CV Zeily Nurachman 1

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Sex : Male
Place and date of birth : Pati (Indonesia), 13 March 1965
Nationality/Citizenship : Indonesia
Office address : Biochemistry Division
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
InstitutTeknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Tel: +62 22 250 2103; Fax: +62 22 250 4154

University education
Period (from/to) Name of University Place Subject Degree
Aug 1983–Mar 1988 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Chemistry Drs
Bandung Indonesia
Aug 1988–Oct 1991 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Biochemistry MS
Bandung Indonesia
Oct 1997–Sep 2000 Tokyo Institute of Tokyo, Japan Life Sciences D.Sc.

Positions held
Laboratory Assistance, Biochemistry Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Bandung, Sep 1985 – Jun 1988
Researcher, Inter University Center on Biotechnology (IUC Biotechnology), Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Bandung, Sep 1988 – Aug 1992
Research student (IUC-ITB fellow), Department of Biochemistry, Medical College, University of Kentucky,
Lexington, USA, Sep 1992 – Jun 1993
Postdoctoral research (DAAD fellow), Department of Pathochemistry, German Cancer Research Center,
Heidelberg, Germany, Mar 2003 – Sep 2003
Postdoctoral research (KNAW fellow), Department of Chemistry, Groningen University, Groningen, the
Netherlands, Aug 2004 – Oct 2004
Head of Biochemistry Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Oct2000–
Jul 2004
Postdoctoral Research (KNAW Fellow), Department of Chemistry, Groningen University, Groningen, The
Netherlands, Des 2007 – Feb 2008
Head of Biochemistry Division, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Bandung, Jun 2010 – Des 2010
Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, InstitutTeknologi Bandung, Bandung, Jul 1988–present
Senate Member, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Jan
2013 – Des 2013
Senate Member, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Jan
2015 – now
Scientific Committee Member, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Bandung, Jan 2014 – now

Membership in professional organizations
1. Indonesian Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Association
2. Indonesian Chemist Association
3. Indonesian Microbiology Association
4. Indonesian Protein Society
5. Indonesian Phycology Association
6. The Royal Society of Chemistry, UK

1. “Innovation Award”, honor from Institut Teknologi Bandung (2015)
2. “Satyalancana KaryaSatya 20 Tahun”: honor from the President of the Republic of Indonesia (2014)
3. “Outstanding Lecture for the Community Services in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences”, honor from
Institut Teknologi Bandung (2012)
4. “Outstanding Lecture for the Community Services in the category of Expertise Merits”, honor from Institut
Teknologi Bandung (2012)
5. “Satyalancana Karya Satya 10 Tahun”: honor from the President of the Republic of Indonesia (2003)

Research Experiences and projects (last five years)

1. (2018, Principal Investigator), Purification of human serum albumin and immunoglobulin G with the molecular
imprinted polymer.
2. (2018, Principal Investigator), Development of three in one wind mill for supporting a large scale of microalgal
biomass production, P3MI Program, ITB Research Grant
3. (2017, Principle Investigator), Development of a module for producing algal oils, P3MI Program, ITB Research
4. (2016, Principle Investigator), Penyediaan bahan bakar biodiesel dari mikroalga laut tropis untuk pembangkit
listrik mini di Pulau Terdepan, National Research Incentives, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher
Education of the Republic of Indonesia
5. (2015, Principle Investigator), Development of algal oil production, Program Riset Inovasi, Intitut Teknologi
6. (2015, Principle Investigator), Pre feasibility study of production odmicoalgal biomass for oils, Coordinating
Ministry for Maritime Affairs of the Republic Indonesia.
7. (2014, Member) Gene mapping of sucrose synthase from the tropical marine microalgae Thalassiosira sp., ITB
Research Grant.
8. (2013–2015, Member) Production of bio-ethlyl-tert-buthyleter, Ministry of Research and Technology of the
Republic of Indonesia, National Strategic Incentive Research.
9. (2013, Member) Nanoencapsulation of lipase for conversion of crude palm oil into biodiesel. Ministry of
Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Decentralization Research.

Scopus ID (1405 2445 200),
Orcid ID (0000-0001-9284-2237),
ResearchGate, (zeily nurachman)
Google Scholar, (zeily nurachman)
Sinta (Science and Technology Index), (zeily nurachman)



Title Type Year Status
Peralatan bioreaktor dan biokultur Patent 2012 Granted ID P0030250
Kasa baja terlapis polipirol/polifenol oksidase untuk Patent 2013 Granted ID P000055972
deteksi fenol
Proses pelapisan polipirol pada elektroda kasa baja Patent 2014 Granted ID P000067004
Proses pembuatan tepung singkong termodifikasi, Patent 2015 Granted ID P000055965
tepung tapioka termodifikasi, dan/atau tepung pati
singkong termodifikasi, produk yang dihasilkan dari
proses tersebut, dan penggunaannya
Modul fotobioreaktor untuk budidaya biomassa mikro Patent 2016 Granted ID P000066486
alga berbentuk sarang tawon

Title Type Year Description
Column photobioreactors, 5 L and 17 L in capacity Prototype 2013 A device of transparent column
reactor for cultivating microalgae
cells outdoor
Pond photobioreactors, 2500 L in capacity Prototype 2015 A device of transparent column
reactor for cultivating microalgae
cells outdoor
Microalgae harvesting model, 200 L in capacity Prototype 2015 A device to harvest algal biomass in
a large scale based on filtration
Electroflotation module for concentrating microalgae, Prototype 2017 A device to concentrate algal cells
200 L in capacity form the culture based on
electrochemistry principle

1) Ivonne Telussa, Rusnadi, Zeily Nurachman (2019), Dynamics of β-carotene and fuchoxanthin of tropical marine
Navicula sp. as a response to light stress conditions, Algal Research, 41:101530.
2) Anceu Murniati, Buchari Buchari, Suryo Gandasasmita, Zeily Nurachman, Nury Nurhanifah (2018),
Characterization of pholyphenol oxidase application as phenol removal in extracts of white ouytes musrooms
(Pleurotus ostreatus), Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 34(3):1457–1468.
3) Pintaka Kusumaningtyas, Santi Nurbaiti, Gede Suantika, Muhammad Bachri Amran, Zeily Nurachman (2017),
Enhanced oil production by the tropical marine diatom Thalassiosira sp. cultivated in outdoor
photobioreactors, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 182(4):1605–1618.
4) Fean D. Sarian, Štefan Janeček, Tjaard Pijning, Ihsanawati, Zeily Nurachman, Ocky K. Radjasa, Lubbert
Dijkhuizen, Dessy Natalia, Marc J.E.C. van der Maarel (2017), A new group of glycoside hydrolase family 13 α-
amylase with an aberrant catalytic triad, Scientific Reports, 7:44230.

5) Zeily Nurachman, Hartini H, Wiwit Ridhani Rahmaniyah, Dewi Kurnia, Rahmat Hidayat,Bambang Prijamboedi,
Veinardi Suendo, Enny Ratnaningsih, Lily Maria Goretty Panggabean, Santi Nurbaiti (2015), Tropical marine
Chlorella sp. PP1 as a source of photosynthetic pigments for dye-sensitized solar cells, Algal Research, 10: 25–
6) Dessy Natalia, Keni Vidilaseris, Wangsa T. Ismaya, Fernita Puspasari, Iman Prawira, Khomaini Hasan,
GenturFebriansah, Hjalmar P. Permentier, Zeily Nurachman, Toto Subroto, Bauke W. Dijkstra, Soetijoso
Soemitro (2015), Effect of introducing a disulphide bond between the A and C domains on the activity and
stability of Saccharomycopsis fibuligera R64 α-amylase, Journal of Biotechnology, 195:8–14.
7) Sari Dewi Kurniasih, AlmasulAlfi, Dessy Natalia, Ocky Karna Radjasa, Zeily Nurachman (2014), Construction of
individual, fused, and co-expressed proteins of endoglucanase and β-glucosidase for hydrolyzing sugarcane
bagasse, Microbiological Research, 169:725–732.
8) Sri Widarti, Zeily Nurachman, Buchari, Muhammad Bachri Amran (2014), Diaminoalkane as spacer arm
between polystyrene and β-cyclodextrin in affinity chromatography for α-amylase separation, International
Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 4:709–714.
9) Anak Agung Istri Ratnadewi, Muchzainal Fanani, Sari Dewi Kurniasih, Makiko Sakka, Eddy Bagus Wasito, Kazuo
Sakka, Zeily Nurachman, Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih (2013), β-D-Xylosidase from Geobacillus
thermoleovorans IT-08: Biochemical characterization and bioinformatics of the enzyme. Applied Biochemistry
and Biotechnology, 170(8):1950–1964.
10) Enny Ratnaningsih, Dewi Handayani, Fatiha Khairunnisa, Ihsanawati, Sari Dewi Kurniasih, Bill Mangindaan,
Sinta Rismayani, Cica Kasipah, Zeily Nurachman (2013), Screening, gene sequencing and characterising of
lipase for methanolysis of crude palm oil. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 170(1):32–43.
11) Fernita Puspasari, Ocky Karna Radjasa, Achmad Saefuddin Noer, Zeily Nurachman, Yana Maolana Syah, Marc
van der Maarel, Luberrt Dijkhuizen, Štefan Janeček, Dessy Natalia (2013), Raw starch–degrading α-amylase
from Bacillus aquimarisMKSC 6.2: isolation and expression of the gene, bioinformatics and biochemical
characterization of the recombinant enzyme. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 114(1):108–120.
12) Zeily Nurachman, Dewi Susan Brataningtyas, Hartati, Lily Maria Goretty Panggabean (2012), Oil from the
tropical marine benthic-diatom Navicula sp.Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 168(5):1065–1075.
13) Zeily Nurachman, Hartati , Syahfitri Anita, Etsuroyya Ewidyasari Anward, Gestria Novirani, Bill Mangindaan,
Suryo Gandasasmita, Yana Maolana Syah, Lily Maria Goretty Panggabean, Gede Suantika (2012), Oil
productivity of the tropical marine diatom Thalassiosira sp. Bioresource Technology, 108:240–244.
14) Anceu Murniati, Buchari, Suryo Gandasasmita, Zeily Nurachman(2012), Synthesis and characterization of
polypyrrole polyphenol oxidase (PPy/PPO) on platinum electrode. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical,
Biological and Chemical Sciences, 3(4):855–864.
15) Anceu Muniarti, Buchari, Suryo Gandasasmita, Zeily Nurachman(2011), Sintesis dan karakterisasi polipirol
pada elektroda kerja kasa baja dengan volumetric siklik (in Bahasa Indonesia). Indonesia Journal of Materials
Science, 13(3):210–215.
16) Fernita Puspasari, Zeily Nurachman, Achmad Saefuddin Noer, Ocky Karna Radjasa, Marc J. E. C. van der
Maarel, Dessy Natalia (2011), Characteristics of raw starch degrading α-amylase from Bacillus aquimaris
MKSC 6.2 associated with soft coral Sinularia sp. Starch/Stärke, 63(8):461–467.

17) Dessy Natalia, Keni Vidilaseris, Pasjan Satrimafitrah, Wangsa T. Ismaya, Purkan, Hjalmar Permentier, Guntur
Fibriansah, Fernita Puspasari, Zeily Nurachman, Bauke W. Dijkstra, Soetijoso Soemitro(2011), Biochemical
characterization of α glucoamylase from Saccharomycopsisfibuligera R64. Biologia, 66(1):27–32.
18) Zeily Nurachman (2011), Tropical marine microalgae for biodiesel production. SEAMEO-SEARCA, Policy Brief
Series 3.
19) Zeily Nurachman, Lily Maria Goretti Panggabean, Syahfitri Anita (2010), Screening of local marine microalgae
for biodiesel production. SEAMEO-SEARCA: SEARCA Agriculture and Development, Discussion Paper Series 3.
20) Zeily Nurachman, Alfredo Kono, Ocky Karna Radjasa, Dessy Natalia (2010), Identification a novel raw-starch-
degrading-α-amylase from a tropical marine bacterium. American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology,
21) Zeily Nurachman, Sari Dewi Kurniasih, Ferra Puspitawati, Sarwono Hadi, Ocky Karna Radjasa, Dessy
Natalia(2010), Cloning of the endoglucanase gene from a Bacillus amyloliquefaciens PSM 3.1 in Escherichia
coli revealed catalytic triad residues Thr-His-Glu. American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology,
22) Qomarudin Helmy, Edwan Kardena, Zeily Nurachman, Wisjnuprapto (2010), Application of biosurfactant
produced by Azotobactervinelandii AV01 for enhanced oil recovery and biodegradation of oil sludge.
International Journal of Civil and Environamental Engineering IJCEE, 10(1):7–14.
23) Keni Vidilaseris, Karina Hidayat, Debbie S. Retnoningrum, Zeily Nurachman, Achmad Saifuddin Noer, Dessy
Natalia (2009), Biochemical characterization of raw starch degrading α-amilase from the Indonesian marine
bacterium Bacillus sp. ALSHL3. Biologia, 64(6):1047–1052.
24) Hera Noviana, Zeily Nurachman, Maelita Ramdani, AS Noer (2007), Multiplex PCR for rapid detection of
rifampin and Isoniazid resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated from Bandung,
Indonesia.MicrobiologyIndonesia, 1(3):114–118.
25) Zeily Nurachman, Jatnika Hermawan, Yanti Rachmayanti, Lubna Baradja (2003), A simple way to visualize
fibrinolysis n the classroom. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 31(1):16–19.
26) Zeily Nurachman, Tairo Oshima, Nobua Tanaka (2003), Domain motion in 3-isopropylmalate dehidrogenase:
A strategy to enhance its thermal stability. Proceedings ITB Sains & Teknologi, 35A(2):163–177.
27) Zeily Nurachman, Satoshi Akanuma, Takao Sato, Tairo Oshima, Nobuo Tanaka (2000), Crystal structure of 3-
isopropylmalate dehydrogenases with mutations at the C-terminus: crystalographic analyses of structure-
stability relationships. Protein Engineering, 13(4):253–258.

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