Lesson Plan 01

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Mao Tsé-Tung Basic School Commands: stand up, go and sit, come in front, read, repeat

Date: 05th - 06th April 2023 Teaching Aids: Text Book, Chalkboard, Chalk, Board

Subject: English Grade: 7 Language: this is…… is this a……? My favourite…..is…

Unit III: Family and Friends

Topic: Colours and Clothes

Lesson Objectives: By the end of the lesson Students should be able to know and mention the diversity of Colours and Clothes

Time Stage/Aims Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Skills Interactions

The Teacher greets the Students; Greet the Teacher;

Speaking T---------Std
Pay attention and confirm his/her Presence;
Controls the students’ presences;
The teacher introduces the lesson Topic ‘‘Clothes Pay attention to the teacher and the lesson;
and Colours’’.
The teacher asks the students to read the names They read the names of the Colours
of the colours

Green Maroon Yellow Listening Std----------T

20’ Presentation
Olive Blue Silver

Orange Pink Purple

Cyan Red Rust

Grey Gold Brown

Charcoal Black Violet

Reading Std----------T
Clothes Reading
They read the names of the Clothes

Skirt Gloves Jeans

Shirt Coat Sweat Std---------T

T-shirt Pants/Trousers Tie

Jacket Suit Sweater

Presentation Listening
Blouse T-shirt Dress

Trainers Hat Boots

Socks Scarf Shorts

Shoes Winter hat

Complete the sentences with the correct colour or cloth. They complete the sentences with the correct Reading
Example. The shorts are green. colour or cloth.
a) The T-shirt is __________________. Example. The shorts are green.
15’ b) The __________________ is orange. a) The T-shirt is Yellow. T----------Std
c) The suit is __________________. . b) The Winter hat is orange.
d) The __________________ is red. c) The suit is black.
e) The __________________ are also red. d) The blue is red.
e) The shoes are also red.
In pair the Students talk about their favourite
Colours and types of Clothes.
The teacher asks the students to sit in pair and talk about Student A: My favourite colours are……..
10’ Production Speaking Std-------Std
Their favourite colours and types of clothes. Student B: My favourite colours are……..
Student B: My favourite types of clothes are……
Student A: My favourite types of clothes are…....

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