Inferno Programming With Limbo
Inferno Programming With Limbo
Inferno Programming With Limbo
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Preface 1
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10
xiii 1
1 2 3 4 4 5 6 12 13 21
What is Inferno? History and Overview of Inferno Limbo Resources as Filesystems and Per-Process Name Spaces Networks Installing the Inferno Emulator Getting Started with Inferno Name Spaces and Basic Name Space Configurations The Inferno Application Development Environment Summary
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5
An Overview of Limbo
Introduction to Limbo Hello World Discourse on include and load Some Details Reserved Identifiers, Operators and Associativity
25 26 28 29 30
30 33 33 38 40 43
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10
Data Types
Primitive Data Types The string Data Type Reference Versus Value Types Lists Arrays Tuples ADTs Type Definitions Summary Chapter Examples Problems
45 47 48 49 52 57 58 71 71 73 74
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6
Using Modules
Review Taking Advantage of Dynamic Module Loading Module Resource Consumption and Built-in Modules Self-Referential Modules Summary Chapter Example: Xsniff Problems Appendix: Developing Built-in Modules Defining the Module Interface Generating C Stubs with the Limbo Compiler Module Function Signatures
77 83 84 84 86 88 92 93 93 94 95
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4
System I/O
The Sys Module aprint bind byte2char
101 101 104 107
5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18
char2byte chdir create dup, fildes open read remove seek stream write Unbuffered Character I/O Exception Handling Summary Chapter Example: Pled, a Simple Line Editor Problems
108 109 110 113 115 115 116 116 117 117 117 118 121 123 131
6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8
133 135 136 137 140 140 147 149 151
7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7
Introduction Multi-Way Selection on Channels with alt and Arrays of Channels Pipelining Computation with Channels User-Level Filesystems: Files Connected to Channels Example: A Simple File Server Summary Chapter Example: Multiplexing Readers in Simple File Server Problems Appendix: Modeling and Verification of Concurrent Applications with SPIN
153 156 159 161 165 169 170 172 173
Using SPIN
8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10
Styx Servers
#M, The Mount Driver #s, The Server Registry The Styx Protocol Types, Tags, Fids and Qids Styx Message Formats Intercepting Styx Messages Building Filesystem Filters: Filterfs Implementing a Styx Server with the Styxlib Module Summary Chapter Example: Dynamic User-Level Filesystems Problems
184 185 186 187 187 191 194 202 206 207 212
9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7
The /net/ Filesystem Configuring the Network on the Inferno Emulator Configuring the Network in Native Inferno Networking Through Sys Module Calls Dealing with HTML: The Webgrab, Url and HTML Modules Summary Chapter Example: Tunneling Styx Traffic over HTTP Problems
215 216 217 220 224 231 233 240
Cryptographic Facilities
10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Setting Up an Authentication Server Mutual Authentication Summary Chapter Example: Secure Hashes of Files Problems
243 246 248 249 251
11.1 Introduction 11.2 Point 11.3 Rect 11.4 Context 11.5 Display and/dev/draw
253 256 258 259 261
Screen Image Example: Pong The Tk and Wmlib Modules Summary Problems
291 293 297 300 302 305 306 307 308
309 311 313 315 317 318 321 326 329
Bibliography Index
339 345
The subject matter of the text is the development of software for the Inferno operating system, using the Limbo programming language. Inferno is an operating system for building distributed applications in networked environments. It is targeted at resource-constrained computing systems such as settop boxes, PDAs and point-of-sale terminals, which usually have limited computing resources, are networked and often need to handle multimedia such as streaming audio or video. It was designed from the ground up to address these issues. Inferno derives its heritage from the creators of the Unix and Plan 9 operating systems and the C and C++ programming languages, Lucent Technologies' Bell Labs. Inferno has recently been made freely available to the general public in binary form, and source code is available for a small fee under an open-source-like licence. Limbo is the programming language in which applications for Inferno are written.
This book is intended as a comprehensive guide for programmers who wish to develop applications for the Inferno operating system, with an emphasis on taking advantage of its unique capabilities. The text provides a brief introduction to the installation and use of Inferno, and an in-depth exposition and solid reference for developing Inferno applications in Limbo.
A reader with no prior experience of Inferno, or of related technologies, should be able to use the text both as an introduction to Inferno and as a reference on developing Inferno applications in Limbo.
Target Audience
The text is targeted primarily at professionals who will be developing applications in the Limbo language for Inferno and is therefore structured as a self-study text. It is also suitable for use as a college-level text, providing end-of-chapter exercises to further develop the concepts introduced in each chapter. For both the professional audience and the college student, a familiarity with programming languages such as Pascal, C/C++ or Java is assumed. It is not meant to be an introductory programming text. Every attempt has been made to keep the book as self-contained as possible, making it an ideal introduction as well as a handy reference. Readers will appreciate the practical approach of the text. Each chapter concludes with an analysis of a complete representative application that uses concepts introduced in the chapter, which may be used as a starting point for developing the reader's own applications. The example discussion further serves to point out common pitfalls when programming with concepts introduced in that chapter. The tone of the book is intended to be refreshing, and every attempt is made to keep the presentation and discussions lively.
Material Covered
1 Introduction An introduction to the Inferno Operating System, its origin, design and use. A description of the heritage of the Limbo language, its origins and how it compares to other contemporary programming languages. Resources as files and per-process name spaces. Installing Inferno and setting up user accounts. The Inferno application development environment. 2 An Overview of Limbo An introduction to Limbo programming. The basic structure of Limbo programs. Operators. Flow control. 3 Data Types An overview of the basic data types in Limbo. 4 Using Modules Using modules to structure applications. Developing Inferno built-in modules. 5 System Input and Output Performing program input and output in Limbo. The Inferno built-in system module.
6 Programming with Threads Writing multi-threaded applications in Limbo. Thread creation and control. Thread name spaces. The Inferno /prog interface. 7 Channels Channels as communication paths. Simple fileserversFiles connected to channels. 8 Styx Servers Introduction to the Styx protocol and its use in Inferno. Styx message formats. Intercepting Styx messages. Developing Limbo Styx servers. 9 Networking Introduction to inter-networking in Inferno. Inferno's /net filesystem and network protocol stacks. Writing networking applications using the /net filesystem interface. Writing networking applications using Sys module calls. Developing applications that access the WWW. Dealing with HTML. 10 Cryptographic Facilities The Inferno security model. Configuring Certificate Authorities. Mutual authentication. 11 Graphics Introduction to graphics in Inferno. The /dev/draw interface. The Inferno Draw built-in module. The Inferno Tk and Wmlib modules. Appendices Limbo language grammar. Some useful module interface definitions. Selected manual pages. The source code for the examples included in the book, together with additional material such as more Limbo applications, updates to the text to reflect changes in Inferno and Limbo, and corrections, are available from the book's Web page at pwl/.
Throughout the text, a handful of conventions are used to distinguish between different types of material. Path names are listed relative to the root of the Inferno distribution and are displayed in a teletype font, in-line in the text. For example, /appl/cmd/sort.b. IP addresses and host names are also displayed in a tel etype font. Code fragments and command shell transcripts are listed in shaded boxes such as the following:
Variable names and Limbo module names appear in tel etype font when they are being discussed; for example, one may refer to a variable vari abl ename. Inferno command-line utilities and other services are displayed in italics, with the section number of their respective manual pages in parenthesis. For example, the manual page for the application for displaying manual pages is referred to as manCL), as its page is in Section 1 of the Inferno manual. Other applications, such as those developed in this text, are referred to by their name in italics.
Thanks to all those who provided encouragement at various stages of this work, spread over almost five years. I could not possibly mention by name all those who, either by their encouraging remarks or outright derision, have helped keep me motivated. Truman Boyes, Russ Cox, Vasilios Daskalopoulos, Ben Lui, Nebahat Noyan, Matthew Riben, Seth Rubenstein and Simon Wong all read early versions of the manuscript and provided valuable feedback. Truman Boyes, Ben Brewer, Jon Oberton, Andrew Sylvia and the collective energies of helped refine the final versions of the manuscript. Bengt Kleberg, Vasilios Daskalopoulos and Vincent Matossian deserve special mention for their detailed reviews of many of the chapters of this book. Their feedback was invaluable. The artwork preceding each chapter was created (all in one night!) by Nebahat Noyan. Last, but most importantly, I would like to thank the fine folk at Wiley and elsewhere who helped make this happen: Karen Mosman and Gaynor Redvers-Mutton (my editors in succession at Wiley), Jill Jeffries, Robert Hambrook (my production editor at Wiley), Jonathan Wainwright (my copy-editor at T&T Productions), whom I drove crazy with PDF sticky notes (almost 400 in one revision!)Thanks Jon!and countless others whom I will probably never know. This document was typeset using free software. The typesetting was done in KTgX, primarily on computers running derivatives of the 4.4BSD operating system. Phillip Stanley-Marbell
Pittsburgh, PA
This chapter provides an introduction to Inferno, its history, underlying concepts and construction. Also described in this chapter are the procedures for installing and configuring an Inferno system, and the basic tools provided for editing, compiling and debugging Limbo programs.
applications from the details of the underlying hardware. Having versions of Inferno that run both on bare hardware and in emulated environments lends a degree of flexibility in application development that is rare among operating systems. A developer, in order to develop applications for Inferno, therefore need not have access to hardware that will run Inferno natively.
Figure 1.1
Organization of components in Inferno running directly over hardware (i.e. native Inferno).
Figures 1.1 and 1.2 illustrate the organization of components in the native and emulated versions of Inferno, respectively. The emulated and native environments are identical above the Dis virtual machine (Dis VM). Native Inferno, which runs over bare hardware, provides the necessary OS support to the Dis VM, whereas the emulated version of Inferno relies on the facilities of the host operating system. The facilities required of the host operating system include performing I/O and scheduling Dis VM threads. These Dis VM threads are threads (or processes, depending on the host platform) of the Dis VM itself. The Dis VM contains an internal scheduler for scheduling Limbo threads running over the VM. This is separate from the host platform's thread or process scheduling in the emulator, and from the process scheduling in native Inferno (which schedules Dis VM processes and the like, not Limbo threads).
Figure 1.2
decidedly commercial project that would later on be named Inferno' (after The Inferno, vol. I of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy) 1 . Several of the features of Plan 9 saw their way into Inferno. Unlike Plan 9, however, Inferno comes with a virtual machine, the Dis VM, to enable portability of Inferno applications across different hardware platforms. Dis has a memory-to-memory architecture as opposed to a stack architecture as in the Java virtual machine. A memory-tomemory architecture is essentially an infinite-register machine, with as many registers as there are words of memory. This simplifies on-the-fly compilation on most modern target architectures. At the time of the development of Inferno, the developers realized they needed a secure, type-safe, garbage-collected language. The developers considered using Java, but Java was in a state of flux and they decided they would rather deal with their own language that would be changing as it evolved rather than someone else's moving target [64]. Unlike Java, Limbo is not object oriented; however, it does support code reuse via modular programming.
1.3 Limbo
Limbo was designed by Sean Dorward, Rob Pike and Phil Winterbottom. It has certain features of other programming languages like Pascal (declarations), Alef (channels, ADTs), Occam (channels), Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) (channels, alternating on channels), Newsqueak, ML (module system, compile-time
1 This naming decision was made because a member of the team (Rob Pike) had been reading the Divine Comedy at the time and noted that it would provide a rich source of names.
type checking, garbage collection), and introduces ideas of its own. Limbo employs strong type checking both at compile- and runtime, automatic garbage collection, and inter-thread communication over typed channels. Limbo was designed for the development of distributed applications. Its implementation makes it suitable for use on machines that do not have memory protection hardware such as a hardware memory management unit (MMU). There are no pointers in Limbo, and the language prevents direct access to machine memorythe virtual machine and the Limbo compiler cooperate to provide the functionality of memory protection. Limbo is compiled to machine-independent byte-code for execution on the Dis VM.
1.5 Networks
Inferno (and to a lesser extent the Inferno emulator) supports a wide variety of internetworking protocols, such as IP, TCP/IP, UDP/IP, ICMP, GRE and ESP to name a few. Communication between Inferno devices is typically in the form of messages in a protocol called Styx, usually running over TCP/IP. Styx is a remote procedure call protocol similar to the NFS RPC protocol [69] (though significantly simpler in both design and implementation). Unlike NFS RPC, Styx is stateful, and a Styx server maintains information on connected clients.
Microsoft Windows
To install from an Inferno distribution CD, run the setup program in the install directory of the CD. If installing from the Web download, first download the necessary archive files. You should then uncompress them into a temporary installation directory. You can then run the setup program, which can be found in the install subdirectory. The setup program will attempt to install into the directory C: \Users\Inferno by default. You might want to add the emulator executables directory (C:\Users\Inferno\NT\386\bin\) to your PATH environment variable, but this is not absolutely necessary. If you installed the emulator in the default directory, you should now be able to start the emulator by running the emu. exe program in NT/386/bi n relative to the installation root directory. If the emulator was installed into a directory other than the default C:\Users \Inferno, you will need to supply the full path of the installation root directory when invoking the emulator executable. For example, if you installed into the directory C: \Program Files\Inferno, you would have to invoke the emulator in the following manner:
The - r flag specifies the location of the Inferno root. Be careful that there is no whitespace between the - r flag and the path name. Further options accepted by the emulator command are detailed in the manual page for the emulator, which can be viewed by typing man emu from within the emulator. The manual page for emu (and other useful ones) are included in the appendices to this book. There is nothing more in the setup that is specific to Windows platforms, and everything else is a matter of configuring your Inferno system correctly, from within the emulator.
host system, or whatever name you want the administrative user within Inferno to be called.
1.6.3 Plan 9
The default installation location of Inferno on Plan 9 is in /usr/inferno. You can override the root directory that the emulator knows of by using the - r/<path>/ flag when starting up the emulator. To be able to cleanly run Inferno services, you need to add the contents of the file /services/cs/services from your Inferno root to /lib/ndb/1oca!. You will also need to create a user called 'inferno' on the host system, or whatever name you want the administrative user within Inferno to be called.
Figure 1.3 The initial console login prompt after starting the emulator.
1.7.1 Overview
After launching the emulator executable, you will be presented with the Inferno console, shown in Figure 1.3. The Inferno graphical environment can be started by launching either the login window manager interface shown in Figure 1.4, by typing wm/logon at the initial
Figure 1.4
Logging in to Inferno.
Inferno console, or launching directly into the window manager by typing wm/wm. Once logged in, command consoles or shells can be opened via the button on the lower left of the screen, as illustrated in Figure 1.5. For those familiar with operating systems such as Unix and its derivatives, a few of the familiar commands are also available in Inferno; ls(l) provides a listing of files in the current directory, and accepts many of the command-line flags available in Unix-like systems: cd(i) changes the current working directory; ps(1) provides a list of launched threads; du(1) provides a listing of disk usage statistics, etc. There are some new commands and variants of old commands: lc(l) provides a columnized output of the contents of the current working directory. These commands and a few more are illustrated below. Each line of the output of the ps command shows the thread ID, thread group ID, user executing the thread, state of the thread, memory size and module name, respectively:
The command kill(l) takes as argument a thread ID or Limbo module name, and terminates the corresponding thread or the threads executing the specified module, respectively. More information is available from the Inferno command line or shell by typing 'man' followed by a command, utility or application name.
Figure 1.6
the Inferno emulator, this user must have an account on the host system, i.e. on Unix platforms there must be a user 'inferno' if your administrative user within Inferno is going to be 'inferno'. This is because the Inferno emulator exports the file ownership and permissions from the host system to the emulator level. Thus, for each user that has an account to login to the emulator, there should be a corresponding user with the same name on the host system (hopefully the same user!), but not necessarily the same password. Users are added to the system by creating home directories with their user names under the /usr/ directory of the Inferno root. The directory 1ib/ in a user's home directory conventionally contains per-user configuration files, such as rule sets for the plumber(8) inter-application message router. The directory keyring/ is used for holding certificates obtained from a certifying authority. The directory charon/ is used to hold user configuration information and bookmarks for the Charon Web browser. These directories have to be created for each user added to the system with the mkdir(1) command. The creation of these directories is a separate process from the creation of user passwords, to be described next. Figure 1.6 shows the top-level hierarchy of a typical Inferno filesystem.
Figure 1.7 Adding a new user with the change login command.
Unless the machine is going to be used as an authentication server, there is no need to set user passwords. In an Inferno network, one machine, the Authentication Server, also known as the Certificate Authority (CA) or Signer, usually maintains the password database for users on all nodes in the network. For a machine that is going to be the sole Inferno entity on a network, one would set it up to be its own authentication server.
User passwords are set on an authentication server via the changelogin(8) utility. Passwords are stored in the file /keydb/password. The change login command changes the password of a user with a current password entry or creates a new entry in the /keydb/password file for a new user. To run change login, you need to have write permission on /keydb/password, so this can only be done by the administrative user. Figure 1.7 shows a typical session of the changelogin program.
Setting Up Services
You may define which machines in your network are going to provide services such as your certifying authorities, mail servers, HTTP proxy servers, etc. If you are running Inferno as a stand-alone system and not in a network, you might use your machine to provide these services to itself, or you might employ other non-Inferno machines to perform tasks such as acting as mail or file servers. The default servers for different services of interest are listed in the connection server database, /services/cs/db. The connection server, cs(8), is an Inferno server that resolves symbolic names to host names and network addresses.
Figure 1.8 Editing the connection server database in the Brutus editor. The connection server database file has the name of the service in the first column and the name or IP address of the machine providing that service in the second.
The connection server database file, /services/cs/db, is read when cs is requested to resolve a name beginning with '$'. All other names are resolved by the external name servers, which are specified in the /servi ces/dns/db configuration file. You may specify your DNS servers by creating entries in the /servi ces/dns/db configuration file, with the IP address of each of your DNS servers in order of preference, one per line. Conventionally, names of well-known services are placed in the connection server database, and referred to by their entries, such as SMAIL SERVER. For example, for the system whose connection server database file is shown in Figure 1.8, applications and users may use the symbolic name SMAILSERVER whenever they wish to refer to the system's designated mail server, mail Edit your connection server database file to reflect your local setup. There is no means of explicitly specifying your machine's IP address in the emulator. The IP address for your machine is exported from the underlying host machine. The name of your machine, from within the emulator, can be read from /dev/sysname, which is a synthetic file, synthesized by the emulator kernel. Writing /dev/sysname sets the machine name, but since this is not a file on disk but rather a file synthesized by the system, the string written to /dev/sysname does not go into any persistent storage medium such as a disk, but rather is routed into the emulator. Thus, any changes written to /dev/sysname will be lost when you restart. You can set up your environment so that an appropriate string is written into /dev/sysname whenever you login by placing commands you want executed in the 1ib/wmsetup shell script in your user directory.
The pctl system call is used to modify properties of a thread's name space, such as detaching its name space from its parent's. A default name space is constructed upon login, based on the contents of the namespace file in the user's home directory. This is achieved through the nsbuild(l) Inferno utility. In most scenarios, this is either invoked by the wm/logon login program or wm/wm, the default window manager. The layout of the name space file is described in detail in the manual page for namespace (6). In brief, it contains strings which are interpreted as commands to perform operations on the name space through bind, mount, unmount and pctl. Figure 1.9 illustrates the operation of bind and mount system calls, using the equivalent Inferno utilities from the command shell. In the figure, a host, nonetstack., has no network protocol stack implementation, but has an implementation of Styx over a serial RS-232 line. It attaches the interface to the network protocol stack of the host into its local name space through a mount operation, and subsequently positions it into the default network protocol stack filesystem interface location through a bind operation. Subsequent to these steps, the network protocol stack of gw. gemusehaken. org will appear local to Applications which engage in network communication via TCP/IP will be using the network protocol stack of the gw. gemusehaken .org host. Each network access will cause the generation of Styx messages over the serial line to, where they will be received by the network protocol stack driver. Note that it is only the interface to the protocol stack that is made local to nonetstack. gemusehaken .org. All the network traffic to the outside world is being handled by gw. gemusehaken. org, and only receives data that it explicitly requests, through the protocol stack interface. Network communication and the structure of the filesystem presented by the network protocol implementations is described further in Chapter 9.
The Limbo compiler takes Limbo source files, ending with the extension '.b' by convention, and produces executables for the Dis VM, with the conventional extension '.dis'. The compiler will also generate a separate file containing symbolic debugging information to be used by a debugger. In addition to its use in developing Limbo programs, the Limbo compiler also provides facilities to ease the development of C language modules that interact with Limbo applications, so-called built-in modules. This use is discussed in detail in the appendix to Chapter 4. The following examples illustrate some modes of use of the Limbo compiler. Calling the Limbo compiler without any arguments prints a brief summary of its usage. In the following example, the source file name is webdi ct. b and the resulting executable is webdict. dis. The executable can then be run by either giving its full file name or its file name without the '.dis' extension:
Symbolic debugging information to be used by debugging applications such as wm/deb and stack is generated with the -g flag to the Limbo compiler. It is placed in a separate file with the extension '.sbl'. In the example below, we cannot initially obtain any useful information from the stack utility, which prints the stack trace for a thread, because that utility cannot locate a symbolic debugging information file for the Cs thread2. Such debugging information can be generated by recompiling the source for the application (in this case, located in /appl /lib/cs. b) with the -g flag, and we can retry printing the stack trace. This is particularly useful when debugging a moribund thread that was not originally compiled with the -g flag:
2 The mechanism by which . sbl files are located by Stack and other debugging programs is described in their respective manual pages.
Figure 1.11
The Limbo compiler can generate warnings on potentially erroneous (but syntactically correct) statements and expressions in Limbo programs with the -w flag. Supplying more w's in the flag enables more verbosity:
Figure 1.12
More options to the Limbo compilersuch as marking executables to be always interpreted (versus just-in-time compiled) and vice versa, generating Dis assembly code, etc.are described in the manual page limbo(1E), included in the appendices to this book.
The Inferno Application Development Environment Table 1.1 Some useful Acme commands.
Description Hold and drag to highlight text. Single words can be highlighted by double clicking on them. Execute highlighted phrase. Single words may also be executed in this manner. Clicking on a word with button-3 will move the cursor to the next occurrence of the word. Delete a sub- window (column). Exit from Acme. Refresh the contents of a window. Create a new column. Create a new window /file. This window may either be used as a scratch space or as a file. To save as a file, edit the tag of the window with the name you wish to assign to the file, then use the Put command to save. Paste the contents of the snarf buffer. Write the contents of the window to disk. Copy the selected text.
side shows a directory listing of the path /usr/pi p, and the window on the lower right is a command shell. The top row of each text window is an editable menu bar, often referred to as the tag of the window. In the case of the text window containing all five text windows previously mentioned, the menu bar contains the text strings Newcol K i l l Putall Dump Exit and the phrase limbo -g small, b. Each of these items, which can be edited, can be executed by highlighting and clicking with the middle mouse button (button-2). In the figure, the phrase 1 i mbo -g smal 1, b has been highlighted, and clicking on it with the middle mouse button will cause the compilation of the program (smal 1. b) being edited in the Acme window on the left. For single-word commands, highlighting is not necessary. For example, clicking on Exit with mouse button-2 will exit from Acme. Some of the more commonly used commands in Acme are listed in Table 1.1. Any new commands may be typed into the menu bar and executed at convenience in this manner. More details on Acme are provided in its manual pages, acme(l) and acme(4). Acme is the environment of choice for writing and debugging Inferno applications. A sample Acme session is shown in Figure 1.12, illustrating some of Acme's capabilities. In the figure, a text file, /usr/pip/hel1o. b, is open for editing in the left half of Acme. In the right half, there are four sections. The three uppermost window sections show the contents of three directories, the last being the directory containing the file hell o. b. The last section of the right-hand side is a window running the program win, which is an interface to the shell.
In the shell window at the lower right of Figure 1.12, an attempt has been made to compile hel1o. b. It has resulted in an error message of the form hel1o. b: 6: syntax error. Right clicking on this string automatically moves the mouse into the window containing hel1o. b (or opens it in a new window for editing if it is currently not being edited), and the faulting line (line 6) is highlighted. A more detailed description of Acme can be found in its manual pages.
Figure 1.13 Attaching the debugger to an already existent threadselecting the thread from the list of running threads in the system.
Debugging Programs
The stackd) utility is used to examine a stack trace of a running or broken Limbo thread. The output of the stack is formatted so that it can be utilized by Acme and also by Inferno's plumbing(6). Section 1.9.1 showed an example of the use of the stack utility. There is also a graphical debugger, wm/deb(l), which can be used to debug multithreaded applications. Figures 1.13-1.15 illustrate the use of Inferno's graphical debugger. The series of figures illustrate the use of the debugger to debug an application, SimpleHTTPD, which has previously been launched. The debugger is started by typing wm/deb from a command shell inside the window manager. It is then attached to the SimpleHTTPD thread by choosing Thread from the File menu of the debugger and
Figure 1,14 The graphical debugger after attaching it to the SimpleHTTPD thread. The highlighted source statement is the currently executing statement in the application.
selecting the SimpleHTTPD thread from the list of threads in the window that pops up, as illustrated in Figure 1.13. Once the debugger has been attached to a thread, the main debugger window displays the source of the running application, with the currently running statement highlighted, as illustrated in Figure 1.14. The values of variables and other module information may now be probed from the stack window of the debugger, as illustrated in Figure 1.15. The running program may be stepped through, stopped, breakpoints inserted, etc., using the buttons on the top row of the main debugger window.
1.10 Summary
This introductory section has provided a brief overview of Inferno and a walk-through of how to perform an installation, and we have touched upon how to edit, compile and debug Limbo applications. The next chapter provides an introduction to the Limbo language.
Figure 1.15
Bibliographic Notes
More detailed histories of Unix can be found in [34, 68]. The Plan 9 operating system is described in [53, 54] and further in the accompanying system documentation available from [55]. Overviews of the Inferno operating system and Limbo language are provided in [15, 61, 75]. Brian Kernighan's A Descent into Limbo [27] was the earliest tutorial on programming Inferno in Limbo. The use of Inferno for developing distributed applications is discussed in [72]. Developing and debugging under Inferno are also described in [60]. Inferno's Styx protocol is described in [65]. The Dis virtual machine is described further in [31,82], and its garbage collection mechanism in [26]. Execution of Java programs under Inferno, by translating Java byte-code to Dis instructions is described in [85]. The installation process for Inferno is described further in the Inferno system manuals [80]. The Acme programming environment, which originally appeared in the Plan 9 operating system is described in [51], and borrows some ideas from Wirth's Oberon system [84]. Commercial products which have employed Inferno to date include the Philips Consumer Communications /S2630 Screen Phone, Lucent Technologies' PathStar Access Server, which is described in [18], and Lucent Technologies' VPN Fireivall Brick [19, 20,43].
An Overview of Limbo
2.1 Introduction to Limbo
Limbo programs are made up of functions and data grouped into entities called modules. Modules consist of two parts: the interface definition and the implementation. The interface definition is the interface the module provides to other modules that wish to invoke it. It specifies functions the module implements and their function signatures, data constants the module provides and module variables. Interface declarations are typically placed in a separate source file with the extension '.m' by convention, while module implementations are placed in files with the extension '.b'. The interface definition may also be placed in the same file as the implementation. The interface declaration file may contain interface definitions for more than one module, and typically specifies the interface definitions for a closely related group of modules. The module interface and module implementation can be thought of as types and values, respectively. Variables can be declared to be of the type of the module interface, and they must be initialized with a module implementation. The module implementation consists of the actual Limbo program that performs the duties of a module. Module implementations are placed in source files with the extension '.b' by convention. Limbo '.b' files may only contain one module implementation definition. Putting the interface declaration and implementations in different files enables the programmer to write programs that interact with a specific module interface with an option to choose between different implementations of that interface at runtime. Module implementations are compiled by the Limbo compiler into programs for execution on the Dis VM. The compiled module implementation files have the extension '.dis' by convention. Figure 2.1 illustrates this organization of the
An Overview of Limbo
Figure 2.1
components of a module. We will now look at a concrete example which illustrates this further.
Hello World
Our first Limbo programming example implements a module that prints out the string 'Hello World!'. We organize this module into two parts: the interface definition and the implementation. We place the interface definition in the file helloworld.m and the implementation in the file hel1oworld. b. The interface definition for the module, placed in hel1oworld. m:
Hello World
An Overview of Limbo
The first statement in the implementation of init defines a variable sys of type Sys. The type Sys is the type or interface of a module named 'Sys', whose interface declaration was included from the file sys. m. All module interface definitions are of a unique type, and a variable may be defined to be of the type of a particular module. Variables with the type of a module are used to hold references to an instance of the module. When a Limbo program (module implementation) is compiled, the final compiled image placed in a '.dis' file only contains Dis VM instructions generated from the single module defined in the source file. Other modules which are invoked to perform tasks (in this case, we needed to invoke the print function from the Sys module) are not linked into the binary image. For example, even though the HelloWorld implementation in hel1o. b contains a call to sys->print, the compiled hel1o. dis executable does not contain the code to perform the sys->print operation. At runtime, before using functions or accessing variables defined in a module, the module to be accessed must be loaded from a '.dis' file on disk or elsewhere. By convention, the location from which to load an implementation of a module is specified in a constant named PATH in the module's interface declaration. Module instances are created with the 1oad expression. The load expression has the form:
Loading a module implementation should not be confused with including the module's interface defined in a '.m' file with an include statement. In the above, the 1oad expression causes an implementation of a module with type modul e_type to beloaded from the file fi1e_name and a reference to this implementation to be placed in the variable module_variable. At any point during the program's lifetime when this instantiation is no longer needed, it may be discarded by setting the variable modul e_variable to ni1. In the second line of the implementation of init, we create an instance of the module Sys, placing a reference to this instance in the variable sys1. Subsequent to this, we are able to access the function print in module Sys to print 'Hello World!' to the standard output. The Sys module contains facilities for Limbo programs to interact with the Inferno system, providing facilities for I/O, networking and name space manipulation, to name a few.
Some Details
says what the 'type' of the module is. This module 'type' is a type just like 'int' or 'string', and it denotes the functions and data that are accessible in a module. An executable should be thought of as a value of the type of the module, e.g. for the type 'int', 5 is a value of type 'inf. Similarly, for the module type that was defined in the file 'hello-world.m', the code in 'hello-world.dis' is a value of that type. An include statement is used to include a module type definition from another file at compile time. It simply causes the compiler to insert the contents of the specified file at the point of the include statement. It is not specific for use only in including module type definitions. The module interface definition, from the '.m' file, just gives us the 'type' of the module we want to use; it says nothing of the Value', i.e. the implementation of the module. To associate a module "type' with a module 'implementation' or 'value' (so to speak), we must perform a 'load' operation to associate the type with a specific implementation, somewhere on the disk. The 'load' statement is evaluated at runtime. A Limbo executable ('.dis') contains the code for only one module. To call functions in another module (e.g. a library of some sort), it must somehow get hold of another such module and then call the necessary functions within it. There is no equivalent static linking of binaries that exists in languages such as C. To use a module, it must be explicitly loaded at runtime from a '.dis' file. The type of the implementation on disk must match the type of the variable being assigned the result of the load expression. This is analogous to the case of assigning a value to a variable of type 'int'; the value to be assigned must be an 'int' value, and, for example, we cannot assign a string to an int. Just as there are several values that have the type Int', there can be several implementations that have the type defined by a module definition. A module may choose between several implementations of another module that it wishes to load, and these different implementations may provide very different 'behaviors', though they must conform to the same interface: the same 'type'. The functions they define and implement must match the module interface definition. Chapter 4 delves into modules in a little more depth.
Some Details
Limbo, like C/C++, is case sensitive, thus Hel1oWorld, Hel1oworld and hel1oworld are distinct identifiers. Identifiers can be any sequence of letters and numbers, provided the first character is a letter from 'a' through 'z' and 'A' through 'Z', the underscore, '_', or any Unicode character with value greater than 160. Identifiers are restricted in length, and only the first 256 characters of an identifier are meaningful. Comments are introduced with a '#' and continue to the end of the line. Identifiers may not contain whitespace, thus Hello World would not be a valid name for the example module.
An Overview of Limbo
If you try to run a module implementation without an i n i t function from the command shell, you will get an error message similar to
If on the other hand you do have an init function with a different signature, you will receive an error similar to the following when you try to execute it from the shell:
Chapter 4 contains more information on modules, their interfaces and functions and module types and type checking.
Valid operators in the Limbo language are shown in Table 2.1 in decreasing order of precedence or decreasing 'tightness' of binding, with the lowest-precedence operators shown separately in Table 2.2.
2.6 Scope
Blocks are statements enclosed within braces. Blocks start a new scope, and variables declared within a block are salvaged by the garbage collector as control passes out of the block, and thus out of the current scope. Thus, for example, if you want to declare a few variables and/or data structures, use them for a few computations, then immediately have the resources they occupy freed, you could enclose them within braces:
Table 2.1 Limbo language operators, their precedence and associativity. The operators are listed in decreasing order of precedence or 'tightness' of binding.
Description ADT member function access Module member access Function call Array or string subscript Logical not Bitwise not Increment Decrement Unary minus Unary plus Dereference of ref ADT List head value List tail value ADT reference Module load Tag, for pick ADT Length Type cast Multiplication, Division, Modulo Addition, Subtraction Logical left shift Logical right shift Less than Greater than Less than or equal to Greater than or equal to Equals Not equals Bitwise AND Bitwise XOR Bitwise OR List append Logical AND Logical OR Shown in Table 2.2
Associativity left left left left left left left left left left left neither neither left left neither neither left left left left left left left left left left left left left left right left left
++ __
+ *
hd tl ref
load tagof len type
* / % + -
<< >>
< >
I ::
Lowest-precedence operators
= := += -= *_ /= = &= I = "= = = <-
Description Assignment Declaration and assignment Addition and assignment Subtraction and assignment Multiplication and assignment Division and assignment Modulo and assignment Bitwise AND and assignment Bitwise OR and assignment Bitwise XOR and assignment Logical left shift and assignment Logical right shift and assignment Assignment to /from channel
Associativity right left right right right right right right right right right right right
The above is one way of creating and using variables that are only going to be used for a limited period of time and must then be explicitly freed. The variable c goes out of scope and the resources consumed by the loaded module, Compress, are freed by the Dis VM's garbage collector. This effect could also have been achieved by explicitly setting c to ni 1 in an assignment operation. Consider the following example. What happens when this code segment is run. Is there any output printed out? What is printed?
Import Statements
after including 'sys.m' and declaring the variable sys of type Sys. Note that the identifier after the keyword import must be a variable with type of a module interface, and must not itself be a module interface, i.e. it would be wrong to write:
since Sys is a module interface, and sys is a variable with the type of the module interface Sys.
Flow Control
The constructs provided for flow control are similar to those provided in other programming languages like Pascal, C, C++ and Java.
An Overview of Limbo
The expression expression must be of type int and statement denotes one or more Limbo statements. In the first case, if the expression does not evaluate to zero, then the statement list statement is executed. In the second case, the statement list statementl is executed if the expression expression evaluates to a non-zero value; otherwise, the statement list statementl is executed. In both cases, the statement lists may consist of one or more statements. In situations with nested i f clauses and an else clause, the else clause is bound to the innermost i f without an accompanying else:
Flow Control
In the above example, 'wooo hooooo!' is printed 5 times, after which 'Done' is printed to the output. The statement to print the variable m is never reached, since the break statement specifies to break out of the loop with the label fast, which is the outer containing loop.
The body of the while loop (statement) is executed repeatedly as long as the expression expression, which should evaluate to an integer, evaluates to a non-zero value. Like do loops, while loops may have an optional loop label, as discussed for do loops above. For example:
An Overview of Limbo
the case statement in Pascal, the case statement in Limbo is a multi-way branch. The syntax for Limbo case statements is shown below:
The expression expr may evaluate to either an integer or a string, and based on its value, one of the expression-qualified statements within the body will be executed. The statements within the body of the case are qualified by either individual expressions, expression ranges specified as 'expr1 to expr2', or the logical 'or' of two expressions specified as 'exprl or expr2'. The type to which the qualifiers must evaluate is determined by expr at the head of the case statement. If the expression expr evaluates to an integer, then the expressions qualifying statements within the body must evaluate to integer constants. Similarly, if expr evaluates to a string, the expressions qualifying statements within the body must evaluate to string constants. If none of the qualifier expressions match the expression expr, the statement qualified by '*' is executed. The use of the '*' statement is optional:
Duplicate qualifier expressions and overlapping qualifier expression ranges are not permitted. In the case of string qualifiers, the expression range may not take the form 'expr1 to expr2; thus in the above example, it would be illegal to write the qualifier expression as "jane" to "JANE". Unlike switch statements in C, control within a Limbo case statement does not automatically continue to the following statement; hence there is no need for break statements after each choice.
Flow Control
The expression expr1 is evaluated first, and this is typically used to initialize the loop induction variable. The statement stmt is then repeatedly executed while the expression expr2, which must evaluate to an integer, is non-zero. On each iteration, the expression expr3 is also evaluated, and it is typically used to increment the loop induction variable. Any or all three of expr1, expr2 and expr3 may be omitted. The for statement may be labeled with an optional label, just as described for the while and do loops above. For example:
An Overview of Limbo
The above example prints out all numbers between 0 and less than 100 that are integer multiples of 5. The exit statement terminates the execution of a thread. At this point, all resources of the thread are recovered by the Dis VM's garbage collector. A return statement transfers control to the caller of a function. If the called function is defined to return a value, then the return statement must include a return expression of the same type as the function's defined return type. If the function returns no value, then the return statement may be omitted, or a return statement with no return expression may be used. One peculiarity of the return statement is that if the function is defined as having no return value, but the last statement before the function returns to its caller is another function call, the language permits using that function call as the return expression of the function that has no return value. This enables compilers for the language to take advantage of tail recursion optimizations that can be performed for such a situation:
In the above, even though the function first is defined as having no return value, it is valid to use the call to function second as its return expression.
2.9 Summary
In this chapter, the structure of Limbo programs was introduced. Limbo programs are made up of functions and data objects, grouped into modules. Modules consist of a module interface and a module implementation. The module implementation is compiled by a Limbo compiler into a sequence of instructions for execution on the Dis VM. Modules may dynamically load other modules from disk and access their data and function members. Limbo provides constructs for flow control similar to those in languages such as Pascal, C/C++ and Java.
Bibliographic Notes
Brian Kernighan's A Descent into Limbo [27] is a good whirlwind tour of programming the Inferno system with Limbo. The Limbo language reference, The Limbo Programming Language [66], by Dennis Ritchie, provides a complete description of the language syntax and semantics. An overview of the design of the Inferno system and programming in Limbo is provided in [15]. Other overviews of the Inferno system and programming in Limbo can be found in [61,75]. A comparison of the performance of Limbo programs against other languages (C, Awk, Perl, Tel, Java, Visual Basic and Scheme) is detailed in [28].
An Overview of Limbo
Chapter Examples
The example for this chapter is a very small Limbo program. It does not conform to the specifications that must be met for a program that wants to be run from the shell, so we write another Limbo program to load our tiny program and run it. The tiny Limbo program is shown below:
Chapter Examples
Discussion The tiny program demands little explanation, other than to point out that you can write syntactically correct programs that cannot be run from the Inferno shell. Try running the compiled S module from the shell and see what happens. As you will observe, this small program cannot be run as is from the shell and needs a special program to load it and run it. Programs that wish to be run from the shell must define a function, init, in their module interface, with a specific signature (i.e. number and type of arguments). Since the tiny module does not adhere to this interface specification, it cannot be loaded by the shell. The loader for the tiny module (the module Loader) includes the module interface definition for the module S implemented by the tiny program. It declares a variable pump to be of the type of the included module interface. It loads an implementation of the tiny module from disk, and then invokes its sole member function, s ( ). The loader module gives you a glimpse of what we are going to see in the next chapterLimbo data types such as lists, and the operations the language provides for their manipulation. It also illustrates a module that loads and runs another. Just as the Loade r module is loaded and run from the shell, so also does it load and run the module S. The loader module also illustrates the method of printing out system error messages:
The most recent system error message is printed out when the %r format specifier is used in a print message. The formatted output routines provided by the Limbo runtime system are described in more detail in Chapter 5 and the manual page sysprint(2) included in the appendices, in Section C.3.
An Overview of Limbo
Discussion The program prints out the Fibonacci numbers from 0 until just beyond the constant MAX, and provides a simple representation of the trend in the values by printing out dots to depict the values of the numbers pictorially. The i n i t function initializes the variable sys, which holds a reference to the Sys module. Since sys is in global scope, all the functions within the module will be able to access the facilities of the Sys module subsequent to this initialization. The function which does all the work, imaginatively named f ( ), is an example of a recursive function in Limbonot at all different from what you would see in a language like C. It calls
itself recursively with the last two Fibonacci numbers printed out, and those are used to calculate the next number, and so forth. Problems 2.1 Compile the example program with the -S flag (i.e. 1imbo -S a. b) and take a look at a. S. Do not worry if it does not yet make sense. What is the byte count? 2.2 Write the smallest possible program that can be run from the shell. What is the byte count for the Limbo source? The Dis assembler (compile with -S)? The Dis executable? Note that this program does not have to do anything useful. 2.3 When you compile the program you wrote in problem 2.2 with the -S flag, is it much bigger than the . S file from problem 2.1? Explain why there are differences, if there are any. 2.4 Rewrite the 'Hello World!' program using import, so that there are no ->'s in the program. 2.5 Repeat problem 2.4 for the loader in the chapter example. 2.6 Rewrite the loader with the line draw = 1oad draw Draw->PATH; inserted but commented out. Compile the program with the line commented out and with the line uncommented. Is there a large difference in executable size? Explain what you observe. 2.7 Rewrite the loader with an additional print statement after the last print statement in the program. Insert the statement sys = n i l ; between these last two print statements. Compile and execute. What happens? Why? 2.8 Look at the file /module/sys.m. Implement your own sys module, using dummy functions to replace all the functions defined in sys. m. The functions do not have to do anything. You will have problems compiling it.
Data Types
Limbo is a strongly typed language. The compiler will not accept a program for which an unchecked type error can occur at runtime. Type checking is enforced at both compile- and runtime. Runtime type checking is necessary for situations like module loading, in which the function signatures of the module loaded from disk must match those of the module interface.
Data Types
Table 3.1
int big real byte string
Description 32-bit signed, in two's complement notation 64-bit signed, in two's complement notation 64-bit, represented in IEEE long floating notation 8 bits, unsigned Sequence of 16-bit Unicode characters
Implicit coercion between types is not permitted, but there is the provision for explicit type casting. Integer constants and expressions of type byte, int or big must be explicitly cast when assigning them to variables not of the same integral type. For example the assignment of the constant 7 to a variable of type byte requires an explicit cast, since 7 has type int. Likewise, the assignment of the constant 0 to a variable of type big requires an explicit type cast. The following code fragment illustrates some of these ideas:
Implicit type declaration is permitted and is achieved using the': =' operator. The ': =' operator permits the declaration of a variable whose type is the type of the expression being assigned to it. In the example below, the type of variable p is int, since the constant 1 has type int. Likewise, the variable q is of type real since the constant 1.0 is of type real:
It is generally only permitted to index within the allocated size of a string. The only exception to this rule is indexing one position beyond the end of a string, which can be used to grow a string, but only a single character at a time. In the last group of statements in the above example, the string variable s is declared and has length zero. The statement s [0] = 112 grows the length of the string s by one character. This may be repeated to grow the length of a string, a single character at a time:
Data Types
It is possible to cast character constants and other integer expressions of type int to strings. This results in the string representation of the integer value being stored in the string variable. For example, the character ' A' has ASCII value 65. If we cast the character constant 'A' to type string, it becomes the string "65". Similarly, if we cast the constant 45279 to a string, it becomes the string "45279". Strings can be converted to integers with a cast. In the following, the initial value of variable x is the integral value 32. The leading numeric substring (if any) in the argument to the cast is converted to an integer. Casts of all other strings evaluate to zero. Thus, for example, a cast to integer of the string "34y" evaluates to the value 34, as does "34 92". The string "e34" evaluates to zero on a cast to int, as does the string "hello":
Strings can be concatenated with the + operator; thus, after the following, the string greeting contains "Hello World!":
Lists Table 3.2 Summary of the properties of the basic Limbo data types.
Notes Initial value is zero only if declared to be global. Values inside the range of 231 to 231 - 1 have type i nt and must explicitly be cast when assigning to a variable of type big. Initial value undefined unless global. Initial value is zero only if global. Single characters such as 'A' or 'y are 16-bit Unicode characters, and have the type int. Assignment of such values to bytes is therefore not always meaningful, and requires a cast regardless. Initial value is zero only if global. Strings are value types, though the empty string is equivalent to nil.
real byte
a : string; b := "Vincent";
3.4 Lists
Limbo provides a 1ist data type, a list of elements of the same type. A list may be constructed out of elements of any of the primitive or aggregate data types, including lists. The Limbo language provides operators for retrieving the head item of a list (hd), retrieving the tail of a list (tl), and concatenating an item to a list (::). The hd operator returns the first item in a list. The tl operator returns the remaining items in the list1. The :: or 'cons' operator is used to concatenate an item to the head of a list. This construction of lists and behavior of the list operators is illustrated in
'The semantics of the hd and tl operators are similar to those of the car and cdr operators of LISP.
Data Types
Figure 3.1
Lists in Limbo.
Figure 3.1. An example of a list variable declaration, declaring a list of items of type stri ng is shown below:
It is possible to specify initializers for the elements of a list in its declaration. For example, our list of strings, menu, could have been declared and initialized in one fell swoop in the following manner:
Lists in Limbo are reference types. A list variable contains a reference to a list, and not to the actual storage for items of the list. The list operators that will be described next operate on these references, and do not modify the actual elements of the list.
The:: Operator
The :: operator, or 'cons' operator, is the list constructor. It is an infix operator, which always takes two arguments: an item to be appended to the head of a list, and a list. The item to be appended to the list must have the same type as the items on the list it is being appended to. The behavior of the :: operator is shown below:
In the above example, when the variable menu is initially created, its value is set to ni1, and it has length 0. The first assignment appends the string "Soy" to the head of the list. The list now has length 1, with its head being the string "Soy", and its tail being a reference to an empty list, n i l . After the concatenation of the second item, "Qui noa", to the list, the head of the list is now the string "Qui noa". The tail of the list is now a reference to a list whose head item is the string "Soy" and whose tail is ni1.
Data Types
Applying the 1en operator to a list yields the number of elements in the list. Given the previous declaration of the list menu, the following declares a variable and initializes it to the length of menu:
3.5 Arrays
Like lists in Limbo, arrays are reference types. An array expression such as a[i] (denoting the ith element of array variable a) or b[27] (the 28th element of array variable b) is a reference to an item in memory, and does not hold the value itself. Arrays in Limbo are indexed from 0, and an array of n elements will have its elements indexed from 0 to n 1. In a declaration such as the following, which declares a variable jimbox to be an array with elements of type int, no storage is initially allocated for the variable jimbox. It is initialized to the value nil:
Since arrays are reference types, the above declaration has not associated any storage with the variable jimbox, and the variable contains the value nil. The length of a ni1 array, such as the one above, is zero. Before using the variable jimbox, it is necessary to allocate storage for it:
Alternatively, the actions of declaration and allocation can be performed in a single step:
The above example declares an array of strings, people. The array has length 5, and its elements are initialized to the strings "jimbox", "matter", "pip", "vasil " and "sbourne". It is possible to initialize all the members of an array to a specific constant, or to initialize ranges of array indices to constants. The syntax for this closely follows that for the case statements discussed in Chapter 2:
Multi-Dimensional Arrays
Multi-dimensional arrays in Limbo can be created by creating arrays of arrays, as shown below:
Data Types
Figure 3.2
Array slices.
In the above, we only allocate one dimension of the array. The correct way to initialize a two-dimensional array, so that all its members have storage allocated for them, is as follows:
In the above example, the curly braces around the type of the second dimension of the array for ml and m2 are necessary. You could create a 12 x 8 matrix with all members initialized to the string "hello" by:
varname [ start: end] Figure 3.2 and the example below illustrate the use of array slices:
The example above illustrates two shorthand notations for slices, when either the start of the slice is the first item (as in task [0] [:1]), or when the end of the slice is the last item (as in story [2: ]). For arrays only, it is possible to use a slice as an lvalue, i.e. it is possible to perform an assignment to a slice (due to the fact that array slices are references, not values like string slices). In an assignment to an array slice, the ending index of the slice cannot be specified. The starting index may also optionally be omitted:
Data Types
character of the string represented by a byte. Thus the resulting byte array will have the same number of elements as the initial string. Applying the 1en operator to both will yield the same result. If, however, the string contains Unicode characters outside of the ASCII subset, the resulting UTF-8 byte array may contain multi-byte representations for some of the constituent Unicode characters. As a result, the number of elements in the byte array may be greater than the number of Unicode characters in the original string. The following example illustrates this behavior. The variables english and greek hold strings meaning 'ant' in English and Greek, respectively:
The variable english has a length (as would be reported by 1en) of 3. The variable greek has a length of 8. These lengths signify the number of Unicode characters in the respective strings. When the variable greek is cast to an array of bytes, the number of bytes resulting from the cast differs from the number of Unicode characters. This is because the Unicode characters making up the string in this case are each represented by 2 bytes in their UTF-8 encoding. Thus, in the example above, the length of the array greekbytes is 16, twice the length of the variable greek. The variables english and englishbytes, however, have identical lengths of 3. The behavior of casts from strings to arrays of bytes is fairly straightforward. Casts from arrays of bytes to strings, however, are much more subtle. In a cast from an array of bytes to a string, the Limbo runtime interprets the array of bytes as a sequence of UTF-8 bytes, and attempts to construct a Unicode string from these bytes. If the array of bytes being cast is indeed a valid UTF-8 stream, then all is well, and the reverse operation can be performed to retrieve the original byte array. If the array of bytes in the cast is, however, not a valid UTF-8 sequence, then the official behavior of the Limbo runtime in the cast operation is undefined. The reverse of the cast (from string back to array of bytes) is therefore not guaranteed to yield the original byte array. Consider the following snippet of code. The variable buf is an array of bytes containing arbitrary data. Does the following really do what it seems to be attempting to do (adding a stream of bytes representing two strings to either end of an existing
stream of bytes)? What happens when qitem. buf is converted to a string in the first line? When it is converted back to an array of bytes, are the data originally represented by buf guaranteed to be unchanged?
The following shows a more appropriate method for inserting the bytes. The moral of this example is resist the temptation to use string operations as shortcuts, as this may lead you down the path to madness:
The Limbo tuple type is an unnamed collection of data items. Tuples in Limbo are represented as a list of data items, enclosed in parentheses, such as:
which is a tuple consisting of two strings, an int and a real. Tuples provide a simple means of grouping data of different types into a single entity and may be passed as arguments to functions, may be the return type of functions, and may essentially be used in every way that a non-conglomerative data type is used. Tuples may be used as either the source or destination in assignment statements. When used as the destination of an assignment, the elements of the tuple are variables to which values are assigned. It is permitted to use the value ni1 as any of the elements
Data Types
in a tuple. If the tuple is receiving a value, this signifies that the value that would be bound to the variable at that position in the tuple should be discarded, as illustrated below:
In the above example, the second and fourth elements of the tuple personalinfo are extracted and assigned to the variables major and gpa, and the other fields of the tuple are discarded.
Limbo aggregate data types or ADTs are an extension of its tuple type. They are named structures and permit direct access to their individual members by name. ADTs may also have member functions. Unlike arrays and lists, ADTs are value types. The following illustrates the definition of an ADT with two members. The ADT members have type int and type string:
Items are declared to be ADTs with the adt keyword. Subsequent to the declaration of an ADT, it may be used just as though it were a regular built-in type. For example, having defined the ADT type Person above, one may declare a variable that is an instance of the Person ADT:
Uninitialized ADT instances have the value nil. An ADT's members are accessed with the dot separator,'.'. For example, pati ent. name refers to the member name of the ADT instance patient. Because of the close relation between ADTs and tuples, the Limbo language permits direct assignments between an ADT and a tuple with the same number and types
of elements. If the ADT contains a function, it is ignored. The following example illustrates the use of ADTs:
Data Types
The definition of the ADT must not be placed inside the body of a function, and in the example above the definition of the ADT B is placed outside the definition of the function init. In the example above, the ADT instance bdate of the ADT type B is created and initialized and subsequently assigned to a tuple date. In the above, the function age takes as argument a copy of itself, which must be specified explicitly. We shall see in later sections how to improve on this construction with the use of the self keyword. Data members of an ADT can only be accessed through an instance of the ADT. It is incorrect to access data members of an ADT type. For example, if the variable bdate is an instance of ADT type B, bdate. year is valid but B. year is incorrect, since that would be accessing the data member of a type. ADT member functions may, however, be accessed through the ADT type. Unlike datum members, an ADT member function has its implementation pre-specified: it must be specified in the implementation of the module that defines the ADT type. When using ADTs defined within one module's interface in another module, it is often necessary to import the ADT definition from the module instance2. ADTs are always associated with a module and this module provides the implementation of any ADT member functions. Importing the ADT definition from a module instance associates variables of the ADTs type with a particular module implementation instance, and therefore invoked module functions are unambiguously tied to a particular implementation. Along the same lines of reasoning, you cannot define an ADT inside a function. This is because the ADT definition would be limited to the scope of the function, and it would not be possible to define any ADT member functions, since one cannot define functions inside other functions.
Reference ADTs
Limbo restricts direct access to memory by not having pointer types as in C and C++. ADTs are value types, but it is possible to create a restricted form of pointers to this value type. Applying the ref operator to an existing ADT instance makes a copy of that ADT (a value) and yields a reference to this new copy and not a reference to the already existing ADT value. This reference can be used in much the same manner as ordinary value ADTsaccessing datum and function members of reference ADTs is still done with the '.' separator. During assignments and when passed as arguments to functions, however, reference ADTs behave differently from value ADTs. Assignments from reference ADTs yield references to the same object. The example below illustrates the use of reference ADTs. What do you expect the output of the print statements to be, and why?
As discussed in Chapter 2, imports are always performed from a module instance rather than a module type.
You were probably expecting to see the contents of the instance patient printed out, right? In the statement newpatient = ref patient;, a copy of the patient ADT instance is made and a reference to that copy is what gets assigned to newpatient.
Data Types
The variables np and p are, however, both references to the same instance of Pati entRecord. Thus the last pair of print statements print out the following:
It is not possible to copy data directly between ADTs and reference ADTs; however, values may be extracted from reference ADTs using the '*' operator, as shown below:
Note that you can only initialize a reference ADT within a function, even though it might be defined in global scope.
Subsequent to this definition, the function handler is called without any arguments, even though its type definition defines one argument. Similarly, the ADT member function fi1ter is called with only its method argument:
The following example ties together some of the ideas on ADTs presented thus far.
Example: CacheLib
The module CacheLib is a simple associative memory module that can be used to store integers. The module interface definition for CacheLib is shown below:
Data Types
The Cachelib module provides a simple associative memory. Items in the cache are of type int. The Cache ADT defines the data elements and methods for creating a new cache, inserting items into the cache, deleting items from the cache and querying the cache. Queries may be made for the existence of items in the cache by presenting their value with the Cache. i si ncache method. Similarly, new items can be added to the cache or existing entries deleted using Cache. addtocache and Cache. del fromcache. The allocate ADT member function creates a new instance of the Cache ADT and returns a reference to it to the caller. The remaining ADT member functions all take as an implicit argument this instance of the cache, and thus all have the first argument c : self ref Cache. To use the Cache ADT, a module would first have to declare an instance of the CacheLib module. It would then have to import the Cache ADT type from the declared CacheLib module instance, and load an implementation of CacheLib. It can then call Cache. allocate() to obtain an instance of the Cache ADT. With the Cache ADT instance, it would then be able to call the ADT member functions from the instance to add and delete entries form the cache. The following example illustrates this:
Data Types
There is a cycle in the above ADT definitions, with a Tree containing a reference to a Leaf and vice versa. We can go ahead and create instances of both the Tree and Leaf ADTs defined above:
The above defines two variables whose types could lead to a cycle, but we do not have a cyclic structure, and the above code fragment would be accepted by the compiler. If we tried to assign to, say, the child field of tree, then the compiler would complain that this could lead to a cycle, with an error message such as the following:
If we expressly wanted to create a structure with a cycle, we could make these intentions known to the compiler to make it stop complaining. The following will create a cyclic structure and will suppress the complaints from the compiler:
The restriction on creating cyclic data structures is in place purely to make sure that they are only created when the programmer expressly wishes them to be created. The Dis VMs garbage collection algorithms are able to detect when such cyclic structures have no other references and free them appropriately. However, the structure is no longer guaranteed to be freed immediately upon its reference count decrementing to zero. The effect of such non-instantaneous freeing is most visible when such cyclic structures contain references to garbage-collected entities with which the user interacts, such as windows in the graphics system. The virtual machine's garbage-collection algorithms are described in [26].
Pick ADTs
Pick ADTs are a variation on ADTs, with the addition of named union substructures. They can be used in situations where many variations of some data structure with overlapping substructures is desired, and they provide a means of naming each of these substructures. The pick ADT then enables a program to select the substructure which has been given a value at runtime without any a priori knowledge of which substructure has been set. The syntax for declaring a pick ADT is as follows: adtname : adt { variable declarations
function declarations
Data Types
function declarations only, or empty Note that the variables qualified by a substructure name are not enclosed in braces. Pick ADTs may only contain one pi ck statement and this must appear after all data declarations. Function definitions may be placed before and after the definition of the pick. The definition of a single pick ADT makes several new types available for variable definitions. These types are the name of the ADT (as would happen for any ordinary ADT definition) and the name of the ADT qualified by a '.' followed by each of the pick's substructure names. In the following example, the definition of the pick ADT AudioHeader makes the types AudioHeader, AudioHeader. DSTMt racker, AudioHeader. ATOMtracker and AudioHeader. SMASHERtracker available, and variables may be defined to be any of these four types. For example:
Note that in the ADT definition above, the second clause in the pick statement associated two different identifiers with the variable of type string using an or statement. Variables may only be defined as references to pick ADTs. It is illegal to declare a variable as an instance of a pick ADT. A violation of this rule will lead to a compiler error such as the following:
Possible valid variable declarations using our previous AudioHeader ADT definition are:
In the above example, the variables hb, he, hd and he can be used like ordinary ref ADTs. The variable ha, however, is different. This variable may at runtime be of any of the three pick variations, i.e. it will always have the members mod and version of types string and int, respectively, but its header field may be either of type array of byte or of type string, and may be tagged with the identifiers DSTMtracker in the former case and SMASHERtracker or ATOMtracker in the latter. A variable such as ha which is not defined to be a specific version of the pick ADT must be initialized with a reference to one of the specific versions of its pick ADT type. This is illustrated below:
Subsequent to initialization, the variation of the pick ADT that the variable is a reference to can be determined using the tagof operator, and the data members of the variable may be selected using a pick statement. In the example below, the type of a reference to an instance of a pick ADT, ha, is determined using a pick statement. Based on the type, different sections of code in the pick statement are executed:
Data Types
As illustrated above, pick statements may have an optional label as in case statements and the looping constructs. This may be used to break out of the execution of a tag-qualified statement list within a pick statement. Note that the head of the pick statement must contain an implicit declaration and initialization of a variable, i.e. we 'pick' on an expression of the form x : = y. The output of the above example is:
Type Definitions
If none of the identifiers (tags) in the pick statement matches the tag of the expression at its head, the statement list qualified by '*' is executed.
Subsequent to these definitions, uchar and long may be used as synonyms for types byte and i nt, respectively, and variables declared to be of type uchar have type byte, etc.
Limbo is strongly typed. It enforces type checking both at compile time and at runtime. Coercion between types requires explicit type casting and is only permitted in a restricted number of situations. Limbo provides a rich set of data types. The primitive data types are big, byte, int, real and string. It also provides structured data types in the form of arrays, lists, tuples and ADTs. Limbo arrays and strings support element indexing and slicing. Tuples are unnamed collections of types. ADTs are named collections of functions and data, and may be cast to tuples and vice versa. Lists in Limbo are lists of elements of the same type. The language provides operators for retrieving the head of a list, retrieving the tail of a list (which is a list consisting of the original list minus its head), and appending an element to the head of a list. Most Limbo types are value types. Of the data types discussed thus far, the exceptions are arrays, lists and ref ADTs, which are reference types. Limbo provides
Data Types
a restricted form of pointers through reference ADTs. Modules and channels, which are discussed in more detail in Chapters 4 and 7, are also reference types.
Bibliographic Notes
An enjoyable (though dated) overview of the history of programming languages is [1]. The idea of abstract data types is often credited to the CLU language [30]. Pierce [49] provides a lucid description of the relation between ADTs and objects, and their relation to existential types in type theory. The concepts of channels and alternation on channels are from Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) [25] via Alef [81 ] and Newsqueak [50]. A thorough formalism for concurrent systems is Milner 's pcalculus [41]. The language level lists and list operators, as well as the module system bear similarity to those of ML [42]. An overview of the floating point facilities in Inferno is provided in [23]. A good general overview of floating point arithmetic is [22]. The description of Inferno's Dis virtual machine in [31] provides a good exposition of how the types from the Limbo language are implemented in the underlying system.
Chapter Examples
Chapter Examples
The following example is a file line numbering program. It reads in the contents of a text file, and prepends a line number to each line of the file.
Data Types
Discussion The file is read in line by line, and each line concatenated to the head of 1ines, which is of type list of string. Due to the fact that new lines are added to the head of the list 1ines, when the file has been read in, the most recently read line (the last line of the file) is at the list's head. To print out the items on the list, however, there is no way to index directly to the last item at the tail of the list, which holds the string representing the first line read from the file. We therefore reorder the items on the list to be able to print out the lines in correct order. For each line, the line number is concatenated by casting a counter to type string, then using the + operator to concatenate the string obtained from the cast to the string dequeued from the head of the list. Problems 3.1 Limbo has the built-in data type list. Is it more efficient to implement lists using this built-in data type or using ADTs? Create a program to sort the list of numbers 9 4 33 2 1 55 6 3 22 78 345 13 68 2465 7 8 5 5 3 45 6 78 8 90 in ascending order using the built-in list type. Record the average execution times. 3.2 Re-implement the program from Problem 3.1 using ADTs. Is it faster or slower? What do you think is the reason for the performance difference you observe (if there is any)? 3.3 Write a program to find the first 1024 prime numbers.
Using Modules
4.1 Review
Modules provide the basic structure in Limbo applications, permitting a clean functional decomposition of applications into disjoint, possibly reusable components. Modules were briefly introduced in Chapter 2 and the material presented there is assumed here. A quick perusal of the relevant sections in Chapter 2 would be a good idea before continuing with this chapter. Throughout this chapter, the term application will be used to refer to a conglomeration of executables interacting to solve some problem, ranging from simple cases such as the 'Hello World' application in Chapter 2 to more complex applications such as the Inferno shell or a Web server. The individual executables (residing in '.dis' files) that make up these applications will be referred to as modules. The simplest application (for example, the tiny Limbo program at the end of Chapter 2) comprises a single module. For the most part, even trivial applications will use several modules. In other words, several compiled modules will be used to achieve the goals of the application. For example, the 'Hello World' program in Chapter 2 comprises the module HelloWorld (the main module) and utilizes the Sys module (used for the print routine to print the greeting). In Figure 4.1, the application, Sh (which happens to be the Inferno command shell), begins with the execution of the Sh module. This module, whose implementation resides in the file /dis/sh. dis, requires other modules to perform its task. In particular, it needs functionality provided by the Inferno system, as do most other modules, for performing I/O, etc. This is provided through the Sys module (shown as $Sys in the
Using Modules
Figure 4.1
figure to hint at the fact that it is a built-in module). The Sh module thus loads the Sys, Bufio, Env, Filepat and String modules at runtime using Limbo 1oad expressions. The loaded modules provide functionality that the shell uses, e.g. buffered I/O from the Bufio module and string manipulation facilities from the String module. One of the modules loaded by Sh, the Env module, further loads the Readdir module. Even though applications typically comprise several modules, any Dis executable can only contain the implementation of (i.e. executable code for) a single module. Unlike in the case of C, C++ and other languages, there is no static linking performed when a Limbo program is compiled. A Limbo module that uses other modules as part of some application must therefore explicitly load the module of interest before references to functions and data elements in the module are made. For example, if a Limbo program makes references to other modules, such as to the print routine of the Sys module, the compiled Limbo program will not contain any of the code for the Sys->print routine but rather only references to it. Before calling Sys->print at runtime, the module must load an implementation of the Sys module and place a reference to this implementation in a module variable. It can then invoke the print method of the module instance:
At load time, only the functions in a module that will be used have their function signatures checked. All the module's global data on the other hand are type checked if any module global datum is accessed. In other words, you can load an implementation with a different type into a module variable, provided the signatures of its functions which you use match and you do not use any of the module's data elements. If you do use any of the module's data members, then all the data members in the module type and loaded implementation must type check. Furthermore, if the Limbo runtime system determines that a reference to an implementation (through a module variable) will be used by another loaded module, then the signatures of all functions are checked, and not just those of the functions that are used within the module performing the original load operation. This is because the second module in question might access any of the loaded modules functions and global data through the module reference that is passed to it.
The following module definition shows the interface of a module, Swamp. Subsequent to this definition, the identifier Swamp is a module type, and variables may be defined to be of this type. The module defines two constants PATH and DESCR, a function think, a string datum, mind and an ADT Monk. Another module that wishes to use the Swamp module must include this module definition, either by explicitly spelling out the definition in its module implementation or by an include statement. An include statement causes the textual substitution of the contents of a named file at the location of its definition. Subsequent to the inclusion of the Swamp module's definition (e.g. from a '.m' file), the Swamp module must still be loaded at runtime (e.g. from a '.dis' file) before the t h i n k function can be accessed:
The other components of the Swamp module, besides think and mind (i.e. constants PATH and DESCR and the ADT definition Monk), may, however, be used without loading
Using Modules
the module since they are not tied to the module's implementation: they are part of the interface. Thus, after including swamp. m and without loading the Swamp module from, say, 'swamp.dis', Swamp->PATH and Swamp->DESCR are valid uses. Similarly, a variable of type Swamp->Monk may be defined. Note that any module that implements the Swamp module must provide a definition for the function think as well as a definition for the new method of the Monk ADT:
Instantiating Modules
The steps involved in instantiating a module are illustrated in Figure 4.2. Before the functions in a module are invoked, an implementation of the module must be loaded. This means the implementation (Dis executable) must be read off the disk or other such medium and loaded into the Dis VM. A reference to this instance of the module is placed in a variable with type of the module interface. This variable acts as a handle to the loaded instance of the module, and is thereafter used to refer to the implementation's functions and data. A module may contain state, such as the mind variable of the Swamp module, and once a module is loaded this state may be modified per loaded instance of the module. Loading the implementation of a module consumes system resourcesthe module in question is read off some storage medium (usually the local disk) and loaded into memory. The loaded implementation is unloaded from memory by the Dis VM when the last reference to it (via the module handle) is lost, ensuring that only in-use code remains in the memory of the host machine, a key consideration for the resourceconstrained systems for which Inferno and Limbo were designed. An application may explicitly request that the virtual machine unload a loaded implementation, by assigning the value nil to the corresponding module instance variable. If the module variable in question contained the only remaining reference
Figure 4.2
to the loaded module, storage for the module would be reclaimed by the Dis VM's reference-counting garbage collector.
Using Modules
Member ADT definitions of a module may similarly be referenced through either the module type or through a variable with the module's type. Member functions and data of a module may only be accessed through an instance of the module via a module handle. Even though such accesses will be syntactically valid, an implementation of the module must also be loaded before the accesses at runtime.
Using Modules
mentation that caters for all possible situations (and is thus overly complex and bug prone), several separate implementations are made and the appropriate one loaded at runtime. An example of such an application is the View module, implemented in /dis/wm/view. dis.
Self-Referential Modules
A module instance may obtain a reference to itself with a different module interface or type, provided that type is a subset of its interface. This is achieved by loading the special module implementation path, $Self, and placing the module reference resulting from the load expression into the variable of the new module type (which should be a subset of the loading module's type). For example, consider the following module interface definition, taken from /module/styxlib.m. The interface defines a single function, dirgen. In normal use, an instance of Dirgenmod is passed as an argument to functions1:
You can use module instance variables just like any other variable, passing them as arguments to functions, as return values, etc.
Self-Referential Modules
The obvious way to supply such an instance of the module is to load an implementation of Dirgenmod from a file. This is, however, cumbersome as it would mean we would need a separate source file, defining an implementation for Dirgenmod, and we would have to compile that implementation separately. The Limbo language provides a shorter approach. A Limbo application may associate its own instance, at runtime, with a module variable of a different type, provided that second type is a subset. For example, any module defining a dirgen function identical to that in the Dirgenmod module will be able to associate its own instance with a module variable of type Dirgenmod. As an example, consider the following module definition, which is a superset of the definition of Dirgenmod:
If in the implementation of the above module we required an instance of .Dirgenmod, for example, to pass as an argument to a function, we could obtain a reference to the StyxServer module implementation (i.e. to ourselves), place this in a variable of type Dirgenmod and use it as needed. The following fragments of an application illustrate this:
Using Modules
In the above, an instance of the currently running Styx Server module is loaded into a module variable of type Dirgenmod at initialization and is later passed as an argument to a function.
4.5 Summary
Modules provide a means of structuring Limbo programs into modular, reusable components. Limbo modules comprise two parts: a module interface which defines a module type, and a module implementation. Limbo applications are typically implemented using several modules. These modules are not statically linked into a binary image but rather load each other from disk at runtime, as needed, and may further explicitly unload these implementations to conserve memory. The Dis VM's garbage collector also performs garbage collection on module types, and thus a loaded module whose last reference goes out of scope will have the resources it occupies reclaimed. This runtime loading/unloading permits Limbo applications to use a minimum of system resources. A Limbo module that will load the implementation of another must specify the type of the module that is being loaded. Limbo module definitions are what define these module types, and they are typically placed in a separate '.m' source file. Thus most Limbo applications will first include the definition of a module with an include statement, then subsequently load its implementation from disk with a 1oad expression.
At load time, the type of the module being loaded from disk (or other storage medium) is checked against the type of module as defined in the load expression. The separation of the interface of a module from its implementation permits several implementations to be provided for a given interface with the most appropriate implementation being determined ('computed' if you will) at runtime, and subsequently loaded.
Bibliographic Notes
Examples of languages with sophisticated module systems include ML [42], the Oberon language [62, 84] and Modula-2 [24,83].
Using Modules
Using Modules
Discussion The Xsniff application operates as follows. The core of the application (the function reader) continuously reads Ethernet frames off an interface. Based on the type of payload determined from the Ethernet header, the name of an appropriate formatter module is computed, and an attempt is made to load the module if it is not already loaded:
Using Modules
If loading the appropriate formatter for a given Ethernet frame payload type fails, the frame is silently dropped on the floor and the reader continues scanning Ethernet frame headers. The Xsniff module header file defines an additional module interface, XFmt. This is the module interface specification that formatter modules must implement. Each formatter module has two components of interest to this discussion: an ID and a method for decoding and formatting information for the given frame type. The fmt method decodes and prints out information on the supplied data. The ID field is initialized by a formatting module the first time its fmt method is called. Storing this state within a module enables the reader thread to check whether the currently loaded formatter is the appropriate one for each frame.
4.1 Look at the module interface definitions of the modules in /module. Are they all identical? If not, how does the shell still manage to run them, given that the shell could not possibly have an a priori knowledge of the types of all modules it might have to run? 4.2 Name some changes that can be made to the command shell that would force all applications it will run to have identical module interface definitions. Would you want these changes made to your system? 4.3 Implement a Limbo module that will replicate itself when run, i.e. the output of running the module is the source of the module.
Using Modules
The next step is to implement functions in C which implement Demo. The Limbo compiler provides a lot of help in mapping this Limbo module interface to C functions.
this module definition by executing limbo -a demo. m, assuming the module definition detailed above is placed in the file demo. m. The output generated by the Limbo compiler is sent to the standard input, and we may redirect it into a file, say demo.h. The result of such an operation is shown in Figure A.2, with cosmetic modifications to improve readability. Stub functions for the functions defined in the above header file are also generated using the limbo compiler. The syntax is limbo -T modname module.m. The parameter modname must be the name of the required module defined in the file module.m. This is required since there may be several different modules defined within a single module declaration file, and we may wish to generate C function stub files for each of them independently. Thus, for our module Demo, the command is 1imbo -T Demo demo. m and the generated stub C file is shown in Figure A.3. On the other hand, if we had specified the name of a module that was not defined in demo.m, say, by the command line 1imbo -T Foo demo. m, the operation would still succeed with the generated stub being:
The final step for which we call on the Limbo compiler is the generation of the linkage table for the module. The command-line syntax is similar to that for the generation of the C function stubs and is limbo -t modname module.m. The parameter modname must be the name of the module of interest defined in the file module. m. Once again this is required since there may be several different modules defined in a particular module declaration file, and we may wish to generate the linkage tables for each of them separately. Thus, for our module Demo, the command is 1imbo -t Demo demo. m and the generated linkage table, cosmetically updated to improve readability, is shown in Figure A.4. If the module name specified does not match that of any module defined in the file specified, the compiler proceeds and generates only the definition of the Runtab structure. If several module declarations existed in the file, the compiler would have to be called with the -t flag for each case, each case generating the appropriate Runtab instance.
Using Modules
Figure A.2 C structure definitions and function prototypes generated automatically by the Limbo compiler from the module's Limbo interface definition.
structure. The module defined below, a variation on our original Demo module, has five functions: foo and bar with the same types of arguments, and three more functions, bupkus, horrid and squish:
Figure A,3 C function stubs generated automatically by the Limbo compiler from the example module's Limbo interface definition.
Using Modules
Figure A.4 Linkage table for the example Limbo module generated automatically from the module interface definition by the Limbo compiler.
Even though horrid and squish have the same argument type, they have different return types, and thus the compiler generates different function signatures for them. Similarly, bupkus has the same argument types as foo and bar but in a different order, and once again a different signature is generated. Foo and bar have the same signatures as they have identical function types, of fn() : (DemoData, int) ;.
System I/O
This chapter covers the facilities provided by the Inferno system (specifically the Sys module) that are essential in the creation of most Limbo applications. The topics discussed in this chapter revolve around file and console input/output, string manipulation, filesystem manipulation and name space manipulation facilities provided by the Inferno system to Limbo applications.
5.2 aprint
Synopsis : aprint:fn(s:string, *):array of byte;
System I/O
Figure 5.1
The aprint function takes as arguments a format string and a variable list of arguments, in the fashion of pri nt. The format string is made up of Unicode characters, and the returned array of bytes is the UTF-8 encoding of the Unicode string. For example, the stringmurmigki,which is made up of eight Unicode characters, is converted to a UTF-8 stream, consisting of 16 bytes, illustrated by the following Limbo program:
System I/O
5.3 bind
Synopsis : bind:fn(source, on:string, flagsrint) :int;
The bind function operates on the name space of a thread and all threads within its name space group. It is used to modify the name space, to attach a portion of the name space at one location to another location. After a successful bind operation, the file or directory at path on is a synonym for the file or directory that used to be at path source. The path on must exist prior to the bind operation. The parameter flags determines the manner in which the bind operation is performed. Possible values of
the flag, defined in the Sys module, are Sys->MREPL, Sys->MAFTER, Sys->MBEFORE and Sys->MCREATE. The MREPL flag specifies to replace the path on, which may be either a file or directory, by the path source. The MBEFORE and MAFTER flags can only be used successfully with directories and not with files. The MBEFORE flag specifies to add the entries in the portion of the name space at path location source to the union directory at path location on, in such a manner that the added entries appear first in the name space at path location on. The MAFTER flag, similarly, causes the entries in the name space at path location source to appear at path location on; however, the entries appear after those originally present in the union. Any of the above three flags may be OR'ed with the flag MCREATE. It is meaningless for files. For directories, when an attempt is made to create a file in a union directory (recall that unions are created with bind operations), the file is created in the first member of the union that permits creation. The Inferno utility Mnd(2) is best used to illustrate the behavior of the bind system call. The bind application takes four flags, r, a, b and c, which are analogous to the four constants defined in /modul e/sys. m, listed above:
System I/O
For binding of files onto files, the flags play a limited role: binding of files to files can only happen in one waythe file on becomes a synonym for the file source in the name space, as shown below:
Synopsis : byte2char:fn(buf:array of byte, n:int): (int,int,int) ;
The routine byte2char converts a UTF-8 encoded sequence of bytes into a Unicode character. It is used to convert a stream of bytes into a string of Unicode characters. It takes the sequence of bytes starting at the index n in buf and attempts to identify a valid UTF-8 byte sequence. The first element of the returned tuple is the recognized Unicode character (or Sys->UTFerror, a boxed question mark like ? in most fonts, if no valid UTF-8 sequence was seen). The second element in the returned tuple is the number of UTF-8 bytes that were read out of the supplied buffer to create the Unicode character. Thus, as described above, the maximum value returned in the second tuple element is the value of Sys->UTFmax, 3. If the sequence of bytes encountered is too short to form a valid Unicode character, the second field of the returned tuple is set to zero. If on the other hand enough bytes were seen but these did not form any valid UTF-8 sequence, the value 1 would be returned for the second element of the tuple. The third element of the returned tuple is the status of the conversion, and would be zero if an invalid UTF-8 sequence were detected. The following illustrates the use of byte2char with an example:
System I/O
5.5 char2byte
Synopsis : char2byte:fn(c:int, buf:array of byte, n:int) :int;
The routine char2byte performs the opposite function to byte2char: it converts a Unicode character, c, into a UTF-8 sequence of bytes, placing the sequence in buf starting at index n. The returned value indicates the number of bytes that were placed in the buffer, and is zero if the supplied buffer was too small, in which case the buffer is left unchanged. The following shows an application employing char2byte:
5.6 chdir
Synopsis : chdir: fn(path: string) : int;
The chdir Sys module routine changes the working directory of the calling thread and its name space group to the path path. The return value is zero if the operation is successful. This is illustrated in the following example:
System I/O
5.7 create
Synopsis : create:fn(s:string, mode, perm:int) : ref FD; The create routine creates a new file or directory, depending on whether the Sys->CHDIR bit is set in the perm field. The permissions specified are AND'ed with the access privileges of the user in the current working directory. If the user does not have write permissions in the current working directory, the call will fail. The CHDIR flag is defined in /module/sys. m as the constant 16r80000000. Masks for various file permissions can be expressed in radix notation as 8rNNN the three octal digits NNN represents the usr, group, all privileges. Each such privilege character is obtained by transforming flags for read, write and execute permissions, represented as bit positions in a three-bit binary word, into decimal. For example, to create a file with read and write permissions (no exec permission) by the owner, and no access by all else, the binary representation of the user, group and global permissions will be 110,000 and 000, respectively. Thus we would use the mask 8r600, since 110 (binary) is 6 (decimal), as shown below:
The following example is a utility, Adduser, for creating the necessary files and directories when a new user is added to an Inferno system, and illustrates the use of create for both files and directories:
System I/O
dup, fildes
File descriptors in Limbo are of the type ref FD. The FD ADT contains a solitary member, fd, of type int:
The reason that this is encapsulated within an ADT is so that the Limbo runtime can track references to an open file descriptor, permitting activities like closing a file which is open for I/O when the file descriptor corresponding to it no longer has any references. There is no explicit 'close' system call, and this effect is achieved when a descriptor no longer has any references to it, such as when it goes out of scope or is explicitly assigned the value n i l . Within the underlying Inferno system, however, as is the case in systems such as Unix, file descriptors are handled as integers. Given such an integer, fildes returns a Limbo file descriptor, a reference to an FD ADT as above, or nil if it cannot convert the integer to a Limbo ref FD. The dup method lets you refer to an open descriptor old by a new file descriptor, new. This operation affects all threads within the calling thread's file descriptor group. One common use of this is to provide a new standard input, standard output and standard error to a group of threads.
System I/O
Consider the following scenario. An application running on host machine A mounts the name space of machine B to, say, /n/client. Applications running on host A which perform I/O on the standard I/O stream have their messages printed on the local console or read from the local keyboard. If it was desired to run applications on host A, but rather use the keyboard of host B, and likewise have the output of commands, etc., appear on host B, it would be necessary to somehow 'reroute' all of the standard input, standard output and standard error of machine A, to use that of machine B. Figure 5.2 illustrates the scenario further. The solution, given that the name space of B is already mounted into the name space of A at /n/client, would be to open /n/client/dev/cons, the console I/O device on B, mounted into the name space of A, and dup the file descriptors so that
they become the standard input, output and error of the calling thread's file descriptor group. The fragment of code to achieve this is shown below:
5.9 open
Synopsis : open:fn(s:string, mode:int) : ref FD; This opens a file for I/O. The return value, of type ref Sys->FD, is a file descriptor for the file opened. If the attempt to open the file was unsuccessful, open returns n i l . The parameter mode is the mode in which the I/O is to be performed. For simplicity, there are constants defined in /module/sys. m. These values may be OR'ed with two additional flags, Sys->OTRUNC and Sys~>ORCLOSE, to define additional behavior of the file descriptor referencing a file. Sys->OTRUNC and Sys->ORCLOSE may be used only on descriptors referencing files and not on descriptors referencing directories. An example of opening a file named 'my_file' for reading only is as follows:
Synopsis : read: fn(fd: ref FD, buf:array of byte, n:int):int;
This routine reads nbytes bytes from the file referenced by the file descriptor fd into the buffer buf starting at the current position of the file. This position may be altered by a seek call. A read( ) will not automatically give you data from the beginning of
System I/O
the file: the side effect of a read call is to alter the current position in the file referenced by fd. read returns the number of bytes read. If the read is successful, read returns an integer equal to nbytes. If the end of the file was reached before nbytes had been read, read returns the number of bytes read, which is then less than nbytes:
Synopsis : remove: fn(name: string) : int;
The remove routine deletes a disk file. The call will fail if either the file does not exist or the user does not have write permission for the file specified by the string name. If remove succeeds, it returns 0, else it returns 1:
Synopsis : seek:fn(fd:ref FD, off, start: int) :int;
This routine seeks to the position in the file referenced by fd, specified by start. If off is non-zero, then seek seeks off bytes past the position specified by start. There are three constants, SEEKSTART, SEEKRELA and SEEKEND defined in /module/sys.m for specifying seeks to the start, relative positions and ends of files. Thus if you wanted to seek to a point 16 bytes after the beginning of a file you may do something like:
5.13 stream
Synopsis : stream:fn(src, dst:ref FD, bufsiz:int) :int;
The stream call copies bufsiz bytes between two open files, referenced by the descriptors specified in the stream call. The return value of stream is the same as bufsiz if the stream call is successful:
Why use stream rather than a loop of read/write? stream was designed for performing media copies, such as streaming video/audio. A thread that executes a stream system call is placed in the highest priority run queue of the Dis VM's scheduler. The scheduling of Limbo threads in the Dis VM is discussed further in Chapter 6.
5.14 write
Synopsis : write :fn(fd: ref FD, buf: array of byte, n:int):int;
The routine write() copies nbytes bytes from the buffer buf into the file referenced by the file descriptor fd. write returns the number of bytes written. If the write is successful, write returns an integer equal to nbytes. If the write encountered error conditions before nbytes had been written (e.g. out of disk space), the return value of the write call is then less than nbytes:
System I/O
Figure 5.3 Limbo programs too may fail. On receiving an exception, the program transitions into the broken state.
If it is desired to have both raw and buffered I/O, then the console device and its control interface are useful. In situations where only the keystrokes as they happen are required or when the raw codes produced by the keyboard hardware are required1, the /dev/keyboard might be of better use. The example Pong in Chapter 11 uses the /dev/keyboard interface, while the Pled application example for this chapter uses the /dev/cons interface in both the 'raw' and 'cooked' modes at different times. See the example at the end of the chapter for more.
Exception Handling
Sometimes in life, bad things happen, and we have to deal with them. Your pet eats your homework, you forget to 'save often', there is a power outage, and you lose several hours of inspired writing, the espresso machine breaks, and so on. In such situations you have to maintain poise, recover from the tragedy and move on. Likewise, as you are probably acutely aware, programs fail, and often right when you have to give an important demonstration. Some programmers are left staring at the screen in wide-eyed amazement. Others shriek, howl or pull out their hair. Some are able to recover from these exceptional conditions, make repairs and continue. Limbo programs too, may fail. A program may try to access a function in a module that has not been loaded, or it may attempt to index beyond the boundaries of an array. In such situations the system raises exceptions, and the default behavior of programs in the presence of these exceptions is to terminate execution and go into the 'broken' state, as illustrated in Figure 5.3. Inferno provides a facility for application-based exception handling. This facility is provided through the Sys built-in module. Sys provides functions for installing exception handlers, raising exceptions and performing cleanup after the handling of exceptions. In all there are four methods defined in the Sys module for applicationbased exception generation and handlingraise, rescue, rescued and unrescue with the following function signatures:
In the emulated Inferno environment, the /dev/keyboard file behaves as a /dev/cons file that is always in 'raw' mode.
Exception Handling
Figure 5.4
The flow of installing exception handlers and catching exceptions is illustrated in Figure 5.4. Exception handlers are installed by calling rescue. The call to rescue takes as parameters a string indicating what exception strings we wish the handler to be responsible for and a reference to an allocated Exception ADT. The string may contain a wildcard so that it matches a large number of exceptions, e.g. the string 'module*' will match any exception with the exception string beginning with 'module'. The Exception ADT, defined in the Sys module, is populated by the runtime system with information about the cause of the exception, when one occurs. The runtime system saves the return address of the caller of rescue, along with the string for which the caller wishes to install a handler. The call to rescue returns with the value Sys->HANDLER defined in /module/sys. m. In the example below, when the
System I/O
code fragment is executed during normal program execution, the else branch will be taken, since the call to rescue returns Sys->HANDLER under normal program execution and not Sys->EXCEPTION:
On an exception, the system tries to match the current exception string against all the registered exception strings, registered by calls to rescue. If a match is found, control is transferred to the return address associated with the match, with the return value Sys->EXCEPTION. In other words, even though only one call is made to rescue, rescue returns a second time if there is a matching exception. In this second return, the head of the if statement in the above example evaluates to true, since the return value of this second return is Sys->EXCEPTION. At this point, the variable e has been populated with the complete exception string of the exception, the responsible module, and the program counter at which the exception occurred. The Exception ADT defined in the Sys module is shown below:
After performing any necessary cleanup, the code placed in the if branch should call rescued. This determines any action that should be performed on the installed exception handler. A program might wish to suspend execution so that the application developer can perform a detailed post-mortem analysis using a debugging tool. It may be desirable to uninstall the handler so a subsequent exception of the same kind is not handled at this level, or a program might re-raise the exception so that it is caught at a higher level in the call chain. The first parameter to rescued determines which of these actions is taken. Specifying Sys->ACTIVE makes no changes to the installed handler and continues execution of the next statement in the program order. The argument Sys->ONCE specifies that the handler should be uninstalled and program execution continued. An argument of Sys->RAISE causes the exception to be raised again, hopefully to be caught at a
higher level in the call chain. In this case, the second argument specifies the exception to be raised. If ni1, the same exception is raised. Lastly, a first argument to rescued of Sys->EXIT causes program execution to be suspended, with the program placed in the broken state. A programmer may then use a debugger to debug the thread. One point about rescued demands further attention. For the arguments Sys-> ACTIVE and Sys->ONCE, execution returns to the statement in the program after the call to rescued, in static program order. This statement may be anywhere in the program with respect to the dynamic execution stream, so it might very well be before the location of the raised exception, causing exceptions ad infinitum, as would be the situation below:
It is therefore usually necessary to place the code that contains potentially excepting statements in the else clause of the if corresponding to the rescue, as shown below:
Thus, after the exception is taken, the if branch of the if statement is taken and after rescued is called, the next statement to be executed in program order is the one right after the else branch.
This chapter provided an overview of some of the facilities provided to Limbo programs to interact with the Inferno system. The facilities discussed in this chapter excluded those which fall under topics covered in other chapters, such as networking (Chapter 9). More detailed coverage of the system facilities visible to Limbo programs is available in Section 2 of the Inferno manual pages.
System I/O
Bibliographic Notes
The Inferno system manual pages [79] provide more detail on the routines discussed in this chapter, as well as those omitted. The announce, dial, export and 1isten routines are described in detail in the manual page sys-dial(2). The dirread routine is described in the manual page sys-dirread(2). The file2chan routine is described in sys-file2chan(2). The formatted I/O routinesfprint, print and sprintare described in detail in sys-print(2). The manual pages detail the various formatting verbs that these routines take. The millisecond time routine, millisec, is described in sys-millisec(2). The bind, mount and unmount routines are detailed in sys-bind(2). The pctl, pipe and sleep routines are described in the manual pages sys-pctl(2), sys-pipe(2) and sys-sleep(2) respectively.
System I/O
System I/O
System I/O
System I/O
Discussion In order to enable the user to browse through text using the cursor keys, the console is placed in 'raw' mode by writing the string 'rawon' into /dev/consctl as described in Section 5,15, and is returned to 'cooked' mode when the application exits. The implementation of Pled employs a Limbo module that we have hitherto not discussed, the bufio(2) module. Bufio provides facilities to Limbo programs to perform buffered input and output. It builds upon the facilities provided in the Sys module to provide this functionality, and unlike Sys, Bufio is not a built-in module but rather is written in Limbo. The functionality of the Bufio module revolves around the Iobuf ADT. This ADT contains methods for a variety of tasks such as retrieving (and returning) data from a buffer, seeking to a position in a buffer, etc. Since we shall be using these member functions of the Iobuf ADT contained in Bufio (which is external to the Pled module), we must import the Iobuf ADT from an instance of Bufio as described in Chapter 4:
The following code segment from Pled illustrates using the Bufio module to open a file and read in its contents, line by line. After loading the implementation for Bufio, we obtain a new Iobuf instance by using the open routine of the Bufio module, which returns a reference to a initialized Iobuf and is placed in the variable filebuf:
Strings of text from the file whose name was supplied in the open call are read with the gets method of the Iobuf ADT, whose sole parameter specifies the delimiting character for lines. In the above, the delimiting character is a newline, thus each string read from the buffer is one line of the file.
5.1 Implement a utility to format text supplied to it such that the lines of text have a bounded width. 5.2 Implement a utility to determine the type of a file, e.g. text, Dis executable, image, etc.
Programming with Threads
6.1 Introduction
During execution, Limbo applications run as one or more threads. This chapter details the properties of Limbo threads, how they are created and run, and the interfaces through which they may be controlled. Throughout this chapter, the term thread will be used to refer to a thread of execution of a Dis executable over the Dis VM, created via a Limbo spawn statement, i.e. a Limbo thread. The term process will be used to refer to an instance of the Dis VM running over a native kernel or host operating system. The next chapter describes channels, which are a facility by which threads often communicate or otherwise interact with each other. Limbo applications on Inferno execute over the Dis VM. Such applications may be run in one of two ways: they may either be interpreted or on-the-fly compiled by the virtual machine. At any given time there may be several applications running, due, for example, to a user logged into the emulator and running the window manager, Web browser and a handful of Inferno network services. Each of these applications will comprise one or more threads; thus there will be several threads running over the virtual machine, some or all of which may be on-the-fly compiled or interpreted. As described in Chapter 1, individual applications may be marked during compilation so that they will always be on-the-fly compiled during execution, or, alternatively, the system may be started with an option to force on-the-fly compilation of all applications which are not explicitly marked otherwiseapplications compiled with the Limbo compiler's '-C' flag are marked to prevent them from being on-the-fly-compiled at runtime.
Figure 6.1
Thread Scheduling The Dis VM runs over either the Inferno native kernel or over a host operating system in the case of the Inferno emulator, as described in Chapter 1. To perform the task of running the multiple available Dis threads, the virtual machine employs one or more system processes. These system processes are processes on either the native kernel or processes over a host operating system. They are scheduled as per the scheduling policies of either the native kernel or the host operating system. These should not be confused with Dis threads, which are executing compiled Limbo applications1. Limbo threads are scheduled in a round-robin manner in the virtual machine by the virtual machine's own internal scheduler. This scheduler may use one or more system processes to run a Limbo thread. During its lifetime, a Limbo thread may be run in one or more different Dis VM processes. This is illustrated in Figure 6.1. All Limbo threads share a common heap, from which memory is allocated for module instances and stack frames. Though there may be several Dis VM processes created over time, only one instance of Dis controls the heap2. New Dis VM processes
l The virtual machine processes may be implemented as threads on some host operating systems, but throughout this chapter the term thread will be used to refer to a thread of execution of a Dis executable over the Dis VM, created via a Limbo spawn statement, and process will be used to refer to an instance of the Dis VM running over a native kernel or host operating system. 2 The size of the heap may be controlled by flags to the emulator at startup, described in emu(le) or by configuration parameters in the native Inferno kernel.
Thread Creation
are created when, for example, a Limbo thread executing in the main Dis process performs a call to one of the Sys module's functions that will cause a new Dis process to be created to service that request. For example, to jump a bit ahead of the content of this chapter, a Limbo thread that makes a call to the export system call with flags Sys->EXPASYNC will cause a new Dis process to be created.
The function being spawned as a new thread must not have a return value. The function can also not be a method from a built-in module. Functions in built-in modules must be called synchronously, and the call will block until the called function completes. If necessary, a new thread can be spawned exclusively to perform such a function call, thus providing equivalent functionality to being able to spawn the built-in function. For example, the following snippet of code will compile, but will lead to a runtime error:
Table 6.1
Thread state
Description Thread is engaged in inter-thread communication, monitoring a set of communication channels for the ability to send or receive. Thread is broken. Thread terminated or encountered an error. Thread is ready to execute. Thread is blocked waiting to receive on a communication channel. Thread has been removed from virtual machine's ready queue to complete a call to a built-in module. Thread is blocked on a send down a communication channel.
In the above, the variable display is a ref ADT, with a method, start refresh ( ). Although syntactically correct, the spawn statement is illegal since draw is an instance of a built-in module, and Display is an ADT defined in the draw module. The spawn statement maps onto an instruction in the Dis VM, and since built-in modules do not run over the virtual machine (they are implemented in the C language and are at a layer logically below the VM), 'spawning' a function from a built-in module is not possible. Once a thread has been spawned, all interaction with it will be through global variables, any channels it might listen on, file interfaces it might serve or read, and through the /prog filesystem. By default, a spawned thread and its parent share all global variables, open file descriptors and current working directory. Since the spawned thread and its parent execute concurrently, care should be taken to synchronize accesses to these shared resources. A spawned thread will also inherit the name space, file descriptor group and process group of its parent. This default behavior can be overridden with the pctl system call, discussed shortly.
round-robin manner. When a thread performs a system call through the Sys module to do file manipulation, network or name space operations, the thread is removed from the run queue, and a new Dis VM process may get scheduled to service the request. Once the operation performed by the system on behalf of the thread call to the Sys module has completed, the thread is placed at the head of the ready queue. As discussed in the previous section, it is not possible to spawn a function defined in a built-in moduleit is only possible to synchronously invoke such functions, and block until the call completes. Threads that are blocked waiting for a call to a built-in module to complete are in the release state. The alt, recv and send states are related to threads performing inter-thread communication. In abstract terms, a thread is placed in the send state if it is ready to send data to another thread. Similarly, a thread is placed in the recv state if it is ready to receive data. A thread may simultaneously monitor several communication channels for the ability to send or receive on them. A thread in such a situation is placed in the alt state. The details of inter-thread communication with channels are covered in the next chapter. Sometimes, as you are well aware, programmers screw up and their programs 'crash'. When a thread bites the dust on Inferno, the thread is suspended in the broken state rather than just being kicked out of memory. This facilitates post-mortem analysis on misbehaving programs. A frustrated, sleep-deprived programmer can then attach a debugger to the broken thread and view its viscera. A thread that has been forcefully terminated (for example, by means of the /prog filesystem described later in this chapter) or which has encountered an error is placed in the exiting state. Lastly, a thread that is being manipulated by the thread debugging interface (the /prog filesystem) is placed in the debugged state. The transitions between states are depicted pictorially in Figure 6.2.
Figure 6.2
two system calls: bind and pctl. There are several ways to create new entries in the name space, some of which include creating a real disk file, creating a synthesized file with file2chan and attaching a name space served by a Styx server using mount.
The flags parameter to pctl determines how the thread's name space will be modified, and can be one of NEWFD, FORKFD, NEWNS, FORKNS, NODEVS, NEWENV, FORKENV or NEWPGRP, which are all constants defined in /module/sys. m. The NEWFD flag causes a new file descriptor group to be created and the current thread placed in that file descriptor group. All currently open file descriptors are closed, except those specified in the movefd parameter to pctl, which are kept open in the new file descriptor group:
The FORKFD flag causes the creation of a new file descriptor group, for the current thread. All file descriptors are copied to the new group. The file descriptors listed in movefd are closed in the old file descriptor group:
The NEWNS flag causes the creation of a new name space group, with the root of the name space for this name space group set to the current directory. This is typically useful in creating a new restricted name space from scratch:
The NEWENV flag causes the placement of the thread in a new empty environment group. The FORKENV flag causes the creation of a new environment group that is a copy of the current environment group (i.e. all current environment variables are copied over to the new environment group). Changes made to the new environment are not seen by the old environment group:
The NEWPGRP flag causes the creation of a new thread group, with the thread group ID set to the thread ID of the calling thread:
Threading and just-in-time compiled modules When modules are just-in-time compiled, the Dis VM instructions for the module are converted into native machine code in fixed-size quanta. Limbo programs running in just-in-time compiled mode will therefore take over the virtual machine for the duration of these quanta, during which no other threads will execute. This can sometimes be problematic in situations where threads depend on fine-grained interleaving of execution. Cleanly exiting from multi-threaded applications When applications consist of a collection of threads, it is often desirable to be able to exit from the application cleanly, terminating all the running threads that make up the application. There are two main approaches to this. In the first, the application could be constructed so that all its constituent threads listen on a communication channel which is used to send termination messages and possibly perform other synchronization as the application exits. The use of communication channels in Limbo is the subject of the next chapter. The other alternative is to forcefully terminate threads using the facilities of the /prog filesystem interface to threads. This is necessary, for example, if one or more of the threads that comprise an application is blocked on a system call.
The Inferno ps(1) utility uses the /prog/ filesystem to provide information at the command interface about the threads running on a system. The output of the ps command consists of one line per running thread in the system. Each line consists of six columns: thread ID, thread group ID, thread owner (user ID of the user that created the thread), thread state, memory usage and lastly the module containing the function running as the thread. An example of the output of the ps command is shown below:
/prog/n/dbgctl: Read/Write
Thedbgcti file provides a debugging interface to already executing threads. Reading dbgctl returns information on the state of the thread being debugged. The returned string, on a line terminated by a newline, may be one of the following. exitedthe thread exited cleanly. broken errorthe thread exited due to the cause described by error, which is a string of up to 64 UTF-8 bytes. sendthe thread is blocked on sending data down a channel.
recvthe thread is blocked on receiving data from a channel. altthe thread is blocked in an alt statement. runthe thread is ready to run. new pidthe thread has spawned a new sub-thread, with process ID pid. The execution of a thread can be controlled by writing command strings into the dbgctl file. The commands are detailed below. step nwriting the string "step n" into dbgctl causes the interpreter to step through the application for at most n instructions or until a breakpoint is reached., whichever is sooner. toretthis causes the interpreter to continue execution until the current function returns or until a breakpoint is reached, whichever is sooner. contthis instructs the interpreter to continue execution until the next breakpoint is reached. bpt set path pcthis sets a breakpoint at program counter value pc for the module specified by path. The module path is the location of the Dis executable corresponding to this module. bpt del path pcthis removes a breakpoint at program counter value pc for the module specified by path, if one exists. It is ignored otherwise. The module path is the location of the Dis executable corresponding to this module. detachstop debugging thread. stopstop the execution of the thread. unstoppermit a thread which has been halted with a prior stop to resume execution.
The source field is the name of a directory or device, and the destination field is the name of the directory to which that source directory or device is bound. The flag is an integer constant that represents one of the constants MREPL, MBEFORE, MAFTER, representing the integer values 0,1,2, defined in sys.m, possibly OR'ed with the MCREATE flag, also defined in /module/sys. m. These represent the flags the bind operation used to perform the name space operation. Thus, for example, a bind operation with flags MAFTER I MCREATE will show up as the value 6, as occurs in the case of the bind of the root filesystem, #U to '/' in the second line of the output below.
The format of the status file is identical to that of a line of output of the ps(1) utility, corresponding to the thread in question.
In the above example, the exiting thread was running the module Wm, had thread ID 100, and exited without any errors.
6.7 Summary
This chapter described the interface to threads running on an Inferno system. Like other resources in Inferno, the interface to threads is represented as a filesystem, the /prog filesystem. Programs that provide information to the user about threads (such as ps) and those that provide debugging interfaces to threads (such as a debugger) do so by manipulating files in the /prog filesystem. Since it is possible to access the name space of a remote machine, it is possible to debug threads and obtain thread execution statistics for threads running on a remote machine.
Bibliographic Notes
A coverage of the traditional concepts of threads versus processes can be found in operating systems and computer systems textbooks such as [7, 76, 77]. Most other systems that employ multithreading typically employ an implementation of POSIX threads (pthreads). Comprehensive coverage of pthreads can be found in [9,47]. The /prog filesystem interface to threads is a descendant of the Unix /proc filesystem, described in [29]. The scheduling of threads is described in the Inferno system manuals [79]. The design, implementation and use, of Limbo's direct ancestors, Alef and Newsqueak, are described in [81] and [50] respectively.
Discussion The broke(1) utility searches through the /prog filesystem for threads in the broken state and terminates them.
6.1 Write a simple command-line debugger that enables users to access all the facilities of the /prog filesystem.
7.1 Introduction
Channels in Limbo are communication paths; they can be used to transfer information between threads or to synchronize threads. Limbo channels are typed, and are thus much more versatile than pipes (which Inferno also implements with the pipe device, # \). Typed channels enable threads to communicate arbitrary information, using whichever data structure is most suitable. Anything from simple integers to complex abstract data types may be sent over a channel, and arbitrarily complex communication paths may be set up. Limbo enforces strong type checking both at compile time and at runtimeyou can only send data of one type down a channel with the same type, thus applications are responsible for marshaling data into channels. Serialization of data objects down a channel is, however, automatically performed by the Limbo runtime environment. For example, if you have a picture that you wish to send from one thread to another using a channel, you would first decide on an abstract data type to hold the data of the picture, say, a Pict ADT. You would then declare a channel of type Pict and send the ADT instance down the channel. The thread on the other end would perform a receive operation from the channel, into a variable of type Pict. You, however, would not need to bother about how the bits of the ADT instance are actually communicated, i.e. you would not have to worry about the manner in which the Pict ADT instance is converted into a bit-stream to be sent down the channel. Figure 7.1 illustrates how an allocated channel can be used to communicate between two threads. In the figure, the thread executing the function writer writes the value 42 down a channel,
Figure 7.1
imaginatively named channel, of type chan of int, while the thread executing the function reader reads from the selfsame channel, into a variable of type int. A write to a channel will block until a matching read from the channel is performed by a thread at the other end of the channel; thus the reads from and writes to a channel must be performed by different threads. A thread that is blocked on a write to a channel is placed in the send state and is taken off the virtual machine's ready queue until a matching receive is posted on the other end of the channel. Conversely, a read from a channel will block until a matching write to the channel is performed by another thread. A thread blocked on a read from a channel is placed in the recv state and taken off the virtual machine's ready queue until a matching write is posted on the other end of the channel. The opposite ends of a channel will usually be serviced by separate threads, due to the requirement of matching operations on the other end of the channel. For this
reason, channels provide an excellent means of synchronizing threads. The simplest application of channels is to pause an application until some event occurs. In the example below, a simple application sleeps until the spawned process has completed, and then prints out a message and exits. This example illustrates the use of channel communication for synchronization between threads.
The example demonstrates the basic features of programming with channels. The main thread (function init) creates another thread, worker, which prints out the first n Fibonacci number smaller in value than 216. The main thread then performs a read
from a global channel, which will block until the worker thread has completed and sent data on the channel. The actual data received on the channel by the init thread is thrown away, but it could have been stored in a variable with the same type as the channel (i.e. with type int). The channel used for communication between the main thread and the worker thread is defined to be in global scope of both threads:
Subsequent to the definition of the channel type, storage for the channel must actually be allocated, and this is performed in the i n i t thread:
Channels, like arrays, are reference types and do not have storage allocated automatically. The operator for performing channel communication is '<-'. The '<-' operator always goes next to the channel, with the source of the operation on the right and the destination on the left. Thus if the channel is on its left, we are writing to the channel, and if the channel is on its right, we are reading from the channel:
'The Inmos Transputers have hardware facilities for alternating on communication channels, and the ALT statement in Occam is also equivalent to this.
The alt statement above will block until either chanl or chan2 is ready to send data or chan3 is ready to receive data. Like a case statement, the alt statement is processed once-through; thus to continue to monitor a set of channels for the ability to communicate, you would have to enclose your alt statement in a loop. If the above block of code was in a loop and we wanted to have some default action taken when none of the channels were ready to send or receive data, we could write:
Another way to perform multi-way selection of channels that are ready to communicate (for reads only) is to perform an assignment from an array of channelsthe read results in a tuple consisting of the index of the channel that was ready to send and the data that were received in the communication:
Peculiarities of alt
In the current implementation of Limbo, only one process may alt on a send or receive for a given channel at a time. This restriction also existed in one of the predecessors of Limbo, Winterbottom's Alef [81] language, where the restriction was placed, supposedly due to the difficulty of handling such a situation in a multiprocessor environment. Having multiple threads alt on a channel send or receive operation will therefore currently elicit a "channel busy" error. The following example illustrates this. This seemingly well-formed application does not behave as expected and dies with a "channel busy" error.
As you might have figured out by perusing the code, the application prints out prime numbers, starting from the number 2, by the method of the Sieve of Eratosthenes2. The method works as follows. To find all the prime numbers between the smallest prune, 2, and some number n, we look at all the numbers in the range in several passes. On each pass, we strike out any number divisible by the first number not stricken out. So for example, we would first strike out any number divisible by 2, then all those divisible by 3, then 5, etc., stopping at n. Thus for example, to find all primes between 1 and 20, the sequence of numbers we will have on each pass over our list will be as follows:
In the example, rather than representing the range of numbers from 2 to n statically, we think of them as a stream of numbers, and each pass of the method described above as a stationary sieve that strikes out multiples of a specific prime number and lets the rest through. Each such 'sieve' is a thread which first prints out the prime number whose multiples it will be filtering out of the stream (the next prime number in sequence), then likewise spawns a thread to filter out multiples of the next prime in the sequence.
2 This method for identifying prime numbers was conceived by Eratosthenes of Cyrene, who lived circa 275-195 BC.
Such a modeling of an iterative algorithm (going over the list of numbers in several passes) as a pipelined computation (each stage in the pipeline is a thread, and the length of the pipeline grows dynamically) is interesting: however, our initial implementation suffers from a major problem: the creation of new threads is unbounded. To stop the growth of the pipeline and cause termination once a certain upper bound on the value of the primes has been reached, we could employ several approaches. The idea would be to have each thread check to see if the upper bound has been reached before printing its prime, and, if so, terminate itself and all the other threads in the pipeline. We could use the facilities described in Chapter 6 to forcibly kill all the threads in the thread group, or use another channel to deliver a termination message to all the threads.
Figure 7.2
of this behavior). The point of relevance here is that if the device is bound in the name space to appear before other entries in the union directory, then it will see ail accesses to the union directory. Once the Srv device has been bound into a directory, synthetic entries in the name space can be created with the sys->file2chan method of the Sys module. The syntax is:
file2chan(dir,file: string) : ref FileI0
A synthetic file with name specified by the string file is created in the directory dir. The information in this call is passed on to the Srv device, which will then synthesize the named entry in the name space. Accesses to this synthesized file will be converted to messages on channels contained in the ref FileI0 ADT that is returned by the file2chan call. A more detailed version of Figure 7.2 showing this behavior is shown in Figure 7.3.
Figure 7.3
The Srv device thus acts as a proxy for applications wishing to serve entries in a name space. The applications bind the Srv device into a directory, in a similar manner to what would be done for a more complicated file server that actually handled Styx messages. Subsequent to this, the application calls file2chan to notify the Srv device to create entries in the name space and respond to accesses on them. The Srv device passes read and write requests on to the application when such accesses occur. The details of the channel interaction between the Srv device and the application lie in the FileI0 structure, a reference to an instance of which the application receives as the return value of a file2chan call. The FileI0 ADT contains a pair of channels: one corresponding to read operations on the file, and the other corresponding to write operations. Each of the read and write channels is a channel of a four-member tuple:
On a read from the synthetic file, the tuple sent down the read channel consists of the following. A read offset. Count of bytes read. A unique identifier,fid, maintained by the client, of the file being read. This is especially useful if the application wishes to discern between multiple readers of the synthetic file and handle them accordingly. A channel on which the server should send a reply for this request. The reply channel has type Rread, being a channel of an array of bytes (representing the data to be send back to the reader of the synthetic file) and a string (representing a possible error message). The convention employed is that on a successful read, the error string is set to nil, and otherwise it is set to an appropriate error message, and the byte array should contain zero bytes. If the file is closed for reading, the rc reply channel for the read request will be n i l . On a write to the synthetic file, the application serving the file receives a tuple consisting of the following. The offset of the write. An array of bytes representing the data of the write. A unique identifier,^, maintained by the client, of the file being written. This is useful if the application wishes to discern between multiple readers of the synthetic file. A channel, wc, on which to return the status of the write. This can be used by the application, for example, to enforce a size limit on data written into the synthetic file and to inform clients of the interface when a write error (as determined by the application) has occurred. On a write error, the count field of the response sent on wc is set to zero, and the error field set to an appropriate error message. If the file is closed for writing, the wc reply channel for the write request will be nil, and appropriate action can be taken by the application (e.g. terminate).
Our file server serves a file out of the directory /usr/pip. We must therefore bind the Srv device, #s, into that directory before subsequently calling file2chan with the name of the directory (in which we bound the Srv device) and the name of the file (imaginatively named 'synthetic.file') that we wish the Srv device to synthesize on our behalf. The second argument to the bind call specifies that we want the Srv device to appear first in the union directory, ensuring that all requests for entries in the name space will be seen by Srv. In return, the call to file2chan provides a reference to a
FileI0 ADT which the application will use for its interaction with its proxy, the Srv device:
Once this name space entry creation is successful, we can just wait for read and write requests and service them accordingly. This task is performed by a separate thread, worker, which receives a reference to the FileI0 ADT, chanref, as its argument. The FileI0 ADT, as previously shown, contains two channels, read and write. On a read from the synthesized file, a tuple describing the read request can be read off this channel. Similarly, on a write to the synthesized file, a tuple describing the write can be read off the write channel of the chanref ADT instance. The worker thread thus forever iterates waiting on an event on either the read or write channel:
In both the case of a read and a write, offset and fid represent the offset in the synthetic file of the request and the unique identifier provided by the client in the request, respectively. Our application ignores both of these pieces of information writes are discarded, reads always return the same string no matter the offset, and we do not cater for multiple readers or writers (which the fid would be useful for). The tuple members nbytes and wri tedata in the read and write requests denote the number of bytes requested in the read and the written data, respectively. The channels rc and wc are used to communicate the status of the operation back to the client. Although we ignore the offset in the read, we track how much data has been read using the variable index. If, for example, the synthetic file is being read by the Inferno utility cat(1), each read request will be 8192 bytes in size. The first read will return to cat the number of bytes in the string we synthesize. This will be followed by one more read by cat (at an offset depending on the number of bytes returned in the previous read), and we want this read to return an end-of-file status to the reader, so that it completes. It would be insufficient to rely on the offset to determine when to return this EOF status. For one, there is no guarantee that the offset will ever be non-zero. Second, our string will not always be of the same length in bytes, due to the string representation of the total number of bytes read. We use index as a local counter of the read offset. If it is less than the size of our synthesized string, we return as many bytes as remain in the string or the requested number of bytes, whichever is smaller. If we detect by the value index that the entire synthesized string has already been delivered, we return a nil byte stream and an empty error string to the reader. Note that this use of index falls on its face in the presence of multiple concurrent readers of the file. The end-of-chapter example provides a solution to this. Note that all the events on the read and write channels were generated as a result of our proxy, the Srv device, in response to Styx messages it intercepted on our behalf. Likewise, the responses delivered on the rc and wc channels by our simple file server are converted into Styx messages by the Srv device. The nature of the Styx protocol, and the construction of Limbo applications to handle these Styx messages directly (without the help of Srv and the file2chan mechanism), is the subject of the next chapter.
This chapter introduced the Limbo channel, which provides synchronous communication paths between threads. Channels in Limbo are typed, and thus channels can be declared to be of any of the data types discussed so far. It is possible to have channels of ADTs, channels within ADTs, and even channels which are of the type of ADTs which contain channels, as was seen in the case of the read and write components of the FileI0 ADT. Channels are data typesjust as integers, ADTs, etc., areand they may be passed as arguments to functions, or one may even pass channels down channels (demonstrated above for the rc and wc channels). We illustrated the construction of simple file servers using the file2chart facility in conjunction with the Srv device, laying the foundation for the next chapter on the Styx protocol.
Bibliographic Notes
The concept of channels in Limbo are descended from Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) [25]. Calculi for reasoning about concurrent systems include Milner's CCS [39] and 7r-calculus [41, 70], a good introduction to these ideas being [40]. An early language that incorporated ideas from CSP is Occam [37, 38], which run on the Inmos Transputers [36]. The concept of constructing applications as filters acting on streams of data is familiar in other languages [2]. A lucid description that is closely related to Limbo through Pike's Newsqueak [50] is [33].
Discussion The above example is a reworked version of the example presented in the body of the chapter. The primary addition is the data structure, readers, to keep track of the fids which have been supplied in the read channel. After a read is completed, that entry in the readers data structure is recycled.
7.1 Write a Limbo program to intercept the Styx messages that are generated when a name space is traversed. To begin, you will need to create a file with sys->file2chan, then open that file and do a sys->export on the open file descriptor. There is a much easier way to do this using a pipe device, but the implementation with file2chan is instructive!
Using SPIN
To use SPIN, a model of the application is constructed in the modeling language of SPIN, called Promela, for Protocol meta language. Many of the constructs in Limbo map directly to counterparts in Promela. Promela provides means of representing and creating processes, communicating via buffered or rendezvous channels and specifying control flow. To illustrate how one could model Limbo applications using Promela and SPIN, we will look at a very simple example. The aim here is not to provide a tutorial on using SPIN, but rather to give you a sense of some of the facilities available, should you be interested in pursuing this further. As an example, the following is a Promela model for an application consisting of six threads. One of the threads acts as a master, periodically sending typed messages to all the remaining five threads (which act as slaves), then waits until it has received responses from all the slaves. Upon receipt of the queries from the master, each slave tries to send a response to the master. The communication going from the master to the slaves is performed on five distinct communication channels, while the responses from the slaves to the master occur on a single channel. Channels in Promela can be defined to be synchronous or buffered, and in the following we can define them to be synchronous to mirror the behavior of Limbo channels:
Using SPIN
The i n i t thread is run by default, and it instantiates the master and slave threads using the run statements. Each created slave thread is supplied with a parameter to identify which of the slaves it will act as, and this is used by the slaves to choose which communication channel to listen on for requests from the master. The specification can be supplied to SPIN to perform random simulation, in which the instantiated threads are run in random interleavings. Figure A.1 shows a message sequence chart of the messages that transpire during this random simulation. The amount of time steps for which each thread makes progress can also be obtained from random simulation, and is shown as a bar graph in Figure A.2. Both figures were generated automatically by SPIN during simulation of the Promela description by SPIN. Each of the threads in the example can be modeled by a finite-state automaton; we can also use SPIN to study the automaton for each proctype. The automata for the init, master and slave proctypes are shown in Figure A3. The three figures were automatically generated by SPIN from the Promela description above. The above description of the use of SPIN was purposefully shallow, and meant only to give you a flavor of the kinds of things that can be done with SPIN. The actual details of verifying models, specifying correctness properties of models and verifying these properties, have been purposefully left out. It is fairly straightforward to convert the Promela specification into a Limbo module once a design is deemed satisfactory. The Limbo module implementing the Promela model above is shown below:
Figure A. 1 Message sequence chart from SPIN simulation of the Promela model, generated by SPIN during simulation.
Using SPIN
Figure A.2 Bar graph of time steps executed by each thread during random simulation, generated automatically by SPIN.
Figure A.3 Automata for the (a) i n i t and (b) master. The figures were generated automatically by SPIN from the Promela specification.
Using SPIN
Figure A.3 (Cont.) Automata for (c) the slave proctypes. The figures were generated automatically by SPIN from the Promela specification.
Using SPIN
The Limbo module above was obtained by attempting to faithfully capture the structure of the original Promela specification, so that you may see the correspondence between the two. There is a wealth of information on using SPIN available on the Web, and there are annual workshops devoted to SPIN held all over the world. The URL supplied above or a search of the Web should provide ample information should you seek to probe further.
Styx Servers
Inferno uses two simple yet powerful ideas to achieve the distribution of resources in a network. The first idea is the representation of system resources as files in a hierarchical name space. This means not just having entries in the name space that represent various resources, but also being able to access and control those resources entirely through entries in the name space. An Inferno Styx server may serve a name space consisting of files that reside on a permanent store, as is the case with what are traditionally thought of as file servers, or it may serve a name space in which entries are dynamically created or whose content is dynamically generated by the file server. Accesses to such dynamically generated entries in the name space do not go through disk files and are purely interfaces to the programs that synthesize them. Representing resources by files is an idea that exists to a limited extent in Unix, for example, in the /dev and /proc [29] filesystems. In contrast, however, to the /dev filesystem in Unix, Inferno's /dev filesystem permits complete interaction with devices. While its Unix counterpart requires i octl system calls for configuring devices, both the device control and I/O can be performed entirely through an entry in the name space in the case of Inferno. The second idea, which makes this representation of resources even more powerful, is the use of a single, simple protocol for accessing entries in the name space, whether they are local or are accessed on a remote device over the network. That protocol is Styx, the subject of this chapter. Styx is a lightweight remote procedure call (RPC) protocol by which Inferno name space servers are accessed. Compared to other remote procedure protocols such as NFS [69], it is significantly simpler, and is meant to be used across a wide variety of platforms, from embedded systems to high-performance
Styx Servers
servers, for exporting resources. Table 8.1 provides a brief comparison between Styx and the NFS version 2 RPC protocol. When a user performs an operation such as reading a file, changing directories or deleting a file on an Inferno system, these operations are translated by a component of the system into local procedure calls, or Styx messages, which are sent to a Styx server on the other side of a connection, depending on whether the entry in the name space is served by the kernel or a Styx server on the other end of a connection, respectively. The entity which performs this conversion from system calls to Styx messages is called the mount driver, the #M device. A similar device, the server registry, #s, converts between filesystem operations and a channel in a user-level application, as shown in the description of file2chan in Chapter 7. Unlike the #s device, and most other devices, the #M device cannot be accessed from user space, and is accessed indirectly by applications, by performing system calls. The following illustrates what happens when an attempt is made to mount the #M device:
Table 8.1
Action Client authenticates with server and provides a fid to point to root of server's tree Duplicate a fid to point to a given file Traverse file tree a single step with fid Discard (invalidate) a fid Return File Attributes Set File Attributes Check permissions and open file Create and open a file step with fid Read from file Write to file Remove file No-op Interrupt a pending operation Error Look up a filename Read from symbolic link Rename file Create link to file Create symbolic link Create directory Remove directory Read from directory
StyxRPC Attach
Clone Walk Clunk Stat Wstat Open Create Read Write Remove Nop Flush Error
No No
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
No No
No No
Styx Servers
pling between filesystem access and messages on Limbo channels in much the same manner as the mount device provides a coupling between such accesses and calls to functions in device drivers. The srv device is used by binding it into the name space before any other device, such that all accesses in the mount point (i.e. the directory in which #s is bound) are received by the srv device. It then performs multiplexing between multiple readers/writers of a possible multiplicity of entries in the name space connected to Limbo channels.
Figure 8.1
Styx Servers
At this point, all filesystem requests on the exported name space will result in Styx messages being sent down the mount pipe and will be handled by xfrm2e and likewise replies from the export will be sent down xfre2m. The messages may be dumped or modified at will. The following program implements the filesystem interloper discussed above:
The interloper module as shown above will by default export the root filesystem and mount it in /n/remote. All accesses in /n/remote will lead to the generated Styx messages being printed out as shown below:
Styx Servers
This simple application can be easily extended to yield a much more interesting one. As hinted at previously, the interloper could in theory modify the Styx messages being exchanged between the mount and export without either of those two knowing. A useful general-purpose application that builds on this idea is Filterfs.
Each auxiliary module has type Filter. It must define two methods, i n i t and rewrite, which will be called to initialize the module and supply it with Styx messages
in transit between the export and mount points, respectively. The rewrite method will be called for both messages going from the mount point to the export point, and replies from the export to the mount. It may modify these messages or leave them intact. These messages are of the Fi1termsg type. The Fi1termsg ADT contains a member with the entire Styx message and, if its isdirread member is set, also contains a list of Dir entries corresponding to the decoded payload of the Styx message for directory reads. This field is useful for filters that wish to change the appearance of directory listings, such as the one mentioned earlier, which replaces whitespace in filenames with some other character. Before looking at the implementation of the Filterfs module itself, let us look at re-implementing the functionality of the interloper in a Filterfs auxiliary module.
Let us call this module Printfilter. It must provide the appropriate methods init and rewrite. The i n i t function will be used to load the Sys module (for printing messages). The rewrite method simply prints out the type of the message, which is encapsulated in the styxmsg field of the Fi1termsg ADT it receives as its argument. In fact, since the Styx->Smsg ADT already provides a routine for printing out useful information about the Styx message it represents, we can call that routine, making our job even easier. The implementation of Printfilter is thus very simple, as shown below:
Styx Servers
The implementation of the Printfilter is simple, as it leaves all the work to be done by the Filterfs module. We use the module definition from fi1ter. m, and implement the Filter interface, providing a rewrite function that prints out information on each Styx message received.
It is easy to build more sophisticated filters, such as one that modifies the names of files in directories, as seen at the mount point. The complete implementation of such a filter is shown below:
Styx Servers
The rewrite method in the above works as follows. If the message received is a directory read, then Filterfs would have set the isdi rread field of the message, and would have decoded the payload of the Styx message into a list of Di r ADTs. The Dir ADT (defined in the Sys module) is used to represent a directory entry, which may either be a file or itself a directory. For a directory read, the function canondi r is called on all the directory entries, appropriately modifying the directory entry names. If the message delivered to rewrite is a Styx Rstat message, then it must similarly be modified so that the mount point sees the directory entry's name modified. The above two message types will both be originating from the export point and going to the mount point. Lastly, since the mount point now knows the directory entries by their modified names, Styx Twal k messages, which will reference the modified names, must be appropriately reverted to the original names known by the server at the export end. The above implementation is simplistic in some respects, as it does not cater for file names on the export end which already use the character used for replacement ('?' in this case). In such a case, the decanon function will incorrectly 'revert' them to names unknown by the export point.
Implementation of Filterfs
We have left the discussion of the implementation of Filterfs itself until this point, since it is not a prerequisite to implementing filters that can be loaded from it. The construction of Filterfs is very similar to the Interloper discussed in Section 8.6. It performs encoding of the intercepted Styx messages to the Fi1termsg ADT, calls the rewrite method of a loaded Fi1ter module, and then decodes the possibly modified message and passes it along. The implementation of Filterfs is shown below:
Styx Servers
Styx Servers
Filterfs uses the CacheLib module (from Chapter 3) to construct a cache of fids which point to directories, enabling it to distinguish between reads of files and those of directories. The filter module to use for rewriting messages is hard-coded in the above example for brevitya more useful interface for Filterfs would be to have it provide a file interface, into which commands to load new filters could be passed, enabling dynamic filtering of a name space as the needs of the user change. Such a file interface would be implemented usingthefile2chanfacility described in Chapter 7, or it could also be implemented using Styxlib, which we describe next.
Styx Servers
In a manner similar to what was done for the interloper, the above example constructs a pipe and mounts one end in a name space. Reads from the other end of the pipe will therefore see Styx messages generated by accesses to the mount point. A new Styx server is constructed by calling the new method of the Styxserver ADT, which returns a reference to a newly initialized instance of Styxserver, and a channel on which Styx T-messages from the mount point can be received:
We then spawn a thread that will read off this channel, tmsgchan, and perform the appropriate responses to be delivered to the client at the mount point. Once this server has begun listening for messages, we mount the other end of the pipe on which the server is listening into our name space, at the mount point. The job of the server thread, server, is to provide appropriate replies to incoming Styx messages. Recalling our discussion of the Styx protocol in Section 8.3, some of the messages received by a Styx server do not elicit much action. For example, if a server receives a Tnop, it will always send back an Rnop with a tag being that of the Tnop. Since we can in many cases settle for some form of 'default behavior', the Styxserver ADT provides several default methods that a server can invoke to perform the necessary default replies. The main loop of the server thread reads messages off the channel of incoming T-messages. The messages on this channel are encoded into Tmsg pick ADT types, defined in the Styxlib module. By performing a pi ck on the received ADT, the type of the message is ascertained, and an appropriate reply made. For example, for incoming Tattach, Tclone, Tclunk and Tflush messages, we can simply call the default methods in our Styxserver ADT instance to perform the replies for us. In the case of directory reads, we would like to make a file visible, so we must do a little more work. So, how does a server know, for example, which file is being read when it receives a Tread message, since such a message does not explicitly reference a complete file path?
Styx Servers
A Styx server maintains some structure about all the entries in the name space it serves. Each of these entries has a unique identifier, qid, as described in Section 8.4. On the initial connection, a client provides the server with another identifier, called a fid, which the client uses to refer to the root of the server. The client traverses the name space of the server by sending Twalk Styx messages to 'walk' a given fid to an entry in the current directory with a new qid. Thus, a fid held by a client always points at some qid on the server. Each qid on the server corresponds to a unique entry, such as a file or directory. The mapping of fids to qids is of course dynamic as we traverse the filesystem. The mapping of qids to entries in the name space is, however, usually fixed1, and this mapping is what is implemented in the above example by the di rtab structure and the devgen instance of the Di rgenmod module. The Dirgenmod module provides a function, dirgen, which will return the ith member of a directory, or an error if the directory has fewer entries. In the above example, our directory structure is simple, a single file, and described in the dirtab structure supplied to di rgen (we supply references to devgen and dirtab to the appropriate reply methods of Styxserver, and the calling of dirgen happens behind the scenes).
8.9 Summary
This chapter provided an introduction to the Styx protocol. The nature of Styx transactions and the format of Styx messages, client fids and server qids were explained. The construction of applications dealing directly with Styx was illustrated, ranging from a simple interloper to transparently monitor Styx transactions resulting from filesystem accesses to more interesting applications such as filesystem filters. The use of the Styxlib module to build user-level filesystem servers was also introduced.
Bibliographic Notes
The Styx protocol is described in [65]. Styx is descended from the 9P protocol of the Plan 9 operating system [53], which has evolved to further to what is now sometimes referred to as 9P2000 [56]. Styx, 9P and 9P2000 are in essence remote procedure call protocols, and bear some similarity to the NFS RPC protocol [69]. Unlike NFS RPC, Styx is intended for, and well suited to distribution of resources in a network.
ln the chapter example, we will see a case in which the filesystem is dynamic, with new qids being created, but the mapping of qids to entries remaining fixed.
Styx Servers
Styx Servers
Discussion Rather than using the dirgen module function provided by Styxlib and providing it with a fixed directory structure, dirtab, as was done in the example in Section 8.8, we provide a custom di rgen function which tracks accesses to the name space and creates directory entries appropriately. The primary job of di rgen is to manage qids. Each time dirgen is called, it is supplied with the qid of a directory, and an index, entry, into the directory, it must return the qid for the entry element of the directory. To achieve this, di rgen encodes the name space structure in the qid. The server root directory is named orange. Within the server root is a file named new, which is read to create new line directories, each with name being a number counting from 0. Each of these line directories contains three files, ctl, date and ti me, which can neither be read from nor written to. Besides the line directory names, there is a fixed number of unique names in the name space of the server. Each of these unique names is encoded in the lower QSHIFT bits of the qid. The line directory number is encoded in the more significant (31 - QSHIFT) bit positions. The most significant bit encodes whether the qid represents a directory. This layout of the qid is illustrated in Figure 8.2. Given a qid, di rgen can thus determine which level in the hierarchy is being read, and will appropriately construct and return a new qid for the requested entry in the directory. The construction of the new qid is performed by the packdir function. A transcript of an interaction with the server is shown below:
Styx Servers
In the above, Is -q shows the qids for each directory entry in the form qidpath.qidversion. The qid path for the ctl, date and time entries are 3, 4 and 5, respectively, corresponding to the constants Qctl, Qdate and Qtime defined in the example. Problems 8.1 Extend the filter in Section 8.7.2 to handle long file names which have identical stems. 8.2 Extend Filterfs to provide a filesystem interface, say in /chan/f i1terfs. Filterfs should accept commands to load new filters through this file interface. 8.3 What is the easiest way to support multiple concurrent filters with Filterfs? Can this be implemented without substantially modifying the architecture of Filterfs? 8.4 Modify the end-of-chapter example to return the new line allocated whenever the file new is read. 8.5 The chapter example does not permit reads of any of the files it serves except new. Try your hand at providing data for reads of the ctl, date and time files, with information specific to their line, i.e. say /n/remote/orange/5/data is regarded as line 5. 8.6 The end-of-chapter example does not handle '..'. Implement this. 8.7 Is it possible to implement lexical names [52] in a user-level file server? What changes would be required?
The entire network protocol stack of Inferno is accessible directly through entries in the name space. Connections to remote machines and acceptance and control of both incoming and outgoing connections can be performed entirely by manipulating entries in the name space, writing to and reading from them. The #I device in Inferno, the IP device, implements the Internet Protocol version 4. In typical use, the #I device is bound into the /net/ directory. The IP device serves a filesystern that contains interfaces to the implemented protocol stacks as subdirectories. Through the entries contained in each directory, each corresponding network protocol can be completely exercised and controlled. The design of Inferno makes it very easy to write networked applications. Inferno provides two interfaces through which an application that wishes to communicate over a network may establish connections and transmit or receive data. The first interface, which is described in more detail in the next section, is through a filesystern interface, the /net/ filesystem, served by the #1 device. The second equivalent interface is through method calls in the Sys module, and is described later in this chapter. It is chosen to describe the filesystern interface first since this provides an opportunity to describe configuring Inferno hosts connected to a network.
This is typically performed automatically by either your startup shell or the network services, described further below. All network operationssuch as receiving incoming connections, initiating outgoing connections or controlling open connections may be performed by manipulating files in the /net/ filesystem. Applications are, however, not restricted to this interface, and Inferno provides system calls through Limbo modules, which applications may invoke, rather than manipulating the /net/ filesystem manually.
facilities provided by the underlying system. The emulator provides support for two inter-networking protocols, TCP/IP and UDP/IP, as well as address resolution, ARP. A typical default emulator /net/ filesystem is shown in Figure 9.1. There is no explicit configuration necessary for inter-networking in the emulator, beyond setting up the network services, as discussed in Chapter 1.
A network stack is made up of two parts: interfaces and media. Media are devices which can be the source of network data. A typical medium is Ethernet, but there are also media such as the ppp medium, which permits configuring an asynchronous serial device as a source and sink of network traffic, and the generic packet medium, which allows user-level applications to source network data. Interfaces are front ends to media and have properties such as IP addresses (none, one or more). Media are generally bound to interfaces, acting as sources of network data for the interfaces, while the interfaces provide a means of configuration. For example, one might bind an Ethernet medium corresponding to an Ethernet network adapter in a computer to an interface, which is then subsequently configured with a specific IP address. To set up an IP address for an Ethernet controller in your computer, the steps involved are (1) to make the Ethernet medium visible under /net/ in your current name space, (2) to obtain a new interface, (3) to bind the Ethernet medium to the obtained interface, and (4) to configure the Ethernet with an IP address by configuring
218 1
Networking Bind Ethernet medium to appropriate location in name space: Bind a '#10' /net Obtain a new interface: cat /net/ipifc/clone Establish a relation between the Ethernet medium and the interface: echo n 'bind ether etherO' > /net/ipifc/0/ctl Configure the interface with an IP address and network mask: echo n 'add' > /net/ipifc/0/ctl Add an entry in routing tables for the default route: echo n 'add 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 . 0' > /net/iproute Figure 9.2 Basic network configuration of an Ethernet interface under native Inferno.
the interface to which it is bound. In general, you will also possibly need a fifth step, to set up a default route in the kernel's routing table to indicate where all packets which are not destined for your local network should be forwarded. Figure 9.2 illustrates these five steps. As a further illustration of setting up networking, consider a more complicated scenario: a machine with two Ethernet media and which straddles two networks, as depicted in Figure 9.3. If this machine forwarded packets between the two networks, it would be referred to as a router. In the following, it is assumed that such packet forwarding is neither required nor performed, but applications running on this host should be able to access both networks. The process is similar to the previous example. The steps are to make both Ethernet media visible in the current name space, to create two new interfaces, one for each Ethernet medium, to bind each Ethernet medium to one of these interfaces, to configure each interface bound to an Ethernet medium with an IP address and network mask appropriate for the network to which it is connected, and to create an entry in the routing table for the default route. Figure 9.3 illustrates these steps. As shown in Figure 9.3, such a machine could act as a network gateway between a local Inferno network and the Internet. Machines in the local network (the network, connected to the Ethernet switch) could mount the network stack of the gateway into their local name space, and bind that stack over their local network stack. Applications accessing the network on these machines subsequent to this operation would now be using the network stack of the gateway. Accesses to the gateway's network stack occur through Styx messages sent over the network to the gateway through its medium etherO. Data may then be read or written via the network interfaces connected to either the network or the 192 .168.1.0 network.
For the network interface connected to the switch, on the network: 1 Bind Ethernet medium to appropriate location in name space: Bind a '#10' /net 2 Obtain a new interface: cat /net/ipifc/clone Establish a relation between the Ethernet medium and the interface: echo n 'bind ether etherO' > /net/ipifc/0/ctl Configure the interface with an IP address and network mask: echo n 'add' > /net/ipifc/0/ctl
For the network interface connected to the firewall, on the network: 5 Bind Ethernet medium to appropriate location in name space: Bind a '#11' /net 6 Obtain a new interface: cat /net/ipifc/clone Establish a relation between the Ethernet medium and the interface: echo n 'bind ether etherl' > /net/ipifc/1/ctl Configure the interface with an IP address and network mask:
echo n 'add' > /net/ipifc/1/ctl
Add an entry in routing tables for the default route: echo n 'add' > /net/iproute Figure 9.3 Network configuration of an Inferno gateway.
The dial, announceand listen methods each returnatuple consisting of a success indicator and a Connection ADT. The Connection ADT represents a protocol line directory, and file descriptors open on the ctl and data files in that line directory. The dial and announce methods take address parameters addr and local, which may take one of the following forms. 1. network!netaddr!service 2. networklnetaddr 3. netaddr
4. "*"
The network field denotes the transport protocol to use. It may take the name of any of the protocol directories in the /net/ hierarchy, for example, tcp or udp. It may also be net, in which case the default transport (usually TCP) is used. The netaddr field is a name to be resolved by the connection server, cs. The service parameter is either a port number or a service name that will also be looked up by the connection server.
Synopsis : dial: fn(addr, local: string) : (int, Connection);
Dial is used to make a new connection to an address addr, with the local address and port set by local. The parameter addr is translated by the connection server, detailed in
the manual pages for cs(8). The translation may result in several addresses, in which case dial will try all of these addresses until one succeeds. The dial call returns a tuple consisting of the success status and a Connect! on ADT. The dir field of the Connect! on ADT is a string naming the path of the line directory created for this connection. The cfd and dfd fields are file descriptors open on the ctl and data files in that line directory, respectively.
Synopsis : announce: fn(addr:string) : (int, Connection); The announce function, together with the 1isten function described further below, permit Limbo applications to accept connections on supported protocols and addresses. Announce creates a new line directory in the corresponding protocol directory of the /net/ hierarchy, and is equivalent to opening /net/<proto>/c1one and reading to obtain the number of a new line directory, and writing the string "announce net! <proto>! service" into its ctl file. The service field of the addr argument specifies the service port on which to listen for the specified protocol, or it may be '*' to listen on all ports. The returned connection ADT has its cfd file descriptor entry open on the ctl file of the reserved line directory. The data file must be separately opened and read from by a listen call. An Inferno host may have several network interfaces, each with a different IP address associated with it, or each interface may have more than one IP address associated with it, as described at the beginning of this chapter. There is usually only one interface to which an IP address is bound. Before accepting connections, it is therefore necessary to specify which address an application wishes to receive connections on, and this is what the announce call facilitates. For example, to announce a service on port 6670 of the interface which has the IP address corresponding to www. gemusehaken. org bound to it:
The service is announced on port 6670 of the default transport for the IP address that the name www. gemusehaken .org resolves to (say, Since a service name may be used instead of the port number, and one may also explicitly specify the transport protocol to use, the above is therefore equivalent to:
Synopsis : 1isten: fn(c:Connect!on) : (int, Connection); The listen call is used in conjunction with announce. Announce reserves a line directory for use in receiving connections, and returns a Connection ADT with the cfd entry open on the ctl file of the reserved line directory. This is then used in a listen call, which then returns a Connection ADT with the cfd member open on the ctl file and the dfd open on the data file. After a listen call, new connections may be made to the address and port specified in the announce, and an application waits for incoming connections by blocking on a read of the dfd.
Once a new connection is received, the connection's data file is not opened by default, rather, applications must explicitly open it to accept the new connection. Once opened, it can then be written to, to provide data to the client. The simple server above always prints the string "Hello!" wrapped in HTML tags to any client that accesses it.
Webgrab is actually an Inferno command-line utility for retrieving Web content. It exports functionality to allow other applications to use it to retrieve data off the Web. Like all Limbo modules that wish to be run from the shell, the Webgrab module has an init function that has the now familiar function signature. In order to use Webgrab, calling modules must first initialize its internal data structures. This is performed by calling Webgrab's init function with a nil graphics context and an argument list consisting of the single list item "init", subsequent to loading the module:
The first item in the argument list of programs executed from the shell is usually the program's own name. The Webgrab module interprets a single first argument of "init" to indicate that it is being used as a helper module, not being run from the shell. Subsequent to calling the init method, the httpget method can now be called to retrieve data off the Web. URLs are specified as ParsedUrl ADTs, defined by the Url module, listed in Appendix B.8 and repeated below:
A new ParsedU rl can be constructed (in this case, we need to construct one to pass to Webgrab) by calling the makeurl method:
In the above, the return value of Webgrab's httpget method is a tuple containing the following (as per the Webgrab module definition previously listed). err A string stating the error status of the request. bytes An array of bytes with the leading bytes read from the URL. The remainder of the data must be obtained by reading the returned fd descriptor. fd A file descriptor which should be read to obtain the remainder of the data from the URL, trailing those bytes supplied in the bytes field. real url The URL from which the data were actually retrieved, after possibly being redirected by the remote Web server.
That is indeed all an application needs to do to retrieve data from a URL. Parsing the retrieved HTML can also be simplified using the HTML module, whose module definition is listed in Appendix B.7 and repeated below. The HTML module provides data structures and methods for parsing HTML documents:
The lex method takes as arguments an array of bytes, such as the raw data read from a URL, and returns an array of Lex items. This array is in essence the raw HTML data
converted to an array of attribute/value pairs. The tag field of each Lex item specifies the type of the item, so, for example, an HTML <IMAGE> tag will become one item in the returned array, with its tag field having the value Timg (defined in the enumeration in the Url module). Any attributes of the tag, for example, src=banner. gif width=50 for the <IMG> tag, will be accessible in the attr field as a list of Attr items. The remaining methods are used to obtain the value of a specified attribute string from a list of Attr items (attrvalue), retrieve global document attributes such as background color (global attr), determine if a Lex item is a tag that causes a break, such as <BR>, <HR> or even <PRE> tags (i sbreak), and convert a Lex item into a string (1 ex2st ring). The following code fragments illustrates some of these methods:
We will now look at a complete example that integrates many of the ideas presented in this section.
Webdict uses the Webgrab module to query an online dictionary, and receives the reply of the query as raw HTML. It first isolates the portion of the returned Web page containing the query responses, then uses the facilities of the HTML module to format this data for output on the console.
9.6 Summary
This chapter provided an overview of networking in Inferno, configuration of Inferno hosts in both the emulated and native versions of Inferno, and the interface provided to Limbo programs for constructing networked applications.
Bibliographic Notes
The networking facilities in Inferno are very similar to those in the Plan 9 operating system [53]. The networking facilities in Plan 9 are described in [59]. Many reference texts on data networking exist, such as as [10, 11, 12]. A thorough coverage of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols are provided in [63].
Shared module definitions used by both the client and the server:
Discussion Shtun and Shtunclient perform a crude tunneling of Styx traffic over HTTP. Shtun is the server, and it receives HTTP GET requests with an Accept: field
containing the raw bytes of a Styx message. It responds with <HTML><! .. . ></HTML>, where the ellipsis denotes a sequence of raw bytes of the Styx response. Shtun client encapsulates attempts to mount the default filesystem on the server, encapsulating its Styx requests in HTML as described above. It reads back HTML replies from server and extracts the raw data. Given a server running shtun, shtunclient will mount the server's default served name space.
9.1 Try your hand at implementing a 'chat' application. 9.2 The chapter example, Shtun, should prune the name space appropriately before exporting. It might even serve different name spaces based on the requested URL. Try implementing these extensions.
Cryptographic Facilities
In a networked environment, applications and their users must be protected from the modification and interception of sensitive data. Protection against such acts is not a singular act, but rather a process that makes use of several facilities. Communicating entities must be able to verify the identity of the parties they are in communication with, using techniques for mutual authentication. It must be ensured that once the authenticity of the parties involved in communication has been established, the communications between them are neither tampered with nor is their content disclosed. These threats can be addressed using message digests and encryption, respectively. Inferno provides cryptographic facilities to aid in building secure applications. The facilities provided by Inferno include those for mutual authentication, message digests and encryption. Inferno applications may choose whether or not to take advantage of these facilities. Before describing the interfaces available to Limbo applications for taking advantage of these facilities, it is instructive to understand the role played by these facilities in an Inferno system. To that end, the next two sections describe the process of configuring Inferno systems to act as authentication servers, and the process of utilizing the cryptographic facilities within the Inferno environment to make secure connections between hosts.
Cryptographic Facilities
by the authentication server to generate certificates, for users, vouching for the authenticity of their identity, and enabling those users to initiate secure communications with other Inferno systems in a network. Figure 10.1 shows the layout of a simple Inferno network consisting of a single machine which acts as the solitary host, file server and certifying authority. The connection server configuration file for such a system will have entries which all point to the local machine. Such a machine would maintain its own /keydb/passwd file for user account information, and would be responsible for vouching for the authenticity of its own identity. This may be acceptable for a non-networked setup. In reality, networks consist of large numbers of hosts, all potentially malicious. Hosts that wish to communicate securely need assurance that their communications are indeed occurring with the intended destination: the communication must be authenticated. Once a host has assurance of the authenticity of the party they are communicating with, they require assurance that their messages will not be eavesdropped upon by a third party, and this may be achieved through encryption. Other issues exist, such as guaranteeing that messages are not inserted in the communication stream of an authenticated connection, or that the order of messages is not changed, or even that a prior authenticated and encrypted communication is not replayed to gain access to services.
The certificate authority maintains a database of known users in the network. It maintains information on (1) the user ID of a user, a string such as 'pip', (2) the SHA (keyring-sha(2)) secure cryptographic hash of the user's password, (3) the expiration date of the password, and (4) other miscellaneous information about a user (full name, phone number, nickname, etc.). The certificate authority keeps this information in its /keydb/password file, which should be readable and writable only by its administrative user. In addition to user passwords, the certificate authority maintains a public/private key pair, in the file /keydb/signerkey. These are employed in generating certificates for users on hosts in the network. The certificate authority's public/private key pair is created by createsignerkey(8). Two hosts that wish to authenticate their identity to each other exchange certificates, which are essentially 'letters of introduction' from a third party that both hosts trust, this third party being the certifying authority (CA). These certificates therefore contain the name of the third party (usually the symbolic host name of the certifying authority, the signer ID specified during the certifying authority's setup createsignerkey step), and proof that the certificate did actually come from that trusted third party. The proof that the certificate did actually come from the certifying authority is embodied in the components of the certificate itself: the certifying authority's public key, and its signature (by its private key) of (1) the user's name, (2) the certificate's expiration date (or the password's expiration date of the user in question on the certifying authority, whichever is sooner), and (3) the user's public key. The components of a certificate are shown in Figure 10.2.
Cryptographic Facilities
The user contacts the CA for a certificate using the getauthinfo(8) command. This initiates the key exchange protocol based on the Diffie-Hellman [14] key exchange protocol. The details of this key exchange protocol are described in login(6). The result of the interaction (if successful) is (1) a secret key for the user, (2) a public key for the user, (3) a certificate which is as described above, (4) the public key of the certifying authority, and (5) the Diffie-Hellman parameters base, a, and modulus, p, which are used in mutual authentication.
Mutual Authentication
Mutual authentication of two hosts that wish to communicate occurs via the Station to Station Protocol, which works in the following manner. The two hosts (say, a and b) must first have a common certificate authority. They each obtain a certificate from their common certifying authority before they commence communication. The common certifying authority defines the system-wide DiffieHellman parameters, the base a and modulus p. Each host then generates a random number, say, ra and rb respectively, with magnitude less than, but in the range of, the system-wide modulus, p. The two hosts then each compute the value of the system-wide base raised to the power of this random number. Thus host a computes ara and host b computes a rb , each computation being performed modulo p. These computed values, together with their public keys and certificates as obtained from the CA (Figure 10.2) are then exchanged. Each host then uses the CA's public key (obtained from the CA) to verify the public key sent in the exchange against that contained in the certificate, also sent in the exchange. The use of the random numbers helps guard against replay attacks, in which an interloper records the sequence of messages interchanged, and, for example, replays the messages from one party going to another, feigning that party's identity. The signing of the exchanged public key and computed exponents help guard against man-in-the-middle attacks. A man-in-the-middle attack entails a third party intercepting the keys sent by the two communicating parties and replacing them with his own. Thus each party receives the key of the attacker rather than that of the party they intend to communicate with. The attacker may then decrypt and re-encrypt the messages as they pass through him. With the signing of the exchanged public keys, an effective attack would entail forging the public key of one of the authentic communicating parties, which would require an effective attack on the key signature algorithm. At this point, hosts a and b now know the quantities a rb mod p and a r mod p, respectively. They then each sign these quantities with their private keys and exchange the signed quantities. At this point, each host can thus verify that the other is really who they say they are. They can now calculate the shared secret, a ra rb mod p, and this shared secret will be used as a key to encrypt further communications. This process is illustrated in Figure 10.3.
Mutual Authentication
Figure 10.3 Steps in performing mutual authentication between two Inferno hosts. Both hosts obtain certificates from ca. gemusehaken. org.
Cryptographic Facilities
connects to a remote host (server), having previously obtained and saved a certificate to present to that host in a file named, say, keyring/net ! remotehost, a server will have no a priori knowledge of what clients will be connecting to it. For this reason Inferno servers maintain a default certificate, stored in key ring/default of the administrative user (or whichever user it is that launches the actual server applications that will be serving incoming requests). This default certificate must be obtained from a certifying authority, and only incoming connections with certificates from the same certifying authority will be successful during mutual authentication. Consider the example in Figure 10.4, which depicts a scenario in which mutual authentication between two hosts would fail. Two hosts on the network, dub. and, wish to communicate securely. The communication is initiated by user 'pip' on dub. gemusehaken. org, with the connection being made to a service, the login daemon, running on dub.gemusehaken .org, which was started by the user 'admin' on All the system configuration files on dub. gemusehaken .org should be owned by the user 'admin'; in particular, the /keydb/password file will be readable and writable by 'admin' only. In the scenario depicted in Figure 10.4, user 'pip' obtains a certificate for dub. gemusehaken. org from his local machine, dub. gemusehaken. org, i.e. 'pip' acts as his own certifying authority. The user 'admin' on, however, obtains a certificate from Mutual authentication of the connection between 'pip' and the login daemon will fail as shown in the figure.
10.3 Summary
This chapter briefly introduced the cryptographic facilities provided by Inferno for building secure systems. Inferno installations typically employ a central certificate authority (CA). The CA maintains a database of users and their passwords, and issues certificates for use in authentication procedures. The configuration and operation of the CA were described, and the protocol involved in mutual authentication between services and their clients was introduced.
Bibliographic Notes
An overview of Inferno's security model can be found in [58]. A good introduction to the principles of cryptography is [74]. A comprehensive coverage can also be found in [71]. The Diffie-Hellman key generation algorithm is described in [14], and its variant for performing key signatures, ElGamal, is described in [16]. The Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) is described in [45]. SHA-1 is an update of the original description in [44]. The current Inferno security model will likely evolve to that in the fourth release of the Plan 9 operating system, which is described in [13]. Design and implementations of cryptographic filesystems can be found in [5,6, 86].
Cryptographic Facilities
Discussion The SHA module uses the facilities provided by the Keyri ng module to compute the SHA-1 secure hash of data in a file. The digest is computed by calling Keyring->sha(). The loop in which Keyring->sha( ) is first called computes and digests, maintaining state in the variable digeststate, and the call after the loop outputs the digest to the array digest.
10.1 Implement a cryptographic filesystem filter using FilterFS from Chapter 8. It should intercept all writes to disk and encrypt them, likewise intercepting reads, decrypting data read off the disk and forwarding the decrypted data.
11.1 Introduction
Graphics in Inferno is facilitated by the Draw device. Like other devices in Inferno, it provides a filesystem interface (/dev/draw), but there is also a built-in module in the Limbo runtime system, Draw, which provides an easy means for Limbo programs to access the Draw device. This chapter describes the graphics system in Inferno release 3.0. Inferno's graphics subsystem is one area that is seeing exciting developments, and future releases will provide implementations of cutting-edge ideas from contemporary research in graphics. The graphics system in Inferno was designed from the ground up to make it easy to build graphical applications in a networked environment, and on platforms with constrained memory and processing resources. The filesystem interface to the Draw device (and all other devices for that matter), coupled with the use of a unifying protocol (Styx) for accessing devices be they local or remote, make it possible to build applications that seamlessly integrate accessing local and remote graphics hardware. The design of the graphics system reduces memory requirements of applications by allocating memory for graphics objects (images, fonts, the entire frame buffer, for that matter) only on the device with the physical display. Thus, for example, an application on a resource-limited computing device can display its output on another more capable device in a network, with all the memory for images, etc., on the remote device, and with any required image-manipulation operations performed by the hardware of the remote device. The Inferno graphics model is built around eight primary structures: Context, Display, Screen, Image, Rect, Point, Pointer and Font. These structures are used
Figure 11.1
to represent information about the graphical device on which objects will be drawn, the location and nature of those objects, and facilities for interaction between screen objects and between a user and those objects. Each of these eight structures is represented by an ADT in the Draw module interface definition (located in /module/draw.m). They collectively define data structures and methods for operation on, and interaction between, these data structures. Figure 11.1 illustrates the relation between some of these objects. The figure shows a physical display device (say, an LCD screen). The dotted grid lines demarcate the border between picture elements. Each pixel occupies a region of the physical display, its location being the grid point location of its upper left corner. The number of pixels in the horizontal and vertical extents are defined by the screen resolution (xresmax pixels in the horizontal extent by yresmax pixel s in the vertical extent). The coordinate (0,0) is the location of the uppermost leftmost grid point, and the coordinate (xresmax, yresmax) is the location of the lowest rightmost grid point. Since the location of a pixel is defined by the coordinates of the grid point to its upper left, the black pixel in Figure 11.1 is considered to be at location (3,2).
In terms of the eight structures previously mentioned, the entire grid of pixels is the Display, and it constitutes a new attachment to a draw device, which may be local or located elsewhere in the network. This is an important point to keep in mind. All the structures we will deal with are relative to a specific display. Before any instances of these structures can be created, we must first have a reference or handle or attachment to a draw device. This means each Display ADT instance is related to a specific /dev/draw instance, and we must specify an instance of a draw device interface in the name space when allocating a new display. For example, we might allocate a new display specifying our local draw device in /dev/d raw, or might specify one on a remote machine, bound at some location in the name space (say /n/remote/dev/draw). A Rect is a region (rectangle) defined by two pixels, one at its upper left and the other just beyond its lower right-hand corner. Thus, for example, the two shaded rectangles in Figure 11.1 are specified by ((7,8) , (11,12)) and ((11, 3) , (21,8)). Images are made up of groups of pixels, whose individual locations are each specified by a Point, and regions are demarcated by a Rect. Windows are a special type of Image. One or more windows may be managed together and form a Screen. A special case of such images is text, which is represented in a Font. Fonts can be thought of as masks or 'stencils' for transferring one image onto another. The shape of the mask describes the individual glyphs and the image in question describes the text color. The manner in which Inferno manages fonts is described in the manual pages draw-font(2) and font(6). Colors in Inferno are represented as Images; thus the image for which a font acts as a mask need not be a fixed color, but could be any graphic, such as a picture of a mountain lion, or polar bear, or a meerkat. Figure 11.2 shows a blowup of a region of an Inferno display. The individual colored boxes represent pixels. The figure shows both text and graphics, all being just a collection of pixels, and part of an Image. This Image may in fact be a window, and may be part of a collection of Images represented in a Screen and all these are by definition associated with some Display. Screens and images are associated with a display. This is an important relation that underlies the organization of the Inferno graphics system. The display is the lowest-level entity, and corresponds directly to an actual physical display device and its associated memory. When screens and images are allocated, they are allocated out of the memory of the display device with which they are associated. If an application is connected to a display on its local computing device, the images, etc., that it will allocate are allocated from local memory. If on the other hand an application is connected to a remote display device, these images will be allocated from the memory of the remote device. Let us say we have a Limbo program that wishes to draw an image on a screen. As has been discussed thus far, a connection would first have to be made to a display device. Once the application has a handle to the display, it may allocate screens, windows, images and fonts. All the storage for these allocated entities reside on the device with the display. If, for example, the display the application is connected to is a remote display on a different computing device, the allocated images reside on that remote device, with the associated display. Operations on these objects all occur on
references to them; thus when an application manipulates objects on a remote display, these objects are not transferred over the networkthe application essentially just issues commands to the remote display on how to manipulate the objects. The following sections describe the different structures, detailing the data structures and methods accessible to Limbo programs, and also the interface through the /dev/draw filesystem where appropriate. Fundamental to all these structures is the Point and Rect. These two structures are used to define individual pixels and operations on them, as well as regions of the display and operations on these regions. Although it is easier to grasp the functioning of the graphics system by delving into the behavior of the Display and Screen structures, we will first look at Point and Rect, since they show up everywhere.
11.2 Point
Points represent locations on a display. They are usually manipulated by value, as opposed to most of the other objects we will discuss, which are manipulated by reference. Also unlike those objects, a Point is not associated with a Display. The Point ADT captures the location of the pixel of interest in its two data fields, x and y, and provides methods for manipulating instances of its type. All the methods of the Point ADT have as an implicit first argument the particular instance of the ADT (more on this type of construction in Chapter 4). The methods add, sub, mul and di v are used to perform the obvious operations between a Point instance and another, and return a new Point that is the sum, difference, product or quotient, respectively. The method eq returns a non-zero value if the two pixels are equal (i.e. have the same coordinates). The method in returns a non-zero value if the Point is contained within the specified region defined by the rectangle r of type Rect. This behavior is illustrated in the following examples:
The above example hints at how a Rect is constructed out of two Points. In the example, it was desired to ascertain whether the point a was within the region defined by a rectangle whose upper left vertex was defined by b and whose lower left vertex was defined by a. In the above, b and a, at the point of construction of the Rect, have the values (0,0) and (640,480), respectively. The rectangle defined by Rect (b, a) is thus what we might refer to as a well-formed rectangle. What would it mean to define a rectangle (a, b) in this case? As we shall see in the next section, such a rectangle can be transformed to a canonical representation by methods in the Rect ADT.
A Rect defines a region on a display and is defined by the coordinates of its upper left (min) and lower right (max) pixels. The Rect ADT, like the Point ADT discussed in the previous section, contains both data items representing the extent of the rectangle (min and max) and methods for operating on the rectangle. The canon method puts a Rect in canonical form, i.e. if the location of the min and max fields is such that mi n is not located to the left and above of max or identical to it, the contents of min and max are swapped. The dx and dy methods return the horizontal and vertical extents of the rectangle defined by the Rect, in pixels. The methods eq and Xrect return non-zero if the
two rectangles in question are equal or intersecting, respectively. Whether a given rectangle is completely within another can be ascertained by calling the inrect method of the Rect instance with the potential container Rect as an argument. While the Xrect method only specifies whether two rectangles intersect, the actual intersection (if any)itself a rectanglecan be determined by the clip method. The clip method returns a tuple containing the resulting rectangle of the intersection, and an integer which is non-zero if the two rectangles actually intersect. If they do not, the returned Rect is that of the calling Rect instance. The method contains returns a non-zero value if the instance contains the pixel specified as an argument. Translation of Rects can be achieved by the addpt and subpt methods. In these methods, the value of the argument point is added and subtracted, respectively, from both the min and max fields of the Rect instance. Rectangles may be uniformly grown or shrunk with the inset method. Calling the inset method of a Rect instance with a positive integer n will return a new Rect whose m i n . x and max. y are smaller than the original rectangle by n pixels. Likewise, calling inset with a negative integer can be used to grow a rectangle.
11.4 Context
The graphics Context maintains a state pertaining to an attachment to a draw device, and provides a means for a higher-level application such as a window manager to make resources (the display, keyboard and mouse events) accessible to applications. It is the highest-level structure in the hierarchy of information pertaining to a graphical display. The screen member is used to manage a collection of windows, and the displ ay member represents an allocated display and the attendant memory for holding imagesa frame buffer. Applications also receive keyboard and mouse events through the graphics Context. Thus far we have seen many references to this structure. All applications that will be run from the shell have as their first parameter a reference to a Context. For the non-graphical applications that we have looked at in previous chapters, it was not necessary to worry about the validity of the supplied
Context, since our applications did not draw on the screen. The next three sections describe the Display, Screen and Image structures in more detail. The first application starting a graphical environment must construct a new context. As an example, by default, the Inferno login program or window manager allocates an initial Context, and applications launched from them will inherit this Context. A new connection to the draw device must be made to allocate a new frame buffer, which will subsequently be referenced through the display field. Once a display has been allocated, it can be drawn upon directly through its i mage field, which is of type Image, using any of the methods of the Image ADT. The display image is, however, not usually directly drawn upon, and is rather managed as a collection of screens, each screen being a collection of windows. The following program provides an example of the initialization of a Context, as would be performed by, say, a window manager. Stand-alone graphical applications are not required to craft a valid Context.
The first step in creating a valid graphics context is to allocate a new display or frame buffer to hold images. In the above example, that step is followed by the allocation of a screen, which is used to manage the displaya display may be managed as a collection of screens (it can be thought of as a collection of display images), each of which is usually a collection of windows. Now a display has been allocated and can be referenced through ctxt. display, we may draw directly upon a display or manage the display using ctxt. screen.
The Display ADT is used to manage an attachment to a draw(3) device. The draw device serves a filesystem in /dev/draw. This hierarchy initially contains the solitary
file new. Reading new will allocate a new display. The data for images drawn by an application are stored in a display which is allocated from the draw device. As a consequence, when an application is drawing on a remote display, all the storage for images being drawn will be allocated from the memory of the remote device, and in performing operations on images on the display it is not necessary to move the corresponding image data across the network. Reading /dev/draw/new will allocate a new display and create a new entry in the name space served by the draw device as /dev/draw/n1, where n is the ID of the newly allocated Display. This directory corresponding to a new display is populated with three files: ctl, data and refresh. These can be used by applications to interact with the display; however, most applications will most likely use the equivalent procedural interface provided by the methods in the Display ADT of the Draw module (the al1ocate method of the Display ADT performs the equivalent function of reading /dev/d raw/new). Besides providing functionality for allocating new connections to the draw device, Display provides methods for the handling of images: methods for allocating memory for images, creating images of a particular color to be used to paint other images, methods for reading images from a file and writing images to files, manipulating the cursor and managing color maps. In the previous section, we created a new graphics context by allocating a new Display using Display. allocate, and subsequently creating a new Screen to manage the display image. In creating the new screen, the rgb method of Display was used to create an image to provide the default background of the screen. Alternatively, any of the other methods in Display for creating images could have been used to create an image for the default background. For example, the following example uses Display, readimage to create an Image from a file and for use as the default background:
1 This entry in the name space will persist only as long as the client remains attached: the file new or one of the created subdirectories must be kept open.
As mentioned previously, screens are generally used to manage displays, rather than operating on the displays directly. Like a Display, a Screen holds an Image which can be drawn upon. The Sc reen ADT provides methods for creating windows within this Image, Screen. newwi ndow, and managing these windows, Screen. top. Screens are allocated by calling the allocate method of the Screen ADT:
Note that the allocate method of the ADT type was called to yield an instance of the ADT. Each Screen has a unique id, assigned at the time of allocation. A screen may be defined to be public at the time of allocation, such that it may be manipulated by any
process with access to its associated Display. This is achieved when the process calls the Display. publicscreen method after attaching to a display. The i mage member of a Screen ADT is that object on which actual drawing occurs, or on which new windows are allocated. It can be thought of as the top of the hierarchy of windows on a screen. Windows allocated on a screen will appear on top of this image. The actual color or graphic to be used to fill this image is determined by the fi11 parameter to Screen. al1ocate and is referenced in the fi11 member of the allocated entry. When windows on a screen are deleted, this image is used to repaint the underlying screen.
Example: Pong
Images, represented by the Image ADT, form the core type of objects that are drawn on a display device. The pixels of a display are an image, as are windows (windows are Images with a few restrictions enforced), fonts, colors or generic pictures to be drawn on the screen. Images are defined by the Image ADT in the Draw module. We have already encountered one of the methods of Images, Image, draw, that was used in previous discussions to effect the drawing of images on screens and displays subsequent to allocating them. Rather than diving into the details of the individual methods of the Image ADT, their use will be exposited through the examples in the remainder of the chapter.
Example: Pong
So, here we are. What should we do? What components do we need? We certainly need a reference to some physical display which will hold the images and display them to a happy garner. There will be three primary objects that we will be dealing with on top of this display: two paddles and a ball. To satisfy the human urge to somehow win something, let's also throw in a Scoreboard. Now, on to the details of the design. Based on our discussion thus far, we can imagine the following data items as being the core of our game. di spl ay:Draw->Di spl ay. scoreboard:Draw->Image. gamescreen:Draw->Screen. bal1 :Draw->Image. 1eftpaddle:Draw->Image. rightpaddle:Draw->Image. Our physical display device, frame buffer. The Scoreboard. The playground. The unfortunate ball. The paddle on the left-hand side of the screen, The paddle on the right-hand side of the screen.
The organization of these structures will be as follows. The display, display, is the top of the hierarchy. On the display is allocated a toplevel screen, gamescreen. The Scoreboard is allocated as a window on gamescreen and will be drawn with text representing the current score of each player. The objects bal1,1ef tpaddle and rightpaddle will be drawn on the gamescreen, allocated as windows thereupon. Figure 11.3 shows a screen capture of the game in play, and the complete implementation is listed below:
Example: Pong
Example: Pong
Example: Pong
Widgets are constructed by passing textual Tk command strings to the Tk module using the and function of the Tk module. The namechan function is used to bind event channel names in the Tk command strings to Limbo channels. The first step in constructing a GUI using the Tk module is to create a 'toplevel' entity on which individual widgets will be created. This is done with the top level function, which returns a reference to a Top level ADT instance. This instance contains an ID for the toplevel widget, as well as a reference to the Image that represents the pixels of the toplevel widget. After creating the toplevel widget, Tk widgets are created by calling the cmd function with a reference to the toplevel widget and a Tk command string, e.g. to create a button widget. These Tk command strings are mostly identical to those used in Tcl/Tk. The peculiarities of Limbo/Tk are described in [32]. There is a command-line utility, tkcmd(1), similar to the wish utility in implementations of Tcl/Tk, for interactively building Tk widgets. It is useful in prototyping Tk widgets before they are implemented in Limbo applications. Events on such a widget can be specified in Tk to be sent on a Tk event name. In order to make such events available to a Limbo program for possible actions, Tk event names can be bound to Limbo channels using the namechan function. The following example creates a simple Tk widget, a solitary button on the screen. Pressing the button causes a string to be sent on a channel:
The example above creates a solitary button on the screen, as shown in Figure 11.4. Usually, however, we want to build GUIs complete with title bars. The Wmlib module interacts with the w m(l) window manager to provide such functionality. Wmlib provides a function, titlebar, for creating a toplevel Tk widget and associating it with a titlebar. It takes as arguments a reference to a display Screen and a name for the toplevel widget (just as in tk->toplevel), as well as a string to be displayed on the title bar and buttons to be placed on the title bar. A call to the titlebar function returns a tuple consisting of a reference to a Tk Top level and a channel on which events from the titlebar buttons will be sent. For
example, the following shows how one would allocate a new Tk Top level instance with an attached title bar:
The above will create a new Tk toplevel, with a title bar reading 'My GUI', and a title bar button to hide the application window. Clicking on this button will cause an event (the string 'task') to be sent on the menubut channel that is returned by titlebar. The application window is automatically minimized by the window manager when the 'hide' button is pressed. Title bars created by the Wmlib titlebar function by default have a button for closing the window, and when pressed, this button causes the string 'exit' to be sent on the title bar's event channel. The Wmlib module provides a function, cmds, analogous to the cmd function of the Tk module, which takes an array of strings. It is therefore often convenient to define the Tk widget as an array of string, and to pass this to cmds. The following example illustrates these concepts. It implements three slider widgets which are used to control the color of a frame area, as shown in Figure 11.5. Note that the i n i t function of the Wmlib module must be called to initialize the module before calling any other Wmlib functions.
Figure 11.5 A Tk GUI using the Wmlib module to provide a title bar.
11.10 Summary
This chapter introduced the graphics facilities provided by Inferno. Underlying the graphics subsystem of Inferno is the draw device. Like all other devices in Inferno, it is accessible through a filesystem interface, usually bound to /dev/draw. Through this interface, applications, be they local or remote, may access the graphics capabilities of a device. Limbo applications may access the draw device of their local host or that of a remote host over the network, and in either case the resources, such as memory for storing images, fonts and the like, are stored on the device with the actual physical display device. This makes it inexpensive to perform graphics operations distributed across a network, since the actual computation on graphics objects is performed at the site of displayapplications simply send control messages to drive a remote display. The Draw module provides a Limbo module interface to the resources of a local or remote graphics display, and removes the need for Limbo applications to drive the draw devices with control messages directly. The Tk and Wmlib modules build on the functionality of the draw device, to provide higher-level constructs for building graphical user interfaces, such as title bars, pull-
down menus, sliders, etc. The Tk module implements the popular Tk graphics toolkit, with glue provided by Limbo rather than Tcl (thus Limbo/Tk as opposed to Tcl/Tk).
Bibliographic Notes
Inferno's graphics system is described in more detail in the manual pages draw-intro(2), tk(2), image(6) and font(6) [79]. There are many texts that provide an introduction to interactive computer graphics, such as [17, 21, 73]. Inferno's graphics system will be evolving to something along the lines of the current graphics model in the Plan 9 operating system. The theoretical foundation for this is provided in [57]. A good reference text on Tk is [48]. Inferno's Tk implementation is described in [32]. Cellular automata or cellular arrays (C As) were first proposed by John von Neumann [46]. John Conway's Game of Life [4], is one of the most popular CA rules. Norm Margolus and Tommaso Toffoli have built hardware CA machines, which are described in [35, 78]. The ancestors of the game Pong are games developed by Ralph H. Baer circa 1966 [3, 67] and Nolan Bushnell (of Atari) [8].
Figure 11.6
Discussion A screenshot from the execution of the Game of Life is shown in Figure 11.6.
11.1 Implement a graphing utility that permits the plotting of data and output to Inferno bit images or encapsulated postscript (using the pslib(2) module). 11.2 Implement a simple 'sketch' program using the facilities provided by the Draw module.
array of data-type list of data-type chan of data-type adt-type ref adt-type module-type module-qualified-type type-name tuple-type: ( data-type-list ) data-type-list: data-type
data-type-list , data-type adt-type: identifier module-qualified-type module-type: identifier module-qualified-type: identifier -> identifier type-name: identifier
fn function-arg-ret function-arg-ret: ( formal-arg-listopt ) ( formal-arg-listopt ) : data-type formal-arg-1ist: formal-arg formal-arg-1ist , formal-arg formal-arg: nil-or-D-list : type nil-or-D : self refopt identifier nil-or-D : self identifier nil-or-D-list: nil-or-D nil-or-D-list , nil-or-D
adt-declarati.on: identifier : adt { adt-member-listopt } ; adt-member-1ist: adt-member adt-membe r-1ist adt-member adt-member: identifier-list : cyclicopt data-type ; identifier-list : function-type ; function-definition: function-name-part function-arg-ret { statements } function-name-part: identifier function-name-part . identifier
statements: (empty) statements declaration statements statement statement: expression ; { statements } if C expression ) statement if ( expression ) statement else statement label opt while ( expressionopt ) statement label opt do statement while ( expressionopt ) ; labelopt for ( expressionopt ; expressionopt ; expressionopt ) statement labelopt case expression { qual-statement-sequence } labelopt alt { qual-statement-sequence } break identifieropt ; continue identifieropt ; return expressionopt ; spawn term ( expression-listopt ) ; exit ; label: identifier qual-statement-sequence: qual-list => qual-statement-sequence qual-list =: qual-statement-sequence statement qual-statement-sequence declaration
expression: term monadic-operator monadic-expression array [ expression ] of data-type array [ expressionopt ] of { init-list } list of { expression-list } chan of data-type data-type monadic-expression term: identifier constant real-constant
string-constant nil ( expression-list ) term . identifier term -> term term ( expression-listopt ) term [ expression ] term [ expression : expression ] term [ expression : ] term ++ term -monadic-operator: one of + -! " ref * <- hd tl Ten
init-list: element init-list , element element: expression expression => expression * => expression send-expression: lvalue-expression <- = expression dec!are-expression: lvalue-expression := expression load-expression: load identifier expression
fn(b: fn(b: fn(b: fn(b: fn(b: fn(b: fn(b: fn(b: fn(b: fn(b: fn(b: fn(b: fn(b:
self self self self self self self self self self self self self
ref Iobuf, n, where: int): int; ref Iobuf, a: array of byte, n: int): int; ref Iobuf, a: array of byte, n: int): int; ref Iobuf): int; ref Iobuf): int; ref Iobuf, sep: int): string; ref Iobuf, sep: string): string; ref Iobuf): int; ref Iobuf): int; ref Iobuf, b: byte): int; ref Iobuf, c: int): int; ref Iobuf, s: string): int; ref Iobuf): int;
Module Reference
close: setfill: fn(b: self ref Iobuf); fn(b: self ref Iobuf, f: BufioFill);
# Internal variables fd: ref Sys->FD; # the file buffer: array of byte; # the buffer index: int; # read/write pointer in buffer size: int; # characters remaining/written dirty: int; # needs flushing bufpos: int; # position in file of buf[0] filpos: int; # current file pointer lastop: int; # OREAD or OWRITE mode: int; # mode of open fn(name: string, mode: int): ref lobuf; fn(name: string, mode, perm: int): ref lobuf; fn(fd: ref Sys->FD, mode: int): ref lobuf; fn(input: string): ref lobuf; fn( );
Bufi oFi11: module { fill: fn(b: ref Bufio->Iobuf): int; ChanFill: module { PATH: con "/di s/1i b/chanfi11.dis"; init: fill: fn(data: array of byte, fid: int, wc: Sys->Rwrite, r: ref Sys->FileI0, b: Bufio): ref Bufio->Iobuf; fn(b: ref Bufio->Iobuf): int;
# predefined colors; pass to Display.color Black: con 255; Blue: con 201; Red: con 15; Yellow: con 3; Green: con 192; White: con 0; # end styles for line Endsquare: con 0; Enddisc: con 1; Endarrow: con 2; # flush control Flushoff: con 0; Flushon: con 1; Flushnow: con 2; # Coordinate of a pixel on display Point: adt
x: int; y: int;
# arithmetic add: fn(p: self sub: fn(p: self mul: fn(p: self div: fn(p: self Point, Point, Point, Point, q: q: i: i: Point): Point; Point): Point; int): Point; int): Point; int; int;
# equali ty eq: fn(p: self Point, q: Point): # inside rectangle in: fn(p: self Point, r: Rect):
# Rectangle of pixels on the display; min <= max Rect: adt { min: Point; # upper left corner max: Point; # lower right corner # make sure min <= max canon: fn(r: self Rect): Rect; # extent dx: fn(r: self Rect): int; dy: fn(r: self Rect): int; # equality eq: fn(r: self Rect, s: Rect): int; # intersection and clipping Xrect: fn(r: self Rect, s: inrect: fn(r: self Rect, s: clip: fn(r: self Rect, s: contains: fn(r: self Rect, p: combine: fn(r: self Rect, s: Rect): int; Rect): int; Rect): (Rect, int); Point): int; Rect): Rect;
fn(r: self Rect, p: Point): Rect; fn(r: self Rect, p: Point): Rect; fn(r: self Rect, n: int): Rect;
# a picture; if made by Screen.newwindow, a window. f always attached to a Display Image: adt { # these data are local copies, but repl and clipr # are monitored by the runtime and may be modified as desired. r: Rect; # rectangle in data area, local coords clipr: Rect; # clipping region 1 depth: int; # log base 2 of number of bits per pixel repl: int; # whether data area replicates to tile the plane display: ref Display; # where Image resides screen: ref Screen; # nil if not window # graphics operators draw: fn(dst: self ref Image, r: Rect, src: ref Image, mask: ref Image, p: Point); gendraw: fn(dst: self ref Image, r: Rect, src: ref Image, pO: Point, mask: ref Image, p1: Point); line: fn(dst: self ref Image, Point, endO.endl, radius: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); poly: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: array of Point, endO, endl,radius: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); bezspline: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: array of Point, endO, endl, radius: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); fillpoly: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: array of Point, wind: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); fillbezspline: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: array of Point, wind: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); ellipse: fn(dst: self ref Image, c: Point, a, b, thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); fillellipse: fn(dst: self ref Image, c: Point, a, b: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); arc: fn(dst: self ref Image, c: Point, a, b, thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point, alpha, phi: int); fillarc: fn(dst: self ref Image, c: Point, a, b: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point, alpha, phi: int); bezier: fn(dst: self ref Image, a.b.c.d: Point, endO, endl, radius: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); fillbezier: fn(dst: self ref Image, a.b.c.d: Point, wind:int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); text: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: Point, src: ref Image, sp: Point, font: ref Font, str: string): Point; arrow: fn(a,b,c: int): int; # direct access to pixels readpixels: fn(src: self ref Image, r: Rect, data: array of byte): int; writepixels: fn(dst: self ref Image, r: Rect, data: array of byte): int; # wi ndowing top: fn(win: bottom: fn(win: flush: fn(win: origin: fn(win:
Image); Image); Image, func: int); Image, log, scr: Point): int;
# a frame buffer, holding a connection to /dev/draw Display: adt { image: ref Image; # holds the contents of the display
ones: ref Image; # predefined mask zeros: ref Image; # predefined mask # allocate and start refresh slave allocate: fn(dev: string): ref Display; startrefresh: fn(d: self ref Display); # attach to existing Screen publicscreen: fn(d: self ref Display, id: int): ref Screen; # image creation
fn(d: self color: fn(d: self fn(d: self fn(d: self ref Display, r: Rect, Idepth, repl, int): ref Image; ref Display, color: int): ref Image; ref Display, cl: int, c2: int): ref Image; ref Display, r, g, b: int): ref Image; ref Display, name: string): ref Image; ref Display, fd: ref Sys->FD): ref Image; ref Display, fd: ref Sys->FD, Image): int; ref ref ref ref Display, Display, Display, Display,
r, g, b: int): int; c: int): (int, int, int); i: ref Image, p: ref Point); int; p : Point);
# I/O to files open: fn(d: self self readimage: fn(d: writeimage: fn(d: self i : ref # color map rgb2cmap: fn(d: self cmapZrgb; fn(d: self cursor: fn(d: self cursorset: fn(d: self
# a mapping between characters and pictures; always attached to a Display Font: adt { name: string; # *default* or a file name (this may change) height: int; # interline spacing of font ascent: int; # distance from baseline to top display: ref Display; # where Font resides # read from file or construct from local description open: fn(d: ref Display, name: string): ref Font; build: fn(d: ref Display, name, desc: string): ref Font; # string extents
fn(f: self ref Font, str: string): int; fn(f: self ref Font, str: string): Rect; width: bbox:
# a collection of Screen: adt { id: int; image: ref fill: ref display: ref
windows; always attached to a Display # for export when public Image; # root of window tree Image; # picture to use when repainting Display; # where Screen resides
# create; see also Display.publicscreen allocate: fn(image, fill: ref Image, public: int): ref Screen; # allocate a new window newwindow: fn(screen: self ref Screen, r: Rect, color: int): ref Image;
# make group of windows visible top: fn(screen: self ref Screen, wins: array of ref Image):
Module Reference
# the state of a pointer device, e.g. a mouse Pointer: adt { buttons: int; # bits 1 2 4 ... represent state of # buttons left to right; 1 means pressed xy: Point; # position }; # From appl to mux AMexit: con 10; # application AMstartir: con 11; # application AMstartkbd: con 12; # application AMstartptr: con 13; # application AMnewpin: con 14; # application is exiting is ready to receive IR events is ready to receive keyboard characters is ready to receive mouse events needs a PIN
# From mux to appl MAtop: con 20; # application should make all its windows visible Context: adt { screen: display: cir: ckbd: cptr: ctoappl: ctomux:
ref Screen; # place to make windows ref Display; # frame buffer on which windows reside chan of int; # incoming events from IR remote chan of int; # incoming characters from keyboard chan of ref Pointer; # incoming stream of mouse positions chan of int; # commands from mux to application chan of int; # commands from application to mux
# conversions iptob64: fn(i: self ref IPint): string; b64toip: fn(str: string): ref IPint; iptobytes: fn(i: self ref IPint): array of byte; iptobebytes: fn(i: self ref IPint): array of byte; bytestoip: fn(buf: array of byte): ref IPint; bebytestoip: fn(mag: array of byte): ref IPint; inttoip: fn(i: int): ref IPint; iptoint: fn(i: self ref IPint): int; iptostr: fn(i: self ref IPint, base: int): string; strtoip: fn(str: string, base: int): ref IPint;
# create a random large integer using the accelerated generator random: fn(minbits, maxbits: int): ref IPint; # operations bits: fn(i: self ref IPint): int;
add: sub: neg: mul: div: eq: cmp:
fn(base: self ref IPint, exp mod: ref ref IPint; fn(il: self ref IPint i2: ref IPint): fn(il: self ref IPint i2: ref IPint): fn(i: self ref IPint) ref IPint; fn(il: self ref IPint i2: ref IPint); fn(il: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint);
ref IPint; ref IPint; ref IPint;
(ref IPint, ref IPint) fn(il: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): int; fn(il: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): int;
# signature algorithm SigAlg: adt name: string; # C function pointers are hidden
public key ref SigAlg; # signature algorithm string; # owner's name and system parameters are hidden
SK: adt {
sa: ref SigAlg; # signature algorithm owner: string; # owner's name # key and system parameters are hidden
sa: ref SigAlg; # signature algorithm ha: string; # hash algorithm signer: string; # name of signer exp: int; # expiration date # actual signature is hidden
# state held while creating digests DigestState: adt { x: int; # dummy for C compiler for runt.h # all the state is hidden
int; # dummy for C compiler for runt.h all the state is hidden
int; # dummy for C compiler for runt.h all the state is hidden
my private key my public key # signature of my public key signers public key Diffie-Helman parameters
types to byte strings fn (c: ref Certificate) : string; fn (pk: ref PK) : string; fn (sk: ref SK) : string; strings into (s: string): (s: string): (s: string): types ref Certificate; ref PK; ref SK;
# create and verify signatures sign: fn (sk: ref SK, exp: int, state: ref DigestState, ha: string): ref Certificate; verify: fn (pk: ref PK, cert: ref Certificate, state: ref DigestState): int; # generate keys genSK: fn (algname, owner: string, length: int): ref SK; genSKfromPK: fn (pk: ref PK, owner: string): ref SK; sktopk: fn (sk: ref SK) : ref PK; f digests cloneDigestState: fn (state: ref DigestState): ref DigestState; sha: fn(buf: array of byte, n: int, digest: array of byte, state: ref DigestState): ref DigestState;
hmac_shal: fn(data: array of byte, n: digest: array of byte, ref DigestState; hmac_md5: fn(data: array of byte, n: digest: array of byte, ref DigestState; # DES/IDEA interfaces Encrypt: con 0; Decrypt: con 1; dessetup: desecb: descbc:
fn(key: array of byte, ivec: array of byte): ref DESstate; fn(state: ref DESstate, buf: array of byte, n: int, direction: int); fn(state: ref DESstate, buf: array of byte, n: int, direction: int)
ideasetup: fn(key: array of byte, ivec: array of byte): ref IDEAstate; ideaecb: fn(state: ref IDEAstate, buf: array of byte, n: int, direction: int); ideacbc: fn(state: ref IDEAstate, buf: array of byte, n: int, direction: int);
# create an alpha and p for Diffie-Helman exchanges dhparams: fn(nbits: int): (ref IPint, ref IPint); # comm link authentication is symetric auth: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD, info: ref Authinfo, setid: int): (string, array of byte);
# auth io readauthinfo: fn(filename: string): ref Authinfo; writeauthinfo: fn(filename: string, info: ref Authinfo): int; # message io on a delimited connection (ssl for example) # messages > 4096 bytes are truncated # errors > 64 bytes are truncated # getstring and getbytearray return (result, error), getstring: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD): (string, string); putstring: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD, s: string): int; getbytearray: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD): (array of byte, string); putbytearray: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD, a: array of byte, n: int): int; puterror: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD, s: string): int; # to send and receive messages when ssl isn't pushed getmsg: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD): array of byte; sendmsg: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD, buf: array of byte, n: int): int; # algorithms DEScbc: con DESecb: con SHA: con MD5: con MD4: con IDEAcbc: con IDEAecb: con SHAdlen: SHAldlen: MDSdlen: MD4dlen:
Module Reference
con int 1 r 0 0 0 0 68000; # mode bit for directory con 16r40000000; # mode bit for append-only files con 16r20000000; # mode bit for exclusive use files
mtype: tag: fid: oldtag: qid: uname: aname: ename: perm: newfid: name: mode: offset: count: data: stat:
}; };
Module Reference
# Return from stat and directory read Dir: adt { name: string; uid: string; gid: string; qid: Qid; mode: i nt; atime: int; mtime: int; length: int; dtype: int; dev: int;
# File descriptor FD: adt { fd: int; }; # Network Connection: { dfd: cfd: dir: }; connection returned by dial adt
# File 10 structures returned from file2chan # read: (offset, bytes, fid, chan) # write: (offset, data, fid, chan) Rread: type chan of (array of byte, string); Rwrite: type chan of (int, string); FilelO: adt
read: chan of (int, int, int, Rread); write: chan of (int, array of byte, int, Rwrite):
# Maximum read which will be completed atomically; # also the optimum block size ATOMICIO: con 8192;
con 28; con 0; con 1; con 2; con 64; con ERRLEN; con con con con con con con con con con con con con con
0; 1; 2; 16; 64; int 16r80000000;
UTFmax: UTFerror: announce: aprint: bind: byteZchar: char2byte: chdir: create: dial: di rread: dup: export: exportdi r: fildes: fileZchan: f print: fstat: fwstat:
fn(addr: string): (int, Connection); fn(s: string, *) : array of byte; fn(s, on: string, flags: int): int; fn(buf: array of byte, n: int): (int, int, int) fn(c: int, buf: array of byte, n: int): int; fnCpath: string): int; fn(s: string, mode, perm: int): ref FD; fn(addr, local: string): (int, Connection); fn(fd: ref FD, dir: array of Dir): int; fn(old, new: int): int; fn(c: ref FD, flag: int): int; fn(c: ref FD, dir: string, flag: int): int; fn(fd: int): ref FD; fn(dir, file: string): ref FilelO; fn(fd: ref FD, s: string, *) : int; fn(fd: ref FD): (int, Dir); fn(fd: ref FD, d: Dir): int;
Module Reference listen: millisec: mount: open: pctl: pipe: print: raise: rescue: rescued: read: remove: seek: sleep: sprint: stat: stream: tokenize: unmount: unrescue: utfbytes: write: wstat: fn(c: Connection): (int, Connection); f ( : int; n) fn(fd: ref FD, on: string, flags: int, spec: string): int; fn(s: string, mode: int): ref FD; fn(flags: int, movefd: list of int): int; fn(fds: array of ref FD): int; fn(s: string, *): int; fn(s: string); fn(s: string, e: ref Exception): int; fn(flag: int, s: string): int; fn(fd: ref FD, buf: array of byte, n: int): int; fn(s: string): int; fn(fd: ref FD, off, start: int): int; fn(period: int): int; fn(s: string, *): string; fn(s: string): (int, Dir); fn(src, dst: ref FD, bufsiz: int): int; fn(s, delim: string): (int, list of string); fn(sl: string, s2: string): int; fn(); fn(buf: array of byte, n: int): int; fn(fd: ref FD, buf: array of byte, n: int): int; fn(s: string, d: Dir): int;
The Tk Module
Toplevel: adt
Module Reference
Attr: adt { name: string; value: string; }; # sorted in lexical order; used as array indices Notfound, Ta, Taddress, Tapplet, Tarea, Tatt_footer, Tb, Tbase, Tbasefont, Tbig, Tblink, Tblockquote, Tbody, Tbq, Tbr, Tcaption, Tcenter, Tcite, Tcode, Tcol, Tcolgroup, Tdd, Tdfn, Tdir, Tdiv, Tdl, Tdt, Tern, Tfont, Tform, Tframe, Tframeset, Thl, Th2, Th3, Th4, Th5, Th6, Thead, Thr, Thtml, Ti, Timg, Tinput, Tisindex, Titem, Tkbd, Tli, Tlink, Tmap, Tmenu, Tmeta, Tnobr, Tnoframes, To!, Toption, Tp, Tparam, Tpre, Tq, Tsamp, Tscript, Tselect, Ismail, Tstrike, Tstrong, Tstyle, Tsub, Tsup, Tt, Ttable, Ttbody, ltd, Ttextarea, Ttextflow, Ttfoot, Tth, Tthead, Ttitle, Ttr, Ttt, Tu, Tul, Tvar : con iota; RBRA: Data: Latinl, UTF8: lex: con 1000; con 2000; con iota;
# charsets
fn(b: array of byte, charset: int, keepnls: int): array of ref Lex; attrvalue: fn(attr: list of Attr, name: string): (int, string); globalattr: fn(html: array of ref Lex, tag: int, attr: string): (int, string); isbreak: fn(h: array of ref Lex, i: int): int; lexZstring: fn(l: ref Lex): string;
string; string; string; string; # what precedes <path>: either "/" or "" string; string; string;
makeabsolute: fn(url: self ref ParsedUrl, base: ref ParsedUrl); tostring: fn(url: self ref ParsedUrl) : string;
schemes: init: makeurl: array of string; fn(); # call before anything else fn(s: string) : ref ParsedUrl;
Module Reference
fn(); fn(scr: ref Draw->Screen, where, name: string, buts: int): (ref Tk->Toplevel, chan of string); untaskbar: fn(); # deprecated unhide: fn(); titlectl: fn(t: ref Tk->Topleve!, request: string); taskbar: fn(t: ref Tk->Topleve!, name: string): string; geom: fn(t: ref Tk->Toplevel): string; snarfput: fn(buf: string); snarfget: fn(): string; tkquote: tkcmds: dialog: getstring: filename: fn(s: string): string; fn(top: ref Tk->Topleve!, a: array of string); fn(parent: ref Tk->Toplevel, ico, title, msg: string, dflt: int, labs : list of string): int; fn(parent: ref Tk->Toplevel, msg: string): string; fn(scr: ref Draw->Screen, top: ref Tk->Toplevel, title: string, pat: list of string, dir: string): string; fn(t: ref Tk->Toplevel, dot: string, tabs: array of (string, string), dflt: int): chan of string; fn(t: ref Tk->Toplevel, dot: string, tabs: array of (string, string), id: int, s: string): int;
emu - I n f e r n o emulator
SYNOPSIS emu [ -gXsizexYsize 1 [ -c[O-91 [-s] [ -ppool=maxsize 1 [ -ffont [cmd [ a rg 11
DESCRIPTION Emu p rovi des t h e I n f e r n o emulation environment. The emulator runs as an a p p l i c a t i o n under t h e machines n a t i v e o p e r a t i n g system, and provides system s e r v i c e s and a D i s v i r t u a l machine f o r I n f e r n o a p p l i c a t i o n s . Emu s t a r t s an I n f e r n o i n i t i a l i z a t i o n program / d i s/emui n i t d i s , whose path name is i n t e r p r e t e d in t h e I n f e r n o f i l e name space, n o t i n t h e n a t i v e o p e r a t i n g systems name space. I t i n t u r n invokes t h e s h e l l / di s/sh .d is by d e f a u l t o r t h e o p t i o n a l cmd and i t s arguments. I f t h e -d o p t i o n i s s p e c i f i e d , emu i n s t e a d invokes / d i s/1 i b/srv. d i s , t u r n i ng t h e emu instance in t o an I n f e r n o s e r v i c e process on t h e network (see srv(8)).
-gXsizexYsize Define screen width and height in pixels. The default values are 640 and 480 respectively. Values smaller than the defaults are disallowed. -ffont Specify the default font for the tk module. The path is interpreted in the Inferno name space. If unspecified, the font variable has value /fonts/lucm/unicode.9.font. -rrootpath Specify the host system directory that emu will serve as its root. The default value is /usr/inferno on most systems, but \users\inferno on Windows. -s Specify how the emulator deals with traps reported by the operating system. By default, they suspend execution of the offending thread within the virtual machine abstraction. The -s option causes emu itself to trap, permitting debugging of the broken host operating system process that results when a trap occurs. (This is intended to allow debugging of emu, not Inferno applications.)
-ppool=maxsize Specify the maximum size in bytes of the named memory allocation pool. The pools are: main the general malice arena heap the Dis virtual machine heap
image image storage for the display -7 When host graphics is provided by Xll, request a 7-bit color map; use this option only if Xll refused to allow emu to configure the normal (default) 8-bit Inferno color map.
Options may also be set in the host operating system's environment variable EMU; they are overridden by options supplied on the command line. EXAMPLE To start wm/logon directly: EMU='-g800x600 -cl' emu /wm/1ogon.dis -u inferno FILES /dis/emuinit.dis /dis/sh.dis SOURCE /emu The default initialization program, The default Inferno shell.
Inferno Manual
With no options, limbo produces a .dis file for each source file. The compiler options are:
Print on standard output type definitions and call frames useful for writing C language implementations of Limbo modules. Suppresses normal output file generation.
-D flags Turn on debugging flags. Flags include A for arrays, a for alt statements, b for booleans, C for case body statements, c for case statements, D for use descriptors, d for declarations, e for expressions, E for extended expressions, F for function information, f for constant folding, m for modules, n for nil references, P for program counter manipulations, r for reference types, S for type signatures, s for a code generation summary, T for tuples, t for type checking, and v for variable initialization. Increase the number of errors the compiler will report before exiting.
-G Annotate assembly language output with debugging information. A no-op unless -S is set. -9 Generate debugging information for the input files and place it in a file named by stripping any trailing .b from the input file name and appending .sbl.
-I dir An include file whose name does not begin with slash is sought first relative to the working directory, regardless of the source file argument. If this fails, limbo sequences through directories named in -I options, then searches in /module. An include file contains Limbo source code, normally holding one or more module declarations. -o obj Place output in file obj (allowed only if there is a single input file). The output file will hold either object or assembly code, depending on -S. Default is to take the last element of the input file name, strip any trailing .b, and append .dis for object code and .s for assembly code. Thus, the default output file for dir/mod.b would be mod.dis. -S Create assembly language output instead of object code.
-T module Print on standard output C stub functions, useful for implementing Limbo modules in the C language for linkage with the interpreter. -t module Print on standard output a table of runtime functions, to link C language implementations of modules with the Limbo interpreter. Suppresses normal output file generation.
-w Print warning messages about unused variables, etc. More w's (e.g. -ww) increase the pedantry of the checking.
FILES /module directory for Limbo include modules SOURCE /appl/limbo compiler source in Limbo /limbo compiler source in C for host SEE ALSO asm(l), emu(l), mk(lO.l), intro(2), sys-intro(2), tk(2) ''The Limbo Programming Language'' ''Program Development in Inferno1' ''A Descent into Limbo'1 in Volume 2. Inferno Manual
Formatted Output
Formatted Output
print, fprint, sprint - print formatted output SYNOPSIS include "sys.m"; sys := load Sys Sys->PATH; fprint: fn(fd: ref FD, format: string, *): print: fn(format: string, *): int; sprint: fn(format: string, *): string; int;
These functions format and print their arguments as UTF text. Print writes text to the standard output. Fprint writes to the named output file descriptor. Sprint places text in a string, which it returns. Print and fprint return the number of bytes transmitted or a negative value if an error was encountered when writing the output. Each of these functions converts, formats, and prints its trailing arguments under control of a format string. The format contains two types of objects: plain characters, which are simply copied to the output stream, and conversion specifications, each of which results in fetching of zero or more arguments. The Limbo compiler recognizes calls to these functions and checks that the arguments match the format specifications in number and type. Each conversion specification has the following format: % [flags] verb The verb is a single character and each flag is a single character or a (decimal) numeric string. Up to two numeric strings may be used; the first is called fl, the second f2. They can be separated by '.', and if one is present, then fl and f2 are taken to be zero if missing, otherwise they are considered 'omitted'. Either or both of the numbers may be replaced with the character *, meaning that the actual number will be obtained from the argument list as an integer. The flags and numbers are arguments to the verb described below.
d, o, x, X The numeric verbs d, o, and x format their int arguments in decimal, octal, and hexadecimal (with hex digits in lower-case). The flag b is required when the corresponding value is a Limbo big, not an int. Arguments are taken to be signed, unless the u flag is given, to force them to be treated as unsigned. Each interprets the flags # and - to mean alternative format and left justified. If f2 is not omitted, the number is padded on the left with zeros until at least f2 digits appear. Then, if alternative format is specified for x conversion, the number is preceded by Ox. Finally, if fl is not omitted, the number is padded on the left (or right, if left justification is specified) with enough blanks to make the field at least fl characters long. The verb X is similar to x, except that the hexadecimal digits are displayed in upper-case, and in alternative format, the number is preceded by OX.
e, f, g
The floating point verbs e, f, and g take a real argument. Each interprets the flags + , -, and # to mean always print a sign, left justified, and alternative format. Fl is the minimum field width and, if the converted value takes up less than fl characters, it is padded on the left (or right, if 'left justified') with spaces. F2 is the number of digits that are converted after the decimal place for e and f conversions, and f2 is the maximum number of significant digits for g conversions. The f verb produces output of the form []\c digits[\c .digits]. The e conversion appends an exponent e[-]\c digits. The g verb will output the argument in either e or f with the goal of producing the smallest output. Also, trailing zeros are omitted from the fraction part of the output, and a trailing decimal point appears only if it is followed by a digit. When alternative format is specified, the result will always contain a decimal point, and for g conversions, trailing zeros are not removed. E, C These are the same as e and g respectively, but use E not e to specify an exponent when one appears. c The c verb converts a single Unicode character from an int argument to a UTF encoding, justified within a field of fl characters as described above. The r verb takes no arguments; it prints the error string associated with the most recent system error. The s verb characters string and a field of copies a string to the output. The number of copied (n) is the minimum of the size of the f2. These n characters are justified within fl characters as described above.
r s
SEE ALSO sys-intro(Z), sys-open(2) BUGS The x verb does not apply the Ox prefix when f2 is present. The prefix should probably be 16r anyway. Inferno Manual
alg sha Append a SHA digest to each buffer written to data. The digest covers the outgoing secret (written to secretout), the message, and a message number which starts at 0 and increments by one for each message. Messages read have their appended digests compared to a digest computed using the incoming secret (written to secretin). If the comparison fails, so will the read, alg md4 Like sha but using the MD4 message digest algorithm.
alg md5 Like sha but using the MD5 message digest algorithm. alg rc4 alg rc4_40
Selected Manual Pages alg rc4_128 alg rc4_256 RC4 encrypt each message written to data with the key written to secretout, using the key length as indicated (40-bit keys by default). alg des_56_cbc Encrypt the stream using DES and Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) alg des_56_ecb Encrypt the stream using DES and Electronic Code Book (ECB) alg ideacbc Encrypt the stream using IDEA and CBC alg ideaecb Encrypt the stream using IDEA and ECB alg digest/crypt Combine the use of the given digest algorithm and the stream encryption algorithm crypt Files secretin and secretout must be written before digesting or encryption is turned on. If only one is written, they are both assumed to be the same. The mode may be changed at any time during a connection. The list of algorithms supported by a given implementation of ssl may be read from the read-only text files encalgs (encryption algorithms) and hashalgs (hashing algorithms for digests). Each contains a space-separated list of algorithm names.
SEE ALSO security-ssl(2) B. Schneier, Applied Cryptography, 1996, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Inferno Manual
ssl: connect, secret - interface to the Secure Sockets Layer SYNOPSIS include "sys.m"; include "security.m"; ssl := load SSL SSL->PATH; connect: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD): (string, ref Sys->Connection); secret: fn(c: ref Sys->Connection, secretin, secretout: array of byte): string; DESCRIPTION SSL provides an interface to the secure sockets layer device ssl(3). Connect allocates a new ssl(3) connection directory. It pushes file descriptor fd into the data file of that connection, and if successful, returns a reference to a Connection adt describing the connection. The Connection adt has its members set as follows: dir names the resulting connection directory; cfd is open on the connection's control file; and dfd is open on the connection's data file, which is read and written to exchange data on the original fd using SSL. Secret writes secretin and secretout to c.dir/secretin and c.dir/secretout where n is obtained from the Connection adt c. The string returned describes errors encountered, if any; otherwise it is nil. SOURCE /appl/lib/ssl.b SEE ALSO security-auth(2), ssl(3) DIAGNOSTICS Connect returns a tuple containing a string and a Connection reference. On success the string is nil, and the connection reference is not nil; on error, the string contains a diagnostic, and the connection reference is nil. Inferno Manual
Draw Introduction
DRAW-INTROC2) NAME draw - basic graphics facilities module SYNOPSIS include "draw.m"; draw := load Draw Draw->PATH; DESCRIPTION Inferno's Draw module provides basic graphics facilities, defining drawing contexts, images, character fonts, and rectangular geometric operations. See prefab-intro(2) and tk (2) for higher level operations, such as windows and menu handling. Pixels DRAW-INTROC2)
Images are defined on a rectangular region of an integer plane with a picture element, or pixel, at each grid point. Pixel values are integers with 0, 1, 2, 4, or 8 bits per pixel, and all pixels in a given image have the same size, or depth. Some operations allow images with different depths to be combined, for example to do masking. When an image is displayed, the value of each pixel determines the color of the display. For color displays, Inferno uses a fixed color map for each display depth (see rgbv(6)) and the application is responsible for mapping its desired colors to the values available. Facilities exist to convert from (red, green, blue) triplets to pixel values. Note that the triplet (255, 255, 255) maps to a pixel with all bits zero. Terminology Point The graphics plane is defined on an integer grid, with each (x, y) coordinate identifying the upper left corner of the corresponding pixel. The plane's origin, (0, 0), resides at the upper left corner of the screen; x and y coordinates increase to the right and down. The abstract data type, Point defines a coordinate position. Rect The type Rect defines a rectangular region of the plane. It comprises two Points, min and max, and specifies the region defined by pixels with coordinates greater than or equal to min and strictly less than max, in both x and y. This half-open property allows rectangles that share an edge to have equal coordinates on the edge.
Display The type Display represents a physical display, corresponding to a single connection to a draw(3) device. Besides the image of the display itself, the Display type also stores references to off-screen images, fonts, and so on. The contents of such images are stored in the display device, not in the client of the display, which affects how they are allocated and used, see for example draw-image(2). Screen The Screen type is used to manage a set of windows on an image, typically but not necessarily that of a display. Screens and hence windows may be built recursively upon windows for subwindowing or even on off-screen images.
Draw Introduction
The Image type provides basic operations on groups of pixels. Through a few simple operations, most importantly the draw image combination operator (see draw-image(2)), the Image type provides the building blocks for Display, Screen, and Font. A Font defines which character image to draw for each character code value. Although all character drawing operations ultimately use the draw primitive on the underlying images, Fonts provide convenient and efficient management of display text. Inferno uses the 16-bit Unicode character encoding, so Fonts are managed hierarchically to control their size and to make common subsets such as ASCII or Creek efficient in practice. See draw-font(2), utf(6), and font(6). A Context provides an interface to the system graphics and interactive devices. The system creates this context when it starts an application.
Pointer The Pointer type conveys information for pointing devices, such as mice or trackballs. More about Images An image occupies a rectangle, Image.r, of the graphics plane. A second rectangle, Image.clipr, defines a clipping region for the image. Typically, the clipping rectangle is the same as the basic image, but they may differ. For example, the clipping region may be made smaller and centered on the basic image to define a protected border. The pixel depth of an Image is stored as a logarithm called Image.!depth; pixels with 1, 2, 4, and 8 bits correspond to Idepth values 0, 1, 2, and 3. In future, other image depths may be supported. An image may be marked for replication: when set, the boolean Image.rep! causes the image to behave as if replicated across the entire integer plane, thus tiling the destination graphics area with copies of the source image. When replication is turned on, the clipping rectangle limits the extent of the replication and may even usefully be disjoint from Image.r. See draw-image(2) for examples. The Image member functions provide facilities for drawing text and geometric objects, manipulating windows, and so on. Objects of type Display, Font, Screen, and Image must be allocated by the member functions; if such objects are created with a regular Limbo definition, they will not behave properly and may generate run-time errors. There are no ''free'1 routines for graphics objects. Instead Limbo's garbage collection frees them automatically. As is generally so within Limbo, one can eliminate references by assigning nil to reference variables, returning from functions whose local variables hold references, etc.
Most drawing operations operate asynchronously, so they have no error return. Functions that allocate objects return nil for failure; in such cases the system error string may be interrogated (such as by the %r format (see sys~print(2))) for more information.
/interp/draw.c /image/*.c SEE ALSO draw(3), ir(2), prefab-intro(2), tk(2), font(6), image(6) Inferno Manual
Image - pictures and drawing SYNOPSIS include "draw.m"; draw := load Draw Draw->PATH; Image: adt { r: clipr: 1 depth: rep!: display: screen: draw:
fn(dst: self ref Image, r: Rect, src: ref Image, mask: ref Image, p: Point); gendraw: fn(dst: self ref Image, r: Rect, src: ref Image, pO: Point, mask: ref Image, pi: Point); line: fn(dst: self ref Image, Point, endO.endl,thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); poly: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: array of Point, endO.endl,thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); bezspline: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: array of Point, endO.endl,thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); fillpoly: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: array of Point, wind: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); fillbezspline: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: array of Point, wind: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); ellipse: fn(dst: self ref Image, c: Point, a, b, thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); fillellipse:fnCdst: self ref Image, c: Point, a, b: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); bezier: fn(dst: self ref Image, a,b,c,d: Point, endO.endl,thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); fillbezier: fn(dst: self ref Image, a,b,c,d: Point, wind:int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); arrow: fn(a,b,c: int): int; text: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: Point, src: ref Image, sp: Point, font: ref Font, str: string): Point; readpixels: fn(src: self ref Image, r: Rect, data: array of byte): int; writepixels:fn(dst: self ref Image, r: Rect, data: array of byte): int; top: fn(win: self ref Image); bottom: fn(win: self ref Image); flush: fn(win: self ref Image, func: int); origin: fn(win: self ref Image, log, scr: Point): int;
DESCRIPTION The Image type defines rectangular pictures and the methods to draw upon them; it is also the building block for higher level objects such as windows and fonts. In particular, a window is represented as an Image; no special operators are needed to draw on a window. r The coordinates of the rectangle in the plane for which the Image has defined pixel values. It should not be modified after the image is created.
The clipping rectangle: operations that read or write the image will not access pixels outside clipr. Frequently, clipr is the same as Image.r, but it may differ; see in particular the discussion of Image.repl. The clipping region may be modified dynamically. The log base 2 of the number of bits per pixel in the picture: 0 for one bit per pixel, 3 for eight bits per pixel, etc. The library supports Image.1 depth values 0, 1, 2, and 3 only. The value should not be modified after the image is created. A boolean value specifying whether the image is tiled to cover the plane when used as a source for a drawing operation. If Image.repl is zero, operations are restricted to the intersection of Image.r and Image.clipr. If Image.repl is set, Image.r defines the tile to be replicated and Image.clipr defines the portion of the plane covered by the tiling, in other words, Image.r is replicated to cover Image.clipr; in such cases Image.r and Image.clipr are independent.
1 depth
For example, a replicated image with Image.r set to ( 0 0 , 1 1 ) and Image.clipr set to ( 0 0 , 1 0 1 0 ) (,)(,) (,)(0,0), with the single pixel of Image.r set to blue, behaves identically to an image with Image.r and Image.clipr both set to ( 0 0 , 1 0 1 0 ) and all (,)(0,0) pixels set to blue. However, the first image requires far less memory. The replication flag may be modified dynamically along with the clipping rectangle. dst.draw(r, src, mask, p) Draw is the standard drawing function. Only those pixels within the intersection of dst.r and dst.clipr will be affected; draw ignores dst.repl. The operation proceeds as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. If repl is set in src or mask, replicate their contents to fill their clip rectangles. Translate src and mask so p is aligned with r.min. Set r to the intersection of r and dst.r. Intersect r with src.clipr. If src.repl is false, also intersect r with src.r. Intersect r with mask.clipr. If mask.repl is false, also intersect r with mask.r. For each location in r for which the mask pixel is non-zero, set the dst pixel to be the value of the src pixel.
The various 1 depth values involved need not be identical. If the src or mask images are single replicated pixels, any 1 depth is fine. Otherwise, if their 1 depth is not the same as the destination, they must have 1 depth value 0. For draw and gendraw only, if mask is nil, a mask of all ones is used. These restrictions may weaken in later implementations. display Tells on which display the image resides.
screen If the image is a window on a Screen (see draw-screen (2)), this field refers to that screen; otherwise it is nil. dst.gendraw(r, src, pO, mask, pi) Similar to drawQ except that it aligns the source and mask differently: src is aligned so pO corresponds to r .min and mask is aligned so pi corresponds to r.min. For most purposes with simple masks and source images, draw is sufficient, but gendraw is the general operator and the one the other drawing primitives are built upon. dst.lineCpO, pi, endO, endl, thick, src, sp) Line draws in dst a line of width l+2*thick pixels joining points pO and pi. The line is drawn using pixels from the src image aligned so sp in the source corresponds to pO in the destination. The line touches both pO and pi, and endO and endl specify how the ends of the line are drawn. Draw->Endsquare terminates the line perpendicularly to the direction of the line; a thick line with Endsquare on both ends will be a rectangle. Draw->Enddisc terminates the line by drawing a disc of diameter l+2*thick centered on the end point. Draw->Endarrow terminates the line with an arrowhead whose tip touches the endpoint. See the description of arrow for more information. Line and the other geometrical operators are equivalent to calls to gendraw using a mask produced by the geometric procedure. dst.polyCp, endO, endl, thick, src, sp) Poly draws a general polygon; it is equivalent to a series of calls to line joining adjacent points in the array of Points p. The ends of the polygon are specified as in line; interior lines are terminated with Enddisc to make smooth joins. The source is aligned so sp corresponds to p[0]. dst.bezsplineCp, endO, endl, thick, src, sp) Bezspline takes the same arguments as poly but draws a quadratic B-spline (despite its name) rather than a polygon. If the first and last points in p are equal, the spline has periodic end conditions. dst.fillpoly(p, wind, src, sp) Fill poly is like poly but fills in the resulting polygon rather than outlining it. The source is aligned so sp corresponds to p[0]. The winding rule parameter wind resolves ambiguities about what to fill if the polygon is self-intersecting. If wind is "0, a pixel is inside the polygon if the polygon's winding number about the point is non-zero. If wind is 1, a pixel is inside if the winding number is odd. Complementary values (0 or ~1) cause outside pixels to be filled. The meaning of other values is undefined. The polygon is closed with a line if necessary. dst.fillbezspline(p, wind, src, sp) Fillbezspline is like fillpoly but fills the quadratic B-spline rather than the polygon outlined by p. The spline is closed with a line if necessary.
arrow(a, b, c) Arrow is a function to describe general arrowheads; its result is passed as end parameters to line, poly, etc. If all three parameters are zero, it produces the default arrowhead, otherwise, a sets the distance along line from end of the regular line to tip, b sets the distance along line from the barb to the tip, and c sets the distance perpendicular to the line from edge of line to the tip of the barb, all in pixels. dst.textCp, src, sp, font, str) Text draws in dst characters specified by the string str and font font; it is equivalent to a series of calls to gendraw using source src and masks determined by the character shapes. The text is positioned with the left of the first character at p.x and the top of the line of text at p.y. The source is positioned so sp in src corresponds to p in dst. Text returns a Point that is the position of the next character that would be drawn if the string were longer. For characters with undefined or zero-width images in the font, the character at font position 0 (NUL) is drawn. src.readpixels(r, data) Readpixels fills the data array with pixels from the specified rectangle of the src image. The pixels are presented one horizontal line at a time, starting with the top-left pixel of r. Each scan line starts with a new byte in the array, leaving the last byte of the previous line partially empty, if necessary. Pixels are packed as tightly as possible within data, regardless of the rectangle being extracted. Bytes are filled from most to least significant bit order, as the x coordinate increases, aligned so x=0 would appear as the leftmost pixel of its byte. Thus, for 1 depth 0, the pixel at x offset 165 within the rectangle will be in a data byte with mask value 16r04 regardless of the overall rectangle: 165 mod 8 equals 5, and 16r80 5 equals 16r04. It is an error to call readpixels with an array that is too small to hold the rectangle's pixels. The return value is the number of bytes copied. dst.writepixels(r, data) Writepixels copies pixel values from the data array to the specified rectangle in the dst image. The format of the data is that produced by readpixels. The return
325 If the1 image win is a window, top pulls it to the ''top' of the stack of windows on its Screen, perhaps obscuring other images. If win is not a window, top has no effect. win.bottom() If the image win is a window, bottom pulls it to the ''bottom'1 of the stack of windows on its Screen, perhaps obscuring it. If win is not a window, bottom has no effect. i mage.f1ush(f1ag) The connection to a display has a buffer used to gather graphics requests generated by calls to the draw library. By default, the library flushes the buffer at the conclusion of any call that affects the visible display image itself. The flush routine allows finer control of buffer management. The flag has three possible values: Flushoff turns off all automatic flushing caused by writes to image, typically a window or the display image itself (buffers may still be written when they fill or when other objects on the display are modified); Flushnow causes the buffer to be flushed immediately; and Flushon restores the default behaviour. win.origin(log, scr) When a window is created (see draw-screen(Z)), the coordinate system within the window is identical to that of the screen: the upper left corner of the window rectangle is its physical location on the display, not for example (0, 0 . This symmetry may be broken, ) however: origin allows control of the location of the window on the display and the coordinate system used by programs drawing on the window. The first argument, log, sets the upper left corner of the logical (in-window) coordinate system without changing the position of the window on the screen. The second argument, scr, sets the upper left corner of physical (on-screen) coordinate system, that is, the window's location on the display, without changing the internal coordinate system. Therefore, changing scr without changing log moves the window without requiring the client using it to be notified of the change; changing log without changing scr allows the client to set up a private coordinate system regardless of the window's location. It is permissible for values of scr to move some or all of the window off screen. Origin returns -1 if the image is not a window or, in the case of changes to scr, if there are insufficient resources available to move the window; otherwise it returns 1. Inferno Manual
DRAW-FONT(Z) NAME Font - character Images for Unicode text SYNOPSIS include "draw.m"; draw := load Draw Draw->PATH; Font: adt { name: string; height: int; ascent: int; display: ref Display; open: build: width: fn(d: ref Display, file: string): fn(d: ref Display, name, desc: string); fn(f: self ref Font, str: string): ref Font; ref Font; int; DRAW-FONT(Z)
DESCRIPTION The Font type defines the appearance of characters drawn with the Image. text primitive (see draw-image(2)). Fonts are usually read from files and are selected based on their size, their style, the portion of Unicode space they represent, and so on. Fonts are built from a series of subfonts that define contiguous portions of the Unicode character space, such as the ASCII or the Greek alphabet. Font files are textual descriptions of the allocation of characters in the various regions of the Unicode space; see font ( ) for the format. 6 Subfonts are not visible from Limbo. A default font, named *default*, is always available. The type incorporates: ascent, height These define the vertical sizes of the font, in pixels. The ascent is the distance from the font baseline to the top of a line of text; height gives the interline spacing, that is, the distance from one baseline to the next. name This field identifies the font, either the name of the file from which the font was read, or "*default*" for the default font. Tells on which display the font resides.
open(d, file) The open method creates a Font by reading the contents of the named file. Fonts are cached, so an open request may return a pointer to an existing Font, without rereading the file. The name "*default*" always describes a defined font. Fonts are created for an instance of a Display object, even though the creation functions are in type Font.
build(d, name, desc) Build creates a Font object by reading the
description from the string desc rather than a file. Name specifies the name of the font to be created. f.width(str) The width method returns the width in pixels that str would occupy if drawn by Image.text in the Font f. Inferno Manual
font, subfont - external format for character fonts and subfonts DESCRIPTION Fonts are constructed as a list defining a range of Unicode characters and a subfont containing the character images for that range. Subfonts are not directly accessible from Limbo. External fonts are described by a plain text file that can be read using; reads the same format from a string rather than a file (see draw-font(Z)). The format is a header followed by any number of subfont range specifications. The header contains two numbers: the height and the ascent, both in pixels. The height is the inter-line spacing and the ascent is the distance from the top of the line to the baseline. These numbers should be chosen to display consistently all the subfonts of the font. A subfont range specification contains two or three numbers and a file name. The numbers are the inclusive range of characters covered by the subfont, with an optional starting position within the subfont, and the file name names an external file holding the subfont data. The minimum number of a covered range is mapped to the specified starting position (default zero) of the corresponding subfont. If the subfont file name does not begin with a slash, it is taken relative to the directory containing the font file. Each field must be followed by some white space. Each numeric field may be C-format decimal, octal, or hexadecimal. External subfonts are represented in a more rigid format: an image containing character images, followed by a subfont header, followed by character information. The image has the format for external image files described in image(6). The subfont header has 3 decimal strings: n, height, and ascent. Each number is right-justified and blank padded in 11 characters, followed by a blank. The character info consists of n+1 6-byte entries, each giving values called x (2 bytes, low order byte first), top, bottom, left, and width for the successive characters from left to right (in increasing Unicode order) in the subfont. The rectangle holding the character is (x, top, xn, bottom), where xn is the x field of the next character. When the character is to be drawn in an image at point p, the rectangle is placed at (p.x+left, p.y) and the next character to be drawn is placed at (p.x+width, p.y). The x field of the last entry is used to calculate the image width of the previous character; the other fields in the last entry are irrelevant. Note that the convention of using the character with value zero (NUL) to represent characters of zero width (see the description of Image.text in draw-image(2)) means that fonts should have, as their zeroth character, one with non-zero width. FILES /fonts/* font directories SEE ALSO draw-intro(Z), draw-font(2), draw(3) Inferno Manual
C.9 Tk
TK(2) TK(2)
toplevel: namechan: cmd: mouse: keyboard: windows: intop: imageget: imageput: fn(screen: ref Draw->Screen, arg: string): ref Toplevel; fn(t: ref Toplevel, c: chan of string, n: string): string; fn(t: ref Toplevel, arg: string): string; fn(screen: ref Draw->Sereen, x, y, button: int); fn(screen: ref Draw->Screen, key: int); fn(screen: ref Draw->Screen): list of ref Toplevel; fn(screen: ref Draw->Screen, x, y: int): ref Toplevel; fn(t: ref Toplevel, name: string): (Tki, Tki, string); fn(t: ref Toplevel, name: string, i: Tki, m: Tki): string;
DESCRIPTION The Tk module provides primitives for building user interfaces, based on Ousterhout's Tcl/TK. The interface to the toolkit itself is primarily the passing of strings to and from the elements of the toolkit using the cmd function; see section 9 of this manual for more information about the syntax of those strings. Toplevel creates a new window called a Toplevel, which is under the control of the Tk toolkit, on an existing screen, usually one inherited from the graphics Context (see draw-context(Z)). The Toplevel is passed to cmd and namechan (q.v.) to drive the widgets in the window. Arg is a string containing creation options (such as -borderwidth 2) that are applied when creating the toplevel window. Cmd passes command strings to the widgets in the Toplevel t and returns the string resulting from their execution. For example, given a canvas .c in the Toplevel t, x := int tk->cmd(t, ".c cget -actx"); returns the integer x coordinate of the canvas. Bindings can be created in a Toplevel that trigger strings to be sent on Limbo channels. Such channels must be declared to the Tk module using namechan. For example, to create a button that sends the word Ouch when it is pressed: hitchannel := chan of string; tk->namechan(t, hitchannel, "channel"); tk->cmd(t, "button .b.Hit -text Hit -command {send channel Ouch}"); expl := <-hitchannel; # will see Ouch when button pressed Mouse and keyboard pass mouse and keyboard events to Tk, for delivery to widgets; they are usually called only by a window manager. Windows returns a list of windows on the given screen. Intop
SOURCE /interp/tk.c /tk/*.c SEE ALSO intro(9), tkcmd(l), sh-tk(l), draw-context(2), wmlib(2), 'An Overview of Limbo/Tk', this manual, Volume 2. BUGS Because Tk input is handled globally per Screen, there can be only one instance of a Tk implementation on a given machine, a restriction that will be lifted. Inferno Manual
intro - introduction to Inferno Tk DESCRIPTION This section of the manual provides a reference for the Inferno Tk implementation, which is accessed by Limbo programs via tk(2), and from sh(l) via sh-tk(l). The following pages were derived by Vita Nuova from documentation that is Copyright 1990 The Regents of the University of California Copyright 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. See copyright(9) for the full copyright notice. The format of the pages has changed to follow the format of the rest of this manual, but more important, the content has been changed (typically in small ways) to reflect the variant of Tk implemented by Inferno. Programming Interface The interface to Inferno Tk is exclusively through the tk(2) module; all the Tk commands described in this section of the manual are excecuted by passing them as strings to the and function in that module. The Inferno Tk implementation is based on the Tk 4.0 documentation, but there are many differences, probably the greatest of which is that there is no associated Tel implementation, so almost every Inferno application using Tk will need to have some Limbo code associated with it (the sh-tk(l) shell module can also fulful this role). See ''An Overview of Limbo/Tk1' in Volume 2 for a tutorial-style introduction to the use of Inferno Tk which summarises the differences from Tk 4.0. Tk Commands The command string passed to tk->cmd may contain one or more Tk commands, separated by semicolons. A semicolon is not a command separator when it is nested in braces ( } or {) brackets (] or it is escaped by a backslash ( ) Each [) \. command is divided into words: sequences of characters separated by one or more blanks and tabs. There is also a 'super quote' convention: at any point in the command string a single quote mark (') means that the entire rest of the string should be treated as one word. A word beginning with an opening brace ({) continues until the balancing closing brace (}) is reached. The outer brace characters are stripped. A backslash can be used to escape a brace in this context. Backslash characters not used to escape braces are left unchanged. A word beginning with an opening bracket ([) continues until the balancing closing bracket ( ) is reached. The enclosed ] string is then evaluated as if it were a command string, and the resulting value is used as the contents of the word. Single commands are executed in order until they are all done or an error is encountered. By convention, an error is signaled by a return value starting with an exclamation mark ( ) The return value from tk->cmd is the return value of !. the first error-producing command or else the return value of the final single command.
Widget Options Each manual page in this section documents the options that a particular command will accept. A number of options are common to several of the widgets and are named as ''standard options'" near the beginning of the manual page for each widget. These options are documented in options(9). The types of value required as arguments to options within Inferno Tk are documented under types(9). SEE ALSO options(9), types(9), tk(2), sh-tk(l), tkcmd(l), wmlib(2), draw-intro(2), ''An Overview of Limbo/Tk1' in Volume 2. BUGS The bracket (] command interpretation is not applied [) consistently throughout the Inferno Tk commands (notably, the argument to the send(9) command will not interpret this correctly). Moreover, if the string to be substituted is significantly bigger than the command it was substituting, then it will be truncated. Inferno Manual
TYPES(9) NAME types - Standard types required by widget options. DESCRIPTION This manual entry describes the the standard types that can be given as arguments to Inferno Tk widget options. When an option is documented, the type of argument that it accepts is either documented there, or the name of the argument refers to one of the names documented below. anchorPos One of the values n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw, or center. See -anchor in options(9). boolean A true or false value, one of the following: 0, no, off, false (false), I, yes, on, true (true). bitmap Identifies an image which can be drawn, or used as a mask through which something else is drawn. If bitmap begins with a '@', the remaining characters must be the path name of an Inferno image file. If bitmap begins with the character '<', the remaining characters must be a decimal integer giving the file descriptor number of an open file (see sys-open(Z)) from which the bitmap can be loaded. Otherwise, bitmap should be the name of a bitmap file in the directory /icons/tk. color A color parameter can be a color name or an RGB (red, green and blue luminance) value. The color names recognized are: aqua yellow red teal white fuchsia black blue darkblue maroon gray green lime purple navy olive orange For RGB values, either #rgb or #rrggbb can be used, where r, rr, etc. are hexadecimal values for the corresponding color components. dist Oist specifies a distance on the screen, in the following form: an optional minus sign (-), then one or more decimal digits (with possible embedded decimal point), then an optional units specifier. The unit specifiers are the following: c m i p h centimeters millimeters inches points (l/72nd inch) height of widget's font (only applicable if the widget has an associated font, and if the font has previously been set). width of the zero (0) character in widget's font (see above). TYPES(9)
Measurements are converted into pixels assuming 100 dots per inch on an average CRT display.
font A font parameter gives the full path name of an Inferno font file; for example, /fonts/pelm/unicode.9.font.
f rac
A numeric, possibly fractional, value.
relief One of raised, sunken, flat, ridge, or groove. See -relief in options(9).
OPTIONS(9) NAME options - Standard options supported by widgets. DESCRIPTION This manual entry describes the common configuration options supported by widgets in the Tk toolkit. Every widget does not necessarily support every option (see the manual entries for individual widgets for a list of the standard options supported by that widget), but if a widget does support an option with one of the names listed below, then the option has exactly the effect described below. For a description of kinds of values that can passed to the various options, see types(9). In the descriptions below, the name refers to the switch used in class commands and configure widget commands to set this value. For example, if an option's command-line switch is set to -foreground and there exists a widget .a.b.c, then the command may be used to specify the value black for the option in the the widget .a.b.c. -activebackground color Specifies background color to use when drawing active elements. An element (a widget or portion of a widget) is active if the mouse cursor is positioned over the element and pressing a mouse button will cause some action to occur. -activeborderwidth dist Specifies a non-negative value indicating the width of the 3-D border drawn around active elements. See above for definition of active elements. This option is typically only available in widgets displaying more than one element at a time (e.g. menus but not buttons). -activeforeground color Specifies foreground color to use when drawing active elements. See above for definition of active elements.
-actx Returns the current x position of the widget relative to the origin of its top-level window. -acty Returns the current y position of the widget relative to the origin of its top-level window.
-actwidth Returns the current allocated width of the widget. -actheight Returns the current allocated height of the widget. -anchor val Specifies how the information in a widget (e.g. text or a bitmap) is to be displayed in the widget. Val must be one of the values n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw, or center. rFor example, nw means display the information such that its top-left corner is at the top-left corner of the widget. -background color or -bg color Specifies the normal background color to use when displaying the widget.
-bitmap bitmap Specifies a bitmap to display in the widget. The exact way in which the bitmap is displayed may be affected by other options such as anchor or justify. Typically, if this option is specified then it overrides other options that specify a textual value to display in the widget; the bitmap option may be reset to an empty string to re-enable a text display. In widgets that support both bitmap and image options, image will usually override bitmap. -borderwidth dist or -bd dist Specifies a non-negative value indicating the width of the 3-D border to draw around the outside of the widget (if such a border is being drawn; the relief option typically determines this). The value may also be used when drawing 3-D effects in the interior of the widget.
-font font Specifies the font to use when drawing text inside the widget. -foreground color or -fg color Specifies the normal foreground color to use when displaying the widget. -image image
Specifies an image to display in the widget, which must have been created with the image create command. Typically, if the image option is specified then it overrides other options that specify a bitmap or textual value to display in the widget; the image option may be reset to an empty string to re-enable a bitmap or text display.
-jump boolean For widgets with a slider that can be dragged to adjust a value, such as scrollbars, this option determines when notifications are made about changes in the value. If the value is false, updates are made continuously as the slider is dragged. If the value is true, updates are delayed until the mouse button is released to end the drag; at that point a single notification is made (the value ''jumps'1 rather than changing smoothly). -justify val When there are multiple lines of text displayed in a widget, this option determines how the lines line up with each other. Val must be one of left, center, or right. Left means that the lines' left edges all line up, center means that the lines' centers are aligned, and right means that the lines' right edges line up. -orient orientation For widgets that can lay themselves out with either a horizontal or vertical orientation, such as scrollbars, this option specifies which orientation should be used. Orientation must be either horizontal or vertical.
-padx dist Specifies a non-negative value indicating how much extra space to request for the widget in the X-direction. When computing how large a window it needs, the widget will add this amount to the width it would normally need (as determined by the width of the things displayed in the widget); if the geometry
manager can satisfy this request, the widget will end up with extra internal space to the left and/or right of what it displays inside. Most widgets only use this option for padding text: if they are displaying a bitmap or image, then they usually ignore padding options. -pady dist Specifies a non-negative value indicating how much extra space to request for the widget in the Y-direction. When computing how large a window it needs, the widget will add this amount to the height it would normally need (as determined by the height of the things displayed in the widget); if the geometry manager can satisfy this request, the widget will end up with extra internal space above and/or below what it displays inside. Most widgets only use this option for padding text: if they are displaying a bitmap or image, then they usually ignore padding options. -relief val Specifies the 3-D effect desired for the widget. Acceptable values for val are raised, sunken, flat, ridge and groove. The value indicates how the interior of the widget should appear relative to its exterior; for example, raised means the interior of the widget should appear to protrude from the screen, relative to the exterior of the widget. -selectbackground color Specifies the background color to use when displaying selected items. -selectborderwidth dist Specifies a non-negative value indicating the width of the 3-D border to draw around selected items. -selectforeground color Specifies the foreground color to use when displaying selected items. -text val Specifies a string, val, to be displayed inside the widget. The way in which the string is displayed depends on the particular widget and may be determined by other options, such as anchor or justify. -underline integer Specifies the integer index of a character to underline in the widget. This option is used by the default bindings to implement keyboard traversal for menu buttons and menu entries. 0 corresponds to the first character of the text displayed in the widget, 1 to the next character, and so on. -xscroll command command Specifies the prefix for a command used to communicate with horizontal scrollbars. When the view in the widget's window changes (or whenever anything else occurs that could change the display in a scrollbar, such as a change in the total size of the widget's contents), the widget will generate a Tk command by concatenating command and two numbers. Each of the numbers is a fraction between 0 and 1, which indicates a position in the document. 0 indicates the beginning of the document, 1 indicates the end, .333 indicates a position one third the way through the document, and so
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*=, 30 +=, 30
-=, 30
>, 30
[I, 30
I1,30 1/30 %r, 41
/=, 30
:=, 30
<-, 30 <<=, 30
= 30 ,
>>=,30 I =, 30
! =, 30 !,30 l ' , 47 <=, 30 >=, 30 0,30 *, 30 ++, 30 +, 30 -,30 ->, 30 -,30 .,30 /, 30 : :,30,49-50 <<, 30 <, 30 ==, 30 >>, 30
administrative user, 245 ADT, 30,58 c y c l i c , 66 p i c k, 67,205 r e f , 60 ARM, 1 AW, 217 ASCII, 55 Acid, 2 Acme, 18/22 Alef, 2-3,72,148 Alighieri, Dante, 3 a1 t, 30,156 multiple readers and writers, 158 announce, 122 arrays, 30,52 initializers, 52 multi-dimensional,53 slices, 54 conversionto s t r ing, 55 authentication server, 10,243 See also certificate authority Awk, 39
bearded wise men, 137 Bell-Labs, 2 big, 30,45 bind, 13, 30,122 break, 30,34,37 Kemighan, Brian, 22 built-in, 28,84,93 See also module BufioF-m Module, 291 f i l l Q , 291 Buf 10 Module, 130,291
channels, 153 pipelining computation, 159 user-level filesystems, 161 alt, 156
EOF, 291 ERROR, 291 flush(),291 fopen(),291 lobufADT, 130,291 lobuf. closeO, 291
lobuf. flushO, 291 Iobuf.getb(),291 Iobuf.getcQ,291 Iobuf.gets(),131,291 Iobuf.gett(),291 Iobuf.putb(),291 lobuf.putc(),291 lobuf. puts (), 291 lobuf. readQ, 291 lobuf. seekQ, 291 lobuf. setfi 11Q, 291 lobuf .ungetbQ, 291 lobuf .ungetcO, 291 lobuf .writeO, 291 open Q,130,291
ORDWR, 291 OREAD, 291 OWRITE, 291
SEEKEND, 291 SEEKRELA, 291 SEEKSTART, 291 sopen(),291 byte, 30,45
C, 2, 39,93
C++, 2
CA, See certificate authority canonical form, 258 case, 30,35 CCS, 169 cellular automata, 278 certificate authority, 10,243,245 certificate, 248 using certificates, 247 certifying authority, See certificate authority chan, 30 See also channels change! ogin, 10-11
primitive data types, 45 tuples, 57 array, 52 big, 45 byte, 45 i nt, 45 1 i st, 49 : : operator, 50 hd operator, 51 1 en operator, 51 tl operator, 51 real, 45 string, 45 debugger, 20 debugging, 22 default certificate, 247 default route, 218 devices draw, 318, 253, 255 server registry, 185 srv, 161,185 SSL, 315 prog, 140 #D,315
#s, 161,185 dial, 122 Diffie-Hellman, 246,248 digests, 249 digital signature, 95 Di rgenmod Module, 84 di rread,122 Dis virtual machine, 2,22,72 processes, 134 scheduler, 117 display, 261 screen, 259 windows, 259 See also Draw Module, Di spl ay ADT DNS, 12 do, 30, 34 Dorward, Sean, 3 Draw Module, 253,293 Context ADT, 27,253,259,293 Di spl ay ADT, 253,255,261,293
Image. gendrawQ, 293 Image. line(), 293 Image.ori gi n(), 293 Image. poly(), 293 Image.readpixels(),293 Image.text(), 293 Image, top (), 293 Image.wri tepi xels(), 293 Poi nt ADT, 253,255-256,293 Point, add Q, 257,293 Poi n t . d i v (),257,293
Poi nt.eq (),257,293
Di splay.allocate(), 293 Di spl ay. cmap2 rgbQ, 293 Di splay, colorQ, 293 Display.cursor(), 293 Di splay.cursorset(), 293 Display.newimage(),293, 293 Di spl ay. pub! i cscreenQ, 293 Di splay.readi mage(), 293 Display.rgb(),293 Di splay.rgb2cmap(), 293 Di splay.startrefresh(), 293 Di splay.wri tei mage(), 293
Font ADT, 253, 255,293,326
Rect. contai ns (), 259,293 Rect. dx (),258,293 Rect. dy (),258,293 Rect.eq (),258,293 Rect. in rect(), 259,293 Rect. inset 0,259,293 Rect. subpt 0,259,293 Rect. Xrect 0,258,293 Screen ADT, 253,255,263, 293 Screen. all ocate (), 263,293 Screen. newwi ndow(), 263,293 Screen. topO, 263,293 drivers
mount driver, 184 See also devices Dump, 18 editors Acme, 13,18 wi n,19 Pled, 123 wm/brutus, 13 wm/edit, 13 ElGamal, 248 else,30, 34 emu, 5 encryption, 243-244 environment, 147 groups, 138 error messages
Image, arc Q, 293 Image. arrowQ, 293 Image.bezi e r(), 293 Image.bezspli ne(), 293 Image.bottom(), 293 Image, dr aw Q, 293 Image.elli pse(), 293 Image. fillarcQ, 293 Image.fi11bezi er(), 293 Image.fi11bezspli ne(), 293 Image.fi11 elli pse(), 293 Image. fillpolyO, 293 Image, flush (), 293
could complete a cycle to,66 cannot declare ... with type,68 channel busy, 158 link failed,30 link typecheck,30
Index /dev/draw,255,261 /dev/keyboard, 117 /dev/sysname, 12 /dev/, 183 /installs /keydb/password, 11,244-245,248 /keydb/signerkey, 245 /modul e/draw. m, 254 /module/sys.m, 102 /net/, 215 /net/tcp/, 216 /prog/,140 /prog/n/ctl,141 /prog/n/dbgctl, 142 /prog/n/env, 147 /prog/n/fd, 143 /prog/n/heap, 144 /prog/n/nsgrp, 145 /prog/n/ns, 144 /prog/n/pgrp, 145 /prog/n/stack, 145 /prog/n/status, 146 /prog/n/text, 146 /prog/n/wait, 147 /services/cs/db, 11 /servi ces/cs/servi ces, 6 /services/dns/db, 12 /usr/,10 charon/, 10 key ri ng/defaul t, 247-248 keyring/,10 lib/,10 1 i b/wmsetup, 12 namespace, 13
ESP, 4,217 Ethernet, 217 Ethernet medium, 217 example programs Adduser, 110 ADTs, 59 al t caveats, 158 Aprint, 102 Broke, 149 Byte2char, 107 CacheLib, 63 Canonfilter, 196 channels, 155 Char2byte, 108 cyclic ADTs, 66 dismal swamp, 79 DrawContext, 260 dynamic user-level filesystems, 207 extended simple file server, 170 Fibonacci Numbers, 42 Filterfs, 198 Game of Life, 279 HelloWorld, 26 Liner, 73 Pled,123 Pong, 265 Printfilter, 195 Promela model, 173 PromelaLimbo, 175 ref ADTs, 60 SHA,249 sieve of Eratosthenes, 159 simple file server, 165 simple HTTP Server, 222 simple Tk, 273 Styx interloper, 192 Styxlib server, 202 tiny Limbo program, 40 Tk RGB sliders, 275 tunneling Styx over HTTP, 233 Webdict, 16,227 Xsniff, 88 exception handling, 118 Exit, 18 exi t, 30, 37 export, 122
fid, 164,172,187, 206 file descriptor groups, 138 file permissions, 110 file2chan,122 filesystem layout, 9 /dev/consct1,117 /dev/cons, 117 /dev/d raw/new, 262
filters, 194 user-level, 161 floating point, 72 flow control, 33 break, 37 case, 35 continue, 37 do while,34 exit, 37
for, 30, 37 if, 34
return, 37 while, 35 fn,30 fonts, 255, 328 f print, 122 functions, 25 signatures, 27,79,98, 25,45 garbage collector, 30,67 graphics, 253
GRE, 4, 217
heap, 134,144 hd, 30,49,51,30 history, 2 Holzmann, Gerard, 173 HP-UX, 1 HTML parsing, 226 HTML Module, 223,306
IP, 4 address, 12, 217 device, 215
IS2630 Screen Phone, 22 Java, 2, 22, 39 byte-code, 22 just-in-time compilation, 140 key exchange protocol, 246
Keyri ng Module, 297 auth(),297 certtostr(),297 cl oneDi gestState (), 297 descbc(),297 desecb(),297 dessetup(),297 dhparams 0,297 genSK(),297 genSKfromPK(),297 getbytearrayO, 297 getmsg(),297 getstring(),297 ideacbc(),297 ideaecb Q,297 ideasetup(),297 I Pint ADT, 297 I Pi nt. add Q, 297 IPint.b64toipQ,297 I Pi nt . bebytestoi p(), 297 IPint.bits(),297 IPi nt . bytestoi p(), 297 IPint.cmp(),297 IPint.div(),297 IPint.eq(),297 IPint.expmod(),297 IPint.inttoip(),297 IPint.iptob64Q,297 IPi nt . i ptobebytesQ, 297 IPi nt . i ptobytes (), 297 IPint.iptoint(),297 IPint.iptostr(),297 IPint.mul(),297 IPint.negQ,297 I Pint. random (), 297 IPint.strtoip(),297 IPint.sub(),297 md4Q,297 md5(),297 pktostr(),297 putbytearrayQ, 297 puterror(),297 putstring(),297 readauthi nfo(), 297 sendmsg(),297
shaQ,251,297 sign(),297 sktopk(),297 sktostr(),297 strtocert(),297 strtopk(),297 strtosk(),297 verify(),297 wri teauthi nf o(), 297 AuthinfoADT,297 Certi f i cate ADT, 297 DESstate ADT, 297 Di gestState ADT, 297 IDEAstate ADT, 297 PK ADT, 297 SigAlgADT,297 SK ADT, 297 Kill,18
Limbo, 3 compiler, 15,311 Hags, 16-17 debugger, 20 development environment, 13 language grammar, 285 thread scheduling, 134 Limbo/Tk, 278 1 en, 30,51 line directory, 211 listen, 122 1 i st, 30,49 load, 28, 30 loops, 33 See also flow control do while,34 while, 35 man-in-the-middle attacks, 246 manual pages DRAW-FONT(2), 326 DRAW-IMAGE(2), 321 DRAW-INTRO(2), 318 EMU(IE), 309 FONT(6), 328 INTRO(9), 331 LIMBO(IE), 311 OPTIONS^), 335 SECURTTY-SSL(2), 317 SSL(3), 315 TK(2), 329 TYPES(9), 333 message digests, 243 mi Hi sec, 122 MIPS, 1 ML, 3, 72, 87 MMU,4
Modula-2, 87 module, 25, 30,77 built-in, 16,93 C stubs, 94 function signature, 95 function table, 98 interface, 93 dynamic loading, 83 function signature, 95 implementation, 25,27 instance, 28, 78 instantiation, 80 interface, 25,27-28,78 loading, 28,45, 78,80 resource consumption, 84 self referential, 84 signature, 30 type, 25, 82 variable, 82 import, 82 mount driver, 184 See also devices mount, 13,122 multiple network stacks, 217 mutual authentication, 243,246-247 name space, 4,137 construction, 13 default, 13 group, 109,138 network configuration, 216 emulator, 216 native, 217 network gateway, 218 network mask, 218 network protocol stack, 217 networking, 4 Newcol,18 Newsqueak, 72,148 NFS RPC, 184,206 n i l , 30,47, 52 9P, 206 9P2000, 206 Oberon, 22,87 Occam, 3,169 of, 30 on-the-fly compilation, 133 operators, 30 or, 30 overflow, 45 packet medium, 217 pass by value / pass by reference, 48
PATH, 28
pet 1,122 per-process name space, 12,4 Perl, 39 permissions, 110 physical network media, 217 7r-cakulus, 72,169 pick, 30 Pike, Rob, 3 pipe, 122 pixels, 254 Plan 9,1-2, 22 plumber, 10 pointers, 48 Porter-Duff compositing algebra, 278 POSIX threads, 148 PPP medium, 217 precedence, 30 preprocessor, 27 print, 313,122 See also Sys Module, pri nt () private key, 243 privileges, 110 process, 133-134 Promela, 173 protocol verification, 173 public key, 243 Putall,18
qid, 143,187, 206, 211-212 reference type, 48 See also ADT ref, 30,60 See also reference type real, 30,45 replay attacks, 246 reserved words, 30 resources as files, 4 return, 30, 37-38 router, 218 routing table, 218 RPC, 183 RUDP, 217 runtime type checking, 45 Scheme, 39 scope, 30 security, 243
sel f, 30, 62 $Self,84
server registry, 184 server Styx, 183 setup, 5 See also installation SHA, 245, 248
signer, 10,243 See also certificate authority ID, 245 key, 243 sleep, 122 Snarf, 19 SPARC, 1 spawn, 30,133-135 SPIN, 173 sprint, 122 See also Sys Module, spri nt () SSL, 232 stack, 134,145 statement block, 30 import, 33 include, 28 station-to-station protocol, 246 streaming video/audio, 117 streams, 169 strings, 30,45,47 slices, 54 conversion to array, 55 StrongARM, 1 Styx, 4,22,183,186 comparison with NFS v2 RPC, 184 intercepting Styx messages, 191 message formats, 187 message types, 187 message fid, 187 message qid, 187 message tag, 187 Styxlib, 202 transactions, 186 Styx server, 202 super user, 9 synthetic file, 161 Styx Module, 300 Styxlib Module,202 Di rtab ADT, 206, 205 Styxserver ADT, 205 Sys Module, 101,302 ACTIVE, 120,302 announce (), 220-221,302 a p r i n t Q, 101,302 ATOMICIO, 302 b i n d (),12-13,104,302 byte2char(),107,302 char 2 byte (),108,302 c h d i r (),109,302 CHDIR, 110,302 Connecti on ADT, 220,302 create (),110,302 dial (),220,302 d i r read (), 302
Index sprint(),302 startrefresh(),136 s tat 0,302 stream 0,117,302 tokenize(),302 unmount(), 302 un rescue 0,118,302 utf bytes 0,302 UTFerror,302 UTFmax, 302 WAITLEN, 302 write 0,117,302 wstat(),302 system error messages, 41 system processes, 134 tagof, 30 tail recursion, 38 Tel, 39 Tel /Tk, 278 See also Limbo/Tk TCP, 216 TCP/IP, 4,13, 217 See also IP thread group ID, 138 thread ID, 138 threads, 133-134 concurrent, 173 creation and control, 135,138 exiting, 140 just-in-time compiled, 140 name spaces, 137 scheduling in virtual machine, 133 scheduling, 2 states, 136 pctl system call, 138 three-button mouse, 18 Tk introduction, 331 options, 335 types, 333 Tk Module, 272,305, 329 and 0,273,305 imageget(),305 imageput(),305 intop(),305 keyboard(), 305 mouse(),305 namechanO, 273,305 topi eve! (),273,305 Topi eve! ADT, 273-274,305 windows(),305 tl, 30,49, 51 TLS,232 to, 30 Transputer, 169
Di r ADT, 195,198,302 dup Q,113,302 ERRLEN, 302 Except! on ADT, 119-120,302 EXCEPTION, 120,302 EXIT, 121,302 EXPASYNC, 302 export Q,191,220,302 EXPWAIT, 302 FD ADT, 302 fi Ides 0,113,302 file2chanO,16l,302 Fi 1 elO ADT, 162-163,167,302 FORKENV, 302 FORKFD, 302 FORKNS, 145,302 fprintO,302 fstat(),302 fwstat(),302 HANDLER, 119,302 listen (),220,222,302 MAFTER, 144,302 MBEFORE, 144,302 MCREATE, 144,302 mini sec 0,302 mount 0,12-13,191,302 MREPL, 144,302 NAMELEN, 302 NEWENV, 302 NEWFD, 302 NEWNS, 145,302 NEWPGRP, 145,302 NODEVS, 302 ONCE, 120,302 open O,H5,302 ORCLOSE, 115, 302 ORDWR, 302 OREAD, 302 OTRUNC, 115,302 OWRITE, 302 pet 1(),13,138-139,302 pipe(),302 print 0,302,313 QidADT,302 raise O,H8,302 RAISE, 120,302 read (),115,302 remove 0,116,302 rescue 0,118,302 rescued (),118,302 seek(),115-116, 302 SEEKEND, 116,302 SEEKRELA, 116, 302 SEEKSTART, 116, 302 SELF, 302 sleep(),302
type cast, 30,45 type checking, 45 type definitions, 71 type error, 45 types, 30 type, 71 UDP/IP, 4,217 See also IP unbuffered character I/O, 117 See also console Unicode, 47,55,102,107-108 union directory, 105 Unix, 2, 22 unmount, 122 UTF-8,47,55-56,102,107-108 Url Module, 223,307 makeurl Q, 225,307 ParsedUrl.makeabsolute(),307 ParsedUrl .tostringO,307 ParsedUrl ADT, 224,307 utilities bind, 13,105 broke, 151 cat, 168 cd, 7 changelogin, 10-11 createsignerkey, 245 du,7 getauthinfo, 246 kill, 9 lc,7 Is, 7 mkdir, 10 mount, 13,122 nsbuild, 13 plumb, 10 ps, 7,141,146
stack, 20 tkcmd, 273 unmount, 13,122 wm/deb, 20 wm/ logon, 6,13 wm/wm, 7,13 value type, 48 variadic functions, 93 Visual Basic, 39 VPN Firewall Brick, 22 window manager, 6-7,274 while, 30,34-35 Windows, 1 Winterbottom, Phil, 3 wi Sh, 273 working directory, 109 Webgrab Module, 223 Wrnl i b Module, 274,308 cmds(),275 dia1og(),308 filenameO,308 geom(),308 getstring(),308
init(),275 mktabs(),308
snarfget(),308 snarfput(),308 tabs ctl(), 308
ti tl ebar Q, 274-275,308 titlectl(),308 tkcmds(),308 tkquote(),308 unhide(),308 untaskbar(),308 Wood, Ed, 2