Aib-Zr-Zt 75-90 VSD
Aib-Zr-Zt 75-90 VSD
Aib-Zr-Zt 75-90 VSD
Instruction book
Atlas Copco Stationary Air Compressors
Instrction book
PNA: 811433
• Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited.
This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings.
• Use only authorized parts. Any damage or malfunction caused by the use
of unauthorized parts is not covered by Warranty or Product Liability.
Table of contents
1 Safety precautions..........................................................................................................5
2 General description......................................................................................................10
2.1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................10
3 Elektronikon regulator.................................................................................................44
Instruction book
4 Installation.....................................................................................................................79
4.6 PICTOGRAPHS...............................................................................................................................100
5 Operating instructions...............................................................................................102
5.4 STARTING.....................................................................................................................................112
5.6 STOPPING.....................................................................................................................................114
Instruction book
6 Maintenance................................................................................................................118
7 Servicing procedures.................................................................................................121
8 Problem solving..........................................................................................................126
9 Principal data..............................................................................................................129
9.5 LIMITATIONS..................................................................................................................................133
Instruction book
1 Safety precautions
Important note
All responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from neglecting these
precautions, or non-observance of the normal caution and care required for
installation, operation, maintenance and repair, even if not expressly stated, will
be disclaimed by the manufacturer.
General precautions
1. The operator must employ safe working practices and observe all related local work safety requirements
and regulations.
2. If any of the following statements does not comply with local legislation, the stricter of the two shall apply.
3. Installation, operation, maintenance and repair work must only be performed by authorised, trained,
specialised personnel.
4. The compressor is not considered capable of producing air of breathing quality. For air of breathing quality,
the compressed air must be adequately purified according to local legislation and standards.
5. Before any maintenance, repair work, adjustment or any other non-routine checks, stop the compressor,
press the emergency stop button, switch off the voltage and depressurise the compressor. In addition, the
power isolating switch must be opened and locked.
6. Never play with compressed air. Do not apply the air to your skin or direct an air stream at people. Never
use the air to clean dirt from your clothes. When using the air to clean equipment, do so with extreme
caution and wear eye protection.
7. The owner is responsible for maintaining the unit in safe operating condition. Parts and accessories shall
be replaced if unsuitable for safe operation.
Instruction book
2. Place the machine where the ambient air is as cool and clean as possible. If necessary, install a suction
duct. Never obstruct the air inlet. Care must be taken to minimise the entry of moisture at the inlet air.
3. Any blanking flanges, plugs, caps and desiccant bags must be removed before connecting the pipes.
4. Air hoses must be of correct size and suitable for the working pressure. Never use frayed, damaged or
worn hoses. Distribution pipes and connections must be of the correct size and suitable for the working
5. The aspirated air must be free of flammable fumes, vapours and particles, e.g. paint solvents, that can lead
to internal fire or explosion.
6. Arrange the air intake so that loose clothing worn by people cannot be sucked in.
7. Ensure that the discharge pipe from the compressor to the aftercooler or air net is free to expand under
heat and that it is not in contact with or close to flammable materials.
8. No external force may be exerted on the air outlet valve; the connected pipe must be free of strain.
9. If remote control is installed, the machine must bear a clear sign stating: DANGER: This machine is
remotely controlled and may start without warning.
The operator has to make sure that the machine is stopped and that the isolating switch is open and locked
before any maintenance or repair. As a further safeguard, persons switching on remotely controlled
machines shall take adequate precautions to ensure that there is no one checking or working on the
machine. To this end, a suitable notice shall be affixed to the start equipment.
10. Air-cooled machines must be installed in such a way that an adequate flow of cooling air is available and
that the exhausted air does not recirculate to the compressor air inlet or cooling air inlet.
11. The electrical connections must correspond to the local codes. The machines must be earthed and protected
against short circuits by fuses in all phases. A lockable power isolating switch must be installed near the
12. On machines with automatic start-stop system or if the automatic restart function after voltage failure is
activated, a sign stating "This machine may start without warning" must be affixed near the instrument
13. In multiple compressor systems, manual valves must be installed to isolate each compressor. Non-return
valves (check valves) must not be relied upon for isolating pressure systems.
14. Never remove or tamper with the safety devices, guards or insulation fitted on the machine. Every pressure
vessel or auxiliary installed outside the machine to contain air above atmospheric pressure must be
protected by a pressure-relieving device or devices as required.
15. Pipework or other parts with a temperature in excess of 80˚C (176˚F) and which may be accidentally
touched by personnel in normal operation must be guarded or insulated. Other high-temperature pipework
must be clearly marked.
16. For water-cooled machines, the cooling water system installed outside the machine has to be protected by
a safety device with set pressure according to the maximum cooling water inlet pressure.
17. If the ground is not level or can be subject to variable inclination, consult the manufacturer.
Also consult following safety precautions: Safety precautions during operation and Safety
precautions during maintenance.
These precautions apply to machinery processing or consuming air or inert gas. Processing
of any other gas requires additional safety precautions typical to the application which are not
included herein.
Some precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence some
statements may not apply to your machine.
Instruction book
All responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from neglecting these
precautions, or non-observance of the normal caution and care required for
installation, operation, maintenance and repair, even if not expressly stated, will
be disclaimed by the manufacturer.
General precautions
1. The operator must employ safe working practices and observe all related local work safety requirements
and regulations.
2. If any of the following statements does not comply with local legislation, the stricter of the two shall apply.
3. Installation, operation, maintenance and repair work must only be performed by authorised, trained,
specialised personnel.
4. The compressor is not considered capable of producing air of breathing quality. For air of breathing quality,
the compressed air must be adequately purified according to local legislation and standards.
5. Before any maintenance, repair work, adjustment or any other non-routine checks, stop the compressor,
press the emergency stop button, switch off the voltage and depressurise the compressor. In addition, the
power isolating switch must be opened and locked.
6. Never play with compressed air. Do not apply the air to your skin or direct an air stream at people. Never
use the air to clean dirt from your clothes. When using the air to clean equipment, do so with extreme
caution and wear eye protection.
Instruction book
10. Never remove or tamper with the safety devices, guards or insulations fitted on the machine. Every pressure
vessel or auxiliary installed outside the machine to contain air above atmospheric pressure shall be
protected by a pressure-relieving device or devices as required.
Also consult following safety precautions: Safety precautions during installation and Safety
precautions during maintenance.
These precautions apply to machinery processing or consuming air or inert gas. Processing
of any other gas requires additional safety precautions typical to the application which are not
included herein.
Some precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence some
statements may not apply to your machine.
All responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from neglecting these
precautions, or non-observance of the normal caution and care required for
installation, operation, maintenance and repair, even if not expressly stated, will
be disclaimed by the manufacturer.
General precautions
1. The operator must employ safe working practices and observe all related local work safety requirements
and regulations.
2. If any of the following statements does not comply with local legislation, the stricter of the two shall apply.
3. Installation, operation, maintenance and repair work must only be performed by authorised, trained,
specialised personnel.
4. The compressor is not considered capable of producing air of breathing quality. For air of breathing quality,
the compressed air must be adequately purified according to local legislation and standards.
5. Before any maintenance, repair work, adjustment or any other non-routine checks, stop the compressor,
press the emergency stop button, switch off the voltage and depressurise the compressor. In addition, the
power isolating switch must be opened and locked.
6. Never play with compressed air. Do not apply the air to your skin or direct an air stream at people. Never
use the air to clean dirt from your clothes. When using the air to clean equipment, do so with extreme
caution and wear eye protection.
Instruction book
8. Before removing any pressurized component, effectively isolate the machine from all sources of pressure
and relieve the entire system of pressure.
9. Never use flammable solvents or carbon tetrachloride for cleaning parts. Take safety precautions against
toxic vapours of cleaning liquids.
10. Scrupulously observe cleanliness during maintenance and repair. Keep dirt away by covering the parts
and exposed openings with a clean cloth, paper or tape.
11. Never weld or perform any operation involving heat near the oil system. Oil tanks must be completely
purged, e.g. by steam-cleaning, before carrying out such operations. Never weld on, or in any way modify,
pressure vessels.
12. Whenever there is an indication or any suspicion that an internal part of a machine is overheated, the
machine shall be stopped but no inspection covers shall be opened before sufficient cooling time has
elapsed; this to avoid the risk of spontaneous ignition of the oil vapour when air is admitted.
13. Never use a light source with open flame for inspecting the interior of a machine, pressure vessel, etc.
14. Make sure that no tools, loose parts or rags are left in or on the machine.
15. All regulating and safety devices shall be maintained with due care to ensure that they function properly.
They may not be put out of action.
16. Before clearing the machine for use after maintenance or overhaul, check that operating pressures,
temperatures and time settings are correct. Check that all control and shut-down devices are fitted and that
they function correctly. If removed, check that the coupling guard of the compressor drive shaft has been
17. Protect the motor, air filter, electrical and regulating components, etc. to prevent moisture from entering
them, e.g. when steam-cleaning.
18. Make sure that all sound-damping material and vibration dampers, e.g. damping material on the bodywork
and in the air inlet and outlet systems of the compressor, is in good condition. If damaged, replace it by
genuine material from the manufacturer to prevent the sound pressure level from increasing.
19. Never use caustic solvents which can damage materials of the air net, e.g. polycarbonate bowls.
20. The following safety precautions are stressed when handling refrigerant:
• Never inhale refrigerant vapours. Check that the working area is adequately ventilated; if required, use
breathing protection.
• Always wear special gloves. In case of refrigerant contact with the skin, rinse the skin with water. If
liquid refrigerant contacts the skin through clothing, never tear off or remove the latter; flush
abundantly with fresh water over the clothing until all refrigerant is flushed away; then seek medical
first aid.
21. Protect hands to avoid injury from hot machine parts, e.g. during draining of oil.
Also consult following safety precautions: Safety precautions during installation and Safety
precautions during operation.
These precautions apply to machinery processing or consuming air or inert gas. Processing
of any other gas requires additional safety precautions typical to the application which are not
included herein.
Some precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence some
statements may not apply to your machine.
Instruction book
2 General description
2.1 Introduction
The Z 75/90 VSD (Variable Speed Drive) are two-stage screw compressors driven by an electric motor. The
compressors deliver oil-free, pulsation-free air. By continuously matching the speed of the drive motor to the
air demand, the VSD compressor optimizes energy consumption and reduces the operating pressure band.
ZR 75/90 VSD are water-cooled compressors.
ZT 75/90 VSD are air-cooled compressors.
Full-Feature compressors are additionally provided with an air dryer which removes moisture from
compressed air.
The compressors are enclosed in a sound-insulated bodywork and include mainly:
• Air filter (AF)
• Load/no-load valve (TV)
• Low-pressure compressor element (El)
• Intercooler (Ci)
• High-pressure compressor element (Eh)
• Aftercooler (Ca)
• Electric motor (M1)
• Drive coupling
• Gear casing
• Elektronikon® regulator
• Variable speed drive unit
• Safety valves (SVh, SVl)
Instruction book
General view of ZR 75/90 VSD Pack, ZR 75/90 VSD Full-Feature and ZR 75/90 VSD Pack with Energy Recovery
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Instruction book
Instruction book
Instruction book
Instruction book
Main components
Ref Name
AF Air filter
AO Air outlet
AS Silencer
BV By-pass valve, oil cooler
Ca Aftercooler
Ca1 Pre-aftercooler
Ca2 Aftercooler
Ci Intercooler
Co Oil cooler
Cr Regeneration cooler
Dmo Oil drain valve, gear casing
Eh High-pressure compressor element
El Low-pressure compressor element
ER Energy recovery
ERwi Water inlet, energy recovery
ERwo Water outlet, energy recovery
EWDa Electronic water drain, aftercooler
EWDi Electronic water drain, intercooler
Instruction book
Ref Name
E1 Elektronikon regulator
FC Oil filler cap
FN Cooling fan
IMD/IND Internal dryer
M1 Drive motor
M25 Fan motor
MTa Moisture trap, aftercooler
MTi Moisture trap, intercooler
OF Oil filter
S2 Emergency stop button
SG Oil level sight-glass
SVh High-pressure safety valve
SVl Low-pressure safety valve
TV Load/no-load valve
US Silencer
WI Cooling water inlet
WO Cooling water outlet
Y1 Loading solenoid valve
Optional equipment
Following equipment is available as an option:
The compressor is additionally provided with an IMD adsoption dryer. The dryer is integrated in the bodywork
and removes moisture from the compressed air.
This compressor can be provided on the compressed air outlet and water pipes with:
ANSI flanges
Instruction book
Energy recovery
ZR compressors can be provided with an Atlas Copco energy recovery system to recover the major part of
the compression heat in the form of hot water.
SPM monitoring
A number of vibration sensors are provided on the drive motor and compressor elements. The readings can
be called up on the display of the Elektronikon regulator.
Anchor pads
Steel plates, fitting in the forklift slots, and bolts are shipped loose with the compressor. With these plates
and bolts, the compressor frame can be fixed to the floor.
Anti-condensation heaters
Electric heaters are installed in the motor windings and connected to the compressor cubicle. When the
compressor is stopped, the heaters are automatically switched on. The heaters in the motor will prevent
condensation during stand-still.
PDP sensor
The pressure dewpoint of the compressed air leaving the IMD dryer is continuously shown on the display of
the Elektronikon regulator. This allows to monitor the performance of the dryer and to make sure that the
compressed air is dry enough for the application.
Instruction book
Full-Feature ND
The Z Full-Feature ND compressor has an integrated heat of compression rotary drum dryer. The regeneration
air passes over a heater. The heater maintains a preset regeneration temperature to a have guaranteed dew
point at stated conditions. A thermostatic control puts on the heater and shuts it off automatically based on
the regeneration temperature requirements.
Flow diagram
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Instruction book
Flow diagram, ZR 75/90 VSD Full-Feature with Low Load compensator and ZR 75/90 VSD Full-Feature ND
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Flow diagram, ZT 75/90 VSD Full-Feature with Low Load compensator and ZT 75/90 VSD Full-Feature ND
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Flow diagram
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Instruction book
Two condensate traps are installed:
• One downstream of the intercooler (MTi) to prevent condensate from entering compressor element (Eh)
• one downstream of the aftercooler (MTa) to prevent condensate from entering the air outlet pipe.
The condensate traps are connected to Electronic Water Drains (EWDi and EWDa respectively).
Full-Feature compressors are provided with extra Electronic Water Drains (16, 17 and on ZT compressors
also 15).
Instruction book
Functional test
Briefly press the TEST button and check that the valve opens for condensate discharge.
If the pressure is lower than 0.8 bar(e), the valve will open but no condensate will be
Instruction book
ZR compressors
Oil is circulated by pump (OP) from the sump of the gear casing through cooler (Co) and filter (OF) towards
the bearings and timing gears. A by-pass valve opens if the oil pressure should rise above a given value.
Instruction book
ZT compressors
Oil is circulated by pump (OP) from the sump of the gear casing through cooler (Co), the cooling jackets of
compressor elements (El and Eh) and filter (OF) towards the bearings and timing gears. A by-pass valve opens
if the oil pressure should rise above a given value.
Instruction book
ZR compressors
Instruction book
Instruction book
ZT compressors
Instruction book
The compressors are provided with an air-cooled oil cooler (Co), intercooler (Ci), pre-aftercooler (Ca1) and
aftercooler (Ca2). An electric motor-driven fan (FN) generates the cooling air.
ZT Full-Feature compressors have an additional regeneration air cooler (11), the cooling air for this cooler is
generated by an extra fan (13).
Instruction book
The system recovers the major part of the compression heat. The percentage of shaft input power available
for recovery is between 80 and 95, depending on the operating conditions.
If an MD dryer is installed downstream of the compressor, this percentage is reduced to approx. 70 of the
shaft input instead of approx. 90, as part of the heat in the compressed air is used for regeneration in the drying
A complete energy recovery system includes:
• Compressor with modified cooling system (ZR)
• A pump unit (PU) to transfer the recovered energy from the compressor cooling system to the heat
consumer (HC)
• The heat consumer (HC), i.e. the equipment to transfer the energy to the industrial process
Instruction book
Pump unit
Atlas Copco supplies pump units to transfer the energy recovered from the compressor to the heat consumer
(HC). The pump unit constitutes a closed water circuit with the compressor cooling system.
Two water pumps (WP1/2) are fitted. One pump circulates the hot cooling water from the compressor through
the heat consumer and back to the compressor. The other is a stand-by pump. Check valves (CV1/2) at the
delivery side of the pumps prevent backflow of water in the stand-by pump. The pump unit is fitted with a
make-up water connection, an air trap with automatic de-aeration device (AT), a pressure and temperature
gauge (PI and TI), a safety valve (SV) and an expansion tank (ET).
Instruction book
temperature at the compressor inlet). It is advisable to adjust the setting of the valve as close as possible to
the temperature of the cooling water returning from the heat consumer (HC).
Depending on the amount of energy transferred in the heat consumer (HC), the heat exchanger (HE) of the
pump unit is completely or partly by-passed by means of a thermostatic valve (RV2). The valve is normally
adjusted to achieve a cooling water temperature of 104 ˚F (corresponding to the maximum allowable
temperature at the compressor inlet). It is advisable to adjust the setting of the valve as close as possible to
the temperature of the cooling water returning from the heat consumer (HC).
Sufficient low-temperature cooling water must be available for the heat exchanger to achieve a water
temperature that does not exceed 40 ˚C/104 ˚F.
Electrical system
The pumps (WP1 and WP2) are driven by an electric motor. Each motor is equipped with manual starting
equipment including a circuit breaker.
The first time it is started, check that the rotation direction matches the direction indicated by the arrows on
the motor flanges. If necessary, stop the unit, switch off the voltage and reverse two incoming electric lines.
Important remarks
Compressed air quality and reliability of any compressor, dryer or other equipment should never be made
subordinate to the energy recovery system. In some cases, especially installations where air dryers are
installed, an additional aftercooler is required to reduce the compressor air outlet temperature to a level at
which the dryers operate at maximum efficiency. This aftercooler and the dryer (if water-cooled) need to be
cooled separately by low-temperature water. Consult the Atlas Copco Customer Centre.
The general temperature level of compressors with a modified cooling system for energy recovery is approx.
20 to 25 ˚C (68 to 77 ˚F) higher than the level of compressors with a standard cooling system, resulting in a
slight decrease in free air delivery and a slight increase in shaft power.
In case the compressors operate in high ambient temperatures and with high water inlet temperatures, the
maximum working pressure is 0.5 bar (7.25 psi) lower than for standard compressors. Consult the Atlas Copco
Customer Centre.
Settings - limitations
Item Setting
Maximum cooling water temperature at compressor 90 ˚C (85 ˚C if MD dryer is fitted)
outlet 194 ˚F (185 ˚F if MD dryer is fitted)
Maximum cooling water temperature at compressor 40 ˚C
inlet 104 ˚F
Safety valve opening pressure 2.5 bar(e)
36.3 psig
Instruction book
Reference Name
1 Low load during unload cycle
2 Heater
3 Air net
4 Rotor
5 Motor
6 Cooler
7 Solenoid valve
8 Silencer
9 Air outlet (compressor)
10 Mechanical link
11 Drain
12 Water
13 No air flow
14 Air flow
15 Flow direction
16 Regeneration air (compressor)
Using the low load installation will allow the dryer to operate in low load conditions of the compressor. At
these conditions (compressor in unload) the PDP is maintained by purging a small amount of heated, dryed
air through the rotor (4).
This is needed when the load cycle is below 40 % (consult your Atlas Copco Customer Centre).
Instruction book
Main components
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Instruction book
3 Elektronikon regulator
Main functions
In general, the Elektronikon regulator has following functions:
• Controlling the motor speed (Variable Speed Drive) and reducing the power consumption.
• Protecting the compressor.
• Monitoring components - service warning.
• Automatic restart after voltage failure.
When the net pressure drops below the pressure setpoint within this period of 150 seconds, the load/no-load
valve will fully open and the motor speed will increase to match the air delivery to the air consumption.
Instruction book
Ref Name
(1) Pressure
(2) Direct stop offset
(3) Setpoint
(4) Motor speed
(5) Minimum
(6) Time
(7) Load
(8) Unload
(9) Stop
(10) Unload offset
Direct stopping
In case the net pressure should rise to a value equal to the sum of the programmed pressure setpoint and the
programmed direct stop offset, the compressor will be stopped immediately.
The regulator will restart the compressor when the net pressure drops below the pressure setpoint.
Instruction book
Service warning
A number of service operations are grouped (called Level A, B, C, ...). Each level has a programmed time
interval. If a time interval is exceeded, a message will appear on the display to warn the operator to carry out
the service actions belonging to that level.
See “Preventive maintenance schedule”.
If activated and provided the module was in the automatic operation mode, the compressor
will automatically restart if the supply voltage to the module is restored within a
programmed time period.
The power recovery time (the period within which the voltage must be restored to have an
automatic restart) can be set between 1 and 255 seconds or to Infinite. If the power
recovery time is set to Infinite, the compressor will always restart after a voltage failure,
no matter how long it takes to restore the voltage. A restart delay can also be programmed,
allowing e.g. two compressors to be restarted one after the other.
Instruction book
Instruction book
Control panel
Function keys
The keys (1) are used:
• To manually load/unload the compressor (not for VSD compressors)
• To call up or to program settings
• To reset a motor overload, shut-down or service message, or an emergency stop
• To access all data collected by the regulator
The functions of the keys vary depending on the displayed menu. The actual function is indicated just above
the relevant key. The most common functions are listed below:
Designation Function
“Add” To add compressor start/stop commands (day/hour)
“Back” To return to a previously shown option or menu
“Cancel” To cancel a programmed setting when programming parameters
“Delete” To delete compressor start/stop commands
Instruction book
Designation Function
“Help” To find the Atlas Copco internet address
“Limits” To show limits for a programmable setting
“Load” Not used on VSD (Variable Speed Drive) compressors
To load the compressor manually
“Mainscreen” To return from a menu to the main screen
“Menu” Starting from the main screen, to have access to the submenus
“Menu” Starting from a submenu, to return to a previous menu
“Modify” To modify programmable settings
“Program” To program modified settings
“Reset” To reset a timer or message
“Return” To return to a previously shown option or menu
“Unload” Not used on VSD (Variable Speed Drive) compressors
To unload the compressor manually
“Extra” To find the module configuration of the regulator
Control panel
The keys (1) allow the operator to scroll through the display.
As long as a downwards pointing arrow is shown at the utmost right position of the display, the scroll key
with the same symbol can be used to see the next item.
As long as an upwards pointing arrow is shown at the utmost right position of the display, the scroll key with
the same symbol can be used to see the previous item.
When the scroll key is kept pressed, the scrolling is continued.
Instruction book
Control panel
Before starting any maintenance or repairs, wait until the compressor has
stopped and open the isolating switch (customer's installation) to switch off the
voltage to the compressor.
Close the air outlet valve and open the manual condensate drain valves to
depressurize the air system.
Apply all relevant Safety precautions.
Terminal strip (1X7) is provided with auxiliary contacts for external indication of:
Instruction book
Safety precautions
Before connecting external equipment, stop the compressor and apply the Safety
precautions during maintenance or repair.
In order to facilitate programming and controlling, menu-driven control programs have been implemented in
the regulator.
Instruction book
Main menu
Program Function
Main screen Shows in short the operation status of the compressor. Is the gateway to all
Instruction book
Program Function
“Status data” Calls up the status of the compressor protection functions (shut-down, shut-down
warning, service warning and warning). Resets a shut-down, motor overload and
service condition.
“Measured data” Calls up the data currently measured and the status of a number of inputs.
“Counters” Calls up the running hours, regulator (module) hours and number of motor starts.
“Test” Display test.
“Modify parameters” Modifies the settings for:
• Parameters (e.g. loading and unloading pressures)
• Protections (e.g. temperature shut-down level)
• Service plans (timers for service plans)
• Clock functions (automatic compressor start/stop/pressure band commands)
• Configuration (time, date, display language,...)
“Service” Calls up service plans and resets the timers after carrying out the service actions
belonging to a plan.
“Saved data” Calls up the saved data: last shut-down, last emergency stop data.
“Unload/Load” Loads and unloads the compressor manually.
Control panel
When the voltage is switched on, the Main screen is shown automatically.
Example of Main screen of ZR/ZT 75 VSD up to ZR/ZT 90 VSD compressors
Instruction book
After pressing the “Menu” (F1) key, the option “Status Data” will be followed by a horizontal arrow:
• Either press the tabulator key (2) to select this menu,
• or use the arrow down key (1) until the desired submenu is followed by a horizontal arrow and then press
the tabulator key (2) to select this menu.
The arrow down key (1) can be used for a quick look at the actual compressor status.
Control panel
The Main screen menu shows the status of the compressor operation and is the gateway to all functions
implemented in the regulator.
The Main screen is shown automatically when the voltage is switched on.
If the function or arrow keys (1, 2 and 3) are not used for some minutes, the regulator will automatically return
to the Main screen.
Whenever displayed on a submenu screen, press the “Mainscreen” (F1) key to return to the Main screen.
Example of Main screen of ZR/ZT 75 VSD up to ZR/ZT 90 VSD compressors
Instruction book
Before starting any maintenance or repairs, press the stop button (4), wait until the
compressor has stopped, press the red emergency stop button and open the isolating
switch (customer's installation) to switch off the voltage to the compressor.
Close the air outlet valve and depressurize the air system.
Control panel
The Status data submenu gives information regarding the status of the compressor protection functions (shut-
down, shut-down warning and service warning) and allows resetting of a shut-down, motor overload and
service condition.
Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen menu):
• Press the key “Menu” (F1): the option “Status Data” will be followed by a horizontal arrow.
• Press the tabulator key (2).
Instruction book
No message exists
• General alarm LED (1) is out and the message on the display will indicate that all conditions are normal:
• The indicators (***) are blinking. The screen shows the actual reading and the shut-down setting.
• It remains possible to scroll through other menus, e.g. to check the values of other parameters.
When returning to the “Status Data” menu, the option “Shutdowns” will blink. This option can be selected
by pressing the tabulator key (2) to return to the above shut-down screen.
Shut-down reset
• Switch off the voltage and remedy the trouble. After remedying and when the shut-down condition has
disappeared, switch on the voltage and press the key “Reset” (F3).
• Press the keys “Menu” and “Mainscreen” to return to the Main screen and restart the compressor by means
of start button (3).
Instruction book
• Press the key “Menu” (F1) and the tabulator key (2) to select the “Status data” menu; the option
“Protection” is blinking.
• Scroll to this option and select it by pressing the tabulator key (2). A screen similar to the one below
• The screen indicates that the temperature at the outlet of compressor element 1 exceeds the programmed
shut-down warning level.
• If necessary, stop the compressor by means of stop button (4) and wait until it has stopped.
• Switch off the voltage, inspect and remedy.
• The warning message will disappear automatically as soon as the warning condition disappears.
• The indicators (***) are blinking and the service warning message appears.
• Press the key Menu (F1) and the tabulator key (2) to select the “Status data” menu: the option “Service”
is blinking.
• Scroll to this option and select it by pressing the tabulator key (2); two options may blink:
• “Inputs”: if the programmed service level of a component is exceeded (e.g. the maximum pressure
drop of the air filter).
• “Plan”: if a service plan interval is exceeded.
• Stop the compressor and switch off the voltage.
• In case the service message was referring to “Inputs” (air filter): replace the filter, switch on the voltage,
scroll in the “Status Data” menu to “Inputs” and press the “Reset” key to reset the service message.
• In case the service message was referring to “Plan”: carry out the service actions related to the indicated
plans. Reset the timers of the related plans. Contact your Atlas Copco Customer Centre. See Service menu.
Instruction book
Control panel
To call up information regarding the actually measured data and the status of some inputs such as the motor
overload protection. Consult the menu flow in section Control programs.
Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen menu):
• Press the key “Menu” (F1).
• Press the arrow down key (1) until “Measured Data” is followed by a horizontal arrow.
• Activate the menu by pressing the tabulator key (2).
• By pressing the scroll keys (1), a number of actually measured data can be found.
• If one of the sensors is linked to a shut-down, service or warning function, both the actually measured
value as well as the corresponding shut-down, warning or service level can be called up by pressing key
Instruction book
Control panel
To call up:
• The running hours
• The loaded hours
• The number of motor starts
• The number of hours the regulator (module) has been under tension
• The number of load cycles
Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen menu):
• Press the key “Menu” (F1).
• Press the arrow down key (1) until “Counters” is followed by a horizontal arrow.
• Press the tabulator key (2) to activate the menu.
• By pressing the arrow key (1), the above-mentioned data can be found.
“Running Hours” 2455 “hrs”
“Loaded Hours” 1973 “hrs”
“Motor Starts” 945
F1 F2 F3
Instruction book
Control panel
To carry out a display test, i.e. to check whether the display and LEDs are still intact.
• Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen menu), press the “Menu” (F1) key.
• Press arrow down key (1) until “Test” is followed by a horizontal arrow.
• Activate the menu by pressing the key (2).
To perform a display test:
• If necessary, scroll through the menu until “Display Test” is followed by a horizontal arrow.
• Press the key (2).
• During testing, the regulator will generate a series of patterns on the display which enable the operator to
check that each pixel still functions normally; the LEDs are lit at the same time.
• Press the “Menu” key (F1) to return to the submenu.
To modify a number of programmable settings:
• Compressor/motor settings (see section Modifying compressor/motor settings).
• Dryer motor settings (see section Modifying dryer motor settings).
• Parameters (see section Modifying parameters).
• Protections (see section Modifying protections).
• Service plan settings (see section Modifying service plan settings).
• Clock function settings (see section Modifying clock function settings).
• Configuration settings (see section Modifying configuration settings).
Instruction book
Control panel
To modify a number of settings. Consult the menu flow in section Control programs.
Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen menu):
• Press the key “Menu” (F1).
• Press the arrow down key (1) until “Modify parameters” is followed by an arrow pointing to the right.
• Activate the menu by pressing tabulator key (2).
• The first option (“Compressor Motor”) will be followed by a right pointing arrow. Press key (2): the first
item “Setpoint 1” and its setting will appear.
• Use keys (1) to scroll until the parameter to be modified is followed by a horizontal arrow.
• For each parameter, the modifying procedure is similar to the example below.
Instruction book
The regulator will not accept new values beyond the limitations.
It is possible to check the limitations which are valid for the parameter to be modified by
selecting “Limits”.
Control panel
To modify a number of parameters. Consult the menu flow in section Control programs.
Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen menu):
• Press the key “Menu” (F1).
• Press the arrow down key (1) until “Modify parameters” is followed by a horizontal arrow.
• Activate the menu by pressing the tabulator key (2).
• Use the arrow down key until the option “Parameters” is followed by a horizontal arrow.
• Press the tabulator key (2): the first item and its setting will appear.
• Press the arrow down key (1) until the parameter to be modified is followed by a horizontal arrow.
• To modify this setting, press the key “Modify”; the setting starts blinking.
Instruction book
• The key “Limits” can be used to find out the limitations for the parameter. Use the arrow up or arrow
down key to change the value.
• Press the key “Program” to program the new setting or the key “Cancel” to cancel the modification
The procedure to modify other parameters is similar.
The regulator will not accept new values beyond the limitations. Press the key “Limits” to check
the limitations for the parameter. Consult Programmable settings for the most important
To modify the low load operation mode of the dryer.
Starting from the Main screen:
• Press the key “Menu” (F1).
• Press the arrow down key (1) until “Modify Parameters” is followed by a horizontal arrow.
• Activate the menu by pressing the tabulator key (2).
• The first item “Parameters” will be followed by a horizontal arrow.
• Press the tabulator key (2) to activate the menu.
• Press the arrow down key (1) until the option “Low Load” is followed by a horizontal arrow.
• Press the tabulator key (2); the following screen appears:
Instruction book
“Low Load”
“Unconditionally Activated”
“Menu” “Modify”
F1 F2 F3
• The screen shows that the low load setting is “Unconditionally Activated”. To modify this setting, press
the “Modify” key (F2); the setting wil blink.
• Use the scroll keys to change the setting.
• Press the “Program” key (F1) to program the new mode or the “Cancel” key (F3) to cancel the modification
It is possible to program three operation settings:
• “Unconditionally Activated” (standard setting): Low load option always on.
• “Automatically Activated”: Calculates the load cycle in a window of an hour. If the load cycle is lower
than 40 %, the low load option is activated. After the low load cycle reaches 60 %, the low load option
will be deactivated.
• “Disabled”: On compressors with Low load option or compressors with IND dryer, always set this option
to off.
Control panel
To modify protection settings:
• “Shutdown”, e.g. for the compressor element outlet temperature
• “Shutdown warning”, e.g. for the compressor element outlet temperature
• “Warning”, e.g. for the dew-point temperature
• “Service warning”, e.g. for the maximum pressure drop over the air filter
To check various compressor conditions, e.g. the status of the emergency stop button. Some parameters cannot
be modified.
Instruction book
Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen menu):
• Press the “Menu” (F1) key.
• Press the arrow down key (1) until “Modify parameters” is followed by a horizontal arrow.
• Activate the menu by pressing the tabulator key (2).
• Press the arrow down key (1) until “Protections” is followed by a horizontal arrow.
• Press the tabulator key (2): the first items will appear.
• Press the arrow down key (1) until the item to be modified is followed by a horizontal arrow and press
the tabulator key (2).
The regulator will not accept new values beyond the limits. Press the key “Limits” to check
the limits for the parameter. Consult Programmable settings for the most important settings.
To modify the hour intervals for the service levels.
Service plans
The service actions to be carried out are grouped in plans called Service level A, B, C or D. When reaching
an interval, a message will appear on the screen indicating which Service plans are to be carried out.
Instruction book
Always consult your Atlas Copco Customer Centre in case any timer should be changed. The
intervals must not exceed the programmed nominal values.
Control panel
To program:
• Time-based start/stop commands for the compressor
• Time-based change-over commands for the net pressure band
Instruction book
“Clock Function”
“Not Activated”
“Menu” “Modify” “Delete”
F1 F2 F3
“Menu” “Delete”
F1 F2 F3
• Use the scroll keys (1) until the day on which a command must be programmed is followed by a horizontal
arrow. Press the tabulator key (2); following screen appears:
--:-- ----------------------
--:-- ----------------------
--:-- ----------------------
“Menu” “Modify” “Delete”
F1 F2 F3
• Press the key “Modify” (F2). The first two dashes will flash. Use the scroll keys (1) to enter “06”. Press
the tabulator key (2) to jump to the following two dashes. Use the scroll keys to enter “15”. Press the
tabulator key to jump to the row of dashes. Use the scroll keys to enter the command “Start Compressor”.
• Press the key “Program” to program the command : “06:15 Start Compressor”.
• Press the arrow down key (1): the horizontal arrow indicates that the second line is accessible. Press the
key “Modify” and modify this line in a similar way to the following command: ”06:15 Pressure Band 1”.
• Press the key “Menu” (F1) and scroll to “Friday”:
“Menu” “Delete”
F1 F2 F3
• Programming the command to change over at 18 o’clock to “Pressure Band2” is carried out in a similar
way as described above.
• Press the key “Menu” (F1) and scroll to “Saturday”. Programming the command “18:00 Compressor Stop”
is carried out in a similar way as described above.
Instruction book
“Clock Function”
“Not Activated”
“Menu” “Modify” “Delete”
F1 F2 F3
Modifying a command
Suppose the command to stop the compressor on Saturday 18:00 is to be modified, i.e. stopping at 17 o'clock
instead of 18 o'clock.
• Starting from the Main screen, press the key “Menu” (F1), press the arrow down key (1) until the option
“Modify Parameters” is followed by a horizontal arrow.
• Activate the menu by pressing the tabulator key (2).
• Use the arrow down key (1) to scroll until the option “Clock Function” is followed by a horizontal arrow.
Press the tabulator key, following screen appears:
“Clock Function”
“Not Activated”
“Menu” “Modify” “Delete”
F1 F2 F3
Instruction book
“Menu” “Delete”
F1 F2 F3
• Scroll through the display until “Saturday” is followed by a horizontal arrow. Press the tabulator key (2).
If necessary, scroll through the commands until the command to be modified is followed by a horizontal
arrow. Press the key “Modify”, the first two digits of the command start blinking. Modify as required
using the scroll keys, i.e. in the example above change “18” into “17” using the arrow up key (1).
• If necessary, press the tabulator key (2) to go to the next field to be modified, the minutes indication and
the start/stop/pressure band indication.
• Press the key “Program” to program the new command or the key “Cancel” to quit without reprogramming.
“Clock Function”
“Not Activated”
“Menu” “Modify” “Delete”
F1 F2 F3
Suppose the command to stop the compressor at 18:00 must be added to the list of Monday
• Press the tabulator key (2), following screen appears:
“Menu” “Delete”
F1 F2 F3
• Scroll through the display until “Monday” is followed by a horizontal arrow. Press the tabulator key (2).
Scroll through the compressor start/stop/pressure band commands until the first empty command line is
indicated by the horizontal arrow.
• Press the key “Modify”; the first two digits start blinking. Enter “18:00 Compressor Stop” using the scroll
keys (1) to modify a field and the tabulator key (2) to jump from one field to another.
• Press the key “Program” to program the new command or the key “Cancel” to quit without reprogramming.
Instruction book
Deleting a command
• Starting from the Main screen, press the key “Menu” (F1), press the arrow down key until the option
“Modify Parameters” is followed by a horizontal arrow.
• Activate the menu by pressing the tabulator key (2).
• Use the scroll keys (1) to scroll until the option “Clock Function” is followed by a horizontal arrow. Press
the tabulator key, following screen appears:
“Clock Function”
“Not Activated”
“Menu” “Modify” “Delete”
F1 F2 F3
Instruction book
Control panel
To modify a number of parameters. Consult the menu flow in section Control programs.
Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen menu):
• Press the key “Menu” (F1).
• Press the arrow down key (1) until “Modify Parameters” is followed by an arrow pointing to the right.
• Activate the menu by pressing tabulator key (2).
• Press the arrow down key (1) to scroll until “Configuration” is followed by a horizontal arrow.
• Activate the menu by pressing tabulator key (2): the first item “Time” will appear. If another option is
desired, scroll through the display until the option is followed by a horizontal arrow. Select the option by
pressing the tabulator key (2).
• In case of the option “Time”, the second line on the screen indicates the actual setting, e.g. “14:30”. To
modify this setting, press the key “Modify” (F2); the first field “14” will blink.
• Use the scroll keys (1) to change the setting, then press the tabulator key (2) to go to the next field “30”.
The setting of this field can now be modified using the scroll keys (1).
• Press the key ”Program” (F1) to program the new value or the key “Cancel” (F3) to cancel the modification
operation (the original value will be retained).
• The procedure to modify other parameters is similar.
• Activate the menu “Configuration” as described above.
• The first option shown is “Time”, scroll through the display until the option “C.C.M.” is indicated and
press the “Modify” key. Following screen appears:
Instruction book
“C.C.M.” “Local Control”
“Program” “Cancel”
F1 F2 F3
• “Local Control” is blinking, use the scroll keys (1) to select the desired control mode.
• Press the key “Program” to program the new control mode or “Cancel” to quit without reprogramming.
Control panel
• To reset the service plans which are carried out.
• To check when the next service plans are to be carried out.
• To find out which service plans were carried out previously.
Service plans
A number of service operations are grouped (called Level A, Level B, etc...). Each level stands for a number
of service actions to be carried out at the time intervals programmed in the Elektronikon regulator.
When a service plan interval is reached, a message will appear on the screen, see section Status data. After
carrying out the service actions related to the indicated levels, the timers are to be reset.
Instruction book
Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen menu):
• Press the key “Menu” (F1).
• Press the arrow down key (1) until “Service” is followed by a horizontal arrow.
• Activate the menu by pressing tabulator key (2).
• A screen similar to the one below appears:
“Service Timer”
“Running Hours”
7971 “hrs”
“Menu” “Reset”
F1 F2 F3
• The screen shows that the total compressor running time is 7971 hours.
• Press the tabulator key (2), following screen appears:
“Next Timer”
“Level” AB
8000 “hrs”
“Back” “Reset”
F1 F2 F3
• The screen shows that the next service plans to be carried out are plans A and B and that these plans are
to be carried out every 8000 running hours.
• Press the arrow down key (1) to find out which service plans were carried out previously, following screen
“Previous Timer”
“Level” A
4008 “hrs”
F1 F2 F3
• The screen shows that plan A was carried out at 4008 running hours.
• Stop the compressor, switch off the voltage and carry out the service operations related to the indicated
service plans, see section Preventive maintenance schedule.
• Switch on the voltage and scroll to the “Next Timer” service screen.
• Press the “Reset” button (F3). Confirm the question for resetting.
Instruction book
The “Reset” button only appears when the “Next Timer” level is almost reached.
After pressing the arrow down key in the “Service Timer” screen, the “Life Time” hours are
shown, i.e. the number of hours elapsed since initial programming ex-factory. This timer is
not taken into account.
Control panel
To call up some data saved by the regulator. These data are:
• Last shut-down data
• Last emergency stop data
Starting from the Main screen (see Main screen menu):
• Press the key “Menu” (F1).
• Press the arrow down key (1) until “Saved Data” is followed by a horizontal arrow.
• Activate the menu by pressing the tabulator key (2).
• The first option is shown “Last shutdown 1”.
• Press the tabulator key (2) to find out the date, time and other data reflecting the status of the compressor
at the last shut-down.
• If desired, scroll through the other items.
Instruction book
Instruction book
Instruction book
Service settings
Analog signals
Dp air filter mbar -100 -44 -44
Dp air filter in WC -40 -18 -18
Delay at signal sec 0 60 255
Instruction book
A number of service operations are grouped (Level A, Level B, ...). Each level stands for a number of service
operations to be carried out at the intervals programmed. Consult your Atlas Copco Service Centre.
Term Explanation
ARAVF Automatic restart after voltage failure.See Elektronikon regulator.
Compressor Element 1 stands for the low-pressure compressor element; element 2 stands for the high-
element 1/2 pressure compressor element.
The regulator does not accept illogical settings, e.g. if the warning level is programmed at
205 ˚C, the minimum limit for the shut-down level changes into 206 ˚C. The recommended
difference between the warning level and shut-down level is 10 ˚C.
Compressor Element 1 stands for the low-pressure compressor element; element 2 stands for the high-
element 1/2 pressure compressor element.
The regulator does not accept illogical settings, e.g. if the warning level is programmed at
401 ˚F, the minimum limit for the shut-down level changes into 402 ˚F. The recommended
difference between the warning level and shut-down level is 18 ˚F.
Minimum stop Once the compressor is automatically stopped, it will remain stopped for the minimum stop
time time (approx. 20 seconds), whatever happens with the air net pressure. In automatic
operation, the compressor will not be stopped by the regulator until a standstill period of
at least the sum of the minimum stop time and required stop period is expected. However,
if the decrease in air net pressure should require a new start of the compressor, the
regulator will start the compressor after the minimum stop time.
Power recovery Is the period within which the voltage must be restored to have an automatic restart. Is
time accessible if the automatic restart is activated. To activate the automatic restart function,
consult Atlas Copco.
Delay at shut- Is the period during which the signal must exist before the compressor is shut down. If it
down signal should be required to program this setting at another value, consult Atlas Copco.
Instruction book
4 Installation
Instruction book
Instruction book
Instruction book
Instruction book
Instruction book
Instruction book
Ref Name
(1) Hole pattern ducting
(2) Converter cooling air inlet
(3) Converter cooling air outlet
(5) Opening for transportation
(6) Cooling air inlet
(7) Cooling air outlet
(8) 4 slotted holes only for horizontally pulling unit out of container
(9) Mass
(12) Compressed air outlet
Instruction book
Ref Name
(13) Automatic drain, intercooler
(14) Compressed air outlet, compensator
(15) Automatic drain, aftercooler
(17) Automatic drain, dryer inlet
(19) Automatic drain, regeneration outlet
(20) Centre of gravity
(21) Supply entry
(22) Cooling FF air outlet
(23) Cooling FF air inlet
Instruction book
Installation proposal, ZR 75/90 VSD Pack, ZR 75/90 VSD Pack with Energy Recovery and ZR 75/90 Full-Feature
Instruction book
Instruction book
Instruction book
Ref Name
(1) Ventilation proposal
(2) Minimum free area
(3) May not be ducted
(4) Cooling air outlet
(5) Cooling air inlet
Instruction book
Ref Name
(6) Cooling Full-Feature air outlet
(7) Cooling Full-Feature air inlet
Ref Description
1 Install the compressor on a level floor suitable for taking the weight of the compressor.
Recommended minimum distance between the top of the bodywork and the ceiling: 1200
mm (46.80 in).
2 Remove the plastic plug or cap (if provided) from the compressor air outlet pipe and install
an air outlet valve. Close the valve and connect it to the air net.
3 The pressure drop over the delivery pipe can be calculated as follows:
dp = (L x 450 x Qc1.85) / (d5 x P)
• dp = pressure drop (recommended maximum = 0.1 bar)
• L = length of outlet pipe in m
• d = inner diameter of the outlet pipe in mm
• P = absolute pressure at the compressor outlet in bar(a)
• Qc = free air delivery of the compressor in l/s
The connection of the compressor air delivery pipe should be made on top of the main air
net pipe to minimize carry-over of possible remainder of condensate.
4 The inlet grids and ventilation fan should be installed in such a way that any recirculation
of cooling air to the compressor is avoided. The air velocity to the grids should be limited
to 5 m/s (195 in/s).
The required ventilation capacity (per compressor installed) to limit the compressor room
temperature can be calculated as follows:
For ZR compressors
• Qv = 0.1 N / dT
For ZT compressors
• Qv = 0.95 N / dT
• Qv = required ventilation capacity in m3/s
• N = shaft input of the compressor in kW
• dT = temperature rise over ambient in ˚C
If cooling air ducts are installed, the maximum allowable pressure drop over the ducts is
30 Pa. Common ducting for several compressors is not allowed.
For detailed information regarding ventilation proposals, contact your Atlas Copco Service
5 Lay out the drain piping from automatic condensate outlets (EWD) towards the condensate
collector. The drain pipes must not dip into the water of the collector. It is recommended
to provide a funnel to allow visual inspection of the condensate flow.
6 Elektronikon control system with control panel.
7 See Electric cables for the recommended cable size of the supply cables. Check that the
electrical connections correspond to the local codes. The installation must be earthed and
protected against short circuits by fuses in all phases. An isolating switch must be installed
near the compressor.
8 Provide a condensate drain valve in the lowest part of the pipe between the compressor
outlet valve and the air net.
Instruction book
Ref Description
9 On ZR compressors, remove the plastic plugs (if provided) from the compressor water
pipes (WI and WO) and connect the pipes to the cooling water circuit. Provide a valve in
the compressor water inlet pipe and outlet pipe.
Electrical connections
Electrical diagram for ZR/ZT VSD 200 V up to 500 V Pack and Full-Feature compressors
Instruction book
Instruction book
Electrical diagram for ZR/ZT VSD 575 V Pack and Full-Feature compressors
Instruction book
Electrical diagram for ZR/ZT VSD 575 V Pack and Full-Feature compressors
Instruction book
50 Hz IEC
• Local regulations remain applicable if they are stricter than the values proposed.
• For 50 Hz compressors, the size is valid for cable PVC 90 ˚C (194 ˚F) at ambient
temperature of 40 ˚C (104 ˚F).
• The size is valid for cable 90 ˚C (194 ˚F) at ambient temperature of 40 ˚C (104 ˚F).
The cooling water quality must meet certain minimum requirements.
No general recommendation can encompass the effects of all combinations of the various compounds, solids
and gases typically found in cooling water in interaction with different materials.
Only non-treated water must be used.
This recommendation is a general guide line for acceptable coolant quality.
Type of system
First, it is important to consider whether you are dealing with a closed system or an open system. In a closed
system, the same cooling water circulates through a system without contact with air.
Instruction book
An open system is a pass-through system, or a circulating system with a cooling tower. In the latter case, the
composition of the water that enters the cooler must be considered, and not the composition of the make-up
water. Due to the evaporative effect in the cooling tower, much higher concentrations of ions can be obtained
in the circulating water than in the make-up water.
Symbol Explanation
pH Measured pH (at room temperature) of water sample
pHs pH at saturation
Symbol Explanation
A Depends on the total solids concentration (mg/l)
B Depends on the highest cooling water temperature (˚C/˚F), (T=65 ˚C/149 ˚F)
C Depends on the calcium hardness (ppm CaCO3)
D Depends on the HCO3- concentration or M-alkalinity (mval/l)
Instruction book
The table indicates that distilled or demineralised water should never be used, as their RSI is > 11.
The RSI only indicates the equilibrium of scaling - descaling. A cooling water showing good RSI conditions
can still be unsuitable due to other factors.
From the table above, the RSI index should be between 5.6 and 7.5; otherwise, contact a specialist.
The effect of pH is already calculated in the Ryznar index, but the pH itself has some additional limitations :
6.8 < pH < 8.5
Instruction book
Chlorides (Cl-)
Chloride ions will create pitting corrosion on stainless steel. Their concentration should be limited:
Closed cooling system : chlorides < 500 ppm
Open cooling system : chlorides < 150 ppm
However, if the water is scaling, lower limits should be used. (See The Ryznar stability index (RSI)).
Sulphates (SO4--)
Closed cooling system : sulphates < 400 ppm
Open cooling system : sulphates < 150 ppm
Carbonate hardness
Closed cooling system : 50-1000 ppm CaCO3
Open cooling system : 50-500 ppm CaCO3
< 0.5 ppm
< 1 ppm
No algae
No oil
Suspended solids
Non-soluble particles, size < 1 mm.
< 10 ppm
Instruction book
4.6 Pictographs
Ref Name
1 Start
2 Scroll keys
3 Tabulator key
4 Voltage on
5 Alarm
6 Automatic operation
7 Stop
8 Automatic condensate outlet, intercooler
9 Automatic condensate outlet, aftercooler
10 Warning: under tension
11 Read Instruction book before starting the compressor.
Instruction book
Ref Name
12 Switch off the voltage and depressurize the compressor before maintenance or repair.
13 Before connecting the compressor electrically, consult the Instruction book for the motor
rotation direction.
14 Torques for steel (Fe) or brass (CuZn) bolts
15 Consult the Instruction book before greasing.
16 Switch off the voltage before removing the protecting cover inside the electric cabinet.
17 Oil the gaskets, screw on the filters and tighten by hand (approx. one half turn).
18 Consult the Instruction book before maintenance or repair
19 Cooling water inlet
20 Cooling water outlet
Reference Name
1 Arrow, indicating rotation direction
2 Warning, voltage
3 Instruction for delta P reading
Purge internal impulse line before any reading of delta P on U-tube (close isolation valves
of U-tube)
4 Indication for correct adjusting of the U-tube water level
Instruction book
5 Operating instructions
Ambient conditions
Consult “Limitations” for the limitations with regard to the ambient conditions and altitude operation.
The compressor can be moved by a lift truck using the slots in the frame. Make sure that the forks protrude
from the other side of the frame. The compressor can also be lifted after inserting beams in the slots. Make
sure that the beams cannot slide and that they protrude from the frame equally. The chains must be held parallel
to the bodywork by chain spreaders in order not to damage the compressor. The lifting equipment must be
placed in such a way that the compressor will be lifted perpendicularly. Lift smoothly and avoid twisting.
Safetry precautions
General preparations
1. Consult sections Electric cables, Installation proposals and Dimension drawings.
2. A sticker dealing in short with the operation instructions is delivered with the literature set. Affix the
sticker next to the control panel.
3. A number of VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) plates are provided inside the bodywork to protect the
compressor against corrosion. Remove the plates.
4. The compressor and motor are secured to the frame, immobilizing and protecting the vibration dampers
during transport:
Instruction book
• At the motor side, loosen nut (1), remove bolts (2) and turn bracket (3) 90˚. Tighten nut (1).
• On ZR, at the gear casing side, remove support (1).
• On ZT, remove bolts (1) and supports (2), immobilizing the vibration dampers of the coolers. Remove
support (3), immobilizing the vibration dampers of the gear casing.
Instruction book
5. Remove flange (1) and take out the silica gel bags installed in the intercooler at the condensate drain
receiver side. Refit the flange.
Instruction book
Instruction book
6. On Full-Feature compressors with Low-Load option and Full-Feature ND compressors, the nozzle type
depends on the working pressure. Install the correct nozzle according to the table below.
Compressor Nozzle at 4 bar (58 Nozzle at 7 bar (102 Nozzle at 8.6 bar Nozzle at 10 bar
psi) psi) (125 psi) (145 psi)
Z 75 VSD FF 1617 7573 00 1617 7571 00 1617 7571 00 1617 7571 00
Z 90 VSD FF 1617 7440 00 1617 7572 00 1617 7572 00 1617 7571 00
7. The setpoint of the dryer heater depends on the working conditions, consult the Atlas Copco Customer
Centre to have the setpoint adjusted.
8. On ZR, fit the water drain plugs that are fixed to the water pipe of one of the compressor elements in a
plastic bag. The plugs are painted green and their positions are shown below.
9. On ZR, check that the cooling water drain valves (customer's installation) in the inlet and outlet lines are
closed. Open the water inlet valve and outlet valve (customer's installation) and check for water flow.
On ZR Full-Feature, the inlet and outlet valves of the cooling water circuit of the regeneration cooler must
be opened completely.
10. Check that the gear casing is filled with oil: oil must be visible in sight-glass (SG).
11. Check that the electrical connections correspond to the local codes. The installation must be earthed and
protected by fuses in all phases. An isolating switch must be provided.
Instruction book
On ZT, remove panel (1) and check the rotation direction of the fan motor. If the rotation direction is
wrong, switch off the voltage and reverse connections at terminals 221 up to 226 of terminal strip (1X1).
On Full-Feature compressors, check the rotation direction of the dryer rotor motor, the correct rotation
direction is indicated by an arrow. If the rotation direction is wrong, switch off the voltage and reverse
two of the input line connections.
On ZT Full-Feature compressors, also check the rotation of the fan motor of the regeneration cooler (Cr),
the correct rotation direction is indicated by an arrow on the fan motor.
14. Run the compressor for a few minutes and check that it operates normally.
15. Stop the compressor. If necessary, top up the gear casing with oil to the middle of sight-glass (SG).
Instruction book
Delta P indicator
Instruction book
To start up the unit for the first time or after a long period of standstill, proceed as follows:
1. Check if U-tube is filled halfway with water. If not, continue as follows:
• Close the valves (9 and 10) and open valve (6).
• Remove the plugs (8) of the two vent valves (7) of the delta P indicator and open the valves.
• Fill the U-tube halfway with water, close the valves (6) and (7) and refit the plugs.
2. On compressors equipped with a PDP sensor, close valve (11) to this sensor.
3. For dryers with low load option: Check that circuit breaker (Q 32, compressor cubicle) is in the "I" position.
4. Close the manual drain valve of the aftercooler drain trap of the compressor.
5. On ZR compressors, check for water flow.
6. Switch on the voltage at the mains.
7. Start and load the compressor.
8. Open the valve (if installed) to the air net or air receiver and blow off some air from the air net to keep
the compressor running loaded at minimum speed.
9. Open valves (9 and 10). Open valve (6) slightly, while monitoring the water levels in the U-tube.
There are two possible conditions:
• The water level in the leg marked (+) rises. Close valve (6) at once, decrease the regeneration air inlet
pressure (see next step). Do this as often as necessary until the water level drops.
• The water level in the leg marked (-) rises, which should normally be the case. If the level in this leg
rises 30 mm above the level in the leg marked (+), close valve (6) at once, as there is a risk that the
water will escape the U-tube and disappear into the pressure vessel. Increase the regeneration air inlet
pressure (see next step) and open valve (6) again.
10. Once the water column has stabilised, adjust the pressure differential as follows:
• Remove the protective cap from the adjusting screw of throttle valve (12).
• Loosen its check nut (13) and turn the screw to alter the pressure differential.
• With the compressor running loaded at minimum speed, the water level in the leg marked (-) must be
between 5 and 10 mm above that in the leg marked (+).
• Monitor the water level for about 10 minutes.
• Tighten the check nut and reinstall the protective cap.
• Close valves (6), (9) and (10)
11. Check the dryer connections for air leaks.
12. On compressors equipped with a PDP sensor, open valve (11) to the PDP sensor 15 minutes after the dryer
is in operation. Adjust valve V1 in such way that a minimum flow passes through the PDP sensor.
13. Check that the pressure dewpoint is OK after 1 hour.
14. Close the blow-off valve of the air net, unload and stop the compressor. Close the air outlet valve of the
15. Switch off the voltage.
16. Depressurize the dryer, see section Maintenance instructions.
Instruction book
Step Action
The operator must apply all relevant Safety precautions.
On ZR, in case the water system was drained, close the drain valves and fit the drain plugs.
Instruction book
Step Action
1 Check the oil level, which must be in the middle of sight-glass (SG). Top up, if necessary,
with the correct type of oil.
2 On ZR, open the water inlet valve and outlet valve (customer's installation). Opening of
the water outlet valve can be overlooked if, after previous operation, the setting of this
valve has not been disturbed.
Instruction book
5.4 Starting
Control panel
• When the compressor is stopped and automatic operation LED (8) is alight, the
compressor may start automatically.
• If the start/stop timer is active, the compressor may start automatically, even if it was
stopped manually.
Step Action
1 Open the air outlet valve (customer's installation).
2 Switch on the voltage and check that voltage on LED (6) lights up.
3 Press start button (1). The compressor starts running and automatic operation LED (8)
lights up.
4 On ZR compressors, regulate the water flow with the compressor running loaded at
maximum speed. See section Compressor data for the cooling water temperature and
cooling water consumption.
The water flow is regulated by the cooling water outlet valve (customer's installation).
Instruction book
When automatic operation LED (1) is alight, the Elektronikon regulator is automatically controlling the
compressor: the speed will continuously vary to match the air delivery to the air consumption, the compressor
will start and stop whenever necessary.
On Full-Feature compressors, avoid short compressor loading periods (minimum 50% load) and operation at
very low working pressures as otherwise the performance of the dryer will diminish. Avoid operation at too
low a regeneration air inlet temperature (minimum 130 ˚C/266 ˚F).
Keep all doors closed during operation.
• Before starting any maintenance or repairs, stop the compressor, wait until the
compressor has stopped.
• Close the air outlet valve and press the test buttons on top of the electronic water
drains to depressurize the air system.
• Press the emergency stop button and open the isolating switch (customer's
installation) to switch off the voltage to the compressor.
• Repairs inside the electric cabinet may only be carried out by Atlas Copco.
• Wait at least 6 minutes before starting any electrical repairs as hazardous high voltage
remains on the condensers of the start and speed regulation unit for 6 minutes after
switching off the voltage.
Instruction book
Step Action
1 Daily check the display (2) for readings and messages. Normally, the main screen is
shown, indicating the compressor outlet pressure, the status of the compressor, the motor
speed and the functions of the keys below the display.
2 Always check the display and remedy the trouble if alarm LED (3) is alight or blinks. See
section Elektronikon control system.
3 The display will show a service message if a service plan interval has been exceeded or
if a service level for a monitored component has been exceeded. Carry out the service
actions of the indicated plans or replace the component and reset the relevant timer.
Consult your Atlas Copco Customer Centre. See also Preventive maintenance schedule.
4 Regularly check the actual compressor status by pressing the arrow down key.
5.6 Stopping
Control panel
Instruction book
Frequently stopping the compressor using the emergency stop button may damage the
compressor, only use the emergency stop button in case of emergency.
1. Press the test button on top of the electronic water drains while the compressor is running loaded.
2. Press stop button (1): the compressor will stop and LED (2) will go out.
3. Close the air outlet valve.
4. To stop the compressor immediately, press emergency stop button (S2).
5. Close the cooling water inlet valve.
6. On ZR compressors, if the compressor is installed in a room where freezing temperatures are expected,
drain the cooling system completely:
• By opening the main drain valves in the water inlet and outlet pipes (customer's installation).
• By removing drain plug (2) underneath the LP compressor element (1):
Instruction book
At the end of the service life of the compressor, proceed as follows:
Instruction book
Step Action
1 Close the air outlet valve, stop the compressor and drain the condensate circuits. Note
that the electronic water drains will not work unless a minimum pressure of 0.8 bar(e) is
present in the system. If no pressure is available, the electronic drains must be dismounted
and emptied manually.
2 Press the emergency stop button. Switch off the voltage and open the isolator switch
(customer's installation). Disconnect the compressor from the mains.
3 Shut off and depressurize the part of the air net which is connected to the outlet valve.
Disconnect the compressor air outlet pipe from the air net.
4 Drain the oil circuit.
5 Disconnect the compressor condensate piping from the condensate drain net.
6 On ZR compressors, drain the cooling water circuit and disconnect the cooling water pipes
from the compressor.
Instruction book
6 Maintenance
Warranty-Product Liability
Use only Atlas Copco authorized genuine parts. Any damage or malfunction caused by the use of unauthorized
parts is not covered by Warranty or Product Liability.
To ensure safe operation and long service life carry out following operations at the interval (period or running
hours) which comes first. The longer interval checks must also include the shorter interval checks.
The local Atlas Copco Customer Centre may overrule the maintenance schedule depending on the
environmental and working conditions of the compressor.
Instruction book
Atlas Copco Customer Centres will be glad to provide you with a wide range of service kits. Service kits
comprise all parts needed for servicing components and offer the benefits of genuine Atlas Copco parts while
keeping the maintenance budget low. All service kits are mentioned in the relevant Parts Lists.
Service kits comprise all parts needed for servicing components and offer the benefits of genuine Atlas Copco
parts while keeping the maintenance budget low. All service kits are mentioned in the relevant Parts Lists.
Atlas Copco Customer Centres have a range of service agreements to suit your needs:
• An Inspection plan.
• A Preventive maintenance plan.
• A Total responsibility plan.
Contact your Customer Centre to agree on a tailor-made service agreement. It will ensure optimum operational
efficiency, minimize downtime and reduce the total life cycle costs.
Instruction book
A number of service operations are grouped (called Level A, Level B, Level C, ...). Each level stands for a
number of service actions to be carried out at the time intervals programmed in the Elektronikon regulator.
When reaching a level, a message will appear on the screen. After carrying out all service actions, the interval
timers are to be reset using the key "Reset" in menu "Service". Consult your Atlas Copco Customer Centre.
Fan motor
The bearings of the fan motor are greased for life. Contact your Customer Centre for the replacement interval
of the motor bearings.
Use Atlas Copco Roto-Z oil which has been specially developed for oil-free rotary compressors. This oil has
a long service life and ensures optimum lubrication.
Instruction book
7 Servicing procedures
ZR 75/90 VSD
Instruction book
ZT 75/90 VSD
Step Action
1 Stop the compressor and switch off the voltage to the compressor. Remove the filter.
2 Fit the new filter.
3 After carrying out the service actions of the related service plan, the service warning must
be reset. See also section Preventive maintenance schedule.
Instruction book
Instruction book
Step Action
1 Run the compressor until warm.
Instruction book
Step Action
2 Press stop button (1), wait until the compressor has stopped, press emergency stop button
(S2) and switch off the voltage to the compressor.
3 Remove filler plug (FC). Drain the compressor sump by opening drain valve (Dmo). Close
the valve after draining.
Drain the oil cooler by removing the drain and vent plug.
On ZT, drain the oil of the compressor elements by removing their yellow-painted drain
Reinstall the plugs after draining.
4 Remove the oil filter (OF). Clean the filter seat, oil the gasket of the new filter and screw it
into place until the gasket contacts the seat. Then tighten by hand.
5 Fill the compressor sump to the middle of the oil level sight-glass (SG) with oil as specified
in section Oil specifications. Reinstall the filler plug.
6 Switch on the voltage. Unlock the emergency stop button.
7 Run the compressor for a few minutes. Stop the compressor. If necessary, top up the gear
casing with oil to the middle of the sight-glass (SG).
8 After carrying out the maintenance operations of the related service plan, the service
warning must be reset. See also section Preventive maintenance schedule.
The valves can be tested on a separate compressed air line. If a valve does not open at the pressure specified
in section Settings of safety valves, consult Atlas Copco.
Instruction book
8 Problem solving
Problem solving
• Before starting any maintenance or repairs, stop the compressor, wait until the
compressor has stopped.
• Close the air outlet valve and press the test button on top of the electronic water drains
to depressurize the air system.
• Push the emergency stop button and open the isolating switch (customer's installation)
to switch off the voltage to the compressor.
• Repairs inside the start and speed regulation cabinet may only be carried out by Atlas
• Wait at least 6 minutes before starting any electrical repairs as hazardous high voltage
remains on the condensers of the start and speed regulation unit for 6 minutes after
switching off the voltage.
• Apply all relevant Safety precautions.
On Full-Feature compressors:
Instruction book
Instruction book
Instruction book
9 Principal data
Instruction book
Instruction book
Full-Feature compressors
Temperature readings
Instruction book
50 Hz
Voltage Circuit breaker Circuit breaker Circuit breaker Circuit Main fuses gG/
supply Q41 Q32 Q32 breaker Q25 gL
Pack and Full- Full-Feature ND (Customer’s
Feature installation)
400V 2.6 A 6.3 A 8.7 7.0 A 250 A / 660 V
Instruction book
9.5 Limitations
Instruction book
ZR 75 VSD Pack
Instruction book
ZR 90 VSD Pack
ZT 75 VSD Pack
Instruction book
ZT 90 VSD Pack
Instruction book
ZR 75 VSD Full-Feature
ZR 90 VSD Full-Feature
Instruction book
ZT 75 VSD Full-Feature
50 Hz compressors
Instruction book
PED instructions
ZR/ZT 75 90 VSD Pack are pressure assemblies of cat. I according to 97/23/EC.
ZR/ZT 75 90 VSD Full-Feature are pressure assemblies of cat. III according to 97/23/EC.
• Parts of article 3.3 of 97/23/EC are subject to good engineering practice.
• Parts of category I according to 97/23/EC are integrated into the machine and fall under the exclusion of
article I, section 3.6.
• Parts subject to the Simple Pressure Vessel Directive 87/404/EEC are excluded from 97/23/EC according
to article I, section 3.3.
The following pressure bearing parts are of category higher than I :
• Vessel IMD260 : Cat III
• Design pressure 11 bar(e), content 91 l
• Design code : ASME section VIII div. 1.
• Safety valve : Cat IV
• Design code : AD-Merkblätter, A2
Instruction book