Huong Dan Cham 2016
Huong Dan Cham 2016
Huong Dan Cham 2016
Part 3. (1 point/correct answer)
Your answers
Smell has the ability to bring live memories and images more (0) alive
intensely than other senses, but nowadays most scents owe more to (1)……………………...
science and computers than to the mystique of the finest perfume (2)……………………...
houses. One new company sees themselves as translating ideas and (3) itself
concepts into smells. Many thousands of people have been (4)……………………...
interviewed to help the company get as closely as possible to what (5) close
its customers want. (6)……………………...
The problem is that it’s difficult to talk about smells in a way (7)……………………...
that will mean anything to the man or woman in the street because (8)……………………...
most people are unable to communicate their feelings about smells (9)……………………...
beyond whether they like them or not. In an attempt to get round (10)…………………….
this inadequecy, the company has developed a computer program (11) inadequacy
which make visual the scent patterns of individual fragrances. (12) makes
As a result, the company can measure and recreate any smell (13)…………………….
in the world. No smells are ruled out. Some smells like vanilla, (14)…………………….
chocolate and toffee were once considered bizarre perfumes, but (15)…………………….
have now become mainstreaming. For most people, though, the (16) mainstream
latest perfumes emerging from the most fashionable designers may (17)…………………….
prove a challenge too far: they include “mud” and “charcoal”. (18)…………………….
Finally, doing household tasks teaches children to arrange their time. In addition to
those practical benefits, help from children allows parents to have more spare time for their
personal lives and for the children. A family can have more time to spend with each other
talking, watching movies or just enjoying the beautiful moments.
To sum up, I think that children should help their parents with household tasks. Doing
household tasks helps them to grow into independent, self-confident, and attentive persons
who respect their parents. (333 words)
The mark given to parts 2 and 3 is based on the following criteria:
1. Content: (35% of total mark)
a. Providing all main ideas and details are required
b. Communicating intentions sufficiently and effectively
2. Organization and Presentation: (30% of total mark)
a. Ideas are well organized and presented with coherence, cohesion and clarity
b. The essay is well-structured
3. Language: (30% of total mark)
a. Demonstration of a variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the
level of English language gifted upper-secondary school students
b. Good use and control grammatical structures
4. Punctuation, spelling and handwriting: (05% of total mark)
a. Good punctuation and no spelling mistakes
b. Legible handwriting
Markers should discuss the suggested answers and the marking scale thoroughly before
marking the papers.