Spin Tutorial

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Theo C.

Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

version: Friday, 13 September 2002

SPIN 2002 Workshop

SPIN Beginners Tutorial

Grenoble, France Thursday 11-Apr-2002

Theo C. Ruys
University of Twente Formal Methods & Tools group

Credits should go to
Gerard Holzmann (Bell Laboratories)
Developer of SPIN, Basic SPIN Manual.

Radu Iosif (Kansas State University, USA)

Course: Specification and Verification of Reactive Systems (2001)

Mads Dam (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)

Course: Theory of Distributed Systems (2001).

Bengt Jonsson (Uppsala University, Sweden)

Course: Reactive Systems (2001).

Joost-Pieter Katoen (University of Twente)

Course: Protocol/System Validation (2000).
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SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002

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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

Audience & Contents

Basic SPIN
intended audience: people totally new to (model checking and) SPIN

Advanced SPIN
intended audience: people at least at the level of Basic SPIN

Emphasis is on using SPIN not on technical details. In fact, we almost regard SPIN as a black box.
We just want to press-the-button.
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Common Design Flaws

Deadlock Livelock, starvation Underspecification
unexpected reception of messages
In designing distributed systems: network applications, data communication protocols, multithreaded code, client-server applications.

Dead code

Violations of constraints
Buffer overruns Array bounds violations

Designing concurrent (software) systems is so hard, that these flaws are mostly overlooked...

Assumptions about speed

Logical correctness vs. real-time performance
Thursday 11-Apr-2002

Fortunately, most of these design errors can be detected using model checking techniques!

Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002

Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

version: Friday, 13 September 2002

What is Model Checking?

[Clarke & Emerson 1981]:

Model checking is an automated technique that, given a finite-state model of a system and a logical property, systematically checks whether this property holds for (a given initial state in) that model. Model checking tools automatically verify whether M |= holds, where M is a (finite-state) model of a system and property is stated in some formal notation. Problem: state space explosion! SPIN [Holzmann 1991] is one of the most powerful model checkers.
Based on [Vardi & Wolper 1986].
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Although finite-state, the model of a system typically grows exponentially.

System Development
System Engineering Analysis Design Code Testing

Classic Model Checking

Modern Model Checking

Classic waterfall model [Pressman 1996]


Thursday 11-Apr-2002

Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002

Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

version: Friday, 13 September 2002

Classic Model Checking

(initial) Design (manual) abstractions Abstract Verification Model refinement techniques Implementation

Model Checker

Thursday 11-Apr-2002

Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

Modern Model Checking

Implementation systematic abstraction techniques Verification Model

Model Checker

Abstraction is the key activity in both approaches. This talk deals with pure SPIN, i.e., the classic model checking approach.
Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

To cope with the state space explosion.


SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002

Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

version: Friday, 13 September 2002

Verification vs. Debugging

Two (extreme) approaches with respect to the application of model checkers.
verification approach: tries to ascertain the correctness of a detailed model M of the system under validation. debugging approach: tries to find errors in a model M.

Model checking is most effective in combination with the debugging approach.

Automatic verification is not about proving correctness, but about finding bugs much earlier in the development of a system.

Thursday 11-Apr-2002

Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

Program suggestions
Some presentations at ETAPS/SPIN 2002 somehow related to this tutorial:
Dennis Dams Abstraction in Software Model Checking
Friday April 12th 10.45-13.00

John Hatcliff, Matthew Dwyer and Willem Visser Using the Bandera Tool Set and JPF (Tutorial 10)
Saturday April 13th (full day)

SPIN Applications
Saturday April 13th 11.00-12.30
Modern model checking approach.
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SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002

Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

version: Friday, 13 September 2002

Basic SPIN
Gentle introduction to SPIN and Promela SPIN Background Promela processes Promela statements Promela communication primitives Architecture of (X)Spin Some demos: SPIN and Xspin hello world Windows 2000: OK, but mutual exclusion SPIN runs more smoothly alternating bit protocol under Unix/Linux. Cookie for the break

Thursday 11-Apr-2002

Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial


SPIN - Introduction
SPIN (= Simple Promela Interpreter)


= is a tool for analysing the logical conisistency of concurrent systems, specifically of data communication protocols. = state-of-the-art model checker, used by >2000 users Concurrent systems are described in the modelling language called Promela.

Promela (= Protocol/Process Meta Language)

allows for the dynamic creation of concurrent processes. communication via message channels can be defined to be
synchronous (i.e. rendezvous), or asynchronous (i.e. buffered).

resembles the programming language C specification language to model finite-state systems

Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

+ features from CSP


SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002

Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

version: Friday, 13 September 2002

SPIN - Introduction
Major versions:
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Jan 1991 Jan 1995 Apr 1997 late 2002


initial version [Holzmann 1991] partial order reduction minimised automaton representation Ax: automata extraction from C code

Some success factors of SPIN (subjective!):

press on the button verification (model checker) very efficient implementation (using C) nice graphical user interface (Xspin) not just a research tool, but well supported contains more than two decades research on advanced computer aided verification (many optimization algorithms)
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Documentation on SPIN
SPINs starting page: http://netlib.bell-labs.com/netlib/spin/whatispin.html
Basic SPIN manual Also part of SPINs Getting started with Xspin documentation distribution Getting started with SPIN (file: html.tar.gz) Examples and Exercises Concise Promela Reference (by Rob Gerth) Proceedings of all SPIN Workshops

Gerard Holzmanns website for papers on SPIN: http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/gerard/ SPIN version 1.0 is described in [Holzmann 1991].
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SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002

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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

Promela Model
Promela model consist of:
type declarations channel declarations variable declarations process declarations [init process]
mtype = {MSG, ACK}; chan toS = ... chan toR = ... bool flag; proctype Sender() { ... process body } proctype Receiver() { ... } init { ... }

A Promela model corresponds with a (usually very large, but) finite transition system, so
no unbounded data no unbounded channels no unbounded processes no unbounded process creation
Thursday 11-Apr-2002

creates processes

Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial


a name a list of formal parameters local variable declarations body name


A process type (proctype) consist of

formal parameters

proctype Sender(chan in; chan out) { bit sndB, rcvB; local variables do :: out ! MSG, sndB -> in ? ACK, rcvB; if body :: sndB == rcvB -> sndB = 1-sndB :: else -> skip fi The body consist of a od sequence of statements. }
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SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002

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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

A process


is defined by a proctype definition executes concurrently with all other processes, independent of speed of behaviour communicate with other processes using global (shared) variables using channels There may be several processes of the same type. Each process has its own local state: process counter (location within the proctype) contents of the local variables
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Process are created using the run statement (which returns the process id). Processes can be created at any point in the execution (within any process). Processes start executing after the run statement. Processes can also be created by adding active in front of the proctype declaration.
Thursday 11-Apr-2002


proctype Foo(byte x) { ... } init { int pid2 = run Foo(2); run Foo(27); } number of procs. (opt.) active[3] proctype Bar() { ... } parameters will be initialised to 0

Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial


SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002

Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

version: Friday, 13 September 2002


Hello World!
/* A "Hello World" Promela model for SPIN. */ active proctype Hello() { printf("Hello process, my pid is: %d\n", _pid); } init { int lastpid; printf("init process, my pid is: %d\n", _pid); lastpid = run Hello(); printf("last pid was: %d\n", lastpid); } random seed $ spin -n2 hello.pr running SPIN in init process, my pid is: 1 random simulation mode last pid was: 2 Hello process, my pid is: 0 Hello process, my pid is: 2 3 processes created
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Variables and Types

Basic types


Five different (integer) basic types. Arrays Records (structs) Type conflicts are detected at runtime.

bit bool byte short int

turn=1; flag; counter; s; msg;

[0..1] [0..1] [0..255] [-216-1.. 216 1] [-232-1.. 232 1] array indicing start at 0

byte a[27]; bit flags[4];

Default initial value of basic Typedef (records) typedef Record variables (local and global) short f1; byte f2; is 0.
} Record rr; rr.f1 = ..

variable declaration

Thursday 11-Apr-2002

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SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002


Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

version: Friday, 13 September 2002

Variables and Types

Variables should be declared. Variables can be given a value by:
assignment argument passing message passing (see communication)
int ii; bit bb; bb=1; ii=2; short s=-1;


assignment =

Variables can be used in expressions.

Most arithmetic, relational, and logical operators of C/Java are supported, including bitshift operators.
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typedef Foo { bit bb; int ii; }; Foo f; f.bb = 0; f.ii = -2;

declaration + initialisation

equal test == ii*s+27 == 23; printf(value: %d, s*s);

Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial




The body of a process consists of a sequence of statements. A statement is either executable/blocked depends on the global executable: the statement can state of the system. be executed immediately. blocked: the statement cannot be executed. An assignment is always executable. An expression is also a statement; it is executable if it evaluates to non-zero.
2 < 3 x < 27 3 + x
Thursday 11-Apr-2002

always executable only executable if value of x is smaller 27 executable if x is not equal to 3

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version: Friday, 13 September 2002



Statements are separated by a semi-colon: ;.

The skip statement is always executable.

does nothing, only changes process process counter

A run statement is only executable if a new process can be created (remember: the number of processes is bounded). A printf statement is always executable (but is not evaluated during verification, of course).
int x; proctype Aap() { int y=1; skip; run Noot(); x=2; x>2 && y==1; skip; }
Thursday 11-Apr-2002

Executable if Noot can be created Can only become executable if a some other process makes x greater than 2.
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The assert-statement is always executable. If <expr> evaluates to zero, SPIN will exit with an error, as the <expr> has been violated. The assert-statement is often used within Promela models, to check whether certain properties are valid in a state.
proctype monitor() { assert(n <= 3); } proctype receiver() {

toReceiver ? msg; assert(msg != ERROR);


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SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002


Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

version: Friday, 13 September 2002

Interleaving Semantics
Promela processes execute concurrently. Non-deterministic scheduling of the processes. Processes are interleaved (statements of different processes do not occur at the same time).
exception: rendez-vous communication.

All statements are atomic; each statement is executed without interleaving with other processes. Each process may have several different possible actions enabled at each point of execution.
only one choice is made, non-deterministically.
= randomly
Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial 25

deadlocks safety properties liveness properties

(X)SPIN Architecture

M |=
random guided interactive

Promela model M

LTL Translator Simulator spin.exe Verifier Generator

editing window simulation options verification options MSC simulation window

C program counter example






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SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002


Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

version: Friday, 13 September 2002

Xspin in a nutshell
Xspin allows the user to
edit Promela models (+ syntax check) simulate Promela models
random interactive guided

verify Promela models

exhaustive bitstate hashing mode

with dialog boxes to set various options and directives to tune the verification process

additional features
Xspin suggest abstractions to a Promela model (slicing) Xspin can draw automata for each process LTL property manager Help system (with verification/simulation guidelines)
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Thursday 11-Apr-2002


Mutual Exclusion



bit flag; byte mutex;

/* signal entering/leaving the section */ /* # procs in the critical section. */

proctype P(bit i) { flag != 1; models: flag = 1; while (flag == 1) /* wait */; mutex++; printf("MSC: P(%d) has entered section.\n", i); mutex--; flag = 0; Problem: assertion violation! } Both processes can pass the proctype monitor() { flag != 1 at the same time, assert(mutex != 2); i.e. before flag is set to 1. } init { atomic { run P(0); run P(1); run monitor(); } } starts two instances of process P
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version: Friday, 13 September 2002


Mutual Exclusion


*/ */

bit x, y; byte mutex;

/* signal entering/leaving the section /* # of procs in the critical section.

active proctype A() { x = 1; Process A waits for y == 0; process B to end. mutex++; mutex--; x = 0; }

active proctype B() { y = 1; x == 0; mutex++; mutex--; y = 0; }

active proctype monitor() { assert(mutex != 2); } Problem: invalid-end-state! Both processes can pass execute x = 1 and y = 1 at the same time, and will then be waiting for each other.
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Mutual Exclusion

Dekker [1962]

*/ */ */

bit x, y; byte mutex; byte turn;

/* signal entering/leaving the section /* # of procs in the critical section. /* who's turn is it? active proctype B() { y = 1; turn = A_TURN; x == 0 || (turn == B_TURN); mutex++; mutex--; y = 0; }

active proctype A() { x = 1; turn = B_TURN; y == 0 || (turn == A_TURN); mutex++; mutex--; Can be generalised x = 0; to a single process. } active proctype monitor() { assert(mutex != 2); }

First software-only solution to the mutex problem (for two processes).


Thursday 11-Apr-2002

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SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002


Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

version: Friday, 13 September 2002


Mutual Exclusion



byte turn[2]; byte mutex;

/* whos turn is it? */ /* # procs in critical section */

proctype P(bit i) { Problem (in Promela/SPIN): do turn[i] will overrun after 255. :: turn[i] = 1; turn[i] = turn[1-i] + 1; (turn[1-i] == 0) || (turn[i] < turn[1-i]); mutex++; mutex--; turn[i] = 0; More mutual exclusion algorithms od in (good-old) [Ben-Ari 1990]. } proctype monitor() { assert(mutex != 2); } init { atomic {run P(0); run P(1); run monitor()}}
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inspired by: Dijkstras guarded command language

if :: choice1 -> stat1.1; stat1.2; stat1.3; :: choice2 -> stat2.1; stat2.2; stat2.3; :: :: choicen -> statn.1; statn.2; statn.3; fi;

If there is at least one choicei (guard) executable, the ifstatement is executable and SPIN non-deterministically chooses one of the executable choices. If no choicei is executable, the if-statement is blocked. The operator -> is equivalent to ;. By convention, it is used within if-statements to separate the guards from the statements that follow the guards.
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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

if :: :: :: :: fi (n % 2 != 0) -> n=1 (n >= 0) -> n=n-2 (n % 3 == 0) -> n=3 else -> skip


The else guard becomes executable if none of the other guards is executable.

give n a random value if :: :: :: :: fi skip skip skip skip -> -> -> -> n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3

non-deterministic branching

skips are redundant, because assignments are themselves always executable...

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do :: choice1 -> stat1.1; stat1.2; stat1.3; :: choice2 -> stat2.1; stat2.2; stat2.3; :: :: choicen -> statn.1; statn.2; statn.3; od;

With respect to the choices, a do-statement behaves in the same way as an if-statement. However, instead of ending the statement at the end of the choosen list of statements, a do-statement repeats the choice selection. The (always executable) break statement exits a do-loop statement and transfers control to the end of the loop.
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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

Example modelling a traffic light

if- and do-statements are ordinary Promela statements; so they can be nested.

mtype = { RED, YELLOW, GREEN } ;

mtype (message type) models enumerations in Promela

active proctype TrafficLight() { byte state = GREEN; do :: (state == GREEN) -> state = YELLOW; :: (state == YELLOW) -> state = RED; :: (state == RED) -> state = GREEN; od; } Note: this do-loop does not contain
any non-deterministic choice.
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Sender s2r







! is sending ? is receiving
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version: Friday, 13 September 2002



Communication between processes is via channels: message passing rendez-vous synchronisation (handshake) Both are defined as channels:
name of the channel also called: queue or buffer

chan <name> = [<dim>] of {<t1>,<t2>, <tn>};

type of the elements that will be transmitted over the channel number of elements in the channel dim==0 is special case: rendez-vous chan c = [1] of {bit}; chan toR = [2] of {mtype, bit}; chan line[2] = [1] of {mtype, Record};
Thursday 11-Apr-2002

array of channels

Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

channel = FIFO-buffer (for dim>0) !


Sending - putting a message into a channel ch ! <expr1>, <expr2>, <exprn>;

The values of <expri> should correspond with the types of the channel declaration. A send-statement is executable if the channel is not full.

<const> can be mixed

? Receiving - getting a message out of a channel <var> + ch ? <var1>, <var2>, <varn>;

message passing If the channel is not empty, the message is fetched from the channel and the individual parts of the message are stored into the <vari>s. ch ? <const1>, <const2>, <constn>; message testing If the channel is not empty and the message at the front of the channel evaluates to the individual <consti>, the statement is executable and the message is removed from the channel.
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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

Rendez-vous communication
<dim> == 0


The number of elements in the channel is now zero. If send ch! is enabled and if there is a corresponding receive ch? that can be executed simultaneously and the constants match, then both statements are enabled. Both statements will handshake and together take the transition. Example:
chan ch = [0] of {bit, byte};

P wants to do ch ! 1, 3+7 Q wants to do ch ? 1, x Then after the communication, x will have the value 10.
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Alternating Bit Protocol


Alternating Bit Protocol

To every message, the sender adds a bit. The receiver acknowledges each message by sending the received bit back. To receiver only excepts messages with a bit that it excepted to receive. If the sender is sure that the receiver has correctly received the previous message, it sends a new message and it alternates the accompanying bit.

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SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002


Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

version: Friday, 13 September 2002


Alternating Bit Protocol


channel length of 2 chan toS = [2] of {mtype, bit}; chan toR = [2] of {mtype, bit}; mtype {MSG, ACK}; proctype Sender(chan in, out) { bit sendbit, recvbit; do :: out ! MSG, sendbit -> in ? ACK, recvbit; if :: recvbit == sendbit -> sendbit = 1-sendbit :: else fi od }

proctype Receiver(chan in, out) { bit recvbit; do :: in ? MSG(recvbit) -> out ! ACK(recvbit); od } init { run Sender(toS, toR); run Receiver(toR, toS); }

Alternative notation: ch ! MSG(par1, ) ch ? MSG(par1, )

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Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial


Cookie: hippies problem

[Ruys & Brinksma 1998]

.. .. .. ..

<= 60 min?


coffee shop



25 <= 2 pers

Thursday 11-Apr-2002

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SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002


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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

Cookie: soldiers problem

[Ruys & Brinksma 1998]


<= 60 min?


10 20 25

<= 2 pers

Thursday 11-Apr-2002

Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial


Advanced SPIN
Towards effective modelling in Promela Some left-over Promela statements Properties that can be verified with SPIN Introduction to SPIN validation algorithms SPINs reduction algorithms Extreme modelling: the art of modelling Beyond Xspin: managing the verification trajectory Concluding remarks Summary

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SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002


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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

Promela Model
A Promela model consist of:
type declarations channel declarations global variable declarations process declarations [init process]
mtype, typedefs, constants

Basic SPIN

chan ch = [dim] of {type, } asynchronous: dim > 0 rendez-vous: dim == 0 can be accessed by all processes

behaviour of the processes: local variables + statements initialises variables and starts processes

Thursday 11-Apr-2002

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Promela statements
skip expression assignment if do break send (ch!) receive (ch?) always executable executable if not zero always executable

Basic SPIN

are either executable or blocked

assert(<expr>) always executable

executable if at least one guard is executable executable if at least one guard is executable always executable (exits do-statement) executable if channel ch is not full executable if channel ch is not empty

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SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002


Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

version: Friday, 13 September 2002

atomic { stat1; stat2; ... statn }
can be used to group statements into an atomic sequence; all statements are executed in a single step (no interleaving with statements of other processes) no pure atomicity is executable if stat1 is executable if a stati (with i>1) is blocked, the atomicity token is (temporarily) lost and other processes may do a step

(Hardware) solution to the mutual exclusion problem:

proctype P(bit i) { atomic {flag != 1; flag = 1; } mutex++; mutex--; flag = 0; }
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d_step { stat1; stat2; ... statn }
more efficient version of atomic: no intermediate states are generated and stored may only contain deterministic steps it is a run-time error if stati (i>1) blocks. d_step is especially useful to perform intermediate computations in a single transition
:: Rout?i(v) -> d_step { k++; e[k].ind = i; e[k].val = v; i=0; v=0 ; }

atomic and d_step can be used to lower the number of states of the model
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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

proctype P1() { t1a; t1b; t1c } proctype P2() { t2a; t2b; t2c } init { run P1(); run P2() }

No atomicity
t1a (0,0) t2a

0 t1a 1 t1b 2 t1c 3

0 t2a 1 t2b 2 t2c 3

t1a (0,1) t2b t1c (2,0) t2a t1b (1,1) t2b t1a (0,2) (3,0) t2c t2a t1c (2,1) t2b t1b (1,2) t2c t1a (0,3) (3,1) t2b t1c (2,2) t2c t1b (1,3) (3,2) t2c t1c (2,3) (3,3)

t1b (1,0) t2a

Not completely correct as each process has an implicit end-transition

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proctype P1() { atomic {t1a; t1b; t1c} } proctype P2() { t2a; t2b; t2c } init { run P1(); run P2() } (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (3,0) (3,1) (3,2) (3,3)
Thursday 11-Apr-2002


It is as if P1 has only one transition

(0,1) (1,1) (0,2) (1,2)

If one of P1s transitions blocks, these transitions may get executed

(2,1) (2,2)

(0,3) (1,3)


Although atomic clauses cannot be interleaved, the intermediate states are still constructed.

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SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002


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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

proctype P1() { d_step {t1a; t1b; t1c} } proctype P2() { t2a; t2b; t2c } init { run P1(); run P2() } (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (3,0) (3,1) (3,2) (3,3)
Thursday 11-Apr-2002


It is as if P1 has only one transition

(0,1) (1,1) (0,2) (1,2) (0,3) (1,3) (2,3) No intermediate states will be constructed.
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(2,1) (2,2)

Checking for pure atomicity

Suppose we want to check that none of the atomic clauses in our model are ever blocked (i.e. pure atomicity).
1. Add a global bit variable: 2. Change all atomic clauses to: atomic { stat1; stat2 ... statn

bit aflag;
3. Check that aflag is always 0.



active process monitor { assert(!aflag); }

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version: Friday, 13 September 2002



Promela does not have real-time features. In Promela we can only specify functional behaviour. Most protocols, however, use timers or a timeout mechanism to resend messages or acknowledgements.

SPINs timeout becomes executable if there is no other process in the system which is executable so, timeout models a global timeout timeout provides an escape from deadlock states beware of statements that are always executable

Thursday 11-Apr-2002

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Example to recover from message loss:

active proctype Receiver() { bit recvbit; do :: toR ? MSG, recvbit -> toS ! ACK, recvbit; :: timeout -> toS ! ACK, recvbit; od }

Premature timeouts can be modelled by replacing the timeout by skip (which is always executable).
One might want to limit the number of premature timeouts (see [Ruys & Langerak 1997]).
Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial 54

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version: Friday, 13 September 2002


Alternating Bit Protocol

How large should MAX be such that we are sure that the ABP works correctly?



perfect lines

stealing daemon (models lossy channels) how do we know that the protocol works correctly?

only three!

model different messages by a sequence number assert that the protocol works correctly how can we be sure that different messages are being transmitted?

Thursday 11-Apr-2002

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goto label transfers execution to label each Promela statement might be labelled quite useful in modelling communication protocols
wait_ack: Timeout modelled by a channel. if :: B?ACK -> ab=1-ab ; goto success :: ChunkTimeout?SHAKE -> if :: (rc < MAX) -> rc++; F!(i==1),(i==n),ab,d[i]; goto wait_ack :: (rc >= MAX) -> goto error fi fi ; Part of model of BRP
Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial 56

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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

{ <stats> } unless { guard; <stats> }

Statements in <stats> are executed until the first statement (guard) in the escape sequence becomes executable. resembles exception handling in languages like Java Example:
proctype MicroProcessor() { { ... /* execute normal instructions */ } unless { port ? INTERRUPT; ... } }
Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial 57

macros cpp preprocessor

Promela uses cpp, the C preprocessor to preprocess Promela models. This is useful to define: constants
#define MAX 4
All cpp commands start with a hash: #define, #ifdef, #include, etc.

#define RESET_ARRAY(a) \ d_step { a[0]=0; a[1]=0; a[2]=0; a[3]=0; }

conditional Promela model fragments

#define LOSSY 1 #ifdef LOSSY active proctype Daemon() { /* steal messages */ } #endif
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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

inline poor mans procedures

Promela also has its own macro-expansion feature using the inline-construct.
inline init_array(a) { d_step { Should be declared somewhere i=0; else (probably as a local variable). do :: i<N -> a[i] = 0; i++ :: else -> break od; i=0; Be sure to reset temporary variables. } }

error messages are more useful than when using #define cannot be used as expression all variables should be declared somewhere else
Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial 59



Model checking tools automatically verify whether M |= holds, where M is a (finite-state) model of a system and property is stated in some formal notation. With SPIN one may check the following type of properties: deadlocks (invalid endstates) assertions unreachable code LTL formulae liveness properties
non-progress cycles (livelocks) acceptance cycles
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safety property
nothing bad ever happens invariant x is always less than 5 deadlock freedom the system never reaches a state where no actions are possible SPIN: find a trace leading to the bad thing. If there is not such a trace, the property is satisfied.
Thursday 11-Apr-2002


Historical Classification

liveness property
something good will eventually happen termination the system will eventually terminate response if action X occurs then eventually action Y will occur SPIN: find a (infinite) loop in which the good thing does not happen. If there is not such a loop, the property is satisfied.

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LTL formulae are used to specify liveness properties. LTL propositional logic + temporal operators
[]P <>P P U Q always P eventually P P is true until Q becomes true
Xspin contains a special LTL Manager to edit, save and load LTL properties.

Some LTL patterns

invariance response precedence objective
Thursday 11-Apr-2002

[] [] [] []

(p) ((p) -> (<> (q))) ((p) -> ((q) U (r))) ((p) -> <>((q) || (r)))
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[Brard et. al. 2001]


Suggested further reading (on temporal properties):

Textbook on model checking. One part of the book (six chapters) is devoted to Specifying with Temporal Logic. Also available in French.

[Dwyer et. al. 1999]

classification of temporal logic properties pattern-based approach to the presentation, codification and reuse of property specifications for finite-state verification.
Note: although this tutorial focuses on how to construct an effective Promela model M, the definition of the set of properties which are to be verified is equally important!
Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial 63


Solution to the Hippies problem


chan germany_to_holland = [0] of {hippie, hippie} ; chan holland_to_germany = [0] of {hippie} ; chan stopwatch = [0] of {hippie} ; byte time ; A hippie is a byte. ... proctype Germany() Process Holland is { the dual of Germany. bit here[N] ; hippie h1, h2 ; here[0]=1; here[1]=1; here[2]=1; here[3]=1; do :: select_hippie(h1) ; select_hippie(h2) ; germany_to_holland ! h1, h2 ; IF all_gone -> break FI ; holland_to_germany ? h1 ; here[h1] = 1 ; stopwatch ! h1 ; od It can be modelled more effectively } See [Ruys 2001] for directions.
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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

Solution to the Hippies problem


proctype Timer() { end: do :: stopwatch ? 0 -> atomic { time=time+5 ; MSCTIME } :: stopwatch ? 1 -> atomic { time=time+10; MSCTIME } :: stopwatch ? 2 -> atomic { time=time+20; MSCTIME } :: stopwatch ? 3 -> atomic { time=time+25; MSCTIME } od } init { atomic { run Germany(); run Holland(); run Timer(); } }

Now we should check: <> (time>60)

Thursday 11-Apr-2002

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(random) Simulation Algorithm

deadlock allBlocked

while (!error & !allBlocked) { ActionList menu = getCurrentExecutableActions(); allBlocked = (menu.size() == 0); if (! allBlocked) { Action act = menu.chooseRandom(); error = act.execute(); interactive simulation: } act is chosen by the user }
act is executed and the system enters a new state Visit all processes and collect all executable actions .

Thursday 11-Apr-2002



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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

Verification Algorithm


SPIN uses a depth first search algorithm (DFS) to generate and explore the complete state space.
procedure dfs(s: state) { if error(s) states are stored reportError(); in a hash table foreach (successor t of s) { if (t not in Statespace) Only works dfs(t); requires state matching for state properties. } the old states s are stored on a stack, which }
corresponds with a complete execution path

Note that the construction and error checking happens at the same time: SPIN is an on-the-fly model checker.
Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial 67

Verification Algorithm
P1 P2



translation language intersection

interleaving product

Buchi Automaton

Buchi Automaton

accepts words

X should be empty. Search for an accepting state in the intersection, which is reachable from itself. In SPIN this Based on is implemented by two basic DFS procedures. [Vardi & Wolper 1986]. See [Holzmann 1996 et. al. DFS] for details.
Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial 68

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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

State vector
A state vector is the information to uniquely identify a system state; it contains: global variables contents of the channels for each process in the system:
local variables process counter of the process

It is important to minimise the size of the state vector.

state vector = m bytes state space = n states storing the state space may require n*m bytes

SPIN provides several algorithms to compress the state vector.

Thursday 11-Apr-2002

[Holzmann 1997 - State Compression]


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Storing States in SPIN

Default method
0 addresses to linked-list of states

s s hash(s)

computes address/index in the hash table

all states are explicitly stored lookup is fast due to hash function memory needed: n*m bytes + hash table h-1 hash table

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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

(Spin Version 3.4.12 -- 18 December 2001) + Partial Order Reduction the size of a single state Full statespace search for: never-claim assertion violations cycle checks invalid endstates

SPIN Verification Report

longest execution path

- (not selected) + - (disabled by -DSAFETY) +

State-vector 96 byte, depth reached 18637, errors: 0 169208 states, stored 71378 states, matched 240586 transitions (= stored+matched) 31120 atomic steps hash conflicts: 150999 (resolved) total number (max size 2^19 states)

property was satisfied

of states (i.e. the state space)

Stats on memory usage (in Megabytes): 17.598 equivalent memory usage for states (stored*(State-vector + overhead)) 11.634 actual memory usage for states (compression: 66.11%) State-vector as stored = 61 byte + 8 byte overhead 2.097 memory used for hash-table (-w19) 0.480 memory used for DFS stack (-m20000) 14.354 total actual memory usage

total amount of memory used for this verification

Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial 71

Reduction Algorithms


SPIN has several optimisation algorithms to make verification runs more effective:
partial order reduction bitstate hashing minimised automaton encoding of states (not in a hashtable) state vector compression dataflow analysis slicing algorithm

SPINs power (and popularity) is based on these (default) optimisation/reduction algorithms.

SPIN supports several command-line options to select and further tune these optimisation algorithms. See for instance: Xspin Run Set Verification Parameters Set Advanced options Extra Compile-Time Directives
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Reduction Algorithms
Partial Order Reduction


enabled by default

[Holzmann & Peled 1995 PO]

observation: the validity of a property is often insensitive to the order in which concurrent and independently executed events are interleaved idea: if in some global state, a process P can execute only local statements, then all other processes may be deferred until later local statements, e.g.:
statement accessing only local variables receiving from a queue, from which no other process receives sending to a queue, to which no other process sends
It is hard to determine exclusive access to channels: let user annotate exclusisve channels with xr or xs.
Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial 73

Reduction Algorithms
Partial Order Reduction (cont.)
Suppose the statements of P1 and P2 are all local. t1a t1b (1,0) t1c (2,0) (3,0) t2a (3,1) t2b (3,2) t2c (3,3)
Thursday 11-Apr-2002


(0,0) (0,1) (1,1) (0,2) (1,2) (0,3) (1,3) (2,3)

(2,1) (2,2)

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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

Reduction Algorithms
Bit-state hashing



[Holzmann 1998 Bitstate hashing]

instead of storing each state explicitly, only one bit of memory are used to store a reachable state given a state, a hash function is used to compute the address of the bit in the hash table no collision detection hash factor = # available bits / # reached states
aim for hash factor > 100


[Holzmann 1998 Bitstate hashing]

large hash table: 2^64 store address in regular (smaller) hash table with collision detection
Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial 75

Reduction Algorithms
Bit-state hashing
0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 h-1 1 hash table
Thursday 11-Apr-2002


The hash table only holds bits: 0 or 1.


If hash(s) = n and h[n] == 1, SPIN concludes that s has already been visited.

states are not stored explicitly lookup is fast due to hash function memory needed: hash table (only)

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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

Reduction Algorithms
State compression


[Holzmann 1997 State Compression]

instead of storing a state explicitly, a compressed version of the state is stored in the state space

Minimised automaton

[Holzmann & Puri 1999 - MA]

states are stored in a dynamically changing, minimised deterministic finite automaton (DFA) very memory inserting/deleting a state changes the DFA effective, but slow. close relationship with OBDDs

Static analysis algorithms

slicing algorithm: to get hints for possible reductions data-flow optimisations, dead variable elimination, merging of safe and atomic statements
Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial 77

Moores Law & Advanced Algorithms

[Holzmann 2000 Mdorf] Verification results of Tpc (The phone company)
10000 1000 100 10 1 1980 1987 1995 1999 2000 Available Memory Required Memory

1980: pan 1987: bitstate hashing 1995: partial order reduction 1999: minimised automaton memory requirements to (fully) verify Tpc

7 days
Thursday 11-Apr-2002

7 secs
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BRP Effective Modelling

BRP = Bounded Retransmission Protocol
alternating bit protocol with timers 1997: exhaustive verification with SPIN and UPPAAL 2001: optimised SPIN version shows the effectiveness of a tuned model
BRP 1997 state vector # states Memory (Mb) 104 bytes 1,799,340 116.399 BRP 2002 96 bytes 169,208 14.354
took upto an hour in 1997
Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial 79

Both verified with SPIN 3.4.x

Recipes in [Ruys 2001]

Tool Support First Things First Macros Atomicity Randomness Bitvectors Subranges Abstract Data Types: Deque
Still in the pipeline

Lossy channels Multicast Protocols Reordering a Promela model Invariance

Modelling Time in Promela Scheduling algorithms

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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

[]P where P is a state property


safety property invariance global universality or global absence [Dwyer et. al. 1999]:
25% of the properties that are being checked with model checkers are invariance properties BTW, 48% of the properties are response properties

[] !aflag [] mutex != 2

SPIN supports (at least) 7 ways to check for invariance.

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1+2 - monitor process

(single assert)


proposed in SPIN's documentation add the following monitor process to the Promela model:
active proctype monitor() { assert(P); } 1 assert(P) 2 -end0

Two variations:
1. monitor process is created first 2. monitor process is created last
If the monitor process is created last, the endtransition will be executable after executing assert(P).

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version: Friday, 13 September 2002


3 - guarded monitor process


Drawback of solution 1+2 monitor process is that the assert statement is enabled in every state.
active proctype monitor() { atomic { !P -> assert(P) ; } }

active proctype monitor() { assert(P) ; }

The atomic statement only becomes executable when P itself is not true.
We are searching for a state where P is not true. If it does not exist, []P is true.
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Thursday 11-Apr-2002



4 - monitor process

(do assert)


From an operational viewpoint, the following monitor process seems less effective:
active proctype monitor() { do :: assert(P) od }


But the number of states is clearly advantageous.

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version: Friday, 13 September 2002


5 - never claim

(do assert)


also proposed in SPIN's documentation

never { do :: assert(P) od }

SPIN will synchronise the never claim automaton with the automaton of the system. SPIN uses never claims to verify LTL formulae.

but SPIN will issue the following unnerving warning:

warning: for p.o. reduction to be valid the never claim must be stutter-closed (never claims generated from LTL formulae are stutter-closed)

and this never claim has not been generated

Thursday 11-Apr-2002

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The logical way...

6 - LTL property


SPIN translates the LTL formula to an accepting never claim.

never { ![]P TO_init: if :: (!P) -> goto accept_all :: (1) -> goto TO_init fi; accept_all: skip }

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7 - unless {!P -> ...}


Enclose the body of (at least) one of the processes into the following unless clause:
{ body } unless { atomic { !P -> assert(P) ; } }

+ + no extra process is needed: saves 4 bytes in state vector local variables can be used in the property P definition of the process has to be changed the unless construct can reach inside atomic clauses partial order reduction may be invalid if rendez-vous communication is used within body This is quite the body is not allowed to end restrictive
Note: disabling partial reduction (-DNOREDUCE) may have severe negative consequences on the effectiveness of the verification run.
Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial 87

PII 300Mhz 128 Mb SPIN 3.3.10 Linux 2.2.12

Invariance experiments -DNOREDUCE - memory (Mb)

NO partial order reduction


60 50 40 30 20 10 0 brp
Thursday 11-Apr-2002

1. monitor first 2. monitor last 3. guarded monitor 4. monitor do assert 5. never do assert 6. LTL property 7. unless



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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

Invariance experiments -DNOREDUCE - time (sec)

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 brp philo pftp


1. monitor first 2. monitor last 3. guarded monitor 4. monitor do assert 5. never do assert 6. LTL property 7. unless

Thursday 11-Apr-2002

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Invariance experiments default settings - memory (Mb)

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 brp philo pftp
1. monitor first 2. monitor last 3. guarded monitor 4. monitor do assert 5. never do assert 6. LTL property


seems attractive...

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version: Friday, 13 September 2002

Invariance experiments default settings - time (sec)

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 brp philo pftp


1. monitor first 2. monitor last 3. guarded monitor 4. monitor do assert 5. never do assert 6. LTL property

Thursday 11-Apr-2002

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Invariance - Conclusions
The methods 1 and 2 monitor process with single assert performed worst on all experiments.
When checking invariance, these methods should be avoided.


Variant 4 monitor do assert seems attractive, after verifying the pftp model.
unfortunately, this method modifies the original pftp model! the pftp model contains a timeout statement because the do-assert loop is always executable, the timeout will never become executable never use variant 4 in the presence of timeouts

Variant 3 guarded monitor process is the most effective and reliable method for checking invariance.
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Basic recipe to check M |=

1. Sanity check
Interactive and random simulations
Properties: 1. deadlock 2. assertions 3. invariance 4. liveness (LTL)

2. Partial check

Use SPINs bitstate hashing mode to quickly sweep over the state space. states are not stored; fast method

3. Exhaustive check
If this fails, SPIN supports several options to proceed: 1. Compression (of state vector) 2. Optimisations (SPIN-options or manually) 3. Abstractions (manually, guided by SPINs slicing algorithm) 4. Bitstate hashing
Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial 93

Optimising a Promela Model

Use SPINs Slicing Algorithm to guide abstractions
SPIN will propose reductions to the model on basis of the property to be checked.

Modelling priorities (space over time):

1. minimise the number of states 2. minimise the state vector 3. minimise the maximum search depth 4. minimise the verification time

Often more than one validation model

Worst case: one model for each property. This differs from programming where one usually develops only a single program.
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Beyond Xspin

models options results

personal SPIN setup

Promela model
shell script to automatically run spin, gcc & pan

version control system or literate programming tool

options spin gcc pan


Verification results obtained using a verification tool should always be reproducible.

pan results runspin data

parse pan results: identifies 49 items to analyse in spreadsheet


LaTeX file .csv file

Thursday 11-Apr-2002

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runspin & ppr

automates the complete verification of Promela model shell script (270 loc) adds extra information to SPINs verification report, e.g.
options passed to SPIN, the C compiler and pan system resources (time and memory) used by the verification name of the Promela source file date and time of the verification run

parse pan results: recognises 49 items in verification report Perl script (600 loc) output to LaTeX or CSV (general spreadsheet format)

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Becoming a SPIN doctor

Experiment freely with SPIN
Only by practicing with the Promela language and the SPIN tool, one get a feeling of what it takes to construct effective validation models and properties.

Read SPIN (html) documentation thoroughly. Consult Proceedings of the SPIN Workshops:
papers on successful applications with SPIN papers on the inner workings of SPIN papers on extensions to SPIN

Further reading
[Holzmann 2000 Mdorf]
Thursday 11-Apr-2002

Nice overview of SPIN machinery & modern model checking approach.


Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial

Some rules of thumb


See Extended Abstract of this tutorial in the SPIN 2002 Proceedings for:
Techniques to reduce the complexity of a Promela model (borrowed from Xspins Help). Tips (one-liners) on effective Promela patterns.
See [Ruys 2001] for details.

Be careful with data and variables

all data ends up in the state vector the more different values a variable can be assigned, the more different states will be generated limit the number of places of a channel (i.e. the dimension) prefer local variables over global variables
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Some rules of thumb


Atomicity Enclose statements that do not have to be interleaved within an atomic / d_step clause Beware: the behaviour of the processes may change! Beware of infinite loops. Computations use d_step clauses to make the computation a single transition reset temporary variables to 0 at the end of a d_step Processes sometimes the behaviour of two processes can be combined into one; this is usually more effective.
Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial 99

Basic SPIN
Promela basics Overview of Xspin Several Xspin demos

Advanced SPIN
Some more Promela statements SPINs reduction algorithms Beyond Xspin: verification management Art of modelling
Final word of advice: get your own copy of SPIN and start playing around!
Thursday 11-Apr-2002 Theo C. Ruys - SPIN Beginners' Tutorial 100

SPIN 2002 Workshop, Grenoble, 11-13 April 2002


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