Basic Design Principles
Basic Design Principles
Basic Design Principles
Primary Elements of Architecture
Pattern I Repetition
Point - zero dimension. Indicates position in
space. When lines and shapes are repeated, they
create a pattern.
Line - 1D – point extended becomes a line.
With properties of length, direction & Patterns can be regular or irregular, however,
position. architects try to repeat elements of design in a
Plane - 2D – line extended becomes a plane regular manner.
with properties of length, width, shape,
surface, orientation, position
- Shape is the primary identifying
Principles of Design are the concepts that
characteristics of a plane. determine how a design is organized.
- Supplementary properties are surface, color, Unity - All parts of the design work together
pattern, texture, affecting visual weight and as a whole.
Proportion - The size relationship of a part to
- Plane serves to define the limits or the whole.
boundaries of a volume.
-describe the relationship between two things
Volume - 3D – a plane extended becomes a of different size.
volume with properties and length, width,
depth, form, space, surface, orientation, Emphasis - The focal point of the design.
position. Balance - Symmetrical or asymmetrical
Form - The primary identifying characteristics organization of elements.
of a volume. Established by shapes &
interrelationship of planes. A volume can be -characteristic of equal weights opposing one
solid space displaced by mass or void another.
contained by planes. Repetition - Creates a visual rhythm.
Contrast - The variation of opposites.
Elements of Design are the tools you work - exists when two adjacent parts are very
with when you design. different from one another.
Form/Mass - The volume of a structure
Symmetry I Asymmetry - When there is
Line - Creates visual direction correspondence in size or shape of parts on
either side of a bisected whole we say it is
Texture - Surface pattern or physical
- is the apparent look or feel of the surface of Theme - dominant feature of a work of art that
an art object. is carried throughout the piece.