Teks Ucapan Assmbly Pahang
Teks Ucapan Assmbly Pahang
Teks Ucapan Assmbly Pahang
1. All pupils,
Please straighten your line.
Hands on shoulder
Hand down
Stand at ease
Stand at attention
4. Thank you.
Next, we continue our assembly by singing the:
- The National Anthem, “Negaraku”
- The State Song, “Melaka Maju Jaya”
- The School Song and
- Nasyeed Al-Asma’ul Husna
5. Thank you.
Next, we would to call upon ______________ to recite the ‘ Ikrar Rukun
Negara’ and ‘Ikrar Sekolah’.
6. Thank you.
For your information, the teachers in charge for this week are Cikgu
________ and Cikgu __________.
7. Now, we would like to call upon the teacher in charge for the last week to
give report and comment.
(If there is any other event to handle;)
A. We would like to call upon Cikgu __________ to handle the next
The Headmaster
Ustaz Zulkefli Bin Ab. Wahab
1. Semua murid
Sila luruskan barisan
Tangan depan angkat
Bawah lurus
Senang diri
Jaga sedia
4. Terima kasih.
Perhimpunan diteruskan dengan nyanyian 3 buah lagu;
- Lagu Negaraku
- Lagu Negeri Pahang “Allah Selamatkan Sultan Kami” dan
- Lagu Sekolah “Jayakan Wawasan”
5. Terima kasih.
Seterusnya, kami menjemput __________ untuk membacakan ‘Ikrar Rukun
Negara’ dan ‘Ikrar Sekolah’.
6. Terima kasih.
Untuk makluman, Guru Bertugas pada minggu ini ialah Cikgu _______dan
Cikgu _________.