In this chapter we discuss relationships between logic and games, focusing on
first-order logic and fixed-point logics, and on reachability and parity games.
We discuss the general notion of model-checking games. While it is easily
seen that the semantics of first-order logic can be captured by reachability
games, more effort is required to see that parity games are the appropriate
games for evaluating formulae from least fixed-point logic and the modal
µ-calculus. The algorithmic consequences of this result are discussed. We
also explore the reverse relationship between games and logic, namely the
question of how winning regions in games are definable in logic. Finally the
connections between logic and games are discussed for more complicated
scenarios provided by inflationary fixed-point logic and the quantitative
4.1 Introduction
The idea that logical reasoning can be seen as a dialectic game, where a
proponent attempts to convince an opponent of the truth of a proposition
is very old. Indeed, it can be traced back to the studies of Zeno, Socrates,
and Aristotle on logic and rhetoric. Modern manifestation of this idea are
the presentation of the semantics of logical formulae by means of model-
checking games and the algorithmic evaluation of logical statements via
the synthesis of winning strategies in such games.
model-checking games are two-player games played on an arena which is
formed as the product of a structure A and a formula ψ where one player,
called the Verifier, attempts to prove that ψ is true in A while the other
100 Erich Grädel
The last point, the intimate relationship between parity games and fixed-
point logic is a central theme of this chapter.
We shall start with an introduction to basic notions on reachability and
parity games, explain the notions of winning strategies and winning regions
and discuss algorithmic questions related to games. We study connections
between logic and games for the special case of reachability games. In
particular, we shall present in detail the model-checking games for first-
order logic. After that, we introduce logics with least and greatest fixed
points, such as LFP and the modal µ-calculus, and explain why parity games
are appropriate evaluation games for these logics. We shall also discuss
the algorithmic consequences of this result. Then, the reverse relationship
102 Erich Grädel
between games and logic is explored, namely the question of how winning
regions in games are definable in logic. We shall see that for parity games with
a bounded number of priorities, winning regions are definable in both LFP
and the modal µ-calculus. For parity games with an unbounded number of
priorities it is not known whether the winning regions are LFP-definable. We
show that this problem is intimately related to the open question of whether
parity games are solvable in polynomial time. In the last two sections we
shall discuss the relationship between logic and games for more complicated
scenarios provided by inflationary fixed-point logic and the quantitative
µ-calculus. In both cases, we can indeed find generalisations of parity games
with a balanced two-way relationship to the associated fixed-point logic. On
the one hand, we obtain appropriate evaluation games for all formulae in the
logic, and on the other hand, the winning regions in the games are definable
in the logic
Hence, given a finite parity game G and a positional strategy (W, S) it can
be decided in polynomial time, whether the strategy is winning on W . To
decide winning regions we can therefore just guess winning strategies, and
verify them in polynomial time.
Corollary 4.3 Winning regions of parity games (on finite game graphs)
can be decided in NP ∩ Co-NP.
In fact, Jurdziński [1998] proved that the problem is in UP ∩ Co-UP,
where UP denotes the class of NP-problems with unique √
witnesses. The
best known deterministic algorithm has complexity n O( n) ) (Jurdziński et al.
[2006]). For parity games with a number d of priorities the progress measure
lifting algorithm by Jurdziński [2000] computes winning regions in time
O(dm · (2n/(d/2))d/2 ) = O(nd/2+O(1) ), where m is the number of edges,
giving a polynomial-time algorithm when d is bounded. The two approaches
can be combined to achieve a worst-case running time of O(nn/3+O(1) ) for
solving parity games with d priorities. These, and other, algorithms, are
explained in detail in Jurdziński’s contribution to this book.
Player 1) tries to establish that the sentence is false. For first-order logic,
the evaluation games are simple, in the sense that (1) all plays are finite
(regardless of whether the input structure is finite or infinite) and (2) winning
conditions are defined in terms of reachability.
Let us assume that A = (A, R1 , . . . , Rm ) is a relational structure and ψ
is a first-order sentence in negation normal form, i.e., built up from atoms
and negated atoms by means of the propositional connectives ∧, ∨ and the
quantifiers ∃, ∀. Obviously, any first-order formula can be converted in linear
time into an equivalent one in negation normal form. The model-checking
game G(A, ψ) has positions ϕ(a) where ϕ(x) is a subformula of ψ which is
instantiated by a tuple a of elements of A. The initial position of the game
is the formula ψ.
Verifier (Player 0) moves from positions associated with disjunctions and
with formulae starting with an existential quantifier. From a position ϕ ∨ ϑ,
she moves to either ϕ or ϑ. From a position ∃yϕ(a, y), Verifier can move to any
position ϕ(a, b), where b ∈ A. Dually, Falsifier (Player 1) makes corresponding
moves for conjunctions and universal quantifications. At atoms or negated
atoms, i.e., positions ϕ(a) of the form a = a0 , a =6 a0 , Ra, or ¬Ra, the game
is over. Verifier has won the play if A |= ϕ(a); otherwise, Falsifier has won.
Model-checking games are a way of defining the semantics of a logic. The
equivalence to the standard definition can be proved by a simple induction.
Theorem 4.4 Verifier has a winning strategy from position ϕ(a) in the
game G(A, ψ) if, and only if, A |= ϕ(a).
This suggests a game-based approach to model-checking: given A and
ψ, construct the game G(A, ψ) and decide whether Verifier has a winning
strategy from the initial position.
exist formulae ψ0 (x) and ψ1 (x) of L that define, on each game G ∈ S, the
winning regions W0 and W1 for the two players. This means that, for each
game G ∈ S, and σ = 0, 1
Wσ = {v ∈ G : G |= ψσ (v)}.
We can view a logic L and class S of games as balanced , if on the one
hand, S provides model-checking games for L, and on the other hand, the
winning regions for games in S are definable in L.
While reachability games are appropriate model-checking games for first-
order logic, the reverse relationship does not hold. Indeed it is well-known
that the expressive power of first-order logic, for defining properties of finite
or infinite structures, is rather limited. A general result making this precise
is Gaifman’s Theorem, saying that first-order logic can express only local
properties. For an exact statement and proof of this fundamental result,
we refer to Ebbinghaus and Flum [1999]. Perhaps the simplest query that
is not local, and hence not first-order definable, is reachability : Given a
directed graph G = (V, E) and a starting node v, determine the set of all
nodes that are reachable from v. This also implies that first-order logic is too
weak for reachability games; indeed the reachability problem can be viewed
as the problem of computing winning regions in the special case of one-player
reachability games.
Theorem 4.6 Winning regions of reachability games are not first-order
Thus, already for reachability games, and even more so for parity games,
more powerful logics are required to define the winning regions. Appropriate
logics for this are fixed-point logics that we are going to study in the next
section. In particular, we shall see that LFP and parity games (with a
bounded number of priorities) are balanced.
starting point v, find the set of nodes that are reachable by a path from v.
It is definable in LFP, by the formula
Indeed, in any graph (G, v), the set ψ G,v := {w : G, v |= ψ(w)} is precisely
the set of nodes reachable from w.
is an infinity axiom, i.e., it is satisfiable but does not have a finite model.
The complement of W0 , which is the winning region for Player 1 for her
associated safety condition, is defined by a greatest fixed-point formula
ψ1 (x) := [gfp W x . η(W, x)](x) with
This is just a special case of the duality between least and greatest
fixed-points which implies that for any formula ϕ,
Further, we have already seen that LFP can define properties that are
actually Ptime-complete, such as winning regions in reachability games.
This leads to the question of whether LFP can express all properties of finite
structures that are computable in polynomial time.
This is indeed the case when we consider ordered finite structures. We say
that a logic L captures a complexity class C on a domain D of finite
structures, if (1) for every fixed sentence ψ ∈ L, the complexity of evaluating
ψ on structures from D is a problem in the complexity class C, and (2)
every property of structures in D that can be decided with complexity C
is definable in the logic L. For any finite vocabulary τ , we write Ord(τ )
for the class of all structures (A, <), where A is a finite τ -structure and <
is a linear order on (the universe of) A. It is one of the most influential
results of finite model theory that for every model class K ⊆ Ord(τ ) that
is decidable in polynomial time, there exists a sentence ψ ∈ LFP such that
K = {A ∈ Ord(τ ) : A |= ψ}.
on the domain of arbitrary finite structures. Since there exist logics for NP
this would imply that P 6= NP.
Notice that if ψ does not contain fixed-points, this game is the model-
checking game for first-order logic. However, if we have fixed-points the
games may now admit infinite plays. The winning condition for infinite plays
will be a parity condition. To motivate the priority assignment let us discuss
some special cases:
Consider a formula with just one lfp-operator, applied to a first-order
formula. The intuition is that from position [lfp T x . ϕ(T, x)](b), Verifier
tries to establish that b enters T at some stage α of the fixed-point induction
defined by ϕ on A. The game goes to ϕ(T, b) and from there, as ϕ is a
first-order formula, Verifier can either win the ϕ-game in a finite number of
steps, or force it to a position T c, where c enters the fixed-point at some
stage β < α. The game then resumes at position ϕ(c). As any descending
sequence of ordinals is finite, Verifier will win the game in a finite number
of steps. If the formula is not true, then Falsifier can either win in a finite
number of steps or force the play to go through infinitely many positions of
the form T c. Hence, these positions should be assigned priority 1 (and all
other positions higher priorities) so that such a play will be won by Falsifier.
For gfp-formulae, the situation is reversed. Verifier wants to force an infinite
play, going infinitely often through positions T c, so gfp-atoms are assigned
priority 0.
In the general case, we have a formula ψ with nested least and greatest
fixed-points, and in an infinite play of G(A, ψ) one may see different fixed-
point variables infinitely often. But one of these variables is then the smallest
with respect to the dependency order @ψ . It can be shown that A |= ψ if,
and only if, this smallest variable is a gfp-variable (provided the players play
Hence, the priority labelling is defined as follows.
(1) Even priorities are assigned to gfp-atoms and odd priorities to lfp-atoms.
(2) If S @ψ T and S, T are fixed-point variables of different kinds, then
S-atoms should get a lower priority than T -atoms.
(3) All positions that are not fixed-point atoms, get a maximal (i.e., most
irrelevant) priority.
This completes the definition of the game G(A, ψ). Note that the number
of priorities in G(A, ψ) is essentially the alternation depth of ψ.
We want to prove that G(A, ψ) is indeed a correct model-checking game for
ψ in A. The proof proceeds by induction on A. The interesting case concerns
fixed-point formulae ψ(a) := [gfpT x . ϕ(x)](a). By the inductive construction
of greatest fixed-points, A |= [gfpT x . ϕ(x)](a) if, and only if, (A, T α ) |= ϕ(a)
for all stages T α of the gfp-induction of ϕ on A. Further, by the induction
116 Erich Grädel
By ordinal induction, one can easily see that the games G((A, T α ), ϕ(a))
associated with the gfp-induction of ϕ in A coincide with the unfolding of the
game G = G(A, ψ(a)). By the Unfolding Lemma, we conclude that Player 0
wins the game G(A, ψ(a)) if, and only if, she wins all games G((A, T α ), ϕ(a)).
By the induction hypothesis this holds if, and only if, (A, T α ) |= ϕ(a) for all
α, which is equivalent to A |= ψ(a).
For least fixed-point formulae we can dualize the arguments.
For future reference we note that the model-checking games ψ(A, ψ) can not
only be easily constructed from A and ψ, but are also easily (i.e., first-order)
definable inside A.
Theorem 4.13 For every structure A with at least two elements, and
every formula ϕ(x̄) ∈ LFP the model-checking game G(A, ϕ) is first-order
interpretable in A.
For finite structures, the size of the game G(A, ψ(a)) (and the time complex-
ity of its construction) is bounded by |ψ|·|A|width(ψ) . Hence, for LFP-formulae
of bounded width, the size of the game is polynomially bounded.
We have imposed the condition that the fixed-point formulae do not contain
parameters. If parameters are allowed, then, at least with a naive definition
of width, Corollary 4.14 is no longer true (unless UP = Pspace). The
intuitive reason is that with parameters one can ‘hide’ first-order variables in
fixed-point variables. Indeed, by Dziembowski [1996] the evaluation problem
for quantified Boolean formulae can be reduced to the evaluation of LFP-
formulae with two first-order variables (but an unbounded number of monadic
118 Erich Grädel
If there is only one transition relation, i.e., A = {a}, then we simply write
and ♦ for [a] and hai, respectively.
ML can be viewed as an extension of propositional logic. However, in our
context it is more convenient to view it as a simple fragment of first-order
logic. A modal formula ψ defines a query on transition systems, associating
with G a set of nodes ψ G := {v : G, v |= ψ}, and this set can be defined
equivalently by a first-order formula ψ ∗ (x). This translation maps atomic
propositions Pb to atoms Pb x, it commutes with the Boolean connectives,
Back and Forth Between Logic and Games 119
v is a node of K, such that K, v |= ϕ if, and only if, Player 0 has a winning
strategy in G(K, ψ) from position (ϕ, v). As a consequence, an efficient
algorithm for solving parity games would also solve the model-checking
problem for Lµ .
Since Lµ -formulae can be seen as LFP-formulae of width two, the bounds
established in the previous section apply: The model-checking problem for
Lµ is in UP ∩ Co-UP, and it is a major open problem whether it can be
solved in polynomial time. For Lµ -formulae of bounded alternation depths,
the associated parity games have a bounded number of priorities and can
therefore be solved in polynomial time.
Also the structure complexity can be settled easily. Since Lµ is a fragment
of LFP, all properties expressible in Lµ are decidable in polynomial time.
Further, there exist ψ ∈ Lµ for which the model-checking problem is Ptime-
complete. Indeed, winning regions of reachability games are definable not only
in LFP, but also in the µ-calculus. In a game G = (V, V0 , V1 , E), Player 0 has
a winning strategy from v if, and only if, G, v |= µX.((V0 ∧ ♦X) ∨ (V1 ∧ X)).
Despite this result, the µ-calculus is far away from a logic that would
capture Ptime. Since Lµ is a fragment of MSO, all word languages definable
in Lµ are regular languages, and of course, not all Ptime-languages are
G = (V, V0 , V1 , E, ≺, Odd)
Back and Forth Between Logic and Games 121
where u ≺ v means that u has a smaller priority than v, and Odd is the set
of nodes with an odd priority. We denote this class of structures by PG.
In each case, when we say that winning regions of parity games are definable
in a logic L, we mean that there is is a formula ψ0 and ψ1 of L such that
for any structure G ∈ PG (resp. PG d ), ψσ is true in exactly those nodes in G
from which Player σ has a winning strategy.
The formula ψ1d defining the winning region for Player 1 is defined similarly.
Notice that the formula ψσd has width two. An analogous construction can
be carried out in the µ-calculus. The corresponding formulae are
Wind = νX0 µX1 νX2 . . . λXd−1 (V0 ∧ Pj ∧ ♦Xj ) ∨ (V1 ∧ Pj ∧ Xj ) .
For LFP the strictness of the alternation hierarchy also applies, even on
certain fixed infinite structures, such as arithmetic N = (N, +, · ).
However, on finite structures, the interleaving of least and greatest fixed
points (or of lfp-operators and negation) can be completely avoided, at the
expense of increasing the arity of fixed-point operators. Indeed, a single
application of an lfp-operator to a first-order formula suffices to express
any LFP-definable property (see Immerman [1986] or Ebbinghaus and Flum
We write (G, v)∼ for the bisimulation quotient of (G, v), i.e., the structure
whose elements are the equivalence classes in G with respect to ∼ with the
126 Erich Grädel
relations V0 , V1 , E, ≺, Odd defined in the natural way and [v] as the starting
Theorem 4.26 Let C be any class of parity games on finite game graphs,
such that winning positions on its bisimulation quotients are decidable in
polynomial time. Then, on C, winning positions are LFP-definable.
Proof Let WinC be the class of parity games (G, v), such that (G, v) ∈ C, and
Player 0 wins from initial position v. It suffices to construct a bisimulation-
invariant class X of structures (H, u) such that
G, v ∈ WinC ⇐⇒ G, v ∈ X ⇐⇒ G |= ψ(v).
Corollary 4.27 On the class PG of all finite parity games, winning regions
are LFP-definable if, and only if, they are computable in polynomial time.
for each ordinal. Our aim is to leave the notion of the game arena unchanged
as the product of the structure and the formula. We wish only to change
the rules of the game to capture the nature of the inflationary fixed-point
The change we introduce to parity games is that either player is allowed to
backtrack to an earlier position in the game, effectively to force a countback
of the number of stages. That is, when a backtracking move is played, the
number of positions of a given priority that are backtracked are counted
and this count plays an important role in the succeeding play. The precise
definition is given in Section 4.6.2 below. The backtracking games we define
are more complex than parity games. Winning strategies are necessarily more
complicated, requiring unbounded memory, in contrast to the positional
strategies that work for parity games. Furthermore, deciding the winner is
Pspace-hard and remains hard for both NP and Co-NP even when games
have only two priorities. In contrast, parity games are known to be decidable
in NP ∩ Co-NP and in Ptime when the number of priorities is fixed. We will
explain how the model-checking problem for IFP can be represented in the
form of backtracking games. The construction allows us to observe that a
simpler form of backtracking game suffices which we call simple backtracking
games, and we will see that the winning regions of simple backtracking games
are definable in IFP. Thus, we obtain a tight correspondence between the
game and the logic, as exists between LFP and parity games.
the maximal equivalence relation ∼ on V such that any two equivalent nodes
satisfy the same unary predicates Pi and have edges into the same equivalence
classes. To put it differently, ∼ is the greatest fixed-point of the refinement
operator F : P(V × V ) → P(V × V ) with
n ^
F : Z 7→ (u, v) ∈ V × V : Pi u ↔ Pi v
∧ ∀u (Euu → ∃v (Evv 0 ∧ Zu0 v 0 ))
0 0 0
∧ ∀v 0 (Evv 0 → ∃u0 (Euu0 ∧ Zu0 v)) .
For some applications (one of which will appear in Section 4.6.4) one is
interested in having not only the bisimulation relation ∼ but also a linear
order on the bisimulation quotient K/∼ . That is, we want to define a pre-
order on K such that u ∼ v iff u v and v u. We can again do this via
a fixed-point construction, by defining a sequence α of pre-orders (where α
ranges over ordinals) such that α+1 refines α and λ , for limit ordinals λ,
is the intersection of the pre-orders α with α < λ. Let
^ _
u 1 v :⇐⇒ Pi u → Pi v ∨ (¬Pj u ∧ Pi v)
i≤m j<i
where ϕ does not hold. Rather than redesigning the system, he tries to just
throw away all bad elements of A, i.e., he relativises A to the substructure
A|ϕ induced by {a : A |= ϕ(a)}. Unfortunately, it need not be the case that
A|ϕ |= ∀xϕ(x). Indeed, the removal of some elements may have the effect
that others no longer satisfy ϕ. But the lazy engineer can of course iterate
this relativisation procedure and define a (possibly transfinite) sequence of
substructures Aβ , with A0 = A, Aβ+1 = Aβ |ϕ and Aλ = β<λ Aβ for limit
ordinals λ. This sequence reaches a fixed-point A∞ which satisfies ∀xϕ(x) –
but it may be empty.
This process of iterated relativisation is definable by a fixed-point induction
in A. Let ϕ|Z be the syntactic relativisation of ϕ to a new set variable Z,
obtained by replacing inductively all subformulae ∃yα by ∃y(Zy ∧ α) and
∀yα by ∀y(Zy → α). Iterated relativisation means repeated application of
the operator
F : Z 7→ {a : A|Z |= ϕ(a)} = {a : A |= Za ∧ ϕ|Z (a)}
starting with Z = A (the universe of A). Note that F is deflationary but not
necessarily monotone.
In logics with inflationary and deflationary fixed points (the universe of)
A∞ is uniformly definable in A by a formula of the form [dfpZx . ϕ|Z ](x).
Since IFP and LFP have the same expressive power, A∞ is also LFP-definable.
However, the only known way to provide such a definition is by going through
the proof of Kreutzer’s Theorem (see Kreutzer [2004]). There seems to be no
simple direct definition based on least and greatest fixed-points only.
to the parity condition, i.e., Player 0 wins a play π if the least priority seen
infinitely often in π is even, otherwise Player 1 wins.
Thus the arena G := (V, E, V0 , V1 , B, Ω) of a backtracking game is a defined
as for parity games, extended by a subset B ⊆ V of backtrack positions. A
play of G from initial position v0 is formed as follows. If, after n steps the
play has gone through positions v0 v1 . . . vn and reached a position vn ∈ Vσ ,
then Player σ can select a successor vn+1 ∈ vn E; this is called an ordinary
move. But if vn ∈ B is a backtrack position, of priority Ω(vn ) = q, say,
then Player σ may also choose to backtrack; in that case she selects a
number i < n subject to the conditions that Ω(vi ) = q and Ω(vj ) ≥ q
for all j with i < j < n. The play then proceeds to position vn+1 = vi
and we set d(q) = |{k : i ≤ k < n ∧ Ω(vk ) = q}|. This number d(q) is
relevant for the rest of the game, because the play ends when d(q) further
positions of priority q have been seen without any occurrence of a priority
< q. Therefore, a play is not completely described by the sequence v0 v1 . . .
of the positions that have been visited. For instance, if a player backtracks
from vn in v0 . . . vi . . . vj . . . vn , it matters whether she backtracks to i or j,
even if vi = vj because the associated numbers d(p) are different. For a more
formal description of how backtracking games are played we refer to Dawar
et al. [2006].
It is easy to see that backtracking games are Borel games, so by Martin’s
Theorem, they are determined. Since parity games are positionally determined
the question arises whether this also holds for backtracking games. However,
simple examples show that this is not the case and, indeed, no fixed amount
of finite memory suffices for winning strategies.
Thus, winning strategies for backtracking games are more complex than
the strategies needed for parity games. Also the computational complexity of
computing winning regions is higher for backtracking games than for parity
games. While it is known that winning regions of parity games can be decided
in NP ∩ Co-NP (and it is conjectured by many that this problem is actually
solvable in polynomial time), the corresponding problem for backtracking
games is Pspace-hard. Further, for any fixed number of priorities, parity
games can be decided in Ptime, but backtracking games with just two
priorities are already NP-hard (see Dawar et al. [2006]).
132 Erich Grädel
after the play has gone through α T -positions, then the play ends when α
further T -positions have been visited. Falsifier has won, if the last of these is
of form T c, and Verifier has won if it is of form T c.
The differences between IFP model-checking and LFP model-checking are
in fact best illustrated with this simple case. We claim that Verifier has a
winning strategy for the game G(A, ψ) if A |= ψ and Falsifier has a winning
strategy if A 6|= ψ.
We look at the first-order formulae ϕα defining the stages of the induction.
Let ϕ0 (a) = false and ϕα+1 (a) = ϕα (a) ∨ ϕ[T /ϕα , T /ϕα ](x). On finite
structures ψ(a) ≡ α<ω ϕα (a).
The first-order game G(A, ϕα (a)) can be seen as an unfolding of the game
G(A, ψ(a)). Every position in G(A, ϕα (a)) corresponds to a unique position
in G(A, ψ(a)), and conversely, for a pair (p, β) where p is a position of
G(A, ϕα (a)) and β ≤ α is an ordinal, there is a unique associated position
pβ of the unfolded game G(A, ϕα (a)). When a play in G(A, ϕα (a)) reaches
a position T c, it is regenerated to either T c or ϕ(T, c) and such a regener-
ation move decrements the associated ordinal. The corresponding play in
G(A, ϕα (a)) proceeds to position ϕβ (c) or ϕ[T /ϕβ , T /ϕβ ](c). We can use this
correspondence to translate strategies between the two games. Notice that
the lifting of a positional strategy f in the unfolded game G(A, ϕα (a)) will
produce a non-positional strategy f ∗ in the original game G(A, ψ): start with
β = α and, for any position p, let f ∗ (p) := f (pβ ); at regeneration moves, the
ordinal β is decremented.
Consider now a play in G(A, ψ) after a backtracking move prior to which
β T -positions have been visited, and suppose that A |= ϕβ (a). Then Verifier
has a winning strategy in the first-order game G(A, ϕβ (a)) (from position
ϕβ (a)) which translates into a (non-positional) strategy for the game G(A, ψ)
with the following properties: Any play that is consistent with this strategy
will either be winning for Verifier before β T -positions have been seen, or
the β-th T -position will be negative.
Similarly, if A 6|= ϕβ (a) then Falsifier has a winning strategy for G(A, ϕβ (a)),
and this strategy translates into a strategy for the game G(A, ψ) by which
Falsifier forces the play (after backtracking) from position ψ(a) to a positive
β-th T -position, unless she wins before β T -positions have been seen. We
hence have established the following fact.
Lemma 4.29 Suppose that a play on G(A, ψ) has been backtracked to the
initial position ψ(a) after β T -positions have been visited. Verifier has a
winning strategy for the remaining game if, and only if, A |= ϕβ (a).
From this we obtain the desired result.
134 Erich Grädel
Theorem 4.30 If A |= ψ(a), then Verifier wins the game G(A, ψ(a)) from
position ψ(a). If A |6 = ψ(a), then Falsifier wins the game G(A, ψ(a)) from
position ψ(a).
Proof Suppose first that A |= ψ(a). Then there is some ordinal α < ω such
that A |= ϕα (a). We construct a winning strategy for Verifier in the game
G(A, ψ(a)) starting at position ψ(a).
From ψ(a) the game proceeds to (T a ∨ ϕ(a)). At this position, Verifier
repeatedly chooses the node T a until this node has been visited α-times.
After that, she backtracks and moves to ϕ(a). By Lemma 4.29 and since
A |= ϕα (a), Verifier has a strategy to win the remaining play.
Now suppose that A 6|= ψ(a). If, after α T -positions, one of the players
backtracks, then Falsifier has a winning strategy for the remaining game, since
A 6|= ϕα (a). Hence, the only possibility for Verifier to win the game in a finite
number of moves is to avoid positions T b where Falsifier can backtrack. Con-
sider the formulae ϕαf , with ϕ0f = false and ϕα+1f (x) = ϕ[T /ϕαf , T /false](x).
They define the stages of [ifpT x . ϕ[T, false](x)], obtained from ψ by replac-
ing negative occurrences of T by false. If Verifier could force a finite winning
play, with α − 1 positions of the form T c and without positions T c, then
she would in fact have a winning strategy for the model-checking game
G(A, ϕαf (a)). Since ψfα implies ϕα , it would follow that A |= ϕα (a). But this
is impossible.
Theorem 4.31 For any IFP-formula ψ and every finite structure A, the
model-checking game G(A, ϕ), as defined in Section 4.6.3, is simple.
We now want to show that the logic IFP is balanced with the class of
136 Erich Grädel
d ∈ {0, . . . , n, ∞}k and we can use nodes in the game graph to represent the
values of the di .
The structure of the formulae ψ0k defining the winning region for Player 0
in backtracking games with priorities < k is similar to the structure of the
corresponding LFP-formula for parity games. It has the form
where Γ0 , Γ1 are the sets of all possible strategies for Player 0, Player 1. The
outcome defined in this way is the value of G at v.
One of the fundamental properties of qualitative parity games is the posi-
tional determinacy . Unfortunately, this does not generalise to quantitative
parity games. Example 4.33 shows that there are simple quantitative games
where no player has a positional winning strategy. In the depicted game there
is no optimal strategy for Player 0, and even if one fixes an approximation of
the game value, Player 0 needs infinite memory to reach this approximation,
because she needs to loop in the second position as long as Player 1 looped
in the first one to make up for the discounts. (By convention, we depict
positions of Player 0 with a circle and of Player 1 with a square and the
number inside is the priority for non-terminal positions and the payoff in
terminal ones.)
Example 4.33
0 1 1
µX.(P ∨ ♦2 X), 1
a) Q = 1 2 b)
P, 1 P ∨ ♦2 X, 1
2 2
X, 2 ♦2 X, 1 X, 1
P ∨ ♦2 X, 2 µX.(P ∨ ♦2 X), 2
P, 2 ♦2 X, 2 0
Figure 4.1 Example (a) QTS and (b) model-checking game for
µX.(P ∨ 2 · ♦X)
and forth. We have seen that quantitative parity games are appropriate
model-checking games for the evaluation of Qµ-formulae on quantitative
transition systems. For the other direction, we now show that values of
positions in quantitative parity games (with a bounded number of priorities)
are definable in Qµ. It is convenient to describe a quantitative parity game
G = (V, V0 , V1 , E, δG , λ, ΩG ) with priorities in {0, . . . d − 1} by a quantitative
transition system QG = (V, E, δ, V0 , V1 , Λ, Ω), where Vi (v) = ∞ for positions
of Player i, and Vi (v) = 0 otherwise, where Ω(v) = ΩG (v) when vE 6= ∅ and
Ω(v) = d otherwise, with discount function
δG (v, w) for v ∈ V0 ,
δ(v, w) = −1
(δG (v, w)) for v ∈ V1
and with payoff predicate Λ(v) := λ(v) in case vE = ∅ and is Λ(v) = 0
We then modify the Lµ -formulae Wind constructed in Section 4.5.1 to
quite similar Qµ-formulae
QWind = νX0 µX1 νX2 . . . λXd−1 ((V0 ∧ Pj ∧ ♦Xj ) ∨ (V1 ∧ Pj ∧ Xj )) ∨ Λ,
Exercise 4.8 Adapt the proof of Theorem 4.20 to get a proof of Theo-
rem 4.36.
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