Life of People Living in The Amazon Basin
Life of People Living in The Amazon Basin
Life of People Living in The Amazon Basin
in the Amazon
Basin and Ganga-
Brahmaputra basin
life of people living
in Amazon River
• We humans, are dependent on nature and
interact with it for various reasons. Our
interaction with the environment is endless
and so is our ability to use it. Being the best
example of human interaction with the
environment, the Amazon basin has been
exploited since time immemorial. Amazon
basin is located in South America at 10° N
and 10° S of the tropical region.
• This region is also referred as the equatorial
region. The Amazon river flows through the
region and reaches the Atlantic Ocean
through the mountains in the west.
• People here cut a few trees and
cultivate the land according to their
needs and requirements. Men have
occupations like fishing and hunting,
while it’s the women who take care of
the crops and fields. The land being
near the Amazon river is very fertile
which makes it a good for farming.
People here generally grow crops like
Pineapple, Tapioca, Sweet Potato,
Vegitation in Cassava (manioc), Coffee, maize, and
cocoa. We call them the Cash Crops
Amazon river
• People live in special kind of houses called the
Maloca here. These houses have steep slant
roofs and are large and apartment like in
shape. People also reside in houses that are
identical to beehives and have thatched roofs
over them. Since the settlements here are in
close proximity of forests, people find wood
in abundance for their personal use.
of people
Life of people
living in Ganga
Brahmaputra basin, the main crop is
paddy. Since cultivation of paddy
requires sufficient water, it is grown in
Brahmaputra the areas where the amount of rainfall is
river basin
• The basin shows varied trends in vegetation,
which depend on the kind of landforms
around the basin. We find tropical deciduous
trees alongside the Ganga river and the
Brahmaputra. Some common trees here are
Sal, Teak and Peepal. The Brahmaputra’s
plain particularly is home to Thick Bamboo
Vegitation n Ganga groves while the delta region has plenty of
mangrove forests.
River Basin • As we descend down the basin and reach
Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh we find
coniferous trees like Deodar, Pine and Fir.
Since the temperature in these areas is
comparatively cold here, coniferous trees
are present in abundance here.
• Many prominent cities and towns
embank the Ganga Brahmaputra
basin. The Ganga river flows
through densely populated cities
Satelments in like Allahabad, Kanpur, Varanasi,
Lichkow, Patna and Kolkata. The
Ganga river Brahmaputra flows through
Arunachal Pradesh, Bangladesh,
Basin Nepal and Bhutan.
• Transport
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