Finals, Activity 1 & 2-The Art of Marriage

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God implanted the divine design for the home in the natures of man and woman
when He created them. They are social creatures, and their lives are incomplete and
unfulfilled without one another. In addition, the need for physical companionship and
reproduction is an integral part of human nature. The most intimate relationship is found
in marriage. When it is successful, individuals experience supreme happiness in life, but
they experienced great pain and sorrow when this relationship fails.

Of all social institutions, the home is the most important. The church, school, and
state have distinctive contributions to make, but their success is determined largely by
the strength of the home. “As goes the home so goes the entire social order.”



Scholars have noted two creation accounts in Genesis 1: 1-2:4 and 2:5-24.
Genesis 1 sets forth God’s relation to the material order; He is the Creator. Genesis 2
presents man’s relation to material creation and to his Creator.

1. The divine design for the home was implanted in man and woman:
a. They are __________________ creatures and are incomplete and unfulfilled
without one another.

b. They need physical _____________________.
Human nature
c. Reproduction is an integral part of their ________________________.

2. Match by drawing lines from the creation account its emphasis.

Genesis 1:1 1-2:4 God’s relationship to the material order.

Genesis 2: 5-24 Man’s relationship to material creation and his Creator.


The act of creating man and woman was so important that it was preceded by a
divine consultation, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Gen. 1:26). The
plural pronouns “us” and “our” do not imply polytheism, but their use reflects a deep
biblical insight into the greatness of God’s nature. The same emphasis is given by the
use of plural form of the word GOD (Elohim instead of El). God is so great that he must
be understood as a society of love even though He is one. The Biblical writers
conceived of and expressed the richly personal and societal nature of God’s being with
imaginary of His being surrounded by the heavenly court- angel’s ministering spirit, sons
of God. The word used to denote man means mankind; therefore, man created in
God’s image means humanity, which include both male and female (Gen. 1: 27). It
takes both male and female in social relations to constitute the image of God as Creator
in the act of procreation (conception and birth of children).

Image ordinarily means an actual duplication with an emphasis on material

resemblance. Likeness is more abstract and emphasizes spiritual resemblance.
Probably the two words were used as synonyms with likeness qualifying image in order
to shift the emphasis from physical similarity to spiritual correspondence- intelligence,
will, moral responsibility, and social and religious communion. Mankind was created on
a higher level than other creatures which were to serve his purposes. Man in the image
of God was given control over animals even as God has control over all created things,
including man.

3. To be created in the image of God means that man and woman are
______procreation_____ beings.

4. “After our likeness “(Gen.1:26) emphasizes spiritual resemblance, such as:

intelligence, Will, moral responsibility, social and religious communion.


God formed man from the dust of the ground and made him a living being (soul,
Gen.2:7) even as He did other animals. (“Living soul “in2:7 translates the same Hebrew
word as “living creatures” in 2:19.) Since man’s body is created from matter, he is
related on the physical level to the rest of material creation. Plant and animal creation
can provide for man’s physical needs but not for his social and spiritual needs. His
nature rises above the physical. Man is a social being whose humanity cannot be
realized apart from other beings of his own kind. Animals of various species were
brought before Adam; he named them, but he could not satisfy his spiritual and social
needs by relating to them (Gen. 2:19-20). Man is incomplete without woman and cannot
fulfill every aspect of his nature apart from her. One of his divinely appointed purposes
is to share in the bringing forth of new life (procreation). The conception and birth of
children allow man and woman to share with God in the process of creation. This
unique accomplishment requires joint participation of both male and female and reveals
that complete humanity requires the unity of man and woman. This truth is evident in
Adam’s response to Eve’s creation: “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my
flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man” (Gen.2:23).

5. Man rises above the physical level of animal creation in that he has social and
spiritual needs.

6. List two ways in which man is incomplete without woman.

conception, birth of children.


The tendency of this age is to emphasize individualism and to conclude that man
and woman are complete within themselves. This view is in error. They do not
experience personality and full humanity as a result of their individualism. The nature of
the human body points to physical distinction and suggests individualism, but having a
functional body is hardly an adequate description. Intelligence and attitudes of love,
hatred, selfishness and concern are very much parts of a person’s total being. One
cannot love or hate apart from other social beings. To illustrate this truth, consider a
hypothetical example: A child grows up in a total isolation from other human beings, his
body may grow with sufficient food available, but his mind and emotional life will not
develop. He will be unable to talk because of never having heard others speak. His
intelligence will be hindered because of lack of teaching by others. He will not know how
to relate to another person. He will be a strange creature indeed and hardly what one
could call a human being.

The preceding hypothetical illustration emphasizes that humanity was designed

for societal relationships. There are various levels of these relationships, but the most
intimate are experienced within the home: husband-wife and parent-children. The right
kinds of homes are required for the development of healthy personalities.

Since Adam could not be fully man as long as there were only animals with which
to associate, God made one who was to be his helpmate: “But for Adam there was not
found an help meet for him” (Genesis 2: 20). The oneness of man and woman in
making humanity complete is emphasized by God’s making woman from one of Adam’s
ribs. The taking of woman’s body from apart a man’s body allows for their physical
individuality but emphasizes the closest possible relationship and unity between man
and woman: “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of flesh” (Gen. 2: 23). The writer
of Genesis emphasized that although man receives physical life from his parents, he
looks to his wife for the fulfillment of his humanity: “And they shall be one flesh” (Gen. 2:

Societies which hold that man is superior to woman or woman is superior to man
have a distorted theology and a completely inadequate view of the nature of social
beings. The modern women’s liberation movement appears to evaluate woman and her
fulfillment primarily in terms of economic success. Neither man nor woman can be
complete apart from the other. Personality can be fulfilled to a degree in social relations
that are less intimate than those in the home, but the highest fulfillment of humanity
comes through the joining together with one’s counterpart in the home.

7. Human beings cannot experience personality and full humanity apart from
other human beings.

List some human characteristics which cannot be expressed without other social

Physical distinction and individualism

Intelligence and attitudes of love, hatred, selfishness and concern

8. The most intimate social relationships are:

Husband - wife

Parents - children

9. The making of woman from apart of man’s body emphasizes: their physical
individuality and also their closest possible relationship or unity.


After the creation of man and woman was described, the author of Genesis set
forth the purpose of their unique social and physical characteristics: ”Therefore shall a
man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave (be united) unto his wife: and they
shall be one flesh” (Gen. 2: 24). Cleave means literally to be glued to; that is, the two
persons become one.
How the two become one is implied by Paul in 1 Corinthians 6: 15-16. In
describing the seriousness of immoral physical relations with a harlot, Paul stated,
“Know ye not that he which is joined to a harlot is one body? For two, saith he, shall be
one flesh” (v. 16). God has designed the male and female bodies to join together as one
flesh; however, the physical relations of one person with several others do not bring
about fulfillment but degeneration and perversion.


Paul further stated that sins committed by a person are not of the body except
the sin of immorality which is a sin against one’s own body (1Cor. 6: 18). Drunkenness,
drug addiction, and gluttony involve the use of external materials as instruments of sin,
but immorality implicates the human body as the instrument of sin. Adultery is one half
of the “one flesh” of marriage partners sinning against the other half.

Paul pursues the emphasis on the unity of marriage partners in 1 Cor. 7. The
advice he gives concerning the relationship of husband and wife is that “the wife does
not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise also the
husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does” (v. 4)

Paul’s emphasis on the unity of husband and wife is consistent with the biblical
emphasis on man’s social nature. Life lived apart from social relations is desolate; life
lived in right social relations is beautiful and fulfilling. The person who violates his social
responsibilities brings sorrow and pain to himself and to those whom he implicates in his



When God created man and woman in His image, He said to them, “Be fruitful,
and multiply, and replenish the earth” (Gen. 1: 28). The passage implies that they share
in a special way with God in the work of creation. In previous verses, the expression “let
there be….” refers back to God’s power in creation. However, God gave to man and
woman a command to reproduce and multiply-they were to share in God’s work, an
indication of their being created in God’s image. The implication of the passage is that it
takes both male and female in union to constitute the image of God.

Through procreation, man and woman enter the flow of history which extends
back to the first man and will continue far beyond their deaths. Each participates in
something bigger and more permanent than his own individual existence. After life
begins to move towards its sunset, the joys of success may no longer come from
individual accomplishments but rather through the accomplishments of one’s
descendants. The ability to participate in the life of these descendants is not an
individual accomplishment but the result of two becoming one flesh.

10. According to God’s design, man and woman become one flesh when they
join their bodies in physical relations.

11. Why is adultery sin against one’s own body?

Because a partner harms his or her other half by being married.

12. One of the divine purposes of the home is unity. Give a Scripture reference
to prove this statement. 1 Corinthians 7:4


Although animals were brought before Adam to be named, they did not provide
companionship and could not alleviate his loneliness. Yahweh concluded that “it is not
good that man should be alone; I will make him and help meet for him” (Gen. 2:18).
Experience has taught that it is better for most men and women to marry. The need for
companionship between the male and female is built into their physical natures. The
healthy, intimate relationship of husband and wife is the basis of successful social
relationships at other levels. Acceptance by one’s companion removes feelings of
inferiority and unworthiness, and this acceptance is reflected in relationships outside the

Companionship in marriage strengthens one’s moral character. Some single

persons have difficulty controlling their sexual impulses, and others do not even try.
Paul recognized that these impulses are not as strong in some persons as others (see 1
Cor. 7:36). Since he concluded that the time was short before “the fashion of this world
passeth away,” he advised unmarried persons not to marry sothat they could give all of
their attention to the things of the Lord (see 1 Cor. 7:31). Nevertheless, he recognized
that this advice would create temptations for those with strong sexual impulses;
therefore, he concluded that “it is better to marry than to burn”

The values of companionship are seen in times of joy and stress. When good
fortune comes to a person, his greatest joy comes in sharing it with others. So what if an
isolated person on a lonely island found treasures worth a million dollars. A husband
who receives a promotion on the job desires to get home and share the good news with
his wife and to celebrate with his family. Some joy comes in sharing good fortune with
friends, but the greatest joy comes in sharing with it with one’s companion. The values
of companionship are seen also in times of sorrow. The loss of a loved one adds to the
loneliness of a single person, but married persons share the disappointments of life
together and find mutual strength in times of crisis. They benefit from facing critical
decisions together and counseling one another in finding the right answers.

13. Another divine purpose of the home is companionship. Give a Scripture

reference to prove this statement. 1 Corinthians 7:36

14. Is this statement true or false?

true A healthy marriage relationship is the basis for successful social

relationships on other levels.

Companionship in marriage strengthens one’s moral character.

15. Companionship is valuable in joy, stress, and sorrow, and in times of crisis


Marriage is God’s holy ordinance through which He plans to perpetuate the

human race until the end of time. The home is the institution most responsible for
continuing the worship and service of Yahweh. The influence of Christian parents on
children contributes significantly to the building of the Kingdom of God. The personality
patterns of young people are influenced greatly by the Christian home. How often a
husband can see traits of his mother-in-law in his wife and a wife can see
characteristics of her father-in-law in her husband. Strong families will build strong
churches, but deteriorating family life will cause church life to diminish. Some churches
are developing a greater awareness of the need to minister to the shattered lives of
persons experiencing broken homes, and this need should be given attention. But the
future strength of the church and the growth of God’s Kingdom will come through stable
homes that are built on biblical principles.

The family belongs to God because He created it. He has designed its nature,
determined its purposes, and appointed its responsibilities. Homes are to be dedicated
to the raising of children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph. 6:4). Children
are gifts of God to the home. Both children and parents belong to the Lord who made
them. Sin causes adults and children to deny or to neglect their responsibilities to their
Creator. The home is to be the basic educational institution which instructs the children
in righteousness and fear of the Lord. This responsibility of spiritual instruction requires
both Bible study and influence from the Christian attitudes and actions of parents.

16. Another divine purpose of the home is worship and service.

17. Marriage is God’s plan for perpetuating the human race.

18. The home is the institution most responsible for worship and service.

19. The home is the basic educational institution whichinstructs children in

righteousness and fear of the lord. Give a Scripture reference to prove this statement is
true. Ephesians 6:4


Separation from parents

When God ordained marriage, He stipulated that “a man shall leave his father
and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh” (Gen.
2:24). The unity of the child and the parents is symbolized by the child’s body being
sustained by the mother’s body before birth and the care and protection of the parents
after birth. The relation of parents and child must change when he reaches adulthood.
His new unity is with his wife as he changes from the role of a child to an adult. This
transition is often critical for parents and children, especially if a husband and wife do
not have a good relationship. Often the mother refuses to allow the son to make the
transition to the adult role of husband and father.

Although the primary relationship shifts from parents to companion when a

person reaches adulthood, he is not to neglect nor dishonor his parents. As a child, he
was obligated to obey the instruction of his mother and father, but as an adult he
assumes the role of authority over children and shares in decision making with his
companion. Conflict results when parental partner has the same relationship to the
other’s parents as the son or daughter, but when they marry their oneness implicates
both in authoritative demands handed down by parents.

Wise partners in marriage recognize the value of the biblical instruction to leave
the father and mother in order to be one with their mates. A married person’s first
responsibility and loyalty is to his companion. A refusal of parents to recognize the
change of relationship when their children marry often causes confusion and serious
problems. An only son frequently tends to be dominated by his mother even after
marriage. The wife feels excluded from the relationship she had expected to establish
with her husband since his primary allegiance continues with his mother.
Many marriage counselors advise young couples to plan not to live with the
parents of either after marriage. Sometimes it is necessary even for the couple to move
to a distant city in order to allow the change of relationship to take place. A person who
is unwilling to give priority to his relationship with his companion is not ready for


Although polygamy was practiced during different periods of Old Testament

times, Jesus stated that God’s original plan was for one man and one woman to join
together in one flesh, and that oneness was not to be separated (Mt. 19:6). By New
Testament times, monogamy prevailed in Judaism.

It is impossible to interpret Gene. 2:24 to mean that a man can become one flesh
with more than one woman. Paul made reference to becoming one flesh with a harlot,
indicating that God’s method for two becoming one flesh is through a physical
relationship. The implication of Paul’s teaching and that of Jesus in Matthew 19 is that
unity with one’s wife is broken when a man joins his body to a harlot. The same is true
when a wife joins her body to a man other than her husband. Jesus interpreted God’s
plan from the beginning to be one man and one woman joined together in marriage for


God designed the bodies of the male and the female; therefore, sexual relations
of husband and wife are not shameful but the fulfillment of a divine plan. However, such
relations outside of marriage violate the divine plan: God prohibits adultery.

Marriage in the Old Testament involved two stages: the betrothal and the
marriage ceremony. Betrothal appears to have been the entering into a marriage
contract, usually with the young woman’s father, but marriage was not completed until
the marriage ceremony, which included a wedding feast and the bridal chamber. It is
possible that the “children of the bride chamber” served as witnesses regarding the
bride’s tokens of virginity. Once the marriage was consummated in the bridal chamber,
it was not to be one flesh in marriage is through His design of their bodies for physical
relationships; therefore, adultery is a serious transgression of God’s work and will.

20. Are these statements true or false?

true In marriage, the primary relationship is to companion.

true This new relationship precludes any responsibility to parents.

true In marriage, responsibility changes from obedience to parents to decision

making with companion.

21. Give a New Testament Scripture which teaches that marriage is to be


Matthew 19:6

22. Give the two stages of marriage in the Old Testament.

Betrothal and marriage ceremony

What was the Bethrothal? The act of entering into marriage life is what
includes a marriage contract.

The marriage included in two parts: wedding feast and bridal chamber


Since marriage is ordained of God, all marriages should be based on Christian

principles. However, not all persons recognize their responsibilities to their Creator, and
not all marriages can be properly described as Christian. Even so, all persons entering
into marriage, whether Christian or not, are obligated to recognize the design of their
Creator regarding the home. Those who recognize that marriage is ordained of God and
have a true understanding of the spiritual- physical sanctity of marriage usually can
work through any conflicts which threaten the unique union. Marriages are dissolved
only when Satan gains control over the life of one or both marriage partners. As long as
both partners are committed to the will of God, problems which arise can be resolved.

In a first century pagan society, some women were converted to faith in Christ,
but their husbands continued in paganism. Often conflicts arose within the home
because of different moral standards and priorities. Paul addressed such a situation in 1
Corinthians 7. He advised Christian wives to continue married to their husbands if
possible. If conflicts hindered the faith and service of a believer, Paul counseled the
convert to separate from his companion. Recognizing the serious problems which arise
from believers being yoked unequally to unbelievers, Paul advise widows to marry again
“only in the Lord” (1 Cor. 7:39). This statement means that Christians should select
Christians rather than unbelievers as companions. Often, young women make the
mistake of marrying unbelievers with the idea that they will convert their husbands. Too
often the reverse influence prevails- the wife ceases serving and worshipping her Lord.
Others continue to serve Christ under extreme difficulties. A few see their husbands’
converted and mutual spiritual growth takes place.

Only the relationship to one’s Creator and Redeemer supersedes the relationship
to a companion. No conflict will arise between loyalty to God and one’s companion if the
marriage is in the Lord. Conflicts and difficulties frequently arise when one who is loyal
to Christ is married to one who disregards the commands of Christ.

23. Marriage is ordained of God and is binding for both Christians and Non-
Christians because God is creator of both.

24. Paul advised Christian wives to stay married to pagan husbands, if possible.
However, if such a marriage hindered faith and service, he advised to separate from
his companion.

25. What one relationship supersedes that of marriage?

Christians' relationship with God, our Lord, the creator and redeemer.


Not all persons today accept biblical revelation as authoritative, especially with
regard to the institution of marriage. Those who advocate living in unmarried
relationships, swapping wives, and participating in communal practices have challenged
the traditional view that monogamy is the normal state among all civilized people. Their
goal seems to be to destroy the Christian family structure and to establish a new type
relationship between males and females.

Some who have chosen a new lifestyle of male and female relations without
responsibilities of marriage have discovered already that serious problems can arise.
The great emphasis on individual freedom has caused many people today to reject
biblical authority regarding requirements for the home and to follow their own desires
without assuming responsibility. If man could achieve full humanity apart from social
relationships, he might succeed in living unto himself and doing as he pleases. Since
man cannot exist in isolation and experience fulfillment, he must assume social
relationships. For those relationships to be successful there must be responsibility; each
party must be treated fairly when conflicting interests arise. An individual’s freedoms are
limited by the rights of his counterpart in the social relationship. God has created men
and women as social creatures, not as independent individualists. He has set forth
guidelines for successful relations by putting limitations on individual freedom and made
man responsible for his brother. Conflicts arise when one demands individual rights
which infringe upon the rights of others. Insistence on individual rights grows out of
selfishness, which is sin. Conflicts can be resolved when one determines to limit his
freedom because of love and concern for others.
A person needs an authoritative guide in order to achieve harmonious relations
with marriage. Marital relations require a person’s limiting his own freedom for the sake
of his partner. His self-interest will prevent his ability to determine objectively what he
should forego in making adjustments. The only sure way of finding harmony in marital
relations is for each partner to yield to the will and purpose of God. Conflicts between
couples arise when or the other turns aside from God’s control to live his own life.
Solutions are found when each person yields his life to the will of his heavenly Father
and seeks to do what is right in God’s sight. Carnal Christians have about as much
difficulty in finding harmony in marriage as non-Christians. Christians committed to the
divine design of the home find happiness and success in marriage. A couple can be
assured that their marriage will not fail if they make God’s plan the guiding authority for
their home.

26. Why have many rejected biblical authority today?

Because of the institution of marriage, many people now reject biblical authority.

27. For social relationships to be successful there must be responsibility and

limitation of individual freedom.

28. To achieve harmony in marriage, there must be an authority beyond the two
companions. What should that authority be? Each partner has the authority to bow to
God's will and purpose in their marital life.

Persons who argue for open marriages usually have a materialistic view of man’s
nature. Their concept of successful living is to satisfy physical impulses. If these
impulses are not satisfied, the partnership is dissolved by divorce. These persons fail to
consider the feelings and anxieties of their partners. If they had a better understanding
of life as a whole, they would realize that life is incomplete and unstable without a
spiritual foundation. They would recognize the irreplaceable contribution of the stable
family to the spiritual, moral, emotional, and physical development of children and
therefore to the strengthening of society and the nation.

Acceptance of responsibility is a sign of maturity. To desire all the privileges of

success and joy in life without responsibility shows immaturity. A society which clamors
for individual freedom and privileges while rejecting responsibility for others is not
moving towards higher levels of civilization but retrogressing into immaturity, instability,
and thus turmoil.

Most people hold that the basis of marriage is romantic love. God’s plan as
revealed in the creation story is compatible with man’s biological, psychological, and
spiritual nature. Each human being is the child of one man and one woman, and the
health of that child depends on the security and nurture which the parents give to him
during the years of his development. One man and woman give to every child his
existence, and they share in determining what kind of existence it will be.

Marriages which are based on romantic love often end in divorce. Husbands and
wives who are convinced that romantic happiness is the sole criterion on marriage often
become disillusioned when they face the struggles of adjusting to one another and the
often monotonous task of making a living. Marriage is a practical and serious
relationship and must have deeper roots than romantic feelings. It should be based
upon the firm foundation of the Word of the eternal God.

29. a. Advocates of open marriages have a materialistic view of man.

b. Life and marriages are incomplete and unstable without a spiritual


c. A stable marriage contributes to the spiritual, moral,

emotional, and physical development of children, society, and nation.

30. Marriage should be a practical, serious union based on the divine order of

31. God’s plan is compatible with man’s biological, psychological, and spiritual

32. a. Marriage is a practical and serious relationship and must have deeper
roots than romantic feelings.

b. Marriage must be based on the Word of the eternal god.


1. Give three evidences of God’s implanting the divine design for the home in the
nature of man and woman.

- Genesis 2:21-24 - God creates Eve as a companion and helper for Adam,
establishing marriage as the union between a man and a woman. This passage
emphasizes that men and women are complementary and sets the foundation for
the sacred bond of marriage.

- Genesis 1:26-28 – it tells us that God created both men and women in His
image, highlighting their equal worth. It also emphasizes God's command for
humans to procreate and establish families, reflecting the importance of these
aspects in His divine plan.

- 1 Corinthians 7:4 – Paul discusses the mutual obligations within marriage. He

emphasizes that both husband and wife have authority over each other's bodies,
highlighting the principle of mutual submission and shared responsibility in
meeting each other's needs within the marital relationship.

2. What is the emphasis of God’s creation of humanity in His image.

- The focus of God's creation of humanity in His image is to display humanity in a divine
light. This is to demonstrate how great God's love for the world is. He is so magnificent that
He created man in His own image to demonstrate how sovereign He is, and thus He should
be glorified in man's life.

3. Give the emphasis of the term “after our likeness.”

- The term "after our likeness" in Genesis emphasizes that humans were created to reflect
God's image and possess unique qualities that set them apart.

4. How does man differ from animal?

- Humans differ from animals in significant ways according to the Bible. They possess a
spiritual nature, rationality, moral consciousness, and the ability to have a personal
relationship with God.

5. How does the Bible account for both the oneness of man and woman and their

- The Bible recognizes the oneness of man and woman in marriage while also acknowledging
their individuality. It affirms their equal worth and value, while assigning distinct roles and
responsibilities within the marital relationship.

6. According to God’s design, how do husband and wife become one flesh?

- According to God's design, husband and wife become intimately united as "one flesh"
through the act of physical intimacy within marriage.

7. Why is adultery sin against one’s own body?

- Adultery is considered a sin against one's own body because it violates the
sacredness and exclusivity of the marital relationship.
8. List the three purposes for the home according to the Bible and give Scripture
references supporting each.

Companionship – Genesis 2:18 emphasizes the importance of companionship by stating that

it is not good for man to be alone. As a result, God created a woman to be a suitable companion
for man, highlighting the need for relational connection and partnership.

Procreation - Genesis 1:28 explains that one purpose of marriage is to procreate and
fill the earth with offspring. This implies the responsibility of raising children and
continuing the human lineage as part of God's plan for creation.

Worship and Service - Ephesians 6:4 reminds families of their role in worshiping and
serving God. It emphasizes the importance of instilling spiritual values and training
children to live a life devoted to God's service.

9. Why does the Bible instruct separation from parents when young people marry?

- The Bible instructs young people to separate from their parents when they marry in
order to establish a new primary loyalty and commitment to their spouse.

10. What Scripture teaches that marriage is to be a monogamous union?

- The Scripture that teaches monogamous marriage is found in Genesis 2:24, which
states that a man shall leave his parents and be joined to his wife, indicating a singular

11. List the two stages of marriage in the Old Testament and the two parts of the
second stage.

- Betrothal

- Wedding Ceremony - this involves the public declaration of marriage vows and
the consummation of the marriage through physical union.

12. Why are non- Christians responsible for God’s requirements in marriage?

- Non-Christians are responsible for God's requirements in marriage because

marriage is a universal institution established by God for all humanity,
irrespective of one's religious beliefs.

13. What was Paul’s counsel to wives in conflict with unbelieving husbands?
- Paul's counsel to wives in conflict with unbelieving husbands can be found in 1
Corinthians 7:13-16. He advises them to maintain a peaceful and loving
relationship with their unbelieving spouses, seeking to influence them towards

14. What emphasis has caused many people today to reject biblical authority for the

- Many people today reject biblical authority for the home due to an emphasis on
individual autonomy and personal desires, which can undermine the biblical
principles and standards for marriage and family.

15. Why must individual freedom be limited?

- Individual freedom must be limited to prevent selfishness, harm to others, and

the breakdown of relationships. Boundaries and limitations help maintain order,
promote well-being, and ensure that individual freedom does not infringe upon
the rights and dignity of others.

16. Why does one need an authoritative guide for marriage?

- Individual freedom must be limited to prevent selfishness, harm to others, and

the breakdown of relationships. Boundaries and limitations help maintain order,
promote well-being, and ensure that individual freedom does not infringe upon
the rights and dignity of others.

17. What should be the basis of marriage?

- The basis of marriage, according to the Bible, is the mutual love, commitment, and
covenantal relationship between a man and a woman. It involves leaving one's family
and cleaving to one's spouse to form a new unity.

18. What are the purposes of the home?

- The purposes of the home, as outlined in the Bible, include companionship and
partnership between spouses, raising godly children, providing a safe and
nurturing environment, and fostering spiritual growth and ministry.

19. What requirements does God make for the home?

- God establishes various requirements for the home, including love, mutual submission, lifelong
commitment, proper roles and responsibilities, and adherence to moral and ethical standards.

20. Why is man incomplete without woman?

- Man is incomplete without woman in the context of marriage, as God created

woman to be a suitable partner and helper for man, fulfilling each other's needs
and reflecting God's design for human relationships.

21. What are the implied teachings of the “one flesh” union of man and woman
according to Genesis 2: 24?

- The "one flesh" union of man and woman in Genesis 2:24 signifies a deep
bond, unity, and commitment in marriage, encompassing physical, emotional, and
spiritual aspects of the marital relationship

22. What is the role of the father in the home?

- Fathers have a crucial role as the head of the household, responsible for leading the
family in following God's instructions and gathering together to worship the Lord with
sincerity and truth.

23. What is the role of mother in the home?

- Mothers play a significant role as well, serving as the second-in-command in the

household. They are a guiding light for their children, setting an example of faith and
virtue through their words, actions, and nurturing presence in the home.

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