Lesson 2 Task 2

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Different Types of Computer Components

Task 1

Arrange the arrows so they provide a link between the correct names for the
different types of computer components.


Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Random Access Memory (RAM)

Read Only Memory (ROM)

Internal Hard Disk Drive

External Hard Disk Drive

Graphics Card


Unit 1: Types and Components of Computer Systems Mark Nicholls – ICT Lounge
Task 2

In the table below you should describe the functions of each computer
component. Use the course website and the link below to help you complete
this task.

Computer Description of the functions of each

Component component
● The motherboard is central to any computer system.
● All components plug into the motherboard either
directly (straight into the circuit board) or indirectly (via
USB ports).
Motherboard ● Once connected to the motherboard, the components
can work together to form the computer system.
● Components communicate and send signals to each
other via the BUS Network.

● The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain

of the computer.
● The CPU 'controls' what the computer does and
is responsible for performing calculations and
data processing. It also handles the movement
of data to and from system memory.
● CPU's come in a variety of speeds which are
CPU known as 'clock rates'. Clock rates are
measured in 'Hertz'. Generally, the faster the
clock rate, the faster the performance of the

● There are two main brands of CPU currently on

the market... AMD and Intel:

● RAM is used to temporarily store

information that is currently in use by the
computer. This can include anything from word
documents to videos.
● RAM can be read from and written to and
RAM so the information stored in RAM can change
all the time (it depends what tasks you are
using the computer for).
● RAM is a fast memory. Data can be written to
and read from RAM very quickly. RAM is
generally measured in GB (Gigabytes).

Unit 1: Types and Components of Computer Systems Mark Nicholls – ICT Lounge
● RAM is Volatile Memory. This means that
information stored in RAM is deleted as soon
as the computer is turned off.
Explain what “Volatile” means:

● ROM is used to permanently store

instructions that tell the computer how
to boot (start-up). It also loads the operating
system (e.g. Windows).
● Information stored in ROM is known as READ
ONLY. This means that the contents of ROM
ROM cannot be altered or added to by the user.

● ROM is fast memory. Data stored in ROM

can be accessed and read very quickly.

Explain what “Non-Volatile” means:

● Secondary storage devices are used to store

data that is not instantly needed by
the computer.
Storage Devices ● Secondary storage devices permanently store
data and programs for as long as we need.
These devices are also used to back-up data in
case original copies are lost or damaged.
● Graphics cards are hardware devices that plug
into the motherboard and enables the computer
to display images on the monitor.

Graphics Card ● Graphics cards usually require the installation

of software alongside the hardware. The
software instructs the computer how to use
the graphics card and also allows you to alter
settings to change image quality and size.
● Almost all input and output devices are known
as 'Peripheral devices'.
● These are 'non-essential' hardware
components that usually connect to the
Peripherals system externally.

● Peripherals are called non-essential because the

system can operate without them.

Unit 1: Types and Components of Computer Systems Mark Nicholls – ICT Lounge

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