Teks Perhimpunan Bi

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Bil Perkara Catatan

1. Kata-kata aluan
Assalamualaikum warah matullahi wabarokatuh and Salam Sejahtera.
Yang berusaha
( ) Encik Mohamad bin Hashim, Guru Besar Sk Kampung Kenang
( ) Encik Mohamed bin Baba, Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran
( ) Puan Kalaiselvi a/p Velusamy, Penolong Kanan Hal Ehwal Murid
( ) Encik Mohd Zailani bin Hassan, Penolong Kanan Kokurikulum
( ) Encik Zakri bin Muhammad, Guru Penyelaras PPKi

Teachers and followed friends.

2. Bacaan doa
Before we start, let us pray to seek for help and guidance from Allah. The most
Gracious and Merciful. With that, I would like to call upon saudara
______________________________________ to lead the prayer.

Thank you for the prayer.

3. Nyanyian
Ladies and gentlemen, we will continue our assembly by singing 4 songs
( ) National anthem, Negaraku
( ) State athem, Perak Darul Ridzuan
( ) School anthem (Berilmu, Beramal dan Berjasa) and
( ) Sekolahku Sejahtera
Please stand up and ready.

Thank you for the singing.

4. Lafaz Ikrar
Next, we would like to call upon ____________ to lead the National and Student
Pledge. Please welcome.

All teachers please be seated.

Thank you ____________________.

5. Ucapan guru bertugas
My fellow friends, the teachers on duty for this week are
1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3___________ 4.___________ 5. ___________
Now, I would like to call ______________ to give her / his speech.

Thank you for the speech.

6. Persembahan / Penyampaian Hadiah (sekiranya ada)
Next, please welcome
( ) _______________ to perform on the stage.
Thank you for the great performance.

( ) _______________ to deliver the present.

Congratulation to all the winners.

7. Ucapan wakil pertadbiran

To complete our assembly, I would like to invite
( ) Encik Mohamad bin Hashim, Guru Besar Sk Kampung Kenang
( ) Encik Mohamed bin Baba, Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran
( ) Puan Kalaiselvi a/p Velusamy, Penolong Kanan Hal Ehwal Murid
( ) Encik Mohd Zailani bin Hassan, Penolong Kanan Kokurikulum
( ) Encik Zakri bin Muhammad, Guru Penyelaras PPKi
To deliver his/her speech. Please welcome.

Thank you for the remarkable speech.

8. Pengumumam (sekiranya ada)
Next, I open for any teachers to give announcement.

9. Penutup
With that, our assembly have come to an end. Thank you for all the coorperation.

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