Form Space Order Lec 3
Form Space Order Lec 3
Form Space Order Lec 3
Assignment :
In class:
Using Diagrams Identify The different organization methods in your Design III Project.
How can you enhance the organizational style? Reflect and implement.
Home Work:
Provide an example of an urban, architectural and interior space that reflect the differ-
ent organizational styles.
Form, Space and Order : Making of Form
Normal of Plane
Normal of Plane
2D L
A volume is a series of intersecting planes defining the boundaries and form of a space
Form, Space and Order : Making of Form
Lecture 2 -
Assignment :
In class:
Using diagrams, colors and/or Hatch styles identify the different form defining elements and any
ordering methods that you have used in your facades, landscape and 3D Mass of your Design III
Using these illustrations, create study diagrams for your facade and 3D Design Approach. Include
in your final Poster and INT 203-A Semester Report.
Form, Space and Order : Spatial Relationships
Two different Two different functions, Two different functions, Two different functions,
functions, ac- activities or forms blend- activities or spaces exist- activities or forms con-
tivities or forms ing on the periphery lines. ing as separate neighbor- nected by a transitional
co-existing in one ing entities. space.
larger space.
Form, Space and Order : Spatial Relationships
Clear Boundaries
Form, Space and Order : Spatial Relationships
Interlocking Spaces
Overlapping Functions
Form, Space and Order : Spatial Relationships
Spaces linked by a
W Space
Form, Space and Order : Space and Form
Architecture is defined by the intersection of solid and void. These are inherently opposite things, but together they form the physical and visual experience
of buildings.
Space allows us to move, perceive volumes, experience visual, textural and audible sensations related to architecture. It is as physical as a material finish,
even when it is intangible. As form begins to be captures, sculpted, enclosed, and organized by the elements of mass, architecture comes into existence.
Lecture 3 -
Describe the geometries that were used to define these forms. What solid forms can you see? What Void
Forms where used to create them? Sketch the void forms.
Using sketches, illustrate the Void Volumes that are defining the interior sections and architectural mass of
your Design III Project. How can these forms be enhanced to improve the articulation of the space?
On your floor plans, identify the spatial relationships of the different functions in your project.
INTA 203-A Final Research