Smart Vehicle Screening System Using Artificial Intelligence Methods

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Abstract This paper describes the Smart Vehicle Screening System, which can be installed into a tollbooth for automated information recognition using of vehicle license plate


of image region included license

plate from source images flow and (ii) recognition of character presented on the license plate. Image such as edge processing techniques

a photograph of a vehicle. An

detection, thresholding and

automated system could then be implemented to control the payment of fees, parking areas, highways, bridges or tunnels, etc. There are considered an approach to identify vehicle through recognizing of its license plate using image fusion, neural networks and threshold techniques 1.INTRODUCTION The task of vehicle identification can be solved by vehicle license plate recognition. It can be used in many applications such as entrance admission, security, parking control, airport or harbor cargo control, road traffic control, speed control and so on. A number of commercial software is developed in this area.

resampling have been used to locate and isolate the license plate and the characters. The neural network was used for successful

recognition of the license plate number. Once a license plate has been accurately

identified, information about the vehicle can be obtained from various databases. the information suggest about that the Should there is




appropriate actions can be taken. The algorithm of license plate recognition (LPR) consists of the following steps: (i) to capture the car's images, (ii) to deblur of image frames, (iii) to extract image of license plate, (iv) to extract characters from license plate

However, they cannot be readily used when vehicle image is provided in different styles and formats. Proposed approach allows removing this drawback by ensemble of two methods: (i) detection and

image, (v) to recognize license plate characters and identify the vehicle.

The simplest image fusion method just takes the pixel-by- pixel gray level average of source images. However this often leads to undesirable side effects such as reduced contrast. The

2.DEBLURRING IMAGE FUSION Capture of the images


AND various methods based on the multiscale transforms have been proposed to address this issue. The basic idea is to perform a multiresolution decomposition on each source image, then integrate to form all a these composite the

8-bit gray scale images captured with a digital camera are transferred to computer. Images consist of rectangular array 480x640 pixels. In order to receive the better image for further processing it is supposed to receive video flow included several grabbed frames in the same time with different focus. Deblurring of image frames. We consider situations where two or more objects in the scene are at different distances from the camera. It is difficult to receive fully focused image using

decompositions representation, fused image

and finally reconstruct

by performing an inverse

multiresolution transform. Examples of this approach include the Laplacian pyramid , the gradient pyramid pyramid , , the ratio-of-low-pass

the morphological pyramid , and

inexpensive cameras Obtained images are not in focus everywhere, i.e., if one object is in focus, another one will be out of focus. Despite this it is possible to enhance image quality which objects in focus everywhere using

the wavelet transform. We propose the image fusion method based on mean contrast

frequency. This method is computationally simple and can be used in real-time

applications. Image fusion. The main purpose on this step is to receive as more deblurred image as possible, taking into account different weather

images fusion techniques with different focus points. Image fusion refers to image processing techniques to produce a new enhanced image by combination images from two or more cameras. The fused image is then more such suitable for further image-processing tasks

conditions, possible movement of the vehicle and noises influences on the image capture procedure. The image fusion algorithm

as segmentation, feature extraction and object


includes the following steps: 1. to create the MxN image template from source image with grayscale value PICT(m,n). Such template is shifted by the horizontal and vertical directions of both images. 2. to calculate the mean contrast frequency




value for each position of template: TF = RF + CF| ; (1) c ) Fig. 1. Blurred images (a and b), and result of image fusion techniques (c)

RF =

m 1= n 1=

,m n) PICT (m + ,1 n) ; ( M )1 * ( N )1


CF =

m 1=

,m n) PICT (m, n + )1 , (M *N( 1) )1

n 1=


3.THRESHOLDING where PICT(m,n) is color value of templates pixel located at m row and n column; M, N are size of template. The template frequencies are calculated for each of both blurre d images . 3. to create each pixel of deblurred image by thresholding procedure: PICT2(i,j)= PICT1(i,j) , if TF1>TF2+threshold; PICT2(I,j) , if TF1<TF2-threshold; *(PICT1(I,j)+PICT2(i,j); (4) For determination of the place that contains the license plate, the different objects presented in the image are founded and labeled. Those that have geometrical characteristics similar to those of license plate characters are selected. It is assumed that the plate has been found if the relative position of the selected objects is consistent with license plate. In a grayscale image the thresholding transformation sets each gray level that is less than or equal to a chosen

where PICT1(i,j) and PICT2(i,j) are pixels located at the center of templates received from fused source

threshold value T to 0 and each gray level greater than T to 1 . The result is B/W image with 0 representing black and 1 representing white (Fig. 2). Received from the digital camera images are transformed into black and white binary images, where any color below the threshold value is set to black, while any color above the threshold value is set to white. The threshold level T depends highly on the lighting conditions and brightness of the area of source image. PICT3(i,j)= 1 0 if PICT2(i,j) > threshold if PICT2(i,j) < threshold (5)

c) image varies from one plate to another. One method uses Hough Transform (HT) analysis of the image. Hough transformation is a method for detecting lines in binary images. It is possible to form the list of lines in the form of accumulator cells using such technique. These cells are then analyzed and list of horizontal vertical line segments are combined and for

rectangular region selections. The candidate regions of license plate are received analyzing the length of previously received lines.

However, boundary line detection is not suitable completely in the case of not

horizontally locating of the license plates on the image, corrupting or absentness of the boundary line in the license plates due to noise and uneven brightness. Furthermore, HT is inherently a time-consuming process. 4.LICENSE PLATE IDENTIFICATION The most difficult task is to locate the license plate, which could be at anywhere in the image. This task becomes more challenging illumination of the if the Proposed LPR system uses an iterative thresholding operation to identify license plate of vehicle. To determine the regions of the image that contains the license plate, the different objects presented in the image are found and labeled using the connectivity

reason of each pixel in matrix. The labeled objects are then analyzed and those that possess geometrical characteristics similar to

license plate characters are selected. The characteristics can be height and width, but others, such as aspect ratio, are also possible. The license plate can be identified using the following criteria: (i) Total pixels in a object, (ii) Height of the blobs, (iii) Width of the blobs, (iv) Presence license characters in the region. The proportion of maximum width and height is calculated for each object. Then object is considered as a region, which can include license plate if boundary of proportion is from 0.1 to 0.25 and if total number of pixels in the object is more than 2000 and less than 8000. On the next step selected regions are inverted and renumbered (relabeled) due to the connectivity reason. Then such region objects are selected that include more than threshold number of white pixels (equal 1). The threshold shows minimum number of white pixels in one digital character. After this

grid regions, which




character. The advantage of this technique is the simplicity and independency from image quality. technique The are disadvantages of this

some background in case of

selecting the region and the dividing grid in case of shifting the license plate.

It is possible to use a histogram of summary number of pixels at each column and row of license plate instead static bounds. At this case it is possible to reject some

background region from the license plate. Then the peaks and valley indicate on character on license plate. Depending on quality of license plate, this method is very useful since it is independent of character positions. However such technique depends on image quality. We have proposed the following general algorithm for efficient characters extracting

number of selected objects in the selected image region of license plate is calculated. If the amount of objects and characters is equal on the license plate, this region is selected as license plate (Fig. 3). In another case next region of the image is considered. 5.LICENSE PLATE CHARACTERS EXTRACTING There are several approaches for finding character bounds. The simplest approach is to use the static bounds,assuming that each character of the plate is located the license at the same position. For this goal selected on previous stage region with license plate is divided on the equal

from license plate: 1. to cut square region with license plate received on the previous stage from all source images in order to execute proposed algorithm.


to threshold cut region using (5) in order to enhance the license plate quality. The value of threshold level is selected taking into account the ration of pixels between background and characters. Such ration is approximately 69% of background (Fig. 4a).


to cut the character region with maximum and minimum parameters of high and width for each selected region(Fig. 5b).


to resize character region from previous step to the standard parameters of width and high using bicubic interpolation


to invert the license plate received on the previous stage.(Fig. 4b).

technique in order to use such image in following recognition procedure (Fig. 5c). 6. RECOGNIZING OF CHARACTERS USING




Fig. 4. Selecting of license plate The character sequence of license plate uniquely 4. to apply the median filter to inverted license plate in order to reject a noise from the template. 5. to renumber each selected region due to the connectivity reason taking into account the identifies the vehicle. It is proposed to use artificial neural networks for recognizing of license plate characters, taking into account their properties to be as an associative memory.

following necessary parameters: (i) width of the selected object which is renumbered, (ii) high of the selected object which is renumbered and (iii) total sum of the white pixels in the selected object (pixels selected as 1). Such parameters have to be in proportion with the width, high and sum of character of license plate. If the selected object doesnt satisfy the parameters above in
a) b) c)

Fig. 5. Extracting the character from license plate The images of characters form the training set of neural network. The multilayer neural network is used for character recognition. The training vector of neural network consists of certain number of elements in the input layer and is created by vectors of image rows of the license plate characters in binary format. Each

boundary of some threshold then the next object is rejected and renumbered (Fig. 5a).

layer of neural network contains the matrix of weight where dXprev coefficients W, vector of thresholds b and vector of weight or bias, output values a (Fig. 6). The output of each layer of momentum constant. neural network is presented by an overhead index For each epoch, if performance decreases and is calculated as following: towards the goal, then the learning rate is lr is learning rate, mc is is the previous change of

a1 = f 1 IW 1 1, p + b1 a 2 = f 2 LW ,2 1a1 + b2 ; increased by lr_inc. If performance increases by more than the factor max_perf_inc, the learning rate is adjusted by the factor lr_dec and the inputs, S1 neurons of the hidden layer and S2 neurons of output layer. The outputs of every intermediate layer are the inputs of the next layer. Therefore, output layer 2 can also be considered as one layer neural network with the S1 inputs, S2 neurons, and weighted matrix W 2 = S2xS1. The a 1 vector is the input to layer2 with a 2 outputs. The same approach is taken for any layer of neural network. Gradient descent backpropagation method change, which increases the performance,is not made. Training process stops when any of these conditions occur: (i) the maximum number of epochs is reached, (ii) the maximum amount of time has been exceeded, (iii) performance has been minimized to the goal, (iv) the

a2 = f 2 ( LW 2 1, f 1 ( IW ,1 1 p + b1 ) + b2 ) . (6) The neural network showed on Fig. 6 contains R1

with momentum and adaptive learning rate is the proposed method for propagation is used neural network training. Back to calculate derivatives of

performance with respect to the weight and bias variables X. Each variable is adjusted according to gradient descent with momentum: dX = mc*dXprev + lr*mc*dperf/dX,)

performance gradient falls below min gradient,

(v) validation performance has increased more than max_fail times since the last time it decreased. 7. CONCLUSIONS The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibility of automatic recognition of vehicle license plate. We can improve quality of the vehicle image

Neural Network Design, Boston, MA: PWS Publishing, 1996.

using fusion technique, then extract the license plate and isolate characters contained on the plate, and finally identify the characters on the license plate using artificial neural network. The proposed approach of license plate recognition can be implemented by police to detect speed violators, parking areas, highways, bridges or tunnels. 8.REFERENCES [1]. Kamat, V. and Ganesan, Implementation S, "An Efficient

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