Manual of E3D

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A. Module Model ......................................................................................................................................................... 8

1. Interface ............................................................................................................................................................... 9

1.1 Getting to start ................................................................................................................................................ 9

1.2 The Model Environment ................................................................................................................................ 10

1.3 Work with Quick Access Toolbar: .................................................................................................................. 12

1.4 Work with Tab Bar ......................................................................................................................................... 12

1.4.1 PROJECT Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 12

1.4.2 HOME Tab .............................................................................................................................................. 12

1.4.3 VIEW tab ................................................................................................................................................ 16

1.4.4 Tool tab ................................................................................................................................................... 22

1.4.5 MANAGE Tab ......................................................................................................................................... 22

1.4.6 GENARAL Tab ....................................................................................................................................... 24

1.4.7 DESIGN AIDS Tab ................................................................................................................................. 25

Common shortcut key: .................................................................................................................................... 31

2. Equipment ......................................................................................................................................................... 32

2.1 Equipment interface ...................................................................................................................................... 32

2.2 Work with Equipment .................................................................................................................................... 32

2.2.1 Navigator PowerWheel .......................................................................................................................... 32

2.2.2 Create group .......................................................................................................................................... 33 Create equipment............................................................................................................................. 33 Create Sub-Equipment .................................................................................................................... 34 Primitives .......................................................................................................................................... 34 Negative Primitives .......................................................................................................................... 40 Nozzle .............................................................................................................................................. 40 Equipment Standard ........................................................................................................................ 41 Electrical Component ....................................................................................................................... 43

2.2.3 Modify group .......................................................................................................................................... 44

2.2.4 Delete group ........................................................................................................................................... 44

2.2.5 Equipment Default.................................................................................................................................. 45


2.2.6 Importing Equipment .............................................................................................................................. 45

2.2.7 Equipment Report .................................................................................................................................. 47

2.2.8 Tools ....................................................................................................................................................... 48

2.2.9 Association ............................................................................................................................................. 50

2.2.10 Equipment Penetration......................................................................................................................... 52

3. Structures .......................................................................................................................................................... 54

3.1 Open structures module ................................................................................................................................ 54

3.2 The interface of the structure model ............................................................................................................. 54

3.3 SECTIONS tab .............................................................................................................................................. 55

3.3.1 Create group from the SECTIONS tab .................................................................................................. 55

3.3.2 Storage from the SECTIONS tab ........................................................................................................... 55

3.3.3 Display from the SECTIONS tab ............................................................................................................ 56

3.3.4 Defaults from the SECTIONS tab .......................................................................................................... 56

3.3.5 Penetrate from the SECTIONS tab ........................................................................................................ 58 Profile tab ......................................................................................................................................... 58 Holes tab .......................................................................................................................................... 59

3.3.6 Create GENSEC from the SECTIONS tab ............................................................................................ 61 Straight GENSEC ............................................................................................................................. 61 Curved GENSEC ............................................................................................................................. 62 Arc GENSEC .................................................................................................................................... 63 Ring GENSEC.................................................................................................................................. 63

3.3.7 Modify GENSEC from the SECTIONS tab............................................................................................. 63 Extend button ................................................................................................................................... 63 Mitre button ...................................................................................................................................... 65 Fillet button ....................................................................................................................................... 66 Split button ....................................................................................................................................... 66 Splice button .................................................................................................................................... 67 Merge button .................................................................................................................................... 67 Merge Gaps ..................................................................................................................................... 68

3.3.8 Connections group from the SECTIONS tab ......................................................................................... 69

3.3.9 Joint Selection group from the SECTIONS tab ...................................................................................... 69

3.4 PLATES tab ................................................................................................................................................... 70


3.4.1 Create group of the PLATES tab............................................................................................................ 70

3.4.2 PANEL Defaults ...................................................................................................................................... 70

3.4.3 Create group from the PANEL tab ......................................................................................................... 71 Create Rectangle Panel ................................................................................................................... 71 Create Multiple Point Panel ............................................................................................................. 71 Create Arc Panel with Centre Point and Sweep Angle .................................................................... 72 Create Arc Panel with Three Points ................................................................................................. 73 Create Arc Panel with Two Points .................................................................................................... 74 Create Ring Panel with Specified Centre Point, Three Point and Two Point. .................................. 74 Create Disc Panel with Specified Centre Point, Three Point and Two Point. .................................. 75 Create Negative Panel with Rectangle and Multiple point. .............................................................. 76 Create Disc Centre+, Disc Three Point and Disc Two Point ............................................................ 77

3.4.4 Modify group from the PANEL tab .......................................................................................................... 77 Modify Split Panel ............................................................................................................................ 77 Modify Merge Panel ......................................................................................................................... 77 Modify Offsset Panel ........................................................................................................................ 78 Modify Panel Origin .......................................................................................................................... 78 Modify Apply Defaults ...................................................................................................................... 79

3.5 WALL AND FLOORS tab .............................................................................................................................. 80

3.5.1 Create table ............................................................................................................................................ 80 Defaults Settings .............................................................................................................................. 80 Create Straight Wall ......................................................................................................................... 81 Create Curved Wall .......................................................................................................................... 82 Create User Defined Wall ................................................................................................................ 84 Create Compound Wall .................................................................................................................... 85 Create Floor ..................................................................................................................................... 85 Create Screed .................................................................................................................................. 86 Create Negative Extrusion ............................................................................................................... 86 Create Compound Floor and Compound Screed ............................................................................ 87 Create Fittings ................................................................................................................................ 87

3.5.2 Modify table ............................................................................................................................................ 89 Modify Wall ....................................................................................................................................... 89

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Modify Floor ..................................................................................................................................... 89 Modify Fitting .................................................................................................................................... 89 Some Tools Modify ........................................................................................................................... 90

3.6 STAIRS LADDER AND HANDRAILS tab ..................................................................................................... 91

3.6.1 Create table ............................................................................................................................................ 91 Stair Flight ........................................................................................................................................ 91

4. Piping ................................................................................................................................................................. 94

4.1 Getting to start .............................................................................................................................................. 94

4.2. Work with Piping Group ............................................................................................................................... 95

4.2.1 Create Group ......................................................................................................................................... 95 Creating Pipe ................................................................................................................................... 95 Creating Branch ............................................................................................................................... 95 Creating Piping Component ............................................................................................................. 99

4.2.2. Modify Group ....................................................................................................................................... 102 Modifying Pipe ................................................................................................................................ 102 Modifying Piping Components ....................................................................................................... 103

4.2.3 Delete Group ........................................................................................................................................ 107

4.2.4 Tools Group .......................................................................................................................................... 109 Pipe Component Bore and Specification ....................................................................................... 109 Pipe Slope ...................................................................................................................................... 110 Pipe Splitting .................................................................................................................................. 112 Merge Pipe/Branch ........................................................................................................................ 115 Non Standard Branch Connections ............................................................................................... 116 Data Consistency Check ................................................................................................................ 117

4.2.5 Penetrate Group ................................................................................................................................... 119

4.2.6 Isometrics Group .................................................................................................................................. 122

4.2.7 Supports Group .................................................................................................................................... 124

4.2.8 Settings Group ..................................................................................................................................... 126


A. Module Model


1. Interface
1.1 Getting to start
To lunch AVEVA E3D select:
 Start > All Program > AVEVE > AVEVA Everything3D 2.10 (from the task bar)
 Double click the AVEVE > AVEVA Everything3D 2.10 (shortcut on desktop)

The AVEVA E3D initialization image will be display:

When initialization complete, The AVEVA E3D Login form will be displayed:

Click TRA to access

Project selection Tiles
TRA project

Project search Tiles For Isometric

drawing production
Module selection Tiles
For Piping Spool
For 3D model
For 2D drawing
 Project selection Tiles: field list all available project that allow the user to select a project to work on.
 Project search Tile: allows the user to search for a project and to display masked project tiles.
 Module selection Tiles: starts the selected module with the selected project and credentials.
The Project Information Tile will be show when user click TRA project:

Project Credentials Tiles

Select the Enter

desired user passwords
Show the
name from
status Module
the list
Select the
required MDB
from the list


The access rights will be applied on databases loaded by the MDB depending on the User selected in the Project
Credential tiles.
EX: The user would like to make 3D model equipment of TRA project
 Select TRA from Project Credentials tiles > Select correct User > enter passwords > select MDB > click
Model Icon to enter the AVEVA E3D Model session.

The AVEVA E3D initialization animated image will be displayed

for a few seconds while the module is loaded along with the
databases from the selected MDB.

1.2 The Model Environment

Starting Model for the first time will user the default screen layout as show below:

Quick Access Toolbar

Tabs bar
Group command icons

Prompt Area

Sliding Form

3D View


View Tab Group PowerWheel

Notification Area World/Local

Message Area Status Bar
coordinates switch
Power Compass



Quick Access Toolbar: provides shortcuts to most common command for

a quick access.
Tabs Bar: regroups the application buttons by category. Displayed tabs
depend on the selected Discipline.
Groups: each tab is divided into Group to organize the buttons by task

Promp Area: provides instructions while performing an action

3D view: workspace where the Model elements can be viewed and work

Sliding forms Set or Panels: from are docked and tabbed on both sides
of the 3D View and can be temporarily hidden to clear the 3D view.

PowerWheel: provide quick access to most common commands directly in

View direction the 3D View by a right click, or extension to the primary PowerWheel by a
Extents Repeat AIDLIN <Ctrl> + right click. AVEA NET
Context Product Options Search

Get Work Save Work

Claimlists Checker
Centre view
Remove selection <Ctrl>+Right click

PowerCompass: provides intuitive tool to orientate the view and select

different Coordinate System.

Status bar: provides quick access to common modelling option

Message Area: displays the last information, warning or error message.
Notification Area: displays information about the status of a global project.

View Tab Group: provides access to the different opened 3D View from
multiple tabs.
- Grip: displays grip lines on the Working plane. It may be active with the
button in the status bar or pressing the <F7> key.

- Ruler: offers a visual indication of the spacing and the position of the Crosshair

projected on the Grip.

- Crosshair: is the appearance of the cursor when in the 3D, showing a

representation of the 3 axes direction. It can be configured in the Project Option.

- Axes: the LCS axes are represented in the 3D View by 3 colored lines passing
through the origin of the LCS.


1.3 Work with Quick Access Toolbar:

Undo Redo

To perform an Undo on the previous To perform a Redo operation, reverting the

operation design back to before the previous Undo

Save Work
Module Discipline
Update the database
Discipline interfaces
and incorporates the
are accessed from
current design changes
the Discipline option

Get Work list

Design changes made by other users

during your current session are not

show in the working copies unless the

user updates these explicitly

1.4 Work with Tab Bar

1.4.1 PROJECT Tab


Print Graphics Launches the Online help

Print the contents of the

active 3D View window


Lose AVEVA E3D, if changes have been

made but not saved, a dialog box will

prompt the user to save the changes or


1.4.2 HOME Tab

Delete option Mark option Find element collect elements

Group command Group command Group command Group command

create objects active objects check objects description element


Function Description Image

Copies objects to a specified position:
- The user are prompted to select object
to copy.
- Click to identify the objects to copy and
press Enter.
- The user are prompted to Specify
Input value
base point or <Displacement>
- Input values in the dimension fields
and press Enter or click to identify the
new location for copy objects.
Creates copies of part of the model and
Design point
offsets each copy from previous one by a
specified distance in a specified direction: Element

- Element: defined as the origin of an

element. Input copy

- Design Point: a p-point or construction

- Pline: a pline of structural section Message confirm
Input value
- Edge: a panel edge linking two
Create copies of part of model. Each copy Design point
can be rotated and offset relative to the Input copy

previous one.


Message confirm

Create a copy of part of the model and

mirrors the copy in a specified plane. The
original parts of the model can either be
retained or removed.

Message confirm


The user to reposition selected item

using the mouse like moving, rotating or
modifying dimensions.

Editor rotate Editor move

Move the selected object to a new

 Position: element can be explicitly
positioned with respect to the world After axes
axes or with respect to axes of
another element in the hierarchy. Before axes
 Offset: move an element to a
specified distance in a specified
direction, relative to its current
Explicitly position
 Advance: moves the current element
(CE) in a given direction. CE can be
moved by a given distance in that
direction or it can be moved to a
position relative to another element
or relative to a plane through a given

Rotate an element about an axis

Rotate around axis
 Advance: rotate an element through
a specified angle about a specified
 Orientate: The axes (fixed reference Rotate around CE

lines) of an element can be explicitly

orientated or the axes of an existing
element can be used.

Rotate by change orientated


There are several methods for deleting

specified elements from the database.
 Delete Selection: click this button, or
pressing the <Delete> key, will be
delete all the elements included in the
current graphical selection from the
 Current Element: click this button will
be delete CE from.
 CE Member: display a form to select
the members of the CE to delete.

 Measure Distance: Measures the

distance between two points without
having to calculate it.
 Measure Angle: measure the angle
and the direction of the two angular
Measure distance Measure angle
dimension lines without having to
calculate it.
 Query Position: queries the position
of a point and it’s position wrt to an
element which can specified. Query Position

 Mark: marks item with a label in 3D

graphical view.
 Remove Mark: removes the labels
from the selected item. Label
 Remove All Mark: remove all the
labels from all of the item.
Comments: allow the user to inspect and

review the design in real time and provide

comments and suggestions for improvements Comments CE

or changes.

Properties: Displays the properties of objects,

if the selected objects are read only (locked,

claimed or unavailable through direct access

control) the properties are greyed out.

Attributes: display the attributes that have

been specified for the current selected element

(CE), dependent upon the user access rights,

Properties CE Attributes CE
some attributes can be modified.


1.4.3 VIEW tab

Manage View
Clipping tool

Group command Group command Group command Group command

configures setting control view in 3D view work with elements work Origin

Function Description Image

 Current View: configures default settings
for current 3D View and uses these
settings for any new view created (except
Current view
Cloned view). Changes made are applied
 New view: create an empty view of the
3D Graphical window on a new tab, with Grid plane view
the View Settings window displayed and
an empty drawlist.
 Grid Plane view: creates a plane view
from the currently selected grid plane of a
reference grid. By, default the grid plane
view that displays all objects associated
with the grid plane.
 To a Separate View: creates a separate
view of the current view on a new tab
using the same elements of the Drawlist
as the current view.
 To a Cloned View: creates a clone of the
current view, on a new tab, using the
same drawlist as the current view, which
can be the global drawlist or a local
drawlist depending on how the current
view itself was created.
 To a Local View: creates a new local
view of the graphical section.


Graphics: Configures the default

display option for general 3D
Colour tab
graphics, colors and display
representation of pipework,
steelwork, cabling and Plines and
 Colour tab sets the defaults Auto colour setting
colours for the current element,
the active element, other visible
elements and the colours used
for aid lines and highlighting.
 Auto colour settings: check
box to assign the colours to
significant elements when they
are added to the Drawlist.
 Representation tab of the
graphics Settings widow allow
the user to set some the general
and piping representation Representation tab

parameters and presents

control options allowing the user
to display further windows for
specifying the representations
of more specific parameters.
 Steelwork: allows the user to
Steelwork tab
change the way Steelwork
elements are display.
 Cabling tab allows the user to
change various display settings
for Cabletray elements.
 Plines and PPoints:
representation for structural Cabling tab
Profiles can be set on display or
off display. By default Plines are
not displayed, although ppoints
is displayed automatically as
part of an identification
Plines&Ppoints tab


Look: changes the orientation of the view to

a preset view, either to an Isometric view, an
Orthographic view or Plan view.

Isometric view Orthographic view

Zoom: increases or decreases the

Click area to zoom
magnification of the view without changing
the size of any objects.
 Window: zoom to an area of the view Extents zoom

defined by a rectangular window (double Object zoom

click in the 3D view)
 Extents: decreases the magnification of
the view to include all of the objects in
 Object: zoom to display the selected
object in the middle ò the window.
 Centre: zoom to an area of the view
Centre zoom
defined by picking a center point on the
view and magnification value.

Centre View: pans the view to position the

current element in the center of the view
Walk Mode: navigates within the model in
any direction on a horizontal plane.
 Press Shift: shilst moving to increase
speed of movement.
 Press Ctrl shilst moving to decrease the
speed of movement.
 Depress the middle mouse button to
rotate around a fix position.
Fly Mode: navigates freely through the
model in any direction.


The Drawlist Form: allows the

visualization of the list of elements
contained in 3D View. From this form, all
the Add and Remove options seen
previously are available, along with
additional options to modify the appearance
of the model elements in the 3D View, like
colours and translucency.

Add CE: adds only the current element

(CE) to the drawlist.
CE added

 Remove CE: removes only the current

element from the Drawlist.
 Remove All: remove all the elements
CE removed
from the Drawlist.
 Remove Selection: remove all selected
elements from the Drawlist.

 Hide Selected: hides the selected

elements in the 3D view but does not
remove it from the Drawlist.
 Show last Hidden: displays the
element most recently hidden during the CE hidden

current session, provide the element is

still in the Drawlist.
 Show All Hidden: display all the hidden
elements during the current session.
 Hidden List: lists all the elements in the
Drawlist for the current view that are
currently hidden.


World: sets the origin at (0,0,0) world position, and

an orientation set to East, North and Up axes.
World origin

Current Element: set the axis at the Point of Origin

Grid replaced to CE
of the CE with the grid parallel to CE orientation.

Object: Sets the axis at the Point of Origin of the

selected object with the grid parallel to the selected Grid replaced to CE
object orientation. If no object is selected you will be
prompted to select one

Move: Moves the Point of Origin but does not

Grid replaced to CE
changes the orientation.

3 Points: Prompts you to pick 3 points which are

used to define the position of the new XY plane.
The three points represent three positions in the
Grid replaced to CE
new XY plane. The first point will become the origin
of the new local coordinate system. The second
point can be any point on the positive portion of the
X axis. The third point can be any point on the
positive portion of the Y axis

EN: Sets the axis to display from U to V

NU: Sets the axis to display from V to W

EU: Sets the axis to display from U to W


Clipping the View: allows the user to isolate a

region of the model by hiding all parts of the
model falling outside a user defined clipping
Current Element
 Current Selection: select from the crop-
down list to create a clipping box with limits
defined from a selection of elements.
 Current Element: Select from the drop-
down list to create a clipping box with limits
defined from the currently selected element
 Clip: to turn clipping on or off.
 Add Within: to define the elements which
Modify clipping
are contained within the clipping box.
 Partially: Select from the drop-down
list to display all elements in the 3D
view which are partially contained
within the clipping box Cap selection
 Wholly: Select from the drop-down list
to display all elements in the 3D view
which are wholly contained within the
clipping box
 Advanced: Select from the drop-down
list to define the elements which are
contained within the clipping box
 Modify: Click to turn the clipping box
display on or off. Double click with the left
mouse button to modify the dimensions of
the clipping box as a non-routed item using
the Editor functionality.
 Cap: When the model is clipped, only the
parts of the model inside the clipping box
are displayed. Where items are
intersected by the clip box, a coloured cap
can be added to show that the items extend
beyond the displayed


1.4.4 Tool tab

Command display database hierarchy

Group command Group command

active object import & Export object

Command Window: the user are able to streamline

its methods of working and save time on repeated
 Create macros to automate repetitive procedures
 Design and create new windows and menus for Area input command line

the graphical user interface that match the

working needs precisely.
Messages: displays User and System messages.
 User: contain error, warning and information
 System messages: are messages or trace
created by the application of no particular type or
output from the SYSCOM command.
Model Explorer: provides an easy to use graphical
of exploring the Design Database.
 The Model Explorer displays the database
hierarchy. Click on an element in the tree view to
The database hierarchy

navigate to the element in the database and element
make it the current element
 When you navigate to an element by using the
command line, a graphical pick, or by any other
means, the appropriate part of the tree view is
expanded to display the current element.

1.4.5 MANAGE Tab

DB Listing command Claimlist command Modify lock Group modify hierarchy


DB Listing: the DB Listing window allows the user

Adds CE
to query and output aspects of the database for
example to report changes since a certain date.
File store

CE Added

DB Listing file

Claimlist: use to claim elements in a multiwrite

database. Claiming an element in a database stops
other users working on it. These user can’t write to CE claimed

Modify lock: Locks or unlocks any design element.

Locking an element prevents it from being modified
or deleted. No changes to the element are then
possible until it is subsequently unlocked.
 Lock CE: locks current element only
 Lock CE and below: locks current element and
its members. CE can’t modify
 Unlock CE: unlocks current element only
 Unlock CE and below: unlocks current element
and itsmember.
 Include: moves elements from the members list
of one owner to that of another.
 Reverse Order: reverses the entire members list
CE included
order of an element.
 Reorder: rearranges the members list order for
any owning element.

Arrange before


1.4.6 GENARAL Tab

Group create system database hierarchy

Group command Group command

Group create
create database create elements
Volume area

 Creates a Site. Before any element can be

created, a Site and a Zone must be created. SITE
These two elements are a way of grouping item ZONE
in specific areas to allow greater control of the
 A SITE is owned by the WORLD and the ZONE
Created a SITE
is owned by the SITE. The SITE, is the entire
area and holds a number of ZONE elements,
these can be all the zone within the site.
Created a ZONE

Standard Model Library Manager: Captures multi-

discription elements and stores them in a library for
re-use as Standard Model Library Item.

Standard Model

 Volume: creates a Volume (VOLM) which can

be used to represent items or to dedicate space
for future use.
 Sub Volume: creates a Sub-Volume (SVOLM)
which can be used to divide Volume Model into
Creates Volume Creates Sub-Volume


Create Area World: creates an area world

database element. An area world element is an
administrative element that can own a number of
area set elements.
Create Area Set: creates an area set database
element. An area set element is an administrative
element that can own a number of area set or
area definition elements.
Create Area Definition: creates an area definition
database element. An area definition element is a
container element that can own primitives that
define area volumes.

Create Primitives: primitive item are the design

date elements (ex: box, cylinder,..) that allow the
user to build up a graphical representation of the
equipment item.

Creates a cylinder


Group command create Grids Group command create Construction Aids


Create Rectangular Reference Grid: which contains two

Confirm message
horizontal faces (on the X and Y axis) and an option
additional vertical face (on the Z axis).
Input name grid
 The user prompted to Specify grid origin or input
values in the dimension fields and press <Enter>
Input value set origin of
 The user are prompted to Specify Step along X axis
or input a dimension value in the field and press
 The user prompted is repeated (allowing the user to Input value set

create multiple planes along the X axis) or input <Y> dimension X axis

at the prompt and press<Enter> to create the Y axis

of grid. Create multiple X axis

 The user are prompted to Specify Step along Y axis or change to Y axis

or input a dimension value in the field and press

<Enter> Input value set
 The user prompted is repeated (allowing the user to dimension Y axis
create multiple planes along the Y axis) or input <Z>
at the prompt and press<Enter> to create the Z axis
of grid.
 The user prompted to Specify Step along Z axis or
Create multiple Y axis
input a dimension value in the field. The prompt is
or change to Z axis
repeated or press <F> + <Enter> or <Esc> to the end
the command.
Shortcut key Input value or input

<F>/<Esc> to finish
Key Meaning Description
N Name To define the grid name
A Absolute To define a grid plane with a Grid hierarchy

distance value measured from

the grid origin
Grid created
B Back To undo the last action
R Relative To define a grid plane with a
distance value measured from Select object
the previously created grid

Y Y To create the Y axis of the grid

Z Z To create the Z axis of the grid
Input <IN>
F Finish To end the command
To modify grid: To input <IN> at command line and
Modify information
prompted to select element.
 Changed the information in property board. Plane modified


Point: creates a construction aid point which can be

positioned using a cursor pick on the 3D view. The user
Input values
are prompted to pick the Origin point. Input values in the
dimension field and press <Enter> or click to identify the
construction point position.
 Line: creates a construction aid line between two
specified points.
 The user are prompted to pick the First point or
<finish>. Input value in the dimension fields and Input values

press <Enter> or click to identify the first point

 The user are prompted to pick the Second
point or <finish>. Input value in the dimension
fields and press <Enter> or click to identify the
second point position.
 Bisect between Two Lines: creates a construction
aid line bisecting two specified construction aid lines.
The start of the line is positioned at the intersection
of the two picked lines.
 The user are prompted to Pick first line. The
user click to identify the first construction aid line
using a cursor pick in the 3D view.
 The user are prompted to Pick Second line.
Click to identify the Second construction aid line
using a cursor pick in the 3D view.
 The user Pick end point or <Finish>
 Tangent to Two Circle: creates a construction aid
line tangent to two specified construction aid
circles. A tangent line can be created in four
position, dependent on the area of each circle that
is selected during the creation process.
 Arc Centre + Sweep: created an arc specified
centre point, radius and sweep angle.
 The user are prompted to pick Centre point. Input
values in the dimension fields and press <Enter>
or click to identify the centre point position.
 Then prompted to Radius. Input a dimensional
value in the field and press <Enter> or click to
identify the radius point position.


 Then prompted to Start Angle or <#deg>. Input an

angular value in the field and press <Enter> or
click to identify the start point position.
 Then prompted to Sweep Angle or <#deg>. Input
an angular value in the field and press <Enter> or
circle to identify the end point.
 Arc three Point: creates an arc with three specified
radius points.
 The user are prompted to pick the 1st
circumference point. Input values in the
dimension field and press <Enter> or click to
identify the first point position.
 Then prompted to pick the 2nd circumference
point. Input values in the dimension filed and press
<Enter> or click to identify the second point
 Then are prompted to pick the 3rd circumference
point. Input values in the dimension filed and press
<Enter> or click to identify the third point position.
 Circle Centre Point: creates a circle with a specified
centre point and radius/diameter point.
 The user are prompted to pick the Centre point.
Input values in the dimension field and press
<Enter> or click to identify the centre point position.
 Then prompted to pick the Radius or. Input a
dimensional value in the field and press <Enter> or
Circle centre point
click to identify the radius point position.
 Circle Three Points: creates a circle with three
specified circumference points.
 The user are prompted to pick the 1st
circumference point. Input values in the Circle three points
dimension fields and press <Enter> or click to
identify the first point position.
 The user are prompted to pick the 2nd
circumference point. Input values in the
dimension fields and press <Enter> or click to
identify the second point position. Circle two points

 The user are prompted to pick the 3rd

circumference point. Input values in the
dimension fields and press <Enter> or click to
identify the third point position.


 Circle Two Points: creates a circle with two

specified points.
 The user are prompted to pick the Start diameter
point. Input values in the dimension field and press
<Enter> or click to identify the start point position.
 Then prompted to pick the End diameter point.
Input a dimensional value in the field and press
<Enter> or click to identify the end point position.
Fillet: creates a fillet from two specified construction aid
 The user are prompted to Pick first line. Click to
identify the first construction aid line using a cursor
pick in 3D view.
 Then prompted to Pick second line. Click to
identify the second construction aid line using a
cursor pick in 3D view
 Then prompted to enter the required Radius. Input
a dimensional value in the field and press <Enter>
to define the radius of the construction aid fillet
Text: creates text.
 The user are prompted to pick the position. Input
values in the dimension fields and press <Enter>
or click to identify the text start position.
 Then prompted to select the Text height. Input a
dimensional value in the field and press <Enter> or
click to identify the text height.
 Then prompted to select the Text orientation or
<#deg>. Input an angular value in the field and
press <Enter> or click to identify the text angle.
 Then prompted to enter the Text or. Input the
construction aid text to displays in the 3D view in
the field and press <Enter>


The positioning Control:

Some commands will be required a different method to specify positions called the Positioning Control, also
referred as to Event Driven Graphics (EDG)

Pick Type Pick Method Additional option

Pick Type Pick Method Additional option

Element: picking is Snap: selects the snap point Work Plane: this button
restricted to elements origin nearest to the cursor pick activates the working
point. Plane if one has been
Ppoint: picking is restricted Mid-Point: derives the mid- Explicit Position: the
to Ppoints or panel vertices. point between two snap button displays the
points along a linear item Explicit Position from
allowing explicit co-
ordinates to be entered.
Pline: picking is restriced to Intersect: derives the
structural Plines. intersection of two picked
lines from any directional
Graphics: enables adge, Cursor: places the derived
surface and corner picks on point exactly where the
any graphical element. cursor picks on the element.
Aid: picking is restricted to Distance: applies the offset
3D Aid constructs, including value entered in the textbox.
User Grid Systems.
Screen: enables a pick anywhere in

3D View which identifies two co-

ordinates, the third co-ordinate being

taken from the current Working Plane

or normal to the view direction if there

is no active Work Plane.

Laser: picking is retricted to Laser

data points.

Any: uses any appropriate

pick type.


Common shortcut key:

Function key Description

F1 or Online help

F2 or Clear Canvas

F3 or Object Snap On/Off

F4 Object Snap Projection On/Off
Toggle Walk Mode On/Off
F5 or
Toggle Fly Mode On/Off
F6 or

F7 or Grid On/Off

F8 or Orthogonal drawing On/Off

F9 or Grid Snap On/Off

F10 or Polar Tracking On/Off

F11 Toggle Shaded/Wireline mode

F12 or Dynamic hints On/Off

Delete Deletes selected elements in 3D View
Esc Exits the current CIE option/ Cancels position input/ Remove selection/ Exits edit
Enter Confirm position, Selects default option, Executes command.
Ctrl + A Select all elements in View
Ctrl + C Copies via Mid Position of all selected elements
Ctrl + F Displays the Search window.
Ctrl + V Pastes the contents of the clipboard
Ctrl + X Cut the selection
Ctrl + Y Performs a Redo
Ctrl + Z Perform an Undo
Alt + ← or ↑ or → or ↓ Pans 3D view toward Left/Up/Right/down
Alt + 1 or 3 Zoom Out of 3D View
Alt + 7 or 9 Zoom in of 3D View
Alt + 2/8/4/6 Pans 3D View Down/Up/Left/Right
Left Mouse Click Select any elements
Right Mouse Click Invokes the PowerWheel in CIE Mode
Middle Mouse Click Centre View to selected point
Mouse Wheel Scroll Zoom In/Out


2. Equipment
2.1 Equipment interface
Access equipment module from Quick Access Toolbar:

Equipment Toolbar:

2.2 Work with Equipment

2.2.1 Navigator PowerWheel
Right-click in 3D view to display the General PowerWheel  click Equipment symbol to display Equipment


2.2.2 Create group Create equipment

 Enter name of EQUI in the Naming field

 Enter Position of equipment  the Position pane sets the
coordinates of the equipment element’s origin in world co-ordinates by
default or changing to other design elements
 Input attributes of the equipment element in the Attributes
(Description only necessary) pane

Equipment Origin

The equipment element can be positioned on one of three ways

 Using the functionality available from the Position pane of the Equipment Creation window
 Using the cursor and picking a position in the graphical view
 Using the functional available from Positioning Control window, refer to the image below for further

Working Plane,
Explicit Position

Element, Ppoint, Pline,

Snap, Midpoint, Intersect,
Graphics, Aid, Screen,
Cursor, Distance
Laser Data, Any

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Create Sub-Equipment

 Enter name of EQUI in the Naming field
 The Position pane sets the coordinates of the SUBE element’s
origin and SUBE origin is defined with respected to the equipment origin
 The WRT textbox displays the owning equipment element by default,
the user can input an alternative value in the field Primitives

 Create Equipment and Sub-Equipment (if necessary) first  Create Primitive
 Use and pay attention to Coordinate System as World or Current Element for whole of primitive
creating process.
 Use and pay attention to the Working Plane as creating primitive profile.
 The lock symbol will be displayed next to each blank after finishing inserting for each one.
 Box Primitive

Click Create Box Primitive  enter values

in each axis for the first coordinate  enter values
in each axis for the opposite coordinate   Enter
The Box Primitive created shows as below:



 Cylinder Primitive

Click Create Cylinder Primitive 

enter values in each axis for the base centre  enter value for the diameter
 input value for the height  Enter


 Cone Primitive

Click Create Cone Primitive  enter values

in each axis for the base centre  enter value for the diameter 
Enter value for the height  enter value for the
diameter  Enter


 Snout Primitive

Click Create Snout Primitive enter values

in each axis for the base centre enter value for the diameter of Top Plane
enter value for the height  enter value for the
diameter of Bottom Plane enter values for identifying
the offset  Enter


 Pyramid Primitive

Click Create Pyramid Primitive 

enter values for the base centre  enter value for the X length of Top Plane 
enter value for the Y length of Top Plane 
enter value for the height  enter value for the X length of Bottom Plane 
enter value for the Y length of Bottom Plane 
enter the value for identifying the offset  Enter




 Dish Primitive

Click Create Dish Primitive  enter

values for the base centre  enter value for the diameter 
enter value for height  Enter

Bottom Plane

 Circular Torus Primitive

Click Create Circular Torus Primitive enter the values

in each axis for the origin  enter values in each axis
for the start point  enter value for the sweep angle 
enter value for the tube radius


 Rectangular Torus Primitive

Click Rectangular Torus Primitive  enter values in each

axis for the origin  enter values in each axis for the
start point  enter value for the sweep angle 
enter value for the half width  enter value for the height  Enter

 Slopped Cylinder Primitive


Click Create Slopped Cylinder Primitive 

enter values in each axis for the base centre  enter value for the diameter
 enter value for the height  Move mouse to a curved
arrow and click  identify Angle for up or down Plane or both Planes  Enter

 Extrusion Primitive
Click Create Extrusion Primitive  insert
for first corner  insert for the second
corner  insert for the next corner
 insert for the next corner 
continue for next corner for finishing profile of extrusion  insert for the height  Enter

 Revolution Primitive
Click Create Revolution Primitive  insert for origin 
insert for first loop vertex 
insert for second vertex 
insert for next loop vertex 
insert for next loop vertex  continue inserting for the
next loop vertex  insert for revolution angle  Enter

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Negative Primitives

All primitives have an equivalent negative primitives (with the exception of a nozzle primitive) whose attributes are
the same but have different names in the design hierarchy.

Use the principle and creating process of Primitive for Negative Primitive element

Sample of equipment:

The simple storage vessel shown below can be constructed from a cylinder for main body, two dishes for the ends,
two boxes for the support legs and a nozzle for the piping connection. Nozzle
Nozzle is an interface point between the equipment and the connecting pipe. Nozzle is positioned, oriented and given
a height dimension like other primitives; but must be selected form catalogue via a Specification
Use Create Nozzle window to define the nozzle specification



Input the nozzle name

in the Name field

Generic Type

Select a nozzle type

from the drop-down

list of available Specification

generic types
Select a nozzle specification
from drop-down list of

Input nozzle height in available specifications

the Height field Bore

The Bore specifies the nominal

Input value of temperature, bore of the nozzle. Select a
duty, pressure and purpose bore from drop-down list of
of nozzle (if necessary) Description available bore size
Input Description of nozzle,
Click Create for determining exactly the

connection to piping system


Set Nozzle’s Origin

Set Nozzle’s Position,


Finish creating Nozzle

Click another Nozzle

for modifying Equipment Standard

Use the Standard Equipment functionality to build up a parameterised equipment item (templates) based on a
specification of standard equipment types.


 Refer to Design Templates for further information about how to create and register template in catalogue module
Standard equipment may be selected from a Specification or from a Selection Table as configured in the Equipment
Selection Table Type

Selection Table Drop-down list to define the

Drop-down list to define define the sub-category of

the overall category of the equipment

the equipment to choose

a design item from a
A component can be
table of available
selected by clicking on a
row in the table.


Display the Modify

Properties window, if
required, define
Click Apply
Explicitly parameterised data relevant
position the to the selected equipment.

Specification Current Selection

Drop-down list to define the Displays the current level of

overall category of the selection detail

equipment to navigate
through the hierarchy until a This list whose title changes to
unique design item is reflect its content, shows the
specified. options available from the
current level. Choose the

Explicitly Click Properties to

position the display the Modify

Pump Properties

Click Apply
Click Plotfile to display
the Plotfile window

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Electrical Component

An electrical component in equipment, is a connection point between equipment and cables and can represent
anything from an individual cable gland to a piece of electrical equipment, such as generator.
 Create Equipment/ Sub-equipment (if necessary) in advance of creating electrical component
 Use the Create Electrical Component window to select an electrical component from the list of available
catalogue items.
 If the project has been configured with User Defined Element Types based on electrical component element
type, they display in the User Defined Type drop-down list.
Name Table

Name for Electrical Drop-down list to

Component (if define the overall
category of electrical
User Defined Type

Change the content Type

of the Selection Drop-down list to

define the sub-
category of electrical

A component can be
selected by clicking on a
row in the table.

Click Create to display

the Component Position

Click Next to finish creating Electrical Component


2.2.3 Modify group

 Nozzle

 Standard equipment Same as each one’s creating process

 Electrical component

 Equipment/ Sub-equipment origin

Equipment/ Sub-equipment ID Point: ID Point:

 Use Cursor pick in the Graphical view, the
Following prompt is displayed.
 Click the point used  click No to identify new
origin or Yes to return to initial origin
Equipment/ Sub-equipment Explicit: Explicit
 Insert the values needed into Modify Origin By/
Modify SUBE Origin window.
 Click Apply to modify or Cancel to discard any
inputs  click No to identify new origin or Yes to
return to initial origin.

2.2.4 Delete group

Function Description Image

 Press Ctrl + left click one or more

elements and click Delete Selection/
press Delete button on keyboard 
click Yes in Confirm message box
 Left click + Drag elements that need to
be deleted and click Delete Selection/
press Delete button on keyboard 
click Yes in Confirm message box
 Choose acting element and click
Current Element deleting symbol
click Yes in Confirm message box


 Choose acting element and right click

click Delete  click Yes in Confirm
message box

Click the Current Element and choose CE

Members for deleting elements inside 
click OK

2.2.5 Equipment Default

Each representation style corresponds to a given combination of these representation settings. References types
can then reference such a type to change the appearance of the displayed component.

2.2.6 Importing Equipment

In the Import group of TOOLS Tab, click the MEI button; this displays the MEI Import form as below with Import
Tab and Modify Tab
Open Import Tab Import

Select the current


Browse for the .stp

file of imported
equipment and the
typical location is

Click Import to
create the


In the Display Group of Home Tab, click Attributes button to open Attributes form

Modify Name, Description, Orientation

WRT Owner,… and another attributes

of imported quipment as provied

Open Modify Tab

Modify Tab

Click this link

label and
select 2
points of
Position the
nozzle correctly.
Click to build the nozzle.

Click this link label to open

MEI Create Nozzle


2.2.7 Equipment Report

In the Report group of the Equipment Tab, click the Equipment button to open Equipment Report and go to
Column tab.

Column tab

Contain all
attributes of
element Add selected
report type attributes to the
Chosen Attributes
and reverse

Tick the Pseudo

Attributes textbox
Go to the Output section of Equipment Report

Output tab

Contain all
selected in
Column tab

Open directly the excel file Browse for the exported

saved from Export to Excel equipment file, the typical location

is shown, select the destination
folder and name the excel file 47

2.2.8 Tools
Design Points : Design Point Model Explorer

Design Point
Cartesiar Design Point

A Cartesian Design Point (DPCA), which is owned by a
Select Nominal bore,
Design Pointset (DPSE), is specified in terms of its
Connection, End
coordinates only
connection Specification
 Number: Input a design point number into the
Number field, select Next Available to display the
next design point by default.
 Description: Enter a description into the optional
Desciption field.
 Function: Enter a function into the optional
Function field.
 Purpose: Enter a purpose into the optional
Purpose field.
 Connection: Displays the Point Connection
 Direction of Design Point(Z): Enter a design point
connection direction, ex: input U to direct the design
point to face the U axes.
 Normal Direction (Y): Enter a design point
alignment direction, the Y direction is the rotation
around the Z direction.
 Lock: Select the check boxes to lock the explicit
position of the design point.
Use the Modify Cartesian Design Point window to
modify the currently selected Cartesian Design Point.
Enter the explicit
The functionality of the Modify - Cartesian Design
position values in the
Point is identical to that already described in Create
Position fileds.
Cartesian Design Point.

Cylindrical Design Point


A Cylindrical Design Point (DPCY), is owned by a
Design Pointset (DPSE) and is specified as a position
on the surface of a cylinder at a given position and with
given dimensions.
 Function and operation is same as Cartesian
Design Point, Cylinder data is the difference only
to make the Design Point on the boundary of
Cylinder according to values of Radius, Height,
Use the Modify Cylindrical Design Point window to
modify the currently selected Cylindrical Design Point. Enter a value to define the
The functionality of the Modify - Cylindrical Design Radius, Height and Angle of
Point is identical to that already described in Create the cylinder to position the
Cylindrical Design Point. design point.

Spherical Design Point

A Spherical Design Point (DPSP), is owned by a Design
Pointset (DPSE) and is specified as a position on the
surface of a sphere at a given position and with given
 Function and operation is same as Cartesian
Design Point, Sphere data is the difference only to
make the Design Point on the boundary of Sphere
according to values of Sphere Radius and
Direction Radius acts in
Use the Modify Spherical Design Point window to
modify the currently selected Spherical Design Point. Enter a value to define the Sphere

The functionality of the Modify - Spherical Design Radius and Direction Radius acts in

Point is identical to that already described in Create of the sphere to position the design

Spherical Design Point. point.

Delete Design Point

Delete Points: Delete Point
Delete DPCA, Set:


2.2.9 Association
Open the Project tab, select Options then click Explorer Settings from Configuration tab to open the form below

Uncheck the Hide non-user

System Data tick box  click
Apply then Cancel

Select the equipment in a process equipment unit in Model Editor (Ex: pump unit)  click the Equipment button in
the Association group of the Equipment tab to open the Equipment Association form.


Use the Association Type to define the geometric restraint:

Mate: Two faces are touching (coplanar) or separated by a given distance. Directions defined
by the tow face normal are parallel and in the opposite direction.

Align: Two faces are aligned (coplanar) or separated by a given distance. Directions defined
by the two face normal are parallel and in the same direction

Parallel: Two directions are parallel, pointing in the same direction or in opposed directions

Parallel Offset: Two lines are parallel and separated by a given distance.

True Distance: Two points are coincident or separated by a given distance.

Elevation: The elevation of two points is separated by a given distance.

Horizontal Distance: One point is vertically above the other point, or separated in the
horizontal plane by a given distance

Point above line: A point is vertically above or below a line within a given tolerance.


2.2.10 Equipment Penetration

Add equipment SAMPLE with two sub-equipment name SUBE_SAMPLE_SUPP_A and
SUBE_SAMPLE_SUPP_B to 3D view  In the Defaults group in GENERAL tab, set the Default to Obstruction
Volume and Soft  Create 2 extrusions name at the base of 2 sub-equipment SUBE_SAMPLE_SUPP_A and


Extrusion for creating penetration

With the SUBE as the CE, click the Penetration Profile

button in Tools tab  open Identify Penetration
window  select the extrusions  click
Select as Penetration Profile  click OK button.

Use the Create Penetration form by clicking

button in the Penetration group in EQUIPMENT
select the elements  click the Pick Penetrated
and Pick Penetrating Elements link label  click OK


In the Penetrate group of EQUIPMENT tab, click Holes button  open Hole Association Manager form  make
the structure the CE and click Apply filter linklabel  click the Manage Selected Holes


3. Structures
3.1 Open structures module

1. Click here

2. Click here

3.2 The interface of the structure model

Navigator PowerWheel


3.3 SECTIONS tab

Sections tab use to create, modify, connections and joint selection the GENSEC

3.3.1 Create group from the SECTIONS tab

GENSEC may be created as straight, curved, arc

or Ring configurations, with various creative
methods for each type, available from the Create
group of the SECTIONS tab.

Tab Structure to create the new


Tab Framework to create the

new FRMW of STRU

Tab Sub-Frame to create the

new SBFR of FRMW

3.3.2 Storage from the SECTIONS tab

Stores structural sections in a specific area of the hierarchy.

There are two options for storing GENSEC and PANEL, Manual
Storage and Grid Storage.
When Manual Storage is selected the user must navigate to the
required FRMW or SBFR before modeling commences


Choose manual or Grid strorage

Choose area storage of the STRU to save

Choose area storage of the FRMW or SBFR to


Choose button to lock or unlock storage

3.3.3 Display from the SECTIONS tab

Display section dimension tags for the currently selected section elements
in the 3D view. Repeat the command to remove the dimension tags from
the 3d view

3.3.4 Defaults from the SECTIONS tab

Select the Profile Specification, Generic

Type and Profile from the options lists


Structural Classification: Input a value or select the default structural

classification from the drop-down list to be used for the creation of
structural sections.
Default Material: Input a value or select the default material from the
drop-down list to be used for the creation of structural sections.

Default Justification: Input a value or select the default justification

from the drop-down list to be used for the creation of structural
Profile Specification: Input a value or select the default specification
from the drop-down list to be used for the creation of structural
Generic Type: Input a value or select the default type from the drop-
down list to be used for the creation of structural sections.

Profile: Input a value or select the default profile from the drop-down
list to be used for the creation of structural sections.

Copy Defaults GENSEC: When you choose one GENSEC and you
want to set profiles like this GENSEC you click this button

Modify Profile GENSEC: You choose GENSEC you want to modify

after that you choose generic type and profiles and then you click this


3.3.5 Penetrate from the SECTIONS tab Profile tab

Create Penetration with Profile
Step 1: Click the button Profile to show table below

Step 2: After click OK it will show the table below


Class and type: to choose the type of penetration

Minimum clearance: to set the minimum dimension with penetration and GENSEC. If you set 50mm so when you
click button Set to Minimum the dimension with penetration and GENSEC will be 50mm
Hole shape parameters: to set dimension of penetration
Positioning: to set position penetration with the GENSEC
Panel side: to choose front face or back face of the panel
Then click OK to finish to create penetration with profile Holes tab

Create Hole: to create holes on the panel or floor

Choose the panel or


Choose the type of


Click Apply

After click Apply it will show the table below


To choose the type of the hole

To modify dimension of the hole

To modify position the hole with the panel or floor

To rotation the hole

Modify Hole : to modify the type, parameter, position or rotation of the hole
Hole Manager and hole report : to filter find all the holes on project


3.3.6 Create GENSEC from the SECTIONS tab Straight GENSEC

The Straight button has the following option:

Single: Creates one straight GENSEC.
Continuous: Creates any number of GENSECs with the end
position of the first being the start position of the second, etc.
Repeat: Creates any number of GENSECs using Single the mode
by repeating the command.

How to create:

Step 1: Click one of three button

Step 2: Choose the xyz coordinates start point or choose pick point

Step 3: Choose the xyz coordinates end point or choose pick point.

End point button has the option and pressing the down cursor key displays the options below the prompt


Mirror: Press the down arrow key and select Mirror to reposition the section as a reflection of the original position.

Beta: Press the down arrow key and select Beta to rotate the section.
You are prompted to input Beta angle <#>
Input an angular value in the field and press Enter to set the angle of the section.

Parallel: Press the down arrow key and select Parallel to orientate the web of the section parallel to the X, Y plane
Perpendicular: Press the down arrow key and select Perpendicular to orientate the web of the section perpendicular
to the X, Y plane.
Back: Press the down arrow key and select Back to undo the last action. Curved GENSEC

The Curved button has the following options:

Free Definition: Creates a curved GENSEC with as many points as
required and variable curve angles

Fixed Angle: Creates a curved GENSEC with as many points as

required and the same fixed curve angle

End point button has the option and

pressing the down cursor key displays the
options below the prompt


Radius: Press the down arrow key and select Radius to modify the radii of the curved section. You are prompted to
Curve radius <#>
Input a dimensional value in the field and press Enter to set the radii of the curved section.
Angle: Press the down arrow key and select Angle to create a curved section with a specified angle. You are
prompted to Curve angle <#>
Input an angular value in the field and press Enter to set the angle of the curved section.
Mirror, Beta, Parallel, Perpendicular and Back: The same the straight GENSEC Arc GENSEC

The Arc button has the following options:

Center + Sweep: Requires a center point, diameter (or radius), start
angle and sweep angle
Ends + Radius: Requires a start point, endpoint, and a point to
define the arc direction
Three Point: Requires three points through which the arc passes
Semi-Circle: Requires a start and end point and a point to define
the arc direction Ring GENSEC

The Ring button has the following options:

Centre +: Requires a center point and a diameter (or radius)
Three Point: Requires three points through which the arc passes
Two Point: Requires two points through which the arc passes. The
second point defines the ring diameter

3.3.7 Modify GENSEC from the SECTIONS tab Extend button
Lengthens or shortens sections using a plane
created from a maximum of three identified points,
a panel intersection, a local coordinate system
intersection or an offset.


First: Choose button Extend and then choose the GENSEC or more GENSEC you want to extend.
Second: Press the down arrow key to choose more options.

Perpendicular: To extend a section end to align with the plane

without cutting the endpoint.

Normal to plane: To extend a section end to align with the plane to

cut the endpoint.

Third: After you choose Perpendicular or Normal to plane you click button Next and choose more options below.

Panel: To extend the GENSEC to a panel.

Lcs: To extend a section end to the origin of the local coordinate system.
Offset: To create a plane that is offset from the picked points. You are prompted to specify offset Input a dimensional
value in the field and press Enter to define the offset value.


The last: After you click button Next and you don't want to choose Panel, Lsc or Offset you can choose three-
point from XYZ coordinates point or choose pick point to make a plane to extend Mitre button

To extend straight section end to

another straight section end. The Start Cut and
End Cut properties of each section is modified to
indicate the cut angle of the mitre end.

First: Choose button Mitre

Second: Click two GENSEC you want to mitre

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Fillet button

Fillet to merges two non-parallel to be a curved
fillet. You are prompted to pick first GESNSEC to
fillet and click to identify the second GESNSEC
apply a fillet.
You are then prompted to Fillet radius (R = #) or
<Finish>. The default is 1000mm.
Input F key and press Enter to end the command.

First: Choose button Fillet

Second: Click two GENSEC you want to fillet after you choose two GENSEC you must to input radius Split button

Splits a GENSEC to be two or multiple


First: Choose button Split

Second: Click the GENSEC or more GENSEC you want to split and then you press the down arrow key and select
Next after that you have two options to split.

Option 1: Choose one GENSEC, PANEL or a lot of GENSEC, PANEL to split and then press the down
arrow key and select Next to finish or press key Enter to finish.
Option 2: You don’t want to choose GENSEC you press the down arrow key and select Plane and then
you choose three-point to make the plane to split.


Note: with option 1 you can choose a lot of GENSEC or PANEL to split but you cannot choose GENSEC and PANEL
together => E3D will be error and have a tab to a notification to exit. Option 2 you just choose only three-point to
make plane to split. Splice button

Splice divides GENSEC into smaller lengths using a


The way use this button Splice is the same button

split but something is different like below.
With option 1 you just choose only one PANEL to
splice and you can not choose GENSEC to splice. Merge button

Merges two GENSEC to be one GENSEC

First: Choose button Merge

Second: Click the first GENSEC after that choose second GENSEC to merge

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Merge Gaps

Creates a standard bracing
configuration. A bracing gap can be created to
define the gap between the bracing connection
and a reference element.

First: Choose button Gaps

Second: Press the down arrow key and select Next or press key N on your keyboard and Enter.

Third: Selection bracing element and then you click gaps to modify distance and press Enter to finish.


3.3.8 Connections group from the SECTIONS tab

Sets the default connection status when a new section is created.

If the selection is highlighted, the automatic section end connection is on.

Connects two or more GENSEC together

Disconnects two or more GENSEC

3.3.9 Joint Selection group from the SECTIONS tab


3.4 PLATES tab

3.4.1 Create group of the PLATES tab.
The function of these buttons like the function of the

3.4.2 PANEL Defaults

Use to sets the default specification for the

creation of panels. The default specification
field values can also be applied to existing

Panel classification: Input a value or select the default

panel classification from the drop-down list to be used for
the creation of panels.
Default Material: Input a value or select the default
material from the drop-down list to be used for the creation
of panels.

Default Justification: To choose Top (TOP), Centre

(CENT) or Bottom (BOTT) of the panel

Specification: Choose standard of panel

Panel Thickness: Input a value or select the default

thickness from the drop-down list to be used for the creation
of panels.

Drawing Edge Defaults: Allows you to define the default

drawing edge defaults for panel elements.


3.4.3 Create group from the PANEL tab Create Rectangle Panel

Creates a rectangle panel with two defined points.

First: Choose button Rectangle

Second: Input values in the dimension fields and press Enter or click to identify the first point position.
Press the down cursor key displays the options below

Fillet: Input a dimensional value in the field and press Enter to set the fillet of the panel.
Justification: Set up justification for panel. Press the down cursor key choose select justification
Top: To create a panel with top justification.
Bottom: To create a panel with bottom justification.
Centre: To create a panel with center justification.
Back: To undo the last action.
Third: Input values in the dimension fields and press Enter or click to identify the second corner position Create Multiple Point Panel

Creates a multiple point panel.


First: Choose button Multiple Point

Second: Input values in the dimension fields and press Enter or click to identify the first point position.Press the
down cursor key displays the options below

Fillet: Input a dimensional value in the field and

press Enter to set the fillet of the panel.
Justification: Set up justification for panel. Press the down cursor key choose select justification
Top: To create a panel with top justification.
Bottom: To create a panel with bottom justification.
Centre: To create a panel with center justification.
Arc: Select Arc to create a 3 points, Radius or Centre curved panel edge.
Thickness: Select Thickness to define the thickness of the panel.
Radius: Select Radius to create a panel edge with a specified radius.
Straight: Select Straight to create a straight panel edge.
3 points: Select 3 points to create a curved panel edge with 3 points.
Finish: Select Finish to end the command.
Back: To undo the last action.
Third: Select Finish to end the command. Create Arc Panel with Centre Point and Sweep Angle
Creates an arc panel with a specified center point and sweep angle.

First: Choose button Centre + Sweep
Second: Press the down cursor key displays the options below


Three point: Select Three point to create an arc with three specified
Two point: Select Two point to create an arc with two specified points.
Third: Choose specify panel width and finish


First: Choose button Centre + Sweep

Second: Input values in the dimension fields and press Enter or click to identify the center point position.
Press the down cursor key displays the options below

Radius: Select Radius to create an arc panel with a fixed inner or outer radius.
Diameter: Select Diameter to create an arc panel with a fixed inner or outer diameter.
Outer: Select Outer to create an arc panel with a defined outer diameter or radius.
Inner: Select Inner to create an arc panel with a defined inner diameter or radius.
Back: Select Back to undo the last action.
Third: Input start angle or <0deg> 250 and then input sweep angle or <0deg>120 and finish Create Arc Panel with Three Points

Creates an arc panel with three specified points.


First: Choose button Three Point

Second: Press the down cursor key displays the options below to choose the option to below


Centre: To create a panel with center justification.

Two point: Select Two point to create an arc with two specified points.
Next step: To the same to creat Centre + Sweep


First: Choose button Centre + Sweep

Second: Choose the first point, the second point and then the last point.
Third: Choose specify panel width and finish Create Arc Panel with Two Points

Creates an arc panel with two specified points.

Create is the same is Three Point but in the step second of OPTION 2: Just choose two point Create Ring Panel with Specified Centre Point, Three Point and Two Point.

Creates a ring panel with a specified centre point


Steps to create functions of the Ring panel are the same as the function to create Arc panel Centre Point and Sweep
Angle, Three Points Two Points. But is different to complete product like to picture below : Create Disc Panel with Specified Centre Point, Three Point and Two Point.

Creates a disc panel with a specified center point.

Steps to create functions of the Disc panel are the same as the function to create Arc panel Centre Point and Sweep
Angle, Three Points Two Points. But is different to complete product like to picture below :

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Create Negative Panel with Rectangle and Multiple point.

Creates a hole rectangle on the panel with two defined points.

First: Choose button Rectangle or Multiple point

Second: Input values in the dimension fields and press Enter or click to identify the first point position.
Press the down cursor key displays the options below

NOTE: With button Rectangle you just choose two

point to make a hole on the panel and with button
Multiple points you can choose multiple points to
make a hole on the panel.

Depth: Select Depth to define the depth of the negative extrusion.

Surface: Select Surface to define the surface position of the negative extrusion.
Fillet: Select Fillet to create a negative extrusion with a specified fillet.
Top: Select Top to create a negative extrusion aligned to the top of the
Bottom: Select Bottom to create a negative extrusion aligned to the bottom of the associated panel.
Back: To undo the last action.
Third: Input values in the dimension fields and press Enter or click to identify the second point position and finish.

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Create Disc Centre+, Disc Three Point and Disc Two Point

Creates a hole Disc Centre+, Disc Three Point and Disc Two Point on the panel.

Steps to create functions of the Disc Centre+, Disc Three Point and Disc Two Point are the same as the function to
create Rectangle But is some diffirent like below:

With Rectangle: Select two point

With Disc Centre+: Select center point and input radius to make hole finish
Disc Three Point: Select three point to make hole and finish
Disc Two Point: Select two point and to make hole and finish

3.4.4 Modify group from the PANEL tab Modify Split Panel

Splits a panel to be two or multiple panels

First: Choose button Split and then choose a panel

Second: Press the down cursor key and click Next. Select the element to split or press the down cursor key and
click Plane. Input the xyz coordinates to first point or choose pick point and then input the xyz coordinates to the
second point or choose to pick to make the plane to split.
Third: Press the down cursor key and click Finish or you can choose third point to finish. Modify Merge Panel

Merges two panels to be a panel


Choose button Merge, choose first panel and then choose two panels or multiple. Press the down cursor key and
click Finish

NOTE: Default justification all panels must be the same and lying on a plane
The properties of the merged panels are like from the first picked panel.
Panels to merge must be touch together and not have distance. Modify Offsset Panel

First: Choose button Offset and then choose a panel

Second: Press the down cursor key and click All to offset all pave of panel and input value in the field

Press the down cursor key and click Select vertices and then draw a polyline to choose paves of the panel
you want to offset after that press the down curso200r key and click close and input value in the field Modify Panel Origin

When creating a panel the Origin is placed at the first vertex by default
and you modify split, merge or offset … the origin of the panel not exactly
like the first time. This button to modify the origin again.

Choose button Panel Origin and then choose a panel to modify.


NOTE: If you want to the origin of the panel near position you click mouse nearly that pave and then the
origin will be at that pave.

Example: Picture 1 not yet modify origin. Picture 2 modified if you click mouse near position 1, 2, 4 and 4 the origin
will be there Modify Apply Defaults

Apply all seting with the panel. It use to modify specification, default
jusfitication or thickness … of the panel.



3.5.1 Create table Defaults Settings

Sets the default specification for the creation of walls and floors.
Before walls and floors can be designed as part of the overall 3D model,
various options must be defined which determine.

Floor Representation Modifies the level and obstruction which affect the way elements are displayed in the
3D view
Floor Tolerances Modifies the tolerances (clearances) of floor elements to suit project/model
Floor Specification Sets the floor/screed elements available for selection from the structural catalog as
determined by the default specification. The default specification defines properties
such as material and cross-sectional profiles.
Wall Tolerances When a joint which has one or more attached sections is repositioned, the effect on
those sections depends upon whether or not the joint has been defined as dominant
or subordinate, as defined by the setting of the joint’s Joint Freedom (JFRE) attribute.
Wall Cut Plane Specifies the start or end of the wall’s cut plane with the use of selection functionality
Wall Specification Sets the wall elements available for selection from the structural catalogue as
determined by the default specification. The default specification defines properties
such as material and cross-sectional profiles

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Create Straight Wall

First: Choose button Straight wall to show the table below. The Positioning Control window also displays, the
positioning functionality available for selection is common throughout all design disciplines.

Second: You have to three options available you choose one of three option to creat straight wall
Single - Start and end points are individually defined for each section
Continuous - Start point of subsequent walls is the end point of previous
Radial - Start point for subsequent walls is the same as the first

NOTE: The default height of wall create is 3000mm and to change the height to change desparam

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Create Curved Wall

First: Choose button Curved wall to show the table below. The Positioning Control window also displays, the
positioning functionality available for selection is common throughout all design disciplines.

Second: Choose the option in Circle Definition table to make new the Curved Wall

Through 3 points Click to create a curved wall which passes through three defined points. You
are prompted to define three points in the 3D view.
Derived from a Click to create an offset ring wall on a structure that already exists. You are
picked item prompted to pick an item in the 3D view.
Fillet Click to create a curved wall with a specified radius between two picked tangent
Tangential to 3 lines Click to creates a curved wall which forms the tangents to three straight lines.

Fixed radius, Click to create a curved wall with a specified radius which touches another ring
tangential to a circle wall at one point.
Fixed radius, passing Click to create a curved wall with a specified radius which passes through two
through 2 points picked points and curves towards a picked direction


Tangential to a circle Click to create a curved wall which intersects a ring wall that already exists

Tangential to 2 Click to create a curved wall which touches two other ring walls tangentially.
Derived diameter Click to create a curved wall from three defined points

Derived diameter on Click to create a curved wall on the working plane. The wall is created
working plane irrespective of the distance above the working plane and the wall parameters
are defined
Fixed diameter Click to create a curved wall with a fixed diameter around a single point.

Fixed diameter on Click to create a curved wall with a fixed diameter around a single point. The
working plane wall is created on the working plane irrespective of the distance the single point
is above the working plane.
Derived radius Click to create a curved wall to a predetermined radius.

Derived radius on the Click to create a curved wall to a predetermined radius. The wall is created on
working plane the working plane irrespective of the distance the predetermined radius points
are above the working plane.
Fixed radius Click to create a ring wall with a fixed radius.

Fixed radius on the Click to create a curved wall with a fixed radius. The wall is created on the
working plane working plane irrespective of the distance the fixed radius points are above the
working plane.
Flip Sense To flip the ring wall 90 degrees

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Create User Defined Wall

First: Choose button User Defined to show the table below

You must set height, justification, and representation before go to step


Second: Choose the option in Create Methods table to make new the User Defined Wall

Derived points Allows you to pick a point graphically with the Positioning Control
from graphic window.
Derive points Allows you to construct a point from the intersection of two Plines with a
from centres & floor that already exists.
Trace boundary of Allows you to create vertices which follow the shape of a floor that already
another exists.
Explicitly defined Allows you to specify a position by entering explicit co-ordinates.
Point offset from Allows you to specify a distance and direction which define a point relative
previous to the position of the vertex that precedes it.
Define arc fillet Allows you to construct a fillet arc with a specified radius between two
picked tangent lines.


Derived arc Allows you to construct a fillet arc that passes through three picked points.
passing through
three points
Fixed radius arc, Allows you to construct a fillet arc with a specified radius, that passes
passing through 2 through two picked points, which curves towards a picked direction.
points Create Compound Wall

Choose button Compound Wall to show the table below and then input name. Compound Wall used to the
same to sub-frame in the design hierarchy. Create Floor

First: Choose button Floor to show the table below


Second: Input thickness, justification, and representation

To make Creat Methods is the same in User Defined Wall Create Screed

The functionality available from the Create Screed window is identical to the
functionality available from the Create Floor Create Negative Extrusion

Creates a Negative Extrusion (NXTR) by positioning PAVE elements to form

a Loop (LOOP) and then create a hole in the floor.

First: Choose the Floor and click the button Negative Extrusion to show the table below


Second: Click Surface. Then pick the upper face of the floor/screed.
Input a hole depth
And then Create Methods is the same in create Floor Create Compound Floor and Compound Screed

Choose button Compound Floor or Compound Screed to show the table create
name and then input new name. It used to the same to sub-frame in the design
hierarchy. Create Fittings

To create new wall fitting, compound wall fitting and wall sub-fitting
on the wall.


Click one of three button above to show the table below

Choose option you want to create

Select specification

Select type of specification

Position of fitting

And then click apply to creat fitting

Step to create new floor fitting, compound floor fitting and floor sub-fitting on the floor is the same to create fitting on
the wall above


3.5.2 Modify table Modify Wall

Modifies the position, length and direction of a straight


Modifies the wall specification using available

elements from the structural catalogue
Modifies the vertex position of the wall origin.

Modifies the wall pline justification

Flips the wall element 180 degrees. Modify Floor

To modify Vertex Editor allows you to move, add and

delete vertices, edges and arcs of floor, screed
Modify Justification bottom, center or top of the floor,
Modifies the thickness attribute of a floor/screed
To modify Vertex Editor allows you to move, add and
delete vertices, edges and arcs of Floor/Screed
Negative Extrusion
Modifies the vertex position of the floor/screed origin.

Modifies the floor/screed specification using available

elements from the structural catalogue Modify Fitting

Wall Fitting: Modifies the catalogue specification associated with each wall fitting.
Floor Fitting: Modifies the catalogue specification associated with each floor or
screed fitting.

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Some Tools Modify

Splits a straight wall into shorter lengths where it intersects with
another element.
Divides a wall into smaller lengths using a splice.
You must specify the plane to create the splice.
Merges individual colinear walls to form a single wall.

Mitres a straight wall end to another straight wall end.

You must pick two walls to be mitred, once both walls are picked, the
walls are mitred automa
Sets a plane, position and orientation to extend either end of the wall
to. The wall only extends along its Z axis, that is its extrusion direction,
as the plane is infinite in its planar dimensions.
Lengthens or shortens a wall by moving the start or end position by a
specified amount.
Trims the length of an attached wall to intersect with an owning wall if
a wall position has been modified.
Trims the length of all attached wall ends to intersect with a selected
owning wall if a wall position has been modified.
Splits a floor or a screed into multiple floors.

Applies a single slope to a screed element with the addition of a

negative volume to the screed definition.
Only one slope can be applied to any screed element, to apply multiple
slopes to an area, you must first split the overall screed into separate



3.6.1 Create table Stair Flight

Choose button Stair Flight to show the table Create Stair Flight below

Step 1:
Choose the layout you have to 4 step from general attributes to
extension and landings and if you choose the detail you have more
step specifications. And if you finish the color of the text is blue and
have a sticker ð
Choose default of stair flight

Input name, description and width of stair flight

Click here go to Step 2


Step 2

Click here and then choose the top floor to make the top of the stair

Click choose Plane and click here after that choose the plan or floor to
make the bottom of the stair

Click here go to Step 3

Step 3

Click here and then choose type of the stair flight

Click here to choose the option of the handrail

Click here go to Step 4


Step 4

Chose some option you need to create the stair flight and click

Step 5

Click here to choose specifications of a plate of stair

Click here to create the Stair Flight


4. Piping
4.1 Getting to start
Launch AVEVA E3D then from the application options list select PIPING.

After selecting PIPING module, the PIPING tab will available as picture below:


4.2. Work with Piping Group

4.2.1 Create Group Creating Pipe
In the Create group click the Create Pipe
Input pipe name
button to display the Pipe Editor: Create Pipe

The Pipe Editor: Create Pipe form is now displayed. The upper
section of the form allows the Pipe Name to be entered and the
Primary System to be selected.
Input pipe spec The middle section of the form allows the selection of the
specification for the pipe.
The lower section of the form is the Basic Pipe Process Data
- Bore
- Insulation Spec
- Temperature Spec
- Pressure
Not all of these fields are mandatory.
Clicking the Apply button will create the pipe which in turn changes
the form to the Pipe Editor: Modify Pipe form (see 1.2.2).

Input necessary

information Creating Branch

The lower section of the Pipe Editor: Modify form contain the branch manipulating process.
Clicking Create a new branch button to create new branch belonging to the current pipe.

Branch Head/Tail Positioned.

There are two methods to set the position and connection for branch:
- Explicitly – by entering the data manually
- Connecting – by connecting to an existing pipe or equipment nozzle the values are set automatically


For Connecting method

Disconnect – disconnects the head/tail from the
current connection.

method Reconnect – reconnects the head/tail to a connection
that has changed position in the model.

Pick item to connect – connect the head/tail to picked

nozzle (if the nozzle has been connected before, the
process will be canceled).

Explicit method
Connect to last/first member – connect head/tail to
first/last member.

For Explicit method

User needs to input Bore, Connection, Direction, Position of
head/tail manually.

Pick 3D point – pick a point in 3D View to define

position of head/tail.

Positioning along center line – change explicit point by

moving head/tail along PH/PT.

Create Head/Tail Components – create gasket and flange automatically when connect head/tail to flanged items.


List of connections – show head/tail information of

connected item.
Disconnect connected item – disconnect the
selected item.

Connect to selected item – connect head/tail to

selected item when the item is unconnected.

Pipe Sketching.
Use the pipe sketching functionality to access design aids and tools to create a branch, insert components, copy and
mirror piping components.
Aid Points
Use the aid point functionality to create or add aid points to
a branch.
Create Point – add aid points in 3D view.

Add Point – add an additional aid point in 3D view.

Delete – delete the last aid point from 3D view.

Delete All Aid Points – delete all the aid points.

Position aid points

Select an aid point from the Points drop down list, to view
the frame, offset and world position of an aid point. Use
the orthogonal functionality to view the line between the
aid points in the 3D view as orthogonal. Use the offset
functionality to offset an aid point in the 3D graphical view.


Create Use aid points to create a new branch in 3D view. The new branch attributes are based
Branch on the currently selected branch in the hierarchy. Depending upon configuration of the
aid points, a CHOOSE window is displayed listing a selection of piping components.
If an intersection between the aid points and the currently selected branch exists, the
new branch is added to the current branch.
If required the new branch can be created at an offset distance from the currently
selected branch.
Insert Use to create a flange set at the intersection of an aid point line and an existing branch.
Flange Set Once the selection of the intersecting pipe in the 3D view has been made, a series of
CHOOSE window are displayed listing the available flanges and gaskets. The flange set
is then added to the branch at the intersection with the aid point.
Insert Use to create a valve set at the intersection of an aid point and an existing branch. Once
Valve Set the selection of the intersecting pipe in the 3D view has been made, a series of CHOOSE
window are displayed listing the available flanges, gasket and valves. The valve set is
then added to the branch at the intersection with the aid point.
Insert Use to create an expansion loop at the intersection of an aid point line and an existing
Expansion branch. Once the selection of the intersecting pipe in the 3D view has been made, a
Loop CHOOSE window is displayed listing the available elbows. The expansion loop is then
added to the branch at the intersection with the aid point.
Insert Use to create a bypass at the intersection of an aid point line and an existing branch.
Bypass Once the selection of the intersecting pipe in the 3D view has been made, a series of
CHOOE window are displayed listing the available tees and elbows. The expansion loop
is then added to the branch at the intersection with the aid point.
Copy Use to copy one or more branch elements and position them at a new location in the
Selection currently selected branch (make sure that all the components are connected and there
are no unwanted components).
Note: The source branch component is usually the origin component from the selection.
Direction Use to enter a direction for the mirror into the Direction field. Once an element has been
picked in the 3D view, a mirror plane is displayed in the 3D view.
Pick Mirror Use the Pick mirror Direction functionality to Pick a direction in the 3D view. After an
Direction element has been picked in the 3D view, a mirror plane is displayed in the 3D view.
Pick Mirror Use to pick a mirror position in the 3D view. Once selected the Positioning control
Position toolbar is displayed, Use its functionality to position the mirror plane.
Use Bends Replaces bends instead of elbows in the 3D view.
instead of

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Creating Piping Component

In the Create group click the Create
Component button to display the Piping
Component Editor form.

The Piping Component Editor form now appears.

This form is used extensively during pipe creation. As implied by
the name of the form it is not only restricted to the creation of the
components, but also for the modification and reselection as well.

Branch Specification
The Spec:, Bore: and Branch Slope: of the currently selected
pipe displays at the top of the window.
Select a different specification for the component, the branch
specification is initially selected but an alternative specification can
be selected.
Select a specification form the Select From Spec drop-down list.
If a specification is selected that does not match the pipe
specification, The Piping Component Editor window displays a
Select Out of Spec message.

Repeat the same step for Insulation and Tracing.

Standard Components.
The Standard components tab (displayed as default) provides quick access to the more commonly used


The Select tab displays all of the components available for

selection from the catalogue under the currently selected
component and piping specification.

Additional Components.
The Additional Components tab provides quick access to
further components such as: filter, cross, union, three way
valve, closure, Blind flange, trap, lap joint, Ftube, four way
valve, shu, plate…

Create Mode.
Use the Create Mode part of the Piping Component Editor
window to set the direction of flow, the software creates the
component in the head to tail direction by default (corresponding
to forward and backward mode)

Create Components in the flow direction Creates the component in the head to tail
Create components against the flow direction Creates the component in the tail to head
Note: if the Auto Create check box is selected, the software automatically determines if there is a requirement for
an associated component (on a vale, the associated component would be a flange and gasket) and if so, what is the
If The Out of Spec check box is selected, an alternative specification component can be used.
If the Skip Connected Comps check box is selected, the pipework application automatically determines which
components are connected, then positions the creation point approximately.


Create Component.
Use the Create Components part of the Piping Component Editor window to connect or place the component.
Create component connected to previous Connects the component to the previous one or
branch head/tail.
Create Component in-line at picked position Positions the component at the point selected in
the 3D view
Create component at 3D picked position Insert new component after the current element
in the branch. Its position is determined by
selection a position in the 3D view.

Component Sequence List.

Use the Component Sequence List part of the Piping
component Editor, to scroll through and select individual
components within the currently selected branch.

Moves the start of the Component Sequence List.

Moves one component to the left of the Component Sequence List.
Moves one component to the right of the Component Sequence List.
Moves to the end of the Component Sequence List.


4.2.2. Modify Group Modifying Pipe
In the Modify group click the Modify Pipe button
to display the Pipe Editor: Modify Pipe form. Or
Upper Section
clicking the Apply button on the Pipe Editor:
Create Pipe form, form the Pipe Editor: Modify
Pipe is automatically displayed so that the branch
head and tail can be specified.

The upper section of the displays the pipe name and specification.
There is also a list of existing branches containing the reference names
for head and tail connections.

The lower section of the form shows the Branch Head and Branch Tail
Lower Section
tabs. These allow the positioning, connection and setting of various
other attributes for the head and tail of the selected branch.
It can be considered that there are two methods of doing this:
- Explicit – by entering the data manually.
- Connecting – by connecting to an existing pipe or equipment
nozzle the values are set automatically.

Clicking the pipe name to modify the pipe attribute. The Pipe Editor
form will be shown, we can modify name, specification, insulation,…
see 1.2.1 for more detail.
The table Connectivity show the head and tail details and connection
information. The selected branch will also be highlighted in the 3D View

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Modifying Piping Components

Piping components, their orientation and position can be

Position Through.
Use the Position Through part of the Piping Component
Editor window to adjust the position of a component.




align with


branch tail

Position Displays the Positioning control window.

through a
cursor pick


Distance –
click to

Distance –
Click to

Copy Copies the currently selected component.

Change to Change the routing direction form tail to head.
Change to Changes the routing direction from head to tail.


Rotation & Direction.

The 3D Compass part of the Piping Component Editor
window can be used in two ways depending upon the type of
component selected. By default, the Direction Tool is displayed
as default.

Direction Tool: the direction of elbows and bends can be


Rotation Tool: tees and other non-symmetrical components

such as valves or reducers can be rotated.

Use Component Orientation to adjust the orientation of a component.

Direction Sets the orientation of a component towards the next component in the branch
towards next assembly ( Corresponding command : dir to next)
Direction Sets the orientation of a component towards the previous component of the
towards branch assembly. (corresponding command : dir to pre)
Direction Picks a position in the 3D graphical view to direct a component towards
towards pick
Direct towards Sets the orientation of a component towards the head of the branch assembly
Direct towards Sets the orientation of a component towards the tail of the branch assembly.
Orientate Sets the orientation of the arrive point of the current component to the same
current orientation as the leave point of the previous component.
Swap arrive and Flips a component.
Align/selection Aligns the selected component with the arrive and leave direction of the branch
component leg.
Direct selection Aligns the selected component to the next/previous component within the
/ component route, where possible.


Advanced Displays the Drag Move window when a component is selected in the Model
positioning Explorer.
Advanced Displays the Move window when a component is selected in the model
positioning explorer. Displays the move branch window when a branch is selected in the
Move Model explorer.
Reselect Component.
Use the Reselect tab to replace a piping component from a list of available components, select the Reselect
tab to display the CE’s attributes and properties.

Select other type of current

piping component

4.2.3 Delete Group


Function Description Image

Select the object that
you want to delete then
click to Delete Selection.
You can drag the mouse
from left to right or right
to left to select the large
number of object (as the
picture in the right)

Click to the Current

Element to delete the
current element on 3D
view. (the current
element normally
displayed on 3d view in
yellow colour).

Click to CE Members to
delete member of a
branch or a pipe. (You
can delete one member,
more than one member,
or all members)

You can delete a range of

members by clicking to

“Delete Range” bottom as

the picture in the left. (for

example: you can delete a

range of members in a

branch by Identifying the

start and the end of range

of the selection that you

want to delete in 3D view.


4.2.4 Tools Group Pipe Component Bore and Specification
A pipe or branch and the components contained within can be viewed and their attributes modified. The same window
is displayed for the currently selected.

There are some modifications we can use:

- Modify Specification: modify specification of selected items.
- Modify Bore: modify bore of selected items
- Modify Insulation Spec: modify insulation spec of selected items.
- Modify Tracing Spec: modify tracing spec of selected items.
- Select Component: reselect piping components
- Select All: select all items in table.
- Clear Selection: clear current selection.

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Pipe Slope

Use the dual purpose window Slope Pipe window to view the details of the CE and if required define and apply a
slope to any number of branches contained within the pipe element.

Global Slope: apply for

all branches in pipe.

Local slope: when this check box is

selected, all previously calculated
slope is removed


If we want to set the slope for every branch leg,

select every branch leg in Branch Legs pane and
change the information of slope in the Slope
Branch Leg pane.

If necessary the selected branch leg can also be

anchored to two different locations by, adjusting the
vertical position of the leg to pass through the
anchored positions. One or two anchor positions
can be used.

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Pipe Splitting

All of the tasks that are associated with the splitting of pipes is
initiated from a central Split Pipe window which acts as a task hub.
By default, the Split/Merge tab is selected.

The Split Pipe form has two tabs:

- Split/Merge – this is the main tab used to set up the split and
merge functions.
- Assembly – this is used to select the assembly that will be inserted
when splitting.

Splitting Options
There are three radio button options for splitting:
- Split Pipes on a Plane: splits the pipe by inserting an assembly
component at the intersection with a plane.
- Split Pipes into Segments: splits the pipe into segments of a
specific length. The splitting is defined between two points that are
indicated in the 3D view.
- Split Pipes by Moving Component: splits the pipe at the
selected component. The selected component and all those
downstream will then be added to a new pipe or branch.
Move down-stream components to section:
- Existing: components are inserted at the split position in the currently selected branch.
- New Pipe: components downstream of the split are inserted into a new pipe in the hierarchy.
- New Branch: components downstream of the split are inserted into a new branch owned by the current pipe.


Split Pipes on a Plane.

The regular splitting pipe procedure:
- Select branches to split
- Define the plane is used for splitting.
- Perform the command.
Select branches
Add Ce Add the branches related to the CE to the list
Add selected A number of pipes can be selected in the 3D view by
dragging a crossing window across the required pipes
with the cursor. The selected pipes are then added to
the list by clicking the Add Selected button.
ID selection Similar to above. This list can be dynamically updated
by picking any pipe component. When the selection is
complete, the escape key is pressed to end selection
Clear All To clear the Branches to Split list.

Define splitting plane

Click Define Plane button to perform the selection of a position in a 3D
view and set it as the cutting plane.
After the selection is complete, the position of splitting plane will be
shown in the Position pane. Change the position directly by change the
number in every input box.

Perform the command

Split Perform the splitting work for all selected branches
ID Split proceed the splitting work by selecting one by one
branch (which have added to Branches to split)
Flow Add a flow direction arrow to the 3D View to indicate
which side of the split represents the downstream
Undo Back to previous status
Dismiss Closes the form


Split Pipe into Segments.

This function is used to split pipe into segments of a given length
between selected components or selected features that are adjacent
to the pipe. This function cannot be used for multiple branches at the
same time.
The Split Pipe Length section of the form determines how lengths
are to be used by the function. Select from the Segment Length or
Cut-pipe Length options and key in the required value.
- Segment Length: split length is always included the length of
- Cut-pipe Length: split length is tube length.

The Minimum Final Tube Length restricts the length of the final tube. If the final tube length is below this value, the
previous spools are adjusted to make the final length within this value.

Split by Moving Component.

This function allows a single branch to be split at an indicated component. It does not require the creation of a plane,
and is not capable of handling multiple branches. The indicated component will be moved to the separated object.

Choose the option Split pipe by moving Component, then choose the
Move down-stream components to section. And Click the button Split
to proceed the picking a piping component mode. After the selection,
pipe will be splitted.

Assembly Tab.
When using Split Pipes on a Plane and Split Pipes into Segments options, user need to selected type of assembly
items which will be inserted into split position.

The Assembly build Origin options list determines whether to build the assembly
using the primary or secondary origin, as defined during the assembly creation.
Example about the primary and secondary origin points

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Merge Pipe/Branch

The Merge branch / pipe function provides the following
- Merge two adjacent branches
- Merge two adjacent pipes.

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Non Standard Branch Connections

A non-standard connection is essentially a branch connection at any point on the surface of the main branch. Normally
these are tube connections which are inserted by drilling a hole at some point and welding the new branch into place.

With non-standard branch connections you can create and connect new branches or connect existing branches to
components such as valves, reducers and elbows. The branch connects to a Cartesian point (PIPCA) owned by the
component or an element called PTAP for tube to tube connections.

Unlike other TEE or OLET type connections a special branch connection does not require additional components in
the piping specification but it does require specification /General-Tappings.

Click Select button in Main Branch pane to

choose the main branch for taking branch
There are two options for connections :
- Connect Existing Branch: connect an
existing branch to main branch.
- Create New Branch: create a new branch
and connect it to main branch.
Continue the process by click button Pick
connection Point to select a position on
the tube surface on main branch to identify
where to put the branch connection. After
selection, user can modify the selected position by button Adjust Position.
The Branch Type can be selected form the Connection Details pane:
- Insert Connection: The branch tube is inserted into the main branch and welded.
- Surface Connection: The branch tube is placed on the main branch and welded.
- Saddle Connection: The branch tube is shaped to fit to main branch and welded.
- Extruded Connection: The main branch tube is shaped by machine to form a tube to tube connection.
- Boss Connection: a fitting is selected from the spec and it is welded to form the branch connection (Boss type
elements must be in the branch specification, have a Gtype of COUP and COMPTYPE eq ‘TAPP’ to be recognized
by this application)

The Insert Depth value :

- Default: The standard calculation for this type of branch.
- Actual: the actual insert depth on the current connection.
- User: The current value entered but not yet fixed by clicking Apply. The button to the right of the insert depth will
swap the insert values between actual and default.

ManualofAvevaEverything3D Data Consistency Check

The data consistency checking utility, available within the Piping application, checks the design for occurrences
of the following types of error:
- Angular alignment
- Axial alignment
- Consistent bores
- Connection types
- Minimum tube length

Accessing the data consistency checks

In the Tools group click the Data Consistency button to show the Data Consistency
Check form as shown

Parameters: check allows a margin of acceptable error

before a problem is reported. There are 2 objects for
checking: piping or structural

Output: send the report to Screen

(PDMS’s command line) or File

Tolerances: margin of acceptable error. Picture

below will explain the meaning those terms in
Piping Consistency Check Options Tolerances

Tube Range: click this button to enter the

minimum Tube Length options


Minimum Tube Lengths

By default a report will warn of all lengths of tube in the
design which are shorter than 100mm. This allows a
decision to be made whether each such length is adequate
for welding procedures, bolt withdrawal, access, and so on.
This minimum length can be changed from the default of
100mm, and may set different minima for up to ten different
pipe bore ranges if desired.

Data Consistency Diagnostic Messages

Full list of the data consistency diagnostic messages, each identified by a reference number can be found in
the Model Reference Manual of the VAEVA Everthing3D help.


4.2.5 Penetrate Group

Penetrate Group Interface.

This group allow you to create, modify and

manager the Pipe Penetration and Holes. Their

functions will be introduce follow Aveva manual.

Create Penetration.

To request a Piping Penetration, in the

Penetrate group, locate and click Create

Penetration to display the Create

Penetration window

Pick to select Penetrated Items.

Pick to select Penetrating Items.


Managed Hole Utility.

In the Penetrate group, locate and

click Managed Hole Utility to display

the Managed Hole Utility window

Create Holes.

Merge Holes.

Managed Hole Utility.

Click Hole Report to open

Managed Hole Reports window.

The Hole Association Filter pane searches for Managed Holes and displays the search results in the Hole Report.
The filter criteria specify which Managed Holes is selected:


Hole Association Filter

Searches for Managed Holes and displays the search results in the Hole

Report. The filter criteria specify which Managed Holes is selected

Report Headings

Select headings using the check boxes that are required on the report from the

three categories, Hole, Penetrated structural item and Penetrating items.

Managed Hole Reports.

Click to “Run Report” bottom then The Managed Hole Report window will display the

report generated by the specified selection criteria and report headings.


4.2.6 Isometrics Group

By using this function, Piping isometrics

now can be previewed in Model Module

(without having to switch to the Isodraft


You can create If you choose to create

isometrics drawing for isometrics drawing for a system,
individual Pipes or for a this system must be identified in
Pipe system. the Primary System.

The Preview Isometric Drawing window is displayed as below.

Preview Isometric Drawing Window Toolbar

Working sheet Fabrication Materials list


Function Description Image

Displays the Preview Isometric
Messages window, where messages
created during the generation of the
isometric drawing can be viewed.

Displays a Browser window, save the

preview isometric drawing as a plot
Displays a Browser window, save all
the sheets of the preview isometric
drawing as plot files.
Displays the printer settings.

Displays an on screen preview of the

Prints the currently selected preview
isometric drawing.
Prints all the sheets of the preview
isometric drawing.
Highlights all the display elements of
the currently previewed isometric
drawing sheet in the 3D View. Click
again removes the highlighting.
If the elements are not currently
displayed in the 3D View, click twice.
The first click adds the elements to
the 3D view, the second highlights the
elements. Additional clicks turn the
highlighting on and off. N.B.
The highlighting only occurs if the
Isometric Options file uses the Hitfile


4.2.7 Supports Group

Pipe Dimensions

Displays dimension tags for pipes

and branches in the 3D view

Rests Supports Browser

Displays pipe rests Provides a graphical method for viewing

in the 3D view different support types within the project

Function Description Image

- Displays dimension tags for
pipes and branches in the 3D view.
The functionality also displays the
position and function type of
supports on the pipe.
- Click to identify the branch
using a cursor pick in the 3D view.
You can continue to identify
additional branches on the pipe.
- Press ESC to end the
selection process and display the
dimension tags for the selected
- Repeat the command to
remove the dimension tags from
the 3D view.
- Displays pipe rests in the
3D view.
- All pipe rests are
highlighted in the 3D view with a
- Repeat the command to
remove the pin from the pipe rests
in the 3D view.


- Provides a graphical Support zones and the

method for viewing different support supports within each zone.
types within the project.
- The Supports Browser
displays the support elements in a
hierarchy. To expand an element Supported pipe zones

hierarchy, click to the left of the and the pipe supports

element name. To contract an within each zone

expanded element, click to the left

of the element name.

Supported HVAC zones and the

HVAC supports within each zone.

Unsupported pipe HVAC

Supported cable tray zones and the and cable tray zones and

cable tray supports within each zone. the unsupported elements

within each zone.

Supports that are not

associated with a pipe,

HVAC duct or cable tray.

Right-click a supported ZONE

element to Display a drop-down

To modify a support, right-click a

SUPPORT element to Display a
drop-down menu.
You could also delete this support
from the drop-down menu.


4.2.8 Settings Group

In Settings group click

Defaults Settings to

open Piping Settings


The Piping Settings window is displayed as below:

Component Settings Reselection Settings Direction Settings

Constraints Settings

Pipe Branch Settings

Laser Data Settings


Function Description
Sets the default snap distance (the minimum distance between the
end of a component and the placement of a new component
between which an automatic connection occurs) when creating a
component. The selection is connected to the nearest component if
placed within the set snap distance. The default is 2 * OD.
Uses a pre-set Data Consistency specific tube length to ensure the
pipe is placed correctly.
Sets the minimum tube distance between two components, the
default is 100mm.
Uses pre-set Data Consistency specific tube length to ensure the
pipe is placed correctly.
Newly created components are aligned to the previous component
The software determines if there is a requirement for associated
components by default (for example, the associated components
for a valve are a gasket and a flange).
An alternative specification component can be used.

The piping application determines which components are

connected, then positions the creation point approximately.
Displays the point direction option on the Piping Component
Editor window.
Sets the defaults for the non-standard branch connections.

For pipe tappings, specifies the boss type connections (for

example, olets, half couplings, welded bosses) that can only be
used on fittings and excluded from the tube.
Sorts the piping specification list alphabetically.

On creation of a component, gaskets and flanges are automatically

Sets the display of the Description in the Component Type List from
the Select and Reselect tabs.

Sets the display value for the component tag in the 3D graphical

When a component is selected, adjacent constrained components

are highlighted in the 3D graphical view.
Reconnects components that are modified using the Reselect tab.
Reconnection errors display in the Errors tab.
Reconnects the branch head or branch tail if reselection of a
component results in disconnection.
Ignores positioned components. Positioned components will
normally not be moved when reconnected.
Tolerance of the direction. Rounds to an orthogonal direction
(ENUWSD) for each component from the laser pick.

When you choose the North Direction, the

The Direction Display part of the Piping Application Defaults
window sets the default display settings on the Piping Component
Editor window.


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