network Code ARPcalculation.
SchedulingAn Weight
array wDlSrvPriLv
DL Servicefield in the
Levels wUlSrvPriLv
UL Servicefield in the
model default: model default: model default:
subscript plus 1 R_QOS table to index the R_QOS table to index the
64;64;64;64;64;16;16;16; 1000;100;40;30;25;21;17; 1000;100;40;30;25;21;17;
corresponds to an ARP corresponding priority corresponding priority
string:length[2..3] 16;16;4;4;4;4;4 14;10;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 14;10;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
level; that is, array weight value. A lager weight value. A lager
element 0 corresponds to parameter value indicates parameter value indicates
Mobile Network Code the weight of ARP 1. a higher priority. a higher priority.

R-I,M -- -- --
10 64;64;64;64;64;16;16;16;161000;100;40;30;25;21;17;14
10 64;64;64;64;64;16;16;16;161000;100;40;30;25;21;17;14
10 64;64;64;64;64;16;16;16;161000;100;40;30;25;21;17;14
10 64;64;64;64;64;16;16;16;161000;100;40;30;25;21;17;14
10 64;64;64;64;64;16;16;16;161000;100;40;30;25;21;17;14
10 64;64;64;64;64;16;16;16;161000;100;40;30;25;21;17;14
10 64;64;64;64;64;16;16;16;161000;100;40;30;25;21;17;14
This parameter indicates This parameter sets the
the EPF scheduling factor EPF scheduling factor for
for each SPID. When non-SPID UEs. If the
SPID weighing of the EPF SPID
Factorofforthe EPF
Service is enabled,
Factor a
for SPIDs algorithm is enabled,
SPID UEs it is
larger SPID factor value used to adjust the
;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1; long:[1..65535]
indicates a higher priority scheduling priority of a
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 model default: 1
of the UE corresponding UE. A larger SPID factor
to the SPID and more value indicates a higher
chances for scheduling. priority of the UE.

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId eMLPIndex


This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..256]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string Evolved MLP, multi-CQI
type and can be can be mapped to one
NE Name LDN configured as planned. eMLP

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815417 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815417 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815417 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815417 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815417 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815417 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815418 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815417 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 6
lchDirection qCINum qCiQueue enum:
The Number of QCI
enum: EPF[0]
Corresponds to the Given
Uplink[0] RR[1]
Logical Channel Direction EMLP QCI Mapping for EMLP Scheduler Algorithm
Downlink[1] longArray:[0..255] SPS[2]
long:[0..10] model default:
model default: 0 model default: 1 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0
The number of QCI This parameter is used for The scheduler algorithm
Logical Channel Direction mapping to one MLP mapping QCI to eMLP for the eMLP.

R-I -- -- --
Uplink[0] 1 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 8;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 7;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 RR[1]
Uplink[0] 1 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 8;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 7;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 RR[1]
Downlink[1] 1 9;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 9;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 RR[1]
Uplink[0] 1 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 RR[1]
Uplink[0] 1 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 RR[1]
Uplink[0] 1 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 RR[1]
Uplink[0] 1 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 RR[1]
Downlink[1] 1 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 RR[1]
Uplink[0] 1 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 RR[1]
Downlink[1] 1 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 RR[1]
Downlink[1] 1 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 RR[1]
Uplink[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 RR[1]
Uplink[0] 1 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 RR[1]
Downlink[1] 1 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 RR[1]
Uplink[0] 1 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 1 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 1 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 5 6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 5 6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 5 6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 5 6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 5 6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 5 6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 5 6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Downlink[1] 5 6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 5 6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 5 6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 5 6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
Uplink[0] 5 6;7;8;9;128;0;0;0;0;0 EPF[0]
This parameter indicates
alpha beta of the PF
the coefficient pFWeight gBRWeight
weight in the EPF sorting
Alpha Factor algorithm
Betafor the EMLP.
Factor PF Weight Factor GBR Weight Factor
double:[0..1] double:[0..1] double:[0..1] double:[0..1]
It is used to control the
model default: 1.0 model default: 0.01 model default: 0.5 model default: 0.5
impact of historical traffic
step: 0.1 step: 0.001 step: 0.05 step: 0.05
on the scheduling priority. The weight of PF sub-fair The weight of GBR sub-
α factor for numerator of A larger parameter value factor used for priority fair factor used for
PF sub-fair factor indicates a greater impact. calculation priority calculation

-- -- -- --
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
aMBRWeight delayRWeight aRPWeight qCIWeight
Scheduling Weight Factor Scheduling Weight Factor
AMBR Weight Factor Delay Weight Factor for All ARP for All QCIs
double:[0..1] double:[0..1] double:[0..1] double:[0..1]
model default: 0.5 model default: 0.5 model default: 0.5 model default: 0.5
step: 0.05 step: 0.05 step: 0.05 step: 0.05
The weight of AMBR The weight of Delay sub- The weight of ARP sub- The weight of QCI sub-
sub-fair factor used for fair factor used for fair factor used for fair factor used for
priority calculation priority calculation priority calculation priority calculation

-- -- -- --
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
The EPF algorithm needs
new SPID factors. This
parameter determines This parameter enables or
whether an SPID is valid disables short-interval
serviceWeight sPIDWeight
and sets the effective SPS. If sPSSwch
it is set to Close, nrQCIQueue
weight value.
Scheduling A larger
Weight Factor short-interval SPS QCI mapping of NR
Service Weight Factor parameter value
for All indicates
SPIDs corresponding to the QCI
SPS Switch eMLP
double:[0..1] double:[0..1] Short SPS-Interval[1] longArray:[0..255]
a larger SPID weight is disabled. If it is set to
model default: 0.0 model default: 0.0 model default:
value and a better Short SPS-Interval, short-
step: 0.05 step: 0.05 model default: 0 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
The weight of service sub- reflection of the difference interval SPS This parameter is used for
fair factor used for in scheduling guarantee corresponding to the QCI QCI mapping of NR
priority calculation for different SPIDs. is enabled. eMLP.

-- -- -- --
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 8;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 7;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 8;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 7;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 9;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 9;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 9;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 8;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 7;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 9;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 8;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 7;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 8;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 9;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 9;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 8;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 7;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 7;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 8;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 9;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 9;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 4;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 7;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 7;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 8;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 0.0 Close[0] 2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 6;7;8;9;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 6;7;8;9;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 6;7;8;9;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 6;7;8;9;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 6;7;8;9;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0 1.0 Close[0] 6;7;8;9;0;0;0;0;0;0
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
Disable Uplink Frequency
Static Frequency Domain
NE_Name ldn moId ICIC[1]
Dynamic Frequency
Uplink ICIC Mode Select
Domain ICIC[2]
NE Name LDN MO ID Flag
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string
type and can be The parameter is used to
NE Name LDN configured as planned. select uplink ICIC mode.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Disable Uplink Frequency
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Disable Uplink Frequency
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Disable Uplink Frequency
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Disable Uplink Frequency
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Disable Uplink Frequency
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Disable Uplink Frequency
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Disable Uplink Frequency
This parameter is used to this parameter is used to
generate OI according to generate OI according to
Disable Downlink
IOT for each RB. For IOT for each RB. For
longArray:[0..2] Frequency Domain[0]
example, if IOT is larger example, if IOT is smaller
model default: Downlink Static
than this parameter, OI is than this parameter, OI is
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Frequency Domain
'high' , it means high 'low' , it means low
;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1; ICIC[1]
interference overload. interference overload.
rbByteMapUl oiThrHighUl oiThrlLowUl Downlink Dynamic
The High OI means uplink
Threshold of Notes:
The LowOI Threshold
means uplink
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; Frequency Domain
Uplink RB Resources Interference
IOT overload
for Generating OI Interference
IOT overload
for Generating OI Downlink ICIC Mode
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 ICIC[2]
Active Bitmap indication; IOT (dB)
with IOT means the indication; IOT (dB)
with IOT means the Select Flag
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; double:[0..40] double:[0..40] Cloud ICIC[3]
ratio of uplink received ratio of uplink received The Enable/DisEnable
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 12.0 model default: 6.0
Schedule RB bitmap interference power interference power switch and Algorithm
;0;0;0;0;0 step: 0.1 step: 0.1 model default: 0
when Uplink enable.0 is including hermal noise including hermal noise selector of DL Frequency-
IC RB,1 is OC RB,2 is power to hermal noise power to hermal noise Domain ICIC
disable RB power. power Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;12.0 6.0 Disable Downlink Frequen
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;12.0 6.0 Disable Downlink Frequen
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;12.0 6.0 Disable Downlink Frequen
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;12.0 6.0 Disable Downlink Frequen
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;12.0 6.0 Disable Downlink Frequen
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;12.0 6.0 Disable Downlink Frequen
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;12.0 6.0 Disable Downlink Frequen
the uplink frequency the uplink frequency
resource configured by resource configured by
high layer for cell center high layer for cell edge
user. The parameter is user. The parameter is
configured by bit configured by bit
mapping. The value 1 of a mapping. The value 1 of a
This parameter is 9 bits bit indicates that the bit indicates that the
rbByteMapDl string, icicEnabled
1 represent enable centFreqUlBitMap
corresponding resourse edgeFreqUlBitMap
corresponding resourse
Bit Map of Center Area Bit Map of Edge Area
Downlink RBG Resources and Bit 0Mask
represent disable.
for Enabling block is configured
Frequency to the
for Uplink block is configured
Frequency to the
for Uplink
longArray:[0..2] longArray: longArray:
Active Bitmap The first
indicates user of cell center area
(hex) user of cell(hex)
edge area and
model default: [0..4294967295] [0..4294967295]
Uplink ICIC is enable or and value 0 indicates that value 0 indicates that the
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0 long:[0..4294967295] model default: model default:
Schedule RBG bitmap not, the second one the corresponding corresponding resourse
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0 16383;4294950912;0;0 4294950912;0;0;0
when Downlink enable.0 indicates Downlink ICIC resourse block is not block is not configured to
is IC RBG,1 is OC RBG,2 is enable or not, the others configured to the user of the user of cell edge area
is disable RBG is reserved cell center area in uplink. in uplink.

-- -- -- --
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 16383;4294950912;0;0 4294950912;0;0;0
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 16383;4294950912;0;0 4294950912;0;0;0
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 16383;4294950912;0;0 4294950912;0;0;0
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 16383;4294950912;0;0 4294950912;0;0;0
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 16383;4294950912;0;0 4294950912;0;0;0
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 16383;4294950912;0;0 4294950912;0;0;0
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 16383;4294950912;0;0 4294950912;0;0;0
the uplink borrowed
frequency resource
configured by high layer
for cell center user. The
parameter is configured
by bit mapping. The value
-1.77[3] fICIC4MacroMicroEnable fICIC4MacroMicroEnable
1 of a bit indicates that the
centBorrFreqUlBitMap 0[4]
paIndexCcu Ul Dl
Borrowed Bit resourse
Map of
1[5] enum: enum:
Center can be borrowed
Area Frequencyto Initial PA Value for UL ICIC Switch For DL ICIC Switch For
2[6] Close[0] Close[0]
the user
for of cell center
Uplink (hex) area Center Users (dB) Macro-Micro Cell Macro-Micro Cell
longArray: 3[7] Open[1] Open[1]
and value 0 indicates that
the corresponding If this switch set to 1, then If this switch set to 1, then
model default: 0;0;0;0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
resourse block can not be Uplink ICIC between Downlink ICIC between
borrowed to the user of Macro Cell and Micro Macro Cell and Micro
cell center area in uplink. PA index for CCU Cell is enabled. Cell is enabled.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0 -6[0] Close[0] Close[0]
0;0;0;0 -6[0] Close[0] Close[0]
0;0;0;0 -6[0] Close[0] Close[0]
0;0;0;0 -6[0] Close[0] Close[0]
0;0;0;0 -6[0] Close[0] Close[0]
0;0;0;0 -6[0] Close[0] Close[0]
0;0;0;0 -6[0] Close[0] Close[0]
model default:
icicMap4MacroMicroUl icicMap4MacroMicroDl cellResource hIIRptIntervalBaseUl
;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2; enum:
Aggressor Cell UL ICIC Aggressor Cell DL ICIC HighWay ICIC Frequency HII Trigger Base Period
2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2 longArray:[0..2] Odd[0]
Bitmap Bitmap Partition (ms)
;2;2;2;2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; model default: Even[1]
The parameter is used to
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0 long:[0..2000]
confirm HII report
;0;0;0;0;0 ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0 model default: 160
Interval. Notes:HII means
Uplink ICIC Resource Downlink ICIC Resource ICIC Frequency Type for uplink high interference
Map of Aggressor Cell Map of Aggressor Cell HighWay indication.

-- -- -- --
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;Odd[0] 160
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;Odd[0] 160
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;Odd[0] 160
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;Odd[0] 160
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;Odd[0] 160
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;Odd[0] 160
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;Odd[0] 160
This parameter sets the
Transmission Power
(RNTP) reporting period.
The parameter value
model default: 80
indicates the time interval
for updating edge
frequency bands.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId siId

NE Name LDN MO ID SI Identity

This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..10]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string
type and can be SI Identity,lots of sib can
NE Name LDN configured as planned. be map to one SI.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 1
periodicity sib2 sib3 sib4
128[4] enum: enum: enum:
Flag for Whether SIB2 is Flag for Whether SIB3 is Flag for Whether SIB4 is
256[5] No[0] No[0] No[0]
SI Periodicity (rf) in System Information in System Information in System Information
512[6] Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1]

model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0

Flag for whether SIB2 is Flag for whether SIB3 is Flag for whether SIB4 is
SI Periodicity in system information. in system information. in system information.

-- -- -- --
32[2] No[0] No[0] No[0]
8[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
8[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
32[2] No[0] No[0] No[0]
16[1] No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1]
16[1] No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1]
8[0] Yes[1] No[0] No[0]
8[0] Yes[1] No[0] No[0]
8[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
8[0] Yes[1] No[0] No[0]
32[2] No[0] No[0] No[0]
16[1] No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1]
32[2] No[0] No[0] No[0]
8[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
16[1] No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1]
8[0] Yes[1] No[0] No[0]
8[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
32[2] No[0] No[0] No[0]
32[2] No[0] No[0] No[0]
8[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
8[0] Yes[1] No[0] No[0]
16[1] No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1]
8[0] Yes[1] No[0] No[0]
16[1] No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1]
8[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
32[2] No[0] No[0] No[0]
16[1] No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1]
8[0] Yes[1] No[0] No[0]
sib5 sib6 sib7 sib8
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Flag for Whether SIB5 is Flag for Whether SIB6 is Flag for Whether SIB7 is Flag for Whether SIB8 is
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
in System Information in System Information in System Information in System Information
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1]

model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0

Flag for whether SIB5 is Flag for whether SIB6 is Flag for whether SIB7 is Flag for whether SIB8 is
in system information. in system information. in system information. in system information.

-- -- -- --
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1]
Yes[1] No[0] No[0] No[0]
Yes[1] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1]
Yes[1] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
Yes[1] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
Yes[1] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
Yes[1] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1]
Yes[1] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
sib9 sib10 sib11 sib12
enum: enum: enum: enum:
If choose
Flag for Whether SIB9 is Flag for Whether SIB10 is Flag for Whether SIB11 is Flag Yes, schedule
for Whether SIB12 is
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
in System Information in System Information in System Information information
in for SIB12
System Information
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1]
will be included in
system,If choose No,
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
schedule information for
Flag for whether SIB9 is Flag for whether SIB10 is Flag for whether SIB11 is SIB12 will not be
in system information. in system information. in system information. included in system.

-- -- -- --
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] No[0] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] No[0] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] Yes[1] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] Yes[1] No[0] No[0]
sib13 sib14 sib15 sib16
enum: enum: enum: enum:
If choose
Flag Yes, schedule
for Whether If choose
SIB13 is Flag Yes, schedule
for Whether If choose
SIB14 is Flag Yes, schedule
for Whether If choose
SIB15 is Flag Yes, schedule
for Whether SIB16 is
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
in for SIB13
System Information information
in for SIB14
System Information information
in for SIB15
System Information information
in for SIB16
System Information
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1]
will be included in will be included in will be included in will be included in
system,If choose No, system,If choose No, system,If choose No, system,If choose No,
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
schedule information for schedule information for schedule information for schedule information for
SIB13 will not be SIB14 will not be SIB15 will not be SIB16 will not be
included in system. included in system. included in system. included in system.

-- -- -- --
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0] No[0]
in the system. If it is set to
No, SIB22 scheduling
information is not
configured in the system.
Function: This parameter
determines in which SI
the SIB22 information is This parameter indicates
sib17 configured. sib22
Usage: There sib24scheduling
the broadcast
enum: enum: enum:
If choose
Flag Yes, schedule
for Whether are four
SIB17 is Flag SIs thatinsupport
for SIB22 System information
Flag for SIB24of SIB24 and
in System
No[0] No[0] No[0]
in for SIB17
System Information the scheduling
Information of SIB determines the SI where
Yes[1] Yes[1] Yes[1]
will be included in information by SI. The the SIB24 is sent. If it is
system,If choose No, new ucSib22 parameter is set to Yes, SIB24 is sent
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
schedule information for used to determine in in the corresponding SI;
SIB17 will not be which SI the SIB22 otherwise, SIB24 is not
included in system. information is configured. sent.

-- -- --
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
No[0] No[0] No[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId MLB[52]
This parameter sets the
NE Name LDN MO ID service type, 26
Service for SH,
This parameter sets the 46 for ANR, 47 for PCI,
unique ID of the managed 49 for MRO, 51 for RO,
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 26
object. It is of the string 52 for MLB, 57 for ES, 58
type and can be for MAGICRADIO, 59
NE Name LDN configured as planned. for SpecShare.

R Primary Key R-I

The parameter indicates
the policy is used for
macro-eNB and macro-
eNB SON or macro-eNB
and pico-ENB SON.
indicates the policy is refSonPolicyAnr refSonPolicyPci refSonPolicyMro
used for SON function
Type ofMacro-eNB and
Service Policy SON ANR Policy SON PCI Policy SON MRO Policy
Macro-eNB. MACRO and
PICO indicates the policy
model default: 0 string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400]
is used for SON function
between Macro-eNB and
Pico-eNB. SON ANR Policy SON PCI Policy SON MRO Policy

R-I -- -- --
refSonPolicyRo refSonPolicyEs refSonPolicyMlb refSonPolicySCH
SON Energy Saving
SON RO Policy Configure SON MLB Configure SON Self-healing Policy

string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400]

SON Energy Saving
SON RO Policy Configure SON MLB Configure SON Self-healing Policy

-- -- -- --
refSonMagicRadio refSonSpecShareFDD
Configure Spectrum Share Configure

string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400]
Configure Configure.

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
The parameter indicates
the cell reselection timer
NE_Name ldn moId UETheshallreselUtran
Timer for the
cell of UTRAN
Reselection in if the new
NE Name LDN MO ID cell meet the
(s) threshold
This parameter sets the condition according to the
string:length[1..255] long:[0..7]
unique ID of the managed cell reselection criterion
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 2
object. It is of the string during a time interval
type and can be indicated by
NE Name LDN configured as planned. TreselectionUTRAN

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 2
enum: enum:
reselUtranSFM 0.25[0]
Scale Factor for UTRAN Scale Factor for UTRAN
0.5[1] 0.5[1]
Cell Reselection in Cell Reselection in High-
0.75[2] 0.75[2]
Medium-Speed Speed
1[3] 1[3]
The parameter indicates The parameter indicates
time scaling factor of time scaling factor of
model default: 2 model default: 1
reselected UTRAN cell reselected UTRAN cell
applied in medium applied in high mobility
mobility state state

-- --
0.75[2] 0.5[1]
0.75[2] 0.5[1]
0.75[2] 0.5[1]
0.75[2] 0.5[1]
0.75[2] 0.5[1]
0.75[2] 0.5[1]
0.75[2] 0.5[1]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId enum:
Macro Cell[0]
Micro Cell[1]
NE Name LDN MO ID Cell Type
Pico Cell[2]
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. The Type of The Het-Cell

R Primary Key --
mcc mnc neNodeBId hcId

Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code Neighbor eNB Identity H-Cell Identity
long:[0..268435455] long:[0..255]
string:length[3] string:length[2..3] model default: 0 model default: 0
The mobile country code The mobile network code The eNodeB identity in
of the het-cell of the het-cell which the het-cell is The Het-Cell Identity


MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId enum:
Static ABS[1]
NE Name LDN MO ID ABS0:No ABS Pattern
Configuration Mode
Dynamic ABS[2]
This parameter sets the Info;1:Static ABS Pattern
unique ID of the managed Info Configuration;2:
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string Dynamic ABS Pattern
type and can be Info Configuration.
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Effective when Cell Reset

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
absProviderIndex connBias4CRE idleBias4CRE thrNumeICICUE
ABS Pattern Connected Bias for CRE Threshold of eICIC UE
Configuration Index (dB) Idle Bias for CRE (dB) Number
long:[0..21] long:[-15..15] long:[-15..15] long:[0..1000]
The parameter indicates
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 10
the Pico eICIC UE
ABS Pattern The parameter indicates The parameter indicates Number Threshold for
Configuration Index bias for CRE in connected bias for CRE in idle ABS self-optimization.

-- -- -- --
0 0 0 10
0 0 0 10
0 0 0 10
0 0 0 10
0 0 0 10
0 0 0 10
0 0 0 10
If the function works, the
eNB will provide assistant
information, concerning
the primary
Function frequency,
Switch of CRS
used by the
Interference UE to
mitigate interference from
CRS while performing
model default: 0
measurement or data

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId 16[10]
Maximum has Transmission
the retransmit
NE Name LDN MO ID mechanism.
Number The
for HARQ
This parameter sets the parameter indicates the
unique ID of the managed maximum transmit for
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 4
object. It is of the string HARQ and can be
type and can be configurated different
NE Name LDN configured as planned. value for different sevice.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 5[4]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 5[4]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 5[4]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 5[4]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 5[4]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 5[4]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 5[4]
128[8] enum:
160[9] 320[0]
320[10] 640[1] dnsProxy4NormUserSwc
prdBsrTimer 1280[2]
retxBsrTimer httpCare4NormUserSwch The first switch h
The Master Switch for The First SwitchforforforThe
1280[12] 2560[3] enum: enum:
BSR Retransmission The Eighth Level User eighth Level
Eighth level user
2560[13] 5120[4] Close[0] Close[0]
Periodic BSR Timer (sf) Timer (sf) Experience experience,and
Experienceit is used
infinity[14] 10240[5] Open[1] Open[1]
for controlling DNS
proxy,It is valid only
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
The parameter indicates The parameter indicates under the condition of
the timer of periodic the timer of buffer status Master switch for normal httpCare4NormUserSwch
buffer status report. report retransmition. user HTTP experience. open.

-- -- -- --
5[0] 320[0] Open[1] Close[0]
5[0] 320[0] Open[1] Close[0]
5[0] 320[0] Open[1] Close[0]
5[0] 320[0] Open[1] Close[0]
5[0] 320[0] Open[1] Close[0]
5[0] 320[0] Open[1] Close[0]
5[0] 320[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter enables or
disables the identification The third switch for the In the TA algorithm,when
of the current service httpPreSch4NormUserSw
eighth level user port4HTTPOrSYNACK4 the measurement is
flow. h
If the ServiceMAC. ch it is used
experience,and NormUser abnormal taDelayThr meet
The Second Switch for The Third Switch for The Port for Normal User The Delayvalue,and
Threshhold for
enum: enum:
The Eighth Level User for controlling
Eighth Pre-
Level User HTTP Recongnition or the continuous
Abnormaltimes Time more
Close[0] Close[0]
parameter is set to Open Scheduling
Experience for three times
Experience SYN ACK thanAlignmnet
The delay threshhold
Open[1] Open[1]
and this parameter is set handshake and subsequent This parameter is used for for abnormal time
long:[0..65535] long:[0..50]
to Open, the eNodeB get request,It is valid only extending,and high-layer alignmnet value, then use
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 80 model default: 4
identifies whether the under the condition of will recongnize HTTP or the large smoothing factor
current service flow is an ucHttpCare4NorUserSwc SYN ACK for normal on the measured value for
HTTP service flow. h open. user using this port. filter.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Open[1] 80 4
Open[1] Open[1] 80 4
Open[1] Open[1] 80 4
Open[1] Open[1] 80 4
Open[1] Open[1] 80 4
Open[1] Open[1] 80 4
Close[0] Close[0] 80 4
When the SINR is very
low,even if the scheduled
MCS of
BCCH/PCCH/Msg2 is 0,
preSchedWindowLen enum:
commCodeRate msg5DelayOptSwch grantTimes4Msg5UL
This Parameter is the ue also fails to receive Switch for Controlling
1[0] enum:
Lengthof of
Pre- these messagesCode
The Optional possibly.
Rate Whether All Msg5 in a UL Grant Times for Msg5
1/2[1] Close[0]
which is used
scheduling for random
Window (ms) According
of Common to the protocol, Cell is Pre-Scheduled
Schedule of Initial RA
1/3[2] Open[1]
access procedure. The the code rate of the
long:[1..500] long:[0..500]
purpose is to avoid common messages can be
model default: 20 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 6
transmitting SR so as to reduced future to ensure This Parameter is used to
reduce the related time the performance of ue far control whether all Msg5 UL Grant BSR times for
delay. away. is Pre-Scheduled. Msg5 of initial RA.

-- -- -- --
20 1[0] Close[0] 6
20 1[0] Close[0] 6
20 1[0] Close[0] 6
20 1[0] Close[0] 6
20 1[0] Close[0] 6
20 1[0] Close[0] 6
20 1[0] Close[0] 6
Maximum Scheduling
This parameter
Bandwidth sets thein
A TTI forused to control
Normal Pre-
the maximum
Scheduling andbandwidth
Real BSR
The eNodeB uses TA rBRatioIncludNormPreSc
grantTimes4OthersUL taMaxThr
measurement to determine mrRptOlSINRThr scheduling h real BSR
When Real BSR and
UL Grant Times For RA whether a user for
TA Threshold exceeds
User The Threshold of MR Out and special
Special BSRBSRArein Less
Except Msg5 of Initial RA the given TALimited
Service threshold. If This
the threshold
Reportedof when neither
Than Thisreal BSR nor
yes, the user will be MR reporting out loop special BSR is more than
long:[0..500] long:[0..32767] long:[0..28] model default: 0.5
forcedly released. The SINR, the reported SINR the threshold. If there is
model default: 6 model default: 32767 model default: 10 step: 0.01
UL Grant times for RA parameter value is a given contains out loop only only real BSR in the TTI,
except Msg5 of initial TA threshold, and the unit MCS not less than the the parameter does not
RA. is Ts. value. take effect.

-- -- -- --
6 32767 10 0.5
6 32767 10 0.5
6 32767 10 0.5
6 32767 10 0.5
6 32767 10 0.5
6 32767 10 0.5
6 32767 10 0.5
Equally Treated all
Maximum Scheduling
Bandwidth Proportion in
Equally Treated Real and
A TTIparameter
for NormalsetsPre-
rBRatio4NormalPreSch rRCNumThres Special BSR, Normal
preScheBSRPrioSwch srTbsizeFilterFactor
Whento control
Only Threshold for Closing
BSR Prioritylowest[1]
the maximum
Normal ratio of
Pre-Schedule This parameter
Special sets the
Pre-Schedule and This parameter is a switch
Distinguish Priority for
bandwidth occupied by
Appeared threshold
the number of used to control
Switch for BSRthePriority
priority SR Estimate Filter Factor
double:[0..1] real BSR[2] double:[0..1]
uplink-triggered and RRC users, and when the relationship among the This parameter is the SR
model default: 0.25 long:[0..2000] model default: 0.5
downlink-triggered threshold is reached, virtual BSR for special learning factor. The
step: 0.01 model default: 260 model default: 1 step: 0.1
normal pre-scheduling in special pre-scheduling and pre-scheduling, virtual parameter value affects
a TTI when there is only normal pre-scheduling BSR for normal pre- the convergence rate of
normal pre-scheduling. will be disabled. scheduling, and real BSR. learning.

-- -- -- --
0.25 260 Distinguish Priority for re 0.5
0.25 260 Distinguish Priority for re 0.5
0.25 260 Distinguish Priority for re 0.5
0.25 260 Distinguish Priority for re 0.5
0.25 260 Distinguish Priority for re 0.5
0.25 260 Distinguish Priority for re 0.5
0.25 260 Equally Treated Real and 0.5
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
threshold for SR threshold for SR
scheduling to switch from scheduling to switch from
fixed 2RB scheduling to the estimated value to
SR estimation scheduling. RB2MCSx. If the padding
paddingSize4SrLow paddingSize4SrHigh learnDataSize4SR enum:
If The
the padding
Threshold value
for in
SRSR value
The in SR estimation
Threshold for SRis
estimation is higher
Scheduling Fromthan higher than the threshold,
Scheduling From The Learn Data Size Used The SR Authorization
SR learning-based[1]
the threshold,
RB2MCSx no
to Estimation switch totofixed
Estimation 2RB
RB2MCSx in SR Authorization Mode
PRB utilization-based[2]
switching is performed. If scheduling. If the padding
long:[0..6000] long:[0..6000] long:[0..6000]
the SR estimation is lower value in SR estimation is
model default: 5 model default: 10 model default: 600 model default: 0
than the threshold, switch lower than the threshold, This parameter sets the This parameter is the
to SR estimation no switching is learning data size in SR switch used to control SR
scheduling. performed. authorization. authorization mode.

-- -- -- --
5 10 600 RB2MCSx[0]
5 10 600 RB2MCSx[0]
5 10 600 RB2MCSx[0]
5 10 600 RB2MCSx[0]
5 10 600 RB2MCSx[0]
5 10 600 RB2MCSx[0]
5 10 600 RB2MCSx[0]
This parameter enables or
This parameter sets the disables TA distribution-
threshold for enabling based KPI reporting. If
uplink 1RB scheduling. this parameter is set to
When the single RB SINR Open, the CMA brings the
of theThreshold
UE is larger than preSchPitNum4InitiRA kpiBaseOnTASwch
related information preSchd4IMEI
The Which Number of Pits for Initial Switch for TA
UL 1the
RBUE Random Access to Be generated during the KPI
Distribution-Based UE's The SubSwitch of UL
supports 1RB scheduling.
Authorization (dB) Pre-Scheduled access Reporting
to the cell to the Pre-Schedule for IMEISV
Open[1] enumArray:[0, 1, 2]
When the single RB SINR user plane through the
long:[-100..100] long:[0..10] model default:
of the UE is smaller than This parameter sets the unidirectional queue, and
model default: 20 model default: 2 model default: 0 2;2;0;0;0;0;0;0
the threshold, the UE does number of pits for initial the user plane reports the
not support 1RB random access to be pre- TA-related counters based The SubSwitch of UL
scheduling. scheduled. on the information. Pre-Schedule for IMEISV.

-- -- -- --
20 2 Close[0] 2;2;0;0;0;0;0;0
20 2 Close[0] 2;2;0;0;0;0;0;0
20 2 Close[0] 2;2;0;0;0;0;0;0
20 2 Close[0] 2;2;0;0;0;0;0;0
20 2 Close[0] 2;2;0;0;0;0;0;0
20 2 Close[0] 2;2;0;0;0;0;0;0
20 2 Close[0] 2;2;0;0;0;0;0;0
virtulBSRSetNum4TCPA tCPACKSize4HTTP4Nor
tCPACKSize bSRSetInterval4TCPACK CK mUser
Interval time to Set Virual Times to Set Virual BSR
BSR for TCP ACK(not for TCP ACK(not HTTP) Size of HTTP TCP ACK
Size for TCP ACK (Byte) HTTP) (ms) (ms) (Byte)
This Parameter used for This Parameter used for
long:[2..9422] long:[0..10] long:[0..2000] long:[2..9422]
TCP Ack (not HTTP) TCP Ack (not HTTP) HTTP TCP ACK Size for
model default: 40 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 60
Delay function,and it Delay function ,and it normal user and it main
This parameter represents stands how long to set a stands how many times to consider headers of each
the size for TCP ACK. virual BSR. set virual BSR. layer.

-- -- -- --
40 0 1 60
40 0 1 60
40 0 1 60
40 0 1 60
40 0 1 60
40 0 1 60
40 0 1 60
bSRSetInterval4HTTPAC virtulBSRSetNum4HTTP This parameter sets the
K ACK virBSR4Get
byte of
size of each virtual virtulBSRSetInterval4Get
Size Virtual BSRs for Interval time for Normal
Interval time to Set Virual Times to Set Virual BSR BSR.GetItRequest
is used Pre-
for the This
User Parameter used
to Set Virual for
BSR for HTTP ACK (ms) for HTTP ACK HTTP Three(Byte)
Scheduling Times HTTP (ms)
three times
This Parameter used for This Parameter used for Handshake and Get handshake and Get
long:[0..10] long:[0..2000] long:[2..9422] long:[0..10]
TCP Ack Delay function TCP Ack Delay function Request Pre-scheduling Request Pre-scheduling
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 800 model default: 5
of HTTP ,and it stands of HTTP ,and it stands function for HTTP function,and it stands time
how long to set a virual how many times to set perception optimization Interval for setting virual
BSR. virual BSR. for ordinary users. BSR.

-- -- -- --
0 1 800 5
0 1 800 5
0 1 800 5
0 1 800 5
0 1 800 5
0 1 800 5
0 1 800 5
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
threshold of the number of threshold of the number of
Threshold UEs
of the Number RRC-connected
Threshold UEs
of the Number
virBSRSetNum4FIN4Nor entering a specialUEs rRCNumEnterSpecSched
entering a specialUEs
of RRC-Connected of RRC-Connected
virtulBSRSetNum4Get mUe rRCNumEnterSpecSched
procedure 4MMin MM
non-MM procedure
Entering Special
This Parameter
Times for Normalused
Userforto Pre-Schedule number for scenarios. The
Procedures special
in Non-MM scenarios. Theinspecial
Procedures MM
HTTP three BSR
Set Virual times FIN for Normal User procedure refers to the
Scenarios procedure refers to the
handshake and Get reduction of the number reduction of the number
long:[0..2000] long:[0..2000] long:[0..2000] long:[0..2000]
Request Pre-scheduling This parameter is used for of pre-scheduling attempts of pre-scheduling attempts
model default: 3 model default: 11 model default: 300 model default: 400
function,and it stands how FIN pre-schedule and it and the decrease of CCE and the decrease of CCE
many times to set virual represents times of pre- resources during initial resources during initial
BSR. schedule. access. access.

-- -- -- --
3 11 300 400
3 11 300 400
3 11 300 400
3 11 300 400
3 11 300 400
3 11 300 400
3 11 300 400
rategy is 0, RB and MCS
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the combination (3,0) Switch for Pre-Scheduling
threshold of the number of threshold of the number of scheduling is used. If of 5G Measurement and
Threshold UEs
of the Number RRC-connected
Threshold UEs
of the Number R_SRVMAC. SN Addition
exiting a specialUEs rRCNumExitSpecSched4
of RRC-Connected of RRC-Connected
exiting a specialUEs UcMsg3ResourceAdjustSt Reconfiguration
procedure MMin MM y and MCS nSARRCPreschdSwch
non-MM procedure
Exiting Special rategy is 1, RB Completion Messages
scenarios. The
Procedures special
in Non-MM scenarios. Theinspecial
Procedures MM combination
MSG3 Resource(4,1) ThisDuring
Initial or
procedure refers to the
Scenarios procedure refers to the
Scenarios scheduling
used. If disables pre-scheduling
Access of
reduction of the number reduction of the number R_SRVMAC. 5G measurement and SN
long:[0..2000] long:[0..2000] long:[0..2]
of pre-scheduling attempts of pre-scheduling attempts UcMsg3ResourceAdjustSt addition reconfiguration
model default: 240 model default: 320 model default: 1 model default: 0
and the decrease of CCE and the decrease of CCE rategy is 2, RB and MCS completion messages
resources during initial resources during initial combination (2,2) during initial access in
access. access. scheduling is used. NSA scenarios.

-- -- -- --
240 320 1 Close[0]
240 320 1 Close[0]
240 320 1 Close[0]
240 320 1 Close[0]
240 320 1 Close[0]
240 320 1 Close[0]
240 320 1 Close[0]
scenario, the two RRC According to the current
reconfiguration test plan, a certain number
completion messages (5G of RRC reconfiguration To reduce the delay of
Number andThat
of Times SN completion messages are initial access in an NSA
addition reconfiguration
Pre-scheduling for 5G tentatively pre-scheduled scenario,
BSR Sizethe of
two RRC
Measurement messages)
and SNare after 4G access during reconfiguration
Scheduling for 5G
granted. This nSARRCMsgNum4Presc
activelyReconfiguration initial accessofinRRC
an NSA grantBsr4NSARRCMsgU
completion messages (5G
Addition Number Measurement and SN
parameter gULthe number scenario. This
sets hd L and SN optPara
Completion During Initial Reconfigurationparameter
Messages measurement
Addition Reconfiguration
NSA ofAccess
times that pre-
Is Actively sets the number During
Pre-Scheduled of RRC addition reconfiguration
Completion During NSA
scheduling is actively reconfiguration
Granted messages
NSA Initial Access completion
Access are Optimization Parameter
granted. In an FDD that are pre-scheduled actively granted through
long:[0..255] long:[0..10] long:[0..500] long:[0..3]
system, DCI0 is sent six during initial access in an the configuration of
model default: 10 model default: 3 model default: 41 model default: 0
consecutive times. In a NSA scenario. This virtual BSRs. This This parameter controls
TDD system, DCI0 is sent parameter is configured to parameter sets the BSR the priority of
four consecutive times. 3 in the current version. size. optimization.

-- -- -- --
10 3 41 0
10 3 41 0
10 3 41 0
10 3 41 0
10 3 41 0
10 3 41 0
10 3 41 0
transmission SDM group. transmission SDM group. group. If the Switch for group. If the Switch for
If the Switch for the If the Switch for the the Adaptation of the the Adaptation of the
Adaptation of the Adaptation of the Maximum Number of Maximum Number of
Maximum Number of Maximum Number of UEs in an SDM UEs in an SDM
UEs in an SDM UEs in an SDM Retransmission Group Retransmission Group
BLER Group
Threshold for Transmission
BLER ThresholdGroup
for parameter is set to Open,
BLER Threshold for parameter is set to Open,
BLER Threshold for
parameter isthe
to Open, mMAddUEBLER4Newtrs
parameter is mMReduceUEBLER4Ret mMAddUEBLER4RetrsU
Decreasing of Increasing theset to Open,
Number the maximum
of Decreasing the number
Numberof the maximum
of Increasing number of
the Number of
the wtrsUL
maximum number of the maximum UL number of streams rsUL by a L
UEs in a UL Adaptive UEs in a UL Adaptive UEs in a allowed
UL Adaptive streams
UEs in a allowed by a
UL Adaptive
streams allowed
Transmission SDMby a Transmission
Group streams allowed
SDMby a
Group retransmission SDM
Retransmission SDM retransmission SDM
Retransmission SDM
transmission (%)SDM group transmission (%)SDM group group isGroup decremented
(%) by group is incremented
Group (%) by
is decremented by one is incremented by one one when the BLER of one when the BLER of
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
when the BLER of the when the BLER of the the UEs in the the UEs in the
model default: 10 model default: 5 model default: 15 model default: 10
UEs in the transmission UEs in the transmission retransmission SDM retransmission SDM
SDM group is higher than SDM group is lower than group is higher than this group is lower than this
this threshold. this threshold. threshold. threshold.

-- -- -- --
10 5 15 10
10 5 15 10
10 5 15 10
10 5 15 10
10 5 15 10
10 5 15 10
10 5 15 10
uplink MM SDM
This parameter sets the scheduling. If the beam
determination coefficient measurement conditions
of the TB size for uplink are met, the correlation is
MM pairing. If it is set to This parameter determines not determined. If the
This parameter sets the 0, it indicates that the TB whether to optimize the beam measurement
PRB usage threshold for size is not considered in retransmission scheduling conditions are not met, the
disabling the uplink PHR lamdaOfTBSize4ULMM
uplink MM pairing. forraRetxSchdOptSwch
If it is Switchnon-MSG3 uLMMBeamSwch
messages correlation is determined.
Determination Coefficient for Retransmission
enum: enum:
PRB procedure. A larger for
Usage Threshold setoftothe
a non-zero value,
TB Size for UL it Scheduling
during random access. If If this parameter is set to
Close[0] Close[0]
UL PHR value indicates
Disabling indicates MM that the TB size During
Pairing this parameter
set to Close,
UL MM theBeam
double:[0..10] Open[1] Open[1]
a higher threshold for of the paired UEs can be Open, UEs adaptively determined during uplink
long:[0..100] model default: 1.0
disabling the PHR put in the pairing queue retransmit data. If this MM SDM scheduling,
model default: 80 step: 0.1 model default: 1 model default: 0
procedure and a higher only when the gain rate of parameter is set to Close, without considering the
probability for triggering the TB size reaches a UEs non-adaptively beam measurement
the PHR procedure. certain value. retransmit data. conditions.

-- -- -- --
80 1.0 Open[1] Close[0]
80 1.0 Open[1] Close[0]
80 1.0 Open[1] Close[0]
80 1.0 Open[1] Close[0]
80 1.0 Open[1] Close[0]
80 1.0 Open[1] Close[0]
80 1.0 Open[1] Close[0]
a UE and all other UEs in
the SDM group are larger This parameter sets the
than this parameter value, width of uplink MM
the UE can be involved in beams. It indicates beam
SDM scheduling without granularity, that is, the
the determination of the angle range of beams.
correlation conditions. With this parameter,
Otherwise, the h UE can be beams uLMMBeamWidth
are split in an angle timeDelayOptSwch aMBRLimitType6Swch
enum: enum:
MM Beam in SDM
Interval range of -60 degrees to 60 Delay Optimization AMBR Limiting Switch
Close[0] Close[0]
scheduling only when the UL
Threshold degrees to meet
MM Beam the
Width Switch This parameter
for Service enables of
long:[5..60] Open[1] Open[1]
conditions of the accuracy requirement of disables the Type6
long:[0..23] model default: 5
correlation between the beam SDM in different function. If it is set to
model default: 1 step: 5 model default: 1 model default: 1
UE and all other UEs in scenarios. A smaller This parameter enables or Open, the rate for ordinary
the SDM group are parameter value indicates disables ping UEs to download data can
satisfied. a higher accuracy. optimization. be controlled.

-- -- -- --
1 5 Open[1] Open[1]
1 5 Open[1] Open[1]
1 5 Open[1] Open[1]
1 5 Open[1] Open[1]
1 5 Open[1] Open[1]
1 5 Open[1] Open[1]
1 5 Open[1] Open[1]
This parameter lowLim4Type6UEGua ratefor upLim4NonType6UEGu
AMBR Limitingsets the
Value WhenAMBR
Lower downlinkLimit This parameter
Upper sets the
AMBR Limit for
AMBR limiting
Reserved value for
for Service limiting
Serviceis Optimization
enabled and the upper limit
Service of the AMBR
Optimization of
the UEs with the
Optimization Type6
(KBps) Type6(KBps)
function is ofOrdinary
the UEs whose service
UEs (KBps)
function enabled. A larger operating, this parameter optimization is guaranteed
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
parameter value indicates sets the lower limit of the when downlink rate
model default: 65535 model default: 2000 model default: 65535
more traffic. A smaller AMBR of the UEs that limiting is enabled and the
parameter value indicates can be guaranteed by the Type6 function is
less traffic. Type6 function. operating.

-- -- --
65535 2000 65535
65535 2000 65535
65535 2000 65535
65535 2000 65535
65535 2000 65535
65535 2000 65535
65535 2000 65535
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId csiRSSWCH
NE Name LDN MO ID Switch of CSI RS
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string Indicate the Cell support
type and can be CSI RS or not
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Effective when Cell Reset

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
When this switch is
closed,for the the UE
which is R10 and does not
support TM9 is always
not configured zero power
5[0] enum:
Parameter represents the CSI-RS, when the switch
csiPeriod 1[0]
csiRSAntPortsCount csiRSResCfgIdx
number of antenna ports iszeroPowerCSIRSSwch
open, for the UE whicn
20[2] 2[1] enum:
used for transmission
Antenna The parameter
Ports Count of CSI-RS is used
Resource to
Config is R10
The and doesofnot
40[3] 4[2] Close[0]
CSI RS Period (ms) CSI reference
CSI-RSsignals configIndex
the CSI-RS supported TM9 will be
80[4] 8[3] Open[1]
where 1 corresponds to 1 resource configuration. configured zero power
antenna port, 2 to 2 See Table and CSI-RS once the
model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 4 model default: 1
Indicate CSI-RS antenna ports etc. see TS Table in TS conditions of configure
periodicity 36.211 [6.10.5]. 36.211 zero power CSI-RS are
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset met.

-- -- -- --
20[2] 2[1] 4 Open[1]
20[2] 2[1] 4 Open[1]
20[2] 2[1] 4 Open[1]
20[2] 2[1] 4 Open[1]
20[2] 2[1] 4 Open[1]
20[2] 2[1] 4 Open[1]
20[2] 2[1] 4 Open[1]
terminal by three bits of the lower MCS threshold
FGI, the special terminals for scheduling R8/R9/R10
which satisfy the UEs in the same
following conditions are subframe. In other words,
not configured zero power it is the MCS threshold
Does not Identify Special
CSI-RS: [Must] TDD for scheduling the
UE by FGI[1]
Thebit3=0(RLC UM
Switch of Identify This parameter is the R8/R9/R10 UEs that
MCS Threshold forfail
Identify specail UE by
specialUeIndentifySwch r8R9R10SchdSwch r8R9R10MCSThreshold
SN/PDCP SN not by
Special Terminal VoLTE
FGI Theswitch
Switchof of
Scheduling to identify the
Scheduling CSI-RS in
Two Bits of FGI[2] enum:
When Configure[Must]
Zero R8/R9/R10 UEs
R8/R9/R10 UEs in
in The
the the subframe
UEs in thesent
Sameby the
Identify specail UE by Close[0]
CSI-RS same subframe.
Same SubframeIf the CSI-RS. No order
Three Bits of FGI[3] Open[1]
ANR corresponding) switch is turned on, reduction is executed on
[Must] TDD R8/R9 UEs can be the UEs that fail to
model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 4
bit114=1(Measurement scheduled in the subframe identify the CSI-RS and
Reporting of both UTRA where CSI-RS is the MCS value is less than
RSCP and Ec/N0). transmitted. or equal to this threshold.

-- -- --
Identify specail UE by TwoClose[0] 4
Identify specail UE by TwoClose[0] 4
Identify specail UE by TwoClose[0] 4
Identify specail UE by TwoClose[0] 4
Identify specail UE by TwoClose[0] 4
Identify specail UE by TwoClose[0] 4
Identify specail UE by TwoClose[0] 4
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId ecidPosiSwchUl
Uplink E-CID Positioning
NE Name LDN MO ID Switch
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string
type and can be The switch for Uplink E-
NE Name LDN configured as planned. CID Positioning method.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
otdoaPosiSwch maxMeaRSTDCells 25[2]
prsBandwidth prsConfigId
The Max Number of
enum: 50[3]
OTDOA Positioning Neighbour Cells for
Close[0] 75[4]
Switch RSTD Measurement PRS Bandwidth (RB) PRS Configuration Index
Open[1] 100[5]
This parameter specifies
long:[3..24] long:[0..4095]
This parameter specifies the bandwidth that is used This parameter specfies
model default: 0 model default: 6 model default: 0 model default: 160
the max number of to configure the the positioning reference
The switch for OTDOA neighbor cells for RSTD positioning reference signals configuration
Positioning method. measurement. signals on. index.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 6 6[0] 160
Close[0] 6 6[0] 160
Close[0] 6 6[0] 160
Close[0] 6 6[0] 160
Close[0] 6 6[0] 160
Close[0] 6 6[0] 160
Close[0] 6 6[0] 160
enum: enum:
prsNumDLFrames 2[0]
lenPRSMutiBitStr prsMutiInfoBitStr prsPwrOfst
PRS Muting
2[1] 4[1]
PRS Consecutive Length of PRS Muting Configuration Bit String
4[2] 8[2]
Downlink Subframes Configuration Bit Strings (hex) PRS Power Offset (dB)
6[3] 16[3] double:[-7.6..10]
This parameter specifies The parameter indicates
long:[0..65535] model default: 3.0
the number of consecutive This parameter specifies the power offset every
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 3 step: 0.1
downlink subframes This parameter indicates the bit string of the PRS resource element of PRS
NPRS with positioning the length of PRS muting muting configuration of relative to the power of
reference signals configuration bit strings. the cell cell reference signal

-- -- -- --
2[1] 4[1] 8 3.0
2[1] 4[1] 8 3.0
2[1] 4[1] 8 3.0
2[1] 4[1] 8 3.0
2[1] 4[1] 8 3.0
2[1] 4[1] 8 3.0
2[1] 4[1] 8 3.0
This parameter enables or
disables uplink E-CID
positioning for eMTC
UEs. If it ischset to Open,
theULcell supports
E-CID uplink E-
CID positioning
Switch for eMTC for UEs
eMTC UEs. If it is set to
Close, the cell does not
model default: 0
support uplink E-CID
positioning for eMTC

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId mcc
Serving Mobile Country
NE Name LDN MO ID Code
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[3]
object. It is of the string
type and can be The MCC of Serving
NE Name LDN configured as planned. PLMN

R Primary Key R-I,M

This parameter sets the
indicator of the frequency
band where the candidate
downlink carrier plmnFreqParasFDD_cente
Downlink Center Carrier Downlink Center Carrier
mnc freqNum longArray:[1..5,
BandInd 7..14, doubleArray:[0..6000]
Frequency Frequency
17..28, 30..76, 85, 87..88, model default:
Serving Mobile Network (corresponding Carrier
Parameters_DL to the Parameters_Downlink
101] 2120;2120;2120;2120;212
Code Frequency Number carrier frequencies)
Frequency for Center
Band Indicator ListCarrier
of candidate
model default: 0;2120;2120;2120;2120;2
frequency priority-based frequencies for handover
long:[0..16] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 120;2120;2120;2120;2120
handover are located. The based Frequency
string:length[2..3] model default: 0 ;1;1 ;2120;2120
Candidate Frequency number of valid elements Priority.The actual size of
The MNC of Serving Number for Handover in the array is the list is consistent with
PLMN Based Frequency Priority. ucFreqNum. Frequency Number.

R-I,M -- -- --
Downlink Center Carrier
This array
Priority indicates
Based PLMN
model default:
priority of every
frequency,the higher the
value, indicating that the
frequency of the higher

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId crossCAScheSwch
Switch for Cross Carrier
NE Name LDN MO ID Scheduling
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string This parameter is used to
type and can be open CA Cross Carrier
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Scheduling function.

R Primary Key --
1 Close[0]
1 Close[0]
1 Close[0]
1 Close[0]
1 Close[0]
1 Close[0]
1 Close[0]
pcellPRBRatioDeActThr scellPRBRatioDeActThrU
pcellPRBRatioActThrUl scellPRBRatioActThrUl Ul l
The Uplink Total PRB The Uplink Total PRB The Uplink Total PRB The Uplink Total PRB
Ratio Threshold of Ratio Threshold of Ratio Threshold of PCell Ratio Threshold of
The Uplink Total
Pcell(Active PRB
Scell) The Uplink Total
Scell(Active PRB
Scell) The(DeActive
Uplink PRB Ratio
SCell) The Uplink TotalScell)
Scell(DeActive PRB
Ratio Threshold of PCell Ratio Threshold of SCell Threshold of PCell for Ratio Threshold of SCell
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
for Active SCell is one for Active SCell is one DeActive SCell is one for DeActive SCell is one
model default: 0 model default: 100 model default: 0 model default: 0
reason of scell active,it is reason of scell active, it is reason of scell deactive, it reason of scell deactive, it
valid when CA is valid when CA is is valid when CA is is valid when CA is
configured configured configured configured

-- -- -- --
5 95 0 0
5 95 0 0
5 95 0 0
5 95 0 0
5 95 0 0
5 95 0 0
0 100 0 0
sccMcsEDeactThr caSccActSinrThrUl caSccDeactSinrThrUl 10[2]
MCS Threshold of The SINR Threshold for SINR Threshold for De-
De-activation of SCells in Activating SCells in UL activating SCells in UL ByTheConfiguring
Thresholdthe GBR
of CA
UL CA CA CA split threshold
GBR to
Split (Mbps)
double:[0..40] double:[0..40] 64[5]
determine whether or not
long:[0..28] model default: 22.5 model default: 19.0
If the SINR of the PCell is If the SINR of the PCell is split GBR bussiness,when
model default: 0 step: 0.5 step: 0.5 model default: 2
If the MCS of an SCell is higher than or equal to lower than or equal to this the configration of the
lower than this threshold, this threshold, the SCells threshold, the SCells are GBR is greater than the
the SCell is de-activated. are activated. de-activated. threshold,it will be split

-- -- -- --
5 22.5 19.0 10[2]
5 22.5 19.0 10[2]
5 22.5 19.0 10[2]
5 22.5 19.0 10[2]
5 22.5 19.0 10[2]
5 22.5 19.0 10[2]
0 22.5 19.0 10[2]
This parameter sets the
This parameter sets the data buffering delay
data buffer length threshold for activating
threshold for activating SCells for UEs in a CA
Data for UEsLength
Buffer in a CA scenarios. If the RLC
Data Buffering data
scellActBufLenThd scellActBufDelayThd 32[4]
deactCATimer scellActBuSizeThdUL
ThresholdIf the
SCelldata buffering delay
Threshold forisSCell
longer Scell Active Data Buffer
buffer lengthfor
Activation is larger
CA UEsthan than or equal
Activation to this
for CA UEs Length Threshold for UL
or equal (kbytes)
to this threshold, threshold, it is considered SCC Deactivate Timer (rf)
(ms) Buffer
CALength Threshold
UE (kbyte)
infinity[7] double:[0..20]
it is considered that data that data congestion for UL CA UE,when UL
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] model default: 1.0
congestion occurs. This occurs. This parameter is This parameter is a timer BSR is bigger than this
model default: 5 model default: 5 model default: 7 step: 0.1
parameter is used as one used as one of the used to deactivate SCC threshold,it is considered
of the conditions for SCell conditions for SCell through MAC- Congestion,and as a
activation. activation. MainConfig IE. condition of Scell Active.

-- -- -- --
5 5 infinity[7] 1.0
5 5 infinity[7] 1.0
5 5 infinity[7] 1.0
5 5 infinity[7] 1.0
5 5 infinity[7] 1.0
5 5 infinity[7] 1.0
5 5 infinity[7] 1.0
This parameter is used to
control whether to carry
CA special reselection
priorities when the CA
user releases.If open,
scellActBufDelayThdUL caSchdSizeDeActThrUL caReselFreqPrioSwch
carry CASpecific
special pcellPRBRatioActThrDl
Scell Active Data Buffer ULCA Schedule Data CA User The Downlink Total PRB
DelayActive Data buffer
Threshold for Size Threshold for reselection priorities
Reselection when
Priority Ratio Threshold of
UEfor ULCA Deactive Scell (kbytes/s) the CA
(ms) userSwitch
Policy releases. If ThePCell(Active
Downlink Total PRB
UE,when UL BSR Delay closed, do not carry.When Ratio Threshold of PCell
long:[0..200] long:[0..200] long:[0..100]
is bigger than this this function conflict with for Active SCell is one
model default: 5 model default: 70 model default: 0 model default: 60
threshold,it is considered ULCA Schedule data size SPID or CLB, using SPID reason of scell active, it is
Congestion,and as a Threshold for deactive or CLB reselection valid when CA is
condition of Scell Active. Scell priorities. configured.

-- -- -- --
5 70 Close[0] 3
5 70 Close[0] 3
5 70 Close[0] 3
5 70 Close[0] 3
5 70 Close[0] 3
5 70 Close[0] 3
5 70 Close[0] 60
This parameter sets the
pcellPRBRatioDeActThr scellPRBRatioDeActThrD MCS threshold for SCell
scellPRBRatioActThrDl Dl l mcs4SCellDeActiveDl
deactivation in CA
The Downlink Total PRB The Downlink Total PRB The Downlink Total PRB
Ratio Threshold of Ratio Threshold of Ratio Threshold of scenarios.
MCS When
Threshold forCA is
Downlink Total PRB
SCell) The Downlink PRB
PCell(DeActive Ratio
SCell) The Downlink Total
SCell(DeActive PRB
SCell) enabledDeactivation
and this threshold
Ratio Threshold of SCell Threshold of PCell for Ratio Threshold of SCell is configured, an SCell is
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..28]
for Active SCell is one DeActive SCell is one for DeActive SCell is one deactivated if the MCS
model default: 100 model default: 20 model default: 20 model default: 1
reason of scell active, it is reason of scell deactive, it reason of scell deactive, it value of the SCell is
valid when CA is is valid when CA is is valid when CA is smaller than this
configured . configured. configured. threshold.

-- -- -- --
95 1 1 1
95 1 1 1
95 1 1 1
95 1 1 1
95 1 1 1
95 1 1 1
100 20 20 1
This parameter sets the
threshold of the data size
in CA scheduling. It is
used for the CA function
as one of the SCC
caSchdSizeDeActThrDl scellDelByCqiSwchDl scellPRBThrd prbThrd4GetLBInfo
CA Schedule conditions.
Data SizeIt PRB Ratio Threshold of
200[3] enum:
is configured
Threshold for when the
Deactive Switch for CA Scell PRB Ratio Threshold of PCell for Getting Load
500[4] Close[0]
CA function is enabled,
Scell (kbit) Remove Base on CQI Scell Configuration (%) Information (%)
1000[5] Open[1]
and when the data size in When When the PRB ratio of
long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
CA scheduling is smaller ucScellBasePRBSwch is PCell is higher than this
model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 100 model default: 20
than the configured This parameter is used to opened, SCell threshold, eNB should get
threshold, the SCC is open ca scell remove base configuration need to PRB ratio information of
deactivated. on CQI function. consider this threshold. neighbour cell by X2

-- -- -- --
100[2] Close[0] 100 20
100[2] Close[0] 100 20
100[2] Close[0] 100 20
100[2] Close[0] 100 20
100[2] Close[0] 100 20
100[2] Close[0] 100 20
100[2] Close[0] 100 20
scellBaseDlPRBSwch scellSelBaseWBSwch caMeasIDSwch
When the switch is scellSelBaseMIMOSwch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
The Switch of Scell Based The Switch of Scell Based The adding The Switch of Scell Based
Switch of MeasID
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
on DL PRB on System Bandwith measurement in CA
Sorting for all inter on MIMO Layers
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
When the switch is When the switch is frequency will be When the switch is
opened, the Scell with opened, the bandwith configurated and the opened, the MIMO Layer
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
smaller DL PRB will be higher Scell will be measID of SCell adding higher Scell will be
selection and selection and measurement will sort by selection and
configuration. configuration. certain rule configuration.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
scellSelBaseUlPRBSwch scellSelBaseFreqPriSwch caSccActGbrThrUl enum:
enum: enum: 5s[0]
The Switch of Scell Based The Switch of Scell Based Gbr Threshold of Active Estimate MIMOLayer
Close[0] Close[0] 10s[1]
on UpLink PRB on Frequency Priority Scell in UL CA (kbps) Report Timer
Open[1] Open[1] 15s[2]
When the switch is When the switch is The parameter indicates
opened, the Uplink PRB opened, the frequency If this threshold is smaller the timer of CMAC
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 500 model default: 0
ratio higher Scell will be priority higher Scell will than actual GBR Report estimate
selection and be selection and configurated ,SCC is MIMOLayer when 3CC
configuration. configuration. actived. and 4CC adaption.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 500 5s[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 500 5s[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 500 5s[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 500 5s[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 500 5s[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 500 5s[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 500 5s[0]
The parameter indicates
Max allocRB
Max AllocRBfor for
SCCimperfect Xcdelay
When Imperfect
CrossBBU CA,if The loadTypeInd scellDeActBufLenThd
Buffer mulTASwch
in CrossBBU Scell length threshold
Deactive Data
enum: enum:
CA, when is Xcdelay
0,that means
Is for CALength
Buffer UE, when RLC
Threshold The Switch of Multiple
PRB ratio[0] Close[0]
the maxImperfect
for Scc RB num Load Type Indicator data
for length
CA UEis(kbytes)
less than Timing Advance Function
PRB number[1] Open[1]
is adaptive,if The this threshold,it is
long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
parameter is not 0, the considered not
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0
parameter is the MAX RB This parameter is indicate congestioned, and as a
number(the sum of all Load Typer condition for condition of Scell The Switch of Multiple
SCC) of SCC. selecting scells. deactive. Timing Advance Function

-- -- -- --
0 PRB number[1] 1 Close[0]
0 PRB number[1] 1 Close[0]
0 PRB number[1] 1 Close[0]
0 PRB number[1] 1 Close[0]
0 PRB number[1] 1 Close[0]
0 PRB number[1] 1 Close[0]
0 PRB number[1] 1 Close[0]
Swch) parameter is This parameter sets how
enabled, this parameter to identify a CA UE. If
should be considered. If the parameter is set to
the UL PRB utilization of Base on UE Capability,
a neighbor cell is larger the system determines
If this parameter is set to than the threshold, the whether a UE is a CA UE
caULCCSelSwch sCellPRBThrdUl prbThrd4GetLBInfoUl enum:
Open, the eNB configures neighbor
UL cell should
PRB Ratio not
Threshold UL PRB Ratio Threshold in accordance with the UE
enum: Base on UE Capability[0]
The for theofUE by
Uplink beofconfigured as an SCell.
Scell Configuration Whenfor
of PCell thegetting
UL PRB Load capability.
Method If the
of CA UE
Close[0] Base on SCell
selecting the CA
SCC Selection If the UL PRB(%) utilization utilization of the (%)
Information PCell is parameter is set to Base
Open[1] Configuration[1]
combination with the of a neighbor cell is higher than the threshold, on SCell Configuration,
long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
maximum number of smaller than or equal to the eNB needs to get PRB the system determines
model default: 0 model default: 100 model default: 20 model default: 1
uplink CCs from the CA the threshold, the utilization information of whether a UE is a CA UE
combination with the neighbor cell can be neighbor cells through the in accordance with the
maximum downlink CCs. configured as an SCell. X2 interface. SCell configuration.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 100 20 Base on SCell Configuratio
Close[0] 100 20 Base on SCell Configuratio
Close[0] 100 20 Base on SCell Configuratio
Close[0] 100 20 Base on SCell Configuratio
Close[0] 100 20 Base on SCell Configuratio
Close[0] 100 20 Base on SCell Configuratio
Close[0] 100 20 Base on SCell Configuratio
This parameter sets the
This parameter is the index of the PCell
switch of the load frequency group of the
balancing function. The current cell. If it is set to
load balancing function 0, the configuration of the
can increase the PCell frequency priority is
probability of a UE pcellFreqPriGrpIndex4Cel
This parameter is the SCC invalid for the current cell.
participating in SDMA in multiCarrierBFSwch
beamforming switch. If If itIndex l
is notofequal to 0, the pcellFeqPriSwch
the PCell Primary Carrier
enum: enum: enum:
Switch of cell. If the
CA Load theThe
switch is turned
Switch of SCCon, Frequency
cell uses the frequency
Priority Primary carrier
Group Frequency frequency
Priority Switch
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
is turned on, the the UEs having no SRS priority
Beamforming of thecorresponding
Current Cell to priority for switch
CA for CA.
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
load balancing function is resources and not the value of the Index of When the switch is
enabled. If the switch is supporting uplink CA in the PCell Frequency opened, if frequency
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
turned off, the load SCell will be made flow. Priority Group parameter priority of neighbouring
balancing function is If the switch is turned off, as the PCell frequency cell is higher, handover
disabled. no flow will be made. priority. first and then add scell.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 1 Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 1 Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 1 Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 1 Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 1 Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 1 Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 1 Close[0]
On the premise that the
CA SPID feature
This parameter is the customized by the
switch of the CA SPID operator is enabled, this
caEnPccAnchorSwch featurecASPIDSwch
customized by the cADefatFreListSwchUl
parameter refCaProfileList
Switch sets whether to
for Default
enum: enum: enum:
Switch for CA Enhance operator.
Switch forIt Operator
is used to use the default
Frequency frequency Default CA Profile Group
of Operator
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
parameter is Switch enable
Anchoring or disable
Specific CA SPIDthe CA configuration
Specific CA(namely
SPID This parameter
Index indicates
for Specific SPIDs
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
for CA Enhance PCell SPID feature of the eNB CAFreqList, which is the default CA SCell
Anchoring. When the customized by the manually configured at profile group index
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 string:length[0..400]
switch is opened, eNB operator in accordance the back end). This associated with the
activate CA Enhance with the actual parameter is configured as operator's customized
PCell Anchoring. requirements. required. SPIDs.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
the number of UEs in a selection. If the DL PRB selection. If the UL PRB
neighbor cell is larger utilization of a neighbor utilization of a neighbor
than the threshold, UEs cell is larger than the cell is larger than the
cannot perform handover threshold, UEs cannot threshold, UEs cannot
UE Number Ratio to the neighbor cell by the perform handover to the perform handover to the
If the proportion
Threshold of The of the
PCell CA Enhance Anchoring neighbor cell by the CA neighbor cell by the CA
number of users of the function. If the proportion Enhance Anchoring Enhance Anchoring
for Getting Load
PCell is LBInfo
Information than
of the
Number ofRatio
UEs in a pcellSelPRBThrdDl
DL PRBIf Utilization
the DL PRB pcellSelPRBThrdUl
UL PRBIf Utilization
the UL PRB
Enhance the eNB needs
Anchoring neighbor of
Threshold cellCA
is smaller
Enhance utilizationofofCA
Threshold a neighbor
Enhance utilizationofofCA
Threshold a neighbor
to get the(%)
information than or
PCell equal to the
Anchoring (%) cell
PCellis Anchoring
smaller than(%)
or cell
PCellis Anchoring
smaller than(%)
about the proportion of threshold, UEs can equal to the threshold, equal to the threshold,
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
the number of users of perform handover to the UEs can perform UEs can perform
model default: 20 model default: 100 model default: 100 model default: 100
neighbor cells through the neighbor cell by the CA handover to the neighbor handover to the neighbor
X2 interface; otherwise, Enhance Anchoring cell by the CA Enhance cell by the CA Enhance
there is no need to do so. function. Anchoring function. Anchoring function.

-- -- -- --
20 100 100 100
20 100 100 100
20 100 100 100
20 100 100 100
20 100 100 100
20 100 100 100
20 100 100 100
disables service separation
between the PCell and
SCells. If this parameter is
set to Open for a cell,
more non-voice downlink
UL PRB Ratio Threshold PRB Ratio Threshold of data services can be This parameter enables or
pRBThrd4PCCSelGetLBI pRBThrd4PCCSelGetLBI carried by the SCells disables CA BSR
of PCell for Getting Load PCell for Getting Load
If the UL nfoUl
PRB utilization
Information for CA If the PRBnfo
Information for CA of whendataSplitSwch
the of
Switch BSRs of the
distribution optimization.
enum: enum:
of the PCell
Enhance is higher
PCell than
Anchoring the PCell
Enhance is higher
PCell than
Anchoring PCell andfor
Separation SCells
CA BSROptimization
Close[0] Close[0]
the threshold,
(%) the eNB the threshold,
(%) the eNB allocatedSCell
for the UEs optimization
Switch is an
Open[1] Open[1]
needs to get PRB needs to get PRB whose PCell is the cell, innovation for CA,
long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
utilization information of utilization information of thus making full use of including user perception
model default: 20 model default: 20 model default: 0 model default: 0
neighbor cells through the neighbor cells through the the bandwidth of the enhancement and small-
X2 interface; otherwise, X2 interface; otherwise, SCells and saving the packet scheduling
there is no need to do so. there is no need to do so. bandwidth of the PCell. optimization.

-- -- -- --
20 20 Close[0] Close[0]
20 20 Close[0] Close[0]
20 20 Close[0] Close[0]
20 20 Close[0] Close[0]
20 20 Close[0] Close[0]
20 20 Close[0] Close[0]
20 20 Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter indicates This parameter indicates
the absolute RSRQ the absolute RSRQ This parameter sets the
threshold for target threshold for target absolute RSRQ threshold
neighbor cell decision in neighbor cell decision in for the SCell decision in
the case of event A5 the case of event A4/A6 the case of event A6
reporting in CA handover sCCAddBasedRSRPandR reporting in CA scenarios. measurement reporting in
scenarios. Duringof SRQSwch sCCAddTarCellRsrqThr
During SCell of CA sCellRsrqThr
scenarios. During
RSRQ Threshold Switch for RSRP and RSRQ Threshold
Target decision,
Neighbor Cellsthefor RSRQ-Based CA SCC addition/replacement
Target Neighbor Cells for SCell replacement
RSRQ Threshold of
CA HOdetermines
(dB) Addition CAdecision, the system
SCC Addition (dB) decision,
double:[-20..-3] Open[1] double:[-20..-3] double:[-20..-3]
whether to hand over the If this parameter is set to determines whether to add determines whether to
model default: -18.0 model default: -18.0 model default: -18.0
UE to the target cell by Open, UEs can be handed this neighbor cell as an replace the SCell by
step: 0.5 model default: 0 step: 0.5 step: 0.5
comparing the RSRQ of over to the target SCells SCell by comparing the comparing the RSRQ of
the target cell with this that meet both the RSRP RSRQ of the target cell the SCell with this
parameter value. and RSRQ thresholds. with this parameter value. parameter value.

-- -- -- --
-18.0 Close[0] -18.0 -18.0
-18.0 Close[0] -18.0 -18.0
-18.0 Close[0] -18.0 -18.0
-18.0 Close[0] -18.0 -18.0
-18.0 Close[0] -18.0 -18.0
-18.0 Close[0] -18.0 -18.0
-18.0 Close[0] -18.0 -18.0
This parameter indicates
the TM mode indication
This parameter enables or for CA MIMO
disables multi-PLMN CA calculation. If it is set to
to control whether the TM9/10, the eNodeB
PCell and SCells can be cAHOBasedRSRPandRS selects the CA band
configured to different RQSwch caPccDateBearfactorDl cAMIMOCalTMModInd
combination only based
enum: enum: enum:
Switch for If it is set to
Multi-PLMN Switch for RSRP and PCC Data Bearer Factor TMon the
ModeMIMO layer of
Indication for
Close[0] Close[0] TM9/10[0]
Close, the
CA PCell and IfRSRQ-Based
this parameterCA
is set
HOto This parameter
for DL CA indicates TM9/10.
CA MIMOIfCalculation
it is set to
Open[1] Open[1] double:[0..1] TM3/4[1]
SCells must be in the Open, the target cell for the factor for data bearers TM3/4, the eNodeB
model default: 1.0
same PLMN. If it is set to CA handover can be only in CA scenarios. The PCC selects the CA band
model default: 0 model default: 0 step: 0.1 model default: 1
Open, the PCell and the neighbor cells that obtains the final data combination only based
SCells can be in different meet both the RSRP and bearer traffic after on the MIMO layer of
PLMNs. RSRQ thresholds. multiplying by the factor. TM3/4.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 1.0 TM3/4[1]
Close[0] Close[0] 1.0 TM3/4[1]
Close[0] Close[0] 1.0 TM3/4[1]
Close[0] Close[0] 1.0 TM3/4[1]
Close[0] Close[0] 1.0 TM3/4[1]
Close[0] Close[0] 1.0 TM3/4[1]
Close[0] Close[0] 1.0 TM3/4[1]
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
ratio threshold of the ratio threshold of the ratio threshold of the
downlink PRB utilization uplink PRB utilization number of UEs that are
selected by the PCell for selected by the PCell for selected by the PCell for
the serving cell. If the the serving cell. If the the serving cell. If the
sccFastAdBaseItaBndSwc pcellSelServCellDLPRBT
ratio of the downlink pcellSelServCellULPRBT pcellSelServCellNumRati
Ratio Threshold of thePRB ratioThreshold
DL Ratio of the uplink PRB
of the UL ratio of
Ratio the number
Threshold of
of the
This parameterh enables or utilization hrd in theSelected
serving PRB
utilization hrd
in theSelected
serving users oThrd
in the
Switch for Fast SCC PRB Utilization Utilization Number of serving cell is
UEs Selected
Additionfast SCCon
Based addition
Intra- cell byisthe
PCell than this
for the cell
PCell than this
for the bysmaller thanfor
the PCell this
based on intra-band.
Band If it threshold,
Serving PCell
Cell (%) threshold,
Serving PCell
Cell (%) threshold,
Serving PCell
Cell (%)
is set to Open, the anchoring cannot be anchoring cannot be anchoring cannot be
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
eNodeB can add multiple enabled; that is, CA UEs enabled; that is, CA UEs enabled; that is, CA UEs
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
SCCs at a time when the are not handed over to the are not handed over to the are not handed over to the
measurement for event A4 neighbor cells with a neighbor cells with a neighbor cells with a
or A6 is reported. higher frequency priority. higher frequency priority. higher frequency priority.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0 0 0
Close[0] 0 0 0
Close[0] 0 0 0
Close[0] 0 0 0
Close[0] 0 0 0
Close[0] 0 0 0
Close[0] 0 0 0
This parameter enables or If it is set to Open, the
disables the deletion of uplink and downlink rates
measurements A4 for of all the CA UEs are
SCell addition in the case limited when the PCell
This parameter determines of no coverage. If it is set If this parameter value is triggers AMBR limiting,
whether to filter to Open, the measurement set to Open, the MLP and only the uplink and
unavailable neighbor cells A4Switch
for SCell
of addition
Deleting for priority of the SCell of downlink rates of the
ch it is set to caNoCovDelMeaSwitch enum:
with no load.
Switch for If
Filtering the fixed terminals
Measurements A4 foris CA sccLowMlpSwch
UEs is reduced to the caUeAmbrLimitSwch
SCells are limited when
enum: enum: Close[0] enum:
Open, PCell anchoring
Unavailable No-Load deleted
SCell when in
Addition thethe minimum
Switch forvalue.
MLPin the SCells
Switch for trigger AMBR
CA UE-Level
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1] Close[0]
filters the neighbor
Neighbor Cellscells corresponding
Case timer
of No Coverage this case, there
Priority is a chance
Decrease limiting.
it is set to
Open[1] Open[1] Adaptive[2] Open[1]
with no load. If it is set to expires to avoid the for the SCell to be Close, only the uplink and
Close, PCell anchoring enabling of GAP schedule when there are downlink rates of the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
does not filter the measurement caused by remaining resources in the SCells are limited when
neighbor cells with no CA inter-frequency cell where the SCell is the SCells trigger AMBR
load. measurement. located. limiting.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
based on spectrum
coordination. If the SINR
of the primary carrier is
lower than the threshold,
This parameter enables or the SINR of the secondary
disables CA forbidding carrier is higher than the
based on the AMBR. If it threshold, and the SINR
ch SCells can
is set to Open, cAForbidDLAMBRThrd
This parameter sets the cAForbidULAMBRThrd sINRThr4SpecCoordUL
delta between the primary
be configured
AMBR-Based onlyCA
for the downlink
Threshold This
UL parameter
AMBR sets the
Threshold for andSNR
UL secondary carriers
Threshold Basedis
UEs with theSwitch
Forbidding suitable CAthreshold for (kbps)
Forbidding CA uplink AMBR threshold
CA Forbidding (kbps) larger thanCoordination
on Spectrum a certain
AMBR. If it is set to forbidding. If the for CA forbidding. If the difference, the channel
long:[0..10000000] long:[0..10000000] long:[0..40]
Close, the CA downlink AMBR of a UE uplink AMBR of a UE is quality of the secondary
model default: 0 model default: 1000 model default: 1000 model default: 2
configuration for UEs is is less than or equal to this less than or equal to this carrier is considered to be
independent of the threshold, the UE cannot threshold, the UE cannot better than that of the
AMBR. be configured with CA. be configured with CA. primary carrier.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 1000 1000 2
Close[0] 1000 1000 2
Close[0] 1000 1000 2
Close[0] 1000 1000 2
Close[0] 1000 1000 2
Close[0] 1000 1000 2
Close[0] 1000 1000 2
This parameter sets the CA UEs between the
threshold for the uplink PCell and an SCell. In a
channel quality deference CA scenario, during the
between the primary This parameter determines handover between the
carrier and the secondary whether to consider the PCell and an SCell or the
carrier. If the
Threshold uplink
for the UL RSRQ of target cells handover to a cell whose
channel quality
Channel deference
Quality during the handover of caPccHOSccTarCellRsrq
frequency is the same as
between theBetween
primary caSpecCoordSwch caUeHOTarCellRsrqSwch
CA UEs.forIf CA UE
fail the SCell,Swch
Deference Switch Switch forifCA
enum: enum: enum:
Primary andand
secondary This parameter
Switch for CA enables or toBased
Spectrum be handed over due
on Target Cellto to
to SCell
be handed
Basedover due to
on Target
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
carrier isCarriers
larger than this disables CA Spectrum poor RSRQ
Coordination RSRQ although the poor RSRQ although the
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
threshold, the channel Coordination. If it is set to RSRP of the target cell RSRP of the target cell
quality of the secondary Open, the eNodeB hands meets the handover meets the handover
model default: 3 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
carrier is considered to be over UEs to the SCells condition, this parameter condition, this parameter
better than that of the with better UL channel is set to Open to guarantee is set to Open to guarantee
primary carrier. quality. handover performance. handover performance.

-- -- -- --
3 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
3 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
3 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
3 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
3 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
3 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
3 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
anchor or CA PCell This parameter enables or anchoring based on the
handover. When sending disables PCell anchoring band combination
an EN-DC handover based on the number of supported by UE
measurement report in an carriers. If it is set to capability. If this
EN-DC scenario, the Open, the eNodeB parameter is set to Open,
eNodeB starts the timer. If preferentially selects the This parameter determines the band combination
the EN-DC handover pccFeqPriSwchBaseCCN
frequency that supports caUeRstrSccCfgUsrNumS
whether to configure supported by UE
measurement chreport is not the maximum um SCells forwchnew UEs in a optimizePccFeqPriSwch
Switch for Recovering Switch fornumber
PCell of capability is considered
enum: enum: enum: enum:
received when
CA PCell the timer
Handover carriers
Anchoringbased on the
Based onband
the cell.Switch
If this for
SCell is during
Switch forfrequency
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
expires, this parameter is
Measurement combination
Number ofsupported
Carriers by set to Openfor
Configuration andCA
theUEs selection.
this parameter
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
set to Open to recover the the UE capability when number of UEs in a cell is is set to Close, the band
handover measurement selecting the target larger than the specific combination supported by
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
related to CA PCell frequency for PCell threshold, no SCell is UE capability is not
anchor and CA PCell frequency priority configured for new UEs in considered during
anchor enhancement. handover for UEs. the cell. frequency selection.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
This parameter determines band combination proportion of downlink
whether to configure selection strategy for subframes in a TDD cell
coordination in PCell PCell anchoring. If it is pccFeqPriTDDDlLossFac
in PCell anchoring. It is caUeRstrSccCfgUsrNum
anchoring. wch
If it is set to pccFeqPriPRBFactorStgy
set toFactor
Bandwidth, the recommendedtor that the Thrd
Switch for Coordination PRB Selection DL Subframe Loss Factor Threshold for the Number
enum: enum:
Close, the coordination
Configuration in CA high-bandwidth
Strategy for PCell parameter
in TDD value be the
for PCell This
CA UEs tosetsBethe
Close[0] Bandwidth[0]
PCell Anchoring is not combination
Anchoring is same asAnchoring
the proportion of threshold forwith
Configured the number
Open[1] Available PRB Num[1] double:[0..1]
considered in neighbor considered. If it is set to downlink subframes of UEs to be configured
model default: 0.8 long:[0..7200]
cell selection. If it is set to Available PRB Num, the corresponding to the with SCells. If the number
model default: 1 model default: 0 step: 0.1 model default: 7200
Open, the coordination combination with more current subframe of UEs is larger than this
configuration must be available PRBs is proportion of the TDD threshold, no SCell is
considered. considered. cell. configured for new UEs.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Bandwidth[0] 0.8 7200
Open[1] Bandwidth[0] 0.8 7200
Open[1] Bandwidth[0] 0.8 7200
Open[1] Bandwidth[0] 0.8 7200
Open[1] Bandwidth[0] 0.8 7200
Open[1] Bandwidth[0] 0.8 7200
Open[1] Bandwidth[0] 0.8 7200
This parameter determines If it is set to CCNum, the the VoLTE service takes
whether to enable the frequency band effect. If it is set to Open,
handover based on combination with the the eNodeB de-configures
optimal CA band largest number of CCs is secondary carriers for CA
combinations. If it is set to considered to be the UEs when the VoLTE
Open, the eNodeB optimal frequency band service is provided for the
searches for the cell where caOptBandCombHoFacto
combination. If it is set
Reference Factors for to UEs.
SwitchWhen the VoLTE
for Secondary
the optimal frequency r
DlBandwidth, delCa4VoLTESwch
Switch for Handover Handover Basedthe on service
Carrier is completed, the
enum: enum: enum:
band combinations
Based on Optimalfor CAthe frequency
Optimal CAband
Band foreNodeB
CA UEsrestores the
with VoLTE
Close[0] CCNum[0] Close[0]
UE belongs and hands
Combinations combination with the
Combinations secondaryEnabled
carriers through
Open[1] DlBandwidthNum[1] Open[1]
over the UE. If it is set to largest downlink measurement. If this
Close, the handover based aggregation bandwidth is parameter is set to Close,
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
on the optimal frequency considered to be the the eNodeB does not de-
band combinations is not optimal frequency band configure secondary
performed. combination. carriers for CA UEs.

-- -- --
Close[0] CCNum[0] Close[0]
Close[0] CCNum[0] Close[0]
Close[0] CCNum[0] Close[0]
Close[0] CCNum[0] Close[0]
Close[0] CCNum[0] Close[0]
Close[0] CCNum[0] Close[0]
Close[0] CCNum[0] Close[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId activeGrantSwch
Switch of Active Grant
This parameter sets the There will be UL Grant
unique ID of the managed for VoLTE when UL
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string voice active period, grant
type and can be period is set by Active
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Grant Period.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Open[1]
This parameter is a
delayed release timer for
pucchFmt2CtrlSwch 60[5]
voIPRLFDelayTime voLTEBlerUl voLTEBlerDl
RLF with VOIP user. This
enum: 120[6]
Switch of forbid PUCCH parameter
RLF Delayis determined
Timer for Target BLER for UL Target BLER for DL
Close[0] 240[7]
CQI and
format Ack/Nack
2 used can
for VoLTE for delaying
VOIP Userrelease
(s) the Audio Audio
Open[1] Infinity[8] double:[0.01..0.15] double:[0.01..0.15]
transmit in the same user which is judged RLF
model default: 0.1 model default: 0.03
subfrm function is not by eNB, when the user
model default: 1 model default: 6 step: 0.01 step: 0.01
supported, when QCI1 configure VOIP or the UL Target BLER for DL Target BLER for
bearer is setup for operators claim to delay Audio, Audio,
VoLTE, if switch is open. release of RLF VOIP user. NACK/(ACK+NACK) NACK/(ACK+NACK)

-- -- -- --
Open[1] 120[6] 0.1 0.03
Open[1] 120[6] 0.1 0.03
Open[1] 120[6] 0.1 0.03
Open[1] 120[6] 0.1 0.03
Open[1] 120[6] 0.1 0.03
Open[1] 120[6] 0.1 0.03
Open[1] 120[6] 0.1 0.03
4[3] 4[3] 4[3]
5[4] 5[4] 5[4]
6[5] 6[5] 6[5]
7[6] 7[6] 7[6]
8[7] 8[7] 8[7]
10[8] 10[8] 10[8] enum:
12[9] 12[9] 12[9] Close[0]
voLTEHarqNumUl 16[10]
voLTEHarqNumDl 16[10]
ttiBHarqNum Open Only for Newtx[1]
HARQ Transmit Number
20[11] 20[11] 20[11] Open Only for Retx[2]
HARQ Transmit Number HARQ Transmit Number for UL VoLTE When QCI1 NI Frequency Select
24[12] 24[12] 24[12] Both for Newtx and
for UL VoLTE for DL VoLTE TTIB Is Enable Switch
28[13] 28[13] 28[13] Retx[3]
QCI1 NI Frequency Select
model default: 3 model default: 3 model default: 9 model default: 0
HARQ Transmit number only for newtx,2-open
HARQ Transmit number HARQ Transmit number for UL VoLTE when only for retx,3-both for
for UL VoLTE for DL VoLTE TTIB is enable newtx and retx

-- -- -- --
4[3] 4[3] 12[9] Close[0]
4[3] 4[3] 12[9] Close[0]
4[3] 4[3] 12[9] Both for Newtx and Retx[3
4[3] 4[3] 12[9] Both for Newtx and Retx[3
4[3] 4[3] 12[9] Close[0]
4[3] 4[3] 12[9] Both for Newtx and Retx[3
4[3] 4[3] 12[9] Close[0]
This parameter is the
switch of active-delay
scheduling for voice
services. When the
activeDelay enum:
delayTimeUL 2[0]
implicitRelAfter mumimoEnable4VoipUl
eNodeB receives a voice Ul Active Delay Time for Number of Implicit
Close[0] 40[0] 3[1] enum:
Switch request from a UE,
of Delay-Based VoLTE.
Ul ActiveUL received
Delay Timethe
for Release After Empty UL MU-MIMO Enable
Active Delay[1] 60[1] 4[2] Close[0]
delays scheduling
for VoLTEfor request
VoLTEof the voice
(ms) Transmission Flag for VOIP
Schd Base On Delay[2] 80[2] 8[3] Open[1]
some TTIs rather than packet, according to the
performing scheduling in current system, enodeb Number of empty
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
the current TTI in don't schedul in current transmissions to impicit The parameter indicates
accordance with the TTI, it will re-schedul release uplink semi- the uplink MU-MIMO for
current condition. after this timer. persistent scheduling VOIP is enabled or not.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 40[0] 3[1] Close[0]
Close[0] 40[0] 3[1] Close[0]
Close[0] 40[0] 3[1] Close[0]
Close[0] 40[0] 3[1] Close[0]
Close[0] 40[0] 3[1] Close[0]
Close[0] 40[0] 3[1] Close[0]
Close[0] 40[0] 3[1] Close[0]
CMR based on
Congestion, the eNodeB
adjusts the AMR VoLTE
rate in an adaptive way
based on how the
enum: Close[0]
resources in the cell are
Close[0] CMR based on
congested. If it is set to
VoLTE Best Effort Power
pwrBoostSwchDL rlcSegmentUl Coverage[1]
volteCmrSwch videoBlerUl
This parameter enables or adaptive, the eNodeB
Boosting[1] enum: CMR based on
DLdisables the power
Pwr boost flag for The Swith for UL RLC adaptively adjusts the Target BLER for UL
VoLTE Preemption Close[0] Congestion[2]
increase in the
QCI1 dynamic
dyn Segment AMR CMR voice rate based on
Switch Video (%)
Power Boosting[2] Open[1] adaptive[3]
scheduling of downlink the information quality of
VoIP services. It is used The smallest TBsize remote UEs and the
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 3
to control the dynamic function switch, used to degree of resource UL Target BLER for
power increase of VoIP control the minimum congestion in the entire vedio,
services. TBsize function. cell. NACK/(ACK+NACK)

-- -- -- --
VoLTE Best Effort Power B
Close[0] Close[0] 3
VoLTE Best Effort Power B
Close[0] Close[0] 3
VoLTE Best Effort Power B
Close[0] Close[0] 3
VoLTE Best Effort Power B
Close[0] Close[0] 3
VoLTE Best Effort Power B
Close[0] Close[0] 3
VoLTE Best Effort Power B
Close[0] Close[0] 3
VoLTE Best Effort Power B
Close[0] Close[0] 3
When this switch is set to
the Open, for the R10,
R11, R12 terminal, as
long as one of the UM
model bearer PDCP SN
current use value is
inconsistent with the
videoBlerDl dltaMcs4VolteSr Wideband[0]
subbandRemapModeUL hoUmDrbPdcpSnSwch
target eNB station
Subband MCS Remap[1] enum:
Target BLER for DL DeltaMCS for VoLTE SR UL Subband ReMapping configuration,
Handover UM theDRB
Max of Wideband and Close[0]
Video (%) MCS Mode RLC UM
PDCP SN configuration
Select Switch
Subband MCS Remap[2] Open[1]
the deltaMcs,which when into the model all bearing
long:[1..15] long:[-10..0]
volte SR PDCP SN by target eNB
model default: 3 model default: -5 model default: 0 model default: 0
DL Target BLER for coming,wideband MCS configuration,When set to
vedio, minus the deltaMcs equal Ul VoLTE Subband Close, all adopt present
NACK/(ACK+NACK) SR MCS. Remap Mode value.

-- -- -- --
3 -5 Wideband[0] Close[0]
3 -5 Wideband[0] Close[0]
3 -5 Wideband[0] Close[0]
3 -5 Wideband[0] Close[0]
3 -5 Wideband[0] Close[0]
3 -5 Wideband[0] Close[0]
3 -5 Wideband[0] Close[0]
piecesMinNum4ULVoLT piecesMaxNum4ULVoLT The SPS function can be The SPS function can be
E E activeSPSUeNum
activated only when the forbidSPSUeNum
activated only when the
The Min Number of The Max Number of
Pieces For UL RLC Pieces For UL RLC number
UE of activated
Number voice
Threshold for number
UE of activated
Number voice
Threshold for
Segment Segment usersSPS
is not less than UE
Activated usersSPS
is not less than UE
Number Threshold for Number Threshold for
long:[1..20] long:[1..20] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
The number of pieces in The number of pieces in SPS Activated and not SPS Activated and not
model default: 4 model default: 11 model default: 50 model default: 100
the smallest TBsize the smallest TBsize larger than UE Number larger than UE Number
function is used to control function is used to control Threshold for SPS Threshold for SPS
the size of the Tbsize. the size of the Tbsize. Forbidden. Forbidden.

-- -- -- --
4 11 50 100
4 11 50 100
4 11 50 100
4 11 50 100
4 11 50 100
4 11 50 100
4 11 50 100
silenceGrantSwch silenceGrantPeriod
This parameter h emiSwch
The Timer ofsets
enum: enum: enum:
This parameter
Switch enables or
for Pre-Scheduling pre-scheduling
Schedule period
in Silent in Delay Optimize Switch
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
disables pre-scheduling
in a Silence Period in the silent (ms)
period. When for VoLTE Call Setup Switch for EMI
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
a silence period to avoid the new transmission The parameter is used for
the long delay in the scheduling interval voice quality KPI report
model default: 1 model default: 80 model default: 0 model default: 0
transmission of uplink exceeds the period, the function,determined A
voice packets because the base station performs The switch for Qci5 Pre switch to control whether
SRs are not detected. authorization proactively. scheduling. enable EMI or not.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] 80 Close[0] Open[1]
Open[1] 80 Close[0] Open[1]
Open[1] 80 Open[1] Open[1]
Open[1] 80 Open[1] Open[1]
Open[1] 80 Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] 80 Open[1] Open[1]
Open[1] 80 Close[0] Open[1]
This parameter sets
The Switch of Upgrading whether to deactivate
the Priority of The TTIB when the QCI1
ttiBMcsCeiling activeGrantPrd volDatatoSRPriSwch
This parameter is theto qci1RelDisableTTIBSwch
bearer is released.
VoLTE Data Service
enum: enum:
Maximum MCS of TTI switch
SR the Because UEsformay
The Switch drop
Close[0] Close[0]
Bundling UEs Active Grant Period(ms) priority of the VoLTE TTIB
Scheduling calls When
when they
Open[1] Open[1]
data service to VoLTE SR intra-RAT handover when
long:[10..24] long:[5..80]
This parameter indicates This parameter sets the scheduling. This TTIB is activated, the
model default: 24 model default: 40 model default: 0 model default: 1
the maximum MCS that a UL active pre-scheduling parameter can be used to eNB needs to deactivate
UE with TTI bundling can period for the voice adjust the priority of the TTIB when the QCI1
schedule. service. VoLTE data service. bearer is released.

-- -- -- --
24 40 Close[0] Open[1]
24 40 Close[0] Open[1]
24 40 Close[0] Open[1]
24 40 Close[0] Open[1]
24 40 Close[0] Open[1]
24 40 Close[0] Open[1]
24 40 Close[0] Open[1]
This parameter is the
switch of Pre-Scheduing
Based Interval
Optimization when the
Minimum Number of Maximum Number of switch is Open,
piecesMinNum4TTIB piecesMaxNum4TTIB tTIBRlcSegSwch prSchBasdIntvalOptSwch
Optimizing function
Pieces for UL RLC Pieces for UL RLC The Switch of Pre- is
enum: enum:
Segmentation in TTI Segmentation in TTI on,the pre Based
Switch for TTI Bundling Scheduing scheduling or
Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter
Bundling indicates This parameter
Bundling indicates RLC Segmentation SROptimization
response size is
Open[1] Open[1]
the number of pieces in the number of pieces in allocated based on the
long:[1..20] long:[1..20]
the smallest-TBsize the smallest-TBsize This parameter enables or scheduling interval. When
model default: 4 model default: 6 model default: 0 model default: 0
function for controlling function for controlling disables the smallest- the switch is Close,
the TB size in TTI the TB size in TTI TBsize function for TTI Optimizing function is
Bundling. Bundling. Bundling. off.

-- -- -- --
4 6 Close[0] Close[0]
4 6 Close[0] Close[0]
4 6 Close[0] Close[0]
4 6 Close[0] Close[0]
4 6 Close[0] Close[0]
4 6 Close[0] Close[0]
4 6 Close[0] Close[0]
audioBler4eMTCUl audioBler4eMTCDl activeGrantPrdeMTC 16[10]
Target BLER of The UL Target BLER of The DL Active eMTC VoLTE Number of UL VoLTE
Voice Service of eMTC Voice Service of eMTC Pre-Scheduling Period HARQ Transmissions of
Terminals This parameter
Terminalsindicates (ms) An eMTC Terminal
double:[0.01..0.15] double:[0.01..0.15] 28[13]
This parameter indicates the target BLER This parameter indicates
model default: 0.1 model default: 0.03 long:[6..80]
the target BLER (NACK/(ACK+NACK)) This parameter sets the the number of uplink
step: 0.01 step: 0.01 model default: 20 model default: 3
(NACK/(ACK+NACK)) of the downlink voice UL active pre-scheduling HARQ transmissions of
of the uplink voice service service of eMTC period for the eMTC the voice service of an
of eMTC terminals. terminals. voice service. eMTC terminal.

-- -- -- --
0.1 0.03 20 4[3]
0.1 0.03 20 4[3]
0.1 0.03 20 4[3]
0.1 0.03 20 4[3]
0.1 0.03 20 4[3]
0.1 0.03 20 4[3]
0.1 0.03 20 4[3]
l piecesMaxNum4eMTC piecesMinNum4eMTC taMcs4VolteSr4eMTCDl
Number of DL VoLTE Maximum Number of Minimum Number of
HARQ Transmissions of This parameter
Pieces for ULindicates
RLC This parameter
Pieces for ULindicates
An eMTC Terminal the number of segments
Segmentation for eMTCin the number of segments
Segmentation for eMTCin MCS of eMTC Terminals
This parameter indicates the smallest-TBsize the smallest-TBsize This parameter indicates
long:[1..20] long:[1..20] long:[-10..0]
the number of downlink function for controlling function for controlling the conservative value on
model default: 3 model default: 6 model default: 4 model default: -2
HARQ transmissions of the TB size of the the TB size of the the broadband MCS
the voice service of an segments for eMTC segments for eMTC during SR response of an
eMTC terminal. terminals. terminals. uplink eMTC VoLTE.

-- -- -- --
4[3] 6 4 -2
4[3] 6 4 -2
4[3] 6 4 -2
4[3] 6 4 -2
4[3] 6 4 -2
4[3] 6 4 -2
4[3] 6 4 -2
available reduces. The
starting position should
avoid the PRACH This parameter enables or
segment. If the starting disables the reserved RB
position is in the PRACH This parameter indicates function for VoLTE users.
segment, the number of the number of reserved If it is set to 0, the
silenceGrantPeriod4eMT enum:
This parameter indicates reserved RBs available PUSCH RBs for VoLTE reserved RB function is
C voiceRbRsvStartUl voiceRbRsvNumUl Close[0]
the pre-scheduling
Timer period
for Pre-Scheduling reduces. The starting users. The parameter disabled. If it is set to 1,
during a silence
in A Silent period
Period forof position
Startingshould avoid
Position the
of A value
Numbercannot exceed the
of Reserved the reserved
Switch RBReserved
for The function
an eMTC eMTC terminal.
(ms) If the high-interference
Reserved VoLTE RB upper
of the is enabled.
VoLTE RB TheFunction
new transmission segment. If the starting bandwidth. The parameter values 2 and 3 are
long:[6..160] long:[0..98] long:[1..50]
scheduling interval position is in the high- value cannot exceed the reserved values. This
model default: 80 model default: 0 model default: 2 model default: 0
exceeds this value, the interference RB segment, total number of RBs function is supported only
eNodeB actively grants the number of reserved following the starting in the bandwidth of 10 M,
authorization. RBs available reduces. position. 15 M, and 20 M.

-- -- -- --
80 0 2 Close[0]
80 0 2 Close[0]
80 0 2 Close[0]
80 0 2 Close[0]
80 0 2 Close[0]
80 0 2 Close[0]
80 0 2 Close[0]
If it is set to Close, If it is set to Open, the disables the forbidding of This parameter indicates
VoLTE UEs do not voice quality indication is VoLTE calls in the cells the SINR threshold for
support DL256QAM; that considered as a reference with weak signals. It is forbidding VoLTE calls in
is, VoLTE UEs fail to when a VoLTE user meets used for MO or MT calls the cells with weak
configure and schedule the coverage-based inter- separately. If the uplink signals. If the uplink
DL256QAM tables. If RAT handover conditions measurement value of a measurement value of a
intraSysCoverQualitySwc enum:
DL256QAM toSwitch
determine whether to
of Reference UE is lower than the UE is lower than the
dl256QAMSwch4VoLTE h Close[0]
wch eNodeB weakCellSinrThrd
Switch for DL 256QAMis already execute
Voice the handover.
Quality for TheIf it threshold,
Switch fortheForbidding threshold, the eNodeB
SINR Threshold for
enum: enum: Open for MO and MT[1]
Supported before the QCI1
By VoLTE isIntra-RAT
set to Close, a VoLTE
Handover of rejects
VoLTE theCalls
Weak rejects the setup
Forbidding VoLTE request
Close[0] Close[0] Open for only MO[2]
bearer of aUEs VoLTE UE is user that meets
VoLTE Usersthe for the bearers
Fieldsof QCI1. If for theinbearers of QCI1. If
Weak Fields
Open[1] Open[1] Open for only MT[3]
established, the coverage-based inter-RAT the CN supports message the CN supports message
reconfiguration rolls back handover conditions is 503 and the UE supports 503 and the UE supports
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 5
to DL64QAM tables directly handed over CSFB after receiving CSFB after receiving
when the bearer is without considering the message 503, the CSFB message 503, the CSFB
established. voice quality indication. procedure is triggered. procedure is triggered.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 5
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 5
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 5
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 5
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 5
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 5
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 5
This parameter enables or
disables the recommended This parameter enables or
bit rate function. If it is set disables the recommended
to Open, the eNodeB This parameter enables or downlink bit rate function.
rBRSwch aNBRQSwch 3s[4]
sends a MAC CE to a UE disables Access Network If it isrBRDLSwch
set to Close, the
enum: enum: 6s[5] enum:
Switch onofthe measured UE Bit Rate Recommendation
Recommended eNodeB Switchdoesofnot
Close[0] Close[0] 12s[6] Close[0]
information to notify the Query
Bit Rates (ANBRQ).
ANBRQ SwitchIf this This parameter
ANBRQ sets(s)
Interval the Recommended
the downlink speed of
Bit Rates
Open[1] Open[1] 30s[7] Open[1]
UE of the recommended parameter is set to Close, minimum interval for UEs UEs through MAC CE. If
uplink bit rate. If it is set ANBRQ is disabled. If to send Access Network it is set to Open, the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 3 model default: 0
to Close, the eNodeB does this parameter is set to Bit Rate Recommendation eNodeB adjusts the
not intentionally send a Open, ANBRQ is Query (ANBRQ) downlink speed of UEs
MAC CE to a UE. enabled. messages. through MAC CE.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 1.6s[3] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 1.6s[3] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 1.6s[3] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 1.6s[3] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 1.6s[3] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 1.6s[3] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] 1.6s[3] Close[0]
starting positions are in a the downlink DCCH
This parameter enables or high-interference RB priorities of VoLTE MO
disables the reserved RB segment, the number of and MT user are
function for VoLTE users. reserved RBs available upgraded. If it is set to
If it is set to Close, the reduces. 4. To better use This parameter indicates Upgrade MO/MT UL
Upgrade MO/MT DL
reserved RB function is RB resources in an the number of reserved DCCH, only the uplink
enum: DCCH[1]
disabled. If it is set to economical way, it is PDSCH RBs for VoLTE DCCH priorities of
dlVoiceRbRsvSwch dlVoiceRbRsvStart dlVoiceRbRsvNum Upgrade MO/MT
Switch thethe
for reserved RB
DownLink recommended thatofthe
Starting Position a users. 1. The parameter VoLTE
SwitchMO for and
Upgrading user
Open[1] DCCH[2]
Reserved is VoLTE
The starting positions
DownLink of RBG value
Reserved Numbercannot exceed the
of DownLink are upgraded.
is set to
Reserve1[2] Upgrade MO/MT ALL
Functionvalues resources be used
VoLTE RBas those Reserved
upper limit of the
Reserve2[3] DCCH[3]
Reserve1 and Reserve2 of RB resources. For a bandwidth. 2. The DCCH, both the uplink
long:[0..98] long:[1..50]
are reserved values. This bandwidth of 10 MHz, the parameter value cannot and downlink DCCH
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 2 model default: 0
function is supported only RBG size is 3; for 15 exceed the total number of priorities of VoLTE MO
in the bandwidth of 10 M, MHz and 20 MHz, the RBs following the starting and MT user are
15 M, and 20 M. RBG size is 4. position. upgraded.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0 2 Close[0]
Close[0] 0 2 Close[0]
Close[0] 0 2 Close[0]
Close[0] 0 2 Close[0]
Close[0] 0 2 Close[0]
Close[0] 0 2 Close[0]
Close[0] 0 2 Close[0]
This parameter is Event occurs at the edge of a
Based DRX cell, it may fail if the TB
Reconfiguration size is too small.
Optimization Switch. The Therefore, the
This parameter enables or parameter value is set to transmission bandwidth
disables DRX for VoLTE Close: Do not reconfig can afford a VoLTE call
MO or MT users. For the DRX; The parameter only when the size of the The parameter enables or
VoLTE dRXReConfigSwch qCI5MinTBSizeSwch qci1SrsSwch
SwitchMOfor or MT users
Disabling value is setBased
Event to Open:
DRXmay scheduled
Minimum TBs
TB is larger
Size Switch disables SRS
enum: enum: enum: enum:
DRX for based
or reconfig DRX base on
Reconfiguration than
for the
VoLTEminimum value.
Calling of measurement
SRS Measurement for VoLTE
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
MT Users if this event:When
Optimization A2Switch
satisfies If this parameter
Edge Usersis set to users. If it is Edge
for VoLTE set to Users
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
parameter is set to Open, to enable Gap Open, the eNodeB SRS measurement is
DRX is disabled on the configuration , DRX is automatically recognizes enabled for VoLTE users.
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
eNodeB from initial turned off; when A1 scenarios and enables the If it is set to Close, SRS
access to QCI1 bearer satisfies to disenable Gap, minimum TB size for TB measurement is disabled
setup. DRX is turned on. scheduling. for VoLTE users.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Open[1]
retransmission. In this FAIL in the silent
case, retransmission period8: QCI5 pre-
suspension may occur due scheduling9: pre- This parameter sets the
to no CCE resource This parameter enables or scheduling during QCI1 downlink MCS threshold
available, resulting in disables VoLTE bearer setup10: VoLTE for better VoLTE quality.
poor voice quality in TTI scheduling by layer. If it BSR priority increase to If the MCS of VoLTE
bundling scheduling. If is set to Open, the number the SR priorityIf a bit is mCSThrd4VoLTEBetterD
UEs is higher than this
this parameter is set to of voLTEUllayerSwch
pre-scheduled VoLTE set voLTELoadList
to 0, it indicates L
Configuration List that
of threshold over a period of
enum: enum:
TTIB Open,
UE non-adaptive
Retransmission users decreases
Switch when the
for VoLTE the corresponding
VoLTE Schedulinglayer-
by DLtime,
MCSthe eNodeB for
Close[0] Close[0]
Optimization is
Switch load on the eNodeB
Scheduling by Layeris based scheduling
Layer strategy considers that theQuality
Better VoLTE VoLTE
Open[1] Open[1] longArray:
preferentially used in TTI high, improving the user is enabled. If a bit is set to quality is good enough
[0..4294967295] long:[0..10]
bundling scheduling to perception on data 1, it indicates that the and stops the inter-
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1048;0 model default: 1
avoid TTI bundling services. If it is set to corresponding layer-based frequency handover or
retransmission failures in Close, VoLTE scheduling scheduling strategy is SRVCC procedure based
this scenario. by layer is disabled. disabled. on the VoLTE quality.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 1048;0 1
Close[0] Close[0] 1048;0 1
Close[0] Close[0] 1048;0 1
Close[0] Close[0] 1048;0 1
Close[0] Close[0] 1048;0 1
Close[0] Close[0] 1048;0 1
Close[0] Close[0] 1048;0 1
This parameter indicates
the uplink SINR threshold
This parameter sets the for better VoLTE quality.
uplink SINR threshold for If the VoLTE SINR at This parameter enables or
This parameter sets the better VoLTE quality. If which the UE disables non-standard
downlink MCS threshold the VoLTE SINR at concentrates the SRVCC-based handover.
for worse VoLTE quality. sINRThrd4VoLTEWorse
which the UE sINRThrd4VoLTEbetterU
maximum transmit power If it is set to Close, the
If the MCS DLof VoLTE UL L higher than sRVCCCSonlySwch
UL concentrates
SINR Thresholdthe for onULone RB Threshold
SINR is for SRVCC handover
DL is lower than this
Threshold for maximum
Worse VoLTEtransmit power this
Quality threshold,
Better VoLTE theQuality
eNodeB indication IE is
threshold over a period
Worse VoLTE Qualityof on one RB(dB) is lower than considers that
(dB)the VoLTE configured
SRVCC CSinOnly accordance
time, the eNodeB triggers this threshold, the eNodeB quality is good enough, with the standard SRVCC
long:[0..10] long:[-10..30] long:[-10..30]
the inter-frequency triggers the inter- and stops the inter- procedure. If it is set to
model default: 0 model default: 5 model default: 7 model default: 0
handover or SRVCC frequency handover or frequency handover or Open, the SRVCC
procedure based on the SRVCC procedure based SRVCC procedure based handover indication IE is
VoLTE quality. on the VoLTE quality. on the VoLTE quality. set to CS only.

-- -- -- --
0 5 7 Close[0]
0 5 7 Close[0]
0 5 7 Close[0]
0 5 7 Close[0]
0 5 7 Close[0]
0 5 7 Close[0]
0 5 7 Close[0]
This parameter sets the
maximum number of
times that the PUSCH is
repeatedly scheduled by
UEs. If it isNumber
Maximum set to less
Power Increase Threshold than
Times the default
That value, the
the PUSCH Is
qualityWorseCnt maxBoostPwr qualityBetterCnt 4[0]
This parameter
Voice sets the
Quality-Based This
for DLparameter sets the
VoIP Dynamic This parameter
Voice sets the
Quality-Based number ofMTC
Repeatedly times that the
Scheduled by
worse-quality handover
Worse-Quality Handover power increase
Scheduling threshold
of a Single UE better-quality handover
Better-Quality Handover PUSCH
QCI5 is repeatedly
for eMTC VoLTE
threshold based on voice
Threshold in the dynamic scheduling
(0.5 dB) threshold based on voice
Threshold scheduledUEs by QCI5 for
double:[0..10.5] 32[3]
quality. If voice quality is of the downlink VoIP quality. If voice quality is eMTC VoLTE UEs
long:[1..255] model default: 3.0 long:[1..255]
worse over consecutive service of a single UE. It better over consecutive decreases, reducing the
model default: 1 step: 0.5 model default: 1 model default: 3
periods, the voice quality- is used to control the periods, the voice quality- QCI5 transmission delay.
based handover procedure dynamic power increase based handover procedure If it is set to 32, delay
is triggered. value of VoIP services. is stopped. optimization is disabled.

-- -- -- --
1 3.0 1 32[3]
1 3.0 1 32[3]
1 3.0 1 32[3]
1 3.0 1 32[3]
1 3.0 1 32[3]
1 3.0 1 32[3]
1 3.0 1 32[3]
parameter value indicates loop AMC of QCI5
the maximum value of bearers for eMTC
EMI counter range 1, the VoLTE. If this parameter
second element indicates is set to Open, outer loops
This parameter sets the the maximum value of decrease more
Switch faster for
for SINR
period for calculating the EMI counter range 2, the the same number
Adjustment Basedof on
EMI value. If the EMI third element indicates the This parameter enables or sINRDown4QCI5eMTCS
NACK messages
Received NACKsinfor QCI5
function is enabled, the maximum eMIValue pdschPuschEnSwitch
value of EMI disables PDSCH-PUSCH wch eMTC
AMC of
enum: enum:
Period and downlink EMI
for Calculating the counter range 3, the fourth enhancement. If it is set to
Switch for PDSCH- VoLTE UEs through
QCI5 Bearers for eMTCthe
Close[0] Close[0]
values of a VoLTE
EMI Value UE are element indicates
EMI Counter the
PUSCH Enhancement increaseVoLTE
of the Step for
doubleArray:[1..5] Open[1] Open[1]
calculated in each maximum value of EMI enhancement is disabled. SINR Adjustment Based
long:[5..60] model default:
statistical period to counter range 4, and the If it is set to 1, PDSCH- on Received NACKs for
model default: 8 4.5;3.8;2.8;1.8;1 model default: 0 model default: 0
evaluate the call quality of fifth element indicates the PUSCH enhancement is UL Outer-Loop AMC of
the UE during this period minimum value of EMI enabled for VoLTE UEs QCI5 Bearers for eMTC
of time. counter range 4. only. VoLTE parameter.

-- -- -- --
8 4.5;3.8;2.8;1.8;1.0 Close[0] Close[0]
8 4.5;3.8;2.8;1.8;1.0 Close[0] Close[0]
8 4.5;3.8;2.8;1.8;1.0 Close[0] Close[0]
8 4.5;3.8;2.8;1.8;1.0 Close[0] Close[0]
8 4.5;3.8;2.8;1.8;1.0 Close[0] Close[0]
8 4.5;3.8;2.8;1.8;1.0 Close[0] Close[0]
8 4.5;3.8;2.8;1.8;1.0 Close[0] Close[0]
establishment after based on received NACK
sending a weak-field messages for uplink outer-
report. If it is set to loop AMC of QCI5
Releasing, the baseband bearers for eMTC
releases the established VoLTE.
Step for If the
SINR Adjustment
QCI2 bearers after This parameter sets the demodulation CRC for the
Based on Received
Close[0] weakCellSinrThrd4AddVi weakCellSinrThrd4DelVi
sending a weak-field SINRSINR threshold
Decision for
Threshold This parameter
Decision sets the
Threshold for uplink
for ULis Outer-
Banning to Setup[1]
weakCellStrategy4Video deo deo sINRDown4QCI5eMTC
report. for
Strategy If itProcessing
is set to determining whether
for Rejecting thea UE Releasing
SINR threshold for
QCI2 Bearers the
AMC AMC outer
of QCI5
QCI2 to Setup
Videos and
in Weak- has weak-field
Establishment ofvideo
Weak- determining
in Weak Fieldwhether a UE Bearers
Scenarios loopforneeds
Banning to Setup and
Fieldthe baseband
Cells services.
Field QCI2IfVideos
the uplink
(dB) has weak-field
(dB) video decreased. If an ACK
Releasing[3] double:[0.001..1]
disables QCI2 measurement value of the services. If the uplink message is received, a
long:[-10..40] long:[-10..40] model default: 0.063
establishment or releases UE is lower than this measurement value of the corresponding step is
model default: 0 model default: 12 model default: 10 step: 0.001
the established QCI2 threshold, the UE is lower than this calculated based on this
bearers after sending a establishment of the QCI2 threshold, the QCI2 bearer parameter value and the
weak-field report. bearer is rejected. is released. target BLER.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 12 10 0.063
Close[0] 12 10 0.063
Close[0] 12 10 0.063
Close[0] 12 10 0.063
Close[0] 12 10 0.063
Close[0] 12 10 0.063
Close[0] 12 10 0.063
filtering result with the period of radio channel
threshold for releasing restriction determination,
QCI2 bearers in a weak that is, whether poor
field scenario. If the SINR channel quality results in
is lower than the abnormal voice quality in
threshold, the eNodeB This parameter sets the this period of time. If the
reports a weak-field This parameter enables or number of conservative BSR of a UE always
indication o indication
(an abUseIdntfySwch
disables the identification abHFConseMcs
orders of the MCS for the Radio sINRLimitWin
reaches this threshold and
SINR Filtering Period for Channel Restriction
for releasing
QCI2 Fallbackthein aQCI2
Weak ofSwitch
abnormal for VoLTE UEs.
Identifying UEs with HARQ
Conservative failures
MCS for there are resources
Determination Period
(s) the If it is set to
Abnormal Open,UEs
VoLTE the caused by MCS
Abnormal VoLTEjump.
UEsIf scheduled for (ms)the UE, it is
double:[0.5..10] Open[1]
eNodeB reports a strong- eNodeB identifies the system identifies that a considered that the
model default: 2.0 long:[0..10] long:[0..500]
field indication (an abnormal VoLTE UEs UE has a HARQ failure channel quality is
step: 0.1 model default: 0 model default: 5 model default: 80
indication for not and takes some special caused by MCS jump, it abnormal and some
releasing the QCI2 scheduling measures on conserves the MCS measures need to be
bearer). them. scheduled for the UE. taken.

-- -- -- --
2.0 Close[0] 5 80
2.0 Close[0] 5 80
2.0 Close[0] 5 80
2.0 Close[0] 5 80
2.0 Close[0] 5 80
2.0 Close[0] 5 80
2.0 Close[0] 5 80
This parameter sets the
number of conservative
orders of the PDCCH for
This parameter sets the the UEs with HARQ
period of time during failures caused by DCI0 This parameter sets the
which the scheduling loss. If the system threshold for the number
Threshold Number
opportunities are identifies that a UE has a ofoftimes thatThat
Times large BSRs This parameter sets the
restricted. If a UE is not abHFPDCCHUpPower
HARQ failure caused by abAccBigBsrTimes
of abnormal VoLTE UEs abAccBsrThrd
BSR threshold for
BSRs of Abnormal BSR Threshold for
Restrictedwhen its BSR
Scheduling DCI0 loss, itPDCCH
Conservative conserves
for are identified.
VoLTE UEs If the
AreBSR Identifying
identifying Abnormal
meets this parameter
Period (ms) the PDCCHVoLTE
Abnormal for theUEs
UE. of a UE consecutively
Identified VoLTE UEs. UEs
VoLTE When the
value, the UE is identified The parameter value is reaches this threshold, the BSR of a UE reaches the
long:[0..500] long:[0..6] long:[0..99] long:[100..1999]
as a scheduling-restricted added to the currently- system identifies it as a threshold, the system
model default: 80 model default: 3 model default: 5 model default: 130
UE. Special measures are allocated PDCCH for large-BSR error and identifies it as a BSR error
taken on the UEs whose PDCCH resource performs a special and performs a special
scheduling is restricted. allocation. processing procedure. processing procedure.

-- -- -- --
80 3 5 130
80 3 5 130
80 3 5 130
80 3 5 130
80 3 5 130
80 3 5 130
80 3 5 130
This parameter sets the
threshold for the number This parameter sets the
of abnormal VoLTE UEs large-BSR threshold for
that can be guaranteed. It This parameter sets the identifying abnormal
can both identify and the threshold for the VoLTE UEs. It is used to
guarantee the maximum This parameter sets the number
Threshold of for
HARQ failures
the Number determine whether an
number of for
abnormal UEs. abUserIdentifyTimer
period of time for the abHFThrd abAccBigBsrThrd
Threshold the Number ofinHARQ identification
Failures in of
the abnormal
Large-BSR UE has a large
Threshold for
ofthe numberVoLTE
Abnormal of abnormal
UEs processing abnormal
Time for Processing abnormal VoLTE UEs.
Identification of If number of packages.
Identifying AbnormalIf the
UEs exceeds this
Guaranteed VoLTE UEs.
Abnormal VoLTEWhen
UEsan(s) itAbnormal
is set to a smaller
VoLTE value,
a UE exceeds
UEs this
parameter, the abnormal VoLTE UE is it is easier to trigger a threshold, the UE is
long:[1..10] long:[1..120] long:[1..255] long:[2000..9999]
identification and identified, a processing HARQ failure. If it is set considered to have a large
model default: 5 model default: 1 model default: 3 model default: 3300
guarantee strategy does policy is started and lasts to a larger value, it is number of packages and
not apply to extra for the time specified by more difficult to trigger a the packages of the UE
abnormal UEs. this parameter. HARQ failure. are discarded.

-- -- -- --
5 1 3 3300
5 1 3 3300
5 1 3 3300
5 1 3 3300
5 1 3 3300
5 1 3 3300
5 1 3 3300
This parameter determines
trigger uplink
UL Pre-
pre-scheduling by the
Scheduling to Avoid
PUCCH scheduling
DTX of
voice services. It can
ensure A/N feedback on
model default: 0
the PUSCH to avoid
wrong DTX detection by
the PUCCH.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
This parameter is used to
execute intra-
manufacturer load
balancing functiontoin
PRB Threshold
NE_Name ldn moId prbLBExeThrdZUl
uplink. WhenIntra-
the PRB
usage of LTE serving
Manufacturer Loadcell
NE Name LDN MO ID in uplink in
Balancing exceeds
This parameter sets the parameter during the
string:length[1..255] long:[0..100]
unique ID of the managed counter window, the cell
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 65
object. It is of the string executes intra-
type and can be manufacturerE load
NE Name LDN configured as planned. balancing in uplink.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 100
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 100
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 100
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 100
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 65
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 100
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 100
This parameter is used to
execute intra-
PRB Threshold load
to This parameter is the
Intra- in denominator used to This parameter
Number of UEs sets
downlink. When the PRB lbUeNumThrd
calculate the ratioNumber
of the Number numHOUE numMeasureUE
number of UEs that are
Manufacturer Load Threshold of the of UEs Handed Informed of Event
usage of LTE
Balancing in serving
Downlink cell number of RRC-
of RRC-Connected Users over for Cell Load informed of event
in downlink
(%) exceeds this connected
for Loadusers for load
Balancing Reduction measurement
parameter during the balancing. A larger This parameter sets the configurations during
long:[0..100] long:[0..65535] long:[1..60] long:[1..80]
counter window, the cell parameter value indicates maximum number of UEs event measurement-based
model default: 65 model default: 800 model default: 1 model default: 10
executes intra- that it is more difficult to that are handed over handover in accordance
manufacturer load trigger CU-based load during load balancing for with the load balancing
balancing in downlink. balancing. cell load reduction. scheme.

-- -- -- --
70 800 8 10
60 800 8 10
70 800 8 10
60 800 8 10
65 800 1 10
60 800 8 10
70 800 8 10
Open, Based on Blind
This parameter is the
switch of CA Load This parameter is the This parameter sets the Switch of load balancing
Open, Based on
When the switch caLAPrbThrd
Threshold of CA Load lbSPIDThrd
threshold for the SPID lbSwch
Loadalgorithm in load
Management Switch
enum: Measurement[2]
is open,
Switch if of
load of CA
Load Adjust. When theof
PRB Threshold load
CAof policy. If
Threshold ofthe loadPolicy
SPID is management, which
of Load Balancing
Close[0] Open, Based on Adaptive
cell isAdjust
higher than CA cell is Adjust
Load higher than
(%) this higher than(%) this threshold, determine whether load
Open[1] HO[3]
threshold, eNodeb will threshold, eNodeb will the SPID policy becomes balancing algorithm is
long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
choose CA UE and move choose CA UE and move invalid. If the load is valid or not. Scheme of
model default: 0 model default: 50 model default: 70 model default: 0
the load to other CA cell, the load to other CA cell, lower than this threshold, blind handover or scheme
this make load of CA Cell this make load of CA Cell the SPID policy takes based on measurement of
counterbalance. counterbalance. effect. event can be selected.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 50 70 Open, Based on Measureme
Close[0] 50 70 Open, Based on Measureme
Close[0] 50 70 Open, Based on Measureme
Close[0] 50 70 Open, Based on Measureme
Close[0] 50 70 Close[0]
Close[0] 50 70 Open, Based on Measureme
Close[0] 50 70 Open, Based on Measureme
respectively. The value
range of each integer array
member is from 0 to 255.
A higher value indicates a
higher priority. The
default value 0 means
there is no applicable
interCLBSwitch enum:
intraLBFreqPriorSwch lbRATPriority lbPeriod
Switch of Frequency neighbor cell for the
Close[0] Close[0]
Camp of inter-freq/RAT
Load Balancing Priority in Intra-LTE corresponding
Load BalancingRAT. Each Period for Load Balancing
General Strategy[1] General Strategy[1]
Camp Load
SwitchBalancing, Load Balancing non-isolated serving cell
Priority (s)
WCP Strategy[2] WCP Strategy[2] longArray:[0..255]
which can determine shall be configured with
model default: long:[1..65535]
whether the This switch determine load balancing RAT
model default: 0 model default: 0 255;254;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 30
inter-freq/RAT Camp whether frequency priority for the This parameter determines
Load Balancing function priority is valid or not in corresponding the period for Load
is performed or not. Intra-LTE load balancing. neighbouring cell(s). Balancing.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] General Strategy[1] 255;254;0;0;0;0;0 20
Close[0] General Strategy[1] 255;254;0;0;0;0;0 20
Close[0] General Strategy[1] 255;254;0;0;0;0;0 20
Close[0] General Strategy[1] 255;254;0;0;0;0;0 20
Close[0] Close[0] 255;254;0;0;0;0;0 30
Close[0] General Strategy[1] 255;254;0;0;0;0;0 20
Close[0] General Strategy[1] 255;254;0;0;0;0;0 20
Behavior Based on CU
trigger mode;If the
parameter set to 'PDCCH
CCE Trigger', the cell
execute Load Balance
This parameter is used to Behavior Based on
allowCLBHandleCAUser PRB Trigger[0]
The parameter is weight indicate whether the CLB PDCCH CCE trigger
prbQueueWeight allowHLNbrNum Swch CA users CU Trigger[1]
factor of PRB queue for function handle mode;If the parameter set
enum: PDCCH CCE Trigger[2]
Weight The of
Factor weight
PRB Number of Allowed High Allow with special strategy.CA
CLB Handling If to 'PRBMode
Trigger And CU And
of Load
Close[0] PRB And CU And
factor prbQueueWeight
Queue for Handover (%) Load Neighbor Cell open, CLB
Userscan handle CA
Switch PDCCH CCE Trigger',the
long:[0..100] Open[1] PDCCH CCE Trigger[3]
reflects influence of PRB When the number of high users with special cell will use the prb usage
model default: 70 long:[0..255]
usage of UE for Queuing, load neighbor cell doesn't strategy. If closed, CLB and CU ratio and PDCCH
step: 10 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
100- prbQueueWeight exceed this parameter, it is can handle CA users with CCE usage to decide
reflects influence of basic possible to start load the strategy as same as whether to trigger Load
prior of QoS for Queuing. balancing function. strategy of non-CA users. Balance.

-- -- -- --
70 255 Close[0] PRB And CU And PDCCH C
70 255 Close[0] PRB And CU And PDCCH C
70 255 Close[0] PRB And CU And PDCCH C
70 255 Close[0] PRB And CU And PDCCH C
70 0 Close[0] CU Trigger[1]
70 255 Close[0] PRB And CU And PDCCH C
70 255 Close[0] PRB And CU And PDCCH C
This parameter is used to This parameter is used to
execute intra- This parameter is used to judge load leveling of
This parameter is used to manufacturer load judge load leveling of cuIntraNeighborLoadRela
Intra-LTE neighbor cells.
lbCUExeThrd lbCUExeThrdZ cuIntraNeighborLoadThrd Thrd
CUstart the camp
Threshold load
to Execute balancing function.
CU Threshold When
to Execute CUIntra-LTE
of Intra- CUWhen the
Relative CU ratio of
Camp Load function based
Balancing the CUratio of LTE
Intra-Manufacturer Load cells.When
LTE Neighborthe CU
in difference
Intra-LTE betweenCell
on CU. When
(%) the CU serving cell exceeds
Balancing (%) this of aOverload
Intra-LTE neighbour
State (%) serving cell
(%)and a Intra-
ratio of the cell is greater parameter during the cell exceeds this LTE neighbor cell is
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
than or equal to this counter window, the cell parameter,this cell can't be below this parameter, this
model default: 70 model default: 65 model default: 60 model default: 5
parameter, the cell starts executes intra- used as candidate target cell can't be used as
the camp load balancing manufacturer load cellfor Intra-LTE load candidate target cell for
function based on CU. balancing. balancing. Intra-LTE load balancing.

-- -- -- --
70 8 50 1
70 8 40 1
70 8 50 1
70 8 40 1
70 65 60 5
70 8 40 1
70 8 50 1
This parameter is used to
judge whether sort UE
Mode of freq for according to PRB for load
measurement and balance based on PRB
This parameter is used to neighbor cell selection.If Trigger.If the parameter
judge whether the service the parameter set to set to Descending order
cell offload to the cell or 'Independent Judgment', based on PRB Trigger ,the
cuOffloadThrd neighLoadJudgeMode loadTypeOffset Descending order based
frequency without load only one ofof
Mode PRB
for During the load balancing cell selects users of the
enum: on PRB Trigger[1]
CU Offload Thresholdthe CU andMeasurement
CU thresholdAnd is used based on both
CU Trigger PRBs
Ratio and
Offset candidate
Switch in descending
of UE Sort Order
Independent Judgment[0] Ascending order based on
ratio of (%)
service cell to selection.
Neighbor If the
Cell Selection the number of UEs, the
(%) order.Based
If the on
PRB set
Joint Decision[1] PRB Trigger[2]
exceeds this parameter, parameter set to 'joint adjustment of this to Ascending order based
long:[0..100] long:[-100..100]
the cell or frequency decision', both of PRB parameter allows load on PRB Trigger ,the cell
model default: 80 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
without load information threshold and CU balancing to be triggered selects users of the
may be used as candidate threshold are used to based on PRBs or the candidate in ascending
target cell or frequency. selection. number of UEs. order.

-- -- -- --
40 Independent Judgment[0] 0 Descending order based on
40 Independent Judgment[0] 0 Descending order based on
40 Independent Judgment[0] 0 Descending order based on
40 Independent Judgment[0] 0 Descending order based on
80 Independent Judgment[0] 0 Descending order based on
40 Independent Judgment[0] 0 Descending order based on
40 Independent Judgment[0] 0 Descending order based on
This parameter is used to according to packet size set to Filter user with low
judge whether decide for load balance based on PRB usage based on PRB
Filter user with low PRB
location according to PRB Trigger.If the Trigger ,the cell will filter
usage based on PRB
MCS for load balance parameter set to Close ,the users with low PRB
based on PRB Trigger.If starty is invalid.If the usage.If the parameter set
enum: enum: Filter user with high PRB
the parameter set to parameter set to Short to Filter user with high
prbBasedLBCAFilterSwc Close[0]
prbBasedLBMCSSelectS Close[0]
prbBasedLBPacketSelect usage based on PRB
This parameter is used to Close ,the starty is packet based on PRB PRB usage based on PRB
h select CA Centre User based on Short packet based on Trigger[2]
judge whether invalid.If wch
the parameter TriggerSwch
,the cell will Trigger ,theSwch
cell will filter
enum: PRB Trigger[1] PRB Trigger[1] Filter user with high and
UE for of
Switch loadCAbalance based
Filter Based set to Centre
Switch of MCS User based
Selection selectSwitch
users with bearer of
of Packet users with
Switch high Filter
Close[0] Edge user based on PRB Long packet based on low PRB usage based on
on PRBonTrigger.If
PRB the on PRB Trigger
Based ,the cell
on PRB short packet.If
Selection Based onthePRB usage.If the on
Based parameter
PRB set
Open[1] Trigger[2] PRB Trigger[2] PRB Trigger[3]
parameter set to Close ,the will select centre users.If parameter set to Long to Filter user with high
cell will select users with the parameter set to Edge packet based on PRB and low PRB usage based
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
CA.If the parameter set to user based on PRB Trigger ,the cell will on PRB Trigger ,the cell
Open ,the cell will not Trigger ,the cell will select users with bearer of will filter users with high
select users with CA. select edge users. long packet. and low PRB usage.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter is used to This parameter is used to according to packet size
judge whether sort UE judge whether decide for load balance based on
according to PRB for load location according to CU Trigger.If the
balance based on CU MCS for load balance parameter set to Close ,the
Trigger.If the parameter based on CU Trigger.If starty is invalid.If the
enum: enum: enum:
set to Sescending order the parameter set to parameter set to Short
Close[0] Close[0]
cuBasedLBMCSSelectSw Close[0]
based on CU Trigger ,the This parameter is used to Close ,the starty is packet based on CU
Descending order based
cuBasedUESortOrder cuBasedLBCAFilterSwch Centre based on CU
ch parameter Short packetwchbased on CU
cell selects users of the judge whether select CA invalid.If the Trigger ,the cell will
on CU Trigger[1] enum: trigger[1] Trigger[1]
Switch in descending
of UE SortOrder UE for of
Switch loadCAbalance based
Filter Based set to Centre
Switch of MCS User based
Selection selectSwitch
users with bearer of
of Packet
Ascending order based on Close[0] Edge based on CU Long packet based on CU
order. Based
If the parameter
on CU set on CU on Trigger.If
CU the on CU Trigger
Based ,the cell
on CU short packet.If
Selection Based ontheCU
CU Trigger[2] Open[1] Trigger[2] Trigger[2]
to Ascending order based parameter set to Close ,the will select centre users.If parameter set to Long
on CU Trigger ,the cell cell will select users with the parameter set to Edge packet based on CU
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
selects users of the CA.If the parameter set to user based on CU Triggerr ,the cell will
candidate in ascending Open ,the cell will not Trigger ,the cell will select users with bearer of
order. select users with CA. select edge users. long packet.

-- -- -- --
Descending order based onOpen[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Descending order based onOpen[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Descending order based onOpen[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Descending order based onOpen[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Descending order based onClose[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Descending order based onOpen[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Descending order based onOpen[1] Close[0] Close[0]
set to Filter user with low located in the center or at This parameter is used to
PRB usage based on CU the edge of the cell judge whether the
Filter user with low PRB
Trigger ,the cell will filter according to the MCS This parameter is used to secondary instance is
usage based on CU
users with low PRB value. If the MCS value is judge whether the quality included in the user
usage.If the parameter set larger than or equal to this of radio signal for users is number.If the parameter
Filter user with high PRB
to Filter user with high threshold, the UE is very poor according to the set to 'stat based on
usage based on CU
PRB usage based on CU located in the center of the MCS, when the MCS is primary', the primary
Trigger[2] enum:
Trigger ,thewch
cell will filter lbCenterEgdeMCSThrd
the MCS forvalue lbWeakCovMCSThrd
is less
Cell than the parameter, userRatioStatMode
instance is included in
Filter user with high and stat based on primary[0]
users with
Switch high Filter
of PRB PRB less than this threshold but MCS
Center/Edge theThreshold
user is notofasWeak
a user number. If the
low PRB usage based on stat based on primary and
usage.If the parameter
Based on CU set largerDetermination
than or equal to the candidate target for load
Coverage parameter
Stat Mode Based set toon
CU Trigger[3] secondary[1]
to Filter user with high value of the MCS balance, when the MCS is based on primary and
long:[0..28] long:[0..28]
and low PRB usage based Threshold for Weak greater than or equal to secondary', both primary
model default: 0 model default: 10 model default: 1 model default: 0
on CU Trigger ,the cell Coverage parameter, the the parameter, the user is and secondary instance
will filter users with high UE is located at the edge as a candidate target for are included in user
and low PRB usage. of the cell. load balance. number.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 8 1 stat based on primary[0]
Close[0] 8 1 stat based on primary[0]
Close[0] 8 1 stat based on primary[0]
Close[0] 8 1 stat based on primary[0]
Close[0] 10 1 stat based on primary[0]
Close[0] 8 1 stat based on primary[0]
Close[0] 8 1 stat based on primary[0]
or not. The value 0 of Measurement Report
array member means be Order, UE Class
forbidden. The value 1 of Information, CA UE
array member means be filter, MCS UE Selection,
allowed. From the first Short/Long Packet
array member, each Selection, MU Proportion,
denotes QCI = 1, QCI = 2, and eMBMS UE Filter. The parameter is switch of
QCI lbTraffTypeInd
= 3,Type
QCI =Selection
4, QCI = timePrtUE1 ThelbUESelSchemePrio
value ofofeach lbPRBTraffTypeSwch
integer traffic type selection for
Traffic Handover Protection Priority the UE
5, QCI = 6, QCI
Indication for=Load
7, QCI Period for Load Balancing array member
Selection ranges
Policy from Switch
for Load load balance based
of Traffic on
longArray:[0..1] Close[0]
= 8, QCIBalance
= 9, the last 16 (s) 1 to 255. The larger the Selection
Balancing PRB. This switch
Based on PRB
model default: longArray:[0..255] Open[1]
members are reserved. After a UE is handed over parameter value is, the determines whether traffic
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 long:[1..600] model default:
The parameter is valid to a cell, it cannot be higher the policy priority type selection is valid or
;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 model default: 120 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0
when reselected for load is. The value 0 indicates not. Close stands for NOT
ucLBTraffTypeSwch is balancing during this that the policy cannot be valid, Open stands for
open. period of time. forcedly disabled. valid.

-- -- -- --
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;120 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0]
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;120 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0]
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;120 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0]
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;120 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0]
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;120 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0]
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;120 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0]
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;120 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0]
This parameter is used to This parameter is used to
This parameter is used to This parameter is used to judge load leveling of judge load leveling of
judge load leveling of judge load leveling of Intra-LTE neighbor cells Intra-LTE neighbor cells
Intra-LTE neighbour cells prbIntraNeighborLoadThr
Intra-LTE neighbour cells prbIntraNeighborLoadRel
in uplink. When the PRB prbIntraNeighborLoadRel
in downlink. When the
PRB Threshold of intra- PRB Threshold of intra-
inLTE dUl
uplink.When dDl aThrdUl between aThrdDl
Neighbor the
in in
Neighbor Cellthe in usage difference
PRB Relative Threshold PRBRelative
PRB usage difference
usage ofState
Overload a Intra-LTE
in Uplink PRBOverload
usage of State
a Intra-LTE
in serving cell and
of Intra-LTE a Intra-
Neighbor between servingNeighbor
of Intra-LTE cell and a
neighbour(%) cell in uplink neighbour
Downlinkcell(%)in LTE
in Uplinkcell
(%)in Intra-LTE neighbor cell
Cell in Downlink (%) in
exceeds this downlink exceeds this uplink is below this downlink is below this
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
parameter,this cell can't be parameter,this cell can't be parameter, this cell can't parameter, this cell can't
model default: 60 model default: 60 model default: 5 model default: 5
used as candidate target used as candidate target be used as candidate be used as candidate
cell in uplink for Intra- cell in downlink for Intra- target cell in uplink for target cell in downlink for
LTE load balancing. LTE load balancing. Intra-LTE load balancing. Intra-LTE load balancing.

-- -- -- --
90 90 5 5
80 80 5 5
90 90 5 5
80 80 5 5
60 60 5 5
80 80 5 5
90 90 5 5
This parameter is used to This parameter is used to
judge whether the service judge whether the service The parameter is switch to
cell offload to the cell or cell offload to the cell or protect UE NOT to The parameter is switch
frequency without load frequency without load handover again for load for measurement report
information.When the prbOffloadThrdDL
information.When the prbPrtUESwch
balance lbPRBMeasOrderSwch
Switch based on PRB.
to Protect UE order scheme
Switch for load
of Measurement
enum: enum:
PRB Offload
PRB usage ofThreshold
service cell
in PRB Offload
PRB usage ofThreshold
service cell This to
in NOT switch determines
Handover Again balanceOrder
Report basedBased
on PRB.
Close[0] Close[0]
in uplink exceeds
Uplink (%) this in downlink
(%) this whether scheme
Based to protect
on PRB This switch
Open[1] Open[1]
parameter , the cell or parameter, the cell or UE NOT to handover whether measurement
long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
frequency without load frequency without load again is valid or not. report order scheme is
model default: 80 model default: 80 model default: 1 model default: 1
information may be used information may be used Close stands for NOT valid or not. Close stands
as candidate target cell or as candidate target cell or valid, Open stands for for NOT valid, Open
frequency. frequency. valid. stands for valid.

-- -- -- --
70 70 Open[1] Open[1]
85 85 Open[1] Open[1]
70 70 Open[1] Open[1]
85 85 Open[1] Open[1]
80 80 Open[1] Open[1]
85 85 Open[1] Open[1]
70 70 Open[1] Open[1]
The parameter is switch The parameter is switch to
for UE position The parameter is switch protect UE NOT to
information scheme for for UE class information The parameter is switch of handover again for load
load balance lbPRBUEClassInfSwch lbCUTraffTypeSwch cuPrtUESwch
Switch of UEbased on
Position scheme
Switchforofload balance traffic
UE Class type selection for balance
Switch tobased on CU.
Protect UE
enum: enum: enum: enum:
PRB. ThisBased
Information switchon based on PRB.
Information This
Based on load balance
Switch based on
of Traffic CU. NOT
Type This to
switch determines
Handover Again
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
determinesPRBwhether UE switch PRB
determines This switch
Selection determines
Based on CU whether scheme
Based to protect
on CU
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
position information whether UE class whether traffic type UE NOT to handover
scheme is valid or not. information scheme is selection is valid or not. again is valid or not.
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 1
Close stands for NOT valid or not. Close stands Close stands for NOT Close stands for NOT
valid, Open stands for for NOT valid, Open valid, Open stands for valid, Open stands for
valid. stands for valid. valid. valid.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Open[1]
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Open[1]
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Open[1]
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Open[1]
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Open[1]
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Open[1]
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Open[1]
The parameter is switch The parameter is switch
for measurement report for UE position The parameter is switch This parameter is used to
order scheme for load lbCUUEPosInfSwch
information scheme for lbCUUEClassInfSwch
for UE class information clbPRBExeThrdUl
Switch of Measurement PRBthe camp load
Threshold to
enum: enum: enum:
Report basedBased
on CU.
on load balance
Switch based
of UE on CU.
Position scheme
Switchforofload balance
UE Class balancing
Camp Load based
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This switchCUdetermines Information
This switchBased
on CU based on CU.Based
Information This on
CU on PRB. When
Balancing the UL
in Uplink (%)
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
whether measurement whether UE position determines whether UE total PRB usage of the
report order scheme is information scheme is class information scheme cell is greater than or
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 70
valid or not. Close stands valid or not. Close stands is valid or not. Close equal to this parameter,
for NOT valid, Open for NOT valid, Open stands for NOT valid, the cell starts the camp
stands for valid. stands for valid. Open stands for valid. load balancing function.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] 70
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] 70
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] 70
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] 70
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] 70
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] 70
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] 70
This parameter is used to
trigger the execution of
This parameter enables or intra-manufacturer load This parameter is used to
Open,based on blind
disables VoLTE load balancing based on the determine the VoLTE
parameter is used
Threshold to to balancing in the eNodeB number of VoLTE users. load level of intra-LTE
clbPRBExeThrdDl Open,based on
voLTELBSwch voLTELBExeThdZ voLTELBNeighLoadThrd
start theCamp
Execute camp Load
load and determines which If the number
Execution of VoLTE
Threshold for neighbor
VoLTEcells. If the ratio
Threshold of
Balancingfunction based Switch
in Downlink handover schemeLoad
of VoLTE is users
VoLTE in the
LoadLTE serving Intra-LTE
Balancing of VoLTE users in Cell
Neighbor an
Open,based on adaptive
on PRB. When
(%) the DL selected if VoLTE load
Balancing cell exceeds(%)this threshold intra-LTE
In Overloadneighbor cell
State (%)
total PRB usage of the balancing is enabled: during the measurement exceeds this threshold,
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
cell is greater than or blind handover, event period, intra-manufacturer this cell cannot be used as
model default: 70 model default: 0 model default: 50 model default: 80
equal to this parameter, measurement-based VoLTE load the candidate target cell
the cell starts the camp handover, or adaptive balancing.LTE is executed for intra-LTE VoLTE load
load balancing function. handover. in this cell. balancing.

-- -- -- --
70 Close[0] 50 80
70 Close[0] 50 80
70 Close[0] 50 80
70 Close[0] 50 80
70 Close[0] 50 80
70 Close[0] 50 80
70 Close[0] 50 80
This parameter is used to This parameter determines
This parameter indicates determine the VoLTE the triggering judgement
the threshold for load load level of an intra-LTE timer of enhancement
balancing with the cells or neighbor cell. When the Load Balance, i.e. when
frequencies without VoLTE ratio difference the timer has expired, and
VoLTE load information. voLTELBRelaLoadThrd
between theRelative
serving cell lbServFreqPriSwch eLBTriggerJudgeTimer
the load ofJudgement
cell has
VoLTE Service Frequency Triggering
If the VoLTE
VoLTE CUload on the and
Offload an intra-LTE
Threshold neighbor Priority Strategy Switch Timer
of Intra-LTE exceeded the threshold
of Enhancement
serving cell exceeds
Threshold (%) this cell is lessCell
Neighbor than(%)
the for Load Balancing and
Loadthe extent of
threshold, the cell or threshold, the neighbor descending load is full
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[1..65535]
frequency without VoLTE cell cannot be selected as This parameter enables or with some condition,
model default: 60 model default: 5 model default: 0 model default: 60
load information can be a candidate target cell for disables the service triggering the
used as the candidate intra-LTE VoLTE load frequency priority strategy enhancement load
target cell or frequency. balancing. for load balancing. balance.

-- -- -- --
60 5 Close[0] 60
60 5 Close[0] 60
60 5 Close[0] 60
60 5 Close[0] 60
60 5 Close[0] 60
60 5 Close[0] 60
60 5 Close[0] 60
requirement for the This parameter indicates
number of UEs in a cell the decrease amplitude
for load balancing requirement for the PRB
enhancement. In other load in a cell for load
words, when the number balancing enhancement.
of UEs in a cell exceeds In other words, when the
the threshold
Threshold forCU
of Cell PRB load
Threshold ofinCell
a cell
PRB This parameter sets This parameter sets
triggering load balancing, prbELBCellLoadRedThrd
exceeds cuBasedMUPropSwch prbBasedMUPropSwch
Load Reduced for Loadthe threshold
Reduced for for whether to select MU UEs whether to select MU UEs
enum: enum:
if the decrease amplitude
Enhancement Load triggering load balancing,
Enhancement Load for CU-triggered
Switch load Switch
of MU Propotion for PRB-triggered load
of MU Proportion
Close[0] Close[0]
of the number
Balanceof UEs can
(%) if the decrease amplitude
Balance (%) balancing.
Based on IfCUthe balancing. If the
Based on PRB
Open[1] Open[1]
not reach the threshold of the PRB load can not parameter set to Close, the parameter set to Close, the
long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
within a certain time, the reach the threshold within cell will select MU UEs. cell will select MU UEs.
model default: 10 model default: 10 model default: 0 model default: 0
load balancing a certain time, the load If the parameter set to If the parameter set to
enhancement function will balancing enhancement Open, the cell will not Open, the cell will not
be enabled. function will be enabled. select MU UEs. select MU UEs.

-- -- -- --
10 10 Close[0] Close[0]
10 10 Close[0] Close[0]
10 10 Close[0] Close[0]
10 10 Close[0] Close[0]
10 10 Close[0] Close[0]
10 10 Close[0] Close[0]
10 10 Close[0] Close[0]
Load Balance
Punishment. When source
eNB sends handover
request based on load The parameter is used to
balancing to target eNB , control whether to enable
and target eNB response relative load strategy.i.e.
The array is used to handover preparation Whether the condition
lBPunishPeriodNum lBJointTriggerLoadEleInd
indicate Load
enabled load lBPunishSwch
failure because of that lBRelaLoadStrategySwch
that the relative load
Enabled Factors
enum: enum:
factors based
Period Numbers of Load Indication BasedononJoint
Joint anyoneofofLoad
Switch CU ratio or
Balance between
Switch ofserving
Close[0] Close[0]
Balance Punishment Trigger Mode.
Trigger Mode The PRB Punishment
ratio or PDCCH neighbor cell satisfying
Open[1] Open[1]
elements of this array is CCE ratio be higher than with the relative load
long:[1..65535] longArray:[0..1]
This parameter indicate respectively correspond to neighbor load threshold , threshold shall be
model default: 1 model default: 1;1;0 model default: 0 model default: 1
the Period Numbers of PRB Ratio , CU then ,source eNB starts requirement of selecting
Load Balance Ratio ,PDCCH CCE Load Balance low load neighbor cell as
Punishment. Ratio. Punishment. Load Balance target.

-- -- -- --
1 1;1;0 Close[0] Open[1]
1 1;1;0 Close[0] Open[1]
1 1;1;0 Close[0] Open[1]
1 1;1;0 Close[0] Open[1]
1 1;1;0 Close[0] Open[1]
1 1;1;0 Close[0] Open[1]
1 1;1;0 Close[0] Open[1]
The parameter is switch The parameter is switch The parameter is switch to
The parameter is switch for UE position for measurement report protect UE NOT to
for UE class information information scheme for order scheme for load handover again for load
scheme lBCCEUEPosInfSwch lBCCEMeasOrderSwch cCEPrtUESwch
Switchforofload balance
UE Class load balance
Switch of UEbased on balance
Position Switch based on PDCCH
of Measurement balance
Switchbased on PDCCH
to Protect UE
enum: enum: enum: enum:
based on PDCCH
Information BasedCCE.
Information This
Based on CCE.Order
Report This Based
switch on NOTCCE. This switch
to Handover Again
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
switch determines
CCE switch
CCE determines
PDCCH whether
CCE determines
Based whether
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
whether UE class whether UE position measurement report order scheme to protect UE
information scheme is information scheme is scheme is valid or not. NOT to handover again is
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1
valid or not. Close stands valid or not. Close stands Close stands for NOT valid or not. Close stands
for NOT valid, Open for NOT valid, Open valid, Open stands for for NOT valid, Open
stands for valid. stands for valid. valid. stands for valid.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
PDCCH CCE Trigger ,the for load balance based on This parameter is used to
cell will filter users with PDCCH CCE Trigger. If judge whether decide
Filter user with low PRB
low PRB usage. If the the parameter set to location according to
usage based on PDCCH
parameter set to Filter Close ,the strategy is MCS for load balance
CCE Trigger[1]
user with high PRB usage invalid. If the parameter based on PRB Trigger. If
Filter user with high PRB enum: enum:
The parameter is switch of based on PDCCH CCE set to Short packet based the parameter set to
usage based on PDCCH cCEBasedLBPacketSelSw
cCEBaseBUEPRBThrdS Close[0] Close[0]
traffic type selection for Trigger ,the cell will filter on PDCCH CCE Close ,the strategy is
lBCCETraffTypeSwch CCEwchDl
Trigger[2] Short packet based on
ch cell Centre User based on
load balance
Switch based
of Traffic on
Type users with high PRB Trigger
Switch,the will
of Packet invalid. If hDl
the parameter
enum: Filter user with high and PDCCH CCE Trigger[1] PDCCH CCE Trigger[1]
on usage. If the
Switch parameter
of PRB Filterset select users with
Selection bearer
Based on of Switch
set to Centre
of MCS User based
Close[0] low PRB usage based on Long packet based on Edge user based on
PDCCH determines
CCE to Filter
Based onuser
high short packet.
PDCCH If the
CCE on PRBonTrigger
Based PDCCH ,theCCE
Open[1] PDCCH CCE Trigger[3] PDCCH CCE Trigger[2] PDCCH CCE Trigger[2]
whether traffic type and low PRB usage based parameter set to Long will select centre users. If
selection is valid or not. on PDCCH CCE packet based on PDCCH the parameter set to Edge
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
Close stands for NOT Trigger ,the cell will filter CCE Trigger ,the cell will user based on PRB
valid, Open stands for users with high and low select users with bearer of Trigger ,the cell will
valid. PRB usage. long packet. select edge users.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
balance based on PDCCH
CCE Trigger. If the
parameter set to This parameter is used to This parameter is used to
Descending order with judge whether the service judge whether the service
PRB based on PDCCH cell offload to the cell or cell offload to the cell or
Descending order with
This parameter is used to CCE Trigger,the cell frequency without load frequency without load
cCEBaseBCAFilterSwch PRB based on PDCCH pDCCHCCEOffloadThrd pDCCHCCEOffloadThrd
judge whether select CA selects users of the information. When the information. When the
CCE Trigger[1]
UE for load Dlbalance based cCEBasedUESortOrder
candidate in descending Dlscheduling
Downlink Scheduling
Uplink Scheduling
enum: Ascending order with
Switch of CACCE Trigger.
Filter Based order.
theUEparameter set
Sort Order PDCCH
Offloadof PDCCH
Close[0] PRB based on PDCCH
If the parameter
on PDCCH set to
CCE to Ascending
Based on PDCCHorderCCE
with service cell exceeds
Threshold (%) this service cell exceeds
Threshold (%) this
Open[1] CCE Trigger[2]
Close ,the cell will select PRB based on PDCCH parameter, the cell or parameter , the cell or
long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
users with CA. If the CCE Trigger ,the cell frequency without load frequency without load
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 80 model default: 80
parameter set to Open ,the selects users of the information may be used information may be used
cell will not select users candidate in ascending as candidate target cell or as candidate target cell or
with CA. order. frequency. frequency.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Descending order with PR 80 80
Close[0] Descending order with PR 80 80
Close[0] Descending order with PR 80 80
Close[0] Descending order with PR 80 80
Close[0] Descending order with PR 80 80
Close[0] Descending order with PR 80 80
Close[0] Descending order with PR 80 80
judge relative load This parameter is used to
leveling between serving judge relative load
cell and Intra-LTE leveling between serving This parameter is used to
neighbor cells in cell and Intra-LTE judge load leveling of This parameter is used to
downlink. When neighbor cells in uplink. Intra-LTE neighbour cells judge load leveling of
Downlink scheduling When Uplink scheduling in downlink.When the Intra-LTE neighbour cells
CCE usage pDCCHCCENLoadRelaT
Downlink based pDCCHCCEIntraNLoadT
in uplink.
Downlink CCE Uplink PDCCH CCE PDCCH CCE Threshold PDCCH CCEWhen the
difference betweenof hrdUl
difference betweenof scheduling hrdDl
PDCCH CCE Uplink hrdUl
based scheduling
Relative Threshold Relative Threshold of Intra-LTE Neighbor of Intra-LTE Neighbor
serving cell
Intra-LTE and a Intra-
Neighbor Cell serving cell
Intra-LTE and a Intra-
Neighbor Cell usage
Cell of a Intra-LTE
in Overload PDCCH
State in Cell CCE usage
in Overload ofina
LTE neighbor
(%) cell is LTE neighbor
(%) cell is neighbour
(%)in Intra-LTE neighbour
Uplink (%) cell
below this parameter, this below this parameter, this downlink exceeds this exceeds this
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
cell can't be used as cell can't be used as parameter,this cell can't be parameter,this cell can't be
model default: 5 model default: 5 model default: 60 model default: 60
candidate target cell in candidate target cell in used as candidate target used as candidate target
downlink for Intra-LTE uplink for Intra-LTE load cell in downlink for Intra- cell in uplink for Intra-
load balancing. balancing. LTE load balancing. LTE load balancing.

-- -- -- --
5 5 60 60
5 5 60 60
5 5 60 60
5 5 60 60
5 5 60 60
5 5 60 60
5 5 60 60
ratio of the number of
UEs in RRC Connected
status in the serving cell
exceeds this threshold, the
This parameter is used to serving cell triggers load
execute load balancing This parameter is used to balancing if any one of the
in downlink. pDCCHCCELBExeThrdZ cULBTargetSort4CAUES
PDCCH Threshold execute load balancing following KPIs is equal
Ratio Threshold of theto
Whentothe Dl
Downlink Ul lBJointTriRRCRatioThrd wch
Execute Loadbased function
PDCCH in uplink.
CCE When Number
Threshold or larger than the
of Real-Time Target Sorting Strategy
Balancing PDCCH CCE
in Downlink the Uplink based
to Execute Load corresponding
UEs for Jointlythreshold:
Triggered Switch for CA UEs Based
usage of LTE(%)serving cell scheduling PDCCH
Balancing in UplinkCCE
(%) theLoad
ratio Balancing
of the number
(%) of It controls
on CUwhether
LB to
exceeds this parameter usage of LTE serving cell UEs in RRC Connected enable the target
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
during the counter exceeds this parameter status, UL PRB ratio, DL cell/frequency sorting
model default: 65 model default: 65 model default: 0 model default: 1
window, the cell executes during the counter PRB ratio, UL PDCCH strategy of CA UEs for
load balancing in window, the cell executes CCE ratio, and DL load balancing based on
downlink. load balancing in uplink. PDCCH CCE ratio. the number of UEs.

-- -- -- --
65 65 0 Open[1]
65 65 0 Open[1]
65 65 0 Open[1]
65 65 0 Open[1]
65 65 0 Open[1]
65 65 0 Open[1]
65 65 0 Open[1]
This parameter is used to
trigger the Load Balance
based on PRB. When the This parameter is the
pRBLBTargetSort4CAUE pRBbaseBRRCNumThrd
period of Load Balance prbBaseBeMBMSFilterS
switch of the PRB-based
Swch Dland the CU lBSpidSwch wchDl
Target Sorting Strategy has expired,
Real-time CU Number eMBMS filter. If the
enum: enum: enum:
number of to
Switch for CA UEs Based Threshold LTE serving
Start Load Switch of SPID Based on switch of
Switch is eMBMS
turned on,Filter
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter
on PRB LB controls cell is larger
Balance thanon
Based orPRB
equal Load Balancing eNodeB
Based does
on not
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
whether to enable the to this parameter, it will eMBMS UEs for load
target cell/frequency tigger Load Balance based This parameter is the balancing. If the switch is
model default: 1 model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 0
sorting strategy of CA on PRB as if PRB ratio switch of the SPID turned off, the eNodeB
UEs for load balancing satisfies triggering function for load can select eMBMS UEs
based on PRBs. condition. balancing. for load balancing.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] 2 Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] 2 Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] 2 Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] 2 Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] 2 Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] 2 Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] 2 Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter is the
switch of the PDCCH This parameter is the
CCE-based eMBMS cuBaseBeMBMSFilterSw
switch of the CU-based cCELBTargetSort4CAUE cCEBasedMUPropotionS
filter. IfwchDl
the switch is eMBMSchDl filter. If the Swch
Target Sorting Strategy This
wch determines
Switch for CCE Load
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Switch on,eMBMS
the eNodeB
Filter switch of
Switch is eMBMS
turned on,Filter
the Switch for CA UEs Based whether to select MU
Balancing-Based MU UEs
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Basednot onselect
CCE eNodeBBaseddoes
CUselect This parameter
on CCE LB controls for CCE-triggered
Selection load
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
UEs for load balancing. If eMBMS UEs for load whether to enable the balancing. If it is set to
the switch is turned off, balancing. If the switch is target cell/frequency Close, the cell selects MU
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
the eNodeB can select turned off, the eNodeB sorting strategy of CA UEs. If it is set to Open,
eMBMS UEs for load can select eMBMS UEs UEs for load balancing the cell does not select
balancing. for load balancing. based on CCEs. MU UEs.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Open[1] Close[0]
This parameter indicates This parameter indicates
the admission control This parameter indicates This parameter indicates the admission control
threshold for the ratio of the admission control the admission control threshold of the UL
the number of UEs in a lBHOPRBRatioACThrdU
threshold of the UL PRB lBHOPRBRatioACThrdD
threshold of the DL PRB lBHOCCERatioACThrdU
usage for
Admission Control Admission Control Admission
cell for load balancing. usage l balancing.
for load usage l balancing. load balancing.
for load l
Admission Control Threshold of UL PRB Threshold of DL PRB Threshold of ULWhen the
When the number
Threshold of UEs
of CU Ratio for Whenfor
Ratio theLoad
UL PRB usage
Balancing Whenfor
Ratio theLoad
Balancing PDCCH CCE
Ratio usage in
for Load
in theBalancing
Load cell for load
(%) in the cell
(%)for load in the cell
(%)for load the cell for load balancing
Balancing (%)
balancing is larger than or balancing is larger than or balancing is larger than or is larger than or equal to
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
equal to the threshold, the equal to the threshold, the equal to the threshold, the the threshold, the
model default: 60 model default: 60 model default: 60 model default: 60
incoming handover UEs incoming handover UEs incoming handover UEs incoming handover UEs
for load balancing are for load balancing are for load balancing are for load balancing are
rejected. rejected. rejected. rejected.

-- -- -- --
60 60 60 60
60 60 60 60
60 60 60 60
60 60 60 60
60 60 60 60
60 60 60 60
60 60 60 60
the threshold of the
number of real-time UEs
for triggering PRB-based
This parameter indicates camping load balancing.
the admission control When a UE is released by
threshold of the DL the eNodeB and the
usage for pRBbasedCLBRRCNum
This parameter enables or Threshold
number ofofUEs
Admission the in RRC
load balancing. l swch4ACBaseBHODl Thrd status in ThisperFLBCfgSwch
Threshold of DLWhen
PDCCHthe disables theLoad
Switch for load CONNECTED
of Real-Time UEs for parameter
Switch for enables
Load or
enum: enum:
DLCCE PDCCH RatioCCE usage in
for Load balancing
Handover- the LTE serving
Triggering cell is
PRB-Based disables
Balancing loadFrequency
Close[0] Close[0]
the cell for load balancing
Balancing (%) admission
Based Admissioncontrol
Control largerCamping
than or equal
Loadto this frequency configuration.
Open[1] Open[1]
is larger than or equal to strategy. If it is set to parameter, the serving cell If it is set to Open,
long:[0..100] long:[1..65535]
the threshold, the Open, the strategy is triggers PRB-based different execution
model default: 60 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
incoming handover UEs enabled. If it is set to camping load balancing if thresholds can be
for load balancing are Close, the strategy is the PRB usage satisfies configured for each
rejected. disabled. the triggering condition. frequency.

-- -- -- --
60 Close[0] 1 Close[0]
60 Close[0] 1 Close[0]
60 Close[0] 1 Close[0]
60 Close[0] 1 Close[0]
60 Close[0] 1 Close[0]
60 Close[0] 1 Close[0]
60 Close[0] 1 Close[0]
that it is easier for the UE balancing is used and this
to reselect another parameter is set to HO
frequency through CLB, This parameter indicates based on measurement, This parameter indicates
thus reducing the load of the ratio of the number of the system makes UEs whether the cell supports
the serving cell. If the UEs that are measured in perform measurement- centralized load balancing
random number is larger centralized
Proportion connected load
of the Number based load balancing or not. If it is set to
cLBUERatioFactorwithI centConLBMeasUENum Close[0]
than the parameter value, balancing
of UEstoThat
the number
Are handover. If Support, the cell executes
MMCI Ratiobalanced HO based on
rFFingerPrintLBSwch supportCentLB
the release message sent of UEs with
Measured in Centralized measurement-based
RF Fingerprintingload centralized
Indicator forload balancing
measurement[1] enum:
by theFactor
Ratio eNodeB to theUEs
of CLB UE load.Connected
The number of UEs
Load balancing is usedfor
Strategy Switch andLoad
this when the eNodeB
Centralized Loadis
HO without Not Support[0]
cannot carry
with the CLB-
IMMCIs that are measured in
Balancing parameter is set to HO
Balancing connected to T-Robot and
double:[0..1] double:[1..2] measurement[2] Support[1]
dedicated reselection centralized connected load without measurement, the centralized load balancing
model default: 1.0 model default: 1.5
IMMCI. In this case, it is balancing is the number of system makes UEs is enabled. If it is set to
step: 0.01 step: 0.1 model default: 0 model default: 0
more difficult for the UE UEs with balanced load perform load balancing Not Support, the cell
to reselect another multiplied by this handover without executes distributed load
frequency through CLB. parameter value. measurement. balancing.

-- -- -- --
1.0 1.5 Close[0] Not Support[0]
1.0 1.5 Close[0] Not Support[0]
1.0 1.5 Close[0] Not Support[0]
1.0 1.5 Close[0] Not Support[0]
1.0 1.5 Close[0] Not Support[0]
1.0 1.5 Close[0] Not Support[0]
1.0 1.5 Close[0] Not Support[0]
This parameter enables or
disables special overload
processing for idle SPID
lBNSAUEFilterSwch cLBSpidSpecHandleSwch
UEs. If it lBMeasThrdAdjStep mCSThrdAdjStep
Switch for NSA UE Switch forisSPID-Based
set to Open, LB Measurement
enum: enum:
This parameter
Filtering determines
During Load the special
Overload overloadfor
Processing Threshold Adjustment MCS Threshold
Close[0] Close[0]
whether to select NSA processing
Balancing Idlepolicy
UEs for idle This parameter
Step (dB)sets the Adjustment Step
Open[1] Open[1]
UEs for load balancing. If SPID UEs is executed. If step for automatically This parameter sets the
long:[1..20] long:[1..28]
it is set to Close, NSA it is set to Close, the adjusting the step for automatically
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 2 model default: 2
UEs can be selected. If it original processing policy measurement threshold adjusting the edge
is set to Open, NSA UEs for idle SPID UEs is for load balancing in each threshold for the MCS
cannot be selected. executed. period. center in each period.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Close[0] 2 2
Open[1] Close[0] 2 2
Open[1] Close[0] 2 2
Open[1] Close[0] 2 2
Open[1] Close[0] 2 2
Open[1] Close[0] 2 2
Open[1] Close[0] 2 2
This parameter is used to
determine whether the
bearer of a UE is a short-
packet bearer or a long-
packet bearer. If the
number of RBs of a UE is
Low Threshold for PRB greater than or equal to High Threshold for PRB
lbParaAdaptSwch uePrbFilterLowThrd1 lbPacketSelectThrd1
this threshold, the bearer uePrbFilterHighThrd1
Automatic Adjustment Usage for UE Filtering Threshold for Short/Long Usage for UE Filtering
Switch for Load This parameter
During is used to
Load Balancing ofPacket
the UEDetermination
is a bearer with This parameter
During is used to
Load Balancing
Balancing Parameters filter out the(%)
UEs with too long packets.
During If the
Load Balancing filter out the(%)
UEs with too
Open[1] double:[0.01..100] double:[0.01..100] double:[0.01..100]
low PRB usage during number of RBs of a UE is high PRB usage during
model default: 1.0 model default: 1.0 model default: 10.0
This parameter enables or load balancing. If the PRB smaller than this load balancing. If the PRB
model default: 0 step: 0.01 step: 0.01 step: 0.01
disables automatic usage of a UE is lower threshold, the bearer of usage of a UE is higher
adjustment for load than this threshold, the the UE is a bearer with than this threshold, the
balancing parameters. UE is filtered out. short packets. UE is filtered out.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 1.0 1.0 10.0
Close[0] 1.0 1.0 10.0
Close[0] 1.0 1.0 10.0
Close[0] 1.0 1.0 10.0
Close[0] 1.0 1.0 10.0
Close[0] 1.0 1.0 10.0
Close[0] 1.0 1.0 10.0
If it is set to Only Serving can be queried for load
PLMN, the target balancing based on RF
frequencies for CLB are fingerprint information. If
those corresponding to the it is set to Close, the UEs
neighbor cells that support that meet the UE selection
the serving PLMN of policy for load balancing
lbParaAdaptDecPeriodNu lbParaAdaptObsPeriodNu UEs. If it enum: is set to Serving are selected during the UE
Switch for Preferentially
m sets the m Close[0]
cLBRestrictPLMNSwch lbPrioSelRffUeSwch
This parameter
Number of Periods for LB Number of Periods for LB PLMN Switch and Equivalent
for the PLMN selection
UEs with
Only Serving PLMN[1] enum:
number of load
Parameter balancing
Self-Adaption Parameter Self-Adaption PLMNs, the
Restriction target
Policy for based load balancing.
Queryable FingerprintIf
Serving PLMN and Close[0]
periods for which
Determination This parameter sets the frequencies
Observation CLBfor CLB are this parameter is set to
Equivalent PLMNs[2] Open[1]
automatic parameter number of load balancing those corresponding to the Open, the UEs whose
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
adjustment must meet the periods for which the neighbor cells that support fingerprint information
model default: 3 model default: 3 model default: 0 model default: 0
requirements for effect of automatic the serving PLMN and the can be queried are
measurement report parameter adjustment equivalent PLMNs of selected for fingerprint-
proportions. needs to be observed. UEs. based load balancing.

-- -- -- --
3 3 Close[0] Close[0]
3 3 Close[0] Close[0]
3 3 Close[0] Close[0]
3 3 Close[0] Close[0]
3 3 Close[0] Close[0]
3 3 Close[0] Close[0]
3 3 Close[0] Close[0]
for NSA UEs during load If this parameter is set to are carried only for UEs
balancing. If it is set to Open, the PLMN policy is that meet the PLMN
Open and the candidate This parameter determines used for user selection, policy, that is, if the
frequency is an anchor whether to use the load that is, if the number of number of UEs in the
frequency, for NSA UEs, information of different UEs in the serving cell is serving cell is smaller
the cells that do not vendors for load smaller than the load than the camping load
support lBInterManuLoadInfoSwc
Switch forEN-DC on the
the Anchoring balancing. If it is set to Using
the PLMNexecution
Policy balancing
Using execution
the PLMN Policy
cannot Close, hno load lBCUUEPlmnSwch
threshold of the serving cLBCUUEPlmnSwch
threshold of the serving
Target Switch for Using Inter- for User Selection for for User Selection for
enum: enum: enum: enum:
beforused as the
NSA UEstarget cells
During information
vendor Load of different
Information PLMN, UEs are not
User-Quantity-Based cell, CLB IMMCIs are
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
for load
Load balancing.
BalancingIf it is vendors is used
for Load for load considered
Balancing as target UEs
Load Balancing carried when
Camping Loadthe UEs are
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
set to Close, the cells that balancing. If it is set to of user-quantity-based released. If this parameter
support and do not Open, the load load balancing. If this is set to Close, the PLMN
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
support EN-DC can all be information of different parameter is set to Close, policy is not used to
used as the target cells for vendors is used for load the PLMN policies is not determine whether UEs
load balancing. balancing. used for user selection. can carry CLB IMMCIs.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId Pre-emption
CI with
Switch of Load Control
Reject with IMMCI[2]
NE Name LDN MO ID Based on IMMCI
Release With IMMCI[3]
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string The parameter is used to
type and can be set IMMCI based on load
NE Name LDN configured as planned. control.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
Hardware are equivalent
to Hardware trigger
threshold of CC board for
the adjustment of ac-
barring factors,Hardware
recover threshold of CC
loadCtrlThrdBasedIMMC board for the adjustment
I immciMode immciStep enum:
of ac-barring
IMMCI Threshold of factors,Hardware Ratio Increment for
If switch of load control
Load Control (%) hysteresis of CC board
IMMCI Strategy for
for UE IMMCI Users (%) Deprioritisation Type
based on IMMCI is the adjustment of ac- Ratio increment for
long:[0..100] long:[0..7] long:[1..100]
Open,eNodeb will trigger barring factors,Estimation IMMCI users once a This parame indicates
model default: 97 model default: 0 model default: 5 model default: 0
IMMCI when load exceed window for hardware higher load level happens whether the current
IMMCI threshold of Load usage of CC board for the in the next load estimation frequency or RAT is to be
Control. adjustment of AC-Barring period. de-prioritised.

-- -- -- --
97 0 5 Close[0]
97 0 5 Close[0]
97 0 5 Close[0]
97 0 5 Close[0]
97 0 5 Close[0]
97 0 5 Close[0]
97 0 5 Close[0]
refIdleMobilityProfile userNumberRatioSwch prbUsgeRatioSwch prbCongThrd
enum: enum:
Idle Mobility Profile Switch of User Number Switch of PRB Usage PRB Congestion
Close[0] Close[0]
Index Ratio Ratio Threshold (%)
Open[1] Open[1]
This parameter is used to
string:length[0..400] model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 96
The parameter represents This switch determine This switch determine define PRB congestion
the idle mobility profile whether user number ratio whether prb usage ratio threshold in PRB usage
index. function is valid or not. function is valid or not. ratio procedure.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 96
Close[0] Close[0] 96
Close[0] Close[0] 96
Close[0] Close[0] 96
Close[0] Close[0] 96
Close[0] Close[0] 96
Close[0] Close[0] 96
timerOfPRBCongThrd prbAdmitThrd timerOfPRBAdmitThrd prbRecoverThrd
Time of Duration for PRB
Time of Duration for PRB PRB Admission Control Admission Control PRB Recovery Threshold
Congestion Threshold (s) Threshold (%) Threshold (s) (%)
This parameter is used to This parameter is used to
long:[1..200] long:[0..100] long:[1..200] long:[0..100]
define time of duration for This parameter is used to define time of duration for This parameter is used to
model default: 5 model default: 98 model default: 5 model default: 90
PRB congestion threshold define PRB Admission PRB Admission control PRB recovery threshold in
in PRB usage ratio control threshold in PRB threshold in PRB usage PRB usage ratio
procedure. usage ratio procedure. ratio procedure. procedure.

-- -- -- --
5 98 5 90
5 98 5 90
5 98 5 90
5 98 5 90
5 98 5 90
5 98 5 90
5 98 5 90
User ratio load is less than than or equal to the later,
or equal to this parameter, or the ac-BarringFactor
or the ac-BarringFactor reaches its low limit.
reaches its low limit. While ,once the CC
While ,once the User ratio hardware load is lower
load is lower than their than their difference,the
difference,the launch of
User Ratio Trigger launch of the upward
timerofRecoverThrd 5[0]
deprioritisationTimer theacbRRCRatioThrsh
upward adjustment
Threshold for The of
Useradjustment of ac- for
Ratio Hysteresis
Time of Duration for The Validity of ac-BarringFactor
Adjustment of begins
AC BarringFactor
The Adjustment begins and
of AC
Recovery Threshold (s) Deprioritisation (min) and contiues
Barring untill (%)
Parameter the contiuesParameter
Barring untill the CC
User ratio load is greater hardwared load is greater
long:[1..200] long:[20..90] long:[0..10]
than or equal to this than or equal to the
model default: 60 model default: 0 model default: 90 model default: 5
This parameter is used to This parameter is used to parameter,or the ac- later,or the ac-
recovery threshold in load limit the validity of BarringFactor reaches the BarringFactor reaches the
control procedure. deprioritisation. upper limit of 1. upper limit of 1.

-- -- -- --
60 5[0] 90 5
60 5[0] 90 5
60 5[0] 90 5
60 5[0] 90 5
60 5[0] 90 5
60 5[0] 90 5
60 5[0] 90 5
This switch determine
User Ratio Load whether PRB congestion
acbRRCRatioLoadWin prbUsgeRatioCongSwch
control function is valid or prbCongRelBearPeriod prbCongRelBearNum
Estimation Window for The Number of Release
The Adjustment of AC not. IfSwitch
the PRB usage rate Period
of PRB This parameter indicates
of PRB Congestion This
Bearersparameter indicates
in A Period for
Barring Parameter (s) is frequentlyControl
Congestion high, the period of release
Control(s) PRBthe Congestion
number of release
long:[10..1800] Open[1]
consider open the bearer for PRB congestion bearers in a period for
model default: 300 long:[1..200] long:[1..10]
User ratio load estimation function. If the PRB ratio control. If it is configured PRB congestion control.
step: 10 model default: 0 model default: 5 model default: 1
window for the over a threshold, eNB too long, the effect of If it is configured too big,
adjustment of AC barring would release some bearer reducing PRB load is the number of release
parameter. to reduce PRB usage rate. small. bearers is too much.

-- -- -- --
300 Close[0] 5 1
300 Close[0] 5 1
300 Close[0] 5 1
300 Close[0] 5 1
300 Close[0] 5 1
300 Close[0] 5 1
300 Close[0] 5 1
This parameter is the This parameter is the
bearer indication for PRB bearer indication for PRB
congestion control. The admission control. The
value 0 of array member value 0 of array member
means be forbidden prbUsgeRatioACSwch prbACPreeMaxBearNum prbACRelBearInd
Bearer Selection for Maximum Number of means be forbidden
Bearer Selection for
for PRBThe This switch
Switch of PRBdetermine
Admission This
Bearerparameter indicates
be Preempted for admission
Indication control.
for PRBThe
value 1 of array
Congestion member
Control whether Control
PRB admission maximum numberControl
PRB Admission of low value 1 of array
Admission member
longArray:[0..1] Open[1] longArray:[0..1]
means be allowed for control function is valid or priority bearers can be means be allowed for
model default: long:[1..5] model default:
congestion control. From not. If open, eNB can preempted for high admission control. From
0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0 model default: 2 0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0
the first array member, decide whether access a priority bearer when the the first array member,
each denotes QCI = 1, new bearer depend on the high priority bearer is each denotes QCI = 1,
QCI = 2, ... , QCI = 9. surplus PRB resource. admitted fail. QCI = 2, ... , QCI = 9.

-- -- -- --
0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 2 0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0
0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 2 0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0
0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 2 0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0
0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 2 0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0
0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 2 0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0
0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 2 0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0
0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 2 0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0
This parameter is the This parameter is the This parameter is the This parameter is the
trigger threshold of self- trigger thresholdIMMCI
Self-Adaptive of self- trigger hysteresis
Self-Adaptive of self-
IMMCI trigger threshold of self-
adaptive IMMCI
Self-Adaptive for
IMMCI adaptiveThreshold
Trigger IMMCI for for adaptiveHysteresis
Trigger IMMCI for for adaptive IMMCI
Self-Adaptive for
congestion control. This conIMMCIRRCRatioThrd
congestion Control
control.Based conIMMCIRRCRatioHys
This Congestion
congestion Control
This conIMMCICCLoadHys
congestion control. This
Trigger Threshold for Congestion Trigger Hysteresis for
Congestion and Self-
Control Based on parameter andNumber
Ratio of User self- on parameter andNumber
Ratio of User self- parameter
Congestion and Self-
Control Based
on CCIMMCI Trigger adaptive IMMCI
Load (%) (%) trigger adaptive IMMCI (%) trigger Adaptive
on CCIMMCI Trigger
Load (%)
Hysteresis for Congestion hysteresis for congestion threshold for congestion Threshold for Congestion
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..20] long:[0..20]
Control Based on CC control based on ratio of control based on ratio of Control Based on CC
model default: 90 model default: 50 model default: 5 model default: 5
Load are used to calculate user number are used to user number are used to Load are used to calculate
the threshold of adjust calculate the threshold of calculate the threshold of the threshold of adjust
IMMCI factor. adjust IMMCI factor. adjust IMMCI factor. IMMCI factor.

-- -- -- --
90 50 5 5
90 50 5 5
90 50 5 5
90 50 5 5
90 50 5 5
90 50 5 5
90 50 5 5
Based on Redirection for
Congestion Control. If
Idle SPID Users[1]
open, eNodeB would
Smart Network
control the ratioof users
Distribution Function
carrying IMMCI. Each
enum: Based on IMMCI for Idle
positionin the bitmap This parameter sets
0.05[0] SPID Users[2]
indicates a function entity. whether to enable the
0.1[1] Smart Network
Rightmost bit is the first smart
Switch distribution
of Smart
conIMMCIStepLength conIMMCITriggerMode conIMMCIPeriod Distribution Function
Self-Adaptive IMMCI bit.First bit =IMMCI
Self-Adaptive Self- This parameterIMMCI
Self-Adaptive is the function
Network forDistribution
SPID users. If
0.25[3] Based on Redirection and
This parameter
Adjusting Stepisfor
the adaptive IMMCI
Trigger Modebasedon
for period
Period of
Congestion the switchfor
Function is turned on,
0.5[4] IMMCI for Idle SPID
adjusting stepControl
Congestion of self- CC load,Second
Congestion bit =
Control IMMCI for congestion
Control(s) when a user is released,
1[5] Users[3]
adaptive IMMCI for Self-adaptive IMMCI control. If it was the user is guided to
long:[0..7] long:[1..1800]
congestion control. If it basedon BPL load,Third configured too long, it another frequency in
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 20 model default: 0
was configured too big, it bit = Self-adaptive would wait much time for accordance with the load
would change the IMMCI IMMCI basedon ratio of changing the IMMCI condition of the serving
factor faster. user number factor. cell.

-- -- -- --
0.05[0] 0 20 Close[0]
0.05[0] 0 20 Close[0]
0.05[0] 0 20 Close[0]
0.05[0] 0 20 Close[0]
0.05[0] 0 20 Close[0]
0.05[0] 0 20 Close[0]
0.05[0] 0 20 Close[0]
than or equal to the first
threshold and is smaller
than the second threshold,
the cell load is medium.
This parameter sets This parameter sets the This parameter sets the When the load of the
whether to enable the load evaluation period of delayed release time of number of users in a cell
smart smartNetDistLoadEvaPeri sPIDSmtNetDistDeyRelTi
Switch ofdistribution
Smart theLoad
The smartEvaluation
network Thethe smart
Delay network
Release Time isThe larger
Load than or equalof
Threshold to
function od me smartNetDistLoadThrd
Networkfor Non-SPID Period
Distribution distribution function
of Smart Networkfor distribution
of Smart function
Network for the second
Smart threshold
Network and
users. If the
Function switch
for Idle is
Non- idle users. The
Distribution larger the
Function idle SPID users.
for Distribution Thefor Distribution
Function is smaller than the third
Function for
turned SPID
on, when
Usersa user is parameter value(s)
Idle Users is, the larger
Idle the parameter
SPID value threshold,
Users (ms) the cell
Idle Users (%)load is
Open[1] long:[1000..10000]
released, the user is longer the load evaluation is, the longer the delayed high. When the load of the
long:[1..65535] model default: 2000 longArray:[0..100]
guided to another period is. The smaller the release time is. The number of users in a cell
model default: 0 model default: 30 step: 10 model default: 30;50;80
frequency in accordance parameter value is, the smaller the parameter is larger than or equal to
with the load condition of shorter the load evaluation value is, the shorter the the third threshold, the
the serving cell. period is. delayed release time is. cell is overloaded.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 30 2000 30;50;80
Close[0] 30 2000 30;50;80
Close[0] 30 2000 30;50;80
Close[0] 30 2000 30;50;80
Close[0] 30 2000 30;50;80
Close[0] 30 2000 30;50;80
Close[0] 30 2000 30;50;80
anchoring in
reselection of SA UEs in
IMMCI, customized UE-
When the cell is specific IMMCI, MM
overloaded, this parameter network coordination
and the IMMCI
IMMCI Profile Profile
Index Profile Index of Smart based on UE migration in
ref1IdleMobilityProfile oLIMMCIProfileIndexPro
Index refSmartNetDist ieUserDisFuncPriDl
IMMCI Profile Index Using When the Serving
Probability When This parameter
Network sets a
Distribution IMMCI,
Priority and IMMCI
Among Different
When The Serving Cell is CellServing
The is Overload
Cell is profile index
Function forofIdle
smart Distribution
based on special UEs. for
Functions A
model default:
Overloaded parameter work(%)
Overload together network
Users largerIdle
This parameter sets the to determine which function for Non-SPID indicates a higher priority
longArray:[0..100] ;247;246;254;255;0;0;0;0;
IMMCI profile index for IMMCI profile index is users. With a profile of the corresponding
stringArray:length[0..400] model default: 0;0 string:length[0..400] 0;0
releasing SPID users and used for releasing SPID index, you can find a function. Other array
non-SPID users when the users and Non-SPID configuration for IMMCI elements (elements 11 to
serving cell is overloaded. users. for Non-SPID users. 16) are reserved.

-- -- -- --
0;0 251;250;253;248;252;249;0
0;0 251;250;253;248;252;249;2
0;0 251;250;253;248;252;249;0
0;0 251;250;253;248;252;249;2
0;0 251;250;253;248;252;249;0
0;0 251;250;253;248;252;249;2
0;0 251;250;253;248;252;249;2
prevent the AC barring rejection ratio-based barring + RRC rejection
control function from dynamic AC barring is ratio hysteresis for the
being improperly triggered. If the cell RRC adjustment of AC barring.
triggered due to the rejection ratio of sampling The suppression threshold
number of RRC requests points is always less than is equal to RRC rejection
being too small during the or equal to the value of ratio trigger threshold for
Observation Window acbTrigMsg3RejRaGuTi
Statistical Window of Number of RRC of Guard RRCTimer
Rejection Ratio
of the RRC the
RRC adjustment
Rejectionof AC
This parameter m me aCBMsg3RejRatioThrsh
RRC Rejection indicates
Ratio for RRC Rejection
Connection Ratio for Trigger
Attempts Threshold
Rejection Ratio forforthe
the barring.
Trigger The recovery
Threshold for The
The statistical time
of AC the Adjustment
AC of AC
Barring Parameter Adjustment
AdjustmentofoftheACAC threshold
Adjustmentis equal
of Theto RRC
Barring length of each
Parameter(s) Barring Parameter.
Adjustment Barring Parameter-RRC
Barring Parameters rejectionParameter
Barring ratio trigger
long:[10..1800] long:[10..1800] double:[0..80]
sampling point in the However, the parameter Rejection Ratio Hysteresis threshold for the
model default: 300 long:[0..65535] model default: 300 model default: 10.0
RRC rejection ratio-based value cannot be too large; for the Adjustment of the adjustment of AC barring
step: 10 model default: 3000 step: 10 step: 0.01
AC barring function. It is otherwise, it will be hard AC Barring Parameter, - RRC rejection ratio
used to calculate the RRC to trigger the AC barring user access barring is hysteresis for the
rejection ratio. control function. gradually reduced. adjustment of AC barring.

-- -- -- --
300 3000 300 10.0
300 3000 300 10.0
300 3000 300 10.0
300 3000 300 10.0
300 3000 300 10.0
300 3000 300 10.0
300 3000 300 10.0
+ RRC rejection ratio correspond to the adaptive IMMCI for
hysteresis for the priorities of the EUTRA- congestion control. For
adjustment of AC barring. FDD, EUTRA-TDD, example, if this parameter
The suppression threshold GERAN, UTRA-FDD, is set to 2, QCI is set to 8,
is equal to RRC rejection UTRA-TDD, and ARP Segment to 1, it
ratio trigger threshold for CDMA2000-HRPD, and indicates that the UEs
RRC adjustment
Rejectionof AC
Ratio CDMA2000-1xRTT This parameter enables or with the SPID being 2,
barring. The for
recovery conIMMCIRATPriority
systems respectively. The conImmciUeFilterSwch
disables self-adaptive iMMCIUEFilterCfg_sPID
QCI being 8,IMMCI
and ARP
Hysteresis The Self-Adaptive IMMCI Self-Adaptive IMMCI UE Self-Adaptive UE
Adjustmentis equal
of Theto RRC
AC priority
RATof each system
Priority for IMMCI UESwitch
Filtering filtering
forfor Segment being
Filter1 for QCI8
Barring ratio trigger
(%) ranges from 0 Control
Congestion to 255. A congestion control.
Congestion If it is
Control do not perform self-
double:[0..10] longArray:[0..255] Open[1]
threshold for the higher value indicates a set to Open, high-priority adaptive IMMCI for
model default: 5.0 model default: longArray:[0..128,
adjustment of AC barring higher priority. The value UEs are filtered out and congestion control. If this
step: 0.01 0;0;0;255;0;0;0 model default: 0 254..255, 256]
- RRC rejection ratio 0 indicates that the RAT do not perform self- parameter is set to 0, this
hysteresis for the is not selected as the adaptive IMMCI for parameter is ignored
adjustment of AC barring. target system for IMMCI. congestion control. during UE identification.

-- -- -- --
5.0 0;0;0;255;0;0;0 Close[0]
5.0 0;0;0;255;0;0;0 Close[0]
5.0 0;0;0;255;0;0;0 Close[0]
5.0 0;0;0;255;0;0;0 Close[0]
5.0 0;0;0;255;0;0;0 Close[0]
5.0 0;0;0;255;0;0;0 Close[0]
5.0 0;0;0;255;0;0;0 Close[0]
adaptive IMMCI for perform self-adaptive This parameter enables or
congestion control. For IMMCI for congestion disables the dynamic
example, if this parameter control. For example, if adjustment of AC Barring
is set to 8, SPID is set to this parameter is set to 1, parameters of eMTC UEs
2, and ARP Segment to 1, SPID is set to 2, and QCI based on the number of In the dynamic adjustment
it indicates that the UEs to 8, it indicates that the Switch
eMTCfor UEs
a cell. ofWindow
AC Barring parameters,
for Calculating
with the SPID being 2, iMMCIUEFilterCfg_aRP
UEs with the SPID being eMTCACBRRCRatioSwc
When the number
Adjustment of
of the AC
the parameter
of the sets
QCI being 8, and ARP Self-Adaptive SegID
2, QCI being 8, and ARP eMTC UEs his large, the length of thedWintimefor
IMMCI UE Barring Parameter Based of eMTC UEs the
Segment beingIMMCI
Self-Adaptive 1 for QCI8
UE Segment being 1 for QCI8 on
Filter Configuration_ARP access of eMTC
the Number ofUEs
eMTC is for load evaluation
Dynamic Adjustmentof the
do not
Filter perform self-
Configuration_QCI do notSegment
perform self- restrictedUEs
through AC AC number of Parameters(s)
Barring eMTC UEs.
Open[1] long:[10..1800]
adaptive IMMCI for adaptive IMMCI for barring. When the number The load is evaluated
model default: 300
congestion control. If this congestion control. If this of eMTC UEs is restored based on the average
longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..15] model default: 0 step: 10
parameter is set to 0, this parameter is set to 0, this to a lower level, the value of the sampling
parameter is ignored parameter is ignored access restriction is points in the time
during UE identification. during UE identification. gradually reduced. window.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 300
Close[0] 300
Close[0] 300
Close[0] 300
Close[0] 300
Close[0] 300
Close[0] 300
decreases to the lower decreases to the lower
limit. If the ratio of the limit. If the ratio of the
number of eMTC UEs is number of eMTC UEs is This parameter enables or
smaller than the difference smaller than the difference disables the forbidding of
of the two parameter of the two parameter the access of the LTE UEs
theac- values,
Ratio of Hysteresis of the
the ac-
Ratio of of the resource sharing
Interval for Updating the theBarringFactor
Number of eMTC field in
UEs theBarringFactor
Number of eMTC field in
UEs party to anchor cells in a
eMTCACBUpdInterval sh starts to eMTCACBRRCRatioHys forbid4GSharSwch
AC Barring Parameters of toeMTC
Trigger SIB2
the Dynamic toeMTC Trigger SIB2
the starts to
Dynamic network
Switch forsharing scenario.
Forbidding the
the parameter
Same sets
Type for the
eMTC increase until the
Adjustment ofratio
AC of increase until the
Adjustment ofratio
AC of ToAccess
forbid oftheLTE
interval during
UEs(s)which the the number
Barring of eMTC(%)
Parameters UEs the number
Barring of eMTC(%)
Parameters UEs LTE UEsAnchorof the resource
long:[10..1800] Open[1]
AC barring parameters of is higher than or equal to is higher than or equal to sharing party to anchor
model default: 300 long:[20..90] long:[0..10]
the same type in eMTC this parameter value, or this parameter value, or cells, this parameter
step: 10 model default: 90 model default: 5 model default: 0
SIB2 are not allowed to the ac-BarringFactor field the ac-BarringFactor field should be set to Open;
be updated since the last increases to the upper increases to the upper otherwise, it should be set
update. limit (1). limit (1). to Close.

-- -- -- --
300 90 5 Close[0]
300 90 5 Close[0]
300 90 5 Close[0]
300 90 5 Close[0]
300 90 5 Close[0]
300 90 5 Close[0]
300 90 5 Close[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
This parameter sets the
time granularity of super-
cell self-organization
detection. When the
NE_Name ldn moId scAutoCombSplitGrade
parameter is set to Hour,
the super-cell
Time Grade of detection
NE Name LDN MO ID period uses hours
Self-organize as the
This parameter sets the time granularity. When
unique ID of the managed the parameter is set to
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string Day, the super-cell
type and can be detection period uses days
NE Name LDN configured as planned. as the time granularity.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Day[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Day[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Day[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Day[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Day[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Day[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Day[1]
the number of times that the number of times that
the combination/splitting the combination/splitting
trigger condition is trigger condition is
satisfied per hour is larger satisfied per day is larger
than or equal to the than or equal to the
threshold, the hour-grade threshold, the day-grade
detection condition is detection condition is
hourAutoCfgCycle hourAutoCfgTrigNumThd
satisfied. If theornumber dayAutoCfgCycle dayAutoCfgTrigNumThd
Combine Split of satisfied. If theornumber
Combine Split of
Time Length Of Hour times thatfor
TrigNumThd theHour Time Length Of Day times that for
TrigNumThd theDay
Grade (hr) combination/splitting
Grade Grade (day) combination/splitting
trigger condition is trigger condition is
long:[1..24] long:[1..4] long:[1..30] long:[1..96]
satisfied per hour is less satisfied per day is less
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 24
than the threshold, the than the threshold, the
Time Length Of Hour hour-grade detection Time Length Of Day day-grade detection
Grade condition is not satisfied. Grade condition is not satisfied.

-- -- -- --
1 1 1 24
1 1 1 24
1 1 1 24
1 1 1 24
1 1 1 24
1 1 1 24
1 1 1 24
combination or splitting.
When the cells to be
combined or split satisfy
the cell
conditions, if the number
cellCombRRCNumRatio cellSplitRRCNumRatioTh of RRC connections at the
Thd d cellAutoCfgRRCNumThd autoCfgAviodCycle
moment does not meet the
Ratio Threshold of RRC Ratio Threshold of RRC Abnormal RRC Release
Ue Num for SuperCell Ue Num for SuperCell Ratio Thrd of SuperCell conditions, the avoidance
Avoid Cycle of Cell
Combine Triger (%) Split Triger (%) Split (%) period is started.
Combine or Split When
the avoidance period
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] model default: 0.3 long:[0..60]
expires, the number of
model default: 10 model default: 70 step: 0.1 model default: 30
Ratio Threshold of RRC Ratio Threshold of RRC Abnormal RRC Release RRC connections at the
Ue Num for SuperCell Ue Num for SuperCell Ratio Thrd of SuperCell moment will be judged
Combine Triger Split Triger Split again.

-- -- -- --
10 70 0.3 30
10 70 0.3 30
10 70 0.3 30
10 70 0.3 30
10 70 0.3 30
10 70 0.3 30
10 70 0.3 30
combination or splitting.
When the cells to be
combined or split satisfy
the cell
conditions, if the number
of RRC connections at the
moment exceeds scSplitGainThd scAutoCfgPingPongCycle scAutoCombSpliyPolicy
Threshold of RRCthe
Ue This parameter
Punish sets the
Time Length of Resolve Policy of
Num the avoidance
for Combine or Split Gain Thrd of SuperCell punishment
Cell Ping-pongperiod of cell SuperCell Combine or
Resolve Immiediately[0]
period Exec
is started.
(%) When Split (%) ping-pong combination
and Split (hour) or Split
Resolve By Timer[1]
the avoidance period splitting. If the evaluation
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[1..48]
expires, the number of of super-cell splitting fails
model default: 30 model default: 5 model default: 24 model default: 0
RRC connections at the for three consecutive Resolve Policy of
moment will be judged Gain Thrd of SuperCell times, the punishment SuperCell Combine or
again. Split period will be started. Split

-- -- -- --
30 5 24 Resolve Immiediately[0]
30 5 24 Resolve Immiediately[0]
30 5 24 Resolve Immiediately[0]
30 5 24 Resolve Immiediately[0]
30 5 24 Resolve Immiediately[0]
30 5 24 Resolve Immiediately[0]
30 5 24 Resolve Immiediately[0]
scAutoCfgStartHour scAutoCfgStartMin scAutoCfgEndHour scAutoCfgEndMin
Minute of Start Time
Hour of Start Time (hr) (min) Hour of End Time (hr) Minute of End Time (min)
long:[0..23] long:[0..59] long:[0..23] long:[0..59]
model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 6 model default: 0

Hour of Start Time Minute of Start Time Hour of End Time Minute of End Time

-- -- -- --
2 0 6 0
2 0 6 0
2 0 6 0
2 0 6 0
2 0 6 0
2 0 6 0
2 0 6 0
This parameter sets
whether to enable the
super-cell automatic
combination and splitting
The Switch If this parameter
of SuperCell
is set to
Auto Open, the
Combine andsuper-
cell self-organization
function is valid;
model default: 0
otherwise, the super-cell
self-organization function
is invalid.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId perTimer4AMBRLimt
Period Timer for AMBR
NE Name LDN MO ID Limit (s)
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[1..65535]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 30
object. It is of the string This parameter determines
type and can be the period for AMBR
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Limit.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 30
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 30
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 30
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 30
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 30
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 30
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 30
guaQCINum guaQCIInd
This parameter ambrLimtGuaQCINum
indicates This parameter indicates ambrRecQCINumPerc
the Guarantee
Guarantee QCI Number of Guarantee QCIQCI. The QCI
Indicator theNumber
Guarantee QCI
for AMBR QCI Number for AMBR
Cell actual
of size
AMBR of the array is number
Limit for Judging
Limit AMBR limit Recover Judging (%)
longArray:[1..255] longArray:[0..65535]
same as Guarantee QCI judging
long:[1..255] model default: 9 model default: 1 long:[0..100]
Number of cell. The value threshold,corresponding This parameter indicates
model default: 1 example: 9 example: 1 model default: 70
This parameter indicates 1 indicates QCI1,the value to the QCI which the Guarantee QCI
the Guarantee QCI 2 indicates QCI2,and so Guarantee QCI Indicator Number percent for
number of cell. on. of AMBR Limit indicated. AMBR recover judging.

-- -- -- --
1 9 1 70
1 9 1 70
1 9 1 70
1 9 1 70
1 9 1 70
1 9 1 70
1 9 1 70
threshold for AMBR limit for AMBR limit judging threshold for AMBR for AMBR recover
judging threshold. The threshold. The juding recover judging threshold. judging threshold. The
juding threshold can be threshold can be configed The juding threshold can juding threshold can be
configed three level value, three level value, be configed three level configedthree level
corresponding to the first corresponding to the first value,the first level value value,the first level value
array element, the second array element, the second should be smaller than the should be smaller than the
array element and the array element and the second level value,the second level value,the
third array element prbThrd4AMBRLimtUl
third array element prbThrd4AMBRRecDl
second prbThrd4AMBRRecUl
level value should second level value should
Downlink PRBand the first Uplink
Threshold respectively, and the first
PRB Threshold be smallerPRB
for Downlink thanThreshold
the third Uplink
be smaller
PRBthan the third
Threshold for
for value Limit
AMBR should(%)
be level
AMBRvalue should
Limit (%)be level value,and
for AMBR Recover (%) level Recover
AMBR value,and(%)
smaller than the second smaller than the second corresponding to the first corresponding to the first
longArray:[0..100] longArray:[0..100] longArray:[0..100] longArray:[0..100]
level value, the second level value, the second array element,the second array element,the second
model default: 60;80;100 model default: 98;99;100 model default: 59;79;99 model default: 97;98;99
level value should be level value should be array element and the array element and the
smaller than the third smaller than the third third array element third array element
level value. level value. respectively. respectively.

-- -- -- --
60;80;100 98;99;100 59;79;99 97;98;99
60;80;100 98;99;100 59;79;99 97;98;99
60;80;100 98;99;100 59;79;99 97;98;99
60;80;100 98;99;100 59;79;99 97;98;99
60;80;100 98;99;100 59;79;99 97;98;99
60;80;100 98;99;100 59;79;99 97;98;99
60;80;100 98;99;100 59;79;99 97;98;99
This parameter indicates
the condition for AMBR
rate limit. If it is set to 0, ambrLimtGuaQCIWaitNu ambrLimtGuaQCIWaitUe
it indicates that the rate is mDL NumULsets the This limitARPNum
This parameter parameter indicates
limited Limit
AMBR basedTrigger
on the This parameter
Downlink sets the
Guarantee QCI threshold of the number
Uplink Guarantee QCIof Number
the number of rate-
of Rate-Limiting
number of guaranteed
Condition threshold
the number of UEs
Waitwaiting to be
Ue Number limiting
in ainCell
a cell. If
QCIs; if it is set to 1, it guaranteed DL QCIs to be scheduled for guaranteed the rates of ARPs need to
long:[0..1] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[0..15]
indicates that the rate is scheduled. If the threshold uplink QCIs. If the be limited, this parameter
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0
limited based on the is exceeded, downlink threshold is exceeded, is modified based on the
number of guaranteed AMBR rate limiting will uplink AMBR rate number of ARPs whose
QCIs to be scheduled. be triggered. limiting will be triggered. rates need to be limited.

-- -- -- --
0 1 1 0
0 1 1 0
0 1 1 0
0 1 1 0
0 1 1 0
0 1 1 0
0 1 1 0
This parameter enables or
disables guaranteed QCI-
This parameter indicates triggered rate limit. If it is limitARPConf_limitARPI
This parameter indicates
Rate-Limiting ARP
This limitSPIDNum
parameter indicates limitSPIDInd
the SPID type of rate- guaQCITriggerSwitch
set to 1, rate limit is nd of rate-
the ARP type
Configuration of AMBR
256;256;256;256;256;256 enum:
the number
Number of rate-
of Rate-Limiting limiting services in
Rate-Limiting a cell.
SPID triggered
Switch forbased on the Limit_Rate-Limiting
Guaranteed limiting services in a ARP
;256;256;256;256;256;25 Close[0]
limiting SPIDs
SPIDs in ainCell
a cell. If The actual
Indicator size of Limit
of AMBR the number of guaranteed
QCI-Triggered The actual
Rate Limit Indicator size of Limit
of AMBR the
6;256;256;256;256;256;2 Open[1]
the rates of SPIDs need to array is the same as the QCIs. If it is set to 0, rate array is the same as the
long:[0..256] 56;256;256;256;256;256;
be limited, this parameter number of SPIDs for rate limit is triggered only by number of ARPs for rate
model default: 0 256;256;256 model default: 1 longArray:[1..15]
is modified based on the limit, 1 for SPID1, 2 for the PRB usage of the cell limit, 1 for ARP1, 2 for
number of SPIDs whose SPID2, 3 for SPID3, and instead of the number of ARP2, 3 for ARP3, and so
rates need to be limited. so on. guaranteed QCIs. on.

-- -- -- --
0 256;256;256;256;256;256; Open[1]
0 256;256;256;256;256;256; Open[1] 15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;1
0 256;256;256;256;256;256; Open[1] 15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;1
0 256;256;256;256;256;256; Open[1] 15;15;15;15;15;15;15;15;1
0 256;256;256;256;256;256; Open[1]
0 256;256;256;256;256;256; Open[1]
0 256;256;256;256;256;256; Open[1]
parameter.That means, if disables the determination of UEs with RRC of UEs with RRC
an ARP rate-limiting of the AMBR rate limiting connections. It is used for connections. It is used for
coefficient is configured, gear based on the number enabling downlink AMBR enabling uplink AMBR
a user establishes a bearer of UEs in cells. If it is set rate limiting. Three rate limiting. Three
containing the rate- to Open, the system threshold values can be threshold values can be
limiting QCI, and
Rate-Limiting the
ARP determines which rate configured, corresponding configured, corresponding
ARP of the bearer rRCThrd4AMBRLimtSw
is the limiting
Configuration of AMBR Switch gear is used based to the first, second, and
for Determining to the first, second, and
first ARPCoef
index of the
Limit_Rate-Limiting ARP theon AMBR
both PRB ch utilization rRCThrd4AMBRLimtDl
third array
Rate Limiting Threshold element
for the
third array
Number Threshold element
for the Number
Coefficient ARP
of AMBR andGear
the Based
UEs of RRC
separately. The
UEs for first
Enabling separately.
of RRC UEs forThe first
Indicator of AMBR Limit with
Limit RRC connections.
Number of RRC UEs If DLthreshold
smaller UL
array parameter. In this it is set to Close, the than the second threshold than the second threshold
longArray:[0..1200] longArray:[0..1200]
case, the rate limit of this system determines which value, and the second value, and the second
doubleArray:[0.1..1] model default: 0 model default: 50;70;95 model default: 50;70;95
kind of users is the rate rate limiting gear is used threshold value is smaller threshold value is smaller
limit value multiplied by based on only PRB than the third threshold than the third threshold
0.1. utilization. value. value.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 50;70;95 50;70;95
1.0;1.0;1.0;1.0;1.0;1.0;1.0; Close[0] 50;70;95 50;70;95
1.0;1.0;1.0;1.0;1.0;1.0;1.0; Close[0] 50;70;95 50;70;95
1.0;1.0;1.0;1.0;1.0;1.0;1.0; Close[0] 50;70;95 50;70;95
Close[0] 50;70;95 50;70;95
Close[0] 50;70;95 50;70;95
Close[0] 50;70;95 50;70;95
of UEs with RRC of UEs with RRC
connections. It is used for connections. It is used for
disabling downlink disabling uplink AMBR
AMBR rate limiting. rate limiting. Three
Three threshold values threshold values can be
can be configured, configured, corresponding
corresponding to the first, to the first, second, and
second, and rRCThrd4AMBRRecUl
Threshold for third array Threshold
the Number third array element
for the Number
RRC UEs separately. The of RRC
for Disabling separately. The
UEs for first
DL first threshold
AMBR Ratevalue is UL
Limiting threshold
smaller than the second than the second threshold
longArray:[0..1200] longArray:[0..1200]
threshold value, and the value, and the second
model default: 40;60;85 model default: 40;60;85
second threshold value is threshold value is smaller
smaller than the third than the third threshold
threshold value. value.

-- --
40;60;85 40;60;85
40;60;85 40;60;85
40;60;85 40;60;85
40;60;85 40;60;85
40;60;85 40;60;85
40;60;85 40;60;85
40;60;85 40;60;85
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
Control RRC Access and
NE_Name ldn moId E-RAB Establishment
parameter determines
for VoLTE
whether Control
Admission to perform
Control E-RAB
NE Name LDN MO ID admission
on User control on the
Establishment Strategy[2]
This parameter sets the access of voice users
unique ID of the managed and/or the establishment
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string of QCI1 and QCI2 bearers
type and can be to ensure user experience
NE Name LDN configured as planned. in the cell.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
This parameter is used to This parameter is used to
guarantee user experience guarantee user experience
in a cell. It sets the limit in a cell. It sets the limit
of the number of accessed of the number of accessed
QCI1 bearersAdmission
in a cell. qci2NumACThrd
QCI2 bearersAdmission
in a cell. volteCongSwch voLTECongPeriod
QCI1 Bearer QCI2 Bearer Switch of VoLTE User Performance Period of
The Threshold
Control operator can The Threshold
Based Control operator can Based Number Congestion VoLTE User Number
on Userthe parameter as configure
Experience on Userthe parameter as Switch Control
Experience of VoLTE user PerformanceControl
Congestion period (s)
required, but the required, but the number congestion VoLTE user number
long:[0..800] long:[0..400] long:[3..65535]
parameter value cannot parameter value cannot control , which determine congestion control is used
model default: 100 model default: 10 model default: 0 model default: 5
exceed the number of exceed the number of whether VoLTE user to evaluate VoLTE user
users allowed to be users allowed to be number congestion number load and SRVCC
admitted in the cell. admitted in the cell. control is valid or not. process.

-- -- -- --
100 10 Close[0] 5
100 10 Close[0] 5
100 10 Close[0] 5
100 10 Close[0] 5
100 10 Close[0] 5
100 10 Close[0] 5
100 10 Close[0] 5
low limit. While ,once the
MMTELVoice user ratio
load is lower than their
difference,the launch of
the upward adjustment of
Voice-Factor begins
The Number of Migration MMTELVoice and
User Ratio
volteCongStarThrd volteCongStopThrd volteNum2Migration acbVolteVoiceThrsh
contiues untill for
the The
Threshold of Starting Threshold of Stopping Volte User for VoLTE Trigger Threshold
VoLTE User Number VoLTE User Number User Number Congestion MMTELVoice Adjustment ofuserSSACratio
Congestion Control (%) Congestion Control (%) Control load is greater
Barring than(%)
Parameter or
equal to this parameter,or
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[1..20] long:[20..90]
This parameter is used to This parameter is used to the ssac-
model default: 90 model default: 80 model default: 1 model default: 90
judge whether the VoLTE judge whether the VoLTE This parameter determines BarringForMMTEL-
user number of the cell is user number congestion of the number of volte user Voice-Factor reaches the
congestion or not. the cell is relieve or not. migrated by SRVCC. upper limit of 1.

-- -- -- --
90 80 1 90
90 80 1 90
90 80 1 90
90 80 1 90
90 80 1 90
90 80 1 90
90 80 1 90
Voice-Factor reaches its low limit. While ,once the Video-Factor reaches its
low limit. While ,once the MMTELVideo user ratio low limit. While ,once the
MMTELVoice user ratio load is lower than their MMTELVideo user ratio
load is lower than their difference,the launch of load is lower than their
difference,the launch of the upward adjustment of difference,the launch of
the upward adjustment of MMTELVoice User Ratio ssac-BarringForMMTEL- the upward adjustment of
MMTELVoice User Ratio Load Estimation Window Video-Factor begins
MMTELVideo and MMTELVideo
User Ratio ssac-BarringForMMTEL-
User Ratio
Voice-Factor acbVolteVoiceLoadWin acbVolteVideoThrsh acbVolteVideoHys
Hysteresis begins
for Theand for The Adjustment of contiues
Trigger untill for
Threshold the The Video-Factor
Hysteresis begins
for Theand
contiues untill
Adjustment the
of SSAC SSAC Barring Parameter MMTELVideo
Adjustment ofuserSSACratio contiues untill
Adjustment the
MMTELVoice user (%)
Barring Parameter ratio (s) load is greater
Barring than(%)
Parameter or MMTELVideo user (%)
Barring Parameter ratio
load is greater than or equal to this parameter,or load is greater than or
long:[0..10] model default: 300 long:[20..90] long:[0..10]
equal to the later,or the MMTELVoice user ratio the ssac- equal to the later,or the
model default: 5 step: 10 model default: 90 model default: 5
ssac-BarringForMMTEL- load estimation window BarringForMMTEL- ssac-BarringForMMTEL-
Voice-Factor reaches the for the adjustment of Video-Factor reaches the Video-Factor reaches the
upper limit of 1. SSAC barring parameter. upper limit of 1. upper limit of 1.

-- -- -- --
5 300 90 5
5 300 90 5
5 300 90 5
5 300 90 5
5 300 90 5
5 300 90 5
5 300 90 5
MMTELVideo User Ratio
Load Estimation Window
for The Adjustment of
SSAC Barring Parameter
model default: 300
MMTELVideo user ratio
step: 10
load estimation window
for the adjustment of
SSAC barring parameter.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId srvType

NE Name LDN MO ID Service Type

This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[0..255]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Service Type

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
Expect Frequencies
expectFreqParasFor0user_ This parameter indicates
Expect Frequencies Configuration for
expHoTarFreqNum4Cate expHoTarFreqBandInd4C expectFreqParasFor0user_
the expected frequencies
Configuration for Category 0
policyID 0 ate0 expHoTarFreq4Cate0
for the users of category
Category 0 User_Expected
Number of Frequencies 0. If the frequency
User_Frequency Band Frequencies of the
for Category
Policy ID for Category 0 Users Indicator serving cell(MHz)
0 Users is not the
longArray:[1..5, 7..14,
highest-priority expected
long:[0..65535] long:[0..16] 17..28, 30..76, 85, 87..88,
This parameter indicates This parameter sets the frequencies, the eNodeB
model default: 0 model default: 0 101] doubleArray:[0..6000]
the number of frequencies band indicator of each hands over the users of
for the users of category expected frequency for the category 0 to an expected
Policy ID 0. users of category 0. frequency.

-- -- -- --
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
is from 0 to 255. The is from 0 to 255. The is from 0 to 255. The
default value 0 means that default value 0 means that default value 0 means that
the corresponding the corresponding the corresponding Expect Frequencies
frequency is not an frequency is not an frequency is not an Configuration for
expected frequency. A
Expect Frequencies expected frequency. A
Expect Frequencies expected frequency. A
Expect Frequencies Category 0
non-zero value means expectFreqParasFor0user_
Configuration for that non-zero value means
Configuration for that non-zero value means
Configuration for that This parameter indicates
the Category
corresponding expectFreqParasFor0user_
the Category
corresponding expectFreqParasFor0user_
the Category
corresponding interFHOMeasCfgIndx4C
0 0 0
frequency is an expected expHoTarFreqPri4Cate2
frequency is an expected expHoTarFreqPri4Cate3
frequency is an expected ate0
User_Priorities of User_Priorities of User_Priorities of Configuration Index of
Expected and a higher
Frequencies frequency
for Expected and a higher
Frequencies frequency
for Expected and a higher
Frequencies configuration index
for Inter-Frequency of
value indicatesUsers
Category-1 a higher value indicatesUsers
Category-2 a higher value indicatesUsers
Category-3 a higher inter-frequency
for Category-0handover
priority. If the service priority. If the service priority. If the service for the users of category
frequency is not frequency is not frequency is not 0. Each array element
longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..65535]
configured, the priority configured, the priority configured, the priority corresponds to one
for the service frequency for the service frequency for the service frequency frequency in
is 0 by default. is 0 by default. is 0 by default. awExpHoTarFreq4Cate0.

-- -- -- --
Expect Frequencies Expect Frequencies Expect Frequencies Expect Frequencies
Configuration for Configuration for Configuration for Configuration for
Category 0 Category 0 Category 0 Category 0
expectFreqParasFor0user_ expectFreqParasFor0user_ expectFreqParasFor0user_ expectFreqParasFor0user_
User_Coverage-Based User_Coverage-Based User_Coverage-Based This parameter indicates
This parameter indicates interFHOMeasCfgIndx4C
This parameter indicates interFHOMeasCfgIndx4C
This parameter indicates interFHOMeasCfgIndx4C
Measurement Measurement Measurement
the coverage-based ate2
the coverage-based ate3
the coverage-based ate4
Configuration Index of Configuration Index of Configuration Index of Configuration Index of
Inter-Frequency measurement
Handover Inter-Frequency measurement
Handover Inter-Frequency configuration index
Handover Inter-Frequency of
for Category-1index of
Users configuration
for Category-2index of
Users configuration
for Category-3index of inter-frequency
Users for Category-4handover
inter-frequency handover inter-frequency handover inter-frequency handover for the users of category
for category-1 users. Each for category-2 users. Each for category-3 users. Each 4. Each array element
longArray:[0..65535] longArray:[0..65535] longArray:[0..65535] longArray:[0..65535]
array element corresponds array element corresponds array element corresponds corresponds to one
to one frequency in to one frequency in to one frequency in frequency in
awExpHoTarFreq4Cate0. awExpHoTarFreq4Cate0. awExpHoTarFreq4Cate0. awExpHoTarFreq4Cate0.

-- -- -- --
frequency optimization to disable inter- to disable inter-
measurement frequency/inter-RAT frequency/inter-RAT
configuration of a user of This parameter is a two- measurement for the data measurement for the voice
category 0 is sent, the dimensional array with users of category 0. The users of category 0. The
eNodeB starts the the array elements A1A1RSRP
Thresholdto A1
corresponding timer to corresponding to the users Offset todisable
Disable Inter- Offset todisable
Disable Inter-
wait for the measurement expHoMeasCfgIndx4Cate
of category
Index of 1, category 2, inter-frequency/inter-RAT
Expected- Frequency/Inter-RAT inter-frequency/inter-RAT
report. If the user of and 03 separately. measurement
categoryMeasurement a1RsrpOff4DTCate0
for the a1RsrpOff4VTCate0
Timer of Expected- Frequency Measurement fordata measurement for the
Measurement forvoice
category 0Measurement
Frequency fails to be It indicates the indexes
Configuration for of users of category
Category-0 Data 0Users
is the users of category
Category-0 Voice0Users
is the
forhanded over Users
Category-0 after the
(ms) expected-frequency
Category-0 Users sum of this parameter
(dB) sum of this parameter
longArray:[1000..60000] longArray:[1..65535]
timer expires, the eNodeB optimization measurement value and the A1 RSRP value and the A1 RSRP
model default: model default: long:[-60..60] long:[-60..60]
deletes the measurement configurations of the users threshold to disable inter- threshold to disable inter-
5000;5000;5000 900;902;904 model default: 0 model default: 0
of expected-frequency of category 0, frequency/inter-RAT frequency/inter-RAT
optimization for the user corresponding to a group measurement for the measurement for the
of category 0. of parameter values. ordinary data users. ordinary voice users.

-- -- -- --
5000;5000;5000 900;902;904 0 0
5000;5000;5000 900;902;904 0 0
5000;5000;5000 900;902;904 0 0
5000;5000;5000 900;902;904 0 0
5000;5000;5000 900;902;904 0 0
5000;5000;5000 900;902;904 0 0
5000;5000;5000 900;902;904 0 0
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
A2 RSRP threshold offset A2 RSRP threshold offset This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
to enable inter-frequency to enable inter-frequency A2 RSRP threshold offset A2 RSRP threshold offset
measurement for the data measurement for the voice to enable inter-RAT to enable inter-RAT
users of category 0. The users of category 0. The measurement for the data measurement for the voice
Thresholdto A2A2RSRP
Thresholdto users of category
A2 RSRP 0. The
Threshold users of category
A2 RSRP 0. The
enable inter-frequency opeInterFA2RsrpOff4VT
enable inter-frequency opeRatA2RsrpOff4DTCat
A2 RSRP threshold to opeRatA2RsrpOff4VTCat
A2 RSRP threshold to
Offset to Enable Inter- Offset to Enable Inter- Offset to Enable Inter- Offset to Enable Inter-
measurementCate0for the data measurement Cate0
for the voice RAT enable e0
inter-RAT enable e0
Frequency Measurement Frequency Measurement Measurement for RAT Measurement for
for of category
Category-0 Data0 isUsers
the users of category Voice
for Category-0 0 is the measurement
Category-0 Datafor the data
Users measurement for theUsers
Category-0 Voice voice
sum of this
(dB)parameter sum of this (dB)
Users parameter users of category
(dB) 0 is the users of category
(dB) 0 is the
value and the A2 RSRP value and the A2 RSRP sum of this parameter sum of this parameter
long:[-60..60] long:[-60..60] long:[-60..60] long:[-60..60]
threshold to enable inter- threshold to enable inter- value and the A2 RSRP value and the A2 RSRP
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
frequency measurement frequency measurement threshold to enable inter- threshold to enable inter-
for the ordinary data for the ordinary voice RAT measurement for the RAT measurement for the
users. users. ordinary data users. ordinary voice users.

-- -- -- --
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
to disable inter- This parameter sets the
frequency/inter-RAT A2 RSRP threshold offset This parameter sets the
This parameter determines measurement for the video to enable inter-frequency A2 RSRP threshold offset
whether A1/A2 users of category 0. The measurement for the video to enable inter-RAT
measurement takes effect A1 A1RSRP
Thresholdto users of category 0. The measurement for the video
for the users of category Offset todisableDisable Inter- A2A2RSRP
Thresholdto users of category
A2 RSRP 0. The
0. If it is set to Close, the inter-frequency/inter-RAT opeInterFA2RsrpOff4VD
enable to
inter-frequency opeRatA2RsrpOff4VDCat
A2 RSRP threshold to
Frequency/Inter-RAT Offset Enable Inter- Offset to Enable Inter-
A1/A2 ch a1RsrpOff4VDCate0 Cate0 e0
Measurementof measurement for the
Measurement forvideo measurement for the video RAT
Frequency Measurement enable inter-RAT
Measurement for
the usersfor
Switch of category
Category-00 is users of category
Category-0 Video0Users
is the users of categoryVideo
for Category-0 0 is the measurement for theUsers
Category-0 Video video
the same as that of
Users sum of this parameter
(dB) sum of this (dB)
Users parameter users of category
(dB) 0 is the
ordinary users. If it is set value and the A1 RSRP value and the A2 RSRP sum of this parameter
long:[-60..60] long:[-60..60] long:[-60..60]
to Open, special A1/A2 threshold to disable inter- threshold to enable inter- value and the A2 RSRP
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
measurement is enabled frequency/inter-RAT frequency measurement threshold to enable inter-
for the users of category measurement for the for the ordinary video RAT measurement for the
0. ordinary video users. users. ordinary video users.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0 0 0
Close[0] 0 0 0
Close[0] 0 0 0
Close[0] 0 0 0
Close[0] 0 0 0
Close[0] 0 0 0
Close[0] 0 0 0
frequency/inter-RAT category 0. The A2 RSRP
measurement for the threshold to enable inter-
This parameter determines downlink data users of frequency measurement
whether uplink data users category 0 is the sum of for the downlink data
and downlink data users this A1parameter value and
RSRP Threshold users of category 0 is the
use different A1/A2 the A1 RSRP
Offset threshold
to Disable Inter-to sum of thisThreshold
A2 RSRP parameter This parameter determines
thresholds. If it is set to disable
Frequency/Inter-RAT value
Offsetand the A2 Inter-
to Enable RSRP whether voice and video
Close, uplink a1RsrpOff4DLDTCate0
data users inter-frequency/inter-RAT a2RsrpOff4DLDTCate0
threshold a1A2Diff4VTVDSwch
Switch of Different Measurement for FrequencytoMeasurement
enable inter- users use different
Switch A1/A2
of Different
enum: enum:
and downlink
A1/A2 data users
Thresholds for measurement
Category-0 DL forData
the frequency
for measurement
DL Category-0 Data thresholds. If it is setforto
A1/A2 Thresholds
Close[0] Close[0]
use the same
UL/DL Data A1/A2
Users ordinary data(dB)
Users users. This for the ordinary
Users (dB) data Close, voice and
Voice/Video video
Open[1] Open[1]
threshold. If it is set to parameter is valid only users. This parameter is users use the same A1/A2
long:[-60..60] long:[-60..60]
Open, uplink data users when the valid only when the threshold. If it is set to
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
and downlink data users ucA1A2Diff4ULDLDTS ucA1A2Diff4ULDLDTS Open, voice and video
use different A1/A2 wch parameter is set to wch parameter is set to users use different A1/A2
thresholds. Open. Open. thresholds.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] -60 -60 Close[0]
Close[0] 0 0 Close[0]
Close[0] -60 -60 Close[0]
Close[0] 0 0 Close[0]
Close[0] 0 0 Close[0]
Close[0] -60 -60 Close[0]
Close[0] 0 0 Close[0]
the serving cell for the the serving cell for the This parameter sets the the serving cell for the
users of category 1 in users of category 1 in threshold offset of users of category 1 in
coverage-based SRVCC coverage-based SRVCC neighbor cells for the coverage-based SRVCC
to GERAN. The RSRP to GERAN. The RSRQ users of category 1 in to UTRAN. The RSRP
threshold of the serving threshold of the serving coverage-based SRVCC threshold of the serving
for the users of of
Offset cell for
RSRQ the usersOffset
Threshold of to GERAN.
ThresholdThe threshold
Offset of RSRPcellThreshold
for the users of of
category 1 in coverage- srvccRsrqoff4GERANcat
category 1 in coverage- srvccNbrTrdoff4GERANc
of Neighbor
neighbor cells srvccRsrpoff4UTRANcat
the Serving Cell for of the Serving Cell for Cellsfor
forthe category 1 in coverage-
the Serving Cell for
based SRVCC e1 to GERAN based SRVCC e1 to GERAN users of category
ate1 e1 to UTRAN
Category-1 Users in Category-1 Users in Category-1 Users1inin based SRVCC
Category-1 Users in
is the sum of SRVCC
Coverage-Based this is the sum of SRVCC
Coverage-Based this coverage-based SRVCC
Coverage-Based is the sum of SRVCC
SRVCC Coverage-Based this
to GERAN value(dB)
and the parameter
to GERANvalue(dB)
and the to GERAN
to GERANis the(dB)
sum of parameter
to UTRANvalue(dB)
and the
RSRP threshold of the RSRQ threshold of the this parameter value and RSRP threshold of the
long:[-60..60] model default: 0.0 long:[-60..60] long:[-60..60]
serving cell for ordinary serving cell for ordinary the threshold of neighbor serving cell for ordinary
model default: 0 step: 0.5 model default: 0 model default: 0
voice users in coverage- voice users in coverage- cells for ordinary voice voice users in coverage-
based SRVCC to based SRVCC to users in coverage-based based SRVCC to

-- -- -- --
0 0.0 0 0
0 0.0 0 0
0 0.0 0 0
0 0.0 0 0
0 0.0 0 0
0 0.0 0 0
0 0.0 0 0
the serving cell for the neighbor cells for the neighbor cells for the
users of category 1 in users of category 1 in users of category 1 in
coverage-based SRVCC coverage-based SRVCC coverage-based SRVCC
to UTRAN. The RSRQ to UTRAN. The RSCP to UTRAN. The Ec/No
threshold of the serving threshold of neighbor threshold of neighbor
cell for
RSRQ the usersOffset
Threshold of RSCPcellsThreshold
for the users of of Ec/No
Offset cellsThreshold
for the users of of
category 1 in coverage- srvccRscpoff4UTRANcat
category 1 inCells
coverage- srvccEcNooff4UTRANcat
category 1 inCells
of the Serving Cell for Neighbor for Neighbor for
based SRVCC e1 to UTRAN based SRVCC e1 to UTRAN based SRVCC e1 to UTRAN reserveParam1
Category-1 Users in Category-1 Users in Category-1 Users in
is the sum of SRVCC
Coverage-Based this is the sum of SRVCC
Coverage-Based this is the sum of SRVCC
Coverage-Based this
to UTRAN value(dB)
and the parameter
to UTRANvalue(dB)
and the parameterto UTRANvalue(dB)
and the Reserved Parameter1
double:[-20..20] double:[-20..20]
RSRQ threshold of the RSCP threshold of Ec/No threshold of
model default: 0.0 long:[-60..60] model default: 0.0 long:[0..255]
serving cell for ordinary neighbor cells for ordinary neighbor cells for ordinary
step: 0.5 model default: 0 step: 0.5 model default: 0
voice users in coverage- voice users in coverage- voice users in coverage-
based SRVCC to based SRVCC to based SRVCC to
UTRAN. UTRAN. UTRAN. Reserved parameter1.

-- -- -- --
0.0 0 0.0 0
0.0 0 0.0 0
0.0 0 0.0 0
0.0 0 0.0 0
0.0 0 0.0 0
0.0 0 0.0 0
0.0 0 0.0 0
reserveParam2 reserveParam3 reserveParam4 reserveParam5

Reserved Parameter2 Reserved Parameter3 Reserved Parameter4 Reserved Parameter5

long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[0..255]
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0

Reserved parameter2. Reserved parameter3. Reserved parameter4. Reserved parameter5.

-- -- -- --
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
reserveParam6 reserveParam7 reserveParam8 reserveParam9

Reserved Parameter6 Reserved Parameter7 Reserved Parameter8 Reserved Parameter9

long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[0..65535]
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0

Reserved parameter6. Reserved parameter7. Reserved parameter8. Reserved parameter9.

-- -- -- --
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
This parameter enables or
disables the downlink
reserveParam10 reserveParam11 reserveParam12 generalQosSwitch
general QoS function. If it
set to Open, specific
for Downlink
Reserved Parameter10 Reserved Parameter11 Reserved Parameter12 types of downlink
General QoS
services can be provided
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
with a special guarantee.
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
If it is set to Close, no
special guarantee is
Reserved parameter10. Reserved parameter11. Reserved parameter12. provided.

-- -- -- --
0 0 0 Open[1]
0 0 0 Open[1]
0 0 0 Open[1]
0 0 0 Close[0]
0 0 0 Open[1]
0 0 0 Open[1]
0 0 0 Open[1]
This parameter indicates
the proportion of the
This parameter indicates remaining RBs for non- This parameter sets the
the type of the downlink GBR services after RB total number of restricted
services that need to be resources are allocated to SPID types based on the
preferentially guaranteed dlPbrCompensationLimit rBProportionforNGBR
GBR services and limitedSPIDTypeNum
PBRs. number of restricted SPID
Proportion of the
in a high traffic
Preferentially scenario.
Guaranteed ThisDLparameter indicates
PBR Window It restricts the
Remaining resources
Resources for types. Up to three
Total Number of
If there
DLare a large
Service number
Type theCompensation
downlink PBR allocated
Non-GBR to the MBR. If restricted
Services RestrictedSPID
SPIDtypes can
of RRC users, this window compensation the MBR is high, the be configured. If the
long:[0..7] long:[0..65535] model default: 0.0 long:[0..3]
parameter indicates the and is used to change the throughput of non-GBR number of restricted SPID
model default: 1 model default: 0 step: 0.1 model default: 0
only service type that largest amount of services can be guaranteed types is 0, proportional
needs to be guaranteed for downlink PBR window through the adjustment of scheduling of SPID
the generalized QoS. compensation. this parameter. resources is disabled.

-- -- -- --
2 0 0.0 1
1 0 0.0 1
2 0 0.0 1
1 0 0.0 0
1 0 0.0 1
2 0 0.0 1
1 0 0.0 1
the eNodeB identifies the
UEs that send the uplink
This parameter sets the packets with a specified
SPID type code for length, so that it can
restricted UEs as required. This parameter sets the preferentially allocate
Up to three SPID type maximum ratio of NGBR uplink RB resources to This parameter sets the
codes can be configured. maxRBRatio4LimitedSPI
RBs for restricted SPID such UEs. If this interval for scheduling
parameter value must types. D
The maximum
Ratio ofratio parameter is set to Close,
two adjacent TBs on
be unique
Type (except
Code of the
Restricted of
RBs forfor a single Switch
Restricted the eNodeB cannot
for Uplink General LCG3 of
Interval forTwo
If the
default SPIDs
value 0). The restricted
Typestype is identify theQoSUEs that send actual UL
TBs (ms)interval
value 0 is an invalid type less than 100 and the sum the uplink packets with a exceeds this parameter
longArray:[0..256] longArray:[0..99] long:[0..65535]
code. If the SPID type of the maximum ratios of specified length, and value, TB identification is
model default: 0;0;0 model default: 0;0;0 model default: 0 model default: 1000
code is set to 0, the UEs NGBR RBs for all the therefore the uplink rate considered to fail and TBs
of this SPID type are not restricted SPID types is of these UEs cannot be need to be identified
restricted. less than 100. guaranteed. again.

-- -- -- --
12;0;0 99;0;0 Close[0] 1000
12;0;0 99;0;0 Close[0] 1000
12;0;0 99;0;0 Close[0] 1000
0;0;0 0;0;0 Close[0] 1000
12;0;0 99;0;0 Close[0] 1000
12;0;0 99;0;0 Close[0] 1000
12;0;0 99;0;0 Close[0] 1000
This parameter sets the
type of uplink guaranteed
UE. If the uplink
generalized QoS function This parameter sets the
is enabled, the eNodeB SBR usage indicator for
This parameter sets the identifies a type of UE as general QoS. If the
This parameter sets the upper limit of the guaranteed UEs based on general QoS function is
accumulated size of accumuULTBUpperLimit
accumulated the trafULType4Guar sbrUseMethodInd
Upper Limit size of
of the requested uplink data enabled and this
uplink TBs on
Accumulated ULLCG3 of
TB Size uplink TBs on
Accumulated ULLCG3 of
TB Size volume. This parameter parameter
SBR UsageisIndicator
set to 0, the
UEs. If the accumulated
(KB) UEs. If the accumulated
(KB) setsULtheGuarantee
type of guarantee
Type following formula
General QoS holds
size of TBs scheduled in size of TBs scheduled in parameter used by this true: PBR = PBR + SBR.
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[1..5] long:[0..1]
the uplink of a UE the uplink of a UE type of guaranteed UE. If this parameter is set to
model default: 50 model default: 10000 model default: 2 model default: 0
exceeds this parameter exceeds this threshold, the The PBR adjustment 1, the following formula
value, the UE is identified guarantee for the UE values vary with the types holds true: PBR =
as a guaranteed user. stops. of guarantee parameters. max(PBR,SBR).

-- -- -- --
50 10000 2 0
50 10000 2 0
50 10000 2 0
50 10000 2 0
50 10000 2 0
50 10000 2 0
50 10000 2 0
uplink and downlink at
the same time or
separately. When the PBR This parameter determines
is granted as an extra rate, whether the uplink big- When uplink service- This parameter enables or
for example, in the BSR UEs identified by based handover is enabled disables RB resource
downlink, and the ePF general QoS are handed and the reporting mode is restriction on GBR
algorithm is used, the over to other cells. If it is set to 1, this parameter is services to prevent NGBR
pbrExtraRateSwch bigBsrUlUeReportMode
PBR can be extra set to Open, uplink big- bigBsrUlRprtPrd4GQOS
used as the reporting limitGbrSwitch
resource shortage because
Downlink_Open[1] enum:
Switch forcompared
Granting with
the BSR ULUEs identified
Big-BSR UE by period. When Reporting
UL Big-BSR the period GBR too many resources
Resource are
Uplink_Open[2] Close[0]
PBR scenario whereRate
as an Extra this general QoS are
Reporting handed expires,
Mode Period information of the
for General QoS occupied by GBR
Both_Open[3] Open[1]
function is disabled under over to other cells when current big-BSR UEs is services. If this parameter
long:[0..1] long:[2..100]
the same conditions (such certain conditions are met. reported to the RRM and is set to Open, the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 5 model default: 0
as the MLP NGBR bearer (For details, refer to the the big-BSR UEs are resources for non-
and the same channel related algorithm handed over to the target guaranteed GBR services
quality). documents) cell. are restricted.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0 5 Close[0]
Close[0] 0 5 Close[0]
Close[0] 0 5 Close[0]
Close[0] 0 5 Close[0]
Close[0] 0 5 Close[0]
Close[0] 0 5 Close[0]
Close[0] 0 5 Close[0]
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the In the case of serious
threshold for PRB usage threshold for PRB usage This parameter sets the congestion, the proportion
in the case of slight in the case of serious proportion of the RB of total RB resources
congestion. prbThr4HighCongestGbr
PRB Usage If PRB usage
Threshold in congestion.
PRB Usage If PRB usage
Threshold in resources available for available for GBR
exceeds bLmt
this Rbthreshold, GBR limitGbrRatio limitGbrRatioOffset
the Case ofthreshold,
Slight exceeds this
the Case of Serious services in the case services is calculated as
there may beinslight
Congestion GBR there may beinserious
Congestion GBR of light
GBR congestion.
Resource If the
Proportion follows:
GBR GBRProportion
Resource resource
the network.
(%) congestion
the network.
(%) proportion(%)
exceeds this proportion - GBR
Offset (%)
In addition, the number of In addition, the number of parameter value, non- resource proportion offset.
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
RRC UEs must be RRC UEs must be guaranteed GBR services If the proportion exceeds
model default: 60 model default: 80 model default: 50 model default: 20
considered to determine considered to determine are not scheduled while this parameter value, non-
whether slight congestion whether serious guaranteed GBR services guaranteed GBR services
occurs. congestion occurs. are not affected. are not scheduled.

-- -- -- --
60 80 50 20
60 80 50 20
60 80 50 20
60 80 50 20
60 80 50 20
60 80 50 20
60 80 50 20
services) that are not to restrict RB resources
restricted by the number for GBR services: Within
of PRBs. This number a period of time (TTI), the
needs to be used together This parameter sets the This parameter sets the maximum number of RBs
with the Guaranteed QCI threshold for the number threshold for the number is calculated. If the
List in GBR Resource of RRC UEs in the case of of RRC UEs in the case of number of RBs occupied
Control parameter in this rrcThr4LowCongestGbrR
slight congestion. If the rrcThr4HighCongestGbrR
serious congestion. If the by GBR services is equal
Threshold for the Number Threshold for the Number
table. mt words, the
In other bLmt ofbRRC to limitGbrWinSize
Number of Guaranteed ofnumber
in theUEs
Case ofnumber
RRC UEs in theUEs
Case or greater than this
QCIs (Number of
Resource exceeds
of Slight this threshold,
Congestion in ofexceeds
Seriousthis threshold,in
Congestion threshold,
GBR Resourcenon-guaranteed
Guaranteed QCIs in GBR
Control GBRthere may be slight
Resource Control thereResource
GBR may be serious
Control GBR services
Window are not
Resource Control) congestion in the network. congestion in the network. scheduled. This period of
long:[0..16] long:[1..1200] long:[1..1200] long:[1..5000]
elements in the list In addition, PRB usage In addition, PRB usage time is called a control
model default: 2 model default: 100 model default: 200 model default: 50
(Guaranteed QCI List in must be considered to must be considered to window, namely, GBR
GBR Resource Control) determine whether slight determine whether serious resource control window
are guaranteed QCIs. congestion occurs. congestion occurs. length.

-- -- -- --
2 100 200 50
2 100 200 50
2 100 200 50
2 100 200 50
2 100 200 50
2 100 200 50
2 100 200 50
case 2, and case 4). In
these scenarios, if this
This parameter sets the parameter is set to Open,
list of the guaranteed This parameter enables or the resources used by
QCIs that are not disables the adaption of PBR services can be
The adjustment of the restricted by the number the cell-level downlink guaranteed, that is, the
GBR resource restriction of PRBs in GBR resource scheduling algorithm. If it PBR services are not
policy depends on the unLimitQciListGbrRbLmt
control. The QCIs are of dlSchdAdapSwitch
is set to Open, the netSharePBRGuaSwch
restricted by the PRB
Congestion Determination
enum: enum:
congestion condition.
Period in GBR This Guaranteed
Resource only GBR service type.
QCI List algorithm
in Switch for can
DL be changed
Scheduling resources
PBR of an Switch
Guarantee operatorin
longArray:[1..255] Close[0] Close[0]
parameter sets(min)
Control the period GBR These QCIs are
Resource not
Control to the MAX C/I
Algorithm algorithm
Adaption group. If this parameter
Network Sharing is
model default: Open[1] Open[1]
of congestion restricted by GBR when the number of RRC- set to Close, the PBR
long:[1..60] 1;2;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
determination. A longer resources, but the used connected UEs is large, services fail to be
model default: 15 ;1;1 model default: 0 model default: 0
period indicates that the RB resources are counted improving the downlink scheduled if there is no
GBR restriction policy is in the number of used spectrum efficiency of the PRB resource available
changed less frequently. RBs for GBR services. cell. for the operator group.

-- -- -- --
15 1;2;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Close[0] Close[0]
15 1;2;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Close[0] Close[0]
15 1;2;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Close[0] Close[0]
15 1;2;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Close[0] Close[0]
15 1;2;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Close[0] Close[0]
15 1;2;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Close[0] Close[0]
15 1;2;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
scheduling factor for scheduling factor for
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the downlink non-NSA UEs. uplink non-NSA UEs. It is
scheduling factor for scheduling factor for It is used to adjust the used to adjust the priority
downlink NSA UEs. It is uplink NSA UEs. It is priority of the downlink of the uplink non-NSA
used to adjust the priority used to adjust the priority non-NSA UEs when the UEs when the ePF
of the downlink NSA UEs of the uplink NSA UEs ePF algorithm is used. A algorithm is used. A
when the fFNsaUserUL
ePF algorithm is when the fFNonNsaUserDL
ePF algorithm is larger parameter value fFNonNsaUserUL
larger parameter value
used. A larger
Scheduling parameter
Factor used. A larger
for DL Scheduling parameter
Factor indicatesFactor
for UL Scheduling a higher
for DL indicatesFactor
Scheduling a higher
for UL
value indicates
NSA UEs a higher value indicates
NSA UEs a higher scheduling priority
Non-NSA UEsof the scheduling
UEsof the
scheduling priority of the scheduling priority of the downlink non-NSA UEs uplink non-NSA UEs
long:[1..255] long:[1..255] long:[1..255] long:[1..255]
downlink NSA UEs when uplink NSA UEs when the when the ePF algorithm is when the ePF algorithm is
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 1
the ePF algorithm is used ePF algorithm is used and used and higher used and higher
and higher probability of higher probability of UE probability of UE probability of UE
UE scheduling. scheduling. scheduling. scheduling.

-- -- -- --
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId nackThrshis the
This parameter
clearing threshold
Downlink NACKof the
NE Name LDN MO ID subframe counter of
Statistics Threshold
This parameter sets the NACK. When that
string:length[1..255] long:[0..65535]
unique ID of the managed counter reaches this
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 7
object. It is of the string threshold, MCS should be
type and can be decreased by
NE Name LDN configured as planned. MCS_Down.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 7
ackThrsh schdNACKThrsh schdACKThrsh deltaMcsInit
This parameter
Downlink is the
ACK Statistics This parameter
Downlink is the
NACK This parameter
Downlink is the
ACK Statistics Initial DeltaMcs for
threshold of the Statistics
clearing threshold of the clearing
Window Length threshold
Window Lengthof the Normal Schedule
subframe counter of ACK. schedule subframe schedule subframe
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[-28..28]
When that counter reaches counter of NACK. When counter of ACK. When
model default: 47 model default: 50 model default: 50 model default: -3
this threshold, MCS that counter reaches this that counter reaches this
should be increased by threshold, it should be threshold, it should be Initial DeltaMcs for
MCS_Up. cleared. cleared. normal schedule.

-- -- -- --
47 50 50 -3
47 50 50 -3
47 50 50 -2
47 50 50 -2
47 50 50 -3
47 50 50 -2
47 50 50 -3
Adjustment Value of The Adjusting Step When
deltaMcsAdjust olAmcNAckStepUL olAmcAckStepUL olAmcSNRInitUL
Downlink Outer-loop Received NACK in The Adjusting Step When
AMC Initial Value After Uplink Out Loop AMC Received ACK in Uplink Initial DeltaMcs for UL
UE Handover (dB) Out Loop AMC (dB) AMC
This parameter is the
long:[-5..5] long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[-33..33]
adjustment value of The adjusting step of
model default: 3 model default: 63 model default: 7 model default: -5
Downlink outer-loop SINR when received The adjusting step of
AMC Initial value after NACK in uplink out loop SINR when received ACK Initial DeltaMcs for UL
UE handover. AMC. in uplink out loop AMC. AMC.

-- -- -- --
3 63 7 -5
3 63 11 -2
3 63 11 -2
3 63 11 -2
3 63 11 -2
3 63 11 -2
3 63 11 -2
This parameter indicates Step for SINR Adjustment
the adjustment value of In the
Based on uplink
Received AMCACKs
the converted CQI. When This parameter sets the hstAMCUlPostiveFreqAC
for UL Outer-Loop of a high-
the CQI reported by the cqiDeltaOffset deltaBLER4DL256Qam
adjustment value K
Adjustment Valueof ofthe
the inspeed rail scenario,
a Positive Frequencythis
UE is converted
Adjustment to the
Value of This parameter is used for
Target BLERfor for
DL parameter
Offset Areasetsof
thea High-
step for
CQI value corresponding
Converted CQI CRS-based
Offset CQI
for CQI Reporting 256QAM. It is used to adjusting
256QAM the SINR
Speed Rail Scenariobased
to nomPDSCH-RS- measurement. The ratio of adjust the target BLER on the received ACK
long:[-1..1] long:[-1..2] model default: 0.05 long:[0..255]
EPRE-Offset of 0, the the PDSCH EPRE to the upwards or downwards in messages for uplink outer-
model default: 0 model default: 0 step: 0.01 model default: 28
converted CQI value can CRS EPRE is calculated the scenario where the loop AMC when the UE
be fine adjusted based on based on PA and this downlink 256QAM table is in a positive frequency
this parameter value. parameter value. is configured. offset area.

-- -- -- --
0 0 0.05 28
0 2 0.0 28
0 2 0.0 28
0 2 0.0 28
0 2 0.0 28
0 2 0.0 28
0 2 0.0 28
Step for SINR Adjustment Step for SINR Adjustment
Step for SINR Adjustment Based on Received Based on Received
In the
Based on uplink
Received AMCACKs NACKs In the uplink
for ULAMCOuter- In the uplink
NACKs for ULAMCOuter-
hstAMCUlNegtiveFreqA hstAMCUlPostiveFreqNA hstAMCUlNegtiveFreqN Spare[3]
for UL Outer-Loopof a high-
AMC Loop optimization
AMC inof a high- Loop
a Positive optimization
AMC in of a high-
a Negative
in rail CK
a Negativescenario,
Frequency speed rail CK
this Frequency scenario,
Offset Area speed railACK
thisof Frequency scenario,
Offset thisof
Offset Areasetsofthea High-
step for parameter sets the Rail
a High-Speed step for parameter sets the Rail
a High-Speed step for This
UL parameter enables
Cell-Specific AMCor
adjusting the SINR
Speed Rail Scenario based adjustingScenario
the SINR based adjustingScenario
the SINR based disables uplink cell-
on the received ACK on the received NACK on the received NACK specific AMC. Uplink
long:[0..255] long:[0..255] long:[0..255]
messages for uplink outer- messages for uplink outer- messages for uplink outer- cell-specific AMC can be
model default: 28 model default: 252 model default: 252 model default: 0
loop AMC when the UE loop AMC when the UE loop AMC when the UE enabled if the radio
is in a negative frequency is in a positive frequency is in a negative frequency channel quality of all the
offset area. offset area. offset area. UEs in a cell is the same.

-- -- -- --
28 252 252 Disable[0]
28 252 252 Disable[0]
28 252 252 Disable[0]
28 252 252 Disable[0]
28 252 252 Disable[0]
28 252 252 Disable[0]
28 252 252 Disable[0]
This parameter determines
whether to configure
differentiated downlink
AMC parameters for UEs
with the general QoS. If
This parameter is used to this parameter is set to
compensate the difference Open,Differentiated
the identified UEs
atmosDeltaSinrStepFactor cQIFalseDetcSwch cQIRepSwch4nonStdBW
between the realofCQI dlAmc4GeneralQoSswch
Outer-Loop Tracing The Switch CQIand of general QoSSwitch
Configuration type can
enum: enum: enum:
Factor for Atmospheric This parameter
The Switch is used
of CQI to
False the UE measured
Compensate underCQI
non- be configured
DL AMC for by using
QoS- the
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Ducting eliminate the untrusted
Detection value under
Standard the non-
Bandwidth downlink differentiated
Guaranteed UEs
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
CQI value caused by false standard bandwidth. AMC parameters. In this
This parameter adjusts the detection. When turned When turned on, the way, the perception of the
model default: 4 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
outer-loop tracing speed on, the proportion of CQI proportion of CQI greater users with a specific type
in an atmospheric ducting greater than or equal to 7 than or equal to 7 can be of service can be
scenario. can be improved. improved. improved.

-- -- -- --
4 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
4 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
4 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
4 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
4 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
4 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
4 Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
threshold for clearing the threshold for clearing the
downlink outer-loop downlink outer-loop This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
AMC NACK counter for AMC ACK counter for threshold for clearing the threshold for clearing the
UEs with the general UEs with the general counter for the number of counter for the number of
QoS. When the NACK QoS. When the ACK times that downlink outer- times that downlink outer-
counter reaches the counter reaches the loop AMC NACK loop AMC ACK
threshold, the outer-loop threshold,
Thresholdthe forouter-loop
DL ACK messagesLength
Window are scheduled
for DL messagesLength
Window are scheduled
for DL
nACKThrsh4QoS aCKThrsh4QoS schdNACKThrsh4QoS schdACKThrsh4QoS
NACK quantity is
Scheduling AMC quantity
Scheduling is
Data for
NACK UEsScheduling
with the general
Data for
with the general
Data CollectionbyThreshold
one step; incremented
Collectionby forone step;
QoS- QoS. When the
Collection for counter
QoS- QoS. When the
Collection for counter
forthat is, the outer-loop
QoS-Guaranteed UEs thatGuaranteed
is, the outer-loop
UEs valueGuaranteed
reaches theUEs
window valueGuaranteed
reaches theUEs
MCS is reduced by one MCS is increased by one length, the counter for the length, the counter for the
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
order. If the inner-loop order. If the inner-loop number of times that number of times that
model default: 7 model default: 47 model default: 50 model default: 50
MCS remains unchanged, MCS remains unchanged, downlink outer-loop downlink outer-loop
the scheduling MCS is the scheduling MCS is AMC NACK messages AMC ACK messages are
reduced by one order. increased by one order. are scheduled is cleared. scheduled is cleared.

-- -- -- --
7 47 50 50
7 47 50 50
7 47 50 50
7 47 50 50
7 47 50 50
7 47 50 50
7 47 50 50
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
step for SINR adjustment step for SINR adjustment
based on received NACK based on received ACK
This parameter sets the messages for uplink outer- messages for uplink outer-
initial delta MCS value This parameter
Initial-Value sets the Step
Adjustment loopfor
AMC SINRforAdjustment
UEs with loop AMC for UEs with
normally scheduled for adjustment quantity
Quantity of of the the
DL Outer- general
Based QoS. It is Step
on Received thefor
SINRQoS. It is
UEs with the general deltaMcsAdjust4QoS
initial-value ulOlAmcNackStep4QoS ulOlAmcAckStep4QoS
Initial Delta MCS Value loop AMCoffordownlink
QoS- configured
NACKs fortoUL adjust the Based
Outer- configured to adjust
on Received the
QoS. It is used
Scheduled fortoQoS-
update outer-loop
GuaranteedAMCUEsfor QoS- BLER
After Loop AMCfor thefor
guaranteed BLER
General for UL for the guaranteed
Outer-Loop AMC
maintain theUEs initial guaranteed UEs after
Handover UEsQoS
withUEsthe (dB)
general forUEs withQoS
General the general
UEs (dB)
outer-loop MCS value handover. It is used to QoS. If it is set to a QoS. If it is set to a larger
long:[-28..28] long:[-5..5] long:[0..255] long:[0..255]
after a UE is handed over update and maintain the smaller value, the target value, the target BLER is
model default: -3 model default: 3 model default: 63 model default: 7
to a neighbor cell or the initial outer-loop MCS BLER is higher. If it is set higher. If it is set to a
transmission mode is value after a UE is handed to a larger value, the smaller value, the target
changed. over to a neighbor cell. target BLER is lower. BLER is lower.

-- -- -- --
-3 3 63 7
-3 3 63 7
-3 3 63 7
-3 3 63 7
-3 3 63 7
-3 3 63 7
-3 3 63 7
the NR side through split distributed to the NR side services on the LTE side.
bearers, there are no UL through split bearers, Therefore, the UL AMC
services on the LTE side. there are no UL services becomes unstable,
Therefore, the PHRs of on the LTE side. possibly increasing the
UEs cannot be reported Therefore, the UL AMC BLER. In this case, the
The rate measurement for a long time. The UL becomes unstable, AMC BELR needs to
software for SA or NSA AMC considers PHRs possibly increasing
Conservative MCSthe reduced. The ratio of this
can identify pHRInfiniteSwch4Split dltaMcsSr4Split ulOlAmcAckStep4Split
LTE Target BLERand
in invalid and may perform BLER. Therefore,
Quantity for UL SRthe parameter
ACK Step ofvalue
UL to the
Initial DL the ramping
Ramping for someAlways
UL PHR improperValid MCS needs
Scheduling to beSplit
on LTE NACK step for
Outer-Loop of UL
phase. Optimization
This parameter sets forprocedures, thus
LTE Split Bearers processed
Bearersin a outer-loop for LTE split
double:[0.01..0.1] Open[1]
the downlink target BLER increasing the BLER. In conservative manner bearers is approximately
model default: 0.01 long:[0..28] long:[0..65535]
in the ramping phase. For this case, this parameter during SR scheduling, and equal to the UL target
step: 0.01 model default: 1 model default: 5 model default: 7
the adjustment details, can be used to set the this parameter controls the BLER. You can modify
refer to the adjustment PHRs maintained by the specific conservative these two parameters to
rules. AMC to never invalid. quantity. reduce the target BLER.

-- -- -- --
0.01 Open[1] 5 7
0.01 Open[1] 5 7
0.01 Open[1] 5 7
0.01 Open[1] 5 7
0.01 Open[1] 5 7
0.01 Open[1] 5 7
0.01 Open[1] 5 7
services on the LTE side. distributed to the NR side
Therefore, the UL AMC through split bearers,
becomes unstable, there are no UL services
possibly increasing the on the LTE side.
BLER. In this case, the Therefore, the UL AMC
AMC BELR needs to lacks of UL measurement This parameter sets the
reduced. The ratio of the values, possibly target
Target BLER
ACK step amcPreSchdInterval4Split lteBlerForSplit
NACK StepofofUL
AMC increasing
Interval the BLER.
for UL In Discrete
AMC Pre- corresponding to the
Scheduling for
outer-loop for
Outer-Loop for LTE
LTE split
Split this case, UL
scheduling scheduling
Triggering downlink
for the UEs discrete
with Split Bearers
bearers to this parameter
Bearers canLTE
be increased by pre- scheduling
Split Bearers for the UEs for
value is approximately scheduling. The AMC can which split bearers have
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] model default: 0.04
equal to the UL target obtain more UL been established and
model default: 700 model default: 100 step: 0.01
BLER. You can modify measurement values and downlink discrete
these two parameters to thus can control the BLER scheduling is being
reduce the target BLER. more effectively. performed.

-- -- --
700 100 0.04
700 100 0.04
700 100 0.04
700 100 0.04
700 100 0.04
700 100 0.04
700 100 0.04
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId req
DFS Frequency Related
NE Name LDN MO ID Frequency (MHz)
This parameter sets the This parameter is used to
unique ID of the managed set the start frequency for
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 longArray:[5150..5925]
object. It is of the string dynamic frequency
type and can be selection.
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Effective when Cell Reset

R Primary Key --
This parameter is used to This parameter sets the
set the interference interference duty cycle
dfsFreqConfigPara_stopFr dfsFreqConfigPara_cacCh threshold for channel threshold for channel
eq eckPeriod cacIntrfThrd
availability check. When cacIntrfDutyRatio
DFS Frequency Related DFS Frequency Related Interference Threshold for Interferencecheck. If the
Duty Cycle
Configuration_Stop Configuration_Channel interference is higher than
Channel Availability ratio of interference
Threshold being
for Channel
Frequency (MHz) Availability Check Period this threshold
Check (dBm)and higher than
Availability the (%)
This parameter is used to interference duty ratio interference duty cycle
long:[-120..-40] long:[0..100]
set the stop frequency for also higher than threshold for channel
longArray:[5150..5925] enumArray:[0, 1] model default: -62 model default: 0
dynamic frequency This parameter is used to interference duty ratio availability check is larger
selection. set the period for channel threshold, the channel is than this threshold, the
Effective when Cell Reset availability check. unavailable. channel is unavailable.

-- -- -- --
-62 0
-62 80
-62 0
-62 80
-62 0
-62 80
-62 0
interference for other RF
units. For this frequency,
it is an available RF unit if
the RF unit detects no
interference. The ratio of
available RF unit is the
ratio of available RF units
blerCheckPeriod blerDutyRatio
This parameter is used to nonOccuPeriod to all availRRURatio
RF units of this cell.
set the duty ratio threshold Non-Occupancy Period If the ratio is set to 100%,
BLER Check Period (s) forBLER block Threshold
error rate check.
(%) (min) it means that
Available RRU a frequency
Ratio (%)
When block error rate is This parameter is used to that all RF units detect no
model default: 5 long:[1..100] long:[0..60] long:[50..100]
higher than this threshold set the period during interference can be the
step: 5 model default: 80 model default: 30 model default: 100
This parameter sets the in period for block error which a channel can not selected frequency for
period of block error rate rate check, the channel be available after this dynamic frequency
check. will be released. channel is unavailable. selection.

-- -- -- --
5 80 30 100
5 80 30 100
5 80 30 100
5 80 30 100
5 80 30 100
5 80 30 100
5 80 30 100
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
cdmaPeriodFreqNum utranPeriodFreqNum ltePeriodFreqNum lteBaseMeasFreqNum
CDMA MR Period UTRAN MR Period LTE MR Period LTE MR Base Frequency
Frequency Number Frequency Number Frequency Number Number
This parameter is used to This parameter is used to This parameter is used to
long:[0..16] long:[0..16] long:[0..16] long:[0..16]
set the MR CDMA set the MR UTRAN set the MR LTE This parameter is used to
model default: 2 model default: 2 model default: 2 model default: 3
measurement period to measurement period to measurement period to set the number of LTE
select the number of select the number of select the number of base frequency points in
frequency points. frequency points. frequency points. MR measurement.

-- -- -- --
2 2 2 3
2 2 2 3
2 2 2 3
2 2 2 3
2 2 2 3
2 2 2 3
2 2 2 3
mrFreqConfigPara_freqB mrFreqConfigPara_interC mrFreqConfigPara_offset
MR Frequency Related
lteFreqNum andInd arriFreq Freq
Configuration_Band MR Frequency Related MR Frequency Related
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
LTE Frequency Config Indicator for DL Configuration_Inter- Configuration_Inter-
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
Number Frequency frequency Carrier (MHz) Frequency Offset (dB)
longArray:[1..5, 7..14, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
The parameter is
long:[0..16] 17..28, 30..76, 85, 87..88, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
The parameters for a frequency offset,used to
model default: 0 101] doubleArray:[0..6000] 27, 28, 29, 30]
number of different carrier The parameter is band This parameter sets the define the priority of
frequency configuration indicator for each DL frequencies of intra-RAT handover to specific
of LTE system. frequency. inter-frequency carriers. frequency.

-- -- -- --
0 5;40;40;40 874.0;2360.0;2374.4;2379.15;15;15;15
0 5;40;40;40 874.0;2360.0;2374.4;2379.15;15;15;15
0 5;40;40;40 874.0;2360.0;2374.4;2379.15;15;15;15
0 5;40;40;40 874.0;2360.0;2374.4;2379.15;15;15;15
0 5;40;40;40 874.0;2360.0;2374.4;2379.15;15;15;15
0 5;40;40;40 874.0;2360.0;2374.4;2379.15;15;15;15
This parameter determines
whether to configure
allowable frequencies for
specified IMEISV UEs. If
it is set to Yes, only the
mrFreqConfigPara_interF mrFreqConfigPara_antPor mrFreqConfigPara_mRAl
IMEISV UEs that are
MR Frequency Related MR Frequency Related
MeasBW t1 lowFreq4SpecIMEISV
configured with the mrMaxUeNum
Configuration_Interfreq MR Frequency Related Configuration_Allowable
The parameter
Allowed is allowed
Measurement Allowablefor
Configuration_Antenna Frequency Frequency
IMEISV Maximum Number of
measurement bandwidth
Bandwidth Port 1 Used by Cell Strategy UEs
or Allow and UEs Traced by MR Tasks
for each frequency.It is Prohibit Frequency This parameter sets the
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, long:[0..200]
configured to the max Strategy parameter can maximum number of UEs
5] enumArray:[0, 1] enumArray:[0, 1] model default: 50
bandwidth of all Flag for TDD neighboring use the allowable that can be traced by the
neighbour cells each cells using Antenna Port frequencies in tool MR tasks in the current
frequency. 1. measurement. cell.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 50
0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 50
0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 50
0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 50
0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 50
0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 50
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId refPlmn


This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..400]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. PLMN

R Primary Key M
Indicates The RSRP Indicates The WLAN Indicates The WLAN
Threshold (in DBm) Used Channel Utilization (BSS Channel Utilization (BSS
thrdRSRPL thrdRSRPH thrdChlUtilizationL thrdChlUtilizationH
RSRP Threshold Used by by The UE for Traffic Load) Threshold Used by Load) Threshold Used by
The UE fortheTraffic
RSRP Indicates
Steering to the RSRP
E-UTRAN. Indicates
The UE forthe Traffic
WLAN Indicates the Traffic
The UE for WLAN
Steering to(in dBm)(dBm)
WLAN used threshold(dBm)
(in dBm) used channel utilization
Steering to WLAN.(BSS channel
Steeringutilization (BSS
by the UE for traffic by the UE for traffic load) threshold used by load) threshold used by
long:[-140..-43] long:[-140..-43] long:[0..255] long:[0..255]
steering to WLAN. steering to E-UTRAN. the UE for traffic steering the UE for traffic steering
model default: -120 model default: -85 model default: 153 model default: 204
Parameter: Parameter: to WLAN. Parameter: to E-UTRAN. Parameter:
ThreshServingOffloadWL ThreshServingOffloadWL ThreshChUtilWLAN, ThreshChUtilWLAN,
AN, LowP in TS 36.304. AN, HighP in TS 36.304. Low in TS 36.304 [4]. High in TS 36.304.

-- -- -- --
RSSI Threshold Used by
The UE for Traffic
Steering to E-UTRAN.
Parameter: Indicates the timer value
ThreshWLANRSSI, Low during which the rules
in TS 36.304. Value 0 Indicates The WLAN should be fulfilled before
Indicates the
Corresponds WLAN
to -128dBm, Indicates
Threshold Used by starting traffic steering
RSSI threshold used thdWLANRSSIH trafficSteeringWLAN bssid1
1 Corresponds to -by RSSIThethreshold used by between
UE for Traffic E-UTRAN
Timer Value and
for Traffic
UE for traffic
And Sosteering
On. theSteering
UE for traffic steering
to WLAN. WLAN. Between
Steering Parameter:E- Basic Service Set
to E-UTRAN.(dBm)Parameter: to WLAN. Parameter:
(dBm) TsteeringWLAN
UTRAN And WLAN in TS Identifier 1
ThreshWLANRSSI, Low ThreshWLANRSSI, High 36.304. Only applicable to
long:[-128..127] long:[-128..127] long:[0..7]
in TS 36.304. Value 0 in TS 36.304. Value 0 RAN-assisted WLAN
model default: -85 model default: -70 model default: 2 string
corresponds to -128dBm, corresponds to -128dBm, interworking based on
1 corresponds to -127dBm 1 corresponds to -127dBm access network selection Basic Service Set
and so on. and so on. and traffic steering rules. Identifier 1.

-- -- -- --
bssid2 bssid3 bssid4 bssid5
Basic Service Set Basic Service Set Basic Service Set Basic Service Set
Identifier 2 Identifier 3 Identifier 4 Identifier 5

string string string string

Basic Service Set Basic Service Set Basic Service Set Basic Service Set
Identifier 2. Identifier 3. Identifier 4. Identifier 5.

-- -- -- --
bssid6 bssid7 bssid8 bssid9
Basic Service Set Basic Service Set Basic Service Set Basic Service Set
Identifier 6 Identifier 7 Identifier 8 Identifier 9

string string string string

Basic Service Set Basic Service Set Basic Service Set Basic Service Set
Identifier 6. Identifier 7. Identifier 8. Identifier 9.

-- -- -- --
bssid10 bssid11 bssid12 bssid13
Basic Service Set Basic Service Set Basic Service Set Basic Service Set
Identifier 10 Identifier 11 Identifier 12 Identifier 13

string string string string

Basic Service Set Basic Service Set Basic Service Set Basic Service Set
Identifier 10. Identifier 11. Identifier 12. Identifier 13.

-- -- -- --
bssid14 bssid15 bssid16
Basic Service Set Basic Service Set Basic Service Set
Identifier 14 Identifier 15 Identifier 16

string string string

Basic Service Set Basic Service Set Basic Service Set
Identifier 14. Identifier 15. Identifier 16.

-- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId plan0[0]
NE Name LDN MO ID SIB2 Scheduling Mode
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. SIB2 Scheduling Mode

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 plan1[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 plan1[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 plan1[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 plan1[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 plan1[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 plan1[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 plan1[1]
enum: enum: enum: enum:
sib3SchedulMode plan0[0]
sib4SchedulMode plan0[0]
sib5SchedulMode plan0[0]
plan1[1] plan1[1] plan1[1] plan1[1]
plan2[2] plan2[2] plan2[2] plan2[2]
SIB3 Scheduling Mode SIB4 Scheduling Mode SIB5 Scheduling Mode SIB6 Scheduling Mode
plan3[3] plan3[3] plan3[3] plan3[3]

model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0

SIB3 Scheduling Mode SIB4 Scheduling Mode SIB5 Scheduling Mode SIB6 Scheduling Mode

-- -- -- --
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
enum: enum: enum: enum:
sib7SchedulMode plan0[0]
sib8SchedulMode plan0[0]
sib9SchedulMode plan0[0]
plan1[1] plan1[1] plan1[1] plan1[1]
plan2[2] plan2[2] plan2[2] plan2[2]
SIB7 Scheduling Mode SIB8 Scheduling Mode SIB9 Scheduling Mode SIB10 Scheduling Mode
plan3[3] plan3[3] plan3[3] plan3[3]

model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1

SIB7 Scheduling Mode SIB8 Scheduling Mode SIB9 Scheduling Mode SIB10 Scheduling Mode

-- -- -- --
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan1[1]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan1[1]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan1[1]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan1[1]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan1[1]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan1[1]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan1[1]
enum: enum: enum: enum:
sib11SchedulMode plan0[0]
sib12SchedulMode plan0[0]
sib13SchedulMode plan0[0]
plan1[1] plan1[1] plan1[1] plan1[1]
plan2[2] plan2[2] plan2[2] plan2[2]
SIB11 Scheduling Mode SIB12 Scheduling Mode SIB13 Scheduling Mode SIB14 Scheduling Mode
plan3[3] plan3[3] plan3[3] plan3[3]

model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0

SIB11 Scheduling Mode SIB12 Scheduling Mode SIB13 Scheduling Mode SIB14 Scheduling Mode

-- -- -- --
plan1[1] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan1[1] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan1[1] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan1[1] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan1[1] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan1[1] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan1[1] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
enum: enum: enum: enum:
sib15SchedulMode plan0[0]
sib16SchedulMode plan0[0]
sib17SchedulMode plan0[0]
plan1[1] plan1[1] plan1[1] plan1[1]
plan2[2] plan2[2] plan2[2] plan2[2]
SIB15 Scheduling Mode SIB16 Scheduling Mode SIB17 Scheduling Mode SIB18 Scheduling Mode
plan3[3] plan3[3] plan3[3] plan3[3]

model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0

SIB15 Scheduling Mode SIB16 Scheduling Mode SIB17 Scheduling Mode SIB18 Scheduling Mode

-- -- -- --
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
Definition: This parameter
enum: enum: enum: enum:
indicates the SIB22
sib19SchedulMode plan0[0]
sib20SchedulMode plan0[0]
sib22SchedulMode plan0[0]
scheduling type. Usage:
plan1[1] plan1[1] plan1[1] plan1[1]
This parameter is used to This parameter is used to
plan2[2] plan2[2] plan2[2] plan2[2]
SIB19 Scheduling Mode SIB20 Scheduling Mode SIB22 how an SIType
Scheduling is control
SIB24 how an SIType
Scheduling is
plan3[3] plan3[3] plan3[3] plan3[3]
scheduled by the user scheduled by the user
plane. If the plane. If the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
ucSib22SchedulMode ucSib24SchedulMode
field in the SI is non-zero, field in the SI is non-zero,
SIB19 Scheduling Mode SIB20 Scheduling Mode the SI is repeatedly sent. the SI is repeatedly sent.

-- -- -- --
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0] plan0[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId cpId


This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[0..254]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Cell CP ID

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0
Beam azimuth 0° Beam
tilt 10° Beam width H30°
Ant type-Horizontal;
Beam azimuth 0° Beam
tilt 12° Beam width H30°
Broadcast Weight Broadcast Weight
V10°[3045] doubleArray:[0..3]
stdBroadcastWgt_cchAm doubleArray:[-180..180] stdBroadcastWgt_psSsA
stdBroadcastWgt_cchPhas doubleArray:[0..3]
Amplitude/Phase Broadcast Weight Amplitude/Phase
Ant type-Horizontal;
cchAmPhaseIndex model default:
plitude model edefault: model default:
CCH Broadcast Weight Configuration_CCH Amplitude/Phase Configuration_PsSs
Beam azimuth 0° Beam 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
Amplitude and Phase Broadcast Weight Configuration_CCH Broadcast Weight
tilt 14° Beam width H30° ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
Index Amplitude Broadcast Weight Phase Amplitude
V10°[3046] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
model default: 2002 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1
CCH Broadcast Weight
Amplitude and Phase CCH Broadcast Weight CCH Broadcast Weight PsSs Broadcast Weight
Index Amplitude Phase Amplitude

-- -- -- --
Ant type-Horizontal; Beam1.0;1.0 0.0;0.0 1.0;1.0
Ant type-Horizontal; Beam1.0;1.0 0.0;0.0 1.0;1.0
Ant type-Horizontal; Beam1.0;1.0 0.0;0.0 1.0;1.0
Ant type-Horizontal; Beam1.0;1.0 0.0;0.0 1.0;1.0
Ant type-Horizontal; Beam1.0;1.0 0.0;0.0 1.0;1.0
Ant type-Horizontal; Beam1.0;1.0 0.0;0.0 1.0;1.0
Ant type-Horizontal; Beam1.0;1.0 0.0;0.0 1.0;1.0
Broadcast Weight Broadcast Weight
doubleArray:[-180..180] stdBroadcastWgt_antCom
stdBroadcastWgt_psSsPh doubleArray:[0..3] doubleArray:[-180..180]
Broadcast Weight Amplitude/Phase Amplitude/Phase
default: model default:
bAMUl model default:
bPhaseUl cchDelay
Amplitude/Phase Configuration_Uplink Configuration_Uplink
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Configuration_PsSs Antenna Combined Antenna Combined Phase
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;
Broadcast Weight Phase Amplitude Factor Factor Cch Delay
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 longArray:[0..255]
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1; ;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; model default:
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
Uplink Antenna
PsSs Broadcast Weight Combined Amplitude Uplink Antenna
Phase Factor Combined Phase Factor Cch Delay.

-- -- -- --
0.0;0.0 1.0;1.0 0.0;0.0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0;0.0 1.0;1.0 0.0;0.0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0;0.0 1.0;1.0 0.0;0.0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0;0.0 1.0;1.0 0.0;0.0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0;0.0 1.0;1.0 0.0;0.0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0;0.0 1.0;1.0 0.0;0.0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
0.0;0.0 1.0;1.0 0.0;0.0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
30[3] enum:
psSsDelay enum:
mmStdWgtConfigMode 45[4]
mmHrznBeamWidth 10[0]
Close[0] 65[5] 20[1]
The Configuration Mode MM Horizonal Beam
User-defined[1] 90[6] 30[2]
PsSs Delay of MM Standard Weight Width MM Vertical Beam Width
longArray:[0..255] Adaptive-Config[2] 105[7] 40[3]
model default:
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0 model default: 5 model default: 0
The Configuration Mode MM Horizonal Beam
PsSs Delay. of MM Standard Weight Width MM Vertical Beam Width

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 65[5] 10[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 65[5] 10[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 65[5] 10[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 65[5] 10[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 65[5] 10[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 65[5] 10[0]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Close[0] 65[5] 10[0]
enum: 2[6]
-30[0] 3[7]
-20[1] 4[8]
-15[2] 6[9]
-10[3] 7[10]
0[4] 8[11]
mmHrznAzimAngle 9[12]
15[6] 10[13]
MM Horizonal Azimuthal
20[7] 12[14]
Angle MM Downtilt Angle
30[8] 14[15]

model default: 4 model default: 7

MM Horizonal Azimuthal
Angle MM Downtilt Angle

-- --
0[4] 3[7]
0[4] 3[7]
0[4] 3[7]
0[4] 3[7]
0[4] 3[7]
0[4] 3[7]
0[4] 3[7]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId qci
Label Number of Service
NE Name LDN MO ID The parameter
Class is QCI in
This parameter sets the SAE Bearer Info. eNB can
string:length[1..255] long:[6..255]
unique ID of the managed find service's QoS
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 6
object. It is of the string parameters and
type and can be application's parameters
NE Name LDN configured as planned. with QCI.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 6
ambrLimtValDL ambrLimtValUL
Downlink AMBR Limit Uplink AMBR Limit
Value (kbps) Value (kbps)
longArray:[1..10000000] longArray:[1..10000000]
model default: model default:
3000;2000;1999 20001;20000;19999
This parameter indicates This parameter indicates
the Downlink AMBR the Uplink AMBR Limit
Limit value value

-- --
3000;2000;1999 20001;20000;19999
3000;2000;1999 20001;20000;19999
3000;2000;1999 20001;20000;19999
3000;2000;1999 20001;20000;19999
3000;2000;1999 20001;20000;19999
3000;2000;1999 20001;20000;19999
3000;2000;1999 20001;20000;19999
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
The parameter represents
NE_Name ldn moId laaCarrierBCSwch
whether broadcast of the
LAAcarrier need
Carrier be send,
NE Name LDN MO ID if the parameter
Switch is set to
This parameter sets the Close,MIB and SIB1 will
unique ID of the managed not be send , if the
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string parameter is set to Open,
type and can be MIB and SIB1 will be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. send.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
This parameter sets the
coverage enhancement
level supported by the
support CE level 0[0]
cell. It is a parameter
NE_Name ldn moId supportceLevels
CE level 0 1[1]
related to the eMTC
support CE level 0 1 2[2]
The Levelsindicating the
of Coverage
support CE level 0 1 2
NE Name LDN MO ID worstEnhancement
CE level that the
This parameter sets the base band supports. The
unique ID of the managed parameter value is related
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string to the current base band
type and can be capability.
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Effective when Cell Reset

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 support CE level 0 1[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 support CE level 0 1[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 support CE level 0 1[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 support CE level 0 1[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 support CE level 0 1[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 support CE level 0 1[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 support CE level 0 1[1]
UEs that are neither in
their HPLMN nor in a
PLMN that is equivalent
to it, and value c
corresponds to the UEs
that are neither in the
If this switch is open, PLMN listed as most
wch of Paging emtcConnecteDRXSwch emtcEABParamSelMode emtcEABCategCommon enum:
paging occasion preferred PLMN of the
enum: enum: enum: a[0]
Switch isfordetermined
eMTC Idlein Switch for eMTC Connect EAB Parameter Select country where the
The Category UEs are
of eMTC
Close[0] Close[0] Common[0] b[1]
the I-eDRX
EDRXpaging If this switch
DRXis open,the Mode for eMTC roaming
for Which inEAB
the operator-
Open[1] Open[1] PerPLMN[1] c[2]
mechanism.When this cell support the C-DRX When set to Common, a defined PLMN selector
switch is closed,Cell for eMTC.When this cell has one RAB list on the USIM, nor in
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
calculate paging occasion switch is closed,the cell parameters. Otherwise, their HPLMN nor in a
of Paging message in the do not support the C-DRX per PLMN has its own PLMN that is equivalent
legacy paging mechanism. for eMTC. EAB parameters. to their HPLMN.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Common[0] a[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Common[0] a[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Common[0] a[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Common[0] a[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Common[0] a[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Common[0] a[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Common[0] a[0]
This parameter sets the
EAB working mode for
emtcEABBarBitmapCom emtcEABWorkMode
eMTC terminals. If it is schedAlg4EMTCGBR schedAlg4EMTCNGBR
enum: enum: enum:
Extended Access Class set
EABto Static,
Working theMode
for Scheduler Algorithm 4 Scheduler Algorithm 4
Static[0] PF[0] PF[0]
Barring Bitmap for eMTC of EAB depends
eMTC on the GBR of eMTC NGBR of eMTC
longArray:[0..1] Dynamic[1] RR[1] RR[1]
Extended access class configuration on the
model default:
barring for AC 0-9. The OMC. If it is set to
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 1
first/ leftmost bit is for Dynamic, the enabling of The scheduler algorithm The scheduler algorithm
AC 0, the second bit is for EAB depends on the CPU for GBR service of for NGBR service of
AC 1, and so on. load of the eNodeB. eMTC. eMTC.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Static[0] RR[1] RR[1]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Static[0] RR[1] RR[1]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Static[0] RR[1] RR[1]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Static[0] RR[1] RR[1]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Static[0] RR[1] RR[1]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Static[0] RR[1] RR[1]
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Static[0] RR[1] RR[1]
resources corresponding
to the initial CE level. If
the eNodeB configures
only the RSRP threshold This parameter enables or
Configure initial-CE-level
of the CEL level, the disables the priorities of
and RSRP-
eMTC GBR traffic eMTC terminals eMTC service scheduling.
enum: ThresholdsPrachInfoList[
priority scheduling, This parameter sets the determine the CE level If it is set to Close, the
gbrPriorSched4EMTC CE level 0[0]
hoInitialCElevel 0]
emtcHOCEConfig priorSched4EMTC
configuration of 1 initial PRACH CE level based on theHandover
Contention measured priorities of eMTC
CE level 1[1] Configure RSRP- enum:
Scheduler service
of during eMTC
Initial handover.
CE Level For If RSRP
Coverageand the configured
Enhancement services
Switch ofare lower
eMTC than
CE level 2[2] ThresholdsPrachInfoList[ Close[0]
scheduling of this parameter
Handoveris not RSRP thresholdfor
Configuration ofEMTC
the CE those ofPriorities
LTE services. If
CE level 3[3] 1] Open[1]
ordinary users NGBR configured, the UE selects level, and access the it is set to Open, the
service, configuration of 0 the corresponding network by using the eMTC service scheduling
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 0
indicates eMTC service PRACH CE level in PRACH resources priorities are configured
after scheduling ordinary accordance with the corresponding to the CE by other parameters.
users NGBR service. measured RSRP value. level. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
1 CE level 0[0] Configure RSRP-Thresholds
1 CE level 0[0] Configure RSRP-Thresholds
1 CE level 0[0] Configure RSRP-Thresholds
1 CE level 0[0] Configure RSRP-Thresholds
1 CE level 0[0] Configure RSRP-Thresholds
1 CE level 0[0] Configure RSRP-Thresholds
1 CE level 0[0] Configure RSRP-Thresholds
configured with the same eMTC GBR service. If it eMTC NGBR service. If
eMLP priority. If it is set is set to 1, the priority of it is set to 1, the priority of
to 0, the priority of the the LTE GBR service is the LTE NGBR service is
LTE VoLTE service is lower than that of the lower than that of the
higher than that of the eMTC GBR service. If it eMTC NGBR service. If
eMTC VoLTE service. If is set to 2, the priority of it is set to 2, the priority of
it is set to 1, the priority of the LTE GBR service is the LTE NGBR service is
LTE VoLTE service is the prieLTEeMTC4GBR
same as that of the prieLTEeMTC4NGBR
the same as that of the eMTCEABCCLoadWin
CPU Load Estimation
eMLP than that
of of the eMLP
VoLTE eMTCPriority
GBR service.
of GBRIffor
it eMLP
eMTC Priority
NGBR service.
of NGBRIf Window for Adjustment
for LTE VoLTE service.
and eMTC UEsIf isLTEset toand
3, all
eMTCthe eMLP
UEs itfor
is LTE
set toand
3, all the eMLP
eMTC UEs This parameter
of EAB configures
for eMTC (s)
it is set to 2, the priority of priorities of the LTE GBR priorities of the LTE the statistical CPU load
long:[0..2] long:[0..3] long:[0..3] model default: 300
the LTE VoLTE service is service are higher than NGBR service are higher window for CPU load-
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 step: 10
the same as that of the those of the eMTC GBR than those of the eMTC based dynamic EAB
eMTC VoLTE service. service. NGBR service. adjustment for eMTC
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset terminals.

-- -- -- --
0 0 0 300
0 0 0 300
0 0 0 300
0 0 0 300
0 0 0 300
0 0 0 300
0 0 0 300
CPU Load Triggering
rThrd hrd
Threshold for Dynamic CPU Load Stop Threshold
EAB Adjustment for for Adjustment of EAB
eMTC (%) for eMTC (%)
long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
This parameter is used to This parameter is used to
model default: 90 model default: 85
configure the CPU load configure the CPU load
threshold for enabling threshold for stopping

-- --
90 85
90 85
90 85
90 85
90 85
90 85
90 85
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId rsrpThrPrachInfoList
Rsrp Threshold for CE
NE Name LDN MO ID Levels (dB)
This parameter sets the The parameter defines the
string:length[1..255] model default: -118;-123;-
unique ID of the managed RSRP Threshold for each
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 127
object. It is of the string CE level PRACH
type and can be resource set.
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Effective when Cell Reset

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 -118;-123;-127
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 -118;-123;-127
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 -118;-123;-127
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 -118;-123;-127
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 -118;-123;-127
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 -118;-123;-127
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 -118;-123;-127
level 0, level 1, level 2,
and level 3. Levels 0 and
1 are called CE MODEA
and levels 2 and 3 are
called CE MODEB. The
coverage level indicates
10[6] msg3PUSCHRepetNumM msg3PUSCHRepetNumM raPDSCHRepetNumMode
the coverage
Number capability
of Times Thatof
preambleTransMaxCE odeA odeB A higher level
eNodeB. A
The Max Total Number of Msg3 PUSCH Repet Num Msg3 PUSCH Repet Num Message indicates
Is aRepeatedly
Preamble Attempt ModeA ModeB coverage capability.
Sent This
parameter indicates the
longArray:[0..3] longArray:[0..7] longArray:[0..3]
number of times that the
model default: 4 model default: 2;2 model default: 2;2 model default: 0;2
the sum of Preamble the Msg3 PUSCH the Msg3 PUSCH MSG2/4 PDSCH message
Attempt Num for all CE repetation num for CE repetation num for CE is repeatedly sent for CE
Level. ModeA. ModeB. Mode A.

-- -- -- --
7[4] 2;2 2;2 0;2
7[4] 2;2 2;2 0;2
7[4] 2;2 2;2 0;2
7[4] 2;2 2;2 0;2
7[4] 2;2 2;2 0;2
7[4] 2;2 2;2 0;2
7[4] 2;2 2;2 0;2
24[5] 28[6]
28[6] 32[7]
32[7] 36[8]
36[8] 40[9]
40[9] 44[10]
44[10] 48[11]
The prameter Msg2/4
raPDSCHRepetNumMode 48[11] 52[12] enum:
PDSCH repet num Number of Contention
B 52[12]
emtcNumRAPreambles 56[13]
emtcSizeRAGroupA 56[0]
ModeB which is included Conflict-Based Random Number of Preamble Message Length of
56[13] 60[14] 144[1]
in DCI6-1B
Msg2/4 is used
repet Access Preamble Signatures in Group A for Random Access Preamble
60[14] Without 208[2]
determine the actual
num ModeB This parameter
Signatures sets the
for eMTC UEs This parameter
eMTC UEs sets the Based on this
Group parameter
for EMTC
64[15] PreamblesGroupB[15] 256[3]
number of repetitions number of random access number of random access of message3 size, UE
cooperating with the max preamble signatures based preamble signatures for determines to select the
model default: 2;2 model default: 15 model default: 15 model default: 0
nunber of PDSCH on contention conflicts for the eMTC UEs in group Random Access
repetitions according to eMTC UEs in a cell. A. Preambles group A or
the table 7.1.11-2. Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset group B for EMTC.

-- -- -- --
2;2 64[15] Without PreamblesGroupB56[0]
2;2 64[15] Without PreamblesGroupB56[0]
2;2 64[15] Without PreamblesGroupB56[0]
2;2 64[15] Without PreamblesGroupB56[0]
2;2 64[15] Without PreamblesGroupB56[0]
2;2 64[15] Without PreamblesGroupB56[0]
2;2 64[15] Without PreamblesGroupB56[0]
enum: enum:
minusinfinity[0] 1[0]
0[1] 2[1]
5[2] 3[2]
8[3] 4[3]
Maximum Number of Ratio of MAC Non-
emtcMsgPwrOfstGrpB 5[4]
emtcMaxHARQMsg3Tx contentionPidRatio macContFreePidRatio
Transmission Power Times That MSG4 Ratio of Contention- This parameter sets the
12[5] 6[5]
parameter is a power
of Group B This parameter
Messages sets the
Are Sent by This
Random sets the
Access ratio of MAC
Random non-
15[6] 7[6]
control margin
Preamble for EMTCfor maximum
UEs of ratio Preambles
of contention-based
(%) contention-based
Preambles (%) random
18[7] 8[7] longArray:[1..100]
message 3 transmission times that MSG4 random access preambles access preambles of CE
model default: longArray:[0..100]
configured by the eNB messages are sent by of CE level 0-3 to random level 0-3 to non-
model default: 3 model default: 4 75;75;75;75 model default: 0;0;0;0
and is used to select the eMTC UEs during access preambles of CE contention-based random
Random Access random access. level 0-3 in all scenarios. access preambles of CE
Preambles for EMTC. Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset level 0-3 in all scenarios.

-- -- -- --
8[3] 5[4] 75;75;75;75 0;0;0;0
8[3] 5[4] 75;75;75;75 0;0;0;0
8[3] 5[4] 75;75;75;75 0;0;0;0
8[3] 5[4] 75;75;75;75 0;0;0;0
8[3] 5[4] 75;75;75;75 0;0;0;0
8[3] 5[4] 75;75;75;75 0;0;0;0
8[3] 5[4] 75;75;75;75 0;0;0;0
preambles in an eMTC
cell. In a time-division
scenario between an
eMTC cell and an LTE
cell, there may be inter-
cell PRACH interference,
Start results
of in
thea Logical
number of PRACH-
Root Sequence for
related false
Generating 64detections.
in an problem can be
eMTC Scenario
avoided by staggered
physical root sequences
model default: 0
used by eMTC cells and
LTE cells.
Effective when Cell Reset

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
This parameter indicates
the maximum number of
repetitions of PUSCH
subframes for ModeA
terminals. It is the set of
the numbers of PUSCH
NE_Name ldn moId 8[0]
Number of by
PUSCH UEs. If thisfor
NE Name LDN MO ID parameter
ModeA is not
This parameter sets the configured, the default
unique ID of the managed value 8 is used. For
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string details, refer to TS 36.211
type and can be [21] and TS36.213 [23].
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Effective when Cell Reset

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 16[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 16[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 16[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 16[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 16[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 16[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 16[1]
This parameter indicates
the maximum number of This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
repetitions of PUSCH number of PUCCH number of PUCCH
puschMaxNumRepMode enum: enum: enum:
subframes for the UEs of repetitionsNumber of forPUCCH
PUCCH Number of Times That the repetitions
Number of forPUCCH
B 1[0]
numRepetCE4MAfmt1 4[0]
numRepetCE4MBfmt1 1[0]
Mode B. It isNumber
Maximum a protocol
of format 1/1a for
Repetitions forCE modes PUCCH Format 1/1a for Repetitions
PUCCH format 2/2a/2b for CE
1536[6] 2[1] 8[1] 2[1]
PUSCHindicating the setforof A. ItFormat
Repetitions is a parameter
1/1a for related
CE Mode B BL/CE Is modes
Format A. 2/2a/2b
It is a parameter
for CE
2048[7] 4[2] 16[2] 4[2]
the maximum
Mode Bnumbers
UEs of to the eMTCModes physical
A This parameter
Repeatedly sets the
Transmitted related to theAeMTC
Invalid[255] 8[3] 32[3] 8[3]
PUSCH repetitions for the resource allocation number of times that the physical resource
UEs of Mode B. For function and its value is PUCCH format 1/1a for allocation function and its
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
details, refer to TS 36.211 related to the UE path Mode B BL/CE is value is related to the UE
[21] and TS 36.213 [23]. loss. repeatedly transmitted. path loss.
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
1024[5] 1[0] 8[1] 1[0]
1024[5] 1[0] 8[1] 1[0]
192[0] 1[0] 4[0] 1[0]
1024[5] 1[0] 8[1] 1[0]
192[0] 1[0] 4[0] 1[0]
192[0] 1[0] 4[0] 1[0]
192[0] 1[0] 4[0] 1[0]
This parameter sets the
number of SR channels
reserved for each
subframe of ModeA
BL/CE. It is a parameter
related to the eMTC
PUCCH physical resource
pucchDeltaShf4EMTC nPucchSr4ModeAIt is nPucchSr4ModeB nPucchSemiAn4eMTC
Number offunction.
Cycle Shift Number for used forinreporting
Channel SR
A Subframe Channel in A Subframe ACK/NACK Channel in
PUCCH Format 1/1a/1b information periodically,
for CE Modes A for CE Modes B A Subframe for CE
and its value is related to The parameter defines The parameter defines
long:[0..511] long:[0..511] long:[0..511]
The parameter determines the number of UEs that number of PUCCH SR number of SPS PUCCH
model default: 0 model default: 12 model default: 0 model default: 0
the cycle shift spacing for support periodical ModeA channel in a subframe for ACK/NACK channel in a
PUCCH format 1/1a1b. SR reporting. CE modes B. subframe for CE.
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
1[0] 12 0 0
1[0] 12 0 0
1[0] 12 0 0
1[0] 12 0 0
1[0] 12 0 0
1[0] 12 0 0
1[0] 12 0 0
SR Channel Number in A SR Channel Number in A
Resource Block Resource Block
srTrPeriod4ModeA srTrPeriod4ModeB srTrCHNum4ModeA srTrCHNum4ModeB
Corresponding to SR Corresponding to SR
Period List of SR for CE Period List of SR for CE The parameter
Period List for defines
CE ModesSR The parameter
Period List for defines
CE ModesSR
modes A (ms) modes B (ms) channel number
A in a channel number
B in a
resource block resource block
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] longArray:[0..36] longArray:[0..36]
The parameter defines The parameter defines corresponding to SR corresponding to SR
model default: 1;2;3;4 model default: 1;2;3;4 model default: 0;0;0;12 model default: 0;0;0;12
period list of SR for CE period list of SR for CE period list for CE modes period list for CE modes
modes A. modes B. A. B.
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
1;2;3;4 1;2;3;4 0;0;0;12 0;0;0;12
1;2;3;4 1;2;3;4 0;0;0;12 0;0;0;12
1;2;3;4 1;2;3;4 0;0;0;12 0;0;0;12
1;2;3;4 1;2;3;4 0;0;0;12 0;0;0;12
1;2;3;4 1;2;3;4 0;0;0;12 0;0;0;12
1;2;3;4 1;2;3;4 0;0;0;12 0;0;0;12
1;2;3;4 1;2;3;4 0;0;0;12 0;0;0;12
CQI Channel Number in
A Resource Block
cqiRptPeriod4ModeA cqiRptChNum4ModeA 2[0]
numPucchCqiRB4ModeA maxUserPucch4MAfmt2
Corresponding to CQI Channel Number of CQI
Period List of CQI for CE The parameter
Period defines
List for CE Modes Number of PUCCH RB in A Resource Block for
Modes A (ms) CQI channelAnumber in a for CQI for CE Modes A CE Modes A
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 12[3]
resource block The parameter defines
5] longArray:[0..12] long:[0..19]
The parameter defines corresponding to CQI The parameter defines channel number of CQI in
model default: 2;3;4 model default: 0;0;6 model default: 0 model default: 2
period list of CQI for CE period list for CE modes number of PUCCH RB a resource block for CE
modes A. A. for CQI for CE modes A. modes A.
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
2;3;4 0;0;6 0 6[2]
2;3;4 0;0;6 0 6[2]
2;3;4 0;0;6 0 6[2]
2;3;4 0;0;6 0 6[2]
2;3;4 0;0;6 0 6[2]
2;3;4 0;0;6 0 6[2]
2;3;4 0;0;6 0 6[2]
The parameter defines
configuration method for This parameter indicates
BL/CE PUCCH the number of repeated
ACK/NACK start CSI subframes for ModeA Number of Repetitions for
offset.0: different start terminals. If this pucchNumRepetMsg4Mo
offset and ACK/NACK csiNumRepModeA puschInitMcs deA
Configuration Method for parameter is set to 1, the Response to PDSCH
region for BL/CE
BL/CE PUCCH level Number
Repeatedis not
CSI Containing Msg4 for
0~3.1: same Start
ACK/NACK start offset
Offset repeatedly
for ModeAIf The Init MCS of PUSCH ThePRACH
parameter defines
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
for BL/CE level 0~3,and it is set to a value other number of repetitions for
long:[0..1] 5] long:[0..28] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3]
BL/CE ACK/NACK than 1, this value indicates PUCCH carrying HARQ
model default: 1 model default: 1;1 model default: 2 model default: 0;1
region is different from the number of times that response to PDSCH
LTE user. the PDSCH channel is Pusch Init MCS of BL/CE containing Msg4 for
Effective when Cell Reset repeatedly transmitted. UE. PRACH ModeA.

-- -- -- --
1 1;1 2 0;1
1 1;1 2 0;1
1 1;1 2 0;1
1 1;1 2 0;1
1 1;1 2 0;1
1 1;1 2 0;1
1 1;1 2 0;1
Number of Repetitions for
pucchNumRepetMsg4Mo pdschMaxNumRepMode
deB puschNumRepModeA puschNumRepModeB enum:
Response to PDSCH The Init Repetition If eMTC
Initial is enabled
Number in a
of PUSCH The Max Repetition
Containing Msg4 for Number of PUSCH for cell, this parameter
Repetitions for Modesets
B Number of PDSCH for
parameter defines
ModeB ModeA the initial
UEsnumber of This parameter
ModeA sets the
number of repetitions for PUSCH repetitions for maximum number of
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] longArray:[0..3] longArray:[0..7]
PUCCH carrying HARQ eMTC UEs in Mode B. times that a ModeA UE
model default: 0;1 model default: 0;2 model default: 3;5 model default: 0
response to PDSCH Pusch Init Repetition The parameter value can repeatedly send
containing Msg4 for Num of BL/CE UE Which varies with channel PDSCH subframes.
PRACH ModeB. is ModeA. conditions. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
0;1 0;2 3;5 16[0]
0;1 0;2 3;5 16[0]
0;1 0;2 3;5 16[0]
0;1 0;2 3;5 16[0]
0;1 0;2 3;5 16[0]
0;1 0;2 3;5 16[0]
0;1 0;2 3;5 16[0]
192[0] enum:
256[1] 1[0]
384[2] 1.5[1]
512[3] 2[2]
pdschMaxNumRepMode 2.5[3]
This parameter is used to This parameter enables or
B 4[4]
mPDCCHStartSFCSSRA mpdcchAdpSwch pdschMcsInit4ModeB
Maximum Number of configure the MPDCCH disables UE-level
1536[6] 5[5] enum:
PDSCH Repetitions for listening cycle. If it is set MPDCCH
Switch for self-adaption.
2048[7] 8[6] Close[0]
This Mode
parameter sets the
B UEs toPeriodic
a larger StartSF
value, the
of cycle
RA It is used Self-Adaption
MPDCCH to determine Initial Mcs for ModeB
Invalid[255] 10[7] Open[1]
maximum number of for MPDCCH listening is whether to adaptively
times that a UE of Mode longer and the number of adjust the aggregation
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 2
B can repeatedly send available subframes for level and the number of
PDSCH subframes. MPDCCH listening is repetitions of the Initial Mcs for Dl AMC
Effective when Cell Reset smaller. MPDCCH channel. for ModeB.

-- -- -- --
512[3] 1[0] Open[1] 2
512[3] 1[0] Open[1] 2
192[0] 1[0] Open[1] 2
512[3] 1[0] Open[1] 2
192[0] 1[0] Open[1] 2
192[0] 1[0] Open[1] 2
192[0] 1[0] Open[1] 2
pdschNumRepModeB nbNum4Type2CSS nbNum4USS localDistrb4USS
The Index of Repetition Total Number of NBs
Number of PDSCH for Occupied by Type-2 Total Number of NBs Localized or Distributed
ModeB Search Space This parameter
Occupied by sets
USSthe Mapping of USS
This parameter sets the total number of narrow
longArray:[0..7] long:[1..8] long:[1..16]
total number of narrow bands occupied by the This parameter sets the
model default: 1;2 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0
The index of repetition bands occupied by Type-2 UE-specific search space localized or distributed
number of PDSCH for search space (used in RA). in Type-0 CSS scenarios. mapping method of the
ModeB. Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset UE-specific search space.

-- -- -- --
1;2 1 1 Localized[0]
1;2 1 1 Localized[0]
1;2 4 4 Localized[0]
1;2 1 1 Localized[0]
1;2 4 4 Localized[0]
1;2 4 4 Localized[0]
1;2 4 4 Localized[0]
mpdcchConservatValue mpdcchWindSize mpdcchStepSize mpdcchThreshold
Conservative Value of The Window Size of The Step Size of The Threshod of
MPDCCH Self-Adaption MPDCCH Self-adaption MPDCCH Self-adaption MPDCCH Self-adaption
When eMTC is enabled,
long:[0..2] long:[0..65535] long:[1..16] long:[1..16]
the value 0 corresponds to
model default: 1 model default: 100 model default: 1 model default: 2
the conservative value of
0 dB, 1 to 3 dB, and 2 to 6 The window size of The step size of The threshod of
dB. MPDCCH self-adaption. MPDCCH self-adaption. MPDCCH self-adaption.

-- -- -- --
1 100 1 2
1 100 1 2
1 100 1 2
1 100 1 2
1 100 1 2
1 100 1 2
1 100 1 2
mpdcchIndexMax mpdcchIndexMin mpdcchOutRingMax mpdcchOutRingMin
The Maximun Outer Ring The Minimun Outer Ring
The Maximun Index of The Minimun Index of Index of MPDCCH Self- Index of MPDCCH Self-
MPDCCH Self-adaption MPDCCH Self-adaption adaption adaption
long:[0..19] long:[0..19] long:[0..19] long:[0..19]
model default: 19 model default: 0 model default: 19 model default: 0
The maximun outer ring The minimun outer ring
The maximun index of The minimun index of index of MPDCCH self- index of MPDCCH self-
MPDCCH self-adaption. MPDCCH self-adaption. adaption. adaption.

-- -- -- --
19 0 19 0
19 0 19 0
19 0 19 0
19 0 19 0
19 0 19 0
19 0 19 0
19 0 19 0
This parameter sets the This parameter indicates system coexist, the
starting narrowband offset the number of times that PUCCH resources of the
of the MPDCCH Type2 narrow band resources are eMTC system are
search space. It is used to This parameter is used to repeatedly allocated for allocated in three ways:
determine the starting determine the start NB MPDCCH UE-specific The value 0 indicates that
narrowband position of location of the UE- search space. It is used to the PUCCH resources of
the Type2 search space. specific search space. It determine
Number ofthe size of NB
Repeated the the eMTC system are
Adding uSStartNBoffset resourceRepNumUSS pucchAllocSwitch
The Startthis offset helps
Narrowband of helps
Start to stagger Offset
Narrowband the bitmap forAllocation
Resource MPDCCH allocated across those of
make the Type2
MPDCCH narrowband
Search ofMPDCCH
UE-Specific USS resource
Attempts allocation.
LTE system and the
Spaceby the search spaceSpace
Search with the A larger parameter
USS value value 2 indicates
Switch that the
MPDCCH Type2 search narrowband resources indicates a larger number PUCCH resources of the
long:[0..15] long:[0..15] long:[4..500]
space be interleaved with occupied by the Paging, of UEs that can be eMTC system are
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 128 model default: 2
the narrowbands occupied MIB, SIB, and MPDCCH allocated on a narrow allocated above those of
by Paging, MIB, and SIB. Type2 search spaces. band. the LTE system.
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
0 0 128 PUCCH TYPE2[2]
0 0 128 PUCCH TYPE2[2]
0 0 128 PUCCH TYPE2[2]
0 0 128 PUCCH TYPE2[2]
0 0 128 PUCCH TYPE2[2]
0 0 128 PUCCH TYPE2[2]
0 0 128 PUCCH TYPE2[2]
This parameter indicates This parameter indicates
the number of downlink the number of uplink NBs
NBs when eMTC is when eMTC is enabled.
enabled. When eMTC is When eMTC is enabled in
enabled in a cell, this a cell, this parameter is This parameter indicates
parameter is configured configured based on test the number of uplink RBs
based on test or operators' emtcUlAvailNbNum
or operators' ulModeBRbNum
when eMTC is enabled srProhibitTimereMTC
Timer for Scheduling
Number of DLEach
NBsNB for requirements.
Number of ULEach
NBsNBfor and UEofinUL
Number coverage
RBs for Request Transmission
six RBs. This occupieseMTC
six RBs. This ModeB.
eMTC When eMTC is
ModeB Prohibition
parameter is set to 0 by parameter is set to 0 by enabled in a cell, this
long:[0..16] long:[0..16] long:[1..2] longArray:[0..7]
default, meaning that all default, meaning that all parameter is configured
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 2 model default: 0;0;3;5
the bandwidths are the bandwidths are based on test or operators' This parameter sets the
available. available. requirements. interval for eMTC UEs to
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset send SRs.

-- -- -- --
0 0 2 0;0;3;5
0 0 2 0;0;3;5
0 0 2 0;0;3;5
0 0 2 0;0;3;5
0 0 2 0;0;3;5
0 0 2 0;0;3;5
0 0 2 0;0;3;5
This parameter enables or
disables uplink eMTC
MPDCCH strategy
reservation. If it is set to Number of DL Non-
gsmMPdcchCoSpectrumS 0, the uplink eMTC noVolteUser4ULMpdcch
This parameter indicates
VoLTE eMTC Users Who
wch enum:
mpdcchReserveSwch Fail uLSchdRatio
Switch ofstrategy
UL eMTC is not the
Arenumber of downlink
Not Notified of UL
enum: Close[0]
GSM-MPDCCH CSS reserved.
MPDCCH If it Strategy
is set to 1, non-VoLTE
Allocation Ratio of UL eMTC
Close[0] Dynamic[1]
Switch theReservation
uplink eMTC who areFailures
not notified of ThisScheduling
parameter (%)
sets the
Open[1] Ratio[2]
This parameter enables or MPDCCH strategy is uplink MPDCCH ratio of uplink eMTC
long:[0..20] long:[10..100]
disables CSS between dynamically reserved. If it allocation failures when scheduling when the
model default: 0 model default: 1 model default: 2 model default: 50
GSM and eMTC is set to 2, the uplink the uplink eMTC uplink eMTC MPDCCH
MPDCCH. eMTC MPDCCH strategy MPDCCH strategy is strategy is proportionally
Effective when Cell Reset is proportionally reserved. reserved. reserved.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Dynamic[1] 2 50
Close[0] Dynamic[1] 2 50
Close[0] Dynamic[1] 2 50
Close[0] Dynamic[1] 2 50
Close[0] Dynamic[1] 2 50
Close[0] Dynamic[1] 2 50
Close[0] Dynamic[1] 2 50
NB6[6] NB6[6]
parameter is valid only for coverage in the test area
NB7[7] NB7[7]
the cells with eMTC and there is neighbor cell
NB8[8] NB8[8]
enabled. By default, this interference between
NB9[9] NB9[9]
parameter is set to Close. tested cells. This
NB10[10] NB10[10]
If it is set to a value from parameter is valid only for This parameter sets the
NB11[11] NB11[11]
NB0 to NB15, it indicates the cells with eMTC index of the number of
NB12[12] NB12[12]
that downlink eMTC RB enabled. By default, this times
Indexthat theNumber
of the PDSCHof is
uLSchdRatio4OneUe NB13[13]
dleMTCRbRsvIndex NB13[13]
uleMTCRbRsvIndex pdschNumRepModeA
Ratio parameter sets theof reservation is enabled and parameter is set to Close.
UL Scheduling initially
Repeated repeatedly
NB14[14] NB14[14]
ratio of uplink
a Single eMTCscheduling
UE at a DL the Reserved-Narrowband
parameter value is the ULIf itReserved-Narrowband
is set to a value from transmitted for
Transmissions foreMTC
NB15[15] NB15[15]
of a single eMTC(%)
Near Point UE at a reserved-narrowband
Index for eMTC NB0 Index
to NB15, it indicates
for eMTC ModeA UEs, UEsnamely, the
Close[255] Close[255]
near point to total index. The parameter that downlink eMTC RB fixed number of repeated
long:[10..100] longArray:[0..3]
scheduling when the value depends on the reservation is enabled and transmissions of the
model default: 40 model default: 255 model default: 255 model default: 1;2
uplink eMTC MPDCCH MPDCCH narrowband the parameter value is the PDSCH used for
strategy is proportionally index configured for the reserved-narrowband scheduling when AMC is
reserved. tested eMTC UEs. index. disabled for ModeA UEs.

-- -- -- --
40 Close[255] Close[255] 1;2
40 Close[255] Close[255] 1;2
40 Close[255] Close[255] 1;2
40 Close[255] Close[255] 1;2
40 Close[255] Close[255] 1;2
40 Close[255] Close[255] 1;2
40 Close[255] Close[255] 1;2
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId emtcSIId
SI Identifier of an eMTC
This parameter sets the This parameter indicates
string:length[1..255] long:[1..10]
unique ID of the managed the SI identifier of an
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string eMTC UE. Multiple SIB
type and can be messages can be mapped
NE Name LDN configured as planned. to one SI.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1
This parameter determines This parameter determines
whether SIB2 messages whether SIB3 messages
are contained in System are contained in System
This parameter sets the Information (SI) for Information (SI) for
emtcSIPeriod siNarrowband emtcSIB2Swch emtcSIB3Swch
narrowband index for SIx eMTC UEs. If it is set to eMTC UEs. If it is set to
128[4] enum: enum:
SI Scheduling Period of scheduling in SIB1
SI Narrowband for of
Index an Open, SIB2
Switch for messages
Containing are Open, SIB3
Switch for messages
Containing are
256[5] Close[0] Close[0]
UEs sets
(rf) the eMTC UE. The
an eMTC UE value SIB2contained in the UEs SIB3contained
in SI for eMTC in the UEs
in SI for eMTC
512[6] Open[1] Open[1]
scheduling period range is related to the cell corresponding SI. If it is corresponding SI. If it is
corresponding to each SI. bandwidth, and cannot set to Close, SIB2 set to Close, SIB3
model default: 2 model default: 2 model default: 1 model default: 0
SI messages are sent exceed the maximum messages are not messages are not
periodically based on this number of narrowbands of contained in the contained in the
interval. the cell. corresponding SI. corresponding SI.

-- -- -- --
32[2] 8 Open[1] Close[0]
64[3] 8 Close[0] Open[1]
32[2] 8 Open[1] Close[0]
64[3] 8 Close[0] Open[1]
32[2] 8 Open[1] Close[0]
64[3] 8 Close[0] Open[1]
64[3] 4 Close[0] Open[1]
32[2] 4 Open[1] Close[0]
32[2] 4 Open[1] Close[0]
64[3] 4 Close[0] Open[1]
64[3] 4 Close[0] Close[0]
32[2] 4 Open[1] Close[0]
64[3] 4 Close[0] Close[0]
64[3] 4 Close[0] Close[0]
64[3] 4 Close[0] Open[1]
64[3] 4 Close[0] Close[0]
64[3] 4 Close[0] Open[1]
32[2] 4 Open[1] Close[0]
This parameter determines This parameter determines This parameter determines This parameter determines
whether SIB4 messages whether SIB5 messages whether SIB10 messages whether SIB11 messages
are contained in System are contained in System are contained in System are contained in System
Information (SI) for Information (SI) for Information (SI) for Information (SI) for
UEs. If it is set to eMTCemtcSIB5Swch
UEs. If it is set to eMTCemtcSIB10Swch
SwitchUEs. If it is set to eMTC
for Containing
SwitchUEs. If it is set to
for Containing
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Open, SIB4
Switch for messages
Containing are Open, SIB5
Switch for messages
Containing are Open,
SIB10SIB10 messages
in SI for eMTC Open,
SIB11SIB11 messages
in SI for eMTC
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
SIB4contained in the UEs SIB5contained
in SI for eMTC in the UEs
in SI for eMTC are contained
UEs in the are contained
UEs in the
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
corresponding SI. If it is corresponding SI. If it is corresponding SI. If it is corresponding SI. If it is
set to Close, SIB4 set to Close, SIB5 set to Close, SIB10 set to Close, SIB11
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
messages are not messages are not messages are not messages are not
contained in the contained in the contained in the contained in the
corresponding SI. corresponding SI. corresponding SI. corresponding SI.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter determines This parameter determines
whether SIB12 messages whether SIB14 messages
are contained in System are contained in System
Information (SI) for Information (SI) for
eMTCemtcSIB12Swch emtcSIB14Swch
SwitchUEs. If it is set to eMTC
for Containing SwitchUEs. If it is set to
for Containing
enum: enum:
SIB12SIB12 messages
in SI for eMTC Open,
SIB14SIB14 messages
in SI for eMTC
Close[0] Close[0]
are contained
UEs in the are contained
UEs in the
Open[1] Open[1]
corresponding SI. If it is corresponding SI. If it is
set to Close, SIB12 set to Close, SIB14
model default: 0 model default: 0
messages are not messages are not
contained in the contained in the
corresponding SI. corresponding SI.

-- --
Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
transmitted on PDSCH for
an eMTC UE. It can be set
to 4, 8, or 16. If the
number of RBs
corresponding to the
system bandwidth is
Number thanof15, the value
Times to
NE_Name ldn moId enum:
can be set toTransmit
Repeatedly 4 only in
SIB1-BR with the
Messages for
NE Name LDN MO ID protocol.
eMTCIf theUEs
number of
This parameter sets the RBs corresponding to the
unique ID of the managed system bandwidth is
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string larger than or equal to 15,
type and can be the value can be set to 4, 8
NE Name LDN configured as planned. or 16.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 4[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 4[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 4[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 4[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 4[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 4[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 4[0]
number of repetitions of
the SIx of an eMTC
terminal in a scheduling
window in SIB1-BR. If it
is set to everyRF, it
indicates that the SIx is
60[2] enum:
repeated every radio
siWindowLengthBR everyRF[0]
siRepetitionPattern siValidityTimeSwch eMTCFddMibPattern
frame. IfPattern
Repetition it is setoftoSIx System Information This parameter
Repetition indicates
Pattern of MIB
120[4] every2ndRF[1] enum: enum:
TheThis parameter
Window sets of
Length theSI every2ndRF, it indicates
in the Transmission Validity Timer Indicator the repetition for
Transmission pattern
eMTC of
160[5] every4thRF[2] Close[0] repeat[0]
for eMTC window length
UEs (ms) that the SIx
Window is repeated
for eMTC UEs Indicates system
for eMTC MIB transmission
UEs for
200[6] every8thRF[3] Open[1] notRepeat[1]
of SIx for eMTC UEs in every two radio frames. If information validity timer eMTC UEs. It can be set
SIB1-BR. The eNB needs it is set to every4thRF, it for eMTC. If set to to 0 or 1, 0 for repeated
model default: 1 model default: 2 model default: 0 model default: 0
to schedule the SIx in the indicates that the SIx is TRUE, the timer is set to transmission of MIB and
configured window repeated every four radio 3h, otherwise the timer is 1 for MIB transmission
length. frames, and so on. set to 24h. without repetition.

-- -- -- --
80[3] every4thRF[2] Close[0] repeat[0]
40[1] every4thRF[2] Close[0] repeat[0]
80[3] every4thRF[2] Close[0] repeat[0]
40[1] every4thRF[2] Close[0] repeat[0]
80[3] every4thRF[2] Close[0] repeat[0]
40[1] every4thRF[2] Close[0] repeat[0]
40[1] every4thRF[2] Close[0] repeat[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId emtcPagingEnhanceSwch
Switch for eMTC Paging
NE Name LDN MO ID Enhance
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed If this switch is open,
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string Assistance Data for
type and can be Paging is available for
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Cell.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
This parameter sets the This parameter indicates
repetition times of the number of available
This parameter sets the PDSCH transmission for narrowbands for paging
mpdcchNumRepetPaging dciRepetNumforPaging pdschRepetNumforPaging pagingNarrowBands
Maximum repetition
of This parameter
Actual Numberis carried
of Paging, indicated as 3bits scheduling
Number of for eMTC
MPDCCH transmission
Repetitions for in the 2-bit
MPDCCH message infor
Repetitions in Repetition
The DCI6-2. The actual of
Number UEs. The valuefor
Narrowbands is eMTC
for paging
Paging eMTC eMTC
Terminals DCI6-2.
Paging TheTerminals
eMTC actual repetition
PDSCH fortimes is
Paging to the system bandwidth.
UE Paging
terminals. The actual number and the maximum obtained by checking the The configured value
long:[0..3] long:[0..7] long:[1..16]
repetition times of number of transmissions table with the maximum must be less than the
model default: 4 model default: 1 model default: 2 model default: 2
MPDCCH transmission is need to be obtained from repetition times of maximum number of
smaller than the parameter the corresponding tables MPDCCH in the narrowbands specified for
value. in TS36.213d20. TS36.213d20. a cell.

-- -- -- --
16[4] 1 2 2
16[4] 1 2 2
16[4] 1 2 2
16[4] 1 2 2
16[4] 1 2 2
16[4] 1 2 2
16[4] 1 5 2
The parameter is used to
determine BCCH
modification period:
1/8T[5] enum:
BCCH modification
1/16T[6] 2[0] enum:
period = N * DRX cycle
nB4eMTC 4[1]
emtcModPeriodCoeff 32[0]
emtcPagDrxCyc sIModifyIndactionMethod
length for paging. BCCH
1/64T[8] 8[2] 64[1] enum:
This parameter is used for modification period must
BCCH Modification DRX Cycle for eMTC Indication Method of
1/128T[9] 16[3] 128[2] paging[0]
deriving the pagingFactor
Paging Occasion frame bePeriod
DRX UEcycle When eMTC
Paging is in
(Radio idle and
Frames) eMTC SI Update
1/256T[10] 64[4] 256[3] dci[1]
and the paging occasion in length for paging in order DRX is used , UE will This parameter indicates
accordance with 3GPP TS to guarantee that UE in monitor P-RNTI at paging two ways to indicate
model default: 7 model default: 1 model default: 2 model default: 0
36.304.The parameter idle can monitor system occasion each DRX cycle. information update in the
value is a multiple of the information change The parameter indicates eMTC system: paging and
default paging period T. message. the DRX cycle. DCI6-2.

-- -- -- --
1/32T[7] 4[1] 128[2] paging[0]
1/32T[7] 4[1] 128[2] paging[0]
1/32T[7] 4[1] 128[2] paging[0]
1/32T[7] 4[1] 128[2] paging[0]
1/32T[7] 4[1] 128[2] paging[0]
1/32T[7] 4[1] 128[2] paging[0]
1/32T[7] 4[1] 128[2] paging[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId harqMaxTxNumEMTC
Maximum has Transmission
the retransmit
NE Name LDN MO ID mechanism.
Number The
for HARQ
This parameter sets the parameter indicates the
string:length[1..255] long:[0..7]
unique ID of the managed maximum transmit for
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 3
object. It is of the string HARQ and can be
type and can be configurated different
NE Name LDN configured as planned. value for different sevice.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 3
This parameter sets the
threshold of DL AMC
amcNACKThrd4eMTCD ACK statistics for eMTC amcSchd4NKThd4eMTC amcSchd4ACKThd4eMT
Threshold for DL
UEs. If the parameter DL CDL
Threshold for DL Threshold for DL is Scheduled NACK Threshold for DL
This parameter
Scheduled sets the Scheduled
NACK set to a small
ACKvalue, the
Counter Counter Window for Scheduled ACK Counter
Emtc outer-ring upward
for Emtc eMTC Window for Emtc
NACK statistics for adjustment is fast. If the
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
eMTC UEs. The larger the parameter is set to a large Threshold for DL AMC
model default: 3 model default: 27 model default: 100 model default: 100
parameter value is, the value, the outer-ring Scheduled NACK Threshold for DL AMC
slower the DL AMC order upward adjustment is Counter Window for Scheduled ACK Counter
reduction is. slow. Emtc UE. Window for Emtc UE.

-- -- -- --
3 27 100 100
3 27 100 100
3 27 100 100
3 27 100 100
3 27 100 100
3 27 100 100
3 27 100 100
This parameter sets the
threshold of DL AMC
deltaMcsMax4eMTC deltaMcsMin4eMTC amcSchd4Thd4eMTCDL
scheduled ACK pdschDeltaIndex4ModeA
Threshold forcounter
DL Maximum DetlaMcs DL Minimum DetlaMcs window for eMTC
Scheduled UEs. If Initial Delta Index for
for eMTC for Emtc theWindow
set to a ModeA
large value, the DL AMC
long:[0..15] long:[-15..0] long:[0..65535] long:[-15..15]
outer-ring adjustment is
model default: 10 model default: -10 model default: 30 model default: -3
slow. Otherwise, the DL
DL Maximum DetlaMcs DL Minimum DetlaMcs AMC outer-ring Initial Delta Index for Dl
for eMTC UE. for Emtc UE. adjustment is fast. AMC for ModeA

-- -- -- --
10 -10 30 -3
10 -10 30 -3
10 -10 30 -3
10 -10 30 -3
10 -10 30 -3
10 -10 30 -3
10 -10 30 -3
outer-loop AMC
adjustment when eMTC
AMC is enabled. If the
This parameter indicates uplink data sent by UEs is
the initial outer loop SINR retransmitted on the
value of PUSCH when PUSCH channel, the
eMTC AMC is enabled. amcPenaltyFactorByReTx
outer-loop adjustment
pdschDeltaIndex4ModeB This amcOlDeltaSINRUl Ul AMC is ulOlAmcSNRInitModeB
Initialparameter is related
Outer Loop SINR value for uplink
Retransmission Penalty Initial Value of UL Outer-
Initial Delta Index for to the of
Value BLER.
PUSCH If the
for decreased
Factorbyforthe result of This
EMTC Loopparameter
AMC in sets
eMTC the
ModeB expected BLER
EMTC AMC is lower, the decrease
ULAMCstep initial value
ModeofB uplink
this parameter is set to a multiplied by this outer-loop AMC in eMTC
long:[-15..15] long:[-5000..5000] long:[0..255] long:[-10000..10000]
larger value. This parameter value. This Mode B. It is used as the
model default: -3 model default: -5000 model default: 1 model default: -5000
parameter is used as the parameter is used to initial SINR value during
Initial Delta Index for Dl initial SINR value during control the outer-loop uplink outer-loop AMC in
AMC for ModeB uplink outer-loop AMC. adjustment value. Mode B.

-- -- -- --
-3 -5000 1 -5000
-3 -5000 1 -5000
-3 -5000 1 -5000
-3 -5000 1 -5000
-3 -5000 1 -5000
-3 -5000 1 -5000
-3 -5000 1 -5000
This parameter sets the
value of downlink inner-
loop AMC if eMTC is
enabled and Mode B is dLAMCSchd4Thd4Mode dLAMCNACKThrd4Mod dLAMCACKThrd4Mode
supported. B eB B
Initial Index In Mode
Value of B,
DL Window Length for DL NACK Threshold of DL ACK Threshold of DL
UEs do not report
Inner-Loop AMCCQIs,
in Outer-Loop Scheduling in Outer-Loop AMC in Outer-Loop AMC in
and eMTC
therefore the inner-
Mode B ThiseMTC
Mode sets
B the eMTC Mode B eMTC Mode B
loop value of downlink window length for This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
longArray:[0..45] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
AMC remains unchanged downlink outer-loop NACK threshold of ACK threshold of
model default: 30;25 model default: 30 model default: 3 model default: 27
once it is configured, scheduling if eMTC is downlink outer-loop downlink outer-loop
regardless of the downlink enabled and Mode B is AMC if eMTC is enabled AMC if eMTC is enabled
channel quality. supported. and Mode B is supported. and Mode B is supported.

-- -- -- --
30;25 30 3 27
30;25 30 3 27
30;25 30 3 27
30;25 30 3 27
30;25 30 3 27
30;25 30 3 27
30;25 30 3 27
function of uplink max
tbsize, that scheduling
limitation for the
combination of MCS and
RB is not bigger than max
tbsize 1000 bytes. When
This parameter enables or This parameter enables or the base station have the
disables uplink Adaptive emtcDlAmcSwitch
disables uplink Adaptive emtcHarqBundlingSwch puschMaxTbsSwch
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Modulation and Coding
UL AMC Switch for Modulation and Coding
DL AMC Switch for This
DLparameter enables or
HARQ Bundling open the
Larger UL switch
TBS byand ue
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
(AMC)eMTC for eMTC
UEsUEs. If (AMC)eMTC for eMTC
UEsUEs. If disables
Switch downlink
UEs supportUEs
the bigger
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
it is set to Open, the MCS it is set to Open, the MCS bundling for eMTC UEs. scheduling uplink
and the number of times and the number of times If it is set to Open, the throughput. When base
model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0
that uplink scheduling is that downlink scheduling peak traffic in the station not have cat-m1
repeated are adaptively is repeated are adaptively downlink bandwidth test emtc ,that can closed the
adjusted. adjusted. can be increased. switch.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
Open[1] Open[1] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter enables or
pdsch10HarqSwch schedulingEnhSwch
disables downlink puschInitMcsMA puschInitMcsMB
DL Dynamic HARQ-
enum: enum:
CE PDSCH 10-HARQ ACK dynamic
for eMTC This parameter
Initial sets the
MCS of PUSCH This parameter
Initial sets the
Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter
Switch for eMTCenables
UEsor acknowledgment
VoLTE UEs for initial MCS of
for ModeA UEsthe initial MCS of
for ModeB UEsthe
Open[1] Open[1]
disables the downlink 10- eMTC VoLTE UEs. If it PUSCH for eMTC PUSCH for eMTC
long:[0..28] long:[0..28]
HARQ feature for eMTC is set to Open, the ModeA UEs, namely, the ModeB UEs, namely, the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 9 model default: 5
UEs. If it is set to Open, coverage for remote fixed MCS used for fixed MCS used for
full-duplex downlink peak VoLTE UEs can be scheduling when AMC is scheduling when AMC is
traffic can be increased. improved. disabled for ModeA UEs. disabled for ModeB UEs.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 9 5
Close[0] Close[0] 9 5
Close[0] Close[0] 9 5
Close[0] Close[0] 9 5
Close[0] Close[0] 9 5
Close[0] Close[0] 9 5
Close[0] Close[0] 9 5
pdschMcsInit4MB pdschMcsInit4MA ThisulModeARbNum
parameter sets the dlModeARbNum
This parameter sets the
This parameter
Initial Inner-LoopsetsMCS
the This parameter
Initial setsMCS
Inner-Loop the number of UL
Number initial
for number of
Number of DL
ModeB UEs MCS of initialforinner-loop
ModeA UEsMCS of occupied by the PUSCH
eMTC ModeA UEs occupied by the PDSCH
eMTC ModeA UEs
the PDSCH for eMTC the PDSCH for eMTC for eMTC ModeA UEs, for eMTC ModeA UEs,
long:[0..9] long:[0..15] long:[1..6] long:[1..6]
ModeB UEs, namely, the ModeA UEs, namely, the namely, the number of namely, the number of
model default: 5 model default: 9 model default: 6 model default: 6
fixed MCS used for fixed MCS used for fixed RBs used for fixed RBs used for
scheduling when AMC is scheduling when AMC is scheduling when AMC is scheduling when AMC is
disabled for ModeB UEs. disabled for ModeA UEs. disabled for ModeA UEs. disabled for ModeA UEs.

-- -- -- --
5 9 6 6
5 9 6 6
5 9 6 6
5 9 6 6
5 9 6 6
5 9 6 6
5 9 6 6
This parameter sets the
number of DL
Number initial
occupied by the PDSCH
eMTC ModeB UEs
for eMTC ModeB UEs,
namely, the number of
model default: 6
fixed RBs used for
scheduling when AMC is
disabled for ModeB UEs.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId refPlmn


This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..400]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. PLMN

R Primary Key R-I,M

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081540 Operator=1,Plmn=1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081540 Operator=1,Plmn=1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081540 Operator=1,Plmn=1
to the UEs that are neither
in their HPLMN nor in a
PLMN that is equivalent
to it, and value c
corresponds to the UEs
that are neither in the
PLMN listed as most
preferred PLMN of the emtcEABBmapPerPLMN
Extended Access Class
country where the
The Category UEs are Barring Bitmap for eMTC
of eMTC
for Which inEAB
the operator-
Applies Per PLMN
c[2] longArray:[0..1]
defined PLMN selector Extended access class
model default:
list on the USIM, nor in barring for AC 0-9. The
model default: 0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
their HPLMN nor in a first/ leftmost bit is for
PLMN that is equivalent AC 0, the second bit is for
to their HPLMN. AC 1, and so on.

-- --
a[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
a[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
a[0] 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId ch
Frequency Hopping
Primary Hopping
Switch for eMTC
NE Name LDN MO ID Activation/Deactivation
This parameter sets the for MPDCCH and
string:length[1..255] enumArray:[0, 1]
unique ID of the managed PDSCH, and Control The
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0;0
object. It is of the string CEModeA PDSCH
type and can be Frequency Hopping
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Switch for eMTC UE.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0;0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0;0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0;0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0;0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0;0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0;0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0;0
modeAPdschHoppingSwc modeAPuschHoppingSwc
h puschHopConfigSwch h puschHoppingOffset
The CEModeA PDSCH The PUSCH Frequency The CEModeA PUSCH The Narrowband Offset
enum: enum:
Frequency Hopping Hopping Primary Switch Frequency Hopping for PUSCH Frequency
Close[0] Close[0]
Switch for eMTC UE Frequency
for eMTCHopping
UE Switch for eMTC UE Hopping for eMTC UE
Open[1] Open[1]
Frequency hopping Activation/Deactivation The Hopping offset for
enumArray:[0, 1] long:[1..16]
activation/deactivation for for PUSCH, and Control PUSCH frequency
model default: 0 model default: 0;0 model default: 0 model default: 2
unicast PDSCH associated The CEModeA PUSCH frequency hopping hopping for eMTC
with C-RNTI or SPS- Frequency Hopping activation/deactivation for UE,and the value apply to
RNTI. Switch for eMTC UE. unicast PUSCH. the banwidth of the cell.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 0;0 Close[0] 2
Close[0] 0;0 Close[0] 2
Close[0] 0;0 Close[0] 2
Close[0] 0;0 Close[0] 2
Close[0] 0;0 Close[0] 2
Close[0] 0;0 Close[0] 2
Close[0] 0;0 Close[0] 2
The Number of
enum: enum: mpcchPdschHoppingOffs
Number of Times That the Narrowbands for The Hopping Offset for
hopIntervalModeAUL 2[0]
hopIntervalModeBUL mpcchPdschHoppingNB et
The parameter
Number sets the
of Using The Same Narrowband Is MPDCCH/PDSCH MPDCCH/PDSCH
2[1] 4[1] enum:
number of consecutive
Same Narrowband in This in
Used parameter
ModeB sets
PUSCHthe The number
Frequency of for
Hopping Frequency Hopping for
4[2] 8[2] 2[0]
ModeA subframes over number Hopping
Hopping of times that the narrowbands
eMTC UE (nb)for The Hopping
eMTC UE offset for
8[3] 16[3] 4[1]
which PUCCH or PUSCH same narrow band is used MPDCCH/PDSCH MPDCCH/PDSCH
for CEmode A stays at the in ModeB PUSCH frequency hopping for frequency hopping for
model default: 2 model default: 1 model default: 1 model default: 2
same narrow band before hopping. It is the value eMTC UE, and value nb2 eMTC UE,and the value
hopping to another narrow when ModeB is corresponds to 2 apply to the banwidth of
band. configured for a UE. narrowbands. the cell.

-- -- -- --
4[2] 4[1] 4[1] 2
4[2] 4[1] 4[1] 2
4[2] 8[2] 4[1] 2
4[2] 8[2] 4[1] 2
4[2] 8[2] 4[1] 2
4[2] 4[1] 4[1] 2
4[2] 4[1] 4[1] 2
The Number of Using The The Number of Using The
enum: enum: siHopConfigCommonSwc
Same Narrowband in Same Narrowband in Frequency
The SI Orhopping
hopIntervalModeADL 2[0]
hopIntervalModeBDL h
ModeA ModeB activation/deactivation
MPDCCH Frequencyof
2[1] 4[1] enum:
Hopping Switchandfor
4[2] 8[2] Close[0]
The number of using the The number
Hopping. of using the MPDCCH
Hopping. eMTCof paging,
UE and
8[3] 16[3] Open[1]
same narrowband in same narrowband in value 0/1 corresponds to
ModeA hopping for ModeA hopping for si-
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
MPDCCH/PDSCH.The MPDCCH/PDSCH.The HoppingConfigCommon-
value apply for UE in value apply for UE in r13 be set off/on
CEModeA. CEModeB. respectively.

-- -- --
1[0] 2[0] Close[0]
1[0] 2[0] Close[0]
1[0] 2[0] Close[0]
1[0] 2[0] Close[0]
1[0] 2[0] Close[0]
1[0] 2[0] Close[0]
1[0] 2[0] Close[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
During the intra LTE
handover, when UE
NE_Name ldn moId 500[4]
Timer handover
for eMTC UE to
Wait for UE will start
NE Name LDN MO ID T304. If handover
Handover (T304) (ms) is
This parameter sets the successful, UE will stop
unique ID of the managed T304. If T304 expired,
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 6
object. It is of the string UE will start T311 and
type and can be perform re-establishment
NE Name LDN configured as planned. on the 'best cell'.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 2000[6]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 2000[6]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 2000[6]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 2000[6]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 2000[6]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 2000[6]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 2000[6]
1000[5] 1000[5]
RRCConnectionSetup or Timer for UE to wait for Upon detecting radio link
1500[6] 1500[6] enum:
RRCConnectionReject;2. RRC connection re- problems, the UE shall
enum: 2000[7] 2000[7] 0[0]
cell re-selection occurred; establishment response. start T310_UE. Upon
100[0] 2500[8] 2500[8] 50[1]
3. UE NAS layer UE shall start T301 after receiving N311 _UE
200[1] 3000[9] 3000[9] 100[2]
During the handover from terminated RRC RRCConnectionReestabil consecutive in-sync
500[2] 3500[10] 3500[10] 200[3]
LTE to GERAN via CCO, connection establishment shmentRequest message is indications from lower
1000[3] 4000[11] 4000[11] 500[4]
Timer forUE receives
eMTC UE to procedure;When T300 transmitted.When
Timer for eMTC UE UEto layers, upon triggering the
emtcT304Cco 5000[12]
emtcT300 5000[12]
emtcT301 1000[5]
Wait forcommand,
SuccessfulUE expires,
Timer forUE will:1.reset
eMTC UE to receives
Wait for RRC theRe- handover
Timer procedure
for UE and
to Monitor
4000[5] 6000[13] 6000[13] 2000[6]
will start(T304_cco)
Handover T304. If MAC2.release
Wait the MAC
for RRC Connection RRCConnectionReestabli
connection Response upon initiating
Radio the
Link Failure
8000[6] 8000[14] 8000[14] 4000[7]
handover(ms)is successful, configuration
Response (T300)3.re-
(ms) shment(ms)
(T301) or connection(ms)
(T310_UE) re-
10000[7] 10000[15] 10000[15] 6000[8]
UE will stop T304. If establish RLC for all RBs RRCConnectionReestabli establishment procedure.
T304 expired, UE will that are established, and shmentReject message,UE If security is not activated:
model default: 6 model default: 7 model default: 7 model default: 8
start T311 and perform re- inform upper layers about shall stop this timer.When go to RRC_IDLE else:
establishment on the 'best the failure of establish the Timer is expired, UE initiate the connection re-
cell'. RRC connection. switches to IDLE. establishment procedure.

-- -- -- --
8000[6] 2000[7] 2000[7] 6000[8]
8000[6] 2000[7] 2000[7] 6000[8]
8000[6] 2000[7] 2000[7] 6000[8]
8000[6] 2000[7] 2000[7] 6000[8]
8000[6] 2000[7] 2000[7] 6000[8]
8000[6] 2000[7] 2000[7] 6000[8]
8000[6] 2000[7] 2000[7] 6000[8]
This parameter is the
timer for CatM1-type
eMTC UEs in inactivity
status. The timer starts
counting when the control
plane receives an
inactivation indication
User-Inactivity for
Timer for
an eMTC
CatM1 TypeUEeMTC
from the
user plane. The timer is
killed when an activation
model default: 7
indication is received, and
the UE will be released
when the timer expires.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
This parameter determines
Switchtheforcell selection
NE_Name ldn moId emtcCellSelReselParSwch
and reselection parameters
eMTC Cell
of eMTC UEs are
NE Name LDN MO ID delivered in SIB1, SIB3,
This parameter sets the and SIB5. If it is set to
unique ID of the managed Open, the parameters are
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string delivered. If it is set to
type and can be Close, the parameters are
NE Name LDN configured as planned. not delivered.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
The parameter indicates This parameter indicates Minimum Receiving
the minimum
Minimum required
Receiving the minimum
Minimum required
Receiving Level(RSRP) of BL
received power level cellSelQqualMinCE intraQrxLevMinCE intraFreqQqualMinCE
Level(RSRP)for BLof quality level of for
Level(RSRQ) the BL
cell UE/UE in CE Intra- Minimum Value of Intra-
UE/UE cell which satisfiesCell
in CE During the which
UE/UE satisfies
in CE During theCell The parameter
frequency indicates
Cell The parameter
frequency RSRQ indicates
for BL
(dbm)the condition
(db)the theReselection
minimum required
(dbm) theUE/UE
minimum required
in CE (db)
long:[-140..-44] long:[-140..-44]
measured received power measured received quality received power level quality level which being
model default: -130 long:[-34..-3] model default: -130 long:[-34..-3]
level of the cell being level of the cell being which being used by BL used by BL UE/UE in CE
step: 2 model default: -19 step: 2 model default: -19
selected by BL UE or UE selected by BL UE or UE UE/UE in CE for judging for judging whether it is
in CE is over in CE is over whether it is being in CE being in CE of intra-
SelQrxlevmin_CE. ucCellSelQqualMin_CE . of intra-frequency cell. frequency cell.

-- -- -- --
-130 -19 -130 -19
-130 -19 -130 -19
-130 -19 -130 -19
-130 -19 -130 -19
-130 -19 -130 -19
-130 -19 -130 -19
-130 -19 -130 -19
frequency cell reselection
for eMTC UEs in the
The parameter indicates enhanced coverage
the intra-frequency cell scenario of the serving
reselection timer BL UE cell. According to the cell-
or UE in CE shall reselect Minimum Inter- ranking criterion R for
new cell ofDecision
EUTRAN Minimum Receiving Frequency RSRP Value cell reselection,
Duration a new
for Inter-
ifTimer new intra-frequency
Duration of Intra-
Level parameter
(RSRP) forindicates
for eMTC UEs in
cell is betterCell
frequency ranked than
for BL theUEs
minimum required
in Enhanced This parameter
Enhanced indicates
Coverage cell can be reselected
Reselection for eMTC as
the serving
UE/UEcell according
in CE (s) receivingScenarios
Coverage level (RSRP)
(dbm) the minimum
Scenarios required
(db) the serving cell(s)only when
model default: -130;-130;- longArray:[-34..-3] longArray:[0..15]
to the cell-ranking for an eMTC UE to RSRQ for an eMTC UE it is better ranked than the
long:[0..15] 130;-130;-130;-130;-130;- model default: -19;-19;- model default:
criterion R during a time determine whether it is in to determine whether it is serving cell during the
model default: 2 130 19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-19 2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2
interval indicated by an inter-frequency cell in in an inter-frequency cell period specified by
TreselectionIntraEUTRA enhanced coverage in enhanced coverage TreselectionInterEUTRA
N_CE. scenarios. scenarios. N_CE.

-- -- -- --
2 -130;-130;-130;-130;-130;--19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-192;2;2;2;2;2;2;2
2 -130;-130;-130;-130;-130;--19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-192;2;2;2;2;2;2;2
2 -130;-130;-130;-130;-130;--19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-192;2;2;2;2;2;2;2
2 -130;-130;-130;-130;-130;--19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-192;2;2;2;2;2;2;2
2 -130;-130;-130;-130;-130;--19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-192;2;2;2;2;2;2;2
2 -130;-130;-130;-130;-130;--19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-192;2;2;2;2;2;2;2
2 -130;-130;-130;-130;-130;--19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-192;2;2;2;2;2;2;2
frequency cell reselection cannot access the
for eMTC UEs in the network. A larger
enhanced coverage parameter value indicates
scenario of the serving a higher probability of
cell. According to the cell- successful RRC
Minimum Receiving Minimum Inter- ranking criterion R for connection setup requests
Level (RSRP) for eMTC Frequency RSRP Value cell reselection,
Duration a new originated by eMTC UEs
for Inter-
interQrxLevMinCEExt interFreqQqualMinCEExt tRslInterEutraCEExt 0.85[13]
This parameter
UEs indicates
in Enhanced for eMTC UEs in inter-frequency
FrequencyEUTRANCell forProbability
the minimum
Coverage required
Scenarios This parameter
Enhanced indicates
Coverage cell can be reselected
Reselection for eMTC as barring parameters
Signaling Accesscanfor be
longArray:[-140..-44] 0.95[15]
level (RSRP) the minimum
Scenarios required
(dB) the serving cell(s)only when dynamically
UEs eMTCadjusted,
UEs this
model default: -130;-130;- longArray:[-34..-3] longArray:[0..15] 1[16]
for an eMTC UE to RSRQ for an eMTC UE it is better ranked than the parameter indicates the
130;-130;-130;-130;-130;- model default: -19;-19;- model default:
determine whether it is in to determine whether it is serving cell during the minimum access factor of
130 19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-19 2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2 model default: 16
an inter-frequency cell in in an inter-frequency cell period specified by mo-Signalling that can be
enhanced coverage in enhanced coverage TreselectionInterEUTRA the dynamically adjusted
scenarios. scenarios. N_CE. by the eNodeB.

-- -- -- --
-130;-130;-130;-130;-130;--19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-192;2;2;2;2;2;2;2 1[16]
-130;-130;-130;-130;-130;--19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-192;2;2;2;2;2;2;2 1[16]
-130;-130;-130;-130;-130;--19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-192;2;2;2;2;2;2;2 1[16]
-130;-130;-130;-130;-130;--19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-192;2;2;2;2;2;2;2 1[16]
-130;-130;-130;-130;-130;--19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-192;2;2;2;2;2;2;2 1[16]
-130;-130;-130;-130;-130;--19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-192;2;2;2;2;2;2;2 1[16]
-130;-130;-130;-130;-130;--19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-19;-192;2;2;2;2;2;2;2 1[16]
cannot access the access barring parameters
network. A larger for the eMTC UEs of
0.5[8] enum: enum:
parameter value indicates AC11 to AC15 when the
0.6[9] 4[0] 4[0]
a higher probability of eMTC UEs originate the
0.7[10] 8[1] 8[1]
successful RRC RRC connection setup
0.75[11] 16[2] 16[2]
connection setup requests requests for mo-Data.
0.8[12] 32[3] 32[3]
originated by eMTC UEs From left to right, the first
eMTCAcProbFactorOrig 64[4]
eMTCAcBarTimeOrig 64[4]
eMTCAcBarTimeSig eMTCAcBarListOrig
for mo-Data. If AC Signaling Access- array element is the access
0.9[14] 128[5] 128[5]
barring parameters
Probability can
Factor of be
Data This parameter
Data Access-Denying Denying Time forsets the baring
eMTC Accessparameter
0.95[15] 256[6] 256[6]
dynamically adjusted,
Access for eMTC this
UEs This parameter
Time for eMTC sets
(s) average waiting
UEs (s)time of an 11,
eMTCthe UEs
of for AC AC
a Data 12,
1[16] 512[7] 512[7]
parameter indicates the average waiting time of an eMTC UE after an RRC the third for AC 13, and
enumArray:[0, 1]
minimum access factor of eMTC UE after an RRC connection setup request so on. If an element is set
model default: 16 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0;0;0;0;0
mo-Data that can be the connection setup request originated by the eMTC to No, the corresponding
dynamically adjusted by originated by the eMTC UE for mo-Signalling is AC is not restricted by
the eNodeB. UE for mo-Data is denied. denied. AC barring.

-- -- -- --
1[16] 4[0] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
1[16] 4[0] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
1[16] 4[0] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
1[16] 4[0] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
1[16] 4[0] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
1[16] 4[0] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
1[16] 4[0] 4[0] 0;0;0;0;0
for the eMTC UEs of
AC11 to AC15 when the
eMTC UEs originate the
RRC connection setup
requests for mo-
Signalling. From left to
right, the first array
element is the access
Access Parameters for
eMTC parameter for AC
of a Signaling
11, the secondAC for AC 12,
the third for AC 13, and
enumArray:[0, 1]
so on. If an element is set
model default: 0;0;0;0;0
to No, the corresponding
AC is not restricted by
AC barring.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId ceLevlId


This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[0..3]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. CE Level ID

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 2
This parameter sets prach- This parameter sets the
This parameter sets prach- FrequencyOffset for starting subframe for
ConfigurationIndex for PRACH CE levels 0, 1, 2 PRACH CE levels 0, 1, 2
The Type2 PRACH CE levels 0, 1, 2 and 3. It is a parameter and 3. It is a parameter
MPDCCH/PDSCH and 3. It is a parameter related to the eMTC related
PRACH to the eMTC
rarHopConfigSwch prachConfInd4eMTC prachFreqOffset4eMTC sf64[5]
Frequency Hopping related to the eMTC
Prach-ConfigurationIndex PUCCH physical resource
Prach-FrequencyOffset PUCCH
Subframe physical resource
Periodicity for
enum: sf128[6]
Switch for eMTC UE in PUCCHfor PRACHphysical resource
CE Levels allocation
0, for PRACHfunction.
CE Levels It is0, allocation
PRACH CEfunction.
Levels 0,It1,is2
Close[0] sf256[7]
Each CE Level allocation
1, 2function.
And 3 It is used 1,
And 3in the used forAnd
Msg13 in the
Open[1] long:[0..29, 31..45, 47..59, Invalid[255]
Frequency hopping used for Msg1 in the access procedure, and its access procedure, and its
63] long:[0..94]
activation/deactivation for access procedure, and its value is related to the value is related to the
model default: 0 model default: 4 model default: 50 model default: 5
RAR/Msg3/Msg4 for CE value is related to the current PUCCH current configuration of
Levels. number of UEs. configuration. CE levels.
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 4 25 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 4 25 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 1 25 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 0 25 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 0 25 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 4 37 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 1 25 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 1 37 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 4 37 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 4 37 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 4 37 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 1 25 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 4 37 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 0 25 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 4 25 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 4 25 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 0 25 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 4 25 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 4 25 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 4 25 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 1 25 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 1 37 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 0 37 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 0 37 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 0 37 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 1 37 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 4 25 Invalid[255]
Close[0] 4 37 Invalid[255]
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
maximum number of number of times that
enum: n1[0]
preamble transmission preambles are
n3[0] n2[1]
attempts for BL/CE levels retransmitted per attempt This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
n4[1] n4[2]
0, 1, 2, and 3. It is a for BL/CEoflevels
Number Times0,That
1, 2, first preamble ID for last preamble ID for
maxNumPreambleAttemp n8[3]
parameter Number
Maximum related toof andPreambles
3. It is related
Are to BL/CE levels 0, 1, 2, and BL/CE levels 0, 1, 2, and
tCE n16[4]
Preamble Transmission physical-resource
Retransmitted per Attempt It isfirstPreamble
3. First related to physical-
Preamble ID for It is lastPreamble
3. Last related to physical-
Preamble ID for
n7[4] n32[5]
Attemptsof forthe eMTC
BL/CE allocation
for BL/CE of Levels
the eMTC0 resourceLevels
BL/CE allocation of the
0 Through resourceLevels
BL/CE allocation of the
0 Through
n8[5] n64[6]
Levels 0ItThrough
is used for
3 PUCCH. It is used
Through 3 for eMTC PUCCH. 3 It is used eMTC PUCCH. 3 It is used
n10[6] n128[7]
MSG1 in the access MSG1 in the access for MSG1 in the access for MSG1 in the access
long:[0..63] long:[0..63]
procedure, and its value is procedure, and its value is procedure, and its value is procedure, and its value is
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 63
related to the current path related to the current path related to the number of related to the number of
loss. loss. UEs. UEs.
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
n4[1] n32[5] 0 63
n4[1] n8[3] 0 63
n3[0] n2[1] 21 40
n3[0] n1[0] 0 20
n3[0] n1[0] 0 20
n4[1] n32[5] 0 63
n3[0] n2[1] 21 40
n3[0] n2[1] 21 40
n4[1] n8[3] 0 63
n4[1] n32[5] 0 63
n4[1] n32[5] 0 63
n3[0] n2[1] 21 40
n4[1] n8[3] 0 63
n3[0] n1[0] 0 20
n4[1] n32[5] 0 63
n4[1] n8[3] 0 63
n3[0] n1[0] 0 20
n4[1] n8[3] 0 63
n4[1] n32[5] 0 63
n4[1] n8[3] 0 63
n3[0] n2[1] 21 40
n3[0] n2[1] 21 40
n3[0] n1[0] 0 20
n3[0] n1[0] 0 20
n3[0] n1[0] 0 20
n3[0] n2[1] 21 40
n4[1] n32[5] 0 63
n4[1] n8[3] 0 63
indicates exclusive narrow exclusive narrow bands.
bands. When UEs of When UEs of different CE
enum: 1[0]
This parameter indicates different CE levels need levels need to share
1[0] 2[1]
the periodically-controlled to share narrow bands, set narrow bands, set the
1.5[1] 4[2]
MPDCCH parameter of the fields corresponding fields corresponding to
2[2] 8[3]
UE-specific CE level. It is to different CE levels of different CE levels of the
2.5[3] 16[4]
used to configure the This parameter
Maximum indicates
Number of the parameter to 0. When parameter to 0. When UEs
mPDCCHNumRepetition nbNum4Type2CE
MPDCCH listening cycle. the Repetitions
maximum number
of the of UEs
Theof NBdifferent
NumberCE forlevels
CE The of nbNum4USSCE
NB NumberCE levels
for CE
5[5] 64[6]
If it is configured
Periodic StartSF ofto a
UE- times that the
UE-Specific need toOccupied
Levels monopolize by needOccupied
Levels to monopolize
by UE-
8[6] 128[7]
larger value,CE
Specific the Level
cycle for isCE-Level
repeatedly transmitted.
Search Space narrow bands, set
Type2 Search Spacethe narrow bands,
Specific Searchset the
10[7] 256[8]
MPDCCH listening is It is a CE level parameter. fields corresponding to fields corresponding to
long:[0..2] long:[0..16]
longer and the number of For the UEs at the same different CE levels of the different CE levels of the
model default: 2 model default: 5 model default: 1 model default: 1
available subframes for CE level, the value of this parameter to nonzero parameter to nonzero
MPDCCH listening is parameter must be the values. values.
smaller. same. Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 128[7] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 64[6] 0 0
1[0] 128[7] 0 0
1[0] 128[7] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 64[6] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 8[3] 0 0
1[0] 64[6] 0 0
This parameter sets the
number (r1 to r4) of
repeated selections for the
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the UE-specific search of
Number (r1-r4) space
prbSet4USSSharedCE enum:
prbSet4USSSeparatedCE repSelecUSS 4[1]
PRB Setof PRBs in a CE-
Configuration of number
PRB Setof PRBs in a CE-
Configuration of at the CE
Repeated level. It reflects
Selections of the CE Level of the ECCE
2[0] 2[0] 8[2]
level PRBShared
CE-Level set. It reflects
NB for level PRB set.
CE-Level It reflects
Exclusively the numberSearch
UE-Specific of actual
Space Aggregation Level for the
4[1] 4[1] 16[3]
the CE-level
the USS PRB set the CE-level
Occupied NB forPRBthe set
USS repeated selections
(CE Level) of the Type-2 CSS
6[2] 6[2] 24[4]
configuration of the configuration of the MPDCCH under the
shared NB resources for exclusively occupied NB maximum number of This parameter sets the
model default: 0 model default: 2 model default: 3 model default: 4
the UE-specific search resources for the UE- repeated selections for the CE level of the ECCE
space. specific search space. UE-specific search space. aggregation level for the
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset It is a CE-level parameter. type-2 search space.

-- -- -- --
6[2] 6[2] 2 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 1 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 1 24[4]
2[0] 2[0] 1 24[4]
2[0] 2[0] 1 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 3 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 1 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 1 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 3 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 3 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 3 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 1 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 3 24[4]
2[0] 2[0] 1 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 2 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 1 24[4]
2[0] 2[0] 1 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 1 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 2 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 1 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 1 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 1 24[4]
2[0] 2[0] 1 24[4]
2[0] 2[0] 1 24[4]
2[0] 2[0] 1 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 1 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 2 24[4]
6[2] 6[2] 3 24[4]
This parameter sets the
CE level of the ECCE This parameter sets the
1[0] enum:
aggregation level for the size of the RAR reception
2[1] 20[0]
UE-specific search space. window at each CE level
4[2] 50[1]
ECCEs are used to carry in eMTC cells. After
enum: 8[3] 80[2]
DCI information of initiating a random access
2[0] 16[4] 120[3]
downlink control procedure, a UE starts the
ecCELevelUSS mpdcchIdxInitial 32[5]
mPDCCHRepetNumRA 180[4]
CE LevelChannel quality
of the ECCE Number of Mpdcch RAR window after
8[2] 64[6] 240[5]
varies with
Aggregation Levelthefor the The Initial Index Value of Repetitions for Type2 sending an MSG1
16[3] 128[7] 320[6]
USSlevel. A MPDCCH Self-adaption CSS message.
RAR WindowIf the UE does
24[4] 256[8] 400[7]
larger CE level indicates Maximum number of not receive an MSG2
worse UE channel quality. repetitions for MPDCCH message from the eNodeB
model default: 2 model default: 8 model default: 2 model default: 2
The ECCE aggregation common search space when the RAR window
level should be increased The initial index value of (CSS) for RAR, Msg3 and expires, this random
to resist interference. MPDCCH self-adaption. Msg4. access procedure fails.

-- -- -- --
24[4] 19 16[4] 400[7]
24[4] 16 16[4] 400[7]
24[4] 12 4[2] 80[2]
8[2] 8 4[2] 50[1]
8[2] 8 4[2] 50[1]
24[4] 19 16[4] 400[7]
24[4] 12 4[2] 80[2]
8[2] 12 4[2] 80[2]
16[3] 16 16[4] 400[7]
24[4] 19 16[4] 400[7]
24[4] 19 16[4] 400[7]
24[4] 12 4[2] 80[2]
16[3] 16 16[4] 400[7]
8[2] 8 4[2] 50[1]
24[4] 19 16[4] 400[7]
24[4] 16 16[4] 400[7]
8[2] 8 4[2] 50[1]
24[4] 16 16[4] 400[7]
24[4] 19 16[4] 400[7]
24[4] 16 16[4] 400[7]
24[4] 12 4[2] 80[2]
8[2] 12 4[2] 80[2]
8[2] 8 4[2] 50[1]
8[2] 8 4[2] 50[1]
8[2] 8 4[2] 50[1]
8[2] 12 4[2] 80[2]
24[4] 19 16[4] 400[7]
16[3] 16 16[4] 400[7]
The Adjusting Step When The Adjusting Step When
macContentResTimer dciRepetNumRA olAmcAckStepCEUL olAmcNackStepCEUL
Received ACK in Uplink Received NACK in
The Actual Repet Num Out Loop AMC for CE Uplink Out Loop AMC
CR Timer for Type2 CSS Level (dB) for CE Level (dB)
The adjusting step of The adjusting step of
long:[0..3] long:[0..255] long:[0..255]
This parameter sets the SINR when received ACK SINR when received
model default: 1 model default: 0 model default: 7 model default: 63
length of the contention in uplink out loop AMC NACK in uplink out loop
resolution timer for each The actual repetation num for BL/CE UE Which is AMC for BL/CE UE
CE level. indicated by DCI. Level. Which is Level.

-- -- -- --
960[7] 0 7 63
960[7] 0 7 63
100[1] 0 7 63
100[1] 0 7 63
100[1] 0 7 63
960[7] 0 7 63
100[1] 0 7 63
100[1] 0 7 63
960[7] 0 7 63
960[7] 0 7 63
960[7] 0 7 63
100[1] 0 7 63
960[7] 0 7 63
100[1] 0 7 63
960[7] 0 7 63
960[7] 0 7 63
100[1] 0 7 63
960[7] 0 7 63
960[7] 0 7 63
960[7] 0 7 63
100[1] 0 7 63
100[1] 0 7 63
100[1] 0 7 63
100[1] 0 7 63
100[1] 0 7 63
100[1] 0 7 63
960[7] 0 7 63
960[7] 0 7 63
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId ridAlarmSwch
Switch for Radio
Interference Alarm
NE Name LDN MO ID Detection
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed When the switch is open,
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string the eNB detects radio
type and can be interference alarm.
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Otherwise, it doesn't.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
threshold, which is used
to determine whether
there is interference on the
GP and UpPTS of special
subframes and normal
uplink subframes. In a
Normal UL Subframe radio frame, if the number
ridTimeWindow uiniAlmThr uiniAlmRBThr
of RBs that have RB ridAlarmDutyRatio
Time Window for Radio Power Threshold for Normal UL Subframe Alarm Duty Ratio for
Interference Alarm Radio Interference Alarm interference
Thresholdpower larger
for Radio When the Interference
Radio count of alarm
Detection (min) If the NI measured
(dBm) on UL than the alarm
Interference threshold
Alarm (RB) in time window(%)
Detection of radio
subframe is higher than reaches this threshold, it is interference detection is
long:[1..1440] long:[-120..-40] long:[1..100] long:[1..100]
the threshold, the alarm of determined that the GP, reached this threshold, a
model default: 60 model default: -100 model default: 60 model default: 80
Cell detects radio radio interference on UL UpPTS, or normal uplink radio interference
interference alarm in this subframe will be subframes in this radio detection abnormal alarm
time window. generated. frame have interference. of this cell will be issued.

-- -- -- --
60 -100 45 80
60 -100 30 80
60 -100 45 80
60 -100 30 80
60 -100 45 80
60 -100 30 80
60 -100 30 80
When alarm ThisniAcquisitionSwch niAcquisitionPrd
Alarmthe count
Clear Dutyof Ratio parameter is a switch
clear in timeInterference
for Radio window for for NIacquisition of noise
Data Acquisition NI Data Acquisition
radio interference
Detection (%) interference data. When
Switch Period (min)
detection is reached this radio interference alarm is
long:[1..100] long:[1..15]
threshold, a radio generating and this switch
model default: 80 model default: 0 model default: 10
interference detection is open, NE will acquire This parameter is
abnormal alarm of this noise interference data acquisition period of noise
cell will be cleared. and put it to NM. interference data.

-- -- --
80 Close[0] 10
80 Close[0] 10
80 Close[0] 10
80 Close[0] 10
80 Close[0] 10
80 Close[0] 10
80 Close[0] 10
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId eMTCRd4Coverage
Switch for eMTC
NE Name LDN MO ID Redirection
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string This parameter enables or
type and can be disables eMTC
NE Name LDN configured as planned. redirection.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
eMTC Inter-Frequency
eMTCMeasParas_eMTCF eMTCMeasParas_eMTCI eMTCMeasParas_eMTC
Measurement eMTC Inter-Frequency eMTC Inter-Frequency
eMTCInterFreqNum reqBandInd nterCarriFreq OffsetFreq
Parameters_Band Measurement Measurement
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
Number of eMTC Inter- Indicator of DL eMTC Parameters_eMTC Inter- Parameters_eMTC Inter-
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
Frequencies This parameter
Carrier sets the
Frequencies frequency Carrier (MHz) Frequency Offset (dB)
longArray:[1..5, 7..14, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
band indicator of the This parameter indicates
long:[0..16] 17..28, 30..76, 85, 87..88, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
This parameter indicates downlink carrier This parameter sets the the eMTC frequency
model default: 0 101] doubleArray:[0..6000] 27, 28, 29, 30]
the number of eMTC frequencies of intra-RAT frequencies of intra-RAT offset for defining the
inter-frequency neighbor inter-frequency eMTC inter-frequency eMTC priority of eMTC
cells. neighbor cells. neighbor cells. frequencies.

-- -- -- --
5 3;40;8;40;40 1870.0;2324.4;930.0;2310.0;0;0;0;0
5 3;40;40;8;40 1870.0;2324.4;2310.0;930.0;0;0;0;0
5 3;8;40;40;40 1870.0;930.0;2310.0;2324.0;0;0;0;0
8 40;40;8;1;8;1;1;40 2310.0;2324.4;930.0;2137.15;15;15;15;15;15;0;0
8 40;40;8;1;8;1;1;40 2310.0;2324.4;930.0;2137.15;15;15;15;15;0;0;0
8 40;40;8;1;8;1;1;40 2310.0;2324.4;930.0;2137.15;15;15;15;15;0;0;0
of candidate eMTC priority of inter-frequency
frequencies to the target measurement of candidate
frequencies. The eNodeB eMTC frequencies. A
selects the target larger parameter value
eMTC Inter-Frequency frequency based on the indicates a higher priority
eMTC Inter-Frequency
Measurement priority.
eMTC The priority
Inter-Frequency and a smaller
eMTCMeasParas_eMTCI eMTCMeasParas_eMTCE
ranges from 0 to 255. A eMTCMeasParas_eMTCI
measurement ID value
Parameters_Maximum Measurement Parameters_E-UTRAN
This nterFMeasBW
parameter indicates utranFreqRdPriority
higher value indicates a nterFreqPriority
corresponding to the eMTCGapShareSwitch
Measured Bandwidth Parameters_E-UTRAN Inter-Frequency
maximum Bymeasured
eMTC higher priority.
Frequency By
Redirection frequency measurement
Measurement Priority for Gap Sharing Switch for
bandwidth allowed for
Interfreq default, thisfor
Priority parameter
eMTC is configurations
eMTCsent by the eMTC
each eMTC frequency. It set to 0, indicating that the eNodeB. If it is set to 0, This parameter enables or
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
is configured to the frequency cannot be the eNodeB does not send disables gap sharing
5] longArray:[0..255] longArray:[0..255] model default: 0
maximum bandwidth of selected as the candidate the measurement between intra-frequency
all the eMTC neighbor frequency during configurations of the and inter-frequency
cells on each frequency. redirection. frequency. measurement for eMTC.

-- -- -- --
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 255;255;255;255;255 Close[0]
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 255;255;255;255;255 Close[0]
0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 255;255;255;255;255 Close[0]
5;3;3;2;2;0;0;0 255;255;255;255;255;255;0255;255;255;255;255;255; Close[0]
5;3;3;2;2;0;0;0 255;255;255;255;255;0;0;0255;255;255;255;255;255; Close[0]
5;3;3;2;2;0;0;0 255;255;255;255;255;0;0;0255;255;255;255;255;255; Close[0]
configurations are not
sent. If this parameter is
set to Open, the triggering
quantity of the first index
in the measurement
configuration index array
eMTCMeasTrigQuanAda enum:
is RSRQ, the triggering
ptSwch scheme00[0]
eMTCGapSharePattern eMTCCovInterFHOSwch
Switch for of the second
Adaptive Gap Sharing Switch for Coverage-
enum: scheme01[1] enum:
index in the of
Adjustment measurement
Triggering Configuration Pattern for Based Inter-Frequency
Close[0] scheme10[2] Close[0]
Quantity forindex
eMTCarray eMTC Handover for eMTC
Open[1] scheme11[3] Open[1]
is RSRP, but UEs do not
support RSRQ This parameter enables or
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
measurement, RSRP This parameter sets the disables coverage-based
measurement type of gap sharing inter-frequency handover
configurations are sent. configuration for eMTC. for eMTC.

-- -- --
Close[0] scheme00[0] Close[0]
Close[0] scheme00[0] Close[0]
Close[0] scheme00[0] Close[0]
Close[0] scheme00[0] Close[0]
Close[0] scheme00[0] Close[0]
Close[0] scheme00[0] Close[0]
Close[0] scheme00[0] Close[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
The CCE aggregation
level and power offset of
NE_Name ldn moId pdcchConsSwitch
PDCCH is determined
selection for the
based on the
conservative data of
NE Name LDN MO ID operating
control point
This parameter sets the corresponding to the
string:length[1..255] enumArray:[0, 1, 2]
unique ID of the managed equivalent spectrum
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1;1
object. It is of the string efficiency of the UE plus
type and can be a certain conservative
NE Name LDN configured as planned. quantity.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0;1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0;1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 0;1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1;1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1;1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1;1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 1;1
interfered more easily by the total number of CCEs
neighbor cells. Therefore, in the case of CFI_NUM -
certain PDCCH resources 1 (CCE_TotalNum_Low).
should be reserved to If CCE_NeedNum is
avoid the problem that larger than or equal to
some messages sent on CCE_TotalNum *
The CCE selection for the PDCCH are not ucThrCFIAdapt, CFI is
switching conservative detectedcfi1Cons cfiAdaptThrd
due to neighbor incremented by one. If cceOfUltoDL
In accordance
scheduling with
of control Thecell interference.
PDCCH This CCE_NeedNum is smaller CCE allocation ratio of
different actual
channel parameter can beCFI
Quantity when used
is to
1 Threshold of than
CFI adaption downlink
4CCE+0dB[3] double:[0..1] double:[0..1]
environments, different adjust PDCCH indexes so CCE_TotalNum_Low *
longArray:[0..19] model default: 0.8 model default: 0.5
CCE aggregation levels that a larger CCE ucThrCFIAdapt, CFI is This parameter sets the
model default: 1 model default: 3;3 step: 0.1 step: 0.1
and power offsets can be aggregation level or decremented by one. CCE resource allocation
used in control channel higher transmit power can Otherwise, the CFI value ratio reserved for the
conservative scheduling. be used. does not change. downlink.

-- -- -- --
8CCE+3dB[0] 3;3 0.8 0.5
8CCE+3dB[0] 3;3 0.8 0.5
8CCE+3dB[0] 3;3 0.8 0.5
8CCE+3dB[0] 3;3 0.8 0.5
8CCE+3dB[0] 3;3 0.8 0.5
8CCE+3dB[0] 3;3 0.8 0.5
8CCE+3dB[0] 3;3 0.8 0.5
pdcchSigCons pdcchIdxHighLimitdelta pdcchUlProtectPara cceSelfAdpFlag
Signaling conservative
scheduling offset of Upper limit index offset UL CCE compulsory Adaptive switch of CCE
control channel of PDCCH reserve parameter resources
double:[0..15] Open[1]
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the This parameter is a
long:[0..19] longArray:[0..19] model default: 1.0
offset of control channel upper limit of the offset compulsory reserved This parameter is the
model default: 9 model default: 2;2 step: 0.1 model default: 0
signaling added based on increase of PDCCH index parameter for the UL CCE switch of adaptive
the PDCCH index in for surpassing the SE demand on UL scheduling adjustment of UL and DL
normal UE scheduling. threshold. subframes. CCE resources.

-- -- -- --
9 2;2 1.0 Close[0]
9 2;2 1.0 Close[0]
9 2;2 1.0 Close[0]
9 2;2 1.0 Close[0]
9 2;2 1.0 Close[0]
9 2;2 1.0 Close[0]
9 2;2 1.0 Close[0]
sharing. If it is set to
Open, PDCCH power
sharing is enabled. The
remaining RRU power (if
any) can be used to
The Configuration of The Configuration of increase the available
pdcchAdaLevIndPara_pdc pdcchAdaLevIndPara_pdc power of the PDCCH in
PDCCH Adaption Level PDCCH Adaption Level
chIdxMaxValue chConsMinIdx pdcchPwrPromdelta pdcchPwrShareSwch
the cell to reduce the
Index_The Maximal Index_The Minimal Value
Value of PDCCH of PDCCH Adaption PDCCH Power Usage number
PDCCHofPower timesSharing
that the
Adaption Level Index Level Index This parameter
Offset indicates powerSwitch
exceeds the
double:[0..10] Open[1]
the power usage offset of threshold. If it is set to
model default: 0.0
the maximum transmit Close, the remaining RRU
longArray:[0..19] longArray:[0..19] step: 0.1 model default: 0
The Maximal Value of The Minimal Value of power calculated by the power cannot be used for
PDCCH Adaption Level PDCCH Adaption Level cell against the power power increase of the
Index Index available for the PDCCH. PDCCH in the cell.

-- -- -- --
19;19 4;4 0.0 Close[0]
19;19 4;4 0.0 Close[0]
19;19 4;4 0.0 Close[0]
19;19 4;4 0.0 Close[0]
19;19 4;4 0.0 Close[0]
19;19 4;4 0.0 Close[0]
19;19 4;4 0.0 Close[0]
is set to Open: If this
parameter is set to Open,
the radio link performance
can be improved by the
increase of power offset
and the decrease of the Number of Scheduling
number of CCEs allocated Attempts When the
on the PDCCH for UEs. pDCCHStep4MSG4
If PDCCH pDCCHinitial4MSG4 schCCETime4Msg4
Switch for Adaptive Index Index Increase Maximum PDCCH Index
this parameter
Descending andisPower
set to Step for MSG4 Initial PDCCH Index for Must Be Used for MSG4
Close, theonradio
Increase PDCCHlink Scheduling MSG4 Scheduling This parameter
Schedulingsets the
performance can be number of scheduling
long:[1..4] long:[1..17] long:[1..4]
improved by the increase This parameter sets the attempts when the
model default: 0 model default: 2 model default: 10 model default: 3
of the power offset of the PDCCH index increase This parameter indicates maximum PDCCH index
CCEs allocated on the step for MSG4 the initial PDCCH index must be used for MSG4
PDCCH for UEs. scheduling. for MSG4 scheduling. scheduling.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 2 10 3
Close[0] 2 10 3
Close[0] 2 10 3
Close[0] 2 10 3
Close[0] 2 10 3
Close[0] 2 10 3
Close[0] 2 10 3
This parameter enables or
disables the PDCCH
power priority function. If This parameter enables or This parameter sets the
it is set to Open, the new This parameter enables or disables PDCCH expansion factor for the
PDCCH Index table disables CFI adaption hiLoadPDCCHEnhanceS
optimization dlUeNumFactor4CFIAda
Switch forenhancement
PDCCH number of UEs scheduled
exchanged for primary cFIAdaptEnhanceSwitch
optimization. In a high- witch FDD
in Optimization
high-load pt
in the downlink
Expansion FactorforforCFI
enum: enum: enum:
and effective
Switch secondary
for PDCCH Power loadfor
Switch scenario, this
CFI Adaption scenarios. It is set
Enhancement in to Open
High- estimation.
Number It is usedDL
of Scheduled
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
1 (aggregation parameter is set to Open if
Optimization inLoad
the scenario where the
FDD Scenarios UEswhen
for adaptive CFI
CFI Estimation
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] double:[0..10]
level = 1, 2, 4, and 8) is the proportion of large load is high and the optimization is enabled. It
model default: 1.25
used for CCE allocation. CFI values is high. In this proportion of large CFI can prevent the number of
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 step: 0.01
If it is set to Close, the old way, the proportion of values is high to reduce UEs involved in CFI
PDCCH Index table is large CFI values can be the proportion of large estimation from being too
used for CCE allocation. reduced. CFI values. small.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 1.25
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 1.25
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 1.25
Close[0] Open[1] Open[1] 1.25
Close[0] Open[1] Open[1] 1.25
Close[0] Open[1] Open[1] 1.25
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] 1.25
This parameter sets the
CFI offset of each
This parameter sets the hiLoadPDCCHEnhanceC
Fixed CFI Value for subframe. If it is
minimum number of FI sets the necessary
Minimum Number of UEs This parameter
UEs PDCCH Optimization in to increase the
that are involved
Involved in DLin CFI
CFI fixed CFI value
High-Load FDDused CFI values
Offset of some
estimation in the
Estimation when PDCCH
Scenarios subframes, this parameter
downlink. It is set to Open optimization is enabled can be set to larger than 0;
long:[1..255] long:[1..3] model default:
in high-load scenarios to for high-load FDD otherwise, it is set to 0.
model default: 2 model default: 3 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
ensure sufficient number scenarios. It can be This parameter is used to
of UEs involved in CFI flexibly configured in increase the CFI values of
estimation. high-load scenarios. some subframes.

-- -- --
2 3 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
2 3 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
2 3 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
2 2 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
2 2 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
2 2 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
2 3 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId userLabel

NE Name LDN MO ID User Label

This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 string:length[0..128]
object. It is of the string
type and can be
NE Name LDN configured as planned. User Label

R Primary Key --
refExternalNrCellFDD refExternalNrCell isSpecShareCell neighboring[0]
This parameter
Relation setsthe
Between the
enum: same coverage[1]
TDD Neighbor Cell of Whether it is a spectrum coverage
Cell andbetween
No[0] Containing[2]
FDD Neighbor Cell of NR NR sharing cell the serving
Neighborcell Cells
and an NR
YES[1] Contained[3]
This parameter is used to inter-RAT neighboring
indicate whether the LTE cell, including
string:length[0..400] string:length[0..400] model default: 0 model default: 0
serving cell can perform neighboring, same
TDD Neighbor Cell of spectrum sharing with the coverage, containing, and
FDD Neighbor Cell of NR NR cell. contained.

R-I R-I -- --
This parameter sets the
way in which an LTE cell
collaborates with an NR
neighbor cell. The LTE This parameter determines
cell collaborates with the whether handover can be
NR neighbor cell to triggered. It is used for
maximize the use of coverage-based handover
resources on the same swchNoENDC toswchNoHO
NR cells and algNRNBRRsved1
Service NR Neighbor
enum: enum: enum:
frequency band. They can Switch for Not Supporting directional migration of Relation Reservation
Not Support[0] No[0] No[0]
collaborate in multiple
Collaboration Type This parameter
EN-DC determines Switch
SA UEs.forNR
No neighbor
Handover Parameter 1
Only DSS Support[1] Yes[1] Yes[1]
ways. In the current whether neighbor NR cells do not support this
version, only Dynamic cells can provide the EN- switch parameter. If this
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
Spectrum Sharing (DSS) DC service. If it is set to parameter is set to Yes, This is reservaed
is supported. Yes, EN-DC cannot be handover cannot be parameter 1 for neighbor
Effective when Cell Reset triggered. triggered. relations of NR services.

-- -- -- --
This parameter determines
This parameter determines whether voice UEs can be
whether an NR neighbor handed over or redirected
reserve1 reserve2 swchNoRemove
relation can be deleted. If voiceMobilitySwch
to NR neighbor cells. If it
enum: enum:
Noit Deleting
is set to Yes, the
Neighbor is set to Open,
Voice voice UEs
UE Mobility
No[0] Close[0]
Reserve Parameter1 Reserve Parameter2 neighbor relation cannot
Relations can be handed
Switch over or
Yes[1] Open[1]
be automatically deleted redirected to NR neighbor
long:[0..4294967295] long:[0..4294967295]
by the ANR. If it is set to cells. If it is set to Close,
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
No, the neighbor relation voice UEs cannot be
can be automatically handed over or redirected
Reserve Parameter1 Reserve Parameter2 deleted by the ANR. to NR neighbor cells.

-- -- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId trafficTypeDl
Downlink Service Type
NE Name LDN MO ID This parameter
Sequence sets the
This parameter sets the DL service type number.
string:length[1..255] long:[0..7]
unique ID of the managed There are eight service
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string types (0-7), corresponding
type and can be to different QoS
NE Name LDN configured as planned. requirements.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 4
This parameter determines
whether the scheduling of
a type of UE needs to be
guaranteed. If it is set to 1,
the UEs of this type are
sbrDl enum:
trffTypePriority sbrForDlFbUl h whose
special UEs
High[0] enum:
UL Guaranteed Bit Rate scheduling
Switch of RBneeds to be
Medium[1] Close[0]
This parameter indicates
DL Guaranteed Bit Rate This parameter
Priority indicates
of DL Services ThisDL
for parameter indicates
Service Feedback guaranteed. This
for Special UEs
Low[2] Open[1]
the downlink guaranteed the priority of downlink the uplink guaranteed bit parameter is set to 0 by
long:[0..65535] long:[0..255]
bit rate of a specific services. The value 0 rate for downlink service default. This optimization
model default: 20 model default: 1 model default: 10 model default: 0
service and is used to represents the highest feedback and is used to is introduced to ensure the
change the downlink PBR priority while 2 the change the uplink PBR of experience of some
of the service. lowest. a specific service. special users.

-- -- -- --
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
63 Medium[1] 7 Close[0]
13 High[0] 7 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
250 Low[2] 7 Close[0]
20 Medium[1] 10 Close[0]
375 Medium[1] 20 Close[0]
0 High[0] 0 Close[0]
0 Medium[1] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
375 Medium[1] 20 Close[0]
0 High[0] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Medium[1] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
375 Medium[1] 20 Close[0]
375 Medium[1] 20 Close[0]
0 High[0] 0 Close[0]
0 High[0] 0 Close[0]
0 Medium[1] 0 Close[0]
0 Medium[1] 0 Close[0]
0 High[0] 0 Close[0]
375 Medium[1] 20 Close[0]
0 Medium[1] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
375 Medium[1] 20 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 High[0] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Medium[1] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
0 Low[2] 0 Close[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId trafficTypeUl
Uplink Service Type
NE Name LDN MO ID This parameter
Sequence sets the
This parameter sets the UL service type number.
string:length[1..255] long:[0..7]
unique ID of the managed There are eight service
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string types (0-7), corresponding
type and can be to different QoS
NE Name LDN configured as planned. requirements.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 3
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 2
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 1
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,8 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,7 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,6 5
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,5 4

UL Guaranteed Bit Rate

This parameter indicates
the uplink guaranteed bit
model default: 0
rate and is used to change
the uplink PBR of a
specific service.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
This parameter sets the
NE_Name ldn moId rbgNumThr
RBGsof fora DL
NE Name LDN MO ID downlink MU-MIMO
This parameter sets the pairing. When the number
string:length[1..255] long:[0..25]
unique ID of the managed of RBGs of a UE is
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 4
object. It is of the string smaller than the threshold,
type and can be the UE does not perform
NE Name LDN configured as planned. MU pairing.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 1 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 1 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 1 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 1 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 1 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 1 4
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815 1 4
efficiency algorithm- The threshold is The threshold is
This parameter indicates based downlink MU- considered when the load considered when the load
the threshold of the MIMUO transmission of a cell changes from of a cell changes from low
downlink MU-MIMO mode switchover. If it is high load to low load. load to high load. When
pairing ratio. It is used set to Open, the When the number of the number
Threshold of of
when the Switch for switchover (from TM8 to potentialofMU-MIMO
Threshold The Number MU-MIMO
of Potentialusers is larger
Transmission Mode TM3 and from TM9 to muUENumThrHilo2Lowl
users is smaller than the muUENumThrLowlo2Hig
the for
threshold, the cell
of Potential MU-MIMO Cell Status
Change Based on SE for muTMSESwitchDL
TM4) is based on the threshold,oadDL
the cell load Change loadDL
load status changes from
Switch for Transmission UEs for Cell Status From Low-Load
Threshold of Theparameter
Pairing spectrum
Mode Change efficiency
Based on status
Change changes from high- low-load
From High-Load Status tostatus to high-
is set to
Ratio ofClose (disabled).
DL MU-MIMO comparison algorithm. If
SE for DL MU-MIMO load to
Status status to low-load
Low-Load Status load status. When the
If the MU pairing ratio is it is set to Close, the status. When the number number of potential MU-
long:[0..100] long:[0..64] long:[0..64]
smaller than or equal to switchover (from TM8 to of potential MU-MIMO MIMO users is smaller
model default: 50 model default: 1 model default: 6 model default: 9
the threshold, the TM8-to- TM3 and from TM9 to users is larger than or than or equal to the
TM3 (TM9-to-TM4) TM4) is based on the MU equal to the threshold, the threshold, the cell is in
switchover is triggered. pairing ratio algorithm. cell is in high-load status. low-load status.

-- -- -- --
50 Open[1] 6 9
50 Open[1] 6 9
50 Open[1] 6 9
50 Open[1] 6 9
50 Open[1] 6 9
50 Open[1] 6 9
50 Open[1] 6 9
cell status change from cell status change from
high-load status to low- low-load status to high-
load status. The threshold load status. The threshold
is considered when the is considered when the
load of a cell changes load of a cell changes
from high load to low from low load to high
load. When the PRB muPRBThrLowload2High
load. When the PRB ortFactorMUmimoThr2U
This parameter sets the
Threshold of PRB Usage Threshold of PRB Usage
usage loadDL
is smaller than the usage loadDL
is Status
larger than tM49MuHighMCSDl
the Upper
This parameter ofEthe channel
for Cell Status Change for Cell Change Thresholdsets the threshold
of The 2UE Threshold of
From the cell
High-Load to load threshold,
Low- From the cell
Low-Load loadto upper
Status MCSMCS Valuethreshold
for TM49for correlation factor of 2UE
Channel Correlation for
status changes
Loadfrom high- status changes from
High-Load Statuslow- TM4/TM9 switchover. If for downlink
Change MU-MIMO
load status to low-load load status to high-load a UE is in TM4 mode, pairing. When the channel
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..29] model default: 0.5
status. When the PRB status. When the PRB when the dual-stream correlation factor is larger
model default: 9 model default: 15 model default: 28 step: 0.001
usage is larger than or usage is smaller than or MCS is higher than the than the threshold, MU
equal to the threshold, the equal to the threshold, the threshold, the UE does not pairing is not performed
cell is in high-load status. cell is in low-load status. switch to TM9 mode. between UEs.

-- -- -- --
9 15 28 0.5
9 15 28 0.5
9 15 28 0.5
9 15 28 0.5
9 15 28 0.5
9 15 28 0.5
9 15 28 0.5
disables the FMM QoS
UE group preference
function. By default, it is This parameter enables or
set to Open. In this case, disables resource
the UEs that are filtered allocation optimization in
out by QoS are grouped FMM scenarios. If it is set
This parameter sets the ortFactorMUmimoThr4U
This parameter sets the based on the number of sortSEMaxRBEstimateSw
to Open, the number of
threshold E
of the E qosUePreferenceSw4DM 4DM
Threshold of channel
3UE threshold of the
Threshold of channel
4UE active beams, and then the RBs can be
Resource estimated
enum: enum:
correlation factor of 3UE
Channel Correlation for correlation factor of 4UE
Channel Correlation grouped
for Switch forUEs
FMM areQoS
UE both the SDM groups
Optimization with
in FMM
Close[0] Close[0]
for downlink
DL MU-MIMOMU-MIMO for downlink
DL MU-MIMOMU-MIMO and selected
Group again to
Preference a large Scenarios
BSR and a small
double:[0..1] double:[0..1] Open[1] Open[1]
pairing. When the channel pairing. When the channel ensure that the UEs for BSR through resource
model default: 0.45 model default: 0.4
correlation factor between correlation factor between SDM pairing are evenly allocation optimization to
step: 0.001 step: 0.001 model default: 1 model default: 0
UEs is larger than the UEs is larger than the distributed in all the improve the downlink
threshold, the UE does not threshold, the UE does not beams to provide the gain SDM performance of a
perform MU pairing. perform MU pairing. of SDM pairing. cell.

-- -- -- --
0.45 0.4 Open[1] Close[0]
0.45 0.4 Open[1] Close[0]
0.45 0.4 Open[1] Close[0]
0.45 0.4 Open[1] Close[0]
0.45 0.4 Open[1] Close[0]
0.45 0.4 Open[1] Close[0]
0.45 0.4 Open[1] Close[0]
beam activation threshold beam activation threshold beam activation threshold This parameter sets the
in the FMM TM3 SFBC in the FMM TM3 CDD in the FMM TM4 beam activation threshold
transmission scheme. It transmission scheme. It SFBC/RI1 transmission in the FMM TM4 RI2
can be set to a value in can be set to a value in scheme. It can be set to a transmission scheme. It
[0,100] with a step of 1, [0,100] with a step of 1, value in [0,100] with a can be set to a value in
corresponding to the beam corresponding to the beam step of 1, corresponding [0,100] with a step of 1,
activation threshold from tM3CDDActBeamThr4D
activation threshold from tM4SfbcOrRI1ActBeamT
to the beam activation corresponding to the beam
0%Beam M There are
to 100%. 0% to 100%.M There are thresholdhr4DM 0% to tM4RI2ActBeamThr4DM
Activation Threshold for Beam Thresholdfromfor Beam activation
for Beamfrom
three valuesininthe
Threshold theFMM
array, three valuesininthe
Activation theFMM
array, 100%. There
Activation are FMM
in the three 0% to 100%.
Activation in There
the FMMare
TM3 are the beam
Scheme which
TM3 CDD are the beam
Scheme values in the array,
TM4 SFBC/RI1 which
Scheme three values
TM4 RI2inScheme
the array,
activation thresholds activation thresholds are the beam activation which are the beam
longArray:[0..100] longArray:[0..100] longArray:[0..100] longArray:[0..100]
separately corresponding separately corresponding thresholds separately activation thresholds
model default: 80;80;80 model default: 80;80;80 model default: 80;80;80 model default: 80;80;80
to different CQIs in the to different CQIs in the corresponding to different separately corresponding
SFBC transmission CDD transmission CQIs in the SFBC/RI1 to different CQIs in the
scheme. scheme. transmission scheme. RI2 transmission scheme.

-- -- -- --
80;80;80 80;80;80 80;80;80 80;80;80
80;80;80 80;80;80 80;80;80 80;80;80
80;80;80 80;80;80 80;80;80 80;80;80
80;80;80 80;80;80 80;80;80 80;80;80
80;80;80 80;80;80 80;80;80 80;80;80
80;80;80 80;80;80 80;80;80 80;80;80
80;80;80 80;80;80 80;80;80 80;80;80
beam activation threshold
in the FMM TM4 RI3/4
transmission scheme. It
can be set to a value in
[0,100] with a step of 1,
corresponding to the beam
activation threshold from
0% r4DMThere are
to 100%.
Threshold for Beam
three valuesininthe
Activation theFMM
TM4 are theScheme
RI3/RI4 beam
activation thresholds
separately corresponding
model default: 80;80;80
to different CQIs in the
RI3/4 transmission

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

NE_Name ldn moId ThismagicRadioIndex
parameter indicates
the wireless
DBE configuration
Radio Configuration
NE Name LDN MO ID index ofIndex
This parameter sets the dynamic bandwidth
string:length[1..255] long:[1..30]
unique ID of the managed extension. It is used to
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string determine the
type and can be configuration parameter
NE Name LDN configured as planned. index for cell setup.

R Primary Key R-I

8.6M(42RB)[20] 8.6M(42RB)[20]
MIMO, and P_A is a
8.8M(46RB)[21] 8.8M(46RB)[21]
parameter provided by
9M(46RB)[22] 9M(46RB)[22] enum:
higher layers. This
9.2M(48RB)[23] 9.2M(48RB)[23] -6[0]
parameter is not
13.2M(67RB)[24] 13.2M(67RB)[24] -4.77[1]
This parameter indicates necessarily valid in some
13.6M(69RB)[25] 13.6M(69RB)[25] -3[2]
the downlink system This parameter indicates cases, for example, QPSK
14M(71RB)[26] 14M(71RB)[26] -1.77[3] enum:
DL System for bandwidth
Bandwidth for the uplink
UL System system for Power
Bandwidth without
magicRadioDLBW 17.4M(88RB)[27]
magicRadioULBW 0[4]
mgPAForDTCHPub 0[0]
sharing cells in
MagicRadio DBEthe bandwidth for bandwidth
MagicRadio DBE multiplexingDBE
MagicRadio or multi-user
17.8M(90RB)[28] 17.8M(90RB)[28] 1[5] 1[1]
scenario ofSharing
Bandwidth MagicRadio
Cells sharing cells
Bandwidth in the
Sharing Cells MIMOand transmission.
Cell RS This This parameter
MagicRadio DBEis used to
18.2M(94RB)[29] 18.2M(94RB)[29] 2[6] 2[2]
expansion. It is scenario (MHz)
of MagicRadio parameter corresponds to
(P_A_DTCH) adjust
Powerthe downlink
Ratio (PB)
18.6M(96RB)[30] 18.6M(96RB)[30] 3[7] 3[3]
used to determine the bandwidth expansion. It is the PDSCH data sourced transmitting power, which
frequency domain of used to determine the from DCCH logical can be adjusted to control
model default: 2 model default: 2 model default: 4 model default: 1
downlink physical frequency domain of channels and is assigned the downlink transmitting
channels and resource uplink physical channels through CCCH logical power without changing
allocation. and resource allocation. channels. the RS configuration.

R-I R-I -- --
This parameter indicates
This parameter indicates This parameter enables or the number of RBs not
the transmit power disables PUCCH occupied by the PUCCH.
actually used by a CP in a blanking. If it is set to The corresponding RBs
mgSpeRefSigPwr cell. It mgTransPwr
calculated by the mgPucchBlankFlag
Close, the Number of RBs aremgPucchBlankNum
disabled based on the
MagicRadio DBE Actual DBE Number of RBs Blanked
Reference Signal Power downlink
Transmit system
Power of BP Blanked by DBE
MagicRadio the uplink
by the system bandwidth.
MagicRadio DBE
of BP Resources (dBm) bandwidth (dBm)
Resources of the MagicRadio
Blanking Switch This parameter
PUCCHis used to
double:[-60..50] double:[0..60] Open[1]
This parameter sets the MagicRadio cell and the parameter is invalid. If it transfer some bandwidth
model default: 12.0 model default: 0.0 long:[0..98]
transmit power (absolute signal power ratio of the is set to Open, the resources to other systems
step: 0.1 step: 0.1 model default: 0 model default: 0
value) of CP reference MagicRadio antenna configured number of within the uplink
signals in a cell on every ports. The parameter blanked RBs is effective. bandwidth, such as 2G or
resource element. value cannot be modified. Effective when Cell Reset 3G networks.

-- -- -- --
related to the CP length of
This parameter indicates the frame structure, 8 for
the bitmap of the resource This parameter sets the the normal CP length and
blocks scheduled by the CFI value configured for 4 for the extended CP
PDSCH. The downlink the cell. If it is set to length. The number of
-9[9] enum:
bandwidth maps the This parameter indicates Auto-Adjusted, the CFI PHICH groups is
-10[10] Auto-Adjusted[0] enum:
resource block bitmap. anRERE mutingAdjustment
Muting adjustment value is automatically calculated as follows:
mgDlRbForbiddenMap -15[11]
mgNonStdBwPwrCtrl 1[1]
magicRadioCFI 1/6[0]
Resourceblocks vary
Bitmap value
MagicRadio adjusted in accordance N_PHICH
MagicRadio ^ Group
-20[12] 2[2] 1/2[1]
with bandwidths.
Forbidden This
by the bandwidth and is used to MagicRadio
DBE Non-Standard with the channel
DBE CFI ceil(N_h × (N_RB ^
Group Allocation
-25[13] 3[3] 1[2]
MagicRadio is used to
PDSCH adjust out-of-band
Bandwidth (dB) bandwidth and user
Selection DL/8)) (for the normal
Calculation Factor CP
longArray:[0..1] -30[14] 4[4] 2[3]
transfer some bandwidth interference. A smaller capacity of the cell. If it is length) or N_PHICH ^
model default: 0
resources to other systems value indicates a lower set to a fixed value (1, 2, Group = 2 × ceil(N_g ×
example: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
within the downlink restricted RB power and 3, or 4), the value is (N_RB ^ DL/8)) (for the
bandwidth, such as 2G or lower out-of-band related to the user extended CP length).
3G networks. interference. capacity. Effective when Cell Reset

-- -- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
This parameter enables or
disable self-adaptive load
balancing between the
UTRAN system and the
LTE system. If it is set to
Open, the load on LTE
NE_Name ldn moId utraLteSelfAdaptLBSwch
cells and UTRANSelf-cells is
Adaptive Loaddetected and
NE Name LDN MO ID load balancing
Switchis executed
This parameter sets the as required. If it is set to
unique ID of the managed Close, self-adaptive load
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string balancing between the
type and can be UTRAN system and the
NE Name LDN configured as planned. LTE system is disabled.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
highly loaded. If the ratio LTE cell is low. If the This parameter indicates
of the number of UEs in ratio of the number of the optimization
an LTE cell is larger than UEs in an LTE cell is less amplitude modulation This parameter indicates
or equal to this threshold, than this threshold, the factor of the minimum the optimization
the cell load is high. If the cell load is low. If the receiving level RSRP in amplitude modulation
ratio of the number of ratio of the number of each period for self- factor of the minimum
UEs in an LTE utraLteLBCURatioLowTh
Threshold of thecell is less
High UEs in anofLTE
CU Threshold cell is
the Low adaptive load
CU Qrxlevmin balancing receiving
Optimization Qqualmin quality RSRQ in
than this hrd
threshold but larger rdequal to this utraLteLBRxlevOptFactor utraLteLBQualOptFactor
Ratio for UTRAN-LTE Ratiothan or
for UTRAN-LTE between
Factor the UTRAN
for UTRAN-LTE each for
Factor period for self-
larger than or equal
Self-Adaptive to the threshold
Load but less Load
Self-Adaptive than the system and theLoad
Self-Adaptive LTE adaptive load balancing
Self-Adaptive Load
of the Threshold
(%) of valueBalancing
of the Threshold
(%) of system. Balancing
The formula is as between the UTRAN
the Low CU Ratio for the High CU Ratio for follows: Amplitude system and the LTE
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..10] long:[0..10]
UTRAN-LTE Self- UTRAN-LTE Self- optimized by Qrxlevmin system; that is, the
model default: 60 model default: 40 model default: 0 model default: 0
Adaptive Load Balancing Adaptive Load Balancing per period = 2 × amplitude optimized by
parameter, the cell load is parameter, the cell load is Qrxlevmin optimization Qqualmin in each period
medium. medium. factor. is the value of this factor.

-- -- -- --
60 40 0 0
60 40 0 0
60 40 0 0
60 40 0 0
60 40 0 0
60 40 0 0
60 40 0 0
This parameter indicates This parameter indicates
the rollback amplitude the rollback amplitude This parameter indicates
modulation factor of the modulation factor of the the maximum value of the
minimum receiving level minimum receiving minimum Qqualmin
Maximum receiving This parameter
Maximum indicates
RSRP period for utraLteLBQualBackFacto
in eachRollback quality RSRQ in each quality RSRQValue
for self- the maximum value
Qrxlevmin Optimization for Optimization Valueoffor
or load
self-adaptive r
period forRollback
self-adaptive qualOptMaxValue rxlevOptMaxValue
Factor for UTRAN-LTE Qqualmin Factor adaptive load balancing
UTRAN-LTE Self- minimum receiving
balancing between
Self-Adaptive Loadthe load balancing between
for UTRAN-LTE betweenLoad
Self- Adaptive the UTRAN
Balancing RSRP forLoad
Adaptive self-adaptive
UTRAN system and the Adaptive
Balancing the UTRAN Loadsystem and
Balancing system and
(dB)the LTE load balancing
(dBm) between
LTE system. The formula the LTE system; that is, system; that is, the the UTRAN system and
long:[0..10] long:[0..10] long:[-34..-3] model default: -110
is as follows: Amplitude the amplitude rolled back minimum receiving the LTE system; that is,
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: -19 step: 2
rolled back by Qrxlevmin by Qqualmin in each quality RSRQ cannot the minimum receiving
per period = 2 × period is the value of this exceed this parameter level RSRP cannot exceed
Qrxlevmin rollback factor. factor. value. this parameter value.

-- -- -- --
0 0 -19 -110
0 0 -19 -110
0 0 -19 -110
0 0 -19 -110
0 0 -19 -110
0 0 -19 -110
0 0 -19 -110
This parameter indicates
the judgment period of
self-adaptive load
between the
Judgment of Self-
Adaptive system and the
LTE system.(s)At the end of
each judgment period, the
related parameters are
model default: 900
adjusted, depending on
whether the optimization
conditions are met.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
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SDR 3107 1126
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SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
Interference Migration
Prevent PingPong
Handover Based Power
Saving Traffic Guidance
This parameter sets ping-
Prevent PingPong
pong handover prevention
strategies for different
NE_Name ldn moId Handover
StgyBased to
Aggregation Mode
forUEs that are
Choose Prevent PingPong
NE Name LDN MO ID functionally handed over
This parameter sets the to the target cell from
unique ID of the managed being handed over back to
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string the source cell too early
type and can be due to coverage-based
NE Name LDN configured as planned. handovers.

R Primary Key R-I

E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 Handover Based Aggregati
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 Handover Based Power Savi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Handover Based Service(Gen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 Handover Based CA PCell A
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 Handover Based EN-DC Anc
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 DSS Boundary Interference
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 Handover Based UL Big Ser
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 TMM Network Coordination
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 Handover Based DL Big Ser
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 Handover Based Data Quali
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 Handover Based User Locat
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 Handover Based CA Spectru
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 Handover Based VoLTE Loa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 Handover Based VoLTE Qua
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 Handover Based General Lo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 Handover Based VoLTE in A
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 Handover Based VoLTE Qua
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 Handover Based CA Spectru
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 Handover Based Data Quali
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 TMM Network Coordination
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 Handover Based VoLTE Loa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 Handover Based General Lo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 Handover Based User Locat
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 Handover Based Data Quali
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 TMM Network Coordination
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 Handover Based VoLTE in A
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 Handover Based VoLTE Qua
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 Handover Based CA Spectru
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 TMM Network Coordination
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 Handover Based EN-DC Anc
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Handover Based Service(Gen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 Handover Based CA Spectru
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 Handover Based UL Big Ser
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 Handover Based Data Quali
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Handover Based Service(Gen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 Handover Based CA PCell A
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 Handover Based VoLTE Qua
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 TMM Network Coordination
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 Handover Based UL Big Ser
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 Handover Based Data Quali
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 Handover Based EN-DC Anc
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 Handover Based CA Spectru
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 Handover Based CA PCell A
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 Handover Based VoLTE Qua
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 Handover Based VoLTE in A
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 Handover Based General Lo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 Handover Based VoLTE Loa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 Handover Based User Locat
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Handover Based Service(Gen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 Handover Based CA PCell A
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 Handover Based EN-DC Anc
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 Handover Based EN-DC Anc
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 Handover Based VoLTE Qua
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 Handover Based CA PCell A
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 Handover Based CA Spectru
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Handover Based Service(Gen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 Handover Based Data Quali
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 Handover Based UL Big Ser
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815410 Handover Based VoLTE Qua
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 Handover Based User Locat
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 Handover Based VoLTE in A
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 Handover Based VoLTE Loa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 Handover Based General Lo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 Handover Based General Lo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 TMM Network Coordination
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 Handover Based VoLTE Loa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815413 TMM Network Coordination
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 Handover Based VoLTE in A
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 Handover Based User Locat
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815411 Handover Based CA Spectru
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 Handover Based UL Big Ser
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815412 Handover Based Data Quali
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 Handover Based CA PCell A
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 Handover Based EN-DC Anc
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 Handover Based UL Big Ser
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081542 Handover Based CA PCell A
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Handover Based Service(Gen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Handover Based Service(Gen
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 Handover Based General Lo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 Handover Based VoLTE Loa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 Handover Based VoLTE in A
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081544 Handover Based UL Big Ser
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081543 Handover Based EN-DC Anc
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 Handover Based User Locat
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081546 Handover Based User Locat
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081547 Handover Based VoLTE Loa
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081548 Handover Based General Lo
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081549 Handover Based VoLTE in A
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 Handover Based DL Big Ser
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 Handover Based DL Big Ser
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 Handover Based DL Big Ser
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 Handover Based DL Big Ser
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 Handover Based DL Big Ser
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081545 Handover Based DL Big Ser
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 Handover Based Aggregati
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 DSS Boundary Interference
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 Handover Based Power Savi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 DSS Boundary Interference
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 Handover Based Power Savi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 Handover Based Power Savi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 Handover Based Aggregati
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 DSS Boundary Interference
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 Handover Based Aggregati
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 Handover Based Power Savi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 DSS Boundary Interference
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 Handover Based Aggregati
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 Handover Based Power Savi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 Handover Based Aggregati
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 DSS Boundary Interference
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815414 DSS Boundary Interference
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815415 Handover Based Power Savi
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=50815416 Handover Based Aggregati
not take effect when the service. If an element is consists of two elements.
eNodeB delivers set to Close, the eNodeB The first element
coverage-based disables the ping-pong corresponds to a set of
measurement tasks to UEs handover prevention This parameter sets the intra-NR measurement
1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 enum:
during functional strategy for the ping-pong handover configuration items
Coverage-Based Ping-
;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1; Prevent PingPong for
Switch forhandover. If it is
the Prevention corresponding QCI prevention frequency related
Pongto Prevention
RSRP and the
funcCoverPrePingPongS 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Source Frequency[0]
to Open, the report perQCIPrePingPongEffS
Ping-Pong service. The eNodeB can range for the UEs in secondMeasurement
Handover element
wch ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
wch Prevent PingPong for
prePingPongFreqRange prePingPongHOMeasCfg
Between of the
Functional enablefor
Switch the QCI-based
the Ping-Pong functional incoming corresponds to
Configuration forathe
set UEs
enum: 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Source Band[1]
Handover and Coverage- Prevention preventionStrategy
against the
per handover,
Ping-Pong0 Prevention
for Prevent intra-NR
in measurement
Functional Incoming
Close[0] ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1; Prevent PingPong for
index is used
Based when the ping-pong QCI
Handover effect between PingPong
Source configurations
Handover related to
Open[1] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 Source System[2]
eNodeB delivers functional handover and Frequency, 1 for Prevent RSRQ items. If the
;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1; longArray:[1..65535]
coverage-based coverage-based handover PingPong for Source dualMeasSwitch
model default: 0 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 model default: 0 model default: 186;187
measurement tasks to UEs for a UE only if all the Band, and 2 for Prevent parameter is set to Close,
during functional QCI services of the UE PingPong for Source only the first element is
incoming handover. are set to Open. System. valid.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Open[1] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Open[1] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Open[1] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Open[1] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Open[1] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Open[1] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
Close[0] 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;Prevent PingPong for Sour 186;187
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId eMTCPUSCHCLPCSwch
Switch for EMTC
PUSCH Closed-Loop
NE Name LDN MO ID Power Control
This parameter sets the
unique ID of the managed This parameter enables or
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string disables closed-loop
type and can be eMTC power control for
NE Name LDN configured as planned. the PUSCH.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Open[1]
Target BLER of Non-Full
This parameter sets the Power for eMTC PUSCH
This parameterType
indicates ThiseMTCTargetSinr
parameter eMTCSinrTargetMargin eMTCTargetBler4eA0
Adjustment of Target SINR forsets the
eMTC target SINR Margin
Target margin offor Closed-Loop
the adjustmenteMTC
Closed-Loop type of target
PUSCH SINR of closed-
Closed-Loop closed-loop
eMTC PUSCH absolute
Closed- Accumulated Power
Current Absolute[0]
PUSCH Power eMTC power
Control loop absolute
Power power
Control power controlControl
Loop Power on the This parameter
Control sets the
control for the PUSCH. If control on the eMTC eMTC PUSCH. If the target BLER of non-full-
long:[0..30] long:[0..30] long:[0..100]
it is necessary to lower the PUSCH. If the SINR is SINR is too low to power for closed-loop
model default: 0 model default: 9 model default: 5 model default: 1
power of near points, this too low to demodulate, demodulate, this accumulated power
parameter is configured to this parameter is set to a parameter is set to a larger control on the eMTC
Adapter. larger value. value. PUSCH.

-- -- -- --
Current Absolute[0] 9 5 1
Current Absolute[0] 9 5 1
Current Absolute[0] 9 5 1
Current Absolute[0] 9 5 1
Current Absolute[0] 9 5 1
Current Absolute[0] 9 5 1
Current Absolute[0] 9 5 1
Target BLER of Full UL Scheduling Window
eMTCTargetBlerBeyonde eMTCAccCLPCStaWinL
This parameter
Power for eMTC PUSCH Length for eMTCsets the
A0 en
uplink Closed-Loop
scheduling deltaPL
window Power Control puschPwrFiUpMargin
Closed-Loop Pathloss
Accumulated Power length for closed-loop
Accumulated Power Offset for Common Upper Fi Margin for
This parameter
Control sets the accumulated
Controlpower eMTC Users Common eMTC Users
target BLER of non-full control on the eMTC This parameter sets the
long:[0..100] long:[0..1000] long:[-50..50] long:[-10..20]
power for closed-loop PUSCH. To speed up closed-loop power control
model default: 7 model default: 200 model default: 10 model default: 2
accumulated power power adjustment, this pathloss offset on the This parameter sets the
control on the eMTC parameter is set to a PUSCH for common upper Fi margin for
PUSCH. smaller value. eMTC users. common eMTC users.

-- -- -- --
7 200 10 2
7 200 10 2
7 200 10 2
7 200 10 2
7 200 10 2
7 200 10 2
7 200 10 2
This parameter sets the
This parameter sets the offset of the power that is
nominal powerNominal
that is eMTCP0UePucchPub
eMTC-Related Offset to
of eMTC
the eMTC UEsUE-
Power to eMTC
Used cells and
by Physical used Power
Related by physical
Used by
PUCCHsby physical
Physical It is required
PUCCHs. It is used for for data transmission in
long:[-127..-96] long:[-8..7]
calculating the PUCCH dynamic scheduling
model default: -105 model default: 1
transmit power. It reflects authorization. It is used
the power difference for calculating the
among cells. PUCCH transmit power.

-- --
-105 1
-105 1
-105 1
-105 1
-105 1
-105 1
-105 1
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
NE_Name ldn moId nrFreqNum
Number of NR
NE Name LDN MO ID Frequencies
This parameter sets the
string:length[1..255] long:[0..8]
unique ID of the managed
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string This parameter sets the
type and can be number of NR
NE Name LDN configured as planned. frequencies.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 0
priority. If it is set to No
Priority, it indicates that
no reselection priority is
configured for this
729..746, 758..821,
frequency. Priorities can
869..894, 925..960,
be separately configured
1427..1518, 1805..1920, nrCellReselectPara_sSBS nrCellReselectPara_nrRes
NRparameter sets the
Cell Frequency NR Cell Frequency NR Cell Frequency for NR Cell
carrier frequencies
nrCellReselectPara_band 1930..2025, 2110..2200,
riFreq CS elPrio
indicator of the frequency
Reselection Reselection Reselection and UEs can perform the
longArray:[1..3, 5, 7..8, 2300..2400, 2496..2690,
band where uplink and
Configuration_Frequency Configuration_NR SSB Configuration_SSB Sub- cell reselection procedure
Configuration_NR Cell
12, 20, 25, 28, 34, 38..41, 3300..4200,
downlink carriers of a
Band Indicator Frequency Carrier Spacing on Reselection
the carrier frequencies
50, 51, 66, 70..71, 74, 4400.01..4999.995,
neighbor cell are located. that are contained in
77..79, 257..258, 24250.08..29499.96, enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
The uplink and downlink This parameter sets an NR system information
260..261] 37000.02..39999.96] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] 5, 6, 7, 8]
carriers of a cell must SSB frequency for the broadcasting messages
belong to the same 4G-to-5G reselection This parameter sets the and have reselection
frequency band. function. SSB sub-carrier spacing. priorities.

-- -- -- --
priority cell are as SServingCell is less than non-serving cell on a reselection to high-
follows:(1) In the period ThresholdServing_Low high-priority frequency. priority carrier
specified by Treselection, and SnonServingCell,x of The conditions for cell frequencies. (2) In the
NR Cell Frequency of the the low-priority cell is reselection to a high- period specified by
Reselection cell is NR greater than
Cell Frequency priority
NR Cell cell are as
Frequency NRTreselection,
Cell Frequency
greater than
Configuration_High InterThresholdX_Low.
Reselection (3) follows:(1) In the period
Reselection SServingCell is less than
InterThresholdX_High. nrCellReselectPara_nrThr
The duration when the UE nrCellReselectPara_nrThr
specified by Treselection, nrCellReselectPara_nrThr
RSRP Threshold for Configuration_Low RSRP Configuration_RSRQ Configuration_RSRQ
(2) The dXHighwhen the
duration camps dXLow
on dXHighQ of the dXLowQ
Reselecting to NR Threshold forthe current
Reselecting SnonservingCell,x
Threshold for Reselecting and SnonServingCell,x
Threshold for Reselecting of
UE camps on
Frequency the current
High-Priority serving cell is moreLow-
to NR Frequency than to high-priority
NR Frequency cell is
High- theNR
to low-priority
Frequencycell is
cell is(dB)
more than onePriority
For details,
(dB) greater Cells
Priority than greater Cells
Priority than
one second. The refer to TS 36.304.The InterThresholdX_HighQ. InterThresholdX_LowQ.
parameter range is an parameter range is an (2) The duration when the (3) The duration when the
longArray:[0..62] longArray:[0..62] longArray:[0..31] longArray:[0..31]
actual value, equal to actual value, equal to UE camps on the current UE camps on the current
twice of the value twice of the value serving cell is more than serving cell is more than
specified in TS 36.331. specified in TS 36.331. one second. one second.

-- -- -- --
NR Cell Frequency
This parameter sets the
Reselection This
NRparameter sets the
Cell Frequency
NR is the
Cell Frequency scaling factor of the
Configuration_Time scaling factor of the
maximum uplink
Reselection reselection time for
Scaling Factor ofthe reselection time for the
Configuration_Time NR Cell Frequency
available transmit power nrCellReselectPara_tResel
UEs movingtoatNR a medium nrCellReselectPara_tResel nrCellReselectPara_SSBC
Configuration_Maximum Reselection Cells at UEs moving
Scaling at a high
Factor of Reselection
configured ax
for UEs. IfNrRSFM speed. If NrSFH onsolidationRSRPThr
Transmit Power for It
NR is speed.
a Medium a UE moves
Speed at a Reselection
(Use a UE moves
to NR Cellsat at
a This parameter indicates
related to the
Frequency UE type.
Reselection medium
Before speed, the
Version a Highhigh speed,
Speed (UsetheBefore Threshold
the absolute RSRP
for Combined
Inter_Pmax is used for
(dBm) uctRslIntraEutra uctRslIntraEutra
Version SSB threshold for NR(dBm)
Measurement cell
NR neighboring E-UTRA parameter for reselecting parameter for reselecting measurement. Only the
cell reselection. If to intra-frequency cells to intra-frequency cells beams whose RSRP is
longArray:[-30..33] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] longArray:[-156..-29]
Inter_Pmax is absent, the needs to be multiplied by needs to be multiplied by higher than this threshold
maximum power depends uctReselNrRSFM for uctReselIntraSFH for can be used for RSRP
on the UE capability. adjustment. adjustment. calculation for NR cells.

-- -- -- --
NR Cell Frequency This
NRparameter sets the
Cell Frequency This
NRparameter sets the
Cell Frequency
nrCellReselectPara_SSBC nrCellReselectPara_qrxLe
minimum received power nrCellReselectPara_nrRes nrCellReselectPara_qQual
minimum quality level for
Reselection Reselection NR Cell Frequency Reselection
This parameter indicates level vMin
for the NR cells that elSubPrio Min1
the NR cells that satisfy
Configuration_RSRQ Configuration_Minimum Reselection Configuration_Minimum
the absolute
Threshold RSRQ
for Combined satisfy
Rx Level the conditions
for NR Cellof Configuration_NR Cell the conditions
Quality Level forofNR
SSB for NR cell
Measurement (dB) being reselected(dBm)
Reselection by UEs. This parameter
Reselection sets the
Sub-Priority reselected by UEs.
Reselection (dB)It is a
measurement. Only the It is a key parameter of sub-priority of NR cell key parameter of
beams whose RSRP is SnonServingCell,x, which reselection. A smaller SnonServingCell,x that is
doubleArray:[-43.5..20] longArray:[-140..-44] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] longArray:[-43..-12]
higher than this threshold is necessary for parameter value indicates calculated for the
can be used for RSRP reselection to an NR a lower reselection sub- reselection to an NR
calculation for NR cells. neighbor cell. priority. neighbor cell.

-- -- -- --
This parameter determines
whether system
broadcasting information
carries the q-QualMin-r15
tReselNr IE qQualMinSwch
Duration for Cell Switch of the
the reselection
Reselection on NR from aLevel
Quality 4G cellfortoNR
a 5G
Frequencies (s) cell. IfReselection
it is set to Open,
system broadcasting
This parameter sets the information carries the IE.
model default: 1 model default: 1
duration for cell If it is set to Close, system
reselection on NR broadcasting information
frequencies. does not carry the IE.

-- --
1 open[1]
1 open[1]
1 open[1]
1 open[1]
1 open[1]
1 open[1]
1 open[1]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
This parameter enables or
disables the establishment
NE_Name ldn moId ofgridStructureSwch
the RF fingerprint
Switch forIfStructuring
it is set to
NE Name LDN MO ID Open, theGrids
eNodeB can
This parameter sets the establish an RF
unique ID of the managed fingerprint database;
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string otherwise, it cannot
type and can be establish an RF
NE Name LDN configured as planned. fingerprint database.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
frequency neighbor cells there is only serving cell
per grid. If the RSRP of information included in
an inter-frequency the measurement report
This parameter indicates neighbor cell is greater during grid construction.
This parameter sets the the maximum number of than or equal to the If there is only serving
maximum number of neighbor cells at each threshold when the cell
RSRP information
inter-frequencies in a grid. maxGridPerFreqNbrCellN
frequency per grid. A eNodeB receives a in the measurement
Only Serving Cell
larger parameter
Maximum Numbervalueof larger
Number value gridInterFNbrRsrpThrd
of measurement
RSRP Threshold report of the
of Inter-
report, the measurement
Information in the MR
indicates that thereinare
Inter-Frequencies a indicates that
Neighbor Cellsthere are Frequency
at Each neighbor cell, theCells
Neighbor Duringinformation can be
Grid Construction
more inter-frequencies
Grid in more inter-frequency
Frequency per Grid neighbor
per Gridcell can be
(dBm) included in the grid if the
a grid and it is more neighbor cells in a grid included in the grid; RSRP of the serving cell
long:[1..4] long:[1..6] long:[-140..-43] long:[-140..-43]
accurate to reflect the and it is more accurate to otherwise, information is larger than this
model default: 4 model default: 6 model default: -110 model default: -90
distribution of inter- reflect the distribution of about the neighbor cell is threshold; otherwise, the
frequency neighbor cells inter-frequency neighbor removed from the measurement information
around a grid. cells around a grid. measurement report. is removed.

-- -- -- --
4 6 -110 -90
4 6 -110 -90
4 6 -110 -90
4 6 -110 -90
4 6 -110 -90
4 6 -110 -90
4 6 -110 -90
reports of a UE per grid. determination of the attributes of the neighbor period for determining
When receiving an intra- available attributes of the cells in a grid. In the neighbor attributes, if the
frequency measurement neighbor cells in a grid. In period for determining number of measurement
report from the UE, the this period of time, the neighbor attributes, if the reports of a neighbor cell
eNodeB updates intra- number of measurement number of measurement is larger than or equal to
frequency measurement reports
for the number of
Determining reports of aofneighbor
Threshold the Numbercell the threshold of the
information of the UE and gridNbrAvalidAttribPerio
handover attempts of the gridNbrAvailAttribMrNu
is larger than or equal to gridNbrAvailAttribRsrpT
the Available Attributes of MRs for Determining RSRP of measurement
Threshold for
starts this d in the grid mThrd reports forhrd
Valid Timetimer. If no
Length of neighbor cells
of the Inter-Frequency this
the threshold, the system
Available Attributes Determining determining
the Available
Intra-Frequency MRs of a are collected.
Neighbor CellsAtinthe end
a Grid ofimmediately
the Neighbor determines
Cells in a the available
Attributes attributes
of the Neighborof
measurement report is
UE per Grid of the period,
(hour)the system whether Grid
to update the the
in a Gridcells in a
received from the UE and determines whether to available attributes of the grid and if the RSRP of
long:[5..120] long:[1..48] long:[0..500] long:[-140..-43]
this timer expires, the update the available neighbor cell; otherwise, the neighbor cell is lower
model default: 20 model default: 12 model default: 30 model default: -120
eNodeB deletes intra- attributes of the neighbor the system makes this than this threshold, the
frequency measurement cells based on the decision at the end of the neighbor cell is marked as
information of the UE. statistics. period. unavailable.

-- -- -- --
20 12 30 -120
20 12 30 -120
20 12 30 -120
20 12 30 -120
20 12 30 -120
20 12 30 -120
20 12 30 -120
determining neighbor threshold for the number
attributes, if the number This parameter sets the of measurement reports of
of measurement reports of This parameter sets the RSRP threshold of inter- inter-frequency neighbor
a neighbor cell is larger handover success rate frequency neighbor cells cells in a grid for load
than or equal to the threshold for determining in a grid for load balancing. When an inter-
threshold of the number of the available
Handover attributes
Success Rateof balancing. When an inter- frequency neighbor
Threshold cell is
for the Number
measurement reports for gridNbrAvailHoSucRateT
the neighbor
MR Ratio Threshold Thresholdcells
for in a frequency neighbor
RSRP Threshold of cell is
Inter- obtained
of MRsfrom the RF
of Inter-
determining the Available
available Determining hrdperiod for
grid. In the lbGridNbrRsrpThrd
obtained from the RF lbGridNbrMrRptNum
fingerprint databaseCells
Determining the Available Frequency Neighbor Cells Frequency Neighbor
attributes of the neighbor
Attributes determining
Neighbor Attributes neighbor
of the Neighbor fingerprint
in a Griddatabase
for Loadfor load
in abalancing in UE
Grid for Load
cells in aingrid
Cells and(%)
a Grid if the attributes,
Cells inifathe handover
Grid (%) load balancing
Balancing in UE
(dBm) handover, the neighbor
measurement report ratio success rate of the handover, the neighbor cell is not selected if the
long:[0..100] model default: 99.5 long:[-140..-43] long:[0..1000]
of the neighbor cell is neighbor cell is lower than cell is not selected if the number of measurement
model default: 70 step: 0.1 model default: -110 model default: 50
lower than this threshold, this threshold, the RSRP of the neighbor cell reports of the neighbor
the neighbor cell is neighbor cell is marked as is smaller than this cell is smaller than this
marked as unavailable. unavailable. threshold. threshold.

-- -- -- --
70 99.5 -110 50
70 99.5 -110 50
70 99.5 -110 50
70 99.5 -110 50
70 99.5 -110 50
70 99.5 -110 50
70 99.5 -110 50
threshold of the number of threshold of the handover
This parameter sets the attempts in the handover success rate of an inter-
MR ratio threshold of to an inter-frequency frequency neighbor cell in
inter-frequency neighbor neighbor cell in a grid for a grid for load balancing. This parameter enables or
cells in a grid for load load balancing. When an When an inter-frequency disables the fingerprint
balancing. When an inter- inter-frequency
Threshold of theneighbor
Number neighbor cell isofobtained
Threshold the database application
MR Rationeighbor
Threshold cellofis cellAttempts
of is obtained from the lbGridNbrHoSuccRateThr
in Handover from the Success
Handover RF fingerprint
Rate of functions on the eNodeB
obtained from Neighbor
the RF lbGridNbrHoAttemptThrd
RF fingerprint database database d for load side.rFFEnableSwch
If it is set to Open,
Inter-Frequency to an Inter-Frequency an Inter-Frequency
Cells database
in a Grid for
for Load for load balancing
Neighbor Cell in ainGrid
UE Neighbor
CellininUEa Grid the eNodeBEnabling
Fingerprint starts to
balancing(%)in UE handover,
for Loadthe neighbor
Balancing handover,
for the neighbor
Load Balancing (%) report Switch
real-time UE
handover, the neighbor cell is not selected if the cell is not selected if the information to the
long:[0..100] long:[0..500] long:[0..100]
cell is not selected if the number of attempts in the success rate of the fingerprint database, and
model default: 90 model default: 50 model default: 99 model default: 0
MR ratio of the neighbor handover to this neighbor handover to this neighbor the fingerprint database
cell is smaller than this cell is smaller than this cell is smaller than this application functions on
threshold. threshold. threshold. the eNodeB are enabled.

-- -- -- --
90 50 99 Close[0]
90 50 99 Close[0]
90 50 99 Close[0]
90 50 99 Close[0]
90 50 99 Close[0]
90 50 99 Close[0]
90 50 99 Close[0]
This parameter determines
whether the eNodeB
reports handover
information of UEs to the This parameter sets the
fingerprint database. If it period for the eNodeB to
is set to Close, the This parameter sets the report inter-frequency RF
rFFInterFMrInfoRptSwch eNodeBrFFHOInfoRptSwch rFFInfoRptPeriod rFFInterFInfoRptPeriod
Switch for Reporting RF Switch fordoes not report
Reporting UE periodRFforFingerprint
the eNodeB to fingerprint information
Inter-frequency RF to
enum: enum:
Fingerprint Inter- UE handover
Handover information
Information to report RF fingerprint
Information Reporting the fingerprint
Fingerprint database.
Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter
MRs to the fingerprint
the Fingerprint Database information to the
Period (s) RF fingerprint
Reporting Period (s)
Open[1] Open[1]
whether the eNodeB database. If it is set to fingerprint database. RF information includes the
long:[0..255] long:[0..255]
reports inter-frequency Open, the eNodeB reports fingerprint information information about inter-
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 2 model default: 5
measurement reports of UE handover information includes the information frequency UE
UEs to the fingerprint to the fingerprint about UE measurement measurement reports and
database. database. reports and handover. handover.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] 2 5
Close[0] Close[0] 2 5
Close[0] Close[0] 2 5
Close[0] Close[0] 2 5
Close[0] Close[0] 2 5
Close[0] Close[0] 2 5
Close[0] Close[0] 2 5
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

This parameter sets the
optimization type of
weights: weekday-based
optimization and
optimization. If it is set to
NE_Name ldn moId dataTypethe
corresponding weights
Weight Optimization
NE Name LDN MO ID take effect
Typeonly on
This parameter sets the weekdays. If it is set to
unique ID of the managed Weekend, the
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string corresponding weights
type and can be take effect only at
NE Name LDN configured as planned. weekends.

R Primary Key R-I

30[3] enum:
This parameter determines
45[4] 10[0]
whether an hour-based
optHour busyHourFlag 65[5]
optHBeamWidth 20[1]
interval for optimization
enum: 90[6] 30[2]
in normal AAPC Optimal Horizontal Beam Optimal Vertical Beam
No[0] 105[7] 40[3]
Optimization Hour scenarios
Busy is a busy
Hour Flaghour. Width Width
Yes[1] 255[255] 255[255]
If it is set to Yes, it
This parameter sets the indicates that the interval This parameter sets the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 255 model default: 255
hour-based interval for is a busy hour. If it is set width of optimal This parameter sets the
optimization in normal to No, it indicates that the horizontal beams for MM width of optimal vertical
AAPC scenarios. interval is not a busy hour. cells. beams for MM cells.

R-I -- -- --
enum: 2[6]
-30[0] 3[7]
-20[1] 4[8]
-15[2] 6[9]
-10[3] 7[10]
0[4] 8[11]
10[5] 9[12]
optHrznAzimAngle 10[13]
20[7] 12[14]
Optimal Horizontal
30[8] 14[15]
Azimuth Optimal Downtilt
255[255] 255[255]

model default: 255 model default: 255

This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
optimal horizontal optimal downtilt for MM
azimuth for MM cells. cells.

-- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
This parameter enables or
disables PSCell addition
NE_Name ldn moId pSCellAddPunishSwch
punishment. When it is set
Open, for
the PSCell
NE Name LDN MO ID cannot add Punishment
Addition the target NR
This parameter sets the cell as a PSCell within the
unique ID of the managed time specified by this
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string timer after receiving an
type and can be X2 SgNB Addition Reject
NE Name LDN configured as planned. message.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
This parameter enables or
disables EN-DC anchor
IMMCI. This parameter This parameter enables or
enables or disables EN- endcHOwithSnSwch
disables the handover This hoBasedEndcCapSwch
parameter enables or enDcAnchorHoSwch
Switch for EN-DC
enum: enum: enum: enum:
DC Switch
anchor for
EN-DCIf it is with SNs.
Switch If itHandover
of the is set to disables EN-DC
Capability-Based ThisSwitch
parameter enables or
for EN-DC
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
set toAnchor
the eNodeB Open, SNs
with SNs can be capability-based
Handover disables EN-DC
Anchor-Based anchor-
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
tries to let the UE configured during handover. If it is set to based handover. If it is set
supporting EN-DC camp handover for the UEs that Open, the eNodeB hands to Open, the eNodeB
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
on the anchor cell through are handed over from an over the UEs to the hands over UEs to the
the IMMCI when the UE LTE or NR cell to the frequencies that support neighbor cells that support
is released. local cell. the EN-DC capability. EN-DC.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
This parameter sets the
voice-based EN-DC This parameter sets
This parameter enables or restriction strategy. If it is identification indexes for
disables the SN addition set to No Restrict, the EN-DC. An parameter This parameter sets the
to different PLMNs. If it addition of SNs is not value corresponds to an configuration mode of
is set to Open, the LTE restricted for the voice NR PDCP identification EN-DC SNs. If it is set to
network allows an NR cell services of UEs. If it is set index. If the services of a Unconditional, the
interPlmnENDCSwch No Restrict[0]
ce PCell enDcIdentifyIndex enum:
of theSwitch
equivalent PLMN
for the to No Based UE satisfy the eNodeB configures SNs
enum: Based PCell Channel Unconditional[0]
to be configured
Configuration of as the Channel
Inter- Quality
Voice-Based and the
EN-DC EN-DC requirements for all the
Identification EN-DC SNNSA UEs. If it
Close[0] Quality[1] CongestionBased[1]
PSCell of UEs.
PLMN If it is set PCell
EN-DC channelStrategy
Restriction quality is correspondingIndexto an index, is set to CongestionBased
Open[1] No SN[2] TrafficSpeedBased[2]
to Close, the LTE network bad for the voice services the UE can be identified or TrafficSpeedBased, the
allows only the NR cell of of UEs, no SN can be to support a certain eNodeB configures SNs
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
the same serving PLMN added. If it is set to No function. For example, an only for the NSA UEs that
to be configured as the SN, no SN is added for SN can be added for the need to be configured
PSCell of UEs. voice services of UEs. UE. with SNs.

-- -- -- --
Open[1] No Restrict[0] 0 Unconditional[0]
Open[1] No Restrict[0] 0 Unconditional[0]
Open[1] No Restrict[0] 0 Unconditional[0]
Open[1] No Restrict[0] 0 Unconditional[0]
Open[1] No Restrict[0] 0 Unconditional[0]
Open[1] No Restrict[0] 0 Unconditional[0]
Close[0] No Restrict[0] 0 Unconditional[0]
This parameter sets the
period that is used to
determine whether the
eNodeB deletes an SN. At This parameter determines This parameter controls
the end of the period, the whether to execute EN- the PSCell addition
eNodeB compares the DC anchor-based strategy. If it is set to
This parameter sets the SINRPeriodorfor RTP packet enDcAnchHoWhr4HOinS
theDetermining handover
to Considerfor measurement-based
delSnSinrThr4Vt period4DelSn cen enum:
SINR SINR threshold
Threshold for Whether
for EN- loss to
rate with the
Delete SNs for the incoming-handover
Incoming Handover strategy, PSCell is added
enum: Based Measurement[0]
fromtoEN-DC corresponding
Delete UEs in an EN-DC threshold
VoLTE target users. in
Scenarios If EN-DC
it is set to PSCell
in a measurement-based
Addition Strategy
No[0] Based Blind and
VoLTESNs UEs. In an EN- to determine
(dB) Scenariowhether
(s) the Yes, the eNodeB
Anchor-Based executes manner; Indicator
Handover If it is set to blind
double:[0.5..10] Yes[1] Measurement[1]
DC VoLTE scenario, if voice quality is poor. If EN-DC anchor-based and measurement-based
long:[-10..40] model default: 2.0
the SINR of the MN is yes, the eNodeB deletes handover handover strategy, PSCell is added
model default: 15 step: 0.1 model default: 0 model default: 0
lower than this threshold, the SN. If not, the immediately for the in a blind and
the eNodeB deletes the eNodeB does not delete incoming-handover target measurement-based
SN from this VoLTE UE. the SN. users. manner;

-- -- -- --
15 2.0 No[0] Based Measurement[0]
15 2.0 No[0] Based Measurement[0]
15 2.0 No[0] Based Measurement[0]
15 2.0 No[0] Based Measurement[0]
15 2.0 No[0] Based Measurement[0]
15 2.0 No[0] Based Measurement[0]
15 2.0 No[0] Based Measurement[0]
This parameter is the This parameter is the
downlink PRB ratio uplink PRB ratio
This parameter is the ratio This parameter is the ratio threshold for NR service threshold for NR service
of user number threshold of user number hysteresis scheduling priority scheduling priority
for NR service nrSrvSchedulAdjPrbThrd nrSrvSchedulAdjPrbThrd
Ratio of Userscheduling
Number forRatio
NR service
of Userscheduling
Number adjustment,
DL PRB and
Ratio Threshold adjustment,
UL PRB and
Ratio Threshold
priority adjustment, and nrSrvSchedulAdjUserHys
priority adjustment, and determines Dlwhether to determines Ulwhether to
Threshold for NR Service Hysteresis for NR Service for NR Service for NR Service
Priorityto determines
Priorityto adjust the downlink
Scheduling Priority adjust the uplink
Scheduling Priority
adjust the scheduling
Adjustment (%) adjust the scheduling
Adjustment (%) scheduling priority
Adjustment (%)of the scheduling priority
Adjustment (%)of the
priority of the NR service priority of the NR service NR service together with NR service together with
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
together with the 'the ratio together with the 'the ratio the 'the downlink PRB the 'the uplink PRB ratio
model default: 60 model default: 5 model default: 60 model default: 60
of user number hysteresis of user number threshold ratio hysteresis for NR hysteresis for NR service
for NR service scheduling for NR service scheduling service scheduling priority scheduling priority
priority adjustment'. priority adjustment'. adjustment'. adjustment'.

-- -- -- --
60 5 60 60
60 5 60 60
60 5 60 60
60 5 60 60
60 5 60 60
60 5 60 60
60 5 60 60
This parameter is the
downlink PRB ratio This parameter determines
hysteresis for NR service whether to execute EN- This parameter sets the
scheduling priority DC anchoring handover maximum number of This parameter sets the
nrSrvSchedulAdjPrbHysD 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 endcAnchorHoMaxRetry
DL PRB adjustment, and
Ratio Hysteresis for a QCI service. The times that an NSA UE maximum number of
determines l whether to ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;
elements Num EN-DC times sNAddMaxRetryNum
for NR Service Indicator of in theService-
QCI array retries to execute
Maximum Number of that an NSA UE
adjust the downlink
Scheduling Priority correspond
QCI1 to anchoring
for EN-DCIf the Maximum
retries to execute
scheduling priority
Adjustment (%)of the QCI255
Anchoringin turn. If an
Handover NSA UE fails
Anchoring to be
Handover addition.
Retries for If SN
the Addition
NR service together with element is set to Yes, the handed over to an anchor fails to trigger SN
long:[0..100] ;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1; long:[0..1800, 65535] long:[0..1800, 65535]
the 'the downlink PRB eNodeB executes EN-DC cell, the handover addition, the SN addition
model default: 5 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1 model default: 0 model default: 0
ratio threshold for NR anchoring handover for procedure can be triggered procedure can be triggered
service scheduling priority the corresponding QCI again based on this again based on this
adjustment'. service. parameter value. parameter value.

-- -- -- --
5 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0 0
5 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0 0
5 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0 0
5 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0 0
5 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0 0
5 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0 0
5 1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0 0
HRPD, and CDMA2000- This parameter is the
1XRTT systems in turn. A uplink PRB ratio
This parameter sets the larger parameter value hysteresis for NR service
timer for EN-DC indicates a higher IMMCI scheduling priority
anchoring handover retry This parameter sets the priority of the nrSrvSchedulAdjPrbHysU
adjustment, and
UL PRB Ratio Hysteresis
of NSA r If an NSA sNAddRetryTimer endcAnchIMMCIRATPri l whether to
for EN-DC timer for SN addition corresponding system. determines
for NR Service
fails to be Handover
handed over retry
Addition ThePriority
value 0ofindicates
EN-DCthat adjust the uplink
Scheduling Priority
to an anchor cell, the
Retry (s) NSA UE fails(s)
Retry to trigger the systemIMMCI
Anchoring is not scheduling priority
Adjustment (%)of the
handover procedure can SN addition, the SN considered. Note: The 4G NR service together with
long:[1..1800] long:[1..1800] model default: long:[0..100]
be triggered again after addition procedure can be system priority specified the 'the uplink PRB ratio
model default: 30 model default: 30 255;254;253;252;251;250 model default: 5
the period of time triggered again after the by this parameter is used threshold for NR service
specified by this period of time specified for non-anchor scheduling priority
parameter. by this parameter. frequencies only. adjustment'.

-- -- -- --
30 30 0;254;0;0;0;0 5
30 30 255;254;253;252;251;250 5
30 30 255;254;253;252;251;250 5
30 30 0;254;0;0;0;0 5
30 30 0;254;0;0;0;0 5
30 30 255;254;253;252;251;250 5
30 30 255;254;253;252;251;250 5
This parameter determines
whether to distribute
This parameter indicates downlink SCG split
the strategy mode of the bearers of NSA UEs to the
EN-DC Anchor Mobility This parameter enables or LTE system. If it is set to
Function. If this parameter disables the SPID Open, the distribution of
is configured to Based enDcAnchorImmciSpidS
function for EN-DC SCG split bearers to the
Freq endcAnchorStgy
And Cel, the EN-DC anchor-based wchIMMCI. If it enDcAnchorHoSpidSwch
This parameter enables or LTEforbidFlowCtrlSwch
system is stopped
enum: enum: enum: enum:
Anchor Mobility Function Switchis setoftoSPID
Open, the on disables
based SPID
Switch of function
SPID for when
based on the cell
Switch load reaches
for Disabling
Based Freq And Cell[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
choose Base
EN-DC Frequency
Anchor eNodeB
Strategy EN-DC attempts
Anchor to
EN-DC anchor-based
Anchor a certain threshold.
Handover Load-Based When
DL Shunting
Based Freq[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
and Cell strategic mode; reselect the SPID UEs to handover. If it is set to the cell load is lower than
otherwise, EN-DC Anchor the neighbor cells that Open, the eNodeB hands the threshold, the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
Mobility Function choose support EN-DC through over SPID UEs to the distribution of SCG split
Base Frequency strategic the IMMCI function when neighbor cells that support bearers to the LTE system
mode. the UEs are released. EN-DC. is recovered.

-- -- -- --
Based Freq And Cell[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Based Freq And Cell[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Based Freq And Cell[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Based Freq And Cell[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Based Freq And Cell[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Based Freq And Cell[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Based Freq And Cell[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
improved through the priority adjustment mode. Adjustment parameter, the
decrease of the scheduling If it is set to 0, the scheduling priority of the
priority of the NGBR experience of LTE users NGBR services
services of LTE users. In can be guaranteed through corresponding to LTE
Lowering the Scheduling
this function, the NSA the decrease of the UEs is decreased, or the
Priority of NSA User's
users refer to those that scheduling priority of scheduling priority of the This parameter sets the
emlpAdjustBaseLoadSwc NGBR SCG Split
emlpAdjustBaseLoadMod emlpAdjustBaseLoadRrc
have the EN-DC SCG split bearers for the Threshold
SCG split for
bearers for the threshold for the number
the Number
h Bearer[0]
e Thrd stopFlowCtrlRrcNumThrd
Switch for and are allowed NGBR
Load-Based Load-Basedservices of NSA of UEs
Scheduling NGBR services
to Trigger of RRC UEs
Load- Threshold forfor
enum: Lowering the Scheduling
to use EN-DC Priority
Scheduling when they Priority
users. IfAdjustment
it is set to 1,Mode
the Based
NSA downlink
of UEs shunting
to Enablestop.
Close[0] Priority of LTE User's
are in the HRL. The LTE experience
Adjustment of NSA users
Selection UEs is lowered,
Adjustment the number of RRC
Shunting Stop UEs
Open[1] NGBR Bearer[1]
users refer to those that do can be guaranteed through depending on the value of in a cell is larger than this
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
not have the EN-DC the decrease of the the Load-Based threshold, downlink
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 10 model default: 10
capability or are not scheduling priority of the Scheduling Priority shunting stop is enabled;
allowed to use EN-DC NGBR services of LTE Adjustment Mode otherwise, downlink
when they are in the HRL. users. Selection parameter. shunting stop is disabled.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Lowering the Scheduling P10 10
Close[0] Lowering the Scheduling P10 10
Close[0] Lowering the Scheduling P10 10
Close[0] Lowering the Scheduling P10 10
Close[0] Lowering the Scheduling P10 10
Close[0] Lowering the Scheduling P10 10
Close[0] Lowering the Scheduling P10 10
services of NSA UEs after
load-based scheduling
priority adjustment is This parameter sets the
triggered. If the Load- PRB load evaluation
Based Scheduling Priority period for load-based
Adjustment Mode scheduling priority
Selection parameter is set emlpAdjustBaseLoadPeri
adjustment. The average
Load Evaluation Period
to 1, this parameter is flowCtrlSelectErabNum flowCtrlJudgePeriod PRB odwithin the
Load-Based Scheduling forusage
used to configure
Priority the level
Adjustment Number of Selected DL Load-Based Shunting evaluation period
Scheduling is used
of scheduling
Offset priority Split Bearers Decision Period (s) as theAdjustment
PRB load of (s)a cell.
decrease of NGBR This parameter sets the Based on the evaluated
long:[1..255] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535]
services of LTE UEs after maximum number of split PRB load, the policy for
model default: 4 model default: 10 model default: 10 model default: 10
load-based scheduling bearers for This parameter controls NGBR bearer scheduling
priority adjustment is stopping/recovering the length of the load priority adjustment can be
triggered. shunting. decision period. determined.

-- -- -- --
4 10 10 10
4 10 10 10
4 10 10 10
4 10 10 10
4 10 10 10
4 10 10 10
4 10 10 10
This parameter enables or This parameter enables or This parameter enables or
disables the SN disables EN-DC anchor- This parameter enables or disables EN-DC anchor-
configuration strategy for endcAnchToHighPrioSwc
based handover
Switch to a high- endcAnchToNonAnchHo
for EN-DC disables
SwitchEN-DC anchor-
for EN-DC
based handover
Switch to a low-
for EN-DC
UEs of the specific priority h
anchor frequency. Swch to a non- h frequency.
Configuration Anchor-Based Handover based handover
Anchor-Based Handover priority anchor
Anchor-Based Handover
enum: enum: enum: enum:
SPID forSwitch
Strategy EN-DC. ofIfSPID
this toIfa itHigh-Priority
is set to Open, the
Anchor anchor
to afrequency.
Non-anchorIf it is toIfa itLow-Priority
is set to Open, the
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
parameter is EN-DC
UEs for set to Open, NSA UEs in an anchor set to Open,
Frequency the NSA UEs
Frequency NSA UEs in an anchor
Open[1] Open[1] Open[1] Open[1]
the eNodeB configures the cell are handed over to a without any NR frequency cell are handed over to a
NR neighbor cells on the high-priority anchor available are handed over low-priority anchor
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
specific frequency as the frequency during an EN- to a non-anchor frequency frequency during an EN-
SNs for the UEs of the DC anchor-based during an EN-DC anchor- DC anchor-based
specific SPID. handover. based handover. handover.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Close[0] Close[0] Close[0] Close[0]
Anchor Coverage, the set to Open, the policies This parameter sets the
eNodeB hands over UEs are used based on threshold for the
from a non-anchor cell to PLMNs. In this case, the proportion of the
an anchor neighbor cell PLMN configuration in downlink PRB usage of
that supports EN-DC the Flow Control Based the local cell. It
anchor-based handover. If On Load table should be determines
Threshold forwhether
the DLEN-
Handover Based LTE endcAnchHoCarNRCellS enDcAnchDLPRBThrd4A
this parameter is set to set to a valid
Switch value. If this
for Load-Based Switch for Carrying NR Usage DC Proportion
anchor-basedof the
Anchor Coverage[0]
endcAnchHoWorkMode shuntingOfPlmnSwch wch nchbe triggered.
Handover Based LTE parameter
LTE Data is set to Close,
Shunting Cell Information in EN- handover
Local Cellcan for EN-DC
Handover Based LTE enum: enum:
Workingand NR of
Mode Coverage,
EN-DC the policies are
Optimization usedon
Based DC Anchor-Based EN-DC anchor-based
Anchor-Based Handover
Anchor and NR Close[0] Close[0]
the eNodeB hands
Anchor-Based over
Handover without
PLMN considering
Policies the Handover handover can (%)be triggered
Coverage[1] Open[1] Open[1]
UEs from a non-anchor PLMNs. In this case, the This parameter determines only when the proportion
cell to an NR-covered PLMN configuration in whether NR cell of the downlink PRB
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0
anchor neighbor cell that the Flow Control Based information is carried usage of the local cell is
supports EN-DC anchor- On Load table should be during an EN-DC anchor- larger than or equal to this
based handover. set to a invalid value. based handover. threshold.

-- -- -- --
Handover Based LTE AnchClose[0] Close[0] 0
Handover Based LTE AnchClose[0] Close[0] 0
Handover Based LTE AnchClose[0] Close[0] 0
Handover Based LTE AnchClose[0] Close[0] 0
Handover Based LTE AnchClose[0] Close[0] 0
Handover Based LTE AnchClose[0] Close[0] 0
Handover Based LTE AnchClose[0] Close[0] 0
This parameter sets the This parameter enables or
threshold for the This parameter sets the disables the
proportion of the uplink threshold for the randomization of the
PRB usage of the local proportion of the number This parameter sets the frequencies with the same
cell. It determines
Threshold whether
for the UL PRB of UEs in the
Proportion local cell.forIt
Threshold method for evaluating priority for EN-DC-
EN-DC anchor-based enDcAnchCURatioThrd4
determines endcAnchIMMCIFreqRa
Usage Proportion of the the Number whether
of UEs inEN-the voice quality. If it is set to anchored IMMCI.
Equal-Priority If it is
nchbe triggered. Anch enum:
Local Cellcan for EN-DC DC Cell
Local anchor-based
for EN-DC 0, the voice quality is set tomSwch
Randomization Open,Strategy
Based channel quality[0] enum:
EN-DC anchor-based
Anchor-Based Handover handover can beHandover
Anchor-Based triggered. evaluated
Voice basedQuality
Channel on the reselection
Switch forpriorities
Based RTP packet loss Close[0]
handover can (%)be triggered EN-DC anchor-based
(%) SINR of a single
Evaluation uplink
Method theAnchored
frequencies with the
rate[1] Open[1]
only when the proportion handover can be triggered RB. If it is set to 1, the same priority are
long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
of the uplink PRB usage only when the proportion voice quality is evaluated randomly allocated in the
model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 0 model default: 1
of the local cell is larger of the number of UEs in based on the packet loss IMMCI delivered during
than or equal to this the local cell is larger than rate of the uplink and frequency release by the
threshold. or equal to this threshold. downlink RTPs. UEs that support EN-DC.

-- -- -- --
0 0 Based channel quality[0] Open[1]
0 0 Based channel quality[0] Open[1]
0 0 Based channel quality[0] Open[1]
0 0 Based channel quality[0] Open[1]
0 0 Based channel quality[0] Open[1]
0 0 Based channel quality[0] Open[1]
0 0 Based channel quality[0] Open[1]
This parameter enables or
disables the frequency
reselection sub-priorities This parameter enables or
endcAnchIMMCISubPrio enum: enDcOptPolicyCtl_enDcS
for EN-DC-anchored disables EN-DC. If it is
Frequency IfReselection endcAnchorStgy4IMMCI
it is set to EN-DC wch1
Anchor Policy for set to Open, the eNodeB
ENDC policy control for
enum: Config[0]
Open, the reselection
Sub-priority Switch sub-
for EN-DC-Anchored IMMCI configures 4G-5G
ENDC policy DC for
control for PLMN_Mobile Country
Close[0] Based Freq And Cell[1]
priorities of both the
EN-DC-Anchored LTE
IMMCI Identification the UEs that support
Switch Code
Open[1] Based Freq[2]
and NR frequencies are scenarios. If it is set to This parameter sets the
allocated in the IMMCI This parameter sets the Close, the eNodeB does Mobile Country Code
model default: 0 model default: 0 enumArray:[0, 1] stringArray:length[3]
delivered during EN-DC anchor policy not configure 4G-5G DC (MCC) in the
frequency release by the used for EN-DC-anchored for the UEs that support configuration customized
UEs that support EN-DC. IMMCI identification. NSA scenarios. by the operator.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] Non-Independently Config[0 510
Close[0] Non-Independently Config[0 510
Close[0] Non-Independently Config[0 510
Close[0] Non-Independently Config[0 510
Close[0] Non-Independently Config[0 510
Close[0] Non-Independently Config[0 510
Close[0] Non-Independently Config[0 510
This parameter determines
whether the This parameter sets the
upperLayerIndication threshold for uplink RTP
field in a broadcast This parameter enables or packet loss rate in SN
message is configured. If disables the retry deletion over a long
it is set to Open, the restriction policy of EN- period. The eNodeB
broadcast message sent by endcAnchHORetryRstctS
DC anchor-based calculates for
the the
Threshold UL RTP
enDcOptPolicyCtl_mnc LayerIndSwch1
the eNodeB wch If this delSnUlRtpThr4Call
ENDC policy control for ENDC policycarries
for Retryhandover.
Restriction packet
Policy Packet loss rate
Loss Rateatineach
PLMN_Mobile Network upperLayerIndication
PLMN_Switch for Upper parameter is setAnchor
for EN-DC to Open, a reporting
over during
a Long a
Code field.Layer
If it is set to Close, UE doesHandover
Indication not retry EN-DC call. IfPeriod
the uplink
(%) RTP
Open[1] double:[3..100]
This parameter sets the the broadcast message anchor-based handover if packet loss rate is higher
model default: 4.0
Mobile Network Code sent by the eNodeB does a handover preparation than or equal to this
stringArray:length[2..3] enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3] model default: 0 step: 0.1
(MNC) in the not carry the failure occurs during an threshold, it is considered
configuration customized upperLayerIndication EN-DC anchor-based that the uplink call quality
by the operator. field. handover of the UE. is poor.

-- -- -- --
10 0 Close[0] 4.0
10 0 Close[0] 4.0
10 0 Close[0] 4.0
10 0 Close[0] 4.0
10 0 Close[0] 4.0
10 0 Close[0] 4.0
10 0 Close[0] 4.0
threshold for downlink This parameter sets the
RTP packet loss rate in threshold for downlink This parameter sets the
This parameter sets the SN deletion over a long RTP packet loss rate in threshold for uplink RTP
threshold for uplink RTP period. The eNodeB SN addition over a long packet loss rate in SN
packet loss rate in SN calculates the downlink period. The eNodeB deletion within a period.
addition over a long RTP packet loss rate on calculates the downlink The eNodeB calculates
period. The
Threshold eNodeB
for the the air interface
UL RTP Threshold for the at
DLeach RTP packet
RTP Threshold for loss rateRTP
the DL on Threshold
the uplinkforRTP
the packet
calculates the Rate
uplink delSnDlRtpThr4Call addSnDlRtpThr4Call delSnUlRtpThr4Period
Packet Loss in RTP
SN reporting
Packet Loss point
in SNa Packet
the air interface
Loss Rateatineach
SN loss rateLoss
Packet at each reporting
Rate in SN
each call. If the downlink
Deletion RTP reporting
over a Long Additionpoint
over during
a Longa Deletion
point within a period.
Within If
a Period
reporting point
Period during a packet loss
(%) rate(%)
Period on the air call. If the downlink
Period (%) RTP the uplink(%) RTP packet
double:[0..50] double:[3..100] double:[0..50]
call. If the uplink RTP interface is higher than or packet loss rate on the air loss rate within a period is
model default: 0.2 model default: 4.0 model default: 0.2 long:[30..100]
packet loss rate is lower equal to this threshold, it interface is lower than this higher than or equal to
step: 0.1 step: 0.1 step: 0.1 model default: 70
than this threshold, it is is considered that the threshold, it is considered this threshold, it is
considered that the uplink downlink call quality is that the downlink call considered that the uplink
call quality is good. poor. quality is good. quality is poor.

-- -- -- --
0.2 4.0 0.2 70
0.2 4.0 0.2 70
0.2 4.0 0.2 70
0.2 4.0 0.2 70
0.2 4.0 0.2 70
0.2 4.0 0.2 70
0.2 4.0 0.2 70
threshold for downlink threshold for downlink
RTP packet loss rate in RTP packet loss rate in
This parameter sets the SN deletion within a SN addition within a
threshold for uplink RTP period. The eNodeB period. The eNodeB
packet loss rate in SN calculates the downlink calculates the downlink
addition within a period. RTP packet loss rate on RTP packet loss rate on This parameter sets the
The eNodeB
Threshold calculates
for the the air interface
UL RTP Threshold for the at
DLeach the air interface
RTP Threshold for the at
RTP threshold number of
the uplink delSnDlRtpThr4Period addSnDlRtpThr4Period num4BetterVoiceQuality
Packet LossRTP
for SN reporting
Packet Losspoint within
Rate in SNa reporting
Packet Loss point within
Rate in SNa consecutive times that
Threshold Number of
loss rate atWithin
Addition each reporting period. IfWithin
a Period Deletion the downlink period. IfWithin
a Period Addition the downlink voice quality
a Period Consecutive is good.
Times That
point within (%)a period. If RTP packet (%)loss rate on RTP packet loss rate on
(%) WhenQuality
Voice the number of
Is Good
the uplink RTP packet the air interface within a the air interface within a consecutive times that
long:[0..70] long:[30..100] long:[0..70] long:[1..50]
loss rate within a period is period is higher than or period is lower than this voice quality is good
model default: 10 model default: 70 model default: 10 model default: 5
lower than this threshold, equal to this threshold, it threshold, it is considered reaches this threshold, it is
it is considered that the is considered that the that the downlink quality considered that the voice
uplink quality is good. downlink quality is poor. is good. quality is good.

-- -- -- --
10 70 10 5
10 70 10 5
10 70 10 5
10 70 10 5
10 70 10 5
10 70 10 5
10 70 10 5
to 2 (TrafficSpeedBased),
the measurement event B1
can be unconditionally
delivered in the initial
access, incoming
This parameter sets the handover, re-
threshold number of establishment, initial SCG This parameter enables or
consecutive times that addSnSinrThr4Vt
This parameter baseRateThresholdSwch sCGFailurePunishSwch
Threshold Number of SINR Thresholdsets the
for EN- setup, and SCG split disables SCG failure
enum: enum:
voice quality
Consecutive is poor.
Times That uplink SINR threshold
DC VoLTE UEs to Add for scenarios.Threshold
Rate-Based If this punishment.
SCG Failure If it is set to
Close[0] Close[0]
Voice the number of
Is Poor adding SNs
SNs (dB)
for EN-DC parameter is set to Open Open, no SN
Switch can be added
Open[1] Open[1]
consecutive times that VoLTE UEs. If the SINR and the EN-DC SN for a UE if the number of
long:[1..50] long:[0..50]
voice quality is poor of the primary connection configuration mode is set SCG failures of the UE
model default: 1 model default: 25 model default: 0 model default: 0
reaches this threshold, it is is higher than this to 2 (TrafficSpeedBased), reaches this threshold
considered that the voice threshold, the SN of the SNs can be added based within a certain period of
quality is poor. VoLTE UE is added. on rates in any scenario. time.

-- -- -- --
1 25 Close[0] Close[0]
1 25 Close[0] Close[0]
1 25 Close[0] Close[0]
1 25 Close[0] Close[0]
1 25 Close[0] Close[0]
1 25 Close[0] Close[0]
1 25 Close[0] Close[0]
SCG failures. If the
number of SCG failures of
a UE reaches this
threshold within the
period specified by the
detection timer, the timer
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the sCGFailurePunishDuratio
starts and no SN can be Number of Punishment
n sCGFailureDetectTimes
duration for SCG failure threshold number of SCG added for the n UE before flowCtlPunishPeriodNum
Periods for Disabling
detection. If theDetection
SCG Failure number of failure detections.
Threshold Number If of
the the
SCG timer times
Failure out. If this Load-Based DL Shunting
failures of
(s)a UE number of SCGDetections
SCG Failure failures of parameter is set to
Duration (s)65535, for Ping-Pong Prevention
reaches the specified the UE reaches this it indicates that no SN can This parameter sets the
long:[1..36000] long:[1..20] long:[1..36000, 65535] long:[1..200]
threshold within the threshold within the be added for the UE even number of punishment
model default: 2 model default: 2 model default: 65535 model default: 3
period specified by this period specified by the when the punishment periods for disabling load-
parameter, no SN can be detection timer, no SN conditions of SCG based downlink shunting
added for the UE. can be added for a UE. failures are satisfied. for ping-pong prevention.

-- -- -- --
2 2 65535 3
2 2 65535 3
2 2 65535 3
2 2 65535 3
2 2 65535 3
2 2 65535 3
2 2 65535 3
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the This parameter sets the
This parameter enables or threshold for determining threshold for determining detection period for
disables LTE AMC discrete scheduling. There consecutive scheduling. discrete scheduling.
optimization in downlink are two types of There are two types of Within each detection
discrete scheduling of scheduling: discrete scheduling: discrete period, the system counts
split bearers. If it is set to scheduling and scheduling and the number of times that
for LTEdiscrete
AMC consecutive scheduling. consecutive scheduling. discrete scheduling occurs
scheduling identification dscSchThr
Within aNumber
discrete of conSchThr
Within aNumber
discrete of dscSchDetPerd
and determines whether
Optimization in DL Threshold Threshold
enabled Scheduling
for split bearers
of scheduling
Times Thatdetection
Discrete scheduling
Times detection
That Consecutive theDiscrete
current Scheduling
scheduling is
and AMCSplitoptimization
Bearers is period, if the number
Scheduling Occurs of period, if the number
Scheduling Occurs of discrete
Detection scheduling by
Period (ms)
enabled for discrete times that scheduling times that scheduling comparing this parameter
long:[0..10000] long:[0..10000] long:[100..10000]
services. If it is set to occurs is less than this occurs is larger than this value with the threshold
model default: 0 model default: 20 model default: 50 model default: 1000
Close, the identification parameter value, the parameter value, the number of times that
and optimization scheduling is considered scheduling is considered discrete scheduling
functions are disabled. as discrete scheduling. as consecutive scheduling. occurs.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 20 50 1000
Close[0] 20 50 1000
Close[0] 20 50 1000
Close[0] 20 50 1000
Close[0] 20 50 1000
Close[0] 20 50 1000
Close[0] 20 50 1000
reselection priority in the priority in the IMMCI is
anchoring IMMCI is set based on the frequency
determined based on the priority configured by this
anchor priority of the parameter and the priority
serving frequency and that of other different This parameter enables or
of different frequencies. If frequencies. A larger disables EN-DC anchor-
is set toofClose, after an parameter value indicates snPunishTimerBaseUpPo
Reselection This parameter sets the enDcAnchBasedNRFreqS
based IMMCI
Switch related to
for EN-DC
NSA UELow-Priority anchImmciIntraFPri
is released from Intra-frequency
a higher reselection timer forwer
SN addition wch
from Priority SN Addition Penalty Anchor Based
enum: enum:
the anchor
Anchors tofrequency, the
High-Priority forpriority
the penalty
UL configuration. If it is set to
NR Frequency
Close[0] Close[0]
reselection priority of the corresponding
Anchors IMMCI frequency. power. If an SN
Power (s)needs to Open, the EN-DC
Open[1] Open[1]
serving frequency is set to If this parameter is set to be deleted due to capability of both the
long:[0..255] long:[0..36000, 65535]
the highest value and that 0, it is not necessary to insufficient uplink power, target frequency and the
model default: 0 model default: 255 model default: 10 model default: 0
of other anchor allocate a dedicated the timer is started. Before configured NR frequency
frequencies is sorted by reselection priority to the the timer times out, no SN is considered in EN-DC
anchor priority. corresponding frequency. can be added for the UE. anchor-based IMMCI.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 255 10 Close[0]
Close[0] 255 10 Close[0]
Close[0] 255 10 Close[0]
Close[0] 255 10 Close[0]
Close[0] 255 10 Close[0]
Close[0] 255 10 Close[0]
Close[0] 255 10 Close[0]
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
through QCIs. The
standard QoS
Classification Identifiers
(QCIs) represent QoS
attributes, such as packet
scheduling, the delay, and
the packet loss rate. The
NE_Name ldn moId transmissionqCIof standard
QCI parameters among
NE Name LDN MO ID different
an EPS
This parameter sets the helps the interconnection
string:length[1..255] long:[1..255]
unique ID of the managed of the equipment from
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 1
object. It is of the string different vendors and
type and can be flexible configuration by
NE Name LDN configured as planned. operators.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 6
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,4 9
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,3 8
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,2 7
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 6
NGBR bearers for the
services of LTE users. If it
is set to 1, the scheduling
priority of the SCG split This parameter sets the
bearers for NGBR PRB load threshold at
services of NSA users is which the shunting of
decreased and the downlink split bearers is
mcc mnc NSA User's eNGBR SCG flowCtrlStopThrd
shunting of the SCG split stopped. When the
Split Bearer[1]
Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code bearers for the NGBR downlink PRBfor
Threshold usage
DL of a
NSA User's NGBR Non-
(MCC) (MNC) services
User andof the NSA
Bearer users
Type cell exceeds
Shunting Stopthis
SCG Split Bearer[2]
This parameter sets the This parameter sets the stops. If it is set to 2, the threshold, split bearers are
string:length[3] string:length[2..3] long:[0..100]
Mobile Country Code Mobile Network Code scheduling priority of the periodically selected to
model default: 000 model default: 000 model default: 1 model default: 80
(MCC) in the PLMN ID (MNC) in the PLMN ID non-SCG split bearers for stop shunting. Downlink
associated with the associated with the NGBR services of NSA shunting stop is valid only
customized SPID. customized SPID. users is decreased. for NGBR bearers.

-- -- -- --
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
000 000 NSA User's NGBR SCG Spli
PRB load threshold at of UEs to Trigger Load- Load-Based Scheduling
which the shunting of Based Scheduling Priority Priority Adjustment
downlink split bearers is Adjustment parameter, the parameter, the downlink
recovered. When the uplink scheduling priority scheduling priority of the
downlink PRB usage of a of the NGBR service of NGBR service of this
cell is lower than this this LTE UE is decreased, LTE UE is decreased, or
threshold, split bearers are emlpAdjBaseLoadStarThr
or the uplink
Threshold forscheduling
UL PRB the
Threshold forscheduling
Threshold for UL PRB
periodically selected to priority dUl dDl dUlPRB usage
Usage toofTrigger
the SCG split priority
Load- Usage toofTrigger
the SCG split
Load- If the uplink
Usage to Recover Load-
recover shunting.
Threshold for DLThe Based
bearer for the NGBR
Scheduling bearer
Priority Based for the NGBR
Scheduling Priority of a cell
Based is lower than
Scheduling this
parameter value must(%)
Shunting Recovery be service of this NSA
Adjustment (%)UE is service of this NSA
Adjustment (%)UE is threshold, the scheduling
Adjustment (%)
lower than the threshold lowered, depending on the lowered, depending on the priority of the NGBR
long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100] long:[0..100]
for downlink shunting value of the Load-Based value of the Load-Based service (whose uplink
model default: 50 model default: 70 model default: 70 model default: 40
stop. Downlink shunting Scheduling Priority Scheduling Priority scheduling priority is
stop is valid only for Adjustment Mode Adjustment Mode decreased) corresponding
NGBR bearers. Selection parameter. Selection parameter. to this item is restored.

-- -- -- --
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
50 70 70 40
after load-based
scheduling priority
adjustment is triggered. If
the Load-Based
Scheduling Priority
Adjustment Mode
If the downlink
Threshold for DLPRBPRB Selection parameter is set
usage to
Usage adDl
of Recover
cell is lower
to 1, this parameter
Load-Based is
than this
Based threshold,
Scheduling the
Priority used to configure
Priority the level
scheduling priority
Adjustment (%)of the of scheduling
Offset priority
NGBR service (whose decrease of the NGBR
long:[0..100] long:[1..255]
downlink scheduling services of LTE users
model default: 40 model default: 4
priority is decreased) after load-based
corresponding to this item scheduling priority
is restored. adjustment is triggered.

-- --
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
40 4
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
This parameter enables or
disables the coordination
based on specific UEs. If
it is set to Open, the
eNodeB and a specific UE
NE_Name ldn moId specUECoordSwch
can identify each other
Switch afor private interface
NE Name LDN MO ID toBased
establish a connection.
on Specific UEs
This parameter sets the If it is set to Close, the
unique ID of the managed eNodeB and a specific UE
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string cannot identify each other
type and can be through a private interface
NE Name LDN configured as planned. to establish a connection.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=508154,1 Close[0]
whether to enable the requested by the AFT
DRX for coordination function are transmitted
based on specific UEs. If This parameter sets the by a UE within a period of
This parameter enables or the number of bearers for SCC activation policy for time. It is used to provide
disables the DRX for the UEs is less than or equal Apple UEs. If it is set to special guarantees for
Apple UE default Active
collaboration based on to this threshold, the UEs 0, the default SCC Apple UEs. It can avoid
bearerNumThr4SpecUeD Policy[0]
specific UEs. If it is set to can enableforthetheDRX
Threshold for
Number activation policy is used. too large number of AFT
specUeDRXSwch RX Apple UE Accurate
appleUEActSccPolicy mACCENumThr4AFT
DRX the eNodeB
Switch for coordination
of Bearers in based
DRX for on If it is set
Switch for to
the MAC
Threshold CEsfor
transmitted by
the Number
enum: Active Policy[1]
configures Based
Collaboration DRX on specific UEs.
Coordination If theon
Based accurate SCCPolicy
Activation activation
for aofUE. When the
UE-Level AFTnumber
Close[0] Apple UE other Active
parameters based
Specific UEson the numberSpecific
of bearers
UEsfor UEs policy Apple
for Apple
Open[1] Policy[2]
indications of UEs. If it is is larger than this used. If it is set to 2, other transmitted by a UE
long:[1..8] long:[0..255]
set to Close, the eNodeB threshold, the UEs cannot SCC activation policies exceeds this threshold, the
model default: 0 model default: 3 model default: 1 model default: 5
configures DRX enable the DRX for are used. This eNodeB sends a
parameters not based on coordination based on configuration is not notification to the UE to
the indications of UEs. specific UEs. recommended. stop the AFT function.

-- -- -- --
Close[0] 3 Apple UE Accurate Active 5
Close[0] 3 Apple UE Accurate Active 5
Close[0] 3 Apple UE Accurate Active 5
Close[0] 3 Apple UE Accurate Active 5
Close[0] 3 Apple UE Accurate Active 5
Close[0] 3 Apple UE Accurate Active 5
Close[0] 3 Apple UE Accurate Active 5
parameter can restore the MAC CEs requested by
guarantee for the the AFT function are
functions of Apple UEs. transmitted in the cell
Within a period of time within a period of time. It
(10 seconds), if the total is used to provide special
number of AFT MAC guarantees for Apple UEs.
in a cell is less totalMACCENumThr4AF
to the Highthan It can avoid high system
the AFT
difference Tby too large
Threshold forbetween the load
the Total causedfor
Threshold the Total
high threshold
Number for the total Number
of Cell-Level number of of AFT MAC
CEs of
CEs in the cell and this AFT MAC CEs exceeds
long:[0..65535] long:[0..65535]
offset, the baseband board this threshold, the MAC
model default: 100 model default: 1000
reports a low-threshold layer reports the value to
flag of the AFT MAC the upper layer for the
CEs. handling policy.

-- --
100 1000
100 1000
100 1000
100 1000
100 1000
100 1000
100 1000
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

This parameter
Switch enables or
for Detailed
NE_Name ldn moId nCDetailCfgswch
disables the detailed
Configuration of the
Related of theof
NE Name LDN MO ID related parameters
Adaptive Capacityof
This parameter sets the adaptive capacity. If it is
unique ID of the managed set to Open, it indicates
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string that detailed configuration
type and can be is enabled.
NE Name LDN configured as planned. Effective when Cell Reset

R Primary Key --
This parameter sets the
maximum number of
times that MSG3 HARQ
This parameter sets the messages are sent during
configuration method of This parameter enables or random access. If the
the SRS period and time disables abnormal user Switch for Detailed
domain resources for detection for detailed Configuration
Maximum Numberof the
sRSCfgMethod4AdpCapa 10ms[1]
extSRTrPeriod rLFSwitchNC maxHARQMsg3TxNC
adaptive capacity. If it is
SRS Configuration SR Transmission Period configuration
RLF Switch for forNormal
normal Related
MSG3 Parameters of
Transmissions for
enum: 20ms[2]
to FixedforSRS Config,
Adaptive onThis parameter
Extended RBssets
for the
UEs capacity.with
Capacity If it Detailed
is set to Adaptive
Normal Capacity
Capacity with
Fixed SRS Config[0] 40ms[3]
the SRSCapacity
period is a fixed period of(ms)
time during Open,Configurations
the eNodeB detects parameter is set to Open,
Detailed Configurations
Manual SRS Config[1] 80ms[4]
value. If it is set to which SRs are transmitted the UEs with abnormal the maximum number of
enumArray:[0, 1] longArray:[1..8]
Manual SRS Config, the on extended RBs of a cell radio links in the cells and times that MSG3
model default: 0 model default: 3 model default: 1;1;1 model default: 5;5;5
SRS period can be at a level of adaptive releases the UEs whose messages are transmitted
configured on the EMS. capacity. link quality cannot be is controlled by this
Effective when Cell Reset Effective when Cell Reset improved. parameter.

-- -- -- --
NormalCapaUeNum(3), NormalCapaUeNum(3), NormalCapaUeNum(3), than or equal to
the transmission mode is the CQI timeliness value the transmission mode is awNormalCapaUeNum[1]
determined by the is determined by the determined by the and smaller than
FlagSwiMode4SinglePort CQIExpiredTimerNC(2) FlagSwiMode4MultiPort awNormalCapaUeNum[2]
NC(2) parameter. If the parameter. If the number NC(2) parameter. If the , the
number of RRC- ofInner-loop
AMC UEsCQI is number of RRC- aucNGbrDrxSwitchNC[1]
enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
flagSwiMode4SinglePort enumArray:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
connected UEs is larger larger than or
Expiration equalfor
Timer to connected UEs is larger parameter
DRX Switch is set
5, 6, 7, 8, NC
9, 10, 11, 12, cQIExpiredTimerNC 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,C 10, 11, 12, nGbrDrxSwitchNC
than or equal
Single-Port TMtofor NormalCapaUeNum(3)
Normal Capacity with than or equal
Multi-Port TM to
for IfServices
the number of RRC-
for Normal
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
Normal Capacity with and smaller
Detailed than
Configurations NormalCapaUeNum(3)
Normal Capacity in connected
Capacity withUEsDetailed
is larger
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
and smaller
Detailed than
Configurations LargeCapaUeNum,
(ms) the and Configuration
Detailed less than than or equal to
27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, longArray:[1..65535] 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
LargeCapaUeNum, the CQI timeliness value is LargeCapaUeNum, the awNormalCapaUeNum[2]
34, 35] model default: 34, 35] enumArray:[0, 1]
transmission mode is determined by the transmission mode is and smaller than
model default: 1;1;1 1280;1280;1280 model default: 3;3;3 model default: 1;1;1
determined by the CQIExpiredTimerNC(3) determined by the wLargeCapaUeNum, the
FlagSwiMode4SinglePort parameter. FlagSwiMode4MultiPort aucNGbrDrxSwitchNC[2]
NC(3) parameter. Effective when Cell Reset NC(3) parameter. parameter is set to Open.

-- -- -- --
connected UEs is larger normalCapaUeNum(2) and less than
than or equal to and less than normalCapaUeNum(3),
normalCapaUeNum[2] normalCapaUeNum(3), the
and smaller than the the ulMUMIMO4MultiUESw
threshold for the large ulMUMIMOEnableNC(2) chNC(2) parameter should
number of UEs, it is parameter should be set to be set to Open. If the
considered that the Open. If the number of ulMUMIMO4MultiUESw
Enhanced ULofMU-MIMO
capacity level of the ulMUMIMOEnableNC
RRC-connected UEs isof Switch
connected chNC
UEs Capacity
is larger
Threshold for Normal UL MU-MIMO Switch Normal
current cellinisDetailed
Capacity 4. If the larger than
Detailed or equal tofor
Configuration than
equal to
three thresholds
Configurationare equal normalCapaUeNum(3)
Normal Capacity normalCapaUeNum(3)
to the threshold for the and less than and less than
model default: enumArray:[0, 1] enumArray:[0, 1]
large number of UEs, the largeCapaUeNum, the largeCapaUeNum, the
600;600;600 model default: 0;0;0 model default: 0;0;0
detailed configurations do ulMUMIMOEnableNC(3) ulMUMIMO4MultiUESw
not take effect. parameter should be set to chNC(3) parameter should
Effective when Cell Reset Open. be set to Open.

-- -- --
MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
This parameter sets the
NE_Name ldn moId 1221;1458;1553;210;-
real part
Real Partof
Weigh ofof
horizontal preset
Horizontal Preset
NE Name LDN MO ID beamforming. It is used
This parameter sets the for customized preset
string:length[1..255] 1197;1135;-442;-
unique ID of the managed FMM beamforming to
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 524;1181;-1200;876
object. It is of the string flexibly meet user
type and can be requirements by using
NE Name LDN configured as planned. different weights.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 876;-1200;1181;-524;-442;
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 876;-1200;1181;-524;-442;
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 876;-1200;1181;-524;-442;
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 876;-1200;1181;-524;-442;
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 876;-1200;1181;-524;-442;
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 876;-1200;1181;-524;-442;
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 876;-1200;1181;-524;-442;
53;335;235;-1232;-2117;- verticalWgtReal4Macro28 verticalWgtImag4Macro2 verticalWgtReal4Macro44
This parameter sets the Real ThisPart
parameter sets theof This
of the Weigh parameter
Imaginary Partsets the Real
of the ThisPart
parameter sets theof
of the Weigh
horizonWgtImag4Macro 2 weight of 82part of the 2 weight of
imaginary Part
Imaginary part of the real part of the
Vertical Preset imaginary
Weigh of Vertical Preset real part of the
Vertical Preset
955;573;560;- longArray:[-8192..8192]
weight of
Weigh of Horizontal
horizontal vertical preset
Beamforming weight of vertical
for Model Beamforming preset Beamforming
for Model vertical preset
for Model
2081;1178;1468;- model default: -
Beamforming It is beamforming 282 for model beamforming 282 for model beamforming 442 for model
2049;375;657;83;- longArray:[-8192..8192] longArray:[-8192..8192] 4366;1991;1991;-
used for customized preset 282. It is used for 282. It is used for 442. It is used for
642;1481;-2098;2066;- model default: model default: 6329;- 4366;2541;4208;4208;254
FMM beamforming to customized preset FMM customized preset FMM customized preset FMM
1404;562;-26 5202;5202;0;0 6329;0;0 1;0;0;0;0
flexibly meet user beamforming to flexibly beamforming to flexibly beamforming to flexibly
requirements by using meet user requirements by meet user requirements by meet user requirements by
different weights. using different weights. using different weights. using different weights.

-- -- -- --
-26;562;-1404;2066;-2098;5202;5202;0;0 6329;-6329;0;0 -4366;1991;1991;-4366;254
-26;562;-1404;2066;-2098;5202;5202;0;0 6329;-6329;0;0 -4366;1991;1991;-4366;254
-26;562;-1404;2066;-2098;5202;5202;0;0 6329;-6329;0;0 -4366;1991;1991;-4366;254
-26;562;-1404;2066;-2098;5202;5202;0;0 6329;-6329;0;0 -4366;1991;1991;-4366;254
-26;562;-1404;2066;-2098;5202;5202;0;0 6329;-6329;0;0 -4366;1991;1991;-4366;254
-26;562;-1404;2066;-2098;5202;5202;0;0 6329;-6329;0;0 -4366;1991;1991;-4366;254
-26;562;-1404;2066;-2098;5202;5202;0;0 6329;-6329;0;0 -4366;1991;1991;-4366;254
This parameter
Imaginary Partsets the
of the
imaginary 42part of the
Weigh of Vertical Preset
weight of vertical
Beamforming preset
for Model
model default: -
beamforming 442 for model
442. It is used for
customized preset FMM
beamforming to flexibly
meet user requirements by
using different weights.

MODIND ManagedElementType SubNetwork ManagedElement

Operation description NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

A: add,D: delete,M:
A,D,M string string string
modify,P: pass,no
operation: data not
processed. NE type SubNetwork ID NE ID

Primary Key Primary Key Primary Key

SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
SDR 3107 1126
This parameter enables or
disables MM IN
coordination. If it is set to
NE_Name ldn moId Open,tmmINCSwch
various operation
instructions are sent to the
MM IN Coordination
NE Name LDN MO ID eNodeBs of non-MM
This parameter sets the neighbor cells, depending
unique ID of the managed on the load of MM cells.
string string:length[0..200] example: 10001 model default: 0
object. It is of the string If it is set to Close, MM
type and can be IN coordination is
NE Name LDN configured as planned. disabled.

R Primary Key --
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
E_COI154M41_CombatARENBFunctionFDD=5081541 Close[0]
non-MM neighbor cell is neighbor cell is larger
larger than this threshold, than the maximum Within each migration
it indicates that the MM number of handovers to period, the eNodeB of
cell is closely associated neighbor cells in MM IN non-MM neighbor cells
with the non-MM coordination within a delivers measurement
neighbor cell. If the Period for Counting the statistical period, the tasks of UE migration
number of Number
handovers tmmINCHoNumCountPer eNodeB delivers from the non-MM
Threshold of Number of Handovers
between d cell and a
an MM iod tmmINCTarNbrThrd
measurements tasks of
on tmmINCMeasNum
neighbor cells to of
Handovers Between Between Neighbor Cell Threshold Number Threshold Number UEs
Neighborneighbor cellinis ThisPairs
Cell Pairs parameter
in MMsets
IN the the frequencies
Target NeighborofCells
the first
in cells.
Sending ThisMRs
in MMsets
MM smaller than this
IN Coordination statistical period for
Coordination NMM(thisIN
parameter value)
Coordination the maximum number of
threshold, it indicates that collecting statistics on the non-MM neighbor cells UEs to which the eNodeB
long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] long:[1..10] long:[1..80]
the relation between the numbers of handovers of involved in the handovers of non-MM neighbor cells
model default: 500 model default: 15 model default: 3 model default: 20
two cells does not meet UEs between MM cells with the MM cell in delivers measurement
the association and their non-MM descending order of the tasks of UE migration
requirements. neighbor cells, in minutes. numbers of handovers. within a migration period.

-- -- -- --
500 15 3 20
500 15 3 20
500 15 3 20
500 15 3 20
500 15 3 20
500 15 3 20
500 15 3 20
enabled. If the number of UE migration when MM
This parameter sets the UEs that meet the IN coordination is
maximum number of UEs measurement report enabled. If it is set to
that meet the requirements is smaller Open, the eNodeB
Threshold Number report than this threshold
of UEs Threshold Number ofoverUEs periodically migrates UEs
Meeting forMR
threshold three consecutive
Meeting MR periods, from non-MM neighbor
This parameter sets the Requirements
increase decision
in MMwhen the decreaseinofMM
IN Requirements the IN cells to MM cells through
maximum number of tmmINCUpThrd tmmINCDownThrd tmmINCUeMigSwch
Threshold Number of UEs
UEs MMCoordination
IN coordination
for is measurement threshold
Coordination for is handover to improve
Handover-Based UEthe
that areOver
Handed migrated
in MMfrom
IN enabled. If theIncrease
Threshold number of triggered. TheDecrease
Threshold number of performance
Migration of the
Switch inMM
non-MM neighbor cells to
Coordination UEs Decision
that meet the consecutive periods is
Decision cells.INIfCoordination
it is set to Close,
an MM cell and are measurement report determined by the number the eNodeB does not
long:[1..60] long:[1..60] long:[1..60]
handed over within a requirements exceeds this of adaptive decision migrate UEs from non-
model default: 10 model default: 15 model default: 5 model default: 1
migration period when threshold, the increase of periods for UE migration MM neighbor cells to
MM IN coordination is the measurement measurement in MM IN MM cells through
enabled. threshold is triggered. coordination, 3 by default. handover.

-- -- -- --
10 15 5 Open[1]
10 15 5 Open[1]
10 15 5 Open[1]
10 15 5 Open[1]
10 15 5 Open[1]
10 15 5 Open[1]
10 15 5 Open[1]
with each element UEs in an MM IN configured based on the increase is the high
representing a QCI coordination scenario. measurement reports of threshold. If the number
service. It is used to This timer is started when the UEs in the non-MM of UEs that report
control whether to UE migration is enabled cells and the load of MM measurement results is
prohibit the migration of in an MM IN coordination cells to select suitable small, the measurement
the UEs with certain scenario. The timer is UEs for migration. This threshold is decreased.
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 tmmINCUeMigJudgePrd tmmINCMeasAdjRsrpThr
services. If
Migration an elementof
Prohibition stopped when UE parameter
Number sets the number
of Periods for The lower limit of the
tmmINCForbidQCI tmmINCUeMigPeriod Num periods dis the low
the UEs with atoCertain
a QCI migration is disabled in an of UE migration
Adjusting Measurements decrease
RSRP Adjustment
service is setintoMM
Service 1, the
INUEs UEMM IN coordination
Migration Period in in MM
for IN coordination.
UE Migration in MM threshold.inIfMM
Thresholds the IN
the QCI service scenario.
MM After the timer
IN Coordination (s) After this period, the
IN Coordination measurement
Coordination threshold
(dBm) is
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 longArray:[-140..-43]
cannot be migrated. If an expires, the UEs in a non- eNodeB adjusts the decreased to the medium
;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; long:[1..65535] long:[1..65535] model default: -100;-90;-
element corresponding to MM cell is migrated to an measurement threshold threshold, the UEs with
0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 model default: 20 model default: 3 80
a QCI service is set to 0, MM cell if the MM cell for UE migration in low-traffic services are
the UEs with the QCI meets the UE migration accordance with the selected for measurement
service can be migrated. conditions. corresponding policy. delivery.

-- -- -- --
1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;20 3 -100;-90;-80
1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;20 3 -100;-90;-80
1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;20 3 -100;-90;-80
1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;20 3 -100;-90;-80
1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;20 3 -100;-90;-80
1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;20 3 -100;-90;-80
1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;20 3 -100;-90;-80
increase is the high This parameter sets the
threshold. If the number measurement penalty
of UEs that report timer when MM IN
measurement results is coordination is enabled. If
small, the measurement a UE does not report the
threshold is decreased. measurement result after
The lower limit of the the eNodeB delivers a tmmINCMeasAdjRsrpSte
This parameter sets the tmmINCMeasAdjRsrqSte
This parameter sets the
decrease dis the low tmmINCMeasPunishTmr
measurement p threshold step for RSRQ p threshold
RSRQ Adjustment Measurementtask to the
Penalty stepRSRP
for RSRP
Threshold RSRQ Threshold
Thresholds inIfMM
the IN UE, Timer
the eNodeB
in MMstarts
IN the adjustmentStep
Adjustment in RSRP adjustmentStep
in MM Adjustment in RSRQ
in MM
(dB) is measurement
(s) measurement
IN Coordinationfor non-MM
(dBm) measurement for non-MM
IN Coordination (dB)
decreased to the medium timer for the UE. Before cells when MM IN cells when MM IN
doubleArray:[-20..-3] long:[1..65535] long:[0..97] model default: 0.5
threshold, the UEs with the timer expires, the coordination is enabled. It coordination is enabled. It
model default: -16;-12;-8 model default: 300 model default: 2 step: 0.5
low-traffic services are eNodeB does not deliver reflects the RSRP reflects the RSRQ
selected for measurement another measurement task threshold fluctuation in threshold fluctuation in
delivery. to the UE. each RSRP adjustment. each RSRQ adjustment.

-- -- -- --
-16.0;-12.0;-8.0 300 2 0.5
-16.0;-12.0;-8.0 300 2 0.5
-16.0;-12.0;-8.0 300 2 0.5
-16.0;-12.0;-8.0 300 2 0.5
-16.0;-12.0;-8.0 300 2 0.5
-16.0;-12.0;-8.0 300 2 0.5
-16.0;-12.0;-8.0 300 2 0.5
disables IMMCI-based
UE migration for MM
cells when MM IN
coordination is enabled. If
it is set to Open, the
This parameter sets the This parameter determines eNodeB performs the
priority of intra-frequency
Priority Intra-frequency whether NSA UEs can IMMCI policy of the MM
measurement when MM tmmINCNSAFilterSwch
perform the MM IN INtmmINCImmciSwch
coordination function
Measurement for UE IMMCI-Based UE
enum: enum:
IN coordination
Migration in MM isIN coordination
NSA UE Filtering function. If it
Switch when releasing
Migration UEs.
Switch If it
in MM
Close[0] Close[0]
enabled. A larger
Coordination is
MM to IN
Open, NSA UEs
Coordination isINsetCoordination
to Close, the
Open[1] Open[1]
parameter value indicates do not perform the MM eNodeB does not perform
a higher priority. If it is IN coordination function. the IMMCI policy of the
model default: 254 model default: 0 model default: 1
set to 0, no intra- If it is set to Close, NSA MM IN coordination
frequency measurement UEs can perform the MM function when releasing
task is delivered. IN coordination function. UEs.

-- -- --
254 Close[0] Open[1]
254 Close[0] Open[1]
254 Close[0] Open[1]
254 Close[0] Open[1]
254 Close[0] Open[1]
254 Close[0] Open[1]
254 Close[0] Open[1]

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