Spec 55: High Performance Wire and Cable

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High Performance Wire and Cable


Product Facts by hot stamp, ink jet or laser,

n Resistant to electrical arc and can be potted without
tracking in wet or dry pre-etching.
n Single or dual wall SPEC 55PC Wire and
constructions Cable Insulation System
n Small size, ultra light weight This product was originally
n Exceptional chemical developed to meet Boeing’s
resistance material standard BMS13-
n -65°C to 200°C [-85°F to
48 for the 777 airliner.
392°F] SPEC 55PC provides light-
weight, compact insulation
that matches the proven
performance of our
SPEC 55 wire. Today, 55PC
is specified and utilized on
the majority of aerospace
platforms worldwide.
Applications in twisted pairs, triples, etc.,
and as shielded and jacket- TE’s rigorous, statistical-
SPEC 55 wire is insulated process-controlled manu-
with modified radiation ed cables.
facturing has produced
cross-linked ETFE polymer. Physical Characteristics wiring that is rugged and
It has a temperature rating versatile enough for a wide
of -65°C to 200°C [-85°F to Size and Weight
range of commercial and
392°F] continuous using a SPEC 55 wire provides one defense aerospace applica-
silver plated copper con- of the most comprehensive tions, including electronic
ductor, and combines the wiring product ranges for hook-ups in harsh, open air-
easy handling of a flexible aerospace users, with a frame environments.
wire with excellent scrape wide choice of conductor
abrasion and cut-through sizes and insulation wall SPEC 55PC wire and cable
characteristics. thicknesses.The dual wall systems feature an 8-mil air-
airframe wire has an insula- frame wire that is lighter and
The dual wall airframe con- smaller than typical 10-mil
struction of SPEC 55 wire is tion wall thickness of either
0.2 [.008] or 0.25 [.010] for wire, with little reduction in
currently used on numerous key mechanical perform-
aircraft programs. It has a robustness in unprotected
harnesses and has excel- ance features. SPEC 55PC
choice of two total wall wire offers flame resistance
thicknesses, 0.25 [.010] lent wire to wire abrasion
properties. superior to FAA standards
(55A08XX 10 mil) and 0.2 and also resists scrape
[.008] (55A02XX 8 mil). The single wall equipment abrasion, notch, propaga-
Both have a contrasting wire has a 0.15 [.006] wall tion, cut-through, and
core color to act as a dam- thickness for use inside electrical arc tracking.
age indicator. Chosen for its equipment and protected
balance of properties, harnesses. For high density, n Meets Boeing material
SPEC 55 wire has outstand- interconnect wiring, the 450 standard BMS 13-48.
ing resistance to chemicals volt 55M041X series of n Exceeds FAR 25 test
and solvents, excellent equipment wire has a nomi- requirements for flame
electrical arc track resist- nal 0.1 [.004] wall and pro- resistance and smoke
ance, and is not susceptible vides considerable weight density.
to UV and moisture degra- and size savings over other
dation. Single wall equip- comparable wires.
ment wire constructions
are available in 0.10 [.004]
(55/03XX 4 mil) and 0.15 The excellent flexibility
[.006] (6 mil) wall thicknesses and handleability makes
for use inside black boxes SPEC 55 the ideal wire to
where flexibility and solder- install, both in new aircraft
iron resistance make it a and equipment and for
wire which is very easy to maintenance purposes. The
Available in:
install reliably. wire is easily stripped with
Americas n
conventional tooling. The
Europe n Both single and dual wall
Asia Pacific n
insulation is readily marked
insulated wires are available
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

Conductor Conductor

Insulation -
Radiation Crosslinked, Modified ETFE Insulations -
Radiation Crosslinked, Modified ETFE
Inner layer colored blue

SPEC 55 Insulation System - Single Wall SPEC 55 Insulation System - Dual Wall

SAE AS22759/32-35 and /41 to /46 and NEMA-WC-27500 (Cables)

Defense Standard 61-12 Part 33 Issue 5
Part 1001 and Part 1002
VDE 9426, 9427, 9428
British Standard 3G233
Boeing BMS 13-48
Airbus ABS 0820 to 0826
NASA preferred product list
European Space Agency 3901/012, 3901/020 and 3901/022
TE Specification 55
Civil Aviation Authority Accessory Approval E11623
Please check with TE personnel to ensure the product you wish to purchase is manufatured and released to the
specification required.

Typical Properties Temperature rating (Tin plated conductor) -65°C to +150°C [-85°F to +302°F]
(Silver or nickel plated conductor) -65°C to +200°C [-85°F to +392°F]
Thermal endurance 200 °C [392°F], 10000 h
Scrape abrasion (BS 3G233) >100 cycles at 150°C [302°F]
Flexing endurance (Boeing BSS 7324) >1000 cycles
Voltage rating
Tensile strength + elongation (core only)
Tensile strength + total elongation (core & primary jacket)
600 V, 1000V
(Dual wall wire) 35 N/mm2, 125% min.
(Dual wall wire) 35 N/mm2, 75% min. 9
Wire and Cable
Notch propagation BS 3G230 0.05 mm notch Pass
Solder iron resistance (370 °C, 1 minute) Pass
Solderability - Tin plated copper conductor <0.8 secs to wet
BS 3G233 conditions
Shrinkage <1%
Long term water resistance Will not hydrolyze
Permitivity 1 KHz (ASTM D150) 2.7
Dissipation factor (ASTM D150) 0.001
FAR 25 O
Afterburn (sec) 30 sec. max.
Burn length 75 mm [3 in.] max.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

Environmental Performance Temperature Rating Chemical Resistance Electrical Arc Tracking

SPEC 55 wire and cable is SPEC 55 is unaffected by all Resistance
rated for continuous opera- commonly used chemicals, SPEC 55 insulation
tion from -65°C to +200°C eg. fuels, hydraulic demonstrates resistance
[-85°F to +392°F] and for fluids, defluxing agents, to arc tracking under both
short periods at tempera- cleaners, coolants and wet and dry conditions at
tures as high as 400°C de-icers. It also shows aircraft system voltages.
[752°F]. excellent resistance to
Mechanical Performance weathering (UV, ozone,
pollutants, water).
Radiation crosslinking of the
SPEC 55 insulation signifi- Space Wire
cantly improves the follow- SPEC 55 is available in
ing mechanical character- special versions suitable
istics; scrape (sharp for use in outer space
edges), cross wire abrasion, meeting both ESA and
cut-through resistance and NASA requirements for
creep resistance. outgassing.
Solder Iron/Overload Flammability
Resistance Special additives increase
Radiation crosslinking the flame retardance of
ensures that the insulation SPEC 55 compared to
resists melting at high unirradiated ETFE so that
temperatures. As a result it meets the latest high
SPEC 55 wire is resistant to performance tests, eg.
hot solder irons and current BS 3G230 and vertical test
overloads which would melt FAR25.
most thermoplastic

SPEC 55 Wire & Cable: Shielded & Jacketed

Conductor Primary Wire Twisted Pair
Standard Constructions, Single Pair
Nominal Sizes, Strandings,
Diameters and Weights

55PC - Extra Light Weight Constructions

For applications where weight is critical, light weight tight tolerance conductors and insulation are available. These are
manufactured using statistical process control methods and achieve weights that are equal or lighter than the
equivalent polyimide/PTFE constructions.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

55A - AWG Conductor: Wire 55A011X 55A012X

Equipment/Interconnect Wires Stranding
Size Nom. Max. Weight Nom. Max. Weight
& Cables (AWG) OD (g per m/lbs per kft) OD (g per m/lbs per kft)
30 7/0.102 0.61 [0.024] 0.98 [0.66] 1.27 [0.048] 1.94 [1.3]
28 7/127 0.68 [0.027] 1.35 [0.91] 1.42 [0.054] 2.68 [1.8]
26 19/102 0.81 [0.032] 2.08 [1.4] 1.67 [0.064] 4.16 [2.8]
24 19/127 0.94 [0.037] 2.98 [2.0] 1.93 [0.074] 5.96 [4.0]
22 19/0.16 1.09 [0.043] 4.17 [2.8] 2.23 [0.086] 8.63 [5.8]
20 19/0.203 1.27 [0.050] 6.40 [4.3] 2.66 [0.102] 13.24 [8.9]
18 19/0.25 1.52 [0.060] 9.67 [6.5] 3.20 [0.122] 20.09 [13.5]
16 19/287 1.73 [0.068] 12.35 [8.3] 3.58 [0.138] 25.75 [17.3]
14 19/0.36 2.20 [0.085] 19.34 [13.0] 4.47 [0.172] 39.58 [26.6]
12 37/0.32 2.62 [0.103] 29.32 [19.7] 5.38 [0.208] 59.97 [40.3]
10 37/0.403 3.25 [0.128] 47.32 [31.8] 6.65 [0.256] 96.58 [64.9]
8 133/0.287 4.77 [0.188] 87.50 [58.8] 9.80 [0.376] 178.58 [120.0]

55A111X 55A112X
Nom. Max. Weight Nom. Max. Weight
OD (g per m/lbs per kft) OD (g per m/lbs per kft)
30 1.51 [0.057] 5.06 [3.4] 2.12 [0.081] 8.03 [5.4]
28 1.59 [0.060] 5.80 [3.9] 2.27 [0.087] 9.37 [6.30]
26 1.71 [0.065] 6.85 [4.6] 2.53 [0.097] 11.75 [7.9]]
24 1.84 [0.070] 8.19 [5.5] 2.80 [0.107] 14.58 [9.8]
22 1.99 [0.076] 10.27 [6.9] 3.07 [0.119] 18.15 [12.2]
20 2.20 [0.084] 13.40 [9.0] 3.50 [0.135] 24.10 [16.2]
18 2.45 [0.094] 17.86 [12.0] 4.10 [0.155] 32.60 [21.9]
16 2.67 [0.102] 21.73 [14.6] 4.43 [0.171] 39.73 [26.7]
14 3.10 [0.119] 30.36 [20.4] 5.30 [0.205] 57.13 [38.4]
12 3.55 [0.137] 42.41 [28.5] 6.30 [0.243] 81.98 [55.1]
10 4.20 [0.161] 62.65 [42.1] 7.40 [0.291]0 123.63 [83.1]00
8 5.80 [0.223] 110.42 [74.2] 10.60 [0.417]00 226.15 [152.0]00

55A - AWG Conductor: Wire 55A081X 55A082X

Airframe Wires & Cables Stranding
Size Nom. Max. Weight Nom. Max. Weight
(AWG) OD (g per m/lbs per kft) OD (g per m/lbs per kft)
26 19/102 1.01 [0.040] 2.5 [1.7] 2.10 [0.080] 5.06 [3.4]
24 19/127 1.14 [0.045] 3.4 [2.3] 2.33 [0.090] 6.84 [4.6]
22 19/0.16 1.27 [0.050] 4.8 [3.2] 2.64 [0.102] 9.98 [6.7]
1.47 [0.058]
1.78 [0.070]
1.96 [0.077]
2.40 [0.094]
7.0 [4.7]
10.7 [7.2]
13.4 [9.0]
20.5 [13.8]
3.07 [0.118]
3.63 [0.140]
4.06 [0.156]
4.90 [0.190]
14.73 [9.9]
21.88 [14.7]
27.53 [18.5]
42.26 [28.4]
Wire and Cable
12 37/0.32 2.82 [0.111] 30.5 [20.5] 5.80 [0.224] 63.00 [42.3]
10 37/0.403 3.40 [0.134] 48.3 [32.4] 7.10 [0.272] 98.96 [66.5]

55A181X 55A182X
Nom. Max. Weight Nom. Max. Weight
OD (g per m/lbs per kft) OD (g per m/lbs per kft)
26 1.854 [0.073] 7.89 [5.3] 2.870 [0.113] 14.29 [9.6]
24 1.981 [0.078] 9.37 [6.3] 3.124 [0.123] 16.37 [11.0]
22 2.134 [0.084] 11.76 [7.9] 3.429 [0.135] 20.68 [13.9]
20 2.337 [0.092] 14.88 [10.0] 3.853 [0.151] 27.08[18.2]
18 2.616 [0.103] 19.79[13.3] 4.394 [0.173] 36.46 [24.5]
16 2.819 [0.111] 23.81[16.0] 4.801 [0.189] 42.86 [28.8]
14 3.251 [0.128] 33.03 [22.2] 5.715 [0.225] 61.61 [41.4]
12 3.683 [0.145] 45.09 [30.3] 6.578 [0.259] 85.42 [57.4]
10 4.192 [0.168] 66.97[45.0] 7.797 [0.307] 127.54 [85.7]

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

55PC - AWG Conductor: Wire 55PC021X 55PC022X

Statistical Process Controlled Stranding
Size Nom. Target Weight Nom. Target Weight
Airframe Wires & Cables (AWG) OD (g per m/lbs per kft) OD (g per m/lbs per kft)
26 19/102 0.087 [0.035] 2.05 [1.38] — —
24 19/127 1.00 [0.0395] 2.95 [1.98] 2.00 [0.079] 5.95 [4.00]
22 19/0.16 1.15 [0.0455] 4.31 [2.90] 2.31 [0.091] 8.74 [5.87]
20 19/0.203 1.37 [0.0540] 6.51 [4.38] 2.74 [0.108] 13.2 [8.87]
18 19/0.25 1.61 [0.0635] 9.81 [6.59] 3.22 [0.127] 19.84 [13.33]
16 19/287 1.80 [0.0710] 12.46 [8.37] 3.60 [0.142] 25.21 [16.94]
14 19/.036 2.18 [0.0860] 19.17 [12.88] 4.36 [0.172] 38.80 [26.07]
12 37/0.32 2.66 [0.1047] 29.36 [19.73] 5.30 [0.209] 59.42 [39.93]
10 37/0.403 3.27 [0.1290] 46.31 [31.12] 6.55 [0.258] 93.92 [62.99]

55PC121X 55PC122X
Nom. Target Weight Nom. Target Weight
OD (g per m/lbs per kft) OD (g per m/lbs per kft)
26 1.52 [0.064] 6.54 [4.4] 2.33 [0.100] 11.34 [7.62]
24 1.65 [0.069] 7.86 [5.28] 2.89 [0.109] 13.90 [9.34]
22 1.80 [0.075] 9.81 [6.59] 2.89 [0.122] 17.89 [12.02]
20 2.00 [0.083] 12.83 [8.62] 3.30 [0.139] 23.84 [16.02]
18 2.23 [0.093] 17.01 [11.43] 3.78 [0.158] 32.10 [21.57]
16 2.44 [0.100] 20.36 [13.68] 4.16 [0.174] 39.00 [26.21]
14 2.79 [0.116] 28.69 [19.28] 4.92 [0.204] 55.21 [37.10]
12 3.30 [0.135] 40.73 [27.37] 5.92 [0.243] 80.23 [53.45]
10 3.98 [0.159] 59.90 [40.25] 7.39 [0.297] 123.65 [83.09]
X = 1 -Tin plated copper conductor.
4 -Silver plated high strength copper alloy conductor. (Recommended for size 24 & 26 in airframe applications and
mandatory for CAA release.)

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

Part Numbering System

55A and 55LF —
General Purpose
55 A 1 1 2 1 * - AWG - 2/6 - 9

Jacket Color (code per MIL-STD-681)

Codes same as for Primary Wire Insulation Color
Primary Wire Insulation Color (code per MIL-STD-681)
0 - Black 4 - Yellow 8 - Gray
1 - Brown 5 - Green 9 - White
2 - Red 6 - Blue
3 - Orange 7 - Violet

Conductor Size (AWG)

*Optional Shield Material

H - High strength copper alloy, shield coating same as
conductor coating (No designator defaults to coated
“copper” shield, if any)
Conductor Type
1 - Tin-coated copper
2 - Silver-coated copper
3 - Nickel-coated copper
4 - Silver-coated high strength copper alloy
6 - Nickel-coated high strength copper alloy
A - Silver-coated ultra high-strength copper alloy
Number of Conductors
1 through 10 (designator for 10 conductor = 0)
Class of Wire
1 - 600 volt, lightweight
2 - 600 volt, medium weight
4 - 450V (55M 20-30 AWG only)
7 - 1000 volt, heavy duty, airframe
8 - 600 volt, normal weight, airframe
0 - Primary wire; or unshielded & unjacketed cable
1 - **Round braid shielded & jacketed cable
2 - ** Flat braid shielded& jacketed cable
3 - ** Round braid shielded cable, no jacket
4 - Jacketed cable, no shield
Wire and Cable
5 - ** Spiral braid shielded & jacketed cable
6-9 - Special constructions

Product Type
A - General purpose
AC - General purpose, 90% min. shield coverage
AF - General purpose, low fluoride
D - Defense Standard 61-12 Part 33
LF - General purpose, ultra low fluoride
LFC- General purpose, ultra low fluoride, 90% min. shield coverage
M - 450 Volt

Basic Product Number

**Except for p/ns with Shield Material designation “H”, shield coating same as conductor coating, except:
- for Conductor Type 4, shield shall be tin-coated cooper Part Numbering System is a
- for Conductor Types 6 and A, flat braid only, shield shall be tin-coated copper cross reference only and not
The UK manufactures and supply large volumes of 55Mx4x4 (450 volt) construction wires and meant for part creation.
cables for Aerospace and Multisport applications.
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

Part Numbering System

55/ — Outer Space
55 / 1 3 2 1 * - AWG - 0/9 - 9

Jacket Color (code per MIL-STD-681)

Codes same as for Primary Wire Insulation Color
Primary Wire Insulation Color (code per MIL-STD-681)
0 - Black 4 - Yellow 8 - Gray
1 - Brown 5 - Green 9 - White
2 - Red 6 - Blue
3 - Orange 7 - Violet

Conductor Size (AWG)

*Optional Shield Material

H - High strength copper alloy, shield coating same as
conductor coating (No designator defaults to coated
“copper” shield, if any)
Conductor Type
1 - Tin-coated copper
2 - Silver-coated copper
3 - Nickel-coatedcopper
4 - Silver-coated high strength copper alloy
6 - Nickel-coated high strength copper alloy
A - Silver-coated ultra high-strength copper alloy
Number of Conductors
1 thorugh 10 (designator for 10 conductor = 0)

Class of Wire
1 - 600 volt, lightweight
2 - 600 volt, medium weight
3 - 600 volt, ultra lightweight
4 - 300 volt (discontinued)
7 - 1000 volt, heavy duty
8 - 600 volt, normal weight
0 - Primary wire; or unshielded & unjacketed cable
1 - **Round braid shielded & jacketed cable
2 - ** Flat braid shielded & jacketed cable
3 - ** Round braid shielded cable, no jacket
4 - Jacketed cable, no shield
5 - ** Spiral braid shielded & jacketed cable
6-9 - Special constructions

Product Type
/ - Outer Space
/F - Outer Space, low fluoride
/LF - Outer Space, ultra low fluoride
/P - Outer Space, shield coating same as conductor coating
(valid with the following conductor types only: 4 for
round braid; 4, 6 or A for flat braid)

Basic Product Number

**For 55/: Except for p/ns with Shield Material designation “H”, shield coating same as conductor coating, except:
- for Conductor Type 4, shield shall be tin-coated cooper; - for Conductor Types 6 and A, flat braid only, shield shall
be tin-coated copper. For 55/P, /LF: Shield coating same as conductor coating. Part Numbering System is a
For product released to ESCC 3901/012, 3901/020 and/or 3901/022, please refer to TE for product designation cross reference only and not
and construction. meant for part creation.
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

Part Numbering System

55PC and 55 PLF —
Process Control
55 PC 1 1 2 4 * - AWG - 2/6 - 9

Jacket Color (code per MIL-STD-681)

Codes same as for Primary Wire Insulation Color
Primary Wire Insulation Color (code per MIL-STD-681)
0 - Black 4 - Yellow 8 - Gray
1 - Brown 5 - Green 9 - White
2 - Red 6 - Blue
3 - Orange 7 - Violet

Conductor Size (AWG)

*Optional Shield Material

H - High strength copper alloy, shield coating same as
conductor coating (No designator defaults to coated
“copper” shield, if any)
Conductor Type
1 - Tin-coated copper
2 - Silver-coated copper
3 - Nickel-coated copper
4 - Silver-coated high strength copper alloy
5 - Aluminum
6 - Nickel-coated high strength copper alloy
A - Silver-coated ultra high-strength copper alloy
Number of Conductors
1 through 10 (designator for 10 conductor = 0)
0 - 10 conductors
Class of Wire
1 - 600 volt, lightweight, general purpose, single wall
2 - 600 volt, medium weight, general purpose
5 - 600 volt, lightweight, general purpose, dual wall
7 - 1000 volt, heavy duty, airframe, general purpose
8 - 600 volt, normal weight, airframe, general purpose
0 - Primary wire; or unshielded & unjacketed cable
1 - **Round braid screened & jacketed cable
2 - ** Flat braid screened & jacketed cable
3 - ** Round braid, screened cable, no jacket
Wire and Cable
4 - Jacketed cable, no shield
5 - ** Spiral braid shielded & jacketed cable
6-9 - Special constructions

Product Type
PC - Process Control
PCF- Process Control, low fluoride
PCFL-Process Control, low fluoride (lite)
PCL - Process Control (lite)
PCT- Process Control (stripping thread under jacket, and shield, if any)
PLF - Process Control, ultra low fluoride
PLFL-Process Control, ultra low fluoride (lite)
Basic Product Number
**Except for p/ns with Shield Material designation “H”, shield coating same as conductor coating, except: Part Numbering System is a
For 55PCL - for conductor type 6, flat braid only, shield shall be tin-coated copper cross reference only and not
For 55PC and 55PCT - for conductor Type 4 and A, shield shall be tin-coated cooper
meant for part creation.
for Conductor Type 6, flat braid only, shield shall be tin-coated copper
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

Typical Ordering Example 3 conductors, red, yellow, blue, 600 volt equipment wire with overall round braid, 20 AWG tinned conductor
and white jacket: total part number is 55A1131-20-2/4/6-9.
Ordering Information A list of stock policy items can be identified by contacting TE.

SPEC 55 Part Numbering

System — General

Temperature Rating Conductor Material AWG Range Available Part Number MIL-SPEC No.
600-V Lightweight Single-wall Hookup Wire, .152 [.006] Nominal Wall
150°C [302°F] Tin-coated copper 12–30 55A0111 M22759/32
200°C [392°F] Silver-coated copper 12–28 55A0112 M22759/44
200°C [302°F] Nickel-coated copper 12–28 55A0113 M22759/45
200°C [392°F] Silver-coated high-strength alloy 20–30 55A0114 M22759/33
200°C [392°F] Nickel-coated high-strength alloy 20–28 55A0116 M22759/46
600-V Lightweight Dual-wall Airframe Wire, .203 [.008] Nominal Wall
150°C [302°F] Tin-coated copper 6–26 55A0211 —
200°C [392°F] Silver-coated copper 10–26 55A0212 —
200°C [392°F] Nickel-coated copper 10–26 55A0213 —
200°C [392°F] Silver-coated high-strength alloy 18–30 55A0214 —
200°C [392°F] Nickel-coated high-strength alloy 16–26 55A0216 —
600-V Dual-wall Airframe Wire, .254 [.010] Nominal Wall
150°C [302°F] Tin-coated copper 00–24 55A0811 M22759/34
200°C [392°F] Silver-coated copper 00–26 55A0812 M22759/43
200°C [392°F] Nickel-coated copper 00–26 55A0813 M22759/41
200°C [392°F] Silver-coated high-strength alloy 20–26 55A0814 M22759/35
200°C [392°F] Nickel-coated high-strength alloy 20–26 55A0816 M22759/42
1000-V Medium-Weight Dual-wall Airframe Wire, .381 [.015] Nominal Wall
150°C [302°F] Tin-coated copper 10–24 55A0711 —
200°C [392°F] Silver-coated copper 16–24 55A0712 —
200°C [392°F] Nickel-coated copper 16–24 55A0713 —
200°C [392°F] Silver-coated high-strength alloy 16–24 55A0714 —
200°C [392°F] Nickel-coated high-strength alloy 16–26 55A0716 —

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

SPEC 55 Cable

Number of Component Shield Part Number

Construction Components Conductor1 Material1 Light Wt.2 Medium Wt.
2–10 1 — 55*01X1-AWG-Y 55*08X1-AWG-Y
2 — 55*01X2-AWG-Y 55*08X2-AWG-Y
3 — 55*01X3-AWG-Y 55*08X3-AWG-Y
4 — 55*01X4-AWG-Y 55*08X4-AWG-Y
6 — 55*01X6-AWG-Y 55*48X6-AWG-Y
2–10 1 — 55*41X1-AWG-Y 55*48X1-AWG-Y
2 — 55*41X2-AWG-Y 55*48X2-AWG-Y
3 — 55*41X3-AWG-Y 55*48X3-AWG-Y
4 — 55*41X4-AWG-Y 55*48X4-AWG-Y
6 — 55*41X6-AWG-Y 55*48X6-AWG-Y
1–10 1 1 55*11X1-AWG-Y 55*18X1-AWG-Y
Shielded 2 2 55*11X2-AWG-Y 55*18X2-AWG-Y
(round braid), 3 3 55*11X3-AWG-Y 55*18X3-AWG-Y
jacketed 4 1 55*11X4-AWG-Y 55*18X4-AWG-Y
6 3 55*11X6-AWG-Y 55*18X6-AWG-Y
1–10 1 1 55*21X1-AWG-Y 55*28X1-AWG-Y
Shielded 2 1 55*21X2-AWG-Y 55*28X2-AWG-Y
(flat braid), 3 1 55*21X3-AWG-Y 55*28X3-AWG-Y
jacketed 4 1 55*21X4-AWG-Y 55*28X4-AWG-Y
6 1 55*21X6-AWG-Y 55*28X6-AWG-Y
Type of conductor or shield material:
1 2
X = no. of wire components
1 = tin-coated copper Y = color code
2 = silver-coated copper For complete part number, see Part Numbering System on page 9-15.
3 = nickel-coated copper
4 = silver-coated high-strength copper alloy
6 = nickel-coated high-strength copper alloy
* = A or PC

Wire and Cable

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

NEMA WC-27500 Cable

Part Numbering System
M27500 X AWG XX X X XX

Basic Specification Number

Component Wire ID/Shield Coverage Code

Shield Coverage
85% 90% Component Wire Identification
- C Colored Stripes on White Wire
(9/96/93/95/92/90/94/97/98/91... etc.)
A D Solid Color Wires (9/6/3/5/2/0/4/7/8/1...etc.)
B E Band Marks on Solid Colors (by AWG)
F H Alternate Colored Stripes
G J Alternate Solid Colors (2/6/4/5/9/0/1/3/7/8...etc.)
K M Number Marking on Solid Colors (by AWG)
L N Number Marking on White Wires
P R Band Marks on Colored Stripes (by AWG)
S T Band Marks on White Wires

Conductor Size (AWG)

Basic Wire Spec Code (SAE-AS-22759) and Slash Sheet

SB - 32 = 55A0111
SC - 33 = 55A0114
SD - 34 = 55A0811
for 2 AWG and larger, use 55A8039
SE - 35 = 55A0814
SM - 41 = 55A0813
for 2 AWG and larger, use 55A8595
SN - 42 = 55A0816
SP - 43 = 55A0812
for 2 AWG and larger, use 55A6089
SR - 44 = 55A0112
SS - 45 = 55A0113
ST - 46 = 55A0116

Number of Component Wires

1 through 9; 10 Components = 0

Shield Material and Style Code

U - No shield
T - Tin-coated copper, round
J - Tin-coated copper, flat
S - Silver-coated copper, round
G - Silver-coated copper, flat
N - Nickel-coated copper, round
V - Tin-coated copper, round, double shield
W - Silver-coated copper, round, double shield

Jacket Material and Style Code

00 - No jacket
23 - Single jacket crosslinked, modified ETFE, white
73 - Double jacket crosslinked, modified ETFE, white

Example: M27500-22SB3T23 = 55A1131-22-9/96/93-9

Tyco Electronics Part No. Part Numbering System is a
Military Part No. cross reference only and not
meant for part creation.
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters USA: +1 800 522 6752 For additional support numbers
Revised 3-13 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Asia Pacific: +86 0 400 820 6015 please visit www.te.com
Specifications subject UK: +44 800 267 666
www.te.com to change.

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