IIPRD - Patent Validity Analysis - 1

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Exemplary Validity Analysis- FUSION IP LLC

US 6,344,902
About the Litigation The Patented Technology - US’902

The patent in suit relates to a method and apparatus for using feedback and
feedforward in generating predictable, reproducible and pleasing images in a
Fusion IP LLC is a Non-Practicing Entity
distributed digital image processing system monitors presentation images and provides
organized and existing under the laws of
Texas that maintains its principal place of feedback to a customer that assembled the original image. The originating customer
business at 1401 Lavaca St. #544, Austin, can view the image as it appears on a remote output device and/or adjust the image so
TX 78701. that the presentation image will match the image appearing on the image originating
device. The system can also automatically adjust the digital images as they are
processed by the system to ensure that a remotely outputted presentation image
matches the original image on the image originating device or on a local output device
proximal with the image originating device.
As part of our regular due-diligence and exemplary studies, we took this sample case
US 6,344,902
and have performed a brief validity search and were hoping of sharing the finding(s).

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US 6,344,902- Asserted Patent US 6,480,202 - Potential Prior Art Reference

Claim 1. A distributed digital image [Col. 05, Line 5-9] It is a third object of the invention to provide a system and a method for
processing system, comprising: transmitting/receiving images as well as a providing medium that are adapted to make the appearance
of the image at the transmitter agree with that of the image at the receiver in terms of colors.

an image originating device on which an [Col. 01, Line 54-60] FIG. 1 of the accompanying drawings schematically illustrate a CMS. Referring to
image is assembled; FIG. 1, with a CMS, the color signals of a picture input through an input device (e.g., camera 1, scanner
2, monitor 3) are converted into common color space signals (e.g., CIE/XYZ, CIE/L*a*b*) that are not
dependent on the characteristics of the device and then output through an output device (e.g., monitor
3, printer 4).

a processing device linked to the image [Col. 05, Line 10-20] According to a third aspect of the invention, the chromatic profile of the input
originating device that processes and device, information on the initial operating conditions of the input device when the profile is prepared
transmits a representation of the and information on the current operating conditions of the input device are added in the transmitter to
assembled image for outputting; the image data to be transmitted and sent to the receiver which, upon receiving the transmitted image
data, extracts the profile, the information on the initial operating conditions and the information on the
current operating conditions from the received image data and performs a processing operation of
correcting the colors for the image data.

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an output device linked to the processing [Col. 05, Line 19-30] Thus, when an image input through the input device of the transmitter is
device that outputs the assembled image as a output to the output device of the receiver by way of the internet, for example, and the
presentation image; and transmitted cannot update the profile in response to ambient light and the information on the
setting of the input device, the output device of the receiver can perform the updating operation
for the transmitter in order to make the appearance of the image at the transmitter agree with
that of the image at the receiver in terms of colors.

a measurement device linked to the output [Col. 15, Line 23-27] The image processing section 600 comprises an image processing section
device and at least one of the image 100 that receives the image transmitted by way of internet 500 and outputs the received image
originating device and the processing device, to the monitor 103-2 after carrying out predetermined processing operations on it.
the measurement device having at least one [Col. 01, Line 66-Col. 02, Line 9] To output the signals through monitor 3, the common color
sensor that detects properties of the space signals are then converted into color signals that reflect the characteristics of the monitor
presentation image, 3 by the profile specific to the monitor 3 and an image of the picture formed by the obtained
color signals will be displayed on the monitor.

Such a profile is determined by means of the signal values input to the device and the color
values (XYZ values or L*a*b* values) obtained by observing the colors of the image output
according to the signal values typically through a calorimeter.

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wherein the properties of the presentation [Abstract] Information on ambient light (viewing environment information) input from ambient
image detected by the measurement device light input section 101 is fed to viewing environment converting section 100 a, which determines
are fed dynamically back to at least one of the measured color values of monitor 103, and then fed to profile updating section 100 b and
image originating device, the processing contrast correcting section 100 d. The contrast correcting section 100 d corrects the contrast
device and the output device to modify at according to the measured color values. Information on the setting of the monitor 103 fed from
least one of the assembled image, the monitor control section 102 is supplied to monitor setting values converting section 100 c,
representation of the assembled image and where TRCs and a matrix are generated according to the modified setting information and
the presentation image, respectively. supplied to the profile updating section 100 b. The profile updating section 100 b updates the
profiles stored in memory 104 a by means of newly generated profiles.

[Col. 01, Line 66-Col. 02, Line 9] To output the signals through monitor 3, the common color
space signals are then converted into color signals that reflect the characteristics of the monitor
3 by the profile specific to the monitor 3 and an image of the picture formed by the obtained
color signals will be displayed on the monitor.

Such a profile is determined by means of the signal values input to the device and the color
values (XYZ values or L*a*b* values) obtained by observing the colors of the image output
according to the signal values typically through a calorimeter.

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IIPRD is a premier and well-established Intellectual Property (IP) Asset Management Firm focusing on Comprehensive Patent Support Services
ranging from Patent Searching, Patent Prosecution/Preparation, to Litigation/Licensing Support Global Corporates and Law Firms. We can be
reached at iiprd@iiprd.com and our details can be seen at www.iiprd.com. We can also be reached at +91-120-4296878 or + 1-202-600-4308


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