Job Performance
Job Performance
Job Performance
Job Performance
Sabine Sonnentag, Judith Volmer and
Anne Spychala
the behavioral and outcome aspect are related. to actions that are part of the formal
However, there is no complete overlap, as reward system (i.e., technical core), and
the outcome aspect is affected by other addresses the requirements as specified in
detenninants than the behavioral aspect. job descriptions (Wi1liams and Karau, 1991).
Imagine a car retailer who communicates At a general level, task performance con-
the preferences of a product (behavioral sists of activities that transform materials
aspect) excellently, but who nevertheless into the goods and services produced by
achieves low sales figures (outcome aspect) the organization or to allow for efficient
due to low demand of this specific type functioning of the organization (Motowidlo
of cars. Similarly, a teacher who provides et al., 1997). Thus, task performance covers
an excellent statistics lesson which fulfills the fulfillment of the requirements that are
all learning requirements (behavioral aspect) part of the contract between the employer and
might not provide students with knowledge employee.
(outcome aspect) if students' lack motivation Moreover, task performance in itself can be
or cognitive abilities. described as a multi -dimensional construct.
Moreover, performance must be distin- Campbell (1990) proposed a hierarchical
guished from effectiveness and from produc- model of eight performance factors. Among
tivity or efficiency (Campbell et al., 1993; these eight factors, five refer to task perfor-
Pritchard et al., 1992). Effectiveness refers to mance:
the evaluations of the results of performance
(i.e., financial value of sales). In comparison, (1) job-specific task proficiency;
productivity is the ratio of effectiveness to the (2) non-job-specific task proficiency;
cost of attaining the outcome. For example, (3) written and oral communication proficiency;
the ratio of hours of work (input) in relation (4) supervision, in case of leadership position; and
to products assembled (outcome) describes partly
productivity. (5) management/administration.
A great deal of attention has been paid to
the distinction between task and contextual Each of these five factors itself consists of
performance. There are three basic differences subfactors which are differently important for
between task and contextual performance various jobs. For example, the supervision
(Borman and Motowidlo, 1997; Motowidlo factor includes (1) guiding, directing, and
et al., 1997; Motowidlo and Schmit, 1999): motivating subordinates and providing feed-
back, (2) maintaining good working relation-
(1) contextual performance activities are com- ships, and (3) coordinating subordinates and
parable for almost all jobs, whereas task others resources to get the job done (Borman
performance is job specific; and Brush, 1993).
(2) task performance is predicted mainly by ability,
whereas contextual performance is mainly
predicted by motivation and personality; Contextual performance
(3) task performance is in-role behavior and
part of the formal job-description, whereas
Often it is not sufficient to comply with
contextual performance is extra-role behavior the formal job requirements, one needs
and discretionary (Le. not enforceable), and to go beyond what is formally required
often not rewarded by formal reward systems (Parker et al., 2006; Sonnentag and Frese,
or directly or indirectly considered by the 2002). Contextual performance consists of
management. behavior that does not directly contribute
to organizational performance but supports
the organizational, social and psychological
Task performance
environment. Contextual performance is dif-
Task performance covers a person's contri- ferent from task performance as it includes
bution to organizational performance, refers activities that are not formally part of the
job description. It indirectly contributes to (Organ, 1988; 1997). OCB consists of five
an organization's performance by facilitating components:
task performance.
Borman and Motowidlo (1993) enumerate • altruism (i.e. helping others);
five categories of contextual performance: • conscientiousness (Le., compliance to the organi-
(1) volunteering for activities beyond a person's 11 civic virtue (e.g., keeping up with matters that
formal job reqUirements; affect the organization);
(2) persistence of enthusiasm and application • courtesy (e. g., co nsu Iting with others before taki ng
action); and
when needed to complete important task
requirements; • sportsmanship (e.g., not complaining abouttrivial
(3) assistance to others; matters)
(4) following rules and prescribed procedures even
when it is inconvenient; and (LePine et al., 2002; Organ, 1988).
(5) openly defending organization objectives. The more 'pro active ' view on contextual
performance includes concepts such as per-
Examples of contextual performance are sonal initiative (Frese et al., 1996), taking
demonstrating extra effort, following orga- charge (Morrison and Phelps, 1999), and
nizational rules and policies, helping and proactive behavior (Crant, 1995). Personal
cooperating with others, or alerting colleagues initiative is characterized as a self-starting
about work-related problems (Borman and and active approach to work and comprises
Motowidlo, 1993; Motowidlo et al., 1997). activities that go beyond what is formally
In the past, contextual performance was required. Consequently, employees show per-
conceptualized and measured in numerous sonal initiative when their behavior fits to
ways. On a very general level, these different an organization's mission, when their goals
conceptualizations can be identified that aim have a long-term focus, and when they are
at the effective functioning of an organization capable of finding solutions for challenging
as it does at a certain time ('stabiliz- situations. Similarly, taking charge implies
ing' contextual performance), and proactive that employees accomplish voluntary and
behaviors which intend to implement new constructive efforts which effect organiza-
and innovative procedures and processes in tionally functional change. Proactive behavior
an organization, thus changing the organi- refers to showing self-initiated and future-
zation ('proactive' contextual performance; oriented action that aims to challenge the
Sonnentag and Frese, 2002). status quo and improve the current situation
The 'stabilizing' contextual performance (Crant, 1995; Parker et al., 2006). In sum,
comprises organizational citizenship behavior contextual performance is not a single set of
(OCB; Organ, 1988), and some aspects of uniform behaviors, but is multidimensional in
prosocial organizational behavior (Brief and nature (Van Dyne and LePine, 1998).
Motowidlo, 1986). OCB describes discre-
tionary behavior which is not necessarily
Adaptive performance
recognized and rewarded by the formal
reward system. Discretionary means that the Campbell et al. 's (1993) taxonomy of work
behavior is not enforceable and not part of performance did not initially include adaptive
the formal role in terms of the person's performance. However, due to changing and
contract with the organization. Furthermore, dynamic work environments, the need for
Organ (1988) explains that not every single adaptive employees has become increasingly
discrete instance of OCB is expected to important (Pulakos et al., 2000; Smith et al.,
make a difference in organizational out- 1997). Numerous authors refer to adaptability
comes, but that the aggregate promotes using different names. Hesketh and Neal
the effective functioning of an organization (1999) referred to adaptive performance,
Murphy and Iackson (1999) discussed role uniquely to overall managerial performance.
flexibility, and London and Mone (1999) Moreover, Iohnson (2001) showed that raters
wrote about the proficiency of integrating new vary the relative weight they put on different
learning experiences. As a result of extensive aspects of performance speaking in favor
literature review and factor analyses, Pulakos of raters' implicit models of performance
et al. (2000) presented an eight-dimensional dimensions.
taxonomy of adaptive performance: Recently, Griffin et al. (2007) presented and
tested a model that aimed at integrating major
(1) handling emergencies or crisis situations; performance concepts. These authors argued
(2) handling work stress; that two principle changes (i.e., increasing
(3) solving problems creatively; interdependence and uncertainty of work
(4) dealing with uncertain and unpredictable work systems) require an integrative model of dif-
situations; ferent performance dimensions. They defined
(5) learning work tasks, technologies and proce- three core performance dimensions, namely
dures; proficiency, adaptivity, and pro activity which
(6) demonstrating interpersonal adaptability;
they classified at three levels (individual,
(7) demonstrating cultural adaptability; and
team and organization). Proficiency covers
(8) demonstrating physically oriented adaptability.
the fulfillment of role requirements that can
be formalized, adaptivity refers to the extent
These dimensions of adaptive performance
of adaptation to changes at the workplace
were shown to exist across many different
and proactivity describes the extent of self-
types of jobs (Pulakos et aI., 2000).
directed action necessary to adapt to changes.
Like task and contextual performance,
Griffin et al. (2007) regarded individual task
adaptive performance also appears to be a
proficiency to be comparable to task perfor-
multidimensional construct. However, future
mance, and adaptivity and pro activity to be
research is needed to specify, for example,
especially important in uncertain situations.
the antecedents and consequences of adaptive
Furthermore, these different types of behavior
performance and the generalizability of the
are not considered to be mutually exclusive
adaptive performance taxonomy suggested
but their importance should vary depending
by Pulakos and her co-workers (2000).
on the uncertainty of the environment.
Given the increased importance of adaptive
In sum, performance should be seen as a
performance, more empirical research is
multidimensional construct with the dimen-
sions being multidimensional themselves.
Moreover, each performance dimension is
Relationship between task, related to different aspects of organizational
success (e.g., task performance helps to satisfy
contextual and adaptive
technical core requirements). The ongoing
rapid changes in technology (Burke and Ng,
One can distinguish conceptually between 2006), mergers and fusions (Pike, 2006),
task, contextual, and adaptive performance; and the globalization of many firms (Black
and task and contextual performance can et al., 1991) require workers to be increasingly
be separated empirically (Griffin et aI., tolerant of uncertainty (Pulakos et aI., 2000).
2000, Motowidlo and Van Scotter, 1994).
Additionally, there is evidence that task
Measurement of performance
and contextual performance are differently
important for outcome variables (Conway, Given the centrality of job performance in
1999; Johnson, 2001). In a meta-analysis of organizations, it becomes clear that the mea-
managerial jobs, Conway (1999) found that surement of individual performance should
task and contextual performance (job dedi- capture job performance as reliable and valid
cation, interpersonal facilitation) contributed as possible.
A variety of measures of job performance were larger than method (source) effects.
has been used over the past decades (Campbell Thus, Woehr et al. (2005) concluded that
et aI., 1990; Viswesvaran et aI., 1996). For ratings from different sources are to some
example, rating scales, tests of job knowledge, extent comparable. However, there is no
hands-on job samples, and archival records perfect convergence of ratings across sources
have been used to assess job performance and at present it is not clear if this is
(Campbell et aI., 1990). From these measure- attributable to systematic or random error
ment options, performance ratings (e.g. peer components.
ratings and supervisor ratings) are the most Literature examining the effect of contex-
frequent way of measuring job performance tual performance on managerial evaluations
(Viswesvaran et aI., 1996). Often, 'objective' (Conway, 1999; Van Scotter and Motowidlo,
criteria such as sales figures and production 1996; Werner, 1994) suggests that manager
records are requested. However, even these ratings should, aside from evaluations of
criteria involve subjective judgments of which task performance, incorporate ratings of
specific type of criteria pictures performance contextual performance and that the effects
(Campbell, 1990) and are, like other perfor- of contextual performance on organizational
mance measures, not perfect. performance and success are at least as great
Several studies have focused on the degree as those of task performance (Podsakoff et al.,
of convergence across various sources of 2000).
performance ratings (Conway and Huffcutt, As it is not always possible to assess
1997; Harris and Schaubroeck, 1988; Mabe mUltiple performance dimensions in practice,
and West, 1982; Viswesvaran et aI., 1996). it is valuable to know if there is one
Using meta-analysis, Viswesvaran et aI., general factor in ratings of j ob performance.
(1996) compared the reliability of supervisor Viswesvaran et al. (2005) addressed this
ratings and peer ratings. They concluded that question using a meta-analytic framework,
supervisory ratings showed higher interrater and their results suggest that there is one large
reliability than peer ratings. Another meta- general factor. This finding implies that the
analytic review (Harris and Schaubroeck, practice of generating a composite measure
1988) revealed that self and supervisor ratings of various performance dimensions seems to
correlated moderately (r = 0.35) as did be justifiable as long as it is theoretically
self and peer ratings (r = 0.36), whereas satisfying.
correlations between peer and supervisory
ratings were higher (r = 0.62). Comparing
Summary and conclusion
the reliability of peer and supervisor ratings,
findings yield higher correlations of different The overview of the major performance
supervisors ratings assessing the same indi- dimensions views individual performance as a
vidual compared to different peers ratings multi-dimensional concept. At the most basic
evaluating the same individual (Conway and level, performance can be differentiated in
Huffcutt, 1997; Mount et aI., 1998). terms of process and outcome. Moreover,
Woehr et al. (2005) investigated the impact one can distinguish between task, contextual,
of the performance dimension (e.g., technical and adaptive performance and each of these
knowledge, integrity, and leadership) and types in itself is multidimensional. These
rating source (i.e., peer, self, and super- performance types differ wi th respect to
visor) as well as the degree of measure- their antecedents and consequences and can
ment equivalence across sources. Results be conceptually and empirically separated.
suggest that the impact of the underlying Measurement of performance is central as
performance dimension is comparable across important organizational decisions are based
different rating sources. Woehr et al. (2005) on individual performance. Future research is
also found that, in terms of a multi-trait needed to clarify the interplay of the different
multi-method approach, trait effects (source) performance types.
experience (for a similar finding see also opposed to soft performance measures, for
Clevenger et al., 2001). amount of experience compared to time and
Knowledge might not only be related to type, and for task experience, compared to
task performance but also to proactive and job or organizational experience. This meta-
adaptive performance. For example, Fay and analytic finding suggests that experience is a
Frese (2001) have argued that knowledge complex construct and the time aspect of job
helps in showing proacti ve behavior. Parker experience might not be most relevant for job
et al. (1997) conceptualized the subjective performance.
importance of production knowledge as one To advance knowledge on the role of expe-
core facet of a flexible work orientation (i.e., rience, Tesluk and Jacobs (1998) suggested
an individuars propensity to show pro active a comprehensive model that includes qualita-
performance). In addition, research has shown tive aspects of experience, particularly type
that knowledge can also be beneficial for of experience including variety, challenge
adaptive performance (Chen et al., 2005). and complexity. Also, research on managerial
Taken together, there is convincing evi- learning suggests that specific experiences
dence that knowledge is related to various and individuals' reactions to these experiences
aspects of job performance. However knowl- might matter more for subsequent perfor-
edge may not only affect performance, but mance than simple quantitative indicators of
specific facets of performance may help in experience (McCauley et al., 1994).
increasing knowledge (cf., Seibert et al., Meta-analytic findings on the role of
2001). experience mostly refer to task performance or
overall job performance. Research evidence
Experience on the relationship between job experience
Job experience is also relevant for perfor- and contextual performance is relatively
mance. Hunter and Hunter (1984) reported scarce, and mostly yields weak correlations
a mean corrected correlation between job betweenjob experience and contextual perfor-
experience and job performance of 0.18 mance, particularly OCB-related indicators
(corrected for measurement error in job (Chan and Schmitt, 2002; Motowidlo and
performance ratings). Another meta-analysis VanS cotter, 1994; VanS cotter and Motowidlo,
(McDaniel et al., 1988) reported a higher 1996). With respect to adaptive performance,
estimate of the population estimate and further research showed a weak positive correlation
indicated that the relationship between job between experience with change and this
experience and job performance decreases performance aspect (Allworth and Hesketh,
with age. A more recent meta-analysis result- 1999).
ing in an overall effect size of 0.13 suggests Thus, quantitative aspects of job experience
the relationship between job experience and show weak to moderate associations with task
performance might be also contingent on performance, and rather low correlations with
job complexity and type of performance contextual and adaptive performance. Moder-
measurement (Sturman, 2003). ator variables probably play a substantial role
Another meta-analysis on the relationship in the relationship between job experiences
between experience and job performance and performance.
differentiated between diverse performance
measures (soft vs. hard), measurement mode Non-cognitive predictors
(amount, i.e. number of times having per- In addition to cognitive factors (e.g., general
formed a particular task, time, and type), mental ability and knowledge) and experi-
and level of specificity (task experience, ence, non-cognitive traits have also received
job experience, organizational experience; considerable research attention as potential
Quinones et al., 1995), with an overall person-specific predictors of job performance.
mean estimated population correlation, of These non-cognitive traits include personality
0.27. Correlations were higher for hard as factors such as proposed by the Five Factor
Model (Digman, 1990; McCrae and Costa, and 0.16 for extraversion, -0.03 and 0.27
1989), more narrow traits (Dudley et aI., for openness to experience, -0.01 and 0.33
2006), the pro active personality concept for agreeableness and 0.12 and 0.31 for
(Crant, 1995), and core self-evaluations conscientiousness.
(Judge and Bono, 2001). When differentiating between diverse
The Five Factor Model differentiates five aspects of job performance, the pattern of
distinct dimensions of personality: overall findings picture does not change
substantially. Meta-analyses on the relation-
• emotional stability; ship between dimensions of the Five Factor
• extraversion: Model of personality and OCB resulted in
• openness to experience; estimated true correlations ranging between
• agreeableness; 0.23 and 0.30 for conscientiousness (Dalal,
et conscientiousness. 2005; LePine et al., 2002; Organ and Ryan,
1995). The estimated true correlation between
Individuals high on emotional stability (i.e., emotional stability (low negative affect) and
low neuroticism) are characterized by low OCB was 0.10 (Dalal, 2005; Organ and Ryan,
negative affectivity and tend to respond 1995) and between agreeableness and OCB it
with less subjective distress to negative was 0.12 (Organ and Ryan, 1995).
events than do individuals low on emotional It has been suggested that pro active perfor-
stability. Extraversion refers to individuals' mance is predicted by a specific personality
propensity to experience positive affect and concept, namely proacti ve personality (Crant,
to be sociable, assertive, and energized by 1995). Not surprisingly, proactive personality
social interactions. Openness to experience predicts pro active performance (Parker et al.,
characterizes an individual's tendency to be 2006; Thompson, 2005). More interestingly,
creative, flexible, imaginative and willing to proactive personality was also significantly
take risks. Agreeableness describes individu- related to task performance (Crant, 1995;
als who are kind, gentle, likable, cooperative, Thompson, 2005). In addition, there is some
and considerate. Conscientiousness refers to evidence that personality predicts adaptive
an individual's degree of being orderly, self- performance (Pulakos et aI., 2002; but see also
disciplined, achievement-oriented, reliable Griffin and Hesketh, 2003, 2004).
and perseverant. Broad personality traits such as global
An early meta-analysis on the relationship conscientiousness might not be the best
between these Big Five personality factors predictors of job performance (Dudley et al.,
and job performance (based on 162 sam- 2006). Meta-analysis showed that more nar-
ples from 117 studies) showed generally row personality traits (achievement, depend-
low correlations between personality factors ability, order, and cautiousness) contribute
and performance measures. Specifically, the to the prediction of performance beyond the
estimated true correlations were 0.08 for predictive power of global conscientiousness.
emotional stability, 0.13 for extraversion, The amount of additional variance explained
0.04 for openness to experience, 0.07 for varied across performance criteria with the
agreeableness and between 0.22 for consci- largest increase of more than 25 per cent of the
entiousness (Barrick and Mount, 1991). variance for job dedication and much smaller
Kanfer and Kantrowitz (2002) summarized increases for other performance facets such as
the findings from 11 meta-analytic studies overall j ob performance and task performance
published between 1990 and 2000 that (Dudley et al., 2006).
addressed the relationship between person- One personality-related framework that
ality and job performance. The estimated received increasing research attention during
true-score correlations between personality the past decade refers to individuals' core
and overall job performance ranged between self-evaluations. Judge et al. (1998) charac-
0.08 and 0.22 for emotional stability, 0.09 terized core self-evaluations as 'fundamental,
subconscious conclusions individuals reach responsibility for outcomes of the work, and
about themselves, other people, and the knowledge of the actual results of the work
world' (Judge et aI., 1998: 18; cf. also Judge activities). Additionally, they proposed that
et aI., 1997). Core self-evaluations comprise individual growth need strength moderates
an individual's self-esteem, generalized self- these relationships.
efficacy, locus of control, and emotional Most of the empirical work based on
stability. Meta-analytic evidence suggests that the JCM focused on task performance and
these core self-evaluations are related to job overall job performance. Meta-analytic find-
performance (Judge and Bono, 2001). More ings showed small, but positive associations
specifically, self-esteem showed a corrected between job characteristics and job perfor-
correlation of 0.26 with job performance. For mance. Fried and Ferris (1987) reported
generalized self-efficacy, locus of control and corrected mean correlations between job
emotional stability the corrected correlations performance and feedback, autonomy, task
were 0.23,0.22, and 0.19 respectively. identity, and skill variety of 0.22,0.18,0.13,
Thus, empirical data show that personality and 0.09 respectively, based on data from
is related to job performance. However, eight studies (N = 1,091) and between job
overall the effect sizes are relatively small, performance and task significance of 0.14
particularly in comparison to cognitive ability based on seven studies (N = 1,031). However,
predictors. the data also suggested the existence of moder-
ators between autonomy and task significance
Situation-specific variables: work on the one hand and job performance on
characteristics and job design the other hand. In a meta-analysis based
on data from 18 studies (N = 6,291),
Job performance is not only influenced by Spector (1986) reported an adjusted mean
person-specific variables such as general correlation of 0.26 (corrected for umeliability
mental abilities, but also by characteristics of the measures) between autonomy and job
of the situation in which the performance performance. Concerning mediating effects
occurs. Research on situational antecedents of the assumed psychological states in the
of job performance addresses workplace job characteristics-performance relationships
factors that enhance as well as potentially inconclusive results were reported in the
hinder petformance, and includes research on mentioned meta-analyses. Additionally, in a
leadership and reward systems (e.g. Gerstner review of 26 studies, only weak support was
and Day, 1997; Podsakoff et aI., 2006). We found for the assumed moderator effect of
now concentrate on workplace factors and individual growth need strength on the rela-
their relationships to job performance. tionships between job characteristics and job
The Job Characteristics Model (JCM) is performance (Graen et aI., 1986). Because of
a major approach that deals with workplace the cross-sectional character of many studies,
factors that enhance performance (Hackman causal interpretations are not warranted, and
and Oldham, 1976). The JCM describes the it remains unclear whether better jobs foster
relationships between core job characteristics, high petformance, or vice versa. However,
critical psychological states and personal and intervention studies showed that job redesign
work outcomes. Hackman and Oldham (1976) had positive effects on job performance
assumed that core job characteristics (i.e., (Guzzo et aI., 1985; Parker and Turner, 2002),
skill variety, task identity, task significance, lending some support to the interpretation that
autonomy, and feedback) support the quality well-designed jobs increase performance (for
of job performance as well as other outcomes the most recent meta-analysis see Humphrey
such as internal work motivation, job satisfac- et aI., 2007).
tion, absenteeism, or turnover by enhancing Although there is empirical evidence for
critical psychological states (i.e., experienced a positive relationship between particular
meaningfulness of the work, experienced job characteristics and task performance,
the specific mechanisms are not yet fully of a task and can additionally reduce effort-to-
understood. Exemplary for the relationship performance expectancies. In a meta-analysis
between task autonomy and job performance Villanova and Roman (1993) reported a neg-
Langfred and Moye (2004) discussed moti- ative, non-significant relationship between
vational, informational, and structural mech- situational constraints and job performance
anisms with some mechanisms enhancing but (mean correlation of -0.14 based on 11
other mechanisms impeding performance. studies with N = 9,273).
Research on relationships between job In their meta-analysis, LePine et al. (2005)
characteristics and contextual or adaptive per- summarized relationships between various
formance is very scarce. However, Chiu and stressors and job performance by classify-
Chen (2005) reported significant associations ing different stressors as hindrance versus
between particular job characteristics (i.e., challenge. Hindrance stressors included role
skill variety and task significance) and OCB, stressors and situational constraints and were
which were partially mediated by intrinsic job negatively related to job performance (cor-
satisfaction. Furthermore, significant relation- rected mean cOlTelation of -0.20 based on
ships were found between autonomy or job 73 studies with N = 14,943). Challenge
control and pro active behavior (Ohly et al., stressors on the other hand (e.g., demands,
2006; Parker, 2003; Parker et aI., 1997), which pressure, time urgency, and workload) were
were mediated by psychological states such positively related to performance (corrected
as control orientation and self-efficacy (Frese mean cOlTelation of 0.12 based on 20 studies,
et aI., 2007; Parker et aI., 2006; Speier and N = 3,465). Thus, some stressors hinder
Frese, 1997). job performance, but others enhance job
Regarding workplace factors that poten- performance.
tially hinder job performance (often called Importantly, these results refer mainly to
stressors), much research has focused on task or global performance. Initial studies on
role stressors. Role theory suggests that the relationships between stressors and con-
role ambiguity and role conflict deplete job textual performance (namely proactive behav-
performance (Kahn et aI., 1964; see the ior) reported positive relationships between
Chapter by Jex in this volume). Meta-analytic time pressure and personal initiative (Fay and
findings revealed a negative, non-significant Sonnentag, 2002; Sonnentag, 2003), which is
relationship between role ambiguity and job consistent with the results of LePine et al.
performance (corrected mean correlations (2005) on challenge stressors. Furthermore,
with various performance measures ranging Fay and Sonnentag (2002) reported a positive
between -0.04 and -0.28; Tubre and Collins, relationship between situational constraints
2000). The relationship between role conflict (a hindrance stressor) and personal initiative.
and job performance was also negative, but Thus, whereas hindrance stressors seem to
much smaller than between role ambiguity impede task performance, this does not
and performance (corrected mean correlations have to be true for specific aspects of
between -0.12 and 0.03 depending on the contextual performance. Perhaps situational
performance measure; Tubre and Collins, constraints point to sub-optimalities in the
2000). work organization that elicit attempts for
Situational constraints are also negatively improving the situation (Fay et al., 1998).
related to job performance (Bacharach and Overall, challenge stressors (e.g. time
Bamberger, 1995; Peters and O'Connor, pressure, demands) seem to be positively
1980). Situational constraints refer to prob- associated with task performance and also
lems with machines, incomplete materials with proactive behavior, whereas hindrance
or lack of necessary information, and these stressors (e.g. role stressors and situational
stressors impede job performance directly constraints) seem to be negatively associated
and indirectly: For example, problems with with task performance but possibly positively
machines directly hinder the accomplishment with proactive behavior.
directors revealed that those who directed variation in a sample of sales representatives.
more films per year showed a higher increase Thus, it is not only important to identify
in performance (as rated by external film variables that predict performance change
critics) over time, and also demonstrated per- over longer times, it is also interesting to
formance trajectories that were more strongly address performance variability within shorter
accelerating. In a study with pharmaceutical time frames. Beal et al. (2005) recently
sales representative, Thoresen et al. (2004) offered a theoretical approach to intraindi-
differentiated between employees working vidual performance variability that addresses
on a maintenance stage and those working within-person fluctuations of performance
on a transitional stage. In the maintenance within relatively short periods of time (e.g.,
stage, personality factors were not related to over the course of a working day). They
changes in performance over time. In the presented a model of episodic performance
transition stage, sales representatives high on to describe how immediate affective experi-
agreeableness and low on emotional stability ences are linked to within-person variations
were more likely to increase their performance of performance. They defined performance
over time. One explanation for this finding is episodes as 'behavioral segments that are
that individuals low on emotional stability will thematically organized around organization-
be more concerned in a transitional situation, ally relevant goals and objectives' (p. 1055).
and therefore might invest more effort that This model suggests that performance within
will lead to better performance. each performance episode is influenced by
As a whole, empirical research demon- a person's general resource level (e.g.,
strated that individuals differ in their per- cognitive ability, task-relevant skills) and the
formance trajectories, with some individuals momentary allocation of resources. Beal et al.
increasing their performance at a faster rate argued that pelformance within an episode is
than others. With respect to predictors of impeded when the person does not succeed
intraindividual changes, recent studies are in allocating all resources to the primary
promising. However, compared to the vast work task and when attention is diverted by
amount of studies on person-specific and off-task demands. The authors assumed that
situation-specific predictors of interindividual affective experiences - along with distractions
differences in performance, research evidence and interruptions that cause specific affective
on predictors of intra-individual change in states - are a core source of attentional
performance remains limited and not yet demands that interfere with the attentional
well-integrated. Clearly, more studies are demands of the primary work tasks. A recent
needed that include a broader range of empirical study related to this model provided
predictors and that systematically address promising results (Beal et al., 2006).
cognitive, non-cognitive, experience-related Taken together, the literature summarized
and situational variables and their relative in this section suggests that individual
importance. In addition, it appears to be performance is not necessarily stable over
helpful to differentiate between maintenance time. We anticipate that with the advance of
and transition stages as predictors of the available software that can analyze change,
performance change probably differ between more research will be conducted addressing
these stages. performance variability and change over time.
Most studies on intraindividual change
in performance summarized so far refer to
changes over longer periods of time (mostly RESEARCH AGENDA
months or years - for an exception see
Deadrick et al., 1997). However, performance During the past decades research on job
may also vary within shorter periods of time. performance has made substantial progress.
For example, Stewart and N andkeolyar (2006) Core accomplishments are certainly the dif-
demonstrated substantial weekly performance ferentiation between task performance and
task performance (Colquitt et al., 2000; performance, that in turn is predicted to facil-
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