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Civil - Group 3

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History of World Civilization

G.R.A.P.E.S Group 3: Southeast Asia

A vast region situated east of the Indian On the maritime route connecting the
subcontinent and south of China, consists of Indian and Pacific Oceans, Southeast
2 portions: a continental projection Asia has long been considered a
(commonly called mainland Southeast Asia) corridor, a bridge between China and
and a string of archipelagoes to the south and Japan and India, West Asia and the
east of the mainland (insular Southeast Asia). Mediterranean.
Extending some 700 miles (1,100 km) southward
from the mainland is the Malay Peninsula; III. NATURAL RESOURCES
structurally is part of the mainland, but it also -Arable Land and Agriculture:
shares many ecological and cultural affinities with Southeast Asia is blessed with fertile
the surrounding islands and functions as a bridge soils and a favorable climate for
between 2 regions. agriculture, made the region one of the
Southeast Asia stretches some 4,000 miles at its greatest extent world's primary agricultural centers.
(roughly from northwest to southeast) and encompasses some -Mineral Resources: The region is rich in mineral resources
5,000,000 square miles (13,000,000 square km) of land and sea, of which including tin, bauxite, coal, and petroleum.
about 1,736,000 square miles is land. Marine Resources: With extensive coastline and numerous islands,
Southeast Asia is a global hotspot for marine biodiversity.
-Forests and Biodiversity: Southeast Asia is home to some of the
world's most biodiverse ecosystems, including tropical rainforests.
-Energy Resources: The region has substantial energy resources,
including oil and natural gas reserves.
-Water Resources: Southeast Asia is endowed with numerous rivers,
including the Mekong, Irrawaddy, and Chao Phraya, which are critical
for agriculture, transportation, and hydroelectric power generation.

Four main religions of Southeast Asia are Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity.
Human beings’ relation to that which Each religion has its own characteristics, and each religion leaves us with its own
they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, imprints not only on political economy but also on social culture.
spiritual, divine, or worthy of special
reverence. In many traditions, this
relation and these concerns are
expressed in terms of one’s relationship
with or attitude toward gods or spirits;
in more humanistic or naturalistic
forms of religion, they are expressed in
terms of one’s relationship with or
attitudes toward the broader human
community or the natural world.
Worship, moral conduct, right belief, and participation in religious institutions are among the constituent elements of the religious life. Religion
has played a significant role in shaping up society and its people throughout history. Religion has a role in infusing social virtues, creating social
cohesion, and providing individual peace.

The term "achievement" typically refers to -Reflects cultural identity: The
significant progress or accomplishments achievements reflect the cultural identity,
made by a society. These achievements act values and thinking of a people or group of
as indicators used to differentiate and people.
analyze various civilizations. They offer a -Marking development: Achievement is an
glimpse into the intricacies of a civilization, important mark showing the development
including its cultural practices and and progress of a civilization.
socioeconomic systems -Make a difference: Each civilization has its
own unique achievements, which create
differences between civilizations.
III.THE EFFECT OF UNDERSTANDING AND ANALYZING THE -Contributing to world heritage: Many achievements have become
ROLE OF ACHIEVEMENTS: important parts of world cultural heritage.
-Better understanding of history: The -Create impetus for development: Achievements create impetus for
achievements help us better understand the development of civilization in the future.
that civilization's past, political, economic,
social and cultural aspects. IV. CLASSIFICATIONS:
-Evaluating development: Achievements
-Political achievements: Achievements
show the level of development of a
related to the structure and operations of the
civilization. For example, achievements in
government, such as the organization of the
agriculture, technology, science and art
state apparatus, divided into six ministries:
show the level of progress and
Lai, Ho, Le, Binh, Hinh, and Cong.
development of society.
-Economic achievements: Achievements
-Understanding of value and
relate to the economic development of a
importance: Achievements help us realize
civilization, including the development of
value and importance of a civilization in
agriculture and industry.
human history.
-Ideological and religious achievements:
-Connection to the present: Many achievements of ancient civilizations Achievements related to systems of ideology,
still influence modern society. Studying these achievements helps beliefs and education.
understand the origins of many aspects of our current society.
-Heritage conservation: Studying and recognizing the achievements is -Cultural and artistic achievements: These include the development
also an important part of cultural heritage preservation. of literature, music, painting, architecture and other forms of art.
V. EXAMPLE : SOUTHEAST ASIA -Scientific and technical achievements: These are achievements
related to the development of science and technology.
-Writing systems: The residents of Southeast Asian countries have
developed their own writing, such as the Khmer, Thai and Nom scripts,
which played a crucial role in recording and storing knowledge, and
-Religion: Southeast Asia had rich and diverse forms of indigenous beliefs.
Many major religions, such as Buddhism and Islam, were introduced and
have had a profound impact on the spiritual life.
-Art: Southeast Asian art is also noteworthy. Architectural works, such as
the Hindu and Buddhist temples of Cambodia's Angkor Wat, the Cham
towers in Vietnam, have both historical and artistic value. Sculptures found
in temples are an integral part of the architecture, reflecting the
sophistication and creativity of religious and cultural expression. Southeast
Asian music is another reflection of the cultural diversity, with each
country having its own traditional musical instruments and styles.
-While Southeast Asian civilization has made achievements in many other fields, such as science, technology, politics, economics, and society,
they are not particularly outstanding. Nevertheless, these achievements contribute to the progress of humanity and help us better understand the
history, culture, beliefs, and people of this region.
Politics and government are two concepts related to political power and 2.Vietnam:
management in a country. -Government: Vietnam moves from a
Politics is the field of study and purely communist-oriented economic
activities related to the decision and model to an open market economic
exercise of political power. It includes model. The Office of the Government of
activities such as debate, negotiation, Vietnam is the highest-ranking agency
policy decisions, and competition in the government system.
among individuals, groups, and -Regime: Vietnam still maintains a
organizations to gain power and communist regime, in which the
influence Communist Party of Vietnam still holds
Government is the organization and agency responsible for managing the leading role in the country. However,
and exercising political power in a country or territory. Government has economic freedom and individual rights
many functions such as legislating, enforcing laws, managing the were expanded compared to the
economy,.... previous period.
Politics and government interact with each other in determining political
power and exercising public power.


1.Indonesia After a left-wing revolution
- Politics: During the colonial period, Indonesia was overthrew the democratic republican
ruled by the Dutch. However, since the late 19th government in 1975, Laos became a
century, independence movements have emerged socialist-communist regime. Lao
under the leadership of leaders such as Sukarno and People's Revolutionary Party - LPRP
Mohammad Hatta. The 1945 independence revolution became the sole leading party and
marked an important turning point in Indonesian created a political system.
politics. The Reformasi period began in 1998 after Monotonous political system based
Soeharto resigned. Indonesia transformed from a one- on absolute leadership of the party.
man regime to a multi-party and democratic system he Lao Revolutionary Labor controlled all government agencies and
-Government: After declaring independence in 1945, Indonesia established other social organizations. The President and Prime Minister are both
the government of the Republic of Indonesia, with Sukarno as president. authorized by the party and elected by the Lao National Assembly,
The form of government is a presidential government. but in reality, the main power is actually in the hands of the LPRP.
-Human rights: Indonesia has made progress on human rights, but some
problems remain. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of
principles are being respected, but there are still cases of human rights
violations and restrictions on freedom of speech.


Southeast Asia comprises a mix

Agriculture has historically been a significant sector, but the
of economies ranging from
region is rapidly industrializing. Services, including tourism
emerging markets (like
and finance, are also key contributors to many economies.
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines)
to newly industrialized nations
(such as Singapore and
Thailand), and even less
developed countries (like Laos,
Cambodia, and Myanmar).

Southeast Asia has been a vital player in global trade for centuries, thanks to its strategic location along major maritime routes. The region is a
major exporter of manufactured goods, electronics, textiles, and agricultural products.
Countries like Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia have emerged as major manufacturing hubs, attracting multinational corporations due to their
skilled labor force and competitive production costs. The electronics industry, in particular, is a significant driver of growth.
Countries like Vietnam and Thailand
have established special economic
zones and industrial parks to attract
foreign investment and stimulate
industrial growth.

Agriculture remains a vital sector, with rice being a staple crop. Additionally, countries like Indonesia
and Malaysia are major producers of palm oil, a crucial global commodity.
The region faces challenges related to sustainable agriculture, including deforestation for agricultural
expansion, land rights issues, and environmental degradation.

Social structure: social structure, in sociology, the distinctive, stable arrangement of
institutions whereby human beings in a society interact and live together. Social
structure is often treated together with the concept of social change, which deals
with the forces that change the social structure and the organization of society.

Example: Southeast Asia has experienced different forms of class stratification, ranging from the feudal systems of the precolonial kingdoms and
empires to the colonial and postcolonial regimes of the European and Asian powers, to the modern states and markets of the contemporary era.
Class divisions are often based on economic, political, and cultural factors, such as land ownership, occupation, education, and ethnicity.

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