The Amazing Amazon Reading Comprehension

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Quick Check The Amazing Amazon

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Instructions: Read each question carefully and choose the best answer.

1. What is the author’s point of 3. Which of the following words

view on the Amazon rainforest? means areas of land or water
that animals or groups of animals
A The Amazon is a special place defend and live in?
and should be taken care of
and protected. A habitat
B The Amazon is the best place B equator
on Earth for scientists to
study plants and animals.
C territories
D canopy
C The Amazon is just like many
other habitats and is not 4. Which of the following
that interesting. is an opinion?

D The Amazon has many A The Amazon rainforest

resources, and we should provides oxygen to
use them all up. humans and animals.

2. What is the main idea of the B The Amazon rainforest

section titled “Rainforests”? is the most important place
on the planet.
A Animals that live in
rainforests are interesting. C The Amazon rainforest is
located close to the equator.
B Rainforests are green
year-round. D The Amazon rainforest has
more plants, insects, and
C The Amazon is the largest animals than anywhere
rainforest in the world. else on Earth.
D Tropical rainforests are forests
where it is warm and rains
a lot.

Quick Check continued on following page

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Quick Check (continued) The Amazing Amazon

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5. The Amazon is located 8. How do you think the

in . author feels about animals
of the rainforest?
A South America
B Africa A interested and curious
C Southeast Asia B scared and nervous
D Europe C bored and indifferent
6. What is the effect of earthworms, D concerned and worried
termites, fungi, and bacteria on 9. What causes many animals to live
the rainforest floor? in the canopy of the rainforest?
A They cause many animals to A The floor of the rainforest
live on the rainforest floor. is too crowded.
B They have no effect on the B The animals enjoy sunbathing.
rainforest floor.
C There is plenty of food.
C They make the rainforest D There are vines to swing on.
floor slimy and gross.
10. Which of the following
D They keep the rainforest is a piglike mammal found
floor clean.
in the Americas?
7. What is the purpose of leaf-
cutter ants carrying leaves
A jaguar
back to their nest? B peacock
A The ants give the leaves C harpy
to the queen for food. D peccary
B The ants use the leaves 11. Extended Response: Why does
to grow fungi. the author say that the Amazon
C The ants use the leaves is a treasure? Use details from the
to build their nests. text to support your response.

D The ants eat the leaves when

they run out of food.
Quick Check continued on following page
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Quick Check (continued) The Amazing Amazon

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12. Extended Response: What kinds

of resources do you use in your
life that come from the Amazon

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Quick Check Answer Sheet The Amazing Amazon
Main Comprehension Skill: Author’s Point of View

1. A Author’s Point of View

2. D Main Idea and Details

3. C Vocabulary

4. B Fact or Opinion

5. A Main Idea and Details

6. D Cause and Effect

7. B Make Inferences / Draw Conclusions

8. A Author’s Point of View

9. C Cause and Effect

10. D Vocabulary

11. Answers will vary but should

express that the Amazon is
the largest rainforest in the
world and has more kinds of
insects, plants, and animals
than any other place on Earth.
Additionally, the Amazon
provides humans with many
valuable resources including
rubber, food, medicine, and
oxygen from the plants.
12. Answers will vary but should
include resources listed in book
such as bananas, chocolate,
rubber, medicine, pineapple,
oxygen, and so on.

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